1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 * Vulkan Conformance Tests
3 * ------------------------
5 * Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc.
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 * limitations under the License.
21 * \brief SPIR-V Assembly Tests for Instructions (special opcode/operand)
22 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
24 #include "vktSpvAsmInstructionTests.hpp"
26 #include "tcuCommandLine.hpp"
27 #include "tcuFormatUtil.hpp"
28 #include "tcuFloat.hpp"
29 #include "tcuRGBA.hpp"
30 #include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"
31 #include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
32 #include "tcuVectorUtil.hpp"
35 #include "vkDeviceUtil.hpp"
36 #include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
37 #include "vkPlatform.hpp"
38 #include "vkPrograms.hpp"
39 #include "vkQueryUtil.hpp"
41 #include "vkRefUtil.hpp"
42 #include "vkStrUtil.hpp"
43 #include "vkTypeUtil.hpp"
45 #include "deRandom.hpp"
46 #include "deStringUtil.hpp"
47 #include "deUniquePtr.hpp"
48 #include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"
51 #include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderCase.hpp"
52 #include "vktSpvAsmComputeShaderTestUtil.hpp"
53 #include "vktTestCaseUtil.hpp"
63 namespace SpirVAssembly
77 using tcu::TestStatus;
80 using tcu::StringTemplate;
83 typedef Unique<VkShaderModule> ModuleHandleUp;
84 typedef de::SharedPtr<ModuleHandleUp> ModuleHandleSp;
86 template<typename T> T randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, T minValue, T maxValue);
87 template<> inline float randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, float minValue, float maxValue) { return rnd.getFloat(minValue, maxValue); }
88 template<> inline deInt32 randomScalar (de::Random& rnd, deInt32 minValue, deInt32 maxValue) { return rnd.getInt(minValue, maxValue); }
91 static void fillRandomScalars (de::Random& rnd, T minValue, T maxValue, void* dst, int numValues, int offset = 0)
93 T* const typedPtr = (T*)dst;
94 for (int ndx = 0; ndx < numValues; ndx++)
95 typedPtr[offset + ndx] = randomScalar<T>(rnd, minValue, maxValue);
98 static void floorAll (vector<float>& values)
100 for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
101 values[i] = deFloatFloor(values[i]);
104 static void floorAll (vector<Vec4>& values)
106 for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++)
107 values[i] = floor(values[i]);
115 CaseParameter (const char* case_, const string& param_) : name(case_), param(param_) {}
118 // Assembly code used for testing OpNop, OpConstant{Null|Composite}, Op[No]Line, OpSource[Continued], OpSourceExtension, OpUndef is based on GLSL source code:
122 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Input {
125 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) writeonly buffer Output {
129 // layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
132 // uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
133 // output_data.elements[x] = -input_data.elements[x];
136 static const char* const s_ShaderPreamble =
137 "OpCapability Shader\n"
138 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
139 "OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %id\n"
140 "OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n";
142 static const char* const s_CommonTypes =
143 "%bool = OpTypeBool\n"
144 "%void = OpTypeVoid\n"
145 "%voidf = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
146 "%u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
147 "%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
148 "%f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
149 "%uvec3 = OpTypeVector %u32 3\n"
150 "%fvec3 = OpTypeVector %f32 3\n"
151 "%uvec3ptr = OpTypePointer Input %uvec3\n"
152 "%f32ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %f32\n"
153 "%f32arr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %f32\n"
154 "%boolarr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %bool\n";
156 // Declares two uniform variables (indata, outdata) of type "struct { float[] }". Depends on type "f32arr" (for "float[]").
157 static const char* const s_InputOutputBuffer =
158 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
159 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
160 "%indata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
161 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n";
163 // Declares buffer type and layout for uniform variables indata and outdata. Both of them are SSBO bounded to descriptor set 0.
164 // indata is at binding point 0, while outdata is at 1.
165 static const char* const s_InputOutputBufferTraits =
166 "OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
167 "OpDecorate %indata DescriptorSet 0\n"
168 "OpDecorate %indata Binding 0\n"
169 "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
170 "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 1\n"
171 "OpDecorate %f32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
172 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n";
174 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpNopGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
176 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opnop", "Test the OpNop instruction"));
177 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
178 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
179 const int numElements = 100;
180 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
181 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
183 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
185 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
186 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
189 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
191 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
192 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
193 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
195 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
197 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes)
199 + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
201 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
202 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
204 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
206 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
207 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
209 " OpNop\n" // Inside a function body
211 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
212 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
213 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
214 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
215 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
218 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
219 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
220 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
222 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "all", "OpNop appearing at different places", spec));
224 return group.release();
227 bool compareFUnord (const std::vector<BufferSp>& inputs, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<BufferSp>& expectedOutputs, TestLog& log)
229 if (outputAllocs.size() != 1)
232 const BufferSp& expectedOutput = expectedOutputs[0];
233 const deInt32* expectedOutputAsInt = static_cast<const deInt32*>(expectedOutputs[0]->data());
234 const deInt32* outputAsInt = static_cast<const deInt32*>(outputAllocs[0]->getHostPtr());
235 const float* input1AsFloat = static_cast<const float*>(inputs[0]->data());
236 const float* input2AsFloat = static_cast<const float*>(inputs[1]->data());
237 bool returnValue = true;
239 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < expectedOutput->getNumBytes() / sizeof(deInt32); ++idx)
241 if (outputAsInt[idx] != expectedOutputAsInt[idx])
243 log << TestLog::Message << "ERROR: Sub-case failed. inputs: " << input1AsFloat[idx] << "," << input2AsFloat[idx] << " output: " << outputAsInt[idx]<< " expected output: " << expectedOutputAsInt[idx] << TestLog::EndMessage;
250 typedef VkBool32 (*compareFuncType) (float, float);
256 compareFuncType compareFunc;
258 OpFUnordCase (const char* _name, const char* _opCode, compareFuncType _compareFunc)
261 , compareFunc (_compareFunc) {}
266 struct compare_##NAME { static VkBool32 compare(float x, float y) { return (x OPERATOR y) ? VK_TRUE : VK_FALSE; } }; \
267 cases.push_back(OpFUnordCase(#NAME, OPCODE, compare_##NAME::compare)); \
268 } while (deGetFalse())
270 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpFUnordGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
272 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opfunord", "Test the OpFUnord* opcodes"));
273 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
274 const int numElements = 100;
275 vector<OpFUnordCase> cases;
277 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
279 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
281 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
282 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
283 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
285 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
287 "OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
288 "OpDecorate %buf2 BufferBlock\n"
289 "OpDecorate %indata1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
290 "OpDecorate %indata1 Binding 0\n"
291 "OpDecorate %indata2 DescriptorSet 0\n"
292 "OpDecorate %indata2 Binding 1\n"
293 "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
294 "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 2\n"
295 "OpDecorate %f32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
296 "OpDecorate %boolarr ArrayStride 4\n"
297 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n"
298 "OpMemberDecorate %buf2 0 Offset 0\n"
300 + string(s_CommonTypes) +
302 "%i32ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %i32\n"
303 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
304 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
305 "%indata1 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
306 "%indata2 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
308 "%buf2 = OpTypeStruct %boolarr\n"
309 "%buf2ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf2\n"
310 "%outdata = OpVariable %buf2ptr Uniform\n"
312 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
313 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
314 "%consti1 = OpConstant %i32 1\n"
315 "%constf1 = OpConstant %f32 1.0\n"
317 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
319 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
320 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
322 "%inloc1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata1 %zero %x\n"
323 "%inval1 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc1\n"
324 "%inloc2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata2 %zero %x\n"
325 "%inval2 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc2\n"
326 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
328 "%result = ${OPCODE} %bool %inval1 %inval2\n"
329 "%int_res = OpSelect %i32 %result %consti1 %zero\n"
330 " OpStore %outloc %int_res\n"
335 ADD_OPFUNORD_CASE(equal, "OpFUnordEqual", ==);
336 ADD_OPFUNORD_CASE(less, "OpFUnordLessThan", <);
337 ADD_OPFUNORD_CASE(lessequal, "OpFUnordLessThanEqual", <=);
338 ADD_OPFUNORD_CASE(greater, "OpFUnordGreaterThan", >);
339 ADD_OPFUNORD_CASE(greaterequal, "OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual", >=);
340 ADD_OPFUNORD_CASE(notequal, "OpFUnordNotEqual", !=);
342 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
344 map<string, string> specializations;
345 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
346 const float NaN = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
347 vector<float> inputFloats1 (numElements, 0);
348 vector<float> inputFloats2 (numElements, 0);
349 vector<deInt32> expectedInts (numElements, 0);
351 specializations["OPCODE"] = cases[caseNdx].opCode;
352 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
354 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &inputFloats1[0], numElements);
355 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
359 case 0: inputFloats2[ndx] = inputFloats1[ndx] + 1.0f; break;
360 case 1: inputFloats2[ndx] = inputFloats1[ndx] - 1.0f; break;
361 case 2: inputFloats2[ndx] = inputFloats1[ndx]; break;
362 case 3: inputFloats2[ndx] = NaN; break;
363 case 4: inputFloats2[ndx] = inputFloats1[ndx]; inputFloats1[ndx] = NaN; break;
364 case 5: inputFloats2[ndx] = NaN; inputFloats1[ndx] = NaN; break;
366 expectedInts[ndx] = tcu::Float32(inputFloats1[ndx]).isNaN() || tcu::Float32(inputFloats2[ndx]).isNaN() || cases[caseNdx].compareFunc(inputFloats1[ndx], inputFloats2[ndx]);
369 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats1)));
370 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats2)));
371 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(expectedInts)));
372 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
373 spec.verifyIO = &compareFUnord;
374 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
377 return group.release();
380 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpLineGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
382 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opline", "Test the OpLine instruction"));
383 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
384 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
385 const int numElements = 100;
386 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
387 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
389 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
391 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
392 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
395 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
397 "%fname1 = OpString \"negateInputs.comp\"\n"
398 "%fname2 = OpString \"negateInputs\"\n"
400 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
401 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
402 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
404 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
406 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) +
408 "OpLine %fname1 0 0\n" // At the earliest possible position
410 + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
412 "OpLine %fname1 0 1\n" // Multiple OpLines in sequence
413 "OpLine %fname2 1 0\n" // Different filenames
414 "OpLine %fname1 1000 100000\n"
416 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
417 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
419 "OpLine %fname1 1 1\n" // Before a function
421 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
424 "OpLine %fname1 1 1\n" // In a function
426 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
427 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
428 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
429 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
430 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
431 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
432 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
435 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
436 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
437 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
439 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "all", "OpLine appearing at different places", spec));
441 return group.release();
444 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpNoLineGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
446 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opnoline", "Test the OpNoLine instruction"));
447 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
448 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
449 const int numElements = 100;
450 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
451 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
453 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
455 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
456 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
459 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
461 "%fname = OpString \"negateInputs.comp\"\n"
463 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
464 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
465 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
467 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
469 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) +
471 "OpNoLine\n" // At the earliest possible position, without preceding OpLine
473 + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
475 "OpLine %fname 0 1\n"
476 "OpNoLine\n" // Immediately following a preceding OpLine
478 "OpLine %fname 1000 1\n"
480 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
481 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
483 "OpNoLine\n" // Contents after the previous OpLine
485 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
487 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
488 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
490 "OpNoLine\n" // Multiple OpNoLine
494 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
495 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
496 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
497 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
498 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
501 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
502 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
503 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
505 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "all", "OpNoLine appearing at different places", spec));
507 return group.release();
510 // Compare instruction for the contraction compute case.
511 // Returns true if the output is what is expected from the test case.
512 bool compareNoContractCase(const std::vector<BufferSp>&, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<BufferSp>& expectedOutputs, TestLog&)
514 if (outputAllocs.size() != 1)
517 // We really just need this for size because we are not comparing the exact values.
518 const BufferSp& expectedOutput = expectedOutputs[0];
519 const float* outputAsFloat = static_cast<const float*>(outputAllocs[0]->getHostPtr());;
521 for(size_t i = 0; i < expectedOutput->getNumBytes() / sizeof(float); ++i) {
522 if (outputAsFloat[i] != 0.f &&
523 outputAsFloat[i] != -ldexp(1, -24)) {
531 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createNoContractionGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
533 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "nocontraction", "Test the NoContraction decoration"));
534 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
535 const int numElements = 100;
536 vector<float> inputFloats1 (numElements, 0);
537 vector<float> inputFloats2 (numElements, 0);
538 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
539 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
540 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
542 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
543 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
545 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
549 "OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
550 "OpDecorate %indata1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
551 "OpDecorate %indata1 Binding 0\n"
552 "OpDecorate %indata2 DescriptorSet 0\n"
553 "OpDecorate %indata2 Binding 1\n"
554 "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
555 "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 2\n"
556 "OpDecorate %f32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
557 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n"
559 + string(s_CommonTypes) +
561 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
562 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
563 "%indata1 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
564 "%indata2 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
565 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
567 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
568 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
569 "%c_f_m1 = OpConstant %f32 -1.\n"
571 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
573 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
574 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
575 "%inloc1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata1 %zero %x\n"
576 "%inval1 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc1\n"
577 "%inloc2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata2 %zero %x\n"
578 "%inval2 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc2\n"
579 "%mul = OpFMul %f32 %inval1 %inval2\n"
580 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %mul %c_f_m1\n"
581 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
582 " OpStore %outloc %add\n"
586 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("multiplication", "OpDecorate %mul NoContraction"));
587 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("addition", "OpDecorate %add NoContraction"));
588 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("both", "OpDecorate %mul NoContraction\nOpDecorate %add NoContraction"));
590 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
592 inputFloats1[ndx] = 1.f + std::ldexp(1.f, -23); // 1 + 2^-23.
593 inputFloats2[ndx] = 1.f - std::ldexp(1.f, -23); // 1 - 2^-23.
594 // Result for (1 + 2^-23) * (1 - 2^-23) - 1. With NoContraction, the multiplication will be
595 // conducted separately and the result is rounded to 1, or 0x1.fffffcp-1
596 // So the final result will be 0.f or 0x1p-24.
597 // If the operation is combined into a precise fused multiply-add, then the result would be
598 // 2^-46 (0xa8800000).
599 outputFloats[ndx] = 0.f;
602 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
604 map<string, string> specializations;
605 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
607 specializations["DECORATION"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
608 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
609 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats1)));
610 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats2)));
611 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
612 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
613 // Check against the two possible answers based on rounding mode.
614 spec.verifyIO = &compareNoContractCase;
616 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
618 return group.release();
621 bool compareFRem(const std::vector<BufferSp>&, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<BufferSp>& expectedOutputs, TestLog&)
623 if (outputAllocs.size() != 1)
626 const BufferSp& expectedOutput = expectedOutputs[0];
627 const float *expectedOutputAsFloat = static_cast<const float*>(expectedOutput->data());
628 const float* outputAsFloat = static_cast<const float*>(outputAllocs[0]->getHostPtr());;
630 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < expectedOutput->getNumBytes() / sizeof(float); ++idx)
632 const float f0 = expectedOutputAsFloat[idx];
633 const float f1 = outputAsFloat[idx];
634 // \todo relative error needs to be fairly high because FRem may be implemented as
635 // (roughly) frac(a/b)*b, so LSB errors can be magnified. But this should be fine for now.
636 if (deFloatAbs((f1 - f0) / f0) > 0.02)
643 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpFRemGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
645 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opfrem", "Test the OpFRem instruction"));
646 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
647 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
648 const int numElements = 200;
649 vector<float> inputFloats1 (numElements, 0);
650 vector<float> inputFloats2 (numElements, 0);
651 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
653 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -10000.f, 10000.f, &inputFloats1[0], numElements);
654 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -100.f, 100.f, &inputFloats2[0], numElements);
656 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
658 // Guard against divisors near zero.
659 if (std::fabs(inputFloats2[ndx]) < 1e-3)
660 inputFloats2[ndx] = 8.f;
662 // The return value of std::fmod() has the same sign as its first operand, which is how OpFRem spec'd.
663 outputFloats[ndx] = std::fmod(inputFloats1[ndx], inputFloats2[ndx]);
667 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
669 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
670 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
672 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
674 "OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
675 "OpDecorate %indata1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
676 "OpDecorate %indata1 Binding 0\n"
677 "OpDecorate %indata2 DescriptorSet 0\n"
678 "OpDecorate %indata2 Binding 1\n"
679 "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
680 "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 2\n"
681 "OpDecorate %f32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
682 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n"
684 + string(s_CommonTypes) +
686 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
687 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
688 "%indata1 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
689 "%indata2 = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
690 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
692 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
693 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
695 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
697 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
698 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
699 "%inloc1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata1 %zero %x\n"
700 "%inval1 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc1\n"
701 "%inloc2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata2 %zero %x\n"
702 "%inval2 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc2\n"
703 "%rem = OpFRem %f32 %inval1 %inval2\n"
704 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
705 " OpStore %outloc %rem\n"
709 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats1)));
710 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats2)));
711 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
712 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
713 spec.verifyIO = &compareFRem;
715 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "all", "", spec));
717 return group.release();
720 // Copy contents in the input buffer to the output buffer.
721 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpCopyMemoryGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
723 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opcopymemory", "Test the OpCopyMemory instruction"));
724 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
725 const int numElements = 100;
727 // The following case adds vec4(0., 0.5, 1.5, 2.5) to each of the elements in the input buffer and writes output to the output buffer.
728 ComputeShaderSpec spec1;
729 vector<Vec4> inputFloats1 (numElements);
730 vector<Vec4> outputFloats1 (numElements);
732 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -200.f, 200.f, &inputFloats1[0], numElements * 4);
734 // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences.
735 floorAll(inputFloats1);
737 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
738 outputFloats1[ndx] = inputFloats1[ndx] + Vec4(0.f, 0.5f, 1.5f, 2.5f);
741 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
743 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
744 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
746 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
747 "OpDecorate %vec4arr ArrayStride 16\n"
749 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
751 "%vec4 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n"
752 "%vec4ptr_u = OpTypePointer Uniform %vec4\n"
753 "%vec4ptr_f = OpTypePointer Function %vec4\n"
754 "%vec4arr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %vec4\n"
755 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %vec4arr\n"
756 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
757 "%indata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
758 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
760 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
761 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
762 "%c_f_0 = OpConstant %f32 0.\n"
763 "%c_f_0_5 = OpConstant %f32 0.5\n"
764 "%c_f_1_5 = OpConstant %f32 1.5\n"
765 "%c_f_2_5 = OpConstant %f32 2.5\n"
766 "%c_vec4 = OpConstantComposite %vec4 %c_f_0 %c_f_0_5 %c_f_1_5 %c_f_2_5\n"
768 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
770 "%v_vec4 = OpVariable %vec4ptr_f Function\n"
771 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
772 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
773 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %vec4ptr_u %indata %zero %x\n"
774 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %vec4ptr_u %outdata %zero %x\n"
775 " OpCopyMemory %v_vec4 %inloc\n"
776 "%v_vec4_val = OpLoad %vec4 %v_vec4\n"
777 "%add = OpFAdd %vec4 %v_vec4_val %c_vec4\n"
778 " OpStore %outloc %add\n"
782 spec1.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Vec4Buffer(inputFloats1)));
783 spec1.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Vec4Buffer(outputFloats1)));
784 spec1.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
786 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "vector", "OpCopyMemory elements of vector type", spec1));
788 // The following case copies a float[100] variable from the input buffer to the output buffer.
789 ComputeShaderSpec spec2;
790 vector<float> inputFloats2 (numElements);
791 vector<float> outputFloats2 (numElements);
793 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -200.f, 200.f, &inputFloats2[0], numElements);
795 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
796 outputFloats2[ndx] = inputFloats2[ndx];
799 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
801 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
802 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
804 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
805 "OpDecorate %f32arr100 ArrayStride 4\n"
807 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
809 "%hundred = OpConstant %u32 100\n"
810 "%f32arr100 = OpTypeArray %f32 %hundred\n"
811 "%f32arr100ptr_f = OpTypePointer Function %f32arr100\n"
812 "%f32arr100ptr_u = OpTypePointer Uniform %f32arr100\n"
813 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %f32arr100\n"
814 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
815 "%indata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
816 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
818 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
819 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
821 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
823 "%var = OpVariable %f32arr100ptr_f Function\n"
824 "%inarr = OpAccessChain %f32arr100ptr_u %indata %zero\n"
825 "%outarr = OpAccessChain %f32arr100ptr_u %outdata %zero\n"
826 " OpCopyMemory %var %inarr\n"
827 " OpCopyMemory %outarr %var\n"
831 spec2.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats2)));
832 spec2.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats2)));
833 spec2.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1);
835 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "array", "OpCopyMemory elements of array type", spec2));
837 // The following case copies a struct{vec4, vec4, vec4, vec4} variable from the input buffer to the output buffer.
838 ComputeShaderSpec spec3;
839 vector<float> inputFloats3 (16);
840 vector<float> outputFloats3 (16);
842 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -200.f, 200.f, &inputFloats3[0], 16);
844 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < 16; ++ndx)
845 outputFloats3[ndx] = inputFloats3[ndx];
848 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
850 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
851 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
853 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
854 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n"
855 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 1 Offset 16\n"
856 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 2 Offset 32\n"
857 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 3 Offset 48\n"
859 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
861 "%vec4 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n"
862 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %vec4 %vec4 %vec4 %vec4\n"
863 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
864 "%indata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
865 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
866 "%vec4stptr = OpTypePointer Function %buf\n"
868 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
869 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
871 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
873 "%var = OpVariable %vec4stptr Function\n"
874 " OpCopyMemory %var %indata\n"
875 " OpCopyMemory %outdata %var\n"
879 spec3.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats3)));
880 spec3.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats3)));
881 spec3.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1);
883 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "struct", "OpCopyMemory elements of struct type", spec3));
885 // The following case negates multiple float variables from the input buffer and stores the results to the output buffer.
886 ComputeShaderSpec spec4;
887 vector<float> inputFloats4 (numElements);
888 vector<float> outputFloats4 (numElements);
890 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -200.f, 200.f, &inputFloats4[0], numElements);
892 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
893 outputFloats4[ndx] = -inputFloats4[ndx];
896 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
898 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
899 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
901 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
903 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
905 "%f32ptr_f = OpTypePointer Function %f32\n"
906 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
907 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
909 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
911 "%var = OpVariable %f32ptr_f Function\n"
912 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
913 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
914 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
915 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
916 " OpCopyMemory %var %inloc\n"
917 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %var\n"
918 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %val\n"
919 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
923 spec4.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats4)));
924 spec4.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats4)));
925 spec4.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
927 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "float", "OpCopyMemory elements of float type", spec4));
929 return group.release();
932 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpCopyObjectGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
934 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opcopyobject", "Test the OpCopyObject instruction"));
935 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
936 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
937 const int numElements = 100;
938 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
939 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
941 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -200.f, 200.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
943 // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences.
944 floorAll(inputFloats);
946 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
947 outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 7.5f;
950 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
952 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
953 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
955 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
957 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
959 "%fmat = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 3\n"
960 "%three = OpConstant %u32 3\n"
961 "%farr = OpTypeArray %f32 %three\n"
962 "%fst = OpTypeStruct %f32 %f32\n"
964 + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
966 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
967 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
968 "%c_f = OpConstant %f32 1.5\n"
969 "%c_fvec3 = OpConstantComposite %fvec3 %c_f %c_f %c_f\n"
970 "%c_fmat = OpConstantComposite %fmat %c_fvec3 %c_fvec3 %c_fvec3\n"
971 "%c_farr = OpConstantComposite %farr %c_f %c_f %c_f\n"
972 "%c_fst = OpConstantComposite %fst %c_f %c_f\n"
974 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
976 "%c_f_copy = OpCopyObject %f32 %c_f\n"
977 "%c_fvec3_copy = OpCopyObject %fvec3 %c_fvec3\n"
978 "%c_fmat_copy = OpCopyObject %fmat %c_fmat\n"
979 "%c_farr_copy = OpCopyObject %farr %c_farr\n"
980 "%c_fst_copy = OpCopyObject %fst %c_fst\n"
981 "%fvec3_elem = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %c_fvec3_copy 0\n"
982 "%fmat_elem = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %c_fmat_copy 1 2\n"
983 "%farr_elem = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %c_farr_copy 2\n"
984 "%fst_elem = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %c_fst_copy 1\n"
985 // Add up. 1.5 * 5 = 7.5.
986 "%add1 = OpFAdd %f32 %c_f_copy %fvec3_elem\n"
987 "%add2 = OpFAdd %f32 %add1 %fmat_elem\n"
988 "%add3 = OpFAdd %f32 %add2 %farr_elem\n"
989 "%add4 = OpFAdd %f32 %add3 %fst_elem\n"
991 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
992 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
993 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
994 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
995 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
996 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %add4 %inval\n"
997 " OpStore %outloc %add\n"
1000 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
1001 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
1002 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1004 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "spotcheck", "OpCopyObject on different types", spec));
1006 return group.release();
1008 // Assembly code used for testing OpUnreachable is based on GLSL source code:
1012 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Input {
1013 // float elements[];
1015 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) writeonly buffer Output {
1016 // float elements[];
1019 // void not_called_func() {
1020 // // place OpUnreachable here
1023 // uint modulo4(uint val) {
1024 // switch (val % uint(4)) {
1025 // case 0: return 3;
1026 // case 1: return 2;
1027 // case 2: return 1;
1028 // case 3: return 0;
1029 // default: return 100; // place OpUnreachable here
1035 // // place OpUnreachable here
1039 // uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
1040 // if (const5() > modulo4(1000)) {
1041 // output_data.elements[x] = -input_data.elements[x];
1043 // // place OpUnreachable here
1044 // output_data.elements[x] = input_data.elements[x];
1048 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpUnreachableGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
1050 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opunreachable", "Test the OpUnreachable instruction"));
1051 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
1052 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
1053 const int numElements = 100;
1054 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
1055 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
1057 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
1059 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
1060 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
1063 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1065 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
1066 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1067 "OpName %func_not_called_func \"not_called_func(\"\n"
1068 "OpName %func_modulo4 \"modulo4(u1;\"\n"
1069 "OpName %func_const5 \"const5(\"\n"
1070 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1072 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1074 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
1076 "%u32ptr = OpTypePointer Function %u32\n"
1077 "%uintfuint = OpTypeFunction %u32 %u32ptr\n"
1078 "%unitf = OpTypeFunction %u32\n"
1080 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1081 "%zero = OpConstant %u32 0\n"
1082 "%one = OpConstant %u32 1\n"
1083 "%two = OpConstant %u32 2\n"
1084 "%three = OpConstant %u32 3\n"
1085 "%four = OpConstant %u32 4\n"
1086 "%five = OpConstant %u32 5\n"
1087 "%hundred = OpConstant %u32 100\n"
1088 "%thousand = OpConstant %u32 1000\n"
1090 + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
1093 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1094 "%main_entry = OpLabel\n"
1095 "%v_thousand = OpVariable %u32ptr Function %thousand\n"
1096 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1097 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
1098 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
1099 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
1100 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
1101 "%ret_const5 = OpFunctionCall %u32 %func_const5\n"
1102 "%ret_modulo4 = OpFunctionCall %u32 %func_modulo4 %v_thousand\n"
1103 "%cmp_gt = OpUGreaterThan %bool %ret_const5 %ret_modulo4\n"
1104 " OpSelectionMerge %if_end None\n"
1105 " OpBranchConditional %cmp_gt %if_true %if_false\n"
1106 "%if_true = OpLabel\n"
1107 "%negate = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
1108 " OpStore %outloc %negate\n"
1109 " OpBranch %if_end\n"
1110 "%if_false = OpLabel\n"
1111 " OpUnreachable\n" // Unreachable else branch for if statement
1112 "%if_end = OpLabel\n"
1116 // not_called_function()
1117 "%func_not_called_func = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1118 "%not_called_func_entry = OpLabel\n"
1119 " OpUnreachable\n" // Unreachable entry block in not called static function
1123 "%func_modulo4 = OpFunction %u32 None %uintfuint\n"
1124 "%valptr = OpFunctionParameter %u32ptr\n"
1125 "%modulo4_entry = OpLabel\n"
1126 "%val = OpLoad %u32 %valptr\n"
1127 "%modulo = OpUMod %u32 %val %four\n"
1128 " OpSelectionMerge %switch_merge None\n"
1129 " OpSwitch %modulo %default 0 %case0 1 %case1 2 %case2 3 %case3\n"
1130 "%case0 = OpLabel\n"
1131 " OpReturnValue %three\n"
1132 "%case1 = OpLabel\n"
1133 " OpReturnValue %two\n"
1134 "%case2 = OpLabel\n"
1135 " OpReturnValue %one\n"
1136 "%case3 = OpLabel\n"
1137 " OpReturnValue %zero\n"
1138 "%default = OpLabel\n"
1139 " OpUnreachable\n" // Unreachable default case for switch statement
1140 "%switch_merge = OpLabel\n"
1141 " OpUnreachable\n" // Unreachable merge block for switch statement
1145 "%func_const5 = OpFunction %u32 None %unitf\n"
1146 "%const5_entry = OpLabel\n"
1147 " OpReturnValue %five\n"
1148 "%unreachable = OpLabel\n"
1149 " OpUnreachable\n" // Unreachable block in function
1151 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
1152 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
1153 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1155 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "all", "OpUnreachable appearing at different places", spec));
1157 return group.release();
1160 // Assembly code used for testing decoration group is based on GLSL source code:
1164 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Input0 {
1165 // float elements[];
1167 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) readonly buffer Input1 {
1168 // float elements[];
1170 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 2) readonly buffer Input2 {
1171 // float elements[];
1173 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 3) readonly buffer Input3 {
1174 // float elements[];
1176 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 4) readonly buffer Input4 {
1177 // float elements[];
1179 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 5) writeonly buffer Output {
1180 // float elements[];
1184 // uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
1185 // output_data.elements[x] = input_data0.elements[x] + input_data1.elements[x] + input_data2.elements[x] + input_data3.elements[x] + input_data4.elements[x];
1187 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createDecorationGroupGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
1189 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "decoration_group", "Test the OpDecorationGroup & OpGroupDecorate instruction"));
1190 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
1191 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
1192 const int numElements = 100;
1193 vector<float> inputFloats0 (numElements, 0);
1194 vector<float> inputFloats1 (numElements, 0);
1195 vector<float> inputFloats2 (numElements, 0);
1196 vector<float> inputFloats3 (numElements, 0);
1197 vector<float> inputFloats4 (numElements, 0);
1198 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
1200 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -300.f, 300.f, &inputFloats0[0], numElements);
1201 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -300.f, 300.f, &inputFloats1[0], numElements);
1202 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -300.f, 300.f, &inputFloats2[0], numElements);
1203 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -300.f, 300.f, &inputFloats3[0], numElements);
1204 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -300.f, 300.f, &inputFloats4[0], numElements);
1206 // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences.
1207 floorAll(inputFloats0);
1208 floorAll(inputFloats1);
1209 floorAll(inputFloats2);
1210 floorAll(inputFloats3);
1211 floorAll(inputFloats4);
1213 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
1214 outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats0[ndx] + inputFloats1[ndx] + inputFloats2[ndx] + inputFloats3[ndx] + inputFloats4[ndx];
1217 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1219 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
1220 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1221 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1223 // Not using group decoration on variable.
1224 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1225 // Not using group decoration on type.
1226 "OpDecorate %f32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
1228 "OpDecorate %groups BufferBlock\n"
1229 "OpDecorate %groupm Offset 0\n"
1230 "%groups = OpDecorationGroup\n"
1231 "%groupm = OpDecorationGroup\n"
1233 // Group decoration on multiple structs.
1234 "OpGroupDecorate %groups %outbuf %inbuf0 %inbuf1 %inbuf2 %inbuf3 %inbuf4\n"
1235 // Group decoration on multiple struct members.
1236 "OpGroupMemberDecorate %groupm %outbuf 0 %inbuf0 0 %inbuf1 0 %inbuf2 0 %inbuf3 0 %inbuf4 0\n"
1238 "OpDecorate %group1 DescriptorSet 0\n"
1239 "OpDecorate %group3 DescriptorSet 0\n"
1240 "OpDecorate %group3 NonWritable\n"
1241 "OpDecorate %group3 Restrict\n"
1242 "%group0 = OpDecorationGroup\n"
1243 "%group1 = OpDecorationGroup\n"
1244 "%group3 = OpDecorationGroup\n"
1246 // Applying the same decoration group multiple times.
1247 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %outdata\n"
1248 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %outdata\n"
1249 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %outdata\n"
1250 "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
1251 "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 5\n"
1252 // Applying decoration group containing nothing.
1253 "OpGroupDecorate %group0 %indata0\n"
1254 "OpDecorate %indata0 DescriptorSet 0\n"
1255 "OpDecorate %indata0 Binding 0\n"
1256 // Applying decoration group containing one decoration.
1257 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %indata1\n"
1258 "OpDecorate %indata1 Binding 1\n"
1259 // Applying decoration group containing multiple decorations.
1260 "OpGroupDecorate %group3 %indata2 %indata3\n"
1261 "OpDecorate %indata2 Binding 2\n"
1262 "OpDecorate %indata3 Binding 3\n"
1263 // Applying multiple decoration groups (with overlapping).
1264 "OpGroupDecorate %group0 %indata4\n"
1265 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %indata4\n"
1266 "OpGroupDecorate %group3 %indata4\n"
1267 "OpDecorate %indata4 Binding 4\n"
1269 + string(s_CommonTypes) +
1271 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1272 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1274 "%outbuf = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
1275 "%outbufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %outbuf\n"
1276 "%outdata = OpVariable %outbufptr Uniform\n"
1277 "%inbuf0 = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
1278 "%inbuf0ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %inbuf0\n"
1279 "%indata0 = OpVariable %inbuf0ptr Uniform\n"
1280 "%inbuf1 = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
1281 "%inbuf1ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %inbuf1\n"
1282 "%indata1 = OpVariable %inbuf1ptr Uniform\n"
1283 "%inbuf2 = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
1284 "%inbuf2ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %inbuf2\n"
1285 "%indata2 = OpVariable %inbuf2ptr Uniform\n"
1286 "%inbuf3 = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
1287 "%inbuf3ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %inbuf3\n"
1288 "%indata3 = OpVariable %inbuf3ptr Uniform\n"
1289 "%inbuf4 = OpTypeStruct %f32arr\n"
1290 "%inbufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %inbuf4\n"
1291 "%indata4 = OpVariable %inbufptr Uniform\n"
1293 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1294 "%label = OpLabel\n"
1295 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1296 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
1297 "%inloc0 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata0 %zero %x\n"
1298 "%inloc1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata1 %zero %x\n"
1299 "%inloc2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata2 %zero %x\n"
1300 "%inloc3 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata3 %zero %x\n"
1301 "%inloc4 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata4 %zero %x\n"
1302 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
1303 "%inval0 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc0\n"
1304 "%inval1 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc1\n"
1305 "%inval2 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc2\n"
1306 "%inval3 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc3\n"
1307 "%inval4 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc4\n"
1308 "%add0 = OpFAdd %f32 %inval0 %inval1\n"
1309 "%add1 = OpFAdd %f32 %add0 %inval2\n"
1310 "%add2 = OpFAdd %f32 %add1 %inval3\n"
1311 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %add2 %inval4\n"
1312 " OpStore %outloc %add\n"
1315 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats0)));
1316 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats1)));
1317 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats2)));
1318 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats3)));
1319 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats4)));
1320 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
1321 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1323 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "all", "decoration group cases", spec));
1325 return group.release();
1328 struct SpecConstantTwoIntCase
1330 const char* caseName;
1331 const char* scDefinition0;
1332 const char* scDefinition1;
1333 const char* scResultType;
1334 const char* scOperation;
1335 deInt32 scActualValue0;
1336 deInt32 scActualValue1;
1337 const char* resultOperation;
1338 vector<deInt32> expectedOutput;
1340 SpecConstantTwoIntCase (const char* name,
1341 const char* definition0,
1342 const char* definition1,
1343 const char* resultType,
1344 const char* operation,
1347 const char* resultOp,
1348 const vector<deInt32>& output)
1350 , scDefinition0 (definition0)
1351 , scDefinition1 (definition1)
1352 , scResultType (resultType)
1353 , scOperation (operation)
1354 , scActualValue0 (value0)
1355 , scActualValue1 (value1)
1356 , resultOperation (resultOp)
1357 , expectedOutput (output) {}
1360 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSpecConstantGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
1362 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opspecconstantop", "Test the OpSpecConstantOp instruction"));
1363 vector<SpecConstantTwoIntCase> cases;
1364 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
1365 const int numElements = 100;
1366 vector<deInt32> inputInts (numElements, 0);
1367 vector<deInt32> outputInts1 (numElements, 0);
1368 vector<deInt32> outputInts2 (numElements, 0);
1369 vector<deInt32> outputInts3 (numElements, 0);
1370 vector<deInt32> outputInts4 (numElements, 0);
1371 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
1372 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1374 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1375 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1377 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1378 "OpDecorate %sc_0 SpecId 0\n"
1379 "OpDecorate %sc_1 SpecId 1\n"
1380 "OpDecorate %i32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
1382 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
1384 "%i32ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %i32\n"
1385 "%i32arr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %i32\n"
1386 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %i32arr\n"
1387 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
1388 "%indata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
1389 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
1391 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1392 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1394 "%sc_0 = OpSpecConstant${SC_DEF0}\n"
1395 "%sc_1 = OpSpecConstant${SC_DEF1}\n"
1396 "%sc_final = OpSpecConstantOp ${SC_RESULT_TYPE} ${SC_OP}\n"
1398 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1399 "%label = OpLabel\n"
1400 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1401 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
1402 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
1403 "%inval = OpLoad %i32 %inloc\n"
1404 "%final = ${GEN_RESULT}\n"
1405 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
1406 " OpStore %outloc %final\n"
1408 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
1410 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -65536, 65536, &inputInts[0], numElements);
1412 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
1414 outputInts1[ndx] = inputInts[ndx] + 42;
1415 outputInts2[ndx] = inputInts[ndx];
1416 outputInts3[ndx] = inputInts[ndx] - 11200;
1417 outputInts4[ndx] = inputInts[ndx] + 1;
1420 const char addScToInput[] = "OpIAdd %i32 %inval %sc_final";
1421 const char selectTrueUsingSc[] = "OpSelect %i32 %sc_final %inval %zero";
1422 const char selectFalseUsingSc[] = "OpSelect %i32 %sc_final %zero %inval";
1424 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("iadd", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "IAdd %sc_0 %sc_1", 62, -20, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1425 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("isub", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ISub %sc_0 %sc_1", 100, 58, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1426 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("imul", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "IMul %sc_0 %sc_1", -2, -21, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1427 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("sdiv", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SDiv %sc_0 %sc_1", -126, -3, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1428 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("udiv", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "UDiv %sc_0 %sc_1", 126, 3, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1429 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("srem", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SRem %sc_0 %sc_1", 7, 3, addScToInput, outputInts4));
1430 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("smod", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SMod %sc_0 %sc_1", 7, 3, addScToInput, outputInts4));
1431 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("umod", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "UMod %sc_0 %sc_1", 342, 50, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1432 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("bitwiseand", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "BitwiseAnd %sc_0 %sc_1", 42, 63, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1433 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("bitwiseor", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "BitwiseOr %sc_0 %sc_1", 34, 8, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1434 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("bitwisexor", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "BitwiseXor %sc_0 %sc_1", 18, 56, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1435 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("shiftrightlogical", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ShiftRightLogical %sc_0 %sc_1", 168, 2, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1436 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("shiftrightarithmetic", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ShiftRightArithmetic %sc_0 %sc_1", 168, 2, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1437 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("shiftleftlogical", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ShiftLeftLogical %sc_0 %sc_1", 21, 1, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1438 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("slessthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SLessThan %sc_0 %sc_1", -20, -10, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1439 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("ulessthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "ULessThan %sc_0 %sc_1", 10, 20, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1440 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("sgreaterthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SGreaterThan %sc_0 %sc_1", -1000, 50, selectFalseUsingSc, outputInts2));
1441 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("ugreaterthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "UGreaterThan %sc_0 %sc_1", 10, 5, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1442 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("slessthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SLessThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", -10, -10, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1443 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("ulessthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "ULessThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 50, 100, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1444 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("sgreaterthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SGreaterThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", -1000, 50, selectFalseUsingSc, outputInts2));
1445 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("ugreaterthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "UGreaterThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 10, 10, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1446 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("iequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "IEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 42, 24, selectFalseUsingSc, outputInts2));
1447 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("logicaland", "True %bool", "True %bool", "%bool", "LogicalAnd %sc_0 %sc_1", 0, 1, selectFalseUsingSc, outputInts2));
1448 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("logicalor", "False %bool", "False %bool", "%bool", "LogicalOr %sc_0 %sc_1", 1, 0, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1449 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("logicalequal", "True %bool", "True %bool", "%bool", "LogicalEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 0, 1, selectFalseUsingSc, outputInts2));
1450 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("logicalnotequal", "False %bool", "False %bool", "%bool", "LogicalNotEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 1, 0, selectTrueUsingSc, outputInts2));
1451 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("snegate", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SNegate %sc_0", -42, 0, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1452 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("not", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "Not %sc_0", -43, 0, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1453 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("logicalnot", "False %bool", "False %bool", "%bool", "LogicalNot %sc_0", 1, 0, selectFalseUsingSc, outputInts2));
1454 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntCase("select", "False %bool", " %i32 0", "%i32", "Select %sc_0 %sc_1 %zero", 1, 42, addScToInput, outputInts1));
1455 // OpSConvert, OpFConvert: these two instructions involve ints/floats of different bitwidths.
1457 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
1459 map<string, string> specializations;
1460 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
1462 specializations["SC_DEF0"] = cases[caseNdx].scDefinition0;
1463 specializations["SC_DEF1"] = cases[caseNdx].scDefinition1;
1464 specializations["SC_RESULT_TYPE"] = cases[caseNdx].scResultType;
1465 specializations["SC_OP"] = cases[caseNdx].scOperation;
1466 specializations["GEN_RESULT"] = cases[caseNdx].resultOperation;
1468 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
1469 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputInts)));
1470 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(cases[caseNdx].expectedOutput)));
1471 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1472 spec.specConstants.push_back(cases[caseNdx].scActualValue0);
1473 spec.specConstants.push_back(cases[caseNdx].scActualValue1);
1475 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].caseName, cases[caseNdx].caseName, spec));
1478 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
1481 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1483 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1484 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1486 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1487 "OpDecorate %sc_0 SpecId 0\n"
1488 "OpDecorate %sc_1 SpecId 1\n"
1489 "OpDecorate %sc_2 SpecId 2\n"
1490 "OpDecorate %i32arr ArrayStride 4\n"
1492 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
1494 "%ivec3 = OpTypeVector %i32 3\n"
1495 "%i32ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %i32\n"
1496 "%i32arr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %i32\n"
1497 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %i32arr\n"
1498 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
1499 "%indata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
1500 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
1502 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1503 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1504 "%ivec3_0 = OpConstantComposite %ivec3 %zero %zero %zero\n"
1506 "%sc_0 = OpSpecConstant %i32 0\n"
1507 "%sc_1 = OpSpecConstant %i32 0\n"
1508 "%sc_2 = OpSpecConstant %i32 0\n"
1509 "%sc_vec3_0 = OpSpecConstantOp %ivec3 CompositeInsert %sc_0 %ivec3_0 0\n" // (sc_0, 0, 0)
1510 "%sc_vec3_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %ivec3 CompositeInsert %sc_1 %ivec3_0 1\n" // (0, sc_1, 0)
1511 "%sc_vec3_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %ivec3 CompositeInsert %sc_2 %ivec3_0 2\n" // (0, 0, sc_2)
1512 "%sc_vec3_01 = OpSpecConstantOp %ivec3 VectorShuffle %sc_vec3_0 %sc_vec3_1 1 0 4\n" // (0, sc_0, sc_1)
1513 "%sc_vec3_012 = OpSpecConstantOp %ivec3 VectorShuffle %sc_vec3_01 %sc_vec3_2 5 1 2\n" // (sc_2, sc_0, sc_1)
1514 "%sc_ext_0 = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 CompositeExtract %sc_vec3_012 0\n" // sc_2
1515 "%sc_ext_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 CompositeExtract %sc_vec3_012 1\n" // sc_0
1516 "%sc_ext_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 CompositeExtract %sc_vec3_012 2\n" // sc_1
1517 "%sc_sub = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 ISub %sc_ext_0 %sc_ext_1\n" // (sc_2 - sc_0)
1518 "%sc_final = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 IMul %sc_sub %sc_ext_2\n" // (sc_2 - sc_0) * sc_1
1520 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1521 "%label = OpLabel\n"
1522 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1523 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
1524 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
1525 "%inval = OpLoad %i32 %inloc\n"
1526 "%final = OpIAdd %i32 %inval %sc_final\n"
1527 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %i32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
1528 " OpStore %outloc %final\n"
1531 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(inputInts)));
1532 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Int32Buffer(outputInts3)));
1533 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1534 spec.specConstants.push_back(123);
1535 spec.specConstants.push_back(56);
1536 spec.specConstants.push_back(-77);
1538 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "vector_related", "VectorShuffle, CompositeExtract, & CompositeInsert", spec));
1540 return group.release();
1543 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpPhiGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
1545 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opphi", "Test the OpPhi instruction"));
1546 ComputeShaderSpec spec1;
1547 ComputeShaderSpec spec2;
1548 ComputeShaderSpec spec3;
1549 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
1550 const int numElements = 100;
1551 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
1552 vector<float> outputFloats1 (numElements, 0);
1553 vector<float> outputFloats2 (numElements, 0);
1554 vector<float> outputFloats3 (numElements, 0);
1556 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -300.f, 300.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
1558 // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences.
1559 floorAll(inputFloats);
1561 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
1565 case 0: outputFloats1[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 5.5f; break;
1566 case 1: outputFloats1[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 20.5f; break;
1567 case 2: outputFloats1[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 1.75f; break;
1570 outputFloats2[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 6.5f * 3;
1571 outputFloats3[ndx] = 8.5f - inputFloats[ndx];
1575 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1577 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
1578 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1579 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1581 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1583 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
1585 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1586 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1587 "%three = OpConstant %u32 3\n"
1588 "%constf5p5 = OpConstant %f32 5.5\n"
1589 "%constf20p5 = OpConstant %f32 20.5\n"
1590 "%constf1p75 = OpConstant %f32 1.75\n"
1591 "%constf8p5 = OpConstant %f32 8.5\n"
1592 "%constf6p5 = OpConstant %f32 6.5\n"
1594 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1595 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
1596 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1597 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
1598 "%selector = OpUMod %u32 %x %three\n"
1599 " OpSelectionMerge %phi None\n"
1600 " OpSwitch %selector %default 0 %case0 1 %case1 2 %case2\n"
1602 // Case 1 before OpPhi.
1603 "%case1 = OpLabel\n"
1606 "%default = OpLabel\n"
1610 "%operand = OpPhi %f32 %constf1p75 %case2 %constf20p5 %case1 %constf5p5 %case0\n" // not in the order of blocks
1611 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
1612 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
1613 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %inval %operand\n"
1614 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
1615 " OpStore %outloc %add\n"
1618 // Case 0 after OpPhi.
1619 "%case0 = OpLabel\n"
1623 // Case 2 after OpPhi.
1624 "%case2 = OpLabel\n"
1628 spec1.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
1629 spec1.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats1)));
1630 spec1.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1632 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "block", "out-of-order and unreachable blocks for OpPhi", spec1));
1635 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1637 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1638 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1640 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1642 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
1644 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1645 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1646 "%one = OpConstant %i32 1\n"
1647 "%three = OpConstant %i32 3\n"
1648 "%constf6p5 = OpConstant %f32 6.5\n"
1650 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1651 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
1652 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1653 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
1654 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
1655 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
1656 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
1660 "%step = OpPhi %i32 %zero %entry %step_next %phi\n"
1661 "%accum = OpPhi %f32 %inval %entry %accum_next %phi\n"
1662 "%step_next = OpIAdd %i32 %step %one\n"
1663 "%accum_next = OpFAdd %f32 %accum %constf6p5\n"
1664 "%still_loop = OpSLessThan %bool %step %three\n"
1665 " OpLoopMerge %exit %phi None\n"
1666 " OpBranchConditional %still_loop %phi %exit\n"
1669 " OpStore %outloc %accum\n"
1672 spec2.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
1673 spec2.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats2)));
1674 spec2.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1676 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "induction", "The usual way induction variables are handled in LLVM IR", spec2));
1679 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1681 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1682 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1684 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1686 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
1688 "%f32ptr_f = OpTypePointer Function %f32\n"
1689 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1690 "%true = OpConstantTrue %bool\n"
1691 "%false = OpConstantFalse %bool\n"
1692 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1693 "%constf8p5 = OpConstant %f32 8.5\n"
1695 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1696 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
1697 "%b = OpVariable %f32ptr_f Function %constf8p5\n"
1698 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1699 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
1700 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
1701 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
1702 "%a_init = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
1703 "%b_init = OpLoad %f32 %b\n"
1707 "%still_loop = OpPhi %bool %true %entry %false %phi\n"
1708 "%a_next = OpPhi %f32 %a_init %entry %b_next %phi\n"
1709 "%b_next = OpPhi %f32 %b_init %entry %a_next %phi\n"
1710 " OpLoopMerge %exit %phi None\n"
1711 " OpBranchConditional %still_loop %phi %exit\n"
1714 "%sub = OpFSub %f32 %a_next %b_next\n"
1715 " OpStore %outloc %sub\n"
1718 spec3.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
1719 spec3.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats3)));
1720 spec3.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1722 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "swap", "Swap the values of two variables using OpPhi", spec3));
1724 return group.release();
1727 // Assembly code used for testing block order is based on GLSL source code:
1731 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Input {
1732 // float elements[];
1734 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) writeonly buffer Output {
1735 // float elements[];
1739 // uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
1740 // output_data.elements[x] = input_data.elements[x];
1741 // if (x > uint(50)) {
1742 // switch (x % uint(3)) {
1743 // case 0: output_data.elements[x] += 1.5f; break;
1744 // case 1: output_data.elements[x] += 42.f; break;
1745 // case 2: output_data.elements[x] -= 27.f; break;
1749 // output_data.elements[x] = -input_data.elements[x];
1752 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createBlockOrderGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
1754 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "block_order", "Test block orders"));
1755 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
1756 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
1757 const int numElements = 100;
1758 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
1759 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
1761 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -100.f, 100.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
1763 // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences.
1764 floorAll(inputFloats);
1766 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx <= 50; ++ndx)
1767 outputFloats[ndx] = -inputFloats[ndx];
1769 for (size_t ndx = 51; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
1773 case 0: outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 1.5f; break;
1774 case 1: outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 42.f; break;
1775 case 2: outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] - 27.f; break;
1781 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
1783 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
1784 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
1785 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1787 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1789 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
1791 "%u32ptr = OpTypePointer Function %u32\n"
1792 "%u32ptr_input = OpTypePointer Input %u32\n"
1794 + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
1796 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1797 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1798 "%const3 = OpConstant %u32 3\n"
1799 "%const50 = OpConstant %u32 50\n"
1800 "%constf1p5 = OpConstant %f32 1.5\n"
1801 "%constf27 = OpConstant %f32 27.0\n"
1802 "%constf42 = OpConstant %f32 42.0\n"
1804 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1807 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
1809 // Create a temporary variable to hold the value of gl_GlobalInvocationID.x.
1810 "%xvar = OpVariable %u32ptr Function\n"
1811 "%xptr = OpAccessChain %u32ptr_input %id %zero\n"
1812 "%x = OpLoad %u32 %xptr\n"
1813 " OpStore %xvar %x\n"
1815 "%cmp = OpUGreaterThan %bool %x %const50\n"
1816 " OpSelectionMerge %if_merge None\n"
1817 " OpBranchConditional %cmp %if_true %if_false\n"
1819 // Merge block for switch-statement: placed at the beginning.
1820 "%switch_merge = OpLabel\n"
1821 " OpBranch %if_merge\n"
1823 // Case 1 for switch-statement.
1824 "%case1 = OpLabel\n"
1825 "%x_1 = OpLoad %u32 %xvar\n"
1826 "%inloc_1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x_1\n"
1827 "%inval_1 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc_1\n"
1828 "%addf42 = OpFAdd %f32 %inval_1 %constf42\n"
1829 "%outloc_1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x_1\n"
1830 " OpStore %outloc_1 %addf42\n"
1831 " OpBranch %switch_merge\n"
1833 // False branch for if-statement: placed in the middle of switch cases and before true branch.
1834 "%if_false = OpLabel\n"
1835 "%x_f = OpLoad %u32 %xvar\n"
1836 "%inloc_f = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x_f\n"
1837 "%inval_f = OpLoad %f32 %inloc_f\n"
1838 "%negate = OpFNegate %f32 %inval_f\n"
1839 "%outloc_f = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x_f\n"
1840 " OpStore %outloc_f %negate\n"
1841 " OpBranch %if_merge\n"
1843 // Merge block for if-statement: placed in the middle of true and false branch.
1844 "%if_merge = OpLabel\n"
1847 // True branch for if-statement: placed in the middle of swtich cases and after the false branch.
1848 "%if_true = OpLabel\n"
1849 "%xval_t = OpLoad %u32 %xvar\n"
1850 "%mod = OpUMod %u32 %xval_t %const3\n"
1851 " OpSelectionMerge %switch_merge None\n"
1852 " OpSwitch %mod %default 0 %case0 1 %case1 2 %case2\n"
1854 // Case 2 for switch-statement.
1855 "%case2 = OpLabel\n"
1856 "%x_2 = OpLoad %u32 %xvar\n"
1857 "%inloc_2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x_2\n"
1858 "%inval_2 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc_2\n"
1859 "%subf27 = OpFSub %f32 %inval_2 %constf27\n"
1860 "%outloc_2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x_2\n"
1861 " OpStore %outloc_2 %subf27\n"
1862 " OpBranch %switch_merge\n"
1864 // Default case for switch-statement: placed in the middle of normal cases.
1865 "%default = OpLabel\n"
1866 " OpBranch %switch_merge\n"
1868 // Case 0 for switch-statement: out of order.
1869 "%case0 = OpLabel\n"
1870 "%x_0 = OpLoad %u32 %xvar\n"
1871 "%inloc_0 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x_0\n"
1872 "%inval_0 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc_0\n"
1873 "%addf1p5 = OpFAdd %f32 %inval_0 %constf1p5\n"
1874 "%outloc_0 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x_0\n"
1875 " OpStore %outloc_0 %addf1p5\n"
1876 " OpBranch %switch_merge\n"
1879 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
1880 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
1881 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1883 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "all", "various out-of-order blocks", spec));
1885 return group.release();
1888 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createMultipleShaderGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
1890 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "multiple_shaders", "Test multiple shaders in the same module"));
1891 ComputeShaderSpec spec1;
1892 ComputeShaderSpec spec2;
1893 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
1894 const int numElements = 100;
1895 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
1896 vector<float> outputFloats1 (numElements, 0);
1897 vector<float> outputFloats2 (numElements, 0);
1898 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -500.f, 500.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
1900 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
1902 outputFloats1[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + inputFloats[ndx];
1903 outputFloats2[ndx] = -inputFloats[ndx];
1906 const string assembly(
1907 "OpCapability Shader\n"
1908 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
1909 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
1910 "OpEntryPoint GLCompute %comp_main1 \"entrypoint1\" %id\n"
1911 "OpEntryPoint GLCompute %comp_main2 \"entrypoint2\" %id\n"
1912 // A module cannot have two OpEntryPoint instructions with the same Execution Model and the same Name string.
1913 "OpEntryPoint Vertex %vert_main \"entrypoint2\" %vert_builtins %vertexIndex %instanceIndex\n"
1914 "OpExecutionMode %comp_main1 LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
1915 "OpExecutionMode %comp_main2 LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
1917 "OpName %comp_main1 \"entrypoint1\"\n"
1918 "OpName %comp_main2 \"entrypoint2\"\n"
1919 "OpName %vert_main \"entrypoint2\"\n"
1920 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
1921 "OpName %vert_builtin_st \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
1922 "OpName %vertexIndex \"gl_VertexIndex\"\n"
1923 "OpName %instanceIndex \"gl_InstanceIndex\"\n"
1924 "OpMemberName %vert_builtin_st 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
1925 "OpMemberName %vert_builtin_st 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
1926 "OpMemberName %vert_builtin_st 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
1928 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
1929 "OpDecorate %vertexIndex BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
1930 "OpDecorate %instanceIndex BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
1931 "OpDecorate %vert_builtin_st Block\n"
1932 "OpMemberDecorate %vert_builtin_st 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
1933 "OpMemberDecorate %vert_builtin_st 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
1934 "OpMemberDecorate %vert_builtin_st 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
1936 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
1938 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
1939 "%one = OpConstant %u32 1\n"
1940 "%c_f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1\n"
1942 "%i32ptr = OpTypePointer Input %i32\n"
1943 "%vec4 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n"
1944 "%vec4ptr = OpTypePointer Output %vec4\n"
1945 "%f32arr1 = OpTypeArray %f32 %one\n"
1946 "%vert_builtin_st = OpTypeStruct %vec4 %f32 %f32arr1\n"
1947 "%vert_builtin_st_ptr = OpTypePointer Output %vert_builtin_st\n"
1948 "%vert_builtins = OpVariable %vert_builtin_st_ptr Output\n"
1950 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
1951 "%vertexIndex = OpVariable %i32ptr Input\n"
1952 "%instanceIndex = OpVariable %i32ptr Input\n"
1953 "%c_vec4_1 = OpConstantComposite %vec4 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1\n"
1955 // gl_Position = vec4(1.);
1956 "%vert_main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1957 "%vert_entry = OpLabel\n"
1958 "%position = OpAccessChain %vec4ptr %vert_builtins %zero\n"
1959 " OpStore %position %c_vec4_1\n"
1964 "%comp_main1 = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1965 "%comp1_entry = OpLabel\n"
1966 "%idval1 = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1967 "%x1 = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval1 0\n"
1968 "%inloc1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x1\n"
1969 "%inval1 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc1\n"
1970 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %inval1 %inval1\n"
1971 "%outloc1 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x1\n"
1972 " OpStore %outloc1 %add\n"
1977 "%comp_main2 = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
1978 "%comp2_entry = OpLabel\n"
1979 "%idval2 = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
1980 "%x2 = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval2 0\n"
1981 "%inloc2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x2\n"
1982 "%inval2 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc2\n"
1983 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval2\n"
1984 "%outloc2 = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x2\n"
1985 " OpStore %outloc2 %neg\n"
1987 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
1989 spec1.assembly = assembly;
1990 spec1.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
1991 spec1.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats1)));
1992 spec1.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1993 spec1.entryPoint = "entrypoint1";
1995 spec2.assembly = assembly;
1996 spec2.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
1997 spec2.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats2)));
1998 spec2.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
1999 spec2.entryPoint = "entrypoint2";
2001 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "shader1", "multiple shaders in the same module", spec1));
2002 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "shader2", "multiple shaders in the same module", spec2));
2004 return group.release();
2007 inline std::string makeLongUTF8String (size_t num4ByteChars)
2009 // An example of a longest valid UTF-8 character. Be explicit about the
2010 // character type because Microsoft compilers can otherwise interpret the
2011 // character string as being over wide (16-bit) characters. Ideally, we
2012 // would just use a C++11 UTF-8 string literal, but we want to support older
2013 // Microsoft compilers.
2014 const std::basic_string<char> earthAfrica("\xF0\x9F\x8C\x8D");
2015 std::string longString;
2016 longString.reserve(num4ByteChars * 4);
2017 for (size_t count = 0; count < num4ByteChars; count++)
2019 longString += earthAfrica;
2024 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpSourceGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2026 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opsource", "Tests the OpSource & OpSourceContinued instruction"));
2027 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
2028 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
2029 const int numElements = 100;
2030 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
2031 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
2032 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
2033 "OpCapability Shader\n"
2034 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
2036 "OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %id\n"
2037 "OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
2041 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2042 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2044 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2046 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2048 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2049 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2051 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2052 "%label = OpLabel\n"
2053 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2054 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2055 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
2056 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
2057 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
2058 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2059 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
2061 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
2063 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("unknown_source", "OpSource Unknown 0"));
2064 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("wrong_source", "OpSource OpenCL_C 210"));
2065 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("normal_filename", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2066 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname"));
2067 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("empty_filename", "%fname = OpString \"\"\n"
2068 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname"));
2069 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("normal_source_code", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2070 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"#version 430\nvoid main() {}\""));
2071 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("empty_source_code", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2072 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"\""));
2073 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("long_source_code", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2074 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"" + makeLongUTF8String(65530) + "ccc\"")); // word count: 65535
2075 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("utf8_source_code", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2076 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"\xE2\x98\x82\xE2\x98\x85\"")); // umbrella & black star symbol
2077 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("normal_sourcecontinued", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2078 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"#version 430\nvo\"\n"
2079 "OpSourceContinued \"id main() {}\""));
2080 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("empty_sourcecontinued", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2081 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"#version 430\nvoid main() {}\"\n"
2082 "OpSourceContinued \"\""));
2083 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("long_sourcecontinued", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2084 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"#version 430\nvoid main() {}\"\n"
2085 "OpSourceContinued \"" + makeLongUTF8String(65533) + "ccc\"")); // word count: 65535
2086 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("utf8_sourcecontinued", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2087 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"#version 430\nvoid main() {}\"\n"
2088 "OpSourceContinued \"\xE2\x98\x8E\xE2\x9A\x91\"")); // white telephone & black flag symbol
2089 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("multi_sourcecontinued", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2090 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"#version 430\n\"\n"
2091 "OpSourceContinued \"void\"\n"
2092 "OpSourceContinued \"main()\"\n"
2093 "OpSourceContinued \"{}\""));
2094 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("empty_source_before_sourcecontinued", "%fname = OpString \"filename\"\n"
2095 "OpSource GLSL 430 %fname \"\"\n"
2096 "OpSourceContinued \"#version 430\nvoid main() {}\""));
2098 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
2100 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
2101 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
2103 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
2105 map<string, string> specializations;
2106 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2108 specializations["SOURCE"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
2109 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
2110 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
2111 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
2112 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2114 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
2117 return group.release();
2120 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpSourceExtensionGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2122 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opsourceextension", "Tests the OpSource instruction"));
2123 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
2124 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
2125 const int numElements = 100;
2126 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
2127 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
2128 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
2129 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
2131 "OpSourceExtension \"${EXTENSION}\"\n"
2133 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2134 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2136 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2138 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2140 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2141 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2143 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2144 "%label = OpLabel\n"
2145 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2146 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2147 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
2148 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
2149 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
2150 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2151 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
2153 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
2155 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("empty_extension", ""));
2156 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("real_extension", "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle"));
2157 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("fake_extension", "GL_ARB_im_the_ultimate_extension"));
2158 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("utf8_extension", "GL_ARB_\xE2\x98\x82\xE2\x98\x85"));
2159 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("long_extension", makeLongUTF8String(65533) + "ccc")); // word count: 65535
2161 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -200.f, 200.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
2163 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
2164 outputFloats[ndx] = -inputFloats[ndx];
2166 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
2168 map<string, string> specializations;
2169 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2171 specializations["EXTENSION"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
2172 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
2173 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
2174 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
2175 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2177 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
2180 return group.release();
2183 // Checks that a compute shader can generate a constant null value of various types, without exercising a computation on it.
2184 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpConstantNullGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2186 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opconstantnull", "Tests the OpConstantNull instruction"));
2187 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
2188 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
2189 const int numElements = 100;
2190 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
2191 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
2192 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
2193 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
2195 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
2196 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2197 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2199 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2201 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2204 "%null = OpConstantNull %type\n"
2206 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2207 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2209 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2210 "%label = OpLabel\n"
2211 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2212 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2213 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
2214 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
2215 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
2216 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2217 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
2219 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
2221 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("bool", "%type = OpTypeBool"));
2222 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("sint32", "%type = OpTypeInt 32 1"));
2223 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("uint32", "%type = OpTypeInt 32 0"));
2224 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("float32", "%type = OpTypeFloat 32"));
2225 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("vec4float32", "%type = OpTypeVector %f32 4"));
2226 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("vec3bool", "%type = OpTypeVector %bool 3"));
2227 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("vec2uint32", "%type = OpTypeVector %u32 2"));
2228 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("matrix", "%type = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 3"));
2229 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("array", "%100 = OpConstant %u32 100\n"
2230 "%type = OpTypeArray %i32 %100"));
2231 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("struct", "%type = OpTypeStruct %f32 %i32 %u32"));
2232 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("pointer", "%type = OpTypePointer Function %i32"));
2234 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
2236 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
2237 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
2239 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
2241 map<string, string> specializations;
2242 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2244 specializations["TYPE"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
2245 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
2246 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
2247 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
2248 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2250 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
2253 return group.release();
2256 // Checks that a compute shader can generate a constant composite value of various types, without exercising a computation on it.
2257 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpConstantCompositeGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2259 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opconstantcomposite", "Tests the OpConstantComposite instruction"));
2260 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
2261 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
2262 const int numElements = 100;
2263 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
2264 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
2265 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
2266 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
2268 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
2269 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2270 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2272 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2274 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2276 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2277 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2281 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2282 "%label = OpLabel\n"
2283 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2284 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2285 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
2286 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
2287 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
2288 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2289 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
2291 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
2293 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("vector", "%five = OpConstant %u32 5\n"
2294 "%const = OpConstantComposite %uvec3 %five %zero %five"));
2295 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("matrix", "%m3fvec3 = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 3\n"
2296 "%ten = OpConstant %f32 10.\n"
2297 "%fzero = OpConstant %f32 0.\n"
2298 "%vec = OpConstantComposite %fvec3 %ten %fzero %ten\n"
2299 "%mat = OpConstantComposite %m3fvec3 %vec %vec %vec"));
2300 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("struct", "%m2vec3 = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 2\n"
2301 "%struct = OpTypeStruct %i32 %f32 %fvec3 %m2vec3\n"
2302 "%fzero = OpConstant %f32 0.\n"
2303 "%one = OpConstant %f32 1.\n"
2304 "%point5 = OpConstant %f32 0.5\n"
2305 "%vec = OpConstantComposite %fvec3 %one %one %fzero\n"
2306 "%mat = OpConstantComposite %m2vec3 %vec %vec\n"
2307 "%const = OpConstantComposite %struct %zero %point5 %vec %mat"));
2308 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("nested_struct", "%st1 = OpTypeStruct %u32 %f32\n"
2309 "%st2 = OpTypeStruct %i32 %i32\n"
2310 "%struct = OpTypeStruct %st1 %st2\n"
2311 "%point5 = OpConstant %f32 0.5\n"
2312 "%one = OpConstant %u32 1\n"
2313 "%ten = OpConstant %i32 10\n"
2314 "%st1val = OpConstantComposite %st1 %one %point5\n"
2315 "%st2val = OpConstantComposite %st2 %ten %ten\n"
2316 "%const = OpConstantComposite %struct %st1val %st2val"));
2318 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
2320 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
2321 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
2323 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
2325 map<string, string> specializations;
2326 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2328 specializations["CONSTANT"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
2329 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
2330 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
2331 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
2332 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2334 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
2337 return group.release();
2340 // Creates a floating point number with the given exponent, and significand
2341 // bits set. It can only create normalized numbers. Only the least significant
2342 // 24 bits of the significand will be examined. The final bit of the
2343 // significand will also be ignored. This allows alignment to be written
2344 // similarly to C99 hex-floats.
2345 // For example if you wanted to write 0x1.7f34p-12 you would call
2346 // constructNormalizedFloat(-12, 0x7f3400)
2347 float constructNormalizedFloat (deInt32 exponent, deUint32 significand)
2351 for (deInt32 idx = 0; idx < 23; ++idx)
2353 f += ((significand & 0x800000) == 0) ? 0.f : std::ldexp(1.0f, -(idx + 1));
2357 return std::ldexp(f, exponent);
2360 // Compare instruction for the OpQuantizeF16 compute exact case.
2361 // Returns true if the output is what is expected from the test case.
2362 bool compareOpQuantizeF16ComputeExactCase (const std::vector<BufferSp>&, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<BufferSp>& expectedOutputs, TestLog&)
2364 if (outputAllocs.size() != 1)
2367 // We really just need this for size because we cannot compare Nans.
2368 const BufferSp& expectedOutput = expectedOutputs[0];
2369 const float* outputAsFloat = static_cast<const float*>(outputAllocs[0]->getHostPtr());;
2371 if (expectedOutput->getNumBytes() != 4*sizeof(float)) {
2375 if (*outputAsFloat != constructNormalizedFloat(8, 0x304000) &&
2376 *outputAsFloat != constructNormalizedFloat(8, 0x300000)) {
2381 if (*outputAsFloat != -constructNormalizedFloat(-7, 0x600000) &&
2382 *outputAsFloat != -constructNormalizedFloat(-7, 0x604000)) {
2387 if (*outputAsFloat != constructNormalizedFloat(2, 0x01C000) &&
2388 *outputAsFloat != constructNormalizedFloat(2, 0x020000)) {
2393 if (*outputAsFloat != constructNormalizedFloat(1, 0xFFC000) &&
2394 *outputAsFloat != constructNormalizedFloat(2, 0x000000)) {
2401 // Checks that every output from a test-case is a float NaN.
2402 bool compareNan (const std::vector<BufferSp>&, const vector<AllocationSp>& outputAllocs, const std::vector<BufferSp>& expectedOutputs, TestLog&)
2404 if (outputAllocs.size() != 1)
2407 // We really just need this for size because we cannot compare Nans.
2408 const BufferSp& expectedOutput = expectedOutputs[0];
2409 const float* output_as_float = static_cast<const float*>(outputAllocs[0]->getHostPtr());;
2411 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < expectedOutput->getNumBytes() / sizeof(float); ++idx)
2413 if (!isnan(output_as_float[idx]))
2422 // Checks that a compute shader can generate a constant composite value of various types, without exercising a computation on it.
2423 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpQuantizeToF16Group (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2425 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opquantize", "Tests the OpQuantizeToF16 instruction"));
2427 const std::string shader (
2428 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
2430 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
2431 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2432 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2434 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2436 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2438 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2439 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2441 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2442 "%label = OpLabel\n"
2443 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2444 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2445 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
2446 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
2447 "%quant = OpQuantizeToF16 %f32 %inval\n"
2448 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2449 " OpStore %outloc %quant\n"
2451 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
2454 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2455 const deUint32 numElements = 100;
2456 vector<float> infinities;
2457 vector<float> results;
2459 infinities.reserve(numElements);
2460 results.reserve(numElements);
2462 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numElements; ++idx)
2467 infinities.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2468 results.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2471 infinities.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2472 results.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2475 infinities.push_back(std::ldexp(1.0f, 16));
2476 results.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2479 infinities.push_back(std::ldexp(-1.0f, 32));
2480 results.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2485 spec.assembly = shader;
2486 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(infinities)));
2487 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(results)));
2488 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2490 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2491 testCtx, "infinities", "Check that infinities propagated and created", spec));
2495 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2497 const deUint32 numElements = 100;
2499 nans.reserve(numElements);
2501 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numElements; ++idx)
2505 nans.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
2509 nans.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
2513 spec.assembly = shader;
2514 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(nans)));
2515 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(nans)));
2516 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2517 spec.verifyIO = &compareNan;
2519 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2520 testCtx, "propagated_nans", "Check that nans are propagated", spec));
2524 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2525 vector<float> small;
2526 vector<float> zeros;
2527 const deUint32 numElements = 100;
2529 small.reserve(numElements);
2530 zeros.reserve(numElements);
2532 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numElements; ++idx)
2537 small.push_back(0.f);
2538 zeros.push_back(0.f);
2541 small.push_back(-0.f);
2542 zeros.push_back(-0.f);
2545 small.push_back(std::ldexp(1.0f, -16));
2546 zeros.push_back(0.f);
2549 small.push_back(std::ldexp(-1.0f, -32));
2550 zeros.push_back(-0.f);
2553 small.push_back(std::ldexp(1.0f, -127));
2554 zeros.push_back(0.f);
2557 small.push_back(-std::ldexp(1.0f, -128));
2558 zeros.push_back(-0.f);
2563 spec.assembly = shader;
2564 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(small)));
2565 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(zeros)));
2566 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2568 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2569 testCtx, "flush_to_zero", "Check that values are zeroed correctly", spec));
2573 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2574 vector<float> exact;
2575 const deUint32 numElements = 200;
2577 exact.reserve(numElements);
2579 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < numElements; ++idx)
2580 exact.push_back(static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(idx) - 100));
2582 spec.assembly = shader;
2583 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(exact)));
2584 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(exact)));
2585 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2587 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2588 testCtx, "exact", "Check that values exactly preserved where appropriate", spec));
2592 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2593 vector<float> inputs;
2594 const deUint32 numElements = 4;
2596 inputs.push_back(constructNormalizedFloat(8, 0x300300));
2597 inputs.push_back(-constructNormalizedFloat(-7, 0x600800));
2598 inputs.push_back(constructNormalizedFloat(2, 0x01E000));
2599 inputs.push_back(constructNormalizedFloat(1, 0xFFE000));
2601 spec.assembly = shader;
2602 spec.verifyIO = &compareOpQuantizeF16ComputeExactCase;
2603 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputs)));
2604 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputs)));
2605 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2607 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2608 testCtx, "rounded", "Check that are rounded when needed", spec));
2611 return group.release();
2614 // Performs a bitwise copy of source to the destination type Dest.
2615 template <typename Dest, typename Src>
2616 Dest bitwiseCast(Src source)
2619 DE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(source) == sizeof(dest));
2620 deMemcpy(&dest, &source, sizeof(dest));
2624 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSpecConstantOpQuantizeToF16Group (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2626 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opspecconstantop_opquantize", "Tests the OpQuantizeToF16 opcode for the OpSpecConstantOp instruction"));
2628 const std::string shader (
2629 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
2631 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2632 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2634 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2636 "OpDecorate %sc_0 SpecId 0\n"
2637 "OpDecorate %sc_1 SpecId 1\n"
2638 "OpDecorate %sc_2 SpecId 2\n"
2639 "OpDecorate %sc_3 SpecId 3\n"
2640 "OpDecorate %sc_4 SpecId 4\n"
2641 "OpDecorate %sc_5 SpecId 5\n"
2643 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2645 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2646 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2647 "%c_u32_6 = OpConstant %u32 6\n"
2649 "%sc_0 = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
2650 "%sc_1 = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
2651 "%sc_2 = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
2652 "%sc_3 = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
2653 "%sc_4 = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
2654 "%sc_5 = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
2656 "%sc_0_quant = OpSpecConstantOp %f32 QuantizeToF16 %sc_0\n"
2657 "%sc_1_quant = OpSpecConstantOp %f32 QuantizeToF16 %sc_1\n"
2658 "%sc_2_quant = OpSpecConstantOp %f32 QuantizeToF16 %sc_2\n"
2659 "%sc_3_quant = OpSpecConstantOp %f32 QuantizeToF16 %sc_3\n"
2660 "%sc_4_quant = OpSpecConstantOp %f32 QuantizeToF16 %sc_4\n"
2661 "%sc_5_quant = OpSpecConstantOp %f32 QuantizeToF16 %sc_5\n"
2663 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2664 "%label = OpLabel\n"
2665 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2666 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2667 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2668 "%selector = OpUMod %u32 %x %c_u32_6\n"
2669 " OpSelectionMerge %exit None\n"
2670 " OpSwitch %selector %exit 0 %case0 1 %case1 2 %case2 3 %case3 4 %case4 5 %case5\n"
2672 "%case0 = OpLabel\n"
2673 " OpStore %outloc %sc_0_quant\n"
2676 "%case1 = OpLabel\n"
2677 " OpStore %outloc %sc_1_quant\n"
2680 "%case2 = OpLabel\n"
2681 " OpStore %outloc %sc_2_quant\n"
2684 "%case3 = OpLabel\n"
2685 " OpStore %outloc %sc_3_quant\n"
2688 "%case4 = OpLabel\n"
2689 " OpStore %outloc %sc_4_quant\n"
2692 "%case5 = OpLabel\n"
2693 " OpStore %outloc %sc_5_quant\n"
2699 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
2702 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2703 const deUint8 numCases = 4;
2704 vector<float> inputs (numCases, 0.f);
2705 vector<float> outputs;
2707 spec.assembly = shader;
2708 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numCases, 1, 1);
2710 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()));
2711 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()));
2712 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(std::ldexp(1.0f, 16)));
2713 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(std::ldexp(-1.0f, 32)));
2715 outputs.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2716 outputs.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2717 outputs.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2718 outputs.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
2720 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputs)));
2721 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputs)));
2723 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2724 testCtx, "infinities", "Check that infinities propagated and created", spec));
2728 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2729 const deUint8 numCases = 2;
2730 vector<float> inputs (numCases, 0.f);
2731 vector<float> outputs;
2733 spec.assembly = shader;
2734 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numCases, 1, 1);
2735 spec.verifyIO = &compareNan;
2737 outputs.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
2738 outputs.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
2740 for (deUint8 idx = 0; idx < numCases; ++idx)
2741 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(outputs[idx]));
2743 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputs)));
2744 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputs)));
2746 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2747 testCtx, "propagated_nans", "Check that nans are propagated", spec));
2751 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2752 const deUint8 numCases = 6;
2753 vector<float> inputs (numCases, 0.f);
2754 vector<float> outputs;
2756 spec.assembly = shader;
2757 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numCases, 1, 1);
2759 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(0.f));
2760 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(-0.f));
2761 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(std::ldexp(1.0f, -16)));
2762 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(std::ldexp(-1.0f, -32)));
2763 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(std::ldexp(1.0f, -127)));
2764 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(-std::ldexp(1.0f, -128)));
2766 outputs.push_back(0.f);
2767 outputs.push_back(-0.f);
2768 outputs.push_back(0.f);
2769 outputs.push_back(-0.f);
2770 outputs.push_back(0.f);
2771 outputs.push_back(-0.f);
2773 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputs)));
2774 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputs)));
2776 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2777 testCtx, "flush_to_zero", "Check that values are zeroed correctly", spec));
2781 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2782 const deUint8 numCases = 6;
2783 vector<float> inputs (numCases, 0.f);
2784 vector<float> outputs;
2786 spec.assembly = shader;
2787 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numCases, 1, 1);
2789 for (deUint8 idx = 0; idx < 6; ++idx)
2791 const float f = static_cast<float>(idx * 10 - 30) / 4.f;
2792 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(f));
2793 outputs.push_back(f);
2796 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputs)));
2797 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputs)));
2799 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2800 testCtx, "exact", "Check that values exactly preserved where appropriate", spec));
2804 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2805 const deUint8 numCases = 4;
2806 vector<float> inputs (numCases, 0.f);
2807 vector<float> outputs;
2809 spec.assembly = shader;
2810 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numCases, 1, 1);
2811 spec.verifyIO = &compareOpQuantizeF16ComputeExactCase;
2813 outputs.push_back(constructNormalizedFloat(8, 0x300300));
2814 outputs.push_back(-constructNormalizedFloat(-7, 0x600800));
2815 outputs.push_back(constructNormalizedFloat(2, 0x01E000));
2816 outputs.push_back(constructNormalizedFloat(1, 0xFFE000));
2818 for (deUint8 idx = 0; idx < numCases; ++idx)
2819 spec.specConstants.push_back(bitwiseCast<deUint32>(outputs[idx]));
2821 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputs)));
2822 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputs)));
2824 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(
2825 testCtx, "rounded", "Check that are rounded when needed", spec));
2828 return group.release();
2831 // Checks that constant null/composite values can be used in computation.
2832 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpConstantUsageGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2834 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opconstantnullcomposite", "Spotcheck the OpConstantNull & OpConstantComposite instruction"));
2835 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
2836 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
2837 const int numElements = 100;
2838 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
2839 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
2841 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
2843 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
2844 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
2847 "OpCapability Shader\n"
2848 "%std450 = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"\n"
2849 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
2850 "OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %id\n"
2851 "OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
2853 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
2854 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2855 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2857 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2859 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) +
2861 "%fmat = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 3\n"
2862 "%ten = OpConstant %u32 10\n"
2863 "%f32arr10 = OpTypeArray %f32 %ten\n"
2864 "%fst = OpTypeStruct %f32 %f32\n"
2866 + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2868 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2869 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2871 // Create a bunch of null values
2872 "%unull = OpConstantNull %u32\n"
2873 "%fnull = OpConstantNull %f32\n"
2874 "%vnull = OpConstantNull %fvec3\n"
2875 "%mnull = OpConstantNull %fmat\n"
2876 "%anull = OpConstantNull %f32arr10\n"
2877 "%snull = OpConstantComposite %fst %fnull %fnull\n"
2879 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2880 "%label = OpLabel\n"
2881 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2882 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2883 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
2884 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
2885 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
2887 // Get the abs() of (a certain element of) those null values
2888 "%unull_cov = OpConvertUToF %f32 %unull\n"
2889 "%unull_abs = OpExtInst %f32 %std450 FAbs %unull_cov\n"
2890 "%fnull_abs = OpExtInst %f32 %std450 FAbs %fnull\n"
2891 "%vnull_0 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %vnull 0\n"
2892 "%vnull_abs = OpExtInst %f32 %std450 FAbs %vnull_0\n"
2893 "%mnull_12 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %mnull 1 2\n"
2894 "%mnull_abs = OpExtInst %f32 %std450 FAbs %mnull_12\n"
2895 "%anull_3 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %anull 3\n"
2896 "%anull_abs = OpExtInst %f32 %std450 FAbs %anull_3\n"
2897 "%snull_1 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %snull 1\n"
2898 "%snull_abs = OpExtInst %f32 %std450 FAbs %snull_1\n"
2901 "%add1 = OpFAdd %f32 %neg %unull_abs\n"
2902 "%add2 = OpFAdd %f32 %add1 %fnull_abs\n"
2903 "%add3 = OpFAdd %f32 %add2 %vnull_abs\n"
2904 "%add4 = OpFAdd %f32 %add3 %mnull_abs\n"
2905 "%add5 = OpFAdd %f32 %add4 %anull_abs\n"
2906 "%final = OpFAdd %f32 %add5 %snull_abs\n"
2908 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2909 " OpStore %outloc %final\n" // write to output
2912 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
2913 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
2914 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
2916 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, "spotcheck", "Check that values constructed via OpConstantNull & OpConstantComposite can be used", spec));
2918 return group.release();
2921 // Assembly code used for testing loop control is based on GLSL source code:
2924 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Input {
2925 // float elements[];
2927 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) writeonly buffer Output {
2928 // float elements[];
2932 // uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
2933 // output_data.elements[x] = input_data.elements[x];
2934 // for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
2935 // output_data.elements[x] += 1.f;
2937 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createLoopControlGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
2939 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "loop_control", "Tests loop control cases"));
2940 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
2941 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
2942 const int numElements = 100;
2943 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
2944 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
2945 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
2946 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
2948 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
2949 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
2950 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
2952 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
2954 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
2956 "%u32ptr = OpTypePointer Function %u32\n"
2958 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
2959 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
2960 "%uzero = OpConstant %u32 0\n"
2961 "%one = OpConstant %i32 1\n"
2962 "%constf1 = OpConstant %f32 1.0\n"
2963 "%four = OpConstant %u32 4\n"
2965 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
2966 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
2967 "%i = OpVariable %u32ptr Function\n"
2968 " OpStore %i %uzero\n"
2970 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
2971 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
2972 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
2973 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
2974 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
2975 " OpStore %outloc %inval\n"
2976 " OpBranch %loop_entry\n"
2978 "%loop_entry = OpLabel\n"
2979 "%i_val = OpLoad %u32 %i\n"
2980 "%cmp_lt = OpULessThan %bool %i_val %four\n"
2981 " OpLoopMerge %loop_merge %loop_entry ${CONTROL}\n"
2982 " OpBranchConditional %cmp_lt %loop_body %loop_merge\n"
2983 "%loop_body = OpLabel\n"
2984 "%outval = OpLoad %f32 %outloc\n"
2985 "%addf1 = OpFAdd %f32 %outval %constf1\n"
2986 " OpStore %outloc %addf1\n"
2987 "%new_i = OpIAdd %u32 %i_val %one\n"
2988 " OpStore %i %new_i\n"
2989 " OpBranch %loop_entry\n"
2990 "%loop_merge = OpLabel\n"
2992 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
2994 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("none", "None"));
2995 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("unroll", "Unroll"));
2996 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("dont_unroll", "DontUnroll"));
2997 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("unroll_dont_unroll", "Unroll|DontUnroll"));
2999 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -100.f, 100.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
3001 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
3002 outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 4.f;
3004 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
3006 map<string, string> specializations;
3007 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
3009 specializations["CONTROL"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
3010 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
3011 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
3012 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
3013 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
3015 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
3018 return group.release();
3021 // Assembly code used for testing selection control is based on GLSL source code:
3024 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Input {
3025 // float elements[];
3027 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) writeonly buffer Output {
3028 // float elements[];
3032 // uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
3033 // float val = input_data.elements[x];
3035 // output_data.elements[x] = val + 1.f;
3037 // output_data.elements[x] = val - 1.f;
3039 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSelectionControlGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
3041 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "selection_control", "Tests selection control cases"));
3042 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
3043 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
3044 const int numElements = 100;
3045 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
3046 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
3047 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
3048 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
3050 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
3051 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
3052 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
3054 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
3056 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
3058 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
3059 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
3060 "%constf1 = OpConstant %f32 1.0\n"
3061 "%constf10 = OpConstant %f32 10.0\n"
3063 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
3064 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
3065 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
3066 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
3067 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
3068 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
3069 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
3070 "%cmp_gt = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %inval %constf10\n"
3072 " OpSelectionMerge %if_end ${CONTROL}\n"
3073 " OpBranchConditional %cmp_gt %if_true %if_false\n"
3074 "%if_true = OpLabel\n"
3075 "%addf1 = OpFAdd %f32 %inval %constf1\n"
3076 " OpStore %outloc %addf1\n"
3077 " OpBranch %if_end\n"
3078 "%if_false = OpLabel\n"
3079 "%subf1 = OpFSub %f32 %inval %constf1\n"
3080 " OpStore %outloc %subf1\n"
3081 " OpBranch %if_end\n"
3082 "%if_end = OpLabel\n"
3084 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
3086 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("none", "None"));
3087 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("flatten", "Flatten"));
3088 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("dont_flatten", "DontFlatten"));
3089 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("flatten_dont_flatten", "DontFlatten|Flatten"));
3091 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -100.f, 100.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
3093 // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences.
3094 floorAll(inputFloats);
3096 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
3097 outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + (inputFloats[ndx] > 10.f ? 1.f : -1.f);
3099 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
3101 map<string, string> specializations;
3102 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
3104 specializations["CONTROL"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
3105 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
3106 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
3107 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
3108 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
3110 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
3113 return group.release();
3116 // Assembly code used for testing function control is based on GLSL source code:
3120 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer Input {
3121 // float elements[];
3123 // layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 1) writeonly buffer Output {
3124 // float elements[];
3127 // float const10() { return 10.f; }
3130 // uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
3131 // output_data.elements[x] = input_data.elements[x] + const10();
3133 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createFunctionControlGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
3135 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "function_control", "Tests function control cases"));
3136 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
3137 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
3138 const int numElements = 100;
3139 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
3140 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
3141 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
3142 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
3144 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
3145 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
3146 "OpName %func_const10 \"const10(\"\n"
3147 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
3149 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
3151 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
3153 "%f32f = OpTypeFunction %f32\n"
3154 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
3155 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
3156 "%constf10 = OpConstant %f32 10.0\n"
3158 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
3159 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
3160 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
3161 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
3162 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
3163 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
3164 "%ret_10 = OpFunctionCall %f32 %func_const10\n"
3165 "%fadd = OpFAdd %f32 %inval %ret_10\n"
3166 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
3167 " OpStore %outloc %fadd\n"
3171 "%func_const10 = OpFunction %f32 ${CONTROL} %f32f\n"
3172 "%label = OpLabel\n"
3173 " OpReturnValue %constf10\n"
3174 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
3176 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("none", "None"));
3177 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("inline", "Inline"));
3178 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("dont_inline", "DontInline"));
3179 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("pure", "Pure"));
3180 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("const", "Const"));
3181 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("inline_pure", "Inline|Pure"));
3182 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("const_dont_inline", "Const|DontInline"));
3183 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("inline_dont_inline", "Inline|DontInline"));
3184 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("pure_inline_dont_inline", "Pure|Inline|DontInline"));
3186 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -100.f, 100.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
3188 // CPU might not use the same rounding mode as the GPU. Use whole numbers to avoid rounding differences.
3189 floorAll(inputFloats);
3191 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
3192 outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + 10.f;
3194 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
3196 map<string, string> specializations;
3197 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
3199 specializations["CONTROL"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
3200 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
3201 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
3202 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
3203 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
3205 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
3208 return group.release();
3211 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createMemoryAccessGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
3213 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "memory_access", "Tests memory access cases"));
3214 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
3215 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
3216 const int numElements = 100;
3217 vector<float> inputFloats (numElements, 0);
3218 vector<float> outputFloats (numElements, 0);
3219 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
3220 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
3222 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
3223 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
3224 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
3226 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
3228 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
3230 "%f32ptr_f = OpTypePointer Function %f32\n"
3232 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
3233 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
3234 "%four = OpConstant %i32 4\n"
3236 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
3237 "%label = OpLabel\n"
3238 "%copy = OpVariable %f32ptr_f Function\n"
3239 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id ${ACCESS}\n"
3240 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
3241 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
3242 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
3243 " OpCopyMemory %copy %inloc ${ACCESS}\n"
3244 "%val1 = OpLoad %f32 %copy\n"
3245 "%val2 = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
3246 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %val2\n"
3247 " OpStore %outloc %add ${ACCESS}\n"
3249 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
3251 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("null", ""));
3252 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("none", "None"));
3253 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("volatile", "Volatile"));
3254 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("aligned", "Aligned 4"));
3255 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("nontemporal", "Nontemporal"));
3256 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("aligned_nontemporal", "Aligned|Nontemporal 4"));
3257 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("aligned_volatile", "Volatile|Aligned 4"));
3259 fillRandomScalars(rnd, -100.f, 100.f, &inputFloats[0], numElements);
3261 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
3262 outputFloats[ndx] = inputFloats[ndx] + inputFloats[ndx];
3264 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
3266 map<string, string> specializations;
3267 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
3269 specializations["ACCESS"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
3270 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
3271 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(inputFloats)));
3272 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(outputFloats)));
3273 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
3275 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
3278 return group.release();
3281 // Checks that we can get undefined values for various types, without exercising a computation with it.
3282 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpUndefGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
3284 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opundef", "Tests the OpUndef instruction"));
3285 vector<CaseParameter> cases;
3286 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
3287 const int numElements = 100;
3288 vector<float> positiveFloats (numElements, 0);
3289 vector<float> negativeFloats (numElements, 0);
3290 const StringTemplate shaderTemplate (
3291 string(s_ShaderPreamble) +
3293 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
3294 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
3295 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
3297 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
3299 + string(s_InputOutputBufferTraits) + string(s_CommonTypes) + string(s_InputOutputBuffer) +
3303 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
3304 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
3306 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
3307 "%label = OpLabel\n"
3309 "%undef = OpUndef %type\n"
3311 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
3312 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
3314 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
3315 "%inval = OpLoad %f32 %inloc\n"
3316 "%neg = OpFNegate %f32 %inval\n"
3317 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %f32ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
3318 " OpStore %outloc %neg\n"
3320 " OpFunctionEnd\n");
3322 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("bool", "%type = OpTypeBool"));
3323 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("sint32", "%type = OpTypeInt 32 1"));
3324 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("uint32", "%type = OpTypeInt 32 0"));
3325 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("float32", "%type = OpTypeFloat 32"));
3326 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("vec4float32", "%type = OpTypeVector %f32 4"));
3327 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("vec2uint32", "%type = OpTypeVector %u32 2"));
3328 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("matrix", "%type = OpTypeMatrix %fvec3 3"));
3329 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("image", "%type = OpTypeImage %f32 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown"));
3330 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("sampler", "%type = OpTypeSampler"));
3331 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("sampledimage", "%img = OpTypeImage %f32 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown\n"
3332 "%type = OpTypeSampledImage %img"));
3333 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("array", "%100 = OpConstant %u32 100\n"
3334 "%type = OpTypeArray %i32 %100"));
3335 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("runtimearray", "%type = OpTypeRuntimeArray %f32"));
3336 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("struct", "%type = OpTypeStruct %f32 %i32 %u32"));
3337 cases.push_back(CaseParameter("pointer", "%type = OpTypePointer Function %i32"));
3339 fillRandomScalars(rnd, 1.f, 100.f, &positiveFloats[0], numElements);
3341 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numElements; ++ndx)
3342 negativeFloats[ndx] = -positiveFloats[ndx];
3344 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
3346 map<string, string> specializations;
3347 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
3349 specializations["TYPE"] = cases[caseNdx].param;
3350 spec.assembly = shaderTemplate.specialize(specializations);
3351 spec.inputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(positiveFloats)));
3352 spec.outputs.push_back(BufferSp(new Float32Buffer(negativeFloats)));
3353 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(numElements, 1, 1);
3355 group->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, cases[caseNdx].name, cases[caseNdx].name, spec));
3358 return group.release();
3360 typedef std::pair<std::string, VkShaderStageFlagBits> EntryToStage;
3361 typedef map<string, vector<EntryToStage> > ModuleMap;
3362 typedef map<VkShaderStageFlagBits, vector<deInt32> > StageToSpecConstantMap;
3364 // Context for a specific test instantiation. For example, an instantiation
3365 // may test colors yellow/magenta/cyan/mauve in a tesselation shader
3366 // with an entry point named 'main_to_the_main'
3367 struct InstanceContext
3369 // Map of modules to what entry_points we care to use from those modules.
3370 ModuleMap moduleMap;
3371 RGBA inputColors[4];
3372 RGBA outputColors[4];
3373 // Concrete SPIR-V code to test via boilerplate specialization.
3374 map<string, string> testCodeFragments;
3375 StageToSpecConstantMap specConstants;
3376 bool hasTessellation;
3377 VkShaderStageFlagBits requiredStages;
3379 InstanceContext (const RGBA (&inputs)[4], const RGBA (&outputs)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments_, const StageToSpecConstantMap& specConstants_)
3380 : testCodeFragments (testCodeFragments_)
3381 , specConstants (specConstants_)
3382 , hasTessellation (false)
3383 , requiredStages (static_cast<VkShaderStageFlagBits>(0))
3385 inputColors[0] = inputs[0];
3386 inputColors[1] = inputs[1];
3387 inputColors[2] = inputs[2];
3388 inputColors[3] = inputs[3];
3390 outputColors[0] = outputs[0];
3391 outputColors[1] = outputs[1];
3392 outputColors[2] = outputs[2];
3393 outputColors[3] = outputs[3];
3396 InstanceContext (const InstanceContext& other)
3397 : moduleMap (other.moduleMap)
3398 , testCodeFragments (other.testCodeFragments)
3399 , specConstants (other.specConstants)
3400 , hasTessellation (other.hasTessellation)
3401 , requiredStages (other.requiredStages)
3403 inputColors[0] = other.inputColors[0];
3404 inputColors[1] = other.inputColors[1];
3405 inputColors[2] = other.inputColors[2];
3406 inputColors[3] = other.inputColors[3];
3408 outputColors[0] = other.outputColors[0];
3409 outputColors[1] = other.outputColors[1];
3410 outputColors[2] = other.outputColors[2];
3411 outputColors[3] = other.outputColors[3];
3415 // A description of a shader to be used for a single stage of the graphics pipeline.
3416 struct ShaderElement
3418 // The module that contains this shader entrypoint.
3421 // The name of the entrypoint.
3424 // Which shader stage this entry point represents.
3425 VkShaderStageFlagBits stage;
3427 ShaderElement (const string& moduleName_, const string& entryPoint_, VkShaderStageFlagBits shaderStage_)
3428 : moduleName(moduleName_)
3429 , entryName(entryPoint_)
3430 , stage(shaderStage_)
3435 void getDefaultColors (RGBA (&colors)[4])
3437 colors[0] = RGBA::white();
3438 colors[1] = RGBA::red();
3439 colors[2] = RGBA::green();
3440 colors[3] = RGBA::blue();
3443 void getHalfColorsFullAlpha (RGBA (&colors)[4])
3445 colors[0] = RGBA(127, 127, 127, 255);
3446 colors[1] = RGBA(127, 0, 0, 255);
3447 colors[2] = RGBA(0, 127, 0, 255);
3448 colors[3] = RGBA(0, 0, 127, 255);
3451 void getInvertedDefaultColors (RGBA (&colors)[4])
3453 colors[0] = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255);
3454 colors[1] = RGBA(0, 255, 255, 255);
3455 colors[2] = RGBA(255, 0, 255, 255);
3456 colors[3] = RGBA(255, 255, 0, 255);
3459 // Turns a statically sized array of ShaderElements into an instance-context
3460 // by setting up the mapping of modules to their contained shaders and stages.
3461 // The inputs and expected outputs are given by inputColors and outputColors
3463 InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N], const RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments, const StageToSpecConstantMap& specConstants)
3465 InstanceContext ctx (inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstants);
3466 for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
3468 ctx.moduleMap[elements[i].moduleName].push_back(std::make_pair(elements[i].entryName, elements[i].stage));
3469 ctx.requiredStages = static_cast<VkShaderStageFlagBits>(ctx.requiredStages | elements[i].stage);
3475 inline InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N], RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments)
3477 return createInstanceContext(elements, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, StageToSpecConstantMap());
3480 // The same as createInstanceContext above, but with default colors.
3482 InstanceContext createInstanceContext (const ShaderElement (&elements)[N], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments)
3484 RGBA defaultColors[4];
3485 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
3486 return createInstanceContext(elements, defaultColors, defaultColors, testCodeFragments);
3489 // For the current InstanceContext, constructs the required modules and shader stage create infos.
3490 void createPipelineShaderStages (const DeviceInterface& vk, const VkDevice vkDevice, InstanceContext& instance, Context& context, vector<ModuleHandleSp>& modules, vector<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo>& createInfos)
3492 for (ModuleMap::const_iterator moduleNdx = instance.moduleMap.begin(); moduleNdx != instance.moduleMap.end(); ++moduleNdx)
3494 const ModuleHandleSp mod(new Unique<VkShaderModule>(createShaderModule(vk, vkDevice, context.getBinaryCollection().get(moduleNdx->first), 0)));
3495 modules.push_back(ModuleHandleSp(mod));
3496 for (vector<EntryToStage>::const_iterator shaderNdx = moduleNdx->second.begin(); shaderNdx != moduleNdx->second.end(); ++shaderNdx)
3498 const EntryToStage& stage = *shaderNdx;
3499 const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo shaderParam =
3502 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
3503 (VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlags)0,
3504 stage.second, // VkShaderStageFlagBits stage;
3505 **modules.back(), // VkShaderModule module;
3506 stage.first.c_str(), // const char* pName;
3507 (const VkSpecializationInfo*)DE_NULL,
3509 createInfos.push_back(shaderParam);
3515 "%void = OpTypeVoid\n" \
3516 "%bool = OpTypeBool\n" \
3518 "%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" \
3519 "%u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" \
3521 "%f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n" \
3522 "%v3f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 3\n" \
3523 "%v4f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 4\n" \
3524 "%v4bool = OpTypeVector %bool 4\n" \
3526 "%v4f32_function = OpTypeFunction %v4f32 %v4f32\n" \
3527 "%fun = OpTypeFunction %void\n" \
3529 "%ip_f32 = OpTypePointer Input %f32\n" \
3530 "%ip_i32 = OpTypePointer Input %i32\n" \
3531 "%ip_v3f32 = OpTypePointer Input %v3f32\n" \
3532 "%ip_v4f32 = OpTypePointer Input %v4f32\n" \
3534 "%op_f32 = OpTypePointer Output %f32\n" \
3535 "%op_v4f32 = OpTypePointer Output %v4f32\n" \
3537 "%fp_f32 = OpTypePointer Function %f32\n" \
3538 "%fp_i32 = OpTypePointer Function %i32\n" \
3539 "%fp_v4f32 = OpTypePointer Function %v4f32\n"
3542 "%c_f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1.0\n" \
3543 "%c_f32_0 = OpConstant %f32 0.0\n" \
3544 "%c_f32_0_5 = OpConstant %f32 0.5\n" \
3545 "%c_f32_n1 = OpConstant %f32 -1.\n" \
3546 "%c_f32_7 = OpConstant %f32 7.0\n" \
3547 "%c_f32_8 = OpConstant %f32 8.0\n" \
3548 "%c_i32_0 = OpConstant %i32 0\n" \
3549 "%c_i32_1 = OpConstant %i32 1\n" \
3550 "%c_i32_2 = OpConstant %i32 2\n" \
3551 "%c_i32_3 = OpConstant %i32 3\n" \
3552 "%c_i32_4 = OpConstant %i32 4\n" \
3553 "%c_u32_0 = OpConstant %u32 0\n" \
3554 "%c_u32_1 = OpConstant %u32 1\n" \
3555 "%c_u32_2 = OpConstant %u32 2\n" \
3556 "%c_u32_3 = OpConstant %u32 3\n" \
3557 "%c_u32_32 = OpConstant %u32 32\n" \
3558 "%c_u32_4 = OpConstant %u32 4\n" \
3559 "%c_u32_31_bits = OpConstant %u32 0x7FFFFFFF\n" \
3560 "%c_v4f32_1_1_1_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1\n" \
3561 "%c_v4f32_1_0_0_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_1\n" \
3562 "%c_v4f32_0_5_0_5_0_5_0_5 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5\n"
3565 "%a1f32 = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_u32_1\n" \
3566 "%a2f32 = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_u32_2\n" \
3567 "%a3v4f32 = OpTypeArray %v4f32 %c_u32_3\n" \
3568 "%a4f32 = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_u32_4\n" \
3569 "%a32v4f32 = OpTypeArray %v4f32 %c_u32_32\n" \
3570 "%ip_a3v4f32 = OpTypePointer Input %a3v4f32\n" \
3571 "%ip_a32v4f32 = OpTypePointer Input %a32v4f32\n" \
3572 "%op_a2f32 = OpTypePointer Output %a2f32\n" \
3573 "%op_a3v4f32 = OpTypePointer Output %a3v4f32\n" \
3574 "%op_a4f32 = OpTypePointer Output %a4f32\n"
3576 // Creates vertex-shader assembly by specializing a boilerplate StringTemplate
3577 // on fragments, which must (at least) map "testfun" to an OpFunction definition
3578 // for %test_code that takes and returns a %v4f32. Boilerplate IDs are prefixed
3579 // with "BP_" to avoid collisions with fragments.
3581 // It corresponds roughly to this GLSL:
3583 // layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;
3584 // layout(location = 1) in vec4 color;
3585 // layout(location = 1) out highp vec4 vtxColor;
3586 // void main (void) { gl_Position = position; vtxColor = test_func(color); }
3587 string makeVertexShaderAssembly(const map<string, string>& fragments)
3589 // \todo [2015-11-23 awoloszyn] Remove OpName once these have stabalized
3590 static const char vertexShaderBoilerplate[] =
3591 "OpCapability Shader\n"
3592 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
3593 "OpCapability CullDistance\n"
3594 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
3595 "OpEntryPoint Vertex %main \"main\" %BP_stream %BP_position %BP_vtx_color %BP_color %BP_gl_VertexIndex %BP_gl_InstanceIndex\n"
3597 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
3598 "OpName %BP_gl_PerVertex \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
3599 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
3600 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
3601 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
3602 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
3603 "OpName %test_code \"testfun(vf4;\"\n"
3604 "OpName %BP_stream \"\"\n"
3605 "OpName %BP_position \"position\"\n"
3606 "OpName %BP_vtx_color \"vtxColor\"\n"
3607 "OpName %BP_color \"color\"\n"
3608 "OpName %BP_gl_VertexIndex \"gl_VertexIndex\"\n"
3609 "OpName %BP_gl_InstanceIndex \"gl_InstanceIndex\"\n"
3610 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
3611 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
3612 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
3613 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
3614 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex Block\n"
3615 "OpDecorate %BP_position Location 0\n"
3616 "OpDecorate %BP_vtx_color Location 1\n"
3617 "OpDecorate %BP_color Location 1\n"
3618 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_VertexIndex BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
3619 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_InstanceIndex BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
3620 "${decoration:opt}\n"
3624 "%BP_gl_PerVertex = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
3625 "%BP_op_gl_PerVertex = OpTypePointer Output %BP_gl_PerVertex\n"
3626 "%BP_stream = OpVariable %BP_op_gl_PerVertex Output\n"
3627 "%BP_position = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
3628 "%BP_vtx_color = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
3629 "%BP_color = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
3630 "%BP_gl_VertexIndex = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
3631 "%BP_gl_InstanceIndex = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
3633 "%main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
3634 "%BP_label = OpLabel\n"
3635 "%BP_pos = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_position\n"
3636 "%BP_gl_pos = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %BP_stream %c_i32_0\n"
3637 "OpStore %BP_gl_pos %BP_pos\n"
3638 "%BP_col = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_color\n"
3639 "%BP_col_transformed = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %test_code %BP_col\n"
3640 "OpStore %BP_vtx_color %BP_col_transformed\n"
3644 return tcu::StringTemplate(vertexShaderBoilerplate).specialize(fragments);
3647 // Creates tess-control-shader assembly by specializing a boilerplate
3648 // StringTemplate on fragments, which must (at least) map "testfun" to an
3649 // OpFunction definition for %test_code that takes and returns a %v4f32.
3650 // Boilerplate IDs are prefixed with "BP_" to avoid collisions with fragments.
3652 // It roughly corresponds to the following GLSL.
3655 // layout(vertices = 3) out;
3656 // layout(location = 1) in vec4 in_color[];
3657 // layout(location = 1) out vec4 out_color[];
3660 // out_color[gl_InvocationID] = testfun(in_color[gl_InvocationID]);
3661 // gl_out[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position;
3662 // if (gl_InvocationID == 0) {
3663 // gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 1.0;
3664 // gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = 1.0;
3665 // gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 1.0;
3666 // gl_TessLevelInner[0] = 1.0;
3669 string makeTessControlShaderAssembly (const map<string, string>& fragments)
3671 static const char tessControlShaderBoilerplate[] =
3672 "OpCapability Tessellation\n"
3673 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
3674 "OpCapability CullDistance\n"
3675 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
3676 "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %BP_main \"main\" %BP_out_color %BP_gl_InvocationID %BP_in_color %BP_gl_out %BP_gl_in %BP_gl_TessLevelOuter %BP_gl_TessLevelInner\n"
3677 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main OutputVertices 3\n"
3679 "OpName %BP_main \"main\"\n"
3680 "OpName %test_code \"testfun(vf4;\"\n"
3681 "OpName %BP_out_color \"out_color\"\n"
3682 "OpName %BP_gl_InvocationID \"gl_InvocationID\"\n"
3683 "OpName %BP_in_color \"in_color\"\n"
3684 "OpName %BP_gl_PerVertex \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
3685 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
3686 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
3687 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
3688 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertex 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
3689 "OpName %BP_gl_out \"gl_out\"\n"
3690 "OpName %BP_gl_PVOut \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
3691 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PVOut 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
3692 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PVOut 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
3693 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PVOut 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
3694 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PVOut 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
3695 "OpName %BP_gl_in \"gl_in\"\n"
3696 "OpName %BP_gl_TessLevelOuter \"gl_TessLevelOuter\"\n"
3697 "OpName %BP_gl_TessLevelInner \"gl_TessLevelInner\"\n"
3698 "OpDecorate %BP_out_color Location 1\n"
3699 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_InvocationID BuiltIn InvocationId\n"
3700 "OpDecorate %BP_in_color Location 1\n"
3701 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
3702 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
3703 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
3704 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
3705 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertex Block\n"
3706 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PVOut 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
3707 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PVOut 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
3708 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PVOut 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
3709 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PVOut 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
3710 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_PVOut Block\n"
3711 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_TessLevelOuter Patch\n"
3712 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_TessLevelOuter BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n"
3713 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_TessLevelInner Patch\n"
3714 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_TessLevelInner BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n"
3715 "${decoration:opt}\n"
3719 "%BP_out_color = OpVariable %op_a3v4f32 Output\n"
3720 "%BP_gl_InvocationID = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
3721 "%BP_in_color = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
3722 "%BP_gl_PerVertex = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
3723 "%BP_a3_gl_PerVertex = OpTypeArray %BP_gl_PerVertex %c_u32_3\n"
3724 "%BP_op_a3_gl_PerVertex = OpTypePointer Output %BP_a3_gl_PerVertex\n"
3725 "%BP_gl_out = OpVariable %BP_op_a3_gl_PerVertex Output\n"
3726 "%BP_gl_PVOut = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
3727 "%BP_a32_gl_PVOut = OpTypeArray %BP_gl_PVOut %c_u32_32\n"
3728 "%BP_ip_a32_gl_PVOut = OpTypePointer Input %BP_a32_gl_PVOut\n"
3729 "%BP_gl_in = OpVariable %BP_ip_a32_gl_PVOut Input\n"
3730 "%BP_gl_TessLevelOuter = OpVariable %op_a4f32 Output\n"
3731 "%BP_gl_TessLevelInner = OpVariable %op_a2f32 Output\n"
3734 "%BP_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
3735 "%BP_label = OpLabel\n"
3737 "%BP_gl_Invoc = OpLoad %i32 %BP_gl_InvocationID\n"
3739 "%BP_in_col_loc = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_in_color %BP_gl_Invoc\n"
3740 "%BP_out_col_loc = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %BP_out_color %BP_gl_Invoc\n"
3741 "%BP_in_col_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_col_loc\n"
3742 "%BP_clr_transformed = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %test_code %BP_in_col_val\n"
3743 "OpStore %BP_out_col_loc %BP_clr_transformed\n"
3745 "%BP_in_pos_loc = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_gl_in %BP_gl_Invoc %c_i32_0\n"
3746 "%BP_out_pos_loc = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %BP_gl_out %BP_gl_Invoc %c_i32_0\n"
3747 "%BP_in_pos_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_pos_loc\n"
3748 "OpStore %BP_out_pos_loc %BP_in_pos_val\n"
3750 "%BP_cmp = OpIEqual %bool %BP_gl_Invoc %c_i32_0\n"
3751 "OpSelectionMerge %BP_merge_label None\n"
3752 "OpBranchConditional %BP_cmp %BP_if_label %BP_merge_label\n"
3753 "%BP_if_label = OpLabel\n"
3754 "%BP_gl_TessLevelOuterPos_0 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %BP_gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_0\n"
3755 "%BP_gl_TessLevelOuterPos_1 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %BP_gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_1\n"
3756 "%BP_gl_TessLevelOuterPos_2 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %BP_gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_2\n"
3757 "%BP_gl_TessLevelInnerPos_0 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %BP_gl_TessLevelInner %c_i32_0\n"
3758 "OpStore %BP_gl_TessLevelOuterPos_0 %c_f32_1\n"
3759 "OpStore %BP_gl_TessLevelOuterPos_1 %c_f32_1\n"
3760 "OpStore %BP_gl_TessLevelOuterPos_2 %c_f32_1\n"
3761 "OpStore %BP_gl_TessLevelInnerPos_0 %c_f32_1\n"
3762 "OpBranch %BP_merge_label\n"
3763 "%BP_merge_label = OpLabel\n"
3767 return tcu::StringTemplate(tessControlShaderBoilerplate).specialize(fragments);
3770 // Creates tess-evaluation-shader assembly by specializing a boilerplate
3771 // StringTemplate on fragments, which must (at least) map "testfun" to an
3772 // OpFunction definition for %test_code that takes and returns a %v4f32.
3773 // Boilerplate IDs are prefixed with "BP_" to avoid collisions with fragments.
3775 // It roughly corresponds to the following glsl.
3779 // layout(triangles, equal_spacing, ccw) in;
3780 // layout(location = 1) in vec4 in_color[];
3781 // layout(location = 1) out vec4 out_color;
3783 // #define interpolate(val)
3784 // vec4(gl_TessCoord.x) * val[0] + vec4(gl_TessCoord.y) * val[1] +
3785 // vec4(gl_TessCoord.z) * val[2]
3788 // gl_Position = vec4(gl_TessCoord.x) * gl_in[0].gl_Position +
3789 // vec4(gl_TessCoord.y) * gl_in[1].gl_Position +
3790 // vec4(gl_TessCoord.z) * gl_in[2].gl_Position;
3791 // out_color = testfun(interpolate(in_color));
3793 string makeTessEvalShaderAssembly(const map<string, string>& fragments)
3795 static const char tessEvalBoilerplate[] =
3796 "OpCapability Tessellation\n"
3797 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
3798 "OpCapability CullDistance\n"
3799 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
3800 "OpEntryPoint TessellationEvaluation %BP_main \"main\" %BP_stream %BP_gl_TessCoord %BP_gl_in %BP_out_color %BP_in_color\n"
3801 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main Triangles\n"
3802 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main SpacingEqual\n"
3803 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main VertexOrderCcw\n"
3805 "OpName %BP_main \"main\"\n"
3806 "OpName %test_code \"testfun(vf4;\"\n"
3807 "OpName %BP_gl_PerVertexOut \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
3808 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
3809 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
3810 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
3811 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
3812 "OpName %BP_stream \"\"\n"
3813 "OpName %BP_gl_TessCoord \"gl_TessCoord\"\n"
3814 "OpName %BP_gl_PerVertexIn \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
3815 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
3816 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
3817 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
3818 "OpMemberName %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
3819 "OpName %BP_gl_in \"gl_in\"\n"
3820 "OpName %BP_out_color \"out_color\"\n"
3821 "OpName %BP_in_color \"in_color\"\n"
3822 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
3823 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
3824 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
3825 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexOut 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
3826 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexOut Block\n"
3827 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_TessCoord BuiltIn TessCoord\n"
3828 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
3829 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
3830 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
3831 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexIn 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
3832 "OpDecorate %BP_gl_PerVertexIn Block\n"
3833 "OpDecorate %BP_out_color Location 1\n"
3834 "OpDecorate %BP_in_color Location 1\n"
3835 "${decoration:opt}\n"
3839 "%BP_gl_PerVertexOut = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
3840 "%BP_op_gl_PerVertexOut = OpTypePointer Output %BP_gl_PerVertexOut\n"
3841 "%BP_stream = OpVariable %BP_op_gl_PerVertexOut Output\n"
3842 "%BP_gl_TessCoord = OpVariable %ip_v3f32 Input\n"
3843 "%BP_gl_PerVertexIn = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
3844 "%BP_a32_gl_PerVertexIn = OpTypeArray %BP_gl_PerVertexIn %c_u32_32\n"
3845 "%BP_ip_a32_gl_PerVertexIn = OpTypePointer Input %BP_a32_gl_PerVertexIn\n"
3846 "%BP_gl_in = OpVariable %BP_ip_a32_gl_PerVertexIn Input\n"
3847 "%BP_out_color = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
3848 "%BP_in_color = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
3850 "%BP_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
3851 "%BP_label = OpLabel\n"
3852 "%BP_gl_TC_0 = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %BP_gl_TessCoord %c_u32_0\n"
3853 "%BP_gl_TC_1 = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %BP_gl_TessCoord %c_u32_1\n"
3854 "%BP_gl_TC_2 = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %BP_gl_TessCoord %c_u32_2\n"
3855 "%BP_gl_in_gl_Pos_0 = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_gl_in %c_i32_0 %c_i32_0\n"
3856 "%BP_gl_in_gl_Pos_1 = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_gl_in %c_i32_1 %c_i32_0\n"
3857 "%BP_gl_in_gl_Pos_2 = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_gl_in %c_i32_2 %c_i32_0\n"
3859 "%BP_gl_OPos = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %BP_stream %c_i32_0\n"
3860 "%BP_in_color_0 = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_in_color %c_i32_0\n"
3861 "%BP_in_color_1 = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_in_color %c_i32_1\n"
3862 "%BP_in_color_2 = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_in_color %c_i32_2\n"
3864 "%BP_TC_W_0 = OpLoad %f32 %BP_gl_TC_0\n"
3865 "%BP_TC_W_1 = OpLoad %f32 %BP_gl_TC_1\n"
3866 "%BP_TC_W_2 = OpLoad %f32 %BP_gl_TC_2\n"
3867 "%BP_v4f32_TC_0 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4f32 %BP_TC_W_0 %BP_TC_W_0 %BP_TC_W_0 %BP_TC_W_0\n"
3868 "%BP_v4f32_TC_1 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4f32 %BP_TC_W_1 %BP_TC_W_1 %BP_TC_W_1 %BP_TC_W_1\n"
3869 "%BP_v4f32_TC_2 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4f32 %BP_TC_W_2 %BP_TC_W_2 %BP_TC_W_2 %BP_TC_W_2\n"
3871 "%BP_gl_IP_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_gl_in_gl_Pos_0\n"
3872 "%BP_gl_IP_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_gl_in_gl_Pos_1\n"
3873 "%BP_gl_IP_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_gl_in_gl_Pos_2\n"
3875 "%BP_IP_W_0 = OpFMul %v4f32 %BP_v4f32_TC_0 %BP_gl_IP_0\n"
3876 "%BP_IP_W_1 = OpFMul %v4f32 %BP_v4f32_TC_1 %BP_gl_IP_1\n"
3877 "%BP_IP_W_2 = OpFMul %v4f32 %BP_v4f32_TC_2 %BP_gl_IP_2\n"
3879 "%BP_pos_sum_0 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %BP_IP_W_0 %BP_IP_W_1\n"
3880 "%BP_pos_sum_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %BP_pos_sum_0 %BP_IP_W_2\n"
3882 "OpStore %BP_gl_OPos %BP_pos_sum_1\n"
3884 "%BP_IC_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_color_0\n"
3885 "%BP_IC_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_color_1\n"
3886 "%BP_IC_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_color_2\n"
3888 "%BP_IC_W_0 = OpFMul %v4f32 %BP_v4f32_TC_0 %BP_IC_0\n"
3889 "%BP_IC_W_1 = OpFMul %v4f32 %BP_v4f32_TC_1 %BP_IC_1\n"
3890 "%BP_IC_W_2 = OpFMul %v4f32 %BP_v4f32_TC_2 %BP_IC_2\n"
3892 "%BP_col_sum_0 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %BP_IC_W_0 %BP_IC_W_1\n"
3893 "%BP_col_sum_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %BP_col_sum_0 %BP_IC_W_2\n"
3895 "%BP_clr_transformed = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %test_code %BP_col_sum_1\n"
3897 "OpStore %BP_out_color %BP_clr_transformed\n"
3901 return tcu::StringTemplate(tessEvalBoilerplate).specialize(fragments);
3904 // Creates geometry-shader assembly by specializing a boilerplate StringTemplate
3905 // on fragments, which must (at least) map "testfun" to an OpFunction definition
3906 // for %test_code that takes and returns a %v4f32. Boilerplate IDs are prefixed
3907 // with "BP_" to avoid collisions with fragments.
3909 // Derived from this GLSL:
3912 // layout(triangles) in;
3913 // layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;
3915 // layout(location = 1) in vec4 in_color[];
3916 // layout(location = 1) out vec4 out_color;
3919 // gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
3920 // out_color = test_fun(in_color[0]);
3922 // gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position;
3923 // out_color = test_fun(in_color[1]);
3925 // gl_Position = gl_in[2].gl_Position;
3926 // out_color = test_fun(in_color[2]);
3930 string makeGeometryShaderAssembly(const map<string, string>& fragments)
3932 static const char geometryShaderBoilerplate[] =
3933 "OpCapability Geometry\n"
3934 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
3935 "OpCapability CullDistance\n"
3936 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
3937 "OpEntryPoint Geometry %BP_main \"main\" %BP_out_gl_position %BP_gl_in %BP_out_color %BP_in_color\n"
3938 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main Triangles\n"
3939 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main OutputTriangleStrip\n"
3940 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main OutputVertices 3\n"
3942 "OpName %BP_main \"main\"\n"
3943 "OpName %BP_per_vertex_in \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
3944 "OpMemberName %BP_per_vertex_in 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
3945 "OpMemberName %BP_per_vertex_in 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
3946 "OpMemberName %BP_per_vertex_in 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
3947 "OpMemberName %BP_per_vertex_in 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
3948 "OpName %BP_gl_in \"gl_in\"\n"
3949 "OpName %BP_out_color \"out_color\"\n"
3950 "OpName %BP_in_color \"in_color\"\n"
3951 "OpName %test_code \"testfun(vf4;\"\n"
3952 "OpDecorate %BP_out_gl_position BuiltIn Position\n"
3953 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_per_vertex_in 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
3954 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_per_vertex_in 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
3955 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_per_vertex_in 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
3956 "OpMemberDecorate %BP_per_vertex_in 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
3957 "OpDecorate %BP_per_vertex_in Block\n"
3958 "OpDecorate %BP_out_color Location 1\n"
3959 "OpDecorate %BP_in_color Location 1\n"
3960 "${decoration:opt}\n"
3964 "%BP_per_vertex_in = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
3965 "%BP_a3_per_vertex_in = OpTypeArray %BP_per_vertex_in %c_u32_3\n"
3966 "%BP_ip_a3_per_vertex_in = OpTypePointer Input %BP_a3_per_vertex_in\n"
3968 "%BP_gl_in = OpVariable %BP_ip_a3_per_vertex_in Input\n"
3969 "%BP_out_color = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
3970 "%BP_in_color = OpVariable %ip_a3v4f32 Input\n"
3971 "%BP_out_gl_position = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
3974 "%BP_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
3975 "%BP_label = OpLabel\n"
3976 "%BP_gl_in_0_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_gl_in %c_i32_0 %c_i32_0\n"
3977 "%BP_gl_in_1_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_gl_in %c_i32_1 %c_i32_0\n"
3978 "%BP_gl_in_2_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_gl_in %c_i32_2 %c_i32_0\n"
3980 "%BP_in_position_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_gl_in_0_gl_position\n"
3981 "%BP_in_position_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_gl_in_1_gl_position\n"
3982 "%BP_in_position_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_gl_in_2_gl_position \n"
3984 "%BP_in_color_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_in_color %c_i32_0\n"
3985 "%BP_in_color_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_in_color %c_i32_1\n"
3986 "%BP_in_color_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %BP_in_color %c_i32_2\n"
3988 "%BP_in_color_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_color_0_ptr\n"
3989 "%BP_in_color_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_color_1_ptr\n"
3990 "%BP_in_color_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_in_color_2_ptr\n"
3992 "%BP_transformed_in_color_0 = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %test_code %BP_in_color_0\n"
3993 "%BP_transformed_in_color_1 = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %test_code %BP_in_color_1\n"
3994 "%BP_transformed_in_color_2 = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %test_code %BP_in_color_2\n"
3997 "OpStore %BP_out_gl_position %BP_in_position_0\n"
3998 "OpStore %BP_out_color %BP_transformed_in_color_0\n"
4001 "OpStore %BP_out_gl_position %BP_in_position_1\n"
4002 "OpStore %BP_out_color %BP_transformed_in_color_1\n"
4005 "OpStore %BP_out_gl_position %BP_in_position_2\n"
4006 "OpStore %BP_out_color %BP_transformed_in_color_2\n"
4013 return tcu::StringTemplate(geometryShaderBoilerplate).specialize(fragments);
4016 // Creates fragment-shader assembly by specializing a boilerplate StringTemplate
4017 // on fragments, which must (at least) map "testfun" to an OpFunction definition
4018 // for %test_code that takes and returns a %v4f32. Boilerplate IDs are prefixed
4019 // with "BP_" to avoid collisions with fragments.
4021 // Derived from this GLSL:
4023 // layout(location = 1) in highp vec4 vtxColor;
4024 // layout(location = 0) out highp vec4 fragColor;
4025 // highp vec4 testfun(highp vec4 x) { return x; }
4026 // void main(void) { fragColor = testfun(vtxColor); }
4028 // with modifications including passing vtxColor by value and ripping out
4029 // testfun() definition.
4030 string makeFragmentShaderAssembly(const map<string, string>& fragments)
4032 static const char fragmentShaderBoilerplate[] =
4033 "OpCapability Shader\n"
4034 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
4035 "OpEntryPoint Fragment %BP_main \"main\" %BP_vtxColor %BP_fragColor\n"
4036 "OpExecutionMode %BP_main OriginUpperLeft\n"
4038 "OpName %BP_main \"main\"\n"
4039 "OpName %BP_fragColor \"fragColor\"\n"
4040 "OpName %BP_vtxColor \"vtxColor\"\n"
4041 "OpName %test_code \"testfun(vf4;\"\n"
4042 "OpDecorate %BP_fragColor Location 0\n"
4043 "OpDecorate %BP_vtxColor Location 1\n"
4044 "${decoration:opt}\n"
4048 "%BP_fragColor = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4049 "%BP_vtxColor = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
4051 "%BP_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4052 "%BP_label_main = OpLabel\n"
4053 "%BP_tmp1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %BP_vtxColor\n"
4054 "%BP_tmp2 = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %test_code %BP_tmp1\n"
4055 "OpStore %BP_fragColor %BP_tmp2\n"
4059 return tcu::StringTemplate(fragmentShaderBoilerplate).specialize(fragments);
4062 // Creates fragments that specialize into a simple pass-through shader (of any kind).
4063 map<string, string> passthruFragments(void)
4065 map<string, string> fragments;
4066 fragments["testfun"] =
4067 // A %test_code function that returns its argument unchanged.
4068 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
4069 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
4070 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
4071 "OpReturnValue %param1\n"
4076 // Adds shader assembly text to dst.spirvAsmSources for all shader kinds.
4077 // Vertex shader gets custom code from context, the rest are pass-through.
4078 void addShaderCodeCustomVertex(vk::SourceCollections& dst, InstanceContext context)
4080 map<string, string> passthru = passthruFragments();
4081 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("vert") << makeVertexShaderAssembly(context.testCodeFragments);
4082 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("frag") << makeFragmentShaderAssembly(passthru);
4085 // Adds shader assembly text to dst.spirvAsmSources for all shader kinds.
4086 // Tessellation control shader gets custom code from context, the rest are
4088 void addShaderCodeCustomTessControl(vk::SourceCollections& dst, InstanceContext context)
4090 map<string, string> passthru = passthruFragments();
4091 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("vert") << makeVertexShaderAssembly(passthru);
4092 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("tessc") << makeTessControlShaderAssembly(context.testCodeFragments);
4093 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("tesse") << makeTessEvalShaderAssembly(passthru);
4094 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("frag") << makeFragmentShaderAssembly(passthru);
4097 // Adds shader assembly text to dst.spirvAsmSources for all shader kinds.
4098 // Tessellation evaluation shader gets custom code from context, the rest are
4100 void addShaderCodeCustomTessEval(vk::SourceCollections& dst, InstanceContext context)
4102 map<string, string> passthru = passthruFragments();
4103 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("vert") << makeVertexShaderAssembly(passthru);
4104 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("tessc") << makeTessControlShaderAssembly(passthru);
4105 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("tesse") << makeTessEvalShaderAssembly(context.testCodeFragments);
4106 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("frag") << makeFragmentShaderAssembly(passthru);
4109 // Adds shader assembly text to dst.spirvAsmSources for all shader kinds.
4110 // Geometry shader gets custom code from context, the rest are pass-through.
4111 void addShaderCodeCustomGeometry(vk::SourceCollections& dst, InstanceContext context)
4113 map<string, string> passthru = passthruFragments();
4114 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("vert") << makeVertexShaderAssembly(passthru);
4115 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("geom") << makeGeometryShaderAssembly(context.testCodeFragments);
4116 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("frag") << makeFragmentShaderAssembly(passthru);
4119 // Adds shader assembly text to dst.spirvAsmSources for all shader kinds.
4120 // Fragment shader gets custom code from context, the rest are pass-through.
4121 void addShaderCodeCustomFragment(vk::SourceCollections& dst, InstanceContext context)
4123 map<string, string> passthru = passthruFragments();
4124 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("vert") << makeVertexShaderAssembly(passthru);
4125 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("frag") << makeFragmentShaderAssembly(context.testCodeFragments);
4128 void createCombinedModule(vk::SourceCollections& dst, InstanceContext)
4130 // \todo [2015-12-07 awoloszyn] Make tessellation / geometry conditional
4131 // \todo [2015-12-07 awoloszyn] Remove OpName and OpMemberName at some point
4132 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("module") <<
4133 "OpCapability Shader\n"
4134 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
4135 "OpCapability CullDistance\n"
4136 "OpCapability Geometry\n"
4137 "OpCapability Tessellation\n"
4138 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
4140 "OpEntryPoint Vertex %vert_main \"main\" %vert_Position %vert_vtxColor %vert_color %vert_vtxPosition %vert_vertex_id %vert_instance_id\n"
4141 "OpEntryPoint Geometry %geom_main \"main\" %geom_out_gl_position %geom_gl_in %geom_out_color %geom_in_color\n"
4142 "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %tessc_main \"main\" %tessc_out_color %tessc_gl_InvocationID %tessc_in_color %tessc_out_position %tessc_in_position %tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter %tessc_gl_TessLevelInner\n"
4143 "OpEntryPoint TessellationEvaluation %tesse_main \"main\" %tesse_stream %tesse_gl_tessCoord %tesse_in_position %tesse_out_color %tesse_in_color \n"
4144 "OpEntryPoint Fragment %frag_main \"main\" %frag_vtxColor %frag_fragColor\n"
4146 "OpExecutionMode %geom_main Triangles\n"
4147 "OpExecutionMode %geom_main OutputTriangleStrip\n"
4148 "OpExecutionMode %geom_main OutputVertices 3\n"
4150 "OpExecutionMode %tessc_main OutputVertices 3\n"
4152 "OpExecutionMode %tesse_main Triangles\n"
4154 "OpExecutionMode %frag_main OriginUpperLeft\n"
4156 "OpName %vert_main \"main\"\n"
4157 "OpName %vert_vtxPosition \"vtxPosition\"\n"
4158 "OpName %vert_Position \"position\"\n"
4159 "OpName %vert_vtxColor \"vtxColor\"\n"
4160 "OpName %vert_color \"color\"\n"
4161 "OpName %vert_vertex_id \"gl_VertexIndex\"\n"
4162 "OpName %vert_instance_id \"gl_InstanceIndex\"\n"
4163 "OpName %geom_main \"main\"\n"
4164 "OpName %geom_per_vertex_in \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
4165 "OpMemberName %geom_per_vertex_in 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
4166 "OpMemberName %geom_per_vertex_in 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
4167 "OpMemberName %geom_per_vertex_in 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
4168 "OpMemberName %geom_per_vertex_in 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
4169 "OpName %geom_gl_in \"gl_in\"\n"
4170 "OpName %geom_out_color \"out_color\"\n"
4171 "OpName %geom_in_color \"in_color\"\n"
4172 "OpName %tessc_main \"main\"\n"
4173 "OpName %tessc_out_color \"out_color\"\n"
4174 "OpName %tessc_gl_InvocationID \"gl_InvocationID\"\n"
4175 "OpName %tessc_in_color \"in_color\"\n"
4176 "OpName %tessc_out_position \"out_position\"\n"
4177 "OpName %tessc_in_position \"in_position\"\n"
4178 "OpName %tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter \"gl_TessLevelOuter\"\n"
4179 "OpName %tessc_gl_TessLevelInner \"gl_TessLevelInner\"\n"
4180 "OpName %tesse_main \"main\"\n"
4181 "OpName %tesse_per_vertex_out \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
4182 "OpMemberName %tesse_per_vertex_out 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
4183 "OpMemberName %tesse_per_vertex_out 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
4184 "OpMemberName %tesse_per_vertex_out 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
4185 "OpMemberName %tesse_per_vertex_out 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
4186 "OpName %tesse_stream \"\"\n"
4187 "OpName %tesse_gl_tessCoord \"gl_TessCoord\"\n"
4188 "OpName %tesse_in_position \"in_position\"\n"
4189 "OpName %tesse_out_color \"out_color\"\n"
4190 "OpName %tesse_in_color \"in_color\"\n"
4191 "OpName %frag_main \"main\"\n"
4192 "OpName %frag_fragColor \"fragColor\"\n"
4193 "OpName %frag_vtxColor \"vtxColor\"\n"
4195 "; Vertex decorations\n"
4196 "OpDecorate %vert_vtxPosition Location 2\n"
4197 "OpDecorate %vert_Position Location 0\n"
4198 "OpDecorate %vert_vtxColor Location 1\n"
4199 "OpDecorate %vert_color Location 1\n"
4200 "OpDecorate %vert_vertex_id BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
4201 "OpDecorate %vert_instance_id BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
4203 "; Geometry decorations\n"
4204 "OpDecorate %geom_out_gl_position BuiltIn Position\n"
4205 "OpMemberDecorate %geom_per_vertex_in 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
4206 "OpMemberDecorate %geom_per_vertex_in 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
4207 "OpMemberDecorate %geom_per_vertex_in 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
4208 "OpMemberDecorate %geom_per_vertex_in 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
4209 "OpDecorate %geom_per_vertex_in Block\n"
4210 "OpDecorate %geom_out_color Location 1\n"
4211 "OpDecorate %geom_in_color Location 1\n"
4213 "; Tessellation Control decorations\n"
4214 "OpDecorate %tessc_out_color Location 1\n"
4215 "OpDecorate %tessc_gl_InvocationID BuiltIn InvocationId\n"
4216 "OpDecorate %tessc_in_color Location 1\n"
4217 "OpDecorate %tessc_out_position Location 2\n"
4218 "OpDecorate %tessc_in_position Location 2\n"
4219 "OpDecorate %tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter Patch\n"
4220 "OpDecorate %tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n"
4221 "OpDecorate %tessc_gl_TessLevelInner Patch\n"
4222 "OpDecorate %tessc_gl_TessLevelInner BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n"
4224 "; Tessellation Evaluation decorations\n"
4225 "OpMemberDecorate %tesse_per_vertex_out 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
4226 "OpMemberDecorate %tesse_per_vertex_out 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
4227 "OpMemberDecorate %tesse_per_vertex_out 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
4228 "OpMemberDecorate %tesse_per_vertex_out 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
4229 "OpDecorate %tesse_per_vertex_out Block\n"
4230 "OpDecorate %tesse_gl_tessCoord BuiltIn TessCoord\n"
4231 "OpDecorate %tesse_in_position Location 2\n"
4232 "OpDecorate %tesse_out_color Location 1\n"
4233 "OpDecorate %tesse_in_color Location 1\n"
4235 "; Fragment decorations\n"
4236 "OpDecorate %frag_fragColor Location 0\n"
4237 "OpDecorate %frag_vtxColor Location 1\n"
4243 "; Vertex Variables\n"
4244 "%vert_vtxPosition = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4245 "%vert_Position = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
4246 "%vert_vtxColor = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4247 "%vert_color = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
4248 "%vert_vertex_id = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
4249 "%vert_instance_id = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
4251 "; Geometry Variables\n"
4252 "%geom_per_vertex_in = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
4253 "%geom_a3_per_vertex_in = OpTypeArray %geom_per_vertex_in %c_u32_3\n"
4254 "%geom_ip_a3_per_vertex_in = OpTypePointer Input %geom_a3_per_vertex_in\n"
4255 "%geom_gl_in = OpVariable %geom_ip_a3_per_vertex_in Input\n"
4256 "%geom_out_color = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4257 "%geom_in_color = OpVariable %ip_a3v4f32 Input\n"
4258 "%geom_out_gl_position = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4260 "; Tessellation Control Variables\n"
4261 "%tessc_out_color = OpVariable %op_a3v4f32 Output\n"
4262 "%tessc_gl_InvocationID = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
4263 "%tessc_in_color = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4264 "%tessc_out_position = OpVariable %op_a3v4f32 Output\n"
4265 "%tessc_in_position = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4266 "%tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter = OpVariable %op_a4f32 Output\n"
4267 "%tessc_gl_TessLevelInner = OpVariable %op_a2f32 Output\n"
4269 "; Tessellation Evaluation Decorations\n"
4270 "%tesse_per_vertex_out = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
4271 "%tesse_op_per_vertex_out = OpTypePointer Output %tesse_per_vertex_out\n"
4272 "%tesse_stream = OpVariable %tesse_op_per_vertex_out Output\n"
4273 "%tesse_gl_tessCoord = OpVariable %ip_v3f32 Input\n"
4274 "%tesse_in_position = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4275 "%tesse_out_color = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4276 "%tesse_in_color = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4278 "; Fragment Variables\n"
4279 "%frag_fragColor = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4280 "%frag_vtxColor = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
4283 "%vert_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4284 "%vert_label = OpLabel\n"
4285 "%vert_tmp_position = OpLoad %v4f32 %vert_Position\n"
4286 "OpStore %vert_vtxPosition %vert_tmp_position\n"
4287 "%vert_tmp_color = OpLoad %v4f32 %vert_color\n"
4288 "OpStore %vert_vtxColor %vert_tmp_color\n"
4292 "; Geometry Entry\n"
4293 "%geom_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4294 "%geom_label = OpLabel\n"
4295 "%geom_gl_in_0_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %geom_gl_in %c_i32_0 %c_i32_0\n"
4296 "%geom_gl_in_1_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %geom_gl_in %c_i32_1 %c_i32_0\n"
4297 "%geom_gl_in_2_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %geom_gl_in %c_i32_2 %c_i32_0\n"
4298 "%geom_in_position_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom_gl_in_0_gl_position\n"
4299 "%geom_in_position_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom_gl_in_1_gl_position\n"
4300 "%geom_in_position_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom_gl_in_2_gl_position \n"
4301 "%geom_in_color_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %geom_in_color %c_i32_0\n"
4302 "%geom_in_color_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %geom_in_color %c_i32_1\n"
4303 "%geom_in_color_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %geom_in_color %c_i32_2\n"
4304 "%geom_in_color_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom_in_color_0_ptr\n"
4305 "%geom_in_color_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom_in_color_1_ptr\n"
4306 "%geom_in_color_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom_in_color_2_ptr\n"
4307 "OpStore %geom_out_gl_position %geom_in_position_0\n"
4308 "OpStore %geom_out_color %geom_in_color_0\n"
4310 "OpStore %geom_out_gl_position %geom_in_position_1\n"
4311 "OpStore %geom_out_color %geom_in_color_1\n"
4313 "OpStore %geom_out_gl_position %geom_in_position_2\n"
4314 "OpStore %geom_out_color %geom_in_color_2\n"
4320 "; Tessellation Control Entry\n"
4321 "%tessc_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4322 "%tessc_label = OpLabel\n"
4323 "%tessc_invocation_id = OpLoad %i32 %tessc_gl_InvocationID\n"
4324 "%tessc_in_color_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tessc_in_color %tessc_invocation_id\n"
4325 "%tessc_in_position_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tessc_in_position %tessc_invocation_id\n"
4326 "%tessc_in_color_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %tessc_in_color_ptr\n"
4327 "%tessc_in_position_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %tessc_in_position_ptr\n"
4328 "%tessc_out_color_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %tessc_out_color %tessc_invocation_id\n"
4329 "%tessc_out_position_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %tessc_out_position %tessc_invocation_id\n"
4330 "OpStore %tessc_out_color_ptr %tessc_in_color_val\n"
4331 "OpStore %tessc_out_position_ptr %tessc_in_position_val\n"
4332 "%tessc_is_first_invocation = OpIEqual %bool %tessc_invocation_id %c_i32_0\n"
4333 "OpSelectionMerge %tessc_merge_label None\n"
4334 "OpBranchConditional %tessc_is_first_invocation %tessc_first_invocation %tessc_merge_label\n"
4335 "%tessc_first_invocation = OpLabel\n"
4336 "%tessc_tess_outer_0 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_0\n"
4337 "%tessc_tess_outer_1 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_1\n"
4338 "%tessc_tess_outer_2 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %tessc_gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_2\n"
4339 "%tessc_tess_inner = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %tessc_gl_TessLevelInner %c_i32_0\n"
4340 "OpStore %tessc_tess_outer_0 %c_f32_1\n"
4341 "OpStore %tessc_tess_outer_1 %c_f32_1\n"
4342 "OpStore %tessc_tess_outer_2 %c_f32_1\n"
4343 "OpStore %tessc_tess_inner %c_f32_1\n"
4344 "OpBranch %tessc_merge_label\n"
4345 "%tessc_merge_label = OpLabel\n"
4349 "; Tessellation Evaluation Entry\n"
4350 "%tesse_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4351 "%tesse_label = OpLabel\n"
4352 "%tesse_tc_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %tesse_gl_tessCoord %c_u32_0\n"
4353 "%tesse_tc_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %tesse_gl_tessCoord %c_u32_1\n"
4354 "%tesse_tc_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %tesse_gl_tessCoord %c_u32_2\n"
4355 "%tesse_tc_0 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse_tc_0_ptr\n"
4356 "%tesse_tc_1 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse_tc_1_ptr\n"
4357 "%tesse_tc_2 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse_tc_2_ptr\n"
4358 "%tesse_in_pos_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tesse_in_position %c_i32_0\n"
4359 "%tesse_in_pos_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tesse_in_position %c_i32_1\n"
4360 "%tesse_in_pos_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tesse_in_position %c_i32_2\n"
4361 "%tesse_in_pos_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse_in_pos_0_ptr\n"
4362 "%tesse_in_pos_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse_in_pos_1_ptr\n"
4363 "%tesse_in_pos_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse_in_pos_2_ptr\n"
4364 "%tesse_in_pos_0_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse_tc_0 %tesse_in_pos_0\n"
4365 "%tesse_in_pos_1_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse_tc_1 %tesse_in_pos_1\n"
4366 "%tesse_in_pos_2_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse_tc_2 %tesse_in_pos_2\n"
4367 "%tesse_out_pos_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %tesse_stream %c_i32_0\n"
4368 "%tesse_in_pos_0_plus_pos_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse_in_pos_0_weighted %tesse_in_pos_1_weighted\n"
4369 "%tesse_computed_out = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse_in_pos_0_plus_pos_1 %tesse_in_pos_2_weighted\n"
4370 "OpStore %tesse_out_pos_ptr %tesse_computed_out\n"
4371 "%tesse_in_clr_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tesse_in_color %c_i32_0\n"
4372 "%tesse_in_clr_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tesse_in_color %c_i32_1\n"
4373 "%tesse_in_clr_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %tesse_in_color %c_i32_2\n"
4374 "%tesse_in_clr_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse_in_clr_0_ptr\n"
4375 "%tesse_in_clr_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse_in_clr_1_ptr\n"
4376 "%tesse_in_clr_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse_in_clr_2_ptr\n"
4377 "%tesse_in_clr_0_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse_tc_0 %tesse_in_clr_0\n"
4378 "%tesse_in_clr_1_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse_tc_1 %tesse_in_clr_1\n"
4379 "%tesse_in_clr_2_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse_tc_2 %tesse_in_clr_2\n"
4380 "%tesse_in_clr_0_plus_col_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse_in_clr_0_weighted %tesse_in_clr_1_weighted\n"
4381 "%tesse_computed_clr = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse_in_clr_0_plus_col_1 %tesse_in_clr_2_weighted\n"
4382 "OpStore %tesse_out_color %tesse_computed_clr\n"
4386 "; Fragment Entry\n"
4387 "%frag_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4388 "%frag_label_main = OpLabel\n"
4389 "%frag_tmp1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %frag_vtxColor\n"
4390 "OpStore %frag_fragColor %frag_tmp1\n"
4395 // This has two shaders of each stage. The first
4396 // is a passthrough, the second inverts the color.
4397 void createMultipleEntries(vk::SourceCollections& dst, InstanceContext)
4399 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("vert") <<
4400 // This module contains 2 vertex shaders. One that is a passthrough
4401 // and a second that inverts the color of the output (1.0 - color).
4402 "OpCapability Shader\n"
4403 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
4404 "OpEntryPoint Vertex %main \"vert1\" %Position %vtxColor %color %vtxPosition %vertex_id %instance_id\n"
4405 "OpEntryPoint Vertex %main2 \"vert2\" %Position %vtxColor %color %vtxPosition %vertex_id %instance_id\n"
4407 "OpName %main \"vert1\"\n"
4408 "OpName %main2 \"vert2\"\n"
4409 "OpName %vtxPosition \"vtxPosition\"\n"
4410 "OpName %Position \"position\"\n"
4411 "OpName %vtxColor \"vtxColor\"\n"
4412 "OpName %color \"color\"\n"
4413 "OpName %vertex_id \"gl_VertexIndex\"\n"
4414 "OpName %instance_id \"gl_InstanceIndex\"\n"
4416 "OpDecorate %vtxPosition Location 2\n"
4417 "OpDecorate %Position Location 0\n"
4418 "OpDecorate %vtxColor Location 1\n"
4419 "OpDecorate %color Location 1\n"
4420 "OpDecorate %vertex_id BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
4421 "OpDecorate %instance_id BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
4425 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
4426 "%vtxPosition = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4427 "%Position = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
4428 "%vtxColor = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4429 "%color = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
4430 "%vertex_id = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
4431 "%instance_id = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
4433 "%main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4434 "%label = OpLabel\n"
4435 "%tmp_position = OpLoad %v4f32 %Position\n"
4436 "OpStore %vtxPosition %tmp_position\n"
4437 "%tmp_color = OpLoad %v4f32 %color\n"
4438 "OpStore %vtxColor %tmp_color\n"
4442 "%main2 = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4443 "%label2 = OpLabel\n"
4444 "%tmp_position2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %Position\n"
4445 "OpStore %vtxPosition %tmp_position2\n"
4446 "%tmp_color2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %color\n"
4447 "%tmp_color3 = OpFSub %v4f32 %cval %tmp_color2\n"
4448 "%tmp_color4 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %tmp_color3 %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
4449 "OpStore %vtxColor %tmp_color4\n"
4453 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("frag") <<
4454 // This is a single module that contains 2 fragment shaders.
4455 // One that passes color through and the other that inverts the output
4456 // color (1.0 - color).
4457 "OpCapability Shader\n"
4458 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
4459 "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"frag1\" %vtxColor %fragColor\n"
4460 "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main2 \"frag2\" %vtxColor %fragColor\n"
4461 "OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft\n"
4462 "OpExecutionMode %main2 OriginUpperLeft\n"
4464 "OpName %main \"frag1\"\n"
4465 "OpName %main2 \"frag2\"\n"
4466 "OpName %fragColor \"fragColor\"\n"
4467 "OpName %vtxColor \"vtxColor\"\n"
4468 "OpDecorate %fragColor Location 0\n"
4469 "OpDecorate %vtxColor Location 1\n"
4473 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
4474 "%fragColor = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4475 "%vtxColor = OpVariable %ip_v4f32 Input\n"
4477 "%main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4478 "%label_main = OpLabel\n"
4479 "%tmp1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %vtxColor\n"
4480 "OpStore %fragColor %tmp1\n"
4484 "%main2 = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4485 "%label_main2 = OpLabel\n"
4486 "%tmp2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %vtxColor\n"
4487 "%tmp3 = OpFSub %v4f32 %cval %tmp2\n"
4488 "%tmp4 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %tmp3 %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
4489 "OpStore %fragColor %tmp4\n"
4493 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("geom") <<
4494 "OpCapability Geometry\n"
4495 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
4496 "OpCapability CullDistance\n"
4497 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
4498 "OpEntryPoint Geometry %geom1_main \"geom1\" %out_gl_position %gl_in %out_color %in_color\n"
4499 "OpEntryPoint Geometry %geom2_main \"geom2\" %out_gl_position %gl_in %out_color %in_color\n"
4500 "OpExecutionMode %geom1_main Triangles\n"
4501 "OpExecutionMode %geom2_main Triangles\n"
4502 "OpExecutionMode %geom1_main OutputTriangleStrip\n"
4503 "OpExecutionMode %geom2_main OutputTriangleStrip\n"
4504 "OpExecutionMode %geom1_main OutputVertices 3\n"
4505 "OpExecutionMode %geom2_main OutputVertices 3\n"
4506 "OpName %geom1_main \"geom1\"\n"
4507 "OpName %geom2_main \"geom2\"\n"
4508 "OpName %per_vertex_in \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
4509 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_in 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
4510 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_in 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
4511 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_in 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
4512 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_in 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
4513 "OpName %gl_in \"gl_in\"\n"
4514 "OpName %out_color \"out_color\"\n"
4515 "OpName %in_color \"in_color\"\n"
4516 "OpDecorate %out_gl_position BuiltIn Position\n"
4517 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_in 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
4518 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_in 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
4519 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_in 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
4520 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_in 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
4521 "OpDecorate %per_vertex_in Block\n"
4522 "OpDecorate %out_color Location 1\n"
4523 "OpDecorate %in_color Location 1\n"
4527 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
4528 "%per_vertex_in = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
4529 "%a3_per_vertex_in = OpTypeArray %per_vertex_in %c_u32_3\n"
4530 "%ip_a3_per_vertex_in = OpTypePointer Input %a3_per_vertex_in\n"
4531 "%gl_in = OpVariable %ip_a3_per_vertex_in Input\n"
4532 "%out_color = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4533 "%in_color = OpVariable %ip_a3v4f32 Input\n"
4534 "%out_gl_position = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4536 "%geom1_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4537 "%geom1_label = OpLabel\n"
4538 "%geom1_gl_in_0_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %gl_in %c_i32_0 %c_i32_0\n"
4539 "%geom1_gl_in_1_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %gl_in %c_i32_1 %c_i32_0\n"
4540 "%geom1_gl_in_2_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %gl_in %c_i32_2 %c_i32_0\n"
4541 "%geom1_in_position_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom1_gl_in_0_gl_position\n"
4542 "%geom1_in_position_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom1_gl_in_1_gl_position\n"
4543 "%geom1_in_position_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom1_gl_in_2_gl_position \n"
4544 "%geom1_in_color_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_0\n"
4545 "%geom1_in_color_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_1\n"
4546 "%geom1_in_color_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_2\n"
4547 "%geom1_in_color_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom1_in_color_0_ptr\n"
4548 "%geom1_in_color_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom1_in_color_1_ptr\n"
4549 "%geom1_in_color_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom1_in_color_2_ptr\n"
4550 "OpStore %out_gl_position %geom1_in_position_0\n"
4551 "OpStore %out_color %geom1_in_color_0\n"
4553 "OpStore %out_gl_position %geom1_in_position_1\n"
4554 "OpStore %out_color %geom1_in_color_1\n"
4556 "OpStore %out_gl_position %geom1_in_position_2\n"
4557 "OpStore %out_color %geom1_in_color_2\n"
4563 "%geom2_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4564 "%geom2_label = OpLabel\n"
4565 "%geom2_gl_in_0_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %gl_in %c_i32_0 %c_i32_0\n"
4566 "%geom2_gl_in_1_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %gl_in %c_i32_1 %c_i32_0\n"
4567 "%geom2_gl_in_2_gl_position = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %gl_in %c_i32_2 %c_i32_0\n"
4568 "%geom2_in_position_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom2_gl_in_0_gl_position\n"
4569 "%geom2_in_position_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom2_gl_in_1_gl_position\n"
4570 "%geom2_in_position_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom2_gl_in_2_gl_position \n"
4571 "%geom2_in_color_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_0\n"
4572 "%geom2_in_color_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_1\n"
4573 "%geom2_in_color_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_2\n"
4574 "%geom2_in_color_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom2_in_color_0_ptr\n"
4575 "%geom2_in_color_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom2_in_color_1_ptr\n"
4576 "%geom2_in_color_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %geom2_in_color_2_ptr\n"
4577 "%geom2_transformed_in_color_0 = OpFSub %v4f32 %cval %geom2_in_color_0\n"
4578 "%geom2_transformed_in_color_1 = OpFSub %v4f32 %cval %geom2_in_color_1\n"
4579 "%geom2_transformed_in_color_2 = OpFSub %v4f32 %cval %geom2_in_color_2\n"
4580 "%geom2_transformed_in_color_0_a = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %geom2_transformed_in_color_0 %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
4581 "%geom2_transformed_in_color_1_a = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %geom2_transformed_in_color_1 %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
4582 "%geom2_transformed_in_color_2_a = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %geom2_transformed_in_color_2 %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
4583 "OpStore %out_gl_position %geom2_in_position_0\n"
4584 "OpStore %out_color %geom2_transformed_in_color_0_a\n"
4586 "OpStore %out_gl_position %geom2_in_position_1\n"
4587 "OpStore %out_color %geom2_transformed_in_color_1_a\n"
4589 "OpStore %out_gl_position %geom2_in_position_2\n"
4590 "OpStore %out_color %geom2_transformed_in_color_2_a\n"
4596 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("tessc") <<
4597 "OpCapability Tessellation\n"
4598 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
4599 "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %tessc1_main \"tessc1\" %out_color %gl_InvocationID %in_color %out_position %in_position %gl_TessLevelOuter %gl_TessLevelInner\n"
4600 "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %tessc2_main \"tessc2\" %out_color %gl_InvocationID %in_color %out_position %in_position %gl_TessLevelOuter %gl_TessLevelInner\n"
4601 "OpExecutionMode %tessc1_main OutputVertices 3\n"
4602 "OpExecutionMode %tessc2_main OutputVertices 3\n"
4603 "OpName %tessc1_main \"tessc1\"\n"
4604 "OpName %tessc2_main \"tessc2\"\n"
4605 "OpName %out_color \"out_color\"\n"
4606 "OpName %gl_InvocationID \"gl_InvocationID\"\n"
4607 "OpName %in_color \"in_color\"\n"
4608 "OpName %out_position \"out_position\"\n"
4609 "OpName %in_position \"in_position\"\n"
4610 "OpName %gl_TessLevelOuter \"gl_TessLevelOuter\"\n"
4611 "OpName %gl_TessLevelInner \"gl_TessLevelInner\"\n"
4612 "OpDecorate %out_color Location 1\n"
4613 "OpDecorate %gl_InvocationID BuiltIn InvocationId\n"
4614 "OpDecorate %in_color Location 1\n"
4615 "OpDecorate %out_position Location 2\n"
4616 "OpDecorate %in_position Location 2\n"
4617 "OpDecorate %gl_TessLevelOuter Patch\n"
4618 "OpDecorate %gl_TessLevelOuter BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n"
4619 "OpDecorate %gl_TessLevelInner Patch\n"
4620 "OpDecorate %gl_TessLevelInner BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n"
4624 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
4625 "%out_color = OpVariable %op_a3v4f32 Output\n"
4626 "%gl_InvocationID = OpVariable %ip_i32 Input\n"
4627 "%in_color = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4628 "%out_position = OpVariable %op_a3v4f32 Output\n"
4629 "%in_position = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4630 "%gl_TessLevelOuter = OpVariable %op_a4f32 Output\n"
4631 "%gl_TessLevelInner = OpVariable %op_a2f32 Output\n"
4633 "%tessc1_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4634 "%tessc1_label = OpLabel\n"
4635 "%tessc1_invocation_id = OpLoad %i32 %gl_InvocationID\n"
4636 "%tessc1_in_color_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %tessc1_invocation_id\n"
4637 "%tessc1_in_position_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %tessc1_invocation_id\n"
4638 "%tessc1_in_color_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %tessc1_in_color_ptr\n"
4639 "%tessc1_in_position_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %tessc1_in_position_ptr\n"
4640 "%tessc1_out_color_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %out_color %tessc1_invocation_id\n"
4641 "%tessc1_out_position_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %out_position %tessc1_invocation_id\n"
4642 "OpStore %tessc1_out_color_ptr %tessc1_in_color_val\n"
4643 "OpStore %tessc1_out_position_ptr %tessc1_in_position_val\n"
4644 "%tessc1_is_first_invocation = OpIEqual %bool %tessc1_invocation_id %c_i32_0\n"
4645 "OpSelectionMerge %tessc1_merge_label None\n"
4646 "OpBranchConditional %tessc1_is_first_invocation %tessc1_first_invocation %tessc1_merge_label\n"
4647 "%tessc1_first_invocation = OpLabel\n"
4648 "%tessc1_tess_outer_0 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_0\n"
4649 "%tessc1_tess_outer_1 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_1\n"
4650 "%tessc1_tess_outer_2 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_2\n"
4651 "%tessc1_tess_inner = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelInner %c_i32_0\n"
4652 "OpStore %tessc1_tess_outer_0 %c_f32_1\n"
4653 "OpStore %tessc1_tess_outer_1 %c_f32_1\n"
4654 "OpStore %tessc1_tess_outer_2 %c_f32_1\n"
4655 "OpStore %tessc1_tess_inner %c_f32_1\n"
4656 "OpBranch %tessc1_merge_label\n"
4657 "%tessc1_merge_label = OpLabel\n"
4661 "%tessc2_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4662 "%tessc2_label = OpLabel\n"
4663 "%tessc2_invocation_id = OpLoad %i32 %gl_InvocationID\n"
4664 "%tessc2_in_color_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %tessc2_invocation_id\n"
4665 "%tessc2_in_position_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %tessc2_invocation_id\n"
4666 "%tessc2_in_color_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %tessc2_in_color_ptr\n"
4667 "%tessc2_in_position_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %tessc2_in_position_ptr\n"
4668 "%tessc2_out_color_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %out_color %tessc2_invocation_id\n"
4669 "%tessc2_out_position_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %out_position %tessc2_invocation_id\n"
4670 "%tessc2_transformed_color = OpFSub %v4f32 %cval %tessc2_in_color_val\n"
4671 "%tessc2_transformed_color_a = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %tessc2_transformed_color %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
4672 "OpStore %tessc2_out_color_ptr %tessc2_transformed_color_a\n"
4673 "OpStore %tessc2_out_position_ptr %tessc2_in_position_val\n"
4674 "%tessc2_is_first_invocation = OpIEqual %bool %tessc2_invocation_id %c_i32_0\n"
4675 "OpSelectionMerge %tessc2_merge_label None\n"
4676 "OpBranchConditional %tessc2_is_first_invocation %tessc2_first_invocation %tessc2_merge_label\n"
4677 "%tessc2_first_invocation = OpLabel\n"
4678 "%tessc2_tess_outer_0 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_0\n"
4679 "%tessc2_tess_outer_1 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_1\n"
4680 "%tessc2_tess_outer_2 = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelOuter %c_i32_2\n"
4681 "%tessc2_tess_inner = OpAccessChain %op_f32 %gl_TessLevelInner %c_i32_0\n"
4682 "OpStore %tessc2_tess_outer_0 %c_f32_1\n"
4683 "OpStore %tessc2_tess_outer_1 %c_f32_1\n"
4684 "OpStore %tessc2_tess_outer_2 %c_f32_1\n"
4685 "OpStore %tessc2_tess_inner %c_f32_1\n"
4686 "OpBranch %tessc2_merge_label\n"
4687 "%tessc2_merge_label = OpLabel\n"
4691 dst.spirvAsmSources.add("tesse") <<
4692 "OpCapability Tessellation\n"
4693 "OpCapability ClipDistance\n"
4694 "OpCapability CullDistance\n"
4695 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
4696 "OpEntryPoint TessellationEvaluation %tesse1_main \"tesse1\" %stream %gl_tessCoord %in_position %out_color %in_color \n"
4697 "OpEntryPoint TessellationEvaluation %tesse2_main \"tesse2\" %stream %gl_tessCoord %in_position %out_color %in_color \n"
4698 "OpExecutionMode %tesse1_main Triangles\n"
4699 "OpExecutionMode %tesse2_main Triangles\n"
4700 "OpName %tesse1_main \"tesse1\"\n"
4701 "OpName %tesse2_main \"tesse2\"\n"
4702 "OpName %per_vertex_out \"gl_PerVertex\"\n"
4703 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_out 0 \"gl_Position\"\n"
4704 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_out 1 \"gl_PointSize\"\n"
4705 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_out 2 \"gl_ClipDistance\"\n"
4706 "OpMemberName %per_vertex_out 3 \"gl_CullDistance\"\n"
4707 "OpName %stream \"\"\n"
4708 "OpName %gl_tessCoord \"gl_TessCoord\"\n"
4709 "OpName %in_position \"in_position\"\n"
4710 "OpName %out_color \"out_color\"\n"
4711 "OpName %in_color \"in_color\"\n"
4712 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_out 0 BuiltIn Position\n"
4713 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_out 1 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
4714 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_out 2 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
4715 "OpMemberDecorate %per_vertex_out 3 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
4716 "OpDecorate %per_vertex_out Block\n"
4717 "OpDecorate %gl_tessCoord BuiltIn TessCoord\n"
4718 "OpDecorate %in_position Location 2\n"
4719 "OpDecorate %out_color Location 1\n"
4720 "OpDecorate %in_color Location 1\n"
4724 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
4725 "%per_vertex_out = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32 %a1f32 %a1f32\n"
4726 "%op_per_vertex_out = OpTypePointer Output %per_vertex_out\n"
4727 "%stream = OpVariable %op_per_vertex_out Output\n"
4728 "%gl_tessCoord = OpVariable %ip_v3f32 Input\n"
4729 "%in_position = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4730 "%out_color = OpVariable %op_v4f32 Output\n"
4731 "%in_color = OpVariable %ip_a32v4f32 Input\n"
4733 "%tesse1_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4734 "%tesse1_label = OpLabel\n"
4735 "%tesse1_tc_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %gl_tessCoord %c_u32_0\n"
4736 "%tesse1_tc_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %gl_tessCoord %c_u32_1\n"
4737 "%tesse1_tc_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %gl_tessCoord %c_u32_2\n"
4738 "%tesse1_tc_0 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse1_tc_0_ptr\n"
4739 "%tesse1_tc_1 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse1_tc_1_ptr\n"
4740 "%tesse1_tc_2 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse1_tc_2_ptr\n"
4741 "%tesse1_in_pos_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %c_i32_0\n"
4742 "%tesse1_in_pos_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %c_i32_1\n"
4743 "%tesse1_in_pos_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %c_i32_2\n"
4744 "%tesse1_in_pos_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse1_in_pos_0_ptr\n"
4745 "%tesse1_in_pos_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse1_in_pos_1_ptr\n"
4746 "%tesse1_in_pos_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse1_in_pos_2_ptr\n"
4747 "%tesse1_in_pos_0_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse1_tc_0 %tesse1_in_pos_0\n"
4748 "%tesse1_in_pos_1_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse1_tc_1 %tesse1_in_pos_1\n"
4749 "%tesse1_in_pos_2_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse1_tc_2 %tesse1_in_pos_2\n"
4750 "%tesse1_out_pos_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %stream %c_i32_0\n"
4751 "%tesse1_in_pos_0_plus_pos_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse1_in_pos_0_weighted %tesse1_in_pos_1_weighted\n"
4752 "%tesse1_computed_out = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse1_in_pos_0_plus_pos_1 %tesse1_in_pos_2_weighted\n"
4753 "OpStore %tesse1_out_pos_ptr %tesse1_computed_out\n"
4754 "%tesse1_in_clr_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_0\n"
4755 "%tesse1_in_clr_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_1\n"
4756 "%tesse1_in_clr_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_2\n"
4757 "%tesse1_in_clr_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse1_in_clr_0_ptr\n"
4758 "%tesse1_in_clr_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse1_in_clr_1_ptr\n"
4759 "%tesse1_in_clr_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse1_in_clr_2_ptr\n"
4760 "%tesse1_in_clr_0_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse1_tc_0 %tesse1_in_clr_0\n"
4761 "%tesse1_in_clr_1_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse1_tc_1 %tesse1_in_clr_1\n"
4762 "%tesse1_in_clr_2_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse1_tc_2 %tesse1_in_clr_2\n"
4763 "%tesse1_in_clr_0_plus_col_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse1_in_clr_0_weighted %tesse1_in_clr_1_weighted\n"
4764 "%tesse1_computed_clr = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse1_in_clr_0_plus_col_1 %tesse1_in_clr_2_weighted\n"
4765 "OpStore %out_color %tesse1_computed_clr\n"
4769 "%tesse2_main = OpFunction %void None %fun\n"
4770 "%tesse2_label = OpLabel\n"
4771 "%tesse2_tc_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %gl_tessCoord %c_u32_0\n"
4772 "%tesse2_tc_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %gl_tessCoord %c_u32_1\n"
4773 "%tesse2_tc_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_f32 %gl_tessCoord %c_u32_2\n"
4774 "%tesse2_tc_0 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse2_tc_0_ptr\n"
4775 "%tesse2_tc_1 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse2_tc_1_ptr\n"
4776 "%tesse2_tc_2 = OpLoad %f32 %tesse2_tc_2_ptr\n"
4777 "%tesse2_in_pos_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %c_i32_0\n"
4778 "%tesse2_in_pos_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %c_i32_1\n"
4779 "%tesse2_in_pos_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_position %c_i32_2\n"
4780 "%tesse2_in_pos_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse2_in_pos_0_ptr\n"
4781 "%tesse2_in_pos_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse2_in_pos_1_ptr\n"
4782 "%tesse2_in_pos_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse2_in_pos_2_ptr\n"
4783 "%tesse2_in_pos_0_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse2_tc_0 %tesse2_in_pos_0\n"
4784 "%tesse2_in_pos_1_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse2_tc_1 %tesse2_in_pos_1\n"
4785 "%tesse2_in_pos_2_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse2_tc_2 %tesse2_in_pos_2\n"
4786 "%tesse2_out_pos_ptr = OpAccessChain %op_v4f32 %stream %c_i32_0\n"
4787 "%tesse2_in_pos_0_plus_pos_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse2_in_pos_0_weighted %tesse2_in_pos_1_weighted\n"
4788 "%tesse2_computed_out = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse2_in_pos_0_plus_pos_1 %tesse2_in_pos_2_weighted\n"
4789 "OpStore %tesse2_out_pos_ptr %tesse2_computed_out\n"
4790 "%tesse2_in_clr_0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_0\n"
4791 "%tesse2_in_clr_1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_1\n"
4792 "%tesse2_in_clr_2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ip_v4f32 %in_color %c_i32_2\n"
4793 "%tesse2_in_clr_0 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse2_in_clr_0_ptr\n"
4794 "%tesse2_in_clr_1 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse2_in_clr_1_ptr\n"
4795 "%tesse2_in_clr_2 = OpLoad %v4f32 %tesse2_in_clr_2_ptr\n"
4796 "%tesse2_in_clr_0_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse2_tc_0 %tesse2_in_clr_0\n"
4797 "%tesse2_in_clr_1_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse2_tc_1 %tesse2_in_clr_1\n"
4798 "%tesse2_in_clr_2_weighted = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %tesse2_tc_2 %tesse2_in_clr_2\n"
4799 "%tesse2_in_clr_0_plus_col_1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse2_in_clr_0_weighted %tesse2_in_clr_1_weighted\n"
4800 "%tesse2_computed_clr = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tesse2_in_clr_0_plus_col_1 %tesse2_in_clr_2_weighted\n"
4801 "%tesse2_clr_transformed = OpFSub %v4f32 %cval %tesse2_computed_clr\n"
4802 "%tesse2_clr_transformed_a = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %tesse2_clr_transformed %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
4803 "OpStore %out_color %tesse2_clr_transformed_a\n"
4808 // Sets up and runs a Vulkan pipeline, then spot-checks the resulting image.
4809 // Feeds the pipeline a set of colored triangles, which then must occur in the
4810 // rendered image. The surface is cleared before executing the pipeline, so
4811 // whatever the shaders draw can be directly spot-checked.
4812 TestStatus runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline (Context& context, InstanceContext instance)
4814 const VkDevice vkDevice = context.getDevice();
4815 const DeviceInterface& vk = context.getDeviceInterface();
4816 const VkQueue queue = context.getUniversalQueue();
4817 const deUint32 queueFamilyIndex = context.getUniversalQueueFamilyIndex();
4818 const tcu::UVec2 renderSize (256, 256);
4819 vector<ModuleHandleSp> modules;
4820 map<VkShaderStageFlagBits, VkShaderModule> moduleByStage;
4821 const int testSpecificSeed = 31354125;
4822 const int seed = context.getTestContext().getCommandLine().getBaseSeed() ^ testSpecificSeed;
4823 bool supportsGeometry = false;
4824 bool supportsTessellation = false;
4825 bool hasTessellation = false;
4827 const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures& features = context.getDeviceFeatures();
4828 supportsGeometry = features.geometryShader == VK_TRUE;
4829 supportsTessellation = features.tessellationShader == VK_TRUE;
4830 hasTessellation = (instance.requiredStages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT) ||
4831 (instance.requiredStages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT);
4833 if (hasTessellation && !supportsTessellation)
4835 throw tcu::NotSupportedError(std::string("Tessellation not supported"));
4838 if ((instance.requiredStages & VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT) &&
4841 throw tcu::NotSupportedError(std::string("Geometry not supported"));
4844 de::Random(seed).shuffle(instance.inputColors, instance.inputColors+4);
4845 de::Random(seed).shuffle(instance.outputColors, instance.outputColors+4);
4846 const Vec4 vertexData[] =
4848 // Upper left corner:
4849 Vec4(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[0].toVec(),
4850 Vec4(-0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[0].toVec(),
4851 Vec4(-1.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[0].toVec(),
4853 // Upper right corner:
4854 Vec4(+0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[1].toVec(),
4855 Vec4(+1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[1].toVec(),
4856 Vec4(+1.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[1].toVec(),
4858 // Lower left corner:
4859 Vec4(-1.0f, +0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[2].toVec(),
4860 Vec4(-0.5f, +1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[2].toVec(),
4861 Vec4(-1.0f, +1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[2].toVec(),
4863 // Lower right corner:
4864 Vec4(+1.0f, +0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[3].toVec(),
4865 Vec4(+1.0f, +1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[3].toVec(),
4866 Vec4(+0.5f, +1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), instance.inputColors[3].toVec()
4868 const size_t singleVertexDataSize = 2 * sizeof(Vec4);
4869 const size_t vertexCount = sizeof(vertexData) / singleVertexDataSize;
4871 const VkBufferCreateInfo vertexBufferParams =
4874 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
4875 0u, // VkBufferCreateFlags flags;
4876 (VkDeviceSize)sizeof(vertexData), // VkDeviceSize size;
4877 VK_BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT, // VkBufferUsageFlags usage;
4878 VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, // VkSharingMode sharingMode;
4879 1u, // deUint32 queueFamilyCount;
4880 &queueFamilyIndex, // const deUint32* pQueueFamilyIndices;
4882 const Unique<VkBuffer> vertexBuffer (createBuffer(vk, vkDevice, &vertexBufferParams));
4883 const UniquePtr<Allocation> vertexBufferMemory (context.getDefaultAllocator().allocate(getBufferMemoryRequirements(vk, vkDevice, *vertexBuffer), MemoryRequirement::HostVisible));
4885 VK_CHECK(vk.bindBufferMemory(vkDevice, *vertexBuffer, vertexBufferMemory->getMemory(), vertexBufferMemory->getOffset()));
4887 const VkDeviceSize imageSizeBytes = (VkDeviceSize)(sizeof(deUint32)*renderSize.x()*renderSize.y());
4888 const VkBufferCreateInfo readImageBufferParams =
4891 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
4892 0u, // VkBufferCreateFlags flags;
4893 imageSizeBytes, // VkDeviceSize size;
4894 VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, // VkBufferUsageFlags usage;
4895 VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, // VkSharingMode sharingMode;
4896 1u, // deUint32 queueFamilyCount;
4897 &queueFamilyIndex, // const deUint32* pQueueFamilyIndices;
4899 const Unique<VkBuffer> readImageBuffer (createBuffer(vk, vkDevice, &readImageBufferParams));
4900 const UniquePtr<Allocation> readImageBufferMemory (context.getDefaultAllocator().allocate(getBufferMemoryRequirements(vk, vkDevice, *readImageBuffer), MemoryRequirement::HostVisible));
4902 VK_CHECK(vk.bindBufferMemory(vkDevice, *readImageBuffer, readImageBufferMemory->getMemory(), readImageBufferMemory->getOffset()));
4904 const VkImageCreateInfo imageParams =
4907 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
4908 0u, // VkImageCreateFlags flags;
4909 VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, // VkImageType imageType;
4910 VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, // VkFormat format;
4911 { renderSize.x(), renderSize.y(), 1 }, // VkExtent3D extent;
4912 1u, // deUint32 mipLevels;
4913 1u, // deUint32 arraySize;
4914 VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, // deUint32 samples;
4915 VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, // VkImageTiling tiling;
4917 VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, // VkSharingMode sharingMode;
4918 1u, // deUint32 queueFamilyCount;
4919 &queueFamilyIndex, // const deUint32* pQueueFamilyIndices;
4920 VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, // VkImageLayout initialLayout;
4923 const Unique<VkImage> image (createImage(vk, vkDevice, &imageParams));
4924 const UniquePtr<Allocation> imageMemory (context.getDefaultAllocator().allocate(getImageMemoryRequirements(vk, vkDevice, *image), MemoryRequirement::Any));
4926 VK_CHECK(vk.bindImageMemory(vkDevice, *image, imageMemory->getMemory(), imageMemory->getOffset()));
4928 const VkAttachmentDescription colorAttDesc =
4930 0u, // VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags flags;
4931 VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, // VkFormat format;
4932 VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, // deUint32 samples;
4933 VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR, // VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp;
4934 VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE, // VkAttachmentStoreOp storeOp;
4935 VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE, // VkAttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp;
4936 VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE, // VkAttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp;
4937 VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL, // VkImageLayout initialLayout;
4940 const VkAttachmentReference colorAttRef =
4942 0u, // deUint32 attachment;
4945 const VkSubpassDescription subpassDesc =
4947 0u, // VkSubpassDescriptionFlags flags;
4948 VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, // VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint;
4949 0u, // deUint32 inputCount;
4950 DE_NULL, // const VkAttachmentReference* pInputAttachments;
4951 1u, // deUint32 colorCount;
4952 &colorAttRef, // const VkAttachmentReference* pColorAttachments;
4953 DE_NULL, // const VkAttachmentReference* pResolveAttachments;
4954 DE_NULL, // const VkAttachmentReference* pDepthStencilAttachment;
4955 0u, // deUint32 preserveCount;
4956 DE_NULL, // const VkAttachmentReference* pPreserveAttachments;
4959 const VkRenderPassCreateInfo renderPassParams =
4962 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
4963 (VkRenderPassCreateFlags)0,
4964 1u, // deUint32 attachmentCount;
4965 &colorAttDesc, // const VkAttachmentDescription* pAttachments;
4966 1u, // deUint32 subpassCount;
4967 &subpassDesc, // const VkSubpassDescription* pSubpasses;
4968 0u, // deUint32 dependencyCount;
4969 DE_NULL, // const VkSubpassDependency* pDependencies;
4971 const Unique<VkRenderPass> renderPass (createRenderPass(vk, vkDevice, &renderPassParams));
4973 const VkImageViewCreateInfo colorAttViewParams =
4976 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
4977 0u, // VkImageViewCreateFlags flags;
4978 *image, // VkImage image;
4979 VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D, // VkImageViewType viewType;
4980 VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, // VkFormat format;
4986 }, // VkChannelMapping channels;
4988 VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, // VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
4989 0u, // deUint32 baseMipLevel;
4990 1u, // deUint32 mipLevels;
4991 0u, // deUint32 baseArrayLayer;
4992 1u, // deUint32 arraySize;
4993 }, // VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange;
4995 const Unique<VkImageView> colorAttView (createImageView(vk, vkDevice, &colorAttViewParams));
4999 const VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo pipelineLayoutParams =
5002 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5003 (VkPipelineLayoutCreateFlags)0,
5004 0u, // deUint32 descriptorSetCount;
5005 DE_NULL, // const VkDescriptorSetLayout* pSetLayouts;
5006 0u, // deUint32 pushConstantRangeCount;
5007 DE_NULL, // const VkPushConstantRange* pPushConstantRanges;
5009 const Unique<VkPipelineLayout> pipelineLayout (createPipelineLayout(vk, vkDevice, &pipelineLayoutParams));
5012 vector<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo> shaderStageParams;
5013 // We need these vectors to make sure that information about specialization constants for each stage can outlive createGraphicsPipeline().
5014 vector<vector<VkSpecializationMapEntry> > specConstantEntries;
5015 vector<VkSpecializationInfo> specializationInfos;
5016 createPipelineShaderStages(vk, vkDevice, instance, context, modules, shaderStageParams);
5018 // And we don't want the reallocation of these vectors to invalidate pointers pointing to their contents.
5019 specConstantEntries.reserve(shaderStageParams.size());
5020 specializationInfos.reserve(shaderStageParams.size());
5022 // Patch the specialization info field in PipelineShaderStageCreateInfos.
5023 for (vector<VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo>::iterator stageInfo = shaderStageParams.begin(); stageInfo != shaderStageParams.end(); ++stageInfo)
5025 const StageToSpecConstantMap::const_iterator stageIt = instance.specConstants.find(stageInfo->stage);
5027 if (stageIt != instance.specConstants.end())
5029 const size_t numSpecConstants = stageIt->second.size();
5030 vector<VkSpecializationMapEntry> entries;
5031 VkSpecializationInfo specInfo;
5033 entries.resize(numSpecConstants);
5035 // Only support 32-bit integers as spec constants now. And their constant IDs are numbered sequentially starting from 0.
5036 for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < numSpecConstants; ++ndx)
5038 entries[ndx].constantID = (deUint32)ndx;
5039 entries[ndx].offset = deUint32(ndx * sizeof(deInt32));
5040 entries[ndx].size = sizeof(deInt32);
5043 specConstantEntries.push_back(entries);
5045 specInfo.mapEntryCount = (deUint32)numSpecConstants;
5046 specInfo.pMapEntries = specConstantEntries.back().data();
5047 specInfo.dataSize = numSpecConstants * sizeof(deInt32);
5048 specInfo.pData = stageIt->second.data();
5049 specializationInfos.push_back(specInfo);
5051 stageInfo->pSpecializationInfo = &specializationInfos.back();
5054 const VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo depthStencilParams =
5057 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5058 (VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateFlags)0,
5059 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 depthTestEnable;
5060 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 depthWriteEnable;
5061 VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS, // VkCompareOp depthCompareOp;
5062 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 depthBoundsTestEnable;
5063 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 stencilTestEnable;
5065 VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, // VkStencilOp stencilFailOp;
5066 VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, // VkStencilOp stencilPassOp;
5067 VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, // VkStencilOp stencilDepthFailOp;
5068 VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS, // VkCompareOp stencilCompareOp;
5069 0u, // deUint32 stencilCompareMask;
5070 0u, // deUint32 stencilWriteMask;
5071 0u, // deUint32 stencilReference;
5072 }, // VkStencilOpState front;
5074 VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, // VkStencilOp stencilFailOp;
5075 VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, // VkStencilOp stencilPassOp;
5076 VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, // VkStencilOp stencilDepthFailOp;
5077 VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS, // VkCompareOp stencilCompareOp;
5078 0u, // deUint32 stencilCompareMask;
5079 0u, // deUint32 stencilWriteMask;
5080 0u, // deUint32 stencilReference;
5081 }, // VkStencilOpState back;
5082 -1.0f, // float minDepthBounds;
5083 +1.0f, // float maxDepthBounds;
5085 const VkViewport viewport0 =
5087 0.0f, // float originX;
5088 0.0f, // float originY;
5089 (float)renderSize.x(), // float width;
5090 (float)renderSize.y(), // float height;
5091 0.0f, // float minDepth;
5092 1.0f, // float maxDepth;
5094 const VkRect2D scissor0 =
5099 }, // VkOffset2D offset;
5101 renderSize.x(), // deInt32 width;
5102 renderSize.y(), // deInt32 height;
5103 }, // VkExtent2D extent;
5105 const VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo viewportParams =
5108 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5109 (VkPipelineViewportStateCreateFlags)0,
5110 1u, // deUint32 viewportCount;
5115 const VkSampleMask sampleMask = ~0u;
5116 const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo multisampleParams =
5119 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5120 (VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateFlags)0,
5121 VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, // VkSampleCountFlagBits rasterSamples;
5122 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 sampleShadingEnable;
5123 0.0f, // float minSampleShading;
5124 &sampleMask, // const VkSampleMask* pSampleMask;
5125 DE_FALSE, // VkBool32 alphaToCoverageEnable;
5126 DE_FALSE, // VkBool32 alphaToOneEnable;
5128 const VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo rasterParams =
5131 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5132 (VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateFlags)0,
5133 DE_TRUE, // deUint32 depthClipEnable;
5134 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 rasterizerDiscardEnable;
5135 VK_POLYGON_MODE_FILL, // VkFillMode fillMode;
5136 VK_CULL_MODE_NONE, // VkCullMode cullMode;
5137 VK_FRONT_FACE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, // VkFrontFace frontFace;
5138 VK_FALSE, // VkBool32 depthBiasEnable;
5139 0.0f, // float depthBias;
5140 0.0f, // float depthBiasClamp;
5141 0.0f, // float slopeScaledDepthBias;
5142 1.0f, // float lineWidth;
5144 const VkPrimitiveTopology topology = hasTessellation? VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_PATCH_LIST: VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST;
5145 const VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo inputAssemblyParams =
5148 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5149 (VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateFlags)0,
5150 topology, // VkPrimitiveTopology topology;
5151 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 primitiveRestartEnable;
5153 const VkVertexInputBindingDescription vertexBinding0 =
5155 0u, // deUint32 binding;
5156 deUint32(singleVertexDataSize), // deUint32 strideInBytes;
5157 VK_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_VERTEX // VkVertexInputStepRate stepRate;
5159 const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription vertexAttrib0[2] =
5162 0u, // deUint32 location;
5163 0u, // deUint32 binding;
5164 VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT, // VkFormat format;
5165 0u // deUint32 offsetInBytes;
5168 1u, // deUint32 location;
5169 0u, // deUint32 binding;
5170 VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT, // VkFormat format;
5171 sizeof(Vec4), // deUint32 offsetInBytes;
5175 const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo vertexInputStateParams =
5178 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5179 (VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags)0,
5180 1u, // deUint32 bindingCount;
5181 &vertexBinding0, // const VkVertexInputBindingDescription* pVertexBindingDescriptions;
5182 2u, // deUint32 attributeCount;
5183 vertexAttrib0, // const VkVertexInputAttributeDescription* pVertexAttributeDescriptions;
5185 const VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState attBlendParams =
5187 DE_FALSE, // deUint32 blendEnable;
5188 VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE, // VkBlend srcBlendColor;
5189 VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO, // VkBlend destBlendColor;
5190 VK_BLEND_OP_ADD, // VkBlendOp blendOpColor;
5191 VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE, // VkBlend srcBlendAlpha;
5192 VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO, // VkBlend destBlendAlpha;
5193 VK_BLEND_OP_ADD, // VkBlendOp blendOpAlpha;
5197 VK_COLOR_COMPONENT_A_BIT), // VkChannelFlags channelWriteMask;
5199 const VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo blendParams =
5202 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5203 (VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateFlags)0,
5204 DE_FALSE, // VkBool32 logicOpEnable;
5205 VK_LOGIC_OP_COPY, // VkLogicOp logicOp;
5206 1u, // deUint32 attachmentCount;
5207 &attBlendParams, // const VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* pAttachments;
5208 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // float blendConst[4];
5210 const VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo tessellationState =
5214 (VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateFlags)0,
5218 const VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo* tessellationInfo = hasTessellation ? &tessellationState: DE_NULL;
5219 const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo pipelineParams =
5222 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5223 0u, // VkPipelineCreateFlags flags;
5224 (deUint32)shaderStageParams.size(), // deUint32 stageCount;
5225 &shaderStageParams[0], // const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo* pStages;
5226 &vertexInputStateParams, // const VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo* pVertexInputState;
5227 &inputAssemblyParams, // const VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo* pInputAssemblyState;
5228 tessellationInfo, // const VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo* pTessellationState;
5229 &viewportParams, // const VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo* pViewportState;
5230 &rasterParams, // const VkPipelineRasterStateCreateInfo* pRasterState;
5231 &multisampleParams, // const VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo* pMultisampleState;
5232 &depthStencilParams, // const VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo* pDepthStencilState;
5233 &blendParams, // const VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo* pColorBlendState;
5234 (const VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo*)DE_NULL, // const VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo* pDynamicState;
5235 *pipelineLayout, // VkPipelineLayout layout;
5236 *renderPass, // VkRenderPass renderPass;
5237 0u, // deUint32 subpass;
5238 DE_NULL, // VkPipeline basePipelineHandle;
5239 0u, // deInt32 basePipelineIndex;
5242 const Unique<VkPipeline> pipeline (createGraphicsPipeline(vk, vkDevice, DE_NULL, &pipelineParams));
5245 const VkFramebufferCreateInfo framebufferParams =
5248 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5249 (VkFramebufferCreateFlags)0,
5250 *renderPass, // VkRenderPass renderPass;
5251 1u, // deUint32 attachmentCount;
5252 &*colorAttView, // const VkImageView* pAttachments;
5253 (deUint32)renderSize.x(), // deUint32 width;
5254 (deUint32)renderSize.y(), // deUint32 height;
5255 1u, // deUint32 layers;
5257 const Unique<VkFramebuffer> framebuffer (createFramebuffer(vk, vkDevice, &framebufferParams));
5259 const VkCommandPoolCreateInfo cmdPoolParams =
5262 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5264 queueFamilyIndex, // deUint32 queueFamilyIndex;
5266 const Unique<VkCommandPool> cmdPool (createCommandPool(vk, vkDevice, &cmdPoolParams));
5269 const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo cmdBufParams =
5272 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5273 *cmdPool, // VkCmdPool pool;
5274 VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEVEL_PRIMARY, // VkCmdBufferLevel level;
5275 1u, // deUint32 count;
5277 const Unique<VkCommandBuffer> cmdBuf (allocateCommandBuffer(vk, vkDevice, &cmdBufParams));
5279 const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo cmdBufBeginParams =
5282 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5283 (VkCommandBufferUsageFlags)0,
5284 (const VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo*)DE_NULL,
5288 VK_CHECK(vk.beginCommandBuffer(*cmdBuf, &cmdBufBeginParams));
5291 const VkMemoryBarrier vertFlushBarrier =
5293 VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_BARRIER, // VkStructureType sType;
5294 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5295 VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT, // VkMemoryOutputFlags outputMask;
5296 VK_ACCESS_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT, // VkMemoryInputFlags inputMask;
5298 const VkImageMemoryBarrier colorAttBarrier =
5301 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5302 0u, // VkMemoryOutputFlags outputMask;
5303 VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT, // VkMemoryInputFlags inputMask;
5304 VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, // VkImageLayout oldLayout;
5306 queueFamilyIndex, // deUint32 srcQueueFamilyIndex;
5307 queueFamilyIndex, // deUint32 destQueueFamilyIndex;
5308 *image, // VkImage image;
5310 VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, // VkImageAspect aspect;
5311 0u, // deUint32 baseMipLevel;
5312 1u, // deUint32 mipLevels;
5313 0u, // deUint32 baseArraySlice;
5314 1u, // deUint32 arraySize;
5315 } // VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange;
5317 vk.cmdPipelineBarrier(*cmdBuf, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT, (VkDependencyFlags)0, 1, &vertFlushBarrier, 0, (const VkBufferMemoryBarrier*)DE_NULL, 1, &colorAttBarrier);
5321 const VkClearValue clearValue = makeClearValueColorF32(0.125f, 0.25f, 0.75f, 1.0f);
5322 const VkRenderPassBeginInfo passBeginParams =
5325 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5326 *renderPass, // VkRenderPass renderPass;
5327 *framebuffer, // VkFramebuffer framebuffer;
5328 { { 0, 0 }, { renderSize.x(), renderSize.y() } }, // VkRect2D renderArea;
5329 1u, // deUint32 clearValueCount;
5330 &clearValue, // const VkClearValue* pClearValues;
5332 vk.cmdBeginRenderPass(*cmdBuf, &passBeginParams, VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
5335 vk.cmdBindPipeline(*cmdBuf, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, *pipeline);
5337 const VkDeviceSize bindingOffset = 0;
5338 vk.cmdBindVertexBuffers(*cmdBuf, 0u, 1u, &vertexBuffer.get(), &bindingOffset);
5340 vk.cmdDraw(*cmdBuf, deUint32(vertexCount), 1u /*run pipeline once*/, 0u /*first vertex*/, 0u /*first instanceIndex*/);
5341 vk.cmdEndRenderPass(*cmdBuf);
5344 const VkImageMemoryBarrier renderFinishBarrier =
5347 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5348 VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT, // VkMemoryOutputFlags outputMask;
5349 VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT, // VkMemoryInputFlags inputMask;
5351 VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, // VkImageLayout newLayout;
5352 queueFamilyIndex, // deUint32 srcQueueFamilyIndex;
5353 queueFamilyIndex, // deUint32 destQueueFamilyIndex;
5354 *image, // VkImage image;
5356 VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, // VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask;
5357 0u, // deUint32 baseMipLevel;
5358 1u, // deUint32 mipLevels;
5359 0u, // deUint32 baseArraySlice;
5360 1u, // deUint32 arraySize;
5361 } // VkImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange;
5363 vk.cmdPipelineBarrier(*cmdBuf, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT, (VkDependencyFlags)0, 0, (const VkMemoryBarrier*)DE_NULL, 0, (const VkBufferMemoryBarrier*)DE_NULL, 1, &renderFinishBarrier);
5367 const VkBufferImageCopy copyParams =
5369 (VkDeviceSize)0u, // VkDeviceSize bufferOffset;
5370 (deUint32)renderSize.x(), // deUint32 bufferRowLength;
5371 (deUint32)renderSize.y(), // deUint32 bufferImageHeight;
5373 VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, // VkImageAspect aspect;
5374 0u, // deUint32 mipLevel;
5375 0u, // deUint32 arrayLayer;
5376 1u, // deUint32 arraySize;
5377 }, // VkImageSubresourceCopy imageSubresource;
5378 { 0u, 0u, 0u }, // VkOffset3D imageOffset;
5379 { renderSize.x(), renderSize.y(), 1u } // VkExtent3D imageExtent;
5381 vk.cmdCopyImageToBuffer(*cmdBuf, *image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, *readImageBuffer, 1u, ©Params);
5385 const VkBufferMemoryBarrier copyFinishBarrier =
5388 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5389 VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT, // VkMemoryOutputFlags outputMask;
5390 VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT, // VkMemoryInputFlags inputMask;
5391 queueFamilyIndex, // deUint32 srcQueueFamilyIndex;
5392 queueFamilyIndex, // deUint32 destQueueFamilyIndex;
5393 *readImageBuffer, // VkBuffer buffer;
5394 0u, // VkDeviceSize offset;
5395 imageSizeBytes // VkDeviceSize size;
5397 vk.cmdPipelineBarrier(*cmdBuf, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT, VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT, (VkDependencyFlags)0, 0, (const VkMemoryBarrier*)DE_NULL, 1, ©FinishBarrier, 0, (const VkImageMemoryBarrier*)DE_NULL);
5400 VK_CHECK(vk.endCommandBuffer(*cmdBuf));
5402 // Upload vertex data
5404 const VkMappedMemoryRange range =
5407 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5408 vertexBufferMemory->getMemory(), // VkDeviceMemory mem;
5409 0, // VkDeviceSize offset;
5410 (VkDeviceSize)sizeof(vertexData), // VkDeviceSize size;
5412 void* vertexBufPtr = vertexBufferMemory->getHostPtr();
5414 deMemcpy(vertexBufPtr, &vertexData[0], sizeof(vertexData));
5415 VK_CHECK(vk.flushMappedMemoryRanges(vkDevice, 1u, &range));
5418 // Submit & wait for completion
5420 const VkFenceCreateInfo fenceParams =
5423 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5424 0u, // VkFenceCreateFlags flags;
5426 const Unique<VkFence> fence (createFence(vk, vkDevice, &fenceParams));
5427 const VkSubmitInfo submitInfo =
5432 (const VkSemaphore*)DE_NULL,
5433 (const VkPipelineStageFlags*)DE_NULL,
5437 (const VkSemaphore*)DE_NULL,
5440 VK_CHECK(vk.queueSubmit(queue, 1u, &submitInfo, *fence));
5441 VK_CHECK(vk.waitForFences(vkDevice, 1u, &fence.get(), DE_TRUE, ~0ull));
5444 const void* imagePtr = readImageBufferMemory->getHostPtr();
5445 const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess pixelBuffer(tcu::TextureFormat(tcu::TextureFormat::RGBA, tcu::TextureFormat::UNORM_INT8),
5446 renderSize.x(), renderSize.y(), 1, imagePtr);
5449 const VkMappedMemoryRange range =
5452 DE_NULL, // const void* pNext;
5453 readImageBufferMemory->getMemory(), // VkDeviceMemory mem;
5454 0, // VkDeviceSize offset;
5455 imageSizeBytes, // VkDeviceSize size;
5458 VK_CHECK(vk.invalidateMappedMemoryRanges(vkDevice, 1u, &range));
5459 context.getTestContext().getLog() << TestLog::Image("Result", "Result", pixelBuffer);
5462 const RGBA threshold(1, 1, 1, 1);
5463 const RGBA upperLeft(pixelBuffer.getPixel(1, 1));
5464 if (!tcu::compareThreshold(upperLeft, instance.outputColors[0], threshold))
5465 return TestStatus::fail("Upper left corner mismatch");
5467 const RGBA upperRight(pixelBuffer.getPixel(pixelBuffer.getWidth() - 1, 1));
5468 if (!tcu::compareThreshold(upperRight, instance.outputColors[1], threshold))
5469 return TestStatus::fail("Upper right corner mismatch");
5471 const RGBA lowerLeft(pixelBuffer.getPixel(1, pixelBuffer.getHeight() - 1));
5472 if (!tcu::compareThreshold(lowerLeft, instance.outputColors[2], threshold))
5473 return TestStatus::fail("Lower left corner mismatch");
5475 const RGBA lowerRight(pixelBuffer.getPixel(pixelBuffer.getWidth() - 1, pixelBuffer.getHeight() - 1));
5476 if (!tcu::compareThreshold(lowerRight, instance.outputColors[3], threshold))
5477 return TestStatus::fail("Lower right corner mismatch");
5479 return TestStatus::pass("Rendered output matches input");
5482 void createTestsForAllStages (const std::string& name, const RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments, const vector<deInt32>& specConstants, tcu::TestCaseGroup* tests)
5484 const ShaderElement vertFragPipelineStages[] =
5486 ShaderElement("vert", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT),
5487 ShaderElement("frag", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT),
5490 const ShaderElement tessPipelineStages[] =
5492 ShaderElement("vert", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT),
5493 ShaderElement("tessc", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT),
5494 ShaderElement("tesse", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT),
5495 ShaderElement("frag", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT),
5498 const ShaderElement geomPipelineStages[] =
5500 ShaderElement("vert", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT),
5501 ShaderElement("geom", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT),
5502 ShaderElement("frag", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT),
5505 StageToSpecConstantMap specConstantMap;
5507 specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT] = specConstants;
5508 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_vert", "", addShaderCodeCustomVertex, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
5509 createInstanceContext(vertFragPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
5511 specConstantMap.clear();
5512 specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT] = specConstants;
5513 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_tessc", "", addShaderCodeCustomTessControl, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
5514 createInstanceContext(tessPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
5516 specConstantMap.clear();
5517 specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT] = specConstants;
5518 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_tesse", "", addShaderCodeCustomTessEval, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
5519 createInstanceContext(tessPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
5521 specConstantMap.clear();
5522 specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT] = specConstants;
5523 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_geom", "", addShaderCodeCustomGeometry, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
5524 createInstanceContext(geomPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
5526 specConstantMap.clear();
5527 specConstantMap[VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT] = specConstants;
5528 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(tests, name + "_frag", "", addShaderCodeCustomFragment, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline,
5529 createInstanceContext(vertFragPipelineStages, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, specConstantMap));
5532 inline void createTestsForAllStages (const std::string& name, const RGBA (&inputColors)[4], const RGBA (&outputColors)[4], const map<string, string>& testCodeFragments, tcu::TestCaseGroup* tests)
5534 vector<deInt32> noSpecConstants;
5535 createTestsForAllStages(name, inputColors, outputColors, testCodeFragments, noSpecConstants, tests);
5540 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpSourceTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
5542 struct NameCodePair { string name, code; };
5543 RGBA defaultColors[4];
5544 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opSourceTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opsource", "OpSource instruction"));
5545 const std::string opsourceGLSLWithFile = "%opsrcfile = OpString \"foo.vert\"\nOpSource GLSL 450 %opsrcfile ";
5546 map<string, string> fragments = passthruFragments();
5547 const NameCodePair tests[] =
5549 {"unknown", "OpSource Unknown 321"},
5550 {"essl", "OpSource ESSL 310"},
5551 {"glsl", "OpSource GLSL 450"},
5552 {"opencl_cpp", "OpSource OpenCL_CPP 120"},
5553 {"opencl_c", "OpSource OpenCL_C 120"},
5554 {"multiple", "OpSource GLSL 450\nOpSource GLSL 450"},
5555 {"file", opsourceGLSLWithFile},
5556 {"source", opsourceGLSLWithFile + "\"void main(){}\""},
5557 // Longest possible source string: SPIR-V limits instructions to 65535
5558 // words, of which the first 4 are opsourceGLSLWithFile; the rest will
5559 // contain 65530 UTF8 characters (one word each) plus one last word
5560 // containing 3 ASCII characters and \0.
5561 {"longsource", opsourceGLSLWithFile + '"' + makeLongUTF8String(65530) + "ccc" + '"'}
5564 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
5565 for (size_t testNdx = 0; testNdx < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(NameCodePair); ++testNdx)
5567 fragments["debug"] = tests[testNdx].code;
5568 createTestsForAllStages(tests[testNdx].name, defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opSourceTests.get());
5571 return opSourceTests.release();
5574 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpSourceContinuedTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
5576 struct NameCodePair { string name, code; };
5577 RGBA defaultColors[4];
5578 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opSourceTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opsourcecontinued", "OpSourceContinued instruction"));
5579 map<string, string> fragments = passthruFragments();
5580 const std::string opsource = "%opsrcfile = OpString \"foo.vert\"\nOpSource GLSL 450 %opsrcfile \"void main(){}\"\n";
5581 const NameCodePair tests[] =
5583 {"empty", opsource + "OpSourceContinued \"\""},
5584 {"short", opsource + "OpSourceContinued \"abcde\""},
5585 {"multiple", opsource + "OpSourceContinued \"abcde\"\nOpSourceContinued \"fghij\""},
5586 // Longest possible source string: SPIR-V limits instructions to 65535
5587 // words, of which the first one is OpSourceContinued/length; the rest
5588 // will contain 65533 UTF8 characters (one word each) plus one last word
5589 // containing 3 ASCII characters and \0.
5590 {"long", opsource + "OpSourceContinued \"" + makeLongUTF8String(65533) + "ccc\""}
5593 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
5594 for (size_t testNdx = 0; testNdx < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(NameCodePair); ++testNdx)
5596 fragments["debug"] = tests[testNdx].code;
5597 createTestsForAllStages(tests[testNdx].name, defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opSourceTests.get());
5600 return opSourceTests.release();
5603 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpNoLineTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
5605 RGBA defaultColors[4];
5606 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opLineTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opnoline", "OpNoLine instruction"));
5607 map<string, string> fragments;
5608 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
5609 fragments["debug"] =
5610 "%name = OpString \"name\"\n";
5612 fragments["pre_main"] =
5615 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5617 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5618 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5619 "%second_function = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
5621 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5623 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5624 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5625 "%second_param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
5628 "%label_secondfunction = OpLabel\n"
5630 "OpReturnValue %second_param1\n"
5635 fragments["testfun"] =
5636 // A %test_code function that returns its argument unchanged.
5639 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5640 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
5642 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
5645 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
5647 "%val1 = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %second_function %param1\n"
5648 "OpReturnValue %val1\n"
5650 "OpLine %name 1 1\n"
5653 createTestsForAllStages("opnoline", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opLineTests.get());
5655 return opLineTests.release();
5659 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpLineTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
5661 RGBA defaultColors[4];
5662 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opLineTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opline", "OpLine instruction"));
5663 map<string, string> fragments;
5664 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > problemStrings;
5666 problemStrings.push_back(std::make_pair<std::string, std::string>("empty_name", ""));
5667 problemStrings.push_back(std::make_pair<std::string, std::string>("short_name", "short_name"));
5668 problemStrings.push_back(std::make_pair<std::string, std::string>("long_name", makeLongUTF8String(65530) + "ccc"));
5669 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
5671 fragments["debug"] =
5672 "%other_name = OpString \"other_name\"\n";
5674 fragments["pre_main"] =
5675 "OpLine %file_name 32 0\n"
5676 "OpLine %file_name 32 32\n"
5677 "OpLine %file_name 32 40\n"
5678 "OpLine %other_name 32 40\n"
5679 "OpLine %other_name 0 100\n"
5680 "OpLine %other_name 0 4294967295\n"
5681 "OpLine %other_name 4294967295 0\n"
5682 "OpLine %other_name 32 40\n"
5683 "OpLine %file_name 0 0\n"
5684 "%second_function = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
5685 "OpLine %file_name 1 0\n"
5686 "%second_param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
5687 "OpLine %file_name 1 3\n"
5688 "OpLine %file_name 1 2\n"
5689 "%label_secondfunction = OpLabel\n"
5690 "OpLine %file_name 0 2\n"
5691 "OpReturnValue %second_param1\n"
5693 "OpLine %file_name 0 2\n"
5694 "OpLine %file_name 0 2\n";
5696 fragments["testfun"] =
5697 // A %test_code function that returns its argument unchanged.
5698 "OpLine %file_name 1 0\n"
5699 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
5700 "OpLine %file_name 16 330\n"
5701 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
5702 "OpLine %file_name 14 442\n"
5703 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
5704 "OpLine %file_name 11 1024\n"
5705 "%val1 = OpFunctionCall %v4f32 %second_function %param1\n"
5706 "OpLine %file_name 2 97\n"
5707 "OpReturnValue %val1\n"
5709 "OpLine %file_name 5 32\n";
5711 for (size_t i = 0; i < problemStrings.size(); ++i)
5713 map<string, string> testFragments = fragments;
5714 testFragments["debug"] += "%file_name = OpString \"" + problemStrings[i].second + "\"\n";
5715 createTestsForAllStages(string("opline") + "_" + problemStrings[i].first, defaultColors, defaultColors, testFragments, opLineTests.get());
5718 return opLineTests.release();
5721 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpConstantNullTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
5723 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opConstantNullTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opconstantnull", "OpConstantNull instruction"));
5727 const char functionStart[] =
5728 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
5729 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
5732 const char functionEnd[] =
5733 "OpReturnValue %transformed_param\n"
5736 struct NameConstantsCode
5743 NameConstantsCode tests[] =
5747 "%cnull = OpConstantNull %v4f32\n",
5748 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %cnull\n"
5752 "%cnull = OpConstantNull %f32\n",
5753 "%vp = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
5754 "%v = OpLoad %v4f32 %vp\n"
5755 "%v0 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %v %cnull %c_i32_0\n"
5756 "%v1 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %v0 %cnull %c_i32_1\n"
5757 "%v2 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %v1 %cnull %c_i32_2\n"
5758 "%v3 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %v2 %cnull %c_i32_3\n"
5759 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %v3\n"
5763 "%cnull = OpConstantNull %bool\n",
5764 "%v = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
5765 " OpStore %v %param1\n"
5766 " OpSelectionMerge %false_label None\n"
5767 " OpBranchConditional %cnull %true_label %false_label\n"
5768 "%true_label = OpLabel\n"
5769 " OpStore %v %c_v4f32_0_5_0_5_0_5_0_5\n"
5770 " OpBranch %false_label\n"
5771 "%false_label = OpLabel\n"
5772 "%transformed_param = OpLoad %v4f32 %v\n"
5776 "%cnull = OpConstantNull %i32\n",
5777 "%v = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function %c_v4f32_0_5_0_5_0_5_0_5\n"
5778 "%b = OpIEqual %bool %cnull %c_i32_0\n"
5779 " OpSelectionMerge %false_label None\n"
5780 " OpBranchConditional %b %true_label %false_label\n"
5781 "%true_label = OpLabel\n"
5782 " OpStore %v %param1\n"
5783 " OpBranch %false_label\n"
5784 "%false_label = OpLabel\n"
5785 "%transformed_param = OpLoad %v4f32 %v\n"
5789 "%stype = OpTypeStruct %f32 %v4f32\n"
5790 "%fp_stype = OpTypePointer Function %stype\n"
5791 "%cnull = OpConstantNull %stype\n",
5792 "%v = OpVariable %fp_stype Function %cnull\n"
5793 "%f = OpAccessChain %fp_v4f32 %v %c_i32_1\n"
5794 "%f_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %f\n"
5795 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %f_val\n"
5799 "%a4_v4f32 = OpTypeArray %v4f32 %c_u32_4\n"
5800 "%fp_a4_v4f32 = OpTypePointer Function %a4_v4f32\n"
5801 "%cnull = OpConstantNull %a4_v4f32\n",
5802 "%v = OpVariable %fp_a4_v4f32 Function %cnull\n"
5803 "%f = OpAccessChain %fp_v4f32 %v %c_u32_0\n"
5804 "%f1 = OpAccessChain %fp_v4f32 %v %c_u32_1\n"
5805 "%f2 = OpAccessChain %fp_v4f32 %v %c_u32_2\n"
5806 "%f3 = OpAccessChain %fp_v4f32 %v %c_u32_3\n"
5807 "%f_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %f\n"
5808 "%f1_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %f1\n"
5809 "%f2_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %f2\n"
5810 "%f3_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %f3\n"
5811 "%t0 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %f_val\n"
5812 "%t1 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %t0 %f1_val\n"
5813 "%t2 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %t1 %f2_val\n"
5814 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %t2 %f3_val\n"
5818 "%mat4x4_f32 = OpTypeMatrix %v4f32 4\n"
5819 "%cnull = OpConstantNull %mat4x4_f32\n",
5820 // Our null matrix * any vector should result in a zero vector.
5821 "%v = OpVectorTimesMatrix %v4f32 %param1 %cnull\n"
5822 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %v\n"
5826 getHalfColorsFullAlpha(colors);
5828 for (size_t testNdx = 0; testNdx < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(NameConstantsCode); ++testNdx)
5830 map<string, string> fragments;
5831 fragments["pre_main"] = tests[testNdx].constants;
5832 fragments["testfun"] = string(functionStart) + tests[testNdx].code + functionEnd;
5833 createTestsForAllStages(tests[testNdx].name, colors, colors, fragments, opConstantNullTests.get());
5835 return opConstantNullTests.release();
5837 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpConstantCompositeTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
5839 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opConstantCompositeTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opconstantcomposite", "OpConstantComposite instruction"));
5840 RGBA inputColors[4];
5841 RGBA outputColors[4];
5844 const char functionStart[] =
5845 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
5846 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
5849 const char functionEnd[] =
5850 "OpReturnValue %transformed_param\n"
5853 struct NameConstantsCode
5860 NameConstantsCode tests[] =
5865 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0\n",
5866 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %cval\n"
5871 "%stype = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %f32\n"
5872 "%fp_stype = OpTypePointer Function %stype\n"
5873 "%f32_n_1 = OpConstant %f32 -1.0\n"
5874 "%f32_1_5 = OpConstant %f32 !0x3fc00000\n" // +1.5
5875 "%cvec = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %f32_1_5 %f32_1_5 %f32_1_5 %c_f32_1\n"
5876 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %stype %cvec %f32_n_1\n",
5878 "%v = OpVariable %fp_stype Function %cval\n"
5879 "%vec_ptr = OpAccessChain %fp_v4f32 %v %c_u32_0\n"
5880 "%f32_ptr = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v %c_u32_1\n"
5881 "%vec_val = OpLoad %v4f32 %vec_ptr\n"
5882 "%f32_val = OpLoad %f32 %f32_ptr\n"
5883 "%tmp1 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %c_v4f32_1_1_1_1 %f32_val\n" // vec4(-1)
5884 "%tmp2 = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tmp1 %param1\n" // param1 + vec4(-1)
5885 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %tmp2 %vec_val\n" // param1 + vec4(-1) + vec4(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.0)
5888 // [1|0|0|0.5] [x] = x + 0.5
5889 // [0|1|0|0.5] [y] = y + 0.5
5890 // [0|0|1|0.5] [z] = z + 0.5
5891 // [0|0|0|1 ] [1] = 1
5894 "%mat4x4_f32 = OpTypeMatrix %v4f32 4\n"
5895 "%v4f32_1_0_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0\n"
5896 "%v4f32_0_1_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0\n"
5897 "%v4f32_0_0_1_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
5898 "%v4f32_0_5_0_5_0_5_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_1\n"
5899 "%cval = OpConstantComposite %mat4x4_f32 %v4f32_1_0_0_0 %v4f32_0_1_0_0 %v4f32_0_0_1_0 %v4f32_0_5_0_5_0_5_1\n",
5901 "%transformed_param = OpMatrixTimesVector %v4f32 %cval %param1\n"
5906 "%c_v4f32_1_1_1_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
5907 "%fp_a4f32 = OpTypePointer Function %a4f32\n"
5908 "%f32_n_1 = OpConstant %f32 -1.0\n"
5909 "%f32_1_5 = OpConstant %f32 !0x3fc00000\n" // +1.5
5910 "%carr = OpConstantComposite %a4f32 %c_f32_0 %f32_n_1 %f32_1_5 %c_f32_0\n",
5912 "%v = OpVariable %fp_a4f32 Function %carr\n"
5913 "%f = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v %c_u32_0\n"
5914 "%f1 = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v %c_u32_1\n"
5915 "%f2 = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v %c_u32_2\n"
5916 "%f3 = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v %c_u32_3\n"
5917 "%f_val = OpLoad %f32 %f\n"
5918 "%f1_val = OpLoad %f32 %f1\n"
5919 "%f2_val = OpLoad %f32 %f2\n"
5920 "%f3_val = OpLoad %f32 %f3\n"
5921 "%ftot1 = OpFAdd %f32 %f_val %f1_val\n"
5922 "%ftot2 = OpFAdd %f32 %ftot1 %f2_val\n"
5923 "%ftot3 = OpFAdd %f32 %ftot2 %f3_val\n" // 0 - 1 + 1.5 + 0
5924 "%add_vec = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %c_v4f32_1_1_1_0 %ftot3\n"
5925 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %add_vec\n"
5932 // [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
5936 // [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
5940 // [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
5943 "array_of_struct_of_array",
5945 "%c_v4f32_1_1_1_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_0\n"
5946 "%fp_a4f32 = OpTypePointer Function %a4f32\n"
5947 "%stype = OpTypeStruct %f32 %a4f32\n"
5948 "%a3stype = OpTypeArray %stype %c_u32_3\n"
5949 "%fp_a3stype = OpTypePointer Function %a3stype\n"
5950 "%ca4f32_0 = OpConstantComposite %a4f32 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0_5 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0\n"
5951 "%ca4f32_1 = OpConstantComposite %a4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1\n"
5952 "%cstype1 = OpConstantComposite %stype %c_f32_0 %ca4f32_1\n"
5953 "%cstype2 = OpConstantComposite %stype %c_f32_1 %ca4f32_0\n"
5954 "%carr = OpConstantComposite %a3stype %cstype1 %cstype2 %cstype1",
5956 "%v = OpVariable %fp_a3stype Function %carr\n"
5957 "%f = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v %c_u32_1 %c_u32_1 %c_u32_1\n"
5958 "%f_l = OpLoad %f32 %f\n"
5959 "%add_vec = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %c_v4f32_1_1_1_0 %f_l\n"
5960 "%transformed_param = OpFAdd %v4f32 %param1 %add_vec\n"
5964 getHalfColorsFullAlpha(inputColors);
5965 outputColors[0] = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
5966 outputColors[1] = RGBA(255, 127, 127, 255);
5967 outputColors[2] = RGBA(127, 255, 127, 255);
5968 outputColors[3] = RGBA(127, 127, 255, 255);
5970 for (size_t testNdx = 0; testNdx < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(NameConstantsCode); ++testNdx)
5972 map<string, string> fragments;
5973 fragments["pre_main"] = tests[testNdx].constants;
5974 fragments["testfun"] = string(functionStart) + tests[testNdx].code + functionEnd;
5975 createTestsForAllStages(tests[testNdx].name, inputColors, outputColors, fragments, opConstantCompositeTests.get());
5977 return opConstantCompositeTests.release();
5980 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSelectionBlockOrderTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
5982 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "selection_block_order", "Out-of-order blocks for selection"));
5983 RGBA inputColors[4];
5984 RGBA outputColors[4];
5985 map<string, string> fragments;
5987 // vec4 test_code(vec4 param) {
5988 // vec4 result = param;
5989 // for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
5990 // if (i == 0) result[i] = 0.;
5991 // else result[i] = 1. - result[i];
5995 const char function[] =
5996 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
5997 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
5999 "%iptr = OpVariable %fp_i32 Function\n"
6000 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6001 " OpStore %iptr %c_i32_0\n"
6002 " OpStore %result %param1\n"
6005 // Loop entry block.
6007 "%ival = OpLoad %i32 %iptr\n"
6008 "%lt_4 = OpSLessThan %bool %ival %c_i32_4\n"
6009 " OpLoopMerge %exit %loop None\n"
6010 " OpBranchConditional %lt_4 %if_entry %exit\n"
6012 // Merge block for loop.
6014 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6015 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6017 // If-statement entry block.
6018 "%if_entry = OpLabel\n"
6019 "%loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %ival\n"
6020 "%eq_0 = OpIEqual %bool %ival %c_i32_0\n"
6021 " OpSelectionMerge %if_exit None\n"
6022 " OpBranchConditional %eq_0 %if_true %if_false\n"
6024 // False branch for if-statement.
6025 "%if_false = OpLabel\n"
6026 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %loc\n"
6027 "%sub = OpFSub %f32 %c_f32_1 %val\n"
6028 " OpStore %loc %sub\n"
6029 " OpBranch %if_exit\n"
6031 // Merge block for if-statement.
6032 "%if_exit = OpLabel\n"
6033 "%ival_next = OpIAdd %i32 %ival %c_i32_1\n"
6034 " OpStore %iptr %ival_next\n"
6037 // True branch for if-statement.
6038 "%if_true = OpLabel\n"
6039 " OpStore %loc %c_f32_0\n"
6040 " OpBranch %if_exit\n"
6044 fragments["testfun"] = function;
6046 inputColors[0] = RGBA(127, 127, 127, 0);
6047 inputColors[1] = RGBA(127, 0, 0, 0);
6048 inputColors[2] = RGBA(0, 127, 0, 0);
6049 inputColors[3] = RGBA(0, 0, 127, 0);
6051 outputColors[0] = RGBA(0, 128, 128, 255);
6052 outputColors[1] = RGBA(0, 255, 255, 255);
6053 outputColors[2] = RGBA(0, 128, 255, 255);
6054 outputColors[3] = RGBA(0, 255, 128, 255);
6056 createTestsForAllStages("out_of_order", inputColors, outputColors, fragments, group.get());
6058 return group.release();
6061 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSwitchBlockOrderTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
6063 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "switch_block_order", "Out-of-order blocks for switch"));
6064 RGBA inputColors[4];
6065 RGBA outputColors[4];
6066 map<string, string> fragments;
6068 const char typesAndConstants[] =
6069 "%c_f32_p2 = OpConstant %f32 0.2\n"
6070 "%c_f32_p4 = OpConstant %f32 0.4\n"
6071 "%c_f32_p6 = OpConstant %f32 0.6\n"
6072 "%c_f32_p8 = OpConstant %f32 0.8\n";
6074 // vec4 test_code(vec4 param) {
6075 // vec4 result = param;
6076 // for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
6078 // case 0: result[i] += .2; break;
6079 // case 1: result[i] += .6; break;
6080 // case 2: result[i] += .4; break;
6081 // case 3: result[i] += .8; break;
6082 // default: break; // unreachable
6087 const char function[] =
6088 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6089 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6091 "%iptr = OpVariable %fp_i32 Function\n"
6092 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6093 " OpStore %iptr %c_i32_0\n"
6094 " OpStore %result %param1\n"
6097 // Loop entry block.
6099 "%ival = OpLoad %i32 %iptr\n"
6100 "%lt_4 = OpSLessThan %bool %ival %c_i32_4\n"
6101 " OpLoopMerge %exit %loop None\n"
6102 " OpBranchConditional %lt_4 %switch_entry %exit\n"
6104 // Merge block for loop.
6106 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6107 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6109 // Switch-statement entry block.
6110 "%switch_entry = OpLabel\n"
6111 "%loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %ival\n"
6112 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %loc\n"
6113 " OpSelectionMerge %switch_exit None\n"
6114 " OpSwitch %ival %switch_default 0 %case0 1 %case1 2 %case2 3 %case3\n"
6116 "%case2 = OpLabel\n"
6117 "%addp4 = OpFAdd %f32 %val %c_f32_p4\n"
6118 " OpStore %loc %addp4\n"
6119 " OpBranch %switch_exit\n"
6121 "%switch_default = OpLabel\n"
6124 "%case3 = OpLabel\n"
6125 "%addp8 = OpFAdd %f32 %val %c_f32_p8\n"
6126 " OpStore %loc %addp8\n"
6127 " OpBranch %switch_exit\n"
6129 "%case0 = OpLabel\n"
6130 "%addp2 = OpFAdd %f32 %val %c_f32_p2\n"
6131 " OpStore %loc %addp2\n"
6132 " OpBranch %switch_exit\n"
6134 // Merge block for switch-statement.
6135 "%switch_exit = OpLabel\n"
6136 "%ival_next = OpIAdd %i32 %ival %c_i32_1\n"
6137 " OpStore %iptr %ival_next\n"
6140 "%case1 = OpLabel\n"
6141 "%addp6 = OpFAdd %f32 %val %c_f32_p6\n"
6142 " OpStore %loc %addp6\n"
6143 " OpBranch %switch_exit\n"
6147 fragments["pre_main"] = typesAndConstants;
6148 fragments["testfun"] = function;
6150 inputColors[0] = RGBA(127, 27, 127, 51);
6151 inputColors[1] = RGBA(127, 0, 0, 51);
6152 inputColors[2] = RGBA(0, 27, 0, 51);
6153 inputColors[3] = RGBA(0, 0, 127, 51);
6155 outputColors[0] = RGBA(178, 180, 229, 255);
6156 outputColors[1] = RGBA(178, 153, 102, 255);
6157 outputColors[2] = RGBA(51, 180, 102, 255);
6158 outputColors[3] = RGBA(51, 153, 229, 255);
6160 createTestsForAllStages("out_of_order", inputColors, outputColors, fragments, group.get());
6162 return group.release();
6165 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createDecorationGroupTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
6167 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "decoration_group", "Decoration group tests"));
6168 RGBA inputColors[4];
6169 RGBA outputColors[4];
6170 map<string, string> fragments;
6172 const char decorations[] =
6173 "OpDecorate %array_group ArrayStride 4\n"
6174 "OpDecorate %struct_member_group Offset 0\n"
6175 "%array_group = OpDecorationGroup\n"
6176 "%struct_member_group = OpDecorationGroup\n"
6178 "OpDecorate %group1 RelaxedPrecision\n"
6179 "OpDecorate %group3 RelaxedPrecision\n"
6180 "OpDecorate %group3 Invariant\n"
6181 "OpDecorate %group3 Restrict\n"
6182 "%group0 = OpDecorationGroup\n"
6183 "%group1 = OpDecorationGroup\n"
6184 "%group3 = OpDecorationGroup\n";
6186 const char typesAndConstants[] =
6187 "%a3f32 = OpTypeArray %f32 %c_u32_3\n"
6188 "%struct1 = OpTypeStruct %a3f32\n"
6189 "%struct2 = OpTypeStruct %a3f32\n"
6190 "%fp_struct1 = OpTypePointer Function %struct1\n"
6191 "%fp_struct2 = OpTypePointer Function %struct2\n"
6192 "%c_f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2.\n"
6193 "%c_f32_n2 = OpConstant %f32 -2.\n"
6195 "%c_a3f32_1 = OpConstantComposite %a3f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_2 %c_f32_1\n"
6196 "%c_a3f32_2 = OpConstantComposite %a3f32 %c_f32_n1 %c_f32_n2 %c_f32_n1\n"
6197 "%c_struct1 = OpConstantComposite %struct1 %c_a3f32_1\n"
6198 "%c_struct2 = OpConstantComposite %struct2 %c_a3f32_2\n";
6200 const char function[] =
6201 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6202 "%param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6203 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
6204 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6205 "%v_struct1 = OpVariable %fp_struct1 Function\n"
6206 "%v_struct2 = OpVariable %fp_struct2 Function\n"
6207 " OpStore %result %param\n"
6208 " OpStore %v_struct1 %c_struct1\n"
6209 " OpStore %v_struct2 %c_struct2\n"
6210 "%ptr1 = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v_struct1 %c_i32_0 %c_i32_2\n"
6211 "%val1 = OpLoad %f32 %ptr1\n"
6212 "%ptr2 = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v_struct2 %c_i32_0 %c_i32_2\n"
6213 "%val2 = OpLoad %f32 %ptr2\n"
6214 "%addvalues = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %val2\n"
6215 "%ptr = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %c_i32_1\n"
6216 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %ptr\n"
6217 "%addresult = OpFAdd %f32 %addvalues %val\n"
6218 " OpStore %ptr %addresult\n"
6219 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6220 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6223 struct CaseNameDecoration
6229 CaseNameDecoration tests[] =
6232 "same_decoration_group_on_multiple_types",
6233 "OpGroupMemberDecorate %struct_member_group %struct1 0 %struct2 0\n"
6236 "empty_decoration_group",
6237 "OpGroupDecorate %group0 %a3f32\n"
6238 "OpGroupDecorate %group0 %result\n"
6241 "one_element_decoration_group",
6242 "OpGroupDecorate %array_group %a3f32\n"
6245 "multiple_elements_decoration_group",
6246 "OpGroupDecorate %group3 %v_struct1\n"
6249 "multiple_decoration_groups_on_same_variable",
6250 "OpGroupDecorate %group0 %v_struct2\n"
6251 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %v_struct2\n"
6252 "OpGroupDecorate %group3 %v_struct2\n"
6255 "same_decoration_group_multiple_times",
6256 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %addvalues\n"
6257 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %addvalues\n"
6258 "OpGroupDecorate %group1 %addvalues\n"
6263 getHalfColorsFullAlpha(inputColors);
6264 getHalfColorsFullAlpha(outputColors);
6266 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < (sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0])); ++idx)
6268 fragments["decoration"] = decorations + tests[idx].decoration;
6269 fragments["pre_main"] = typesAndConstants;
6270 fragments["testfun"] = function;
6272 createTestsForAllStages(tests[idx].name, inputColors, outputColors, fragments, group.get());
6275 return group.release();
6278 struct SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase
6280 const char* caseName;
6281 const char* scDefinition0;
6282 const char* scDefinition1;
6283 const char* scResultType;
6284 const char* scOperation;
6285 deInt32 scActualValue0;
6286 deInt32 scActualValue1;
6287 const char* resultOperation;
6288 RGBA expectedColors[4];
6290 SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase (const char* name,
6291 const char* definition0,
6292 const char* definition1,
6293 const char* resultType,
6294 const char* operation,
6297 const char* resultOp,
6298 const RGBA (&output)[4])
6300 , scDefinition0 (definition0)
6301 , scDefinition1 (definition1)
6302 , scResultType (resultType)
6303 , scOperation (operation)
6304 , scActualValue0 (value0)
6305 , scActualValue1 (value1)
6306 , resultOperation (resultOp)
6308 expectedColors[0] = output[0];
6309 expectedColors[1] = output[1];
6310 expectedColors[2] = output[2];
6311 expectedColors[3] = output[3];
6315 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSpecConstantTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
6317 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opspecconstantop", "Test the OpSpecConstantOp instruction"));
6318 vector<SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase> cases;
6319 RGBA inputColors[4];
6320 RGBA outputColors0[4];
6321 RGBA outputColors1[4];
6322 RGBA outputColors2[4];
6324 const char decorations1[] =
6325 "OpDecorate %sc_0 SpecId 0\n"
6326 "OpDecorate %sc_1 SpecId 1\n";
6328 const char typesAndConstants1[] =
6329 "%sc_0 = OpSpecConstant${SC_DEF0}\n"
6330 "%sc_1 = OpSpecConstant${SC_DEF1}\n"
6331 "%sc_op = OpSpecConstantOp ${SC_RESULT_TYPE} ${SC_OP}\n";
6333 const char function1[] =
6334 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6335 "%param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6336 "%label = OpLabel\n"
6337 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6338 " OpStore %result %param\n"
6339 "%gen = ${GEN_RESULT}\n"
6340 "%index = OpIAdd %i32 %gen %c_i32_1\n"
6341 "%loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %index\n"
6342 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %loc\n"
6343 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %val %c_f32_0_5\n"
6344 " OpStore %loc %add\n"
6345 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6346 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6349 inputColors[0] = RGBA(127, 127, 127, 255);
6350 inputColors[1] = RGBA(127, 0, 0, 255);
6351 inputColors[2] = RGBA(0, 127, 0, 255);
6352 inputColors[3] = RGBA(0, 0, 127, 255);
6354 // Derived from inputColors[x] by adding 128 to inputColors[x][0].
6355 outputColors0[0] = RGBA(255, 127, 127, 255);
6356 outputColors0[1] = RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255);
6357 outputColors0[2] = RGBA(128, 127, 0, 255);
6358 outputColors0[3] = RGBA(128, 0, 127, 255);
6360 // Derived from inputColors[x] by adding 128 to inputColors[x][1].
6361 outputColors1[0] = RGBA(127, 255, 127, 255);
6362 outputColors1[1] = RGBA(127, 128, 0, 255);
6363 outputColors1[2] = RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255);
6364 outputColors1[3] = RGBA(0, 128, 127, 255);
6366 // Derived from inputColors[x] by adding 128 to inputColors[x][2].
6367 outputColors2[0] = RGBA(127, 127, 255, 255);
6368 outputColors2[1] = RGBA(127, 0, 128, 255);
6369 outputColors2[2] = RGBA(0, 127, 128, 255);
6370 outputColors2[3] = RGBA(0, 0, 255, 255);
6372 const char addZeroToSc[] = "OpIAdd %i32 %c_i32_0 %sc_op";
6373 const char selectTrueUsingSc[] = "OpSelect %i32 %sc_op %c_i32_1 %c_i32_0";
6374 const char selectFalseUsingSc[] = "OpSelect %i32 %sc_op %c_i32_0 %c_i32_1";
6376 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("iadd", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "IAdd %sc_0 %sc_1", 19, -20, addZeroToSc, outputColors0));
6377 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("isub", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ISub %sc_0 %sc_1", 19, 20, addZeroToSc, outputColors0));
6378 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("imul", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "IMul %sc_0 %sc_1", -1, -1, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6379 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("sdiv", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SDiv %sc_0 %sc_1", -126, 126, addZeroToSc, outputColors0));
6380 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("udiv", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "UDiv %sc_0 %sc_1", 126, 126, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6381 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("srem", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SRem %sc_0 %sc_1", 3, 2, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6382 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("smod", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SMod %sc_0 %sc_1", 3, 2, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6383 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("umod", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "UMod %sc_0 %sc_1", 1001, 500, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6384 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("bitwiseand", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "BitwiseAnd %sc_0 %sc_1", 0x33, 0x0d, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6385 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("bitwiseor", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "BitwiseOr %sc_0 %sc_1", 0, 1, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6386 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("bitwisexor", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "BitwiseXor %sc_0 %sc_1", 0x2e, 0x2f, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6387 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("shiftrightlogical", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ShiftRightLogical %sc_0 %sc_1", 2, 1, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6388 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("shiftrightarithmetic", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ShiftRightArithmetic %sc_0 %sc_1", -4, 2, addZeroToSc, outputColors0));
6389 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("shiftleftlogical", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "ShiftLeftLogical %sc_0 %sc_1", 1, 0, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6390 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("slessthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SLessThan %sc_0 %sc_1", -20, -10, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6391 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("ulessthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "ULessThan %sc_0 %sc_1", 10, 20, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6392 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("sgreaterthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SGreaterThan %sc_0 %sc_1", -1000, 50, selectFalseUsingSc, outputColors2));
6393 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("ugreaterthan", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "UGreaterThan %sc_0 %sc_1", 10, 5, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6394 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("slessthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SLessThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", -10, -10, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6395 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("ulessthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "ULessThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 50, 100, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6396 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("sgreaterthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "SGreaterThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", -1000, 50, selectFalseUsingSc, outputColors2));
6397 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("ugreaterthanequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "UGreaterThanEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 10, 10, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6398 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("iequal", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%bool", "IEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 42, 24, selectFalseUsingSc, outputColors2));
6399 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("logicaland", "True %bool", "True %bool", "%bool", "LogicalAnd %sc_0 %sc_1", 0, 1, selectFalseUsingSc, outputColors2));
6400 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("logicalor", "False %bool", "False %bool", "%bool", "LogicalOr %sc_0 %sc_1", 1, 0, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6401 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("logicalequal", "True %bool", "True %bool", "%bool", "LogicalEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 0, 1, selectFalseUsingSc, outputColors2));
6402 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("logicalnotequal", "False %bool", "False %bool", "%bool", "LogicalNotEqual %sc_0 %sc_1", 1, 0, selectTrueUsingSc, outputColors2));
6403 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("snegate", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "SNegate %sc_0", -1, 0, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6404 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("not", " %i32 0", " %i32 0", "%i32", "Not %sc_0", -2, 0, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6405 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("logicalnot", "False %bool", "False %bool", "%bool", "LogicalNot %sc_0", 1, 0, selectFalseUsingSc, outputColors2));
6406 cases.push_back(SpecConstantTwoIntGraphicsCase("select", "False %bool", " %i32 0", "%i32", "Select %sc_0 %sc_1 %c_i32_0", 1, 1, addZeroToSc, outputColors2));
6407 // OpSConvert, OpFConvert: these two instructions involve ints/floats of different bitwidths.
6408 // \todo[2015-12-1 antiagainst] OpQuantizeToF16
6410 for (size_t caseNdx = 0; caseNdx < cases.size(); ++caseNdx)
6412 map<string, string> specializations;
6413 map<string, string> fragments;
6414 vector<deInt32> specConstants;
6416 specializations["SC_DEF0"] = cases[caseNdx].scDefinition0;
6417 specializations["SC_DEF1"] = cases[caseNdx].scDefinition1;
6418 specializations["SC_RESULT_TYPE"] = cases[caseNdx].scResultType;
6419 specializations["SC_OP"] = cases[caseNdx].scOperation;
6420 specializations["GEN_RESULT"] = cases[caseNdx].resultOperation;
6422 fragments["decoration"] = tcu::StringTemplate(decorations1).specialize(specializations);
6423 fragments["pre_main"] = tcu::StringTemplate(typesAndConstants1).specialize(specializations);
6424 fragments["testfun"] = tcu::StringTemplate(function1).specialize(specializations);
6426 specConstants.push_back(cases[caseNdx].scActualValue0);
6427 specConstants.push_back(cases[caseNdx].scActualValue1);
6429 createTestsForAllStages(cases[caseNdx].caseName, inputColors, cases[caseNdx].expectedColors, fragments, specConstants, group.get());
6432 const char decorations2[] =
6433 "OpDecorate %sc_0 SpecId 0\n"
6434 "OpDecorate %sc_1 SpecId 1\n"
6435 "OpDecorate %sc_2 SpecId 2\n";
6437 const char typesAndConstants2[] =
6438 "%v3i32 = OpTypeVector %i32 3\n"
6440 "%sc_0 = OpSpecConstant %i32 0\n"
6441 "%sc_1 = OpSpecConstant %i32 0\n"
6442 "%sc_2 = OpSpecConstant %i32 0\n"
6444 "%vec3_0 = OpConstantComposite %v3i32 %c_i32_0 %c_i32_0 %c_i32_0\n"
6445 "%sc_vec3_0 = OpSpecConstantOp %v3i32 CompositeInsert %sc_0 %vec3_0 0\n" // (sc_0, 0, 0)
6446 "%sc_vec3_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %v3i32 CompositeInsert %sc_1 %vec3_0 1\n" // (0, sc_1, 0)
6447 "%sc_vec3_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %v3i32 CompositeInsert %sc_2 %vec3_0 2\n" // (0, 0, sc_2)
6448 "%sc_vec3_01 = OpSpecConstantOp %v3i32 VectorShuffle %sc_vec3_0 %sc_vec3_1 1 0 4\n" // (0, sc_0, sc_1)
6449 "%sc_vec3_012 = OpSpecConstantOp %v3i32 VectorShuffle %sc_vec3_01 %sc_vec3_2 5 1 2\n" // (sc_2, sc_0, sc_1)
6450 "%sc_ext_0 = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 CompositeExtract %sc_vec3_012 0\n" // sc_2
6451 "%sc_ext_1 = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 CompositeExtract %sc_vec3_012 1\n" // sc_0
6452 "%sc_ext_2 = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 CompositeExtract %sc_vec3_012 2\n" // sc_1
6453 "%sc_sub = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 ISub %sc_ext_0 %sc_ext_1\n" // (sc_2 - sc_0)
6454 "%sc_final = OpSpecConstantOp %i32 IMul %sc_sub %sc_ext_2\n"; // (sc_2 - sc_0) * sc_1
6456 const char function2[] =
6457 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6458 "%param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6459 "%label = OpLabel\n"
6460 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6461 " OpStore %result %param\n"
6462 "%loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %sc_final\n"
6463 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %loc\n"
6464 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %val %c_f32_0_5\n"
6465 " OpStore %loc %add\n"
6466 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6467 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6470 map<string, string> fragments;
6471 vector<deInt32> specConstants;
6473 fragments["decoration"] = decorations2;
6474 fragments["pre_main"] = typesAndConstants2;
6475 fragments["testfun"] = function2;
6477 specConstants.push_back(56789);
6478 specConstants.push_back(-2);
6479 specConstants.push_back(56788);
6481 createTestsForAllStages("vector_related", inputColors, outputColors2, fragments, specConstants, group.get());
6483 return group.release();
6486 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpPhiTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
6488 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opphi", "Test the OpPhi instruction"));
6489 RGBA inputColors[4];
6490 RGBA outputColors1[4];
6491 RGBA outputColors2[4];
6492 RGBA outputColors3[4];
6493 map<string, string> fragments1;
6494 map<string, string> fragments2;
6495 map<string, string> fragments3;
6497 const char typesAndConstants1[] =
6498 "%c_f32_p2 = OpConstant %f32 0.2\n"
6499 "%c_f32_p4 = OpConstant %f32 0.4\n"
6500 "%c_f32_p5 = OpConstant %f32 0.5\n"
6501 "%c_f32_p8 = OpConstant %f32 0.8\n";
6503 // vec4 test_code(vec4 param) {
6504 // vec4 result = param;
6505 // for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
6508 // case 0: operand = .2; break;
6509 // case 1: operand = .5; break;
6510 // case 2: operand = .4; break;
6511 // case 3: operand = .0; break;
6512 // default: break; // unreachable
6514 // result[i] += operand;
6518 const char function1[] =
6519 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6520 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6522 "%iptr = OpVariable %fp_i32 Function\n"
6523 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6524 " OpStore %iptr %c_i32_0\n"
6525 " OpStore %result %param1\n"
6529 "%ival = OpLoad %i32 %iptr\n"
6530 "%lt_4 = OpSLessThan %bool %ival %c_i32_4\n"
6531 " OpLoopMerge %exit %loop None\n"
6532 " OpBranchConditional %lt_4 %entry %exit\n"
6534 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
6535 "%loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %ival\n"
6536 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %loc\n"
6537 " OpSelectionMerge %phi None\n"
6538 " OpSwitch %ival %default 0 %case0 1 %case1 2 %case2 3 %case3\n"
6540 "%case0 = OpLabel\n"
6542 "%case1 = OpLabel\n"
6544 "%case2 = OpLabel\n"
6546 "%case3 = OpLabel\n"
6549 "%default = OpLabel\n"
6553 "%operand = OpPhi %f32 %c_f32_p4 %case2 %c_f32_p5 %case1 %c_f32_p2 %case0 %c_f32_0 %case3\n" // not in the order of blocks
6554 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %val %operand\n"
6555 " OpStore %loc %add\n"
6556 "%ival_next = OpIAdd %i32 %ival %c_i32_1\n"
6557 " OpStore %iptr %ival_next\n"
6561 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6562 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6566 fragments1["pre_main"] = typesAndConstants1;
6567 fragments1["testfun"] = function1;
6569 getHalfColorsFullAlpha(inputColors);
6571 outputColors1[0] = RGBA(178, 255, 229, 255);
6572 outputColors1[1] = RGBA(178, 127, 102, 255);
6573 outputColors1[2] = RGBA(51, 255, 102, 255);
6574 outputColors1[3] = RGBA(51, 127, 229, 255);
6576 createTestsForAllStages("out_of_order", inputColors, outputColors1, fragments1, group.get());
6578 const char typesAndConstants2[] =
6579 "%c_f32_p2 = OpConstant %f32 0.2\n";
6581 // Add .4 to the second element of the given parameter.
6582 const char function2[] =
6583 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6584 "%param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6585 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
6586 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6587 " OpStore %result %param\n"
6588 "%loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %c_i32_1\n"
6589 "%val = OpLoad %f32 %loc\n"
6593 "%step = OpPhi %i32 %c_i32_0 %entry %step_next %phi\n"
6594 "%accum = OpPhi %f32 %val %entry %accum_next %phi\n"
6595 "%step_next = OpIAdd %i32 %step %c_i32_1\n"
6596 "%accum_next = OpFAdd %f32 %accum %c_f32_p2\n"
6597 "%still_loop = OpSLessThan %bool %step %c_i32_2\n"
6598 " OpLoopMerge %exit %phi None\n"
6599 " OpBranchConditional %still_loop %phi %exit\n"
6602 " OpStore %loc %accum\n"
6603 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6604 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6608 fragments2["pre_main"] = typesAndConstants2;
6609 fragments2["testfun"] = function2;
6611 outputColors2[0] = RGBA(127, 229, 127, 255);
6612 outputColors2[1] = RGBA(127, 102, 0, 255);
6613 outputColors2[2] = RGBA(0, 229, 0, 255);
6614 outputColors2[3] = RGBA(0, 102, 127, 255);
6616 createTestsForAllStages("induction", inputColors, outputColors2, fragments2, group.get());
6618 const char typesAndConstants3[] =
6619 "%true = OpConstantTrue %bool\n"
6620 "%false = OpConstantFalse %bool\n"
6621 "%c_f32_p2 = OpConstant %f32 0.2\n";
6623 // Swap the second and the third element of the given parameter.
6624 const char function3[] =
6625 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6626 "%param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6627 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
6628 "%result = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6629 " OpStore %result %param\n"
6630 "%a_loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %c_i32_1\n"
6631 "%a_init = OpLoad %f32 %a_loc\n"
6632 "%b_loc = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %result %c_i32_2\n"
6633 "%b_init = OpLoad %f32 %b_loc\n"
6637 "%still_loop = OpPhi %bool %true %entry %false %phi\n"
6638 "%a_next = OpPhi %f32 %a_init %entry %b_next %phi\n"
6639 "%b_next = OpPhi %f32 %b_init %entry %a_next %phi\n"
6640 " OpLoopMerge %exit %phi None\n"
6641 " OpBranchConditional %still_loop %phi %exit\n"
6644 " OpStore %a_loc %a_next\n"
6645 " OpStore %b_loc %b_next\n"
6646 "%ret = OpLoad %v4f32 %result\n"
6647 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6651 fragments3["pre_main"] = typesAndConstants3;
6652 fragments3["testfun"] = function3;
6654 outputColors3[0] = RGBA(127, 127, 127, 255);
6655 outputColors3[1] = RGBA(127, 0, 0, 255);
6656 outputColors3[2] = RGBA(0, 0, 127, 255);
6657 outputColors3[3] = RGBA(0, 127, 0, 255);
6659 createTestsForAllStages("swap", inputColors, outputColors3, fragments3, group.get());
6661 return group.release();
6664 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createNoContractionTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
6666 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "nocontraction", "Test the NoContraction decoration"));
6667 RGBA inputColors[4];
6668 RGBA outputColors[4];
6670 // With NoContraction, (1 + 2^-23) * (1 - 2^-23) - 1 should be conducted as a multiplication and an addition separately.
6671 // For the multiplication, the result is 1 - 2^-46, which is out of the precision range for 32-bit float. (32-bit float
6672 // only have 23-bit fraction.) So it will be rounded to 1. Or 0x1.fffffc. Then the final result is 0 or -0x1p-24.
6673 // On the contrary, the result will be 2^-46, which is a normalized number perfectly representable as 32-bit float.
6674 const char constantsAndTypes[] =
6675 "%c_vec4_0 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_0 %c_f32_1\n"
6676 "%c_vec4_1 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1\n"
6677 "%c_f32_1pl2_23 = OpConstant %f32 0x1.000002p+0\n" // 1 + 2^-23
6678 "%c_f32_1mi2_23 = OpConstant %f32 0x1.fffffcp-1\n" // 1 - 2^-23
6679 "%c_f32_n1pn24 = OpConstant %f32 -0x1p-24\n"
6682 const char function[] =
6683 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6684 "%param = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6685 "%label = OpLabel\n"
6686 "%var1 = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function %c_f32_1pl2_23\n"
6687 "%var2 = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function\n"
6688 "%red = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %param 0\n"
6689 "%plus_red = OpFAdd %f32 %c_f32_1mi2_23 %red\n"
6690 " OpStore %var2 %plus_red\n"
6691 "%val1 = OpLoad %f32 %var1\n"
6692 "%val2 = OpLoad %f32 %var2\n"
6693 "%mul = OpFMul %f32 %val1 %val2\n"
6694 "%add = OpFAdd %f32 %mul %c_f32_n1\n"
6695 "%is0 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %add %c_f32_0\n"
6696 "%isn1n24 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %add %c_f32_n1pn24\n"
6697 "%success = OpLogicalOr %bool %is0 %isn1n24\n"
6698 "%v4success = OpCompositeConstruct %v4bool %success %success %success %success\n"
6699 "%ret = OpSelect %v4f32 %v4success %c_vec4_0 %c_vec4_1\n"
6700 " OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6703 struct CaseNameDecoration
6710 CaseNameDecoration tests[] = {
6711 {"multiplication", "OpDecorate %mul NoContraction"},
6712 {"addition", "OpDecorate %add NoContraction"},
6713 {"both", "OpDecorate %mul NoContraction\nOpDecorate %add NoContraction"},
6716 getHalfColorsFullAlpha(inputColors);
6718 for (deUint8 idx = 0; idx < 4; ++idx)
6720 inputColors[idx].setRed(0);
6721 outputColors[idx] = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255);
6724 for (size_t testNdx = 0; testNdx < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(CaseNameDecoration); ++testNdx)
6726 map<string, string> fragments;
6728 fragments["decoration"] = tests[testNdx].decoration;
6729 fragments["pre_main"] = constantsAndTypes;
6730 fragments["testfun"] = function;
6732 createTestsForAllStages(tests[testNdx].name, inputColors, outputColors, fragments, group.get());
6735 return group.release();
6738 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createMemoryAccessTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
6740 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> memoryAccessTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opmemoryaccess", "Memory Semantics"));
6743 const char constantsAndTypes[] =
6744 "%c_a2f32_1 = OpConstantComposite %a2f32 %c_f32_1 %c_f32_1\n"
6745 "%fp_a2f32 = OpTypePointer Function %a2f32\n"
6746 "%stype = OpTypeStruct %v4f32 %a2f32 %f32\n"
6747 "%fp_stype = OpTypePointer Function %stype\n";
6749 const char function[] =
6750 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6751 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6753 "%v1 = OpVariable %fp_v4f32 Function\n"
6754 "%v2 = OpVariable %fp_a2f32 Function\n"
6755 "%v3 = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function\n"
6756 "%v = OpVariable %fp_stype Function\n"
6757 "%vv = OpVariable %fp_stype Function\n"
6758 "%vvv = OpVariable %fp_f32 Function\n"
6760 " OpStore %v1 %c_v4f32_1_1_1_1\n"
6761 " OpStore %v2 %c_a2f32_1\n"
6762 " OpStore %v3 %c_f32_1\n"
6764 "%p_v4f32 = OpAccessChain %fp_v4f32 %v %c_u32_0\n"
6765 "%p_a2f32 = OpAccessChain %fp_a2f32 %v %c_u32_1\n"
6766 "%p_f32 = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %v %c_u32_2\n"
6767 "%v1_v = OpLoad %v4f32 %v1 ${access_type}\n"
6768 "%v2_v = OpLoad %a2f32 %v2 ${access_type}\n"
6769 "%v3_v = OpLoad %f32 %v3 ${access_type}\n"
6771 " OpStore %p_v4f32 %v1_v ${access_type}\n"
6772 " OpStore %p_a2f32 %v2_v ${access_type}\n"
6773 " OpStore %p_f32 %v3_v ${access_type}\n"
6775 " OpCopyMemory %vv %v ${access_type}\n"
6776 " OpCopyMemory %vvv %p_f32 ${access_type}\n"
6778 "%p_f32_2 = OpAccessChain %fp_f32 %vv %c_u32_2\n"
6779 "%v_f32_2 = OpLoad %f32 %p_f32_2\n"
6780 "%v_f32_3 = OpLoad %f32 %vvv\n"
6782 "%ret1 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %param1 %v_f32_2\n"
6783 "%ret2 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %ret1 %v_f32_3\n"
6784 " OpReturnValue %ret2\n"
6787 struct NameMemoryAccess
6794 NameMemoryAccess tests[] =
6797 { "volatile", "Volatile" },
6798 { "aligned", "Aligned 1" },
6799 { "volatile_aligned", "Volatile|Aligned 1" },
6800 { "nontemporal_aligned", "Nontemporal|Aligned 1" },
6801 { "volatile_nontemporal", "Volatile|Nontemporal" },
6802 { "volatile_nontermporal_aligned", "Volatile|Nontemporal|Aligned 1" },
6805 getHalfColorsFullAlpha(colors);
6807 for (size_t testNdx = 0; testNdx < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(NameMemoryAccess); ++testNdx)
6809 map<string, string> fragments;
6810 map<string, string> memoryAccess;
6811 memoryAccess["access_type"] = tests[testNdx].accessType;
6813 fragments["pre_main"] = constantsAndTypes;
6814 fragments["testfun"] = tcu::StringTemplate(function).specialize(memoryAccess);
6815 createTestsForAllStages(tests[testNdx].name, colors, colors, fragments, memoryAccessTests.get());
6817 return memoryAccessTests.release();
6819 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpUndefTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
6821 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opUndefTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opundef", "Test OpUndef"));
6822 RGBA defaultColors[4];
6823 map<string, string> fragments;
6824 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
6826 // First, simple cases that don't do anything with the OpUndef result.
6827 fragments["testfun"] =
6828 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6829 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6830 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
6831 "%undef = OpUndef %type\n"
6832 "OpReturnValue %param1\n"
6835 struct NameCodePair { string name, code; };
6836 const NameCodePair tests[] =
6838 {"bool", "%type = OpTypeBool"},
6839 {"vec2uint32", "%type = OpTypeVector %u32 2"},
6840 {"image", "%type = OpTypeImage %f32 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown"},
6841 {"sampler", "%type = OpTypeSampler"},
6842 {"sampledimage", "%img = OpTypeImage %f32 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown\n" "%type = OpTypeSampledImage %img"},
6843 {"pointer", "%type = OpTypePointer Function %i32"},
6844 {"runtimearray", "%type = OpTypeRuntimeArray %f32"},
6845 {"array", "%c_u32_100 = OpConstant %u32 100\n" "%type = OpTypeArray %i32 %c_u32_100"},
6846 {"struct", "%type = OpTypeStruct %f32 %i32 %u32"}};
6847 for (size_t testNdx = 0; testNdx < sizeof(tests) / sizeof(NameCodePair); ++testNdx)
6849 fragments["pre_main"] = tests[testNdx].code;
6850 createTestsForAllStages(tests[testNdx].name, defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opUndefTests.get());
6854 fragments["testfun"] =
6855 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6856 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6857 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
6858 "%undef = OpUndef %f32\n"
6859 "%zero = OpFMul %f32 %undef %c_f32_0\n"
6860 "%is_nan = OpIsNan %bool %zero\n" //OpUndef may result in NaN which may turn %zero into Nan.
6861 "%actually_zero = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan %c_f32_0 %zero\n"
6862 "%a = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
6863 "%b = OpFAdd %f32 %a %actually_zero\n"
6864 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %b %c_i32_0\n"
6865 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6868 createTestsForAllStages("float32", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opUndefTests.get());
6870 fragments["testfun"] =
6871 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6872 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6873 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
6874 "%undef = OpUndef %i32\n"
6875 "%zero = OpIMul %i32 %undef %c_i32_0\n"
6876 "%a = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %zero\n"
6877 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %a %c_i32_0\n"
6878 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6881 createTestsForAllStages("sint32", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opUndefTests.get());
6883 fragments["testfun"] =
6884 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6885 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6886 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
6887 "%undef = OpUndef %u32\n"
6888 "%zero = OpIMul %u32 %undef %c_i32_0\n"
6889 "%a = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %zero\n"
6890 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %a %c_i32_0\n"
6891 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6894 createTestsForAllStages("uint32", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opUndefTests.get());
6896 fragments["testfun"] =
6897 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6898 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6899 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
6900 "%undef = OpUndef %v4f32\n"
6901 "%vzero = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %undef %c_f32_0\n"
6902 "%zero_0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %vzero %c_i32_0\n"
6903 "%zero_1 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %vzero %c_i32_1\n"
6904 "%zero_2 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %vzero %c_i32_2\n"
6905 "%zero_3 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %vzero %c_i32_3\n"
6906 "%is_nan_0 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_0\n"
6907 "%is_nan_1 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_1\n"
6908 "%is_nan_2 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_2\n"
6909 "%is_nan_3 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_3\n"
6910 "%actually_zero_0 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_0\n"
6911 "%actually_zero_1 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_1\n"
6912 "%actually_zero_2 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_2\n"
6913 "%actually_zero_3 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_3\n"
6914 "%param1_0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
6915 "%param1_1 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_1\n"
6916 "%param1_2 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_2\n"
6917 "%param1_3 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_3\n"
6918 "%sum_0 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_0 %actually_zero_0\n"
6919 "%sum_1 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_1 %actually_zero_1\n"
6920 "%sum_2 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_2 %actually_zero_2\n"
6921 "%sum_3 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_3 %actually_zero_3\n"
6922 "%ret3 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %sum_3 %c_i32_3\n"
6923 "%ret2 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %ret3 %sum_2 %c_i32_2\n"
6924 "%ret1 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %ret2 %sum_1 %c_i32_1\n"
6925 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %ret1 %sum_0 %c_i32_0\n"
6926 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6929 createTestsForAllStages("vec4float32", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opUndefTests.get());
6931 fragments["pre_main"] =
6932 "%v2f32 = OpTypeVector %f32 2\n"
6933 "%m2x2f32 = OpTypeMatrix %v2f32 2\n";
6934 fragments["testfun"] =
6935 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
6936 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
6937 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
6938 "%undef = OpUndef %m2x2f32\n"
6939 "%mzero = OpMatrixTimesScalar %m2x2f32 %undef %c_f32_0\n"
6940 "%zero_0 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %mzero 0 0\n"
6941 "%zero_1 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %mzero 0 1\n"
6942 "%zero_2 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %mzero 1 0\n"
6943 "%zero_3 = OpCompositeExtract %f32 %mzero 1 1\n"
6944 "%is_nan_0 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_0\n"
6945 "%is_nan_1 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_1\n"
6946 "%is_nan_2 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_2\n"
6947 "%is_nan_3 = OpIsNan %bool %zero_3\n"
6948 "%actually_zero_0 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_0\n"
6949 "%actually_zero_1 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_1\n"
6950 "%actually_zero_2 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_2\n"
6951 "%actually_zero_3 = OpSelect %f32 %is_nan_0 %c_f32_0 %zero_3\n"
6952 "%param1_0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
6953 "%param1_1 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_1\n"
6954 "%param1_2 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_2\n"
6955 "%param1_3 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_3\n"
6956 "%sum_0 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_0 %actually_zero_0\n"
6957 "%sum_1 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_1 %actually_zero_1\n"
6958 "%sum_2 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_2 %actually_zero_2\n"
6959 "%sum_3 = OpFAdd %f32 %param1_3 %actually_zero_3\n"
6960 "%ret3 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %sum_3 %c_i32_3\n"
6961 "%ret2 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %ret3 %sum_2 %c_i32_2\n"
6962 "%ret1 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %ret2 %sum_1 %c_i32_1\n"
6963 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %ret1 %sum_0 %c_i32_0\n"
6964 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
6967 createTestsForAllStages("matrix", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, opUndefTests.get());
6969 return opUndefTests.release();
6972 void createOpQuantizeSingleOptionTests(tcu::TestCaseGroup* testCtx)
6974 const RGBA inputColors[4] =
6977 RGBA(0, 0, 255, 255),
6978 RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255),
6979 RGBA(0, 255, 255, 255)
6982 const RGBA expectedColors[4] =
6984 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
6985 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
6986 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
6987 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)
6990 const struct SingleFP16Possibility
6993 const char* constant; // Value to assign to %test_constant.
6995 const char* condition; // Must assign to %cond an expression that evaluates to true after %c = OpQuantizeToF16(%test_constant + 0).
7001 -constructNormalizedFloat(1, 0x300000),
7002 "%cond = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %test_constant\n"
7007 constructNormalizedFloat(7, 0x000000),
7008 "%cond = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %test_constant\n"
7010 // SPIR-V requires that OpQuantizeToF16 flushes
7011 // any numbers that would end up denormalized in F16 to zero.
7015 std::ldexp(1.5f, -140),
7016 "%cond = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7021 -std::ldexp(1.5f, -140),
7022 "%cond = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7027 std::ldexp(1.0f, -16),
7028 "%cond = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7029 }, // too small positive
7031 "negative_too_small",
7033 -std::ldexp(1.0f, -32),
7034 "%cond = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7035 }, // too small negative
7039 -std::ldexp(1.0f, 128),
7041 "%gz = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7042 "%inf = OpIsInf %bool %c\n"
7043 "%cond = OpLogicalAnd %bool %gz %inf\n"
7048 std::ldexp(1.0f, 128),
7050 "%gz = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7051 "%inf = OpIsInf %bool %c\n"
7052 "%cond = OpLogicalAnd %bool %gz %inf\n"
7055 "round_to_negative_inf",
7057 -std::ldexp(1.0f, 32),
7059 "%gz = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7060 "%inf = OpIsInf %bool %c\n"
7061 "%cond = OpLogicalAnd %bool %gz %inf\n"
7066 std::ldexp(1.0f, 16),
7068 "%gz = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %c %c_f32_0\n"
7069 "%inf = OpIsInf %bool %c\n"
7070 "%cond = OpLogicalAnd %bool %gz %inf\n"
7075 std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(),
7077 // Test for any NaN value, as NaNs are not preserved
7078 "%direct_quant = OpQuantizeToF16 %f32 %test_constant\n"
7079 "%cond = OpIsNan %bool %direct_quant\n"
7084 std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(),
7086 // Test for any NaN value, as NaNs are not preserved
7087 "%direct_quant = OpQuantizeToF16 %f32 %test_constant\n"
7088 "%cond = OpIsNan %bool %direct_quant\n"
7091 const char* constants =
7092 "%test_constant = OpConstant %f32 "; // The value will be test.constant.
7094 StringTemplate function (
7095 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7096 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7097 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
7098 "%a = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7099 "%b = OpFAdd %f32 %test_constant %a\n"
7100 "%c = OpQuantizeToF16 %f32 %b\n"
7102 "%v4cond = OpCompositeConstruct %v4bool %cond %cond %cond %cond\n"
7103 "%retval = OpSelect %v4f32 %v4cond %c_v4f32_1_0_0_1 %param1\n"
7104 " OpReturnValue %retval\n"
7108 const char* specDecorations = "OpDecorate %test_constant SpecId 0\n";
7109 const char* specConstants =
7110 "%test_constant = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
7111 "%c = OpSpecConstantOp %f32 QuantizeToF16 %test_constant\n";
7113 StringTemplate specConstantFunction(
7114 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7115 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7116 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
7118 "%v4cond = OpCompositeConstruct %v4bool %cond %cond %cond %cond\n"
7119 "%retval = OpSelect %v4f32 %v4cond %c_v4f32_1_0_0_1 %param1\n"
7120 " OpReturnValue %retval\n"
7124 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < (sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0])); ++idx)
7126 map<string, string> codeSpecialization;
7127 map<string, string> fragments;
7128 codeSpecialization["condition"] = tests[idx].condition;
7129 fragments["testfun"] = function.specialize(codeSpecialization);
7130 fragments["pre_main"] = string(constants) + tests[idx].constant + "\n";
7131 createTestsForAllStages(tests[idx].name, inputColors, expectedColors, fragments, testCtx);
7134 for (size_t idx = 0; idx < (sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0])); ++idx)
7136 map<string, string> codeSpecialization;
7137 map<string, string> fragments;
7138 vector<deInt32> passConstants;
7139 deInt32 specConstant;
7141 codeSpecialization["condition"] = tests[idx].condition;
7142 fragments["testfun"] = specConstantFunction.specialize(codeSpecialization);
7143 fragments["decoration"] = specDecorations;
7144 fragments["pre_main"] = specConstants;
7146 memcpy(&specConstant, &tests[idx].valueAsFloat, sizeof(float));
7147 passConstants.push_back(specConstant);
7149 createTestsForAllStages(string("spec_const_") + tests[idx].name, inputColors, expectedColors, fragments, passConstants, testCtx);
7153 void createOpQuantizeTwoPossibilityTests(tcu::TestCaseGroup* testCtx)
7155 RGBA inputColors[4] = {
7157 RGBA(0, 0, 255, 255),
7158 RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255),
7159 RGBA(0, 255, 255, 255)
7162 RGBA expectedColors[4] =
7164 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
7165 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
7166 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255),
7167 RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)
7170 struct DualFP16Possibility
7175 const char* possibleOutput1;
7176 const char* possibleOutput2;
7179 "positive_round_up_or_round_down",
7181 constructNormalizedFloat(8, 0x300300),
7186 "negative_round_up_or_round_down",
7188 -constructNormalizedFloat(-7, 0x600800),
7195 constructNormalizedFloat(2, 0x01e000),
7200 "carry_to_exponent",
7202 constructNormalizedFloat(1, 0xffe000),
7207 StringTemplate constants (
7208 "%input_const = OpConstant %f32 ${input}\n"
7209 "%possible_solution1 = OpConstant %f32 ${output1}\n"
7210 "%possible_solution2 = OpConstant %f32 ${output2}\n"
7213 StringTemplate specConstants (
7214 "%input_const = OpSpecConstant %f32 0.\n"
7215 "%possible_solution1 = OpConstant %f32 ${output1}\n"
7216 "%possible_solution2 = OpConstant %f32 ${output2}\n"
7219 const char* specDecorations = "OpDecorate %input_const SpecId 0\n";
7221 const char* function =
7222 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7223 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7224 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
7225 "%a = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7226 // For the purposes of this test we assume that 0.f will always get
7227 // faithfully passed through the pipeline stages.
7228 "%b = OpFAdd %f32 %input_const %a\n"
7229 "%c = OpQuantizeToF16 %f32 %b\n"
7230 "%eq_1 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %possible_solution1\n"
7231 "%eq_2 = OpFOrdEqual %bool %c %possible_solution2\n"
7232 "%cond = OpLogicalOr %bool %eq_1 %eq_2\n"
7233 "%v4cond = OpCompositeConstruct %v4bool %cond %cond %cond %cond\n"
7234 "%retval = OpSelect %v4f32 %v4cond %c_v4f32_1_0_0_1 %param1"
7235 " OpReturnValue %retval\n"
7238 for(size_t idx = 0; idx < (sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0])); ++idx) {
7239 map<string, string> fragments;
7240 map<string, string> constantSpecialization;
7242 constantSpecialization["input"] = tests[idx].input;
7243 constantSpecialization["output1"] = tests[idx].possibleOutput1;
7244 constantSpecialization["output2"] = tests[idx].possibleOutput2;
7245 fragments["testfun"] = function;
7246 fragments["pre_main"] = constants.specialize(constantSpecialization);
7247 createTestsForAllStages(tests[idx].name, inputColors, expectedColors, fragments, testCtx);
7250 for(size_t idx = 0; idx < (sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0])); ++idx) {
7251 map<string, string> fragments;
7252 map<string, string> constantSpecialization;
7253 vector<deInt32> passConstants;
7254 deInt32 specConstant;
7256 constantSpecialization["output1"] = tests[idx].possibleOutput1;
7257 constantSpecialization["output2"] = tests[idx].possibleOutput2;
7258 fragments["testfun"] = function;
7259 fragments["decoration"] = specDecorations;
7260 fragments["pre_main"] = specConstants.specialize(constantSpecialization);
7262 memcpy(&specConstant, &tests[idx].inputAsFloat, sizeof(float));
7263 passConstants.push_back(specConstant);
7265 createTestsForAllStages(string("spec_const_") + tests[idx].name, inputColors, expectedColors, fragments, passConstants, testCtx);
7269 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpQuantizeTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
7271 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opQuantizeTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opquantize", "Test OpQuantizeToF16"));
7272 createOpQuantizeSingleOptionTests(opQuantizeTests.get());
7273 createOpQuantizeTwoPossibilityTests(opQuantizeTests.get());
7274 return opQuantizeTests.release();
7277 struct ShaderPermutation
7279 deUint8 vertexPermutation;
7280 deUint8 geometryPermutation;
7281 deUint8 tesscPermutation;
7282 deUint8 tessePermutation;
7283 deUint8 fragmentPermutation;
7286 ShaderPermutation getShaderPermutation(deUint8 inputValue)
7288 ShaderPermutation permutation =
7290 static_cast<deUint8>(inputValue & 0x10? 1u: 0u),
7291 static_cast<deUint8>(inputValue & 0x08? 1u: 0u),
7292 static_cast<deUint8>(inputValue & 0x04? 1u: 0u),
7293 static_cast<deUint8>(inputValue & 0x02? 1u: 0u),
7294 static_cast<deUint8>(inputValue & 0x01? 1u: 0u)
7299 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createModuleTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
7301 RGBA defaultColors[4];
7302 RGBA invertedColors[4];
7303 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> moduleTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "module", "Multiple entry points into shaders"));
7305 const ShaderElement combinedPipeline[] =
7307 ShaderElement("module", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT),
7308 ShaderElement("module", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT),
7309 ShaderElement("module", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT),
7310 ShaderElement("module", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT),
7311 ShaderElement("module", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT)
7314 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
7315 getInvertedDefaultColors(invertedColors);
7316 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(moduleTests.get(), "same_module", "", createCombinedModule, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline, createInstanceContext(combinedPipeline, map<string, string>()));
7318 const char* numbers[] =
7323 for (deInt8 idx = 0; idx < 32; ++idx)
7325 ShaderPermutation permutation = getShaderPermutation(idx);
7326 string name = string("vert") + numbers[permutation.vertexPermutation] + "_geom" + numbers[permutation.geometryPermutation] + "_tessc" + numbers[permutation.tesscPermutation] + "_tesse" + numbers[permutation.tessePermutation] + "_frag" + numbers[permutation.fragmentPermutation];
7327 const ShaderElement pipeline[] =
7329 ShaderElement("vert", string("vert") + numbers[permutation.vertexPermutation], VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT),
7330 ShaderElement("geom", string("geom") + numbers[permutation.geometryPermutation], VK_SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY_BIT),
7331 ShaderElement("tessc", string("tessc") + numbers[permutation.tesscPermutation], VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT),
7332 ShaderElement("tesse", string("tesse") + numbers[permutation.tessePermutation], VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT),
7333 ShaderElement("frag", string("frag") + numbers[permutation.fragmentPermutation], VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT)
7336 // If there are an even number of swaps, then it should be no-op.
7337 // If there are an odd number, the color should be flipped.
7338 if ((permutation.vertexPermutation + permutation.geometryPermutation + permutation.tesscPermutation + permutation.tessePermutation + permutation.fragmentPermutation) % 2 == 0)
7340 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(moduleTests.get(), name, "", createMultipleEntries, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline, createInstanceContext(pipeline, defaultColors, defaultColors, map<string, string>()));
7344 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(moduleTests.get(), name, "", createMultipleEntries, runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline, createInstanceContext(pipeline, defaultColors, invertedColors, map<string, string>()));
7347 return moduleTests.release();
7350 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createLoopTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
7352 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> testGroup(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "loop", "Looping control flow"));
7353 RGBA defaultColors[4];
7354 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
7355 map<string, string> fragments;
7356 fragments["pre_main"] =
7357 "%c_f32_5 = OpConstant %f32 5.\n";
7359 // A loop with a single block. The Continue Target is the loop block
7360 // itself. In SPIR-V terms, the "loop construct" contains no blocks at all
7361 // -- the "continue construct" forms the entire loop.
7362 fragments["testfun"] =
7363 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7364 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7366 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
7367 "%val0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7370 ";adds and subtracts 1.0 to %val in alternate iterations\n"
7372 "%count = OpPhi %i32 %c_i32_4 %entry %count__ %loop\n"
7373 "%delta = OpPhi %f32 %c_f32_1 %entry %minus_delta %loop\n"
7374 "%val1 = OpPhi %f32 %val0 %entry %val %loop\n"
7375 "%val = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %delta\n"
7376 "%minus_delta = OpFSub %f32 %c_f32_0 %delta\n"
7377 "%count__ = OpISub %i32 %count %c_i32_1\n"
7378 "%again = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count__ %c_i32_0\n"
7379 "OpLoopMerge %exit %loop None\n"
7380 "OpBranchConditional %again %loop %exit\n"
7383 "%result = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %val %c_i32_0\n"
7384 "OpReturnValue %result\n"
7388 createTestsForAllStages("single_block", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, testGroup.get());
7390 // Body comprised of multiple basic blocks.
7391 const StringTemplate multiBlock(
7392 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7393 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7395 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
7396 "%val0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7399 ";adds and subtracts 1.0 to %val in alternate iterations\n"
7401 "%count = OpPhi %i32 %c_i32_4 %entry %count__ %gather\n"
7402 "%delta = OpPhi %f32 %c_f32_1 %entry %delta_next %gather\n"
7403 "%val1 = OpPhi %f32 %val0 %entry %val %gather\n"
7404 // There are several possibilities for the Continue Target below. Each
7405 // will be specialized into a separate test case.
7406 "OpLoopMerge %exit ${continue_target} None\n"
7410 ";delta_next = (delta > 0) ? -1 : 1;\n"
7411 "%gt0 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %delta %c_f32_0\n"
7412 "OpSelectionMerge %gather DontFlatten\n"
7413 "OpBranchConditional %gt0 %even %odd ;tells us if %count is even or odd\n"
7416 "OpBranch %gather\n"
7419 "OpBranch %gather\n"
7421 "%gather = OpLabel\n"
7422 "%delta_next = OpPhi %f32 %c_f32_n1 %even %c_f32_1 %odd\n"
7423 "%val = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %delta\n"
7424 "%count__ = OpISub %i32 %count %c_i32_1\n"
7425 "%again = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count__ %c_i32_0\n"
7426 "OpBranchConditional %again %loop %exit\n"
7429 "%result = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %val %c_i32_0\n"
7430 "OpReturnValue %result\n"
7434 map<string, string> continue_target;
7436 // The Continue Target is the loop block itself.
7437 continue_target["continue_target"] = "%loop";
7438 fragments["testfun"] = multiBlock.specialize(continue_target);
7439 createTestsForAllStages("multi_block_continue_construct", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, testGroup.get());
7441 // The Continue Target is at the end of the loop.
7442 continue_target["continue_target"] = "%gather";
7443 fragments["testfun"] = multiBlock.specialize(continue_target);
7444 createTestsForAllStages("multi_block_loop_construct", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, testGroup.get());
7446 // A loop with continue statement.
7447 fragments["testfun"] =
7448 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7449 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7451 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
7452 "%val0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7455 ";adds 4, 3, and 1 to %val0 (skips 2)\n"
7457 "%count = OpPhi %i32 %c_i32_4 %entry %count__ %continue\n"
7458 "%val1 = OpPhi %f32 %val0 %entry %val %continue\n"
7459 "OpLoopMerge %exit %continue None\n"
7463 ";skip if %count==2\n"
7464 "%eq2 = OpIEqual %bool %count %c_i32_2\n"
7465 "OpSelectionMerge %continue DontFlatten\n"
7466 "OpBranchConditional %eq2 %continue %body\n"
7469 "%fcount = OpConvertSToF %f32 %count\n"
7470 "%val2 = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %fcount\n"
7471 "OpBranch %continue\n"
7473 "%continue = OpLabel\n"
7474 "%val = OpPhi %f32 %val2 %body %val1 %if\n"
7475 "%count__ = OpISub %i32 %count %c_i32_1\n"
7476 "%again = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count__ %c_i32_0\n"
7477 "OpBranchConditional %again %loop %exit\n"
7480 "%same = OpFSub %f32 %val %c_f32_8\n"
7481 "%result = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %same %c_i32_0\n"
7482 "OpReturnValue %result\n"
7484 createTestsForAllStages("continue", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, testGroup.get());
7486 // A loop with break.
7487 fragments["testfun"] =
7488 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7489 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7491 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
7492 ";param1 components are between 0 and 1, so dot product is 4 or less\n"
7493 "%dot = OpDot %f32 %param1 %param1\n"
7494 "%div = OpFDiv %f32 %dot %c_f32_5\n"
7495 "%zero = OpConvertFToU %u32 %div\n"
7496 "%two = OpIAdd %i32 %zero %c_i32_2\n"
7497 "%val0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7500 ";adds 4 and 3 to %val0 (exits early)\n"
7502 "%count = OpPhi %i32 %c_i32_4 %entry %count__ %continue\n"
7503 "%val1 = OpPhi %f32 %val0 %entry %val2 %continue\n"
7504 "OpLoopMerge %exit %continue None\n"
7508 ";end loop if %count==%two\n"
7509 "%above2 = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count %two\n"
7510 "OpSelectionMerge %continue DontFlatten\n"
7511 "OpBranchConditional %above2 %body %exit\n"
7514 "%fcount = OpConvertSToF %f32 %count\n"
7515 "%val2 = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %fcount\n"
7516 "OpBranch %continue\n"
7518 "%continue = OpLabel\n"
7519 "%count__ = OpISub %i32 %count %c_i32_1\n"
7520 "%again = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count__ %c_i32_0\n"
7521 "OpBranchConditional %again %loop %exit\n"
7524 "%val_post = OpPhi %f32 %val2 %continue %val1 %if\n"
7525 "%same = OpFSub %f32 %val_post %c_f32_7\n"
7526 "%result = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %same %c_i32_0\n"
7527 "OpReturnValue %result\n"
7529 createTestsForAllStages("break", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, testGroup.get());
7531 // A loop with return.
7532 fragments["testfun"] =
7533 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7534 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7536 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
7537 ";param1 components are between 0 and 1, so dot product is 4 or less\n"
7538 "%dot = OpDot %f32 %param1 %param1\n"
7539 "%div = OpFDiv %f32 %dot %c_f32_5\n"
7540 "%zero = OpConvertFToU %u32 %div\n"
7541 "%two = OpIAdd %i32 %zero %c_i32_2\n"
7542 "%val0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7545 ";returns early without modifying %param1\n"
7547 "%count = OpPhi %i32 %c_i32_4 %entry %count__ %continue\n"
7548 "%val1 = OpPhi %f32 %val0 %entry %val2 %continue\n"
7549 "OpLoopMerge %exit %continue None\n"
7553 ";return if %count==%two\n"
7554 "%above2 = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count %two\n"
7555 "OpSelectionMerge %continue DontFlatten\n"
7556 "OpBranchConditional %above2 %body %early_exit\n"
7558 "%early_exit = OpLabel\n"
7559 "OpReturnValue %param1\n"
7562 "%fcount = OpConvertSToF %f32 %count\n"
7563 "%val2 = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %fcount\n"
7564 "OpBranch %continue\n"
7566 "%continue = OpLabel\n"
7567 "%count__ = OpISub %i32 %count %c_i32_1\n"
7568 "%again = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count__ %c_i32_0\n"
7569 "OpBranchConditional %again %loop %exit\n"
7572 ";should never get here, so return an incorrect result\n"
7573 "%result = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %val2 %c_i32_0\n"
7574 "OpReturnValue %result\n"
7576 createTestsForAllStages("return", defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, testGroup.get());
7578 return testGroup.release();
7581 // Adds a new test to group using custom fragments for the tessellation-control
7582 // stage and passthrough fragments for all other stages. Uses default colors
7583 // for input and expected output.
7584 void addTessCtrlTest(tcu::TestCaseGroup* group, const char* name, const map<string, string>& fragments)
7586 RGBA defaultColors[4];
7587 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
7588 const ShaderElement pipelineStages[] =
7590 ShaderElement("vert", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT),
7591 ShaderElement("tessc", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_BIT),
7592 ShaderElement("tesse", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_BIT),
7593 ShaderElement("frag", "main", VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT),
7596 addFunctionCaseWithPrograms<InstanceContext>(group, name, "", addShaderCodeCustomTessControl,
7597 runAndVerifyDefaultPipeline, createInstanceContext(
7598 pipelineStages, defaultColors, defaultColors, fragments, StageToSpecConstantMap()));
7601 // A collection of tests putting OpControlBarrier in places GLSL forbids but SPIR-V allows.
7602 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createBarrierTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
7604 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> testGroup(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "barrier", "OpControlBarrier"));
7605 map<string, string> fragments;
7607 // A barrier inside a function body.
7608 fragments["pre_main"] =
7609 "%Workgroup = OpConstant %i32 2\n"
7610 "%SequentiallyConsistent = OpConstant %i32 0x10\n";
7611 fragments["testfun"] =
7612 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7613 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7614 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
7615 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7616 "OpReturnValue %param1\n"
7618 addTessCtrlTest(testGroup.get(), "in_function", fragments);
7620 // Common setup code for the following tests.
7621 fragments["pre_main"] =
7622 "%Workgroup = OpConstant %i32 2\n"
7623 "%SequentiallyConsistent = OpConstant %i32 0x10\n"
7624 "%c_f32_5 = OpConstant %f32 5.\n";
7625 const string setupPercentZero = // Begins %test_code function with code that sets %zero to 0u but cannot be optimized away.
7626 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7627 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7628 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
7629 ";param1 components are between 0 and 1, so dot product is 4 or less\n"
7630 "%dot = OpDot %f32 %param1 %param1\n"
7631 "%div = OpFDiv %f32 %dot %c_f32_5\n"
7632 "%zero = OpConvertFToU %u32 %div\n";
7634 // Barriers inside OpSwitch branches.
7635 fragments["testfun"] =
7637 "OpSelectionMerge %switch_exit None\n"
7638 "OpSwitch %zero %switch_default 0 %case0 1 %case1 ;should always go to %case0\n"
7640 "%case1 = OpLabel\n"
7641 ";This barrier should never be executed, but its presence makes test failure more likely when there's a bug.\n"
7642 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7643 "%wrong_branch_alert1 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %c_f32_0_5 %c_i32_0\n"
7644 "OpBranch %switch_exit\n"
7646 "%switch_default = OpLabel\n"
7647 "%wrong_branch_alert2 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %c_f32_0_5 %c_i32_0\n"
7648 ";This barrier should never be executed, but its presence makes test failure more likely when there's a bug.\n"
7649 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7650 "OpBranch %switch_exit\n"
7652 "%case0 = OpLabel\n"
7653 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7654 "OpBranch %switch_exit\n"
7656 "%switch_exit = OpLabel\n"
7657 "%ret = OpPhi %v4f32 %param1 %case0 %wrong_branch_alert1 %case1 %wrong_branch_alert2 %switch_default\n"
7658 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
7660 addTessCtrlTest(testGroup.get(), "in_switch", fragments);
7662 // Barriers inside if-then-else.
7663 fragments["testfun"] =
7665 "%eq0 = OpIEqual %bool %zero %c_u32_0\n"
7666 "OpSelectionMerge %exit DontFlatten\n"
7667 "OpBranchConditional %eq0 %then %else\n"
7670 ";This barrier should never be executed, but its presence makes test failure more likely when there's a bug.\n"
7671 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7672 "%wrong_branch_alert = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %c_f32_0_5 %c_i32_0\n"
7676 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7680 "%ret = OpPhi %v4f32 %param1 %then %wrong_branch_alert %else\n"
7681 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
7683 addTessCtrlTest(testGroup.get(), "in_if", fragments);
7685 // A barrier after control-flow reconvergence, tempting the compiler to attempt something like this:
7686 // http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2009-October/026317.html.
7687 fragments["testfun"] =
7689 "%thread_id = OpLoad %i32 %BP_gl_InvocationID\n"
7690 "%thread0 = OpIEqual %bool %thread_id %c_i32_0\n"
7691 "OpSelectionMerge %exit DontFlatten\n"
7692 "OpBranchConditional %thread0 %then %else\n"
7695 "%val0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7699 "%val1 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %zero\n"
7703 "%val = OpPhi %f32 %val0 %else %val1 %then\n"
7704 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7705 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %val %zero\n"
7706 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
7708 addTessCtrlTest(testGroup.get(), "after_divergent_if", fragments);
7710 // A barrier inside a loop.
7711 fragments["pre_main"] =
7712 "%Workgroup = OpConstant %i32 2\n"
7713 "%SequentiallyConsistent = OpConstant %i32 0x10\n"
7714 "%c_f32_10 = OpConstant %f32 10.\n";
7715 fragments["testfun"] =
7716 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7717 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7718 "%entry = OpLabel\n"
7719 "%val0 = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
7722 ";adds 4, 3, 2, and 1 to %val0\n"
7724 "%count = OpPhi %i32 %c_i32_4 %entry %count__ %loop\n"
7725 "%val1 = OpPhi %f32 %val0 %entry %val %loop\n"
7726 "OpControlBarrier %Workgroup %Workgroup %SequentiallyConsistent\n"
7727 "%fcount = OpConvertSToF %f32 %count\n"
7728 "%val = OpFAdd %f32 %val1 %fcount\n"
7729 "%count__ = OpISub %i32 %count %c_i32_1\n"
7730 "%again = OpSGreaterThan %bool %count__ %c_i32_0\n"
7731 "OpLoopMerge %exit %loop None\n"
7732 "OpBranchConditional %again %loop %exit\n"
7735 "%same = OpFSub %f32 %val %c_f32_10\n"
7736 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %same %c_i32_0\n"
7737 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
7739 addTessCtrlTest(testGroup.get(), "in_loop", fragments);
7741 return testGroup.release();
7744 // Test for the OpFRem instruction.
7745 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createFRemTests(tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
7747 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> testGroup(new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "frem", "OpFRem"));
7748 map<string, string> fragments;
7749 RGBA inputColors[4];
7750 RGBA outputColors[4];
7752 fragments["pre_main"] =
7753 "%c_f32_3 = OpConstant %f32 3.0\n"
7754 "%c_f32_n3 = OpConstant %f32 -3.0\n"
7755 "%c_f32_4 = OpConstant %f32 4.0\n"
7756 "%c_f32_p75 = OpConstant %f32 0.75\n"
7757 "%c_v4f32_p75_p75_p75_p75 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_p75 %c_f32_p75 %c_f32_p75 %c_f32_p75 \n"
7758 "%c_v4f32_4_4_4_4 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_4 %c_f32_4 %c_f32_4 %c_f32_4\n"
7759 "%c_v4f32_3_n3_3_n3 = OpConstantComposite %v4f32 %c_f32_3 %c_f32_n3 %c_f32_3 %c_f32_n3\n";
7761 // The test does the following.
7762 // vec4 result = (param1 * 8.0) - 4.0;
7763 // return (frem(result.x,3) + 0.75, frem(result.y, -3) + 0.75, 0, 1)
7764 fragments["testfun"] =
7765 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
7766 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
7767 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
7768 "%v_times_8 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4f32 %param1 %c_f32_8\n"
7769 "%minus_4 = OpFSub %v4f32 %v_times_8 %c_v4f32_4_4_4_4\n"
7770 "%frem = OpFRem %v4f32 %minus_4 %c_v4f32_3_n3_3_n3\n"
7771 "%added = OpFAdd %v4f32 %frem %c_v4f32_p75_p75_p75_p75\n"
7772 "%xyz_1 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %added %c_f32_1 %c_i32_3\n"
7773 "%xy_0_1 = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %xyz_1 %c_f32_0 %c_i32_2\n"
7774 "OpReturnValue %xy_0_1\n"
7778 inputColors[0] = RGBA(16, 16, 0, 255);
7779 inputColors[1] = RGBA(232, 232, 0, 255);
7780 inputColors[2] = RGBA(232, 16, 0, 255);
7781 inputColors[3] = RGBA(16, 232, 0, 255);
7783 outputColors[0] = RGBA(64, 64, 0, 255);
7784 outputColors[1] = RGBA(255, 255, 0, 255);
7785 outputColors[2] = RGBA(255, 64, 0, 255);
7786 outputColors[3] = RGBA(64, 255, 0, 255);
7788 createTestsForAllStages("frem", inputColors, outputColors, fragments, testGroup.get());
7789 return testGroup.release();
7803 const string getBitWidthStr (IntegerType type)
7808 case INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16: return "16";
7811 case INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32: return "32";
7814 case INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64: return "64";
7816 default: DE_ASSERT(false);
7821 bool isSigned (IntegerType type)
7823 return (type <= INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64);
7826 const string getTypeName (IntegerType type)
7828 string prefix = isSigned(type) ? "" : "u";
7829 return prefix + "int" + getBitWidthStr(type);
7832 const string getTestName (IntegerType from, IntegerType to)
7834 return getTypeName(from) + "_to_" + getTypeName(to);
7837 const string getAsmTypeDeclaration (IntegerType type)
7839 string sign = isSigned(type) ? " 1" : " 0";
7840 return "OpTypeInt " + getBitWidthStr(type) + sign;
7843 const string getConvertCaseShaderStr (const string& instruction, map<string, string> types)
7845 const StringTemplate shader (
7846 "OpCapability Shader\n"
7847 "${int_capabilities}"
7848 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
7849 "OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %id\n"
7850 "OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
7851 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
7852 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
7853 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
7855 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
7856 "OpDecorate %indata DescriptorSet 0\n"
7857 "OpDecorate %indata Binding 0\n"
7858 "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
7859 "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 1\n"
7860 "OpDecorate %in_buf BufferBlock\n"
7861 "OpDecorate %out_buf BufferBlock\n"
7862 "OpMemberDecorate %in_buf 0 Offset 0\n"
7863 "OpMemberDecorate %out_buf 0 Offset 0\n"
7865 "%void = OpTypeVoid\n"
7866 "%voidf = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
7867 "%u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
7868 "%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
7869 "%uvec3 = OpTypeVector %u32 3\n"
7870 "%uvec3ptr = OpTypePointer Input %uvec3\n"
7872 "%in_type = ${inputType}\n"
7873 "%out_type = ${outputType}\n"
7875 "%in_ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %in_type\n"
7876 "%out_ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %out_type\n"
7877 "%in_arr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %in_type\n"
7878 "%out_arr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %out_type\n"
7879 "%in_buf = OpTypeStruct %in_arr\n"
7880 "%out_buf = OpTypeStruct %out_arr\n"
7881 "%in_bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %in_buf\n"
7882 "%out_bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %out_buf\n"
7883 "%indata = OpVariable %in_bufptr Uniform\n"
7884 "%outdata = OpVariable %out_bufptr Uniform\n"
7885 "%inputptr = OpTypePointer Input %in_type\n"
7886 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
7888 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
7890 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
7891 "%label = OpLabel\n"
7892 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
7893 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
7894 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %in_ptr %indata %zero %x\n"
7895 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %out_ptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
7896 "%inval = OpLoad %in_type %inloc\n"
7897 "%conv = ${instruction} %out_type %inval\n"
7898 " OpStore %outloc %conv\n"
7903 types["instruction"] = instruction;
7905 return shader.specialize(types);
7908 template<typename T>
7909 BufferSp getSpecializedBuffer (deInt64 number)
7911 return BufferSp(new Buffer<T>(vector<T>(1, (T)number)));
7914 BufferSp getBuffer (IntegerType type, deInt64 number)
7918 case INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_16: return getSpecializedBuffer<deInt16>(number);
7919 case INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_32: return getSpecializedBuffer<deInt32>(number);
7920 case INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64: return getSpecializedBuffer<deInt64>(number);
7922 case INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16: return getSpecializedBuffer<deUint16>(number);
7923 case INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32: return getSpecializedBuffer<deUint32>(number);
7924 case INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64: return getSpecializedBuffer<deUint64>(number);
7926 default: DE_ASSERT(false);
7927 return BufferSp(new Buffer<deInt32>(vector<deInt32>(1, 0)));
7931 bool usesInt16 (IntegerType from, IntegerType to)
7933 return (from == INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_16 || from == INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16
7934 || to == INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_16 || to == INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16);
7937 bool usesInt64 (IntegerType from, IntegerType to)
7939 return (from == INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64 || from == INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64
7940 || to == INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64 || to == INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64);
7943 ConvertTestFeatures getUsedFeatures (IntegerType from, IntegerType to)
7945 if (usesInt16(from, to))
7947 if (usesInt64(from, to))
7949 return CONVERT_TEST_USES_INT16_INT64;
7953 return CONVERT_TEST_USES_INT16;
7958 return CONVERT_TEST_USES_INT64;
7964 ConvertCase (IntegerType from, IntegerType to, deInt64 number)
7967 , m_features (getUsedFeatures(from, to))
7968 , m_name (getTestName(from, to))
7969 , m_inputBuffer (getBuffer(from, number))
7970 , m_outputBuffer (getBuffer(to, number))
7972 m_asmTypes["inputType"] = getAsmTypeDeclaration(from);
7973 m_asmTypes["outputType"] = getAsmTypeDeclaration(to);
7975 if (m_features == CONVERT_TEST_USES_INT16)
7977 m_asmTypes["int_capabilities"] = "OpCapability Int16\n";
7979 else if (m_features == CONVERT_TEST_USES_INT64)
7981 m_asmTypes["int_capabilities"] = "OpCapability Int64\n";
7983 else if (m_features == CONVERT_TEST_USES_INT16_INT64)
7985 m_asmTypes["int_capabilities"] = "OpCapability Int16\n \
7986 OpCapability Int64\n";
7994 IntegerType m_fromType;
7995 IntegerType m_toType;
7996 ConvertTestFeatures m_features;
7998 map<string, string> m_asmTypes;
7999 BufferSp m_inputBuffer;
8000 BufferSp m_outputBuffer;
8003 void createSConvertCases (vector<ConvertCase>& testCases)
8005 // Convert int to int
8006 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_32, 14669));
8007 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64, 3341));
8009 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_32, INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64, 973610259));
8011 // Convert int to unsigned int
8012 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32, 9288));
8013 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64, 15460));
8015 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_32, INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64, 346213461));
8018 // Test for the OpSConvert instruction.
8019 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createSConvertTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
8021 const string instruction ("OpSConvert");
8022 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "sconvert", "OpSConvert"));
8023 vector<ConvertCase> testCases;
8024 createSConvertCases(testCases);
8026 for (vector<ConvertCase>::const_iterator test = testCases.begin(); test != testCases.end(); ++test)
8028 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
8030 spec.assembly = getConvertCaseShaderStr(instruction, test->m_asmTypes);
8031 spec.inputs.push_back(test->m_inputBuffer);
8032 spec.outputs.push_back(test->m_inputBuffer);
8033 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1);
8035 group->addChild(new ConvertTestCase(testCtx, test->m_name.c_str(), "Convert integers with OpSConvert.", spec, test->m_features));
8038 return group.release();
8041 void createUConvertCases (vector<ConvertCase>& testCases)
8043 // Convert unsigned int to unsigned int
8044 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32, 60653));
8045 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64, 17991));
8047 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32, INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64, 904256275));
8049 // Convert unsigned int to int
8050 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_32, 38002));
8051 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16, INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64, 64921));
8053 testCases.push_back(ConvertCase(INTEGER_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32, INTEGER_TYPE_SIGNED_64, 4294956295ll));
8056 // Test for the OpUConvert instruction.
8057 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createUConvertTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
8059 const string instruction ("OpUConvert");
8060 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "uconvert", "OpUConvert"));
8061 vector<ConvertCase> testCases;
8062 createUConvertCases(testCases);
8064 for (vector<ConvertCase>::const_iterator test = testCases.begin(); test != testCases.end(); ++test)
8066 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
8068 spec.assembly = getConvertCaseShaderStr(instruction, test->m_asmTypes);
8069 spec.inputs.push_back(test->m_inputBuffer);
8070 spec.outputs.push_back(test->m_inputBuffer);
8071 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1);
8073 group->addChild(new ConvertTestCase(testCtx, test->m_name.c_str(), "Convert integers with OpUConvert.", spec, test->m_features));
8075 return group.release();
8086 const string getNumberTypeName (const NumberType type)
8088 if (type == TYPE_INT)
8092 else if (type == TYPE_UINT)
8096 else if (type == TYPE_FLOAT)
8107 deInt32 getInt(de::Random& rnd)
8109 return rnd.getInt(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
8112 template <typename T>
8113 const string numberToString (T number)
8115 std::stringstream ss;
8120 const string repeatString (const string& str, int times)
8123 for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i)
8130 const string getRandomConstantString (const NumberType type, de::Random& rnd)
8132 if (type == TYPE_INT)
8134 return numberToString<deInt32>(getInt(rnd));
8136 else if (type == TYPE_UINT)
8138 return numberToString<deUint32>(rnd.getUint32());
8140 else if (type == TYPE_FLOAT)
8142 return numberToString<float>(rnd.getFloat());
8151 void createVectorCompositeCases (vector<map<string, string> >& testCases, de::Random& rnd, const NumberType type)
8153 map<string, string> params;
8156 for (int width = 2; width <= 4; ++width)
8158 string randomConst = numberToString(getInt(rnd));
8159 string widthStr = numberToString(width);
8160 int index = rnd.getInt(0, width-1);
8162 params["name"] = "vec_" + widthStr;
8163 params["compositeType"] = "%composite = OpTypeVector %custom " + widthStr +"\n";
8164 params["filler"] = string("%filler = OpConstant %custom ") + getRandomConstantString(type, rnd) + "\n";
8165 params["compositeConstruct"] = "%instance = OpCompositeConstruct %composite" + repeatString(" %filler", width) + "\n";
8166 params["indexes"] = numberToString(index);
8167 testCases.push_back(params);
8171 void createArrayCompositeCases (vector<map<string, string> >& testCases, de::Random& rnd, const NumberType type)
8173 const int limit = 10;
8174 map<string, string> params;
8176 for (int width = 2; width <= limit; ++width)
8178 string randomConst = numberToString(getInt(rnd));
8179 string widthStr = numberToString(width);
8180 int index = rnd.getInt(0, width-1);
8182 params["name"] = "array_" + widthStr;
8183 params["compositeType"] = string("%arraywidth = OpConstant %u32 " + widthStr + "\n")
8184 + "%composite = OpTypeArray %custom %arraywidth\n";
8186 params["filler"] = string("%filler = OpConstant %custom ") + getRandomConstantString(type, rnd) + "\n";
8187 params["compositeConstruct"] = "%instance = OpCompositeConstruct %composite" + repeatString(" %filler", width) + "\n";
8188 params["indexes"] = numberToString(index);
8189 testCases.push_back(params);
8193 void createStructCompositeCases (vector<map<string, string> >& testCases, de::Random& rnd, const NumberType type)
8195 const int limit = 10;
8196 map<string, string> params;
8198 for (int width = 2; width <= limit; ++width)
8200 string randomConst = numberToString(getInt(rnd));
8201 int index = rnd.getInt(0, width-1);
8203 params["name"] = "struct_" + numberToString(width);
8204 params["compositeType"] = "%composite = OpTypeStruct" + repeatString(" %custom", width) + "\n";
8205 params["filler"] = string("%filler = OpConstant %custom ") + getRandomConstantString(type, rnd) + "\n";
8206 params["compositeConstruct"] = "%instance = OpCompositeConstruct %composite" + repeatString(" %filler", width) + "\n";
8207 params["indexes"] = numberToString(index);
8208 testCases.push_back(params);
8212 void createMatrixCompositeCases (vector<map<string, string> >& testCases, de::Random& rnd, const NumberType type)
8214 map<string, string> params;
8217 for (int width = 2; width <= 4; ++width)
8219 string widthStr = numberToString(width);
8221 for (int column = 2 ; column <= 4; ++column)
8223 int index_0 = rnd.getInt(0, column-1);
8224 int index_1 = rnd.getInt(0, width-1);
8225 string columnStr = numberToString(column);
8227 params["name"] = "matrix_" + widthStr + "x" + columnStr;
8228 params["compositeType"] = string("%vectype = OpTypeVector %custom " + widthStr + "\n")
8229 + "%composite = OpTypeMatrix %vectype " + columnStr + "\n";
8231 params["filler"] = string("%filler = OpConstant %custom ") + getRandomConstantString(type, rnd) + "\n"
8232 + "%fillerVec = OpConstantComposite %vectype" + repeatString(" %filler", width) + "\n";
8234 params["compositeConstruct"] = "%instance = OpCompositeConstruct %composite" + repeatString(" %fillerVec", column) + "\n";
8235 params["indexes"] = numberToString(index_0) + " " + numberToString(index_1);
8236 testCases.push_back(params);
8241 void createCompositeCases (vector<map<string, string> >& testCases, de::Random& rnd, const NumberType type)
8243 createVectorCompositeCases(testCases, rnd, type);
8244 createArrayCompositeCases(testCases, rnd, type);
8245 createStructCompositeCases(testCases, rnd, type);
8246 // Matrix only supports float types
8247 if (type == TYPE_FLOAT)
8249 createMatrixCompositeCases(testCases, rnd, type);
8253 const string getAssemblyTypeDeclaration (const NumberType type)
8257 case TYPE_INT: return "OpTypeInt 32 1";
8258 case TYPE_UINT: return "OpTypeInt 32 0";
8259 case TYPE_FLOAT: return "OpTypeFloat 32";
8260 default: DE_ASSERT(false); return "";
8264 const string specializeCompositeInsertShaderTemplate (const NumberType type, const map<string, string>& params)
8266 map<string, string> parameters(params);
8268 parameters["typeDeclaration"] = getAssemblyTypeDeclaration(type);
8270 return StringTemplate (
8271 "OpCapability Shader\n"
8272 "OpCapability Matrix\n"
8273 "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450\n"
8274 "OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main \"main\" %id\n"
8275 "OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1\n"
8277 "OpSource GLSL 430\n"
8278 "OpName %main \"main\"\n"
8279 "OpName %id \"gl_GlobalInvocationID\"\n"
8282 "OpDecorate %id BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
8283 "OpDecorate %buf BufferBlock\n"
8284 "OpDecorate %indata DescriptorSet 0\n"
8285 "OpDecorate %indata Binding 0\n"
8286 "OpDecorate %outdata DescriptorSet 0\n"
8287 "OpDecorate %outdata Binding 1\n"
8288 "OpDecorate %customarr ArrayStride 4\n"
8289 "OpMemberDecorate %buf 0 Offset 0\n"
8292 "%void = OpTypeVoid\n"
8293 "%voidf = OpTypeFunction %void\n"
8294 "%u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
8295 "%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
8296 "%uvec3 = OpTypeVector %u32 3\n"
8297 "%uvec3ptr = OpTypePointer Input %uvec3\n"
8300 "%custom = ${typeDeclaration}\n"
8306 // Inherited from custom
8307 "%customptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %custom\n"
8308 "%customarr = OpTypeRuntimeArray %custom\n"
8309 "%buf = OpTypeStruct %customarr\n"
8310 "%bufptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %buf\n"
8312 "%indata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
8313 "%outdata = OpVariable %bufptr Uniform\n"
8315 "%id = OpVariable %uvec3ptr Input\n"
8316 "%zero = OpConstant %i32 0\n"
8318 "%main = OpFunction %void None %voidf\n"
8319 "%label = OpLabel\n"
8320 "%idval = OpLoad %uvec3 %id\n"
8321 "%x = OpCompositeExtract %u32 %idval 0\n"
8323 "%inloc = OpAccessChain %customptr %indata %zero %x\n"
8324 "%outloc = OpAccessChain %customptr %outdata %zero %x\n"
8325 // Read the input value
8326 "%inval = OpLoad %custom %inloc\n"
8327 // Create the composite and fill it
8328 "${compositeConstruct}"
8329 // Insert the input value to a place
8330 "%instance2 = OpCompositeInsert %composite %inval %instance ${indexes}\n"
8331 // Read back the value from the position
8332 "%out_val = OpCompositeExtract %custom %instance2 ${indexes}\n"
8333 // Store it in the output position
8334 " OpStore %outloc %out_val\n"
8337 ).specialize(parameters);
8340 template<typename T>
8341 BufferSp createCompositeBuffer(T number)
8343 return BufferSp(new Buffer<T>(vector<T>(1, number)));
8346 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createOpCompositeInsertGroup (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
8348 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> group (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opcompositeinsert", "Test the OpCompositeInsert instruction"));
8349 de::Random rnd (deStringHash(group->getName()));
8351 for (int type = TYPE_INT; type != TYPE_END; ++type)
8353 NumberType numberType = NumberType(type);
8354 const string typeName = getNumberTypeName(numberType);
8355 const string description = "Test the OpCompositeInsert instruction with " + typeName + "s";
8356 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> subGroup (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, typeName.c_str(), description.c_str()));
8357 vector<map<string, string> > testCases;
8359 createCompositeCases(testCases, rnd, numberType);
8361 for (vector<map<string, string> >::const_iterator test = testCases.begin(); test != testCases.end(); ++test)
8363 ComputeShaderSpec spec;
8365 spec.assembly = specializeCompositeInsertShaderTemplate(numberType, *test);
8371 deInt32 number = getInt(rnd);
8372 spec.inputs.push_back(createCompositeBuffer<deInt32>(number));
8373 spec.outputs.push_back(createCompositeBuffer<deInt32>(number));
8378 deUint32 number = rnd.getUint32();
8379 spec.inputs.push_back(createCompositeBuffer<deUint32>(number));
8380 spec.outputs.push_back(createCompositeBuffer<deUint32>(number));
8385 float number = rnd.getFloat();
8386 spec.inputs.push_back(createCompositeBuffer<float>(number));
8387 spec.outputs.push_back(createCompositeBuffer<float>(number));
8394 spec.numWorkGroups = IVec3(1, 1, 1);
8395 subGroup->addChild(new SpvAsmComputeShaderCase(testCtx, test->at("name").c_str(), "OpCompositeInsert test", spec));
8397 group->addChild(subGroup.release());
8399 return group.release();
8402 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createInstructionTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
8404 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> instructionTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "instruction", "Instructions with special opcodes/operands"));
8405 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> computeTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "compute", "Compute Instructions with special opcodes/operands"));
8406 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> graphicsTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "graphics", "Graphics Instructions with special opcodes/operands"));
8408 computeTests->addChild(createOpNopGroup(testCtx));
8409 computeTests->addChild(createOpFUnordGroup(testCtx));
8410 computeTests->addChild(createOpLineGroup(testCtx));
8411 computeTests->addChild(createOpNoLineGroup(testCtx));
8412 computeTests->addChild(createOpConstantNullGroup(testCtx));
8413 computeTests->addChild(createOpConstantCompositeGroup(testCtx));
8414 computeTests->addChild(createOpConstantUsageGroup(testCtx));
8415 computeTests->addChild(createSpecConstantGroup(testCtx));
8416 computeTests->addChild(createOpSourceGroup(testCtx));
8417 computeTests->addChild(createOpSourceExtensionGroup(testCtx));
8418 computeTests->addChild(createDecorationGroupGroup(testCtx));
8419 computeTests->addChild(createOpPhiGroup(testCtx));
8420 computeTests->addChild(createLoopControlGroup(testCtx));
8421 computeTests->addChild(createFunctionControlGroup(testCtx));
8422 computeTests->addChild(createSelectionControlGroup(testCtx));
8423 computeTests->addChild(createBlockOrderGroup(testCtx));
8424 computeTests->addChild(createMultipleShaderGroup(testCtx));
8425 computeTests->addChild(createMemoryAccessGroup(testCtx));
8426 computeTests->addChild(createOpCopyMemoryGroup(testCtx));
8427 computeTests->addChild(createOpCopyObjectGroup(testCtx));
8428 computeTests->addChild(createNoContractionGroup(testCtx));
8429 computeTests->addChild(createOpUndefGroup(testCtx));
8430 computeTests->addChild(createOpUnreachableGroup(testCtx));
8431 computeTests ->addChild(createOpQuantizeToF16Group(testCtx));
8432 computeTests ->addChild(createOpFRemGroup(testCtx));
8433 computeTests->addChild(createSConvertTests(testCtx));
8434 computeTests->addChild(createUConvertTests(testCtx));
8435 computeTests->addChild(createOpCompositeInsertGroup(testCtx));
8437 RGBA defaultColors[4];
8438 getDefaultColors(defaultColors);
8440 de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> opnopTests (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "opnop", "Test OpNop"));
8441 map<string, string> opNopFragments;
8442 opNopFragments["testfun"] =
8443 "%test_code = OpFunction %v4f32 None %v4f32_function\n"
8444 "%param1 = OpFunctionParameter %v4f32\n"
8445 "%label_testfun = OpLabel\n"
8454 "%a = OpVectorExtractDynamic %f32 %param1 %c_i32_0\n"
8455 "%b = OpFAdd %f32 %a %a\n"
8457 "%c = OpFSub %f32 %b %a\n"
8458 "%ret = OpVectorInsertDynamic %v4f32 %param1 %c %c_i32_0\n"
8461 "OpReturnValue %ret\n"
8464 createTestsForAllStages("opnop", defaultColors, defaultColors, opNopFragments, opnopTests.get());
8467 graphicsTests->addChild(opnopTests.release());
8468 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpSourceTests(testCtx));
8469 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpSourceContinuedTests(testCtx));
8470 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpLineTests(testCtx));
8471 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpNoLineTests(testCtx));
8472 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpConstantNullTests(testCtx));
8473 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpConstantCompositeTests(testCtx));
8474 graphicsTests->addChild(createMemoryAccessTests(testCtx));
8475 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpUndefTests(testCtx));
8476 graphicsTests->addChild(createSelectionBlockOrderTests(testCtx));
8477 graphicsTests->addChild(createModuleTests(testCtx));
8478 graphicsTests->addChild(createSwitchBlockOrderTests(testCtx));
8479 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpPhiTests(testCtx));
8480 graphicsTests->addChild(createNoContractionTests(testCtx));
8481 graphicsTests->addChild(createOpQuantizeTests(testCtx));
8482 graphicsTests->addChild(createLoopTests(testCtx));
8483 graphicsTests->addChild(createSpecConstantTests(testCtx));
8484 graphicsTests->addChild(createSpecConstantOpQuantizeToF16Group(testCtx));
8485 graphicsTests->addChild(createBarrierTests(testCtx));
8486 graphicsTests->addChild(createDecorationGroupTests(testCtx));
8487 graphicsTests->addChild(createFRemTests(testCtx));
8489 instructionTests->addChild(computeTests.release());
8490 instructionTests->addChild(graphicsTests.release());
8492 return instructionTests.release();