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48 <div class="title">json_pointer.h File Reference</div>  </div>
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52 <p>JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) implementation for retrieving objects from a json-c object tree.  
53 <a href="#details">More...</a></p>
54 <table class="memberdecls">
55 <tr class="heading"><td colspan="2"><h2 class="groupheader"><a name="func-members"></a>
56 Functions</h2></td></tr>
57 <tr class="memitem:aff88937e32b0ba6ffbd07cb4b1919053"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#aff88937e32b0ba6ffbd07cb4b1919053">json_pointer_get</a> (struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *obj, const char *path, struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **res)</td></tr>
58 <tr class="separator:aff88937e32b0ba6ffbd07cb4b1919053"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
59 <tr class="memitem:af0ac03df64b215d05041e8007ed0233d"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#af0ac03df64b215d05041e8007ed0233d">json_pointer_getf</a> (struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *obj, struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **res, const char *path_fmt,...)</td></tr>
60 <tr class="separator:af0ac03df64b215d05041e8007ed0233d"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
61 <tr class="memitem:aef0e651f63ce5ce35648503705e2586b"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#aef0e651f63ce5ce35648503705e2586b">json_pointer_set</a> (struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **obj, const char *path, struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *value)</td></tr>
62 <tr class="separator:aef0e651f63ce5ce35648503705e2586b"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
63 <tr class="memitem:a66f1f98a2ce085c19f6750193b4c726d"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int&#160;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#a66f1f98a2ce085c19f6750193b4c726d">json_pointer_setf</a> (struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **obj, struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *value, const char *path_fmt,...)</td></tr>
64 <tr class="separator:a66f1f98a2ce085c19f6750193b4c726d"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2">&#160;</td></tr>
65 </table>
66 <a name="details" id="details"></a><h2 class="groupheader">Detailed Description</h2>
67 <div class="textblock"><p>JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) implementation for retrieving objects from a json-c object tree. </p>
68 </div><h2 class="groupheader">Function Documentation</h2>
69 <a class="anchor" id="aff88937e32b0ba6ffbd07cb4b1919053"></a>
70 <div class="memitem">
71 <div class="memproto">
72       <table class="memname">
73         <tr>
74           <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int json_pointer_get </td>
75           <td>(</td>
76           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *&#160;</td>
77           <td class="paramname"><em>obj</em>, </td>
78         </tr>
79         <tr>
80           <td class="paramkey"></td>
81           <td></td>
82           <td class="paramtype">const char *&#160;</td>
83           <td class="paramname"><em>path</em>, </td>
84         </tr>
85         <tr>
86           <td class="paramkey"></td>
87           <td></td>
88           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **&#160;</td>
89           <td class="paramname"><em>res</em>&#160;</td>
90         </tr>
91         <tr>
92           <td></td>
93           <td>)</td>
94           <td></td><td></td>
95         </tr>
96       </table>
97 </div><div class="memdoc">
98 <p>Retrieves a JSON sub-object from inside another JSON object using the JSON pointer notation as defined in RFC 6901 <a href=""></a></p>
99 <p>The returned JSON sub-object is equivalent to parsing manually the 'obj' JSON tree ; i.e. it's not a new object that is created, but rather a pointer inside the JSON tree.</p>
100 <p>Internally, this is equivalent to doing a series of '<a class="el" href="json__object_8h.html#a1a097805abb53b4c8a60d573730a8939">json_object_object_get()</a>' and '<a class="el" href="json__object_8h.html#a676711a76545d4ec65cc75f100f5fd19">json_object_array_get_idx()</a>' along the given 'path'.</p>
101 <dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
102   <table class="params">
103     <tr><td class="paramname">obj</td><td>the json_object instance/tree from where to retrieve sub-objects </td></tr>
104     <tr><td class="paramname">path</td><td>a (RFC6901) string notation for the sub-object to retrieve </td></tr>
105     <tr><td class="paramname">res</td><td>a pointer that stores a reference to the json_object associated with the given path</td></tr>
106   </table>
107   </dd>
108 </dl>
109 <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>negative if an error (or not found), or 0 if succeeded </dd></dl>
111 </div>
112 </div>
113 <a class="anchor" id="af0ac03df64b215d05041e8007ed0233d"></a>
114 <div class="memitem">
115 <div class="memproto">
116       <table class="memname">
117         <tr>
118           <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int json_pointer_getf </td>
119           <td>(</td>
120           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *&#160;</td>
121           <td class="paramname"><em>obj</em>, </td>
122         </tr>
123         <tr>
124           <td class="paramkey"></td>
125           <td></td>
126           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **&#160;</td>
127           <td class="paramname"><em>res</em>, </td>
128         </tr>
129         <tr>
130           <td class="paramkey"></td>
131           <td></td>
132           <td class="paramtype">const char *&#160;</td>
133           <td class="paramname"><em>path_fmt</em>, </td>
134         </tr>
135         <tr>
136           <td class="paramkey"></td>
137           <td></td>
138           <td class="paramtype">&#160;</td>
139           <td class="paramname"><em>...</em>&#160;</td>
140         </tr>
141         <tr>
142           <td></td>
143           <td>)</td>
144           <td></td><td></td>
145         </tr>
146       </table>
147 </div><div class="memdoc">
148 <p>This is a variant of '<a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#aff88937e32b0ba6ffbd07cb4b1919053">json_pointer_get()</a>' that supports printf() style arguments.</p>
149 <p>Variable arguments go after the 'path_fmt' parameter.</p>
150 <p>Example: json_pointer_getf(obj, res, "/foo/%d/%s", 0, "bar") This also means that you need to escape '' with '%' (just like in printf())</p>
151 <p>Please take into consideration all recommended 'printf()' format security aspects when using this function.</p>
152 <dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
153   <table class="params">
154     <tr><td class="paramname">obj</td><td>the json_object instance/tree to which to add a sub-object </td></tr>
155     <tr><td class="paramname">res</td><td>a pointer that stores a reference to the json_object associated with the given path </td></tr>
156     <tr><td class="paramname">path_fmt</td><td>a printf() style format for the path</td></tr>
157   </table>
158   </dd>
159 </dl>
160 <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>negative if an error (or not found), or 0 if succeeded </dd></dl>
162 </div>
163 </div>
164 <a class="anchor" id="aef0e651f63ce5ce35648503705e2586b"></a>
165 <div class="memitem">
166 <div class="memproto">
167       <table class="memname">
168         <tr>
169           <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int json_pointer_set </td>
170           <td>(</td>
171           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **&#160;</td>
172           <td class="paramname"><em>obj</em>, </td>
173         </tr>
174         <tr>
175           <td class="paramkey"></td>
176           <td></td>
177           <td class="paramtype">const char *&#160;</td>
178           <td class="paramname"><em>path</em>, </td>
179         </tr>
180         <tr>
181           <td class="paramkey"></td>
182           <td></td>
183           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *&#160;</td>
184           <td class="paramname"><em>value</em>&#160;</td>
185         </tr>
186         <tr>
187           <td></td>
188           <td>)</td>
189           <td></td><td></td>
190         </tr>
191       </table>
192 </div><div class="memdoc">
193 <p>Sets JSON object 'value' in the 'obj' tree at the location specified by the 'path'. 'path' is JSON pointer notation as defined in RFC 6901 <a href=""></a></p>
194 <p>Note that 'obj' is a double pointer, mostly for the "" (empty string) case, where the entire JSON object would be replaced by 'value'. In the case of the "" path, the object at '*obj' will have it's refcount decremented with '<a class="el" href="json__object_8h.html#afabf61f932cd64a4122ca8092452eed5">json_object_put()</a>' and the 'value' object will be assigned to it.</p>
195 <p>For other cases (JSON sub-objects) ownership of 'value' will be transferred into '*obj' via '<a class="el" href="json__object_8h.html#a27bd808a022251059a43f1f6370441cd">json_object_object_add()</a>' &amp; '<a class="el" href="json__object_8h.html#a1ac0ccdbc13a25da7d8b2dc9e421dfad">json_object_array_put_idx()</a>', so the only time the refcount should be decremented for 'value' is when the return value of '<a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#aef0e651f63ce5ce35648503705e2586b">json_pointer_set()</a>' is negative (meaning the 'value' object did not get set into '*obj').</p>
196 <p>That also implies that '<a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#aef0e651f63ce5ce35648503705e2586b">json_pointer_set()</a>' does not do any refcount incrementing. (Just that single decrement that was mentioned above).</p>
197 <dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
198   <table class="params">
199     <tr><td class="paramname">obj</td><td>the json_object instance/tree to which to add a sub-object </td></tr>
200     <tr><td class="paramname">path</td><td>a (RFC6901) string notation for the sub-object to set in the tree </td></tr>
201     <tr><td class="paramname">value</td><td>object to set at path</td></tr>
202   </table>
203   </dd>
204 </dl>
205 <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>negative if an error (or not found), or 0 if succeeded </dd></dl>
207 </div>
208 </div>
209 <a class="anchor" id="a66f1f98a2ce085c19f6750193b4c726d"></a>
210 <div class="memitem">
211 <div class="memproto">
212       <table class="memname">
213         <tr>
214           <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="printbuf_8h.html#a2a31d5c00f3a4712f2d5d62aee66344e">JSON_EXPORT</a> int json_pointer_setf </td>
215           <td>(</td>
216           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> **&#160;</td>
217           <td class="paramname"><em>obj</em>, </td>
218         </tr>
219         <tr>
220           <td class="paramkey"></td>
221           <td></td>
222           <td class="paramtype">struct <a class="el" href="json__types_8h.html#af27907ced0f5a43409ad96430fe0f914">json_object</a> *&#160;</td>
223           <td class="paramname"><em>value</em>, </td>
224         </tr>
225         <tr>
226           <td class="paramkey"></td>
227           <td></td>
228           <td class="paramtype">const char *&#160;</td>
229           <td class="paramname"><em>path_fmt</em>, </td>
230         </tr>
231         <tr>
232           <td class="paramkey"></td>
233           <td></td>
234           <td class="paramtype">&#160;</td>
235           <td class="paramname"><em>...</em>&#160;</td>
236         </tr>
237         <tr>
238           <td></td>
239           <td>)</td>
240           <td></td><td></td>
241         </tr>
242       </table>
243 </div><div class="memdoc">
244 <p>This is a variant of '<a class="el" href="json__pointer_8h.html#aef0e651f63ce5ce35648503705e2586b">json_pointer_set()</a>' that supports printf() style arguments.</p>
245 <p>Variable arguments go after the 'path_fmt' parameter.</p>
246 <p>Example: json_pointer_setf(obj, value, "/foo/%d/%s", 0, "bar") This also means that you need to escape '' with '%' (just like in printf())</p>
247 <p>Please take into consideration all recommended 'printf()' format security aspects when using this function.</p>
248 <dl class="params"><dt>Parameters</dt><dd>
249   <table class="params">
250     <tr><td class="paramname">obj</td><td>the json_object instance/tree to which to add a sub-object </td></tr>
251     <tr><td class="paramname">value</td><td>object to set at path </td></tr>
252     <tr><td class="paramname">path_fmt</td><td>a printf() style format for the path</td></tr>
253   </table>
254   </dd>
255 </dl>
256 <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>negative if an error (or not found), or 0 if succeeded </dd></dl>
258 </div>
259 </div>
260 </div><!-- contents -->
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