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26 <h2><span class="refentrytitle">gupnp-binding-tool</span></h2>
27 <p>gupnp-binding-tool — creates C convenience wrappers for UPnP services</p>
28 </td>
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31 <div class="refsynopsisdiv">
32 <h2>Synopsis</h2>
33 <div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">gupnp-binding-tool</code>  [--prefix {PREFIX}] [--mode {client|server}] {SCPD file}</p></div>
34 </div>
35 <div class="refsect1">
36 <a name="idp6141728"></a><h2>Description</h2>
37 <p>
38       <span class="command"><strong>gupnp-binding-tool</strong></span> takes a <a class="glossterm" href="glossary.html#scpd"><em class="glossterm">SCPD file</em></a> and generates convenience C functions
39       which call the actual GUPnP functions. The client-side bindings can be seen
40       as a service-specific version of the GUPnPServiceProxy API and the 
41       service-side bindings are the same for GUPnPService.
42     </p>
43 <p>
44       These generated functions are less verbose and also safer as function call
45       parameters are correctly typed. Action, variable and query names are easier
46       to get correct with bindings (or at least the errors will be compile-time
47       errors instead of run-time), and are also available in editor 
48       autocompletion.
49     </p>
50 </div>
51 <div class="refsect1">
52 <a name="idp13239776"></a><h2>Client side bindings</h2>
53 <p>
54       As an example, this action:
55     </p>
56 <pre class="programlisting">&lt;action&gt;
57   &lt;name&gt;DeletePortMapping&lt;/name&gt;
58   &lt;argumentList&gt;
59     &lt;argument&gt;
60       &lt;name&gt;NewRemoteHost&lt;/name&gt;
61       &lt;direction&gt;in&lt;/direction&gt;
62       &lt;relatedStateVariable&gt;RemoteHost&lt;/relatedStateVariable&gt;
63     &lt;/argument&gt;
64     &lt;argument&gt;
65       &lt;name&gt;NewExternalPort&lt;/name&gt;
66       &lt;direction&gt;in&lt;/direction&gt;
67       &lt;relatedStateVariable&gt;ExternalPort&lt;/relatedStateVariable&gt;
68     &lt;/argument&gt;
69     &lt;argument&gt;
70       &lt;name&gt;NewProtocol&lt;/name&gt;
71       &lt;direction&gt;in&lt;/direction&gt;
72       &lt;relatedStateVariable&gt;PortMappingProtocol&lt;/relatedStateVariable&gt;
73     &lt;/argument&gt;
74   &lt;/argumentList&gt;
75 &lt;/action&gt;</pre>
76 <p>
77       Will generate the following synchronous client-side (control point) 
78       function:
79     </p>
80 <pre class="programlisting">static inline gboolean
81 igd_delete_port_mapping (GUPnPServiceProxy *proxy,
82                          const gchar *in_new_remote_host,
83                          const guint in_new_external_port,
84                          const gchar *in_new_protocol,
85                          GError **error);
86 </pre>
87 <p>
88       As can be seen, the arguments have the correct types and are prefixed with
89       the argument direction. 
90     </p>
91 <p>
92       <span class="command"><strong>gupnp-binding-tool</strong></span> generates both synchronous and
93       asynchronous wrappers.  The <code class="function">igd_delete_port_mapping</code> example
94       above is the synchronous form, the asynchronous form is as follows:
95     </p>
96 <pre class="programlisting">typedef void (*igd_delete_port_mapping_reply) (GUPnPServiceProxy *proxy,
97                                                GError *error,
98                                                gpointer userdata);
100 static inline GUPnPServiceProxyAction *
101 igd_delete_port_mapping_async (GUPnPServiceProxy *proxy,
102                                const gchar *in_new_remote_host,
103                                const guint in_new_external_port,
104                                const gchar *in_new_protocol,
105                                igd_delete_port_mapping_reply callback,
106                                gpointer userdata);</pre>
107 <p>
108       The asynchronous form (implemented using
109       <code class="function">gupnp_service_proxy_begin_action()</code> and
110       <code class="function">gupnp_service_proxy_end_action()</code>) will return without
111       blocking and later invoke the callback from the main loop when the reply
112       is received.
113     </p>
114 <p>
115       The tool also creates bindings for state variable notifications. This state 
116       variable definition:
117     </p>
118 <pre class="programlisting">&lt;stateVariable sendEvents="yes"&gt;
119   &lt;name&gt;ExternalIPAddress&lt;/name&gt;
120   &lt;dataType&gt;string&lt;/dataType&gt;
121 &lt;/stateVariable&gt;</pre>
122 <p>
123       will create this client binding that can be used to get notifications on 
124       "ExternalIPAddress" changes:
125     </p>
126 <pre class="programlisting">typedef void
127 (*igd_external_ip_address_changed_callback) (GUPnPServiceProxy *proxy,
128                                              const gchar *external_ip_address,
129                                              gpointer userdata);
131 static inline gboolean
132 igd_external_ip_address_add_notify (GUPnPServiceProxy *proxy,
133                                     igd_external_ip_address_changed_callback callback,
134                                     gpointer userdata);</pre>
135 <p>
136       All of the examples were produced with <code class="filename">gupnp-binding-tool 
137       --prefix igd --mode client WANIPConnection.xml</code>.
138     </p>
139 </div>
140 <div class="refsect1">
141 <a name="idp13194080"></a><h2>Server side bindings</h2>
142 <p>
143       The corresponding server bindings for the same UPnP action 
144       (DeletePortMapping) look like this:
145     </p>
146 <pre class="programlisting">void
147 igd_delete_port_mapping_action_get (GUPnPServiceAction *action,
148                                     gchar **in_new_remote_host,
149                                     guint *in_new_external_port,
150                                     gchar **in_new_protocol);
152 gulong
153 igd_delete_port_mapping_action_connect (GUPnPService *service,
154                                         GCallback callback,
155                                         gpointer userdata);</pre>
156 <p>
157       The generated *_action_connect() function can be used to connect the action
158       handler. The *_action_get() and *_action_set() functions can then 
159       be used inside the action handler to get/set action variables. If notified
160       variables are modified, the *_variable_notify() should be used to send 
161       the notifications (see below).  
162     </p>
163 <pre class="programlisting">typedef gchar *(*igd_external_ip_address_query_callback) (GUPnPService *service,
164                                                           gpointer userdata);
166 gulong
167 igd_external_ip_address_query_connect (GUPnPService *service,
168                                        igd_external_ip_address_query_callback callback,
169                                        gpointer userdata);
170 void
171 igd_external_ip_address_variable_notify (GUPnPService *service,
172                                          const gchar *external_ip_address);</pre>
173 <p>
174       The *_query_connect() function can be used to connect the service-specific 
175       query handler. The return value of the handler is the returned state 
176       variable value.
177     </p>
178 <p>
179       All of the examples were produced with <code class="filename">gupnp-binding-tool 
180       --prefix igd --mode server WANIPConnection.xml</code>.
181     </p>
182 </div>
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