Committing TBB 2019 Update 9 source code
[platform/upstream/tbb.git] / examples / pipeline / square / readme.html
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266         <title>Intel&reg; Threading Building Blocks. Square sample</title>
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310                                 9Or1LzUmVVz+HJXDAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC">
311                 <h1 class="title">Intel&reg; Threading Building Blocks.<br>Square sample</h1>
312         </div>
314         <p>
315                 Text filter that demonstrates the use of parallel_pipeline. Example program reads a file
316                 containing decimal integers in text format, and changes each to its square.
317         </p>
319         <div class="changes">
320                 <div class="h3-alike">System Requirements</div>
321                 <input type="checkbox">
322                 <div class="show-hide">
323                         <p>
324                                 For the most up to date system requirements, see the <a href="">release notes.</a>
325                         </p>
326                 </div>
327         </div>
329         <div class="changes">
330                 <div class="h3-alike">Files</div>
331                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
332                 <div class="show-hide">
333                         <dl>
334                                 <dt><a href="square.cpp">square.cpp</a>
335                                 <dd>Source code for example.
336                                 <dt><a href="gen_input.cpp">gen_input.cpp </a>
337                                 <dd>Source code for sample input generation.
338                                 <dt><a href="Makefile">Makefile</a>
339                                 <dd>Makefile for building the example.
340                         </dl>
341                 </div>
342         </div>
344         <div class="changes">
345                 <div class="h3-alike">Directories</div>
346                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
347                 <div class="show-hide">
348                         <dl>
349                                 <dt><a href="msvs/">msvs</a>
350                                 <dd>Contains Microsoft* Visual Studio* workspace for building and running the example (Windows* systems only).
351                                 <dt><a href="xcode/">xcode</a>
352                                 <dd>Contains Xcode* IDE workspace for building and running the example (macOS* systems only).
353                         </dl>
354                         <p>For information about the minimum supported version of IDE, see <a href="">release notes.</a></p>
355                 </div>
356         </div>
358         <div class="changes">
359                 <div class="h3-alike">Build instructions</div>
360                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
361                 <div class="show-hide">
362                         <p>General build directions can be found <a href="../../index.html">here</a>.</p>
363                         Two additional targets for this example:
364                         <dl>
365                                 <dt><tt>make gen_input</tt>
366                                 <dd>Create an input generator program that prints out a sequence of integers.
367                                 <dt><tt>make input.txt</tt>
368                                 <dd>Create an input file for the example (with help of <tt>gen_input</tt>).
369                         </dl>
370                 </div>
371         </div>
373         <div class="changes">
374                 <div class="h3-alike">Usage</div>
375                 <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">
376                 <div class="show-hide">
377                         <dl>
378                                 <dt><tt>square <i>-h</i></tt>
379                                 <dd>Prints the help for command line options
380                                 <dt><tt>square [<i>n-of-threads</i>=value] [<i>input-file</i>=value] [<i>output-file</i>=value] [<i>max-slice-size</i>=value] [<i>silent</i>]</tt>
381                                 <dt><tt>square [<i>n-of-threads</i> [<i>input-file</i> [<i>output-file</i> [<i>max-slice-size</i>]]]] [<i>silent</i>]</tt>
382                                 <dd><i>n-of-threads</i> is the number of threads to use; a range of the form <i>low</i>[:<i>high</i>], where low and optional high are non-negative integers or 'auto' for a platform-specific default number.<br>
383                                         <i>input-file</i> is an input file name.<br>
384                                         <i>output-file</i> is an output file name. <br>
385                                         <i>max-slice-size</i> is the maximum number of characters in one slice.<br>
386                                         <i>silent</i> - no output except elapsed time.<br>
387                                 <dt><tt>gen_input [<i>LN</i>] &gt; <i>inputfile</i></tt>
388                                 <dd>Generate a file named <i>inputfile</i> consisting of <i>LN</i> lines each containing one integer.
389                                         If not specified, <i>LN</i> is assumed to be 1000000.
391                                 <dt>To run a short version of this example, e.g., for use with Intel&reg; Parallel Inspector:
392                                 <dd>Build a <i>debug</i> version of the example
393                                         (see the <a href="../../index.html">build instructions</a>).
394                                         <br>Prepare an <i>inputfile</i> with about 5,000 lines of text (see the instruction above).
395                                         <br>Run it with this <i>inputfile</i> and the desired number of threads,
396                                         e.g., <tt>square&nbsp;4&nbsp;<i>inputfile</i>&nbsp;<i>outputfile</i></tt>.
397                                 </dl>
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