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12         <meta name="description" content="A free, open source codec for lossless audio compression and decompression" />
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48                 download
49         </div>
50         <div class="box_header"></div>
51         <div class="box_body">
52                 Many different programs support FLAC.  If you are not sure what to download, see <a href="documentation_tasks.html">Using FLAC</a> for instructions and guides on playing FLAC files, ripping CDs to FLAC, etc.<br />
53                 <br />
54                 This section is for the <a href="documentation_tools.html">official FLAC tools</a>.  See the <a href="#extras">extras section</a> below for other third-party tools.<br />
55                 <br />
56                 All source code and binaries are freely available and distributed under <a href="http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php">Open Source</a> licenses.  The codec libraries are distributed under Xiph.org's BSD license, and the plugins and command-line utilites (<span class="commandname">flac</span> and <span class="commandname">metaflac</span>) are distributed under the <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.html">GPL</a>.  If you would like to redistribute parts or all of FLAC under different terms, <a href="mailto:jcoalson@users.sourceforge.net">contact Josh Coalson</a>.  (For more information, see the <a href="license.html">license page</a>.)
57                 <ul>
58                         <li>
59                                 <b>Linux</b>
60                                 <ul>
61                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13478&amp;package_id=12676">FLAC for Fedora Core 4</a></li>
62                                         <li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=flac&amp;searchon=names&amp;subword=1&amp;version=all&amp;release=all">FLAC 1.x Debian packages</a></li>
63                                         <li>RPMs can be found on <a href="http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/soundapps.html">Planet CCRMA</a> and <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=flac">rpmfind.net</a></li>
64                                 </ul>
65                         </li>
66                         <li>
67                                 <b>Mac OS X</b>
68                                 <ul>
69                                         <li><!-- <a href="http://www.danrules.com/macflac/"><a href="http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/15883"> --><a href="http://mac.softpedia.com/get/Audio/MacFLAC.shtml">MacFLAC with installer and GUI front-end</a> (source code not available)</li>
70                                         <li><a href="http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/16458">FLACer</a> (source code not available)</li>
71                                         <li><a href="http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/21952">xACT with installer and GUI front-end</a> (source code included)</li>
72                                         <li><a href="http://fink.sourceforge.net/pdb/package.php/flac">FLAC Fink package</a> for use with <a href="http://fink.sourceforge.net/">Fink</a></li>
73                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13478&amp;package_id=32318">FLAC for OS X (no installer)</a></li>
74                                 </ul>
75                         </li>
76                         <li>
77                                 <b>Windows</b>
78                                 <ul>
79                                         <!-- <li><a href="http://cyberial.com/flacinstaller.asp">FLAC for Windows with installer</a> (<a href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/flac/flac113b.exe?use_mirror=superb-west">alternate link</a>)  <b>NOTE FOR VISTA USERS:</b> if the installer is getting stuck, try <a href="http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=52353">this workaround</a></li> -->
80                                         <li><a href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/flac/flac-1.1.4b.exe?use_mirror=internap">FLAC for Windows with installer</a>  <b>NOTE FOR VISTA USERS:</b> if the installer is getting stuck, try <a href="http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=52353">this workaround</a></li>
81                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13478&amp;package_id=12675">FLAC for Windows (command-line tools only)</a></li>
82                                 </ul>
83                         </li>
84                         <li>
85                                 <b>Other</b>
86                                 <ul>
87                                         <li><a href="http://amiga.sourceforge.net/">FLAC package for Amiga</a></li>
88                                         <li><a href="http://freeware.sgi.com/">FLAC packages for IRIX</a>.</li>
89                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13478&amp;package_id=12841">FLAC for Solaris 2.7</a></li>
90                                         <li>Unofficial port of the <a href="http://arisme.free.fr/ports/flac.php">FLAC libraries to Windows CE (WinCE)</a></li>
91                                 </ul>
92                         </li>
93                         <li>
94                                 <b>Source code</b>
95                                 <ul>
96                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13478&amp;package_id=12677">FLAC full source code</a>; also includes documentation and build systems for Windows (MSVC++) and *nix,*BSD,OS/2,OS X (autotools)</li>
97                                         <li><a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cvstarballs/flac-cvsroot.tar.bz2">Nightly CVS tarball</a>; this is the actual CVS repository used for development</li>
98                                 </ul>
99                         </li>
100                         <li>
101                                 <b>Older versions</b>
102                                 <ul>
103                                         <li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13478">Older versions of FLAC</a> available from SourceForge</li>
104                                 </ul>
105                         </li>
106                 </ul>
107         </div>
108         <div class="box_footer"></div>
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115                 <a name="extras">extras</a>
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117         <div class="box_header"></div>
118         <div class="box_body">
119                 <b>NOTE: </b> these extras are not part of the FLAC project.  Most (except those marked [$]) are freely available but distributed under their authors' own terms.<br />
120                 <br />
121                 <b>NOTE: </b> make sure to check out the <a href="links.html">links page</a> for a large list of open-source software supporting FLAC.<br />
122                 <br />
123                 <a name="extras_gui"><b>GUI encoding/decoding front-ends:</b></a>
124                 <ul>
125                         <li>
126                                 <a name="extras_gui_windows"><b>Windows</b></a>
127                                 <ul>
128                                         <li><a href="http://www.legroom.net/modules.php?op=modload&amp;name=Open_Source&amp;file=index&amp;page=software&amp;app=autoflac">AutoFLAC</a> for automated ripping and encoding to FLAC with EAC (ExactAudioCopy); also has a write mode for burning back to CD for an exact copy</li>
129                                         <li><a href="http://www.dbpoweramp.com/">dBpowerAMP</a>, a swiss army knife that can convert and play many formats, including FLAC.</li>
130                                         <li><a href="http://www.uninformative.com/flacattack/">Flacattack</a>: an all-in-one tool that works with ExactAudioCopy to encode a CD image to FLAC, embed the cuesheet, add ReplayGain, create lossy files, etc. all in a customizable directory structure.</li>
131                                         <li><a href="http://www.rarewares.org/lossless.html">FLACdrop</a>, an Oggdrop-like frontend for Windows.</li>
132                                         <li><a href="http://members.home.nl/w.speek/flac.htm">FLAC frontend</a>, a Windows GUI, or the even more versatile <a href="http://members.home.nl/w.speek/multi.htm">Multi frontend</a>.</li>
133                                         <li><a href="http://www.vuplayer.com/other.htm">FLACTester</a>, can test a whole tree of FLAC files for errors and generate a report.</li>
134                                         <li><a href="http://home.vxu.se/mdati00/frontah/">Frontah</a>, a new frontend to many codecs, including FLAC.  Still in beta but has good reviews.</li>
135                                         <li><a href="http://www.germanixsoft.de/">GX::Transcoder</a></li>
136                                         <li><a href="http://mareo.netfirms.com/">MAREO</a> is a "virtual" encoder that can be used with ExactAudioCopy to encode to multiple formats (including FLAC) at once while ripping.</li>
137                                         <li><a href="http://mediacoder.sourceforge.net/">MediaCoder</a> converts between many audio and video formats.</li>
138                                         <li><a href="http://www.mediamonkey.com">MediaMonkey</a> can organize, encode, decode, edit tags, and rip to FLAC and other formats.</li>
139                                         <li><a href="http://music.yahoo.com/musicengine/">Yahoo! Music Engine</a></li>
140                                 </ul>
141                         </li>
142                         <li>
143                                 <a name="extras_gui_osx"><b>Mac OS X</b></a>
144                                 <ul>
145                                         <li><a href="http://www.lexial.ca/alex/applescripts/iTunes_to_flac.html">iTunes-to-FLAC</a>, an AppleScript for converting between FLAC and WAVE/AIFF with tagging via iTunes.</li>
146                                         <li><!-- <a href="http://www.danrules.com/macflac/"><a href="http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/15883"> --><a href="http://mac.softpedia.com/get/Audio/MacFLAC.shtml">MacFLAC</a>, a FLAC distribution which also includes nice graphical front-end.</li>
147                                         <li><a href="http://sbooth.org/Max/">Max</a>, a CD ripper and encoder that supports several formats including FLAC.</li>
148                                         <li><a href="http://www.chaoticsoftware.com/ProductPages/MediaRage.html">MediaRage</a>, for editing FLAC metadata (also supports Vorbis and other formats).</li>
149                                         <li><a href="http://members.rogers.com/beamsplitter/">RipBeak</a> is a nice GUI encoding frond-end that supports FLAC as well as Vorbis and MP3.</li>
150                                         <li><a href="http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/21952">xACT</a>, another FLAC distribution with a graphical front-end to FLAC and other formats.</li>
151                                 </ul>
152                         </li>
153                         <li>
154                                 <a name="extras_gui_unix"><b>Unix</b></a>
155                                 <ul>
156                                         <li><a href="http://www.nostatic.org/grip/">Grip</a> is a great ripping and encoding front end and can be easily configured to use flac.  See <a href="http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=45939">this thread</a> on how to configure Grip for FLAC.</li>
157                                         <li><a href="http://www.amb.org/xmcd/">xmcd</a> is a CD ripper with CDDB support as well as a player.</li>
158                                         <li>(<a href="links.html#software">many more</a>)</li>
159                                 </ul>
160                         </li>
161                         <li>
162                                 <a name="extras_gui_pocketpc"><b>Pocket PC</b></a>
163                                 <ul>
164                                         <li>[$] <a href="http://www.gidluckmastering.com/live2496.html">Live2496</a>, a program that can record 24-bit audio up to 96kHz on a Pocket PC (using <a href="http://www.core-sound.com/">Core Sound's PDAudio interface</a>) can record directly to FLAC.</li>
165                                 </ul>
166                         </li>
167                 </ul>
168                 <a name="extras_burning"><b>CD burning:</b></a>
169                 <ul>
170                         <li>
171                                 <a name="extras_burning_windows"><b>Windows</b></a>
172                                 <ul>
173                                         <li><a href="http://www.burnatonce.com/">burnatonce</a>, a CD burning GUI that wraps around <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdrdao/">cdrdao</a> and <a href="http://freshmeat.net/projects/cdrecord/">mkisofs</a>.</li>
174                                         <li><a href="http://www.burrrn.net/?page_id=4">Burrrn</a> supports burning CDs from cuesheets directly from many formats, including FLAC, and supports most tag formats.</li>
175                                         <li><a href="http://www.cdwave.com/">CD Wave</a>, a CD authoring tool that can read and write FLAC.</li>
176                                         <li><a href="http://dbpoweramp.com/cdwriter.htm">dBpowerAMP CD Writer</a>.</li>
177                                         <li>[$] <a href="http://www.poikosoft.com/">Easy CD-DA Extractor</a>.</li>
178                                         <li>[$] <a href="http://www.roxio.com/enu/products/creator/suite/features.html">Easy Media Creator 9 Suite</a> from Roxio.</li>
179                                 </ul>
180                         </li>
181                         <li>
182                                 <a name="extras_burning_osx"><b>Mac OS X</b></a>
183                                 <ul>
184                                         <li>[$] Roxio's <a href="http://www.roxio.com/en/products/toast/index.jhtml">Toast 7 Titanium</a> supports encoding to FLAC and CD/DVD burning from FLAC.</li>
185                                 </ul>
186                         </li>
187                         <li>
188                                 <a name="extras_burning_unix"><b>Unix</b></a>
189                                 <ul>
190                                         <li><a href="http://arson.sourceforge.net/">Arson</a>: KDE ripper/burner</li>
191                                         <li><a href="http://www.k3b.org/">K3B</a>: CD/DVD creator for Linux</li>
192                                         <li>(<a href="links.html#software">more</a>)</li>
193                                 </ul>
194                         </li>
195                 </ul>
196                 <a name="extras_players"><b>Players and plugins:</b></a>
197                 <ul>
198                         <li>
199                                 <a name="extras_players_windows"><b>Windows</b></a>
200                                 <ul>
201                                         <!-- case's page disappeared, use temporary links
202                                         <li><a href="http://www.saunalahti.fi/~cse/files/cool_flac.zip">Cooledit FLAC filter</a> (source code <a href="http://www.saunalahti.fi/cse/files/cool_flac_src.zip">here</a>).</li>
203                                         -->
204                                         <li>[$] <a href="http://www.adobe.com/products/audition/main.html">Adobe Audition a.k.a. CoolEdit</a> (as a <a href="http://www.vuplayer.com/audition.php">plugin</a>, alternate plugin by Case <a href="http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=20145">here</a>)</li>
205                                         <li><a href="http://koti.welho.com/hylinen/apollo/">Apollo</a> (as a <a href="http://koti.welho.com/hylinen/apollo/Plug-ins.html">plugin</a>)</li>
206                                         <li><a href="http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dbpoweramp.htm">dbPowerAMP</a> (as a <a href="http://www.dbpoweramp.com/codec-central-flac.htm">plugin</a>)</li>
207                                         <li>DirectShow: <a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">Illiminable's DirectShow filters</a> for encoding to/decoding from FLAC and Ogg FLAC (as well as Ogg Vorbis/Speex/Theora).</li>
208                                         <li>DirectShow: <a href="http://corecodec.org/projects/coreflac">CoreFLAC</a>: DirectShow filters for encoding to/decoding from FLAC.</li>
209                                         <li><a href="http://www.foobar2000.org/">foobar2000</a> (as a <a href="http://www.foobar2000.org/components.html#foo_flac">plugin</a>)</li>
210                                         <li>[$] <a href="http://www.jrmediacenter.com/">Media Center</a>/<a href="http://www.mediajukebox.com/">Media Jukebox</a> (as <a href="http://mcplugins.sourceforge.net/">plugins</a>).  Source code is available.</li>
211                                         <li>[$] <a href="http://www.mediamonkey.com/">MediaMonkey</a>: organizes, plays, and rips to FLAC.</li>
212                                         <li><a href="http://www.phsoft.nl/">Mp3CoolPlay-X</a> (as a <a href="http://www.phsoft.nl/?id=flacplginf">plugin</a>)</li>
213                                         <li><a href="http://www.quinnware.com/">Quintessential Player</a> (as a <a href="http://www.quinnware.com/list_plugins.php?plugin=126">plugin</a>)</li>
214                                         <li><a href="http://www.songbirdnest.com/">Songbird</a></li>
215                                         <li><a href="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html">VLC</a></li>
216                                         <li><a href="http://www.vuplayer.com/vuplayer.php">VUPlayer</a></li>
217                                         <li><a href="http://www.winamp.com/">Winamp</a> has native FLAC support</li>
218                                         <li>Windows Media Player, using either the <a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">Illiminable</a> or <a href="http://corecodec.org/projects/coreflac">CoreFLAC</a> DirectShow filters, and FLAC tag support with <a href="http://wmptagext.sourceforge.net/">WMP Tag Support Extender</a> (<a href="http://www.losslessaudioblog.com/?p=40">guide</a>)</li>
219                                         <li><a href="http://un4seen.com/xmplay.html">XMPlay</a> (as a <a href="http://un4seen.com/download.cgi?xmp-flac">plugin</a>)</li>
220                                         <li><a href="http://music.yahoo.com/musicengine/">Yahoo! Music Engine</a></li>
221                                 </ul>
222                         </li>
223                         <li>
224                                 <a name="extras_players_osx"><b>Mac OS X</b></a>
225                                 <ul>
226                                         <li><a href="http://cogosx.sourceforge.net/">Cog</a></li>
227                                         <li><a href="http://freshmeat.net/projects/cynthiune/">Cynthiune</a> music player</li>
228                                         <li><a href="http://arcticlounge.com/maltx/">MacAmp Lite X</a></li>
229                                         <li><a href="http://homepage.mac.com/steve_bryan/Personal12.html">PureMusic Audio Player</a></li>
230                                         <li><a href="http://www.songbirdnest.com/">Songbird</a></li>
231                                         <li><a href="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html">VLC</a></li>
232                                         <li><a href="http://www.xiph.org/quicktime/">XiphQT</a> component for Quicktime/iTunes that supports Ogg FLAC playback</li>
233                                 </ul>
234                         </li>
235                         <li>
236                                 <a name="extras_players_unix"><b>Unix</b></a>
237                                 <ul>
238                                         <li><a href="http://alsaplayer.org/">AlsaPlayer</a></li>
239                                         <li><a href="http://www.giantdisc.org/">GiantDisc</a>: Linux jukebox + Palm remote</li>
240                                         <li><a href="http://www.mplayerhq.hu/">MPlayer</a></li>
241                                         <li><a href="http://muine.gooeylinux.org/">Muine</a>: a music player for GNOME</li>
242                                         <li><a href="http://musik.berlios.de/">Musik</a>: an open-source, cross-platform multimedia player and library</li>
243                                         <li><a href="http://www.videolan.org/">VideoLAN</a> client</li>
244                                         <li><a href="http://xine.sourceforge.net/">Xine</a> multimedia player</li>
245                                         <li><a href="http://www.amb.org/xmcd/">xmcd</a>: X CD player</li>
246                                         <li><a href="http://www.xmms.org/">XMMS</a>: X MultiMedia System</li>
247                                         <li>(<a href="links.html#software">many more</a>)</li>
248                                 </ul>
249                         </li>
250                         <li>
251                                 <a name="extras_players_java"><b>Java</b></a>
252                                 <ul>
253                                         <li><a href="http://jflac.sourceforge.net/">jFLAC</a>: a Java native-FLAC decoder library and player application.</li>
254                                         <li><a href="http://www.j-ogg.de/">J-Ogg</a>: Java libraries for Ogg decoding, including Ogg FLAC.</li>
255                                 </ul>
256                         </li>
257                 </ul>
258         </div>
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