media-export: Drop file suffix filter
[profile/ivi/rygel.git] / doc / man / rygel.xml
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28 Alternatively use the xmlto command/package. That will also automatically
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31 Notes for using docbook2x: docbook2x-man does not automatically create the
32 AUTHOR(S) and COPYRIGHT sections. In this case, please add them manually as
33 <refsect1> ... </refsect1>.
35 To disable the automatic creation of the AUTHOR(S) and COPYRIGHT sections
36 read /usr/share/doc/docbook-xsl/doc/manpages/authors.html. This file can be
37 found in the docbook-xsl-doc-html package.
39 Validation can be done using: `xmllint -''-noout -''-valid manpage.xml`
41 General documentation about man-pages and man-page-formatting:
42 man(1), man(7),
44 -->
46   <!-- Fill in your name for FIRSTNAME and SURNAME. -->
47   <!ENTITY dhfirstname "Jens">
48   <!ENTITY dhsurname   "Georg">
49   <!-- dhusername could also be set to "&firstname; &surname;". -->
50   <!ENTITY dhusername  "Jens Georg">
51   <!ENTITY dhemail     "">
52   <!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection other parameters are
53        allowed: see man(7), man(1) and
54 -->
55   <!ENTITY dhsection   "1">
56   <!-- TITLE should be something like "User commands" or similar (see
57 -->
58   <!ENTITY dhtitle     "Rygel User Manual">
59   <!ENTITY dhucpackage "RYGEL">
60   <!ENTITY dhpackage   "rygel">
61 ]>
62 <refentry>
63   <refentryinfo>
64     <title>&dhtitle;</title>
65     <productname>&dhpackage;</productname>
66     <authorgroup>
67       <author>
68         <firstname>&dhfirstname;</firstname>
69         <surname>&dhsurname;</surname>
70         <contrib>Wrote this manpage.</contrib>
71         <address>
72           <email>&dhemail;</email>
73         </address>
74       </author>
75     </authorgroup>
76   </refentryinfo>
77   <refmeta>
78     <refentrytitle>&dhucpackage;</refentrytitle>
79     <manvolnum>&dhsection;</manvolnum>
80   </refmeta>
81   <refnamediv>
82     <refname>&dhpackage;</refname>
83     <refpurpose>a collection of DLNA/UPnP AV services </refpurpose>
84   </refnamediv>
85   <refsynopsisdiv>
86     <cmdsynopsis>
87       <command>&dhpackage;</command>
88 <!-- These are several examples, how syntaxes could look -->      <arg choice="opt">
89         <option>options</option>
90       </arg>
91     </cmdsynopsis>
92   </refsynopsisdiv>
93   <refsect1 id="description">
94     <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
95     <para><command>&dhpackage;</command> is a home media solution that allows you to easily share audio, video and
96 pictures, and control of media player on your home network. In technical terms
97 it is both a UPnP AV MediaServer and MediaRenderer implemented through a
98 plug-in mechanism. Interoperability with other devices in the market is
99 achieved by conformance to very strict requirements of DLNA and on the fly
100 conversion of media to format that client devices are capable of
101 handling.</para>
102   </refsect1>
103   <refsect1 id="options">
104     <title>OPTIONS</title>
105     <para>The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax,
106       with long options starting with two dashes (`-&apos;).  A summary of
107       options is included below.</para>
108     <variablelist>
109 <!-- Use the variablelist.term.separator and the
110            variablelist.term.break.after parameters to
111            control the term elements. -->      <varlistentry>
112         <term>
113           <option>-h</option>
114         </term>
115         <term>
116           <option>--help</option>
117         </term>
118         <listitem>
119           <para>Show summary of options.</para>
120         </listitem>
121       </varlistentry>
122       <varlistentry>
123         <term>
124           <option>--help-all</option>
125         </term>
126         <listitem>
127           <para>Show all help options.</para>
128         </listitem>
129       </varlistentry>
130       <varlistentry>
131         <term>
132           <option>--help-gst</option>
133         </term>
134         <listitem>
135           <para>Show GStreamer related help options.</para>
136         </listitem>
137       </varlistentry>
138       <varlistentry>
139         <term>
140           <option>--version</option>
141         </term>
142         <listitem>
143           <para>Show version of program.</para>
144         </listitem>
145       </varlistentry>
146       <varlistentry>
147         <term>
148           <option>-n</option>
149         </term>
150         <term>
151           <option>--network-interface=<replaceable>INTERFACE</replaceable></option>
152         </term>
153         <listitem>
154           <para>Set the network-interface rygel listens on.</para>
155         </listitem>
156       </varlistentry>
157       <varlistentry>
158         <term>
159           <option>-p</option>
160         </term>
161         <term>
162           <option>--port=<replaceable>PORT</replaceable></option>
163         </term>
164         <listitem>
165           <para>Set the listen-port.</para>
166         </listitem>
167       </varlistentry>
168       <varlistentry>
169         <term>
170           <option>-t</option>
171         </term>
172         <term>
173           <option>--disable-transcoding</option>
174         </term>
175         <listitem>
176           <para>Disable any transcoding.</para>
177         </listitem>
178       </varlistentry>
179       <varlistentry>
180         <term>
181           <option>-m</option>
182         </term>
183         <term>
184           <option>--disable-mp3-transcoder</option>
185         </term>
186         <listitem>
187           <para>Disable transcoding to MP3.</para>
188         </listitem>
189       </varlistentry>
190       <varlistentry>
191         <term>
192           <option>-s</option>
193         </term>
194         <term>
195           <option>--disable-mp2ts-transcoder</option>
196         </term>
197         <listitem>
198           <para>Disable transcoding to MPEG2 in TS container.</para>
199         </listitem>
200       </varlistentry>
201       <varlistentry>
202         <term>
203           <option>-l</option>
204         </term>
205         <term>
206           <option>--disable-lpcm-transcoder</option>
207         </term>
208         <listitem>
209           <para>Disable transcoding to Linear PCM.</para>
210         </listitem>
211       </varlistentry>
212       <varlistentry>
213         <term>
214           <option>-w</option>
215         </term>
216         <term>
217           <option>--disable-wmv-transcoder</option>
218         </term>
219         <listitem>
220           <para>Disable transcoding to WMV.</para>
221         </listitem>
222       </varlistentry>
223       <varlistentry>
224         <term>
225           <option>-a</option>
226         </term>
227         <term>
228           <option>--disable-aac-transcoder</option>
229         </term>
230         <listitem>
231           <para>Disable transcoding to AAC.</para>
232         </listitem>
233       </varlistentry>
234       <varlistentry>
235         <term>
236           <option>-z</option>
237         </term>
238         <term>
239           <option>--disable-avc-transcoder</option>
240         </term>
241         <listitem>
242           <para>Disable transcoding to AVC.</para>
243         </listitem>
244       </varlistentry>
245       <varlistentry>
246         <term>
247           <option>-U</option>
248         </term>
249         <term>
250           <option>--disallow-upload</option>
251         </term>
252         <listitem>
253           <para>Disable uploading of media files via UPnP.</para>
254         </listitem>
255       </varlistentry>
256       <varlistentry>
257         <term>
258           <option>-D</option>
259         </term>
260         <term>
261           <option>--disallow-deletion</option>
262         </term>
263         <listitem>
264           <para>UPnP clients are not allowed to delete media files on the server.</para>
265         </listitem>
266       </varlistentry>
267       <varlistentry>
268         <term>
269           <option>-g</option>
270         </term>
271         <term>
272           <option>--log-level=<replaceable>LEVEL</replaceable></option>
273         </term>
274         <listitem>
275           <para>Comma-separated list of <replaceable>DOMAIN</replaceable>:<replaceable>LEVEL</replaceable> pairs, allowing to set the log level individually for each domain, where <replaceable>DOMAIN</replaceable> is eiher <userinput>&quot;*&quot;</userinput>, &quot;<userinput>rygel</userinput>&quot; or the name of a plugin. Allowed log levels are 1=critical, 2=error, 3=warning, 4=message/info,
276             5=debug.
277           </para>
278         </listitem>
279       </varlistentry>
280       <varlistentry>
281         <term>
282           <option>-u</option>
283         </term>
284         <term>
285           <option>--plugin-path=<replaceable>PATH</replaceable></option>
286         </term>
287         <listitem>
288           <para>Set the plugin search path.</para>
289         </listitem>
290       </varlistentry>
291       <varlistentry>
292         <term>
293           <option>-d</option>
294         </term>
295         <term>
296           <option>--disable-plugin=<replaceable>PLUGIN_NAME</replaceable></option>
297         </term>
298         <listitem>
299           <para>Disable the plugin <replaceable>PLUGIN_NAME</replaceable>.</para>
300         </listitem>
301       </varlistentry>
302       <varlistentry>
303         <term>
304           <option>-i</option>
305         </term>
306         <term>
307           <option>--title=<replaceable>PLUGIN_NAME</replaceable>:<replaceable>TITLE</replaceable></option>
308         </term>
309         <listitem>
310           <para>Set the title of plugin <replaceable>PLUGIN_NAME</replaceable> to <replaceable>TITLE</replaceable> You can use this option more than once for every plugin you want to set the name of.</para>
311         </listitem>
312       </varlistentry>
313       <varlistentry>
314         <term>
315           <option>-o</option>
316         </term>
317         <term>
318           <option>--plugin-option=<replaceable>PLUGIN_NAME</replaceable>:</option>
319           <option><replaceable>OPTION</replaceable>:<replaceable>VALUE1[,VALUE2,…]</replaceable></option>
320         </term>
321         <listitem>
322           <para>Set options for a plugin.</para>
323         </listitem>
324       </varlistentry>
325       <varlistentry>
326         <term>
327           <option>-P</option>
328         </term>
329         <term>
330           <option>--disable-upnp</option>
331         </term>
332         <listitem>
333           <para>Disable advertisement via UPnP and set <application>&dhpackage;</application> into streaming-only mode.</para>
334         </listitem>
335       </varlistentry>
336       <varlistentry>
337         <term>
338           <option>-c</option>
339           <option>--config=<replaceable>CONFIG_FILE</replaceable></option>
340         </term>
341         <listitem>
342           <para>Use <replaceable>CONFIG_FILE</replaceable> instead of <filename>${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/rygel.conf</filename>.</para>
343         </listitem>
344       </varlistentry>
345     </variablelist>
346   </refsect1>
347   <refsect1 id="files">
348     <title>FILES</title>
349     <variablelist>
350       <varlistentry>
351         <term>
352           <filename>/etc/rygel.conf</filename>
353         </term>
354         <listitem>
355           <para>The system-wide configuration file to control the
356             behaviour of <application>&dhpackage;</application>. See
357             <citerefentry>
358               <refentrytitle>rygel.conf</refentrytitle>
359               <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
360             </citerefentry> for further details.</para>
361         </listitem>
362       </varlistentry>
363       <varlistentry>
364         <term>
365           <filename>${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/rygel.conf</filename>
366         </term>
367         <listitem>
368           <para>The per-user configuration file to control the
369              behaviour of <application>&dhpackage;</application>. See
370              <citerefentry>
371               <refentrytitle>rygel.conf</refentrytitle>
372               <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
373             </citerefentry> for further details.</para>
374         </listitem>
375       </varlistentry>
376       <varlistentry>
377         <term>
378           <filename>${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/Rygel/*.xml</filename>
379         </term>
380         <listitem>
381           <para>Cached UPnP device description files.</para>
382         </listitem>
383       </varlistentry>
384     </variablelist>
385   </refsect1>
386   <refsect1 id="environment">
387     <title>ENVIONMENT</title>
388     <variablelist>
389       <varlistentry>
390         <term>
391           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_UPNP</envar>
392         </term>
393         <listitem>
394           <para>Disable advertisement via UPnP and set <application>&dhpackage;</application> into streaming-only mode.</para>
395         </listitem>
396       </varlistentry>
397       <varlistentry>
398         <term>
399           <envar>RYGEL_IFACE</envar>
400         </term>
401         <listitem>
402           <para>Set the network interface to bind to.</para>
403         </listitem>
404       </varlistentry>
405       <varlistentry>
406         <term>
407           <envar>RYGEL_PORT</envar>
408         </term>
409         <listitem>
410           <para>Define the network port to  bind to.</para>
411         </listitem>
412       </varlistentry>
413       <varlistentry>
414         <term>
415           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_TRANSCODING</envar>
416         </term>
417         <listitem>
418           <para>Disable transcoding globally.</para>
419         </listitem>
420       </varlistentry>
421       <varlistentry>
422         <term>
423           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_MP3_TRANS</envar>
424         </term>
425         <listitem>
426           <para>Disable the MP3 transcoder.</para>
427         </listitem>
428       </varlistentry>
429       <varlistentry>
430         <term>
431           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_LPCM_TRANS</envar>
432         </term>
433         <listitem>
434           <para>Disable the Linear PCM transcoder.</para>
435         </listitem>
436       </varlistentry>
437       <varlistentry>
438         <term>
439           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_MP2TS_TRANS</envar>
440         </term>
441         <listitem>
442           <para>Disable the MPEG2 in TS transcoder.</para>
443         </listitem>
444       </varlistentry>
445       <varlistentry>
446         <term>
447           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_WMV_TRANS</envar>
448         </term>
449         <listitem>
450           <para>Disable transcoding to WMV format.</para>
451         </listitem>
452       </varlistentry>
453       <varlistentry>
454         <term>
455           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_AAC_TRANS</envar>
456         </term>
457         <listitem>
458           <para>Disable transcoding to AAC format.</para>
459         </listitem>
460       </varlistentry>
461       <varlistentry>
462         <term>
463           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_AVC_TRANS</envar>
464         </term>
465         <listitem>
466           <para>Disable transcoding to AVC format.</para>
467         </listitem>
468       </varlistentry>
469       <varlistentry>
470         <term>
471           <envar>RYGEL_LOG</envar>
472         </term>
473         <listitem>
474           <para>Set the log level of <application>&dhpackage;</application>.</para>
475         </listitem>
476       </varlistentry>
477       <varlistentry>
478         <term>
479           <envar>RYGEL_PLUGIN_PATH</envar>
480         </term>
481         <listitem>
482           <para>Set the plugin search path of <application>&dhpackage;</application>.</para>
483         </listitem>
484       </varlistentry>
485       <varlistentry>
486         <term>
487           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_UPLOAD</envar>
488         </term>
489         <listitem>
490           <para>Disable media file upload via UPnP.</para>
491         </listitem>
492       </varlistentry>
493       <varlistentry>
494         <term>
495           <envar>RYGEL_DISABLE_DELETION</envar>
496         </term>
497         <listitem>
498           <para>Disable remote file deletion via UPnP.</para>
499         </listitem>
500       </varlistentry>
501       <varlistentry>
502         <term>
503           <envar>RYGEL_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT</envar>
504         </term>
505         <listitem>
506           <para>Set the time-out for finding the plugins. Useful to increase when running inside valgrind.</para>
507         </listitem>
508       </varlistentry>
509     </variablelist>
510     <para>Also for every plugin you can set the following environment variables:</para>
511     <para><variablelist>
512         <varlistentry>
513           <term>
514             <envar>RYGEL_PLUGIN_NAME_TITLE</envar>
515           </term>
516           <listitem>
517             <para>Set the title of the plugin.</para>
518           </listitem>
519         </varlistentry>
520         <varlistentry>
521           <term>
522             <envar>RYGEL_PLUGIN_NAME_ENABLED</envar>
523           </term>
524           <listitem>
525             <para>Enable or disable the plugin.</para>
526           </listitem>
527         </varlistentry>
528       </variablelist></para>
529   </refsect1>
530   <refsect1 id="bugs">
531 <!-- Or use this section to tell about upstream BTS. -->    <title>BUGS</title>
532     <para>The  <acronym>BTS</acronym> can be found
533       at <ulink url=""/>.</para>
534   </refsect1>
535   <refsect1 id="see_also">
536     <title>SEE ALSO</title>
537 <!-- In alpabetical order. -->    <para><citerefentry>
538         <refentrytitle>rygel.conf</refentrytitle>
539         <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
540       </citerefentry></para>
541   </refsect1>
542 </refentry>