1 /* WARNING: This is auto-generated file. Do not modify, since changes will
2 * be lost! Modify the generating script instead.
4 * Generated from Khronos GL API description (gl.xml) revision 9d534f9312e56c72df763207e449c6719576fd54.
7 void CallLogWrapper::glActiveShaderProgram (glw::GLuint pipeline, glw::GLuint program)
10 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glActiveShaderProgram(" << pipeline << ", " << program << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
11 m_gl.activeShaderProgram(pipeline, program);
14 void CallLogWrapper::glActiveTexture (glw::GLenum texture)
17 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glActiveTexture(" << getTextureUnitStr(texture) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
18 m_gl.activeTexture(texture);
21 void CallLogWrapper::glAttachShader (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint shader)
24 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glAttachShader(" << program << ", " << shader << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
25 m_gl.attachShader(program, shader);
28 void CallLogWrapper::glBeginConditionalRender (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum mode)
31 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBeginConditionalRender(" << id << ", " << toHex(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
32 m_gl.beginConditionalRender(id, mode);
35 void CallLogWrapper::glBeginQuery (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint id)
38 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBeginQuery(" << getQueryTargetStr(target) << ", " << id << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
39 m_gl.beginQuery(target, id);
42 void CallLogWrapper::glBeginQueryIndexed (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint id)
45 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBeginQueryIndexed(" << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << id << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
46 m_gl.beginQueryIndexed(target, index, id);
49 void CallLogWrapper::glBeginTransformFeedback (glw::GLenum primitiveMode)
52 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBeginTransformFeedback(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(primitiveMode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
53 m_gl.beginTransformFeedback(primitiveMode);
56 void CallLogWrapper::glBindAttribLocation (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLchar *name)
59 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindAttribLocation(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
60 m_gl.bindAttribLocation(program, index, name);
63 void CallLogWrapper::glBindBuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint buffer)
66 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindBuffer(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
67 m_gl.bindBuffer(target, buffer);
70 void CallLogWrapper::glBindBufferBase (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint buffer)
73 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindBufferBase(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << index << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
74 m_gl.bindBufferBase(target, index, buffer);
77 void CallLogWrapper::glBindBufferRange (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
80 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindBufferRange(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << index << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
81 m_gl.bindBufferRange(target, index, buffer, offset, size);
84 void CallLogWrapper::glBindBuffersBase (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *buffers)
87 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindBuffersBase(" << toHex(target) << ", " << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(buffers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
88 m_gl.bindBuffersBase(target, first, count, buffers);
91 void CallLogWrapper::glBindBuffersRange (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *buffers, const glw::GLintptr *offsets, const glw::GLsizeiptr *sizes)
94 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindBuffersRange(" << toHex(target) << ", " << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(buffers))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(offsets))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(sizes))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
95 m_gl.bindBuffersRange(target, first, count, buffers, offsets, sizes);
98 void CallLogWrapper::glBindFragDataLocation (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint color, const glw::GLchar *name)
101 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindFragDataLocation(" << program << ", " << color << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
102 m_gl.bindFragDataLocation(program, color, name);
105 void CallLogWrapper::glBindFragDataLocationIndexed (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint colorNumber, glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLchar *name)
108 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed(" << program << ", " << colorNumber << ", " << index << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
109 m_gl.bindFragDataLocationIndexed(program, colorNumber, index, name);
112 void CallLogWrapper::glBindFramebuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint framebuffer)
115 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindFramebuffer(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << framebuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
116 m_gl.bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer);
119 void CallLogWrapper::glBindImageTexture (glw::GLuint unit, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLboolean layered, glw::GLint layer, glw::GLenum access, glw::GLenum format)
122 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindImageTexture(" << unit << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << getBooleanStr(layered) << ", " << layer << ", " << getImageAccessStr(access) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
123 m_gl.bindImageTexture(unit, texture, level, layered, layer, access, format);
126 void CallLogWrapper::glBindImageTextures (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *textures)
129 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindImageTextures(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(textures))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
130 m_gl.bindImageTextures(first, count, textures);
133 void CallLogWrapper::glBindMultiTextureEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint texture)
136 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindMultiTextureEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << texture << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
137 m_gl.bindMultiTextureEXT(texunit, target, texture);
140 void CallLogWrapper::glBindProgramPipeline (glw::GLuint pipeline)
143 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindProgramPipeline(" << pipeline << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
144 m_gl.bindProgramPipeline(pipeline);
147 void CallLogWrapper::glBindRenderbuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint renderbuffer)
150 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindRenderbuffer(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << renderbuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
151 m_gl.bindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer);
154 void CallLogWrapper::glBindSampler (glw::GLuint unit, glw::GLuint sampler)
157 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindSampler(" << unit << ", " << sampler << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
158 m_gl.bindSampler(unit, sampler);
161 void CallLogWrapper::glBindSamplers (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *samplers)
164 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindSamplers(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(samplers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
165 m_gl.bindSamplers(first, count, samplers);
168 void CallLogWrapper::glBindTexture (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint texture)
171 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindTexture(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << texture << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
172 m_gl.bindTexture(target, texture);
175 void CallLogWrapper::glBindTextureUnit (glw::GLuint unit, glw::GLuint texture)
178 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindTextureUnit(" << unit << ", " << texture << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
179 m_gl.bindTextureUnit(unit, texture);
182 void CallLogWrapper::glBindTextures (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *textures)
185 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindTextures(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(textures))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
186 m_gl.bindTextures(first, count, textures);
189 void CallLogWrapper::glBindTransformFeedback (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint id)
192 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindTransformFeedback(" << getTransformFeedbackTargetStr(target) << ", " << id << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
193 m_gl.bindTransformFeedback(target, id);
196 void CallLogWrapper::glBindVertexArray (glw::GLuint array)
199 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindVertexArray(" << array << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
200 m_gl.bindVertexArray(array);
203 void CallLogWrapper::glBindVertexBuffer (glw::GLuint bindingindex, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizei stride)
206 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindVertexBuffer(" << bindingindex << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << stride << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
207 m_gl.bindVertexBuffer(bindingindex, buffer, offset, stride);
210 void CallLogWrapper::glBindVertexBuffers (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *buffers, const glw::GLintptr *offsets, const glw::GLsizei *strides)
213 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindVertexBuffers(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(buffers))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(offsets))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(strides))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
214 m_gl.bindVertexBuffers(first, count, buffers, offsets, strides);
217 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendBarrier (void)
220 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendBarrier(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
224 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendColor (glw::GLfloat red, glw::GLfloat green, glw::GLfloat blue, glw::GLfloat alpha)
227 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendColor(" << red << ", " << green << ", " << blue << ", " << alpha << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
228 m_gl.blendColor(red, green, blue, alpha);
231 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendEquation (glw::GLenum mode)
234 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendEquation(" << getBlendEquationStr(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
235 m_gl.blendEquation(mode);
238 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendEquationSeparate (glw::GLenum modeRGB, glw::GLenum modeAlpha)
241 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendEquationSeparate(" << getBlendEquationStr(modeRGB) << ", " << getBlendEquationStr(modeAlpha) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
242 m_gl.blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha);
245 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendEquationSeparatei (glw::GLuint buf, glw::GLenum modeRGB, glw::GLenum modeAlpha)
248 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendEquationSeparatei(" << buf << ", " << getBlendEquationStr(modeRGB) << ", " << getBlendEquationStr(modeAlpha) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
249 m_gl.blendEquationSeparatei(buf, modeRGB, modeAlpha);
252 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendEquationi (glw::GLuint buf, glw::GLenum mode)
255 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendEquationi(" << buf << ", " << getBlendEquationStr(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
256 m_gl.blendEquationi(buf, mode);
259 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendFunc (glw::GLenum sfactor, glw::GLenum dfactor)
262 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendFunc(" << getBlendFactorStr(sfactor) << ", " << getBlendFactorStr(dfactor) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
263 m_gl.blendFunc(sfactor, dfactor);
266 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendFuncSeparate (glw::GLenum sfactorRGB, glw::GLenum dfactorRGB, glw::GLenum sfactorAlpha, glw::GLenum dfactorAlpha)
269 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendFuncSeparate(" << getBlendFactorStr(sfactorRGB) << ", " << getBlendFactorStr(dfactorRGB) << ", " << getBlendFactorStr(sfactorAlpha) << ", " << getBlendFactorStr(dfactorAlpha) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
270 m_gl.blendFuncSeparate(sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha);
273 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendFuncSeparatei (glw::GLuint buf, glw::GLenum srcRGB, glw::GLenum dstRGB, glw::GLenum srcAlpha, glw::GLenum dstAlpha)
276 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendFuncSeparatei(" << buf << ", " << toHex(srcRGB) << ", " << toHex(dstRGB) << ", " << toHex(srcAlpha) << ", " << toHex(dstAlpha) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
277 m_gl.blendFuncSeparatei(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha);
280 void CallLogWrapper::glBlendFunci (glw::GLuint buf, glw::GLenum src, glw::GLenum dst)
283 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlendFunci(" << buf << ", " << toHex(src) << ", " << toHex(dst) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
284 m_gl.blendFunci(buf, src, dst);
287 void CallLogWrapper::glBlitFramebuffer (glw::GLint srcX0, glw::GLint srcY0, glw::GLint srcX1, glw::GLint srcY1, glw::GLint dstX0, glw::GLint dstY0, glw::GLint dstX1, glw::GLint dstY1, glw::GLbitfield mask, glw::GLenum filter)
290 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlitFramebuffer(" << srcX0 << ", " << srcY0 << ", " << srcX1 << ", " << srcY1 << ", " << dstX0 << ", " << dstY0 << ", " << dstX1 << ", " << dstY1 << ", " << getBufferMaskStr(mask) << ", " << getTextureFilterStr(filter) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
291 m_gl.blitFramebuffer(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
294 void CallLogWrapper::glBlitNamedFramebuffer (glw::GLuint readFramebuffer, glw::GLuint drawFramebuffer, glw::GLint srcX0, glw::GLint srcY0, glw::GLint srcX1, glw::GLint srcY1, glw::GLint dstX0, glw::GLint dstY0, glw::GLint dstX1, glw::GLint dstY1, glw::GLbitfield mask, glw::GLenum filter)
297 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBlitNamedFramebuffer(" << readFramebuffer << ", " << drawFramebuffer << ", " << srcX0 << ", " << srcY0 << ", " << srcX1 << ", " << srcY1 << ", " << dstX0 << ", " << dstY0 << ", " << dstX1 << ", " << dstY1 << ", " << toHex(mask) << ", " << toHex(filter) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
298 m_gl.blitNamedFramebuffer(readFramebuffer, drawFramebuffer, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
301 void CallLogWrapper::glBufferData (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data, glw::GLenum usage)
304 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBufferData(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << size << ", " << data << ", " << getUsageStr(usage) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
305 m_gl.bufferData(target, size, data, usage);
308 void CallLogWrapper::glBufferPageCommitmentARB (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, glw::GLboolean commit)
311 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBufferPageCommitmentARB(" << toHex(target) << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << getBooleanStr(commit) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
312 m_gl.bufferPageCommitmentARB(target, offset, size, commit);
315 void CallLogWrapper::glBufferStorage (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data, glw::GLbitfield flags)
318 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBufferStorage(" << toHex(target) << ", " << size << ", " << data << ", " << toHex(flags) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
319 m_gl.bufferStorage(target, size, data, flags);
322 void CallLogWrapper::glBufferSubData (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data)
325 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBufferSubData(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
326 m_gl.bufferSubData(target, offset, size, data);
329 glw::GLenum CallLogWrapper::glCheckFramebufferStatus (glw::GLenum target)
332 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCheckFramebufferStatus(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
333 glw::GLenum returnValue = m_gl.checkFramebufferStatus(target);
335 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getFramebufferStatusStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
339 glw::GLenum CallLogWrapper::glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum target)
342 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
343 glw::GLenum returnValue = m_gl.checkNamedFramebufferStatus(framebuffer, target);
345 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
349 glw::GLenum CallLogWrapper::glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum target)
352 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
353 glw::GLenum returnValue = m_gl.checkNamedFramebufferStatusEXT(framebuffer, target);
355 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
359 void CallLogWrapper::glClampColor (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum clamp)
362 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClampColor(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(clamp) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
363 m_gl.clampColor(target, clamp);
366 void CallLogWrapper::glClear (glw::GLbitfield mask)
369 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClear(" << getBufferMaskStr(mask) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
373 void CallLogWrapper::glClearBufferData (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
376 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearBufferData(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
377 m_gl.clearBufferData(target, internalformat, format, type, data);
380 void CallLogWrapper::glClearBufferSubData (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
383 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearBufferSubData(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
384 m_gl.clearBufferSubData(target, internalformat, offset, size, format, type, data);
387 void CallLogWrapper::glClearBufferfi (glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, glw::GLfloat depth, glw::GLint stencil)
390 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearBufferfi(" << getBufferStr(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << depth << ", " << stencil << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
391 m_gl.clearBufferfi(buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil);
394 void CallLogWrapper::glClearBufferfv (glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, const glw::GLfloat *value)
397 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearBufferfv(" << getBufferStr(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
398 m_gl.clearBufferfv(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
401 void CallLogWrapper::glClearBufferiv (glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, const glw::GLint *value)
404 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearBufferiv(" << getBufferStr(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
405 m_gl.clearBufferiv(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
408 void CallLogWrapper::glClearBufferuiv (glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, const glw::GLuint *value)
411 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearBufferuiv(" << getBufferStr(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
412 m_gl.clearBufferuiv(buffer, drawbuffer, value);
415 void CallLogWrapper::glClearColor (glw::GLfloat red, glw::GLfloat green, glw::GLfloat blue, glw::GLfloat alpha)
418 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearColor(" << red << ", " << green << ", " << blue << ", " << alpha << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
419 m_gl.clearColor(red, green, blue, alpha);
422 void CallLogWrapper::glClearDepth (glw::GLdouble depth)
425 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearDepth(" << depth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
426 m_gl.clearDepth(depth);
429 void CallLogWrapper::glClearDepthf (glw::GLfloat d)
432 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearDepthf(" << d << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
436 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedBufferData (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
439 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedBufferData(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
440 m_gl.clearNamedBufferData(buffer, internalformat, format, type, data);
443 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedBufferDataEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
446 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedBufferDataEXT(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
447 m_gl.clearNamedBufferDataEXT(buffer, internalformat, format, type, data);
450 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedBufferSubData (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
453 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedBufferSubData(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
454 m_gl.clearNamedBufferSubData(buffer, internalformat, offset, size, format, type, data);
457 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizeiptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
460 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
461 m_gl.clearNamedBufferSubDataEXT(buffer, internalformat, offset, size, format, type, data);
464 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedFramebufferfi (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, glw::GLfloat depth, glw::GLint stencil)
467 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedFramebufferfi(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << depth << ", " << stencil << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
468 m_gl.clearNamedFramebufferfi(framebuffer, buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil);
471 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedFramebufferfv (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, const glw::GLfloat *value)
474 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedFramebufferfv(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
475 m_gl.clearNamedFramebufferfv(framebuffer, buffer, drawbuffer, value);
478 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedFramebufferiv (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, const glw::GLint *value)
481 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedFramebufferiv(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
482 m_gl.clearNamedFramebufferiv(framebuffer, buffer, drawbuffer, value);
485 void CallLogWrapper::glClearNamedFramebufferuiv (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum buffer, glw::GLint drawbuffer, const glw::GLuint *value)
488 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearNamedFramebufferuiv(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(buffer) << ", " << drawbuffer << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
489 m_gl.clearNamedFramebufferuiv(framebuffer, buffer, drawbuffer, value);
492 void CallLogWrapper::glClearStencil (glw::GLint s)
495 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearStencil(" << s << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
496 m_gl.clearStencil(s);
499 void CallLogWrapper::glClearTexImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
502 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearTexImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
503 m_gl.clearTexImage(texture, level, format, type, data);
506 void CallLogWrapper::glClearTexSubImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *data)
509 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClearTexSubImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
510 m_gl.clearTexSubImage(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, data);
513 void CallLogWrapper::glClientAttribDefaultEXT (glw::GLbitfield mask)
516 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClientAttribDefaultEXT(" << toHex(mask) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
517 m_gl.clientAttribDefaultEXT(mask);
520 glw::GLenum CallLogWrapper::glClientWaitSync (glw::GLsync sync, glw::GLbitfield flags, glw::GLuint64 timeout)
523 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClientWaitSync(" << sync << ", " << toHex(flags) << ", " << timeout << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
524 glw::GLenum returnValue = m_gl.clientWaitSync(sync, flags, timeout);
526 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
530 void CallLogWrapper::glClipControl (glw::GLenum origin, glw::GLenum depth)
533 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glClipControl(" << toHex(origin) << ", " << toHex(depth) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
534 m_gl.clipControl(origin, depth);
537 void CallLogWrapper::glColorMask (glw::GLboolean red, glw::GLboolean green, glw::GLboolean blue, glw::GLboolean alpha)
540 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glColorMask(" << getBooleanStr(red) << ", " << getBooleanStr(green) << ", " << getBooleanStr(blue) << ", " << getBooleanStr(alpha) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
541 m_gl.colorMask(red, green, blue, alpha);
544 void CallLogWrapper::glColorMaski (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLboolean r, glw::GLboolean g, glw::GLboolean b, glw::GLboolean a)
547 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glColorMaski(" << index << ", " << getBooleanStr(r) << ", " << getBooleanStr(g) << ", " << getBooleanStr(b) << ", " << getBooleanStr(a) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
548 m_gl.colorMaski(index, r, g, b, a);
551 void CallLogWrapper::glCompileShader (glw::GLuint shader)
554 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompileShader(" << shader << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
555 m_gl.compileShader(shader);
558 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedMultiTexImage1DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
561 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedMultiTexImage1DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
562 m_gl.compressedMultiTexImage1DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, bits);
565 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedMultiTexImage2DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
568 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedMultiTexImage2DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
569 m_gl.compressedMultiTexImage2DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, bits);
572 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedMultiTexImage3DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
575 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedMultiTexImage3DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
576 m_gl.compressedMultiTexImage3DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, bits);
579 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
582 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
583 m_gl.compressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, bits);
586 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
589 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
590 m_gl.compressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, bits);
593 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
596 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
597 m_gl.compressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, bits);
600 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
603 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage1D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
604 m_gl.compressedTexImage1D(target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, data);
607 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
610 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
611 m_gl.compressedTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data);
614 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
617 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
618 m_gl.compressedTexImage3D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data);
621 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexImage3DOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
624 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage3DOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
625 m_gl.compressedTexImage3DOES(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data);
628 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexSubImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
631 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage1D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
632 m_gl.compressedTexSubImage1D(target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, data);
635 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexSubImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
638 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
639 m_gl.compressedTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data);
642 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexSubImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
645 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
646 m_gl.compressedTexSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data);
649 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
652 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
653 m_gl.compressedTexSubImage3DOES(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data);
656 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureImage1DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
659 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureImage1DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
660 m_gl.compressedTextureImage1DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, bits);
663 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureImage2DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
666 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureImage2DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
667 m_gl.compressedTextureImage2DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, bits);
670 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureImage3DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
673 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureImage3DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
674 m_gl.compressedTextureImage3DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, bits);
677 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureSubImage1D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
680 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureSubImage1D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
681 m_gl.compressedTextureSubImage1D(texture, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, data);
684 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureSubImage1DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
687 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureSubImage1DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
688 m_gl.compressedTextureSubImage1DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, bits);
691 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureSubImage2D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
694 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureSubImage2D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
695 m_gl.compressedTextureSubImage2D(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data);
698 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureSubImage2DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
701 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureSubImage2DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
702 m_gl.compressedTextureSubImage2DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, bits);
705 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureSubImage3D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
708 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureSubImage3D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
709 m_gl.compressedTextureSubImage3D(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data);
712 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTextureSubImage3DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *bits)
715 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTextureSubImage3DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << bits << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
716 m_gl.compressedTextureSubImage3DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, bits);
719 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyBufferSubData (glw::GLenum readTarget, glw::GLenum writeTarget, glw::GLintptr readOffset, glw::GLintptr writeOffset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
722 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyBufferSubData(" << toHex(readTarget) << ", " << toHex(writeTarget) << ", " << readOffset << ", " << writeOffset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
723 m_gl.copyBufferSubData(readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset, writeOffset, size);
726 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyImageSubData (glw::GLuint srcName, glw::GLenum srcTarget, glw::GLint srcLevel, glw::GLint srcX, glw::GLint srcY, glw::GLint srcZ, glw::GLuint dstName, glw::GLenum dstTarget, glw::GLint dstLevel, glw::GLint dstX, glw::GLint dstY, glw::GLint dstZ, glw::GLsizei srcWidth, glw::GLsizei srcHeight, glw::GLsizei srcDepth)
729 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyImageSubData(" << srcName << ", " << toHex(srcTarget) << ", " << srcLevel << ", " << srcX << ", " << srcY << ", " << srcZ << ", " << dstName << ", " << toHex(dstTarget) << ", " << dstLevel << ", " << dstX << ", " << dstY << ", " << dstZ << ", " << srcWidth << ", " << srcHeight << ", " << srcDepth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
730 m_gl.copyImageSubData(srcName, srcTarget, srcLevel, srcX, srcY, srcZ, dstName, dstTarget, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcDepth);
733 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyMultiTexImage1DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border)
736 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyMultiTexImage1DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
737 m_gl.copyMultiTexImage1DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border);
740 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyMultiTexImage2DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border)
743 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyMultiTexImage2DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
744 m_gl.copyMultiTexImage2DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border);
747 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width)
750 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
751 m_gl.copyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, x, y, width);
754 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
757 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
758 m_gl.copyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height);
761 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
764 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
765 m_gl.copyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height);
768 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyNamedBufferSubData (glw::GLuint readBuffer, glw::GLuint writeBuffer, glw::GLintptr readOffset, glw::GLintptr writeOffset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
771 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyNamedBufferSubData(" << readBuffer << ", " << writeBuffer << ", " << readOffset << ", " << writeOffset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
772 m_gl.copyNamedBufferSubData(readBuffer, writeBuffer, readOffset, writeOffset, size);
775 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border)
778 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
779 m_gl.copyTexImage1D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border);
782 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border)
785 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
786 m_gl.copyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border);
789 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexSubImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width)
792 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexSubImage1D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
793 m_gl.copyTexSubImage1D(target, level, xoffset, x, y, width);
796 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexSubImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
799 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexSubImage2D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
800 m_gl.copyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height);
803 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexSubImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
806 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexSubImage3D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
807 m_gl.copyTexSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height);
810 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexSubImage3DOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
813 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexSubImage3DOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
814 m_gl.copyTexSubImage3DOES(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height);
817 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureImage1DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border)
820 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureImage1DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
821 m_gl.copyTextureImage1DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border);
824 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureImage2DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border)
827 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureImage2DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
828 m_gl.copyTextureImage2DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border);
831 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureSubImage1D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width)
834 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureSubImage1D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
835 m_gl.copyTextureSubImage1D(texture, level, xoffset, x, y, width);
838 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureSubImage1DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width)
841 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureSubImage1DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
842 m_gl.copyTextureSubImage1DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, x, y, width);
845 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureSubImage2D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
848 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureSubImage2D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
849 m_gl.copyTextureSubImage2D(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height);
852 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureSubImage2DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
855 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureSubImage2DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
856 m_gl.copyTextureSubImage2DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height);
859 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureSubImage3D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
862 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureSubImage3D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
863 m_gl.copyTextureSubImage3D(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height);
866 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTextureSubImage3DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
869 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTextureSubImage3DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
870 m_gl.copyTextureSubImage3DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height);
873 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateBuffers (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *buffers)
876 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateBuffers(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(buffers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
877 m_gl.createBuffers(n, buffers);
880 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateFramebuffers (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *framebuffers)
883 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateFramebuffers(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(framebuffers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
884 m_gl.createFramebuffers(n, framebuffers);
887 glw::GLuint CallLogWrapper::glCreateProgram (void)
890 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateProgram(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
891 glw::GLuint returnValue = m_gl.createProgram();
893 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
897 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateProgramPipelines (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *pipelines)
900 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateProgramPipelines(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(pipelines))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
901 m_gl.createProgramPipelines(n, pipelines);
904 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateQueries (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *ids)
907 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateQueries(" << toHex(target) << ", " << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(ids))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
908 m_gl.createQueries(target, n, ids);
911 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateRenderbuffers (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *renderbuffers)
914 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateRenderbuffers(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(renderbuffers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
915 m_gl.createRenderbuffers(n, renderbuffers);
918 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateSamplers (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *samplers)
921 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateSamplers(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(samplers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
922 m_gl.createSamplers(n, samplers);
925 glw::GLuint CallLogWrapper::glCreateShader (glw::GLenum type)
928 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateShader(" << getShaderTypeStr(type) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
929 glw::GLuint returnValue = m_gl.createShader(type);
931 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
935 glw::GLuint CallLogWrapper::glCreateShaderProgramv (glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLchar *const*strings)
938 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateShaderProgramv(" << toHex(type) << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(strings))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
939 glw::GLuint returnValue = m_gl.createShaderProgramv(type, count, strings);
941 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
945 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateTextures (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *textures)
948 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateTextures(" << toHex(target) << ", " << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(textures))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
949 m_gl.createTextures(target, n, textures);
952 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateTransformFeedbacks (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *ids)
955 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateTransformFeedbacks(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(ids))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
956 m_gl.createTransformFeedbacks(n, ids);
959 void CallLogWrapper::glCreateVertexArrays (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *arrays)
962 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCreateVertexArrays(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(arrays))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
963 m_gl.createVertexArrays(n, arrays);
966 void CallLogWrapper::glCullFace (glw::GLenum mode)
969 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCullFace(" << getFaceStr(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
973 void CallLogWrapper::glDebugMessageCallback (glw::GLDEBUGPROC callback, const void *userParam)
976 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDebugMessageCallback(" << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(callback)) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(userParam))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
977 m_gl.debugMessageCallback(callback, userParam);
980 void CallLogWrapper::glDebugMessageControl (glw::GLenum source, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLenum severity, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *ids, glw::GLboolean enabled)
983 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDebugMessageControl(" << getDebugMessageSourceStr(source) << ", " << getDebugMessageTypeStr(type) << ", " << getDebugMessageSeverityStr(severity) << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(ids, (count)) << ", " << getBooleanStr(enabled) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
984 m_gl.debugMessageControl(source, type, severity, count, ids, enabled);
987 void CallLogWrapper::glDebugMessageInsert (glw::GLenum source, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum severity, glw::GLsizei length, const glw::GLchar *buf)
990 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDebugMessageInsert(" << getDebugMessageSourceStr(source) << ", " << getDebugMessageTypeStr(type) << ", " << id << ", " << getDebugMessageSeverityStr(severity) << ", " << length << ", " << getStringStr(buf) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
991 m_gl.debugMessageInsert(source, type, id, severity, length, buf);
994 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteBuffers (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *buffers)
997 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteBuffers(" << n << ", " << getPointerStr(buffers, n) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
998 m_gl.deleteBuffers(n, buffers);
1001 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteFramebuffers (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *framebuffers)
1004 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteFramebuffers(" << n << ", " << getPointerStr(framebuffers, n) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1005 m_gl.deleteFramebuffers(n, framebuffers);
1008 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteProgram (glw::GLuint program)
1011 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteProgram(" << program << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1012 m_gl.deleteProgram(program);
1015 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteProgramPipelines (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *pipelines)
1018 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteProgramPipelines(" << n << ", " << getPointerStr(pipelines, n) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1019 m_gl.deleteProgramPipelines(n, pipelines);
1022 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteQueries (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *ids)
1025 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteQueries(" << n << ", " << getPointerStr(ids, n) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1026 m_gl.deleteQueries(n, ids);
1029 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteRenderbuffers (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *renderbuffers)
1032 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteRenderbuffers(" << n << ", " << getPointerStr(renderbuffers, n) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1033 m_gl.deleteRenderbuffers(n, renderbuffers);
1036 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteSamplers (glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *samplers)
1039 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteSamplers(" << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(samplers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1040 m_gl.deleteSamplers(count, samplers);
1043 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteShader (glw::GLuint shader)
1046 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteShader(" << shader << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1047 m_gl.deleteShader(shader);
1050 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteSync (glw::GLsync sync)
1053 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteSync(" << sync << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1054 m_gl.deleteSync(sync);
1057 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteTextures (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *textures)
1060 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteTextures(" << n << ", " << getPointerStr(textures, n) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1061 m_gl.deleteTextures(n, textures);
1064 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteTransformFeedbacks (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *ids)
1067 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(ids))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1068 m_gl.deleteTransformFeedbacks(n, ids);
1071 void CallLogWrapper::glDeleteVertexArrays (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLuint *arrays)
1074 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDeleteVertexArrays(" << n << ", " << getPointerStr(arrays, n) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1075 m_gl.deleteVertexArrays(n, arrays);
1078 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthBoundsEXT (glw::GLclampd zmin, glw::GLclampd zmax)
1081 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthBoundsEXT(" << zmin << ", " << zmax << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1082 m_gl.depthBoundsEXT(zmin, zmax);
1085 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthFunc (glw::GLenum func)
1088 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthFunc(" << getCompareFuncStr(func) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1089 m_gl.depthFunc(func);
1092 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthMask (glw::GLboolean flag)
1095 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthMask(" << getBooleanStr(flag) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1096 m_gl.depthMask(flag);
1099 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthRange (glw::GLdouble n, glw::GLdouble f)
1102 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthRange(" << n << ", " << f << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1103 m_gl.depthRange(n, f);
1106 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthRangeArrayfvOES (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *v)
1109 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthRangeArrayfvOES(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1110 m_gl.depthRangeArrayfvOES(first, count, v);
1113 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthRangeArrayv (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *v)
1116 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthRangeArrayv(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1117 m_gl.depthRangeArrayv(first, count, v);
1120 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthRangeIndexed (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble n, glw::GLdouble f)
1123 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthRangeIndexed(" << index << ", " << n << ", " << f << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1124 m_gl.depthRangeIndexed(index, n, f);
1127 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthRangeIndexedfOES (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat n, glw::GLfloat f)
1130 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthRangeIndexedfOES(" << index << ", " << n << ", " << f << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1131 m_gl.depthRangeIndexedfOES(index, n, f);
1134 void CallLogWrapper::glDepthRangef (glw::GLfloat n, glw::GLfloat f)
1137 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDepthRangef(" << n << ", " << f << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1138 m_gl.depthRangef(n, f);
1141 void CallLogWrapper::glDetachShader (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint shader)
1144 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDetachShader(" << program << ", " << shader << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1145 m_gl.detachShader(program, shader);
1148 void CallLogWrapper::glDisable (glw::GLenum cap)
1151 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisable(" << getEnableCapStr(cap) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1155 void CallLogWrapper::glDisableClientStateIndexedEXT (glw::GLenum array, glw::GLuint index)
1158 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisableClientStateIndexedEXT(" << toHex(array) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1159 m_gl.disableClientStateIndexedEXT(array, index);
1162 void CallLogWrapper::glDisableClientStateiEXT (glw::GLenum array, glw::GLuint index)
1165 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisableClientStateiEXT(" << toHex(array) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1166 m_gl.disableClientStateiEXT(array, index);
1169 void CallLogWrapper::glDisableVertexArrayAttrib (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index)
1172 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisableVertexArrayAttrib(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1173 m_gl.disableVertexArrayAttrib(vaobj, index);
1176 void CallLogWrapper::glDisableVertexArrayAttribEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index)
1179 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisableVertexArrayAttribEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1180 m_gl.disableVertexArrayAttribEXT(vaobj, index);
1183 void CallLogWrapper::glDisableVertexArrayEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLenum array)
1186 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisableVertexArrayEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << toHex(array) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1187 m_gl.disableVertexArrayEXT(vaobj, array);
1190 void CallLogWrapper::glDisableVertexAttribArray (glw::GLuint index)
1193 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisableVertexAttribArray(" << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1194 m_gl.disableVertexAttribArray(index);
1197 void CallLogWrapper::glDisablei (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index)
1200 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDisablei(" << getIndexedEnableCapStr(target) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1201 m_gl.disablei(target, index);
1204 void CallLogWrapper::glDispatchCompute (glw::GLuint num_groups_x, glw::GLuint num_groups_y, glw::GLuint num_groups_z)
1207 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDispatchCompute(" << num_groups_x << ", " << num_groups_y << ", " << num_groups_z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1208 m_gl.dispatchCompute(num_groups_x, num_groups_y, num_groups_z);
1211 void CallLogWrapper::glDispatchComputeIndirect (glw::GLintptr indirect)
1214 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDispatchComputeIndirect(" << indirect << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1215 m_gl.dispatchComputeIndirect(indirect);
1218 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawArrays (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLint first, glw::GLsizei count)
1221 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawArrays(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << first << ", " << count << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1222 m_gl.drawArrays(mode, first, count);
1225 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawArraysIndirect (glw::GLenum mode, const void *indirect)
1228 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawArraysIndirect(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << indirect << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1229 m_gl.drawArraysIndirect(mode, indirect);
1232 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawArraysInstanced (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLint first, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLsizei instancecount)
1235 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawArraysInstanced(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << first << ", " << count << ", " << instancecount << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1236 m_gl.drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instancecount);
1239 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLint first, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLsizei instancecount, glw::GLuint baseinstance)
1242 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << first << ", " << count << ", " << instancecount << ", " << baseinstance << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1243 m_gl.drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(mode, first, count, instancecount, baseinstance);
1246 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawBuffer (glw::GLenum buf)
1249 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawBuffer(" << toHex(buf) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1250 m_gl.drawBuffer(buf);
1253 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawBuffers (glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLenum *bufs)
1256 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawBuffers(" << n << ", " << getEnumPointerStr(bufs, n, getDrawReadBufferName) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1257 m_gl.drawBuffers(n, bufs);
1260 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawElements (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices)
1263 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawElements(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << count << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << indices << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1264 m_gl.drawElements(mode, count, type, indices);
1267 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawElementsBaseVertex (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices, glw::GLint basevertex)
1270 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawElementsBaseVertex(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << count << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << indices << ", " << basevertex << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1271 m_gl.drawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, basevertex);
1274 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawElementsIndirect (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLenum type, const void *indirect)
1277 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawElementsIndirect(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << indirect << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1278 m_gl.drawElementsIndirect(mode, type, indirect);
1281 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawElementsInstanced (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices, glw::GLsizei instancecount)
1284 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawElementsInstanced(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << count << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << indices << ", " << instancecount << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1285 m_gl.drawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, indices, instancecount);
1288 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices, glw::GLsizei instancecount, glw::GLuint baseinstance)
1291 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << indices << ", " << instancecount << ", " << baseinstance << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1292 m_gl.drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(mode, count, type, indices, instancecount, baseinstance);
1295 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices, glw::GLsizei instancecount, glw::GLint basevertex)
1298 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << count << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << indices << ", " << instancecount << ", " << basevertex << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1299 m_gl.drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, instancecount, basevertex);
1302 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices, glw::GLsizei instancecount, glw::GLint basevertex, glw::GLuint baseinstance)
1305 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << indices << ", " << instancecount << ", " << basevertex << ", " << baseinstance << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1306 m_gl.drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(mode, count, type, indices, instancecount, basevertex, baseinstance);
1309 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawRangeElements (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLuint start, glw::GLuint end, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices)
1312 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawRangeElements(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << start << ", " << end << ", " << count << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << indices << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1313 m_gl.drawRangeElements(mode, start, end, count, type, indices);
1316 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLuint start, glw::GLuint end, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLenum type, const void *indices, glw::GLint basevertex)
1319 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << start << ", " << end << ", " << count << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << indices << ", " << basevertex << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1320 m_gl.drawRangeElementsBaseVertex(mode, start, end, count, type, indices, basevertex);
1323 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawTransformFeedback (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLuint id)
1326 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawTransformFeedback(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << id << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1327 m_gl.drawTransformFeedback(mode, id);
1330 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLsizei instancecount)
1333 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << id << ", " << instancecount << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1334 m_gl.drawTransformFeedbackInstanced(mode, id, instancecount);
1337 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawTransformFeedbackStream (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLuint stream)
1340 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << id << ", " << stream << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1341 m_gl.drawTransformFeedbackStream(mode, id, stream);
1344 void CallLogWrapper::glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLuint stream, glw::GLsizei instancecount)
1347 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << id << ", " << stream << ", " << instancecount << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1348 m_gl.drawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(mode, id, stream, instancecount);
1351 void CallLogWrapper::glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLeglImageOES image)
1354 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << image << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1355 m_gl.eglImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(target, image);
1358 void CallLogWrapper::glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLeglImageOES image)
1361 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << image << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1362 m_gl.eglImageTargetTexture2DOES(target, image);
1365 void CallLogWrapper::glEnable (glw::GLenum cap)
1368 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnable(" << getEnableCapStr(cap) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1372 void CallLogWrapper::glEnableClientStateIndexedEXT (glw::GLenum array, glw::GLuint index)
1375 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnableClientStateIndexedEXT(" << toHex(array) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1376 m_gl.enableClientStateIndexedEXT(array, index);
1379 void CallLogWrapper::glEnableClientStateiEXT (glw::GLenum array, glw::GLuint index)
1382 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnableClientStateiEXT(" << toHex(array) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1383 m_gl.enableClientStateiEXT(array, index);
1386 void CallLogWrapper::glEnableVertexArrayAttrib (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index)
1389 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1390 m_gl.enableVertexArrayAttrib(vaobj, index);
1393 void CallLogWrapper::glEnableVertexArrayAttribEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index)
1396 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnableVertexArrayAttribEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1397 m_gl.enableVertexArrayAttribEXT(vaobj, index);
1400 void CallLogWrapper::glEnableVertexArrayEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLenum array)
1403 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnableVertexArrayEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << toHex(array) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1404 m_gl.enableVertexArrayEXT(vaobj, array);
1407 void CallLogWrapper::glEnableVertexAttribArray (glw::GLuint index)
1410 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnableVertexAttribArray(" << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1411 m_gl.enableVertexAttribArray(index);
1414 void CallLogWrapper::glEnablei (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index)
1417 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEnablei(" << getIndexedEnableCapStr(target) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1418 m_gl.enablei(target, index);
1421 void CallLogWrapper::glEndConditionalRender (void)
1424 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEndConditionalRender(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1425 m_gl.endConditionalRender();
1428 void CallLogWrapper::glEndQuery (glw::GLenum target)
1431 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEndQuery(" << getQueryTargetStr(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1432 m_gl.endQuery(target);
1435 void CallLogWrapper::glEndQueryIndexed (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index)
1438 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEndQueryIndexed(" << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1439 m_gl.endQueryIndexed(target, index);
1442 void CallLogWrapper::glEndTransformFeedback (void)
1445 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glEndTransformFeedback(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1446 m_gl.endTransformFeedback();
1449 glw::GLsync CallLogWrapper::glFenceSync (glw::GLenum condition, glw::GLbitfield flags)
1452 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFenceSync(" << toHex(condition) << ", " << toHex(flags) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1453 glw::GLsync returnValue = m_gl.fenceSync(condition, flags);
1455 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1459 void CallLogWrapper::glFinish (void)
1462 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFinish(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1466 void CallLogWrapper::glFlush (void)
1469 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFlush(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1473 void CallLogWrapper::glFlushMappedBufferRange (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr length)
1476 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFlushMappedBufferRange(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << offset << ", " << length << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1477 m_gl.flushMappedBufferRange(target, offset, length);
1480 void CallLogWrapper::glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr length)
1483 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << length << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1484 m_gl.flushMappedNamedBufferRange(buffer, offset, length);
1487 void CallLogWrapper::glFlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr length)
1490 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << length << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1491 m_gl.flushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT(buffer, offset, length);
1494 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferDrawBufferEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum mode)
1497 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferDrawBufferEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1498 m_gl.framebufferDrawBufferEXT(framebuffer, mode);
1501 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferDrawBuffersEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLenum *bufs)
1504 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferDrawBuffersEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(bufs))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1505 m_gl.framebufferDrawBuffersEXT(framebuffer, n, bufs);
1508 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferParameteri (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
1511 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferParameteri(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getFramebufferParameterStr(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1512 m_gl.framebufferParameteri(target, pname, param);
1515 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferReadBufferEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum mode)
1518 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferReadBufferEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1519 m_gl.framebufferReadBufferEXT(framebuffer, mode);
1522 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferRenderbuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum renderbuffertarget, glw::GLuint renderbuffer)
1525 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferRenderbuffer(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getFramebufferAttachmentStr(attachment) << ", " << getFramebufferTargetStr(renderbuffertarget) << ", " << renderbuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1526 m_gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer);
1529 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTexture (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
1532 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTexture(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getFramebufferAttachmentStr(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1533 m_gl.framebufferTexture(target, attachment, texture, level);
1536 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTexture1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
1539 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTexture1D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1540 m_gl.framebufferTexture1D(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level);
1543 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTexture2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
1546 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTexture2D(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getFramebufferAttachmentStr(attachment) << ", " << getTextureTargetStr(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1547 m_gl.framebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level);
1550 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLsizei samples)
1553 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << samples << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1554 m_gl.framebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, samples);
1557 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTexture3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint zoffset)
1560 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTexture3D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << zoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1561 m_gl.framebufferTexture3D(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset);
1564 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTexture3DOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint zoffset)
1567 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTexture3DOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << zoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1568 m_gl.framebufferTexture3DOES(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset);
1571 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTextureLayer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint layer)
1574 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTextureLayer(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getFramebufferAttachmentStr(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << layer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1575 m_gl.framebufferTextureLayer(target, attachment, texture, level, layer);
1578 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLint baseViewIndex, glw::GLsizei numViews)
1581 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << samples << ", " << baseViewIndex << ", " << numViews << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1582 m_gl.framebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR(target, attachment, texture, level, samples, baseViewIndex, numViews);
1585 void CallLogWrapper::glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint baseViewIndex, glw::GLsizei numViews)
1588 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << baseViewIndex << ", " << numViews << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1589 m_gl.framebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(target, attachment, texture, level, baseViewIndex, numViews);
1592 void CallLogWrapper::glFrontFace (glw::GLenum mode)
1595 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glFrontFace(" << getWindingStr(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1596 m_gl.frontFace(mode);
1599 void CallLogWrapper::glGenBuffers (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *buffers)
1602 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenBuffers(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(buffers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1603 m_gl.genBuffers(n, buffers);
1605 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// buffers = " << getPointerStr(buffers, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1608 void CallLogWrapper::glGenFramebuffers (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *framebuffers)
1611 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenFramebuffers(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(framebuffers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1612 m_gl.genFramebuffers(n, framebuffers);
1614 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// framebuffers = " << getPointerStr(framebuffers, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1617 void CallLogWrapper::glGenProgramPipelines (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *pipelines)
1620 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenProgramPipelines(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(pipelines))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1621 m_gl.genProgramPipelines(n, pipelines);
1623 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// pipelines = " << getPointerStr(pipelines, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1626 void CallLogWrapper::glGenQueries (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *ids)
1629 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenQueries(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(ids))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1630 m_gl.genQueries(n, ids);
1632 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// ids = " << getPointerStr(ids, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1635 void CallLogWrapper::glGenRenderbuffers (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *renderbuffers)
1638 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenRenderbuffers(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(renderbuffers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1639 m_gl.genRenderbuffers(n, renderbuffers);
1641 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// renderbuffers = " << getPointerStr(renderbuffers, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1644 void CallLogWrapper::glGenSamplers (glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLuint *samplers)
1647 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenSamplers(" << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(samplers))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1648 m_gl.genSamplers(count, samplers);
1651 void CallLogWrapper::glGenTextures (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *textures)
1654 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenTextures(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(textures))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1655 m_gl.genTextures(n, textures);
1657 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// textures = " << getPointerStr(textures, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1660 void CallLogWrapper::glGenTransformFeedbacks (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *ids)
1663 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenTransformFeedbacks(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(ids))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1664 m_gl.genTransformFeedbacks(n, ids);
1666 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// ids = " << getPointerStr(ids, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1669 void CallLogWrapper::glGenVertexArrays (glw::GLsizei n, glw::GLuint *arrays)
1672 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenVertexArrays(" << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(arrays))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1673 m_gl.genVertexArrays(n, arrays);
1675 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// arrays = " << getPointerStr(arrays, n) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1678 void CallLogWrapper::glGenerateMipmap (glw::GLenum target)
1681 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenerateMipmap(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1682 m_gl.generateMipmap(target);
1685 void CallLogWrapper::glGenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target)
1688 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1689 m_gl.generateMultiTexMipmapEXT(texunit, target);
1692 void CallLogWrapper::glGenerateTextureMipmap (glw::GLuint texture)
1695 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenerateTextureMipmap(" << texture << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1696 m_gl.generateTextureMipmap(texture);
1699 void CallLogWrapper::glGenerateTextureMipmapEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target)
1702 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGenerateTextureMipmapEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1703 m_gl.generateTextureMipmapEXT(texture, target);
1706 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint bufferIndex, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
1709 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv(" << program << ", " << bufferIndex << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1710 m_gl.getActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv(program, bufferIndex, pname, params);
1713 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveAttrib (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLint *size, glw::GLenum *type, glw::GLchar *name)
1716 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveAttrib(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(size))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(type))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(name))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1717 m_gl.getActiveAttrib(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name);
1720 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveSubroutineName (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum shadertype, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei bufsize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *name)
1723 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveSubroutineName(" << program << ", " << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << index << ", " << bufsize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(name))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1724 m_gl.getActiveSubroutineName(program, shadertype, index, bufsize, length, name);
1727 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum shadertype, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei bufsize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *name)
1730 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName(" << program << ", " << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << index << ", " << bufsize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(name))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1731 m_gl.getActiveSubroutineUniformName(program, shadertype, index, bufsize, length, name);
1734 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum shadertype, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *values)
1737 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv(" << program << ", " << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(values))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1738 m_gl.getActiveSubroutineUniformiv(program, shadertype, index, pname, values);
1741 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveUniform (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLint *size, glw::GLenum *type, glw::GLchar *name)
1744 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveUniform(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(size))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(type))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(name))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1745 m_gl.getActiveUniform(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name);
1748 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// length = " << getPointerStr(length, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1749 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// size = " << getPointerStr(size, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1750 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// type = " << getEnumPointerStr(type, 1, getShaderVarTypeName) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1751 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// name = " << getStringStr(name) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1755 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveUniformBlockName (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint uniformBlockIndex, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *uniformBlockName)
1758 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveUniformBlockName(" << program << ", " << uniformBlockIndex << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(uniformBlockName))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1759 m_gl.getActiveUniformBlockName(program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName);
1762 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveUniformBlockiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint uniformBlockIndex, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
1765 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(" << program << ", " << uniformBlockIndex << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1766 m_gl.getActiveUniformBlockiv(program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, params);
1769 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveUniformName (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint uniformIndex, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *uniformName)
1772 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveUniformName(" << program << ", " << uniformIndex << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(uniformName))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1773 m_gl.getActiveUniformName(program, uniformIndex, bufSize, length, uniformName);
1776 void CallLogWrapper::glGetActiveUniformsiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLsizei uniformCount, const glw::GLuint *uniformIndices, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
1779 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetActiveUniformsiv(" << program << ", " << uniformCount << ", " << getPointerStr(uniformIndices, uniformCount) << ", " << getUniformParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1780 m_gl.getActiveUniformsiv(program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname, params);
1782 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, uniformCount) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1785 void CallLogWrapper::glGetAttachedShaders (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLsizei maxCount, glw::GLsizei *count, glw::GLuint *shaders)
1788 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetAttachedShaders(" << program << ", " << maxCount << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(count))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(shaders))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1789 m_gl.getAttachedShaders(program, maxCount, count, shaders);
1792 glw::GLint CallLogWrapper::glGetAttribLocation (glw::GLuint program, const glw::GLchar *name)
1795 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetAttribLocation(" << program << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1796 glw::GLint returnValue = m_gl.getAttribLocation(program, name);
1798 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1802 void CallLogWrapper::glGetBooleani_v (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLboolean *data)
1805 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetBooleani_v(" << getGettableIndexedStateStr(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1806 m_gl.getBooleani_v(target, index, data);
1808 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// data = " << getBooleanPointerStr(data, getIndexedQueryNumArgsOut(target)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1811 void CallLogWrapper::glGetBooleanv (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLboolean *data)
1814 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetBooleanv(" << getGettableStateStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1815 m_gl.getBooleanv(pname, data);
1817 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// data = " << getBooleanPointerStr(data, getBasicQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1820 void CallLogWrapper::glGetBufferParameteri64v (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint64 *params)
1823 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetBufferParameteri64v(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getBufferQueryStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1824 m_gl.getBufferParameteri64v(target, pname, params);
1827 void CallLogWrapper::glGetBufferParameteriv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
1830 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetBufferParameteriv(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getBufferQueryStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1831 m_gl.getBufferParameteriv(target, pname, params);
1834 void CallLogWrapper::glGetBufferPointerv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, void **params)
1837 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetBufferPointerv(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1838 m_gl.getBufferPointerv(target, pname, params);
1841 void CallLogWrapper::glGetBufferSubData (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, void *data)
1844 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetBufferSubData(" << toHex(target) << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1845 m_gl.getBufferSubData(target, offset, size, data);
1848 void CallLogWrapper::glGetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint lod, void *img)
1851 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << lod << ", " << img << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1852 m_gl.getCompressedMultiTexImageEXT(texunit, target, lod, img);
1855 void CallLogWrapper::glGetCompressedTexImage (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, void *img)
1858 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetCompressedTexImage(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << img << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1859 m_gl.getCompressedTexImage(target, level, img);
1862 void CallLogWrapper::glGetCompressedTextureImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLsizei bufSize, void *pixels)
1865 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetCompressedTextureImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << bufSize << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1866 m_gl.getCompressedTextureImage(texture, level, bufSize, pixels);
1869 void CallLogWrapper::glGetCompressedTextureImageEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint lod, void *img)
1872 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetCompressedTextureImageEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << lod << ", " << img << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1873 m_gl.getCompressedTextureImageEXT(texture, target, lod, img);
1876 void CallLogWrapper::glGetCompressedTextureSubImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLsizei bufSize, void *pixels)
1879 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetCompressedTextureSubImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << bufSize << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1880 m_gl.getCompressedTextureSubImage(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, bufSize, pixels);
1883 glw::GLuint CallLogWrapper::glGetDebugMessageLog (glw::GLuint count, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLenum *sources, glw::GLenum *types, glw::GLuint *ids, glw::GLenum *severities, glw::GLsizei *lengths, glw::GLchar *messageLog)
1886 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetDebugMessageLog(" << count << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(sources))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(types))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(ids))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(severities))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(lengths))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(messageLog))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1887 glw::GLuint returnValue = m_gl.getDebugMessageLog(count, bufSize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog);
1889 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1893 void CallLogWrapper::glGetDoublei_v (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble *data)
1896 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetDoublei_v(" << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1897 m_gl.getDoublei_v(target, index, data);
1900 void CallLogWrapper::glGetDoublev (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLdouble *data)
1903 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetDoublev(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1904 m_gl.getDoublev(pname, data);
1907 glw::GLenum CallLogWrapper::glGetError (void)
1910 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetError(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1911 glw::GLenum returnValue = m_gl.getError();
1913 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getErrorStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1917 void CallLogWrapper::glGetFloati_v (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat *data)
1920 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetFloati_v(" << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1921 m_gl.getFloati_v(target, index, data);
1924 void CallLogWrapper::glGetFloatv (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *data)
1927 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetFloatv(" << getGettableStateStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1928 m_gl.getFloatv(pname, data);
1930 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// data = " << getPointerStr(data, getBasicQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1933 glw::GLint CallLogWrapper::glGetFragDataIndex (glw::GLuint program, const glw::GLchar *name)
1936 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetFragDataIndex(" << program << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1937 glw::GLint returnValue = m_gl.getFragDataIndex(program, name);
1939 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1943 glw::GLint CallLogWrapper::glGetFragDataLocation (glw::GLuint program, const glw::GLchar *name)
1946 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetFragDataLocation(" << program << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1947 glw::GLint returnValue = m_gl.getFragDataLocation(program, name);
1949 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1953 void CallLogWrapper::glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
1956 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getFramebufferAttachmentStr(attachment) << ", " << getFramebufferAttachmentParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1957 m_gl.getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(target, attachment, pname, params);
1959 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getFramebufferAttachmentParameterValueStr(pname, params) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1962 void CallLogWrapper::glGetFramebufferParameteriv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
1965 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetFramebufferParameteriv(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getFramebufferParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1966 m_gl.getFramebufferParameteriv(target, pname, params);
1968 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1971 void CallLogWrapper::glGetFramebufferParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
1974 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetFramebufferParameterivEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1975 m_gl.getFramebufferParameterivEXT(framebuffer, pname, params);
1978 glw::GLenum CallLogWrapper::glGetGraphicsResetStatus (void)
1981 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetGraphicsResetStatus(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1982 glw::GLenum returnValue = m_gl.getGraphicsResetStatus();
1984 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << toHex(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1988 void CallLogWrapper::glGetInteger64i_v (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint64 *data)
1991 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetInteger64i_v(" << getGettableIndexedStateStr(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
1992 m_gl.getInteger64i_v(target, index, data);
1994 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// data = " << getPointerStr(data, getIndexedQueryNumArgsOut(target)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
1997 void CallLogWrapper::glGetInteger64v (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint64 *data)
2000 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetInteger64v(" << getGettableStateStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2001 m_gl.getInteger64v(pname, data);
2003 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// data = " << getPointerStr(data, getBasicQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2006 void CallLogWrapper::glGetIntegeri_v (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint *data)
2009 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetIntegeri_v(" << getGettableIndexedStateStr(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2010 m_gl.getIntegeri_v(target, index, data);
2012 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// data = " << getPointerStr(data, getIndexedQueryNumArgsOut(target)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2015 void CallLogWrapper::glGetIntegerv (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *data)
2018 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetIntegerv(" << getGettableStateStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2019 m_gl.getIntegerv(pname, data);
2021 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// data = " << getPointerStr(data, getBasicQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2024 void CallLogWrapper::glGetInternalformatSampleivNV (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLint *params)
2027 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetInternalformatSampleivNV(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2028 m_gl.getInternalformatSampleivNV(target, internalformat, samples, pname, bufSize, params);
2031 void CallLogWrapper::glGetInternalformati64v (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLint64 *params)
2034 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetInternalformati64v(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2035 m_gl.getInternalformati64v(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params);
2038 void CallLogWrapper::glGetInternalformativ (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLint *params)
2041 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetInternalformativ(" << getInternalFormatTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << getInternalFormatParameterStr(pname) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2042 m_gl.getInternalformativ(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params);
2044 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, bufSize) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2047 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexEnvfvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2050 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexEnvfvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2051 m_gl.getMultiTexEnvfvEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
2054 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexEnvivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2057 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexEnvivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2058 m_gl.getMultiTexEnvivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
2061 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexGendvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLdouble *params)
2064 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexGendvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2065 m_gl.getMultiTexGendvEXT(texunit, coord, pname, params);
2068 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexGenfvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2071 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexGenfvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2072 m_gl.getMultiTexGenfvEXT(texunit, coord, pname, params);
2075 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexGenivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2078 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexGenivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2079 m_gl.getMultiTexGenivEXT(texunit, coord, pname, params);
2082 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexImageEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, void *pixels)
2085 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexImageEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2086 m_gl.getMultiTexImageEXT(texunit, target, level, format, type, pixels);
2089 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2092 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2093 m_gl.getMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT(texunit, target, level, pname, params);
2096 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2099 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2100 m_gl.getMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT(texunit, target, level, pname, params);
2103 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexParameterIivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2106 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexParameterIivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2107 m_gl.getMultiTexParameterIivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
2110 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
2113 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2114 m_gl.getMultiTexParameterIuivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
2117 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexParameterfvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2120 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexParameterfvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2121 m_gl.getMultiTexParameterfvEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
2124 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultiTexParameterivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2127 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultiTexParameterivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2128 m_gl.getMultiTexParameterivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
2131 void CallLogWrapper::glGetMultisamplefv (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat *val)
2134 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetMultisamplefv(" << getMultisampleParameterStr(pname) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(val))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2135 m_gl.getMultisamplefv(pname, index, val);
2137 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// val = " << getPointerStr(val, 2) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2140 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint64 *params)
2143 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2144 m_gl.getNamedBufferParameteri64v(buffer, pname, params);
2147 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedBufferParameteriv (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2150 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedBufferParameteriv(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2151 m_gl.getNamedBufferParameteriv(buffer, pname, params);
2154 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2157 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2158 m_gl.getNamedBufferParameterivEXT(buffer, pname, params);
2161 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedBufferPointerv (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, void **params)
2164 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedBufferPointerv(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2165 m_gl.getNamedBufferPointerv(buffer, pname, params);
2168 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, void **params)
2171 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedBufferPointervEXT(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2172 m_gl.getNamedBufferPointervEXT(buffer, pname, params);
2175 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedBufferSubData (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, void *data)
2178 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedBufferSubData(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2179 m_gl.getNamedBufferSubData(buffer, offset, size, data);
2182 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedBufferSubDataEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, void *data)
2185 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedBufferSubDataEXT(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2186 m_gl.getNamedBufferSubDataEXT(buffer, offset, size, data);
2189 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2192 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2193 m_gl.getNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(framebuffer, attachment, pname, params);
2196 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2199 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2200 m_gl.getNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(framebuffer, attachment, pname, params);
2203 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *param)
2206 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2207 m_gl.getNamedFramebufferParameteriv(framebuffer, pname, param);
2210 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2213 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2214 m_gl.getNamedFramebufferParameterivEXT(framebuffer, pname, params);
2217 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint *params)
2220 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2221 m_gl.getNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT(program, target, index, params);
2224 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint *params)
2227 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2228 m_gl.getNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT(program, target, index, params);
2231 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble *params)
2234 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2235 m_gl.getNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT(program, target, index, params);
2238 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat *params)
2241 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2242 m_gl.getNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT(program, target, index, params);
2245 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedProgramStringEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, void *string)
2248 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedProgramStringEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << string << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2249 m_gl.getNamedProgramStringEXT(program, target, pname, string);
2252 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedProgramivEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2255 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedProgramivEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2256 m_gl.getNamedProgramivEXT(program, target, pname, params);
2259 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv (glw::GLuint renderbuffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2262 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv(" << renderbuffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2263 m_gl.getNamedRenderbufferParameteriv(renderbuffer, pname, params);
2266 void CallLogWrapper::glGetNamedRenderbufferParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint renderbuffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2269 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetNamedRenderbufferParameterivEXT(" << renderbuffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2270 m_gl.getNamedRenderbufferParameterivEXT(renderbuffer, pname, params);
2273 void CallLogWrapper::glGetObjectLabel (glw::GLenum identifier, glw::GLuint name, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *label)
2276 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetObjectLabel(" << toHex(identifier) << ", " << name << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(label))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2277 m_gl.getObjectLabel(identifier, name, bufSize, length, label);
2280 void CallLogWrapper::glGetObjectPtrLabel (const void *ptr, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *label)
2283 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetObjectPtrLabel(" << ptr << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(label))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2284 m_gl.getObjectPtrLabel(ptr, bufSize, length, label);
2287 void CallLogWrapper::glGetPointerIndexedvEXT (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, void **data)
2290 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetPointerIndexedvEXT(" << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(data))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2291 m_gl.getPointerIndexedvEXT(target, index, data);
2294 void CallLogWrapper::glGetPointeri_vEXT (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint index, void **params)
2297 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetPointeri_vEXT(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2298 m_gl.getPointeri_vEXT(pname, index, params);
2301 void CallLogWrapper::glGetPointerv (glw::GLenum pname, void **params)
2304 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetPointerv(" << getPointerStateStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2305 m_gl.getPointerv(pname, params);
2307 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2310 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramBinary (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLenum *binaryFormat, void *binary)
2313 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramBinary(" << program << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(binaryFormat))) << ", " << binary << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2314 m_gl.getProgramBinary(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary);
2317 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramInfoLog (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *infoLog)
2320 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramInfoLog(" << program << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(infoLog))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2321 m_gl.getProgramInfoLog(program, bufSize, length, infoLog);
2323 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// length = " << getPointerStr(length, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2326 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramInterfaceiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum programInterface, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2329 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramInterfaceiv(" << program << ", " << toHex(programInterface) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2330 m_gl.getProgramInterfaceiv(program, programInterface, pname, params);
2333 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog (glw::GLuint pipeline, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *infoLog)
2336 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog(" << pipeline << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(infoLog))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2337 m_gl.getProgramPipelineInfoLog(pipeline, bufSize, length, infoLog);
2339 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// length = " << getPointerStr(length, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2342 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramPipelineiv (glw::GLuint pipeline, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2345 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramPipelineiv(" << pipeline << ", " << getPipelineParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2346 m_gl.getProgramPipelineiv(pipeline, pname, params);
2348 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2351 glw::GLuint CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramResourceIndex (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum programInterface, const glw::GLchar *name)
2354 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramResourceIndex(" << program << ", " << getProgramInterfaceStr(programInterface) << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2355 glw::GLuint returnValue = m_gl.getProgramResourceIndex(program, programInterface, name);
2357 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2361 glw::GLint CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramResourceLocation (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum programInterface, const glw::GLchar *name)
2364 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramResourceLocation(" << program << ", " << toHex(programInterface) << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2365 glw::GLint returnValue = m_gl.getProgramResourceLocation(program, programInterface, name);
2367 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2371 glw::GLint CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum programInterface, const glw::GLchar *name)
2374 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex(" << program << ", " << toHex(programInterface) << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2375 glw::GLint returnValue = m_gl.getProgramResourceLocationIndex(program, programInterface, name);
2377 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2381 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramResourceName (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum programInterface, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *name)
2384 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramResourceName(" << program << ", " << toHex(programInterface) << ", " << index << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(name))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2385 m_gl.getProgramResourceName(program, programInterface, index, bufSize, length, name);
2388 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramResourceiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum programInterface, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei propCount, const glw::GLenum *props, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLint *params)
2391 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramResourceiv(" << program << ", " << getProgramInterfaceStr(programInterface) << ", " << index << ", " << propCount << ", " << getEnumPointerStr(props, propCount, getProgramResourcePropertyName) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2392 m_gl.getProgramResourceiv(program, programInterface, index, propCount, props, bufSize, length, params);
2395 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// length = " << getPointerStr(length, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2396 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, ((length == DE_NULL) ? (bufSize) : ((bufSize < *length) ? (bufSize) : (*length)))) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2400 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramStageiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum shadertype, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *values)
2403 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramStageiv(" << program << ", " << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(values))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2404 m_gl.getProgramStageiv(program, shadertype, pname, values);
2407 void CallLogWrapper::glGetProgramiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2410 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetProgramiv(" << program << ", " << getProgramParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2411 m_gl.getProgramiv(program, pname, params);
2413 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getProgramQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2416 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLintptr offset)
2419 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v(" << id << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2420 m_gl.getQueryBufferObjecti64v(id, buffer, pname, offset);
2423 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryBufferObjectiv (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLintptr offset)
2426 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryBufferObjectiv(" << id << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2427 m_gl.getQueryBufferObjectiv(id, buffer, pname, offset);
2430 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLintptr offset)
2433 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v(" << id << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2434 m_gl.getQueryBufferObjectui64v(id, buffer, pname, offset);
2437 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLintptr offset)
2440 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv(" << id << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2441 m_gl.getQueryBufferObjectuiv(id, buffer, pname, offset);
2444 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryIndexediv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2447 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryIndexediv(" << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2448 m_gl.getQueryIndexediv(target, index, pname, params);
2451 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryObjecti64v (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint64 *params)
2454 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryObjecti64v(" << id << ", " << getQueryObjectParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2455 m_gl.getQueryObjecti64v(id, pname, params);
2457 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2460 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryObjectiv (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2463 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryObjectiv(" << id << ", " << getQueryObjectParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2464 m_gl.getQueryObjectiv(id, pname, params);
2466 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2469 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryObjectui64v (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint64 *params)
2472 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryObjectui64v(" << id << ", " << getQueryObjectParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2473 m_gl.getQueryObjectui64v(id, pname, params);
2475 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2478 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryObjectuiv (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
2481 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryObjectuiv(" << id << ", " << getQueryObjectParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2482 m_gl.getQueryObjectuiv(id, pname, params);
2484 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2487 void CallLogWrapper::glGetQueryiv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2490 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetQueryiv(" << getQueryTargetStr(target) << ", " << getQueryParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2491 m_gl.getQueryiv(target, pname, params);
2493 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2496 void CallLogWrapper::glGetRenderbufferParameteriv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2499 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getRenderbufferParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2500 m_gl.getRenderbufferParameteriv(target, pname, params);
2503 void CallLogWrapper::glGetSamplerParameterIiv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2506 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetSamplerParameterIiv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2507 m_gl.getSamplerParameterIiv(sampler, pname, params);
2509 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2512 void CallLogWrapper::glGetSamplerParameterIuiv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
2515 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2516 m_gl.getSamplerParameterIuiv(sampler, pname, params);
2518 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2521 void CallLogWrapper::glGetSamplerParameterfv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2524 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetSamplerParameterfv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2525 m_gl.getSamplerParameterfv(sampler, pname, params);
2527 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2530 void CallLogWrapper::glGetSamplerParameteriv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2533 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetSamplerParameteriv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2534 m_gl.getSamplerParameteriv(sampler, pname, params);
2536 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2539 void CallLogWrapper::glGetShaderInfoLog (glw::GLuint shader, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *infoLog)
2542 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetShaderInfoLog(" << shader << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(infoLog))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2543 m_gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader, bufSize, length, infoLog);
2545 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// length = " << getPointerStr(length, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2548 void CallLogWrapper::glGetShaderPrecisionFormat (glw::GLenum shadertype, glw::GLenum precisiontype, glw::GLint *range, glw::GLint *precision)
2551 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(" << getShaderTypeStr(shadertype) << ", " << getPrecisionFormatTypeStr(precisiontype) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(range))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(precision))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2552 m_gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat(shadertype, precisiontype, range, precision);
2555 void CallLogWrapper::glGetShaderSource (glw::GLuint shader, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLchar *source)
2558 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetShaderSource(" << shader << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(source))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2559 m_gl.getShaderSource(shader, bufSize, length, source);
2562 void CallLogWrapper::glGetShaderiv (glw::GLuint shader, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2565 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetShaderiv(" << shader << ", " << getShaderParamStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2566 m_gl.getShaderiv(shader, pname, params);
2568 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2571 const glw::GLubyte * CallLogWrapper::glGetString (glw::GLenum name)
2574 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetString(" << getGettableStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2575 const glw::GLubyte * returnValue = m_gl.getString(name);
2577 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getStringStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2581 const glw::GLubyte * CallLogWrapper::glGetStringi (glw::GLenum name, glw::GLuint index)
2584 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetStringi(" << getGettableStringStr(name) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2585 const glw::GLubyte * returnValue = m_gl.getStringi(name, index);
2587 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getStringStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2591 glw::GLuint CallLogWrapper::glGetSubroutineIndex (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum shadertype, const glw::GLchar *name)
2594 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetSubroutineIndex(" << program << ", " << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2595 glw::GLuint returnValue = m_gl.getSubroutineIndex(program, shadertype, name);
2597 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2601 glw::GLint CallLogWrapper::glGetSubroutineUniformLocation (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum shadertype, const glw::GLchar *name)
2604 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation(" << program << ", " << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2605 glw::GLint returnValue = m_gl.getSubroutineUniformLocation(program, shadertype, name);
2607 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2611 void CallLogWrapper::glGetSynciv (glw::GLsync sync, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLint *values)
2614 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetSynciv(" << sync << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(values))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2615 m_gl.getSynciv(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values);
2618 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTexImage (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, void *pixels)
2621 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTexImage(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2622 m_gl.getTexImage(target, level, format, type, pixels);
2625 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTexLevelParameterfv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2628 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTexLevelParameterfv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getTextureLevelParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2629 m_gl.getTexLevelParameterfv(target, level, pname, params);
2631 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2634 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTexLevelParameteriv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2637 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTexLevelParameteriv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getTextureLevelParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2638 m_gl.getTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, pname, params);
2640 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, 1) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2643 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTexParameterIiv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2646 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTexParameterIiv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2647 m_gl.getTexParameterIiv(target, pname, params);
2649 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2652 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTexParameterIuiv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
2655 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTexParameterIuiv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2656 m_gl.getTexParameterIuiv(target, pname, params);
2658 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2661 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTexParameterfv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2664 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTexParameterfv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2665 m_gl.getTexParameterfv(target, pname, params);
2667 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2670 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTexParameteriv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2673 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTexParameteriv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2674 m_gl.getTexParameteriv(target, pname, params);
2676 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2679 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei bufSize, void *pixels)
2682 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2683 m_gl.getTextureImage(texture, level, format, type, bufSize, pixels);
2686 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureImageEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, void *pixels)
2689 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureImageEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2690 m_gl.getTextureImageEXT(texture, target, level, format, type, pixels);
2693 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureLevelParameterfv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2696 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureLevelParameterfv(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2697 m_gl.getTextureLevelParameterfv(texture, level, pname, params);
2700 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2703 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2704 m_gl.getTextureLevelParameterfvEXT(texture, target, level, pname, params);
2707 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureLevelParameteriv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2710 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureLevelParameteriv(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2711 m_gl.getTextureLevelParameteriv(texture, level, pname, params);
2714 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureLevelParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2717 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureLevelParameterivEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2718 m_gl.getTextureLevelParameterivEXT(texture, target, level, pname, params);
2721 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameterIiv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2724 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameterIiv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2725 m_gl.getTextureParameterIiv(texture, pname, params);
2728 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameterIivEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2731 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameterIivEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2732 m_gl.getTextureParameterIivEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
2735 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameterIuiv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
2738 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameterIuiv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2739 m_gl.getTextureParameterIuiv(texture, pname, params);
2742 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameterIuivEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
2745 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameterIuivEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2746 m_gl.getTextureParameterIuivEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
2749 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameterfv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2752 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameterfv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2753 m_gl.getTextureParameterfv(texture, pname, params);
2756 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameterfvEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2759 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameterfvEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2760 m_gl.getTextureParameterfvEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
2763 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameteriv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2766 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameteriv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2767 m_gl.getTextureParameteriv(texture, pname, params);
2770 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2773 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureParameterivEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2774 m_gl.getTextureParameterivEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
2777 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTextureSubImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei bufSize, void *pixels)
2780 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTextureSubImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2781 m_gl.getTextureSubImage(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, bufSize, pixels);
2784 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTransformFeedbackVarying (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLsizei *length, glw::GLsizei *size, glw::GLenum *type, glw::GLchar *name)
2787 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(" << program << ", " << index << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(size))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(type))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(name))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2788 m_gl.getTransformFeedbackVarying(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name);
2791 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v (glw::GLuint xfb, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint64 *param)
2794 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v(" << xfb << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2795 m_gl.getTransformFeedbacki64_v(xfb, pname, index, param);
2798 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTransformFeedbacki_v (glw::GLuint xfb, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint *param)
2801 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTransformFeedbacki_v(" << xfb << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2802 m_gl.getTransformFeedbacki_v(xfb, pname, index, param);
2805 void CallLogWrapper::glGetTransformFeedbackiv (glw::GLuint xfb, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *param)
2808 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetTransformFeedbackiv(" << xfb << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2809 m_gl.getTransformFeedbackiv(xfb, pname, param);
2812 glw::GLuint CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformBlockIndex (glw::GLuint program, const glw::GLchar *uniformBlockName)
2815 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformBlockIndex(" << program << ", " << getStringStr(uniformBlockName) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2816 glw::GLuint returnValue = m_gl.getUniformBlockIndex(program, uniformBlockName);
2818 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2822 void CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformIndices (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLsizei uniformCount, const glw::GLchar *const*uniformNames, glw::GLuint *uniformIndices)
2825 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformIndices(" << program << ", " << uniformCount << ", " << getPointerStr(uniformNames, uniformCount) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(uniformIndices))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2826 m_gl.getUniformIndices(program, uniformCount, uniformNames, uniformIndices);
2828 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// uniformIndices = " << getPointerStr(uniformIndices, uniformCount) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2831 glw::GLint CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformLocation (glw::GLuint program, const glw::GLchar *name)
2834 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformLocation(" << program << ", " << getStringStr(name) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2835 glw::GLint returnValue = m_gl.getUniformLocation(program, name);
2837 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2841 void CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformSubroutineuiv (glw::GLenum shadertype, glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint *params)
2844 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv(" << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << location << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2845 m_gl.getUniformSubroutineuiv(shadertype, location, params);
2848 void CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformdv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble *params)
2851 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformdv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2852 m_gl.getUniformdv(program, location, params);
2855 void CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformfv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat *params)
2858 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformfv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2859 m_gl.getUniformfv(program, location, params);
2862 void CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLint *params)
2865 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2866 m_gl.getUniformiv(program, location, params);
2869 void CallLogWrapper::glGetUniformuiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint *params)
2872 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetUniformuiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2873 m_gl.getUniformuiv(program, location, params);
2876 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint64 *param)
2879 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2880 m_gl.getVertexArrayIndexed64iv(vaobj, index, pname, param);
2883 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexArrayIndexediv (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *param)
2886 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexArrayIndexediv(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2887 m_gl.getVertexArrayIndexediv(vaobj, index, pname, param);
2890 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *param)
2893 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2894 m_gl.getVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT(vaobj, index, pname, param);
2897 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexArrayIntegervEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *param)
2900 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexArrayIntegervEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2901 m_gl.getVertexArrayIntegervEXT(vaobj, pname, param);
2904 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, void **param)
2907 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2908 m_gl.getVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT(vaobj, index, pname, param);
2911 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexArrayPointervEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLenum pname, void **param)
2914 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexArrayPointervEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2915 m_gl.getVertexArrayPointervEXT(vaobj, pname, param);
2918 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexArrayiv (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *param)
2921 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexArrayiv(" << vaobj << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2922 m_gl.getVertexArrayiv(vaobj, pname, param);
2925 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexAttribIiv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2928 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexAttribIiv(" << index << ", " << getVertexAttribParameterNameStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2929 m_gl.getVertexAttribIiv(index, pname, params);
2931 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getAttributeQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2934 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexAttribIuiv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
2937 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexAttribIuiv(" << index << ", " << getVertexAttribParameterNameStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2938 m_gl.getVertexAttribIuiv(index, pname, params);
2940 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getAttributeQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2943 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexAttribLdv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLdouble *params)
2946 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexAttribLdv(" << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2947 m_gl.getVertexAttribLdv(index, pname, params);
2950 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexAttribPointerv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, void **pointer)
2953 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexAttribPointerv(" << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(pointer))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2954 m_gl.getVertexAttribPointerv(index, pname, pointer);
2957 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexAttribdv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLdouble *params)
2960 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexAttribdv(" << index << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2961 m_gl.getVertexAttribdv(index, pname, params);
2964 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexAttribfv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat *params)
2967 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexAttribfv(" << index << ", " << getVertexAttribParameterNameStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2968 m_gl.getVertexAttribfv(index, pname, params);
2970 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getAttributeQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2973 void CallLogWrapper::glGetVertexAttribiv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
2976 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetVertexAttribiv(" << index << ", " << getVertexAttribParameterNameStr(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2977 m_gl.getVertexAttribiv(index, pname, params);
2979 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, getAttributeQueryNumArgsOut(pname)) << TestLog::EndMessage;
2982 void CallLogWrapper::glGetnCompressedTexImage (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint lod, glw::GLsizei bufSize, void *pixels)
2985 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetnCompressedTexImage(" << toHex(target) << ", " << lod << ", " << bufSize << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2986 m_gl.getnCompressedTexImage(target, lod, bufSize, pixels);
2989 void CallLogWrapper::glGetnTexImage (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei bufSize, void *pixels)
2992 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetnTexImage(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
2993 m_gl.getnTexImage(target, level, format, type, bufSize, pixels);
2996 void CallLogWrapper::glGetnUniformdv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLdouble *params)
2999 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetnUniformdv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3000 m_gl.getnUniformdv(program, location, bufSize, params);
3003 void CallLogWrapper::glGetnUniformfv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLfloat *params)
3006 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetnUniformfv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3007 m_gl.getnUniformfv(program, location, bufSize, params);
3010 void CallLogWrapper::glGetnUniformiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLint *params)
3013 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetnUniformiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3014 m_gl.getnUniformiv(program, location, bufSize, params);
3017 void CallLogWrapper::glGetnUniformuiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLuint *params)
3020 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetnUniformuiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3021 m_gl.getnUniformuiv(program, location, bufSize, params);
3024 void CallLogWrapper::glHint (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum mode)
3027 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glHint(" << getHintStr(target) << ", " << getHintModeStr(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3028 m_gl.hint(target, mode);
3031 void CallLogWrapper::glInsertEventMarkerEXT (glw::GLsizei length, const glw::GLchar *marker)
3034 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInsertEventMarkerEXT(" << length << ", " << getStringStr(marker) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3035 m_gl.insertEventMarkerEXT(length, marker);
3038 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateBufferData (glw::GLuint buffer)
3041 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateBufferData(" << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3042 m_gl.invalidateBufferData(buffer);
3045 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateBufferSubData (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr length)
3048 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateBufferSubData(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << length << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3049 m_gl.invalidateBufferSubData(buffer, offset, length);
3052 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateFramebuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei numAttachments, const glw::GLenum *attachments)
3055 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateFramebuffer(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << numAttachments << ", " << getEnumPointerStr(attachments, numAttachments, getInvalidateAttachmentName) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3056 m_gl.invalidateFramebuffer(target, numAttachments, attachments);
3059 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLsizei numAttachments, const glw::GLenum *attachments)
3062 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData(" << framebuffer << ", " << numAttachments << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(attachments))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3063 m_gl.invalidateNamedFramebufferData(framebuffer, numAttachments, attachments);
3066 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLsizei numAttachments, const glw::GLenum *attachments, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
3069 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(" << framebuffer << ", " << numAttachments << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(attachments))) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3070 m_gl.invalidateNamedFramebufferSubData(framebuffer, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height);
3073 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateSubFramebuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei numAttachments, const glw::GLenum *attachments, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
3076 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << numAttachments << ", " << getEnumPointerStr(attachments, numAttachments, getInvalidateAttachmentName) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3077 m_gl.invalidateSubFramebuffer(target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height);
3080 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateTexImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
3083 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateTexImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3084 m_gl.invalidateTexImage(texture, level);
3087 void CallLogWrapper::glInvalidateTexSubImage (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth)
3090 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glInvalidateTexSubImage(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3091 m_gl.invalidateTexSubImage(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth);
3094 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsBuffer (glw::GLuint buffer)
3097 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsBuffer(" << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3098 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isBuffer(buffer);
3100 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3104 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsEnabled (glw::GLenum cap)
3107 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsEnabled(" << getEnableCapStr(cap) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3108 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isEnabled(cap);
3110 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3114 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsEnabledi (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index)
3117 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsEnabledi(" << getIndexedEnableCapStr(target) << ", " << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3118 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isEnabledi(target, index);
3120 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3124 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsFramebuffer (glw::GLuint framebuffer)
3127 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsFramebuffer(" << framebuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3128 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isFramebuffer(framebuffer);
3130 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3134 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsProgram (glw::GLuint program)
3137 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsProgram(" << program << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3138 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isProgram(program);
3140 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3144 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsProgramPipeline (glw::GLuint pipeline)
3147 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsProgramPipeline(" << pipeline << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3148 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isProgramPipeline(pipeline);
3150 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3154 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsQuery (glw::GLuint id)
3157 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsQuery(" << id << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3158 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isQuery(id);
3160 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3164 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsRenderbuffer (glw::GLuint renderbuffer)
3167 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsRenderbuffer(" << renderbuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3168 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isRenderbuffer(renderbuffer);
3170 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3174 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsSampler (glw::GLuint sampler)
3177 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsSampler(" << sampler << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3178 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isSampler(sampler);
3180 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3184 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsShader (glw::GLuint shader)
3187 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsShader(" << shader << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3188 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isShader(shader);
3190 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3194 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsSync (glw::GLsync sync)
3197 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsSync(" << sync << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3198 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isSync(sync);
3200 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3204 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsTexture (glw::GLuint texture)
3207 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsTexture(" << texture << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3208 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isTexture(texture);
3210 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3214 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsTransformFeedback (glw::GLuint id)
3217 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsTransformFeedback(" << id << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3218 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isTransformFeedback(id);
3220 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3224 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glIsVertexArray (glw::GLuint array)
3227 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glIsVertexArray(" << array << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3228 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.isVertexArray(array);
3230 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3234 void CallLogWrapper::glLineWidth (glw::GLfloat width)
3237 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glLineWidth(" << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3238 m_gl.lineWidth(width);
3241 void CallLogWrapper::glLinkProgram (glw::GLuint program)
3244 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glLinkProgram(" << program << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3245 m_gl.linkProgram(program);
3248 void CallLogWrapper::glLogicOp (glw::GLenum opcode)
3251 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glLogicOp(" << toHex(opcode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3252 m_gl.logicOp(opcode);
3255 void * CallLogWrapper::glMapBuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum access)
3258 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMapBuffer(" << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(access) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3259 void * returnValue = m_gl.mapBuffer(target, access);
3261 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3265 void * CallLogWrapper::glMapBufferRange (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr length, glw::GLbitfield access)
3268 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMapBufferRange(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << offset << ", " << length << ", " << getBufferMapFlagsStr(access) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3269 void * returnValue = m_gl.mapBufferRange(target, offset, length, access);
3271 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3275 void * CallLogWrapper::glMapNamedBuffer (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum access)
3278 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMapNamedBuffer(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(access) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3279 void * returnValue = m_gl.mapNamedBuffer(buffer, access);
3281 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3285 void * CallLogWrapper::glMapNamedBufferEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum access)
3288 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMapNamedBufferEXT(" << buffer << ", " << toHex(access) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3289 void * returnValue = m_gl.mapNamedBufferEXT(buffer, access);
3291 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3295 void * CallLogWrapper::glMapNamedBufferRange (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr length, glw::GLbitfield access)
3298 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMapNamedBufferRange(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << length << ", " << toHex(access) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3299 void * returnValue = m_gl.mapNamedBufferRange(buffer, offset, length, access);
3301 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3305 void * CallLogWrapper::glMapNamedBufferRangeEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr length, glw::GLbitfield access)
3308 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMapNamedBufferRangeEXT(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << length << ", " << toHex(access) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3309 void * returnValue = m_gl.mapNamedBufferRangeEXT(buffer, offset, length, access);
3311 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << returnValue << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3315 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixFrustumEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLdouble left, glw::GLdouble right, glw::GLdouble bottom, glw::GLdouble top, glw::GLdouble zNear, glw::GLdouble zFar)
3318 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixFrustumEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << left << ", " << right << ", " << bottom << ", " << top << ", " << zNear << ", " << zFar << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3319 m_gl.matrixFrustumEXT(mode, left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
3322 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT (glw::GLenum mode)
3325 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3326 m_gl.matrixLoadIdentityEXT(mode);
3329 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixLoadTransposedEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLdouble *m)
3332 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixLoadTransposedEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3333 m_gl.matrixLoadTransposedEXT(mode, m);
3336 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixLoadTransposefEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLfloat *m)
3339 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixLoadTransposefEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3340 m_gl.matrixLoadTransposefEXT(mode, m);
3343 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixLoaddEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLdouble *m)
3346 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixLoaddEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3347 m_gl.matrixLoaddEXT(mode, m);
3350 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixLoadfEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLfloat *m)
3353 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixLoadfEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3354 m_gl.matrixLoadfEXT(mode, m);
3357 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixMultTransposedEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLdouble *m)
3360 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixMultTransposedEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3361 m_gl.matrixMultTransposedEXT(mode, m);
3364 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixMultTransposefEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLfloat *m)
3367 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixMultTransposefEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3368 m_gl.matrixMultTransposefEXT(mode, m);
3371 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixMultdEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLdouble *m)
3374 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixMultdEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3375 m_gl.matrixMultdEXT(mode, m);
3378 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixMultfEXT (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLfloat *m)
3381 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixMultfEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(m))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3382 m_gl.matrixMultfEXT(mode, m);
3385 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixOrthoEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLdouble left, glw::GLdouble right, glw::GLdouble bottom, glw::GLdouble top, glw::GLdouble zNear, glw::GLdouble zFar)
3388 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixOrthoEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << left << ", " << right << ", " << bottom << ", " << top << ", " << zNear << ", " << zFar << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3389 m_gl.matrixOrthoEXT(mode, left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
3392 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixPopEXT (glw::GLenum mode)
3395 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixPopEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3396 m_gl.matrixPopEXT(mode);
3399 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixPushEXT (glw::GLenum mode)
3402 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixPushEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3403 m_gl.matrixPushEXT(mode);
3406 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixRotatedEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLdouble angle, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z)
3409 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixRotatedEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << angle << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3410 m_gl.matrixRotatedEXT(mode, angle, x, y, z);
3413 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixRotatefEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLfloat angle, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y, glw::GLfloat z)
3416 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixRotatefEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << angle << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3417 m_gl.matrixRotatefEXT(mode, angle, x, y, z);
3420 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixScaledEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z)
3423 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixScaledEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3424 m_gl.matrixScaledEXT(mode, x, y, z);
3427 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixScalefEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y, glw::GLfloat z)
3430 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixScalefEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3431 m_gl.matrixScalefEXT(mode, x, y, z);
3434 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixTranslatedEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z)
3437 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixTranslatedEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3438 m_gl.matrixTranslatedEXT(mode, x, y, z);
3441 void CallLogWrapper::glMatrixTranslatefEXT (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y, glw::GLfloat z)
3444 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMatrixTranslatefEXT(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3445 m_gl.matrixTranslatefEXT(mode, x, y, z);
3448 void CallLogWrapper::glMaxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR (glw::GLuint count)
3451 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMaxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR(" << count << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3452 m_gl.maxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR(count);
3455 void CallLogWrapper::glMemoryBarrier (glw::GLbitfield barriers)
3458 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMemoryBarrier(" << getMemoryBarrierFlagsStr(barriers) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3459 m_gl.memoryBarrier(barriers);
3462 void CallLogWrapper::glMemoryBarrierByRegion (glw::GLbitfield barriers)
3465 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMemoryBarrierByRegion(" << toHex(barriers) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3466 m_gl.memoryBarrierByRegion(barriers);
3469 void CallLogWrapper::glMinSampleShading (glw::GLfloat value)
3472 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMinSampleShading(" << value << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3473 m_gl.minSampleShading(value);
3476 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiDrawArrays (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLint *first, const glw::GLsizei *count, glw::GLsizei drawcount)
3479 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiDrawArrays(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(first))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(count))) << ", " << drawcount << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3480 m_gl.multiDrawArrays(mode, first, count, drawcount);
3483 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiDrawArraysIndirect (glw::GLenum mode, const void *indirect, glw::GLsizei drawcount, glw::GLsizei stride)
3486 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << indirect << ", " << drawcount << ", " << stride << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3487 m_gl.multiDrawArraysIndirect(mode, indirect, drawcount, stride);
3490 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount (glw::GLenum mode, const void *indirect, glw::GLintptr drawcount, glw::GLsizei maxdrawcount, glw::GLsizei stride)
3493 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << indirect << ", " << drawcount << ", " << maxdrawcount << ", " << stride << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3494 m_gl.multiDrawArraysIndirectCount(mode, indirect, drawcount, maxdrawcount, stride);
3497 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiDrawElements (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLsizei *count, glw::GLenum type, const void *const*indices, glw::GLsizei drawcount)
3500 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiDrawElements(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(count))) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(indices))) << ", " << drawcount << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3501 m_gl.multiDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices, drawcount);
3504 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex (glw::GLenum mode, const glw::GLsizei *count, glw::GLenum type, const void *const*indices, glw::GLsizei drawcount, const glw::GLint *basevertex)
3507 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(" << getPrimitiveTypeStr(mode) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(count))) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(indices))) << ", " << drawcount << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(basevertex))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3508 m_gl.multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(mode, count, type, indices, drawcount, basevertex);
3511 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiDrawElementsIndirect (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLenum type, const void *indirect, glw::GLsizei drawcount, glw::GLsizei stride)
3514 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << indirect << ", " << drawcount << ", " << stride << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3515 m_gl.multiDrawElementsIndirect(mode, type, indirect, drawcount, stride);
3518 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount (glw::GLenum mode, glw::GLenum type, const void *indirect, glw::GLintptr drawcount, glw::GLsizei maxdrawcount, glw::GLsizei stride)
3521 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount(" << toHex(mode) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << indirect << ", " << drawcount << ", " << maxdrawcount << ", " << stride << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3522 m_gl.multiDrawElementsIndirectCount(mode, type, indirect, drawcount, maxdrawcount, stride);
3525 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexBufferEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer)
3528 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexBufferEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3529 m_gl.multiTexBufferEXT(texunit, target, internalformat, buffer);
3532 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexCoordPointerEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, const void *pointer)
3535 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexCoordPointerEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << pointer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3536 m_gl.multiTexCoordPointerEXT(texunit, size, type, stride, pointer);
3539 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexEnvfEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
3542 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexEnvfEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3543 m_gl.multiTexEnvfEXT(texunit, target, pname, param);
3546 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexEnvfvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *params)
3549 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexEnvfvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3550 m_gl.multiTexEnvfvEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
3553 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexEnviEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
3556 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexEnviEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3557 m_gl.multiTexEnviEXT(texunit, target, pname, param);
3560 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexEnvivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
3563 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexEnvivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3564 m_gl.multiTexEnvivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
3567 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexGendEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLdouble param)
3570 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexGendEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3571 m_gl.multiTexGendEXT(texunit, coord, pname, param);
3574 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexGendvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLdouble *params)
3577 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexGendvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3578 m_gl.multiTexGendvEXT(texunit, coord, pname, params);
3581 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexGenfEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
3584 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexGenfEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3585 m_gl.multiTexGenfEXT(texunit, coord, pname, param);
3588 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexGenfvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *params)
3591 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexGenfvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3592 m_gl.multiTexGenfvEXT(texunit, coord, pname, params);
3595 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexGeniEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
3598 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexGeniEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3599 m_gl.multiTexGeniEXT(texunit, coord, pname, param);
3602 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexGenivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum coord, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
3605 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexGenivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(coord) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3606 m_gl.multiTexGenivEXT(texunit, coord, pname, params);
3609 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexImage1DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
3612 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexImage1DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3613 m_gl.multiTexImage1DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, pixels);
3616 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexImage2DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
3619 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexImage2DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3620 m_gl.multiTexImage2DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);
3623 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexImage3DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
3626 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexImage3DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3627 m_gl.multiTexImage3DEXT(texunit, target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels);
3630 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexParameterIivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
3633 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexParameterIivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3634 m_gl.multiTexParameterIivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
3637 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexParameterIuivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLuint *params)
3640 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexParameterIuivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3641 m_gl.multiTexParameterIuivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
3644 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexParameterfEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
3647 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexParameterfEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3648 m_gl.multiTexParameterfEXT(texunit, target, pname, param);
3651 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexParameterfvEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *params)
3654 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexParameterfvEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3655 m_gl.multiTexParameterfvEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
3658 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexParameteriEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
3661 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexParameteriEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3662 m_gl.multiTexParameteriEXT(texunit, target, pname, param);
3665 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexParameterivEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
3668 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexParameterivEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3669 m_gl.multiTexParameterivEXT(texunit, target, pname, params);
3672 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexRenderbufferEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint renderbuffer)
3675 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexRenderbufferEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << renderbuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3676 m_gl.multiTexRenderbufferEXT(texunit, target, renderbuffer);
3679 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexSubImage1DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
3682 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3683 m_gl.multiTexSubImage1DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels);
3686 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexSubImage2DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
3689 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3690 m_gl.multiTexSubImage2DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels);
3693 void CallLogWrapper::glMultiTexSubImage3DEXT (glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
3696 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(" << toHex(texunit) << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3697 m_gl.multiTexSubImage3DEXT(texunit, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
3700 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastBarrierNV (void)
3703 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastBarrierNV(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3704 m_gl.multicastBarrierNV();
3707 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastBlitFramebufferNV (glw::GLuint srcGpu, glw::GLuint dstGpu, glw::GLint srcX0, glw::GLint srcY0, glw::GLint srcX1, glw::GLint srcY1, glw::GLint dstX0, glw::GLint dstY0, glw::GLint dstX1, glw::GLint dstY1, glw::GLbitfield mask, glw::GLenum filter)
3710 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastBlitFramebufferNV(" << srcGpu << ", " << dstGpu << ", " << srcX0 << ", " << srcY0 << ", " << srcX1 << ", " << srcY1 << ", " << dstX0 << ", " << dstY0 << ", " << dstX1 << ", " << dstY1 << ", " << toHex(mask) << ", " << toHex(filter) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3711 m_gl.multicastBlitFramebufferNV(srcGpu, dstGpu, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter);
3714 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastBufferSubDataNV (glw::GLbitfield gpuMask, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data)
3717 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastBufferSubDataNV(" << toHex(gpuMask) << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3718 m_gl.multicastBufferSubDataNV(gpuMask, buffer, offset, size, data);
3721 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastCopyBufferSubDataNV (glw::GLuint readGpu, glw::GLbitfield writeGpuMask, glw::GLuint readBuffer, glw::GLuint writeBuffer, glw::GLintptr readOffset, glw::GLintptr writeOffset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
3724 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastCopyBufferSubDataNV(" << readGpu << ", " << toHex(writeGpuMask) << ", " << readBuffer << ", " << writeBuffer << ", " << readOffset << ", " << writeOffset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3725 m_gl.multicastCopyBufferSubDataNV(readGpu, writeGpuMask, readBuffer, writeBuffer, readOffset, writeOffset, size);
3728 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastCopyImageSubDataNV (glw::GLuint srcGpu, glw::GLbitfield dstGpuMask, glw::GLuint srcName, glw::GLenum srcTarget, glw::GLint srcLevel, glw::GLint srcX, glw::GLint srcY, glw::GLint srcZ, glw::GLuint dstName, glw::GLenum dstTarget, glw::GLint dstLevel, glw::GLint dstX, glw::GLint dstY, glw::GLint dstZ, glw::GLsizei srcWidth, glw::GLsizei srcHeight, glw::GLsizei srcDepth)
3731 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastCopyImageSubDataNV(" << srcGpu << ", " << toHex(dstGpuMask) << ", " << srcName << ", " << toHex(srcTarget) << ", " << srcLevel << ", " << srcX << ", " << srcY << ", " << srcZ << ", " << dstName << ", " << toHex(dstTarget) << ", " << dstLevel << ", " << dstX << ", " << dstY << ", " << dstZ << ", " << srcWidth << ", " << srcHeight << ", " << srcDepth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3732 m_gl.multicastCopyImageSubDataNV(srcGpu, dstGpuMask, srcName, srcTarget, srcLevel, srcX, srcY, srcZ, dstName, dstTarget, dstLevel, dstX, dstY, dstZ, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcDepth);
3735 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV (glw::GLuint gpu, glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLuint start, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *v)
3738 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV(" << gpu << ", " << framebuffer << ", " << start << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3739 m_gl.multicastFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV(gpu, framebuffer, start, count, v);
3742 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastGetQueryObjecti64vNV (glw::GLuint gpu, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint64 *params)
3745 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastGetQueryObjecti64vNV(" << gpu << ", " << id << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3746 m_gl.multicastGetQueryObjecti64vNV(gpu, id, pname, params);
3749 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastGetQueryObjectivNV (glw::GLuint gpu, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint *params)
3752 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastGetQueryObjectivNV(" << gpu << ", " << id << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3753 m_gl.multicastGetQueryObjectivNV(gpu, id, pname, params);
3756 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastGetQueryObjectui64vNV (glw::GLuint gpu, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint64 *params)
3759 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastGetQueryObjectui64vNV(" << gpu << ", " << id << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3760 m_gl.multicastGetQueryObjectui64vNV(gpu, id, pname, params);
3763 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastGetQueryObjectuivNV (glw::GLuint gpu, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLuint *params)
3766 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastGetQueryObjectuivNV(" << gpu << ", " << id << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3767 m_gl.multicastGetQueryObjectuivNV(gpu, id, pname, params);
3770 void CallLogWrapper::glMulticastWaitSyncNV (glw::GLuint signalGpu, glw::GLbitfield waitGpuMask)
3773 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glMulticastWaitSyncNV(" << signalGpu << ", " << toHex(waitGpuMask) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3774 m_gl.multicastWaitSyncNV(signalGpu, waitGpuMask);
3777 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedBufferData (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data, glw::GLenum usage)
3780 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedBufferData(" << buffer << ", " << size << ", " << data << ", " << toHex(usage) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3781 m_gl.namedBufferData(buffer, size, data, usage);
3784 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedBufferDataEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data, glw::GLenum usage)
3787 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedBufferDataEXT(" << buffer << ", " << size << ", " << data << ", " << toHex(usage) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3788 m_gl.namedBufferDataEXT(buffer, size, data, usage);
3791 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedBufferPageCommitmentARB (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, glw::GLboolean commit)
3794 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedBufferPageCommitmentARB(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << getBooleanStr(commit) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3795 m_gl.namedBufferPageCommitmentARB(buffer, offset, size, commit);
3798 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedBufferPageCommitmentEXT (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, glw::GLboolean commit)
3801 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedBufferPageCommitmentEXT(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << getBooleanStr(commit) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3802 m_gl.namedBufferPageCommitmentEXT(buffer, offset, size, commit);
3805 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedBufferStorage (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data, glw::GLbitfield flags)
3808 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedBufferStorage(" << buffer << ", " << size << ", " << data << ", " << toHex(flags) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3809 m_gl.namedBufferStorage(buffer, size, data, flags);
3812 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedBufferSubData (glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size, const void *data)
3815 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedBufferSubData(" << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3816 m_gl.namedBufferSubData(buffer, offset, size, data);
3819 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT (glw::GLuint readBuffer, glw::GLuint writeBuffer, glw::GLintptr readOffset, glw::GLintptr writeOffset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
3822 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT(" << readBuffer << ", " << writeBuffer << ", " << readOffset << ", " << writeOffset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3823 m_gl.namedCopyBufferSubDataEXT(readBuffer, writeBuffer, readOffset, writeOffset, size);
3826 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum buf)
3829 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(buf) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3830 m_gl.namedFramebufferDrawBuffer(framebuffer, buf);
3833 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLsizei n, const glw::GLenum *bufs)
3836 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers(" << framebuffer << ", " << n << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(bufs))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3837 m_gl.namedFramebufferDrawBuffers(framebuffer, n, bufs);
3840 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferParameteri (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
3843 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferParameteri(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3844 m_gl.namedFramebufferParameteri(framebuffer, pname, param);
3847 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferParameteriEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
3850 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferParameteriEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3851 m_gl.namedFramebufferParameteriEXT(framebuffer, pname, param);
3854 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum src)
3857 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(src) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3858 m_gl.namedFramebufferReadBuffer(framebuffer, src);
3861 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum renderbuffertarget, glw::GLuint renderbuffer)
3864 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(renderbuffertarget) << ", " << renderbuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3865 m_gl.namedFramebufferRenderbuffer(framebuffer, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer);
3868 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum renderbuffertarget, glw::GLuint renderbuffer)
3871 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(renderbuffertarget) << ", " << renderbuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3872 m_gl.namedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(framebuffer, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer);
3875 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTexture (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
3878 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTexture(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3879 m_gl.namedFramebufferTexture(framebuffer, attachment, texture, level);
3882 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
3885 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3886 m_gl.namedFramebufferTexture1DEXT(framebuffer, attachment, textarget, texture, level);
3889 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
3892 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3893 m_gl.namedFramebufferTexture2DEXT(framebuffer, attachment, textarget, texture, level);
3896 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLenum textarget, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint zoffset)
3899 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << toHex(textarget) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << zoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3900 m_gl.namedFramebufferTexture3DEXT(framebuffer, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset);
3903 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTextureEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level)
3906 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTextureEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3907 m_gl.namedFramebufferTextureEXT(framebuffer, attachment, texture, level);
3910 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum face)
3913 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(face) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3914 m_gl.namedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT(framebuffer, attachment, texture, level, face);
3917 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint layer)
3920 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << layer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3921 m_gl.namedFramebufferTextureLayer(framebuffer, attachment, texture, level, layer);
3924 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT (glw::GLuint framebuffer, glw::GLenum attachment, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint layer)
3927 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT(" << framebuffer << ", " << toHex(attachment) << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << layer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3928 m_gl.namedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT(framebuffer, attachment, texture, level, layer);
3931 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z, glw::GLdouble w)
3934 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3935 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT(program, target, index, x, y, z, w);
3938 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *params)
3941 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3942 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT(program, target, index, params);
3945 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y, glw::GLfloat z, glw::GLfloat w)
3948 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3949 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT(program, target, index, x, y, z, w);
3952 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLfloat *params)
3955 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3956 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT(program, target, index, params);
3959 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLint z, glw::GLint w)
3962 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3963 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT(program, target, index, x, y, z, w);
3966 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *params)
3969 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3970 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT(program, target, index, params);
3973 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint x, glw::GLuint y, glw::GLuint z, glw::GLuint w)
3976 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3977 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT(program, target, index, x, y, z, w);
3980 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLuint *params)
3983 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3984 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT(program, target, index, params);
3987 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *params)
3990 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3991 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(program, target, index, count, params);
3994 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *params)
3997 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
3998 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT(program, target, index, count, params);
4001 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *params)
4004 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << index << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4005 m_gl.namedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT(program, target, index, count, params);
4008 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedProgramStringEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei len, const void *string)
4011 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedProgramStringEXT(" << program << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << len << ", " << string << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4012 m_gl.namedProgramStringEXT(program, target, format, len, string);
4015 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedRenderbufferStorage (glw::GLuint renderbuffer, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4018 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedRenderbufferStorage(" << renderbuffer << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4019 m_gl.namedRenderbufferStorage(renderbuffer, internalformat, width, height);
4022 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedRenderbufferStorageEXT (glw::GLuint renderbuffer, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4025 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedRenderbufferStorageEXT(" << renderbuffer << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4026 m_gl.namedRenderbufferStorageEXT(renderbuffer, internalformat, width, height);
4029 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample (glw::GLuint renderbuffer, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4032 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample(" << renderbuffer << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4033 m_gl.namedRenderbufferStorageMultisample(renderbuffer, samples, internalformat, width, height);
4036 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT (glw::GLuint renderbuffer, glw::GLsizei coverageSamples, glw::GLsizei colorSamples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4039 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT(" << renderbuffer << ", " << coverageSamples << ", " << colorSamples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4040 m_gl.namedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT(renderbuffer, coverageSamples, colorSamples, internalformat, width, height);
4043 void CallLogWrapper::glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT (glw::GLuint renderbuffer, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4046 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(" << renderbuffer << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4047 m_gl.namedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(renderbuffer, samples, internalformat, width, height);
4050 void CallLogWrapper::glObjectLabel (glw::GLenum identifier, glw::GLuint name, glw::GLsizei length, const glw::GLchar *label)
4053 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glObjectLabel(" << toHex(identifier) << ", " << name << ", " << length << ", " << getStringStr(label) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4054 m_gl.objectLabel(identifier, name, length, label);
4057 void CallLogWrapper::glObjectPtrLabel (const void *ptr, glw::GLsizei length, const glw::GLchar *label)
4060 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glObjectPtrLabel(" << ptr << ", " << length << ", " << getStringStr(label) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4061 m_gl.objectPtrLabel(ptr, length, label);
4064 void CallLogWrapper::glPatchParameterfv (glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *values)
4067 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPatchParameterfv(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(values))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4068 m_gl.patchParameterfv(pname, values);
4071 void CallLogWrapper::glPatchParameteri (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint value)
4074 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPatchParameteri(" << getPatchParamStr(pname) << ", " << value << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4075 m_gl.patchParameteri(pname, value);
4078 void CallLogWrapper::glPauseTransformFeedback (void)
4081 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPauseTransformFeedback(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4082 m_gl.pauseTransformFeedback();
4085 void CallLogWrapper::glPixelStoref (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
4088 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPixelStoref(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4089 m_gl.pixelStoref(pname, param);
4092 void CallLogWrapper::glPixelStorei (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
4095 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPixelStorei(" << getPixelStoreParameterStr(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4096 m_gl.pixelStorei(pname, param);
4099 void CallLogWrapper::glPointParameterf (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
4102 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPointParameterf(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4103 m_gl.pointParameterf(pname, param);
4106 void CallLogWrapper::glPointParameterfv (glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *params)
4109 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPointParameterfv(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4110 m_gl.pointParameterfv(pname, params);
4113 void CallLogWrapper::glPointParameteri (glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
4116 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPointParameteri(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4117 m_gl.pointParameteri(pname, param);
4120 void CallLogWrapper::glPointParameteriv (glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
4123 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPointParameteriv(" << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4124 m_gl.pointParameteriv(pname, params);
4127 void CallLogWrapper::glPointSize (glw::GLfloat size)
4130 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPointSize(" << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4131 m_gl.pointSize(size);
4134 void CallLogWrapper::glPolygonMode (glw::GLenum face, glw::GLenum mode)
4137 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPolygonMode(" << toHex(face) << ", " << toHex(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4138 m_gl.polygonMode(face, mode);
4141 void CallLogWrapper::glPolygonOffset (glw::GLfloat factor, glw::GLfloat units)
4144 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPolygonOffset(" << factor << ", " << units << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4145 m_gl.polygonOffset(factor, units);
4148 void CallLogWrapper::glPolygonOffsetClamp (glw::GLfloat factor, glw::GLfloat units, glw::GLfloat clamp)
4151 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPolygonOffsetClamp(" << factor << ", " << units << ", " << clamp << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4152 m_gl.polygonOffsetClamp(factor, units, clamp);
4155 void CallLogWrapper::glPopDebugGroup (void)
4158 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPopDebugGroup(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4159 m_gl.popDebugGroup();
4162 void CallLogWrapper::glPopGroupMarkerEXT (void)
4165 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPopGroupMarkerEXT(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4166 m_gl.popGroupMarkerEXT();
4169 void CallLogWrapper::glPrimitiveBoundingBox (glw::GLfloat minX, glw::GLfloat minY, glw::GLfloat minZ, glw::GLfloat minW, glw::GLfloat maxX, glw::GLfloat maxY, glw::GLfloat maxZ, glw::GLfloat maxW)
4172 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPrimitiveBoundingBox(" << minX << ", " << minY << ", " << minZ << ", " << minW << ", " << maxX << ", " << maxY << ", " << maxZ << ", " << maxW << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4173 m_gl.primitiveBoundingBox(minX, minY, minZ, minW, maxX, maxY, maxZ, maxW);
4176 void CallLogWrapper::glPrimitiveRestartIndex (glw::GLuint index)
4179 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPrimitiveRestartIndex(" << index << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4180 m_gl.primitiveRestartIndex(index);
4183 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramBinary (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum binaryFormat, const void *binary, glw::GLsizei length)
4186 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramBinary(" << program << ", " << toHex(binaryFormat) << ", " << binary << ", " << length << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4187 m_gl.programBinary(program, binaryFormat, binary, length);
4190 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramParameteri (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint value)
4193 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramParameteri(" << program << ", " << getProgramParamStr(pname) << ", " << value << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4194 m_gl.programParameteri(program, pname, value);
4197 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1d (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble v0)
4200 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1d(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4201 m_gl.programUniform1d(program, location, v0);
4204 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1dEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x)
4207 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1dEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4208 m_gl.programUniform1dEXT(program, location, x);
4211 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4214 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4215 m_gl.programUniform1dv(program, location, count, value);
4218 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4221 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4222 m_gl.programUniform1dvEXT(program, location, count, value);
4225 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1f (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0)
4228 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1f(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4229 m_gl.programUniform1f(program, location, v0);
4232 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4235 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 1)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4236 m_gl.programUniform1fv(program, location, count, value);
4239 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1i (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0)
4242 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1i(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4243 m_gl.programUniform1i(program, location, v0);
4246 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1iv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
4249 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1iv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 1)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4250 m_gl.programUniform1iv(program, location, count, value);
4253 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1ui (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0)
4256 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1ui(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4257 m_gl.programUniform1ui(program, location, v0);
4260 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform1uiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
4263 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform1uiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 1)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4264 m_gl.programUniform1uiv(program, location, count, value);
4267 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2d (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble v0, glw::GLdouble v1)
4270 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2d(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4271 m_gl.programUniform2d(program, location, v0, v1);
4274 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2dEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y)
4277 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2dEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4278 m_gl.programUniform2dEXT(program, location, x, y);
4281 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4284 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4285 m_gl.programUniform2dv(program, location, count, value);
4288 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4291 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4292 m_gl.programUniform2dvEXT(program, location, count, value);
4295 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2f (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0, glw::GLfloat v1)
4298 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2f(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4299 m_gl.programUniform2f(program, location, v0, v1);
4302 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4305 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4306 m_gl.programUniform2fv(program, location, count, value);
4309 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2i (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0, glw::GLint v1)
4312 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2i(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4313 m_gl.programUniform2i(program, location, v0, v1);
4316 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2iv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
4319 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2iv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4320 m_gl.programUniform2iv(program, location, count, value);
4323 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2ui (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0, glw::GLuint v1)
4326 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2ui(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4327 m_gl.programUniform2ui(program, location, v0, v1);
4330 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform2uiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
4333 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform2uiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4334 m_gl.programUniform2uiv(program, location, count, value);
4337 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3d (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble v0, glw::GLdouble v1, glw::GLdouble v2)
4340 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3d(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4341 m_gl.programUniform3d(program, location, v0, v1, v2);
4344 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3dEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z)
4347 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3dEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4348 m_gl.programUniform3dEXT(program, location, x, y, z);
4351 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4354 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4355 m_gl.programUniform3dv(program, location, count, value);
4358 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4361 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4362 m_gl.programUniform3dvEXT(program, location, count, value);
4365 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3f (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0, glw::GLfloat v1, glw::GLfloat v2)
4368 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3f(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4369 m_gl.programUniform3f(program, location, v0, v1, v2);
4372 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4375 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4376 m_gl.programUniform3fv(program, location, count, value);
4379 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3i (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0, glw::GLint v1, glw::GLint v2)
4382 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3i(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4383 m_gl.programUniform3i(program, location, v0, v1, v2);
4386 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3iv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
4389 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3iv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4390 m_gl.programUniform3iv(program, location, count, value);
4393 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3ui (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0, glw::GLuint v1, glw::GLuint v2)
4396 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3ui(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4397 m_gl.programUniform3ui(program, location, v0, v1, v2);
4400 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform3uiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
4403 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform3uiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4404 m_gl.programUniform3uiv(program, location, count, value);
4407 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4d (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble v0, glw::GLdouble v1, glw::GLdouble v2, glw::GLdouble v3)
4410 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4d(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ", " << v3 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4411 m_gl.programUniform4d(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
4414 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4dEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z, glw::GLdouble w)
4417 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4dEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4418 m_gl.programUniform4dEXT(program, location, x, y, z, w);
4421 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4424 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4425 m_gl.programUniform4dv(program, location, count, value);
4428 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4431 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4432 m_gl.programUniform4dvEXT(program, location, count, value);
4435 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4f (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0, glw::GLfloat v1, glw::GLfloat v2, glw::GLfloat v3)
4438 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4f(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ", " << v3 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4439 m_gl.programUniform4f(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
4442 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4445 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4446 m_gl.programUniform4fv(program, location, count, value);
4449 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4i (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0, glw::GLint v1, glw::GLint v2, glw::GLint v3)
4452 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4i(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ", " << v3 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4453 m_gl.programUniform4i(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
4456 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4iv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
4459 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4iv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4460 m_gl.programUniform4iv(program, location, count, value);
4463 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4ui (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0, glw::GLuint v1, glw::GLuint v2, glw::GLuint v3)
4466 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4ui(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ", " << v3 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4467 m_gl.programUniform4ui(program, location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
4470 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniform4uiv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
4473 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniform4uiv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4474 m_gl.programUniform4uiv(program, location, count, value);
4477 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4480 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4481 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4484 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4487 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4488 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4491 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4494 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2*2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4495 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4498 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4501 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4502 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2x3dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4505 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4508 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4509 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2x3dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4512 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4515 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2*3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4516 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2x3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4519 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4522 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4523 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2x4dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4526 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4529 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4530 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2x4dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4533 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4536 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2*4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4537 m_gl.programUniformMatrix2x4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4540 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4543 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4544 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4547 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4550 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4551 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4554 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4557 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3*3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4558 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4561 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4564 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4565 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3x2dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4568 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4571 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4572 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3x2dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4575 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4578 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3*2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4579 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3x2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4582 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4585 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4586 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3x4dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4589 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4592 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4593 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3x4dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4596 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4599 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3*4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4600 m_gl.programUniformMatrix3x4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4603 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4606 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4607 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4610 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4613 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4614 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4617 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4620 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4*4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4621 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4624 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4627 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4628 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4x2dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4631 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4634 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4635 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4x2dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4638 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4641 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4*2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4642 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4x2fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4645 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4648 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4649 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4x3dv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4652 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dvEXT (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
4655 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dvEXT(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4656 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4x3dvEXT(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4659 void CallLogWrapper::glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
4662 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv(" << program << ", " << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4*3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4663 m_gl.programUniformMatrix4x3fv(program, location, count, transpose, value);
4666 void CallLogWrapper::glProvokingVertex (glw::GLenum mode)
4669 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glProvokingVertex(" << getProvokingVertexStr(mode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4670 m_gl.provokingVertex(mode);
4673 void CallLogWrapper::glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT (glw::GLbitfield mask)
4676 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT(" << toHex(mask) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4677 m_gl.pushClientAttribDefaultEXT(mask);
4680 void CallLogWrapper::glPushDebugGroup (glw::GLenum source, glw::GLuint id, glw::GLsizei length, const glw::GLchar *message)
4683 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPushDebugGroup(" << getDebugMessageSourceStr(source) << ", " << id << ", " << length << ", " << getStringStr(message) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4684 m_gl.pushDebugGroup(source, id, length, message);
4687 void CallLogWrapper::glPushGroupMarkerEXT (glw::GLsizei length, const glw::GLchar *marker)
4690 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glPushGroupMarkerEXT(" << length << ", " << getStringStr(marker) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4691 m_gl.pushGroupMarkerEXT(length, marker);
4694 void CallLogWrapper::glQueryCounter (glw::GLuint id, glw::GLenum target)
4697 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glQueryCounter(" << id << ", " << toHex(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4698 m_gl.queryCounter(id, target);
4701 void CallLogWrapper::glReadBuffer (glw::GLenum src)
4704 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glReadBuffer(" << getDrawReadBufferStr(src) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4705 m_gl.readBuffer(src);
4708 void CallLogWrapper::glReadPixels (glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, void *pixels)
4711 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glReadPixels(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4712 m_gl.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
4715 void CallLogWrapper::glReadnPixels (glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei bufSize, void *data)
4718 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glReadnPixels(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4719 m_gl.readnPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data);
4722 void CallLogWrapper::glReleaseShaderCompiler (void)
4725 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glReleaseShaderCompiler(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4726 m_gl.releaseShaderCompiler();
4729 void CallLogWrapper::glRenderGpuMaskNV (glw::GLbitfield mask)
4732 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderGpuMaskNV(" << toHex(mask) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4733 m_gl.renderGpuMaskNV(mask);
4736 void CallLogWrapper::glRenderbufferStorage (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4739 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderbufferStorage(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4740 m_gl.renderbufferStorage(target, internalformat, width, height);
4743 void CallLogWrapper::glRenderbufferStorageMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4746 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4747 m_gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
4750 void CallLogWrapper::glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4753 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(" << toHex(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4754 m_gl.renderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
4757 void CallLogWrapper::glResumeTransformFeedback (void)
4760 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glResumeTransformFeedback(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4761 m_gl.resumeTransformFeedback();
4764 void CallLogWrapper::glSampleCoverage (glw::GLfloat value, glw::GLboolean invert)
4767 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSampleCoverage(" << value << ", " << getBooleanStr(invert) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4768 m_gl.sampleCoverage(value, invert);
4771 void CallLogWrapper::glSampleMaski (glw::GLuint maskNumber, glw::GLbitfield mask)
4774 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSampleMaski(" << maskNumber << ", " << toHex(mask) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4775 m_gl.sampleMaski(maskNumber, mask);
4778 void CallLogWrapper::glSamplerParameterIiv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *param)
4781 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSamplerParameterIiv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(param, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4782 m_gl.samplerParameterIiv(sampler, pname, param);
4785 void CallLogWrapper::glSamplerParameterIuiv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLuint *param)
4788 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSamplerParameterIuiv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(param, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4789 m_gl.samplerParameterIuiv(sampler, pname, param);
4792 void CallLogWrapper::glSamplerParameterf (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
4795 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSamplerParameterf(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4796 m_gl.samplerParameterf(sampler, pname, param);
4799 void CallLogWrapper::glSamplerParameterfv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *param)
4802 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSamplerParameterfv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(param, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4803 m_gl.samplerParameterfv(sampler, pname, param);
4806 void CallLogWrapper::glSamplerParameteri (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
4809 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSamplerParameteri(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getTextureParameterValueStr(pname, param) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4810 m_gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, pname, param);
4813 void CallLogWrapper::glSamplerParameteriv (glw::GLuint sampler, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *param)
4816 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSamplerParameteriv(" << sampler << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(param, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4817 m_gl.samplerParameteriv(sampler, pname, param);
4820 void CallLogWrapper::glScissor (glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4823 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glScissor(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4824 m_gl.scissor(x, y, width, height);
4827 void CallLogWrapper::glScissorArrayv (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *v)
4830 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glScissorArrayv(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4831 m_gl.scissorArrayv(first, count, v);
4834 void CallLogWrapper::glScissorIndexed (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint left, glw::GLint bottom, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
4837 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glScissorIndexed(" << index << ", " << left << ", " << bottom << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4838 m_gl.scissorIndexed(index, left, bottom, width, height);
4841 void CallLogWrapper::glScissorIndexedv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *v)
4844 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glScissorIndexedv(" << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4845 m_gl.scissorIndexedv(index, v);
4848 void CallLogWrapper::glShaderBinary (glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *shaders, glw::GLenum binaryformat, const void *binary, glw::GLsizei length)
4851 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glShaderBinary(" << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(shaders))) << ", " << toHex(binaryformat) << ", " << binary << ", " << length << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4852 m_gl.shaderBinary(count, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length);
4855 void CallLogWrapper::glShaderSource (glw::GLuint shader, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLchar *const*string, const glw::GLint *length)
4858 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glShaderSource(" << shader << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(string))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(length))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4859 m_gl.shaderSource(shader, count, string, length);
4862 void CallLogWrapper::glShaderStorageBlockBinding (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint storageBlockIndex, glw::GLuint storageBlockBinding)
4865 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glShaderStorageBlockBinding(" << program << ", " << storageBlockIndex << ", " << storageBlockBinding << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4866 m_gl.shaderStorageBlockBinding(program, storageBlockIndex, storageBlockBinding);
4869 void CallLogWrapper::glSpecializeShader (glw::GLuint shader, const glw::GLchar *pEntryPoint, glw::GLuint numSpecializationConstants, const glw::GLuint *pConstantIndex, const glw::GLuint *pConstantValue)
4872 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glSpecializeShader(" << shader << ", " << getStringStr(pEntryPoint) << ", " << numSpecializationConstants << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(pConstantIndex))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(pConstantValue))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4873 m_gl.specializeShader(shader, pEntryPoint, numSpecializationConstants, pConstantIndex, pConstantValue);
4876 void CallLogWrapper::glStencilFunc (glw::GLenum func, glw::GLint ref, glw::GLuint mask)
4879 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glStencilFunc(" << getCompareFuncStr(func) << ", " << ref << ", " << mask << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4880 m_gl.stencilFunc(func, ref, mask);
4883 void CallLogWrapper::glStencilFuncSeparate (glw::GLenum face, glw::GLenum func, glw::GLint ref, glw::GLuint mask)
4886 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glStencilFuncSeparate(" << getFaceStr(face) << ", " << getCompareFuncStr(func) << ", " << ref << ", " << mask << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4887 m_gl.stencilFuncSeparate(face, func, ref, mask);
4890 void CallLogWrapper::glStencilMask (glw::GLuint mask)
4893 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glStencilMask(" << mask << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4894 m_gl.stencilMask(mask);
4897 void CallLogWrapper::glStencilMaskSeparate (glw::GLenum face, glw::GLuint mask)
4900 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glStencilMaskSeparate(" << getFaceStr(face) << ", " << mask << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4901 m_gl.stencilMaskSeparate(face, mask);
4904 void CallLogWrapper::glStencilOp (glw::GLenum fail, glw::GLenum zfail, glw::GLenum zpass)
4907 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glStencilOp(" << getStencilOpStr(fail) << ", " << getStencilOpStr(zfail) << ", " << getStencilOpStr(zpass) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4908 m_gl.stencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass);
4911 void CallLogWrapper::glStencilOpSeparate (glw::GLenum face, glw::GLenum sfail, glw::GLenum dpfail, glw::GLenum dppass)
4914 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glStencilOpSeparate(" << getFaceStr(face) << ", " << getStencilOpStr(sfail) << ", " << getStencilOpStr(dpfail) << ", " << getStencilOpStr(dppass) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4915 m_gl.stencilOpSeparate(face, sfail, dpfail, dppass);
4918 void CallLogWrapper::glTexBuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer)
4921 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexBuffer(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4922 m_gl.texBuffer(target, internalformat, buffer);
4925 void CallLogWrapper::glTexBufferRange (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
4928 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexBufferRange(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4929 m_gl.texBufferRange(target, internalformat, buffer, offset, size);
4932 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
4935 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4936 m_gl.texImage1D(target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, pixels);
4939 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
4942 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4943 m_gl.texImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);
4946 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage2DMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
4949 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage2DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4950 m_gl.texImage2DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);
4953 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
4956 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4957 m_gl.texImage3D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels);
4960 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage3DMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
4963 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage3DMultisample(" << toHex(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4964 m_gl.texImage3DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, depth, fixedsamplelocations);
4967 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage3DOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
4970 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage3DOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4971 m_gl.texImage3DOES(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels);
4974 void CallLogWrapper::glTexPageCommitmentARB (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLboolean commit)
4977 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexPageCommitmentARB(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(commit) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4978 m_gl.texPageCommitmentARB(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, commit);
4981 void CallLogWrapper::glTexParameterIiv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
4984 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexParameterIiv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4985 m_gl.texParameterIiv(target, pname, params);
4988 void CallLogWrapper::glTexParameterIuiv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLuint *params)
4991 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexParameterIuiv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4992 m_gl.texParameterIuiv(target, pname, params);
4995 void CallLogWrapper::glTexParameterf (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
4998 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexParameterf(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
4999 m_gl.texParameterf(target, pname, param);
5002 void CallLogWrapper::glTexParameterfv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *params)
5005 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexParameterfv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5006 m_gl.texParameterfv(target, pname, params);
5009 void CallLogWrapper::glTexParameteri (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
5012 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexParameteri(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getTextureParameterValueStr(pname, param) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5013 m_gl.texParameteri(target, pname, param);
5016 void CallLogWrapper::glTexParameteriv (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
5019 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexParameteriv(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << getTextureParameterStr(pname) << ", " << getPointerStr(params, getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5020 m_gl.texParameteriv(target, pname, params);
5023 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width)
5026 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage1D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5027 m_gl.texStorage1D(target, levels, internalformat, width);
5030 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
5033 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << getTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5034 m_gl.texStorage2D(target, levels, internalformat, width, height);
5037 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage2DMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
5040 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage2DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5041 m_gl.texStorage2DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);
5044 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth)
5047 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << getTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5048 m_gl.texStorage3D(target, levels, internalformat, width, height, depth);
5051 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage3DMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
5054 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage3DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5055 m_gl.texStorage3DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, depth, fixedsamplelocations);
5058 void CallLogWrapper::glTexSubImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5061 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5062 m_gl.texSubImage1D(target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels);
5065 void CallLogWrapper::glTexSubImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5068 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5069 m_gl.texSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels);
5072 void CallLogWrapper::glTexSubImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5075 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5076 m_gl.texSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
5079 void CallLogWrapper::glTexSubImage3DOES (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5082 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage3DOES(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5083 m_gl.texSubImage3DOES(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
5086 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureBarrier (void)
5089 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureBarrier(" << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5090 m_gl.textureBarrier();
5093 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureBuffer (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer)
5096 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureBuffer(" << texture << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5097 m_gl.textureBuffer(texture, internalformat, buffer);
5100 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureBufferEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer)
5103 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureBufferEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5104 m_gl.textureBufferEXT(texture, target, internalformat, buffer);
5107 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureBufferRange (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
5110 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureBufferRange(" << texture << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5111 m_gl.textureBufferRange(texture, internalformat, buffer, offset, size);
5114 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureBufferRangeEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
5117 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureBufferRangeEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5118 m_gl.textureBufferRangeEXT(texture, target, internalformat, buffer, offset, size);
5121 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureImage1DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5124 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureImage1DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5125 m_gl.textureImage1DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, pixels);
5128 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureImage2DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5131 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureImage2DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5132 m_gl.textureImage2DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);
5135 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureImage3DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5138 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureImage3DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << internalformat << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5139 m_gl.textureImage3DEXT(texture, target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels);
5142 void CallLogWrapper::glTexturePageCommitmentEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLboolean commit)
5145 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexturePageCommitmentEXT(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(commit) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5146 m_gl.texturePageCommitmentEXT(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, commit);
5149 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterIiv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
5152 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterIiv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5153 m_gl.textureParameterIiv(texture, pname, params);
5156 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterIivEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
5159 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterIivEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5160 m_gl.textureParameterIivEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
5163 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterIuiv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLuint *params)
5166 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterIuiv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5167 m_gl.textureParameterIuiv(texture, pname, params);
5170 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterIuivEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLuint *params)
5173 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterIuivEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5174 m_gl.textureParameterIuivEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
5177 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterf (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
5180 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterf(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5181 m_gl.textureParameterf(texture, pname, param);
5184 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterfEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLfloat param)
5187 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterfEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5188 m_gl.textureParameterfEXT(texture, target, pname, param);
5191 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterfv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *param)
5194 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterfv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5195 m_gl.textureParameterfv(texture, pname, param);
5198 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterfvEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLfloat *params)
5201 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterfvEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5202 m_gl.textureParameterfvEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
5205 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameteri (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
5208 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameteri(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5209 m_gl.textureParameteri(texture, pname, param);
5212 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameteriEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLint param)
5215 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameteriEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << param << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5216 m_gl.textureParameteriEXT(texture, target, pname, param);
5219 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameteriv (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *param)
5222 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameteriv(" << texture << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(param))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5223 m_gl.textureParameteriv(texture, pname, param);
5226 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureParameterivEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum pname, const glw::GLint *params)
5229 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureParameterivEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << toHex(pname) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5230 m_gl.textureParameterivEXT(texture, target, pname, params);
5233 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureRenderbufferEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint renderbuffer)
5236 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureRenderbufferEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << renderbuffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5237 m_gl.textureRenderbufferEXT(texture, target, renderbuffer);
5240 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage1D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width)
5243 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage1D(" << texture << ", " << levels << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5244 m_gl.textureStorage1D(texture, levels, internalformat, width);
5247 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage1DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width)
5250 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage1DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5251 m_gl.textureStorage1DEXT(texture, target, levels, internalformat, width);
5254 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage2D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
5257 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage2D(" << texture << ", " << levels << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5258 m_gl.textureStorage2D(texture, levels, internalformat, width, height);
5261 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage2DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
5264 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage2DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5265 m_gl.textureStorage2DEXT(texture, target, levels, internalformat, width, height);
5268 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage2DMultisample (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
5271 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage2DMultisample(" << texture << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5272 m_gl.textureStorage2DMultisample(texture, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);
5275 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage2DMultisampleEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
5278 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage2DMultisampleEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5279 m_gl.textureStorage2DMultisampleEXT(texture, target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);
5282 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage3D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth)
5285 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage3D(" << texture << ", " << levels << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5286 m_gl.textureStorage3D(texture, levels, internalformat, width, height, depth);
5289 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage3DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth)
5292 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage3DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5293 m_gl.textureStorage3DEXT(texture, target, levels, internalformat, width, height, depth);
5296 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage3DMultisample (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
5299 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage3DMultisample(" << texture << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5300 m_gl.textureStorage3DMultisample(texture, samples, internalformat, width, height, depth, fixedsamplelocations);
5303 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureStorage3DMultisampleEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
5306 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureStorage3DMultisampleEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5307 m_gl.textureStorage3DMultisampleEXT(texture, target, samples, internalformat, width, height, depth, fixedsamplelocations);
5310 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureSubImage1D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5313 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureSubImage1D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5314 m_gl.textureSubImage1D(texture, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels);
5317 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureSubImage1DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5320 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureSubImage1DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5321 m_gl.textureSubImage1DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels);
5324 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureSubImage2D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5327 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureSubImage2D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5328 m_gl.textureSubImage2D(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels);
5331 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureSubImage2DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5334 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureSubImage2DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5335 m_gl.textureSubImage2DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels);
5338 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureSubImage3D (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5341 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureSubImage3D(" << texture << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5342 m_gl.textureSubImage3D(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
5345 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureSubImage3DEXT (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
5348 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureSubImage3DEXT(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5349 m_gl.textureSubImage3DEXT(texture, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
5352 void CallLogWrapper::glTextureView (glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLenum target, glw::GLuint origtexture, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint minlevel, glw::GLuint numlevels, glw::GLuint minlayer, glw::GLuint numlayers)
5355 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTextureView(" << texture << ", " << toHex(target) << ", " << origtexture << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << minlevel << ", " << numlevels << ", " << minlayer << ", " << numlayers << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5356 m_gl.textureView(texture, target, origtexture, internalformat, minlevel, numlevels, minlayer, numlayers);
5359 void CallLogWrapper::glTransformFeedbackBufferBase (glw::GLuint xfb, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint buffer)
5362 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTransformFeedbackBufferBase(" << xfb << ", " << index << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5363 m_gl.transformFeedbackBufferBase(xfb, index, buffer);
5366 void CallLogWrapper::glTransformFeedbackBufferRange (glw::GLuint xfb, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
5369 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTransformFeedbackBufferRange(" << xfb << ", " << index << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5370 m_gl.transformFeedbackBufferRange(xfb, index, buffer, offset, size);
5373 void CallLogWrapper::glTransformFeedbackVaryings (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLchar *const*varyings, glw::GLenum bufferMode)
5376 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTransformFeedbackVaryings(" << program << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(varyings))) << ", " << toHex(bufferMode) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5377 m_gl.transformFeedbackVaryings(program, count, varyings, bufferMode);
5380 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1d (glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x)
5383 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1d(" << location << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5384 m_gl.uniform1d(location, x);
5387 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5390 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5391 m_gl.uniform1dv(location, count, value);
5394 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1f (glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0)
5397 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1f(" << location << ", " << v0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5398 m_gl.uniform1f(location, v0);
5401 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5404 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 1)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5405 m_gl.uniform1fv(location, count, value);
5408 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1i (glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0)
5411 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1i(" << location << ", " << v0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5412 m_gl.uniform1i(location, v0);
5415 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1iv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
5418 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1iv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 1)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5419 m_gl.uniform1iv(location, count, value);
5422 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1ui (glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0)
5425 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1ui(" << location << ", " << v0 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5426 m_gl.uniform1ui(location, v0);
5429 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform1uiv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
5432 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform1uiv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 1)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5433 m_gl.uniform1uiv(location, count, value);
5436 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2d (glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y)
5439 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2d(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5440 m_gl.uniform2d(location, x, y);
5443 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5446 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5447 m_gl.uniform2dv(location, count, value);
5450 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2f (glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0, glw::GLfloat v1)
5453 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2f(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5454 m_gl.uniform2f(location, v0, v1);
5457 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5460 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5461 m_gl.uniform2fv(location, count, value);
5464 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2i (glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0, glw::GLint v1)
5467 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2i(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5468 m_gl.uniform2i(location, v0, v1);
5471 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2iv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
5474 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2iv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5475 m_gl.uniform2iv(location, count, value);
5478 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2ui (glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0, glw::GLuint v1)
5481 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2ui(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5482 m_gl.uniform2ui(location, v0, v1);
5485 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform2uiv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
5488 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform2uiv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5489 m_gl.uniform2uiv(location, count, value);
5492 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3d (glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z)
5495 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3d(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5496 m_gl.uniform3d(location, x, y, z);
5499 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5502 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5503 m_gl.uniform3dv(location, count, value);
5506 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3f (glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0, glw::GLfloat v1, glw::GLfloat v2)
5509 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3f(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5510 m_gl.uniform3f(location, v0, v1, v2);
5513 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5516 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5517 m_gl.uniform3fv(location, count, value);
5520 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3i (glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0, glw::GLint v1, glw::GLint v2)
5523 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3i(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5524 m_gl.uniform3i(location, v0, v1, v2);
5527 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3iv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
5530 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3iv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5531 m_gl.uniform3iv(location, count, value);
5534 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3ui (glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0, glw::GLuint v1, glw::GLuint v2)
5537 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3ui(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5538 m_gl.uniform3ui(location, v0, v1, v2);
5541 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform3uiv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
5544 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform3uiv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5545 m_gl.uniform3uiv(location, count, value);
5548 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4d (glw::GLint location, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z, glw::GLdouble w)
5551 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4d(" << location << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5552 m_gl.uniform4d(location, x, y, z, w);
5555 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5558 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5559 m_gl.uniform4dv(location, count, value);
5562 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4f (glw::GLint location, glw::GLfloat v0, glw::GLfloat v1, glw::GLfloat v2, glw::GLfloat v3)
5565 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4f(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ", " << v3 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5566 m_gl.uniform4f(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
5569 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5572 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5573 m_gl.uniform4fv(location, count, value);
5576 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4i (glw::GLint location, glw::GLint v0, glw::GLint v1, glw::GLint v2, glw::GLint v3)
5579 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4i(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ", " << v3 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5580 m_gl.uniform4i(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
5583 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4iv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLint *value)
5586 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4iv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5587 m_gl.uniform4iv(location, count, value);
5590 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4ui (glw::GLint location, glw::GLuint v0, glw::GLuint v1, glw::GLuint v2, glw::GLuint v3)
5593 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4ui(" << location << ", " << v0 << ", " << v1 << ", " << v2 << ", " << v3 << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5594 m_gl.uniform4ui(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
5597 void CallLogWrapper::glUniform4uiv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *value)
5600 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniform4uiv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5601 m_gl.uniform4uiv(location, count, value);
5604 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformBlockBinding (glw::GLuint program, glw::GLuint uniformBlockIndex, glw::GLuint uniformBlockBinding)
5607 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformBlockBinding(" << program << ", " << uniformBlockIndex << ", " << uniformBlockBinding << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5608 m_gl.uniformBlockBinding(program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding);
5611 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix2dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5614 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix2dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5615 m_gl.uniformMatrix2dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5618 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix2fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5621 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix2fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2*2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5622 m_gl.uniformMatrix2fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5625 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix2x3dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5628 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix2x3dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5629 m_gl.uniformMatrix2x3dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5632 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix2x3fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5635 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix2x3fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2*3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5636 m_gl.uniformMatrix2x3fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5639 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix2x4dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5642 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix2x4dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5643 m_gl.uniformMatrix2x4dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5646 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix2x4fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5649 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix2x4fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 2*4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5650 m_gl.uniformMatrix2x4fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5653 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix3dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5656 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix3dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5657 m_gl.uniformMatrix3dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5660 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix3fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5663 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix3fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3*3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5664 m_gl.uniformMatrix3fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5667 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix3x2dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5670 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix3x2dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5671 m_gl.uniformMatrix3x2dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5674 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix3x2fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5677 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix3x2fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3*2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5678 m_gl.uniformMatrix3x2fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5681 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix3x4dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5684 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix3x4dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5685 m_gl.uniformMatrix3x4dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5688 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix3x4fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5691 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix3x4fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 3*4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5692 m_gl.uniformMatrix3x4fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5695 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix4dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5698 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix4dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5699 m_gl.uniformMatrix4dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5702 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix4fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5705 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix4fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4*4)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5706 m_gl.uniformMatrix4fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5709 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix4x2dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5712 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix4x2dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5713 m_gl.uniformMatrix4x2dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5716 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix4x2fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5719 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix4x2fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4*2)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5720 m_gl.uniformMatrix4x2fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5723 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix4x3dv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLdouble *value)
5726 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix4x3dv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5727 m_gl.uniformMatrix4x3dv(location, count, transpose, value);
5730 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformMatrix4x3fv (glw::GLint location, glw::GLsizei count, glw::GLboolean transpose, const glw::GLfloat *value)
5733 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformMatrix4x3fv(" << location << ", " << count << ", " << getBooleanStr(transpose) << ", " << getPointerStr(value, (count * 4*3)) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5734 m_gl.uniformMatrix4x3fv(location, count, transpose, value);
5737 void CallLogWrapper::glUniformSubroutinesuiv (glw::GLenum shadertype, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *indices)
5740 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUniformSubroutinesuiv(" << toHex(shadertype) << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(indices))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5741 m_gl.uniformSubroutinesuiv(shadertype, count, indices);
5744 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glUnmapBuffer (glw::GLenum target)
5747 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUnmapBuffer(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5748 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.unmapBuffer(target);
5750 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5754 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glUnmapNamedBuffer (glw::GLuint buffer)
5757 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUnmapNamedBuffer(" << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5758 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.unmapNamedBuffer(buffer);
5760 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5764 glw::GLboolean CallLogWrapper::glUnmapNamedBufferEXT (glw::GLuint buffer)
5767 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUnmapNamedBufferEXT(" << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5768 glw::GLboolean returnValue = m_gl.unmapNamedBufferEXT(buffer);
5770 m_log << TestLog::Message << "// " << getBooleanStr(returnValue) << " returned" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5774 void CallLogWrapper::glUseProgram (glw::GLuint program)
5777 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUseProgram(" << program << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5778 m_gl.useProgram(program);
5781 void CallLogWrapper::glUseProgramStages (glw::GLuint pipeline, glw::GLbitfield stages, glw::GLuint program)
5784 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glUseProgramStages(" << pipeline << ", " << getShaderTypeMaskStr(stages) << ", " << program << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5785 m_gl.useProgramStages(pipeline, stages, program);
5788 void CallLogWrapper::glValidateProgram (glw::GLuint program)
5791 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glValidateProgram(" << program << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5792 m_gl.validateProgram(program);
5795 void CallLogWrapper::glValidateProgramPipeline (glw::GLuint pipeline)
5798 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glValidateProgramPipeline(" << pipeline << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5799 m_gl.validateProgramPipeline(pipeline);
5802 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayAttribBinding (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLuint bindingindex)
5805 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayAttribBinding(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << bindingindex << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5806 m_gl.vertexArrayAttribBinding(vaobj, attribindex, bindingindex);
5809 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayAttribFormat (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
5812 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayAttribFormat(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5813 m_gl.vertexArrayAttribFormat(vaobj, attribindex, size, type, normalized, relativeoffset);
5816 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayAttribIFormat (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
5819 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayAttribIFormat(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5820 m_gl.vertexArrayAttribIFormat(vaobj, attribindex, size, type, relativeoffset);
5823 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayAttribLFormat (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
5826 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayAttribLFormat(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5827 m_gl.vertexArrayAttribLFormat(vaobj, attribindex, size, type, relativeoffset);
5830 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayBindVertexBufferEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint bindingindex, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizei stride)
5833 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayBindVertexBufferEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << bindingindex << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << stride << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5834 m_gl.vertexArrayBindVertexBufferEXT(vaobj, bindingindex, buffer, offset, stride);
5837 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayBindingDivisor (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint bindingindex, glw::GLuint divisor)
5840 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayBindingDivisor(" << vaobj << ", " << bindingindex << ", " << divisor << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5841 m_gl.vertexArrayBindingDivisor(vaobj, bindingindex, divisor);
5844 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayColorOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5847 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayColorOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5848 m_gl.vertexArrayColorOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, size, type, stride, offset);
5851 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5854 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5855 m_gl.vertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, stride, offset);
5858 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayElementBuffer (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer)
5861 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayElementBuffer(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5862 m_gl.vertexArrayElementBuffer(vaobj, buffer);
5865 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5868 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5869 m_gl.vertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, type, stride, offset);
5872 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5875 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5876 m_gl.vertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, type, stride, offset);
5879 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum texunit, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5882 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(texunit) << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5883 m_gl.vertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, texunit, size, type, stride, offset);
5886 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5889 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5890 m_gl.vertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, type, stride, offset);
5893 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5896 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5897 m_gl.vertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, size, type, stride, offset);
5900 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5903 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5904 m_gl.vertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, size, type, stride, offset);
5907 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribBindingEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLuint bindingindex)
5910 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribBindingEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << bindingindex << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5911 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribBindingEXT(vaobj, attribindex, bindingindex);
5914 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint divisor)
5917 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << index << ", " << divisor << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5918 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT(vaobj, index, divisor);
5921 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribFormatEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
5924 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribFormatEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5925 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribFormatEXT(vaobj, attribindex, size, type, normalized, relativeoffset);
5928 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribIFormatEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
5931 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribIFormatEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5932 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribIFormatEXT(vaobj, attribindex, size, type, relativeoffset);
5935 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5938 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << index << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5939 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, index, size, type, stride, offset);
5942 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribLFormatEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
5945 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribLFormatEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5946 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribLFormatEXT(vaobj, attribindex, size, type, relativeoffset);
5949 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribLOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5952 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribLOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << index << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5953 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribLOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, index, size, type, stride, offset);
5956 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5959 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << index << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5960 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, index, size, type, normalized, stride, offset);
5963 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexBindingDivisorEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint bindingindex, glw::GLuint divisor)
5966 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexBindingDivisorEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << bindingindex << ", " << divisor << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5967 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexBindingDivisorEXT(vaobj, bindingindex, divisor);
5970 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexBuffer (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint bindingindex, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizei stride)
5973 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexBuffer(" << vaobj << ", " << bindingindex << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << stride << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5974 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexBuffer(vaobj, bindingindex, buffer, offset, stride);
5977 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexBuffers (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLuint *buffers, const glw::GLintptr *offsets, const glw::GLsizei *strides)
5980 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexBuffers(" << vaobj << ", " << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(buffers))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(offsets))) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(strides))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5981 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexBuffers(vaobj, first, count, buffers, offsets, strides);
5984 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT (glw::GLuint vaobj, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, glw::GLintptr offset)
5987 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT(" << vaobj << ", " << buffer << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << offset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5988 m_gl.vertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT(vaobj, buffer, size, type, stride, offset);
5991 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib1d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x)
5994 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib1d(" << index << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
5995 m_gl.vertexAttrib1d(index, x);
5998 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib1dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6001 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib1dv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6002 m_gl.vertexAttrib1dv(index, v);
6005 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib1f (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat x)
6008 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib1f(" << index << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6009 m_gl.vertexAttrib1f(index, x);
6012 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib1fv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLfloat *v)
6015 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib1fv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6016 m_gl.vertexAttrib1fv(index, v);
6019 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib1s (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLshort x)
6022 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib1s(" << index << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6023 m_gl.vertexAttrib1s(index, x);
6026 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib1sv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLshort *v)
6029 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib1sv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6030 m_gl.vertexAttrib1sv(index, v);
6033 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib2d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y)
6036 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib2d(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6037 m_gl.vertexAttrib2d(index, x, y);
6040 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib2dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6043 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib2dv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6044 m_gl.vertexAttrib2dv(index, v);
6047 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib2f (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y)
6050 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib2f(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6051 m_gl.vertexAttrib2f(index, x, y);
6054 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib2fv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLfloat *v)
6057 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib2fv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6058 m_gl.vertexAttrib2fv(index, v);
6061 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib2s (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLshort x, glw::GLshort y)
6064 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib2s(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6065 m_gl.vertexAttrib2s(index, x, y);
6068 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib2sv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLshort *v)
6071 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib2sv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6072 m_gl.vertexAttrib2sv(index, v);
6075 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib3d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z)
6078 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib3d(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6079 m_gl.vertexAttrib3d(index, x, y, z);
6082 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib3dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6085 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib3dv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6086 m_gl.vertexAttrib3dv(index, v);
6089 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib3f (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y, glw::GLfloat z)
6092 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib3f(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6093 m_gl.vertexAttrib3f(index, x, y, z);
6096 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib3fv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLfloat *v)
6099 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib3fv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6100 m_gl.vertexAttrib3fv(index, v);
6103 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib3s (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLshort x, glw::GLshort y, glw::GLshort z)
6106 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib3s(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6107 m_gl.vertexAttrib3s(index, x, y, z);
6110 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib3sv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLshort *v)
6113 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib3sv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6114 m_gl.vertexAttrib3sv(index, v);
6117 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4Nbv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLbyte *v)
6120 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4Nbv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6121 m_gl.vertexAttrib4Nbv(index, v);
6124 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4Niv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *v)
6127 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4Niv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6128 m_gl.vertexAttrib4Niv(index, v);
6131 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4Nsv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLshort *v)
6134 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4Nsv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6135 m_gl.vertexAttrib4Nsv(index, v);
6138 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4Nub (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLubyte x, glw::GLubyte y, glw::GLubyte z, glw::GLubyte w)
6141 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4Nub(" << index << ", " << toHex(x) << ", " << toHex(y) << ", " << toHex(z) << ", " << toHex(w) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6142 m_gl.vertexAttrib4Nub(index, x, y, z, w);
6145 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4Nubv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLubyte *v)
6148 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4Nubv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6149 m_gl.vertexAttrib4Nubv(index, v);
6152 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4Nuiv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLuint *v)
6155 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4Nuiv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6156 m_gl.vertexAttrib4Nuiv(index, v);
6159 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4Nusv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLushort *v)
6162 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4Nusv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6163 m_gl.vertexAttrib4Nusv(index, v);
6166 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4bv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLbyte *v)
6169 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4bv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6170 m_gl.vertexAttrib4bv(index, v);
6173 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z, glw::GLdouble w)
6176 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4d(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6177 m_gl.vertexAttrib4d(index, x, y, z, w);
6180 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6183 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4dv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6184 m_gl.vertexAttrib4dv(index, v);
6187 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4f (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y, glw::GLfloat z, glw::GLfloat w)
6190 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4f(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6191 m_gl.vertexAttrib4f(index, x, y, z, w);
6194 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4fv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLfloat *v)
6197 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4fv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6198 m_gl.vertexAttrib4fv(index, v);
6201 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4iv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *v)
6204 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4iv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6205 m_gl.vertexAttrib4iv(index, v);
6208 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4s (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLshort x, glw::GLshort y, glw::GLshort z, glw::GLshort w)
6211 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4s(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6212 m_gl.vertexAttrib4s(index, x, y, z, w);
6215 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4sv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLshort *v)
6218 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4sv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6219 m_gl.vertexAttrib4sv(index, v);
6222 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4ubv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLubyte *v)
6225 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4ubv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6226 m_gl.vertexAttrib4ubv(index, v);
6229 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4uiv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLuint *v)
6232 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4uiv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6233 m_gl.vertexAttrib4uiv(index, v);
6236 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttrib4usv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLushort *v)
6239 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttrib4usv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6240 m_gl.vertexAttrib4usv(index, v);
6243 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribBinding (glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLuint bindingindex)
6246 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribBinding(" << attribindex << ", " << bindingindex << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6247 m_gl.vertexAttribBinding(attribindex, bindingindex);
6250 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribDivisor (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint divisor)
6253 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribDivisor(" << index << ", " << divisor << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6254 m_gl.vertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor);
6257 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribFormat (glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
6260 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribFormat(" << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6261 m_gl.vertexAttribFormat(attribindex, size, type, normalized, relativeoffset);
6264 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI1i (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint x)
6267 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI1i(" << index << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6268 m_gl.vertexAttribI1i(index, x);
6271 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI1iv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *v)
6274 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI1iv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6275 m_gl.vertexAttribI1iv(index, v);
6278 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI1ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint x)
6281 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI1ui(" << index << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6282 m_gl.vertexAttribI1ui(index, x);
6285 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI1uiv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLuint *v)
6288 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI1uiv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 1) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6289 m_gl.vertexAttribI1uiv(index, v);
6292 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI2i (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y)
6295 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI2i(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6296 m_gl.vertexAttribI2i(index, x, y);
6299 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI2iv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *v)
6302 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI2iv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6303 m_gl.vertexAttribI2iv(index, v);
6306 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI2ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint x, glw::GLuint y)
6309 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI2ui(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6310 m_gl.vertexAttribI2ui(index, x, y);
6313 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI2uiv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLuint *v)
6316 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI2uiv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 2) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6317 m_gl.vertexAttribI2uiv(index, v);
6320 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI3i (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLint z)
6323 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI3i(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6324 m_gl.vertexAttribI3i(index, x, y, z);
6327 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI3iv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *v)
6330 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI3iv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6331 m_gl.vertexAttribI3iv(index, v);
6334 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI3ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint x, glw::GLuint y, glw::GLuint z)
6337 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI3ui(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6338 m_gl.vertexAttribI3ui(index, x, y, z);
6341 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI3uiv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLuint *v)
6344 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI3uiv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 3) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6345 m_gl.vertexAttribI3uiv(index, v);
6348 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4bv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLbyte *v)
6351 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4bv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6352 m_gl.vertexAttribI4bv(index, v);
6355 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4i (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLint z, glw::GLint w)
6358 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4i(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6359 m_gl.vertexAttribI4i(index, x, y, z, w);
6362 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4iv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLint *v)
6365 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4iv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6366 m_gl.vertexAttribI4iv(index, v);
6369 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4sv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLshort *v)
6372 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4sv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6373 m_gl.vertexAttribI4sv(index, v);
6376 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4ubv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLubyte *v)
6379 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4ubv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6380 m_gl.vertexAttribI4ubv(index, v);
6383 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLuint x, glw::GLuint y, glw::GLuint z, glw::GLuint w)
6386 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4ui(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6387 m_gl.vertexAttribI4ui(index, x, y, z, w);
6390 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4uiv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLuint *v)
6393 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4uiv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6394 m_gl.vertexAttribI4uiv(index, v);
6397 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribI4usv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLushort *v)
6400 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribI4usv(" << index << ", " << getPointerStr(v, 4) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6401 m_gl.vertexAttribI4usv(index, v);
6404 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribIFormat (glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
6407 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribIFormat(" << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6408 m_gl.vertexAttribIFormat(attribindex, size, type, relativeoffset);
6411 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribIPointer (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, const void *pointer)
6414 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribIPointer(" << index << ", " << size << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << pointer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6415 m_gl.vertexAttribIPointer(index, size, type, stride, pointer);
6418 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL1d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x)
6421 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL1d(" << index << ", " << x << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6422 m_gl.vertexAttribL1d(index, x);
6425 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL1dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6428 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL1dv(" << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6429 m_gl.vertexAttribL1dv(index, v);
6432 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL2d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y)
6435 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL2d(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6436 m_gl.vertexAttribL2d(index, x, y);
6439 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL2dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6442 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL2dv(" << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6443 m_gl.vertexAttribL2dv(index, v);
6446 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL3d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z)
6449 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL3d(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6450 m_gl.vertexAttribL3d(index, x, y, z);
6453 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL3dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6456 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL3dv(" << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6457 m_gl.vertexAttribL3dv(index, v);
6460 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL4d (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLdouble x, glw::GLdouble y, glw::GLdouble z, glw::GLdouble w)
6463 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL4d(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << w << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6464 m_gl.vertexAttribL4d(index, x, y, z, w);
6467 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribL4dv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLdouble *v)
6470 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribL4dv(" << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6471 m_gl.vertexAttribL4dv(index, v);
6474 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribLFormat (glw::GLuint attribindex, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLuint relativeoffset)
6477 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribLFormat(" << attribindex << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << relativeoffset << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6478 m_gl.vertexAttribLFormat(attribindex, size, type, relativeoffset);
6481 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribLPointer (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLsizei stride, const void *pointer)
6484 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribLPointer(" << index << ", " << size << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << stride << ", " << pointer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6485 m_gl.vertexAttribLPointer(index, size, type, stride, pointer);
6488 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP1ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLuint value)
6491 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP1ui(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << value << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6492 m_gl.vertexAttribP1ui(index, type, normalized, value);
6495 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP1uiv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, const glw::GLuint *value)
6498 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP1uiv(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6499 m_gl.vertexAttribP1uiv(index, type, normalized, value);
6502 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP2ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLuint value)
6505 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP2ui(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << value << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6506 m_gl.vertexAttribP2ui(index, type, normalized, value);
6509 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP2uiv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, const glw::GLuint *value)
6512 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP2uiv(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6513 m_gl.vertexAttribP2uiv(index, type, normalized, value);
6516 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP3ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLuint value)
6519 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP3ui(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << value << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6520 m_gl.vertexAttribP3ui(index, type, normalized, value);
6523 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP3uiv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, const glw::GLuint *value)
6526 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP3uiv(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6527 m_gl.vertexAttribP3uiv(index, type, normalized, value);
6530 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP4ui (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLuint value)
6533 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP4ui(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << value << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6534 m_gl.vertexAttribP4ui(index, type, normalized, value);
6537 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribP4uiv (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, const glw::GLuint *value)
6540 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribP4uiv(" << index << ", " << toHex(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(value))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6541 m_gl.vertexAttribP4uiv(index, type, normalized, value);
6544 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexAttribPointer (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLint size, glw::GLenum type, glw::GLboolean normalized, glw::GLsizei stride, const void *pointer)
6547 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexAttribPointer(" << index << ", " << size << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << getBooleanStr(normalized) << ", " << stride << ", " << pointer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6548 m_gl.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer);
6551 void CallLogWrapper::glVertexBindingDivisor (glw::GLuint bindingindex, glw::GLuint divisor)
6554 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glVertexBindingDivisor(" << bindingindex << ", " << divisor << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6555 m_gl.vertexBindingDivisor(bindingindex, divisor);
6558 void CallLogWrapper::glViewport (glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
6561 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glViewport(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6562 m_gl.viewport(x, y, width, height);
6565 void CallLogWrapper::glViewportArrayv (glw::GLuint first, glw::GLsizei count, const glw::GLfloat *v)
6568 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glViewportArrayv(" << first << ", " << count << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6569 m_gl.viewportArrayv(first, count, v);
6572 void CallLogWrapper::glViewportIndexedf (glw::GLuint index, glw::GLfloat x, glw::GLfloat y, glw::GLfloat w, glw::GLfloat h)
6575 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glViewportIndexedf(" << index << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << w << ", " << h << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6576 m_gl.viewportIndexedf(index, x, y, w, h);
6579 void CallLogWrapper::glViewportIndexedfv (glw::GLuint index, const glw::GLfloat *v)
6582 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glViewportIndexedfv(" << index << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(v))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6583 m_gl.viewportIndexedfv(index, v);
6586 void CallLogWrapper::glWaitSync (glw::GLsync sync, glw::GLbitfield flags, glw::GLuint64 timeout)
6589 m_log << TestLog::Message << "glWaitSync(" << sync << ", " << toHex(flags) << ", " << timeout << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
6590 m_gl.waitSync(sync, flags, timeout);