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21           <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 7. 
22                 Building Berkeley DB for UNIX/POSIX
23         </th>
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37             <h2 class="title"><a id="build_unix"></a>Chapter 7. 
38                 Building Berkeley DB for UNIX/POSIX
39         </h2>
40           </div>
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42       </div>
43       <div class="toc">
44         <p>
45           <b>Table of Contents</b>
46         </p>
47         <dl>
48           <dt>
49             <span class="sect1">
50               <a href="build_unix.html#build_unix_intro">Building for UNIX/POSIX</a>
51             </span>
52           </dt>
53           <dd>
54             <dl>
55               <dt>
56                 <span class="sect2">
57                   <a href="build_unix.html#build_unix_sqlinter">Building the Berkeley DB SQL Interface</a>
58                 </span>
59               </dt>
60             </dl>
61           </dd>
62           <dt>
63             <span class="sect1">
64               <a href="build_unix_conf.html">Configuring Berkeley DB</a>
65             </span>
66           </dt>
67           <dt>
68             <span class="sect1">
69               <a href="build_unix_sql.html">Configuring the SQL Interface</a>
70             </span>
71           </dt>
72           <dd>
73             <dl>
74               <dt>
75                 <span class="sect2">
76                   <a href="build_unix_sql.html#config_sql">Changing Compile Options</a>
77                 </span>
78               </dt>
79               <dt>
80                 <span class="sect2">
81                   <a href="build_unix_sql.html#idp249752">Enabling Extensions</a>
82                 </span>
83               </dt>
84               <dt>
85                 <span class="sect2">
86                   <a href="build_unix_sql.html#build_unix_jdbc">Building the JDBC Driver</a>
87                 </span>
88               </dt>
89               <dt>
90                 <span class="sect2">
91                   <a href="build_unix_sql.html#idp327120">Using the JDBC Driver</a>
92                 </span>
93               </dt>
94               <dt>
95                 <span class="sect2">
96                   <a href="build_unix_sql.html#idp349152">Building the ODBC Driver</a>
97                 </span>
98               </dt>
99               <dt>
100                 <span class="sect2">
101                   <a href="build_unix_sql.html#bfile">Building the BFILE extension</a>
102                 </span>
103               </dt>
104             </dl>
105           </dd>
106           <dt>
107             <span class="sect1">
108               <a href="build_unix_small.html">Building a small memory footprint library</a>
109             </span>
110           </dt>
111           <dt>
112             <span class="sect1">
113               <a href="build_unix_flags.html">Changing compile or load options</a>
114             </span>
115           </dt>
116           <dt>
117             <span class="sect1">
118               <a href="cross_compile_unix.html">Cross-Compiling on Unix</a>
119             </span>
120           </dt>
121           <dt>
122             <span class="sect1">
123               <a href="build_unix_install.html">Installing Berkeley DB</a>
124             </span>
125           </dt>
126           <dt>
127             <span class="sect1">
128               <a href="build_unix_shlib.html">Dynamic shared libraries</a>
129             </span>
130           </dt>
131           <dt>
132             <span class="sect1">
133               <a href="build_unix_test.html">Running the test suite under UNIX</a>
134             </span>
135           </dt>
136           <dd>
137             <dl>
138               <dt>
139                 <span class="sect2">
140                   <a href="build_unix_test.html#build_unix_test_sql">Building SQL Test Suite on Unix</a>
141                 </span>
142               </dt>
143             </dl>
144           </dd>
145           <dt>
146             <span class="sect1">
147               <a href="build_unix_notes.html">Architecture independent FAQ</a>
148             </span>
149           </dt>
150           <dt>
151             <span class="sect1">
152               <a href="build_unix_aix.html">AIX</a>
153             </span>
154           </dt>
155           <dt>
156             <span class="sect1">
157               <a href="build_unix_freebsd.html">FreeBSD</a>
158             </span>
159           </dt>
160           <dt>
161             <span class="sect1">
162               <a href="build_unix_iphone.html">Apple iOS (iPhone OS)</a>
163             </span>
164           </dt>
165           <dt>
166             <span class="sect1">
167               <a href="build_unix_irix.html">IRIX</a>
168             </span>
169           </dt>
170           <dt>
171             <span class="sect1">
172               <a href="build_unix_linux.html">Linux</a>
173             </span>
174           </dt>
175           <dt>
176             <span class="sect1">
177               <a href="build_unix_macosx.html">Mac OS X</a>
178             </span>
179           </dt>
180           <dt>
181             <span class="sect1">
182               <a href="build_unix_qnx.html">QNX</a>
183             </span>
184           </dt>
185           <dt>
186             <span class="sect1">
187               <a href="build_unix_sco.html">SCO</a>
188             </span>
189           </dt>
190           <dt>
191             <span class="sect1">
192               <a href="build_unix_solaris.html">Solaris</a>
193             </span>
194           </dt>
195           <dt>
196             <span class="sect1">
197               <a href="build_unix_sunos.html">SunOS</a>
198             </span>
199           </dt>
200         </dl>
201       </div>
202       <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
203         <div class="titlepage">
204           <div>
205             <div>
206               <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="build_unix_intro"></a>Building for UNIX/POSIX</h2>
207             </div>
208           </div>
209         </div>
210         <div class="toc">
211           <dl>
212             <dt>
213               <span class="sect2">
214                 <a href="build_unix.html#build_unix_sqlinter">Building the Berkeley DB SQL Interface</a>
215               </span>
216             </dt>
217           </dl>
218         </div>
219         <p>
220         The Berkeley DB distribution builds up to four separate libraries:
221         the base C API Berkeley DB library and the optional C++, Java, and
222         Tcl API libraries.  For portability reasons, each library is
223         standalone and contains the full Berkeley DB support necessary to
224         build applications; that is, the C++ API Berkeley DB library does
225         not require any other Berkeley DB libraries to build and run C++
226         applications.
227     </p>
228         <p>
229         Building for Linux, Apple iOS (known as iPhone OS previously), Mac OS X or the QNX Neutrino release is the same
230         as building for a conventional UNIX platform.
231     </p>
232         <p>
233         The Berkeley DB distribution uses the Free Software Foundation's
234         <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">autoconf</a>
235         and <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">libtool</a> 
236         tools to build on UNIX platforms.  In general, the standard
237         configuration and installation options for these tools apply to the
238         Berkeley DB distribution.
239     </p>
240         <p>
241         To perform a standard UNIX build of Berkeley DB, change to the 
242         <span class="bold"><strong>build_unix</strong></span>
243         directory and then enter the following two commands:
244     </p>
245         <pre class="programlisting">../dist/configure
246 make</pre>
247         <p>
248         This will build the Berkeley DB library.
249     </p>
250         <p>
251         To install the Berkeley DB library, enter the following command:
252     </p>
253         <pre class="programlisting">make install</pre>
254         <p>
255         To rebuild Berkeley DB, enter:
256     </p>
257         <pre class="programlisting">make clean
258 make</pre>
259         <p>
260         If you change your mind about how Berkeley DB is to be configured, you must
261         start from scratch by entering the following command:
262     </p>
263         <pre class="programlisting">make realclean
264 ../dist/configure
265 make</pre>
266         <p>
267         To uninstall Berkeley DB, enter:
268     </p>
269         <pre class="programlisting">make uninstall</pre>
270         <p>
271         To build multiple UNIX versions of Berkeley DB in the same source
272         tree, create a new directory at the same level as the build_unix
273         directory, and then configure and build in that directory as
274         described previously.
275     </p>
276         <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
277           <div class="titlepage">
278             <div>
279               <div>
280                 <h3 class="title"><a id="build_unix_sqlinter"></a>Building the Berkeley DB SQL Interface</h3>
281               </div>
282             </div>
283           </div>
284           <p>
285             To perform a standard UNIX build of the Berkeley DB SQL interface, go
286             to the <span class="bold"><strong>build_unix</strong></span> directory and then
287             enter the following two commands: 
288         </p>
289           <pre class="programlisting">../dist/configure --enable-sql
290 make </pre>
291           <p>
292             This creates a library, <code class="literal">libdb_sql</code>, and a command
293             line tool, <code class="literal">dbsql</code>. You can create and manipulate SQL
294             databases using the <code class="literal">dbsql</code> shell. 
295         </p>
296           <p>
297             You can optionally provide the <code class="literal">--enable-sql_compat</code>
298             argument to the <code class="literal">configure</code> script.  In addition to
299             creating <code class="literal">libdb_sql</code> and <code class="literal">dbsql</code> this
300             causes a thin wrapper library called <code class="literal">libsqlite3</code> and
301             a command line tool called <code class="literal">sqlite3</code> to be built. This
302             library can be used as a drop-in replacement for SQLite. The
303             <code class="literal">sqlite3</code> command line tool is identical to the
304             <code class="literal">dbsql</code> executable but is named so that existing
305             scripts for SQLite can easily work with Berkeley DB.
306         </p>
307           <pre class="programlisting">
308 ../dist/configure --enable-sql_compat
309 make </pre>
310           <p>
311             There are several arguments you can specify when configuring the
312             Berkeley DB SQL Interface. See 
313             <a class="xref" href="build_unix_sql.html" title="Configuring the SQL Interface">Configuring the SQL Interface</a> 
314             for more information.
315         </p>
316         </div>
317       </div>
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