5 * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 * limitations under the License.
22 #include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/imf-manager.h>
23 #include <dali/public-api/events/gesture.h>
26 #include <dali-toolkit/public-api/text/text-enumerations.h>
27 #include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/text-controls/text-selection-popup-callback-interface.h>
28 #include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/text-controls/text-label-devel.h>
29 #include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/text/text-enumerations-devel.h>
30 #include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/decorator/text-decorator.h>
31 #include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/layouts/layout-engine.h>
32 #include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/hidden-text.h>
33 #include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-model-interface.h>
45 class ControlInterface;
46 class EditableControlInterface;
48 class RenderingController;
50 typedef IntrusivePtr<Controller> ControllerPtr;
53 * @brief A Text Controller is used by UI Controls which display text.
55 * It manipulates the Logical & Visual text models on behalf of the UI Controls.
56 * It provides a view of the text that can be used by rendering back-ends.
58 * For selectable/editable UI controls, the controller handles input events from the UI control
59 * and decorations (grab handles etc) via the Decorator::ControllerInterface interface.
61 * The text selection popup button callbacks are as well handled via the TextSelectionPopupCallbackInterface interface.
63 class Controller : public RefObject, public Decorator::ControllerInterface, public TextSelectionPopupCallbackInterface, public HiddenText::Observer
65 public: // Enumerated types.
68 * @brief Text related operations to be done in the relayout process.
72 NO_OPERATION = 0x0000,
73 CONVERT_TO_UTF32 = 0x0001,
75 VALIDATE_FONTS = 0x0004,
76 GET_LINE_BREAKS = 0x0008,
77 GET_WORD_BREAKS = 0x0010,
80 GET_GLYPH_METRICS = 0x0080,
91 * @brief Used to distinguish between regular key events and IMF events
100 * @brief Used to specify whether to update the input style.
102 enum UpdateInputStyleType
109 * @brief Used to specify what has been updated after the Relayout() method has been called.
113 NONE_UPDATED = 0x0, ///< Nothing has been updated.
114 MODEL_UPDATED = 0x1, ///< The text's model has been updated.
115 DECORATOR_UPDATED = 0x2 ///< The decoration has been updated.
119 * @brief Different placeholder-text can be shown when the control is active/inactive.
128 * @brief Enumeration for Font Size Type.
132 POINT_SIZE, // The size of font in points.
133 PIXEL_SIZE // The size of font in pixels.
140 NO_ACTION, ///< Does no action if there is a tap on top of an area with no text.
141 HIGHLIGHT, ///< Highlights the nearest text (at the beginning or end of the text) and shows the text's selection popup.
142 SHOW_SELECTION_POPUP ///< Shows the text's selection popup.
146 public: // Constructor.
149 * @brief Create a new instance of a Controller.
151 * @return A pointer to a new Controller.
153 static ControllerPtr New();
156 * @brief Create a new instance of a Controller.
158 * @param[in] controlInterface The control's interface.
160 * @return A pointer to a new Controller.
162 static ControllerPtr New( ControlInterface* controlInterface );
165 * @brief Create a new instance of a Controller.
167 * @param[in] controlInterface The control's interface.
168 * @param[in] editableControlInterface The editable control's interface.
170 * @return A pointer to a new Controller.
172 static ControllerPtr New( ControlInterface* controlInterface,
173 EditableControlInterface* editableControlInterface );
175 public: // Configure the text controller.
178 * @brief Called to enable text input.
180 * @note Selectable or editable controls should call this once after Controller::New().
181 * @param[in] decorator Used to create cursor, selection handle decorations etc.
183 void EnableTextInput( DecoratorPtr decorator );
186 * @brief Used to switch between bitmap & vector based glyphs
188 * @param[in] glyphType The type of glyph; note that metrics for bitmap & vector based glyphs are different.
190 void SetGlyphType( TextAbstraction::GlyphType glyphType );
193 * @brief Enables/disables the mark-up processor.
195 * By default is disabled.
197 * @param[in] enable Whether to enable the mark-up processor.
199 void SetMarkupProcessorEnabled( bool enable );
202 * @brief Retrieves whether the mark-up processor is enabled.
204 * By default is disabled.
206 * @return @e true if the mark-up processor is enabled, otherwise returns @e false.
208 bool IsMarkupProcessorEnabled() const;
211 * @brief Enables/disables the auto text scrolling
213 * By default is disabled.
215 * @param[in] enable Whether to enable the auto scrolling
217 void SetAutoScrollEnabled( bool enable );
220 * @brief Retrieves whether auto text scrolling is enabled.
222 * By default is disabled.
224 * @return @e true if auto scrolling is enabled, otherwise returns @e false.
226 bool IsAutoScrollEnabled() const;
229 * @brief Get direction of the text from the first line of text,
230 * @return bool rtl (right to left) is true
232 CharacterDirection GetAutoScrollDirection() const;
235 * @brief Get the alignment offset of the first line of text.
237 * @return The alignment offset.
239 float GetAutoScrollLineAlignment() const;
242 * @brief Enables the horizontal scrolling.
244 * @param[in] enable Whether to enable the horizontal scrolling.
246 void SetHorizontalScrollEnabled( bool enable );
249 * @brief Retrieves whether the horizontal scrolling is enabled.
251 * @return @e true if the horizontal scrolling is enabled, otherwise it returns @e false.
253 bool IsHorizontalScrollEnabled() const;
256 * @brief Enables the vertical scrolling.
258 * @param[in] enable Whether to enable the vertical scrolling.
260 void SetVerticalScrollEnabled( bool enable );
263 * @brief Retrieves whether the verticall scrolling is enabled.
265 * @return @e true if the vertical scrolling is enabled, otherwise it returns @e false.
267 bool IsVerticalScrollEnabled() const;
270 * @brief Enables the smooth handle panning.
272 * @param[in] enable Whether to enable the smooth handle panning.
274 void SetSmoothHandlePanEnabled( bool enable );
277 * @brief Retrieves whether the smooth handle panning is enabled.
279 * @return @e true if the smooth handle panning is enabled.
281 bool IsSmoothHandlePanEnabled() const;
284 * @brief Sets the maximum number of characters that can be inserted into the TextModel
286 * @param[in] maxCharacters maximum number of characters to be accepted
288 void SetMaximumNumberOfCharacters( Length maxCharacters );
291 * @brief Sets the maximum number of characters that can be inserted into the TextModel
293 * @param[in] maxCharacters maximum number of characters to be accepted
295 int GetMaximumNumberOfCharacters();
298 * @brief Called to enable/disable cursor blink.
300 * @note Only editable controls should calls this.
301 * @param[in] enabled Whether the cursor should blink or not.
303 void SetEnableCursorBlink( bool enable );
306 * @brief Query whether cursor blink is enabled.
308 * @return Whether the cursor should blink or not.
310 bool GetEnableCursorBlink() const;
313 * @brief Whether to enable the multi-line layout.
315 * @param[in] enable \e true enables the multi-line (by default)
317 void SetMultiLineEnabled( bool enable );
320 * @return Whether the multi-line layout is enabled.
322 bool IsMultiLineEnabled() const;
325 * @brief Sets the text's horizontal alignment.
327 * @param[in] alignment The horizontal alignment.
329 void SetHorizontalAlignment( HorizontalAlignment::Type alignment );
332 * @copydoc ModelInterface::GetHorizontalAlignment()
334 HorizontalAlignment::Type GetHorizontalAlignment() const;
337 * @brief Sets the text's vertical alignment.
339 * @param[in] alignment The vertical alignment.
341 void SetVerticalAlignment( VerticalAlignment::Type alignment );
344 * @copydoc ModelInterface::GetVerticalAlignment()
346 VerticalAlignment::Type GetVerticalAlignment() const;
349 * @brief Sets the text's wrap mode
350 * @param[in] text wrap mode The unit of wrapping
352 void SetLineWrapMode( Text::LineWrap::Mode textWarpMode );
355 * @brief Retrieve text wrap mode previously set.
356 * @return text wrap mode
358 Text::LineWrap::Mode GetLineWrapMode() const;
361 * @brief Enable or disable the text elide.
363 * @param[in] enabled Whether to enable the text elide.
365 void SetTextElideEnabled( bool enabled );
368 * @copydoc ModelInterface::IsTextElideEnabled()
370 bool IsTextElideEnabled() const;
373 * @brief Enable or disable the placeholder text elide.
374 * @param enabled Whether to enable the placeholder text elide.
376 void SetPlaceholderTextElideEnabled( bool enabled );
379 * @brief Whether the placeholder text elide property is enabled.
380 * @return True if the placeholder text elide property is enabled, false otherwise.
382 bool IsPlaceholderTextElideEnabled() const;
385 * @brief Enable or disable the text selection.
386 * @param[in] enabled Whether to enable the text selection.
388 void SetSelectionEnabled( bool enabled );
391 * @brief Whether the text selection is enabled or not.
392 * @return True if the text selection is enabled
394 bool IsSelectionEnabled() const;
397 * @brief Enable or disable the text selection using Shift key.
398 * @param enabled Whether to enable the text selection using Shift key
400 void SetShiftSelectionEnabled( bool enabled );
403 * @brief Whether the text selection using Shift key is enabled or not.
404 * @return True if the text selection using Shift key is enabled
406 bool IsShiftSelectionEnabled() const;
409 * @brief Sets input type to password
411 * @note The string is displayed hidden character
413 * @param[in] passwordInput True if password input is enabled.
415 void SetInputModePassword( bool passwordInput );
418 * @brief Returns whether the input mode type is set as password.
420 * @return True if input mode type is password
422 bool IsInputModePassword();
425 * @brief Sets the action when there is a double tap event on top of a text area with no text.
427 * @param[in] action The action to do.
429 void SetNoTextDoubleTapAction( NoTextTap::Action action );
432 * @brief Retrieves the action when there is a double tap event on top of a text area with no text.
434 * @return The action to do.
436 NoTextTap::Action GetNoTextDoubleTapAction() const;
439 * @briefSets the action when there is a long press event on top of a text area with no text.
441 * @param[in] action The action to do.
443 void SetNoTextLongPressAction( NoTextTap::Action action );
446 * @brief Retrieves the action when there is a long press event on top of a text area with no text.
448 * @return The action to do.
450 NoTextTap::Action GetNoTextLongPressAction() const;
453 * @brief Query if Underline settings were provided by string or map
454 * @return bool true if set by string
456 bool IsUnderlineSetByString();
459 * Set method underline setting were set by
460 * @param[in] bool, true if set by string
462 void UnderlineSetByString( bool setByString );
465 * @brief Query if shadow settings were provided by string or map
466 * @return bool true if set by string
468 bool IsShadowSetByString();
471 * Set method shadow setting were set by
472 * @param[in] bool, true if set by string
474 void ShadowSetByString( bool setByString );
477 * @brief Query if outline settings were provided by string or map
478 * @return bool true if set by string
480 bool IsOutlineSetByString();
483 * Set method outline setting were set by
484 * @param[in] bool, true if set by string
486 void OutlineSetByString( bool setByString );
489 * @brief Query if font style settings were provided by string or map
490 * @return bool true if set by string
492 bool IsFontStyleSetByString();
495 * Set method font style setting were set by
496 * @param[in] bool, true if set by string
498 void FontStyleSetByString( bool setByString );
503 * @brief Replaces any text previously set.
505 * @note This will be converted into UTF-32 when stored in the text model.
506 * @param[in] text A string of UTF-8 characters.
508 void SetText( const std::string& text );
511 * @brief Retrieve any text previously set.
513 * @param[out] text A string of UTF-8 characters.
515 void GetText( std::string& text ) const;
518 * @brief Replaces any placeholder text previously set.
520 * @param[in] type Different placeholder-text can be shown when the control is active/inactive.
521 * @param[in] text A string of UTF-8 characters.
523 void SetPlaceholderText( PlaceholderType type, const std::string& text );
526 * @brief Retrieve any placeholder text previously set.
528 * @param[in] type Different placeholder-text can be shown when the control is active/inactive.
529 * @param[out] A string of UTF-8 characters.
531 void GetPlaceholderText( PlaceholderType type, std::string& text ) const;
534 * @ brief Update the text after a font change
535 * @param[in] newDefaultFont The new font to change to
537 void UpdateAfterFontChange( const std::string& newDefaultFont );
539 public: // Default style & Input style
542 * @brief Set the default font family.
544 * @param[in] defaultFontFamily The default font family.
546 void SetDefaultFontFamily( const std::string& defaultFontFamily );
549 * @brief Retrieve the default font family.
551 * @return The default font family.
553 const std::string& GetDefaultFontFamily() const;
556 * @brief Sets the placeholder text font family.
557 * @param[in] placeholderTextFontFamily The placeholder text font family.
559 void SetPlaceholderFontFamily( const std::string& placeholderTextFontFamily );
562 * @brief Retrieves the placeholder text font family.
564 * @return The placeholder text font family
566 const std::string& GetPlaceholderFontFamily() const;
569 * @brief Sets the default font weight.
571 * @param[in] weight The font weight.
573 void SetDefaultFontWeight( FontWeight weight );
576 * @brief Whether the font's weight has been defined.
578 bool IsDefaultFontWeightDefined() const;
581 * @brief Retrieves the default font weight.
583 * @return The default font weight.
585 FontWeight GetDefaultFontWeight() const;
588 * @brief Sets the placeholder text font weight.
590 * @param[in] weight The font weight
592 void SetPlaceholderTextFontWeight( FontWeight weight );
595 * @brief Whether the font's weight has been defined.
597 * @return True if the placeholder text font weight is defined
599 bool IsPlaceholderTextFontWeightDefined() const;
602 * @brief Retrieves the placeholder text font weight.
604 * @return The placeholder text font weight
606 FontWeight GetPlaceholderTextFontWeight() const;
609 * @brief Sets the default font width.
611 * @param[in] width The font width.
613 void SetDefaultFontWidth( FontWidth width );
616 * @brief Whether the font's width has been defined.
618 bool IsDefaultFontWidthDefined() const;
621 * @brief Retrieves the default font width.
623 * @return The default font width.
625 FontWidth GetDefaultFontWidth() const;
628 * @brief Sets the placeholder text font width.
630 * @param[in] width The font width
632 void SetPlaceholderTextFontWidth( FontWidth width );
635 * @brief Whether the font's width has been defined.
637 * @return True if the placeholder text font width is defined
639 bool IsPlaceholderTextFontWidthDefined() const;
642 * @brief Retrieves the placeholder text font width.
644 * @return The placeholder text font width
646 FontWidth GetPlaceholderTextFontWidth() const;
649 * @brief Sets the default font slant.
651 * @param[in] slant The font slant.
653 void SetDefaultFontSlant( FontSlant slant );
656 * @brief Whether the font's slant has been defined.
658 bool IsDefaultFontSlantDefined() const;
661 * @brief Retrieves the default font slant.
663 * @return The default font slant.
665 FontSlant GetDefaultFontSlant() const;
668 * @brief Sets the placeholder text font slant.
670 * @param[in] slant The font slant
672 void SetPlaceholderTextFontSlant( FontSlant slant );
675 * @brief Whether the font's slant has been defined.
677 * @return True if the placeholder text font slant is defined
679 bool IsPlaceholderTextFontSlantDefined() const;
682 * @brief Retrieves the placeholder text font slant.
684 * @return The placeholder text font slant
686 FontSlant GetPlaceholderTextFontSlant() const;
689 * @brief Set the default font size.
691 * @param[in] fontSize The default font size
692 * @param[in] type The font size type is point size or pixel size
694 void SetDefaultFontSize( float fontSize, FontSizeType type );
697 * @brief Retrieve the default point size.
699 * @param[in] type The font size type
700 * @return The default point size.
702 float GetDefaultFontSize( FontSizeType type ) const;
705 * @brief Sets the Placeholder text font size.
706 * @param[in] fontSize The placeholder text font size
707 * @param[in] type The font size type is point size or pixel size
709 void SetPlaceholderTextFontSize( float fontSize, FontSizeType type );
712 * @brief Retrieves the Placeholder text font size.
713 * @param[in] type The font size type
714 * @return The placeholder font size
716 float GetPlaceholderTextFontSize( FontSizeType type ) const;
719 * @brief Sets the text's default color.
721 * @param color The default color.
723 void SetDefaultColor( const Vector4& color );
726 * @brief Retrieves the text's default color.
728 * @return The default color.
730 const Vector4& GetDefaultColor() const;
733 * @brief Set the text color
735 * @param textColor The text color
737 void SetPlaceholderTextColor( const Vector4& textColor );
740 * @brief Retrieve the text color
742 * @return The text color
744 const Vector4& GetPlaceholderTextColor() const;
747 * @brief Set the shadow offset.
749 * @param[in] shadowOffset The shadow offset, 0,0 indicates no shadow.
751 void SetShadowOffset( const Vector2& shadowOffset );
754 * @brief Retrieve the shadow offset.
756 * @return The shadow offset.
758 const Vector2& GetShadowOffset() const;
761 * @brief Set the shadow color.
763 * @param[in] shadowColor The shadow color.
765 void SetShadowColor( const Vector4& shadowColor );
768 * @brief Retrieve the shadow color.
770 * @return The shadow color.
772 const Vector4& GetShadowColor() const;
775 * @brief Set the shadow blur radius.
777 * @param[in] shadowBlurRadius The shadow blur radius, 0,0 indicates no blur.
779 void SetShadowBlurRadius( const float& shadowBlurRadius );
782 * @brief Retrieve the shadow blur radius.
784 * @return The shadow blur radius.
786 const float& GetShadowBlurRadius() const;
789 * @brief Set the underline color.
791 * @param[in] color color of underline.
793 void SetUnderlineColor( const Vector4& color );
796 * @brief Retrieve the underline color.
798 * @return The underline color.
800 const Vector4& GetUnderlineColor() const;
803 * @brief Set the underline enabled flag.
805 * @param[in] enabled The underline enabled flag.
807 void SetUnderlineEnabled( bool enabled );
810 * @brief Returns whether the text is underlined or not.
812 * @return The underline state.
814 bool IsUnderlineEnabled() const;
817 * @brief Set the override used for underline height, 0 indicates height will be supplied by font metrics
819 * @param[in] height The height in pixels of the underline
821 void SetUnderlineHeight( float height );
824 * @brief Retrieves the override height of an underline, 0 indicates height is supplied by font metrics
826 * @return The height of the underline, or 0 if height is not overrided.
828 float GetUnderlineHeight() const;
831 * @brief Set the outline color.
833 * @param[in] color color of outline.
835 void SetOutlineColor( const Vector4& color );
838 * @brief Retrieve the outline color.
840 * @return The outline color.
842 const Vector4& GetOutlineColor() const;
845 * @brief Set the outline width
847 * @param[in] width The width in pixels of the outline, 0 indicates no outline
849 void SetOutlineWidth( unsigned int width );
852 * @brief Retrieves the width of an outline
854 * @return The width of the outline.
856 unsigned int GetOutlineWidth() const;
859 * @brief Sets the emboss's properties string.
861 * @note The string is stored to be recovered.
863 * @param[in] embossProperties The emboss's properties string.
865 void SetDefaultEmbossProperties( const std::string& embossProperties );
868 * @brief Retrieves the emboss's properties string.
870 * @return The emboss's properties string.
872 const std::string& GetDefaultEmbossProperties() const;
875 * @brief Sets the outline's properties string.
877 * @note The string is stored to be recovered.
879 * @param[in] outlineProperties The outline's properties string.
881 void SetDefaultOutlineProperties( const std::string& outlineProperties );
884 * @brief Retrieves the outline's properties string.
886 * @return The outline's properties string.
888 const std::string& GetDefaultOutlineProperties() const;
891 * @brief Sets the default line spacing.
893 * @param[in] lineSpacing The line spacing.
895 void SetDefaultLineSpacing( float lineSpacing );
898 * @brief Retrieves the default line spacing.
900 * @return The line spacing.
902 float GetDefaultLineSpacing() const;
905 * @brief Sets the input text's color.
907 * @param[in] color The input text's color.
909 void SetInputColor( const Vector4& color );
912 * @brief Retrieves the input text's color.
914 * @return The input text's color.
916 const Vector4& GetInputColor() const;
919 * @brief Sets the input text's font family name.
921 * @param[in] fontFamily The text's font family name.
923 void SetInputFontFamily( const std::string& fontFamily );
926 * @brief Retrieves the input text's font family name.
928 * @return The input text's font family name.
930 const std::string& GetInputFontFamily() const;
933 * @brief Sets the input font's weight.
935 * @param[in] weight The input font's weight.
937 void SetInputFontWeight( FontWeight weight );
940 * @return Whether the font's weight has been defined.
942 bool IsInputFontWeightDefined() const;
945 * @brief Retrieves the input font's weight.
947 * @return The input font's weight.
949 FontWeight GetInputFontWeight() const;
952 * @brief Sets the input font's width.
954 * @param[in] width The input font's width.
956 void SetInputFontWidth( FontWidth width );
959 * @return Whether the font's width has been defined.
961 bool IsInputFontWidthDefined() const;
964 * @brief Retrieves the input font's width.
966 * @return The input font's width.
968 FontWidth GetInputFontWidth() const;
971 * @brief Sets the input font's slant.
973 * @param[in] slant The input font's slant.
975 void SetInputFontSlant( FontSlant slant );
978 * @return Whether the font's slant has been defined.
980 bool IsInputFontSlantDefined() const;
983 * @brief Retrieves the input font's slant.
985 * @return The input font's slant.
987 FontSlant GetInputFontSlant() const;
990 * @brief Sets the input font's point size.
992 * @param[in] size The input font's point size.
994 void SetInputFontPointSize( float size );
997 * @brief Retrieves the input font's point size.
999 * @return The input font's point size.
1001 float GetInputFontPointSize() const;
1004 * @brief Sets the input line spacing.
1006 * @param[in] lineSpacing The line spacing.
1008 void SetInputLineSpacing( float lineSpacing );
1011 * @brief Retrieves the input line spacing.
1013 * @return The line spacing.
1015 float GetInputLineSpacing() const;
1018 * @brief Sets the input shadow's properties string.
1020 * @note The string is stored to be recovered.
1022 * @param[in] shadowProperties The shadow's properties string.
1024 void SetInputShadowProperties( const std::string& shadowProperties );
1027 * @brief Retrieves the input shadow's properties string.
1029 * @return The shadow's properties string.
1031 const std::string& GetInputShadowProperties() const;
1034 * @brief Sets the input underline's properties string.
1036 * @note The string is stored to be recovered.
1038 * @param[in] underlineProperties The underline's properties string.
1040 void SetInputUnderlineProperties( const std::string& underlineProperties );
1043 * @brief Retrieves the input underline's properties string.
1045 * @return The underline's properties string.
1047 const std::string& GetInputUnderlineProperties() const;
1050 * @brief Sets the input emboss's properties string.
1052 * @note The string is stored to be recovered.
1054 * @param[in] embossProperties The emboss's properties string.
1056 void SetInputEmbossProperties( const std::string& embossProperties );
1059 * @brief Retrieves the input emboss's properties string.
1061 * @return The emboss's properties string.
1063 const std::string& GetInputEmbossProperties() const;
1066 * @brief Sets input the outline's properties string.
1068 * @note The string is stored to be recovered.
1070 * @param[in] outlineProperties The outline's properties string.
1072 void SetInputOutlineProperties( const std::string& outlineProperties );
1075 * @brief Retrieves the input outline's properties string.
1077 * @return The outline's properties string.
1079 const std::string& GetInputOutlineProperties() const;
1082 * @brief Set the control's interface.
1084 * @param[in] controlInterface The control's interface.
1086 void SetControlInterface( ControlInterface* controlInterface );
1088 public: // Queries & retrieves.
1091 * @brief Return the layout engine.
1093 * @return A reference to the layout engine.
1095 Layout::Engine& GetLayoutEngine();
1098 * @brief Return a view of the text.
1100 * @return A reference to the view.
1105 * @copydoc Control::GetNaturalSize()
1107 Vector3 GetNaturalSize();
1110 * @copydoc Control::GetHeightForWidth()
1112 float GetHeightForWidth( float width );
1115 * @brief Retrieves the text's number of lines for a given width.
1116 * @param[in] width The width of the text's area.
1117 * @ return The number of lines.
1119 int GetLineCount( float width );
1122 * @brief Retrieves the text's model.
1124 * @return A pointer to the text's model.
1126 const ModelInterface* const GetTextModel() const;
1129 * @brief Used to get scrolled distance by user input
1131 * @return Distance from last scroll offset to new scroll offset
1133 float GetScrollAmountByUserInput();
1136 * @brief Get latest scroll amount, control size and layout size
1138 * This method is used to get information of control's scroll
1139 * @param[out] scrollPosition The current scrolled position
1140 * @param[out] controlHeight The size of a UI control
1141 * @param[out] layoutHeight The size of a bounding box to layout text within.
1143 * @return Whether the text scroll position is changed or not after last update.
1145 bool GetTextScrollInfo( float& scrollPosition, float& controlHeight, float& layoutHeight );
1148 * @brief Used to set the hidden input option
1150 void SetHiddenInputOption( const Property::Map& options );
1153 * @brief Used to get the hidden input option
1155 void GetHiddenInputOption( Property::Map& options );
1158 * @brief Sets the Placeholder Properties.
1160 * @param[in] map The placeholder property map
1162 void SetPlaceholderProperty( const Property::Map& map );
1165 * @brief Retrieves the Placeholder Property map.
1167 * @param[out] map The property map
1169 void GetPlaceholderProperty( Property::Map& map );
1172 * @brief Checks text direction.
1173 * @return The text direction.
1175 Toolkit::DevelText::TextDirection::Type GetTextDirection();
1177 public: // Relayout.
1180 * @brief Triggers a relayout which updates View (if necessary).
1182 * @note UI Controls are expected to minimize calls to this method e.g. call once after size negotiation.
1183 * @param[in] size A the size of a bounding box to layout text within.
1185 * @return Whether the text model or decorations were updated.
1187 UpdateTextType Relayout( const Size& size );
1190 * @brief Request a relayout using the ControlInterface.
1192 void RequestRelayout();
1194 public: // Input style change signals.
1197 * @return Whether the queue of input style changed signals is empty.
1199 bool IsInputStyleChangedSignalsQueueEmpty();
1202 * @brief Process all pending input style changed signals.
1204 * Calls the Text::ControlInterface::InputStyleChanged() method which is overriden by the
1205 * text controls. Text controls may send signals to state the input style has changed.
1207 void ProcessInputStyleChangedSignals();
1209 public: // Text-input Event Queuing.
1212 * @brief Called by editable UI controls when keyboard focus is gained.
1214 void KeyboardFocusGainEvent();
1217 * @brief Called by editable UI controls when focus is lost.
1219 void KeyboardFocusLostEvent();
1222 * @brief Called by editable UI controls when key events are received.
1224 * @param[in] event The key event.
1225 * @param[in] type Used to distinguish between regular key events and IMF events.
1227 bool KeyEvent( const Dali::KeyEvent& event );
1230 * @brief Called by editable UI controls when a tap gesture occurs.
1231 * @param[in] tapCount The number of taps.
1232 * @param[in] x The x position relative to the top-left of the parent control.
1233 * @param[in] y The y position relative to the top-left of the parent control.
1235 void TapEvent( unsigned int tapCount, float x, float y );
1238 * @brief Called by editable UI controls when a pan gesture occurs.
1240 * @param[in] state The state of the gesture.
1241 * @param[in] displacement This distance panned since the last pan gesture.
1243 void PanEvent( Gesture::State state, const Vector2& displacement );
1246 * @brief Called by editable UI controls when a long press gesture occurs.
1248 * @param[in] state The state of the gesture.
1249 * @param[in] x The x position relative to the top-left of the parent control.
1250 * @param[in] y The y position relative to the top-left of the parent control.
1252 void LongPressEvent( Gesture::State state, float x, float y );
1255 * @brief Event received from IMF manager
1257 * @param[in] imfManager The IMF manager.
1258 * @param[in] imfEvent The event received.
1259 * @return A data struture indicating if update is needed, cursor position and current text.
1261 ImfManager::ImfCallbackData OnImfEvent( ImfManager& imfManager, const ImfManager::ImfEventData& imfEvent );
1264 * @brief Event from Clipboard notifying an Item has been selected for pasting
1266 void PasteClipboardItemEvent();
1269 * @brief Return true when text control should clear key input focus when escape key is pressed.
1271 * @return Whether text control should clear key input focus or not when escape key is pressed.
1273 bool ShouldClearFocusOnEscape() const;
1275 protected: // Inherit from Text::Decorator::ControllerInterface.
1278 * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::Text::Decorator::ControllerInterface::GetTargetSize()
1280 virtual void GetTargetSize( Vector2& targetSize );
1283 * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::Text::Decorator::ControllerInterface::AddDecoration()
1285 virtual void AddDecoration( Actor& actor, bool needsClipping );
1288 * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::Text::Decorator::ControllerInterface::DecorationEvent()
1290 virtual void DecorationEvent( HandleType handle, HandleState state, float x, float y );
1292 protected: // Inherit from TextSelectionPopup::TextPopupButtonCallbackInterface.
1295 * @copydoc Dali::Toolkit::TextSelectionPopup::TextPopupButtonCallbackInterface::TextPopupButtonTouched()
1297 virtual void TextPopupButtonTouched( Dali::Toolkit::TextSelectionPopup::Buttons button );
1299 protected: // Inherit from HiddenText.
1302 * @brief Invoked from HiddenText when showing time of the last character was expired
1304 virtual void DisplayTimeExpired();
1309 * @brief Called by editable UI controls when key events are received.
1311 * @param[in] text The text to insert.
1312 * @param[in] type Used to distinguish between regular key events and IMF events.
1314 void InsertText( const std::string& text, InsertType type );
1317 * @brief Paste given string into Text model
1318 * @param[in] stringToPaste this string will be inserted into the text model
1320 void PasteText( const std::string& stringToPaste );
1323 * @brief Remove a given number of characters
1325 * When predictve text is used the pre-edit text is removed and inserted again with the new characters.
1326 * The UpdateInputStyleType @type parameter if set to DONT_UPDATE_INPUT_STYLE avoids to update the input
1327 * style when pre-edit text is removed.
1329 * @param[in] cursorOffset Start position from the current cursor position to start deleting characters.
1330 * @param[in] numberOfCharacters The number of characters to delete from the cursorOffset.
1331 * @param[in] type Whether to update the input style.
1332 * @return True if the remove was successful.
1334 bool RemoveText( int cursorOffset,
1335 int numberOfCharacters,
1336 UpdateInputStyleType type );
1339 * @brief Checks if text is selected and if so removes it.
1340 * @return true if text was removed
1342 bool RemoveSelectedText();
1344 private: // Relayout.
1347 * @brief Lays-out the text.
1349 * GetNaturalSize(), GetHeightForWidth() and Relayout() calls this method.
1351 * @param[in] size A the size of a bounding box to layout text within.
1352 * @param[in] operations The layout operations which need to be done.
1353 * @param[out] layoutSize The size of the laid-out text.
1355 bool DoRelayout( const Size& size,
1356 OperationsMask operations,
1360 * @brief Calulates the vertical offset to align the text inside the bounding box.
1362 * @param[in] size The size of the bounding box.
1364 void CalculateVerticalOffset( const Size& size );
1369 * @brief Process queued events which modify the model.
1371 void ProcessModifyEvents();
1374 * @brief Used to process an event queued from SetText()
1376 void TextReplacedEvent();
1379 * @brief Used to process an event queued from key events etc.
1381 void TextInsertedEvent();
1384 * @brief Used to process an event queued from backspace key etc.
1386 void TextDeletedEvent();
1389 * @brief Creates a selection event.
1391 * It could be called from the TapEvent (double tap) or when the text selection popup's sellect all button is pressed.
1393 * @param[in] x The x position relative to the top-left of the parent control.
1394 * @param[in] y The y position relative to the top-left of the parent control.
1395 * @param[in] selectAll Whether the whole text is selected.
1397 void SelectEvent( float x, float y, bool selectAll );
1400 * @brief Helper to KeyEvent() to handle the backspace or delete key case.
1402 * @param[in] keyCode The keycode for the key pressed
1403 * @return True if a character was deleted.
1405 bool DeleteEvent( int keyCode );
1407 private: // Helpers.
1410 * @brief Used to remove the text included the placeholder text.
1415 * @brief Helper to show the place holder text..
1417 void ShowPlaceholderText();
1420 * @brief Helper to clear font-specific data (only).
1422 void ClearFontData();
1425 * @brief Helper to clear text's style data.
1427 void ClearStyleData();
1430 * @brief Used to reset the cursor position after setting a new text.
1432 * @param[in] cursorIndex Where to place the cursor.
1434 void ResetCursorPosition( CharacterIndex cursorIndex );
1437 * @brief Used to reset the scroll position after setting a new text.
1439 void ResetScrollPosition();
1441 private: // Private contructors & copy operator.
1444 * @brief Private constructor.
1449 * @brief Private constructor.
1451 Controller( ControlInterface* controlInterface );
1454 * @brief Private constructor.
1456 Controller( ControlInterface* controlInterface,
1457 EditableControlInterface* editableControlInterface );
1460 Controller( const Controller& handle );
1463 Controller& operator=( const Controller& handle );
1465 protected: // Destructor.
1468 * @brief A reference counted object may only be deleted by calling Unreference().
1470 virtual ~Controller();
1480 } // namespace Toolkit