1 @if not defined _echo @echo off
2 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
4 set "__ProjectDir=%~dp0"
7 if /I [%1] == [/?] goto Usage
8 if /I [%1] == [/help] goto Usage
10 call %__ProjectDir%/run.cmd build-packages -Project=%__ProjectDir%\src\.nuget\packages.builds -FilterToOSGroup=Windows_NT %allargs%
11 if NOT [!ERRORLEVEL!]==[0] (
12 echo ERROR: An error occurred while building packages, see build-packages.log for more details.
16 echo Done Building Packages.
21 echo Builds the NuGet packages from the binaries that were built in the Build product binaries step.
22 echo The following properties are required to define build architecture
23 echo -BuildArch=[architecture] -BuildType=[configuration]
24 echo Architecture can be x64, x86, arm, or arm64
25 echo Configuration can be Release, Debug, or Checked