Fix for x86_64 build fail
[platform/upstream/connectedhomeip.git] / examples / common / QRCode / repo / typescript-javascript / qrcodegen-input-demo.html
1 <!--
2   - QR Code generator input demo (HTML+JavaScript)
3   - 
4   - Copyright (c) Project Nayuki. (MIT License)
5   -
6   - 
7   - Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
8   - this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
9   - the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
10   - use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
11   - the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
12   - subject to the following conditions:
13   - * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14   -   all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15   - * The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
16   -   implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
17   -   fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the
18   -   authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other
19   -   liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from,
20   -   out of or in connection with the Software or the use or other dealings in the
21   -   Software.
22   -->
23 <!DOCTYPE html>
24 <html>
25         <head>
26                 <meta charset="UTF-8">
27                 <title>QR Code generator input demo (JavaScript)</title>
28                 <style type="text/css">
29                         html {
30                                 font-family: sans-serif;
31                         }
32                         td {
33                                 vertical-align: top;
34                                 padding-top: 0.2em;
35                                 padding-bottom: 0.2em;
36                         }
37                         td:first-child {
38                                 white-space: pre;
39                                 padding-right: 0.5em;
40                         }
41                         input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox] {
42                                 margin: 0em;
43                                 padding: 0em;
44                         }
45                         input[type=radio] + label, input[type=checkbox] + label {
46                                 margin-right: 0.8em;
47                                 padding-left: 0.2em;
48                         }
49                 </style>
50         </head>
52         <body>
53                 <h1>QR Code generator input demo (JavaScript)</h1>
54                 <div id="loading">
55                         <p>Loading application...</p>
56                         <p>(Are the JavaScript files missing?)</p>
57                         <p>(The JavaScript code needs to be compiled from the TypeScript code.)</p>
58                 </div>
59                 <form id="loaded" style="display:none" action="#" method="get" onsubmit="return false;">
60                         <table class="noborder" style="width:100%">
61                                 <tbody>
62                                         <tr>
63                                                 <td><strong>Text string:</strong></td>
64                                                 <td style="width:100%"><textarea placeholder="Enter your text to be put into the QR Code" id="text-input" style="width:100%; max-width:30em; height:5em; font-family:inherit"></textarea></td>
65                                         </tr>
66                                         <tr>
67                                                 <td><strong>QR Code:</strong></td>
68                                                 <td>
69                                                         <canvas id="qrcode-canvas" style="padding:1em; background-color:#E8E8E8"></canvas>
70                                                         <svg id="qrcode-svg" style="width:30em; height:30em; padding:1em; background-color:#E8E8E8">
71                                                                 <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="0"></rect>
72                                                                 <path d="" fill="#000000" stroke-width="0"></path>
73                                                         </svg>
74                                                 </td>
75                                         </tr>
76                                         <tr>
77                                                 <td><strong>Error correction:</strong></td>
78                                                 <td>
79                                                         <input type="radio" name="errcorlvl" id="errcorlvl-low" checked="checked"><label for="errcorlvl-low">Low</label>
80                                                         <input type="radio" name="errcorlvl" id="errcorlvl-medium"><label for="errcorlvl-medium">Medium</label>
81                                                         <input type="radio" name="errcorlvl" id="errcorlvl-quartile"><label for="errcorlvl-quartile">Quartile</label>
82                                                         <input type="radio" name="errcorlvl" id="errcorlvl-high"><label for="errcorlvl-high">High</label>
83                                                 </td>
84                                         </tr>
85                                         <tr>
86                                                 <td>Output format:</td>
87                                                 <td>
88                                                         <input type="radio" name="output-format" id="output-format-bitmap" checked="checked"><label for="output-format-bitmap">Bitmap</label>
89                                                         <input type="radio" name="output-format" id="output-format-vector"><label for="output-format-vector">Vector</label>
90                                                 </td>
91                                         </tr>
92                                         <tr>
93                                                 <td>Border:</td>
94                                                 <td><input type="number" value="4" min="0" max="100" step="1" id="border-input" style="width:4em"> modules</td>
95                                         </tr>
96                                         <tr id="scale-row">
97                                                 <td>Scale:</td>
98                                                 <td><input type="number" value="8" min="1" max="30" step="1" id="scale-input" style="width:4em"> pixels per module</td>
99                                         </tr>
100                                         <tr>
101                                                 <td>Version range:</td>
102                                                 <td>
103                                                         Minimum = <input type="number" value="1"  min="1" max="40" step="1" id="version-min-input" style="width:4em" oninput="app.handleVersionMinMax('min');">,
104                                                         maximum = <input type="number" value="40" min="1" max="40" step="1" id="version-max-input" style="width:4em" oninput="app.handleVersionMinMax('max');">
105                                                 </td>
106                                         </tr>
107                                         <tr>
108                                                 <td>Mask pattern:</td>
109                                                 <td><input type="number" value="-1" min="-1" max="7" step="1" id="mask-input" style="width:4em"> (−1 for automatic, 0 to 7 for manual)</td>
110                                         </tr>
111                                         <tr>
112                                                 <td>Boost ECC:</td>
113                                                 <td><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="boost-ecc-input"><label for="boost-ecc-input">Increase <abbr title="error-correcting code">ECC</abbr> level within same version</label></td>
114                                         </tr>
115                                         <tr>
116                                                 <td>Statistics:</td>
117                                                 <td id="statistics-output" style="white-space:pre"></td>
118                                         </tr>
119                                         <tr id="svg-xml-row">
120                                                 <td>SVG XML code:</td>
121                                                 <td>
122                                                         <textarea id="svg-xml-output" readonly="readonly" style="width:100%; max-width:50em; height:15em; font-family:monospace"></textarea>
123                                                 </td>
124                                         </tr>
125                                 </tbody>
126                         </table>
127                 </form>
128                 <script type="application/javascript" src="qrcodegen.js"></script>
129                 <script type="application/javascript" src="qrcodegen-input-demo.js"></script>
131                 <hr>
132                 <p>Copyright © Project Nayuki – <a href=""></a></p>
133         </body>
134 </html>