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23 <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
24 <a name="howto-gobject-construction"></a>Object construction</h2></div></div></div>
25 <p>
26       People often get confused when trying to construct their GObjects because of the
27       sheer number of different ways to hook into the objects's construction process: it is
28       difficult to figure which is the <span class="emphasis"><em>correct</em></span>, recommended way.
29     </p>
30 <p>
31       <a class="xref" href="chapter-gobject.html#gobject-construction-table" title="Table 4. g_object_new">Table 4, “g_object_new”</a> shows what user-provided functions
32       are invoked during object instantiation and in which order they are invoked.
33       A user looking for the equivalent of the simple C++ constructor function should use
34       the <code class="function">instance_init</code> method. It will be invoked after
35       all the parents’ <code class="function">instance_init</code>
36       functions have been invoked. It cannot take arbitrary construction parameters 
37       (as in C++) but if your object needs arbitrary parameters to complete initialization,
38       you can use construction properties.
39     </p>
40 <p>
41       Construction properties will be set only after all
42       <code class="function">instance_init</code> functions have run.
43       No object reference will be returned to the client of <code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#g-object-new" title="g_object_new ()">g_object_new</a></code>
44       until all the construction properties have been set.
45     </p>
46 <p>
47       It is important to note that object construction cannot <span class="emphasis"><em>ever</em></span>
48       fail. If you require a fallible GObject construction, you can use the
49       <a href=""><span class="type">GInitable</span></a> and
50       <a href=""><span class="type">GAsyncInitable</span></a>
51       interfaces provided by the GIO library.
52     </p>
53 <p>
54       You should write the following code first:
55 </p>
56 <div class="informalexample">
57   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
58     <tbody>
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75         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting"><span class="function"><a href="gobject-Type-Information.html#G-DEFINE-TYPE-WITH-PRIVATE:CAPS">G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE</a></span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span>ViewerFile<span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span> viewer_file<span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span> G_TYPE_OBJECT<span class="gtkdoc opt">)</span>
77 <span class="gtkdoc kwb">static void</span>
78 <span class="function">viewer_file_class_init</span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span>ViewerFileClass <span class="gtkdoc opt">*</span>klass<span class="gtkdoc opt">)</span>
79 <span class="gtkdoc opt">{</span>
80 <span class="gtkdoc opt">}</span>
82 <span class="gtkdoc kwb">static void</span>
83 <span class="function">viewer_file_init</span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span>ViewerFile <span class="gtkdoc opt">*</span>self<span class="gtkdoc opt">)</span>
84 <span class="gtkdoc opt">{</span>
85   ViewerFilePrivate <span class="gtkdoc opt">*</span>priv <span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span> <span class="function">viewer_file_get_instance_private</span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span>self<span class="gtkdoc opt">);</span>
87   <span class="comment">/* initialize all public and private members to reasonable default values.</span>
88 <span class="comment">   * They are all automatically initialized to 0 to begin with. */</span>
89 <span class="gtkdoc opt">}</span></pre></td>
90       </tr>
91     </tbody>
92   </table>
93 </div>
95 <p>
96     </p>
97 <p>
98       If you need special construction properties (with
99       <a class="link" href="gobject-GParamSpec.html#G-PARAM-CONSTRUCT-ONLY:CAPS"><code class="function">G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY</code></a>
100       set), install the properties in
101       the <code class="function">class_init()</code> function, override the <code class="function">set_property()</code>
102       and <code class="function">get_property()</code> methods of the GObject class,
103       and implement them as described by <a class="xref" href="gobject-properties.html" title="Object properties">the section called “Object properties”</a>.
104     </p>
105 <p>
106       Property IDs must start from 1, as 0 is reserved for internal use by
107       GObject.
108 </p>
109 <div class="informalexample">
110   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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150         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting"><span class="gtkdoc kwb">enum</span>
151 <span class="gtkdoc opt">{</span>
152   PROP_FILENAME <span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span> <span class="number">1</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
153   PROP_ZOOM_LEVEL<span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
155 <span class="gtkdoc opt">};</span>
157 <span class="gtkdoc kwb">static</span> GParamSpec <span class="gtkdoc opt">*</span>obj_properties<span class="gtkdoc opt">[</span>N_PROPERTIES<span class="gtkdoc opt">] = {</span> NULL<span class="gtkdoc opt">, };</span>
159 <span class="gtkdoc kwb">static void</span>
160 <span class="function">viewer_file_class_init</span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span>ViewerFileClass <span class="gtkdoc opt">*</span>klass<span class="gtkdoc opt">)</span>
161 <span class="gtkdoc opt">{</span>
162   GObjectClass <span class="gtkdoc opt">*</span>object_class <span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span> <span class="function"><a href="gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#G-OBJECT-CLASS:CAPS">G_OBJECT_CLASS</a></span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span>klass<span class="gtkdoc opt">);</span>
164   object_class<span class="gtkdoc opt">-&gt;</span>set_property <span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span> viewer_file_set_property<span class="gtkdoc opt">;</span>
165   object_class<span class="gtkdoc opt">-&gt;</span>get_property <span class="gtkdoc opt">=</span> viewer_file_get_property<span class="gtkdoc opt">;</span>
167   obj_properties<span class="gtkdoc opt">[</span>PROP_FILENAME<span class="gtkdoc opt">] =</span>
168     <span class="function"><a href="gobject-Standard-Parameter-and-Value-Types.html#g-param-spec-string">g_param_spec_string</a></span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span><span class="string">&quot;filename&quot;</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
169                          <span class="string">&quot;Filename&quot;</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
170                          <span class="string">&quot;Name of the file to load and display from.&quot;</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
171                          NULL  <span class="comment">/* default value */</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
172                          G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY <span class="gtkdoc opt">|</span> G_PARAM_READWRITE<span class="gtkdoc opt">));</span>
174   obj_properties<span class="gtkdoc opt">[</span>PROP_ZOOM_LEVEL<span class="gtkdoc opt">] =</span>
175     <span class="function"><a href="gobject-Standard-Parameter-and-Value-Types.html#g-param-spec-uint">g_param_spec_uint</a></span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span><span class="string">&quot;zoom-level&quot;</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
176                        <span class="string">&quot;Zoom level&quot;</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
177                        <span class="string">&quot;Zoom level to view the file at.&quot;</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
178                        <span class="number">0</span>  <span class="comment">/* minimum value */</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
179                        <span class="number">10</span> <span class="comment">/* maximum value */</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
180                        <span class="number">2</span>  <span class="comment">/* default value */</span><span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
181                        G_PARAM_READWRITE<span class="gtkdoc opt">));</span>
183   <span class="function"><a href="gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#g-object-class-install-properties">g_object_class_install_properties</a></span> <span class="gtkdoc opt">(</span>object_class<span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
184                                      N_PROPERTIES<span class="gtkdoc opt">,</span>
185                                      obj_properties<span class="gtkdoc opt">);</span>
186 <span class="gtkdoc opt">}</span></pre></td>
187       </tr>
188     </tbody>
189   </table>
190 </div>
192 <p>
193       If you need this, make sure you can build and run code similar to the
194       code shown above. Also, make sure your construct properties can be set
195       without side effects during construction.
196     </p>
197 <p>
198       Some people sometimes need to complete the initialization of a instance
199       of a type only after the properties passed to the constructors have been
200       set. This is possible through the use of the <code class="function">constructor()</code>
201       class method as described in <a class="xref" href="chapter-gobject.html#gobject-instantiation" title="Object instantiation">the section called “Object instantiation”</a> or,
202       more simply, using the <code class="function">constructed()</code> class method.
203       Note that the <code class="function">constructed()</code>
204       virtual function will only be invoked after the properties marked as
205       <code class="function">G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY</code> or
206       <code class="function">G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT</code> have been consumed, but
207       before the regular properties passed to <code class="function">g_object_new()</code>
208       have been set.
209     </p>
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