1 /* libFLAC - Free Lossless Audio Coder library
2 * Copyright (C) 2000 Josh Coalson
4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * Library General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
15 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
16 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
17 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
20 #ifndef FLAC__FORMAT_H
21 #define FLAC__FORMAT_H
25 /* changing the following values to be higher will break the framing and hence the stream format, so DON'T! */
26 #define FLAC__MIN_BLOCK_SIZE (16u)
27 #define FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE (65535u)
28 #define FLAC__MAX_CHANNELS (8u)
29 /*NOTE: only up to 24 because of the current predictor coefficient quantization and the fact we use int32s for all work */
30 #define FLAC__MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE (24u)
31 /* the following is ((2 ** 20) - 1) div 10 */
32 #define FLAC__MAX_SAMPLE_RATE (1048570u)
33 #define FLAC__MAX_LPC_ORDER (32u)
35 /* changing this also means changing all of fixed.c and more, so DON'T! */
36 #define FLAC__MAX_FIXED_ORDER (4u)
39 #define FLAC__VERSION_STRING "0.4"
40 extern const unsigned FLAC__MAJOR_VERSION;
41 extern const unsigned FLAC__MINOR_VERSION;
43 extern const byte FLAC__STREAM_SYNC_STRING[4]; /* = "fLaC" */;
44 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_SYNC; /* = 0x664C6143 */;
45 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_SYNC_LEN; /* = 32 bits */;
48 /*****************************************************************************
50 * NOTE: Within the bitstream, all fixed-width numbers are big-endian coded.
51 * All numbers are unsigned unless otherwise noted.
53 *****************************************************************************/
59 /*****************************************************************************
61 * 16: minimum blocksize (in samples) of all blocks in the stream
62 * 16: maximum blocksize (in samples) of all blocks in the stream
63 * 24: minimum framesize (in bytes) of all frames in the stream; 0 => unknown
64 * 24: maximum framesize (in bytes) of all frames in the stream; 0 => unknown
65 * 20: sample rate in Hz, 0 is invalid
66 * 3: (number of channels)-1
67 * 5: (bits per sample)-1
68 * 36: total samples, 0 => unknown
69 *---- -----------------
73 unsigned min_blocksize, max_blocksize;
74 unsigned min_framesize, max_framesize;
77 unsigned bits_per_sample;
79 } FLAC__StreamMetaData_Encoding;
81 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE_LEN; /* = 16 bits */
82 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_LEN; /* = 16 bits */
83 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_MIN_FRAME_SIZE_LEN; /* = 24 bits */
84 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_LEN; /* = 24 bits */
85 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_SAMPLE_RATE_LEN; /* = 20 bits */
86 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_CHANNELS_LEN; /* = 3 bits */
87 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_LEN; /* = 5 bits */
88 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_TOTAL_SAMPLES_LEN; /* = 36 bits */
89 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_ENCODING_LENGTH; /* = 18 bytes */
91 /*****************************************************************************
93 * 1: =1 if this is the last meta-data block, else =0
94 * 7: meta-data type (c.f. FLAC__MetaDataType)
95 * 24: length (in bytes) of the block-specific data to follow
96 *---- -----------------
100 FLAC__MetaDataType type;
102 unsigned length; /* in bytes */
104 FLAC__StreamMetaData_Encoding encoding;
106 } FLAC__StreamMetaData;
108 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_IS_LAST_LEN; /* = 1 bits */
109 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_TYPE_LEN; /* = 7 bits */
110 extern const unsigned FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_LENGTH_LEN; /* = 24 bits */
112 /*****************************************************************************/
116 } FLAC__EntropyCodingMethodType;
118 /*****************************************************************************
120 * 4: partition order => (2 ** order) subdivisions
124 unsigned parameters[1 << FLAC__MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER];
125 } FLAC__EntropyCodingMethod_PartitionedRice;
127 extern const unsigned FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ORDER_LEN; /* = 4 bits */
128 extern const unsigned FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_PARAMETER_LEN; /* = 4 bits */
130 /*****************************************************************************
132 * 2: entropy coding method:
133 * 00: partitioned rice coding
135 * ?: entropy coding method data
138 FLAC__EntropyCodingMethodType type;
140 FLAC__EntropyCodingMethod_PartitionedRice partitioned_rice;
142 } FLAC__EntropyCodingMethod;
144 extern const unsigned FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_TYPE_LEN; /* = 2 bits */
146 /*****************************************************************************/
153 } FLAC__ChannelAssignment;
155 /*****************************************************************************
157 * 9: sync code '111111110'
158 * 3: blocksize in samples
159 * 000: get from stream header => implies constant blocksize throughout stream
160 * 001: 192 samples (AES/EBU) => implies constant blocksize throughout stream
161 * 010-101: 576 * (2^(2-n)) samples, i.e. 576/1152/2304/4608 => implies constant blocksize throughout stream
162 * 110: get 8 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header => variable blocksize throughout stream unless it's the last frame
163 * 111: get 16 bit (blocksize-1) from end of header => variable blocksize throughout stream unless it's the last frame
165 * 0000: get from stream header
166 * 0001-0011: reserved
175 * 1100: get 8 bit sample rate (in kHz) from end of header
176 * 1101: get 16 bit sample rate (in Hz) from end of header
177 * 1110: get 16 bit sample rate (in tens of Hz) from end of header
178 * 1111: invalid, to prevent sync-fooling string of 1s (use to check for erroneous sync)
179 * 4: channel assignment
180 * 0000-0111: (number of independent channels)-1. when == 0001, channel 0 is the left channel and channel 1 is the right
181 * 1000: left/side stereo : channel 0 is the left channel, channel 1 is the side(difference) channel
182 * 1001: right/side stereo: channel 0 is the side(difference) channel, channel 1 is the right channel
183 * 1010: mid/side stereo : channel 0 is the mid(average) channel, channel 1 is the side(difference) channel
184 * 1011-1111: reserved
185 * 3: sample size in bits
186 * 000: get from stream header
187 * 001: 8 bits per sample
188 * 010: 12 bits per sample
190 * 100: 16 bits per sample
191 * 101: 20 bits per sample
192 * 110: 24 bits per sample
194 * 1: zero pad, to prevent sync-fooling string of 1s (use to check for erroneous sync)
195 * ?: if(variable blocksize)
196 * 8-56: 'UTF-8' coded sample number (decoded number is 0-36 bits) (use to check for erroneous sync)
198 * 8-48: 'UTF-8' coded frame number (decoded number is 0-31 bits) (use to check for erroneous sync)
199 * ?: if(blocksize bits == 11x)
200 * 8/16 bit (blocksize-1)
201 * ?: if(sample rate bits == 11xx)
202 * 8/16 bit sample rate
203 * 8: CRC-8 (polynomial = x^8 + x^2 + x + 1) of everything before the crc, including the sync code
206 unsigned blocksize; /* in samples */
207 unsigned sample_rate; /* in Hz */
209 FLAC__ChannelAssignment channel_assignment;
210 unsigned bits_per_sample;
213 uint64 sample_number;
217 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_SYNC; /* = 0x1fe */
218 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_SYNC_LEN; /* = 9 bits */
219 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE_LEN; /* = 3 bits */
220 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_SAMPLE_RATE_LEN; /* = 4 bits */
221 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT_LEN; /* = 4 bits */
222 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_LEN; /* = 3 bits */
223 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_ZERO_PAD_LEN; /* = 1 bit */
224 extern const unsigned FLAC__FRAME_HEADER_CRC8_LEN; /* = 8 bits */
226 /*****************************************************************************/
233 } FLAC__SubframeType;
235 /*****************************************************************************
237 * n: constant value for signal; n = frame's bits-per-sample
241 } FLAC__SubframeHeader_Constant;
243 /*****************************************************************************
245 * n*i: unencoded signal; n = frame's bits-per-sample, i = frame's blocksize
247 /* There is no (trivial) for structure FLAC__SubframeHeader_Verbatim */
249 /*****************************************************************************
251 * n: unencoded warm-up samples (n = fixed-predictor order * bits per sample)
252 * ?: entropy coding method info
253 * ?: encoded residual ((blocksize minus fixed-predictor order) samples)
254 * The order is stored in the main subframe header
257 FLAC__EntropyCodingMethod entropy_coding_method;
259 int32 warmup[FLAC__MAX_FIXED_ORDER];
260 } FLAC__SubframeHeader_Fixed;
262 /*****************************************************************************
264 * n: unencoded warm-up samples (n = lpc order * bits per sample)
265 * 4: (qlp coeff precision in bits)-1 (1111 = invalid, use to check for erroneous sync)
266 * 5: qlp shift needed in bits (signed)
267 * n: unencoded predictor coefficients (n = lpc order * qlp coeff precision)
268 * ?: entropy coding method info
269 * ?: encoded residual ((blocksize minus lpc order) samples)
270 * The order is stored in the main subframe header
273 FLAC__EntropyCodingMethod entropy_coding_method;
275 unsigned qlp_coeff_precision;
276 int quantization_level;
277 int32 qlp_coeff[FLAC__MAX_LPC_ORDER];
278 int32 warmup[FLAC__MAX_LPC_ORDER];
279 } FLAC__SubframeHeader_LPC;
281 extern const unsigned FLAC__SUBFRAME_HEADER_LPC_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION_LEN; /* = 4 bits */
282 extern const unsigned FLAC__SUBFRAME_HEADER_LPC_QLP_SHIFT_LEN; /* = 5 bits */
284 /*****************************************************************************
287 * xxxxxxx1: invalid, to prevent sync-fooling string of 1s (use to check for erroneous sync)
288 * 00000000: constant value
292 * 0001xxx0: fixed predictor, xxx=order <= 4, else reserved
294 * 01xxxxx0: lpc, xxxxx=order-1
295 * 1xxxxxxx: invalid, to prevent sync-fooling string of 1s (use to check for erroneous sync)
296 * ?: subframe-specific header (c.f. FLAC__SubframeHeader_*)
299 FLAC__SubframeType type;
301 FLAC__SubframeHeader_Constant constant;
302 FLAC__SubframeHeader_Fixed fixed;
303 FLAC__SubframeHeader_LPC lpc;
304 } data; /* data will be undefined for FLAC__SUBFRAME_TYPE_VERBATIM */
305 } FLAC__SubframeHeader;
307 extern const unsigned FLAC__SUBFRAME_HEADER_TYPE_CONSTANT; /* = 0x00 */
308 extern const unsigned FLAC__SUBFRAME_HEADER_TYPE_VERBATIM; /* = 0x02 */
309 extern const unsigned FLAC__SUBFRAME_HEADER_TYPE_FIXED; /* = 0x10 */
310 extern const unsigned FLAC__SUBFRAME_HEADER_TYPE_LPC; /* = 0x40 */
311 extern const unsigned FLAC__SUBFRAME_HEADER_TYPE_LEN; /* = 8 bits */
313 /*****************************************************************************/