One more reverted change in PR
[platform/upstream/coreclr.git] / buildpipeline / DotNet-CoreClr-Trusted-Linux.json
1 {
2   "build": [
3     {
4       "environment": {},
5       "enabled": true,
6       "continueOnError": false,
7       "alwaysRun": false,
8       "displayName": "Initialize tools",
9       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
10       "refName": "Task1",
11       "task": {
12         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
13         "versionSpec": "1.*",
14         "definitionType": "task"
15       },
16       "inputs": {
17         "filename": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/",
18         "arguments": "",
19         "workingFolder": "",
20         "failOnStandardError": "false"
21       }
22     },
23     {
24       "environment": {},
25       "enabled": true,
26       "continueOnError": false,
27       "alwaysRun": false,
28       "displayName": "Initialize Docker",
29       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
30       "refName": "Task2",
31       "task": {
32         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
33         "versionSpec": "1.*",
34         "definitionType": "task"
35       },
36       "inputs": {
37         "filename": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Tools/scripts/docker/",
38         "arguments": "$(DockerImageName)",
39         "workingFolder": "",
40         "failOnStandardError": "false"
41       }
42     },
43     {
44       "environment": {},
45       "enabled": true,
46       "continueOnError": false,
47       "alwaysRun": false,
48       "displayName": "Clone repository",
49       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
50       "refName": "Task3",
51       "task": {
52         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
53         "versionSpec": "1.*",
54         "definitionType": "task"
55       },
56       "inputs": {
57         "filename": "docker",
58         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) git clone $(VsoCoreClrGitUrl) $(GitHubDirectory)",
59         "workingFolder": "",
60         "failOnStandardError": "false"
61       }
62     },
63     {
64       "environment": {},
65       "enabled": true,
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67       "alwaysRun": false,
68       "displayName": "Run",
69       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
70       "refName": "Task4",
71       "task": {
72         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
73         "versionSpec": "1.*",
74         "definitionType": "task"
75       },
76       "inputs": {
77         "filename": "docker",
78         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) ./ -all",
79         "workingFolder": "",
80         "failOnStandardError": "false"
81       }
82     },
83     {
84       "environment": {},
85       "enabled": true,
86       "continueOnError": false,
87       "alwaysRun": false,
88       "displayName": "Check out the specified commit",
89       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
90       "refName": "Task5",
91       "task": {
92         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
93         "versionSpec": "1.*",
94         "definitionType": "task"
95       },
96       "inputs": {
97         "filename": "docker",
98         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) git checkout $(Build.SourceVersion)",
99         "workingFolder": "",
100         "failOnStandardError": "false"
101       }
102     },
103     {
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110       "refName": "Task6",
111       "task": {
112         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
113         "versionSpec": "1.*",
114         "definitionType": "task"
115       },
116       "inputs": {
117         "filename": "docker",
118         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) ./",
119         "workingFolder": "",
120         "failOnStandardError": "false"
121       }
122     },
123     {
124       "environment": {},
125       "enabled": true,
126       "continueOnError": false,
127       "alwaysRun": false,
128       "displayName": "Run",
129       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
130       "refName": "Task7",
131       "task": {
132         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
133         "versionSpec": "1.*",
134         "definitionType": "task"
135       },
136       "inputs": {
137         "filename": "docker",
138         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) ./ $(PB_BuildType) $(Architecture) skipnuget -skiprestore stripSymbols -OfficialBuildId=$(OfficialBuildId) $(PB_AdditionalBuildArgs) -- /flp:\"v=diag\"",
139         "workingFolder": "",
140         "failOnStandardError": "false"
141       }
142     },
143     {
144       "environment": {},
145       "enabled": true,
146       "continueOnError": false,
147       "alwaysRun": false,
148       "displayName": "Run",
149       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
150       "refName": "Task8",
151       "task": {
152         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
153         "versionSpec": "1.*",
154         "definitionType": "task"
155       },
156       "inputs": {
157         "filename": "docker",
158         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) ./ -BuildType=$(PB_BuildType) -BuildArch=$(Architecture) $(PB_AdditionalBuildArgs) -- /p:OfficialBuildId=$(OfficialBuildId)",
159         "workingFolder": "",
160         "failOnStandardError": "false"
161       }
162     },
163     {
164       "environment": {},
165       "enabled": true,
166       "continueOnError": false,
167       "alwaysRun": false,
168       "displayName": "Publish packages",
169       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
170       "refName": "Task9",
171       "task": {
172         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
173         "versionSpec": "1.*",
174         "definitionType": "task"
175       },
176       "inputs": {
177         "filename": "docker",
178         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) ./ -AzureAccount=$(CloudDropAccountName) -AzureToken=$(CloudDropAccessToken) -BuildType=$(PB_BuildType) -BuildArch=$(Platform) -Container=$(PB_ContainerName) -distroRid=$(Rid) -PublishPackages -- /p:RelativePath=$(PB_BlobNamePrefix)$(PB_BuildType)/pkg /p:PublishFlatContainer=$(PublishFlat) /p:OverwriteOnPublish=true",
179         "workingFolder": "",
180         "failOnStandardError": "false"
181       }
182     },
183     {
184       "environment": {},
185       "enabled": true,
186       "continueOnError": false,
187       "alwaysRun": false,
188       "displayName": "Publish symbol packages",
189       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
190       "refName": "Task10",
191       "task": {
192         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
193         "versionSpec": "1.*",
194         "definitionType": "task"
195       },
196       "inputs": {
197         "filename": "docker",
198         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) ./ -AzureAccount=$(CloudDropAccountName) -AzureToken=$(CloudDropAccessToken) -BuildType=$(PB_BuildType) -BuildArch=$(Platform) -Container=$(PB_ContainerName) -distroRid=$(Rid) -PublishSymbols -- /p:RelativePath=$(PB_BlobNamePrefix)$(PB_BuildType)/symbolpkg /p:OverwriteOnPublish=true",
199         "workingFolder": "",
200         "failOnStandardError": "false"
201       }
202     },
203     {
204       "environment": {},
205       "enabled": true,
206       "continueOnError": false,
207       "alwaysRun": false,
208       "displayName": "Publish test native binaries",
209       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
210       "refName": "Task11",
211       "task": {
212         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
213         "versionSpec": "1.*",
214         "definitionType": "task"
215       },
216       "inputs": {
217         "filename": "docker",
218         "arguments": "run --rm $(DockerCommonRunArgs) ./ -AzureAccount=$(CloudDropAccountName) -AzureToken=$(CloudDropAccessToken) -BuildType=$(PB_BuildType) -BuildArch=$(Platform) -Container=$(PB_ContainerName) -distroRid=$(Rid) -PublishTestNativeBins -- /p:RelativePath=$(PB_BlobNamePrefix)$(PB_BuildType)/TestNativeBins/$(Rid)-$(Architecture) /p:OverwriteOnPublish=true",
219         "workingFolder": "",
220         "failOnStandardError": "false"
221       }
222     },
223     {
224       "environment": {},
225       "enabled": true,
226       "continueOnError": true,
227       "alwaysRun": false,
228       "displayName": "Create Copy Container",
229       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
230       "refName": "Task12",
231       "task": {
232         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
233         "versionSpec": "1.*",
234         "definitionType": "task"
235       },
236       "inputs": {
237         "filename": "docker",
238         "arguments": "run $(DockerCommonRunArgs) echo",
239         "workingFolder": "",
240         "failOnStandardError": "false"
241       }
242     },
243     {
244       "environment": {},
245       "enabled": true,
246       "continueOnError": true,
247       "alwaysRun": true,
248       "displayName": "Expose Docker repo for publishing",
249       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
250       "condition": "succeededOrFailed()",
251       "refName": "Task13",
252       "task": {
253         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
254         "versionSpec": "1.*",
255         "definitionType": "task"
256       },
257       "inputs": {
258         "filename": "docker",
259         "arguments": "cp $(DockerContainerName):$(GitHubDirectory) $(DockerCopyDest)",
260         "workingFolder": "",
261         "failOnStandardError": "false"
262       }
263     },
264     {
265       "environment": {},
266       "enabled": true,
267       "continueOnError": true,
268       "alwaysRun": true,
269       "displayName": "Copy Files to: $(Build.StagingDirectory)\\BuildLogs",
270       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
271       "condition": "succeededOrFailed()",
272       "refName": "CopyFiles1",
273       "task": {
274         "id": "5bfb729a-a7c8-4a78-a7c3-8d717bb7c13c",
275         "versionSpec": "2.*",
276         "definitionType": "task"
277       },
278       "inputs": {
279         "SourceFolder": "$(DockerCopyDest)",
280         "Contents": "**/*.log",
281         "TargetFolder": "$(Build.StagingDirectory)\\BuildLogs",
282         "CleanTargetFolder": "false",
283         "OverWrite": "false",
284         "flattenFolders": "false"
285       }
286     },
287     {
288       "environment": {},
289       "enabled": true,
290       "continueOnError": true,
291       "alwaysRun": true,
292       "displayName": "Publish Artifact: BuildLogs",
293       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
294       "condition": "succeededOrFailed()",
295       "refName": "PublishBuildArtifacts2",
296       "task": {
297         "id": "2ff763a7-ce83-4e1f-bc89-0ae63477cebe",
298         "versionSpec": "1.*",
299         "definitionType": "task"
300       },
301       "inputs": {
302         "PathtoPublish": "$(Build.StagingDirectory)\\BuildLogs",
303         "ArtifactName": "BuildLogs",
304         "ArtifactType": "Container",
305         "TargetPath": "\\\\my\\share\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\$(Build.BuildNumber)",
306         "Parallel": "false",
307         "ParallelCount": "8"
308       }
309     },
310     {
311       "environment": {},
312       "enabled": true,
313       "continueOnError": true,
314       "alwaysRun": false,
315       "displayName": "Cleanup Docker",
316       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
317       "condition": "always()",
318       "refName": "Task14",
319       "task": {
320         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
321         "versionSpec": "1.*",
322         "definitionType": "task"
323       },
324       "inputs": {
325         "filename": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Tools/scripts/docker/",
326         "arguments": "",
327         "workingFolder": "",
328         "failOnStandardError": "false"
329       }
330     },
331     {
332       "environment": {},
333       "enabled": true,
334       "continueOnError": true,
335       "alwaysRun": false,
336       "displayName": "Cleanup VSTS Agent",
337       "timeoutInMinutes": 0,
338       "condition": "always()",
339       "refName": "Task15",
340       "task": {
341         "id": "d9bafed4-0b18-4f58-968d-86655b4d2ce9",
342         "versionSpec": "1.*",
343         "definitionType": "task"
344       },
345       "inputs": {
346         "filename": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Tools/",
347         "arguments": "cleanupagent.proj /p:AgentDirectory=$(Agent.HomeDirectory) /p:DoClean=$(PB_CleanAgent)",
348         "workingFolder": "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Tools/scripts/vstsagent/",
349         "failOnStandardError": "false"
350       }
351     }
352   ],
353   "options": [
354     {
355       "enabled": false,
356       "definition": {
357         "id": "a9db38f9-9fdc-478c-b0f9-464221e58316"
358       },
359       "inputs": {
360         "workItemType": "234347",
361         "assignToRequestor": "true",
362         "additionalFields": "{}"
363       }
364     },
365     {
366       "enabled": false,
367       "definition": {
368         "id": "57578776-4c22-4526-aeb0-86b6da17ee9c"
369       },
370       "inputs": {
371         "additionalFields": "{}"
372       }
373     },
374     {
375       "enabled": false,
376       "definition": {
377         "id": "5d58cc01-7c75-450c-be18-a388ddb129ec"
378       },
379       "inputs": {
380         "branchFilters": "[\"+refs/heads/*\"]",
381         "additionalFields": "{}"
382       }
383     }
384   ],
385   "variables": {
386     "system.debug": {
387       "value": "false",
388       "allowOverride": true
389     },
390     "Platform": {
391       "value": "x64"
392     },
393     "PB_BuildType": {
394       "value": "Release"
395     },
396     "GitHubRepo": {
397       "value": ""
398     },
399     "GitHubDirectory": {
400       "value": "/root/coreclr"
401     },
402     "DockerContainerName": {
403       "value": "coreclr-$(Build.BuildId)"
404     },
405     "DockerImageName": {
406       "value": "$(DockerRepository):$(DockerTag)"
407     },
408     "DockerRepository": {
409       "value": "microsoft/dotnet-buildtools-prereqs"
410     },
411     "DockerTag": {
412       "value": "centos-7-d485f41-20173404063424",
413       "allowOverride": true
414     },
415     "CloudDropAccountName": {
416       "value": "dotnetbuildoutput"
417     },
418     "CloudDropAccessToken": {
419       "value": null,
420       "isSecret": true
421     },
422     "OfficialBuildId": {
423       "value": "$(Build.BuildNumber)",
424       "allowOverride": true
425     },
426     "Label": {
427       "value": "$(Build.BuildNumber)"
428     },
429     "GitHubBranch": {
430       "value": "sni_plus_latestbuildtools"
431     },
432     "Priority": {
433       "value": "0"
434     },
435     "RepoAccessToken": {
436       "value": null,
437       "isSecret": true
438     },
439     "Architecture": {
440       "value": "x64"
441     },
442     "CommitToCheckout": {
443       "value": "HEAD",
444       "allowOverride": true
445     },
446     "DockerVolumeName": {
447       "value": "coreclr-$(Build.BuildId)"
448     },
449     "DockerCommonRunArgs": {
450       "value": "--name $(DockerContainerName) --ulimit core=-1 -v \"$(DockerVolumeName):$(GitHubDirectory)\" -w=\"$(GitHubDirectory)\" $(DockerImageName)"
451     },
452     "DockerCopyDest": {
453       "value": "$(Build.BinariesDirectory)/docker_repo"
454     },
455     "PB_CleanAgent": {
456       "value": "true"
457     },
458     "PB_AdditionalBuildArgs": {
459       "value": ""
460     },
461     "VsoAccountName": {
462       "value": "dn-bot"
463     },
464     "VsoCoreClrGitUrl": {
465       "value": "https://$(VsoAccountName):$(VsoPassword)$(VsoRepositoryName)/"
466     },
467     "VsoPassword": {
468       "value": null,
469       "isSecret": true
470     },
471     "VsoRepositoryName": {
472       "value": "DotNet-CoreCLR-Trusted"
473     }
474   },
475   "demands": [
476     "Agent.OS -equals linux"
477   ],
478   "retentionRules": [
479     {
480       "branches": [
481         "+refs/heads/*"
482       ],
483       "artifacts": [],
484       "artifactTypesToDelete": [
485         "FilePath",
486         "SymbolStore"
487       ],
488       "daysToKeep": 10,
489       "minimumToKeep": 1,
490       "deleteBuildRecord": true,
491       "deleteTestResults": true
492     }
493   ],
494   "buildNumberFormat": "$(date:yyyyMMdd)$(rev:-rr)-$(DockerTag)",
495   "jobAuthorizationScope": "projectCollection",
496   "jobTimeoutInMinutes": 90,
497   "jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes": 5,
498   "repository": {
499     "properties": {
500       "labelSources": "0",
501       "reportBuildStatus": "true",
502       "fetchDepth": "0",
503       "gitLfsSupport": "false",
504       "skipSyncSource": "false",
505       "cleanOptions": "1",
506       "checkoutNestedSubmodules": "false",
507       "labelSourcesFormat": "$(build.buildNumber)"
508     },
509     "id": "670e3783-ab4f-44fc-9786-d332007da311",
510     "type": "TfsGit",
511     "name": "DotNet-CoreCLR-Trusted",
512     "url": "",
513     "defaultBranch": "refs/heads/master",
514     "clean": "true",
515     "checkoutSubmodules": false
516   },
517   "processParameters": {},
518   "quality": "definition",
519   "drafts": [],
520   "queue": {
521     "id": 36,
522     "name": "DotNet-Build",
523     "pool": {
524       "id": 39,
525       "name": "DotNet-Build"
526     }
527   },
528   "id": 1713,
529   "name": "DotNet-CoreClr-Trusted-Linux",
530   "path": "\\",
531   "type": "build",
532   "queueStatus": "enabled",
533   "project": {
534     "id": "0bdbc590-a062-4c3f-b0f6-9383f67865ee",
535     "name": "DevDiv",
536     "description": "Visual Studio and DevDiv team project for git source code repositories.  Work items will be added for Adams, Dev14 work items are tracked in vstfdevdiv.  ",
537     "url": "",
538     "state": "wellFormed",
539     "revision": 418098432,
540     "visibility": "organization"
541   }
542 }