1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
3 * When building position independent code with GCC using the -fPIC option,
4 * (or even the -fPIE one on older versions), it will assume that we are
5 * building a dynamic object (either a shared library or an executable) that
6 * may have symbol references that can only be resolved at load time. For a
7 * variety of reasons (ELF symbol preemption, the CoW footprint of the section
8 * that is modified by the loader), this results in all references to symbols
9 * with external linkage to go via entries in the Global Offset Table (GOT),
10 * which carries absolute addresses which need to be fixed up when the
11 * executable image is loaded at an offset which is different from its link
14 * Fortunately, there is a way to inform the compiler that such symbol
15 * references will be satisfied at link time rather than at load time, by
16 * giving them 'hidden' visibility.
19 #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)