1 ## Makefile for building the gmodule DLL with gcc for mingw. The build
2 ## uses tools running on cygwin, however.
4 ## Use: make -f makefile.mingw
8 include ../build/win32/make.mingw
10 ################################################################
12 # Nothing much configurable below
14 INCLUDES = -I .. -I ../glib -I .
24 gmoduleconf.h: gmoduleconf.h.win32
27 ################ The gmodule DLL
29 libgmodule-2.0.a : $(gmodule_OBJECTS) gmodule.def gmodule-2.0.rc
30 $(BUILD_DLL) gmodule-2.0 @LT_CURRENT@:@LT_REVISION@:@LT_AGE@ $(CFLAGS) gmodule.def $(gmodule_OBJECTS) -L ../glib -lglib-2.0
32 gmodule-2.0.rc : gmodule.rc
35 ################ Other stuff