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44       <span class="breadcrumbs">
45         xml ::
46         etree ::
47         ElementTree ::
48         ParseError ::
49         Class&nbsp;ParseError
50       </span>
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65 <!-- ==================== CLASS DESCRIPTION ==================== -->
66 <h1 class="epydoc">Class ParseError</h1><p class="nomargin-top"><span class="codelink"><a href="xml.etree.ElementTree-pysrc.html#ParseError">source&nbsp;code</a></span></p>
67 <pre class="base-tree">
68               object --+                
69                        |                
70 exceptions.BaseException --+            
71                            |            
72         exceptions.Exception --+        
73                                |        
74         exceptions.StandardError --+    
75                                    |    
76               exceptions.SyntaxError --+
77                                        |
78                                       <strong class="uidshort">ParseError</strong>
79 </pre>
81 <hr />
82 <!-- ==================== INSTANCE METHODS ==================== -->
83 <a name="section-InstanceMethods"></a>
84 <table class="summary" border="1" cellpadding="3"
85        cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
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90         <td align="left"><span class="table-header">Instance Methods</span></td>
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97   </td>
98 </tr>
99   <tr>
100     <td colspan="2" class="summary">
101     <p class="indent-wrapped-lines"><b>Inherited from <code>exceptions.SyntaxError</code></b>:
102       <code>__init__</code>,
103       <code>__new__</code>,
104       <code>__str__</code>
105       </p>
106     <p class="indent-wrapped-lines"><b>Inherited from <code>exceptions.BaseException</code></b>:
107       <code>__delattr__</code>,
108       <code>__getattribute__</code>,
109       <code>__getitem__</code>,
110       <code>__getslice__</code>,
111       <code>__reduce__</code>,
112       <code>__repr__</code>,
113       <code>__setattr__</code>,
114       <code>__setstate__</code>,
115       <code>__unicode__</code>
116       </p>
117     <p class="indent-wrapped-lines"><b>Inherited from <code>object</code></b>:
118       <code>__format__</code>,
119       <code>__hash__</code>,
120       <code>__reduce_ex__</code>,
121       <code>__sizeof__</code>,
122       <code>__subclasshook__</code>
123       </p>
124     </td>
125   </tr>
126 </table>
127 <!-- ==================== PROPERTIES ==================== -->
128 <a name="section-Properties"></a>
129 <table class="summary" border="1" cellpadding="3"
130        cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="white">
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134       <tr valign="top">
135         <td align="left"><span class="table-header">Properties</span></td>
136         <td align="right" valign="top"
137          ><span class="options">[<a href="#section-Properties"
138          class="privatelink" onclick="toggle_private();"
139          >hide private</a>]</span></td>
140       </tr>
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142   </td>
143 </tr>
144   <tr>
145     <td colspan="2" class="summary">
146     <p class="indent-wrapped-lines"><b>Inherited from <code>exceptions.SyntaxError</code></b>:
147       <code>filename</code>,
148       <code>lineno</code>,
149       <code>msg</code>,
150       <code>offset</code>,
151       <code>print_file_and_line</code>,
152       <code>text</code>
153       </p>
154     <p class="indent-wrapped-lines"><b>Inherited from <code>exceptions.BaseException</code></b>:
155       <code>args</code>,
156       <code>message</code>
157       </p>
158     <p class="indent-wrapped-lines"><b>Inherited from <code>object</code></b>:
159       <code>__class__</code>
160       </p>
161     </td>
162   </tr>
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