1 <a href="https://promisesaplus.com/"><img src="https://promisesaplus.com/assets/logo-small.png" align="right" /></a>
4 This is a simple implementation of Promises. It is a super set of ES6 Promises designed to have readable, performant code and to provide just the extensions that are absolutely necessary for using promises today.
6 For detailed tutorials on its use, see www.promisejs.org
8 **N.B.** This promise exposes internals via underscore (`_`) prefixed properties. If you use these, your code will break with each new release.
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15 [travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/then/promise.svg?style=flat
16 [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/then/promise
17 [dep-image]: https://img.shields.io/david/then/promise.svg?style=flat
18 [dep-url]: https://david-dm.org/then/promise
19 [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/promise.svg?style=flat
20 [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/promise
21 [downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/promise.svg?style=flat
22 [downloads-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/promise
32 You can use browserify on the client, or use the pre-compiled script that acts as a polyfill.
35 <script src="https://www.promisejs.org/polyfills/promise-6.1.0.js"></script>
38 Note that the [es5-shim](https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim) must be loaded before this library to support browsers pre IE9.
41 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/es5-shim/3.4.0/es5-shim.min.js"></script>
46 The example below shows how you can load the promise library (in a way that works on both client and server using node or browserify). It then demonstrates creating a promise from scratch. You simply call `new Promise(fn)`. There is a complete specification for what is returned by this method in [Promises/A+](http://promises-aplus.github.com/promises-spec/).
49 var Promise = require('promise');
51 var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
52 get('http://www.google.com', function (err, res) {
59 If you need [domains](https://iojs.org/api/domain.html) support, you should instead use:
62 var Promise = require('promise/domains');
65 If you are in an environment that implements `setImmediate` and don't want the optimisations provided by asap, you can use:
68 var Promise = require('promise/setimmediate');
71 If you only want part of the features, e.g. just a pure ES6 polyfill:
74 var Promise = require('promise/lib/es6-extensions');
75 // or require('promise/domains/es6-extensions');
76 // or require('promise/setimmediate/es6-extensions');
79 ## Unhandled Rejections
81 By default, promises silence any unhandled rejections.
83 You can enable logging of unhandled ReferenceErrors and TypeErrors via:
86 require('promise/lib/rejection-tracking').enable();
89 Due to the performance cost, you should only do this during development.
91 You can enable logging of all unhandled rejections if you need to debug an exception you think is being swallowed by promises:
94 require('promise/lib/rejection-tracking').enable(
99 Due to the high probability of false positives, I only recommend using this when debugging specific issues that you think may be being swallowed. For the preferred debugging method, see `Promise#done(onFulfilled, onRejected)`.
101 `rejection-tracking.enable(options)` takes the following options:
103 - allRejections (`boolean`) - track all exceptions, not just reference errors and type errors. Note that this has a high probability of resulting in false positives if your code loads data optimisticly
104 - whitelist (`Array<ErrorConstructor>`) - this defaults to `[ReferenceError, TypeError]` but you can override it with your own list of error constructors to track.
105 - `onUnhandled(id, error)` and `onHandled(id, error)` - you can use these to provide your own customised display for errors. Note that if possible you should indicate that the error was a false positive if `onHandled` is called. `onHandled` is only called if `onUnhandled` has already been called.
107 To reduce the chance of false-positives there is a delay of up to 2 seconds before errors are logged. This means that if you attach an error handler within 2 seconds, it won't be logged as a false positive. ReferenceErrors and TypeErrors are only subject to a 100ms delay due to the higher likelihood that the error is due to programmer error.
111 Before all examples, you will need:
114 var Promise = require('promise');
117 ### new Promise(resolver)
119 This creates and returns a new promise. `resolver` must be a function. The `resolver` function is passed two arguments:
121 1. `resolve` should be called with a single argument. If it is called with a non-promise value then the promise is fulfilled with that value. If it is called with a promise (A) then the returned promise takes on the state of that new promise (A).
122 2. `reject` should be called with a single argument. The returned promise will be rejected with that argument.
126 These methods are invoked by calling `Promise.methodName`.
128 #### Promise.resolve(value)
130 (deprecated aliases: `Promise.from(value)`, `Promise.cast(value)`)
132 Converts values and foreign promises into Promises/A+ promises. If you pass it a value then it returns a Promise for that value. If you pass it something that is close to a promise (such as a jQuery attempt at a promise) it returns a Promise that takes on the state of `value` (rejected or fulfilled).
134 #### Promise.reject(value)
136 Returns a rejected promise with the given value.
138 #### Promise.all(array)
140 Returns a promise for an array. If it is called with a single argument that `Array.isArray` then this returns a promise for a copy of that array with any promises replaced by their fulfilled values. e.g.
143 Promise.all([Promise.resolve('a'), 'b', Promise.resolve('c')])
144 .then(function (res) {
145 assert(res[0] === 'a')
146 assert(res[1] === 'b')
147 assert(res[2] === 'c')
151 #### Promise.denodeify(fn)
155 Takes a function which accepts a node style callback and returns a new function that returns a promise instead.
160 var fs = require('fs')
162 var read = Promise.denodeify(fs.readFile)
163 var write = Promise.denodeify(fs.writeFile)
165 var p = read('foo.json', 'utf8')
166 .then(function (str) {
167 return write('foo.json', JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(str), null, ' '), 'utf8')
171 #### Promise.nodeify(fn)
175 The twin to `denodeify` is useful when you want to export an API that can be used by people who haven't learnt about the brilliance of promises yet.
178 module.exports = Promise.nodeify(awesomeAPI)
179 function awesomeAPI(a, b) {
180 return download(a, b)
184 If the last argument passed to `module.exports` is a function, then it will be treated like a node.js callback and not parsed on to the child function, otherwise the API will just return a promise.
186 ### Prototype Methods
188 These methods are invoked on a promise instance by calling `myPromise.methodName`
190 ### Promise#then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
192 This method follows the [Promises/A+ spec](http://promises-aplus.github.io/promises-spec/). It explains things very clearly so I recommend you read it.
194 Either `onFulfilled` or `onRejected` will be called and they will not be called more than once. They will be passed a single argument and will always be called asynchronously (in the next turn of the event loop).
196 If the promise is fulfilled then `onFulfilled` is called. If the promise is rejected then `onRejected` is called.
198 The call to `.then` also returns a promise. If the handler that is called returns a promise, the promise returned by `.then` takes on the state of that returned promise. If the handler that is called returns a value that is not a promise, the promise returned by `.then` will be fulfilled with that value. If the handler that is called throws an exception then the promise returned by `.then` is rejected with that exception.
200 #### Promise#catch(onRejected)
202 Sugar for `Promise#then(null, onRejected)`, to mirror `catch` in synchronous code.
204 #### Promise#done(onFulfilled, onRejected)
208 The same semantics as `.then` except that it does not return a promise and any exceptions are re-thrown so that they can be logged (crashing the application in non-browser environments)
210 #### Promise#nodeify(callback)
214 If `callback` is `null` or `undefined` it just returns `this`. If `callback` is a function it is called with rejection reason as the first argument and result as the second argument (as per the node.js convention).
216 This lets you write API functions that look like:
219 function awesomeAPI(foo, bar, callback) {
220 return internalAPI(foo, bar)
222 .then(null, retryErrors)
227 People who use typical node.js style callbacks will be able to just pass a callback and get the expected behavior. The enlightened people can not pass a callback and will get awesome promises.