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32 <td valign="top">
33 <h2><span class="refentrytitle"><a name="clutter-Versioning-Macros.top_of_page"></a>Versioning Macros</span></h2>
34 <p>Versioning Macros — Versioning utility macros</p>
35 </td>
36 <td valign="top" align="right"></td>
37 </tr></table></div>
38 <div class="refsynopsisdiv">
39 <a name="clutter-Versioning-Macros.synopsis"></a><h2>Synopsis</h2>
40 <pre class="synopsis">#define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-MAJOR-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_MAJOR_VERSION">CLUTTER_MAJOR_VERSION</a>
41 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-MINOR-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_MINOR_VERSION">CLUTTER_MINOR_VERSION</a>
42 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-MICRO-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_MICRO_VERSION">CLUTTER_MICRO_VERSION</a>
43 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION">CLUTTER_VERSION</a>
44 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-S:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_S">CLUTTER_VERSION_S</a>
45 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-HEX:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_HEX">CLUTTER_VERSION_HEX</a>
47 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-CHECK-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION()">CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION</a>               (major,
48                                                          minor,
49                                                          micro)
51 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-FLAVOUR:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_FLAVOUR">CLUTTER_FLAVOUR</a>
52 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-COGL:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_COGL">CLUTTER_COGL</a>
53 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-NO-FPU:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_NO_FPU">CLUTTER_NO_FPU</a>
55 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-0:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0</a>
56 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-2:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2</a>
57 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-4:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_4">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_4</a>
58 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-6:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_6">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_6</a>
59 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-8:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8</a>
60 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-10:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_10">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_10</a>
61 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-MAX-ALLOWED:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED">CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED</a>
62 #define             <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-MIN-REQUIRED:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED">CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED</a>
64 extern const guint  <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#clutter-major-version" title="clutter_major_version">clutter_major_version</a>;
65 extern const guint  <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#clutter-minor-version" title="clutter_minor_version">clutter_minor_version</a>;
66 extern const guint  <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#clutter-micro-version" title="clutter_micro_version">clutter_micro_version</a>;
67 <span class="returnvalue">gboolean</span>            <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#clutter-check-version" title="clutter_check_version ()">clutter_check_version</a>               (<em class="parameter"><code><span class="type">guint</span> major</code></em>,
68                                                          <em class="parameter"><code><span class="type">guint</span> minor</code></em>,
69                                                          <em class="parameter"><code><span class="type">guint</span> micro</code></em>);
70 </pre>
71 </div>
72 <div class="refsect1">
73 <a name="clutter-Versioning-Macros.description"></a><h2>Description</h2>
74 <p>
75 Clutter offers a set of macros for checking the version of the library
76 at compile time; it also provides a function to perform the same check
77 at run time.
78 </p>
79 <p>
80 Clutter adds version information to both API deprecations and additions;
81 by definining the macros <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-MIN-REQUIRED:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED</code></a> and
82 <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-MAX-ALLOWED:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED</code></a>, you can specify the range of Clutter versions
83 whose API you want to use. Functions that were deprecated before, or
84 introduced after, this range will trigger compiler warnings. For instance,
85 if we define the following symbols:
86 </p>
87 <p>
88 </p>
89 <div class="informalexample">
90   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
91     <tbody>
92       <tr>
93         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1
94 2</pre></td>
95         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting"><span class="normal"><a href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-MIN-REQUIRED:CAPS">CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED</a> </span><span class="symbol">=</span><span class="normal"> <a href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-6:CAPS">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_6</a></span>
96 <span class="normal"><a href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-MAX-ALLOWED:CAPS">CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED</a>  </span><span class="symbol">=</span><span class="normal"> <a href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-8:CAPS">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8</a></span></pre></td>
97       </tr>
98     </tbody>
99   </table>
100 </div>
102 <p>
103 </p>
104 <p>
105 and we have the following functions annotated in the Clutter headers:
106 </p>
107 <p>
108 </p>
109 <div class="informalexample">
110   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
111     <tbody>
112       <tr>
113         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1
114 2
115 3
116 4</pre></td>
117         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting"><span class="type">void</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="function">clutter_function_A</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="symbol">(</span><span class="type">void</span><span class="symbol">)</span><span class="normal"> CLUTTER_DEPRECATED_IN_1_4</span><span class="symbol">;</span>
118 <span class="type">void</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="function">clutter_function_B</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="symbol">(</span><span class="type">void</span><span class="symbol">)</span><span class="normal"> CLUTTER_DEPRECATED_IN_1_6</span><span class="symbol">;</span>
119 <span class="type">void</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="function">clutter_function_C</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="symbol">(</span><span class="type">void</span><span class="symbol">)</span><span class="normal"> CLUTTER_AVAILABLE_IN_1_8</span><span class="symbol">;</span>
120 <span class="type">void</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="function">clutter_function_D</span><span class="normal"> </span><span class="symbol">(</span><span class="type">void</span><span class="symbol">)</span><span class="normal"> CLUTTER_AVAILABLE_IN_1_10</span><span class="symbol">;</span></pre></td>
121       </tr>
122     </tbody>
123   </table>
124 </div>
126 <p>
127 </p>
128 <p>
129 then any application code using the functions above will get the output:
130 </p>
131 <p>
132 </p>
133 <div class="informalexample">
134   <table class="listing_frame" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
135     <tbody>
136       <tr>
137         <td class="listing_lines" align="right"><pre>1
138 2
139 3
140 4</pre></td>
141         <td class="listing_code"><pre class="programlisting"><span class="normal">clutter_function_A</span><span class="symbol">:</span><span class="normal"> deprecation warning</span>
142 <span class="normal">clutter_function_B</span><span class="symbol">:</span><span class="normal"> no warning</span>
143 <span class="normal">clutter_function_C</span><span class="symbol">:</span><span class="normal"> no warning</span>
144 <span class="normal">clutter_function_D</span><span class="symbol">:</span><span class="normal"> symbol not available warning</span></pre></td>
145       </tr>
146     </tbody>
147   </table>
148 </div>
150 <p>
151 </p>
152 <p>
153 It is possible to disable the compiler warnings by defining the macro
154 <code class="literal">CLUTTER_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS</code> before including the clutter.h
155 header.
156 </p>
157 </div>
158 <div class="refsect1">
159 <a name="clutter-Versioning-Macros.details"></a><h2>Details</h2>
160 <div class="refsect2">
162 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_MAJOR_VERSION   (1)
163 </pre>
164 <p>
165 The major version of the Clutter library (1, if <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION</code></a> is 1.2.3)
166 </p>
167 </div>
168 <hr>
169 <div class="refsect2">
171 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_MINOR_VERSION   (10)
172 </pre>
173 <p>
174 The minor version of the Clutter library (2, if <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION</code></a> is 1.2.3)
175 </p>
176 </div>
177 <hr>
178 <div class="refsect2">
180 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_MICRO_VERSION   (0)
181 </pre>
182 <p>
183 The micro version of the Clutter library (3, if <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION</code></a> is 1.2.3)
184 </p>
185 </div>
186 <hr>
187 <div class="refsect2">
189 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION         1.10.0
190 </pre>
191 <p>
192 The full version of the Clutter library, like 1.2.3
193 </p>
194 </div>
195 <hr>
196 <div class="refsect2">
198 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION_S       "1.10.0"
199 </pre>
200 <p>
201 The full version of the Clutter library, in string form (suited for
202 string concatenation)
203 </p>
204 </div>
205 <hr>
206 <div class="refsect2">
208 <pre class="programlisting">#define             CLUTTER_VERSION_HEX</pre>
209 <p>
210 Numerically encoded version of the Clutter library, like 0x010203
211 </p>
212 </div>
213 <hr>
214 <div class="refsect2">
216 <pre class="programlisting">#define             CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION(major,minor,micro)</pre>
217 <p>
218 Evaluates to <code class="literal">TRUE</code> if the version of the Clutter library is greater
219 than <em class="parameter"><code>major</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>minor</code></em> and <em class="parameter"><code>micro</code></em>
220 </p>
221 <div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
222 <col align="left" valign="top">
223 <tbody>
224 <tr>
225 <td><p><span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>major</code></em> :</span></p></td>
226 <td>major version, like 1 in 1.2.3</td>
227 </tr>
228 <tr>
229 <td><p><span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>minor</code></em> :</span></p></td>
230 <td>minor version, like 2 in 1.2.3</td>
231 </tr>
232 <tr>
233 <td><p><span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>micro</code></em> :</span></p></td>
234 <td>micro version, like 3 in 1.2.3</td>
235 </tr>
236 </tbody>
237 </table></div>
238 </div>
239 <hr>
240 <div class="refsect2">
242 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_FLAVOUR         "deprecated"
243 </pre>
244 <div class="warning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
245 <h3 class="title">Warning</h3>
246 <p><code class="literal">CLUTTER_FLAVOUR</code> has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. The macro evaluates to "deprecated" as Clutter can be
247   compiled with multiple windowing system backends. Use the various
248   CLUTTER_WINDOWING_* macros to detect the windowing system that Clutter
249   is being compiled against, and the type check macros for the
250   <a class="link" href="ClutterBackend.html" title="ClutterBackend"><span class="type">ClutterBackend</span></a> for a run-time check.</p>
251 </div>
252 <p>
253 GL Windowing system used
254 </p>
255 <p class="since">Since 0.4</p>
256 </div>
257 <hr>
258 <div class="refsect2">
259 <a name="CLUTTER-COGL:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_COGL</h3>
260 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_COGL            "deprecated"
261 </pre>
262 <div class="warning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
263 <h3 class="title">Warning</h3>
264 <p><code class="literal">CLUTTER_COGL</code> has been deprecated since version 1.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. The macro evaluates to "deprecated" as Cogl can be
265   compiled against multiple GL implementations.</p>
266 </div>
267 <p>
268 Cogl (internal GL abstraction utility library) backend. Can be "gl" or
269 "gles" currently
270 </p>
271 <p class="since">Since 0.4</p>
272 </div>
273 <hr>
274 <div class="refsect2">
275 <a name="CLUTTER-NO-FPU:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_NO_FPU</h3>
276 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_NO_FPU          (0)
277 </pre>
278 <p>
279 Set to 1 if Clutter was built without FPU (i.e fixed math), 0 otherwise
280 </p>
281 <p>
282 <em class="parameter"><code>Deprecated</code></em>: 0.6: This macro is no longer defined (identical code is used
283  regardless the presence of FPU).
284 </p>
285 </div>
286 <hr>
287 <div class="refsect2">
288 <a name="CLUTTER-VERSION-1-0:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0</h3>
289 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0     (G_ENCODE_VERSION (1, 0))
290 </pre>
291 <p>
292 A macro that evaluates to the 1.0 version of Clutter, in a format
293 that can be used by the C pre-processor.
294 </p>
295 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
296 </div>
297 <hr>
298 <div class="refsect2">
299 <a name="CLUTTER-VERSION-1-2:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2</h3>
300 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2     (G_ENCODE_VERSION (1, 2))
301 </pre>
302 <p>
303 A macro that evaluates to the 1.2 version of Clutter, in a format
304 that can be used by the C pre-processor.
305 </p>
306 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
307 </div>
308 <hr>
309 <div class="refsect2">
310 <a name="CLUTTER-VERSION-1-4:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_VERSION_1_4</h3>
311 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION_1_4     (G_ENCODE_VERSION (1, 4))
312 </pre>
313 <p>
314 A macro that evaluates to the 1.4 version of Clutter, in a format
315 that can be used by the C pre-processor.
316 </p>
317 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
318 </div>
319 <hr>
320 <div class="refsect2">
321 <a name="CLUTTER-VERSION-1-6:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_VERSION_1_6</h3>
322 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION_1_6     (G_ENCODE_VERSION (1, 6))
323 </pre>
324 <p>
325 A macro that evaluates to the 1.6 version of Clutter, in a format
326 that can be used by the C pre-processor.
327 </p>
328 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
329 </div>
330 <hr>
331 <div class="refsect2">
332 <a name="CLUTTER-VERSION-1-8:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8</h3>
333 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8     (G_ENCODE_VERSION (1, 8))
334 </pre>
335 <p>
336 A macro that evaluates to the 1.8 version of Clutter, in a format
337 that can be used by the C pre-processor.
338 </p>
339 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
340 </div>
341 <hr>
342 <div class="refsect2">
343 <a name="CLUTTER-VERSION-1-10:CAPS"></a><h3>CLUTTER_VERSION_1_10</h3>
344 <pre class="programlisting">#define CLUTTER_VERSION_1_10    (G_ENCODE_VERSION (1, 10))
345 </pre>
346 <p>
347 A macro that evaluates to the 1.10 version of Clutter, in a format
348 that can be used by the C pre-processor.
349 </p>
350 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
351 </div>
352 <hr>
353 <div class="refsect2">
355 <pre class="programlisting">#  define CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED   CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED
356 </pre>
357 <p>
358 A macro that should be define by the user prior to including the
359 clutter.h header.
360 </p>
361 <p>
362 The definition should be one of the predefined Clutter version macros,
363 such as: <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-0:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0</code></a>, <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-2:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2</code></a>, ...
364 </p>
365 <p>
366 This macro defines the upper bound for the Clutter API to be used.
367 </p>
368 <p>
369 If a function has been introduced in a newer version of Clutter, it
370 is possible to use this symbol to get compiler warnings when trying
371 to use that function.
372 </p>
373 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
374 </div>
375 <hr>
376 <div class="refsect2">
378 <pre class="programlisting"># define CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED   (CLUTTER_VERSION_PREV_STABLE)
379 </pre>
380 <p>
381 A macro that should be defined by the user prior to including the
382 clutter.h header.
383 </p>
384 <p>
385 The definition should be one of the predefined Clutter version macros,
386 such as: <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-0:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_0</code></a>, <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-VERSION-1-2:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_VERSION_1_2</code></a>, ...
387 </p>
388 <p>
389 This macro defines the lower bound for the Clutter API to be used.
390 </p>
391 <p>
392 If a function has been deprecated in a newer version of Clutter, it
393 is possible to use this symbol to avoid the compiler warnings without
394 disabling warnings for every deprecated function.
395 </p>
396 <p class="since">Since 1.10</p>
397 </div>
398 <hr>
399 <div class="refsect2">
400 <a name="clutter-major-version"></a><h3>clutter_major_version</h3>
401 <pre class="programlisting">extern const guint clutter_major_version;
402 </pre>
403 <p>
404 The major component of the Clutter library version, e.g. 1 if the version
405 is 1.2.3
406 </p>
407 <p>
408 This value can be used for run-time version checks
409 </p>
410 <p>
411 For a compile-time check, use <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-MAJOR-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_MAJOR_VERSION"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_MAJOR_VERSION</code></a>
412 </p>
413 <p class="since">Since 1.2</p>
414 </div>
415 <hr>
416 <div class="refsect2">
417 <a name="clutter-minor-version"></a><h3>clutter_minor_version</h3>
418 <pre class="programlisting">extern const guint clutter_minor_version;
419 </pre>
420 <p>
421 The minor component of the Clutter library version, e.g. 2 if the version
422 is 1.2.3
423 </p>
424 <p>
425 This value can be used for run-time version checks
426 </p>
427 <p>
428 For a compile-time check, use <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-MINOR-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_MINOR_VERSION"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_MINOR_VERSION</code></a>
429 </p>
430 <p class="since">Since 1.2</p>
431 </div>
432 <hr>
433 <div class="refsect2">
434 <a name="clutter-micro-version"></a><h3>clutter_micro_version</h3>
435 <pre class="programlisting">extern const guint clutter_micro_version;
436 </pre>
437 <p>
438 The micro component of the Clutter library version, e.g. 3 if the version
439 is 1.2.3
440 </p>
441 <p>
442 This value can be used for run-time version checks
443 </p>
444 <p>
445 For a compile-time check, use <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-MICRO-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_MICRO_VERSION"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_MICRO_VERSION</code></a>
446 </p>
447 <p class="since">Since 1.2</p>
448 </div>
449 <hr>
450 <div class="refsect2">
451 <a name="clutter-check-version"></a><h3>clutter_check_version ()</h3>
452 <pre class="programlisting"><span class="returnvalue">gboolean</span>            clutter_check_version               (<em class="parameter"><code><span class="type">guint</span> major</code></em>,
453                                                          <em class="parameter"><code><span class="type">guint</span> minor</code></em>,
454                                                          <em class="parameter"><code><span class="type">guint</span> micro</code></em>);</pre>
455 <p>
456 Run-time version check, to check the version the Clutter library
457 that an application is currently linked against
458 </p>
459 <p>
460 This is the run-time equivalent of the compile-time <a class="link" href="clutter-Versioning-Macros.html#CLUTTER-CHECK-VERSION:CAPS" title="CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION()"><code class="literal">CLUTTER_CHECK_VERSION</code></a>
461 pre-processor macro
462 </p>
463 <div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
464 <col align="left" valign="top">
465 <tbody>
466 <tr>
467 <td><p><span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>major</code></em> :</span></p></td>
468 <td>major version, like 1 in 1.2.3</td>
469 </tr>
470 <tr>
471 <td><p><span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>minor</code></em> :</span></p></td>
472 <td>minor version, like 2 in 1.2.3</td>
473 </tr>
474 <tr>
475 <td><p><span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>micro</code></em> :</span></p></td>
476 <td>micro version, like 3 in 1.2.3</td>
477 </tr>
478 <tr>
479 <td><p><span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span> :</span></p></td>
480 <td>
481 <code class="literal">TRUE</code> if the version of the Clutter library is
482 greater than (<em class="parameter"><code>major</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>minor</code></em>, <em class="parameter"><code>micro</code></em>), and <code class="literal">FALSE</code> otherwise</td>
483 </tr>
484 </tbody>
485 </table></div>
486 <p class="since">Since 1.2</p>
487 </div>
488 </div>
489 </div>
490 <div class="footer">
491 <hr>
492           Generated by GTK-Doc V1.18.1</div>
493 </body>
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