Release 4.0.0-preview1-00081
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / binaries / frameworks / Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Tizen.Uix.SttEngine</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Interop">
8             <summary>
9             Partial Interop Class
10             </summary>
11             <summary>
12             Partial Interop Class
13             </summary>
14         </member>
15         <member name="T:Interop.Libraries">
16             <summary>
17             Partial Libraries Class
18             </summary>
19         </member>
20         <member name="T:Interop.SttEngine">
21             <summary>
22             SttEngine Interop Class
23             </summary>
24         </member>
25         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.OutOfMemory" -->
26         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.IoError" -->
27         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.InvalidParameter" -->
28         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.NetworkDown" -->
29         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.InvalidState" -->
30         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.InvalidLanguage" -->
31         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.OperationFailed" -->
32         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.NotSupportedFeature" -->
33         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.NotSupported" -->
34         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.PermissionDenied" -->
35         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.SttEngine.ErrorCode.RecordingTimedOut" -->
36         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.AudioType">
37             <summary>
38             Enumeration for audio type.
39             </summary>
40         </member>
41         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.AudioType.PcmS16Le">
42             <summary>
43             Signed 16bit audio type, Little endian
44             </summary>
45         </member>
46         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.AudioType.PcmU8">
47             <summary>
48             Unsigned 8bit audio type
49             </summary>
50         </member>
51         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultEvent">
52             <summary>
53             Enumeration for result.
54             </summary>
55         </member>
56         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultEvent.FinalResult">
57             <summary>
58             Event when either the full matched or the final result is delivered
59             </summary>
60         </member>
61         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultEvent.PartialResult">
62             <summary>
63             Event when the partial matched result is delivered
64             </summary>
65         </member>
66         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultEvent.Error">
67             <summary>
68             Event when the recognition has failed
69             </summary>
70         </member>
71         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.TimeEvent">
72             <summary>
73             Enumeration for result time.
74             </summary>
75         </member>
76         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.TimeEvent.Beginning">
77             <summary>
78             Event when the token is beginning type
79             </summary>
80         </member>
81         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.TimeEvent.Middle">
82             <summary>
83             Event when the token is middle type
84             </summary>
85         </member>
86         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.TimeEvent.End">
87             <summary>
88             Event when the token is end type
89             </summary>
90         </member>
91         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.SpeechStatus">
92             <summary>
93             Enumeration for speech status.
94             </summary>
95         </member>
96         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.SpeechStatus.BeginningPointDetected">
97             <summary>
98             Beginning point of speech is detected
99             </summary>
100         </member>
101         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.SpeechStatus.EndPointDetected">
102             <summary>
103             End point of speech is detected
104             </summary>
105         </member>
106         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage">
107             <summary>
108             Enumeration representing the result message
109             </summary>
110         </member>
111         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage.None">
112             <summary>
113             No Error
114             </summary>
115         </member>
116         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage.TooSoon">
117             <summary>
118             Recognition failed  because the speech started too soon.
119             </summary>
120         </member>
121         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage.TooShort">
122             <summary>
123             Recognition failed  because the speech is too short.
124             </summary>
125         </member>
126         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage.TooLong">
127             <summary>
128             Recognition failed  because the speech is too long.
129             </summary>
130         </member>
131         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage.TooQuiet">
132             <summary>
133             Recognition failed  because the speech is too quiet to listen.
134             </summary>
135         </member>
136         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage.TooLoud">
137             <summary>
138             Recognition failed  because the speech is too loud to listen.
139             </summary>
140         </member>
141         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage.TooFast">
142             <summary>
143             Recognition failed  because the speech is too fast to listen.
144             </summary>
145         </member>
146         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error">
147             <summary>
148             Enum for Error values that can occur
149             </summary>
150         </member>
151         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.None">
152             <summary>
153             Successful, No error
154             </summary>
155         </member>
156         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.OutOfMemory">
157             <summary>
158             Out of Memory
159             </summary>
160         </member>
161         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.IoError">
162             <summary>
163             I/O error
164             </summary>
165         </member>
166         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.InvalidParameter">
167             <summary>
168             Invalid parameter
169             </summary>
170         </member>
171         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.NetworkDown">
172             <summary>
173             Network down(Out of network)
174             </summary>
175         </member>
176         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.InvalidState">
177             <summary>
178             Invalid state
179             </summary>
180         </member>
181         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.InvalidLanguage">
182             <summary>
183             Invalid language
184             </summary>
185         </member>
186         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.OperationFailed">
187             <summary>
188             Operation failed
189             </summary>
190         </member>
191         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.NotSupportedFeature">
192             <summary>
193             Not supported feature of current engine
194             </summary>
195         </member>
196         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.NotSupported">
197             <summary>
198             NOT supported
199             </summary>
200         </member>
201         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.PermissionDenied">
202             <summary>
203             Permission denied
204             </summary>
205         </member>
206         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error.RecordingTimedOut">
207             <summary>
208             Recording timed out
209             </summary>
210         </member>
211         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine">
212             <summary>
213             This Class represents the Stt Engine which has to be inherited to make the engine.
214             </summary>
215         </member>
216         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.Action`1">
217             <summary>
218             An Action with 2 Input Parameter returning a Error
219             </summary>
220             <typeparam name="T">Generic Type for Parameter 1</typeparam>
221             <param name="a">The Input Parameter 1</param>
222             <param name="b">The Input Parameter 2</param>
223             <returns>Error Value</returns>
224         </member>
225         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.OutAction`1">
226             <summary>
227             An Action with 2 Out Parameter returning a Error
228             </summary>
229             <typeparam name="T">Generic Type for Parameter 1</typeparam>
230             <param name="a">The Input Parameter 1</param>
231             <param name="b">The Input Parameter 2</param>
232             <returns>Error Value</returns>
233         </member>
234         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.ResultTime">
235             <summary>
236             Called when Stt engine provides the time stamp of result to the engine service user.
237             This callback function is implemented by the engine service user. Therefore, the engine developer does NOT have to implement this callback function.
238             </summary>
239             <param name="index">The result index</param>
240             <param name="resultEvent">The token event</param>
241             <param name="text">The result text</param>
242             <param name="startTime">The time started speaking the result text</param>
243             <param name="endTime">The time finished speaking the result text</param>
244             <param mane="userData">The User data</param>
245             <returns>true to continue with the next iteration of the loop, false to break out of the loop</returns>
246             <precondition>SendResult() should be called.</precondition>
247         </member>
248         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SupportedLanguages">
249             <summary>
250             Called when Stt engine informs the engine service user about whole supported language list.
251             This callback function is implemented by the engine service user. Therefore, the engine developer does NOT have to implement this callback function.
252             </summary>
253             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two letter country-code
254             followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code
255             for example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
256             <param mane="userData">The User data</param>
257             <returns>true to continue with the next iteration of the loop, false to break out of the loop</returns>
258             <precondition>ForEachSupportedLanguages() should be called</precondition>
259         </member>
260         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.GetInformation(System.String@,System.String@,System.String@,System.Boolean@)">
261             <summary>
262             Called when the engine service user requests the basic information of Stt engine.
263             </summary>
264             <remarks>
265             In order to upload the engine at Tizen Appstore, both a service app and a ui app are necessary. Therefore, engineSetting must be transferred to the engine service user.
266             </remarks>
267             <param name="engineUuid">UUID of engine</param>
268             <param name="engineName">Name of engine</param>
269             <param name="engineSetting">The engine setting application(ui app)'s app ID</param>
270             <param name="useNetwork">A variable for checking whether the network is used or not</param>
271             <returns>
272             Following Error Codes can be returned
273             1. None
274             2. OperationFailed
275             3. InvalidParameter
276             </returns>
277         </member>
278         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.Initialize">
279             <summary>
280             Called when the engine service user initializes Stt engine.
281             This callback function is called by the engine service user to request for Stt engine to be started.
282             </summary>
283             <returns>
284             Following Error Codes can be returned
285             1. None
286             2. InvalidParameter
287             3. InvalidState
288             4. OperationFailed
289             </returns>
290         </member>
291         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.Deinitialize">
292             <summary>
293             Called when the engine service user deinitializes Stt engine.
294             This callback function is called by the engine service user to request for Stt engine to be deinitialized.
295             </summary>
296             <returns>
297             Following Error Codes can be returned
298             1. None
299             2. InvalidState
300             </returns>
301         </member>
302         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.ForEachSupportedLanguages(Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SupportedLanguages,System.IntPtr)">
303             <summary>
304             Called when the engine service user gets the whole supported language list.
305             </summary>
306             <remarks>
307             In this function, the engine service user's callback function 'SupportedLanguages' is invoked repeatedly for getting all supported languages
308             and user_data must be transferred to 'SupportedLanguages'. If 'SupportedLanguages' returns false, it should be stopped to call 'SupportedLanguages'.
309             </remarks>
310             <param name="callback">The callback function</param>
311             <param name="userData">The user data which must be passed to the callback delegate 'SupportedLanguages'</param>
312             <returns>
313             Following Error Codes can be returned
314             1. None
315             2. InvalidState
316             3. InvalidParameter
317             </returns>
318             <postcondition>
319             This callback function invokes SupportedLanguages repeatedly for getting supported languages.
320             </postcondition>
321         </member>
322         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.IsValidLanguage(System.String,System.Boolean@)">
323             <summary>
324             Called when the engine service user checks whether the corresponding language is valid or not in Stt engine.
325             </summary>
326             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two letter country-code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code
327             For example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
328             <param name="isValid">A variable for checking whether the corresponding language is valid or not. true to be valid, false to be invalid</param>
329             <returns>
330             Following Error Codes can be returned
331             1. None
332             2. InvalidParameter
333             </returns>
334         </member>
335         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SupportSilenceDetection">
336             <summary>
337             Called when the engine service user checks whether Stt engine supports silence detection.
338             </summary>
339             <returns>true to support silence detection, false not to support silence detection</returns>
340         </member>
341         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SupportRecognitionType(System.String,System.Boolean@)">
342             <summary>
343             Called when the engine service user checks whether Stt engine supports the corresponding recognition type.
344             </summary>
345             <param name="type">The type for recognition, "stt.recognition.type.FREE" or "stt.recognition.type.FREE.PARTIAL"</param>
346             <param name="isSupported">A variable for checking whether Stt engine supports the corresponding recognition type.
347             true to support recognition type, false not to support recognition type</param>
348             <returns>
349             Following Error Codes can be returned
350             1. None
351             2. InvalidParameter
352             </returns>
353         </member>
354         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.GetRecordingFormat(Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.AudioType@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
355             <summary>
356             Called when the engine service user gets the proper recording format of Stt engine.
357             The recording format is used for creating the recorder.
358             </summary>
359             <param name="types">The format used by the recorder</param>
360             <param name="rate">The sample rate used by the recorder</param>
361             <param name="channels">The number of channels used by the recorder</param>
362             <returns>
363             Following Error Codes can be returned
364             1. None
365             2. InvalidState
366             </returns>
367         </member>
368         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SetSilenceDetection(System.Boolean)">
369             <summary>
370             Called when the engine service user sets the silence detection.
371             If the engine service user sets this option as 'TRUE', Stt engine will detect the silence (EPD) and send the callback event about it.
372             </summary>
373             <param name="isSet">A variable for setting the silence detection. true to detect the silence, false not to detect the silence</param>
374             <returns>
375             Following Error Codes can be returned
376             1. None
377             2. InvalidState
378             3. NotSupportedFeature
379             </returns>
380         </member>
381         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.CheckAppAgreed(System.String,System.Boolean@)">
382             <summary>
383             Called when the engine service user requests for Stt engine to check whether the application agreed the usage of Stt engine.
384             This callback function is called when the engine service user requests for Stt engine to check the application's agreement about using the engine.
385             According to the need, the engine developer can provide some user interfaces to check the agreement.
386             </summary>
387             <param name="appid">The Application ID</param>
388             <param name="isAgreed">A variable for checking whether the application agreed to use Stt engine or not. true to agree, false to disagree</param>
389             <returns>
390             Following Error Codes can be returned
391             1. None
392             2. InvalidState
393             3. NotSupportedFeature
394             </returns>
395         </member>
396         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.NeedAppCredential">
397             <summary>
398             Called when the engine service user checks whether Stt engine needs the application's credential.
399             </summary>
400             <returns>true if Stt engine needs the application's credential, otherwise false </returns>
401         </member>
402         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.ForEachResultTime(System.IntPtr,Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.ResultTime,System.IntPtr)">
403             <summary>
404             Called when the engine service user gets the result time information(stamp).
405             </summary>
406             <remarks>
407             In this function, the engine service user's callback delegate 'ResultTime' is invoked repeatedly for sending the time information to the engine service user
408             and user_data must be transferred to 'ResultTime'. If 'ResultTime' returns false, it should be stopped to call 'ResultTime'.
409             timeInfo is transferred from SendResult. The type of timeInfo is up to the Stt engine developer.
410             </remarks>
411             <param name="timeInfo">The time information</param>
412             <param name="callback">The callback function</param>
413             <param name="userData">The user data which must be passed to the callback function ResultTime</param>
414             <returns>
415             Following Error Codes can be returned
416             1. None
417             2. InvalidState
418             3. InvalidParameter
419             </returns>
420             <precondition>
421             SendResult will invoke this function
422             </precondition>
423             <postcondition>
424             This function invokes ResultTime repeatedly for getting result time information.
425             </postcondition>
426         </member>
427         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.Start(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.IntPtr)">
428             <summary>
429             Called when the engine service user starts to recognize the recording data.
430             In this callback function, Stt engine must transfer the recognition result and userData to the engine service user using SendResult().
431             Also, if Stt engine needs the application's credential, it sets the credential granted to the application.
432             </summary>
433             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two letter country-code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code
434             For example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
435             <param name="type">The recognition type, "stt.recognition.type.FREE" or "stt.recognition.type.FREE.PARTIAL"</param>
436             <param name="appid">The Application ID</param>
437             <param name="credential">The credential granted to the application</param>
438             <param name="userData">The user data to be passed to the callback function</param>
439             <returns>
440             Following Error Codes can be returned
441             1. None
442             2. InvalidState
443             3. InvalidParameter
444             4. InvalidLanguage
445             5. OperationFailed
446             6. NetworkDown
447             </returns>
448             <precondition>
449             The engine is not in recognition processing.
450             </precondition>
451         </member>
452         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SetRecordingData(System.String,System.UInt32)">
453             <summary>
454             Called when the engine service user sets and sends the recording data for speech recognition.
455             This callback function is called by the engine service user to send the recording data to Stt engine.The engine receives the recording data and uses for speech recognition. 
456             this function should be returned immediately after recording data copy.
457             </summary>
458             <param name="data">The recording data</param>
459             <param name="length">The length of recording data</param>
460             <returns>
461             Following Error Codes can be returned
462             1. None
463             2. InvalidState
464             3. InvalidParameter
465             4. OperationFailed
466             </returns>
467             <percondition>
468             Start should succeed</percondition>
469             <postcondition>
470             If the engine supports partial result, SendResult() should be invoked.</postcondition>
471         </member>
472         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.Stop">
473             <summary>
474             Called when the engine service user stops to recognize the recording data.
475             This callback function is called by the engine service user to stop recording and to get the recognition result.
476             </summary>
477             <returns>Following Error Codes can be returned
478             1. None
479             2. InvalidState
480             3. OperationFailed
481             4. NetworkDown
482             </returns>
483             <percondition>
484             Start should succeed</percondition>
485             <postcondition>
486             After processing of the engine, , SendResult() should be invoked.</postcondition>
487         </member>
488         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.Cancel">
489             <summary>
490             Called when the engine service user cancels to recognize the recording data.
491             This callback function is called by the engine service user to cancel to recognize the recording data.Also, when starting the recorder is failed, this function is called.
492             </summary>
493             <returns>
494             Following Error Codes can be returned
495             1. None
496             2. InvalidState
497             </returns>
498             <precondition>Stt engine is in recognition processing or recording.</precondition>
499         </member>
500         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.#ctor">
501             <summary>
502             Public Constructor
503             </summary>
504         </member>
505         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.EngineMain(System.Int32,System.String[])">
506             <summary>
507             Main function for Speech-To-Text (STT) engine.
508             This function is the main function for operating Stt engine.
509             </summary>
510             <privilege>
512             </privilege>
513             <remarks>
514             ServiceAppMain should be used for working the engine after this function.
515             </remarks>
516             <param name="argc">The Number of Arguments</param>
517             <param name="argv">The Arguments Array</param>
518             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
519             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
520             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
521             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
522         </member>
523         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SendResult(Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultEvent,System.String,System.String[],System.Int32,Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.ResultMessage,System.IntPtr)">
524             <summary>
525             Sends the recognition result to the engine service user.
526             </summary>
527             <remarks>
528             This API is used in SetRecordingData() and Stop(), when Stt engine sends the recognition result to the engine service user.
529             This function is called in the following situations; 1) after Stop() is called, 2) the end point of speech is detected from recording, or 3) partial result is occurred.
530             The recognition result must be transferred to the engine service user through this function. Also, timeInfo must be transferred to ForEachResultTime().
531             The type of timeInfo is up to the Stt engine developer.
532             </remarks>
533             <param name="resultEvent">The result event</param>
534             <param name="type">The recognition type, "stt.recognition.type.FREE" or "stt.recognition.type.FREE.PARTIAL"</param>
535             <param name="result">Result texts</param>
536             <param name="resultCount">Result text count</param>
537             <param name="msg">Engine message</param>
538             <param name="timeInfo">The time information</param>
539             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
540             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
541             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
542             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
543             <precondition>
544             EngineMain function should be invoked before this function is called. Stop will invoke this function.
545             </precondition>
546             <postcondition>
547             This function invokes ForEachResultTime
548             </postcondition>
549         </member>
550         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SendError(Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Error,System.String)">
551             <summary>
552             Sends the error to the engine service user.
553             </summary>
554             <param name="error">The Error Reason</param>
555             <param name="msg">The error message</param>
556             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
557             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
558             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
559             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
560             <precondition>
561             Main function should be invoked before this function is called.
562             </precondition>
563         </member>
564         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SendSpeechStatus(Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.SpeechStatus)">
565             <summary>
566             Sends the speech status to the engine service user when Stt engine notifies the change of the speech status.
567             </summary>
568             <remarks>
569             This API is invoked when Stt engine wants to notify the change of the speech status anytime. NOTE that this API can be invoked for recognizing the speech.
570             </remarks>
571             <param name="status">SpeechStatus</param>
572             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
573             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
574             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
575             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
576             <precondition>
577             Main function should be invoked before this function is called. Start() and SetRecordingData() will invoke this function.
578             </precondition>
579         </member>
580         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SetPrivateDataSetDelegate(Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.Action{System.String})">
581             <summary>
582             Sets a callback function for setting the private data.
583             </summary>
584             <privilege>
586             </privilege>
587             <param name="callback">
588             Called when Stt engine receives the private data from the engine service user.
589             This callback function is called when the engine service user sends the private data to Stt engine.
590             In Parameters:
591             a = Key -- The key field of private data
592             b = data -- The data field of private data
593             Following Error Codes can be returned
594             1. None
595             2. InvalidParameter
596             3. OperationFailed
597             </param>
598             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
599             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
600             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
601             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
602             <precondition>
603             Main function should be invoked before this function is called.
604             </precondition>
605         </member>
606         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.SetPrivateDataRequestedDelegate(Tizen.Uix.SttEngine.Engine.OutAction{System.String})">
607             <summary>
608             Sets a callback delegate for requesting the private data.
609             </summary>
610             <privilege>
612             </privilege>
613             <param name="callback">callback function
614             Called when Stt engine provides the engine service user with the private data.
615             This callback function is called when the engine service user gets the private data from Stt engine.
616             Out Parameters:
617             a = Key -- The key field of private data
618             b = data -- The data field of private data
619             Following Error Codes can be returned
620             1. None
621             2. InvalidParameter
622             3. OperationFailed
623             </param>
624             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
625             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
626             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
627             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
628             <precondition>
629             Main function should be invoked before this function is called.
630             </precondition>
631         </member>
632     </members>
633 </doc>