1 # -*- mode: python; python-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
3 # This script includes generic build options:
4 # release/debug, target os, target arch, cross toolchain, build environment etc
9 project_version = '1.2.0'
11 # Map of host os and allowed target os (host: allowed target os)
13 'linux': ['linux', 'android', 'arduino', 'yocto', 'tizen'],
14 'windows': ['windows', 'android', 'arduino'],
15 'darwin': ['darwin', 'ios', 'android', 'arduino'],
16 'msys_nt' :['msys_nt'],
19 # Map of os and allowed archs (os: allowed archs)
21 'linux': ['x86', 'x86_64', 'arm', 'arm-v7a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64'],
22 'tizen': ['x86', 'x86_64', 'arm', 'arm-v7a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64'],
23 'android': ['x86', 'x86_64', 'armeabi', 'armeabi-v7a', 'armeabi-v7a-hard', 'arm64-v8a'],
24 'windows': ['x86', 'amd64', 'arm'],
25 'msys_nt':['x86', 'x86_64'],
26 'darwin': ['i386', 'x86_64'],
27 'ios': ['i386', 'x86_64', 'armv7', 'armv7s', 'arm64'],
28 'arduino': ['avr', 'arm'],
29 'yocto': ['i586', 'i686', 'x86_64', 'arm', 'powerpc', 'powerpc64', 'mips', 'mipsel'],
32 host = platform.system().lower()
34 # the host string contains version of windows. 6.3, 6.4, 10.0 which is 8.0, 8.1, and 10 respectively.
35 # Let's canonicalize the msys_nt-XX.X system name by stripping version off.
39 if not host_target_map.has_key(host):
40 print "\nError: Current system (%s) isn't supported\n" % host
43 ######################################################################
44 # Get build options (the optins from command line)
45 ######################################################################
46 target_os = ARGUMENTS.get('TARGET_OS', host).lower() # target os
48 if target_os not in host_target_map[host]:
49 print "\nError: Unknown target os: %s (Allow values: %s)\n" % (target_os, host_target_map[host])
52 if target_os == 'android':
55 default_arch = platform.machine()
57 if default_arch not in os_arch_map[target_os]:
58 default_arch = os_arch_map[target_os][0].lower()
60 target_arch = ARGUMENTS.get('TARGET_ARCH', default_arch) # target arch
62 # True if binary needs to be installed on board. (Might need root permissions)
63 # set to 'no', 'false' or 0 for only compilation
64 require_upload = ARGUMENTS.get('UPLOAD', False)
66 # Get the device name. This name can be used as network display name wherever possible
67 device_name = ARGUMENTS.get('DEVICE_NAME', "OIC-DEVICE")
69 default_with_upstream_libcoap = 0
71 if ARGUMENTS.get('TEST'):
72 logging_default = False
75 if ARGUMENTS.get('RELEASE', True) in ['y', 'yes', 'true', 't', '1', 'on', 'all', True]:
77 logging_default = (release_mode == False)
79 # targets that do not support the DTLS build (SECURED=1 build option)
80 targets_without_dtls_support = ['arduino'];
81 if ARGUMENTS.get('SECURED') == '1' and target_os in targets_without_dtls_support:
82 print "\nError: DTLS not supported on target os: %s MUST build with SECURED=0\n" % (target_os)
85 ######################################################################
86 # Common build options (release, target os, target arch)
87 ######################################################################
88 targets_disallow_multitransport = ['arduino']
90 help_vars = Variables()
91 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('VERBOSE', 'Show compilation', False))
92 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('RELEASE', 'Build for release?', True)) # set to 'no', 'false' or 0 for debug
93 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('TARGET_OS', 'Target platform', host, host_target_map[host]))
96 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('WITH_RA', 'Build with Remote Access module', False))
97 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('WITH_TCP', 'Build with TCP adapter', False))
98 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('WITH_PROXY', 'Build with CoAP-HTTP Proxy', False))
99 help_vars.Add(ListVariable('WITH_MQ', 'Build with MQ publisher/broker', 'OFF', ['OFF', 'SUB', 'PUB', 'BROKER']))
100 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('WITH_CLOUD', 'Build including AccountManager class and Cloud Client sample', False))
101 help_vars.Add(ListVariable('RD_MODE', 'Resource Directory build mode', 'CLIENT', ['CLIENT', 'SERVER']))
103 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('SIMULATOR', 'Build with simulator module', False))
105 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('WITH_RA_IBB', 'Build with Remote Access module(workssys)', False))
108 if target_os in targets_disallow_multitransport:
109 help_vars.Add(ListVariable('TARGET_TRANSPORT', 'Target transport', 'IP', ['BT', 'BLE', 'IP', 'NFC']))
111 help_vars.Add(ListVariable('TARGET_TRANSPORT', 'Target transport', 'ALL', ['ALL', 'BT', 'BLE', 'IP', 'NFC']))
113 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('TARGET_ARCH', 'Target architecture', default_arch, os_arch_map[target_os]))
114 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('SECURED', 'Build with DTLS', '0', allowed_values=('0', '1')))
115 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('MULTIPLE_OWNER', 'Enable multiple owner', '0', allowed_values=('0', '1')))
116 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('TEST', 'Run unit tests', '0', allowed_values=('0', '1')))
117 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('LOGGING', 'Enable stack logging', logging_default))
118 help_vars.Add(BoolVariable('UPLOAD', 'Upload binary ? (For Arduino)', require_upload))
119 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('ROUTING', 'Enable routing', 'EP', allowed_values=('GW', 'EP')))
120 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('BUILD_SAMPLE', 'Build with sample', 'ON', allowed_values=('ON', 'OFF')))
121 help_vars.AddVariables(('DEVICE_NAME', 'Network display name for device (For Arduino)', device_name, None, None),)
122 help_vars.Add(PathVariable('ANDROID_NDK', 'Android NDK path', None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
123 help_vars.Add(PathVariable('ANDROID_HOME', 'Android SDK path', None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
124 help_vars.Add(PathVariable('ANDROID_GRADLE', 'Gradle binary file', None, PathVariable.PathIsFile))
125 help_vars.Add(EnumVariable('WITH_UPSTREAM_LIBCOAP', 'Use latest stable version of LibCoAP downloaded from github', default_with_upstream_libcoap, allowed_values=('0','1')))
127 AddOption('--prefix',
133 help='installation prefix')
135 ######################################################################
136 # Platform(build target) specific options: SDK/NDK & toolchain
137 ######################################################################
138 targets_support_cc = ['linux', 'arduino', 'tizen']
140 if target_os in targets_support_cc:
141 # Set cross compile toolchain
142 help_vars.Add('TC_PREFIX', "Toolchain prefix (Generally only be required for cross-compiling)", os.environ.get('TC_PREFIX'))
143 help_vars.Add(PathVariable('TC_PATH',
144 'Toolchain path (Generally only be required for cross-compiling)',
145 os.environ.get('TC_PATH')))
147 if target_os in ['android', 'arduino']: # Android/Arduino always uses GNU compiler regardless of the host
148 env = Environment(variables = help_vars,
149 tools = ['gnulink', 'gcc', 'g++', 'ar', 'as', 'textfile']
152 env = Environment(variables = help_vars, tools = ['default', 'textfile'],
153 TARGET_ARCH = target_arch, TARGET_OS = target_os,
154 PREFIX = GetOption('prefix'),
155 LIB_INSTALL_DIR = ARGUMENTS.get('LIB_INSTALL_DIR') #for 64bit build
157 Help(help_vars.GenerateHelpText(env))
160 ************************************ Warning **********************************
161 * Enviornment variable TC_PREFIX/TC_PATH is set. It will change the default *
162 * toolchain, if it isn't what you expect you should unset it, otherwise it may*
163 * cause inexplicable errors. *
164 *******************************************************************************
166 if env.get('VERBOSE') == False:
167 env['CCCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
168 env['SHCCCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
169 env['CXXCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
170 env['SHCXXCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET"
171 env['LINKCOMSTR'] = "Linking $TARGET"
172 env['SHLINKCOMSTR'] = "Linking $TARGET"
173 env['ARCOMSTR'] = "Archiving $TARGET"
174 env['RANLIBCOMSTR'] = "Indexing Archive $TARGET"
176 if target_os in targets_support_cc:
177 prefix = env.get('TC_PREFIX')
178 tc_path = env.get('TC_PATH')
180 env.Replace(CC = prefix + env.get('CC', 'gcc'))
181 env.Replace(CXX = prefix + env.get('CXX', 'g++'))
182 env.Replace(AR = prefix + env.get('AR', 'ar'))
183 env.Replace(AS = prefix + env.get('AS', 'as'))
184 env.Replace(RANLIB = prefix + env.get('RANLIB', 'ranlib'))
187 env.PrependENVPath('PATH', tc_path)
188 sys_root = os.path.abspath(tc_path + '/../')
189 env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = ['--sysroot=' + sys_root])
190 env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ['--sysroot=' + sys_root])
192 if prefix or tc_path:
195 # If cross-compiling, honor environment settings for toolchain to avoid picking up native tools
196 if os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG') != None:
197 env["ENV"]["PKG_CONFIG"] = os.environ.get("PKG_CONFIG")
198 if os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH') != None:
199 env["ENV"]["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = os.environ.get("PKG_CONFIG_PATH")
200 if os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR') != None:
201 env["ENV"]["PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR"] = os.environ.get("PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR")
203 # Ensure scons be able to change its working directory
204 env.SConscriptChdir(1)
206 # Set the source directory and build directory
207 # Source directory: 'dir'
208 # Build directory: 'dir'/out/<target_os>/<target_arch>/<release or debug>/
210 # You can get the directory as following:
212 # env.get('BUILD_DIR')
214 def __set_dir(env, dir):
215 if not os.path.exists(dir + '/SConstruct'):
217 *************************************** Error *********************************
218 * The directory(%s) seems isn't a source code directory, no SConstruct file is
220 *******************************************************************************
224 if env.get('RELEASE'):
225 build_dir = dir + '/out/' + target_os + '/' + target_arch + '/release/'
227 build_dir = dir + '/out/' + target_os + '/' + target_arch + '/debug/'
228 env.VariantDir(build_dir, dir, duplicate=0)
230 env.Replace(BUILD_DIR = build_dir)
231 env.Replace(SRC_DIR = dir)
233 def __src_to_obj(env, src, home = ''):
234 obj = env.get('BUILD_DIR') + src.replace(home, '')
235 if env.get('OBJSUFFIX'):
236 obj += env.get('OBJSUFFIX')
237 return env.Object(obj, src)
239 def __install(ienv, targets, name):
240 i_n = ienv.Install(env.get('BUILD_DIR'), targets)
242 env.AppendUnique(TS = [name])
244 def __installlib(ienv, targets, name):
245 user_prefix = env.get('PREFIX')
247 user_lib = env.get('LIB_INSTALL_DIR')
249 i_n = ienv.Install(user_lib, targets)
251 i_n = ienv.Install(user_prefix + '/lib', targets)
252 ienv.Alias("install", i_n)
254 i_n = ienv.Install(env.get('BUILD_DIR'), targets)
255 ienv.Alias("install", i_n)
257 def __installbin(ienv, targets, name):
258 user_prefix = env.get('PREFIX')
260 i_n = ienv.Install(user_prefix + '/bin', targets)
261 ienv.Alias("install", i_n)
263 def __installheader(ienv, targets, dir, name):
264 user_prefix = env.get('PREFIX')
266 i_n = ienv.Install(user_prefix + '/include/' + dir ,targets)
268 i_n = ienv.Install(os.path.join(env.get('BUILD_DIR'), 'include', dir), targets)
269 ienv.Alias("install", i_n)
271 def __installpcfile(ienv, targets, name):
272 user_prefix = env.get('PREFIX')
274 user_lib = env.get('LIB_INSTALL_DIR')
276 i_n = ienv.Install(user_lib + '/pkgconfig', targets)
278 i_n = ienv.Install(user_prefix + '/lib/pkgconfig', targets)
280 i_n = ienv.Install(env.get('BUILD_DIR') + 'lib/pkgconfig', targets)
281 ienv.Alias("install", i_n)
283 def __append_target(ienv, name, targets = None):
285 env.Alias(name, targets)
286 env.AppendUnique(TS = [name])
288 def __print_targets(env):
290 ===============================================================================
292 for t in env.get('TS'):
295 \nDefault all targets will be built. You can specify the target to build:
297 $ scons [options] [target]
298 ===============================================================================
301 env.AddMethod(__set_dir, 'SetDir')
302 env.AddMethod(__print_targets, 'PrintTargets')
303 env.AddMethod(__src_to_obj, 'SrcToObj')
304 env.AddMethod(__append_target, 'AppendTarget')
305 env.AddMethod(__install, 'InstallTarget')
306 env.AddMethod(__installlib, 'UserInstallTargetLib')
307 env.AddMethod(__installbin, 'UserInstallTargetBin')
308 env.AddMethod(__installheader, 'UserInstallTargetHeader')
309 env.AddMethod(__installpcfile, 'UserInstallTargetPCFile')
310 env.SetDir(env.GetLaunchDir())
311 env['ROOT_DIR']=env.GetLaunchDir()+'/..'
315 ######################################################################
316 # Scons to generate the iotivity.pc file from iotivity.pc.in file
317 ######################################################################
318 pc_file = env.get('SRC_DIR') + '/iotivity.pc.in'
320 user_prefix = env.get('PREFIX')
321 user_lib = env.get('LIB_INSTALL_DIR')
324 user_prefix = env.get('BUILD_DIR').encode('string_escape')
327 user_lib = '$${prefix}/lib'
330 if env.get('LOGGING'):
331 defines.append('-DTB_LOG=1')
333 if env.get('ROUTING') == 'GW':
334 defines.append('-DROUTING_GATEWAY=1')
335 elif env.get('ROUTING') == 'EP':
336 defines.append('-DROUTING_EP=1')
339 if env.get('SECURED'):
340 libs.append('-locpmapi')
343 '\@VERSION\@': project_version,
344 '\@PREFIX\@': user_prefix,
345 '\@EXEC_PREFIX\@': user_prefix,
346 '\@LIB_INSTALL_DIR\@': user_lib,
347 '\@DEFINES\@': " ".join(defines),
348 '\@LIBS\@': " ".join(libs)
351 env.Substfile(pc_file, SUBST_DICT = pc_vars)
353 ######################################################################
354 # Link scons to Yocto cross-toolchain ONLY when target_os is yocto
355 ######################################################################
356 if target_os == "yocto":
358 This code injects Yocto cross-compilation tools+flags into scons'
359 build environment in order to invoke the relevant tools while
364 CC = os.environ['CC']
365 target_prefix = CC.split()[0]
366 target_prefix = target_prefix[:len(target_prefix)-3]
367 tools = {"CC" : target_prefix+"gcc",
368 "CXX" : target_prefix+"g++",
369 "AS" : target_prefix+"as",
370 "LD" : target_prefix+"ld",
371 "GDB" : target_prefix+"gdb",
372 "STRIP" : target_prefix+"strip",
373 "RANLIB" : target_prefix+"ranlib",
374 "OBJCOPY" : target_prefix+"objcopy",
375 "OBJDUMP" : target_prefix+"objdump",
376 "AR" : target_prefix+"ar",
377 "NM" : target_prefix+"nm",
379 "STRINGS": target_prefix+"strings"}
380 PATH = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
382 if tool in os.environ:
384 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, tools[tool])):
385 env[tool] = os.path.join(path, os.environ[tool])
387 env['CROSS_COMPILE'] = target_prefix[:len(target_prefix) - 1]
388 if os.environ['LDFLAGS'] != None:
389 env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = Split(os.environ['LDFLAGS']))
391 print "ERROR in Yocto cross-toolchain environment"
394 Now reset TARGET_OS to linux so that all linux specific build configurations
395 hereupon apply for the entirety of the build process.
397 env['TARGET_OS'] = 'linux'
399 We want to preserve debug symbols to allow BitBake to generate both DEBUG and
400 RELEASE packages for OIC.
402 env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = ['-g'])
404 Additional flags to pass to the Yocto toolchain.
406 if env.get('RELEASE'):
407 env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG'])
408 if env.get('LOGGING'):
409 env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ['TB_LOG'])
410 env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ['WITH_POSIX', '__linux__', '_GNU_SOURCE'])
411 env.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = ['-std=gnu99'])
412 env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS = ['-Wall', '-Wextra', '-fPIC'])
413 env.AppendUnique(LIBS = ['dl', 'pthread', 'uuid'])
417 If target_os is not Yocto, continue with the regular build process
419 # Load config of target os
420 env.SConscript(target_os + '/SConscript')
422 # Delete the temp files of configuration
423 if env.GetOption('clean'):
424 dir = env.get('SRC_DIR')
426 if os.path.exists(dir + '/config.log'):
427 Execute(Delete(dir + '/config.log'))
428 if os.path.exists(dir + '/.sconsign.dblite'):
429 Execute(Delete(dir + '/.sconsign.dblite'))
430 if os.path.exists(dir + '/.sconf_temp'):
431 Execute(Delete(dir + '/.sconf_temp'))
433 ######################################################################
434 # Check for PThreads support
435 ######################################################################
436 import iotivityconfig
437 from iotivityconfig import *
439 conf = Configure(env,
442 'CheckPThreadsSupport' : iotivityconfig.check_pthreads
445 # Identify whether we have pthreads support, which is necessary for
446 # threading and mutexes. This will set the environment variable
447 # POSIX_SUPPORTED, 1 if it is supported, 0 otherwise
448 conf.CheckPThreadsSupport()
451 ######################################################################
453 env.SConscript('external_libs.scons')