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19                   <a href="#GSignondDigestPlugin.object-hierarchy" class="shortcut">Object Hierarchy</a></span>
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27 <a name="GSignondDigestPlugin"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
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30 <h2><span class="refentrytitle"><a name="GSignondDigestPlugin.top_of_page"></a>GSignondDigestPlugin</span></h2>
31 <p>GSignondDigestPlugin — a plugin that performs HTTP Digest authentication</p>
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35 <div class="refsect1">
36 <a name="GSignondDigestPlugin.object-hierarchy"></a><h2>Object Hierarchy</h2>
37 <pre class="screen">    <a href="">GObject</a>
38     <span class="lineart">╰──</span> GSignondDigestPlugin
39 </pre>
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41 <div class="refsect1">
42 <a name="GSignondDigestPlugin.includes"></a><h2>Includes</h2>
43 <pre class="synopsis">#include &lt;gsignond/gsignond-digest-plugin.h&gt;
44 </pre>
45 </div>
46 <div class="refsect1">
47 <a name="GSignondDigestPlugin.description"></a><h2>Description</h2>
48 <p><a class="link" href="GSignondDigestPlugin.html" title="GSignondDigestPlugin"><span class="type">GSignondDigestPlugin</span></a> performs HTTP Digest authentication without exposing
49 the password to the application. Digest authentication is described in </p>
50 <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">RFC 2617</a>.
51 <p>gsignond_plugin_request_initial() <em class="parameter"><code>session_data</code></em>
52  parameter should include
53 the following string items, whose meaning is described in the RFC: </p>
54 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
55 <li class="listitem"><p>username and secret. If they are absent, they are requested from the user
56 via gSSO UI.</p></li>
57 <li class="listitem"><p>realm, allowed realms, "Algo", "Nonce", "Method", "DigestUri" - mandatory items.</p></li>
58 <li class="listitem"><p>"NonceCount", "Qop", "HEntity". "NonceCount" must be present if "Qop" is
59 present, "HEntity" must be present if "Qop" is present and set to "auth-int".</p></li>
60 </ul></div>
61 <p>If the plugin has all the data to calculate the digest, it issues 
62 <a class="link" href="GSignondPlugin.html#GSignondPlugin-response-final" title="The “response-final” signal"><span class="type">“response-final”</span></a> signal. <em class="parameter"><code>session_data</code></em>
63  in that signal contains
64 the username, "CNonce" item and the digest value under the "Response" key.</p>
65 <p>If some of the data is incorrect or not available, <a class="link" href="GSignondPlugin.html#GSignondPlugin-error" title="The “error” signal"><span class="type">“error”</span></a>
66 signal is issued instead.</p>
67 <p><a class="link" href="GSignondPlugin.html#GSignondPlugin--type" title="The “type” property"><span class="type">“type”</span></a> property is set to "digest", and <a class="link" href="GSignondPlugin.html#GSignondPlugin--mechanisms" title="The “mechanisms” property"><span class="type">“mechanisms”</span></a> 
68 property contains a single entry "digest".</p>
69 </div>
70 <div class="refsect1">
71 <a name="GSignondDigestPlugin.functions_details"></a><h2>Functions</h2>
72 </div>
73 <div class="refsect1">
74 <a name="GSignondDigestPlugin.other_details"></a><h2>Types and Values</h2>
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