[platform/upstream/libgee.git] / gee / traversable.vala
1 /* traversable.vala
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2011-2012  Maciej Piechotka
4  *
5  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
18  *
19  * Author:
20  *      Maciej Piechotka <uzytkownik2@gmail.com>
21  */
23 namespace Gee {
24         public delegate A FoldFunc<A, G> (owned G g, owned A a);
25         public delegate void ForallFunc<G> (owned G g);
26         public delegate Lazy<A>? UnfoldFunc<A> ();
27         public delegate Traversable.Stream StreamFunc<G, A> (Traversable.Stream state, owned Lazy<G>? g, out Lazy<A>? lazy);
28         public delegate A MapFunc<A, G> (owned G g);
29         public delegate bool Predicate<G> (G g);
30 }
32 /**
33  * It's a common interface for {@link Iterator} and {@link Iterable}. It
34  * provides a fast, high level functions.
35  *
36  * ''{@link Iterator} implementation:'' Please note that most of the functions
37  * affect the state of the iterator by moving it forward.
38  * Even if the iterator is {@link BidirIterator} it ''must not''
39  * rewind the state.
40  *
41  * ''{@link Iterable} implementation:'' validy ({@link Iterator.valid})
42  * of returned iterator is the same as for invalid
43  * iterator. In other words the following code is semantically equivalent:
44  *
45  * {{{
46  *     var x = iterable.function (args);
47  *     var x = iterable.iterator ().function(args);
48  * }}}
49  *
50  * @since 0.7.0
51  */
52 [GenericAccessors]
53 public interface Gee.Traversable<G> : Object {
54         /**
55          * Apply function to each element returned by iterator. 
56          *
57          * ''{@link Iterator} implementation:'' Operation moves the iterator
58          * to last element in iteration. If iterator points at some element it
59          * will be included in iteration.
60          */
61         public new abstract void foreach (ForallFunc<G> f);
63         /**
64          * Stream function is an abstract function allowing writing many
65          * operations.
66          *
67          * The stream function accepts three parameter:
68          *
69          *   1. state. It is usually the last returned value from function but
70          *      it may be {@link Stream.END} when {@link Stream.CONTINUE} was
71          *      returned and there was no more elements.
72          *   1. input. It is valid only if first argument is
73          *      {@link Stream.CONTINUE}
74          *   1. output. It is valid only if result is Stream.YIELD
75          *
76          * It may return one of 3 results:
77          *
78          *   1. {@link Stream.YIELD}. It means that value was yielded and can
79          *      be passed to outgoing iterator.
80          *   1. {@link Stream.CONTINUE}. It means that the function needs to be
81          *      called with next element or with {@link Stream.END} if it is
82          *      end of stream). If the state element was Stream.END during the
83          *      current iteration function ''must not'' return {@link Stream.CONTINUE}
84          *   1. Stream.END. It means that the last argument was yielded.
85          *
86          * If the function yields the value immediately then the returning iterator
87          * is {@link Iterator.valid} and points to this value as well as in case when the
88          * parent iterator is {@link Iterator.valid} and function yields
89          * after consuming 1 input. In other case returned iterator is invalid.
90          *
91          * Note: In {@link Iterator} implementation: if iterator is
92          *    {@link Iterator.valid} the current value should be fed
93          *    immediately to function if during initial call function returns
94          *    {@link Stream.CONTINUE}. The parent iterator cannot be used before
95          *    the functions return {@link Stream.END} afterwards it points on the
96          *    last element consumed.
97          *
98          * @param f function generating stream
99          * @return iterator containing values yielded by stream
100          */
101         public virtual Iterator<A> stream<A> (owned StreamFunc<G, A> f) {
102                 Iterator<G>? self;
103                 Iterable<G>? iself;
104                 // Yes - I've heard of polimorphism ;) but I don't want users to need to implement the method.
105                 if ((self = this as Iterator<G>) != null) { 
106                         Traversable.Stream str;
107                         Lazy<A>? initial = null;
108                         bool need_next = true;
109                         str = f (Stream.YIELD, null, out initial);
110                         switch (str) {
111                         case Stream.CONTINUE:
112                                 if (self.valid) {
113                                         str = f (Stream.CONTINUE, new Lazy<G> (() => {return self.get ();}), out initial);
114                                         switch (str) {
115                                         case Stream.YIELD:
116                                         case Stream.CONTINUE:
117                                                 break;
118                                         case Stream.END:
119                                                 return Iterator.unfold<A> (() => {return null;});
120                                         default:
121                                                 assert_not_reached ();
122                                         }
123                                 }
124                                 break;
125                         case Stream.YIELD:
126                                 if (self.valid)
127                                         need_next = false;
128                                 break;
129                         case Stream.END:
130                                 return Iterator.unfold<A> (() => {return null;});
131                         default:
132                                 assert_not_reached ();
133                         }
134                         return Iterator.unfold<A> (() => {
135                                 Lazy<A>? val = null;
136                                 if (str != Stream.CONTINUE)
137                                         str = f (Traversable.Stream.YIELD, null, out val);
138                                 while (str == Stream.CONTINUE) {
139                                         if (need_next) {
140                                                 if (!self.next ()) {
141                                                         str = f (Traversable.Stream.END, null, out val);
142                                                         assert (str != Traversable.Stream.CONTINUE);
143                                                         break;
144                                                 }
145                                         } else {
146                                                 need_next = true;
147                                         }
148                                         str = f (Stream.CONTINUE, new Lazy<G> (() => {return self.get ();}), out val);
149                                 }
150                                 switch (str) {
151                                 case Stream.YIELD:
152                                         return val;
153                                 case Stream.END:
154                                         return null;
155                                 default:
156                                         assert_not_reached ();
157                                 }
158                         }, initial);
159                 } else if ((iself = this as Iterable<G>) != null) {
160                         return iself.iterator().stream<A> ((owned) f);
161                 } else {
162                         assert_not_reached ();
163                 }
164         }
166         /**
167          * Standard aggregation function.
168          *
169          * It takes a function, seed and first element, returns the new seed and
170          * progress to next element when the operation repeats.
171          *
172          * Note: Default implementation uses {@link foreach}.
173          *
174          * Note: In {@link Iterator} implementation operation moves the
175          *    iterator to last element in iteration. If iterator is
176          *    {@link Iterator.valid} the current element will be considered
177          *    as well.
178          *
179          */
180         public virtual A fold<A> (FoldFunc<A, G> f, owned A seed)
181         {
182                 this.foreach ((item) => {seed = f ((owned) item, (owned) seed);});
183                 return (owned) seed;
184         }
186         /**
187          * Produces an iterator pointing at elements generated by function passed.
188          *
189          * Iterator is lazy evaluated but value is force-evaluated when
190          * iterator moves to next element. ({@link Iterator.next})
191          *
192          * Note: Default implementation uses {@link stream}.
193          *
194          * Note: In {@link Iterator} implementation if the parent iterator is
195          *    {@link Iterator.valid} so is the returned one. Using the parent
196          *    iterator is not allowed before the inner iterator {@link Iterator.next}
197          *    return false and then it points on its last element.
198          *    The resulting iterator is {@link Iterator.valid} if the parent
199          *    iterator is.
200          *
201          * @param f Mapping function
202          * @return Iterator listing mapped value
203          */
204         public virtual Iterator<A> map<A> (MapFunc<A, G> f) {
205                 return stream<A>((state, item, out val) => {
206                         switch (state) {
207                         case Stream.YIELD:
208                                 val = null;
209                                 return Stream.CONTINUE;
210                         case Stream.CONTINUE:
211                                 val = new Lazy<A>(() => {
212                                         A tmp = item.get ();
213                                         item = null;
214                                         return (f ((owned)tmp));
215                                 });
216                                 return Stream.YIELD;
217                         case Stream.END:
218                                 val = null;
219                                 return Stream.END;
220                         default:
221                                 assert_not_reached ();
222                         }
223                 });
224         }
226         /**
227          * Creates a new iterator that is initially pointing to seed. Then
228          * subsequent values are obtained after applying the function to previous
229          * value and the subsequent items.
230          *
231          * The resulting iterator is always valid and it contains the seed value.
232          *
233          * Note: Default implementation uses {@link stream}.
234          *
235          * Note: When the method is called on {@link Iterator} using the parent
236          *    iterator is not allowed befor the inner iterator
237          *    {@link Iterator.next} return false and then it points on its last
238          *    element. The resulting iterator is {@link Iterator.valid}.
239          *
240          * @param f Folding function
241          * @param seed original seed value
242          * @return Iterator containing values of subsequent values of seed
243          */
244         public virtual Iterator<A> scan<A> (FoldFunc<A, G> f, owned A seed) {
245                 bool seed_emitted = false;
246                 return stream<A>((state, item, out val) => {
247                         switch (state) {
248                         case Stream.YIELD:
249                                 if (seed_emitted) {
250                                         val = null;
251                                         return Stream.CONTINUE;
252                                 } else {
253                                         val = new Lazy<A>.from_value (seed);
254                                         seed_emitted = true;
255                                         return Stream.YIELD;
256                                 }
257                         case Stream.CONTINUE:
258                                 val = new Lazy<A> (() => {
259                                         A tmp = item.get ();
260                                         item = null;
261                                         seed = f ((owned) tmp, (owned) seed);
262                                         return seed;
263                                 });
264                                 return Stream.YIELD;
265                         case Stream.END:
266                                 val = null;
267                                 return Stream.END;
268                         default:
269                                 assert_not_reached ();
270                         }
271                 });
272         }
274         /**
275          * Creates a new iterator that contains only values that fullfills the
276          * predicate.
277          *
278          * Note: When the method is called on {@link Iterator} using the parent
279          *    iterator is not allowed befor the inner iterator
280          *    {@link Iterator.next} return false and then it points on its last
281          *    element. The resulting iterator is {@link Iterator.valid} if parent
282          *    iterator is {@link Iterator.valid} and value it is pointing on
283          *    fullfills the predicate.
284          *
285          * @param f Folding function
286          * @return Iterator containing values of subsequent values of seed
287          */
288         public virtual Iterator<G> filter (owned Predicate<G> pred) {
289                 return stream<G> ((state, item, out val) => {
290                         switch (state) {
291                         case Stream.YIELD:
292                                 val = null;
293                                 return Stream.CONTINUE;
294                         case Stream.CONTINUE:
295                                 G g = item.get ();
296                                 if (pred (g)) {
297                                         val = item;
298                                         return Stream.YIELD;
299                                 } else {
300                                         val = null;
301                                         return Stream.CONTINUE;
302                                 }
303                         case Stream.END:
304                                 val = null;
305                                 return Stream.END;
306                         default:
307                                 assert_not_reached ();
308                         };
309                 });
310         }
312         /**
313          * Creates a new iterator which contains elements from iterable. The
314          * first argument states the offset i.e. number of elements the iterator
315          * skips by default.
316          *
317          * Note: In {@link Iterator} implementation resulting iterator is
318          *    {@link Iterator.valid} when parent iterator is
319          *    {@link Iterator.valid} and the offset is 0. Using the parent
320          *    iterator is not allowed before the inner iterator
321          *    {@link Iterator.next} return false and then it points on its last
322          *    element.
323          *
324          * @param offset the offset to first element the iterator is pointing to
325          * @param length maximum number of elements iterator may return. Negative
326          *        value means that the number is unbounded
327          */
328         public virtual Iterator<G> chop (int offset, int length = -1) {
329                 assert (offset >= 0);
330                 return stream<G> ((state, item, out val) => {
331                         switch (state) {
332                         case Stream.YIELD:
333                                 val = null;
334                                 if (offset > 0) {
335                                         return Stream.CONTINUE;
336                                 } else if (length > 0) {
337                                         length--;
338                                         return length != 0 ? Stream.CONTINUE : Stream.END;
339                                 } else if (length == 0) {
340                                         return Stream.END;
341                                 } else {
342                                         return Stream.CONTINUE;
343                                 }
344                         case Stream.CONTINUE:
345                                 if (offset == 0) {
346                                         val = item;
347                                         return Stream.YIELD;
348                                 } else {
349                                         val = null;
350                                         offset--;
351                                         return Stream.CONTINUE;
352                                 }
353                         case Stream.END:
354                                 val = null;
355                                 return Stream.END;
356                         default:
357                                 assert_not_reached ();
358                         };
359                 });
360         }
363         /**
364          * The type of the elements in this collection.
365          */
366         public virtual Type element_type { get { return typeof (G); } }
368         public enum Stream {
369                 YIELD,
370                 CONTINUE,
371                 END
372         }
374 }