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21           <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 7. Standard Template Library API</th>
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35             <h2 class="title"><a id="stl"></a>Chapter 7. Standard Template Library API</h2>
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39       <div class="toc">
40         <p>
41           <b>Table of Contents</b>
42         </p>
43         <dl>
44           <dt>
45             <span class="sect1">
46               <a href="stl.html#stl_intro">Dbstl introduction</a>
47             </span>
48           </dt>
49           <dd>
50             <dl>
51               <dt>
52                 <span class="sect2">
53                   <a href="stl.html#stl_intro_stdcompat">Standards compatible</a>
54                 </span>
55               </dt>
56               <dt>
57                 <span class="sect2">
58                   <a href="stl.html#stl_intro_performance">Performance overhead</a>
59                 </span>
60               </dt>
61               <dt>
62                 <span class="sect2">
63                   <a href="stl.html#stl_intro_portability">Portability</a>
64                 </span>
65               </dt>
66             </dl>
67           </dd>
68           <dt>
69             <span class="sect1">
70               <a href="stl_usecase.html">Dbstl typical use cases</a>
71             </span>
72           </dt>
73           <dt>
74             <span class="sect1">
75               <a href="stl_examples.html">Dbstl examples</a>
76             </span>
77           </dt>
78           <dt>
79             <span class="sect1">
80               <a href="stl_db_usage.html">Berkeley DB configuration</a>
81             </span>
82           </dt>
83           <dd>
84             <dl>
85               <dt>
86                 <span class="sect2">
87                   <a href="stl_db_usage.html#idp1202384">Registering database and environment handles</a>
88                 </span>
89               </dt>
90               <dt>
91                 <span class="sect2">
92                   <a href="stl_db_usage.html#idp1225928">Truncate requirements</a>
93                 </span>
94               </dt>
95               <dt>
96                 <span class="sect2">
97                   <a href="stl_db_usage.html#idp1236168">Auto commit support</a>
98                 </span>
99               </dt>
100               <dt>
101                 <span class="sect2">
102                   <a href="stl_db_usage.html#idp1239792">Database and environment identity checks</a>
103                 </span>
104               </dt>
105               <dt>
106                 <span class="sect2">
107                   <a href="stl_db_usage.html#idp1236512">Products, constructors and configurations</a>
108                 </span>
109               </dt>
110             </dl>
111           </dd>
112           <dt>
113             <span class="sect1">
114               <a href="stl_db_advanced_usage.html">Using advanced Berkeley DB features with dbstl</a>
115             </span>
116           </dt>
117           <dd>
118             <dl>
119               <dt>
120                 <span class="sect2">
121                   <a href="stl_db_advanced_usage.html#idp1232296">Using bulk retrieval iterators</a>
122                 </span>
123               </dt>
124               <dt>
125                 <span class="sect2">
126                   <a href="stl_db_advanced_usage.html#idp1232520">Using the DB_RMW flag</a>
127                 </span>
128               </dt>
129               <dt>
130                 <span class="sect2">
131                   <a href="stl_db_advanced_usage.html#idp1199288">Using secondary index database and secondary containers</a>
132                 </span>
133               </dt>
134             </dl>
135           </dd>
136           <dt>
137             <span class="sect1">
138               <a href="stl_txn_usage.html">Using transactions in dbstl</a>
139             </span>
140           </dt>
141           <dt>
142             <span class="sect1">
143               <a href="stl_mt_usage.html">Using dbstl in multithreaded applications</a>
144             </span>
145           </dt>
146           <dt>
147             <span class="sect1">
148               <a href="stl_primitive_rw.html">Working with primitive types </a>
149             </span>
150           </dt>
151           <dd>
152             <dl>
153               <dt>
154                 <span class="sect2">
155                   <a href="stl_primitive_rw.html#idp1288424">Storing strings</a>
156                 </span>
157               </dt>
158             </dl>
159           </dd>
160           <dt>
161             <span class="sect1">
162               <a href="stl_complex_rw.html">Store and Retrieve data or objects of complex types </a>
163             </span>
164           </dt>
165           <dd>
166             <dl>
167               <dt>
168                 <span class="sect2">
169                   <a href="stl_complex_rw.html#idp1279008">Storing varying length objects</a>
170                 </span>
171               </dt>
172               <dt>
173                 <span class="sect2">
174                   <a href="stl_complex_rw.html#idp1278616">Storing arbitrary sequences</a>
175                 </span>
176               </dt>
177               <dt>
178                 <span class="sect2">
179                   <a href="stl_complex_rw.html#idp1344912">Notes</a>
180                 </span>
181               </dt>
182             </dl>
183           </dd>
184           <dt>
185             <span class="sect1">
186               <a href="stl_persistence.html">Dbstl persistence</a>
187             </span>
188           </dt>
189           <dd>
190             <dl>
191               <dt>
192                 <span class="sect2">
193                   <a href="stl_persistence.html#directdbget">Direct database get</a>
194                 </span>
195               </dt>
196               <dt>
197                 <span class="sect2">
198                   <a href="stl_persistence.html#chg_persistence">Change persistence</a>
199                 </span>
200               </dt>
201               <dt>
202                 <span class="sect2">
203                   <a href="stl_persistence.html#obj_life_persistence">Object life time and persistence </a>
204                 </span>
205               </dt>
206             </dl>
207           </dd>
208           <dt>
209             <span class="sect1">
210               <a href="stl_container_specific.html">Dbstl container specific notes</a>
211             </span>
212           </dt>
213           <dd>
214             <dl>
215               <dt>
216                 <span class="sect2">
217                   <a href="stl_container_specific.html#idp1313840">db_vector specific notes</a>
218                 </span>
219               </dt>
220               <dt>
221                 <span class="sect2">
222                   <a href="stl_container_specific.html#idp1381768">Associative container specific notes</a>
223                 </span>
224               </dt>
225             </dl>
226           </dd>
227           <dt>
228             <span class="sect1">
229               <a href="stl_efficienct_use.html">Using dbstl efficiently</a>
230             </span>
231           </dt>
232           <dd>
233             <dl>
234               <dt>
235                 <span class="sect2">
236                   <a href="stl_efficienct_use.html#idp1350664">Using iterators efficiently</a>
237                 </span>
238               </dt>
239               <dt>
240                 <span class="sect2">
241                   <a href="stl_efficienct_use.html#idp1350448">Using containers efficiently</a>
242                 </span>
243               </dt>
244             </dl>
245           </dd>
246           <dt>
247             <span class="sect1">
248               <a href="stl_memory_mgmt.html">Dbstl memory management</a>
249             </span>
250           </dt>
251           <dd>
252             <dl>
253               <dt>
254                 <span class="sect2">
255                   <a href="stl_memory_mgmt.html#idp1384984">Freeing memory</a>
256                 </span>
257               </dt>
258               <dt>
259                 <span class="sect2">
260                   <a href="stl_memory_mgmt.html#idp1389512">Type specific notes</a>
261                 </span>
262               </dt>
263             </dl>
264           </dd>
265           <dt>
266             <span class="sect1">
267               <a href="stl_misc.html">Dbstl miscellaneous notes</a>
268             </span>
269           </dt>
270           <dd>
271             <dl>
272               <dt>
273                 <span class="sect2">
274                   <a href="stl_misc.html#idp1407848">Special notes about trivial methods</a>
275                 </span>
276               </dt>
277               <dt>
278                 <span class="sect2">
279                   <a href="stl_misc.html#idp1421568">Using correct container and iterator public types</a>
280                 </span>
281               </dt>
282             </dl>
283           </dd>
284           <dt>
285             <span class="sect1">
286               <a href="stl_known_issues.html">Dbstl known issues</a>
287             </span>
288           </dt>
289         </dl>
290       </div>
291       <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
292         <div class="titlepage">
293           <div>
294             <div>
295               <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="stl_intro"></a>Dbstl introduction</h2>
296             </div>
297           </div>
298         </div>
299         <div class="toc">
300           <dl>
301             <dt>
302               <span class="sect2">
303                 <a href="stl.html#stl_intro_stdcompat">Standards compatible</a>
304               </span>
305             </dt>
306             <dt>
307               <span class="sect2">
308                 <a href="stl.html#stl_intro_performance">Performance overhead</a>
309               </span>
310             </dt>
311             <dt>
312               <span class="sect2">
313                 <a href="stl.html#stl_intro_portability">Portability</a>
314               </span>
315             </dt>
316           </dl>
317         </div>
318         <p>
319     Dbstl is a C++ STL style API that provides for Berkeley DB usage.  It
320     allows for the storage and retrieval of data/objects of any type using
321     Berkeley DB databases, but with an interface that mimics that of C++
322     STL containers. Dbstl provides access to all of the functionality of
323     Berkeley DB available via this STL-style API.
324 </p>
325         <p>
326     With proper configuration, dbstl is able to store/retrieve any complex
327     data types. There is no need to perform repetitive marshalling and
328     unmarshalling of data. Dbstl also properly manages the life-cycle of
329     all Berkeley DB structures and objects. All example methods referred to in this chapter
330 can be found in the StlAdvancedFeaturesExample class in the $DbSrc/examples_stl/StlAdvancedFeatures.cpp file, and you can
331 build the example in $DbSrc/build_unix directory like this: 
332 make exstl_advancedfeatures,
333 where DbSrc is the source directory for Berkeley DB.
334 </p>
335         <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
336           <div class="titlepage">
337             <div>
338               <div>
339                 <h3 class="title"><a id="stl_intro_stdcompat"></a>Standards compatible</h3>
340               </div>
341             </div>
342           </div>
343           <p>
344     Dbstl is composed of many container and iterator class templates. These
345     containers and iterators correspond exactly to each container and
346     iterator available in the C++ STL API, including identical sets of
347     methods. This allows existing algorithms, functions and
348     container-adapters for C++ STL to use dbstl containers through its
349     standard iterators. This means that existing STL code can manipulate
350     Berkeley DB databases. As a result, existing C++ STL code can very
351     easily use dbstl to gain persistence and transaction guarantees. 
352 </p>
353         </div>
354         <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
355           <div class="titlepage">
356             <div>
357               <div>
358                 <h3 class="title"><a id="stl_intro_performance"></a>Performance overhead</h3>
359               </div>
360             </div>
361           </div>
362           <p>
363     Because dbstl uses C++ template technologies, its performance overhead
364     is minimal.
365 </p>
366           <p>
367     The dbstl API performs almost equally to the C API, as measured by two
368     different implementations of the TPC-B benchmark:
369     <code class="literal">ex_tpcb</code> and <code class="literal">exstl_tpcb</code>.  
370 </p>
371         </div>
372         <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
373           <div class="titlepage">
374             <div>
375               <div>
376                 <h3 class="title"><a id="stl_intro_portability"></a>Portability</h3>
377               </div>
378             </div>
379           </div>
380           <p>
381     The degree to which dbstl is portable to a new platform is determined
382     by whether Berkeley DB is available on the platform, as well as whether
383     an appropriate C++ compiler is available on the platform.
384 </p>
385           <p>
386     For information on porting Berkeley DB to new platforms, see the
387     <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Porting Guide</em>.
388 </p>
389           <p>
390     Almost all the advanced C++ template features are used in dbstl, including:
391 </p>
392           <div class="itemizedlist">
393             <ul type="disc">
394               <li>
395                 <p>
396                 member function templates
397             </p>
398               </li>
399               <li>
400                 <p>
401                 member function template overloads
402             </p>
403               </li>
404               <li>
405                 <p>
406                 partial specialization
407             </p>
408               </li>
409               <li>
410                 <p>
411                 default template parameters.
412             </p>
413               </li>
414             </ul>
415           </div>
416           <p>
417         For this reason, you need a standards-compatible C++ compiler to
418         build dbstl. As of this writing, the following compilers are known
419         to build dbstl successfully:
420     </p>
421           <div class="itemizedlist">
422             <ul type="disc">
423               <li>
424                 <p>
425                 MSVC8
426             </p>
427               </li>
428               <li>
429                 <p>
430                 gcc3.4.4 and above
431             </p>
432               </li>
433               <li>
434                 <p>
435                 Intel C++ 9 and above
436             </p>
437               </li>
438             </ul>
439           </div>
440           <p>
441         For *nix platforms, if you can successfully configure your Berkeley
442         DB build script with <code class="literal">--enable-stl</code>, then you
443         should be able to successfully build dbstl library and application 
444         code using it.
445     </p>
446           <p>
447         Besides its own test suite, dbstl has also been tested against, 
448         and passes, the following test suites:
449     </p>
450           <div class="itemizedlist">
451             <ul type="disc">
452               <li>
453                 <p>
454                 MS STL test suite
455             </p>
456               </li>
457               <li>
458                 <p>
459                 SGI STL test suite
460             </p>
461               </li>
462             </ul>
463           </div>
464         </div>
465       </div>
466     </div>
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476           <td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter 6. C# API </td>
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478             <a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a>
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480           <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Dbstl typical use cases</td>
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