[platform/upstream/tbb.git] / examples / task_arena / fractal / readme.html
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266         <title>Intel&reg; Threading Building Blocks. Fractal sample</title>
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311                 <h1 class="title">Intel&reg; Threading Building Blocks.<br>Fractal sample</h1>
312         </div>
314         <p>
315                 The example calculates two classical Mandelbrot fractals with different priorities. 
316         <br><br>
317                 The application window is divided into two areas where fractals are rendered. With mouse click on an area the user can change the priority of the calculating fractal. In the clicked area the fractal priority is changed to be "high" and the priority of the other fractal is changed to "low". The fractal with "high" priority we will call active.
318                 The example also has the console mode but in this mode the priorities could not be changed during execution.
319         </p>
321         <div class="changes">
322                 <div class="h3-alike">System Requirements</div>
323                 <input type="checkbox">
324                 <div class="show-hide">
325                         <p>
326                                 For the most up to date system requirements, see the <a href="http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-threading-building-blocks-release-notes">release notes.</a>
327                         </p>
328                 </div>
329         </div>
331         <div class="changes">
332                 <div class="h3-alike">Files</div>
333                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
334                 <div class="show-hide">
335                         <dl>
336                                 <dt><a href="main.cpp">main.cpp</a>
337                                 <dd>Main program which parses command line options and runs the fractals calculation in GUI or Console mode.
338                                 <dt><a href="fractal.h">fractal.h</a>
339                                 <dd>Interfaces of fractal and fractal_group classes.
340                                 <dt><a href="fractal.cpp">fractal.cpp</a>
341                                 <dd>Implementations of fractal and fractal_group classes.
342                                 <dt><a href="fractal_video.h">fractal_video.h</a>
343                                 <dd>GUI mode support interface.
344                                 <dt><a href="Makefile">Makefile</a>
345                                 <dd>Makefile for building the example.
346                         </dl>
347                 </div>
348         </div>
350         <div class="changes">
351                 <div class="h3-alike">Directories</div>
352                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
353                 <div class="show-hide">
354                         <dl>
355                                 <dt><a href="msvs/">msvs</a>
356                                 <dd>Contains Microsoft* Visual Studio* workspace for building and running the example (Windows* systems only).
357                                 <dt><a href="xcode/">xcode</a>
358                                 <dd>Contains Xcode* IDE workspace for building and running the example (macOS* systems only).
359                         </dl>
360                         <p>For information about the minimum supported version of IDE, see <a href="http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-threading-building-blocks-release-notes">release notes.</a></p>
361                 </div>
362         </div>
364         <div class="changes">
365                 <div class="h3-alike">Build instructions</div>
366                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
367                 <div class="show-hide">
368                         <p>General build directions can be found <a href="../../index.html">here</a>.</p>
369                 </div>
370         </div>
372         <div class="changes">
373                 <div class="h3-alike">Usage</div>
374                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
375                 <div class="show-hide">
376                         <dl>
377                                 <dt><tt>fractal <i>-h</i></tt>
378                                 <dd>Prints the help for command line options
379                                 <dt><tt>fractal [<i>n-of-threads=value</i>] [<i>n-of-frames=value</i>] [<i>max-of-iterations=value</i>] [<i>grain-size=value</i>] [<i>silent</i>] [<i>single</i>]</tt>
380                                 <dt><tt>fractal [<i>n-of-threads</i> [<i>n-of-frames</i> [<i>max-of-iterations</i> [<i>grain-size</i>]]]] [<i>silent</i>] [<i>single</i>]</tt> 
381                                 <dd><i>n-of-threads</i> is the number of threads to use; a range of the form <i>low</i>[:<i>high</i>], where low and optional high are non-negative integers or 'auto' for a platform-specific default number.<br>
382                                         <i>n-of-frames</i> is a number of frames the example processes internally.<br>
383                                         <i>max-of-iterations</i> is a maximum number of the fractal iterations.<br>
384                                         <i>grain-size</i> is an optional grain size, must be a positive integer. <br>
385                                         <i>use-auto-partitioner</i> - use tbb::auto_partitioner.<br>
386                                         <i>silent</i> - no output except elapsed time.<br>
387                                         <i>single</i> - process only one fractal.<br>
389                                 <dt>To run a short version of this example, e.g., for use with Intel&reg; Parallel Inspector:
390                                 <dd>Build a <i>debug</i> version of the example
391                                         (see the <a href="../../index.html">build instructions</a>).
392                                         <br>Run it with a small fractal iterations number and the desired number of threads, e.g., <tt>fractal&nbsp;4&nbsp;1&nbsp;10000</tt>.
393                         </dl>
394                 </div>
395         </div>
397         <div class="changes">
398                 <div class="h3-alike">Hot keys</div>
399                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
400                 <div class="show-hide">
401                         <p>
402                                 The following hot keys can be used in interactive execution mode when the example is compiled with the graphical user interface:
403                         </p>
404                         <dl>
405                                 <dt>&lt;left mouse button&gt;
406                                 <dd>Make the fractal active and change its priority to high
407                                 <dt>&lt;space&gt;
408                                 <dd>Switch priorities
409                                 <dt>&lt;w&gt;
410                                 <dd>Move the active fractal up
411                                 <dt>&lt;a&gt;
412                                 <dd>Move the active fractal to the left
413                                 <dt>&lt;s&gt;
414                                 <dd>Move the active fractal down
415                                 <dt>&lt;d&gt;
416                                 <dd>Move the active fractal to the right
417                                 <dt>&lt;q&gt;
418                                 <dd>Zoom in the active fractal
419                                 <dt>&lt;e&gt;
420                                 <dd>Zoom out the active fractal
421                                 <dt>&lt;r&gt;
422                                 <dd>Increase quality (count of iterations for each pixel) the active fractal
423                                 <dt>&lt;f&gt;
424                                 <dd>Decrease quality (count of iterations for each pixel) the active fractal
425                                 <dt>&lt;esc&gt;
426                                 <dd>Stop execution.
427                         </dl>
428                 </div>
429         </div>
431         <br>
432         <a href="../index.html">Up to parent directory</a>
433         <hr>
434         <div class="changes">
435         <div class="h3-alike">Legal Information</div>
436                 <input type="checkbox">
437                 <div class="show-hide">
438                         <p>
439                                 Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
440                                 <br>* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
441                                 <br>&copy; 2019, Intel Corporation
442                         </p>
443                 </div>
444         </div>  
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