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6     <title>Chapter 11.  Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store Applications</title>
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21           <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 11. 
22                 Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store Applications
23         </th>
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37             <h2 class="title"><a id="transapp"></a>Chapter 11. 
38                 Berkeley DB Transactional Data Store Applications
39         </h2>
40           </div>
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42       </div>
43       <div class="toc">
44         <p>
45           <b>Table of Contents</b>
46         </p>
47         <dl>
48           <dt>
49             <span class="sect1">
50               <a href="transapp.html#transapp_intro">Transactional Data Store introduction</a>
51             </span>
52           </dt>
53           <dt>
54             <span class="sect1">
55               <a href="transapp_why.html">Why transactions?</a>
56             </span>
57           </dt>
58           <dt>
59             <span class="sect1">
60               <a href="transapp_term.html">Terminology</a>
61             </span>
62           </dt>
63           <dt>
64             <span class="sect1">
65               <a href="transapp_fail.html">Handling failure in Transactional Data Store applications</a>
66             </span>
67           </dt>
68           <dt>
69             <span class="sect1">
70               <a href="transapp_app.html">Architecting Transactional Data Store applications</a>
71             </span>
72           </dt>
73           <dt>
74             <span class="sect1">
75               <a href="transapp_env_open.html">Opening the environment</a>
76             </span>
77           </dt>
78           <dt>
79             <span class="sect1">
80               <a href="transapp_data_open.html">Opening the databases</a>
81             </span>
82           </dt>
83           <dt>
84             <span class="sect1">
85               <a href="transapp_put.html">Recoverability and deadlock handling</a>
86             </span>
87           </dt>
88           <dt>
89             <span class="sect1">
90               <a href="transapp_atomicity.html">Atomicity</a>
91             </span>
92           </dt>
93           <dt>
94             <span class="sect1">
95               <a href="transapp_inc.html">Isolation</a>
96             </span>
97           </dt>
98           <dt>
99             <span class="sect1">
100               <a href="transapp_read.html">Degrees of isolation</a>
101             </span>
102           </dt>
103           <dd>
104             <dl>
105               <dt>
106                 <span class="sect2">
107                   <a href="transapp_read.html#snapshot_isolation">Snapshot Isolation</a>
108                 </span>
109               </dt>
110             </dl>
111           </dd>
112           <dt>
113             <span class="sect1">
114               <a href="transapp_cursor.html">Transactional cursors</a>
115             </span>
116           </dt>
117           <dt>
118             <span class="sect1">
119               <a href="transapp_nested.html">Nested transactions</a>
120             </span>
121           </dt>
122           <dt>
123             <span class="sect1">
124               <a href="transapp_admin.html">Environment infrastructure</a>
125             </span>
126           </dt>
127           <dt>
128             <span class="sect1">
129               <a href="transapp_deadlock.html">Deadlock detection</a>
130             </span>
131           </dt>
132           <dt>
133             <span class="sect1">
134               <a href="transapp_checkpoint.html">Checkpoints</a>
135             </span>
136           </dt>
137           <dt>
138             <span class="sect1">
139               <a href="transapp_archival.html">Database and log file archival</a>
140             </span>
141           </dt>
142           <dt>
143             <span class="sect1">
144               <a href="transapp_logfile.html">Log file removal</a>
145             </span>
146           </dt>
147           <dt>
148             <span class="sect1">
149               <a href="transapp_recovery.html">Recovery procedures</a>
150             </span>
151           </dt>
152           <dt>
153             <span class="sect1">
154               <a href="transapp_hotfail.html">Hot failover</a>
155             </span>
156           </dt>
157           <dt>
158             <span class="sect1">
159               <a href="transapp_journal.html">Using Recovery on Journaling Filesystems</a>
160             </span>
161           </dt>
162           <dt>
163             <span class="sect1">
164               <a href="transapp_filesys.html">Recovery and filesystem operations</a>
165             </span>
166           </dt>
167           <dt>
168             <span class="sect1">
169               <a href="transapp_reclimit.html">Berkeley DB recoverability</a>
170             </span>
171           </dt>
172           <dt>
173             <span class="sect1">
174               <a href="transapp_tune.html">Transaction tuning</a>
175             </span>
176           </dt>
177           <dt>
178             <span class="sect1">
179               <a href="transapp_throughput.html">Transaction throughput</a>
180             </span>
181           </dt>
182           <dt>
183             <span class="sect1">
184               <a href="transapp_faq.html">Transaction FAQ</a>
185             </span>
186           </dt>
187         </dl>
188       </div>
189       <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
190         <div class="titlepage">
191           <div>
192             <div>
193               <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="transapp_intro"></a>Transactional Data Store introduction</h2>
194             </div>
195           </div>
196         </div>
197         <p>It is difficult to write a useful transactional tutorial and still keep
198 within reasonable bounds of documentation; that is, without writing a
199 book on transactional programming.  We have two goals in this section:
200 to familiarize readers with the transactional interfaces of Berkeley DB and
201 to provide code building blocks that will be useful for creating
202 applications.</p>
203         <p>We have not attempted to present this information using a real-world
204 application.  First, transactional applications are often complex and
205 time-consuming to explain.  Also, one of our goals is to give you an
206 understanding of the wide variety of tools Berkeley DB makes available to you,
207 and no single application would use most of the interfaces included in
208 the Berkeley DB library.  For these reasons, we have chosen to simply present
209 the Berkeley DB data structures and programming solutions, using examples that
210 differ from page to page.  All the examples are included in a standalone
211 program you can examine, modify, and run; and from which you will be able
212 to extract code blocks for your own applications.  Fragments of the
213 program will be presented throughout this chapter, and the complete text
214 of the <a class="ulink" href="transapp.cs" target="_top">example program</a> for IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX)
215 standard systems is included in the Berkeley DB distribution.</p>
216       </div>
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222           <td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="cam_app.html">Prev</a> </td>
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224           <td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="transapp_why.html">Next</a></td>
225         </tr>
226         <tr>
227           <td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Architecting Data Store and Concurrent Data Store applications </td>
228           <td width="20%" align="center">
229             <a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a>
230           </td>
231           <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Why transactions?</td>
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