[Tizen] Add BuildTools 2.1.0-rc1-02804-05
[platform/upstream/coreclr.git] / Tools / dotnetcli / sdk / NuGetFallbackFolder / microsoft.data.odata / 5.8.2 / lib / sl4 / Microsoft.Data.OData.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Microsoft.Data.OData</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter">
8             <summary>
9             Component for formatting literals for use in URIs, ETags, and skip-tokens.
10             </summary>
11         </member>
12         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.HexValues">
13             <summary>Constant table of nibble-to-hex convertion values.</summary>
14         </member>
15         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultInstance">
16             <summary>Default singleton instance for parenthetical keys, etags, or skiptokens.</summary>
17         </member>
18         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultInstanceWithoutEncoding">
19             <summary>Default singleton instance which does not URL-encode the resulting string.</summary>
20         </member>
21         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.KeyAsSegmentInstance">
22             <summary>Default singleton instance for keys formatted as segments.</summary>
23         </member>
24         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.ForKeys(System.Boolean)">
25             <summary>
26             Gets the literal formatter for keys.
27             </summary>
28             <param name="keysAsSegment">if set to <c>true</c> then the key is going to be written as a segment, rather than in parentheses.</param>
29             <returns>The literal formatter for keys.</returns>
30         </member>
31         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.Format(System.Object)">
32             <summary>Converts the specified value to an encoded, serializable string for URI key.</summary>
33             <param name="value">Non-null value to convert.</param>
34             <returns>value converted to a serializable string for URI key.</returns>
35         </member>
36         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.EscapeResultForUri(System.String)">
37             <summary>
38             Escapes the result accoridng to URI escaping rules.
39             </summary>
40             <param name="result">The result to escape.</param>
41             <returns>The escaped string.</returns>
42         </member>
43         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.ConvertByteArrayToKeyString(System.Byte[])">
44             <summary>Converts the given byte[] into string.</summary>
45             <param name="byteArray">byte[] that needs to be converted.</param>
46             <returns>String containing hex values representing the byte[].</returns>
47         </member>
48         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.FormatRawLiteral(System.Object)">
49             <summary>
50             Formats the literal without a type prefix, quotes, or escaping.
51             </summary>
52             <param name="value">The non-null value to format.</param>
53             <returns>The formatted literal, without type marker or quotes.</returns>
54         </member>
55         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.FormatAndEscapeLiteral(System.Object)">
56             <summary>
57             Formats the literal without a type prefix or quotes, but does escape it.
58             </summary>
59             <param name="value">The non-null value to format.</param>
60             <returns>The formatted literal, without type marker or quotes.</returns>
61         </member>
62         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.ForConstants">
63             <summary>
64             Gets the literal formatter for URL constants.
65             </summary>
66         </member>
67         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.ForConstantsWithoutEncoding">
68             <summary>
69             Gets the literal formatter for URL constants which does not URL-encode the string.
70             </summary>
71         </member>
72         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.SharedUtils">
73             <summary>
74             Helper utilities that capture any deltas between ODL, the WCF DS Client, and the WCF DS Server.
75             </summary>
76         </member>
77         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.SharedUtils.CreateExceptionForUnconvertableType(System.Object)">
78             <summary>
79             Creates a new exception instance to be thrown if the value is not a type that can be formatted as a literal.
80             DEVNOTE: Will return a different exception depending on whether this is ODataLib, the WCF DS Server, or the WCF DS client.
81             </summary>
82             <param name="value">The literal value that could not be converted.</param>
83             <returns>The exception that should be thrown.</returns>
84         </member>
85         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.SharedUtils.TryConvertToStandardType(System.Object,System.Object@)">
86             <summary>
87             Tries to convert the given value to one of the standard recognized types. Used specifically for handling XML and binary types.
88             </summary>
89             <param name="value">The original value.</param>
90             <param name="converted">The value converted to one of the standard types.</param>
91             <returns>Whether or not the value was converted.</returns>
92         </member>
93         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.SharedUtils.AppendDecimalMarkerToDouble(System.String)">
94             <summary>
95             Appends the decimal marker to string form of double value if necessary.
96             DEVNOTE: Only used by the client and ODL, for legacy/back-compat reasons.
97             </summary>
98             <param name="input">Input string.</param>
99             <returns>String with decimal marker optionally added.</returns>
100         </member>
101         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.SharedUtils.ShouldAppendLiteralSuffixToDouble(System.Double)">
102             <summary>
103             Returns whether a 'd' literal suffix to a double value based on its value.
104             DEVNOTE: The WCF DS client never added the 'd', but WCF DS Server and ODL do.
105             </summary>
106             <param name="value">The value itself.</param>
107             <returns>Whether or not to append the 'd' suffix.</returns>
108         </member>
109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.SharedUtils.TryGetByteArrayFromBinary(System.Object,System.Byte[]@)">
110             <summary>
111             Tries to convert an instance of System.Data.Linq.Binary to a byte array.
112             </summary>
113             <param name="value">The original value which might be an instance of System.Data.Linq.Binary.</param>
114             <param name="array">The converted byte array, if it was converted.</param>
115             <returns>Whether or not the value was converted.</returns>
116         </member>
117         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter">
118             <summary>
119             Default literal formatter implementation.
120             </summary>
121         </member>
122         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter.disableUrlEncoding">
123             <summary>If true, literals will not be URL encoded.</summary>
124         </member>
125         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter.#ctor">
126             <summary>
127             Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter"/>.
128             </summary>
129         </member>
130         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
131             <summary>
132             Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter"/>.
133             </summary>
134             <param name="disableUrlEncoding">If true, literals will not be URL encoded.</param>
135         </member>
136         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter.Format(System.Object)">
137             <summary>Converts the specified value to an encoded, serializable string for URI key.</summary>
138             <param name="value">Non-null value to convert.</param>
139             <returns>value converted to a serializable string for URI key.</returns>
140         </member>
141         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter.EscapeResultForUri(System.String)">
142             <summary>
143             Escapes the result accoridng to URI escaping rules.
144             </summary>
145             <param name="result">The result to escape.</param>
146             <returns>The escaped string.</returns>
147         </member>
148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.DefaultLiteralFormatter.FormatLiteralWithTypePrefix(System.Object)">
149             <summary>
150             Formats the literal with a type prefix and quotes (if the type requires it).
151             </summary>
152             <param name="value">The value to format.</param>
153             <returns>The formatted literal, with type marker if needed.</returns>
154         </member>
155         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralFormatter">
156             <summary>
157             Literal formatter for keys which are written as URI segments. 
158             Very similar to the default, but it never puts the type markers or single quotes around the value.
159             </summary>
160         </member>
161         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralFormatter.#ctor">
162             <summary>
163             Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralFormatter"/>.
164             </summary>
165         </member>
166         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralFormatter.Format(System.Object)">
167             <summary>Converts the specified value to an encoded, serializable string for URI key.</summary>
168             <param name="value">Non-null value to convert.</param>
169             <returns>value converted to a serializable string for URI key.</returns>
170         </member>
171         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralFormatter.EscapeLeadingDollarSign(System.String)">
172             <summary>
173             If the string starts with a '$', prepends another '$' to escape it.
174             </summary>
175             <param name="stringValue">The string value.</param>
176             <returns>The string value with a leading '$' escaped, if one was present.</returns>
177         </member>
178         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer">
179             <summary>
180             Component for serializing entity key values for building identities, edit links, etc.
181             </summary>
182         </member>
183         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.DefaultInstance">
184             <summary>Singleton instance of the default serializer.</summary>
185         </member>
186         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.SegmentInstance">
187             <summary>Singleton instance of the segment-based serializer.</summary>
188         </member>
189         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.Create(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention)">
190             <summary>
191             Creates a new key serializer.
192             </summary>
193             <param name="urlConvention">The url convention to use.</param>
194             <returns>
195             A new key serializer.
196             </returns>
197         </member>
198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.AppendKeyExpression``1(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.Func{``0,System.String},System.Func{``0,System.Object})">
199             <summary>
200             Appends the key expression for an entity to the given <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>
201             </summary>
202             <typeparam name="TProperty">The type used to represent properties.</typeparam>
203             <param name="builder">The builder to append onto.</param>
204             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
205             <param name="getPropertyName">The callback to get each property's name.</param>
206             <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get each property's value.</param>
207         </member>
208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.GetKeyValueAsString``1(System.Func{``0,System.Object},``0,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.LiteralFormatter)">
209             <summary>
210             Gets the value of the key property and serializes it to a string.
211             </summary>
212             <typeparam name="TProperty">The type used to represent properties.</typeparam>
213             <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get the value for a property.</param>
214             <param name="property">The key property.</param>
215             <param name="literalFormatter">The literal formatter to use.</param>
216             <returns>The serialized key property value.</returns>
217         </member>
218         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.AppendKeyWithParentheses``1(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.Func{``0,System.String},System.Func{``0,System.Object})">
219             <summary>
220             Appends the key using the parentheses-based syntax (e.g. Customers(1)) onto the given <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>.
221             </summary>
222             <param name="builder">The builder to append onto.</param>
223             <typeparam name="TProperty">The type used to represent properties.</typeparam>
224             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
225             <param name="getPropertyName">The callback to get each property's name.</param>
226             <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get each property's value.</param>
227         </member>
228         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.DefaultKeySerializer">
229             <summary>
230             Default implementation of the key serializer which uses parentheses (e.g. Customers(1)).
231             </summary>
232         </member>
233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.DefaultKeySerializer.#ctor">
234             <summary>
235             Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.DefaultKeySerializer"/>.
236             </summary>
237         </member>
238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.DefaultKeySerializer.AppendKeyExpression``1(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.Func{``0,System.String},System.Func{``0,System.Object})">
239             <summary>
240             Appends the key expression for an entity to the given <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>
241             </summary>
242             <param name="builder">The builder to append onto.</param>
243             <typeparam name="TProperty">The type used to represent properties.</typeparam>
244             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
245             <param name="getPropertyName">The callback to get each property's name.</param>
246             <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get each property's value.</param>
247         </member>
248         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.SegmentKeySerializer">
249             <summary>
250             Implementation of the key serializer which uses segments (e.g. Customers/1).
251             </summary>
252         </member>
253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.SegmentKeySerializer.#ctor">
254             <summary>
255             Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.SegmentKeySerializer"/>.
256             </summary>
257         </member>
258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.SegmentKeySerializer.AppendKeyExpression``1(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.Func{``0,System.String},System.Func{``0,System.Object})">
259             <summary>
260             Appends the key expression for an entity to the given <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>
261             </summary>
262             <param name="builder">The builder to append onto.</param>
263             <typeparam name="TProperty">The type used to represent properties.</typeparam>
264             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
265             <param name="getPropertyName">The callback to get each property's name.</param>
266             <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get each property's value.</param>
267         </member>
268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.KeySerializer.SegmentKeySerializer.AppendKeyWithSegments``1(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.Func{``0,System.Object})">
269             <summary>
270             Appends the key for the current resource using segment-based syntax (e.g. Customers/1) onto the given <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>.
271             </summary>
272             <param name="builder">The builder to append onto.</param>
273             <typeparam name="TProperty">The type used to represent properties.</typeparam>
274             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
275             <param name="getPropertyValue">The callback to get each property's value.</param>
276         </member>
277         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention">
278             <summary>
279             Component for representing the url convention in use by the server, client, or codegen.
280             </summary>
281         </member>
282         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.ConventionTermNamespace">
283             <summary>
284             The namespace of the term to use when building value annotations for indicating the conventions used.
285             </summary>
286         </member>
287         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.ConventionTermName">
288             <summary>
289             The name of the term to use when building value annotations for indicating the conventions used.
290             </summary>
291         </member>
292         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.KeyAsSegmentConventionName">
293             <summary>
294             The string value for indicating that the key-as-segment convention is being used in annotations and headers.
295             </summary>
296         </member>
297         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.UrlConventionHeaderName">
298             <summary>
299             The name of the request header for indicating what conventions are being used.
300             </summary>
301         </member>
302         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.generateKeyAsSegment">
303             <summary>
304             Whether to generate entity keys as '/'-delimited segments instead of using parenthesis.
305             </summary>
306         </member>
307         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
308             <summary>
309             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention"/> class from being created.
310             </summary>
311             <param name="generateKeyAsSegment">Whether keys should be generated as segments.</param>
312         </member>
313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.CreateWithExplicitValue(System.Boolean)">
314             <summary>
315             Helper for creating an instance with explicit value. Should only be called from unit tests.
316             </summary>
317             <param name="generateKeyAsSegment">Whether keys should be generated as segments.</param>
318             <returns>A new UrlConvention instance with the given value.</returns>
319         </member>
320         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.ForEntityContainer(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer)">
321             <summary>
322             Gets the url convention for the given entity container based on its vocabulary annotations.
323             </summary>
324             <param name="model">The model the entity container belongs to.</param>
325             <param name="container">The container to get the url convention for.</param>
326             <returns>The url convention of the container.</returns>
327         </member>
328         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.ForUserSettingAndTypeContext(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext)">
329             <summary>
330             Gets the url convention for the given user setting and type context.
331             </summary>
332             <param name="keyAsSegment">true if keys should go in seperate segments in auto-generated URIs, false if they should go in parentheses.
333             A null value means the user hasn't specified a preference and we should look for an annotation in the entity container, if available.</param>
334             <param name="typeContext">The type context for the entry or feed being written.</param>
335             <returns>The convention to use when generating URLs.</returns>
336         </member>
337         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.IsKeyAsSegmentUrlConventionAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmValueAnnotation)">
338             <summary>
339             Determines whether or not the annotation indicates the 'KeyAsSegment' url-convention.
340             </summary>
341             <param name="annotation">The annotation to check.</param>
342             <returns>True if the annotation indicates the 'KeyAsSegment' url convention; false otherwise.</returns>
343         </member>
344         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.IsKeyAsSegment(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
345             <summary>
346             Determines whether or not the value is 'KeyAsSegment'.
347             </summary>
348             <param name="value">The value to check.</param>
349             <returns>True if the value is 'KeyAsSegment'.; false otherwise.</returns>
350         </member>
351         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.IsUrlConventionTerm(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm)">
352             <summary>
353             Determines whether or not the term is the url-convention term.
354             </summary>
355             <param name="term">The term to check.</param>
356             <returns>True if the term is the url-convention term.; false otherwise.</returns>
357         </member>
358         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention.GenerateKeyAsSegment">
359             <summary>
360             Whether to generate entity keys as '/'-delimited segments instead of using parenthesis.
361             </summary>
362         </member>
363         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorBinder">
364             <summary>
365             Class that knows how to bind binary operators.
366             </summary>
367         </member>
368         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorBinder.bindMethod">
369             <summary>
370             Method to use for binding the parent node, if needed.
371             </summary>
372         </member>
373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorBinder.#ctor(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode})">
374             <summary>
375             Constructs a BinaryOperatorBinder with the given method to be used binding the parent token if needed.
376             </summary>
377             <param name="bindMethod">Method to use for binding the parent token, if needed.</param>
378         </member>
379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorBinder.BindBinaryOperator(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
380             <summary>
381             Binds a binary operator token.
382             </summary>
383             <param name="binaryOperatorToken">The binary operator token to bind.</param>
384             <returns>The bound binary operator token.</returns>
385         </member>
386         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorBinder.PromoteOperandTypes(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode@,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode@)">
387             <summary>
388             Promote the left and right operand types
389             </summary>
390             <param name="binaryOperatorKind">the operator kind</param>
391             <param name="left">the left operand</param>
392             <param name="right">the right operand</param>
393         </member>
394         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorBinder.GetOperandFromToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
395             <summary>
396             Retrieve SingleValueNode bound with given query token.
397             </summary>
398             <param name="operatorKind">the query token kind</param>
399             <param name="queryToken">the query token</param>
400             <returns>the corresponding SingleValueNode</returns>
401         </member>
402         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState">
403             <summary>
404             Encapsulates the state of metadata binding.
405             TODO : finish moving fields from MetadataBinder here and see if anything can be removed.
406             </summary>
407         </member>
408         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.configuration">
409             <summary>
410             The configuration used for binding.
411             </summary>
412         </member>
413         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.rangeVariables">
414             <summary>
415             The dictionary used to store mappings between Any visitor and corresponding segment paths
416             </summary>
417         </member>
418         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.implicitRangeVariable">
419             <summary>
420             If there is a  $filter or $orderby, then this member holds the reference to the parameter node for the 
421             implicit parameter ($it) for all expressions.
422             </summary>
423         </member>
424         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.queryOptions">
425             <summary>
426             Collection of query option tokens associated with the currect query being processed.
427             If a given query option is bound it should be removed from this collection.
428             </summary>
429         </member>
430         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration)">
431             <summary>
432             Constructs a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState"/> with the given <paramref name="configuration"/>.
433             </summary>
434             <param name="configuration">The configuration used for binding.</param>
435         </member>
436         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.Model">
437             <summary>
438             The model used for binding.
439             </summary>
440         </member>
441         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.Configuration">
442             <summary>
443             The configuration used for binding.
444             </summary>
445         </member>
446         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.ImplicitRangeVariable">
447             <summary>
448             If there is a  $filter or $orderby, then this member holds the reference to the parameter node for the 
449             implicit parameter ($it) for all expressions.
450             </summary>
451         </member>
452         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.RangeVariables">
453             <summary>
454             The dictionary used to store mappings between Any visitor and corresponding segment paths
455             </summary>
456         </member>
457         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState.QueryOptions">
458             <summary>
459             Collection of query option tokens associated with the currect query being processed.
460             If a given query option is bound it should be removed from this collection.
461             </summary>
462         </member>
463         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration">
464             <summary>
465             Internal class for storing all the configuration information about the URI parser. Allows us to flow these values around without passing an actual parser.
466             </summary>
467         </member>
468         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.model">
469             <summary>
470             Model to use for metadata binding.
471             </summary>
472         </member>
473         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.serviceRoot">
474             <summary>
475             Absolute URI of the service root.
476             </summary>
477         </member>
478         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.urlConventions">
479             <summary>The conventions to use when parsing URLs.</summary>
480         </member>
481         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Uri)">
482             <summary>
483             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration"/>.
484             </summary>
485             <param name="model">Model to use for metadata binding.</param>
486             <param name="serviceRoot">Absolute URI of the service root.</param>
487             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if input model is null.</exception>
488             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input serviceRoot is not an AbsoluteUri</exception>
489         </member>
490         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.Settings">
491             <summary>
492             The settings for this instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser"/>. Refer to the documentation for the individual properties of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings"/> for more information.
493             </summary>
494         </member>
495         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.Model">
496             <summary>
497             Gets the model for this ODataUriParser
498             </summary>
499         </member>
500         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.ServiceRoot">
501             <summary>
502             Gets the absolute URI of the service root.
503             </summary>
504         </member>
505         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.UrlConventions">
506             <summary>
507             Gets or Sets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions"/> to use while parsing, specifically
508             whether to recognize keys as segments or not.
509             </summary>
510             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input value is null.</exception>
511         </member>
512         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.BatchReferenceCallback">
513             <summary>
514             Gets or Sets a callback that returns a BatchReferenceSegment (to be used for $0 in batch)
515             </summary>
516         </member>
517         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration.FunctionParameterAliasCallback">
518             <summary>
519             Gets or sets a callback that returns the raw string value for an aliased function parameter.
520             </summary>
521         </member>
522         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DottedIdentifierBinder">
523             <summary>
524             Class that knows how to bind CastTokens.
525             </summary>
526         </member>
527         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DottedIdentifierBinder.bindMethod">
528             <summary>
529             Method to use for binding the parent node, if needed.
530             </summary>
531         </member>
532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DottedIdentifierBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
533             <summary>
534             Constructs a DottedIdentifierBinder with the given method to be used binding the parent token if needed.
535             </summary>
536             <param name="bindMethod">Method to use for binding the parent token, if needed.</param>
537         </member>
538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DottedIdentifierBinder.BindDottedIdentifier(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
539             <summary>
540             Binds a DottedIdentifierToken and it's parent node (if needed).
541             </summary>
542             <param name="dottedIdentifierToken">Token to bind to metadata.</param>
543             <param name="state">State of the Binding.</param>
544             <returns>A bound node representing the cast.</returns>
545         </member>
546         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods">
547             <summary>Use this class to perform late-bound operations on data service entity sets.</summary>
548             <remarks>This class was copied from the product.</remarks>
549         </member>
550         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.GetValueMethodInfo">
551             <summary>MethodInfo for object DataServiceProviderMethods.GetValue(this object value, string propertyName).</summary>
552         </member>
553         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.GetSequenceValueMethodInfo">
554             <summary>MethodInfo for IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; DataServiceProviderMethods.GetSequenceValue(this object value, string propertyName).</summary>
555         </member>
556         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.ConvertMethodInfo">
557             <summary>MethodInfo for Convert.</summary>
558         </member>
559         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.TypeIsMethodInfo">
560             <summary>MethodInfo for TypeIs.</summary>
561         </member>
562         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.StringCompareMethodInfo">
563             <summary>Method info for string comparison</summary>
564         </member>
565         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.BoolCompareMethodInfo">
566             <summary>Method info for Bool comparison</summary>
567         </member>
568         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.BoolCompareMethodInfoNullable">
569             <summary>Method info for Bool? comparison</summary>
570         </member>
571         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.GuidCompareMethodInfo">
572             <summary>Method info for Guid comparison</summary>
573         </member>
574         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.GuidCompareMethodInfoNullable">
575             <summary>Method info for Guid? comparison</summary>
576         </member>
577         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.AreByteArraysEqualMethodInfo">
578             <summary>Method info for byte array comparison.</summary>
579         </member>
580         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.AreByteArraysNotEqualMethodInfo">
581             <summary>Method info for byte array comparison.</summary>
582         </member>
583         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.GetValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
584             <summary>Gets a named value from the specified object.</summary>
585             <param name="value">Object to get value from.</param>
586             <param name="property"><see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> describing the property whose value needs to be fetched.</param>
587             <returns>The requested value.</returns>
588         </member>
589         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.GetSequenceValue``1(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
590             <summary>Gets a named value from the specified object as a sequence.</summary>
591             <param name="value">Object to get value from.</param>
592             <param name="property"><see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> describing the property whose value needs to be fetched.</param>
593             <typeparam name="T">expected result type</typeparam>
594             <returns>The requested value as a sequence; null if not found.</returns>
595         </member>
596         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.Convert(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
597             <summary>Performs an type cast on the specified value.</summary>
598             <param name='value'>Value.</param>
599             <param name='typeReference'>Type reference to check for.</param>
600             <returns>Casted value.</returns>
601         </member>
602         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.TypeIs(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
603             <summary>Performs an type check on the specified value.</summary>
604             <param name='value'>Value.</param>
605             <param name='typeReference'>Type reference type to check for.</param>
606             <returns>True if value is-a type; false otherwise.</returns>
607         </member>
608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.Compare(System.String,System.String)">
609             <summary>
610             Compares 2 strings by ordinal, used to obtain MethodInfo for comparison operator expression parameter
611             </summary>
612             <param name="left">Left Parameter</param>
613             <param name="right">Right Parameter</param>
614             <returns>0 for equality, -1 for left less than right, 1 for left greater than right</returns>
615             <remarks>
616             Do not change the name of this function because LINQ to SQL is sensitive about the 
617             method name, so is EF probably.
618             </remarks>
619         </member>
620         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.Compare(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
621             <summary>
622             Compares 2 booleans with true greater than false, used to obtain MethodInfo for comparison operator expression parameter
623             </summary>
624             <param name="left">Left Parameter</param>
625             <param name="right">Right Parameter</param>
626             <returns>0 for equality, -1 for left less than right, 1 for left greater than right</returns>
627             <remarks>
628             Do not change the name of this function because LINQ to SQL is sensitive about the 
629             method name, so is EF probably.
630             </remarks>
631         </member>
632         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.Compare(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
633             <summary>
634             Compares 2 nullable booleans with true greater than false, used to obtain MethodInfo for comparison operator expression parameter
635             </summary>
636             <param name="left">Left Parameter</param>
637             <param name="right">Right Parameter</param>
638             <returns>0 for equality, -1 for left less than right, 1 for left greater than right</returns>
639             <remarks>
640             Do not change the name of this function because LINQ to SQL is sensitive about the 
641             method name, so is EF probably.
642             </remarks>
643         </member>
644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.Compare(System.Guid,System.Guid)">
645             <summary>
646             Compares 2 guids by byte order, used to obtain MethodInfo for comparison operator expression parameter
647             </summary>
648             <param name="left">Left Parameter</param>
649             <param name="right">Right Parameter</param>
650             <returns>0 for equality, -1 for left less than right, 1 for left greater than right</returns>
651             <remarks>
652             Do not change the name of this function because LINQ to SQL is sensitive about the 
653             method name, so is EF probably.
654             </remarks>
655         </member>
656         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.Compare(System.Nullable{System.Guid},System.Nullable{System.Guid})">
657             <summary>
658             Compares 2 nullable guids by byte order, used to obtain MethodInfo for comparison operator expression parameter
659             </summary>
660             <param name="left">Left Parameter</param>
661             <param name="right">Right Parameter</param>
662             <returns>0 for equality, -1 for left less than right, 1 for left greater than right</returns>
663             <remarks>
664             Do not change the name of this function because LINQ to SQL is sensitive about the 
665             method name, so is EF probably.
666             </remarks>
667         </member>
668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.AreByteArraysEqual(System.Byte[],System.Byte[])">
669             <summary>Compares two byte arrays for equality.</summary>
670             <param name="left">First byte array.</param>
671             <param name="right">Second byte array.</param>
672             <returns>true if the arrays are equal; false otherwise.</returns>
673         </member>
674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.DataServiceProviderMethods.AreByteArraysNotEqual(System.Byte[],System.Byte[])">
675             <summary>Compares two byte arrays for equality.</summary>
676             <param name="left">First byte array.</param>
677             <param name="right">Second byte array.</param>
678             <returns>true if the arrays are not equal; false otherwise.</returns>
679         </member>
680         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExceptionUtil">
681             <summary>
682             Helper class for throwing exceptions during URI parsing.
683             </summary>
684         </member>
685         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExceptionUtil.CreateResourceNotFound(System.String)">
686             <summary>Creates a new "Resource Not Found" exception.</summary>
687             <param name="identifier">segment identifier information for which resource was not found.</param>
688             <returns>A new exception to indicate the requested resource cannot be found.</returns>
689         </member>
690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExceptionUtil.ResourceNotFoundError(System.String)">
691             <summary>Creates a new "Resource Not Found" exception.</summary>
692             <param name="errorMessage">Plain text error message for this exception.</param>
693             <returns>A new exception to indicate the requested resource cannot be found.</returns>
694         </member>
695         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExceptionUtil.CreateSyntaxError">
696             <summary>Creates a new exception to indicate a syntax error.</summary>
697             <returns>A new exception to indicate a syntax error.</returns>
698         </member>
699         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExceptionUtil.CreateBadRequestError(System.String)">
700             <summary>
701             Creates a new exception to indicate BadRequest error.
702             </summary>
703             <param name="message">Plain text error message for this exception.</param>
704             <returns>A new exception to indicate a bad request error.</returns>
705         </member>
706         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExceptionUtil.ThrowSyntaxErrorIfNotValid(System.Boolean)">
707             <summary>Checks the specific value for syntax validity.</summary>
708             <param name="valid">Whether syntax is valid.</param>
709             <remarks>This helper method is used to keep syntax check code more terse.</remarks>
710         </member>
711         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExceptionUtil.ThrowIfResourceDoesNotExist(System.Boolean,System.String)">
712             <summary>Checks the specifid value for syntax validity.</summary>
713             <param name="resourceExists">Whether syntax is valid.</param>
714             <param name="identifier">segment indentifier for which the resource was null.</param>
715             <remarks>This helper method is used to keep syntax check code more terse.</remarks>
716         </member>
717         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator">
718             <summary>
719             A component for walking an expand tree and determining if the depth or number of items exceed user-specified limits.
720             </summary>
721         </member>
722         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator.maxDepth">
723             <summary>
724             The maximum depth of any expand tree being validated.
725             </summary>
726         </member>
727         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator.maxCount">
728             <summary>
729             The maximum number of expand items allowed in any expand tree being validated, including leaf and non-leaf nodes.
730             </summary>
731         </member>
732         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator.currentCount">
733             <summary>
734             The current count when validating a particular tree.
735             </summary>
736         </member>
737         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
738             <summary>
739             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator"/>.
740             </summary>
741             <param name="maxDepth">The maximum depth of an expand tree.</param>
742             <param name="maxCount">The maximum number of expanded items allowed in a tree.</param>
743         </member>
744         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator.Validate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause)">
745             <summary>
746             Validates the given tree against the user-specified limits.
747             </summary>
748             <param name="expandTree">The expand tree to validate.</param>
749         </member>
750         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandDepthAndCountValidator.EnsureMaximumCountAndDepthAreNotExceeded(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause,System.Int32)">
751             <summary>
752             Recursively ensures that the maximum count/depth are not exceeded by walking the tree.
753             </summary>
754             <param name="expandTree">The expand tree to walk and validate.</param>
755             <param name="currentDepth">The current depth of the tree walk.</param>
756         </member>
757         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser">
758             <summary>
759             Component for parsing function parameters in both $filter/$orderby expressions and in paths.
760             </summary>
761         </member>
762         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TrySplitFunctionParameters(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken}@)">
763             <summary>
764             Tries to parse a collection of function parameters. Allows path and filter to share the core algorithm while representing parameters differently.
765             </summary>
766             <param name="lexer">The lexer to read from.</param>
767             <param name="splitParameters">The parameters if they were successfully split.</param>
768             <returns>Whether the parameters could be split.</returns>
769         </member>
770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TryParseFunctionParameters(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken}@)">
771             <summary>
772             Tries to parse a collection of function parameters for filter/orderby.
773             </summary>
774             <param name="splitParameters">The syntactically split parameters to parse.</param>
775             <param name="configuration">The configuration for the URI Parser.</param>
776             <param name="functionImport">The function import for the function whose parameters are being parsed.</param>
777             <param name="parsedParameters">The parameters if they were successfully parsed.</param>
778             <returns>Whether the parameters could be parsed.</returns>
779         </member>
780         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TrySplitFunctionParameters(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken}@)">
781             <summary>
782             Tries to parse a collection of function parameters for path.
783             </summary>     
784             <param name="functionName">The function name to use in error messages.</param>
785             <param name="parenthesisExpression">The contents of the parentheses portion of the current path segment.</param>
786             <param name="splitParameters">The parameters if they were successfully split.</param>
787             <returns>Whether the parameters could be split.</returns>
788         </member>
789         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TryParseFunctionParameters(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter}@)">
790             <summary>
791             Tries to parse a collection of function parameters for path.
792             </summary>     
793             <param name="splitParameters">The split parameters from the syntactic parsing step.</param>
794             <param name="configuration">The configuration for the URI Parser.</param>
795             <param name="functionImport">The function import for the function whose parameters are being parsed.</param>
796             <param name="parsedParameters">The parameters if they were successfully parsed.</param>
797             <returns>Whether the parameters could be parsed.</returns>
798         </member>
799         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TrySplitFunctionParameters(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken}@)">
800             <summary>
801             Tries to parse a collection of function parameters. Allows path and filter to share the core algorithm while representing parameters differently.
802             </summary>
803             <param name="lexer">The lexer to read from.</param>
804             <param name="endTokenKind">The token kind that marks the end of the parameters.</param>
805             <param name="splitParameters">The parameters if they were successfully split.</param>
806             <returns>Whether the parameters could be split.</returns>
807         </member>
808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TryParseFunctionParameters``1(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Func{System.String,System.Object,``0},System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0}@)">
809             <summary>
810             Tries to parse a collection of function parameters. Allows path and filter to share the core algorithm while representing parameters differently.
811             </summary>
812             <typeparam name="TParam">The type representing a parameter.</typeparam>
813             <param name="splitParameters">The syntactically split parameters to parse.</param>
814             <param name="configuration">The configuration for the URI Parser.</param>
815             <param name="functionImport">The function import for the function whose parameters are being parsed.</param>
816             <param name="createParameter">The callback to use for individual parameter parsing.</param>
817             <param name="parsedParameters">The parameters if they were successfully parsed.</param>
818             <returns>Whether the parameters could be parsed.</returns>
819         </member>
820         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TryCreateParameterValueToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken@)">
821             <summary>
822             Tries to create a parameter using any representation based on the provided delegate for creating it from a converted value.
823             </summary>
824             <param name="expressionToken">The current expression parameterToken from the lexer.</param>
825             <param name="parameterValue">The parameter value if one was successfully created.</param>
826             <returns>Whether the parameter could be created from the parameterToken.</returns>
827         </member>
828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionParameterParser.TryCreateParameter``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Func{System.Object,``0},``0@)">
829             <summary>
830             Tries to create a parameter using any representation based on the provided delegate for creating it from a converted value.
831             </summary>
832             <typeparam name="TParam">The type used to represent a parameter.</typeparam>
833             <param name="parameterToken">The token from the syntactic parsing step.</param>
834             <param name="configuration">The configuration for the URI Parser.</param>
835             <param name="expectedType">The type that the parameter is expected to resolve to.</param>
836             <param name="createParameter">Callback to create the final parameter from the parsed value.</param>
837             <param name="parameter">The parameter if one was successfully created.</param>
838             <returns>Whether the parameter could be created from the parameterToken.</returns>
839         </member>
840         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RawFunctionParameterValueToken">
841             <summary>
842             A token to represent a raw function parameter value that has not yet been parsed further.
843             </summary>
844         </member>
845         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken">
846             <summary>
847             Base class for all lexical tokens of OData query.
848             </summary>
849         </member>
850         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable">
851             <summary>
852             Base class for all annotatable types in OData library.
853             </summary>
854         </member>
855         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.annotations">
856             <summary>The map of annotationsAsArray keyed by type.</summary>
857         </member>
858         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.instanceAnnotations">
859             <summary>
860             Collection of custom instance annotations.
861             </summary>
862         </member>
863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.GetAnnotation``1">
864             <summary>Gets or sets the annotation by type.</summary>
865             <returns>The annotation of type T or null if not present.</returns>
866             <typeparam name="T">The type of the annotation.</typeparam>
867         </member>
868         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.SetAnnotation``1(``0)">
869             <summary>Sets an annotation of type T.</summary>
870             <param name="annotation">The annotation to set.</param>
871             <typeparam name="T">The type of the annotation.</typeparam>
872         </member>
873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.VerifySetAnnotation(System.Object)">
874             <summary>
875             Verifies that <paramref name="annotation"/> can be added as an annotation of this.
876             </summary>
877             <param name="annotation">Annotation instance.</param>
878         </member>
879         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.GetOrCreateAnnotation``1">
880             <summary>
881             Get the annotation of type <typeparamref name="T"/>. If the annotation is not found, create a new
882             instance of the annotation and call SetAnnotation on it then return the newly created instance.
883             </summary>
884             <typeparam name="T">The type of the annotation.</typeparam>
885             <returns>The annotation of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.</returns>
886         </member>
887         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.GetInstanceAnnotations">
888             <summary>
889             Gets the custom instance annotations.
890             </summary>
891             <returns>The custom instance annotations.</returns>
892         </member>
893         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.SetInstanceAnnotations(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation})">
894             <summary>
895             Sets the custom instance annotations.
896             </summary>
897             <param name="value">The new value to set.</param>
898         </member>
899         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.IsOfType(System.Object,System.Type)">
900             <summary>
901             Check whether a given (non-null) instance is of the specified type (no sub-type).
902             </summary>
903             <param name="instance">The (non-null) instance to test.</param>
904             <param name="type">The type to check for.</param>
905             <returns>True if the types match; otherwise false.</returns>
906         </member>
907         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.AddOrReplaceAnnotation``1(``0)">
908             <summary>
909             Replace an existing annotation of type T or add a new one 
910             if no annotation of type T exists.
911             </summary>
912             <typeparam name="T">The type of the annotation.</typeparam>
913             <param name="annotation">The annotation to set.</param>
914         </member>
915         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable.RemoveAnnotation``1">
916             <summary>
917             Remove the annotation of type T from the set of annotations (if such an annotation exists).
918             We only allow a single occurence of an annotation of type T.
919             </summary>
920             <typeparam name="T">The type of the annotation to remove.</typeparam>
921         </member>
922         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken.EmptyTokens">
923             <summary>
924             Empty list of arguments.
925             </summary>
926         </member>
927         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
928             <summary>
929             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
930             </summary>
931             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
932             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
933             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
934         </member>
935         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken.Kind">
936             <summary>
937             The kind of the query token.
938             </summary>
939         </member>
940         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RawFunctionParameterValueToken.#ctor(System.String)">
941             <summary>
942             Creates a RawFunctionParameterValue
943             </summary>
944             <param name="rawText">the raw text of this parameter value.</param>
945         </member>
946         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RawFunctionParameterValueToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
947             <summary>
948             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
949             </summary>
950             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
951             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
952             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
953         </member>
954         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RawFunctionParameterValueToken.RawText">
955             <summary>
956             Gets the raw text of the value.
957             </summary>
958         </member>
959         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RawFunctionParameterValueToken.Kind">
960             <summary>
961             Gets the kind of this token
962             </summary>
963         </member>
964         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterAliasToken">
965             <summary>
966             A token to represent a parameter alias in a function call.
967             </summary>
968         </member>
969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterAliasToken.#ctor(System.String)">
970             <summary>
971             Creates a FunctionParameterAliasToken
972             </summary>
973             <param name="alias">the alias being used for the parameter.</param>
974         </member>
975         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterAliasToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
976             <summary>
977             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
978             </summary>
979             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
980             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
981             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
982         </member>
983         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterAliasToken.Alias">
984             <summary>
985             Gets the alias.
986             </summary>
987         </member>
988         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterAliasToken.Kind">
989             <summary>
990             Gets the kind of this token
991             </summary>
992         </member>
993         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken">
994             <summary>
995             A token to represent a parameter to a function call.
996             </summary>
997         </member>
998         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.EmptyParameterList">
999             <summary>
1000             get an empty list of parameters
1001             </summary>
1002         </member>
1003         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.parameterName">
1004             <summary>
1005             The name of the parameter
1006             </summary>
1007         </member>
1008         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.valueToken">
1009             <summary>
1010             The value of this parameter
1011             </summary>
1012         </member>
1013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
1014             <summary>
1015             Creates a FunctionParameterToken
1016             </summary>
1017             <param name="parameterName">the name of this parameter</param>
1018             <param name="valueToken">the syntactically parsed value</param>
1019         </member>
1020         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
1021             <summary>
1022             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
1023             </summary>
1024             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
1025             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
1026             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
1027         </member>
1028         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.ParameterName">
1029             <summary>
1030             Gets the name of this parameter 
1031             </summary>
1032         </member>
1033         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.ValueToken">
1034             <summary>
1035             Gets the syntactically parsed value of this token.
1036             </summary>
1037         </member>
1038         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken.Kind">
1039             <summary>
1040             Gets the kind of this token
1041             </summary>
1042         </member>
1043         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode">
1044             <summary>
1045             Node representing a semantically parsed parameter to a function.
1046             </summary>
1047         </member>
1048         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode">
1049             <summary>
1050             Base class for all semantic metadata bound nodes.
1051             </summary>
1052         </member>
1053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
1054             <summary>
1055             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
1056             </summary>
1057             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
1058             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
1059             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
1060         </member>
1061         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode.Kind">
1062             <summary>
1063             Gets the kind of this node.
1064             </summary>
1065         </member>
1066         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode.InternalKind">
1067             <summary>
1068             Gets the kind of this node.
1069             </summary>
1070         </member>
1071         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.name">
1072             <summary>
1073             The name of this parameter
1074             </summary>
1075         </member>
1076         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.value">
1077             <summary>
1078             The semantically parsed value of this parameter
1079             </summary>
1080         </member>
1081         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
1082             <summary>
1083             Creates a NamedFunctionParameterNode to represent a semantically parsed parameter to a function.
1084             </summary>
1085             <param name="name">the name of this function</param>
1086             <param name="value">the already semantically parsed value of this parameter.</param>
1087         </member>
1088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
1089             <summary>
1090             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
1091             </summary>
1092             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
1093             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
1094             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
1095             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null</exception>
1096         </member>
1097         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.Name">
1098             <summary>
1099             Gets the name of this parameter
1100             </summary>
1101         </member>
1102         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.Value">
1103             <summary>
1104             Gets the semantically parsed value of this parameter.
1105             </summary>
1106         </member>
1107         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.Kind">
1108             <summary>
1109             Gets the kind of this node
1110             </summary>
1111         </member>
1112         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode.InternalKind">
1113             <summary>
1114             Gets the kind of this node.
1115             </summary>
1116         </member>
1117         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings">
1118             <summary>
1119             Settings used by <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser"/>.
1120             </summary>
1121         </member>
1122         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultFilterLimit">
1123             <summary>
1124             Default recursive call limit for Filter
1125             </summary>
1126         </member>
1127         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultOrderByLimit">
1128             <summary>
1129             Default recursive call limit for OrderBy
1130             </summary>
1131         </member>
1132         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultSelectExpandLimit">
1133             <summary>
1134             Default tree depth for Select and Expand
1135             </summary>
1136         </member>
1137         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.DefaultPathLimit">
1138             <summary>
1139             Default limit for the path parser.
1140             </summary>
1141         </member>
1142         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.filterLimit">
1143             <summary>
1144             the recursive depth of the Syntactic tree for a filter clause
1145             </summary>
1146         </member>
1147         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.orderByLimit">
1148             <summary>
1149             the maximum depth of the syntactic tree for an orderby clause
1150             </summary>
1151         </member>
1152         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.pathLimit">
1153             <summary>
1154             the maximum number of segments in a path
1155             </summary>
1156         </member>
1157         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.selectExpandLimit">
1158             <summary>
1159             the maximum depth of the Syntactic or Semantic tree for a Select or Expand clause
1160             </summary>
1161         </member>
1162         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.supportExpandOptions">
1163             <summary>
1164             Flag that indiactes whether or not inlined query options like $filter within $expand clauses as supported.
1165             </summary>
1166         </member>
1167         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.useWcfDataServicesServerBehavior">
1168             <summary>
1169             Whether use the behavior that the WCF DS Server had before integration.
1170             </summary>
1171         </member>
1172         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.maxExpandDepth">
1173             <summary>
1174             The maximum depth of the tree that results from parsing $expand. 
1175             </summary>
1176         </member>
1177         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.maxExpandCount">
1178             <summary>
1179             The maximum number of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem"/> instances that can appear in the tree that results from parsing $expand.
1180             </summary>
1181         </member>
1182         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.#ctor">
1183             <summary>
1184             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings"/> with default values.
1185             </summary>
1186         </member>
1187         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesServerBehavior">
1188             <summary>Specifies whether the WCF data services server behavior is enabled.</summary>
1189         </member>
1190         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.MaximumExpansionDepth">
1191             <summary>
1192             Gets or sets the maximum depth of the tree that results from parsing $expand. 
1193             </summary>
1194             <remarks>
1195             This will be validated after parsing completes, and so should not be used to prevent the instantiation of large trees. 
1196             Further, redundant expansions will be pruned before validation and will not count towards the maximum.
1197             </remarks>
1198         </member>
1199         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.MaximumExpansionCount">
1200             <summary>
1201             Gets or sets the maximum number of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem"/> instances that can appear in the tree that results from parsing $expand.
1202             </summary>
1203             <remarks>
1204             This will be validated after parsing completes, and so should not be used to prevent the instantiation of large trees. 
1205             Further, redundant expansions will be pruned before validation and will not count towards the maximum.
1206             </remarks>
1207         </member>
1208         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.SelectExpandLimit">
1209             <summary>
1210             Gets or Sets the maximum recursive depth for a select and expand clause, which limits the maximum depth of the tree that can be parsed by the 
1211             syntactic parser. This guarantees a set level of performance.
1212             </summary>
1213             <remarks>
1214             The number here doesn't necessarily correspond exactly with the actual maximum recursive depth of the syntactic tree,
1215             i.e  a limit of 20 doesn't necessarily mean that a tree will have depth exactly 20, it may have depth 10 (but never over 20). 
1216             Think of it more as an upper bound.
1217             </remarks>
1218             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input value is negative.</exception>
1219         </member>
1220         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.UseWcfDataServicesServerBehavior">
1221             <summary>
1222             Gets or Sets a flag that indicates Whether use the behavior that the WCF DS Server had before integration.
1223             </summary>
1224         </member>
1225         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.SupportExpandOptions">
1226             <summary>
1227             Gets or sets a flag that indiactes whether or not inlined query options like $filter within $expand clauses as supported.
1228             </summary>
1229         </member>
1230         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.FilterLimit">
1231             <summary>
1232             Gets or Sets the limit on the maximum depth of the filter tree that can be parsed by the 
1233             syntactic parser. This guarantees a set level of performance.
1234             </summary>
1235             <remarks>
1236             The number here doesn't necessarily correspond exactly with the actual maximum recursive depth of the syntactic tree,
1237             i.e  a limit of 20 doesn't necessarily mean that a tree will have depth exactly 20, it may have depth 10 (but never over 20). 
1238             Think of it more as an upper bound.
1239             </remarks>
1240             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input value is negative.</exception>
1241         </member>
1242         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.OrderByLimit">
1243             <summary>
1244             Gets or sets the maximum recursive depth for an orderby clause, which limits the maximum depth of the tree that can be parsed by the 
1245             syntactic parser. This guarantees a set level of performance.
1246             </summary>
1247             <remarks>
1248             The number here doesn't necessarily correspond exactly with the actual maximum recursive depth of the syntactic tree,
1249             i.e  a limit of 20 doesn't necessarily mean that a tree will have depth exactly 20, it may have depth 10 (but never over 20). 
1250             Think of it more as an upper bound.
1251             </remarks>
1252             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input value is negative.</exception>
1253         </member>
1254         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings.PathLimit">
1255             <summary>
1256             Gets or Sets the limit on the maximum number of segments that can be parsed by the 
1257             syntactic parser. This guarantees a set level of performance.
1258             </summary>
1259             <remarks>
1260             Unlike Filter, OrderBy, and SelectExpand, this Limit is more concrete, and will
1261             limit the segments to exactly the number that is specified... i.e. a limit of
1262             20 will throw if and only if there are more than 20 segments in the path.
1263             </remarks>
1264             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input value is negative.</exception>
1265         </member>
1266         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder">
1267             <summary>
1268             Bind an entire Uri to Metadata.
1269             </summary>
1270         </member>
1271         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.bindingState">
1272             <summary>
1273             The current state of the binding algorithm.
1274             </summary>
1275         </member>
1276         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.bindMethod">
1277             <summary>
1278             pointer to the metadata bind method.
1279             </summary>
1280         </member>
1281         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
1282             <summary>
1283             Create a new ODataUriSemanticBinder to bind an entire uri to Metadata.
1284             </summary>
1285             <param name="bindingState">the current state of the binding algorithm</param>
1286             <param name="bindMethod">pointer to the metadata bind method.</param>
1287         </member>
1288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.BindTree(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree)">
1289             <summary>
1290             Binds a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree"/>.
1291             </summary>
1292             <param name="syntax">The query descriptor token to bind.</param>
1293             <returns>The bound query descriptor.</returns>
1294         </member>
1295         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.BindInlineCount(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
1296             <summary>
1297             Bind an inline count option
1298             </summary>
1299             <param name="syntax">The inline count option to bind.</param>
1300             <param name="path">the top level path</param>
1301             <returns>an InlineCountKind representing this inline count option</returns>
1302         </member>
1303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.BindSelectExpand(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration)">
1304             <summary>
1305             Bind a select and expand option.
1306             </summary>
1307             <param name="syntax">A syntax tree containing the select and expand options to bind</param>
1308             <param name="path">the top level path</param>
1309             <param name="configuration">The configuration to use for binding.</param>
1310             <returns>a select expand clause bound to metadata</returns>
1311         </member>
1312         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.BindTop(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
1313             <summary>
1314             Bind a top option
1315             </summary>
1316             <param name="syntax">a syntax tree containing the top option to bind</param>
1317             <param name="rangeVariable">the range variable that iterates over the top level collection</param>
1318             <param name="path">the top level path</param>
1319             <returns>a nullable long representing this top option</returns>
1320         </member>
1321         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.BindSkip(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
1322             <summary>
1323             Bind a skip option
1324             </summary>
1325             <param name="syntax">a syntax tree containing the skip option</param>
1326             <param name="rangeVariable">the range variable that iterates over the top level collection</param>
1327             <param name="path">the top level path.</param>
1328             <returns>a nullable long representing this skip option</returns>
1329         </member>
1330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.BindOrderBy(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
1331             <summary>
1332             Bind an orderby option
1333             </summary>
1334             <param name="syntax">a syntac tree containing the orderby option</param>
1335             <param name="rangeVariable">the range variable that iterates over the top level collection</param>
1336             <param name="path">the top level path</param>
1337             <returns>an OrderByClause representing this orderby option</returns>
1338         </member>
1339         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriSemanticBinder.BindFilter(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable)">
1340             <summary>
1341             Bind a filter option
1342             </summary>
1343             <param name="syntax">a syntactic tree containing the filter option</param>
1344             <param name="rangeVariable">the range variable that iterates over the top level collection.</param>
1345             <returns>A filter clause representing this filter option</returns>
1346         </member>
1347         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionOverloadResolver">
1348             <summary>
1349             Helper class to help bind function overloads. 
1350             This is shared between path and filter/orderby function resolution.
1351             </summary>
1352         </member>
1353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionOverloadResolver.ResolveOverloadsByParameterNames(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport},System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.String},System.String)">
1354             <summary>
1355             Given a list of possible functions and a list of parameter names, choose a single function that exactly matches
1356             the parameter names. If more than one function matches, throw.
1357             </summary>
1358             <remarks>
1359             Binding parameters will be ignored in this method. Only non-binding parameters are matched.
1360             </remarks>
1361             <param name="functionImports">The list of function imports to search.</param>
1362             <param name="parameters">The list of non-binding parameter names to match.</param>
1363             <param name="functionName">Name of the function. Only used for error strings.</param>
1364             <returns>A single function import that matches the parameter names exactly.</returns>
1365         </member>
1366         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionOverloadResolver.ResolveFunctionsFromList(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport@)">
1367             <summary>
1368             Try to resolve a function from the given inputs.
1369             </summary>
1370             <param name="identifier">The identifier of the function that we're trying to find</param>
1371             <param name="parameterNames">the names of the parameters to search for.</param>
1372             <param name="bindingType">the type of the previous segment</param>
1373             <param name="model">the model to use to look up the function import</param>
1374             <param name="matchingFunctionImport">The single matching function found.</param>
1375             <returns>True if a function was matched, false otherwise. Will throw if the model has illegal function imports.</returns>
1376         </member>
1377         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandSemanticBinder">
1378             <summary>
1379             Add semantic meaning to a Select or Expand token.
1380             </summary>
1381         </member>
1382         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandSemanticBinder.Parse(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration)">
1383             <summary>
1384             Add semantic meaning to a Select or Expand Token
1385             </summary>
1386             <param name="elementType">the top level entity type.</param>
1387             <param name="entitySet">the top level entity set</param>
1388             <param name="expandToken">the syntactically parsed expand token</param>
1389             <param name="selectToken">the syntactically parsed select token</param>
1390             <param name="configuration">The configuration to use for parsing.</param>
1391             <returns>A select expand clause bound to metadata.</returns>
1392         </member>
1393         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode">
1394             <summary>
1395             Node to represent a function call that returns a Collection
1396             </summary>
1397         </member>
1398         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode">
1399             <summary>
1400             Base class for all semantic metadata bound nodes which represent a composable collection of values.
1401             </summary>
1402         </member>
1403         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode.ItemType">
1404             <summary>
1405             The resouce type of a single item from the collection represented by this node.
1406             </summary>
1407         </member>
1408         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode.CollectionType">
1409             <summary>
1410             The type of the collection represented by this node.
1411             </summary>
1412         </member>
1413         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode.Kind">
1414             <summary>
1415             Gets the kind of this node.
1416             </summary>
1417         </member>
1418         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.name">
1419             <summary>
1420             the name of this function
1421             </summary>
1422         </member>
1423         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.functionImports">
1424             <summary>
1425             the list of function imports
1426             </summary>
1427         </member>
1428         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.parameters">
1429             <summary>
1430             the list of parameters provided to this function
1431             </summary>
1432         </member>
1433         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.itemType">
1434             <summary>
1435             the individual item type returned by this function
1436             </summary>
1437         </member>
1438         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.returnedCollectionType">
1439             <summary>
1440             the collection type returned by this function
1441             </summary>
1442         </member>
1443         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.source">
1444             <summary>
1445             The semantically bound parent of this function.
1446             </summary>
1447         </member>
1448         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
1449             <summary>
1450             Creates a CollectionFunctionCallNode to represent a function call that returns a collection
1451             </summary>
1452             <param name="name">The name of this function.</param>
1453             <param name="functionImports">the list of function imports that this node should represent.</param>
1454             <param name="parameters">the list of already bound parameters to this function</param>
1455             <param name="returnedCollectionType">the type of the collection returned by this function.</param>
1456             <param name="source">The parent of this CollectionFunctionCallNode.</param>
1457             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the provided name is null.</exception>
1458             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the provided collection type reference is null.</exception>
1459             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the element type of the provided collection type reference is not a primitive or complex type.</exception>
1460         </member>
1461         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
1462             <summary>
1463             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
1464             </summary>
1465             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
1466             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
1467             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
1468             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
1469         </member>
1470         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.Name">
1471             <summary>
1472             Gets the name of this function.
1473             </summary>
1474         </member>
1475         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.FunctionImports">
1476             <summary>
1477             Gets the list of function imports represeted by this node
1478             </summary>
1479         </member>
1480         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.Parameters">
1481             <summary>
1482             Gets the list of parameters to this function
1483             </summary>
1484         </member>
1485         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.ItemType">
1486             <summary>
1487             Gets the individual item type returned by this function
1488             </summary>
1489         </member>
1490         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.CollectionType">
1491             <summary>
1492             The type of the collection represented by this node.
1493             </summary>
1494         </member>
1495         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.Source">
1496             <summary>
1497             Gets the semantically bound parent node of this CollectionFunctionCallNode.
1498             </summary>
1499         </member>
1500         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode.InternalKind">
1501             <summary>
1502             Gets the kind of this node.
1503             </summary>
1504         </member>
1505         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator">
1506             <summary>
1507             Translator that determines the entity set of a segment.
1508             </summary>
1509         </member>
1510         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1">
1511             <summary>
1512             Translator interface for walking the Syntactic Tree.
1513             </summary>
1514             <typeparam name="T">Generic type produced by the translator.</typeparam>
1515         </member>
1516         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment)">
1517             <summary>
1518             Translate a TypeSegment
1519             </summary>
1520             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1521             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
1522         </member>
1523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment)">
1524             <summary>
1525             Translate a NavigationPropertySegment
1526             </summary>
1527             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1528             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1529         </member>
1530         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment)">
1531             <summary>
1532             Translate an EntitySetSegment
1533             </summary>
1534             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1535             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1536         </member>
1537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment)">
1538             <summary>
1539             Translate a KeySegment
1540             </summary>
1541             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1542             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1543         </member>
1544         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment)">
1545             <summary>
1546             Translate a PropertySegment
1547             </summary>
1548             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1549             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1550         </member>
1551         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment)">
1552             <summary>
1553             Translate a OperationSegment
1554             </summary>
1555             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1556             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1557         </member>
1558         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment)">
1559             <summary>
1560             Translate an OpenPropertySegment
1561             </summary>
1562             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1563             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1564         </member>
1565         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment)">
1566             <summary>
1567             Translate a CountSegment
1568             </summary>
1569             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1570             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1571         </member>
1572         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment)">
1573             <summary>
1574             Visit a NavigationPropertyLinkSegment
1575             </summary>
1576             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1577             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1578         </member>
1579         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment)">
1580             <summary>
1581             Translate a ValueSegment
1582             </summary>
1583             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1584             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1585         </member>
1586         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment)">
1587             <summary>
1588             Translate a BatchSegment
1589             </summary>
1590             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1591             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1592         </member>
1593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment)">
1594             <summary>
1595             Translate a BatchReferenceSegment
1596             </summary>
1597             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1598             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1599         </member>
1600         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment)">
1601             <summary>
1602             Translate a MetadataSegment
1603             </summary>
1604             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
1605             <returns>Defined by the implementer.</returns>
1606         </member>
1607         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment)">
1608             <summary>
1609             Determine the EntitySet of a NavigationPropertyLinkSegment
1610             </summary>
1611             <param name="segment">The NavigationPropertyLinkSegment to look in.</param>
1612             <returns>The IEdmEntitySet of this NavigationPropertyLinkSegment</returns>
1613             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1614         </member>
1615         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment)">
1616             <summary>
1617             Determine the EntitySet of a TypeSegment
1618             </summary>
1619             <param name="segment">The TypeSegment to look in.</param>
1620             <returns>The IEdmEntitySet of this TypeSegment</returns>
1621             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1622         </member>
1623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment)">
1624             <summary>
1625             Determine the EntitySet of a NavigationPropertySegment
1626             </summary>
1627             <param name="segment">The NavigationPropertySegment to look in.</param>
1628             <returns>The IEdmEntitySet of this NavigationPropertySegment</returns>
1629             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1630         </member>
1631         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment)">
1632             <summary>
1633             Determine the EntitySet of an EntitySetSegment
1634             </summary>
1635             <param name="segment">The EntitySetSegment to look in.</param>
1636             <returns>The IEdmEntitySet of this EntitySetSegment</returns>
1637             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1638         </member>
1639         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment)">
1640             <summary>
1641             Determine the EntitySet of a KeySegment
1642             </summary>
1643             <param name="segment">The KeySegment to look in.</param>
1644             <returns>The IEdmEntitySet of this KeySegment</returns>
1645             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1646         </member>
1647         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment)">
1648             <summary>
1649             Determine the EntitySet of a PropertySegment
1650             </summary>
1651             <param name="segment">The PropertySegment to look in.</param>
1652             <returns>null, since a property doesn't necessarily have an entity set</returns>
1653             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1654         </member>
1655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment)">
1656             <summary>
1657             Determine the EntitySet of an OperationSegment
1658             </summary>
1659             <param name="segment">The OperationSegment to look in.</param>
1660             <returns>The IEdmEntitySet of this OperationSegment</returns>
1661             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1662         </member>
1663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment)">
1664             <summary>
1665             Determine the EntitySet of a CountSegment
1666             </summary>
1667             <param name="segment">The CountSegment to look in.</param>
1668             <returns>null, since $count doesn't have an entitySet</returns>
1669             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1670         </member>
1671         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment)">
1672             <summary>
1673             Determine the EntitySet of a OpenPropertySegment
1674             </summary>
1675             <param name="segment">The OpenPropertySegment to look in.</param>
1676             <returns>null, since an OpenProperty doesn't have an entity set</returns>
1677             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1678         </member>
1679         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment)">
1680             <summary>
1681             Determine the EntitySet of a ValueSegment
1682             </summary>
1683             <param name="segment">The ValueSegment to look in.</param>
1684             <returns>null, since $value doesn't have an entity set</returns>
1685             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1686         </member>
1687         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment)">
1688             <summary>
1689             Determine the EntitySet of a BatchSegment
1690             </summary>
1691             <param name="segment">The BatchSegment to look in.</param>
1692             <returns>null, since $batch doesn't have an entity set</returns>
1693             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1694         </member>
1695         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment)">
1696             <summary>
1697             Determine the EntitySet of a BatchReferenceSegment
1698             </summary>
1699             <param name="segment">The BatchReferenceSegment to look in.</param>
1700             <returns>The IEdmEntitySet of this BatchReferenceSegment</returns>
1701             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1702         </member>
1703         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.DetermineEntitySetTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment)">
1704             <summary>
1705             Determine the EntitySet of a MetadataSegment
1706             </summary>
1707             <param name="segment">The MetadataSegment to look in.</param>
1708             <returns>null, since $batch doesn't have an entity set</returns>
1709             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
1710         </member>
1711         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder">
1712             <summary>
1713             Build a semantic tree for Expand based on an Expand syntactic tree.
1714             </summary>
1715         </member>
1716         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.configuration">
1717             <summary>
1718             The configuration used for binding.
1719             </summary>
1720         </member>
1721         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.entitySet">
1722             <summary>
1723             The entity set at the current level expand.
1724             </summary>
1725         </member>
1726         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.entityType">
1727             <summary>
1728             The entity type at the current level expand.
1729             </summary>
1730         </member>
1731         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
1732             <summary>
1733             Constructs a new ExpandBinder.
1734             </summary>
1735             <param name="configuration">The configuration used for binding.</param>
1736             <param name="entityType">The entity type of the top level expand item.</param>
1737             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the top level expand item.</param>
1738         </member>
1739         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.Bind(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
1740             <summary>
1741             Visit an ExpandToken
1742             </summary>
1743             <param name="tokenIn">the token to visit</param>
1744             <returns>a SelectExpand clause based on this ExpandToken</returns>
1745         </member>
1746         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.GenerateSubExpand(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
1747             <summary>
1748             Generate a SubExpand based on the current nav property and the curren token
1749             </summary>
1750             <param name="currentNavProp">the current navigation property</param>
1751             <param name="tokenIn">the current token</param>
1752             <returns>a new SelectExpand clause bound to the current token and nav prop</returns>
1753         </member>
1754         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.DecorateExpandWithSelect(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
1755             <summary>
1756             Decorate an expand tree using a select token.
1757             </summary>
1758             <param name="subExpand">the already built sub expand</param>
1759             <param name="currentNavProp">the current navigation property</param>
1760             <param name="select">the select token to use</param>
1761             <returns>A new SelectExpand clause decorated with the select token.</returns>
1762         </member>
1763         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.BuildDefaultSubExpand">
1764             <summary>
1765             Build a expand clause for a nested expand.
1766             </summary>
1767             <returns>A new SelectExpandClause.</returns>
1768         </member>
1769         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.GenerateExpandItem(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
1770             <summary>
1771             Generate an expand item based on an ExpandTermToken
1772             </summary>
1773             <param name="tokenIn">the expandTerm token to visit</param>
1774             <returns>the expand item for this expand term token.</returns>
1775         </member>
1776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.BuildNewMetadataBinder(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
1777             <summary>
1778             Build a new MetadataBinder to use for expand options.
1779             </summary>
1780             <param name="targetEntitySet">The entity set being expanded.</param>
1781             <returns>A new MetadataBinder ready to bind a Filter or Orderby clause.</returns>
1782         </member>
1783         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.Model">
1784             <summary>
1785             The model used for binding.
1786             </summary>
1787         </member>
1788         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.EntityType">
1789             <summary>
1790             The top level entity type.
1791             </summary>
1792         </member>
1793         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.EntitySet">
1794             <summary>
1795             The top level entity set for this level.
1796             </summary>
1797         </member>
1798         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.Settings">
1799             <summary>
1800             The settings to use when binding.
1801             </summary>
1802         </member>
1803         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinder.Configuration">
1804             <summary>
1805             The configuration used for binding.
1806             </summary>
1807         </member>
1808         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinderFactory">
1809             <summary>
1810             Build an ExpandBinder based on global settings
1811             </summary>
1812         </member>
1813         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandBinderFactory.Create(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration)">
1814             <summary>
1815             Build an ExpandBinder based on global settings
1816             </summary>
1817             <param name="elementType">The entity type of the top level expand item.</param>
1818             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the top level expand item.</param>
1819             <param name="configuration">The configuration to use for binding.</param>
1820             <returns>An ExpandBinder strategy based on the global settings</returns>
1821         </member>
1822         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandOptionExpandBinder">
1823             <summary>
1824             ExpandOption variant of an ExpandBinder, where the default selection item for a given level is based on the select at that level
1825             instead of the top level select clause. If nothing is selected for a given expand in the ExpandOption syntax, then we by default
1826             select all from that item, instead of selecting nothing (and therefore pruning the expand off of the tree).
1827             </summary>
1828         </member>
1829         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandOptionExpandBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
1830             <summary>
1831             Build the ExpandOption variant of an ExpandBinder
1832             </summary>
1833             <param name="configuration">The configuration used for binding.</param>
1834             <param name="entityType">The entity type of the top level expand item.</param>
1835             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the top level expand item.</param>
1836         </member>
1837         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandOptionExpandBinder.GenerateSubExpand(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
1838             <summary>
1839             Generate a SubExpand based on the current nav property and the curren token
1840             </summary>
1841             <param name="currentNavProp">the current navigation property</param>
1842             <param name="tokenIn">the current token</param>
1843             <returns>a new SelectExpand clause bound to the current token and nav prop</returns>
1844         </member>
1845         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandOptionExpandBinder.DecorateExpandWithSelect(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
1846             <summary>
1847             Decorate an expand tree using a select token.
1848             </summary>
1849             <param name="subExpand">the already built sub expand</param>
1850             <param name="currentNavProp">the current navigation property</param>
1851             <param name="select">the select token to use</param>
1852             <returns>A new SelectExpand clause decorated with the select token.</returns>
1853         </member>
1854         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandOptionSelectExpandTermParser">
1855             <summary>
1856             Object that knows how to parse a single term within a select expression. That is, a path to a property, 
1857             a wildcard, operation name, etc.
1858             </summary>
1859         </member>
1860         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser">
1861             <summary>
1862             Object that knows how to parse a single term within a select expression. That is, a path to a property, 
1863             a wildcard, operation name, etc.
1864             </summary>
1865         </member>
1866         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ISelectExpandTermParser">
1867             <summary>
1868             Interface for the SelectExpandTermParsing strategy
1869             </summary>
1870         </member>
1871         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ISelectExpandTermParser.ParseSelect">
1872             <summary>
1873             Parses a full $select expression.
1874             </summary>
1875             <returns>The lexical token representing the select.</returns>
1876         </member>
1877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ISelectExpandTermParser.ParseExpand">
1878             <summary>
1879             Parses a full $expand expression.
1880             </summary>
1881             <returns>The lexical token representing the select.</returns>
1882         </member>
1883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ISelectExpandTermParser.ParseSingleSelectTerm(System.Boolean)">
1884             <summary>
1885             Parses a single term in a comma seperated list of things to select.
1886             </summary>
1887             <param name="isInnerTerm">is this an inner or outer select term</param>
1888             <returns>A token representing thing to select.</returns>
1889         </member>
1890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ISelectExpandTermParser.ParseSingleExpandTerm(System.Boolean)">
1891             <summary>
1892             Parses a single term in a comma seperated list of things to expand.
1893             </summary>
1894             <param name="isInnerTerm">is this an inner or outer term.</param>
1895             <returns>A token representing thing to expand.</returns>
1896         </member>
1897         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.Lexer">
1898             <summary>
1899             Lexer used to parse an expression.
1900             </summary>
1901         </member>
1902         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.isSelect">
1903             <summary>
1904             are we parsing select.
1905             </summary>
1906         </member>
1907         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.maxDepth">
1908             <summary>
1909             the maximum allowable recursive depth.
1910             </summary>
1911         </member>
1912         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.recursionDepth">
1913             <summary>
1914             The current recursion depth.
1915             </summary>
1916         </member>
1917         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
1918             <summary>
1919             Create a SelectExpandTermParser
1920             </summary>
1921             <param name="clauseToParse">the clause to parse</param>
1922             <param name="maxDepth">the maximum recursive depth</param>
1923         </member>
1924         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.ParseSelect">
1925             <summary>
1926             Parses a full $select expression.
1927             </summary>
1928             <returns>The lexical token representing the select.</returns>
1929         </member>
1930         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.ParseExpand">
1931             <summary>
1932             Parses a full $expand expression.
1933             </summary>
1934             <returns>The lexical token representing the select.</returns>
1935         </member>
1936         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.ParseSingleSelectTerm(System.Boolean)">
1937             <summary>
1938             Parses a single term in a comma seperated list of things to select.
1939             </summary>
1940             <param name="isInnerTerm">is this an inner or outer select term</param>
1941             <returns>A token representing thing to select.</returns>
1942         </member>
1943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.ParseSingleExpandTerm(System.Boolean)">
1944             <summary>
1945             Parses a single term in a comma seperated list of things to expand.
1946             </summary>
1947             <param name="isInnerTerm">is this an inner or outer term.</param>
1948             <returns>A token representing thing to expand.</returns>
1949         </member>
1950         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.BuildExpandTermToken(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
1951             <summary>
1952             Build the list of expand options
1953             Depends on whether options are allowed or not.
1954             </summary>
1955             <param name="isInnerTerm">is this an inner expand term</param>
1956             <param name="pathToken">the current level token, as a PathToken</param>
1957             <returns>An expand term token based on the path token.</returns>
1958         </member>
1959         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.IsNotEndOfTerm(System.Boolean)">
1960             <summary>
1961             determine whether we're at the end of a select or expand term
1962             </summary>
1963             <param name="isInnerTerm">flag to indicate whether this is an outer or inner select.</param>
1964             <returns>true if we are not at the end of a select term.</returns>
1965         </member>
1966         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.ParseSelectExpandProperty">
1967             <summary>
1968             Parses a select or expand term into a query token
1969             </summary>
1970             <returns>parsed query token</returns>
1971         </member>
1972         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.ParseNext(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
1973             <summary>
1974             Uses the ExpressionLexer to visit the next ExpressionToken, and delegates parsing of segments, type segments, identifiers, 
1975             and the star token to other methods.
1976             </summary>
1977             <param name="previousToken">Previously parsed QueryToken, or null if this is the first token.</param>
1978             <returns>A parsed QueryToken representing the next part of the expression.</returns>
1979         </member>
1980         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.ParseSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
1981             <summary>
1982             Parses a segment; a expression that is followed by a slash.
1983             </summary>
1984             <param name="parent">The parent of the segment node.</param>
1985             <returns>The lexical token representing the segment.</returns>
1986         </member>
1987         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.RecurseEnter">
1988             <summary>
1989             Marks the fact that a recursive method was entered, and checks that the depth is allowed.
1990             </summary>
1991         </member>
1992         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.RecurseLeave">
1993             <summary>
1994             Marks the fact that a recursive method is leaving.
1995             </summary>
1996         </member>
1997         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParser.MaxDepth">
1998             <summary>
1999             The maximum recursive depth.
2000             </summary>
2001         </member>
2002         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandOptionSelectExpandTermParser.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
2003             <summary>
2004             Build the ExpandOption strategy.
2005             </summary>
2006             <param name="clauseToParse">the clause to parse</param>
2007             <param name="maxDepth">max recursive depth</param>
2008         </member>
2009         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandOptionSelectExpandTermParser.BuildExpandTermToken(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
2010             <summary>
2011             Build the list of expand options
2012             Depends on whether options are allowed or not.
2013             </summary>
2014             <param name="isInnerTerm">is this an inner expand term</param>
2015             <param name="pathToken">the current level token, as a PathToken</param>
2016             <returns>An expand term token based on the path token, and all available expand options.</returns>
2017         </member>
2018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandOptionSelectExpandTermParser.IsNotEndOfTerm(System.Boolean)">
2019             <summary>
2020             determine whether we're at the end of a select or expand term
2021             </summary>
2022             <param name="isInnerTerm">flag to indicate whether this is an outer or inner select.</param>
2023             <returns>true if we are not at the end of a select term.</returns>
2024         </member>
2025         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpandOptionSelectExpandTermParser.ReadQueryOption">
2026             <summary>
2027             Read a query option from the lexer.
2028             </summary>
2029             <returns>the query option as a string.</returns>
2030         </member>
2031         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer">
2032             <summary>
2033             Translator from the old expand syntax tree to the new Expand Option syntax tree
2034             </summary>
2035         </member>
2036         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.NormalizeExpandTree(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
2037             <summary>
2038             Normalize an expand syntax tree into the new ExpandOption syntax.
2039             </summary>
2040             <param name="treeToNormalize">the tree to normalize</param>
2041             <returns>a new tree, in the new ExpandOption syntax</returns>
2042         </member>
2043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.InvertPaths(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
2044             <summary>
2045             Invert the all of the paths in an expandToken, such that they are now in the same order as they are present in the 
2046             base url
2047             </summary>
2048             <param name="treeToInvert">the tree to invert paths on</param>
2049             <returns>a new tree with all of its paths inverted</returns>
2050         </member>
2051         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.CombineTerms(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
2052             <summary>
2053             Collapse all redundant terms in an expand tree
2054             </summary>
2055             <param name="treeToCollapse">the tree to collapse</param>
2056             <returns>A new tree with all redundant terms collapsed.</returns>
2057         </member>
2058         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.BuildSubExpandTree(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
2059             <summary>
2060             Expand all the PathTokens in a particular term into their own separate terms.
2061             </summary>
2062             <param name="termToExpand">the term to expand</param>
2063             <returns>a new ExpandTermToken with each PathToken at its own level.</returns>
2064         </member>
2065         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.CombineTerms(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
2066             <summary>
2067             add a new expandTermToken into an exisiting token, adding any additional levels and trees along the way.
2068             </summary>
2069             <param name="existingToken">the exisiting (already expanded) token</param>
2070             <param name="newToken">the new (already expanded) token</param>
2071             <returns>the combined token, or, if the two are mutually exclusive, the same tokens</returns>
2072         </member>
2073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.CombineChildNodes(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
2074             <summary>
2075             Combine the child nodes of twoExpandTermTokens into one list of tokens
2076             </summary>
2077             <param name="existingToken">the existing token to to</param>
2078             <param name="newToken">the new token containing terms to add</param>
2079             <returns>a combined list of the all child nodes of the two tokens.</returns>
2080         </member>
2081         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.AddChildOptionsToDictionary(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken})">
2082             <summary>
2083             Add child options to a new dictionary
2084             </summary>
2085             <param name="newToken">the token with child nodes to add to the dictionary</param>
2086             <param name="combinedTerms">dictionary to add child nodes to</param>
2087         </member>
2088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTreeNormalizer.AddOrCombine(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
2089             <summary>
2090             Adds the expand token to the dictionary or combines it with an existing  or combines it with another existing token with an equivalent path.
2091             </summary>
2092             <param name="combinedTerms">The combined terms dictionary.</param>
2093             <param name="expandedTerm">The expanded term to add or combine.</param>
2094         </member>
2095         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerLiteralExtensions">
2096             <summary>
2097             A set of extensions to <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer"/> for parsing literals.
2098             </summary>
2099         </member>
2100         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerLiteralExtensions.IsLiteralType(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind)">
2101             <summary>
2102             Returns whether the <paramref name="tokenKind"/> is a primitive literal type: 
2103             Binary, Boolean, DateTime, Decimal, Double, Guid, In64, Integer, Null, Single, or String.
2104             Internal for test use only
2105             </summary>
2106             <param name="tokenKind">InternalKind of token.</param>
2107             <returns>Whether the <paramref name="tokenKind"/> is a literal type.</returns>
2108         </member>
2109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerLiteralExtensions.ReadLiteralToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer)">
2110             <summary>Reads the next token, checks that it is a literal token type, converts to to a Common Language Runtime value as appropriate, and returns the value.</summary>
2111             <param name="expressionLexer">The expression lexer.</param>
2112             <returns>The value represented by the next token.</returns>
2113         </member>
2114         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerLiteralExtensions.ParseNullLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer)">
2115             <summary>
2116             Parses null literals.
2117             </summary>
2118             <param name="expressionLexer">The expression lexer.</param>
2119             <returns>The literal token produced by building the given literal.</returns>
2120         </member>
2121         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerLiteralExtensions.ParseTypedLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
2122             <summary>
2123             Parses typed literals.
2124             </summary>
2125             <param name="expressionLexer">The expression lexer.</param>
2126             <param name="targetTypeReference">Expected type to be parsed.</param>
2127             <returns>The literal token produced by building the given literal.</returns>
2128         </member>
2129         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerLiteralExtensions.TryParseLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer)">
2130             <summary>
2131             Parses a literal. 
2132             Precondition: lexer is at a literal token type: Boolean, DateTime, Decimal, Null, String, Int64, Integer, Double, Single, Guid, Binary.
2133             </summary>
2134             <param name="expressionLexer">The expression lexer.</param>
2135             <returns>The literal query token or null if something else was found.</returns>
2136         </member>
2137         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils">
2138             <summary>
2139             Utilities needed by <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer"/> which are relatively simple and standalone.
2140             </summary>
2141         </member>
2142         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils.SingleSuffixLower">
2143             <summary>Suffix for single literals.</summary>
2144         </member>
2145         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils.SingleSuffixUpper">
2146             <summary>Suffix for single literals.</summary>
2147         </member>
2148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils.IsNumeric(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind)">
2149             <summary>Whether the specified token identifier is a numeric literal.</summary>
2150             <param name="id">Token to check.</param>
2151             <returns>true if it's a numeric literal; false otherwise.</returns>
2152         </member>
2153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils.IsInfinityOrNaNDouble(System.String)">
2154             <summary>
2155             Checks if the <paramref name="tokenText"/> is INF or NaN.
2156             Internal for testing only.
2157             </summary>
2158             <param name="tokenText">Input token.</param>
2159             <returns>true if match found, false otherwise.</returns>
2160         </member>
2161         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils.IsInfinityLiteralDouble(System.String)">
2162             <summary>
2163             Checks whether <paramref name="text"/> equals to 'INF'
2164             Internal for testing only
2165             </summary>
2166             <param name="text">Text to look in.</param>
2167             <returns>true if the substring is equal using an ordinal comparison; false otherwise.</returns>
2168         </member>
2169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils.IsInfinityOrNanSingle(System.String)">
2170             <summary>
2171             Checks if the <paramref name="tokenText"/> is INFf/INFF or NaNf/NaNF.
2172             Internal for testing only.
2173             </summary>
2174             <param name="tokenText">Input token.</param>
2175             <returns>true if match found, false otherwise.</returns>
2176         </member>
2177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexerUtils.IsInfinityLiteralSingle(System.String)">
2178             <summary>
2179             Checks whether <paramref name="text"/> EQUALS to 'INFf' or 'INFF'.
2180             Internal for testing only.
2181             </summary>
2182             <param name="text">Text to look in.</param>
2183             <returns>true if the substring is equal using an ordinal comparison; false otherwise.</returns>
2184         </member>
2185         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FilterBinder">
2186             <summary>
2187             Class responsible for binding a syntactic filter expression into a bound tree of semantic nodes.
2188             </summary>
2189         </member>
2190         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FilterBinder.bindMethod">
2191             <summary>
2192             Method to use to visit the token tree and bind the tokens recursively.
2193             </summary>
2194         </member>
2195         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FilterBinder.state">
2196             <summary>
2197             State to use for binding.
2198             </summary>
2199         </member>
2200         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FilterBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
2201             <summary>
2202             Creates a FilterBinder.
2203             </summary>
2204             <param name="bindMethod">Method to use to visit the token tree and bind the tokens recursively.</param>
2205             <param name="state">State to use for binding.</param>
2206         </member>
2207         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FilterBinder.BindFilter(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2208             <summary>
2209             Binds the given filter token.
2210             </summary>
2211             <param name="filter">The filter token to bind.</param>
2212             <returns>A FilterNode with the given path linked to it (if provided).</returns>
2213         </member>
2214         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder">
2215             <summary>
2216             Class that knows how to bind function call tokens.
2217             </summary>
2218         </member>
2219         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.bindMethod">
2220             <summary>
2221             Method to use for binding the parent node, if needed.
2222             </summary>
2223         </member>
2224         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.UnboundFunctionNames">
2225             <summary>
2226             The names of functions that we don't bind to BuiltInFunctions
2227             </summary>
2228         </member>
2229         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
2230             <summary>
2231             Constructs a FunctionCallBinder with the given method to be used binding the parent token if needed.
2232             </summary>
2233             <param name="bindMethod">Method to use for binding the parent token, if needed.</param>
2234         </member>
2235         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.TypePromoteArguments(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode})">
2236             <summary>
2237             Promotes types of arguments to match signature if possible.
2238             </summary>
2239             <param name="signature">The signature to match the types to.</param>
2240             <param name="argumentNodes">The types to promote.</param>
2241         </member>
2242         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.EnsureArgumentsAreSingleValue(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode})">
2243             <summary>
2244             Checks that all arguments are SingleValueNodes
2245             </summary>
2246             <param name="functionName">The name of the function the arguments are from.</param>
2247             <param name="argumentNodes">The arguments to validate.</param>
2248             <returns>Returns the types of the arguments provided.</returns>
2249         </member>
2250         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.MatchSignatureToBuiltInFunction(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[],Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType[])">
2251             <summary>
2252             Finds the signature that best matches the arguments
2253             </summary>
2254             <param name="functionName">The name of the function</param>
2255             <param name="argumentTypes">The types of the arguments</param>
2256             <param name="signatures">The signatures to match against</param>
2257             <returns>Returns the matching signature or throws</returns>
2258         </member>
2259         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.GetBuiltInFunctionSignatures(System.String)">
2260             <summary>
2261             Finds all signatures for the given function name.
2262             </summary>
2263             <param name="functionName">The function to get the signatures for.</param>
2264             <returns>The signatures which match the supplied function name.</returns>
2265         </member>
2266         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.BindFunctionCall(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
2267             <summary>
2268             Binds the token to a SingleValueFunctionCallNode
2269             </summary>
2270             <param name="functionCallToken">Token to bind</param>
2271             <param name="state">The current state of the binding algorithm</param>
2272             <returns>The resulting SingleValueFunctionCallNode</returns>
2273         </member>
2274         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.TryBindEndPathAsFunctionCall(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode@)">
2275             <summary>
2276             Try to bind an end path token as a function call. Used for bound functions without parameters
2277             that parse as end path tokens syntactically
2278             </summary>
2279             <param name="endPathToken">the end path token to bind</param>
2280             <param name="parent">the parent node to this end path token.</param>
2281             <param name="state">the current state of the binding algorithm</param>
2282             <param name="boundFunction">a single value function call node representing the function call, if it exists</param>
2283             <returns>true if we found a function for this token, false otherwise.</returns>
2284         </member>
2285         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.TryBindInnerPathAsFunctionCall(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode@)">
2286             <summary>
2287             Try to bind an inner path token as a function call. Used for bound functions without parameters
2288             that parse as inner path tokens syntactically
2289             </summary>
2290             <param name="innerPathToken">the end path token to bind</param>
2291             <param name="parent">the parent node to this end path token.</param>
2292             <param name="state">the current state of the binding algorithm</param>
2293             <param name="boundFunction">a single value function call node representing the function call, if it exists</param>
2294             <returns>true if we found a function for this token, false otherwise.</returns>
2295         </member>
2296         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.TryBindDottedIdentifierAsFunctionCall(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode@)">
2297             <summary>
2298             Try to bind a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken"/> as a function call. Used for container qualified functions without parameters.
2299             </summary>
2300             <param name="dottedIdentifierToken">the dotted identifier token to bind</param>
2301             <param name="parent">the semantically bound parent node for this dotted identifier</param>
2302             <param name="state">the current stat of the binding algorithm</param>
2303             <param name="boundFunction">a single value function call node representing the function call, if we found one.</param>
2304             <returns>true if we found a function for this token, false otherwise.</returns>
2305         </member>
2306         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.BindAsBuiltInFunction(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode})">
2307             <summary>
2308             Bind this function call token as a built in function
2309             </summary>
2310             <param name="functionCallToken">the function call token to bidn</param>
2311             <param name="state">the current state of the binding algorithm</param>
2312             <param name="argumentNodes">list of semantically bound arguments</param>
2313             <returns>A function call node bound to this function.</returns>
2314         </member>
2315         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.TryBindIdentifier(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode@)">
2316             <summary>
2317             Try to bind an identifier to a FunctionCallNode
2318             </summary>
2319             <param name="identifier">the identifier to bind</param>
2320             <param name="arguments">the semantically bound list of arguments.</param>
2321             <param name="parent">a semantically bound parent node.</param>
2322             <param name="state">the current state of the binding algorithm</param>
2323             <param name="boundFunction">a single value function call node representing this funciton call, if we found one.</param>
2324             <returns>true if we found a function for this token.</returns>
2325         </member>
2326         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.IsUnboundFunction(System.String)">
2327             <summary>
2328             Determines whether this is a function that we don't bind to a BuiltInFunction
2329             </summary>
2330             <param name="functionName">name of the function</param>
2331             <returns>true if this is a function that we don't bind</returns>
2332         </member>
2333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.CreateUnboundFunctionNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
2334             <summary>
2335             Build a SingleValueFunctionCallNode for a function that isn't bound to a BuiltInFunction
2336             </summary>
2337             <param name="functionCallToken">original query token for this function</param>
2338             <param name="args">list of already bound query nodes for this function</param>
2339             <param name="state">The current state of the binding algorithm.</param>
2340             <returns>A single value function call node bound to this function.</returns>
2341         </member>
2342         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.ValidateAndBuildCastArgs(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode}@)">
2343             <summary>
2344             Validate the args list (adding the implicit range variable if necessary), and determine the correct return type for a cast function
2345             </summary>
2346             <param name="state">current binding state, used to get the implicit range variable if necessary</param>
2347             <param name="args">list of arguments, could be changed</param>
2348             <returns>the return type from this cast function</returns>
2349         </member>
2350         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.ValidateAndBuildIsOfArgs(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode}@)">
2351             <summary>
2352             Validate the arguments (adding the implicit range variable if necessary), and determine the correct return type
2353             for an IsOf function
2354             </summary>
2355             <param name="state">the current state of the binding algorithm, used to get the implicit range variable if necessary</param>
2356             <param name="args">current list of args, can be changed</param>
2357             <returns>the correct return type for this function.</returns>
2358         </member>
2359         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.ValidateIsOfOrCast(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode}@)">
2360             <summary>
2361             Validate the arguments to either isof or cast
2362             </summary>
2363             <param name="state">the current state of the binding algorithm</param>
2364             <param name="isCast">flag to indicate which function we're validating</param>
2365             <param name="args">the list of arguments, which could be changed</param>
2366             <returns>the return type of the function.</returns>
2367         </member>
2368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallBinder.TryGetTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
2369             <summary>
2370             Try to get an IEdmTypeReference for a given type as a string, returns null if none exists
2371             </summary>
2372             <param name="model">the model for validation</param>
2373             <param name="fullTypeName">the type name to find</param>
2374             <returns>an IEdmTypeReference for this type string.</returns>
2375         </member>
2376         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser">
2377             <summary>
2378             Implementation of IFunctionCallParser that allows functions calls and parses arguments with a provided method.
2379             TODO : This implementation is incomplete.
2380             </summary>
2381         </member>
2382         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IFunctionCallParser">
2383             <summary>
2384             Interface for a class that can parse an identifier as a function and return a representitive QueryToken.
2385             </summary>
2386         </member>
2387         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IFunctionCallParser.ParseIdentifierAsFunction(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2388             <summary>
2389             Parses an identifier that represents a function.
2390             </summary>
2391             <param name="parent">the syntactically bound parent of this identifier.</param>
2392             <returns>QueryToken representing this function.</returns>
2393         </member>
2394         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IFunctionCallParser.Lexer">
2395             <summary>
2396             Reference to the lexer.
2397             </summary>
2398         </member>
2399         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.lexer">
2400             <summary>
2401             Reference to the lexer.
2402             </summary>
2403         </member>
2404         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.parseMethod">
2405             <summary>
2406             Method used to parse arguments.
2407             </summary>
2408         </member>
2409         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.Parser)">
2410             <summary>
2411             Create a new FunctionCallParser.
2412             </summary>
2413             <param name="lexer">Lexer positioned at a function identifier.</param>
2414             <param name="parseMethod">Method to use for parsing individual arguments in the function.</param>
2415         </member>
2416         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.ParseIdentifierAsFunction(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2417             <summary>
2418             Parses an identifier that represents a function.
2419             </summary>
2420             <param name="parent">Token for the parent of the function being parsed.</param>
2421             <returns>QueryToken representing this function.</returns>
2422         </member>
2423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.ParseArgumentList">
2424             <summary>
2425             Parses argument lists.
2426             </summary>
2427             <returns>The lexical tokens representing the arguments.</returns>
2428         </member>
2429         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.ParseArguments">
2430             <summary>
2431             Parses comma-separated arguments.
2432             </summary>
2433             <remarks>
2434             Arguments can either be of the form a=1,b=2,c=3 or 1,2,3.
2435             They cannot be mixed between those two styles.
2436             </remarks>
2437             <returns>The lexical tokens representing the arguments.</returns>
2438         </member>
2439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.ReadArgumentsAsPositionalValues">
2440             <summary>
2441             Read the list of arguments as a set of positional values
2442             </summary>
2443             <returns>A list of FunctionParameterTokens representing each argument</returns>
2444         </member>
2445         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.TryReadArgumentsAsNamedValues(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken}@)">
2446             <summary>
2447             Try to read the list of arguments as a set of named values
2448             </summary>
2449             <param name="argList">the parsed list of arguments</param>
2450             <returns>true if the arguments were successfully read.</returns>
2451         </member>
2452         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionCallParser.Lexer">
2453             <summary>
2454             Reference to the lexer.
2455             </summary>
2456         </member>
2457         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer">
2458             <summary>
2459             Class that knows how to parse an identifier using an ExpressionLexer that is appropriately positioned.
2460             </summary>
2461         </member>
2462         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.lexer">
2463             <summary>
2464             Reference to the lexer.
2465             </summary>
2466         </member>
2467         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.parameters">
2468             <summary>
2469             parameters from the expression parser
2470             </summary>
2471         </member>
2472         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.functionCallParser">
2473             <summary>
2474             Object to handle the parsing of things that look like function calls.
2475             </summary>
2476         </member>
2477         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.HashSet{System.String},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IFunctionCallParser)">
2478             <summary>
2479             Parse an Identifier into the right QueryToken
2480             </summary>
2481             <param name="parameters">parameters passed in to the UriQueryExpressionParser</param>
2482             <param name="functionCallParser">Object to use to handle parsing function calls.</param>
2483         </member>
2484         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.ParseIdentifier(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2485             <summary>
2486             Parses identifiers.
2487             </summary>
2488             <param name="parent">the syntactically bound parent of this identifier.</param>
2489             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
2490         </member>
2491         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.ParseMemberAccess(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2492             <summary>
2493             Parses member access.
2494             </summary>
2495             <param name="instance">Instance being accessed.</param>
2496             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
2497         </member>
2498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.ParseStarMemberAccess(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2499             <summary>
2500             Parses * (all member) access at the beginning of a select expression.
2501             </summary>
2502             <param name="instance">Instance being accessed.</param>
2503             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
2504         </member>
2505         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.IdentifierTokenizer.ParseError(System.String)">
2506             <summary>Creates an exception for a parse error.</summary>
2507             <param name="message">Message text.</param>
2508             <returns>A new Exception.</returns>
2509         </member>
2510         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor`1">
2511             <summary>
2512             Visitor interface for walking the Path Tree.
2513             </summary>
2514             <typeparam name="T">Return type for the visitor methods on this visitor.</typeparam>
2515         </member>
2516         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken)">
2517             <summary>
2518             Visit an SystemToken
2519             </summary>
2520             <param name="tokenIn">The SystemToken to visit</param>
2521             <returns>A user defined class</returns>
2522         </member>
2523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken)">
2524             <summary>
2525             Visit an NonSystemToken
2526             </summary>
2527             <param name="tokenIn">The NonSystemToken to visit</param>
2528             <returns>A user defined class</returns>
2529         </member>
2530         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor">
2531             <summary>
2532             Visitor interface for walking the Path Tree.
2533             </summary>
2534         </member>
2535         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken)">
2536             <summary>
2537             Visit an SystemToken
2538             </summary>
2539             <param name="tokenIn">The SystemToken to visit</param>
2540         </member>
2541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken)">
2542             <summary>
2543             Visit an NonSystemToken
2544             </summary>
2545             <param name="tokenIn">The NonSystemToken to visit</param>
2546         </member>
2547         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1">
2548             <summary>
2549             Visitor interface for walking the Syntactic Tree.
2550             </summary>
2551             <typeparam name="T">Return type for the visitor methods on this visitor.</typeparam>
2552         </member>
2553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AllToken)">
2554             <summary>
2555             Visit an AllToken
2556             </summary>
2557             <param name="tokenIn">The All token to visit</param>
2558             <returns>An AllNode bound to this token</returns>
2559         </member>
2560         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AnyToken)">
2561             <summary>
2562             Visits an AnyToken
2563             </summary>
2564             <param name="tokenIn">The Any token to visit</param>
2565             <returns>An AnyNode that's bound to this token</returns>
2566         </member>
2567         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
2568             <summary>
2569             Visits a BinaryOperatorToken
2570             </summary>
2571             <param name="tokenIn">The Binary operator token to visit.</param>
2572             <returns>A BinaryOperatorNode thats bound to this token</returns>
2573         </member>
2574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken)">
2575             <summary>
2576             Visits a DottedIdentifierToken
2577             </summary>
2578             <param name="tokenIn">The DottedIdentifierToken to visit</param>
2579             <returns>Either a SingleEntityCastNode, or EntityCollectionCastNode bound to this DottedIdentifierToken</returns>
2580         </member>
2581         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
2582             <summary>
2583             Visits an ExpandToken
2584             </summary>
2585             <param name="tokenIn">The ExpandToken to visit</param>
2586             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this ExpandToken</returns>
2587         </member>
2588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
2589             <summary>
2590             Visits an ExpandTermToken
2591             </summary>
2592             <param name="tokenIn">The ExpandTermToken to visit</param>
2593             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this ExpandTermToken</returns>
2594         </member>
2595         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken)">
2596             <summary>
2597             Visits a FunctionCallToken
2598             </summary>
2599             <param name="tokenIn">The FunctionCallToken to visit</param>
2600             <returns>A SingleValueFunctionCallNode bound to this FunctionCallToken</returns>
2601         </member>
2602         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken)">
2603             <summary>
2604             Visits a LambdaToken
2605             </summary>
2606             <param name="tokenIn">The LambdaToken to visit</param>
2607             <returns>A LambdaNode bound to this LambdaToken</returns>
2608         </member>
2609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken)">
2610             <summary>
2611             Visits a LiteralToken
2612             </summary>
2613             <param name="tokenIn">LiteralToken to visit</param>
2614             <returns>A ConstantNode bound to this LiteralToken</returns>
2615         </member>
2616         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken)">
2617             <summary>
2618             Visits a InnerPathToken
2619             </summary>
2620             <param name="tokenIn">The InnerPathToken to bind</param>
2621             <returns>A SingleValueNode or SingleEntityNode bound to this InnerPathToken</returns>
2622         </member>
2623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken)">
2624             <summary>
2625             Visits an OrderByToken
2626             </summary>
2627             <param name="tokenIn">The OrderByToken to bind</param>
2628             <returns>An OrderByClause bound to this OrderByToken</returns>
2629         </member>
2630         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken)">
2631             <summary>
2632             Visits a EndPathToken
2633             </summary>
2634             <param name="tokenIn">The EndPathToken to bind</param>
2635             <returns>A PropertyAccessNode bound to this EndPathToken</returns>
2636         </member>
2637         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken)">
2638             <summary>
2639             Visits a CustomQueryOptionToken
2640             </summary>
2641             <param name="tokenIn">The CustomQueryOptionToken to bind</param>
2642             <returns>A CustomQueryOptionNode bound to this CustomQueryOptionToken</returns>
2643         </member>
2644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken)">
2645             <summary>
2646             Visits a RangeVariableToken
2647             </summary>
2648             <param name="tokenIn">The RangeVariableToken to bind</param>
2649             <returns>An Entity or NonEntity RangeVariableReferenceNode bound to this RangeVariableToken</returns>
2650         </member>
2651         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
2652             <summary>
2653             Visits a SelectToken
2654             </summary>
2655             <param name="tokenIn">The SelectToken to bind</param>
2656             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this SelectToken</returns>
2657         </member>
2658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken)">
2659             <summary>
2660             Visits a StarToken
2661             </summary>
2662             <param name="tokenIn">The StarToken to bind</param>
2663             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this StarToken</returns>
2664         </member>
2665         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken)">
2666             <summary>
2667             Visits a UnaryOperatorToken
2668             </summary>
2669             <param name="tokenIn">The UnaryOperatorToken to bind</param>
2670             <returns>A UnaryOperatorNode bound to this UnaryOperatorToken</returns>
2671         </member>
2672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken)">
2673             <summary>
2674             Visits a FunctionParameterToken
2675             </summary>
2676             <param name="tokenIn">The FunctionParameterTokenb to bind</param>
2677             <returns>A FunctionParametertoken bound to this UnaryOperatorToken</returns>
2678         </member>
2679         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyBinder">
2680             <summary>
2681             Class that knows how to bind key values.
2682             </summary>
2683         </member>
2684         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyBinder.keyValueBindMethod">
2685             <summary>
2686             Method to bind the value of a key.
2687             TODO : Make it of return type SingleValueQueryNode.
2688             </summary>
2689         </member>
2690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
2691             <summary>
2692             Constructs a KeyBinder object using the given function to bind key values.
2693             </summary>
2694             <param name="keyValueBindMethod">Method to call to bind a value in a key.</param>
2695         </member>
2696         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyBinder.BindKeyValues(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionNode,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue})">
2697             <summary>
2698             Binds key values to a key lookup on a collection.
2699             </summary>
2700             <param name="collectionNode">Already bound collection node.</param>
2701             <param name="namedValues">The named value tokens to bind.</param>
2702             <returns>The bound key lookup.</returns>
2703         </member>
2704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyBinder.BindKeyPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
2705             <summary>
2706             Binds a key property value.
2707             </summary>
2708             <param name="namedValue">The named value to bind.</param>
2709             <param name="collectionItemEntityType">The type of a single item in a collection to apply the key value to.</param>
2710             <returns>The bound key property value node.</returns>
2711         </member>
2712         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser">
2713             <summary>Provides a class used to represent a key for a resource.</summary>
2714             <remarks>
2715             Internally, every key instance has a collection of values. These values
2716             can be named or positional, depending on how they were specified
2717             if parsed from a URI.
2718             </remarks>
2719         </member>
2720         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.Empty">
2721             <summary>Empty key singleton.</summary>
2722         </member>
2723         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.namedValues">
2724             <summary>Named values.</summary>
2725         </member>
2726         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.positionalValues">
2727             <summary>Positional values.</summary>
2728         </member>
2729         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.keysAsSegments">
2730             <summary>Whether or not the key was formatted as a segment.</summary>
2731         </member>
2732         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.#ctor">
2733             <summary>Initializes a new empty <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser"/> instance.</summary>
2734         </member>
2735         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Boolean)">
2736             <summary>Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser"/> instance.</summary>
2737             <param name="namedValues">Named values.</param>
2738             <param name="positionalValues">Positional values for this instance.</param>
2739             <param name="keysAsSegments">Whether or not the key was formatted as a segment.</param>
2740             <remarks>
2741             One of namedValues or positionalValues should be non-null, but not both.
2742             </remarks>
2743         </member>
2744         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.TryParseKeysFromUri(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser@)">
2745             <summary>Attempts to parse key values from the specified text.</summary>
2746             <param name='text'>Text to parse (not null).</param>
2747             <param name='instance'>After invocation, the parsed key instance.</param>
2748             <returns>
2749             true if the key instance was parsed; false if there was a 
2750             syntactic error.
2751             </returns>
2752             <remarks>
2753             The returned instance contains only string values. To get typed values, a call to
2754             TryConvertValues is necessary.
2755             </remarks>
2756         </member>
2757         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.FromSegment(System.String)">
2758             <summary>
2759             Creates a key instance from the given raw segment text with a single positional value.
2760             </summary>
2761             <param name="segmentText">The segment text.</param>
2762             <returns>A key instance with the given segment text as its only value.</returns>
2763         </member>
2764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.TryParseNullableTokens(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser@)">
2765             <summary>Attempts to parse nullable values (only positional values, no name-value pairs) from the specified text.</summary>
2766             <param name='text'>Text to parse (not null).</param>
2767             <param name='instance'>After invocation, the parsed key instance.</param>
2768             <returns>
2769             true if the given values were parsed; false if there was a 
2770             syntactic error.
2771             </returns>
2772             <remarks>
2773             The returned instance contains only string values. To get typed values, a call to
2774             TryConvertValues is necessary.
2775             </remarks>
2776         </member>
2777         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.TryConvertValues(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}}@)">
2778             <summary>Tries to convert values to the keys of the specified type.</summary>
2779             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties to use for the conversion.</param>
2780             <param name="keyPairs">The converted key-value pairs.</param>
2781             <returns>true if all values were converted; false otherwise.</returns>
2782         </member>
2783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.TryConvertValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.String,System.Object@)">
2784             <summary>
2785             Try to convert a value into an EDM primitive type
2786             </summary>
2787             <param name="primitiveType">the type to convert to</param>
2788             <param name="valueText">the value to convert</param>
2789             <param name="convertedValue">The converted value, if conversion succeeded.</param>
2790             <returns>true if the conversion was successful.</returns>
2791         </member>
2792         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.TryParseFromUri(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser@)">
2793             <summary>Attempts to parse key values from the specified text.</summary>
2794             <param name='text'>Text to parse (not null).</param>
2795             <param name="allowNamedValues">Set to true if the parser should accept named values
2796                 so syntax like Name='value'. If this is false, the parsing will fail on such constructs.</param>
2797             <param name="allowNull">Set to true if the parser should accept null values.
2798                 If set to false, the parser will fail on null values.</param>
2799             <param name='instance'>After invocation, the parsed key instance.</param>
2800             <returns>
2801             true if the key instance was parsed; false if there was a 
2802             syntactic error.
2803             </returns>
2804             <remarks>
2805             The returned instance contains only string values. To get typed values, a call to
2806             TryConvertValues is necessary.
2807             </remarks>
2808         </member>
2809         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.CreateIfNull``1(``0@)">
2810             <summary>Creates a new instance if the specified value is null.</summary>
2811             <typeparam name="T">Type of variable.</typeparam>
2812             <param name="value">Current value.</param>
2813         </member>
2814         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.AreValuesNamed">
2815             <summary>Whether the values have a name.</summary>
2816         </member>
2817         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.IsEmpty">
2818             <summary>Checks whether this key has any values.</summary>
2819         </member>
2820         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.NamedValues">
2821             <summary>Returns a dictionary of named values when they AreValuesNamed is true.</summary>
2822         </member>
2823         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.PositionalValues">
2824             <summary>Returns a list of values when they AreValuesNamed is false.</summary>
2825         </member>
2826         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser.ValueCount">
2827             <summary>Number of values in the key.</summary>
2828         </member>
2829         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LambdaBinder">
2830             <summary>
2831             Class that knows how to bind a LambdaToken.
2832             </summary>
2833         </member>
2834         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LambdaBinder.bindMethod">
2835             <summary>
2836             Method used to bind a parent token.
2837             </summary>
2838         </member>
2839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LambdaBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
2840             <summary>
2841             Constructs a LambdaBinder.
2842             </summary>
2843             <param name="bindMethod">Method used to bind a parent token.</param>
2844         </member>
2845         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LambdaBinder.BindLambdaToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
2846             <summary>
2847             Binds a LambdaToken to metadata.
2848             </summary>
2849             <param name="lambdaToken">Token to bind.</param>
2850             <param name="state">Object to hold the state of binding.</param>
2851             <returns>A metadata bound any or all node.</returns>
2852         </member>
2853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LambdaBinder.BindParentToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2854             <summary>
2855             Bind the parent of the LambdaToken
2856             </summary>
2857             <param name="queryToken">the parent token</param>
2858             <returns>the bound parent node</returns>
2859         </member>
2860         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LambdaBinder.BindExpressionToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
2861             <summary>
2862             Bind the expression of the LambdaToken
2863             </summary>
2864             <param name="queryToken">the expression token</param>
2865             <returns>the bound expression node</returns>
2866         </member>
2867         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralBinder">
2868             <summary>
2869             Class that knows how to bind literal values.
2870             </summary>
2871         </member>
2872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralBinder.BindLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken)">
2873             <summary>
2874             Binds a literal value to a ConstantNode
2875             </summary>
2876             <param name="literalToken">Literal token to bind.</param>
2877             <returns>Bound query node.</returns>
2878         </member>
2879         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser">
2880             <summary>Use this class to parse literals from keys, etags, skiptokens, and filter/orderby expression constants.</summary>
2881         </member>
2882         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DefaultInstance">
2883             <summary>
2884             Default singleton instance of the literal parser.
2885             </summary>
2886         </member>
2887         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.KeysAsSegmentsInstance">
2888             <summary>
2889             Singleton instance of the literal parser for when keys-as-segments is turned on, which does not wrap the formatted strings in any quotes or type-markers.
2890             </summary>
2891         </member>
2892         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.Parsers">
2893             <summary>
2894             Mapping between primitive CLR types and lightweight parser classes for that type.
2895             </summary>
2896         </member>
2897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.ForKeys(System.Boolean)">
2898             <summary>
2899             Gets the literal parser for keys, based on whether the keys are formatted as segments.
2900             </summary>
2901             <param name="keyAsSegment">Whether or not the keys is formatted as a segment.</param>
2902             <returns>The literal parser to use.</returns>
2903         </member>
2904         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.TryParseLiteral(System.Type,System.String,System.Object@)">
2905             <summary>Converts a string to a primitive value.</summary>
2906             <param name="targetType">Type to convert string to.</param>
2907             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
2908             <param name="result">After invocation, converted value.</param>
2909             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
2910         </member>
2911         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.ForETags">
2912             <summary>
2913             Gets the literal parser to use for ETags.
2914             </summary>
2915         </member>
2916         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DefaultLiteralParser">
2917             <summary>
2918             Default literal parser which has type-markers and single-quotes. Also supports arbitrary literals being re-encoded in binary form.
2919             </summary>
2920         </member>
2921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DefaultLiteralParser.TryParseLiteral(System.Type,System.String,System.Object@)">
2922             <summary>Converts a string to a primitive value.</summary>
2923             <param name="targetType">Type to convert string to.</param>
2924             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
2925             <param name="result">After invocation, converted value.</param>
2926             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
2927         </member>
2928         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DefaultLiteralParser.TryRemoveFormattingAndConvert(System.String,System.Type,System.Object@)">
2929             <summary>
2930             Tries to parse the literal by first removing required formatting for the expected type, then converting the resulting string.
2931             </summary>
2932             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
2933             <param name="targetType">Type to convert string to.</param>
2934             <param name="targetValue">After invocation, converted value.</param>
2935             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
2936         </member>
2937         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralParser">
2938             <summary>
2939             Simplified literal parser for keys-as-segments which does not expect type-markers, single-quotes, etc. Does not support re-encoding literals as binary.
2940             </summary>
2941         </member>
2942         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralParser.TryParseLiteral(System.Type,System.String,System.Object@)">
2943             <summary>Converts a string to a primitive value.</summary>
2944             <param name="targetType">Type to convert string to.</param>
2945             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
2946             <param name="result">After invocation, converted value.</param>
2947             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
2948         </member>
2949         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.KeysAsSegmentsLiteralParser.UnescapeLeadingDollarSign(System.String)">
2950             <summary>
2951             If the string starts with '$', removes it.
2952             Also asserts that the 2nd character is also '$', as otherwise the string would be treated as a system segment.
2953             </summary>
2954             <param name="text">The text.</param>
2955             <returns>The string value with a leading '$' removed, if the string started with one.</returns>
2956         </member>
2957         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser">
2958             <summary>
2959             Helper class for parsing a specific type of primitive literal.
2960             </summary>
2961         </member>
2962         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.XmlWhitespaceChars">
2963             <summary>XML whitespace characters to trim around literals.</summary>
2964         </member>
2965         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.prefix">
2966             <summary>
2967             The expected prefix for the literal. Null indicates no prefix is expected.
2968             </summary>
2969         </member>
2970         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.suffix">
2971             <summary>
2972             The expected suffix for the literal. Null indicates that no suffix is expected.
2973             </summary>
2974         </member>
2975         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.suffixRequired">
2976             <summary>
2977             Whether or not the suffix is required.
2978             </summary>
2979         </member>
2980         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.expectedType">
2981             <summary>
2982             The expected type for this parser.
2983             </summary>
2984         </member>
2985         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.#ctor(System.Type,System.String,System.Boolean)">
2986             <summary>
2987             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser"/> class.
2988             </summary>
2989             <param name="expectedType">The expected type for this parser.</param>
2990             <param name="suffix">The expected suffix for the literal. Null indicates that no suffix is expected.</param>
2991             <param name="suffixRequired">Whether or not the suffix is required.</param>
2992         </member>
2993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.#ctor(System.Type,System.String)">
2994             <summary>
2995             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser"/> class.
2996             </summary>
2997             <param name="expectedType">The expected type for this parser.</param>
2998             <param name="prefix">The expected prefix for the literal.</param>
2999         </member>
3000         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.#ctor(System.Type)">
3001             <summary>
3002             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser"/> class.
3003             </summary>
3004             <param name="expectedType">The expected type for this parser.</param>
3005         </member>
3006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.TryConvert(System.String,System.Object@)">
3007             <summary>
3008             Tries to convert the given text into this parser's expected type. Conversion only, formatting should already have been removed.
3009             </summary>
3010             <param name="text">The text to convert.</param>
3011             <param name="targetValue">The target value.</param>
3012             <returns>Whether or not conversion was successful.</returns>
3013         </member>
3014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.TryRemoveFormatting(System.String@)">
3015             <summary>
3016             Tries to remove formatting specific to this parser's expected type.
3017             </summary>
3018             <param name="text">The text to remove formatting from.</param>
3019             <returns>Whether or not the expected formatting was found and succesfully removed.</returns>
3020         </member>
3021         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.ValueOfTypeCanContainQuotes(System.Type)">
3022             <summary>
3023             Determines whether the values for the specified types should be 
3024             quoted in URI keys.
3025             </summary>
3026             <param name='type'>Type to check.</param>
3027             <returns>
3028             true if values of <paramref name='type' /> require quotes; false otherwise.
3029             </returns>
3030         </member>
3031         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.PrimitiveParser.TryRemoveLiteralSuffix(System.String,System.String@)">
3032             <summary>
3033             Check and strip the input <paramref name="text"/> for literal <paramref name="suffix"/>
3034             </summary>
3035             <param name="suffix">The suffix value</param>
3036             <param name="text">The string to check</param>
3037             <returns>A string that has been striped of the suffix</returns>
3038         </member>
3039         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1">
3040             <summary>
3041             Primitive parser which uses a delegate for conversion.
3042             </summary>
3043             <typeparam name="T">The expected CLR type when parsing.</typeparam>
3044         </member>
3045         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.convertMethod">
3046             <summary>
3047             The delegate to use for conversion.
3048             </summary>
3049         </member>
3050         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.#ctor(System.Func{System.String,`0},System.String,System.Boolean)">
3051             <summary>
3052             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1"/> class.
3053             </summary>
3054             <param name="convertMethod">The delegate to use for conversion.</param>
3055             <param name="suffix">The expected suffix for the literal. Null indicates that no suffix is expected.</param>
3056             <param name="suffixRequired">Whether or not the suffix is required.</param>
3057         </member>
3058         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.#ctor(System.Func{System.String,`0})">
3059             <summary>
3060             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1"/> class from being created.
3061             </summary>
3062             <param name="convertMethod">The delegate to use for conversion.</param>
3063         </member>
3064         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.#ctor(System.Func{System.String,`0},System.String)">
3065             <summary>
3066             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1"/> class from being created.
3067             </summary>
3068             <param name="convertMethod">The delegate to use for conversion.</param>
3069             <param name="prefix">The expected prefix for the literal.</param>
3070         </member>
3071         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.WithoutMarkup(System.Func{System.String,`0})">
3072             <summary>
3073             Creates a primitive parser which wraps the given delegate and does not expect any extra markup in serialized literal.
3074             </summary>
3075             <param name="convertMethod">The delegate to use for conversion.</param>
3076             <returns>A new primitive parser.</returns>
3077         </member>
3078         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.WithPrefix(System.Func{System.String,`0},System.String)">
3079             <summary>
3080             Creates a primitive parser which wraps the given delegate and expects serialized literals to start with one of the given prefixes.
3081             </summary>
3082             <param name="convertMethod">The delegate to use for conversion.</param>
3083             <param name="prefix">The expected prefix for the literal.</param>
3084             <returns>A new primitive parser.</returns>
3085         </member>
3086         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.WithSuffix(System.Func{System.String,`0},System.String)">
3087             <summary>
3088             Creates a primitive parser which wraps the given delegate and expects serialized literals to end with the given suffix.
3089             </summary>
3090             <param name="convertMethod">The delegate to use for conversion.</param>
3091             <param name="suffix">The expected suffix for the literal. Null indicates that no suffix is expected.</param>
3092             <returns>A new primitive parser.</returns>
3093         </member>
3094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.WithSuffix(System.Func{System.String,`0},System.String,System.Boolean)">
3095             <summary>
3096             Creates a primitive parser which wraps the given delegate and expects serialized literals to end with the given suffix.
3097             </summary>
3098             <param name="convertMethod">The delegate to use for conversion.</param>
3099             <param name="suffix">The expected suffix for the literal. Null indicates that no suffix is expected.</param>
3100             <param name="required">Whether or not the suffix is required.</param>
3101             <returns>A new primitive parser.</returns>
3102         </member>
3103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DelegatingPrimitiveParser`1.TryConvert(System.String,System.Object@)">
3104             <summary>
3105             Tries to convert the given text into this parser's expected type. Conversion only, formatting should already have been removed.
3106             </summary>
3107             <param name="text">The text to convert.</param>
3108             <param name="targetValue">The target value.</param>
3109             <returns>
3110             Whether or not conversion was successful.
3111             </returns>
3112         </member>
3113         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DecimalPrimitiveParser">
3114             <summary>
3115             Parser specific to the Edm.Decimal type.
3116             </summary>
3117         </member>
3118         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DecimalPrimitiveParser.#ctor">
3119             <summary>
3120             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DecimalPrimitiveParser"/> class.
3121             </summary>
3122         </member>
3123         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.DecimalPrimitiveParser.ConvertDecimal(System.String)">
3124             <summary>
3125             Special helper to convert a string to a decimal that will allow more than what XmlConvert.ToDecimal supports by default.
3126             </summary>
3127             <param name="text">The text to convert.</param>
3128             <returns>The converted decimal value.</returns>
3129         </member>
3130         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.BinaryPrimitiveParser">
3131             <summary>
3132             Parser specific to the Edm.Binary type.
3133             </summary>
3134         </member>
3135         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.BinaryPrimitiveParser.#ctor">
3136             <summary>
3137             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.BinaryPrimitiveParser"/> class.
3138             </summary>
3139         </member>
3140         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.BinaryPrimitiveParser.TryConvert(System.String,System.Object@)">
3141             <summary>
3142             Tries to convert the given text into this parser's expected type. Conversion only, formatting should already have been removed.
3143             </summary>
3144             <param name="text">The text to convert.</param>
3145             <param name="targetValue">The target value.</param>
3146             <returns>
3147             Whether or not conversion was successful.
3148             </returns>
3149         </member>
3150         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.BinaryPrimitiveParser.TryRemoveFormatting(System.String@)">
3151             <summary>
3152             Tries to remove formatting specific to this parser's expected type.
3153             </summary>
3154             <param name="text">The text to remove formatting from.</param>
3155             <returns>
3156             Whether or not the expected formatting was found and succesfully removed.
3157             </returns>
3158         </member>
3159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.BinaryPrimitiveParser.HexCharToNibble(System.Char)">
3160             <summary>Returns the 4 bits that correspond to the specified character.</summary>
3161             <param name="c">Character in the 0-F range to be converted.</param>
3162             <returns>The 4 bits that correspond to the specified character.</returns>
3163             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">Thrown when 'c' is not in the '0'-'9','a'-'f' range.</exception>
3164         </member>
3165         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.StringPrimitiveParser">
3166             <summary>
3167             Parser specific to the Edm.String type.
3168             </summary>
3169         </member>
3170         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.StringPrimitiveParser.#ctor">
3171             <summary>
3172             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.StringPrimitiveParser"/> class.
3173             </summary>
3174         </member>
3175         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.StringPrimitiveParser.TryConvert(System.String,System.Object@)">
3176             <summary>
3177             Tries to convert the given text into this parser's expected type. Conversion only, formatting should already have been removed.
3178             </summary>
3179             <param name="text">The text to convert.</param>
3180             <param name="targetValue">The target value.</param>
3181             <returns>
3182             Whether or not conversion was successful.
3183             </returns>
3184         </member>
3185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralParser.StringPrimitiveParser.TryRemoveFormatting(System.String@)">
3186             <summary>
3187             Tries to remove formatting specific to this parser's expected type.
3188             </summary>
3189             <param name="text">The text to remove formatting from.</param>
3190             <returns>
3191             Whether or not the expected formatting was found and succesfully removed.
3192             </returns>
3193         </member>
3194         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBindingUtils">
3195             <summary>
3196             Helper methods for metadata binding.
3197             </summary>
3198         </member>
3199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBindingUtils.ConvertToTypeIfNeeded(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
3200             <summary>
3201             If the source node is not of the specified type, then we check if type promotion is possible and inject a convert node.
3202             If the source node is the same type as the target type (or if the target type is null), we just return the source node as is.
3203             </summary>
3204             <param name="source">The source node to apply the convertion to.</param>
3205             <param name="targetTypeReference">The target primitive type. May be null - this method will do nothing in that case.</param>
3206             <returns>The converted query node, or the original source node unchanged.</returns>
3207         </member>
3208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBindingUtils.GetEdmType(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
3209             <summary>
3210             Retrieves type associated to a segment.
3211             </summary>
3212             <param name="segment">The node to retrive the type from.</param>
3213             <returns>The type of the node, or item type for collections.</returns>
3214         </member>
3215         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBindingUtils.GetEdmTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
3216             <summary>
3217             Retrieves the type reference associated to a segment.
3218             </summary>
3219             <param name="segment">The node to retrive the type reference from.</param>
3220             <returns>The Type reference of the node (item type reference for collections).</returns>
3221         </member>
3222         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers">
3223             <summary>
3224             Class to provide methods that wrap EdmLib calls that are normally not allows in ODataLib, but
3225             are OK in the Uri Parser. These are OK to suppress because the Uri Parser
3226             does not need to go through the behavior knob that the ODL reader/writer does.
3227             This should only be used by the Uri Parser.
3228             </summary>
3229         </member>
3230         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.FindTypeFromModel(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
3231             <summary>
3232             Wraps a call to IEdmModel.FindType.
3233             </summary>
3234             <param name="model">The model to search.</param>
3235             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the type to find within the model.</param>
3236             <returns>The requested type, or null if no such type exists.</returns>
3237         </member>
3238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.FindCollectionTypeFromModel(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
3239             <summary>
3240             Wraps call to FindTypeFromModel for a Collection type.
3241             </summary>
3242             <param name="model">the model to search</param>
3243             <param name="qualifiedName">the name to find within the model</param>
3244             <returns>a type reference to the collection type, or null if no such type exists.</returns>
3245         </member>
3246         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.GetFunctionReturnType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
3247             <summary>
3248             Wraps a call to IEdmFunctionImport.ReturnType.
3249             </summary>
3250             <param name="serviceOperation">The function import containing the return type.</param>
3251             <returns>Gets the return type of this function.</returns>
3252         </member>
3253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.GetEntitySetElementType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
3254             <summary>
3255             Wraps a call to IEdmEntitySet.ElementType.
3256             </summary>
3257             <param name="entitySet">The EntitySet to containing the element type.</param>
3258             <returns>The entity type contained in this entity set.</returns>
3259         </member>
3260         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.GetOperationParameterType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter)">
3261             <summary>
3262             Wraps a call to IEdmFunctionParameter.Type.
3263             </summary>
3264             <param name="serviceOperationParameter">The IEdmFunctionParameter containing the typ[e.</param>
3265             <returns>The type of this function parameter.</returns>
3266         </member>
3267         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.CheckRelatedTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
3268             <summary>
3269             Check whether the parent and child are properly related types
3270             </summary>
3271             <param name="parentType">the parent type</param>
3272             <param name="childType">the child type</param>
3273             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the two types are not related.</exception>
3274         </member>
3275         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.GetNavigationPropertyFromExpandPath(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
3276             <summary>
3277             Follow an ODataPath from an Expand to get the Final Nav Prop
3278             </summary>
3279             <param name="path">the path to follow</param>
3280             <returns>the navigation property at the end of that path.</returns>
3281             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the last segment in the path is not a nav prop.</exception>
3282         </member>
3283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.GetMostDerivedTypeFromPath(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
3284             <summary>
3285             Follow an ODataPath from to get the most derived type
3286             </summary>
3287             <param name="path">the path to follow</param>
3288             <param name="startingType">the starting type before beginning to walk the path.</param>
3289             <returns>the most derived type in the path.</returns>
3290         </member>
3291         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.TryGetEntityContainer(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer@)">
3292             <summary>
3293             Is this token a container
3294             </summary>
3295             <param name="containerIdentifier">the containerIdentifier of the container to find</param>
3296             <param name="model">which model to search</param>
3297             <param name="entityContainer">the container we found, if we found one</param>
3298             <returns>true if we find a container, false otherwise</returns>
3299         </member>
3300         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.IsEntityCollection(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
3301             <summary>
3302             Returns true if this type is an EntityCollection
3303             </summary>
3304             <param name="type">The type to check</param>
3305             <returns>true if the type is an entity collection</returns>
3306         </member>
3307         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.AllHaveEqualReturnTypeAndAttributes(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport})">
3308             <summary>
3309             Checks whether all function imports have the same return type 
3310             </summary>
3311             <param name="functionImports">the list to check</param>
3312             <returns>true if the list of function imports all have the same return type</returns>
3313         </member>
3314         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.UriEdmHelpers.IsBindingTypeValid(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
3315             <summary>
3316             Is this a valid binding type. i.e. is this an entity, entity colleciton, or complex type.
3317             </summary>
3318             <param name="bindingType">the binding type</param>
3319             <returns>true if this binding type is valid</returns>
3320         </member>
3321         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonOptionExpandBinder">
3322             <summary>
3323             NonOption variant of an ExpandBinder, where the default selection at each level is based on the top level select
3324             clause. If that top level select is not populated, then we select all from this level, instead of selecting nothing.
3325             </summary>
3326         </member>
3327         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonOptionExpandBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
3328             <summary>
3329             Build the NonOption variant of an ExpandBinder
3330             </summary>
3331             <param name="configuration">The configuration used for binding.</param>
3332             <param name="entityType">The entity type of the top level expand item.</param>
3333             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the top level expand item.</param>
3334         </member>
3335         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonOptionExpandBinder.GenerateSubExpand(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
3336             <summary>
3337             Generate a SubExpand based on the current nav property and the curren token
3338             </summary>
3339             <param name="currentNavProp">the current navigation property</param>
3340             <param name="tokenIn">the current token</param>
3341             <returns>a new SelectExpand clause bound to the current token and nav prop</returns>
3342         </member>
3343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonOptionExpandBinder.DecorateExpandWithSelect(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
3344             <summary>
3345             Decorate an expand tree using a select token.
3346             </summary>
3347             <param name="subExpand">the already built sub expand</param>
3348             <param name="currentNavProp">the current navigation property</param>
3349             <param name="select">the select token to use</param>
3350             <returns>A new SelectExpand clause decorated with the select token.</returns>
3351         </member>
3352         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NonOptionSelectExpandTermParser">
3353             <summary>
3354             Object that knows how to parse a single term within a select expression. That is, apath to a property, 
3355             a wildcard, operation name, etc.
3356             </summary>
3357         </member>
3358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NonOptionSelectExpandTermParser.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
3359             <summary>
3360             Build the NonOption strategy.
3361             </summary>
3362             <param name="clauseToParse">the clause to parse</param>
3363             <param name="maxDepth">max recursive depth</param>
3364         </member>
3365         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NonOptionSelectExpandTermParser.BuildExpandTermToken(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
3366             <summary>
3367             Build the list of expand options
3368             Depends on whether options are allowed or not.
3369             </summary>
3370             <param name="isInnerTerm">is this an inner expand term</param>
3371             <param name="pathToken">the current level token, as a PathToken</param>
3372             <returns>An expand term token based on the path token.</returns>
3373         </member>
3374         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NonOptionSelectExpandTermParser.IsNotEndOfTerm(System.Boolean)">
3375             <summary>
3376             determine whether we're at the end of a select or expand term
3377             </summary>
3378             <param name="isInnerTerm">flag to indicate whether this is an outer or inner select.</param>
3379             <returns>true if we are not at the end of a select term.</returns>
3380         </member>
3381         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder">
3382             <summary>
3383             Class responsible for binding a InnerPathToken into:
3384             1. SingleNavigationNode
3385             2. CollectionNavigationNode
3386             3. SinglePropertyAccessNode (complex)
3387             4. CollectionPropertyAccessNode (primitive | complex)
3388             5. KeyLookupNode
3389             6. SingleValueFunctionCallNode
3390             7. SingleEntityFunctionCallNode
3391             </summary>
3392             <remarks>TODO The binder does support key lookup on collection navigation properties, however at this time
3393             the synctactic parser does not set things up correctly to allow end-to-end scenarios to work.</remarks>
3394         </member>
3395         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder.bindMethod">
3396             <summary>
3397             Bind method to use for binding a parent node, if needed.
3398             </summary>
3399         </member>
3400         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
3401             <summary>
3402             Constructs a InnerPathTokenBinder.
3403             </summary>
3404             <param name="bindMethod">Bind method to use for binding a parent node, if needed.</param>
3405         </member>
3406         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder.EnsureParentIsEntityForNavProp(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode)">
3407             <summary>
3408             Ensures that the parent node is of entity type, throwing if it is not.
3409             </summary>
3410             <param name="parent">Parent node to a navigation property.</param>
3411             <returns>The given parent node as a SingleEntityNode.</returns>
3412         </member>
3413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder.BindProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String)">
3414             <summary>
3415             Given a property name, if the associated type reference is strucutred, then this returns  
3416             the property of the structured type. Otherwise, it returns null.
3417             </summary>
3418             <param name="parentReference">The parent type to be used to find binding options.</param>
3419             <param name="propertyName">The string designated the property name to be bound.</param>
3420             <returns>The property associated with string and parent type.</returns>
3421         </member>
3422         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder.GetNavigationNode(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityNode,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyBinder)">
3423             <summary>
3424             Builds an appropriate navigation query node (collection or single) for the given property and parent node.
3425             </summary>
3426             <param name="property">Navigation property.</param>
3427             <param name="parent">Parent Node.</param>
3428             <param name="namedValues">Named values (key values) that were included in the node we are binding, if any.</param>
3429             <param name="state">State of binding.</param>
3430             <param name="keyBinder">Object to perform binding on any key values that are present.</param>
3431             <returns>A new CollectionNavigationNode or SingleNavigationNode to capture the navigation propety access.</returns>
3432         </member>
3433         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder.BindInnerPathSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
3434             <summary>
3435             Binds a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken"/>.
3436             This includes more than just navigations - it includes complex property access and primitive collections.
3437             </summary>
3438             <param name="segmentToken">The segment token to bind.</param>
3439             <param name="state">The state of binding.</param>
3440             <returns>The bound node.</returns>
3441         </member>
3442         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InnerPathTokenBinder.DetermineParentNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
3443             <summary>
3444             Determines the parent node. If the token has a parent, that token is bound. If not, then we 
3445             use the implicit parameter from the BindingState as the parent node.
3446             </summary>
3447             <param name="segmentToken">Token to determine the parent node for.</param>
3448             <param name="state">Current state of binding.</param>
3449             <returns>A SingleValueQueryNode that is the parent node of the <paramref name="segmentToken"/>.</returns>
3450         </member>
3451         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NodeFactory">
3452             <summary>
3453             Factory class to build IParameterQueryNodes.
3454             </summary>
3455         </member>
3456         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NodeFactory.CreateImplicitRangeVariable(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
3457             <summary>
3458             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable"/> for an implicit parameter ($it) from an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/>.
3459             </summary>
3460             <param name="path"><see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> that the range variable is iterating over.</param>
3461             <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable"/>.</returns>
3462         </member>
3463         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NodeFactory.CreateImplicitRangeVariable(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
3464             <summary>
3465             Creates a ParameterQueryNode for an implicit parameter ($it).
3466             </summary>
3467             <param name="elementType">Element type the parameter represents.</param>
3468             <param name="entitySet">Entity Set. May be null and must be null for non entities.</param>
3469             <returns>A new IParameterNode.</returns>
3470         </member>
3471         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NodeFactory.CreateRangeVariableReferenceNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable)">
3472             <summary>
3473             Creates a RangeVariableReferenceNode for a given range variable
3474             </summary>
3475             <param name="rangeVariable">Name of the rangeVariable.</param>
3476             <returns>A new SingleValueNode (either an Entity or NonEntity RangeVariableReferenceNode.</returns>
3477         </member>
3478         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NodeFactory.CreateParameterNode(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode)">
3479             <summary>
3480             Creates a ParameterQueryNode for an explicit parameter.
3481             </summary>
3482             <param name="parameter">Name of the parameter.</param>
3483             <param name="nodeToIterateOver">CollectionNode that the parameter is iterating over.</param>
3484             <returns>A new RangeVariable.</returns>
3485         </member>
3486         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NodeFactory.CreateLambdaNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind)">
3487             <summary>
3488             Creates an AnyNode or an AllNode from the given 
3489             </summary>
3490             <param name="state">State of binding.</param>
3491             <param name="parent">Parent node to the lambda.</param>
3492             <param name="lambdaExpression">Bound Lambda expression.</param>
3493             <param name="newRangeVariable">The new range variable being added by this lambda node.</param>
3494             <param name="queryTokenKind">Token kind.</param>
3495             <returns>A new LambdaNode bound to metadata.</returns>
3496         </member>
3497         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler">
3498             <summary>
3499             Handler interface for walking the path semantic tree.
3500             </summary>
3501         </member>
3502         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment)">
3503             <summary>
3504             Handle a TypeSegment
3505             </summary>
3506             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3507         </member>
3508         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment)">
3509             <summary>
3510             Handle a NavigationPropertySegment
3511             </summary>
3512             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3513         </member>
3514         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment)">
3515             <summary>
3516             Handle an EntitySetSegment
3517             </summary>
3518             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3519         </member>
3520         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment)">
3521             <summary>
3522             Handle a KeySegment
3523             </summary>
3524             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3525         </member>
3526         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment)">
3527             <summary>
3528             Handle a PropertySegment
3529             </summary>
3530             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3531         </member>
3532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment)">
3533             <summary>
3534             Handle an OperationSegment
3535             </summary>
3536             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3537         </member>
3538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment)">
3539             <summary>
3540             Handle an OpenPropertySegment
3541             </summary>
3542             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3543         </member>
3544         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment)">
3545             <summary>
3546             Handle a CountSegment
3547             </summary>
3548             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3549         </member>
3550         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment)">
3551             <summary>
3552             Handle a LinksSegment
3553             </summary>
3554             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3555         </member>
3556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment)">
3557             <summary>
3558             Handle a ValueSegment
3559             </summary>
3560             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3561         </member>
3562         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment)">
3563             <summary>
3564             Handle a BatchSegment
3565             </summary>
3566             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3567         </member>
3568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment)">
3569             <summary>
3570             Handle a BatchReferenceSegment
3571             </summary>
3572             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3573         </member>
3574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment)">
3575             <summary>
3576             Handle a MetadataSegment
3577             </summary>
3578             <param name="segment">the segment to Handle</param>
3579         </member>
3580         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode">
3581             <summary>
3582             Node to represent a function call that returns a collection of entities.
3583             </summary>
3584         </member>
3585         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionNode">
3586             <summary>
3587             Base class for all semantically bound nodes which represent a composable collection of values.
3588             </summary>
3589         </member>
3590         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionNode.EntityItemType">
3591             <summary>
3592             Get the resouce type of a single entity from the collection represented by this node.
3593             </summary>
3594         </member>
3595         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionNode.EntitySet">
3596             <summary>
3597             Get the EntitySet that contains this collection.
3598             </summary>
3599         </member>
3600         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.name">
3601             <summary>
3602             the name of this function.
3603             </summary>
3604         </member>
3605         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.functionImports">
3606             <summary>
3607             list of function imports that this node represents.
3608             </summary>
3609         </member>
3610         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.parameters">
3611             <summary>
3612             list of parameters provided to this function
3613             </summary>
3614         </member>
3615         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.entityTypeReference">
3616             <summary>
3617             the type a single entity returned by this function
3618             </summary>
3619         </member>
3620         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.returnedCollectionTypeReference">
3621             <summary>
3622             the type of the collection returned by this function
3623             </summary>
3624         </member>
3625         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.entitySet">
3626             <summary>
3627             the set containing the entities returned by this function.
3628             </summary>
3629         </member>
3630         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.source">
3631             <summary>
3632             The semantically bound parent of this EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.
3633             </summary>
3634         </member>
3635         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
3636             <summary>
3637             Creates an EntityCollecitonFunctionCallNode to represent a function call that returns a collection of entities.
3638             </summary>
3639             <param name="name">The name of this function.</param>
3640             <param name="functionImports">the list of function imports that this node represents.</param>
3641             <param name="parameters">the list of parameters to this function</param>
3642             <param name="returnedCollectionTypeReference">the type the entity collection returned by this function. The element type must be an entity type.</param>
3643             <param name="entitySet">the set containing entities returned by this function</param>
3644             <param name="source">the semantically bound parent of this EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.</param>
3645             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the provided name is null.</exception>
3646             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the provided collection type reference is null.</exception>
3647             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the element type of the provided collection type reference is not an entity type.</exception>
3648             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input function imports is null</exception>
3649         </member>
3650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
3651             <summary>
3652             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
3653             </summary>
3654             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
3655             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
3656             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
3657             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
3658         </member>
3659         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.Name">
3660             <summary>
3661             Gets the name of this function
3662             </summary>
3663         </member>
3664         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.FunctionImports">
3665             <summary>
3666             Gets the list of function imports that this node represents.
3667             </summary>
3668         </member>
3669         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.Parameters">
3670             <summary>
3671             Gets the list of parameters provided to this function.
3672             </summary>
3673         </member>
3674         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.ItemType">
3675             <summary>
3676             Gets the individual item type returned by this function.
3677             </summary>
3678         </member>
3679         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.CollectionType">
3680             <summary>
3681             The type of the collection represented by this node.
3682             </summary>
3683         </member>
3684         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.EntityItemType">
3685             <summary>
3686             Gets the individual entity type returned by this function.
3687             </summary>
3688         </member>
3689         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.EntitySet">
3690             <summary>
3691             Gets the entity set contaiing the entities returned by this function.
3692             </summary>
3693         </member>
3694         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.Source">
3695             <summary>
3696             Gets the semantically bound parent of this function.
3697             </summary>
3698         </member>
3699         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode.InternalKind">
3700             <summary>
3701             Gets the kind of this node.
3702             </summary>
3703         </member>
3704         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator">
3705             <summary>
3706             Segment translator to determine whether a given <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/> is a collection.
3707             </summary>
3708         </member>
3709         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment)">
3710             <summary>
3711             Translate a NavigationPropertySegment
3712             </summary>
3713             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3714             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3715             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3716         </member>
3717         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment)">
3718             <summary>
3719             Translate an EntitySetSegment
3720             </summary>
3721             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3722             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3723             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3724         </member>
3725         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment)">
3726             <summary>
3727             Translate a KeySegment
3728             </summary>
3729             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3730             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3731             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3732         </member>
3733         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment)">
3734             <summary>
3735             Translate a PropertySegment
3736             </summary>
3737             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3738             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3739             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3740         </member>
3741         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment)">
3742             <summary>
3743             Translate an OpenPropertySegment
3744             </summary>
3745             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3746             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3747             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3748         </member>
3749         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment)">
3750             <summary>
3751             Translate a CountSegment
3752             </summary>
3753             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3754             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3755             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3756         </member>
3757         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment)">
3758             <summary>
3759             Translate a NavigationPropertyLinkSegment
3760             </summary>
3761             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3762             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3763             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3764         </member>
3765         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment)">
3766             <summary>
3767             Translate a BatchSegment
3768             </summary>
3769             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3770             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3771             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3772         </member>
3773         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment)">
3774             <summary>
3775             Translate a BatchReferenceSegment
3776             </summary>
3777             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3778             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3779             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3780         </member>
3781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment)">
3782             <summary>
3783             Translate a ValueSegment
3784             </summary>
3785             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3786             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3787             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3788         </member>
3789         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.IsCollectionTranslator.Translate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment)">
3790             <summary>
3791             Translate a MetadataSegment
3792             </summary>
3793             <param name="segment">the segment to Translate</param>
3794             <returns>UserDefinedValue</returns>
3795             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input segment is null.</exception>
3796         </member>
3797         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment">
3798             <summary>
3799             A segment representing $links or $ref
3800             </summary>
3801         </member>
3802         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment">
3803             <summary>
3804             The semantic representation of a segment in a path.
3805             </summary>
3806         </member>
3807         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.identifier">
3808             <summary>Returns the identifier for this segment i.e. string part without the keys.</summary>
3809         </member>
3810         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.singleResult">
3811             <summary>Indicates whether this segment targets a single result or not.</summary>
3812         </member>
3813         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.targetEdmEntitySet">
3814             <summary>The entity set targetted by this segment. Can be null.</summary>
3815         </member>
3816         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.targetEdmType">
3817             <summary>The type targetted by this segment. Can be null.</summary>
3818         </member>
3819         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.targetKind">
3820             <summary>The kind of resource targeted by this segment.</summary>
3821         </member>
3822         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
3823             <summary>
3824             Creates a new Segment and copies values from another Segment.
3825             </summary>
3826             <param name="other">Segment to copy values from.</param>
3827         </member>
3828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.#ctor">
3829             <summary>
3830             Creates a new Segment.
3831             </summary>
3832         </member>
3833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
3834             <summary>
3835             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/> using an implemntation of<see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
3836             </summary>
3837             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
3838             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
3839             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
3840         </member>
3841         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
3842             <summary>
3843             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/> using an implementation of a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
3844             </summary>
3845             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handler interface.</param>
3846         </member>
3847         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
3848             <summary>
3849             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
3850             </summary>
3851             <param name="other">the other segment to check</param>
3852             <returns>true if the segments are equal.</returns>
3853         </member>
3854         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.CopyValuesFrom(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
3855             <summary>
3856             Copies over all the values of the internal-only properties from one segment to another.
3857             </summary>
3858             <param name="other">Ther segment to copy from.</param>
3859         </member>
3860         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.EdmType">
3861             <summary>
3862             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/>.
3863             </summary>
3864             <remarks>This property can be null. Not all segments have a Type, such as a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment"/>.</remarks>
3865         </member>
3866         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.Identifier">
3867             <summary>Returns the identifier for this segment i.e. string part without the keys.</summary>
3868         </member>
3869         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.SingleResult">
3870             <summary>Whether the segment targets a single result or not.</summary>
3871         </member>
3872         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.TargetEdmEntitySet">
3873             <summary>The entity set targetted by this segment. Can be null.</summary>
3874         </member>
3875         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.TargetEdmType">
3876             <summary>The type targetted by this segment. Can be null.</summary>
3877         </member>
3878         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment.TargetKind">
3879             <summary>The kind of resource targeted by this segment.</summary>
3880         </member>
3881         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.navigationProperty">
3882             <summary>
3883             The navigation property this link or ref acts on.
3884             </summary>
3885         </member>
3886         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
3887             <summary>
3888             Build a segment to represnt $links or $ref on a Nav prop
3889             </summary>
3890             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigaiton property this link or ref acts on</param>
3891             <param name="entitySet">The set of entities linked to by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment"/>. This can be null.</param>
3892             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input navigationProperty is null.</exception>
3893         </member>
3894         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
3895             <summary>
3896             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>
3897             </summary>
3898             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
3899             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
3900             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
3901             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
3902         </member>
3903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
3904             <summary>
3905             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/>s.
3906             </summary>
3907             <param name="handler">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
3908             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
3909         </member>
3910         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
3911             <summary>
3912             Check if this segment is equal to another.
3913             </summary>
3914             <param name="other">The other segment to check.</param>
3915             <returns>True if the other segment is equal.</returns>
3916             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
3917         </member>
3918         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.NavigationProperty">
3919             <summary>
3920             Gets the navigation property this link or ref acts on.
3921             </summary>
3922         </member>
3923         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.EntitySet">
3924             <summary>
3925             Gets the set of entities linked to by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment"/>.
3926             </summary>
3927         </member>
3928         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment.EdmType">
3929             <summary>
3930             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertyLinkSegment"/>.
3931             </summary>
3932         </member>
3933         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataExpandPath">
3934             <summary>
3935             A specific type of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> which can only contain instances of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment"/> or <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment"/>.
3936             </summary>
3937         </member>
3938         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath">
3939             <summary>
3940             A representation of the path portion of an OData URI which is made up of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/>s.
3941             </summary>
3942         </member>
3943         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.segments">
3944             <summary>
3945             The segments that make up this path.
3946             </summary>
3947         </member>
3948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment})">
3949             <summary>
3950             Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> containing the given segments.
3951             </summary>
3952             <param name="segments">The segments that make up the path.</param>
3953             <exception cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Error.ArgumentNull(System.String)">Throws if input segments is null.</exception>
3954         </member>
3955         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment[])">
3956             <summary>
3957             Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> containing the given segments.
3958             </summary>
3959             <param name="segments">The segments that make up the path.</param>
3960             <exception cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Error.ArgumentNull(System.String)">Throws if input segments is null.</exception>
3961         </member>
3962         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.GetEnumerator">
3963             <summary>
3964             Get the segments enumerator
3965             </summary>
3966             <returns>The segments enumerator</returns>
3967         </member>
3968         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
3969             <summary>
3970             get the segments enumerator
3971             </summary>
3972             <returns>The segments enumerator.</returns>
3973         </member>
3974         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.WalkWith``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
3975             <summary>
3976             Walk this path using a translator
3977             </summary>
3978             <typeparam name="T">the return type of the translator</typeparam>
3979             <param name="translator">a user defined translation path</param>
3980             <returns>an enumerable containing user defined objects for each segment</returns>
3981         </member>
3982         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.WalkWith(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
3983             <summary>
3984             Walk this path using a handler
3985             </summary>
3986             <param name="handler">the handler that will be applied to each segment</param>
3987         </member>
3988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
3989             <summary>
3990             Checks if this path is equal to another path.
3991             </summary>
3992             <param name="other">The other path to compare it to</param>
3993             <returns>True if the two paths are equal</returns>
3994             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
3995         </member>
3996         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.Add(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
3997             <summary>
3998             Add a segment to this path.
3999             </summary>
4000             <param name="newSegment">the segment to add</param>
4001             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input newSegment is null.</exception>
4002         </member>
4003         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.FirstSegment">
4004             <summary>
4005             Gets the first segment in the path. Returns null if the path is empty.
4006             </summary>
4007         </member>
4008         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.LastSegment">
4009             <summary>
4010             Get the last segment in the path. Returns null if the path is empty.
4011             </summary>
4012         </member>
4013         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath.Count">
4014             <summary>
4015             Get the number of segments in this path.
4016             </summary>
4017         </member>
4018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataExpandPath.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment})">
4019             <summary>
4020             Create an ODataPath object to represent a path semantically
4021             </summary>
4022             <param name="segments">The list of segments in the path.</param>
4023             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if this list of segments doesn't match the requirements for a $expand</exception>
4024         </member>
4025         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataExpandPath.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment[])">
4026             <summary>
4027             Create an ODataPath object based on a single segment
4028             </summary>
4029             <param name="segments">A list of segments in the path.</param>
4030             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if this list of segments doesn't match the requirements for a $expand</exception>
4031         </member>
4032         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataExpandPath.GetNavigationProperty">
4033             <summary>
4034             Gets the navigation property for this expand path.
4035             </summary>
4036             <returns>the navigation property for this expand path.</returns>
4037         </member>
4038         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataExpandPath.ValidatePath">
4039             <summary>
4040             Ensure that this expand path contains only valid segment types.
4041             </summary>
4042             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if this list of segments doesn't match the requirements for a $expand</exception>
4043         </member>
4044         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathExtensions">
4045             <summary>
4046             Extension methods for <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/>. These method provide convenince functions.
4047             TODO: Implement this class and it's visitors. These are stubs.
4048             </summary>
4049             <remarks>
4050             The values that these methods compute are not cached.
4051             </remarks>
4052         </member>
4053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathExtensions.EdmType(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
4054             <summary>
4055             Computes the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> of the resource identified by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/>.
4056             </summary>
4057             <param name="path">Path to compute the type for.</param>
4058             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> of the resource, or null if the path does not identify a 
4059             resource with a type.</returns>
4060         </member>
4061         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathExtensions.EntitySet(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
4062             <summary>
4063             Computes the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> of the resource identified by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/>.
4064             </summary>
4065             <param name="path">Path to compute the set for.</param>
4066             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> of the resource, or null if the path does not identify a 
4067             resource that is part of a set.</returns>
4068         </member>
4069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathExtensions.IsCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath)">
4070             <summary>
4071             Computes whether or not the resource identified by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> is a collection.
4072             </summary>
4073             <param name="path">Path to perform the computation on.</param>
4074             <returns>True if the resource if a feed or collection of primitive or complex types. False otherwise.</returns>
4075         </member>
4076         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathFactory">
4077             <summary>Translates from an IPathSegment into an ODataPath</summary>
4078         </member>
4079         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathFactory.BindPath(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.String},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration)">
4080             <summary>
4081             Binds a collection of <paramref name="segments"/> to metadata, creating a semantic ODataPath object.
4082             </summary>
4083             <param name="segments">Collection of path segments.</param>
4084             <param name="configuration">The configuration to use when binding the path.</param>
4085             <returns>A semantic <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> object to describe the path.</returns>
4086         </member>
4087         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser">
4088             <summary>
4089             Main Public API to parse an ODataURI.
4090             </summary>
4091         </member>
4092         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.configuration">
4093             <summary>
4094             The parser's configuration.
4095             </summary>
4096         </member>
4097         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Uri)">
4098             <summary>
4099             Build an ODataUriParser
4100             </summary>
4101             <param name="model">Model to use for metadata binding.</param>
4102             <param name="serviceRoot">Absolute URI of the service root.</param>
4103             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if input model is null.</exception>
4104             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input serviceRoot is not an AbsoluteUri</exception>
4105         </member>
4106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseFilter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
4107             <summary>
4108             Parses a <paramref name="filter"/> clause on the given <paramref name="elementType"/>, binding
4109             the text into semantic nodes using the provided <paramref name="model"/>.
4110             </summary>
4111             <param name="filter">String representation of the filter expression.</param>
4112             <param name="model">Model to use for metadata binding.</param>
4113             <param name="elementType">Type that the filter clause refers to.</param>
4114             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause"/> representing the metadata bound filter expression.</returns>
4115         </member>
4116         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseFilter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4117             <summary>
4118             Parses a <paramref name="filter"/> clause on the given <paramref name="elementType"/>, binding
4119             the text into semantic nodes using the provided <paramref name="model"/>.
4120             </summary>
4121             <param name="filter">String representation of the filter expression.</param>
4122             <param name="model">Model to use for metadata binding.</param>
4123             <param name="elementType">Type that the filter clause refers to.</param>
4124             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements beign filtered are from.</param>
4125             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause"/> representing the metadata bound filter expression.</returns>
4126         </member>
4127         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseOrderBy(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
4128             <summary>
4129             Parses a <paramref name="orderBy"/> clause on the given <paramref name="elementType"/>, binding
4130             the text into semantic nodes using the provided <paramref name="model"/>.
4131             </summary>
4132             <param name="orderBy">String representation of the orderby expression.</param>
4133             <param name="model">Model to use for metadata binding.</param>
4134             <param name="elementType">Type that the orderby clause refers to.</param>
4135             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause"/> representing the metadata bound orderby expression.</returns>
4136         </member>
4137         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseOrderBy(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4138             <summary>
4139             Parses a <paramref name="orderBy "/> clause on the given <paramref name="elementType"/>, binding
4140             the text into semantic nodes using the provided <paramref name="model"/>.
4141             </summary>
4142             <param name="orderBy">String representation of the orderby expression.</param>
4143             <param name="model">Model to use for metadata binding.</param>
4144             <param name="elementType">Type that the orderby clause refers to.</param>
4145             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements beign filtered are from.</param>
4146             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause"/> representing the metadata bound orderby expression.</returns>
4147         </member>
4148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseFilter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4149             <summary>
4150             Parse a filter clause from an instantiated class.
4151             </summary>
4152             <param name="filter">the filter clause to parse</param>
4153             <param name="elementType">Type that the select and expand clauses are projecting.</param>
4154             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements being filtered are from.</param>
4155             <returns>A FilterClause representing the metadata bound filter expression.</returns>
4156         </member>
4157         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseOrderBy(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4158             <summary>
4159             Parse an orderby clause from an instance of this class
4160             </summary>
4161             <param name="orderBy">the orderby clause to parse</param>
4162             <param name="elementType">Type that the select and expand clauses are projecting.</param>
4163             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements being filtered are from.</param>
4164             <returns>An OrderByClause representing the metadata bound orderby expression.</returns>
4165         </member>
4166         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParsePath(System.Uri)">
4167             <summary>
4168             Parses a <paramref name="pathUri"/> into a semantic <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> object. 
4169             </summary>
4170             <remarks>
4171             This is designed to parse the Path of a URL. If it is used to parse paths that are contained
4172             within other places, such as $filter expressions, then it may not enforce correct rules.
4173             </remarks>
4174             <param name="pathUri">The absolute URI which holds the path to parse.</param>
4175             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> representing the metadata-bound path expression.</returns>
4176             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the serviceRoot member is null, or if the input path is not an absolute uri.</exception>
4177         </member>
4178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseSelectAndExpand(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4179             <summary>
4180             ParseSelectAndExpand from an instantiated class
4181             </summary>
4182             <param name="select">the select to parse</param>
4183             <param name="expand">the expand to parse</param>
4184             <param name="elementType">Type that the select and expand clauses are projecting.</param>
4185             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements being filtered are from. This can be null, if so that null will propagate through the resulting SelectExpandClause.</param>
4186             <returns>A SelectExpandClause with the semantic representation of select and expand terms</returns>
4187         </member>
4188         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseUri(System.Uri)">
4189             <summary>
4190             Parse a full Uri into its contingent parts with semantic meaning attached to each part. 
4191             See <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri"/>.
4192             </summary>
4193             <param name="fullUri">The full uri to parse.</param>
4194             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri"/> representing the full uri.</returns>
4195         </member>
4196         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseInlineCount(System.String)">
4197             <summary>
4198             Parses an inline count option
4199             </summary>
4200             <param name="inlineCount">The inline count string from the query</param>
4201             <returns>An InlineCountKind representing that inline count option.</returns>
4202         </member>
4203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseUriImplementation(System.Uri)">
4204             <summary>
4205             Parses the full Uri.
4206             </summary>
4207             <param name="fullUri">The full uri to parse</param>
4208             <returns>An ODataUri representing the full uri</returns>
4209         </member>
4210         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseFilterImplementation(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4211             <summary>
4212             Parses a <paramref name="filter"/> clause on the given <paramref name="elementType"/>, binding
4213             the text into semantic nodes using the provided.
4214             </summary>
4215             <param name="filter">String representation of the filter expression.</param>
4216             <param name="elementType">Type that the filter clause refers to.</param>
4217             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements beign filtered are from.</param>
4218             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause"/> representing the metadata bound filter expression.</returns>
4219         </member>
4220         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseOrderByImplementation(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4221             <summary>
4222             Parses a <paramref name="orderBy "/> clause on the given <paramref name="elementType"/>, binding
4223             the text into semantic nodes using the provided model.
4224             </summary>
4225             <param name="orderBy">String representation of the orderby expression.</param>
4226             <param name="elementType">Type that the orderby clause refers to.</param>
4227             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements beign filtered are from.</param>
4228             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause"/> representing the metadata bound orderby expression.</returns>
4229         </member>
4230         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseSelectAndExpandImplementation(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
4231             <summary>
4232             Parses the <paramref name="select"/> and <paramref name="expand"/> clauses on the given <paramref name="elementType"/>, binding
4233             the text into a metadata-bound list of properties to be selected using the provided model.
4234             </summary>
4235             <param name="select">String representation of the select expression from the URI.</param>
4236             <param name="expand">String representation of the expand expression from the URI.</param>
4237             <param name="elementType">Type that the select and expand clauses are projecting.</param>
4238             <param name="entitySet">EntitySet that the elements being filtered are from.</param>
4239             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause"/> representing the metadata bound orderby expression.</returns>
4240         </member>
4241         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ParseInlineCountImplementation(System.String)">
4242             <summary>
4243             Parses an inline count option
4244             </summary>
4245             <param name="inlineCount">The inline count string from the query</param>
4246             <returns>An InlineCountKind representing that inline count option.</returns>
4247             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input inlineCount is not a valid $inlinecount value.</exception>
4248         </member>
4249         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.Settings">
4250             <summary>
4251             The settings for this instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser"/>. Refer to the documentation for the individual properties of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings"/> for more information.
4252             </summary>
4253         </member>
4254         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.Model">
4255             <summary>
4256             Gets the model for this ODataUriParser
4257             </summary>
4258         </member>
4259         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.ServiceRoot">
4260             <summary>
4261             Gets the absolute URI of the service root.
4262             </summary>
4263         </member>
4264         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.UrlConventions">
4265             <summary>
4266             Gets or Sets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions"/> to use while parsing, specifically
4267             whether to recognize keys as segments or not.
4268             </summary>
4269             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input value is null.</exception>
4270         </member>
4271         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.BatchReferenceCallback">
4272             <summary>
4273             Gets or Sets a callback that returns a BatchReferenceSegment (to be used for $0 in batch)
4274             </summary>
4275         </member>
4276         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParser.FunctionParameterAliasCallback">
4277             <summary>
4278             Gets or sets a callback that returns the raw string value for an aliased function parameter.
4279             </summary>
4280         </member>
4281         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUnrecognizedPathException">
4282             <summary>
4283             The exception that is thrown when path parsing detects an unrecognized or unresolvable token in a path (which servers should treat as a 404).
4284             </summary>
4285         </member>
4286         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">
4287             <summary>
4288             Exception type representing exceptions in the OData library.
4289             </summary>
4290         </member>
4291         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException.#ctor">
4292             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException" /> class with default values.</summary>
4293             <remarks>
4294             The Message property is initialized to a system-supplied message
4295             that describes the error. This message takes into account the
4296             current system culture.
4297             </remarks>
4298         </member>
4299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException.#ctor(System.String)">
4300             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException" /> class with an error message.</summary>
4301             <param name="message">The plain text error message for this exception.</param>
4302         </member>
4303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
4304             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException" /> class with an error message and an inner exception.</summary>
4305             <param name="message">The plain text error message for this exception.</param>
4306             <param name="innerException">The inner exception that is the cause of this exception to be thrown.</param>
4307         </member>
4308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUnrecognizedPathException.#ctor">
4309             <summary>
4310             Initializes a new instance of the ODataUnrecognizedPathException class.
4311             </summary>
4312             <remarks>
4313             The Message property is initialized to a system-supplied message 
4314             that describes the error. This message takes into account the 
4315             current system culture. 
4316             </remarks>
4317         </member>
4318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUnrecognizedPathException.#ctor(System.String)">
4319             <summary>
4320             Initializes a new instance of the ODataUnrecognizedPathException class.
4321             </summary>
4322             <param name="message">Plain text error message for this exception.</param>
4323         </member>
4324         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUnrecognizedPathException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
4325             <summary>
4326             Initializes a new instance of the DataServiceException class.
4327             </summary>
4328             <param name="message">Plain text error message for this exception.</param>
4329             <param name="innerException">Exception that caused this exception to be thrown.</param>
4330         </member>
4331         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions">
4332             <summary>
4333             Component for controlling what convention are used for generating URLs.
4334             </summary>
4335         </member>
4336         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions.DefaultInstance">
4337             <summary>Singleton instance of the default conventions.</summary>
4338         </member>
4339         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions.KeyAsSegmentInstance">
4340             <summary>Singleton instance of the key-as-segment conventions.</summary>
4341         </member>
4342         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions.urlConvention">
4343             <summary>The url convention to use.</summary>
4344         </member>
4345         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention)">
4346             <summary>
4347             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions"/> class from being created.
4348             </summary>
4349             <param name="urlConvention">The url convention to use.</param>
4350         </member>
4351         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions.Default">
4352             <summary>
4353             An instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions"/> which uses default URL conventions. Specifically, this instance will produce keys that use parentheses like "Customers('ALFKI')".
4354             </summary>
4355         </member>
4356         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions.KeyAsSegment">
4357             <summary>
4358             An instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions"/> which uses key-as-segment URL conventions. Specifically, this instance will produce keys that use segments like "Customers/ALFKI".
4359             </summary>
4360         </member>
4361         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUrlConventions.UrlConvention">
4362             <summary>
4363             Gets the internal representation of the user-specified convention.
4364             </summary>
4365         </member>
4366         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByBinder">
4367             <summary>
4368             Class to handle the binding of orderby tokens.
4369             </summary>
4370         </member>
4371         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByBinder.bindMethod">
4372             <summary>
4373             Method to use to visit the token tree and bind the tokens recursively.
4374             </summary>
4375         </member>
4376         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
4377             <summary>
4378             Creates an OrderByBinder
4379             </summary>
4380             <param name="bindMethod">Method to use to visit the token tree and bind the tokens recursively.</param>
4381         </member>
4382         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByBinder.BindOrderBy(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken})">
4383             <summary>
4384             Processes the order-by tokens of a entityCollection (if any).
4385             </summary>
4386             <param name="state">State to use for binding.</param>
4387             <param name="orderByTokens">The order-by tokens to bind.</param>
4388             <returns>An OrderByClause representing the orderby statements expressed in the tokens.</returns>
4389         </member>
4390         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByBinder.ProcessSingleOrderBy(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken)">
4391             <summary>
4392             Processes the specified order-by token.
4393             </summary>
4394             <param name="state">State to use for binding.</param>
4395             <param name="thenBy"> The next OrderBy node, or null if there is no orderby after this.</param>
4396             <param name="orderByToken">The order-by token to bind.</param>
4397             <returns>Returns the combined entityCollection including the ordering.</returns>
4398         </member>
4399         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PathParserModelUtils">
4400             <summary>
4401             Set of helpers and extensions to make it easier to convert the semantic path parser
4402             to using <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> and the related classes.
4403             </summary>
4404         </member>
4405         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PathParserModelUtils.IsOpenType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
4406             <summary>
4407             Returns whether the given type is a structural type that is open.
4408             </summary>
4409             <param name="edmType">The type to check.</param>
4410             <returns>Whether the type is both structural and open.</returns>
4411         </member>
4412         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PathParserModelUtils.IsEntityOrEntityCollectionType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
4413             <summary>
4414             Returns whether or not the type is an entity or entity collection type.
4415             </summary>
4416             <param name="edmType">The type to check.</param>
4417             <returns>Whether or not the type is an entity or entity collection type.</returns>
4418         </member>
4419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PathParserModelUtils.IsEntityOrEntityCollectionType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType@)">
4420             <summary>
4421             Returns whether or not the type is an entity or entity collection type.
4422             </summary>
4423             <param name="edmType">The type to check.</param>
4424             <param name="entityType">The entity type. If the given type was a collection, this will be the element type.</param>
4425             <returns>Whether or not the type is an entity or entity collection type.</returns>
4426         </member>
4427         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PathParserModelUtils.GetTargetEntitySet(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
4428             <summary>
4429             Gets the target entity set for the given function import.
4430             </summary>
4431             <param name="functionImport">The function import.</param>
4432             <param name="sourceEntitySet">The source entity set.</param>
4433             <param name="model">The model.</param>
4434             <returns>The target entity set of the function import or null if it could not be determined.</returns>
4435         </member>
4436         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PathParserModelUtils.ThrowIfOpenComplexType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
4437             <summary>
4438             Throws an exception if the given type is an open complex type.
4439             </summary>
4440             <param name="edmType">The type to check.</param>
4441         </member>
4442         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathReverser">
4443             <summary>
4444             Reverse a Path
4445             </summary>
4446         </member>
4447         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenVisitor`1">
4448             <summary>
4449             Visitor interface for walking the Syntactic Tree.
4450             </summary>
4451             <typeparam name="T">Generic type produced by the visitor.</typeparam>
4452         </member>
4453         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken)">
4454             <summary>
4455             Visit an SystemToken
4456             </summary>
4457             <param name="tokenIn">The System token to visit</param>
4458             <returns>A user defined class</returns>
4459         </member>
4460         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken)">
4461             <summary>
4462             Visit an NonSystemToken
4463             </summary>
4464             <param name="tokenIn">The System token to visit</param>
4465             <returns>A user defined class</returns>
4466         </member>
4467         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathReverser.childToken">
4468             <summary>
4469             any children of the root, will always be null on first call
4470             </summary>
4471         </member>
4472         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathReverser.#ctor">
4473             <summary>
4474             Build a PathReverser at the top level (with no child token)
4475             </summary>
4476         </member>
4477         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathReverser.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
4478             <summary>
4479             Build a PathReverser based on a child token.
4480             </summary>
4481             <param name="childToken">the new child of this token</param>
4482         </member>
4483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathReverser.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken)">
4484             <summary>
4485             Reverse a NonSystemToken
4486             </summary>
4487             <param name="tokenIn">the non system token to reverse</param>
4488             <returns>the reversed NonSystemToken</returns>
4489         </member>
4490         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathReverser.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken)">
4491             <summary>
4492             Reverse a SystemToken
4493             </summary>
4494             <param name="tokenIn">the SystemToken to reverse</param>
4495             <returns>the reversed SystemToken</returns>
4496         </member>
4497         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathReverser.BuildNextStep(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
4498             <summary>
4499             Build the next level PathReverser
4500             </summary>
4501             <param name="nextLevelToken">the next level token</param>
4502             <param name="nextChildToken">the next levels child token</param>
4503             <returns>the path token from the next level.</returns>
4504         </member>
4505         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenEqualityComparer">
4506             <summary>
4507             Equality comparer for <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken"/>.
4508             </summary>
4509         </member>
4510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenEqualityComparer.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
4511             <summary>
4512             Determines whether the two paths are equivalent.
4513             </summary>
4514             <param name="first">The first path to compare.</param>
4515             <param name="second">The second path to compare.</param>
4516             <returns>Whether the two paths are equivalent.</returns>
4517         </member>
4518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
4519             <summary>
4520             Returns a hash code for the given path.
4521             </summary>
4522             <param name="path">The path to hash.</param>
4523             <returns>
4524             A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. 
4525             </returns>
4526         </member>
4527         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenEqualityComparer.ToHashableString(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
4528             <summary>
4529             Converts the token to a string that is sufficiently unique to be hashed or compared.
4530             </summary>
4531             <param name="token">The path token to convert to a string.</param>
4532             <returns>A string representing the path.</returns>
4533         </member>
4534         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenVisitor">
4535             <summary>
4536             Visitor interface for walking the Syntactic Tree.
4537             </summary>
4538         </member>
4539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenVisitor.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken)">
4540             <summary>
4541             Visit an SystemToken
4542             </summary>
4543             <param name="tokenIn">The System token to visit</param>
4544         </member>
4545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentTokenVisitor.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken)">
4546             <summary>
4547             Visit an NonSystemToken
4548             </summary>
4549             <param name="tokenIn">The System token to visit</param>
4550         </member>
4551         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RangeVariableBinder">
4552             <summary>
4553             Class that knows how to bind ParameterQueryTokens.
4554             </summary>
4555         </member>
4556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RangeVariableBinder.BindRangeVariableToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
4557             <summary>
4558             Binds a parameter token.
4559             </summary>
4560             <param name="rangeVariableToken">The parameter token to bind.</param>
4561             <param name="state">The state of metadata binding.</param>
4562             <returns>The bound query node.</returns>
4563         </member>
4564         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder">
4565             <summary>
4566             Class that knows how to bind an end path token, which could be several things.
4567             </summary>
4568         </member>
4569         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.bind">
4570             <summary>
4571             Method to bind the value of a key.
4572             TODO : Make it of return type SingleValueQueryNode.
4573             </summary>
4574         </member>
4575         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.functionCallBinder">
4576             <summary>
4577             The function call binder to use to bind this end path to a function if necessary.
4578             </summary>
4579         </member>
4580         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
4581             <summary>
4582             Constructs a EndPathBinder object using the given function to bind parent token.
4583             </summary>
4584             <param name="bindMethod">Method to bind the EndPathToken's parent, if there is one.</param>
4585         </member>
4586         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.GeneratePropertyAccessQueryForOpenType(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode)">
4587             <summary>
4588             This method generates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode"/> for properties of open type
4589             </summary>
4590             <param name="endPathToken">EndPathToken to bind into an open property node.</param>
4591             <param name="parentNode">Parent node of this open property</param>
4592             <returns>Will return a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode"/> when open types are supported</returns>
4593         </member>
4594         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.GeneratePropertyAccessQueryNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
4595             <summary>
4596             Generates a bound query node representing an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> given an already semantically bound parent node.
4597             </summary>
4598             <param name="parentNode">The semantically bound source node of this end path token</param>
4599             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> that will be bound to this node. Must not be primitive collection</param>
4600             <returns>QueryNode bound to this property.</returns>
4601         </member>
4602         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.CreateParentFromImplicitRangeVariable(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
4603             <summary>
4604             Constructs parent node from binding state
4605             </summary>
4606             <param name="state">Current binding state</param>
4607             <returns>The parent node.</returns>
4608         </member>
4609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.BindEndPath(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
4610             <summary>
4611             Binds a an end path token into a PropertyAccessToken, OpenPropertyToken, or FunctionCallToken.
4612             </summary>
4613             <param name="endPathToken">The property access token to bind.</param>
4614             <param name="state">State of the binding algorithm.</param>
4615             <returns>A Query node representing this endpath token, bound to metadata.</returns>
4616         </member>
4617         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EndPathBinder.DetermineParentNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
4618             <summary>
4619             Determines the parent node. If the token has a parent, that token is bound. If not, then we 
4620             use the implicit parameter from the BindingState as the parent node.
4621             </summary>
4622             <param name="segmentToken">Token to determine the parent node for.</param>
4623             <param name="state">Current state of binding.</param>
4624             <returns>A SingleValueQueryNode that is the parent node of the <paramref name="segmentToken"/>.</returns>
4625         </member>
4626         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind">
4627             <summary>
4628             Provides values to describe the kind of thing targetted by a 
4629             client request.
4630             </summary>
4631         </member>
4632         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.Nothing">
4633             <summary>Nothing specific is being requested.</summary>
4634         </member>
4635         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.ServiceDirectory">
4636             <summary>A top-level directory of service capabilities.</summary>
4637         </member>
4638         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.Resource">
4639             <summary>Entity Resource is requested - it can be a collection or a single value.</summary>
4640         </member>
4641         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.ComplexObject">
4642             <summary>A single complex value is requested (eg: an Address).</summary>
4643         </member>
4644         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.Primitive">
4645             <summary>A single value is requested (eg: a Picture property).</summary>
4646         </member>
4647         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.PrimitiveValue">
4648             <summary>A single value is requested (eg: the raw stream of a Picture).</summary>
4649         </member>
4650         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.Metadata">
4651             <summary>System metadata.</summary>
4652         </member>
4653         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.VoidOperation">
4654             <summary>A data-service-defined operation that doesn't return anything.</summary>
4655         </member>
4656         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.Batch">
4657             <summary>The request is a batch request.</summary>
4658         </member>
4659         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.OpenProperty">
4660             <summary>An open property is requested.</summary>
4661         </member>
4662         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.OpenPropertyValue">
4663             <summary>An open property value is requested.</summary>
4664         </member>
4665         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.MediaResource">
4666             <summary>A stream property value is requested.</summary>
4667         </member>
4668         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind.Collection">
4669             <summary>A single collection of primitive or complex values is requested.</summary>
4670         </member>
4671         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser">
4672             <summary>
4673             Semantic parser for the path of the request URI.
4674             </summary>
4675         </member>
4676         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.ContentIdRegex">
4677             <summary>
4678             regex pattern to match a contentID
4679             </summary>
4680         </member>
4681         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.segmentQueue">
4682             <summary>
4683             The queue of segments remaining to be parsed. Should be populated and cleared out on each pass through the main path parsing loop.
4684             </summary>
4685         </member>
4686         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.parsedSegments">
4687             <summary>
4688             The collection of segments that have been parsed so far.
4689             </summary>
4690         </member>
4691         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.configuration">
4692             <summary>
4693             The parser's current configuration.
4694             </summary>
4695         </member>
4696         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.nextSegmentMustReferToMetadata">
4697             <summary>
4698             Indicates that the next segment encountered must refer to something in 'metadata-space' and cannot be a key expression.
4699             </summary>
4700         </member>
4701         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration)">
4702             <summary>
4703             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser"/>.
4704             </summary>
4705             <param name="configuration">The parser's current configuration.</param>
4706         </member>
4707         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.ExtractSegmentIdentifierAndParenthesisExpression(System.String,System.String@,System.String@)">
4708             <summary>
4709             Extracts the segment identifier and, if there are parenthesis in the segment, the expression in the parenthesis.  
4710             Will throw if identifier is not found or if the parenthesis expression is malformed.
4711             </summary>
4712             <remarks>Internal only so it can be called from tests. Should not be used outside <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser"/>.</remarks>
4713             <param name="segmentText">The segment text.</param>
4714             <param name="identifier">The identifier that was found.</param>
4715             <param name="parenthesisExpression">The query portion that was found. Will be null after the call if no query portion was present.</param>
4716         </member>
4717         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.ParsePath(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.String})">
4718             <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/> array for the given <paramref name="segments"/>.</summary>
4719             <param name="segments">Segments to process.</param>
4720             <returns>Segment information describing the given <paramref name="segments"/>.</returns>
4721         </member>
4722         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryBindingParametersAndMatchingOperation(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserConfiguration,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter}@,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport@)">
4723             <summary>
4724             Tries to find a single matching function import for the given identifier, parametes, and binding type.
4725             </summary>
4726             <param name="identifier">The identifier from the URI.</param>
4727             <param name="parenthesisExpression">The parenthesis expression contianing parameters, if any.</param>
4728             <param name="bindingType">The current binding type or null if there isn't one.</param>
4729             <param name="configuration">The configuration of the parser.</param>
4730             <param name="parsedParameters">The parsed parameters from the parenthesis expression.</param>
4731             <param name="matchingFunctionImport">The single matching function import if one could be determined.</param>
4732             <returns>Whether or not a matching function import could be found.</returns>
4733         </member>
4734         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TargetKindFromType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
4735             <summary>Determines a matching target kind from the specified type.</summary>
4736             <param name="type">ResourceType of element to get kind for.</param>
4737             <returns>An appropriate <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.RequestTargetKind"/> for the specified <paramref name="type"/>.</returns>
4738         </member>
4739         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.CheckSingleResult(System.Boolean,System.String)">
4740             <summary>
4741             Checks for single result, otherwise throws.
4742             </summary>
4743             <param name="isSingleResult">indicates whether the current result is single result or not.</param>
4744             <param name="identifier">current segment identifier.</param>
4745         </member>
4746         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryGetNextSegmentText(System.String@)">
4747             <summary>
4748             Tries to get the next segment's text to parse.
4749             </summary>
4750             <param name="segmentText">The segment text to parse.</param>
4751             <returns>Whether there was a next segment.</returns>
4752         </member>
4753         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryGetNextSegmentText(System.Boolean,System.String@)">
4754             <summary>
4755             Tries to get the next segment's text to parse. Should not be called except by the other overload which does not have the extra parameter.
4756             </summary>
4757             <param name="previousSegmentWasEscapeMarker">Whether the previous segment was an escape marker.</param>
4758             <param name="segmentText">The segment text to parse.</param>
4759             <returns>Whether there was a next segment.</returns>
4760         </member>
4761         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryHandleAsKeySegment(System.String)">
4762             <summary>
4763             Tries to handle the given text as a key if the URL conventions support it and it was not preceeded by an escape segment.
4764             </summary>
4765             <param name="segmentText">The text which might be a key.</param>
4766             <returns>Whether or not the text was handled as a key.</returns>
4767         </member>
4768         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.ThrowIfMustBeLeafSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
4769             <summary>
4770             Throws if the given segment must be a leaf, as a later segment is being created.
4771             </summary>
4772             <param name="previous">The previous segment which may need to be a leaf.</param>
4773         </member>
4774         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryCreateCountSegment(System.String)">
4775             <summary>
4776             Try to handle the segment as $count.
4777             </summary>
4778             <param name="segmentText">The segment text to handle.</param>
4779             <returns>Whether the segment was $count.</returns>
4780         </member>
4781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryCreateLinksSegment(System.String)">
4782             <summary>
4783             Tries to handle the segment as $links. If it is $links, then the rest of the path will be parsed/validated in this call.
4784             </summary>
4785             <param name="text">The text of the segment.</param>
4786             <returns>Whether the text was $links.</returns>
4787         </member>
4788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryBindKeyFromParentheses(System.String)">
4789             <summary>
4790             Tries to bind a key from the parenthetical section of a segment.
4791             </summary>
4792             <param name="parenthesesSection">The section of the segment inside parentheses, or null if there was none.</param>
4793         </member>
4794         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryCreateValueSegment(System.String)">
4795             <summary>
4796             Try to handle the segment as $value.
4797             </summary>
4798             <param name="text">The segment text.</param>
4799             <returns>Whether the segment was $value.</returns>
4800         </member>
4801         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.CreateOpenPropertySegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,System.String,System.String)">
4802             <summary>
4803             Creates a new segment for an open property.
4804             </summary>
4805             <param name="previous">previous segment info.</param>
4806             <param name="identifier">name of the segment.</param>
4807             <param name="parenthesisExpression">whether this segment has a query portion or not.</param>
4808         </member>
4809         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.CreateNamedStreamSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
4810             <summary>
4811             Creates a named stream segment
4812             </summary>
4813             <param name="previous">previous segment info.</param>
4814             <param name="streamProperty">stream property to create the segment for.</param>
4815         </member>
4816         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.CreateFirstSegment(System.String)">
4817             <summary>Creates the first <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/> for a request.</summary>
4818             <param name="segmentText">The text of the segment.</param>
4819         </member>
4820         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryCreateSegmentForServiceOperation(System.String,System.String)">
4821             <summary>
4822             Tries to parse the segment as a service operation
4823             </summary>
4824             <param name="identifier">The identifier for the segment.</param>
4825             <param name="queryPortion">The query portion</param>
4826             <returns>Whether or not the identifier referred to a service operation.</returns>
4827         </member>
4828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryCreateSegmentForOperation(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,System.String,System.String)">
4829             <summary>
4830             Tries to parse a segment as a function or action.
4831             </summary>
4832             <param name="previousSegment">The previous segment before the operation to be invoked.</param>
4833             <param name="identifier">The name of the segment</param>
4834             <param name="parenthesisExpression">The query portion</param>
4835             <returns>Whether or not the identifier referred to an action.</returns>
4836         </member>
4837         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.CreateNextSegment(System.String)">
4838             <summary>
4839             Creates the next segment.
4840             </summary>
4841             <param name="text">The text for the next segment.</param>
4842         </member>
4843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryBindProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty@)">
4844             <summary>
4845             Tries to bind the identifier as a property.
4846             </summary>
4847             <param name="identifier">The identifier to bind.</param>
4848             <param name="projectedProperty">The property, if one was found.</param>
4849             <returns>Whether a property matching the identifier was found.</returns>
4850         </member>
4851         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.TryCreateTypeNameSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,System.String,System.String)">
4852             <summary>
4853             Tries to create a type name segment if the given identifier refers to a known type.
4854             </summary>
4855             <param name="previous">previous segment info.</param>
4856             <param name="identifier">The current raw segment identifier being interpreted.</param>
4857             <param name="parenthesisExpression">Parenthesis expression of this segment.</param>
4858             <returns>Whether or not a type segment was created for the identifier.</returns>
4859         </member>
4860         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataPathParser.CreatePropertySegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,System.String)">
4861             <summary>
4862             Creates a property segment
4863             </summary>
4864             <param name="previous">previous segment info.</param>
4865             <param name="property">property to create the segment for.</param>
4866             <param name="queryPortion">query portion for this segment, if specified.</param>
4867         </member>
4868         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentKeyHandler">
4869             <summary>
4870             Component for handling key expressions in URIs.
4871             </summary>
4872         </member>
4873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentKeyHandler.TryCreateKeySegmentFromParentheses(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment@)">
4874             <summary>Tries to create a key segment for the given filter if it is non empty.</summary>
4875             <param name="previous">Segment on which to compose.</param>
4876             <param name="parenthesisExpression">Parenthesis expression of segment.</param>
4877             <param name="keySegment">The key segment that was created if the key was non-empty.</param>
4878             <returns>Whether the key was non-empty.</returns>
4879         </member>
4880         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentKeyHandler.TryHandleSegmentAsKey(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment@)">
4881             <summary>
4882             Tries to handle the current segment as a key property value.
4883             </summary>
4884             <param name="segmentText">The segment text.</param>
4885             <param name="previous">The previous segment.</param>
4886             <param name="urlConvention">The current url convention for the server.</param>
4887             <param name="keySegment">The key segment that was created if the segment could be interpreted as a key.</param>
4888             <returns>Whether or not the segment was interpreted as a key.</returns>
4889         </member>
4890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentKeyHandler.IsSystemSegment(System.String)">
4891             <summary>
4892             Determines whether the segment text is a system-reserved identifier like $'count'.
4893             </summary>
4894             <param name="segmentText">The segment text.</param>
4895             <returns>
4896               <c>true</c> if the segment text is a system-reserved identifier like $'count'; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
4897             </returns>
4898         </member>
4899         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentKeyHandler.CreateKeySegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SegmentArgumentParser)">
4900             <summary>
4901             Parses the key properties based on the segment's target type, then creates a new segment for the key.
4902             </summary>
4903             <param name="segment">The segment to apply the key to.</param>
4904             <param name="key">The key to apply.</param>
4905             <returns>The newly created key segment.</returns>
4906         </member>
4907         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder">
4908             <summary>
4909             Builds segments from tokens within $select.
4910             </summary>
4911         </member>
4912         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.ConvertNonTypeTokenToSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
4913             <summary>
4914             Build a segment from a token.
4915             </summary>
4916             <param name="tokenIn">the token to bind</param>
4917             <param name="model">The model.</param>
4918             <param name="entityType">the entity type of the current scope based on type segments.</param>
4919             <returns>The segment created from the token.</returns>
4920         </member>
4921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.TryBindAsWildcard(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem@)">
4922             <summary>
4923             Build a wildcard selection item
4924             </summary>
4925             <param name="tokenIn">the token to bind to a wildcard</param>
4926             <param name="model">the model to search for this wildcard</param>
4927             <param name="item">the new wildcard selection item, if we found one</param>
4928             <returns>true if we successfully bound to a wildcard, false otherwise</returns>
4929         </member>
4930         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.TryBindAsOperation(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment@)">
4931             <summary>
4932             Tries to bind a given token as an Operation.
4933             </summary>
4934             <param name="pathToken">Token to bind.</param>
4935             <param name="model">The model.</param>
4936             <param name="entityType">the current entity type to use as the binding type when looking for operations.</param>
4937             <param name="segment">Bound segment if the token was bound to an operation successfully, or null.</param>
4938             <returns>True if the token was bound successfully, or false otherwise.</returns>
4939         </member>
4940         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPathSegmentTokenBinder.TryBindAsDeclaredProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment@)">
4941             <summary>
4942             Tries to bind a given token as an a declared structural or navigation property.
4943             </summary>
4944             <param name="tokenIn">Token to bind.</param>
4945             <param name="entityType">the entity type to search for this property</param>
4946             <param name="segment">Bound segment if the token was bound to a declared property successfully, or null.</param>
4947             <returns>True if the token was bound successfully, or false otherwise.</returns>
4948         </member>
4949         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParserFactory">
4950             <summary>
4951             Build an ISelectExpandTermParser based on settings.
4952             </summary>
4953         </member>
4954         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParserFactory.Create(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriParserSettings)">
4955             <summary>
4956             Build a new ISelectExpandTermParser, either with expand options or without, based on the global settings.
4957             </summary>
4958             <param name="clauseToParse">the select or expand text to parse</param>
4959             <param name="settings">pointer to the top level object</param>
4960             <returns>A new ISelectExpandTermParser</returns>
4961         </member>
4962         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SelectExpandTermParserFactory.Create(System.String)">
4963             <summary>
4964             Build a new ISelectExpandTermParser with default settings
4965             </summary>
4966             <param name="clauseToParse">the clause to parse</param>
4967             <returns>A NonOptionSelectExpandTermParser</returns>
4968         </member>
4969         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandTreeFinisher">
4970             <summary>
4971             Polish a combined select expand tree.
4972             </summary>
4973         </member>
4974         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandTreeFinisher.PruneSelectExpandTree(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause)">
4975             <summary>
4976             Prune off any unneccessary expands
4977             </summary>
4978             <param name="clauseToPrune">the clause to prune</param>
4979             <returns>a pruned tree.</returns>
4980         </member>
4981         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor">
4982             <summary>
4983             Visit a Select property and use it to decorate a SelectExpand Tree
4984             </summary>
4985         </member>
4986         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.model">
4987             <summary>
4988             The model used for binding.
4989             </summary>
4990         </member>
4991         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.maxDepth">
4992             <summary>
4993             the maximum recursive depth.
4994             </summary>
4995         </member>
4996         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.expandClauseToDecorate">
4997             <summary>
4998             The expand tree to decorate.
4999             </summary>
5000         </member>
5001         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.entityType">
5002             <summary>
5003             The entity type for this level of the select
5004             </summary>
5005         </member>
5006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause)">
5007             <summary>
5008             Build a property visitor to visit the select tree and decorate a SelectExpandClause
5009             </summary>
5010             <param name="model">The model used for binding.</param>
5011             <param name="entityType">The entity type that the $select is being applied to.</param>
5012             <param name="maxDepth">the maximum recursive depth.</param>
5013             <param name="expandClauseToDecorate">The already built expand clause to decorate</param>
5014         </member>
5015         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken)">
5016             <summary>
5017             Visit a System Token
5018             </summary>
5019             <param name="tokenIn">the system token to visit</param>
5020         </member>
5021         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken)">
5022             <summary>
5023             Visit a NonSystemToken
5024             </summary>
5025             <param name="tokenIn">the non sytem token to visit</param>
5026         </member>
5027         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.ProcessTokenAsPath(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken)">
5028             <summary>
5029             process a nonsystemtoken as a path, following any type segments if necessary
5030             </summary>
5031             <param name="tokenIn">the token to process</param>
5032         </member>
5033         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectPropertyVisitor.DecoratedExpandClause">
5034             <summary>
5035             The expand tree that we're decorating
5036             </summary>
5037         </member>
5038         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectTreeNormalizer">
5039             <summary>
5040             Translate a select tree into the right format to be used with an expand tree.
5041             </summary>
5042         </member>
5043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectTreeNormalizer.NormalizeSelectTree(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
5044             <summary>
5045             Normalize a SelectToken into something that can be used to trim an expand tree.
5046             </summary>
5047             <param name="treeToNormalize">The select token to normalize</param>
5048             <returns>Normalized SelectToken</returns>
5049         </member>
5050         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllSelection">
5051             <summary>
5052             Class that represents a selection of all properties and functions on an entity.
5053             </summary>
5054         </member>
5055         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Selection">
5056             <summary>
5057             Class that specifies what properties and functions have been specified to be selected for a given entity at the current level of the expand tree.
5058             </summary>
5059         </member>
5060         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllSelection.Instance">
5061             <summary>
5062             Singleton instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllSelection"/>.
5063             </summary>
5064         </member>
5065         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllSelection.#ctor">
5066             <summary>
5067             Creates the singleton instance of this class.
5068             </summary>
5069         </member>
5070         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment">
5071             <summary>
5072             A segment representing an alias to another url in a batch.
5073             </summary>
5074         </member>
5075         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.edmType">
5076             <summary>
5077             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of the resource that this placeholder <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment"/> represents.
5078             </summary>
5079         </member>
5080         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.entitySet">
5081             <summary>
5082             The entity set from the alias.
5083             </summary>
5084         </member>
5085         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.contentId">
5086             <summary>
5087             The contentId that this alias referrs to.
5088             </summary>
5089         </member>
5090         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
5091             <summary>
5092             Build a BatchReferenceSegment
5093             </summary>
5094             <param name="contentId">The contentId of this segment is referring to</param>
5095             <param name="edmType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of the resource that this placeholder <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment"/> represents.</param>
5096             <param name="entitySet">The resulting entity set</param>
5097             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input edmType of contentID is null.</exception>
5098             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the contentID is not in the right format.</exception>
5099         </member>
5100         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5101             <summary>
5102             Translate this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment"/> into something else.
5103             </summary>
5104             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after translating this segment.</typeparam>
5105             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5106             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5107             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5108         </member>
5109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5110             <summary>
5111             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment"/> using an implementation of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/> interface.
5112             </summary>
5113             <param name="handler">An implementation of the Handler interface.</param>
5114             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input Handler is null.</exception>
5115         </member>
5116         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5117             <summary>
5118             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
5119             </summary>
5120             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5121             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5122         </member>
5123         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.EdmType">
5124             <summary>
5125             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of the resource that this placeholder <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment"/> represents.
5126             </summary>
5127         </member>
5128         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.EntitySet">
5129             <summary>
5130             Gets the resulting entity set for this batch reference segment.
5131             </summary>
5132         </member>
5133         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchReferenceSegment.ContentId">
5134             <summary>
5135             Gets the contentId this alias is referrring to
5136             </summary>
5137         </member>
5138         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment">
5139             <summary>
5140             A segment representing $batch
5141             </summary>
5142         </member>
5143         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment.Instance">
5144             <summary>
5145             Gets the singleton instance of the batch segment.
5146             </summary>
5147         </member>
5148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment.#ctor">
5149             <summary>
5150             Build a segment to represent $batch.
5151             </summary>
5152         </member>
5153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5154             <summary>
5155             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment"/> into something else using an implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
5156             </summary>
5157             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after translating this segment.</typeparam>
5158             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5159             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5160             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5161         </member>
5162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5163             <summary>
5164             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment"/> using an implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
5165             </summary>
5166             <param name="handler">An implementation of the Handler interface.</param>
5167             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5168         </member>
5169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5170             <summary>
5171             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
5172             </summary>
5173             <param name="other">The other segment to check.</param>
5174             <returns>True if the other segment is equivalent to this one.</returns>
5175             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null</exception>
5176         </member>
5177         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment.EdmType">
5178             <summary>
5179             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BatchSegment"/>, which is always null.
5180             </summary>
5181         </member>
5182         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ContainerQualifiedWildcardSelectItem">
5183             <summary>
5184             Class to represent the selection of all the actions and functions in a specified container.
5185             </summary>
5186         </member>
5187         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem">
5188             <summary>
5189             An item that has been selected by the query at the current level of the tree.
5190             </summary>
5191         </member>
5192         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ContainerQualifiedWildcardSelectItem.container">
5193             <summary>
5194             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> whose actions and functions should be selected.
5195             </summary>
5196         </member>
5197         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ContainerQualifiedWildcardSelectItem.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer)">
5198             <summary>
5199             Creates an instance of this class with the specified <paramref name="container"/>.
5200             </summary>
5201             <param name="container">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> whose actions and functions should be selected.</param>
5202             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input container is null.</exception>
5203         </member>
5204         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ContainerQualifiedWildcardSelectItem.Container">
5205             <summary>
5206             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> whose actions and functions should be selected.
5207             </summary>
5208         </member>
5209         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment">
5210             <summary>
5211             A segment representing $count in a path
5212             </summary>
5213         </member>
5214         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment.Instance">
5215             <summary>
5216             Return the singleton instance of Count
5217             </summary>
5218         </member>
5219         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment.#ctor">
5220             <summary>
5221             Build a segment representing $count
5222             </summary>
5223         </member>
5224         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5225             <summary>
5226             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
5227             </summary>
5228             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5229             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5230             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5231             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5232         </member>
5233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5234             <summary>
5235             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
5236             </summary>
5237             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handler interface.</param>
5238             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5239         </member>
5240         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5241             <summary>
5242             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
5243             </summary>
5244             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5245             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5246             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">throws if the input other is null.</exception>
5247         </member>
5248         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment.EdmType">
5249             <summary>
5250             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CountSegment"/>, which is always Edm.Int32.
5251             </summary>
5252         </member>
5253         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EntitySetExpressionResolver">
5254             <summary>
5255             Class that knows how to resolve an IEdmExpression to find its associated EntitySet.
5256             This functionality is needed to determine what a EntitySets a FunctionImport applies to.
5257             </summary>
5258         </member>
5259         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.EntitySetExpressionResolver.ResolveEntitySetFromExpression(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
5260             <summary>
5261             Resolves an IEdmExpression to an IEdmEntitySet.
5262             </summary>
5263             <param name="expression">Expression to resolve.</param>
5264             <returns>The resolved EntitySet.</returns>
5265         </member>
5266         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment">
5267             <summary>
5268             A segment representing an EntitySet in a path.
5269             </summary>
5270         </member>
5271         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.entitySet">
5272             <summary>
5273             The entity set represented by this segment.
5274             </summary>
5275         </member>
5276         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.type">
5277             <summary>
5278             Type of the entities in the set represented by this segment.
5279             </summary>
5280         </member>
5281         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
5282             <summary>
5283             Build a segment representing an entity set
5284             </summary>
5285             <param name="entitySet">The entity set represented by this segment.</param>
5286             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input entitySet is null.</exception>
5287         </member>
5288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5289             <summary>
5290             Translate an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment"/> into another type using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
5291             </summary>
5292             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5293             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5294             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5295             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5296         </member>
5297         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5298             <summary>
5299             Handle an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment"/> using the an instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
5300             </summary>
5301             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handler interface.</param>
5302             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5303         </member>
5304         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5305             <summary>
5306             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
5307             </summary>
5308             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5309             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5310             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
5311         </member>
5312         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.EntitySet">
5313             <summary>
5314             Gets the entity set represented by this segment.
5315             </summary>
5316         </member>
5317         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment.EdmType">
5318             <summary>
5319             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetSegment"/>. 
5320             This will always be an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionType"/> for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> that this set contains.
5321             </summary>
5322         </member>
5323         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem">
5324             <summary>
5325             This represents one level of expansion for a particular expansion tree.
5326             </summary>
5327         </member>
5328         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.pathToNavigationProperty">
5329             <summary>
5330             The Path for this expand level.
5331             This path includes zero or more type segments followed by exactly one Navigation Property.
5332             </summary>
5333         </member>
5334         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.entitySet">
5335             <summary>
5336             The entity set for this expansion level.
5337             </summary>
5338         </member>
5339         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.filterOption">
5340             <summary>
5341             The filter expand option for this expandItem. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5342             </summary>
5343         </member>
5344         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.orderByOption">
5345             <summary>
5346             The orderby expand option for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5347             </summary>
5348         </member>
5349         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.topOption">
5350             <summary>
5351             the top expand option for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5352             </summary>
5353         </member>
5354         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.skipOption">
5355             <summary>
5356             The skip option for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5357             </summary>
5358         </member>
5359         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.inlineCountOption">
5360             <summary>
5361             The inlinecount option for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5362             </summary>
5363         </member>
5364         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.selectAndExpand">
5365             <summary>
5366             The select that applies to this level, and any sub expand levels below this one.
5367             </summary>
5368         </member>
5369         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataExpandPath,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause)">
5370             <summary>
5371             Create an Expand item using a nav prop, its entity set and a SelectExpandClause 
5372             </summary>
5373             <param name="pathToNavigationProperty">the path to the navigation property for this expand item, including any type segments</param>
5374             <param name="entitySet">the entity set for this ExpandItem</param>
5375             <param name="selectExpandOption">This level select and any sub expands for this expand item.</param>
5376             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if input pathToNavigationProperty is null.</exception>
5377         </member>
5378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataExpandPath,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause)">
5379             <summary>
5380             Create an expand item, using a navigationProperty, its entity set, and any expand options.
5381             </summary>
5382             <param name="pathToNavigationProperty">the path to the navigation property for this expand item, including any type segments</param>
5383             <param name="entitySet">the entity set for this expand level.</param>
5384             <param name="filterOption">A filter clause for this expand (can be null)</param>
5385             <param name="orderByOption">An Orderby clause for this expand (can be null)</param>
5386             <param name="topOption">A top clause for this expand (can be null)</param>
5387             <param name="skipOption">A skip clause for this expand (can be null)</param>
5388             <param name="inlineCountOption">An Inlinecount clause for this expand (can be null)</param>
5389             <param name="selectAndExpand">This level select and any sub expands for this expand item.</param>
5390             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if input pathToNavigationProperty is null.</exception>
5391         </member>
5392         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.PathToNavigationProperty">
5393             <summary>
5394             Gets the Path for this expand level.
5395             This path includes zero or more type segments followed by exactly one Navigation Property.
5396             </summary>
5397         </member>
5398         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.EntitySet">
5399             <summary>
5400             Gets the EntitySet for this level.
5401             </summary>
5402         </member>
5403         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.SelectAndExpand">
5404             <summary>
5405             The select and expand clause for this expanded navigation.
5406             </summary>
5407         </member>
5408         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.FilterOption">
5409             <summary>
5410             The filter clause for this expand item
5411             </summary>
5412         </member>
5413         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.OrderByOption">
5414             <summary>
5415             Gets the orderby clause for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5416             </summary>
5417         </member>
5418         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.TopOption">
5419             <summary>
5420             Gets the top clause for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5421             </summary>
5422         </member>
5423         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.SkipOption">
5424             <summary>
5425             Gets the skip clause for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5426             </summary>
5427         </member>
5428         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem.InlineCountOption">
5429             <summary>
5430             Gets the inlinecount clause for this expand item. Can be null if not specified(and will always be null in NonOptionMode).
5431             </summary>
5432         </member>
5433         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Expansion">
5434             <summary>
5435             A list of all expanded items at the next level down.
5436             </summary>
5437         </member>
5438         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Expansion.expandItems">
5439             <summary>
5440             The list of all expanded items at the next level down.
5441             </summary>
5442         </member>
5443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Expansion.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpandedNavigationSelectItem})">
5444             <summary>
5445             Constructor
5446             </summary>
5447             <param name="expandItems">The list of all expanded items at the next level down.</param>
5448         </member>
5449         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Expansion.ExpandItems">
5450             <summary>
5451             The list of all expanded items at the next level down.
5452             </summary>
5453         </member>
5454         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment">
5455             <summary>
5456             A segment representing a key lookup in a path.
5457             </summary>
5458         </member>
5459         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.keys">
5460             <summary>
5461             The set of key property names and the values to be used in searching for the given item.
5462             </summary>
5463         </member>
5464         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.edmType">
5465             <summary>
5466             The type of the item this key returns.
5467             </summary>
5468         </member>
5469         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.entitySet">
5470             <summary>
5471             The entity set that this key is used to search.
5472             </summary>
5473         </member>
5474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
5475             <summary>
5476             Construct a Segment that represents a key lookup.
5477             </summary>
5478             <param name="keys">The set of key property names and the values to be used in searching for the given item.</param>
5479             <param name="edmType">The type of the item this key returns.</param>
5480             <param name="entitySet">The entity set that this key is used to search.</param>
5481             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input entity set is not related to the input type.</exception>
5482         </member>
5483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5484             <summary>
5485             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
5486             </summary>
5487             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5488             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5489             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5490             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5491         </member>
5492         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5493             <summary>
5494             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
5495             </summary>
5496             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handler interface.</param>
5497             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5498         </member>
5499         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5500             <summary>
5501             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
5502             </summary>
5503             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5504             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5505             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
5506         </member>
5507         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.Keys">
5508             <summary>
5509             Gets the set of key property names and the values to be used in searching for the given item.
5510             </summary>
5511         </member>
5512         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.EdmType">
5513             <summary>
5514             Gets the type of the item this key returns
5515             </summary>
5516         </member>
5517         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeySegment.EntitySet">
5518             <summary>
5519             Gets the entity set that this key is used to search.
5520             </summary>
5521         </member>
5522         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment">
5523             <summary>
5524             A segment representing $metadata in a path.
5525             </summary>
5526         </member>
5527         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment.Instance">
5528             <summary>
5529             Gets the singleton instance of MetadataSegment
5530             </summary>
5531         </member>
5532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment.#ctor">
5533             <summary>
5534             Build a segment to represent $metadata
5535             </summary>
5536         </member>
5537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5538             <summary>
5539             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
5540             </summary>
5541             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5542             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5543             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5544             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5545         </member>
5546         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5547             <summary>
5548             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
5549             </summary>
5550             <param name="handler">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5551             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5552         </member>
5553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5554             <summary>
5555             Check if this segment is equal to another.
5556             </summary>
5557             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5558             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5559             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
5560         </member>
5561         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment.EdmType">
5562             <summary>
5563             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.MetadataSegment"/>, which is always null.
5564             </summary>
5565         </member>
5566         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpansionsOnly">
5567             <summary>
5568             Class that represents a selecting none of the properties or functions at this level, but there are still relevant expansions in this subtree.
5569             </summary>
5570         </member>
5571         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpansionsOnly.Instance">
5572             <summary>
5573             Get the singleton instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpansionsOnly"/>.
5574             </summary>
5575         </member>
5576         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ExpansionsOnly.#ctor">
5577             <summary>
5578             Creates the singleton instance of this class.
5579             </summary>
5580         </member>
5581         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment">
5582             <summary>
5583             A segment representing a navigation property
5584             </summary>
5585         </member>
5586         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.navigationProperty">
5587             <summary>
5588             The navigation property this segment represents.
5589             </summary>
5590         </member>
5591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
5592             <summary>
5593             Build a segment representing a navigation property.
5594             </summary>
5595             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property this segment represents.</param>
5596             <param name="entitySet">The set of the entities targetted by this navigation property. This can be null.</param>
5597             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input navigationProperty is null.</exception>
5598         </member>
5599         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5600             <summary>
5601             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
5602             </summary>
5603             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5604             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5605             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5606             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5607         </member>
5608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5609             <summary>
5610             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment"/>s.
5611             </summary>
5612             <param name="handler">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5613             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5614         </member>
5615         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5616             <summary>
5617             Checks if this segment is equal to another segment.
5618             </summary>
5619             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5620             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5621             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
5622         </member>
5623         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.NavigationProperty">
5624             <summary>
5625             Gets the navigation property represented by this NavigationPropertySegment.
5626             </summary>
5627         </member>
5628         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.EntitySet">
5629             <summary>
5630             Gets the set of the entities targetted by this Navigation Property.
5631             This can be null.
5632             </summary>
5633         </member>
5634         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment.EdmType">
5635             <summary>
5636             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment"/>.
5637             </summary>
5638         </member>
5639         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataSelectPath">
5640             <summary>
5641             A specific type of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath"/> which can only contain instances of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment"/>, <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NavigationPropertySegment"/>,
5642             <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment"/>, <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment"/>, or <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment"/>.
5643             </summary>
5644         </member>
5645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataSelectPath.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment})">
5646             <summary>
5647             Create an ODataSelectPath
5648             </summary>
5649             <param name="segments">The list of segments that makes up this path.</param>
5650             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the list of segments doesn't match the requirements for a path in $select</exception>
5651         </member>
5652         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataSelectPath.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment[])">
5653             <summary>
5654             Create an ODataPath object based on a single segment
5655             </summary>
5656             <param name="segments">The list of segments that makes up this path.</param>
5657             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the list of segments doesn't match the requirements for a path in $select</exception>
5658         </member>
5659         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataSelectPath.ValidatePath">
5660             <summary>
5661             Ensure that the segments given to us are valid select segments.
5662             </summary>
5663             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the list of segments doesn't match the requirements for a path in $select</exception>
5664         </member>
5665         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment">
5666             <summary>
5667             A segment representing and open property
5668             </summary>
5669         </member>
5670         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment.propertyName">
5671             <summary>
5672             The name of this open property.
5673             </summary>
5674         </member>
5675         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment.#ctor(System.String)">
5676             <summary>
5677             Build a segment to represent an open property.
5678             </summary>
5679             <param name="propertyName">The name of this open property</param>
5680         </member>
5681         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5682             <summary>
5683             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
5684             </summary>
5685             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5686             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5687             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5688             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5689         </member>
5690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5691             <summary>
5692             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
5693             </summary>
5694             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handler interface.</param>
5695             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5696         </member>
5697         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5698             <summary>
5699             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
5700             </summary>
5701             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5702             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5703             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
5704         </member>
5705         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment.PropertyName">
5706             <summary>
5707             Gets the name of this open property.
5708             </summary>
5709         </member>
5710         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment.EdmType">
5711             <summary>
5712             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OpenPropertySegment"/>, which is always null. 
5713             The type of open properties is unknown at this time.
5714             </summary>
5715         </member>
5716         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter">
5717             <summary>
5718             Represents a named parameter value for invoking an operation in an OData path.
5719             </summary>
5720         </member>
5721         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter.#ctor(System.String,System.Object)">
5722             <summary>
5723             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter"/>.
5724             </summary>
5725             <param name="name">The name of the parameter. Cannot be null or empty.</param>
5726             <param name="value">The value of the parameter.</param>
5727         </member>
5728         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter.Name">
5729             <summary>
5730             The name of the parameter.
5731             </summary>
5732         </member>
5733         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter.Value">
5734             <summary>
5735             The parameter value.
5736             </summary>
5737         </member>
5738         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSelectItem">
5739             <summary>
5740             Class to represent the selection of a specific path.
5741             </summary>
5742         </member>
5743         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSelectItem.selectedPath">
5744             <summary>
5745             The selected path.
5746             </summary>
5747         </member>
5748         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSelectItem.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataSelectPath)">
5749             <summary>
5750             Constructs a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem"/> to indicate that a specific path is selected.
5751             </summary>
5752             <param name="selectedPath">The selected path.</param>
5753             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input selectedPath is null.</exception>
5754         </member>
5755         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSelectItem.SelectedPath">
5756             <summary>
5757             Gets the selected path.
5758             </summary>
5759         </member>
5760         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PartialSelection">
5761             <summary>
5762             Class that represents a partial subset of items on a given type that have been selected at this level of the select expand tree.
5763             </summary>
5764         </member>
5765         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PartialSelection.selectedItems">
5766             <summary>
5767             The subset of items that has been selected at this level.
5768             </summary>
5769         </member>
5770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PartialSelection.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem})">
5771             <summary>
5772             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PartialSelection"/> with the specified set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem"/>.
5773             </summary>
5774             <param name="selectedItems">The list of items on the that has been selected.</param>
5775         </member>
5776         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PartialSelection.SelectedItems">
5777             <summary>
5778             The subset of items that has been selected at this level.
5779             </summary>
5780         </member>
5781         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment">
5782             <summary>
5783             A segment representing a structural property
5784             </summary>
5785         </member>
5786         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment.property">
5787             <summary>
5788             The structural property referred to by this segment
5789             </summary>
5790         </member>
5791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty)">
5792             <summary>
5793             Build a segment based on a structural property
5794             </summary>
5795             <param name="property">The structural property that this segment represents.</param>
5796             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input property is null.</exception>
5797         </member>
5798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
5799             <summary>
5800             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>/&gt;.
5801             </summary>
5802             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5803             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
5804             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
5805             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
5806         </member>
5807         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
5808             <summary>
5809             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
5810             </summary>
5811             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handler interface.</param>
5812             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
5813         </member>
5814         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
5815             <summary>
5816             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
5817             </summary>
5818             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
5819             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
5820             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
5821         </member>
5822         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment.Property">
5823             <summary>
5824             Gets the structural property that this segment represents.
5825             </summary>
5826         </member>
5827         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment.EdmType">
5828             <summary>
5829             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PropertySegment"/>.
5830             </summary>
5831         </member>
5832         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause">
5833             <summary>
5834             Class representing the combined semantic meaning of any select or expand clauses in the uri.
5835             </summary>
5836         </member>
5837         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.expansion">
5838             <summary>
5839             Mapping that contains the set of navigation properties for the associated entity that should be expanded, and respective details about the expansions. 
5840             </summary>
5841         </member>
5842         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.usedInternalLegacyConsturctor">
5843             <summary>
5844             Internal flag indicating that this clause was built using the legacy Selection and Expansion classes. In this case, we must 
5845             call ComputeFinalSelectedItems() before handing out the object publically.
5846             </summary>
5847         </member>
5848         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.selection">
5849             <summary>
5850             The <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.Selection"/> object that describes what properties and functions should be selected from the associated <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> at this level.
5851             </summary>
5852         </member>
5853         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.selectedItems">
5854             <summary>
5855             The selected properties and operations.
5856             </summary>
5857             <remarks>This list includes expanded navigations properties, which may have additional nested selections and expansions.</remarks>
5858         </member>
5859         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.allSelected">
5860             <summary>
5861             Gets a flag indicating that everything at this level has been selected. 
5862             </summary>
5863             <remarks>
5864             If true, then all structural properties, bound actions and functions, and all navigations in the SelectedItems list have been selected.
5865             </remarks>
5866         </member>
5867         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem},System.Boolean)">
5868             <summary>
5869             Constructs a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause"/> from the given parameters.
5870             </summary>
5871             <param name="selectedItems">The selected properties and operations. This list should include any expanded navigation properties.</param>
5872             <param name="allSelected">Flag indicating if all items have been selected at this level.</param>
5873         </member>
5874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Selection,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Expansion)">
5875             <summary>
5876             Constructs a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause"/> from the given parameters.
5877             </summary>
5878             <param name="selection">The <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.Selection"/> object that describes what properties and functions should be selected from the associated <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/>.</param>
5879             <param name="expansion">Mapping that contains the set of navigation properties for the associated entity that should be expanded, and respective details about the expansions. </param>
5880         </member>
5881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.AddSelectItem(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem)">
5882             <summary>
5883             Add a selection item to the current selection.
5884             </summary>
5885             <param name="itemToAdd">the new selection item to add</param>
5886         </member>
5887         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.SetAllSelectionRecursively">
5888             <summary>
5889             Switch to an AllSelection at this level and recursively at all levels below this one.
5890             This is non-reversable because once everything is selected, selecting a specific property or other item is redundant.
5891             </summary>
5892         </member>
5893         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.InitializeEmptySelection">
5894             <summary>
5895             Initializes the selection for this clause as ExpansionsOnly if it is not already partial.
5896             </summary>
5897         </member>
5898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.ComputeFinalSelectedItems">
5899             <summary>
5900             Computes the list of SelectItems that will be publically availible to consumers.
5901             </summary>
5902         </member>
5903         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.SelectedItems">
5904             <summary>
5905             Gets the selected properties and operations.
5906             </summary>
5907             <remarks>This list includes expanded navigations properties, which may have additional nested selections and expansions.</remarks>
5908         </member>
5909         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.AllSelected">
5910             <summary>
5911             Gets a flag indicating that everything at this level has been selected. 
5912             </summary>
5913             <remarks>
5914             If true, then all structural properties, bound actions and functions, and all navigations in the SelectedItems list have been selected.
5915             </remarks>
5916         </member>
5917         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.Selection">
5918             <summary>
5919             Gets the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.Selection"/> object that describes what properties and functions should be selected from the associated <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/>.
5921             TODO : Note that this is a legacy internal concept. 
5922             At the last minute we changed the public API but chose not to change how the implementation work to manage risk.
5923             We should clean this up and remove this property.
5924             </summary>
5925         </member>
5926         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause.Expansion">
5927             <summary>
5928             Mapping that contains the set of navigation properties for the associated entity that should be expanded, and respective details about the expansions. 
5930             TODO : Note that this is a legacy internal concept. 
5931             At the last minute we changed the public API but chose not to change how the implementation work to manage risk.
5932             We should clean this up and remove this property.
5933             </summary>
5934         </member>
5935         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode">
5936             <summary>
5937             Node representing a type segment that casts an entity collection node.
5938             </summary>
5939         </member>
5940         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.source">
5941             <summary>
5942             The entity collection node that we're casting.
5943             </summary>
5944         </member>
5945         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.edmTypeReference">
5946             <summary>
5947             The target type that we're casting our entity collection node to.
5948             </summary>
5949         </member>
5950         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.collectionTypeReference">
5951             <summary>
5952             the type of the collection returned by this function
5953             </summary>
5954         </member>
5955         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.entitySet">
5956             <summary>
5957             The EntitySet that our collection comes from.
5958             </summary>
5959         </member>
5960         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionNode,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
5961             <summary>
5962             Create a CollectionCastNode with the given source node and the given target type.
5963             </summary>
5964             <param name="source">Parent <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode"/> that is being cast.</param>
5965             <param name="entityType">Type to cast to.</param>
5966             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input source or entityType are null.</exception>
5967         </member>
5968         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
5969             <summary>
5970             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
5971             </summary>
5972             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
5973             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
5974             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
5975             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
5976         </member>
5977         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.Source">
5978             <summary>
5979             Gets the entity collection node that we're casting.
5980             </summary>
5981         </member>
5982         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.ItemType">
5983             <summary>
5984             Gets the type that we're casting all items in this collection to.
5985             </summary>
5986         </member>
5987         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.CollectionType">
5988             <summary>
5989             The type of the collection represented by this node.
5990             </summary>
5991         </member>
5992         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.EntityItemType">
5993             <summary>
5994             Gets the entity type that we're casting all items in this collection to.
5995             </summary>
5996         </member>
5997         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.EntitySet">
5998             <summary>
5999             Gets the EntitySet that our collection comes from.
6000             </summary>
6001         </member>
6002         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode.InternalKind">
6003             <summary>
6004             Gets the kind of this node.
6005             </summary>
6006         </member>
6007         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode">
6008             <summary>
6009             Query node representing a collection navigation property.
6010             </summary>
6011         </member>
6012         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.navigationProperty">
6013             <summary>
6014             The navigation property of the single entity this node represents.
6015             </summary>
6016         </member>
6017         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.edmEntityTypeReference">
6018             <summary>
6019             The resouce type of a single entity item from the collection represented by this node.
6020             </summary>
6021         </member>
6022         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.collectionTypeReference">
6023             <summary>
6024             The type of the collection represented by this node.
6025             </summary>
6026         </member>
6027         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.source">
6028             <summary>
6029             The parent node.
6030             </summary>
6031         </member>
6032         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.entitySet">
6033             <summary>
6034             The EntitySet from which the collection of entities comes from.
6035             </summary>
6036         </member>
6037         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityNode)">
6038             <summary>
6039             Creates a CollectionNavigationNode.
6040             </summary>
6041             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property that defines the collection node.</param>
6042             <param name="source">The parent of this collection navigation node.</param>
6043             <returns>The collection node.</returns>
6044             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input source or navigation property is null.</exception>
6045             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input navigation doesn't target a collection.</exception>
6046         </member>
6047         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6048             <summary>
6049             Creates a CollectionNavigationNode.
6050             </summary>
6051             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property that defines the collection node.</param>
6052             <param name="sourceSet">The source entity set.</param>
6053             <returns>The collection node.</returns>
6054             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input navigation property is null.</exception>
6055             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input navigation doesn't target a collection.</exception>
6056         </member>
6057         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
6058             <summary>
6059             Creates a CollectionNavigationNode.
6060             </summary>
6061             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property that defines the collection node.</param>
6062             <returns>The collection node.</returns>
6063             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input navigation property is null.</exception>
6064             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input navigation doesn't target a collection.</exception>
6065         </member>
6066         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
6067             <summary>
6068             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
6069             </summary>
6070             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6071             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
6072             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
6073             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
6074         </member>
6075         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.Source">
6076             <summary>
6077             Gets the parent node of this Collection Navigation Node.
6078             </summary>
6079         </member>
6080         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.TargetMultiplicity">
6081             <summary>
6082             Gets the target multiplicity.
6083             </summary>
6084         </member>
6085         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.NavigationProperty">
6086             <summary>
6087             Gets the Navigation Property that defines this collection Node.
6088             </summary>
6089             <value> The navigation property that defines this collection node. </value>
6090         </member>
6091         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.ItemType">
6092             <summary>
6093             Gets a reference to the resource type a single entity in the collection.
6094             </summary>
6095         </member>
6096         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.CollectionType">
6097             <summary>
6098             The type of the collection represented by this node.
6099             </summary>
6100         </member>
6101         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.EntityItemType">
6102             <summary>
6103             Gets the resouce type of a single entity from the collection.
6104             </summary>
6105         </member>
6106         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.EntitySet">
6107             <summary>
6108             Gets the entity set containing this collection.
6109             </summary>
6110         </member>
6111         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode.InternalKind">
6112             <summary>
6113             Gets the kind of this node.
6114             </summary>
6115         </member>
6116         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause">
6117             <summary>
6118             The result of parsing a $filter query option.
6119             </summary>
6120         </member>
6121         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause.expression">
6122             <summary>
6123             The filter expression - this should evaluate to a single boolean value.
6124             </summary>
6125         </member>
6126         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause.rangeVariable">
6127             <summary>
6128             The parameter for the expression which represents a single value from the collection.
6129             </summary>
6130         </member>
6131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable)">
6132             <summary>
6133             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause"/>.
6134             </summary>
6135             <param name="expression">The filter expression - this should evaluate to a single boolean value. Cannot be null.</param>
6136             <param name="rangeVariable">The parameter for the expression which represents a single value from the collection. Cannot be null.</param>
6137             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input expression or rangeVariable is null.</exception>
6138         </member>
6139         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause.Expression">
6140             <summary>
6141             Gets the filter expression - this should evaluate to a single boolean value.
6142             </summary>
6143         </member>
6144         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause.RangeVariable">
6145             <summary>
6146             Gets the parameter for the expression which represents a single value from the collection.
6147             </summary>
6148         </member>
6149         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause.ItemType">
6150             <summary>
6151             Gets the type of item returned by this clause.
6152             </summary>
6153         </member>
6154         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause">
6155             <summary>
6156             Represents the result of parsing the $orderby query option.
6157             </summary>
6158         </member>
6159         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.expression">
6160             <summary>
6161             The order-by expression.
6162             </summary>
6163         </member>
6164         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.direction">
6165             <summary>
6166             The direction to order.
6167             </summary>
6168         </member>
6169         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.rangeVariable">
6170             <summary>
6171             The rangeVariable for the expression which represents a single value from the collection we iterate over.
6172             </summary>
6173         </member>
6174         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.thenBy">
6175             <summary>
6176             The next orderby to perform after performing this orderby, can be null in the case of only a single orderby expression.
6177             </summary>
6178         </member>
6179         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByDirection,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable)">
6180             <summary>
6181             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause"/>.
6182             </summary>
6183             <param name="thenBy">The next orderby to perform after performing this orderby, can be null in the case of only a single orderby expression.</param>
6184             <param name="expression">The order-by expression. Cannot be null.</param>
6185             <param name="direction">The direction to order.</param>
6186             <param name="rangeVariable">The rangeVariable for the expression which represents a single value from the collection we iterate over. </param>
6187             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input expression or rangeVariable is null.</exception>
6188         </member>
6189         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.ThenBy">
6190             <summary>
6191             Gets the next orderby to perform after performing this orderby, can be null in the case of only a single orderby expression.
6192             </summary>
6193         </member>
6194         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.Expression">
6195             <summary>
6196             Gets the order-by expression.
6197             </summary>
6198         </member>
6199         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.Direction">
6200             <summary>
6201             Gets the direction to order.
6202             </summary>
6203         </member>
6204         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.RangeVariable">
6205             <summary>
6206             Gets the rangeVariable for the expression which represents a single value from the collection we iterate over.
6207             </summary>
6208         </member>
6209         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause.ItemType">
6210             <summary>
6211             Gets the type of a single item from the collection returned after ordering.
6212             </summary>
6213         </member>
6214         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable">
6215             <summary>
6216             A RangeVariable inside an any or all expression that doesn't refer to an entity set
6217             </summary>
6218         </member>
6219         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable">
6220             <summary>
6221             A RangeVariable, which represents an iterator variable either over a collection, either of entities or not.
6222             Exists outside of the main SemanticAST, but hooked in via a RangeVariableReferenceNode (either Non-Entity or Entity).
6223             </summary>
6224         </member>
6225         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable.Name">
6226             <summary>
6227             Gets the name of the associated rangeVariable.
6228             </summary>
6229         </member>
6230         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable.TypeReference">
6231             <summary>
6232             Gets the type of entity referenced by this rangeVariable
6233             </summary>
6234         </member>
6235         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable.Kind">
6236             <summary>
6237             Gets the kind of this rangeVariable.
6238             </summary>
6239         </member>
6240         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.name">
6241             <summary>
6242              The name of the associated any/all parameter (null if none)
6243             </summary>
6244         </member>
6245         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.entityCollectionNode">
6246             <summary>
6247             The Entity collection that this rangeVariable node iterates over
6248             </summary>
6249         </member>
6250         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.entitySet">
6251             <summary>
6252             The Entity set of the collection this node iterates over.
6253             </summary>
6254         </member>
6255         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.entityTypeReference">
6256             <summary>
6257             The entity type of each item in the collection that this range variable iterates over.
6258             </summary>
6259         </member>
6260         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionNode)">
6261             <summary>
6262             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable"/>.
6263             </summary>
6264             <param name="name"> The name of the associated any/all parameter (null if none)</param>
6265             <param name="entityType">The entity type of each item in the collection that this range variable iterates over.</param>
6266             <param name="entityCollectionNode">The Entity collection that this rangeVariable node iterates over</param>
6267             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input name or entityType is null.</exception>
6268         </member>
6269         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6270             <summary>
6271             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable"/>.
6272             </summary>
6273             <param name="name"> The name of the associated any/all parameter (null if none)</param>
6274             <param name="entityType">The entity type of each item in the collection that this range variable iterates over.</param>
6275             <param name="entitySet">The Entity set of the collection this node iterates over.</param>
6276             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input name or entityType is null.</exception>
6277         </member>
6278         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.Name">
6279             <summary>
6280             Gets the name of the associated any/all parameter (null if none)
6281             </summary>
6282         </member>
6283         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.EntityCollectionNode">
6284             <summary>
6285             Gets the Entity collection that this rangeVariable node iterates over
6286             </summary>
6287         </member>
6288         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.EntitySet">
6289             <summary>
6290             Gets the Entity set of the collection this node iterates over.
6291             </summary>
6292         </member>
6293         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.TypeReference">
6294             <summary>
6295             Gets the entity type of each item in the collection that this range variable iterates over.
6296             </summary>
6297         </member>
6298         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.EntityTypeReference">
6299             <summary>
6300             Gets the entity type of each item in the collection that this range variable iterates over.
6301             </summary>
6302         </member>
6303         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable.Kind">
6304             <summary>
6305             Gets the kind of this node.
6306             </summary>
6307         </member>
6308         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode">
6309             <summary>
6310             Node to represent a range variable in an Any or All clause that referrs to an entity.
6311             </summary>
6312         </member>
6313         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityNode">
6314             <summary>
6315             Base class for all semantic metadata bound nodes which represent a single composable entity value.
6316             </summary>
6317         </member>
6318         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode">
6319             <summary>
6320             Base class for all semantic metadata bound nodes which represent a single composable value.
6321             </summary>
6322         </member>
6323         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode.TypeReference">
6324             <summary>
6325             Gets the type of the single value this node represents.
6326             </summary>
6327         </member>
6328         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode.Kind">
6329             <summary>
6330             Gets the kind of this node.
6331             </summary>
6332         </member>
6333         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityNode.EntitySet">
6334             <summary>
6335             Gets the EntitySet containing this single entity.
6336             </summary>
6337         </member>
6338         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityNode.EntityTypeReference">
6339             <summary>
6340             Gets the type of this single entity.
6341             </summary>
6342         </member>
6343         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.name">
6344             <summary>
6345              The name of the associated range variable (null if none)
6346             </summary>
6347         </member>
6348         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.entityTypeReference">
6349             <summary>
6350             The entity type of the associated range variable.
6351             </summary>
6352         </member>
6353         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.rangeVariable">
6354             <summary>
6355             The range variable that the node represents.
6356             </summary>
6357         </member>
6358         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.entitySet">
6359             <summary>
6360             The entity set containing the collection that this range variable iterates over.
6361             </summary>
6362         </member>
6363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariable)">
6364             <summary>
6365             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode"/>.
6366             </summary>
6367             <param name="name"> The name of the associated range variable (null if none)</param>
6368             <param name="rangeVariable">The actual range variable on the bind stack that this refers to</param>
6369             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input name or rangeVariable is null.</exception>
6370         </member>
6371         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
6372             <summary>
6373             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
6374             </summary>
6375             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6376             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
6377             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
6378             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
6379         </member>
6380         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.Name">
6381             <summary>
6382             Gets the name of the associated rangevariable (null if none)
6383             </summary>
6384         </member>
6385         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.TypeReference">
6386             <summary>
6387             Gets the entity type of the associated range variable.
6388             </summary>
6389         </member>
6390         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.EntityTypeReference">
6391             <summary>
6392             Gets the entity type of the associated range variable.
6393             </summary>
6394         </member>
6395         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.RangeVariable">
6396             <summary>
6397             Gets a reference to the range variable that this node represents.
6398             </summary>
6399         </member>
6400         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.EntitySet">
6401             <summary>
6402             Gets the entity set containing the collection that this range variable iterates over.
6403             </summary>
6404         </member>
6405         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode.InternalKind">
6406             <summary>
6407             Gets the kind of this node.
6408             </summary>
6409         </member>
6410         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable">
6411             <summary>
6412             A rangeVariable from an Any or All that doesn't refer to an entity set
6413             </summary>
6414         </member>
6415         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.name">
6416             <summary>
6417              The name of the associated rangeVariable
6418             </summary>
6419         </member>
6420         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.collectionNode">
6421             <summary>
6422             The collection that this rangeVariable node iterates over, can be null in the case of
6423             single value nodes.
6424             </summary>
6425         </member>
6426         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.typeReference">
6427             <summary>
6428             The type of the value the range variable represents
6429             </summary>
6430         </member>
6431         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode)">
6432             <summary>
6433             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable"/>.
6434             </summary>
6435             <param name="name"> The name of the associated range variable.</param>
6436             <param name="typeReference">The type of the value the range variable represents.</param>
6437             <param name="collectionNode">The collection that this rangeVariable node iterates over, can be null in the case of single value nodes.</param>
6438             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input name is null.</exception>
6439             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input type reference is an entity type.</exception>
6440         </member>
6441         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.Name">
6442             <summary>
6443             Gets the name of the associated rangevariable.
6444             </summary>
6445         </member>
6446         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.TypeReference">
6447             <summary>
6448             Gets the type of the value the range variable represents.
6449             </summary>
6450         </member>
6451         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.CollectionNode">
6452             <summary>
6453             Gets the collection that this rangeVariable node iterates over, can be null in the case of single value nodes.
6454             </summary>
6455         </member>
6456         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable.Kind">
6457             <summary>
6458             Gets the kind of this range variable.
6459             </summary>
6460         </member>
6461         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode">
6462             <summary>
6463             A node that represents a rangeVariable that iterates over a non entity collection.
6464             </summary>
6465         </member>
6466         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.name">
6467             <summary>
6468              The name of the associated rangeVariable
6469             </summary>
6470         </member>
6471         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.typeReference">
6472             <summary>
6473             The type item referred to by this rangeVariable.
6474             </summary>
6475         </member>
6476         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.rangeVariable">
6477             <summary>
6478             Reference to a rangeVariable on the binding stack.
6479             </summary>
6480         </member>
6481         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariable)">
6482             <summary>
6483             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode"/>.
6484             </summary>
6485             <param name="name"> The name of the associated rangeVariable</param>
6486             <param name="rangeVariable">Reference to a rangeVariable on the binding stack.</param>
6487             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if input name or rangeVariable is null.</exception>
6488         </member>
6489         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
6490             <summary>
6491             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
6492             </summary>
6493             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6494             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
6495             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
6496             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
6497         </member>
6498         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.Name">
6499             <summary>
6500             Gets the name of the associated rangeVariable.
6501             </summary>
6502         </member>
6503         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.TypeReference">
6504             <summary>
6505             Gets the type item referred to by this rangeVariable.
6506             </summary>
6507         </member>
6508         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.RangeVariable">
6509             <summary>
6510             Gets the reference to a rangeVariable on the binding stack.
6511             </summary>
6512         </member>
6513         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode.InternalKind">
6514             <summary>
6515             Gets the kind of this node.
6516             </summary>
6517         </member>
6518         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariableKind">
6519             <summary>
6520             Enumeration of the different kinds of RangeVariables.
6521             </summary>
6522         </member>
6523         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariableKind.Entity">
6524             <summary>
6525             A range variable that referrs to entity types.
6526             </summary>
6527         </member>
6528         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariableKind.Nonentity">
6529             <summary>
6530             A range variable that referrs to non-entity types.
6531             </summary>
6532         </member>
6533         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment">
6534             <summary>
6535             A segment representing a call to an action, function, or service operation.
6536             </summary>
6537         </member>
6538         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.UnknownSentinel">
6539             <summary>
6540             Sentinel type marking that we could not determine the return type for this segment.
6541             </summary>
6542         </member>
6543         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.operations">
6544             <summary>
6545             The list of possible FunctionImport overloads for this segment.
6546             </summary>
6547         </member>
6548         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.parameters">
6549             <summary>
6550             the list of parameters to this operation.
6551             </summary>
6552         </member>
6553         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.entitySet">
6554             <summary>
6555             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> containing the entities that this function returns.
6556             This will be null if entities are not returned by this operation, or if there is any ambiguity.
6557             </summary>
6558         </member>
6559         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.computedReturnEdmType">
6560             <summary>
6561             The type of item returned by the operation(s), if known.
6562             </summary>
6563         </member>
6564         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6565             <summary>
6566             Build a segment representing a call to an operation - action, function, or service operation.
6567             </summary>
6568             <param name="operation">A single function import that this segment will represent.</param>
6569             <param name="entitySet">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> containing the entities that this function returns.</param>
6570             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input operation is null.</exception>
6571         </member>
6572         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6573             <summary>
6574             Build a segment representing a call to an operation - action, function, or service operation.
6575             </summary>
6576             <param name="operationsIn">The list of possible FunctionImport overloads for this segment.</param>
6577             <param name="entitySet">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> containing the entities that this function returns.</param>
6578             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input operations is null.</exception>
6579         </member>
6580         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegmentParameter},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6581             <summary>
6582             Creates a segment representing a call to an operation - action, function or service operation.
6583             </summary>
6584             <param name="operationsIn">The list of possible FunctionImport overloads for this segment.</param>
6585             <param name="parameters">The list of parameters supplied to this segment.</param>
6586             <param name="entitySet">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> containing the entities that this function returns.</param>
6587         </member>
6588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.#ctor">
6589             <summary>
6590             Creates a segment representing a call to an operation - action, function or service operation.
6591             </summary>
6592         </member>
6593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
6594             <summary>
6595             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
6596             </summary>
6597             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6598             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
6599             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
6600             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
6601         </member>
6602         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
6603             <summary>
6604             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
6605             </summary>
6606             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handle interface.</param>
6607             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
6608         </member>
6609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
6610             <summary>
6611             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
6612             </summary>
6613             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
6614             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
6615             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
6616         </member>
6617         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.EnsureTypeAndSetAreCompatable">
6618             <summary>
6619             Ensures that the entity set and computed return type make sense.
6620             </summary>
6621             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the return type computed from the function call is null, or if the return type is not in the same hierarchy as the entity set provided.</exception>
6622         </member>
6623         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.Operations">
6624             <summary>
6625             Gets the list of possible FunctionImport overloads for this segment.
6626             </summary>
6627         </member>
6628         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.Parameters">
6629             <summary>
6630             Gets the list of parameters for this segment.
6631             </summary>
6632         </member>
6633         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.EdmType">
6634             <summary>
6635             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment"/>. 
6636             </summary>
6637             <remarks>
6638             This value will be null for void service operations.
6639             If there are multiple candidate operations with varying return types, then this property will throw.
6640             </remarks>
6641             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the type is unknown.</exception>
6642         </member>
6643         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OperationSegment.EntitySet">
6644             <summary>
6645             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> containing the entities that this function returns.
6646             This will be null if entities are not returned by this operation, or if there is any ambiguity.
6647             </summary>
6648         </member>
6649         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode">
6650             <summary>
6651             Node representing a function call which returns a single entity.
6652             </summary>
6653         </member>
6654         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.name">
6655             <summary>
6656             the name of this function 
6657             </summary>
6658         </member>
6659         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.functionImports">
6660             <summary>
6661             the list of funcitonImports represented by this node.
6662             </summary>
6663         </member>
6664         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.arguments">
6665             <summary>
6666             List of arguments provided to the function.
6667             </summary>
6668         </member>
6669         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.entityTypeReference">
6670             <summary>
6671             The return type of this function.
6672             </summary>
6673         </member>
6674         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.entitySet">
6675             <summary>
6676             The EntitySet containing the single entity that this function returns.
6677             </summary>
6678         </member>
6679         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.source">
6680             <summary>
6681             The semantically bound parent of this function.
6682             </summary>
6683         </member>
6684         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6685             <summary>
6686             Create a SingleEntityFunctionCallNode
6687             </summary>
6688             <param name="name">The name of the function to call</param>
6689             <param name="arguments">List of arguments provided to the function. Can be null.</param>
6690             <param name="entityTypeReference">The return type of this function.</param>
6691             <param name="entitySet">The EntitySet containing the single entity that this function returns.</param>
6692             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input name, returnedEntityTypeReference, or entitySet is null.</exception>
6693         </member>
6694         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
6695             <summary>
6696             Create a SingleEntityFunctionCallNode
6697             </summary>
6698             <param name="name">The name of the function to call</param>
6699             <param name="functionImports">the list of function imports this node represents.</param>
6700             <param name="arguments">List of arguments provided to the function. Can be null.</param>
6701             <param name="entityTypeReference">The return type of this function.</param>
6702             <param name="entitySet">The EntitySet containing the single entity that this function returns.</param>
6703             <param name="source">The semantically bound parent of this function.</param>
6704             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input name, returnedEntityTypeReference, or entitySet is null.</exception>
6705         </member>
6706         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
6707             <summary>
6708             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
6709             </summary>
6710             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6711             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
6712             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
6713             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
6714         </member>
6715         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.Name">
6716             <summary>
6717             Gets the name of the function to call
6718             </summary>
6719         </member>
6720         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.FunctionImports">
6721             <summary>
6722             Gets the list of function imports that this node represents
6723             </summary>
6724         </member>
6725         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.Arguments">
6726             <summary>
6727             Gets the list of arguments provided to the function.
6728             </summary>
6729         </member>
6730         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.TypeReference">
6731             <summary>
6732             Gets the return type of this function.
6733             </summary>
6734         </member>
6735         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.EntitySet">
6736             <summary>
6737             Gets the EntitySet containing the single entity that this function returns.
6738             </summary>
6739         </member>
6740         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.EntityTypeReference">
6741             <summary>
6742             Gets the return type of this function.
6743             </summary>
6744         </member>
6745         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.Source">
6746             <summary>
6747             Gets the semantically bound parent of this function.
6748             </summary>
6749         </member>
6750         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode.InternalKind">
6751             <summary>
6752             Gets the kind of this node.
6753             </summary>
6754         </member>
6755         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode">
6756             <summary>
6757             Node representing an access to a collection property value.
6758             </summary>
6759         </member>
6760         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.source">
6761             <summary>
6762             The value containing the property.
6763             </summary>
6764         </member>
6765         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.property">
6766             <summary>
6767             The EDM property which is to be accessed.
6768             </summary>
6769             <remarks>Only non-entity, collection properties are supported by this node.</remarks>
6770         </member>
6771         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.itemType">
6772             <summary>
6773             The resouce type of a single item from the collection represented by this node.
6774             </summary>
6775         </member>
6776         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.collectionTypeReference">
6777             <summary>
6778             The type of the collection represented by this node.
6779             </summary>
6780         </member>
6781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
6782             <summary>
6783             Constructs a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode"/>.
6784             </summary>
6785             <param name="source">The value containing the property.</param>
6786             <param name="property">The EDM property which is to be accessed.</param>
6787             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input source or property is null.</exception>
6788             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input property is not a collection of structural properties</exception>
6789         </member>
6790         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
6791             <summary>
6792             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
6793             </summary>
6794             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6795             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
6796             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
6797             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
6798         </member>
6799         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.Source">
6800             <summary>
6801             Gets the value containing the property.
6802             </summary>
6803         </member>
6804         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.Property">
6805             <summary>
6806             Gets the EDM property which is to be accessed.
6807             </summary>
6808             <remarks>Only non-entity, collection properties are supported by this node.</remarks>
6809         </member>
6810         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.ItemType">
6811             <summary>
6812             Gets the resouce type of a single item from the collection represented by this node.
6813             </summary>
6814         </member>
6815         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.CollectionType">
6816             <summary>
6817             The type of the collection represented by this node.
6818             </summary>
6819         </member>
6820         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode.InternalKind">
6821             <summary>
6822             Gets the kind of this node.
6823             </summary>
6824         </member>
6825         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ReadOnlyEnumerableForUriParser`1">
6826             <summary>
6827             Implementation of IEnumerable which is based on another IEnumerable
6828             but only exposes readonly access to that collection. This class doesn't implement
6829             any other public interfaces or public API unlike most other IEnumerable implementations
6830             which also implement other public interfaces.
6831             </summary>
6832             <typeparam name="T">The type of the items in the read-only enumerable.</typeparam>
6833         </member>
6834         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ReadOnlyEnumerableForUriParser`1.sourceEnumerable">
6835             <summary>
6836             The IEnumerable to wrap.
6837             </summary>
6838         </member>
6839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ReadOnlyEnumerableForUriParser`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
6840             <summary>
6841             Constructor.
6842             </summary>
6843             <param name="sourceEnumerable">The enumerable to wrap.</param>
6844         </member>
6845         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ReadOnlyEnumerableForUriParser`1.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{T}#GetEnumerator">
6846             <summary>
6847             Returns the enumerator to iterate through the items.
6848             </summary>
6849             <returns>The enumerator object to use.</returns>
6850         </member>
6851         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ReadOnlyEnumerableForUriParser`1.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
6852             <summary>
6853             Returns the (non-generic) enumerator to iterate through the items.
6854             </summary>
6855             <returns>The enumerator object to use.</returns>
6856         </member>
6857         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment">
6858             <summary>
6859             A segment representing a cast on the previous segment to another type.
6860             </summary>
6861         </member>
6862         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.edmType">
6863             <summary>
6864             The target type of this type segment.
6865             </summary>
6866         </member>
6867         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.entitySet">
6868             <summary>
6869             The set containing the entities that we are casting.
6870             </summary>
6871         </member>
6872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6873             <summary>
6874             Build a type segment using the given <paramref name="edmType"/>.
6875             </summary>
6876             <param name="edmType">The target type of this segment, which may be collection type.</param>
6877             <param name="entitySet">The set containing the entities that we are casting. This can be null.</param>
6878             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input edmType is null.</exception>
6879             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input edmType is not relaed to the type of elements in the input entitySet.</exception>
6880         </member>
6881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
6882             <summary>
6883             Translate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment"/> into another type using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
6884             </summary>
6885             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6886             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
6887             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
6888             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
6889         </member>
6890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
6891             <summary>
6892             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
6893             </summary>
6894             <param name="handler">An implementation of the handler interface.</param>
6895             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
6896         </member>
6897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
6898             <summary>
6899             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
6900             </summary>
6901             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
6902             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
6903             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input other is null.</exception>
6904         </member>
6905         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.EdmType">
6906             <summary>
6907             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment"/>.
6908             </summary>
6909         </member>
6910         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.TypeSegment.EntitySet">
6911             <summary>
6912             Gets the set containing the entities that we are casting.
6913             </summary>
6914         </member>
6915         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnknownSelection">
6916             <summary>
6917             Singleton sentinal instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.Selection"/> that indicates that $select has not been processed yet. Should never be exposed to the user.
6918             </summary>
6919         </member>
6920         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnknownSelection.Instance">
6921             <summary>
6922             Singleton instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnknownSelection"/>.
6923             </summary>
6924         </member>
6925         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnknownSelection.#ctor">
6926             <summary>
6927             Creates the singleton instance of this class.
6928             </summary>
6929         </member>
6930         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataUnresolvedFunctionParameterAlias">
6931             <summary>
6932             Represents an aliased parameter in a function call that has not yet been resolved to a specific value.
6933             </summary>
6934         </member>
6935         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue">
6936             <summary>
6937             Represents the value of a property.
6938             </summary>
6939         </member>
6940         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue.IsNullValue">
6941             <summary>
6942             Indicates whether the given value is a null value.
6943             </summary>
6944             <value> true if the value is an ODataNullValue, false otherwise. </value>
6945         </member>
6946         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataUnresolvedFunctionParameterAlias.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6947             <summary>
6948             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataUnresolvedFunctionParameterAlias"/>.
6949             </summary>
6950             <param name="alias">The alias provided as the parameter value.</param>
6951             <param name="type">The EDM type of the parameter represented by this alias.</param>
6952         </member>
6953         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataUnresolvedFunctionParameterAlias.Type">
6954             <summary>
6955             The EDM type of the parameter represented by this alias.
6956             </summary>
6957         </member>
6958         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataUnresolvedFunctionParameterAlias.Alias">
6959             <summary>
6960             The alias provided as the parameter value.
6961             </summary>
6962         </member>
6963         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriParserErrorHelper">
6964             <summary>
6965             Helper methods for the URI Parser.
6966             </summary>
6967         </member>
6968         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriParserErrorHelper.ThrowIfTypesUnrelated(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String)">
6969             <summary>
6970             Throws if the type is not related to the type of the given set.
6971             </summary>
6972             <param name="type">Type to check.</param>
6973             <param name="secondType">Second type, which should be related to the first type.</param>
6974             <param name="segmentName">The segment that is checking this.</param>
6975         </member>
6976         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment">
6977             <summary>
6978             A segment representing $value
6979             </summary>
6980         </member>
6981         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment.edmType">
6982             <summary>
6983             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment"/>.
6984             </summary>
6985         </member>
6986         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
6987             <summary>
6988             Build a segment to represnt $value.
6989             </summary>
6990             <param name="previousType">The type of the segment before $value. This may be null, for cases such as open properties.</param>
6991             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the input previousType is a colleciton type.</exception>
6992         </member>
6993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment.Translate``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator{``0})">
6994             <summary>
6995             Translate a <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment"> into another object using an instance of</exception> <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentTranslator`1"/>.
6996             </summary>
6997             <typeparam name="T">Type that the translator will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
6998             <param name="translator">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
6999             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the translator.</returns>
7000             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input translator is null.</exception>
7001         </member>
7002         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment.Handle(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler)">
7003             <summary>
7004             Handle a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment"/> using an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.PathSegmentHandler"/>.
7005             </summary>
7006             <param name="handler">An implementation of the translator interface.</param>
7007             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input handler is null.</exception>
7008         </member>
7009         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment.Equals(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPathSegment)">
7010             <summary>
7011             Check if this segment is equal to another segment.
7012             </summary>
7013             <param name="other">the other segment to check.</param>
7014             <returns>true if the other segment is equal.</returns>
7015         </member>
7016         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment.EdmType">
7017             <summary>
7018             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ValueSegment"/>.
7019             </summary>
7020         </member>
7021         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.WildcardSelectItem">
7022             <summary>
7023             Class to represent a '*' selection item, indicating that all structural properties should be selected.
7024             </summary>
7025         </member>
7026         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectBinder">
7027             <summary>
7028             Use a Select syntactic tree to populate the correct values for Selection in an already parsed
7029             Expand Semantic Tree.
7030             </summary>
7031         </member>
7032         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectBinder.visitor">
7033             <summary>
7034             Visitor object to walk the select tree
7035             </summary>
7036         </member>
7037         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause)">
7038             <summary>
7039             Constructs a new SelectBinder.
7040             </summary>
7041             <param name="model">The model used for binding.</param>
7042             <param name="entityType">The entity type that the $select is being applied to.</param>
7043             <param name="maxDepth">the maximum recursive depth.</param>
7044             <param name="expandClauseToDecorate">The already built expand clause to decorate</param>
7045         </member>
7046         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectBinder.Bind(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
7047             <summary>
7048             Visits the top level select token
7049             </summary>
7050             <param name="tokenIn">the select token to visit</param>
7051             <returns>A new SelectExpandClause decorated with the information from the selectToken</returns>
7052         </member>
7053         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1">
7054             <summary>
7055             Visitor interface for walking the Semantic Tree.
7056             </summary>
7057             <typeparam name="T">Generic type produced by the visitor.</typeparam>
7058         </member>
7059         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllNode)">
7060             <summary>
7061             Visit an AllNode
7062             </summary>
7063             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7064             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7065         </member>
7066         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AnyNode)">
7067             <summary>
7068             Visit an AnyNode
7069             </summary>
7070             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7071             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7072         </member>
7073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode)">
7074             <summary>
7075             Visit a BinaryOperatorNode
7076             </summary>
7077             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7078             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7079         </member>
7080         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNavigationNode)">
7081             <summary>
7082             Visit a CollectionNavigationNode
7083             </summary>
7084             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7085             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7086         </member>
7087         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionPropertyAccessNode)">
7088             <summary>
7089             Visit a CollectionPropertyAccessNode
7090             </summary>
7091             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7092             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7093         </member>
7094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode)">
7095             <summary>
7096             Visit a ConstantNode
7097             </summary>
7098             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7099             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7100         </member>
7101         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode)">
7102             <summary>
7103             Visit a ConvertNode
7104             </summary>
7105             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7106             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7107         </member>
7108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionCastNode)">
7109             <summary>
7110             Visit an EntityCollectionCastNode
7111             </summary>
7112             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7113             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7114         </member>
7115         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode)">
7116             <summary>
7117             Visit an EntityRangeVariableReferenceNode
7118             </summary>
7119             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7120             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7121         </member>
7122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NonentityRangeVariableReferenceNode)">
7123             <summary>
7124             Visit a NonEntityRangeVariableNode
7125             </summary>
7126             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7127             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7128         </member>
7129         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode)">
7130             <summary>
7131             Visit a SingleEntityCastNode
7132             </summary>
7133             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7134             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7135         </member>
7136         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode)">
7137             <summary>
7138             Visit a SingleNavigationNode
7139             </summary>
7140             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7141             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7142         </member>
7143         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode)">
7144             <summary>
7145             Visit a SingleEntityFunctionCallNode
7146             </summary>
7147             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7148             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7149         </member>
7150         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode)">
7151             <summary>
7152             Visit a SingleValueFunctionCallNode
7153             </summary>
7154             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7155             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7156         </member>
7157         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode)">
7158             <summary>
7159             Visit a EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode
7160             </summary>
7161             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7162             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7163         </member>
7164         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionFunctionCallNode)">
7165             <summary>
7166             Visit a CollectionFunctionCallNode
7167             </summary>
7168             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7169             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7170         </member>
7171         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode)">
7172             <summary>
7173             Visit a SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode
7174             </summary>
7175             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7176             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7177         </member>
7178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode)">
7179             <summary>
7180             Visit a SingleValuePropertyAccessNode
7181             </summary>
7182             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7183             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7184         </member>
7185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode)">
7186             <summary>
7187             Visit a UnaryOperatorNode
7188             </summary>
7189             <param name="nodeIn">the node to visit</param>
7190             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7191         </member>
7192         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.NamedFunctionParameterNode)">
7193             <summary>
7194             Visit a NamedFunctionParameterNode.
7195             </summary>
7196             <param name="nodeIn">The node to visit.</param>
7197             <returns>Defined by the implementer</returns>
7198         </member>
7199         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken">
7200             <summary>
7201             Lexical token representing an expand operation.
7202             </summary>
7203         </member>
7204         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.pathToNavProp">
7205             <summary>
7206             The nav prop path for this ExpandTerm
7207             </summary>
7208         </member>
7209         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.filterOption">
7210             <summary>
7211             the filter option for this expand term
7212             </summary>
7213         </member>
7214         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.orderByOption">
7215             <summary>
7216             the order by option for this expand term
7217             </summary>
7218         </member>
7219         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.topOption">
7220             <summary>
7221             the top option for this expand term
7222             </summary>
7223         </member>
7224         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.skipOption">
7225             <summary>
7226             the skip option for this expand term.
7227             </summary>
7228         </member>
7229         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.inlineCountOption">
7230             <summary>
7231             the inlineCount option for this expand term.
7232             </summary>
7233         </member>
7234         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.selectOption">
7235             <summary>
7236             the select option for this expand term.
7237             </summary>
7238         </member>
7239         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.expandOption">
7240             <summary>
7241             the expand option for this expand term.
7242             </summary>
7243         </member>
7244         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
7245             <summary>
7246             Create an expand term token using only a property
7247             </summary>
7248             <param name="pathToNavProp">the path to the navigation property</param>
7249         </member>
7250         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
7251             <summary>
7252             Create an expand term using only the property and its subexpand/select
7253             </summary>
7254             <param name="pathToNavProp">the path to the navigation property for this expand term</param>
7255             <param name="selectOption">the sub select for this token</param>
7256             <param name="expandOption">the sub expand for this token</param>
7257         </member>
7258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
7259             <summary>
7260             Create an expand term token
7261             </summary>
7262             <param name="pathToNavProp">the nav prop for this expand term</param>
7263             <param name="filterOption">the filter option for this expand term</param>
7264             <param name="orderByOption">the orderby option for this expand term</param>
7265             <param name="topOption">the top option for this expand term</param>
7266             <param name="skipOption">the skip option for this expand term</param>
7267             <param name="inlineCountOption">the inlineCountOption for this expand term</param>
7268             <param name="selectOption">the select option for this expand term</param>
7269             <param name="expandOption">the expand option for this expand term</param>
7270         </member>
7271         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
7272             <summary>
7273             Implement the visitor for this Token
7274             </summary>
7275             <typeparam name="T">The type to return</typeparam>
7276             <param name="visitor">A tree visitor that will visit this node.</param>
7277             <returns>Determined by the return type of the visitor.</returns>
7278         </member>
7279         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.PathToNavProp">
7280             <summary>
7281             the nav property for this expand term
7282             </summary>
7283         </member>
7284         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.FilterOption">
7285             <summary>
7286             The filter option for this expand term.
7287             </summary>
7288         </member>
7289         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.OrderByOption">
7290             <summary>
7291             the orderby option for this expand term.
7292             </summary>
7293         </member>
7294         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.TopOption">
7295             <summary>
7296             the top option for this expand term.
7297             </summary>
7298         </member>
7299         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.SkipOption">
7300             <summary>
7301             the skip option for this expand term.
7302             </summary>
7303         </member>
7304         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.InlineCountOption">
7305             <summary>
7306             the inline count option for this expand term.
7307             </summary>
7308         </member>
7309         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.SelectOption">
7310             <summary>
7311             the select option for this expand term.
7312             </summary>
7313         </member>
7314         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.ExpandOption">
7315             <summary>
7316             the expand option for this expand term.
7317             </summary>
7318         </member>
7319         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken.Kind">
7320             <summary>
7321             the kind of this expand term.
7322             </summary>
7323         </member>
7324         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken">
7325             <summary>
7326             Lexical token representing an expand operation.
7327             </summary>
7328         </member>
7329         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken.expandTerms">
7330             <summary>
7331             The properties according to which to expand in the results.
7332             </summary>
7333         </member>
7334         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken})">
7335             <summary>
7336             Create a ExpandToken given the property-accesses of the expand query.
7337             </summary>
7338             <param name="expandTerms">The properties according to which to expand the results.</param>
7339         </member>
7340         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
7341             <summary>
7342             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
7343             </summary>
7344             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7345             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7346             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7347         </member>
7348         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken.Kind">
7349             <summary>
7350             The kind of the query token.
7351             </summary>
7352         </member>
7353         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken.ExpandTerms">
7354             <summary>
7355             The properties according to which to expand in the results.
7356             </summary>
7357         </member>
7358         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken">
7359             <summary>
7360             Lexical token representing a segment in a path.
7361             </summary>
7363         </member>
7364         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken">
7365             <summary>
7366             Lexical token representing a segment in a path.
7367             </summary>
7369         </member>
7370         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.nextToken">
7371             <summary>
7372             the next token in the path
7373             </summary>
7374         </member>
7375         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
7376             <summary>
7377             build this segment token using the next token
7378             </summary>
7379             <param name="nextToken">the next token in the path</param>
7380         </member>
7381         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.IsNamespaceOrContainerQualified">
7382             <summary>
7383             Is this token namespace or container qualified.
7384             </summary>
7385             <returns>true if this token is namespace or container qualified.</returns>
7386         </member>
7387         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor{``0})">
7388             <summary>
7389             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken"/>s.
7390             </summary>
7391             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7392             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7393             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7394         </member>
7395         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.Accept(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor)">
7396             <summary>
7397             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken"/>s.
7398             </summary>
7399             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7400         </member>
7401         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.SetNextToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
7402             <summary>
7403             internal setter for the next token.
7404             </summary>
7405             <param name="nextTokenIn">the next token to set.</param>
7406         </member>
7407         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.NextToken">
7408             <summary>
7409             Get the NextToken in the path
7410             </summary>
7411         </member>
7412         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken.Identifier">
7413             <summary>
7414             The name of the property to access.
7415             </summary>
7416         </member>
7417         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.namedValues">
7418             <summary>
7419             Any named values for this NonSystemToken
7420             </summary>
7421         </member>
7422         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.identifier">
7423             <summary>
7424             The identifier for this token.
7425             </summary>
7426         </member>
7427         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
7428             <summary>
7429             Build a NonSystemToken
7430             </summary>
7431             <param name="identifier">the identifier of this token</param>
7432             <param name="namedValues">a list of named values for this token</param>
7433             <param name="nextToken">the next token in the path</param>
7434         </member>
7435         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.IsNamespaceOrContainerQualified">
7436             <summary>
7437             Is this token namespace or container qualified.
7438             </summary>
7439             <returns>true if this token is namespace or container qualified.</returns>
7440         </member>
7441         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor{``0})">
7442             <summary>
7443             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken"/>s.
7444             </summary>
7445             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7446             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7447             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7448         </member>
7449         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.Accept(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor)">
7450             <summary>
7451             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken"/>s.
7452             </summary>
7453             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7454         </member>
7455         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.NamedValues">
7456             <summary>
7457             Get the list of named values for this token.
7458             </summary>
7459         </member>
7460         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.NonSystemToken.Identifier">
7461             <summary>
7462             Get the identifier for this token.
7463             </summary>
7464         </member>
7465         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathToken">
7466             <summary>
7467             Lexical token representing a segment in a path.
7468             </summary>
7470         </member>
7471         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathToken.NextToken">
7472             <summary>
7473             The NextToken in the path(can either be the parent or the child depending on whether the tree has
7474             been normalized for expand or not.
7475             TODO: need to revisit this and the rest of the syntactic parser to make it ready for public consumption.
7476             </summary>
7477         </member>
7478         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathToken.Identifier">
7479             <summary>
7480             The name of the property to access.
7481             </summary>
7482         </member>
7483         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken">
7484             <summary>
7485             Lexical token representing a System token such as $count
7486             </summary>
7488         </member>
7489         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken.identifier">
7490             <summary>
7491             The identifier for this SystemToken
7492             </summary>
7493         </member>
7494         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
7495             <summary>
7496             Build a new System Token
7497             </summary>
7498             <param name="identifier">the identifier for this token.</param>
7499             <param name="nextToken">the next token in the path</param>
7500         </member>
7501         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken.IsNamespaceOrContainerQualified">
7502             <summary>
7503             Is this token namespace or container qualified.
7504             </summary>
7505             <returns>always false, since this is a system token.</returns>
7506         </member>
7507         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor{``0})">
7508             <summary>
7509             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken"/>s.
7510             </summary>
7511             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7512             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7513             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7514         </member>
7515         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken.Accept(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor)">
7516             <summary>
7517             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.IPathSegmentTokenVisitor"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken"/>s.
7518             </summary>
7519             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7520         </member>
7521         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SystemToken.Identifier">
7522             <summary>
7523             Get the identifier for this token
7524             </summary>
7525         </member>
7526         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1">
7527             <summary>
7528             Visitor interface for walking the Syntactic Tree.
7529             </summary>
7530             <typeparam name="T">Generic type produced by the visitor.</typeparam>
7531         </member>
7532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AllToken)">
7533             <summary>
7534             Visit an AllToken
7535             </summary>
7536             <param name="tokenIn">The All token to visit</param>
7537             <returns>An AllNode bound to this token</returns>
7538         </member>
7539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AnyToken)">
7540             <summary>
7541             Visits an AnyToken
7542             </summary>
7543             <param name="tokenIn">The Any token to visit</param>
7544             <returns>An AnyNode that's bound to this token</returns>
7545         </member>
7546         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
7547             <summary>
7548             Visits a BinaryOperatorToken
7549             </summary>
7550             <param name="tokenIn">The Binary operator token to visit.</param>
7551             <returns>A BinaryOperatorNode thats bound to this token</returns>
7552         </member>
7553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken)">
7554             <summary>
7555             Visits a DottedIdentifierToken
7556             </summary>
7557             <param name="tokenIn">The DottedIdentifierToken to visit</param>
7558             <returns>Either a SingleEntityCastNode, or EntityCollectionCastNode bound to this DottedIdentifierToken</returns>
7559         </member>
7560         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
7561             <summary>
7562             Visits an ExpandToken
7563             </summary>
7564             <param name="tokenIn">The ExpandToken to visit</param>
7565             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this ExpandToken</returns>
7566         </member>
7567         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandTermToken)">
7568             <summary>
7569             Visits an ExpandTermToken
7570             </summary>
7571             <param name="tokenIn">The ExpandTermToken to visit</param>
7572             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this ExpandTermToken</returns>
7573         </member>
7574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken)">
7575             <summary>
7576             Visits a FunctionCallToken
7577             </summary>
7578             <param name="tokenIn">The FunctionCallToken to visit</param>
7579             <returns>A SingleValueFunctionCallNode bound to this FunctionCallToken</returns>
7580         </member>
7581         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken)">
7582             <summary>
7583             Visits a LiteralToken
7584             </summary>
7585             <param name="tokenIn">The LiteralToken to visit</param>
7586             <returns>A ConstantNode bound to this LambdaToken</returns>
7587         </member>
7588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken)">
7589             <summary>
7590             Visits a LambdaToken
7591             </summary>
7592             <param name="tokenIn">The LambdaToken to visit</param>
7593             <returns>A LambdaNode bound to this LambdaToken</returns>
7594         </member>
7595         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken)">
7596             <summary>
7597             Visits a InnerPathToken
7598             </summary>
7599             <param name="tokenIn">The InnerPathToken to bind</param>
7600             <returns>A SingleValueNode or SingleEntityNode bound to this InnerPathToken</returns>
7601         </member>
7602         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken)">
7603             <summary>
7604             Visits an OrderByToken
7605             </summary>
7606             <param name="tokenIn">The OrderByToken to bind</param>
7607             <returns>An OrderByClause bound to this OrderByToken</returns>
7608         </member>
7609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken)">
7610             <summary>
7611             Visits an EndPathToken
7612             </summary>
7613             <param name="tokenIn">The EndPathToken to bind</param>
7614             <returns>A PropertyAccessClause bound to this EndPathToken</returns>
7615         </member>
7616         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken)">
7617             <summary>
7618             Visits a CustomQueryOptionToken
7619             </summary>
7620             <param name="tokenIn">The CustomQueryOptionToken to bind</param>
7621             <returns>A CustomQueryOptionNode bound to this CustomQueryOptionToken</returns>
7622         </member>
7623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken)">
7624             <summary>
7625             Visits a RangeVariableToken
7626             </summary>
7627             <param name="tokenIn">The RangeVariableToken to bind</param>
7628             <returns>An Entity or NonEntity RangeVariableReferenceNode bound to this RangeVariableToken</returns>
7629         </member>
7630         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
7631             <summary>
7632             Visits a SelectToken
7633             </summary>
7634             <param name="tokenIn">The SelectToken to bind</param>
7635             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this SelectToken</returns>
7636         </member>
7637         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken)">
7638             <summary>
7639             Visits a StarToken
7640             </summary>
7641             <param name="tokenIn">The StarToken to bind</param>
7642             <returns>A QueryNode bound to this StarToken</returns>
7643         </member>
7644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken)">
7645             <summary>
7646             Visits a UnaryOperatorToken
7647             </summary>
7648             <param name="tokenIn">The UnaryOperatorToken to bind</param>
7649             <returns>A UnaryOperatorNode bound to this UnaryOperatorToken</returns>
7650         </member>
7651         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SyntacticTreeVisitor`1.Visit(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken)">
7652             <summary>
7653             Visits a FuntionParameterToken
7654             </summary>
7655             <param name="tokenIn">The FunctionParameterToken to bind</param>
7656             <returns>A user defined value</returns>
7657         </member>
7658         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectExpandPathBinder">
7659             <summary>
7660             Walk down a chain of type segments, checking that we find the correct type at each level.
7661             </summary>
7662         </member>
7663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectExpandPathBinder.FollowTypeSegments(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType@,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken@)">
7664             <summary>
7665             Follow any type segments on the path, stopping at the first segment that isn't a type token.
7666             </summary>
7667             <param name="firstTypeToken">the first type segment</param>
7668             <param name="model">the model these types are contained in.</param>
7669             <param name="maxDepth">the maximum recursive depth</param>
7670             <param name="currentLevelEntityType">the top level entity type, will be overwritten with the last entity type in the chain</param>
7671             <param name="firstNonTypeToken">the first non type token in the path</param>
7672             <returns>A path with type segments added to it.</returns>
7673         </member>
7674         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes">
7675             <summary>
7676             An enumeration that lists the internal errors.
7677             </summary>
7678         </member>
7679         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.TypePromotionUtils_GetFunctionSignatures_Binary_UnreachableCodepath">
7680             <summary>Unreachable codepath in TypePromotionUtils.GetFunctionSignatures(BinaryOperatorKind), unrecognized kind of binary operator.</summary>
7681         </member>
7682         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.TypePromotionUtils_GetFunctionSignatures_Unary_UnreachableCodepath">
7683             <summary>Unreachable codepath in TypePromotionUtils.GetFunctionSignatures(UnaryOperatorKind), unrecognized kind of unary operator.</summary>
7684         </member>
7685         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.MetadataBinder_BindServiceOperation">
7686             <summary>Unreachable codepath in MetadataBinder.BindServiceOperation, unrecognized kind of service opertion.</summary>
7687         </member>
7688         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.QueryExpressionTranslator_TranslateBinaryOperator_UnreachableCodepath">
7689             <summary>Unreachable codepath in QueryExpressionTranslator.TranslateBinaryOperator, unrecognized kind of binary operator.</summary>
7690         </member>
7691         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.UriPrimitiveTypeParser_HexCharToNibble">
7692             <summary>Unreachable codepath in UriPrimitiveTypeParser.HexCharToNibble</summary>
7693         </member>
7694         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.UriQueryExpressionParser_ParseComparison">
7695             <summary>Unreachable codepath in UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseComparison</summary>
7696             <remarks>Was a new binary operator keyword without adding it to the switch in the ParseComparison?</remarks>
7697         </member>
7698         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.UriPrimitiveTypeParser_TryUriStringToPrimitive">
7699             <summary>Unreachable codepath in UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToPrimitive</summary>
7700             <remarks>Unsupported type was asked to be parsed.</remarks>
7701         </member>
7702         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.QueryNodeUtils_BinaryOperatorResultType_UnreachableCodepath">
7703             <summary>Unreachable codepath in QueryNodeUtils.BinaryOperatorResultType, unrecognized kind of binary operator.</summary>
7704         </member>
7705         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.QueryExpressionTranslator_TranslateUnaryOperator_UnreachableCodepath">
7706             <summary>Unreachable codepath in QueryExpressionTranslator.TranslateUnaryOperator, unrecognized kind of unary operator.</summary>
7707         </member>
7708         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.BinaryOperator_GetOperator_UnreachableCodePath">
7709             <summary>Unreachable codepath in BinaryOperator.GetOperator, unrecognized kind of binary operator.</summary>
7710         </member>
7711         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.ODataUriBuilder_WriteUnary_UnreachableCodePath">
7712             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataUriBuilder.WriteUnary, unrecognized kind of unary operator.</summary>
7713         </member>
7714         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalErrorCodes.ODataUriBuilderUtils_ToText_InlineCountKind_UnreachableCodePath">
7715             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataUriBuilderUtils.ToText(InlineCountKind), unrecognized kind of inline count.</summary>
7716         </member>
7717         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllNode">
7718             <summary>
7719             Query node representing an All query.
7720             </summary>
7721         </member>
7722         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode">
7723             <summary>
7724             Node representing an Any/All query.
7725             </summary>
7726         </member>
7727         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.rangeVariables">
7728             <summary>
7729             The collection of rangeVariables in scope for this Any or All.
7730             </summary>
7731         </member>
7732         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.currentRangeVariable">
7733             <summary>
7734             The newest range variable added for by this Any or All.
7735             </summary>
7736         </member>
7737         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.#ctor(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable})">
7738             <summary>
7739             Create a LambdaNode
7740             </summary>
7741             <param name="rangeVariables">The collection of rangeVariables in scope for this Any or All.</param>
7742         </member>
7743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.#ctor(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable)">
7744             <summary>
7745             Create a LambdaNode
7746             </summary>
7747             <param name="rangeVariables">The collection of rangeVariables in scope for this Any or All.</param>
7748             <param name="currentRangeVariable">The newest range variable added for by this Any or All.</param>
7749         </member>
7750         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.RangeVariables">
7751             <summary>
7752             Gets the collection of rangeVariables in scope for this Any or All.
7753             </summary>
7754         </member>
7755         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.CurrentRangeVariable">
7756             <summary>
7757             Gets the newest range variable added for by this Any or All.
7758             </summary>
7759         </member>
7760         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.Body">
7761             <summary>
7762             Gets or Sets the associated boolean expression
7763             </summary>
7764         </member>
7765         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.LambdaNode.Source">
7766             <summary>
7767             Gets or Sets the parent entity set or navigation property
7768             </summary>
7769         </member>
7770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllNode.#ctor(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable})">
7771             <summary>
7772             Create an AllNode
7773             </summary>
7774             <param name="rangeVariables">The name of the rangeVariables list.</param>
7775         </member>
7776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllNode.#ctor(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable)">
7777             <summary>
7778             Create an AllNode
7779             </summary>
7780             <param name="rangeVariables">The name of the rangeVariables list.</param>
7781             <param name="currentRangeVariable">The new range variable being added by this all node</param>
7782         </member>
7783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
7784             <summary>
7785             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
7786             </summary>
7787             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7788             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7789             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7790             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null</exception>
7791         </member>
7792         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllNode.TypeReference">
7793             <summary>
7794             The resource type of the single value this node represents.
7795             </summary>
7796         </member>
7797         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AllNode.InternalKind">
7798             <summary>
7799             Gets the kind of this node.
7800             </summary>
7801         </member>
7802         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AllToken">
7803             <summary>
7804             Lexical token representing the All Query
7805             </summary>
7806         </member>
7807         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken">
7808             <summary>
7809             Lexical token representing the Any/All Query
7810             </summary>
7811         </member>
7812         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.parent">
7813             <summary>
7814             The parent token.
7815             </summary>
7816         </member>
7817         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.parameter">
7818             <summary>
7819             The parameter which denotes source type.
7820             </summary>
7821         </member>
7822         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.expression">
7823             <summary>
7824             The expression component of Any.
7825             </summary>
7826         </member>
7827         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
7828             <summary>
7829             Create a AnyAllQueryToken given the expression, parameter, and parent
7830             </summary>
7831             <param name="expression">The associated expression.</param>
7832             <param name="parameter">The parameter denoting source type.</param>
7833             <param name="parent">The parent token.  Pass null if this property has no parent.</param>
7834         </member>
7835         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
7836             <summary>
7837             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
7838             </summary>
7839             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7840             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7841             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7842         </member>
7843         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.Parent">
7844             <summary>
7845             The parent token.
7846             </summary>
7847         </member>
7848         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.Expression">
7849             <summary>
7850             The expression.
7851             </summary>
7852         </member>
7853         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken.Parameter">
7854             <summary>
7855             The parameter.
7856             </summary>
7857         </member>
7858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AllToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
7859             <summary>
7860             Create a AllToken given the expression, parameter, and parent
7861             </summary>
7862             <param name="expression">The associated expression.</param>
7863             <param name="parameter">The parameter denoting source type.</param>
7864             <param name="parent">The parent token.  Pass null if this property has no parent.</param>
7865         </member>
7866         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AllToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
7867             <summary>
7868             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
7869             </summary>
7870             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7871             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7872             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7873         </member>
7874         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AllToken.Kind">
7875             <summary>
7876             The kind of the query token.
7877             </summary>
7878         </member>
7879         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AnyNode">
7880             <summary>
7881             Query node representing an Any query.
7882             </summary>
7883         </member>
7884         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AnyNode.#ctor(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable})">
7885             <summary>
7886             Create a AnyNode
7887             </summary>
7888             <param name="parameters">The name of the parameter list.</param>
7889         </member>
7890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AnyNode.#ctor(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.RangeVariable)">
7891             <summary>
7892             Create a AnyNode
7893             </summary>
7894             <param name="parameters">The name of the parameter list.</param>
7895             <param name="currentRangeVariable">The name of the new range variable being added by this AnyNode</param>
7896         </member>
7897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AnyNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
7898             <summary>
7899             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
7900             </summary>
7901             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7902             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7903             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7904             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
7905         </member>
7906         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AnyNode.TypeReference">
7907             <summary>
7908             The resource type of the single value this node represents.
7909             </summary>
7910         </member>
7911         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.AnyNode.InternalKind">
7912             <summary>
7913             Gets the kind of this node.
7914             </summary>
7915         </member>
7916         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AnyToken">
7917             <summary>
7918             Lexical token representing the Any Query
7919             </summary>
7920         </member>
7921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AnyToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
7922             <summary>
7923             Create a AnyToken given the expression, parameter, and parent
7924             </summary>
7925             <param name="expression">The associated expression.</param>
7926             <param name="parameter">The parameter denoting source type.</param>
7927             <param name="parent">The parent token.  Pass null if this property has no parent.</param>
7928         </member>
7929         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AnyToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
7930             <summary>
7931             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
7932             </summary>
7933             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
7934             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
7935             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
7936         </member>
7937         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.AnyToken.Kind">
7938             <summary>
7939             The kind of the query token.
7940             </summary>
7941         </member>
7942         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataQueryEdmTypeAnnotation">
7943             <summary>
7944             In-memory annotation class to associate CLR instance types with 
7945             (non-primitive) EDM types.
7946             </summary>
7947         </member>
7948         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataQueryEdmTypeAnnotation.CanReflectOnInstanceType">
7949             <summary>
7950             true if reflection over the instance type is supported; otherwise false.
7951             </summary>
7952         </member>
7953         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataQueryEdmTypeAnnotation.InstanceType">
7954             <summary>
7955             The instance type represented by this annotation.
7956             </summary>
7957         </member>
7958         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataQueryEdmServiceOperationAnnotation">
7959             <summary>
7960             In-memory annotation class to associate a result kind with a service operation.
7961             </summary>
7962         </member>
7963         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataQueryEdmServiceOperationAnnotation.ResultKind">
7964             <summary>
7965             The result kind of the service operation.
7966             </summary>
7967         </member>
7968         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataQueryEdmPropertyAnnotation">
7969             <summary>
7970             Annotation to hold information for a particular property.
7971             </summary>
7972         </member>
7973         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataQueryEdmPropertyAnnotation.CanReflectOnProperty">
7974             <summary>
7975             true if reflection over the property is allowed; otherwise false.
7976             </summary>
7977         </member>
7978         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataServiceOperationResultKind">
7979             <summary>
7980             Use this type to describe the kind of results returned by a service
7981             operation.
7982             </summary>
7983         </member>
7984         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataServiceOperationResultKind.DirectValue">
7985             <summary>
7986             A single direct value which cannot be further composed.
7987             </summary>
7988         </member>
7989         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataServiceOperationResultKind.Enumeration">
7990             <summary>
7991             An enumeration of values which cannot be further composed.
7992             </summary>
7993         </member>
7994         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataServiceOperationResultKind.QueryWithMultipleResults">
7995             <summary>
7996             A queryable object which returns multiple elements.
7997             </summary>
7998         </member>
7999         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataServiceOperationResultKind.QueryWithSingleResult">
8000             <summary>
8001             A queryable object which returns a single element.
8002             </summary>
8003         </member>
8004         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataServiceOperationResultKind.Void">
8005             <summary>
8006             No result return.
8007             </summary>
8008         </member>
8009         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken">
8010             <summary>
8011             Lexical token representing a single nonroot segment in the query path.
8012             </summary>
8013         </member>
8014         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.identifier">
8015             <summary>
8016             The Identifier of the segment.
8017             </summary>
8018         </member>
8019         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.namedValues">
8020             <summary>
8021             The named values in the key lookup for this segment.
8022             If the segment has no key lookup, then this property is null.
8023             If the segment has empty key lookup (), then this property is an empty collection.
8024             </summary>
8025         </member>
8026         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.nextToken">
8027             <summary>
8028             The NextToken segment.
8029             </summary>
8030         </member>
8031         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue})">
8032             <summary>
8033             Create a new StartPathToken given the Identifier and NextToken and namedValues if any
8034             </summary>
8035             <param name="identifier">The Identifier of the segment, the identifier.</param>
8036             <param name="nextToken">The NextToken segment, or null if this is the root segment.</param>
8037             <param name="namedValues">The named values in the key lookup for this segment.</param>
8038         </member>
8039         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
8040             <summary>
8041             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
8042             </summary>
8043             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
8044             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
8045             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
8046         </member>
8047         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.Kind">
8048             <summary>
8049             The kind of the query token.
8050             </summary>
8051         </member>
8052         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.Identifier">
8053             <summary>
8054             The Identifier of the segment, the identifier.
8055             </summary>
8056         </member>
8057         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.NextToken">
8058             <summary>
8059             The NextToken segment, or null if this is the root segment.
8060             </summary>
8061         </member>
8062         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken.NamedValues">
8063             <summary>
8064             The named values in the key lookup for this segment.
8065             If the segment has no key lookup, then this property is null.
8066             If the segment has empty key lookup (), then this property is an empty collection.
8067             </summary>
8068         </member>
8069         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils">
8070             <summary>
8071             Utility methods used with the OData Query library.
8072             </summary>
8073         </member>
8074         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.GetCanReflectOnInstanceTypeProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
8075             <summary>
8076             Checks whether reflection over the property is allowed or not.
8077             </summary>
8078             <param name="property">The property to check.</param>
8079             <param name="model">The model containing annotations.</param>
8080             <returns>true if reflection over the property is allowed; otherwise false.</returns>
8081         </member>
8082         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.SetCanReflectOnInstanceTypeProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
8083             <summary>
8084             Sets whether reflection over the property is allowed or not.
8085             </summary>
8086             <param name="property">The property to check.</param>
8087             <param name="model">The model containing annotations.</param>
8088             <param name="canReflect">true if reflection over the property is allowed; otherwise false.</param>
8089         </member>
8090         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.GetServiceOperationResultKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
8091             <summary>
8092             Gets the result kind of the <paramref name="serviceOperation"/>.
8093             </summary>
8094             <param name="serviceOperation">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> to check.</param>
8095             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
8096             <returns>The result kind of the <paramref name="serviceOperation"/> or null if no result kind annotation exists.</returns>
8097         </member>
8098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.SetServiceOperationResultKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.Metadata.ODataServiceOperationResultKind)">
8099             <summary>
8100             Sets the result kind of the <paramref name="serviceOperation"/>.
8101             </summary>
8102             <param name="serviceOperation">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> to check.</param>
8103             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
8104             <param name="resultKind">The result kind to set.</param>
8105         </member>
8106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.ResolveServiceOperation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
8107             <summary>
8108             Resolves a name to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> instance.
8109             </summary>
8110             <param name="model">The model to resolve the name against.</param>
8111             <param name="operationName">The name of the service operation to look up.</param>
8112             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> instance with the specified <paramref name="operationName"/>; if no such service operation exists the method throws.</returns>
8113         </member>
8114         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.TryResolveServiceOperation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
8115             <summary>
8116             Resolves a name to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> instance.
8117             </summary>
8118             <param name="model">The model to resolve the name against.</param>
8119             <param name="operationName">The name of the service operation to look up.</param>
8120             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> instance with the specified <paramref name="operationName"/> or null if no such service operation exists.</returns>
8121         </member>
8122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.GetInstanceType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
8123             <summary>
8124             Returns the instance type for the specified <paramref name="typeReference"/> or null if none exists.
8125             </summary>
8126             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to get the instance type for.</param>
8127             <param name="model">The model containing annotations.</param>
8128             <returns>The instance type for the <paramref name="typeReference"/> or null if no instance type exists.</returns>
8129             <remarks>All primitive type references are guaranteed to have an instance type.</remarks>
8130         </member>
8131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.GetInstanceType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
8132             <summary>
8133             Returns the instance type for the specified <paramref name="type"/> or null if none exists.
8134             </summary>
8135             <param name="type">The type to get the instance type for.</param>
8136             <param name="model">The model containing annotations.</param>
8137             <returns>The instance type for the <paramref name="type"/> or null if no instance type exists.</returns>
8138         </member>
8139         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.SetInstanceType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Type)">
8140             <summary>
8141             Sets the instance type for the specified <paramref name="type"/>; if null is specified an existing instance type will be removed.
8142             </summary>
8143             <param name="type">The type to get the instance type for.</param>
8144             <param name="model">Model containing annotations.</param>
8145             <param name="instanceType">The instance type for the <paramref name="type"/> or null to remove an existing instance type.</param>
8146         </member>
8147         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.GetCanReflectOnInstanceType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
8148             <summary>
8149             Checks whether reflection over the instance type is allowed or not.
8150             </summary>
8151             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to check.</param>
8152             <param name="model">Model containing annotations.</param>
8153             <returns>true if reflection over the instance type is allowed; otherwise false.</returns>
8154         </member>
8155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.SetCanReflectOnInstanceType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
8156             <summary>
8157             Sets whether reflection over the instance type is allowed or not.
8158             </summary>
8159             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to check.</param>
8160             <param name="model">The model containing annotations.</param>
8161             <param name="canReflect">true if reflection over the instance type is allowed; otherwise false.</param>
8162         </member>
8163         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.SetCanReflectOnInstanceType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
8164             <summary>
8165             Sets whether reflection over the instance type is allowed or not.
8166             </summary>
8167             <param name="type">The type to check.</param>
8168             <param name="model">Model containing annotations.</param>
8169             <param name="canReflect">true if reflection over the instance type is allowed; otherwise false.</param>
8170         </member>
8171         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.ResolveEntitySet(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
8172             <summary>
8173             Resolves a name to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> instance.
8174             </summary>
8175             <param name="model">The model to resolve the name against.</param>
8176             <param name="entitySetName">The name of the entity set to look up.</param>
8177             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> instance with the specified <paramref name="entitySetName"/>; if no such entity set exists the method throws.</returns>
8178         </member>
8179         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.TryResolveEntitySet(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
8180             <summary>
8181             Resolves a name to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> instance.
8182             </summary>
8183             <param name="model">The model to resolve the name against.</param>
8184             <param name="entitySetName">The name of the entity set to look up.</param>
8185             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> instance with the specified <paramref name="entitySetName"/> or null if no such entity set exists.</returns>
8186         </member>
8187         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.IsServiceOperation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
8188             <summary>
8189             Method that checks whether a function import is a service operation.
8190             </summary>
8191             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing annotations.</param>
8192             <param name="functionImport">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> to check.</param>
8193             <returns>true if the <paramref name="functionImport"/> represents a service operation; otherwise false.</returns>
8194             <remarks>
8195             A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> is considered a service operation if it is annotated with an m:HttpMethod attribute.
8196             </remarks>
8197         </member>
8198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataQueryUtils.IsAction(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
8199             <summary>
8200             Method that checks whether a function import is an action.
8201             </summary>
8202             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing annotations.</param>
8203             <param name="functionImport">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> to check.</param>
8204             <returns>true if the <paramref name="functionImport"/> represents an action; otherwise false.</returns>
8205             <remarks>
8206             A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> is considered an action if it is side-effecting but not annotated with an m:HttpMethod attribute.
8207             </remarks>
8208         </member>
8209         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator">
8210             <summary>
8211             Class to wrap around BinaryOperatorKind that gives precedent meaning to it.
8212             </summary>
8213         </member>
8214         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Add">
8215             <summary>Wrapper for Add operator kind.</summary>
8216         </member>
8217         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.And">
8218             <summary>Wrapper for And operator kind.</summary>
8219         </member>
8220         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Divide">
8221             <summary>Wrapper for Divide operator kind.</summary>
8222         </member>
8223         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Equal">
8224             <summary>Wrapper for Equal operator kind.</summary>
8225         </member>
8226         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual">
8227             <summary>Wrapper for GreaterThanOrEqual operator kind.</summary>
8228         </member>
8229         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.GreaterThan">
8230             <summary>Wrapper for GreaterThan operator kind.</summary>
8231         </member>
8232         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.LessThanOrEqual">
8233             <summary>Wrapper for LessThanOrEqual operator kind.</summary>
8234         </member>
8235         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.LessThan">
8236             <summary>Wrapper for LessThan operator kind.</summary>
8237         </member>
8238         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Modulo">
8239             <summary>Wrapper for Modulo operator kind.</summary>
8240         </member>
8241         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Multiply">
8242             <summary>Wrapper for Multiply operator kind.</summary>
8243         </member>
8244         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.NotEqual">
8245             <summary>Wrapper for NotEqual operator kind.</summary>
8246         </member>
8247         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Or">
8248             <summary>Wrapper for Or operator kind.</summary>
8249         </member>
8250         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Subtract">
8251             <summary>Wrapper for Subtract operator kind.</summary>
8252         </member>
8253         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.text">
8254             <summary>
8255             The text for this operator.
8256             </summary>
8257         </member>
8258         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.precedence">
8259             <summary>
8260             The precedence for this operator.
8261             </summary>
8262         </member>
8263         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.needParenEvenWhenTheSame">
8264             <summary>
8265             Whether it needs parentheses against other same operator.
8266             </summary>
8267         </member>
8268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.#ctor(System.String,System.Int16,System.Boolean)">
8269             <summary>
8270             Create a new BinaryOperator given its text, precedence, 
8271             and whether it needs parentheses against other same operator.
8272             </summary>
8273             <param name="text">The text for this operator.</param>
8274             <param name="precedence">The precedence for this operator in relative to other operators.</param>
8275             <param name="needParenEvenWhenTheSame">
8276             Whether it needs parentheses 
8277             when nesting with other operators of same precedence.
8278             </param>
8279         </member>
8280         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.GetOperator(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind)">
8281             <summary>
8282             Get the BinaryOperator wrapper for the given operatorKind.
8283             </summary>
8284             <param name="operatorKind">The kind to get wrapper for.</param>
8285             <returns>The binary operator for the specified <paramref name="operatorKind"/>.</returns>
8286         </member>
8287         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.NeedParenEvenWhenTheSame">
8288             <summary>
8289             Whether it needs parentheses against other same operator.
8290             </summary>
8291         </member>
8292         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Precedence">
8293             <summary>
8294             The precedence for this operator.
8295             </summary>
8296         </member>
8297         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator.Text">
8298             <summary>
8299             The text for this operator.
8300             </summary>
8301         </member>
8302         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken">
8303             <summary>
8304             Lexical token representing a binary operator.
8305             </summary>
8306         </member>
8307         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.operatorKind">
8308             <summary>
8309             The operator represented by this node.
8310             </summary>
8311         </member>
8312         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.left">
8313             <summary>
8314             The left operand.
8315             </summary>
8316         </member>
8317         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.right">
8318             <summary>
8319             The right operand.
8320             </summary>
8321         </member>
8322         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
8323             <summary>
8324             Create a new BinaryOperatorToken given the operator, left and right query.
8325             </summary>
8326             <param name="operatorKind">The operator represented by this node.</param>
8327             <param name="left">The left operand.</param>
8328             <param name="right">The right operand.</param>
8329         </member>
8330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
8331             <summary>
8332             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
8333             </summary>
8334             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
8335             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
8336             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
8337         </member>
8338         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.Kind">
8339             <summary>
8340             The kind of the query token.
8341             </summary>
8342         </member>
8343         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.OperatorKind">
8344             <summary>
8345             The operator represented by this node.
8346             </summary>
8347         </member>
8348         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.Left">
8349             <summary>
8350             The left operand.
8351             </summary>
8352         </member>
8353         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken.Right">
8354             <summary>
8355             The right operand.
8356             </summary>
8357         </member>
8358         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind">
8359             <summary>
8360             Enumeration of binary operators.
8361             </summary>
8362         </member>
8363         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Or">
8364             <summary>
8365             The logical or operator.
8366             </summary>
8367         </member>
8368         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.And">
8369             <summary>
8370             The logical and operator.
8371             </summary>
8372         </member>
8373         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Equal">
8374             <summary>
8375             The eq operator.
8376             </summary>
8377         </member>
8378         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual">
8379             <summary>
8380             The ne operator.
8381             </summary>
8382         </member>
8383         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan">
8384             <summary>
8385             The gt operator.
8386             </summary>
8387         </member>
8388         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual">
8389             <summary>
8390             The ge operator.
8391             </summary>
8392         </member>
8393         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan">
8394             <summary>
8395             The lt operator.
8396             </summary>
8397         </member>
8398         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.LessThanOrEqual">
8399             <summary>
8400             The le operator.
8401             </summary>
8402         </member>
8403         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Add">
8404             <summary>
8405             The add operator.
8406             </summary>
8407         </member>
8408         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Subtract">
8409             <summary>
8410             The sub operator.
8411             </summary>
8412         </member>
8413         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Multiply">
8414             <summary>
8415             The mul operator.
8416             </summary>
8417         </member>
8418         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Divide">
8419             <summary>
8420             The div operator.
8421             </summary>
8422         </member>
8423         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Modulo">
8424             <summary>
8425             The mod operator.
8426             </summary>
8427         </member>
8428         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorUriBuilder">
8429             <summary>
8430             Class to handle writing an BinaryOperatorToken.
8431             This class optimizes on reducing parentheses as base on operator precedence.
8432             </summary>
8433         </member>
8434         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorUriBuilder.builder">
8435             <summary>
8436             The parent ODataUriBuilder that invokes this binary operator builder.
8437             </summary>
8438         </member>
8439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorUriBuilder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder)">
8440             <summary>
8441             Create a new BinaryOperatorToken for the given Uri builder to write BinaryOperatorToken.
8442             </summary>
8443             <param name="builder">The parent builder of this builder.</param>
8444         </member>
8445         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorUriBuilder.Write(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
8446             <summary>
8447             Write the given binary token as Uri part.
8448             </summary>
8449             <param name="binary">To write as Uri part.</param>
8450         </member>
8451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorUriBuilder.NeedParenthesesLeft(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
8452             <summary>
8453             Determine whether parentheses are needed around the left subtree base on the current operator.
8454             </summary>
8455             <param name="currentOperator">The current binary node's operator.</param>
8456             <param name="leftSubtree">The left binary subtree.</param>
8457             <returns>True if need parenthese, false if not.</returns>
8458         </member>
8459         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorUriBuilder.NeedParenthesesRight(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperator,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
8460             <summary>
8461             Determine whether parentheses are needed around the right subtree base on the current operator.
8462             </summary>
8463             <param name="currentOperator">The current binary node's operator.</param>
8464             <param name="rightSubtree">The right binary subtree.</param>
8465             <returns>True if need parentheses, false if not.</returns>
8466         </member>
8467         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorUriBuilder.Write(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
8468             <summary>
8469             Write the given binary token as Uri part.
8470             </summary>
8471             <param name="needParenthesis">Whether parentheses are needed around the written expression.</param>
8472             <param name="binary">To write as Uri part.</param>
8473         </member>
8474         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions">
8475             <summary>
8476             Class containing definitions of all the built-in functions.
8477             </summary>
8478         </member>
8479         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.builtInFunctions">
8480             <summary>
8481             Dictionary of the name of the built-in function and all the signatures.
8482             </summary>
8483         </member>
8484         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.TryGetBuiltInFunction(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType[]@)">
8485             <summary>
8486             Returns a list of signatures for a function name.
8487             </summary>
8488             <param name="name">The name of the function to look for.</param>
8489             <param name="signatures">The list of signatures available for the function name.</param>
8490             <returns>true if the function was found, or false otherwise.</returns>
8491         </member>
8492         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.BuildFunctionSignatureListDescription(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature})">
8493             <summary>Builds a description of a list of function signatures.</summary>
8494             <param name="name">Function name.</param>
8495             <param name="signatures">Function signatures.</param>
8496             <returns>A string with ';'-separated list of function signatures.</returns>
8497         </member>
8498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.CreateSpatialFunctions(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType[]})">
8499             <summary>
8500             Creates all of the spatial functions
8501             </summary>
8502             <param name="functions">Dictionary of functions to add to.</param>
8503         </member>
8504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.InitializeBuiltInFunctions">
8505             <summary>
8506             Builds the list of all built-in functions.
8507             </summary>
8508             <returns>Returns a dictionary of built in functions.</returns>
8509         </member>
8510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.CreateStringFunctions(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType[]})">
8511             <summary>
8512             Creates all string functions.
8513             </summary>
8514             <param name="functions">Dictionary of functions to add to.</param>
8515         </member>
8516         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.CreateDateTimeFunctions(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType[]})">
8517             <summary>
8518             Creates all date and time functions.
8519             </summary>
8520             <param name="functions">Dictionary of functions to add to.</param>
8521         </member>
8522         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.CreateDateTimeFunctionSignatureArray">
8523             <summary>
8524             Builds an array of signatures for date time functions.
8525             </summary>
8526             <returns>The array of signatures for a date time functions.</returns>
8527         </member>
8528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.CreateTimeSpanFunctionSignatures">
8529             <summary>
8530             Builds the set of signatures for timespan functions.
8531             </summary>
8532             <returns>The set of signatures for timespan functions.</returns>
8533         </member>
8534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.CreateMathFunctions(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType[]})">
8535             <summary>
8536             Creates all math functions.
8537             </summary>
8538             <param name="functions">Dictionary of functions to add to.</param>
8539         </member>
8540         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BuiltInFunctions.CreateMathFunctionSignatureArray">
8541             <summary>
8542             Builds an array of signatures for math functions.
8543             </summary>
8544             <returns>The array of signatures for math functions.</returns>
8545         </member>
8546         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode">
8547             <summary>
8548             Node representing a primitive constant value.
8549             </summary>
8550         </member>
8551         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.constantValue">
8552             <summary>
8553             The primitive constant value.
8554             </summary>
8555         </member>
8556         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.typeReference">
8557             <summary>
8558             Cache for the TypeReference after it has been calculated for the current state of the node.
8559             </summary>
8560         </member>
8561         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.#ctor(System.Object,System.String)">
8562             <summary>
8563             Create a ConstantNode
8564             </summary>
8565             <param name="constantValue">This node's primitive value.</param>
8566             <param name="literalText">The literal text for this node's value, formatted according to the OData URI literal formatting rules.</param>
8567             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input literalText is null.</exception>
8568         </member>
8569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.#ctor(System.Object)">
8570             <summary>
8571             Create a ConstantNode
8572             </summary>
8573             <param name="constantValue">This node's primitive value.</param>
8574         </member>
8575         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
8576             <summary>
8577             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
8578             </summary>
8579             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
8580             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
8581             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
8582             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
8583         </member>
8584         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.Value">
8585             <summary>
8586             Gets the primitive constant value.
8587             </summary>
8588         </member>
8589         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.LiteralText">
8590             <summary>
8591             Get or Set the literal text for this node's value, formatted according to the OData URI literal formatting rules. May be null if the text was not provided at construction time.
8592             </summary>
8593         </member>
8594         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.TypeReference">
8595             <summary>
8596             Gets the resouce type of the single value this node represents.
8597             </summary>
8598         </member>
8599         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConstantNode.InternalKind">
8600             <summary>
8601             Gets the kind of the query node.
8602             </summary>
8603         </member>
8604         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode">
8605             <summary>
8606             Node representing a conversion of primitive type to another type.
8607             </summary>
8608         </member>
8609         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode.source">
8610             <summary>
8611             The source value to convert.
8612             </summary>
8613         </member>
8614         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode.typeReference">
8615             <summary>
8616             The target type that the source will be converted to.
8617             </summary>
8618         </member>
8619         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8620             <summary>
8621             Constructs a ConvertNode.
8622             </summary>
8623             <param name="source">The node to convert.</param>
8624             <param name="typeReference"> The type to convert the node to</param>
8625             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input source or typeReference is null.</exception>
8626         </member>
8627         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
8628             <summary>
8629             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
8630             </summary>
8631             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
8632             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
8633             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
8634             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
8635         </member>
8636         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode.Source">
8637             <summary>
8638             Get the source value to convert.
8639             </summary>
8640         </member>
8641         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode.TypeReference">
8642             <summary>
8643             Get the type we're converting to.
8644             </summary>
8645         </member>
8646         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ConvertNode.InternalKind">
8647             <summary>
8648             Get the kind of this node.
8649             </summary>
8650         </member>
8651         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode">
8652             <summary>
8653             Query node representing a binary operator.
8654             </summary>
8655         </member>
8656         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.operatorKind">
8657             <summary>
8658             The operator represented by this node.
8659             </summary>
8660         </member>
8661         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.left">
8662             <summary>
8663             The left operand.
8664             </summary>
8665         </member>
8666         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.right">
8667             <summary>
8668             The right operand.
8669             </summary>
8670         </member>
8671         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.typeReference">
8672             <summary>
8673             Cache for the TypeReference after it has been calculated for the current state of the node.
8674             This can be an expensive calculation so we want to avoid doing it repeatedly.
8675             </summary>
8676         </member>
8677         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode)">
8678             <summary>
8679             Create a BinaryOperatorNode
8680             </summary>
8681             <param name="operatorKind">The binary operator type.</param>
8682             <param name="left">The left operand.</param>
8683             <param name="right">The right operand.</param>
8684             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the left or right inputs are null.</exception>
8685             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Throws if the two operands don't have the same type.</exception>
8686         </member>
8687         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
8688             <summary>
8689             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
8690             </summary>
8691             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
8692             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
8693             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
8694             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
8695         </member>
8696         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.OperatorKind">
8697             <summary>
8698             Gets the operator represented by this node.
8699             </summary>
8700         </member>
8701         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.Left">
8702             <summary>
8703             Gets the left operand.
8704             </summary>
8705         </member>
8706         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.Right">
8707             <summary>
8708             Gets the right operand.
8709             </summary>
8710         </member>
8711         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.TypeReference">
8712             <summary>
8713             Gets the resource type of the single value this node represents.
8714             </summary>
8715         </member>
8716         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.BinaryOperatorNode.InternalKind">
8717             <summary>
8718             Gets the kind of this node.
8719             </summary>
8720         </member>
8721         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind">
8722             <summary>
8723             Possible values of $inlinecount.
8724             </summary>
8725         </member>
8726         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind.None">
8727             <summary>
8728             Do not include count in response.
8729             </summary>
8730         </member>
8731         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind.AllPages">
8732             <summary>
8733             Include the count of all entries in response.
8734             </summary>
8735         </member>
8736         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeywordKind">
8737             <summary>
8738             Keyword enum values related to the URI query syntax
8739             such as $metadata, $count, $value, etc.
8740             </summary>
8741         </member>
8742         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeywordKind.Metadata">
8743             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates metadata is being requested.</summary>
8744         </member>
8745         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeywordKind.Value">
8746             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates a plain primitive value is being requested.</summary>
8747         </member>
8748         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeywordKind.Batch">
8749             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates batch is being requested.</summary>
8750         </member>
8751         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeywordKind.Links">
8752             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates that this is an entity reference link operation.</summary>
8753         </member>
8754         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeywordKind.Count">
8755             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates that this is a count operation.</summary>
8756         </member>
8757         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralUtils">
8758             <summary>
8759             Helper methods for with literals.
8760             </summary>
8761         </member>
8762         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralUtils.ParseGeography(System.String)">
8763             <summary>
8764             Parse the given text as a Geography literal.
8765             </summary>
8766             <param name="text">The text to parse.</param>
8767             <returns>The Geography object if succeeded, else a ParseErrorException is thrown.</returns>
8768         </member>
8769         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralUtils.ParseGeometry(System.String)">
8770             <summary>
8771             Parse the given text as a Geometry literal.
8772             </summary>
8773             <param name="text">The text to parse.</param>
8774             <returns>The Geometry object if succeeded, else a ParseErrorException is thrown.</returns>
8775         </member>
8776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralUtils.ToWellKnownText(System.Spatial.Geography)">
8777             <summary>
8778             Convert to string the given Geography instance.
8779             </summary>
8780             <param name="instance">Instance to convert.</param>
8781             <returns>Well-known text representation.</returns>
8782         </member>
8783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralUtils.ToWellKnownText(System.Spatial.Geometry)">
8784             <summary>
8785             Convert to string the given Geometry instance.
8786             </summary>
8787             <param name="instance">Instance to convert.</param>
8788             <returns>Well-known text representation.</returns>
8789         </member>
8790         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.LiteralUtils.Formatter">
8791             <summary>
8792             The formatter to create/format text to and from spatial.
8793             </summary>
8794         </member>
8795         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder">
8796             <summary>
8797             URI builder that constructes a <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> from the parsed query tokens.
8798             </summary>
8799         </member>
8800         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.query">
8801             <summary>
8802             The query token to write to Uri.
8803             </summary>
8804         </member>
8805         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.builder">
8806             <summary>
8807             The string builder to write the query token to.
8808             </summary>
8809         </member>
8810         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree)">
8811             <summary>
8812             Create a new Uri builder for the given token.
8813             </summary>
8814             <param name="query">The token to write out as Uri.</param>
8815         </member>
8816         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.CreateUri(System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree)">
8817             <summary>
8818             Create a URI for the given queryDescriptor given the base service URI.
8819             </summary>
8820             <param name="baseUri">The base service URI.</param>
8821             <param name="queryDescriptor">The query descriptor to create the result URI from.</param>
8822             <returns>An absolute URI that base on the baseUri and represent the queryDescriptor.</returns>
8823         </member>
8824         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.GetUriRepresentation(System.Object)">
8825             <summary>
8826             Get the Uri string representation of the given CLR object literal.
8827             </summary>
8828             <param name="clrLiteral">The object to return as literal.</param>
8829             <returns>Uri string represent if is a CLR literal.  Throw exception if not.</returns>
8830         </member>
8831         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteQueryDescriptor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree)">
8832             <summary>
8833             Write the descriptor token as URI part to this builder.
8834             </summary>
8835             <param name="queryDescriptor">To write as URI part.</param>
8836         </member>
8837         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.Append(System.String)">
8838             <summary>
8839             Append the given text to this builder.
8840             </summary>
8841             <param name="text">The text to append.</param>
8842         </member>
8843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteQuery(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
8844             <summary>
8845             Write the query token as URI part to this builder.
8846             </summary>
8847             <param name="queryPart">To write as URI part.</param>
8848         </member>
8849         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteClrLiteral(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Object)">
8850             <summary>
8851             Write the Uri string representation of the given CLR object literal to the given builder.
8852             </summary>
8853             <param name="builder">The <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/> to write the <paramref name="clrLiteral"/> to.</param>
8854             <param name="clrLiteral">The object to write as literal.</param>
8855         </member>
8856         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.Build">
8857             <summary>
8858             Build the queryToken as Uri string part.
8859             </summary>
8860             <returns>The Uri part representing the queryToken.</returns>
8861         </member>
8862         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteBinary(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
8863             <summary>
8864             Write the binary token as URI part to this builder.
8865             </summary>
8866             <param name="binary">To write as URI part.</param>
8867         </member>
8868         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteFunctionCall(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken)">
8869             <summary>
8870             Write the function call token as URI part to this builder.
8871             </summary>
8872             <param name="functionToken">To write as URI part.</param>
8873         </member>
8874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WritePath(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
8875             <summary>
8876             Writes a path to this builder.
8877             </summary>
8878             <param name="path">Array of segments.</param>
8879         </member>
8880         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken)">
8881             <summary>
8882             Write the literal token as URI part to this builder.
8883             </summary>
8884             <param name="literal">To write as URI part.</param>
8885         </member>
8886         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteOrderBys(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken})">
8887             <summary>
8888             Write the orderby tokens as URI part to this builder.
8889             </summary>
8890             <param name="orderBys">To write as URI part.</param>
8891         </member>
8892         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteOrderBy(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken)">
8893             <summary>
8894             Write the orderby token as URI part to this builder.
8895             </summary>
8896             <param name="orderBy">To write as URI part.</param>
8897         </member>
8898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WritePathSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken)">
8899             <summary>
8900             Write out a PathSegmentToken
8901             </summary>
8902             <param name="segmentToken">the pathSegmentToken to write.</param>
8903         </member>
8904         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WritePropertyAccess(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken)">
8905             <summary>
8906             Write the property access token as URI part to this builder.
8907             </summary>
8908             <param name="endPath">To write as URI part.</param>
8909         </member>
8910         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteNavigationProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken)">
8911             <summary>
8912             Write the navigation property token as URI part to this builder.
8913             </summary>
8914             <param name="navigation">To write as URI part.</param>
8915         </member>
8916         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteQueryOption(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken)">
8917             <summary>
8918             Write the given queryOption as Uri part.
8919             </summary>
8920             <param name="queryOption">To write as URI part.</param>
8921         </member>
8922         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteQueryPrefixOrSeparator(System.Boolean)">
8923             <summary>
8924             Write ? or &amp; depending on whether it is the start of the whole query or query part.
8925             </summary>
8926             <param name="writeQueryPrefix">True if start of whole query, false if not.  
8927             This is set to false after this method is called.</param>
8928         </member>
8929         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteSelect(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken)">
8930             <summary>
8931             Write the select token as URI part to this builder.
8932             </summary>
8933             <param name="selectToken">To write as URI part.</param>
8934         </member>
8935         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteExpand(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken)">
8936             <summary>
8937             Write the expand token as URI part to this builder.
8938             </summary>
8939             <param name="expand">To write as URI part.</param>
8940         </member>
8941         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteStar(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken)">
8942             <summary>
8943             Write the star token as URI part to this builder.
8944             </summary>
8945             <param name="star">To write as URI part.</param>
8946         </member>
8947         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilder.WriteUnary(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken)">
8948             <summary>
8949             Write the unary token as URI part to this builder.
8950             </summary>
8951             <param name="unary">To write as URI part.</param>
8952         </member>
8953         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils">
8954             <summary>
8955             Constants and utility methods for the OData URI builder.
8956             </summary>
8957         </member>
8958         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.IntegerFormat">
8959             <summary>
8960             The format for integer ToString output.
8961             </summary>
8962         </member>
8963         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.FloatFormat">
8964             <summary>
8965             The format for float ToString output.
8966             </summary>
8967         </member>
8968         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.BinaryFormat">
8969             <summary>
8970             The format for byte ToString output.
8971             </summary>
8972         </member>
8973         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.DoubleFormat">
8974             <summary>
8975             The format for double ToString output.
8976             </summary>
8977         </member>
8978         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.DateTimeFormat">
8979             <summary>
8980             The format for DateTime ToString output.
8981             </summary>
8982         </member>
8983         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.DateTimeOffsetFormat">
8984             <summary>
8985             The format for DateTimeOffset ToString output.
8986             </summary>
8987         </member>
8988         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.DecimalFormatInfo">
8989             <summary>
8990             The format for Decimal ToString output.
8991             </summary>
8992         </member>
8993         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.DoubleFormatInfo">
8994             <summary>
8995             The format for Double ToString output.
8996             </summary>
8997         </member>
8998         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.Escape(System.String)">
8999             <summary>
9000             Escape a string literal by replacing single ' with ''.
9001             </summary>
9002             <param name="text">Text to escape.</param>
9003             <returns>A string where all ' is replaced by ''.</returns>
9004         </member>
9005         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.ToText(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind)">
9006             <summary>
9007             Returns the string representation of the inline count kind.
9008             </summary>
9009             <param name="inlineCount">The inline count kind to convert to string.</param>
9010             <returns>The string representation of the <paramref name="inlineCount"/>.</returns>
9011         </member>
9012         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.NotSupportedQueryTokenKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind)">
9013             <summary>
9014             Throw ODataException on the given QueryTokenKind as not supported for writing to Uri.
9015             </summary>
9016             <param name="queryTokenKind">QueryTokenKind that is not supported.</param>
9017         </member>
9018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriBuilderUtils.NotSupported(System.Type)">
9019             <summary>
9020             Throw ODataException on the given CLR type as not supported for writing to Uri.
9021             </summary>
9022             <param name="type">CLR type that is not supported.</param>
9023         </member>
9024         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods">
9025             <summary>Use this class to perform late-bound operations on open properties.</summary>    
9026             <remarks>This class was copied from the product.</remarks>
9027         </member>
9028         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.AddMethodInfo">
9029             <summary>MethodInfo for Add.</summary>
9030         </member>
9031         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.AndAlsoMethodInfo">
9032             <summary>MethodInfo for AndAlso.</summary>
9033         </member>
9034         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.ConvertMethodInfo">
9035             <summary>MethodInfo for Convert.</summary>
9036         </member>
9037         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.DivideMethodInfo">
9038             <summary>MethodInfo for Divide.</summary>
9039         </member>
9040         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.EqualMethodInfo">
9041             <summary>MethodInfo for Equal.</summary>
9042         </member>
9043         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GreaterThanMethodInfo">
9044             <summary>MethodInfo for GreaterThan.</summary>
9045         </member>
9046         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GreaterThanOrEqualMethodInfo">
9047             <summary>MethodInfo for GreaterThanOrEqual.</summary>
9048         </member>
9049         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.LessThanMethodInfo">
9050             <summary>MethodInfo for LessThan.</summary>
9051         </member>
9052         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.LessThanOrEqualMethodInfo">
9053             <summary>MethodInfo for LessThanOrEqual.</summary>
9054         </member>
9055         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.ModuloMethodInfo">
9056             <summary>MethodInfo for Modulo.</summary>
9057         </member>
9058         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.MultiplyMethodInfo">
9059             <summary>MethodInfo for Multiply.</summary>
9060         </member>
9061         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.NegateMethodInfo">
9062             <summary>MethodInfo for Negate.</summary>
9063         </member>
9064         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.NotMethodInfo">
9065             <summary>MethodInfo for Not.</summary>
9066         </member>
9067         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.NotEqualMethodInfo">
9068             <summary>MethodInfo for NotEqual.</summary>
9069         </member>
9070         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.OrElseMethodInfo">
9071             <summary>MethodInfo for OrElse.</summary>
9072         </member>
9073         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.SubtractMethodInfo">
9074             <summary>MethodInfo for Subtract.</summary>
9075         </member>
9076         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.TypeIsMethodInfo">
9077             <summary>MethodInfo for TypeIs.</summary>
9078         </member>
9079         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GetValueOpenPropertyMethodInfo">
9080             <summary>MethodInfo for object OpenTypeMethods.GetValue(this object value, string propertyName).</summary>
9081         </member>
9082         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GetValue(System.Object,System.String)">
9083             <summary>Gets a named value from the specified object.</summary>
9084             <param name='value'>Object to get value from.</param>
9085             <param name='propertyName'>Name of property to get.</param>
9086             <returns>The requested value; null if not found.</returns>
9087         </member>
9088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Add(System.Object,System.Object)">
9089             <summary>Adds two values with no overflow checking.</summary>
9090             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9091             <returns>The added value.</returns>
9092         </member>
9093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.AndAlso(System.Object,System.Object)">
9094             <summary>Performs logical and of two expressions.</summary>
9095             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9096             <returns>The result of logical and.</returns>
9097         </member>
9098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Divide(System.Object,System.Object)">
9099             <summary>Divides two values.</summary>
9100             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9101             <returns>The divided value.</returns>
9102         </member>
9103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Equal(System.Object,System.Object)">
9104             <summary>Checks whether two values are equal.</summary>
9105             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9106             <returns>true if left equals right; false otherwise.</returns>
9107         </member>
9108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GreaterThan(System.Object,System.Object)">
9109             <summary>Checks whether the left value is greater than the right value.</summary>
9110             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9111             <returns>true if left is greater than right; false otherwise.</returns>
9112         </member>
9113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Object,System.Object)">
9114             <summary>Checks whether the left value is greater than or equal to the right value.</summary>
9115             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9116             <returns>true if left is greater than or equal to right; false otherwise.</returns>
9117         </member>
9118         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.LessThan(System.Object,System.Object)">
9119             <summary>Checks whether the left value is less than the right value.</summary>
9120             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9121             <returns>true if left is less than right; false otherwise.</returns>
9122         </member>
9123         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.LessThanOrEqual(System.Object,System.Object)">
9124             <summary>Checks whether the left value is less than or equal to the right value.</summary>
9125             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9126             <returns>true if left is less than or equal to right; false otherwise.</returns>
9127         </member>
9128         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Modulo(System.Object,System.Object)">
9129             <summary>Calculates the remainder of dividing the left value by the right value.</summary>
9130             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9131             <returns>The remainder value.</returns>
9132         </member>
9133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Multiply(System.Object,System.Object)">
9134             <summary>Multiplies two values with no overflow checking.</summary>
9135             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9136             <returns>The multiplication value.</returns>
9137         </member>
9138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.NotEqual(System.Object,System.Object)">
9139             <summary>Checks whether two values are not equal.</summary>
9140             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9141             <returns>true if left is does not equal right; false otherwise.</returns>
9142         </member>
9143         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.OrElse(System.Object,System.Object)">
9144             <summary>Performs logical or of two expressions.</summary>
9145             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9146             <returns>The result of logical or.</returns>
9147         </member>
9148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Subtract(System.Object,System.Object)">
9149             <summary>Subtracts the right value from the left value.</summary>
9150             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9151             <returns>The subtraction value.</returns>
9152         </member>
9153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Negate(System.Object)">
9154             <summary>Negates (arithmetically) the specified value.</summary>
9155             <param name='value'>Value.</param>
9156             <returns>The negated value.</returns>
9157         </member>
9158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Not(System.Object)">
9159             <summary>Negates (logically) the specified value.</summary>
9160             <param name='value'>Value.</param>
9161             <returns>The negated value.</returns>
9162         </member>
9163         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Convert(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9164             <summary>Performs an type cast on the specified value.</summary>
9165             <param name='value'>Value.</param>
9166             <param name='typeReference'>Type reference to check for.</param>
9167             <returns>Casted value.</returns>
9168         </member>
9169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.TypeIs(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9170             <summary>Performs an type check on the specified value.</summary>
9171             <param name='value'>Value.</param>
9172             <param name='typeReference'>Type reference to check for.</param>
9173             <returns>True if value is-a type; false otherwise.</returns>
9174         </member>
9175         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Concat(System.Object,System.Object)">
9176             <summary>
9177             Concats the given 2 string.
9178             </summary>
9179             <param name="first">first string.</param>
9180             <param name="second">second string.</param>
9181             <returns>returns a new instance of the concatenated string.</returns>
9182         </member>
9183         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.EndsWith(System.Object,System.Object)">
9184             <summary>
9185             Checks with the parameters are of string type, if no, then they throw.
9186             Otherwise returns true if the target string ends with the given sub string
9187             </summary>
9188             <param name="targetString">target string</param>
9189             <param name="substring">sub string</param>
9190             <returns>Returns true if the target string ends with the given sub string, otherwise return false.</returns>
9191         </member>
9192         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.IndexOf(System.Object,System.Object)">
9193             <summary>
9194             Returns the index of the given substring in the target string.
9195             </summary>
9196             <param name="targetString">target string</param>
9197             <param name="substring">sub string to match</param>
9198             <returns>returns the index of the given substring in the target string if present, otherwise returns null.</returns>
9199         </member>
9200         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Length(System.Object)">
9201             <summary>
9202             Returns the length of the given string value. If the value is not of string type, then it throws.
9203             </summary>
9204             <param name="value">value whose length needs to be calculated.</param>
9205             <returns>length of the string value.</returns>
9206         </member>
9207         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Replace(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
9208             <summary>
9209             Replaces the given substring with the new string in the target string.
9210             </summary>
9211             <param name="targetString">target string</param>
9212             <param name="substring">substring to be replaced.</param>
9213             <param name="newString">new string that replaces the sub string.</param>
9214             <returns>returns a new string with the substring replaced with new string.</returns> 
9215         </member>
9216         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.StartsWith(System.Object,System.Object)">
9217             <summary>
9218             Checks whether the target string starts with the substring.
9219             </summary>
9220             <param name="targetString">target string.</param>
9221             <param name="substring">substring</param>
9222             <returns>returns true if the target string starts with the given sub string, otherwise returns false.</returns>
9223         </member>
9224         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Substring(System.Object,System.Object)">
9225             <summary>
9226             Returns the substring given the starting index
9227             </summary>
9228             <param name="targetString">target string</param>
9229             <param name="startIndex">starting index for the substring.</param>
9230             <returns>the substring given the starting index.</returns>
9231         </member>
9232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Substring(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
9233             <summary>
9234             Returns the substring from the target string.
9235             </summary>
9236             <param name="targetString">target string.</param>
9237             <param name="startIndex">starting index for the substring.</param>
9238             <param name="length">length of the substring.</param>
9239             <returns>Returns the substring given the starting index and length.</returns>
9240         </member>
9241         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.SubstringOf(System.Object,System.Object)">
9242             <summary>
9243             Checks whether the given string is a substring of the target string.
9244             </summary>
9245             <param name="substring">substring to check for.</param>
9246             <param name="targetString">target string.</param>
9247             <returns>returns true if the target string contains the substring, otherwise returns false.</returns>
9248         </member>
9249         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.ToLower(System.Object)">
9250             <summary>
9251             Returns a copy of the target string converted to lowercase.
9252             </summary>
9253             <param name="targetString">target string</param>
9254             <returns>a new string instance with everything in lowercase.</returns>
9255         </member>
9256         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.ToUpper(System.Object)">
9257             <summary>
9258             Returns a copy of the target string converted to uppercase.
9259             </summary>
9260             <param name="targetString">target string</param>
9261             <returns>a new string instance with everything in uppercase.</returns>
9262         </member>
9263         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Trim(System.Object)">
9264             <summary>
9265             Removes all leading and trailing white-space characters from the target string. 
9266             </summary>
9267             <param name="targetString">target string.</param>
9268             <returns>returns the trimed string.</returns>
9269         </member>
9270         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Year(System.Object)">
9271             <summary>
9272             Returns the year value of the given datetime.
9273             </summary>
9274             <param name="dateTime">datetime object.</param>
9275             <returns>returns the year value of the given datetime.</returns>
9276         </member>
9277         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Month(System.Object)">
9278             <summary>
9279             Returns the month value of the given datetime.
9280             </summary>
9281             <param name="dateTime">datetime object.</param>
9282             <returns>returns the month value of the given datetime.</returns>
9283         </member>
9284         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Day(System.Object)">
9285             <summary>
9286             Returns the day value of the given datetime.
9287             </summary>
9288             <param name="dateTime">datetime object.</param>
9289             <returns>returns the day value of the given datetime.</returns>
9290         </member>
9291         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Hour(System.Object)">
9292             <summary>
9293             Returns the hour value of the given datetime.
9294             </summary>
9295             <param name="dateTime">datetime object.</param>
9296             <returns>returns the hour value of the given datetime.</returns>
9297         </member>
9298         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Minute(System.Object)">
9299             <summary>
9300             Returns the minute value of the given datetime.
9301             </summary>
9302             <param name="dateTime">datetime object.</param>
9303             <returns>returns the minute value of the given datetime.</returns>
9304         </member>
9305         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Second(System.Object)">
9306             <summary>
9307             Returns the second value of the given datetime.
9308             </summary>
9309             <param name="dateTime">datetime object.</param>
9310             <returns>returns the second value of the given datetime.</returns>
9311         </member>
9312         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Ceiling(System.Object)">
9313             <summary>
9314             Returns the ceiling of the given value
9315             </summary>
9316             <param name="value">decimal or double object.</param>
9317             <returns>returns the ceiling value for the given double or decimal value.</returns>
9318         </member>
9319         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Floor(System.Object)">
9320             <summary>
9321             returns the floor of the given value.
9322             </summary>
9323             <param name="value">decimal or double object.</param>
9324             <returns>returns the floor value for the given double or decimal value.</returns>
9325         </member>
9326         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.Round(System.Object)">
9327             <summary>
9328             Rounds the given value.
9329             </summary>
9330             <param name="value">decimal or double object.</param>
9331             <returns>returns the round value for the given double or decimal value.</returns>
9332         </member>
9333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.AddExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9334             <summary>Creates an expression that adds two values with no overflow checking.</summary>
9335             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9336             <returns>The added value.</returns>
9337         </member>
9338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.AndAlsoExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9339             <summary>Creates a call expression that represents a conditional AND operation that evaluates the second operand only if it has to.</summary>
9340             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9341             <returns>The conditional expression; null if the expressions aren't of the right type.</returns>
9342         </member>
9343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.DivideExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9344             <summary>Creates an expression that divides two values.</summary>
9345             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9346             <returns>The divided value.</returns>
9347         </member>
9348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.EqualExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9349             <summary>Creates an expression that checks whether two values are equal.</summary>
9350             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9351             <returns>true if left equals right; false otherwise.</returns>
9352         </member>
9353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GreaterThanExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9354             <summary>Creates an expression that checks whether the left value is greater than the right value.</summary>
9355             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9356             <returns>true if left is greater than right; false otherwise.</returns>
9357         </member>
9358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.GreaterThanOrEqualExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9359             <summary>Creates an expression that checks whether the left value is greater than or equal to the right value.</summary>
9360             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9361             <returns>true if left is greater than or equal to right; false otherwise.</returns>
9362         </member>
9363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.LessThanExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9364             <summary>Creates an expression that checks whether the left value is less than the right value.</summary>
9365             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9366             <returns>true if left is less than right; false otherwise.</returns>
9367         </member>
9368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.LessThanOrEqualExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9369             <summary>Creates an expression that checks whether the left value is less than or equal to the right value.</summary>
9370             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9371             <returns>true if left is less than or equal to right; false otherwise.</returns>
9372         </member>
9373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.ModuloExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9374             <summary>Creates an expression that calculates the remainder of dividing the left value by the right value.</summary>
9375             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9376             <returns>The remainder value.</returns>
9377         </member>
9378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.MultiplyExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9379             <summary>Creates an expression that multiplies two values with no overflow checking.</summary>
9380             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9381             <returns>The multiplication value.</returns>
9382         </member>
9383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.OrElseExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9384             <summary>Creates a call expression that represents a conditional OR operation that evaluates the second operand only if it has to.</summary>
9385             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9386             <returns>The conditional expression; null if the expressions aren't of the right type.</returns>
9387         </member>
9388         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.NotEqualExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9389             <summary>Creates an expression that checks whether two values are not equal.</summary>
9390             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9391             <returns>true if left is does not equal right; false otherwise.</returns>
9392         </member>
9393         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.SubtractExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9394             <summary>Creates an expression that subtracts the right value from the left value.</summary>
9395             <param name='left'>Left value.</param><param name='right'>Right value.</param>
9396             <returns>The subtraction value.</returns>
9397         </member>
9398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.NegateExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9399             <summary>Creates an expression that negates (arithmetically) the specified value.</summary>
9400             <param name='expression'>Value expression.</param>
9401             <returns>The negated value.</returns>
9402         </member>
9403         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.NotExpression(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9404             <summary>Creates an expression that negates (logically) the specified value.</summary>
9405             <param name='expression'>Value expression.</param>
9406             <returns>The negated value.</returns>
9407         </member>
9408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OpenTypeMethods.ExpressionAsObject(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)">
9409             <summary>
9410             Returns the specified <paramref name="expression"/> with a 
9411             type assignable to System.Object.
9412             </summary>
9413             <param name="expression">Expression to convert.</param>
9414             <returns>
9415             The specified <paramref name="expression"/> with a type assignable 
9416             to System.Object.
9417             </returns>
9418         </member>
9419         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken">
9420             <summary>
9421             Lexical token representing the parameter for an Any/All query.
9422             </summary>
9423         </member>
9424         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken.name">
9425             <summary>
9426             The name of the Any/All parameter.
9427             </summary>
9428         </member>
9429         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken.#ctor(System.String)">
9430             <summary>
9431             Create a new RangeVariableToken
9432             </summary>
9433             <param name="name">The name of the visitor for the Any/All query.</param>
9434         </member>
9435         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
9436             <summary>
9437             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
9438             </summary>
9439             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
9440             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
9441             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
9442         </member>
9443         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken.Kind">
9444             <summary>
9445             The kind of the query token.
9446             </summary>
9447         </member>
9448         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken.Name">
9449             <summary>
9450             The name of the parameter.
9451             </summary>
9452         </member>
9453         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken">
9454             <summary>
9455             Lexical token representing a query option.
9456             </summary>
9457         </member>
9458         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken.name">
9459             <summary>
9460             The name of the query option.
9461             </summary>
9462         </member>
9463         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken.value">
9464             <summary>
9465             The value of the query option.
9466             </summary>
9467         </member>
9468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
9469             <summary>
9470             Create a new CustomQueryOptionToken given name and value.
9471             </summary>
9472             <param name="name">The name of the query option.</param>
9473             <param name="value">The value of the query option.</param>
9474         </member>
9475         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
9476             <summary>
9477             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
9478             </summary>
9479             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
9480             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
9481             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
9482         </member>
9483         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken.Kind">
9484             <summary>
9485             The kind of the query token.
9486             </summary>
9487         </member>
9488         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken.Name">
9489             <summary>
9490             The name of the query option.
9491             </summary>
9492         </member>
9493         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken.Value">
9494             <summary>
9495             The value of the query option.
9496             </summary>
9497         </member>
9498         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenUtils">
9499             <summary>
9500             Helper methods for working with query tokens.
9501             </summary>
9502         </member>
9503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenUtils.ParseInlineCountKind(System.String)">
9504             <summary>
9505             Try to parse the given string as a InlineCountKind.
9506             </summary>
9507             <param name="inlineCount">The string to be parsed.</param>
9508             <returns>A InlineCountKind value if successful. Null if not.</returns>
9509         </member>
9510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenUtils.ParseKeywordKind(System.String)">
9511             <summary>
9512             Try to parse the given segment name as a KeywordKind.
9513             </summary>
9514             <param name="segment">The segment name.</param>
9515             <returns>A KeywordKind value if successful. Null if not.</returns>
9516         </member>
9517         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenUtils.GetNameFromKeywordKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeywordKind)">
9518             <summary>
9519             Get the Uri name equivalent of the given KeywordKind.
9520             </summary>
9521             <param name="keyword">The KeywordKind to get name for.</param>
9522             <returns>A $ keyword that represent the given keyword.</returns>
9523         </member>
9524         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken">
9525             <summary>
9526             Lexical token representing a select operation.
9527             </summary>
9528         </member>
9529         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken.properties">
9530             <summary>
9531             The properties according to which to select the results.
9532             </summary>
9533         </member>
9534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.PathSegmentToken})">
9535             <summary>
9536             Create a SelectToken given the property-accesses of the select query.
9537             </summary>
9538             <param name="properties">The properties according to which to select the results.</param>
9539         </member>
9540         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
9541             <summary>
9542             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
9543             </summary>
9544             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
9545             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
9546             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
9547         </member>
9548         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken.Kind">
9549             <summary>
9550             The kind of the query token.
9551             </summary>
9552         </member>
9553         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken.Properties">
9554             <summary>
9555             The properties according to which to select the results.
9556             </summary>
9557         </member>
9558         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode">
9559             <summary>
9560             Node representing a function call which returns a single value.
9561             </summary>
9562         </member>
9563         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.name">
9564             <summary>
9565             the name of this function.
9566             </summary>
9567         </member>
9568         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.functionImports">
9569             <summary>
9570             The list of function imports
9571             </summary>
9572         </member>
9573         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.arguments">
9574             <summary>
9575             List of arguments to this function call.
9576             </summary>
9577         </member>
9578         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.typeReference">
9579             <summary>
9580             The type of value returned by this function.
9581             </summary>
9582         </member>
9583         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.source">
9584             <summary>
9585             The semantically bound parent of this function
9586             </summary>
9587         </member>
9588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9589             <summary>
9590             Create a SingleValueFunctionCallNode
9591             </summary>
9592             <param name="name">The name of the function to call</param>
9593             <param name="arguments">List of arguments to this function call.</param>
9594             <param name="typeReference">The type of value returned by this function.</param>
9595             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input name is null.</exception>
9596         </member>
9597         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
9598             <summary>
9599             Create a SingleValueFunctionCallNode
9600             </summary>
9601             <param name="name">The name of the function to call</param>
9602             <param name="functionImports">the list of functions to call</param>
9603             <param name="arguments">the list of arguments to this function</param>
9604             <param name="typeReference">the type of the value returned by this function.</param>
9605             <param name="source">The semantically bound parent of this function.</param>
9606             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input functionImports is null.</exception>
9607         </member>
9608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
9609             <summary>
9610             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
9611             </summary>
9612             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
9613             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
9614             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
9615             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
9616         </member>
9617         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.Name">
9618             <summary>
9619             Gets the name of the function to call.
9620             </summary>
9621         </member>
9622         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.FunctionImports">
9623             <summary>
9624             Gets the list of function imports.
9625             </summary>
9626         </member>
9627         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.Arguments">
9628             <summary>
9629             Gets the list of arguments to this function call.
9630             </summary>
9631         </member>
9632         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.TypeReference">
9633             <summary>
9634             Gets The type of value returned by this function.
9635             </summary>
9636         </member>
9637         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.Source">
9638             <summary>
9639             Gets the semantically bound parent of this function.
9640             </summary>
9641         </member>
9642         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SingleValueFunctionCallNode.InternalKind">
9643             <summary>
9644             Gets the kind of this node.
9645             </summary>
9646         </member>
9647         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature">
9648             <summary>
9649             Class representing a function signature using EDM types.
9650             </summary>
9651         </member>
9652         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature.argumentTypes">
9653             <summary>The argument types for this function signature.</summary>
9654         </member>
9655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9656             <summary>
9657             Constructor taking all the argument types.
9658             </summary>
9659             <param name="argumentTypes">The argument types for this function signature.</param>
9660         </member>
9661         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature.ArgumentTypes">
9662             <summary>
9663             The argument types for this function signature.
9664             </summary>
9665         </member>
9666         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType">
9667             <summary>
9668             Class representing a function signature using EDM types.
9669             </summary>
9670         </member>
9671         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType.returnType">
9672             <summary>
9673             The return type of this function signature.
9674             </summary>
9675         </member>
9676         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9677             <summary>
9678             Constructor taking all the argument types.
9679             </summary>
9680             <param name="returnType">The return type of this function signature.</param>
9681             <param name="argumentTypes">The argument types for this function signature.</param>
9682         </member>
9683         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType.ReturnType">
9684             <summary>
9685             The return type of this function signature.
9686             </summary>
9687         </member>
9688         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken">
9689             <summary>
9690             Lexical token representing an all-properties access.
9691             </summary>
9692         </member>
9693         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken.nextToken">
9694             <summary>
9695             The NextToken token to access the property on.
9696             If this is null, then the property access has no NextToken. That usually means to access the property
9697             on the implicit parameter for the expression, the result on which the expression is being applied.
9698             </summary>
9699         </member>
9700         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
9701             <summary>
9702             Create a new StarToken given the NextToken (if any).
9703             </summary>
9704             <param name="nextToken">The NextToken token to access the property on. Pass no if this property has no NextToken.</param>
9705         </member>
9706         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
9707             <summary>
9708             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
9709             </summary>
9710             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
9711             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
9712             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
9713         </member>
9714         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken.Kind">
9715             <summary>
9716             The kind of the query token.
9717             </summary>
9718         </member>
9719         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken.NextToken">
9720             <summary>
9721             The NextToken token to access the property on.
9722             If this is null, then the property access has no NextToken. That usually means to access the property
9723             on the implicit parameter for the expression, the result on which the expression is being applied.
9724             </summary>
9725         </member>
9726         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.StarToken.Identifier">
9727             <summary>
9728             the name of this token(inherited from PathToken), which in this case is always "*"
9729             </summary>
9730         </member>
9731         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils">
9732             <summary>
9733             Helper methods for promoting argument types of operators and function calls.
9734             </summary>
9735             <remarks>
9736             Note that the lists of signatures are for matching primitive types to functions. 
9737             Equality (eq and ne) operators are a bit special since they are also defined for 
9738             entity and complex types.
9739             </remarks>
9740         </member>
9741         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.logicalSignatures">
9742             <summary>Function signatures for logical operators (and, or).</summary>
9743         </member>
9744         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.notSignatures">
9745             <summary>Function signatures for the 'not' operator.</summary>
9746         </member>
9747         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.arithmeticSignatures">
9748             <summary>Function signatures for arithmetic operators (add, sub, mul, div, mod).</summary>
9749         </member>
9750         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.relationalSignatures">
9751             <summary>Function signatures for relational operators (eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge).</summary>
9752         </member>
9753         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.negationSignatures">
9754             <summary>Function signatures for the 'negate' operator.</summary>
9755         </member>
9756         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.PromoteOperandTypes(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference@,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference@)">
9757             <summary>Checks that the operands (possibly promoted) are valid for the specified operation.</summary>
9758             <param name="operatorKind">The operator kind to promote the operand types for.</param>
9759             <param name="left">Type reference of left operand.</param>
9760             <param name="right">Type reference of right operand.</param>
9761             <returns>True if a valid function signature was found that matches the given types after any necessary promotions are made.
9762             False if there is no binary operators </returns>
9763         </member>
9764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.PromoteOperandType(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference@)">
9765             <summary>Checks that the operands (possibly promoted) are valid for the specified operation.</summary>
9766             <param name="operatorKind">The operator kind to promote the operand types for.</param>
9767             <param name="typeReference">Type of the operand.</param>
9768             <returns>True if the type could be promoted; otherwise false.</returns>
9769         </member>
9770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.FindBestFunctionSignature(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignatureWithReturnType[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9771             <summary>Finds the best fitting function for the specified arguments.</summary>
9772             <param name="functions">Functions to consider.</param>
9773             <param name="argumentTypes">Types of the arguments for the function.</param>
9774             <returns>The best fitting function; null if none found or ambiguous.</returns>
9775         </member>
9776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.FindExactFunctionSignature(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9777             <summary>Finds the exact fitting function for the specified arguments.</summary>
9778             <param name="functions">Functions to consider.</param>
9779             <param name="argumentTypes">Types of the arguments for the function.</param>
9780             <returns>The exact fitting function; null if no exact match was found.</returns>
9781         </member>
9782         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.CanConvertTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9783             <summary>Checks whether the source type is compatible with the target type.</summary>
9784             <param name="sourceReference">Source type.</param>
9785             <param name="targetReference">Target type.</param>
9786             <returns>true if source can be used in place of target; false otherwise.</returns>
9787         </member>
9788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.GetFunctionSignatures(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind)">
9789             <summary>
9790             Gets the correct set of function signatures for type promotion for a given binary operator.
9791             </summary>
9792             <param name="operatorKind">The operator kind to get the signatures for.</param>
9793             <returns>The set of signatures for the specified <paramref name="operatorKind"/>.</returns>
9794         </member>
9795         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.GetFunctionSignatures(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind)">
9796             <summary>
9797             Gets the correct set of function signatures for type promotion for a given binary operator.
9798             </summary>
9799             <param name="operatorKind">The operator kind to get the signatures for.</param>
9800             <returns>The set of signatures for the specified <paramref name="operatorKind"/>.</returns>
9801         </member>
9802         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.FindBestSignature(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9803             <summary>Finds the best methods for the specified arguments given a candidate method enumeration.</summary>
9804             <param name="signatures">The candidate function signatures.</param>
9805             <param name="argumentTypes">The argument type references to match.</param>
9806             <returns>The number of "best match" methods.</returns>
9807         </member>
9808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.IsApplicable(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9809             <summary>Checks whether the specified method is applicable given the argument expressions.</summary>
9810             <param name="signature">The candidate function signature to check.</param>
9811             <param name="argumentTypes">The argument types to match.</param>
9812             <returns>An applicable function signature if all argument types can be promoted; 'null' otherwise.</returns>
9813         </member>
9814         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.CanPromoteTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9815             <summary>Promotes the specified expression to the given type if necessary.</summary>
9816             <param name="sourceType">The actual argument type.</param>
9817             <param name="targetType">The required type to promote to.</param>
9818             <returns>True if the <paramref name="sourceType"/> could be promoted; otherwise false.</returns>
9819         </member>
9820         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.FindBestApplicableSignatures(System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.FunctionSignature},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9821             <summary>Finds the best applicable methods from the specified array that match the arguments.</summary>
9822             <param name="signatures">The candidate function signatures.</param>
9823             <param name="argumentTypes">The argument types to match.</param>
9824             <returns>Best applicable methods.</returns>
9825         </member>
9826         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.MatchesArgumentTypesBetterThan(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference[])">
9827             <summary>
9828             Checks whether the <paramref name="firstCandidate"/> type list has better argument matching against the <paramref name="argumentTypes"/>
9829             than the <paramref name="secondCandidate"/> type list.
9830             </summary>
9831             <param name="argumentTypes">Actual arguments types.</param>
9832             <param name="firstCandidate">First type list to check.</param>
9833             <param name="secondCandidate">Second type list to check.</param>
9834             <returns>
9835             True if <paramref name="firstCandidate"/> has better parameter matching than <paramref name="secondCandidate"/>; otherwise false.
9836             </returns>
9837         </member>
9838         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.CompareConversions(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9839             <summary>Checks which conversion is better.</summary>
9840             <param name="source">Source type.</param>
9841             <param name="targetA">First candidate type to convert to.</param>
9842             <param name="targetB">Second candidate type to convert to.</param>
9843             <returns>
9844             Return 1 if s -> t1 is a better conversion than s -> t2
9845             Return -1 if s -> t2 is a better conversion than s -> t1
9846             Return 0 if neither conversion is better
9847             </returns>
9848         </member>
9849         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.TryHandleEqualityOperatorForEntityOrComplexTypes(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference@,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference@)">
9850             <summary>
9851             Tries to handle the special eq and ne operators, which have a broader definition than the other binary operators.
9852             We try a few special cases and return true if we used one of them. Otherwise we return false, and
9853             allow the regular function matching code to handle the primitive cases.
9854             </summary>
9855             <param name="left">Left type.</param>
9856             <param name="right">Right type.</param>
9857             <returns>True if this function was able to handle the promotion of these types, false otherwise.</returns>
9858         </member>
9859         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.IsSignedIntegralType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9860             <summary>Checks whether the specified type is a signed integral type.</summary>
9861             <param name="typeReference">Type reference to check.</param>
9862             <returns>true if <paramref name="typeReference"/> is a signed integral type; false otherwise.</returns>
9863         </member>
9864         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.IsUnsignedIntegralType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9865             <summary>Checks whether the specified type is an unsigned integral type.</summary>
9866             <param name="typeReference">Type to check.</param>
9867             <returns>true if <paramref name="typeReference"/> is an unsigned integral type; false otherwise.</returns>
9868         </member>
9869         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.IsDecimalType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9870             <summary>Checks if the specified type is a decimal or nullable decimal type.</summary>
9871             <param name="typeReference">Type to check.</param>
9872             <returns>true if <paramref name="typeReference"/> is either decimal or nullable decimal type; false otherwise.</returns>
9873         </member>
9874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.IsDoubleOrSingle(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9875             <summary>Checks if the specified type is either double or single or the nullable variants.</summary>
9876             <param name="typeReference">Type to check.</param>
9877             <returns>true if <paramref name="typeReference"/> is double, single or nullable double or single; false otherwise.</returns>
9878         </member>
9879         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.GetNumericTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
9880             <summary>Gets a flag for the numeric kind of type.</summary>
9881             <param name="typeReference">Type to get numeric kind for.</param>
9882             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.NumericTypeKind"/> of the <paramref name="typeReference"/> argument.</returns>
9883         </member>
9884         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.NumericTypeKind">
9885             <summary>Numeric type kinds.</summary>
9886         </member>
9887         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.NumericTypeKind.NotNumeric">
9888             <summary>A type that is not numeric.</summary>
9889         </member>
9890         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.NumericTypeKind.NotIntegral">
9891             <summary>A type that is a char, single, double or decimal.</summary>
9892         </member>
9893         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.NumericTypeKind.SignedIntegral">
9894             <summary>A type that is a signed integral.</summary>
9895         </member>
9896         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.TypePromotionUtils.NumericTypeKind.UnsignedIntegral">
9897             <summary>A type that is an unsigned integral.</summary>
9898         </member>
9899         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PropertyInfoExtensionMethods">
9900             <summary>
9901             Extension methods to make it easier to work with PropertyInfo objects on a type.
9902             </summary>
9903         </member>
9904         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PropertyInfoExtensionMethods.GetPropertyInfo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
9905             <summary>
9906             Gets the property info for the EDM property on the specified type.
9907             </summary>
9908             <param name="typeReference">The type to get the property on.</param>
9909             <param name="property">Property instance to get the property info for.</param>
9910             <param name="model">Model containing annotations.</param>
9911             <returns>Returns the PropertyInfo object for the specified property.</returns>
9912             <remarks>The method searches this type as well as all its base types for the property.</remarks>
9913         </member>
9914         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PropertyInfoTypeAnnotation">
9915             <summary>
9916             Annotation stored on a type to hold PropertyInfo objects for its properties.
9917             </summary>
9918         </member>
9919         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PropertyInfoTypeAnnotation.propertyInfosDeclaredOnThisType">
9920             <summary>
9921             Cache of property info objects already created for properties on the type the annotation is on.
9922             </summary>
9923         </member>
9924         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PropertyInfoTypeAnnotation.GetPropertyInfoTypeAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
9925             <summary>
9926             Gets the property info annotation for the specified type or creates a new one if it doesn't exist.
9927             </summary>
9928             <param name="structuredType">The type to get the annotation for.</param>
9929             <param name="model">The model containing annotations.</param>
9930             <returns>The property info annotation.</returns>
9931         </member>
9932         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.PropertyInfoTypeAnnotation.GetPropertyInfo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
9933             <summary>
9934             Gets the property info for the EDM property declared on this type.
9935             </summary>
9936             <param name="structuredType">The structured type to get the property on.</param>
9937             <param name="property">Property instance to get the property info for.</param>
9938             <param name="model">The model containing annotations.</param>
9939             <returns>Returns the PropertyInfo object for the specified EDM property.</returns>
9940         </member>
9941         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode">
9942             <summary>
9943             Node representing an access to a property value.
9944             </summary>
9945         </member>
9946         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.source">
9947             <summary>
9948             The value containing this property.
9949             </summary>
9950         </member>
9951         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.property">
9952             <summary>
9953             The EDM property which is to be accessed.
9954             </summary>
9955             <remarks>Only non-entity, non-collection properties are supported by this node.</remarks>
9956         </member>
9957         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
9958             <summary>
9959             Constructs a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode"/>.
9960             </summary>
9961             <param name="source">The value containing this property.</param>
9962             <param name="property">The EDM property which is to be accessed.</param>
9963             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if input source or property is null.</exception>
9964             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if input property is not structural, or is a collection.</exception>
9965         </member>
9966         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
9967             <summary>
9968             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
9969             </summary>
9970             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
9971             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
9972             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
9973             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
9974         </member>
9975         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.Source">
9976             <summary>
9977             Gets the value containing this property.
9978             </summary>
9979         </member>
9980         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.Property">
9981             <summary>
9982             Gets the EDM property which is to be accessed.
9983             </summary>
9984             <remarks>Only non-entity, non-collection properties are supported by this node.</remarks>
9985         </member>
9986         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.TypeReference">
9987             <summary>
9988             Gets the type of the single value this node represents.
9989             </summary>
9990         </member>
9991         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValuePropertyAccessNode.InternalKind">
9992             <summary>
9993             Gets the kind of this node.
9994             </summary>
9995         </member>
9996         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode">
9997             <summary>
9998             Node representing a type segment that casts a single entity parent node.
9999             </summary>
10000         </member>
10001         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.source">
10002             <summary>
10003             The entity that we're casting to a different type.
10004             </summary>
10005         </member>
10006         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.entityTypeReference">
10007             <summary>
10008             The target type that the source is cast to.
10009             </summary>
10010         </member>
10011         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.entitySet">
10012             <summary>
10013             The EntitySet containing the source entity.
10014             </summary>
10015         </member>
10016         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityNode,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
10017             <summary>
10018             Created a SingleEntityCastNode with the given source node and the given type to cast to.
10019             </summary>
10020             <param name="source"> Source <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode"/> that is being cast.</param>
10021             <param name="entityType">Type to cast to.</param>
10022             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input entityType is null.</exception>
10023         </member>
10024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
10025             <summary>
10026             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
10027             </summary>
10028             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
10029             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
10030             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
10031         </member>
10032         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.Source">
10033             <summary>
10034             Gets the entity that we're casting to a different type.
10035             </summary>
10036         </member>
10037         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.TypeReference">
10038             <summary>
10039             Gets the target type that the source is cast to.
10040             </summary>
10041         </member>
10042         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.EntityTypeReference">
10043             <summary>
10044             Gets the target type that the source is cast to.
10045             </summary>
10046         </member>
10047         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.EntitySet">
10048             <summary>
10049             Gets the EntitySet containing the source entity..
10050             </summary>
10051         </member>
10052         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityCastNode.InternalKind">
10053             <summary>
10054             Gets the kind of this query node.
10055             </summary>
10056         </member>
10057         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken">
10058             <summary>
10059             Lexical token representing a type segment.
10060             </summary>
10061         </member>
10062         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken.identifier">
10063             <summary>
10064             The Identifier of the type segment.
10065             </summary>
10066         </member>
10067         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken.nextToken">
10068             <summary>
10069             The parent segment.
10070             </summary>
10071         </member>
10072         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
10073             <summary>
10074             Create a TypeSegmentQueryToken given the Identifier and the parent (if any)
10075             </summary>
10076             <param name="identifier">The Identifier of the type segment, including the namespace.</param>
10077             <param name="nextToken">The parent segment.</param>
10078         </member>
10079         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
10080             <summary>
10081             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
10082             </summary>
10083             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
10084             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
10085             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
10086         </member>
10087         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken.Kind">
10088             <summary>
10089             The kind of the query token.
10090             </summary>
10091         </member>
10092         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken.Identifier">
10093             <summary>
10094             The full name of the type.
10095             </summary>
10096         </member>
10097         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken.NextToken">
10098             <summary>
10099             The parent.
10100             </summary>
10101         </member>
10102         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode">
10103             <summary>
10104             Node representing a unary operator.
10105             </summary>
10106         </member>
10107         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.operand">
10108             <summary>
10109             The operand of the unary operator.
10110             </summary>
10111         </member>
10112         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.operatorKind">
10113             <summary>
10114             The operator represented by this node.
10115             </summary>
10116         </member>
10117         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.typeReference">
10118             <summary>
10119             Cache for the TypeReference after it has been calculated for the current state of the node.
10120             This can be an expensive calculation so we want to avoid doing it repeatedly.
10121             </summary>
10122         </member>
10123         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode)">
10124             <summary>
10125             Creates a UnaryOperatorNode
10126             </summary>
10127             <param name="operatorKind">the kind of operator this node represents</param>
10128             <param name="operand">the operand that this operator modifies</param>
10129             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input operand is null.</exception>
10130         </member>
10131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
10132             <summary>
10133             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
10134             </summary>
10135             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
10136             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
10137             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
10138             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
10139         </member>
10140         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.OperatorKind">
10141             <summary>
10142             Gets the operator represented by this node.
10143             </summary>
10144         </member>
10145         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.Operand">
10146             <summary>
10147             Gets the operand of the unary operator.
10148             </summary>
10149         </member>
10150         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.TypeReference">
10151             <summary>
10152             Gets the type of the single value this node represents.
10153             </summary>
10154         </member>
10155         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.UnaryOperatorNode.InternalKind">
10156             <summary>
10157             Gets the kind of this query node.
10158             </summary>
10159         </member>
10160         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeUtils">
10161             <summary>
10162             Helper methods for working with query nodes.
10163             </summary>
10164         </member>
10165         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeUtils.AsEntityCollectionNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
10166             <summary>
10167             Checks whether a query node is a collection query node representing a collection of entities.
10168             </summary>
10169             <param name="query">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/> to check.</param>
10170             <returns>The converted <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode"/> or null if <paramref name="query"/> is not an entity collection node.</returns>
10171         </member>
10172         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeUtils.AsCollectionNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode)">
10173             <summary>
10174             Checks whether a query node is a collection query node representing a collection.
10175             </summary>
10176             <param name="query">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/> to check.</param>
10177             <returns>The converted <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.CollectionNode"/> or null if <paramref name="query"/> is not a collection node.</returns>
10178         </member>
10179         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeUtils.GetBinaryOperatorResultType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind)">
10180             <summary>
10181             Compute the result type of a binary operator based on the type of its operands and the operator kind.
10182             </summary>
10183             <param name="typeReference">The type reference of the operators.</param>
10184             <param name="operatorKind">The kind of operator.</param>
10185             <returns>The result type reference of the binary operator.</returns>
10186         </member>
10187         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer">
10188             <summary>Use this class to parse an expression in the OData URI format.</summary>
10189             <remarks>
10190             Literals (non-normative "handy" reference - see spec for correct expression):
10191             Null            null
10192             Boolean         true | false
10193             Int32           (digit+)
10194             Int64           (digit+)(L|l)
10195             Decimal         (digit+ ['.' digit+])(M|m)
10196             Float           (digit+ ['.' digit+][e|E [+|-] digit+)(f|F)
10197             Double          (digit+ ['.' digit+][e|E [+|-] digit+)
10198             String          "'" .* "'"
10199             DateTime        datetime"'"dddd-dd-dd[T|' ']dd:mm[ss[.fffffff]]"'"
10200             DateTimeOffset  datetimeoffset"'"dddd-dd-dd[T|' ']dd:mm[ss[.fffffff]]-dd:mm"'"
10201             Time            time"'"dd:mm[ss[.fffffff]]"'"
10202             Binary          (binary|X)'digit*'
10203             GUID            guid'digit*'
10204             </remarks>
10205         </member>
10206         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.AdditionalUnicodeCategoriesForIdentifier">
10207             <summary>
10208             For an identifier, EMD supports chars that match the regex  [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lo}\p{Lm}\p{Nl}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{Cf}]
10209             IsLetterOrDigit covers Ll, Lu, Lt, Lo, Lm, Nd, this set covers the rest 
10210             </summary>
10211         </member>
10212         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.text">
10213             <summary>Text being parsed.</summary>
10214         </member>
10215         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.textLen">
10216             <summary>Length of text being parsed.</summary>
10217         </member>
10218         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.useSemicolonDelimeter">
10219             <summary> flag to indicate whether to delimit on a semicolon. </summary>
10220         </member>
10221         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.parsingFunctionParameters">
10222             <summary>Whether the lexer is being used to parse function parameters. If true, will allow/recognize parameter aliases and typed nulls.</summary>
10223         </member>
10224         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.textPos">
10225             <summary>Position on text being parsed.</summary>
10226         </member>
10227         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ch">
10228             <summary>Character being processed.</summary>
10229         </member>
10230         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.token">
10231             <summary>Token being processed.</summary>
10232         </member>
10233         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ignoreWhitespace">
10234             <summary>Lexer ignores whitespace</summary>
10235         </member>
10236         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
10237             <summary>Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer"/>.</summary>
10238             <param name="expression">Expression to parse.</param>
10239             <param name="moveToFirstToken">If true, this constructor will call NextToken() to move to the first token.</param>
10240             <param name="useSemicolonDelimeter">If true, the lexer will tokenize based on semicolons as well.</param>
10241         </member>
10242         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
10243             <summary>Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer"/>.</summary>
10244             <param name="expression">Expression to parse.</param>
10245             <param name="moveToFirstToken">If true, this constructor will call NextToken() to move to the first token.</param>
10246             <param name="useSemicolonDelimeter">If true, the lexer will tokenize based on semicolons as well.</param>
10247             <param name="parsingFunctionParameters">Whether the lexer is being used to parse function parameters. If true, will allow/recognize parameter aliases and typed nulls.</param>
10248         </member>
10249         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.TryPeekNextToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken@,System.Exception@)">
10250             <summary>
10251             Determines if the next token can be processed without error without advancing the token.
10252             </summary>
10253             <param name="resultToken">The next ExpressionToken. This value is undefined if error is defined.</param>
10254             <param name="error">Exception generated from trying to process the next token.</param>
10255             <returns>True if the next token can be processed, false otherwise.</returns>
10256         </member>
10257         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.NextToken">
10258             <summary>Reads the next token, skipping whitespace as necessary, advancing the Lexer.</summary>
10259             <returns>The next token.</returns>
10260             <remarks>Throws on error.</remarks>
10261         </member>
10262         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ReadDottedIdentifier(System.Boolean)">
10263             <summary>
10264             Starting from an identifier, reads a sequence of dots and 
10265             identifiers, and returns the text for it, with whitespace 
10266             stripped.
10267             </summary>
10268             <param name="acceptStar">do we allow a star in this identifier</param>
10269             <returns>The dotted identifier starting at the current identifier.</returns>
10270         </member>
10271         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.PeekNextToken">
10272             <summary>Returns the next token without advancing the lexer.</summary>
10273             <returns>The next token.</returns>
10274         </member>
10275         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ExpandIdentifierAsFunction">
10276             <summary>
10277             Check whether the current identifier is a function. If so, expand the token text to the function signature
10278             </summary>
10279             <returns>True if the current identifier is a function call</returns>
10280         </member>
10281         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ValidateToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind)">
10282             <summary>Validates the current token is of the specified kind.</summary>
10283             <param name="t">Expected token kind.</param>
10284         </member>
10285         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ParseError(System.String)">
10286             <summary>Creates an exception for a parse error.</summary>
10287             <param name="message">Message text.</param>
10288             <returns>A new Exception.</returns>
10289         </member>
10290         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.NextTokenImplementation(System.Exception@)">
10291             <summary>Reads the next token, skipping whitespace as necessary.</summary> 
10292             <param name="error">Error that occurred while trying to process the next token.</param>
10293             <returns>The next token, which may be 'bad' if an error occurs.</returns>
10294         </member>
10295         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.MoveNextWhenMatch(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind)">
10296             <summary>
10297             Expand the token selection if the next token matches the input token
10298             </summary>
10299             <param name="id">the list of token id to match</param>
10300             <returns>true if matched</returns>
10301         </member>
10302         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.HandleTypePrefixedLiterals">
10303             <summary>Handles lexemes that are formed by an identifier followed by a quoted string.</summary>
10304             <remarks>This method modified the token field as necessary.</remarks>
10305         </member>
10306         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.NextChar">
10307             <summary>Advanced to the next character.</summary>
10308         </member>
10309         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ParseFromDigit">
10310             <summary>Parses a token that starts with a digit.</summary>
10311             <returns>The kind of token recognized.</returns>
10312         </member>
10313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ParseWhitespace">
10314             <summary>
10315             Parses white spaces
10316             </summary>
10317         </member>
10318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ParseBracketedExpression(System.Char,System.Char)">
10319             <summary>
10320             Parses a complex value
10321             </summary>
10322             <param name="startingCharacter">the starting delimiter</param>
10323             <param name="endingCharacter">the ending delimiter.</param>
10324         </member>
10325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.AdvanceToNextOccuranceOf(System.Char)">
10326             <summary>
10327             Advance the pointer to the next occurance of the given value, swallowing all characters in between.
10328             </summary>
10329             <param name="endingValue">the ending delimiter.</param>
10330         </member>
10331         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ParseIdentifier">
10332             <summary>Parses an identifier by advancing the current character.</summary>
10333         </member>
10334         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.SetTextPos(System.Int32)">
10335             <summary>Sets the text position.</summary>
10336             <param name="pos">New text position.</param>
10337         </member>
10338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ValidateDigit">
10339             <summary>Validates the current character is a digit.</summary>
10340         </member>
10341         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.CurrentToken">
10342             <summary>Token being processed.</summary>
10343         </member>
10344         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.ExpressionText">
10345             <summary>Text being parsed.</summary>
10346         </member>
10347         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.Position">
10348             <summary>Position on text being parsed.</summary>
10349         </member>
10350         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.IsValidWhiteSpace">
10351             <summary>
10352             Gets if the current char is whitespace.
10353             </summary>
10354         </member>
10355         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.IsValidDigit">
10356             <summary>
10357             Gets if the current char is digit.
10358             </summary>
10359         </member>
10360         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.IsValidStartingCharForIdentifier">
10361             <summary>
10362             Is the current char a valid starting char for an identifier.
10363             Valid starting chars for identifier include all that are supported by EDM ([\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lo}\p{Lm}\p{Nl}]) and '_'.
10364             </summary>
10365         </member>
10366         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.IsValidNonStartingCharForIdentifier">
10367             <summary>
10368             Is the current char a valid non-starting char for an identifier.
10369             Valid non-starting chars for identifier include all that are supported 
10370             by EDM  [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lo}\p{Lm}\p{Nl}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{Cf}]. 
10371             This list includes '_', which is ConnectorPunctuation (Pc)
10372             </summary>
10373         </member>
10374         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.UnicodeCategoryEqualityComparer">
10375             <summary>This class implements IEqualityComparer for UnicodeCategory</summary>
10376             <remarks>
10377             Using this class rather than EqualityComparer&lt;T&gt;.Default 
10378             saves from JIT'ing it in each AppDomain.
10379             </remarks>
10380         </member>
10381         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.UnicodeCategoryEqualityComparer.Equals(System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory,System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory)">
10382             <summary>
10383             Checks whether two unicode categories are equal
10384             </summary>
10385             <param name="x">first unicode category</param>
10386             <param name="y">second unicode category</param>
10387             <returns>true if they are equal, false otherwise</returns>
10388         </member>
10389         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer.UnicodeCategoryEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory)">
10390             <summary>
10391             Gets a hash code for the specified unicode category
10392             </summary>
10393             <param name="obj">the input value</param>
10394             <returns>The hash code for the given input unicode category, the underlying int</returns>
10395         </member>
10396         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken">
10397             <summary>Use this class to represent a lexical expression token.</summary>
10398         </member>
10399         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.GreaterThan">
10400             <summary>Token representing gt keyword</summary>
10401         </member>
10402         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.EqualsTo">
10403             <summary>Token representing eq keyword</summary>
10404         </member>
10405         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.LessThan">
10406             <summary>Token representing lt keyword</summary>
10407         </member>
10408         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.Kind">
10409             <summary>InternalKind of token.</summary>
10410         </member>
10411         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.Text">
10412             <summary>Token text.</summary>
10413         </member>
10414         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.Position">
10415             <summary>Position of token.</summary>
10416         </member>
10417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.ToString">
10418             <summary>Provides a string representation of this token.</summary>
10419             <returns>String representation of this token.</returns>
10420         </member>
10421         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.GetIdentifier">
10422             <summary>Gets the current identifier text.</summary>
10423             <returns>The current identifier text.</returns>
10424         </member>
10425         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.IdentifierIs(System.String)">
10426             <summary>Checks that this token has the specified identifier.</summary>
10427             <param name="id">Identifier to check.</param>
10428             <returns>true if this is an identifier with the specified text.</returns>
10429         </member>
10430         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.IsComparisonOperator">
10431             <summary>Checks whether this token is a comparison operator.</summary>
10432         </member>
10433         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.IsEqualityOperator">
10434             <summary>Checks whether this token is an equality operator.</summary>
10435         </member>
10436         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.IsKeyValueToken">
10437             <summary>Checks whether this token is a valid token for a key value.</summary>
10438         </member>
10439         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionToken.IsFunctionParameterToken">
10440             <summary>Checks whether this token is a valid token for a function parameter.</summary>
10441         </member>
10442         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind">
10443             <summary>Enumeration values for token kinds.</summary>
10444         </member>
10445         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Unknown">
10446             <summary>Unknown.</summary>
10447         </member>
10448         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.End">
10449             <summary>End of text.</summary>
10450         </member>
10451         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Equal">
10452             <summary>'=' - equality character.</summary>
10453         </member>
10454         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Identifier">
10455             <summary>Identifier.</summary>
10456         </member>
10457         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.NullLiteral">
10458             <summary>NullLiteral.</summary>
10459         </member>
10460         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.BooleanLiteral">
10461             <summary>BooleanLiteral.</summary>
10462         </member>
10463         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.StringLiteral">
10464             <summary>StringLiteral.</summary>
10465         </member>
10466         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.IntegerLiteral">
10467             <summary>IntegerLiteral.</summary>
10468         </member>
10469         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Int64Literal">
10470             <summary>Int64 literal.</summary>
10471         </member>
10472         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.SingleLiteral">
10473             <summary>Single literal.</summary>
10474         </member>
10475         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.DateTimeLiteral">
10476             <summary>DateTime literal.</summary>
10477         </member>
10478         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.DateTimeOffsetLiteral">
10479             <summary>DateTimeOffset literal.</summary>
10480         </member>
10481         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.TimeLiteral">
10482             <summary>Time literal.</summary>
10483         </member>
10484         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.DecimalLiteral">
10485             <summary>Decimal literal.</summary>
10486         </member>
10487         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.DoubleLiteral">
10488             <summary>Double literal.</summary>
10489         </member>
10490         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.GuidLiteral">
10491             <summary>GUID literal.</summary>
10492         </member>
10493         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.BinaryLiteral">
10494             <summary>Binary literal.</summary>
10495         </member>
10496         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.GeographyLiteral">
10497             <summary>Geography literal.</summary>
10498         </member>
10499         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.GeometryLiteral">
10500             <summary>Geometry literal.</summary>
10501         </member>
10502         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Exclamation">
10503             <summary>Exclamation.</summary>
10504         </member>
10505         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.OpenParen">
10506             <summary>OpenParen.</summary>
10507         </member>
10508         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.CloseParen">
10509             <summary>CloseParen.</summary>
10510         </member>
10511         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Comma">
10512             <summary>Comma.</summary>
10513         </member>
10514         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Colon">
10515             <summary>Colon.</summary>
10516         </member>
10517         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Minus">
10518             <summary>Minus.</summary>
10519         </member>
10520         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Slash">
10521             <summary>Slash.</summary>
10522         </member>
10523         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Question">
10524             <summary>Question.</summary>
10525         </member>
10526         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Dot">
10527             <summary>Dot.</summary>
10528         </member>
10529         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.Star">
10530             <summary>Star.</summary>
10531         </member>
10532         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.SemiColon">
10533             <summary>SemiColon</summary>
10534         </member>
10535         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.ParameterAlias">
10536             <summary>ParameterAlias</summary>
10537         </member>
10538         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionTokenKind.BracketedExpression">
10539             <summary>A Brace BracketedExpression is an expression within brackets or braces. It contains a JSON object or array.</summary>
10540         </member>
10541         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken">
10542             <summary>
10543             Lexical token representing a function call.
10544             </summary>
10545         </member>
10546         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.name">
10547             <summary>
10548             The name of the function to call.
10549             </summary>
10550         </member>
10551         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.arguments">
10552             <summary>
10553             The arguments for the function.
10554             </summary>
10555         </member>
10556         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.source">
10557             <summary>
10558             the source token for this function call
10559             </summary>
10560         </member>
10561         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken})">
10562             <summary>
10563             Create a new FunctionCallToken using the given function name and argument values.
10564             </summary>
10565             <param name="name">The name of the function to call.</param>
10566             <param name="argumentValues">The argument values for the function.</param>
10567         </member>
10568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
10569             <summary>
10570             Create a new FunctionCallToken using the given function name and parameter tokens.
10571             </summary>
10572             <param name="name">The name of the function to call.</param>
10573             <param name="arguments">The arguments for the function.</param>
10574             <param name="source">The syntactically bound parent of this function</param>
10575         </member>
10576         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
10577             <summary>
10578             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
10579             </summary>
10580             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
10581             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
10582             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
10583         </member>
10584         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.Kind">
10585             <summary>
10586             The kind of the query token.
10587             </summary>
10588         </member>
10589         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.Name">
10590             <summary>
10591             The name of the function to call.
10592             </summary>
10593         </member>
10594         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.Arguments">
10595             <summary>
10596             The arguments for the function.
10597             </summary>
10598         </member>
10599         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken.Source">
10600             <summary>
10601             The syntactically bound parent of this function.
10602             </summary>
10603         </member>
10604         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode">
10605             <summary>
10606             Node representing a key lookup on a collection.
10607             </summary>
10608         </member>
10609         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.source">
10610             <summary>
10611             The collection that this key is referring to.
10612             </summary>
10613         </member>
10614         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.entitySet">
10615             <summary>
10616             The EntitySet containing the collection this key referrs to.
10617             </summary>
10618         </member>
10619         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.entityTypeReference">
10620             <summary>
10621             The resouce type of the single value the key referrs to.
10622             </summary>
10623         </member>
10624         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.keyPropertyValues">
10625             <summary>
10626             List of the properties and their values that we use to look up our return value.
10627             </summary>
10628         </member>
10629         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntityCollectionNode,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyPropertyValue})">
10630             <summary>
10631             Constructs a KeyLookupNode.
10632             </summary>
10633             <param name="source">The collection that this key is referring to.</param>
10634             <param name="keyPropertyValues">List of the properties and their values that we use to look up our return value.</param>
10635             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input source is null.</exception>
10636         </member>
10637         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.Source">
10638             <summary>
10639             Gets the collection that this key is referring to.
10640             </summary>
10641         </member>
10642         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.KeyPropertyValues">
10643             <summary>
10644             Gets the list of the properties and their values that we use to look up our return value.
10645             </summary>
10646         </member>
10647         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.TypeReference">
10648             <summary>
10649             Gets the resouce type of the single value that the key referrs to.
10650             </summary>
10651         </member>
10652         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.EntityTypeReference">
10653             <summary>
10654             Gets the resouce type of the single value that the key referrs to.
10655             </summary>
10656         </member>
10657         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.EntitySet">
10658             <summary>
10659             Gets the EntitySet that contains the collection this key referrs to.
10660             </summary>
10661         </member>
10662         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.KeyLookupNode.InternalKind">
10663             <summary>
10664             Gets the kind for this node.
10665             </summary>
10666         </member>
10667         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyPropertyValue">
10668             <summary>
10669             Class representing a single key property value in a key lookup.
10670             </summary>
10671         </member>
10672         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyPropertyValue.KeyProperty">
10673             <summary>
10674             Gets or sets the key property.
10675             </summary>
10676         </member>
10677         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.KeyPropertyValue.KeyValue">
10678             <summary>
10679             Gets or sets the value of the key property.
10680             </summary>
10681         </member>
10682         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue">
10683             <summary>
10684             Class representing a single named value (name and value pair).
10685             </summary>
10686         </member>
10687         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue.name">
10688             <summary>
10689             The name of the value. Or null if the name was not used for this value.
10690             </summary>
10691         </member>
10692         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue.value">
10693             <summary>
10694             The value - a literal.
10695             </summary>
10696         </member>
10697         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken)">
10698             <summary>
10699             Create a new NamedValue lookup given name and value.
10700             </summary>
10701             <param name="name">The name of the value. Or null if the name was not used for this value.</param>
10702             <param name="value">The value - a literal.</param>
10703         </member>
10704         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue.Name">
10705             <summary>
10706             The name of the value. Or null if the name was not used for this value.
10707             </summary>
10708         </member>
10709         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.NamedValue.Value">
10710             <summary>
10711             The value - a literal.
10712             </summary>
10713         </member>
10714         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken">
10715             <summary>
10716             Lexical token representing a literal value.
10717             </summary>
10718         </member>
10719         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.originalText">
10720             <summary>
10721             The original text value of the literal.
10722             </summary>
10723             <remarks>This is used only internally to simulate correct compat behavior with WCF DS.
10724             We should only use this during type promotion when applying metadata.</remarks>
10725         </member>
10726         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.value">
10727             <summary>
10728             The value of the literal. This is a parsed primitive value.
10729             </summary>
10730         </member>
10731         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.#ctor(System.Object)">
10732             <summary>
10733             Create a new LiteralToken given value and originalText
10734             </summary>
10735             <param name="value">The value of the literal. This is a parsed primitive value.</param>
10736         </member>
10737         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.#ctor(System.Object,System.String)">
10738             <summary>
10739             Create a new LiteralToken given value and originalText
10740             </summary>
10741             <param name="value">The value of the literal. This is a parsed primitive value.</param>
10742             <param name="originalText">The original text value of the literal.</param>
10743             <remarks>This is used only internally to simulate correct compat behavior with WCF DS.
10744             We should only use this during type promotion when applying metadata.</remarks>
10745         </member>
10746         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
10747             <summary>
10748             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
10749             </summary>
10750             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
10751             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
10752             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
10753         </member>
10754         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.Kind">
10755             <summary>
10756             The kind of the query token.
10757             </summary>
10758         </member>
10759         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.Value">
10760             <summary>
10761             The value of the literal. This is a parsed primitive value.
10762             </summary>
10763         </member>
10764         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken.OriginalText">
10765             <summary>
10766             The original text value of the literal.
10767             </summary>
10768             <remarks>This is used only internally to simulate correct compat behavior with WCF DS.
10769             We should only use this during type promotion when applying metadata.</remarks>
10770         </member>
10771         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder">
10772             <summary>
10773             Binder which applies metadata to a lexical QueryToken tree and produces a bound semantic QueryNode tree.
10774             </summary>
10775         </member>
10776         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.bindingState">
10777             <summary>
10778             Encapsulates the state of the metadate binding.
10779             </summary>
10780         </member>
10781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState)">
10782             <summary>
10783             Constructs a MetadataBinder with the given <paramref name="initialState"/>.
10784             This constructor gets used if you are not calling the top level entry point ParseQuery.
10785             This is an at-your-own-risk constructor, since you must provide valid initial state.
10786             </summary>
10787             <param name="initialState">The initialState to use for binding.</param>
10788         </member>
10789         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.ProcessSkip(System.Nullable{System.Int64})">
10790             <summary>
10791             Processes the skip operator (if any) and returns the combined query.
10792             </summary>
10793             <param name="skip">The skip amount or null if none was specified.</param>
10794             <returns> the skip clause </returns>
10795         </member>
10796         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.ProcessTop(System.Nullable{System.Int64})">
10797             <summary>
10798             Processes the top operator (if any) and returns the combined query.
10799             </summary>
10800             <param name="top">The top amount or null if none was specified.</param>
10801             <returns> the top clause </returns>
10802         </member>
10803         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.ProcessQueryOptions(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BindingState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor)">
10804             <summary>
10805             Process the remaining query options (represent the set of custom query options after
10806             service operation parameters and system query options have been removed).
10807             </summary>
10808             <param name="bindingState">the current state of the binding algorithm.</param>
10809             <param name="bindMethod">pointer to a binder method.</param>
10810             <returns>The list of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/> instances after binding.</returns>
10811         </member>
10812         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.Bind(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
10813             <summary>
10814             Visits a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/> in the lexical tree and binds it to metadata producing a semantic <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>.
10815             </summary>
10816             <param name="token">The query token on the input.</param>
10817             <returns>The bound query node output.</returns>
10818         </member>
10819         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindFunctionParameter(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionParameterToken)">
10820             <summary>
10821             Bind a function parameter token
10822             </summary>
10823             <param name="token">The token to bind.</param>
10824             <returns>A semantically bound FunctionCallNode</returns>
10825         </member>
10826         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindInnerPathSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.InnerPathToken)">
10827             <summary>
10828             Binds a InnerPathToken.
10829             </summary>
10830             <param name="token">Token to bind.</param>
10831             <returns>Either a SingleNavigationNode, CollectionNavigationNode, SinglePropertyAccessNode (complex), 
10832             or CollectionPropertyAccessNode (primitive or complex) that is the metadata-bound version of the given token.</returns>
10833         </member>
10834         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindRangeVariable(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.RangeVariableToken)">
10835             <summary>
10836             Binds a parameter token.
10837             </summary>
10838             <param name="rangeVariableToken">The parameter token to bind.</param>
10839             <returns>The bound query node.</returns>
10840         </member>
10841         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LiteralToken)">
10842             <summary>
10843             Binds a literal token.
10844             </summary>
10845             <param name="literalToken">The literal token to bind.</param>
10846             <returns>The bound literal token.</returns>
10847         </member>
10848         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindBinaryOperator(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.BinaryOperatorToken)">
10849             <summary>
10850             Binds a binary operator token.
10851             </summary>
10852             <param name="binaryOperatorToken">The binary operator token to bind.</param>
10853             <returns>The bound binary operator token.</returns>
10854         </member>
10855         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindUnaryOperator(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken)">
10856             <summary>
10857             Binds a unary operator token.
10858             </summary>
10859             <param name="unaryOperatorToken">The unary operator token to bind.</param>
10860             <returns>The bound unary operator token.</returns>
10861         </member>
10862         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindCast(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.DottedIdentifierToken)">
10863             <summary>
10864             Binds a type startPath token.
10865             </summary>
10866             <param name="dottedIdentifierToken">The type startPath token to bind.</param>
10867             <returns>The bound type startPath token.</returns>
10868         </member>
10869         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindAnyAll(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.LambdaToken)">
10870             <summary>
10871             Binds a LambdaToken.
10872             </summary>
10873             <param name="lambdaToken">The LambdaToken to bind.</param>
10874             <returns>A bound Any or All node.</returns>
10875         </member>
10876         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindEndPath(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken)">
10877             <summary>
10878             Binds a property access token.
10879             </summary>
10880             <param name="endPathToken">The property access token to bind.</param>
10881             <returns>The bound property access token.</returns>
10882         </member>
10883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindFunctionCall(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.FunctionCallToken)">
10884             <summary>
10885             Binds a function call token.
10886             </summary>
10887             <param name="functionCallToken">The function call token to bind.</param>
10888             <returns>The bound function call token.</returns>
10889         </member>
10890         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.BindingState">
10891             <summary>
10892             Encapsulates the state of the metadate binding.
10893             </summary>
10894         </member>
10895         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.MetadataBinder.QueryTokenVisitor">
10896             <summary>
10897             Delegate for a function that visits a QueryToken and translates it into a bound QueryNode.
10898             TODO : Eventually replace this with a real interface for a visitor.
10899             </summary>
10900             <param name="token">QueryToken to visit.</param>
10901             <returns>Metadata bound QueryNode.</returns>
10902         </member>
10903         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByDirection">
10904             <summary>
10905             Enumeration of order by directions.
10906             </summary>
10907         </member>
10908         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByDirection.Ascending">
10909             <summary>
10910             Ascending order.
10911             </summary>
10912         </member>
10913         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByDirection.Descending">
10914             <summary>
10915             Descending order.
10916             </summary>
10917         </member>
10918         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken">
10919             <summary>
10920             Lexical token representing an order by operation.
10921             </summary>
10922         </member>
10923         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken.direction">
10924             <summary>
10925             The direction of the ordering.
10926             </summary>
10927         </member>
10928         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken.expression">
10929             <summary>
10930             The expression according to which to order the results.
10931             </summary>
10932         </member>
10933         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.OrderByDirection)">
10934             <summary>
10935             Create a new OrderByToken given the expression and direction
10936             </summary>
10937             <param name="expression">The expression according to which to order the results.</param>
10938             <param name="direction">The direction of the ordering.</param>
10939         </member>
10940         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
10941             <summary>
10942             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
10943             </summary>
10944             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
10945             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
10946             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
10947         </member>
10948         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken.Kind">
10949             <summary>
10950             The kind of the query token.
10951             </summary>
10952         </member>
10953         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken.Direction">
10954             <summary>
10955             The direction of the ordering.
10956             </summary>
10957         </member>
10958         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken.Expression">
10959             <summary>
10960             The expression according to which to order the results.
10961             </summary>
10962         </member>
10963         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken">
10964             <summary>
10965             Lexical token representing the last segment in a path.
10966             </summary>
10967         </member>
10968         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken.identifier">
10969             <summary>
10970             The Identifier of the property to access.
10971             </summary>
10972         </member>
10973         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken.nextToken">
10974             <summary>
10975             The NextToken token to access the property on.
10976             If this is null, then the property access has no NextToken. That usually means to access the property
10977             on the implicit parameter for the expression, the result on which the expression is being applied.
10978             </summary>
10979         </member>
10980         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
10981             <summary>
10982             Create a EndPathToken given the Identifier and the NextToken (if any)
10983             </summary>
10984             <param name="identifier">The Identifier of the property to access.</param>
10985             <param name="nextToken">The NextToken token to access the property on. </param>
10986         </member>
10987         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
10988             <summary>
10989             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
10990             </summary>
10991             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
10992             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
10993             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
10994         </member>
10995         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken.Kind">
10996             <summary>
10997             The kind of the query token.
10998             </summary>
10999         </member>
11000         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken.NextToken">
11001             <summary>
11002             The NextToken token to access the property on.
11003             If this is null, then the property access has no NextToken. That usually means to access the property
11004             on the implicit parameter for the expression, the result on which the expression is being applied.
11005             </summary>
11006         </member>
11007         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.EndPathToken.Identifier">
11008             <summary>
11009             The Identifier of the property to access.
11010             </summary>
11011         </member>
11012         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri">
11013             <summary>
11014             The root node of a query. Holds the query itself plus additional metadata about the query.
11015             </summary>
11016         </member>
11017         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.path">
11018             <summary>
11019             The top level path for this Uri.
11020             </summary>
11021         </member>
11022         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.customQueryOptions">
11023             <summary>
11024             Any custom query options for this Uri.
11025             </summary>
11026         </member>
11027         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.selectAndExpand">
11028             <summary>
11029             Any select or expand options in this uri. Can be null.
11030             </summary>
11031         </member>
11032         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.filter">
11033             <summary>
11034             Any filter option in this uri. Can be null.
11035             </summary>
11036         </member>
11037         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.orderBy">
11038             <summary>
11039             Any order by option in this uri. Can be null.
11040             </summary>
11041         </member>
11042         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.skip">
11043             <summary>
11044             Any skip option in this uri. Can be null.
11045             </summary>
11046         </member>
11047         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.top">
11048             <summary>
11049             Any top option in this uri. Can be null.
11050             </summary>
11051         </member>
11052         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.inlineCount">
11053             <summary>
11054             Any inline count option in this uri. Can be null.
11055             </summary>
11056         </member>
11057         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.ODataPath,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectExpandClause,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.FilterClause,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.OrderByClause,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Nullable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind})">
11058             <summary>
11059             Create a new ODataUri. This contains the semantic meaning of the 
11060             entire uri.
11061             </summary>
11062             <param name="path">The top level path for this uri.</param>
11063             <param name="customQueryOptions">Any custom query options for this uri. Can be null.</param>
11064             <param name="selectAndExpand">Any $select or $expand option for this uri. Can be null.</param>
11065             <param name="filter">Any $filter option for this uri. Can be null.</param>
11066             <param name="orderby">Any $orderby option for this uri. Can be null</param>
11067             <param name="skip">Any $skip option for this uri. Can be null.</param>
11068             <param name="top">Any $top option for this uri. Can be null.</param>
11069             <param name="inlineCount">Any $inlinecount option for this uri. Can be null.</param>
11070         </member>
11071         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.Path">
11072             <summary>
11073             Gets the top level path for this uri.
11074             </summary>
11075         </member>
11076         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.CustomQueryOptions">
11077             <summary>
11078             Gets any custom query options for this uri. 
11079             </summary>
11080         </member>
11081         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.SelectAndExpand">
11082             <summary>
11083             Gets any $select or $expand option for this uri.
11084             </summary>
11085         </member>
11086         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.Filter">
11087             <summary>
11088             Gets any $filter option for this uri.
11089             </summary>
11090         </member>
11091         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.OrderBy">
11092             <summary>
11093             Gets any $orderby option for this uri.
11094             </summary>
11095         </member>
11096         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.Skip">
11097             <summary>
11098             Gets any $skip option for this uri.
11099             </summary>
11100         </member>
11101         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.Top">
11102             <summary>
11103             Gets any $top option for this uri.
11104             </summary>
11105         </member>
11106         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUri.InlineCount">
11107             <summary>
11108             Get any $inlinecount option for this uri.
11109             </summary>
11110         </member>
11111         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree">
11112             <summary>
11113             Lexical token representing the entire query.
11114             </summary>
11115         </member>
11116         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.DefaultMaxDepth">
11117             <summary>
11118             The default setting for the max depth.
11119             </summary>
11120         </member>
11121         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.path">
11122             <summary>
11123             The path for the query.
11124             </summary>
11125         </member>
11126         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.filter">
11127             <summary>
11128             The filter for the query. If the property is null, there's no filter for this query.
11129             </summary>
11130         </member>
11131         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.orderByTokens">
11132             <summary>
11133             Enumeration of order by tokens. The order by operations must be applied in the order in which
11134             they are listed in this enumeration.
11135             </summary>
11136         </member>
11137         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.select">
11138             <summary>
11139             The select for the query. If the property is null, there's no select for this query.
11140             </summary>
11141         </member>
11142         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.expand">
11143             <summary>
11144             The expand for the query. If the property is null, there's no expand for this query.
11145             </summary>
11146         </member>
11147         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.skip">
11148             <summary>
11149             The number of entities to skip in the result.
11150             </summary>
11151         </member>
11152         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.top">
11153             <summary>
11154             The (maximum) number of entities to include in the result.
11155             </summary>
11156         </member>
11157         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.format">
11158             <summary>
11159             The format for the query.
11160             </summary>
11161         </member>
11162         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.inlineCount">
11163             <summary>
11164             Type of inlinecount in the response of the query.
11165             </summary>
11166         </member>
11167         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.queryOptions">
11168             <summary>
11169             The query options for the query; these include non-system query options starting with '$', 
11170             service operation arguments and custom query options.
11171             </summary>
11172         </member>
11173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.String},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.OrderByToken},Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.SelectToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ExpandToken,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InlineCountKind},System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken})">
11174             <summary>
11175             Create a new SyntacticTree given its parts as arguments.
11176             </summary>
11177             <param name="path">The path for the query. Must not be null.</param>
11178             <param name="filter">The filter for the query. If the property is null, there's no filter for this query.</param>
11179             <param name="orderByTokens">Enumeration of order by tokens.</param>
11180             <param name="select">The select for the query. If the property is null, there's no select for this query.</param>
11181             <param name="expand">The expansions for the query. If the property is null, there are no expandsion for this query.</param>
11182             <param name="skip">The number of entities to skip in the result.</param>
11183             <param name="top">The (maximum) number of entities to include in the result.</param>
11184             <param name="inlineCount">Type of inlinecount in the response of the query.</param>
11185             <param name="format">The format for the query.</param>
11186             <param name="queryOptions">The query options for the query.</param>
11187         </member>
11188         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.ParseUri(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
11189             <summary>
11190             Parses the <paramref name="queryUri"/> and returns a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree"/>
11191             describing the query specified by the uri.
11192             </summary>
11193             <param name="queryUri">The absolute URI which holds the query to parse. This must be a path relative to the <paramref name="serviceBaseUri"/>.</param>
11194             <param name="serviceBaseUri">The base URI of the service.</param>
11195             <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree"/> which represents the query specified in the <paramref name="queryUri"/>.</returns>
11196         </member>
11197         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.ParseUri(System.Uri,System.Uri,System.Int32)">
11198             <summary>
11199             Parses the <paramref name="queryUri"/> and returns a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree"/>
11200             describing the query specified by the uri.
11201             </summary>
11202             <param name="queryUri">The absolute URI which holds the query to parse. This must be a path relative to the <paramref name="serviceBaseUri"/>.</param>
11203             <param name="serviceBaseUri">The base URI of the service.</param>
11204             <param name="maxDepth">The maximum depth of any single query part. Security setting to guard against DoS attacks causing stack overflows and such.</param>
11205             <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree"/> which represents the query specified in the <paramref name="queryUri"/>.</returns>
11206         </member>
11207         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.Path">
11208             <summary>
11209             The path for the query.
11210             </summary>
11211         </member>
11212         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.Filter">
11213             <summary>
11214             The filter for the query. If the property is null, there's no filter for this query.
11215             </summary>
11216         </member>
11217         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.OrderByTokens">
11218             <summary>
11219             Enumeration of order by tokens. The order by operations must be applied in the order in which
11220             they are listed in this enumeration.
11221             </summary>
11222         </member>
11223         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.Select">
11224             <summary>
11225             The select for the query. If the property is null, there's no select for this query.
11226             </summary>
11227         </member>
11228         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.Expand">
11229             <summary>
11230             The expand for the query. If the property is null, there's no expand for this query.
11231             </summary>
11232         </member>
11233         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.Skip">
11234             <summary>
11235             The number of entities to skip in the result.
11236             </summary>
11237         </member>
11238         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.Top">
11239             <summary>
11240             The (maximum) number of entities to include in the result.
11241             </summary>
11242         </member>
11243         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.Format">
11244             <summary>
11245             The format for the query.
11246             </summary>
11247         </member>
11248         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.InlineCount">
11249             <summary>
11250             Type of inlinecount in the response of the query.
11251             </summary>
11252         </member>
11253         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticTree.QueryOptions">
11254             <summary>
11255             The query options for the query; these include non-system query options starting with '$', 
11256             service operation arguments and custom query options.
11257             </summary>
11258         </member>
11259         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind">
11260             <summary>
11261             Public enumeration of kinds of query nodes. A subset of InternalQueryNodeKind
11262             </summary>
11263         </member>
11264         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.None">
11265             <summary>
11266             No query node kind...  the default value.
11267             </summary>
11268         </member>
11269         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.Constant">
11270             <summary>
11271             A constant value.
11272             </summary>
11273         </member>
11274         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.Convert">
11275             <summary>
11276             A node that represents conversion from one type to another.
11277             </summary>
11278         </member>
11279         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.NonentityRangeVariableReference">
11280             <summary>
11281             Non-entity node referencing a range variable.
11282             </summary>
11283         </member>
11284         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.BinaryOperator">
11285             <summary>
11286             Node used to represent a binary operator.
11287             </summary>
11288         </member>
11289         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.UnaryOperator">
11290             <summary>
11291             Node used to represent a unary operator.
11292             </summary>
11293         </member>
11294         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.SingleValuePropertyAccess">
11295             <summary>
11296             Node describing access to a property which is a single (non-collection) non-entity value.
11297             </summary>
11298         </member>
11299         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.CollectionPropertyAccess">
11300             <summary>
11301             Node describing access to a property which is a non-entity collection value.
11302             </summary>
11303         </member>
11304         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.SingleValueFunctionCall">
11305             <summary>
11306             Function call returning a single value.
11307             </summary>
11308         </member>
11309         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.Any">
11310             <summary>
11311             Any query.
11312             </summary>
11313         </member>
11314         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.CollectionNavigationNode">
11315             <summary>
11316             Node for a navigation property with target multiplicity Many.
11317             </summary>
11318         </member>
11319         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.SingleNavigationNode">
11320             <summary>
11321             Node for a navigation property with target multiplicity ZeroOrOne or One.
11322             </summary>
11323         </member>
11324         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccess">
11325             <summary>
11326             Single-value property access that refers to an open property.
11327             </summary>
11328         </member>
11329         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.SingleEntityCast">
11330             <summary>
11331             Cast on a single thing.
11332             </summary>
11333         </member>
11334         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.All">
11335             <summary>
11336             All query.
11337             </summary>
11338         </member>
11339         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.EntityCollectionCast">
11340             <summary>
11341             Cast on a collection of entities.
11342             </summary>
11343         </member>
11344         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.EntityRangeVariableReference">
11345             <summary>
11346             Placeholder node referencing a rangeVariable on the binding stack that references an entity.
11347             </summary>
11348         </member>
11349         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.SingleEntityFunctionCall">
11350             <summary>
11351             Node the represents a function call that returns a single entity.
11352             </summary>
11353         </member>
11354         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.CollectionFunctionCall">
11355             <summary>
11356             Node that represents a function call that returns a collection.
11357             </summary>
11358         </member>
11359         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.EntityCollectionFunctionCall">
11360             <summary>
11361             Node that represents a funciton call that returns a collection of entities.
11362             </summary>
11363         </member>
11364         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryNodeKind.NamedFunctionParameter">
11365             <summary>
11366             Node that represents a named function parameter. 
11367             </summary>
11368         </member>
11369         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind">
11370             <summary>
11371             Internal enumeration of kinds of query nodes. A superset of QueryNodeKind
11372             </summary>
11373         </member>
11374         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.None">
11375             <summary>
11376             none... default value.
11377             </summary>
11378         </member>
11379         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.Constant">
11380             <summary>
11381             The constant value.
11382             </summary>
11383         </member>
11384         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.Convert">
11385             <summary>
11386             A node that signifies the promotion of a primitive type.
11387             </summary>
11388         </member>
11389         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.NonentityRangeVariableReference">
11390             <summary>
11391             Non-entity node referencing a range variable.
11392             </summary>
11393         </member>
11394         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.BinaryOperator">
11395             <summary>
11396             Parameter node used to represent a binary operator.
11397             </summary>
11398         </member>
11399         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.UnaryOperator">
11400             <summary>
11401             Parameter node used to represent a unary operator.
11402             </summary>
11403         </member>
11404         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.SingleValuePropertyAccess">
11405             <summary>
11406             Node describing access to a property which is a single (non-collection) non-entity value.
11407             </summary>
11408         </member>
11409         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.CollectionPropertyAccess">
11410             <summary>
11411             Node describing access to a property which is a non-entity collection value.
11412             </summary>
11413         </member>
11414         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.SingleValueFunctionCall">
11415             <summary>
11416             Function call returning a single value.
11417             </summary>
11418         </member>
11419         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.Any">
11420             <summary>
11421             Any query.
11422             </summary>
11423         </member>
11424         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.CollectionNavigationNode">
11425             <summary>
11426             Node for a navigation property with target multiplicity Many.
11427             </summary>
11428         </member>
11429         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.SingleNavigationNode">
11430             <summary>
11431             Node for a navigation property with target multiplicity ZeroOrOne or One.
11432             </summary>
11433         </member>
11434         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccess">
11435             <summary>
11436             Single-value property access that refers to an open property.
11437             </summary>
11438         </member>
11439         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.SingleEntityCast">
11440             <summary>
11441             Cast on a single thing.
11442             </summary>
11443         </member>
11444         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.All">
11445             <summary>
11446             All query.
11447             </summary>
11448         </member>
11449         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.EntityCollectionCast">
11450             <summary>
11451             Cast on a collection.
11452             </summary>
11453         </member>
11454         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.EntityRangeVariableReference">
11455             <summary>
11456             Entity  node referencing a range variable.
11457             </summary>
11458         </member>
11459         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.SingleEntityFunctionCall">
11460             <summary>
11461             SingleEntityFunctionCall node.
11462             </summary>
11463         </member>
11464         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.CollectionFunctionCall">
11465             <summary>
11466             Node that represents a function call that returns a collection.
11467             </summary>
11468         </member>
11469         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.EntityCollectionFunctionCall">
11470             <summary>
11471             Node that represents a funciton call that returns a collection of entities.
11472             </summary>
11473         </member>
11474         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.NamedFunctionParameter">
11475             <summary>
11476             Node that represents a named function parameter.
11477             </summary>
11478         </member>
11479         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.EntitySet">
11480             <summary>
11481             The entity set node.
11482             </summary>
11483         </member>
11484         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.InternalQueryNodeKind.KeyLookup">
11485             <summary>
11486             The key lookup on a collection.
11487             </summary>
11488         </member>
11489         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryOptionUtils">
11490             <summary>
11491             Helper methods for working with query options.
11492             </summary>
11493         </member>
11494         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryOptionUtils.GetQueryOptionValueAndRemove(System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.CustomQueryOptionToken},System.String)">
11495             <summary>
11496             Returns a query option value by its name and removes the query option from the <paramref name="queryOptions"/> collection.
11497             </summary>
11498             <param name="queryOptions">The collection of query options.</param>
11499             <param name="queryOptionName">The name of the query option to get.</param>
11500             <returns>The value of the query option or null if no such query option exists.</returns>
11501         </member>
11502         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode">
11503             <summary>
11504             Node representing an entity set.
11505             TODO : This should be deleted but it is used in many, many tests.
11506             </summary>
11507         </member>
11508         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.entitySet">
11509             <summary>
11510             The entity set this node represents.
11511             </summary>
11512         </member>
11513         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.entityType">
11514             <summary>
11515             The resouce type of a single entity in the entity set.
11516             </summary>
11517         </member>
11518         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.collectionTypeReference">
11519             <summary>
11520             the type of the collection returned by this function
11521             </summary>
11522         </member>
11523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
11524             <summary>
11525             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode"/>
11526             </summary>
11527             <param name="entitySet">The entity set this node represents</param>
11528             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input entitySet is null.</exception>
11529         </member>
11530         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.ItemType">
11531             <summary>
11532             Gets the resouce type of a single entity in the entity set.
11533             </summary>
11534         </member>
11535         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.CollectionType">
11536             <summary>
11537             The type of the collection represented by this node.
11538             </summary>
11539         </member>
11540         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.EntityItemType">
11541             <summary>
11542             Gets the resouce type of a single entity in the entity set.
11543             </summary>
11544         </member>
11545         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.EntitySet">
11546             <summary>
11547             Gets the entity set this node represents.
11548             </summary>
11549         </member>
11550         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.EntitySetNode.InternalKind">
11551             <summary>
11552             Gets the kind for this node.
11553             </summary>
11554         </member>
11555         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser">
11556             <summary>
11557             Parser which consumes the URI format of primitive types and converts it to primitive types.
11558             </summary>
11559         </member>
11560         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.WhitespaceChars">
11561             <summary>Whitespace characters to trim around literals.</summary>
11562         </member>
11563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.IsCharHexDigit(System.Char)">
11564             <summary>Determines whether the specified character is a valid hexadecimal digit.</summary>
11565             <param name="c">Character to check.</param>
11566             <returns>true if <paramref name="c"/> is a valid hex digit; false otherwise.</returns>
11567         </member>
11568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToPrimitive(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Object@)">
11569             <summary>Converts a string to a primitive value.</summary>
11570             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
11571             <param name="targetType">Type to convert string to.</param>
11572             <param name="targetValue">After invocation, converted value.</param>
11573             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
11574             <remarks>Copy of the WebConvert.TryKeyStringToPrimitive</remarks>
11575         </member>
11576         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToNonNegativeInteger(System.String,System.Int32@)">
11577             <summary>
11578             Try to parse a string value into a non-negative integer.
11579             </summary>
11580             <param name="text">The string value to parse.</param>
11581             <param name="nonNegativeInteger">The non-negative integer value parsed from the <paramref name="text"/>.</param>
11582             <returns>True if <paramref name="text"/> could successfully be parsed into a non-negative integer; otherwise returns false.</returns>
11583         </member>
11584         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryRemoveSuffix(System.String,System.String@)">
11585             <summary>
11586             Check and strip the input <paramref name="text"/> for literal <paramref name="suffix"/>
11587             </summary>
11588             <param name="suffix">The suffix value</param>
11589             <param name="text">The string to check</param>
11590             <returns>A string that has been striped of the suffix</returns>
11591             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryRemoveLiteralSuffix.</remarks>
11592         </member>
11593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryRemovePrefix(System.String,System.String@)">
11594             <summary>
11595             Tries to remove a literal <paramref name="prefix"/> from the specified <paramref name="text"/>.
11596             </summary>
11597             <param name="prefix">Prefix to remove; one-letter prefixes are case-sensitive, others insensitive.</param>
11598             <param name="text">Text to attempt to remove prefix from.</param>
11599             <returns>true if the prefix was found and removed; false otherwise.</returns>
11600             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryRemoveLiteralPrefix.</remarks>
11601         </member>
11602         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryRemoveQuotes(System.String@)">
11603             <summary>
11604             Removes quotes from the single-quotes text.
11605             </summary>
11606             <param name="text">Text to remove quotes from.</param>
11607             <returns>Whether quotes were successfully removed.</returns>
11608             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryRemoveQuotes.</remarks>
11609         </member>
11610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToByteArray(System.String,System.Byte[]@)">
11611             <summary>
11612             Converts a string to a byte[] value.
11613             </summary>
11614             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
11615             <param name="targetValue">After invocation, converted value.</param>
11616             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
11617             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryKeyStringToByteArray.</remarks>
11618         </member>
11619         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToGuid(System.String,System.Guid@)">
11620             <summary>
11621             Converts a string to a GUID value.
11622             </summary>
11623             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
11624             <param name="targetValue">After invocation, converted value.</param>
11625             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
11626             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryKeyStringToGuid.</remarks>
11627         </member>
11628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToDateTime(System.String,System.DateTime@)">
11629             <summary>
11630             Converts a string to a DateTime value.
11631             </summary>
11632             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
11633             <param name="targetValue">After invocation, converted value.</param>
11634             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
11635             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryKeyStringToDateTime.</remarks>
11636         </member>
11637         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToDateTimeOffset(System.String,System.DateTimeOffset@)">
11638             <summary>
11639             Converts a string to a DateTimeOffset value.
11640             </summary>
11641             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
11642             <param name="targetValue">After invocation, converted value.</param>
11643             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
11644             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryKeyStringToDateTimeOffset.</remarks>
11645         </member>
11646         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToTime(System.String,System.TimeSpan@)">
11647             <summary>
11648             Converts a string to a Time value.
11649             </summary>
11650             <param name="text">String text to convert.</param>
11651             <param name="targetValue">After invocation, converted value.</param>
11652             <returns>true if the value was converted; false otherwise.</returns>
11653             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryKeyStringToTime.</remarks>
11654         </member>
11655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToGeography(System.String,System.Spatial.Geography@)">
11656             <summary>
11657             Try to parse the given text to a Geography object.
11658             </summary>
11659             <param name="text">Text to parse.</param>
11660             <param name="targetValue">Geography to return.</param>
11661             <returns>True if succeeds, false if not.</returns>
11662         </member>
11663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryUriStringToGeometry(System.String,System.Spatial.Geometry@)">
11664             <summary>
11665             Try to parse the given text to a Geometry object.
11666             </summary>
11667             <param name="text">Text to parse.</param>
11668             <param name="targetValue">Geometry to return.</param>
11669             <returns>True if succeeds, false if not.</returns>
11670         </member>
11671         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryRemoveLiteralSuffix(System.String,System.String@)">
11672             <summary>
11673             Check and strip the input <paramref name="text"/> for literal <paramref name="suffix"/>
11674             </summary>
11675             <param name="suffix">The suffix value</param>
11676             <param name="text">The string to check</param>
11677             <returns>A string that has been striped of the suffix</returns>
11678             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryRemoveLiteralSuffix.</remarks>
11679         </member>
11680         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.TryRemoveLiteralPrefix(System.String,System.String@)">
11681             <summary>
11682             Tries to remove a literal <paramref name="prefix"/> from the specified <paramref name="text"/>.
11683             </summary>
11684             <param name="prefix">Prefix to remove; one-letter prefixes are case-sensitive, others insensitive.</param>
11685             <param name="text">Text to attempt to remove prefix from.</param>
11686             <returns>true if the prefix was found and removed; false otherwise.</returns>
11687             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.TryRemoveLiteralPrefix.</remarks>
11688         </member>
11689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.IsUriValueQuoted(System.String)">
11690             <summary>
11691             Checks whether the specified text is a correctly formatted quoted value.
11692             </summary>
11693             <param name='text'>Text to check.</param>
11694             <returns>true if the text is correctly formatted, false otherwise.</returns>
11695             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.IsKeyValueQuoted.</remarks>
11696         </member>
11697         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.RemoveQuotes(System.String)">
11698             <summary>
11699             Removes quotes from the single-quotes text.
11700             </summary>
11701             <param name="text">Text to remove quotes from.</param>
11702             <returns>The specified <paramref name="text"/> with single quotes removed.</returns>
11703             <remarks>Copy of WebConvert.RemoveQuotes.</remarks>
11704         </member>
11705         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPrimitiveTypeParser.HexCharToNibble(System.Char)">
11706             <summary>
11707             Returns the 4 bits that correspond to the specified character.
11708             </summary>
11709             <param name="c">Character in the 0-F range to be converted.</param>
11710             <returns>The 4 bits that correspond to the specified character.</returns>
11711             <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">Thrown when 'c' is not in the '0'-'9','a'-'f' range.</exception>
11712             <remarks>This is a copy of WebConvert.HexCharToNibble.</remarks>
11713         </member>
11714         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind">
11715             <summary>
11716             Enumeration of kinds of query tokens.
11717             </summary>
11718         </member>
11719         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.BinaryOperator">
11720             <summary>
11721             The binary operator.
11722             </summary>
11723         </member>
11724         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.UnaryOperator">
11725             <summary>
11726             The unary operator.
11727             </summary>
11728         </member>
11729         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.Literal">
11730             <summary>
11731             The literal value.
11732             </summary>
11733         </member>
11734         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.FunctionCall">
11735             <summary>
11736             The function call.
11737             </summary>
11738         </member>
11739         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.EndPath">
11740             <summary>
11741             The property access.
11742             </summary>
11743         </member>
11744         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.OrderBy">
11745             <summary>
11746             The order by operation.
11747             </summary>
11748         </member>
11749         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.CustomQueryOption">
11750             <summary>
11751             A query option.
11752             </summary>
11753         </member>
11754         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.Select">
11755             <summary>
11756             The Select query.
11757             </summary>
11758         </member>
11759         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.Star">
11760             <summary>
11761             The *.
11762             </summary>
11763         </member>
11764         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.Expand">
11765             <summary>
11766             The Expand query.
11767             </summary>
11768         </member>
11769         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.TypeSegment">
11770             <summary>
11771             Type segment.
11772             </summary>
11773         </member>
11774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.Any">
11775             <summary>
11776             Any query.
11777             </summary>
11778         </member>
11779         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.InnerPath">
11780             <summary>
11781             Non root segment.
11782             </summary>
11783         </member>
11784         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.DottedIdentifier">
11785             <summary>
11786             type segment.
11787             </summary>
11788         </member>
11789         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.RangeVariable">
11790             <summary>
11791             Parameter token.
11792             </summary>
11793         </member>
11794         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.All">
11795             <summary>
11796             All query.
11797             </summary>
11798         </member>
11799         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.ExpandTerm">
11800             <summary>
11801             ExpandTerm Token
11802             </summary>
11803         </member>
11804         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.FunctionParameter">
11805             <summary>
11806             FunctionParameterToken
11807             </summary>
11808         </member>
11809         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.FunctionParameterAlias">
11810             <summary>
11811             FunctionParameterAlias
11812             </summary>
11813         </member>
11814         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.QueryTokenKind.RawFunctionParameterValue">
11815             <summary>
11816             RawFunctionParameterValue
11817             </summary>
11818         </member>
11819         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken">
11820             <summary>
11821             Lexical token representing a unary operator.
11822             </summary>
11823         </member>
11824         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken.operatorKind">
11825             <summary>
11826             The operator represented by this node.
11827             </summary>
11828         </member>
11829         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken.operand">
11830             <summary>
11831             The operand.
11832             </summary>
11833         </member>
11834         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
11835             <summary>
11836             Create a new UnaryOperatorToken given the operator and operand
11837             </summary>
11838             <param name="operatorKind">The operator represented by this node.</param>
11839             <param name="operand">The operand.</param>
11840         </member>
11841         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor{``0})">
11842             <summary>
11843             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.ISyntacticTreeVisitor`1"/> to walk a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken"/>s.
11844             </summary>
11845             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
11846             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
11847             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
11848         </member>
11849         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken.Kind">
11850             <summary>
11851             The kind of the query token.
11852             </summary>
11853         </member>
11854         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken.OperatorKind">
11855             <summary>
11856             The operator represented by this node.
11857             </summary>
11858         </member>
11859         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken.Operand">
11860             <summary>
11861             The operand.
11862             </summary>
11863         </member>
11864         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind">
11865             <summary>
11866             Enumeration of binary operators.
11867             </summary>
11868         </member>
11869         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind.Negate">
11870             <summary>
11871             The unary - operator.
11872             </summary>
11873         </member>
11874         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind.Not">
11875             <summary>
11876             The not operator.
11877             </summary>
11878         </member>
11879         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants">
11880             <summary>
11881             Constant values related to the URI query syntax.
11882             </summary>
11883         </member>
11884         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.MetadataSegment">
11885             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates metadata is being requested.</summary>
11886         </member>
11887         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.ValueSegment">
11888             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates a plain primitive value is being requested.</summary>
11889         </member>
11890         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.BatchSegment">
11891             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates batch is being requested.</summary>
11892         </member>
11893         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.LinkSegment">
11894             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates that this is an entity reference link operation.</summary>
11895         </member>
11896         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.CountSegment">
11897             <summary>A segment name in a URI that indicates that this is a count operation.</summary>
11898         </member>
11899         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.FilterQueryOption">
11900             <summary>A filter query option name.</summary>
11901         </member>
11902         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.OrderByQueryOption">
11903             <summary>An order by query option name.</summary>
11904         </member>
11905         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.SelectQueryOption">
11906             <summary>A select query option name.</summary>
11907         </member>
11908         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.ExpandQueryOption">
11909             <summary>An expand query option name.</summary>
11910         </member>
11911         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.SkipQueryOption">
11912             <summary>A skip query option name.</summary>
11913         </member>
11914         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.Star">
11915             <summary>A valid value to denote all-properties access.</summary>
11916         </member>
11917         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.TopQueryOption">
11918             <summary>A top query option name.</summary>
11919         </member>
11920         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.InlineCountQueryOption">
11921             <summary>A inline-count query option name.</summary>
11922         </member>
11923         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryConstants.FormatQueryOption">
11924             <summary>A format query option name.</summary>
11925         </member>
11926         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser">
11927             <summary>
11928             Parser which consumes the query expression ($filter, $orderby) and produces the lexical object model.
11929             </summary>
11930         </member>
11931         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.maxDepth">
11932             <summary>
11933             The maximum number of recursion nesting allowed.
11934             </summary>
11935         </member>
11936         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.parameters">
11937             <summary>
11938             Set of parsed parameters
11939             </summary>
11940         </member>
11941         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.recursionDepth">
11942             <summary>
11943             The current recursion depth.
11944             </summary>
11945         </member>
11946         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.lexer">
11947             <summary>
11948             The lexer being used for the parsing.
11949             </summary>
11950         </member>
11951         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.#ctor(System.Int32)">
11952             <summary>
11953             Constructor.
11954             </summary>
11955             <param name="maxDepth">The maximum depth of each part of the query - a recursion limit.</param>
11956         </member>
11957         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.TryParseLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer)">
11958             <summary>
11959             Parses a literal.
11960             </summary>
11961             <param name="lexer">The lexer to use.</param>
11962             <returns>The literal query token or null if something else was found.</returns>
11963         </member>
11964         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseFilter(System.String)">
11965             <summary>
11966             Parses the $filter expression.
11967             </summary>
11968             <param name="filter">The $filter expression string to parse.</param>
11969             <returns>The lexical token representing the filter.</returns>
11970         </member>
11971         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseOrderBy(System.String)">
11972             <summary>
11973             Parses the $orderby expression.
11974             </summary>
11975             <param name="orderBy">The $orderby expression string to parse.</param>
11976             <returns>The enumeraion of lexical tokens representing order by tokens.</returns>
11977         </member>
11978         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.CreateLexerForFilterOrOrderByExpression(System.String)">
11979             <summary>
11980             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer"/> for the given filter or orderby expression.
11981             </summary>
11982             <param name="expression">The expression.</param>
11983             <returns>The lexer for the expression, which will have already moved to the first token.</returns>
11984         </member>
11985         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseError(System.String)">
11986             <summary>Creates an exception for a parse error.</summary>
11987             <param name="message">Message text.</param>
11988             <returns>A new Exception.</returns>
11989         </member>
11990         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseTypedLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.String)">
11991             <summary>
11992             Parses typed literals.
11993             </summary>
11994             <param name="lexer">The lexer to use.</param>
11995             <param name="targetTypeReference">Expected type to be parsed.</param>
11996             <param name="targetTypeName">The EDM type name of the expected type to be parsed.</param>
11997             <returns>The literal token produced by building the given literal.</returns>
11998         </member>
11999         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseNullLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionLexer)">
12000             <summary>
12001             Parses null literals.
12002             </summary>
12003             <param name="lexer">The lexer to use.</param>
12004             <returns>The literal token produced by building the given literal.</returns>
12005         </member>
12006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseExpression">
12007             <summary>
12008             Parses the expression.
12009             </summary>
12010             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12011         </member>
12012         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseLogicalOr">
12013             <summary>
12014             Parses the or operator.
12015             </summary>
12016             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12017         </member>
12018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseLogicalAnd">
12019             <summary>
12020             Parses the and operator.
12021             </summary>
12022             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12023         </member>
12024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseComparison">
12025             <summary>
12026             Parses the eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge operators.
12027             </summary>
12028             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12029         </member>
12030         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseAdditive">
12031             <summary>
12032             Parses the add, sub operators.
12033             </summary>
12034             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12035         </member>
12036         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseMultiplicative">
12037             <summary>
12038             Parses the mul, div, mod operators.
12039             </summary>
12040             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12041         </member>
12042         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseUnary">
12043             <summary>
12044             Parses the -, not unary operators.
12045             </summary>
12046             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12047         </member>
12048         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParsePrimary">
12049             <summary>
12050             Parses the primary expressions.
12051             </summary>
12052             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12053         </member>
12054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParsePrimaryStart">
12055             <summary>
12056             Handles the start of primary expressions.
12057             </summary>
12058             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12059         </member>
12060         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseParenExpression">
12061             <summary>
12062             Parses parenthesized expressions.
12063             </summary>
12064             <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns>
12065         </member>
12066         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseAny(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
12067             <summary>
12068             Parses the Any portion of the query
12069             </summary>
12070             <param name="parent">The parent of the Any node.</param>
12071             <returns>The lexical token representing the Any query.</returns>
12072         </member>
12073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseAll(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
12074             <summary>
12075             Parses the All portion of the query
12076             </summary>
12077             <param name="parent">The parent of the All node.</param>
12078             <returns>The lexical token representing the All query.</returns>
12079         </member>
12080         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseAnyAll(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,System.Boolean)">
12081             <summary>
12082             Parses the Any/All portion of the query
12083             </summary>
12084             <param name="parent">The parent of the Any/All node.</param>
12085             <param name="isAny">Denotes whether an Any or All is to be parsed.</param>
12086             <returns>The lexical token representing the Any/All query.</returns>
12087         </member>
12088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.ParseSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken)">
12089             <summary>
12090             Parses a segment.
12091             </summary>
12092             <param name="parent">The parent of the segment node.</param>
12093             <returns>The lexical token representing the segment.</returns>
12094         </member>
12095         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.TokenIdentifierIs(System.String)">
12096             <summary>
12097             Checks that the current token has the specified identifier.
12098             </summary>
12099             <param name="id">Identifier to check.</param>
12100             <returns>true if the current token is an identifier with the specified text.</returns>
12101         </member>
12102         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.RecurseEnter">
12103             <summary>
12104             Marks the fact that a recursive method was entered, and checks that the depth is allowed.
12105             </summary>
12106         </member>
12107         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.RecurseLeave">
12108             <summary>
12109             Marks the fact that a recursive method is leaving.
12110             </summary>
12111         </member>
12112         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriQueryExpressionParser.Parser">
12113             <summary>
12114             Delegate for a function that parses an expression and translates it into a QueryToken.
12115             </summary>
12116             <returns>A QueryToken</returns>
12117         </member>
12118         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPathParser">
12119             <summary>
12120             Parser which consumes the URI path and produces the lexical object model.
12121             </summary>
12122         </member>
12123         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPathParser.maxSegments">
12124             <summary>
12125             The maximum number of segments allowed.
12126             </summary>
12127         </member>
12128         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPathParser.#ctor(System.Int32)">
12129             <summary>
12130             Constructor.
12131             </summary>
12132             <param name="maxSegments">The maximum number of segments for each part of the query.</param>
12133         </member>
12134         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPathParser.ParsePath(System.String)">
12135             <summary>
12136             Parses the <paramref name="escapedRelativePathUri"/> and returns a list of strings for each segment.
12137             </summary>
12138             <param name="escapedRelativePathUri">The relative URI which holds the query to parse.</param>
12139             <returns>a list of strings for each segment in the uri.</returns>
12140         </member>
12141         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriPathParser.ParsePathIntoSegments(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
12142             <summary>
12143             Returns list of segments in the specified path (eg: /abc/pqr -&gt; abc, pqr).
12144             </summary>
12145             <param name="absoluteUri">The absolute URI of the request.</param>
12146             <param name="serviceBaseUri">The service base URI for the request.</param>
12147             <returns>List of unescaped segments.</returns>
12148         </member>
12149         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorBinder">
12150             <summary>
12151             Class that knows how to bind unary operators.
12152             </summary>
12153         </member>
12154         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorBinder.bindMethod">
12155             <summary>
12156             Method to use for binding the parent node, if needed.
12157             </summary>
12158         </member>
12159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorBinder.#ctor(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.QueryToken,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode})">
12160             <summary>
12161             Constructs a UnaryOperatorBinder with the given method to be used binding the parent token if needed.
12162             </summary>
12163             <param name="bindMethod">Method to use for binding the parent token, if needed.</param>
12164         </member>
12165         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorBinder.BindUnaryOperator(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken)">
12166             <summary>
12167             Binds a unary operator token.
12168             </summary>
12169             <param name="unaryOperatorToken">The unary operator token to bind.</param>
12170             <returns>The bound unary operator token.</returns>
12171         </member>
12172         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorBinder.PromoteOperandType(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorKind)">
12173             <summary>
12174             Get the promoted type reference of the operand
12175             </summary>
12176             <param name="operand">the operand</param>
12177             <param name="unaryOperatorKind">the operator kind</param>
12178             <returns>the type reference of the operand</returns>
12179         </member>
12180         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UnaryOperatorBinder.GetOperandFromToken(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SyntacticAst.UnaryOperatorToken)">
12181             <summary>
12182             Retrieve SingleValueNode operand from given token.
12183             </summary>
12184             <param name="unaryOperatorToken">The token</param>
12185             <returns>the SingleValueNode operand</returns>
12186         </member>
12187         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode">
12188             <summary>
12189             Node representing a single navigation property.
12190             </summary>
12191         </member>
12192         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.entitySet">
12193             <summary>
12194             The entity set that this NavigationProperty targets.
12195             </summary>
12196         </member>
12197         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.source">
12198             <summary>
12199             The previous node in the path.
12200             </summary>
12201         </member>
12202         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.navigationProperty">
12203             <summary>
12204             The navigation property this node represents.
12205             </summary>
12206         </member>
12207         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.entityTypeReference">
12208             <summary>
12209             The type of entity that this NavigationProperty targets.
12210             </summary>
12211         </member>
12212         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleEntityNode)">
12213             <summary>
12214             Constructs a SingleNavigationNode.
12215             </summary>
12216             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property this node represents.</param>
12217             <param name="source">The previous node in the path.</param>
12218             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input navigationProperty or source is null.</exception>
12219             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input navigationProperty targets more than one entity.</exception>
12220         </member>
12221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
12222             <summary>
12223             Constructs a SingleNavigationNode.
12224             </summary>
12225             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property this node represents.</param>
12226             <param name="sourceSet">The entity set that this of the previous segment.</param>
12227             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input navigationProperty or source is null.</exception>
12228             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the input navigationProperty targets more than one entity.</exception>
12229         </member>
12230         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
12231             <summary>
12232             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
12233             </summary>
12234             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
12235             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
12236             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
12237             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
12238         </member>
12239         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.Source">
12240             <summary>
12241             Gets the previous node in the path.
12242             </summary>
12243         </member>
12244         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.NavigationProperty">
12245             <summary>
12246             Gets the navigation property this node represents.
12247             </summary>
12248         </member>
12249         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.TargetMultiplicity">
12250             <summary>
12251             Gets the target multiplicity.
12252             </summary>
12253         </member>
12254         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.TypeReference">
12255             <summary>
12256             Gets the type of entity that this NavigationProperty targets.
12257             </summary>
12258         </member>
12259         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.EntityTypeReference">
12260             <summary>
12261             Gets the type of entity that this NavigationProperty targets.
12262             </summary>
12263         </member>
12264         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.EntitySet">
12265             <summary>
12266             Gets the entity set that this NavigationProperty targets.
12267             </summary>
12268         </member>
12269         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleNavigationNode.InternalKind">
12270             <summary>
12271             Gets the kind of this query node.
12272             </summary>
12273         </member>
12274         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriUtils">
12275             <summary>
12276             Uri utility methods.
12277             </summary>
12278         </member>
12279         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriUtils.UriInvariantInsensitiveIsBaseOf(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
12280             <summary>
12281             Determines whether the <paramref name="baseUri"/> Uri instance is a 
12282             base of the specified Uri instance. 
12283             </summary>
12284             <remarks>
12285             The check is host agnostic. For example, "http://host1.com/Service.svc" is a valid base Uri of "https://host2.org/Service.svc/Bla" 
12286             but is not a valid base for "http://host1.com/OtherService.svc/Bla".
12287             </remarks>
12288             <param name="baseUri">The candidate base URI.</param>
12289             <param name="uri">The specified Uri instance to test.</param>
12290             <returns>true if the baseUri Uri instance is a base of uri; otherwise false.</returns>
12291         </member>
12292         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriUtils.ParseQueryOptions(System.Uri)">
12293             <summary>
12294             Parses query options from a specified URI into a dictionary.
12295             </summary>
12296             <param name="uri">The uri to get the query options from.</param>
12297             <returns>The parsed query options.</returns>
12298             <remarks>This method returns <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1"/> with all the query options.
12299             Note that it is valid to include multiple query options with the same name.</remarks>
12300         </member>
12301         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriUtils.IsStructuralOrNavigationPropertySelectionItem(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SelectItem)">
12302             <summary>
12303             is this selection item a structural or navigation property selection item.
12304             </summary>
12305             <param name="selectItem">the selection item to check</param>
12306             <returns>true if this selection item is a structural property selection item.</returns>
12307         </member>
12308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriUtils.CreateBaseComparableUri(System.Uri)">
12309             <summary>Creates a URI suitable for host-agnostic comparison purposes.</summary>
12310             <param name="uri">URI to compare.</param>
12311             <returns>URI suitable for comparison.</returns>
12312         </member>
12313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.UriUtils.IsBaseOf(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
12314             <summary>
12315             Check whether the <paramref name="baseUri"/> Uri is the base of the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri.
12316             </summary>
12317             <param name="baseUri">The candidate base Uri.</param>
12318             <param name="uri">The Uri to check.</param>
12319             <returns>True if the <paramref name="baseUri"/> is the base of the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri.</returns>
12320         </member>
12321         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomAndVerboseJsonTypeNameOracle">
12322             <summary>
12323             Class responsible for determining the type name that should be written on the wire for entries and values in the ATOM and Verbose JSON formats.
12324             </summary>
12325         </member>
12326         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeNameOracle">
12327             <summary>
12328             Class to validate and resolve the type name to be serialized.
12329             </summary>
12330         </member>
12331         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeNameOracle.ResolveAndValidateTypeName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind)">
12332             <summary>
12333             Validates a type name to ensure that it's not an empty string and resolves it against the provided <paramref name="model"/>.
12334             </summary>
12335             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
12336             <param name="typeName">The type name to validate.</param>
12337             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The expected type kind for the given type name.</param>
12338             <returns>The type with the given name and kind if a user model was available, otherwise null.</returns>
12339         </member>
12340         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeNameOracle.ResolveAndValidateTypeNameForValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue,System.Boolean)">
12341             <summary>
12342             Resolves and validates the Edm type for the given <paramref name="value"/>.
12343             </summary>
12344             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
12345             <param name="typeReferenceFromMetadata">The type inferred from the model or null if the model is not a user model.</param>
12346             <param name="value">The value in question to resolve the type for.</param>
12347             <param name="isOpenProperty">true if the type name belongs to an open property, false otherwise.</param>
12348             <returns>A type for the <paramref name="value"/> or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
12349         </member>
12350         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeNameOracle.GetTypeNameFromValue(System.Object)">
12351             <summary>
12352             Gets the type name from the given <paramref name="value"/>.
12353             </summary>
12354             <param name="value">The value to get the type name from. This can be an ODataPrimitiveValue, an ODataComplexValue, an ODataCollectionValue or a Clr primitive object.</param>
12355             <returns>The type name for the given <paramref name="value"/>.</returns>
12356         </member>
12357         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeNameOracle.ResolveAndValidateTypeFromNameAndMetadata(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,System.Boolean)">
12358             <summary>
12359             Resolve a type name against the provided <paramref name="model"/>. If not payload type name is specified,
12360             derive the type from the model type (if available).
12361             </summary>
12362             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
12363             <param name="typeReferenceFromMetadata">The type inferred from the model or null if the model is not a user model.</param>
12364             <param name="typeName">The type name to be resolved.</param>
12365             <param name="typeKindFromValue">The expected type kind of the resolved type.</param>
12366             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">True if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
12367             <returns>A type for the <paramref name="typeName"/> or null if no type name is specified and no metadata is available.</returns>
12368         </member>
12369         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeNameOracle.ValidateMetadataType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
12370             <summary>
12371             Validates that the (optional) <paramref name="typeReferenceFromMetadata"/> is the same as the (optional) <paramref name="typeReferenceFromValue"/>.
12372             </summary>
12373             <param name="typeReferenceFromMetadata">The (optional) type from the metadata definition (the expected type).</param>
12374             <param name="typeReferenceFromValue">The (optional) type from the value (the actual type).</param>
12375             <returns>The type as derived from the <paramref name="typeReferenceFromMetadata"/> and/or <paramref name="typeReferenceFromValue"/>.</returns>
12376         </member>
12377         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomAndVerboseJsonTypeNameOracle.GetEntryTypeNameForWriting(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
12378             <summary>
12379             Determines the type name for the given entry to write to the payload.
12380             </summary>
12381             <param name="entry">The ODataEntry whose type name is to be written</param>
12382             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type name should be written.</returns>
12383         </member>
12384         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomAndVerboseJsonTypeNameOracle.GetValueTypeNameForWriting(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.String@)">
12385             <summary>
12386             Determines the type name for the given value to write to the payload.
12387             </summary>
12388             <param name="value">The value whose type name is to be written. This can be an ODataPrimitiveValue, an ODataComplexValue, an ODataCollectionValue or a Clr primitive object.</param>
12389             <param name="typeReferenceFromValue">The type resolved from the value.</param>
12390             <param name="typeNameAnnotation">The serialization type name annotation.</param>
12391             <param name="collectionValidator">true if the type name belongs to an open property, false otherwise.</param>
12392             <param name="collectionItemTypeName">Returns the item type name of the collection type if <paramref name="value"/> is a collection value and its type name can be determined.</param>
12393             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type should be written.</returns>
12394         </member>
12395         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata">
12396             <summary> Atom metadata description for a categories element (app:categories). </summary>
12397         </member>
12398         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata.Fixed">
12399             <summary> Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the list of categories is fixed or an open set. </summary>
12400             <returns>true if the list of categories is fixed; false if the list of categories is an open set.</returns>
12401         </member>
12402         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata.Scheme">
12403             <summary> Gets or sets the URI indicating the scheme of the categories without a scheme. </summary>
12404             <returns>The URI indicating the scheme of the categories without a scheme.</returns>
12405         </member>
12406         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata.Href">
12407             <summary> Gets or sets the URI of the category document. </summary>
12408             <returns>The URI of the category document.</returns>
12409             <remarks>
12410             If this property is not null, the properties <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata.Fixed"/> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata.Scheme"/> must be both null
12411             and the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata.Categories"/> must be either null or empty collection.
12412             </remarks>
12413         </member>
12414         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoriesMetadata.Categories">
12415             <summary> Gets or sets the atom category elements inside this categories element. </summary>
12416             <returns>The atom category elements inside this categories element.</returns>
12417         </member>
12418         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation">
12419             <summary>
12420             Class responsible for storing and manipulating instance annotation data in ATOM payloads.
12421             </summary>
12422         </member>
12423         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.target">
12424             <summary>
12425             Backing field of the Target property.
12426             </summary>
12427         </member>
12428         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.term">
12429             <summary>
12430             Backing field of the Term property.
12431             </summary>
12432         </member>
12433         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.value">
12434             <summary>
12435             Backing field of the Value property.
12436             </summary>
12437         </member>
12438         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue)">
12439             <summary>
12440             Constructor.
12441             </summary>
12442             <param name="target">The target of the annotation.</param>
12443             <param name="term">The term whose value is being expressed through this annotation.</param>
12444             <param name="value">The annotation's value.</param>
12445         </member>
12446         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.CreateFrom(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation,System.String)">
12447             <summary>
12448             Creates a new instance of this class by consuming xml from the given reader.
12449             Creates an Atom-specific instance annotation from the format-independent representation of an annotation.
12450             </summary>
12451             <param name="odataInstanceAnnotation">The format-independent represetnation of an instance annotation.</param>
12452             <param name="target">The value of the target attribute on the m:annotation element, or null if the attribute should be omitted.</param>
12453             <returns>The created AtomInstanceAnnotation.</returns>
12454         </member>
12455         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.CreateFrom(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer)">
12456             <summary>
12457             Creates a new instance of this class by consuming xml from the given input context.
12458             </summary>
12459             <param name="inputContext">The input context to use to create the annotation.</param>
12460             <param name="propertyAndValueDeserializer">The property and value deserializer to use when reading values in the annotation element content.</param>
12461             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation"/> populated with the information from the 'm:annotation' XML element, as long as the value is a string. Returns null otherwise.</returns>
12462             <remarks>
12463             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element    - The annotation element to read.
12464             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Any        - The node after the end of the annotation element, or the same element as in the pre-condition if the annotation was skipped.
12465             </remarks>
12466         </member>
12467         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.LookupAttributeValueNotationNameByEdmTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
12468             <summary>
12469             Retrieves the name of the attribute used in attribute value notation to indicate the given primitive type kind.
12470             </summary>
12471             <param name="typeKind">The primitive type kind to look up.</param>
12472             <returns>The name of the corresponding attribute.</returns>
12473         </member>
12474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.LookupEdmTypeByAttributeValueNotationName(System.String)">
12475             <summary>
12476             Retrieves the Edm type represented by the given attribute name when using attribute value notation.
12477             </summary>
12478             <param name="attributeName">The name of the attribute (must be one of "string", "int", "bool", "decimal", "float")</param>
12479             <returns>A nullable reference to the type represented by the attribute name, or null if the given name is not a valid attribute value notation name.</returns>
12480         </member>
12481         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.ReadValueFromElementContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
12482             <summary>
12483             Reads the current element's content as an ODataValue.
12484             </summary>
12485             <param name="propertyAndValueDeserializer">The property and value deserializer to use to read values in ATOM.</param>
12486             <param name="expectedType">The expected type of the annotation, may be null if the term is not defined in the model.</param>
12487             <returns>The deserialized value.</returns>
12488             <remarks>
12489             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element    - The XML element containing the value to read (also the attributes will be read from it)
12490             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.EndElement - The end tag of the element.
12491                              XmlNodeType.Element    - The empty element node.
12492             </remarks>
12493         </member>
12494         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.GetValueFromAttributeValueNotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
12495             <summary>
12496             Reads an annotation's value from the annotation value notation specified on the current element. 
12497             </summary>
12498             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the vocabulary term from the metadata.</param>
12499             <param name="attributeValueNotationTypeReference">The type reference indicated by the name of the attribute used in attribute value notation. 
12500               For example, if the attribute was called "string", this will be a reference to the string type.</param>
12501             <param name="attributeValueNotationAttributeName">The name of the attribute used by attribute avalue notation.</param>
12502             <param name="attributeValueNotationAttributeValue">The value of the attribute used by attribute value notation.</param>
12503             <param name="typeAttributeValue">The value of the "m:type" attribute on the annotation element.</param>
12504             <param name="positionedOnEmptyElement">true if the annotation element is empty, false otherwise.</param>
12505             <param name="model">The edm model instance.</param>
12506             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings instance.</param>
12507             <param name="version">The payload version to read.</param>
12508             <returns>The primitive value represented on this element via attribute value notation.</returns>
12509         </member>
12510         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.Target">
12511             <summary>
12512             The target of this annotation, as specified in the m:annotation/@target attribute.
12513             </summary>
12514         </member>
12515         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.TermName">
12516             <summary>
12517             The term of this annotation's value, as specified in the m:annotation/@term attribute.
12518             </summary>
12519         </member>
12520         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.Value">
12521             <summary>
12522             The value of this annotation.
12523             </summary>
12524         </member>
12525         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation.IsTargetingCurrentElement">
12526             <summary>
12527             True if the annotation is targeting the xml element in which the annotation was found; false if the annotation is targeting a different element.
12528             </summary>
12529         </member>
12530         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter">
12531             <summary>
12532             Xml writer which wraps another writer and fixes prefixes so that the root element is not prefix-qualified (same for everything else with the same prefix).
12533             </summary>
12534         </member>
12535         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.writer">
12536             <summary>
12537             The wrapped writer.
12538             </summary>
12539         </member>
12540         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.rootPrefix">
12541             <summary>
12542             The root prefix, once the first element of the document has been written.
12543             </summary>
12544         </member>
12545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.#ctor(System.Xml.XmlWriter)">
12546             <summary>
12547             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter"/>.
12548             </summary>
12549             <param name="writer">The writer to wrap.</param>
12550         </member>
12551         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteNode(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Boolean)">
12552             <summary>
12553             When overridden in a derived class, copies everything from the reader to the writer and moves the reader to the start of the next sibling.
12554             </summary>
12555             <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlReader"/> to read from. </param>
12556             <param name="defattr">true to copy the default attributes from the XmlReader; otherwise, false. </param>
12557             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="reader"/> is null. </exception>
12558             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="reader"/> contains invalid characters. </exception>
12559         </member>
12560         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteAttributes(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Boolean)">
12561             <summary>
12562             When overridden in a derived class, writes out all the attributes found at the current position in the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlReader"/>.
12563             </summary>
12564             <param name="reader">The XmlReader from which to copy the attributes. </param>
12565             <param name="defattr">true to copy the default attributes from the XmlReader; otherwise, false. </param>
12566             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="reader"/> is null. </exception>
12567             <exception cref="T:System.Xml.XmlException">The reader is not positioned on an element, attribute or XmlDeclaration node. </exception>
12568         </member>
12569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.LookupPrefix(System.String)">
12570             <summary>
12571             When overridden in a derived class, returns the closest prefix defined in the current namespace scope for the namespace URI.
12572             </summary>
12573             <returns>
12574             The matching prefix or null if no matching namespace URI is found in the current scope.
12575             </returns>
12576             <param name="ns">The namespace URI whose prefix you want to find. </param>
12577             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="ns"/> is either null or String.Empty. </exception>
12578         </member>
12579         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.Flush">
12580             <summary>
12581             When overridden in a derived class, flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
12582             </summary>
12583         </member>
12584         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteNmToken(System.String)">
12585             <summary>
12586             When overridden in a derived class, writes out the specified name, ensuring it is a valid NmToken according to the W3C XML 1.0 recommendation (http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#NT-Name).
12587             </summary>
12588             <param name="name">The name to write. </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
12589             <paramref name="name"/> is not a valid NmToken; or <paramref name="name"/> is either null or String.Empty. </exception>
12590         </member>
12591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.Close">
12592             <summary>
12593             When overridden in a derived class, closes this stream and the underlying stream.
12594             </summary>
12595             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">A call is made to write more output after Close has been called or the result of this call is an invalid XML document. </exception>
12596         </member>
12597         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteBinHex(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
12598             <summary>
12599             When overridden in a derived class, encodes the specified binary bytes as BinHex and writes out the resulting text.
12600             </summary>
12601             <param name="buffer">Byte array to encode. </param><param name="index">The position in the buffer indicating the start of the bytes to write. </param><param name="count">The number of bytes to write. </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="buffer"/> is null. </exception><exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The writer is closed or in error state.</exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> or <paramref name="count"/> is less than zero. -or-The buffer length minus <paramref name="index"/> is less than <paramref name="count"/>.</exception>
12602         </member>
12603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteRaw(System.String)">
12604             <summary>
12605             When overridden in a derived class, writes raw markup manually from a string.
12606             </summary>
12607             <param name="data">String containing the text to write. </param>
12608             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="data"/> is either null or String.Empty. </exception>
12609         </member>
12610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteBase64(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
12611             <summary>
12612             When overridden in a derived class, encodes the specified binary bytes as Base64 and writes out the resulting text.
12613             </summary>
12614             <param name="buffer">Byte array to encode. </param><param name="index">The position in the buffer indicating the start of the bytes to write. </param>
12615             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write. </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="buffer"/> is null. </exception>
12616             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> or <paramref name="count"/> is less than zero. -or-The buffer length minus <paramref name="index"/> is less than <paramref name="count"/>.</exception>
12617         </member>
12618         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteRaw(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
12619             <summary>
12620             When overridden in a derived class, writes raw markup manually from a character buffer.
12621             </summary>
12622             <param name="buffer">Character array containing the text to write. </param><param name="index">The position within the buffer indicating the start of the text to write. </param>
12623             <param name="count">The number of characters to write. </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="buffer"/> is null. </exception>
12624             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> or <paramref name="count"/> is less than zero. -or-The buffer length minus <paramref name="index"/> is less than <paramref name="count"/>.</exception>
12625         </member>
12626         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteChars(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
12627             <summary>
12628             When overridden in a derived class, writes text one buffer at a time.
12629             </summary>
12630             <param name="buffer">Character array containing the text to write. </param><param name="index">The position in the buffer indicating the start of the text to write. </param>
12631             <param name="count">The number of characters to write. </param>
12632             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="buffer"/> is null. </exception>
12633             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> or <paramref name="count"/> is less than zero. -or-The buffer length minus <paramref name="index"/> is less than <paramref name="count"/>; the call results in surrogate pair characters being split or an invalid surrogate pair being written.</exception>
12634             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <paramref name="buffer"/> parameter value is not valid.</exception>
12635         </member>
12636         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteSurrogateCharEntity(System.Char,System.Char)">
12637             <summary>
12638             When overridden in a derived class, generates and writes the surrogate character entity for the surrogate character pair.
12639             </summary>
12640             <param name="lowChar">The low surrogate. This must be a value between 0xDC00 and 0xDFFF. </param>
12641             <param name="highChar">The high surrogate. This must be a value between 0xD800 and 0xDBFF. </param>
12642             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">An invalid surrogate character pair was passed. </exception>
12643         </member>
12644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteString(System.String)">
12645             <summary>
12646             When overridden in a derived class, writes the given text content.
12647             </summary>
12648             <param name="text">The text to write. </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The text string contains an invalid surrogate pair. </exception>
12649         </member>
12650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
12651             <summary>
12652             When overridden in a derived class, writes the start of an attribute with the specified prefix, local name, and namespace URI.
12653             </summary>
12654             <param name="prefix">The namespace prefix of the attribute. </param><param name="localName">The local name of the attribute. </param>
12655             <param name="ns">The namespace URI for the attribute. </param>
12656             <exception cref="T:System.Text.EncoderFallbackException">There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. </exception>
12657         </member>
12658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteEndAttribute">
12659             <summary>
12660             When overridden in a derived class, closes the previous <see cref="M:System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(System.String,System.String)"/> call.
12661             </summary>
12662         </member>
12663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteCData(System.String)">
12664             <summary>
12665             When overridden in a derived class, writes out a &lt;![CDATA[...]]&gt; block containing the specified text.
12666             </summary>
12667             <param name="text">The text to place inside the CDATA block. </param>
12668             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The text would result in a non-well formed XML document. </exception>
12669         </member>
12670         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteComment(System.String)">
12671             <summary>
12672             When overridden in a derived class, writes out a comment &lt;!--...--&gt; containing the specified text.
12673             </summary>
12674             <param name="text">Text to place inside the comment. </param>
12675             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The text would result in a non-well formed XML document. </exception>
12676         </member>
12677         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteProcessingInstruction(System.String,System.String)">
12678             <summary>
12679             When overridden in a derived class, writes out a processing instruction with a space between the name and text as follows: &lt;?name text?&gt;.
12680             </summary>
12681             <param name="name">The name of the processing instruction. </param>
12682             <param name="text">The text to include in the processing instruction. </param>
12683             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The text would result in a non-well formed XML document.<paramref name="name"/> is either null or String.Empty.This method is being used to create an XML declaration after <see cref="M:System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartDocument"/> has already been called. </exception>
12684         </member>
12685         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteEntityRef(System.String)">
12686             <summary>
12687             When overridden in a derived class, writes out an entity reference as &amp;name;.
12688             </summary>
12689             <param name="name">The name of the entity reference. </param>
12690             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="name"/> is either null or String.Empty. </exception>
12691         </member>
12692         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteCharEntity(System.Char)">
12693             <summary>
12694             When overridden in a derived class, forces the generation of a character entity for the specified Unicode character value.
12695             </summary>
12696             <param name="ch">The Unicode character for which to generate a character entity. </param>
12697             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The character is in the surrogate pair character range, 0xd800 - 0xdfff. </exception>
12698         </member>
12699         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteWhitespace(System.String)">
12700             <summary>
12701             When overridden in a derived class, writes out the given white space.
12702             </summary>
12703             <param name="ws">The string of white space characters. </param>
12704             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The string contains non-white space characters. </exception>
12705         </member>
12706         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteStartDocument">
12707             <summary>
12708             When overridden in a derived class, writes the XML declaration with the version "1.0".
12709             </summary>
12710             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This is not the first write method called after the constructor. </exception>
12711         </member>
12712         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(System.Boolean)">
12713             <summary>
12714             When overridden in a derived class, writes the XML declaration with the version "1.0" and the standalone attribute.
12715             </summary>
12716             <param name="standalone">If true, it writes "standalone=yes"; if false, it writes "standalone=no". </param>
12717             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This is not the first write method called after the constructor. </exception>
12718         </member>
12719         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteEndDocument">
12720             <summary>
12721             When overridden in a derived class, closes any open elements or attributes and puts the writer back in the Start state.
12722             </summary>
12723             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The XML document is invalid. </exception>
12724         </member>
12725         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteDocType(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
12726             <summary>
12727             When overridden in a derived class, writes the DOCTYPE declaration with the specified name and optional attributes.
12728             </summary>
12729             <param name="name">The name of the DOCTYPE. This must be non-empty. </param>
12730             <param name="pubid">If non-null it also writes public override "pubid" "sysid" where <paramref name="pubid"/> and <paramref name="sysid"/> are replaced with the value of the given arguments. </param>
12731             <param name="sysid">If <paramref name="pubid"/> is null and <paramref name="sysid"/> is non-null it writes SYSTEM "sysid" where <paramref name="sysid"/> is replaced with the value of this argument. </param>
12732             <param name="subset">If non-null it writes [subset] where subset is replaced with the value of this argument. </param>
12733             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This method was called outside the prolog (after the root element). </exception>
12734             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The value for <paramref name="name"/> would result in invalid XML. </exception>
12735         </member>
12736         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteStartElement(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
12737             <summary>
12738             When overridden in a derived class, writes the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace and prefix.
12739             </summary>
12740             <param name="prefix">The namespace prefix of the element. </param><param name="localName">The local name of the element. </param>
12741             <param name="ns">The namespace URI to associate with the element. </param>
12742             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The writer is closed. </exception>
12743             <exception cref="T:System.Text.EncoderFallbackException">There is a character in the buffer that is a valid XML character but is not valid for the output encoding. For example, if the output encoding is ASCII, you should only use characters from the range of 0 to 127 for element and attribute names. The invalid character might be in the argument of this method or in an argument of previous methods that were writing to the buffer. Such characters are escaped by character entity references when possible (for example, in text nodes or attribute values). However, the character entity reference is not allowed in element and attribute names, comments, processing instructions, or CDATA sections. </exception>
12744         </member>
12745         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteEndElement">
12746             <summary>
12747             When overridden in a derived class, closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope.
12748             </summary>
12749             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This results in an invalid XML document. </exception>
12750         </member>
12751         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteFullEndElement">
12752             <summary>
12753             When overridden in a derived class, closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope.
12754             </summary>
12755         </member>
12756         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.XmlLang">
12757             <summary>
12758             When overridden in a derived class, gets the current xml:lang scope.
12759             </summary>
12760             <returns>
12761             The current xml:lang scope.
12762             </returns>
12763         </member>
12764         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.WriteState">
12765             <summary>
12766             When overridden in a derived class, gets the state of the writer.
12767             </summary>
12768             <returns>
12769             One of the <see cref="T:System.Xml.WriteState"/> values.
12770             </returns>
12771         </member>
12772         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.XmlSpace">
12773             <summary>
12774             When overridden in a derived class, gets an <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlSpace"/> representing the current xml:space scope.
12775             </summary>
12776             <returns>
12777             An XmlSpace representing the current xml:space scope.
12778             </returns>
12779         </member>
12780         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.DefaultNamespaceCompensatingXmlWriter.Settings">
12781             <summary>
12782             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings"/> object used to create this <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriter"/> instance.
12783             </summary>
12784             <returns>
12785             The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings"/> object used to create this writer instance.
12786             </returns>
12787         </member>
12788         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomAnnotationReader">
12789             <summary>
12790             Responsible for reading the annotation element in ATOM.
12791             </summary>
12792         </member>
12793         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomAnnotationReader.inputContext">
12794             <summary>
12795             The input context to use when parsing the annotation element.
12796             </summary>
12797         </member>
12798         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomAnnotationReader.odataMetadataNamespace">
12799             <summary>Atomized string representation of the URI used for the OData metadata namespace.</summary>
12800         </member>
12801         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomAnnotationReader.attributeElementName">
12802             <summary>Atomized name of the decimal attribute of an annotation element.</summary>
12803         </member>
12804         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomAnnotationReader.propertyAndValueDeserializer">
12805             <summary>The property and value deserializer used to read values in ATOM.</summary>
12806         </member>
12807         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomAnnotationReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer)">
12808             <summary>
12809             Creates a new ATOM annotation parser.
12810             </summary>
12811             <param name="inputContext">The input context this annotation reader should use to read annotation elements.</param>
12812             <param name="propertyAndValueDeserializer">The property and value deserializer to use to read the value of an annotation element.</param>
12813         </member>
12814         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomAnnotationReader.TryReadAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation@)">
12815             <summary>
12816             Attempts to read the current element as an annotation element.
12817             </summary>
12818             <param name="annotation">If this method returned true, this is the instance annotation information from the parsed element.</param>
12819             <returns>true if the element was an annotation element, false if it wasn't.</returns>
12820             <remarks>
12821             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element    - The element to read.
12822             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.EndElement - The end tag of the element (if the element was a non-empty annotation element).
12823                              XmlNodeType.Element    - The same element as the pre-condition if this method returned false, or an empty annotation element.
12824             </remarks>
12825         </member>
12826         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer">
12827             <summary>
12828             OData ATOM deserializer for detecting the payload kind of an ATOM payload.
12829             </summary>
12830         </member>
12831         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer">
12832             <summary>
12833             OData ATOM deserializer for properties and value types.
12834             </summary>
12835         </member>
12836         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer">
12837             <summary>
12838             Base class for all OData ATOM deserializers.
12839             </summary>
12840         </member>
12841         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer">
12842             <summary>
12843             Base class for all OData deserializers.
12844             </summary>
12845         </member>
12846         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.inputContext">
12847             <summary>The input context to use for reading.</summary>
12848         </member>
12849         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext)">
12850             <summary>
12851             Constructor.
12852             </summary>
12853             <param name="inputContext">The input context to read from.</param>
12854         </member>
12855         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.CreateDuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
12856             <summary>
12857             Creates a new instance of a duplicate property names checker.
12858             </summary>
12859             <returns>The newly created instance of duplicate property names checker.</returns>
12860         </member>
12861         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.UseClientFormatBehavior">
12862             <summary>
12863             true if the WCF DS client compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
12864             </summary>
12865         </member>
12866         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.UseServerFormatBehavior">
12867             <summary>
12868             true if the WCF DS server compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
12869             </summary>
12870         </member>
12871         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.UseDefaultFormatBehavior">
12872             <summary>
12873             true if the default format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
12874             </summary>
12875         </member>
12876         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.MessageReaderSettings">
12877             <summary>
12878             The message reader settings.
12879             </summary>
12880         </member>
12881         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.Version">
12882             <summary>
12883             The OData version of the input.
12884             </summary>
12885         </member>
12886         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.ReadingResponse">
12887             <summary>
12888             true if the input is a response payload; false if it's a request payload.
12889             </summary>
12890         </member>
12891         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataDeserializer.Model">
12892             <summary>
12893             The model to use.
12894             </summary>
12895         </member>
12896         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.atomInputContext">
12897             <summary>The ATOM input context to use for reading.</summary>
12898         </member>
12899         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
12900             <summary>
12901             Constructor.
12902             </summary>
12903             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
12904         </member>
12905         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.ReadPayloadStart">
12906             <summary>
12907             Reads the start of the payload. Wraps the call to XmlReaderExtensions.ReadPayloadStart().
12908             </summary>
12909         </member>
12910         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.ReadPayloadEnd">
12911             <summary>
12912             Reads till the end of the payload. Wraps the call to XmlReaderExtensions.ReadPayloadEnd().
12913             </summary>
12914         </member>
12915         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String,System.Uri)">
12916             <summary>
12917             Given a URI from the payload, this method will try to make it absolute, or fail otherwise.
12918             </summary>
12919             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
12920             <param name="xmlBaseUri">The (optional) Xml base URI as specified in the payload.</param>
12921             <returns>An absolute URI to report.</returns>
12922         </member>
12923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
12924             <summary>
12925             Given a string representation of a URI from the payload, this method will return an absolute or relative URI.
12926             </summary>
12927             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
12928             <param name="xmlBaseUri">The (optional) Xml base URI as specified in the payload.</param>
12929             <param name="makeAbsolute">If true, then this method will try to make the URI absolute, or fail otherwise.</param>
12930             <returns>An absolute or relative URI to report based on the value of the <paramref name="makeAbsolute"/> parameter.</returns>
12931         </member>
12932         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.AssertXmlCondition(System.Xml.XmlNodeType[])">
12933             <summary>
12934             Asserts that the XML reader is positioned on one of the specified node types.
12935             </summary>
12936             <param name="allowedNodeTypes">The node types which should appear at this point.</param>
12937         </member>
12938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.AssertXmlCondition(System.Boolean,System.Xml.XmlNodeType[])">
12939             <summary>
12940             Asserts that the XML reader is positioned on one of the specified node types.
12941             </summary>
12942             <param name="allowEmptyElement">True if an empty element node should be added to the list.</param>
12943             <param name="allowedNodeTypes">The node types which should appear at this point.</param>
12944         </member>
12945         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.XmlReader">
12946             <summary>
12947             The XML reader to read the input from.
12948             </summary>
12949         </member>
12950         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializer.AtomInputContext">
12951             <summary>
12952             The ATOM input context to use for reading.
12953             </summary>
12954         </member>
12955         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.EmptyNamespace">
12956             <summary>The empty namespace used for attributes in no namespace.</summary>
12957         </member>
12958         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ODataNullAttributeName">
12959             <summary>OData attribute which indicates the null value for the element.</summary>
12960         </member>
12961         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ODataCollectionItemElementName">
12962             <summary>Element name for the items in a Collection.</summary>
12963         </member>
12964         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.AtomTypeAttributeName">
12965             <summary>XML element name to mark type attribute in Atom.</summary>
12966         </member>
12967         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.edmStringType">
12968             <summary>The Edm.String type from the core model.</summary>
12969         </member>
12970         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.recursionDepth">
12971             <summary>The current recursion depth of values read by this deserializer, measured by the number of complex and collection values read so far.</summary>
12972         </member>
12973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
12974             <summary>
12975             Constructor.
12976             </summary>
12977             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
12978         </member>
12979         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadTopLevelProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
12980             <summary>
12981             This method creates and reads the property from the input and 
12982             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
12983             </summary>
12984             <param name="expectedProperty">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
12985             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type of the property to read.</param>
12986             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
12987         </member>
12988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
12989             <summary>
12990             Reads the primitive, complex or collection value.
12991             </summary>
12992             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the value.</param>
12993             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use (cached), or null if new one should be created.</param>
12994             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
12995             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate a null value (i.e., throw if a null value is being written for a non-nullable property); otherwise false.</param>
12996             <param name="epmPresent">Whether any EPM mappings exist.</param>
12997             <returns>The value read (null, primitive CLR value, ODataComplexValue or ODataCollectionValue).</returns>
12998             <remarks>
12999             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element    - The XML element containing the value to read (also the attributes will be read from it)
13000             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.EndElement - The end tag of the element.
13001                              XmlNodeType.Element    - The empty element node.
13002             </remarks>
13003         </member>
13004         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.GetNonEntityValueKind">
13005             <summary>
13006             Determines the kind of value to read based on the payload shape.
13007             </summary>
13008             <returns>The kind of type of the value to read.</returns>
13009             <remarks>
13010             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element -   The XML element containing the value to get the kind for.
13011             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element -   The XML element containing the value to get the kind for.
13012             </remarks>
13013         </member>
13014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValueAttributes(System.String@,System.Boolean@)">
13015             <summary>
13016             Reads the 'type' and 'isNull' attributes of a value.
13017             </summary>
13018             <param name="typeName">The value of the 'type' attribute or null if no 'type' attribute exists.</param>
13019             <param name="isNull">The value of the 'isNull' attribute or null if no 'isNull' attribute exists.</param>
13020             <remarks>
13021             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - The element to read attributes from.
13022             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element    - The element to read attributes from.
13023             </remarks>
13024         </member>
13025         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean)">
13026             <summary>
13027             Reads the content of a properties in an element (complex value, m:properties, ...)
13028             </summary>
13029             <param name="structuredType">The type which should declare the properties to be read. Optional.</param>
13030             <param name="properties">The list of properties to add properties to.</param>
13031             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use.</param>
13032             <param name="epmPresent">Whether any EPM mappings exist.</param>
13033             <remarks>
13034             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - The element to read properties from.
13035             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element    - The element to read properties from if it is an empty element.
13036                             XmlNodeType.EndElement - The end element of the element to read properties from.
13037             </remarks>
13038         </member>
13039         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValueImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
13040             <summary>
13041             Reads the primitive, complex or collection value.
13042             </summary>
13043             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the value.</param>
13044             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use (cached), or null if new one should be created.</param>
13045             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
13046             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate a null value (i.e., throw if a null value is being written for a non-nullable property); otherwise false.</param>
13047             <param name="epmPresent">Whether any EPM mappings exist.</param>
13048             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
13049             <returns>The value read (null, primitive CLR value, ODataComplexValue or ODataCollectionValue).</returns>
13050             <remarks>
13051             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element    - The XML element containing the value to read (also the attributes will be read from it)
13052             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.EndElement - The end tag of the element.
13053                              XmlNodeType.Element    - The empty element node.
13054             </remarks>
13055         </member>
13056         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNullValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.String)">
13057             <summary>
13058             Read a null value from the payload.
13059             </summary>
13060             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference (for validation purposes).</param>
13061             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate the value against the <paramref name="expectedTypeReference"/>.</param>
13062             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
13063             <returns>The null value.</returns>
13064         </member>
13065         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadPropertiesImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean)">
13066             <summary>
13067             Reads the content of a properties in an element (complex value, m:properties, ...)
13068             </summary>
13069             <param name="structuredType">The type which should declare the properties to be read. Optional.</param>
13070             <param name="properties">The list of properties to add properties to.</param>
13071             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use.</param>
13072             <param name="epmPresent">Whether any EPM mappings exist.</param>
13073             <remarks>
13074             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - The element to read properties from.
13075             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element    - The element to read properties from if it is an empty element.
13076                             XmlNodeType.EndElement - The end element of the element to read properties from.
13077             </remarks>
13078         </member>
13079         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataNullValueBehaviorKind,System.Boolean)">
13080             <summary>
13081             Reads a property.
13082             </summary>
13083             <param name="expectedPropertyName">The expected property name to be read from the payload (or null if no expected property name was specified).</param>
13084             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property value.</param>
13085             <param name="nullValueReadBehaviorKind">Behavior to use when reading null value for the property.</param>
13086             <param name="epmPresent">Whether any EPM mappings exist.</param>
13087             <returns>The ODataProperty representing the property in question; if null is returned from this method it means that the property is to be ignored.</returns>
13088             <remarks>
13089             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element - The XML element representing the property to read.
13090                                                    Note that the method does NOT check for the property name neither it resolves the property against metadata.
13091             Post-Condition:  Any                 - The node after the property.
13092             </remarks>
13093         </member>
13094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadPrimitiveValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
13095             <summary>
13096             Read a primitive value from the reader.
13097             </summary>
13098             <param name="actualValueTypeReference">The type of the value to read.</param>
13099             <returns>The value read from the payload and converted as appropriate to the target type.</returns>
13100             <remarks>
13101             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element   - the element to read the value for.
13102                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - an attribute on the element to read the value for.
13103             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - the element was empty.
13104                              XmlNodeType.EndElement - the element had some value.
13106             Note that this method will not read null values, those should be handled by the caller already.
13107             </remarks>
13108         </member>
13109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadComplexValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean)">
13110             <summary>
13111             Read a complex value from the reader.
13112             </summary>
13113             <param name="complexTypeReference">The type reference of the value to read (or null if no type is available).</param>
13114             <param name="payloadTypeName">The name of the type specified in the payload.</param>
13115             <param name="serializationTypeNameAnnotation">The serialization type name for the complex value (possibly null).</param>
13116             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use (cached), or null if new one should be created.</param>
13117             <param name="epmPresent">Whether any EPM mappings exist.</param>
13118             <returns>The value read from the payload.</returns>
13119             <remarks>
13120             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element   - the element to read the value for.
13121                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - an attribute on the element to read the value for.
13122             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.EndElement - the element has been read.
13124             Note that this method will not read null values, those should be handled by the caller already.
13125             </remarks>
13126         </member>
13127         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadCollectionValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation)">
13128             <summary>
13129             Read a collection from the reader.
13130             </summary>
13131             <param name="collectionTypeReference">The type of the collection to read (or null if no type is available).</param>
13132             <param name="payloadTypeName">The name of the collection type specified in the payload.</param>
13133             <param name="serializationTypeNameAnnotation">The serialization type name for the collection value (possibly null).</param>
13134             <returns>The value read from the payload.</returns>
13135             <remarks>
13136             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element   - the element to read the value for.
13137                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - an attribute on the element to read the value for.
13138             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - the element was empty.
13139                              XmlNodeType.EndElement - the element had some value.
13141             Note that this method will not read null values, those should be handled by the caller already.
13142             </remarks>
13143         </member>
13144         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.IncreaseRecursionDepth">
13145             <summary>
13146             Increases the recursion depth of values by 1. This will throw if the recursion depth exceeds the current limit.
13147             </summary>
13148         </member>
13149         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.DecreaseRecursionDepth">
13150             <summary>
13151             Decreases the recursion depth of values by 1.
13152             </summary>
13153         </member>
13154         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.AssertRecursionDepthIsZero">
13155             <summary>
13156             Asserts that the current recursion depth of values is zero. This should be true on all calls into this class from outside of this class.
13157             </summary>
13158         </member>
13159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
13160             <summary>
13161             Constructor.
13162             </summary>
13163             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
13164         </member>
13165         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
13166             <summary>
13167             Detects the payload kind(s) of the payload.
13168             </summary>
13169             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
13170             <returns>An enumerable of zero or more payload kinds depending on what payload kinds were detected.</returns>
13171             <remarks>This method decides the payload kind based on the fully-qualified element name of the top-level Xml element 
13172             in the payload for entry, feed, entity reference link, error and service document payload kinds. It performs more checks
13173             for properties and collection payloads as follows:
13174             * If an m:type attribute is found => property
13175             * If an m:null attribute is found => property
13176             Otherwise the shape of the payload decides:
13177             * If we only find d:element child nodes => collection or property
13178             * If we find no child nodes => primitive property
13179             * If we find anything else => complex property
13180             </remarks>
13181         </member>
13182         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.DetectPropertyOrCollectionPayloadKind">
13183             <summary>
13184             Detects whether the current element represents a property payload, a collection payload or neither.
13185             </summary>
13186             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or two payload kinds depending on whether a property, collection, both or neither were detected.</returns>
13187         </member>
13188         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionSerializer">
13189             <summary>
13190             OData ATOM serializer for collections.
13191             </summary>
13192         </member>
13193         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer">
13194             <summary>
13195             OData ATOM serializer for properties and values.
13196             </summary>
13197         </member>
13198         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer">
13199             <summary>
13200             Base class for all OData ATOM serializers.
13201             </summary>
13202         </member>
13203         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer">
13204             <summary>
13205             Base class for all OData serializers.
13206             </summary>
13207         </member>
13208         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.outputContext">
13209             <summary>
13210             The output context to write to.
13211             </summary>
13212         </member>
13213         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext)">
13214             <summary>
13215             Constructor.
13216             </summary>
13217             <param name="outputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13218         </member>
13219         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.CreateDuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
13220             <summary>
13221             Creates a new instance of a duplicate property names checker.
13222             </summary>
13223             <returns>The newly created instance of duplicate property names checker.</returns>
13224         </member>
13225         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.ValidateAssociationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
13226             <summary>
13227             Validates association link before writing.
13228             </summary>
13229             <param name="associationLink">The association link to validate.</param>
13230             <param name="entryEntityType">The entity type of the entry the association link belongs to.</param>
13231         </member>
13232         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.UseClientFormatBehavior">
13233             <summary>
13234             true if the WCF DS client compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
13235             </summary>
13236         </member>
13237         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.UseServerFormatBehavior">
13238             <summary>
13239             true if the WCF DS server compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
13240             </summary>
13241         </member>
13242         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.UseDefaultFormatBehavior">
13243             <summary>
13244             true if the default format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
13245             </summary>
13246         </member>
13247         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.MessageWriterSettings">
13248             <summary>
13249             The message writer settings.
13250             </summary>
13251         </member>
13252         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.UrlResolver">
13253             <summary>
13254             The URL resolver.
13255             </summary>
13256         </member>
13257         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.Version">
13258             <summary>
13259             The OData version of the output.
13260             </summary>
13261         </member>
13262         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.WritingResponse">
13263             <summary>
13264             true if the output is a response payload; false if it's a request payload.
13265             </summary>
13266         </member>
13267         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataSerializer.Model">
13268             <summary>
13269             The model to use.
13270             </summary>
13271         </member>
13272         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.atomOutputContext">
13273             <summary>
13274             The ATOM output context to write to.
13275             </summary>
13276         </member>
13277         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13278             <summary>
13279             Constructor.
13280             </summary>
13281             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13282         </member>
13283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.UriToUrlAttributeValue(System.Uri)">
13284             <summary>
13285             Converts the given <paramref name="uri"/> Uri to a string. 
13286             If the provided baseUri is not null and is a base Uri of the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri 
13287             the method returns the string form of the relative Uri.
13288             </summary>
13289             <param name="uri">The Uri to convert.</param>
13290             <returns>The string form of the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri. If the Uri is absolute it returns the
13291             string form of the <paramref name="uri"/>. If the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri is not absolute 
13292             it returns the original string of the Uri.</returns>
13293         </member>
13294         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.UriToUrlAttributeValue(System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
13295             <summary>
13296             Converts the given <paramref name="uri"/> Uri to a string. 
13297             If the provided baseUri is not null and is a base Uri of the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri 
13298             the method returns the string form of the relative Uri.
13299             </summary>
13300             <param name="uri">The Uri to convert.</param>
13301             <param name="failOnRelativeUriWithoutBaseUri">If set to true then this method will fail if the uri specified by <paramref name="uri"/> is relative 
13302             and no base uri is specified.</param>
13303             <returns>The string form of the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri. If the Uri is absolute it returns the
13304             string form of the <paramref name="uri"/>. If the <paramref name="uri"/> Uri is not absolute 
13305             it returns the original string of the Uri.</returns>
13306         </member>
13307         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WritePayloadStart">
13308             <summary>
13309             Start writing an ATOM payload.
13310             </summary>
13311         </member>
13312         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WritePayloadEnd">
13313             <summary>
13314             Finish writing an ATOM payload.
13315             </summary>
13316             <remarks>This method MUST NOT be called after writing an in-stream error 
13317             as it would fail on unclosed elements (or try to close them).</remarks>
13318         </member>
13319         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WriteTopLevelError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
13320             <summary>
13321             Writes a top-level error payload.
13322             </summary>
13323             <param name="error">The error instance to write.</param>
13324             <param name="includeDebugInformation">A flag indicating whether error details should be written (in debug mode only) or not.</param>
13325         </member>
13326         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WriteDefaultNamespaceAttributes(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags)">
13327             <summary>
13328             Write the namespaces for OData (prefix 'd') and OData metadata (prefix 'm')
13329             </summary>
13330             <param name="flags">An enumeration value to indicate what default namespace attributes to write.</param>
13331         </member>
13332         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WriteCount(System.Int64,System.Boolean)">
13333             <summary>
13334             Writes the count.
13335             </summary>
13336             <param name="count">Count value.</param>
13337             <param name="includeNamespaceDeclaration">True if the namespace declaration for the metadata namespace should be included; otherwise false.</param>
13338         </member>
13339         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WriteBaseUriAndDefaultNamespaceAttributes">
13340             <summary>
13341             Write the base Uri of the document (if specified) and the namespaces for OData (prefix 'd') and OData metadata (prefix 'm')
13342             </summary>
13343         </member>
13344         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WriteElementWithTextContent(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
13345             <summary>
13346             Writes an Xml element with the specified primitive value as content.
13347             </summary>
13348             <param name="prefix">The prefix for the element's namespace.</param>
13349             <param name="localName">The local name of the element.</param>
13350             <param name="ns">The namespace of the element.</param>
13351             <param name="textContent">The value to be used as element content.</param>
13352         </member>
13353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.WriteEmptyElement(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
13354             <summary>
13355             Writes an Xml element with empty content.
13356             </summary>
13357             <param name="prefix">The prefix for the element's namespace.</param>
13358             <param name="localName">The local name of the element.</param>
13359             <param name="ns">The namespace of the element.</param>
13360         </member>
13361         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.XmlWriter">
13362             <summary>
13363             Returns the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.XmlWriter"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
13364             </summary>
13365         </member>
13366         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.AtomOutputContext">
13367             <summary>
13368             The ODataAtomOutputContext used by the serializer.
13369             </summary>
13370         </member>
13371         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags">
13372             <summary>
13373             Flags to describe a set of default namespaces.
13374             </summary>
13375         </member>
13376         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags.None">
13377             <summary>No namespaces.</summary>
13378         </member>
13379         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags.OData">
13380             <summary>OData namespace.</summary>
13381         </member>
13382         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags.ODataMetadata">
13383             <summary>OData metadata namespace.</summary>
13384         </member>
13385         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags.Atom">
13386             <summary>ATOM namespace</summary>
13387         </member>
13388         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags.GeoRss">
13389             <summary>GeoRss namespace.</summary>
13390         </member>
13391         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags.Gml">
13392             <summary>GML namespace.</summary>
13393         </member>
13394         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomSerializer.DefaultNamespaceFlags.All">
13395             <summary>All default namespaces.</summary>
13396         </member>
13397         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.recursionDepth">
13398             <summary>
13399             The current recursion depth of values written by this serializer.
13400             </summary>
13401         </member>
13402         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13403             <summary>
13404             Constructor.
13405             </summary>
13406             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13407         </member>
13408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteTopLevelProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
13409             <summary>
13410             Writes a single property in ATOM format.
13411             </summary>
13412             <param name="property">The property to write out.</param>
13413         </member>
13414         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteInstanceAnnotations(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation},Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker)">
13415             <summary>
13416             Writes a collection of instance annotations in ATOM format.
13417             </summary>
13418             <param name="instanceAnnotations">Instance annotation collection to write.</param>
13419             <param name="tracker">The tracker to track which instance annotations have been written.</param>
13420         </member>
13421         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteInstanceAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation)">
13422             <summary>
13423             Writes a single instance annotation in ATOM format.
13424             </summary>
13425             <param name="instanceAnnotation">The instance annotation to write.</param>
13426         </member>
13427         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},System.Boolean,System.Action,System.Action,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
13428             <summary>
13429             Write the given collection of properties.
13430             </summary>
13431             <param name="owningType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType"/> of the entry (or null if not metadata is available).</param>
13432             <param name="cachedProperties">Collection of cached properties for the entry.</param>
13433             <param name="isWritingCollection">true if we are writing a top level collection instead of an entry.</param>
13434             <param name="beforePropertiesAction">Action which is called before the properties are written, if there are any property.</param>
13435             <param name="afterPropertiesAction">Action which is called after the properties are written, if there are any property.</param>
13436             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
13437             <param name="epmValueCache">Cache of values used in EPM so that we avoid multiple enumerations of properties/items. (can be null)</param>
13438             <param name="epmSourcePathSegment">The EPM source path segment which points to the property which sub-properites we're writing. (can be null)</param>
13439             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
13440             <returns>true if anything was written, false otherwise.</returns>
13441         </member>
13442         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WritePrimitiveValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation)">
13443             <summary>
13444             Writes a primitive value.
13445             </summary>
13446             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
13447             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance.</param>
13448             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type of the primitive value.</param>
13449             <param name="typeNameAnnotation">The optional type name annotation provided by the user on the OM for this primitive value. The annotation value will override whatever type name is being written.</param>
13450         </member>
13451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Action,System.Action,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
13452             <summary>
13453             Writes out the value of a complex property.
13454             </summary>
13455             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to write.</param>
13456             <param name="metadataTypeReference">The metadata type for the complex value.</param>
13457             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
13458             <param name="isWritingCollection">true if we are writing a collection instead of an entry.</param>
13459             <param name="beforeValueAction">Action called before the complex value is written, if it's actually written.</param>
13460             <param name="afterValueAction">Action called after the copmlex value is written, if it's actually written.</param>
13461             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
13462             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance to validate the type names and type kinds of collection items; null if no validation is needed.</param>
13463             <param name="epmValueCache">Cache of values used in EPM so that we avoid multiple enumerations of properties/items. (can be null)</param>
13464             <param name="epmSourcePathSegment">The EPM source path segment which points to the property we're writing. (can be null)</param>
13465             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
13466             <returns>true if anything was written, false otherwise.</returns>
13467         </member>
13468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.AssertRecursionDepthIsZero">
13469             <summary>
13470             Asserts that the current recursion depth of values is zero. This should be true on all calls into this class from outside of this class.
13471             </summary>
13472         </member>
13473         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteCollectionValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
13474             <summary>
13475             Write the items of a collection in ATOM format.
13476             </summary>
13477             <param name="collectionValue">The collection value to write.</param>
13478             <param name="propertyTypeReference">The type reference of the collection value (or null if not metadata is available).</param>
13479             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
13480             <param name="isWritingCollection">true if we are writing a top-level collection instead of an entry.</param>
13481         </member>
13482         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WritePrimitiveInstanceAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPrimitiveValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
13483             <summary>
13484             Writes the value of a primitive instance annotation.
13485             </summary>
13486             <param name="primitiveValue">The primitive value to write.</param>
13487             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type of the annotation from the metadata.</param>
13488         </member>
13489         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Action,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
13490             <summary>
13491             Writes a single property in ATOM format.
13492             </summary>
13493             <param name="property">The property to write out.</param>
13494             <param name="owningType">The owning type for the <paramref name="property"/> or null if no metadata is available.</param>
13495             <param name="isTopLevel">true if writing a top-level property payload; otherwise false.</param>
13496             <param name="isWritingCollection">true if we are writing a top-level collection instead of an entry.</param>
13497             <param name="beforePropertyAction">Action which is called before the property is written, if it's going to be written.</param>
13498             <param name="epmValueCache">Cache of values used in EPM so that we avoid multiple enumerations of properties/items. (can be null)</param>
13499             <param name="epmParentSourcePathSegment">The EPM source path segment which points to the property which sub-property we're writing. (can be null)</param>
13500             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
13501             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
13502             <returns>true if the property was actually written, false otherwise.</returns>
13503         </member>
13504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteComplexValueProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Action,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
13505             <summary>
13506             Writes a property with a complex value in ATOM format.
13507             </summary>
13508             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to write.</param>
13509             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property being written.</param>
13510             <param name="isTopLevel">true if writing a top-level property payload; otherwise false.</param>
13511             <param name="isWritingCollection">true if we are writing a top-level collection instead of an entry.</param>
13512             <param name="beforeValueAction">Action called before the complex value is written, if it's actually written.</param>
13513             <param name="epmValueCache">Cache of values used in EPM so that we avoid multiple enumerations of properties/items. (can be null)</param>
13514             <param name="propertyTypeReference">The type information for the property being written.</param>
13515             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
13516             <param name="epmSourcePathSegment">The EPM source path segment which points to the property we're writing. (can be null)</param>
13517             <param name="complexValueProjectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
13518             <returns>true if anything was written, false otherwise.</returns>
13519         </member>
13520         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteCollectionValueProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Action,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
13521             <summary>
13522             Writes a property with a collection value in ATOM format.
13523             </summary>
13524             <param name="collectionValue">The collection value to write.</param>
13525             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property being written.</param>
13526             <param name="isTopLevel">true if writing a top-level property payload; otherwise false.</param>
13527             <param name="isWritingTopLevelCollection">true if writing a top-level collection payload instead of an entry.</param>
13528             <param name="beforePropertyAction">Action which is called before the property is written, if it's going to be written.</param>
13529             <param name="propertyTypeReference">The type reference of the collection value (or null if no metadata is available).</param>
13530             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if this property is undeclared and the owning type is open.</param>
13531         </member>
13532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.ShouldWritePropertyInContent(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation,System.String,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment)">
13533             <summary>
13534             Determines if the property with the specified value should be written into content or not.
13535             </summary>
13536             <param name="owningType">The owning type of the property to be checked.</param>
13537             <param name="projectedProperties">The set of projected properties for the <paramref name="owningType"/></param>
13538             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to be checked.</param>
13539             <param name="propertyValue">The property value to write.</param>
13540             <param name="epmSourcePathSegment">The EPM source path segment for the property being written.</param>
13541             <returns>true if the property should be written into content, or false otherwise</returns>
13542         </member>
13543         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteNullPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Action)">
13544             <summary>
13545             Writes a null property value in Atom format.
13546             </summary>
13547             <param name="propertyTypeReference">The property type or null if we don't have any.</param>
13548             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to write out.</param>
13549             <param name="isTopLevel">true if writing a top-level property payload; otherwise false.</param>
13550             <param name="isWritingCollection">true if we are writing a collection instead of an entry.</param>
13551             <param name="beforePropertyAction">Action which is called before the property is written, if it's going to be written.</param>
13552         </member>
13553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WritePropertyStart(System.Action,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
13554             <summary>
13555             Writes the property start element.
13556             </summary>
13557             <param name="beforePropertyCallback">Action called before anything else is written (if it's not null).</param>
13558             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to write.</param>
13559             <param name="isWritingCollection">true if we are writing a collection instead of an entry.</param>
13560             <param name="isTopLevel">true if writing a top-level property payload; otherwise false.</param>
13561         </member>
13562         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WritePropertyEnd">
13563             <summary>
13564             Writes the property end element.
13565             </summary>
13566         </member>
13567         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteInstanceAnnotationStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomInstanceAnnotation)">
13568             <summary>
13569             Writes the instance annotation start element.
13570             </summary>
13571             <param name="instanceAnnotation">The the instance annotation to write.</param>
13572         </member>
13573         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteInstanceAnnotationEnd">
13574             <summary>
13575             Writes the instance annotation end element.
13576             </summary>
13577         </member>
13578         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WritePropertyTypeAttribute(System.String)">
13579             <summary>
13580             Writes the m:type attribute for a property given the name of the type.
13581             </summary>
13582             <param name="typeName">The type name to write.</param>
13583         </member>
13584         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteNullAttribute">
13585             <summary>
13586             Write the m:null attribute with a value of 'true'
13587             </summary>
13588         </member>
13589         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.IncreaseRecursionDepth">
13590             <summary>
13591             Increases the recursion depth of values by 1. This will throw if the recursion depth exceeds the current limit.
13592             </summary>
13593         </member>
13594         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.DecreaseRecursionDepth">
13595             <summary>
13596             Decreases the recursion depth of values by 1.
13597             </summary>
13598         </member>
13599         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13600             <summary>
13601             Constructor.
13602             </summary>
13603             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13604         </member>
13605         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkSerializer">
13606             <summary>
13607             OData ATOM serializer for entity reference links.
13608             </summary>
13609         </member>
13610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13611             <summary>
13612             Constructor.
13613             </summary>
13614             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13615         </member>
13616         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
13617             <summary>
13618             Writes a single Uri in response to a $links query.
13619             </summary>
13620             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write out.</param>
13621         </member>
13622         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
13623             <summary>
13624             Writes a set of links (Uris) in response to a $links query; includes optional count and next-page-link information.
13625             </summary>
13626             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The entity reference links to write.</param>
13627         </member>
13628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,System.Boolean)">
13629             <summary>
13630             Writes a single Uri in response to a $links query.
13631             </summary>
13632             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write out.</param>
13633             <param name="isTopLevel">
13634             A flag indicating whether the link is written as top-level element or not; 
13635             this controls whether to include namespace declarations etc.
13636             </param>
13637         </member>
13638         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer">
13639             <summary>
13640             OData ATOM serializer for entries and feeds.
13641             </summary>
13642         </member>
13643         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.atomEntryMetadataSerializer">
13644             <summary>
13645             The serializer for writing ATOM metadata for entries.
13646             </summary>
13647         </member>
13648         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.atomFeedMetadataSerializer">
13649             <summary>
13650             The serializer for writing ATOM metadata for feeds.
13651             </summary>
13652         </member>
13653         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13654             <summary>
13655             Constructor.
13656             </summary>
13657             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13658         </member>
13659         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryPropertiesStart">
13660             <summary>
13661             Writes the start element for the m:properties element on the entry.
13662             </summary>
13663         </member>
13664         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryPropertiesEnd">
13665             <summary>
13666             Writes the end element for the m:properties element on the entry.
13667             </summary>
13668         </member>
13669         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryTypeName(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata)">
13670             <summary>
13671             Writes the type name category element for the entry.
13672             </summary>
13673             <param name="typeName">The type name to write.</param>
13674             <param name="entryMetadata">The entry metadata if available.</param>
13675         </member>
13676         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,System.String)">
13677             <summary>
13678             Write the ATOM metadata for an entry
13679             </summary>
13680             <param name="entryMetadata">The entry metadata to write.</param>
13681             <param name="epmEntryMetadata">The ATOM metadata for the entry which came from EPM.</param>
13682             <param name="updatedTime">Value for the atom:updated element.</param>
13683         </member>
13684         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryId(System.String)">
13685             <summary>
13686             Writes the entry atom:id element.
13687             </summary>
13688             <param name="entryId">The value of the ODataEntry.Id property to write.</param>
13689         </member>
13690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryReadLink(System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata)">
13691             <summary>
13692             Writes the read link element for an entry.
13693             </summary>
13694             <param name="readLink">The read link URL.</param>
13695             <param name="entryMetadata">The ATOM entry metatadata for the current entry.</param>
13696         </member>
13697         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryEditLink(System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata)">
13698             <summary>
13699             Writes the edit link element for an entry.
13700             </summary>
13701             <param name="editLink">The edit link URL.</param>
13702             <param name="entryMetadata">The ATOM entry metatadata for the current entry.</param>
13703         </member>
13704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryMediaEditLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue)">
13705             <summary>
13706             Writes the edit-media link for an entry.
13707             </summary>
13708             <param name="mediaResource">The media resource representing the MR of the entry to write.</param>
13709         </member>
13710         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteAssociationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
13711             <summary>
13712             Write the metadata for an OData association link; makes sure any duplicate of the link's values duplicated in metadata are equal.
13713             </summary>
13714             <param name="associationLink">The association link for which to write the metadata.</param>
13715             <param name="owningType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> instance the association link is defined on.</param>
13716             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
13717             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
13718         </member>
13719         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteNavigationLinkStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,System.Uri)">
13720             <summary>
13721             Writes the navigation link's start element and atom metadata.
13722             </summary>
13723             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
13724             <param name="navigationLinkUrlOverride">Url to use for the navigation link. If this is specified the Url property on the <paramref name="navigationLink"/>
13725             will be ignored. If this parameter is null, the Url from the navigation link is used.</param>
13726         </member>
13727         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteFeedMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.String,System.Boolean@)">
13728             <summary>
13729             Write the given feed metadata in atom format
13730             </summary>
13731             <param name="feed">The feed for which to write the meadata or null if it is the metadata of an atom:source element.</param>
13732             <param name="updatedTime">Value for the atom:updated element.</param>
13733             <param name="authorWritten">Set to true if the author element was written, false otherwise.</param>
13734         </member>
13735         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteFeedDefaultAuthor">
13736             <summary>
13737             Writes the default empty author for a feed.
13738             </summary>
13739         </member>
13740         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteFeedNextPageLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
13741             <summary>
13742             Writes the next page link for a feed.
13743             </summary>
13744             <param name="feed">The feed to write the next page link for.</param>
13745         </member>
13746         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteFeedDeltaLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
13747             <summary>
13748             Writes the delta link for a feed.
13749             </summary>
13750             <param name="feed">The feed to write the delta link for.</param>
13751         </member>
13752         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteFeedLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.String,System.Uri,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata})">
13753             <summary>
13754             Writes a feed link.
13755             </summary>
13756             <param name="feed">The feed that contains the link.</param>
13757             <param name="relation">Relation attribute of the link.</param>
13758             <param name="href">href attribute of the link.</param>
13759             <param name="getLinkMetadata">Function to get the AtomLinkMetadata for the feed link.</param>
13760         </member>
13761         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteStreamProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
13762             <summary>
13763             Writes a stream property to the ATOM payload
13764             </summary>
13765             <param name="streamProperty">The stream property to create the payload for.</param>
13766             <param name="owningType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> instance for which the stream property defined on.</param>
13767             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
13768             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
13769         </member>
13770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteOperation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
13771             <summary>
13772             Writes an operation (an action or a function).
13773             </summary>
13774             <param name="operation">The association link to write.</param>
13775         </member>
13776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteReadOrEditLink(System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata,System.String)">
13777             <summary>
13778             Writes the self or edit link.
13779             </summary>
13780             <param name="link">Uri object for the link.</param>
13781             <param name="linkMetadata">The atom link metadata for the link to specify title, type, hreflang and length of the link.</param>
13782             <param name="linkRelation">Relationship value. Either "edit" or "self".</param>
13783         </member>
13784         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataSerializer">
13785             <summary>
13786             OData ATOM serializer for ATOM metadata in an entry
13787             </summary>
13788         </member>
13789         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer">
13790             <summary>
13791             Base class for all OData ATOM Metadata serializers.
13792             </summary>
13793         </member>
13794         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13795             <summary>
13796             Constructor.
13797             </summary>
13798             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13799         </member>
13800         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WriteTextConstruct(System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct)">
13801             <summary>
13802             Writes an Xml element with the specified primitive value as content.
13803             </summary>
13804             <param name="prefix">The prefix for the element's namespace.</param>
13805             <param name="localName">The local name of the element.</param>
13806             <param name="ns">The namespace of the element.</param>
13807             <param name="textConstruct">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct"/> value to be used as element content.</param>
13808         </member>
13809         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WriteCategory(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata)">
13810             <summary>
13811             Writes the 'atom:category' element given category metadata.
13812             </summary>
13813             <param name="category">The category information to write.</param>
13814         </member>
13815         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WriteCategory(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
13816             <summary>
13817             Writes the 'atom:category' element with the specified attributes.
13818             </summary>
13819             <param name="atomPrefix">The prefix to use for the 'category' element.</param>
13820             <param name="term">The value for the 'term' attribute (required).</param>
13821             <param name="scheme">The value for the 'scheme' attribute (optional).</param>
13822             <param name="label">The value for the 'label' attribute (optional).</param>
13823         </member>
13824         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WriteEmptyAuthor">
13825             <summary>
13826             Write an empty author element that has the required name element
13827             </summary>
13828         </member>
13829         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WritePersonMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata)">
13830             <summary>
13831             Writes the specified start/end tags and the specified person metadata as content
13832             </summary>
13833             <param name="personMetadata">The person metadata to write.</param>
13834         </member>
13835         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WriteAtomLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata,System.String)">
13836             <summary>
13837             Write the metadata of a link in ATOM format
13838             </summary>
13839             <param name="linkMetadata">The link metadata to write.</param>
13840             <param name="etag">The (optional) ETag for a link.</param>
13841         </member>
13842         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WriteAtomLinkAttributes(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata,System.String)">
13843             <summary>
13844             Write the metadata of a link in ATOM format
13845             </summary>
13846             <param name="linkMetadata">The link metadata to write.</param>
13847             <param name="etag">The (optional) ETag for a link.</param>
13848         </member>
13849         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataSerializer.WriteAtomLinkMetadataAttributes(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
13850             <summary>
13851             Write the metadata attributes of a link in ATOM format
13852             </summary>
13853             <param name="relation">The value for the 'rel' attribute.</param>
13854             <param name="href">The value for the 'href' attribute.</param>
13855             <param name="hrefLang">The value for the 'hreflang' attribute.</param>
13856             <param name="title">The value for the 'title' attribute.</param>
13857             <param name="mediaType">The value for the 'type' attribute.</param>
13858             <param name="length">The value for the 'length' attribute.</param>
13859         </member>
13860         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataSerializer.sourceMetadataSerializer">
13861             <summary>
13862             Feed ATOM metadata serializer for serializing the atom:source element in an entry.
13863             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
13864             </summary>
13865         </member>
13866         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13867             <summary>
13868             Constructor.
13869             </summary>
13870             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13871         </member>
13872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataSerializer.WriteEntryMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,System.String)">
13873             <summary>
13874             Write the ATOM metadata for an entry
13875             </summary>
13876             <param name="entryMetadata">The entry metadata to write.</param>
13877             <param name="epmEntryMetadata">The ATOM metadata for the entry which came from EPM.</param>
13878             <param name="updatedTime">Value for the atom:updated element.</param>
13879         </member>
13880         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataSerializer.SourceMetadataSerializer">
13881             <summary>
13882             Feed ATOM metadata serializer for serializing the atom:source element in an entry.
13883             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
13884             </summary>
13885         </member>
13886         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataSerializer">
13887             <summary>
13888             OData ATOM serializer for ATOM metadata in a feed
13889             </summary>
13890         </member>
13891         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
13892             <summary>
13893             Constructor.
13894             </summary>
13895             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
13896         </member>
13897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataSerializer.WriteFeedMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.String,System.Boolean@)">
13898             <summary>
13899             Write the given feed metadata in atom format
13900             </summary>
13901             <param name="feedMetadata">The metadata to write.</param>
13902             <param name="feed">The feed for which to write the meadata or null if it is the metadata of an atom:source element.</param>
13903             <param name="updatedTime">Value for the atom:updated element.</param>
13904             <param name="authorWritten">Set to true if the author element was written, false otherwise.</param>
13905         </member>
13906         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFormat">
13907             <summary>
13908             The ATOM OData format.
13909             </summary>
13910         </member>
13911         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat">
13912             <summary>
13913             Representation of an OData format.
13914             </summary>
13915         </member>
13916         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.atomFormat">
13917             <summary>The ATOM format instance.</summary>
13918         </member>
13919         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.verboseJsonFormat">
13920             <summary>The verbose JSON format instance.</summary>
13921         </member>
13922         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.jsonLightFormat">
13923             <summary>The JSON Light format instance.</summary>
13924         </member>
13925         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.rawValueFormat">
13926             <summary>The RAW format instance.</summary>
13927         </member>
13928         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.batchFormat">
13929             <summary>The batch format instance.</summary>
13930         </member>
13931         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.metadataFormat">
13932             <summary>The metadata format instance.</summary>
13933         </member>
13934         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
13935             <summary>
13936             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
13937             </summary>
13938             <param name="responseMessage">The response message with the payload stream.</param>
13939             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
13940             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
13941         </member>
13942         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
13943             <summary>
13944             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
13945             </summary>
13946             <param name="requestMessage">The request message with the payload stream.</param>
13947             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
13948             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
13949         </member>
13950         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.CreateInputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Object)">
13951             <summary>
13952             Creates an instance of the input context for this format.
13953             </summary>
13954             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
13955             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
13956             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
13957             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
13958             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
13959             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
13960             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
13961             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
13962             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
13963             <param name="payloadKindDetectionFormatState">Format specific state stored during payload kind detection
13964             using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)"/>.</param>
13965             <returns>The newly created input context.</returns>
13966         </member>
13967         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.CreateOutputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
13968             <summary>
13969             Creates an instance of the output context for this format.
13970             </summary>
13971             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
13972             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
13973             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
13974             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
13975             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
13976             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
13977             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
13978             <returns>The newly created output context.</returns>
13979         </member>
13980         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.Atom">
13981             <summary>Specifies the ATOM format; we also use this for all Xml based formats (if ATOM can't be used).</summary>
13982             <returns>The ATOM format.</returns>
13983         </member>
13984         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.VerboseJson">
13985             <summary>Gets the verbose JSON format.</summary>
13986             <returns>The verbose JSON format.</returns>
13987         </member>
13988         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.Json">
13989             <summary>Specifies the JSON format.</summary>
13990             <returns>The JSON format.</returns>
13991         </member>
13992         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.RawValue">
13993             <summary>Specifies the RAW format; used for raw values.</summary>
13994             <returns>The RAW format.</returns>
13995         </member>
13996         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.Batch">
13997             <summary>Gets the batch format instance.</summary>
13998             <returns>The batch format instance.</returns>
13999         </member>
14000         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat.Metadata">
14001             <summary>Gets the metadata format instance.</summary>
14002             <returns>The metadata format instance.</returns>
14003         </member>
14004         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFormat.ToString">
14005             <summary>
14006             The text representation - the name of the format.
14007             </summary>
14008             <returns>The name of the format.</returns>
14009         </member>
14010         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
14011             <summary>
14012             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
14013             </summary>
14014             <param name="responseMessage">The response message with the payload stream.</param>
14015             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
14016             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
14017         </member>
14018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
14019             <summary>
14020             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
14021             </summary>
14022             <param name="requestMessage">The request message with the payload stream.</param>
14023             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
14024             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
14025         </member>
14026         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFormat.CreateInputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Object)">
14027             <summary>
14028             Creates an instance of the input context for this format.
14029             </summary>
14030             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
14031             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
14032             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
14033             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
14034             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
14035             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
14036             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
14037             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
14038             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
14039             <param name="payloadKindDetectionFormatState">Format specific state stored during payload kind detection
14040             using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)"/>.</param>
14041             <returns>The newly created input context.</returns>
14042         </member>
14043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFormat.CreateOutputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
14044             <summary>
14045             Creates an instance of the output context for this format.
14046             </summary>
14047             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
14048             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
14049             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
14050             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
14051             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
14052             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
14053             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
14054             <returns>The newly created output context.</returns>
14055         </member>
14056         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFormat.DetectPayloadKindImplementation(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
14057             <summary>
14058             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
14059             </summary>
14060             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to read from for payload kind detection.</param>
14061             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
14062             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
14063             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
14064             <returns>An enumerable of zero or more payload kinds depending on what payload kinds were detected.</returns>
14065         </member>
14066         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext">
14067             <summary>
14068             ATOM format output context.
14069             </summary>
14070         </member>
14071         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext">
14072             <summary>
14073             Base class for all output contexts, defines the interface 
14074             to be implemented by the specific formats.
14075             </summary>
14076         </member>
14077         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.format">
14078             <summary>The format for this output context.</summary>
14079         </member>
14080         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.messageWriterSettings">
14081             <summary>The message writer settings to be used for writing.</summary>
14082         </member>
14083         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.writingResponse">
14084             <summary>Set to true if this context is writing a response payload.</summary>
14085         </member>
14086         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.synchronous">
14087             <summary>true if the input should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</summary>
14088         </member>
14089         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.model">
14090             <summary>The model to use.</summary>
14091         </member>
14092         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.urlResolver">
14093             <summary>The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</summary>
14094         </member>
14095         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.edmTypeResolver">
14096             <summary>The type resolver to use.</summary>
14097         </member>
14098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
14099             <summary>
14100             Constructor.
14101             </summary>
14102             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
14103             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
14104             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
14105             <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
14106             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
14107             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
14108         </member>
14109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.Dispose">
14110             <summary>
14111             IDisposable.Dispose() implementation to cleanup unmanaged resources of the context.
14112             </summary>
14113         </member>
14114         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteInStreamError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
14115             <summary>
14116             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> into the message payload.
14117             </summary>
14118             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
14119             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
14120             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
14121             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
14122             </param>
14123             <remarks>
14124             This method is called if the ODataMessageWriter.WriteError is called once some other
14125             write operation has already started.
14126             The method should write the in-stream error representation for the specific format into the current payload.
14127             Before the method is called no flush is performed on the output context or any active writer.
14128             It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.
14129             </remarks>
14130         </member>
14131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.CreateODataFeedWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
14132             <summary>
14133             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
14134             </summary>
14135             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
14136             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
14137             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
14138             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
14139         </member>
14140         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.CreateODataEntryWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
14141             <summary>
14142             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
14143             </summary>
14144             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
14145             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
14146             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
14147             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
14148         </member>
14149         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.CreateODataCollectionWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
14150             <summary>
14151             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
14152             </summary>
14153             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
14154             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
14155             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
14156         </member>
14157         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.CreateODataBatchWriter(System.String)">
14158             <summary>
14159             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter"/> to write a batch of requests or responses.
14160             </summary>
14161             <param name="batchBoundary">The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</param>
14162             <returns>The created batch writer.</returns>
14163             <remarks>We don't plan to make this public!</remarks>
14164             <remarks>
14165             The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).
14166             Since we don't want to support batch format extensibility (at least not yet) this method should remain internal.
14167             </remarks>
14168         </member>
14169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.CreateODataParameterWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
14170             <summary>
14171             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter"/> to write a parameter payload.
14172             </summary>
14173             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
14174             <returns>The created parameter writer.</returns>
14175             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
14176         </member>
14177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
14178             <summary>
14179             Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace"/> 
14180             as message payload.
14181             </summary>
14182             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
14183             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14184         </member>
14185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
14186             <summary>
14187             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
14188             </summary>
14189             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
14190             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14191         </member>
14192         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
14193             <summary>
14194             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
14195             </summary>
14196             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
14197             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
14198             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
14199             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
14200             </param>
14201             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14202         </member>
14203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
14204             <summary>
14205             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
14206             </summary>
14207             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
14208             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
14209             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
14210             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14211         </member>
14212         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
14213             <summary>
14214             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
14215             </summary>
14216             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
14217             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
14218             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
14219             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14220         </member>
14221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteValue(System.Object)">
14222             <summary>
14223             Writes a single value as the message body.
14224             </summary>
14225             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
14226             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14227         </member>
14228         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WriteMetadataDocument">
14229             <summary>
14230             Writes the metadata document as the message body.
14231             </summary>
14232             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14233         </member>
14234         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.AssertSynchronous">
14235             <summary>
14236             Asserts that the input context was created for synchronous operation.
14237             </summary>
14238         </member>
14239         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.AssertAsynchronous">
14240             <summary>
14241             Asserts that the input context was created for asynchronous operation.
14242             </summary>
14243         </member>
14244         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
14245             <summary>
14246             Perform the actual cleanup work.
14247             </summary>
14248             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
14249         </member>
14250         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.CreatePayloadKindNotSupportedException(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
14251             <summary>
14252             Creates an exception which reports that the specified payload kind if not support by this format.
14253             </summary>
14254             <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind which is not supported.</param>
14255             <returns>An exception to throw.</returns>
14256         </member>
14257         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.MessageWriterSettings">
14258             <summary>
14259             The message writer settings to be used for writing.
14260             </summary>
14261         </member>
14262         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.Version">
14263             <summary>
14264             The version of the OData protocol to use.
14265             </summary>
14266         </member>
14267         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.WritingResponse">
14268             <summary>
14269             Set to true if a response is being written.
14270             </summary>
14271         </member>
14272         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.Synchronous">
14273             <summary>
14274             true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.
14275             </summary>
14276         </member>
14277         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.Model">
14278             <summary>
14279             The model to use or null if no metadata is available.
14280             </summary>
14281         </member>
14282         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.UrlResolver">
14283             <summary>
14284             The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.
14285             </summary>
14286         </member>
14287         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.EdmTypeResolver">
14288             <summary>
14289             The type resolver to use.
14290             </summary>
14291         </member>
14292         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.UseClientFormatBehavior">
14293             <summary>
14294             true if the WCF DS client compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
14295             </summary>
14296         </member>
14297         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.UseServerFormatBehavior">
14298             <summary>
14299             true if the WCF DS server compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
14300             </summary>
14301         </member>
14302         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.UseDefaultFormatBehavior">
14303             <summary>
14304             true if the default format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
14305             </summary>
14306         </member>
14307         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext.UseServerApiBehavior">
14308             <summary>
14309             true if the WCF DS server compatibility API behavior should be used; otherwise false.
14310             </summary>
14311         </member>
14312         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.typeNameOracle">
14313             <summary>
14314             The oracle to use to determine the type name to write for entries and values.
14315             </summary>
14316         </member>
14317         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.messageOutputStream">
14318             <summary>The message output stream.</summary>
14319         </member>
14320         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.asynchronousOutputStream">
14321             <summary>The asynchronous output stream if we're writing asynchronously.</summary>
14322         </member>
14323         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.xmlRootWriter">
14324             <summary>The XML writer created for the root of the payload.</summary>
14325             <remarks>
14326             This field is also used to determine if the output context has been disposed already.
14327             In case of customized writers are used, this is always the root writer, never changed.
14328             </remarks>
14329         </member>
14330         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.xmlWriter">
14331             <summary>The XML writer to write to.</summary>
14332             <remarks>In case of customized writers are used, this is the current writer to write to.</remarks>
14333         </member>
14334         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.xmlCustomizationWriters">
14335             <summary>A stack used to track XML customization writers.</summary>
14336             <remarks>
14337             At the beginning the root writer is pushed to the stack.
14338             Each non-null entry has an item on this stack.
14339             If the XML customization was used for a given entry the writer returned by the customization will be pushed to the stack for it.
14340             This is only used from ODataAtomWriter, other writers don't use this.
14341             </remarks>
14342         </member>
14343         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.outputInStreamErrorListener">
14344             <summary>An in-stream error listener to notify when in-stream error is to be written. Or null if we don't need to notify anybody.</summary>
14345         </member>
14346         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
14347             <summary>
14348             Constructor.
14349             </summary>
14350             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
14351             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to write the payload to.</param>
14352             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the payload.</param>
14353             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
14354             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
14355             <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
14356             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
14357             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
14358         </member>
14359         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.VerifyNotDisposed">
14360             <summary>
14361             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
14362             has already been disposed.
14363             </summary>
14364         </member>
14365         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.Flush">
14366             <summary>
14367             Synchronously flush the writer.
14368             </summary>
14369         </member>
14370         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteInStreamError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
14371             <summary>
14372             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> into the message payload.
14373             </summary>
14374             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
14375             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
14376             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
14377             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
14378             </param>
14379             <remarks>
14380             This method is called if the ODataMessageWriter.WriteError is called once some other
14381             write operation has already started.
14382             The method should write the in-stream error representation for the specific format into the current payload.
14383             Before the method is called no flush is performed on the output context or any active writer.
14384             It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.
14385             </remarks>
14386         </member>
14387         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.CreateODataFeedWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
14388             <summary>
14389             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
14390             </summary>
14391             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
14392             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
14393             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
14394             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
14395         </member>
14396         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.CreateODataEntryWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
14397             <summary>
14398             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
14399             </summary>
14400             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
14401             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
14402             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
14403             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
14404         </member>
14405         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.CreateODataCollectionWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
14406             <summary>
14407             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
14408             </summary>
14409             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
14410             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
14411             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
14412         </member>
14413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
14414             <summary>
14415             Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace"/> 
14416             as message payload.
14417             </summary>
14418             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
14419             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14420         </member>
14421         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
14422             <summary>
14423             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
14424             </summary>
14425             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
14426             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14427         </member>
14428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
14429             <summary>
14430             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
14431             </summary>
14432             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
14433             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
14434             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
14435             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
14436             </param>
14437             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14438         </member>
14439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
14440             <summary>
14441             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
14442             </summary>
14443             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
14444             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property</param>
14445             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
14446             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14447         </member>
14448         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
14449             <summary>
14450             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
14451             </summary>
14452             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
14453             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property</param>
14454             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
14455             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
14456         </member>
14457         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.InitializeWriterCustomization">
14458             <summary>
14459             Initializes the ability to use customization writers.
14460             </summary>
14461             <remarks>
14462             This needs to be called before any of the writer customization functionality is used.
14463             </remarks>
14464         </member>
14465         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.PushCustomWriter(System.Xml.XmlWriter)">
14466             <summary>
14467             Pushes a writer on the top of the customization stack.
14468             </summary>
14469             <param name="customXmlWriter">The writer to push.</param>
14470         </member>
14471         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.PopCustomWriter">
14472             <summary>
14473             Pops a writer from the top of the customization stack.
14474             </summary>
14475             <returns>The popped writer, the one which was on the top of the stack before the operation.</returns>
14476         </member>
14477         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
14478             <summary>
14479             Perform the actual cleanup work.
14480             </summary>
14481             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
14482         </member>
14483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteInStreamErrorImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
14484             <summary>
14485             Writes an in-stream error.
14486             </summary>
14487             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
14488             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
14489             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
14490             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
14491             </param>
14492         </member>
14493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.CreateODataFeedWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
14494             <summary>
14495             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
14496             </summary>
14497             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
14498             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
14499             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
14500         </member>
14501         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.CreateODataEntryWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
14502             <summary>
14503             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
14504             </summary>
14505             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
14506             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
14507             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
14508         </member>
14509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.CreateODataCollectionWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
14510             <summary>
14511             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
14512             </summary>
14513             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
14514             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
14515         </member>
14516         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WritePropertyImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
14517             <summary>
14518             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
14519             </summary>
14520             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
14521         </member>
14522         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteServiceDocumentImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
14523             <summary>
14524             Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace"/> 
14525             as message payload.
14526             </summary>
14527             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
14528         </member>
14529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteErrorImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
14530             <summary>
14531             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
14532             </summary>
14533             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
14534             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
14535             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
14536             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
14537             </param>
14538         </member>
14539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinksImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
14540             <summary>
14541             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
14542             </summary>
14543             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
14544         </member>
14545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
14546             <summary>
14547             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
14548             </summary>
14549             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
14550         </member>
14551         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.XmlWriter">
14552             <summary>
14553             Returns the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.XmlWriter"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
14554             </summary>
14555         </member>
14556         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext.TypeNameOracle">
14557             <summary>
14558             Returns the oracle to use when determining the type name to write for entries and values.
14559             </summary>
14560         </member>
14561         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderNavigationLinkDescriptor">
14562             <summary>
14563             Instance of this class describes a navigation link when it's found in the payload.
14564             </summary>
14565         </member>
14566         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderNavigationLinkDescriptor.navigationLink">
14567             <summary>The navigation link.</summary>
14568         </member>
14569         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderNavigationLinkDescriptor.navigationProperty">
14570             <summary>The navigation property for the link, is it's available.</summary>
14571         </member>
14572         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderNavigationLinkDescriptor.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
14573             <summary>
14574             Constructor.
14575             </summary>
14576             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link.</param>
14577             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for the link, if it's available.</param>
14578         </member>
14579         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderNavigationLinkDescriptor.NavigationLink">
14580             <summary>The navigation link.</summary>
14581         </member>
14582         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderNavigationLinkDescriptor.NavigationProperty">
14583             <summary>The navigation property for the link, if it's available.</summary>
14584         </member>
14585         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator">
14586             <summary>
14587             Helper class to verify that all items of a collection are of the same kind and type.
14588             </summary>
14589             <remarks>This class is only used if no expected item type is specified for the collection; 
14590             otherwise all items are already validated against the expected item type.</remarks>
14591         </member>
14592         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.itemTypeDerivedFromCollectionValue">
14593             <summary>true if the item type was derived from the collection value; otherwise false.</summary>
14594         </member>
14595         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.itemTypeName">
14596             <summary>The item type name extracted from the first non-null item.</summary>
14597         </member>
14598         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.primitiveItemType">
14599             <summary>
14600             The primitive type denoted by the item type name or null if the type name is not a valid primitive type name.
14601             </summary>
14602         </member>
14603         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.itemTypeKind">
14604             <summary>The item type kind from the first non-null item.</summary>
14605         </member>
14606         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.#ctor(System.String)">
14607             <summary>
14608             Constructor.
14609             </summary>
14610             <param name="itemTypeNameFromCollection">The item type name extracted from the collection type name.</param>
14611         </member>
14612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.ValidateCollectionItem(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind)">
14613             <summary>
14614             Validates a collection item that was read to make sure it is valid (i.e., has the correct
14615             type name and type kind) with respect to the other items in the collection.
14616             </summary>
14617             <param name="collectionItemTypeName">The type name of the item from the payload.</param>
14618             <param name="collectionItemTypeKind">The type kind of the item from the payload.</param>
14619         </member>
14620         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.ComputeExpectedTypeKind(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType@)">
14621             <summary>
14622             Computes the expected type kind of an item from the type name read from the payload.
14623             </summary>
14624             <param name="typeName">The type name to compute the type kind from.</param>
14625             <param name="primitiveItemType">The primitive type for the specified type name or null if the type name is not a valid primitve type.</param>
14626             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind"/> of the type with the specified <paramref name="typeName"/>.</returns>
14627         </member>
14628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.ValidateCollectionItemTypeNameAndKind(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind)">
14629             <summary>
14630             Validate that the expected and actual type names and type kinds are compatible.
14631             </summary>
14632             <param name="collectionItemTypeName">The actual type name.</param>
14633             <param name="collectionItemTypeKind">The actual type kind.</param>
14634         </member>
14635         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.ItemTypeNameFromCollection">
14636             <summary>
14637             If specified on a collection, returns the item type name that all items are expected to be compatible with; otherwise null.
14638             </summary>
14639         </member>
14640         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.ItemTypeKindFromCollection">
14641             <summary>
14642             If specified on a collection, returns the item type kind that all items are expected to be compatible with; otherwise EdmTypeKind.None.
14643             </summary>
14644         </member>
14645         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream">
14646             <summary>
14647             Read-only stream which initially buffers all read data in order to replay it later.
14648             Once no more buffered data exists it reads from the underlying stream directly.
14649             </summary>
14650         </member>
14651         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.buffers">
14652             <summary>The list of buffered chunks of bytes as requested by callers.</summary>
14653         </member>
14654         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.innerStream">
14655             <summary>
14656             The stream being wrapped.
14657             </summary>
14658         </member>
14659         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.positionInCurrentBuffer">
14660             <summary>The read position in the current buffer.</summary>
14661         </member>
14662         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.bufferingModeDisabled">
14663             <summary>
14664             true if the reader is not in buffering mode; otherwise false.
14665             </summary>
14666         </member>
14667         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.currentReadNode">
14668             <summary>
14669             The current node in the buffer list to read from.
14670             </summary>
14671         </member>
14672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
14673             <summary>
14674             Constructor
14675             </summary>
14676             <param name="stream">The underlying stream to wrap. Note that only read operations will be invoked on this stream.</param>
14677         </member>
14678         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.Flush">
14679             <summary>
14680             Not supported since the stream only allows reading.
14681             </summary>
14682         </member>
14683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
14684             <summary>
14685             Reads data from the buffer or the underlying stream.
14686             </summary>
14687             <param name="userBuffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
14688             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
14689             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
14690             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
14691         </member>
14692         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.Seek(System.Int64,System.IO.SeekOrigin)">
14693             <summary>
14694             Seeks the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
14695             </summary>
14696             <param name="offset">The offset to seek to.</param>
14697             <param name="origin">The origin of the seek operation.</param>
14698             <returns>The new position in the stream.</returns>
14699         </member>
14700         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.SetLength(System.Int64)">
14701             <summary>
14702             Sets the length of the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
14703             </summary>
14704             <param name="value">The length in bytes to set.</param>
14705         </member>
14706         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
14707             <summary>
14708             Writes to the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
14709             </summary>
14710             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
14711             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
14712             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
14713         </member>
14714         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.ResetStream">
14715             <summary>
14716             Stops the buffering mode and turns the reader into normal read mode where first
14717             the buffered data is re-read before the reads are performed on the underlying stream.
14718             </summary>
14719         </member>
14720         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.StopBuffering">
14721             <summary>
14722             Stop buffering.
14723             </summary>
14724         </member>
14725         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
14726             <summary>
14727             Disposes the object.
14728             </summary>
14729             <param name="disposing">True if called from Dispose; false if called from the finalizer.</param>
14730         </member>
14731         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.MoveToNextBuffer">
14732             <summary>
14733             Moves the reader to the next buffer and drops already consumed
14734             data if not in buffering mode.
14735             </summary>
14736         </member>
14737         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.CanRead">
14738             <summary>
14739             Determines if the stream can read - this one can.
14740             </summary>
14741         </member>
14742         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.CanSeek">
14743             <summary>
14744             Determines if the stream can seek - this one cannot
14745             </summary>
14746         </member>
14747         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.CanWrite">
14748             <summary>
14749             Determines if the stream can write - this one cannot
14750             </summary>
14751         </member>
14752         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.Length">
14753             <summary>
14754             Returns the length of the stream, which this implementation doesn't support.
14755             </summary>
14756         </member>
14757         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.Position">
14758             <summary>
14759             Gets or sets the position in the stream, this stream doesn't support seeking, so position is also unsupported.
14760             </summary>
14761         </member>
14762         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.BufferingReadStream.IsBuffering">
14763             <summary>
14764             true if the stream is in buffering mode; otherwise false.
14765             </summary>
14766         </member>
14767         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightRawAnnotationSet">
14768             <summary>
14769             Class representing a property's raw annotations in the JSON Light format.
14770             </summary>
14771         </member>
14772         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightRawAnnotationSet.annotations">
14773             <summary>The (instance and property) annotations included in this annotation group.</summary>
14774         </member>
14775         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightRawAnnotationSet.Annotations">
14776             <summary>
14777             The (instance and property) annotations included in this annotation group.
14778             </summary>
14779             <remarks>The keys in the dictionary are the names of the annotations, the values are their values.</remarks>
14780         </member>
14781         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUntypedValue">
14782             <summary>
14783             Represents the unknown typed value of a property, not including null value.
14784             </summary>
14785         </member>
14786         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUntypedValue.RawJson">
14787             <summary>
14788             Gets or sets raw Json string.
14789             </summary>
14790         </member>
14791         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext">
14792             <summary>
14793             Interface used for substitutability of the metadata-centric responsibilities of an entry.
14794             Metadata may come from a user-provided model or from the SetSerializationInfo() method on a feed or entry. The latter is considered the "no-model" case since only strings
14795             are provided, and there is no interconnectedness. The goal of this interface is to provide a way to query the metadata information available on an entry without
14796             needing to know where the metadata originated from.
14797             </summary>
14798         </member>
14799         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.Entry">
14800             <summary>
14801             The entry instance.
14802             </summary>
14803         </member>
14804         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.TypeContext">
14805             <summary>
14806             The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.
14807             </summary>
14808         </member>
14809         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.ActualEntityTypeName">
14810             <summary>
14811             The actual entity type of the entry, i.e. ODataEntry.TypeName.
14812             </summary>
14813         </member>
14814         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.KeyProperties">
14815             <summary>
14816             The key property name and value pairs of the entry.
14817             </summary>
14818         </member>
14819         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.ETagProperties">
14820             <summary>
14821             The ETag property name and value pairs of the entry.
14822             </summary>
14823         </member>
14824         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.SelectedNavigationProperties">
14825             <summary>
14826             The selected navigation properties.
14827             </summary>
14828         </member>
14829         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.SelectedStreamProperties">
14830             <summary>
14831             The selected stream properties.
14832             </summary>
14833         </member>
14834         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext.SelectedAlwaysBindableOperations">
14835             <summary>
14836             The selected always bindable operations.
14837             </summary>
14838         </member>
14839         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder">
14840             <summary>
14841             Implementation of the metadata builder which only returns values which were explicitly set (never computing or modifying them).
14842             </summary>
14843         </member>
14844         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder">
14845             <summary>
14846             Extensibility point for customizing how OData entity metadata (edit-links, IDs, ETags, etc) is built.
14847             </summary>
14848         </member>
14849         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetEditLink">
14850             <summary>
14851             Gets the edit link of the entity.
14852             </summary>
14853             <returns>
14854             The absolute URI of the edit link for the entity.
14855             Or null if it is not possible to determine the edit link.
14856             </returns>
14857         </member>
14858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetReadLink">
14859             <summary>
14860             Gets the read link of the entity.
14861             </summary>
14862             <returns>
14863             The absolute URI of the read link for the entity.
14864             Or null if it is not possible to determine the read link.
14865             </returns>
14866         </member>
14867         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetId">
14868             <summary>
14869             Gets the ID of the entity.
14870             </summary>
14871             <returns>
14872             The ID for the entity.
14873             Or null if it is not possible to determine the ID.
14874             </returns>
14875         </member>
14876         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetETag">
14877             <summary>
14878             Gets the ETag of the entity.
14879             </summary>
14880             <returns>
14881             The ETag for the entity.
14882             Or null if it is not possible to determine the ETag.
14883             </returns>
14884         </member>
14885         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetMediaResource">
14886             <summary>
14887             Gets the default media resource of the entity.
14888             </summary>
14889             <returns>
14890             The the default media resource of the entity.
14891             Or null if the entity is not an MLE.
14892             </returns>
14893         </member>
14894         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetProperties(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty})">
14895             <summary>
14896             Gets the entity properties.
14897             </summary>
14898             <param name="nonComputedProperties">Non-computed properties from the entity.</param>
14899             <returns>The the computed and non-computed entity properties.</returns>
14900         </member>
14901         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetActions">
14902             <summary>
14903             Gets the list of computed and non-computed actions for the entity.
14904             </summary>
14905             <returns>The list of computed and non-computed actions for the entity.</returns>
14906         </member>
14907         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetFunctions">
14908             <summary>
14909             Gets the list of computed and non-computed functions for the entity.
14910             </summary>
14911             <returns>The list of computed and non-computed functions for the entity.</returns>
14912         </member>
14913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.MarkNavigationLinkProcessed(System.String)">
14914             <summary>
14915             Marks the given navigation link as processed.
14916             </summary>
14917             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The navigation link we've already processed.</param>
14918         </member>
14919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetNextUnprocessedNavigationLink">
14920             <summary>
14921             Returns the next unprocessed navigation link or null if there's no more navigation links to process.
14922             </summary>
14923             <returns>Returns the next unprocessed navigation link or null if there's no more navigation links to process.</returns>
14924         </member>
14925         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetStreamEditLink(System.String)">
14926             <summary>
14927             Gets the edit link of a stream value.
14928             </summary>
14929             <param name="streamPropertyName">The name of the stream property the edit link is computed for; 
14930             or null for the default media resource.</param>
14931             <returns>
14932             The absolute URI of the edit link for the specified stream property or the default media resource.
14933             Or null if it is not possible to determine the stream edit link.
14934             </returns>
14935         </member>
14936         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetStreamReadLink(System.String)">
14937             <summary>
14938             Gets the read link of a stream value.
14939             </summary>
14940             <param name="streamPropertyName">The name of the stream property the read link is computed for; 
14941             or null for the default media resource.</param>
14942             <returns>
14943             The absolute URI of the read link for the specified stream property or the default media resource.
14944             Or null if it is not possible to determine the stream read link.
14945             </returns>
14946         </member>
14947         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetNavigationLinkUri(System.String,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
14948             <summary>
14949             Gets the navigation link URI for the specified navigation property.
14950             </summary>
14951             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the navigation link URI for.</param>
14952             <param name="navigationLinkUrl">The value of the link URI as seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by the metadata builder, which may be null.</param>
14953             <param name="hasNavigationLinkUrl">true if the value of the <paramref name="navigationLinkUrl"/> was seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by
14954             the metadata builder, false otherwise. This flag allows the metadata builder to determine whether a null navigation link url is an uninitialized value or a value that was set explicitly.</param>
14955             <returns>
14956             The navigation link URI for the navigation property.
14957             null if its not possible to determine the navigation link for the specified navigation property.
14958             </returns>
14959         </member>
14960         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetAssociationLinkUri(System.String,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
14961             <summary>
14962             Gets the association link URI for the specified navigation property.
14963             </summary>
14964             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the association link URI for.</param>
14965             <param name="associationLinkUrl">The value of the link URI as seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by the metadata builder, which may be null.</param>
14966             <param name="hasAssociationLinkUrl">true if the value of the <paramref name="associationLinkUrl"/> was seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by
14967             the metadata builder, false otherwise. This flag allows the metadata builder to determine whether a null association link url is an uninitialized value or a value that was set explicitly.</param>
14968             <returns>
14969             The association link URI for the navigation property.
14970             null if its not possible to determine the association link for the specified navigation property.
14971             </returns>
14972         </member>
14973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetOperationTargetUri(System.String,System.String)">
14974             <summary>
14975             Get the operation target URI for the specified <paramref name="operationName"/>.
14976             </summary>
14977             <param name="operationName">The fully qualified name of the operation for which to get the target URI.</param>
14978             <param name="bindingParameterTypeName">The binding parameter type name to include in the target, or null/empty if there is none.</param>
14979             <returns>
14980             The target URI for the operation.
14981             null if it is not possible to determine the target URI for the specified operation.
14982             </returns>
14983         </member>
14984         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.GetOperationTitle(System.String)">
14985             <summary>
14986             Get the operation title for the specified <paramref name="operationName"/>.
14987             </summary>
14988             <param name="operationName">The fully qualified name of the operation for which to get the target URI.</param>
14989             <returns>
14990             The title for the operation.
14991             null if it is not possible to determine the title for the specified operation.
14992             </returns>
14993         </member>
14994         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.Null">
14995             <summary>
14996             Gets an instance of the metadata builder which never returns anything other than nulls.
14997             </summary>
14998         </member>
14999         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder">
15000             <summary>
15001             Implementation of the metadata builder which only returns nulls.
15002             </summary>
15003         </member>
15004         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder.Instance">
15005             <summary>
15006             Singleton instance of the null metadata builder.
15007             </summary>
15008         </member>
15009         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder.#ctor">
15010             <summary>
15011             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder"/> class from being created.
15012             </summary>
15013         </member>
15014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder.GetEditLink">
15015             <summary>
15016             Gets the edit link of the entity.
15017             </summary>
15018             <returns>
15019             The absolute URI of the edit link for the entity.
15020             Or null if it is not possible to determine the edit link.
15021             </returns>
15022         </member>
15023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder.GetReadLink">
15024             <summary>
15025             Gets the read link of the entity.
15026             </summary>
15027             <returns>
15028             The absolute URI of the read link for the entity.
15029             Or null if it is not possible to determine the read link.
15030             </returns>
15031         </member>
15032         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder.GetId">
15033             <summary>
15034             Gets the ID of the entity.
15035             </summary>
15036             <returns>
15037             The ID for the entity.
15038             Or null if it is not possible to determine the ID.
15039             </returns>
15040         </member>
15041         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder.NullEntityMetadataBuilder.GetETag">
15042             <summary>
15043             Gets the ETag of the entity.
15044             </summary>
15045             <returns>
15046             The ETag for the entity.
15047             Or null if it is not possible to determine the ETag.
15048             </returns>
15049         </member>
15050         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.entry">
15051             <summary>
15052             The entry whose payload metadata is being queried.
15053             </summary>
15054         </member>
15055         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
15056             <summary>
15057             Creates a new no-op metadata builder.
15058             </summary>
15059             <param name="entry">The entry whose payload metadata is being queried.</param>
15060         </member>
15061         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetEditLink">
15062             <summary>
15063             Gets the edit link of the entity.
15064             </summary>
15065             <returns>
15066             The absolute URI of the edit link for the entity.
15067             </returns>
15068         </member>
15069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetReadLink">
15070             <summary>
15071             Gets the read link of the entity.
15072             </summary>
15073             <returns>
15074             The absolute URI of the read link for the entity.
15075             </returns>
15076         </member>
15077         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetId">
15078             <summary>
15079             Gets the ID of the entity.
15080             </summary>
15081             <returns>
15082             The ID for the entity.
15083             </returns>
15084         </member>
15085         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetETag">
15086             <summary>
15087             Gets the ETag of the entity.
15088             </summary>
15089             <returns>
15090             The ETag for the entity.
15091             </returns>
15092         </member>
15093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetMediaResource">
15094             <summary>
15095             Gets the default media resource of the entity.
15096             </summary>
15097             <returns>
15098             The the default media resource of the entity.
15099             Or null if the entity is not an MLE.
15100             </returns>
15101         </member>
15102         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetProperties(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty})">
15103             <summary>
15104             Gets the entity properties.
15105             </summary>
15106             <param name="nonComputedProperties">Non-computed properties from the entity.</param>
15107             <returns>The the computed and non-computed entity properties.</returns>
15108         </member>
15109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetActions">
15110             <summary>
15111             Gets the list of computed and non-computed actions for the entity.
15112             </summary>
15113             <returns>The list of computed and non-computed actions for the entity.</returns>
15114         </member>
15115         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetFunctions">
15116             <summary>
15117             Gets the list of computed and non-computed functions for the entity.
15118             </summary>
15119             <returns>The list of computed and non-computed functions for the entity.</returns>
15120         </member>
15121         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetNavigationLinkUri(System.String,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
15122             <summary>
15123             Gets the navigation link URI for the specified navigation property.
15124             </summary>
15125             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the navigation link URI for.</param>
15126             <param name="navigationLinkUrl">The value of the link URI as seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by the metadata builder, which may be null.</param>
15127             <param name="hasNavigationLinkUrl">true if the value of the <paramref name="navigationLinkUrl"/> was seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by
15128             the metadata builder, false otherwise. This flag allows the metadata builder to determine whether a null navigation link url is an uninitialized value or a value that was set explicitly.</param>
15129             <returns>
15130             The navigation link URI for the navigation property.
15131             null if its not possible to determine the navigation link for the specified navigation property.
15132             </returns>
15133         </member>
15134         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.NoOpEntityMetadataBuilder.GetAssociationLinkUri(System.String,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
15135             <summary>
15136             Gets the association link URI for the specified navigation property.
15137             </summary>
15138             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the association link URI for.</param>
15139             <param name="associationLinkUrl">The value of the link URI as seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by the metadata builder, which may be null.</param>
15140             <param name="hasAssociationLinkUrl">true if the value of the <paramref name="associationLinkUrl"/> was seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by
15141             the metadata builder, false otherwise. This flag allows the metadata builder to determine whether a null association link url is an uninitialized value or a value that was set explicitly.</param>
15142             <returns>
15143             The association link URI for the navigation property.
15144             null if its not possible to determine the association link for the specified navigation property.
15145             </returns>
15146         </member>
15147         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext">
15148             <summary>
15149             Default implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext"/>
15150             </summary>
15151         </member>
15152         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.EmptyProperties">
15153             <summary>
15154             Empty array of properties.
15155             </summary>
15156         </member>
15157         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.entry">
15158             <summary>
15159             The entry instance.
15160             </summary>
15161         </member>
15162         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.typeContext">
15163             <summary>
15164             The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.
15165             </summary>
15166         </member>
15167         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.keyProperties">
15168             <summary>
15169             The key property name and value pairs of the entry.
15170             </summary>
15171         </member>
15172         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.etagProperties">
15173             <summary>
15174             The ETag property name and value pairs of the entry.
15175             </summary>
15176         </member>
15177         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.selectedNavigationProperties">
15178             <summary>
15179             The selected navigation properties.
15180             </summary>
15181         </member>
15182         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.selectedStreamProperties">
15183             <summary>
15184             The selected stream properties.
15185             </summary>
15186         </member>
15187         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.selectedAlwaysBindableOperations">
15188             <summary>
15189             The selected always bindable operations.
15190             </summary>
15191         </member>
15192         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext)">
15193             <summary>
15194             Constructs an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext"/>.
15195             </summary>
15196             <param name="entry">The entry instance.</param>
15197             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
15198         </member>
15199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.Create(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
15200             <summary>
15201             Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext"/>.
15202             </summary>
15203             <param name="entry">The entry instance.</param>
15204             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
15205             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info of the entry for writing without model.</param>
15206             <param name="actualEntityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
15207             <param name="metadataContext">The metadata context to use.</param>
15208             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties.</param>
15209             <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext"/>.</returns>
15210         </member>
15211         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.GetPrimitivePropertyClrValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
15212             <summary>
15213             Gets the the CLR value for a primitive property.
15214             </summary>
15215             <param name="entry">The entry to get the property value.</param>
15216             <param name="propertyName">Name of the property.</param>
15217             <param name="entityTypeName">The name of the entity type to get the property value.</param>
15218             <param name="isKeyProperty">true if the property is a key property, false otherwise.</param>
15219             <returns>The clr value of the property.</returns>
15220         </member>
15221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.GetPrimitivePropertyClrValue(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,System.Boolean)">
15222             <summary>
15223             Gets the CLR value for a primitive property.
15224             </summary>
15225             <param name="entityTypeName">The name of the entity type to get the property value.</param>
15226             <param name="property">The ODataProperty to get the value from.</param>
15227             <param name="isKeyProperty">true if the property is a key property, false otherwise.</param>
15228             <returns>The clr value of the property.</returns>
15229         </member>
15230         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ValidateEntityTypeHasKeyProperties(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}[],System.String)">
15231             <summary>
15232             Validates that the entry has key properties.
15233             </summary>
15234             <param name="keyProperties">Key properties of the entry.</param>
15235             <param name="actualEntityTypeName">The entity type name of the entry.</param>
15236         </member>
15237         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.Entry">
15238             <summary>
15239             The entry instance.
15240             </summary>
15241         </member>
15242         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.TypeContext">
15243             <summary>
15244             The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.
15245             </summary>
15246         </member>
15247         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ActualEntityTypeName">
15248             <summary>
15249             The actual entity type of the entry, i.e. ODataEntry.TypeName.
15250             </summary>
15251         </member>
15252         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.KeyProperties">
15253             <summary>
15254             The key property name and value pairs of the entry.
15255             </summary>
15256         </member>
15257         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ETagProperties">
15258             <summary>
15259             The ETag property name and value pairs of the entry.
15260             </summary>
15261         </member>
15262         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.SelectedNavigationProperties">
15263             <summary>
15264             The selected navigation properties.
15265             </summary>
15266         </member>
15267         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.SelectedStreamProperties">
15268             <summary>
15269             The selected stream properties.
15270             </summary>
15271         </member>
15272         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.SelectedAlwaysBindableOperations">
15273             <summary>
15274             The selected always bindable operations.
15275             </summary>
15276         </member>
15277         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel">
15278             <summary>
15279             Implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext"/> based on serialization info.
15280             </summary>
15281         </member>
15282         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.EmptyNavigationProperties">
15283             <summary>
15284             Empty array of navigation properties.
15285             </summary>
15286         </member>
15287         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.EmptyStreamProperties">
15288             <summary>
15289             Empty dictionary of stream properties.
15290             </summary>
15291         </member>
15292         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.EmptyOperations">
15293             <summary>
15294             Empty array of operations.
15295             </summary>
15296         </member>
15297         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.serializationInfo">
15298             <summary>
15299             The serialization info of the entry for writing without model.
15300             </summary>
15301         </member>
15302         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo)">
15303             <summary>
15304             Constructs an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel"/>.
15305             </summary>
15306             <param name="entry">The entry instance.</param>
15307             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
15308             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info of the entry for writing without model.</param>
15309         </member>
15310         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.GetPropertiesBySerializationInfoPropertyKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertyKind,System.String)">
15311             <summary>
15312             Gets the property name value pairs filtered by serialization property kind.
15313             </summary>
15314             <param name="entry">The entry to get the properties from.</param>
15315             <param name="propertyKind">The serialization info property kind.</param>
15316             <param name="actualEntityTypeName">The entity type name of the entry.</param>
15317             <returns>The property name value pairs filtered by serialization property kind.</returns>
15318         </member>
15319         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.KeyProperties">
15320             <summary>
15321             The key property name and value pairs of the entry.
15322             </summary>
15323         </member>
15324         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.ETagProperties">
15325             <summary>
15326             The ETag property name and value pairs of the entry.
15327             </summary>
15328         </member>
15329         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.ActualEntityTypeName">
15330             <summary>
15331             The actual entity type of the entry, i.e. ODataEntry.TypeName.
15332             </summary>
15333         </member>
15334         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.SelectedNavigationProperties">
15335             <summary>
15336             The selected navigation properties.
15337             </summary>
15338         </member>
15339         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.SelectedStreamProperties">
15340             <summary>
15341             The selected stream properties.
15342             </summary>
15343         </member>
15344         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithoutModel.SelectedAlwaysBindableOperations">
15345             <summary>
15346             The selected always bindable operations.
15347             </summary>
15348         </member>
15349         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel">
15350             <summary>
15351             Implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext"/> based on the given model.
15352             </summary>
15353         </member>
15354         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.actualEntityType">
15355             <summary>
15356             The entity type of the entry.
15357             </summary>
15358         </member>
15359         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.metadataContext">
15360             <summary>
15361             The metadata context to use.
15362             </summary>
15363         </member>
15364         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.selectedProperties">
15365             <summary>
15366             The selected properties.
15367             </summary>
15368         </member>
15369         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
15370             <summary>
15371             Constructs an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel"/>.
15372             </summary>
15373             <param name="entry">The entry instance.</param>
15374             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
15375             <param name="actualEntityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
15376             <param name="metadataContext">The metadata context to use.</param>
15377             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties.</param>
15378         </member>
15379         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.KeyProperties">
15380             <summary>
15381             The key property name and value pairs of the entry.
15382             </summary>
15383         </member>
15384         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.ETagProperties">
15385             <summary>
15386             The ETag property name and value pairs of the entry.
15387             </summary>
15388         </member>
15389         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.ActualEntityTypeName">
15390             <summary>
15391             The actual entity type name of the entry.
15392             </summary>
15393         </member>
15394         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.SelectedNavigationProperties">
15395             <summary>
15396             The selected navigation properties.
15397             </summary>
15398         </member>
15399         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.SelectedStreamProperties">
15400             <summary>
15401             The selected stream properties.
15402             </summary>
15403         </member>
15404         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntryMetadataContext.ODataEntryMetadataContextWithModel.SelectedAlwaysBindableOperations">
15405             <summary>
15406             The selected always bindable operations.
15407             </summary>
15408         </member>
15409         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext">
15410             <summary>
15411             Interface used for substitutability of the metadata-centric responsibilities of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer"/>.
15412             </summary>
15413         </member>
15414         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext.GetEntityMetadataBuilderForReader(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState)">
15415             <summary>
15416             Gets an entity metadata builder for the given entry.
15417             </summary>
15418             <param name="entryState">Entry state to use as reference for information needed by the builder.</param>
15419             <returns>An entity metadata builder.</returns>
15420         </member>
15421         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext.GetAlwaysBindableOperationsForType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
15422             <summary>
15423             Gets the list of operations that are always bindable to a type.
15424             </summary>
15425             <param name="bindingType">The binding type in question.</param>
15426             <returns>The list of operations that are always bindable to a type.</returns>
15427         </member>
15428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext.OperationsBoundToEntityTypeMustBeContainerQualified(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
15429             <summary>
15430             Determines whether operations bound to this type must be qualified with the operation they belong to when appearing in a $select clause.
15431             </summary>
15432             <param name="entityType">The entity type the operations are bound to.</param>
15433             <returns>True if the operations must be container qualified, otherwise false.</returns>
15434         </member>
15435         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext.Model">
15436             <summary>
15437             Gets the Edm Model.
15438             </summary>
15439         </member>
15440         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext.ServiceBaseUri">
15441             <summary>
15442             Gets the service base Uri.
15443             </summary>
15444         </member>
15445         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext.MetadataDocumentUri">
15446             <summary>
15447             Gets the metadata document uri.
15448             </summary>
15449         </member>
15450         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext">
15451             <summary>
15452             Default implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext"/>.
15453             </summary>
15454         </member>
15455         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.model">
15456             <summary>
15457             The Edm Model.
15458             </summary>
15459         </member>
15460         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.edmTypeResolver">
15461             <summary>
15462             EdmTypeResolver instance to resolve entity set base type.
15463             </summary>
15464         </member>
15465         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.alwaysBindableOperationsCache">
15466             <summary>
15467             Cache of operations that are always bindable to entity types.
15468             </summary>
15469         </member>
15470         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.isResponse">
15471             <summary>
15472             true if we are reading or writing a response payload, false otherwise.
15473             </summary>
15474         </member>
15475         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.operationsBoundToEntityTypeMustBeContainerQualified">
15476             <summary>
15477             Callback to determine whether operations bound to this type must be qualified with the operation they belong to when appearing in a $select clause.
15478             </summary>
15479         </member>
15480         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.metadataDocumentUri">
15481             <summary>
15482             The metadata document Uri.
15483             </summary>
15484         </member>
15485         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.serviceBaseUri">
15486             <summary>
15487             The service base Uri.
15488             </summary>
15489         </member>
15490         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.#ctor(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Uri)">
15491             <summary>
15492             Constructs an ODataMetadataContext.
15493             </summary>
15494             <param name="isResponse">true if we are writing a response payload, false otherwise.</param>
15495             <param name="model">The Edm model.</param>
15496             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri.</param>
15497             <remarks>This overload should only be used by the writer.</remarks>
15498         </member>
15499         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean},Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Uri)">
15500             <summary>
15501             Constructs an ODataMetadataContext.
15502             </summary>
15503             <param name="isResponse">true if we are reading a response payload, false otherwise.</param>
15504             <param name="operationsBoundToEntityTypeMustBeContainerQualified">Callback to determine whether operations bound to this type must be qualified with the operation they belong to when appearing in a $select clause.</param>
15505             <param name="edmTypeResolver">EdmTypeResolver instance to resolve entity set base type.</param>
15506             <param name="model">The Edm model.</param>
15507             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document Uri.</param>
15508             <remarks>This overload should only be used by the reader.</remarks>
15509         </member>
15510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.GetEntityMetadataBuilderForReader(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState)">
15511             <summary>
15512             Gets an entity metadata builder for the given entry.
15513             </summary>
15514             <param name="entryState">Entry state to use as reference for information needed by the builder.</param>
15515             <returns>An entity metadata builder.</returns>
15516         </member>
15517         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.GetAlwaysBindableOperationsForType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
15518             <summary>
15519             Gets the list of operations that are always bindable to a type.
15520             </summary>
15521             <param name="bindingType">The binding type in question.</param>
15522             <returns>The list of operations that are always bindable to a type.</returns>
15523         </member>
15524         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.OperationsBoundToEntityTypeMustBeContainerQualified(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
15525             <summary>
15526             Determines whether operations bound to this type must be qualified with the operation they belong to when appearing in a $select clause.
15527             </summary>
15528             <param name="entityType">The entity type the operations are bound to.</param>
15529             <returns>True if the operations must be container qualified, otherwise false.</returns>
15530         </member>
15531         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.Model">
15532             <summary>
15533             Gets the Edm Model.
15534             </summary>
15535         </member>
15536         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.ServiceBaseUri">
15537             <summary>
15538             Gets the service base Uri.
15539             </summary>
15540         </member>
15541         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMetadataContext.MetadataDocumentUri">
15542             <summary>
15543             Gets the metadata document uri.
15544             </summary>
15545         </member>
15546         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator">
15547             <summary>
15548             Generates operations which were omitted by the service because they fully match conventions/templates and are always available.
15549             </summary>
15550         </member>
15551         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.metadataContext">
15552             <summary>The current entry metadata context.</summary>
15553         </member>
15554         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.entryMetadataContext">
15555             <summary>The metadata context of the entry to generate the missing operations for.</summary>
15556         </member>
15557         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.computedActions">
15558             <summary>The list of computed actions.</summary>
15559         </member>
15560         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.computedFunctions">
15561             <summary>The list of computed functions.</summary>
15562         </member>
15563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext)">
15564             <summary>
15565             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator"/> class.
15566             </summary>
15567             <param name="entryMetadataContext">The metadata context of the entry to generate the missing operations for.</param>
15568             <param name="metadataContext">The current entry metadata context.</param>
15569         </member>
15570         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.GetComputedActions">
15571             <summary>
15572             Gets the computed missing Actions from the generator.
15573             </summary>
15574             <returns>The computed missing Actions.</returns>
15575         </member>
15576         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.GetComputedFunctions">
15577             <summary>
15578             Gets the computed missing Functions from the generator.
15579             </summary>
15580             <returns>The computed missing Functions.</returns>
15581         </member>
15582         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.GetFunctionImportsInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Uri)">
15583             <summary>
15584             Returns a hash set of function imports (actions and functions) in the given entry.
15585             </summary>
15586             <param name="entry">The entry in question.</param>
15587             <param name="model">The edm model to resolve function imports.</param>
15588             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri.</param>
15589             <returns>The hash set of function imports (actions and functions) in the given entry.</returns>
15590         </member>
15591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataMissingOperationGenerator.ComputeMissingOperationsToEntry">
15592             <summary>
15593             Computes the operations that are missing from the payload but should be added by conventions onto the entry.
15594             </summary>
15595         </member>
15596         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext">
15597             <summary>
15598             Interface used for substitutability, to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.
15599             Metadata may come from a user-provided model or from the SetSerializationInfo() method on a feed or entry. The latter is considered the "no-model" case since only strings
15600             are provided, and there is no interconnectedness.  The goal of this interface is to provide a way to query the metadata information available on an entry or feed without
15601             needing to know where the metadata originated from.
15602             </summary>
15603         </member>
15604         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.EntitySetName">
15605             <summary>
15606             The entity set name of the feed or entry.
15607             </summary>
15608         </member>
15609         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.EntitySetElementTypeName">
15610             <summary>
15611             The element type name of the entity set of the feed or entry.
15612             </summary>
15613         </member>
15614         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ExpectedEntityTypeName">
15615             <summary>
15616             The expected entity type name of the entry.
15617             For example, in the request URI 'http://example.com/Service.svc/People/Namespace.VIP_Person', the expected entity type is Namespace.VIP_Person.
15618             (The entity set element type name in this example may be Person, and the actual entity type of a particular entity might be a type more derived than VIP_Person)
15619             </summary>
15620         </member>
15621         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.IsMediaLinkEntry">
15622             <summary>
15623             true if the entry is an MLE, false otherwise.
15624             </summary>
15625         </member>
15626         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.UrlConvention">
15627             <summary>
15628             The Url convention to use for the entity set.
15629             </summary>
15630         </member>
15631         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel">
15632             <summary>
15633             Class responsible for logic specific to the JSON Light full metadata level (indicated by "odata=fullmetadata" in the media type).
15634             </summary>
15635             <remarks>
15636             The general rule-of-thumb for full-metadata payloads is that they include all "odata.*" annotations that would be included in minimal metadata mode,
15637             plus any "odata.*" annotations that could be computed client-side if we the client had a model.
15638             </remarks>
15639         </member>
15640         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel">
15641             <summary>
15642             Class responsible for logic that varies based on the JSON Light metadata level. 
15643             </summary>
15644         </member>
15645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel.Create(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
15646             <summary>
15647             Creates the appropriate metadata level based on the media type being written.
15648             </summary>
15649             <param name="mediaType">The full media type being written. This media type must have a type/subtype of "application/json" 
15650             and should not imply verbose json (by including "odata=verbose" as a parameter).</param>
15651             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri from the writer settings.</param>
15652             <param name="model">The edm model.</param>
15653             <param name="writingResponse">true if we are writing a response, false otherwise.</param>
15654             <returns>The JSON Light metadata level being written.</returns>
15655         </member>
15656         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel.GetTypeNameOracle(System.Boolean)">
15657             <summary>
15658             Returns the oracle to use when determing the type name to write for entries and values.
15659             </summary>
15660             <param name="autoComputePayloadMetadataInJson">
15661             If true, the type name to write will vary based on the metadata level. 
15662             If false, the type name writing rules will always match minimal metadata, 
15663             regardless of the actual metadata level being written. 
15664             This is for backwards compatibility.
15665             </param>
15666             <returns>An oracle that can be queried to determine the type name to write.</returns>
15667         </member>
15668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel.ShouldWriteODataMetadataUri">
15669             <summary>
15670             Indicates whether the "odata.metadata" URI should be written based on the current metadata level.
15671             </summary>
15672             <returns>true if the metadata URI should be written, false otherwise.</returns>
15673         </member>
15674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel.CreateEntityMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
15675             <summary>
15676             Creates the metadata builder for the given entry. If such a builder is set, asking for payload
15677             metadata properties (like EditLink) of the entry may return a value computed by convention, 
15678             depending on the metadata level and whether the user manually set an edit link or not.
15679             </summary>
15680             <param name="entry">The entry to create the metadata builder for.</param>
15681             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.</param>
15682             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info for the entry.</param>
15683             <param name="actualEntityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
15684             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
15685             <param name="isResponse">true if the entity metadata builder to create should be for a response payload; false for a request.</param>
15686             <param name="keyAsSegment">true if keys should go in seperate segments in auto-generated URIs, false if they should go in parentheses.
15687             A null value means the user hasn't specified a preference and we should look for an annotation in the entity container, if available.</param>
15688             <returns>The created metadata builder.</returns>
15689         </member>
15690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel.InjectMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder)">
15691             <summary>
15692             Injects the appropriate metadata builder based on the metadata level.
15693             </summary>
15694             <param name="entry">The entry to inject the builder.</param>
15695             <param name="builder">The metadata builder to inject.</param>
15696         </member>
15697         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.model">
15698             <summary>
15699             The Edm model.
15700             </summary>
15701         </member>
15702         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.metadataDocumentUri">
15703             <summary>
15704             The metadata document uri from the writer settings.
15705             </summary>
15706         </member>
15707         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.#ctor(System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
15708             <summary>
15709             Constructs a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel"/>.
15710             </summary>
15711             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri from the writer settings.</param>
15712             <param name="model">The Edm model.</param>
15713         </member>
15714         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.GetTypeNameOracle(System.Boolean)">
15715             <summary>
15716             Returns the oracle to use when determing the type name to write for entries and values.
15717             </summary>
15718             <param name="autoComputePayloadMetadataInJson">
15719             If true, the type name to write according to full metadata rules. 
15720             If false, the type name writing according to minimal metadata rules.
15721             This is for backwards compatibility.
15722             </param>
15723             <returns>An oracle that can be queried to determine the type name to write.</returns>
15724         </member>
15725         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.ShouldWriteODataMetadataUri">
15726             <summary>
15727             Indicates whether the "odata.metadata" URI should be written based on the current metadata level.
15728             </summary>
15729             <returns>true if the metadata URI should be written, false otherwise.</returns>
15730         </member>
15731         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.CreateEntityMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
15732             <summary>
15733             Creates the metadata builder for the given entry. If such a builder is set, asking for payload
15734             metadata properties (like EditLink) of the entry may return a value computed by convention, 
15735             depending on the metadata level and whether the user manually set an edit link or not.
15736             </summary>
15737             <param name="entry">The entry to create the metadata builder for.</param>
15738             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.</param>
15739             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info for the entry.</param>
15740             <param name="actualEntityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
15741             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
15742             <param name="isResponse">true if the entity metadata builder to create should be for a response payload; false for a request.</param>
15743             <param name="keyAsSegment">true if keys should go in seperate segments in auto-generated URIs, false if they should go in parentheses.
15744             A null value means the user hasn't specified a preference and we should look for an annotation in the entity container, if available.</param>
15745             <returns>The created metadata builder.</returns>
15746         </member>
15747         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.InjectMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder)">
15748             <summary>
15749             Injects the appropriate metadata builder based on the metadata level.
15750             </summary>
15751             <param name="entry">The entry to inject the builder.</param>
15752             <param name="builder">The metadata builder to inject.</param>
15753         </member>
15754         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataLevel.NonNullMetadataDocumentUri">
15755             <summary>
15756             Returns the metadata document URI which has been validated to be non-null.
15757             </summary>
15758         </member>
15759         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataTypeNameOracle">
15760             <summary>
15761             Class responsible for determining the type name that should be written on the wire for entries and values in JSON full metadata mode.
15762             </summary>
15763         </member>
15764         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightTypeNameOracle">
15765             <summary>
15766             Class responsible for determining the type name that should be written on the wire for entries and values in JSON Light.
15767             </summary>
15768         </member>
15769         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightTypeNameOracle.GetEntryTypeNameForWriting(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
15770             <summary>
15771             Determines the entity type name to write to the payload.
15772             </summary>
15773             <param name="expectedTypeName">The expected type name, e.g. the base type of the set or the nav prop.</param>
15774             <param name="entry">The ODataEntry whose type is to be written.</param>
15775             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type name should be written.</returns>
15776         </member>
15777         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightTypeNameOracle.GetValueTypeNameForWriting(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
15778             <summary>
15779             Determines the type name to write to the payload.  Json Light type names are only written into the payload for open properties
15780             or if the payload type name is more derived than the model type name.
15781             </summary>
15782             <param name="value">The ODataValue whose type name is to be written.</param>
15783             <param name="typeReferenceFromMetadata">The type as expected by the model.</param>
15784             <param name="typeReferenceFromValue">The type resolved from the value.</param>
15785             <param name="isOpenProperty">true if the type name belongs to an open property, false otherwise.</param>
15786             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type should be written.</returns>
15787         </member>
15788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataTypeNameOracle.GetEntryTypeNameForWriting(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
15789             <summary>
15790             Determines the entity type name to write to the payload.
15791             </summary>
15792             <param name="expectedTypeName">The expected type name, e.g. the base type of the set or the nav prop.</param>
15793             <param name="entry">The ODataEntry whose type is to be written.</param>
15794             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type name should be written.</returns>
15795         </member>
15796         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonFullMetadataTypeNameOracle.GetValueTypeNameForWriting(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
15797             <summary>
15798             Determines the type name to write to the payload.  Json Light type names are only written into the payload for open properties
15799             or if the payload type name is more derived than the model type name.
15800             </summary>
15801             <param name="value">The ODataValue whose type name is to be written.</param>
15802             <param name="typeReferenceFromMetadata">The type as expected by the model.</param>
15803             <param name="typeReferenceFromValue">The type resolved from the value.</param>
15804             <param name="isOpenProperty">true if the type name belongs to an open property, false otherwise.</param>
15805             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type should be written.</returns>
15806         </member>
15807         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataLevel">
15808             <summary>
15809             Class responsible for logic specific to the JSON Light minimal metadata level (indicated by "odata=minimalmetadata" in the media type, or lack of an "odata" parameter in a v3 and above request).
15810             </summary>
15811             <remarks>
15812             The general rule-of-thumb for minimal-metadata payloads is that they include all "odata.*" annotations that can't be computed client-side, assuming the client has the server model available
15813             as well as the ability to compute missing payload metadata based on the standard conventions.
15814             </remarks>
15815         </member>
15816         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataLevel.GetTypeNameOracle(System.Boolean)">
15817             <summary>
15818             Returns the oracle to use when determing the type name to write for entries and values.
15819             </summary>
15820             <param name="autoComputePayloadMetadataInJson">Not used in this implementation of the abstract method.</param>
15821             <returns>An oracle that can be queried to determine the type name to write.</returns>
15822         </member>
15823         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataLevel.ShouldWriteODataMetadataUri">
15824             <summary>
15825             Indicates whether the "odata.metadata" URI should be written based on the current metadata level.
15826             </summary>
15827             <returns>true if the metadata URI should be written, false otherwise.</returns>
15828         </member>
15829         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataLevel.CreateEntityMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
15830             <summary>
15831             Creates the metadata builder for the given entry. If such a builder is set, asking for payload
15832             metadata properties (like EditLink) of the entry may return a value computed by convention, 
15833             depending on the metadata level and whether the user manually set an edit link or not.
15834             </summary>
15835             <param name="entry">The entry to create the metadata builder for.</param>
15836             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.</param>
15837             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info for the entry.</param>
15838             <param name="actualEntityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
15839             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
15840             <param name="isResponse">true if the entity metadata builder to create should be for a response payload; false for a request.</param>
15841             <param name="keyAsSegment">true if keys should go in seperate segments in auto-generated URIs, false if they should go in parentheses.
15842             A null value means the user hasn't specified a preference and we should look for an annotation in the entity container, if available.</param>
15843             <returns>The created metadata builder.</returns>
15844         </member>
15845         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataLevel.InjectMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder)">
15846             <summary>
15847             Injects the appropriate metadata builder based on the metadata level.
15848             </summary>
15849             <param name="entry">The entry to inject the builder.</param>
15850             <param name="builder">The metadata builder to inject.</param>
15851         </member>
15852         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataTypeNameOracle">
15853             <summary>
15854             Class responsible for determining the type name that should be written on the wire for entries and values in JSON minimal metadata mode, 
15855             or the other metadata modes of JSON light when <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AutoComputePayloadMetadataInJson"/> is false.
15856             </summary>
15857         </member>
15858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataTypeNameOracle.GetEntryTypeNameForWriting(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
15859             <summary>
15860             Determines the entity type name to write to the payload.
15861             </summary>
15862             <param name="expectedTypeName">The expected type name, e.g. the base type of the set or the nav prop.</param>
15863             <param name="entry">The ODataEntry whose type is to be written.</param>
15864             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type name should be written.</returns>
15865         </member>
15866         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonMinimalMetadataTypeNameOracle.GetValueTypeNameForWriting(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
15867             <summary>
15868             Determines the type name to write to the payload.  Json Light type names are only written into the payload for open properties
15869             or if the payload type name is more derived than the model type name.
15870             </summary>
15871             <param name="value">The ODataValue whose type name is to be written.</param>
15872             <param name="typeReferenceFromMetadata">The type as expected by the model.</param>
15873             <param name="typeReferenceFromValue">The type resolved from the value.</param>
15874             <param name="isOpenProperty">true if the type name belongs to an open property, false otherwise.</param>
15875             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type should be written.</returns>
15876         </member>
15877         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataLevel">
15878             <summary>
15879             Class responsible for logic specific to the JSON Light no metadata level (indicated by "odata=nometadata" in the media type).
15880             </summary>
15881             <remarks>
15882             The general rule-of-thumb for no-metadata payloads is that they omit any "odata.*" annotations, 
15883             except for odata.nextlink and odata.count, since the client would get a inaccurate representation of the data available if they were left out.
15884             </remarks>
15885         </member>
15886         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataLevel.GetTypeNameOracle(System.Boolean)">
15887             <summary>
15888             Returns the oracle to use when determing the type name to write for entries and values.
15889             </summary>
15890             <param name="autoComputePayloadMetadataInJson">
15891             If true, the type name to write according to full metadata rules. 
15892             If false, the type name writing according to minimal metadata rules.
15893             This is for backwards compatibility.
15894             </param>
15895             <returns>An oracle that can be queried to determine the type name to write.</returns>
15896         </member>
15897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataLevel.ShouldWriteODataMetadataUri">
15898             <summary>
15899             Indicates whether the "odata.metadata" URI should be written based on the current metadata level.
15900             </summary>
15901             <returns>true if the metadata URI should be written, false otherwise.</returns>
15902         </member>
15903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataLevel.CreateEntityMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
15904             <summary>
15905             Creates the metadata builder for the given entry. If such a builder is set, asking for payload
15906             metadata properties (like EditLink) of the entry may return a value computed by convention, 
15907             depending on the metadata level and whether the user manually set an edit link or not.
15908             </summary>
15909             <param name="entry">The entry to create the metadata builder for.</param>
15910             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.</param>
15911             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info for the entry.</param>
15912             <param name="actualEntityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
15913             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
15914             <param name="isResponse">true if the entity metadata builder to create should be for a response payload; false for a request.</param>
15915             <param name="keyAsSegment">true if keys should go in seperate segments in auto-generated URIs, false if they should go in parentheses.
15916             A null value means the user hasn't specified a preference and we should look for an annotation in the entity container, if available.</param>
15917             <returns>The created metadata builder.</returns>
15918         </member>
15919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataLevel.InjectMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder)">
15920             <summary>
15921             Injects the appropriate metadata builder based on the metadata level.
15922             </summary>
15923             <param name="entry">The entry to inject the builder.</param>
15924             <param name="builder">The metadata builder to inject.</param>
15925         </member>
15926         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataTypeNameOracle">
15927             <summary>
15928             Class responsible for determining the type name that should be written on the wire for entries and values in JSON no metadata mode.
15929             </summary>
15930         </member>
15931         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataTypeNameOracle.GetEntryTypeNameForWriting(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
15932             <summary>
15933             Determines the entity type name to write to the payload.
15934             </summary>
15935             <param name="expectedTypeName">The expected type name, e.g. the base type of the set or the nav prop.</param>
15936             <param name="entry">The ODataEntry whose type is to be written.</param>
15937             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type name should be written.</returns>
15938         </member>
15939         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonNoMetadataTypeNameOracle.GetValueTypeNameForWriting(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
15940             <summary>
15941             Determines the type name to write to the payload.  Json Light type names are only written into the payload for open properties
15942             or if the payload type name is more derived than the model type name.
15943             </summary>
15944             <param name="value">The ODataValue whose type name is to be written.</param>
15945             <param name="typeReferenceFromMetadata">The type as expected by the model.</param>
15946             <param name="typeReferenceFromValue">The type resolved from the value.</param>
15947             <param name="isOpenProperty">true if the type name belongs to an open property, false otherwise.</param>
15948             <returns>Type name to write to the payload, or null if no type should be written.</returns>
15949         </member>
15950         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightGeneralDeserializer">
15951             <summary>
15952             Reads payload as untyped object.
15953             </summary>   
15954         </member>
15955         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer">
15956             <summary>
15957             Base class for all OData JsonLight deserializers.
15958             </summary>
15959         </member>
15960         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.jsonLightInputContext">
15961             <summary>The JsonLight input context to use for reading.</summary>
15962         </member>
15963         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.metadataContext">
15964             <summary>Context for entry etadata centric responsibilities.</summary>
15965         </member>
15966         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.metadataUriParseResult">
15967             <summary>Result of parsing the metadata URI for the payload (or null if none are available).</summary>
15968             <remarks>This field is only available after the ReadPayloadStart was called.</remarks>
15969         </member>
15970         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
15971             <summary>
15972             Constructor.
15973             </summary>
15974             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
15975         </member>
15976         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.TryParsePropertyAnnotation(System.String,System.String@,System.String@)">
15977             <summary>
15978             Parses the name of a property and returns the property name and annotation name if the property is a property annotation.
15979             </summary>
15980             <param name="propertyAnnotationName">The property name to parse.</param>
15981             <param name="propertyName">The name of the annotated property, or null if the property is not a property annotation.</param>
15982             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name, or null if the property is not a property annotation.</param>
15983             <returns>true if the <paramref name="propertyAnnotationName"/> is a property annotation, false otherwise.</returns>
15984         </member>
15985         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ReadPayloadStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
15986             <summary>
15987             Read the start of the top-level data wrapper in JSON responses.
15988             </summary>
15989             <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload we are reading; this guides the parsing of the metadata URI.</param>
15990             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker.</param>
15991             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are deserializing a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.</param>
15992             <param name="allowEmptyPayload">true if we allow a comletely empty payload; otherwise false.</param>
15993             <remarks>
15994             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
15995             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first property of the payload after having read (or skipped) the metadata URI property.
15996                             Or the reader is positioned on an end-object node if there are no properties (other than the metadata URI which is required in responses and optional in requests).
15997             </remarks>
15998         </member>
15999         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ReadPayloadEnd(System.Boolean)">
16000             <summary>
16001             Reads the end of the top-level data wrapper in JSON responses.
16002             </summary>
16003             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are deserializing a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.</param>
16004             <remarks>
16005             Pre-Condition:  any node:                when reading response or a nested payload, will fail if find anything else then EndObject.
16006                             JsonNodeType.EndOfInput: otherwise
16007             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput
16008             </remarks>
16009         </member>
16010         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ReadAndValidateAnnotationStringValue(System.String)">
16011             <summary>
16012             Reads and validates a string value from the json reader.
16013             </summary>
16014             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation being read (used for error reporting).</param>
16015             <returns>The string that was read.</returns>
16016         </member>
16017         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ReadAndValidateAnnotationStringValueAsUri(System.String)">
16018             <summary>
16019             Reads and validates a string value from the json reader and processes it as a Uri.
16020             </summary>
16021             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation being read (used for error reporting).</param>
16022             <returns>The Uri that was read.</returns>
16023         </member>
16024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ReadAndValidateAnnotationStringValueAsLong(System.String)">
16025             <summary>
16026             Reads and validates a string value from the json reader and processes it as a long.
16027             </summary>
16028             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation being read (used for error reporting).</param>
16029             <returns>The long that was read.</returns>
16030         </member>
16031         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String)">
16032             <summary>
16033             Given a URI from the payload, this method will try to make it absolute, or fail otherwise.
16034             </summary>
16035             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
16036             <returns>An absolute URI to report.</returns>
16037         </member>
16038         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ProcessProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Func{System.String,System.Object},System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult,System.String})">
16039             <summary>
16040             Parses JSON object property starting with the current position of the JSON reader.
16041             </summary>
16042             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use, it will also store the property annotations found.</param>
16043             <param name="readPropertyAnnotationValue">Function called to read property annotation value.</param>
16044             <param name="handleProperty">Function callback to handle to resule of parse property.</param>
16045         </member>
16046         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.AssertJsonCondition(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType[])">
16047             <summary>
16048             Asserts that the JSON reader is positioned on one of the specified node types.
16049             </summary>
16050             <param name="allowedNodeTypes">The node types which should appear at this point.</param>
16051         </member>
16052         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ShouldSkipCustomInstanceAnnotation(System.String)">
16053             <summary>
16054             Returns true if <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be skipped by the reader; false otherwise.
16055             </summary>
16056             <param name="annotationName">The custom instance annotation name in question.</param>
16057             <returns>Returns true if <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be skipped by the reader; false otherwise.</returns>
16058         </member>
16059         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.SkippedOverUnknownODataAnnotation(System.String,System.String@)">
16060             <summary>
16061             If <paramref name="annotationName"/> is under the odata namespace but is not known to ODataLib, move the JSON reader forward to skip the
16062             annotation name and value then return true; return false otherwise.
16063             </summary>
16064             <remarks>
16065             The unknown odata annotation is skipped so that when this version of the reader reads a feed produced by a future version of ODataLib
16066             that contains an odata annotation that is not recognized on this version, we would simply ignore the annotation rather than failing.
16067             Note that when we add new odata annotations that cannot be skipped, we would bump the protocol version.
16068             </remarks>
16069             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name in question.</param>
16070             <param name="skippedRawJson">Outputs the skipped raw json string.</param>
16071             <returns>Returns true if the annotation name and value is skipped; returns false otherwise.</returns>
16072         </member>
16073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ParseProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Func{System.String,System.Object},System.String@)">
16074             <summary>
16075             Parses JSON object property starting with the current position of the JSON reader.
16076             </summary>
16077             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use, it will also store the property annotations found.</param>
16078             <param name="readPropertyAnnotationValue">Function called to read property annotation value.</param>
16079             <param name="parsedPropertyName">The name of the property or instance annotation found.</param>
16080             <returns>
16081             PropertyWithValue - a property with value was found. The <paramref name="parsedPropertyName"/> contains the name of the property.
16082                                 The reader is positioned on the property value.
16083             PropertyWithoutValue - a property without a value was found. The <paramref name="parsedPropertyName"/> contains the name of the property.
16084                                    The reader is positioned on the node after property annotations (so either a property or end of object).
16085             ODataInstanceAnnotation - an odata instance annotation was found. The <paramref name="parsedPropertyName"/> contains the name of the annotation.
16086                                  The reader is positioned on the value of the annotation.
16087             CustomInstanceAnnotation - a custom instance annotation was found. The <paramref name="parsedPropertyName"/> contains the name of the annotation.
16088                                  The reader is positioned on the value of the annotation.
16089             MetadataReferenceProperty - a property which is a reference into the metadata was found.
16090                                         The reader is positioned on the value of the property.
16091             EndOfObject - end of the object scope was reached and no properties are to be reported. The <paramref name="parsedPropertyName"/> is null.
16092                           This can only happen if there's a property annotation which is ignored (for example custom one) at the end of the object.
16093             </returns>
16094         </member>
16095         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ProcessPropertyAnnotation(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Func{System.String,System.Object})">
16096             <summary>
16097             Process the current property annotation.
16098             </summary>
16099             <param name="annotatedPropertyName">The name being annotated. Can be a property or an instance annotation.</param>
16100             <param name="annotationName">The annotation targeting the <paramref name="annotatedPropertyName"/>.</param>
16101             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker.</param>
16102             <param name="readPropertyAnnotationValue">Callback to read the property annotation value.</param>
16103         </member>
16104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ReadPayloadStartImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
16105             <summary>
16106             Read the start of the top-level data wrapper in JSON responses.
16107             </summary>
16108             <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload we are reading; this guides the parsing of the metadata URI.</param>
16109             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker.</param>
16110             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are deserializing a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.</param>
16111             <param name="allowEmptyPayload">true if we allow a comletely empty payload; otherwise false.</param>
16112             <returns>The value of the metadata URI annotation (or null if it was not found).</returns>
16113             <remarks>
16114             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
16115             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first property of the payload after having read (or skipped) the metadata URI property.
16116                             Or the reader is positioned on an end-object node if there are no properties (other than the metadata URI which is required in responses and optional in requests).
16117             </remarks>
16118         </member>
16119         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.ReadMetadataUriAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean)">
16120             <summary>
16121             Reads the odata.metadata annotation.
16122             </summary>
16123             <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind for which to read the metadata URI.</param>
16124             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker.</param>
16125             <param name="failOnMissingMetadataUriAnnotation">true if the method should fail if the metadata URI annotation is missing, false if that can be ignored.</param>
16126             <returns>The value of the metadata URI annotation.</returns>
16127         </member>
16128         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.MetadataContext">
16129             <summary>
16130             Context for entry metadata centric responsibilities.
16131             </summary>
16132         </member>
16133         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.JsonReader">
16134             <summary>
16135             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader"/> which is to be used to read the content of the message.
16136             </summary>
16137         </member>
16138         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.MetadataUriParseResult">
16139             <summary>Result of parsing the metadata URI for the payload (or null if none are available).</summary>
16140             <remarks>This property is only available after the ReadPayloadStart was called.</remarks>
16141         </member>
16142         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.JsonLightInputContext">
16143             <summary>
16144             The Json lite input context to use for reading.
16145             </summary>
16146         </member>
16147         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.MetadataDocumentUri">
16148             <summary>
16149             Gets the metadata document Uri from the MetadataUriParseResult.
16150             </summary>
16151         </member>
16152         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult">
16153             <summary>Possible results of parsing JSON object property.</summary>
16154         </member>
16155         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult.EndOfObject">
16156             <summary>An end of object was reached without any property to be reported.</summary>
16157         </member>
16158         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult.PropertyWithValue">
16159             <summary>A property with value was found.</summary>
16160         </member>
16161         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult.PropertyWithoutValue">
16162             <summary>A property without value was found.</summary>
16163         </member>
16164         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult.ODataInstanceAnnotation">
16165             <summary>A 'odata' instance annotation was found.</summary>
16166         </member>
16167         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult.CustomInstanceAnnotation">
16168             <summary>A custom instance annotation was found.</summary>
16169         </member>
16170         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightDeserializer.PropertyParsingResult.MetadataReferenceProperty">
16171             <summary>A metadata reference property was found.</summary>
16172         </member>
16173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightGeneralDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
16174             <summary>
16175             Constructor.
16176             </summary>
16177             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
16178         </member>
16179         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightGeneralDeserializer.ReadValue">
16180             <summary>
16181             Reads untyped value.
16182             </summary>
16183             <returns>primitive value or ODataComplexValue orODataCollectionValue.</returns>
16184         </member>
16185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightGeneralDeserializer.ReadAsComplexValue">
16186             <summary>
16187             Reads json object value.
16188             </summary>
16189             <returns>ODataComplexValue with TypeName=null</returns>
16190         </member>
16191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightGeneralDeserializer.ReadAsCollectionValue">
16192             <summary>
16193             Read json array.
16194             </summary>
16195             <returns>ODataCollectionValue with TypeName=null</returns>
16196         </member>
16197         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext">
16198             <summary>
16199             The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.
16200             </summary>
16201         </member>
16202         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.DefaultUrlConvention">
16203             <summary>
16204             Default Url convention.
16205             </summary>
16206         </member>
16207         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.throwIfMissingTypeInfo">
16208             <summary>
16209             If true, throw if any of the set or type name cannot be determined; if false, return null when any of the set or type name cannot determined.
16210             </summary>
16211         </member>
16212         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
16213             <summary>
16214             Constructs an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext"/>.
16215             </summary>
16216             <param name="throwIfMissingTypeInfo">If true, throw if any of the set or type name cannot be determined; if false, return null when any of the set or type name cannot determined.</param>
16217         </member>
16218         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.Create(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
16219             <summary>
16220             Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext"/>.
16221             </summary>
16222             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info from the feed or entry instance.</param>
16223             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the feed or entry.</param>
16224             <param name="entitySetElementType">The element type of the entity set.</param>
16225             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type of the feed or entry.</param>
16226             <param name="model">The Edm model instance to use.</param>
16227             <param name="throwIfMissingTypeInfo">If true, throw if any of the set or type name cannot be determined; if false, return null when any of the set or type name cannot determined.</param>
16228             <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext"/>.</returns>
16229         </member>
16230         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ValidateAndReturn``1(``0)">
16231             <summary>
16232             Validate and return the given value.
16233             </summary>
16234             <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to validate.</typeparam>
16235             <param name="value">The value to validate.</param>
16236             <returns>The return value.</returns>
16237         </member>
16238         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.EntitySetName">
16239             <summary>
16240             The entity set name of the feed or entry.
16241             </summary>
16242         </member>
16243         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.EntitySetElementTypeName">
16244             <summary>
16245             The element type name of the entity set of the feed or entry.
16246             </summary>
16247         </member>
16248         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ExpectedEntityTypeName">
16249             <summary>
16250             The expected entity type name of the entry.
16251             For example, in the request URI 'http://example.com/Service.svc/People/Namespace.VIP_Person', the expected entity type is Namespace.VIP_Person.
16252             (The entity set element type name in this example may be Person, and the actual entity type of a particular entity might be a type more derived than VIP_Person)
16253             </summary>
16254         </member>
16255         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.IsMediaLinkEntry">
16256             <summary>
16257             true if the entry is an MLE, false otherwise.
16258             </summary>
16259         </member>
16260         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.UrlConvention">
16261             <summary>
16262             The Url convention to use for the entity set.
16263             </summary>
16264         </member>
16265         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel">
16266             <summary>
16267             The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed based on the serialization info.
16268             </summary>
16269         </member>
16270         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel.serializationInfo">
16271             <summary>
16272             The serialization info of the entry for writing without model.
16273             </summary>
16274         </member>
16275         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo)">
16276             <summary>
16277             Constructs an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext"/>.
16278             </summary>
16279             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info from the feed or entry instance.</param>
16280         </member>
16281         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel.EntitySetName">
16282             <summary>
16283             The entity set name of the feed or entry.
16284             </summary>
16285         </member>
16286         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel.EntitySetElementTypeName">
16287             <summary>
16288             The element type name of the entity set of the feed or entry.
16289             </summary>
16290         </member>
16291         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel.ExpectedEntityTypeName">
16292             <summary>
16293             The expected entity type name of the entry.
16294             For example, in the request URI 'http://example.com/Service.svc/People/Namespace.VIP_Person', the expected entity type is Namespace.VIP_Person.
16295             (The entity set element type name in this example may be Person, and the actual entity type of a particular entity might be a type more derived than VIP_Person)
16296             </summary>
16297         </member>
16298         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel.IsMediaLinkEntry">
16299             <summary>
16300             true if the entry is an MLE, false otherwise.
16301             </summary>
16302         </member>
16303         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithoutModel.UrlConvention">
16304             <summary>
16305             The Url convention to use for the entity set.
16306             </summary>
16307         </member>
16308         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel">
16309             <summary>
16310             The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed based on the metadata.
16311             </summary>
16312         </member>
16313         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.model">
16314             <summary>
16315             The Edm model instance to use.
16316             </summary>
16317         </member>
16318         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.entitySet">
16319             <summary>
16320             The entity set of the feed or entry.
16321             </summary>
16322         </member>
16323         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.entitySetElementType">
16324             <summary>
16325             The element type of the entity set of the feed or entry.
16326             </summary>
16327         </member>
16328         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.expectedEntityType">
16329             <summary>
16330             The expected entity type of the feed or entry.
16331             For example, in the request URI 'http://example.com/Service.svc/People/Namespace.VIP_Person', the expected entity type is Namespace.VIP_Person.
16332             (The entity set element type name in this example may be Person, and the actual entity type of a particular entity might be a type more derived than VIP_Person)
16333             </summary>
16334         </member>
16335         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.lazyEntitySetName">
16336             <summary>
16337             The entity set name of the feed or entry.
16338             </summary>
16339         </member>
16340         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.lazyIsMediaLinkEntry">
16341             <summary>
16342             true if the entry is an media link entry or if the feed contains media link entries, false otherwise.
16343             </summary>
16344         </member>
16345         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.lazyUrlConvention">
16346             <summary>
16347             The url convention to use for the entity set.
16348             </summary>
16349         </member>
16350         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
16351             <summary>
16352             Constructs an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext"/>.
16353             </summary>
16354             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the feed or entry.</param>
16355             <param name="entitySetElementType">The element type of the entity set.</param>
16356             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type of the feed or entry.</param>
16357             <param name="model">The Edm model instance to use.</param>
16358         </member>
16359         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.EntitySetName">
16360             <summary>
16361             The entity set name of the feed or entry.
16362             </summary>
16363         </member>
16364         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.EntitySetElementTypeName">
16365             <summary>
16366             The element type name of the entity set of the feed or entry.
16367             </summary>
16368         </member>
16369         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.ExpectedEntityTypeName">
16370             <summary>
16371             The expected entity type name of the entry.
16372             For example, in the request URI 'http://example.com/Service.svc/People/Namespace.VIP_Person', the expected entity type is Namespace.VIP_Person.
16373             (The entity set element type name in this example may be Person, and the actual entity type of a particular entity might be a type more derived than VIP_Person)
16374             </summary>
16375         </member>
16376         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.IsMediaLinkEntry">
16377             <summary>
16378             true if the entry is an MLE, false otherwise.
16379             </summary>
16380         </member>
16381         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContextWithModel.UrlConvention">
16382             <summary>
16383             The Url convention to use for the entity set.
16384             </summary>
16385         </member>
16386         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataObjectModelExtensions">
16387             <summary>
16388             Extension methods on the OData object model.
16389             </summary>
16390         </member>
16391         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataObjectModelExtensions.SetSerializationInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo)">
16392             <summary>
16393             Provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for <paramref name="feed"/>.
16394             </summary>
16395             <param name="feed">The instance to set the serialization info.</param>
16396             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info to set.</param>
16397         </member>
16398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataObjectModelExtensions.SetSerializationInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo)">
16399             <summary>
16400             Provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for <paramref name="entry"/>.
16401             </summary>
16402             <param name="entry">The instance to set the serialization info.</param>
16403             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info to set.</param>
16404         </member>
16405         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataObjectModelExtensions.SetSerializationInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertySerializationInfo)">
16406             <summary>
16407             Provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for <paramref name="property"/>.
16408             </summary>
16409             <param name="property">The instance to set the serialization info.</param>
16410             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info to set.</param>
16411         </member>
16412         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataObjectModelExtensions.SetSerializationInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo)">
16413             <summary>
16414             Provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> for <paramref name="collectionStart"/>.
16415             </summary>
16416             <param name="collectionStart">The instance to set the serialization info.</param>
16417             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info to set.</param>
16418         </member>
16419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataObjectModelExtensions.SetSerializationInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo)">
16420             <summary>
16421             Provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for <paramref name="entityReferenceLink"/>.
16422             </summary>
16423             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The instance to set the serialization info.</param>
16424             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info to set.</param>
16425         </member>
16426         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataObjectModelExtensions.SetSerializationInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo)">
16427             <summary>
16428             Provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for <paramref name="entityReferenceLinks"/>.
16429             </summary>
16430             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The instance to set the serialization info.</param>
16431             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info to set.</param>
16432         </member>
16433         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo">
16434             <summary>
16435             Class to provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> for an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/>.
16436             </summary>
16437         </member>
16438         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo.collectionTypeName">
16439             <summary>
16440             The fully qualified type name of the collection to be written.
16441             </summary>
16442         </member>
16443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo.Validate(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo)">
16444             <summary>
16445             Validates the <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.
16446             </summary>
16447             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info instance to validate.</param>
16448             <returns>The <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.</returns>
16449         </member>
16450         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo.CollectionTypeName">
16451             <summary>
16452             The fully qualified type name of the collection to be written.
16453             </summary>
16454         </member>
16455         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo">
16456             <summary>
16457             Class to provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/>.
16458             </summary>
16459         </member>
16460         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo.sourceEntitySetName">
16461             <summary>
16462             The source entity set name of the navigation property. Should be fully qualified if the entity set is not in the default container.
16463             </summary>
16464         </member>
16465         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo.typecast">
16466             <summary>
16467             The fully qualified type name of the declaring entity type of the navigation property if the declaring entity type is not the base type of the source entity set.
16468             Should be null if the declaring entity type is the base type of the source entity set.
16469             </summary>
16470         </member>
16471         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo.navigationPropertyName">
16472             <summary>
16473             The name of the navigation property to write the entity reference links for.
16474             </summary>
16475         </member>
16476         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo.Validate(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo)">
16477             <summary>
16478             Validates the <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.
16479             </summary>
16480             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info instance to validate.</param>
16481             <returns>The <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.</returns>
16482         </member>
16483         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo.SourceEntitySetName">
16484             <summary>
16485             The source entity set name of the navigation property. Should be fully qualified if the entity set is not in the default container.
16486             </summary>
16487         </member>
16488         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo.Typecast">
16489             <summary>
16490             The fully qualified type name of the declaring entity type of the navigation property if the declaring entity type is not the base type of the source entity set.
16491             Should be null if the declaring entity type is the base type of the source entity set.
16492             </summary>
16493         </member>
16494         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo.NavigationPropertyName">
16495             <summary>
16496             The name of the navigation property to write the entity reference links for.
16497             </summary>
16498         </member>
16499         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo">
16500             <summary>
16501             Class to provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/>.
16502             </summary>
16503         </member>
16504         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.sourceEntitySetName">
16505             <summary>
16506             The source entity set name of the navigation property. Should be fully qualified if the entity set is not in the default container.
16507             </summary>
16508         </member>
16509         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.typecast">
16510             <summary>
16511             The fully qualified type name of the declaring entity type of the navigation property if the declaring entity type is not the base type of the source entity set.
16512             Should be null if the declaring entity type is the base type of the source entity set.
16513             </summary>
16514         </member>
16515         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.navigationPropertyName">
16516             <summary>
16517             The name of the navigation property to write the entity reference link for.
16518             </summary>
16519         </member>
16520         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.Validate(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo)">
16521             <summary>
16522             Validates the <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.
16523             </summary>
16524             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info instance to validate.</param>
16525             <returns>The <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.</returns>
16526         </member>
16527         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.SourceEntitySetName">
16528             <summary>
16529             The source entity set name of the navigation property. Should be fully qualified if the entity set is not in the default container.
16530             </summary>
16531         </member>
16532         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.Typecast">
16533             <summary>
16534             The fully qualified type name of the declaring entity type of the navigation property if the declaring entity type is not the base type of the source entity set.
16535             Should be null if the declaring entity type is the base type of the source entity set.
16536             </summary>
16537         </member>
16538         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.NavigationPropertyName">
16539             <summary>
16540             The name of the navigation property to write the entity reference link for.
16541             </summary>
16542         </member>
16543         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo.IsCollectionNavigationProperty">
16544             <summary>
16545             true if the navigation property navigates to a collection of entities; false otherwise.
16546             </summary>
16547         </member>
16548         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertyKind">
16549             <summary>
16550             The enum of property kinds.
16551             </summary>
16552         </member>
16553         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertyKind.Unspecified">
16554             <summary>
16555             Unspecified property kind or if the property is not a key property, an etag property or an open property.
16556             </summary>
16557         </member>
16558         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertyKind.Key">
16559             <summary>
16560             The property is a key property.
16561             </summary>
16562         </member>
16563         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertyKind.ETag">
16564             <summary>
16565             The property is an etag property
16566             </summary>
16567         </member>
16568         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertyKind.Open">
16569             <summary>
16570             The property is an open property
16571             </summary>
16572         </member>
16573         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertySerializationInfo">
16574             <summary>
16575             Class to provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/>.
16576             </summary>
16577         </member>
16578         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPropertySerializationInfo.PropertyKind">
16579             <summary>
16580             The kind of the property
16581             </summary>
16582         </member>
16583         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo">
16584             <summary>
16585             Class to provide additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/>.
16586             </summary>
16587         </member>
16588         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo.entitySetName">
16589             <summary>
16590             The entity set name of the entry to be written. Should be fully qualified if the entity set is not in the default container.
16591             </summary>
16592         </member>
16593         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo.entitySetElementTypeName">
16594             <summary>
16595             The namespace qualified element type name of the entity set.
16596             </summary>
16597         </member>
16598         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo.expectedTypeName">
16599             <summary>
16600             The namespace qualified type name of the expected entity type.
16601             </summary>
16602         </member>
16603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo.Validate(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo)">
16604             <summary>
16605             Validates the <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.
16606             </summary>
16607             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info instance to validate.</param>
16608             <returns>The <paramref name="serializationInfo"/> instance.</returns>
16609         </member>
16610         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo.EntitySetName">
16611             <summary>
16612             The entity set name of the entry to be written. Should be fully qualified if the entity set is not in the default container.
16613             </summary>
16614         </member>
16615         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo.EntitySetElementTypeName">
16616             <summary>
16617             The namespace qualified element type name of the entity set.
16618             </summary>
16619         </member>
16620         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo.ExpectedTypeName">
16621             <summary>
16622             The namespace qualified type name of the expected entity type.
16623             </summary>
16624         </member>
16625         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement">
16626             <summary>
16627             Class to represent a HTTP header value element.
16628             </summary>
16629         </member>
16630         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}})">
16631             <summary>
16632             Internal constructor to create a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement"/>.
16633             </summary>
16634             <param name="name">The name of the preference.</param>
16635             <param name="value">The value of the preference.</param>
16636             <param name="parameters">The enumeration of preference parameter key value pairs.</param>
16637         </member>
16638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement.ToString">
16639             <summary>
16640             Converts the current <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement"/> to string.
16641             </summary>
16642             <returns>The string for <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement"/>.</returns>
16643         </member>
16644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement.AppendNameValuePair(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.String,System.String)">
16645             <summary>
16646             Appends the <paramref name="name"/> and <paramref name="value"/> to <paramref name="stringBuilder"/> as name=value.
16647             </summary>
16648             <param name="stringBuilder">The string builder to append to.</param>
16649             <param name="name">The name to append.</param>
16650             <param name="value">The value to append.</param>
16651         </member>
16652         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement.Name">
16653             <summary>
16654             The name of the preference.
16655             </summary>
16656         </member>
16657         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement.Value">
16658             <summary>
16659             The value of the preference.
16660             </summary>
16661         </member>
16662         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement.Parameters">
16663             <summary>
16664             The enumeration of preference parameter key value pairs.
16665             </summary>
16666         </member>
16667         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValue">
16668             <summary>
16669             Extension methods for http header values.
16670             </summary>
16671         </member>
16672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValue.#ctor">
16673             <summary>
16674             Constructs a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValue"/>.
16675             </summary>
16676         </member>
16677         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValue.ToString">
16678             <summary>
16679             Returns the HTTP header value string which can be used to set the header on the requst and response messages.
16680             </summary>
16681             <returns>Returns the HTTP header value string which can be used to set the header on the requst and response messages.</returns>
16682         </member>
16683         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer">
16684             <summary>
16685             Lexer to parse HTTP header values.
16686             </summary>
16687         </member>
16688         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ElementSeparator">
16689             <summary>
16690             The ',' separator.
16691             </summary>
16692         </member>
16693         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ParameterSeparator">
16694             <summary>
16695             The ';' separator.
16696             </summary>
16697         </member>
16698         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ValueSeparator">
16699             <summary>
16700             The '=' separator.
16701             </summary>
16702         </member>
16703         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.httpHeaderName">
16704             <summary>
16705             The name of the HTTP header being parsed.
16706             </summary>
16707         </member>
16708         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.httpHeaderValue">
16709             <summary>
16710             The value of the HTTP header being parsed.
16711             </summary>
16712         </member>
16713         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.startIndexOfNextItem">
16714             <summary>
16715             The starting index to the next item to be parsed.
16716             </summary>
16717         </member>
16718         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.value">
16719             <summary>
16720             The value of the current parsed item. If the item type is quoted-string, this returns the unescaped and unquoted string value. For other item types,
16721             the value is the same as the original text from the header.
16722             </summary>
16723         </member>
16724         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.originalText">
16725             <summary>
16726             The original text of the current parsed item. If the item type is quoted-string, this returns the escaped and quoted string value straight from the header.
16727             For other item types, the original text is the same as the item value.
16728             </summary>
16729         </member>
16730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
16731             <summary>
16732             Constructs a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/>.
16733             </summary>
16734             <param name="httpHeaderName">The name of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16735             <param name="httpHeaderValue">The value of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16736             <param name="value">The value of the current parsed item. If the item type is quoted-string, this returns the unescaped and unquoted string value. For other item types,
16737             the value is the same as the original text from the header.</param>
16738             <param name="originalText">The original text of the current parsed item. If the item type is quoted-string, this returns the escaped and quoted string value straight from the header.
16739             For other item types, the original text is the same as the item value.</param>
16740             <param name="startIndexOfNextItem">The start index of the next item to be parsed.</param>
16741         </member>
16742         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.Create(System.String,System.String)">
16743             <summary>
16744             Constructs a new instance of the HTTP header value item.
16745             </summary>
16746             <param name="httpHeaderName">The name of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16747             <param name="httpHeaderValue">The value of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16748             <returns>The newly created instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/>.</returns>
16749         </member>
16750         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ToHttpHeaderValue">
16751             <summary>
16752             Reads the content of a HTTP header from this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> instance to a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValue"/> instance.
16753             </summary>
16754             <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValue"/> instance populated with the content from this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> instance.</returns>
16755         </member>
16756         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ReadNext">
16757             <summary>
16758             Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.
16759             Parsing is based on this grammar:
16760                 header     = "header-name" ":" 1#element
16761                 element    = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16762                              *( OWS ";" [ OWS parameter ] )
16763                 parameter  = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16764             </summary>
16765             <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.</returns>
16766         </member>
16767         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ReadHttpHeaderValueElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer@)">
16768             <summary>
16769             Reads a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement"/> from <paramref name="lexer"/> and advances the <paramref name="lexer"/> forward.
16770             </summary>
16771             <param name="lexer">The lexer to read from.</param>
16772             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement"/> that was read.</returns>
16773         </member>
16774         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ReadKeyValuePair(Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer@)">
16775             <summary>
16776             Reads a token or token=(token|quoted-string) from the <paramref name="lexer"/>, convert it to a key value pair and advances the <paramref name="lexer"/>.
16777             </summary>
16778             <param name="lexer">The lexer to read from.</param>
16779             <returns>The converted key value pair.</returns>
16780         </member>
16781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.EndOfHeaderValue">
16782             <summary>
16783             Returns true if we've parsed to the end of the header value, false otherwise.
16784             </summary>
16785             <returns>Returns true if we've parsed to the end of the header value, false otherwise.</returns>
16786         </member>
16787         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ReadNextTokenOrQuotedString">
16788             <summary>
16789             Reads a token or quoted-string value from the header.
16790             </summary>
16791             <returns>The token or quoted-string value that was read from the header.</returns>
16792         </member>
16793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ReadNextToken">
16794             <summary>
16795             Reads a token from the header.
16796             </summary>
16797             <returns>The token item that was read from the header.</returns>
16798         </member>
16799         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.ReadNextSeparator">
16800             <summary>
16801             Reads a separator from the header.
16802             </summary>
16803             <returns>The separator item that was read from the header.</returns>
16804         </member>
16805         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.Value">
16806             <summary>
16807             The value of the current parsed item. If the item type is quoted-string, this returns the unescaped and unquoted string value. For other item types,
16808             the value is the same as the original text from the header.
16809             </summary>
16810         </member>
16811         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.OriginalText">
16812             <summary>
16813             The original text of the current parsed item. If the item type is quoted-string, this returns the escaped and quoted string value straight from the header.
16814             For other item types, the original text is the same as the item value.
16815             </summary>
16816         </member>
16817         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.Type">
16818             <summary>
16819             The type of the current parsed item.
16820             </summary>
16821         </member>
16822         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType">
16823             <summary>
16824             The item type enum.
16825             </summary>
16826         </member>
16827         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType.Start">
16828             <summary>Currently at the start of the header value.</summary>
16829         </member>
16830         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType.Token">
16831             <summary>The current item is a token.</summary>
16832         </member>
16833         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType.QuotedString">
16834             <summary>The current item is a quoted-string.</summary>
16835         </member>
16836         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType.ElementSeparator">
16837             <summary>The current item is the header element separator ','.</summary>
16838         </member>
16839         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType.ParameterSeparator">
16840             <summary>The current item is the parameter separator ';'.</summary>
16841         </member>
16842         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType.ValueSeparator">
16843             <summary>The current item is the value separator '='.</summary>
16844         </member>
16845         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderValueItemType.End">
16846             <summary>At the end of the header value.</summary>
16847         </member>
16848         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderStart">
16849             <summary>
16850             Represents the start of the http header value.
16851             </summary>
16852         </member>
16853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderStart.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
16854             <summary>
16855             Constructs a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderStart"/>.
16856             </summary>
16857             <param name="httpHeaderName">The name of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16858             <param name="httpHeaderValue">The value of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16859         </member>
16860         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderStart.ReadNext">
16861             <summary>
16862             Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.
16863             Parsing is based on this grammar:
16864                 header     = "header-name" ":" 1#element
16865                 element    = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16866                              *( OWS ";" [ OWS parameter ] )
16867                 parameter  = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16868             </summary>
16869             <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.</returns>
16870         </member>
16871         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderStart.Type">
16872             <summary>
16873             The type of the current item.
16874             </summary>
16875         </member>
16876         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderToken">
16877             <summary>
16878             Represents a token in the HTTP header value.
16879             </summary>
16880         </member>
16881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderToken.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
16882             <summary>
16883             Constructs a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderToken"/>.
16884             </summary>
16885             <param name="httpHeaderName">The name of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16886             <param name="httpHeaderValue">The value of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16887             <param name="value">The value of the token.</param>
16888             <param name="startIndexOfNextItem">The start index of the next item.</param>
16889         </member>
16890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderToken.ReadNext">
16891             <summary>
16892             Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.
16893             Parsing is based on this grammar:
16894                 header     = "header-name" ":" 1#element
16895                 element    = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16896                              *( OWS ";" [ OWS parameter ] )
16897                 parameter  = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16898             </summary>
16899             <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.</returns>
16900         </member>
16901         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderToken.Type">
16902             <summary>
16903             The type of the current item.
16904             </summary>
16905         </member>
16906         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderQuotedString">
16907             <summary>
16908             Represents a quoted-string in the HTTP header value.
16909             </summary>
16910         </member>
16911         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderQuotedString.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
16912             <summary>
16913             Constructs a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderQuotedString"/>.
16914             </summary>
16915             <param name="httpHeaderName">The name of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16916             <param name="httpHeaderValue">The value of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16917             <param name="value">The value of the quoted string, unescaped and without quotes.</param>
16918             <param name="originalText">The original text of the quoted string, escaped and with quotes.</param>
16919             <param name="startIndexOfNextItem">The start index of the next item.</param>
16920         </member>
16921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderQuotedString.ReadNext">
16922             <summary>
16923             Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.
16924             Parsing is based on this grammar:
16925                 header     = "header-name" ":" 1#element
16926                 element    = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16927                              *( OWS ";" [ OWS parameter ] )
16928                 parameter  = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16929             </summary>
16930             <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.</returns>
16931         </member>
16932         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderQuotedString.Type">
16933             <summary>
16934             The type of the current item.
16935             </summary>
16936         </member>
16937         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderSeparator">
16938             <summary>
16939             Represents a separator in the HTTP header value.
16940             </summary>
16941         </member>
16942         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderSeparator.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
16943             <summary>
16944             Constructs a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderSeparator"/>.
16945             </summary>
16946             <param name="httpHeaderName">The name of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16947             <param name="httpHeaderValue">The value of the HTTP header being parsed.</param>
16948             <param name="value">The value of the separator.</param>
16949             <param name="startIndexOfNextItem">The start index of the next item.</param>
16950         </member>
16951         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderSeparator.ReadNext">
16952             <summary>
16953             Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.
16954             Parsing is based on this grammar:
16955                 header     = "header-name" ":" 1#element
16956                 element    = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16957                              *( OWS ";" [ OWS parameter ] )
16958                 parameter  = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16959             </summary>
16960             <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.</returns>
16961         </member>
16962         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderSeparator.Type">
16963             <summary>
16964             The type of the current item.
16965             </summary>
16966         </member>
16967         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderEnd">
16968             <summary>
16969             Represents the end of the http header value.
16970             </summary>
16971         </member>
16972         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderEnd.Instance">
16973             <summary>
16974             Static instance of the end item.
16975             </summary>
16976         </member>
16977         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderEnd.#ctor">
16978             <summary>
16979             Constructs a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderEnd"/>.
16980             </summary>
16981         </member>
16982         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderEnd.ReadNext">
16983             <summary>
16984             Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.
16985             Parsing is based on this grammar:
16986                 header     = "header-name" ":" 1#element
16987                 element    = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16988                              *( OWS ";" [ OWS parameter ] )
16989                 parameter  = token [ BWS "=" BWS (token | quoted-string) ]
16990             </summary>
16991             <returns>Returns an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer"/> to parse the rest of the items on the header value.</returns>
16992         </member>
16993         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueLexer.HttpHeaderEnd.Type">
16994             <summary>
16995             The type of the current item.
16996             </summary>
16997         </member>
16998         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter">
16999             <summary>
17000             Filter class to determine whether or not to read an annotation.
17001             </summary>
17002         </member>
17003         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.IncludeAll">
17004             <summary>
17005             Filter that maches all annotation names.
17006             </summary>
17007         </member>
17008         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.ExcludeAll">
17009             <summary>
17010             Filter than maches no annotation names.
17011             </summary>
17012         </member>
17013         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.AnnotationFilterPatternSeparator">
17014             <summary>
17015             Separator for annotation filter patterns.
17016             </summary>
17017         </member>
17018         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.prioritizedPatternsToMatch">
17019             <summary>
17020             Patterns to match, sorted in the order of higher to lower priorities to match.
17021             </summary>
17022         </member>
17023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern[])">
17024             <summary>
17025             Private constructor to create a filter from comma delimited patterns to match to include or exclude annotations.
17026             </summary>
17027             <param name="prioritizedPatternsToMatch">Patters to match to include or exclude annotations.</param>
17028         </member>
17029         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.Create(System.String)">
17030             <summary>
17031             Create a filter from comma delimited patterns to match to include or exclude annotations.
17032             </summary>
17033             <param name="filter">Comma delimited patterns to match to include or exclude annotations.</param>
17034             <returns>The newly created filter.</returns>
17035         </member>
17036         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.Matches(System.String)">
17037             <summary>
17038             Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be read, false otherwise.
17039             </summary>
17040             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation in question.</param>
17041             <returns>Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be read, false otherwise.</returns>
17042         </member>
17043         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.IncludeAllFilter">
17044             <summary>
17045             Filter to read all annotations.
17046             </summary>
17047         </member>
17048         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.IncludeAllFilter.#ctor">
17049             <summary>
17050             Private default constructor.
17051             </summary>
17052         </member>
17053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.IncludeAllFilter.Matches(System.String)">
17054             <summary>
17055             Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be read, false otherwise.
17056             </summary>
17057             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation in question.</param>
17058             <returns>Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be read, false otherwise.</returns>
17059         </member>
17060         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.ExcludeAllFilter">
17061             <summary>
17062             Filter to read no annotation.
17063             </summary>
17064         </member>
17065         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.ExcludeAllFilter.#ctor">
17066             <summary>
17067             Private default constructor.
17068             </summary>
17069         </member>
17070         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilter.ExcludeAllFilter.Matches(System.String)">
17071             <summary>
17072             Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be read, false otherwise.
17073             </summary>
17074             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation in question.</param>
17075             <returns>Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be read, false otherwise.</returns>
17076         </member>
17077         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern">
17078             <summary>
17079             Filter pattern class to determine whether an annotation name matches the pattern.
17080             </summary>
17081         </member>
17082         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.NamespaceSeparator">
17083             <summary>
17084             The '.' namespace separator.
17085             </summary>
17086         </member>
17087         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.ExcludeOperator">
17088             <summary>
17089             The '-' operator to indicate that the annotation should be excluded from read when it matches the pattern.
17090             </summary>
17091         </member>
17092         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.WildCard">
17093             <summary>
17094             The wild card constant.
17095             </summary>
17096         </member>
17097         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.DotStar">
17098             <summary>
17099             String constant for .*
17100             </summary>
17101         </member>
17102         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.IncludeAllPattern">
17103             <summary>
17104             The "*" pattern that includes all annotations.
17105             </summary>
17106         </member>
17107         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.ExcludeAllPattern">
17108             <summary>
17109             The "-*" pattern that excludes all annotations.
17110             </summary>
17111         </member>
17112         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.Pattern">
17113             <summary>
17114             The pattern to match.
17115             </summary>
17116         </member>
17117         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.isExclude">
17118             <summary>
17119             true if the annotation should be excluded from reading when its name matches this pattern; false otherwise.
17120             </summary>
17121         </member>
17122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
17123             <summary>
17124             Constructs a pattern instance to determine whether an annotation name matches the pattern.
17125             </summary>
17126             <param name="pattern">The pattern to match.</param>
17127             <param name="isExclude">true if the annotation should be excluded from reading when its name matches this pattern; false otherwise.</param>
17128         </member>
17129         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.CompareTo(Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern)">
17130             <summary>
17131             Compares the priority of current pattern with the priority of <paramref name="other"/>.
17132             </summary>
17133             <returns>
17134             A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative priority of the patterns being compared. The return value has the following meanings:
17135               -1 means this pattern has higher priority than <paramref name="other"/>.
17136               0 means this pattern has the same priority as <paramref name="other"/>.
17137               1 means this pattern has lower priority than <paramref name="other"/>.
17138             </returns>
17139             <param name="other">A pattern to compare with this pattern.</param>
17140         </member>
17141         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.Create(System.String)">
17142             <summary>
17143             Creates a pattern instance to determine whether an annotation name matches the pattern.
17144             </summary>
17145             <param name="pattern">The pattern for this instance.</param>
17146             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern"/> instance.</returns>
17147         </member>
17148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.Sort(Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern[])">
17149             <summary>
17150             Sorts the patterns in the array from highest to lowest priorities.
17151             </summary>
17152             <param name="pattersToSort">The source array to sort. When the method returns the items in this array instance will be rearragned.</param>
17153         </member>
17154         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.Matches(System.String)">
17155             <summary>
17156             Match the given annotation name against the pattern.
17157             </summary>
17158             <param name="annotationName">Annotation name in question.</param>
17159             <returns>Returns true if the given annotation name matches the pattern, false otherwise.</returns>
17160         </member>
17161         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.ComparePatternPriority(System.String,System.String)">
17162             <summary>
17163             Compares the priority of <paramref name="pattern1"/> with <paramref name="pattern2"/>.
17164             </summary>
17165             <param name="pattern1">The left hand side pattern to compare.</param>
17166             <param name="pattern2">The right hand side pattern to compare.</param>
17167             <returns>
17168             A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative priority of the patterns being compared. The return value has the following meanings:
17169               -1 means <paramref name="pattern1"/> has higher priority than <paramref name="pattern2"/>.
17170               0 means <paramref name="pattern1"/> has same priority as <paramref name="pattern2"/>.
17171               1 means <paramref name="pattern1"/> has lower priority than <paramref name="pattern2"/>.
17172             </returns>
17173         </member>
17174         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.RemoveExcludeOperator(System.String@)">
17175             <summary>
17176             Removes the exclude operator from the given pattern string.
17177             </summary>
17178             <param name="pattern">The input pattern to the method and will return the pattern without the exclude operator if it's found.</param>
17179             <returns>Returns true if the exclude operator is found and removed from the input pattern; false otherwise.</returns>
17180         </member>
17181         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.ValidatePattern(System.String)">
17182             <summary>
17183             Validates the pattern.
17184             </summary>
17185             <param name="pattern">The pattern to validate.</param>
17186         </member>
17187         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.IsExclude">
17188             <summary>
17189             true if the annotation should be excluded from reading when its name matches this pattern; false otherwise.
17190             </summary>
17191         </member>
17192         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.WildCardPattern">
17193             <summary>
17194             The wild card pattern that matches everything.
17195             </summary>
17196         </member>
17197         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.WildCardPattern.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
17198             <summary>
17199             Constructs the wild card pattern.
17200             </summary>
17201             <param name="isExclude">true if the annotation should be excluded from reading when its name matches this pattern; false otherwise.</param>
17202         </member>
17203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.WildCardPattern.Matches(System.String)">
17204             <summary>
17205             Match the given annotation name against the pattern.
17206             </summary>
17207             <param name="annotationName">Annotation name in question.</param>
17208             <returns>Returns true if the given annotation name matches the pattern, false otherwise.</returns>
17209         </member>
17210         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.StartsWithPattern">
17211             <summary>
17212             Pattern class to match any annotation name that starts with this pattern.
17213             </summary>
17214         </member>
17215         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.StartsWithPattern.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
17216             <summary>
17217             Constructs the starts with pattern.
17218             </summary>
17219             <param name="pattern">The pattern to start with.</param>
17220             <param name="isExclude">true if the annotation should be excluded from reading when its name matches this pattern; false otherwise.</param>
17221         </member>
17222         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.StartsWithPattern.Matches(System.String)">
17223             <summary>
17224             Match the given annotation name against the pattern.
17225             </summary>
17226             <param name="annotationName">Annotation name in question.</param>
17227             <returns>Returns true if the given annotation name matches the pattern, false otherwise.</returns>
17228         </member>
17229         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.ExactMatchPattern">
17230             <summary>
17231             Pattern class to match a annotation name that is exactly the same as this pattern.
17232             </summary>
17233         </member>
17234         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.ExactMatchPattern.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
17235             <summary>
17236             Constructs the exact match pattern.
17237             </summary>
17238             <param name="pattern">The exact pattern to match</param>
17239             <param name="isExclude">true if the annotation should be excluded from reading when its name matches this pattern; false otherwise.</param>
17240         </member>
17241         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AnnotationFilterPattern.ExactMatchPattern.Matches(System.String)">
17242             <summary>
17243             Match the given annotation name against the pattern.
17244             </summary>
17245             <param name="annotationName">Annotation name in question.</param>
17246             <returns>Returns true if the given annotation name matches the pattern, false otherwise.</returns>
17247         </member>
17248         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.IODataUriParserModelExtensions">
17249             <summary>
17250             Contract for providing implementations of more specific lookups needed for parsing OData URIs that are not efficiently answered
17251             by existing APIs in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> and its related interfaces.
17252             </summary>
17253         </member>
17254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.IODataUriParserModelExtensions.FindFunctionImportsByBindingParameterTypeHierarchy(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String)">
17255             <summary>
17256             Finds all function imports with the given name which are bindable to an instance of the giving binding type or a more derived type.
17257             </summary>
17258             <param name="bindingType">The binding entity type.</param>
17259             <param name="functionImportName">The name of the function imports to find. May be qualified with an entity container name.</param>
17260             <returns>The function imports that match the search criteria.</returns>
17261         </member>
17262         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.IODataUriParserModelExtensions.FindEntitySetFromContainerQualifiedName(System.String)">
17263             <summary>
17264             Finds an entity set given a name that may be container qualified. If no container name is provided, the default container should be used.
17265             </summary>
17266             <param name="containerQualifiedEntitySetName">The name which might be container qualified. If no container name is provided, the default container should be used.</param>
17267             <returns>The entity set if one was found or null.</returns>
17268         </member>
17269         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.IODataUriParserModelExtensions.FindServiceOperation(System.String)">
17270             <summary>
17271             Finds a service operation for the given name.
17272             </summary>
17273             <param name="serviceOperationName">The name of the service operation to find. May be qualified with an entity container name.</param>
17274             <returns>The function import representing a service operation or null if one could not be found with the given name.</returns>
17275         </member>
17276         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.IODataUriParserModelExtensions.FindFunctionImportByBindingParameterType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
17277             <summary>
17278             Finds a function or action bound to the specific type with the given name.
17279             </summary>
17280             <param name="bindingType">The binding type.</param>
17281             <param name="functionImportName">The name of the function imports to find. May be qualified with an entity container name.</param>
17282             <param name="nonBindingParameterNamesFromUri">The parameter names of the non-binding parameters, if provided in the request URI.</param>
17283             <returns>The function import that matches the search criteria or null if there was no match.</returns>
17284         </member>
17285         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation">
17286             <summary>
17287             Represents an instance annotation.
17288             </summary>
17289         </member>
17290         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue)">
17291             <summary>
17292             Constructs a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation"/> instance.
17293             </summary>
17294             <param name="name">The name of the instance annotation.</param>
17295             <param name="value">The value of the instance annotation.</param>
17296         </member>
17297         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation.ValidateName(System.String)">
17298             <summary>
17299             Validates that the given <paramref name="name"/> is a valid instance annotation name.
17300             </summary>
17301             <param name="name">Name to validate.</param>
17302         </member>
17303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation.ValidateValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue)">
17304             <summary>
17305             Validates the given <paramref name="value"/> is a valid instance annotation value.
17306             </summary>
17307             <param name="value">Value to validate.</param>
17308         </member>
17309         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation.Name">
17310             <summary>
17311             Instance annotation name.
17312             </summary>
17313         </member>
17314         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation.Value">
17315             <summary>
17316             Instance annotation value.
17317             </summary>
17318         </member>
17319         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageExtensions">
17320             <summary>
17321             Extension methods to IODataRequestMessage and IODataResponseMessage.
17322             </summary>
17323         </member>
17324         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageExtensions.GetDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
17325             <summary>
17326             Reads the DataServiceVersion header from the <paramref name="message"/> and parses it.
17327             If no DataServiceVersion header is found it sets the default version to be used for reading.
17328             </summary>
17329             <param name="message">The message to get the data service version header from.</param>
17330             <param name="defaultVersion">The default version to use if the header was not specified.</param>
17331             <returns>
17332             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion"/> retrieved from the DataServiceVersion header of the message.
17333             The default version if none is specified in the header.
17334             </returns>
17335         </member>
17336         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageExtensions.GetDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
17337             <summary>
17338             Reads the DataServiceVersion header from the <paramref name="message"/> and parses it.
17339             If no DataServiceVersion header is found it sets the default version to be used for reading.
17340             </summary>
17341             <param name="message">The message to get the data service version header from.</param>
17342             <param name="defaultVersion">The default version to use if the header was not specified.</param>
17343             <returns>
17344             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion"/> retrieved from the DataServiceVersion header of the message.
17345             The default version if none is specified in the header.
17346             </returns>
17347         </member>
17348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageExtensions.PreferHeader(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage)">
17349             <summary>
17350             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader"/> instance to get or set preferences on the "Prefer" header of the <paramref name="requestMessage"/>.
17351             </summary>
17352             <param name="requestMessage">The request message to get or set the "Prefer" header.</param>
17353             <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader"/> instance to get or set preferences on the "Prefer" header of the <paramref name="requestMessage"/>.</returns>
17354         </member>
17355         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageExtensions.PreferenceAppliedHeader(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage)">
17356             <summary>
17357             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader"/> instance to get or set preferences on the "Preference-Applied" header of the <paramref name="responseMessage"/>.
17358             </summary>
17359             <param name="responseMessage">The response message to get or set the "Preference-Applied" header.</param>
17360             <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader"/> instance to get or set preferences on the "Preference-Applied" header of the <paramref name="responseMessage"/>.</returns>
17361         </member>
17362         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase">
17363             <summary>
17364             Base Configuration settings for OData message readers.
17365             </summary>
17366         </member>
17367         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.messageQuotas">
17368             <summary> Quotas to use for limiting resource consumption when reading an OData message. </summary>
17369         </member>
17370         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.checkCharacters">
17371             <summary> The check characters. </summary>
17372         </member>
17373         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.enableAtomMetadataReading">
17374             <summary> The enable atom metadata reading. </summary>
17375         </member>
17376         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.shouldIncludeAnnotation">
17377             <summary> The annotation filter. </summary>
17378         </member>
17379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.#ctor">
17380             <summary>
17381             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase"/> class.
17382             </summary>
17383         </member>
17384         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase)">
17385             <summary>
17386             Copy constructor.
17387             </summary>
17388             <param name="other">The instance to copy.</param>
17389         </member>
17390         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.CheckCharacters">
17391             <summary>
17392             Flag to control whether the reader should check for valid Xml characters or not.
17393             </summary>
17394         </member>
17395         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.EnableAtomMetadataReading">
17396             <summary>
17397             Flag to control whether ATOM metadata is read in ATOM payloads.
17398             </summary>
17399         </member>
17400         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.MessageQuotas">
17401             <summary>
17402             Quotas to use for limiting resource consumption when reading an OData message.
17403             </summary>
17404         </member>
17405         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettingsBase.ShouldIncludeAnnotation">
17406             <summary>
17407             Func to evaluate whether an annotation should be read or skipped by the reader. The func should return true if the annotation should
17408             be read and false if the annotation should be skipped. A null value indicates that all annotations should be skipped.
17409             </summary>
17410         </member>
17411         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase">
17412             <summary>
17413             Base Configuration settings for OData message writers.
17414             </summary>
17415         </member>
17416         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.messageQuotas">
17417             <summary>Quotas to use for limiting resource consumption when writing an OData message.</summary>
17418         </member>
17419         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.checkCharacters">
17420             <summary> The check characters. </summary>
17421         </member>
17422         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.indent">
17423             <summary> The indent. </summary>
17424         </member>
17425         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.#ctor">
17426             <summary>
17427             Constructor to create default settings for OData writers.
17428             </summary>
17429         </member>
17430         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase)">
17431             <summary>
17432             Copy constructor to create a copy of the settings for OData writers.
17433             </summary>
17434             <param name="other">Settings to create a copy from.</param>
17435         </member>
17436         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.Indent">
17437             <summary>
17438             Flag to control whether the writer should use indentation or not.
17439             </summary>
17440         </member>
17441         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.CheckCharacters">
17442             <summary>
17443             Flag to control whether the writer should check for valid Xml characters or not.
17444             </summary>
17445         </member>
17446         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettingsBase.MessageQuotas">
17447             <summary>
17448             Quotas to use for limiting resource consumption when writing an OData message.
17449             </summary>
17450         </member>
17451         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader">
17452             <summary>
17453             Class to set the "Prefer" header on an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage"/> or 
17454             the "Preference-Applied" header on an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage"/>.
17455             </summary>
17456         </member>
17457         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.ReturnNoContentPreferenceToken">
17458             <summary>
17459             The return-no-content preference token.
17460             </summary>
17461         </member>
17462         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.ReturnContentPreferenceToken">
17463             <summary>
17464             The return-content preference token.
17465             </summary>
17466         </member>
17467         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.ODataAnnotationPreferenceToken">
17468             <summary>
17469             The odata-annotations preference-extensions token.
17470             </summary>
17471         </member>
17472         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.PreferHeaderName">
17473             <summary>
17474             The Prefer header name.
17475             </summary>
17476         </member>
17477         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.PreferenceAppliedHeaderName">
17478             <summary>
17479             The Preference-Applied header name.
17480             </summary>
17481         </member>
17482         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.EmptyParameters">
17483             <summary>
17484             Empty header parameters
17485             </summary>
17486         </member>
17487         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.ReturnNoContentPreference">
17488             <summary>
17489             The return-no-content preference.
17490             </summary>
17491         </member>
17492         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.ReturnContentPreference">
17493             <summary>
17494             The return-content preference.
17495             </summary>
17496         </member>
17497         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.message">
17498             <summary>
17499             The message to set the preference header to and to get the preference header from.
17500             </summary>
17501         </member>
17502         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.preferenceHeaderName">
17503             <summary>
17504             "Prefer" if message is an IODataRequestMessage; "Preference-Applied" if message is an IODataResponseMessage.
17505             </summary>
17506         </member>
17507         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.preferences">
17508             <summary>
17509             Dictionary of preferences in the header
17510             </summary>
17511         </member>
17512         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage)">
17513             <summary>
17514             Internal constructor to instantiate an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader"/> from an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage"/>.
17515             </summary>
17516             <param name="requestMessage">The request message to get and set the "Prefer" header.</param>
17517         </member>
17518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage)">
17519             <summary>
17520             Internal constructor to instantiate an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader"/> from an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage"/>.
17521             </summary>
17522             <param name="responseMessage">The response message to get and set the "Preference-Applied" header.</param>
17523         </member>
17524         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.AddQuotes(System.String)">
17525             <summary>
17526             Adds quotes around the given text value.
17527             </summary>
17528             <param name="text">text to quote.</param>
17529             <returns>Returns the quoted text.</returns>
17530         </member>
17531         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.PreferenceExists(System.String)">
17532             <summary>
17533             Returns true if the given preference exists in the header, false otherwise.
17534             </summary>
17535             <param name="preference">Preference in question.</param>
17536             <returns>Returns true if the given preference exists in the header, false otherwise.</returns>
17537         </member>
17538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.Clear(System.String)">
17539             <summary>
17540             Clears the <paramref name="preference"/> from the "Prefer" header on the underlying IODataRequestMessage or
17541             the "Preference-Applied" header on the underlying IODataResponseMessage.
17542             </summary>
17543             <param name="preference">The preference to clear.</param>
17544         </member>
17545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.Set(Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpHeaderValueElement)">
17546             <summary>
17547             Sets the <paramref name="preference"/> to the "Prefer" header on the underlying IODataRequestMessage or
17548             the "Preference-Applied" header on the underlying IODataResponseMessage.
17549             </summary>
17550             <param name="preference">The preference to set.</param>
17551             <remarks>
17552             If <paramref name="preference"/> is already on the header, this method does a replace rather than adding another instance of the same preference.
17553             </remarks>
17554         </member>
17555         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.Get(System.String)">
17556             <summary>
17557             Gets the <paramref name="preferenceName"/> from the "Prefer" header from the underlying <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage"/> or
17558             the "Preference-Applied" header from the underlying <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage"/>.
17559             </summary>
17560             <param name="preferenceName">The preference to get.</param>
17561             <returns>Returns a key value pair of the <paramref name="preferenceName"/> and its value. The Value property of the key value pair may be null since not
17562             all preferences have value. If the <paramref name="preferenceName"/> is missing from the header, null is returned.</returns>
17563         </member>
17564         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.ParsePreferences">
17565             <summary>
17566             Parses the current preference values to a dictionary of preference and value pairs.
17567             </summary>
17568             <returns>Returns a dictionary of preference and value pairs; null if the preference header has not been set.</returns>
17569         </member>
17570         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.SetPreferencesToMessageHeader">
17571             <summary>
17572             Sets the "Prefer" or the "Preference-Applied" header to the underlying message.
17573             </summary>
17574         </member>
17575         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.ReturnContent">
17576             <summary>
17577             Property to get and set the "return-content" and "return-no-content" preferences to the "Prefer" header on the underlying IODataRequestMessage or
17578             the "Preference-Applied" header on the underlying IODataResponseMessage.
17579             Setting true sets the "return-content" preference and clears the "return-no-content" preference.
17580             Setting false sets the "return-no-content" preference and clears the "return-content" preference.
17581             Setting null clears the "return-content" and "return-no-content" preferences.
17582             Returns true if the "return-content" preference is on the header. Otherwise returns false if the "return-no-content" is on the header.
17583             Returning null indicates that "return-content" and "return-no-content" are not on the header.
17584             </summary>
17585         </member>
17586         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.AnnotationFilter">
17587             <summary>
17588             Property to get and set the "odata.include-annotations" preference with the given filter to the "Prefer" header on the underlying IODataRequestMessage or
17589             the "Preference-Applied" header on the underlying IODataResponseMessage.
17590             If the "odata-annotations" preference is already on the header, set replaces the existing instance.
17591             Returning null indicates that the "odata.include-annotations" preference is not on the header.
17593             The filter string may be a comma delimited list of any of the following supported patterns:
17594               "*"        -- Matches all annotation names.
17595               "ns.*"     -- Matches all annotation names under the namespace "ns".
17596               "ns.name"  -- Matches only the annotation name "ns.name".
17597               "-"        -- The exclude operator may be used with any of the supported pattern, for example:
17598                             "-ns.*"    -- Excludes all annotation names under the namespace "ns".
17599                             "-ns.name" -- Excludes only the annotation name "ns.name".
17600             Null or empty filter is equivalent to "-*".
17602             The relative priority of the pattern is base on the relative specificity of the patterns being compared. If pattern1 is under the namespace pattern2,
17603             pattern1 is more specific than pattern2 because pattern1 matches a subset of what pattern2 matches. We give higher priority to the pattern that is more specific.
17604             For example:
17605              "ns.*" has higher priority than "*"
17606              "ns.name" has higher priority than "ns.*"
17607              "ns1.name" has same priority as "ns2.*"
17609             Patterns with the exclude operator takes higher precedence than the same pattern without.
17610             For example: "-ns.name" has higher priority than "ns.name".
17612             Examples:
17613               "ns1.*,ns.name"       -- Matches any annotation name under the "ns1" namespace and the "ns.name" annotation.
17614               "*,-ns.*,ns.name"     -- Matches any annotation name outside of the "ns" namespace and only "ns.name" under the "ns" namespace.
17615             </summary>
17616         </member>
17617         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPreferenceHeader.Preferences">
17618             <summary>
17619             Dictionary of preferences in the header.
17620             </summary>
17621         </member>
17622         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions">
17623             <summary>
17624             Extension methods for ReadOnlyEnumerable and ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT
17625             </summary>
17626         </member>
17627         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions.IsEmptyReadOnlyEnumerable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
17628             <summary>
17629             true if <paramref name="source"/> is the same instance as ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.Empty(). false otherwise.
17630             </summary>
17631             <typeparam name="T">The element type of the enumerable.</typeparam>
17632             <param name="source">The enumerable in question.</param>
17633             <returns>Returns true if <paramref name="source"/> is the empty ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT. false otherwise.</returns>
17634         </member>
17635         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions.ToReadOnlyEnumerable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.String)">
17636             <summary>
17637             Casts an IEnumerableOfT to ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.
17638             </summary>
17639             <typeparam name="T">The element type of the enumerable.</typeparam>
17640             <param name="source">The source enumerable.</param>
17641             <param name="collectionName">The name of the collection to report in case there's an error.</param>
17642             <returns>The casted ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.</returns>
17643         </member>
17644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions.GetOrCreateReadOnlyEnumerable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.String)">
17645             <summary>
17646             Returns the <paramref name="source"/> as ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT or
17647             a new instance of ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT if <paramref name="source"/> is the same instance as ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.Empty().
17648             </summary>
17649             <typeparam name="T">The element type of the enumerable.</typeparam>
17650             <param name="source">The source enumerable in question.</param>
17651             <param name="collectionName">The name of the collection to report in case there's an error.</param>
17652             <returns>Returns the <paramref name="source"/> as ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT or
17653             a new instance of ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT if <paramref name="source"/> is the same instance as ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.Empty().</returns>
17654         </member>
17655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions.ConcatToReadOnlyEnumerable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.String,``0)">
17656             <summary>
17657             Returns a ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT that is the result of <paramref name="source"/> plus <paramref name="item"/>.
17658             </summary>
17659             <typeparam name="T">The element type of the enumerable.</typeparam>
17660             <param name="source">The source enumerable to concat.</param>
17661             <param name="collectionName">The name of the collection to report in case there's an error.</param>
17662             <param name="item">Item to concat to the source enumerable.</param>
17663             <returns>Returns a ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT that is the result of <paramref name="source"/> plus <paramref name="item"/>.</returns>
17664         </member>
17665         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions.AddAction(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction)">
17666             <summary>
17667             Adds an ODataAction to an entry.
17668             </summary>
17669             <param name="entry">The entry to add the action.</param>
17670             <param name="action">The action to add.</param>
17671         </member>
17672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions.AddFunction(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction)">
17673             <summary>
17674             Adds an ODataFunction to an entry.
17675             </summary>
17676             <param name="entry">The entry to add the function.</param>
17677             <param name="function">The function to add.</param>
17678         </member>
17679         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerableExtensions.AddAssociationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink)">
17680             <summary>
17681             Adds an association link to an entry.
17682             </summary>
17683             <param name="entry">The entry to add the association link to.</param>
17684             <param name="associationLink">The association link to add.</param>
17685         </member>
17686         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder">
17687             <summary>
17688             Implementation of OData entity metadata builder based on OData protocol conventions.
17689             </summary>
17690         </member>
17691         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.uriBuilder">
17692             <summary>The URI builder to use.</summary>
17693         </member>
17694         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.entryMetadataContext">
17695             <summary>The context to answer basic metadata questions about the entry.</summary>
17696         </member>
17697         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.metadataContext">
17698             <summary>The metadata context.</summary>
17699         </member>
17700         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.processedNavigationLinks">
17701             <summary>The list of navigation links that have been processed.</summary>
17702         </member>
17703         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.computedEditLink">
17704             <summary>The edit link.</summary>
17705             <remarks>This is lazily evaluated. It may be retrieved from the entry or computed.</remarks>
17706         </member>
17707         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.computedReadLink">
17708             <summary>The read link.</summary>
17709             <remarks>This is lazily evaluated. It may be retrieved from the entry or computed.</remarks>
17710         </member>
17711         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.computedETag">
17712             <summary>The computed ETag.</summary>
17713         </member>
17714         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.etagComputed">
17715             <summary>true if the etag value has been computed, false otherwise.</summary>
17716         </member>
17717         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.computedId">
17718             <summary>The computed ID of this entity instance.</summary>
17719             <remarks>
17720             This is always built from the key properties, and never comes from the entry.
17721             </remarks>
17722         </member>
17723         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.computedEntityInstanceUri">
17724             <summary>A computed uri that is equivalent to the ID or the edit-link without a type segment.</summary>
17725         </member>
17726         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.computedMediaResource">
17727             <summary>The computed MediaResource for MLEs.</summary>
17728         </member>
17729         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.computedStreamProperties">
17730             <summary>The list of computed stream properties.</summary>
17731         </member>
17732         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.unprocessedNavigationLinks">
17733             <summary>The enumerator for unprocessed navigation links.</summary>
17734         </member>
17735         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.missingOperationGenerator">
17736             <summary>The missing operation generator for the current entry.</summary>
17737         </member>
17738         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataEntryMetadataContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.IODataMetadataContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder)">
17739             <summary>
17740             Constructor
17741             </summary>
17742             <param name="entryMetadataContext">The context to answer basic metadata questions about the entry.</param>
17743             <param name="metadataContext">The metadata context.</param>
17744             <param name="uriBuilder">The uri builder to use.</param>
17745         </member>
17746         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetEditLink">
17747             <summary>
17748             Gets the edit link of the entity.
17749             </summary>
17750             <returns>
17751             The absolute URI of the edit link for the entity.
17752             Or null if it is not possible to determine the edit link.
17753             </returns>
17754         </member>
17755         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetReadLink">
17756             <summary>
17757             Gets the read link of the entity.
17758             </summary>
17759             <returns>
17760             The absolute URI of the read link for the entity.
17761             Or null if it is not possible to determine the read link.
17762             </returns>
17763         </member>
17764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetId">
17765             <summary>
17766             Gets the ID of the entity.
17767             </summary>
17768             <returns>
17769             The ID for the entity.
17770             Or null if it is not possible to determine the ID.
17771             </returns>
17772         </member>
17773         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetETag">
17774             <summary>
17775             Gets the ETag of the entity.
17776             </summary>
17777             <returns>
17778             The ETag for the entity.
17779             Or null if it is not possible to determine the ETag.
17780             </returns>
17781         </member>
17782         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetMediaResource">
17783             <summary>
17784             Gets the default media resource of the entity.
17785             </summary>
17786             <returns>
17787             The the default media resource of the entity.
17788             Or null if the entity is not an MLE.
17789             </returns>
17790         </member>
17791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetProperties(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty})">
17792             <summary>
17793             Gets the entity properties.
17794             </summary>
17795             <param name="nonComputedProperties">Non-computed properties from the entity.</param>
17796             <returns>The the computed and non-computed entity properties.</returns>
17797         </member>
17798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetActions">
17799             <summary>
17800             Gets the list of computed and non-computed actions for the entity.
17801             </summary>
17802             <returns>The list of computed and non-computed actions for the entity.</returns>
17803         </member>
17804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetFunctions">
17805             <summary>
17806             Gets the list of computed and non-computed functions for the entity.
17807             </summary>
17808             <returns>The list of computed and non-computed functions for the entity.</returns>
17809         </member>
17810         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.MarkNavigationLinkProcessed(System.String)">
17811             <summary>
17812             Marks the given navigation link as processed.
17813             </summary>
17814             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The navigation link we've already processed.</param>
17815         </member>
17816         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetNextUnprocessedNavigationLink">
17817             <summary>
17818             Returns the next unprocessed navigation link or null if there's no more navigation links to process.
17819             </summary>
17820             <returns>Returns the next unprocessed navigation link or null if there's no more navigation links to process.</returns>
17821         </member>
17822         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetStreamEditLink(System.String)">
17823             <summary>
17824             Gets the edit link of a stream value.
17825             </summary>
17826             <param name="streamPropertyName">The name of the stream property the edit link is computed for; 
17827             or null for the default media resource.</param>
17828             <returns>
17829             The absolute URI of the edit link for the specified stream property or the default media resource.
17830             Or null if it is not possible to determine the stream edit link.
17831             </returns>
17832         </member>
17833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetStreamReadLink(System.String)">
17834             <summary>
17835             Gets the read link of a stream value.
17836             </summary>
17837             <param name="streamPropertyName">The name of the stream property the read link is computed for; 
17838             or null for the default media resource.</param>
17839             <returns>
17840             The absolute URI of the read link for the specified stream property or the default media resource.
17841             Or null if it is not possible to determine the stream read link.
17842             </returns>
17843         </member>
17844         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetNavigationLinkUri(System.String,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
17845             <summary>
17846             Gets the navigation link URI for the specified navigation property.
17847             </summary>
17848             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the navigation link URI for.</param>
17849             <param name="navigationLinkUrl">The value of the link URI as seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by the metadata builder, which may be null.</param>
17850             <param name="hasNavigationLinkUrl">true if the value of the <paramref name="navigationLinkUrl"/> was seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by
17851             the metadata builder, false otherwise. This flag allows the metadata builder to determine whether a null navigation link url is an uninitialized value or a value that was set explicitly.</param>
17852             <returns>
17853             The navigation link URI for the navigation property.
17854             null if its not possible to determine the navigation link for the specified navigation property.
17855             </returns>
17856         </member>
17857         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetAssociationLinkUri(System.String,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
17858             <summary>
17859             Gets the association link URI for the specified navigation property.
17860             </summary>
17861             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the association link URI for.</param>
17862             <param name="associationLinkUrl">The value of the link URI as seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by the metadata builder, which may be null.</param>
17863             <param name="hasAssociationLinkUrl">true if the value of the <paramref name="associationLinkUrl"/> was seen on the wire or provided explicitly by the user or previously returned by
17864             the metadata builder, false otherwise. This flag allows the metadata builder to determine whether a null association link url is an uninitialized value or a value that was set explicitly.</param>
17865             <returns>
17866             The association link URI for the navigation property.
17867             null if its not possible to determine the association link for the specified navigation property.
17868             </returns>
17869         </member>
17870         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetOperationTargetUri(System.String,System.String)">
17871             <summary>
17872             Get the operation target URI for the specified <paramref name="operationName"/>.
17873             </summary>
17874             <param name="operationName">The fully qualified name of the operation for which to get the target URI.</param>
17875             <param name="bindingParameterTypeName">The binding parameter type name to include in the target, or null/empty if there is none.</param>
17876             <returns>
17877             The target URI for the operation.
17878             null if it is not possible to determine the target URI for the specified operation.
17879             </returns>
17880         </member>
17881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetOperationTitle(System.String)">
17882             <summary>
17883             Get the operation title for the specified <paramref name="operationName"/>.
17884             </summary>
17885             <param name="operationName">The fully qualified name of the operation for which to get the target URI.</param>
17886             <returns>
17887             The title for the operation.
17888             null if it is not possible to determine the title for the specified operation.
17889             </returns>
17890         </member>
17891         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.ComputeEditLink">
17892             <summary>
17893             Computes the edit link.
17894             </summary>
17895             <returns>Uri that was computed based on the computed Id and possible type segment.</returns>
17896         </member>
17897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.ComputeAndCacheId">
17898             <summary>
17899             Computes and sets the field for the computed Id.
17900             </summary>
17901         </member>
17902         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.GetComputedStreamProperties(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty})">
17903             <summary>
17904             Computes all projected or missing stream properties.
17905             </summary>
17906             <param name="nonComputedProperties">Non-computed properties from the entity.</param>
17907             <returns>The the computed stream properties for the entry.</returns>
17908         </member>
17909         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.ComputedId">
17910             <summary>
17911             Lazy evaluated computed entity Id. This is always a computed value and never comes from the entry.
17912             </summary>
17913         </member>
17914         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.ComputedEntityInstanceUri">
17915             <summary>
17916             Lazy evaluated computed entity instance uri. This is always a computed value and never comes from the entry.
17917             </summary>
17918         </member>
17919         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalEntityMetadataBuilder.MissingOperationGenerator">
17920             <summary>
17921             The missig operation generator for the current entry.
17922             </summary>
17923         </member>
17924         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder">
17925             <summary>
17926             Implementation of OData URI builder based on OData protocol conventions.
17927             </summary>
17928         </member>
17929         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder">
17930             <summary>
17931             Extensibility point for customizing how OData uri's are built.
17932             </summary>
17933         </member>
17934         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildBaseUri">
17935             <summary>
17936             Builds the base URI for the entity container.
17937             </summary>
17938             <returns>
17939             The base URI for the entity container.
17940             This can be either an absolute URI,
17941             or relative URI which will be combined with the URI of the metadata document for the service.
17942             null if the model doesn't have the service base URI annotation.
17943             </returns>
17944         </member>
17945         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildEntitySetUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
17946             <summary>
17947             Builds the URI for an entity set.
17948             </summary>
17949             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
17950             <param name="entitySetName">The entity set name.</param>
17951             <returns>The entity set URI.</returns>
17952         </member>
17953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildEntityInstanceUri(System.Uri,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}},System.String)">
17954             <summary>
17955             Builds the entity instance URI with the given key property values.
17956             </summary>
17957             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
17958             <param name="keyProperties">The list of name value pair for key properties.</param>
17959             <param name="entityTypeName">The full name of the entity type we are building the key expression for.</param>
17960             <returns>The entity instance URI.</returns>
17961         </member>
17962         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildStreamEditLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
17963             <summary>
17964             Builds the edit link for a stream property.
17965             </summary>
17966             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
17967             <param name="streamPropertyName">
17968             The name of the stream property the link is computed for; 
17969             or null for the default media resource.
17970             </param>
17971             <returns>The edit link for the stream.</returns>
17972         </member>
17973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildStreamReadLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
17974             <summary>
17975             Builds the read link for a stream property.
17976             </summary>
17977             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
17978             <param name="streamPropertyName">
17979             The name of the stream property the link is computed for; 
17980             or null for the default media resource.
17981             </param>
17982             <returns>The read link for the stream.</returns>
17983         </member>
17984         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildNavigationLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
17985             <summary>
17986             Builds the navigation link for the navigation property.
17987             </summary>
17988             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
17989             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the navigation link URI for.</param>
17990             <returns>The navigation link URI for the navigation property.</returns>
17991         </member>
17992         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildAssociationLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
17993             <summary>
17994             Builds the association link for the navigation property.
17995             </summary>
17996             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
17997             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the association link URI for.</param>
17998             <returns>The association link URI for the navigation property.</returns>
17999         </member>
18000         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.BuildOperationTargetUri(System.Uri,System.String,System.String)">
18001             <summary>
18002             Builds the operation target URI for the specified <paramref name="operationName"/>.
18003             </summary>
18004             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18005             <param name="operationName">The fully qualified name of the operation for which to get the target URI.</param>
18006             <param name="bindingParameterTypeName">The binding parameter type name to include in the target, or null/empty if there is none.</param>
18007             <returns>The target URI for the operation.</returns>
18008         </member>
18009         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataUriBuilder.AppendTypeSegment(System.Uri,System.String)">
18010             <summary>
18011             Builds a URI with the given type name appended as a new segment on the base URI.
18012             </summary>
18013             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18014             <param name="typeName">The fully qualified type name to append.</param>
18015             <returns>The URI with the type segment appended.</returns>
18016         </member>
18017         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.serviceBaseUri">
18018             <summary>The base URI of the service. This will be used as the base URI for all entity containers.</summary>
18019         </member>
18020         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.urlConvention">
18021             <summary>The specific url-convention to use.</summary>
18022         </member>
18023         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.keySerializer">
18024             <summary>The specific key-serializer to use based on the convention.</summary>
18025         </member>
18026         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.#ctor(System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.UrlConvention)">
18027             <summary>
18028             Constructor.
18029             </summary>
18030             <param name="serviceBaseUri">The base URI of the service. This will be used as the base URI for all entity containers.</param>
18031             <param name="urlConvention">The specific url convention to use.</param>
18032         </member>
18033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildBaseUri">
18034             <summary>
18035             Builds the base URI for the entity container.
18036             </summary>
18037             <returns>
18038             The base URI for the entity container.
18039             This can be either an absolute URI,
18040             or relative URI which will be combined with the URI of the metadata document for the service.
18041             null if the model doesn't have the service base URI annotation.
18042             </returns>
18043         </member>
18044         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildEntitySetUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
18045             <summary>
18046             Builds the URI for an entity set.
18047             </summary>
18048             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18049             <param name="entitySetName">The entity set name.</param>
18050             <returns>The entity set URI.</returns>
18051         </member>
18052         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildEntityInstanceUri(System.Uri,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}},System.String)">
18053             <summary>
18054             Builds the entity instance URI with the given key property values.
18055             </summary>
18056             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18057             <param name="keyProperties">The list of name value pair for key properties.</param>
18058             <param name="entityTypeName">The full name of the entity type we are building the key expression for.</param>
18059             <returns>The entity instance URI.</returns>
18060         </member>
18061         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildStreamEditLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
18062             <summary>
18063             Builds the edit link for a stream property.
18064             </summary>
18065             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18066             <param name="streamPropertyName">
18067             The name of the stream property the link is computed for; 
18068             or null for the default media resource.
18069             </param>
18070             <returns>The edit link for the stream.</returns>
18071         </member>
18072         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildStreamReadLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
18073             <summary>
18074             Builds the read link for a stream property.
18075             </summary>
18076             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18077             <param name="streamPropertyName">
18078             The name of the stream property the link is computed for; 
18079             or null for the default media resource.
18080             </param>
18081             <returns>The read link for the stream.</returns>
18082         </member>
18083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildNavigationLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
18084             <summary>
18085             Builds the navigation link for the navigation property.
18086             </summary>
18087             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18088             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the navigation link URI for.</param>
18089             <returns>The navigation link URI for the navigation property.</returns>
18090         </member>
18091         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildAssociationLinkUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
18092             <summary>
18093             Builds the association link for the navigation property.
18094             </summary>
18095             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18096             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property to get the association link URI for.</param>
18097             <returns>The association link URI for the navigation property.</returns>
18098         </member>
18099         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.BuildOperationTargetUri(System.Uri,System.String,System.String)">
18100             <summary>
18101             Builds the operation target URI for the specified <paramref name="operationName"/>.
18102             </summary>
18103             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18104             <param name="operationName">The fully qualified name of the operation for which to get the target URI.</param>
18105             <param name="bindingParameterTypeName">The binding parameter type name to include in the target, or null/empty if there is none.</param>
18106             <returns>The target URI for the operation.</returns>
18107         </member>
18108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.AppendTypeSegment(System.Uri,System.String)">
18109             <summary>
18110             Builds a URI with the given type name appended as a new segment on the base URI.
18111             </summary>
18112             <param name="baseUri">The URI to append to.</param>
18113             <param name="typeName">The fully qualified type name to append.</param>
18114             <returns>The URI with the type segment appended.</returns>
18115         </member>
18116         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.ValidateBaseUri(System.Uri)">
18117             <summary>
18118             Validates the base URI parameter to be a non-null absolute URI.
18119             </summary>
18120             <param name="baseUri">The base URI parameter to validate.</param>
18121         </member>
18122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.AppendSegment(System.Uri,System.String,System.Boolean)">
18123             <summary>
18124             Appends a segment to the specified base URI.
18125             </summary>
18126             <param name="baseUri">The base Uri to append the segment to.</param>
18127             <param name="segment">The segment to append.</param>
18128             <param name="escapeSegment">True if the new segment should be escaped, otherwise False.</param>
18129             <returns>New URI with the appended segment and no trailing slash added.</returns>
18130         </member>
18131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.ValidateKeyValue(System.String,System.Object,System.String)">
18132             <summary>
18133             Gets the CLR value of a primitive key property.
18134             </summary>
18135             <param name="keyPropertyName">The key property name.</param>
18136             <param name="keyPropertyValue">The key property value.</param>
18137             <param name="entityTypeName">The entity type name we are validating the key value for.</param>
18138             <returns>The primitive value of the key property.</returns>
18139         </member>
18140         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataConventionalUriBuilder.AppendKeyExpression(System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}},System.String)">
18141             <summary>
18142             Appends the key expression for the given entity to the given <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>
18143             </summary>
18144             <param name="builder">The builder to append onto.</param>
18145             <param name="keyProperties">The list of name value pair for key properties.</param>
18146             <param name="entityTypeName">The full name of the entity type we are building the key expression for.</param>
18147         </member>
18148         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection">
18149             <summary>
18150             Annotation to capture all of the custom instance annotations on an ODataAnnotatable.
18151             </summary>
18152             <remarks>
18153             Currently only <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/>, <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/>, and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> supports instance annotations.
18154             Additionally, instance annotations will only be serialized in Json.
18155             </remarks>
18156         </member>
18157         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.inner">
18158             <summary>
18159             Backing dictionary of instance annotation term name/object pairs.
18160             </summary>
18161         </member>
18162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.#ctor">
18163             <summary>
18164             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection"/> to hold instance annotations for an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable"/>.
18165             </summary>
18166         </member>
18167         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.ContainsKey(System.String)">
18168             <summary>
18169             Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> contains an element with the specified key.
18170             </summary>
18171             <returns>
18172             true if the ICollection> contains an element with the key; otherwise, false.
18173             </returns>
18174             <param name="key">The key to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/>.</param>
18175             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="key"/> is null.</exception>
18176         </member>
18177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.GetEnumerator">
18178             <summary>
18179             Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
18180             </summary>
18181             <returns>
18182             A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> that can be used to iterate through the collection.
18183             </returns>
18184             <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
18185         </member>
18186         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.Clear">
18187             <summary>
18188             Removes all items from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection"/>.
18189             </summary>
18190             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection"/> is read-only. </exception>
18191         </member>
18192         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.Add(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue)">
18193             <summary>
18194             Adds an element with the provided key and value to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/>.
18195             </summary>
18196             <param name="key">The object to use as the key of the element to add.</param><param name="value">The object to use as the value of the element to add.</param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="key"/> is null.</exception>
18197             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">An element with the same key already exists in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/>.</exception><exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> is read-only.</exception>
18198         </member>
18199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.Remove(System.String)">
18200             <summary>
18201             Removes the element with the specified key from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/>.
18202             </summary>
18203             <returns>
18204             true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false.  This method also returns false if <paramref name="key"/> was not found in the original <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/>.
18205             </returns>
18206             <param name="key">The key of the element to remove.</param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="key"/> is null.</exception><exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> is read-only.</exception>
18207         </member>
18208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.TryGetValue(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue@)">
18209             <summary>
18210             Gets the value associated with the specified key.
18211             </summary>
18212             <returns>
18213             true if the object that implements <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false.
18214             </returns>
18215             <param name="key">The key whose value to get.</param><param name="value">When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the <paramref name="value"/> parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="key"/> is null.</exception>
18216         </member>
18217         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
18218             <summary>
18219             Gets an enumerator for this object.
18220             </summary>
18221             <returns>An enumerator for this object.</returns>
18222         </member>
18223         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.Count">
18224             <summary>
18225             Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection"/>.
18226             </summary>
18227             <returns>
18228             The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection"/>.
18229             </returns>
18230         </member>
18231         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection.Item(System.String)">
18232             <summary>
18233             Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
18234             </summary>
18235             <returns>
18236             The element with the specified key.
18237             </returns>
18238             <param name="key">The key of the element to get or set.</param>
18239             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="key"/> is null.</exception>
18240             <exception cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException">The property is retrieved and <paramref name="key"/> is not found.</exception>
18241             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The property is set and the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> is read-only.</exception>
18242         </member>
18243         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker">
18244             <summary>
18245             Helper class to track if an annotation has been written.
18246             </summary>
18247         </member>
18248         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker.writeStatus">
18249             <summary>
18250             Maintains the write status for each annotation using its key.
18251             If a key exists in the list then it is considered written.
18252             </summary>
18253         </member>
18254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker.#ctor">
18255             <summary>
18256             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker"/> to hold write status for instance annotations contained in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationCollection"/>.
18257             </summary>
18258         </member>
18259         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker.IsAnnotationWritten(System.String)">
18260             <summary>
18261             Check if an annotation is already written.
18262             </summary>
18263             <returns>true if the annotation is written; otherwise false.</returns>
18264             <param name="key">The key of the element to check if its written.</param>
18265         </member>
18266         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker.MarkAnnotationWritten(System.String)">
18267             <summary>
18268             Mark an annotation as written.
18269             </summary>
18270             <returns>true if the annotation was unmarked before; otherwise false.</returns>
18271             <param name="key">The key of the element to mark as written.</param>
18272         </member>
18273         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames">
18274             <summary>
18275             Well known OData annotation names reserved for OData Lib.
18276             </summary>
18277         </member>
18278         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataMetadata">
18279             <summary>The OData Metadata annotation name.</summary>
18280         </member>
18281         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataNull">
18282             <summary>The OData 'null' annotation name.</summary>
18283         </member>
18284         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataType">
18285             <summary>The OData Type annotation name.</summary>
18286         </member>
18287         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataId">
18288             <summary>The OData ID annotation name.</summary>
18289         </member>
18290         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataETag">
18291             <summary>The OData etag annotation name.</summary>
18292         </member>
18293         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataEditLink">
18294             <summary>The OData edit link annotation name.</summary>
18295         </member>
18296         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataReadLink">
18297             <summary>The OData read link annotation name.</summary>
18298         </member>
18299         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataMediaEditLink">
18300             <summary>The OData media edit link annotation name.</summary>
18301         </member>
18302         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataMediaReadLink">
18303             <summary>The OData media read link annotation name.</summary>
18304         </member>
18305         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataMediaContentType">
18306             <summary>The OData media content type annotation name.</summary>
18307         </member>
18308         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataMediaETag">
18309             <summary>The OData media etag annotation name.</summary>
18310         </member>
18311         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataCount">
18312             <summary>The 'odata.count' annotation name.</summary>
18313         </member>
18314         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataNextLink">
18315             <summary>The 'odata.nextLink' annotation name.</summary>
18316         </member>
18317         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataNavigationLinkUrl">
18318             <summary>The 'odata.navigationLinkUrl' annotation name.</summary>
18319         </member>
18320         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataBind">
18321             <summary>The 'odata.bind' annotation name.</summary>
18322         </member>
18323         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataAssociationLinkUrl">
18324             <summary>The 'odata.associationLinkUrl' annotation name.</summary>
18325         </member>
18326         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataAnnotationGroup">
18327             <summary>The 'odata.annotationGroup' annotation name.</summary>
18328         </member>
18329         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataAnnotationGroupReference">
18330             <summary>The 'odata.annotationGroupReference' annotation name.</summary>
18331         </member>
18332         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataError">
18333             <summary>The 'odata.error' annotation name.</summary>
18334         </member>
18335         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ODataDeltaLink">
18336             <summary>The 'odata.deltaLink' annotation name.</summary>
18337         </member>
18338         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.KnownODataAnnotationNames">
18339             <summary>
18340             Hash set of known odata annotation names that have special meanings to OData Lib.
18341             </summary>
18342         </member>
18343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.IsODataAnnotationName(System.String)">
18344             <summary>
18345             Returns true if the <paramref name="annotationName"/> starts with "odata.", false otherwise.
18346             </summary>
18347             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation in question.</param>
18348             <returns>Returns true if the <paramref name="annotationName"/> starts with "odata.", false otherwise.</returns>
18349         </member>
18350         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.IsUnknownODataAnnotationName(System.String)">
18351             <summary>
18352             Returns true if the <paramref name="annotationName"/> starts with "odata." and is not one of the reserved odata annotation names; returns false otherwise.
18353             </summary>
18354             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name in question.</param>
18355             <returns>Returns true if the <paramref name="annotationName"/> starts with "odata." and is not one of the reserved odata annotation names; returns false otherwise.</returns>
18356         </member>
18357         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataAnnotationNames.ValidateIsCustomAnnotationName(System.String)">
18358             <summary>
18359             Validates that the <paramref name="annotationName"/> is not a reserved OData instance annotation.
18360             </summary>
18361             <param name="annotationName">The instance annotation name to check.</param>
18362         </member>
18363         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer">
18364             <summary>
18365             Defines an interface for a class that can write OData values in Json Light.
18366             This is used internally for mocking.
18367             </summary>
18368         </member>
18369         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WriteNullValue">
18370             <summary>
18371             Writes a null value.
18372             </summary>
18373         </member>
18374         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
18375             <summary>
18376             Writes out the value of a complex property.
18377             </summary>
18378             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to write.</param>
18379             <param name="metadataTypeReference">The metadata type for the complex value.</param>
18380             <param name="isTopLevel">true when writing a top-level property; false for nested properties.</param>
18381             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
18382             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
18383         </member>
18384         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WriteCollectionValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
18385             <summary>
18386             Writes out the value of a collection property.
18387             </summary>
18388             <param name="collectionValue">The collection value to write.</param>
18389             <param name="metadataTypeReference">The metadata type reference for the collection.</param>
18390             <param name="isTopLevelProperty">Whether or not a top-level property is being written.</param>
18391             <param name="isInUri">Whether or not the value is being written for a URI.</param>
18392             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
18393         </member>
18394         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WritePrimitiveValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
18395             <summary>
18396             Writes a primitive value.
18397             </summary>
18398             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
18399             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the primitive value.</param>
18400         </member>
18401         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.CreateDuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
18402             <summary>
18403             Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker"/> for checking duplication properties inside complex values.
18404             </summary>
18405             <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker"/> instance.</returns>
18406         </member>
18407         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.JsonWriter">
18408             <summary>
18409             JsonWriter this value serializer will use.
18410             </summary>
18411         </member>
18412         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Version">
18413             <summary>
18414             Version of OData being written.
18415             </summary>
18416         </member>
18417         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Model">
18418             <summary>
18419             Model to use for type resolution and verification when writing.
18420             </summary>
18421         </member>
18422         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Settings">
18423             <summary>
18424             The message writer settings to use when writing the message payload.
18425             </summary>
18426         </member>
18427         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils">
18428             <summary>
18429             Helper methods used by the OData reader for the JsonLight format.
18430             </summary>
18431         </member>
18432         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.ParameterSeparatorSplitCharacters">
18433             <summary>
18434             The character array used for splitting apart the operation parameter type names in a metadata link. Contains ','.
18435             </summary>
18436         </member>
18437         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.CharactersToTrimFromParameters">
18438             <summary>
18439             The set of characters to trim from the parameters of an operation. Contains '(' and ')'.
18440             </summary>
18441         </member>
18442         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.IsMetadataReferenceProperty(System.String)">
18443             <summary>
18444             Determines if the specified property name is a name of a metadata reference property.
18445             </summary>
18446             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property.</param>
18447             <returns>true if <paramref name="propertyName"/> is a name of a metadata reference property, false otherwise.</returns>
18448         </member>
18449         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.GetFullyQualifiedFunctionImportName(System.Uri,System.String,System.String@)">
18450             <summary>
18451             Gets the fully qualified function import name from the metadata reference property name.
18452             </summary>
18453             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document Uri.</param>
18454             <param name="metadataReferencePropertyName">The metadata reference property name.</param>
18455             <param name="firstParameterTypeName">The first parameter name, if any are present in the given string.</param>
18456             <returns>The fully qualified function import name.</returns>
18457         </member>
18458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.GetUriFragmentFromMetadataReferencePropertyName(System.Uri,System.String)">
18459             <summary>
18460             Gets the Uri fragment from the metadata reference property name.
18461             </summary>
18462             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document Uri.</param>
18463             <param name="propertyName">The metadata reference property name.</param>
18464             <returns>The Uri fragment which corresponds to action/function names, etc.</returns>
18465         </member>
18466         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.GetAbsoluteUriFromMetadataReferencePropertyName(System.Uri,System.String)">
18467             <summary>
18468             Converts the metadata reference property name to an absolute Uri.
18469             </summary>
18470             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri.</param>
18471             <param name="propertyName">The metadata reference property name.</param>
18472             <returns>The absolute Uri for the metadata reference property name.</returns>
18473         </member>
18474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.GetMetadataReferenceName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
18475             <summary>
18476             Calculates the metadata reference name for the given function import. When there is no overload to the function, this method will
18477             return the container qualified function import name.  When there is overload to the function this method will
18478             return FQFN([comma separated parameter type names]) to disambiguate between different overloads.
18479             </summary>
18480             <param name="functionImport">The function import in question.</param>
18481             <returns>The metadata reference name for the given function import.</returns>
18482         </member>
18483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightUtils.CreateODataOperation(System.Uri,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Boolean@)">
18484             <summary>
18485             Creates an ODataAction or ODataFunction from a function import.
18486             </summary>
18487             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri.</param>
18488             <param name="metadataReferencePropertyName">The metadata reference property name.</param>
18489             <param name="functionImport">The function import to create the ODataOperation for.</param>
18490             <param name="isAction">true if the created ODataOperation is an ODataAction, false otherwise.</param>
18491             <returns>The created ODataAction or ODataFunction.</returns>
18492         </member>
18493         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer">
18494             <summary>
18495             Responsible for reading annotation groups (both declarations and references) in JSON Light.
18496             </summary>
18497         </member>
18498         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.annotationGroups">
18499             <summary>
18500             Mapping of all the annotation groups encountered so far, keyed by name.
18501             </summary>
18502         </member>
18503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
18504             <summary>
18505             Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer"/>.
18506             </summary>
18507             <param name="inputContext">The JSON light input context.</param>
18508         </member>
18509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.ReadAnnotationGroup(System.Func{System.String,System.Object},System.Func{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Object})">
18510             <summary>
18511             Reads the current property node as an annotaion group, if the property name matches. Otherwise, it does not move the reader.
18512             </summary>
18513             <param name="readPropertyAnnotationValue">Fired whenever an OData property annotation is seen. Takes the name of the property annotation and should read and return the annotation's value.</param>
18514             <param name="readInstanceAnnotationValue">Fired whenever an OData instance annotation is seen. Takes the name of the instance annotation and should read and return the annotation's value.</param>
18515             <returns>The annotation group which was read, or null if we did not encounter an annotation group.</returns>
18516             <remarks>
18517             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property:     The property to consider as an annotion group.
18518             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:     If the property is not an annotation group, the reader will not move.
18519                             Any:          The node after the annotation group property, if one was read.
18520             </remarks>
18521         </member>
18522         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.AddAnnotationGroup(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup)">
18523             <summary>
18524             Adds the given annotation group to the set of groups which can be retrieved by annotation group references.
18525             </summary>
18526             <param name="annotationGroup">The annotation group to add.</param>
18527         </member>
18528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.VerifyAnnotationGroupNameNotYetFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup)">
18529             <summary>
18530             Checks to see that the name of the given annotation group has not yet been set. Throws otherwise.
18531             </summary>
18532             <param name="annotationGroup">The annotation group to check.</param>
18533         </member>
18534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.IsAnnotationGroupName(System.String)">
18535             <summary>
18536             Returns whether the given property name indicates this property contains the name of the annotation group.
18537             </summary>
18538             <param name="propertyName">The property name to check.</param>
18539             <returns>true if the property name is annotation group name property, false otherwise.</returns>
18540         </member>
18541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.VerifyAnnotationGroupNameFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup)">
18542             <summary>
18543             Verifies that the name of the given annotation group was set, and throws otherwise.
18544             </summary>
18545             <param name="annotationGroup">The annnotation group to check.</param>
18546         </member>
18547         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.VerifyDataPropertyIsAnnotationName(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup)">
18548             <summary>
18549             Verifies that the given property name is a valid annotation name, and throws if not.
18550             </summary>
18551             <param name="propertyName">The property name to check.</param>
18552             <param name="annotationGroup">The annotation group which this property would be added to.</param>
18553         </member>
18554         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.CreateExceptionForInvalidAnnotationInsideAnnotationGroup(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup)">
18555             <summary>
18556             Creates an ODataException to throw when a non-annotation property is found inside an annotation group.
18557             </summary>
18558             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property found inside an annotation group.</param>
18559             <param name="annotationGroup">The annotation group it was found in.</param>
18560             <returns>An ODataException with an appropriate message, including the annotation group name if one is available.</returns>
18561         </member>
18562         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.ReadAnnotationGroupReference">
18563             <summary>
18564             Reads an annotation group reference and returns the existing annotation group instance with that name.
18565             </summary>
18566             <returns>The annotation group which was referenced.</returns>
18567             <remarks>This method will throw if no matching annotation group is found.</remarks>
18568         </member>
18569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.ReadAnnotationGroupDeclaration(System.Func{System.String,System.Object},System.Func{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Object})">
18570             <summary>
18571             Reads an annotation group declaration and returns a newly created annotation group instance.
18572             </summary>
18573             <param name="readPropertyAnnotationValue">Function which takes the name of an OData property annotation and reads and returns the value of the annotation.</param>
18574             <param name="readInstanceAnnotationValue">Function which takes the name of an OData instance annotation and reads and returns the value of the annotation.</param>
18575             <returns>The annotation group which was read.</returns>
18576             <remarks>
18577             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject:     The property to consider as an annotion group declaration or reference.
18578                             Any:                          Any other node type will throw an exception.
18579             Post-Condition: Any:                          The node after the annotation group property value.
18580             </remarks>
18581         </member>
18582         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValidationUtils">
18583             <summary>
18584             Helper methods used by the OData reader for the JsonLight format.
18585             </summary>
18586         </member>
18587         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValidationUtils.ValidateMetadataReferencePropertyName(System.Uri,System.String)">
18588             <summary>
18589             Validates that a string is either a valid absolute URI, or (if it begins with '#') it is a valid URI fragment.
18590             </summary>
18591             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri.</param>
18592             <param name="propertyName">The property name to validate.</param>
18593         </member>
18594         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValidationUtils.ValidateOperation(System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
18595             <summary>
18596             Validates an operation is valid.
18597             </summary>
18598             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri.</param>
18599             <param name="operation">The operation to validate.</param>
18600         </member>
18601         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValidationUtils.IsOpenMetadataReferencePropertyName(System.Uri,System.String)">
18602             <summary>
18603             Determines if the specified property name is a name of an open metadata reference property.
18604             </summary>
18605             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document uri.</param>
18606             <param name="propertyName">The property name in question.</param>
18607             <returns>true if the specified property name is a name of an open metadata reference property; false otherwise.</returns>
18608         </member>
18609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValidationUtils.ValidateOperationPropertyValueIsNotNull(System.Object,System.String,System.String)">
18610             <summary>
18611             Validates that the property in an operation (an action or a function) is valid.
18612             </summary>
18613             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
18614             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property (used for error reporting).</param>
18615             <param name="metadata">The metadata value for the operation (used for error reporting).</param>
18616         </member>
18617         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionState">
18618             <summary>
18619             JSON Ligth specific state which is created during payload kind detection and reused during standard reading if available.
18620             </summary>
18621         </member>
18622         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionState.metadataUriParseResult">
18623             <summary>The parsed metadata URI.</summary>
18624         </member>
18625         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionState.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult)">
18626             <summary>
18627             Constructor.
18628             </summary>
18629             <param name="metadataUriParseResult">The parsed metadata URI.</param>
18630         </member>
18631         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionState.MetadataUriParseResult">
18632             <summary>The parsed metadata URI.</summary>
18633         </member>
18634         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter">
18635             <summary>
18636             Interface for a class that can write arbitrary JSON.
18637             Internally we want the interface for mocks.
18638             </summary>
18639         </member>
18640         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.StartPaddingFunctionScope">
18641             <summary>
18642             Start the padding function scope.
18643             </summary>
18644         </member>
18645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.EndPaddingFunctionScope">
18646             <summary>
18647             End the padding function scope.
18648             </summary>
18649         </member>
18650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.StartObjectScope">
18651             <summary>
18652             Start the object scope.
18653             </summary>
18654         </member>
18655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.EndObjectScope">
18656             <summary>
18657             End the current object scope.
18658             </summary>
18659         </member>
18660         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.StartArrayScope">
18661             <summary>
18662             Start the array scope.
18663             </summary>
18664         </member>
18665         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.EndArrayScope">
18666             <summary>
18667             End the current array scope.
18668             </summary>
18669         </member>
18670         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteDataWrapper">
18671             <summary>
18672             Write the "d" wrapper text.
18673             </summary>
18674         </member>
18675         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteDataArrayName">
18676             <summary>
18677             Write the "results" header for the data array.
18678             </summary>
18679         </member>
18680         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteName(System.String)">
18681             <summary>
18682             Write the name for the object property.
18683             </summary>
18684             <param name="name">Name of the object property.</param>
18685         </member>
18686         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WritePaddingFunctionName(System.String)">
18687             <summary>
18688             Writes a function name for JSON padding.
18689             </summary>
18690             <param name="functionName">Name of the padding function to write.</param>
18691         </member>
18692         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Boolean)">
18693             <summary>
18694             Write a boolean value.
18695             </summary>
18696             <param name="value">Boolean value to be written.</param>
18697         </member>
18698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int32)">
18699             <summary>
18700             Write an integer value.
18701             </summary>
18702             <param name="value">Integer value to be written.</param>
18703         </member>
18704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Single)">
18705             <summary>
18706             Write a float value.
18707             </summary>
18708             <param name="value">Float value to be written.</param>
18709         </member>
18710         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int16)">
18711             <summary>
18712             Write a short value.
18713             </summary>
18714             <param name="value">Short value to be written.</param>
18715         </member>
18716         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int64)">
18717             <summary>
18718             Write a long value.
18719             </summary>
18720             <param name="value">Long value to be written.</param>
18721         </member>
18722         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Double)">
18723             <summary>
18724             Write a double value.
18725             </summary>
18726             <param name="value">Double value to be written.</param>
18727         </member>
18728         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Guid)">
18729             <summary>
18730             Write a Guid value.
18731             </summary>
18732             <param name="value">Guid value to be written.</param>
18733         </member>
18734         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Decimal)">
18735             <summary>
18736             Write a decimal value
18737             </summary>
18738             <param name="value">Decimal value to be written.</param>
18739         </member>
18740         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.DateTime,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
18741             <summary>
18742             Write a DateTime value
18743             </summary>
18744             <param name="value">DateTime value to be written.</param>
18745             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
18746         </member>
18747         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.DateTimeOffset,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
18748             <summary>
18749             Writes a DateTimeOffset value
18750             </summary>
18751             <param name="value">DateTimeOffset value to be written.</param>
18752             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
18753         </member>
18754         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.TimeSpan)">
18755             <summary>
18756             Writes a TimeSpan value
18757             </summary>
18758             <param name="value">TimeSpan value to be written.</param>
18759         </member>
18760         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Byte)">
18761             <summary>
18762             Write a byte value.
18763             </summary>
18764             <param name="value">Byte value to be written.</param>
18765         </member>
18766         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.SByte)">
18767             <summary>
18768             Write an sbyte value.
18769             </summary>
18770             <param name="value">SByte value to be written.</param>
18771         </member>
18772         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValue(System.String)">
18773             <summary>
18774             Write a string value.
18775             </summary>
18776             <param name="value">String value to be written.</param>
18777         </member>
18778         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteRawString(System.String)">
18779             <summary>
18780             Write a raw string value without any escaping or encoding.
18781             </summary>
18782             <param name="value">String value to be written.</param>
18783         </member>
18784         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.Flush">
18785             <summary>
18786             Clears all buffers for the current writer.
18787             </summary>
18788         </member>
18789         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.WriteValueSeparator">
18790             <summary>
18791             Writes a separator of a value if it's needed for the next value to be written.
18792             </summary>
18793         </member>
18794         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter.StartScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.ScopeType)">
18795             <summary>
18796             Start the scope given the scope type.
18797             </summary>
18798             <param name="type">The scope type to start.</param>
18799         </member>
18800         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter">
18801             <summary>
18802             Class responsible for writing a collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation"/>.
18803             </summary>
18804         </member>
18805         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter.valueSerializer">
18806             <summary>
18807             Value serializer, responsible for serializing the annotation values.
18808             </summary>
18809         </member>
18810         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter.typeNameOracle">
18811             <summary>
18812             The oracle to use to determine the type name to write for entries and values.
18813             </summary>
18814         </member>
18815         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightTypeNameOracle)">
18816             <summary>
18817             Constructs a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter"/> that can write a collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation"/>.
18818             </summary>
18819             <param name="valueSerializer">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightValueSerializer"/> to use for writing values of instance annotations.
18820             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter"/> that is also used internally will be acquired from the this instance.</param>
18821             <param name="typeNameOracle">The oracle to use to determine the type name to write for entries and values.</param>
18822         </member>
18823         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter.WriteInstanceAnnotations(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation},Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker)">
18824             <summary>
18825             Writes all the instance annotations specified in <paramref name="instanceAnnotations"/>.
18826             </summary>
18827             <param name="instanceAnnotations">Collection of instance annotations to write.</param>
18828             <param name="tracker">The tracker to track if instance annotations are written.</param>
18829         </member>
18830         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter.WriteInstanceAnnotations(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation})">
18831             <summary>
18832             Writes all the instance annotations specified in <paramref name="instanceAnnotations"/>.
18833             </summary>
18834             <param name="instanceAnnotations">Collection of instance annotations to write.</param>
18835         </member>
18836         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter.WriteInstanceAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation)">
18837             <summary>
18838             Writes an instance annotation.
18839             </summary>
18840             <param name="instanceAnnotation">The instance annotation to write.</param>
18841         </member>
18842         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter.JsonWriter">
18843             <summary>
18844             JsonWriter instance to use for writing term names.
18845             </summary>
18846         </member>
18847         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer">
18848             <summary>
18849             OData JsonLight serializer for value types.
18850             </summary>
18851         </member>
18852         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer">
18853             <summary>
18854             Base class for all OData JsonLight serializers.
18855             </summary>
18856         </member>
18857         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.jsonLightOutputContext">
18858             <summary>
18859             The JsonLight output context to write to.
18860             </summary>
18861         </member>
18862         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.instanceAnnotationWriter">
18863             <summary>
18864             Instance annotation writer.
18865             </summary>
18866         </member>
18867         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.allowRelativeUri">
18868             <summary>
18869             Set to true when odata.metadata is writen; set to false otherwise.
18870             When value is false, all URIs writen to the payload must be absolute.
18871             </summary>
18872         </member>
18873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext)">
18874             <summary>
18875             Constructor.
18876             </summary>
18877             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
18878         </member>
18879         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.WritePayloadStart">
18880             <summary>
18881             Writes the start of the entire JSON payload.
18882             </summary>
18883         </member>
18884         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.WritePayloadEnd">
18885             <summary>
18886             Writes the end of the entire JSON payload.
18887             </summary>
18888         </member>
18889         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.WriteMetadataUriProperty(System.Uri)">
18890             <summary>
18891             Writes the metadata URI property and the specified value into the payload.
18892             </summary>
18893             <param name="metadataUri">The metadata URI to write.</param>
18894         </member>
18895         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.WriteTopLevelPayload(System.Action)">
18896             <summary>
18897             Helper method to write the data wrapper around a JSON payload.
18898             </summary>
18899             <param name="payloadWriterAction">The action that writes the actual JSON payload that is being wrapped.</param>
18900         </member>
18901         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.WriteTopLevelError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
18902             <summary>
18903             Write a top-level error message.
18904             </summary>
18905             <param name="error">The error instance to write.</param>
18906             <param name="includeDebugInformation">A flag indicating whether error details should be written (in debug mode only) or not.</param>
18907         </member>
18908         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.UriToString(System.Uri)">
18909             <summary>
18910             Returns the string representation of the URI
18911             </summary>
18912             <param name="uri">The uri to process.</param>
18913             <returns>Returns the string representation of the URI.</returns>
18914         </member>
18915         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.JsonLightOutputContext">
18916             <summary>
18917             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
18918             </summary>
18919         </member>
18920         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.JsonWriter">
18921             <summary>
18922             Returns the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.JsonWriter"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
18923             </summary>
18924         </member>
18925         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightSerializer.InstanceAnnotationWriter">
18926             <summary>
18927             Instance annotation writer.
18928             </summary>
18929         </member>
18930         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.recursionDepth">
18931             <summary>
18932             The current recursion depth of values written by this serializer.
18933             </summary>
18934         </member>
18935         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.propertySerializer">
18936             <summary>
18937             Property serializer.
18938             </summary>
18939         </member>
18940         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer)">
18941             <summary>
18942             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer"/> class.
18943             </summary>
18944             <param name="propertySerializer">The property serializer to use when writing complex values.</param>
18945         </member>
18946         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext)">
18947             <summary>
18948             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer"/> class.
18949             </summary>
18950             <param name="outputContext">The output context to use.</param>
18951         </member>
18952         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WriteNullValue">
18953             <summary>
18954             Writes a null value to the wire.
18955             </summary>
18956         </member>
18957         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
18958             <summary>
18959             Writes out the value of a complex property.
18960             </summary>
18961             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to write.</param>
18962             <param name="metadataTypeReference">The metadata type for the complex value.</param>
18963             <param name="isTopLevel">true when writing a top-level property; false for nested properties.</param>
18964             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
18965             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
18966             <remarks>The current recursion depth should be a value, measured by the number of complex and collection values between
18967             this complex value and the top-level payload, not including this one.</remarks>
18968         </member>
18969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WriteCollectionValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
18970             <summary>
18971             Writes out the value of a collection property.
18972             </summary>
18973             <param name="collectionValue">The collection value to write.</param>
18974             <param name="metadataTypeReference">The metadata type reference for the collection.</param>
18975             <param name="isTopLevelProperty">Whether or not a top-level property is being written.</param>
18976             <param name="isInUri">Whether or not the value is being written for a URI.</param>
18977             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
18978             <remarks>The current recursion depth is measured by the number of complex and collection values between 
18979             this one and the top-level payload, not including this one.</remarks>
18980         </member>
18981         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.WritePrimitiveValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
18982             <summary>
18983             Writes a primitive value.
18984             Uses a registered primitive type converter to write the value if one is registered for the type, otherwise directly writes the value.
18985             </summary>
18986             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
18987             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the primitive value.</param>
18988         </member>
18989         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Microsoft#Data#OData#JsonLight#IODataJsonLightValueSerializer#CreateDuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
18990             <summary>
18991             Creates a new instance of a duplicate property names checker.
18992             Both ODataJsonLightSerializer and IODataJsonLightValueSerializer define this, so we pass through to our base class.
18993             </summary>
18994             <returns>The newly created instance of duplicate property names checker.</returns>
18995         </member>
18996         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.AssertRecursionDepthIsZero">
18997             <summary>
18998             Asserts that the current recursion depth of values is zero. This should be true on all calls into this class from outside of this class.
18999             </summary>
19000         </member>
19001         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.IncreaseRecursionDepth">
19002             <summary>
19003             Increases the recursion depth of values by 1. This will throw if the recursion depth exceeds the current limit.
19004             </summary>
19005         </member>
19006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.DecreaseRecursionDepth">
19007             <summary>
19008             Decreases the recursion depth of values by 1.
19009             </summary>
19010         </member>
19011         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Microsoft#Data#OData#JsonLight#IODataJsonLightValueSerializer#JsonWriter">
19012             <summary>
19013             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
19014             Both ODataJsonLightSerializer and IODataJsonLightValueSerializer define this, so we pass through to our base class.
19015             </summary>
19016         </member>
19017         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Microsoft#Data#OData#JsonLight#IODataJsonLightValueSerializer#Version">
19018             <summary>
19019             The OData version of the output.
19020             Both ODataJsonLightSerializer and IODataJsonLightValueSerializer define this, so we pass through to our base class.
19021             </summary>
19022         </member>
19023         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Microsoft#Data#OData#JsonLight#IODataJsonLightValueSerializer#Model">
19024             <summary>
19025             The model to use.
19026             </summary>
19027         </member>
19028         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.Microsoft#Data#OData#JsonLight#IODataJsonLightValueSerializer#Settings">
19029             <summary>
19030             The message writer settings to use when writing the message payload.
19031             </summary>
19032         </member>
19033         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer.PropertySerializer">
19034             <summary>
19035             Gets the property serializer.
19036             </summary>
19037         </member>
19038         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonSharedUtils">
19039             <summary>
19040             Shared JSON util code for ODataLib and Server.
19041             </summary>
19042         </member>
19043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonSharedUtils.IsDoubleValueSerializedAsString(System.Double)">
19044             <summary>
19045             Determines if the given double is serialized as a string in JSON.
19046             </summary>
19047             <param name="value">The value to check.</param>
19048             <returns>true if the value should be written as a string, false if should be written as a JSON number.</returns>
19049         </member>
19050         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonSharedUtils.ValueTypeMatchesJsonType(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPrimitiveValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
19051             <summary>
19052             Determines if the given primitive value is of a basic type where we can rely on just the JSON representation to convey type information.
19053             If so, we don't have to write the type name.
19054             </summary>
19055             <param name="primitiveValue">The primitive value in question.</param>
19056             <param name="valueTypeReference">The type of the primitive value.</param>
19057             <returns>true if the given primitive value is of a basic JSON type, false otherwise.</returns>
19058         </member>
19059         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver">
19060             <summary>
19061             Responsible for resolving the element type of an entity set with reader (i.e., looser) semantics.
19062             </summary>
19063         </member>
19064         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver">
19065             <summary>
19066             Class responsible for determining the entity type of an entity set.
19067             </summary>
19068         </member>
19069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver.GetElementType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
19070             <summary>
19071             Returns the element type of the given entity set.
19072             </summary>
19073             <param name="entitySet">The entity set to get the element type of.</param>
19074             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> representing the element type of the <paramref name="entitySet"/>.</returns>
19075         </member>
19076         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver.GetReturnType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
19077             <summary>
19078             Returns the return type of the given function import.
19079             </summary>
19080             <param name="functionImport">The function import to get the return type from.</param>
19081             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the return type fo the <paramref name="functionImport"/>.</returns>
19082         </member>
19083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver.GetReturnType(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport})">
19084             <summary>
19085             Returns the return type of the given function import group.
19086             </summary>
19087             <param name="functionImportGroup">The function import group to get the return type from.</param>
19088             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the return type fo the <paramref name="functionImportGroup"/>.</returns>
19089         </member>
19090         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver.GetParameterType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter)">
19091             <summary>
19092             Gets the function parameter type.
19093             </summary>
19094             <param name="functionParameter">The function parameter to get the type for.</param>
19095             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> representing the type on the function parameter; or null if no such type could be found.</returns>
19096         </member>
19097         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.model">
19098             <summary>The model to use or null if no model is available.</summary>
19099         </member>
19100         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.readerBehavior">
19101             <summary>Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</summary>
19102         </member>
19103         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.version">
19104             <summary>The version of the payload being read.</summary>
19105         </member>
19106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
19107             <summary>Creates a new entity set element type resolver with all the information needed when resolving for reading scenarios.</summary>
19108             <param name="model">The model to use or null if no model is available.</param>
19109             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
19110             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
19111         </member>
19112         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.GetElementType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
19113             <summary>Returns the element type of the given entity set.</summary>
19114             <param name="entitySet">The entity set to get the element type of.</param>
19115             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> representing the element type of the <paramref name="entitySet"/>.</returns>
19116         </member>
19117         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.GetReturnType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
19118             <summary>
19119             Returns the return type of the given function import.
19120             </summary>
19121             <param name="functionImport">The function import to get the return type from.</param>
19122             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the return type fo the <paramref name="functionImport"/>.</returns>
19123         </member>
19124         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.GetReturnType(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport})">
19125             <summary>
19126             Returns the return type of the given function import group.
19127             </summary>
19128             <param name="functionImportGroup">The function import group to get the return type from.</param>
19129             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the return type fo the <paramref name="functionImportGroup"/>.</returns>
19130         </member>
19131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.GetParameterType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter)">
19132             <summary>
19133             Gets the function parameter type for read and calls the client type resolver to resolve type when it is specified.
19134             </summary>
19135             <param name="functionParameter">The function parameter to resolve the type for.</param>
19136             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> representing the type on the function parameter; or null if no such type could be found.</returns>
19137         </member>
19138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.ResolveTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
19139             <summary>
19140             Resolves the given type reference if a client type resolver is available.
19141             </summary>
19142             <param name="typeReferenceToResolve">Type reference to resolve.</param>
19143             <returns>The resolved type reference.</returns>
19144         </member>
19145         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeReaderResolver.ResolveType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
19146             <summary>
19147             Resolves the given type if a client type resolver is available.
19148             </summary>
19149             <param name="typeToResolve">Type to resolve.</param>
19150             <returns>The resolved type.</returns>
19151         </member>
19152         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeWriterResolver">
19153             <summary>
19154             Responsible for resolving the element type of an entity set with writer semantics.
19155             </summary>
19156         </member>
19157         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeWriterResolver.Instance">
19158             <summary>
19159             Singleton instance of the resolver.
19160             </summary>
19161         </member>
19162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeWriterResolver.#ctor">
19163             <summary>
19164             Private constructor to ensure all access goes through the singleton Instance.
19165             </summary>
19166         </member>
19167         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeWriterResolver.GetElementType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
19168             <summary>Returns the element type of the given entity set.</summary>
19169             <param name="entitySet">The entity set to get the element type of.</param>
19170             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> representing the element type of the <paramref name="entitySet"/>.</returns>
19171         </member>
19172         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeWriterResolver.GetReturnType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
19173             <summary>
19174             Returns the return type of the given function import.
19175             </summary>
19176             <param name="functionImport">The function import to get the return type from.</param>
19177             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the return type fo the <paramref name="functionImport"/>.</returns>
19178         </member>
19179         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeWriterResolver.GetReturnType(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport})">
19180             <summary>
19181             Returns the return type of the given function import group.
19182             </summary>
19183             <param name="functionImportGroup">The function import group to get the return type from.</param>
19184             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the return type fo the <paramref name="functionImportGroup"/>.</returns>
19185         </member>
19186         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeWriterResolver.GetParameterType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter)">
19187             <summary>
19188             Gets the function parameter type for write.
19189             </summary>
19190             <param name="functionParameter">The function parameter to resolve the type for.</param>
19191             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> representing the type on the function parameter; or null if no such type could be found.</returns>
19192         </member>
19193         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCoreAsync">
19194             <summary>
19195             Base class for OData collection readers that verifies a proper sequence of read calls on the reader and which support true async operations.
19196             </summary>
19197         </member>
19198         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore">
19199             <summary>
19200             Base class for OData collection readers that verifies a proper sequence of read calls on the reader.
19201             </summary>
19202         </member>
19203         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader">
19204             <summary>
19205             Base class for OData collection readers.
19206             </summary>
19207         </member>
19208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader.Read">
19209             <summary>Reads the next item from the message payload. </summary>
19210             <returns>True if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19211         </member>
19212         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader.State">
19213             <summary>Gets the current state of the reader.</summary>
19214             <returns>The current state of the reader.</returns>
19215         </member>
19216         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader.Item">
19217             <summary>Gets the most recent item that has been read.</summary>
19218             <returns>The most recent item that has been read.</returns>
19219             <remarks>
19220             This property returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> when in state ODataCollectionReaderState.CollectionStart
19221             or ODataCollectionReaderState.CollectionEnd. It returns either a primitive value, an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/> or 'null' when
19222             in state ODataCollectionReaderState.Value and 'null' in all other states.
19223             </remarks>
19224         </member>
19225         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.inputContext">
19226             <summary>The input context to read from.</summary>
19227         </member>
19228         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.scopes">
19229             <summary>Stack of reader scopes to keep track of the current context of the reader.</summary>
19230         </member>
19231         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.listener">
19232             <summary>If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</summary>
19233         </member>
19234         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.collectionValidator">
19235             <summary>The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</summary>
19236         </member>
19237         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.expectedItemTypeReference">
19238             <summary>The expected item type reference for the items in the collection.</summary>
19239             <remarks>If an expected type is specified the collection has to be homogeneous.</remarks>
19240         </member>
19241         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
19242             <summary>
19243             Constructor.
19244             </summary>
19245             <param name="inputContext">The input to read from.</param>
19246             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
19247             <param name="listener">If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</param>
19248         </member>
19249         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Read">
19250             <summary>
19251             Reads the next item from the message payload.
19252             </summary>
19253             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19254         </member>
19255         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReadImplementation">
19256             <summary>
19257             Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> from the message payload.
19258             </summary>
19259             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19260         </member>
19261         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReadAtStartImplementation">
19262             <summary>
19263             Implementation of the collection reader logic when in state 'Start'.
19264             </summary>
19265             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19266         </member>
19267         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReadAtCollectionStartImplementation">
19268             <summary>
19269             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionStart'.
19270             </summary>
19271             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19272         </member>
19273         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReadAtValueImplementation">
19274             <summary>
19275             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Value'.
19276             </summary>
19277             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19278         </member>
19279         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReadAtCollectionEndImplementation">
19280             <summary>
19281             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionEnd'.
19282             </summary>
19283             <returns>Should be false since no more nodes can be read from the reader after the collection ends.</returns>
19284         </member>
19285         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReadSynchronously">
19286             <summary>
19287             Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> from the message payload.
19288             </summary>
19289             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19290         </member>
19291         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState,System.Object)">
19292             <summary>
19293             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope"/> for the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
19294             with the provided <paramref name="item"/> and pushes it on the stack of scopes.
19295             </summary>
19296             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
19297             <param name="item">The item to attach with the state in the new scope.</param>
19298         </member>
19299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
19300             <summary>
19301             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope"/> for the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
19302             with the provided <paramref name="item"/> and pushes it on the stack of scopes.
19303             </summary>
19304             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
19305             <param name="item">The item to attach with the state in the new scope.</param>
19306             <param name="isCollectionElementEmpty">The state of the collection element - empty or not-empty.</param>
19307         </member>
19308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReplaceScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState,System.Object)">
19309             <summary>
19310             Replaces the current scope with a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope"/> with the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
19311             the item of the current scope.
19312             </summary>
19313             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
19314             <param name="item">The item associated with the replacement state.</param>
19315         </member>
19316         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.PopScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState)">
19317             <summary>
19318             Removes the current scope from the stack of all scopes.
19319             </summary>
19320             <param name="state">The expected state of the current scope (to be popped).</param>
19321         </member>
19322         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.InterceptException``1(System.Func{``0})">
19323             <summary>
19324             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the reader into
19325             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
19326             </summary>
19327             <typeparam name="T">The type returned from the <paramref name="action"/> to execute.</typeparam>
19328             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
19329             <returns>The result of executing the <paramref name="action"/>.</returns>
19330         </member>
19331         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.VerifyCanRead(System.Boolean)">
19332             <summary>
19333             Verifies that calling Read is valid.
19334             </summary>
19335             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
19336         </member>
19337         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
19338             <summary>
19339             Verifies that a call is allowed to the reader.
19340             </summary>
19341             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
19342         </member>
19343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.VerifySynchronousCallAllowed">
19344             <summary>
19345             Verifies that a synchronous operation is allowed on this reader.
19346             </summary>
19347         </member>
19348         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.State">
19349             <summary>
19350             The current state of the reader.
19351             </summary>
19352         </member>
19353         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Item">
19354             <summary>
19355             The most recent item that has been read.
19356             </summary>
19357         </member>
19358         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.IsCollectionElementEmpty">
19359             <summary>
19360             The state of the collection element - empty or non-empty.
19361             </summary>
19362             <remarks>
19363             Only used by ATOM.
19364             </remarks>
19365         </member>
19366         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.ExpectedItemTypeReference">
19367             <summary>
19368             The expected item type for the items in the collection.
19369             </summary>
19370         </member>
19371         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.CollectionValidator">
19372             <summary>
19373             The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.
19374             </summary>
19375         </member>
19376         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.IsReadingNestedPayload">
19377             <summary>
19378             Returns true if we are reading a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.
19379             </summary>
19380         </member>
19381         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope">
19382             <summary>
19383             A collection reader scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
19384             </summary>
19385         </member>
19386         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.state">
19387             <summary>The reader state of this scope.</summary>
19388         </member>
19389         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.item">
19390             <summary>The item attached to this scope.</summary>
19391         </member>
19392         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.isCollectionElementEmpty">
19393             <summary>True, if the collection element attached to this scope is empty. False otherwise.</summary>
19394         </member>
19395         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState,System.Object)">
19396             <summary>
19397             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
19398             </summary>
19399             <param name="state">The reader state of this scope.</param>
19400             <param name="item">The item attached to this scope.</param>
19401         </member>
19402         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
19403             <summary>
19404             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
19405             </summary>
19406             <param name="state">The reader state of this scope.</param>
19407             <param name="item">The item attached to this scope.</param>
19408             <param name="isCollectionElementEmpty">The state of the collection element - empty or not-empty</param>
19409         </member>
19410         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.State">
19411             <summary>
19412             The reader state of this scope.
19413             </summary>
19414         </member>
19415         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.Item">
19416             <summary>
19417             The item attached to this scope.
19418             </summary>
19419         </member>
19420         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCore.Scope.IsCollectionElementEmpty">
19421             <summary>
19422             The state of the Collection Element - empty or non-empty.
19423             </summary>
19424         </member>
19425         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderCoreAsync.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
19426             <summary>
19427             Constructor.
19428             </summary>
19429             <param name="inputContext">The input to read from.</param>
19430             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
19431             <param name="listener">If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</param>
19432         </member>
19433         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1">
19434             <summary>
19435             A simple implementation of LazyOfT since the framework version is not available in all platforms we compile this code in...
19436             </summary>
19437             <typeparam name="T">Type to lazy create.</typeparam>
19438         </member>
19439         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.mutex">
19440             <summary>
19441             For thread safty in creating the value.
19442             </summary>
19443         </member>
19444         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.factory">
19445             <summary>
19446             The factory method to create the lazy instance.
19447             </summary>
19448         </member>
19449         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.value">
19450             <summary>
19451             Holds the lazy instance to create.
19452             </summary>
19453         </member>
19454         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.valueCreated">
19455             <summary>
19456             true if the factory method has been called, false otherwise.
19457             </summary>
19458         </member>
19459         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.#ctor(System.Func{`0})">
19460             <summary>
19461             Creates an instance of ODataLazyOfT.
19462             </summary>
19463             <param name="factory">The factory method to create the lazy instance.</param>
19464         </member>
19465         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.#ctor(System.Func{`0},System.Boolean)">
19466             <summary>
19467             Creates an instance of ODataLazyOfT.
19468             </summary>
19469             <param name="factory">The factory method to create the lazy instance.</param>
19470             <param name="isThreadSafe">true if the value will be created in a thread safety, false assume single thread access to Value.</param>
19471         </member>
19472         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.CreateValue">
19473             <summary>
19474             Creates the value.
19475             </summary>
19476         </member>
19477         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.SimpleLazy`1.Value">
19478             <summary>
19479             Creates the value if it hasn't already been created and returns the created value.
19480             </summary>
19481         </member>
19482         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri">
19483             <summary>
19484             Simple structure for storing both a base URI and the select clause for generating metadata links in JSON-Light payloads.
19485             </summary>
19486         </member>
19487         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri.baseUri">
19488             <summary>The base uri to the metadata document.</summary>
19489         </member>
19490         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri.selectClause">
19491             <summary>The select clause to include when generating metadata links.</summary>
19492         </member>
19493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri.#ctor(System.Uri)">
19494             <summary>
19495             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri"/>.
19496             </summary>
19497             <param name="baseUri">The base uri to the metadata document.</param>
19498         </member>
19499         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri.BaseUri">
19500             <summary>
19501             Gets the base uri to the metadata document.
19502             </summary>
19503         </member>
19504         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri.SelectClause">
19505             <summary>
19506             Gets the select clause to include when generating metadata links.
19507             </summary>
19508         </member>
19509         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNullValue">
19510             <summary>
19511             Represents a null property value.
19512             </summary>
19513         </member>
19514         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNullValue.IsNullValue">
19515             <summary>
19516             Indicates whether the given value is a null value.
19517             </summary>
19518             <value> true, since this object always represents a null value. </value>
19519         </member>
19520         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCoreAsync">
19521             <summary>
19522             Base class for OData parameter readers that verifies a proper sequence of read calls on the reader with truly async operations.
19523             </summary>
19524         </member>
19525         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore">
19526             <summary>
19527             Base class for OData parameter readers that verifies a proper sequence of read calls on the reader.
19528             </summary>
19529         </member>
19530         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader">
19531             <summary> Base class for OData parameter readers. </summary>
19532         </member>
19533         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader.CreateCollectionReader">
19534             <summary> Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection value when the state is ODataParameterReaderState.Collection. </summary>
19535             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection value when the state is ODataParameterReaderState.Collection.</returns>
19536             <remarks>
19537             When the state is ODataParameterReaderState.Collection, the Name property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns the name of the parameter
19538             and the Value property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns null. Calling this method in any other state will cause an ODataException to be thrown.
19539             </remarks>
19540         </member>
19541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader.Read">
19542             <summary> Reads the next parameter from the message payload. </summary>
19543             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19544         </member>
19545         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader.State">
19546             <summary> Gets the current state of the reader. </summary>
19547             <returns> The current state of the reader. </returns>
19548         </member>
19549         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader.Name">
19550             <summary> Gets the name of the current parameter that is being read. </summary>
19551             <returns> The name of the current parameter that is being read. </returns>
19552         </member>
19553         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader.Value">
19554             <summary> Gets the value of the current parameter that is being read. </summary>
19555             <returns> The value of the current parameter that is being read. </returns>
19556             <remarks>
19557             This property returns a primitive value, an ODataComplexValue or null when State is ODataParameterReaderState.Value.
19558             This property returns null when State is ODataParameterReaderState.Entry, ODataParameterReaderState.Feed or ODataParameterReaderState.Collection.
19559             </remarks>
19560         </member>
19561         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener">
19562             <summary>
19563             An interface that allows the creator of a reader/writer to listen for status changes of the created reader/writer.
19564             </summary>
19565         </member>
19566         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener.OnException">
19567             <summary>
19568             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the created reader is in Exception state.
19569             </summary>
19570         </member>
19571         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener.OnCompleted">
19572             <summary>
19573             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the created reader is in Completed state.
19574             </summary>
19575         </member>
19576         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.inputContext">
19577             <summary>The input context to read from.</summary>
19578         </member>
19579         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.functionImport">
19580             <summary>The function import whose parameters are being read.</summary>
19581         </member>
19582         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.scopes">
19583             <summary>Stack of reader scopes to keep track of the current context of the reader.</summary>
19584         </member>
19585         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.parametersRead">
19586             <summary>Hash set to keep track of all the parameters read from the payload.</summary>
19587         </member>
19588         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.subReaderState">
19589             <summary>Tracks the state of the sub-reader.</summary>
19590         </member>
19591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
19592             <summary>
19593             Constructor.
19594             </summary>
19595             <param name="inputContext">The input to read from.</param>
19596             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
19597         </member>
19598         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.CreateCollectionReader">
19599             <summary>
19600             This method creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection value when the state is ODataParameterReaderState.Collection.
19601             </summary>
19602             <remarks>
19603             When the state is ODataParameterReaderState.Collection, the Name property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns the name of the parameter
19604             and the Value property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns null. Calling this method in any other state will cause an ODataException to be thrown.
19605             </remarks>
19606             <returns>Returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection value when the state is ODataParameterReaderState.Collection.</returns>
19607         </member>
19608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Read">
19609             <summary>
19610             Reads the next item from the message payload.
19611             </summary>
19612             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19613         </member>
19614         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataReaderWriterListener#OnException">
19615             <summary>
19616             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the created reader is in Exception state.
19617             </summary>
19618         </member>
19619         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataReaderWriterListener#OnCompleted">
19620             <summary>
19621             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the created reader is in Completed state.
19622             </summary>
19623         </member>
19624         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.GetParameterTypeReference(System.String)">
19625             <summary>
19626             Returns the type reference of the parameter in question.
19627             </summary>
19628             <param name="parameterName">Name of the parameter in question.</param>
19629             <returns>Returns the type reference of the parameter in question.</returns>
19630         </member>
19631         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState,System.String,System.Object)">
19632             <summary>
19633             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope"/> for the specified <paramref name="state"/> with the provided
19634             <paramref name="name"/> and <paramref name="value"/> and pushes it on the stack of scopes.
19635             </summary>
19636             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
19637             <param name="name">The paramter name to attach with the state in the new scope.</param>
19638             <param name="value">The paramter value to attach with the state in the new scope.</param>
19639         </member>
19640         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.PopScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState)">
19641             <summary>
19642             Removes the current scope from the stack of all scopes.
19643             </summary>
19644             <param name="state">The expected state of the current scope (to be popped).</param>
19645         </member>
19646         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.OnParameterCompleted">
19647             <summary>
19648             Called when the a parameter was completed.
19649             </summary>
19650         </member>
19651         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.ReadImplementation">
19652             <summary>
19653             Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> from the message payload.
19654             </summary>
19655             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19656         </member>
19657         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.ReadAtStartImplementation">
19658             <summary>
19659             Implementation of the parameter reader logic when in state 'Start'.
19660             </summary>
19661             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19662         </member>
19663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.ReadNextParameterImplementation">
19664             <summary>
19665             Implementation of the reader logic when in state Value, Entry, Feed or Collection state.
19666             </summary>
19667             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19668         </member>
19669         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.CreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
19670             <summary>
19671             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.
19672             </summary>
19673             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">Expected item type reference of the collection to read.</param>
19674             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.</returns>
19675         </member>
19676         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.ReadSynchronously">
19677             <summary>
19678             Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> from the message payload.
19679             </summary>
19680             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19681         </member>
19682         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.GetCreateReaderMethodName(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState)">
19683             <summary>
19684             Gets the corresponding create reader method name for the given state.
19685             </summary>
19686             <param name="state">State in question.</param>
19687             <returns>Returns the name of the method to create the correct reader for the given state.</returns>
19688         </member>
19689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.VerifyCanCreateSubReader(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState)">
19690             <summary>
19691             Verifies that one of CreateEntryReader(), CreateFeedReader() or CreateCollectionReader() can be called.
19692             </summary>
19693             <param name="expectedState">The expected state of the reader.</param>
19694         </member>
19695         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.InterceptException``1(System.Func{``0})">
19696             <summary>
19697             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the reader into
19698             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
19699             </summary>
19700             <typeparam name="T">The type returned from the <paramref name="action"/> to execute.</typeparam>
19701             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
19702             <returns>The result of executing the <paramref name="action"/>.</returns>
19703         </member>
19704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.VerifyCanRead(System.Boolean)">
19705             <summary>
19706             Verifies that calling Read is valid.
19707             </summary>
19708             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
19709         </member>
19710         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
19711             <summary>
19712             Verifies that a call is allowed to the reader.
19713             </summary>
19714             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
19715         </member>
19716         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.VerifySynchronousCallAllowed">
19717             <summary>
19718             Verifies that a synchronous operation is allowed on this reader.
19719             </summary>
19720         </member>
19721         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.State">
19722             <summary>
19723             The current state of the reader.
19724             </summary>
19725         </member>
19726         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Name">
19727             <summary>
19728             The name of the current parameter that is being read.
19729             </summary>
19730         </member>
19731         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Value">
19732             <summary>
19733             The value of the current parameter that is being read.
19734             </summary>
19735             <remarks>
19736             This property returns a primitive value, an ODataComplexValue or null when State is ODataParameterReaderState.Value.
19737             This property returns null when State is ODataParameterReaderState.Entry, ODataParameterReaderState.Feed or ODataParameterReaderState.Collection.
19738             </remarks>
19739         </member>
19740         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.FunctionImport">
19741             <summary>
19742             The function import whose parameters are being read.
19743             </summary>
19744         </member>
19745         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.SubReaderState">
19746             <summary>Enum to track the state of the sub-reader.</summary>
19747         </member>
19748         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.SubReaderState.None">
19749             <summary>No sub-reader has been created for the current parameter.</summary>
19750         </member>
19751         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.SubReaderState.Active">
19752             <summary>CreateEntryReader(), CreateFeedReader() or CreateCollectionReader() has been called for the current parameter
19753             and the newly created reader is not in Completed state.</summary>
19754             <remarks>If the sub-reader is in Error state, the ODataParameterReader will enter ODataParameterReaderState.Error.</remarks>
19755         </member>
19756         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.SubReaderState.Completed">
19757             <summary>The created sub-reader is in Completed state.</summary>
19758         </member>
19759         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope">
19760             <summary>
19761             A parameter reader scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
19762             </summary>
19763         </member>
19764         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope.state">
19765             <summary>The reader state of this scope.</summary>
19766         </member>
19767         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope.name">
19768             <summary>The parameter name attached to this scope.</summary>
19769         </member>
19770         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope.value">
19771             <summary>The parameter value attached to this scope.</summary>
19772         </member>
19773         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState,System.String,System.Object)">
19774             <summary>
19775             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
19776             </summary>
19777             <param name="state">The reader state of this scope.</param>
19778             <param name="name">The parameter name attached to this scope.</param>
19779             <param name="value">The parameter value attached to this scope.</param>
19780         </member>
19781         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope.State">
19782             <summary>
19783             The reader state of this scope.
19784             </summary>
19785         </member>
19786         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope.Name">
19787             <summary>
19788             The parameter name attached to this scope.
19789             </summary>
19790         </member>
19791         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCore.Scope.Value">
19792             <summary>
19793             The parameter value attached to this scope.
19794             </summary>
19795         </member>
19796         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderCoreAsync.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
19797             <summary>
19798             Constructor.
19799             </summary>
19800             <param name="inputContext">The input to read from.</param>
19801             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
19802         </member>
19803         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPrimitiveValue">
19804             <summary>
19805             Represents a primitive property value.
19806             </summary>
19807         </member>
19808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPrimitiveValue.#ctor(System.Object)">
19809             <summary>
19810             Creates a new primitive value from the given CLR value.
19811             </summary>
19812             <param name="value">The primitive to wrap.</param>
19813             <remarks>The primitive value should not be an instance of ODataValue.</remarks>
19814         </member>
19815         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPrimitiveValue.Value">
19816             <summary>
19817             Gets the underlying CLR object wrapped by this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPrimitiveValue"/>.
19818             </summary>
19819             <value> The underlying primitive CLR value. </value>
19820         </member>
19821         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCoreAsync">
19822             <summary>
19823             Base class for OData readers that verifies a proper sequence of read calls on the reader with true async operations.
19824             </summary>
19825         </member>
19826         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore">
19827             <summary>
19828             Base class for OData readers that verifies a proper sequence of read calls on the reader.
19829             </summary>
19830         </member>
19831         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader">
19832             <summary>
19833             Base class for OData readers.
19834             </summary>
19835         </member>
19836         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader.Read">
19837             <summary> Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem" /> from the message payload. </summary>
19838             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19839         </member>
19840         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader.State">
19841             <summary>Gets the current state of the reader. </summary>
19842             <returns>The current state of the reader.</returns>
19843         </member>
19844         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader.Item">
19845             <summary>Gets the most recent <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem" /> that has been read. </summary>
19846             <returns>The most recent <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem" /> that has been read.</returns>
19847         </member>
19848         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.inputContext">
19849             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
19850         </member>
19851         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.readingFeed">
19852             <summary>true if the reader was created for reading a feed; false when it was created for reading an entry.</summary>
19853         </member>
19854         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.scopes">
19855             <summary>Stack of reader scopes to keep track of the current context of the reader.</summary>
19856         </member>
19857         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.listener">
19858             <summary>If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</summary>
19859         </member>
19860         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.feedValidator">
19861             <summary>
19862             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator"/> to use for entries in this feed.
19863             Only applies when reading a top-level feed; otherwise null.
19864             </summary>
19865         </member>
19866         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.currentEntryDepth">
19867             <summary>The number of entries which have been started but not yet ended.</summary>
19868         </member>
19869         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
19870             <summary>
19871             Constructor.
19872             </summary>
19873             <param name="inputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
19874             <param name="readingFeed">true if the reader is created for reading a feed; false when it is created for reading an entry.</param>
19875             <param name="listener">If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</param>
19876         </member>
19877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Read">
19878             <summary>
19879             Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> from the message payload.
19880             </summary>
19881             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19882         </member>
19883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtStartImplementation">
19884             <summary>
19885             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
19886             </summary>
19887             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19888         </member>
19889         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtFeedStartImplementation">
19890             <summary>
19891             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedStart'.
19892             </summary>
19893             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19894         </member>
19895         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtFeedEndImplementation">
19896             <summary>
19897             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedEnd'.
19898             </summary>
19899             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19900         </member>
19901         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtEntryStartImplementation">
19902             <summary>
19903             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryStart'.
19904             </summary>
19905             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19906         </member>
19907         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtEntryEndImplementation">
19908             <summary>
19909             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryEnd'.
19910             </summary>
19911             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19912         </member>
19913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtNavigationLinkStartImplementation">
19914             <summary>
19915             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkStart'.
19916             </summary>
19917             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19918         </member>
19919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtNavigationLinkEndImplementation">
19920             <summary>
19921             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkEnd'.
19922             </summary>
19923             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19924         </member>
19925         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadAtEntityReferenceLink">
19926             <summary>
19927             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntityReferenceLink'.
19928             </summary>
19929             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
19930         </member>
19931         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope)">
19932             <summary>
19933             Pushes the <paramref name="scope"/> on the stack of scopes.
19934             </summary>
19935             <param name="scope">The scope to enter.</param>
19936         </member>
19937         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReplaceScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope)">
19938             <summary>
19939             Replaces the current scope with the specified <paramref name="scope"/>.
19940             </summary>
19941             <param name="scope">The scope to replace the current scope with.</param>
19942         </member>
19943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.PopScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState)">
19944             <summary>
19945             Removes the current scope from the stack of all scopes.
19946             </summary>
19947             <param name="state">The expected state of the current scope (to be popped).</param>
19948         </member>
19949         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.EndEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope)">
19950             <summary>
19951             Called to transition into the EntryEnd state.
19952             </summary>
19953             <param name="scope">The scope for the EntryEnd state.</param>
19954         </member>
19955         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ApplyEntityTypeNameFromPayload(System.String)">
19956             <summary>
19957             If an entity type name is found in the payload this method is called to apply it to the current scope.
19958             This method should be called even if the type name was not found in which case a null should be passed in.
19959             The method validates that some type will be available as the current entity type after it returns (if we are parsing using metadata).
19960             </summary>
19961             <param name="entityTypeNameFromPayload">The entity type name found in the payload or null if no type was specified in the payload.</param>
19962         </member>
19963         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadSynchronously">
19964             <summary>
19965             Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> from the message payload.
19966             </summary>
19967             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19968         </member>
19969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.IncreaseEntryDepth">
19970             <summary>
19971             Increments the nested entry count by one and fails if the new value exceeds the maxiumum nested entry depth limit.
19972             </summary>
19973         </member>
19974         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.DecreaseEntryDepth">
19975             <summary>
19976             Decrements the nested entry count by one.
19977             </summary>
19978         </member>
19979         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadImplementation">
19980             <summary>
19981             Reads the next <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> from the message payload.
19982             </summary>
19983             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
19984         </member>
19985         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.InterceptException``1(System.Func{``0})">
19986             <summary>
19987             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the reader into
19988             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
19989             </summary>
19990             <typeparam name="T">The type returned from the <paramref name="action"/> to execute.</typeparam>
19991             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
19992             <returns>The result of executing the <paramref name="action"/>.</returns>
19993         </member>
19994         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.VerifyCanRead(System.Boolean)">
19995             <summary>
19996             Verifies that calling Read is valid.
19997             </summary>
19998             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
19999         </member>
20000         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
20001             <summary>
20002             Verifies that a call is allowed to the reader.
20003             </summary>
20004             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
20005         </member>
20006         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.State">
20007             <summary>
20008             The current state of the reader.
20009             </summary>
20010         </member>
20011         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Item">
20012             <summary>
20013             The most recent <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem"/> that has been read.
20014             </summary>
20015         </member>
20016         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentEntry">
20017             <summary>
20018             Returns the current item as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/>. Must only be called if the item actually is an entry.
20019             </summary>
20020         </member>
20021         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentFeed">
20022             <summary>
20023             Returns the current item as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/>. Must only be called if the item actually is a feed.
20024             </summary>
20025         </member>
20026         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentNavigationLink">
20027             <summary>
20028             Returns the current item as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink"/>. Must only be called if the item actually is a navigation link.
20029             </summary>
20030         </member>
20031         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentEntityReferenceLink">
20032             <summary>
20033             Returns the current item as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/>. Must only be called if the item actually is an entity reference link.
20034             </summary>
20035         </member>
20036         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentEntityType">
20037             <summary>
20038             Returns the expected entity type for the current scope.
20039             </summary>
20040         </member>
20041         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentEntitySet">
20042             <summary>
20043             Returns the entity set for the current scope.
20044             </summary>
20045         </member>
20046         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentScope">
20047             <summary>
20048             Returns the current scope.
20049             </summary>
20050         </member>
20051         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.LinkParentEntityScope">
20052             <summary>
20053             Returns the scope of the entity owning the current link.
20054             </summary>
20055         </member>
20056         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.IsTopLevel">
20057             <summary>
20058             A flag indicating whether the reader is at the top level.
20059             </summary>
20060         </member>
20061         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ExpandedLinkContentParentScope">
20062             <summary>
20063             If the current scope is a content of an expanded link, this returns the parent navigation link scope, otherwise null.
20064             </summary>
20065         </member>
20066         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.IsExpandedLinkContent">
20067             <summary>
20068             True if we are reading an entry or feed that is the direct content of an expanded link. Otherwise false.
20069             </summary>
20070         </member>
20071         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.ReadingFeed">
20072             <summary>
20073             Set to true if a feed is being read.
20074             </summary>
20075         </member>
20076         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.IsReadingNestedPayload">
20077             <summary>
20078             Returns true if we are reading a nested payload, e.g. an entry or a feed within a parameters payload.
20079             </summary>
20080         </member>
20081         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.CurrentFeedValidator">
20082             <summary>
20083             Validator to validate consistency of entries in top-level feeds.
20084             </summary>
20085             <remarks>We only use this for top-level feeds since we support collection validation for 
20086             feeds only when metadata is available and in these cases we already validate the 
20087             types of the entries in nested feeds.</remarks>
20088         </member>
20089         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope">
20090             <summary>
20091             A reader scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
20092             </summary>
20093         </member>
20094         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope.state">
20095             <summary>The reader state of this scope.</summary>
20096         </member>
20097         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope.item">
20098             <summary>The item attached to this scope.</summary>
20099         </member>
20100         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
20101             <summary>
20102             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
20103             </summary>
20104             <param name="state">The reader state of this scope.</param>
20105             <param name="item">The item attached to this scope.</param>
20106             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
20107             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the scope.</param>
20108             <remarks>The <paramref name="expectedEntityType"/> has the following meanings for given state:
20109             Start -               it's the expected base type of the top-level entry or entries in the top-level feed.
20110             FeedStart -           it's the expected base type of the entries in the feed.
20111                                   note that it might be a more derived type than the base type of the entity set for the feed.
20112             EntryStart -          it's the expected base type of the entry. If the entry has no type name specified
20113                                   this type will be assumed. Otherwise the specified type name must be
20114                                   the expected type or a more derived type.
20115             NavigationLinkStart - it's the expected base type the entries in the expanded link (either the single entry
20116                                   or entries in the expanded feed).
20117             EntityReferenceLink - it's null, no need for types on entity reference links.
20118             In all cases the specified type must be an entity type.</remarks>
20119         </member>
20120         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope.State">
20121             <summary>
20122             The reader state of this scope.
20123             </summary>
20124         </member>
20125         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope.Item">
20126             <summary>
20127             The item attached to this scope.
20128             </summary>
20129         </member>
20130         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope.EntitySet">
20131             <summary>
20132             The entity set we are reading entries from (possibly null).
20133             </summary>
20134         </member>
20135         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope.EntityType">
20136             <summary>
20137             The entity type for this scope. Can be either the expected one if the real one
20138             was not found yet, or the one specified in the payload itself (the real one).
20139             </summary>
20140         </member>
20141         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCoreAsync.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
20142             <summary>
20143             Constructor.
20144             </summary>
20145             <param name="inputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
20146             <param name="readingFeed">true if the reader is created for reading a feed; false when it is created for reading an entry.</param>
20147             <param name="listener">If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</param>
20148         </member>
20149         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionCache`1">
20150             <summary>
20151             Simple ODataVersion specific cache.
20152             </summary>
20153             <typeparam name="T">The type of the item being cached.</typeparam>
20154         </member>
20155         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionCache`1.v1">
20156             <summary>
20157             Lazy constructing T for ODataVersion.V1.
20158             </summary>
20159         </member>
20160         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionCache`1.v2">
20161             <summary>
20162             Lazy constructing T for ODataVersion.V2.
20163             </summary>
20164         </member>
20165         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionCache`1.v3">
20166             <summary>
20167             Lazy constructing T for ODataVersion.V3.
20168             </summary>
20169         </member>
20170         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionCache`1.#ctor(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,`0})">
20171             <summary>
20172             Constructs an instance of the ODataVersionCache.
20173             </summary>
20174             <param name="factory">The method to call to create a new instance of <typeparamref name="T"/> for a given ODataVersion.</param>
20175         </member>
20176         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionCache`1.Item(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
20177             <summary>
20178             Indexer to get the cached item when given the ODataVersion.
20179             </summary>
20180             <param name="version">The ODataVersion to look up.</param>
20181             <returns>The cached item.</returns>
20182         </member>
20183         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter">
20184             <summary>
20185             Class that hanldes writing top level raw values to a stream.
20186             </summary>
20187         </member>
20188         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.settings">
20189             <summary>
20190             Writer settings.
20191             </summary>
20192         </member>
20193         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.stream">
20194             <summary>
20195             Underlying stream. 
20196             </summary>
20197         </member>
20198         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.encoding">
20199             <summary>
20200             Encoding that the TextWriter should use.
20201             </summary>
20202         </member>
20203         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.textWriter">
20204             <summary>
20205             TextWriter instance for writing values.
20206             </summary>
20207         </member>
20208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding)">
20209             <summary>
20210             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter"/> class.
20211             Initializes the TextWriter.
20212             </summary>
20213             <param name="settings">The writer settings.</param>
20214             <param name="stream">The stream.  It should be the same underlying stream the TextWriter uses.</param>
20215             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use in the text writer.</param>
20216         </member>
20217         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.Dispose">
20218             <summary>
20219             Disposes the RawValueWriter. It flushes itself and then disposes its inner TextWriter.
20220             </summary>
20221         </member>
20222         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.Start">
20223             <summary>
20224             Start writing a raw output. This should only be called once.
20225             </summary>
20226         </member>
20227         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.End">
20228             <summary>
20229             End the writing of a raw output. This should be the last thing called.
20230             </summary>
20231         </member>
20232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.WriteRawValue(System.Object)">
20233             <summary>
20234             Converts the specified <paramref name="value"/> into its raw format and writes it to the output.
20235             The value has to be of primitive type. Only one WriteRawValue call should be made before this object gets disposed.
20236             </summary>
20237             <param name="value">The (non-binary) value to write.</param>
20238             <remarks>We do not accept binary values here; WriteBinaryValue should be used for binary data.</remarks>
20239         </member>
20240         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.Flush">
20241             <summary>
20242             Flushes the RawValueWriter. 
20243             The call gets pushed to the TextWriter (if there is one). In production code, this is StreamWriter.Flush, which turns into Stream.Flush.
20244             In the synchronous case the underlying stream is the message stream itself, which will then Flush as well.
20245             In the async case the underlying stream is the async buffered stream, which ignores Flush call.
20246             </summary>
20247         </member>
20248         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.InitializeTextWriter">
20249             <summary>
20250             Initialized a new text writer over the message payload stream.
20251             </summary>
20252             <remarks>This can only be called if the text writer was not yet initialized or it has been closed.
20253             It can be called several times with CloseWriter calls in between though.</remarks>
20254         </member>
20255         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.RawValueWriter.TextWriter">
20256             <summary>
20257             Gets the text writer.
20258             </summary>
20259         </member>
20260         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValueUtils">
20261             <summary>
20262             Class with utility methods to deal with values in ODataLib.
20263             </summary>
20264         </member>
20265         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValueUtils.ToODataValue(System.Object)">
20266             <summary>
20267             Converts an object to an ODataValue. If the given object is already an ODataValue (such as an ODataCompleValue, ODataCollectionValue, etc.), the original object will be returned.
20268             </summary>
20269             <param name="objectToConvert">The object to convert to an ODataValue</param>
20270             <returns>The given object as an ODataValue.</returns>
20271         </member>
20272         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValueUtils.FromODataValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataValue)">
20273             <summary>
20274             Converts an ODataValue to the old style of representing values, where null values are null and primitive values are just the direct primitive (no longer wrapped by ODataPrimitiveValue).
20275             All other value types, such as ODataComplexValue and ODataCollectionValue are returned unchanged.
20276             </summary>
20277             <param name="odataValue">The value to convert.</param>
20278             <returns>The value behind the given ODataValue.</returns>
20279         </member>
20280         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode">
20281             <summary>
20282             Represents a tree of selected properties based on the $select query option.
20283             </summary>
20284             <remarks>
20285             When reading, it controls the template expansion in JSON Light.
20286             </remarks>
20287         </member>
20288         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.PathSeparator">
20289             <summary>The separator character used to separate property names in a path.</summary>
20290         </member>
20291         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.ItemSeparator">
20292             <summary>The separator character used to separate paths from each other.</summary>
20293         </member>
20294         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.Empty">
20295             <summary>Singleton which indicates that the nothing is selected.</summary>
20296         </member>
20297         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.EntireSubtree">
20298             <summary>Singleton which indicates that the entire subtree is selected.</summary>
20299         </member>
20300         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.EmptyStreamProperties">
20301             <summary>An empty set of stream properties to return when nothing is selected.</summary>
20302         </member>
20303         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.EmptyNavigationProperties">
20304             <summary>An empty set of navigation properties to return when nothing is selected.</summary>
20305         </member>
20306         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.selectionType">
20307             <summary>The type of the current node.</summary>
20308         </member>
20309         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.selectedProperties">
20310             <summary>The list of selected properties at the current level.</summary>
20311         </member>
20312         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.children">
20313             <summary>A dictionary of property name to child nodes.</summary>
20314         </member>
20315         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.hasWildcard">
20316             <summary>Indicates that this node had a wildcard selection and all properties at this level should be reported.</summary>
20317         </member>
20318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.#ctor(System.String)">
20319             <summary>
20320             Constructor.
20321             </summary>
20322             <param name="selectClause">The string representation of the selected property hierarchy using 
20323             the same format as in the $select query option.</param>
20324         </member>
20325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.SelectionType)">
20326             <summary>
20327             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode"/> class from being created.
20328             </summary>
20329             <param name="selectionType">Type of the selection.</param>
20330         </member>
20331         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.Create(System.String)">
20332             <summary>
20333             Creates a node from the given raw $select query option value.
20334             </summary>
20335             <param name="selectQueryOption">The value of the $select query option.</param>
20336             <returns>A tree representation of the selected properties specified in the query option.</returns>
20337         </member>
20338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.CombineNodes(Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
20339             <summary>
20340             Recursively combines the left and right nodes. Used when there are type segments present in the select paths which
20341             causes there to be multiple children for the same property/navigation.
20342             </summary>
20343             <param name="left">The left node.</param>
20344             <param name="right">The right node.</param>
20345             <returns>The combined node.</returns>
20346         </member>
20347         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.GetSelectedPropertiesForNavigationProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.String)">
20348             <summary>
20349             Gets the selected properties node for the specified navigation property.
20350             </summary>
20351             <param name="entityType">The current entity type.</param>
20352             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property.</param>
20353             <returns>The selected properties node for the property with name <paramref name="navigationPropertyName"/>.</returns>
20354         </member>
20355         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.GetSelectedNavigationProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
20356             <summary>
20357             Gets the selected navigation properties for the current node.
20358             </summary>
20359             <param name="entityType">The current entity type.</param>
20360             <returns>The set of selected navigation properties.</returns>
20361         </member>
20362         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.GetSelectedStreamProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
20363             <summary>
20364             Gets the selected stream properties for the current node.
20365             </summary>
20366             <param name="entityType">The current entity type.</param>
20367             <returns>The selected stream properties.</returns>
20368         </member>
20369         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.IsOperationSelected(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Boolean)">
20370             <summary>
20371             Determines whether or not the given operation is selected and takes type-segments into account.
20372             </summary>
20373             <param name="entityType">The current entity type.</param>
20374             <param name="operation">The operation.</param>
20375             <param name="mustBeContainerQualified">Whether or not the operation name must be container qualified in the $select string.</param>
20376             <returns>
20377               <c>true</c> if the operation is selected; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
20378             </returns>
20379         </member>
20380         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.GetBaseTypesAndSelf(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
20381             <summary>
20382             Gets an enumerable containing the given type and all of its base/ancestor types.
20383             </summary>
20384             <param name="entityType">The starting entity type. Will be included in the returned enumeration.</param>
20385             <returns>An enumerable containing the given type and all of its base/ancestor types.</returns>
20386         </member>
20387         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.CreateSelectedPropertiesHashSet(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
20388             <summary>
20389             Creates a new hash set for storing the names of selected properties.
20390             </summary>
20391             <param name="properties">The initial set of selected properties to store in the hash set.</param>
20392             <returns>The hash set.</returns>
20393         </member>
20394         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.CreateSelectedPropertiesHashSet">
20395             <summary>
20396             Creates a new hash set for storing the names of selected properties.
20397             </summary>
20398             <returns>The hash set.</returns>
20399         </member>
20400         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.GetPossibleMatchesForSelectedOperation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Boolean)">
20401             <summary>
20402             Gets the possible identifiers that could cause the given operation to be selected.
20403             </summary>
20404             <param name="operation">The operation.</param>
20405             <param name="mustBeContainerQualified">Whether the operations must be container qualified.</param>
20406             <returns>The identifiers to look for in the $select string when determining if this action is selected.</returns>
20407         </member>
20408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.GetMatchingTypeSegments(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
20409             <summary>
20410             Gets the matching type segments for the given type based on this node's children.
20411             </summary>
20412             <param name="entityType">The entity type to match.</param>
20413             <returns>All child nodes which start with a type segment in the given types hierarchy.</returns>
20414         </member>
20415         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.ParsePathSegment(System.String[],System.Int32)">
20416             <summary>
20417             Parses the segments of a path in the select clause.
20418             </summary>
20419             <param name="segments">The segments of the select path.</param>
20420             <param name="index">The index of the segment to parse.</param>
20421         </member>
20422         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.EnsureChildAnnotation(System.String)">
20423             <summary>
20424             Ensures that a child annotation for the specified segment name already exists; if not creates one.
20425             </summary>
20426             <param name="segmentName">The segment name to get the child annotation for.</param>
20427             <returns>The existing or newly created child annotation for the <paramref name="segmentName"/>.</returns>
20428         </member>
20429         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.IsOperationSelectedAtThisLevel(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Boolean)">
20430             <summary>
20431             Determines whether or not the given operation is selected without taking type segments into account.
20432             </summary>
20433             <param name="operation">The operation.</param>
20434             <param name="mustBeContainerQualified">Whether the operations must be container qualified.</param>
20435             <returns>
20436               <c>true</c> if the operation is selected; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
20437             </returns>
20438         </member>
20439         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.SelectionType">
20440             <summary>
20441             Enum representing the different special cases of selection.
20442             </summary>
20443         </member>
20444         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.SelectionType.Empty">
20445             <summary>
20446             Represents the case where no properties are selected.
20447             </summary>
20448         </member>
20449         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.SelectionType.EntireSubtree">
20450             <summary>
20451             Represents the case where an entire subtree is selected.
20452             </summary>
20453         </member>
20454         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode.SelectionType.PartialSubtree">
20455             <summary>
20456             The normal case where a partial subtree has been selected.
20457             </summary>
20458         </member>
20459         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup">
20460             <summary>
20461             Class representing an annotation group in the JSON Light format.
20462             </summary>
20463         </member>
20464         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup.name">
20465             <summary>The name of the annotation group.</summary>
20466         </member>
20467         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup.annotations">
20468             <summary>The (instance and property) annotations included in this annotation group.</summary>
20469         </member>
20470         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup.Name">
20471             <summary>
20472             The name of the annotation group.
20473             </summary>
20474             <remarks>The name has to be unique across the whole JSON Light payload.</remarks>
20475         </member>
20476         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup.Annotations">
20477             <summary>
20478             The (instance and property) annotations included in this annotation group.
20479             </summary>
20480             <remarks>The keys in the dictionary are the names of the annotations, the values are their values.</remarks>
20481         </member>
20482         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils">
20483             <summary>
20484             Class with utility methods to deal with EDM values
20485             </summary>
20486         </member>
20487         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.ConvertPrimitiveValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
20488             <summary>
20489             Converts a primitive OData value to the corresponding <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDelayedValue"/>.
20490             </summary>
20491             <param name="primitiveValue">The primitive OData value to convert.</param>
20492             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> for the primitive value (if available).</param>
20493             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDelayedValue"/> for the <paramref name="primitiveValue"/>.</returns>
20494         </member>
20495         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.ToClrValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPrimitiveValue)">
20496             <summary>
20497             Gets the clr value of the edm value based on its type.
20498             </summary>
20499             <param name="edmValue">The edm value.</param>
20500             <returns>The clr value</returns>
20501         </member>
20502         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.TryGetStreamProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty@)">
20503             <summary>
20504             Tries to get a stream property of the specified name.
20505             </summary>
20506             <param name="entityInstance">The instance of the entity to get the stream property for.</param>
20507             <param name="streamPropertyName">The stream property name to find.</param>
20508             <param name="streamProperty">The stream property found.</param>
20509             <returns>true if the stream property was found or if the stream property name was null (default stream).
20510             false if the stream property doesn't exist.</returns>
20511         </member>
20512         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.GetPrimitivePropertyClrValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,System.String)">
20513             <summary>
20514             Gets the the CLR value for a primitive property.
20515             </summary>
20516             <param name="structuredValue">The structured value.</param>
20517             <param name="propertyName">Name of the property.</param>
20518             <returns>The clr value of the property.</returns>
20519         </member>
20520         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.ConvertFloatingValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmFloatingValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
20521             <summary>
20522             Converts a floating-point edm value to a clr value
20523             </summary>
20524             <param name="floatingValue">The edm floating-point value.</param>
20525             <param name="primitiveKind">Kind of the primitive.</param>
20526             <returns>The converted value</returns>
20527         </member>
20528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.ConvertIntegerValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
20529             <summary>
20530             Converts an integer edm value to a clr value.
20531             </summary>
20532             <param name="integerValue">The integer value.</param>
20533             <param name="primitiveKind">Kind of the primitive.</param>
20534             <returns>The converted value</returns>
20535         </member>
20536         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.ConvertPrimitiveValueWithoutTypeCode(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
20537             <summary>
20538             Convert a primitive value which didn't match any of the known values of the <see cref="T:System.TypeCode"/> enumeration.
20539             </summary>
20540             <param name="primitiveValue">The value to convert.</param>
20541             <param name="type">The expected primitive type or null.</param>
20542             <returns>The converted value.</returns>
20543         </member>
20544         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.EdmValueUtils.EnsurePrimitiveType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
20545             <summary>
20546             Ensures a primitive type reference for a given primitive type kind.
20547             </summary>
20548             <param name="type">The possibly null type reference.</param>
20549             <param name="primitiveKindFromValue">The primitive type kind to ensure.</param>
20550             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference"/> instance created for the <paramref name="primitiveKindFromValue"/> 
20551             if <paramref name="type"/> is null; if <paramref name="type"/> is not null, validates it and then returns it.</returns>
20552         </member>
20553         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo">
20554             <summary>
20555             Class which holds information about navigation link to be reported by the reader.
20556             </summary>
20557         </member>
20558         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.navigationLink">
20559             <summary>
20560             The navigation link to report.
20561             </summary>
20562         </member>
20563         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.navigationProperty">
20564             <summary>
20565             The navigation property for which the link will be reported.
20566             </summary>
20567         </member>
20568         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.isExpanded">
20569             <summary>
20570             true if the navigation link has a value (is expanded).
20571             </summary>
20572         </member>
20573         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.expandedFeed">
20574             <summary>
20575             The expanded feed for expanded navigation link to be reported.
20576             </summary>
20577         </member>
20578         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.entityReferenceLinks">
20579             <summary>
20580             List of entity reference links to be reported to the navigation link.
20581             </summary>
20582             <remarks>
20583             If the navigation link is a singleton this will hold up to 1 item.
20584             If the navigation link is a collection this will hold any number of items.
20585             When the entity reference link is reported it is removed from this list.
20586             </remarks>
20587         </member>
20588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Boolean)">
20589             <summary>
20590             Constructor.
20591             </summary>
20592             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to report.</param>
20593             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the link will be reported.</param>
20594             <param name="isExpanded">true if the navigation link is expanded.</param>
20595         </member>
20596         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.CreateDeferredLinkInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
20597             <summary>
20598             Creates a navigation link info for a deferred link.
20599             </summary>
20600             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to report.</param>
20601             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the link will be reported.</param>
20602             <returns>The navigation link info created.</returns>
20603         </member>
20604         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.CreateExpandedEntryLinkInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
20605             <summary>
20606             Creates a navigation link info for an expanded entry link.
20607             </summary>
20608             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to report.</param>
20609             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the link will be reported.</param>
20610             <returns>The navigation link info created.</returns>
20611         </member>
20612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.CreateExpandedFeedLinkInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
20613             <summary>
20614             Creates a navigation link info for an expanded feed link.
20615             </summary>
20616             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to report.</param>
20617             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the link will be reported.</param>
20618             <param name="expandedFeed">The expanded feed for the navigation link to report.</param>
20619             <returns>The navigation link info created.</returns>
20620         </member>
20621         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.CreateSingletonEntityReferenceLinkInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,System.Boolean)">
20622             <summary>
20623             Creates a navigation link info for a singleton entity reference link.
20624             </summary>
20625             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to report.</param>
20626             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the link will be reported.</param>
20627             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link for the navigation link to report.</param>
20628             <param name="isExpanded">true if the navigation link is expanded.</param>
20629             <returns>The navigation link info created.</returns>
20630         </member>
20631         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.CreateCollectionEntityReferenceLinksInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink},System.Boolean)">
20632             <summary>
20633             Creates a navigation link info for a collection of entity reference links.
20634             </summary>
20635             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to report.</param>
20636             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the link will be reported.</param>
20637             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The entity reference links for the navigation link to report.</param>
20638             <param name="isExpanded">true if the navigation link is expanded.</param>
20639             <returns>The navigation link info created.</returns>
20640         </member>
20641         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.CreateProjectedNavigationLinkInfo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
20642             <summary>
20643             Creates a navigation link info for a projected navigation link that is missing from the payload.
20644             </summary>
20645             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the link will be reported.</param>
20646             <returns>The navigation link info created.</returns>
20647         </member>
20648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.ReportEntityReferenceLink">
20649             <summary>
20650             Gets the next entity reference link to report and removes it from the internal storage.
20651             </summary>
20652             <returns>The entity reference link to report or null.</returns>
20653         </member>
20654         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.NavigationLink">
20655             <summary>
20656             The navigation link to report.
20657             </summary>
20658         </member>
20659         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.NavigationProperty">
20660             <summary>
20661             The navigation property for which the link will be reported.
20662             </summary>
20663         </member>
20664         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.IsExpanded">
20665             <summary>
20666             true if the navigation link is expanded (has a value).
20667             </summary>
20668         </member>
20669         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.ExpandedFeed">
20670             <summary>
20671             The expanded feed for expanded navigation link to be reported.
20672             </summary>
20673         </member>
20674         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo.HasEntityReferenceLink">
20675             <summary>
20676             true if the link info has entity reference link which was not yet reported, false otherwise.
20677             </summary>
20678         </member>
20679         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer">
20680             <summary>
20681             OData JsonLight deserializer for parameter payloads.
20682             </summary>
20683         </member>
20684         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer">
20685             <summary>
20686             OData JsonLight deserializer for properties and value types.
20687             </summary>
20688         </member>
20689         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.missingPropertyValue">
20690             <summary>A sentinel value indicating a missing property value.</summary>
20691         </member>
20692         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.recursionDepth">
20693             <summary>
20694             The current recursion depth of values read by this deserializer, measured by the number of complex, collection, JSON object and JSON array values read so far.
20695             </summary>
20696         </member>
20697         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
20698             <summary>
20699             Constructor.
20700             </summary>
20701             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
20702         </member>
20703         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadTopLevelProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
20704             <summary>
20705             This method creates an reads the property from the input and 
20706             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
20707             </summary>
20708             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
20709             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
20710         </member>
20711         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValue(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
20712             <summary>
20713             Reads a primitive value, complex value or collection.
20714             </summary>
20715             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload as a property annotation, or null if none is available.</param>
20716             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property value.</param>
20717             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - if null the method should create a new one if necessary.</param>
20718             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
20719             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
20720             <param name="isTopLevelPropertyValue">true if we are reading a top-level property value; otherwise false.</param>
20721             <param name="insideComplexValue">true if we are reading a complex value and the reader is already positioned inside the complex value; otherwise false.</param>
20722             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
20723             <returns>The value of the property read.</returns>
20724             <remarks>
20725             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue   - the value of the property is a primitive value
20726                             JsonNodeType.StartObject      - the value of the property is an object
20727                             JsonNodeType.StartArray       - the value of the property is an array - method will fail in this case.
20728             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the property value.
20730             Returns the value of the property read, which can be one of:
20731             - null
20732             - primitive value
20733             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/>
20734             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/>
20735             </remarks>
20736         </member>
20737         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValue(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
20738             <summary>
20739             Reads a primitive value, complex value or collection.
20740             </summary>
20741             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload as a property annotation, or null if none is available.</param>
20742             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property value.</param>
20743             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - if null the method should create a new one if necessary.</param>
20744             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
20745             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
20746             <param name="isTopLevelPropertyValue">true if we are reading a top-level property value; otherwise false.</param>
20747             <param name="insideComplexValue">true if we are reading a complex value and the reader is already positioned inside the complex value; otherwise false.</param>
20748             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
20749             <param name="readRawValueEvenIfNoTypeFound">If true: when no type info, read raw value as primitive (not including spatial type), untyped complex or untype collection.</param>
20750             <returns>The value of the property read.</returns>
20751             <remarks>
20752             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue   - the value of the property is a primitive value
20753                             JsonNodeType.StartObject      - the value of the property is an object
20754                             JsonNodeType.StartArray       - the value of the property is an array - method will fail in this case.
20755             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the property value.
20757             Returns the value of the property read, which can be one of:
20758             - null
20759             - primitive value
20760             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/>
20761             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/>
20762             </remarks>
20763         </member>
20764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ValidateDataPropertyTypeNameAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.String)">
20765             <summary>
20766             Gets and validates the type name annotation for the specified property.
20767             </summary>
20768             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker in use for the entry content.</param>
20769             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to get the type name for.</param>
20770             <returns>The type name for the property or null if no type name was found.</returns>
20771         </member>
20772         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.TryReadODataTypeAnnotationValue(System.String,System.String@)">
20773             <summary>
20774             Tries to read an annotation as OData type name annotation.
20775             </summary>
20776             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name on which value the reader is positioned on.</param>
20777             <param name="value">The read value of the annotation (string).</param>
20778             <returns>true if the annotation is an OData type name annotation, false otherwise.</returns>
20779             <remarks>
20780             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue - the value of the annotation
20781                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
20782                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
20783             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property       - the next property after the annotation
20784                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      - end of the parent object
20785                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue - the reader didn't move
20786                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
20787                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
20789             If the method returns true, it consumed the value of the annotation from the reader.
20790             If it returns false, it didn't move the reader.
20791             </remarks>
20792         </member>
20793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadODataTypeAnnotationValue">
20794             <summary>
20795             Reads the value of the odata.type annotation.
20796             </summary>
20797             <returns>The type name read from the annotation.</returns>
20798             <remarks>
20799             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue - the value of the annotation, will fail if it's not PrimitiveValue
20800                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
20801                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
20802             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property    - the next property after the annotation
20803                             JsonNodeType.EndObject   - end of the parent object
20804             </remarks>
20805         </member>
20806         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadTypePropertyAnnotationValue(System.String)">
20807             <summary>
20808             Reads top-level property payload property annotation value.
20809             </summary>
20810             <param name="propertyAnnotationName">The name of the property annotation.</param>
20811             <returns>The value of the annotation read.</returns>
20812         </member>
20813         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.IsKnownValueTypeForNonOpenEntityOrComplex(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType,System.Object,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
20814             <summary>
20815             Check if a property value type in non-open entity is deterministic .
20816             </summary>
20817             <param name="jsonReaderNodeType">The current JsonReader NodeType.</param>
20818             <param name="jsonReaderValue">The current JsonReader Value</param>
20819             <param name="payloadTypeName">The 'odata.type' annotation in payload.</param>
20820             <param name="payloadTypeReference">The payloadTypeReference of 'odata.type'.</param>
20821             <returns>True if property value type is deterministic.</returns>
20822         </member>
20823         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.IsKnownValueTypeForOpenEntityOrComplex(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType,System.Object,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
20824             <summary>
20825             Check if a property value type in open entity is deterministic .
20826             </summary>
20827             <param name="jsonReaderNodeType">The current JsonReader NodeType.</param>
20828             <param name="jsonReaderValue">The current JsonReader Value</param>
20829             <param name="payloadTypeName">The 'odata.type' annotation in payload.</param>
20830             <param name="payloadTypeReference">The payloadTypeReference of 'odata.type'.</param>
20831             <returns>True if property value type is deterministic.</returns>
20832         </member>
20833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.TryReadOrPeekPayloadType(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.String,System.Boolean)">
20834             <summary>
20835             Try to read or peek the odata.type annotation.
20836             </summary>
20837             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The current level's DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.</param>
20838             <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
20839             <param name="insideComplexValue">If inside complex value.</param>
20840             <returns>The odata.type value or null.</returns>
20841         </member>
20842         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.InnerReadNonOpenUndeclaredProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.String,System.Boolean)">
20843             <summary>
20844             Reads a non-open entity or complex type's undeclared property.
20845             </summary>
20846             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">duplicatePropertyNamesChecker.</param>
20847             <param name="propertyName">Now this name can't be found in model.</param>
20848             <param name="isTopLevelPropertyValue">bool</param>
20849             <returns>The read result.</returns>
20850         </member>
20851         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.TryAttachRawAnnotationSetToPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
20852             <summary>
20853             Adds an ODataJsonLightRawAnnotationSet to the property's value (ODataAnnotatable) if it has raw annotation.
20854             </summary>
20855             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker already containing raw annotations.</param>
20856             <param name="property">The target property.</param>
20857             <returns>True if annotation is added to property value.</returns>
20858         </member>
20859         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.GetNonEntityValueKind">
20860             <summary>
20861             Determines the value kind for a non-entity value (that is top-level property value, property value on a complex type, item in a collection)
20862             </summary>
20863             <returns>The type kind of the property value.</returns>
20864             <remarks>
20865             Doesn't move the JSON reader.
20866             </remarks>
20867         </member>
20868         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.TryReadODataTypeAnnotation(System.String@)">
20869             <summary>
20870             Tries to read an annotation as OData type name annotation.
20871             </summary>
20872             <param name="payloadTypeName">The read value of the annotation (string).</param>
20873             <returns>true if the annotation is an OData type name annotation, false otherwise.</returns>
20874             <remarks>
20875             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property       - the property that possibly is an odata.type instance annotation
20876             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property       - the next property after the annotation or if the reader did not move
20877                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      - end of the parent object
20878             If the method returns true, it consumed the value of the annotation from the reader.
20879             If it returns false, it didn't move the reader.
20880             </remarks>
20881         </member>
20882         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadTopLevelPropertyImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
20883             <summary>
20884             This method creates an reads the property from the input and 
20885             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
20886             </summary>
20887             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
20888             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use.</param>
20889             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
20890             <remarks>
20891             The method assumes that the ReadPayloadStart has already been called and it will not call ReadPayloadEnd.
20892             </remarks>
20893         </member>
20894         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.UpdateExpectedTypeBasedOnMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
20895             <summary>
20896             Updates the expected type based on the metadata URI if there is one.
20897             </summary>
20898             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected property type reference provided by the user through public APIs, or null if one was not provided.</param>
20899             <returns>The expected type reference updated based on the metadata uri, if there is one.</returns>
20900         </member>
20901         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadCollectionValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation)">
20902             <summary>
20903             Reads a collection value.
20904             </summary>
20905             <param name="collectionValueTypeReference">The collection type reference of the value.</param>
20906             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload.</param>
20907             <param name="serializationTypeNameAnnotation">The serialization type name for the collection value (possibly null).</param>
20908             <returns>The value of the collection.</returns>
20909             <remarks>
20910             Pre-Condition:  Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.StartArray
20911             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the collection value (after the EndArray)
20912             </remarks>
20913         </member>
20914         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadPrimitiveValue(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.String)">
20915             <summary>
20916             Reads a primitive value.
20917             </summary>
20918             <param name="insideJsonObjectValue">true if the reader is positioned on the first property of the value which is a JSON Object 
20919                 (or the second property if the first one was odata.type).</param>
20920             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the value, or null if none is available.</param>
20921             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
20922             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
20923             <returns>The value of the primitive value.</returns>
20924             <remarks>
20925             Pre-Condition:  insideJsonObjectValue == false -> none - Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue
20926                             insideJsonObjectValue == true -> JsonNodeType.Property or JsonNodeType.EndObject - the first property of the value object,
20927                                 or the second property if first was odata.type, or the end-object.
20928             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the primitive value.
20929             </remarks>
20930         </member>
20931         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadComplexValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
20932             <summary>
20933             Reads a complex value.
20934             </summary>
20935             <param name="complexValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the value.</param>
20936             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload.</param>
20937             <param name="serializationTypeNameAnnotation">The serialization type name for the collection value (possibly null).</param>
20938             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - this is always initialized as necessary, do not clear.</param>
20939             <returns>The value of the complex value.</returns>
20940             <remarks>
20941             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property - the first property of the complex value object, or the second one if the first one was odata.type.
20942                             JsonNodeType.EndObject - the end object of the complex value object.
20943             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the complex value (after the EndObject)
20944             </remarks>
20945         </member>
20946         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValueImplementation(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
20947             <summary>
20948             Reads a primitive, complex or collection value.
20949             </summary>
20950             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload as a property annotation, or null if none is available.</param>
20951             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property value.</param>
20952             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - if null the method should create a new one if necessary.</param>
20953             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
20954             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
20955             <param name="isTopLevelPropertyValue">true if we are reading a top-level property value; otherwise false.</param>
20956             <param name="insideComplexValue">true if we are reading a complex value and the reader is already positioned inside the complex value; otherwise false.</param>
20957             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
20958             <returns>The value of the property read.</returns>
20959             <remarks>
20960             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue   - the value of the property is a primitive value
20961                             JsonNodeType.StartObject      - the value of the property is an object
20962                             JsonNodeType.StartArray       - the value of the property is an array
20963             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the property value.
20965             Returns the value of the property read, which can be one of:
20966             - null
20967             - primitive value
20968             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/>
20969             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/>
20970             </remarks>
20971         </member>
20972         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValueImplementation(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
20973             <summary>
20974             Reads a primitive, complex or collection value.
20975             </summary>
20976             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload as a property annotation, or null if none is available.</param>
20977             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property value.</param>
20978             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - if null the method should create a new one if necessary.</param>
20979             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
20980             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
20981             <param name="isTopLevelPropertyValue">true if we are reading a top-level property value; otherwise false.</param>
20982             <param name="insideComplexValue">true if we are reading a complex value and the reader is already positioned inside the complex value; otherwise false.</param>
20983             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting). this property name may be re-read from inside json object's odata.type.</param>
20984             <param name="readRawValueEvenIfNoTypeFound">If true: when no type info, read raw value as primitive (not including spatial type), untyped complex or untype collection.</param>
20985             <returns>The value of the property read.</returns>
20986             <remarks>
20987             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue   - the value of the property is a primitive value
20988                             JsonNodeType.StartObject      - the value of the property is an object
20989                             JsonNodeType.StartArray       - the value of the property is an array
20990             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the property value.
20992             Returns the value of the property read, which can be one of:
20993             - null
20994             - primitive value
20995             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/>
20996             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/>
20997             </remarks>
20998         </member>
20999         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.TryReadPayloadTypeFromObject(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean,System.String@)">
21000             <summary>
21001             Reads the payload type name from a JSON object (if it exists).
21002             </summary>
21003             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to track the detected 'odata.type' annotation (if any).</param>
21004             <param name="insideComplexValue">true if we are reading a complex value and the reader is already positioned inside the complex value; otherwise false.</param>
21005             <param name="payloadTypeName">The value of the odata.type annotation or null if no such annotation exists.</param>
21006             <returns>true if a type name was read from the payload; otherwise false.</returns>
21007             <remarks>
21008             Precondition:   StartObject     the start of a JSON object
21009             Postcondition:  Property        the first property of the object if no 'odata.type' annotation exists as first property
21010                                             or the first property after the 'odata.type' annotation.
21011                             EndObject       for an empty JSON object or an object with only the 'odata.type' annotation
21012             </remarks>
21013         </member>
21014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadingComplexProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String@)">
21015             <summary>
21016             Detects whether we are currently reading a complex property or not. This can be determined from metadata (if we have it)
21017             or from the presence of the odata.type instance annotation in the payload.
21018             </summary>
21019             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker in use for the entry content.</param>
21020             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
21021             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name of the complex value if found in the payload; otherwise null.</param>
21022             <returns>true if we are reading a complex property; otherwise false.</returns>
21023             <remarks>
21024             This method does not move the reader.
21025             </remarks>
21026         </member>
21027         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.IsTopLevelNullValue">
21028             <summary>
21029             Tries to read a top-level null value from the JSON reader.
21030             </summary>
21031             <returns>true if a null value could be read from the JSON reader; otherwise false.</returns>
21032             <remarks>If the method detects the odata.null annotation, it will read it; otherwise the reader does not move.</remarks>
21033         </member>
21034         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ValidateNoPropertyInNullPayload(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
21035             <summary>
21036             Make sure that we don't find any other odata.* annotations or properties after reading a payload with the odata.null annotation or the odata.metadata annotation with value ending #Edm.Null
21037             </summary>
21038             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use.</param>
21039         </member>
21040         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.IncreaseRecursionDepth">
21041             <summary>
21042             Increases the recursion depth of values by 1. This will throw if the recursion depth exceeds the current limit.
21043             </summary>
21044         </member>
21045         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.DecreaseRecursionDepth">
21046             <summary>
21047             Decreases the recursion depth of values by 1.
21048             </summary>
21049         </member>
21050         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.AssertRecursionDepthIsZero">
21051             <summary>
21052             Asserts that the current recursion depth of values is zero. This should be true on all calls into this class from outside of this class.
21053             </summary>
21054         </member>
21055         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer.propertyAnnotationValueReader">
21056             <summary>OData property annotation reader for parameter payloads.</summary>
21057             <remarks>OData property annotations are not supported in parameter payloads.</remarks>
21058         </member>
21059         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer.parameterReader">
21060             <summary>The JSON Light parameter reader.</summary>
21061         </member>
21062         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
21063             <summary>
21064             Constructor.
21065             </summary>
21066             <param name="parameterReader">The JSON Light parameter reader.</param>
21067             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
21068         </member>
21069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer.ReadNextParameter(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
21070             <summary>
21071             Reads the next parameter from the parameters payload.
21072             </summary>
21073             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker used to read a parameter payload.</param>
21074             <returns>true if a parameter was read from the payload; otherwise false.</returns>
21075             <remarks>
21076             Pre-Condition:  Property or EndObject   the property node of the parameter to read or the end object node if there are not parameters
21077             Post-Condition: Property or EndObject   the node after the property value of a primitive, complex or null collection parameter
21078                             Any                     the start of the value representing a non-null collection parameter (the collection reader will fail if this is not a StartArray node)
21079             </remarks>
21080         </member>
21081         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser">
21082             <summary>
21083             Parser for odata metadata URIs used in JSON Lite.
21084             </summary>
21085         </member>
21086         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.SelectQueryOptionStart">
21087             <summary>The start of the select query option (including the '=' character).</summary>
21088         </member>
21089         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.model">
21090             <summary>The model to use when resolving the target of the URI.</summary>
21091         </member>
21092         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.parseResult">
21093             <summary>The result of parsing the metadata URI.</summary>
21094         </member>
21095         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Uri)">
21096             <summary>
21097             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult"/> class.
21098             </summary>
21099             <param name="model">The model to use when resolving the target of the URI.</param>
21100             <param name="metadataUriFromPayload">The metadata URI read from the payload.</param>
21101         </member>
21102         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.Parse(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior)">
21103             <summary>
21104             Creates a metadata URI parser and parses the metadata URI read from the payload.
21105             </summary>
21106             <param name="model">The model to use when resolving the target of the URI.</param>
21107             <param name="metadataUriFromPayload">The string value of the odata.metadata annotation read from the payload.</param>
21108             <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind we expect the metadata URI to conform to.</param>
21109             <param name="version">The OData version to use for determining the set of built-in functions available.</param>
21110             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
21111             <returns>The result from parsing the metadata URI.</returns>
21112         </member>
21113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ExtractSelectQueryOption(System.String)">
21114             <summary>
21115             Extracts the value of the $select query option from the specified fragment.
21116             </summary>
21117             <param name="fragment">The fragment to extract the $select query option from.</param>
21118             <returns>The value of the $select query option or null if none exists.</returns>
21119         </member>
21120         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.TokenizeMetadataUri">
21121             <summary>
21122             Parses a metadata URI read from the payload into its parts.
21123             </summary>
21124         </member>
21125         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ParseMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
21126             <summary>
21127             Applies the model and validates the metadata URI against it.
21128             </summary>
21129             <param name="expectedPayloadKind">The payload kind we expect the metadata URI to conform to.</param>
21130             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
21131             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
21132         </member>
21133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ParseMetadataUriFragment(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
21134             <summary>
21135             Parses the fragment of a metadata URI.
21136             </summary>
21137             <param name="fragment">The fragment to parse</param>
21138             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
21139             <param name="version">The OData version to use for determining the set of built-in functions available.</param>
21140             <returns>The detected payload kind based on parsing the fragment.</returns>
21141         </member>
21142         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ParseAssociationLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver,System.Int32,System.String[],Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
21143             <summary>
21144             Returns the parse results of the metadata uri if it has a AssociationLink in the uri
21145             </summary>
21146             <param name="edmTypeResolver">Edm Type Resolver to determine entityset type element.</param>
21147             <param name="partCount">Number of split parts the metadata fragment is split into.</param>
21148             <param name="parts">The  actual metadata fragment parts.</param>
21149             <param name="readerBehavior">The reader behavior.</param>
21150             <param name="version">The odata version.</param>
21151             <returns>Returns with an EntityReferenceLink or Links depending on the Uri, sets the parse results with the navigation, and set</returns>
21152         </member>
21153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.SetEntityLinkParseResults(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.String)">
21154             <summary>
21155             Set the EntityLinks Parse results.
21156             </summary>
21157             <param name="navigationProperty">Navigation property to add to the results.</param>
21158             <param name="singleElement">Single element string, used to confirm if this is an error case or not.</param>
21159             <returns>Returns ReferenceLink or Collection Link based on the navigation and at element</returns>
21160         </member>
21161         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ResolveEntityReferenceLinkMetadataFragment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
21162             <summary>
21163             Parses the fragment of an entity reference link metadata URI.
21164             </summary>
21165             <param name="edmTypeResolver">Edm Type Resolver used to get the ElementType of the entity set.</param>
21166             <param name="entitySet">Entity Set used as a starting point to find the navigation property</param>
21167             <param name="typeName">The name of the type declaring the navigation property.</param>
21168             <param name="propertyName">The name of the navigation property.</param>
21169             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
21170             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
21171             <returns>The resolved navigation property.</returns>
21172         </member>
21173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ValidateLinkMetadataUriFragmentItemSelector(System.String)">
21174             <summary>
21175             Validate the Metadata Uri Fragment is @Element for a $links metadata uri, will throw a $links specific error
21176             </summary>
21177             <param name="elementSelector">Element selector.</param>
21178         </member>
21179         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ValidateMetadataUriFragmentItemSelector(System.String)">
21180             <summary>
21181             Validate the Metadata Uri Fragment is @Element for a non $links metadata uri, throws if its not correct
21182             </summary>
21183             <param name="elementSelector">Element selector.</param>
21184         </member>
21185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ResolveNavigationProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.String)">
21186             <summary>
21187             Resolves a navigation property name to an IEdmNavigationProperty.
21188             </summary>
21189             <param name="entityType">Entity Type to look for the navigation property on.</param>
21190             <param name="navigationPropertyName">Navigation property name to find.</param>
21191             <returns>Returns the navigation property of throws an exception if it cannot be found.</returns>
21192         </member>
21193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ResolveEntitySet(System.String,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind})">
21194             <summary>
21195             Resolves the entity set.
21196             </summary>
21197             <param name="entitySetPart">The entity set part.</param>
21198             <param name="resolvedEntitySet">The resolved entity set.</param>
21199             <returns>Returns the OData Payload Kind</returns>
21200         </member>
21201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ResolveTypeCast(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
21202             <summary>
21203             Resolves an entity set with an optional type cast and updates the parse result.
21204             </summary>
21205             <param name="entitySet">The entity set to resolve the type cast against.</param>
21206             <param name="typeCast">The optional type cast.</param>
21207             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
21208             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
21209             <param name="entitySetElementType">The type of the given entity set.</param>
21210             <returns>The resolved entity type.</returns>
21211         </member>
21212         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser.ResolveType(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
21213             <summary>
21214             Resolves a type.
21215             </summary>
21216             <param name="typeName">The type name.</param>
21217             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
21218             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
21219             <returns>The resolved Edm type.</returns>
21220         </member>
21221         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState">
21222             <summary>
21223             Interface representing a state of the JSON writer for entry.
21224             </summary>
21225         </member>
21226         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.GetOrCreateTypeContext(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
21227             <summary>
21228             Gets or creates the type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.
21229             </summary>
21230             <param name="model">The Edm model to use.</param>
21231             <param name="writingResponse">True if writing a response payload, false otherwise.</param>
21232             <returns>The type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.</returns>
21233         </member>
21234         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.Entry">
21235             <summary>
21236             The entry being written.
21237             </summary>
21238         </member>
21239         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.EntityType">
21240             <summary>
21241             The entity type for the entry (if available)
21242             </summary>
21243         </member>
21244         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.EntityTypeFromMetadata">
21245             <summary>
21246             The entity type which was derived from the model (may be either the same as entity type or its base type.
21247             </summary>
21248         </member>
21249         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.SerializationInfo">
21250             <summary>
21251             The serialization info for the current entry.
21252             </summary>
21253         </member>
21254         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.EditLinkWritten">
21255             <summary>
21256             Flag which indicates that the odata.editLink metadata property has been written.
21257             </summary>
21258         </member>
21259         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.ReadLinkWritten">
21260             <summary>
21261             Flag which indicates that the odata.readLink metadata property has been written.
21262             </summary>
21263         </member>
21264         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.MediaEditLinkWritten">
21265             <summary>
21266             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaEditLink metadata property has been written.
21267             </summary>
21268         </member>
21269         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.MediaReadLinkWritten">
21270             <summary>
21271             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaReadLink metadata property has been written.
21272             </summary>
21273         </member>
21274         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.MediaContentTypeWritten">
21275             <summary>
21276             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaContentType metadata property has been written.
21277             </summary>
21278         </member>
21279         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState.MediaETagWritten">
21280             <summary>
21281             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaETag metadata property has been written.
21282             </summary>
21283         </member>
21284         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants">
21285             <summary>
21286             Constants for the JSON Lite format.
21287             </summary>
21288         </member>
21289         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataAnnotationNamespacePrefix">
21290             <summary>The prefix for OData annotation names.</summary>
21291         </member>
21292         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataPropertyAnnotationSeparatorChar">
21293             <summary>The separator of property annotations.</summary>
21294         </member>
21295         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataNullAnnotationTrueValue">
21296             <summary>The value 'true' for the OData null annotation.</summary>
21297         </member>
21298         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataValuePropertyName">
21299             <summary>The 'value' property name for the Json Light value property.</summary>
21300         </member>
21301         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataEntityReferenceLinkUrlName">
21302             <summary>The name of the property returned for a singleton $links query.</summary>
21303         </member>
21304         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataWorkspaceCollectionUrlName">
21305             <summary>The name of the property returned for a URL of a workspace collection.</summary>
21306         </member>
21307         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataWorkspaceCollectionNameName">
21308             <summary>The name of the property returned for a name of a workspace collection.</summary>
21309         </member>
21310         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.ODataAnnotationGroupNamePropertyName">
21311             <summary>The 'name' property name of an annotation group declaration.</summary>
21312         </member>
21313         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.MetadataUriSelectQueryOptionName">
21314             <summary>The name of the $select query option.</summary>
21315         </member>
21316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.MetadataUriQueryOptionValueSeparator">
21317             <summary>The '=' character used to separate a query option name from its value.</summary>
21318         </member>
21319         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.MetadataUriQueryOptionSeparator">
21320             <summary>The '&amp;' separator character between query options.</summary>
21321         </member>
21322         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.MetadataUriFragmentIndicator">
21323             <summary>The hash sign acting as fragment indicator in a metadata URI.</summary>
21324         </member>
21325         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.MetadataUriFragmentPartSeparator">
21326             <summary>The slash sign used as separator in the fragment of a metadata URI.</summary>
21327         </member>
21328         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.MetadataUriFragmentItemSelector">
21329             <summary>The @Element token that indicates that the payload is a single item from a set.</summary>
21330         </member>
21331         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.FunctionParameterStart">
21332             <summary>The '(' used to mark the start of function parameters in the fragment of a metadata URI.</summary>
21333         </member>
21334         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.FunctionParameterEnd">
21335             <summary>The ')' used to mark the end of function parameters in the fragment of a metadata URI.</summary>
21336         </member>
21337         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.FunctionParameterSeparator">
21338             <summary>The "," to use as the separator for the function parameters in the fragment of a metadata URI.</summary>
21339         </member>
21340         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightConstants.MetadataUriFragmentNull">
21341             <summary>The token that indicates the payload is a property with null value.</summary>
21342         </member>
21343         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder">
21344             <summary>
21345             Builder class to construct the metadata pointers for the Json Light format for the various payload kinds.
21346             </summary>
21347         </member>
21348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.CreateFromSettings(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.JsonLightMetadataLevel,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
21349             <summary>
21350             Creates a metadata uri builder after validating user input.
21351             </summary>
21352             <param name="metadataLevel">The JSON Light metadata level being written.</param>
21353             <param name="writingResponse">if set to <c>true</c> indicates that a response is being written.</param>
21354             <param name="writerSettings">The writer settings.</param>
21355             <param name="model">The Edm model instance.</param>
21356             <returns>The metadata uri builder to use while writing.</returns>
21357         </member>
21358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.CreateDirectlyFromUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
21359             <summary>
21360             Creates a metadata uri builder for the given base metadata document uri.
21361             DEVNOTE: specifically for unit testing.
21362             </summary>
21363             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The non-null, absolute metadata document URI.</param>
21364             <param name="model">The Edm model instance.</param>
21365             <param name="writingResponse">if set to <c>true</c> indicates that a response is being written.</param>
21366             <returns>A new metadata uri builder.</returns>
21367         </member>
21368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildFeedMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,System.Uri@)">
21369             <summary>
21370             Creates the metadata URI for a feed based on the entity set the entries in the feed belong to.
21371             </summary>
21372             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the feed.</param>
21373             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for a feed based on the entity set the entries in the feed belong to.</param>
21374             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21375         </member>
21376         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntryMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,System.Uri@)">
21377             <summary>
21378             Creates the metadata URI for an entry based on the entity set it belongs to.
21379             </summary>
21380             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
21381             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entry based on the entity set it belongs to.</param>
21382             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21383         </member>
21384         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildMetadataUriForValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,System.Uri@)">
21385             <summary>
21386             Creates the metadata URI for a property based on its value.
21387             </summary>
21388             <param name="property">The property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21389             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for a property based on its owning type.</param>
21390             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21391         </member>
21392         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntityReferenceLinkMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Uri@)">
21393             <summary>
21394             Creates the metadata URI for an entity reference link.
21395             </summary>
21396             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21397             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the declaring type of the navigation property</param>
21398             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21399             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entity reference link or a collection of entity reference links.</param>
21400             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21401         </member>
21402         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntityReferenceLinksMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Uri@)">
21403             <summary>
21404             Creates the metadata URI for a collection of entity reference links.
21405             </summary>
21406             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21407             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the declaring type of the navigation property</param>
21408             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21409             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entity reference link or a collection of entity reference links.</param>
21410             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21411         </member>
21412         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildCollectionMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Uri@)">
21413             <summary>
21414             Creates the metadata URI for an operation (function, action, service op) based on its function import.
21415             </summary>
21416             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21417             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection.</param>
21418             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an operation (function, action, service op) based on its function import.</param>
21419             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21420         </member>
21421         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildServiceDocumentMetadataUri(System.Uri@)">
21422             <summary>
21423             Creates the metadata URI for the service document.
21424             </summary>
21425             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for the service document.</param>
21426             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21427         </member>
21428         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.BaseUri">
21429             <summary>
21430             Gets the base URI of the metadata document uri. May be null to indicate that there is no metadata document uri.
21431             </summary>
21432         </member>
21433         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder">
21434             <summary>
21435             Metadata uri builder which uses a user-provided uri and $select clause.
21436             </summary>
21437         </member>
21438         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.metadataDocumentUri">
21439             <summary>
21440             The base metadata document uri and $select clause provided by the user.
21441             </summary>
21442         </member>
21443         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.model">
21444             <summary>
21445             The Edm model instance.
21446             </summary>
21447         </member>
21448         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.writingResponse">
21449             <summary>
21450             if set to <c>true</c> indicates that a response is being written.
21451             </summary>
21452         </member>
21453         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
21454             <summary>
21455             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder"/> class.
21456             </summary>
21457             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The non-null, absolute metadata document URI.</param>
21458             <param name="model">The Edm model instance.</param>
21459             <param name="writingResponse">if set to <c>true</c> indicates that a response is being written.</param>
21460         </member>
21461         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildFeedMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,System.Uri@)">
21462             <summary>
21463             Creates the metadata URI for a feed based on the entity set the entries in the feed belong to.
21464             </summary>
21465             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the feed.</param>
21466             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for a feed based on the entity set the entries in the feed belong to.</param>
21467             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21468         </member>
21469         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntryMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,System.Uri@)">
21470             <summary>
21471             Creates the metadata URI for an entry based on the entity set it belongs to.
21472             </summary>
21473             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
21474             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entry based on the entity set it belongs to.</param>
21475             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21476         </member>
21477         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildMetadataUriForValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,System.Uri@)">
21478             <summary>
21479             Creates the metadata URI for a property based on its value.
21480             </summary>
21481             <param name="property">The property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21482             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for a property based on its owning type.</param>
21483             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21484         </member>
21485         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntityReferenceLinkMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Uri@)">
21486             <summary>
21487             Creates the metadata URI for an entity reference link.
21488             </summary>
21489             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21490             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the declaring type of the navigation property</param>
21491             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21492             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entity reference link or a collection of entity reference links.</param>
21493             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21494         </member>
21495         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntityReferenceLinksMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Uri@)">
21496             <summary>
21497             Creates the metadata URI for a collection of entity reference links.
21498             </summary>
21499             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21500             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the declaring type of the navigation property</param>
21501             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21502             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entity reference link or a collection of entity reference links.</param>
21503             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21504         </member>
21505         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildCollectionMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Uri@)">
21506             <summary>
21507             Creates the metadata URI for an operation (function, action, service op) based on its function import.
21508             </summary>
21509             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21510             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection.</param>
21511             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an operation (function, action, service op) based on its function import.</param>
21512             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21513         </member>
21514         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildServiceDocumentMetadataUri(System.Uri@)">
21515             <summary>
21516             Creates the metadata URI for the service document.
21517             </summary>
21518             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for the service document.</param>
21519             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21520         </member>
21521         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.GetMetadataUriTypeNameForValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
21522             <summary>
21523             Gets the metadata URI type name based on the given property.
21524             </summary>
21525             <param name="property">The property.</param>
21526             <returns>The type name for the metadata URI.</returns>
21527         </member>
21528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.GetEntitySetName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
21529             <summary>
21530             Gets the entity set name for the metadata Uri.
21531             </summary>
21532             <param name="entitySet">The entity set in question.</param>
21533             <param name="edmModel">The model instance.</param>
21534             <returns>Returns the entity set name for the metadata Uri.</returns>
21535         </member>
21536         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.GetTypecast(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
21537             <summary>
21538             Returns the fully qualified name of <paramref name="entityType"/> if it is a derived type of the <paramref name="entitySet"/>;
21539             returns null if <paramref name="entityType"/> is the root type of <paramref name="entitySet"/>.
21540             </summary>
21541             <param name="entitySet">The entity set in question.</param>
21542             <param name="entityType">The eneity type in question.</param>
21543             <returns>
21544             Returns the fully qualified name of <paramref name="entityType"/> if it is a derived type of the <paramref name="entitySet"/>;
21545             returns null if <paramref name="entityType"/> is the root type of <paramref name="entitySet"/>.
21546             </returns>
21547         </member>
21548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.CreateTypeMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri,System.String)">
21549             <summary>
21550             Creates the metadata URI for a type.
21551             </summary>
21552             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The non-null, absolute metadata document URI.</param>
21553             <param name="fullTypeName">The fully qualified type name to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21554             <returns>Returns the metadata URI for a value based on its type.</returns>
21555         </member>
21556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.CreateFeedOrEntryMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
21557             <summary>
21558             Creates the metadata URI for a feed or entry.
21559             </summary>
21560             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The non-null, absolute metadata document URI.</param>
21561             <param name="model">The Edm model instance.</param>
21562             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.</param>
21563             <param name="isEntry">true if the metadata URI is built for an entry, false if the metadata URI is built for a feed.</param>
21564             <param name="writingResponse">true if the metadata URI is for a response payload, false if the metadata URI is for a request payload.</param>
21565             <returns>Returns the metadata URI for the feed or entry.</returns>
21566         </member>
21567         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.CreateEntityContainerElementMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
21568             <summary>
21569             Creates the metadata URI for an entity set.
21570             </summary>
21571             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The non-null, absolute metadata document URI.</param>
21572             <param name="entitySetName">The fully qualified entity set name for which to create the metadata URI.</param>
21573             <param name="typecast">The fully qualified entity type name of the entries in the result. This has to be an entity type derived
21574               from the result entity set's base type or null to use its base type.</param>
21575             <param name="navigationPropertyName">Navigation Property name to create a $link metadata uri to, if not null a $link uri will be created</param>
21576             <param name="appendItemSelector">true to append the '@Element" item selector at the end of the metadata URI; otherwise false.</param>
21577             <returns>The metadata URI for the <paramref name="entitySetName"/>.</returns>
21578         </member>
21579         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.DefaultMetadataUriBuilder.BaseUri">
21580             <summary>
21581             Gets the base URI of the metadata document uri. May be null to indicate that there is no metadata document uri.
21582             </summary>
21583         </member>
21584         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder">
21585             <summary>
21586             Metadata uri builder which never actually builds anything. Used for the case where 'nometadata' is explicitly requested in the media type.
21587             </summary>
21588         </member>
21589         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.Instance">
21590             <summary>
21591             Singleton instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder"/>.
21592             </summary>
21593         </member>
21594         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.#ctor">
21595             <summary>
21596             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder"/> class from being created.
21597             </summary>
21598         </member>
21599         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildFeedMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,System.Uri@)">
21600             <summary>
21601             Creates the metadata URI for a feed based on the entity set the entries in the feed belong to.
21602             </summary>
21603             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the feed.</param>
21604             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for a feed based on the entity set the entries in the feed belong to.</param>
21605             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21606         </member>
21607         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntryMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,System.Uri@)">
21608             <summary>
21609             Creates the metadata URI for an entry based on the entity set it belongs to.
21610             </summary>
21611             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
21612             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entry based on the entity set it belongs to.</param>
21613             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21614         </member>
21615         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildMetadataUriForValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,System.Uri@)">
21616             <summary>
21617             Creates the metadata URI for a property based on its value.
21618             </summary>
21619             <param name="property">The property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21620             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for a property based on its owning type.</param>
21621             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21622         </member>
21623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntityReferenceLinkMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Uri@)">
21624             <summary>
21625             Creates the metadata URI for an entity reference link.
21626             </summary>
21627             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21628             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the declaring type of the navigation property</param>
21629             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21630             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entity reference link or a collection of entity reference links.</param>
21631             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21632         </member>
21633         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildEntityReferenceLinksMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Uri@)">
21634             <summary>
21635             Creates the metadata URI for a collection of entity reference links.
21636             </summary>
21637             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21638             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the declaring type of the navigation property</param>
21639             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property to create the metadata URI for.</param>
21640             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an entity reference link or a collection of entity reference links.</param>
21641             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21642         </member>
21643         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildCollectionMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Uri@)">
21644             <summary>
21645             Creates the metadata URI for an operation (function, action, service op) based on its function import.
21646             </summary>
21647             <param name="serializationInfo">Serialization information to generate the metadata uri.</param>
21648             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection.</param>
21649             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for an operation (function, action, service op) based on its function import.</param>
21650             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21651         </member>
21652         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.TryBuildServiceDocumentMetadataUri(System.Uri@)">
21653             <summary>
21654             Creates the metadata URI for the service document.
21655             </summary>
21656             <param name="metadataUri">Returns the metadata URI for the service document.</param>
21657             <returns>true if we have successfully built the metadata URI; false otherwise.</returns>
21658         </member>
21659         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder.NullMetadataUriBuilder.BaseUri">
21660             <summary>
21661             Gets the base URI of the metadata document uri. May be null to indicate that there is no metadata document uri.
21662             </summary>
21663         </member>
21664         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult">
21665             <summary>
21666             The result of parsing an OData metadata URI in JSON Lite.
21667             </summary>
21668         </member>
21669         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.metadataUriFromPayload">
21670             <summary>The metadata URI read from the payload in its unparsed form.</summary>
21671         </member>
21672         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.metadataDocumentUri">
21673             <summary>The metadata document URI as read from the payload.</summary>
21674         </member>
21675         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.fragment">
21676             <summary>The fragment portion of the metadata URI.</summary>
21677         </member>
21678         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.selectQueryOption">
21679             <summary>The $select query option.</summary>
21680         </member>
21681         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.entitySet">
21682             <summary>The resolved entity set as specified in the metadata URI.</summary>
21683         </member>
21684         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.edmType">
21685             <summary>The resolved structured type as specified in the metadata URI.</summary>
21686         </member>
21687         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.navigationProperty">
21688             <summary>The navigation property as specified in the metadata URI.</summary>
21689         </member>
21690         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.detectedPayloadKinds">
21691             <summary>The detected payload kinds from parsing the metadata URI.</summary>
21692         </member>
21693         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.isNullProperty">
21694             <summary>true if we just parsed the metadata Uri for null properties, i.e. ~/$metadata#Edm.Null; false otherwise.</summary>
21695         </member>
21696         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.#ctor(System.Uri)">
21697             <summary>
21698             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult"/> class.
21699             </summary>
21700             <param name="metadataUriFromPayload">The metadata URI read from the payload in its unparsed form.</param>
21701         </member>
21702         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.MetadataUri">
21703             <summary>
21704             The metadata URI read from the payload in its unparsed form.
21705             </summary>
21706         </member>
21707         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.MetadataDocumentUri">
21708             <summary>
21709             The metadata document URI as read from the payload.
21710             </summary>
21711             <remarks>This is the metadata URI as read from the payload without the fragment.</remarks>
21712         </member>
21713         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.Fragment">
21714             <summary>
21715             The fragment portion of the metadata URI.
21716             </summary>
21717         </member>
21718         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.SelectQueryOption">
21719             <summary>
21720             The $select query option.
21721             </summary>
21722         </member>
21723         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.EntitySet">
21724             <summary>
21725             The resolved entity set as specified in the metadata URI.
21726             </summary>
21727         </member>
21728         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.EdmType">
21729             <summary>
21730             The resolved structured type as specified in the metadata URI.
21731             </summary>
21732         </member>
21733         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.NavigationProperty">
21734             <summary>
21735             The navigation property as specified in the metadata URI.
21736             </summary>
21737         </member>
21738         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.DetectedPayloadKinds">
21739             <summary>
21740             The detected payload kinds from parsing the metadata URI.
21741             </summary>
21742         </member>
21743         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult.IsNullProperty">
21744             <summary>
21745             true if we just parsed the metadata Uri for null properties, i.e. ~/$metadata#Edm.Null; false otherwise.
21746             </summary>
21747         </member>
21748         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader">
21749             <summary>
21750             Reader for the JSON Lite format that supports look-ahead and re-ordering of payloads.
21751             </summary>
21752         </member>
21753         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader">
21754             <summary>
21755             Reader for the JSON format (http://www.json.org) that supports look-ahead.
21756             </summary>
21757         </member>
21758         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader">
21759             <summary>
21760             Reader for the JSON format. http://www.json.org
21761             </summary>
21762         </member>
21763         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.InitialCharacterBufferSize">
21764             <summary>
21765             The initial size of the buffer of characters.
21766             </summary>
21767             <remarks>
21768             4K (page size) divided by the size of a single character 2 and a little less
21769             so that array structures also fit into that page.
21770             The goal is for the entire buffer to fit into one page so that we don't cause
21771             too many L1 cache misses.
21772             </remarks>
21773         </member>
21774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.MaxCharacterCountToMove">
21775             <summary>
21776             Maximum number of characters to move in the buffer. If the current token size is bigger than this, we will allocate a larger buffer.
21777             </summary>
21778             <remarks>This threshold is copied from the XmlReader implementation.</remarks>
21779         </member>
21780         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.DateTimeFormatPrefix">
21781             <summary>
21782             The text which every date time value starts with.
21783             </summary>
21784         </member>
21785         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.DateTimeFormatSuffix">
21786             <summary>
21787             The text which every date time value ends with.
21788             </summary>
21789         </member>
21790         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.reader">
21791             <summary>
21792             The text reader to read input characters from.
21793             </summary>
21794         </member>
21795         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.scopes">
21796             <summary>
21797             Stack of scopes.
21798             </summary>
21799             <remarks>
21800             At the begining the Root scope is pushed to the stack and stays there for the entire parsing 
21801               (so that we don't have to check for empty stack and also to track the number of root-level values)
21802             Each time a new object or array is started the Object or Array scope is pushed to the stack.
21803             If a property inside an Object is found, the Property scope is pushed to the stack.
21804             The Property is popped once we find the value for the property.
21805             The Object and Array scopes are popped when their end is found.
21806             </remarks>
21807         </member>
21808         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.allowAnnotations">
21809             <summary>true if annotations are allowed and thus the reader has to 
21810             accept more characters in property names than we do normally; otherwise false.</summary>
21811         </member>
21812         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.supportAspNetDateTimeFormat">
21813             <summary>true if the reader should recognize ASP.NET JSON DateTime and DateTimeOffset format "\/Date(...)\/".
21814             false if the reader should not recognize such strings and read them as arbitrary string.</summary>
21815         </member>
21816         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.endOfInputReached">
21817             <summary>
21818             End of input from the reader was already reached.
21819             </summary>
21820             <remarks>This is used to avoid calling Read on the text reader multiple times
21821             even though it already reported the end of input.</remarks>
21822         </member>
21823         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.characterBuffer">
21824             <summary>
21825             Buffer of characters from the input.
21826             </summary>
21827         </member>
21828         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.storedCharacterCount">
21829             <summary>
21830             Number of characters available in the input buffer.
21831             </summary>
21832             <remarks>This can have value of 0 to characterBuffer.Length.</remarks>
21833         </member>
21834         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.tokenStartIndex">
21835             <summary>
21836             Index into the characterBuffer which points to the first character
21837             of the token being currently processed (while in the Read method)
21838             or of the next token to be processed (while in the caller code).
21839             </summary>
21840             <remarks>This can have value from 0 to storedCharacterCount.</remarks>
21841         </member>
21842         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.nodeType">
21843             <summary>
21844             The last reported node type.
21845             </summary>
21846         </member>
21847         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.nodeValue">
21848             <summary>
21849             The value of the last reported node.
21850             </summary>
21851         </member>
21852         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.nodeRawValue">
21853             <summary>
21854             The json raw string or char of the last reported node.
21855             </summary>
21856         </member>
21857         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.stringValueBuilder">
21858             <summary>
21859             Cached string builder to be used when constructing string values (needed to resolve escape sequences).
21860             </summary>
21861             <remarks>The string builder instance is cached to avoid excessive allocation when many string values with escape sequences
21862             are found in the payload.</remarks>
21863         </member>
21864         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.TextReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
21865             <summary>
21866             Constructor.
21867             </summary>
21868             <param name="reader">The text reader to read input characters from.</param>
21869             <param name="jsonFormat">The specific JSON-based format expected by the reader.</param>
21870         </member>
21871         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.Read">
21872             <summary>
21873             Reads the next node from the input.
21874             </summary>
21875             <returns>true if a new node was found, or false if end of input was reached.</returns>
21876         </member>
21877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.TryAppendJsonRawValue(System.String)">
21878             <summary>
21879             Appends current JSON raw string.
21880             </summary>
21881             <param name="rawValue">The string.</param>
21882         </member>
21883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.TryAppendJsonRawValue(System.Char)">
21884             <summary>
21885             Appends current JSON raw string.
21886             </summary>
21887             <param name="rawValue">The char.</param>
21888         </member>
21889         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.IsWhitespaceCharacter(System.Char)">
21890             <summary>
21891             Determines if a given character is a whitespace character.
21892             </summary>
21893             <param name="character">The character to test.</param>
21894             <returns>true if the <paramref name="character"/> is a whitespace; false otherwise.</returns>
21895             <remarks>Note that the behavior of this method is different from Char.IsWhitespace, since that method
21896             returns true for all characters defined as whitespace by the Unicode spec (which is a lot of characters),
21897             this one on the other hand recognizes just the whitespaces as defined by the JSON spec.</remarks>
21898         </member>
21899         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.TryParseDateTimePrimitiveValue(System.String)">
21900             <summary>
21901             Parses a date time primitive value.
21902             </summary>
21903             <param name="stringValue">The string value to parse.</param>
21904             <returns>The parsed date time value, or null if the string value doesn't represent a date time value.</returns>
21905         </member>
21906         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseValue(System.String@)">
21907             <summary>
21908             Parses a "value", that is an array, object or primitive value.
21909             </summary>
21910             <param name="rawValue">The raw string, out parameter.</param>
21911             <returns>The node type to report to the user.</returns>
21912         </member>
21913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseProperty(System.String@)">
21914             <summary>
21915             Parses a property name and the colon after it.
21916             </summary>
21917             <param name="rawValue">The raw string, out parameter.</param>
21918             <returns>The node type to report to the user.</returns>
21919         </member>
21920         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseStringPrimitiveValue">
21921             <summary>
21922             Parses a primitive string value.
21923             </summary>
21924             <returns>The value of the string primitive value.</returns>
21925             <remarks>
21926             Assumes that the current token position points to the opening quote.
21927             Note that the string parsing can never end with EndOfInput, since we're already seen the quote.
21928             So it can either return a string succesfully or fail.</remarks>
21929         </member>
21930         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseStringPrimitiveValue(System.Boolean@)">
21931             <summary>
21932             Parses a primitive string value.
21933             </summary>
21934             <param name="hasLeadingBackslash">Set to true if the first character in the string was a backslash. This is used when parsing DateTime values
21935             since they must start with an escaped slash character (\/).</param>
21936             <returns>The value of the string primitive value.</returns>
21937             <remarks>
21938             Assumes that the current token position points to the opening quote.
21939             Note that the string parsing can never end with EndOfInput, since we're already seen the quote.
21940             So it can either return a string succesfully or fail.</remarks>
21941         </member>
21942         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseNullPrimitiveValue(System.String@)">
21943             <summary>
21944             Parses the null primitive value.
21945             </summary>
21946             <param name="rawValue">The raw string, out parameter.</param>
21947             <returns>Always returns null if successful. Otherwise throws.</returns>
21948             <remarks>Assumes that the current token position points to the 'n' character.</remarks>
21949         </member>
21950         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseBooleanPrimitiveValue(System.String@)">
21951             <summary>
21952             Parses the true or false primitive values.
21953             </summary>
21954             <param name="rawValue">The raw string, out parameter.</param>
21955             <returns>true of false boolean value if successful. Otherwise throws.</returns>
21956             <remarks>Assumes that the current token position points to the 't' or 'f' character.</remarks>
21957         </member>
21958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseNumberPrimitiveValue(System.String@)">
21959             <summary>
21960             Parses the number primitive values.
21961             </summary>
21962             <param name="rawValue">The raw string, out parameter.</param>
21963             <returns>Int32 or Double value if successful. Otherwise throws.</returns>
21964             <remarks>Assumes that the current token position points to the first character of the number, so either digit, dot or dash.</remarks>
21965         </member>
21966         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ParseName(System.String@)">
21967             <summary>
21968             Parses a name token.
21969             </summary>
21970             <param name="rawValue">The raw string, out parameter.</param>
21971             <returns>The value of the name token.</returns>
21972             <remarks>Name tokens are (for backward compat reasons) either
21973             - string value quoted with double quotes.
21974             - string value quoted with single quotes.
21975             - sequence of letters, digits, underscores and dollar signs (without quoted and in any order).</remarks>
21976         </member>
21977         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.EndOfInput">
21978             <summary>
21979             Called when end of input is reached.
21980             </summary>
21981             <returns>Always returns false, used for easy readability of the callers.</returns>
21982         </member>
21983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.PushScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ScopeType)">
21984             <summary>
21985             Creates a new scope of type <paramref name="newScopeType"/> and pushes the stack.
21986             </summary>
21987             <param name="newScopeType">The scope type to push.</param>
21988         </member>
21989         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.PopScope">
21990             <summary>
21991             Pops a scope from the stack.
21992             </summary>
21993         </member>
21994         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.TryPopPropertyScope">
21995             <summary>
21996             Pops a property scope if it's present on the stack.
21997             </summary>
21998         </member>
21999         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.SkipWhitespaces">
22000             <summary>
22001             Skips all whitespace characters in the input.
22002             </summary>
22003             <returns>true if a non-whitespace character was found in which case the tokenStartIndex is pointing at that character.
22004             false if there are no non-whitespace characters left in the input.</returns>
22005         </member>
22006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.EnsureAvailableCharacters(System.Int32)">
22007             <summary>
22008             Ensures that a specified number of characters after the token start is available in the buffer.
22009             </summary>
22010             <param name="characterCountAfterTokenStart">The number of character after the token to make available.</param>
22011             <returns>true if at least the required number of characters is available; false if end of input was reached.</returns>
22012         </member>
22013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ConsumeTokenToString(System.Int32)">
22014             <summary>
22015             Consumes the <paramref name="characterCount"/> characters starting at the start of the token
22016             and returns them as a string.
22017             </summary>
22018             <param name="characterCount">The number of characters after the token start to consume.</param>
22019             <returns>The string value of the consumed token.</returns>
22020         </member>
22021         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ReadInput">
22022             <summary>
22023             Reads more characters from the input.
22024             </summary>
22025             <returns>true if more characters are available; false if end of input was reached.</returns>
22026             <remarks>This may move characters in the characterBuffer, so after this is called
22027             all indeces to the characterBuffer are invalid except for tokenStartIndex.</remarks>
22028         </member>
22029         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.Value">
22030             <summary>
22031             The value of the last reported node.
22032             </summary>
22033             <remarks>This is non-null only if the last node was a PrimitiveValue or Property.
22034             If the last node is a PrimitiveValue this property returns the value:
22035             - null if the null token was found.
22036             - boolean if the true or false token was found.
22037             - string if a string token was found.
22038             - DateTime if a string token formatted as DateTime was found.
22039             - Int32 if a number which fits into the Int32 was found.
22040             - Double if a number which doesn't fit into Int32 was found.
22041             If the last node is a Property this property returns a string which is the name of the property.
22042             </remarks>
22043         </member>
22044         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.NodeType">
22045             <summary>
22046             The type of the last node read.
22047             </summary>
22048         </member>
22049         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.RawValue">
22050             <summary>
22051             Gets json raw string/char.
22052             </summary>
22053         </member>
22054         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ScopeType">
22055             <summary>
22056             Various scope types for Json writer.
22057             </summary>
22058         </member>
22059         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ScopeType.Root">
22060             <summary>
22061             Root scope - the top-level of the JSON content.
22062             </summary>
22063             <remarks>This scope is only once on the stack and that is at the bottom, always.
22064             It's used to track the fact that only one top-level value is allowed.</remarks>
22065         </member>
22066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ScopeType.Array">
22067             <summary>
22068             Array scope - inside an array.
22069             </summary>
22070             <remarks>This scope is pushed when [ is found and is active before the first and between the elements in the array.
22071             Between the elements it's active when the parser is in front of the comma, the parser is never after comma as then
22072             it always immediately processed the next token.</remarks>
22073         </member>
22074         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ScopeType.Object">
22075             <summary>
22076             Object scope - inside the object (but not in a property value).
22077             </summary>
22078             <remarks>This scope is pushed when { is found and is active before the first and between the properties in the object.
22079             Between the properties it's active when the parser is in front of the comma, the parser is never after comma as then
22080             it always immediately processed the next token.</remarks>
22081         </member>
22082         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ScopeType.Property">
22083             <summary>
22084             Property scope - after the property name and colon and througout the value.
22085             </summary>
22086             <remarks>This scope is pushed when a property name and colon is found.
22087             The scope remains on the stack while the property value is parsed, but once the property value ends, it's immediately removed
22088             so that it doesn't appear on the stack after the value (ever).</remarks>
22089         </member>
22090         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.Scope">
22091             <summary>
22092             Class representing scope information.
22093             </summary>
22094         </member>
22095         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.Scope.type">
22096             <summary>
22097             The type of the scope.
22098             </summary>
22099         </member>
22100         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.ScopeType)">
22101             <summary>
22102             Constructor.
22103             </summary>
22104             <param name="type">The type of the scope.</param>
22105         </member>
22106         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.Scope.ValueCount">
22107             <summary>
22108             Get/Set the number of values found under the current scope.
22109             </summary>
22110         </member>
22111         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader.Scope.Type">
22112             <summary>
22113             Gets the scope type for this scope.
22114             </summary>
22115         </member>
22116         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.bufferedNodesHead">
22117             <summary>The (possibly empty) list of buffered nodes.</summary>
22118             <remarks>This is a circular linked list where this field points to the first item of the list.</remarks>
22119         </member>
22120         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.currentBufferedNode">
22121             <summary>
22122             A pointer into the bufferedNodes list to track the most recent position of the current buffered node.
22123             </summary>
22124         </member>
22125         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.maxInnerErrorDepth">
22126             <summary>
22127             The maximumum number of recursive internalexception objects to allow when reading in-stream errors.
22128             </summary>
22129         </member>
22130         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.inStreamErrorPropertyName">
22131             <summary>The name of the property that denotes an in-stream error.</summary>
22132         </member>
22133         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.isBuffering">
22134             <summary>A flag indicating whether the reader is in buffering mode or not.</summary>
22135         </member>
22136         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.removeOnNextRead">
22137             <summary>
22138             A flag indicating that the last node for non-buffering read was taken from the buffer; we leave the 
22139             node in the buffer until the next Read call.
22140             </summary>
22141         </member>
22142         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.parsingInStreamError">
22143             <summary>
22144             Debug flag to ensure we do not re-enter the instance while reading ahead and trying to parse an in-stream error.
22145             </summary>
22146         </member>
22147         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.disableInStreamErrorDetection">
22148             <summary>
22149             true if the parser should check for in-stream errors whenever a start-object node is encountered; otherwise false.
22150             This is set to false for parsing of top-level errors where we don't want the in-stream error detection code to kick in.
22151             </summary>
22152         </member>
22153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.TextReader,System.String,System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
22154             <summary>
22155             Constructor.
22156             </summary>
22157             <param name="reader">The text reader to read input characters from.</param>
22158             <param name="inStreamErrorPropertyName">The name of the property that denotes an in-stream error.</param>
22159             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximum number of recursive internalexception objects to allow when reading in-stream errors.</param>
22160             <param name="jsonFormat">The specific JSON-based format expected by the reader.</param>
22161         </member>
22162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.Read">
22163             <summary>
22164             Reads the next node from the input.
22165             </summary>
22166             <returns>true if a new node was found, or false if end of input was reached.</returns>
22167         </member>
22168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.StartBuffering">
22169             <summary>
22170             Puts the reader into the state where it buffers read nodes.
22171             </summary>
22172         </member>
22173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BookmarkCurrentPosition">
22174             <summary>
22175             Creates a bookmark at the current position of the reader.
22176             </summary>
22177             <returns>The bookmark object, it should be treated as a black box by the caller.</returns>
22178         </member>
22179         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.MoveToBookmark(System.Object)">
22180             <summary>
22181             Moves the reader to the bookmarked position.
22182             </summary>
22183             <param name="bookmark">The bookmark object to move to.</param>
22184         </member>
22185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.StopBuffering">
22186             <summary>
22187             Puts the reader into the state where no buffering happen on read.
22188             Either buffered nodes are consumed or new nodes are read (and not buffered).
22189             </summary>
22190         </member>
22191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.StartBufferingAndTryToReadInStreamErrorPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError@)">
22192             <summary>
22193             A method to detect whether the current property value represents an in-stream error.
22194             </summary>
22195             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> read from the payload.</param>
22196             <returns>true if the current value is an in-stream error value; otherwise false.</returns>
22197         </member>
22198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.ReadInternal">
22199             <summary>
22200             Reads the next node from the input. If we have still nodes in the buffer, takes the node
22201             from there. Otherwise reads a new node from the underlying reader and buffers it (depending on the current mode).
22202             </summary>
22203             <returns>true if a new node was found, or false if end of input was reached.</returns>
22204             <remarks>
22205             If the parsingInStreamError field is false, the method will read ahead for every StartObject node read from the input to check whether the JSON object 
22206             represents an in-stream error. If so, it throws an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException"/>. If false, this check will not happen.
22207             This parsingInStremError field is set to true when trying to parse an in-stream error; in normal operation it is false.
22208             </remarks>
22209         </member>
22210         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.ProcessObjectValue">
22211             <summary>
22212             Called whenever we find a new object value in the payload.
22213             The base class implementation reads ahead and tries to parse it as an in-stream error payload. If it finds one it will throw it.
22214             </summary>
22215             <remarks>
22216             This method is called when the reader is in the buffering mode and can read ahead (buffering) as much as it needs to
22217             once it returns the reader will be returned to the position before the method was called.
22218             The reader is always positioned on a start object when this method is called.
22219             </remarks>
22220         </member>
22221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.ReadNextAndCheckForInStreamError">
22222             <summary>
22223             Reads the next node from the JSON reader and if a start-object node is detected starts reading ahead and
22224             tries to parse an in-stream error.
22225             </summary>
22226             <returns>true if a new node was found, or false if end of input was reached.</returns>
22227         </member>
22228         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.TryReadInStreamErrorPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError@)">
22229             <summary>
22230             Try to read an error structure from the stream. Return null if no error structure can be read.
22231             </summary>
22232             <param name="error">An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance that was read from the reader or null if none could be read.</param>
22233             <returns>true if an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance that was read; otherwise false.</returns>
22234         </member>
22235         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.TryReadMessagePropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
22236             <summary>
22237             Try to read the message property value of an error value.
22238             </summary>
22239             <param name="error">An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance to set the read message property values on.</param>
22240             <returns>true if the message property values could be read; otherwise false.</returns>
22241         </member>
22242         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.TryReadInnerErrorPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError@,System.Int32)">
22243             <summary>
22244             Try to read an inner error property value.
22245             </summary>
22246             <param name="innerError">An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError"/> instance that was read from the reader or null if none could be read.</param>
22247             <param name="recursionDepth">The number of times this method has been called recursively.</param>
22248             <returns>true if an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError"/> instance that was read; otherwise false.</returns>
22249         </member>
22250         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.TryReadErrorStringPropertyValue(System.String@)">
22251             <summary>
22252             Reads the string value of a property.
22253             </summary>
22254             <param name="stringValue">The string value read if the method returns true; otherwise null.</param>
22255             <returns>true if a string value (or null) was read as property value of the current property; otherwise false.</returns>
22256         </member>
22257         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.SkipValueInternal">
22258             <summary>
22259             Skips over a JSON value (primitive, object or array) while parsing in-stream errors.
22260             Note that the SkipValue extension method can not be used in this case as this method has to 
22261             access the base instance's NodeType and call ReadInternal.
22262             </summary>
22263             <remarks>
22264             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue, JsonNodeType.StartArray or JsonNodeType.StartObject
22265             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue, JsonNodeType.EndArray or JsonNodeType.EndObject
22266             </remarks>
22267         </member>
22268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.RemoveFirstNodeInBuffer">
22269             <summary>
22270             Removes the head node from the buffer.
22271             </summary>
22272         </member>
22273         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.NodeType">
22274             <summary>
22275             The type of the last node read.
22276             </summary>
22277             <remarks>
22278             Depending on whether buffering is on or off this will return the node type of the last
22279             buffered read or the node type of the last unbuffered read.
22280             </remarks>
22281         </member>
22282         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.Value">
22283             <summary>
22284             The value of the last reported node.
22285             </summary>
22286             <remarks>
22287             Depending on whether buffering is on or off this will return the node type of the last
22288             buffered read or the node type of the last unbuffered read.
22289             </remarks>
22290         </member>
22291         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.RawValue">
22292             <summary>
22293             The raw value (string or char) of the last reported node.
22294             </summary>
22295             <remarks>
22296             Depending on whether buffering is on or off this will return the node raw value of the last
22297             buffered read or the node raw value of the last unbuffered read.
22298             </remarks>
22299         </member>
22300         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.DisableInStreamErrorDetection">
22301             <summary>
22302             true if the parser should check for in-stream errors whenever a start-object node is encountered; otherwise false.
22303             This is set to false for parsing of top-level errors where we don't want the in-stream error detection code to kick in.
22304             </summary>
22305         </member>
22306         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.IsBuffering">
22307             <summary>
22308             Flag indicating whether buffering is on or off; debug-only for use in asserts.
22309             </summary>
22310         </member>
22311         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode">
22312             <summary>
22313             Private class used to buffer nodes when reading in buffering mode.
22314             </summary>
22315         </member>
22316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.nodeType">
22317             <summary>The type of the node read.</summary>
22318         </member>
22319         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.nodeValue">
22320             <summary>The value of the node.</summary>
22321         </member>
22322         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.nodeRawValue">
22323             <summary>The Json raw value of the node.</summary>
22324         </member>
22325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType,System.Object,System.String)">
22326             <summary>
22327             Constructor.
22328             </summary>
22329             <param name="nodeType">The type of the node read.</param>
22330             <param name="value">The value of the node.</param>
22331             <param name="rawValue">The Json raw string or char of the node.</param>
22332         </member>
22333         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.NodeType">
22334             <summary>
22335             The type of the node read.
22336             </summary>
22337         </member>
22338         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.Value">
22339             <summary>
22340             The value of the node.
22341             </summary>
22342         </member>
22343         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.RawValue">
22344             <summary>
22345             The raw value (string or char) of the node.
22346             </summary>
22347         </member>
22348         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.Previous">
22349             <summary>
22350             The previous node in the list of nodes.
22351             </summary>
22352         </member>
22353         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode.Next">
22354             <summary>
22355             The next node in the list of nodes.
22356             </summary>
22357         </member>
22358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.TextReader,System.Int32)">
22359             <summary>
22360             Constructor.
22361             </summary>
22362             <param name="reader">The text reader to read input characters from.</param>
22363             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximum number of recursive internalexception objects to allow when reading in-stream errors.</param>
22364         </member>
22365         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.ProcessObjectValue">
22366             <summary>
22367             Called whenever we find a new object value in the payload.
22368             Buffers and re-orders an object value for later consumption by the JsonLight reader.
22369             </summary>
22370             <remarks>
22371             This method is called when the reader is in the buffering mode and can read ahead (buffering) as much as it needs to
22372             once it returns the reader will be returned to the position before the method was called.
22373             The reader is always positioned on a start object when this method is called.
22374             </remarks>
22375         </member>
22376         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.ReadPropertyName(System.String@,System.String@)">
22377             <summary>
22378             Reads a property name from the JSON reader and determines if it's a regular property, an instance annotation or a property annotation.
22379             </summary>
22380             <param name="propertyName">The name of the regular property which the reader is positioned on or which a property annotation belongs to.</param>
22381             <param name="annotationName">The name of the instance or property annotation, or null if the reader is on a regular property.</param>
22382         </member>
22383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferValue">
22384             <summary>
22385             Reads over a value buffering it.
22386             </summary>
22387         </member>
22388         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject">
22389             <summary>
22390             A data structure to represent the buffered object with information about its properties,
22391             their order and annotations.
22392             </summary>
22393         </member>
22394         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.propertyCache">
22395             <summary>The cache for properties.</summary>
22396             <remarks>The key is the property or instance annotation name, 
22397             the value are the buffered properties grouped by property name (incl. annotation properties).</remarks>
22398         </member>
22399         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.dataProperties">
22400             <summary>The set of data property names.</summary>
22401             <remarks>Data properties are the properties that are neither an instance annotation property nor a property annotation.</remarks>
22402         </member>
22403         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.propertyNamesWithAnnotations">
22404             <summary>A list of property names with their annotation name.</summary>
22405             <remarks>This is needed to properly maintain the relative order of annotation properties if no data
22406             property for the annotation property exists in the object.</remarks>
22407         </member>
22408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.#ctor">
22409             <summary>
22410             Constructor.
22411             </summary>
22412         </member>
22413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.AddBufferedProperty(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedProperty)">
22414             <summary>
22415             Adds a new buffered property to the list of buffered properties for this object.
22416             </summary>
22417             <param name="propertyName">The name of the data property (null for instance annotations).</param>
22418             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation (null for data properties).</param>
22419             <param name="bufferedProperty">The buffered property to add.</param>
22420         </member>
22421         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.Reorder">
22422             <summary>
22423             Reorders the buffered properties to conform to the required payload order.
22424             </summary>
22425             <remarks>The required order is: odata.metadata comes first, odata.type comes next, then all odata.* property annotations
22426             and finally, we preserve the relative order of custom annotations and data properties.</remarks>
22427         </member>
22428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.SortBufferedProperties(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedProperty})">
22429             <summary>
22430             Sort the data properties and property annotations stored for a particular property name.
22431             </summary>
22432             <param name="bufferedProperties">The list of buffered properties to sort.</param>
22433             <returns>The sorted enumerable of buffered properties.</returns>
22434             <remarks>The sort order is for all odata.* property annotations to come before the data property
22435             but otherwise preserve the relative order of custom property annotations with regard to the position of the data property.</remarks>
22436         </member>
22437         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.IsODataInstanceAnnotation(System.String)">
22438             <summary>
22439             Checks whether an annotation name is an odata.* annotation.
22440             </summary>
22441             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name to check.</param>
22442             <returns>true if the annotation name represents an odata.* annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
22443         </member>
22444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.IsODataMetadataAnnotation(System.String)">
22445             <summary>
22446             Checks whether an annotation name is a odata.metadata annotation.
22447             </summary>
22448             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name to check.</param>
22449             <returns>true if the annotation name represents an odata.metadata annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
22450         </member>
22451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.IsODataAnnotationGroupReferenceAnnotation(System.String)">
22452             <summary>
22453             Checks whether an annotation name is a odata.annotationGroup annotation.
22454             </summary>
22455             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name to check.</param>
22456             <returns>true if the annotation name represents an odata.annotationGroup annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
22457         </member>
22458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.IsODataAnnotationGroupAnnotation(System.String)">
22459             <summary>
22460             Checks whether an annotation name is a odata.annotationGroupReference annotation.
22461             </summary>
22462             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name to check.</param>
22463             <returns>true if the annotation name represents an odata.annotationGroupReference annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
22464         </member>
22465         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.IsODataTypeAnnotation(System.String)">
22466             <summary>
22467             Checks whether an annotation name is a odata.type annotation.
22468             </summary>
22469             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name to check.</param>
22470             <returns>true if the annotation name represents an odata.type annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
22471         </member>
22472         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.IsODataIdAnnotation(System.String)">
22473             <summary>
22474             Checks whether an annotation name is a odata.id annotation.
22475             </summary>
22476             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name to check.</param>
22477             <returns>true if the annotation name represents an odata.id annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
22478         </member>
22479         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.IsODataETagAnnotation(System.String)">
22480             <summary>
22481             Checks whether an annotation name is a odata.etag annotation.
22482             </summary>
22483             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name to check.</param>
22484             <returns>true if the annotation name represents an odata.etag annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
22485         </member>
22486         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.SortPropertyNames">
22487             <summary>
22488             Sorts the property names for an object.
22489             </summary>
22490             <returns>The sorted enumerable of property names.</returns>
22491             <remarks>The sort order is to put odata.metadata first, then odata.type, odata.id, and odata.etag, followed by all other odata.* instance annotations.
22492             For the rest, we preserve the relative order of custom annotations with regard to the data property.
22493             Note that we choose the position of the first property annotation in cases where no data property for a set of 
22494             property annotations exists.</remarks>
22495         </member>
22496         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.ObjectStart">
22497             <summary>
22498             The node in the linked list of buffered nodes where this object starts.
22499             </summary>
22500         </member>
22501         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedObject.CurrentProperty">
22502             <summary>
22503             The current buffered property being processed.
22504             </summary>
22505         </member>
22506         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedProperty">
22507             <summary>
22508             A data structure to represent a buffered property.
22509             </summary>
22510         </member>
22511         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedProperty.InsertAfter(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode)">
22512             <summary>
22513             Reorders the buffered property to be positioned after the <paramref name="node"/> node.
22514             </summary>
22515             <param name="node">The node after which to insert this buffered property.</param>
22516         </member>
22517         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedProperty.PropertyAnnotationName">
22518             <summary>
22519             The annotation name for this buffered property (either instance annotation or property annotation).
22520             </summary>
22521         </member>
22522         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedProperty.PropertyNameNode">
22523             <summary>
22524             The node in the linked list of buffered nodes that represents the property name of the buffered property.
22525             </summary>
22526         </member>
22527         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ReorderingJsonReader.BufferedProperty.EndOfPropertyValueNode">
22528             <summary>
22529             The node in the linked list of buffered nodes that represents the end of the property value of the buffered property.
22530             </summary>
22531         </member>
22532         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IODataJsonOperationsDeserializerContext">
22533             <summary>
22534             Interface representing a context necessary for reading JSON operations values.
22535             </summary>
22536         </member>
22537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IODataJsonOperationsDeserializerContext.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String)">
22538             <summary>
22539             Given a URI from the payload, this method will try to make it absolute, or fail otherwise.
22540             </summary>
22541             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
22542             <returns>An absolute URI to report.</returns>
22543         </member>
22544         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IODataJsonOperationsDeserializerContext.AddActionToEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction)">
22545             <summary>
22546             Adds the specified action to the current entry.
22547             </summary>
22548             <param name="action">The action whcih is fully populated with the data from the payload.</param>
22549         </member>
22550         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IODataJsonOperationsDeserializerContext.AddFunctionToEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction)">
22551             <summary>
22552             Adds the specified function to the current entry.
22553             </summary>
22554             <param name="function">The function whcih is fully populated with the data from the payload.</param>
22555         </member>
22556         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IODataJsonOperationsDeserializerContext.JsonReader">
22557             <summary>
22558             The JSON reader to read the operations value from.
22559             </summary>
22560         </member>
22561         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase">
22562             <summary>
22563             Base class for all JSON output contexts.
22564             </summary>
22565         </member>
22566         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.outputInStreamErrorListener">
22567             <summary>An in-stream error listener to notify when in-stream error is to be written. Or null if we don't need to notify anybody.</summary>
22568         </member>
22569         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.messageOutputStream">
22570             <summary>The message output stream.</summary>
22571         </member>
22572         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.asynchronousOutputStream">
22573             <summary>The asynchronous output stream if we're writing asynchronously.</summary>
22574         </member>
22575         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.textWriter">
22576             <summary>The text writer created for the output stream.</summary>
22577         </member>
22578         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.jsonWriter">
22579             <summary>The JSON writer to write to.</summary>
22580             <remarks>This field is also used to determine if the output context has been disposed already.</remarks>
22581         </member>
22582         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.TextWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
22583             <summary>
22584             Constructor.
22585             </summary>
22586             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
22587             <param name="textWriter">The text writer to write to.</param>
22588             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
22589             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
22590         </member>
22591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
22592             <summary>
22593             Constructor.
22594             </summary>
22595             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
22596             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to write the payload to.</param>
22597             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the payload.</param>
22598             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
22599             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
22600             <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
22601             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
22602             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
22603         </member>
22604         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.VerifyNotDisposed">
22605             <summary>
22606             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
22607             has already been disposed.
22608             </summary>
22609         </member>
22610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.Flush">
22611             <summary>
22612             Synchronously flush the writer.
22613             </summary>
22614         </member>
22615         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
22616             <summary>
22617             Perform the actual cleanup work.
22618             </summary>
22619             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
22620         </member>
22621         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.JsonWriter">
22622             <summary>
22623             Returns the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonOutputContextBase.JsonWriter"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
22624             </summary>
22625         </member>
22626         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonReaderCoreUtils">
22627             <summary>
22628             Helper methods used by the OData reader for the Verbose JSON and JSON Light formats.
22629             </summary>
22630         </member>
22631         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonReaderCoreUtils.ReadSpatialValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.String)">
22632             <summary>
22633             Try and parse spatial type from the json payload.
22634             </summary>
22635             <param name="jsonReader">The JSON reader to read from.</param>
22636             <param name="insideJsonObjectValue">true if the reader is positioned on the first property of the value which is a JSON Object 
22637                 (or the second property if the first one was odata.type).</param>
22638             <param name="inputContext">The input context with all the settings.</param>
22639             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">Expected edm property type.</param>
22640             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
22641             <param name="recursionDepth">The recursion depth to start with.</param>
22642             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
22643             <returns>An instance of the spatial type.</returns>
22644         </member>
22645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonReaderCoreUtils.TryReadNullValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.String)">
22646             <summary>
22647             Tries to read a null value from the JSON reader.
22648             </summary>
22649             <param name="jsonReader">The JSON reader to read from.</param>
22650             <param name="inputContext">The input context with all the settings.</param>
22651             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the value.</param>
22652             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
22653             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
22654             <returns>true if a null value could be read from the JSON reader; otherwise false.</returns>
22655             <remarks>If the method detects a null value it will read it (position the reader after the null value); 
22656             otherwise the reader does not move.</remarks>
22657         </member>
22658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonReaderCoreUtils.ReadObjectValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,System.Int32)">
22659             <summary>
22660             Reads the json object value from the jsonReader
22661             </summary>
22662             <param name="jsonReader">Json reader to read payload from the wire.</param>
22663             <param name="insideJsonObjectValue">true if the reader is positioned on the first property of the value which is a JSON Object
22664             (or the second property if the first one was odata.type).</param>
22665             <param name="inputContext">The input context with all the settings.</param>
22666             <param name="recursionDepth">The recursion depth to start with.</param>
22667             <returns>an instance of IDictionary containing the spatial value.</returns>
22668         </member>
22669         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonReaderCoreUtils.ReadArrayValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,System.Int32)">
22670             <summary>
22671             Read the json array from the reader.
22672             </summary>
22673             <param name="jsonReader">JsonReader instance.</param>
22674             <param name="inputContext">The input context with all the settings.</param>
22675             <param name="recursionDepth">The recursion depth to start with.</param>
22676             <returns>a list of json objects.</returns>
22677         </member>
22678         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader">
22679             <summary>
22680             Reader for the JSON format that supports look-ahead and deduplicates properties.
22681             </summary>
22682             <remarks>
22683             This reader will buffer the entire object record whenever it finds the start of the object record.
22684             It then goes through all its properties and removes duplicates.
22685             It then reports the object record as if there were no duplicates in it.
22686             If there was a duplicate property it will be reported at the position the first occurence of the property was found
22687             but with the value of the last occurence.
22688             This is to implement WCF DS Server compatibility behavior.
22689             </remarks>
22690         </member>
22691         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.TextReader,System.Int32)">
22692             <summary>
22693             Constructor.
22694             </summary>
22695             <param name="reader">The text reader to read input characters from.</param>
22696             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximum number of recursive internalexception objects to allow when reading in-stream errors.</param>
22697         </member>
22698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.ProcessObjectValue">
22699             <summary>
22700             Called whenever we find a new object value in the payload.
22701             Removes duplicate properties in the current object record.
22702             </summary>
22703             <remarks>
22704             This method assumes that we are buffering and that the current buffered node is a StartObject.
22705             It then goes, buffers the entire object record (and all its children) and removes duplicate properties (using the WCF DS Server algorithm).
22706             It will remove duplicate properties on any objects in the subtree of the top-level object as well (behaves recursively).
22707             The method also checks for in-stream errors and throws if it finds one.
22708             </remarks>
22709         </member>
22710         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.ObjectRecordPropertyDeduplicationRecord">
22711             <summary>
22712             Private class used to store information necessary to deduplicate properties of a single JSON object record.
22713             </summary>
22714             <remarks>
22715             This class is a dictionary
22716             Key is the name of a property in the object record.
22717             Value is a list of property deduplication records in the order we find the properties in the payload.
22718             </remarks>
22719         </member>
22720         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.ObjectRecordPropertyDeduplicationRecord.CurrentPropertyRecord">
22721             <summary>
22722             Points to the property record which is currently being constructed.
22723             </summary>
22724         </member>
22725         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.PropertyDeduplicationRecord">
22726             <summary>
22727             Private class used to store information necessary to deduplicate a single JSON property.
22728             </summary>
22729         </member>
22730         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.PropertyDeduplicationRecord.propertyNode">
22731             <summary>
22732             The node in the buffered nodes list which points to the property node
22733             which this deduplication record describes.
22734             </summary>
22735         </member>
22736         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.PropertyDeduplicationRecord.lastPropertyValueNode">
22737             <summary>
22738             The node in the buffered nodes list which points to the last node of the value of the property node
22739             this deduplication record describes.
22740             </summary>
22741         </member>
22742         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.PropertyDeduplicationRecord.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader.BufferedNode)">
22743             <summary>
22744             Constructor.
22745             </summary>
22746             <param name="propertyNode">The property node to create the record for.</param>
22747         </member>
22748         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.PropertyDeduplicationRecord.PropertyNode">
22749             <summary>
22750             The node in the buffered nodes list which points to the property node
22751             which this deduplication record describes.
22752             </summary>
22753         </member>
22754         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.PropertyDeduplicatingJsonReader.PropertyDeduplicationRecord.LastPropertyValueNode">
22755             <summary>
22756             The node in the buffered nodes list which points to the last node of the value of the property node
22757             this deduplication record describes.
22758             </summary>
22759             <remarks>
22760             Observation: Even if the value itself is an object for which we will do the property deduplication and thus we will shuffle its nodes around,
22761             in that case the last value node will point to the end object node which will not change during the deduplication process.
22762             </remarks>
22763         </member>
22764         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation">
22765             <summary>
22766             Annotation which stores the EDM type information of a value.
22767             </summary>
22768             <remarks>
22769             This annotation will be used on ODataEntry, ODataComplexValue and ODataCollectionValue.
22770             </remarks>
22771         </member>
22772         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation.type">
22773             <summary>The EDM type of the value this annotation is on.</summary>
22774         </member>
22775         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation.entitySet">
22776             <summary>The entity set of the value this annotation is on. Only applies to entity values.</summary>
22777         </member>
22778         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
22779             <summary>
22780             Creates a new instance of the type annotation for an entity value.
22781             </summary>
22782             <param name="entitySet">The entity set the entity belongs to (required).</param>
22783             <param name="entityType">The entity type of the entity value if not the base type of the entity set (optional).</param>
22784         </member>
22785         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference)">
22786             <summary>
22787             Creates a new instance of the type annotation for a complex value.
22788             </summary>
22789             <param name="complexType">The type of the complex value (required).</param>
22790         </member>
22791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference)">
22792             <summary>
22793             Creates a new instance of the type annotation for a collection value.
22794             </summary>
22795             <param name="collectionType">The type of the collection value (required).</param>
22796         </member>
22797         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation.Type">
22798             <summary>
22799             The EDM type of the value.
22800             </summary>
22801         </member>
22802         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation.EntitySet">
22803             <summary>
22804             The entity set the value belongs to (only applies to entity values).
22805             </summary>
22806         </member>
22807         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmCollectionValue">
22808             <summary>
22809             An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmCollectionValue"/> implementation of an OData collection value.
22810             </summary>
22811         </member>
22812         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmCollectionValue.collectionValue">
22813             <summary>
22814             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/> to convert into an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmCollectionValue"/>.
22815             </summary>
22816         </member>
22817         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmCollectionValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue)">
22818             <summary>
22819             Creates a new instance of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmCollectionValue"/>.
22820             </summary>
22821             <param name="collectionValue">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/> to create the collection value for.</param>
22822         </member>
22823         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmCollectionValue.Elements">
22824             <summary>
22825             Gets the values stored in this collection.
22826             </summary>
22827         </member>
22828         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmCollectionValue.ValueKind">
22829             <summary>
22830             Gets the kind of this value.
22831             </summary>
22832         </member>
22833         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmNullValue">
22834             <summary>
22835             An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> implementation of an OData entry or complex value.
22836             </summary>
22837         </member>
22838         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmNullValue.UntypedInstance">
22839             <summary>Static, un-typed <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmNullValue"/> instance for use in ODataLib.</summary>
22840         </member>
22841         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmNullValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
22842             <summary>
22843             Creates a new Edm null value with the specified type.
22844             </summary>
22845             <param name="type">The type of the null value (if available).</param>
22846         </member>
22847         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmNullValue.ValueKind">
22848             <summary>
22849             Gets the kind of this value.
22850             </summary>
22851         </member>
22852         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmValueUtils">
22853             <summary>
22854             Class with utility methods to deal with EDM values over OData OM instances.
22855             </summary>
22856         </member>
22857         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmValueUtils.GetEdmPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference)">
22858             <summary>
22859             Converts an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> into the corresponding <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPropertyValue"/>.
22860             </summary>
22861             <param name="property">The non-null <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> to convert.</param>
22862             <param name="declaringType">The declaring type of the property.</param>
22863             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPropertyValue"/> implementation of the <paramref name="property"/> value.</returns>
22864         </member>
22865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmValueUtils.ConvertValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
22866             <summary>
22867             Converts an OData value into the corresponding <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDelayedValue"/>.
22868             </summary>
22869             <param name="value">The value to convert.</param>
22870             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> of the value or null if no type reference is available.</param>
22871             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDelayedValue"/> implementation of the <paramref name="value"/>.</returns>
22872         </member>
22873         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue">
22874             <summary>
22875             An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> implementation of an OData entry or complex value.
22876             </summary>
22877         </member>
22878         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue.properties">
22879             <summary>Properties of an OData entry or complex value.</summary>
22880         </member>
22881         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue.structuredType">
22882             <summary>The type of this structured value.</summary>
22883         </member>
22884         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
22885             <summary>
22886             Creates a new Edm structured value from an OData entry.
22887             </summary>
22888             <param name="entry">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> to create the structured value for.</param>
22889         </member>
22890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue)">
22891             <summary>
22892             Creates a new Edm structured value from an OData complex value.
22893             </summary>
22894             <param name="complexValue">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/> to create the structured value for.</param>
22895         </member>
22896         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue.FindPropertyValue(System.String)">
22897             <summary>
22898             Finds the value corresponding to the provided property name.
22899             </summary>
22900             <param name="propertyName">Property to find the value of.</param>
22901             <returns>The found property, or null if no property was found.</returns>
22902         </member>
22903         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue.PropertyValues">
22904             <summary>
22905             Gets the property values of this structured value.
22906             </summary>
22907         </member>
22908         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEdmStructuredValue.ValueKind">
22909             <summary>
22910             Gets the kind of this value.
22911             </summary>
22912         </member>
22913         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState">
22914             <summary>
22915             Interface representing a state of the JSON reader for entry.
22916             </summary>
22917         </member>
22918         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.Entry">
22919             <summary>
22920             The entry being read.
22921             </summary>
22922         </member>
22923         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.EntityType">
22924             <summary>
22925             The entity type for the entry (if available)
22926             </summary>
22927         </member>
22928         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.MetadataBuilder">
22929             <summary>
22930             The metadata builder instance for the entry.
22931             </summary>
22932         </member>
22933         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.AnyPropertyFound">
22934             <summary>
22935             Flag which indicates that during parsing of the entry represented by this state,
22936             any property which is not an instance annotation was found. This includes property annotations
22937             for property which is not present in the payload.
22938             </summary>
22939             <remarks>
22940             This is used to detect incorrect ordering of the payload (for example odata.id must not come after the first property).
22941             </remarks>
22942         </member>
22943         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.FirstNavigationLinkInfo">
22944             <summary>
22945             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
22946             it will store the navigation link info in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation link of an entry.
22947             </summary>
22948         </member>
22949         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
22950             <summary>
22951             The duplicate property names checker for the entry represented by the current state. May be null.
22952             </summary>
22953         </member>
22954         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.SelectedProperties">
22955             <summary>
22956             The selected properties that should be expanded during template evaluation.
22957             </summary>
22958         </member>
22959         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.NavigationPropertiesRead">
22960             <summary>
22961             The set of names of the navigation properties we have read so far while reading the entry.
22962             </summary>
22963         </member>
22964         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState.ProcessingMissingProjectedNavigationLinks">
22965             <summary>
22966             true if we have started processing missing projected navigation links, false otherwise.
22967             </summary>
22968         </member>
22969         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer">
22970             <summary>
22971             OData JsonLight deserializer for collections.
22972             </summary>
22973         </member>
22974         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
22975             <summary>Cached duplicate property names checker to use if the items are complex values.</summary>
22976         </member>
22977         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
22978             <summary>
22979             Constructor.
22980             </summary>
22981             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
22982         </member>
22983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference@)">
22984             <summary>
22985             Reads the start of a collection; this includes collection-level properties (e.g., the 'results' property) if the version permits it.
22986             </summary>
22987             <param name="collectionStartDuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker used to keep track of the properties and annotations
22988             in the collection wrapper object.</param>
22989             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are reading a nested collection inside a paramter payload; otherwise false.</param>
22990             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected item type reference or null if none is expected.</param>
22991             <param name="actualItemTypeReference">The validated actual item type reference (if specified in the payload) or the expected item type reference.</param>
22992             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection-level information. Currently this is only the name of the collection in ATOM.</returns>
22993             <remarks>
22994             Pre-Condition:  Any:                      the start of a nested collection value; if this is not a 'StartArray' node this method will fail.
22995                             JsonNodeType.Property:    the first property of the collection wrapper object after the metadata URI.
22996                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:   when the collection wrapper object has no properties (other than the metadata URI).
22997             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartArray:  the start of the array of the collection items.
22998             </remarks>
22999         </member>
23000         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionItem(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator)">
23001             <summary>
23002             Reads an item in the collection.
23003             </summary>
23004             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type of the item to read.</param>
23005             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
23006             <returns>The value of the collection item that was read; this can be an ODataComplexValue, a primitive value or 'null'.</returns>
23007             <remarks>
23008             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the item in the collection
23009                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
23010                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex item
23011                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive item
23012             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the next item or an EndArray node if there are no more items in the collection
23013             </remarks>
23014         </member>
23015         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionEnd(System.Boolean)">
23016             <summary>
23017             Reads the end of a collection; this includes collection-level instance annotations.
23018             </summary>
23019             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are reading a nested collection inside a paramter payload; otherwise false.</param>
23020             <remarks>
23021             Pre-Condition:  EndArray node:      End of the collection content array
23022             Post-Condition: EndOfInput:         All of the collection payload has been consumed.
23023             </remarks>
23024         </member>
23025         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader">
23026             <summary>
23027             OData collection reader for the JsonLight format.
23028             </summary>
23029         </member>
23030         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.jsonLightInputContext">
23031             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
23032         </member>
23033         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.jsonLightCollectionDeserializer">
23034             <summary>The collection deserializer to use to read from the input.</summary>
23035         </member>
23036         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
23037             <summary>
23038             Constructor.
23039             </summary>
23040             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
23041             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type for the items in the collection.</param>
23042             <param name="listener">If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</param>
23043         </member>
23044         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
23045             <summary>
23046             Implementation of the collection reader logic when in state 'Start'.
23047             </summary>
23048             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
23049             <remarks>
23050             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
23051             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the first item or the EndArray node of an empty item array
23052             </remarks>
23053         </member>
23054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionStartImplementation">
23055             <summary>
23056             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionStart'.
23057             </summary>
23058             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
23059             <remarks>
23060             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the first item in the collection or the EndArray node of the (empty) item array
23061                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
23062                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:       for an empty item array of the collection
23063                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex value as first item
23064                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive value as first item
23065             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the second item or an EndArray node if there are no items in the collection
23066             </remarks>
23067         </member>
23068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtValueImplementation">
23069             <summary>
23070             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Value'.
23071             </summary>
23072             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
23073             <remarks>
23074             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the next item in the collection or the EndArray node of the item array
23075                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
23076                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:       for the end of the item array of the collection
23077                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex item
23078                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive item
23079             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the next item or an EndArray node if there are no items in the collection
23080             </remarks>
23081         </member>
23082         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionEndImplementation">
23083             <summary>
23084             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionEnd'.
23085             </summary>
23086             <returns>false since no more nodes can be read from the reader after the collection ended.</returns>
23087             <remarks>
23088             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndArray        the end of the item array of the collection
23089             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput     nothing else to read when not reading a nested payload
23090             </remarks>
23091         </member>
23092         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtStartImplementationSynchronously(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
23093             <summary>
23094             Implementation of the collection reader logic when in state 'Start'.
23095             </summary>
23096             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker for the top-level scope.</param>
23097             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
23098             <remarks>
23099             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
23100             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the first item or the EndArray node of an empty item array
23101             </remarks>
23102         </member>
23103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionStartImplementationSynchronously">
23104             <summary>
23105             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionStart'.
23106             </summary>
23107             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
23108             <remarks>
23109             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the first item in the collection or the EndArray node of the (empty) item array
23110                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
23111                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:       for an empty item array of the collection
23112                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex value as first item
23113                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive value as first item
23114             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the second item or an EndArray node if there are no items in the collection
23115             </remarks>
23116         </member>
23117         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtValueImplementationSynchronously">
23118             <summary>
23119             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Value'.
23120             </summary>
23121             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
23122             <remarks>
23123             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the next item in the collection or the EndArray node of the item array
23124                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
23125                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:       for the end of the item array of the collection
23126                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex item
23127                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive item
23128             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the next item or an EndArray node if there are no items in the collection
23129             </remarks>
23130         </member>
23131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionEndImplementationSynchronously">
23132             <summary>
23133             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionEnd'.
23134             </summary>
23135             <returns>false since no more nodes can be read from the reader after the collection ended.</returns>
23136             <remarks>
23137             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndArray        the end of the item array of the collection
23138             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput     nothing else to read when not reading a nested payload
23139             </remarks>
23140         </member>
23141         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionSerializer">
23142             <summary>
23143             OData JsonLight serializer for collections.
23144             </summary>
23145         </member>
23146         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionSerializer.writingTopLevelCollection">
23147             <summary>true when writing a top-level collection that requires the 'value' wrapper object; otherwise false.</summary>
23148         </member>
23149         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionSerializer.metadataUriBuilder">
23150             <summary>The metadata uri builder to use.</summary>
23151         </member>
23152         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext,System.Boolean)">
23153             <summary>
23154             Constructor.
23155             </summary>
23156             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
23157             <param name="writingTopLevelCollection">true when writing a top-level collection that requires the 'value' wrapper object; otherwise false.</param>
23158         </member>
23159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionSerializer.WriteCollectionStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
23160             <summary>
23161             Writes the start of a collection.
23162             </summary>
23163             <param name="collectionStart">The collection start to write.</param>
23164             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection or null if no metadata is available.</param>
23165         </member>
23166         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionSerializer.WriteCollectionEnd">
23167             <summary>
23168             Writes the end of a collection.
23169             </summary>
23170         </member>
23171         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter">
23172             <summary>
23173             ODataCollectionWriter for the JsonLight format.
23174             </summary>
23175         </member>
23176         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore">
23177             <summary>
23178             Base class for OData collection writers that verifies a proper sequence of write calls on the writer.
23179             </summary>
23180         </member>
23181         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter">
23182             <summary>
23183             Base class for OData collection writers.
23184             </summary>
23185         </member>
23186         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
23187             <summary>Start writing a collection.</summary>
23188             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart" /> representing the collection.</param>
23189         </member>
23190         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter.WriteItem(System.Object)">
23191             <summary>Starts writing an entry.</summary>
23192             <param name="item">The collection item to write.</param>
23193         </member>
23194         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter.WriteEnd">
23195             <summary>Finishes writing a collection.</summary>
23196         </member>
23197         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter.Flush">
23198             <summary>Flushes the write buffer to the underlying stream.</summary>
23199         </member>
23200         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataOutputInStreamErrorListener">
23201             <summary>
23202             An interface that allows the implementations of the writers to get notified if an in-stream error is to be written.
23203             </summary>
23204         </member>
23205         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataOutputInStreamErrorListener.OnInStreamError">
23206             <summary>
23207             This method notifies the listener, that an in-stream error is to be written.
23208             </summary>
23209             <remarks>
23210             This listener can choose to fail, if the currently written payload doesn't support in-stream error at this position.
23211             If the listener returns, the writer should not allow any more writing, since the in-stream error is the last thing in the payload.
23212             </remarks>
23213         </member>
23214         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.outputContext">
23215             <summary>The output context to write to.</summary>
23216         </member>
23217         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.listener">
23218             <summary>If not null, the writer will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the writer.</summary>
23219         </member>
23220         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.scopes">
23221             <summary>Stack of writer scopes to keep track of the current context of the writer.</summary>
23222         </member>
23223         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.expectedItemType">
23224             <summary>The expected type of the items in the collection or null if no expected item type exists.</summary>
23225         </member>
23226         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
23227             <summary>Checker to detect duplicate property names on complex collection items.</summary>
23228         </member>
23229         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.collectionValidator">
23230             <summary>The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</summary>
23231         </member>
23232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
23233             <summary>
23234             Constructor.
23235             </summary>
23236             <param name="outputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
23237             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
23238         </member>
23239         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
23240             <summary>
23241             Constructor.
23242             </summary>
23243             <param name="outputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
23244             <param name="expectedItemType">The type reference of the expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
23245             <param name="listener">If not null, the writer will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the writer.</param>
23246         </member>
23247         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Flush">
23248             <summary>
23249             Flushes the write buffer to the underlying stream.
23250             </summary>
23251         </member>
23252         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
23253             <summary>
23254             Start writing a collection.
23255             </summary>
23256             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection.</param>
23257         </member>
23258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteItem(System.Object)">
23259             <summary>
23260             Write a collection item.
23261             </summary>
23262             <param name="item">The collection item to write.</param>
23263         </member>
23264         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteEnd">
23265             <summary>
23266             Finish writing a collection.
23267             </summary>
23268         </member>
23269         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataOutputInStreamErrorListener#OnInStreamError">
23270             <summary>
23271             This method notifies the listener, that an in-stream error is to be written.
23272             </summary>
23273             <remarks>
23274             This listener can choose to fail, if the currently written payload doesn't support in-stream error at this position.
23275             If the listener returns, the writer should not allow any more writing, since the in-stream error is the last thing in the payload.
23276             </remarks>
23277         </member>
23278         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.IsErrorState(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState)">
23279             <summary>
23280             Determines whether a given writer state is considered an error state.
23281             </summary>
23282             <param name="state">The writer state to check.</param>
23283             <returns>True if the writer state is an error state; otherwise false.</returns>
23284         </member>
23285         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.VerifyNotDisposed">
23286             <summary>
23287             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
23288             has already been disposed.
23289             </summary>
23290         </member>
23291         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.FlushSynchronously">
23292             <summary>
23293             Flush the output.
23294             </summary>
23295         </member>
23296         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.StartPayload">
23297             <summary>
23298             Start writing an OData payload.
23299             </summary>
23300         </member>
23301         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.EndPayload">
23302             <summary>
23303             Finish writing an OData payload.
23304             </summary>
23305         </member>
23306         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.StartCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
23307             <summary>
23308             Start writing a collection.
23309             </summary>
23310             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection.</param>
23311         </member>
23312         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.EndCollection">
23313             <summary>
23314             Finish writing a collection.
23315             </summary>
23316         </member>
23317         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteCollectionItem(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
23318             <summary>
23319             Writes a collection item (either primitive or complex)
23320             </summary>
23321             <param name="item">The collection item to write.</param>
23322             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type of the collection item or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
23323         </member>
23324         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteStart(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
23325             <summary>
23326             Verifies that calling WriteStart is valid.
23327             </summary>
23328             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
23329             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection.</param>
23330         </member>
23331         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteStartImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
23332             <summary>
23333             Start writing a collection - implementation of the actual functionality.
23334             </summary>
23335             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection.</param>
23336         </member>
23337         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteItem(System.Boolean)">
23338             <summary>
23339             Verify that calling WriteItem is valid.
23340             </summary>
23341             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
23342         </member>
23343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteItemImplementation(System.Object)">
23344             <summary>
23345             Write a collection item - implementation of the actual functionality.
23346             </summary>
23347             <param name="item">The collection item to write.</param>
23348         </member>
23349         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteEnd(System.Boolean)">
23350             <summary>
23351             Verifies that calling WriteEnd is valid.
23352             </summary>
23353             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
23354         </member>
23355         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteEndImplementation">
23356             <summary>
23357             Finish writing a collection - implementation of the actual functionality.
23358             </summary>
23359         </member>
23360         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.VerifyCanFlush(System.Boolean)">
23361             <summary>
23362             Verifies that calling Flush is valid.
23363             </summary>
23364             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
23365         </member>
23366         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
23367             <summary>
23368             Verifies that a call is allowed to the writer.
23369             </summary>
23370             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
23371         </member>
23372         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.StartPayloadInStartState">
23373             <summary>
23374             Checks whether we are currently writing the first top-level element; if so call StartPayload
23375             </summary>
23376         </member>
23377         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.InterceptException(System.Action)">
23378             <summary>
23379             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the writer into
23380             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
23381             </summary>
23382             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
23383         </member>
23384         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.NotifyListener(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState)">
23385             <summary>
23386             Notifies the implementer of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener"/> interface of relevant state changes in the writer.
23387             </summary>
23388             <param name="newState">The new writer state.</param>
23389         </member>
23390         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState,System.Object)">
23391             <summary>
23392             Enter a new writer scope; verifies that the transition from the current state into new state is valid
23393             and attaches the item to the new scope.
23394             </summary>
23395             <param name="newState">The writer state to transition into.</param>
23396             <param name="item">The item to associate with the new scope.</param>
23397         </member>
23398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.LeaveScope">
23399             <summary>
23400             Leave the current writer scope and return to the previous scope. 
23401             When reaching the top-level replace the 'Started' scope with a 'Completed' scope.
23402             </summary>
23403             <remarks>Note that this method is never called once an error has been written or a fatal exception has been thrown.</remarks>
23404         </member>
23405         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.ReplaceScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem)">
23406             <summary>
23407             Replaces the current scope with a new scope; checks that the transition is valid.
23408             </summary>
23409             <param name="newState">The new state to transition into.</param>
23410             <param name="item">The item associated with the new state.</param>
23411         </member>
23412         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.ValidateTransition(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState)">
23413             <summary>
23414             Verify that the transition from the current state into new state is valid .
23415             </summary>
23416             <param name="newState">The new writer state to transition into.</param>
23417         </member>
23418         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.State">
23419             <summary>
23420             The current state of the writer.
23421             </summary>
23422         </member>
23423         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
23424             <summary>Checker to detect duplicate property names on complex collection items.</summary>
23425         </member>
23426         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionValidator">
23427             <summary>
23428             The collection validator instance.
23429             </summary>
23430         </member>
23431         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.ItemTypeReference">
23432             <summary>
23433             The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.
23434             </summary>
23435         </member>
23436         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState">
23437             <summary>
23438             An enumeration representing the current state of the writer.
23439             </summary>
23440         </member>
23441         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState.Start">
23442             <summary>The writer is at the start; nothing has been written yet.</summary>
23443         </member>
23444         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState.Collection">
23445             <summary>
23446             The writer has started writing and is writing the wrapper elements for the 
23447             collection items (if any). No or all items have been written.
23448             </summary>
23449         </member>
23450         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState.Item">
23451             <summary>The writer is in a state where collection items can be written.</summary>
23452         </member>
23453         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState.Completed">
23454             <summary>The writer has completed; nothing can be written anymore.</summary>
23455         </member>
23456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState.Error">
23457             <summary>Writer has written an error; nothing can be written anymore.</summary>
23458         </member>
23459         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Scope">
23460             <summary>
23461             A writer scope; keeping track of the current writer state and an item associated with this state.
23462             </summary>
23463         </member>
23464         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Scope.state">
23465             <summary>The writer state of this scope.</summary>
23466         </member>
23467         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Scope.item">
23468             <summary>The item attached to this scope.</summary>
23469         </member>
23470         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.CollectionWriterState,System.Object)">
23471             <summary>
23472             Constructor creating a new writer scope.
23473             </summary>
23474             <param name="state">The writer state of this scope.</param>
23475             <param name="item">The item attached to this scope.</param>
23476         </member>
23477         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Scope.State">
23478             <summary>
23479             The writer state of this scope.
23480             </summary>
23481         </member>
23482         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriterCore.Scope.Item">
23483             <summary>
23484             The item attached to this scope.
23485             </summary>
23486         </member>
23487         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.jsonLightOutputContext">
23488             <summary>
23489             The output context to write to.
23490             </summary>
23491         </member>
23492         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.jsonLightCollectionSerializer">
23493             <summary>
23494             The JsonLight collection serializer to use.
23495             </summary>
23496         </member>
23497         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
23498             <summary>
23499             Constructor for creating a collection writer to use when writing operation result payloads.
23500             </summary>
23501             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
23502             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
23503         </member>
23504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
23505             <summary>
23506             Constructor for creating a collection writer to use when writing parameter payloads.
23507             </summary>
23508             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
23509             <param name="expectedItemType">The type reference of the expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
23510             <param name="listener">If not null, the writer will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the writer.</param>
23511         </member>
23512         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
23513             <summary>
23514             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
23515             has already been disposed.
23516             </summary>
23517         </member>
23518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.FlushSynchronously">
23519             <summary>
23520             Flush the output.
23521             </summary>
23522         </member>
23523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.StartPayload">
23524             <summary>
23525             Start writing an OData payload.
23526             </summary>
23527         </member>
23528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.EndPayload">
23529             <summary>
23530             Finish writing an OData payload.
23531             </summary>
23532         </member>
23533         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.StartCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
23534             <summary>
23535             Start writing a collection.
23536             </summary>
23537             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection.</param>
23538         </member>
23539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.EndCollection">
23540             <summary>
23541             Finish writing a collection.
23542             </summary>
23543         </member>
23544         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightCollectionWriter.WriteCollectionItem(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
23545             <summary>
23546             Writes a collection item (either primitive or complex)
23547             </summary>
23548             <param name="item">The collection item to write.</param>
23549             <param name="expectedItemType">The expected type of the collection item or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
23550         </member>
23551         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer">
23552             <summary>
23553             OData JsonLight deserializer for entity reference links.
23554             </summary>
23555         </member>
23556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
23557             <summary>
23558             Constructor.
23559             </summary>
23560             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
23561         </member>
23562         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23563             <summary>
23564             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
23565             </summary>
23566             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
23567             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
23568         </member>
23569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23570             <summary>
23571             Reads a top-level entity reference link - implementation of the actual functionality.
23572             </summary>
23573             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
23574             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
23575         </member>
23576         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinksImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
23577             <summary>
23578             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
23579             </summary>
23580             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
23581             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use for the top-level scope.</param>
23582             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
23583         </member>
23584         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
23585             <summary>
23586             Reads a top-level entity reference link - implementation of the actual functionality.
23587             </summary>
23588             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
23589             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use for the top-level scope.</param>
23590             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
23591         </member>
23592         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinksAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean)">
23593             <summary>
23594             Reads the entity reference link instance annotations.
23595             </summary>
23596             <param name="links">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> to read the annotations for.</param>
23597             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker for the entity reference links scope.</param>
23598             <param name="forLinksStart">true when parsing the instance annotations before the 'value' property; 
23599             false when parsing the instance annotations after the 'value' property.</param>
23600             <remarks>
23601             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property               The first property in the payload (or the first property after the metadata URI in responses)
23602                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entity reference links object
23603             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              When the end of the entity reference links object is reached
23604                             Any                                 The first node of the value of the 'url' property (if found)
23605             </remarks>
23606         </member>
23607         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinksNextLinkAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
23608             <summary>
23609             Reads the odata.nextlink value of an entity reference links nextlink annotation.
23610             </summary>
23611             <param name="links">The entity reference links to read the next link value for; the value of the nextlink will be assigned to this instance.</param>
23612             <remarks>
23613             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the instance annotation
23614             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entity reference links object
23615                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after the instance annotation
23616             </remarks>
23617         </member>
23618         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceCountAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
23619             <summary>
23620             Reads the value of an entity reference links count annotation.
23621             </summary>
23622             <param name="links">The entity reference links to read the count value for; the value of the count will be assigned to this instance.</param>
23623             <remarks>
23624             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the instance annotation
23625             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entity reference links object
23626                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after the instance annotation
23627             </remarks>
23628         </member>
23629         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadSingleEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean)">
23630             <summary>
23631             Read an entity reference link.
23632             </summary>
23633             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to check for duplicate properties and 
23634             duplicate annotations; this is a separate instance per entity reference link.</param>
23635             <param name="topLevel">true if we are reading a singleton entity reference link at the top level; false if we are reading 
23636             an entity reference link as part of a collection of entity reference links.</param>
23637             <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> which was read.</returns>
23638             <remarks>
23639             Pre-Condition:  StartObject     when the entity reference link is part of a collection
23640                             Property        the first property in the entity reference link (for a top-level link)
23641                             EndObject       the end object node of an entity reference link (for a top-level link)
23642             Post-Condition: EndInput        for a top-level object
23643                             EndArray        for the last link in a collection of links
23644                             Any             for the first node of the next link in a collection of links
23645             </remarks>
23646         </member>
23647         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer">
23648             <summary>
23649             OData JsonLight serializer for entity reference links.
23650             </summary>
23651         </member>
23652         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.metadataUriBuilder">
23653             <summary>The metadata uri builder to use.</summary>
23654         </member>
23655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext)">
23656             <summary>
23657             Constructor.
23658             </summary>
23659             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
23660         </member>
23661         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23662             <summary>
23663             Writes a single top-level Uri in response to a $links query.
23664             </summary>
23665             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write out.</param>
23666             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property</param>
23667             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
23668         </member>
23669         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23670             <summary>
23671             Writes a set of links (Uris) in response to a $links query; includes optional count and next-page-link information.
23672             </summary>
23673             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The set of entity reference links to write out.</param>
23674             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property</param>
23675             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
23676         </member>
23677         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Boolean)">
23678             <summary>
23679             Writes a single Uri in response to a $links query.
23680             </summary>
23681             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write out.</param>
23682             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property</param>
23683             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
23684             <param name="isTopLevel">true if the entity reference link being written is at the top level of the payload.</param>
23685         </member>
23686         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLinksImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23687             <summary>
23688             Writes a set of links (Uris) in response to a $links query; includes optional count and next-page-link information.
23689             </summary>
23690             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The set of entity reference links to write out.</param>
23691             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property</param>
23692             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
23693         </member>
23694         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteNextLinkAnnotation(System.Uri)">
23695             <summary>
23696             Writes the next link property, which consists of the property name and value.
23697             </summary>
23698             <param name="nextPageLink">The non-null value of the next link to write.</param>
23699         </member>
23700         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteCountAnnotation(System.Int64)">
23701             <summary>
23702             Writes the odata.count property, which consists of the property name and value.
23703             </summary>
23704             <param name="countValue">The value of the count property to write.</param>
23705         </member>
23706         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
23707             <summary>
23708             OData JsonLight deserializer for entries and feeds.
23709             </summary>
23710         </member>
23711         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.annotationGroupDeserializer">
23712             <summary>The annotation group deserializer for reading annotation groups.</summary>
23713         </member>
23714         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
23715             <summary>
23716             Constructor.
23717             </summary>
23718             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
23719         </member>
23720         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedContentStart">
23721             <summary>
23722             Reads the start of the JSON array for the content of the feed.
23723             </summary>
23724             <remarks>
23725             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartArray:    The start of the feed property array; this method will fail if the node is anything else.
23726             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject:   The first item in the feed
23727                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:      The end of the feed
23728             </remarks>
23729         </member>
23730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedContentEnd">
23731             <summary>
23732             Reads the end of the array containing the feed content.
23733             </summary>
23734             <remarks>
23735             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndArray
23736             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property   if the feed is part of an expanded navigation link and there are more properties in the object
23737                             JsonNodeType.EndObject  if the feed is a top-level feed or the expanded navigation link is the last property of the payload
23738             </remarks>
23739         </member>
23740         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryTypeName(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState)">
23741             <summary>
23742             Reads the entry type name annotation (odata.type)
23743             </summary>
23744             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23745             <remarks>
23746             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property          The first property after the odata.metadata in the entry object.
23747                             JsonNodeType.EndObject         End of the entry object.
23748             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property          The property after the odata.type (if there was any), or the property on which the method was called.
23749                             JsonNodeType.EndObject         End of the entry object.
23751             This method fills the ODataEntry.TypeName property if the type name is found in the payload.
23752             </remarks>
23753         </member>
23754         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState)">
23755             <summary>
23756             Reads the content of an entry until a navigation link is detected.
23757             </summary>
23758             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23759             <returns>A reader navigation link info representing the navigation link detected while reading the entry contents; null if no navigation link was detected.</returns>
23760             <remarks>
23761             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property               The property to read
23762                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
23763             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
23764                             JsonNodeType.Property               If we've read a deferred link (this is the property after the deferred link)
23765                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            Expanded entry
23766                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Expanded feed
23767                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null
23768             </remarks>
23769         </member>
23770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ValidateEntryMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState)">
23771             <summary>
23772             Validates entry metadata.
23773             </summary>
23774             <param name="entryState">The entry state to use.</param>
23775         </member>
23776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadTopLevelFeedAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
23777             <summary>
23778             Reads the feed instance annotations for a top-level feed.
23779             </summary>
23780             <param name="feed">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> to read the instance annotations for.</param>
23781             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker for the top-level scope.</param>
23782             <param name="forFeedStart">true when parsing the instance annotations before the feed property; 
23783             false when parsing the instance annotations after the feed property.</param>
23784             <param name="readAllFeedProperties">true if we should scan ahead for the annotations and ignore the actual data properties (used with
23785             the reordering reader); otherwise false.</param>
23786         </member>
23787         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryPropertyAnnotationValue(System.String)">
23788             <summary>
23789             Reads a value of property annotation on the entry level.
23790             </summary>
23791             <param name="propertyAnnotationName">The name of the property annotation to read.</param>
23792             <returns>The value of the property annotation.</returns>
23793             <remarks>
23794             This method should read the property annotation value and return a representation of the value which will be later
23795             consumed by the entry reading code.
23797             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the property annotation property
23798                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
23799                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
23800             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entry object
23801                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after the property annotation
23802             </remarks>
23803         </member>
23804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ApplyAnnotationGroupIfPresent(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState)">
23805             <summary>
23806             Reads an annotation group if one exists, and updates the given entry with the annotations from the annotation group.
23807             </summary>
23808             <param name="entryState">The state for the entry which should get the annotations.</param>
23809         </member>
23810         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryInstanceAnnotation(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
23811             <summary>
23812             Reads instance annotation in the entry object.
23813             </summary>
23814             <param name="annotationName">The name of the instance annotation found.</param>
23815             <param name="anyPropertyFound">true if a non-annotation property has already been encountered.</param>
23816             <param name="typeAnnotationFound">true if the 'odata.type' annotation has already been encountered, or should have been by now.</param>
23817             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker for the entry being read.</param>
23818             <returns>The value of the annotation.</returns>
23819             <remarks>
23820             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the instance annotation property
23821                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
23822                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
23823             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entry object
23824                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after the instance annotation
23825             </remarks>
23826         </member>
23827         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ApplyEntryInstanceAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String,System.Object)">
23828             <summary>
23829             Reads instance annotation in the entry object.
23830             </summary>
23831             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23832             <param name="annotationName">The name of the instance annotation found.</param>
23833             <param name="annotationValue">The value of the annotation.</param>
23834             <remarks>
23835             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the instance annotation property
23836                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
23837                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
23838             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entry object
23839                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after the instance annotation
23840             </remarks>
23841         </member>
23842         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadCustomInstanceAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,System.String)">
23843             <summary>
23844             Reads the value of the instance annotation.
23845             </summary>
23846             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker instance.</param>
23847             <param name="name">The name of the instance annotation.</param>
23848             <returns>Returns the value of the instance annotation.</returns>
23849         </member>
23850         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAndApplyFeedInstanceAnnotationValue(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
23851             <summary>
23852             Reads the value of a feed annotation (count or next link).
23853             </summary>
23854             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation found.</param>
23855             <param name="feed">The feed to read the annotation for; if non-null, the annotation value will be assigned to the feed.</param>
23856             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker instance.</param>
23857             <remarks>
23858             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the annotation
23859             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the feed object
23860                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next annotation after the current annotation
23861             </remarks>
23862         </member>
23863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryPropertyWithoutValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String)">
23864             <summary>
23865             Reads entry property which doesn't have value, just annotations.
23866             </summary>
23867             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23868             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property read.</param>
23869             <returns>A reader navigation link info representing the navigation link detected while reading the entry contents; null if no navigation link was detected.</returns>
23870             <remarks>
23871             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entry object.
23872                             JsonNodeType.Property               The property after the one we're to read.
23873             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              This method doesn't move the reader.
23874                             JsonNodeType.Property               
23875             </remarks>
23876         </member>
23877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadNextLinkAnnotationAtFeedEnd(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
23878             <summary>
23879             Reads any next link annotation immediately after the end of a feed.
23880             </summary>
23881             <param name="feed">The feed being read.</param>
23882             <param name="expandedNavigationLinkInfo">The information about the expanded link. This must be non-null if we're reading an expanded feed, and must be null if we're reading a top-level feed.</param>
23883             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The top-level duplicate property names checker, if we're reading a top-level feed.</param>
23884         </member>
23885         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadDeferredNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23886             <summary>
23887             Reads the information of a deferred link.
23888             </summary>
23889             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23890             <param name="navigationPropertyName">The name of the navigation property for which to read the deferred link.</param>
23891             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the deferred link. This can be null.</param>
23892             <returns>Returns the navigation link info for the deferred navigation link read.</returns>
23893             <remarks>
23894             This method doesn't move the reader.
23895             </remarks>
23896         </member>
23897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadExpandedEntryNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23898             <summary>
23899             Reads expanded entry navigation link.
23900             </summary>
23901             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23902             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the expanded link.</param>
23903             <returns>The navigation link info for the expanded link read.</returns>
23904             <remarks>
23905             This method doesn't move the reader.
23906             </remarks>
23907         </member>
23908         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadExpandedFeedNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
23909             <summary>
23910             Reads expanded feed navigation link.
23911             </summary>
23912             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23913             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the expanded link.</param>
23914             <returns>The navigation link info for the expanded link read.</returns>
23915             <remarks>
23916             This method doesn't move the reader.
23917             </remarks>
23918         </member>
23919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinkForSingletonNavigationLinkInRequest(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Boolean)">
23920             <summary>
23921             Reads entity reference link for a singleton navigation link in request.
23922             </summary>
23923             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23924             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference link.</param>
23925             <param name="isExpanded">true if the navigation link is expanded.</param>
23926             <returns>The navigation link info for the entity reference link read.</returns>
23927             <remarks>
23928             This method doesn't move the reader.
23929             </remarks>
23930         </member>
23931         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinksForCollectionNavigationLinkInRequest(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Boolean)">
23932             <summary>
23933             Reads entity reference links for a collection navigation link in request.
23934             </summary>
23935             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23936             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
23937             <param name="isExpanded">true if the navigation link is expanded.</param>
23938             <returns>The navigation link info for the entity reference links read.</returns>
23939             <remarks>
23940             This method doesn't move the reader.
23941             </remarks>
23942         </member>
23943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AddEntryProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String,System.Object)">
23944             <summary>
23945             Adds a new property to an entry.
23946             </summary>
23947             <param name="entryState">The entry state for the entry to add the property to.</param>
23948             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to add.</param>
23949             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property to add.</param>
23950             <returns>The added ODataProperty.</returns>
23951         </member>
23952         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadExpandedFeedAnnotationsAtFeedEnd(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo)">
23953             <summary>
23954             Checks if there is a next link annotation immediately after an expanded feed, and reads and stores it if there is one. 
23955             We fail here if we encounter any other property annotation for the expanded navigation (since these should come before the property itself).
23956             </summary>
23957             <param name="feed">The feed that was just read.</param>
23958             <param name="expandedNavigationLinkInfo">The information for the current expanded navigation link being read.</param>
23959         </member>
23960         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ApplyAnnotationGroup(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroup)">
23961             <summary>
23962             Applies the all the annotations from the given annotation group to an entry.
23963             </summary>
23964             <param name="entryState">The state for the entry which should get the annotations.</param>
23965             <param name="annotationGroup">The annotation group to apply.</param>
23966         </member>
23967         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.SetEntryMediaResource(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue)">
23968             <summary>
23969             Sets specified media resource on an entry and hooks up metadata builder.
23970             </summary>
23971             <param name="entryState">The entry state to use.</param>
23972             <param name="mediaResource">The media resource to set.</param>
23973         </member>
23974         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryPropertyWithValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String)">
23975             <summary>
23976             Reads entry property (which is neither instance nor property annotation) which has a value.
23977             </summary>
23978             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23979             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property read.</param>
23980             <returns>A reader navigation link info representing the navigation link detected while reading the entry contents; null if no navigation link was detected.</returns>
23981             <remarks>
23982             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the property
23983                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
23984                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
23985             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the entry object
23986                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after the property
23987                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            Expanded entry
23988                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Expanded feed
23989                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry
23990             </remarks>
23991         </member>
23992         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryDataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,System.String)">
23993             <summary>
23994             Read an entry-level data property and check its version compliance. 
23995             </summary>
23996             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
23997             <param name="edmProperty">The EDM property of the property being read, or null if the property is an open property.</param>
23998             <param name="propertyTypeName">The type name specified for the property in property annotation, or null if no such type name is available.</param>
23999             <remarks>
24000             Pre-Condition:  The reader is positioned on the first node of the property value
24001             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:    the next property of the entry
24002                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:   the end-object node of the entry
24003             </remarks>
24004         </member>
24005         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.InnerReadOpenUndeclaredProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.String,System.Boolean)">
24006             <summary>
24007             Read an open entity's undeclared property.
24008             </summary>
24009             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
24010             <param name="owningStructuredType">The owning type of the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
24011             or null if no metadata is available.</param>
24012             <param name="propertyName">The name of the open property to read.</param>
24013             <param name="propertyWithValue">true if the property has a value, false if it doesn't.</param>
24014             <remarks>
24015             Pre-Condition:  The reader is positioned on the first node of the property value
24016             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:    the next property of the entry
24017                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:   the end-object node of the entry
24018             </remarks>
24019         </member>
24020         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadUndeclaredProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String,System.Boolean)">
24021             <summary>
24022             Read an undeclared property. That is a property which is not declared by the model, but the owning type is not an open type.
24023             </summary>
24024             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
24025             <param name="propertyName">The name of the open property to read.</param>
24026             <param name="propertyWithValue">true if the property has a value, false if it doesn't.</param>
24027             <remarks>
24028             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue:  propertyWithValue is true and the reader is positioned on the first node of the property value.
24029                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:
24030                             JsonNodeType.StartArray:
24031                             JsonNodeType.Property:        propertyWithValue is false and the reader is positioned on the node after the property.
24032                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:
24033             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:    the next property of the entry
24034                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:   the end-object node of the entry
24035             </remarks>
24036             <returns>A navigation link info instance if the propery read is a navigation link which should be reported to the caller.
24037             Otherwise null if the property was either ignored or read and added to the list of properties on the entry.</returns>
24038         </member>
24039         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadStreamPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String)">
24040             <summary>
24041             Reads a stream property value from the property annotations.
24042             </summary>
24043             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
24044             <param name="streamPropertyName">The name of the stream property to read the value for.</param>
24045             <returns>The newly created stream reference value.</returns>
24046         </member>
24047         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadSingleOperationValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IODataJsonOperationsDeserializerContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String,System.Boolean)">
24048             <summary>
24049             Reads one operation for the entry being read.
24050             </summary>
24051             <param name="readerContext">The Json operation deserializer context.</param>
24052             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
24053             <param name="metadataReferencePropertyName">The name of the metadata reference property being read.</param>
24054             <param name="insideArray">true if the operation value is inside an array, i.e. multiple targets for the operation; false otherwise.</param>
24055             <remarks>
24056             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject:   first node of the operation value.
24057             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the property after the current operation being read when there is one target for the operation.
24058                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:   the first node of the next operation value when there are multiple targets for the operation.
24059                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:      the end-array of the operation values when there are multiple target for the operation.
24060             </remarks>
24061         </member>
24062         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.SetMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
24063             <summary>
24064             Sets the metadata builder for the operation.
24065             </summary>
24066             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
24067             <param name="operation">The operation to set the metadata builder on.</param>
24068         </member>
24069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.CreateODataOperationAndAddToEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IODataJsonOperationsDeserializerContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String)">
24070             <summary>
24071             Creates a new instance of ODataAction or ODataFunction for the <paramref name="metadataReferencePropertyName"/>.
24072             </summary>
24073             <param name="readerContext">The Json operation deserializer context.</param>
24074             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
24075             <param name="metadataReferencePropertyName">The name of the metadata reference property being read.</param>
24076             <returns>A new instance of ODataAction or ODataFunction for the <paramref name="metadataReferencePropertyName"/>.</returns>
24077         </member>
24078         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadMetadataReferencePropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState,System.String)">
24079             <summary>
24080             Read the metadata reference property value for the entry being read.
24081             </summary>
24082             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
24083             <param name="metadataReferencePropertyName">The name of the metadata reference property being read.</param>
24084             <remarks>
24085             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property:      first node of the metadata reference property's value. Currently 
24086                                                         actions and functions are the only supported metadata reference property,
24087                                                         we will throw if this is not a start object or start array node.
24088             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the property after the annotation value
24089                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object of the entry
24090             </remarks>
24091         </member>
24092         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ValidateCanReadMetadataReferenceProperty">
24093             <summary>
24094             Validates that we can read metadata reference property.
24095             </summary>
24096         </member>
24097         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ValidateExpandedNavigationLinkPropertyValue(System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
24098             <summary>
24099             Validates that the value of a JSON property can represent expanded navigation link.
24100             </summary>
24101             <param name="isCollection">true if the property is entity set reference property; false for a resource reference property, null if unknown.</param>
24102         </member>
24103         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext">
24104             <summary>
24105             Operations deserializer context to pass to JSON operations reader.
24106             </summary>
24107         </member>
24108         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.entry">
24109             <summary>
24110             The entry to add operations to.
24111             </summary>
24112         </member>
24113         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
24114             <summary>
24115             The deserializer to use.
24116             </summary>
24117         </member>
24118         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer)">
24119             <summary>
24120             Constructor.
24121             </summary>
24122             <param name="entry">The entry to add operations to.</param>
24123             <param name="jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer">The deserializer to use.</param>
24124         </member>
24125         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String)">
24126             <summary>
24127             Given a URI from the payload, this method will try to make it absolute, or fail otherwise.
24128             </summary>
24129             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
24130             <returns>An absolute URI to report.</returns>
24131         </member>
24132         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.AddActionToEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction)">
24133             <summary>
24134             Adds the specified action to the current entry.
24135             </summary>
24136             <param name="action">The action whcih is fully populated with the data from the payload.</param>
24137         </member>
24138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.AddFunctionToEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction)">
24139             <summary>
24140             Adds the specified function to the current entry.
24141             </summary>
24142             <param name="function">The function whcih is fully populated with the data from the payload.</param>
24143         </member>
24144         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.JsonReader">
24145             <summary>
24146             The JSON reader to read the operations value from.
24147             </summary>
24148         </member>
24149         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer">
24150             <summary>
24151             OData JsonLight serializer for entries and feeds.
24152             </summary>
24153         </member>
24154         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer">
24155             <summary>
24156             OData JsonLight serializer for properties.
24157             </summary>
24158         </member>
24159         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.jsonLightValueSerializer">
24160             <summary>
24161             Serializer to use to write property values.
24162             </summary>
24163         </member>
24164         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext)">
24165             <summary>
24166             Constructor.
24167             </summary>
24168             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
24169         </member>
24170         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.WriteTopLevelProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
24171             <summary>
24172             Write an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> to the given stream. This method creates an
24173             async buffered stream and writes the property to it.
24174             </summary>
24175             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
24176         </member>
24177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.WriteProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
24178             <summary>
24179             Writes property names and value pairs.
24180             </summary>
24181             <param name="owningType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType"/> of the entry (or null if not metadata is available).</param>
24182             <param name="properties">The enumeration of properties to write out.</param>
24183             <param name="isComplexValue">
24184             Whether the properties are being written for complex value. Also used for detecting whether stream properties
24185             are allowed as named stream properties should only be defined on ODataEntry instances
24186             </param>
24187             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
24188             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
24189         </member>
24190         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.IsOpenPropertyType(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
24191             <summary>
24192             Test to see if <paramref name="property"/> is an open property or not.
24193             </summary>
24194             <param name="property">The property in question.</param>
24195             <param name="owningType">The owning type of the property.</param>
24196             <param name="edmProperty">The metadata of the property.</param>
24197             <returns>true if the property is an open property; false if it is not, or if openness cannot be determined</returns>
24198         </member>
24199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.ShouldWriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,System.Boolean@)">
24200             <summary>
24201             Should write property or not.
24202             </summary>
24203             <param name="owningType">The IEdmStructuredType</param>
24204             <param name="property">The ODataProperty to be written.</param>
24205             <param name="edmProperty">The found edm information in model.</param>
24206             <param name="shouldWriteRawAnnotations">Outputs if should write raw annotations.</param>
24207             <returns>True if should write property.</returns>
24208         </member>
24209         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
24210             <summary>
24211             Writes a name/value pair for a property.
24212             </summary>
24213             <param name="property">The property to write out.</param>
24214             <param name="owningType">The owning type for the <paramref name="property"/> or null if no metadata is available.</param>
24215             <param name="isTopLevel">true when writing a top-level property; false for nested properties.</param>
24216             <param name="allowStreamProperty">Should pass in true if we are writing a property of an ODataEntry instance, false otherwise.
24217             Named stream properties should only be defined on ODataEntry instances.</param>
24218             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
24219             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
24220         </member>
24221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.TryWriteRawAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,System.Boolean@)">
24222             <summary>
24223             Write raw annotatoins if hte property value has any.
24224             </summary>
24225             <param name="property">The property.</param>
24226             <param name="isODataTypeWritten">Outputs if odata.type annotation has been written to the wire.</param>
24227             <returns>True if raw annotations have been written.</returns>
24228         </member>
24229         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.WriteStreamReferenceProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue)">
24230             <summary>
24231             Writes a stream property.
24232             </summary>
24233             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to write.</param>
24234             <param name="streamReferenceValue">The stream reference value to be written</param>
24235         </member>
24236         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.WritePropertyTypeName(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
24237             <summary>
24238             Writes the type name on the wire.
24239             </summary>
24240             <param name="propertyName">Name of the property.</param>
24241             <param name="typeNameToWrite">Type name of the property.</param>
24242             <param name="isTopLevel">true when writing a top-level property; false for nested properties.</param>
24243         </member>
24244         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPropertySerializer.JsonLightValueSerializer">
24245             <summary>
24246             Gets the json light value writer.
24247             </summary>
24248         </member>
24249         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.annotationGroups">
24250             <summary>A map from annotation group name to annotation group for all annotation groups
24251             encountered so far in this payload.</summary>
24252         </member>
24253         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.metadataUriBuilder">
24254             <summary>The metadata uri builder to use.</summary>
24255         </member>
24256         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext)">
24257             <summary>
24258             Constructor.
24259             </summary>
24260             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
24261         </member>
24262         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteAnnotationGroup(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
24263             <summary>
24264             Writes an annotation group declaration or annotation group reference if specified for the entry.
24265             </summary>
24266             <param name="entry">The entry to write the annotation group declaration or reference for.</param>
24267         </member>
24268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryStartMetadataProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState)">
24269             <summary>
24270             Writes the metadata properties for an entry which can only occur at the start.
24271             </summary>
24272             <param name="entryState">The entry state for which to write the metadata properties.</param>
24273         </member>
24274         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryMetadataProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState)">
24275             <summary>
24276             Writes the metadata properties for an entry which can occur both at the start or at the end.
24277             </summary>
24278             <param name="entryState">The entry state for which to write the metadata properties.</param>
24279             <remarks>
24280             This method will only write properties which were not written yet.
24281             </remarks>
24282         </member>
24283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryEndMetadataProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.IODataJsonLightWriterEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
24284             <summary>
24285             Writes the metadata properties for an entry which can only occur at the end.
24286             </summary>
24287             <param name="entryState">The entry state for which to write the metadata properties.</param>
24288             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate names checker for properties of this entry.</param>
24289         </member>
24290         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteNavigationLinkMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
24291             <summary>
24292             Writes the navigation link metadata.
24293             </summary>
24294             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write the metadata for.</param>
24295             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
24296         </member>
24297         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteOperations(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation},System.Boolean)">
24298             <summary>
24299             Writes "actions" or "functions" metadata.
24300             </summary>
24301             <param name="operations">The operations to write.</param>
24302             <param name="isAction">true when writing the entry's actions; false when writing the entry's functions.</param>
24303         </member>
24304         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.TryWriteEntryMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext)">
24305             <summary>
24306             Tries to writes the metadata URI property for an entry into the payload if one is available.
24307             </summary>
24308             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry.</param>
24309         </member>
24310         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.TryWriteFeedMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext)">
24311             <summary>
24312             Tries to writes the metadata URI property for a feed into the payload if one is available.
24313             </summary>
24314             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the feed.</param>
24315         </member>
24316         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteAssociationLink(System.String,System.Uri)">
24317             <summary>
24318             Writes an association link property annotation.
24319             </summary>
24320             <param name="propertyName">The name of the navigation property for which to write the association link.</param>
24321             <param name="associationLinkUrl">The association link URL to write.</param>
24322         </member>
24323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.GetOperationMetadataString(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
24324             <summary>
24325             Gets the metadata reference fragment from the operation metadata uri.
24326             i.e. if the operation metadata uri is {absolute metadata document uri}#{container-qualified-operation-name},
24327             this method will return #{container-qualified-operation-name}.
24328             </summary>
24329             <param name="operation">Operation in question.</param>
24330             <returns>The metadata reference fragment from the operation metadata uri.</returns>
24331         </member>
24332         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.GetOperationTargetUriString(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
24333             <summary>
24334             Returns the target uri string from the given operation.
24335             </summary>
24336             <param name="operation">Operation in question.</param>
24337             <returns>Returns the target uri string from the given operation.</returns>
24338         </member>
24339         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.ValidateOperationMetadataGroup(System.Linq.IGrouping{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation})">
24340             <summary>
24341             Validates a group of operations with the same Metadata Uri.
24342             </summary>
24343             <param name="operations">Operations to validate.</param>
24344         </member>
24345         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteOperationMetadataGroup(System.Linq.IGrouping{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation})">
24346             <summary>
24347             Writes a group of operation (all actions or all functions) that have the same "metadata".
24348             </summary>
24349             <remarks>
24350             Expects the actions or functions scope to already be open.
24351             </remarks>
24352             <param name="operations">A grouping of operations that are all actions or all functions and share the same "metadata".</param>
24353         </member>
24354         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteOperation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
24355             <summary>
24356             Writes an operation (an action or a function).
24357             </summary>
24358             <remarks>
24359             Expects the write to already have written the "rel value" and opened an array.
24360             </remarks>
24361             <param name="operation">The operation to write.</param>
24362         </member>
24363         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer.MetadataDocumentBaseUri">
24364             <summary>
24365             Gets the base Uri of the metadata document uri, if it has been set.
24366             </summary>
24367         </member>
24368         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer">
24369             <summary>
24370             OData JsonLight deserializer for errors.
24371             </summary>
24372         </member>
24373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
24374             <summary>
24375             Constructor.
24376             </summary>
24377             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
24378         </member>
24379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadTopLevelError">
24380             <summary>
24381             Read a top-level error.
24382             </summary>
24383             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
24384             <remarks>
24385             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None       - The reader must not have been used yet.
24386             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput
24387             </remarks>
24388         </member>
24389         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadTopLevelErrorImplementation">
24390             <summary>
24391             Read a top-level error.
24392             </summary>
24393             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
24394             <remarks>
24395             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property       - The first property of the top level object.
24396                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      - If there are no properties in the top level object.
24397                             any                         - Will throw if anything else.
24398             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput
24399             </remarks>
24400         </member>
24401         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadJsonObjectInErrorPayload(System.Action{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker})">
24402             <summary>
24403             Reads all the properties in a single JSON object scope, calling <paramref name="readPropertyWithValue"/> for each non-annotation property encountered.
24404             </summary>
24405             <param name="readPropertyWithValue">
24406             An action which takes the name of the current property and processes the property value as necessary.
24407             At the start of this action, the reader is positioned at the property value node.
24408             The action should leave the reader positioned on the node after the property value.
24409             </param>
24410             <remarks>
24412             This method should only be used for scopes where we allow (and ignore) annotations in a custom namespace, i.e. scopes which directly correspond to a class in the OM.
24414             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject    - The start of the JSON object being processed.
24415                             any                         - Will throw if not StartObject.
24416             Post-Condition: any                         - The node after the EndObject node for the JSON object being processed.
24417             </remarks>
24418         </member>
24419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadErrorPropertyAnnotationValue(System.String)">
24420             <summary>
24421             Reads a value of property annotation on an error payload.
24422             </summary>
24423             <param name="propertyAnnotationName">The name of the property annotation to read.</param>
24424             <returns>The value of the property annotation.</returns>
24425             <remarks>
24426             This method should read the property annotation value and return a representation of the value which will be later
24427             consumed by the entry reading code, or throw if ther is something unexpected.
24429             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         The value of the property annotation property
24430                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
24431                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
24432             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the error object
24433                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after the property annotation
24434             </remarks>
24435         </member>
24436         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadODataErrorObject(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
24437             <summary>
24438             Reads the JSON object which is the value of the "odata.error" property.
24439             </summary>
24440             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> object to update with data from the payload.</param>
24441             <remarks>
24442             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject    - The start of the "odata.error" object.
24443                             any                         - Will throw if not StartObject.
24444             Post-Condition: any                         - The node after the "odata.error" object's EndNode.
24445             </remarks>
24446         </member>
24447         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadErrorMessageObject(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
24448             <summary>
24449             Reads the JSON object which is the value of the "message" property.
24450             </summary>
24451             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> object to update with data from the payload.</param>
24452             <remarks>
24453             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject    - The start of the "message" object.
24454                             any                         - Will throw if not StartObject.
24455             Post-Condition: any                         - The node after the "message" object's EndNode.
24456             </remarks>
24457         </member>
24458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadInnerError(System.Int32)">
24459             <summary>
24460             Reads an inner error payload.
24461             </summary>
24462             <param name="recursionDepth">The number of times this method has been called recursively.</param>
24463             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError"/> representing the read inner error.</returns>
24464             <remarks>
24465             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject    - The start of the "innererror" object.
24466                             any                         - will throw if not StartObject.
24467             Post-Condition: any                         - The node after the "innererror" object's EndNode.
24468             </remarks>
24469         </member>
24470         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadPropertyValueInInnerError(System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError,System.String)">
24471             <summary>
24472             Reads a property value which occurs in the "innererror" object scope.
24473             </summary>
24474             <param name="recursionDepth">The number of parent inner errors for this inner error.</param>
24475             <param name="innerError">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> object to update with the data from this property value.</param>
24476             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is to be read.</param>
24477             <remarks>
24478             Pre-Condition:  any                         - The value of the property being read.
24479             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property       - The property after the one being read.
24480                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      - The end of the "innererror" object.
24481                             any                         - Anything else after the property value is an invalid payload (but won't fail in this method).
24482             </remarks>
24483         </member>
24484         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadPropertyValueInODataErrorObject(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
24485             <summary>
24486             Reads a property value which occurs in the "odata.error" object scope.
24487             </summary>
24488             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> object to update with the data from this property value.</param>
24489             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is to be read.</param>
24490             <param name="duplicationPropertyNameChecker">DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker to use for extracting property annotations
24491             targetting any custom instance annotations on the error.</param>
24492             <remarks>
24493             Pre-Condition:  any                         - The value of the property being read.
24494             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property       - The property after the one being read.
24495                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      - The end of the "odata.error" object.
24496                             any                         - Anything else after the property value is an invalid payload (but won't fail in this method).
24497             </remarks>
24498         </member>
24499         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer.ReadPropertyValueInMessageObject(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.String)">
24500             <summary>
24501             Reads a property value which occurs in the "message" object scope. 
24502             </summary>
24503             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> object to update with the data from this property value.</param>
24504             <param name="propertyName">The name of the propety whose value is to be read.</param>
24505             <remarks>
24506             Pre-Condition:  any                         - The value of the property being read.
24507             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property       - The property after the one being read.
24508                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      - The end of the "message" object.
24509                             any                         - Anything else after the property value is an invalid payload (but won't fail in this method).
24510             </remarks>
24511         </member>
24512         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightFormat">
24513             <summary>
24514             The JsonLight OData format.
24515             </summary>
24516         </member>
24517         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightFormat.ToString">
24518             <summary>
24519             The text representation - the name of the format.
24520             </summary>
24521             <returns>The name of the format.</returns>
24522         </member>
24523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
24524             <summary>
24525             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
24526             </summary>
24527             <param name="responseMessage">The response message with the payload stream.</param>
24528             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
24529             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
24530         </member>
24531         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
24532             <summary>
24533             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
24534             </summary>
24535             <param name="requestMessage">The request message with the payload stream.</param>
24536             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
24537             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
24538         </member>
24539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightFormat.CreateInputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Object)">
24540             <summary>
24541             Creates an instance of the input context for this format.
24542             </summary>
24543             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
24544             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
24545             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
24546             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
24547             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
24548             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
24549             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
24550             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
24551             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
24552             <param name="payloadKindDetectionFormatState">Format specific state stored during payload kind detection
24553             using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)"/>.</param>
24554             <returns>The newly created input context.</returns>
24555         </member>
24556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightFormat.CreateOutputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
24557             <summary>
24558             Creates an instance of the output context for this format.
24559             </summary>
24560             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
24561             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
24562             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
24563             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
24564             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
24565             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
24566             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
24567             <returns>The newly created output context.</returns>
24568         </member>
24569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightFormat.DetectPayloadKindImplementation(System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
24570             <summary>
24571             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
24572             </summary>
24573             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to read from for payload kind detection.</param>
24574             <param name="message">The message being read.</param>
24575             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
24576             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
24577             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
24578         </member>
24579         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext">
24580             <summary>
24581             Implementation of the OData input for JsonLight OData format.
24582             </summary>
24583         </member>
24584         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext">
24585             <summary>
24586             Base class for all input contexts, defines the interface 
24587             to be implemented by the specific formats.
24588             </summary>
24589         </member>
24590         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.format">
24591             <summary>The format for this input context.</summary>
24592         </member>
24593         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.messageReaderSettings">
24594             <summary>The message reader settings to be used for reading.</summary>
24595         </member>
24596         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.version">
24597             <summary>The protocol version to use when reading the payload.</summary>
24598         </member>
24599         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.readingResponse">
24600             <summary>Set to true if this context is reading a response payload.</summary>
24601         </member>
24602         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.synchronous">
24603             <summary>true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</summary>
24604         </member>
24605         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.urlResolver">
24606             <summary>The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</summary>
24607         </member>
24608         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.model">
24609             <summary>The model to use.</summary>
24610         </member>
24611         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.edmTypeResolver">
24612             <summary>The type resolver to use.</summary>
24613         </member>
24614         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.disposed">
24615             <summary>Set to true if the input was disposed.</summary>
24616         </member>
24617         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
24618             <summary>
24619             Constructor.
24620             </summary>
24621             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
24622             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
24623             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
24624             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
24625             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
24626             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
24627             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
24628         </member>
24629         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.Dispose">
24630             <summary>
24631             IDisposable.Dispose() implementation to cleanup unmanaged resources of the context.
24632             </summary>
24633         </member>
24634         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.CreateFeedReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
24635             <summary>
24636             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
24637             </summary>
24638             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
24639             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base entity type for the entries in the feed.</param>
24640             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
24641         </member>
24642         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.CreateEntryReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
24643             <summary>
24644             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
24645             </summary>
24646             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
24647             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
24648             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
24649         </member>
24650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.CreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
24651             <summary>
24652             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
24653             </summary>
24654             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
24655             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
24656         </member>
24657         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.CreateBatchReader(System.String)">
24658             <summary>
24659             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader"/>.
24660             </summary>
24661             <param name="batchBoundary">The batch boundary to use.</param>
24662             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader"/>.</returns>
24663             <remarks>
24664             Since we don't want to support batch format extensibility (at least not yet) this method should remain internal.
24665             </remarks>
24666         </member>
24667         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.CreateParameterReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
24668             <summary>
24669             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.
24670             </summary>
24671             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
24672             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.</returns>
24673         </member>
24674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadServiceDocument">
24675             <summary>
24676             Read a service document. 
24677             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
24678             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
24679             </summary>
24680             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
24681         </member>
24682         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadMetadataDocument">
24683             <summary>
24684             Read a metadata document. 
24685             This method reads the metadata document from the input and returns 
24686             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> that represents the read metadata document.
24687             </summary>
24688             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> representing the read metadata document.</returns>
24689         </member>
24690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
24691             <summary>
24692             Read the property from the input and 
24693             return an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
24694             </summary>
24695             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
24696             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
24697             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
24698         </member>
24699         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadError">
24700             <summary>
24701             Read a top-level error.
24702             </summary>
24703             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
24704         </member>
24705         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
24706             <summary>
24707             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
24708             </summary>
24709             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
24710             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
24711         </member>
24712         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
24713             <summary>
24714             Read a top-level entity reference link.
24715             </summary>
24716             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference link.</param>
24717             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
24718         </member>
24719         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
24720             <summary>
24721             Read a top-level value.
24722             </summary>
24723             <param name="expectedPrimitiveTypeReference">The expected type reference for the value to be read; null if no expected type is available.</param>
24724             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> representing the read value.</returns>
24725         </member>
24726         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.VerifyNotDisposed">
24727             <summary>
24728             Check if the object has been disposed.
24729             </summary>
24730             <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">If the object has already been disposed.</exception>
24731         </member>
24732         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.AssertSynchronous">
24733             <summary>
24734             Asserts that the input context was created for synchronous operation.
24735             </summary>
24736         </member>
24737         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.AssertAsynchronous">
24738             <summary>
24739             Asserts that the input context was created for asynchronous operation.
24740             </summary>
24741         </member>
24742         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.CreateDuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
24743             <summary>
24744             Creates a new instance of a duplicate property names checker.
24745             </summary>
24746             <returns>The newly created instance of duplicate property names checker.</returns>
24747         </member>
24748         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ResolveUri(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
24749             <summary>
24750             Method to use the custom URL resolver to resolve a base URI and a payload URI.
24751             This method returns null if not custom resolution is desired.
24752             If the method returns a non-null URL that value will be used without further validation.
24753             </summary>
24754             <param name="baseUri">The (optional) base URI to use for the resolution.</param>
24755             <param name="payloadUri">The URI read from the payload.</param>
24756             <returns>
24757             A <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> instance that reflects the custom resolution of the method arguments
24758             into a URL or null if no custom resolution is desired; in that case the default resolution is used.
24759             </returns>
24760         </member>
24761         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.DisposeImplementation">
24762             <summary>
24763             Disposes the input context.
24764             </summary>
24765         </member>
24766         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
24767             <summary>
24768             Perform the actual cleanup work.
24769             </summary>
24770             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
24771         </member>
24772         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.CreatePayloadKindNotSupportedException(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
24773             <summary>
24774             Creates an exception which reports that the specified payload kind if not support by this format.
24775             </summary>
24776             <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind which is not supported.</param>
24777             <returns>An exception to throw.</returns>
24778         </member>
24779         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.MessageReaderSettings">
24780             <summary>
24781             The message reader settings to be used for reading.
24782             </summary>
24783         </member>
24784         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.Version">
24785             <summary>
24786             The version of the OData protocol to use.
24787             </summary>
24788         </member>
24789         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.ReadingResponse">
24790             <summary>
24791             Set to true if a response is being read.
24792             </summary>
24793         </member>
24794         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.Synchronous">
24795             <summary>
24796             true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.
24797             </summary>
24798         </member>
24799         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.Model">
24800             <summary>
24801             The model to use or null if no metadata is available.
24802             </summary>
24803         </member>
24804         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.EdmTypeResolver">
24805             <summary>
24806             The type resolver to use.
24807             </summary>
24808         </member>
24809         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.UrlResolver">
24810             <summary>
24811             The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.
24812             </summary>
24813         </member>
24814         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.UseClientFormatBehavior">
24815             <summary>
24816             true if the WCF DS client compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
24817             </summary>
24818         </member>
24819         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.UseServerFormatBehavior">
24820             <summary>
24821             true if the WCF DS server compatibility format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
24822             </summary>
24823         </member>
24824         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.UseDefaultFormatBehavior">
24825             <summary>
24826             true if the default format behavior should be used; otherwise false.
24827             </summary>
24828         </member>
24829         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.UseClientApiBehavior">
24830             <summary>
24831             true if the WCF DS client compatibility API behavior should be used; otherwise false.
24832             </summary>
24833         </member>
24834         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.UseServerApiBehavior">
24835             <summary>
24836             true if the WCF DS server compatibility API behavior should be used; otherwise false.
24837             </summary>
24838         </member>
24839         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext.UseDefaultApiBehavior">
24840             <summary>
24841             true if the default API behavior should be used; otherwise false.
24842             </summary>
24843         </member>
24844         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.payloadKindDetectionState">
24845             <summary>JSON Light specific state stored during payload kind detection.</summary>
24846         </member>
24847         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.textReader">
24848             <summary>The text reader created for the input stream.</summary>
24849             <remarks>
24850             The ODataJsonLightInputContext instance owns the textReader instance and thus disposes it. 
24851             We further set this field to null when the input is disposed and use it for checks whether the instance has already been disposed.
24852             </remarks>
24853         </member>
24854         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.jsonReader">
24855             <summary>The JSON reader to read from.</summary>
24856         </member>
24857         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionState)">
24858             <summary>Constructor.</summary>
24859             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
24860             <param name="messageStream">The stream to read data from.</param>
24861             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
24862             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
24863             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
24864             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
24865             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
24866             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
24867             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
24868             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
24869             <param name="payloadKindDetectionState">JSON Ligth specific state stored during payload kind detection (or null if no payload kind detection happened).</param>
24870         </member>
24871         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.TextReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionState)">
24872             <summary>Constructor.</summary>
24873             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
24874             <param name="reader">The reader to use.</param>
24875             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
24876             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
24877             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
24878             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
24879             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
24880             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
24881             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
24882             <param name="payloadKindDetectionState">JSON Ligth specific state stored during payload kind detection (or null if no payload kind detection happened).</param>
24883         </member>
24884         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateFeedReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
24885             <summary>
24886             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
24887             </summary>
24888             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
24889             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base entity type for the entries in the feed.</param>
24890             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
24891         </member>
24892         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateEntryReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
24893             <summary>
24894             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
24895             </summary>
24896             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
24897             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
24898             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
24899         </member>
24900         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
24901             <summary>
24902             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
24903             </summary>
24904             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
24905             <returns>Newly create <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
24906         </member>
24907         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateParameterReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
24908             <summary>
24909             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.
24910             </summary>
24911             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
24912             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.</returns>
24913         </member>
24914         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.ReadServiceDocument">
24915             <summary>
24916             Read a service document. 
24917             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
24918             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
24919             </summary>
24920             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
24921         </member>
24922         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.ReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
24923             <summary>
24924             This method creates an reads the property from the input and 
24925             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
24926             </summary>
24927             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
24928             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
24929             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
24930         </member>
24931         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.ReadError">
24932             <summary>
24933             Read a top-level error.
24934             </summary>
24935             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
24936         </member>
24937         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
24938             <summary>
24939             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
24940             </summary>
24941             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
24942             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
24943         </member>
24944         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
24945             <summary>
24946             Reads a top-level entity reference link.
24947             </summary>
24948             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference link.</param>
24949             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
24950         </member>
24951         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
24952             <summary>
24953             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
24954             </summary>
24955             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
24956             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
24957         </member>
24958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.DisposeImplementation">
24959             <summary>
24960             Disposes the input context.
24961             </summary>
24962         </member>
24963         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateTextReaderForMessageStreamConstructor(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding)">
24964             <summary>
24965             Helper method to create a TextReader over the message stream. This is needed by the constructor to dispose the message stream if the creation fails
24966             since this is called from the constructor in place where exception handling is not possible.
24967             </summary>
24968             <param name="messageStream">The stream to read data from.</param>
24969             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
24970             <returns>The newly created text reader.</returns>
24971         </member>
24972         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.VerifyCanCreateParameterReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
24973             <summary>
24974             Verifies that CreateParameterReader can be called.
24975             </summary>
24976             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
24977         </member>
24978         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.VerifyCanCreateODataReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
24979             <summary>
24980             Verifies that CreateEntryReader or CreateFeedReader can be called.
24981             </summary>
24982             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
24983             <param name="entityType">The expected entity type for the entry/entries to be read.</param>
24984         </member>
24985         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.VerifyCanCreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
24986             <summary>
24987             Verifies that CreateCollectionReader can be called.
24988             </summary>
24989             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
24990         </member>
24991         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.VerifyCanReadEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
24992             <summary>
24993             Verifies that ReadEntityReferenceLink can be called.
24994             </summary>
24995             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference link.</param>
24996         </member>
24997         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.VerifyCanReadProperty">
24998             <summary>
24999             Verifies that ReadProperty can be called.
25000             </summary>
25001         </member>
25002         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.VerifyCanDetectPayloadKind">
25003             <summary>
25004             Verifies that DetectPayloadKind can be called.
25005             </summary>
25006         </member>
25007         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.VerifyUserModel">
25008             <summary>
25009             Verifies that a user model is available for reading.
25010             </summary>
25011         </member>
25012         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateFeedReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
25013             <summary>
25014             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
25015             </summary>
25016             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
25017             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base entity type for the entries in the feed.</param>
25018             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
25019         </member>
25020         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateEntryReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
25021             <summary>
25022             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
25023             </summary>
25024             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
25025             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
25026             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
25027         </member>
25028         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateCollectionReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25029             <summary>
25030             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
25031             </summary>
25032             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
25033             <returns>Newly create <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
25034         </member>
25035         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.CreateParameterReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
25036             <summary>
25037             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.
25038             </summary>
25039             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
25040             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.</returns>
25041         </member>
25042         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.JsonReader">
25043             <summary>
25044             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader"/> which is to be used to read the content of the message.
25045             </summary>
25046         </member>
25047         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext.PayloadKindDetectionState">
25048             <summary>
25049             JSON Light specific state stored during payload kind detection.
25050             </summary>
25051         </member>
25052         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext">
25053             <summary>
25054             JsonLight format output context.
25055             </summary>
25056         </member>
25057         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.metadataLevel">
25058             <summary>
25059             The json metadata level (i.e., fullmetadata, nometadata, minimalmetadata) being written.
25060             </summary>
25061         </member>
25062         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.typeNameOracle">
25063             <summary>
25064             The oracle to use to determine the type name to write for entries and values.
25065             </summary>
25066         </member>
25067         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.TextWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
25068             <summary>
25069             Constructor.
25070             </summary>
25071             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
25072             <param name="textWriter">The text writer to write to.</param>
25073             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
25074             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
25075         </member>
25076         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
25077             <summary>
25078             Constructor.
25079             </summary>
25080             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
25081             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to write the payload to.</param>
25082             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
25083             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the payload.</param>
25084             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
25085             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
25086             <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
25087             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
25088             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
25089         </member>
25090         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateMetadataUriBuilder">
25091             <summary>
25092             Creates a metadata uri builder for the current output context.
25093             </summary>
25094             <returns>The metadata uri builder to use when writing.</returns>
25095         </member>
25096         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteInStreamError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
25097             <summary>
25098             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> into the message payload.
25099             </summary>
25100             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
25101             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
25102             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
25103             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
25104             </param>
25105             <remarks>
25106             This method is called if the ODataMessageWriter.WriteError is called once some other
25107             write operation has already started.
25108             The method should write the in-stream error representation for the specific format into the current payload.
25109             Before the method is called no flush is performed on the output context or any active writer.
25110             It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.
25111             </remarks>
25112         </member>
25113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataFeedWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
25114             <summary>
25115             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
25116             </summary>
25117             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
25118             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
25119             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
25120             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
25121         </member>
25122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataEntryWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
25123             <summary>
25124             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
25125             </summary>
25126             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
25127             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
25128             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
25129             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
25130         </member>
25131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataCollectionWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25132             <summary>
25133             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
25134             </summary>
25135             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
25136             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
25137             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
25138         </member>
25139         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataParameterWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
25140             <summary>
25141             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter"/> to write a parameter payload.
25142             </summary>
25143             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
25144             <returns>The created parameter writer.</returns>
25145             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
25146         </member>
25147         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
25148             <summary>
25149             Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace"/> 
25150             as message payload.
25151             </summary>
25152             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
25153             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
25154         </member>
25155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
25156             <summary>
25157             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
25158             </summary>
25159             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
25160             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
25161         </member>
25162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
25163             <summary>
25164             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
25165             </summary>
25166             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
25167             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
25168             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
25169             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
25170             </param>
25171             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
25172         </member>
25173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
25174             <summary>
25175             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
25176             </summary>
25177             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
25178             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
25179             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
25180             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
25181         </member>
25182         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
25183             <summary>
25184             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
25185             </summary>
25186             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
25187             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
25188             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
25189             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
25190         </member>
25191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataFeedWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
25192             <summary>
25193             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
25194             </summary>
25195             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
25196             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
25197             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
25198         </member>
25199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataEntryWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
25200             <summary>
25201             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
25202             </summary>
25203             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
25204             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
25205             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
25206         </member>
25207         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataCollectionWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25208             <summary>
25209             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
25210             </summary>
25211             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
25212             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
25213         </member>
25214         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.CreateODataParameterWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
25215             <summary>
25216             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter"/> to write a parameter payload.
25217             </summary>
25218             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
25219             <returns>The created parameter writer.</returns>
25220         </member>
25221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteInStreamErrorImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
25222             <summary>
25223             Writes an in-stream error.
25224             </summary>
25225             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
25226             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
25227             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
25228             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
25229             </param>
25230         </member>
25231         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WritePropertyImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
25232             <summary>
25233             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
25234             </summary>
25235             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
25236         </member>
25237         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteServiceDocumentImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
25238             <summary>
25239             Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace"/> 
25240             as message payload.
25241             </summary>
25242             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
25243         </member>
25244         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteErrorImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
25245             <summary>
25246             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
25247             </summary>
25248             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
25249             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
25250             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
25251             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
25252             </param>
25253         </member>
25254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinksImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
25255             <summary>
25256             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
25257             </summary>
25258             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
25259             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
25260             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
25261         </member>
25262         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
25263             <summary>
25264             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
25265             </summary>
25266             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
25267             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
25268             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
25269         </member>
25270         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.TypeNameOracle">
25271             <summary>
25272             Returns the oracle to use when determining the type name to write for entries and values.
25273             </summary>
25274         </member>
25275         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext.MetadataLevel">
25276             <summary>
25277             The json metadata level (i.e., fullmetadata, nometadata, minimalmetadata) being written.
25278             </summary>
25279         </member>
25280         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader">
25281             <summary>
25282             OData parameter reader for the Json Light format.
25283             </summary>
25284         </member>
25285         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.jsonLightInputContext">
25286             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
25287         </member>
25288         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.jsonLightParameterDeserializer">
25289             <summary>The parameter deserializer to read the parameter input with.</summary>
25290         </member>
25291         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
25292             <summary>The duplicate property names checker to use for the parameter payload.</summary>
25293         </member>
25294         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
25295             <summary>
25296             Constructor.
25297             </summary>
25298             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
25299             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
25300         </member>
25301         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
25302             <summary>
25303             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
25304             </summary>
25305             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25306             <remarks>
25307             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet.
25308             Post-Condition: When the new state is Value, the reader is positioned at the closing '}' or at the name of the next parameter.
25309                             When the new state is Entry, the reader is positioned at the starting '{' of the entry payload.
25310                             When the new state is Feed or Collection, the reader is positioned at the starting '[' of the feed or collection payload.
25311             </remarks>
25312         </member>
25313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.ReadNextParameterImplementation">
25314             <summary>
25315             Implementation of the reader logic on the subsequent reads after the first parameter is read.
25316             </summary>
25317             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25318             <remarks>
25319             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property or JsonNodeType.EndObject:     assumes the last read puts the reader at the begining of the next parameter or at the end of the payload.
25320             Post-Condition: When the new state is Value, the reader is positioned at the closing '}' or at the name of the next parameter.
25321                             When the new state is Entry, the reader is positioned at the starting '{' of the entry payload.
25322                             When the new state is Feed or Collection, the reader is positioned at the starting '[' of the feed or collection payload.
25323             </remarks>
25324         </member>
25325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.CreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25326             <summary>
25327             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.
25328             </summary>
25329             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">Expected item type reference of the collection to read.</param>
25330             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.</returns>
25331             <remarks>
25332             Pre-Condition:  Any:    the reader should be on the start array node of the collection value; if it is not we let the collection reader fail.
25333             Post-Condition: Any:    the reader should be on the start array node of the collection value; if it is not we let the collection reader fail.
25334             NOTE: this method does not move the reader.
25335             </remarks>
25336         </member>
25337         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.ReadAtStartImplementationSynchronously">
25338             <summary>
25339             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
25340             </summary>
25341             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25342             <remarks>
25343             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet.
25344             Post-Condition: When the new state is Value, the reader is positioned at the closing '}' or at the name of the next parameter.
25345                             When the new state is Entry, the reader is positioned at the starting '{' of the entry payload.
25346                             When the new state is Feed or Collection, the reader is positioned at the starting '[' of the feed or collection payload.
25347             </remarks>
25348         </member>
25349         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.ReadNextParameterImplementationSynchronously">
25350             <summary>
25351             Implementation of the reader logic on the subsequent reads after the first parameter is read.
25352             </summary>
25353             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25354             <remarks>
25355             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property or JsonNodeType.EndObject:     assumes the last read puts the reader at the begining of the next parameter or at the end of the payload.
25356             Post-Condition: When the new state is Value, the reader is positioned at the closing '}' or at the name of the next parameter.
25357                             When the new state is Entry, the reader is positioned at the starting '{' of the entry payload.
25358                             When the new state is Feed or Collection, the reader is positioned at the starting '[' of the feed or collection payload.
25359             </remarks>
25360         </member>
25361         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterReader.CreateCollectionReaderSynchronously(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25362             <summary>
25363             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.
25364             </summary>
25365             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">Expected item type reference of the collection to read.</param>
25366             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.</returns>
25367             <remarks>
25368             Pre-Condition:  Any:    the reader should be on the start array node of the collection value; if it is not we let the collection reader fail.
25369             Post-Condition: Any:    the reader should be on the start array node of the collection value; if it is not we let the collection reader fail.
25370             NOTE: this method does not move the reader.
25371             </remarks>
25372         </member>
25373         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter">
25374             <summary>
25375             ODataParameterWriter for the JsonLight format.
25376             </summary>
25377         </member>
25378         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore">
25379             <summary>
25380             Base class for OData parameter writers that verifies a proper sequence of write calls on the writer.
25381             </summary>
25382         </member>
25383         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter">
25384             <summary>Base class for OData collection writers.</summary>
25385         </member>
25386         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter.WriteStart">
25387             <summary>Start writing a parameter payload.</summary>
25388         </member>
25389         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter.WriteValue(System.String,System.Object)">
25390             <summary>Start writing a value parameter.</summary>
25391             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to write.</param>
25392             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the parameter to write.</param>
25393         </member>
25394         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter.CreateCollectionWriter(System.String)">
25395             <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter" /> to write the value of a collection parameter.</summary>
25396             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter" />.</returns>
25397             <param name="parameterName">The name of the collection parameter to write.</param>
25398         </member>
25399         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter.WriteEnd">
25400             <summary>Finish writing a parameter payload.</summary>
25401         </member>
25402         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter.Flush">
25403             <summary>Flushes the write buffer to the underlying stream.</summary>
25404         </member>
25405         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.outputContext">
25406             <summary>The output context to write to.</summary>
25407         </member>
25408         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.functionImport">
25409             <summary>The function import whose parameters will be written.</summary>
25410         </member>
25411         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.scopes">
25412             <summary>Stack of writer scopes to keep track of the current context of the writer.</summary>
25413         </member>
25414         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.parameterNamesWritten">
25415             <summary>Parameter names that have already been written, used to detect duplicate writes on a parameter.</summary>
25416         </member>
25417         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
25418             <summary>Checker to detect duplicate property names on complex parameter values.</summary>
25419         </member>
25420         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
25421             <summary>
25422             Constructor.
25423             </summary>
25424             <param name="outputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
25425             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
25426         </member>
25427         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.Flush">
25428             <summary>
25429             Flushes the write buffer to the underlying stream.
25430             </summary>
25431         </member>
25432         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.WriteStart">
25433             <summary>
25434             Start writing a parameter payload.
25435             </summary>
25436         </member>
25437         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.WriteValue(System.String,System.Object)">
25438             <summary>
25439             Start writing a value parameter.
25440             </summary>
25441             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to write.</param>
25442             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the parameter to write.</param>
25443         </member>
25444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.CreateCollectionWriter(System.String)">
25445             <summary>
25446             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write the value of a collection parameter.
25447             </summary>
25448             <param name="parameterName">The name of the collection parameter to write.</param>
25449             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/>.</returns>
25450         </member>
25451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.WriteEnd">
25452             <summary>
25453             Finish writing a parameter payload.
25454             </summary>
25455         </member>
25456         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataReaderWriterListener#OnException">
25457             <summary>
25458             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the created reader is in Exception state.
25459             </summary>
25460         </member>
25461         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataReaderWriterListener#OnCompleted">
25462             <summary>
25463             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the created reader is in Completed state.
25464             </summary>
25465         </member>
25466         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataOutputInStreamErrorListener#OnInStreamError">
25467             <summary>
25468             This method notifies the listener, that an in-stream error is to be written.
25469             </summary>
25470             <remarks>
25471             This listener can choose to fail, if the currently written payload doesn't support in-stream error at this position.
25472             If the listener returns, the writer should not allow any more writing, since the in-stream error is the last thing in the payload.
25473             </remarks>
25474         </member>
25475         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyNotDisposed">
25476             <summary>
25477             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
25478             has already been disposed.
25479             </summary>
25480         </member>
25481         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.FlushSynchronously">
25482             <summary>
25483             Flush the output.
25484             </summary>
25485         </member>
25486         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.StartPayload">
25487             <summary>
25488             Start writing an OData payload.
25489             </summary>
25490         </member>
25491         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.WriteValueParameter(System.String,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25492             <summary>
25493             Writes a value parameter (either primitive or complex).
25494             </summary>
25495             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to write.</param>
25496             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the parameter to write.</param>
25497             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the parameter value.</param>
25498         </member>
25499         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.CreateFormatCollectionWriter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25500             <summary>
25501             Creates a format specific <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write the value of a collection parameter.
25502             </summary>
25503             <param name="parameterName">The name of the collection parameter to write.</param>
25504             <param name="expectedItemType">The type reference of the expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
25505             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/>.</returns>
25506         </member>
25507         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.EndPayload">
25508             <summary>
25509             Finish writing an OData payload.
25510             </summary>
25511         </member>
25512         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteStart(System.Boolean)">
25513             <summary>
25514             Verifies that calling WriteStart is valid.
25515             </summary>
25516             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
25517         </member>
25518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.WriteStartImplementation">
25519             <summary>
25520             Start writing a parameter payload - implementation of the actual functionality.
25521             </summary>
25522         </member>
25523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteParameterAndGetTypeReference(System.Boolean,System.String)">
25524             <summary>
25525             Verifies that the parameter with name <paramref name="parameterName"/> can be written and returns the
25526             type reference of the parameter.
25527             </summary>
25528             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
25529             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to be written.</param>
25530             <returns>The type reference of the parameter; null if no function import was specified to the writer.</returns>
25531         </member>
25532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteValueParameter(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Object)">
25533             <summary>
25534             Verify that calling WriteValue is valid.
25535             </summary>
25536             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
25537             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to be written.</param>
25538             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the parameter to write.</param>
25539             <returns>The type reference of the parameter; null if no function import was specified to the writer.</returns>
25540         </member>
25541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyCanCreateCollectionWriter(System.Boolean,System.String)">
25542             <summary>
25543             Verify that calling CreateCollectionWriter is valid.
25544             </summary>
25545             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
25546             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to be written.</param>
25547             <returns>The expected item type of the items in the collection or null if no item type is available.</returns>
25548         </member>
25549         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.GetParameterTypeReference(System.String)">
25550             <summary>
25551             Gets the type reference of the parameter in question. Returns null if no function import was specified to the writer.
25552             </summary>
25553             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter in question.</param>
25554             <returns>The type reference of the parameter; null if no function import was specified to the writer.</returns>
25555         </member>
25556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.WriteValueImplementation(System.String,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25557             <summary>
25558             Write a value parameter - implementation of the actual functionality.
25559             </summary>
25560             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to write.</param>
25561             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the parameter to write.</param>
25562             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the parameter value.</param>
25563         </member>
25564         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.CreateCollectionWriterImplementation(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25565             <summary>
25566             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write the value of a collection parameter.
25567             </summary>
25568             <param name="parameterName">The name of the collection parameter to write.</param>
25569             <param name="expectedItemType">The type reference of the expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
25570             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/>.</returns>
25571         </member>
25572         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteEnd(System.Boolean)">
25573             <summary>
25574             Verifies that calling WriteEnd is valid.
25575             </summary>
25576             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
25577         </member>
25578         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyAllParametersWritten">
25579             <summary>
25580             If an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> is specified, then this method ensures that all parameters present in the 
25581             function import are written to the payload.
25582             </summary>
25583             <remarks>The binding parameter is optional in the payload. Hence this method will not check for missing binding parameter.</remarks>
25584         </member>
25585         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.WriteEndImplementation">
25586             <summary>
25587             Finish writing a parameter payload - implementation of the actual functionality.
25588             </summary>
25589         </member>
25590         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyNotInErrorOrCompletedState">
25591             <summary>
25592             Verifies that the current state is not Error or Completed.
25593             </summary>
25594         </member>
25595         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyCanFlush(System.Boolean)">
25596             <summary>
25597             Verifies that calling Flush is valid.
25598             </summary>
25599             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
25600         </member>
25601         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
25602             <summary>
25603             Verifies that a call is allowed to the writer.
25604             </summary>
25605             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
25606         </member>
25607         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.InterceptException(System.Action)">
25608             <summary>
25609             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the writer into
25610             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
25611             </summary>
25612             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
25613         </member>
25614         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.InterceptException``1(System.Func{``0})">
25615             <summary>
25616             Catch any exception thrown by the function passed in; in the exception case move the writer into
25617             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
25618             </summary>
25619             <typeparam name="T">The return type of <paramref name="function"/>.</typeparam>
25620             <param name="function">The function to execute.</param>
25621             <returns>Returns the return value from executing <paramref name="function"/>.</returns>
25622         </member>
25623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.EnterErrorScope">
25624             <summary>
25625             Enters the Error scope if we are not already in Error state.
25626             </summary>
25627         </member>
25628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState)">
25629             <summary>
25630             Verifies that the transition from the current state into new state is valid and enter a new writer scope.
25631             </summary>
25632             <param name="newState">The writer state to transition into.</param>
25633         </member>
25634         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.LeaveScope">
25635             <summary>
25636             Leave the current writer scope and return to the previous scope. 
25637             When reaching the top-level replace the 'Start' scope with a 'Completed' scope.
25638             </summary>
25639             <remarks>Note that this method is never called once the writer is in 'Error' state.</remarks>
25640         </member>
25641         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ReplaceScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState)">
25642             <summary>
25643             Replaces the current scope with a new scope; checks that the transition is valid.
25644             </summary>
25645             <param name="newState">The new state to transition into.</param>
25646         </member>
25647         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ValidateTransition(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState)">
25648             <summary>
25649             Verify that the transition from the current state into new state is valid.
25650             </summary>
25651             <param name="newState">The new writer state to transition into.</param>
25652         </member>
25653         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
25654             <summary>Checker to detect duplicate property names on complex parameter values.</summary>
25655         </member>
25656         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.State">
25657             <summary>
25658             The current state of the writer.
25659             </summary>
25660         </member>
25661         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState">
25662             <summary>
25663             An enumeration representing the current state of the writer.
25664             </summary>
25665         </member>
25666         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState.Start">
25667             <summary>The writer is at the start; nothing has been written yet.</summary>
25668         </member>
25669         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState.CanWriteParameter">
25670             <summary>
25671             The writer is in a state where the next parameter can be written.
25672             The writer enters this state after WriteStart() or after the previous parameter is written.
25673             </summary>
25674         </member>
25675         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState.ActiveSubWriter">
25676             <summary>One of the create writer method has been called and the created sub writer is not in Completed state.</summary>
25677         </member>
25678         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState.Completed">
25679             <summary>The writer has completed; nothing can be written anymore.</summary>
25680         </member>
25681         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriterCore.ParameterWriterState.Error">
25682             <summary>An error had occured while writing the payload; nothing can be written anymore.</summary>
25683         </member>
25684         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.jsonLightOutputContext">
25685             <summary>
25686             The output context to write to.
25687             </summary>
25688         </member>
25689         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.jsonLightValueSerializer">
25690             <summary>
25691             The JsonLight property and value serializer to use.
25692             </summary>
25693         </member>
25694         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
25695             <summary>
25696             Constructor.
25697             </summary>
25698             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
25699             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
25700         </member>
25701         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
25702             <summary>
25703             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
25704             has already been disposed.
25705             </summary>
25706         </member>
25707         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.FlushSynchronously">
25708             <summary>
25709             Flush the output.
25710             </summary>
25711         </member>
25712         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.StartPayload">
25713             <summary>
25714             Start writing an OData payload.
25715             </summary>
25716         </member>
25717         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.EndPayload">
25718             <summary>
25719             Finish writing an OData payload.
25720             </summary>
25721         </member>
25722         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.WriteValueParameter(System.String,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25723             <summary>
25724             Writes a value parameter (either primitive or complex)
25725             </summary>
25726             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to write.</param>
25727             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the parameter to write.</param>
25728             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the parameter value.</param>
25729         </member>
25730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightParameterWriter.CreateFormatCollectionWriter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
25731             <summary>
25732             Creates a format specific <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write the value of a collection parameter.
25733             </summary>
25734             <param name="parameterName">The name of the collection parameter to write.</param>
25735             <param name="expectedItemType">The type reference of the expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
25736             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/>.</returns>
25737         </member>
25738         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer">
25739             <summary>
25740             OData JsonLight deserializer for detecting the payload kind of a JsonLight payload.
25741             </summary>
25742         </member>
25743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
25744             <summary>
25745             Constructor.
25746             </summary>
25747             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
25748         </member>
25749         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
25750             <summary>
25751             Detects the payload kind(s).
25752             </summary>
25753             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
25754             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
25755         </member>
25756         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.DetectPayloadKindImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
25757             <summary>
25758             Detects the payload kind(s).
25759             </summary>
25760             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
25761             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
25762         </member>
25763         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader">
25764             <summary>
25765             OData reader for the JsonLight format.
25766             </summary>
25767         </member>
25768         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.jsonLightInputContext">
25769             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
25770         </member>
25771         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.jsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
25772             <summary>The entry and feed deserializer to read input with.</summary>
25773         </member>
25774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.topLevelScope">
25775             <summary>The scope associated with the top level of this payload.</summary>
25776         </member>
25777         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
25778             <summary>
25779             Constructor.
25780             </summary>
25781             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
25782             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
25783             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read (in case of entry reader) or entries in the feed to be read (in case of feed reader).</param>
25784             <param name="readingFeed">true if the reader is created for reading a feed; false when it is created for reading an entry.</param>
25785             <param name="listener">If not null, the Json reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the Json reader.</param>
25786         </member>
25787         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
25788             <summary>
25789             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
25790             </summary>
25791             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25792             <remarks>
25793             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
25794             Post-Condition: when reading a feed:    the reader is positioned on the first item in the feed or the end array node of an empty feed
25795                             when reading an entry:  the first node of the first navigation link value, null for a null expanded link or an end object 
25796                                                     node if there are no navigation links.
25797             </remarks>
25798         </member>
25799         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtFeedStartImplementation">
25800             <summary>
25801             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedStart'.
25802             </summary>
25803             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25804             <remarks>
25805             Pre-Condition:  Any start node            - The first entry in the feed
25806                             JsonNodeType.EndArray     - The end of the feed
25807             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned over the StartObject node of the first entry in the feed or 
25808                             on the node following the feed end in case of an empty feed
25809             </remarks>
25810         </member>
25811         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtFeedEndImplementation">
25812             <summary>
25813             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedEnd'.
25814             </summary>
25815             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25816             <remarks>
25817             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property        if the feed has further instance or property annotations after the feed property
25818                            JsonNodeType.EndObject       if the feed has no further instance or property annotations after the feed property
25819             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput     for a top-level feed when not reading a nested payload
25820                             JsonNodeType.Property       more properties exist on the owning entry after the expanded link containing the feed
25821                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      no further properties exist on the owning entry after the expanded link containing the feed
25822                             JsonNodeType.EndArray       end of expanded link in request, in this case the feed doesn't actually own the array object and it won't read it.
25823                             Any                         in case of expanded feed in request, this might be the next item in the expanded array, which is not an entry
25824             </remarks>
25825         </member>
25826         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtEntryStartImplementation">
25827             <summary>
25828             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryStart'.
25829             </summary>
25830             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25831             <remarks>
25832             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            Start of the expanded entry of the navigation link to read next.
25833                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Start of the expanded feed of the navigation link to read next.
25834                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry of the navigation link to read next.
25835                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after a deferred link or entity reference link
25836                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
25837             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject            Start of the expanded entry of the navigation link to read next.
25838                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Start of the expanded feed of the navigation link to read next.
25839                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry of the navigation link to read next.
25840                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after a deferred link or entity reference link
25841                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
25842             </remarks>
25843         </member>
25844         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtEntryEndImplementation">
25845             <summary>
25846             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryEnd'.
25847             </summary>
25848             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25849             <remarks>
25850             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject              end of object of the entry
25851                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  end of null expanded entry
25852             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node after the entry's end-object node
25853             </remarks>
25854         </member>
25855         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkStartImplementation">
25856             <summary>
25857             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkStart'.
25858             </summary>
25859             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25860             <remarks>
25861             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            start of an expanded entry
25862                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             start of an expanded feed
25863                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  expanded null entry
25864                             JsonNodeType.Property               deferred link with more properties in owning entry
25865                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              deferred link as last property of the owning entry
25866             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartArray:            start of expanded entry
25867                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            start of expanded feed
25868                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  expanded null entry
25869                             JsonNodeType.Property               deferred link with more properties in owning entry
25870                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              deferred link as last property of the owning entry
25871             </remarks>
25872         </member>
25873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkEndImplementation">
25874             <summary>
25875             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkEnd'.
25876             </summary>
25877             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25878             <remarks>
25879             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject:         navigation link is last property in owning entry
25880                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the navigation link in the owning entry
25881             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject        start of the expanded entry navigation link to read next
25882                             JsonNodeType.StartArray         start of the expanded feed navigation link to read next
25883                             JsonNoteType.Primitive (null)   expanded null entry navigation link to read next
25884                             JsonNoteType.Property           property after deferred link or entity reference link
25885                             JsonNodeType.EndObject          end of the parent entry
25886             </remarks>
25887         </member>
25888         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtEntityReferenceLink">
25889             <summary>
25890             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntityReferenceLink'.
25891             </summary>
25892             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25893             <remarks>
25894             This method doesn't move the reader
25895             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject:         expanded link property is last property in owning entry
25896                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the expanded link property in the owning entry
25897                             Any:                            expanded collection link - the node after the entity reference link.
25898             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject:         expanded link property is last property in owning entry
25899                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the expanded link property in the owning entry
25900                             Any:                            expanded collection link - the node after the entity reference link.
25901             </remarks>
25902         </member>
25903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtStartImplementationSynchronously(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
25904             <summary>
25905             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
25906             </summary>
25907             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use for the top-level scope.</param>
25908             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25909             <remarks>
25910             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
25911             Post-Condition: when reading a feed:    the reader is positioned on the first item in the feed or the end array node of an empty feed
25912                             when reading an entry:  the first node of the first navigation link value, null for a null expanded link or an end object 
25913                                                     node if there are no navigation links.
25914             </remarks>
25915         </member>
25916         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtFeedStartImplementationSynchronously">
25917             <summary>
25918             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedStart'.
25919             </summary>
25920             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25921             <remarks>
25922             Pre-Condition:  Any start node            - The first entry in the feed
25923                             JsonNodeType.EndArray     - The end of the feed
25924             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned over the StartObject node of the first entry in the feed or 
25925                             on the node following the feed end in case of an empty feed
25926             </remarks>
25927         </member>
25928         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtFeedEndImplementationSynchronously">
25929             <summary>
25930             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedEnd'.
25931             </summary>
25932             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25933             <remarks>
25934             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property        if the feed has further instance or property annotations after the feed property
25935                            JsonNodeType.EndObject       if the feed has no further instance or property annotations after the feed property
25936             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput     for a top-level feed when not reading a nested payload
25937                             JsonNodeType.Property       more properties exist on the owning entry after the expanded link containing the feed
25938                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      no further properties exist on the owning entry after the expanded link containing the feed
25939                             JsonNodeType.EndArray       end of expanded link in request, in this case the feed doesn't actually own the array object and it won't read it.
25940                             Any                         in case of expanded feed in request, this might be the next item in the expanded array, which is not an entry
25941             </remarks>
25942         </member>
25943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtEntryStartImplementationSynchronously">
25944             <summary>
25945             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryStart'.
25946             </summary>
25947             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25948             <remarks>
25949             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            Start of the expanded entry of the navigation link to read next.
25950                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Start of the expanded feed of the navigation link to read next.
25951                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry of the navigation link to read next.
25952                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after a deferred link or entity reference link
25953                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
25954             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject            Start of the expanded entry of the navigation link to read next.
25955                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Start of the expanded feed of the navigation link to read next.
25956                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry of the navigation link to read next.
25957                             JsonNodeType.Property               The next property after a deferred link or entity reference link
25958                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
25959             </remarks>
25960         </member>
25961         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtEntryEndImplementationSynchronously">
25962             <summary>
25963             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryEnd'.
25964             </summary>
25965             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25966             <remarks>
25967             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject              end of object of the entry
25968                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  end of null expanded entry
25969             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node after the entry's end-object node
25970             </remarks>
25971         </member>
25972         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkStartImplementationSynchronously">
25973             <summary>
25974             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkStart'.
25975             </summary>
25976             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25977             <remarks>
25978             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            start of an expanded entry
25979                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             start of an expanded feed
25980                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  expanded null entry
25981                             JsonNodeType.Property               deferred link with more properties in owning entry
25982                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              deferred link as last property of the owning entry or
25983                                                                 reporting projected navigation links missing in the payload
25984             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartArray:            start of expanded entry
25985                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            start of expanded feed
25986                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  expanded null entry
25987                             JsonNodeType.Property               deferred link with more properties in owning entry
25988                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              deferred link as last property of the owning entry or
25989                                                                 reporting projected navigation links missing in the payload
25990             </remarks>
25991         </member>
25992         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkEndImplementationSynchronously">
25993             <summary>
25994             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkEnd'.
25995             </summary>
25996             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
25997             <remarks>
25998             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject:         navigation link is last property in owning entry or
25999                                                             reporting projected navigation links missing in the payload
26000                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the navigation link in the owning entry
26001             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject        start of the expanded entry navigation link to read next
26002                             JsonNodeType.StartArray         start of the expanded feed navigation link to read next
26003                             JsonNoteType.Primitive (null)   expanded null entry navigation link to read next
26004                             JsonNoteType.Property           property after deferred link or entity reference link
26005                             JsonNodeType.EndObject          end of the parent entry
26006             </remarks>
26007         </member>
26008         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadAtEntityReferenceLinkSynchronously">
26009             <summary>
26010             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntityReferenceLink'.
26011             </summary>
26012             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
26013             <remarks>
26014             This method doesn't move the reader
26015             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject:         expanded link property is last property in owning entry
26016                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the expanded link property in the owning entry
26017                             Any:                            expanded collection link - the node after the entity reference link.
26018             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject:         expanded link property is last property in owning entry
26019                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the expanded link property in the owning entry
26020                             Any:                            expanded collection link - the node after the entity reference link.
26021             </remarks>
26022         </member>
26023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadFeedStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26024             <summary>
26025             Reads the start of the JSON array for the content of the feed and sets up the reader state correctly.
26026             </summary>
26027             <param name="feed">The feed to read the contents for.</param>
26028             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties node capturing what properties should be expanded during template evaluation.</param>
26029             <remarks>
26030             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the feed property value; this method will throw if the node is not
26031                             JsonNodeType.StartArray
26032             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first item in the feed, or on the end array of the feed.
26033             </remarks>
26034         </member>
26035         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadFeedEnd">
26036             <summary>
26037             Reads the end of the current feed.
26038             </summary>
26039         </member>
26040         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadExpandedEntryStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26041             <summary>
26042             Reads the start of an expanded entry (null or non-null).
26043             </summary>
26044             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link that is being expanded.</param>
26045             <remarks>
26046             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            The start of the entry object
26047                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  The null entry value
26048             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject            Start of expanded entry of the navigation link to read next
26049                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Start of expanded feed of the navigation link to read next
26050                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry of the navigation link to read next, or the null value of the current null entry
26051                             JsonNodeType.Property               Property after deferred link or expanded entity reference
26052                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
26053             </remarks>
26054         </member>
26055         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadEntryStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26056             <summary>
26057             Reads the start of an entry and sets up the reader state correctly
26058             </summary>
26059             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use for the entry; 
26060             or null if a new one should be created.</param>
26061             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties node capturing what properties should be expanded during template evaluation.</param>
26062             <remarks>
26063             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            If the entry is in a feed - the start of the entry object
26064                             JsonNodeType.Property               If the entry is a top-level entry and has at least one property
26065                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If the entry is a top-level entry and has no properties
26066             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject            Start of expanded entry of the navigation link to read next
26067                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             Start of expanded feed of the navigation link to read next
26068                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry of the navigation link to read next
26069                             JsonNodeType.Property               Property after deferred link or expanded entity reference
26070                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
26071             </remarks>
26072         </member>
26073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadExpandedNavigationLinkEnd(System.Boolean)">
26074             <summary>
26075             Verifies that the current item is an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink"/> instance,
26076             sets the cardinality of the link (IsCollection property) and moves the reader
26077             into state 'NavigationLinkEnd'.
26078             </summary>
26079             <param name="isCollection">A flag indicating whether the link represents a collection or not.</param>
26080         </member>
26081         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReadNextNavigationLinkContentItemInRequest">
26082             <summary>
26083             Reads the next item in a navigation link content in a request payload.
26084             </summary>
26085         </member>
26086         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.StartEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26087             <summary>
26088             Starts the entry, initializing the scopes and such. This method starts a non-null entry only.
26089             </summary>
26090             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use for the entry; 
26091             or null if a new one should be created.</param>
26092             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties node capturing what properties should be expanded during template evaluation.</param>
26093         </member>
26094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.StartNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo)">
26095             <summary>
26096             Starts the navigation link.
26097             Does metadata validation of the navigation link and sets up the reader to report it.
26098             </summary>
26099             <param name="navigationLinkInfo">The navigation link info for the navigation link to start.</param>
26100         </member>
26101         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.ReplaceScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState)">
26102             <summary>
26103             Replaces the current scope with a new scope with the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
26104             the item of the current scope.
26105             </summary>
26106             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
26107         </member>
26108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.EndEntry">
26109             <summary>
26110             Called to transition into the EntryEnd state.
26111             </summary>
26112         </member>
26113         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.CurrentEntryState">
26114             <summary>
26115             Returns the current entry state.
26116             </summary>
26117         </member>
26118         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.CurrentJsonLightFeedScope">
26119             <summary>
26120             Returns current scope cast to JsonLightFeedScope
26121             </summary>
26122         </member>
26123         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.CurrentJsonLightNavigationLinkScope">
26124             <summary>
26125             Returns current scope cast to JsonLightNavigationLinkScope
26126             </summary>
26127         </member>
26128         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightTopLevelScope">
26129             <summary>
26130             A reader top-level scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
26131             </summary>
26132         </member>
26133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightTopLevelScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
26134             <summary>
26135             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
26136             </summary>
26137             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
26138             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the scope.</param>
26139             <remarks>The <paramref name="expectedEntityType"/> has the following meaning
26140               it's the expected base type of the top-level entry or entries in the top-level feed.
26141             In all cases the specified type must be an entity type.</remarks>
26142         </member>
26143         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightTopLevelScope.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
26144             <summary>
26145             The duplicate property names checker for the top level scope represented by the current state.
26146             </summary>
26147         </member>
26148         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope">
26149             <summary>
26150             A reader entry scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
26151             </summary>
26152         </member>
26153         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.navigationPropertiesRead">
26154             <summary>The set of names of the navigation properties we have read so far while reading the entry.</summary>
26155         </member>
26156         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26157             <summary>
26158             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
26159             </summary>
26160             <param name="readerState">The reader state of the new scope that is being created.</param>
26161             <param name="entry">The item attached to this scope.</param>
26162             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
26163             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the scope.</param>
26164             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker for this entry scope.</param>
26165             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties node capturing what properties should be expanded during template evaluation.</param>
26166             <remarks>The <paramref name="expectedEntityType"/> has the following meaning
26167               it's the expected base type of the entry. If the entry has no type name specified
26168               this type will be assumed. Otherwise the specified type name must be
26169               the expected type or a more derived type.
26170             In all cases the specified type must be an entity type.</remarks>
26171         </member>
26172         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.MetadataBuilder">
26173             <summary>
26174             The metadata builder instance for the entry.
26175             </summary>
26176         </member>
26177         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.AnyPropertyFound">
26178             <summary>
26179             Flag which indicates that during parsing of the entry represented by this state,
26180             any property which is not an instance annotation was found. This includes property annotations
26181             for property which is not present in the payload.
26182             </summary>
26183             <remarks>
26184             This is used to detect incorrect ordering of the payload (for example odata.id must not come after the first property).
26185             </remarks>
26186         </member>
26187         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.FirstNavigationLinkInfo">
26188             <summary>
26189             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
26190             it will store the navigation link info in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation link of an entry.
26191             </summary>
26192         </member>
26193         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
26194             <summary>
26195             The duplicate property names checker for the entry represented by the current state.
26196             </summary>
26197         </member>
26198         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.SelectedProperties">
26199             <summary>
26200             The selected properties that should be expanded during template evaluation.
26201             </summary>
26202         </member>
26203         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.NavigationPropertiesRead">
26204             <summary>
26205             The set of names of the navigation properties we have read so far while reading the entry.
26206             true if we have started processing missing projected navigation links, false otherwise.
26207             </summary>
26208         </member>
26209         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.ProcessingMissingProjectedNavigationLinks">
26210             <summary>
26211             true if we have started processing missing projected navigation links, false otherwise.
26212             </summary>
26213         </member>
26214         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#JsonLight#IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState#Entry">
26215             <summary>
26216             The entry being read.
26217             </summary>
26218         </member>
26219         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightEntryScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#JsonLight#IODataJsonLightReaderEntryState#EntityType">
26220             <summary>
26221             The entity type for the entry (if available).
26222             </summary>
26223         </member>
26224         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightFeedScope">
26225             <summary>
26226             A reader feed scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
26227             </summary>
26228         </member>
26229         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightFeedScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26230             <summary>
26231             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
26232             </summary>
26233             <param name="feed">The item attached to this scope.</param>
26234             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
26235             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the scope.</param>
26236             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties node capturing what properties should be expanded during template evaluation.</param>
26237             <remarks>The <paramref name="expectedEntityType"/> has the following meaning
26238               it's the expected base type of the entries in the feed.
26239               note that it might be a more derived type than the base type of the entity set for the feed.
26240             In all cases the specified type must be an entity type.</remarks>
26241         </member>
26242         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightFeedScope.SelectedProperties">
26243             <summary>
26244             The selected properties that should be expanded during template evaluation.
26245             </summary>
26246         </member>
26247         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope">
26248             <summary>
26249             A reader scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
26250             </summary>
26251         </member>
26252         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderNavigationLinkInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
26253             <summary>
26254             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
26255             </summary>
26256             <param name="navigationLinkInfo">The navigation link info attached to this scope.</param>
26257             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
26258             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the scope.</param>
26259             <remarks>The <paramref name="expectedEntityType"/> has the following meaning
26260               it's the expected base type the entries in the expanded link (either the single entry
26261               or entries in the expanded feed).
26262             In all cases the specified type must be an entity type.</remarks>
26263         </member>
26264         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReader.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.NavigationLinkInfo">
26265             <summary>
26266             The navigation link info for the navigation link to report.
26267             This is only used on a StartNavigationLink scope in responses.
26268             </summary>
26269         </member>
26270         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils">
26271             <summary>
26272             Helper methods used by the OData reader for the JsonLight format.
26273             </summary>
26274         </member>
26275         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.ConvertValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.String)">
26276             <summary>
26277             Converts the given JSON value to the expected type as per OData conversion rules for JSON values.
26278             </summary>
26279             <param name="value">Value to the converted.</param>
26280             <param name="primitiveTypeReference">Type reference to which the value needs to be converted.</param>
26281             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings used for reading.</param>
26282             <param name="version">The version of the OData protocol used for reading.</param>
26283             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
26284             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
26285             <returns>Object which is in sync with the property type (modulo the V1 exception of converting numbers to non-compatible target types).</returns>
26286         </member>
26287         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.EnsureInstance``1(``0@)">
26288             <summary>
26289             Ensure that the <paramref name="instance"/> is not null; if so create a new instance.
26290             </summary>
26291             <typeparam name="T">The type of the instance to check.</typeparam>
26292             <param name="instance">The instance to check for null.</param>
26293         </member>
26294         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.IsODataAnnotationName(System.String)">
26295             <summary>
26296             Determines if the specified <paramref name="propertyName"/> is an OData annotation property name.
26297             </summary>
26298             <param name="propertyName">The property name to test.</param>
26299             <returns>true if the property name is an OData annotation property name, false otherwise.</returns>
26300         </member>
26301         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.IsAnnotationProperty(System.String)">
26302             <summary>
26303             Determines if the specified property name is a name of an annotation property.
26304             </summary>
26305             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property.</param>
26306             <returns>true if <paramref name="propertyName"/> is a name of an annotation property, false otherwise.</returns>
26307             <remarks>
26308             This method returns true both for normal annotation as well as property annotations.
26309             </remarks>
26310         </member>
26311         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.ValidateAnnotationStringValue(System.String,System.String)">
26312             <summary>
26313             Validates that the annotation string value is valid.
26314             </summary>
26315             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the annotation.</param>
26316             <param name="annotationName">The name of the (instance or property) annotation (used for error reporting).</param>
26317         </member>
26318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.GetPayloadTypeName(System.Object)">
26319             <summary>
26320             Gets the payload type name for an OData OM instance for JsonLight.
26321             </summary>
26322             <param name="payloadItem">The payload item to get the type name for.</param>
26323             <returns>The type name as read from the payload item (or constructed for primitive items).</returns>
26324         </member>
26325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.ConvertStringValue(System.String,System.Type)">
26326             <summary>
26327             Converts the given JSON string value to the expected type as per OData conversion rules for JSON values.
26328             </summary>
26329             <param name="stringValue">String value to the converted.</param>
26330             <param name="targetType">Target type to which the string value needs to be converted.</param>
26331             <returns>Object which is in sync with the target type.</returns>
26332         </member>
26333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils.ConvertInt32Value(System.Int32,System.Type,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
26334             <summary>
26335             Converts the given JSON int value to the expected type as per OData conversion rules for JSON values.
26336             </summary>
26337             <param name="intValue">Int32 value to the converted.</param>
26338             <param name="targetType">Target type to which the int value needs to be converted.</param>
26339             <param name="primitiveTypeReference">Type reference to which the value needs to be converted.</param>
26340             <returns>Object which is in sync with the property type.</returns>
26341         </member>
26342         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer">
26343             <summary>
26344             OData JsonLight deserializer for service documents.
26345             </summary>
26346         </member>
26347         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightInputContext)">
26348             <summary>
26349             Constructor.
26350             </summary>
26351             <param name="jsonLightInputContext">The JsonLight input context to read from.</param>
26352         </member>
26353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer.ReadServiceDocument">
26354             <summary>
26355             Read a service document. 
26356             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
26357             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
26358             </summary>
26359             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
26360             <remarks>
26361             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:        assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet.
26362             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput  
26363             </remarks>
26364         </member>
26365         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer.ReadServiceDocumentImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
26366             <summary>
26367             Read a service document. 
26368             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
26369             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
26370             </summary>
26371             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use for the top-level scope.</param>
26372             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
26373             <remarks>
26374             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property   The property right after the metadata URI property.
26375                             JsonNodeType.EndObject  The EndObject of the service document.
26376             Post-Condition: Any                     The node after the EndObject of the service document.
26377             </remarks>
26378         </member>
26379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer.ReadResourceCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
26380             <summary>
26381             Reads a resource collection within a service document.
26382             </summary>
26383             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker"/> to use for parsing annotations within the resource collection object.</param>
26384             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo"/> representing the read resource collection.</returns>
26385             <remarks>
26386             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject:     The beginning of the JSON object representing the resource collection.
26387                             other:                        Will throw with an appropriate message on any other node type encountered.
26388             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject:     The beginning of the next resource collection in the array.
26389                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:        The end of the array.
26390                             other:                        Any other node type occuring after the end object of the current resource collection. (Would be invalid).
26391             </remarks>
26392         </member>
26393         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentSerializer">
26394             <summary>
26395             OData JsonLight serializer for service documents.
26396             </summary>
26397         </member>
26398         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentSerializer.metadataUriBuilder">
26399             <summary>The metadata uri builder to use.</summary>
26400         </member>
26401         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext)">
26402             <summary>
26403             Constructor.
26404             </summary>
26405             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
26406         </member>
26407         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentSerializer.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
26408             <summary>
26409             Writes a service document in JsonLight format.
26410             </summary>
26411             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
26412         </member>
26413         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter">
26414             <summary>
26415             Implementation of the ODataWriter for the JsonLight format.
26416             </summary>
26417         </member>
26418         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore">
26419             <summary>
26420             Base class for OData writers that verifies a proper sequence of write calls on the writer.
26421             </summary>
26422         </member>
26423         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter">
26424             <summary>
26425             Base class for OData writers.
26426             </summary>
26427         </member>
26428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
26429             <summary>Starts the writing of a feed.</summary>
26430             <param name="feed">The feed or collection to write.</param>
26431         </member>
26432         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26433             <summary>Starts the writing of an entry.</summary>
26434             <param name="entry">The entry or item to write.</param>
26435         </member>
26436         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26437             <summary>Starts the writing of a navigation link.</summary>
26438             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
26439         </member>
26440         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter.WriteEnd">
26441             <summary>Finishes the writing of a feed, an entry, or a navigation link.</summary>
26442         </member>
26443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
26444             <summary> Writes an entity reference link, which is used to represent binding to an existing resource in a request payload. </summary>
26445             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
26446             <remarks>
26447             This method can only be called for writing request messages. The entity reference link must be surrounded
26448             by a navigation link written through WriteStart/WriteEnd.
26449             The <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.Url"/> will be ignored in that case and the Uri from the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink.Url"/> will be used
26450             as the binding URL to be written.
26451             </remarks>
26452         </member>
26453         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter.Flush">
26454             <summary>Flushes the write buffer to the underlying stream.</summary>
26455         </member>
26456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.outputContext">
26457             <summary>The output context to write to.</summary>
26458         </member>
26459         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.writingFeed">
26460             <summary>True if the writer was created for writing a feed; false when it was created for writing an entry.</summary>
26461         </member>
26462         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.scopes">
26463             <summary>Stack of writer scopes to keep track of the current context of the writer.</summary>
26464         </member>
26465         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.feedValidator">
26466             <summary>
26467             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator"/> to use for entries in this feed.
26468             Only applies when writing a top-level feed; otherwise null.
26469             </summary>
26470         </member>
26471         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.currentEntryDepth">
26472             <summary>The number of entries which have been started but not yet ended.</summary>
26473         </member>
26474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean)">
26475             <summary>
26476             Constructor.
26477             </summary>
26478             <param name="outputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
26479             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
26480             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
26481             <param name="writingFeed">True if the writer is created for writing a feed; false when it is created for writing an entry.</param>
26482         </member>
26483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Flush">
26484             <summary>
26485             Flushes the write buffer to the underlying stream.
26486             </summary>
26487         </member>
26488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
26489             <summary>
26490             Start writing a feed.
26491             </summary>
26492             <param name="feed">Feed/collection to write.</param>
26493         </member>
26494         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26495             <summary>
26496             Start writing an entry.
26497             </summary>
26498             <param name="entry">Entry/item to write.</param>
26499         </member>
26500         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26501             <summary>
26502             Start writing a navigation link.
26503             </summary>
26504             <param name="navigationLink">Navigation link to write.</param>
26505         </member>
26506         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteEnd">
26507             <summary>
26508             Finish writing a feed/entry/navigation link.
26509             </summary>
26510         </member>
26511         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
26512             <summary>
26513             Writes an entity reference link, which is used to represent binding to an existing resource in a request payload.
26514             </summary>
26515             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
26516             <remarks>
26517             This method can only be called for writing request messages. The entity reference link must be surrounded
26518             by a navigation link written through WriteStart/WriteEnd.
26519             The <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.Url"/> will be ignored in that case and the Uri from the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink.Url"/> will be used
26520             as the binding URL to be written.
26521             </remarks>
26522         </member>
26523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataOutputInStreamErrorListener#OnInStreamError">
26524             <summary>
26525             This method notifies the listener, that an in-stream error is to be written.
26526             </summary>
26527             <remarks>
26528             This listener can choose to fail, if the currently written payload doesn't support in-stream error at this position.
26529             If the listener returns, the writer should not allow any more writing, since the in-stream error is the last thing in the payload.
26530             </remarks>
26531         </member>
26532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.IsErrorState(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState)">
26533             <summary>
26534             Determines whether a given writer state is considered an error state.
26535             </summary>
26536             <param name="state">The writer state to check.</param>
26537             <returns>True if the writer state is an error state; otherwise false.</returns>
26538         </member>
26539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.GetProjectedPropertiesAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope)">
26540             <summary>
26541             Gets the projected properties annotation for the specified scope.
26542             </summary>
26543             <param name="currentScope">The scope to get the projected properties annotation for.</param>
26544             <returns>The projected properties annotation for <paramref name="currentScope"/>.</returns>
26545         </member>
26546         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyNotDisposed">
26547             <summary>
26548             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
26549             has already been disposed.
26550             </summary>
26551         </member>
26552         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FlushSynchronously">
26553             <summary>
26554             Flush the output.
26555             </summary>
26556         </member>
26557         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.StartPayload">
26558             <summary>
26559             Start writing an OData payload.
26560             </summary>
26561         </member>
26562         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.StartEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26563             <summary>
26564             Start writing an entry.
26565             </summary>
26566             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
26567         </member>
26568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EndEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26569             <summary>
26570             Finish writing an entry.
26571             </summary>
26572             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
26573         </member>
26574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.StartFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
26575             <summary>
26576             Start writing a feed.
26577             </summary>
26578             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
26579         </member>
26580         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EndPayload">
26581             <summary>
26582             Finish writing an OData payload.
26583             </summary>
26584         </member>
26585         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EndFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
26586             <summary>
26587             Finish writing a feed.
26588             </summary>
26589             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
26590         </member>
26591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteDeferredNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26592             <summary>
26593             Write a deferred (non-expanded) navigation link.
26594             </summary>
26595             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
26596         </member>
26597         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.StartNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26598             <summary>
26599             Start writing a navigation link with content.
26600             </summary>
26601             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
26602         </member>
26603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EndNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26604             <summary>
26605             Finish writing a navigation link with content.
26606             </summary>
26607             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
26608         </member>
26609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteEntityReferenceInNavigationLinkContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
26610             <summary>
26611             Write an entity reference link into a navigation link content.
26612             </summary>
26613             <param name="parentNavigationLink">The parent navigation link which is being written around the entity reference link.</param>
26614             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
26615         </member>
26616         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.CreateFeedScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26617             <summary>
26618             Create a new feed scope.
26619             </summary>
26620             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
26621             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
26622             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
26623             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
26624             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
26625             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
26626         </member>
26627         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.CreateEntryScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26628             <summary>
26629             Create a new entry scope.
26630             </summary>
26631             <param name="entry">The entry for the new scope.</param>
26632             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
26633             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
26634             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
26635             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
26636             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
26637         </member>
26638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.GetEntrySerializationInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26639             <summary>
26640             Gets the serialization info for the given entry.
26641             </summary>
26642             <param name="entry">The entry to get the serialization info for.</param>
26643             <returns>The serialization info for the given entry.</returns>
26644         </member>
26645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.CreateNavigationLinkScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26646             <summary>
26647             Creates a new navigation link scope.
26648             </summary>
26649             <param name="writerState">The writer state for the new scope.</param>
26650             <param name="navLink">The navigation link for the new scope.</param>
26651             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
26652             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
26653             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
26654             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
26655             <returns>The newly created navigation link scope.</returns>
26656         </member>
26657         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.PrepareEntryForWriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26658             <summary>
26659             Place where derived writers can perform custom steps before the entry is writen, at the begining of WriteStartEntryImplementation.
26660             </summary>
26661             <param name="entry">Entry to write.</param>
26662             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.</param>
26663             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
26664         </member>
26665         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ValidateEntryMediaResource(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
26666             <summary>
26667             Validates the media resource on the entry.
26668             </summary>
26669             <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
26670             <param name="entityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
26671         </member>
26672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ValidateEntryType(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26673             <summary>
26674             Gets the type of the entry and validates it against the model.
26675             </summary>
26676             <param name="entry">The entry to get the type for.</param>
26677             <returns>The validated entity type.</returns>
26678         </member>
26679         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ValidateNoDeltaLinkForExpandedFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
26680             <summary>
26681             Validates that the ODataFeed.DeltaLink is null for the given expanded feed.
26682             </summary>
26683             <param name="feed">The expanded feed in question.</param>
26684         </member>
26685         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteStartFeed(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
26686             <summary>
26687             Verifies that calling WriteStart feed is valid.
26688             </summary>
26689             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
26690             <param name="feed">Feed/collection to write.</param>
26691         </member>
26692         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteStartFeedImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
26693             <summary>
26694             Start writing a feed - implementation of the actual functionality.
26695             </summary>
26696             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
26697         </member>
26698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteStartEntry(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26699             <summary>
26700             Verifies that calling WriteStart entry is valid.
26701             </summary>
26702             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
26703             <param name="entry">Entry/item to write.</param>
26704         </member>
26705         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteStartEntryImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
26706             <summary>
26707             Start writing an entry - implementation of the actual functionality.
26708             </summary>
26709             <param name="entry">Entry/item to write.</param>
26710         </member>
26711         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteStartNavigationLink(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26712             <summary>
26713             Verifies that calling WriteStart navigation link is valid.
26714             </summary>
26715             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
26716             <param name="navigationLink">Navigation link to write.</param>
26717         </member>
26718         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteStartNavigationLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26719             <summary>
26720             Start writing a navigation link - implementation of the actual functionality.
26721             </summary>
26722             <param name="navigationLink">Navigation link to write.</param>
26723         </member>
26724         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteEnd(System.Boolean)">
26725             <summary>
26726             Verify that calling WriteEnd is valid.
26727             </summary>
26728             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
26729         </member>
26730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteEndImplementation">
26731             <summary>
26732             Finish writing a feed/entry/navigation link.
26733             </summary>
26734         </member>
26735         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.MarkNavigationLinkAsProcessed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
26736             <summary>
26737             Marks the navigation currently being written as processed in the parent entity's metadata builder.
26738             This is needed so that at the end of writing the entry we can query for all the unwritten navigation properties
26739             defined on the entity type and write out their metadata in fullmetadata mode.
26740             </summary>
26741             <param name="link">The navigation link being written.</param>
26742         </member>
26743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyCanWriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,System.Boolean)">
26744             <summary>
26745             Verifies that calling WriteEntityReferenceLink is valid.
26746             </summary>
26747             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
26748             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
26749         </member>
26750         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriteEntityReferenceLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
26751             <summary>
26752             Write an entity reference link.
26753             </summary>
26754             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
26755         </member>
26756         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyCanFlush(System.Boolean)">
26757             <summary>
26758             Verifies that calling Flush is valid.
26759             </summary>
26760             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
26761         </member>
26762         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
26763             <summary>
26764             Verifies that a call is allowed to the writer.
26765             </summary>
26766             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
26767         </member>
26768         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ThrowODataException(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem)">
26769             <summary>
26770             Enters the 'ExceptionThrown' state and then throws an ODataException with the specified error message.
26771             </summary>
26772             <param name="errorMessage">The error message for the exception.</param>
26773             <param name="item">The OData item to associate with the 'ExceptionThrown' state.</param>
26774         </member>
26775         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.StartPayloadInStartState">
26776             <summary>
26777             Checks whether we are currently writing the first top-level element; if so call StartPayload
26778             </summary>
26779         </member>
26780         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.CheckForNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
26781             <summary>
26782             Checks whether we are currently writing a navigation link and switches to NavigationLinkWithContent state if we do.
26783             </summary>
26784             <param name="contentPayloadKind">
26785             What kind of payload kind is being written as the content of a navigation link.
26786             Only Feed, Entry or EntityRefernceLink are allowed.
26787             </param>
26788         </member>
26789         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.InterceptException(System.Action)">
26790             <summary>
26791             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the writer into
26792             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
26793             </summary>
26794             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
26795         </member>
26796         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.IncreaseEntryDepth">
26797             <summary>
26798             Increments the nested entry count by one and fails if the new value exceeds the maxiumum nested entry depth limit.
26799             </summary>
26800         </member>
26801         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.DecreaseEntryDepth">
26802             <summary>
26803             Decrements the nested entry count by one.
26804             </summary>
26805         </member>
26806         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem)">
26807             <summary>
26808             Enter a new writer scope; verifies that the transition from the current state into new state is valid
26809             and attaches the item to the new scope.
26810             </summary>
26811             <param name="newState">The writer state to transition into.</param>
26812             <param name="item">The item to associate with the new scope.</param>
26813         </member>
26814         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.LeaveScope">
26815             <summary>
26816             Leave the current writer scope and return to the previous scope. 
26817             When reaching the top-level replace the 'Started' scope with a 'Completed' scope.
26818             </summary>
26819             <remarks>Note that this method is never called once an error has been written or a fatal exception has been thrown.</remarks>
26820         </member>
26821         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.PromoteNavigationLinkScope">
26822             <summary>
26823             Promotes the current navigation link scope to a navigation link scope with content.
26824             </summary>
26825         </member>
26826         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ValidateTransition(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState)">
26827             <summary>
26828             Verify that the transition from the current state into new state is valid .
26829             </summary>
26830             <param name="newState">The new writer state to transition into.</param>
26831         </member>
26832         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.PushScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
26833             <summary>
26834             Create a new writer scope.
26835             </summary>
26836             <param name="state">The writer state of the scope to create.</param>
26837             <param name="item">The item attached to the scope to create.</param>
26838             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
26839             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
26840             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
26841             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
26842         </member>
26843         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.CurrentScope">
26844             <summary>
26845             The current scope for the writer.
26846             </summary>
26847         </member>
26848         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.State">
26849             <summary>
26850             The current state of the writer.
26851             </summary>
26852         </member>
26853         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.SkipWriting">
26854             <summary>
26855             true if the writer should not write any input specified and should just skip it.
26856             </summary>
26857         </member>
26858         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.IsTopLevel">
26859             <summary>
26860             A flag indicating whether the writer is at the top level.
26861             </summary>
26862         </member>
26863         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ParentNavigationLink">
26864             <summary>
26865             Returns the immediate parent link which is being expanded, or null if no such link exists
26866             </summary>
26867         </member>
26868         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ParentEntryEntityType">
26869             <summary>
26870             Returns the entity type of the immediate parent entry for which a navigation link is being written.
26871             </summary>
26872         </member>
26873         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ParentEntryEntitySet">
26874             <summary>
26875             Returns the entity type of the immediate parent entry for which a navigation link is being written.
26876             </summary>
26877         </member>
26878         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScopeEntryCount">
26879             <summary>
26880             Returns the number of entries seen so far on the current feed scope.
26881             </summary>
26882             <remarks>Can only be accessed on a feed scope.</remarks>
26883         </member>
26884         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
26885             <summary>
26886             Checker to detect duplicate property names.
26887             </summary>
26888         </member>
26889         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryEntityType">
26890             <summary>
26891             The entity type of the current entry.
26892             </summary>
26893         </member>
26894         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ParentNavigationLinkScope">
26895             <summary>
26896             Returns the parent navigation link scope of an entry in an expanded link (if it exists).
26897             The entry can either be the content of the expanded link directly or nested inside a feed.
26898             </summary>
26899             <returns>The parent navigation scope of an entry in an expanded link (if it exists).</returns>
26900         </member>
26901         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.CurrentFeedValidator">
26902             <summary>
26903             Validator to validate consistency of collection items (or null if no such validator applies to the current scope).
26904             </summary>
26905         </member>
26906         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState">
26907             <summary>
26908             An enumeration representing the current state of the writer.
26909             </summary>
26910         </member>
26911         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState.Start">
26912             <summary>The writer is at the start; nothing has been written yet.</summary>
26913         </member>
26914         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState.Entry">
26915             <summary>The writer is currently writing an entry.</summary>
26916         </member>
26917         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState.Feed">
26918             <summary>The writer is currently writing a feed.</summary>
26919         </member>
26920         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState.NavigationLink">
26921             <summary>The writer is currently writing a navigation link (possibly an expanded link but we don't know yet).</summary>
26922             <remarks>
26923             This state is used when a navigation link was started but we didn't see any children for it yet.
26924             </remarks>
26925         </member>
26926         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState.NavigationLinkWithContent">
26927             <summary>The writer is currently writing a navigation link with content.</summary>
26928             <remarks>
26929             This state is used when a navigation link with either an entity reference link or expanded feed/entry was written.
26930             </remarks>
26931         </member>
26932         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState.Completed">
26933             <summary>The writer has completed; nothing can be written anymore.</summary>
26934         </member>
26935         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState.Error">
26936             <summary>The writer is in error state; nothing can be written anymore.</summary>
26937         </member>
26938         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack">
26939             <summary>
26940             Lightweight wrapper for the stack of scopes which exposes a few helper properties for getting parent scopes.
26941             </summary>
26942         </member>
26943         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.scopes">
26944             <summary>
26945             Use a list to store the scopes instead of a true stack so that parent/grandparent lookups will be fast.
26946             </summary>
26947         </member>
26948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.#ctor">
26949             <summary>
26950             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack"/> class.
26951             </summary>
26952         </member>
26953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.Push(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope)">
26954             <summary>
26955             Pushes the specified scope onto the stack.
26956             </summary>
26957             <param name="scope">The scope.</param>
26958         </member>
26959         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.Pop">
26960             <summary>
26961             Pops the current scope off the stack.
26962             </summary>
26963             <returns>The popped scope.</returns>
26964         </member>
26965         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.Peek">
26966             <summary>
26967             Peeks at the current scope on the top of the stack.
26968             </summary>
26969             <returns>The current scope at the top of the stack.</returns>
26970         </member>
26971         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.Count">
26972             <summary>
26973             Gets the count of items in the stack.
26974             </summary>
26975         </member>
26976         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.Parent">
26977             <summary>
26978             Gets the scope below the current scope on top of the stack.
26979             </summary>
26980         </member>
26981         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.ParentOfParent">
26982             <summary>
26983             Gets the scope below the parent of the current scope on top of the stack.
26984             </summary>
26985         </member>
26986         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.ScopeStack.ParentOrNull">
26987             <summary>
26988             Gets the scope below the current scope on top of the stack or null if there is only one item on the stack or the stack is empty.
26989             </summary>
26990         </member>
26991         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope">
26992             <summary>
26993             A writer scope; keeping track of the current writer state and an item associated with this state.
26994             </summary>
26995         </member>
26996         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.state">
26997             <summary>The writer state of this scope.</summary>
26998         </member>
26999         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.item">
27000             <summary>The item attached to this scope.</summary>
27001         </member>
27002         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.skipWriting">
27003             <summary>Set to true if the content of the scope should not be written.</summary>
27004             <remarks>This is used when writing navigation links which were not projected on the owning entry.</remarks>
27005         </member>
27006         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.selectedProperties">
27007             <summary>The selected properties for the current scope.</summary>
27008         </member>
27009         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.entitySet">
27010             <summary>The entity set we are going to write entities for.</summary>
27011         </member>
27012         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.entityType">
27013             <summary>The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</summary>
27014         </member>
27015         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27016             <summary>
27017             Constructor creating a new writer scope.
27018             </summary>
27019             <param name="state">The writer state of this scope.</param>
27020             <param name="item">The item attached to this scope.</param>
27021             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27022             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27023             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of this scope should not be written.</param>
27024             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27025         </member>
27026         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.EntityType">
27027             <summary>
27028             The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).
27029             </summary>
27030         </member>
27031         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.State">
27032             <summary>
27033             The writer state of this scope.
27034             </summary>
27035         </member>
27036         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.Item">
27037             <summary>
27038             The item attached to this scope.
27039             </summary>
27040         </member>
27041         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.EntitySet">
27042             <summary>The entity set we are going to write entities for.</summary>
27043         </member>
27044         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.SelectedProperties">
27045             <summary>The selected properties for the current scope.</summary>
27046         </member>
27047         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.Scope.SkipWriting">
27048             <summary>
27049             Set to true if the content of this scope should not be written.
27050             </summary>
27051         </member>
27052         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope">
27053             <summary>
27054             A scope for an feed.
27055             </summary>
27056         </member>
27057         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.serializationInfo">
27058             <summary>The serialization info for the current feed.</summary>
27059         </member>
27060         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.entryCount">
27061             <summary>The number of entries in this feed seen so far.</summary>
27062         </member>
27063         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.instanceAnnotationWriteTracker">
27064             <summary>Maintains the write status for each annotation using its key.</summary>
27065         </member>
27066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.typeContext">
27067             <summary>The type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.</summary>
27068         </member>
27069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27070             <summary>
27071             Constructor to create a new feed scope.
27072             </summary>
27073             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
27074             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27075             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27076             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27077             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27078         </member>
27079         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.GetOrCreateTypeContext(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
27080             <summary>
27081             Gets or creates the type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.
27082             </summary>
27083             <param name="model">The Edm model to use.</param>
27084             <param name="writingResponse">True if writing a response payload, false otherwise.</param>
27085             <returns>The type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.</returns>
27086         </member>
27087         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.EntryCount">
27088             <summary>
27089             The number of entries in this feed seen so far.
27090             </summary>
27091         </member>
27092         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.FeedScope.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker">
27093             <summary>
27094             Tracks the write status of the annotations.
27095             </summary>
27096         </member>
27097         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope">
27098             <summary>
27099             A scope for an entry.
27100             </summary>
27101         </member>
27102         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
27103             <summary>Checker to detect duplicate property names.</summary>
27104         </member>
27105         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.serializationInfo">
27106             <summary>The serialization info for the current entry.</summary>
27107         </member>
27108         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.odataEntryTypeName">
27109             <summary>The value from ODataEntry.TypeName.</summary>
27110         </member>
27111         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.entityTypeFromMetadata">
27112             <summary>The entity type which was derived from the model (may be either the same as entity type or its base type.</summary>
27113         </member>
27114         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.typeContext">
27115             <summary>The type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.</summary>
27116         </member>
27117         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.instanceAnnotationWriteTracker">
27118             <summary>Maintains the write status for each annotation using its key.</summary>
27119         </member>
27120         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27121             <summary>
27122             Constructor to create a new entry scope.
27123             </summary>
27124             <param name="entry">The entry for the new scope.</param>
27125             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info for the current entry.</param>
27126             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27127             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27128             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27129             <param name="writingResponse">true if we are writing a response, false if it's a request.</param>
27130             <param name="writerBehavior">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior"/> instance controlling the behavior of the writer.</param>
27131             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27132         </member>
27133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.GetOrCreateTypeContext(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
27134             <summary>
27135             Gets or creates the type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.
27136             </summary>
27137             <param name="model">The Edm model to use.</param>
27138             <param name="writingResponse">True if writing a response payload, false otherwise.</param>
27139             <returns>The type context to answer basic questions regarding the type info of the entry.</returns>
27140         </member>
27141         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.EntityTypeFromMetadata">
27142             <summary>
27143             The entity type which was derived from the model, i.e. the expected entity type, which may be either the same as entity type or its base type.
27144             For example, if we are writing a feed of Customers and the current entry is of DerivedCustomer, this.EntityTypeFromMetadata would be Customer and this.EntityType would be DerivedCustomer.
27145             </summary>
27146         </member>
27147         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.SerializationInfo">
27148             <summary>
27149             The serialization info for the current entry.
27150             </summary>
27151         </member>
27152         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
27153             <summary>
27154             Checker to detect duplicate property names.
27155             </summary>
27156         </member>
27157         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.EntryScope.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker">
27158             <summary>
27159             Tracks the write status of the annotations.
27160             </summary>
27161         </member>
27162         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.NavigationLinkScope">
27163             <summary>
27164             A scope for a navigation link.
27165             </summary>
27166         </member>
27167         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.NavigationLinkScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27168             <summary>
27169             Constructor to create a new navigation link scope.
27170             </summary>
27171             <param name="writerState">The writer state for the new scope.</param>
27172             <param name="navLink">The navigation link for the new scope.</param>
27173             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27174             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27175             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27176             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27177         </member>
27178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.NavigationLinkScope.Clone(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState)">
27179             <summary>
27180             Clones this navigation link scope and sets a new writer state.
27181             </summary>
27182             <param name="newWriterState">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState"/> to set.</param>
27183             <returns>The cloned navigation link scope with the specified writer state.</returns>
27184         </member>
27185         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.jsonLightOutputContext">
27186             <summary>
27187             The output context to write to.
27188             </summary>
27189         </member>
27190         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.jsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer">
27191             <summary>
27192             The JsonLight entry and feed serializer to use.
27193             </summary>
27194         </member>
27195         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean)">
27196             <summary>
27197             Constructor.
27198             </summary>
27199             <param name="jsonLightOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
27200             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27201             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27202             <param name="writingFeed">true if the writer is created for writing a feed; false when it is created for writing an entry.</param>
27203         </member>
27204         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
27205             <summary>
27206             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
27207             has already been disposed.
27208             </summary>
27209         </member>
27210         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.FlushSynchronously">
27211             <summary>
27212             Flush the output.
27213             </summary>
27214         </member>
27215         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.StartPayload">
27216             <summary>
27217             Starts writing a payload (called exactly once before anything else)
27218             </summary>
27219         </member>
27220         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.EndPayload">
27221             <summary>
27222             Ends writing a payload (called exactly once after everything else in case of success)
27223             </summary>
27224         </member>
27225         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.PrepareEntryForWriteStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27226             <summary>
27227             Place where derived writers can perform custom steps before the entry is writen, at the begining of WriteStartEntryImplementation.
27228             </summary>
27229             <param name="entry">Entry to write.</param>
27230             <param name="typeContext">The context object to answer basic questions regarding the type of the entry or feed.</param>
27231             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27232         </member>
27233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.ValidateEntryMediaResource(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
27234             <summary>
27235             Validates the media resource on the entry.
27236             </summary>
27237             <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
27238             <param name="entityType">The entity type of the entry.</param>
27239         </member>
27240         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.StartEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
27241             <summary>
27242             Start writing an entry.
27243             </summary>
27244             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
27245         </member>
27246         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.EndEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
27247             <summary>
27248             Finish writing an entry.
27249             </summary>
27250             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
27251         </member>
27252         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.StartFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
27253             <summary>
27254             Start writing a feed.
27255             </summary>
27256             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
27257         </member>
27258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.EndFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
27259             <summary>
27260             Finish writing a feed.
27261             </summary>
27262             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
27263         </member>
27264         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.WriteDeferredNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
27265             <summary>
27266             Start writing a deferred (non-expanded) navigation link.
27267             </summary>
27268             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
27269         </member>
27270         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.StartNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
27271             <summary>
27272             Start writing a navigation link with content.
27273             </summary>
27274             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
27275         </member>
27276         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.EndNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
27277             <summary>
27278             Finish writing a navigation link with content.
27279             </summary>
27280             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
27281         </member>
27282         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.WriteEntityReferenceInNavigationLinkContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
27283             <summary>
27284             Write an entity reference link.
27285             </summary>
27286             <param name="parentNavigationLink">The parent navigation link which is being written around the entity reference link.</param>
27287             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
27288         </member>
27289         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.CreateFeedScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27290             <summary>
27291             Create a new feed scope.
27292             </summary>
27293             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
27294             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27295             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27296             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27297             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27298             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
27299         </member>
27300         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.CreateEntryScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27301             <summary>
27302             Create a new entry scope.
27303             </summary>
27304             <param name="entry">The entry for the new scope.</param>
27305             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27306             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27307             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27308             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27309             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
27310         </member>
27311         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.CreateNavigationLinkScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27312             <summary>
27313             Creates a new JSON Light navigation link scope.
27314             </summary>
27315             <param name="writerState">The writer state for the new scope.</param>
27316             <param name="navLink">The navigation link for the new scope.</param>
27317             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27318             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27319             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27320             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27321             <returns>The newly created JSON Light  navigation link scope.</returns>
27322         </member>
27323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.WriteFeedCount(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.String)">
27324             <summary>
27325             Writes the odata.count annotation for a feed if it has not been written yet (and the count is specified on the feed).
27326             </summary>
27327             <param name="feed">The feed to write the count for.</param>
27328             <param name="propertyName">The name of the expanded nav property or null for a top-level feed.</param>
27329         </member>
27330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.WriteFeedNextLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.String)">
27331             <summary>
27332             Writes the odata.nextLink annotation for a feed if it has not been written yet (and the next link is specified on the feed).
27333             </summary>
27334             <param name="feed">The feed to write the next link for.</param>
27335             <param name="propertyName">The name of the expanded nav property or null for a top-level feed.</param>
27336         </member>
27337         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.WriteFeedDeltaLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
27338             <summary>
27339             Writes the odata.deltaLink annotation for a feed if it has not been written yet (and the delta link is specified on the feed).
27340             </summary>
27341             <param name="feed">The feed to write the delta link for.</param>
27342         </member>
27343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.ValidateNoCustomInstanceAnnotationsForExpandedFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
27344             <summary>
27345             Validates that the ODataFeed.InstanceAnnotations collection is empty for the given expanded feed.
27346             </summary>
27347             <param name="feed">The expanded feed in question.</param>
27348         </member>
27349         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.CurrentEntryScope">
27350             <summary>
27351             Returns the current JsonLightEntryScope.
27352             </summary>
27353         </member>
27354         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.CurrentFeedScope">
27355             <summary>
27356             Returns the current JsonLightFeedScope.
27357             </summary>
27358         </member>
27359         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope">
27360             <summary>
27361             A scope for a JSON lite feed.
27362             </summary>
27363         </member>
27364         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope.countWritten">
27365             <summary>true if the odata.count was already written, false otherwise.</summary>
27366         </member>
27367         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope.nextLinkWritten">
27368             <summary>true if the odata.nextLink was already written, false otherwise.</summary>
27369         </member>
27370         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope.deltaLinkWritten">
27371             <summary>true if the odata.deltaLink was already written, false otherwise.</summary>
27372         </member>
27373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27374             <summary>
27375             Constructor to create a new feed scope.
27376             </summary>
27377             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
27378             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27379             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27380             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27381             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27382         </member>
27383         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope.CountWritten">
27384             <summary>
27385             true if the odata.count annotation was already written, false otherwise.
27386             </summary>
27387         </member>
27388         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope.NextPageLinkWritten">
27389             <summary>
27390             true if the odata.nextLink annotation was already written, false otherwise.
27391             </summary>
27392         </member>
27393         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightFeedScope.DeltaLinkWritten">
27394             <summary>
27395             true if the odata.deltaLink annotation was already written, false otherwise.
27396             </summary>
27397         </member>
27398         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope">
27399             <summary>
27400             A scope for an entry in JSON Light writer.
27401             </summary>
27402         </member>
27403         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.alreadyWrittenMetadataProperties">
27404             <summary>Bit field of the JSON Light metadata properties written so far.</summary>
27405         </member>
27406         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27407             <summary>
27408             Constructor to create a new entry scope.
27409             </summary>
27410             <param name="entry">The entry for the new scope.</param>
27411             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info for the current entry.</param>
27412             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27413             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27414             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27415             <param name="writingResponse">true if we are writing a response, false if it's a request.</param>
27416             <param name="writerBehavior">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior"/> instance controlling the behavior of the writer.</param>
27417             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27418         </member>
27419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.SetWrittenMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty)">
27420             <summary>
27421             Marks the <paramref name="jsonLightMetadataProperty"/> as written in this entry scope.
27422             </summary>
27423             <param name="jsonLightMetadataProperty">The metadta property which was written.</param>
27424         </member>
27425         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.IsMetadataPropertyWritten(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty)">
27426             <summary>
27427             Determines if the <paramref name="jsonLightMetadataProperty"/> was already written for this entry scope.
27428             </summary>
27429             <param name="jsonLightMetadataProperty">The metadata property to test for.</param>
27430             <returns>true if the <paramref name="jsonLightMetadataProperty"/> was already written for this entry scope; false otherwise.</returns>
27431         </member>
27432         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.Entry">
27433             <summary>
27434             The entry being written.
27435             </summary>
27436         </member>
27437         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.EditLinkWritten">
27438             <summary>
27439             Flag which indicates that the odata.editLink metadata property has been written.
27440             </summary>
27441         </member>
27442         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.ReadLinkWritten">
27443             <summary>
27444             Flag which indicates that the odata.readLink metadata property has been written.
27445             </summary>
27446         </member>
27447         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.MediaEditLinkWritten">
27448             <summary>
27449             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaEditLink metadata property has been written.
27450             </summary>
27451         </member>
27452         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.MediaReadLinkWritten">
27453             <summary>
27454             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaReadLink metadata property has been written.
27455             </summary>
27456         </member>
27457         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.MediaContentTypeWritten">
27458             <summary>
27459             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaContentType metadata property has been written.
27460             </summary>
27461         </member>
27462         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.MediaETagWritten">
27463             <summary>
27464             Flag which indicates that the odata.mediaETag metadata property has been written.
27465             </summary>
27466         </member>
27467         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty">
27468             <summary>
27469             Enumeration of JSON Light metadata property flags, used to keep track of which properties were already written.
27470             </summary>
27471         </member>
27472         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty.EditLink">
27473             <summary>The odata.editLink property.</summary>
27474         </member>
27475         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty.ReadLink">
27476             <summary>The odata.readLink property.</summary>
27477         </member>
27478         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty.MediaEditLink">
27479             <summary>The odata.mediaEditLink property.</summary>
27480         </member>
27481         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty.MediaReadLink">
27482             <summary>The odata.mediaReadLink property.</summary>
27483         </member>
27484         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty.MediaContentType">
27485             <summary>The odata.mediaContentType property.</summary>
27486         </member>
27487         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightEntryScope.JsonLightEntryMetadataProperty.MediaETag">
27488             <summary>The odata.mediaETag property.</summary>
27489         </member>
27490         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope">
27491             <summary>
27492             A scope for a JSON Light navigation link.
27493             </summary>
27494         </member>
27495         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.entityReferenceLinkWritten">
27496             <summary>true if we have already written an entity reference link for this navigation link in requests; otherwise false.</summary>
27497         </member>
27498         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.feedWritten">
27499             <summary>true if we have written at least one feed for this navigation link in requests; otherwise false.</summary>
27500         </member>
27501         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
27502             <summary>
27503             Constructor to create a new JSON Light navigation link scope.
27504             </summary>
27505             <param name="writerState">The writer state for the new scope.</param>
27506             <param name="navLink">The navigation link for the new scope.</param>
27507             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
27508             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
27509             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
27510             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
27511         </member>
27512         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.Clone(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterCore.WriterState)">
27513             <summary>
27514             Clones this JSON Light navigation link scope and sets a new writer state.
27515             </summary>
27516             <param name="newWriterState">The writer state to set.</param>
27517             <returns>The cloned navigation link scope with the specified writer state.</returns>
27518         </member>
27519         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.EntityReferenceLinkWritten">
27520             <summary>
27521             true if we have already written an entity reference link for this navigation link in requests; otherwise false.
27522             </summary>
27523         </member>
27524         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriter.JsonLightNavigationLinkScope.FeedWritten">
27525             <summary>
27526             true if we have written at least one feed for this navigation link in requests; otherwise false.
27527             </summary>
27528         </member>
27529         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriterUtils">
27530             <summary>
27531             Helper methods used by the OData writer for the JsonLight format.
27532             </summary>
27533         </member>
27534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriterUtils.WriteODataTypeInstanceAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String)">
27535             <summary>
27536             Writes the odata.type instance annotation with the specified type name.
27537             </summary>
27538             <param name="jsonWriter">The JSON writer to write to.</param>
27539             <param name="typeName">The type name to write.</param>
27540         </member>
27541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriterUtils.WriteODataTypePropertyAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String,System.String)">
27542             <summary>
27543             Writes the odata.type propert annotation for the specified property with the specified type name.
27544             </summary>
27545             <param name="jsonWriter">The JSON writer to write to.</param>
27546             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property for which to write the odata.type annotation.</param>
27547             <param name="typeName">The type name to write.</param>
27548         </member>
27549         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriterUtils.WriteValuePropertyName(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter)">
27550             <summary>
27551             Writes the 'value' property name.
27552             </summary>
27553             <param name="jsonWriter">The JSON writer to write to.</param>
27554         </member>
27555         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightWriterUtils.WritePropertyAnnotationName(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String,System.String)">
27556             <summary>
27557             Write a JSON property name which represents a property annotation.
27558             </summary>
27559             <param name="jsonWriter">The JSON writer to write to.</param>
27560             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to annotate.</param>
27561             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation to write.</param>
27562         </member>
27563         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonDateTimeFormat">
27564             <summary>
27565             Enumeration describing the various serialization formats for dates in JSON
27566             </summary>
27567         </member>
27568         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonDateTimeFormat.ODataDateTime">
27569             <summary>
27570             Represents a DateTime value in the OData format of \/Date(ticksrepresentingdatetime)\/
27571             </summary>
27572         </member>
27573         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonDateTimeFormat.ISO8601DateTime">
27574             <summary>
27575             Represents a DateTime value in the ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00
27576             </summary>
27577         </member>
27578         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver">
27579             <summary>
27580             Class with the responsibility of resolving media types (MIME types) into formats and payload kinds.
27581             </summary>
27582         </member>
27583         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.ApplicationAtomXmlMediaType">
27584             <summary>application/atom+xml media type</summary>
27585         </member>
27586         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.ApplicationXmlMediaType">
27587             <summary>application/xml media type</summary>
27588         </member>
27589         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.TextXmlMediaType">
27590             <summary>text/xml media type</summary>
27591         </member>
27592         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.ApplicationJsonMediaType">
27593             <summary>application/json media type</summary>
27594         </member>
27595         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.ApplicationJsonVerboseMediaType">
27596             <summary>application/json;odata=verbose media type</summary>
27597         </member>
27598         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.defaultMediaTypes">
27599             <summary>
27600             An array that maps stores the supported media types for all <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> .
27601             </summary>
27602             <remarks>
27603             The set of supported media types is ordered (desc) by their precedence/priority with respect to (1) format and (2) media type.
27604             As a result the default media type for a given payloadKind is the first entry in the MediaTypeWithFormat array.
27605             </remarks>
27606         </member>
27607         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.MediaTypeResolverCache">
27608             <summary>Cache for MediaTypeResolvers for each version.</summary>
27609         </member>
27610         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.version">
27611             <summary>
27612             The version the media type resolver is used with.
27613             </summary>
27614         </member>
27615         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.mediaTypesForPayloadKind">
27616             <summary>
27617             Array of supported media types and formats for each payload kind.
27618             The index into the array matches the order of the ODataPayloadKind enum.
27619             </summary>
27620         </member>
27621         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.JsonPayloadKinds">
27622             <summary>
27623             The set of payload kinds which are supported for the JSON formats.
27624             </summary>
27625         </member>
27626         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
27627             <summary>
27628             Creates a new media type resolver for writers with the mappings for the specified version.
27629             </summary>
27630             <param name="version">The version used to write the payload.</param>
27631         </member>
27632         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind)">
27633             <summary>
27634             Creates a new media type resolver for readers with the mappings for the specified version and behavior kind.
27635             </summary>
27636             <param name="version">The version used to read the payload.</param>
27637             <param name="formatBehaviorKind">The format behavior kind used.</param>
27638         </member>
27639         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.GetWriterMediaTypeResolver(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
27640             <summary>
27641             Creates a new media type resolver for writers with the mappings for the specified version.
27642             </summary>
27643             <param name="version">The version used to write the payload.</param>
27644             <returns>A new media type resolver for readers with the mappings for the specified version and behavior kind.</returns>
27645         </member>
27646         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.CreateReaderMediaTypeResolver(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind)">
27647             <summary>
27648             Creates a new media type resolver for readers with the mappings for the specified version and behavior kind.
27649             </summary>
27650             <param name="version">The version used to read the payload.</param>
27651             <param name="formatBehaviorKind">The format behavior kind used.</param>
27652             <returns>A new media type resolver for readers with the mappings for the specified version and behavior kind.</returns>
27653         </member>
27654         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.GetMediaTypesForPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
27655             <summary>
27656             Gets the supported media types and formats for the given payload kind.
27657             </summary>
27658             <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind to get media types for.</param>
27659             <returns>An array of media type / format pairs, sorted by priority.</returns>
27660         </member>
27661         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.IsIllegalMediaType(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType)">
27662             <summary>
27663             Checks for an illegal media type that cannot be caught during content negotiation/resolution
27664             since it would match an unsupported media type.
27665             </summary>
27666             <param name="mediaType">The parsed media type to check.</param>
27667             <returns>true if the media type is illegal (and we should fail); otherwise false.</returns>
27668         </member>
27669         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.CloneDefaultMediaTypes">
27670             <summary>
27671             Clones the default media types.
27672             </summary>
27673             <returns>The cloned media type table.</returns>
27674         </member>
27675         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.AddMediaTypeEntryOrdered(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat},Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
27676             <summary>
27677             Inserts the specified media type before the first occurrence of <paramref name="beforeFormat"/>.
27678             </summary>
27679             <param name="mediaTypeList">The media type list to insert into.</param>
27680             <param name="mediaTypeToInsert">The media type to insert.</param>
27681             <param name="beforeFormat">The format of the media type before which <paramref name="mediaTypeToInsert"/> should be inserted.</param>
27682         </member>
27683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.AddJsonLightMediaTypes">
27684             <summary>
27685             Configure the media type tables so that Json Light is the first JSON format in the table.
27686             </summary>
27687             <remarks>
27688             This is only used in V3 and beyond.
27689             </remarks>
27690         </member>
27691         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.AddForJsonPayloadKinds(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat)">
27692             <summary>
27693             Adds the given media type/format for all the payload kinds which support JSON.
27694             </summary>
27695             <param name="mediaTypeWithFormat">The media type/format pair to add.</param>
27696         </member>
27697         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.InsertForJsonPayloadKinds(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
27698             <summary>
27699             Inserts the given media type/format for all the payload kinds which support JSON before the first media type with the given format.
27700             </summary>
27701             <param name="mediaTypeWithFormat">The media type/format pair to add.</param>
27702             <param name="beforeFormat">The format of the media type before which <paramref name="mediaTypeWithFormat"/> should be inserted.</param>
27703         </member>
27704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.AddV2ClientMediaTypes">
27705             <summary>
27706             Additional media types per payload kind for the WCF DS client on pre-v3 payloads.
27707             Anything that normally accepts application/atom+xml should also accept application/xml, and vice versa.
27708             </summary>
27709         </member>
27710         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver.DefaultMediaTypeResolver">
27711             <summary>
27712             Accesses the default media type resolver.
27713             </summary>
27714         </member>
27715         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat">
27716             <summary>
27717             A helper class to associate a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> with a media type.
27718             </summary>
27719         </member>
27720         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat.MediaType">
27721             <summary>The media type.</summary>
27722         </member>
27723         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat.Format">
27724             <summary>
27725             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> for this media type.
27726             </summary>
27727         </member>
27728         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders">
27729             <summary>
27730             A dictionary implementation with special key-matching semantics; it accepts case-insensitive matches
27731             but prefers a case-sensitive one (if present).
27732             </summary>
27733             <remarks>As an implementation choice we did not use a second dictionary to maintain a cache of case-insensitive
27734             keys since we don't want to pay the price of an extra dictionary for cases where the looked up keys
27735             match case sensitively (as per spec, should be the default case).</remarks>
27736         </member>
27737         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.caseSensitiveDictionary">
27738             <summary>The backing dictionary using case-sensitive key comparison.</summary>
27739         </member>
27740         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.#ctor">
27741             <summary>
27742             Constructor.
27743             </summary>
27744         </member>
27745         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.Add(System.String,System.String)">
27746             <summary>
27747             Adds an element with the provided key and value to the dictionary.
27748             </summary>
27749             <param name="key">The object to use as the key of the element to add.</param>
27750             <param name="value">The object to use as the value of the element to add.</param>
27751         </member>
27752         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.ContainsKeyOrdinal(System.String)">
27753             <summary>
27754             Determines whether the dictionary contains an element with the specified key using case-sensitive comparison.
27755             </summary>
27756             <param name="key">The key to locate in the dictionary.</param>
27757             <returns>true if the dictionary contains an element with the <paramref name="key"/>; otherwise, false.</returns>
27758             <remarks>This method will only try to match the key using case-sensitive comparison.</remarks>
27759         </member>
27760         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.Remove(System.String)">
27761             <summary>
27762             Removes the entry with the specified <paramref name="key"/> from the headers.
27763             </summary>
27764             <param name="key">The key of the item to remove.</param>
27765             <returns>true if the item with the specified <paramref name="key"/> was removed; otherwise false.</returns>
27766         </member>
27767         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.TryGetValue(System.String,System.String@)">
27768             <summary>
27769             Gets the value associated with the specified key.
27770             </summary>
27771             <param name="key">The key whose value to get.</param>
27772             <param name="value">When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; 
27773             otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
27774             <returns>true if the dictionary contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false.</returns>
27775         </member>
27776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.GetEnumerator">
27777             <summary>
27778             Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
27779             </summary>
27780             <returns>An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
27781         </member>
27782         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
27783             <summary>
27784             Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
27785             </summary>
27786             <returns>An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
27787         </member>
27788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.FindKeyIgnoreCase(System.String)">
27789             <summary>
27790             Finds <paramref name="key"/> in the case sensitive dictionary ignoring the case for comparison.
27791             </summary>
27792             <param name="key">The key to find.</param>
27793             <returns>The key from the case sensitive dictionary that matched the <paramref name="key"/> or null if no match was found.</returns>
27794             <remarks>This method throws if multiple case insensitive matches for the specified <paramref name="key"/> exist.</remarks>
27795         </member>
27796         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders.Item(System.String)">
27797             <summary>
27798             Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
27799             </summary>
27800             <param name="key">The key of the element to get or set.</param>
27801             <returns>The element with the specified key.</returns>
27802         </member>
27803         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper">
27804             <summary>
27805             Factory class for the various wrapper streams around the actual message stream.
27806             </summary>
27807         </member>
27808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStream(System.IO.Stream)">
27809             <summary>
27810             Creates a non-disposing stream.
27811             </summary>
27812             <param name="innerStream">The inner <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to wrap.</param>
27813             <returns>A stream wrapping the <paramref name="innerStream"/> that ignores calls to Dispose.</returns>
27814         </member>
27815         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.CreateStreamWithMaxSize(System.IO.Stream,System.Int64)">
27816             <summary>
27817             Creates a stream with a given maximum size.
27818             </summary>
27819             <param name="innerStream">The inner <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to wrap.</param>
27820             <param name="maxBytesToBeRead">The maximum number of bytes to be read from the <paramref name="innerStream"/>.</param>
27821             <returns>A stream wrapping the <paramref name="innerStream"/> that
27822             enforces the maximum number of bytes to be read from the stream.</returns>
27823         </member>
27824         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStreamWithMaxSize(System.IO.Stream,System.Int64)">
27825             <summary>
27826             Creates a non-disposing stream with a given maximum size.
27827             </summary>
27828             <param name="innerStream">The inner <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to wrap.</param>
27829             <param name="maxBytesToBeRead">The maximum number of bytes to be read from the <paramref name="innerStream"/>.</param>
27830             <returns>A stream wrapping the <paramref name="innerStream"/> that ignores calls to Dispose and 
27831             enforces the maximum number of bytes to be read from the stream.</returns>
27832         </member>
27833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.IsNonDisposingStream(System.IO.Stream)">
27834             <summary>
27835             Checks whether the provided stream already ignores calls to Dispose.
27836             </summary>
27837             <param name="stream">The <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to check.</param>
27838             <returns>true if the <paramref name="stream"/> ignores calls to Dispose; otherwise false.</returns>
27839         </member>
27840         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream">
27841             <summary>
27842             Stream wrapper that supports counting the total number of bytes read from the stream and ensures
27843             that they don't exceed a specified maximum (used for security purposes) and ignoring calls
27844             to Dispose if the underlying stream should not be disposed.
27845             </summary>
27846         </member>
27847         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.maxBytesToBeRead">
27848             <summary>The maximum number of bytes to be read from the stream before reporting an error.</summary>
27849         </member>
27850         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.ignoreDispose">
27851             <summary>true to not dispose the inner stream when Dispose is called; otherwise false.</summary>
27852         </member>
27853         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.innerStream">
27854             <summary>Stream that is being wrapped.</summary>
27855         </member>
27856         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.totalBytesRead">
27857             <summary>The total number of bytes read from the stream so far.</summary>
27858         </member>
27859         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean,System.Int64)">
27860             <summary>
27861             Constructs an instance of the byte counting stream wrapper class.
27862             </summary>
27863             <param name="innerStream">Stream that is being wrapped.</param>
27864             <param name="ignoreDispose">true if calls to Dispose should be ignored; otherwise false.</param>
27865             <param name="maxBytesToBeRead">The maximum number of bytes to be read from the stream before reporting an error.</param>
27866         </member>
27867         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.Flush">
27868             <summary>
27869             Flush the stream to the underlying storage.
27870             </summary>
27871         </member>
27872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
27873             <summary>
27874             Reads data from the stream.
27875             </summary>
27876             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
27877             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
27878             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
27879             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
27880         </member>
27881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.BeginRead(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
27882             <summary>
27883             Begins a read operation from the stream.
27884             </summary>
27885             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
27886             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
27887             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
27888             <param name="callback">The async callback.</param>
27889             <param name="state">The async state.</param>
27890             <returns>Async result representing the asynchornous operation.</returns>
27891         </member>
27892         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.EndRead(System.IAsyncResult)">
27893             <summary>
27894             Ends a read operation from the stream.
27895             </summary>
27896             <param name="asyncResult">The async result representing the read operation.</param>
27897             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
27898         </member>
27899         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.Seek(System.Int64,System.IO.SeekOrigin)">
27900             <summary>
27901             Seeks the stream.
27902             </summary>
27903             <param name="offset">The offset to seek to.</param>
27904             <param name="origin">The origin of the seek operation.</param>
27905             <returns>The new position in the stream.</returns>
27906         </member>
27907         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.SetLength(System.Int64)">
27908             <summary>
27909             Sets the length of the stream.
27910             </summary>
27911             <param name="value">The length in bytes to set.</param>
27912         </member>
27913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
27914             <summary>
27915             Writes to the stream.
27916             </summary>
27917             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
27918             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
27919             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
27920         </member>
27921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.BeginWrite(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
27922             <summary>
27923             Begins an asynchronous write operation to the stream.
27924             </summary>
27925             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
27926             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
27927             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
27928             <param name="callback">The async callback.</param>
27929             <param name="state">The async state.</param>
27930             <returns>Async result representing the write operation.</returns>
27931         </member>
27932         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.EndWrite(System.IAsyncResult)">
27933             <summary>
27934             Ends the asynchronous write operation.
27935             </summary>
27936             <param name="asyncResult">Async result representing the write operation.</param>
27937         </member>
27938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
27939             <summary>
27940             Dispose this wrapping stream and the underlying stream.
27941             </summary>
27942             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
27943         </member>
27944         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.IncreaseTotalBytesRead(System.Int32)">
27945             <summary>
27946             Increases the number of total bytes read from the stream.
27947             </summary>
27948             <param name="bytesRead">The number of bytes read from the stream during the last read operation.</param>
27949             <remarks>Since we don't own the underlying stream we also have to prepare for streams returning &lt; 0 bytes read.</remarks>
27950         </member>
27951         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.CanRead">
27952             <summary>
27953             Determines if the stream can read.
27954             </summary>
27955         </member>
27956         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.CanSeek">
27957             <summary>
27958             Determines if the stream can seek.
27959             </summary>
27960         </member>
27961         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.CanWrite">
27962             <summary>
27963             Determines if the stream can write.
27964             </summary>
27965         </member>
27966         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.Length">
27967             <summary>
27968             Returns the length of the stream.
27969             </summary>
27970         </member>
27971         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.Position">
27972             <summary>
27973             Gets or sets the position in the stream.
27974             </summary>
27975         </member>
27976         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MessageStreamWrapper.MessageStreamWrappingStream.IgnoreDispose">
27977             <summary>true if the wrapping stream ignores calls to Dispose; otherwise false.</summary>
27978         </member>
27979         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer">
27980             <summary>
27981             OData Verbose JSON deserializer for detecting the payload kind of a JSON payload.
27982             </summary>
27983         </member>
27984         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer">
27985             <summary>
27986             OData Verbose JSON deserializer for properties and value types.
27987             </summary>
27988         </member>
27989         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer">
27990             <summary>
27991             Base class for all OData Verbose JSON deserializers.
27992             </summary>
27993         </member>
27994         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.jsonInputContext">
27995             <summary>The JSON input context to use for reading.</summary>
27996         </member>
27997         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
27998             <summary>
27999             Constructor.
28000             </summary>
28001             <param name="jsonInputContext">The JSON input context to read from.</param>
28002         </member>
28003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.ReadPayloadStart(System.Boolean)">
28004             <summary>
28005             Read the start of the top-level data wrapper in JSON responses.
28006             </summary>
28007             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are deserializing a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.</param>
28008             <remarks>
28009             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
28010             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the payload (this can be the first node or the value of the 'd' property node)
28011             </remarks>
28012         </member>
28013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.ReadPayloadStart(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
28014             <summary>
28015             Read the start of the top-level data wrapper in JSON responses.
28016             </summary>
28017             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are deserializing a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.</param>
28018             <param name="expectResponseWrapper">true if the response "d" wrapper should be in the payload, false otherwise.</param>
28019             <remarks>
28020             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
28021             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the payload (this can be the first node or the value of the 'd' property node)
28022             </remarks>
28023         </member>
28024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.ReadPayloadEnd(System.Boolean)">
28025             <summary>
28026             Reads the end of the top-level data wrapper in JSON responses.
28027             </summary>
28028             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are deserializing a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.</param>
28029             <remarks>
28030             Pre-Condition:  any node:                when reading response or a nested payload, will fail if find anything else then EndObject.
28031                             JsonNodeType.EndOfInput: otherwise
28032             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput
28033             </remarks>
28034         </member>
28035         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.ReadPayloadEnd(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
28036             <summary>
28037             Reads the end of the top-level data wrapper in JSON responses.
28038             </summary>
28039             <param name="isReadingNestedPayload">true if we are deserializing a nested payload, e.g. an entry, a feed or a collection within a parameters payload.</param>
28040             <param name="expectResponseWrapper">true if the response "d" wrapper should be in the payload, false otherwise.</param>
28041             <remarks>
28042             Pre-Condition:  any node:                when reading response or a nested payload, will fail if find anything else then EndObject.
28043                             JsonNodeType.EndOfInput: otherwise
28044             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput
28045             </remarks>
28046         </member>
28047         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String)">
28048             <summary>
28049             Given a URI from the payload, this method will try to make it absolute, or fail otherwise.
28050             </summary>
28051             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
28052             <returns>An absolute URI to report.</returns>
28053         </member>
28054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String,System.Boolean)">
28055             <summary>
28056             Given a URI from the payload, this method will try to make it absolute, or fail otherwise.
28057             </summary>
28058             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
28059             <param name="requireAbsoluteUri">true if the payload URI needs to be translated into an absolute URI; otherwise false.</param>
28060             <returns>An absolute URI to report.</returns>
28061         </member>
28062         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.AssertJsonCondition(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType[])">
28063             <summary>
28064             Asserts that the JSON reader is positioned on one of the specified node types.
28065             </summary>
28066             <param name="allowedNodeTypes">The node types which should appear at this point.</param>
28067         </member>
28068         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.JsonReader">
28069             <summary>
28070             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader"/> which is to be used to read the content of the message.
28071             </summary>
28072         </member>
28073         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonDeserializer.VerboseJsonInputContext">
28074             <summary>
28075             The Verbose Json input context to use for reading.
28076             </summary>
28077         </member>
28078         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.recursionDepth">
28079             <summary>
28080             The current recursion depth of values read by this deserializer, measured by the number of complex, collection, JSON object and JSON array values read so far.
28081             </summary>
28082         </member>
28083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
28084             <summary>
28085             Constructor.
28086             </summary>
28087             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The JSON input context to read from.</param>
28088         </member>
28089         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadTopLevelProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
28090             <summary>
28091             This method creates an reads the property from the input and 
28092             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
28093             </summary>
28094             <param name="expectedProperty">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
28095             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
28096             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
28097         </member>
28098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.FindTypeNameInPayload">
28099             <summary>
28100             Reads an entry, complex or collection content in buffering mode until it finds the type name in the __metadata object
28101             or hits the end of the object. If called for a primitive value, returns 'null' (since primitive types cannot have
28102             type names in JSON)
28103             </summary>
28104             <returns>The type name as read from the __metadata object; null if none was found.</returns>
28105             <remarks>
28106             This method does not move the reader.
28107             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         A primitive value
28108                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            Any non-primitive value
28109             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue         A primitive value
28110                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            Any non-primitive value
28111             </remarks>
28112         </member>
28113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.String)">
28114             <summary>
28115             Reads a primitive value, complex value or collection.
28116             </summary>
28117             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property value.</param>
28118             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - if null the method should create a new one if necessary.</param>
28119             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
28120             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
28121             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
28122             <returns>The value of the property read.</returns>
28123             <remarks>
28124             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue   - the value of the property is a primitive value
28125                             JsonNodeType.StartObject      - the value of the property is an object
28126                             JsonNodeType.StartArray       - the value of the property is an array - method will fail in this case.
28127             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the property value.
28129             Returns the value of the property read, which can be one of:
28130             - null
28131             - primitive value
28132             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/>
28133             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/>
28134             </remarks>
28135         </member>
28136         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadTypeNameFromMetadataPropertyValue">
28137             <summary>
28138             Reads the type name from the value of a __metadata property. All other properties in the __metadata property value are ignored.
28139             </summary>
28140             <returns>The type name found, or null if none was found.</returns>
28141             <remarks>
28142             This method can be used in buffering and non-buffering mode.
28144             Pre-Condition:  Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.StartObject
28145             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property - the next property after the __metadata property value.
28146                             JsonNodeType.EndObject - if the __metadata property was the last property in the object.
28147             </remarks>
28148         </member>
28149         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadPrimitiveValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.String)">
28150             <summary>
28151             Reads a primitive value.
28152             </summary>
28153             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the value.</param>
28154             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
28155             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
28156             <returns>The value of the primitive value.</returns>
28157             <remarks>
28158             Pre-Condition:  none - Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue
28159             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the primitive value.
28161             Made internal only for testability.
28162             </remarks>
28163         </member>
28164         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadCollectionValueImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation)">
28165             <summary>
28166             Reads a collection value.
28167             </summary>
28168             <param name="collectionValueTypeReference">The collection type reference of the value.</param>
28169             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload.</param>
28170             <param name="serializationTypeNameAnnotation">The serialization type name for the collection value (possibly null).</param>
28171             <returns>The value of the collection.</returns>
28172             <remarks>
28173             Pre-Condition:  Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.StartObject
28174             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the collection value (after the EndObject)
28175             </remarks>
28176         </member>
28177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadComplexValueImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
28178             <summary>
28179             Reads a complex value.
28180             </summary>
28181             <param name="complexValueTypeReference">The expected type reference of the value.</param>
28182             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload.</param>
28183             <param name="serializationTypeNameAnnotation">The serialization type name for the collection value (possibly null).</param>
28184             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - if null the method should create a new one if necessary.</param>
28185             <returns>The value of the complex value.</returns>
28186             <remarks>
28187             Pre-Condition:  Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.StartObject or JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (with null value)
28188             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the complex value (after the EndObject)
28189             </remarks>
28190         </member>
28191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValueImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,System.Boolean,System.String)">
28192             <summary>
28193             Reads a primitive, complex or collection value.
28194             </summary>
28195             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property value.</param>
28196             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use - if null the method should create a new one if necessary.</param>
28197             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
28198             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
28199             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable.</param>
28200             <returns>The value of the property read.</returns>
28201             <remarks>
28202             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue   - the value of the property is a primitive value
28203                             JsonNodeType.StartObject      - the value of the property is an object
28204                             JsonNodeType.StartArray       - the value of the property is an array - method will fail in this case.
28205             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the property value.
28207             Returns the value of the property read, which can be one of:
28208             - null
28209             - primitive value
28210             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/>
28211             - <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/>
28212             </remarks>
28213         </member>
28214         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.GetNonEntityValueKind">
28215             <summary>
28216             Determines the value kind for a non-entity value (that is top-level property value, property value on a complex type, item in a collection)
28217             </summary>
28218             <returns>The type kind of the property value.</returns>
28219             <remarks>
28220             Doesn't move the JSON reader.
28221             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue
28222                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
28223             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue
28224                             JsonNodeType.StartObject
28225             </remarks>
28226         </member>
28227         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ShouldReadTopLevelPropertyValueWithoutPropertyWrapper(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
28228             <summary>
28229             Determines if the top-level property payload should be read as usual, or without the property wrapper.
28230             </summary>
28231             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference for the property value to read.</param>
28232             <returns>true if the property payload should be read without the property wrapper, false if it should be read as usual with the property wrapper.</returns>
28233             <remarks>This method is to support backward compat behavior for WCF DS Server, which can read open property values without property wrapper.</remarks>
28234         </member>
28235         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.IncreaseRecursionDepth">
28236             <summary>
28237             Increases the recursion depth of values by 1. This will throw if the recursion depth exceeds the current limit.
28238             </summary>
28239         </member>
28240         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.DecreaseRecursionDepth">
28241             <summary>
28242             Decreases the recursion depth of values by 1.
28243             </summary>
28244         </member>
28245         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.AssertRecursionDepthIsZero">
28246             <summary>
28247             Asserts that the current recursion depth of values is zero. This should be true on all calls into this class from outside of this class.
28248             </summary>
28249         </member>
28250         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.detectedPayloadKinds">
28251             <summary>The set of detected payload kinds.</summary>
28252         </member>
28253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
28254             <summary>
28255             Constructor.
28256             </summary>
28257             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The Verbose JSON input context to read from.</param>
28258         </member>
28259         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.DetectPayloadKind">
28260             <summary>
28261             Detects the payload kind(s).
28262             </summary>
28263             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
28264         </member>
28265         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.DetectStartArrayPayloadKind(System.Boolean)">
28266             <summary>
28267             Detects whether a JSON payload where the current node is a start array node represents
28268             a feed, a set of entity reference links, a collection or a combination of them.
28269             </summary>
28270             <param name="isTopLevel">true if the array is a top-level array; if it is a property value false.</param>
28271             <remarks>
28272             This method does not move the reader.
28273             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartArray         The StartArray node of the feed or entity reference links array (if at the top-level)
28274             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartArray         The StartArray node of the feed or entity reference links array (if at the top-level)
28275             </remarks>
28276         </member>
28277         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.ProcessMetadataPropertyValue">
28278             <summary>
28279             Read the value of the __metadata property and compute the payload kind based on the type name.
28280             </summary>
28281             <remarks>This method checks whether it can determine the type kind from the type name; if we
28282             find a primitive or collection type we set the result to empty since such payloads are not supported.
28283             Otherwise we'll treat the payload as an entry since top-level complex values are not supported either.
28284             Pre-Condition:  Any                             The first node of the __metadata property value
28285             Post-Condition: Property or EndObject           This method reads the entire value of the __metadata object and positions
28286                                                             the reader on the next property or on the EndObject node if this is the last property.
28287             </remarks>
28288         </member>
28289         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.ProcessEntitySetsArray">
28290             <summary>
28291             Process the array value of an 'EntitySets' property to determine whether it should be treated as service document payload.
28292             </summary>
28293             <remarks>
28294             This method does not move the Json reader.
28295             Pre-Condition:  StartArray                      The start of the array value of the 'EntitySets' property
28296             Post-Condition: StartArray                      The start of the array value of the 'EntitySets' property
28297             </remarks>
28298         </member>
28299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.AddPayloadKinds(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind[])">
28300             <summary>
28301             Adds the set of specified payload kinds to the detected payload kinds (if the specified 
28302             payload kinds are valid for the current request/response).
28303             </summary>
28304             <param name="payloadKinds">The payload kinds to add.</param>
28305         </member>
28306         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.RemovePayloadKinds(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind[])">
28307             <summary>
28308             Removes the set of specified payload kinds from the detected payload kinds (if the specified 
28309             payload kinds are valid for the current request/response).
28310             </summary>
28311             <param name="payloadKinds">The payload kinds to remove.</param>
28312         </member>
28313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPayloadKindDetectionDeserializer.AddOrRemovePayloadKinds(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,System.Boolean},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind[])">
28314             <summary>
28315             Adds or removes the set of specified payload kinds to/from the detected payload kinds (if the specified 
28316             payload kinds are valid for the current request/response).
28317             </summary>
28318             <param name="addOrRemoveAction">The function that implements the 'Add' or 'Remove' action.</param>
28319             <param name="payloadKinds">The payload kinds to add/remove.</param>
28320         </member>
28321         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas">
28322             <summary>Quotas to use for limiting resource consumption when reading or writing OData messages.</summary>
28323         </member>
28324         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.maxPartsPerBatch">
28325             <summary>The maximum number of top level query operations and changesets allowed in a single batch.</summary>
28326         </member>
28327         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.maxOperationsPerChangeset">
28328             <summary>The maximum number of operations allowed in a single changeset.</summary>
28329         </member>
28330         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.maxNestingDepth">
28331             <summary>The maximum depth of nesting allowed when reading or writing recursive payloads.</summary>
28332         </member>
28333         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.maxReceivedMessageSize">
28334             <summary>The maximum number of bytes that should be read from the message.</summary>
28335         </member>
28336         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.maxEntityPropertyMappingsPerType">
28337             <summary>The maximum number of entity mapping attributes to be found for an entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</summary>
28338         </member>
28339         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.#ctor">
28340             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas" /> class.</summary>
28341         </member>
28342         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas)">
28343             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas" /> class.</summary>
28344             <param name="other">The instance to copy.</param>
28345         </member>
28346         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.MaxPartsPerBatch">
28347             <summary>Gets or sets the maximum number of top level query operations and changesets allowed in a single batch.</summary>
28348             <returns>The maximum number of top level query operations and changesets allowed in a single batch.</returns>
28349         </member>
28350         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.MaxOperationsPerChangeset">
28351             <summary>Gets or sets the maximum number of operations allowed in a single changeset.</summary>
28352             <returns>The maximum number of operations allowed in a single changeset.</returns>
28353         </member>
28354         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.MaxNestingDepth">
28355             <summary>Gets or sets the maximum depth of nesting allowed when reading or writing recursive payloads.</summary>
28356             <returns>The maximum depth of nesting allowed when reading or writing recursive payloads.</returns>
28357         </member>
28358         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.MaxReceivedMessageSize">
28359             <summary>Gets or sets the maximum number of bytes that should be read from the message.</summary>
28360             <returns>The maximum number of bytes that should be read from the message.</returns>
28361         </member>
28362         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageQuotas.MaxEntityPropertyMappingsPerType">
28363             <summary>Gets or sets the maximum number of entity mapping attributes to be found for an entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</summary>
28364             <returns>The maximum number of entity mapping attributes to be found for an entity type.</returns>
28365         </member>
28366         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo">
28367             <summary>
28368             Represents the set of information available for payload kind detection.
28369             </summary>
28370             <remarks>This class is used to represent the input to run payload kind detection using
28371             <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.DetectPayloadKind"/>. See the documentation of that method for more 
28372             information.</remarks>
28373         </member>
28374         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.contentType">
28375             <summary>The parsed content type as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/>.</summary>
28376         </member>
28377         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.encoding">
28378             <summary>The encoding specified in the charset parameter of contentType or the default encoding from MediaType.</summary>
28379         </member>
28380         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.messageReaderSettings">
28381             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings"/> being used for reading the message.</summary>
28382         </member>
28383         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.model">
28384             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> for the payload.</summary>
28385         </member>
28386         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.possiblePayloadKinds">
28387             <summary>The possible payload kinds based on content type negotiation.</summary>
28388         </member>
28389         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.payloadKindDetectionFormatState">
28390             <summary>Format specific state created during payload kind detection for that format.</summary>
28391             <remarks>
28392             This instance will be stored on the message reader and passed to the format if it will be used
28393             for actually reading the payload.
28394             Format can store information which was already extracted from the payload during payload kind detection
28395             and which it wants to avoid to recompute again during actual reading.
28396             </remarks>
28397         </member>
28398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind})">
28399             <summary>
28400             Constructor.
28401             </summary>
28402             <param name="contentType">The parsed content type as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/>.</param>
28403             <param name="encoding">The encoding from the content type or the default encoding from <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/>.</param>
28404             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings"/> being used for reading the message.</param>
28405             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> for the payload.</param>
28406             <param name="possiblePayloadKinds">The possible payload kinds based on content type negotiation.</param>
28407         </member>
28408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.GetEncoding">
28409             <summary>
28410             The encoding derived from the content type or the default encoding.
28411             </summary>
28412             <returns>The encoding derived from the content type or the default encoding.</returns>
28413         </member>
28414         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)">
28415             <summary>
28416             Sets a format specific state created during payload kind detection.
28417             </summary>
28418             <param name="state">A format specific state, the value is opaque to the message reader, it only stores the reference.</param>
28419             <remarks>
28420             The state will be stored on the message reader and passed to the format if it will be used
28421             for actually reading the payload.
28422             Format can store information which was already extracted from the payload during payload kind detection
28423             and which it wants to avoid to recompute again during actual reading.
28424             </remarks>
28425         </member>
28426         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.MessageReaderSettings">
28427             <summary>
28428             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings"/> being used for reading the message.
28429             </summary>
28430         </member>
28431         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.Model">
28432             <summary>
28433             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> for the payload.
28434             </summary>
28435         </member>
28436         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.PossiblePayloadKinds">
28437             <summary>
28438             The possible payload kinds based on content type negotiation.
28439             </summary>
28440         </member>
28441         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.ContentType">
28442             <summary>
28443             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings"/> being used for reading the message.
28444             </summary>
28445         </member>
28446         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.PayloadKindDetectionFormatState">
28447             <summary>
28448             The format specific payload kind detection state.
28449             </summary>
28450         </member>
28451         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon">
28452             <summary>
28453             An enumeration that lists the internal errors that are shared between the OData library and the query library.
28454             </summary>
28455         </member>
28456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_ToTypeReference">
28457             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.ToTypeReference (unsupported type kind).</summary>
28458         </member>
28459         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_ToClrType">
28460             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.ToClrType (unsupported type kind).</summary>
28461         </member>
28462         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_PrimitiveTypeReference">
28463             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.PrimitiveTypeReference (unsupported primitive type kind).</summary>
28464         </member>
28465         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_IsAssignableFrom_Primitive">
28466             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.IsAssignableFrom(IEdmPrimitiveType, IEdmPrimitiveType).</summary>
28467         </member>
28468         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_IsAssignableFrom_Type">
28469             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.IsAssignableFrom(IEdmType, IEdmType).</summary>
28470         </member>
28471         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_BaseType">
28472             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.BaseType.</summary>
28473         </member>
28474         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_Clone_TypeKind">
28475             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.Clone for unexpected type kind.</summary>
28476         </member>
28477         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodesCommon.EdmLibraryExtensions_Clone_PrimitiveTypeKind">
28478             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmLibraryExtensions.Clone for unexpected primitive type kind.</summary>
28479         </member>
28480         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult">
28481             <summary>Represents the result of running payload kind detection for a specified payload kind and format.</summary>
28482             <remarks>This class is used to represent the result of running payload kind detection using
28483             <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.DetectPayloadKind"/>. See the documentation of that method for more
28484             information.</remarks>
28485         </member>
28486         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult.payloadKind">
28487             <summary>The detected payload kind.</summary>
28488         </member>
28489         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult.format">
28490             <summary>The format for the detected payload kind.</summary>
28491         </member>
28492         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
28493             <summary>
28494             Constructor.
28495             </summary>
28496             <param name="payloadKind">The detected payload kind.</param>
28497             <param name="format">The format for the detected payload kind.</param>
28498         </member>
28499         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult.PayloadKind">
28500             <summary>Gets the detected payload kind.</summary>
28501             <returns>The detected payload kind.</returns>
28502         </member>
28503         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult.Format">
28504             <summary>Gets the format for the detected payload kind.</summary>
28505             <returns>The format for the detected payload kind.</returns>
28506         </member>
28507         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator">
28508             <summary>
28509             Helper class to verify that all items of a collection are of the same kind and type.
28510             </summary>
28511             <remarks>This class is only used if no expected item type is specified for the collection; 
28512             otherwise all items are already validated against the expected item type.</remarks>
28513         </member>
28514         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.itemType">
28515             <summary>
28516             The base type for all entries in the feed.
28517             </summary>
28518         </member>
28519         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.#ctor">
28520             <summary>
28521             Constructor.
28522             </summary>
28523         </member>
28524         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator.ValidateEntry(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
28525             <summary>
28526             Validates the type of an entry in a top-level feed.
28527             </summary>
28528             <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
28529         </member>
28530         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataSerializer">
28531             <summary>
28532             OData ATOM serializer for ATOM metadata in a service document
28533             </summary>
28534         </member>
28535         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
28536             <summary>
28537             Constructor.
28538             </summary>
28539             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
28540         </member>
28541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataSerializer.WriteWorkspaceMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
28542             <summary>
28543             Writes the ATOM metadata for a single workspace element.
28544             </summary>
28545             <param name="workspace">The workspace element to get the metadata for and write it.</param>
28546         </member>
28547         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataSerializer.WriteResourceCollectionMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo)">
28548             <summary>
28549             Writes the ATOM metadata for a single (resource) collection element.
28550             </summary>
28551             <param name="collection">The collection element to get the metadata for and write it.</param>
28552         </member>
28553         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentSerializer">
28554             <summary>
28555             OData ATOM serializer for service documents.
28556             </summary>
28557         </member>
28558         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentSerializer.atomServiceDocumentMetadataSerializer">
28559             <summary>
28560             The serializer for service document ATOM metadata.
28561             </summary>
28562         </member>
28563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
28564             <summary>
28565             Constructor.
28566             </summary>
28567             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
28568         </member>
28569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentSerializer.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
28570             <summary>
28571             Writes a service document in ATOM/XML format.
28572             </summary>
28573             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
28574         </member>
28575         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriterExtensions">
28576             <summary>
28577             Extension methods for the JSON writer.
28578             </summary>
28579         </member>
28580         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriterExtensions.WriteJsonObjectValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object},System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
28581             <summary>
28582             Writes the json object value to the <paramref name="jsonWriter"/>.
28583             </summary>
28584             <param name="jsonWriter">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter"/> to write to.</param>
28585             <param name="jsonObjectValue">Writes the given json object value to the underlying json writer.</param>
28586             <param name="injectPropertyAction">Called when the top-level object is started to possibly inject first property into the object.</param>
28587             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
28588         </member>
28589         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriterExtensions.WritePrimitiveValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
28590             <summary>
28591             Writes a primitive value.
28592             </summary>
28593             <param name="jsonWriter">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter"/> to write to.</param>
28594             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
28595             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
28596         </member>
28597         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriterExtensions.WriteJsonArrayValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.Collections.IEnumerable,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
28598             <summary>
28599             Writes the json array value.
28600             </summary>
28601             <param name="jsonWriter">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter"/> to write to.</param>
28602             <param name="arrayValue">Writes the json array value to the underlying json writer.</param>
28603             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
28604         </member>
28605         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriterExtensions.WriteJsonValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
28606             <summary>
28607             Writes the json value (primitive, IDictionary or IEnumerable) to the underlying json writer.
28608             </summary>
28609             <param name="jsonWriter">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter"/> to write to.</param>
28610             <param name="propertyValue">value to write.</param>
28611             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
28612         </member>
28613         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionSerializer">
28614             <summary>
28615             OData Verbose JSON serializer for collections.
28616             </summary>
28617         </member>
28618         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer">
28619             <summary>
28620             OData Verbose JSON serializer for properties and value types.
28621             </summary>
28622         </member>
28623         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer">
28624             <summary>
28625             Base class for all OData Verbose JSON serializers.
28626             </summary>
28627         </member>
28628         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.verboseJsonOutputContext">
28629             <summary>
28630             The Verbose JSON output context to write to.
28631             </summary>
28632         </member>
28633         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext)">
28634             <summary>
28635             Constructor.
28636             </summary>
28637             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
28638         </member>
28639         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.WritePayloadStart">
28640             <summary>
28641             Writes the start of the entire JSON payload.
28642             </summary>
28643         </member>
28644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.WritePayloadStart(System.Boolean)">
28645             <summary>
28646             Writes the start of the entire JSON payload.
28647             </summary>
28648             <param name="disableResponseWrapper">When set to true the "d" response wrapper won't be written even in responses</param>
28649         </member>
28650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.WritePayloadEnd">
28651             <summary>
28652             Writes the end of the enitire JSON payload.
28653             </summary>
28654         </member>
28655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.WritePayloadEnd(System.Boolean)">
28656             <summary>
28657             Writes the end of the enitire JSON payload.
28658             </summary>
28659             <param name="disableResponseWrapper">When set to true the "d" response wrapper won't be written even in responses</param>
28660         </member>
28661         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.WriteTopLevelPayload(System.Action)">
28662             <summary>
28663             Helper method to write the data wrapper around a JSON payload.
28664             </summary>
28665             <param name="payloadWriterAction">The action that writes the actual JSON payload that is being wrapped.</param>
28666         </member>
28667         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.WriteTopLevelPayload(System.Action,System.Boolean)">
28668             <summary>
28669             Helper method to write the data wrapper around a JSON payload.
28670             </summary>
28671             <param name="payloadWriterAction">The action that writes the actual JSON payload that is being wrapped.</param>
28672             <param name="disableResponseWrapper">When set to true the "d" response wrapper won't be written even in responses</param>
28673         </member>
28674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.WriteTopLevelError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
28675             <summary>
28676             Write a top-level error message.
28677             </summary>
28678             <param name="error">The error instance to write.</param>
28679             <param name="includeDebugInformation">A flag indicating whether error details should be written (in debug mode only) or not.</param>
28680         </member>
28681         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.UriToAbsoluteUriString(System.Uri)">
28682             <summary>
28683             Converts the specified URI into an absolute URI.
28684             </summary>
28685             <param name="uri">The uri to process.</param>
28686             <returns>An absolute URI which is either the specified <paramref name="uri"/> if it was absolute,
28687             or it's a combination of the BaseUri and the relative <paramref name="uri"/>.
28688             The return value is the string representation of the URI.</returns>
28689             <remarks>This method will fail if the specified <paramref name="uri"/> is relative and there's no base URI available.</remarks>
28690         </member>
28691         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.UriToUriString(System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
28692             <summary>
28693             Returns the string representation of the URI; Converts the URI into an absolute URI if the <paramref name="makeAbsolute"/> parameter is set to true.
28694             </summary>
28695             <param name="uri">The uri to process.</param>
28696             <param name="makeAbsolute">true, if the URI needs to be translated into an absolute URI; false otherwise.</param>
28697             <returns>If the <paramref name="makeAbsolute"/> parameter is set to true, then a string representation of an absolute URI which is either the 
28698             specified <paramref name="uri"/> if it was absolute, or it's a combination of the BaseUri and the relative <paramref name="uri"/>; 
28699             otherwise a string representation of the specified <paramref name="uri"/>.
28700             </returns>
28701             <remarks>This method will fail if <paramref name="makeAbsolute"/> is set to true and the specified <paramref name="uri"/> is relative and there's no base URI available.</remarks>
28702         </member>
28703         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.VerboseJsonOutputContext">
28704             <summary>
28705             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
28706             </summary>
28707         </member>
28708         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.JsonWriter">
28709             <summary>
28710             Returns the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonSerializer.JsonWriter"/> which is to be used to write the content of the message.
28711             </summary>
28712         </member>
28713         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.recursionDepth">
28714             <summary>
28715             The current recursion depth of values written by this serializer.
28716             </summary>
28717         </member>
28718         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext)">
28719             <summary>
28720             Constructor.
28721             </summary>
28722             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
28723         </member>
28724         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteTopLevelProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
28725             <summary>
28726             Write an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> to the given stream. This method creates an
28727             async buffered stream and writes the property to it.
28728             </summary>
28729             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
28730         </member>
28731         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
28732             <summary>
28733             Writes property names and value pairs.
28734             </summary>
28735             <param name="owningType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType"/> of the entry (or null if not metadata is available).</param>
28736             <param name="properties">The enumeration of properties to write out.</param>
28737             <param name="isComplexValue">
28738             Whether the properties are being written for complex value. Also used for detecting whether stream properties
28739             are allowed as named stream properties should only be defined on ODataEntry instances
28740             </param>
28741             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
28742             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
28743         </member>
28744         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WritePrimitiveValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
28745             <summary>
28746             Writes a primitive value.
28747             Uses a registered primitive type converter to write the value if one is registered for the type, otherwise directly writes the value.
28748             </summary>
28749             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
28750             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance.</param>
28751             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the primitive value.</param>
28752         </member>
28753         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator)">
28754             <summary>
28755             Writes out the value of a complex property.
28756             </summary>
28757             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to write.</param>
28758             <param name="propertyTypeReference">The metadata type for the complex value.</param>
28759             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
28760             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
28761             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance to validate the type names and type kinds of collection items; null if no validation is needed.</param>
28762             <remarks>The current recursion depth should be a value, measured by the number of complex and collection values between
28763             this complex value and the top-level payload, not including this one.</remarks>
28764         </member>
28765         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteCollectionValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
28766             <summary>
28767             Writes out the value of a collection property.
28768             </summary>
28769             <param name="collectionValue">The collection value to write.</param>
28770             <param name="metadataTypeReference">The metadata type reference for the collection.</param>
28771             <param name="isOpenPropertyType">true if the type name belongs to an open property.</param>
28772             <remarks>The current recursion depth is measured by the number of complex and collection values between 
28773             this one and the top-level payload, not including this one.</remarks>
28774         </member>
28775         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteStreamReferenceValueContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue)">
28776             <summary>
28777             Writes the metadata content for a media resource or a named stream
28778             </summary>
28779             <param name="streamReferenceValue">The stream reference value for which to write the metadata</param>
28780         </member>
28781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteETag(System.String,System.String)">
28782             <summary>
28783             Writes the etag property with the given string value.
28784             </summary>
28785             <param name="etagName">The name of the ETag, e.g. media_etag or etag</param>
28786             <param name="etagValue">The value of the ETag</param>
28787         </member>
28788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.AssertRecursionDepthIsZero">
28789             <summary>
28790             Asserts that the current recursion depth of values is zero. This should be true on all calls into this class from outside of this class.
28791             </summary>
28792         </member>
28793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
28794             <summary>
28795             Writes a name/value pair for a property.
28796             </summary>
28797             <param name="property">The property to write out.</param>
28798             <param name="owningType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType"/> of the entry or complex type containing the property (or null if not metadata is available).</param>
28799             <param name="allowStreamProperty">Should pass in true if we are writing a property of an ODataEntry instance, false otherwise.
28800             Named stream properties should only be defined on ODataEntry instances.</param>
28801             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
28802             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
28803         </member>
28804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteStreamReferenceValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue)">
28805             <summary>
28806             Writes a stream property value.
28807             </summary>
28808             <param name="streamReferenceValue">The stream reference value to be written</param>
28809         </member>
28810         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.IncreaseRecursionDepth">
28811             <summary>
28812             Increases the recursion depth of values by 1. This will throw if the recursion depth exceeds the current limit.
28813             </summary>
28814         </member>
28815         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer.DecreaseRecursionDepth">
28816             <summary>
28817             Decreases the recursion depth of values by 1.
28818             </summary>
28819         </member>
28820         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext)">
28821             <summary>
28822             Constructor.
28823             </summary>
28824             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
28825         </member>
28826         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionSerializer.WriteCollectionStart">
28827             <summary>
28828             Writes the start of a collection.
28829             </summary>
28830         </member>
28831         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionSerializer.WriteCollectionEnd">
28832             <summary>
28833             Writes the end of a collection.
28834             </summary>
28835         </member>
28836         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkSerializer">
28837             <summary>
28838             OData Verbose JSON serializer for entity reference links.
28839             </summary>
28840         </member>
28841         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext)">
28842             <summary>
28843             Constructor.
28844             </summary>
28845             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
28846         </member>
28847         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
28848             <summary>
28849             Writes a single top-level Uri in response to a $links query.
28850             </summary>
28851             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write out.</param>
28852         </member>
28853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
28854             <summary>
28855             Writes a set of links (Uris) in response to a $links query; includes optional count and next-page-link information.
28856             </summary>
28857             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The set of entity reference links to write out.</param>
28858         </member>
28859         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
28860             <summary>
28861             Writes a single Uri in response to a $links query.
28862             </summary>
28863             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write out.</param>
28864         </member>
28865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkSerializer.WriteEntityReferenceLinksImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,System.Boolean)">
28866             <summary>
28867             Writes a set of links (Uris) in response to a $links query; includes optional count and next-page-link information.
28868             </summary>
28869             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The set of entity reference links to write out.</param>
28870             <param name="includeResultsWrapper">true if the 'results' wrapper should be included into the payload; otherwise false.</param>
28871         </member>
28872         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer">
28873             <summary>
28874             OData Verbose JSON serializer for entries and feeds.
28875             </summary>
28876         </member>
28877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext)">
28878             <summary>
28879             Constructor.
28880             </summary>
28881             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
28882         </member>
28883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteEntryMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
28884             <summary>
28885             Writes the __metadata property and its content for an entry
28886             </summary>
28887             <param name="entry">The entry for which to write the metadata.</param>
28888             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
28889             <param name="entryEntityType">The entity type of the entry to write.</param>
28890             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker to use.</param>
28891         </member>
28892         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteOperations(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation},System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
28893             <summary>
28894             Writes "actions" or "functions" metadata.
28895             </summary>
28896             <param name="operations">The operations to write.</param>
28897             <param name="operationName">The name of the property used for the operations.</param>
28898             <param name="isAction">true when writing the entry's actions; false when writing the entry's functions.</param>
28899             <param name="writingJsonLight">true if we're writing JSON lite, false if we're writing verbose JSON.</param>
28900         </member>
28901         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteAssociationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker)">
28902             <summary>
28903             Writes the metadata content for an association link
28904             </summary>
28905             <param name="associationLink">The association link to write.</param>
28906             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The checker instance for duplicate property names.</param>
28907         </member>
28908         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteOperationMetadataGroup(System.Linq.IGrouping{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation})">
28909             <summary>
28910             Writes a group of operation (all actions or all functions) that have the same "metadata".
28911             </summary>
28912             <remarks>
28913             Expects the actions or functions scope to already be open.
28914             </remarks>
28915             <param name="operations">A grouping of operations that are all actions or all functions and share the same "metadata".</param>
28916         </member>
28917         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer.WriteOperation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
28918             <summary>
28919             Writes an operation (an action or a function).
28920             </summary>
28921             <remarks>
28922             Expects the write to already have written the "rel value" and opened an array.
28923             </remarks>
28924             <param name="operation">The operation to write.</param>
28925         </member>
28926         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext">
28927             <summary>
28928             Verbose JSON format output context.
28929             </summary>
28930         </member>
28931         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.typeNameOracle">
28932             <summary>
28933             The oracle to use to determine the type name to write for entries and values.
28934             </summary>
28935         </member>
28936         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.TextWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
28937             <summary>
28938             Constructor.
28939             </summary>
28940             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
28941             <param name="textWriter">The text writer to write to.</param>
28942             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
28943             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
28944         </member>
28945         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
28946             <summary>
28947             Constructor.
28948             </summary>
28949             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
28950             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to write the payload to.</param>
28951             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the payload.</param>
28952             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
28953             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
28954             <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
28955             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
28956             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
28957         </member>
28958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteInStreamError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
28959             <summary>
28960             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> into the message payload.
28961             </summary>
28962             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
28963             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
28964             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
28965             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
28966             </param>
28967             <remarks>
28968             This method is called if the ODataMessageWriter.WriteError is called once some other
28969             write operation has already started.
28970             The method should write the in-stream error representation for the specific format into the current payload.
28971             Before the method is called no flush is performed on the output context or any active writer.
28972             It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.
28973             </remarks>
28974         </member>
28975         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataFeedWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
28976             <summary>
28977             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
28978             </summary>
28979             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
28980             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
28981             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
28982             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
28983         </member>
28984         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataEntryWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
28985             <summary>
28986             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
28987             </summary>
28988             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
28989             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
28990             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
28991             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
28992         </member>
28993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataCollectionWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
28994             <summary>
28995             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
28996             </summary>
28997             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
28998             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
28999             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
29000         </member>
29001         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataParameterWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
29002             <summary>
29003             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter"/> to write a parameter payload.
29004             </summary>
29005             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
29006             <returns>The created parameter writer.</returns>
29007             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
29008         </member>
29009         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
29010             <summary>
29011             Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace"/> 
29012             as message payload.
29013             </summary>
29014             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
29015             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
29016         </member>
29017         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
29018             <summary>
29019             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
29020             </summary>
29021             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
29022             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
29023         </member>
29024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
29025             <summary>
29026             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
29027             </summary>
29028             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
29029             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
29030             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
29031             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
29032             </param>
29033             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
29034         </member>
29035         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
29036             <summary>
29037             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
29038             </summary>
29039             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
29040             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
29041             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
29042             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
29043         </member>
29044         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
29045             <summary>
29046             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
29047             </summary>
29048             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
29049             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
29050             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
29051             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
29052         </member>
29053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataFeedWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
29054             <summary>
29055             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
29056             </summary>
29057             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
29058             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
29059             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
29060         </member>
29061         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataEntryWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
29062             <summary>
29063             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
29064             </summary>
29065             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
29066             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
29067             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
29068         </member>
29069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataCollectionWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
29070             <summary>
29071             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
29072             </summary>
29073             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
29074             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
29075         </member>
29076         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.CreateODataParameterWriterImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
29077             <summary>
29078             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter"/> to write a parameter payload.
29079             </summary>
29080             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
29081             <returns>The created parameter writer.</returns>
29082         </member>
29083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteInStreamErrorImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
29084             <summary>
29085             Writes an in-stream error.
29086             </summary>
29087             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
29088             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
29089             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
29090             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
29091             </param>
29092         </member>
29093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WritePropertyImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
29094             <summary>
29095             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
29096             </summary>
29097             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
29098         </member>
29099         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteServiceDocumentImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
29100             <summary>
29101             Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace"/> 
29102             as message payload.
29103             </summary>
29104             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
29105         </member>
29106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteErrorImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
29107             <summary>
29108             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
29109             </summary>
29110             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
29111             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
29112             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
29113             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
29114             </param>
29115         </member>
29116         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinksImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
29117             <summary>
29118             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
29119             </summary>
29120             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
29121         </member>
29122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.WriteEntityReferenceLinkImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
29123             <summary>
29124             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
29125             </summary>
29126             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
29127         </member>
29128         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext.TypeNameOracle">
29129             <summary>
29130             Returns the oracle to use when determining the type name to write for entries and values.
29131             </summary>
29132         </member>
29133         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonServiceDocumentSerializer">
29134             <summary>
29135             OData Verbose JSON serializer for service documents.
29136             </summary>
29137         </member>
29138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonServiceDocumentSerializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext)">
29139             <summary>
29140             Constructor.
29141             </summary>
29142             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
29143         </member>
29144         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonServiceDocumentSerializer.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
29145             <summary>
29146             Writes a service document in JSON format.
29147             </summary>
29148             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
29149         </member>
29150         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream">
29151             <summary>
29152             Stream wrapper for the message stream to ignore the Stream.Dispose method so that readers/writers on top of
29153             it can be disposed without affecting it.
29154             </summary>
29155         </member>
29156         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.innerStream">
29157             <summary>
29158             Stream that is being wrapped.
29159             </summary>
29160         </member>
29161         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
29162             <summary>
29163             Constructs an instance of the stream wrapper class.
29164             </summary>
29165             <param name="innerStream">Stream that is being wrapped.</param>
29166         </member>
29167         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.Flush">
29168             <summary>
29169             Flush the stream to the underlying storage.
29170             </summary>
29171         </member>
29172         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
29173             <summary>
29174             Reads data from the stream.
29175             </summary>
29176             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
29177             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
29178             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
29179             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
29180         </member>
29181         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.BeginRead(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
29182             <summary>
29183             Begins a read operation from the stream.
29184             </summary>
29185             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
29186             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
29187             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
29188             <param name="callback">The async callback.</param>
29189             <param name="state">The async state.</param>
29190             <returns>Async result representing the asynchornous operation.</returns>
29191         </member>
29192         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.EndRead(System.IAsyncResult)">
29193             <summary>
29194             Ends a read operation from the stream.
29195             </summary>
29196             <param name="asyncResult">The async result representing the read operation.</param>
29197             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
29198         </member>
29199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.Seek(System.Int64,System.IO.SeekOrigin)">
29200             <summary>
29201             Seeks the stream.
29202             </summary>
29203             <param name="offset">The offset to seek to.</param>
29204             <param name="origin">The origin of the seek operation.</param>
29205             <returns>The new position in the stream.</returns>
29206         </member>
29207         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.SetLength(System.Int64)">
29208             <summary>
29209             Sets the length of the stream.
29210             </summary>
29211             <param name="value">The length in bytes to set.</param>
29212         </member>
29213         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
29214             <summary>
29215             Writes to the stream.
29216             </summary>
29217             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
29218             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
29219             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
29220         </member>
29221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.BeginWrite(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
29222             <summary>
29223             Begins an asynchronous write operation to the stream.
29224             </summary>
29225             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
29226             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
29227             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
29228             <param name="callback">The async callback.</param>
29229             <param name="state">The async state.</param>
29230             <returns>Async result representing the write operation.</returns>
29231         </member>
29232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.EndWrite(System.IAsyncResult)">
29233             <summary>
29234             Ends the asynchronous write operation.
29235             </summary>
29236             <param name="asyncResult">Async result representing the write operation.</param>
29237         </member>
29238         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.CanRead">
29239             <summary>
29240             Determines if the stream can read.
29241             </summary>
29242         </member>
29243         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.CanSeek">
29244             <summary>
29245             Determines if the stream can seek.
29246             </summary>
29247         </member>
29248         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.CanWrite">
29249             <summary>
29250             Determines if the stream can write.
29251             </summary>
29252         </member>
29253         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.Length">
29254             <summary>
29255             Returns the length of the stream.
29256             </summary>
29257         </member>
29258         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.NonDisposingStream.Position">
29259             <summary>
29260             Gets or sets the position in the stream.
29261             </summary>
29262         </member>
29263         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext">
29264             <summary>
29265             RAW format output context.
29266             </summary>
29267         </member>
29268         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext.messageOutputStream">
29269             <summary>The message output stream.</summary>
29270         </member>
29271         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext.xmlWriter">
29272             <summary>The XmlWriter to write to.</summary>
29273         </member>
29274         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
29275             <summary>
29276             Constructor.
29277             </summary>
29278             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
29279             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to write the payload to.</param>
29280             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the payload.</param>
29281             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
29282             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29283             <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
29284             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29285             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
29286         </member>
29287         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext.Flush">
29288             <summary>
29289             Synchronously flush the writer.
29290             </summary>
29291         </member>
29292         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext.WriteInStreamError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
29293             <summary>
29294             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> into the message payload.
29295             </summary>
29296             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
29297             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
29298             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
29299             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
29300             </param>
29301             <remarks>
29302             This method is called if the ODataMessageWriter.WriteError is called once some other
29303             write operation has already started.
29304             The method should write the in-stream error representation for the specific format into the current payload.
29305             Before the method is called no flush is performed on the output context or any active writer.
29306             It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.
29307             </remarks>
29308         </member>
29309         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext.WriteMetadataDocument">
29310             <summary>
29311             Writes the metadata document as the message body.
29312             </summary>
29313             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
29314         </member>
29315         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataOutputContext.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
29316             <summary>
29317             Perform the actual cleanup work.
29318             </summary>
29319             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
29320         </member>
29321         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext">
29322             <summary>
29323             RAW format output context. Used by RAW values and batch.
29324             </summary>
29325         </member>
29326         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.encoding">
29327             <summary>The encoding to use for the output.</summary>
29328         </member>
29329         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.messageOutputStream">
29330             <summary>The message output stream.</summary>
29331         </member>
29332         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.asynchronousOutputStream">
29333             <summary>The asynchronous output stream if we're writing asynchronously.</summary>
29334         </member>
29335         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.outputStream">
29336             <summary>The output stream to write to (both sync and async cases).</summary>
29337         </member>
29338         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.outputInStreamErrorListener">
29339             <summary>Listener to notify when writing in-stream errors.</summary>
29340         </member>
29341         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.rawValueWriter">
29342             <summary>RawValueWriter used to write actual values to the stream.</summary>
29343         </member>
29344         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
29345             <summary>
29346             Constructor.
29347             </summary>
29348             <param name="format">The format for this output context.</param>
29349             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to write the payload to.</param>
29350             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the payload.</param>
29351             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
29352             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29353             <param name="synchronous">true if the output should be written synchronously; false if it should be written asynchronously.</param>
29354             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29355             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
29356         </member>
29357         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.Flush">
29358             <summary>
29359             Synchronously flush the writer.
29360             </summary>
29361         </member>
29362         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.WriteInStreamError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
29363             <summary>
29364             Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> into the message payload.
29365             </summary>
29366             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
29367             <param name="includeDebugInformation">
29368             A flag indicating whether debug information (e.g., the inner error from the <paramref name="error"/>) should 
29369             be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios.
29370             </param>
29371             <remarks>
29372             This method is called if the ODataMessageWriter.WriteError is called once some other
29373             write operation has already started.
29374             The method should write the in-stream error representation for the specific format into the current payload.
29375             Before the method is called no flush is performed on the output context or any active writer.
29376             It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.
29377             </remarks>
29378         </member>
29379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.CreateODataBatchWriter(System.String)">
29380             <summary>
29381             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter"/> to write a batch of requests or responses.
29382             </summary>
29383             <param name="batchBoundary">The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</param>
29384             <returns>The created batch writer.</returns>
29385             <remarks>We don't plan to make this public!</remarks>
29386             <remarks>The write must flush the output when it's finished (inside the last Write call).</remarks>
29387         </member>
29388         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.WriteValue(System.Object)">
29389             <summary>
29390             Writes a single value as the message body.
29391             </summary>
29392             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
29393             <remarks>It is the responsibility of this method to flush the output before the method returns.</remarks>
29394         </member>
29395         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.InitializeRawValueWriter">
29396             <summary>
29397             Initialized a new text writer over the message payload stream.
29398             </summary>
29399             <remarks>This can only be called if the text writer was not yet initialized or it has been closed.
29400             It can be called several times with CloseWriter calls in between though.</remarks>
29401         </member>
29402         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.CloseWriter">
29403             <summary>
29404             Closes the text writer.
29405             </summary>
29406         </member>
29407         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.VerifyNotDisposed">
29408             <summary>
29409             Verifies the output context was not yet disposed, fails otherwise.
29410             </summary>
29411         </member>
29412         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.FlushBuffers">
29413             <summary>
29414             Flushes all buffered data to the underlying stream synchronously.
29415             </summary>
29416         </member>
29417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
29418             <summary>
29419             Perform the actual cleanup work.
29420             </summary>
29421             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
29422         </member>
29423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.WriteValueImplementation(System.Object)">
29424             <summary>
29425             Writes a single value as the message body.
29426             </summary>
29427             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
29428             <remarks>Once the method returns all the data should be written, the only other call after this will be Dispose on the output context.</remarks>
29429         </member>
29430         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.CreateODataBatchWriterImplementation(System.String)">
29431             <summary>
29432             Creates a batch writer.
29433             </summary>
29434             <param name="batchBoundary">The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</param>
29435             <returns>The newly created batch writer.</returns>
29436         </member>
29437         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.OutputStream">
29438             <summary>
29439             The output stream to write the payload to.
29440             </summary>
29441         </member>
29442         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext.TextWriter">
29443             <summary>
29444             The text writer to use to write text into the payload.
29445             </summary>
29446             <remarks>
29447             InitializeRawValueWriter must be called before this is used.
29449             Also, within this class we should be using RawValueWriter for everything. Ideally we wouldn't leak the TextWriter out, but
29450             the Batch writer needs it at the moment.
29451             </remarks>
29452         </member>
29453         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataNullValueBehaviorKind">
29454             <summary> Represents the behavior of readers when reading property with null value. </summary>
29455         </member>
29456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataNullValueBehaviorKind.Default">
29457             <summary>
29458             The default behavior - this means validate the null value against the declared type
29459             and then report the null value.
29460             </summary>
29461         </member>
29462         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataNullValueBehaviorKind.IgnoreValue">
29463             <summary>
29464             This means to not report the value and not validate it against the model.
29465             </summary>
29466             <remarks>
29467             This setting can be used to correctly work with clients that send null values
29468             for uninitialized properties in requests instead of omitting them altogether.
29469             </remarks>
29470         </member>
29471         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataNullValueBehaviorKind.DisableValidation">
29472             <summary>
29473             This means to report the value, but not validate it against the model.
29474             </summary>
29475         </member>
29476         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonFormat">
29477             <summary>
29478             The verbose JSON OData format.
29479             </summary>
29480         </member>
29481         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonFormat.ToString">
29482             <summary>
29483             The text representation - the name of the format.
29484             </summary>
29485             <returns>The name of the format.</returns>
29486         </member>
29487         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29488             <summary>
29489             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
29490             </summary>
29491             <param name="responseMessage">The response message with the payload stream.</param>
29492             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29493             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
29494         </member>
29495         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29496             <summary>
29497             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
29498             </summary>
29499             <param name="requestMessage">The request message with the payload stream.</param>
29500             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29501             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
29502         </member>
29503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonFormat.CreateInputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Object)">
29504             <summary>
29505             Creates an instance of the input context for this format.
29506             </summary>
29507             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
29508             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
29509             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
29510             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
29511             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
29512             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
29513             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29514             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29515             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
29516             <param name="payloadKindDetectionFormatState">Format specific state stored during payload kind detection
29517             using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)"/>.</param>
29518             <returns>The newly created input context.</returns>
29519         </member>
29520         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonFormat.CreateOutputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
29521             <summary>
29522             Creates an instance of the output context for this format.
29523             </summary>
29524             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
29525             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
29526             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
29527             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
29528             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29529             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29530             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
29531             <returns>The newly created output context.</returns>
29532         </member>
29533         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonFormat.DetectPayloadKindImplementation(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29534             <summary>
29535             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
29536             </summary>
29537             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to read from for payload kind detection.</param>
29538             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29539             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
29540             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29541             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
29542         </member>
29543         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchFormat">
29544             <summary>
29545             The $batch OData format.
29546             </summary>
29547         </member>
29548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchFormat.ToString">
29549             <summary>
29550             The text representation - the name of the format.
29551             </summary>
29552             <returns>The name of the format.</returns>
29553         </member>
29554         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29555             <summary>
29556             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
29557             </summary>
29558             <param name="responseMessage">The response message with the payload stream.</param>
29559             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29560             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
29561         </member>
29562         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29563             <summary>
29564             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
29565             </summary>
29566             <param name="requestMessage">The request message with the payload stream.</param>
29567             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29568             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
29569         </member>
29570         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchFormat.CreateInputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Object)">
29571             <summary>
29572             Creates an instance of the input context for this format.
29573             </summary>
29574             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
29575             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
29576             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
29577             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
29578             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
29579             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
29580             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29581             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29582             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
29583             <param name="payloadKindDetectionFormatState">Format specific state stored during payload kind detection
29584             using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)"/>.</param>
29585             <returns>The newly created input context.</returns>
29586         </member>
29587         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchFormat.CreateOutputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
29588             <summary>
29589             Creates an instance of the output context for this format.
29590             </summary>
29591             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
29592             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
29593             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
29594             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
29595             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29596             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29597             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
29598             <returns>The newly created output context.</returns>
29599         </member>
29600         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchFormat.DetectPayloadKindImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType)">
29601             <summary>
29602             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
29603             </summary>
29604             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message.</param>
29605             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
29606         </member>
29607         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataFormat">
29608             <summary>
29609             The metadata OData format.
29610             </summary>
29611         </member>
29612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataFormat.ToString">
29613             <summary>
29614             The text representation - the name of the format.
29615             </summary>
29616             <returns>The name of the format.</returns>
29617         </member>
29618         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29619             <summary>
29620             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
29621             </summary>
29622             <param name="responseMessage">The response message with the payload stream.</param>
29623             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29624             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
29625         </member>
29626         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29627             <summary>
29628             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
29629             </summary>
29630             <param name="requestMessage">The request message with the payload stream.</param>
29631             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29632             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
29633         </member>
29634         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataFormat.CreateInputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Object)">
29635             <summary>
29636             Creates an instance of the input context for this format.
29637             </summary>
29638             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
29639             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
29640             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
29641             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
29642             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
29643             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
29644             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29645             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29646             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
29647             <param name="payloadKindDetectionFormatState">Format specific state stored during payload kind detection
29648             using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)"/>.</param>
29649             <returns>The newly created input context.</returns>
29650         </member>
29651         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataFormat.CreateOutputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
29652             <summary>
29653             Creates an instance of the output context for this format.
29654             </summary>
29655             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
29656             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
29657             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
29658             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
29659             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
29660             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
29661             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
29662             <returns>The newly created output context.</returns>
29663         </member>
29664         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataFormat.DetectPayloadKindImplementation(System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
29665             <summary>
29666             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
29667             </summary>
29668             <param name="messageStream">The message stream to read from for payload kind detection.</param>
29669             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
29670             <returns>An enumerable of zero or one payload kinds depending on whether the metadata payload kind was detected or not.</returns>
29671         </member>
29672         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">
29673             <summary>Enumerates the behavior of readers when reading undeclared property.</summary>
29674         </member>
29675         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.None">
29676             <summary>
29677             The default behavior - the reader will fail if it finds a property which is not declared by the model
29678             and the type is not open.
29679             </summary>
29680         </member>
29681         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.IgnoreUndeclaredValueProperty">
29682             <summary>
29683             The reader will skip reading the property if it's not declared by the model and the current type is not open.
29684             </summary>
29685             <remarks>
29686             This flag can only be used when reading responses.
29687             All information about the undeclared property is going to be ignored, so for example ATOM metadata related to that property
29688             will not be reported either.
29689             </remarks>
29690         </member>
29691         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.ReportUndeclaredLinkProperty">
29692             <summary>
29693             The reader will read and report link properties which are not declared by the model.
29694             </summary>
29695             <remarks>
29696             This flag can only be used when reading responses.
29697             If a link property in the payload is defined in the model it will be read as usual. If it is not declared
29698             it will still be read and reported, but it won't be validated against the model.
29700             Link properties are:
29701             - Navigation links
29702             - Association links
29703             - Stream properties
29704             </remarks>
29705         </member>
29706         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.SupportUndeclaredValueProperty">
29707             <summary>
29708             Reading/writing undeclared properties will be supported.
29709             </summary>
29710         </member>
29711         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants">
29712             <summary>This type provides constants used in URI query expressions.</summary>
29713         </member>
29714         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.It">
29715             <summary>"$it" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29716         </member>
29717         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordAdd">
29718             <summary>"add" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29719         </member>
29720         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordAnd">
29721             <summary>"and" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29722         </member>
29723         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordAscending">
29724             <summary>"asc" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29725         </member>
29726         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordDescending">
29727             <summary>"desc" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29728         </member>
29729         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordDivide">
29730             <summary>"div" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29731         </member>
29732         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordModulo">
29733             <summary>"mod" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29734         </member>
29735         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordMultiply">
29736             <summary>"mul" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29737         </member>
29738         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordNot">
29739             <summary>"not" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29740         </member>
29741         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordOr">
29742             <summary>"or" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29743         </member>
29744         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordSub">
29745             <summary>"sub" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29746         </member>
29747         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolNegate">
29748             <summary>'-' constant to represent an negate unary operator.</summary>
29749         </member>
29750         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolEqual">
29751             <summary>'=' constant to represent an assignment in name=value.</summary>
29752         </member>
29753         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolComma">
29754             <summary>',' constant to represent an value list separator.</summary>
29755         </member>
29756         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolForwardSlash">
29757             <summary>'/' constant to represent the forward slash used in a query.</summary>
29758         </member>
29759         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolOpenParen">
29760             <summary>'(' constant to represent an open parenthesis.</summary>
29761         </member>
29762         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolClosedParen">
29763             <summary>')' constant to represent an closed parenthesis.</summary>
29764         </member>
29765         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolQueryStart">
29766             <summary>'?' constant to represent the start of the query part.</summary>
29767         </member>
29768         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolQueryConcatenate">
29769             <summary>'&amp;' constant to represent the concatenation of query parts.</summary>
29770         </member>
29771         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolSingleQuote">
29772             <summary>'\'' constant to represent a single quote as prefix/suffix for literals.</summary>
29773         </member>
29774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolSingleQuoteEscaped">
29775             <summary>"''" constant to represent a single-quote escape character in a string literal.</summary>
29776         </member>
29777         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.SymbolEscapedSpace">
29778             <summary>" " constant to represent a space character in a Uri query part.</summary>
29779         </member>
29780         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.InlineCountAllPages">
29781             <summary>The 'allpages' value for the '$inlinecount' query option</summary>
29782         </member>
29783         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.InlineCountNone">
29784             <summary>The 'none' value for the '$inlinecount' query option</summary>
29785         </member>
29786         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordEqual">
29787             <summary>"eq" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29788         </member>
29789         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordFalse">
29790             <summary>"false" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29791         </member>
29792         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordGreaterThan">
29793             <summary>"gt" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29794         </member>
29795         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordGreaterThanOrEqual">
29796             <summary>"ge" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29797         </member>
29798         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordLessThan">
29799             <summary>"lt" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29800         </member>
29801         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordLessThanOrEqual">
29802             <summary>"le" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29803         </member>
29804         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordNotEqual">
29805             <summary>"ne" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29806         </member>
29807         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordNull">
29808             <summary>"null" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29809         </member>
29810         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.KeywordTrue">
29811             <summary>"true" keyword for expressions.</summary>
29812         </member>
29813         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.UnboundFunctionCast">
29814             <summary> "cast" function </summary>
29815         </member>
29816         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.UnboundFunctionIsOf">
29817             <summary> "isof function </summary>
29818         </member>
29819         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.UnboundFunctionLength">
29820             <summary> Spatial length function </summary>
29821         </member>
29822         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.UnboundFunctionIntersects">
29823             <summary> Spatial intersects function. </summary>
29824         </member>
29825         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.InfinityLiteral">
29826             <summary>"INF" literal used to represent infinity.</summary>
29827         </member>
29828         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.NaNLiteral">
29829             <summary>"NaN" literal used to represent not-a-number values.</summary>
29830         </member>
29831         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixDateTime">
29832             <summary>'datetime' constant prefixed to datetime literals.</summary>
29833         </member>
29834         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixDateTimeOffset">
29835             <summary>'datetimeoffset' constant prefixed to datetimeoffset literals.</summary>
29836         </member>
29837         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixTime">
29838             <summary>'time' constant prefixed to time literals.</summary>
29839         </member>
29840         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixGeometry">
29841             <summary>'geometry' constant prefixed to geometry literals.</summary>
29842         </member>
29843         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixGeography">
29844             <summary>'geography' constant prefixed to geography literals.</summary>
29845         </member>
29846         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixGuid">
29847             <summary>'guid' constant prefixed to guid literals.</summary>
29848         </member>
29849         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixShortBinary">
29850             <summary>'X': Prefix to binary type string representation.</summary>
29851         </member>
29852         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralPrefixBinary">
29853             <summary>'binary' constant prefixed to binary literals.</summary>
29854         </member>
29855         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralSuffixInt64">
29856             <summary>'L': Suffix for long (int64) type's string representation</summary>
29857         </member>
29858         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralSuffixSingle">
29859             <summary>'f': Suffix for float (single) type's string representation</summary>
29860         </member>
29861         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralSuffixDouble">
29862             <summary>'D': Suffix for double (Real) type's string representation</summary>
29863         </member>
29864         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralSuffixDecimal">
29865             <summary>'M': Suffix for decimal type's string representation</summary>
29866         </member>
29867         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.LiteralSingleQuote">
29868             <summary>'datetime' constant prefixed to datetime literals.</summary>
29869         </member>
29870         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionFilter">
29871             <summary> the filter query option </summary>
29872         </member>
29873         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionOrderby">
29874             <summary> the orderby query option </summary>
29875         </member>
29876         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionTop">
29877             <summary> the top query option </summary>
29878         </member>
29879         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSkip">
29880             <summary> the skip query option </summary>
29881         </member>
29882         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionInlineCount">
29883             <summary> the inlinecount query option </summary>
29884         </member>
29885         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionSelect">
29886             <summary> the select query option </summary>
29887         </member>
29888         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ExpressionConstants.QueryOptionExpand">
29889             <summary> the expand query option </summary>
29890         </member>
29891         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream">
29892             <summary>
29893             A stream handed to clients from ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetStream or ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetStreamAsync. 
29894             This stream communicates status changes to the owning batch writer (via IODataBatchOperationListener) 
29895             to properly flush buffered data and move the batch writer's state machine forward.
29896             </summary>
29897         </member>
29898         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream">
29899             <summary>
29900             A stream handed to clients from ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetStream or ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetStreamAsync. 
29901             This stream communicates status changes to an IODataBatchOperationListener instance.
29902             </summary>
29903         </member>
29904         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream.listener">
29905             <summary>Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</summary>
29906         </member>
29907         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener)">
29908             <summary>
29909             Constructor.
29910             </summary>
29911             <param name="listener">Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</param>
29912         </member>
29913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream.Seek(System.Int64,System.IO.SeekOrigin)">
29914             <summary>
29915             Seeks the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
29916             </summary>
29917             <param name="offset">The offset to seek to.</param>
29918             <param name="origin">The origin of the seek operation.</param>
29919             <returns>The new position in the stream.</returns>
29920         </member>
29921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
29922             <summary>
29923             Disposes the object.
29924             </summary>
29925             <param name="disposing">True if called from Dispose; false if called form the finalizer.</param>
29926         </member>
29927         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream.ValidateNotDisposed">
29928             <summary>
29929             Validates that the stream was not already disposed.
29930             </summary>
29931         </member>
29932         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.batchStream">
29933             <summary>The batch stream underlying this operation stream.</summary>
29934         </member>
29935         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener)">
29936             <summary>
29937             Constructor.
29938             </summary>
29939             <param name="batchStream">The underlying stream to write the message to.</param>
29940             <param name="listener">Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</param>
29941         </member>
29942         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.SetLength(System.Int64)">
29943             <summary>
29944             Sets the length of the stream.
29945             </summary>
29946             <param name="value">The length in bytes to set.</param>
29947         </member>
29948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
29949             <summary>
29950             Writes to the stream.
29951             </summary>
29952             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
29953             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
29954             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
29955         </member>
29956         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.BeginWrite(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
29957             <summary>
29958             Writes to the stream.
29959             </summary>
29960             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
29961             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
29962             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
29963             <param name="callback">The callback to be called when the asynchronous operation completes.</param>
29964             <param name="state">A custom state object to be associated with the asynchronous operation.</param>
29965             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.IAsyncResult"/> for the asynchronous writing of the buffer to the stream.</returns>
29966         </member>
29967         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.EndWrite(System.IAsyncResult)">
29968             <summary>
29969             Finish the asynchronous write operation.
29970             </summary>
29971             <param name="asyncResult">The <see cref="T:System.IAsyncResult"/> returned from BaginWrite.</param>
29972         </member>
29973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
29974             <summary>
29975             Reads data from the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
29976             </summary>
29977             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
29978             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
29979             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
29980             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
29981         </member>
29982         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.Flush">
29983             <summary>
29984             Flush the stream to the underlying batch stream.
29985             </summary>
29986         </member>
29987         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
29988             <summary>
29989             Dispose the operation stream.
29990             </summary>
29991             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
29992         </member>
29993         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.CanRead">
29994             <summary>
29995             Determines if the stream can read - this one can't
29996             </summary>
29997         </member>
29998         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.CanSeek">
29999             <summary>
30000             Determines if the stream can seek - this one can't
30001             </summary>
30002         </member>
30003         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.CanWrite">
30004             <summary>
30005             Determines if the stream can write - this one can
30006             </summary>
30007         </member>
30008         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.Length">
30009             <summary>
30010             Returns the length of the stream.
30011             </summary>
30012         </member>
30013         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream.Position">
30014             <summary>
30015             Gets or sets the position in the stream. Setting of the position is not supported since the stream doesn't support seeking.
30016             </summary>
30017         </member>
30018         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream">
30019             <summary>
30020             A stream handed to clients from ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetStream or ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetStreamAsync. 
30021             This stream communicates status changes to the owning batch reader (via IODataBatchOperationListener) 
30022             to prevent clients to use the batch reader while a content stream is still in use.
30023             </summary>
30024         </member>
30025         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.batchReaderStream">
30026             <summary>
30027             The batch stream underlying this operation stream.
30028             </summary>
30029         </member>
30030         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener)">
30031             <summary>
30032             Constructor.
30033             </summary>
30034             <param name="batchReaderStream">The underlying stream to read from.</param>
30035             <param name="listener">Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</param>
30036         </member>
30037         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.Flush">
30038             <summary>
30039             Flush the stream; not supported for a read stream.
30040             </summary>
30041         </member>
30042         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.SetLength(System.Int64)">
30043             <summary>
30044             Sets the length of the stream.
30045             </summary>
30046             <param name="value">The length in bytes to set.</param>
30047         </member>
30048         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
30049             <summary>
30050             Writes to the stream.
30051             </summary>
30052             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
30053             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
30054             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
30055         </member>
30056         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.Create(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,System.Int32)">
30057             <summary>
30058             Create a batch operation read stream over the specified batch stream with a given content length.
30059             </summary>
30060             <param name="batchReaderStream">The batch stream underlying the operation stream to create.</param>
30061             <param name="listener">The batch operation listener.</param>
30062             <param name="length">The content length of the operation stream.</param>
30063             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream"/> to read the content of a batch operation from.</returns>
30064         </member>
30065         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.Create(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener)">
30066             <summary>
30067             Create a batch operation read stream over the specified batch stream using the batch delimiter to detect the end of the stream.
30068             </summary>
30069             <param name="batchReaderStream">The batch stream underlying the operation stream to create.</param>
30070             <param name="listener">The batch operation listener.</param>
30071             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream"/> to read the content of a batch operation from.</returns>
30072         </member>
30073         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.CanRead">
30074             <summary>
30075             Determines if the stream can read - this one can
30076             </summary>
30077         </member>
30078         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.CanSeek">
30079             <summary>
30080             Determines if the stream can seek - this one can't
30081             </summary>
30082         </member>
30083         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.CanWrite">
30084             <summary>
30085             Determines if the stream can write - this one can't
30086             </summary>
30087         </member>
30088         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.Length">
30089             <summary>
30090             Returns the length of the stream. Not supported by this stream.
30091             </summary>
30092         </member>
30093         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.Position">
30094             <summary>
30095             Gets or sets the position in the stream. Not supported by this stream.
30096             </summary>
30097         </member>
30098         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithLength">
30099             <summary>
30100             A batch operation stream with the content length specified.
30101             </summary>
30102         </member>
30103         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithLength.length">
30104             <summary>The length of the operation content.</summary>
30105         </member>
30106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithLength.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,System.Int32)">
30107             <summary>
30108             Constructor.
30109             </summary>
30110             <param name="batchReaderStream">The underlying batch stream to write the message to.</param>
30111             <param name="listener">Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</param>
30112             <param name="length">The total length of the stream.</param>
30113         </member>
30114         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithLength.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
30115             <summary>
30116             Reads data from the stream.
30117             </summary>
30118             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
30119             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
30120             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
30121             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
30122         </member>
30123         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithDelimiter">
30124             <summary>
30125             A batch operation read stream with no content length so we have to check for the boundary.
30126             </summary>
30127         </member>
30128         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithDelimiter.exhausted">
30129             <summary>true if the stream has been exhausted and no further reads can happen; otherwise false.</summary>
30130         </member>
30131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithDelimiter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener)">
30132             <summary>
30133             Constructor.
30134             </summary>
30135             <param name="batchReaderStream">The underlying batch stream to write the message to.</param>
30136             <param name="listener">Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</param>
30137         </member>
30138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream.ODataBatchOperationReadStreamWithDelimiter.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
30139             <summary>
30140             Reads data from the stream.
30141             </summary>
30142             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
30143             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
30144             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
30145             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
30146         </member>
30147         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUtils">
30148             <summary>
30149             Helper methods used by the ODataBatchWriter and ODataBatchReader (and related classes).
30150             </summary>
30151         </member>
30152         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUtils.CreateOperationRequestUri(System.Uri,System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
30153             <summary>
30154             Creates the URI for a batch request operation.
30155             </summary>
30156             <param name="uri">The uri to process.</param>
30157             <param name="baseUri">The base Uri to use.</param>
30158             <param name="urlResolver">An optional custom URL resolver to resolve URLs for writing them into the payload.</param>
30159             <returns>An URI to be used in the request line of a batch request operation. It uses the <paramref name="urlResolver"/>
30160             first and falls back to the defaullt URI building schema if the no URL resolver is specified or the URL resolver
30161             returns null. In the default scheme, the method either returns the specified <paramref name="uri"/> if it was absolute,
30162             or it's combination with the <paramref name="baseUri"/> if it was relative.</returns>
30163             <remarks>
30164             This method will fail if no custom resolution is implemented and the specified <paramref name="uri"/> is 
30165             relative and there's no base URI available.
30166             </remarks>
30167         </member>
30168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUtils.CreateBatchOperationReadStream(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener)">
30169             <summary>
30170             Creates a batch operation stream from the specified batch stream.
30171             </summary>
30172             <param name="batchReaderStream">The batch stream to create the operation read stream for.</param>
30173             <param name="headers">The headers of the current part; based on the header we create different, optimized stream implementations.</param>
30174             <param name="operationListener">The operation listener to be passed to the newly created read stream.</param>
30175             <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationReadStream"/> instance.</returns>
30176         </member>
30177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUtils.CreateBatchOperationWriteStream(System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener)">
30178             <summary>
30179             Creates a batch operation write stream over the specified output stream.
30180             </summary>
30181             <param name="outputStream">The output stream to create the operation write stream over.</param>
30182             <param name="operationListener">The operation listener to be passed to the newly created write stream.</param>
30183             <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationWriteStream"/> instance.</returns>
30184         </member>
30185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUtils.EnsureArraySize(System.Byte[]@,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
30186             <summary>
30187             Grows the specified byte array by the specified amount.
30188             </summary>
30189             <param name="buffer">The byte array to grow.</param>
30190             <param name="numberOfBytesInBuffer">The number of bytes currently in the buffer.</param>
30191             <param name="requiredByteCount">The number of bytes to be added to the array.</param>
30192         </member>
30193         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamScanResult">
30194             <summary>
30195             An enumeration representing the result of a scan operation through 
30196             the batch reader stream's buffer.
30197             </summary>
30198         </member>
30199         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamScanResult.NoMatch">
30200             <summary>No match with the requested boundary was found (not even a partial one).</summary>
30201         </member>
30202         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamScanResult.PartialMatch">
30203             <summary>A partial match with the requested boundary was found.</summary>
30204         </member>
30205         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamScanResult.Match">
30206             <summary>A complete match with the requested boundary was found.</summary>
30207             <remarks>
30208             This is only returned if we could also check whether the boundary is an end
30209             boundary or not; otherwise a partial match is returned.
30210             </remarks>
30211         </member>
30212         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer">
30213             <summary>
30214             This class represents the internal buffer of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream"/>.
30215             </summary>
30216         </member>
30217         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.BufferLength">
30218             <summary>The size of the look-ahead buffer.</summary>
30219         </member>
30220         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.MaxLineFeedLength">
30221             <summary>Length of the longest supported line terminator character sequence; makes the code easier to read.</summary>
30222         </member>
30223         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.TwoDashesLength">
30224             <summary>The length of two '-' characters to make the code easier to read.</summary>
30225         </member>
30226         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.bytes">
30227             <summary>The byte array storing the actual bytes of the buffer.</summary>
30228         </member>
30229         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.currentReadPosition">
30230             <summary>The current position inside the buffer.</summary>
30231             <remarks>This is the position of the byte that is the next to be read.</remarks>
30232         </member>
30233         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.numberOfBytesInBuffer">
30234             <summary>The number of (not yet consumed) bytes currently in the buffer.</summary>
30235         </member>
30236         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.SkipTo(System.Int32)">
30237             <summary>
30238             Skip to the specified position in the buffer. 
30239             Adjust the current position and the number of bytes in the buffer.
30240             </summary>
30241             <param name="newPosition">The position to skip to.</param>
30242         </member>
30243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.RefillFrom(System.IO.Stream,System.Int32)">
30244             <summary>
30245             Refills the buffer from the specified stream.
30246             </summary>
30247             <param name="stream">The stream to refill the buffer from.</param>
30248             <param name="preserveFrom">The index in the current buffer starting from which the 
30249             currently buffered data should be preserved.</param>
30250             <returns>true if the underlying stream got exhausted while refilling.</returns>
30251             <remarks>This method will first shift any data that is to be preserved to the beginning
30252             of the buffer and then refill the rest of the buffer from the <paramref name="stream"/>.</remarks>
30253         </member>
30254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.ScanForLineEnd(System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
30255             <summary>
30256             Scans the current buffer for a line end.
30257             </summary>
30258             <param name="lineEndStartPosition">The start position of the line terminator or -1 if not found.</param>
30259             <param name="lineEndEndPosition">The end position of the line terminator or -1 if not found.</param>
30260             <returns>An enumeration value indicating whether the line termintor was found completely, partially or not at all.</returns>
30261         </member>
30262         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.ScanForBoundary(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@)">
30263             <summary>
30264             Scans the current buffer for the specified boundary.
30265             </summary>
30266             <param name="boundaries">The boundary strings to search for; this enumerable is sorted from the inner-most boundary
30267             to the top-most boundary. The boundary strings don't include the leading line terminator or the leading dashes.</param>
30268             <param name="maxDataBytesToScan">Stop if no boundary (or boundary start) is found after this number of bytes.</param>
30269             <param name="boundaryStartPosition">The start position of the boundary or -1 if not found.
30270             Note that the start position is the first byte of the leading line terminator.</param>
30271             <param name="boundaryEndPosition">The end position of the boundary or -1 if not found.
30272             Note that the end position is the last byte of the trailing line terminator.</param>
30273             <param name="isEndBoundary">true if the boundary is an end boundary (followed by two dashes); otherwise false.</param>
30274             <param name="isParentBoundary">true if the detected boundary is the parent boundary; otherwise false.</param>
30275             <returns>An enumeration value indicating whether the boundary was completely, partially or not found in the buffer.</returns>
30276         </member>
30277         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.ScanForBoundaryStart(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
30278             <summary>
30279             Scans the current buffer for a boundary start, which is either a line feed or two dashes (since we don't require the leading line feed).
30280             </summary>
30281             <param name="scanStartIx">The index at which to start scanning for the boundary start.</param>
30282             <param name="maxDataBytesToScan">Stop if no boundary start was found after this number of non end-of-line bytes.</param>
30283             <param name="lineEndStartPosition">The start position of the line end or -1 if not found.</param>
30284             <param name="boundaryDelimiterStartPosition">The start position of the boundary delimiter or -1 if not found.</param>
30285             <returns>An enumeration value indicating whether the boundary start was completely, partially or not found in the buffer.</returns>
30286         </member>
30287         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.ScanForLineEnd(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Boolean@)">
30288             <summary>
30289             Scans the current buffer for a line end.
30290             </summary>
30291             <param name="scanStartIx">The index at which to start scanning for the line terminator.</param>
30292             <param name="maxDataBytesToScan">Stop if no line end (or beginning of line end) was found after this number of non end-of-line bytes.</param>
30293             <param name="allowLeadingWhitespaceOnly">true if only whitespace data bytes are expected before the end-of-line characters; otherwise false.</param>
30294             <param name="lineEndStartPosition">The start position of the line terminator or -1 if not found.</param>
30295             <param name="lineEndEndPosition">The end position of the line terminator or -1 if not found.</param>
30296             <param name="endOfBufferReached">true if the end of the buffer was reached while scanning for the line end; otherwise false.</param>
30297             <returns>An enumeration value indicating whether the line termintor was found completely, partially or not at all.</returns>
30298             <remarks>This method only returns <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamScanResult.PartialMatch"/> if we found the start
30299             of a line terminator at the last character in the buffer.</remarks>
30300         </member>
30301         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.MatchBoundary(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Boolean@)">
30302             <summary>
30303             Check whether the bytes in the buffer at the specified start index match the expected boundary string.
30304             </summary>
30305             <param name="lineEndStartPosition">The start of the line feed preceding the boundary (if present).</param>
30306             <param name="boundaryDelimiterStartPosition">The start position of the boundary delimiter.</param>
30307             <param name="boundary">The boundary string to check for.</param>
30308             <param name="boundaryStartPosition">If a match is detected, the start of the boundary delimiter, 
30309             i.e., either the start of the leading line feed or of the leading dashes.</param>
30310             <param name="boundaryEndPosition">If a match is detected, the position of the boundary end; otherwise -1.</param>
30311             <param name="isEndBoundary">true if the detected boundary is an end boundary; otherwise false.</param>
30312             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamScanResult"/> indicating whether a match, a partial match or no match was found.</returns>
30313         </member>
30314         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.MatchBoundary(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean@)">
30315             <summary>
30316             Try to match the specified boundary string starting at the specified position.
30317             </summary>
30318             <param name="boundary">The boundary string to search for; this does not include 
30319             the leading line terminator or the leading dashes.</param>
30320             <param name="startIx">The index at which to start matching the boundary.</param>
30321             <param name="matchLength">The number of characters to match.</param>
30322             <param name="isEndBoundary">true if the boundary string is used in an end boundary; otherwise false.</param>
30323             <returns>true if it was established that the buffer starting at <paramref name="startIx"/>
30324             matches the <paramref name="boundary"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
30325             <remarks>This method also returns false if the boundary string was completly matched against the
30326             buffer but it could not be determined whether it is used in an end boundary or not.</remarks>
30327         </member>
30328         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.ShiftToBeginning(System.Int32)">
30329             <summary>
30330             Shifts all bytes in the buffer after a specified start index to the beginning of the buffer.
30331             </summary>
30332             <param name="startIndex">The start index where to start shifting.</param>
30333         </member>
30334         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.Bytes">
30335             <summary>
30336             The byte array that acts as the actual storage of the buffered data.
30337             </summary>
30338         </member>
30339         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.CurrentReadPosition">
30340             <summary>
30341             The current position inside the buffer.
30342             </summary>
30343             <remarks>This is the position of the byte that is the next to be read.</remarks>
30344         </member>
30345         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.NumberOfBytesInBuffer">
30346             <summary>
30347             The number of (not yet consumed) bytes currently in the buffer.
30348             </summary>
30349         </member>
30350         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.Item(System.Int32)">
30351             <summary>
30352             Indexer into the byte buffer.
30353             </summary>
30354             <param name="index">The position in the buffer to get.</param>
30355             <returns>The byte at position <paramref name="index"/> in the buffer.</returns>
30356         </member>
30357         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream">
30358             <summary>
30359             Class used by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader"/> to read the various pieces of a batch payload.
30360             </summary>
30361             <remarks>
30362             This stream separates a batch payload into multiple parts by scanning ahead and matching
30363             a boundary string against the current payload.
30364             </remarks>
30365         </member>
30366         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.LineBufferLength">
30367             <summary>
30368             The default length for the line buffer byte array used to read lines; expecting lines to normally be less than 2000 bytes.
30369             </summary>
30370         </member>
30371         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.lineBuffer">
30372             <summary>
30373             The byte array used for reading lines from the stream. We cache the byte array on the stream instance
30374             rather than allocating a new one for each ReadLine call.
30375             </summary>
30376         </member>
30377         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.inputContext">
30378             <summary>The input context to read the content from.</summary>
30379         </member>
30380         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.batchBoundary">
30381             <summary>The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</summary>
30382         </member>
30383         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.batchBuffer">
30384             <summary>The buffer used by the batch reader stream to scan for boundary strings.</summary>
30385         </member>
30386         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.batchEncoding">
30387             <summary>The encoding to use to read from the batch stream.</summary>
30388         </member>
30389         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.changesetBoundary">
30390             <summary>The boundary string for a changeset (or null if not in a changeset part).</summary>
30391         </member>
30392         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.changesetEncoding">
30393             <summary>The encoding for a given changeset.</summary>
30394         </member>
30395         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.underlyingStreamExhausted">
30396             <summary>
30397             true if the underlying stream was exhausted during a read operation; we won't try to read from the 
30398             underlying stream again once it was exhausted.
30399             </summary>
30400         </member>
30401         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext,System.String,System.Text.Encoding)">
30402             <summary>
30403             Constructor.
30404             </summary>
30405             <param name="inputContext">The input context to read the content from.</param>
30406             <param name="batchBoundary">The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</param>
30407             <param name="batchEncoding">The encoding to use to read from the batch stream.</param>
30408         </member>
30409         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ResetChangeSetBoundary">
30410             <summary>
30411             Resets the changeset boundary at the end of the changeset.
30412             </summary>
30413         </member>
30414         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.SkipToBoundary(System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@)">
30415             <summary>
30416             Skips all the data in the stream until a boundary is found.
30417             </summary>
30418             <param name="isEndBoundary">true if the boundary that was found is an end boundary; otherwise false.</param>
30419             <param name="isParentBoundary">true if the detected boundary is a parent boundary (i.e., the expected boundary is missing).</param>
30420             <returns>true if a boundary was found; otherwise false.</returns>
30421         </member>
30422         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadWithDelimiter(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
30423             <summary>
30424             Reads from the batch stream while ensuring that we stop reading at each boundary.
30425             </summary>
30426             <param name="userBuffer">The byte array to read bytes into.</param>
30427             <param name="userBufferOffset">The offset in the buffer where to start reading bytes into.</param>
30428             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
30429             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
30430         </member>
30431         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadWithLength(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
30432             <summary>
30433             Reads from the batch stream without checking for a boundary delimiter since we 
30434             know the length of the stream.
30435             </summary>
30436             <param name="userBuffer">The byte array to read bytes into.</param>
30437             <param name="userBufferOffset">The offset in the buffer where to start reading bytes into.</param>
30438             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
30439             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
30440         </member>
30441         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ProcessPartHeader">
30442             <summary>
30443             Reads the headers of a part.
30444             </summary>
30445             <returns>true if the start of a changeset part was detected; otherwise false.</returns>
30446         </member>
30447         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadHeaders">
30448             <summary>
30449             Reads the headers of a batch part or an operation.
30450             </summary>
30451             <returns>A dictionary of header names to header values; never null.</returns>
30452         </member>
30453         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadFirstNonEmptyLine">
30454             <summary>
30455             Read and return the next line from the batch stream, skipping all empty lines.
30456             </summary>
30457             <remarks>This method will throw if end-of-input was reached while looking for the next line.</remarks>
30458             <returns>The text of the first non-empty line (not including any terminating newline characters).</returns>
30459         </member>
30460         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ValidateHeaderLine(System.String,System.String@,System.String@)">
30461             <summary>
30462             Parses a header line and validates that it has the correct format.
30463             </summary>
30464             <param name="headerLine">The header line to validate.</param>
30465             <param name="headerName">The name of the header.</param>
30466             <param name="headerValue">The value of the header.</param>
30467         </member>
30468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadLine">
30469             <summary>
30470             Reads a line (all bytes until a line feed) from the underlying stream.
30471             </summary>
30472             <returns>Returns the string that was read from the underyling stream (not including a terminating line feed), or null if the end of input was reached.</returns>
30473         </member>
30474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.EnsureBatchEncoding">
30475             <summary>
30476             Ensure that a batch encoding exists; if not, detect it from the first couple of bytes of the stream.
30477             </summary>
30478         </member>
30479         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.DetectEncoding">
30480             <summary>Detect the encoding based data from the stream.</summary>
30481             <returns>The encoding discovered from the bytes in the buffer or the fallback encoding.</returns>
30482             <remarks>
30483             We don't have to skip a potential preamble of the encoding since the batch reader
30484             will skip over everything (incl. the potential preamble) until it finds the first
30485             boundary.
30486             </remarks>
30487         </member>
30488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadPartHeaders(System.Boolean@)">
30489             <summary>
30490             Reads and validates the headers of a batch part.
30491             </summary>
30492             <param name="isChangeSetPart">true if the headers indicate a changset part; otherwise false.</param>
30493             <returns>A dictionary of header names to header values; never null.</returns>
30494         </member>
30495         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ValidatePartHeaders(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders,System.Boolean@)">
30496             <summary>
30497             Validates the headers that have been read for a part.
30498             </summary>
30499             <param name="headers">The set of headers to validate.</param>
30500             <param name="isChangeSetPart">true if the headers indicate a changset part; otherwise false.</param>
30501             <returns>The set of validated headers.</returns>
30502             <remarks>
30503             An operation part is required to have content type 'application/http' and content transfer
30504             encoding 'binary'. A changeset is required to have content type 'multipart/mixed'.
30505             Note that we allow additional headers for batch parts; clients of the library can choose
30506             to be more strict.
30507             </remarks>
30508         </member>
30509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.DetermineChangesetBoundaryAndEncoding(System.String)">
30510             <summary>
30511             Parse the content type header value to retrieve the boundary and encoding of a changeset.
30512             </summary>
30513             <param name="contentType">The content type to parse.</param>
30514         </member>
30515         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.BatchBoundary">
30516             <summary>
30517             The boundary string for the batch structure itself.
30518             </summary>
30519         </member>
30520         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.ChangeSetBoundary">
30521             <summary>
30522             The boundary string for the current changeset (only set when reading a changeset
30523             or an operation in a changeset).
30524             </summary>
30525             <remarks>When not reading a changeset (or operation in a changeset) this field is null.</remarks>
30526         </member>
30527         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.CurrentBoundaries">
30528             <summary>
30529             The current boundary string to be used for reading with delimiter.
30530             </summary>
30531             <remarks>This is the changeset boundary when reading a changeset or the batch boundary otherwise.</remarks>
30532         </member>
30533         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream.CurrentEncoding">
30534             <summary>
30535             The current encoding to use when reading from the stream.
30536             </summary>
30537             <remarks>This is the changeset encoding when reading a changeset or the batch encoding otherwise.</remarks>
30538         </member>
30539         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderState">
30540             <summary>Enumeration with all the states the batch reader can be in.</summary>
30541         </member>
30542         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderState.Initial">
30543             <summary>The state the batch reader is in after having been created.</summary>
30544         </member>
30545         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderState.Operation">
30546             <summary>The batch reader detected an operation.</summary>
30547             <remarks>In this state the start boundary, the request/response line 
30548             and the operation headers have already been read.</remarks>
30549         </member>
30550         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderState.ChangesetStart">
30551             <summary>The batch reader detected the start of a change set.</summary>
30552             <remarks>In this state the start boundary and the change set 
30553             headers have already been read.</remarks>
30554         </member>
30555         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderState.ChangesetEnd">
30556             <summary>The batch reader completed reading a change set.</summary>
30557         </member>
30558         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderState.Completed">
30559             <summary>The batch reader completed reading the batch payload.</summary>
30560             <remarks>The batch reader cannot be used in this state anymore.</remarks>
30561         </member>
30562         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderState.Exception">
30563             <summary>The batch reader encountered an error reading the batch payload.</summary>
30564             <remarks>The batch reader cannot be used in this state anymore.</remarks>
30565         </member>
30566         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter">
30567             <summary>
30568             ODataParameterWriter for the Verbose JSON format.
30569             </summary>
30570         </member>
30571         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.verboseJsonOutputContext">
30572             <summary>
30573             The output context to write to.
30574             </summary>
30575         </member>
30576         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.verboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer">
30577             <summary>
30578             The JSON property and value serializer to use.
30579             </summary>
30580         </member>
30581         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
30582             <summary>
30583             Constructor.
30584             </summary>
30585             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
30586             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
30587         </member>
30588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
30589             <summary>
30590             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
30591             has already been disposed.
30592             </summary>
30593         </member>
30594         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.FlushSynchronously">
30595             <summary>
30596             Flush the output.
30597             </summary>
30598         </member>
30599         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.StartPayload">
30600             <summary>
30601             Start writing an OData payload.
30602             </summary>
30603         </member>
30604         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.EndPayload">
30605             <summary>
30606             Finish writing an OData payload.
30607             </summary>
30608         </member>
30609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.WriteValueParameter(System.String,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
30610             <summary>
30611             Writes a value parameter (either primitive or complex)
30612             </summary>
30613             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to write.</param>
30614             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the parameter to write.</param>
30615             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference of the parameter value.</param>
30616         </member>
30617         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterWriter.CreateFormatCollectionWriter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
30618             <summary>
30619             Creates a format specific <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write the value of a collection parameter.
30620             </summary>
30621             <param name="parameterName">The name of the collection parameter to write.</param>
30622             <param name="expectedItemType">The type reference of the expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
30623             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/>.</returns>
30624         </member>
30625         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriNullValue">
30626             <summary>
30627             Class to represent a null value with or without type information for URI paremeters.
30628             </summary>
30629             <remarks>This class is only intended for use as a sentinal for null values in URI parameters.  It cannot be used elsewhere.</remarks>
30630         </member>
30631         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriNullValue.TypeName">
30632             <summary>
30633             String representation of the type of this null value. 'null' indicates that no type information was provided.
30634             </summary>
30635         </member>
30636         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeometryTypeConverter">
30637             <summary>
30638             Handles serialization and deserialization for types derived from Geometry.
30639             This file is currently compiled by ODataLib and Astoria server, because it contains
30640                  functionality related to both serialization and deserialization, but deserialization
30641                  is not yet integrated into Astoria. Once that integration happens this functionality 
30642                  should be fully contained within ODataLib only.
30643             </summary>
30644         </member>
30645         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter">
30646             <summary>
30647             Interface used for serialization and deserialization of primitive types.
30648             </summary>
30649         </member>
30650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter.TokenizeFromXml(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
30651             <summary>
30652             Create an instance of a primitive type from the value in an Xml reader.
30653             </summary>
30654             <param name="reader">The Xml reader to use to read the value.</param>
30655             <returns>An instance of the primitive type.</returns>
30656         </member>
30657         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter.WriteAtom(System.Object,System.Xml.XmlWriter)">
30658             <summary>
30659             Write the Atom representation of an instance of a primitive type to an XmlWriter.
30660             </summary>
30661             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
30662             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to use to write the instance.</param>
30663         </member>
30664         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter.WriteVerboseJson(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
30665             <summary>
30666             Write the Verbose Json representation of an instance of a primitive type to a json writer.
30667             </summary>
30668             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
30669             <param name="jsonWriter">Instance of JsonWriter.</param>
30670             <param name="typeName">Type name of the instance to write. If the type name is null, the type name will not be written in the payload.</param>
30671             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
30672         </member>
30673         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter.WriteJsonLight(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
30674             <summary>
30675             Write the Json Lite representation of an instance of a primitive type to a json writer.
30676             </summary>
30677             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
30678             <param name="jsonWriter">Instance of JsonWriter.</param>
30679             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
30680         </member>
30681         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeometryTypeConverter.TokenizeFromXml(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
30682             <summary>
30683             Create a Geometry instance from the value in an Xml reader.
30684             </summary>
30685             <param name="reader">The Xml reader to use to read the value.</param>
30686             <remarks>In order to be consistent with how we are reading other types of property values elsewhere in the product, the reader
30687             is expected to be placed at the beginning of the element when entering this method. After this method call, the reader will be placed
30688             at the EndElement, such that the next Element will be read in the next Read call. The deserializer that uses this value expects 
30689             the reader to be in these states when entering and leaving the method.
30690             </remarks>
30691             <returns>Geometry instance that was read.</returns>
30692         </member>
30693         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeometryTypeConverter.WriteAtom(System.Object,System.Xml.XmlWriter)">
30694             <summary>
30695             Write the Atom representation of an instance of a primitive type to an XmlWriter.
30696             </summary>
30697             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
30698             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to use to write the instance.</param>
30699         </member>
30700         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeometryTypeConverter.WriteVerboseJson(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
30701             <summary>
30702             Write the Verbose Json representation of an instance of a primitive type to a json object.
30703             </summary>
30704             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
30705             <param name="jsonWriter">Instance of JsonWriter.</param>
30706             <param name="typeName">Type name of the instance to write. If the type name is null, the type name will not be written in the payload.</param>
30707             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
30708         </member>
30709         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeometryTypeConverter.WriteJsonLight(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
30710             <summary>
30711             Write the Json Lite representation of an instance of a primitive type to a json object.
30712             </summary>
30713             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
30714             <param name="jsonWriter">Instance of JsonWriter.</param>
30715             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
30716         </member>
30717         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer">
30718             <summary>
30719             OData ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on feeds.
30720             </summary>
30721         </member>
30722         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer">
30723             <summary>
30724             Base class for all OData ATOM Metadata deserializers.
30725             </summary>
30726         </member>
30727         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.EmptyNamespace">
30728             <summary>The empty namespace used for attributes in no namespace.</summary>
30729         </member>
30730         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.AtomNamespace">
30731             <summary>Schema namespace for Atom.</summary>
30732         </member>
30733         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
30734             <summary>
30735             Constructor.
30736             </summary>
30737             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
30738         </member>
30739         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomPersonConstruct(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment)">
30740             <summary>
30741             Reads a person (author/contributor) element.
30742             </summary>
30743             <param name="epmTargetPathSegment">The EPM target path segment for the element to read, or null if no EPM for that element is defined.</param>
30744             <returns>The person metadata object with the read values.</returns>
30745             <remarks>
30746             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:contributor/atom:author) - the atom:author/atom:contributor element to read.
30747             Post-Condition: Any                                                - the node after the atom:author/atom:contributor element which was read.
30748             </remarks>
30749         </member>
30750         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomDateConstruct">
30751             <summary>
30752             Reads the element value as DateTimeOffset value.
30753             </summary>
30754             <returns>The DateTimeOffset value of the element.</returns>
30755             <remarks>
30756             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the element which value to read.
30757             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the element.
30759             This method is not used in WCF DS client mode.
30760             </remarks>
30761         </member>
30762         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomDateConstructAsString">
30763             <summary>
30764             Reads the element value as of a date construct as string value.
30765             </summary>
30766             <returns>The string value of the date construct element.</returns>
30767             <remarks>
30768             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the element which value to read.
30769             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the element.
30771             This method is only used in WCF DS client mode.
30772             </remarks>
30773         </member>
30774         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomTextConstruct">
30775             <summary>
30776             Read the ATOM text construct element.
30777             </summary>
30778             <returns>The element read represented as ATOM text construct.</returns>
30779             <remarks>
30780             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the element to read.
30781             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the element.
30782             </remarks>
30783         </member>
30784         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ReadElementStringValue">
30785             <summary>
30786             Reads the value of the current XML element and returns it as a string.
30787             </summary>
30788             <returns>The string value read.</returns>
30789             <remarks>
30790             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the element which value to read.
30791             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the element.
30792             </remarks>
30793         </member>
30794         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ReadTitleElement">
30795             <summary>
30796             Reads an "atom:title" element and returns an <seealso cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct"/>.
30797             </summary>
30798             <returns>An <seealso cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct"/> with the title information.</returns>
30799             <remarks>
30800             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - The start of the atom:title element.
30801             Post-Condition: Any                 - The next node after the atom:title element. 
30802             </remarks>
30803         </member>
30804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ShouldReadElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment@)">
30805             <summary>
30806             Determines if we need to read a child element (either for EPM or for ATOM metadata).
30807             </summary>
30808             <param name="parentSegment">The parent EPM target path segment.</param>
30809             <param name="segmentName">The name of the element/segment to read.</param>
30810             <param name="subSegment">The EPM target path subsegment which describes the element, or null if there's none.</param>
30811             <returns>true if the subelement should be read, false otherwise.</returns>
30812         </member>
30813         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomMetadata">
30814             <summary>
30815             Flag indicating if ATOM metadata is required to be read by the user.
30816             </summary>
30817         </member>
30818         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.EmptyNamespace">
30819             <summary>The empty namespace used for attributes in no namespace.</summary>
30820         </member>
30821         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext,System.Boolean)">
30822             <summary>
30823             Constructor.
30824             </summary>
30825             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
30826             <param name="inSourceElement">Whether this deserializer is reading feed metadata for a source element (true) or a feed element (false).</param>
30827         </member>
30828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomElementAsFeedMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30829             <summary>
30830             Reads an element in the ATOM namespace in feed or source content.
30831             </summary>
30832             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The atom feed metadata object to store metadata details in.</param>
30833             <remarks>
30834             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:*) - the ATOM element to read.
30835             Post-Condition: Any                          - the node after the ATOM element which was read.
30837             If the the property InSourceElement is true (i.e., we're reading within source content), then the value 
30838             of the atom:id element will be stored in the feed metadata as SourceId, otherwise it will be ignored.
30839             </remarks>
30840         </member>
30841         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomLinkElementInFeed(System.String,System.String)">
30842             <summary>
30843             Reads the atom:link element and returns a new ATOM link metadata object.
30844             </summary>
30845             <param name="relation">The value of the rel attribute for the link element.</param>
30846             <param name="hrefStringValue">The value of the href attribute for the link element.</param>
30847             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata"/> instance storing the information about this link.</returns>
30848             <remarks>
30849             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:link) - the atom:link element to read.
30850             Post-Condition: Any                             - the node after the ATOM element which was read.
30851             </remarks>
30852         </member>
30853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadAuthorElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30854             <summary>
30855             Reads an atom:author element in a feed.
30856             </summary>
30857             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30858             <remarks>
30859             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:author) - the atom:author element to read.
30860             Post-Condition: Any                               - the node after the atom:author element which was read.
30861             </remarks>
30862         </member>
30863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadCategoryElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30864             <summary>
30865             Reads an atom:category element in a feed.
30866             </summary>
30867             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30868             <remarks>
30869             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:category) - the atom:category element to read.
30870             Post-Condition: Any                                 - the node after the atom:category which was read.
30871             </remarks>
30872         </member>
30873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadContributorElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30874             <summary>
30875             Reads an atom:contributor element in a feed.
30876             </summary>
30877             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30878             <remarks>
30879             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:contributor) - the atom:contributor element to read.
30880             Post-Condition: Any                                    - the node after the atom:contributor element which was read.
30881             </remarks>
30882         </member>
30883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadGeneratorElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30884             <summary>
30885             Reads an atom:generator element in a feed.
30886             </summary>
30887             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30888             <remarks>
30889             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:generator) - the atom:generator element to read.
30890             Post-Condition: Any                                  - the node after the atom:generator element which was read.
30891             </remarks>
30892         </member>
30893         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadIconElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30894             <summary>
30895             Reads an atom:icon element in a feed.
30896             </summary>
30897             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30898             <remarks>
30899             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:icon) - the atom:icon element to read.
30900             Post-Condition: Any                             - the node after the atom:icon element which was read.
30901             </remarks>
30902         </member>
30903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadIdElementAsSourceId(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30904             <summary>
30905             Reads an atom:id element in a source element.
30906             </summary>
30907             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30908             <remarks>
30909             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:icon) - the atom:icon element to read.
30910             Post-Condition: Any                             - the node after the atom:icon element which was read.
30911             </remarks>
30912         </member>
30913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadLinkElementIntoLinksCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30914             <summary>
30915             Reads an atom:link element into the Links collection of feed metadata (i.e., links that are not special to the OData protocol).
30916             </summary>
30917             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30918             <remarks>
30919             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:link) - the atom:link element to read.
30920             Post-Condition: Any                             - the node after the atom:link element which was read.
30921             </remarks>
30922         </member>
30923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadLogoElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30924             <summary>
30925             Reads an atom:logo element in a feed.
30926             </summary>
30927             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30928             <remarks>
30929             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:logo) - the atom:logo element to read.
30930             Post-Condition: Any                             - the node after the atom:logo element which was read.
30931             </remarks>
30932         </member>
30933         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadRightsElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30934             <summary>
30935             Reads an atom:rights element in a feed.
30936             </summary>
30937             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30938             <remarks>
30939             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:rights) - the atom:rights element to read.
30940             Post-Condition: Any                               - the node after the atom:rights element which was read.
30941             </remarks>
30942         </member>
30943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadSubtitleElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30944             <summary>
30945             Reads an atom:subtitle element in a feed.
30946             </summary>
30947             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30948             <remarks>
30949             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:subtitle) - the atom:subtitle element to read.
30950             Post-Condition: Any                                 - the node after the atom:subtitle element which was read.
30951             </remarks>
30952         </member>
30953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadTitleElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30954             <summary>
30955             Reads an atom:title element in a feed.
30956             </summary>
30957             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30958             <remarks>
30959             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:title) - the atom:title element to read.
30960             Post-Condition: Any                              - the node after the atom:title element which was read.
30961             </remarks>
30962         </member>
30963         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadUpdatedElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata)">
30964             <summary>
30965             Reads an atom:updated element in a feed.
30966             </summary>
30967             <param name="atomFeedMetadata">The feed metadata to augment.</param>
30968             <remarks>
30969             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:updated) - the atom:updated element to read.
30970             Post-Condition: Any                                - the node after the atom:updated element which was read.
30971             </remarks>
30972         </member>
30973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.ReadUriValuedElement">
30974             <summary>
30975             Reads an atom:* element whose value is a URI.
30976             </summary>
30977             <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> which was read.</returns>
30978         </member>
30979         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.VerifyNotPreviouslyDefined(System.Object)">
30980             <summary>
30981             Fails with the appropriate exception message if the given value is not null.
30982             </summary>
30983             <param name="metadataValue">The metadata value to ensure is null.</param>
30984         </member>
30985         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomFeedMetadataDeserializer.InSourceElement">
30986             <summary>
30987             Whether this deserializer is reading feed metadata for a source element (true) or a feed element (false).
30988             </summary>
30989         </member>
30990         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader">
30991             <summary>
30992             OData parameter reader for the Verbose JSON format.
30993             </summary>
30994         </member>
30995         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.verboseJsonInputContext">
30996             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
30997         </member>
30998         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.verboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer">
30999             <summary>The property and value deserializer to read input with.</summary>
31000         </member>
31001         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
31002             <summary>
31003             Constructor.
31004             </summary>
31005             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
31006             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
31007         </member>
31008         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
31009             <summary>
31010             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
31011             </summary>
31012             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
31013             <remarks>
31014             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet.
31015             Post-Condition: When the new state is Value, the reader is positioned at the closing '}' or at the name of the next parameter.
31016                             When the new state is Entry, the reader is positioned at the starting '{' of the entry payload.
31017                             When the new state is Feed or Collection, the reader is positioned at the starting '[' of the feed or collection payload.
31018             </remarks>
31019         </member>
31020         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.ReadNextParameterImplementation">
31021             <summary>
31022             Implementation of the reader logic on the subsequent reads after the first parameter is read.
31023             </summary>
31024             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
31025             <remarks>
31026             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property or JsonNodeType.EndObject:     assumes the last read puts the reader at the begining of the next parameter or at the end of the payload.
31027             Post-Condition: When the new state is Value, the reader is positioned at the closing '}' or at the name of the next parameter.
31028                             When the new state is Entry, the reader is positioned at the starting '{' of the entry payload.
31029                             When the new state is Feed or Collection, the reader is positioned at the starting '[' of the feed or collection payload.
31030             </remarks>
31031         </member>
31032         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.CreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
31033             <summary>
31034             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.
31035             </summary>
31036             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">Expected item type reference of the collection to read.</param>
31037             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read the collection with type <paramref name="expectedItemTypeReference"/>.</returns>
31038         </member>
31039         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.EndOfParameters">
31040             <summary>
31041             Checks to see if we are at the end of the parameters payload.
31042             </summary>
31043             <returns>Returns true if we are at the ending '}' of the parameters payload.</returns>
31044         </member>
31045         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.ReadParametersEnd">
31046             <summary>
31047             Reads the end '}' of the parameters payload.
31048             </summary>
31049         </member>
31050         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonParameterReader.ReadNextParameter">
31051             <summary>
31052             Reads the next parameter from the parameters payload.
31053             </summary>
31054         </member>
31055         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer">
31056             <summary>
31057             OData ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata in a service document
31058             </summary>
31059         </member>
31060         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.AtomNamespace">
31061             <summary>Schema namespace for Atom.</summary>
31062         </member>
31063         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.AtomCategoryElementName">
31064             <summary>The name of the 'category' element in a service document.</summary>
31065         </member>
31066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.AtomHRefAttributeName">
31067             <summary>The name of the 'href' attribute in an 'app:categories' element.</summary>
31068         </member>
31069         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.AtomPublishingFixedAttributeName">
31070             <summary>The name of the 'fixed' attribute in an 'app:categories' element.</summary>
31071         </member>
31072         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.AtomCategorySchemeAttributeName">
31073             <summary>The name of the 'scheme' attribute in an 'app:categories' or 'atom:category' element.</summary>
31074         </member>
31075         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.AtomCategoryTermAttributeName">
31076             <summary>The name of the 'term' attribute in an 'atom:category' element.</summary>
31077         </member>
31078         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.AtomCategoryLabelAttributeName">
31079             <summary>The name of the 'label' attribute in an 'atom:category' element.</summary>
31080         </member>
31081         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.EmptyNamespace">
31082             <summary>The empty namespace</summary>
31083         </member>
31084         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
31085             <summary>
31086             Constructor.
31087             </summary>
31088             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
31089         </member>
31090         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.ReadTitleElementInWorkspace(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomWorkspaceMetadata)">
31091             <summary>
31092             Reads an atom:title element and adds the new information to <paramref name="workspaceMetadata"/>.
31093             </summary>
31094             <param name="workspaceMetadata">The non-null workspace metadata object to augment.</param>
31095             <remarks>
31096             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - The start of the atom:title element.
31097             Post-Condition: Any                 - The next node after the atom:title element. 
31098             </remarks>
31099         </member>
31100         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.ReadTitleElementInCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo)">
31101             <summary>
31102             Reads an atom:title element and adds the new information to <paramref name="collectionInfo"/> and (if ATOM metadata reading is on) <paramref name="collectionMetadata"/>.
31103             </summary>
31104             <param name="collectionMetadata">The collection metadata object to augment, or null if metadata reading is not on.</param>
31105             <param name="collectionInfo">The non-null collection info object being populated.</param>
31106             <remarks>
31107             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - The start of the title element.
31108             Post-Condition: Any                 - The next node after the title element. 
31109             </remarks>
31110         </member>
31111         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.ReadCategoriesElementInCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata)">
31112             <summary>
31113             Reads an app:categories element as well as each atom:category element contained within it, and adds the new information to <paramref name="collectionMetadata"/>.
31114             </summary>
31115             <param name="collectionMetadata">The non-null collection metadata object to augment.</param>
31116             <remarks>
31117             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - The start of the app:categories element.
31118             Post-Condition: Any                 - The next node after the app:categories element. 
31119             </remarks>
31120         </member>
31121         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.ReadAcceptElementInCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata)">
31122             <summary>
31123             Reads an "app:accept" element and adds the new information to <paramref name="collectionMetadata"/>.
31124             </summary>
31125             <param name="collectionMetadata">The non-null collection metadata object to augment.</param>
31126             <remarks>
31127             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - The start of the app:accept element.
31128             Post-Condition: Any                 - The next node after the app:accept element. 
31129             </remarks>
31130         </member>
31131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer.ReadCategoryElementInCollection">
31132             <summary>
31133             Reads an "atom:category" element and returns the data as an <seealso cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata"/> object.
31134             </summary>
31135             <returns>An <seealso cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata"/> object with its properties filled in according to what was found in the XML.</returns>
31136             <remarks>
31137             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - The start of the atom:category element.
31138             Post-Condition: Any                 - The next node after the atom:category element.
31139             </remarks>
31140         </member>
31141         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState">
31142             <summary> Enumeration of all possible states of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader" />. </summary>
31143         </member>
31144         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState.Start">
31145             <summary>The reader is at the start; nothing has been read yet.</summary>
31146             <remarks>In this state the Name and Value properties of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns null.</remarks>
31147         </member>
31148         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState.Value">
31149             <summary>The reader read a primitive or a complex parameter.</summary>
31150             <remarks>In this state the Name property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns the name of the parameter
31151             and the Value property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns the value read (e.g. a primitive value, an ODataComplexValue or null).</remarks>
31152         </member>
31153         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState.Collection">
31154             <summary>The reader is reading a collection parameter.</summary>
31155             <remarks>In this state the Name property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns the name of the parameter
31156             and the Value property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> returns null. The CreateCollectionReader() method on the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>
31157             must be called to get the reader to read the collection value.</remarks>
31158         </member>
31159         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState.Exception">
31160             <summary>The reader has thrown an exception; nothing can be read from the reader anymore.</summary>
31161             <remarks>In this state the Name and Value properties of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> return null.</remarks>
31162         </member>
31163         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReaderState.Completed">
31164             <summary>The reader has completed; nothing can be read anymore.</summary>
31165             <remarks>In this state the Name and Value properties of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> return null.</remarks>
31166         </member>
31167         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver">
31168             <summary>
31169             Implementation of the batch-specific URL resolver that resolves cross-referencing URLs properly.
31170             </summary>
31171         </member>
31172         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver">
31173             <summary>Supports custom resolution of URLs found in the payload.</summary>
31174             <remarks>
31175             This interface can be implemented on messages (see <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage"/> and
31176             <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage"/>). When a message implementing this interface is
31177             passed to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> or <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader"/>, the
31178             message writer/reader will use this interface for custom URL resolution.
31179             On writers this means that whenever a URI is written into the payload the resolution
31180             method on this interface is called to resolve a base URI and a payload URI to the
31181             actual URI to be written to the payload. If the method returns null from a resolution
31182             call the default resolution will be used.
31183             On readers this means that a base URI (either from the payload or the reader settings) and
31184             the URI read from the payload are passed to the method. The result is what is being reported
31185             on the OData OM instances. Again if the resolution method returns null the default resolution
31186             kicks in.
31187             </remarks>
31188         </member>
31189         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver.ResolveUrl(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
31190             <summary>Implements a custom URL resolution scheme. This method returns null if no custom resolution is desired. If the method returns a non-null URL that value will be used without further validation.</summary>
31191             <returns>An instance that reflects the custom resolution of the method arguments into a URL or null if no custom resolution is desired; in that case the default resolution is used.</returns>
31192             <param name="baseUri">The (optional) base URI to use for the resolution.</param>
31193             <param name="payloadUri">The URI read from the payload.</param>
31194         </member>
31195         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.batchMessageUrlResolver">
31196             <summary>The URL resolver from the batch message.</summary>
31197         </member>
31198         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.contentIdCache">
31199             <summary>A hashset with all content IDs used so far in the batch; this is used for cross-referencing URL resolution.</summary>
31200         </member>
31201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
31202             <summary>
31203             Constructor.
31204             </summary>
31205             <param name="batchMessageUrlResolver">The URL resolver from the batch message.</param>
31206         </member>
31207         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataUrlResolver#ResolveUrl(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
31208             <summary>
31209             Method to implement a custom URL resolution scheme.
31210             This method returns null if not custom resolution is desired.
31211             If the method returns a non-null URL that value will be used without further validation.
31212             </summary>
31213             <param name="baseUri">The (optional) base URI to use for the resolution.</param>
31214             <param name="payloadUri">The URI read from the payload.</param>
31215             <returns>
31216             A <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> instance that reflects the custom resolution of the method arguments
31217             into a URL or null if no custom resolution is desired; in that case the default resolution is used.
31218             </returns>
31219         </member>
31220         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.AddContentId(System.String)">
31221             <summary>
31222             Add the content ID to the hashset of valid content IDs.
31223             </summary>
31224             <param name="contentId">The (non-null) content ID to add.</param>
31225         </member>
31226         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.ContainsContentId(System.String)">
31227             <summary>
31228             Checks whether a given (non-null) content ID is already in the content ID cache.
31229             </summary>
31230             <param name="contentId">The content ID to check for.</param>
31231             <returns>true if the content ID cache already contains a content ID with value <paramref name="contentId"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
31232         </member>
31233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.Reset">
31234             <summary>
31235             Resets the cache of content IDs. This is called at the end of each changeset
31236             since content IDs are only unique within a changeset.
31237             </summary>
31238         </member>
31239         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchUrlResolver.BatchMessageUrlResolver">
31240             <summary>
31241             The URL resolver from the batch message.
31242             </summary>
31243         </member>
31244         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataContentTypeException">
31245             <summary>Exception type representing exception when Content-Type of a message is not supported.</summary>
31246         </member>
31247         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataContentTypeException.#ctor">
31248             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataContentTypeException" /> class.</summary>
31249             <remarks>
31250             The Message property is initialized to a system-supplied message
31251             that describes the error. This message takes into account the
31252             current system culture.
31253             </remarks>
31254         </member>
31255         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataContentTypeException.#ctor(System.String)">
31256             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataContentTypeException" /> class.</summary>
31257             <param name="message">Plain text error message for this exception.</param>
31258         </member>
31259         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataContentTypeException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
31260             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataContentTypeException" /> class.</summary>
31261             <param name="message">Plain text error message for this exception.</param>
31262             <param name="innerException">Exception that caused this exception to be thrown.</param>
31263         </member>
31264         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils">
31265             <summary>
31266             Utility functions for writing values for use in a URL.
31267             </summary>
31268         </member>
31269         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertToUriPrimitiveLiteral(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
31270             <summary>
31271             Converts a primitive to a string for use in a Url.
31272             </summary>
31273             <param name="value">Value to convert.</param>
31274             <param name="version">OData version to be compliant with.</param>
31275             <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="value"/> to be added to a Url.</returns>
31276         </member>
31277         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertFromComplexOrCollectionValue(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
31278             <summary>
31279             Converts the given string <paramref name="value"/> to an ODataComplexValue or ODataCollectionValue and returns it.
31280             Tries in both JSON light and Verbose JSON.
31281             </summary>
31282             <remarks>Does not handle primitive values.</remarks>
31283             <param name="value">Value to be deserialized.</param>
31284             <param name="version">ODataVersion to be compliant with.</param>
31285             <param name="model">Model to use for verification.</param>
31286             <param name="typeReference">Expected type reference from deserialization. If null, verification will be skipped.</param>
31287             <returns>An ODataComplexValue or ODataCollectionValue that results from the deserialization of <paramref name="value"/>.</returns>
31288         </member>
31289         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.VerifyAndCoerceUriPrimitiveLiteral(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
31290             <summary>
31291             Verifies that the given <paramref name="primitiveValue"/> is or can be coerced to <paramref name="expectedTypeReference"/>, and coerces it if necessary.
31292             </summary>
31293             <param name="primitiveValue">An EDM primitive value to verify.</param>
31294             <param name="model">Model to verify against.</param>
31295             <param name="expectedTypeReference">Expected type reference.</param>
31296             <param name="version">The version to use for reading.</param>
31297             <returns>Coerced version of the <paramref name="primitiveValue"/>.</returns>
31298         </member>
31299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertToUriComplexLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
31300             <summary>
31301             Converts a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue"/> to a string for use in a Url.
31302             </summary>
31303             <param name="complexValue">Instance to convert.</param>
31304             <param name="model">Model to be used for validation. User model is optional. The EdmLib core model is expected as a minimum.</param>
31305             <param name="version">Version to be compliant with.</param>
31306             <param name="format">ODataFormat to use for the format of the literal.</param>
31307             <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="complexValue"/> to be added to a Url.</returns>
31308         </member>
31309         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertToUriNullValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriNullValue)">
31310             <summary>
31311             Converts an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriNullValue"/> to a string for use in a Url.
31312             </summary>
31313             <param name="nullValue">Instance to convert.</param>
31314             <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="nullValue"/> to be added to a Url.</returns>
31315         </member>
31316         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.ConvertToUriCollectionLiteral(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
31317             <summary>
31318             Converts a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue"/> to a string for use in a Url.
31319             </summary>
31320             <param name="collectionValue">Instance to convert.</param>
31321             <param name="model">Model to be used for validation. User model is optional. The EdmLib core model is expected as a minimum.</param>
31322             <param name="version">Version to be compliant with. Collection requires &gt;= V3.</param>
31323             <param name="format">ODataFormat to use for the format of the literal.</param>
31324             <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="collectionValue"/> to be added to a Url.</returns>
31325         </member>
31326         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.WriteJsonVerboseLiteral(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.IO.TextWriter,System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueSerializer})">
31327             <summary>
31328             Write a literal value in JSON Verbose format.
31329             </summary>
31330             <param name="model">EDM Model to use for validation and type lookups.</param>
31331             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Settings to use when writing.</param>
31332             <param name="textWriter">TextWriter to use as the output for the value.</param>
31333             <param name="writeValue">Delegate to use to actually write the value.</param>
31334         </member>
31335         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.WriteJsonLightLiteral(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.IO.TextWriter,System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer})">
31336             <summary>
31337             Write a literal value in JSON Light format.
31338             </summary>
31339             <param name="model">EDM Model to use for validation and type lookups.</param>
31340             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Settings to use when writing.</param>
31341             <param name="textWriter">TextWriter to use as the output for the value.</param>
31342             <param name="writeValue">Delegate to use to actually write the value.</param>
31343         </member>
31344         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriConversionUtils.CoerceNumericType(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType)">
31345             <summary>
31346             Coerces the given <paramref name="primitiveValue"/> to the appropriate CLR type based on <paramref name="targetEdmType"/>. 
31347             </summary>
31348             <param name="primitiveValue">Primitive value to coerce.</param>
31349             <param name="targetEdmType">Edm primitive type to check against.</param>
31350             <returns><paramref name="primitiveValue"/> as the corresponding CLR type indicated by <paramref name="targetEdmType"/>, or null if unable to coerce.</returns>
31351         </member>
31352         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriUtils">
31353             <summary>
31354             URI Utility methods.
31355             </summary>
31356         </member>
31357         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriUtils.ConvertFromUriLiteral(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
31358             <summary>
31359             Converts the given <paramref name="value"/> to a corresponding CLR type. Expects the 
31360             <paramref name="value"/> to have already been properly unescaped from an actual Uri.
31361             </summary>
31362             <param name="value">Value from a Uri to be converted.</param>
31363             <param name="version">Version to be compliant with.</param>
31364             <returns>A CLR object that the <paramref name="value"/> represents.</returns>
31365         </member>
31366         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriUtils.ConvertFromUriLiteral(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
31367             <summary>
31368             Converts the given <paramref name="value"/> to a corresponding CLR type. Expects the 
31369             <paramref name="value"/> to have already been properly unescaped from an actual Uri.
31370             </summary>
31371             <param name="value">Value from a Uri to be converted.</param>
31372             <param name="version">Version to be compliant with.</param>
31373             <param name="model">Optional model to perform verification against.</param>
31374             <param name="typeReference">Optional IEdmTypeReference to perform verification against. 
31375              Callers must provide a <paramref name="model"/> containing this type if it is specified.</param>
31376             <returns>A CLR object that the <paramref name="value"/> represents.</returns>
31377         </member>
31378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
31379             <summary>
31380             Converts the given object to a string for use in a Uri. Does not perform any of the escaping that <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> provides.
31381             No type verification is used.
31382             </summary>
31383             <param name="value">Value to be converted.</param>
31384             <param name="version">Version to be compliant with.</param>
31385             <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="value"/> for use in a Url.</returns>
31386         </member>
31387         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
31388             <summary>
31389             Converts the given object to a string for use in a Uri. Does not perform any of the escaping that <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> provides.
31390             Will perform type verification based on the given model if possible.
31391             </summary>
31392             <param name="value">Value to be converted.</param>
31393             <param name="version">Version to be compliant with.</param>
31394             <param name="model">Optional model to perform verification against.</param>
31395             <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="value"/> for use in a Url.</returns>
31396         </member>
31397         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriUtils.ConvertToUriLiteral(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
31398             <summary>
31399             Converts the given object to a string in the specified format for use in a Uri. Does not perform any of the escaping that <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> provides.
31400             Will perform type verification based on the given model if possible.
31401             </summary>
31402             <param name="value">Value to be converted.</param>
31403             <param name="version">Version to be compliant with.</param>
31404             <param name="model">Optional model to perform verification against.</param>
31405             <param name="format">ODataFormat to use for structured values such as complex types and collections.</param>
31406             <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="value"/> for use in a Url.</returns>
31407         </member>
31408         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawValueFormat">
31409             <summary>
31410             The RAW OData format.
31411             </summary>
31412         </member>
31413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawValueFormat.ToString">
31414             <summary>
31415             The text representation - the name of the format.
31416             </summary>
31417             <returns>The name of the format.</returns>
31418         </member>
31419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawValueFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
31420             <summary>
31421             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
31422             </summary>
31423             <param name="responseMessage">The response message with the payload stream.</param>
31424             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
31425             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
31426         </member>
31427         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawValueFormat.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
31428             <summary>
31429             Detects the payload kinds supported by this format for the specified message payload.
31430             </summary>
31431             <param name="requestMessage">The request message with the payload stream.</param>
31432             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
31433             <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/>s that are supported with the specified payload.</returns>
31434         </member>
31435         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawValueFormat.CreateInputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Object)">
31436             <summary>
31437             Creates an instance of the input context for this format.
31438             </summary>
31439             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
31440             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
31441             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message to read.</param>
31442             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
31443             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
31444             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
31445             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
31446             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
31447             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
31448             <param name="payloadKindDetectionFormatState">Format specific state stored during payload kind detection
31449             using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo.SetPayloadKindDetectionFormatState(System.Object)"/>.</param>
31450             <returns>The newly created input context.</returns>
31451         </member>
31452         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawValueFormat.CreateOutputContext(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
31453             <summary>
31454             Creates an instance of the output context for this format.
31455             </summary>
31456             <param name="message">The message to use.</param>
31457             <param name="mediaType">The specific media type being written.</param>
31458             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
31459             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
31460             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response message; otherwise false.</param>
31461             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
31462             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
31463             <returns>The newly created output context.</returns>
31464         </member>
31465         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawValueFormat.DetectPayloadKindImplementation(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType)">
31466             <summary>
31467             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
31468             </summary>
31469             <param name="contentType">The content type of the message.</param>
31470             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
31471         </member>
31472         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode">
31473             <summary>
31474             Semantic node that represents a single-value open property access, which is not bound to an EDM model.
31475             </summary>
31476         </member>
31477         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.source">
31478             <summary>
31479             The value containing this property.
31480             </summary>
31481         </member>
31482         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.name">
31483             <summary>
31484             The name of the open property to be bound outside the EDM model.
31485             </summary>
31486         </member>
31487         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueNode,System.String)">
31488             <summary>
31489             Constructs a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode"/>.
31490             </summary>
31491             <param name="source">The value containing this property.</param>
31492             <param name="openPropertyName">The name of the open property to be bound outside the EDM model.</param>
31493             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input source or openPropertyName is null.</exception>
31494         </member>
31495         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.Accept``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor{``0})">
31496             <summary>
31497             Accept a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNodeVisitor`1"/> that walks a tree of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.QueryNode"/>s.
31498             </summary>
31499             <typeparam name="T">Type that the visitor will return after visiting this token.</typeparam>
31500             <param name="visitor">An implementation of the visitor interface.</param>
31501             <returns>An object whose type is determined by the type parameter of the visitor.</returns>
31502             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the input visitor is null.</exception>
31503         </member>
31504         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.Source">
31505             <summary>
31506              Gets the value containing this property.
31507             </summary>
31508         </member>
31509         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.Name">
31510             <summary>
31511             Gets the name of the open property to be bound outside the EDM model.
31512             </summary>
31513         </member>
31514         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.TypeReference">
31515             <summary>
31516             Gets the type of the single value this node represents.
31517             </summary>
31518             <remarks>
31519             The value of this property will always be null for open properties.
31520             </remarks>
31521         </member>
31522         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.SemanticAst.SingleValueOpenPropertyAccessNode.InternalKind">
31523             <summary>
31524             Gets the kind of this query node.
31525             </summary>
31526         </member>
31527         <member name="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind">
31528             <summary>Enumeration used to identify text content of syndication item. </summary>
31529         </member>
31530         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind.Plaintext">
31531             <summary>
31532             Plaintext
31533             </summary>
31534         </member>
31535         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind.Html">
31536             <summary>
31537             HTML
31538             </summary>
31539         </member>
31540         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind.Xhtml">
31541             <summary>
31542             XHTML
31543             </summary>
31544         </member>
31545         <member name="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty">
31546             <summary>Enumeration type that is used to identify the syndication item element or attribute in the Open Data Protocol (OData) feed to which an entity property is mapped.</summary>
31547             <remarks>
31548             Potentially the following atom specific elements could also be considered:
31549             * Content?
31550             * Id
31551             * Source?
31552             </remarks>
31553         </member>
31554         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.CustomProperty">
31555             <summary>
31556             User specified a non-syndication property
31557             </summary>
31558         </member>
31559         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.AuthorEmail">
31560             <summary>
31561             author/email
31562             </summary>
31563         </member>
31564         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.AuthorName">
31565             <summary>
31566             author/name
31567             </summary>
31568         </member>
31569         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.AuthorUri">
31570             <summary>
31571             author/uri
31572             </summary>
31573         </member>
31574         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.ContributorEmail">
31575             <summary>
31576             contributor/email
31577             </summary>
31578         </member>
31579         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.ContributorName">
31580             <summary>
31581             contributor/name
31582             </summary>
31583         </member>
31584         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.ContributorUri">
31585             <summary>
31586             contributor/uri
31587             </summary>
31588         </member>
31589         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.Updated">
31590             <summary>
31591             updated
31592             </summary>
31593         </member>
31594         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.Published">
31595             <summary>
31596             published
31597             </summary>
31598         </member>
31599         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.Rights">
31600             <summary>
31601             rights
31602             </summary>
31603         </member>
31604         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.Summary">
31605             <summary>
31606             summary
31607             </summary>
31608         </member>
31609         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty.Title">
31610             <summary>
31611             title
31612             </summary>
31613         </member>
31614         <member name="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute">
31615             <summary>Attribute that specifies a custom mapping between properties of an entity type and elements of an entry in an Open Data Protocol (OData) feed returned by the data service. </summary>
31616         </member>
31617         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.sourcePath">
31618             <summary>
31619             Source property path.
31620             </summary>
31621         </member>
31622         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.targetPath">
31623             <summary>
31624             Target Xml element/attribute.
31625             </summary>
31626         </member>
31627         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.targetSyndicationItem">
31628             <summary>
31629             If mapping to syndication element, the name of syndication item.
31630             </summary>
31631         </member>
31632         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.targetTextContentKind">
31633             <summary>
31634             If mapping to syndication content, the content type of syndication item.
31635             </summary>
31636         </member>
31637         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.targetNamespacePrefix">
31638             <summary>
31639             If mapping to non-syndication element/attribute, the namespace prefix for the 
31640             target element/attribute.
31641             </summary>
31642         </member>
31643         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.targetNamespaceUri">
31644             <summary>
31645             If mapping to non-syndication element/attribute, the namespace for the 
31646             target element/attribute.
31647             </summary>
31648         </member>
31649         <member name="F:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.keepInContent">
31650             <summary>
31651             The content can optionally be kept in the original location along with the 
31652             newly mapping location by setting this option to true, false by default.
31653             </summary>
31654         </member>
31655         <member name="M:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty,System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind,System.Boolean)">
31656             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" />.</summary>
31657             <param name="sourcePath">The name of the property, as string, of the entity type that is mapped to the specified property of the feed item.</param>
31658             <param name="targetSyndicationItem">A <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty" /> value that represents the element in the feed to which to map the property. This value must be set to None if the <see cref="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetPath" /> is not null.</param>
31659             <param name="targetTextContentKind">A <see cref="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetTextContentKind" /> value that identifies the format of the content to display in the feed.</param>
31660             <param name="keepInContent">Boolean value that is true when the property being mapped must appear both in its mapped-to location and in the content section of the feed. </param>
31661         </member>
31662         <member name="M:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
31663             <summary>Creates an instance of the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" /> to map a property to a custom feed element.</summary>
31664             <param name="sourcePath">The name of the property of the entity type, as string, that is mapped to the specified property in the feed.</param>
31665             <param name="targetPath">The name of the target, as string, in the resulting feed to which the property is mapped.</param>
31666             <param name="targetNamespacePrefix">This parameter, together with <paramref name="targetNamespaceUri" />, specifies the namespace in which the <paramref name="targetPath " />element exists.</param>
31667             <param name="targetNamespaceUri">Specifies the namespace URI of the element, as string, specified by the <paramref name="targetNamespaceUri" /> property. </param>
31668             <param name="keepInContent">Boolean value that is true when the property being mapped must appear both in its mapped-to location and in the content section of the feed. </param>
31669         </member>
31670         <member name="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.SourcePath">
31671             <summary>Gets the name of the property of the syndication item that will be mapped to the specified element of the feed.</summary>
31672             <returns>String value that contains property name.</returns>
31673         </member>
31674         <member name="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetPath">
31675             <summary>Gets the name of the custom target in the feed to which the property is mapped.</summary>
31676             <returns>String value with target XML element or attribute.</returns>
31677         </member>
31678         <member name="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetSyndicationItem">
31679             <summary>Gets the syndication item in the entry targeted by the mapping.</summary>
31680             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty" /> value that is the target of the mapping.</returns>
31681         </member>
31682         <member name="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetNamespacePrefix">
31683             <summary>Gets a string value that, together with <see cref="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetNamespaceUri" />, specifies the namespace in which the <see cref="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetPath" />element exists.</summary>
31684             <returns>String value that contains the target namespace prefix.</returns>
31685         </member>
31686         <member name="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetNamespaceUri">
31687             <summary>Gets a string value that specifies the namespace URI of the element specified by the <see cref="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetPath" /> property.</summary>
31688             <returns>String that contains the namespace URI.</returns>
31689         </member>
31690         <member name="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.TargetTextContentKind">
31691             <summary>Gets the type of content of the property mapped by <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" />.</summary>
31692             <returns>A string that identifies the type of content in the feed element.</returns>
31693         </member>
31694         <member name="P:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.KeepInContent">
31695             <summary>Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a property value should be repeated both in the content section of the feed and in the mapped location.</summary>
31696             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true when the property is mapped into both locations in the feed; otherwise, false.</returns>
31697         </member>
31698         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind">
31699             <summary>
31700             Enumeration for the different kinds of reader and writer behaviors
31701             supported in the OData library.
31702             </summary>
31703         </member>
31704         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind.Default">
31705             <summary>The default behavior of the OData library.</summary>
31706         </member>
31707         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind.WcfDataServicesServer">
31708             <summary>The behavior of the WCF Data Services server.</summary>
31709         </member>
31710         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind.WcfDataServicesClient">
31711             <summary>The behavior of the WCF Data Services client.</summary>
31712         </member>
31713         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior">
31714             <summary>
31715             Class that captures all the information needed to make readers behave
31716             differently when used inside of WCF Data Services or outside.
31717             </summary>
31718         </member>
31719         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.defaultReaderBehavior">
31720             <summary>The default reader behavior for the OData library.</summary>
31721         </member>
31722         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.apiBehaviorKind">
31723             <summary>The API behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31724         </member>
31725         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.typeResolver">
31726             <summary>Custom type resolver used by the WCF DS Client.</summary>
31727             <remarks>
31728             This function is used instead of calling the IEdmModel.FindType.
31729             The first parameter to the function is the expected type (the type infered from the parent property or specified by the external caller).
31730             The second parameter is the type name from the payload.
31731             The function should return the resolved type, or null if no such type was found.
31732             </remarks>
31733         </member>
31734         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.allowDuplicatePropertyNames">
31735             <summary>
31736             If set to true, allows the writers to write duplicate properties of entries and 
31737             complex values (i.e., properties that have the same name). Defaults to 'false'.
31738             </summary>
31739         </member>
31740         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.usesV1Provider">
31741             <summary>true if the server uses a V1 provider; otherwise false.</summary>
31742         </member>
31743         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.typeScheme">
31744             <summary>Used to specify custom type scheme. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.</summary>
31745         </member>
31746         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.odataNamespace">
31747             <summary>Used to specify custom data namespace. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.</summary>
31748         </member>
31749         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.formatBehaviorKind">
31750             <summary>The format behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31751         </member>
31752         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.operationsBoundToEntityTypeMustBeContainerQualified">
31753             <summary>Determines whether operations bound to the given type must be container qualified.</summary>
31754         </member>
31755         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType},System.String,System.String)">
31756             <summary>
31757             Constructor.
31758             </summary>
31759             <param name="formatBehaviorKind">The format behavior kind of this behavior.</param>
31760             <param name="apiBehaviorKind">The API behavior kind of this behavior.</param>
31761             <param name="allowDuplicatePropertyNames">
31762             If set to true, allows the writers to write duplicate properties of entries and 
31763             complex values (i.e., properties that have the same name). Defaults to 'false'.
31764             </param>
31765             <param name="usesV1Provider">true if the server uses a V1 provider; otherwise false.</param>
31766             <param name="typeResolver">Custom type resolver which takes both expected type and type name.
31767             This function is used instead of the IEdmModel.FindType is it's specified.
31768             The first parameter to the function is the expected type (the type infered from the parent property or specified by the external caller).
31769             The second parameter is the type name from the payload.
31770             The function should return the resolved type, or null if no such type was found.</param>
31771             <param name="odataNamespace">Custom data namespace.</param>
31772             <param name="typeScheme">Custom type scheme to use when resolving types.</param>
31773         </member>
31774         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.CreateWcfDataServicesClientBehavior(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType},System.String,System.String)">
31775             <summary>
31776             Create the reader behavior for the WCF Data Services client.
31777             </summary>
31778             <param name="typeResolver">Custom type resolver which takes both expected type and type name.
31779             This function is used instead of the IEdmModel.FindType is it's specified.
31780             The first parameter to the function is the expected type (the type infered from the parent property or specified by the external caller).
31781             The second parameter is the type name from the payload.
31782             The function should return the resolved type, or null if no such type was found.</param>
31783             <param name="odataNamespace">Custom data namespace.</param>
31784             <param name="typeScheme">Custom type scheme to use when resolving types.</param>
31785             <returns>The created reader behavior.</returns>
31786         </member>
31787         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.CreateWcfDataServicesServerBehavior(System.Boolean)">
31788             <summary>
31789             Create the reader behavior for the WCF Data Services server.
31790             </summary>
31791             <param name="usesV1Provider">true if the server uses a V1 provider; otherwise false.</param>
31792             <returns>The created reader behavior.</returns>
31793         </member>
31794         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.ResetFormatBehavior">
31795             <summary>
31796             Resets the format behavior of the current reader behavior to the default format behavior.
31797             </summary>
31798         </member>
31799         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.DefaultBehavior">
31800             <summary>
31801             Get the default reader behavior for the OData library.
31802             </summary>
31803             <returns>The default reader behavior.</returns>
31804         </member>
31805         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.ODataTypeScheme">
31806             <summary>
31807             Used to specify custom type scheme. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.
31808             </summary>
31809         </member>
31810         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.ODataNamespace">
31811             <summary>
31812             Used to specify custom data namespace. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.
31813             </summary>
31814         </member>
31815         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames">
31816             <summary>
31817             If set to true, allows the writers to write duplicate properties of entries and 
31818             complex values (i.e., properties that have the same name). Defaults to 'false'.
31819             </summary>
31820             <remarks>
31821             Independently of this setting duplicate property names are never allowed if one 
31822             of the duplicate property names refers to a named stream property, 
31823             an association link or a collection.
31824             </remarks>
31825         </member>
31826         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.UseV1ProviderBehavior">
31827             <summary>
31828             true if the server is using V1 provider; false otherwise.
31829             </summary>
31830         </member>
31831         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.TypeResolver">
31832             <summary>
31833             Custom type resolver used by the WCF DS Client.
31834             </summary>
31835         </member>
31836         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.FormatBehaviorKind">
31837             <summary>The format behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31838         </member>
31839         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.ApiBehaviorKind">
31840             <summary>The API behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31841         </member>
31842         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior.OperationsBoundToEntityTypeMustBeContainerQualified">
31843             <summary>Determines whether operations bound to the given entity type must be container qualified.</summary>
31844         </member>
31845         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior">
31846             <summary>
31847             Class that captures all the information needed to make writer behave
31848             differently when used inside of WCF Data Services or outside.
31849             </summary>
31850         </member>
31851         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.defaultWriterBehavior">
31852             <summary>The default writer behavior for the OData library.</summary>
31853         </member>
31854         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.apiBehaviorKind">
31855             <summary>The API behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31856         </member>
31857         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.usesV1Provider">
31858             <summary>true if the server uses a V1 provider; otherwise false.</summary>
31859         </member>
31860         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.allowNullValuesForNonNullablePrimitiveTypes">
31861             <summary>true to allow null values for non-nullable primitive types; otherwise false.</summary>
31862         </member>
31863         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.allowDuplicatePropertyNames">
31864             <summary>
31865             If set to true, allows the writers to write duplicate properties of entries and complex values 
31866             (i.e., properties that have the same name). Defaults to 'false'.
31867             </summary>
31868         </member>
31869         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.typeScheme">
31870             <summary>Used to specify custom type scheme. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.</summary>
31871         </member>
31872         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.odataNamespace">
31873             <summary>Used to specify custom data namespace. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.</summary>
31874         </member>
31875         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.formatBehaviorKind">
31876             <summary>The format behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31877         </member>
31878         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBehaviorKind,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String)">
31879             <summary>
31880             Constructor.
31881             </summary>
31882             <param name="formatBehaviorKind">The format behavior kind of this behavior.</param>
31883             <param name="apiBehaviorKind">The API behavior kind of this behavior.</param>
31884             <param name="usesV1Provider">true if the server uses a V1 provider; otherwise false.</param>
31885             <param name="allowNullValuesForNonNullablePrimitiveTypes">
31886             true to allow null values for non-nullable primitive types; otherwise false.
31887             </param>
31888             <param name="allowDuplicatePropertyNames">
31889             If set to true, allows the writers to write duplicate properties of entries 
31890             and complex values (i.e., properties that have the same name).
31891             </param>
31892             <param name="odataNamespace">Custom data namespace.</param>
31893             <param name="typeScheme">Custom type scheme to use when resolving types.</param>
31894         </member>
31895         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.CreateWcfDataServicesClientBehavior(System.String,System.String)">
31896             <summary>
31897             Create the writer behavior for the WCF Data Services client.
31898             </summary>
31899             <param name="odataNamespace">Custom data namespace.</param>
31900             <param name="typeScheme">Custom type scheme to use when resolving types.</param>
31901             <returns>The created writer behavior.</returns>
31902         </member>
31903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.CreateWcfDataServicesServerBehavior(System.Boolean)">
31904             <summary>
31905             Create the writer behavior for the WCF Data Services server.
31906             </summary>
31907             <param name="usesV1Provider">true if the server uses a V1 provider; otherwise false.</param>
31908             <returns>The created writer behavior.</returns>
31909         </member>
31910         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.UseDefaultFormatBehavior">
31911             <summary>
31912             Resets the format behavior of the current writer behavior to the default format behavior.
31913             </summary>
31914         </member>
31915         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.DefaultBehavior">
31916             <summary>
31917             Get the default writer behavior.
31918             </summary>
31919             <returns>The default writer behavior.</returns>
31920         </member>
31921         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.ODataTypeScheme">
31922             <summary>
31923             Used to specify custom type scheme. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.
31924             </summary>
31925         </member>
31926         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.ODataNamespace">
31927             <summary>
31928             Used to specify custom data namespace. Used for compatibility with WCF DS Client.
31929             </summary>
31930         </member>
31931         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.UseV1ProviderBehavior">
31932              <summary>
31933              EPM mappings are defined on entity types but not on complex types.  For entity types, the EPM mapping for each of its primitive properties stay the same.
31934              For complex types however, the EPM mappings changes depending on the entity type each complex property is declared on.
31935              For example, if the "Customer" entity type has the properties Address1 and Address2 both of the complex type "Address".  If properties in Address1
31936              are not mapped while properties in Address2 are mapped with KeepInContent=false, when we serialze the Address type in atom format, we keep properties of
31937              Address1 in content while skipping properties of Address2 from the content.  Thus the same complex type can get serialized differently for each instance
31938              of the type.
31940              Astoria has a bug for V1 providers in which it creates and caches EPM information on the complex type itself the first time it serializes
31941              an instance of the complex type.  So subsequent writes will serialize the complex type the same way regardless of its EPM mapping.
31942              This creates the following 2 problems:
31943              1. If a primitive property of a complex type is not part of a EPM mapping or has KeepInContent=true the first time it's serialized, the property will always
31944                 be serialized in the content for the remaining lifetime of the service, even for instances where KeepInContent=false.
31945              2. If a primitive property of a complex type has KeepInContent=false the first time it's serialized, the property will always be missing in the content
31946                 for the remaining lifetime of the service, even for instances that do not belong to a EPM mapping or have KeepInContent=true.
31947              Unfortunately we cannot fix issue 1 because it can break existing third party clients.  We have to fix issue 2 because it is a data corruption issue.
31949              The solution is to remember on the first write whether a primitive property of a complex type is serialized in content or not.  On subsequent writes
31950              to the same property, we will always keep it in content if the initial write is in content.  Otherwise we calculate whether it should be in content
31951              based on ShouldWritePropertyInContent.
31953              NOTE: this assumes that the complex type in question does not change throughout the lifetime of the service.
31955              See bug 174185.
31956              </summary>
31957         </member>
31958         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.AllowNullValuesForNonNullablePrimitiveTypes">
31959             <summary>
31960             If set to true, the writers will allow writing null values even if the metadata specifies a non-nullable primitive type.
31961             </summary>
31962         </member>
31963         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames">
31964             <summary>
31965             If set to true, allows the writers to write duplicate properties of entries and complex values (i.e., properties that have the same name). Defaults to 'false'.
31966             </summary>
31967             <remarks>
31968             Independently of this setting duplicate property names are never allowed if one of the duplicate property names refers to
31969             a named stream property, an association link or a collection.
31970             </remarks>
31971         </member>
31972         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.FormatBehaviorKind">
31973             <summary>The format behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31974         </member>
31975         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior.ApiBehaviorKind">
31976             <summary>The API behavior kind of this behavior.</summary>
31977         </member>
31978         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer">
31979             <summary>
31980             OData ATOM deserializer for error payloads.
31981             </summary>
31982         </member>
31983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
31984             <summary>
31985             Constructor.
31986             </summary>
31987             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
31988         </member>
31989         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.ReadErrorElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader,System.Int32)">
31990             <summary>
31991             Reads the content of an error element.
31992             </summary>
31993             <param name="xmlReader">The Xml reader to read the error payload from.</param>
31994             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of recursive internalexception elements to allow.</param>
31995             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the error.</returns>
31996             <remarks>
31997             This method is used to read top-level errors as well as in-stream errors (from inside the buffering Xml reader).
31998             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element   - The m:error start element.
31999             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.EndElement - The m:error end-element.
32000                             XmlNodeType.Element    - The empty m:error start element.
32001             </remarks>
32002         </member>
32003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.ReadTopLevelError">
32004             <summary>
32005             Reads a top-level error.
32006             </summary>
32007             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
32008             <remarks>
32009             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.None    - assumes that the Xml reader has not been used yet.
32010             Post-Condition: Any                 - the next node after the m:error end element or the empty m:error element node.
32011             </remarks>
32012         </member>
32013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.VerifyErrorElementNotFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateErrorElementPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateErrorElementPropertyBitMask,System.String)">
32014             <summary>
32015             Verifies that the specified element was not yet found in a top-level error element.
32016             </summary>
32017             <param name="elementsFoundBitField">
32018             The bit field which stores which elements of an error were found so far.
32019             </param>
32020             <param name="elementFoundBitMask">The bit mask for the element to check.</param>
32021             <param name="elementName">The name of the element to check (used for error reporting).</param>
32022         </member>
32023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.VerifyInnerErrorElementNotFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask,System.String)">
32024             <summary>
32025             Verifies that the specified element was not yet found in an inner error element.
32026             </summary>
32027             <param name="elementsFoundBitField">
32028             The bit field which stores which elements of an inner error were found so far.
32029             </param>
32030             <param name="elementFoundBitMask">The bit mask for the element to check.</param>
32031             <param name="elementName">The name of the element to check (used for error reporting).</param>
32032         </member>
32033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.ReadInnerErrorElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
32034             <summary>
32035             Reads the content of an inner error element.
32036             </summary>
32037             <param name="xmlReader">The (buffering) Xml reader to read the error payload from.</param>
32038             <param name="recursionDepth">The number of times this function has been called recursively.</param>
32039             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of recursive internalexception elements to allow.</param>
32040             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError"/> representing the inner error.</returns>
32041             <remarks>
32042             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the m:innererror or m:internalexception element
32043             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the m:innererror/m:internalexception end element or the node after the empty m:innererror/m:internalexception element node.
32044             </remarks>
32045         </member>
32046         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateErrorElementPropertyBitMask">
32047             <summary>
32048             An enumeration of the various kinds of elements in an m:error element.
32049             </summary>
32050         </member>
32051         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateErrorElementPropertyBitMask.None">
32052             <summary>No duplicates.</summary>
32053         </member>
32054         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateErrorElementPropertyBitMask.Code">
32055             <summary>The 'code' element of the error element.</summary>
32056         </member>
32057         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateErrorElementPropertyBitMask.Message">
32058             <summary>The 'message' element of the error element.</summary>
32059         </member>
32060         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateErrorElementPropertyBitMask.InnerError">
32061             <summary>The 'innererror' element of the error element.</summary>
32062         </member>
32063         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask">
32064             <summary>
32065             An enumeration of the various kinds of elements in an internal error element.
32066             </summary>
32067         </member>
32068         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask.None">
32069             <summary>No duplicates.</summary>
32070         </member>
32071         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask.Message">
32072             <summary>The 'message' element of the inner error element.</summary>
32073         </member>
32074         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask.TypeName">
32075             <summary>The 'type' element of the inner error element.</summary>
32076         </member>
32077         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask.StackTrace">
32078             <summary>The 'stacktrace' element of the inner error element.</summary>
32079         </member>
32080         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer.DuplicateInnerErrorElementPropertyBitMask.InternalException">
32081             <summary>The 'internalexception' element of the inner error element.</summary>
32082         </member>
32083         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReader">
32084             <summary>
32085             Reader for the EPM custom-only. Read the EPM properties from cached values.
32086             </summary>
32087         </member>
32088         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader">
32089             <summary>
32090             Base class for EPM readers.
32091             </summary>
32092         </member>
32093         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.atomInputContext">
32094             <summary>The input context currently in use.</summary>
32095         </member>
32096         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.entryState">
32097             <summary>The reader entry state to use for the entry to which the EPM is applied.</summary>
32098         </member>
32099         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
32100             <summary>
32101             Constructor.
32102             </summary>
32103             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state to use for the entry to which the EPM is applied.</param>
32104             <param name="inputContext">The input context currently in use.</param>
32105         </member>
32106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.SetEntryEpmValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo,System.Object)">
32107             <summary>
32108             Sets the value read from EPM to a property on an entry.
32109             </summary>
32110             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info for the mapping for which the value was read.</param>
32111             <param name="propertyValue">The property value read, if the value was specified as null then this should be null,
32112             if the value was missing the method should not be called at all.
32113             For primitive properties this should be the string value, for all other properties this should be the exact value type.</param>
32114         </member>
32115         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.SetEpmValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo,System.Object)">
32116             <summary>
32117             Sets the value read from EPM to a property on an entry.
32118             </summary>
32119             <param name="targetList">The target list, which is a list of properties (on entry or complex value).</param>
32120             <param name="targetTypeReference">The type of the value on which to set the property (can be entity or complex).</param>
32121             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info for the mapping for which the value was read.</param>
32122             <param name="propertyValue">The property value read, if the value was specified as null then this should be null,
32123             if the value was missing the method should not be called at all.
32124             For primitive properties this should be the string value, for all other properties this should be the exact value type.</param>
32125         </member>
32126         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.SetEpmValueForSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo,System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},System.Object)">
32127             <summary>
32128             Sets a property value for a segment of the EPM source path.
32129             </summary>
32130             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info according to which we are mapping the value to properties.</param>
32131             <param name="propertyValuePathIndex">The index in the epmInfo.PropertyValuePath for the source segment for which to set the value.</param>
32132             <param name="segmentStructuralTypeReference">The structural type of the parent segment.</param>
32133             <param name="existingProperties">The list of properties of the parent segment, this method may add to this list.</param>
32134             <param name="propertyValue">The property value read, if the value was specified as null then this should be null,
32135             if the value was missing the method should not be called at all.
32136             For primitive properties this should be the string value, for all other properties this should be the exact value type.</param>
32137         </member>
32138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.AddEpmPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
32139             <summary>
32140             Creates and adds a new property to the list of properties for an EPM.
32141             </summary>
32142             <param name="properties">The list of properties to add the property to.</param>
32143             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to add.</param>
32144             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property to add.</param>
32145             <param name="checkDuplicateEntryPropertyNames">true if the new property should be checked for duplicates against the entry properties; false otherwise.
32146             This should be true if the <paramref name="properties"/> is the list of properties for the entry, and false in all other cases.</param>
32147         </member>
32148         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.EntryState">
32149             <summary>The reader entry state to use for the entry to which the EPM is applied.</summary>
32150         </member>
32151         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.Version">
32152             <summary>The version of OData protocol to use.</summary>
32153         </member>
32154         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmReader.MessageReaderSettings">
32155             <summary>The reader settings to use.</summary>
32156         </member>
32157         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
32158             <summary>
32159             Constructor.
32160             </summary>
32161             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry to which the EPM is applied.</param>
32162             <param name="inputContext">The input context currently in use.</param>
32163         </member>
32164         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReader.ReadEntryEpm(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
32165             <summary>
32166             Reads the custom EPM for an entry.
32167             </summary>
32168             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry to which the EPM is applied.</param>
32169             <param name="inputContext">The input context currently in use.</param>
32170         </member>
32171         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReader.ReadEntryEpm">
32172             <summary>
32173             Reads an EPM for the entire entry.
32174             </summary>
32175         </member>
32176         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReaderValueCache">
32177             <summary>
32178             Cache for values read during deserialization of custom EPM.
32179             </summary>
32180         </member>
32181         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReaderValueCache.customEpmValues">
32182             <summary>
32183             List of custom EPM values read.
32184             This is a map from EPM info to the value read from the payload.
32185             </summary>
32186             <remarks>
32187             The list order is the order in which the values were read from the payload.
32188             They will be applied to the entry properties in that order (this needs to be maintained).
32189             The key is the EPM info for the mapping according to which the value was read.
32190             The value is the string value read from the content (not converted in any way).
32191             null value means true null value should be used.
32192             If the value was missing from the payload there will be no record of it in this list.
32193             </remarks>
32194         </member>
32195         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReaderValueCache.#ctor">
32196             <summary>
32197             Constructor.
32198             </summary>
32199         </member>
32200         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReaderValueCache.Contains(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo)">
32201             <summary>
32202             Determines if the cache already contains a value for the specified EPM mapping.
32203             </summary>
32204             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info for the EPM mapping to look for.</param>
32205             <returns>true if the cache already contains a value for this mapping, false otherwise.</returns>
32206         </member>
32207         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReaderValueCache.Add(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo,System.String)">
32208             <summary>
32209             Adds a value to cache.
32210             </summary>
32211             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info for the mapping according to which the value was read.</param>
32212             <param name="value">The value to cache.</param>
32213             <remarks>
32214             The method will only store the first value for any given EPM info, since in custom EPM
32215             only the first occurrence of the element/attribute is used, the others are ignored.
32216             </remarks>
32217         </member>
32218         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomReaderValueCache.CustomEpmValues">
32219             <summary>
32220             The list of stored custom EPM values (key is the EPM info, value is the string value read for it).
32221             The list is in the order in which the values were read from the payload.
32222             </summary>
32223         </member>
32224         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEpmDeserializer">
32225             <summary>
32226             OData ATOM deserializer for EPM.
32227             </summary>
32228         </member>
32229         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEpmDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
32230             <summary>
32231             Constructor.
32232             </summary>
32233             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
32234         </member>
32235         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEpmDeserializer.TryReadExtensionElementInEntryContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
32236             <summary>
32237             Reads an extension element in non-ATOM namespace in the content of the entry element.
32238             </summary>
32239             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
32240             <returns>true if a mapping for the current custom element was found and the element was read; otherwise false.</returns>
32241             <remarks>
32242             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the element in non-ATOM namespace to read.
32243             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the extension element which was read.
32244             </remarks>
32245         </member>
32246         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEpmDeserializer.TryReadCustomEpmElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment)">
32247             <summary>
32248             Reads an element for custom EPM.
32249             </summary>
32250             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
32251             <param name="epmTargetPathSegment">The EPM target segment for the parent element to which the element belongs.</param>
32252             <returns>true if a mapping for the current custom element was found and the element was read; otherwise false.</returns>
32253             <remarks>
32254             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the element to read.
32255             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the element which was read.
32257             The method works on any element, it checks if the element should be used for EPM or not.
32258             </remarks>
32259         </member>
32260         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEpmDeserializer.ReadCustomEpmAttribute(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment)">
32261             <summary>
32262             Reads an attribute for custom EPM.
32263             </summary>
32264             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
32265             <param name="epmTargetPathSegmentForElement">The EPM target segment for the element to which the attribute belongs.</param>
32266             <remarks>
32267             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Attribute - the attribute to read.
32268             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Attribute - the same attribute, the method doesn't move the reader.
32270             The method works on any attribute, it checks if the attribute should be used for EPM or not.
32271             </remarks>
32272         </member>
32273         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer">
32274             <summary>
32275             OData ATOM deserializer for entity reference links.
32276             </summary>
32277         </member>
32278         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ODataLinksElementName">
32279             <summary>OData element name for the 'links' element</summary>
32280         </member>
32281         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ODataCountElementName">
32282             <summary>OData element name for the 'count' element</summary>
32283         </member>
32284         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ODataNextElementName">
32285             <summary>OData element name for the 'next' element</summary>
32286         </member>
32287         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ODataUriElementName">
32288             <summary>OData element name for the 'uri' element</summary>
32289         </member>
32290         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
32291             <summary>
32292             Constructor.
32293             </summary>
32294             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
32295         </member>
32296         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinks">
32297             <summary>
32298             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
32299             </summary>
32300             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
32301             <remarks>
32302             Pre-Condition:  PayloadStart        - assumes that the XML reader has not been used yet.
32303             Post-Condtion:  XmlNodeType.None    - The reader must be at the end of the input.
32304             </remarks>
32305         </member>
32306         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLink">
32307             <summary>
32308             Reads a top-level entity reference link.
32309             </summary>
32310             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> instance representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
32311             <remarks>
32312             Pre-Condition:  PayloadStart        - assumes that the XML reader has not been used yet.
32313             Post-Condtion:  XmlNodeType.None    - The reader must be at the end of the input.
32314             </remarks>
32315         </member>
32316         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.VerifyEntityReferenceLinksElementNotFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.DuplicateEntityReferenceLinksElementBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.DuplicateEntityReferenceLinksElementBitMask,System.String,System.String)">
32317             <summary>
32318             Verifies that the specified element was not yet found in the entity reference links element.
32319             </summary>
32320             <param name="elementsFoundBitField">The bit field which stores which elements of an inner error were found so far.</param>
32321             <param name="elementFoundBitMask">The bit mask for the element to check.</param>
32322             <param name="elementNamespace">The namespace name of the element ot check (used for error reporting).</param>
32323             <param name="elementName">The name of the element to check (used for error reporting).</param>
32324         </member>
32325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadLinksElement">
32326             <summary>
32327             Reads all top-level entity reference links and the (optional) inline count and next link elements.
32328             </summary>
32329             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> instance representing the read entity reference links.</returns>
32330             <remarks>
32331             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - The 'd:links' element.
32332             Post-Condtion:  any                 - The node after the 'd:links' end element (or empty 'd:links' element).
32333             </remarks>
32334         </member>
32335         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadUriElement">
32336             <summary>
32337             Read an entity reference link.
32338             </summary>
32339             <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> which was read.</returns>
32340             <remarks>
32341             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the 'd:uri' element to read.
32342             Post-Condition: Any                 - the node after the 'd:uri' element which was read.
32343             </remarks>
32344         </member>
32345         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.DuplicateEntityReferenceLinksElementBitMask">
32346             <summary>
32347             An enumeration of the various kinds of properties on an entity reference link collection.
32348             </summary>
32349         </member>
32350         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.DuplicateEntityReferenceLinksElementBitMask.None">
32351             <summary>No duplicates.</summary>
32352         </member>
32353         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.DuplicateEntityReferenceLinksElementBitMask.Count">
32354             <summary>The 'm:count' element of the 'links' element.</summary>
32355         </member>
32356         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.DuplicateEntityReferenceLinksElementBitMask.NextLink">
32357             <summary>The 'd:next' element of the 'links' element.</summary>
32358         </member>
32359         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon">
32360             <summary>
32361             Class with utility methods for dealing with OData metadata that are shared with the OData.Query project.
32362             </summary>
32363         </member>
32364         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsODataPrimitiveTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32365             <summary>
32366             Checks whether a type reference refers to an OData primitive type (i.e., a primitive, non-stream type).
32367             </summary>
32368             <param name="typeReference">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to check.</param>
32369             <returns>true if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> is an OData primitive type reference; otherwise false.</returns>
32370         </member>
32371         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsODataPrimitiveTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32372             <summary>
32373             Checks whether a type refers to an OData primitive type (i.e., a primitive, non-stream type).
32374             </summary>
32375             <param name="type">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> to check.</param>
32376             <returns>true if the <paramref name="type"/> is an OData primitive type; otherwise false.</returns>
32377         </member>
32378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsODataComplexTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32379             <summary>
32380             Checks whether a type reference refers to an OData complex type.
32381             </summary>
32382             <param name="typeReference">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to check.</param>
32383             <returns>true if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> is an OData complex type reference; otherwise false.</returns>
32384         </member>
32385         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsODataComplexTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32386             <summary>
32387             Checks whether a type refers to an OData complex type.
32388             </summary>
32389             <param name="type">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> to check.</param>
32390             <returns>true if the <paramref name="type"/> is an OData complex type; otherwise false.</returns>
32391         </member>
32392         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsODataEntityTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32393             <summary>
32394             Checks whether a type reference refers to an OData entity type.
32395             </summary>
32396             <param name="typeReference">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to check.</param>
32397             <returns>true if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> is an OData entity type reference; otherwise false.</returns>
32398         </member>
32399         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsODataEntityTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32400             <summary>
32401             Checks whether a type refers to an OData entity type.
32402             </summary>
32403             <param name="type">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> to check.</param>
32404             <returns>true if the <paramref name="type"/> is an OData entity type; otherwise false.</returns>
32405         </member>
32406         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsODataValueType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32407             <summary>
32408             Checks whether a type reference is considered a value type in OData.
32409             </summary>
32410             <param name="typeReference">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to check.</param>
32411             <returns>true if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> is considered a value type; otherwise false.</returns>
32412             <remarks>
32413             The notion of value type in the OData space is driven by the IDSMP requirements where 
32414             Clr types denote the primitive types.
32415             </remarks>
32416         </member>
32417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsNonEntityCollectionType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32418             <summary>
32419             Checks whether a type reference refers to a OData collection value type of non-entity elements.
32420             </summary>
32421             <param name="typeReference">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> to check.</param>
32422             <returns>true if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> is a non-entity OData collection value type; otherwise false.</returns>
32423         </member>
32424         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.IsNonEntityCollectionType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32425             <summary>
32426             Checks whether a type refers to a OData collection value type of non-entity elements.
32427             </summary>
32428             <param name="type">The (non-null) <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> to check.</param>
32429             <returns>true if the <paramref name="type"/> is a non-entity OData collection value type; otherwise false.</returns>
32430         </member>
32431         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.AsPrimitiveOrNull(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32432             <summary>
32433             Casts an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference"/> or returns null if this is not supported.
32434             </summary>
32435             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to convert.</param>
32436             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference"/> instance or null if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> cannot be converted.</returns>
32437         </member>
32438         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.AsEntityOrNull(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32439             <summary>
32440             Casts an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference"/> or returns null if this is not supported.
32441             </summary>
32442             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to convert.</param>
32443             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference"/> instance or null if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> cannot be converted.</returns>
32444         </member>
32445         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.AsStructuredOrNull(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32446             <summary>
32447             Casts an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference"/> or returns null if this is not supported.
32448             </summary>
32449             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to convert.</param>
32450             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference"/> instance or null if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> cannot be converted.</returns>
32451         </member>
32452         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtilsCommon.CanConvertPrimitiveTypeTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType)">
32453             <summary>
32454             Determines if a <paramref name="sourcePrimitiveType"/> is convertibale according to OData rules to the
32455             <paramref name="targetPrimitiveType"/>.
32456             </summary>
32457             <param name="sourcePrimitiveType">The type which is to be converted.</param>
32458             <param name="targetPrimitiveType">The type to which we want to convert.</param>
32459             <returns>true if the source type is convertible to the target type; otherwise false.</returns>
32460         </member>
32461         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEdmPropertyAnnotation">
32462             <summary>Represents an annotation to hold information for a particular property.</summary>
32463         </member>
32464         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEdmPropertyAnnotation.NullValueReadBehaviorKind">
32465             <summary> Gets the behavior for readers when reading property with null value. </summary>
32466             <returns>The behavior for readers when reading property with null value.</returns>
32467         </member>
32468         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction">
32469             <summary>Represents an OData action.</summary>
32470         </member>
32471         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation">
32472             <summary>
32473             Represents a function or an action.
32474             </summary>
32475         </member>
32476         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.metadataBuilder">
32477             <summary>the metadata builder for this operation.</summary>
32478         </member>
32479         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.title">
32480             <summary>A human-readable description of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction"/> or the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction"/>.</summary>
32481         </member>
32482         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.hasNonComputedTitle">
32483             <summary>true if a title was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
32484         </member>
32485         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.computedTitle">
32486             <summary>A human-readable description of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction"/> or the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction"/>, computed by the metadata builder.</summary>
32487         </member>
32488         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.target">
32489             <summary>The URI to invoke the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction"/> or the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction"/>.</summary>
32490         </member>
32491         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.hasNonComputedTarget">
32492             <summary>true if a target was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
32493         </member>
32494         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.computedTarget">
32495             <summary>The URI to invoke the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction"/> or the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction"/>, computed by the metadata builder.</summary>
32496         </member>
32497         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.operationFullName">
32498             <summary>The cached full name of the operation to use.</summary>
32499         </member>
32500         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.bindingParameterTypeName">
32501             <summary>The binding parameter type name for this operation.</summary>
32502         </member>
32503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.SetMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder,System.Uri)">
32504             <summary>
32505             Sets the metadata builder for this operation.
32506             </summary>
32507             <param name="builder">The metadata builder used to compute values from model annotations.</param>
32508             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The metadata document Uri.</param>
32509         </member>
32510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.GetMetadataBuilder">
32511             <summary>
32512             Gets the metadata builder for this operation.
32513             </summary>
32514             <returns>The metadata builder used to compute values.</returns>
32515         </member>
32516         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.Metadata">
32517             <summary>Gets or sets the URI to get metadata for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction" />.</summary>
32518             <returns>The URI to get metadata for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction" />.</returns>
32519         </member>
32520         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.Title">
32521             <summary>Gets or sets a human-readable description of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction" />.</summary>
32522             <returns>A human-readable description of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction" />.</returns>
32523         </member>
32524         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation.Target">
32525             <summary>Gets or sets the URI to invoke the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction" />.</summary>
32526             <returns> The URI to invoke the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction" />.</returns>
32527         </member>
32528         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction">
32529             <summary>Represents an OData function.</summary>
32530         </member>
32531         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataInputContext">
32532             <summary>
32533             Implementation of the OData input for metadata documents.
32534             </summary>
32535         </member>
32536         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataInputContext.baseXmlReader">
32537             <summary>The XML reader used to parse the input.</summary>
32538             <remarks>Do not use this to actually read the input, instead use the xmlReader.</remarks>
32539         </member>
32540         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataInputContext.xmlReader">
32541             <summary>The XML reader to read from.</summary>
32542         </member>
32543         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
32544             <summary>Constructor.</summary>
32545             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
32546             <param name="messageStream">The stream to read data from.</param>
32547             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
32548             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
32549             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
32550             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
32551             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
32552             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
32553             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
32554         </member>
32555         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataInputContext.ReadMetadataDocument">
32556             <summary>
32557             Read a metadata document. 
32558             This method reads the metadata document from the input and returns 
32559             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> that represents the read metadata document.
32560             </summary>
32561             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> representing the read metadata document.</returns>
32562         </member>
32563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataInputContext.DisposeImplementation">
32564             <summary>
32565             Disposes the input context.
32566             </summary>
32567         </member>
32568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataInputContext.ReadMetadataDocumentImplementation">
32569             <summary>
32570             This methods reads the metadata from the input and returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/>
32571             representing the read metadata information.
32572             </summary>
32573             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> instance representing the read metadata.</returns>
32574         </member>
32575         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions">
32576             <summary>
32577             Class with code that will eventually live in EdmLib.
32578             </summary>
32579             <remarks>This class should go away completely when the EdmLib integration is fully done.</remarks>
32580         </member>
32581         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.CollectionTypeQualifier">
32582             <summary>The qualifier to turn a type name into a Collection type name.</summary>
32583         </member>
32584         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.CollectionTypeFormat">
32585             <summary>Format string to describe a Collection of a given type.</summary>
32586         </member>
32587         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.PrimitiveTypeReferenceMap">
32588             <summary>
32589             Map of CLR primitive type to EDM primitive type reference. Doesn't include spatial types since they need assignability and not equality.
32590             </summary>
32591         </member>
32592         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.BooleanTypeReference">
32593             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Boolean.</summary>
32594         </member>
32595         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ByteTypeReference">
32596             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Byte.</summary>
32597         </member>
32598         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.DateTimeTypeReference">
32599             <summary>Type reference for Edm.DateTime.</summary>
32600         </member>
32601         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.DecimalTypeReference">
32602             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Decimal.</summary>
32603         </member>
32604         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.DoubleTypeReference">
32605             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Double.</summary>
32606         </member>
32607         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.Int16TypeReference">
32608             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Int16.</summary>
32609         </member>
32610         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.Int32TypeReference">
32611             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Int32.</summary>
32612         </member>
32613         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.Int64TypeReference">
32614             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Int64.</summary>
32615         </member>
32616         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.SByteTypeReference">
32617             <summary>Type reference for Edm.SByte.</summary>
32618         </member>
32619         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.StringTypeReference">
32620             <summary>Type reference for Edm.String.</summary>
32621         </member>
32622         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.SingleTypeReference">
32623             <summary>Type reference for Edm.Float.</summary>
32624         </member>
32625         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.#cctor">
32626             <summary>
32627             Constructor.
32628             </summary>
32629         </member>
32630         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsUserModel(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
32631             <summary>
32632             A method that determines whether a given model is a user model or one of the built-in core models
32633             that can only used for primitive type resolution.
32634             </summary>
32635             <param name="model">The model to check.</param>
32636             <returns>true if the <paramref name="model"/> is a user model; otherwise false.</returns>
32637         </member>
32638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsPrimitiveType(System.Type)">
32639             <summary>
32640             Checks whether the provided <paramref name="clrType"/> is a supported primitive type.
32641             </summary>
32642             <param name="clrType">The CLR type to check.</param>
32643             <returns>true if the <paramref name="clrType"/> is a supported primitive type; otherwise false.</returns>
32644         </member>
32645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.EntityTypes(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
32646             <summary>
32647             Returns all the entity types in a model.
32648             </summary>
32649             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> to get the entity types for (must not be null).</param>
32650             <returns>An enumerable of all <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> instances in the <paramref name="model"/>.</returns>
32651         </member>
32652         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ToCollectionTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
32653             <summary>
32654             Creates a collection value type for the specified <paramref name="itemTypeReference"/>.
32655             </summary>
32656             <param name="itemTypeReference">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference"/> for the item type.</param>
32657             <returns>The created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference"/>.</returns>
32658         </member>
32659         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ToCollectionTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference)">
32660             <summary>
32661             Creates a collection type for the specified <paramref name="itemTypeReference"/>.
32662             </summary>
32663             <param name="itemTypeReference">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference"/> for the item type.</param>
32664             <returns>The created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference"/>.</returns>
32665         </member>
32666         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsAssignableFrom(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32667             <summary>
32668             Checks if the <paramref name="baseType"/> type reference is assignable from the <paramref name="subtype"/> type reference.
32669             In other words, if <paramref name="subtype"/> is a subtype of <paramref name="baseType"/> or not.
32670             </summary>
32671             <param name="baseType">Type of the base type.</param>
32672             <param name="subtype">Type of the sub type.</param>
32673             <returns>true, if the <paramref name="baseType"/> is assignable to <paramref name="subtype"/>. Otherwise returns false.</returns>
32674             <remarks>Note that this method only checks the type definition for assignability; it does not consider nullability
32675             or any other facets of the type reference.</remarks>
32676         </member>
32677         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsAssignableFrom(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32678             <summary>
32679             Checks if the <paramref name="baseType"/> type is assignable from the <paramref name="subtype"/> type.
32680             In other words, if <paramref name="subtype"/> is a subtype of <paramref name="baseType"/> or not.
32681             </summary>
32682             <param name="baseType">Type of the base type.</param>
32683             <param name="subtype">Type of the sub type.</param>
32684             <returns>true, if the <paramref name="baseType"/> is assignable to <paramref name="subtype"/>. Otherwise returns false.</returns>
32685         </member>
32686         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCommonBaseType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
32687             <summary>
32688             Checks if the <paramref name="firstType"/> structured type and the <paramref name="secondType"/> structured type
32689             have a common base type.
32690             In other words, if <paramref name="secondType"/> is a subtype of <paramref name="firstType"/> or not.
32691             </summary>
32692             <param name="firstType">Type of the base type.</param>
32693             <param name="secondType">Type of the sub type.</param>
32694             <returns>The common base type or null if no common base type exists.</returns>
32695         </member>
32696         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCommonBaseType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType)">
32697             <summary>
32698             Checks if the <paramref name="firstType"/> primitive type and the <paramref name="secondType"/> primitive type
32699             have a common base type.
32700             In other words, if <paramref name="secondType"/> is a subtype of <paramref name="firstType"/> or not.
32701             </summary>
32702             <param name="firstType">Type of the base type.</param>
32703             <param name="secondType">Type of the sub type.</param>
32704             <returns>The common base type or null if no common base type exists.</returns>
32705         </member>
32706         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.BaseType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType)">
32707             <summary>
32708             Returns the base type of a primitive type.
32709             </summary>
32710             <param name="type">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType"/> to get the base type for.</param>
32711             <returns>The base type of the <paramref name="type"/> or null if no base type exists.</returns>
32712         </member>
32713         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.AsComplexOrNull(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32714             <summary>
32715             Casts an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference"/> or returns null if this is not supported.
32716             </summary>
32717             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to convert.</param>
32718             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference"/> instance or null if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> cannot be converted.</returns>
32719         </member>
32720         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.AsCollectionOrNull(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32721             <summary>
32722             Casts an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference"/> or returns null if this is not supported.
32723             </summary>
32724             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to convert.</param>
32725             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference"/> instance or null if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> cannot be converted.</returns>
32726         </member>
32727         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ResolvePrimitiveTypeName(System.String)">
32728             <summary>
32729             Resolves the name of a primitive type.
32730             </summary>
32731             <param name="typeName">The name of the type to resolve.</param>
32732             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the type specified by the <paramref name="typeName"/>;
32733             or null if no such type could be found.</returns>
32734         </member>
32735         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionItemType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32736             <summary>
32737             Get the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference"/> of the item type of the <paramref name="typeReference"/>.
32738             </summary>
32739             <param name="typeReference">The collection type to get the item type for.</param>
32740             <returns>The item type of the <paramref name="typeReference"/>.</returns>
32741         </member>
32742         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32743             <summary>
32744             Returns the IEdmCollectionType implementation with the given IEdmType as element type.
32745             </summary>
32746             <param name="itemType">IEdmType instance which is the element type.</param>
32747             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionType"/> instance using the <paramref name="itemType"/> as Collection item type.</returns>
32748         </member>
32749         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32750             <summary>
32751             Returns the IEdmCollectionType implementation with the given IEdmTypeReference as element type.
32752             </summary>
32753             <param name="itemTypeReference">IEdmTypeReference instance which is the element type.</param>
32754             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionType"/> instance using the <paramref name="itemTypeReference"/> as Collection item type.</returns>
32755         </member>
32756         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsGeographyType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32757             <summary>
32758             Checks whether a type reference is a Geography type.
32759             </summary>
32760             <param name="typeReference">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to check.</param>
32761             <returns>true if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> is a Geography type; otherwise false.</returns>
32762         </member>
32763         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsGeometryType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32764             <summary>
32765             Checks whether a type reference is a Geometry type.
32766             </summary>
32767             <param name="typeReference">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> to check.</param>
32768             <returns>true if the <paramref name="typeReference"/> is a Geometry type; otherwise false.</returns>
32769         </member>
32770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionItemTypeName(System.String)">
32771             <summary>
32772             Returns CollectionValue item type name or null if the provided type name is not a collectionValue.
32773             </summary>
32774             <param name="typeName">CollectionValue type name read from payload.</param>
32775             <returns>CollectionValue element type name or null if not a collectionValue.</returns>
32776         </member>
32777         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.FunctionImportGroupName(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport})">
32778             <summary>
32779             Gets the name of a function import group.
32780             </summary>
32781             <param name="functionImportGroup">The function import group in question.</param>
32782             <returns>The name of the function import group.</returns>
32783         </member>
32784         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.FunctionImportGroupFullName(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport})">
32785             <summary>
32786             Gets the full name of a function import group.
32787             </summary>
32788             <param name="functionImportGroup">The function import group in question.</param>
32789             <returns>The full name of the function import group.</returns>
32790         </member>
32791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.NameWithParameters(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
32792             <summary>
32793             Name of the function import with parameters.
32794             </summary>
32795             <param name="functionImport">Function import in question.</param>
32796             <returns>Name of the function import with parameters.</returns>
32797         </member>
32798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.FullNameWithParameters(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
32799             <summary>
32800             Full name of the function import with parameters.
32801             </summary>
32802             <param name="functionImport">Function import in question.</param>
32803             <returns>Full name of the function import with parameters.</returns>
32804         </member>
32805         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.OperationsBoundToEntityTypeMustBeContainerQualified(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
32806             <summary>
32807             Determines whether operations bound to this type must be qualified with the operation they belong to when appearing in a $select clause.
32808             </summary>
32809             <param name="entityType">The entity type the operations are bound to.</param>
32810             <returns>True if the operations must be container qualified, otherwise false.</returns>
32811         </member>
32812         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ODataFullName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
32813             <summary>
32814             Gets the full name of the definition referred to by the type reference.
32815             </summary>
32816             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to get the full name for.</param>
32817             <returns>The full name of this <paramref name="typeReference"/>.</returns>
32818             <remarks>
32819             Note that this method is different from the EdmLib FullName extension method in that it also returns
32820             names for collection types. For EdmLib, collection types are functions and thus don't have a full name.
32821             The name/string they use in CSDL is just shorthand for them.
32822             </remarks>
32823         </member>
32824         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ODataFullName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32825             <summary>
32826             Gets the full name of the type.
32827             </summary>
32828             <param name="type">The type to get the full name for.</param>
32829             <returns>The full name of the <paramref name="type"/>.</returns>
32830             <remarks>
32831             Note that this method is different from the EdmLib FullName extension method in that it also returns
32832             names for collection types. For EdmLib, collection types are functions and thus don't have a full name.
32833             The name/string they use in CSDL is just shorthand for them.
32834             </remarks>
32835         </member>
32836         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.Clone(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
32837             <summary>
32838             Clones the specified type reference.
32839             </summary>
32840             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to clone.</param>
32841             <param name="nullable">true to make the cloned type reference nullable; false to make it non-nullable.</param>
32842             <returns>The cloned <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> instance.</returns>
32843         </member>
32844         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.TargetMultiplicityTemporary(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
32845             <summary>
32846             Gets the multiplicity of a navigation property.
32847             </summary>
32848             <param name="property">Reference to the calling object.</param>
32849             <returns>The multiplicity of the navigation property in question.</returns>
32850             <remarks>This has been added to EdmLib, but EdmLib won't be released for a while.
32851             If you need to use this functionality before we release EdmLib, then use this method. Change your calls
32852             to use the real method whenever we release EdmLib again.</remarks>
32853         </member>
32854         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsAssignableFrom(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
32855             <summary>
32856             Checks if the <paramref name="baseType"/> is assignable to <paramref name="subtype"/>.
32857             In other words, if <paramref name="subtype"/> is a subtype of <paramref name="baseType"/> or not.
32858             </summary>
32859             <param name="baseType">Type of the base type.</param>
32860             <param name="subtype">Type of the sub type.</param>
32861             <returns>true, if the <paramref name="baseType"/> is assignable to <paramref name="subtype"/>. Otherwise returns false.</returns>
32862         </member>
32863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsSpatialType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType)">
32864             <summary>
32865             Checks if the primitive type is a geography or geometry type.
32866             </summary>
32867             <param name="primitiveType">The type to check.</param>
32868             <returns>true, if the <paramref name="primitiveType"/> is a geography or geometry type.</returns>
32869         </member>
32870         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsAssignableFrom(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType)">
32871             <summary>
32872             Checks if the <paramref name="baseType"/> primitive type is assignable to <paramref name="subtype"/> primitive type.
32873             In other words, if <paramref name="subtype"/> is a subtype of <paramref name="baseType"/> or not.
32874             </summary>
32875             <param name="baseType">Type of the base type.</param>
32876             <param name="subtype">Type of the sub type.</param>
32877             <returns>true, if the <paramref name="baseType"/> is assignable to <paramref name="subtype"/>. Otherwise returns false.</returns>
32878         </member>
32879         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetPrimitiveClrType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
32880             <summary>
32881             Returns the primitive CLR type for the specified primitive type reference.
32882             </summary>
32883             <param name="primitiveTypeReference">The primitive type to resolve.</param>
32884             <returns>The CLR type for the primitive type reference.</returns>
32885         </member>
32886         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ToTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32887             <summary>
32888             Turns a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> into the corresponding non-nullable <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/>.
32889             </summary>
32890             <param name="type">The type to convert.</param>
32891             <returns>A non-nullable type reference for the <paramref name="type"/>.</returns>
32892         </member>
32893         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsOpenType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32894             <summary>
32895             Determines whether the provided <paramref name="type"/> is an open type.
32896             </summary>
32897             <param name="type">The type to check.</param>
32898             <returns>true if the <paramref name="type"/> is an open type; otherwise false.</returns>
32899         </member>
32900         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.IsStream(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
32901             <summary>
32902             Determines whether the provided <paramref name="type"/> is a stream.
32903             </summary>
32904             <param name="type">The type to check.</param>
32905             <returns>true if the <paramref name="type"/> represents a stream; otherwise false.</returns>
32906         </member>
32907         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ContainsProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
32908             <summary>
32909             Checks whether the specified <paramref name="property"/> is defined for the type <paramref name="type"/>.
32910             </summary>
32911             <param name="type">The type to check the properties on.</param>
32912             <param name="property">The property to check for.</param>
32913             <returns>true if the <paramref name="property"/> is defined for the <paramref name="type"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
32914         </member>
32915         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ContainsProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
32916             <summary>
32917             Checks whether the specified <paramref name="property"/> is defined for the type <paramref name="typeReference"/>.
32918             </summary>
32919             <param name="typeReference">The type to check the properties on.</param>
32920             <param name="property">The property to check for.</param>
32921             <returns>true if the <paramref name="property"/> is defined for the <paramref name="typeReference"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
32922         </member>
32923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.FullName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainerElement)">
32924             <summary>
32925             Returns the fully qualified name of an entity container element.
32926             </summary>
32927             <param name="containerElement">The container element to get the full name for.</param>
32928             <returns>The full name of the owning entity container, slash, name of the container element.</returns>
32929         </member>
32930         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetPrimitiveTypeReference(System.Type)">
32931             <summary>
32932             Returns the primitive type reference for the given Clr type.
32933             </summary>
32934             <param name="clrType">The Clr type to resolve.</param>
32935             <returns>The primitive type reference for the given Clr type.</returns>
32936         </member>
32937         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ToTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.Boolean)">
32938             <summary>
32939             Turns a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> into the corresponding <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/>.
32940             </summary>
32941             <param name="type">The type to convert.</param>
32942             <param name="nullable">true if the returned type reference should be nullable; otherwise false.</param>
32943             <returns>A type reference for the <paramref name="type"/>.</returns>
32944         </member>
32945         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionTypeName(System.String)">
32946             <summary>
32947             Creates the EDM type name for a collection of the specified item type name. E.g. Collection(Edm.String)
32948             </summary>
32949             <param name="itemTypeName">Type name of the items in the collection.</param>
32950             <returns>Type name for a collection of the specified item type name.</returns>
32951         </member>
32952         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ResolveEntitySet(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
32953             <summary>
32954             Finds the entity set with the specified container and name.
32955             </summary>
32956             <param name="model">The model to find the entity set in.</param>
32957             <param name="containerQualifiedEntitySetName">The container qualified name of the entity set.</param>
32958             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> with the specified name or null if no such entity set exists.</returns>
32959         </member>
32960         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ResolveFunctionImports(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
32961             <summary>
32962             Finds the function import group with the specified container and name. If the name contains the function parameters, this
32963             method will return the function import with matching parameters.
32964             </summary>
32965             <param name="model">The model to find the function import in.</param>
32966             <param name="containerQualifiedFunctionImportName">The container qualified name of the function import.</param>
32967             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> group with the specified name or null if no such function import exists.</returns>
32968         </member>
32969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ResolveFunctionImports(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String,System.Boolean)">
32970             <summary>
32971             Finds the function import group with the specified container and name. If the name contains the function parameters, this
32972             method will return the function import with matching parameters.
32973             </summary>
32974             <param name="model">The model to find the function import in.</param>
32975             <param name="containerQualifiedFunctionImportName">The container qualified name of the function import. May contain parameter type names, e.g. Function1(P1Type,P2Type) only if <paramref name="allowParameterTypeNames"/> is true.</param>
32976             <param name="allowParameterTypeNames">Whether parameter type names are allowed to appear in the function import name to resolve.</param>
32977             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> group with the specified name or null if no such function import exists.</returns>
32978         </member>
32979         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ResolveFunctionImports(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.String)">
32980             <summary>
32981             Resolves a function import or function import group.
32982             </summary>
32983             <param name="container">The entity container.</param>
32984             <param name="functionImportName">The function import name to resolve. May contain parameter type names, e.g. Function1(P1Type,P2Type)</param>
32985             <returns>The resolved function import or function import group.</returns>
32986         </member>
32987         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ResolveFunctionImports(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.String,System.Boolean)">
32988             <summary>
32989             Resolves a function import or function import group.
32990             </summary>
32991             <param name="container">The entity container.</param>
32992             <param name="functionImportName">The function import name to resolve. May contain parameter type names, e.g. Function1(P1Type,P2Type) only if <paramref name="allowParameterTypeNames"/> is true.</param>
32993             <param name="allowParameterTypeNames">Whether parameter type names are allowed to appear in the function import name to resolve.</param>
32994             <returns>The resolved function import or function import group.</returns>
32995         </member>
32996         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.FindFunctionImportsByBindingParameterTypeHierarchy(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.String)">
32997             <summary>
32998             Finds all function imports with the given name which are bindable to an instance of the giving binding type or a more derived type.
32999             </summary>
33000             <param name="model">The model to find the function import in.</param>
33001             <param name="bindingType">The binding entity type.</param>
33002             <param name="functionImportName">The name of the function imports to find. May be qualified with an entity container name.</param>
33003             <returns>The function imports that match the search criteria.</returns>
33004         </member>
33005         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.FindFunctionImportsBySpecificBindingParameterType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String)">
33006             <summary>
33007             Finds all function imports with the given name which are bindable to an instance of the giving binding type or a more derived type.
33008             </summary>
33009             <param name="model">The model to find the function import in.</param>
33010             <param name="bindingType">The binding entity type.</param>
33011             <param name="functionImportName">The name of the function imports to find. May be qualified with an entity container name.</param>
33012             <returns>The function imports that match the search criteria.</returns>
33013         </member>
33014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetPrimitiveClrType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
33015             <summary>
33016             Returns the primitive CLR type for the specified primitive type reference.
33017             </summary>
33018             <param name="primitiveType">The primitive type to resolve.</param>
33019             <param name="isNullable">Whether the returned type should be a nullable variant or not.</param>
33020             <returns>The CLR type for the primitive type reference.</returns>
33021         </member>
33022         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionItemTypeName(System.String,System.Boolean)">
33023             <summary>
33024             Returns Collection item type name or null if the provided type name is not a collection.
33025             </summary>
33026             <param name="typeName">Collection type name.</param>
33027             <param name="isNested">Whether it is a nested (recursive) call.</param>
33028             <returns>Collection element type name or null if not a collection.</returns>
33029             <remarks>
33030             The following rules are used for collection type names:
33031             - it has to start with "Collection(" and end with ")" - trailing and leading whitespaces make the type not to be recognized as collection.
33032             - there is to be no characters (including whitespaces) between "Collection" and "(" - otherwise it won't berecognized as collection
33033             - collection item type name has to be a non-empty string - i.e. "Collection()" won't be recognized as collection
33034             - nested collection - e.g. "Collection(Collection(Edm.Int32))" - are not supported - we will throw
33035             Note the following are examples of valid type names which are not collection:
33036             - "Collection()"
33037             - " Collection(Edm.Int32)"
33038             - "Collection (Edm.Int32)"
33039             - "Collection("
33040             </remarks>
33041         </member>
33042         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ParameterTypesToString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
33043             <summary>
33044             Gets the function import parameter types in string.
33045             </summary>
33046             <param name="functionImport">Function import in question.</param>
33047             <returns>Comma separated function import parameter types enclosed in parantheses.</returns>
33048         </member>
33049         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ToTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
33050             <summary>
33051             Gets a reference to a primitive kind definition of the appropriate kind.
33052             </summary>
33053             <param name="primitiveType">Primitive type to create a reference for.</param>
33054             <param name="nullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable per default.</param>
33055             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
33056         </member>
33057         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.TryGetSingleOrDefaultEntityContainer(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer@)">
33058             <summary>
33059             Gets the single entity container or the default one if there are multiple containers.
33060             </summary>
33061             <param name="model">Model to find entity containers in.</param>
33062             <param name="foundContainer">Single container that was found.</param>
33063             <returns>Entity Container found in the model</returns>
33064         </member>
33065         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmLibraryExtensions.ResolveContainerQualifiedElementName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainerElement}})">
33066             <summary>
33067             Finds the container elements with the specified container and name.
33068             </summary>
33069             <param name="model">The model to find the element in.</param>
33070             <param name="containerQualifiedElementName">The container qualified name of the elements.</param>
33071             <param name="resolver">The resolver method to resolve the elements.</param>
33072             <returns>The enumeration of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainerElement"/> with the specified name or null if no such element exists.</returns>
33073         </member>
33074         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants">
33075             <summary>
33076             Constant values used related to EPM (entity property mapping).
33077             </summary>
33078         </member>
33079         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataEpmKeepInContent">
33080             <summary>Attribute name for the FC_KeepInContent attribute used for EPM.</summary>
33081         </member>
33082         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataEpmContentKind">
33083             <summary>Attribute name for the FC_ContentKind attribute used for EPM.</summary>
33084         </member>
33085         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataEpmSourcePath">
33086             <summary>Attribute name for the FC_SourcePath attribute used for EPM.</summary>
33087         </member>
33088         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataEpmTargetPath">
33089             <summary>Attribute name for the FC_TargetPath attribute used for EPM.</summary>
33090         </member>
33091         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataEpmNsPrefix">
33092             <summary>Attribute name for the target namespace prefix (FC_NsPrefix) attribute used for custom EPM.</summary>
33093         </member>
33094         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataEpmNsUri">
33095             <summary>Attribute name for the target namespace Uri (FC_NsUri) attribute used for custom EPM.</summary>
33096         </member>
33097         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemAuthorEmail">
33098             <summary>Target path for author/email</summary>
33099         </member>
33100         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemAuthorName">
33101             <summary>Target path for author/name</summary>
33102         </member>
33103         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemAuthorUri">
33104             <summary>Target path for author/uri</summary>
33105         </member>
33106         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemContributorEmail">
33107             <summary>Target path for contributor/email</summary>
33108         </member>
33109         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemContributorName">
33110             <summary>Target path for contributor/name</summary>
33111         </member>
33112         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemContributorUri">
33113             <summary>Target path for contributor/uri</summary>
33114         </member>
33115         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemUpdated">
33116             <summary>Target path for updated</summary>
33117         </member>
33118         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemPublished">
33119             <summary>Target path for published</summary>
33120         </member>
33121         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemRights">
33122             <summary>Target path for rights</summary>
33123         </member>
33124         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemSummary">
33125             <summary>Target path for summary</summary>
33126         </member>
33127         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndItemTitle">
33128             <summary>Target path for title</summary>
33129         </member>
33130         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathAuthorEmail">
33131             <summary>Target path for author/email</summary>
33132         </member>
33133         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathAuthorName">
33134             <summary>Target path for author/name</summary>
33135         </member>
33136         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathAuthorUri">
33137             <summary>Target path for author/uri</summary>
33138         </member>
33139         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathContributorEmail">
33140             <summary>Target path for contributor/email</summary>
33141         </member>
33142         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathContributorName">
33143             <summary>Target path for contributor/name</summary>
33144         </member>
33145         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathContributorUri">
33146             <summary>Target path for contributor/uri</summary>
33147         </member>
33148         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathUpdated">
33149             <summary>Target path for updated</summary>
33150         </member>
33151         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathPublished">
33152             <summary>Target path for published</summary>
33153         </member>
33154         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathRights">
33155             <summary>Target path for rights</summary>
33156         </member>
33157         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathSummary">
33158             <summary>Target path for summary</summary>
33159         </member>
33160         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.PropertyMappingTargetPathTitle">
33161             <summary>Target path for title</summary>
33162         </member>
33163         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndContentKindPlaintext">
33164             <summary>String value for the syndication content kind 'text'.</summary>
33165         </member>
33166         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndContentKindHtml">
33167             <summary>String value for the syndication content kind 'HTML'.</summary>
33168         </member>
33169         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmConstants.ODataSyndContentKindXHtml">
33170             <summary>String value for the syndication content kind 'XHTML'.</summary>
33171         </member>
33172         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder">
33173             <summary>
33174             Builder class for the name of EPM attributes as serialized in CSDL.
33175             This class keeps track of the number of mappings for a given type/property and appends post fixes to the names as needed.
33176             </summary>
33177         </member>
33178         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.Separator">
33179             <summary>Separator character for building attribute names.</summary>
33180         </member>
33181         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.index">
33182             <summary>Current index.</summary>
33183             <remarks>The first time the name builder is used the names have no suffix. 
33184             The second time (after calling MoveNext once)
33185             the name builder will use suffix '_1', then suffix '_2' and so on.
33186             </remarks>
33187         </member>
33188         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.suffix">
33189             <summary>Suffix for current attribute names.</summary>
33190         </member>
33191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.#ctor">
33192             <summary>Constructor</summary>
33193         </member>
33194         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.MoveNext">
33195             <summary>Move to next attribute name generation.</summary>
33196         </member>
33197         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.EpmKeepInContent">
33198             <summary>Current keep-in-content attribute name.</summary>
33199         </member>
33200         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.EpmSourcePath">
33201             <summary>Current source path attribute name.</summary>
33202         </member>
33203         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.EpmTargetPath">
33204             <summary>Current target path attribute name.</summary>
33205         </member>
33206         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.EpmContentKind">
33207             <summary>Current content kind attribute name.</summary>
33208         </member>
33209         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.EpmNsPrefix">
33210             <summary>Current namespace prefix attribute name.</summary>
33211         </member>
33212         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmAttributeNameBuilder.EpmNsUri">
33213             <summary>Current namespace Uri attribute name.</summary>
33214         </member>
33215         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache">
33216             <summary>
33217             Annotation stored on an entity type to hold entity property mapping information.
33218             </summary>
33219         </member>
33220         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.mappings">
33221             <summary>
33222             A list of the EPM mappings this cache was constructed for. 
33223             Used to determine whether the cache is dirty or not.
33224             </summary>
33225         </member>
33226         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.mappingsForInheritedProperties">
33227             <summary>
33228             Inherited EntityPropertyMapping attributes.
33229             </summary>
33230         </member>
33231         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.mappingsForDeclaredProperties">
33232             <summary>
33233             Own EntityPropertyMapping attributes.
33234             </summary>
33235         </member>
33236         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.epmSourceTree">
33237             <summary>
33238             EPM source tree for the type this annotation belongs to.
33239             </summary>
33240         </member>
33241         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.epmTargetTree">
33242             <summary>
33243             EPM target tree for the type this annotation belongs to.
33244             </summary>
33245         </member>
33246         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.model">
33247             <summary>
33248             EDM model.
33249             </summary>
33250         </member>
33251         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.totalMappingCount">
33252             <summary>The total number of entity property mappings for the entity type that this cache is created for (on the type itself and all its base types).</summary>
33253         </member>
33254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Int32)">
33255             <summary>
33256             Constructor.
33257             </summary>
33258             <param name="mappings">The EPM mappings to create the cache for.</param>
33259             <param name="model">The EDM model.</param>
33260             <param name="totalMappingCount">The total number of entity property mappings 
33261             for the entity type that this cache is created for (on the type itself and all its base types).</param>
33262         </member>
33263         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.BuildEpmForType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
33264             <summary>
33265             Initializes the EPM annotation with EPM information from the specified type.
33266             </summary>
33267             <param name="definingEntityType">Entity type to use the EPM infromation from.</param>
33268             <param name="affectedEntityType">Entity type for this the EPM information is being built.</param>
33269         </member>
33270         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.IsDirty(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection)">
33271             <summary>
33272             Checks whether the current cache is dirty with respect to the <paramref name="propertyMappings"/>.
33273             </summary>
33274             <param name="propertyMappings">The EPM mappings to check this cache against.</param>
33275             <returns>true if the <paramref name="propertyMappings"/> are not the same as the ones the cache has been created for (or have changed).</returns>
33276         </member>
33277         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.PropertyExistsOnType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute)">
33278             <summary>
33279             Does given property in the attribute exist in the specified type.
33280             </summary>
33281             <param name="structuredType">The type to inspect.</param>
33282             <param name="epmAttribute">Attribute which has PropertyName.</param>
33283             <returns>true if property exists in the specified type, false otherwise.</returns>
33284         </member>
33285         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.MappingsForInheritedProperties">
33286             <summary>
33287             Inherited EntityPropertyMapping attributes.
33288             </summary>
33289         </member>
33290         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.MappingsForDeclaredProperties">
33291             <summary>
33292             Own EntityPropertyMapping attributes.
33293             </summary>
33294         </member>
33295         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.EpmSourceTree">
33296             <summary>
33297             EPM source tree for the type this annotation belongs to.
33298             </summary>
33299         </member>
33300         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.EpmTargetTree">
33301             <summary>
33302             EPM target tree for the type this annotation belongs to.
33303             </summary>
33304         </member>
33305         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.AllMappings">
33306             <summary>
33307             All EntityPropertyMapping attributes.
33308             </summary>
33309         </member>
33310         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache.TotalMappingCount">
33311             <summary>
33312             The total number of entity property mappings for the entity type that this cache is created for (on the type itself and all its base types).
33313             </summary>
33314         </member>
33315         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection">
33316             <summary>
33317             Represents an enumerable of <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> that new items can be added to.
33318             </summary>
33319         </member>
33320         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection.mappings">
33321             <summary>List of the mappings represented by this enumerable.</summary>
33322         </member>
33323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection.#ctor">
33324             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection" /> class.</summary>
33325         </member>
33326         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute})">
33327             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection" /> class.</summary>
33328             <param name="other">An enumerable of <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" /> used to initialize the instance. This argument must not be null.</param>
33329         </member>
33330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection.Add(System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute)">
33331             <summary>Adds the mapping to the list of all mappings represented by this class.</summary>
33332             <param name="mapping">The <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" /> to add to the enumerable represented by this class.</param>
33333         </member>
33334         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection.GetEnumerator">
33335             <summary>Returns an enumerator for the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" /> instances in this enumerable.</summary>
33336             <returns>An enumerator for the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" /> instances in this enumerable.</returns>
33337         </member>
33338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
33339             <summary>Returns a non-generic enumerator for the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" /> instances in this enumerable.</summary>
33340             <returns>A non-generic enumerator for the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute" /> instances in this enumerable.</returns>
33341         </member>
33342         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection.Count">
33343             <summary>
33344             The count of mappings stored in this collection.
33345             </summary>
33346         </member>
33347         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils">
33348             <summary>
33349             Helper methods used by the OData reader for the Verbose JSON format.
33350             </summary>
33351         </member>
33352         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.DetermineFeedPropertyKind(System.String)">
33353             <summary>
33354             Compares the <paramref name="propertyName"/> against the list of supported feed-level properties and
33355             returns the kind of property.
33356             </summary>
33357             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to check.</param>
33358             <returns>The kind of feed-level property of the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>.</returns>
33359         </member>
33360         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ConvertValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.String)">
33361             <summary>
33362             Converts the given JSON value to the expected type as per OData conversion rules for JSON values.
33363             </summary>
33364             <param name="value">Value to the converted.</param>
33365             <param name="primitiveTypeReference">Type reference to which the value needs to be converted.</param>
33366             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings used for reading.</param>
33367             <param name="version">The version of the OData protocol used for reading.</param>
33368             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate null values; otherwise false.</param>
33369             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
33370             <returns>Object which is in sync with the property type (modulo the V1 exception of converting numbers to non-compatible target types).</returns>
33371         </member>
33372         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EnsureInstance``1(``0@)">
33373             <summary>
33374             Ensure that the <paramref name="instance"/> is not null; if so create a new instance.
33375             </summary>
33376             <typeparam name="T">The type of the instance to check.</typeparam>
33377             <param name="instance">The instance to check for null.</param>
33378         </member>
33379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyNotFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask)">
33380             <summary>
33381             Checks whether the specified property has already been found before.
33382             </summary>
33383             <param name="propertiesFoundBitField">
33384             The bit field which stores which properties of an error or inner error were found so far.
33385             </param>
33386             <param name="propertyFoundBitMask">The bit mask for the property to check.</param>
33387             <returns>true if the property has not been read before; otherwise false.</returns>
33388         </member>
33389         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ValidateMetadataStringProperty(System.String,System.String)">
33390             <summary>
33391             Validates that the string property in __metadata is valid.
33392             </summary>
33393             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
33394             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property (used for error reporting).</param>
33395         </member>
33396         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.VerifyMetadataPropertyNotFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask,System.String)">
33397             <summary>
33398             Verifies that the specified property was not yet found.
33399             </summary>
33400             <param name="propertiesFoundBitField">The bit field which stores which metadata properties were found so far.</param>
33401             <param name="propertyFoundBitMask">The bit mask for the property to check.</param>
33402             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to check (used for error reporting).</param>
33403         </member>
33404         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ValidateEntityReferenceLinksStringProperty(System.String,System.String)">
33405             <summary>
33406             Validates that the string property in an entity reference links collection is valid.
33407             </summary>
33408             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
33409             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property (used for error reporting).</param>
33410         </member>
33411         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ValidateCountPropertyInEntityReferenceLinks(System.Nullable{System.Int64})">
33412             <summary>
33413             Validates that the count property in an OData-owned object wrapper is valid.
33414             </summary>
33415             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
33416         </member>
33417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.VerifyEntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyNotFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask,System.String)">
33418             <summary>
33419             Verifies that the specified property was not yet found.
33420             </summary>
33421             <param name="propertiesFoundBitField">
33422             The bit field which stores which properties of an entity reference link collection were found so far.
33423             </param>
33424             <param name="propertyFoundBitMask">The bit mask for the property to check.</param>
33425             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to check (used for error reporting).</param>
33426         </member>
33427         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.VerifyErrorPropertyNotFound(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask,System.String)">
33428             <summary>
33429             Verifies that the specified property was not yet found.
33430             </summary>
33431             <param name="propertiesFoundBitField">
33432             The bit field which stores which properties of an error or inner error were found so far.
33433             </param>
33434             <param name="propertyFoundBitMask">The bit mask for the property to check.</param>
33435             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to check (used for error reporting).</param>
33436         </member>
33437         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ValidateMediaResourceStringProperty(System.String,System.String)">
33438             <summary>
33439             Validates that the string property in __mediaresource is valid.
33440             </summary>
33441             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
33442             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property (used for error reporting).</param>
33443         </member>
33444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ValidateFeedProperty(System.Object,System.String)">
33445             <summary>
33446             Validates that the property in feed wrapper is valid.
33447             </summary>
33448             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
33449             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property (used for error reporting).</param>
33450         </member>
33451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.GetPayloadTypeName(System.Object)">
33452             <summary>
33453             Gets the payload type name for an OData OM instance for JSON.
33454             </summary>
33455             <param name="payloadItem">The payload item to get the type name for.</param>
33456             <returns>The type name as read from the payload item (or constructed for primitive items).</returns>
33457         </member>
33458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ConvertStringValue(System.String,System.Type,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
33459             <summary>
33460             Converts the given JSON string value to the expected type as per OData conversion rules for JSON values.
33461             </summary>
33462             <param name="stringValue">String value to the converted.</param>
33463             <param name="targetType">Target type to which the string value needs to be converted.</param>
33464             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
33465             <returns>Object which is in sync with the target type.</returns>
33466         </member>
33467         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ConvertInt32Value(System.Int32,System.Type,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
33468             <summary>
33469             Converts the given JSON int value to the expected type as per OData conversion rules for JSON values.
33470             </summary>
33471             <param name="intValue">Int32 value to the converted.</param>
33472             <param name="targetType">Target type to which the int value needs to be converted.</param>
33473             <param name="primitiveTypeReference">Type reference to which the value needs to be converted.</param>
33474             <param name="usesV1ProviderBehavior">true if the conversion should use the V1 provider behavior, false if the default behavior should be used.</param>
33475             <returns>Object which is in sync with the property type (modulo the V1 exception of converting numbers to non-compatible target types).</returns>
33476         </member>
33477         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ConvertDateTimeValue(System.DateTime,System.Type,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior)">
33478             <summary>
33479             Converts the given datetime value into the allowed target types.
33480             </summary>
33481             <param name="datetimeValue">DateTime value as read by the JsonReader.</param>
33482             <param name="targetType">Target type to which the datetime value needs to be converted.</param>
33483             <param name="primitiveTypeReference">Type reference to which the value needs to be converted.</param>
33484             <param name="readerBehavior">ODataReaderBehavior instance.</param>
33485             <returns>Object which is in sync with the target type.</returns>
33486         </member>
33487         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.IsV1PrimitiveType(System.Type)">
33488             <summary>
33489             Checks if the given type is a V1 primitive type or not.
33490             </summary>
33491             <param name="targetType">Type instance.</param>
33492             <returns>True if the given target type is a V1 primitive type otherwise returns false.</returns>
33493         </member>
33494         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.FeedPropertyKind">
33495             <summary>
33496             An enumeration of the various kinds of properties on a feed wrapper object.
33497             </summary>
33498         </member>
33499         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.FeedPropertyKind.Unsupported">
33500             <summary>An unsupported property at the feed level.</summary>
33501         </member>
33502         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.FeedPropertyKind.Count">
33503             <summary>The inline count property of a feed.</summary>
33504         </member>
33505         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.FeedPropertyKind.Results">
33506             <summary>The results property of a feed.</summary>
33507         </member>
33508         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.FeedPropertyKind.NextPageLink">
33509             <summary>The next page link property of a feed.</summary>
33510         </member>
33511         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask">
33512             <summary>
33513             An enumeration of the various kinds of properties on an entity reference link collection.
33514             </summary>
33515         </member>
33516         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask.None">
33517             <summary>An unsupported property at the wrapper level.</summary>
33518         </member>
33519         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask.Count">
33520             <summary>The inline count property of an entity reference links wrapper.</summary>
33521         </member>
33522         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask.Results">
33523             <summary>The results property of an entity reference links wrapper.</summary>
33524         </member>
33525         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask.NextPageLink">
33526             <summary>The next page link property of an entity reference links wrapper.</summary>
33527         </member>
33528         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask">
33529             <summary>
33530             Enumeration of all properties in error payloads, the value of the enum is the bitmask which identifies
33531             a bit per property.
33532             </summary>
33533             <remarks>
33534             We only use a single enumeration for both top-level as well as inner errors. 
33535             This means that some bits are never set for top-level (or inner errors).
33536             </remarks>
33537         </member>
33538         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.None">
33539             <summary>No property found yet.</summary>
33540         </member>
33541         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.Error">
33542             <summary>The "error" of the top-level object.</summary>
33543         </member>
33544         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.Code">
33545             <summary>The "code" property.</summary>
33546         </member>
33547         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.Message">
33548             <summary>The "message" property of either the error object or the inner error object.</summary>
33549         </member>
33550         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.MessageLanguage">
33551             <summary>The "lang" property of the message object.</summary>
33552         </member>
33553         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.MessageValue">
33554             <summary>The "value" property of the message object.</summary>
33555         </member>
33556         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.InnerError">
33557             <summary>The "innererror" or "internalexception" property of the error object or an inner error object.</summary>
33558         </member>
33559         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.TypeName">
33560             <summary>The "type" property of an inner error object.</summary>
33561         </member>
33562         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.ErrorPropertyBitMask.StackTrace">
33563             <summary>The "stacktrace" property of an inner error object.</summary>
33564         </member>
33565         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask">
33566             <summary>
33567             Enumeration of all properties in __metadata, the value of the enum is the bitmask which identifies
33568             a bit per property.
33569             </summary>
33570         </member>
33571         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.None">
33572             <summary>No property found yet.</summary>
33573         </member>
33574         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.Uri">
33575             <summary>The "uri" property.</summary>
33576         </member>
33577         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.Type">
33578             <summary>The "type" property.</summary>
33579         </member>
33580         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.ETag">
33581             <summary>The "etag" property.</summary>
33582         </member>
33583         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.MediaUri">
33584             <summary>The "media_src" property.</summary>
33585         </member>
33586         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.EditMedia">
33587             <summary>The "edit_media" property.</summary>
33588         </member>
33589         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.ContentType">
33590             <summary>The "content_type" property.</summary>
33591         </member>
33592         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.MediaETag">
33593             <summary>The "media_etag" property.</summary>
33594         </member>
33595         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.Properties">
33596             <summary>The "properties" property.</summary>
33597         </member>
33598         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.Id">
33599             <summary>The "id" property.</summary>
33600         </member>
33601         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.Actions">
33602             <summary>The "actions" property.</summary>
33603         </member>
33604         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask.Functions">
33605             <summary>The "functions" property.</summary>
33606         </member>
33607         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader">
33608             <summary>
33609             OData reader for the Verbose JSON format.
33610             </summary>
33611         </member>
33612         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.verboseJsonInputContext">
33613             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
33614         </member>
33615         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.verboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
33616             <summary>The entry and feed deserializer to read input with.</summary>
33617         </member>
33618         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
33619             <summary>
33620             Constructor.
33621             </summary>
33622             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
33623             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
33624             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read (in case of entry reader) or entries in the feed to be read (in case of feed reader).</param>
33625             <param name="readingFeed">true if the reader is created for reading a feed; false when it is created for reading an entry.</param>
33626             <param name="listener">If not null, the Json reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the Json reader.</param>
33627         </member>
33628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
33629             <summary>
33630             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
33631             </summary>
33632             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33633             <remarks>
33634             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
33635             Post-Condition: when reading a feed:    the reader is positioned on the first item in the feed or the end array node of an empty feed
33636                             when reading an entry:  the first node of the first navigation link value, null for a null expanded link or an end object 
33637                                                     node if there are no navigation links.
33638             </remarks>
33639         </member>
33640         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtFeedStartImplementation">
33641             <summary>
33642             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedStart'.
33643             </summary>
33644             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33645             <remarks>
33646             Pre-Condition:  Any start node            - The first entry in the feed
33647                             JsonNodeType.EndArray     - The end of the feed
33648             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned over the StartObject node of the first entry in the feed or 
33649                             on the node following the feed end in case of an empty feed
33650             </remarks>
33651         </member>
33652         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtFeedEndImplementation">
33653             <summary>
33654             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedEnd'.
33655             </summary>
33656             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33657             <remarks>
33658             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndArray        if the feed is not wrapped in the 'results' wrapper
33659                            JsonNodeType.EndObject       if the feed is wrapped in the 'results' wrapper
33660             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput     for a top-level feed when not reading a nested payload
33661                             JsonNodeType.Property       more properties exist on the owning entry after the expanded link containing the feed
33662                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      no further properties exist on the owning entry after the expanded link containing the feed
33663                             JsonNodeType.EndArray       end of expanded link in request, in this case the feed doesn't actually own the array object and it won't read it.
33664                             Any                         in case of expanded feed in request, this might be the next item in the expanded array, which is not an entry
33665             </remarks>
33666         </member>
33667         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtEntryStartImplementation">
33668             <summary>
33669             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryStart'.
33670             </summary>
33671             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33672             <remarks>
33673             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            The first node of the navigation link property value to read next (feed wrapped in 'results' wrapper)
33674                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             The first node of the navigation link property value to read next (feed not wrapped in 'results' wrapper)
33675                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  The null expanded entry value (representing the end of that entry)
33676                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
33677             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject            The first node of the navigation link property value to read next (feed wrapped in 'results' wrapper)
33678                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             The first node of the navigation link property value to read next (feed not wrapped in 'results' wrapper)
33679                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  The null expanded entry value (representing the end of that entry)
33680                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
33681             </remarks>
33682         </member>
33683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtEntryEndImplementation">
33684             <summary>
33685             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryEnd'.
33686             </summary>
33687             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33688             <remarks>
33689             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject              end of object of the entry
33690                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  end of null expanded entry
33691             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node after the entry's end-object node
33692             </remarks>
33693         </member>
33694         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkStartImplementation">
33695             <summary>
33696             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkStart'.
33697             </summary>
33698             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33699             <remarks>
33700             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            The first node of the navigation link property value to read next 
33701                                                                 (deferred link or entry inside expanded link or wrapped feed inside expanded link)
33702                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             feed not wrapped with 'results' wrapper inside of expanded link
33703                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  expanded null entry
33704             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartArray:            expanded link with a feed that is not wrapped with 'results' wrapper
33705                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            expanded link with a feed that is warpped with 'results' wrapper
33706                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  expanded null entry
33707                             JsonNodeType.Property               deferred link with more properties in owning entry
33708                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              deferred link as last property of the owning entry
33709             </remarks>
33710         </member>
33711         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkEndImplementation">
33712             <summary>
33713             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkEnd'.
33714             </summary>
33715             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33716             <remarks>
33717             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject:         expanded link property is last property in owning entry
33718                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the expanded link property in the owning entry
33719             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject        The first node of the navigation link property value to read next
33720                             JsonNodeType.StartArray         The first node of the navigation link property value with a non-wrapped feed to read next
33721                             JsonNodeType.EndObject          If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
33722                             JsonNoteType.Primitive (null)   If an expanded link with null entity instance was found.
33723             </remarks>
33724         </member>
33725         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadAtEntityReferenceLink">
33726             <summary>
33727             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntityReferenceLink'.
33728             </summary>
33729             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
33730             <remarks>
33731             This method doesn't move the reader
33732             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndObject:         expanded link property is last property in owning entry
33733                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the expanded link property in the owning entry
33734                             Any:                            expanded collection link - the node after the entity reference link.
33735             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject:         expanded link property is last property in owning entry
33736                             JsonNodeType.Property:          there are more properties after the expanded link property in the owning entry
33737                             Any:                            expanded collection link - the node after the entity reference link.
33738             </remarks>
33739         </member>
33740         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadFeedStart(System.Boolean)">
33741             <summary>
33742             Reads the start of a feed and sets up the reader state correctly.
33743             </summary>
33744             <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
33745             <remarks>
33746             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the feed; this method will throw if the node is not
33747                             JsonNodeType.StartArray:    a feed without 'results' wrapper
33748                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:   a feed with 'results' wrapper
33749             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first item in the feed, or on the end array of the feed.
33750             </remarks>
33751         </member>
33752         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadExpandedCollectionNavigationLinkContentInRequest">
33753             <summary>
33754             Reads the next node in the content of an expanded navigation link which represents a collection and is in a request payload.
33755             </summary>
33756             <remarks>
33757             This method deals with all the special cases in request payload expanded navigation link for collections.
33758             It should be called when the array start of the content of such a link was already read.
33759             It should be called in these cases:
33760             - Start of the navigation link (to report the first content item of it)
33761             - Entity reference link was reported (to report the next item of the navigation link content)
33762             - Feed end was reported, to report the next non-entry item in the navigation link content
33763             - Entry end was reported, to determine if the next entry should be reported, or if the feed should be closed.
33764             </remarks>
33765         </member>
33766         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadEntryStart">
33767             <summary>
33768             Reads the start of an entry and sets up the reader state correctly
33769             </summary>
33770             <remarks>
33771             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            Will fail if it's anything else
33772             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartObject            The first node of the navigation link property value to read next (deferred link or entry or >=v2 feed wrapper)
33773                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             The first node of the navigation link property value with a non-wrapped feed to read next
33774                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  The null value of the navigation link property value to read next (expanded null entry)
33775                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
33776             </remarks>
33777         </member>
33778         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadEntryMetadata">
33779             <summary>
33780             Reads the __metadata property for an entry and resolves its type.
33781             </summary>
33782         </member>
33783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadExpandedNavigationLinkEnd(System.Boolean)">
33784             <summary>
33785             Verifies that the current item is an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink"/> instance,
33786             sets the cardinality of the link (IsCollection property) and moves the reader
33787             into state 'NavigationLinkEnd'.
33788             </summary>
33789             <param name="isCollection">A flag indicating whether the link represents a collection or not.</param>
33790         </member>
33791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.StartEntry">
33792             <summary>
33793             Starts the entry, initializing the scopes and such. This method starts a non-null entry only.
33794             </summary>
33795         </member>
33796         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.StartNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
33797             <summary>
33798             Starts the navigation link.
33799             Does metadata validation of the navigation link and sets up the reader to report it.
33800             </summary>
33801             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to start.</param>
33802             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for the navigation link to start.</param>
33803         </member>
33804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
33805             <summary>
33806             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope"/> for the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
33807             with the provided <paramref name="item"/> and pushes it on the stack of scopes.
33808             </summary>
33809             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
33810             <param name="item">The item to attach with the state in the new scope.</param>
33811             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the new scope.</param>
33812         </member>
33813         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReplaceScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState)">
33814             <summary>
33815             Replaces the current scope with a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope"/> with the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
33816             the item of the current scope.
33817             </summary>
33818             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
33819         </member>
33820         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.EndEntry">
33821             <summary>
33822             Called to transition into the EntryEnd state.
33823             </summary>
33824         </member>
33825         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.CurrentEntryState">
33826             <summary>
33827             Returns the current entry state.
33828             </summary>
33829         </member>
33830         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.CurrentJsonScope">
33831             <summary>
33832             Returns current scope cast to JsonScope
33833             </summary>
33834         </member>
33835         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope">
33836             <summary>
33837             A reader scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
33838             </summary>
33839         </member>
33840         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState">
33841             <summary>
33842             Interface representing a state of the Verbose JSON reader for entry.
33843             </summary>
33844         </member>
33845         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState.Entry">
33846             <summary>
33847             The entry being read.
33848             </summary>
33849         </member>
33850         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState.EntityType">
33851             <summary>
33852             The entity type for the entry (if available)
33853             </summary>
33854         </member>
33855         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState.MetadataPropertyFound">
33856             <summary>
33857             Flag which indicates that during parsing of the entry represented by this state,
33858             the __metadata property was already found.
33859             </summary>
33860         </member>
33861         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState.FirstNavigationLink">
33862             <summary>
33863             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
33864             it will store the navigation link in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation link of an entry.
33865             </summary>
33866         </member>
33867         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState.FirstNavigationProperty">
33868             <summary>
33869             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
33870             it will store the navigation property in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation proeprty of an entry.
33871             </summary>
33872         </member>
33873         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
33874             <summary>
33875             The duplicate property names checker for the entry represented by the current state.
33876             </summary>
33877         </member>
33878         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
33879             <summary>
33880             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
33881             </summary>
33882             <param name="state">The reader state of this scope.</param>
33883             <param name="item">The item attached to this scope.</param>
33884             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the scope.</param>
33885             <remarks>The <paramref name="expectedEntityType"/> has the following meanings for given state:
33886             Start -               it's the expected base type of the top-level entry or entries in the top-level feed.
33887             FeedStart -           it's the expected base type of the entries in the feed.
33888                                   note that it might be a more derived type than the base type of the entity set for the feed.
33889             EntryStart -          it's the expected base type of the entry. If the entry has no type name specified
33890                                   this type will be assumed. Otherwise the specified type name must be
33891                                   the expected type or a more derived type.
33892             NavigationLinkStart - it's the expected base type the entries in the expanded link (either the single entry
33893                                   or entries in the expanded feed).
33894             In all cases the specified type must be an entity type.</remarks>
33895         </member>
33896         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.MetadataPropertyFound">
33897             <summary>
33898             Flag which indicates that during parsing of the entry represented by this scope,
33899             the __metadata property was already found.
33900             </summary>
33901         </member>
33902         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.FirstNavigationLink">
33903             <summary>
33904             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
33905             it will store the navigation link in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation link of an entry.
33906             </summary>
33907         </member>
33908         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.FirstNavigationProperty">
33909             <summary>
33910             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
33911             it will store the navigation property in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation proeprty of an entry.
33912             </summary>
33913         </member>
33914         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
33915             <summary>
33916             The duplicate property names checker for the entry represented by the current state.
33917             </summary>
33918         </member>
33919         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.FeedInExpandedNavigationLinkInRequest">
33920             <summary>
33921             Flag which is only used on a StartFeed scope.
33922             true - if the feed is the special feed reported as content of an expanded navigation link in request.
33923             false - if the feed is any other (regular) feed.
33924             </summary>
33925         </member>
33926         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.FeedHasResultsWrapper">
33927             <summary>
33928             Flag which is used to remember whether the feed was wrapped in with 'results' wrapper and which indicates
33929             whether to expect (and read) '}' character at the end of the feed. Used on StartFeed scope for top level
33930             feeds and on NavigationLinkStart scope for nested expanded feed.
33931             true - if the feed was wrapped in results wrapper
33932             false - if the feed was not wrapped in results wrapper
33933             </summary>
33934         </member>
33935         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.ExpandedNavigationLinkInRequestHasContent">
33936             <summary>
33937             Flag which is only used on a StartNavigationLink scope in requests.
33938             true - we already found some content for the navigation link in question and it was (or is going to be) reported to the caller.
33939             false - we haven't found any content for the navigation link yet.
33940             </summary>
33941         </member>
33942         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#VerboseJson#IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState#Entry">
33943             <summary>
33944             The entry being read.
33945             </summary>
33946         </member>
33947         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReader.JsonScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#VerboseJson#IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState#EntityType">
33948             <summary>
33949             The entity type for the entry (if available).
33950             </summary>
33951         </member>
33952         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods">
33953             <summary>
33954             Extension methods to make it easier to work with EPM.
33955             </summary>
33956         </member>
33957         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationBaseNames">
33958             <summary>
33959             All supported base names for serializable EPM annotations.
33960             </summary>
33961         </member>
33962         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.TargetPathToSyndicationItemMap">
33963             <summary>
33964             FC_TargetPath to <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty"/> enum mapping.
33965             </summary>
33966         </member>
33967         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EnsureEpmCache(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Int32)">
33968             <summary>
33969             Ensures that an up-to-date EPM cache exists for the specified <paramref name="entityType"/>. 
33970             If no cache exists, a new one will be created based on the public mappings (if any).
33971             If the public mappings have changed (and the cache is thus dirty), the method re-constructs the cache.
33972             If all public mappings have been removed, the method also removes the EPM cache.
33973             </summary>
33974             <param name="model">IEdmModel containing the annotations.</param>
33975             <param name="entityType">IEdmEntityType instance for which to ensure the EPM cache.</param>
33976             <param name="maxMappingCount">The maximum allowed number of entity property mappings 
33977             for a given entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</param>
33978             <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache"/>, if there are any EPM mappings for the given entity type, otherwise returns null.</returns>
33979         </member>
33980         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.HasEntityPropertyMappings(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
33981             <summary>
33982             Determines if the <paramref name="entityType"/> has any EPM defined on it (or its base types).
33983             </summary>
33984             <param name="model">The model containing the annotations.</param>
33985             <param name="entityType">The entity type to test for presence of EPM.</param>
33986             <returns>true if the <paramref name="entityType"/> has EPM; false otherwise.</returns>
33987         </member>
33988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.GetEntityPropertyMappings(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
33989             <summary>
33990             Returns the EPM information for an entity type.
33991             </summary>
33992             <param name="model">The model containing the annotations.</param>
33993             <param name="entityType">The entity type to get the EPM information for.</param>
33994             <returns>Returns the EPM information for an entity type. If there's no such information, this returns null.</returns>
33995         </member>
33996         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.GetEpmCache(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
33997             <summary>
33998             Returns the cached EPM information for an entity type.
33999             </summary>
34000             <param name="model">The model containing the annotations.</param>
34001             <param name="entityType">The entity type to get the cached EPM information for.</param>
34002             <returns>Returns the cached EPM information for an entity type. If there's no cached information, this returns null.</returns>
34003         </member>
34004         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.GetAnnotationBindingsToRemoveSerializableEpmAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
34005             <summary>
34006             Gets all the annotations bindings in order to remove all EPM related annotations from a given <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/>.
34007             </summary>
34008             <param name="model">The model containing the annotations.</param>
34009             <param name="annotatable">The annotatable to get the EPM annotations for.</param>
34010             <returns>A dictionary of local annotation name to annotation binding mappings for all serializable EPM annotations on <paramref name="annotatable"/>.</returns>
34011         </member>
34012         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.ClearInMemoryEpmAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
34013             <summary>
34014             Removes the in-memory EPM annotations from an entity type; potentially also drops an existing EPM cache.
34015             </summary>
34016             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
34017             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to remove the EPM annotation from.</param>
34018         </member>
34019         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.SaveEpmAnnotationsForProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache)">
34020             <summary>
34021             Saves the EPM annotations on the given <paramref name="property"/>.
34022             </summary>
34023             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
34024             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> to save the EPM annotations for.</param>
34025             <param name="epmCache">The EPM cache for the owning entity type.</param>
34026         </member>
34027         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.SaveEpmAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
34028             <summary>
34029             Saves the EPM annotations on the given <paramref name="annotatable"/>.
34030             </summary>
34031             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
34032             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to save the EPM annotations on.</param>
34033             <param name="mappings">All the EPM annotations to be saved.</param>
34034             <param name="skipSourcePath">true if the source path should be saved explicitly; otherwise false.</param>
34035             <param name="removePrefix">true if the prefix of the source path should be removed; otherwise false.</param>
34036         </member>
34037         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmCachedKeepPrimitiveInContent(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexType)">
34038             <summary>
34039             Returns the cached keep-in-content annotation for the primitive properties of a complex type.
34040             </summary>
34041             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
34042             <param name="complexType">The complex type to get the cached keep-in-content annotation for.</param>
34043             <returns>Returns the keep-in-content annotation for a type. If there's no such annotation this returns null.</returns>
34044         </member>
34045         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.ToTargetPath(System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty)">
34046             <summary>
34047             Maps the enumeration of allowed <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty"/> values to their string representations.
34048             </summary>
34049             <param name="targetSyndicationItem">Value of the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty"/> given in 
34050             the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> contstructor.</param>
34051             <returns>String representing the xml element path in the syndication property.</returns>
34052         </member>
34053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.LoadEpmAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
34054             <summary>
34055             Loads the serializable EPM annotations on the given <paramref name="entityType"/> into their in-memory representation.
34056             </summary>
34057             <param name="model">The model the entity type belongs to.</param>
34058             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to load the EPM annotations for.</param>
34059         </member>
34060         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.LoadEpmAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
34061             <summary>
34062             Loads the serializable EPM annotations on the given <paramref name="annotatable"/> into their in-memory representation.
34063             </summary>
34064             <param name="model">The model the annotatable belongs to.</param>
34065             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to load the EPM annotations for.</param>
34066             <param name="mappings">The collection of EPM annotations to add newly loaded annotations to.</param>
34067             <param name="typeName">The name of the type for which to load the annotations or that declares the <paramref name="property"/>. Only used in error messages.</param>
34068             <param name="property">The property to parse the EPM annotations for.</param>
34069         </member>
34070         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.MapTargetPathToSyndicationProperty(System.String)">
34071             <summary>
34072             Given a <paramref name="targetPath"/> gets the corresponding syndication property.
34073             </summary>
34074             <param name="targetPath">Target path in the form of a syndication property name.</param>
34075             <returns>
34076             Enumeration value of a <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty"/> or SyndicationItemProperty.CustomProperty 
34077             if the <paramref name="targetPath"/> does not map to any syndication property name.
34078             </returns>
34079         </member>
34080         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.ToAttributeValue(System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind)">
34081             <summary>
34082             Translates a content kind enumeration value to the corresponding string attribute value for serialization to CSDL.
34083             </summary>
34084             <param name="contentKind">The content kind to translate.</param>
34085             <returns>A string corresponding to the <paramref name="contentKind"/> value.</returns>
34086         </member>
34087         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.ToAttributeValue(System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty)">
34088             <summary>
34089             Translates a syndication item property enumeration value to the corresponding string attribute value for serialization to CSDL.
34090             </summary>
34091             <param name="syndicationItemProperty">The syndication item property to translate.</param>
34092             <returns>A string corresponding to the <paramref name="syndicationItemProperty"/> value.</returns>
34093         </member>
34094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.MapContentKindToSyndicationTextContentKind(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
34095             <summary>
34096             Maps the <paramref name="contentKind"/> string to an enumeration value of the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind"/> enumeration.
34097             </summary>
34098             <param name="contentKind">The content kind string to map.</param>
34099             <param name="attributeSuffix">The suffix of the attribute name currently being parsed or validated.Only used in error messages.</param>
34100             <param name="typeName">The name of the type for which to load the annotations or that declares the <paramref name="propertyName"/>. Only used in error messages.</param>
34101             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to parse the EPM annotations for. Only used in error messages.</param>
34102             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind"/> value if the <paramref name="contentKind"/> could be successfully mapped; otherwise throws.</returns>
34103         </member>
34104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.ParseSerializableEpmAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
34105             <summary>
34106             Parses the serializable EPM annotations of the <paramref name="annotatable"/>, groups them by suffix
34107             and translates them into a set of structs.
34108             </summary>
34109             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
34110             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to parse the EPM annotations for.</param>
34111             <param name="typeName">The name of the type for which the annotations are parsed or that declares the <paramref name="property"/>. Only used in error messages.</param>
34112             <param name="property">The property to parse the EPM annotations for.</param>
34113             <returns>An enumerable of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues"/> that represents all the parsed annotations grouped by their suffix.</returns>
34114         </member>
34115         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.ValidateAnnotationValues(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
34116             <summary>
34117             Validates the annotation values parsed for an EPM mapping.
34118             </summary>
34119             <param name="annotationValues">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues"/> to validate.</param>
34120             <param name="typeName">The name of the type for which the annotations are validated or that declares the <paramref name="property"/>. Only used in error messages.</param>
34121             <param name="property">The property for which the annotations are validated; null if the annotations are for a type.</param>
34122             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> instance that represents the mapping created from the <paramref name="annotationValues"/>.</returns>
34123         </member>
34124         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.RemoveEpmCache(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
34125             <summary>
34126             Removes an existing EPM cache annotation.
34127             </summary>
34128             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
34129             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to remove the EPM cache from.</param>
34130         </member>
34131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.IsEpmAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation)">
34132             <summary>
34133             Checks whether a given OData annotation is an EPM related annotation.
34134             </summary>
34135             <param name="annotation">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation"/> instance to check.</param>
34136             <returns>true if the annotation is EPM related; otherwise false.</returns>
34137         </member>
34138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.IsEpmAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation,System.String@,System.String@)">
34139             <summary>
34140             Checks whether a given serializable annotation represents part of an EPM mapping.
34141             </summary>
34142             <param name="annotation">The annotation to check.</param>
34143             <param name="baseName">The base name of the EPM annotation.</param>
34144             <param name="suffix">The suffix of the EPM annotation or null if not an EPM annotation.</param>
34145             <returns>true if the <paramref name="annotation"/> is an EPM annotation; otherwise false.</returns>
34146         </member>
34147         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.ConvertEdmAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation)">
34148             <summary>
34149             Converts the value of the <paramref name="annotation"/> to a string.
34150             </summary>
34151             <param name="annotation">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation"/> to convert.</param>
34152             <returns>The string representation of the converted annotation value.</returns>
34153         </member>
34154         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.NamesMatchByReference(System.String,System.String)">
34155             <summary>
34156             Checks that two strings are the same references (and asserts that if they are not they also
34157             don't have the same value).
34158             </summary>
34159             <param name="first">The first string to compare.</param>
34160             <param name="second">The second string to compare.</param>
34161             <returns>true if the <paramref name="first"/> and <paramref name="second"/> are the same reference; otherwise false;</returns>
34162         </member>
34163         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.HasOwnOrInheritedEpm(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
34164             <summary>
34165             Checks whether the <paramref name="entityType"/> has EPM defined for it (either directly
34166             on the type or on one of the base types).
34167             </summary>
34168             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
34169             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to check.</param>
34170             <returns>true if the <paramref name="entityType"/> has EPM defined; otherwise false.</returns>
34171         </member>
34172         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.GetODataAnnotationBinding(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String)">
34173             <summary>
34174             Gets the annotation binding with the OData metadata namespace and the specified <paramref name="localName"/> for the <paramref name="annotatable"/>.
34175             </summary>
34176             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to set the annotation on.</param>
34177             <param name="localName">The local name of the annotation to set.</param>
34178             <param name="value">The value of the annotation to set.</param>
34179             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding"/> instance that represnets the annotation with the specified name and value.</returns>
34180         </member>
34181         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EnsureEpmCacheInternal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Int32,System.Boolean@)">
34182             <summary>
34183             Ensures that an up-to-date EPM cache exists for the specified <paramref name="entityType"/>. 
34184             If no cache exists, a new one will be created based on the public mappings (if any).
34185             If the public mappings have changed (and the cache is thus dirty), the method re-constructs the cache.
34186             If all public mappings have been removed, the method also removes the EPM cache.
34187             </summary>
34188             <param name="model">IEdmModel instance containing the annotations.</param>
34189             <param name="entityType">IEdmEntityType instance for which to ensure the EPM cache.</param>
34190             <param name="maxMappingCount">The maximum allowed number of entity property mappings 
34191             for a given entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</param>
34192             <param name="cacheModified">true if the cache was modified; otherwise false.</param>
34193             <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache"/>, if there are any EPM mappings for the given entity type, otherwise returns null.</returns>
34194         </member>
34195         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues">
34196             <summary>
34197             Private struct to store the values of the serializable EPM annotations during loading.
34198             </summary>
34199         </member>
34200         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues.SourcePath">
34201             <summary>The string value of the FC_SourcePath attribute (or null if not present).</summary>
34202         </member>
34203         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues.TargetPath">
34204             <summary>The string value of the FC_TargetPath attribute (or null if not present).</summary>
34205         </member>
34206         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues.KeepInContent">
34207             <summary>The string value of the FC_KeepInContent attribute (or null if not present).</summary>
34208         </member>
34209         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues.ContentKind">
34210             <summary>The string value of the FC_ContentKind attribute (or null if not present).</summary>
34211         </member>
34212         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues.NamespaceUri">
34213             <summary>The string value of the FC_NsUri attribute (or null if not present).</summary>
34214         </member>
34215         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues.NamespacePrefix">
34216             <summary>The string value of the FC_NsPrefix attribute (or null if not present).</summary>
34217         </member>
34218         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmExtensionMethods.EpmAnnotationValues.AttributeSuffix">
34219             <summary>The attribute suffix used for the attribute names.</summary>
34220         </member>
34221         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment">
34222             <summary>
34223             Representation of each node in the EpmSourceTree.
34224             </summary>
34225         </member>
34226         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.propertyName">
34227             <summary>
34228             Name of the property under the parent type.
34229             </summary>
34230             <remarks>This fields is used to differentiate between some special node types as well.
34231             - null - this is the root node of the source tree.
34232             - "" (empty string) - this is a node representing a value of a primitive item in a collection property.
34233             - anything else - this is a node representing a property with the name of this field.</remarks>
34234         </member>
34235         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.subProperties">
34236             <summary>
34237             List of sub-properties if this segment corresponds to a complex type.
34238             </summary>
34239         </member>
34240         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.epmInfo">
34241             <summary>
34242             Corresponding EntityPropertyMappingInfo.
34243             </summary>
34244         </member>
34245         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.#ctor">
34246             <summary>
34247             Constructor creates a root source path segment
34248             </summary>
34249         </member>
34250         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.#ctor(System.String)">
34251             <summary>
34252             Constructor creates a source path segment with the name set to <paramref name="propertyName"/>
34253             </summary>
34254             <param name="propertyName">StartPath property name</param>
34255         </member>
34256         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.PropertyName">
34257             <summary>
34258             Name of the property under the parent type.
34259             </summary>
34260             <remarks>This property is used to differentiate between some special node types as well.
34261             - null - this is the root node of the source tree.
34262             - "" (empty string) - this is a node representing a value of a primitive item in a collection property.
34263             - anything else - this is a node representing a property with the name of this property.
34264             These values should not be compared directly, instead use the IsCollectionValueItemValue property to differentiate between the last two.
34265             The root node itself should never be accessed directly so far.</remarks>
34266         </member>
34267         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.SubProperties">
34268             <summary>
34269             List of sub-properties if this segment corresponds to a complex type.
34270             </summary>
34271         </member>
34272         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment.EpmInfo">
34273             <summary>
34274             Corresponding EntityPropertyMappingInfo.
34275             </summary>
34276         </member>
34277         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree">
34278             <summary>
34279             Tree representing the sourceName properties in all the EntityPropertyMappingAttributes for a type.
34280             </summary>
34281         </member>
34282         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.root">
34283             <summary>
34284             Root of the tree.
34285             </summary>
34286         </member>
34287         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.epmTargetTree">
34288             <summary>
34289             <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree"/> corresponding to this tree.
34290             </summary>
34291         </member>
34292         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree)">
34293             <summary>
34294             Constructor which creates an empty root.
34295             </summary>
34296             <param name="epmTargetTree">Target xml tree</param>
34297         </member>
34298         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.Add(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo)">
34299             <summary>
34300             Adds a path to the source and target tree which is obtained by looking at the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute in the <paramref name="epmInfo"/>
34301             </summary>
34302             <param name="epmInfo">EnitityPropertyMappingInfo holding the source path</param>
34303         </member>
34304         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.Validate(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
34305             <summary>
34306             Validates the source tree.
34307             </summary>
34308             <param name="entityType">The entity type for which the validation is performed.</param>
34309         </member>
34310         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.Validate(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
34311             <summary>
34312             Validates the specified segment and all its subsegments.
34313             </summary>
34314             <param name="pathSegment">The path segment to validate.</param>
34315             <param name="type">The type of the property represented by this segment (null for open properties).</param>
34316         </member>
34317         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.GetPropertyType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String)">
34318             <summary>
34319             Returns the type of the property on the specified type.
34320             </summary>
34321             <param name="type">The type to look for the property on.</param>
34322             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to look for.</param>
34323             <returns>The type of the property specified.</returns>
34324         </member>
34325         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree.Root">
34326             <summary>
34327             Root of the tree
34328             </summary>
34329         </member>
34330         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment">
34331             <summary>
34332             Representation of each node in the EpmTargetTree.
34333             </summary>
34334         </member>
34335         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentName">
34336             <summary>
34337             Name of the xml element/attribute.
34338             </summary>
34339             <remarks>This field is used to differentiate between special nodes as well.
34340             - null - this is the root of the target tree.
34341             - anything else (doesn't start with @) - this node represents an element with the specified name.
34342             - anything else (starts with @) - this node represents an attribute with the specified name.</remarks>
34343         </member>
34344         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentAttributeName">
34345             <summary>
34346             Cached attribute name if the segment represents an attribute.
34347             </summary>
34348         </member>
34349         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentNamespaceUri">
34350             <summary>
34351             URI of the namespace to which the <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentName"/> belongs.
34352             </summary>
34353         </member>
34354         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentNamespacePrefix">
34355             <summary>
34356             Prefix to be used in xml document for <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentNamespaceUri"/>.
34357             </summary>
34358         </member>
34359         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.subSegments">
34360             <summary>
34361             If this is a non-leaf element, the child elements/attributes collection.
34362             </summary>
34363         </member>
34364         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.parentSegment">
34365             <summary>
34366             Parent element of this element/attribute.
34367             </summary>
34368         </member>
34369         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.epmInfo">
34370             <summary>
34371             The EPM info object for this target segment, if there's any.
34372             </summary>
34373         </member>
34374         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.#ctor">
34375             <summary>
34376             Constructor initializes the list of sub-nodes to be empty, used for creating root nodes
34377             in the EpmTargetTree.
34378             </summary>
34379         </member>
34380         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment)">
34381             <summary>
34382             Used for creating non-root nodes in the syndication/custom trees.
34383             </summary>
34384             <param name="segmentName">Name of xml element/attribute</param>
34385             <param name="segmentNamespaceUri">URI of the namespace for <paramref name="segmentName"/></param>
34386             <param name="segmentNamespacePrefix">Namespace prefix to be used for <paramref name="segmentNamespaceUri"/></param>
34387             <param name="parentSegment">Reference to the parent node if this is a sub-node, useful for traversals in visitors</param>
34388         </member>
34389         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.SegmentName">
34390             <summary>
34391             Name of the xml element/attribute.
34392             </summary>
34393             <remarks>This property is used to differentiate between special nodes as well.
34394             - null - this is the root of the target tree.
34395             - anything else (doesn't start with @) - this node represents an element with the specified name.
34396             - anything else (starts with @) - this node represents an attribute with the specified name.
34397             The value of the property should not be compared directly to differentiate between these cases, instead
34398             properties IsAttribute and IsElementContentSegment should be used. The root node should not be accessed directly
34399             from anywhere so far.</remarks>
34400         </member>
34401         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.AttributeName">
34402             <summary>
34403             Retruns name of the attribute the property is mapped to. Must not be called if a property is mapped to an element.
34404             </summary>
34405         </member>
34406         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.SegmentNamespaceUri">
34407             <summary>
34408             URI of the namespace to which the <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentName"/> belongs.
34409             </summary>
34410         </member>
34411         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.SegmentNamespacePrefix">
34412             <summary>
34413             Prefix to be used in xml document for <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.segmentNamespaceUri"/>.
34414             </summary>
34415         </member>
34416         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.EpmInfo">
34417             <summary>
34418             EntityPropertyMappingInfo corresponding to current segement.
34419             </summary>
34420         </member>
34421         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.HasContent">
34422             <summary>
34423             Whether this node corresponds to ResourceType or ClientType property values.
34424             </summary>
34425         </member>
34426         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.IsAttribute">
34427             <summary>
34428             Does this node correspond to xml attribute.
34429             </summary>
34430         </member>
34431         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.ParentSegment">
34432             <summary>
34433             Parent node in the tree (always an element if present).
34434             </summary>
34435         </member>
34436         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment.SubSegments">
34437             <summary>
34438             Sub-nodes of this node. Only exist if current node is an element node.
34439             </summary>
34440         </member>
34441         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree">
34442             <summary>
34443             Tree representing the targetName properties in all the EntityPropertyMappingAttributes for a type.
34444             </summary>
34445         </member>
34446         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.syndicationRoot">
34447             <summary>
34448             Root of the sub-tree for syndication content.
34449             </summary>
34450         </member>
34451         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.nonSyndicationRoot">
34452             <summary>
34453             Root of the sub-tree for custom content.
34454             </summary>
34455         </member>
34456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.countOfNonContentV2Mappings">
34457             <summary>
34458             Number of properties that have V2 mapping with KeepInContent false.
34459             </summary>
34460         </member>
34461         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.#ctor">
34462             <summary>
34463             Initializes the sub-trees for syndication and non-syndication content.
34464             </summary>
34465         </member>
34466         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.Add(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo)">
34467             <summary>
34468             Adds a path to the tree which is obtained by looking at the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute in the <paramref name="epmInfo"/>.
34469             </summary>
34470             <param name="epmInfo">EnitityPropertyMappingInfo holding the target path</param>
34471         </member>
34472         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.Remove(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo)">
34473             <summary>
34474             Removes a path in the tree which is obtained by looking at the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute in the <paramref name="epmInfo"/>.
34475             </summary>
34476             <param name="epmInfo">EnitityPropertyMappingInfo holding the target path</param>
34477         </member>
34478         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.Validate">
34479             <summary>
34480             Validates the target tree.
34481             </summary>
34482             <remarks>This also cleans up the tree if necessary.</remarks>
34483         </member>
34484         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.HasMixedContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute})">
34485             <summary>
34486             Checks if mappings could potentially result in mixed content and dis-allows it.
34487             </summary>
34488             <param name="currentSegment">StartPath being processed.</param>
34489             <param name="ancestorsWithContent">A list of ancestor attributes that have content. 
34490             Can contain a maximum of one attribute when the method is called, must never contain more than two.</param>
34491             <returns>boolean indicating if the tree is valid or not.</returns>
34492         </member>
34493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.GetPropertyNameFromEpmInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo)">
34494             <summary>
34495             Given an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo"/> gives the correct target path for it
34496             </summary>
34497             <param name="epmInfo">Given <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo"/></param>
34498             <returns>string with the correct value for the target path</returns>
34499         </member>
34500         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.SyndicationRoot">
34501             <summary>
34502             Root of the sub-tree for syndication content.
34503             </summary>
34504         </member>
34505         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.NonSyndicationRoot">
34506             <summary>
34507             Root of the sub-tree for custom content.
34508             </summary>
34509         </member>
34510         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree.MinimumODataProtocolVersion">
34511             <summary>
34512             Minimum protocol version required to serialize this target tree.
34513             </summary>
34514         </member>
34515         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils">
34516             <summary>
34517             Class with utility methods for reading ATOM metadata.
34518             </summary>
34519         </member>
34520         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.CreateNewAtomEntryMetadata">
34521             <summary>
34522             Creates a new instance of ATOM entry metadata.
34523             </summary>
34524             <returns>The newly created ATOM entry metadata.</returns>
34525         </member>
34526         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.CreateNewAtomFeedMetadata">
34527             <summary>
34528             Creates a new instance of ATOM feed metadata.
34529             </summary>
34530             <returns>The newly created ATOM feed metadata.</returns>
34531         </member>
34532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddAuthor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata)">
34533             <summary>
34534             Adds a new author to entry metadata.
34535             </summary>
34536             <param name="entryMetadata">The entry metadata to add the author to.</param>
34537             <param name="authorMetadata">The author metadata to add.</param>
34538         </member>
34539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddContributor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata)">
34540             <summary>
34541             Adds a new contributor to entry metadata.
34542             </summary>
34543             <param name="entryMetadata">The entry metadata to add the contributor to.</param>
34544             <param name="contributorMetadata">The contributor metadata to add.</param>
34545         </member>
34546         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata)">
34547             <summary>
34548             Adds a new link to entry metadata.
34549             </summary>
34550             <param name="entryMetadata">The entry metadata to add the link to.</param>
34551             <param name="linkMetadata">The link metadata to add.</param>
34552         </member>
34553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata)">
34554             <summary>
34555             Adds a new link to feed metadata.
34556             </summary>
34557             <param name="feedMetadata">The feed metadata to add the link to.</param>
34558             <param name="linkMetadata">The link metadata to add.</param>
34559         </member>
34560         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddCategory(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata)">
34561             <summary>
34562             Adds a new category to entry metadata.
34563             </summary>
34564             <param name="entryMetadata">The entry metadata to add the category to.</param>
34565             <param name="categoryMetadata">The category metadata to add.</param>
34566         </member>
34567         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddCategory(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata)">
34568             <summary>
34569             Adds a new category to feed metadata.
34570             </summary>
34571             <param name="feedMetadata">The feed metadata to add the category to.</param>
34572             <param name="categoryMetadata">The category metadata to add.</param>
34573         </member>
34574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddAuthor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata)">
34575             <summary>
34576             Adds a new author to feed metadata.
34577             </summary>
34578             <param name="feedMetadata">The feed metadata to add the author to.</param>
34579             <param name="authorMetadata">The author metadata to add.</param>
34580         </member>
34581         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomMetadataReaderUtils.AddContributor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata)">
34582             <summary>
34583             Adds a new contributor to feed metadata.
34584             </summary>
34585             <param name="feedMetadata">The feed metadata to add the contributor to.</param>
34586             <param name="contributorMetadata">The author metadata to add.</param>
34587         </member>
34588         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader">
34589             <summary>
34590             Reader for the EPM syndication-only. Read the EPM properties from ATOM metadata OM.
34591             </summary>
34592         </member>
34593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
34594             <summary>
34595             Constructor.
34596             </summary>
34597             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry to which the EPM is applied.</param>
34598             <param name="inputContext">The input context currently in use.</param>
34599         </member>
34600         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader.ReadEntryEpm(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
34601             <summary>
34602             Reads the syndication EPM for an entry.
34603             </summary>
34604             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry to which the EPM is applied.</param>
34605             <param name="inputContext">The input context currently in use.</param>
34606         </member>
34607         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader.ReadEntryEpm">
34608             <summary>
34609             Reads an EPM for the entire entry.
34610             </summary>
34611         </member>
34612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader.ReadPropertyValueSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata)">
34613             <summary>
34614             Reads a leaf segment which maps to a property value.
34615             </summary>
34616             <param name="targetSegment">The segment being read.</param>
34617             <param name="entryMetadata">The ATOM entry metadata to read from.</param>
34618         </member>
34619         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader.ReadParentSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata)">
34620             <summary>
34621             Reads a non-leaf segment which has sub segments.
34622             </summary>
34623             <param name="targetSegment">The segment being read.</param>
34624             <param name="entryMetadata">The ATOM entry metadata to read from.</param>
34625         </member>
34626         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader.ReadPersonEpm(Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata)">
34627             <summary>
34628             Reads EPM values from a person construct (author or contributor).
34629             </summary>
34630             <param name="targetList">The target list, this can be either a list of properties (on entry or complex value),
34631             or a list of items (for a collection of primitive types).</param>
34632             <param name="targetTypeReference">The type of the value on which to set the property (can be entity, complex or primitive).</param>
34633             <param name="targetSegment">The target segment which points to either author or contributor element.</param>
34634             <param name="personMetadata">The person ATOM metadata to read from.</param>
34635         </member>
34636         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationReader.ReadTextConstructEpm(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct)">
34637             <summary>
34638             Reads the value of the ATOM text construct and sets it to the EPM.
34639             </summary>
34640             <param name="targetSegment">The EPM target segment for the value to read.</param>
34641             <param name="textConstruct">The text construct to read it from (can be null).</param>
34642         </member>
34643         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter">
34644             <summary>
34645             Base class for EPM writers.
34646             </summary>
34647         </member>
34648         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter.atomOutputContext">
34649             <summary>The output context currently in use.</summary>
34650         </member>
34651         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
34652             <summary>
34653             Constructor.
34654             </summary>
34655             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context currently in use.</param>
34656         </member>
34657         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter.ReadEntryPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
34658             <summary>
34659             Reads a property value starting on an entry.
34660             </summary>
34661             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info which describes the mapping for which to read the property value.</param>
34662             <param name="epmValueCache">The EPM value cache for the entry to read from.</param>
34663             <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
34664             <returns>The value of the property (may be null), or null if the property itself was not found due to one of its parent properties being null.</returns>
34665         </member>
34666         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter.ReadComplexPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache,System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference)">
34667             <summary>
34668             Reads a property value starting on a complex value.
34669             </summary>
34670             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info which describes the mapping for which to read the property value.</param>
34671             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to start with.</param>
34672             <param name="epmValueCache">The EPM value cache to use.</param>
34673             <param name="sourceSegmentIndex">The index in the property value path to start with.</param>
34674             <param name="complexType">The type of the complex value.</param>
34675             <returns>The value of the property (may be null), or null if the property itself was not found due to one of its parent properties being null.</returns>
34676         </member>
34677         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter.ReadPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache)">
34678             <summary>
34679             Reads a property value starting with the specified index to the property value path.
34680             </summary>
34681             <param name="epmInfo">The EPM info which describes the mapping for which to read the property value.</param>
34682             <param name="cachedProperties">The enumeration of properties to search for the first property in the property value path.</param>
34683             <param name="sourceSegmentIndex">The index in the property value path to start with.</param>
34684             <param name="structuredTypeReference">The type of the entry or complex value the <paramref name="cachedProperties"/> enumeration belongs to.</param>
34685             <param name="epmValueCache">The EPM value cache to use.</param>
34686             <returns>The value of the property (may be null), or null if the property itself was not found due to one of its parent properties being null.</returns>
34687         </member>
34688         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter.Version">
34689             <summary>The version of OData protocol to use.</summary>
34690         </member>
34691         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriter.WriterBehavior">
34692             <summary>The settings to control the behavior of the writer.</summary>
34693         </member>
34694         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState">
34695             <summary>
34696             Interface representing a state of the ATOM reader for entry.
34697             </summary>
34698         </member>
34699         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.Entry">
34700             <summary>
34701             The entry being read.
34702             </summary>
34703         </member>
34704         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.EntityType">
34705             <summary>
34706             The entity type for the entry (if available)
34707             </summary>
34708         </member>
34709         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.EntryElementEmpty">
34710             <summary>
34711             Flag which indicates that the ATOM entry element representing the entry is empty.
34712             </summary>
34713         </member>
34714         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.HasReadLink">
34715             <summary>
34716             Flag which indicates whether we have found a read link for this empty (even if it had a null URI value).
34717             </summary>
34718         </member>
34719         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.HasEditLink">
34720             <summary>
34721             Flag which indicates whether we have found an edit link for this empty (even if it had a null URI value).
34722             </summary>
34723         </member>
34724         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.HasEditMediaLink">
34725             <summary>
34726             Flag which indicates whether we have found an edit-media link for this empty (even if it had a null URI value).
34727             </summary>
34728         </member>
34729         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.HasId">
34730             <summary>
34731             Flag which indicates whether we have found an id element.
34732             </summary>
34733         </member>
34734         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.HasContent">
34735             <summary>
34736             Flag which indicates whether we have found a content element .
34737             </summary>
34738         </member>
34739         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.HasTypeNameCategory">
34740             <summary>
34741             Flag which indicates whether we have found a category element with the required type name.
34742             </summary>
34743         </member>
34744         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.HasProperties">
34745             <summary>
34746             Flag which indicates whether we have found a m:properties element.
34747             </summary>
34748         </member>
34749         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.MediaLinkEntry">
34750             <summary>
34751             Flag indicating if we have already made a decision about the current entry and its being MLE or not.
34752             If this property has a null value, we don't know for sure yet (both are possible), if it has non-null value
34753             then we already know for sure and if we find something different we should fail.
34754             </summary>
34755         </member>
34756         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.FirstNavigationLinkDescriptor">
34757             <summary>
34758             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
34759             it will store the navigation link descriptor in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation link of an entry.
34760             </summary>
34761         </member>
34762         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
34763             <summary>
34764             The duplicate property names checker for the entry represented by the current state.
34765             </summary>
34766         </member>
34767         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.CachedEpm">
34768             <summary>
34769             The EPM information for the entry, or null if there's no EPM for this entry.
34770             </summary>
34771         </member>
34772         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.AtomEntryMetadata">
34773             <summary>
34774             The ATOM entry metadata to fill as we read the content of the entry.
34775             </summary>
34776         </member>
34777         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState.EpmCustomReaderValueCache">
34778             <summary>
34779             The cache for values read from custom EPM.
34780             </summary>
34781             <remarks>
34782             This should only be accessed if there's CachedEpm available for this entry.
34783             </remarks>
34784         </member>
34785         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState">
34786             <summary>
34787             Interface representing a state of the ATOM reader for feed.
34788             </summary>
34789         </member>
34790         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState.Feed">
34791             <summary>
34792             The feed being read.
34793             </summary>
34794         </member>
34795         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState.FeedElementEmpty">
34796             <summary>
34797             Flag which indicates that the ATOM feed element representing the feed is empty.
34798             </summary>
34799         </member>
34800         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState.AtomFeedMetadata">
34801             <summary>
34802             The ATOM feed metadata to fill as we read the content of the feed.
34803             </summary>
34804         </member>
34805         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState.HasCount">
34806             <summary>
34807             Flag which indicates if a m:count element was found.
34808             </summary>
34809         </member>
34810         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState.HasNextPageLink">
34811             <summary>
34812             Flag which indicates if a link[@rel='next'] element was found.
34813             </summary>
34814         </member>
34815         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState.HasReadLink">
34816             <summary>
34817             Flag which indicates if a link[@rel='self'] element was found.
34818             </summary>
34819         </member>
34820         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState.HasDeltaLink">
34821             <summary>
34822             Flag which indicates if a link[@rel='http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/delta'] element was found.
34823             </summary>
34824         </member>
34825         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer">
34826             <summary>
34827             OData ATOM deserializer for collections.
34828             </summary>
34829         </member>
34830         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer.duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
34831             <summary>Cached duplicate property names checker to use if the items are complex values.</summary>
34832         </member>
34833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
34834             <summary>
34835             Constructor.
34836             </summary>
34837             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
34838         </member>
34839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionStart(System.Boolean@)">
34840             <summary>
34841             Reads the start element of a collection.
34842             </summary>
34843             <param name="isCollectionElementEmpty">true, if the collection element is empty; false otherwise.</param>
34844             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection-level information. Currently this only contains 
34845             the name of the collection.</returns>
34846             <remarks>
34847             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element - The start element of the collection.
34848             Post-Condition:  Any                 - The next node after the start element node of the collection or the 
34849                                                    empty collection element node.
34850             </remarks>
34851         </member>
34852         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionEnd">
34853             <summary>
34854             Reads the end of a collection.
34855             </summary>
34856             <remarks>
34857             Pre-condition:  XmlNodeType.EndElement - The end element of the collection.
34858                             XmlNodeType.Element    - The start element of the collection, if the element is empty.
34859             Post-condition: Any                    - Next node after the end element of the collection.
34860             </remarks>
34861         </member>
34862         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionItem(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator)">
34863             <summary>
34864             Reads an item in the collection. 
34865             </summary>
34866             <param name="expectedItemType">The expected type of the item to read.</param>
34867             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
34868             <returns>The value of the collection item that was read; this can be an ODataComplexValue, a primitive value or 'null'.</returns>
34869             <remarks>
34870             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - The start element node of the item in the collection.
34871             Post-Condition: Any                    - The next node after the end tag of the item.
34872             </remarks>
34873         </member>
34874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer.SkipToElementInODataNamespace">
34875             <summary>
34876             Reads from the Xml reader skipping all nodes until an Element or an EndElement in the OData namespace  
34877             is found or the reader.EOF is reached.
34878             </summary>
34879         </member>
34880         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializerExpandedNavigationLinkContent">
34881             <summary>
34882             Possible content types of expanded navigation link in ATOM.
34883             </summary>
34884         </member>
34885         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializerExpandedNavigationLinkContent.None">
34886             <summary>No content found, no m:inline.</summary>
34887         </member>
34888         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializerExpandedNavigationLinkContent.Empty">
34889             <summary>Empty content found, m:inline without anything in it. Usually represents null entry.</summary>
34890         </member>
34891         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializerExpandedNavigationLinkContent.Entry">
34892             <summary>Expanded entry found.</summary>
34893         </member>
34894         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomDeserializerExpandedNavigationLinkContent.Feed">
34895             <summary>Expanded feed found.</summary>
34896         </member>
34897         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
34898             <summary>
34899             OData ATOM deserializer for entries and feeds.
34900             </summary>
34901         </member>
34902         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomNamespace">
34903             <summary>Schema namespace for Atom.</summary>
34904         </member>
34905         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomEntryElementName">
34906             <summary>XML element name to mark entry element in Atom.</summary>
34907         </member>
34908         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomCategoryElementName">
34909             <summary>'category' - XML element name for ATOM 'category' element for entries.</summary>
34910         </member>
34911         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomCategoryTermAttributeName">
34912             <summary>'term' - XML attribute name for ATOM 'term' attribute for categories.</summary>
34913         </member>
34914         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomCategorySchemeAttributeName">
34915             <summary>'scheme' - XML attribute name for ATOM 'scheme' attribute for categories.</summary>
34916         </member>
34917         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomContentElementName">
34918             <summary>XML element name to mark content element in Atom.</summary>
34919         </member>
34920         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomLinkElementName">
34921             <summary>XML element name to mark link element in Atom.</summary>
34922         </member>
34923         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomPropertiesElementName">
34924             <summary>Element containing property values when 'content' is used for media link entries</summary>
34925         </member>
34926         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomFeedElementName">
34927             <summary>XML element name to mark feed element in Atom.</summary>
34928         </member>
34929         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomIdElementName">
34930             <summary>XML element name to mark id element in Atom.</summary>
34931         </member>
34932         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomLinkRelationAttributeName">
34933             <summary>XML attribute name of the link relation attribute in Atom.</summary>
34934         </member>
34935         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AtomLinkHrefAttributeName">
34936             <summary>XML attribute name of the href attribute of a link in Atom.</summary>
34937         </member>
34938         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.MediaLinkEntryContentSourceAttributeName">
34939             <summary>Atom source attribute name for the content of media link entries.</summary>
34940         </member>
34941         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataETagAttributeName">
34942             <summary>OData attribute which indicates the etag value for the declaring entry element.</summary>
34943         </member>
34944         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataCountElementName">
34945             <summary>OData element name for the 'count' element</summary>
34946         </member>
34947         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataInlineElementName">
34948             <summary>'Inline' - wrapping element for inlined entry/feed content.</summary>
34949         </member>
34950         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataActionElementName">
34951             <summary>Element name for m:action.</summary>
34952         </member>
34953         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataFunctionElementName">
34954             <summary>Element name for m:function.</summary>
34955         </member>
34956         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataOperationMetadataAttribute">
34957             <summary>Attribute name for m:action|m:function/@metadata.</summary>
34958         </member>
34959         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataOperationTitleAttribute">
34960             <summary>Attribute name for m:action|m:function/@title.</summary>
34961         </member>
34962         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ODataOperationTargetAttribute">
34963             <summary>Attribute name for m:action|m:function/@target.</summary>
34964         </member>
34965         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.atomAnnotationReader">
34966             <summary>
34967             The reader used to parse annotation elements.
34968             </summary>
34969         </member>
34970         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.entryMetadataDeserializer">
34971             <summary>
34972             ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on entries.
34973             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
34974             </summary>
34975         </member>
34976         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.feedMetadataDeserializer">
34977             <summary>
34978             ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on feeds.
34979             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
34980             </summary>
34981         </member>
34982         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
34983             <summary>
34984             Constructor.
34985             </summary>
34986             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
34987         </member>
34988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.EnsureMediaResource(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,System.Boolean)">
34989             <summary>
34990             Ensure a media resource is created for the specified entry.
34991             </summary>
34992             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
34993             <param name="validateMLEPresence">If set to true, this method will validate that marking the entry as MLE
34994             doesn't collide with it already being marked as non-MLE.</param>
34995         </member>
34996         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.VerifyEntryStart">
34997             <summary>
34998             Verified that the reader is positioned on the atom:entry start element node.
34999             </summary>
35000         </member>
35001         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
35002             <summary>
35003             Read the start of the entry.
35004             This method verifies that the current element is atom:entry and it reads the ETag from it.
35005             </summary>
35006             <param name="entry">The entry instance to fill the properties on.</param>
35007             <remarks>
35008             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element   - The method will fail if it's not element called atom:entry
35009             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element   - The atom:entry element
35010             </remarks>
35011         </member>
35012         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35013             <summary>
35014             Reads the content of an entry (child nodes of the atom:entry, not the atom:content element).
35015             </summary>
35016             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35017             <returns>A descriptor representing the navigation link detected;
35018             null if no navigation link was found and the end of the entry was reached.</returns>
35019             <remarks>
35020             Pre-Condition:  Anything but Attribute - the child node of the atom:entry element, can be pretty much anything, the method will skip over insignificant nodes and text nodes if found.
35021             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry - The end of the atom:entry element if no nav. link was found and the end of the entry was reached.
35022                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:link     - The start tag of the atom:link element representing a navigation link.
35023             </remarks>
35024         </member>
35025         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryEnd">
35026             <summary>
35027             Read the end of the entry.
35028             </summary>
35029             <remarks>
35030             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:entry - The atom:entry empty element to read end of.
35031                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - The end element of atom:entry to read.
35032             Post-Condition: Any                                    - The node right after the entry element.
35033             </remarks>
35034         </member>
35035         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedStart">
35036             <summary>
35037             Read the start of the feed.
35038             This method verifies that the current element is atom:feed.
35039             </summary>
35040             <remarks>
35041             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element   - The method will fail if it's not called atom:feed (but won't validate that it's an element)
35042             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element   - The atom:feed element
35043             </remarks>
35044         </member>
35045         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState,System.Boolean)">
35046             <summary>
35047             Reads the content of a feed (child nodes of the atom:feed).
35048             </summary>
35049             <param name="feedState">The reader feed state for the feed being read.</param>
35050             <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
35051             <returns>true if an entry was found or false if no more entries were found in the feed.</returns>
35052             <remarks>
35053             Pre-Condition:  Anything but Attribute           - the child node of the atom:feed element, can be pretty much anything, the method will skip over insignificant nodes and text nodes if found.
35054             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed - The end of the atom:feed element if no entry was found and the end of the feed was reached.
35055                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry   - The start tag of the atom:entry element representing an entry in the feed.
35056             </remarks>
35057         </member>
35058         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedEnd">
35059             <summary>
35060             Read the end of the feed.
35061             </summary>
35062             <remarks>
35063             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:feed - The atom:feed empty element to read end of.
35064                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed      - The end element of atom:feed to read.
35065             Post-Condition: Any                                   - The node right after the entry element.
35066             </remarks>
35067         </member>
35068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadNavigationLinkContentBeforeExpansion">
35069             <summary>
35070             Read the content of the navigation link before any expansion was found.
35071             </summary>
35072             <returns>
35073             An enumeration value indicating what content was found:
35074             None - no m:inline was found, the link is deferred. The reader is positioned on the atom:link end element.
35075             Empty - empty m:inline was found - usually means null entry. The reader is positioned on empty start m:inline or end element m:inline.
35076             Entry - expanded entry was found. The reader is positioned on the atom:entry element.
35077             Feed - expanded feed was found. The reader is positioned on the atom:feed element.
35078             </returns>
35079             <remarks>
35080             Pre-Condition:  Any                                  - a node in the atom:link content.
35081             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link     - the end of the navigation link was reached.
35082                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:feed        - an expanded feed was found.
35083                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry       - an expanded entry was found.
35084                             XmlNodeType.Element (empty) m:inline - empty inline was found.
35085                             XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline      - empty inline was found.
35086             </remarks>
35087         </member>
35088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.IsReaderOnInlineEndElement">
35089             <summary>
35090             Determines if the reader is positioned on the m:inline end element or empty m:inline start element.
35091             </summary>
35092             <returns>true if the reader is on m:inline end element or m:inline empty start element; false otherwise.</returns>
35093         </member>
35094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.SkipNavigationLinkContentOnExpansion">
35095             <summary>
35096             Skips everything until an end-element for atom:link is found.
35097             </summary>
35098             <remarks>
35099             This method should only be used to skip the rest of the link content after the ReadNavigationLinkContentBeforeExpansion was called.
35100             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry       - start of the expanded entry
35101                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:feed        - start of the expanded feed
35102                             XmlNodeType.Element (empty) m:inline - empty m:inline element (emptyInline = true)
35103                             XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline      - end of the m:inline element.
35104             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link     - the end element of the navigation link.
35105             </remarks>
35106         </member>
35107         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadNavigationLinkContentAfterExpansion(System.Boolean)">
35108             <summary>
35109             Read the content of the navigation link after the expansion was found.
35110             The method returns when the entire atom:link was read.
35111             </summary>
35112             <param name="emptyInline">
35113             true if the reader is positioned on the empty start tag or end tag of the m:inline element.
35114             false if the reader is inside m:inline (or on the end tag of m:inline).
35115             </param>
35116             <remarks>
35117             Pre-Condition:  Any                                  - child node of the m:inline element (emptyInline == false)
35118                             XmlNodeType.Element (empty) m:inline - empty m:inline element (emptyInline = true)
35119                             XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline      - end of the m:inline element.
35120             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link     - the end element of the navigation link.
35121             </remarks>
35122         </member>
35123         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadNavigationLinkEnd">
35124             <summary>
35125             Read the end of the navigation link.
35126             </summary>
35127             <remarks>
35128             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:link  - the empty atom:link element of a deferred navigation link.
35129                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link       - the end element atom:link.
35130             Post-Condition: Any                                    - The node right after the link element.
35131             </remarks>
35132         </member>
35133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.FindTypeName">
35134             <summary>
35135             Reads the entry content in buffering mode and looks for the type name (the category element with the right attributes).
35136             </summary>
35137             <returns>The type name if one of found or null if none was found.</returns>
35138             <remarks>
35139             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element   - the atom:entry element
35140             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element   - the atom:entry element on which the reader started.
35141             </remarks>
35142         </member>
35143         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.GetNewOrExistingStreamPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,System.String)">
35144             <summary>
35145             Returns an existing stream property value if it already exists in the list of OData properties otherwise creates a new 
35146             ODataProperty for the stream property and returns the value of that property.
35147             </summary>
35148             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35149             <param name="streamPropertyName">The name of the stream property to return.</param>
35150             <returns>A new or an existing stream property value.</returns>
35151         </member>
35152         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ValidateDuplicateElement(System.Boolean)">
35153             <summary>
35154             If the <paramref name="duplicateElementFound"/> is true, then the default behavior should throw.
35155             </summary>
35156             <remarks>This method assumes the reader is positioned on the duplicated element.</remarks>
35157             <param name="duplicateElementFound">Used to determine if duplicate check should throw an exception.</param>
35158         </member>
35159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomElementInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35160             <summary>
35161             Reads an ATOM element inside the atom:entry from the input.
35162             </summary>
35163             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35164             <returns>
35165             If the atom element is representing a navigation link a descriptor for that link is returned,
35166             otherwise null.
35167             </returns>
35168             <remarks>
35169             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element in ATOM namespace - The element in ATOM namespace to read.
35170             Post-Condition: Any                                   - The node after the ATOM element if it's not a navigation link.
35171                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:link         - The start tag of atom:link if it's a navigation link.
35172             </remarks>
35173         </member>
35174         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomContentElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35175             <summary>
35176             Reads the atom:content element.
35177             </summary>
35178             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35179             <remarks>
35180             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:content  - The atom:content element to read.
35181             Post-Condition:  Any                               - The node after the atom:content element.
35182             </remarks>
35183         </member>
35184         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomContentAttributes(System.String@,System.String@)">
35185             <summary>
35186             Reads the attributes of the &lt;atom:content&gt; element.
35187             </summary>
35188             <param name="contentType">The content type attribute value (or null if not found).</param>
35189             <param name="contentSource">The content source attribute value (or null if not found).</param>
35190         </member>
35191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomIdElementInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35192             <summary>
35193             Reads the atom:id element in the atom:entry element.
35194             </summary>
35195             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35196             <remarks>
35197             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:id - The atom:id element to read.
35198             Post-Condition:  Any                         - The node after the atom:id element.
35199             </remarks>
35200         </member>
35201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomLinkElementInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35202             <summary>
35203             Reads the atom:link element in atom:entry.
35204             </summary>
35205             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35206             <returns>
35207             If the link is a navigation link the method returns a descriptor representing that link,
35208             otherwise the method returns null.
35209             </returns>
35210             <remarks>
35211             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read.
35212             Post-Condition:  Any                            - The node after the atom:link element if it's not a navigation link.
35213                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link start tag if it's a navigation link.
35214             </remarks>
35215         </member>
35216         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.TryReadAtomStandardRelationLinkInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,System.String,System.String)">
35217             <summary>
35218             Reads the atom:link element with one of the standard relation values in the atom:entry element.
35219             </summary>
35220             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35221             <param name="linkRelation">The rel attribute value for the link.</param>
35222             <param name="linkHRef">The href attribute value for the link (or null if the href attribute was not present).</param>
35223             <returns>If the rel was one of the recognized standard relations and this method read the link
35224             the return value is true. Otherwise the method doesn't move the reader and returns false.</returns>
35225             <remarks>
35226             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read.
35227             Post-Condition:  Any                            - The node after the atom:link element if the link was read by this method.
35228                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read if the link was not read by this method.
35229             </remarks>
35230         </member>
35231         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.TryReadNavigationLinkInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,System.String,System.String)">
35232             <summary>
35233             Reads a navigation link in entry element.
35234             </summary>
35235             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35236             <param name="linkRelation">The value of the rel attribute of the link to read, unescaped parsed URI.</param>
35237             <param name="linkHRef">The value of the href attribute of the link to read.</param>
35238             <returns>A descriptor of a navigation link if a navigation link was found; null otherwise.</returns>
35239             <remarks>
35240             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element atom:link - the start tag of the atom:link element to read.
35241             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element atom:link - the start tag of the atom:link element - the reader doesn't move
35242             </remarks>
35243         </member>
35244         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.TryReadStreamPropertyLinkInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean@)">
35245             <summary>
35246             Reads a stream property edit or read link in an atom:entry.
35247             </summary>
35248             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35249             <param name="linkRelation">The rel attribute value for the link, unescaped parsed URI.</param>
35250             <param name="linkHRef">The href attribute value for the link (or null if the href attribute was not present).</param>
35251             <param name="isStreamPropertyLink">true if the link is a stream property read or edit link; otherwise false.</param>
35252             <returns>true, if the named stream was read successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
35253             <remarks>
35254             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read.
35255             Post-Condition:  Any                            - The node after the atom:link element if the link was read by this method.
35256                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read if the link was not read by this method.
35257             </remarks>
35258         </member>
35259         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadStreamPropertyLinkInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
35260             <summary>
35261             Reads a stream property link in an atom:entry.
35262             </summary>
35263             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35264             <param name="streamPropertyName">The name of the stream property that is being read.</param>
35265             <param name="linkRelation">The rel attribute value for the link.</param>
35266             <param name="linkHRef">The href attribute value for the link (or null if the href attribute was not present).</param>
35267             <param name="editLink">true if we are reading an edit link; otherwise false.</param>
35268             <returns>true if the stream property link was read; otherwise false.</returns>
35269             <remarks>
35270             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read.
35271             Post-Condition:  Any                            - The node after the atom:link element if the link was read by this method.
35272                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read if the link was not read by this method.
35273             </remarks>
35274         </member>
35275         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.TryReadAssociationLinkInEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,System.String,System.String)">
35276             <summary>
35277             Reads a an association link in atom:entry.
35278             </summary>
35279             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35280             <param name="linkRelation">The rel attribute value for the link, unescaped parsed URI.</param>
35281             <param name="linkHRef">The href attribute value for the link (or null if the href attribute was not present).</param>
35282             <returns>true, if the association link was read succesfully, false otherwise.</returns>
35283             <remarks>
35284             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read.
35285             Post-Condition:  Any                            - The node after the atom:link element if the link was read by this method.
35286                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read if the link was not read by this method.
35287             </remarks>
35288         </member>
35289         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.TryReadOperation(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35290             <summary>
35291             Reads a an m:action or m:function in atom:entry.
35292             </summary>
35293             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35294             <returns>true, if the m:action or m:function was read succesfully, false otherwise.</returns>
35295             <remarks>
35296             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element m:action|m:function - The m:action or m:function element to read.
35297             Post-Condition:  Any                                     - The node after the m:action or m:function element if it was read by this method.
35298                              XmlNodeType.Element m:action|m:function - The m:action or m:function element to read if it was not read by this method.
35299             </remarks>
35300         </member>
35301         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomElementInFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState,System.Boolean)">
35302             <summary>
35303             Reads an ATOM element inside the atom:feed from the input.
35304             </summary>
35305             <param name="feedState">The reader feed state for the feed being read.</param>
35306             <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
35307             <returns>true if the atom:entry element was found and the reader was not moved;
35308             false otherwise and the reader is positioned on the next node after the ATOM element.</returns>
35309             <remarks>
35310             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element in ATOM namespace - The element in ATOM namespace to read.
35311             Post-Condition: Any                                   - The node after the ATOM element which was consumed.
35312                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry        - The start of the atom:entry element (the reader did not move in this case).
35313             </remarks>
35314         </member>
35315         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomStandardRelationLinkInFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderFeedState,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
35316             <summary>
35317             Reads the atom:link element with one of the standard relation values in the atom:feed element.
35318             </summary>
35319             <param name="feedState">The reader feed state for the feed being read.</param>
35320             <param name="linkRelation">The rel attribute value for the link.</param>
35321             <param name="linkHRef">The href attribute value for the link (or null if the href attribute was not present).</param>
35322             <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
35323             <returns>If the rel was one of the recognized standard relations and this method read the link
35324             the return value is true. Otherwise the method doesn't move the reader and returns false.</returns>
35325             <remarks>
35326             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read.
35327             Post-Condition:  Any                            - The node after the atom:link element if the link was read by this method.
35328                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read if the link was not read by this method.
35329             </remarks>
35330         </member>
35331         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadLinkMetadataIfRequired(System.String,System.String,System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata})">
35332             <summary>
35333              Reads the Atom metadata for the link if metadata is required to be read, skip it otherwise.
35334             </summary>
35335             <param name="linkRelation">The rel attribute value for the link.</param>
35336             <param name="linkHRef">The href attribute value for the link (or null if the href attribute was not present).</param>
35337             <param name="setFeedLink">Action for adding AtomLinkMetadata to the AtomFeedMetadata</param>
35338         </member>
35339         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomLinkRelationAndHRef(System.String@,System.String@)">
35340             <summary>
35341             Reads the atom:link element's rel and href attributes.
35342             </summary>
35343             <param name="linkRelation">The value of the rel attribute or null if no such attribute was found.</param>
35344             <param name="linkHRef">The value of the href attribute or null if no such attribute was found.</param>
35345             <remarks>
35346             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read.
35347             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element atom:link  - The atom:link element to read - the reader doesn't not move.
35348             </remarks>
35349         </member>
35350         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadNavigationLinkContent">
35351             <summary>
35352             Reads the content of navigation link.
35353             </summary>
35354             <returns>
35355             true if m:inline was found,
35356             false if the end of the atom:link was found.
35357             </returns>
35358             <remarks>
35359             Pre-Condition:  Any                              - a child node of the atom:link element.
35360             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element m:inline     - the m:inline was found, the method returns true.
35361                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link - the atom:link end element, end of the navigation link, the method returns false.
35362             </remarks>
35363         </member>
35364         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadInlineElementContent">
35365             <summary>
35366             Reads content of the m:inline element.
35367             </summary>
35368             <returns>
35369             Enumeration denoting what was found in the content.
35370             Empty - The end of the m:inline element was found - the reader is positioned on the m:inline end element.
35371             Entry - An expanded entry was found - the reader is positioned on atom:entry element.
35372             Feed - An expanded feed was found - the reader is positioned on atom:feed element.
35373             None - will never be returned.
35374             </returns>
35375             <remarks>
35376             Pre-Condition:  Any                                  - child node of the m:inline element.
35377             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element atom:feed        - an expanded feed was found.
35378                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry       - an expanded entry was found.
35379                             XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline      - empty inline was found.
35380             </remarks>
35381         </member>
35382         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.VerifyAtomContentMediaType(System.String)">
35383             <summary>
35384             Verifies that the specified content type of an atom:content element matches the expected value.
35385             </summary>
35386             <param name="contentType">The content type value read from the payload.</param>
35387             <returns>The verified media type name (without parameters or charset) of the content type.</returns>
35388         </member>
35389         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.EntryMetadataDeserializer">
35390             <summary>
35391             ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on entries.
35392             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
35393             </summary>
35394         </member>
35395         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.FeedMetadataDeserializer">
35396             <summary>
35397             ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on feeds.
35398             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
35399             </summary>
35400         </member>
35401         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadAtomMetadata">
35402             <summary>
35403             Flag indicating if ATOM metadata is required to be read by the user.
35404             </summary>
35405         </member>
35406         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer">
35407             <summary>
35408             OData ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on entries.
35409             </summary>
35410         </member>
35411         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.EmptyNamespace">
35412             <summary>The empty namespace used for attributes in no namespace.</summary>
35413         </member>
35414         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.AtomNamespace">
35415             <summary>Schema namespace for Atom.</summary>
35416         </member>
35417         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.sourceMetadataDeserializer">
35418             <summary>
35419             Feed ATOM metadata deserializer for deserializing the atom:source element in an entry.
35420             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
35421             </summary>
35422         </member>
35423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
35424             <summary>
35425             Constructor.
35426             </summary>
35427             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
35428         </member>
35429         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomElementInEntryContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35430             <summary>
35431             Reads an element in ATOM namespace in the content of the entry element.
35432             </summary>
35433             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35434             <remarks>
35435             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:*) - the ATOM element to read.
35436             Post-Condition: Any                          - the node after the ATOM element which was read.
35437             </remarks>
35438         </member>
35439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomLinkElementInEntryContent(System.String,System.String)">
35440             <summary>
35441             Reads the atom:link element in the entry content.
35442             </summary>
35443             <param name="relation">The value of the rel attribute for the link element.</param>
35444             <param name="hrefStringValue">The value of the href attribute for the link element.</param>
35445             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata"/> instance storing the information about this link, or null if link info doesn't need to be stored.</returns>
35446             <remarks>
35447             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:link) - the atom:link element to read.
35448             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element (atom:link) - the atom:link element which was read.
35449             </remarks>
35450         </member>
35451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomCategoryElementInEntryContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState)">
35452             <summary>
35453             Reads the atom:category element in the entry content.
35454             </summary>
35455             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35456             <remarks>
35457             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:category) - the atom:category element to read.
35458             Post-Condition: Any                                 - the node after the atom:category which was read.
35459             </remarks>
35460         </member>
35461         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomCategoryElement">
35462             <summary>
35463             Reads the atom:category element.
35464             </summary>
35465             <returns>The ATOM category metadata read.</returns>
35466             <remarks>
35467             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:category) - the atom:category element to read.
35468             Post-Condition: Any                                 - the node after the atom:category which was read.
35469             </remarks>
35470         </member>
35471         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ReadAtomSourceInEntryContent">
35472             <summary>
35473             Reads the atom:source element in the entry content.
35474             </summary>
35475             <returns>The information in the source element as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata"/>.</returns>
35476             <remarks>
35477             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:source) - the atom:source element to read.
35478             Post-Condition: Any                               - the node after the atom:source which was read.
35479             </remarks>
35480         </member>
35481         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ReadAuthorElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment)">
35482             <summary>
35483             Reads an author element.
35484             </summary>
35485             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35486             <param name="epmTargetPathSegment">The EPM target path segment for the element to read, or null if no EPM for that element is defined.</param>
35487             <remarks>
35488             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:author) - the atom:author element to read.
35489             Post-Condition: Any                               - the node after the atom:author element which was read.
35490             </remarks>
35491         </member>
35492         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ReadContributorElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.IODataAtomReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment)">
35493             <summary>
35494             Reads a contributor element.
35495             </summary>
35496             <param name="entryState">The reader entry state for the entry being read.</param>
35497             <param name="epmTargetPathSegment">The EPM target path segment for the element to read, or null if no EPM for that element is defined.</param>
35498             <remarks>
35499             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (atom:contributor) - the atom:contributor element to read.
35500             Post-Condition: Any                                    - the node after the atom:contributor element which was read.
35501             </remarks>
35502         </member>
35503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ShouldReadCollectionElement(System.Boolean)">
35504             <summary>
35505             Determines if a person element should be read or skipped.
35506             </summary>
35507             <param name="someAlreadyExist">true if some elements from the collection in question already exist; false if this is the first one.</param>
35508             <returns>true if the collection element should be read; false if it should be skipped.</returns>
35509         </member>
35510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.ShouldReadSingletonElement(System.Boolean)">
35511             <summary>
35512             Determines if we should read an element which is allowed to appear only once in ATOM.
35513             </summary>
35514             <param name="alreadyExists">true if we already found such element before; false if this is the first occurence.</param>
35515             <returns>true if the element should be processed; false if the element should be skipped.</returns>
35516             <remarks>The method may throw if multiple occurences of such element occure and they should be treated as an error.</remarks>
35517         </member>
35518         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer.SourceMetadataDeserializer">
35519             <summary>
35520             Feed ATOM metadata deserializer for deserializing the atom:source element in an entry.
35521             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
35522             </summary>
35523         </member>
35524         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer">
35525             <summary>
35526             /// OData ATOM deserializer for service document.
35527             </summary>
35528         </member>
35529         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomPublishingServiceElementName">
35530             <summary>The name of the top-level service document element.</summary>
35531         </member>
35532         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomPublishingWorkspaceElementName">
35533             <summary>The name of the 'workspace' element of a service document.</summary>
35534         </member>
35535         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomHRefAttributeName">
35536             <summary>href attribute name in Atom.</summary>
35537         </member>
35538         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomPublishingCollectionElementName">
35539             <summary>The name of the 'collection' element of a service document.</summary>
35540         </member>
35541         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomPublishingCategoriesElementName">
35542             <summary>The name of the 'categories' element of a service document.</summary>
35543         </member>
35544         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomPublishingAcceptElementName">
35545             <summary>The name of the 'accept' element of a service document.</summary>
35546         </member>
35547         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomPublishingNamespace">
35548             <summary>The Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) namespace.</summary>
35549         </member>
35550         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomNamespace">
35551             <summary>The ATOM namespace.</summary>
35552         </member>
35553         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.AtomTitleElementName">
35554             <summary>The name of the 'title' element of a service document.</summary>
35555         </member>
35556         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.EmptyNamespace">
35557             <summary>The emtpy namespace used for attributes in no namespace.</summary>
35558         </member>
35559         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.serviceDocumentMetadataDeserializer">
35560             <summary>
35561             ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on service documents.
35562             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
35563             </summary>
35564         </member>
35565         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext)">
35566             <summary>
35567             Constructor.
35568             </summary>
35569             <param name="atomInputContext">The ATOM input context to read from.</param>
35570         </member>
35571         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.ReadServiceDocument">
35572             <summary>
35573             Reads a service document.
35574             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
35575             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
35576             </summary>
35577             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
35578             <remarks>
35579             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element - The start element of the service document.
35580             Post-Condtion:   XmlNodeType.None    - The reader must be at the end of the input.
35581             </remarks>   
35582         </member>
35583         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.ReadWorkspace">
35584             <summary>
35585             Reads a workspace of a service document.
35586             </summary>
35587             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the workspace of a service document.</returns>
35588             <remarks>
35589             Pre-Condition:  Any    - the next node after the service element.
35590             Post-Condition: Any    - The next node after the workspace element. 
35591             </remarks>
35592         </member>
35593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.ReadCollectionElement">
35594             <summary>
35595             Reads a resource collection element of a workspace of the service document.
35596             </summary>
35597             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo"/> representing the resource collection in a workspace of a service document.</returns>
35598             <remarks>
35599             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - the collection element inside the workspace.
35600             Post-Condition: Any    - The next node after the collection element. 
35601             </remarks>   
35602         </member>
35603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.SkipToElementInAtomPublishingNamespace">
35604             <summary>
35605             Reads from the Xml reader skipping all nodes until an Element or an EndElement in the ATOM
35606             publishing namespace is found.
35607             </summary>
35608         </member>
35609         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer.ServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer">
35610             <summary>
35611             ATOM deserializer for ATOM metadata on service documents.
35612             This is created on-demand only when needed, but then it's cached.
35613             </summary>
35614         </member>
35615         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeographyTypeConverter">
35616             <summary>
35617             Handles serialization and deserialization for types derived from Geography.
35618             </summary>
35619         </member>
35620         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeographyTypeConverter.TokenizeFromXml(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
35621             <summary>
35622             Create a geography instance from the value in an Xml reader.
35623             </summary>
35624             <param name="reader">The Xml reader to use to read the value.</param>
35625             <remarks>In order to be consistent with how we are reading other types of property values elsewhere in the product, the reader
35626             is expected to be placed at the beginning of the element when entering this method. After this method call, the reader will be placed
35627             at the EndElement, such that the next Element will be read in the next Read call. The deserializer that uses this value expects 
35628             the reader to be in these states when entering and leaving the method.
35629             </remarks>
35630             <returns>Geography instance that was read.</returns>
35631         </member>
35632         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeographyTypeConverter.WriteAtom(System.Object,System.Xml.XmlWriter)">
35633             <summary>
35634             Write the Atom representation of an instance of a primitive type to an XmlWriter.
35635             </summary>
35636             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
35637             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to use to write the instance.</param>
35638         </member>
35639         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeographyTypeConverter.WriteVerboseJson(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
35640             <summary>
35641             Write the Verbose Json representation of an instance of a primitive type to a json writer.
35642             </summary>
35643             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
35644             <param name="jsonWriter">Instance of JsonWriter.</param>
35645             <param name="typeName">Type name of the instance to write. If the type name is null, the type name will not be written in the payload.</param>
35646             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
35647         </member>
35648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.GeographyTypeConverter.WriteJsonLight(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
35649             <summary>
35650             Write the Json Lite representation of an instance of a primitive type to a json writer.
35651             </summary>
35652             <param name="instance">The instance to write.</param>
35653             <param name="jsonWriter">Instance of JsonWriter.</param>
35654             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
35655         </member>
35656         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.CachedPrimitiveKeepInContentAnnotation">
35657             <summary>
35658             Annotation which stores a hashset of property names of a complex type that returned KeepInContent == true 
35659             when written the first time. See the comments on ODataWriterBehavior.UseV1ProviderBehavior for more details.
35660             </summary>
35661         </member>
35662         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.CachedPrimitiveKeepInContentAnnotation.keptInContentPropertyNames">
35663             <summary>
35664             A hash set with the property names of properties that are kept in the content.
35665             </summary>
35666         </member>
35667         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.CachedPrimitiveKeepInContentAnnotation.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
35668             <summary>
35669             Constructor.
35670             </summary>
35671             <param name="keptInContentPropertyNames">Enumeration of property names that are kept in content.</param>
35672         </member>
35673         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.CachedPrimitiveKeepInContentAnnotation.IsKeptInContent(System.String)">
35674             <summary>
35675             Determines if a property is in a list of properties that are kept in the content.
35676             </summary>
35677             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to lookup.</param>
35678             <returns>true if the property is kept in the content; false otherwise.</returns>
35679         </member>
35680         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct">
35681             <summary>
35682             Atom metadata description for a text construct (plain text, html or xhtml).
35683             </summary>
35684         </member>
35685         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct.ToTextConstruct(System.String)">
35686             <summary> Converts a string to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct" /> instance. </summary>
35687             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct" /> instance created for text.</returns>
35688             <param name="text">The <see cref="T:System.String" /> to convert to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct" />.</param>
35689         </member>
35690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct.op_Implicit(System.String)~Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct">
35691             <summary>
35692             Implicit conversion from string to <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct"/>.
35693             </summary>
35694             <param name="text">The <see cref="T:System.String"/> to convert to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct"/>.</param>
35695             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct"/> result.</returns>
35696         </member>
35697         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct.Kind">
35698             <summary>Gets or sets the kind of the text construct (plain text, html, xhtml).</summary>
35699             <returns>The kind of the text construct.</returns>
35700         </member>
35701         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct.Text">
35702             <summary>Gets or sets the text content.</summary>
35703             <returns>The text content.</returns>
35704         </member>
35705         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstructKind">
35706             <summary>
35707             Enumeration for classifying the different kinds of text content in ATOM metadata.
35708             </summary>
35709         </member>
35710         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstructKind.Text">
35711             <summary>Plain text.</summary>
35712         </member>
35713         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstructKind.Html">
35714             <summary>Html text.</summary>
35715         </member>
35716         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstructKind.Xhtml">
35717             <summary>XHtml text.</summary>
35718         </member>
35719         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader">
35720             <summary>
35721             XML reader which supports look-ahead.
35722             </summary>
35723         </member>
35724         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlNamespace">
35725             <summary>The "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" namespace for the "xml" prefix.</summary>
35726         </member>
35727         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlBaseAttributeName">
35728             <summary>The "base" name for the XML base attribute.</summary>
35729         </member>
35730         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlLangAttributeName">
35731             <summary>The 'lang' attribute local name of the xml:lang attribute.</summary>
35732         </member>
35733         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ODataMetadataNamespace">
35734             <summary>XML namespace for data service annotations.</summary>
35735         </member>
35736         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ODataNamespace">
35737             <summary>XML namespace for data services. This is to provide compatibility with WCF DS client which accepts custom data namespace value.</summary>
35738         </member>
35739         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ODataErrorElementName">
35740             <summary>The 'error' local name of the error element.</summary>
35741         </member>
35742         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.reader">
35743             <summary>The underlying XML reader this buffering reader is wrapping.</summary>
35744         </member>
35745         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.bufferedNodes">
35746             <summary>The (possibly empty) list of buffered nodes.</summary>
35747             <remarks>This list stores only non-attribute nodes, attributes are stored in a separate list on an element node.</remarks>
35748         </member>
35749         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.endOfInputBufferedNode">
35750             <summary>
35751             A special buffered node instance which represents the end of input.
35752             We always have just one instance and compare references.
35753             </summary>
35754         </member>
35755         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.disableXmlBase">
35756             <summary>Flag to control if the xml:base attributes should be processed when reading.</summary>
35757         </member>
35758         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.maxInnerErrorDepth">
35759             <summary>The maximumum number of recursive internalexception elements to allow when reading in-stream errors.</summary>
35760         </member>
35761         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.documentBaseUri">
35762             <summary>The base URI for the document.</summary>
35763         </member>
35764         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.currentBufferedNode">
35765             <summary>A pointer into the bufferedNodes list to track the most recent position of the current buffered node.</summary>
35766         </member>
35767         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.currentAttributeNode">
35768             <summary>
35769             A pointer into the linked list of attribute nodes which is only used if the currentBufferedNodeToReport is the attribute value node (not the attribute itself).
35770             In that case it points to the current attribute node.
35771             In all other cases this node is null.</summary>
35772         </member>
35773         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.currentBufferedNodeToReport">
35774             <summary>
35775             A pointer either into the bufferedNodes list or into the list of attributes on a buffered element node
35776             which points to the node which should be reported to the user.
35777             </summary>
35778         </member>
35779         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.isBuffering">
35780             <summary>A flag indicating whether the reader is in buffering mode or not.</summary>
35781         </member>
35782         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.removeOnNextRead">
35783             <summary>
35784             A flag indicating that the last node for non-buffering read was taken from the buffer; we leave the 
35785             node in the buffer until the next Read call.
35786             </summary>
35787         </member>
35788         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.disableInStreamErrorDetection">
35789             <summary>Flag to control whether in-stream errors should be detected when reading.</summary>
35790         </member>
35791         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.xmlBaseStack">
35792             <summary>The stack of XML base URI definitions.</summary>
35793         </member>
35794         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.bufferStartXmlBaseStack">
35795             <summary>The XML base stack state when the buffering started. This is only used when in buffering mode.</summary>
35796         </member>
35797         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.#ctor(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri,System.Uri,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.String)">
35798             <summary>Constructor</summary>
35799             <param name="reader">The reader to wrap.</param>
35800             <param name="parentXmlBaseUri">If this reader is wrapping an inner reader of some kind, this parameter should pass the xml:base effective value of the parent.</param>
35801             <param name="documentBaseUri">The base URI for the document.</param>
35802             <param name="disableXmlBase">Flag to control if the xml:base attributes should be processed when reading.</param>
35803             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximum number of recursive internalexception elements to allow when reading in-stream errors.</param>
35804             <param name="odataNamespace">XML namespace for data services.</param>
35805         </member>
35806         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.Read">
35807             <summary>
35808             Reads the next node from the input.
35809             </summary>
35810             <returns>true if another node is available and the reader has moved to it; false if end of input was reached.</returns>
35811         </member>
35812         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.MoveToElement">
35813             <summary>
35814             Moves the reader to the element which owns the current attribute.
35815             </summary>
35816             <returns>true if the reader has moved (that is the current node was an attribute);
35817             false if the reader didn't move (the reader was already positioned on an element or other node).</returns>
35818         </member>
35819         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.MoveToFirstAttribute">
35820             <summary>
35821             Moves the reader to the first attribute of the current element.
35822             </summary>
35823             <returns>true if the reader moved to the first attribute; false if there are no attribute for the current node (the reader didn't move).</returns>
35824         </member>
35825         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute">
35826             <summary>
35827             Moves the reader to the next attribute on the current element.
35828             </summary>
35829             <returns>true if the reader moved to the next attribute (if the node was an element it moves to the first attribute);
35830             false if the reader didn't move (no attributes for the current node).</returns>
35831         </member>
35832         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ReadAttributeValue">
35833             <summary>
35834             Reads the next node from the value of an attribute.
35835             </summary>
35836             <returns>true if next node was available; false if end of the attribute value was reached.</returns>
35837         </member>
35838         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.Close">
35839             <summary>
35840             Closes the reader and the underlying input.
35841             </summary>
35842         </member>
35843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.GetAttribute(System.Int32)">
35844             <summary>
35845             Returns the value of an attribute based on its index.
35846             </summary>
35847             <param name="i">The index of the attribute, starts at 0.</param>
35848             <returns>The value of the attribute at index <paramref name="i"/>.</returns>
35849         </member>
35850         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.GetAttribute(System.String,System.String)">
35851             <summary>
35852             Returns the value of an attribute based on its fully qualified name.
35853             </summary>
35854             <param name="name">The local name of the attribute.</param>
35855             <param name="namespaceURI">The namespace URI of the attribute.</param>
35856             <returns>The value of the attribute with specified <paramref name="name"/> and <paramref name="namespaceURI"/>.</returns>
35857         </member>
35858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.GetAttribute(System.String)">
35859             <summary>
35860             Returns the value of an attribute based on its name.
35861             </summary>
35862             <param name="name">The name of the attribute. (prefix:localname)</param>
35863             <returns>The value of the attribute with specified <paramref name="name"/>.</returns>
35864         </member>
35865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.LookupNamespace(System.String)">
35866             <summary>
35867             Looks up a namespace URI based on the prefix.
35868             </summary>
35869             <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for.</param>
35870             <returns>The namespace URI for the specified <paramref name="prefix"/>.</returns>
35871         </member>
35872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.MoveToAttribute(System.String,System.String)">
35873             <summary>
35874             Moves the reader to the attribute specified by fully qualified name.
35875             </summary>
35876             <param name="name">The local name of the attribute.</param>
35877             <param name="ns">The namespace URI of the attribute.</param>
35878             <returns>true if the attribute specified by <paramref name="name"/> and <paramref name="ns"/> was found and the reader is positioned on it;
35879             false otherwise.</returns>
35880         </member>
35881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.MoveToAttribute(System.String)">
35882             <summary>
35883             Moves the reader to the attribute specified by name.
35884             </summary>
35885             <param name="name">The name of the attribute (prefix:localname).</param>
35886             <returns>true if the attribute specified by <paramref name="name"/> was found and the reader is positioned on it;
35887             false otherwise.</returns>
35888         </member>
35889         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ResolveEntity">
35890             <summary>
35891             Resolves the current entity node.
35892             </summary>
35893         </member>
35894         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.StartBuffering">
35895             <summary>
35896             Puts the reader into the state where it buffers read nodes.
35897             </summary>
35898         </member>
35899         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.StopBuffering">
35900             <summary>
35901             Puts the reader into the state where no buffering happen on read.
35902             Either buffered nodes are consumed or new nodes are read (and not buffered).
35903             </summary>
35904         </member>
35905         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ReadInternal(System.Boolean)">
35906             <summary>
35907             The actual implementatin of the Read method. Moves the reader to the next node.
35908             </summary>
35909             <param name="ignoreInStreamErrors">true if the reader should not check for in-stream errors; otherwise false.</param>
35910             <returns>true if next node is available and the reader has moved; false if end-of-input was reached.</returns>
35911         </member>
35912         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ReadNextAndCheckForInStreamError">
35913             <summary>
35914             Reads the next node from the XML reader and if m:error element node is detected starts reading ahead and
35915             tries to parse an in-stream error.
35916             </summary>
35917             <returns>true if a new node was found, or false if end of input was reached.</returns>
35918         </member>
35919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.IsEndOfInputNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode)">
35920             <summary>
35921             Determines if the specified node is the end of input node.
35922             </summary>
35923             <param name="node">The buffered node to test.</param>
35924             <returns>true if the node is the special end of input node, false otherwise.</returns>
35925         </member>
35926         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferCurrentReaderNode">
35927             <summary>
35928             Buffers the current reader state into a node.
35929             </summary>
35930             <returns>The newly created buffered node.</returns>
35931         </member>
35932         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.GetCurrentElementNode">
35933             <summary>
35934             Returns the current element node (or node which acts like an element, it doesn't have to be of type Element).
35935             </summary>
35936             <returns>The current element node.</returns>
35937         </member>
35938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.FindAttributeBufferedNode(System.Int32)">
35939             <summary>
35940             Finds the buffered node for the attribute specified by its index.
35941             </summary>
35942             <param name="index">The index of the attribute.</param>
35943             <returns>The linked list node of the found attribute, or null if no such attribute could be found.</returns>
35944         </member>
35945         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.FindAttributeBufferedNode(System.String,System.String)">
35946             <summary>
35947             Finds the buffered node for the attribute specified by its local name and namespace URI.
35948             </summary>
35949             <param name="localName">The local name of the attribute.</param>
35950             <param name="namespaceUri">The namespace URI of the attribute.</param>
35951             <returns>The linked list node of the found attribute, or null if no such attribute could be found.</returns>
35952         </member>
35953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.FindAttributeBufferedNode(System.String)">
35954             <summary>
35955             Finds the buffered node for the attribute specified by its qualified name.
35956             </summary>
35957             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the attribute to find, that is prefix:localName.</param>
35958             <returns>The linked list node of the found attribute, or null if no such attribute could be found.</returns>
35959         </member>
35960         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.MoveFromAttributeValueNode">
35961             <summary>
35962             If the reader is positioned on the attribute value node, this moves it to the owning attribute node.
35963             </summary>
35964         </member>
35965         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.GetAttributeWithAtomizedName(System.String,System.String)">
35966             <summary>
35967             Returns the value of an attribute based on its fully qualified name.
35968             </summary>
35969             <param name="name">The local name of the attribute. This string must already be atomized against the reader's nametable.</param>
35970             <param name="namespaceURI">The namespace URI of the attribute. This string must already be atomized against the reader's nametable.</param>
35971             <returns>The value of the attribute with specified <paramref name="name"/> and <paramref name="namespaceURI"/>.</returns>
35972             <remarks>
35973             Behaves the same as GetAttribute, but it assumes that the parameters are already atomized against our nametable.
35974             This allows the method to be much faster.
35975             </remarks>
35976         </member>
35977         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ValidateInternalState">
35978             <summary>
35979             Validates internal state of the reader - debug only.
35980             </summary>
35981         </member>
35982         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.NodeType">
35983             <summary>
35984             Returns the type of the current node.
35985             </summary>
35986         </member>
35987         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.IsEmptyElement">
35988             <summary>
35989             Returns true if the reader is positioned on an empty element.
35990             </summary>
35991         </member>
35992         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.LocalName">
35993             <summary>
35994             Returns the local name of the current node.
35995             </summary>
35996         </member>
35997         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.Prefix">
35998             <summary>
35999             Returns the prefix of the current node.
36000             </summary>
36001         </member>
36002         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.NamespaceURI">
36003             <summary>
36004             Returns the namespace URI of the current node.
36005             </summary>
36006         </member>
36007         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.Value">
36008             <summary>
36009             Returns the value of the current node.
36010             </summary>
36011         </member>
36012         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.Depth">
36013             <summary>
36014             Returns the depth of the current node.
36015             </summary>
36016         </member>
36017         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.EOF">
36018             <summary>
36019             Returns true if the end of input was reached.
36020             </summary>
36021         </member>
36022         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ReadState">
36023             <summary>
36024             Returns the current state of the reader.
36025             </summary>
36026             <remarks>We need to support ReadState in order for Skip to work without us implementing it again.</remarks>
36027         </member>
36028         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.NameTable">
36029             <summary>
36030             Returns the nametable used by the reader.
36031             </summary>
36032         </member>
36033         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.AttributeCount">
36034             <summary>
36035             Returns the number of attributes on the node.
36036             </summary>
36037         </member>
36038         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BaseURI">
36039             <summary>
36040             Returns the base URI of the node - note that this is not based on the xml:base attribute, just the input streams.
36041             </summary>
36042         </member>
36043         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.HasValue">
36044             <summary>
36045             Returns true if the current node has a value.
36046             </summary>
36047         </member>
36048         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlBaseUri">
36049             <summary>
36050             The active XML base URI for the current node.
36051             </summary>
36052         </member>
36053         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.ParentXmlBaseUri">
36054             <summary>
36055             The active XML base URI for the parent node (parent element) of the current node.
36056             </summary>
36057         </member>
36058         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.DisableInStreamErrorDetection">
36059             <summary>
36060             Flag to control whether in-stream errors should be detected when reading.
36061             </summary>
36062         </member>
36063         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode">
36064             <summary>
36065             Class representing one buffered XML node
36066             </summary>
36067         </member>
36068         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.attributeNodes">
36069             <summary>
36070             The list of attribute nodes, if this node is an element node.
36071             </summary>
36072         </member>
36073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.#ctor(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
36074             <summary>
36075             Constructor.
36076             </summary>
36077             <param name="reader">The XML reader to get all the interesting values from. The reader
36078             is positioned on the node which the new buffered node should buffer.</param>
36079         </member>
36080         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32,System.Xml.XmlNameTable)">
36081             <summary>
36082             Constructor for an attribute value node
36083             </summary>
36084             <param name="value">The value of the attribute value node to create.</param>
36085             <param name="depth">The parent attribute depth.</param>
36086             <param name="nametable">The nametable to use.</param>
36087         </member>
36088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.#ctor(System.String)">
36089             <summary>
36090             Constructor for end of input node.
36091             </summary>
36092             <param name="emptyString">The atomized instance of an empty string.</param>
36093         </member>
36094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.CreateEndOfInput(System.Xml.XmlNameTable)">
36095             <summary>
36096             Creates a special node which represents the end of input.
36097             </summary>
36098             <param name="nametable">The nametable of the underlying reader.</param>
36099             <returns>The newly created node.</returns>
36100         </member>
36101         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.NodeType">
36102             <summary>The type of the buffered node.</summary>
36103         </member>
36104         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.NamespaceUri">
36105             <summary>The namespace URI of the buffered node.</summary>
36106         </member>
36107         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.LocalName">
36108             <summary>The local name of the buffered node.</summary>
36109         </member>
36110         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.Prefix">
36111             <summary>The prefix of the buffered node.</summary>
36112         </member>
36113         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.Value">
36114             <summary>The value of the buffered node.</summary>
36115         </member>
36116         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.Depth">
36117             <summary>The depth of the buffered node.</summary>
36118         </member>
36119         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.IsEmptyElement">
36120             <summary>Denotes if the buffered node is an empty element.</summary>
36121         </member>
36122         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.BufferedNode.AttributeNodes">
36123             <summary>List of attributes. If the node is not element, this will be null.</summary>
36124         </member>
36125         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlBaseDefinition">
36126             <summary>
36127             Helper class to store XML base URI definition for a specific depth of the reader.
36128             </summary>
36129         </member>
36130         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlBaseDefinition.#ctor(System.Uri,System.Int32)">
36131             <summary>
36132             Constructor.
36133             </summary>
36134             <param name="baseUri">The XML base URI for the definition.</param>
36135             <param name="depth">The depth of the XML reader for the definition.</param>
36136         </member>
36137         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlBaseDefinition.BaseUri">
36138             <summary>The base URI for this definition.</summary>
36139         </member>
36140         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader.XmlBaseDefinition.Depth">
36141             <summary>The depth of the XmlReader on which this XML base is defined.</summary>
36142         </member>
36143         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomStreamReferenceMetadata">
36144             <summary>
36145             Atom metadata for stream reference values.
36146             </summary>
36147         </member>
36148         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomStreamReferenceMetadata.SelfLink">
36149             <summary>Gets or sets an Atom link metadata for the self link.</summary>
36150             <returns>An Atom link metadata for the self link.</returns>
36151         </member>
36152         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomStreamReferenceMetadata.EditLink">
36153             <summary>Gets or sets an Atom link metadata for the edit link.</summary>
36154             <returns>An Atom link metadata for the edit link.</returns>
36155         </member>
36156         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader">
36157             <summary>
36158             OData collection reader for ATOM format.
36159             </summary>
36160         </member>
36161         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader.atomInputContext">
36162             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
36163         </member>
36164         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader.atomCollectionDeserializer">
36165             <summary>The collection deserializer to use to read from the input.</summary>
36166         </member>
36167         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
36168             <summary>
36169             Constructor.
36170             </summary>
36171             <param name="atomInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
36172             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
36173         </member>
36174         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
36175             <summary>
36176             Implementation of the collection reader logic when in state 'Start'.
36177             </summary>
36178             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36179             <remarks>
36180             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.None    - assumes that the Xml reader has not been used yet.
36181             Post-Condition: Any                 - the next node after the collection element node or the empty collection element node.
36182             </remarks>
36183         </member>
36184         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionStartImplementation">
36185             <summary>
36186             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionStart'.
36187             </summary>
36188             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36189             <remarks>
36190             Pre-Condition:  Any - the next node after the collection element or the empty collection element node.
36191             Post-Condition: Any - the next node after the end tag of the item or the collection.
36192             </remarks>
36193         </member>
36194         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader.ReadAtValueImplementation">
36195             <summary>
36196             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Value'.
36197             </summary>
36198             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36199             <remarks>
36200             Pre-Condition:  Any - the next node after the end tag of the item. 
36201             Post-Condition: Any - the next node after the end tag of the item or the collection. 
36202             </remarks>
36203         </member>
36204         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionEndImplementation">
36205             <summary>
36206             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionEnd'.
36207             </summary>
36208             <returns>false since no more nodes can be read from the reader after the collection ends.</returns>
36209             <remarks>
36210             Pre-Condition: Any - the next node after the end tag of the collection element.
36211             Post-Condtion: XmlNodeType.None  - the reader is at the end of the input.
36212             </remarks>
36213         </member>
36214         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext">
36215             <summary>
36216             Implementation of the OData input for ATOM OData format.
36217             </summary>
36218         </member>
36219         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.baseXmlReader">
36220             <summary>The XML reader used to parse the input.</summary>
36221             <remarks>Do not use this to actually read the input, instead use the xmlReader.</remarks>
36222         </member>
36223         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.xmlReader">
36224             <summary>The XML reader to read from.</summary>
36225             <remarks>If entry XML customization is used this is the reader for the current entry.</remarks>
36226         </member>
36227         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.xmlCustomizationReaders">
36228             <summary>A stack used to track XML customization readers.</summary>
36229             <remarks>
36230             At the beginning the base reader is pushed to the stack.
36231             Each non-null entry has an item on this stack.
36232             If the XML customization was used for a given entry the reader returned by the customization will be pushed to the stack for it.
36233             This is only used from ODataAtomReader, other readers don't use this.
36234             </remarks>
36235         </member>
36236         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
36237             <summary>Constructor.</summary>
36238             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
36239             <param name="messageStream">The stream to read data from.</param>
36240             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
36241             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
36242             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
36243             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
36244             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
36245             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
36246             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
36247         </member>
36248         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.CreateFeedReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
36249             <summary>
36250             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
36251             </summary>
36252             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
36253             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base type for the entries in the feed.</param>
36254             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
36255         </member>
36256         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.CreateEntryReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
36257             <summary>
36258             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
36259             </summary>
36260             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
36261             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
36262             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
36263         </member>
36264         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.CreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
36265             <summary>
36266             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
36267             </summary>
36268             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
36269             <returns>Newly create <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
36270         </member>
36271         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadServiceDocument">
36272             <summary>
36273             Read a service document. 
36274             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
36275             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
36276             </summary>
36277             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
36278         </member>
36279         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
36280             <summary>
36281             This method creates an reads the property from the input and 
36282             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
36283             </summary>
36284             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
36285             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
36286             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
36287         </member>
36288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadError">
36289             <summary>
36290             Read a top-level error.
36291             </summary>
36292             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
36293         </member>
36294         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
36295             <summary>
36296             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
36297             </summary>
36298             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
36299             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
36300         </member>
36301         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
36302             <summary>
36303             Reads a top-level entity reference link.
36304             </summary>
36305             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference link.</param>
36306             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
36307         </member>
36308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.DetectPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionInfo)">
36309             <summary>
36310             Detects the payload kind(s) of the payload.
36311             </summary>
36312             <param name="detectionInfo">Additional information available for the payload kind detection.</param>
36313             <returns>An enumerable of zero or more payload kinds depending on what payload kinds were detected.</returns>
36314         </member>
36315         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.InitializeReaderCustomization">
36316             <summary>
36317             Initializes the ability to use customization readers.
36318             </summary>
36319             <remarks>
36320             This needs to be called before any of the reader customization functionality is used.
36321             </remarks>
36322         </member>
36323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.PushCustomReader(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri)">
36324             <summary>
36325             Pushes a reader on the top of the customization stack.
36326             </summary>
36327             <param name="customXmlReader">The reader to push.</param>
36328             <param name="xmlBaseUri">The xml:base URI to use as the base uri for all of the payload read from that reader.</param>
36329         </member>
36330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.PopCustomReader">
36331             <summary>
36332             Pops a reader from the top of the customization stack.
36333             </summary>
36334             <returns>The popped reader, the one which was on the top of the stack before the operation.</returns>
36335         </member>
36336         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.DisposeImplementation">
36337             <summary>
36338             Disposes the input context.
36339             </summary>
36340         </member>
36341         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.CreateFeedReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
36342             <summary>
36343             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
36344             </summary>
36345             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
36346             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base type for the entries in the feed.</param>
36347             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
36348         </member>
36349         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.CreateEntryReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
36350             <summary>
36351             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
36352             </summary>
36353             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
36354             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
36355             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
36356         </member>
36357         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.CreateCollectionReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
36358             <summary>
36359             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
36360             </summary>
36361             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
36362             <returns>Newly create <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
36363         </member>
36364         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadPropertyImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
36365             <summary>
36366             This method creates and reads the property from the input and 
36367             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
36368             </summary>
36369             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
36370             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
36371             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
36372         </member>
36373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadServiceDocumentImplementation">
36374             <summary>
36375             This methods creates and reads a service document from the input and returns 
36376             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the service document.
36377             </summary>
36378             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the service document.</returns>
36379         </member>
36380         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadErrorImplementation">
36381             <summary>
36382             Read a top-level error.
36383             </summary>
36384             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
36385         </member>
36386         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinksImplementation">
36387             <summary>
36388             Reads top-level entity reference links.
36389             </summary>
36390             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
36391         </member>
36392         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinkImplementation">
36393             <summary>
36394             Reads a top-level entity reference link.
36395             </summary>
36396             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
36397         </member>
36398         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext.XmlReader">
36399             <summary>
36400             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader"/> which is to be used to read the content of the message.
36401             </summary>
36402         </member>
36403         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderUtils">
36404             <summary>
36405             Helper methods used by the OData reader for the ATOM format.
36406             </summary>
36407         </member>
36408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderUtils.CreateXmlReader(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
36409             <summary>
36410             Creates an Xml reader over the specified stream with the provided settings.
36411             </summary>
36412             <param name="stream">The stream to create the XmlReader over.</param>
36413             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
36414             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The OData message reader settings used to control the settings of the Xml reader.</param>
36415             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlReader"/> instance configured with the provided settings.</returns>
36416         </member>
36417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderUtils.ReadMetadataNullAttributeValue(System.String)">
36418             <summary>
36419             Parses the value of the m:null attribute and returns a boolean.
36420             </summary>
36421             <param name="attributeValue">The string value of the m:null attribute.</param>
36422             <returns>true if the value denotes that the element should be null; false otherwise.</returns>
36423         </member>
36424         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderUtils.CreateXmlReaderSettings(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
36425             <summary>
36426             Creates a new XmlReaderSettings instance using the encoding.
36427             </summary>
36428             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
36429             <returns>The Xml reader settings to use for this reader.</returns>
36430         </member>
36431         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader">
36432             <summary>
36433             OData reader for the ATOM format.
36434             </summary>
36435         </member>
36436         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.atomInputContext">
36437             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
36438         </member>
36439         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.atomEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
36440             <summary>The deserializer to use to read input.</summary>
36441         </member>
36442         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.atomEntryAndFeedDeserializersStack">
36443             <summary>Stack of entry and feed deserializers, we need to create a new one for each XML customization
36444             so that the strings get atomized again and so that we can return to the original one without reatomizing everything.</summary>
36445         </member>
36446         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean)">
36447             <summary>
36448             Constructor.
36449             </summary>
36450             <param name="atomInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
36451             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
36452             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read (in case of entry reader) or entries in the feed to be read (in case of feed reader).</param>
36453             <param name="readingFeed">true if the reader is created for reading a feed; false when it is created for reading an entry.</param>
36454         </member>
36455         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
36456             <summary>
36457             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Start'.
36458             </summary>
36459             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36460             <remarks>
36461             Pre-Condition:  PayloadStart - assumes that the XML reader has not been used yet.
36462             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:entry   - The entry element when reading top-level entry and the entry element is empty.
36463                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry        - The end element of the top-level entry (if there were no nav. links. in it).
36464                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:link            - the atom:link element representing the first navigation link in the top-level entry.
36465                             XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:feed    - The feed element when reading top-level feed and the feed element is empty.
36466                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed         - The end element of the top-level feed (if there were no entries in it).
36467                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry           - if the feed contains an entry (the start tag of the first entry).
36468             </remarks>
36469         </member>
36470         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtFeedStartImplementation">
36471             <summary>
36472             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedStart'.
36473             </summary>
36474             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36475             <remarks>
36476             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:feed (empty)  - The empty start tag of atom:feed.
36477                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed       - The end tag of the atom:feed.
36478                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry         - The start tag of the first entry element to read.
36479                              XmlNodeType.Element m:inline (empty)   - The empty start tag of an expanded navigation link m:inline element which we report as empty feed.
36480                              XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline        - The end tag of an expanded navigation link m:inline element which we report as empty feed.
36481             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element atom:feed (empty)  - The empty start tag of atom:feed.
36482                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed       - The end tag of the atom:feed.
36483                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry (empty) - The empty start tag of the first entry in the feed.
36484                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - The end tag of the first entry in the feed (if it had no nav. links).
36485                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link          - the atom:link element representing the first navigation link in the first entry in the feed.
36486                              XmlNodeType.Element m:inline (empty)   - The empty start tag of an expanded navigation link m:inline element which we report as empty feed.
36487                              XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline        - The end tag of an expanded navigation link m:inline element which we report as empty feed.
36488             </remarks>
36489         </member>
36490         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtFeedEndImplementation">
36491             <summary>
36492             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'FeedEnd'.
36493             </summary>
36494             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36495             <remarks>
36496             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:feed  - The empty start tag of atom:feed
36497                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed       - The end element of the atom:feed
36498                              XmlNodeType.Element m:inline (empty)   - The empty start tag of an expanded navigation link m:inline element which we report as empty feed.
36499                              XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline        - The end tag of an expanded navigation link m:inline element which we report as empty feed.
36500             Post-Condition:  Any                                    - The node right after the top-level atom:feed element
36501                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link       - The end of parent expanded link.
36502             </remarks>
36503         </member>
36504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtEntryStartImplementation">
36505             <summary>
36506             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryStart'.
36507             </summary>
36508             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36509             <remarks>
36510             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry (empty) - The empty start tag of atom:entry.
36511                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - The end tag of the atom:entry.
36512                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link          - The start tag of the atom:link which represents the first navigation link.
36513                              XmlNodeType.Element (empty) m:inline   - the empty m:inline element of an expanded null entry.
36514                              XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline        - the end element m:inline of an expanded null entry.
36515             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry (empty) - The empty start tag of atom:entry.
36516                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - The end tag of the atom:entry.
36517                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link          - The start tag of the atom:link which represents the first navigation link.
36518                              XmlNodeType.Element (empty) m:inline   - the empty m:inline element of an expanded null entry.
36519                              XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline        - the end element m:inline of an expanded null entry.
36520             </remarks>
36521         </member>
36522         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtEntryEndImplementation">
36523             <summary>
36524             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntryEnd'.
36525             </summary>
36526             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36527             <remarks>
36528             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:entry - The empty start tag of atom:entry.
36529                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - The end element of the atom:entry.
36530                              XmlNodeType.Element (empty) m:inline   - the empty m:inline element of an expanded null entry.
36531                              XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline        - the end element m:inline of an expanded null entry.
36532             Post-Condition:  Any                                    - The node right after the top-level atom:entry element.
36533                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed       - The end element of the parent feed for the entry.
36534                              XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:entry - The empty start tag of the next entry in the parent feed.
36535                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - The end element of the next entry in the parent feed (if it had no nav. links).
36536                              XmlNodeType.Element atom:link          - The start tag of the atom:link which represents the first navigation link in the next entry in the parent feed.
36537                              XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link       - The end of parent expanded link.
36538             </remarks>
36539         </member>
36540         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkStartImplementation">
36541             <summary>
36542             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkStart'.
36543             </summary>
36544             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36545             <remarks>
36546             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element atom:link          - the atom:link element representing the navigation link.
36547             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:link  - the empty atom:link element of a deferred navigation link.
36548                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link       - the end element atom:link of a deferred navigation link.
36549                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry         - the atom:entry element of the expanded entry.
36550                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:feed          - the atom:feed element of the expanded feed.
36551                             XmlNodeType.Element (empty) m:inline   - the empty m:inline element of an expanded null entry.
36552                             XmlNodeType.EndElement m:inline        - the end element m:inline of an expanded null entry.
36553             </remarks>
36554         </member>
36555         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkEndImplementation">
36556             <summary>
36557             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'NavigationLinkEnd'.
36558             </summary>
36559             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36560             <remarks>
36561             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:link  - the empty atom:link element of a deferred navigation link.
36562                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link       - the end element atom:link.
36563             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - the end element atom:entry of the parent entry if there are no more navigation links.
36564                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:link          - the atom:link element of the next navigation link of the parent entry.
36565             </remarks>
36566         </member>
36567         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtEntityReferenceLink">
36568             <summary>
36569             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'EntityReferenceLink'.
36570             </summary>
36571             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
36572             <remarks>
36573             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:link - the empty atom:link element of an entity reference link.
36574                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:link      - the end element atom:link of the entity reference link.
36575             Post-Condition: Unchanged                             - the reader doesn't change its position.
36576             </remarks>
36577         </member>
36578         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadFeedStart">
36579             <summary>
36580             Reads the start of a feed and sets up the reader state correctly.
36581             </summary>
36582             <remarks>
36583             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element                    - The method will fail if it's not atom:feed.
36584             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:feed  - The feed element when reading top-level feed and the feed element is empty.
36585                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:feed       - The end element of the top-level feed (if there were no entries in it).
36586                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:entry         - if the feed contains an entry (the start tag of the first entry)
36587             </remarks>
36588         </member>
36589         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadEntryStart">
36590             <summary>
36591             Reads the start of an entry and sets up the reader state correctly.
36592             </summary>
36593             <remarks>
36594             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element                    - The method will fail if it's not atom:entry.
36595             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element (empty) atom:entry - The entry element when reading entry and the entry element is empty.
36596                             XmlNodeType.EndElement atom:entry      - The end element of the entry (if there were no nav. links. in it)
36597                             XmlNodeType.Element atom:link          - The start tag of the atom:link which represents the first navigation link in the entry.
36598             </remarks>
36599         </member>
36600         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.EndEntry">
36601             <summary>
36602             End the entry.
36603             </summary>
36604         </member>
36605         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.StartNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReaderNavigationLinkDescriptor)">
36606             <summary>
36607             Starts the navigation link.
36608             Does metadata validation of the navigation link and sets up the reader to report it.
36609             </summary>
36610             <param name="navigationLinkDescriptor">The navigation link descriptor for the navigation link to start.</param>
36611         </member>
36612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReadAtNonExpandedNavigationLinkStart">
36613             <summary>
36614             Moves the reader from the start state of a non-expanded navigation link.
36615             </summary>
36616         </member>
36617         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.EnterScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
36618             <summary>
36619             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope"/> for the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
36620             with the provided <paramref name="item"/> and pushes it on the stack of scopes.
36621             </summary>
36622             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
36623             <param name="item">The item to attach with the state in the new scope.</param>
36624             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the new scope.</param>
36625         </member>
36626         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReplaceScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState)">
36627             <summary>
36628             Replaces the current scope with a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope"/> with the specified <paramref name="state"/> and
36629             the item of the current scope.
36630             </summary>
36631             <param name="state">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState"/> to use for the new scope.</param>
36632         </member>
36633         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.ReplaceScopeToFeedEnd">
36634             <summary>
36635             Replaces the current scope with a new FeedEnd scope and the item of the current scope.
36636             </summary>
36637         </member>
36638         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.CurrentEntryState">
36639             <summary>
36640             Returns the current entry state.
36641             </summary>
36642         </member>
36643         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.CurrentFeedState">
36644             <summary>
36645             Returns the current feed state.
36646             </summary>
36647         </member>
36648         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope">
36649             <summary>
36650             A reader scope; keeping track of the current reader state and an item associated with this state.
36651             </summary>
36652         </member>
36653         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.mediaLinkEntry">
36654             <summary>
36655             Flag indicating if we have already made a decision about the current Entry (represented by this scope)
36656             and its being MLE or not.
36657             If this property have null value, we don't know for sure yet (both are possible), it it has non-null value
36658             then we already know for sure and if we find something different we should fail.
36659             </summary>
36660         </member>
36661         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.atomScopeState">
36662             <summary>
36663             Bitfield to track the current state of the ATOM scope.
36664             </summary>
36665         </member>
36666         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.atomEntryMetadata">
36667             <summary>
36668             The ATOM entry metadata to fill as we read the content of the entry.
36669             </summary>
36670             <remarks>
36671             This is lazily initialized only when it's actually needed.
36672             </remarks>
36673         </member>
36674         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.atomFeedMetadata">
36675             <summary>
36676             The ATOM feed metadata to fill as we read the content of the entry.
36677             </summary>
36678             <remarks>
36679             This is lazily initialized only when it's actually needed.
36680             </remarks>
36681         </member>
36682         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.epmCustomReaderValueCache">
36683             <summary>
36684             The cache for values read from custom EPM.
36685             </summary>
36686             <remarks>
36687             This is lazily initialized only when it's actually needed.
36688             </remarks>
36689         </member>
36690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
36691             <summary>
36692             Constructor creating a new reader scope.
36693             </summary>
36694             <param name="state">The reader state of this scope.</param>
36695             <param name="item">The item attached to this scope.</param>
36696             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected type for the scope.</param>
36697             <remarks>The <paramref name="expectedEntityType"/> has the following meanings for given state:
36698             Start -               it's the expected base type of the top-level entry or entries in the top-level feed.
36699             FeedStart -           it's the expected base type of the entries in the feed.
36700                                   note that it might be a more derived type than the base type of the entity set for the feed.
36701             EntryStart -          it's the expected base type of the entry. If the entry has no type name specified
36702                                   this type will be assumed. Otherwise the specified type name must be
36703                                   the expected type or a more derived type.
36704             NavigationLinkStart - it's the expected base type the entries in the expanded link (either the single entry
36705                                   or entries in the expanded feed).
36706             In all cases the specified type must be an entity type.</remarks>
36707         </member>
36708         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.SetAtomScopeState(System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask)">
36709             <summary>
36710             Sets the bit identified by the <paramref name="bitMask"/> if <paramref name="value"/> is true, otherwise clears it.
36711             </summary>
36712             <param name="value">Indicates if the <paramref name="bitMask"/> should be set</param>
36713             <param name="bitMask">Identifies the bit to set in atomScopeState</param>
36714         </member>
36715         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.GetAtomScopeState(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask)">
36716             <summary>
36717             Returns true if the bit identified by <paramref name="bitMask"/> is set, false otherwise.
36718             </summary>
36719             <param name="bitMask">Identifies the bit to set in atomScopeState</param>
36720             <returns>True if the bit identified by the <paramref name="bitMask"/> is set, false otherwise</returns>
36721         </member>
36722         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.ElementEmpty">
36723             <summary>
36724             Flag which indicates that the element representing the current state is empty.
36725             </summary>
36726         </member>
36727         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.MediaLinkEntry">
36728             <summary>
36729             Flag indicating if we have already made a decision about the current Entry (represented by this scope)
36730             and its being MLE or not.
36731             If this property has a null value, we don't know for sure yet (both are possible), if it has non-null value
36732             then we already know for sure and if we find something different we should fail.
36733             </summary>
36734         </member>
36735         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.FirstNavigationLinkDescriptor">
36736             <summary>
36737             If the reader finds a navigation link to report, but it must first report the parent entry
36738             it will store the navigation link descriptor in this property. So this will only ever store the first navigation link of an entry.
36739             </summary>
36740         </member>
36741         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
36742             <summary>
36743             The duplicate property names checker for the entry represented by the current state.
36744             </summary>
36745         </member>
36746         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.CachedEpm">
36747             <summary>
36748             The EPM information for the entry, or null if there's no EPM for this entry.
36749             </summary>
36750         </member>
36751         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.HasEpmCustomReaderValueCache">
36752             <summary>
36753             trye if the EpmCustomReaderValueCache has been initialized; false otherwise.
36754             </summary>
36755         </member>
36756         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.HasAtomEntryMetadata">
36757             <summary>
36758             true if the AtomEntryMetadata has been initialized; false otherwise.
36759             </summary>
36760         </member>
36761         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.NavigationProperty">
36762             <summary>
36763             The navigation property retrieved from the metadata when reading a navigation link.
36764             </summary>
36765         </member>
36766         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#Entry">
36767             <summary>
36768             The entry being read.
36769             </summary>
36770         </member>
36771         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#EntityType">
36772             <summary>
36773             The entity type for the entry (if available)
36774             </summary>
36775         </member>
36776         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#EntryElementEmpty">
36777             <summary>
36778             Flag which indicates that the ATOM entry element representing the entry is empty.
36779             </summary>
36780         </member>
36781         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#HasReadLink">
36782             <summary>
36783             Flag which indicates whether we have found a read link for this entry (even if it had a null URI value).
36784             </summary>
36785         </member>
36786         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#HasEditLink">
36787             <summary>
36788             Flag which indicates whether we have found an edit link for this entry (even if it had a null URI value).
36789             </summary>
36790         </member>
36791         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#HasEditMediaLink">
36792             <summary>
36793             Flag which indicates whether we have found an edit-media link for this entry (even if it had a null URI value).
36794             </summary>
36795         </member>
36796         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#HasId">
36797             <summary>
36798             Flag which indicates whether we have found an id element for this entry.
36799             </summary>
36800         </member>
36801         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#HasContent">
36802             <summary>
36803             Flag which indicates whether we have found a content element for this entry.
36804             </summary>
36805         </member>
36806         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#HasTypeNameCategory">
36807             <summary>
36808             Flag which indicates whether we have found a category element for this entry.
36809             </summary>
36810         </member>
36811         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#HasProperties">
36812             <summary>
36813             Flag which indicates whether we have found a m:properties element for this entry.
36814             </summary>
36815         </member>
36816         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderFeedState#HasCount">
36817             <summary>
36818             Flag which indicates whether we have found a m:count elemnent for this feed.
36819             </summary>
36820         </member>
36821         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderFeedState#HasNextPageLink">
36822             <summary>
36823             Flag which indicates whether we have found a link[@rel='next'] elemnent for this feed.
36824             </summary>
36825         </member>
36826         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderFeedState#HasReadLink">
36827             <summary>
36828             Flag which indicates whether we have found a link[@rel='self'] elemnent for this feed.
36829             </summary>
36830         </member>
36831         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderFeedState#HasDeltaLink">
36832             <summary>
36833             Flag which indicates if a link[@rel='http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/delta'] element was found.
36834             </summary>
36835         </member>
36836         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#AtomEntryMetadata">
36837             <summary>
36838             The ATOM entry metadata to fill as we read the content of the entry.
36839             </summary>
36840         </member>
36841         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderEntryState#EpmCustomReaderValueCache">
36842             <summary>
36843             The cache for values read from custom EPM.
36844             </summary>
36845             <remarks>
36846             This should only be accessed if there's CachedEpm available for this entry.
36847             </remarks>
36848         </member>
36849         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderFeedState#AtomFeedMetadata">
36850             <summary>
36851             The feed metadata to fill as we read the content of a feed.
36852             </summary>
36853         </member>
36854         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderFeedState#Feed">
36855             <summary>
36856             The feed being read.
36857             </summary>
36858         </member>
36859         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.Microsoft#Data#OData#Atom#IODataAtomReaderFeedState#FeedElementEmpty">
36860             <summary>
36861             Flag which indicates that the ATOM feed element representing the feed is empty.
36862             </summary>
36863         </member>
36864         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask">
36865             <summary>
36866             An enumeration of the various kinds of properties on an entity reference link collection.
36867             </summary>
36868         </member>
36869         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.None">
36870             <summary>No state information.</summary>
36871         </member>
36872         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.EmptyElement">
36873             <summary>Empty element.</summary>
36874         </member>
36875         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasReadLink">
36876             <summary>A read link has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36877         </member>
36878         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasEditLink">
36879             <summary>An edit link has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36880         </member>
36881         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasId">
36882             <summary>An id link has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36883         </member>
36884         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasContent">
36885             <summary>A content element has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36886         </member>
36887         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasTypeNameCategory">
36888             <summary>A category element which has the required type name has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36889         </member>
36890         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasProperties">
36891             <summary>A m:properties element has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36892         </member>
36893         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasCount">
36894             <summary>A m:count link has been detected for this feed.</summary>
36895         </member>
36896         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasNextPageLinkInFeed">
36897             <summary>A link[@rel='next'] link has been detected for this feed.</summary>
36898         </member>
36899         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasReadLinkInFeed">
36900             <summary>A link[@rel='self'] link has been detected for this feed.</summary>
36901         </member>
36902         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasEditMediaLink">
36903             <summary>An edit-media link has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36904         </member>
36905         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomReader.AtomScope.AtomScopeStateBitMask.HasDeltaLink">
36906             <summary>A link[@rel='http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/delta'] has been detected for this entry.</summary>
36907         </member>
36908         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions">
36909             <summary>
36910             Extension methods for the XML reader.
36911             </summary>
36912         </member>
36913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.AssertNotBuffering(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader)">
36914             <summary>
36915             Asserts that the reader is not buffer.
36916             </summary>
36917             <param name="bufferedXmlReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader"/> to read from.</param>
36918         </member>
36919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.AssertBuffering(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader)">
36920             <summary>
36921             Asserts that the reader is buffer.
36922             </summary>
36923             <param name="bufferedXmlReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.BufferingXmlReader"/> to read from.</param>
36924         </member>
36925         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.ReadElementValue(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
36926             <summary>
36927             Reads the value of the element as a string.
36928             </summary>
36929             <param name="reader">The reader to read from.</param>
36930             <returns>The string value of the element.</returns>
36931             <remarks>
36932             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element   - the element to read the value for.
36933                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - an attribute on the element to read the value for.
36934             Post-Condition:  Any                   - the node after the element.
36936             This method is similar to ReadElementContentAsString with one difference:
36937             - It ignores Whitespace nodes - this is needed for compatiblity, WCF DS ignores insignificant whitespaces
36938                 it does that by setting the IgnoreWhitespace option on reader settings, ODataLib can't do that
36939                 cause it doesn't always control the creation of the XmlReader, so it has to explicitely ignore
36940                 insignificant whitespaces.
36941             </remarks>
36942         </member>
36943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.ReadFirstTextNodeValue(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
36944             <summary>
36945             Reads the value of the first text, CDATA or significant whitespace node.
36946             </summary>
36947             <param name="reader">The reader to read from.</param>
36948             <returns>The value of the first text, CDATA or significant whitespace node.</returns>
36949             <remarks>
36950             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element   - the element to read the value for.
36951             Post-Condition:  Any                   - the node after the element.
36952             </remarks>
36953         </member>
36954         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.ReadElementContentValue(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
36955             <summary>
36956             Reads the value of the element as a string.
36957             </summary>
36958             <param name="reader">The reader to read from.</param>
36959             <returns>The string value of the element.</returns>
36960             <remarks>
36961             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element   - the element to read the value for.
36962                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - an attribute on the element to read the value for.
36963             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - the element was empty.
36964                              XmlNodeType.EndElement - the element had some value.
36966             This method is similar to ReadElementContentAsString with two differences:
36967             - It ignores Whitespace nodes - this is needed for compatiblity, WCF DS ignores insignificant whitespaces
36968                 it does that by setting the IgnoreWhitespace option on reader settings, ODataLib can't do that
36969                 cause it doesn't always control the creation of the XmlReader, so it has to explicitely ignore
36970                 insignificant whitespaces.
36971             - It leaves the reader positioned on the EndElement node (or the start node if it was empty).
36972             </remarks>
36973         </member>
36974         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.SkipInsignificantNodes(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
36975             <summary>
36976             Reads from the XML reader skipping insignificant nodes.
36977             </summary>
36978             <param name="reader">The XML reader to read from.</param>
36979             <remarks>Do not use MoveToContent since for backward compatibility reasons we skip over nodes reported as Text which have
36980             whitespace only content (even though the XmlReader should report those as Whitespace).</remarks>
36981         </member>
36982         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.SkipElementContent(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
36983             <summary>
36984             Skips the content of the element and leaves the reader on the end element (or empty start element)
36985             </summary>
36986             <param name="reader">The reader to read from.</param>
36987             <remarks>
36988             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element - the element to read
36989                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - attribute on the element to read
36990             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - if the element was empty element with no content.
36991                              XmlNodeType.EndElement - if the element was element with empty content.
36992             </remarks>
36993         </member>
36994         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.ReadPayloadStart(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
36995             <summary>
36996             Reads from the input until the first element is found.
36997             </summary>
36998             <param name="reader">The XML reader to read from.</param>
36999             <remarks>
37000             Pre-Condition:  XmlNodeType.None    - the reader hasn't been used yet.
37001             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.Element - the reader is positioned on the root/first element.
37002             Note that the method will fail if the top-level contains any significant node other than the root element
37003             or if no root element is found.
37004             </remarks>
37005         </member>
37006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.ReadPayloadEnd(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
37007             <summary>
37008             Reads till the end of the input payload.
37009             </summary>
37010             <param name="reader">The XML reader to read from.</param>
37011             <remarks>
37012             Pre-Condition:  any               - the reader will verify that only insignificant node is present.
37013             Post-Condition: XmlNodeType.None  - the reader is at the end of the input.
37014             </remarks>
37015         </member>
37016         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.NamespaceEquals(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.String)">
37017             <summary>
37018             Determines if the current node's namespace equals to the specified <paramref name="namespaceUri"/>
37019             </summary>
37020             <param name="reader">The XML reader to get the current node from.</param>
37021             <param name="namespaceUri">The namespace URI to compare, this must be a string already atomized in the <paramref name="reader"/> name table.</param>
37022             <returns>true if the current node is in the specified namespace; false otherwise.</returns>
37023         </member>
37024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.LocalNameEquals(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.String)">
37025             <summary>
37026             Determines if the current node's local name equals to the specified <paramref name="localName"/>
37027             </summary>
37028             <param name="reader">The XML reader to get the current node from.</param>
37029             <param name="localName">The local name to compare, this must be a string already atomized in the <paramref name="reader"/> name table.</param>
37030             <returns>true if the current node has the specified local name; false otherwise.</returns>
37031         </member>
37032         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.TryReadEmptyElement(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
37033             <summary>
37034             Tries to read the current element as an empty element (no or empty content).
37035             </summary>
37036             <param name="reader">The XML reader to read from.</param>
37037             <returns>true if the reader was on an empty element; false otherwise.</returns>
37038             <remarks>
37039             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element - the element to read
37040                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - attribute on the element to read
37041             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element - if the element was empty element with no content.
37042                              XmlNodeType.EndElement - if the element was element with empty content.
37043                              any other - the first child node of the element, in this case the method returns false.
37044             </remarks>
37045         </member>
37046         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.TryReadToNextElement(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
37047             <summary>
37048             Reads to the next element encountered in an Xml payload.
37049             </summary>
37050             <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlReader"/> to read from.</param>
37051             <returns>true if the method reached the next element; otherwise false.</returns>
37052         </member>
37053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.XmlReaderExtensions.IsNullOrWhitespace(System.String)">
37054             <summary>
37055             Checks whether the specifies string is null or blank.
37056             </summary>
37057             <param name="text">Text to check.</param>
37058             <returns>true if text is null, empty, or all whitespace characters.</returns>
37059         </member>
37060         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
37061             <summary>
37062             Helper class to verify that no duplicate properties are specified for entries and complex values.
37063             </summary>
37064         </member>
37065         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.propertyAnnotationsProcessedToken">
37066             <summary>Special value for the property annotations which is used to mark the annotations as processed.</summary>
37067         </member>
37068         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.allowDuplicateProperties">
37069             <summary>true if duplicate properties are allowed; otherwise false.</summary>
37070             <remarks>
37071             See the comment on ODataWriterBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames or
37072             ODataReaderBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames for further details.
37073             </remarks>
37074         </member>
37075         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.isResponse">
37076             <summary>true if we're processing a response; false if it's a request.</summary>
37077         </member>
37078         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.propertyNameCache">
37079             <summary>
37080             A cache of property names to detect duplicate property names. The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind"/> value stored
37081             for a given property name indicates what should happen if another property with the same name is found.
37082             See the comments on <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind"/> for more details.
37083             </summary>
37084         </member>
37085         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.annotationCollector">
37086             <summary>
37087             The annotation collector.
37088             </summary>
37089         </member>
37090         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
37091             <summary>
37092             Constructor.
37093             </summary>
37094             <param name="allowDuplicateProperties">true if duplicate properties are allowed; otherwise false.</param>
37095             <param name="isResponse">true if we're processing a response; false if it's a request.</param>
37096         </member>
37097         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.CheckForDuplicatePropertyNames(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
37098             <summary>
37099             Check the <paramref name="property"/> for duplicate property names in an entry or complex value.
37100             If not explicitly allowed throw when duplicate properties are detected.
37101             If duplicate properties are allowed see the comment on ODataWriterBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames 
37102             or ODataReaderBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames for further details.
37103             </summary>
37104             <param name="property">The property to be checked.</param>
37105         </member>
37106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.CheckForDuplicatePropertyNamesOnNavigationLinkStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
37107             <summary>
37108             Checks the <paramref name="navigationLink"/> for duplicate property names in an entry when the navigation link
37109             has started but we don't know yet if it's expanded or not.
37110             </summary>
37111             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to be checked.</param>
37112         </member>
37113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.CheckForDuplicatePropertyNames(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
37114             <summary>
37115             Check the <paramref name="navigationLink"/> for duplicate property names in an entry or complex value.
37116             If not explicitly allowed throw when duplicate properties are detected.
37117             If duplicate properties are allowed see the comment on ODataWriterBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames 
37118             or ODataReaderBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames for further details.
37119             </summary>
37120             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to be checked.</param>
37121             <param name="isExpanded">true if the link is expanded, false otherwise.</param>
37122             <param name="isCollection">true if the navigation link is a collection, false if it's a singleton or null if we don't know.</param>
37123             <returns>The association link with the same name if there already was one.</returns>
37124         </member>
37125         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.CheckForDuplicateAssociationLinkNames(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink)">
37126             <summary>
37127             Check the <paramref name="associationLink"/> for duplicate property names in an entry or complex value.
37128             If not explicitly allowed throw when duplicate properties are detected.
37129             If duplicate properties are allowed see the comment on ODataWriterBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames  
37130             or ODataReaderBehavior.AllowDuplicatePropertyNames for further details.
37131             </summary>
37132             <param name="associationLink">The association link to be checked.</param>
37133             <returns>The navigation link with the same name as the association link if there's one.</returns>
37134         </member>
37135         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.Clear">
37136             <summary>
37137             Clear the internal data structures of the checker so it can be reused.
37138             </summary>
37139         </member>
37140         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.AddODataPropertyAnnotation(System.String,System.String,System.Object)">
37141             <summary>
37142             Adds an OData annotation to a property.
37143             </summary>
37144             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to add annotation to. string.empty means the annotation is for the current scope.</param>
37145             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation to add.</param>
37146             <param name="annotationValue">The valud of the annotation to add.</param>
37147         </member>
37148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.AddCustomPropertyAnnotation(System.String,System.String)">
37149             <summary>
37150             Adds a custom annotation to a property.
37151             </summary>
37152             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to add annotation to. string.empty means the annotation is for the current scope.</param>
37153             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation to add.</param>
37154         </member>
37155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.GetODataPropertyAnnotations(System.String)">
37156             <summary>
37157             Returns OData annotations for the specified property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>.
37158             </summary>
37159             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to return the annotations for.</param>
37160             <returns>Enumeration of pairs of OData annotation name and and the annotation value, or null if there are no OData annotations for the property.</returns>
37161         </member>
37162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.MarkPropertyAsProcessed(System.String)">
37163             <summary>
37164             Marks the <paramref name="propertyName"/> property to note that all its annotations were already processed.
37165             </summary>
37166             <param name="propertyName">The property name to mark.</param>
37167             <remarks>
37168             Properties marked like this will fail if there are more annotations found for them in the payload.
37169             </remarks>
37170         </member>
37171         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.GetAllUnprocessedProperties">
37172             <summary>
37173             Returns the names of all properties which have not been marked as processed through <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.MarkPropertyAsProcessed(System.String)"/>.
37174             </summary>
37175             <returns>A set of property names.</returns>
37176         </member>
37177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.ThrowIfPropertyIsProcessed(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord)">
37178             <summary>
37179             Throw if property is processed already.
37180             </summary>
37181             <param name="propertyName">Name of the property.</param>
37182             <param name="duplicationRecord">DuplicationRecord of the property.</param>
37183         </member>
37184         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.IsPropertyUnprocessed(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord})">
37185             <summary>
37186             Indicates whether a property's annotations have not yet been processed.
37187             </summary>
37188             <param name="property">The name of the property to check.</param>
37189             <returns>true if the property associated with the given name has unprocessed annotations.</returns>
37190         </member>
37191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.GetDuplicationKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
37192             <summary>
37193             Decides whether a the given <paramref name="property"/> supports duplicates (if allowed by the settings).
37194             </summary>
37195             <param name="property">The property to check.</param>
37196             <returns>true if the <paramref name="property"/> supports duplicates (if allowed by the settings); otherwise false.</returns>
37197         </member>
37198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.GetIsCollectionEffectiveValue(System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
37199             <summary>
37200             Determines the effective value for the isCollection flag.
37201             </summary>
37202             <param name="isExpanded">true if the navigation link is expanded, false otherwise.</param>
37203             <param name="isCollection">true if the navigation link is marked as collection, false if it's marked as singletong or null if we don't know.</param>
37204             <returns>The effective value of the isCollection flag. Note that we can't rely on singleton links which are not expanded since
37205             those can appear even in cases where the actual navigation property is a collection.
37206             We allow singleton deferred links for collection properties in requests, as that is one way of expressing a bind operation.</returns>
37207         </member>
37208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.ApplyNavigationLinkToDuplicationRecord(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
37209             <summary>
37210             Sets the properties on a duplication record for a navigation link.
37211             </summary>
37212             <param name="duplicationRecord">The duplication record to modify.</param>
37213             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link found for this property.</param>
37214             <param name="isExpanded">true if the navigation link is expanded, false otherwise.</param>
37215             <param name="isCollection">true if the navigation link is marked as collection, false if it's marked as singletong or null if we don't know.</param>
37216         </member>
37217         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.TryGetDuplicationRecord(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord@)">
37218             <summary>
37219             Tries to get an existing duplication record for the specified <paramref name="propertyName"/>.
37220             </summary>
37221             <param name="propertyName">The property name to look for.</param>
37222             <param name="duplicationRecord">The existing duplication if one was already found.</param>
37223             <returns>true if a duplication record already exists, false otherwise.</returns>
37224             <remarks>This method also initializes the cache if it was not initialized yet.</remarks>
37225         </member>
37226         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.CheckNavigationLinkDuplicateNameForExistingDuplicationRecord(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord)">
37227             <summary>
37228             Checks for duplication of a navigation link against an existing duplication record.
37229             </summary>
37230             <param name="propertyName">The name of the navigation link.</param>
37231             <param name="existingDuplicationRecord">The existing duplication record.</param>
37232             <remarks>This only performs checks possible without the knowledge of whether the link was expanded or not.</remarks>
37233         </member>
37234         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.GetDuplicationRecordToAddPropertyAnnotation(System.String,System.String)">
37235             <summary>
37236             Gets a duplication record to use for adding property annotation.
37237             </summary>
37238             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to get the duplication record for.</param>
37239             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation being added (only for error reporting).</param>
37240             <returns>The duplication record to use. This will never be null.</returns>
37241         </member>
37242         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.AnnotationCollector">
37243             <summary>
37244             The raw annotation collector.
37245             </summary>
37246         </member>
37247         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind">
37248             <summary>
37249             An enumeration to represent the duplication kind of a given property name.
37250             </summary>
37251             <remarks>
37252             This enumeration is used to determine what should happen if two properties with the same name are detected on an entry or complex value.
37253             When the first property is found, the initial value is set based on the kind of property found and the general setting to allow or disallow duplicate properties.
37254             When a second property with the same name is found, the duplication kind can be 'upgraded' (e.g., from association link to navigation property), 'ignored' (e.g.
37255             when finding the association link for an existing navigation property or when duplicate properties are allowed by the settings) or 'fail' 
37256             (e.g., when duplicate properties are not allowed).
37257             </remarks>
37258         </member>
37259         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind.PropertyAnnotationSeen">
37260             <summary>We don't know enough about the property to determine its duplication kind yet, we've just seen a property annotation for it.</summary>
37261         </member>
37262         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind.Prohibited">
37263             <summary>Duplicates for this property name are not allowed.</summary>
37264         </member>
37265         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind.PotentiallyAllowed">
37266             <summary>This kind indicates that duplicates are allowed (if the settings allow duplicates).</summary>
37267         </member>
37268         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind.NavigationProperty">
37269             <summary>A navigation link or association link was reported.</summary>
37270         </member>
37271         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector">
37272             <summary>
37273             An independent annotation collector to collect the raw json annotations.
37274             </summary>
37275         </member>
37276         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.propertyAnnotations">
37277             <summary>
37278             The raw annotations.
37279             </summary>
37280         </member>
37281         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.shouldCollectAnnotation">
37282             <summary>
37283             If should collect annotation.
37284             </summary>
37285         </member>
37286         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.TryPeekAndCollectAnnotationRawJson(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader,System.String,System.String)">
37287             <summary>
37288             Tries to peek and collect a raw annotation value from BufferingJsonReader.
37289             </summary>
37290             <param name="jsonReader">The BufferingJsonReader.</param>
37291             <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
37292             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name.</param>
37293         </member>
37294         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.TryAddPropertyAnnotationRawJson(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
37295             <summary>
37296             Tries to add property annotation raw json.
37297             </summary>
37298             <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
37299             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name.</param>
37300             <param name="rawJson">The raw json string.</param>
37301         </member>
37302         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.GetPropertyRawAnnotationSet(System.String)">
37303             <summary>
37304             Gets an ODataJsonLightRawAnnotationSet that can be attached to ODataValue or ODataUntypedValue.
37305             </summary>
37306             <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
37307             <returns>An ODataJsonLightRawAnnotationSet instance.</returns>
37308         </member>
37309         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.PeekAndCollectAnnotationRawJson(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader,System.String,System.String)">
37310             <summary>
37311             Peeks and collects a raw annotation value from BufferingJsonReader.
37312             </summary>
37313             <param name="jsonReader">The BufferingJsonReader.</param>
37314             <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
37315             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name.</param>
37316         </member>
37317         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.AddPropertyAnnotationRawJson(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
37318             <summary>
37319             Add property annotation raw json.
37320             </summary>
37321             <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
37322             <param name="annotationName">The annotation name.</param>
37323             <param name="rawJson">The raw json string.</param>
37324         </member>
37325         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.PropertyAnnotationCollector.ShouldCollectAnnotation">
37326             <summary>
37327             Gets or sets if should collect annotation;
37328             </summary>
37329         </member>
37330         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord">
37331             <summary>
37332             A record of a single property for duplicate property names checking.
37333             </summary>
37334         </member>
37335         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationKind)">
37336             <summary>
37337             Constructor.
37338             </summary>
37339             <param name="duplicationKind">The duplication kind of the record to create.</param>
37340         </member>
37341         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord.DuplicationKind">
37342             <summary>
37343             The duplication kind of the record to create.
37344             </summary>
37345         </member>
37346         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord.NavigationLink">
37347             <summary>
37348             The navigation link if it was already found for this property.
37349             </summary>
37350         </member>
37351         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord.AssociationLink">
37352             <summary>
37353             The association link if it was already found for this property.
37354             </summary>
37355         </member>
37356         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord.NavigationPropertyIsCollection">
37357             <summary>
37358             true if we know for sure that the navigation property with the property name is a collection,
37359             false if we know for sure that the navigation property with the property name is a singleton,
37360             null if we don't know the cardinality of the navigation property for sure (yet).
37361             </summary>
37362         </member>
37363         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord.PropertyODataAnnotations">
37364             <summary>
37365             Dictionary of OData annotations for the property for which the duplication record is stored.
37366             </summary>
37367             <remarks>
37368             The key of the dictionary is the fully qualified annotation name (i.e. odata.type),
37369             the value is the parsed value of the annotation (this is annotation specific).
37370             </remarks>
37371         </member>
37372         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.DuplicationRecord.PropertyCustomAnnotations">
37373             <summary>
37374             Hashset of custom annotations for the property for which the duplication record is stored.
37375             </summary>
37376             <remarks>
37377             This is just a hashset for now since we don't read custom annotations, we just need to check for duplicates.
37378             </remarks>
37379         </member>
37380         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ErrorUtils">
37381             <summary>
37382             Utility methods serializing the xml error payload
37383             </summary>
37384         </member>
37385         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ErrorUtils.ODataErrorMessageDefaultLanguage">
37386             <summary>Default language for error messages if not specified.</summary>
37387             <remarks>
37388             This constant is included here since this file is compiled into WCF DS Server as well
37389             so we can't compile in the ODataConstants.
37390             </remarks>
37391         </member>
37392         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ErrorUtils.GetErrorDetails(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.String@,System.String@,System.String@)">
37393             <summary>
37394             Extracts error details from an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/>.
37395             </summary>
37396             <param name="error">The ODataError instance to extract the error details from.</param>
37397             <param name="code">A data service-defined string which serves as a substatus to the HTTP response code.</param>
37398             <param name="message">A human readable message describing the error.</param>
37399             <param name="messageLanguage">The language identifier representing the language the error message is in.</param>
37400         </member>
37401         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ErrorUtils.WriteXmlError(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
37402             <summary>
37403             Write an error message.
37404             </summary>
37405             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to write to.</param>
37406             <param name="error">The error instance to write.</param>
37407             <param name="includeDebugInformation">A flag indicating whether error details should be written (in debug mode only) or not.</param>
37408             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of nested inner errors to allow.</param>
37409         </member>
37410         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ErrorUtils.WriteXmlError(System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError,System.Int32)">
37411             <summary>
37412             Write an error message.
37413             </summary>
37414             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to write to.</param>
37415             <param name="code">The code of the error.</param>
37416             <param name="message">The message of the error.</param>
37417             <param name="messageLanguage">The language of the message.</param>
37418             <param name="innerError">Inner error details that will be included in debug mode (if present).</param>
37419             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of nested inner errors to allow.</param>
37420         </member>
37421         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ErrorUtils.WriteXmlInnerError(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
37422             <summary>
37423             Writes the inner exception information in debug mode.
37424             </summary>
37425             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to write to.</param>
37426             <param name="innerError">The inner error to write.</param>
37427             <param name="innerErrorElementName">The local name of the element representing the inner error.</param>
37428             <param name="recursionDepth">The number of times this method has been called recursively.</param>
37429             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of nested inner errors to allow.</param>
37430         </member>
37431         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionDeserializer">
37432             <summary>
37433             OData JSON deserializer for collections.
37434             </summary>
37435         </member>
37436         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionDeserializer.duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
37437             <summary>Cached duplicate property names checker to use if the items are complex values.</summary>
37438         </member>
37439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
37440             <summary>
37441             Constructor.
37442             </summary>
37443             <param name="jsonInputContext">The JSON input context to read from.</param>
37444         </member>
37445         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionStart(System.Boolean)">
37446             <summary>
37447             Reads the start of a collection; this includes collection-level properties (e.g., the 'results' property) if the version permits it.
37448             </summary>
37449             <param name="isResultsWrapperExpected">true if the results wrapper should be in the payload being read; false otherwise.</param>
37450             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection-level information. Currently this is only the name of the collection in ATOM.</returns>
37451             <remarks>
37452             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartArray:    for a V1 collection
37453                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:   for a &gt;=V2 collection
37454             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.StartArray:    the start of the array of the collection items
37455             </remarks>
37456         </member>
37457         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionItem(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator)">
37458             <summary>
37459             Reads an item in the collection.
37460             </summary>
37461             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type of the item to read.</param>
37462             <param name="collectionValidator">The collection validator instance if no expected item type has been specified; otherwise null.</param>
37463             <returns>The value of the collection item that was read; this can be an ODataComplexValue, a primitive value or 'null'.</returns>
37464             <remarks>
37465             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the item in the collection
37466                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
37467                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex item
37468                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive item
37469             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the next item or an EndArray node if there are no more items in the collection
37470             </remarks>
37471         </member>
37472         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionEnd(System.Boolean)">
37473             <summary>
37474             Reads the end of a collection; this includes collection-level properties if the version permits it.
37475             </summary>
37476             <param name="isResultsWrapperExpected">true if the results wrapper should be in the payload being read; false otherwise.</param>
37477             <remarks>
37478             Pre-Condition:  EndArray node:      End of the collection content array
37479             Post-Condition: EndOfInput:         V1 collection
37480                             EndObject           V1 collection in response
37481                             EndObject           wrapped collection with no extra properties after the 'results' property
37482                             Property            wrapped collection with extra properties after the 'results' property
37483             </remarks>
37484         </member>
37485         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer">
37486             <summary>
37487             OData JSON deserializer for entity reference links.
37488             </summary>
37489         </member>
37490         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
37491             <summary>
37492             Constructor.
37493             </summary>
37494             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The Verbose JSON input context to read from.</param>
37495         </member>
37496         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinks">
37497             <summary>
37498             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
37499             </summary>
37500             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
37501         </member>
37502         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLink">
37503             <summary>
37504             Reads a top-level entity reference link - implementation of the actual functionality.
37505             </summary>
37506             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
37507         </member>
37508         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinkProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.EntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertyBitMask@)">
37509             <summary>
37510             Reads the properties of an entity reference link.
37511             </summary>
37512             <param name="entityReferenceLinks">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> instance to set the read property values on.</param>
37513             <param name="propertiesFoundBitField">The bit field with all the properties already read.</param>
37514             <returns>true if the method found the 'results' property; otherwise false.</returns>
37515         </member>
37516         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadSingleEntityReferenceLink">
37517             <summary>
37518             Read an entity reference link.
37519             </summary>
37520             <returns>An instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> which was read.</returns>
37521             <remarks>
37522             Pre-Condition:  any node   - This method will throw if the node type is not a StartObject node
37523             Post-Condition: any node
37524             </remarks>
37525         </member>
37526         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
37527             <summary>
37528             OData Verbose JSON deserializer for entries and feeds.
37529             </summary>
37530         </member>
37531         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
37532             <summary>
37533             Constructor.
37534             </summary>
37535             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The Verbose JSON input context to read from.</param>
37536         </member>
37537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
37538             <summary>
37539             Reads the start of a feed; this includes feed-level properties if the version permits it.
37540             </summary>
37541             <param name="feed">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> instance to fill with the data read.</param>
37542             <param name="isResultsWrapperExpected">A flag indicating whether we expect the results wrapper for feeds to be present.</param>
37543             <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
37544             <remarks>
37545             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartArray:    for a feed without 'results' wrapper
37546                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:   for a feed wrapped with 'results' wrapper
37547             Post-Condition: Any start node              The first item in the feed
37548                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:      The end of the feed
37549             </remarks>
37550         </member>
37551         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedEnd(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
37552             <summary>
37553             Reads the end of a feed; this includes feed-level properties if the version permits them.
37554             </summary>
37555             <param name="feed">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> instance to fill with the data read.</param>
37556             <param name="readResultsWrapper">A flag indicating whether we expect the results wrapper for feeds to be present.</param>
37557             <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
37558             <remarks>
37559             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.EndArray
37560             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndArray   if the feed is not wrapped
37561                             JsonNodeType.EndObject  if the feed is wrapped
37562             </remarks>
37563         </member>
37564         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryStart">
37565             <summary>
37566             Reads the start of an entry (non-null)
37567             </summary>
37568             <remarks>
37569             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject            Will fail if it's anything else
37570             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property               The first property of the entry
37571                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              The end of the property object
37572             </remarks>
37573         </member>
37574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryMetadataPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState)">
37575             <summary>
37576             Reads the entry metadata property.
37577             </summary>
37578             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
37579             <remarks>
37580             This method does not move the reader.
37581             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Object             The start object of the __metadata property value.
37582             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject          The end object of the __metadtaa property value.
37583             </remarks>
37584         </member>
37585         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ValidateEntryMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState)">
37586             <summary>
37587             Validates entry metadata properties against the model.
37588             </summary>
37589             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
37590             <remarks>
37591             This method must be called only after the ReadEntryMetadata was already called.
37592             It should be called always, regardless of whether the __metadata property was found ot not.
37593             </remarks>
37594         </member>
37595         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty@)">
37596             <summary>
37597             Reads the content of an entry until a navigation link is detected.
37598             </summary>
37599             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
37600             <param name="navigationProperty">If a navigation link was found this parameter will hold the navigation property for that link, otherwise it's null.</param>
37601             <returns>A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink"/> instance representing the navigation link detected while reading the entry contents; null if no navigation link was detected.</returns>
37602             <remarks>
37603             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.Property               The property to read
37604                             JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
37605             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndObject              If no (more) properties exist in the entry's content
37606                             JsonNodeType.StartObject            The first node of the navigation link property value to read next 
37607                                                                 (deferred link or entry inside expanded link or feed with 'results' wrapper inside expanded link)
37608                             JsonNodeType.StartArray             feed without 'results' wrapper inside of expanded link
37609                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue (null)  Expanded null entry
37610             </remarks>
37611         </member>
37612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadDeferredNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
37613             <summary>
37614             Reads the Url of a non-expanded link and moves the reader forward to the position after the link.
37615             </summary>
37616             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to set the Url on.</param>
37617             <remarks>
37618             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject:    the start of the object representing the deferred link
37619             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:       the next property after the deferred link
37620                             JsonNodeType.EndObject       the end of the owning entry if the deferred link is the last property
37621             </remarks>
37622         </member>
37623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLink">
37624             <summary>
37625             Reads the entity reference link and moves the reader forward to the position after the link.
37626             </summary>
37627             <returns>The entity reference link read from the payload.</returns>
37628             <remarks>
37629             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.StartObject:    the start of the object representing the entity reference link
37630             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:       the next property after the entity reference link
37631                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:      the end of the owning entry if the entity reference link is the last property
37632                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:       the end of the owning array (if the entity reference link is part of expanded feed)
37633                             Any:                         the next item in the owning array (if the entity reference link is part of expanded feed)
37634             </remarks>
37635         </member>
37636         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.IsDeferredLink(System.Boolean)">
37637             <summary>
37638             Analyzes the current navigation property node to determine whether it represents a deferred link.
37639             </summary>
37640             <param name="navigationLinkFound">true if we already detected a navigation link and now determine its kind; false if we are detecting a deferred navigation link.</param>
37641             <returns>true if the current navigation property represents a deferred link; false for an expanded navigation link.</returns>
37642             <remarks>
37643             This method does not move the reader.
37644             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the property value
37645             Post-Condition: The first node of the property value
37646             </remarks>
37647         </member>
37648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.IsEntityReferenceLink">
37649             <summary>
37650             Analyzes the current node to determine whether it represents an entity reference link.
37651             </summary>
37652             <returns>true if the current node represents an entity reference link; false is it's an entry or something else.</returns>
37653             <remarks>
37654             This method does not move the reader.
37655             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the property value
37656             Post-Condition: The first node of the property value
37657             </remarks>
37658         </member>
37659         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.AddEntryProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState,System.String,System.Object)">
37660             <summary>
37661             Adds a new property to an entry.
37662             </summary>
37663             <param name="entryState">The entry state for the entry to add the property to.</param>
37664             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to add.</param>
37665             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property to add.</param>
37666         </member>
37667         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.String,System.Boolean)">
37668             <summary>
37669             Read a feed-level property (e.g., __count, __next, etc.) and check its version compliance. 
37670             This method fails on properties that are not recognized as feed-level properties.
37671             </summary>
37672             <param name="feed">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> instance to fill with the data read.</param>
37673             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property being read.</param>
37674             <param name="isExpandedLinkContent">true if the feed is inside an expanded link.</param>
37675             <remarks>
37676             Pre-Condition:  The reader is on the first node of the feed-level property's value.
37677             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:          the next feed property to read or
37678                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:         the end of the results wrapper
37679             </remarks>
37680         </member>
37681         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEntryProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
37682             <summary>
37683             Read an entry-level property and check its version compliance. 
37684             </summary>
37685             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
37686             <param name="edmProperty">The EDM property of the property being read, or null if the property is an open property.</param>
37687             <remarks>
37688             Pre-Condition:  The reader is positioned on the first node of the property value
37689             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:    the next property of the entry
37690                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:   the end-object node of the entry
37691             </remarks>
37692         </member>
37693         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadOpenProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState,System.String)">
37694             <summary>
37695             Read an open property.
37696             </summary>
37697             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
37698             <param name="propertyName">The name of the open property to read.</param>
37699             <remarks>
37700             Pre-Condition:  The reader is positioned on the first node of the property value
37701             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:    the next property of the entry
37702                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:   the end-object node of the entry
37703             </remarks>
37704         </member>
37705         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadUndeclaredProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState,System.String)">
37706             <summary>
37707             Read an undeclared property. That is a property which is not declared by the model, but the owning type is not an open type.
37708             </summary>
37709             <param name="entryState">The state of the reader for entry to read.</param>
37710             <param name="propertyName">The name of the open property to read.</param>
37711             <remarks>
37712             Pre-Condition:  The reader is positioned on the first node of the property value
37713             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:    the next property of the entry
37714                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:   the end-object node of the entry
37715             </remarks>
37716             <returns>A navigation link instance if the propery read is a navigation link which should be reported to the caller.
37717             Otherwise null if the property was either ignored or read and added to the list of properties on the entry.</returns>
37718         </member>
37719         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadStreamPropertyValue">
37720             <summary>
37721             Reads a stream property value.
37722             </summary>
37723             <returns>The value of the stream property.</returns>
37724             <remarks>
37725             Pre-Condition:  Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.StartObject
37726             Post-Condition: almost anything - the node after the stream reference (after the EndObject)
37727             </remarks>
37728         </member>
37729         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadUriMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@)">
37730             <summary>
37731             Reads the uri property in metadata value.
37732             </summary>
37733             <param name="entry">The entry being read.</param>
37734             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37735             <remarks>
37736             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'uri' property's value
37737             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37738                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37739             </remarks>
37740         </member>
37741         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadIdMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@)">
37742             <summary>
37743             Reads the id property in metadata value.
37744             </summary>
37745             <param name="entry">The entry being read.</param>
37746             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37747             <remarks>
37748             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'id' property's value
37749             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37750                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37751             </remarks>
37752         </member>
37753         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadETagMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@)">
37754             <summary>
37755             Reads the etag property in metadata value.
37756             </summary>
37757             <param name="entry">The entry being read.</param>
37758             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37759             <remarks>
37760             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'etag' property's value
37761             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37762                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37763             </remarks>
37764         </member>
37765         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadMediaSourceMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue@)">
37766             <summary>
37767             Reads the media_src property in metadata value.
37768             </summary>
37769             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37770             <param name="mediaResource">The media resource value for the entry.</param>
37771             <remarks>
37772             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'media_src' property's value
37773             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37774                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37775             </remarks>
37776         </member>
37777         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadEditMediaMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue@)">
37778             <summary>
37779             Reads the edit_media property in metadata value.
37780             </summary>
37781             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37782             <param name="mediaResource">The media resource value for the entry.</param>
37783             <remarks>
37784             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'edit_media' property's value
37785             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37786                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37787             </remarks>
37788         </member>
37789         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadContentTypeMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue@)">
37790             <summary>
37791             Reads the content_type property in metadata value.
37792             </summary>
37793             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37794             <param name="mediaResource">The media resource value for the entry.</param>
37795             <remarks>
37796             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'content_type' property's value
37797             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37798                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37799             </remarks>
37800         </member>
37801         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadMediaETagMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue@)">
37802             <summary>
37803             Reads the media_etag property in metadata value.
37804             </summary>
37805             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37806             <param name="mediaResource">The media resource value for the entry.</param>
37807             <remarks>
37808             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'media_etag' property's value
37809             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37810                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37811             </remarks>
37812         </member>
37813         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadActionsMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@)">
37814             <summary>
37815             Reads the actions property in metadata value.
37816             </summary>
37817             <param name="entry">The entry being read.</param>
37818             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37819             <remarks>
37820             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'actions' property's value
37821             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37822                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37823             </remarks>
37824         </member>
37825         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFunctionsMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@)">
37826             <summary>
37827             Reads the functions property in metadata value.
37828             </summary>
37829             <param name="entry">The entry being read.</param>
37830             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37831             <remarks>
37832             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'functions' property's value
37833             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37834                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37835             </remarks>
37836         </member>
37837         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadPropertiesMetadataProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.IODataVerboseJsonReaderEntryState,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonReaderUtils.MetadataPropertyBitMask@)">
37838             <summary>
37839             Read the property metadata for the properties of an entry being read.
37840             </summary>
37841             <param name="entryState">The entry state for the current reader.</param>
37842             <param name="metadataPropertiesFoundBitField">The bit fields with all the properties found in metadata value so far.</param>
37843             <remarks>
37844             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'properties' property's value (we will throw if this is not a start object node)
37845             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37846                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37848             This method will not validate anything against the model because it will read the type name and thus it can't rely
37849             on knowing the actual type of the entry being read.
37850             </remarks>
37851         </member>
37852         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadOperationsMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Boolean)">
37853             <summary>
37854             Read the 'actions' or 'functions' metadata for the entry being read.
37855             </summary>
37856             <param name="entry">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> the 'actions' or 'functions' metadata is read for.</param>
37857             <param name="isActions">When True the 'actions' metadata is being read, otherwise 'functions' metadata is being read.</param>
37858             <remarks>
37859             Pre-Condition:  first node of the 'actions' or 'functions' property's value (we will throw if this is not a start object node)
37860             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property:      the next metadata property
37861                             JsonNodeType.EndObject:     the end-object node of the metadata object
37862             </remarks>
37863         </member>
37864         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadStreamReferenceValue">
37865             <summary>
37866             Reads the stream reference metadata from the value of the __mediaresource property.
37867             </summary>
37868             <returns>The value of the stream reference with the metadata properties filled.</returns>
37869             <remarks>
37870             Pre-Condition:  Fails if the current node is not a JsonNodeType.StartObject
37871             Post-Condition: Either a property node or an EndObject node.
37872             </remarks>
37873         </member>
37874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ResolveUri(System.String)">
37875             <summary>
37876             Tries to resolve the payload URI using the custom URI resolver. If the custom resolver fails, it returns the actual URI from the payload.
37877             </summary>
37878             <param name="uriFromPayload">the URI to be resolved.</param>
37879             <returns>A resolved URI or the URI from the payload, if the custom resolver fails.</returns>
37880         </member>
37881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ValidateNavigationLinkPropertyValue(System.Boolean)">
37882             <summary>
37883             Validates that the value of a JSON property can represent navigation link.
37884             </summary>
37885             <param name="isCollection">true if the property is entity set reference property; false for a resource reference property.</param>
37886         </member>
37887         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ShouldEntryPropertyBeSkipped">
37888             <summary>
37889             Determines whether a property of an entry should be skipped during reading.
37890             </summary>
37891             <returns>true if the current property should be skipped; otherwise false.</returns>
37892         </member>
37893         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext">
37894             <summary>
37895             Operations deserializer context to pass to JSON operations reader.
37896             </summary>
37897         </member>
37898         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.entry">
37899             <summary>
37900             The entry to add operations to.
37901             </summary>
37902         </member>
37903         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.verboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer">
37904             <summary>
37905             The deserializer to use.
37906             </summary>
37907         </member>
37908         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer)">
37909             <summary>
37910             Constructor.
37911             </summary>
37912             <param name="entry">The entry to add operations to.</param>
37913             <param name="verboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer">The deserializer to use.</param>
37914         </member>
37915         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.ProcessUriFromPayload(System.String)">
37916             <summary>
37917             Given a URI from the payload, this method will try to make it absolute, or fail otherwise.
37918             </summary>
37919             <param name="uriFromPayload">The URI string from the payload to process.</param>
37920             <returns>An absolute URI to report.</returns>
37921         </member>
37922         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.AddActionToEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction)">
37923             <summary>
37924             Adds the specified action to the current entry.
37925             </summary>
37926             <param name="action">The action whcih is fully populated with the data from the payload.</param>
37927         </member>
37928         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.AddFunctionToEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFunction)">
37929             <summary>
37930             Adds the specified function to the current entry.
37931             </summary>
37932             <param name="function">The function whcih is fully populated with the data from the payload.</param>
37933         </member>
37934         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.OperationsDeserializerContext.JsonReader">
37935             <summary>
37936             The JSON reader to read the operations value from.
37937             </summary>
37938         </member>
37939         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonErrorDeserializer">
37940             <summary>
37941             OData Verbose JSON deserializer for errors.
37942             </summary>
37943         </member>
37944         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonErrorDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
37945             <summary>
37946             Constructor.
37947             </summary>
37948             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The Verbose JSON input context to read from.</param>
37949         </member>
37950         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonErrorDeserializer.ReadTopLevelError">
37951             <summary>
37952             Read a top-level error.
37953             </summary>
37954             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
37955         </member>
37956         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonErrorDeserializer.ReadInnerError(System.Int32)">
37957             <summary>
37958             Reads an inner error payload.
37959             </summary>
37960             <param name="recursionDepth">The number of times this method has been called recursively.</param>
37961             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError"/> representing the read inner error.</returns>
37962             <remarks>
37963             Pre-Condition:  any                         - will throw if not StartObject
37964             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.Property       - The next property in the error value
37965                             JsonNodeType.EndObject      - The end of the error value
37966             </remarks>
37967         </member>
37968         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext">
37969             <summary>
37970             Implementation of the OData input for Verbose JSON OData format.
37971             </summary>
37972         </member>
37973         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.textReader">
37974             <summary>The text reader created for the input stream.</summary>
37975             <remarks>
37976             The ODataJsonInputContext instance owns the textReader instance and thus disposes it. 
37977             We further set this field to null when the input is disposed and use it for checks whether the instance has already been disposed.
37978             </remarks>
37979         </member>
37980         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.jsonReader">
37981             <summary>The JSON reader to read from.</summary>
37982         </member>
37983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.TextReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
37984             <summary>Constructor.</summary>
37985             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
37986             <param name="reader">The reader to read data from.</param>
37987             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
37988             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
37989             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
37990             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
37991             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
37992             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
37993         </member>
37994         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
37995             <summary>Constructor.</summary>
37996             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
37997             <param name="messageStream">The stream to read data from.</param>
37998             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
37999             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
38000             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
38001             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
38002             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
38003             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
38004             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
38005         </member>
38006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateFeedReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
38007             <summary>
38008             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
38009             </summary>
38010             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
38011             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base entity type for the entries in the feed.</param>
38012             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
38013         </member>
38014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateEntryReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
38015             <summary>
38016             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
38017             </summary>
38018             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
38019             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
38020             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
38021         </member>
38022         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
38023             <summary>
38024             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
38025             </summary>
38026             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
38027             <returns>Newly create <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
38028         </member>
38029         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateParameterReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
38030             <summary>
38031             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.
38032             </summary>
38033             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
38034             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.</returns>
38035         </member>
38036         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadServiceDocument">
38037             <summary>
38038             Read a service document. 
38039             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
38040             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
38041             </summary>
38042             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
38043         </member>
38044         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
38045             <summary>
38046             This method creates an reads the property from the input and 
38047             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
38048             </summary>
38049             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
38050             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
38051             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
38052         </member>
38053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadError">
38054             <summary>
38055             Read a top-level error.
38056             </summary>
38057             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
38058         </member>
38059         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
38060             <summary>
38061             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
38062             </summary>
38063             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
38064             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
38065         </member>
38066         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
38067             <summary>
38068             Reads a top-level entity reference link.
38069             </summary>
38070             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference link.</param>
38071             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
38072         </member>
38073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.DetectPayloadKind">
38074             <summary>
38075             Detects the payload kind(s) from the message stream.
38076             </summary>
38077             <returns>An enumerable of zero, one or more payload kinds that were detected from looking at the payload in the message stream.</returns>
38078         </member>
38079         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.DisposeImplementation">
38080             <summary>
38081             Disposes the input context.
38082             </summary>
38083         </member>
38084         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateTextReaderForMessageStreamConstructor(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding)">
38085             <summary>
38086             Helper method to create a TextReader over the message stream. This is needed by the constructor to dispose the message stream if the creation fails
38087             since this is called from the constructor in place where exception handling is not possible.
38088             </summary>
38089             <param name="messageStream">The stream to read data from.</param>
38090             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
38091             <returns>The newly created text reader.</returns>
38092         </member>
38093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.VerifyCanCreateParameterReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
38094             <summary>
38095             Verifies that CreateParameterReader can be called.
38096             </summary>
38097             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
38098         </member>
38099         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateFeedReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
38100             <summary>
38101             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
38102             </summary>
38103             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
38104             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base entity type for the entries in the feed.</param>
38105             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
38106         </member>
38107         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateEntryReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
38108             <summary>
38109             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
38110             </summary>
38111             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
38112             <param name="expectedEntityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
38113             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.</returns>
38114         </member>
38115         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateCollectionReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
38116             <summary>
38117             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
38118             </summary>
38119             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
38120             <returns>Newly create <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
38121         </member>
38122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.CreateParameterReaderImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
38123             <summary>
38124             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.
38125             </summary>
38126             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
38127             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/>.</returns>
38128         </member>
38129         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadPropertyImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
38130             <summary>
38131             This method creates and reads the property from the input and 
38132             returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.
38133             </summary>
38134             <param name="Property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> producing the property to be read.</param>
38135             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
38136             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> representing the read property.</returns>
38137         </member>
38138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadServiceDocumentImplementation">
38139             <summary>
38140             Read a service document. 
38141             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
38142             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
38143             </summary>
38144             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
38145         </member>
38146         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadErrorImplementation">
38147             <summary>
38148             Read a top-level error.
38149             </summary>
38150             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> representing the read error.</returns>
38151         </member>
38152         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinksImplementation">
38153             <summary>
38154             Read a set of top-level entity reference links.
38155             </summary>
38156             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/> representing the read links.</returns>
38157         </member>
38158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.ReadEntityReferenceLinkImplementation">
38159             <summary>
38160             Reads a top-level entity reference link - implementation of the actual functionality.
38161             </summary>
38162             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> representing the read entity reference link.</returns>
38163         </member>
38164         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext.JsonReader">
38165             <summary>
38166             Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader"/> which is to be used to read the content of the message.
38167             </summary>
38168         </member>
38169         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonServiceDocumentDeserializer">
38170             <summary>
38171             OData JSON deserializer for service documents.
38172             </summary>
38173         </member>
38174         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonServiceDocumentDeserializer.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext)">
38175             <summary>
38176             Constructor.
38177             </summary>
38178             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The Verbose JSON input context to read from.</param>
38179         </member>
38180         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonServiceDocumentDeserializer.ReadServiceDocument">
38181             <summary>
38182             Read a service document. 
38183             This method reads the service document from the input and returns 
38184             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> that represents the read service document.
38185             </summary>
38186             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace"/> representing the read service document.</returns>
38187         </member>
38188         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError">
38189             <summary>
38190             Class representing implementation specific debugging information to help determine the cause of the error.
38191             </summary>
38192         </member>
38193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError.#ctor">
38194             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError" /> class with default values.</summary>
38195         </member>
38196         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError.#ctor(System.Exception)">
38197             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError" /> class with exception object.</summary>
38198             <param name="exception">The <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> used to create the inner error.</param>
38199         </member>
38200         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError.Message">
38201             <summary>Gets or sets the error message.</summary>
38202             <returns>The error message.</returns>
38203         </member>
38204         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError.TypeName">
38205             <summary>Gets or sets the type name of this error, for example, the type name of an exception.</summary>
38206             <returns>The type name of this error.</returns>
38207         </member>
38208         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError.StackTrace">
38209             <summary>Gets or sets the stack trace for this error.</summary>
38210             <returns>The stack trace for this error.</returns>
38211         </member>
38212         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError.InnerError">
38213             <summary>Gets or sets the nested implementation specific debugging information. </summary>
38214             <returns>The nested implementation specific debugging information.</returns>
38215         </member>
38216         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart">
38217             <summary>
38218             OData representation of a top-level collection.
38219             </summary>
38220         </member>
38221         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart.serializationInfo">
38222             <summary>
38223             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/>.
38224             </summary>
38225         </member>
38226         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart.Name">
38227             <summary>Gets or sets the name of the collection (ATOM only).</summary>
38228             <returns>The name of the collection.</returns>
38229         </member>
38230         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart.SerializationInfo">
38231             <summary>
38232             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/>.
38233             </summary>
38234         </member>
38235         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader">
38236             <summary>
38237             OData collection reader for the Verbose JSON format.
38238             </summary>
38239         </member>
38240         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.verboseJsonInputContext">
38241             <summary>The input to read the payload from.</summary>
38242         </member>
38243         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.verboseJsonCollectionDeserializer">
38244             <summary>The collection deserializer to use to read from the input.</summary>
38245         </member>
38246         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonInputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
38247             <summary>
38248             Constructor.
38249             </summary>
38250             <param name="verboseJsonInputContext">The input to read the payload from.</param>
38251             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type for the items in the collection.</param>
38252             <param name="listener">If not null, the reader will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the reader.</param>
38253         </member>
38254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.ReadAtStartImplementation">
38255             <summary>
38256             Implementation of the collection reader logic when in state 'Start'.
38257             </summary>
38258             <returns>true if more items can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
38259             <remarks>
38260             Pre-Condition:  JsonNodeType.None:      assumes that the JSON reader has not been used yet when not reading a nested payload.
38261             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the first item or the EndArray node of an empty item array
38262             </remarks>
38263         </member>
38264         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionStartImplementation">
38265             <summary>
38266             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionStart'.
38267             </summary>
38268             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
38269             <remarks>
38270             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the first item in the collection or the EndArray node of the (empty) item array
38271                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
38272                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:       for an empty item array of the collection
38273                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex value as first item
38274                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive value as first item
38275             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the second item or an EndArray node if there are no items in the collection
38276             </remarks>
38277         </member>
38278         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.ReadAtValueImplementation">
38279             <summary>
38280             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'Value'.
38281             </summary>
38282             <returns>true if more nodes can be read from the reader; otherwise false.</returns>
38283             <remarks>
38284             Pre-Condition:  The first node of the next item in the collection or the EndArray node of the item array
38285                             NOTE: this method will throw if the node is not
38286                             JsonNodeType.EndArray:       for the end of the item array of the collection
38287                             JsonNodeType.StartObject:    for a complex item
38288                             JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue: for a primitive item
38289             Post-Condition: The reader is positioned on the first node of the next item or an EndArray node if there are no items in the collection
38290             </remarks>
38291         </member>
38292         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.ReadAtCollectionEndImplementation">
38293             <summary>
38294             Implementation of the reader logic when in state 'CollectionEnd'.
38295             </summary>
38296             <returns>false since no more nodes can be read from the reader after the collection ended.</returns>
38297             <remarks>
38298             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndArray        the end of the item array of the collection
38299             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.EndOfInput     nothing else to read when not reading a nested payload
38300             </remarks>
38301         </member>
38302         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionReader.IsResultsWrapperExpected">
38303             <summary>
38304             Set to true if collections are expected to have the 'results' wrapper.
38305             Collections are only expected to have a results wrapper if
38306             (a) the protocol version is >= 2 AND
38307             (b) we are reading a response
38308             NOTE: OIPI does not specify a format for >= v2 collections in requests; we thus use the v1 format and consequently do not expect a result wrapper.
38309             </summary>
38310         </member>
38311         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState">
38312             <summary>
38313             Enumeration of all possible states of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.
38314             </summary>
38315         </member>
38316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState.Start">
38317             <summary>The reader is at the start; nothing has been read yet.</summary>
38318             <remarks>In this state, the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> returns null.</remarks>
38319         </member>
38320         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState.CollectionStart">
38321             <summary>
38322             The reader has started reading and is reading the start element of the collection wrapper (if any).
38323             No items have been read.
38324             </summary>
38325             <remarks>
38326             In this state, the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> returns 
38327             an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/>.
38328             </remarks>
38329         </member>
38330         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState.Value">
38331             <summary>
38332             The reader read an item from the collection.
38333             </summary>
38334             <remarks>In this state, the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> returns the read item (a primitive value, an ODataComplexValue or null).</remarks>
38335         </member>
38336         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState.CollectionEnd">
38337             <summary>
38338             The reader has finished reading and is reading the end element of the collection wrapper (if any).
38339             All items have been read.
38340             </summary>
38341             <remarks>
38342             In this state, the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> returns the same
38343             instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> as in state CollectionStart.
38344             </remarks>
38345         </member>
38346         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState.Exception">
38347             <summary>The reader has thrown an exception; nothing can be read from the reader anymore.</summary>
38348             <remarks>
38349             In this state, the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> returns null.
38350             </remarks>
38351         </member>
38352         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReaderState.Completed">
38353             <summary>The reader has completed; nothing can be read anymore.</summary>
38354             <remarks>
38355             In this state, the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> returns null.
38356             </remarks>
38357         </member>
38358         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException">
38359             <summary>
38360             Exception type representing an in-stream error parsed when reading a payload.
38361             </summary>
38362         </member>
38363         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.state">
38364             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.ODataErrorExceptionSafeSerializationState"/> value containing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance representing the error
38365             read from the payload.
38366             </summary>
38367         </member>
38368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.#ctor">
38369             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException"/> class with default values.</summary>
38370             <remarks>
38371             The Message property is initialized to a system-supplied message
38372             that describes the error. This message takes into account the
38373             current system culture. The Error property will be initialized with an empty <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance.
38374             </remarks>
38375         </member>
38376         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.#ctor(System.String)">
38377             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException"/> class with an error message.</summary>
38378             <param name="message">The plain text error message for this exception.</param>
38379             <remarks>
38380             The Error property will be initialized with an empty <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance.
38381             </remarks>
38382         </member>
38383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
38384             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException"/> class with an error message and an inner exception.</summary>
38385             <param name="message">The plain text error message for this exception.</param>
38386             <param name="innerException">The inner exception that is the cause of this exception to be thrown.</param>
38387             <remarks>
38388             The Error property will be initialized with an empty <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance.
38389             </remarks>
38390         </member>
38391         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
38392             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException" /> class with an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> object.</summary>
38393             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> instance representing the error read from the payload.</param>
38394             <remarks>
38395             The Message property is initialized to a system-supplied message
38396             that describes the error. This message takes into account the
38397             current system culture.
38398             </remarks>
38399         </member>
38400         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
38401             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException" /> class with an error message and an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> object.</summary>
38402             <param name="message">The plain text error message for this exception.</param>
38403             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> instance representing the error read from the payload.</param>
38404         </member>
38405         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
38406             <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException" /> class with an error message, an inner exception, and an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> object.</summary>
38407             <param name="message">The plain text error message for this exception.</param>
38408             <param name="innerException">The inner exception that is the cause of this exception to be thrown.</param>
38409             <param name="error">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> instance representing the error read from the payload.</param>
38410         </member>
38411         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.Error">
38412             <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> instance representing the error read from the payload.</summary>
38413             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> instance representing the error read from the payload.</returns>
38414         </member>
38415         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.ODataErrorExceptionSafeSerializationState">
38416             <summary>
38417             Implement the ISafeSerializationData interface to contain custom exception data in a partially trusted assembly.
38418             Use this interface in post-ORCAS to replace the Exception.GetObjectData method, which is marked with the SecurityCriticalAttribute.
38419             </summary>
38420         </member>
38421         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.ODataErrorExceptionSafeSerializationState.ODataError">
38422             <summary>
38423             Gets or sets the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataErrorException.ODataErrorExceptionSafeSerializationState.ODataError"/> object.
38424             </summary>
38425         </member>
38426         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext">
38427             <summary>
38428             Implementation of the OData input for RAW OData format (raw value and batch).
38429             </summary>
38430         </member>
38431         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.BufferSize">
38432             <summary>Use a buffer size of 4k that is read from the stream at a time.</summary>
38433         </member>
38434         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.readerPayloadKind">
38435             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</summary>
38436         </member>
38437         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.encoding">
38438             <summary>The encoding to use to read from the batch stream.</summary>
38439         </member>
38440         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.stream">
38441             <summary>The input stream to read the data from.</summary>
38442         </member>
38443         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.textReader">
38444             <summary>The text reader to read non-binary values from.</summary>
38445         </member>
38446         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
38447             <summary>Constructor.</summary>
38448             <param name="format">The format for this input context.</param>
38449             <param name="messageStream">The stream to read data from.</param>
38450             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use to read the input.</param>
38451             <param name="messageReaderSettings">Configuration settings of the OData reader.</param>
38452             <param name="version">The OData protocol version to be used for reading the payload.</param>
38453             <param name="readingResponse">true if reading a response message; otherwise false.</param>
38454             <param name="synchronous">true if the input should be read synchronously; false if it should be read asynchronously.</param>
38455             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
38456             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</param>
38457             <param name="readerPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to read.</param>
38458         </member>
38459         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.CreateBatchReader(System.String)">
38460             <summary>
38461             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader"/>.
38462             </summary>
38463             <param name="batchBoundary">The batch boundary to use.</param>
38464             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
38465         </member>
38466         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.ReadValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
38467             <summary>
38468             Read a top-level value.
38469             </summary>
38470             <param name="expectedPrimitiveTypeReference">The expected primitive type for the value to be read; null if no expected type is available.</param>
38471             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> representing the read value.</returns>
38472         </member>
38473         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.DisposeImplementation">
38474             <summary>
38475             Disposes the input context.
38476             </summary>
38477         </member>
38478         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.CreateBatchReaderImplementation(System.String,System.Boolean)">
38479             <summary>
38480             Create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader"/>.
38481             </summary>
38482             <param name="batchBoundary">The batch boundary to use.</param>
38483             <param name="synchronous">If the reader should be created for synchronous or asynchronous API.</param>
38484             <returns>The newly created <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/>.</returns>
38485         </member>
38486         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.ReadValueImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
38487             <summary>
38488             Read a top-level value.
38489             </summary>
38490             <param name="expectedPrimitiveTypeReference">The expected primitive type for the value to be read; null if no expected type is available.</param>
38491             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> representing the read value.</returns>
38492         </member>
38493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.ReadBinaryValue">
38494             <summary>
38495             Read the binary value from the stream.
38496             </summary>
38497             <returns>A byte array containing all the data read.</returns>
38498         </member>
38499         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.ReadRawValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
38500             <summary>
38501             Reads the content of a text reader as string and, if <paramref name="expectedPrimitiveTypeReference"/> is specified and primitive type conversion
38502             is enabled, converts the string to the expected type.
38503             </summary>
38504             <param name="expectedPrimitiveTypeReference">The expected type of the value being read or null if no type conversion should be performed.</param>
38505             <returns>The raw value that was read from the text reader either as string or converted to the provided <paramref name="expectedPrimitiveTypeReference"/>.</returns>
38506         </member>
38507         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext.Stream">
38508             <summary>
38509             The stream of the raw input context.
38510             </summary>
38511         </member>
38512         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter">
38513             <summary>
38514             Handles serialization and deserialization for a specified set of primitive types.
38515             </summary>
38516         </member>
38517         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.geographyTypeConverter">
38518             <summary>Instance of GeographyTypeConverter to register for all Geography types.</summary>
38519         </member>
38520         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.geometryTypeConverter">
38521             <summary>Instance of GeographyTypeConverter to register for all Geography types.</summary>
38522         </member>
38523         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.primitiveConverter">
38524             <summary>Set of type converters that implement their own conversion using IPrimitiveTypeConverter.</summary>
38525         </member>
38526         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.spatialPrimitiveTypeConverters">
38527             <summary>Set of type converters that are known to this instance which convert values based on the ISpatial type.</summary>
38528         </member>
38529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.Type,Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter}[])">
38530             <summary>
38531             Create a new instance of the converter.
38532             </summary>
38533             <param name="spatialPrimitiveTypeConverters">Set of type converters to register for the ISpatial based values.</param>
38534         </member>
38535         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.TryTokenizeFromXml(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Type,System.Object@)">
38536             <summary>
38537             Try to create an object of type <paramref name="targetType"/> from the value in <paramref name="reader" />.
38538             </summary>
38539             <param name="reader">XmlReader to use to read the value.</param>
38540             <param name="targetType">Expected type of the value in the reader.</param>
38541             <param name="tokenizedPropertyValue">Object of type <paramref name="targetType"/>, null if no object could be created.</param>
38542             <returns>True if the value was converted to the specified type, otherwise false.</returns>
38543         </member>
38544         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.TryWriteAtom(System.Object,System.Xml.XmlWriter)">
38545             <summary>
38546             Try to write the XML representation of <paramref name="instance"/> to the specified <paramref name="writer"/>
38547             </summary>
38548             <param name="instance">Object to convert to XML representation.</param>
38549             <param name="writer">XmlWriter to use to write the converted value.</param>
38550             <returns>True if the value was written, otherwise false.</returns>
38551         </member>
38552         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.WriteVerboseJson(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
38553             <summary>
38554             Try to write the Verbose JSON representation of <paramref name="instance"/> using a registered primitive type converter
38555             </summary>
38556             <param name="instance">Object to convert to JSON representation.</param>
38557             <param name="jsonWriter">JsonWriter instance to write to.</param>
38558             <param name="typeName">Type name of the instance. If the type name is null, the type name is not written.</param>
38559             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
38560         </member>
38561         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.WriteJsonLight(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
38562             <summary>
38563             Try to write the JSON Lite representation of <paramref name="instance"/> using a registered primitive type converter
38564             </summary>
38565             <param name="instance">Object to convert to JSON representation.</param>
38566             <param name="jsonWriter">JsonWriter instance to write to.</param>
38567             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
38568         </member>
38569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.TryWriteValue(System.Object,System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter})">
38570             <summary>
38571             Tries to write the value of object instance using a registered primitive type converter.
38572             </summary>
38573             <param name="instance">Object to write.</param>
38574             <param name="writeMethod">Method to use when writing the value, if a registered converter is found for the type.</param>
38575             <returns>True if the value was written using a registered primitive type converter, otherwise false.</returns>
38576         </member>
38577         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.TryGetConverter(System.Type,Microsoft.Data.OData.IPrimitiveTypeConverter@)">
38578             <summary>
38579             Get the primitive type converter for the given type.
38580             </summary>
38581             <param name="type">Clr type whose primitive type converter needs to be returned.</param>
38582             <param name="primitiveTypeConverter">Converter for the given clr type.</param>
38583             <returns>True if a converter was found for the given type, otherwise returns false.</returns>
38584         </member>
38585         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.PrimitiveConverter.Instance">
38586             <summary>PrimitiveConverter instance for use by the Atom and Json readers and writers.</summary>
38587         </member>
38588         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation">
38589             <summary>
38590             Annotation which stores a list of projected properties for an entry.
38591             </summary>
38592         </member>
38593         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.StarSegment">
38594             <summary>The special '*' segment indicating that all properties are selected.</summary>
38595         </member>
38596         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.emptyProjectedPropertiesMarker">
38597             <summary>
38598             Cached projected properties annotation with no properties projected.
38599             </summary>
38600         </member>
38601         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.allProjectedPropertiesMarker">
38602             <summary>
38603             Cached projected properties annotation with all properties projected.
38604             </summary>
38605         </member>
38606         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.projectedProperties">
38607             <summary>
38608             A hash set with the projected property names.
38609             </summary>
38610         </member>
38611         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
38612             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation" /> class.</summary>
38613             <param name="projectedPropertyNames">The enumeration of projected property names.</param>
38614         </member>
38615         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.#ctor">
38616             <summary>
38617             Constructor.
38618             </summary>
38619         </member>
38620         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.IsPropertyProjected(System.String)">
38621             <summary>
38622             Determines if a property is in a list of projected properties.
38623             </summary>
38624             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to lookup.</param>
38625             <returns>true if the property is projected; false otherwise.</returns>
38626             <remarks>Note that we allow null and empty property names here for the lookup just so that
38627             we don't have to validate before we skip them. If we would not skip them, the writing would fail later on anyway.</remarks>
38628         </member>
38629         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.Add(System.String)">
38630             <summary>
38631             Adds the specified property name to the set of projected properties (if it is not already included).
38632             </summary>
38633             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to include in the set of projected properties.</param>
38634         </member>
38635         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.Remove(System.String)">
38636             <summary>
38637             Removes the specified property name from the set of projected properties.
38638             </summary>
38639             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to remove from the set of projected properties.</param>
38640         </member>
38641         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.EmptyProjectedPropertiesInstance">
38642             <summary>
38643             Projected properties annotation with no properties projected.
38644             </summary>
38645         </member>
38646         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.AllProjectedPropertiesInstance">
38647             <summary>
38648             Projected properties annotation with all properties projected.
38649             </summary>
38650         </member>
38651         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation.ProjectedProperties">
38652             <summary>
38653             The set of projected property names.
38654             </summary>
38655         </member>
38656         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderUtils">
38657             <summary>
38658             Class with utility methods for reading OData content.
38659             </summary>
38660         </member>
38661         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderUtils.CreateNewEntry">
38662             <summary>
38663             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> instance to return to the user.
38664             </summary>
38665             <returns>The newly created entry.</returns>
38666             <remarks>The method populates the Properties property with an empty read only enumeration.</remarks>
38667         </member>
38668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderUtils.CheckForDuplicateNavigationLinkNameAndSetAssociationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
38669             <summary>Checks for duplicate navigation links and if there already is an association link with the same name
38670             sets the association link URL on the navigation link.</summary>
38671             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker for the current scope.</param>
38672             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to be checked.</param>
38673             <param name="isExpanded">true if the link is expanded, false otherwise.</param>
38674             <param name="isCollection">true if the navigation link is a collection, false if it's a singleton or null if we don't know.</param>
38675         </member>
38676         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderUtils.CheckForDuplicateAssociationLinkAndUpdateNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink)">
38677             <summary>Checks that for duplicate association links and if there already is a navigation link with the same name
38678             sets the association link URL on that navigation link.</summary>
38679             <param name="duplicatePropertyNamesChecker">The duplicate property names checker for the current scope.</param>
38680             <param name="associationLink">The association link to be checked.</param>
38681         </member>
38682         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderUtils.GetOrCreateAssociationLinkForNavigationProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
38683             <summary>
38684             Adds an association link to an entry.
38685             </summary>
38686             <param name="entry">The entry to get or create the association link for.</param>
38687             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property to get or create the association link for.</param>
38688             <returns>The association link that we either retrieved or created for the <paramref name="navigationProperty"/>.</returns>
38689         </member>
38690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderUtils.HasFlag(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
38691             <summary>
38692             Returns true if the specified <paramref name="flag"/> is set in the <paramref name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds"/>.
38693             </summary>
38694             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">The value of the setting to test.</param>
38695             <param name="flag">The flag to test.</param>
38696             <returns>true if the flas is present, flase otherwise.</returns>
38697         </member>
38698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderUtils.GetExpectedPropertyName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty)">
38699             <summary>
38700             Gets the expected property name from the specified property or function import.
38701             </summary>
38702             <param name="expectedProperty">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> to get the expected property name for (or null if none is specified).</param>
38703             <returns>The expected name of the property to be read from the payload.</returns>
38704         </member>
38705         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils">
38706             <summary>
38707             Class with utility methods for validating OData content when reading.
38708             </summary>
38709         </member>
38710         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateMessageReaderSettings(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,System.Boolean)">
38711             <summary>
38712             Validates that message reader settings are correct.
38713             </summary>
38714             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings to validate.</param>
38715             <param name="readingResponse">true if the settings were specified when reading a response, false when reading a request.</param>
38716         </member>
38717         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
38718             <summary>
38719             Validates an entity reference link.
38720             </summary>
38721             <param name="link">The entity reference link to check.</param>
38722         </member>
38723         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateStreamReferenceProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
38724             <summary>
38725             Validates a stream reference property.
38726             </summary>
38727             <param name="streamProperty">The stream property to check.</param>
38728             <param name="structuredType">The owning type of the stream property or null if no metadata is available.</param>
38729             <param name="streamEdmProperty">The stream property defined by the model.</param>
38730             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings being used.</param>
38731         </member>
38732         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateNullValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.String)">
38733             <summary>
38734             Validate a null value.
38735             </summary>
38736             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> used to read the payload.</param>
38737             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type of the null value.</param>
38738             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings.</param>
38739             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate the the null value; false to only check whether the type is supported.</param>
38740             <param name="version">The version used to read the payload.</param>
38741             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
38742         </member>
38743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
38744             <summary>
38745             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid.
38746             </summary>
38747             <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
38748         </member>
38749         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.FindDefinedProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
38750             <summary>
38751             Finds a defined property from the model if one is available.
38752             The structured type can be null if no metadata is available.
38753             </summary>
38754             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to find.</param>
38755             <param name="owningStructuredType">The owning type of the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
38756             or null if no metadata is available.</param>
38757             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> instance representing the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
38758             or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
38759         </member>
38760         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateValuePropertyDefined(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,System.Boolean@)">
38761             <summary>
38762             Validates that a property with the specified name exists on a given structured type.
38763             The structured type can be null if no metadata is available.
38764             </summary>
38765             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
38766             <param name="owningStructuredType">The owning type of the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
38767             or null if no metadata is available.</param>
38768             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings being used.</param>
38769             <param name="ignoreProperty">true if the property should be completely ignored and not parsed/reported, in this case the return value is null.
38770             false if the property should be parsed and reported as usual.</param>
38771             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> instance representing the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
38772             or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
38773         </member>
38774         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateExpectedPropertyName(System.String,System.String)">
38775             <summary>
38776             Validates that the expected property name matches the property name read from the payload.
38777             </summary>
38778             <param name="expectedPropertyName">The expected property name.</param>
38779             <param name="payloadPropertyName">The property name read from the payload.</param>
38780         </member>
38781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateLinkPropertyDefined(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
38782             <summary>
38783             Validates that a property with the specified name exists on a given structured type.
38784             The structured type can be null if no metadata is available.
38785             </summary>
38786             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
38787             <param name="owningStructuredType">The owning type of the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
38788             or null if no metadata is available.</param>
38789             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings being used.</param>
38790             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> instance representing the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
38791             or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
38792         </member>
38793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateNavigationPropertyDefined(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
38794             <summary>
38795             Validates that a navigation property with the specified name exists on a given entity type.
38796             The entity type can be null if no metadata is available.
38797             </summary>
38798             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
38799             <param name="owningEntityType">The owning entity type or null if no metadata is available.</param>
38800             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings being used.</param>
38801             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty"/> instance representing the navigation property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>
38802             or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
38803         </member>
38804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.GetPrimitiveTypeConversionException(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Exception)">
38805             <summary>
38806             Creates an exception used when primitive type conversion fails.
38807             </summary>
38808             <param name="targetTypeReference">The target type reference to which the conversion failed.</param>
38809             <param name="innerException">Possible inner exception with more information about the failure.</param>
38810             <returns>The exception object to throw.</returns>
38811         </member>
38812         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ResolvePayloadTypeName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind@)">
38813             <summary>
38814             Resolved the payload type name to the type.
38815             </summary>
38816             <param name="model">The model to use for the resolution.</param>
38817             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference, or null if no expected type is available.</param>
38818             <param name="payloadTypeName">The payload type name to resolve.</param>
38819             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The default payload type kind, this is used when the resolution is not possible,
38820             but the type name is not empty. (Should be either Complex or Entity).</param>
38821             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior to use for compatibility.</param>
38822             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
38823             <param name="payloadTypeKind">This is set to the detected payload type kind, or None if the type was not specified.</param>
38824             <returns>The resolved type. This may be null if either no user-specified model is specified, or the type name is not recognized by the model.</returns>
38825             <remarks>The method detects the payload kind even if the model does not recognize the type. It figures out primitive and collection types always,
38826             and uses the <paramref name="expectedTypeKind"/> for the rest.</remarks>
38827         </member>
38828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ResolvePayloadTypeNameAndComputeTargetType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind},Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind@,Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation@)">
38829             <summary>
38830             Resolves and validates the payload type against the expected type and returns the target type.
38831             </summary>
38832             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The expected type kind for the value.</param>
38833             <param name="defaultPrimitivePayloadType">The default payload type if none is specified in the payload;
38834             for ATOM this is Edm.String, for JSON it is null since there is no payload type name for primitive types in the payload.</param>
38835             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference, or null if no expected type is available.</param>
38836             <param name="payloadTypeName">The payload type name, or null if no payload type was specified.</param>
38837             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
38838             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings to use.</param>
38839             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
38840             <param name="typeKindPeekedFromPayloadFunc">A func to compute the type kind from the payload shape if it could not be determined from the expected type or the payload type.</param>
38841             <param name="targetTypeKind">The target type kind to be used to read the payload.</param>
38842             <param name="serializationTypeNameAnnotation">Potentially non-null instance of an annotation to put on the value reported from the reader.</param>
38843             <returns>
38844             The target type reference to use for parsing the value.
38845             If there is no user specified model, this will return null.
38846             If there is a user specified model, this method never returns null.
38847             </returns>
38848             <remarks>
38849             This method cannot be used for primitive type resolution. Primitive type resolution is format dependent and format specific methods should be used instead.
38850             </remarks>
38851         </member>
38852         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ResolveAndValidatePrimitiveTargetType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
38853             <summary>
38854             Resolves the primitive payload type versus the expected type and validates that such combination is allowed.
38855             </summary>
38856             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference, if any.</param>
38857             <param name="payloadTypeKind">The kind of the payload type, or None if the detection was not possible.</param>
38858             <param name="payloadType">The resolved payload type, or null if no payload type was specified.</param>
38859             <param name="payloadTypeName">The name of the payload type, or null if no payload type was specified.</param>
38860             <param name="defaultPayloadType">The default payload type if none is specified in the payload;
38861             for ATOM this is Edm.String, for JSON it is null since there is no payload type name for primitive types in the payload.</param>
38862             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
38863             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings to use.</param>
38864             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
38865             <returns>The target type reference to use for parsing the value. This method never returns null.</returns>
38866         </member>
38867         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ResolveAndValidateNonPrimitiveTargetType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
38868             <summary>
38869             Resolves the payload type versus the expected type and validates that such combination is allowed.
38870             </summary>
38871             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The expected type kind for the value.</param>
38872             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference, or null if no expected type is available.</param>
38873             <param name="payloadTypeKind">The payload type kind, this may be the one from the type itself, or one detected without resolving the type.</param>
38874             <param name="payloadType">The payload type, or null if the payload type was not specified, or it didn't resolve against the model.</param>
38875             <param name="payloadTypeName">The payload type name, or null if no payload type was specified.</param>
38876             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
38877             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings to use.</param>
38878             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
38879             <returns>
38880             The target type reference to use for parsing the value.
38881             If there is no user specified model, this will return null.
38882             If there is a user specified model, this method never returns null.
38883             </returns>
38884             <remarks>
38885             This method cannot be used for primitive type resolution. Primitive type resolution is format dependent and format specific methods should be used instead.
38886             </remarks>
38887         </member>
38888         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateEncodingSupportedInBatch(System.Text.Encoding)">
38889             <summary>
38890             Validates that the specified encoding is supported in batch/changeset envelopes (headers, boundaries, preamble, etc.).
38891             </summary>
38892             <param name="encoding">The <see cref="T:System.Text.Encoding"/> to check.</param>
38893         </member>
38894         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateTypeSupported(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
38895             <summary>
38896             Validates whether the specified type reference is supported in the current version.
38897             </summary>
38898             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to check.</param>
38899             <param name="version">The version currently used.</param>
38900         </member>
38901         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateFeedOrEntryMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderCore.Scope)">
38902             <summary>
38903             Validates that the parsed metadata URI from the payload is consistent with the expected
38904             entity set and entity type when reading a feed or entry payload. This method updates 
38905             the <paramref name="scope"/> if the metadata URI specifies more derived information.
38906             </summary>
38907             <param name="metadataUriParseResult">The parse result of the metadata URI from the payload.</param>
38908             <param name="scope">The top-level scope representing the reader state.</param>
38909         </member>
38910         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateEntityReferenceLinkMetadataUri(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
38911             <summary>
38912             Validates that the parsed metadata URI from the payload is consistent with the expected
38913             navigation property.
38914             </summary>
38915             <param name="metadataUriParseResult">The parse result of the metadata URI from the payload.</param>
38916             <param name="navigationProperty">The expected navigation property.</param>
38917             <remarks>This method is used to validate metadata URIs for both singleton entity reference links
38918             and collections of entity reference links.</remarks>
38919         </member>
38920         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateCollectionMetadataUriAndGetPayloadItemTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.OData.JsonLight.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParseResult,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
38921             <summary>
38922             Validates that the parsed metadata URI from the payload is consistent with the expected
38923             collection item type when reading collection payloads.
38924             </summary>
38925             <param name="metadataUriParseResult">The parse result of the metadata URI from the payload.</param>
38926             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected item type of the collection items.</param>
38927             <returns>The actual item type of the collection items.</returns>
38928         </member>
38929         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateOperationProperty(System.Object,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
38930             <summary>
38931             Validates that the property in an operation (an action or a function) is valid.
38932             </summary>
38933             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
38934             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property (used for error reporting).</param>
38935             <param name="metadata">The metadata value for the operation (used for error reporting).</param>
38936             <param name="operationsHeader">The header for the operation, either 'actions' or 'functions'.</param>
38937         </member>
38938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ResolveAndValidateTargetTypeWithNoExpectedType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
38939             <summary>
38940             Resolves the payload type if there's no expected type.
38941             </summary>
38942             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The expected type kind for the value.</param>
38943             <param name="payloadType">The payload type, or null if the payload type was not specified, or it didn't resolve against the model.</param>
38944             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">Value of UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds in message settings.</param>
38945             <returns>The target type reference to use for parsing the value.</returns>
38946         </member>
38947         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ResolveAndValidateTargetTypeStrictValidationDisabled(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
38948             <summary>
38949             Resolves the payload type versus the expected type and validates that such combination is allowed when the strict validation is disabled.
38950             </summary>
38951             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The expected type kind for the value.</param>
38952             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference, or null if no expected type is available.</param>
38953             <param name="payloadType">The payload type, or null if the payload type was not specified, or it didn't resolve against the model.</param>
38954             <returns>The target type reference to use for parsing the value.</returns>
38955         </member>
38956         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ResolveAndValidateTargetTypeStrictValidationEnabled(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
38957             <summary>
38958             Resolves the payload type versus the expected type and validates that such combination is allowed when strict validation is enabled.
38959             </summary>
38960             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The expected type kind for the value.</param>
38961             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference, or null if no expected type is available.</param>
38962             <param name="payloadType">The payload type, or null if the payload type was not specified, or it didn't resolve against the model.</param>
38963             <returns>The target type reference to use for parsing the value.</returns>
38964         </member>
38965         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.VerifyPayloadTypeDefined(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
38966             <summary>
38967             Verifies that payload type is defined if the payload type name is present.
38968             </summary>
38969             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name from the payload.</param>
38970             <param name="payloadType">The resolved type from the model.</param>
38971         </member>
38972         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.VerifyComplexType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.Boolean)">
38973             <summary>
38974             Verifies that complex type is valid against the expected type.
38975             </summary>
38976             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference.</param>
38977             <param name="payloadType">The payload type.</param>
38978             <param name="failIfNotRelated">true if the method should fail if the <paramref name="payloadType"/> doesn't match the <paramref name="expectedTypeReference"/>;
38979             false if the method should just return in that case.</param>
38980             <remarks>
38981             The method verifies that the <paramref name="payloadType"/> is not a derived complex type of the <paramref name="expectedTypeReference"/>
38982             and always fails in that case.
38983             </remarks>
38984         </member>
38985         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.VerifyCollectionComplexItemType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
38986             <summary>
38987             Verifies that in case of collection types, the item type is valid.
38988             </summary>
38989             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference.</param>
38990             <param name="payloadType">The payload type.</param>
38991             <remarks>
38992             This method verifies that item type is not a derived complex type, we want to explicitly disallow that case for possible future enablement.
38993             </remarks>
38994         </member>
38995         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.CreateSerializationTypeNameAnnotation(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
38996             <summary>
38997             Conditionally creates the annotation to put on the read value in order to retain the type name from the payload.
38998             </summary>
38999             <param name="payloadTypeName">The payload type name.</param>
39000             <param name="targetTypeReference">The type reference into which we're going to parse.</param>
39001             <returns>The annotation to report to the reader for adding on the read value.</returns>
39002         </member>
39003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ComputeTargetTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind})">
39004             <summary>
39005             Computes the type kind to be used to read the payload from the expected type, the payload type and
39006             possibly the payload shape.
39007             </summary>
39008             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference used to read the payload value.</param>
39009             <param name="forEntityValue">true when resolving a type name for an entity value; false for a non-entity value.</param>
39010             <param name="payloadTypeName">The type name read from the payload.</param>
39011             <param name="payloadTypeKind">The type kind of the payload value.</param>
39012             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings.</param>
39013             <param name="typeKindFromPayloadFunc">A func to determine the type kind of the value by analyzing the payload data.</param>
39014             <returns>The type kind to be used to read the payload.</returns>
39015         </member>
39016         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.GetExpectedTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
39017             <summary>
39018             Gets the expected type kind based on the given <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/>, or EdmTypeKind.None if no specific type should be expected.
39019             </summary>
39020             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference.</param>
39021             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings.</param>
39022             <returns>The expected type kind based on the settings and type reference, or EdmTypeKind.None if no specific type should be expected.</returns>
39023         </member>
39024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ShouldValidatePayloadTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind)">
39025             <summary>
39026             Determines if the expect value type and the current settings mandate us to validate type kinds of payload values.
39027             </summary>
39028             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings.</param>
39029             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type reference for the value infered from the model.</param>
39030             <param name="payloadTypeKind">The type kind of the payload value.</param>
39031             <returns>true if the payload value kind must be verified, false otherwise.</returns>
39032             <remarks>This method deals with the strict versus lax behavior, as well as with the behavior when primitive type conversion is disabled.</remarks>
39033         </member>
39034         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ValidateNullValueAllowed(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
39035             <summary>
39036             Validates that the specified <paramref name="expectedValueTypeReference"/> allows null values.
39037             </summary>
39038             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type for the value, or null if no such type is available.</param>
39039             <param name="validateNullValue">true to validate the null value; otherwise false.</param>
39040             <param name="model">The model to use to get the data service version.</param>
39041             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable (used for error reporting).</param>
39042         </member>
39043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReaderValidationUtils.ThrowNullValueForNonNullableTypeException(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String)">
39044             <summary>
39045             Create and throw exception that a null value was found when the expected type is non-nullable.
39046             </summary>
39047             <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected type for this value.</param>
39048             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property whose value is being read, if applicable.</param>
39049         </member>
39050         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable">
39051             <summary>
39052             Implementation of IEnumerable which is based on another IEnumerable
39053             but only exposes readonly access to that collection. This class doesn't implement
39054             any other public interfaces or public API unlike most other IEnumerable implementations
39055             which also implement other public interfaces.
39056             </summary>
39057         </member>
39058         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable.sourceEnumerable">
39059             <summary>
39060             The IEnumerable to wrap.
39061             </summary>
39062         </member>
39063         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable.#ctor(System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
39064             <summary>
39065             Constructor.
39066             </summary>
39067             <param name="sourceEnumerable">The enumerable to wrap.</param>
39068         </member>
39069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
39070             <summary>
39071             Returns the enumerator to iterate through the items.
39072             </summary>
39073             <returns>The enumerator object to use.</returns>
39074         </member>
39075         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1">
39076             <summary>
39077             Implementation of IEnumerable&gt;T&lt; which is based on a List&gt;T&lt;
39078             but only exposes readonly access to that collection. This class doesn't implement
39079             any other public interfaces or public API unlike most other IEnumerable implementations
39080             which also implement other public interfaces.
39081             </summary>
39082             <typeparam name="T">The type of a single item in the enumeration.</typeparam>
39083         </member>
39084         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1.sourceList">
39085             <summary>
39086             The IEnumerable to wrap.
39087             </summary>
39088         </member>
39089         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1.EmptyInstance">
39090             <summary>
39091             The empty instance of ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.
39092             </summary>
39093         </member>
39094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1.#ctor">
39095             <summary>
39096             Constructor which initializes the enumerable with an empty list storage.
39097             </summary>
39098         </member>
39099         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{`0})">
39100             <summary>
39101             Constructor.
39102             </summary>
39103             <param name="sourceList">The list of values to wrap.</param>
39104         </member>
39105         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{T}#GetEnumerator">
39106             <summary>
39107             Returns the enumerator to iterate through the items.
39108             </summary>
39109             <returns>The enumerator object to use.</returns>
39110         </member>
39111         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1.Empty">
39112             <summary>
39113             Gets the empty instance of ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.
39114             </summary>
39115             <returns>Returns the empty instance of ReadOnlyEnumerableOfT.</returns>
39116         </member>
39117         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReadOnlyEnumerable`1.AddToSourceList(`0)">
39118             <summary>
39119             This internal method adds <paramref name="itemToAdd"/> to the wrapped source list. From the public's perspective, this enumerable is still readonly.
39120             </summary>
39121             <param name="itemToAdd">Item to add to the source list.</param>
39122         </member>
39123         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation">
39124             <summary>
39125             Annotation which stores the type name to serialize.
39126             </summary>
39127             <remarks>
39128             This annotation will be recognized on ODataEntry, ODataComplexValue, ODataCollectionValue and ODataPrimitiveValue.
39129             </remarks>
39130         </member>
39131         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.SerializationTypeNameAnnotation.TypeName">
39132             <summary> Gets or sets the type name to serialize, for the annotated item. </summary>
39133             <returns>The type name to serialize, for the annotated item.</returns>
39134             <remarks>
39135             If this property is null, no type name will be written.
39136             If this property is non-null, the property value will be used as the type name written to the payload.
39137             If this annotation is present, it always overrides the type name specified on the annotated item.
39138             If this annotation is not present, the value of the TypeName property on the ODataEntry, ODataComplexValue or ODataCollectionValue
39139             is used as the type name in the payload.
39140             </remarks>
39141         </member>
39142         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.UriUtilsCommon">
39143             <summary>
39144             Uri utility methods.
39145             </summary>
39146         </member>
39147         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.UriUtilsCommon.UriToString(System.Uri)">
39148             <summary>
39149             Returns the unescaped string representation of the Uri; if the Uri is absolute returns the absolute Uri otherwise the original string.
39150             </summary>
39151             <param name="uri">The Uri to convert to a string.</param>
39152             <returns>For absolute Uris the string representation of the absolute Uri; otherwise the Uri's original string.</returns>
39153         </member>
39154         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils">
39155             <summary>
39156             Class with utility methods for validating OData content when writing.
39157             </summary>
39158         </member>
39159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateMessageWriterSettings(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Boolean)">
39160             <summary>
39161             Validates that message writer settings are correct.
39162             </summary>
39163             <param name="messageWriterSettings">The message writer settings to validate.</param>
39164             <param name="writingResponse">True if we are writing a response.</param>
39165         </member>
39166         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidatePropertyNotNull(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
39167             <summary>
39168             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> for not being null.
39169             </summary>
39170             <param name="property">The property to validate for not being null.</param>
39171         </member>
39172         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidatePropertyName(System.String)">
39173             <summary>
39174             Validates a property name to ensure all required information is specified.
39175             </summary>
39176             <param name="propertyName">The property name to validate..</param>
39177         </member>
39178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidatePropertyDefined(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
39179             <summary>
39180             Validates that a property with the specified name exists on a given structured type.
39181             The structured type can be null if no metadata is available.
39182             </summary>
39183             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
39184             <param name="owningStructuredType">The owning type of the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>
39185             or null if no metadata is available.</param>
39186             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">Value of UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds in message settings.</param>
39187             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> instance representing the property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> 
39188             or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
39189         </member>
39190         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateNavigationPropertyDefined(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
39191             <summary>
39192             Validates that a navigation property with the specified name exists on a given entity type.
39193             The entity type can be null if no metadata is available.
39194             </summary>
39195             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to validate.</param>
39196             <param name="owningEntityType">The owning entity type or null if no metadata is available.</param>
39197             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">Value of UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds in message settings.</param>
39198             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> instance representing the navigation property with name <paramref name="propertyName"/>
39199             or null if no metadata is available.</returns>
39200         </member>
39201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateEntryInExpandedLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
39202             <summary>
39203             Validates an entry in an expanded link to make sure the entity types match.
39204             </summary>
39205             <param name="entryEntityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> of the entry.</param>
39206             <param name="parentNavigationPropertyType">The type of the parent navigation property.</param>
39207         </member>
39208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateAssociationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean)">
39209             <summary>
39210             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid.
39211             </summary>
39212             <param name="associationLink">The association link to validate.</param>
39213             <param name="version">The version of the OData protocol used for checking.</param>
39214             <param name="writingResponse">true if we are writing a response; otherwise false.</param>
39215         </member>
39216         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateCanWriteOperation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation,System.Boolean)">
39217             <summary>
39218             Validates that an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation"/> can be written.
39219             </summary>
39220             <param name="operation">The operation (an action or a function) to validate.</param>
39221             <param name="writingResponse">true if writing a response; otherwise false.</param>
39222         </member>
39223         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateFeedAtEnd(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
39224             <summary>
39225             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid on the WriteEnd call.
39226             </summary>
39227             <param name="feed">The feed to validate.</param>
39228             <param name="writingRequest">Flag indicating whether the feed is written as part of a request or a response.</param>
39229             <param name="version">The version of the OData protocol used for checking.</param>
39230         </member>
39231         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateEntryAtStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
39232             <summary>
39233             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid on WriteStart call.
39234             </summary>
39235             <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
39236         </member>
39237         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateEntryAtEnd(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
39238             <summary>
39239             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid on WriteEnd call.
39240             </summary>
39241             <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
39242         </member>
39243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateStreamReferenceValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue,System.Boolean)">
39244             <summary>
39245             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid.
39246             </summary>
39247             <param name="streamReference">The stream reference to validate.</param>
39248             <param name="isDefaultStream">true if <paramref name="streamReference"/> is the default stream for an entity; false if it is a named stream property value.</param>
39249         </member>
39250         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateStreamReferenceProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.Boolean)">
39251             <summary>
39252             Validates a named stream property to ensure it's not null and it's name if correct.
39253             </summary>
39254             <param name="streamProperty">The stream reference property to validate.</param>
39255             <param name="edmProperty">Property metadata to validate against.</param>
39256             <param name="version">The version of the OData protocol used for checking.</param>
39257             <param name="writingResponse">true when writing a response; otherwise false.</param>
39258             <remarks>This does NOT validate the value of the stream property, just the property itself.</remarks>
39259         </member>
39260         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateEntityReferenceLinkNotNull(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
39261             <summary>
39262             Validates that the specified <paramref name="entityReferenceLink"/> is not null.
39263             </summary>
39264             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to validate.</param>
39265             <remarks>This should be called only for entity reference links inside the ODataEntityReferenceLinks.Links collection.</remarks>
39266         </member>
39267         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
39268             <summary>
39269             Validates an entity reference link instance.
39270             </summary>
39271             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to validate.</param>
39272         </member>
39273         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Nullable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
39274             <summary>
39275             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid.
39276             </summary>
39277             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to validate.</param>
39278             <param name="declaringEntityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> declaring the navigation property; or null if metadata is not available.</param>
39279             <param name="expandedPayloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> of the expanded content of this navigation link or null for deferred links.</param>
39280             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">Value of UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds in message settings.</param>
39281             <returns>The type of the navigation property for this navigation link; or null if no <paramref name="declaringEntityType"/> was specified.</returns>
39282         </member>
39283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateNavigationLinkUrlPresent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
39284             <summary>
39285             Validates that the specified navigation link has a Url.
39286             </summary>
39287             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to validate.</param>
39288         </member>
39289         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateNavigationLinkHasCardinality(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
39290             <summary>
39291             Validates that the sepcified navigation link has cardinality, that is it has the IsCollection value set.
39292             </summary>
39293             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to validate.</param>
39294         </member>
39295         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateNullPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
39296             <summary>
39297             Validates that the expected property allows null value.
39298             </summary>
39299             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected property type or null if we don't have any.</param>
39300             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property.</param>
39301             <param name="writerBehavior">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior"/> instance controlling the behavior of the writer.</param>
39302             <param name="model">The model to use to get the data service version.</param>
39303         </member>
39304         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterValidationUtils.ValidateEntryId(System.String)">
39305             <summary>
39306             Validates the value of the Id property on an entry.
39307             </summary>
39308             <param name="id">The id value for an entry to validate.</param>
39309         </member>
39310         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions">
39311             <summary>
39312             Extension methods for the JSON reader.
39313             </summary>
39314         </member>
39315         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadStartObject(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39316             <summary>
39317             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is a StartObject node.
39318             </summary>
39319             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39320         </member>
39321         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadEndObject(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39322             <summary>
39323             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is an EndObject node.
39324             </summary>
39325             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39326         </member>
39327         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadStartArray(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39328             <summary>
39329             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is an StartArray node.
39330             </summary>
39331             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39332         </member>
39333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadEndArray(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39334             <summary>
39335             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is an EndArray node.
39336             </summary>
39337             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39338         </member>
39339         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.GetPropertyName(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39340             <summary>
39341             Verifies that the current node is a property node and returns the property name.
39342             </summary>
39343             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39344             <returns>The property name of the current property node.</returns>
39345         </member>
39346         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadPropertyName(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39347             <summary>
39348             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/>, verifies that it is a Property node and returns the property name.
39349             </summary>
39350             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39351             <returns>The property name of the property node read.</returns>
39352         </member>
39353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadPrimitiveValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39354             <summary>
39355             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is a PrimitiveValue node.
39356             </summary>
39357             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39358             <returns>The primitive value read from the reader.</returns>
39359         </member>
39360         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadStringValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39361             <summary>
39362             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is a PrimitiveValue node of type string.
39363             </summary>
39364             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39365             <returns>The string value read from the reader; throws an exception if no string value could be read.</returns>
39366         </member>
39367         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadStringValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader,System.String)">
39368             <summary>
39369             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is a PrimitiveValue node of type string.
39370             </summary>
39371             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39372             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property for which to read the string; used in error messages only.</param>
39373             <returns>The string value read from the reader; throws an exception if no string value could be read.</returns>
39374         </member>
39375         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadDoubleValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39376             <summary>
39377             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is a PrimitiveValue node of type double.
39378             </summary>
39379             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39380             <returns>The double value read from the reader; throws an exception if no double value could be read.</returns>
39381         </member>
39382         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.SkipValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39383             <summary>
39384             Skips over a JSON value (primitive, object or array).
39385             </summary>
39386             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39387             <remarks>
39388             Pre-Condition: JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue, JsonNodeType.StartArray or JsonNodeType.StartObject
39389             Post-Condition: JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue, JsonNodeType.EndArray or JsonNodeType.EndObject
39390             </remarks>
39391         </member>
39392         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.SkipValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader,System.Text.StringBuilder)">
39393             <summary>
39394             Skips over a JSON value (primitive, object or array), and append raw string to StringBuilder.
39395             </summary>
39396             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39397             <param name="jsonRawValueStringBuilder">The StringBuilder to receive JSON raw string.</param>
39398         </member>
39399         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadNext(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39400             <summary>
39401             Reads the next node. Use this instead of the direct call to Read since this asserts that there actually is a next node.
39402             </summary>
39403             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39404             <returns>The node type of the node that reader is positioned on after reading.</returns>
39405         </member>
39406         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.IsOnValueNode(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader)">
39407             <summary>
39408             Determines if the reader is on a value node.
39409             </summary>
39410             <param name="jsonReader">The reader to inspect.</param>
39411             <returns>true if the reader is on PrimitiveValue, StartObject or StartArray node, false otherwise.</returns>
39412         </member>
39413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.AssertNotBuffering(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader)">
39414             <summary>
39415             Asserts that the reader is not buffer.
39416             </summary>
39417             <param name="bufferedJsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39418         </member>
39419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.AssertBuffering(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader)">
39420             <summary>
39421             Asserts that the reader is buffer.
39422             </summary>
39423             <param name="bufferedJsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.BufferingJsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39424         </member>
39425         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.CreateException(System.String)">
39426             <summary>
39427             Creates an exception instance that is appropriate for the current library being built.
39428             Allows the code in this class to be shared between ODataLib and the common spatial library.
39429             </summary>
39430             <param name="exceptionMessage">String to use for the exception messag.</param>
39431             <returns>Exception to be thrown.</returns>
39432         </member>
39433         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ReadNext(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType)">
39434             <summary>
39435             Reads the next node from the <paramref name="jsonReader"/> and verifies that it is of the expected node type.
39436             </summary>
39437             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to read from.</param>
39438             <param name="expectedNodeType">The expected <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType"/> of the read node.</param>
39439         </member>
39440         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReaderExtensions.ValidateNodeType(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader,Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType)">
39441             <summary>
39442             Validates that the reader is positioned on the specified node type.
39443             </summary>
39444             <param name="jsonReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonReader"/> to use.</param>
39445             <param name="expectedNodeType">The expected node type.</param>
39446         </member>
39447         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState">
39448             <summary>
39449             Enumeration of all possible states of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/>.
39450             </summary>
39451         </member>
39452         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.Start">
39453             <summary>The reader is at the start; nothing has been read yet.</summary>
39454             <remarks>In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns null.</remarks>
39455         </member>
39456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.FeedStart">
39457             <summary>The start of a feed has been read.</summary>
39458             <remarks>
39459             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns 
39460             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> but no properties may be filled in until the FeedEnd state is reached.
39461             </remarks>
39462         </member>
39463         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.FeedEnd">
39464             <summary>The end of a feed has been read.</summary>
39465             <remarks>
39466             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns 
39467             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/> with all properties filled in.
39468             </remarks>
39469         </member>
39470         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.EntryStart">
39471             <summary>The start of an entry has been read.</summary>
39472             <remarks>
39473             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns 
39474             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> but no properties may be filled in until the EntryEnd state is reached.
39475             </remarks>
39476         </member>
39477         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.EntryEnd">
39478             <summary>The end of an entry has been read.</summary>
39479             <remarks>
39480             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns 
39481             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/> with all properties filled in.
39482             </remarks>
39483         </member>
39484         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkStart">
39485             <summary>The start of a navigation link has been read.</summary>
39486             <remarks>
39487             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns 
39488             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink"/> but no properties may be filled in until the LinkEnd state is reached.
39489             </remarks>
39490         </member>
39491         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkEnd">
39492             <summary>The end of a navigation link has been read.</summary>
39493             <remarks>
39494             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns 
39495             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink"/> with all properties filled in.
39496             </remarks>
39497         </member>
39498         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.EntityReferenceLink">
39499             <summary>An entity reference link was read.</summary>
39500             <remarks>
39501             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns
39502             an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/> which is fully populated.
39503             Note that there's no End state for this item.
39504             </remarks>
39505         </member>
39506         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.Exception">
39507             <summary>The reader has thrown an exception; nothing can be read from the reader anymore.</summary>
39508             <remarks>
39509             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns null.
39510             </remarks>
39511         </member>
39512         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderState.Completed">
39513             <summary>The reader has completed; nothing can be read anymore.</summary>
39514             <remarks>
39515             In this state the Item property of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> returns null.
39516             </remarks>
39517         </member>
39518         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader">
39519             <summary>
39520             Class for reading OData batch messages; also verifies the proper sequence of read calls on the reader.
39521             </summary>
39522         </member>
39523         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener">
39524             <summary>
39525             An interface that allows creators of a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream"/> to listen for status changes
39526             of the operation stream.
39527             </summary>
39528         </member>
39529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener.BatchOperationContentStreamRequested">
39530             <summary>
39531             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the content stream for a batch operation has been requested.
39532             </summary>
39533         </member>
39534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener.BatchOperationContentStreamDisposed">
39535             <summary>
39536             This method notifies the implementer of this interface that the content stream of a batch operation has been disposed.
39537             </summary>
39538         </member>
39539         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.inputContext">
39540             <summary>The input context to read the content from.</summary>
39541         </member>
39542         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.batchStream">
39543             <summary>The batch stream used by the batch reader to devide a batch payload into parts.</summary>
39544         </member>
39545         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.synchronous">
39546             <summary>True if the writer was created for synchronous operation; false for asynchronous.</summary>
39547         </member>
39548         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.urlResolver">
39549             <summary>The batch-specific URL resolver that stores the content IDs found in a changeset and supports resolving cross-referencing URLs.</summary>
39550         </member>
39551         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.batchReaderState">
39552             <summary>The current state of the batch reader.</summary>
39553         </member>
39554         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.currentBatchSize">
39555             <summary>The current size of the batch message, i.e., how many query operations and changesets have been read.</summary>
39556         </member>
39557         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.currentChangeSetSize">
39558             <summary>The current size of the active changeset, i.e., how many operations have been read for the changeset.</summary>
39559         </member>
39560         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.operationState">
39561             <summary>An enumeration tracking the state of the current batch operation.</summary>
39562         </member>
39563         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.contentIdToAddOnNextRead">
39564             <summary>The value of the content ID header of the current part.</summary>
39565             <remarks>
39566             The content ID header of the current part should only be visible to subsequent parts
39567             so we can only add it to the URL resolver once we are done with the current part.
39568             </remarks>
39569         </member>
39570         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawInputContext,System.String,System.Text.Encoding,System.Boolean)">
39571             <summary>
39572             Constructor.
39573             </summary>
39574             <param name="inputContext">The input context to read the content from.</param>
39575             <param name="batchBoundary">The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</param>
39576             <param name="batchEncoding">The encoding to use to read from the batch stream.</param>
39577             <param name="synchronous">true if the reader is created for synchronous operation; false for asynchronous.</param>
39578         </member>
39579         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.Read">
39580             <summary> Reads the next part from the batch message payload. </summary>
39581             <returns>True if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
39582         </member>
39583         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.CreateOperationRequestMessage">
39584             <summary>Returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage" /> for reading the content of a batch operation.</summary>
39585             <returns>A request message for reading the content of a batch operation.</returns>
39586         </member>
39587         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.CreateOperationResponseMessage">
39588             <summary>Returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage" /> for reading the content of a batch operation.</summary>
39589             <returns>A response message for reading the content of a batch operation.</returns>
39590         </member>
39591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataBatchOperationListener#BatchOperationContentStreamRequested">
39592             <summary>
39593             This method is called to notify that the content stream for a batch operation has been requested.
39594             </summary>
39595         </member>
39596         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataBatchOperationListener#BatchOperationContentStreamDisposed">
39597             <summary>
39598             This method is called to notify that the content stream of a batch operation has been disposed.
39599             </summary>
39600         </member>
39601         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.GetEndBoundaryState">
39602             <summary>
39603             Returns the next state of the batch reader after an end boundary has been found.
39604             </summary>
39605             <returns>The next state of the batch reader.</returns>
39606         </member>
39607         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.ReadSynchronously">
39608             <summary>
39609             Reads the next part from the batch message payload.
39610             </summary>
39611             <returns>true if more information was read; otherwise false.</returns>
39612         </member>
39613         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.ReadImplementation">
39614             <summary>
39615             Continues reading from the batch message payload.
39616             </summary>
39617             <returns>true if more items were read; otherwise false.</returns>
39618         </member>
39619         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.SkipToNextPartAndReadHeaders">
39620             <summary>
39621             Skips all data in the stream until the next part is detected; then reads the part's request/response line and headers.
39622             </summary>
39623             <returns>The next state of the batch reader after skipping to the next part and reading the part's beginning.</returns>
39624         </member>
39625         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.CreateOperationRequestMessageImplementation">
39626             <summary>
39627             Returns the cached <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage"/> for reading the content of an operation 
39628             in a batch request.
39629             </summary>
39630             <returns>The message that can be used to read the content of the batch request operation from.</returns>
39631         </member>
39632         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.CreateOperationResponseMessageImplementation">
39633             <summary>
39634             Returns the cached <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage"/> for reading the content of an operation 
39635             in a batch request.
39636             </summary>
39637             <returns>The message that can be used to read the content of the batch request operation from.</returns>
39638         </member>
39639         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.ParseRequestLine(System.String,System.String@,System.Uri@)">
39640             <summary>
39641             Parses the request line of a batch operation request.
39642             </summary>
39643             <param name="requestLine">The request line as a string.</param>
39644             <param name="httpMethod">The parsed HTTP method of the request.</param>
39645             <param name="requestUri">The parsed <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> of the request.</param>
39646         </member>
39647         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.ParseResponseLine(System.String)">
39648             <summary>
39649             Parses the response line of a batch operation response.
39650             </summary>
39651             <param name="responseLine">The response line as a string.</param>
39652             <returns>The parsed status code from the response line.</returns>
39653         </member>
39654         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.VerifyCanCreateOperationRequestMessage(System.Boolean)">
39655             <summary>
39656             Verifies that calling CreateOperationRequestMessage if valid.
39657             </summary>
39658             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
39659         </member>
39660         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.VerifyCanCreateOperationResponseMessage(System.Boolean)">
39661             <summary>
39662             Verifies that calling CreateOperationResponseMessage if valid.
39663             </summary>
39664             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
39665         </member>
39666         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.VerifyCanRead(System.Boolean)">
39667             <summary>
39668             Verifies that calling Read is valid.
39669             </summary>
39670             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
39671         </member>
39672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.VerifyReaderReady">
39673             <summary>
39674             Validates that the batch reader is ready to process a new read or create message request.
39675             </summary>
39676         </member>
39677         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
39678             <summary>
39679             Verifies that a call is allowed to the reader.
39680             </summary>
39681             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
39682         </member>
39683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.IncreaseBatchSize">
39684             <summary>
39685             Increases the size of the current batch message; throws if the allowed limit is exceeded.
39686             </summary>
39687         </member>
39688         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.IncreaseChangeSetSize">
39689             <summary>
39690             Increases the size of the current change set; throws if the allowed limit is exceeded.
39691             </summary>
39692         </member>
39693         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.ResetChangeSetSize">
39694             <summary>
39695             Resets the size of the current change set to 0.
39696             </summary>
39697         </member>
39698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.ThrowODataException(System.String)">
39699             <summary>
39700             Sets the 'Exception' state and then throws an ODataException with the specified error message.
39701             </summary>
39702             <param name="errorMessage">The error message for the exception.</param>
39703         </member>
39704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.InterceptException``1(System.Func{``0})">
39705             <summary>
39706             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the writer into
39707             state Exception and then rethrow the exception.
39708             </summary>
39709             <typeparam name="T">The type of the result returned from the <paramref name="action"/>.</typeparam>
39710             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
39711             <returns>The result of the <paramref name="action"/>.</returns>
39712         </member>
39713         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.State">
39714             <summary>Gets the current state of the batch reader.</summary>
39715             <returns>The current state of the batch reader.</returns>
39716         </member>
39717         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.OperationState">
39718             <summary>
39719             An enumeration to track the state of a batch operation.
39720             </summary>
39721         </member>
39722         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.OperationState.None">
39723             <summary>No action has been performed on the operation.</summary>
39724         </member>
39725         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.OperationState.MessageCreated">
39726             <summary>The batch message for the operation has been created and returned to the caller.</summary>
39727         </member>
39728         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.OperationState.StreamRequested">
39729             <summary>The stream of the batch operation message has been requested.</summary>
39730         </member>
39731         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader.OperationState.StreamDisposed">
39732             <summary>The stream of the batch operation message has been disposed.</summary>
39733         </member>
39734         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings">
39735             <summary>
39736             Configuration settings for OData message readers.
39737             </summary>
39738         </member>
39739         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.readerBehavior">
39740             <summary>
39741             A instance representing any knobs that control the behavior of the readers
39742             inside and outside of WCF Data Services.
39743             </summary>
39744         </member>
39745         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.atomFormatEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">
39746             <summary>
39747             ATOM entry XML customization callback.
39748             </summary>
39749         </member>
39750         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.#ctor">
39751             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings" /> class with default values.</summary>
39752         </member>
39753         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
39754             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings" /> class.</summary>
39755             <param name="other">The other message reader settings.</param>
39756         </member>
39757         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.ContainUndeclaredPropertyBehavior(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
39758             <summary>
39759             True if OdataMessgeReaderSettings contain corresponding undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.
39760             </summary>
39761             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">The enum value of ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.</param>
39762             <returns>True if OdataMessgeReaderSettings contain corresponding undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.</returns>
39763         </member>
39764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.SetAtomEntryXmlCustomizationCallback(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri,System.Xml.XmlReader})">
39765             <summary>Sets the atom entry XML customization callback.</summary>
39766             <param name="atomEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">The atom entry XML customization callback.</param>
39767             <remarks>
39768             This method only affects ATOM format payloads. For payloads of other formats this method has no effect.
39769             It takes three parameters:
39770              - ODataEntry entry - which is the entry to be read.
39771              - XmlReader reader - which is the current XmlReader used by the ODataReader to read the entry. The reader is positioned on the atom:entry start element tag.
39772                 Note that the reader might not be the exact instance of the reader create by the parent entry customization or passed in by other means to the ODataReader,
39773                 the ODataReader sometimes needs to wrap the readers and the wrapped XmlReader might be passed in here.
39774              - Uri - the current xml:base URI value for the reader. If there is no active xml:base this parameter is passed a null value.
39775             It returns XmlReader:
39776              - null - means there's no need for customization and the original XmlReader will be used to read the entry.
39777              - non-null XmlReader - an XmlReader which the ODataReader will use to read the entry. This reader must be positioned on the atom:entry start element tag.
39778                 The ODataReader will not close or dispose the reader. It will read from it and leave the reader positioned on the atom:entry end element tag
39779                 (or the empty atom:entry start tag).
39780                 Once the ODataReader reports the ODataReaderState.EntryEnd for the entry, it will not use this XmlReader anymore.
39781                 After the ODataReaderState.EntryEnd is reported the parent reader (the parameter to the func) is expected to be positioned on the node AFTER
39782                 the atom:entry end element tag (or after the atom:entry empty start tag).
39783                 Note that this means that the ODataReader will only read till the end tag on the inner reader, but it expects the parent reader to move after the end tag.
39784                 It's the resposibility of the caller to move the parent read after the end tag manually if necessary.
39785                 The func must NOT return the same XmlReader instance as the XmlReader passed to it.
39786             </remarks>
39787         </member>
39788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.EnableDefaultBehavior">
39789             <summary>Enables the default behavior.</summary>
39790         </member>
39791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesServerBehavior(System.Boolean)">
39792             <summary>Specifies whether the WCF data services server behavior is enabled.</summary>
39793             <param name="usesV1Provider">true to use V1 provider; otherwise, false.</param>
39794         </member>
39795         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesClientBehavior(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType},System.String,System.String,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri,System.Xml.XmlReader})">
39796             <summary>
39797             Enables the same behavior that the WCF Data Services client has. Also, lets the user set the values for custom data namespace and type scheme.
39798             </summary>
39799             <param name="typeResolver">Custom type resolver which takes both expected type and type name.
39800             This function is used instead of the IEdmModel.FindType if it's specified.
39801             The first parameter to the function is the expected type (the type inferred from the parent property or specified by the external caller).
39802             The second parameter is the type name from the payload.
39803             The function should return the resolved type, or null if no such type was found.</param>
39804             <param name="odataNamespace">Custom data namespace.</param>
39805             <param name="typeScheme">Custom type scheme to use when resolving types. This should be validated to be a valid URI, this method will not check that.</param>
39806             <param name="entryXmlCustomizationCallback">
39807             If non-null this func will be called when an entry start is found and the entry is to be read.
39808             It takes three parameters:
39809              - ODataEntry entry - which is the entry to be read.
39810              - XmlReader reader - which is the current XmlReader used by the ODataReader to read the entry. The reader is positioned on the atom:entry start element tag.
39811                 Note that the reader might not be the exact instance of the reader create by the parent entry customization or passed in by other means to the ODataReader,
39812                 the ODataReader sometimes needs to wrap the readers and the wrapped XmlReader might be passed in here.
39813              - Uri - the current xml:base URI value for the reader. If there is no active xml:base this parameter is passed a null value.
39814             It returns XmlReader:
39815              - null - means there's no need for customization and the original XmlReader will be used to read the entry.
39816              - non-null XmlReader - an XmlReader which the ODataReader will use to read the entry. This reader must be positioned on the atom:entry start element tag.
39817                 The ODataReader will not close or dispose the reader. It will read from it and leave the reader positioned on the atom:entry end element tag
39818                 (or the empty atom:entry start tag).
39819                 Once the ODataReader reports the ODataReaderState.EntryEnd for the entry, it will not use this XmlReader anymore.
39820                 After the ODataReaderState.EntryEnd is reported the parent reader (the parameter to the func) is expected to be positioned on the node AFTER
39821                 the atom:entry end element tag (or after the atom:entry empty start tag).
39822                 Note that this means that the ODataReader will only read till the end tag on the inner reader, but it expects the parent reader to move after the end tag.
39823                 It's the resposibility of the caller to move the parent read after the end tag manually if necessary.
39824                 The func must NOT return the same XmlReader instance as the XmlReader passed to it.
39825             </param>
39826         </member>
39827         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesClientBehavior(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType},System.String,System.String,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Uri,System.Xml.XmlReader},System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean})">
39828             <summary>
39829             Enables the same behavior that the WCF Data Services client has. Also, lets the user set the values for custom data namespace and type scheme.
39830             </summary>
39831             <param name="typeResolver">Custom type resolver which takes both expected type and type name.
39832             This function is used instead of the IEdmModel.FindType if it's specified.
39833             The first parameter to the function is the expected type (the type inferred from the parent property or specified by the external caller).
39834             The second parameter is the type name from the payload.
39835             The function should return the resolved type, or null if no such type was found.</param>
39836             <param name="odataNamespace">Custom data namespace.</param>
39837             <param name="typeScheme">Custom type scheme to use when resolving types. This should be validated to be a valid URI, this method will not check that.</param>
39838             <param name="entryXmlCustomizationCallback">
39839             If non-null this func will be called when an entry start is found and the entry is to be read.
39840             It takes three parameters:
39841              - ODataEntry entry - which is the entry to be read.
39842              - XmlReader reader - which is the current XmlReader used by the ODataReader to read the entry. The reader is positioned on the atom:entry start element tag.
39843                 Note that the reader might not be the exact instance of the reader create by the parent entry customization or passed in by other means to the ODataReader,
39844                 the ODataReader sometimes needs to wrap the readers and the wrapped XmlReader might be passed in here.
39845              - Uri - the current xml:base URI value for the reader. If there is no active xml:base this parameter is passed a null value.
39846             It returns XmlReader:
39847              - null - means there's no need for customization and the original XmlReader will be used to read the entry.
39848              - non-null XmlReader - an XmlReader which the ODataReader will use to read the entry. This reader must be positioned on the atom:entry start element tag.
39849                 The ODataReader will not close or dispose the reader. It will read from it and leave the reader positioned on the atom:entry end element tag
39850                 (or the empty atom:entry start tag).
39851                 Once the ODataReader reports the ODataReaderState.EntryEnd for the entry, it will not use this XmlReader anymore.
39852                 After the ODataReaderState.EntryEnd is reported the parent reader (the parameter to the func) is expected to be positioned on the node AFTER
39853                 the atom:entry end element tag (or after the atom:entry empty start tag).
39854                 Note that this means that the ODataReader will only read till the end tag on the inner reader, but it expects the parent reader to move after the end tag.
39855                 It's the resposibility of the caller to move the parent read after the end tag manually if necessary.
39856                 The func must NOT return the same XmlReader instance as the XmlReader passed to it.
39857             </param>
39858             <param name="shouldQualifyOperations">Callback to determine whether operations bound to a particular entity type must be qualified with a container name when appearing in a $select clause.</param>
39859         </member>
39860         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.ShouldSkipAnnotation(System.String)">
39861             <summary>
39862             Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be skipped, false otherwise.
39863             </summary>
39864             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation in question.</param>
39865             <returns>Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should be skipped, false otherwise.</returns>
39866         </member>
39867         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.BaseUri">
39868             <summary>Gets or sets the document base URI (used as base for all relative URIs). If this is set, it must be an absolute URI.</summary>
39869             <returns>The base URI.</returns>
39870             <remarks>
39871             Note that for typical OData services this should end with a slash character. For example "http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/" will work as expected,
39872             that is a relative URI "Products(0)" will correctly combine with the base to produce "http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/Products(0)".
39873             If the URI would not end with a slash, the last segment is not considered when base and relative URIs are combined.
39874             So for example this base URI "http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc" combined with relative URI "Products(0)" would produce
39875             "http://services.odata.org/OData/Products(0)", which is typically not the desired result.
39876             </remarks>
39877         </member>
39878         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.DisablePrimitiveTypeConversion">
39879             <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether not to convert all primitive values to the type specified in the model or provided as an expected type. Note that values will still be converted to the type specified in the payload itself.</summary>
39880             <returns>true if primitive values and report values are not converted; false if all primitive values are converted to the type specified in the model or provided as an expected type. The default value is false.</returns>
39881         </member>
39882         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">
39883              <summary>Gets or sets the behavior the reader should use when it finds undeclared property.</summary>
39884              <returns>The behavior the reader should use when it finds undeclared property.</returns>
39885              <remarks>
39886              This setting has no effect if there's no model specified for the reader.
39887              This setting must be set to Default when reading request payloads.
39889              Detailed behavior description:
39890              ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKind.Default
39891                If an undeclared property is found reading fails.
39893              ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKind.ReportUndeclaredLinkProperty
39894                ATOM
39895                  - Undeclared deferred navigation link will be read and reported.
39896                  - Undeclared expanded navigation link will fail.
39897                  - Undeclared stream property link (both read and edit) will be read and reported.
39898                  - Undeclared association link will be read and reported.
39899                  - Undeclared properties inside m:properties fail.
39900                Verbose JSON
39901                  - If an undeclared property is found a detection logic will run:
39902                    - __deferred value is found - the link will be read and reported as a deferred navigation link.
39903                    - __mediaresource value is found - the link will be read and reported as a stream property
39904                    - If nothing from the above matches the reading fails.
39905                  - Undeclared association links inside __metadata/properties will be read and reported.
39906                JSON Light
39907                  - If an undeclared property is found a detection logic will run:
39908                    - The property has 'odata.navigationLink' or 'odata.associationLink' annotation on it and no value - it will be read as navigation/association link
39909                    - The property has 'odata.mediaEditLink', 'odata.mediaReadLink', 'odata.mediaContentType' or 'odata.mediaETag' on it and no value
39910                          - it will be read as a stream property.
39911                    - Any other property (that is property with a value or property with no annotation mentioned above) will fail.
39913              ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKind.IgnoreUndeclaredValueProperty
39914                ATOM
39915                  - Undeclared property inside m:properties is ignored (not even read).
39916                  - Undeclared navigation link, stream property link or association link fail.
39917                Verbose JSON
39918                  - If an undeclared property is found a detection logic will run:
39919                    - __deferred value is found - fail as undeclared deferred nav. link.
39920                    - __mediaresource value is found - fail as undeclared stream property.
39921                    - All other properties are ignored and not read.
39922                  - Undeclared association links inside __metadata/properties fail.
39923                JSON Light
39924                  - If an undeclared property is found a detection logic will run:
39925                    - The property has 'odata.navigationLink' or 'odata.associationLink' annotation on it (deferred or expanded navigation link)
39926                          - fail as undeclared navigation property
39927                    - The property has 'odata.mediaEditLink', 'odata.mediaReadLink', 'odata.mediaContentType' or 'odata.mediaETag' on it and no value
39928                          - fail as undeclared stream property.
39929                    - The property has a value and no annotation mentioned above - the property is ignored and not read.
39931              ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKind.ReportUndeclaredLinkProperty | ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKind.IgnoreUndeclaredValueProperty
39932                ATOM
39933                  - Undeclared deferred navigation link will be read and reported.
39934                  - Undeclared expanded navigation link will be read and the navigation link part will be reported,
39935                    the expanded content will be ignored and not read or reported.
39936                  - Undeclared stream property link (both read and edit) will be read and reported.
39937                  - Undeclared association link will be read and reported.
39938                  - Undeclared properties inside m:properties will be ignored and not read.
39939                Verbose JSON
39940                  - If an undeclared property is found a detection logic will run:
39941                    - __deferred value is found - read and report a deferred navigation link.
39942                    - __mediaresource value is found - read and report stream property.
39943                    - All other properties are ignore and not read.
39944                  - Undeclared association links inside __metadata/properties are read and reported.
39945                JSON Light
39946                  - If an undeclared property is found a detection logic will run:
39947                    - The property has 'odata.navigationLink' or 'odata.associationLink' annotation on it and no value (deferred navigation link)
39948                          - it will be read as navigation/association link
39949                    - The property has 'odata.navigationLink' or 'odata.associationLink' annotation on it and with value (expanded navigation link)
39950                          - it will be read, the navigation and association link will be reported and the content will be ignored.
39951                    - The property has 'odata.mediaEditLink', 'odata.mediaReadLink', 'odata.mediaContentType' or 'odata.mediaETag' on it and no value
39952                          - it will be read as a stream property.
39953                    - The property has a value and no annotation mentioned above - the property is ignored and not read.
39955                Note that there's one difference between ATOM/JSON Light and Verbose JSON. In ATOM and JSON Light expanded links are treated as both
39956                undeclared link and a value property. The URLs are the link part, the expanded content is the value part.
39957                In Verbose JSON expanded links are treated as a value property as a whole. Since in JSON expanded links don't actually have
39958                the link part (the payload doesn't contain the "href") this is not such a big difference.
39959              </remarks>
39960         </member>
39961         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.DisableMessageStreamDisposal">
39962             <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the message stream will not be disposed after finishing writing with the message.</summary>
39963             <returns>true if the message stream will not be disposed after finishing writing with the message; otherwise false. The default value is false.</returns>
39964         </member>
39965         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.MaxProtocolVersion">
39966             <summary>Gets or sets the maximum OData protocol version the reader should accept and understand.</summary>
39967             <returns>The maximum OData protocol version the reader should accept and understand.</returns>
39968             <remarks>
39969             If the payload to be read has higher DataServiceVersion than the value specified for this property
39970             the reader will fail.
39971             Reader will also not report features which require higher version than specified for this property.
39972             It may either ignore such features in the payload or fail on them.
39973             </remarks>
39974         </member>
39975         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.DisableStrictMetadataValidation">
39976             <summary>
39977             false - metadata validation is strict, the input must exactly match against the model.
39978             true - metadata validation is lax, the input doesn't have to match the model in all cases.
39979             This property has effect only if the metadata model is specified.
39980             </summary>
39981             <remarks>
39982             Strict metadata validation:
39983               Primitive values: The wire type must be convertible to the expected type.
39984               Complex values: The wire type must resolve against the model and it must exactly match the expected type.
39985               Entities: The wire type must resolve against the model and it must be assignable to the expected type.
39986               Collections: The wire type must exactly match the expected type.
39987               If no expected type is available we use the payload type.
39988             Lax metadata validation:
39989               Primitive values: If expected type is available, we ignore the wire type.
39990               Complex values: The wire type is used if the model defines it. If the model doesn't define such a type, the expected type is used.
39991                 If the wire type is not equal to the expected type, but it's assignable, we fail because we don't support complex type inheritance.
39992                 If the wire type if not assignable we use the expected type.
39993               Entities: same as complex values except that if the payload type is assignable we use the payload type. This allows derived entity types.
39994               Collections: If expected type is available, we ignore the wire type, except we fail if the item type is a derived complex type.
39995               If no expected type is available we use the payload type and it must resolve against the model.
39996             If DisablePrimitiveTypeConversion is on, the rules for primitive values don't apply
39997               and the primitive values are always read with the type from the wire.
39998             </remarks>
39999         </member>
40000         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.ReaderBehavior">
40001             <summary>
40002             The reader behavior that holds all the knobs needed to make the reader
40003             behave differently inside and outside of WCF Data Services.
40004             </summary>
40005         </member>
40006         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings.AtomEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">
40007             <summary>
40008             ATOM entry XML customization callback.
40009             </summary>
40010         </member>
40011         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader">
40012             <summary>
40013             Reader class used to read all OData payloads (entries, feeds, metadata documents, service documents, etc.).
40014             </summary>
40015         </member>
40016         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.message">
40017             <summary>The message for which the message reader was created.</summary>
40018         </member>
40019         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.readingResponse">
40020             <summary>A flag indicating whether we are reading a request or a response message.</summary>
40021         </member>
40022         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.settings">
40023             <summary>The message reader settings to use when reading the message payload.</summary>
40024         </member>
40025         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.model">
40026             <summary>The model. Non-null if we do have metadata available.</summary>
40027         </member>
40028         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.version">
40029             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion"/> to be used for reading the payload.</summary>
40030         </member>
40031         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.urlResolver">
40032             <summary>The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read from the payload.</summary>
40033         </member>
40034         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.edmTypeResolver">
40035             <summary>The resolver to use when determining an entity set's element type.</summary>
40036         </member>
40037         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.readMethodCalled">
40038             <summary>Flag to ensure that only a single read method is called on the message reader.</summary>
40039         </member>
40040         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.isDisposed">
40041             <summary>true if Dispose() has been called on this message reader, false otherwise.</summary>
40042         </member>
40043         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.inputContext">
40044             <summary>The input context used to read the message content.</summary>
40045         </member>
40046         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.readerPayloadKind">
40047             <summary>The payload kind of the payload to be read with this reader.</summary>
40048             <remarks>This field is set implicitly when one of the read (or reader creation) methods is called.</remarks>
40049         </member>
40050         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.format">
40051             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> of the payload to be read with this reader.</summary>
40052             <remarks>This field is set implicitly when one of the read (or reader creation) methods is called.</remarks>
40053         </member>
40054         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.contentType">
40055             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> parsed from the content type header.</summary>
40056             <remarks>This field is set implicitly when one of the read (or reader creation) methods is called.</remarks>
40057         </member>
40058         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.encoding">
40059             <summary>The <see cref="T:System.Text.Encoding"/> of the payload to be read with this reader.</summary>
40060             <remarks>This field is set implicitly when one of the read (or reader creation) methods is called.</remarks>
40061         </member>
40062         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.batchBoundary">
40063             <summary>The batch boundary string if the payload to be read is a batch request or response.</summary>
40064             <remarks>This is set implicitly when the CreateBatchReader method is called.</remarks>
40065         </member>
40066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.mediaTypeResolver">
40067             <summary>The media type resolver to use when interpreting the incoming content type.</summary>
40068         </member>
40069         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.payloadKindDetectionFormatStates">
40070             <summary>Storage for format specific states from payload kind detection.</summary>
40071         </member>
40072         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage)">
40073             <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader" /> for the given request message.</summary>
40074             <param name="requestMessage">The request message for which to create the reader.</param>
40075         </member>
40076         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
40077             <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader" /> for the given request message and message reader settings.</summary>
40078             <param name="requestMessage">The request message for which to create the reader.</param>
40079             <param name="settings">The message reader settings to use for reading the message payload.</param>
40080         </member>
40081         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
40082             <summary>
40083             Creates a new ODataMessageReader for the given request message and message reader settings.
40084             </summary>
40085             <param name="requestMessage">The request message for which to create the reader.</param>
40086             <param name="settings">The message reader settings to use for reading the message payload.</param>
40087             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
40088         </member>
40089         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage)">
40090             <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader" /> for the given response message.</summary>
40091             <param name="responseMessage">The response message for which to create the reader.</param>
40092         </member>
40093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
40094             <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader" /> for the given response message and message reader settings.</summary>
40095             <param name="responseMessage">The response message for which to create the reader.</param>
40096             <param name="settings">The message reader settings to use for reading the message payload.</param>
40097         </member>
40098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
40099             <summary>
40100             Creates a new ODataMessageReader for the given response message and message reader settings.
40101             </summary>
40102             <param name="responseMessage">The response message for which to create the reader.</param>
40103             <param name="settings">The message reader settings to use for reading the message payload.</param>
40104             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
40105         </member>
40106         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.DetectPayloadKind">
40107             <summary>Determines the potential payload kinds and formats of the payload being read and returns it.</summary>
40108             <returns>The set of potential payload kinds and formats for the payload being read by this reader.</returns>
40109             <remarks>When this method is called it first analyzes the content type and determines whether there
40110             are multiple matching payload kinds registered for the message's content type. If there are, it then
40111             runs the payload kind detection on all formats that have a matching payload kind registered.
40112             Note that this method can return multiple results if a payload is valid for multiple payload kinds but
40113             will always at most return a single result per payload kind.
40114             </remarks>
40115         </member>
40116         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataFeedReader">
40117             <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader" /> to read a feed.</summary>
40118             <returns>The created reader.</returns>
40119         </member>
40120         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataFeedReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40121             <summary>
40122             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
40123             </summary>
40124             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base type for the entities in the feed.</param>
40125             <returns>The created reader.</returns>
40126         </member>
40127         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataFeedReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40128             <summary>
40129             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
40130             </summary>
40131             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
40132             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base type for the entities in the feed.</param>
40133             <returns>The created reader.</returns>
40134         </member>
40135         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataEntryReader">
40136             <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader" /> to read an entry.</summary>
40137             <returns>The created reader.</returns>
40138         </member>
40139         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataEntryReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40140             <summary>
40141             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
40142             </summary>
40143             <param name="entityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
40144             <returns>The created reader.</returns>
40145         </member>
40146         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataEntryReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40147             <summary>
40148             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
40149             </summary>
40150             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
40151             <param name="entityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
40152             <returns>The created reader.</returns>
40153         </member>
40154         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataCollectionReader">
40155             <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader" /> to read a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).</summary>
40156             <returns>The created collection reader.</returns>
40157         </member>
40158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40159             <summary>
40160             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
40161             </summary>
40162             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type reference for the items in the collection.</param>
40163             <returns>The created collection reader.</returns>
40164         </member>
40165         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataBatchReader">
40166             <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReader" /> to read a batch of requests or responses.</summary>
40167             <returns>The created batch reader.</returns>
40168         </member>
40169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.CreateODataParameterReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
40170             <summary>
40171             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> to read the parameters for <paramref name="functionImport"/>.
40172             </summary>
40173             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
40174             <returns>The created parameter reader.</returns>
40175         </member>
40176         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadServiceDocument">
40177             <summary>Reads a service document payload.</summary>
40178             <returns>The service document read.</returns>
40179         </member>
40180         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadProperty">
40181             <summary>Reads an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty" /> as message payload.</summary>
40182             <returns>The property read from the payload.</returns>
40183         </member>
40184         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40185             <summary>
40186             Reads an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
40187             </summary>
40188             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
40189             <returns>The property read from the payload.</returns>
40190         </member>
40191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty)">
40192             <summary>
40193             Reads an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
40194             </summary>
40195             <param name="property">The metadata of the property to read.</param>
40196             <returns>The property read from the payload.</returns>
40197         </member>
40198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadError">
40199             <summary>Reads an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> as the message payload.</summary>
40200             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> read from the message payload.</returns>
40201         </member>
40202         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadEntityReferenceLinks">
40203             <summary>Reads the result of a $links query (entity reference links) as the message payload.</summary>
40204             <returns>The entity reference links read as message payload.</returns>
40205         </member>
40206         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
40207             <summary>
40208             Reads the result of a $links query (entity reference links) as the message payload.
40209             </summary>
40210             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
40211             <returns>The entity reference links read as message payload.</returns>
40212         </member>
40213         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadEntityReferenceLink">
40214             <summary>Reads a singleton result of a $links query (entity reference link) as the message payload.</summary>
40215             <returns>The entity reference link read from the message payload.</returns>
40216         </member>
40217         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
40218             <summary>
40219             Reads a singleton result of a $links query (entity reference link) as the message payload.
40220             </summary>
40221             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference link.</param>
40222             <returns>The entity reference link read from the message payload.</returns>
40223         </member>
40224         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40225             <summary>
40226             Reads a single value as the message body.
40227             </summary>
40228             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference for the value to be read; null if no expected type is available.</param>
40229             <returns>The read value.</returns>
40230         </member>
40231         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadMetadataDocument">
40232             <summary>Reads the message body as metadata document.</summary>
40233             <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel" />.</returns>
40234         </member>
40235         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.Dispose">
40236             <summary><see cref="M:System.IDisposable.Dispose()" /> implementation to cleanup unmanaged resources of the reader. </summary>
40237         </member>
40238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.GetFormat">
40239             <summary>
40240             Determines the format of the payload being read and returns it.
40241             </summary>
40242             <returns>The format of the payload being read by this reader.</returns>
40243             <remarks>
40244             The format of the payload is determined when starting to read the message; 
40245             if this method is called before reading has started it will throw.
40246             </remarks>
40247         </member>
40248         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ProcessContentType(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind[])">
40249             <summary>
40250             Processes the content type header of the message to determine the format of the payload, the encoding, and the payload kind.
40251             </summary>
40252             <param name="payloadKinds">All possible kinds of payload to be read with this message reader; must not include ODataPayloadKind.Unsupported.</param>
40253         </member>
40254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.GetContentTypeHeader">
40255             <summary>
40256             Gets the content type header of the message and validates that it is present and not empty.
40257             </summary>
40258             <returns>The content type header of the message.</returns>
40259         </member>
40260         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanCreateODataFeedReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40261             <summary>
40262             Verify arguments for creation of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read a feed.
40263             </summary>
40264             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
40265             <param name="expectedBaseEntityType">The expected base entity type for the entities in the feed.</param>
40266         </member>
40267         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanCreateODataEntryReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40268             <summary>
40269             Verify arguments for creation of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReader"/> to read an entry.
40270             </summary>
40271             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to read entities for.</param>
40272             <param name="entityType">The expected entity type for the entry to be read.</param>
40273         </member>
40274         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanCreateODataCollectionReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40275             <summary>
40276             Verify arguments for creation of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionReader"/> to read a collection of primitive or complex values 
40277             (as result of a service operation invocation).
40278             </summary>
40279             <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected type for the items in the collection.</param>
40280         </member>
40281         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanCreateODataBatchReader">
40282             <summary>
40283             Verify arguments for creation of a batch as the message body.
40284             </summary>
40285         </member>
40286         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanCreateODataParameterReader(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
40287             <summary>
40288             Verify arguments for creation of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterReader"/> to read the parameters for <paramref name="functionImport"/>.
40289             </summary>
40290             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters are being read.</param>
40291         </member>
40292         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadServiceDocument">
40293             <summary>
40294             Verify arguments for reading of a service document payload.
40295             </summary>
40296         </member>
40297         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadMetadataDocument">
40298             <summary>
40299             Verify arguments for reading of a metadata document payload.
40300             </summary>
40301         </member>
40302         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty)">
40303             <summary>
40304             Verify arguments for reading of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
40305             </summary>
40306             <param name="property">The metadata of the property to read.</param>
40307         </member>
40308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40309             <summary>
40310             Verify arguments for reading of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> as message payload.
40311             </summary>
40312             <param name="expectedPropertyTypeReference">The expected type reference of the property to read.</param>
40313         </member>
40314         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadError">
40315             <summary>
40316             Verify arguments for reading of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> as the message payload.
40317             </summary>
40318         </member>
40319         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
40320             <summary>
40321             Verify arguments for reading of the result of a $links query (entity reference links) as the message payload.
40322             </summary>
40323             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which to read the entity reference links.</param>
40324         </member>
40325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadEntityReferenceLink">
40326             <summary>
40327             Verify arguments for reading of a singleton result of a $links query (entity reference link) as the message payload.
40328             </summary>
40329         </member>
40330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyCanReadValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40331             <summary>
40332             Verify arguments for reading of a single value as the message body.
40333             </summary>
40334             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type reference for the value to be read; null if no expected type is available.</param>
40335             <returns>The payload kinds allowed for the given expected type.</returns>
40336         </member>
40337         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyReaderNotDisposedAndNotUsed">
40338             <summary>
40339             Verifies that the ODataMessageReader has not been used before; an ODataMessageReader can only be used to
40340             read a single message payload but cannot be reused later.
40341             </summary>
40342         </member>
40343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.VerifyNotDisposed">
40344             <summary>
40345             Check if the object has been disposed. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object has already been disposed.
40346             </summary>
40347         </member>
40348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
40349             <summary>
40350             Perform the actual cleanup work.
40351             </summary>
40352             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
40353         </member>
40354         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ReadFromInput``1(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInputContext,``0},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind[])">
40355             <summary>
40356             Method which creates an input context around the input message and calls a func to read the input.
40357             </summary>
40358             <typeparam name="T">The type returned by the read method.</typeparam>
40359             <param name="readFunc">The read function which will be called over the created input context.</param>
40360             <param name="payloadKinds">All possible kinds of payload to read.</param>
40361             <returns>The read value from the input.</returns>
40362         </member>
40363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.TryGetSinglePayloadKindResultFromContentType(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult}@)">
40364             <summary>
40365             Gets all the supported payload kinds for a given content type across all formats and returns them.
40366             </summary>
40367             <param name="payloadKindResults">The set of supported payload kinds for the content type of the message.</param>
40368             <returns>true if no or a single payload kind was found for the content type; false if more than one payload kind was found.</returns>
40369         </member>
40370         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.ComparePayloadKindDetectionResult(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult)">
40371             <summary>
40372             Compares two payload kind detection results.
40373             </summary>
40374             <param name="first">The first <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult"/>.</param>
40375             <param name="second">The second <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult"/>.</param>
40376             <returns>-1 if <paramref name="first"/> is considered less than <paramref name="second"/>,
40377             0 if the kinds are considered equal, 1 if <paramref name="first"/> is considered greater than <paramref name="second"/>.</returns>
40378         </member>
40379         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.Settings">
40380             <summary>
40381             The message reader settings to use when reading the message payload.
40382             </summary>
40383         </member>
40384         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader.MediaTypeResolver">
40385             <summary>
40386             The media type resolver to use when interpreting the incoming content type.
40387             </summary>
40388         </member>
40389         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType">
40390             <summary>
40391             Enumeration of all JSON node type.
40392             </summary>
40393         </member>
40394         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.None">
40395             <summary>
40396             No node - invalid value.
40397             </summary>
40398         </member>
40399         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.StartObject">
40400             <summary>
40401             Start of JSON object record, the { character.
40402             </summary>
40403         </member>
40404         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.EndObject">
40405             <summary>
40406             End of JSON object record, the } character.
40407             </summary>
40408         </member>
40409         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.StartArray">
40410             <summary>
40411             Start of JSON array, the [ character.
40412             </summary>
40413         </member>
40414         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.EndArray">
40415             <summary>
40416             End of JSON array, the ] character.
40417             </summary>
40418         </member>
40419         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.Property">
40420             <summary>
40421             Property, the name of the property (the value will be reported as a separate node or nodes)
40422             </summary>
40423         </member>
40424         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.PrimitiveValue">
40425             <summary>
40426             Primitive value, that is either null, true, false, number or string.
40427             </summary>
40428         </member>
40429         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonNodeType.EndOfInput">
40430             <summary>
40431             End of input reached.
40432             </summary>
40433         </member>
40434         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils">
40435             <summary>
40436             Utility methods used with the OData library.
40437             </summary>
40438         </member>
40439         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.Version1NumberString">
40440             <summary>String representation of the version 1.0 of the OData protocol.</summary>
40441         </member>
40442         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.Version2NumberString">
40443             <summary>String representation of the version 2.0 of the OData protocol.</summary>
40444         </member>
40445         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.Version3NumberString">
40446             <summary>String representation of the version 3.0 of the OData protocol.</summary>
40447         </member>
40448         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetHeadersForPayload(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
40449             <summary>Sets the content-type and data service version headers on the message used by the message writer.</summary>
40450             <returns>The content-type and data service version headers on the message used by the message writer.</returns>
40451             <param name="messageWriter">The message writer to set the headers for.</param>
40452             <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload to be written with the message writer.</param>
40453             <remarks>
40454             This method can be called if it is important to set all the message headers before calling any of the
40455             write methods on the <paramref name="messageWriter"/>.
40456             If it is sufficient to set the headers when the write methods on the <paramref name="messageWriter"/> 
40457             are called, you don't have to call this method and setting the headers will happen automatically.
40458             </remarks>
40459         </member>
40460         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.GetReadFormat(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader)">
40461             <summary>Returns the format used by the message reader for reading the payload.</summary>
40462             <returns>The format used by the messageReader for reading the payload.</returns>
40463             <param name="messageReader">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReader" /> to get the read format from.</param>
40464             <remarks>This method must only be called once reading has started.
40465             This means that a read method has been called on the <paramref name="messageReader"/> or that a reader (for entries, feeds, collections, etc.) has been created.
40466             If the method is called prior to that it will throw.</remarks>
40467         </member>
40468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.LoadODataAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
40469             <summary>
40470             Loads the supported, OData-specific serializable annotations into their in-memory representations.
40471             </summary>
40472             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> to process.</param>
40473         </member>
40474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.LoadODataAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Int32)">
40475             <summary>
40476             Loads the supported, OData-specific serializable annotations into their in-memory representations.
40477             </summary>
40478             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> to process.</param>
40479             <param name="maxEntityPropertyMappingsPerType">The maximum number of entity mapping attributes to be found 
40480             for an entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</param>
40481         </member>
40482         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.LoadODataAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40483             <summary>
40484             Loads the supported, OData-specific serializable annotations into their in-memory representations.
40485             </summary>
40486             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
40487             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to process.</param>
40488         </member>
40489         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.LoadODataAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Int32)">
40490             <summary>
40491             Loads the supported, OData-specific serializable annotations into their in-memory representations.
40492             </summary>
40493             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
40494             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to process.</param>
40495             <param name="maxEntityPropertyMappingsPerType">The maximum number of entity mapping attributes to be found 
40496             for an entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</param>
40497         </member>
40498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SaveODataAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
40499             <summary>
40500             Turns the in-memory representations of the supported, OData-specific annotations into their serializable form.
40501             </summary>
40502             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> to process.</param>
40503         </member>
40504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SaveODataAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40505             <summary>
40506             Turns the in-memory representations of the supported, OData-specific annotations into their serializable form.
40507             </summary>
40508             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
40509             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to process.</param>
40510         </member>
40511         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.HasDefaultStream(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40512             <summary>
40513             Checks whether the <paramref name="entityType"/> has a default stream.
40514             </summary>
40515             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40516             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to check.</param>
40517             <returns>true if the entity type has a default stream; otherwise false.</returns>
40518         </member>
40519         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetHasDefaultStream(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean)">
40520             <summary>
40521             Adds or removes a default stream to/from the <paramref name="entityType"/>.
40522             </summary>
40523             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40524             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to modify.</param>
40525             <param name="hasStream">true to add a default stream to the entity type; false to remove an existing default stream (if any).</param>
40526         </member>
40527         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.IsDefaultEntityContainer(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer)">
40528             <summary>
40529             Checks whether the <paramref name="entityContainer"/> is the default entity container.
40530             </summary>
40531             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40532             <param name="entityContainer">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> to check.</param>
40533             <returns>true if the <paramref name="entityContainer"/> is the default container; otherwise false.</returns>
40534         </member>
40535         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetIsDefaultEntityContainer(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.Boolean)">
40536             <summary>
40537             Adds or removes a default stream to/from the <paramref name="entityContainer"/>.
40538             </summary>
40539             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40540             <param name="entityContainer">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> to modify.</param>
40541             <param name="isDefaultContainer">true to set the <paramref name="entityContainer"/> as the default container; false to remove an existing default container annotation (if any).</param>
40542         </member>
40543         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.GetMimeType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
40544             <summary>
40545             Checks whether the <paramref name="annotatable"/> has a MIME type annotation.
40546             </summary>
40547             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40548             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to check.</param>
40549             <returns>The (non-null) value of the MIME type annotation of the <paramref name="annotatable"/> or null if no MIME type annotation exists.</returns>
40550         </member>
40551         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetMimeType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String)">
40552             <summary>
40553             Sets the MIME type annotation of the <paramref name="annotatable"/> to <paramref name="mimeType"/>.
40554             </summary>
40555             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40556             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to modify.</param>
40557             <param name="mimeType">The MIME type value to set as annotation value; if null, an existing annotation will be removed.</param>
40558             <remarks>The MIME type annotation is only supported on service operations and primitive properties for serialization purposes.</remarks>
40559         </member>
40560         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.GetHttpMethod(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
40561             <summary>
40562             Checks whether the <paramref name="annotatable"/> has an HttpMethod annotation.
40563             </summary>
40564             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40565             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to check.</param>
40566             <returns>The (non-null) value of the HttpMethod annotation of the <paramref name="annotatable"/> or null if no such annotation exists.</returns>
40567         </member>
40568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetHttpMethod(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String)">
40569             <summary>
40570             Sets the HttpMethod annotation of the <paramref name="annotatable"/> to <paramref name="httpMethod"/>.
40571             </summary>
40572             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> contatining the annotation.</param>
40573             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to modify.</param>
40574             <param name="httpMethod">The HttpMethod value to set as annotation value; if null, an existing annotation will be removed.</param>
40575             <remarks>The HttpMethod annotation is only supported on service operations for serialization purposes.</remarks>
40576         </member>
40577         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.IsAlwaysBindable(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
40578             <summary>
40579             Gets the value of IsAlwaysBindable annotation on the <paramref name="functionImport"/>.
40580             </summary>
40581             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40582             <param name="functionImport">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> to get the annotation from.</param>
40583             <returns>The value of the annotation if it exists; false otherwise.</returns>
40584             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Thrown if the IsAlwaysBindable annotation is set to true for a non-bindable <paramref name="functionImport"/>.</exception>
40585         </member>
40586         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetIsAlwaysBindable(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,System.Boolean)">
40587             <summary>
40588             Sets the value of IsAlwaysBindable annotation of the <paramref name="functionImport"/> to <paramref name="isAlwaysBindable"/>
40589             </summary>
40590             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40591             <param name="functionImport">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/> to set the annotation on.</param>
40592             <param name="isAlwaysBindable">The value of the annotation to set.</param>
40593             <exception cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataException">Thrown if IsAlwaysBindable is set to true for a non-bindable <paramref name="functionImport"/>.</exception>
40594         </member>
40595         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.NullValueReadBehaviorKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
40596             <summary>
40597             Gets the reader behavior for null property value on the specified property.
40598             </summary>
40599             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
40600             <param name="property">The property to check.</param>
40601             <returns>The behavior to use when reading null value for this property.</returns>
40602         </member>
40603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetNullValueReaderBehavior(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataNullValueBehaviorKind)">
40604             <summary>
40605             Adds a transient annotation to indicate how null values for the specified property should be read.
40606             </summary>
40607             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
40608             <param name="property">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty"/> to modify.</param>
40609             <param name="nullValueReadBehaviorKind">The new behavior for reading null values for this property.</param>
40610         </member>
40611         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.ODataVersionToString(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
40612             <summary>Displays the OData version to string representation.</summary>
40613             <returns>The OData version.</returns>
40614             <param name="version">The OData version.</param>
40615         </member>
40616         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.StringToODataVersion(System.String)">
40617             <summary>Displays a string to OData version representation.</summary>
40618             <returns>The OData version.</returns>
40619             <param name="version">The OData version.</param>
40620         </member>
40621         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.CreateAnnotationFilter(System.String)">
40622             <summary>
40623             Translates the <paramref name="annotationFilter"/> to a func that would evalutate whether the filter would match a given annotation name.
40624             The func would evaluate to true if the <paramref name="annotationFilter"/> matches the annotation name that's passed to the it, and false otherwise.
40625             </summary>
40626             <param name="annotationFilter">
40627             The filter string may be a comma delimited list of any of the following supported patterns:
40628               "*"        -- Matches all annotation names.
40629               "ns.*"     -- Matches all annotation names under the namespace "ns".
40630               "ns.name"  -- Matches only the annotation name "ns.name".
40631               "-"        -- The exclude operator may be used with any of the supported pattern, for example:
40632                             "-ns.*"    -- Excludes all annotation names under the namespace "ns".
40633                             "-ns.name" -- Excludes only the annotation name "ns.name".
40634             Null or empty filter is equivalent to "-*".
40636             The relative priority of the pattern is base on the relative specificity of the patterns being compared. If pattern1 is under the namespace pattern2,
40637             pattern1 is more specific than pattern2 because pattern1 matches a subset of what pattern2 matches. We give higher priority to the pattern that is more specific.
40638             For example:
40639              "ns.*" has higher priority than "*"
40640              "ns.name" has higher priority than "ns.*"
40641              "ns1.name" has same priority as "ns2.*"
40643             Patterns with the exclude operator takes higher precedence than the same pattern without.
40644             For example: "-ns.name" has higher priority than "ns.name".
40646             Examples:
40647               "ns1.*,ns.name"       -- Matches any annotation name under the "ns1" namespace and the "ns.name" annotation.
40648               "*,-ns.*,ns.name"     -- Matches any annotation name outside of the "ns" namespace and only "ns.name" under the "ns" namespace.
40649             </param>
40650             <returns>Returns a func which would evaluate to true if the <paramref name="annotationFilter"/> matches the annotation name that's passed to the it,
40651             and false otherwise.</returns>
40652         </member>
40653         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SaveODataAnnotationsImplementation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
40654             <summary>
40655             Turns the in-memory representations of the supported, OData-specific annotations into their serializable form.
40656             Assumes that the entity type and the model have been validated.
40657             </summary>
40658             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations.</param>
40659             <param name="entityType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> to process.</param>
40660         </member>
40661         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.TryGetBooleanAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@)">
40662             <summary>
40663             Gets a boolean value for the <paramref name="annotationLocalName"/> OData metadata annotation on 
40664             the <paramref name="structuredType"/>.
40665             </summary>
40666             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
40667             <param name="structuredType">The annotatable to get the annotation from.</param>
40668             <param name="annotationLocalName">The local name of the annotation to get.</param>
40669             <param name="recursive">true to search the base type hierarchy of the structured type for the annotation; otherwise false.</param>
40670             <param name="boolValue">true if the annotation exists and has the value 'true'; false if the annotation does not exist or has the value 'false'.</param>
40671             <returns>true if the annotation with the specified local names exists; otherwise false.</returns>
40672             <remarks>If the annotation exists but does not have a valid boolean value this method will throw.</remarks>
40673         </member>
40674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.TryGetBooleanAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.Boolean@)">
40675             <summary>
40676             Gets a boolean value for the <paramref name="annotationLocalName"/> OData metadata annotation on 
40677             the <paramref name="annotatable"/>.
40678             </summary>
40679             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
40680             <param name="annotatable">The annotatable to get the annotation from.</param>
40681             <param name="annotationLocalName">The local name of the annotation to get.</param>
40682             <param name="boolValue">true if the annotation exists and has the value 'true'; false if the annotation does not exist or has the value 'false'.</param>
40683             <returns>true if the annotation with the specified local names exists; otherwise false.</returns>
40684             <remarks>If the annotation exists but does not have a valid boolean value this method wil throw.</remarks>
40685         </member>
40686         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetBooleanAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.Boolean)">
40687             <summary>
40688             Sets the <paramref name="boolValue "/> as value of the <paramref name="annotationLocalName"/> annotation
40689             on the <paramref name="annotatable"/>.
40690             </summary>
40691             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
40692             <param name="annotatable">The annotatable to set the annotation on.</param>
40693             <param name="annotationLocalName">The local name of the annotation to set.</param>
40694             <param name="boolValue">The value of the annotation to set.</param>
40695         </member>
40696         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Utils">
40697             <summary>
40698             Generic  utility methods.
40699             </summary>
40700         </member>
40701         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Utils.TryDispose(System.Object)">
40702             <summary>
40703             Calls IDisposable.Dispose() on the argument if it is not null 
40704             and is an IDisposable.
40705             </summary>
40706             <param name="o">The instance to dispose.</param>
40707             <returns>'True' if IDisposable.Dispose() was called; 'false' otherwise.</returns>
40708         </member>
40709         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Utils.StableSort``1(``0[],System.Comparison{``0})">
40710             <summary>
40711             Perform a stable sort of the <paramref name="array"/> using the specified <paramref name="comparison"/>.
40712             </summary>
40713             <typeparam name="T">The type of the items in the array to sort.</typeparam>
40714             <param name="array">The array to sort.</param>
40715             <param name="comparison">The comparison to use to compare items in the array</param>
40716             <returns>Array of KeyValuePairs where the sequence of Values is the sorted representation of <paramref name="array"/>.</returns>
40717         </member>
40718         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Utils.StableComparer`1">
40719             <summary>
40720             Stable comparer of a sequence of key/value pairs where each pair 
40721             knows its position in the sequence and its value.
40722             </summary>
40723             <typeparam name="T">The type of the values in the sequence.</typeparam>
40724         </member>
40725         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Utils.StableComparer`1.innerComparer">
40726             <summary>
40727             The <see cref="T:System.Comparison`1"/> to compare the values.
40728             </summary>
40729         </member>
40730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Utils.StableComparer`1.#ctor(System.Comparison{`0})">
40731             <summary>
40732             Constructor.
40733             </summary>
40734             <param name="innerComparer">The <see cref="T:System.Comparison`1"/> to compare the values.</param>
40735         </member>
40736         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Utils.StableComparer`1.Compare(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.Int32,`0},System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.Int32,`0})">
40737             <summary>
40738             Compares two key/value pairs by first comparing their value. If the values are equal,
40739             the position in the array determines the relative order (and preserves the original relative order).
40740             </summary>
40741             <param name="x">First key/value pair.</param>
40742             <param name="y">Second key/value pair.</param>
40743             <returns>
40744             A value &lt; 0 if <paramref name="x"/> is less than <paramref name="y"/>.
40745             The value 0 if <paramref name="x"/> is equal to <paramref name="y"/>. Note this only happens when comparing the same items when used in StableSort.
40746             A value &gt; 0 if <paramref name="x"/> is greater than <paramref name="y"/>.
40747             </returns>
40748             <remarks>This method will never return the value 0 since the input sequence is constructed in a way
40749             that all key/value pairs have unique indeces.</remarks>
40750         </member>
40751         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils">
40752             <summary>
40753             Class with utility methods for dealing with OData metadata.
40754             </summary>
40755         </member>
40756         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.TryGetODataAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String@)">
40757             <summary>
40758             Returns the annotation in the OData metadata namespace with the specified <paramref name="localName"/>.
40759             </summary>
40760             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotation.</param>
40761             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to get the annotation from.</param>
40762             <param name="localName">The local name of the annotation to find.</param>
40763             <param name="value">The value of the annotation in the OData metadata namespace and with the specified <paramref name="localName"/>.</param>
40764             <returns>true if an annotation with the specified local name was found; otherwise false.</returns>
40765         </member>
40766         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.SetODataAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String)">
40767             <summary>
40768             Sets the annotation with the OData metadata namespace and the specified <paramref name="localName"/> on the <paramref name="annotatable"/>.
40769             </summary>
40770             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations."/&gt;</param>
40771             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to set the annotation on.</param>
40772             <param name="localName">The local name of the annotation to set.</param>
40773             <param name="value">The value of the annotation to set.</param>
40774         </member>
40775         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.GetODataAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
40776             <summary>
40777             Gets all the serializable annotations in the OData metadata namespace on the <paramref name="annotatable"/>.
40778             </summary>
40779             <param name="model">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> containing the annotations."/&gt;</param>
40780             <param name="annotatable">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement"/> to get the annotations from.</param>
40781             <returns>All annotations in the OData metadata namespace; or null if no annotations are found.</returns>
40782         </member>
40783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.GetEdmType(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAnnotatable)">
40784             <summary>
40785             Gets the EDM type of an OData instance from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation"/> of the instance (if available).
40786             </summary>
40787             <param name="annotatable">The OData instance to get the EDM type for.</param>
40788             <returns>The EDM type of the <paramref name="annotatable"/> if available in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataTypeAnnotation"/> annotation.</returns>
40789         </member>
40790         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.ResolveTypeNameForWrite(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
40791             <summary>
40792             Resolves the name of a primitive, complex, entity or collection type to the respective type. Uses the semantics used by writers.
40793             Thus it implements the strict speced behavior.
40794             </summary>
40795             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
40796             <param name="typeName">The name of the type to resolve.</param>
40797             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the type specified by the <paramref name="typeName"/>;
40798             or null if no such type could be found.</returns>
40799         </member>
40800         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.ResolveTypeNameForRead(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataReaderBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind@)">
40801             <summary>
40802             Resolves the name of a primitive, complex, entity or collection type to the respective type. Uses the semantics used be readers.
40803             Thus it can be a bit looser.
40804             </summary>
40805             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
40806             <param name="expectedType">The expected type for the type name being resolved, or null if none is available.</param>
40807             <param name="typeName">The name of the type to resolve.</param>
40808             <param name="readerBehavior">Reader behavior if the caller is a reader, null if no reader behavior is available.</param>
40809             <param name="version">The version of the payload being read.</param>
40810             <param name="typeKind">The type kind of the type, if it could be determined. This will be None if we couldn't tell. It might be filled
40811             even if the method returns null, for example for Collection types with item types which are not recognized.</param>
40812             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the type specified by the <paramref name="typeName"/>;
40813             or null if no such type could be found.</returns>
40814         </member>
40815         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.ResolveTypeName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind@)">
40816             <summary>
40817             Resolves the name of a primitive, complex, entity or collection type to the respective type.
40818             </summary>
40819             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
40820             <param name="expectedType">The expected type for the type name being resolved, or null if none is available.</param>
40821             <param name="typeName">The name of the type to resolve.</param>
40822             <param name="customTypeResolver">Custom type resolver to use, if null the model is used directly.</param>
40823             <param name="version">The version to use when resolving the type name.</param>
40824             <param name="typeKind">The type kind of the type, if it could be determined. This will be None if we couldn't tell. It might be filled
40825             even if the method returns null, for example for Collection types with item types which are not recognized.</param>
40826             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> representing the type specified by the <paramref name="typeName"/>;
40827             or null if no such type could be found.</returns>
40828         </member>
40829         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.CalculateAlwaysBindableOperationsForType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmTypeResolver)">
40830             <summary>
40831             Calculates the operations that are always bindable to the given type.
40832             </summary>
40833             <param name="bindingType">The binding type in question.</param>
40834             <param name="model">The model to search for operations.</param>
40835             <param name="edmTypeResolver">The edm type resolver to get the parameter type.</param>
40836             <returns>An enumeration of operations that are always bindable to the given type.</returns>
40837         </member>
40838         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.LookupTypeOfValueTerm(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
40839             <summary>
40840             Looks up the given term name in the given model, and returns the term's type if a matching term was found.
40841             </summary>
40842             <param name="qualifiedTermName">The name of the term to lookup, including the namespace.</param>
40843             <param name="model">The model to look in.</param>
40844             <returns>The type of the term in the model, or null if no matching term was found.</returns>
40845         </member>
40846         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.MetadataUtils.GetNullablePayloadTypeReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
40847             <summary>
40848             Gets the nullable type reference for a payload type; if the payload type is null, uses Edm.String.
40849             </summary>
40850             <param name="payloadType">The payload type to get the type reference for.</param>
40851             <returns>The nullable <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference"/> for the <paramref name="payloadType"/>.</returns>
40852         </member>
40853         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils">
40854             <summary>
40855             Class with utility methods for validating OData content (applicable for readers and writers).
40856             </summary>
40857         </member>
40858         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.MaxBoundaryLength">
40859             <summary>Maximum batch boundary length supported (not includeding leading CRLF or '-').</summary>
40860         </member>
40861         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.InvalidCharactersInPropertyNames">
40862             <summary>The set of characters that are invalid in property names.</summary>
40863             <remarks>Keep this array in sync with MetadataProviderUtils.InvalidCharactersInPropertyNames in Astoria.</remarks>
40864         </member>
40865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateOpenPropertyValue(System.String,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
40866             <summary>
40867             Validates that an open property value is supported.
40868             </summary>
40869             <param name="propertyName">The name of the open property.</param>
40870             <param name="value">The value of the open property.</param>
40871             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">Value of UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds in message settings.</param>
40872         </member>
40873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateValueTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,System.String)">
40874             <summary>
40875             Validates a type kind for a value type.
40876             </summary>
40877             <param name="typeKind">The type kind.</param>
40878             <param name="typeName">The name of the type (used for error reporting only).</param>
40879         </member>
40880         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateCollectionTypeName(System.String)">
40881             <summary>
40882             Validates that <paramref name="collectionTypeName"/> is a valid type name for a collection and returns its item type name.
40883             </summary>
40884             <param name="collectionTypeName">The name of the collection type.</param>
40885             <returns>The item type name for the <paramref name="collectionTypeName"/>.</returns>
40886         </member>
40887         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateEntityTypeIsAssignable(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
40888             <summary>
40889             Validates that the <paramref name="payloadEntityTypeReference"/> is assignable to the <paramref name="expectedEntityTypeReference"/>
40890             and fails if it's not.
40891             </summary>
40892             <param name="expectedEntityTypeReference">The expected entity type reference, the base type of the entities expected.</param>
40893             <param name="payloadEntityTypeReference">The payload entity type reference to validate.</param>
40894         </member>
40895         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateCollectionType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40896             <summary>
40897             Validates that the <paramref name="typeReference"/> represents a collection type.
40898             </summary>
40899             <param name="typeReference">The type reference to validate.</param>
40900             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference"/> instance representing the collection passed as <paramref name="typeReference"/>.</returns>
40901         </member>
40902         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateCollectionItem(System.Object,System.Boolean)">
40903             <summary>
40904             Validates an item of a collection to ensure it is not of collection and stream reference types.
40905             </summary>
40906             <param name="item">The collection item.</param>
40907             <param name="isStreamable">True if the items in the collection are streamable, false otherwise.</param>
40908         </member>
40909         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateNullCollectionItem(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior)">
40910             <summary>
40911             Validates a null collection item against the expected type.
40912             </summary>
40913             <param name="expectedItemType">The expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
40914             <param name="writerBehavior">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior"/> instance controlling the behavior of the writer.</param>
40915         </member>
40916         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateStreamReferenceProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
40917             <summary>
40918             Validates a stream reference property to ensure it's not null and its name if correct.
40919             </summary>
40920             <param name="streamProperty">The stream reference property to validate.</param>
40921             <param name="edmProperty">Property metadata to validate against.</param>
40922         </member>
40923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateAssociationLinkNotNull(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink)">
40924             <summary>
40925             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink"/> to ensure it's not null.
40926             </summary>
40927             <param name="associationLink">The association link to ensure it's not null.</param>
40928         </member>
40929         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateAssociationLinkName(System.String)">
40930             <summary>
40931             Validates the name for an association link.
40932             </summary>
40933             <param name="associationLinkName">The name of the association link to validate.</param>
40934         </member>
40935         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateAssociationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink)">
40936             <summary>
40937             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink"/> to ensure all required information is specified and valid.
40938             </summary>
40939             <param name="associationLink">The association link to validate.</param>
40940         </member>
40941         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.IncreaseAndValidateRecursionDepth(System.Int32@,System.Int32)">
40942             <summary>
40943             Increases the given recursion depth, and then verifies that it doesn't exceed the recursion depth limit.
40944             </summary>
40945             <param name="recursionDepth">The current depth of the payload element hierarchy.</param>
40946             <param name="maxDepth">The maximum allowed recursion depth.</param>
40947         </member>
40948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateOperationNotNull(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation,System.Boolean)">
40949             <summary>
40950             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation"/> to ensure it's not null.
40951             </summary>
40952             <param name="operation">The operation to ensure it's not null.</param>
40953             <param name="isAction">Whether <paramref name="operation"/> is an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAction"/>.</param>
40954         </member>
40955         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateOperationMetadataNotNull(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
40956             <summary>
40957             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation"/> to ensure its metadata is specified and valid.
40958             </summary>
40959             <param name="operation">The operation to validate.</param>
40960         </member>
40961         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateOperationTargetNotNull(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation)">
40962             <summary>
40963             Validates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOperation"/> to ensure its target is specified and valid.
40964             </summary>
40965             <param name="operation">The operation to validate.</param>
40966         </member>
40967         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateEntryMetadataResource(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
40968             <summary>
40969             Validates that the specified <paramref name="entry"/> is a valid entry as per the specified type.
40970             </summary>
40971             <param name="entry">The entry to validate.</param>
40972             <param name="entityType">Optional entity type to validate the entry against.</param>
40973             <param name="model">Model containing the entity type.</param>
40974             <param name="validateMediaResource">true if the validation of the default MediaResource should be done; false otherwise.</param>
40975             <remarks>If the <paramref name="entityType"/> is available only entry-level tests are performed, properties and such are not validated.</remarks>
40976         </member>
40977         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateIsExpectedPrimitiveType(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40978             <summary>
40979             Validates that a given primitive value is of the expected (primitive) type.
40980             </summary>
40981             <param name="value">The value to check.</param>
40982             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type for the value.</param>
40983         </member>
40984         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateIsExpectedPrimitiveType(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40985             <summary>
40986             Validates that a given primitive value is of the expected (primitive) type.
40987             </summary>
40988             <param name="value">The value to check.</param>
40989             <param name="valuePrimitiveTypeReference">The primitive type reference for the value - some callers have this already, so we save the lookup here.</param>
40990             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type for the value.</param>
40991             <remarks>
40992             Some callers have the primitive type reference already resolved (from the value type)
40993             so this method is an optimized version to not lookup the primitive type reference again.
40994             </remarks>
40995         </member>
40996         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateMetadataPrimitiveType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
40997             <summary>
40998             Validates that the expected primitive type matches the actual primitive type.
40999             </summary>
41000             <param name="expectedTypeReference">The expected type.</param>
41001             <param name="typeReferenceFromValue">The actual type.</param>
41002         </member>
41003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateResourceCollectionInfo(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo)">
41004             <summary>
41005             Validates a resource collection.
41006             </summary>
41007             <param name="collectionInfo">The resource collection to validate.</param>
41008         </member>
41009         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateResourceCollectionInfoUrl(System.String)">
41010             <summary>
41011             Validates a resource collection Url.
41012             </summary>
41013             <param name="collectionInfoUrl">The resource collection url to validate.</param>
41014         </member>
41015         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateTypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind,System.String)">
41016             <summary>
41017             Validates that the observed type kind is the expected type kind.
41018             </summary>
41019             <param name="actualTypeKind">The actual type kind to compare.</param>
41020             <param name="expectedTypeKind">The expected type kind to compare against.</param>
41021             <param name="typeName">The name of the type to use in the error.</param>
41022         </member>
41023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateBoundaryString(System.String)">
41024             <summary>
41025             Validates that a boundary delimiter is valid (non-null, less than 70 chars, only valid chars, etc.)
41026             </summary>
41027             <param name="boundary">The boundary delimiter to test.</param>
41028         </member>
41029         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ShouldValidateComplexPropertyNullValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
41030             <summary>
41031             Null validation of complex properties will be skipped if edm version is less than v3 and data service version exists.
41032             In such cases, the provider decides what should be done if a null value is stored on a non-nullable complex property.
41033             </summary>
41034             <param name="model">The model containing the complex property.</param>
41035             <returns>True if complex property should be validated for null values.</returns>
41036         </member>
41037         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.IsValidPropertyName(System.String)">
41038             <summary>
41039             Validates that a property name is valid in OData.
41040             </summary>
41041             <param name="propertyName">The property name to validate.</param>
41042             <returns>true if the property name is valid, otherwise false.</returns>
41043         </member>
41044         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidatePropertyName(System.String)">
41045             <summary>
41046             Validates a property name to check whether it contains reserved characters.
41047             </summary>
41048             <param name="propertyName">The property name to check.</param>
41049         </member>
41050         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ValidationUtils.ValidateTotalEntityPropertyMappingCount(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCache,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.ODataEntityPropertyMappingCollection,System.Int32)">
41051             <summary>
41052             Validates that the total number of entity property mapping attributes on the base entity type and the current
41053             entity type does not exceed the specified security limit.
41054             </summary>
41055             <param name="baseCache">The EPM cache of the base entity type or null if no base entity type exists.</param>
41056             <param name="mappings">The EPM collection of the current entity type.</param>
41057             <param name="maxMappingCount">The maximum number of mappings allowed for an entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</param>
41058             <returns>The total number of entity property mappings for the current entity type.</returns>
41059         </member>
41060         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterUtils">
41061             <summary>
41062             Class with utility methods for writing OData content.
41063             </summary>
41064         </member>
41065         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.WriterUtils.ShouldSkipProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation,System.String)">
41066             <summary>
41067             Determines if a property should be written or skipped.
41068             </summary>
41069             <param name="projectedProperties">The projected properties annotation to use (can be null).</param>
41070             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to check.</param>
41071             <returns>true if the property should be skipped, false to write the property.</returns>
41072         </member>
41073         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils">
41074             <summary>
41075             Class with utility methods to work with media types.
41076             </summary>
41077         </member>
41078         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.allSupportedPayloadKinds">
41079             <summary>An array of all the supported payload kinds.</summary>
41080         </member>
41081         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.encodingUtf8NoPreamble">
41082             <summary>UTF-8 encoding, without the BOM preamble.</summary>
41083             <remarks>
41084             While a BOM preamble on UTF8 is generally benign, it seems that some MIME handlers under IE6 will not 
41085             process the payload correctly when included.
41087             Because the data service should include the encoding as part of the Content-Type in the response,
41088             there should be no ambiguity as to what encoding is being used.
41090             For further information, see http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM.
41091             </remarks>
41092         </member>
41093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.GetContentTypeFromSettings(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType@,System.Text.Encoding@)">
41094             <summary>
41095             Given the Accept and the Accept-Charset headers of the request message computes the media type, encoding and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/>
41096             to be used for the response message.
41097             </summary>
41098             <param name="settings">The message writer settings to use for serializing the response payload.</param>
41099             <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload to be serialized as part of the response message.</param>
41100             <param name="mediaTypeResolver">The media type resolver to use when interpreting the content type.</param>
41101             <param name="mediaType">The media type to be used in the response message.</param>
41102             <param name="encoding">The encoding to be used in the response message.</param>
41103             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> used when serializing the response.</returns>
41104         </member>
41105         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.GetFormatFromContentType(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind[],Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType@,System.Text.Encoding@,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind@,System.String@)">
41106             <summary>
41107             Determine the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> to use for the given <paramref name="contentTypeHeader"/>. If no supported content type
41108             is found an exception is thrown.
41109             </summary>
41110             <param name="contentTypeHeader">The name of the content type to be checked.</param>
41111             <param name="supportedPayloadKinds">All possiblel kinds of payload that can be read with this content type.</param>
41112             <param name="mediaTypeResolver">The media type resolver to use when interpreting the content type.</param>
41113             <param name="mediaType">The media type parsed from the <paramref name="contentTypeHeader"/>.</param>
41114             <param name="encoding">The encoding from the content type or the default encoding for the <paramref name="mediaType"/>.</param>
41115             <param name="selectedPayloadKind">
41116             The payload kind that was selected form the list of <paramref name="supportedPayloadKinds"/> for the 
41117             specified <paramref name="contentTypeHeader"/>.
41118             </param>
41119             <param name="batchBoundary">The batch boundary read from the content type for batch payloads; otherwise null.</param>
41120             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> for the <paramref name="contentTypeHeader"/>.</returns>
41121         </member>
41122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.GetPayloadKindsForContentType(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType@,System.Text.Encoding@)">
41123             <summary>
41124             Gets all payload kinds and their corresponding formats that match the specified content type header.
41125             </summary>
41126             <param name="contentTypeHeader">The content type header to get the payload kinds for.</param>
41127             <param name="mediaTypeResolver">The media type resolver to use when interpreting the content type.</param>
41128             <param name="contentType">The parsed content type as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/>.</param>
41129             <param name="encoding">The encoding from the content type or the default encoding from <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/>.</param>
41130             <returns>The list of payload kinds and formats supported for the specified <paramref name="contentTypeHeader"/>.</returns>
41131         </member>
41132         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeAndSubtypeAreEqual(System.String,System.String)">
41133             <summary>
41134             Checks whether two media types with subtypes (but without parameters) are equal.
41135             </summary>
41136             <param name="firstTypeAndSubtype">The first media type and subtype.</param>
41137             <param name="secondTypeAndSubtype">The second media type and subtype.</param>
41138             <returns>true if the <paramref name="firstTypeAndSubtype"/> is equal to <paramref name="secondTypeAndSubtype"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
41139         </member>
41140         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeStartsWithTypeAndSubtype(System.String,System.String)">
41141             <summary>
41142             Checks whether a media type starts with the expected type and subtype.
41143             </summary>
41144             <param name="mediaType">The media type to check.</param>
41145             <param name="typeAndSubtype">The type and subtype the <paramref name="mediaType"/> should start with.</param>
41146             <returns>true if the <paramref name="mediaType"/> starts with <paramref name="typeAndSubtype"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
41147         </member>
41148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeHasParameterWithValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.String,System.String)">
41149             <summary>
41150             Checks whether the specified media type has a parameter with the expected value.
41151             </summary>
41152             <param name="mediaType">The media type to check the parameters for.</param>
41153             <param name="parameterName">The name of the expected parameter.</param>
41154             <param name="parameterValue">The value of the expected parameter.</param>
41155             <returns>true if the <paramref name="mediaType"/> has a parameter called <paramref name="parameterName"/> 
41156             with value <paramref name="parameterValue"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
41157         </member>
41158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.HasStreamingSetToTrue(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType)">
41159             <summary>
41160             Determines whether the media type has a 'streaming' parameter with the value 'true'.
41161             </summary>
41162             <param name="mediaType">The media type to check.</param>
41163             <returns>
41164               <c>true</c> if  the media type has a 'streaming' parameter with the value 'true'; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
41165             </returns>
41166         </member>
41167         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.CheckMediaTypeForWildCards(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType)">
41168             <summary>
41169             Checks for wildcard characters in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/>.
41170             </summary>
41171             <param name="mediaType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> to check.</param>
41172         </member>
41173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.AlterContentTypeForJsonPadding(System.String)">
41174             <summary>
41175             JSONP - instead of writing 'application/json', we write 'text/javascript'. In all other ways we pretend it is JSON
41176             </summary>
41177             <param name="contentType">Original content-type value string.</param>
41178             <returns>New content-type value string.</returns>
41179         </member>
41180         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.GetFormatFromContentType(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind[],Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeResolver,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType@,System.Text.Encoding@,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind@)">
41181             <summary>
41182             Determine the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> to use for the given <paramref name="contentTypeName"/>. If no supported content type
41183             is found an exception is thrown.
41184             </summary>
41185             <param name="contentTypeName">The name of the content type to be checked.</param>
41186             <param name="supportedPayloadKinds">All possiblel kinds of payload that can be read with this content type.</param>
41187             <param name="mediaTypeResolver">The media type resolver to use when interpreting the content type.</param>
41188             <param name="mediaType">The media type parsed from the <paramref name="contentTypeName"/>.</param>
41189             <param name="encoding">The encoding from the content type or the default encoding for the <paramref name="mediaType"/>.</param>
41190             <param name="selectedPayloadKind">
41191             The payload kind that was selected form the list of <paramref name="supportedPayloadKinds"/> for the 
41192             specified <paramref name="contentTypeName"/>.
41193             </param>
41194             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> for the <paramref name="contentTypeName"/>.</returns>
41195         </member>
41196         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.ParseContentType(System.String,System.String@)">
41197             <summary>
41198             Parses the specified content type header into a media type instance.
41199             </summary>
41200             <param name="contentTypeHeader">The content type header to parse.</param>
41201             <param name="charset">The optional charset specified with the content type.</param>
41202             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> of the parsed <paramref name="contentTypeHeader"/>.</returns>
41203         </member>
41204         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.GetDefaultMediaType(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeWithFormat},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat@)">
41205             <summary>
41206             Gets the default media type for a given payload kind in a given format.
41207             </summary>
41208             <param name="supportedMediaTypes">A list of supported media types and formats.</param>
41209             <param name="specifiedFormat">The user-specified format in which to write the payload (can be null).</param>
41210             <param name="actualFormat">The default format for the specified payload kind</param>
41211             <returns>The default media type for the given payload kind and format.</returns>
41212         </member>
41213         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.GetEncoding(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Boolean)">
41214             <summary>
41215             Parses the accepted charsets and matches them against the supported encodings for the given <paramref name="payloadKind"/>.
41216             </summary>
41217             <param name="acceptCharsetHeader">The Accept-Charset header of the request.</param>
41218             <param name="payloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> for which to compute the encoding.</param>
41219             <param name="mediaType">The media type used to compute the default encoding for the payload.</param>
41220             <param name="useDefaultEncoding">true if the default encoding should be returned if no acceptable charset is found; otherwise false.</param>
41221             <returns>The encoding to be used for the response.</returns>
41222         </member>
41223         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MatchMediaTypes(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType},Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType[])">
41224             <summary>
41225             Matches the supported media types against the list of media types specified in the Accept header or ContentType header of the message. Matching follows the
41226             rules for media type matching as described in RFC 2616.
41227             </summary>
41228             <param name="sourceTypes">The set of media types to be matched against the <paramref name="targetTypes"/>.</param>
41229             <param name="targetTypes">The set of media types the <paramref name="sourceTypes"/> will be matched against.</param>
41230             <returns>The best <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo"/> found during the matching process or null if no match was found.</returns>
41231         </member>
41232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.ConvertApplicationJsonInAcceptableMediaTypes(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.String}})">
41233             <summary>
41234             Converts all occurrences of the 'application/json' media type to 'application/json;odata=minimalmetadata'.
41235             This is necessary because for an accept header 'application/json, application/json;odata=verbose' 
41236             we want the result to be 'application/json;odata=minimalmetadata' although this is not compliant with the 
41237             default conneg rules (where application/json;odata=verbose would win).
41238             </summary>
41239             <param name="specifiedTypes">The parsed acceptable media types.</param>
41240         </member>
41241         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.EncodingUtf8NoPreamble">
41242             <summary>UTF-8 encoding, without the BOM preamble.</summary>
41243             <remarks>
41244             While a BOM preamble on UTF8 is generally benign, it seems that some MIME handlers under IE6 will not 
41245             process the payload correctly when included.
41247             Because the data service should include the encoding as part of the Content-Type in the response,
41248             there should be no ambiguity as to what encoding is being used.
41250             For further information, see http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM.
41251             </remarks>
41252         </member>
41253         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo">
41254             <summary>
41255             Class representing the result of matching two <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> instances.
41256             </summary>
41257         </member>
41258         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.DefaultQualityValue">
41259             <summary>The default quality value (in the normalized range from 0 .. 1000).</summary>
41260         </member>
41261         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.sourceIndex">
41262             <summary>Index of the source type in the list of all source types.</summary>
41263         </member>
41264         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.targetIndex">
41265             <summary>Index of the target type in the list of all target types.</summary>
41266         </member>
41267         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
41268             <summary>
41269             Constructor.
41270             </summary>
41271             <param name="sourceType">The source <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> to match against the target type.</param>
41272             <param name="targetType">The target <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> to match against the source type.</param>
41273             <param name="sourceIndex">Index of the source type in the list of all source types.</param>
41274             <param name="targetIndex">Index of the target type in the list of all target types.</param>
41275         </member>
41276         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.CompareTo(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo)">
41277             <summary>
41278             Implementation of <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1"/>.
41279             </summary>
41280             <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo"/> to compare against.</param>
41281             <returns>
41282             -1 if this instance is a worse match than <paramref name="other"/>.
41283             0 if both matches are the same.
41284             1 if <paramref name="other"/> is a better match than this instance.
41285             </returns>
41286         </member>
41287         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.ParseQualityValue(System.String)">
41288             <summary>Selects a quality value for the specified type.</summary>
41289             <param name="qualityValueText">The text representation of the quality value.</param>
41290             <returns>The quality value, in range from 0 through 1000.</returns>
41291             <remarks>See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-14.1 for further details.</remarks>
41292         </member>
41293         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.TryFindMediaTypeParameter(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}},System.String,System.String@)">
41294             <summary>
41295             Tries to find a parameter with the specified <paramref name="parameterName"/> in the given list <paramref name="parameters"/> of parameters.
41296             Does not include accept extensions (i.e., parameters after the q quality value parameter)
41297             </summary>
41298             <param name="parameters">The list of parameters to search.</param>
41299             <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to find.</param>
41300             <param name="parameterValue">The parameter value of the parameter with the specified <paramref name="parameterName"/>.</param>
41301             <returns>True if a parameter with the specified <paramref name="parameterName"/> was found; otherwise false.</returns>
41302         </member>
41303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.IsQualityValueParameter(System.String)">
41304             <summary>
41305             Returns a flag indicating whether a given media type parameter name is the Http quality value parameter.
41306             </summary>
41307             <param name="parameterName">The parameter name to check.</param>
41308             <returns>True if the parameter name is for the quality value; otherwise false.</returns>
41309         </member>
41310         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.MatchTypes(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType)">
41311             <summary>
41312             Matches the source type against the media type.
41313             </summary>
41314             <param name="sourceType">The source <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> to match against the target type.</param>
41315             <param name="targetType">The target <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> to match against the source type.</param>
41316         </member>
41317         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.SourceTypeIndex">
41318             <summary>
41319             Index of the source type in the list of all source types.
41320             </summary>
41321         </member>
41322         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.TargetTypeIndex">
41323             <summary>
41324             Index of the target type in the list of all target types.
41325             </summary>
41326         </member>
41327         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.MatchingTypeNamePartCount">
41328             <summary>
41329             Represents the number of non-* matching type name parts or -1 if not matching at all.
41330             </summary>
41331         </member>
41332         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.MatchingParameterCount">
41333             <summary>
41334             Represents the number of matching parameters or -1 if neither the source type nor the target type have parameters.
41335             </summary>
41336         </member>
41337         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.QualityValue">
41338             <summary>The quality value of the target type (or -1 if none is specified).</summary>
41339         </member>
41340         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.SourceTypeParameterCountForMatching">
41341             <summary>
41342             The number of parameters of the source type that are used for comparison. All accept-parameters are ignored.
41343             </summary>
41344         </member>
41345         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo.IsMatch">
41346             <summary>
41347             true if this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaTypeUtils.MediaTypeMatchInfo"/> represents a valid match (i.e., the source and target types match/are compatible); otherwise false.
41348             </summary>
41349             <remarks>
41350             Two types are considered compatible if at least one type name part matches (or we are dealing with a wildcard)
41351             and all the parameters in the source type have been matched.
41352             </remarks>
41353         </member>
41354         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks">
41355             <summary>
41356             Represents a collection of entity reference links (the result of a $links query).
41357             Might include an inline count and a next link.
41358             </summary>
41359         </member>
41360         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks.serializationInfo">
41361             <summary>
41362             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/>.
41363             </summary>
41364         </member>
41365         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks.Count">
41366             <summary>Gets or sets the optional inline count of the $links collection.</summary>
41367             <returns>The optional inline count of the $links collection.</returns>
41368         </member>
41369         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks.NextPageLink">
41370             <summary>Gets or sets the optional next link of the $links collection.</summary>
41371             <returns>The optional next link of the $links collection.</returns>
41372         </member>
41373         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks.Links">
41374             <summary>Gets or sets the enumerable of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink" /> instances representing the links of the referenced entities.</summary>
41375             <returns>The enumerable of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink" /> instances.</returns>
41376             <remarks>These links should be usable to retrieve or modify the referenced entities.</remarks>
41377         </member>
41378         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks.SerializationInfo">
41379             <summary>
41380             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/>.
41381             </summary>
41382         </member>
41383         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink">
41384             <summary>
41385             Represents an entity reference link (the result of a $link query).
41386             </summary>
41387         </member>
41388         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataItem">
41389             <summary>
41390             Base class for Feed and Entry.
41391             </summary>
41392         </member>
41393         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink.serializationInfo">
41394             <summary>
41395             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/>.
41396             </summary>
41397         </member>
41398         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink.Url">
41399             <summary>Gets or sets the URI representing the URL of the referenced entity.</summary>
41400             <returns>The URI representing the URL of the referenced entity.</returns>
41401             <remarks>This URL should be usable to retrieve or modify the referenced entity.</remarks>
41402         </member>
41403         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink.SerializationInfo">
41404             <summary>
41405             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink"/>.
41406             </summary>
41407         </member>
41408         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage">
41409             <summary>
41410             Interface for synchronous OData request messages.
41411             </summary>
41412         </member>
41413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
41414             <summary>Returns a value of an HTTP header.</summary>
41415             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
41416             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
41417         </member>
41418         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
41419             <summary>Sets the value of an HTTP header.</summary>
41420             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
41421             <param name="headerValue">The value of the HTTP header or 'null' if the header should be removed.</param>
41422         </member>
41423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage.GetStream">
41424             <summary>Gets the stream backing for this message.</summary>
41425             <returns>The stream backing for this message.</returns>
41426         </member>
41427         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage.Headers">
41428             <summary>Gets an enumerable over all the headers for this message.</summary>
41429             <returns>An enumerable over all the headers for this message.</returns>
41430         </member>
41431         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage.Url">
41432             <summary>Gets or sets the request URL for this request message.</summary>
41433             <returns>The request URL for this request message.</returns>
41434         </member>
41435         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage.Method">
41436             <summary>Gets or sets the HTTP method used for this request message.</summary>
41437             <returns>The HTTP method used for this request message.</returns>
41438         </member>
41439         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage">
41440             <summary>
41441             Interface for synchronous OData response messages.
41442             </summary>
41443         </member>
41444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
41445             <summary>Returns a value of an HTTP header.</summary>
41446             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
41447             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
41448         </member>
41449         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
41450             <summary>Sets the value of an HTTP header.</summary>
41451             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
41452             <param name="headerValue">The value of the HTTP header or 'null' if the header should be removed.</param>
41453         </member>
41454         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage.GetStream">
41455             <summary>Gets the stream backing for this message.</summary>
41456             <returns>The stream backing for this message.</returns>
41457         </member>
41458         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage.Headers">
41459             <summary>Gets an enumerable over all the headers for this message.</summary>
41460             <returns>An enumerable over all the headers for this message.</returns>
41461         </member>
41462         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage.StatusCode">
41463             <summary>Gets or sets the result status code of the response message.</summary>
41464             <returns>The result status code of the response message.</returns>
41465         </member>
41466         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage">
41467             <summary>
41468             Implementation class wrapped by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage"/> and 
41469             <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage"/> implementations.
41470             </summary>
41471         </member>
41472         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage">
41473             <summary>
41474             Base class for the internal wrappers around IODataRequestMessageAsync and IODataResponseMessageAsync.
41475             </summary>
41476         </member>
41477         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.writing">
41478             <summary>true if the message is being written; false when it is read.</summary>
41479         </member>
41480         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.disableMessageStreamDisposal">
41481             <summary>true if the stream returned should ignore dispose calls.</summary>
41482         </member>
41483         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.maxMessageSize">
41484             <summary>The maximum size of the message in bytes (or null if no maximum applies).</summary>
41485         </member>
41486         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.useBufferingReadStream">
41487             <summary>true to use a buffering read stream wrapper around the actual message stream; otherwise false.</summary>
41488         </member>
41489         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.bufferingReadStream">
41490             <summary>The buffering read stream used for payload kind detection; only non-null inside of payload kind detection.</summary>
41491         </member>
41492         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int64)">
41493             <summary>
41494             Constructs a new ODataMessage.
41495             </summary>
41496             <param name="writing">true if the message is being written; false when it is read.</param>
41497             <param name="disableMessageStreamDisposal">true if the stream returned should ignore dispose calls.</param>
41498             <param name="maxMessageSize">The maximum size of the message in bytes (or a negative value if no maximum applies).</param>
41499         </member>
41500         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
41501             <summary>
41502             Returns a value of an HTTP header.
41503             </summary>
41504             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
41505             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
41506         </member>
41507         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
41508             <summary>
41509             Sets the value of an HTTP header.
41510             </summary>
41511             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
41512             <param name="headerValue">The value for the header with name <paramref name="headerName"/>.</param>
41513         </member>
41514         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.GetStream">
41515             <summary>
41516             Get the stream backing this message.
41517             </summary>
41518             <returns>The stream for this message.</returns>
41519         </member>
41520         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.QueryInterface``1">
41521             <summary>
41522             Queries the message for the specified interface type.
41523             </summary>
41524             <typeparam name="TInterface">The type of the interface to query for.</typeparam>
41525             <returns>The instance of the interface asked for or null if it was not implemented by the message.</returns>
41526             <remarks>We need this method since the input contexts don't get access to the actual instance of the message given to us by the user
41527             instead they get this class, and thus they can't just cast to get to the interface they want.</remarks>
41528         </member>
41529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.GetStream(System.Func{System.IO.Stream},System.Boolean)">
41530             <summary>
41531             Synchronously get the stream backing this message.
41532             </summary>
41533             <param name="messageStreamFunc">A function that returns the stream backing the message.</param>
41534             <param name="isRequest">true if the message is a request message; false for a response message.</param>
41535             <returns>The <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> backing the message.</returns>
41536         </member>
41537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.VerifyCanSetHeader">
41538             <summary>
41539             Verifies that setting a header is allowed
41540             </summary>
41541             <remarks>
41542             We allow modifying the headers only if we are writing the message and we are not
41543             detecting the payload kind.
41544             </remarks>
41545         </member>
41546         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.ValidateMessageStream(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean)">
41547             <summary>
41548             Validates that a given message stream can be used.
41549             </summary>
41550             <param name="stream">The stream to validate.</param>
41551             <param name="isRequest">true if the message is a request message; false for a response message.</param>
41552         </member>
41553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.TryGetBufferingReadStream">
41554             <summary>
41555             Gets the buffering read stream if one is available; otherwise returns null.
41556             </summary>
41557             <returns>The <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.BufferingReadStream"/> currently being used or null if no buffering stream is currently being used.</returns>
41558         </member>
41559         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.Headers">
41560             <summary>
41561             Returns an enumerable over all the headers for this message.
41562             </summary>
41563         </member>
41564         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.BufferingReadStream">
41565             <summary>
41566             true to use a buffering read stream wrapper around the actual message stream; otherwise false.
41567             </summary>
41568         </member>
41569         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage.UseBufferingReadStream">
41570             <summary>
41571             true to use a buffering read stream wrapper around the actual message stream; otherwise false.
41572             </summary>
41573         </member>
41574         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.operationListener">
41575             <summary>Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</summary>
41576         </member>
41577         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.urlResolver">
41578             <summary>The URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read or written from/to the payload.</summary>
41579         </member>
41580         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.contentStreamCreatorFunc">
41581             <summary>A function to retrieve the content stream for this batch operation message.</summary>
41582         </member>
41583         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.headers">
41584             <summary>The set of headers for this operation.</summary>
41585         </member>
41586         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.#ctor(System.Func{System.IO.Stream},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Boolean)">
41587             <summary>
41588             Constructor. Base class constructor to create a message for an operation of a batch request/response.
41589             </summary>
41590             <param name="contentStreamCreatorFunc">A function to retrieve the content stream for this batch operation message.</param>
41591             <param name="headers">The headers of the batch operation message.</param>
41592             <param name="operationListener">Listener interface to be notified of part changes.</param>
41593             <param name="urlResolver">The URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs read or written from/to the payload.</param>
41594             <param name="writing">true if the request message is being written; false when it is read.</param>
41595         </member>
41596         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
41597             <summary>
41598             Returns a value of an HTTP header of this operation.
41599             </summary>
41600             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
41601             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
41602         </member>
41603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
41604             <summary>
41605             Sets the value of an HTTP header of this operation.
41606             </summary>
41607             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
41608             <param name="headerValue">The value of the HTTP header or 'null' if the header should be removed.</param>
41609         </member>
41610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.GetStream">
41611             <summary>
41612             Get the stream backing this message.
41613             </summary>
41614             <returns>The stream for this message.</returns>
41615         </member>
41616         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.QueryInterface``1">
41617             <summary>
41618             Queries the message for the specified interface type.
41619             </summary>
41620             <typeparam name="TInterface">The type of the interface to query for.</typeparam>
41621             <returns>The instance of the interface asked for or null if it was not implemented by the message.</returns>
41622         </member>
41623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.ResolveUrl(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
41624             <summary>
41625             Method to implement a custom URL resolution scheme.
41626             This method returns null if not custom resolution is desired.
41627             If the method returns a non-null URL that value will be used without further validation.
41628             </summary>
41629             <param name="baseUri">The (optional) base URI to use for the resolution.</param>
41630             <param name="payloadUri">The URI read from the payload.</param>
41631             <returns>
41632             A <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> instance that reflects the custom resolution of the method arguments
41633             into a URL or null if no custom resolution is desired; in that case the default resolution is used.
41634             </returns>
41635         </member>
41636         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.PartHeaderProcessingCompleted">
41637             <summary>
41638             Indicates that the headers and request/response line have been read or written.
41639             Can be called only once per batch part and headers cannot be modified 
41640             anymore after this method was called.
41641             </summary>
41642         </member>
41643         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.VerifyNotCompleted">
41644             <summary>
41645             Verifies that writing of the message has not been completed; this is called from all methods
41646             that are only valid to be called before the message content is written or the message
41647             </summary>
41648         </member>
41649         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationMessage.Headers">
41650             <summary>
41651             Returns an enumerable over all the headers for this message.
41652             </summary>
41653         </member>
41654         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage">
41655             <summary>
41656             Message representing an operation in a batch response.
41657             </summary>
41658         </member>
41659         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.message">
41660             <summary>
41661             The actual implementation of the message.
41662             We don't derive from this class since we want the actual implementation to remain internal
41663             while this class is public.
41664             </summary>
41665         </member>
41666         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.statusCode">
41667             <summary>The result status code of the response message.</summary>
41668         </member>
41669         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.#ctor(System.Func{System.IO.Stream},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Boolean)">
41670             <summary>
41671             Constructor.
41672             </summary>
41673             <param name="contentStreamCreatorFunc">A function to retrieve the content stream for this batch operation message.</param>
41674             <param name="headers">The headers of the batch operation message.</param>
41675             <param name="operationListener">Listener interface to be notified of part changes.</param>
41676             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
41677             <param name="writing">true if the request message is being written; false when it is read.</param>
41678         </member>
41679         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
41680             <summary>Returns a value of an HTTP header of this operation.</summary>
41681             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
41682             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
41683         </member>
41684         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
41685             <summary>Sets the value of an HTTP header of this operation.</summary>
41686             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
41687             <param name="headerValue">The value of the HTTP header or null if the header should be removed.</param>
41688         </member>
41689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.GetStream">
41690             <summary>Gets the stream backing for this message.</summary>
41691             <returns>The stream backing for this message.</returns>
41692         </member>
41693         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataUrlResolver#ResolveUrl(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
41694             <summary> Method to implement a custom URL resolution scheme. This method returns null if not custom resolution is desired. If the method returns a non-null URL that value will be used without further validation. </summary>
41695             <returns> A <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance that reflects the custom resolution of the method arguments into a URL or null if no custom resolution is desired; in that case the default resolution is used. </returns>
41696             <param name="baseUri">The (optional) base URI to use for the resolution.</param>
41697             <param name="payloadUri">The URI read from the payload.</param>
41698         </member>
41699         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.CreateWriteMessage(System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
41700             <summary>
41701             Creates an operation response message that can be used to write the operation content to.
41702             </summary>
41703             <param name="outputStream">The output stream underlying the operation message.</param>
41704             <param name="operationListener">The operation listener.</param>
41705             <param name="urlResolver">The (optional) URL resolver for the message to create.</param>
41706             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage"/> that can be used to write the operation content.</returns>
41707         </member>
41708         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.CreateReadMessage(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,System.Int32,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
41709             <summary>
41710             Creates an operation response message that can be used to read the operation content from.
41711             </summary>
41712             <param name="batchReaderStream">The batch stream underyling the operation response message.</param>
41713             <param name="statusCode">The status code to use for the operation response message.</param>
41714             <param name="headers">The headers to use for the operation response message.</param>
41715             <param name="operationListener">The operation listener.</param>
41716             <param name="urlResolver">The (optional) URL resolver for the message to create.</param>
41717             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage"/> that can be used to read the operation content.</returns>
41718         </member>
41719         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.StatusCode">
41720             <summary>Gets or sets the result status code of the response message.</summary>
41721             <returns>The result status code of the response message.</returns>
41722         </member>
41723         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.Headers">
41724             <summary>Gets an enumerable over all the headers for this message.</summary>
41725             <returns>An enumerable over all the headers for this message.</returns>
41726         </member>
41727         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage.OperationMessage">
41728             <summary>
41729             Returns the actual operation message which is being wrapped.
41730             </summary>
41731         </member>
41732         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage">
41733             <summary>
41734             Message representing an operation in a batch request.
41735             </summary>
41736         </member>
41737         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.message">
41738             <summary>
41739             The actual implementation of the message.
41740             We don't derive from this class since we want the actual implementation to remain internal
41741             while this class is public.
41742             </summary>
41743         </member>
41744         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.#ctor(System.Func{System.IO.Stream},System.String,System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver,System.Boolean)">
41745             <summary>
41746             Constructor. Creates a request message for an operation of a batch request.
41747             </summary>
41748             <param name="contentStreamCreatorFunc">A function to create the content stream.</param>
41749             <param name="method">The HTTP method used for this request message.</param>
41750             <param name="requestUrl">The request Url for this request message.</param>
41751             <param name="headers">The headers for the this request message.</param>
41752             <param name="operationListener">Listener interface to be notified of operation changes.</param>
41753             <param name="urlResolver">The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</param>
41754             <param name="writing">true if the request message is being written; false when it is read.</param>
41755         </member>
41756         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
41757             <summary>Returns a value of an HTTP header of this operation.</summary>
41758             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
41759             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
41760         </member>
41761         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
41762             <summary>Sets the value of an HTTP header of this operation.</summary>
41763             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
41764             <param name="headerValue">The value of the HTTP header or 'null' if the header should be removed.</param>
41765         </member>
41766         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.GetStream">
41767             <summary>Gets the stream backing for this message.</summary>
41768             <returns>The stream backing for this message.</returns>
41769         </member>
41770         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataUrlResolver#ResolveUrl(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
41771             <summary>Implements a custom URL resolution scheme.</summary>
41772             <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> instance that reflects the custom resolution of the method arguments into a URL or null if no custom resolution is desired; in that case the default resolution is used.</returns>
41773             <param name="baseUri">The (optional) base URI to use for the resolution.</param>
41774             <param name="payloadUri">The URI read from the payload.</param>
41775         </member>
41776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.CreateWriteMessage(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
41777             <summary>
41778             Creates an operation request message that can be used to write the operation content to.
41779             </summary>
41780             <param name="outputStream">The output stream underlying the operation message.</param>
41781             <param name="method">The HTTP method to use for the message to create.</param>
41782             <param name="requestUrl">The request URL for the message to create.</param>
41783             <param name="operationListener">The operation listener.</param>
41784             <param name="urlResolver">The (optional) URL resolver for the message to create.</param>
41785             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage"/> to write the request content to.</returns>
41786         </member>
41787         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.CreateReadMessage(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchReaderStream,System.String,System.Uri,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationHeaders,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataBatchOperationListener,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataUrlResolver)">
41788             <summary>
41789             Creates an operation request message that can be used to read the operation content from.
41790             </summary>
41791             <param name="batchReaderStream">The batch stream underyling the operation response message.</param>
41792             <param name="method">The HTTP method to use for the message to create.</param>
41793             <param name="requestUrl">The request URL for the message to create.</param>
41794             <param name="headers">The headers to use for the operation request message.</param>
41795             <param name="operationListener">The operation listener.</param>
41796             <param name="urlResolver">The (optional) URL resolver for the message to create.</param>
41797             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage"/> to read the request content from.</returns>
41798         </member>
41799         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.Headers">
41800             <summary>Gets an enumerable over all the headers for this message.</summary>
41801             <returns>An enumerable over all the headers for this message.</returns>
41802         </member>
41803         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.Url">
41804             <summary>Gets or sets the request URL for this request message.</summary>
41805             <returns>The request URL for this request message.</returns>
41806         </member>
41807         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.Method">
41808             <summary>Gets or Sets the HTTP method used for this request message.</summary>
41809             <returns>The HTTP method used for this request message.</returns>
41810         </member>
41811         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage.OperationMessage">
41812             <summary>
41813             Returns the actual operation message which is being wrapped.
41814             </summary>
41815         </member>
41816         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils">
41817             <summary>
41818             Helper methods used by the ODataBatchWriter.
41819             </summary>
41820         </member>
41821         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.CreateBatchBoundary(System.Boolean)">
41822             <summary>
41823             Creates a new batch boundary string based on a randomly created GUID.
41824             </summary>
41825             <param name="isResponse">A flag indicating whether the boundary should be created for a request or a resonse.</param>
41826             <returns>The newly created batch boundary as string.</returns>
41827         </member>
41828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.CreateChangeSetBoundary(System.Boolean)">
41829             <summary>
41830             Creates a new changeset boundary string based on a randomly created GUID.
41831             </summary>
41832             <param name="isResponse">A flag indicating whether the boundary should be created for a request or a resonse.</param>
41833             <returns>The newly created changeset boundary as string.</returns>
41834         </member>
41835         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.CreateMultipartMixedContentType(System.String)">
41836             <summary>
41837             Creates the multipart/mixed content type with the specified boundary (if any).
41838             </summary>
41839             <param name="boundary">The boundary to be used for this operation or null if no boundary should be included.</param>
41840             <returns>The multipart/mixed content type with the specified boundary (if any).</returns>
41841         </member>
41842         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.WriteStartBoundary(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String,System.Boolean)">
41843             <summary>
41844             Write the start boundary.
41845             </summary>
41846             <param name="writer">Writer to which the boundary needs to be written.</param>
41847             <param name="boundary">Boundary string.</param>
41848             <param name="firstBoundary">true if this is the first start boundary.</param>
41849         </member>
41850         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.WriteEndBoundary(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String,System.Boolean)">
41851             <summary>
41852             Write the end boundary.
41853             </summary>
41854             <param name="writer">Writer to which the end boundary needs to be written.</param>
41855             <param name="boundary">Boundary string.</param>
41856             <param name="missingStartBoundary">true if there was no start boundary written before this end boundary.</param>
41857         </member>
41858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.WriteRequestPreamble(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String,System.Uri)">
41859             <summary>
41860             Writes the headers, (optional) Content-ID and the request line
41861             </summary>
41862             <param name="writer">Writer to write to.</param>
41863             <param name="httpMethod">The Http method to be used for this request operation.</param>
41864             <param name="uri">The Uri to be used for this request operation.</param>
41865         </member>
41866         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.WriteResponsePreamble(System.IO.TextWriter)">
41867             <summary>
41868             Writes the headers and response line.
41869             </summary>
41870             <param name="writer">Writer to write to.</param>
41871         </member>
41872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriterUtils.WriteChangeSetPreamble(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String)">
41873             <summary>
41874             Writes the preamble for a change set (e.g., the content-type header).
41875             </summary>
41876             <param name="writer">Writer to write to.</param>
41877             <param name="changeSetBoundary">The boundary string to use for the change set.</param>
41878         </member>
41879         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo">
41880             <summary>
41881             Holds information needed during content serialization/deserialization for
41882             each EntityPropertyMappingAttribute.
41883             </summary>
41884         </member>
41885         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.attribute">
41886             <summary>
41887             Private field backing Attribute property.
41888             </summary>
41889         </member>
41890         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.definingType">
41891             <summary>
41892             Private field backing DefiningType property.
41893             </summary>
41894         </member>
41895         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.actualPropertyType">
41896             <summary>
41897             Type whose property is to be read.
41898             </summary>
41899         </member>
41900         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.propertyValuePath">
41901             <summary>
41902             Path to the property value. Stored as an array of source path segments which describe the path from the entry to the property in question.
41903             If this mapping is for a non-collection property or for the collection property itself, this path starts at the entity resource (not including the root segment).
41904             If this mapping is for a collection item property, this path starts at the collection item. In this case empty path is allowed, meaning the item itself.
41905             </summary>
41906         </member>
41907         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.isSyndicationMapping">
41908             <summary>
41909             Set to true if this info describes mapping to a syndication item, or false if it describes a custom mapping
41910             </summary>
41911         </member>
41912         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.#ctor(System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
41913             <summary>
41914             Creates instance of EntityPropertyMappingInfo class.
41915             </summary>
41916             <param name="attribute">The <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> corresponding to this object</param>
41917             <param name="definingType">Type the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> was defined on.</param>
41918             <param name="actualTypeDeclaringProperty">Type whose property is to be read. This can be different from defining type when inheritance is involved.</param>
41919         </member>
41920         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.SetPropertyValuePath(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment[])">
41921             <summary>
41922             Sets path to the source property.
41923             </summary>
41924             <param name="path">The path as an array of source path segments.</param>
41925         </member>
41926         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.DefiningTypesAreEqual(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo)">
41927             <summary>Compares the defining type of this info and other EpmInfo object.</summary>
41928             <param name="other">The other EpmInfo object to compare to.</param>
41929             <returns>true if the defining types are the same</returns>
41930         </member>
41931         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.Attribute">
41932             <summary>
41933             The <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> corresponding to this object.
41934             </summary>
41935         </member>
41936         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.DefiningType">
41937             <summary>
41938             Entity type that has the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/>.
41939             </summary>
41940         </member>
41941         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.ActualPropertyType">
41942             <summary>
41943             Entity type whose property is to be read.
41944             </summary>
41945         </member>
41946         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.PropertyValuePath">
41947             <summary>
41948             Path to the property value. Stored as an array of source path segments which describe the path from the entry to the property in question.
41949             If this mapping is for a non-collection property or for the collection property itself, this path starts at the entity resource.
41950             If this mapping is for a collection item property, this path starts at the collection item. In this case empty path is allowed, meaning the item itself.
41951             </summary>
41952         </member>
41953         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EntityPropertyMappingInfo.IsSyndicationMapping">
41954             <summary>
41955             Set to true if this info describes mapping to a syndication item, or false if it describes a custom mapping.
41956             </summary>
41957         </member>
41958         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter">
41959             <summary>
41960             Writer for the EPM custom-only. Writes the EPM custom mapping properties into XmlWriter.
41961             </summary>
41962         </member>
41963         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
41964             <summary>
41965             Constructor.
41966             </summary>
41967             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context currently in use.</param>
41968         </member>
41969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter.WriteEntryEpm(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
41970             <summary>
41971             Writes the custom mapped EPM properties to an XML writer which is expected to be positioned such to write
41972             a child element of the entry element.
41973             </summary>
41974             <param name="writer">The XmlWriter to write to.</param>
41975             <param name="epmTargetTree">The EPM target tree to use.</param>
41976             <param name="epmValueCache">The entry properties value cache to use to access the properties.</param>
41977             <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
41978             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context currently in use.</param>
41979         </member>
41980         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter.WriteNamespaceDeclaration(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,System.String@)">
41981             <summary>
41982             Writes a namespace declaration attribute for the namespace required by the target segment.
41983             </summary>
41984             <param name="writer">The writer to write the declaration to.</param>
41985             <param name="targetSegment">The target segment to write the declaration for.</param>
41986             <param name="alreadyDeclaredPrefix">The name of the prefix if it was already declared.</param>
41987         </member>
41988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter.WriteEntryEpm(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
41989             <summary>
41990             Writes the custom mapped EPM properties to an XML writer which is expected to be positioned such to write
41991             a child element of the entry element.
41992             </summary>
41993             <param name="writer">The XmlWriter to write to.</param>
41994             <param name="epmTargetTree">The EPM target tree to use.</param>
41995             <param name="epmValueCache">The entry properties value cache to use to access the properties.</param>
41996             <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
41997         </member>
41998         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter.WriteElementEpm(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,System.String@)">
41999             <summary>
42000             Writes an EPM element target.
42001             </summary>
42002             <param name="writer">The writer to write to.</param>
42003             <param name="targetSegment">The target segment describing the element to write.</param>
42004             <param name="epmValueCache">The entry properties value cache to use to access the properties.</param>
42005             <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
42006             <param name="alreadyDeclaredPrefix">The name of the prefix if it was already declared.</param>
42007         </member>
42008         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter.WriteAttributeEpm(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,System.String@)">
42009             <summary>
42010             Writes an EPM attribute target.
42011             </summary>
42012             <param name="writer">The writer to write to.</param>
42013             <param name="targetSegment">The target segment describing the attribute to write.</param>
42014             <param name="epmValueCache">The entry properties value cache to use to access the properties.</param>
42015             <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
42016             <param name="alreadyDeclaredPrefix">The name of the prefix if it was already declared.</param>
42017         </member>
42018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmCustomWriter.GetEntryPropertyValueAsText(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
42019             <summary>
42020             Given a target segment the method returns the text value of the property mapped to that segment to be used in EPM.
42021             </summary>
42022             <param name="targetSegment">The target segment to read the value for.</param>
42023             <param name="epmValueCache">The entry EPM value cache to use.</param>
42024             <param name="entityType">The entity type of the entry being processed.</param>
42025             <returns>The test representation of the value, or the method throws if the text representation was not possible to obtain.</returns>
42026         </member>
42027         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter">
42028             <summary>
42029             Writer for the EPM syndication-only. Writes the EPM properties into ATOM metadata OM.
42030             </summary>
42031         </member>
42032         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.epmTargetTree">
42033             <summary>The EPM target tree to use.</summary>
42034         </member>
42035         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.entryMetadata">
42036             <summary>Atom entry metadata to write to.</summary>
42037         </member>
42038         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
42039             <summary>
42040             Constructor.
42041             </summary>
42042             <param name="epmTargetTree">The EPM target tree to use.</param>
42043             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context currently in use.</param>
42044         </member>
42045         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.WriteEntryEpm(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetTree,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext)">
42046             <summary>
42047             Writes the syndication part of EPM for an entry into ATOM metadata OM.
42048             </summary>
42049             <param name="epmTargetTree">The EPM target tree to use.</param>
42050             <param name="epmValueCache">The entry properties value cache to use to access the properties.</param>
42051             <param name="type">The type of the entry.</param>
42052             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context currently in use.</param>
42053             <returns>The ATOM metadata OM with the EPM values populated.</returns>
42054         </member>
42055         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.CreateAtomTextConstruct(System.String,System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationTextContentKind)">
42056             <summary>
42057             Creates a text ATOM value.
42058             </summary>
42059             <param name="textValue">The text value to use.</param>
42060             <param name="contentKind">The content kind of the value.</param>
42061             <returns>The Atom text value.</returns>
42062         </member>
42063         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.CreateDateTimeValue(System.Object,System.Data.Services.Common.SyndicationItemProperty,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior)">
42064             <summary>
42065             Given an object returns the corresponding DateTimeOffset value through conversions.
42066             </summary>
42067             <param name="propertyValue">Object containing property value.</param>
42068             <param name="targetProperty">The target syndication property for the mapping (used for exception messages).</param>
42069             <param name="writerBehavior">The current settings to control the behavior of the writer.</param>
42070             <returns>DateTimeOffset after conversion.</returns>
42071         </member>
42072         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.CreateDateTimeStringValue(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior)">
42073             <summary>
42074             Given an object returns the corresponding string representation of the value.
42075             </summary>
42076             <param name="propertyValue">Object containing property value.</param>
42077             <param name="writerBehavior">The current settings to control the behavior of the writer.</param>
42078             <returns>String representation of the property value.</returns>
42079         </member>
42080         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.WriteEntryEpm(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
42081             <summary>
42082             Writes the syndication part of EPM for an entry into ATOM metadata OM.
42083             </summary>
42084             <param name="epmValueCache">The entry properties value cache to use to access the properties.</param>
42085             <param name="entityType">The type of the entry.</param>
42086             <returns>The ATOM metadata OM with the EPM values populated.</returns>
42087         </member>
42088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.WriteParentSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
42089             <summary>
42090             Writes a non-leaf segment which has sub segments.
42091             </summary>
42092             <param name="targetSegment">The segment being written</param>
42093             <param name="epmValueCache">EPM value cache to use to get property values, or a primitive value</param>
42094             <param name="typeReference">The type of the entry or collection item.</param>
42095         </member>
42096         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.WritePersonEpm(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
42097             <summary>
42098             Writes EPM value to a person construct (author or contributor).
42099             </summary>
42100             <param name="targetSegment">The target segment which points to either author or contributor element.</param>
42101             <param name="epmValueCache">EPM value cache to use to get property values, or a primitive value</param>
42102             <param name="typeReference">The type of the entry or collection item.</param>
42103             <returns>The person metadata or null if no person metadata should be written for this mapping.</returns>
42104         </member>
42105         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmSyndicationWriter.GetPropertyValueAsText(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmTargetPathSegment,System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
42106             <summary>
42107             Given a target segment the method returns the text value of the property mapped to that segment to be used in EPM.
42108             </summary>
42109             <param name="targetSegment">The target segment to read the value for.</param>
42110             <param name="epmValueCache">EPM value cache to use to get property values, or a primitive value</param>
42111             <param name="typeReference">The type of the entry or collection item.</param>
42112             <returns>The test representation of the value, or the method throws if the text representation was not possible to obtain.</returns>
42113         </member>
42114         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomWorkspaceMetadata">
42115             <summary>
42116             Atom metadata description for a workspace.
42117             </summary>
42118         </member>
42119         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomWorkspaceMetadata.Title">
42120             <summary>Gets or sets the title of the workspace.</summary>
42121             <returns>The title of the workspace.</returns>
42122         </member>
42123         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata">
42124             <summary>
42125             Atom metadata description for a collection (in a workspace).
42126             </summary>
42127         </member>
42128         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata.Title">
42129             <summary>Gets or sets the title of the collection.</summary>
42130             <returns>The title of the collection.</returns>
42131         </member>
42132         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata.Accept">
42133             <summary>Gets or sets the accept range of media types for this collection.</summary>
42134             <returns>The accept range of media types for this collection.</returns>
42135         </member>
42136         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata.Categories">
42137             <summary>Gets or sets the categories for this collection.</summary>
42138             <returns>The categories for this collection.</returns>
42139         </member>
42140         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache">
42141             <summary>
42142             Caches values of properties and items enumerations so that we only ever enumerate these once even if they were use in EPM.
42143             </summary>
42144         </member>
42145         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache.epmValuesCache">
42146             <summary>
42147             Caches either ComplexValue properties enumeration or Collection items enumeration.
42148             </summary>
42149             <remarks>The key is the complex value, or collection for the property in question.
42150             For complex property, the value is a List of ODataProperty which stores the enumeration ODataComplexValue.Properties cache.
42151             For collection property, the value is a List of object which stores the enumeration ODataCollectionValue.Items cache.
42152             The items are either EpmCollectionItemCache instances in which case the value of the item is cached inside that instance,
42153             or it's any other type in which case the value of the item is that instance.</remarks>
42154         </member>
42155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache.#ctor">
42156             <summary>
42157             Creates a new empty cache.
42158             </summary>
42159         </member>
42160         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache.GetComplexValueProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,System.Boolean)">
42161             <summary>
42162             Returns the properties for the specified complex value.
42163             </summary>
42164             <param name="epmValueCache">The EPM value cache to use (can be null).</param>
42165             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to get the properties for.</param>
42166             <param name="writingContent">If we're writing content of an entry or not.</param>
42167             <returns>The properties enumeration for the complex value.</returns>
42168         </member>
42169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache.CacheComplexValueProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue)">
42170             <summary>
42171             Caches and returns the properties for the specified complex value.
42172             </summary>
42173             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to cache the properties for.</param>
42174             <returns>The cached properties enumeration for the complex value.</returns>
42175             <remarks>This method assumes that the complex value's properties are not cached yet.</remarks>
42176         </member>
42177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache.GetComplexValueProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue,System.Boolean)">
42178             <summary>
42179             Returns the properties for the specified complex value.
42180             </summary>
42181             <param name="complexValue">The complex value to get the properties for.</param>
42182             <param name="writingContent">true if we're writing entry content or false when writing out-of-content EPM.</param>
42183             <returns>The properties enumeration for the complex value.</returns>
42184         </member>
42185         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache">
42186             <summary>
42187             Caches values of properties enumerations on an entry and then EPM values for the rest of property values.
42188             </summary>
42189         </member>
42190         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache.entryPropertiesCache">
42191             <summary>
42192             Caches the ODataEntry.Properties enumeration.
42193             </summary>
42194         </member>
42195         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
42196             <summary>
42197             Creates a new cache.
42198             </summary>
42199             <param name="entry">The entry for which to create the properties cache.</param>
42200         </member>
42201         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache.EntryProperties">
42202             <summary>
42203             Returns enumeration of properties (excluding stream properties) for the entry.
42204             </summary>
42205         </member>
42206         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache.EntryStreamProperties">
42207             <summary>
42208             Returns enumeration of stream properties for the entry.
42209             </summary>
42210         </member>
42211         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils">
42212             <summary>
42213             Helper methods for EPM writers.
42214             </summary>
42215         </member>
42216         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils.GetPropertyValueAsText(System.Object)">
42217             <summary>
42218             Given a property value returns the text value to be used in EPM.
42219             </summary>
42220             <param name="propertyValue">The value of the property.</param>
42221             <returns>The text representation of the value, or the method throws if the text representation was not possible to obtain.</returns>
42222         </member>
42223         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils.GetEntityPropertyMapping(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,System.String)">
42224             <summary>
42225             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> for the specified <paramref name="propertyName"/>
42226             from the <paramref name="epmParentSourcePathSegment"/>.
42227             </summary>
42228             <param name="epmParentSourcePathSegment">The EPM source path segment for the parent of the property being written.</param>
42229             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to get the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> for.</param>
42230             <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> for the specified <paramref name="propertyName"/> or null if none exists.</returns>
42231         </member>
42232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils.GetEntityPropertyMapping(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment)">
42233             <summary>
42234             Gets the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> for the specified <paramref name="epmSourcePathSegment"/>.
42235             </summary>
42236             <param name="epmSourcePathSegment">The EPM source path segment to get the <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> from.</param>
42237             <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Data.Services.Common.EntityPropertyMappingAttribute"/> for the specified <paramref name="epmSourcePathSegment"/> or null if none exists.</returns>
42238         </member>
42239         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils.GetPropertySourcePathSegment(Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,System.String)">
42240             <summary>
42241             Returns an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment"/> for a given property provided the parent <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment"/>.
42242             </summary>
42243             <param name="epmParentSourcePathSegment">The parent <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment"/> to get the property segment from.</param>
42244             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to get the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment"/> for.</param>
42245             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment"/> for a given property provided the parent <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment"/>.</returns>
42246         </member>
42247         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils.CacheEpmProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourceTree)">
42248             <summary>
42249             Cache all the properties and collection item enumerations needed for EPM processing.
42250             </summary>
42251             <param name="propertyValueCache">The property value cache to cache the EPM related properties in.</param>
42252             <param name="sourceTree">The source tree describing all properties taking part in entity property mappings.</param>
42253         </member>
42254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils.CacheEpmSourcePathSegments(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmValueCache,System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty})">
42255             <summary>
42256             Cache the property and collection item enumerations needed in EPM mappings. We do this for syndication and custom
42257             mappings.
42258             </summary>
42259             <param name="valueCache">The property value cache to use for caching.</param>
42260             <param name="segments">The source path segments to cache.</param>
42261             <param name="properties">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/> values to compute the segments against.</param>
42262         </member>
42263         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EpmWriterUtils.TryGetPropertyValue``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty},System.String,``0@)">
42264             <summary>
42265             Gets the property value as the requested type.
42266             </summary>
42267             <typeparam name="T">The expected type of the property value.</typeparam>
42268             <param name="properties">The properties to search.</param>
42269             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property to get the value for.</param>
42270             <param name="propertyValue">The property value as <typeparamref name="T"/> or null if no property 
42271             with name <paramref name="propertyName"/> or with the expected type exists.</param>
42272             <returns>true if a property of the expected type was found; otherwise false.</returns>
42273         </member>
42274         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils">
42275             <summary>
42276             Helper methods used to merge Atom metadata from EPM with those specified through annotations.
42277             </summary>
42278         </member>
42279         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils.MergeCustomAndEpmEntryMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior)">
42280             <summary>
42281             Merges custom and EPM ATOM metadata.
42282             </summary>
42283             <param name="customEntryMetadata">The custom ATOM metadata, or null if there were no custom ATOM metadata.</param>
42284             <param name="epmEntryMetadata">The EPM ATOM metadata, or null if there are no EPM mappings to syndication targets.</param>
42285             <param name="writerBehavior">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior"/> instance configuring the writer.</param>
42286             <returns>The merged ATOM metadata to write to the output.</returns>
42287             <remarks>The merge means that if one of the sides has null, the other is used, otherwise if both are non-null
42288             we verify that the values are the same, otherwise we throw.</remarks>
42289         </member>
42290         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils.MergeSyndicationMapping``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
42291             <summary>
42292             Merges enumerations of person metadata.
42293             </summary>
42294             <param name="customValues">The enumeration of custom person metadata.</param>
42295             <param name="epmValues">The enumeration of EPM person metadata.</param>
42296             <typeparam name="T">The type of syndication mapping, one of AtomLinkMetadata, AtomCategoryMetadata, AtomPersonMetadata, </typeparam>
42297             <returns>The merged enumeration.</returns>
42298         </member>
42299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils.MergeAtomTextValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstruct,System.String)">
42300             <summary>
42301             Merges ATOM text values.
42302             </summary>
42303             <param name="customValue">The custom value.</param>
42304             <param name="epmValue">The EPM value.</param>
42305             <param name="propertyName">The name of the ATOM property which holds the text value, used for error reporting.</param>
42306             <returns>The merged ATOM text value.</returns>
42307         </member>
42308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils.MergeTextValue(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
42309             <summary>
42310             Merges text values.
42311             </summary>
42312             <param name="customValue">The custom value.</param>
42313             <param name="epmValue">The EPM value.</param>
42314             <param name="propertyName">The name of the ATOM property which holds the text value, used for error reporting.</param>
42315             <returns>The merged text value.</returns>
42316         </member>
42317         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils.MergeDateTimeValue(System.Nullable{System.DateTimeOffset},System.Nullable{System.DateTimeOffset},System.String)">
42318             <summary>
42319             Merges date time offset values.
42320             </summary>
42321             <param name="customValue">The custom value.</param>
42322             <param name="epmValue">The EPM value.</param>
42323             <param name="propertyName">The name of the ATOM property which holds the value, used for error reporting.</param>
42324             <returns>The merged date time offset value.</returns>
42325         </member>
42326         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils.TryMergeIfNull``1(``0,``0,``0@)">
42327             <summary>
42328             Tries to merge custom and EPM values if one of them is null.
42329             </summary>
42330             <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to merge.</typeparam>
42331             <param name="customValue">The custom value.</param>
42332             <param name="epmValue">The EPM value.</param>
42333             <param name="result">The merge value if the merge was possible.</param>
42334             <returns>true if one of the values was null and thus the other was returned in <paramref name="result"/>;
42335             false if both were not null and thus full merge will have to be performed.</returns>
42336         </member>
42337         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataEpmMergeUtils.TryMergeIfNull``1(System.Nullable{``0},System.Nullable{``0},System.Nullable{``0}@)">
42338             <summary>
42339             Tries to merge custom and EPM values if one of them is null.
42340             </summary>
42341             <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to merge.</typeparam>
42342             <param name="customValue">The custom value.</param>
42343             <param name="epmValue">The EPM value.</param>
42344             <param name="result">The merge value if the merge was possible.</param>
42345             <returns>true if one of the values was null and thus the other was returned in <paramref name="result"/>;
42346             false if both were not null and thus full merge will have to be performed.</returns>
42347         </member>
42348         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter">
42349             <summary>
42350             Class for writing OData batch messages; also verifies the proper sequence of write calls on the writer.
42351             </summary>
42352         </member>
42353         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.rawOutputContext">
42354             <summary>The output context to write to.</summary>
42355         </member>
42356         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.batchBoundary">
42357             <summary>The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</summary>
42358         </member>
42359         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.urlResolver">
42360             <summary>The batch-specific URL resolver that stores the content IDs found in a changeset and supports resolving cross-referencing URLs.</summary>
42361         </member>
42362         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.state">
42363             <summary>The state the writer currently is in.</summary>
42364         </member>
42365         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.changeSetBoundary">
42366             <summary>
42367             The boundary string for the current changeset (only set when writing a changeset, 
42368             e.g., after WriteStartChangeSet has been called and before WriteEndChangeSet is called).
42369             </summary>
42370             <remarks>When not writing a changeset this field is null.</remarks>
42371         </member>
42372         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.batchStartBoundaryWritten">
42373             <summary>
42374             A flag to indicate whether the batch start boundary has been written or not; important to support writing of empty batches.
42375             </summary>
42376         </member>
42377         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.changesetStartBoundaryWritten">
42378             <summary>
42379             A flags to indicate whether the current changeset start boundary has been written or not.
42380             This is false if a changeset has been started by no changeset boundary was written, and true once the first changeset
42381             boundary for the current changeset has been written.
42382             </summary>
42383         </member>
42384         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.currentOperationRequestMessage">
42385             <summary>The request message for the operation that is currently written if it's a request; 
42386             or null if no part is written right now or it's a response part.</summary>
42387         </member>
42388         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.currentOperationResponseMessage">
42389             <summary>The response message for the operation that is currently written if it's a response; 
42390             or null if no part is written right now or it's a request part.</summary>
42391         </member>
42392         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.currentOperationContentId">
42393             <summary>
42394             The value of the Content-ID header of the current operation (or null if no Content-ID header exists).
42395             </summary>
42396             <remarks>
42397             Note that the current Content-ID header is not included immediately in the content ID cache
42398             since the current content ID will only be visible to subsequent operations.
42399             </remarks>
42400         </member>
42401         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.currentBatchSize">
42402             <summary>The current size of the batch message, i.e., how many query operations and changesets have been written.</summary>
42403         </member>
42404         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.currentChangeSetSize">
42405             <summary>The current size of the active changeset, i.e., how many request have been written for the changeset.</summary>
42406         </member>
42407         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRawOutputContext,System.String)">
42408             <summary>
42409             Constructor.
42410             </summary>
42411             <param name="rawOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
42412             <param name="batchBoundary">The boundary string for the batch structure itself.</param>
42413         </member>
42414         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartBatch">
42415             <summary>Starts a new batch; can be only called once and as first call.</summary>
42416         </member>
42417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndBatch">
42418             <summary>Ends a batch; can only be called after WriteStartBatch has been called and if no other active changeset or operation exist.</summary>
42419         </member>
42420         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartChangeset">
42421             <summary>Starts a new changeset; can only be called after WriteStartBatch and if no other active operation or changeset exists.</summary>
42422         </member>
42423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndChangeset">
42424             <summary>Ends an active changeset; this can only be called after WriteStartChangeset and only once for each changeset.</summary>
42425         </member>
42426         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.CreateOperationRequestMessage(System.String,System.Uri)">
42427             <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage" /> for writing an operation of a batch request.</summary>
42428             <returns>The message that can be used to write the request operation.</returns>
42429             <param name="method">The Http method to be used for this request operation.</param>
42430             <param name="uri">The Uri to be used for this request operation.</param>
42431         </member>
42432         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.CreateOperationResponseMessage">
42433             <summary>Creates a message for writing an operation of a batch response.</summary>
42434             <returns>The message that can be used to write the response operation.</returns>
42435         </member>
42436         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.Flush">
42437             <summary>Flushes the write buffer to the underlying stream.</summary>
42438         </member>
42439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataBatchOperationListener#BatchOperationContentStreamRequested">
42440             <summary>
42441             This method is called to notify that the content stream for a batch operation has been requested.
42442             </summary>
42443         </member>
42444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataBatchOperationListener#BatchOperationContentStreamDisposed">
42445             <summary>
42446             This method is called to notify that the content stream of a batch operation has been disposed.
42447             </summary>
42448         </member>
42449         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.Microsoft#Data#OData#IODataOutputInStreamErrorListener#OnInStreamError">
42450             <summary>
42451             This method notifies the listener, that an in-stream error is to be written.
42452             </summary>
42453             <remarks>
42454             This listener can choose to fail, if the currently written payload doesn't support in-stream error at this position.
42455             If the listener returns, the writer should not allow any more writing, since the in-stream error is the last thing in the payload.
42456             </remarks>
42457         </member>
42458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.IsErrorState(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState)">
42459             <summary>
42460             Determines whether a given writer state is considered an error state.
42461             </summary>
42462             <param name="state">The writer state to check.</param>
42463             <returns>True if the writer state is an error state; otherwise false.</returns>
42464         </member>
42465         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCanWriteStartBatch(System.Boolean)">
42466             <summary>
42467             Verifies that calling WriteStartBatch is valid.
42468             </summary>
42469             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42470         </member>
42471         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartBatchImplementation">
42472             <summary>
42473             Starts a new batch - implementation of the actual functionality.
42474             </summary>
42475         </member>
42476         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCanWriteEndBatch(System.Boolean)">
42477             <summary>
42478             Verifies that calling WriteEndBatch is valid.
42479             </summary>
42480             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42481         </member>
42482         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndBatchImplementation">
42483             <summary>
42484             Ends a batch - implementation of the actual functionality.
42485             </summary>
42486         </member>
42487         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCanWriteStartChangeset(System.Boolean)">
42488             <summary>
42489             Verifies that calling WriteStartChangeset is valid.
42490             </summary>
42491             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42492         </member>
42493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartChangesetImplementation">
42494             <summary>
42495             Starts a new changeset - implementation of the actual functionality.
42496             </summary>
42497         </member>
42498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCanWriteEndChangeset(System.Boolean)">
42499             <summary>
42500             Verifies that calling WriteEndChangeset is valid.
42501             </summary>
42502             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42503         </member>
42504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndChangesetImplementation">
42505             <summary>
42506             Ends an active changeset - implementation of the actual functionality.
42507             </summary>
42508         </member>
42509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCanCreateOperationRequestMessage(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Uri)">
42510             <summary>
42511             Verifies that calling CreateOperationRequestMessage if valid.
42512             </summary>
42513             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42514             <param name="method">The Http method to be used for this request operation.</param>
42515             <param name="uri">The Uri to be used for this request operation.</param>
42516         </member>
42517         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.CreateOperationRequestMessageImplementation(System.String,System.Uri)">
42518             <summary>
42519             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationRequestMessage"/> for writing an operation of a batch request - implementation of the actual functionality.
42520             </summary>
42521             <param name="method">The Http method to be used for this request operation.</param>
42522             <param name="uri">The Uri to be used for this request operation.</param>
42523             <returns>The message that can be used to write the request operation.</returns>
42524         </member>
42525         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCanCreateOperationResponseMessage(System.Boolean)">
42526             <summary>
42527             Verifies that calling CreateOperationResponseMessage is valid.
42528             </summary>
42529             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42530         </member>
42531         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.CreateOperationResponseMessageImplementation">
42532             <summary>
42533             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage"/> for writing an operation of a batch response - implementation of the actual functionality.
42534             </summary>
42535             <returns>The message that can be used to write the response operation.</returns>
42536         </member>
42537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.StartBatchOperationContent">
42538             <summary>
42539             Writes all the pending headers and prepares the writer to write a content of the operation.
42540             </summary>
42541         </member>
42542         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.DisposeBatchWriterAndSetContentStreamRequestedState">
42543             <summary>
42544             Disposes the batch writer and set the 'OperationStreamRequested' batch writer state;
42545             called after the flush operation(s) have completed.
42546             </summary>
42547         </member>
42548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.RememberContentIdHeader(System.String)">
42549             <summary>
42550             Remember a non-null Content-ID header for change set request operations.
42551             If a non-null content ID header is specified for a change set request operation, record it in the URL resolver.
42552             </summary>
42553             <param name="contentId">The Content-ID header value read from the message.</param>
42554             <remarks>
42555             Note that the content ID of this operation will only
42556             become visible once this operation has been written
42557             and OperationCompleted has been called on the URL resolver.
42558             </remarks>
42559         </member>
42560         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCanFlush(System.Boolean)">
42561             <summary>
42562             Verifies that the writer is in correct state for the Flush operation.
42563             </summary>
42564             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42565         </member>
42566         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.VerifyCallAllowed(System.Boolean)">
42567             <summary>
42568             Verifies that a call is allowed to the writer.
42569             </summary>
42570             <param name="synchronousCall">true if the call is to be synchronous; false otherwise.</param>
42571         </member>
42572         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.InterceptException(System.Action)">
42573             <summary>
42574             Catch any exception thrown by the action passed in; in the exception case move the writer into
42575             state ExceptionThrown and then rethrow the exception.
42576             </summary>
42577             <param name="action">The action to execute.</param>
42578         </member>
42579         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.SetState(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState)">
42580             <summary>
42581             Sets a new writer state; verifies that the transition from the current state into new state is valid.
42582             </summary>
42583             <param name="newState">The writer state to transition into.</param>
42584         </member>
42585         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.ValidateTransition(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState)">
42586             <summary>
42587             Verify that the transition from the current state into new state is valid .
42588             </summary>
42589             <param name="newState">The new writer state to transition into.</param>
42590         </member>
42591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.ValidateWriterReady">
42592             <summary>
42593             Validates that the batch writer is ready to process a new write request.
42594             </summary>
42595         </member>
42596         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WritePendingMessageData(System.Boolean)">
42597             <summary>
42598             Write any pending headers for the current operation message (if any).
42599             </summary>
42600             <param name="reportMessageCompleted">
42601             A flag to control whether after writing the pending data we report writing the message to be completed or not.
42602             </param>
42603         </member>
42604         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartBoundaryForOperation">
42605             <summary>
42606             Writes the start boundary for an operation. This is either the batch or the changeset boundary.
42607             </summary>
42608         </member>
42609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.ThrowODataException(System.String)">
42610             <summary>
42611             Sets the 'Error' state and then throws an ODataException with the specified error message.
42612             </summary>
42613             <param name="errorMessage">The error message for the exception.</param>
42614         </member>
42615         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.IncreaseBatchSize">
42616             <summary>
42617             Increases the size of the current batch message; throws if the allowed limit is exceeded.
42618             </summary>
42619         </member>
42620         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.IncreaseChangeSetSize">
42621             <summary>
42622             Increases the size of the current change set; throws if the allowed limit is exceeded.
42623             </summary>
42624         </member>
42625         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.ResetChangeSetSize">
42626             <summary>
42627             Resets the size of the current change set to 0.
42628             </summary>
42629         </member>
42630         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.CurrentOperationRequestMessage">
42631             <summary>The request message for the operation that is currently written if it's a request; or null if no operation is written right now or it's a response operation.</summary>
42632         </member>
42633         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.CurrentOperationResponseMessage">
42634             <summary>The response message for the operation that is currently written if it's a response; 
42635             or null if no operation is written right now or it's a request operation.</summary>
42636         </member>
42637         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.CurrentOperationMessage">
42638             <summary>The message for the operation that is currently written; or null if no operation is written right now.</summary>
42639         </member>
42640         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState">
42641             <summary>
42642             An enumeration representing the current state of the writer.
42643             </summary>
42644         </member>
42645         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.Start">
42646             <summary>The writer is in initial state; nothing has been written yet.</summary>
42647         </member>
42648         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.BatchStarted">
42649             <summary>WriteStartBatch has been called.</summary>
42650         </member>
42651         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.ChangeSetStarted">
42652             <summary>WriteStartChangeSet has been called.</summary>
42653         </member>
42654         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.OperationCreated">
42655             <summary>CreateOperationRequestMessage/CreateOperationResponseMessage has been called.</summary>
42656         </member>
42657         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.OperationStreamRequested">
42658             <summary>
42659             ODataMessage.GetStreamAsync() has been called on an operation which caused a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchOperationStream"/> to be created; 
42660             the batch writer is unusable while an operation is being written.
42661             </summary>
42662         </member>
42663         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.OperationStreamDisposed">
42664             <summary>The stream for writing the content of an operation has been disposed. The batch writer can now be used again.</summary>
42665         </member>
42666         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.ChangeSetCompleted">
42667             <summary>WriteEndChangeSet has been called.</summary>
42668         </member>
42669         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.BatchCompleted">
42670             <summary>WriteEndBatch has been called.</summary>
42671         </member>
42672         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter.BatchWriterState.Error">
42673             <summary>The writer is in error state; nothing can be written anymore except the error payload.</summary>
42674         </member>
42675         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType">
42676             <summary>
42677             Class representing a media type definition.
42678             </summary>
42679         </member>
42680         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.parameters">
42681             <summary>Parameters specified on the media type.</summary>
42682         </member>
42683         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.subType">
42684             <summary>Sub-type specification (for example, 'plain').</summary>
42685         </member>
42686         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.type">
42687             <summary>Type specification (for example, 'text').</summary>
42688         </member>
42689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
42690             <summary>
42691             Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> read-only instance.
42692             </summary>
42693             <param name="type">Type specification (for example, 'text').</param>
42694             <param name="subType">Sub-type specification (for example, 'plain').</param>
42695         </member>
42696         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}[])">
42697             <summary>
42698             Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> read-only instance.
42699             </summary>
42700             <param name="type">Type specification (for example, 'text').</param>
42701             <param name="subType">Sub-type specification (for example, 'plain').</param>
42702             <param name="parameters">The parameters specified on the media type.</param>
42703         </member>
42704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}})">
42705             <summary>
42706             Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> read-only instance.
42707             </summary>
42708             <param name="type">Type specification (for example, 'text').</param>
42709             <param name="subType">Sub-type specification (for example, 'plain').</param>
42710             <param name="parameters">Parameters specified on the media type.</param>
42711         </member>
42712         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.SelectEncoding">
42713             <summary>
42714             Selects the encoding appropriate for this media type specification
42715             (possibly null).
42716             </summary>
42717             <returns>
42718             The encoding explicitly defined on the media type specification, or
42719             the default encoding for well-known media types.
42720             </returns>
42721             <remarks>
42722             As per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.7, the type, 
42723             subtype and parameter name attributes are case-insensitive.
42724             </remarks>
42725         </member>
42726         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.ToText">
42727             <summary>
42728             Converts the current <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> to a string representation suitable for use in a content-type header.
42729             </summary>
42730             <returns>The string representation of media type.</returns>
42731         </member>
42732         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.ToText(System.Text.Encoding)">
42733             <summary>
42734             Converts the current <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> to a string representation suitable for use in a content-type header.
42735             </summary>
42736             <param name="encoding">The encoding to use when converting the media type into text.</param>
42737             <returns>The string representation of the current media type.</returns>
42738         </member>
42739         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.EncodingFromName(System.String)">
42740             <summary>Gets the named encoding if specified.</summary>
42741             <param name="name">Name (possibly null or empty).</param>
42742             <returns>
42743             The named encoding if specified; the encoding for HTTP missing 
42744             charset specification otherwise.
42745             </returns>
42746             <remarks>
42747             See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.4.1 for details.
42748             </remarks>
42749         </member>
42750         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.FallbackEncoding">
42751             <summary>Encoding to fall back to an appropriate encoding is not available.</summary>
42752         </member>
42753         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.MissingEncoding">
42754             <summary>Encoding implied by an unspecified encoding value.</summary>
42755             <remarks>See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.4.1 for details.</remarks>
42756         </member>
42757         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.FullTypeName">
42758             <summary>Returns the full media type in standard type/subtype form, without parameters.</summary>
42759         </member>
42760         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.SubTypeName">
42761             <summary>Returns the subtype part of the media type.</summary>
42762         </member>
42763         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.TypeName">
42764             <summary>Returns the type part of the media type.</summary>
42765         </member>
42766         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType.Parameters">
42767             <summary>media type parameters</summary>
42768         </member>
42769         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter">
42770             <summary>
42771             ODataCollectionWriter for the Verbose JSON format.
42772             </summary>
42773         </member>
42774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.verboseJsonOutputContext">
42775             <summary>
42776             The output context to write to.
42777             </summary>
42778         </member>
42779         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.verboseJsonCollectionSerializer">
42780             <summary>
42781             The Verbose JSON collection serializer to use.
42782             </summary>
42783         </member>
42784         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
42785             <summary>
42786             Constructor for creating a collection writer to use when writing operation result payloads.
42787             </summary>
42788             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
42789             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
42790         </member>
42791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataReaderWriterListener)">
42792             <summary>
42793             Constructor for creating a collection writer to use when writing parameter payloads.
42794             </summary>
42795             <param name="verboseJsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
42796             <param name="expectedItemType">The type reference of the expected item type or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
42797             <param name="listener">If not null, the writer will notify the implementer of the interface of relevant state changes in the writer.</param>
42798         </member>
42799         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
42800             <summary>
42801             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
42802             has already been disposed.
42803             </summary>
42804         </member>
42805         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.FlushSynchronously">
42806             <summary>
42807             Flush the output.
42808             </summary>
42809         </member>
42810         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.StartPayload">
42811             <summary>
42812             Start writing an OData payload.
42813             </summary>
42814         </member>
42815         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.EndPayload">
42816             <summary>
42817             Finish writing an OData payload.
42818             </summary>
42819         </member>
42820         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.StartCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
42821             <summary>
42822             Start writing a collection.
42823             </summary>
42824             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection.</param>
42825         </member>
42826         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.EndCollection">
42827             <summary>
42828             Finish writing a collection.
42829             </summary>
42830         </member>
42831         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonCollectionWriter.WriteCollectionItem(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
42832             <summary>
42833             Writes a collection item (either primitive or complex)
42834             </summary>
42835             <param name="item">The collection item to write.</param>
42836             <param name="expectedItemType">The expected type of the collection item or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
42837         </member>
42838         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter">
42839             <summary>
42840             ODataCollectionWriter for the ATOM format.
42841             </summary>
42842         </member>
42843         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.atomOutputContext">
42844             <summary>The output context to write to.</summary>
42845         </member>
42846         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.atomCollectionSerializer">
42847             <summary>The collection serializer to use for writing.</summary>
42848         </member>
42849         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
42850             <summary>
42851             Constructor.
42852             </summary>
42853             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
42854             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
42855         </member>
42856         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
42857             <summary>
42858             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
42859             has already been disposed.
42860             </summary>
42861         </member>
42862         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.FlushSynchronously">
42863             <summary>
42864             Flush the output.
42865             </summary>
42866         </member>
42867         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.StartPayload">
42868             <summary>
42869             Start writing an OData payload.
42870             </summary>
42871         </member>
42872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.EndPayload">
42873             <summary>
42874             Finish writing an OData payload.
42875             </summary>
42876         </member>
42877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.StartCollection(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart)">
42878             <summary>
42879             Start writing a collection.
42880             </summary>
42881             <param name="collectionStart">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionStart"/> representing the collection.</param>
42882         </member>
42883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.EndCollection">
42884             <summary>
42885             Finish writing a collection.
42886             </summary>
42887         </member>
42888         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomCollectionWriter.WriteCollectionItem(System.Object,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
42889             <summary>
42890             Writes a collection item (either primitive or complex)
42891             </summary>
42892             <param name="item">The collection item to write.</param>
42893             <param name="expectedItemType">The expected type of the collection item or null if no expected item type exists.</param>
42894         </member>
42895         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.DebugUtils">
42896             <summary>
42897             Class with utility methods to help with debug only code.
42898             </summary>
42899         </member>
42900         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DebugUtils.CheckNoExternalCallers">
42901             <summary>
42902             Checks that the method which called this helper method
42903             was not called by any code outside of the Microsoft.Data.OData.dll.
42904             </summary>
42905             <remarks>
42906             The method is only called when in DEBUG builds, since it's quite expensive and we expect
42907             all our external callers to run DEBUG builds at least sometimes.
42908             The method is also called when compiling for FxCop analysis, as we run our official FxCop
42909             pass on RET build and we need to check that all internal methods call this one to check for accessibility
42910             even though only in debug builds.
42911             </remarks>
42912         </member>
42913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.DebugUtils.CheckNoExternalCallers(System.Boolean)">
42914             <summary>
42915             Checks that the method which called this helper method
42916             was not called by any code outside of the Microsoft.Data.OData.dll.
42917             </summary>
42918             <param name="checkPublicMethods">Set to true if this check is called from a public method which should also be checked for non-external callers.
42919             In that case, make sure that the calling method will not get inlined!</param>
42920             <remarks>
42921             The method is only called when in DEBUG builds, since it's quite expensive and we expect
42922             all our external callers to run DEBUG builds at least sometimes.
42923             The method is also called when compiling for FxCop analysis, as we run our official FxCop
42924             pass on RET build and we need to check that all internal methods call this one to check for accessibility
42925             even though only in debug builds.
42926             </remarks>
42927         </member>
42928         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind">
42929             <summary>
42930             Enumeration representing the different kinds of payloads ODatLib can write.
42931             </summary>
42932         </member>
42933         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Feed">
42934             <summary>Payload kind for a feed.</summary>
42935         </member>
42936         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Entry">
42937             <summary>Payload kind for an entry.</summary>
42938         </member>
42939         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Property">
42940             <summary>Payload kind for a property.</summary>
42941         </member>
42942         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.EntityReferenceLink">
42943             <summary>Payload kind for an entity reference link.</summary>
42944         </member>
42945         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.EntityReferenceLinks">
42946             <summary>Payload kind for entity reference links.</summary>
42947         </member>
42948         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Value">
42949             <summary>Payload kind for a raw value.</summary>
42950         </member>
42951         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue">
42952             <summary>Payload kind for a binary value.</summary>
42953         </member>
42954         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Collection">
42955             <summary>Payload kind for a collection.</summary>
42956         </member>
42957         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.ServiceDocument">
42958             <summary>Payload kind for a service document.</summary>
42959         </member>
42960         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.MetadataDocument">
42961             <summary>Payload kind for a metadata document.</summary>
42962         </member>
42963         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Error">
42964             <summary>Payload kind for an error.</summary>
42965         </member>
42966         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Batch">
42967             <summary>Payload kind for a batch.</summary>
42968         </member>
42969         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Parameter">
42970             <summary>Payload kind for parameters for a service action.</summary>
42971         </member>
42972         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind.Unsupported">
42973             <summary>Unknown format</summary>
42974         </member>
42975         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo">
42976             <summary>
42977             Class representing a resource collection in a workspace of a data service.
42978             </summary>
42979         </member>
42980         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo.Url">
42981             <summary>Gets or sets the URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (URL) to the collection.</summary>
42982             <returns>The URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (URL) to the collection.</returns>
42983         </member>
42984         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo.Name">
42985             <summary>Gets or sets the name of the collection; this is the entity set name in JSON and the HREF in Atom.</summary>
42986             <returns>The name of the collection.</returns>
42987             <remarks>
42988             This property is required when reading and writing the JSON light format, but has no meaning in the Verbose JSON format.
42989             If present in ATOM, it will be used to populate the title element.
42990             </remarks>
42991         </member>
42992         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace">
42993             <summary>
42994             Class representing the a workspace of a data service.
42995             </summary>
42996         </member>
42997         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace.Collections">
42998             <summary>Gets or sets the set of collections in the workspace.</summary>
42999             <returns>The set of collections in the workspace.</returns>
43000         </member>
43001         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants">
43002             <summary>
43003             Constant values used in the EDM.
43004             </summary>
43005         </member>
43006         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmNamespace">
43007             <summary>namespace for edm primitive types.</summary>
43008         </member>
43009         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmBinaryTypeName">
43010             <summary>edm binary primitive type name</summary>
43011         </member>
43012         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmBooleanTypeName">
43013             <summary>edm boolean primitive type name</summary>
43014         </member>
43015         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmByteTypeName">
43016             <summary>edm byte primitive type name</summary>
43017         </member>
43018         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmDateTimeTypeName">
43019             <summary>edm datetime primitive type name</summary>
43020         </member>
43021         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmDateTimeOffsetTypeName">
43022             <summary>Represents a Time instance as an interval measured in milliseconds from an instance of DateTime.</summary>
43023         </member>
43024         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmDecimalTypeName">
43025             <summary>edm decimal primitive type name</summary>
43026         </member>
43027         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmDoubleTypeName">
43028             <summary>edm double primitive type name</summary>
43029         </member>
43030         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGuidTypeName">
43031             <summary>edm guid primitive type name</summary>
43032         </member>
43033         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmSingleTypeName">
43034             <summary>edm single primitive type name</summary>
43035         </member>
43036         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmSByteTypeName">
43037             <summary>edm sbyte primitive type name</summary>
43038         </member>
43039         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmInt16TypeName">
43040             <summary>edm int16 primitive type name</summary>
43041         </member>
43042         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmInt32TypeName">
43043             <summary>edm int32 primitive type name</summary>
43044         </member>
43045         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmInt64TypeName">
43046             <summary>edm int64 primitive type name</summary>
43047         </member>
43048         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmStringTypeName">
43049             <summary>edm string primitive type name</summary>
43050         </member>
43051         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmTimeTypeName">
43052             <summary>Represents an interval measured in milliseconds.</summary>
43053         </member>
43054         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmStreamTypeName">
43055             <summary>edm stream primitive type name</summary>
43056         </member>
43057         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeographyTypeName">
43058             <summary>edm geography primitive type name</summary>
43059         </member>
43060         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmPointTypeName">
43061             <summary>Represents a geography Point type.</summary>
43062         </member>
43063         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmLineStringTypeName">
43064             <summary>Represents a geography LineString type.</summary>
43065         </member>
43066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmPolygonTypeName">
43067             <summary>Represents a geography Polygon type.</summary>
43068         </member>
43069         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeographyCollectionTypeName">
43070             <summary>Represents a geography GeomCollection type.</summary>
43071         </member>
43072         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmMultiPolygonTypeName">
43073             <summary>Represents a geography MultiPolygon type.</summary>
43074         </member>
43075         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmMultiLineStringTypeName">
43076             <summary>Represents a geography MultiLineString type.</summary>
43077         </member>
43078         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmMultiPointTypeName">
43079             <summary>Represents a geography MultiPoint type.</summary>
43080         </member>
43081         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryTypeName">
43082             <summary>Represents an arbitrary Geometry type.</summary>
43083         </member>
43084         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryPointTypeName">
43085             <summary>Represents a geometry Point type.</summary>
43086         </member>
43087         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryLineStringTypeName">
43088             <summary>Represents a geometry LineString type.</summary>
43089         </member>
43090         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryPolygonTypeName">
43091             <summary>Represents a geometry Polygon type.</summary>
43092         </member>
43093         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryCollectionTypeName">
43094             <summary>Represents a geometry GeomCollection type.</summary>
43095         </member>
43096         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryMultiPolygonTypeName">
43097             <summary>Represents a geometry MultiPolygon type.</summary>
43098         </member>
43099         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryMultiLineStringTypeName">
43100             <summary>Represents a geometry MultiLineString type.</summary>
43101         </member>
43102         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmGeometryMultiPointTypeName">
43103             <summary>Represents a geometry MultiPoint type.</summary>
43104         </member>
43105         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmxVersion1Namespace">
43106             <summary>The namespace for Edmx V1.</summary>
43107         </member>
43108         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmxVersion2Namespace">
43109             <summary>The namespace for Edmx V2.</summary>
43110         </member>
43111         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmxVersion3Namespace">
43112             <summary>The namespace for Edmx V3.</summary>
43113         </member>
43114         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.EdmxName">
43115             <summary>The element name of the top-level &lt;Edmx&gt; metadata envelope.</summary>
43116         </member>
43117         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.HasStreamAttributeName">
43118             <summary>The attribute name used on entity types to indicate that they are MLEs.</summary>
43119         </member>
43120         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.MimeTypeAttributeName">
43121             <summary>The attribute name used on service operations and primitive properties to indicate their MIME type.</summary>
43122         </member>
43123         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.HttpMethodAttributeName">
43124             <summary>The attribute name used on service operations to indicate their HTTP method.</summary>
43125         </member>
43126         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.IsAlwaysBindableAttributeName">
43127             <summary>The attribute name used on a service operation to indicate whether all instances of the binding parameter 
43128             type can be bound to that service operation.</summary>
43129         </member>
43130         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.IsDefaultEntityContainerAttributeName">
43131             <summary>The attribute name used on an entity container to mark it as the default entity container.</summary>
43132         </member>
43133         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.TrueLiteral">
43134             <summary>'true' literal</summary>
43135         </member>
43136         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EdmConstants.FalseLiteral">
43137             <summary>'false' literal</summary>
43138         </member>
43139         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReferenceEqualityComparer`1">
43140             <summary>
43141             Use this class to compare objects by reference in collections such as 
43142             dictionary or hashsets.
43143             </summary>
43144             <typeparam name="T">Type of objects to compare.</typeparam>
43145             <remarks>
43146             Typically accessed statically as eg 
43147             ReferenceEqualityComparer&lt;Expression&gt;.Instance.
43148             </remarks>
43149         </member>
43150         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReferenceEqualityComparer`1.instance">
43151             <summary>
43152             Single instance per 'T' for comparison.
43153             </summary>
43154         </member>
43155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReferenceEqualityComparer`1.#ctor">
43156             <summary>
43157             Initializes a new ReferenceEqualityComparer instance.
43158             </summary>
43159         </member>
43160         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReferenceEqualityComparer`1.Equals(`0,`0)">
43161             <summary>
43162             Determines whether two objects are the same.
43163             </summary>
43164             <param name="x">First object to compare.</param>
43165             <param name="y">Second object to compare.</param>
43166             <returns>true if both are the same; false otherwise.</returns>
43167         </member>
43168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReferenceEqualityComparer`1.GetHashCode(`0)">
43169             <summary>
43170             Serves as hashing function for collections.
43171             </summary>
43172             <param name="obj">Object to hash.</param>
43173             <returns>
43174             Hash code for the object; shouldn't change through the lifetime 
43175             of <paramref name="obj"/>.
43176             </returns>
43177         </member>
43178         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ReferenceEqualityComparer`1.Instance">
43179             <summary>
43180             Returns a singleton instance for this comparer type.
43181             </summary>
43182         </member>
43183         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeUtils">
43184             <summary>
43185             Utility methods for working with CLR types.
43186             </summary>
43187         </member>
43188         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeUtils.IsNullableType(System.Type)">
43189             <summary>Checks whether the specified type is a generic nullable type.</summary>
43190             <param name="type">Type to check.</param>
43191             <returns>true if <paramref name="type"/> is nullable; false otherwise.</returns>
43192         </member>
43193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeUtils.GetNonNullableType(System.Type)">
43194             <summary>Gets a non-nullable version of the specified type.</summary>
43195             <param name="type">Type to get non-nullable version for.</param>
43196             <returns>
43197             <paramref name="type"/> if type is a reference type or a 
43198             non-nullable type; otherwise, the underlying value type.
43199             </returns>
43200         </member>
43201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeUtils.GetNullableType(System.Type)">
43202             <summary>
43203             Checks whether the specified <paramref name="type"/> can be assigned null. If it is a non-nullable
43204             value type it creates the corresonding nullable type and returns it.
43205             </summary>
43206             <param name="type">The type to check.</param>
43207             <returns>The <paramref name="type"/> if it allows null or the corresponding nullable type.</returns>
43208         </member>
43209         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeUtils.TypeAllowsNull(System.Type)">
43210             <summary>Checks whether the specified <paramref name='type' /> can be assigned null.</summary>
43211             <param name='type'>Type to check.</param>
43212             <returns>true if type is a reference type or a Nullable type; false otherwise.</returns>
43213         </member>
43214         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TypeUtils.AreTypesEquivalent(System.Type,System.Type)">
43215             <summary>
43216             Determines if two CLR types are equivalent.
43217             </summary>
43218             <param name="typeA">First type to compare.</param>
43219             <param name="typeB">Second type to compare.</param>
43220             <returns>true if the types are equivalent (they both represent the same type), or false otherwise.</returns>
43221             <remarks>This method abstracts away the necessity to call Type.IsEquivalentTo method in .NET 4 and higher but 
43222             use simple reference equality on platforms which don't have that method (like Silverlight).</remarks>
43223         </member>
43224         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata">
43225             <summary>
43226             Type for Atom Syndication Format (Atom) feed annotationsAsArray.
43227             </summary>
43228         </member>
43229         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Authors">
43230             <summary>Gets or sets a collection of authors of a feed.</summary>
43231             <returns>A collection of authors of a feed.</returns>
43232         </member>
43233         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Categories">
43234             <summary>Gets or sets the categories of a feed.</summary>
43235             <returns>The categories of a feed.</returns>
43236         </member>
43237         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Contributors">
43238             <summary>Gets or sets a collection of contributors of a feed.</summary>
43239             <returns>A collection of contributors of a feed.</returns>
43240         </member>
43241         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Generator">
43242             <summary>Gets or sets the generator of a feed.</summary>
43243             <returns>The generator of a feed.</returns>
43244         </member>
43245         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Icon">
43246             <summary>Gets or sets the URI of the icon for a feed.</summary>
43247             <returns>The URI of the icon for a feed.</returns>
43248         </member>
43249         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Links">
43250             <summary>Gets or sets the collection of all Atom link information except for the next page and self links.</summary>
43251             <returns>The collection of all Atom link information except for the next page and self links.</returns>
43252         </member>
43253         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Logo">
43254             <summary>Gets or sets the URI for the feed's logo.</summary>
43255             <returns>The URI for the feed’s logo.</returns>
43256         </member>
43257         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Rights">
43258             <summary>Gets or sets the rights text of a feed.</summary>
43259             <returns>The rights text of a feed.</returns>
43260         </member>
43261         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.SelfLink">
43262             <summary>Gets or sets the self link of the feed. This link should point to the source of the feed.</summary>
43263             <returns>The self link of the feed.</returns>
43264         </member>
43265         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.NextPageLink">
43266             <summary>Gets the next page link of the feed. This link should point to the next page of results.</summary>
43267         </member>
43268         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.SourceId">
43269             <summary>Gets or sets the identifier for the feed if used as metadata of an Atom:source element.</summary>
43270             <returns>The identifier for the feed if used as metadata of an Atom:source element.</returns>
43271         </member>
43272         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Subtitle">
43273             <summary>Gets or sets the subtitle of a feed.</summary>
43274             <returns>The subtitle of a feed.</returns>
43275         </member>
43276         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Title">
43277             <summary>Gets or sets the title of the feed.</summary>
43278             <returns>The title of the feed.</returns>
43279         </member>
43280         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata.Updated">
43281             <summary>Gets or sets the date and time of last update to the source.</summary>
43282             <returns>The date and time of last update to the source.</returns>
43283         </member>
43284         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata">
43285             <summary>
43286             Type for Atom Syndication Format (Atom) entry annotationsAsArray.
43287             </summary>
43288         </member>
43289         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.publishedString">
43290             <summary>
43291             The date/time when the entry was published.
43292             </summary>
43293         </member>
43294         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.updatedString">
43295             <summary>
43296             Date/Time of last update to the source in string format.
43297             </summary>
43298         </member>
43299         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Authors">
43300             <summary>Gets or sets a collection of authors of an entry.</summary>
43301             <returns>A collection of authors of an entry.</returns>
43302         </member>
43303         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.CategoryWithTypeName">
43304             <summary>Gets or sets the ATOM metadata for the category element which stores the type name of the entry.</summary>
43305         </member>
43306         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Categories">
43307             <summary>Gets or sets the categories of an entry.</summary>
43308             <returns>The categories of an entry.</returns>
43309         </member>
43310         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Contributors">
43311             <summary>Gets or sets a collection of contributors of an entry.</summary>
43312             <returns>A collection of contributors of an entry.</returns>
43313         </member>
43314         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.SelfLink">
43315             <summary>Gets or sets an Atom link metadata for the self link.</summary>
43316             <returns>An Atom link metadata for the self link.</returns>
43317         </member>
43318         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.EditLink">
43319             <summary>Gets or sets an Atom link metadata for the edit link.</summary>
43320             <returns>An Atom link metadata for the edit link.</returns>
43321         </member>
43322         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Links">
43323             <summary>Gets or sets the collection of all Atom link information except for the self/edit links and the navigation property links.</summary>
43324             <returns>The collection of all Atom link information except for the self/edit links and the navigation property links.</returns>
43325         </member>
43326         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Published">
43327             <summary>Gets or sets the date and time when the entry was published.</summary>
43328             <returns>The date and time when the entry was published.</returns>
43329         </member>
43330         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Rights">
43331             <summary>Gets or sets the rights text of an entry.</summary>
43332             <returns>The rights text of an entry.</returns>
43333         </member>
43334         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Source">
43335             <summary>Gets or sets the source of an entry and if the entry was copied from a different stream the property contains the feed metadata of the original feed.</summary>
43336             <returns>The source of an entry.</returns>
43337         </member>
43338         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Summary">
43339             <summary>Gets or sets the summary of the entry.</summary>
43340             <returns>The summary of the entry.</returns>
43341         </member>
43342         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Title">
43343             <summary>Gets or sets the title of the entry.</summary>
43344             <returns>The title of the entry.</returns>
43345         </member>
43346         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.Updated">
43347             <summary>Gets or sets the date and time of last update to the source.</summary>
43348             <returns>The date and time of last update to the source.</returns>
43349         </member>
43350         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.PublishedString">
43351             <summary>
43352             The date/time when the entry was published.
43353             </summary>
43354             <remarks>
43355             This property is only used in WCF DS client mode (and replaces the 'Published' property then).
43356             </remarks>
43357         </member>
43358         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata.UpdatedString">
43359             <summary>
43360             Date/Time of last update to the source in string format.
43361             </summary>
43362             <remarks>
43363             This property is only used in WCF DS client mode (and replaces the 'Updated' property then).
43364             </remarks>
43365         </member>
43366         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata">
43367             <summary>
43368             Atom metadata description for a link.
43369             </summary>
43370         </member>
43371         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.hrefFromEpm">
43372             <summary>The IRI value coming from EPM.</summary>
43373             <remarks>We use AtomLinkMetadata class to hold navigation links, association links etc. 
43374             They convert Href property to string based on baseURI and whether Href is absolute or not.
43375             Also we do not want to rely on validation done by Uri class, so we are holding EPM values 
43376             mapped to link/@href on a separate field.
43377             </remarks>
43378         </member>
43379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.#ctor">
43380             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata" /> class.</summary>
43381         </member>
43382         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata)">
43383             <summary>
43384             Copy constructor.
43385             </summary>
43386             <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata"/> instance to copy the values from; can be null.</param>
43387         </member>
43388         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.Href">
43389             <summary>Gets or sets the URI of the link.</summary>
43390             <returns>The URI of the link.</returns>
43391         </member>
43392         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.Relation">
43393             <summary>Gets or sets the link's relation type.</summary>
43394             <returns>The link’s relation type.</returns>
43395         </member>
43396         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.MediaType">
43397             <summary>Gets or sets the media type of the data returned by the link.</summary>
43398             <returns>The media type of the data returned by the link.</returns>
43399         </member>
43400         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.HrefLang">
43401             <summary>Gets or sets the language tag (for example, en-US) of the resource pointed to by the link.</summary>
43402             <returns>The language tag of the resource pointed to by the link.</returns>
43403         </member>
43404         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.Title">
43405             <summary>Gets or sets a human-readable description of the link.</summary>
43406             <returns>A human-readable description of the link.</returns>
43407         </member>
43408         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata.Length">
43409             <summary>Gets or sets a hint at the length of the content returned from the link.</summary>
43410             <returns>A hint at the length of the content returned from the link.</returns>
43411         </member>
43412         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata">
43413             <summary>
43414             Atom metadata description for a category.
43415             </summary>
43416         </member>
43417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata.#ctor">
43418             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata" /> class.</summary>
43419         </member>
43420         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata)">
43421             <summary>
43422             Copy constructor.
43423             </summary>
43424             <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata"/> instance to copy the values from; can be null.</param>
43425         </member>
43426         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata.Term">
43427             <summary>Gets or sets the string value identifying the category.</summary>
43428             <returns>The string value identifying the category.</returns>
43429         </member>
43430         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata.Scheme">
43431             <summary>Gets or sets the URI that indicates the scheme of the category.</summary>
43432             <returns>The URI that indicates the scheme of the category.</returns>
43433         </member>
43434         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata.Label">
43435             <summary>Gets or sets a human-readable label for display in user interfaces.</summary>
43436             <returns>A human-readable label.</returns>
43437         </member>
43438         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata">
43439             <summary>
43440             Atom metadata description for a person.
43441             </summary>
43442         </member>
43443         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.name">
43444             <summary>The name of the person.</summary>
43445         </member>
43446         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.email">
43447             <summary>The email of the person.</summary>
43448         </member>
43449         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.uriFromEpm">
43450             <summary>The URI value comming from EPM.</summary>
43451             <remarks>In WCF DS when mapping a property through EPM to person/uri element we convert the value of the property to string
43452             and then set the syndication APIs Uri property which is also of type string. Syndication API doesn't do any validation on the value
43453             and just writes it out. So it's risky to try to convert the string to a Uri instance due to the unknown validation the Uri class
43454             might be doing. Instead we use internal property to set from EPM.</remarks>
43455         </member>
43456         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.ToAtomPersonMetadata(System.String)">
43457             <summary> Converts a string to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata" /> instance. </summary>
43458             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata" /> instance created for name.</returns>
43459             <param name="name">The name used in the person metadata.</param>
43460         </member>
43461         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.op_Implicit(System.String)~Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata">
43462             <summary>
43463             Implicit conversion from string to <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata"/>.
43464             </summary>
43465             <param name="name">The <see cref="T:System.String"/> to convert to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata"/>.</param>
43466             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata"/> result.</returns>
43467         </member>
43468         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.Name">
43469             <summary>Gets or sets the name of the person (required).</summary>
43470             <returns>The name of the person (required).</returns>
43471         </member>
43472         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.Uri">
43473             <summary>Gets or sets an IRI associated with the person.</summary>
43474             <returns>An IRI associated with the person.</returns>
43475         </member>
43476         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.Email">
43477             <summary>Gets or sets an email address associated with the person.</summary>
43478             <returns>An email address associated with the person.</returns>
43479         </member>
43480         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomPersonMetadata.UriFromEpm">
43481             <summary>The URI value comming from EPM.</summary>
43482             <remarks>In WCF DS when mapping a property through EPM to person/uri element we convert the value of the property to string
43483             and then set the syndication APIs Uri property which is also of type string. Syndication API doesn't do any validation on the value
43484             and just writes it out. So it's risky to try to convert the string to a Uri instance due to the unknown validation the Uri class
43485             might be doing. Instead we use internal property to set from EPM.</remarks>
43486         </member>
43487         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomGeneratorMetadata">
43488             <summary>
43489             Atom metadata description of a content generator.
43490             </summary>
43491         </member>
43492         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomGeneratorMetadata.Name">
43493             <summary>Gets or sets the human readable name of the generator of the content.</summary>
43494             <returns>The human readable name of the generator of the content.</returns>
43495         </member>
43496         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomGeneratorMetadata.Uri">
43497             <summary>Gets or sets the (optional) URI describing the generator of the content.</summary>
43498             <returns>The (optional) URI describing the generator of the content.</returns>
43499         </member>
43500         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomGeneratorMetadata.Version">
43501             <summary>Gets or sets the (optional) version of the generator.</summary>
43502             <returns>The (optional) version of the generator.</returns>
43503         </member>
43504         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils">
43505             <summary>
43506             Helper methods related to the ATOM Format
43507             </summary>
43508         </member>
43509         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.MimeApplicationAtomXmlLength">
43510             <summary>The length of the media type for ATOM payloads (application/atom+xml).</summary>
43511         </member>
43512         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.MimeApplicationAtomXmlLengthWithSemicolon">
43513             <summary>The length of the media type for ATOM payloads when terminated by a ';' (application/atom+xml;).</summary>
43514         </member>
43515         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.MimeApplicationAtomXmlTypeEntryLength">
43516             <summary>The length of the media type for links referencing a single entry (application/atom+xml;type=entry).</summary>
43517         </member>
43518         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.MimeApplicationAtomXmlTypeFeedLength">
43519             <summary>The length of the media type for links referencing a collection of entries (application/atom+xml;type=feed).</summary>
43520         </member>
43521         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.MimeApplicationAtomXmlTypeEntryParameter">
43522             <summary>Parameter string for the media type for links referencing a single entry.</summary>
43523         </member>
43524         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.MimeApplicationAtomXmlTypeFeedParameter">
43525             <summary>Parameter string for the media type for links referencing a collection of entries.</summary>
43526         </member>
43527         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.ComputeODataNavigationLinkRelation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
43528             <summary>
43529             Creates the value for the navigation property's link relation attribute.
43530             </summary>
43531             <param name="navigationLink">The link representing the navigation property for which the relation value is created.</param>
43532             <returns>The relation attribute value for the navigation property's link relation.</returns>
43533         </member>
43534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.ComputeODataNavigationLinkType(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
43535             <summary>
43536             Creates the value for the navigation property's type attribute.
43537             </summary>
43538             <param name="navigationLink">The link representing the navigation property for which the type value is created.</param>
43539             <returns>The type attribute value for the navigation property.</returns>
43540         </member>
43541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.ComputeODataAssociationLinkRelation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink)">
43542             <summary>
43543             Creates the value for the navigation property's association link relation attribute.
43544             </summary>
43545             <param name="associationLink">The link representing the navigation property's association for which the relation value is created.</param>
43546             <returns>The relation attribute value for the navigation property's association link relation.</returns>
43547         </member>
43548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.ComputeStreamPropertyRelation(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty,System.Boolean)">
43549             <summary>
43550             Creates the value for the stream property's link relation attribute.
43551             </summary>
43552             <param name="streamProperty">The stream property to create the relation for.</param>
43553             <param name="forEditLink">'true' if the relation is computed for an edit link; otherwise 'false'.</param>
43554             <returns>The relation attribute value for the stream property's link relation.</returns>
43555         </member>
43556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.UnescapeAtomLinkRelationAttribute(System.String)">
43557             <summary>
43558             Unescape the <paramref name="relation"/> attribute value for ATOM link element.
43559             </summary>
43560             <param name="relation">ATOM link relation attribute value.</param>
43561             <returns>
43562             The unescaped relation attribute string if it's a valid URI.
43563             null if relation attribute is not a valid URI.
43564             </returns>
43565         </member>
43566         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.GetNameFromAtomLinkRelationAttribute(System.String,System.String)">
43567             <summary>
43568             Return name following the specified <paramref name="namespacePrefix"/> in the <paramref name="relation"/>.
43569             </summary>
43570             <param name="relation">ATOM link relation attribute value, unescaped parsed URI string.</param>
43571             <param name="namespacePrefix">Value which the rel attribute should start with.</param>
43572             <returns>
43573             The name if the <paramref name="relation"/> starts with the given <paramref name="namespacePrefix"/>.
43574             If the <paramref name="relation"/> value does not start with the <paramref name="namespacePrefix"/> a null value is returned.
43575             </returns>
43576         </member>
43577         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomUtils.IsExactNavigationLinkTypeMatch(System.String,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@)">
43578             <summary>
43579             Determines whether the type of a navigation link has one of the expected standard values.
43580             </summary>
43581             <param name="navigationLinkType">The navigation link type to check.</param>
43582             <param name="hasEntryType">true if the navigation link type has a 'type' parameter with the value 'entry'; otherwise false.</param>
43583             <param name="hasFeedType">true if the navigation link type has a 'type' parameter with the value 'feed'; otherwise false.</param>
43584             <returns>true if the navigation link type is the expected application/atom+xml; otherwise false.</returns>
43585         </member>
43586         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils">
43587             <summary>
43588             Helper methods used by the OData writer to write ATOM metadata.
43589             </summary>
43590         </member>
43591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils.MergeLinkMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata,System.String,System.Uri,System.String,System.String)">
43592             <summary>
43593             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata"/> instance by merging the given
43594             <paramref name="metadata"/> (if any) with the specified <paramref name="href"/>,
43595             <paramref name="relation"/> and (optional) <paramref name="title"/>.
43596             </summary>
43597             <param name="metadata">The metadata to merge with the <paramref name="href"/>, <paramref name="relation"/> and (optional) <paramref name="title"/>.</param>
43598             <param name="relation">The relation to use in the merged metadata.</param>
43599             <param name="href">The href to use in the merged metadata.</param>
43600             <param name="title">The (optional) title to use in the merged metadata.</param>
43601             <param name="mediaType">The (optional) media type to use in the merged metadata.</param>
43602             <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata"/> instance created by merging all the arguments.</returns>
43603             <remarks>
43604             If the <paramref name="metadata"/> already holds values for <paramref name="href"/>,
43605             <paramref name="relation"/>, <paramref name="title"/>, or <paramref name="mediaType"/> this method validates that they
43606             are the same as the ones specified in the method arguments.
43607             </remarks>
43608         </member>
43609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils.MergeCategoryMetadata(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata,System.String,System.String)">
43610             <summary>
43611             Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata"/> instance by merging the given
43612             <paramref name="categoryMetadata"/> (if any) with the specified <paramref name="term"/> and <paramref name="scheme"/>.
43613             </summary>
43614             <param name="categoryMetadata">The metadata to merge with the <paramref name="term"/> and <paramref name="scheme"/>.</param>
43615             <param name="term">The term to use in the merged metadata.</param>
43616             <param name="scheme">The scheme to use in the merged metadata.</param>
43617             <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomCategoryMetadata"/> instance created by merging all the arguments.</returns>
43618             <remarks>
43619             If the <paramref name="categoryMetadata"/> already holds values for <paramref name="term"/> or <paramref name="scheme"/>
43620             this method validates that they are the same as the ones specified in the method arguments.
43621             </remarks>
43622         </member>
43623         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert">
43624             <summary>
43625             Helper to convert values to strings compliant to the ATOM format
43626             </summary>
43627         </member>
43628         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.zeroOffset">
43629             <summary>Used for settings the updated element properly.</summary>
43630         </member>
43631         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Boolean)">
43632             <summary>
43633             Converts a boolean to the corresponding ATOM string representation.
43634             </summary>
43635             <param name="b">The boolean value to convert.</param>
43636             <returns>The ATOM strings representing boolean literals.</returns>
43637         </member>
43638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Byte)">
43639             <summary>
43640             Converts a byte to the corresponding ATOM string representation.
43641             </summary>
43642             <param name="b">The byte value to convert.</param>
43643             <returns>The ATOM strings representing the byte value.</returns>
43644         </member>
43645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Decimal)">
43646             <summary>
43647             Converts a decimal to the corresponding ATOM string representation.
43648             </summary>
43649             <param name="d">The decimal value to convert.</param>
43650             <returns>The ATOM strings representing the decimal value.</returns>
43651         </member>
43652         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.DateTime)">
43653             <summary>
43654             Converts the given date/time value to the string appropriate for Atom format
43655             </summary>
43656             <param name="dt">The date/time value to convert.</param>
43657             <returns>The string version of the date/time value in Atom format.</returns>
43658         </member>
43659         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.DateTimeOffset)">
43660             <summary>
43661             Converts the given DateTimeOffset value to string appropriate for Atom format.
43662             </summary>
43663             <param name="dateTime">Given DateTimeOffset value.</param>
43664             <returns>Atom format string representation of <paramref name="dateTime"/>.</returns>
43665         </member>
43666         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToAtomString(System.DateTimeOffset)">
43667             <summary>
43668             Converts the given DateTimeOffset value to string appropriate for Atom format.
43669             ToAtomString is used to write values in atom specific elements like updated, etc.
43670             </summary>
43671             <param name="dateTime">Given DateTimeOffset value.</param>
43672             <returns>Atom format string representation of <paramref name="dateTime"/>.</returns>
43673         </member>
43674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.TimeSpan)">
43675             <summary>
43676             Converts the given timespan value to the string appropriate for Atom format
43677             </summary>
43678             <param name="ts">The timespan value to convert.</param>
43679             <returns>The string version of the timespan value in Atom format.</returns>
43680         </member>
43681         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Double)">
43682             <summary>
43683             Converts the given double value to the string appropriate for Atom format
43684             </summary>
43685             <param name="d">The double value to convert.</param>
43686             <returns>The string version of the double value in Atom format.</returns>
43687         </member>
43688         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Int16)">
43689             <summary>
43690             Converts the given Int16 value to the string appropriate for Atom format
43691             </summary>
43692             <param name="i">The Int16 value to convert.</param>
43693             <returns>The string version of the Int16 value in Atom format.</returns>
43694         </member>
43695         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Int32)">
43696             <summary>
43697             Converts the given Int32 value to the string appropriate for Atom format.
43698             </summary>
43699             <param name="i">The Int32 value to convert.</param>
43700             <returns>The string version of the Int32 in Atom format.</returns>
43701         </member>
43702         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Int64)">
43703             <summary>
43704             Converts the given Int64 value to the string appropriate for Atom format.
43705             </summary>
43706             <param name="i">The Int64 value to convert.</param>
43707             <returns>The string version of the Int64 in Atom format.</returns>
43708         </member>
43709         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.SByte)">
43710             <summary>
43711             Converts the given SByte value to the string appropriate for Atom format.
43712             </summary>
43713             <param name="sb">The SByte value to convert.</param>
43714             <returns>The string version of the SByte in Atom format.</returns>
43715         </member>
43716         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Byte[])">
43717             <summary>
43718             Converts the given byte array value to the string appropriate for Atom format.
43719             </summary>
43720             <param name="bytes">The byte array to convert.</param>
43721             <returns>The string version of the byte array in Atom format.</returns>
43722         </member>
43723         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Single)">
43724             <summary>
43725             Converts the given Single value to the string appropriate for Atom format.
43726             </summary>
43727             <param name="s">The Single value to convert.</param>
43728             <returns>The string version of the Single in Atom format.</returns>
43729         </member>
43730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomConvert.ToString(System.Guid)">
43731             <summary>
43732             Converts the given Guid value to the string appropriate for Atom format.
43733             </summary>
43734             <param name="guid">The Guid value to convert.</param>
43735             <returns>The string version of the Guid in Atom format.</returns>
43736         </member>
43737         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ExtensionMethods">
43738             <summary>
43739             Atom specific extension methods.
43740             </summary>
43741         </member>
43742         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ExtensionMethods.Atom(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
43743             <summary>Determines an extension method to get the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata" /> for an annotatable entry.</summary>
43744             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomEntryMetadata" /> instance or null if no annotation of that type exists.</returns>
43745             <param name="entry">The entry instance to get the annotation from.</param>
43746         </member>
43747         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ExtensionMethods.Atom(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
43748             <summary>Determines an extension method to get the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata" /> for an annotatable feed.</summary>
43749             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomFeedMetadata" /> instance or null if no annotation of that type exists.</returns>
43750             <param name="feed">The feed instance to get the annotation from.</param>
43751         </member>
43752         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ExtensionMethods.Atom(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
43753             <summary>Determines an extension method to get the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata" /> for an annotatable navigation link.</summary>
43754             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata" /> instance or null if no annotation of that type exists.</returns>
43755             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link instance to get the annotation from.</param>
43756         </member>
43757         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ExtensionMethods.Atom(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
43758             <summary>Determines an extension method to get the <see cref="T:System.Data.OData.Atom.AtomWorkspaceMetadata" /> for an annotatable workspace.</summary>
43759             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomWorkspaceMetadata" /> instance or null if no annotation of that type exists.</returns>
43760             <param name="workspace">The workspace to get the annotation from.</param>
43761         </member>
43762         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ExtensionMethods.Atom(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResourceCollectionInfo)">
43763             <summary>Determines an extension method to get the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata" /> for an annotatable (resource) collection.</summary>
43764             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomResourceCollectionMetadata" /> instance or null if no annotation of that type exists.</returns>
43765             <param name="collection">The (resource) collection to get the annotation from.</param>
43766         </member>
43767         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ExtensionMethods.Atom(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink)">
43768             <summary>Determines an extension method to get the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata" /> for an annotatable association link.</summary>
43769             <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomLinkMetadata" /> instance or null if no annotation of that type exists.</returns>
43770             <param name="associationLink">The association link to get the annotation from.</param>
43771         </member>
43772         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream">
43773             <summary>
43774             Write-only stream which buffers all synchronous write operations until FlushAsync is called.
43775             </summary>
43776         </member>
43777         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.innerStream">
43778             <summary>
43779             The stream being wrapped.
43780             </summary>
43781         </member>
43782         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.bufferQueue">
43783             <summary>
43784             Queue of buffers to write.
43785             </summary>
43786         </member>
43787         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.bufferToAppendTo">
43788             <summary>
43789             The last buffer in the bufferQueue. This is the buffer we're writing into.
43790             </summary>
43791         </member>
43792         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
43793             <summary>
43794             Constructor
43795             </summary>
43796             <param name="stream">The underlying async stream to wrap. Note that only asynchronous write operation will be invoked on this stream.</param>
43797         </member>
43798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Flush">
43799             <summary>
43800             Flush the stream to the underlying storage.
43801             </summary>
43802         </member>
43803         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
43804             <summary>
43805             Reads data from the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
43806             </summary>
43807             <param name="buffer">The buffer to read the data to.</param>
43808             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to write to.</param>
43809             <param name="count">The number of bytes to read.</param>
43810             <returns>The number of bytes actually read.</returns>
43811         </member>
43812         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Seek(System.Int64,System.IO.SeekOrigin)">
43813             <summary>
43814             Seeks the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
43815             </summary>
43816             <param name="offset">The offset to seek to.</param>
43817             <param name="origin">The origin of the seek operation.</param>
43818             <returns>The new position in the stream.</returns>
43819         </member>
43820         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.SetLength(System.Int64)">
43821             <summary>
43822             Sets the length of the stream. This operation is not supported by this stream.
43823             </summary>
43824             <param name="value">The length in bytes to set.</param>
43825         </member>
43826         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
43827             <summary>
43828             Writes to the stream.
43829             </summary>
43830             <param name="buffer">The buffer to get data from.</param>
43831             <param name="offset">The offset in the buffer to start from.</param>
43832             <param name="count">The number of bytes to write.</param>
43833         </member>
43834         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Clear">
43835             <summary>
43836             Clears any internal buffers without writing them to the underlying stream.
43837             </summary>
43838         </member>
43839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.FlushSync">
43840             <summary>
43841             Synchronous flush operation. This will flush all buffered bytes to the underlying stream through synchronous writes.
43842             </summary>
43843         </member>
43844         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
43845             <summary>
43846             Disposes the object.
43847             </summary>
43848             <param name="disposing">True if called from Dispose; false if called from the finalizer.</param>
43849         </member>
43850         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.QueueNewBuffer">
43851             <summary>
43852             Queues a new buffer to the queue of buffers
43853             </summary>
43854         </member>
43855         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.PrepareFlushBuffers">
43856             <summary>
43857             Prepares all buffers for flushing and returns the queue of buffers to flush.
43858             </summary>
43859             <returns>The queue of buffer to flush.</returns>
43860         </member>
43861         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.CanRead">
43862             <summary>
43863             Determines if the stream can read - this one cannot
43864             </summary>
43865         </member>
43866         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.CanSeek">
43867             <summary>
43868             Determines if the stream can seek - this one cannot
43869             </summary>
43870         </member>
43871         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.CanWrite">
43872             <summary>
43873             Determines if the stream can write - this one can
43874             </summary>
43875         </member>
43876         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Length">
43877             <summary>
43878             Returns the length of the stream, which this implementation doesn't support.
43879             </summary>
43880         </member>
43881         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.Position">
43882             <summary>
43883             Gets or sets the position in the stream, this stream doesn't support seeking, so position is also unsupported.
43884             </summary>
43885         </member>
43886         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.DataBuffer">
43887             <summary>
43888             Class to wrap a byte buffer used to store portion of the buffered data.
43889             </summary>
43890         </member>
43891         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.DataBuffer.BufferSize">
43892             <summary>
43893             The size of a buffer to allocate (80 KB is the limit for large object heap, so use 79 to be sure to avoid LOB)
43894             </summary>
43895         </member>
43896         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.DataBuffer.buffer">
43897             <summary>
43898             The byte buffer used to store the data.
43899             </summary>
43900         </member>
43901         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.DataBuffer.storedCount">
43902             <summary>
43903             Number of bytes being stored.
43904             </summary>
43905         </member>
43906         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.DataBuffer.#ctor">
43907             <summary>
43908             Constructor - creates a new buffer
43909             </summary>
43910         </member>
43911         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.DataBuffer.Write(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
43912             <summary>
43913             Writes data into the buffer.
43914             </summary>
43915             <param name="data">The buffer containing the data to write.</param>
43916             <param name="index">The index to start at.</param>
43917             <param name="count">Number of bytes to write.</param>
43918             <returns>How many bytes were written.</returns>
43919         </member>
43920         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AsyncBufferedStream.DataBuffer.WriteToStream(System.IO.Stream)">
43921             <summary>
43922             Writes the buffer to the specified stream.
43923             </summary>
43924             <param name="stream">The stream to write the data into.</param>
43925         </member>
43926         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants">
43927             <summary>
43928             Constant values related to the ATOM format.
43929             </summary>
43930         </member>
43931         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlNamespacesNamespace">
43932             <summary>'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' - namespace for namespace declarations.</summary>
43933         </member>
43934         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlNamespace">
43935             <summary>Attribute use to add xml: namespaces specific attributes.</summary>
43936         </member>
43937         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlnsNamespacePrefix">
43938             <summary> Schema Namespace prefix For xmlns.</summary>
43939         </member>
43940         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlNamespacePrefix">
43941             <summary> Schema Namespace prefix For xml.</summary>
43942         </member>
43943         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlBaseAttributeName">
43944             <summary>XML attribute value to indicate the base URI for a document or element.</summary>
43945         </member>
43946         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlLangAttributeName">
43947             <summary>Name of the xml:lang attribute.</summary>
43948         </member>
43949         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlSpaceAttributeName">
43950             <summary>Name of the xml:space attribute.</summary>
43951         </member>
43952         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.XmlPreserveSpaceAttributeValue">
43953             <summary>'preserve' value for the xml:space attribute.</summary>
43954         </member>
43955         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataMetadataNamespace">
43956             <summary>XML namespace for data service annotations.</summary>
43957         </member>
43958         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataMetadataNamespacePrefix">
43959             <summary>XML namespace prefix for data service annotations.</summary>
43960         </member>
43961         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNamespace">
43962             <summary>XML namespace for data services.</summary>
43963         </member>
43964         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNamespacePrefix">
43965             <summary>Prefix for data services namespace.</summary>
43966         </member>
43967         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataETagAttributeName">
43968             <summary>OData attribute which indicates the etag value for the declaring entry element.</summary>
43969         </member>
43970         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNullAttributeName">
43971             <summary>OData attribute which indicates the null value for the element.</summary>
43972         </member>
43973         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataCountElementName">
43974             <summary>OData element name for the 'count' element</summary>
43975         </member>
43976         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataSchemeNamespace">
43977             <summary>OData scheme namespace for data services category scheme in atom:category elements.</summary>
43978         </member>
43979         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataStreamPropertyMediaResourceSegmentName">
43980             <summary>OData stream property 'mediaresource' Uri segment name used in named stream link relations.</summary>
43981         </member>
43982         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataStreamPropertyEditMediaSegmentName">
43983             <summary>OData stream property 'edit-media' Uri segment name used in named stream link relations.</summary>
43984         </member>
43985         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataStreamPropertyMediaResourceRelatedLinkRelationPrefix">
43986             <summary>OData stream property prefix for named stream 'mediaresource' related link relations.</summary>
43987         </member>
43988         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataStreamPropertyEditMediaRelatedLinkRelationPrefix">
43989             <summary>OData stream property prefix for named stream 'edit-media' related link relations.</summary>
43990         </member>
43991         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNavigationPropertiesRelatedSegmentName">
43992             <summary>OData navigation properties 'related' Uri segment name used in navigation link relations.</summary>
43993         </member>
43994         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNavigationPropertiesRelatedLinkRelationPrefix">
43995             <summary>OData navigation properties prefix for navigation link relations.</summary>
43996         </member>
43997         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNavigationPropertiesAssociationRelatedSegmentName">
43998             <summary>OData navigation properties 'relatedlinks' Uri segment name used in association link relations.</summary>
43999         </member>
44000         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNavigationPropertiesAssociationLinkRelationPrefix">
44001             <summary>OData association link prefix for relation attribute.</summary>
44002         </member>
44003         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataInlineElementName">
44004             <summary>'Inline' - wrapping element for inlined entry/feed content.</summary>
44005         </member>
44006         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataErrorElementName">
44007             <summary>Name of the error element for Xml error responses.</summary>
44008         </member>
44009         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataErrorCodeElementName">
44010             <summary>Name of the error code element for Xml error responses.</summary>
44011         </member>
44012         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataErrorMessageElementName">
44013             <summary>Name of the error message element for Xml error responses.</summary>
44014         </member>
44015         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataInnerErrorElementName">
44016             <summary>Name of the inner error message element for Xml error responses.</summary>
44017         </member>
44018         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataInnerErrorMessageElementName">
44019             <summary>Name of the message element in inner errors for Xml error responses.</summary>
44020         </member>
44021         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataInnerErrorTypeElementName">
44022             <summary>Name of the type element in inner errors for Xml error responses.</summary>
44023         </member>
44024         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataInnerErrorStackTraceElementName">
44025             <summary>Name of the stack trace element in inner errors for Xml error responses.</summary>
44026         </member>
44027         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataInnerErrorInnerErrorElementName">
44028             <summary>Name of the inner error element nested in inner errors for Xml error responses.</summary>
44029         </member>
44030         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataCollectionItemElementName">
44031             <summary>Element name for the items in a collection.</summary>
44032         </member>
44033         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataActionElementName">
44034             <summary>Element name for m:action.</summary>
44035         </member>
44036         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataFunctionElementName">
44037             <summary>Element name for m:function.</summary>
44038         </member>
44039         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataOperationMetadataAttribute">
44040             <summary>Attribute name for m:action|m:function/@metadata.</summary>
44041         </member>
44042         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataOperationTitleAttribute">
44043             <summary>Attribute name for m:action|m:function/@title.</summary>
44044         </member>
44045         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataOperationTargetAttribute">
44046             <summary>Attribute name for m:action|m:function/@target.</summary>
44047         </member>
44048         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataLinksElementName">
44049             <summary>XML element name for the wrapper 'links' element around a sequence of Uris in response to a $links request.</summary>
44050         </member>
44051         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataUriElementName">
44052             <summary>XML element name for a Uri response to a $links request.</summary>
44053         </member>
44054         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataNextLinkElementName">
44055             <summary>XML element name for a next link in a response to a $links request.</summary>
44056         </member>
44057         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationElementName">
44058             <summary>XML element name for an annotation in an ATOM payload.</summary>
44059         </member>
44060         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationTargetAttribute">
44061             <summary>Attribute name for m:annotation/@target.</summary>
44062         </member>
44063         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationTermAttribute">
44064             <summary>Attribute name for m:annotation/@term.</summary>
44065         </member>
44066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationStringAttribute">
44067             <summary>Attribute name for m:annotation/@string.</summary>
44068         </member>
44069         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationBoolAttribute">
44070             <summary>Attribute name for m:annotation/@bool.</summary>
44071         </member>
44072         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationDecimalAttribute">
44073             <summary>Attribute name for m:annotation/@decimal.</summary>
44074         </member>
44075         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationIntAttribute">
44076             <summary>Attribute name for m:annotation/@int.</summary>
44077         </member>
44078         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.ODataAnnotationFloatAttribute">
44079             <summary>Attribute name for m:annotation/@float.</summary>
44080         </member>
44081         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomNamespace">
44082             <summary>Schema namespace for Atom.</summary>
44083         </member>
44084         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomNamespacePrefix">
44085             <summary>Prefix for the Atom namespace - empty since it is the default namespace.</summary>
44086         </member>
44087         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.NonEmptyAtomNamespacePrefix">
44088             <summary>Prefix for the Atom namespace used in cases where we need a non-empty prefix.</summary>
44089         </member>
44090         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomEntryElementName">
44091             <summary>XML element name to mark entry element in Atom.</summary>
44092         </member>
44093         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomFeedElementName">
44094             <summary>XML element name to mark feed element in Atom.</summary>
44095         </member>
44096         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomContentElementName">
44097             <summary>XML element name to mark content element in Atom.</summary>
44098         </member>
44099         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomTypeAttributeName">
44100             <summary>XML element name to mark type attribute in Atom.</summary>
44101         </member>
44102         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPropertiesElementName">
44103             <summary>Element containing property values when 'content' is used for media link entries</summary>
44104         </member>
44105         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomIdElementName">
44106             <summary>XML element name to mark id element in Atom.</summary>
44107         </member>
44108         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomTitleElementName">
44109             <summary>XML element name to mark title element in Atom.</summary>
44110         </member>
44111         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomSubtitleElementName">
44112             <summary>XML element name to mark the subtitle element in Atom.</summary>
44113         </member>
44114         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomSummaryElementName">
44115             <summary>XML element name to mark the summary element in Atom.</summary>
44116         </member>
44117         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishedElementName">
44118             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'published' element in Atom.</summary>
44119         </member>
44120         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomSourceElementName">
44121             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'source' element in Atom.</summary>
44122         </member>
44123         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomRightsElementName">
44124             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'rights' element in Atom.</summary>
44125         </member>
44126         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLogoElementName">
44127             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'logo' element in Atom.</summary>
44128         </member>
44129         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomAuthorElementName">
44130             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'author' element in Atom.</summary>
44131         </member>
44132         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomAuthorNameElementName">
44133             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'author name' element in Atom.</summary>
44134         </member>
44135         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomContributorElementName">
44136             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'contributor' element in Atom.</summary>
44137         </member>
44138         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomGeneratorElementName">
44139             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'generator' element in Atom.</summary>
44140         </member>
44141         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomGeneratorUriAttributeName">
44142             <summary>XML attribute name of the 'uri' attribute of a 'generator' element in Atom.</summary>
44143         </member>
44144         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomGeneratorVersionAttributeName">
44145             <summary>XML attribute name of the 'version' attribute of a 'generator' element in Atom.</summary>
44146         </member>
44147         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomIconElementName">
44148             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'icon' element in Atom.</summary>
44149         </member>
44150         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPersonNameElementName">
44151             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'name' element in an Atom person construct.</summary>
44152         </member>
44153         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPersonUriElementName">
44154             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'uri' element in an Atom person construct.</summary>
44155         </member>
44156         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPersonEmailElementName">
44157             <summary>XML element name to mark the 'email' element in an Atom person construct.</summary>
44158         </member>
44159         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomUpdatedElementName">
44160             <summary>'updated' - XML element name for ATOM 'updated' element for entries.</summary>
44161         </member>
44162         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomCategoryElementName">
44163             <summary>'category' - XML element name for ATOM 'category' element for entries.</summary>
44164         </member>
44165         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomCategoryTermAttributeName">
44166             <summary>'term' - XML attribute name for ATOM 'term' attribute for categories.</summary>
44167         </member>
44168         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomCategorySchemeAttributeName">
44169             <summary>'scheme' - XML attribute name for ATOM 'scheme' attribute for categories.</summary>
44170         </member>
44171         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomCategoryLabelAttributeName">
44172             <summary>'scheme' - XML attribute name for ATOM 'label' attribute for categories.</summary>
44173         </member>
44174         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomEditRelationAttributeValue">
44175             <summary> Atom link relation attribute value for edit links.</summary>
44176         </member>
44177         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomSelfRelationAttributeValue">
44178             <summary> Atom link relation attribute value for self links.</summary>
44179         </member>
44180         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLinkElementName">
44181             <summary>XML element name to mark link element in Atom.</summary>
44182         </member>
44183         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLinkRelationAttributeName">
44184             <summary>XML attribute name of the link relation attribute in Atom.</summary>
44185         </member>
44186         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLinkTypeAttributeName">
44187             <summary>XML attribute name of the type attribute of a link in Atom.</summary>
44188         </member>
44189         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLinkHrefAttributeName">
44190             <summary>XML attribute name of the href attribute of a link in Atom.</summary>
44191         </member>
44192         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLinkHrefLangAttributeName">
44193             <summary>XML attribute name of the hreflang attribute of a link in Atom.</summary>
44194         </member>
44195         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLinkTitleAttributeName">
44196             <summary>XML attribute name of the title attribute of a link in Atom.</summary>
44197         </member>
44198         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomLinkLengthAttributeName">
44199             <summary>XML attribute name of the length attribute of a link in Atom.</summary>
44200         </member>
44201         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomHRefAttributeName">
44202             <summary>XML element name to mark href attribute element in Atom.</summary>
44203         </member>
44204         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.MediaLinkEntryContentSourceAttributeName">
44205             <summary>Atom source attribute name for the content of media link entries.</summary>
44206         </member>
44207         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomEditMediaRelationAttributeValue">
44208             <summary>Atom link relation attribute value for edit-media links.</summary>
44209         </member>
44210         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomNextRelationAttributeValue">
44211             <summary>XML attribute value of the link relation attribute for next page links in Atom.</summary>
44212         </member>
44213         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomDeltaRelationAttributeValue">
44214             <summary>XML attribute value of the link relation attribute for delta links in Atom.</summary>
44215         </member>
44216         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomAlternateRelationAttributeValue">
44217             <summary>Link relation: alternate - refers to a substitute for this context.</summary>
44218         </member>
44219         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomRelatedRelationAttributeValue">
44220             <summary>Link relation: related - identifies a related resource.</summary>
44221         </member>
44222         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomEnclosureRelationAttributeValue">
44223             <summary>Link relation: enclosure - identifies a related resource that is potentially large and might require special handling.</summary>
44224         </member>
44225         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomViaRelationAttributeValue">
44226             <summary>Link relation: via - identifies a resource that is the source of the information in the link's context.</summary>
44227         </member>
44228         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomDescribedByRelationAttributeValue">
44229             <summary>Link relation: describedby - refers to a resource providing information about the link's context.</summary>
44230         </member>
44231         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomServiceRelationAttributeValue">
44232             <summary>Link relation: service - indicates a URI that can be used to retrieve a service document.</summary>
44233         </member>
44234         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomTextConstructTextKind">
44235             <summary>Atom metadata text construct kind: plain text</summary>
44236         </member>
44237         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomTextConstructHtmlKind">
44238             <summary>Atom metadata text construct kind: html</summary>
44239         </member>
44240         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomTextConstructXHtmlKind">
44241             <summary>Atom metadata text construct kind: xhtml</summary>
44242         </member>
44243         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomWorkspaceDefaultTitle">
44244             <summary>Default title for service document workspaces.</summary>
44245         </member>
44246         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomTrueLiteral">
44247             <summary>'true' literal</summary>
44248         </member>
44249         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomFalseLiteral">
44250             <summary>'false' literal</summary>
44251         </member>
44252         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.IanaLinkRelationsNamespace">
44253             <summary>IANA link relations namespace.</summary>
44254         </member>
44255         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingNamespace">
44256             <summary>The Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app'.</summary>
44257         </member>
44258         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingServiceElementName">
44259             <summary>The name of the top-level 'service' element when writing service documents in Xml format.</summary>
44260         </member>
44261         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingWorkspaceElementName">
44262             <summary>The name of the 'workspace' element when writing service documents in Xml format.</summary>
44263         </member>
44264         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingCollectionElementName">
44265             <summary>The name of the 'collection' element when writing service documents in Xml format.</summary>
44266         </member>
44267         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingCategoriesElementName">
44268             <summary>The name of the 'categories' element encountered while reading a service document in XML format.</summary>
44269         </member>
44270         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingAcceptElementName">
44271             <summary>The name of the 'accept' element encountered while reading a service document in XML format.</summary>
44272         </member>
44273         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingFixedAttributeName">
44274             <summary>The name of the 'fixed' attribute of an inline categories element in APP.</summary>
44275         </member>
44276         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingFixedYesValue">
44277             <summary>The value 'yes' of the 'fixed' attribute of an inline categories element in APP.</summary>
44278         </member>
44279         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.AtomPublishingFixedNoValue">
44280             <summary>The value 'no' of the 'fixed' attribute of an inline categories element in APP.</summary>
44281         </member>
44282         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.GeoRssNamespace">
44283             <summary>XML namespace for GeoRss format</summary>
44284         </member>
44285         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.GeoRssPrefix">
44286             <summary>XML namespace prefix for GeoRss format</summary>
44287         </member>
44288         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.GmlNamespace">
44289             <summary>XML namespace for GML format</summary>
44290         </member>
44291         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomConstants.GmlPrefix">
44292             <summary>XML namespace prefix for GML format</summary>
44293         </member>
44294         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils">
44295             <summary>
44296             Helper methods used by the OData writer for the JSON format.
44297             </summary>
44298         </member>
44299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils.WriteError(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.Action{System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation}},Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
44300             <summary>
44301             Write an error message.
44302             </summary>
44303             <param name="jsonWriter">The JSON writer to write the error.</param>
44304             <param name="writeInstanceAnnotationsDelegate">Action to write the instance annotations.</param>
44305             <param name="error">The error instance to write.</param>
44306             <param name="includeDebugInformation">A flag indicating whether error details should be written (in debug mode only) or not.</param>
44307             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of nested inner errors to allow.</param>
44308             <param name="writingJsonLight">true if we're writing JSON lite, false if we're writing verbose JSON.</param>
44309         </member>
44310         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils.WriteMetadataWithTypeName(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String)">
44311             <summary>
44312             Writes the __metadata property with the specified type name.
44313             </summary>
44314             <param name="jsonWriter">The JSON writer to write to.</param>
44315             <param name="typeName">The type name to write.</param>
44316         </member>
44317         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils.StartJsonPaddingIfRequired(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings)">
44318             <summary>
44319             Will write the function's name and start the JSONP scope if we are writing a response and the 
44320             JSONP function name is not null or empty.
44321             </summary>
44322             <param name="jsonWriter">JsonWriter to write to.</param>
44323             <param name="settings">Writer settings.</param>
44324         </member>
44325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils.EndJsonPaddingIfRequired(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings)">
44326             <summary>
44327             If we are writing a response and the given Json Padding function name is not null or empty 
44328             this function will close the JSONP scope.
44329             </summary>
44330             <param name="jsonWriter">JsonWriter to write to.</param>
44331             <param name="settings">Writer settings.</param>
44332         </member>
44333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils.UriToUriString(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext,System.Uri,System.Boolean)">
44334             <summary>
44335             Returns the string representation of the URI; Converts the URI into an absolute URI if the <paramref name="makeAbsolute"/> parameter is set to true.
44336             </summary>
44337             <param name="outputContext">The output context for which to convert the URI.</param>
44338             <param name="uri">The uri to process.</param>
44339             <param name="makeAbsolute">true, if the URI needs to be translated into an absolute URI; false otherwise.</param>
44340             <returns>If the <paramref name="makeAbsolute"/> parameter is set to true, then a string representation of an absolute URI which is either the 
44341             specified <paramref name="uri"/> if it was absolute, or it's a combination of the BaseUri and the relative <paramref name="uri"/>; 
44342             otherwise a string representation of the specified <paramref name="uri"/>.
44343             </returns>
44344             <remarks>This method will fail if <paramref name="makeAbsolute"/> is set to true and the specified <paramref name="uri"/> is relative and there's no base URI available.</remarks>
44345         </member>
44346         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils.WriteError(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation},System.Action{System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation}},System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
44347             <summary>
44348             Write an error message.
44349             </summary>
44350             <param name="jsonWriter">JSON writer.</param>
44351             <param name="code">The code of the error.</param>
44352             <param name="message">The message of the error.</param>
44353             <param name="messageLanguage">The language of the message.</param>
44354             <param name="innerError">Inner error details that will be included in debug mode (if present).</param>
44355             <param name="instanceAnnotations">Instance annotations for this error.</param>
44356             <param name="writeInstanceAnnotationsDelegate">Action to write the instance annotations.</param>
44357             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of nested inner errors to allow.</param>
44358             <param name="writingJsonLight">true if we're writing JSON lite, false if we're writing verbose JSON.</param>
44359         </member>
44360         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.ODataJsonWriterUtils.WriteInnerError(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IJsonWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInnerError,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
44361             <summary>
44362             Write an inner error property and message.
44363             </summary>
44364             <param name="jsonWriter">The JSON writer to write the error to.</param>
44365             <param name="innerError">Inner error details.</param>
44366             <param name="innerErrorPropertyName">The property name for the inner error property.</param>
44367             <param name="recursionDepth">The number of times this method has been called recursively.</param>
44368             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of nested inner errors to allow.</param>
44369         </member>
44370         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils">
44371             <summary>
44372             Class with utility methods to work with HTTP concepts
44373             </summary>
44374         </member>
44375         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadMimeType(System.String,System.String@,System.String@)">
44376             <summary>Reads a Content-Type header and extracts the media type's name (type/subtype) and parameters.</summary>
44377             <param name="contentType">The Content-Type header.</param>
44378             <param name="mediaTypeName">The media type in standard type/subtype form, without parameters.</param>
44379             <param name="mediaTypeCharset">The (optional) charset parameter of the media type.</param>
44380             <returns>The parameters of the media type not including the 'charset' parameter.</returns>
44381         </member>
44382         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.BuildContentType(Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding)">
44383             <summary>Builds a Content-Type header which includes media type and encoding information.</summary>
44384             <param name="mediaType">Media type to be used.</param>
44385             <param name="encoding">Encoding to be used in response, possibly null.</param>
44386             <returns>The value for the Content-Type header.</returns>
44387         </member>
44388         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.MediaTypesFromString(System.String)">
44389             <summary>Returns all media types from the specified (non-blank) <paramref name='text' />.</summary>
44390             <param name='text'>Non-blank text, as it appears on an HTTP Accepts header.</param>
44391             <returns>An enumerable object with key/value pairs of media type descriptions with their (optional) charset parameter values.</returns>
44392         </member>
44393         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.CompareMediaTypeNames(System.String,System.String)">
44394             <summary>
44395             Does an ordinal ignore case comparision of the given media type names.
44396             </summary>
44397             <param name="mediaTypeName1">First media type name.</param>
44398             <param name="mediaTypeName2">Second media type name.</param>
44399             <returns>returns true if the media type names are the same.</returns>
44400         </member>
44401         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.CompareMediaTypeParameterNames(System.String,System.String)">
44402             <summary>
44403             Does an ordinal ignore case comparision of the given MIME type parameter name.
44404             </summary>
44405             <param name="parameterName1">First parameter name.</param>
44406             <param name="parameterName2">Second parameter name.</param>
44407             <returns>returns true if the parameter names are the same.</returns>
44408         </member>
44409         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.EncodingFromAcceptableCharsets(System.String,Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType,System.Text.Encoding,System.Text.Encoding)">
44410             <summary>Gets the best encoding available for the specified charset request.</summary>
44411             <param name="acceptableCharsets">
44412             The Accept-Charset header value (eg: "iso-8859-5, unicode-1-1;q=0.8").
44413             </param>
44414             <param name="mediaType">The media type used to compute the default encoding for the payload.</param>
44415             <param name="utf8Encoding">The encoding to use for UTF-8 charsets; we use the one without the BOM.</param>
44416             <param name="defaultEncoding">The encoding to use if no encoding could be computed from the <paramref name="acceptableCharsets"/> or <paramref name="mediaType"/>.</param>
44417             <returns>An Encoding object appropriate to the specifed charset request.</returns>
44418         </member>
44419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadQualityValue(System.String,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
44420             <summary>
44421             Reads the numeric part of a quality value substring, normalizing it to 0-1000
44422             rather than the standard 0.000-1.000 ranges.
44423             </summary>
44424             <param name="text">Text to read qvalue from.</param>
44425             <param name="textIndex">Index into text where the qvalue starts.</param>
44426             <param name="qualityValue">After the method executes, the normalized qvalue.</param>
44427             <remarks>
44428             For more information, see RFC 2616.3.8.
44429             </remarks>
44430         </member>
44431         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ValidateHttpMethod(System.String)">
44432             <summary>
44433             Validates that the HTTP method string matches one of the supported HTTP methods.
44434             </summary>
44435             <param name="httpMethodString">The HTTP method string to validate.</param>
44436         </member>
44437         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.IsQueryMethod(System.String)">
44438             <summary>
44439             Determines whether the given HTTP method is one that is accepted for queries. GET is accepted for queries.
44440             </summary>
44441             <param name="httpMethod">The HTTP method to check.</param>
44442             <returns>True if the given httpMethod is GET.</returns>
44443         </member>
44444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.GetStatusMessage(System.Int32)">
44445             <summary>
44446             Gets the string status message for a given Http response status code.
44447             </summary>
44448             <param name="statusCode">The status code to get the status message for.</param>
44449             <returns>The string status message for the <paramref name="statusCode"/>.</returns>
44450         </member>
44451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.GetEncodingFromCharsetName(System.String)">
44452             <summary>
44453             Returns the encoding object for the specified charset name.
44454             </summary>
44455             <param name="charsetName">The of the charset to get the encoding for.</param>
44456             <returns>The encoding object or null if such encoding is not supported.</returns>
44457         </member>
44458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadTokenOrQuotedStringValue(System.String,System.String,System.Int32@,System.Boolean@,System.Func{System.String,System.Exception})">
44459             <summary>
44460             Reads a token or quoted-string value from the header.
44461             </summary>
44462             <param name="headerName">Name of the header.</param>
44463             <param name="headerText">Header text.</param>
44464             <param name="textIndex">Parsing index in <paramref name="headerText"/>.</param>
44465             <param name="isQuotedString">Returns true if the value is a quoted-string, false if the value is a token.</param>
44466             <param name="createException">Func to create the appropriate exception to throw from the given error message.</param>
44467             <returns>The token or quoted-string value that was read from the header.</returns>
44468         </member>
44469         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.SkipWhitespace(System.String,System.Int32@)">
44470             <summary>
44471             Skips whitespace in the specified text by advancing an index to
44472             the next non-whitespace character.
44473             </summary>
44474             <param name="text">Text to scan.</param>
44475             <param name="textIndex">Index to begin scanning from.</param>
44476             <returns>true if the end of the string was reached, false otherwise.</returns>
44477         </member>
44478         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.AcceptCharsetParts(System.String)">
44479             <summary>
44480             Enumerates each charset part in the specified Accept-Charset header.
44481             </summary>
44482             <param name="headerValue">Non-null and non-empty header value for Accept-Charset.</param>
44483             <returns>
44484             A (non-sorted) enumeration of CharsetPart elements, which include
44485             a charset name and a quality (preference) value, normalized to 0-1000.
44486             </returns>
44487         </member>
44488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadMediaTypes(System.String)">
44489             <summary>Reads a media type definition as used in a Content-Type header.</summary>
44490             <param name="text">Text to read.</param>
44491             <returns>A list of key/value pairs representing the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/>s and their (optional) 'charset' parameters
44492             parsed from the specified <paramref name="text"/></returns>
44493         </member>
44494         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadMediaTypeParameter(System.String,System.Int32@,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}}@,System.String@)">
44495             <summary>Read a parameter for a media type/range.</summary>
44496             <param name="text">Text to read from.</param>
44497             <param name="textIndex">Pointer in text.</param>
44498             <param name="parameters">Array with parameters to grow as necessary.</param>
44499             <param name="charset">The (optional) charset parameter value.</param>
44500         </member>
44501         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadMediaTypeAndSubtype(System.String,System.Int32@,System.String@,System.String@)">
44502             <summary>Reads the type and subtype specifications for a media type name.</summary>
44503             <param name='mediaTypeName'>Text in which specification exists.</param>
44504             <param name='textIndex'>Pointer into text.</param>
44505             <param name='type'>Type of media found.</param>
44506             <param name='subType'>Subtype of media found.</param>
44507         </member>
44508         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.IsHttpToken(System.Char)">
44509             <summary>
44510             Determines whether the specified character is a valid HTTP header token character.
44511             </summary>
44512             <param name="c">Character to verify.</param>
44513             <returns>true if c is a valid HTTP header token character; false otherwise.</returns>
44514         </member>
44515         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.IsValidInQuotedHeaderValue(System.Char)">
44516             <summary>
44517             Determines whether the specified character is valid in the quoted header values.
44518             </summary>
44519             <param name="c">Character to verify.</param>
44520             <returns>true if c is a valid in a quoted HTTP header value; false otherwise.</returns>
44521         </member>
44522         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.IsHttpSeparator(System.Char)">
44523             <summary>
44524             Determines whether the specified character is a valid HTTP separator.
44525             </summary>
44526             <param name="c">Character to verify.</param>
44527             <returns>true if c is a separator; false otherwise.</returns>
44528             <remarks>
44529             See RFC 2616 2.2 for further information.
44530             </remarks>
44531         </member>
44532         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadToken(System.String,System.Int32@)">
44533             <summary>
44534             Reads a token on the specified text by advancing an index on it.
44535             </summary>
44536             <param name="text">Text to read token from.</param>
44537             <param name="textIndex">Index for the position being scanned on text.</param>
44538             <returns>true if the end of the text was reached; false otherwise.</returns>
44539         </member>
44540         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.DigitToInt32(System.Char)">
44541             <summary>
44542             Converts the specified character from the ASCII range to a digit.
44543             </summary>
44544             <param name="c">Character to convert.</param>
44545             <returns>
44546             The Int32 value for c, or -1 if it is an element separator.
44547             </returns>
44548         </member>
44549         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.IsHttpElementSeparator(System.Char)">
44550             <summary>
44551             Verfies whether the specified character is a valid separator in
44552             an HTTP header list of element.
44553             </summary>
44554             <param name="c">Character to verify.</param>
44555             <returns>true if c is a valid character for separating elements; false otherwise.</returns>
44556         </member>
44557         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.ReadLiteral(System.String,System.Int32,System.String)">
44558             <summary>
44559             "Reads" a literal from the specified string by verifying that
44560             the exact text can be found at the specified position.
44561             </summary>
44562             <param name="text">Text within which a literal should be checked.</param>
44563             <param name="textIndex">Index in text where the literal should be found.</param>
44564             <param name="literal">Literal to check at the specified position.</param>
44565             <returns>true if the end of string is found; false otherwise.</returns>
44566         </member>
44567         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.CharsetPart">
44568             <summary>
44569             Structure to represent a charset name with a quality value.
44570             </summary>
44571         </member>
44572         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.CharsetPart.Charset">
44573             <summary>Name of the charset.</summary>
44574         </member>
44575         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.CharsetPart.Quality">
44576             <summary>Charset quality (desirability), normalized to 0-1000.</summary>
44577         </member>
44578         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.HttpUtils.CharsetPart.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
44579             <summary>
44580             Initializes a new CharsetPart with the specified values.
44581             </summary>
44582             <param name="charset">Name of charset.</param>
44583             <param name="quality">Charset quality (desirability), normalized to 0-1000.</param>
44584         </member>
44585         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter">
44586             <summary>
44587             Writer class used to write all OData payloads (entries, feeds, metadata documents, service documents, etc.).
44588             </summary>
44589         </member>
44590         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.message">
44591             <summary>The message for which the message writer was created.</summary>
44592         </member>
44593         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.writingResponse">
44594             <summary>A flag indicating whether we are writing a request or a response message.</summary>
44595         </member>
44596         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.settings">
44597             <summary>The message writer settings to use when writing the message payload.</summary>
44598         </member>
44599         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.model">
44600             <summary>The model. Non-null if we do have metadata available.</summary>
44601         </member>
44602         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.urlResolver">
44603             <summary>The optional URL resolver to perform custom URL resolution for URLs written to the payload.</summary>
44604         </member>
44605         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.writeMethodCalled">
44606             <summary>Flag to ensure that only a single write method is called on the message writer.</summary>
44607         </member>
44608         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.isDisposed">
44609             <summary>True if Dispose() has been called on this message writer, False otherwise.</summary>
44610         </member>
44611         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.outputContext">
44612             <summary>The output context we're using to write the payload.</summary>
44613             <remarks>This is null until the first write operation is called.</remarks>
44614         </member>
44615         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.writerPayloadKind">
44616             <summary>The payload kind of the payload to be written with this writer.</summary>
44617             <remarks>This is either set via the SetHeadersForPayload method or implicitly when one of the write (or writer creation) methods is called.</remarks>
44618         </member>
44619         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.format">
44620             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> of the payload to be written with this writer.</summary>
44621             <remarks>This is either set via the SetHeadersForPayload method or implicitly when one of the write (or writer creation) methods is called.</remarks>
44622         </member>
44623         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.encoding">
44624             <summary>The <see cref="T:System.Text.Encoding"/> of the payload to be written with this writer.</summary>
44625             <remarks>This is either set via the SetHeadersForPayload method or implicitly when one of the write (or writer creation) methods is called.</remarks>
44626         </member>
44627         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.batchBoundary">
44628             <summary>The batch boundary string if the payload to be written is a batch request or response.</summary>
44629             <remarks>This is either set via the SetHeadersForPayload method or implicitly when the CreateBatchWriter method is called.</remarks>
44630         </member>
44631         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.writeErrorCalled">
44632             <summary>Flag to prevent writing more than one error to the payload.</summary>
44633         </member>
44634         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.mediaTypeResolver">
44635             <summary>The media type resolver to use when interpreting the content type.</summary>
44636         </member>
44637         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.mediaType">
44638             <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MediaType"/> of the payload to be written with this writer.</summary>
44639             <remarks>This is either set via the SetHeadersForPayload method or implicitly when one of the write (or writer creation) methods is called.</remarks>
44640         </member>
44641         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage)">
44642             <summary> Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter" /> for the given request message. </summary>
44643             <param name="requestMessage">The request message for which to create the writer.</param>
44644         </member>
44645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings)">
44646             <summary> Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter" /> for the given request message and message writer settings. </summary>
44647             <param name="requestMessage">The request message for which to create the writer.</param>
44648             <param name="settings">The message writer settings to use for writing the message payload.</param>
44649         </member>
44650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
44651             <summary>
44652             Creates a new ODataMessageWriter for the given request message and message writer settings.
44653             </summary>
44654             <param name="requestMessage">The request message for which to create the writer.</param>
44655             <param name="settings">The message writer settings to use for writing the message payload.</param>
44656             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
44657         </member>
44658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage)">
44659             <summary> Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter" /> for the given response message. </summary>
44660             <param name="responseMessage">The response message for which to create the writer.</param>
44661         </member>
44662         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings)">
44663             <summary> Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter" /> for the given response message and message writer settings. </summary>
44664             <param name="responseMessage">The response message for which to create the writer.</param>
44665             <param name="settings">The message writer settings to use for writing the message payload.</param>
44666         </member>
44667         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
44668             <summary>
44669             Creates a new ODataMessageWriter for the given response message and message writer settings.
44670             </summary>
44671             <param name="responseMessage">The response message for which to create the writer.</param>
44672             <param name="settings">The message writer settings to use for writing the message payload.</param>
44673             <param name="model">The model to use.</param>
44674         </member>
44675         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataFeedWriter">
44676             <summary> Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter" /> to write a feed. </summary>
44677             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
44678         </member>
44679         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataFeedWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
44680             <summary>
44681             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
44682             </summary>
44683             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
44684             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
44685         </member>
44686         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataFeedWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
44687             <summary>
44688             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write a feed.
44689             </summary>
44690             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
44691             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
44692             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
44693         </member>
44694         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataEntryWriter">
44695             <summary> Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter" /> to write an entry. </summary>
44696             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
44697         </member>
44698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataEntryWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
44699             <summary>
44700             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
44701             </summary>
44702             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
44703             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
44704         </member>
44705         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataEntryWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
44706             <summary>
44707             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> to write an entry.
44708             </summary>
44709             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
44710             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
44711             <returns>The created writer.</returns>
44712         </member>
44713         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataCollectionWriter">
44714             <summary> Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter" /> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation). </summary>
44715             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
44716         </member>
44717         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataCollectionWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
44718             <summary>
44719             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionWriter"/> to write a collection of primitive or complex values (as result of a service operation invocation).
44720             </summary>
44721             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
44722             <returns>The created collection writer.</returns>
44723         </member>
44724         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataBatchWriter">
44725             <summary> Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataBatchWriter" /> to write a batch of requests or responses. </summary>
44726             <returns>The created batch writer.</returns>
44727         </member>
44728         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.CreateODataParameterWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
44729             <summary>
44730             Creates an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataParameterWriter"/> to write a parameter payload.
44731             </summary>
44732             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
44733             <returns>The created parameter writer.</returns>
44734         </member>
44735         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
44736             <summary> Writes a service document with the specified <paramref name="defaultWorkspace" /> as the message payload. </summary>
44737             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write in the service document.</param>
44738         </member>
44739         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
44740             <summary> Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty" /> as the message payload. </summary>
44741             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
44742         </member>
44743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean)">
44744             <summary> Writes an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError" /> as the message payload. </summary>
44745             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
44746             <param name="includeDebugInformation"> A flag indicating whether debug information (for example, the inner error from the <paramref name="error" />) should be included in the payload. This should only be used in debug scenarios. </param>
44747         </member>
44748         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
44749             <summary> Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload. </summary>
44750             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
44751         </member>
44752         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
44753             <summary>
44754             Writes the result of a $links query as the message payload.
44755             </summary>
44756             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
44757             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
44758             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
44759         </member>
44760         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
44761             <summary> Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload. </summary>
44762             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as the message payload.</param>
44763         </member>
44764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
44765             <summary>
44766             Writes a singleton result of a $links query as the message payload.
44767             </summary>
44768             <param name="link">The entity reference link to write as message payload.</param>
44769             <param name="entitySet">The entity set of the navigation property.</param>
44770             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference link is being written, or null if none is available.</param>
44771         </member>
44772         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteValue(System.Object)">
44773             <summary> Writes a single value as the message body. </summary>
44774             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
44775         </member>
44776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteMetadataDocument">
44777             <summary> Writes the metadata document as the message body. </summary>
44778         </member>
44779         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.Dispose">
44780             <summary><see cref="M:System.IDisposable.Dispose()" /> implementation to cleanup unmanaged resources of the writer. </summary>
44781         </member>
44782         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.SetHeaders(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
44783             <summary>
44784             Sets the content-type and data service version headers on the message used by the message writer.
44785             This method can be called if it is important to set all the message headers before calling any of the
44786             write (or writer creation) methods on the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/>.
44787             If it is sufficient to set the headers when the write (or writer creation) methods on the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/>
44788             are called, you don't have to call this method and setting the headers will happen automatically.
44789             </summary>
44790             <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload to be written with this message writer.</param>
44791             <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat"/> used for the specified <paramref name="payloadKind"/>.</returns>
44792         </member>
44793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.SetOrVerifyHeaders(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
44794             <summary>
44795             If no headers have been set, sets the content-type and data service version headers on the message used by the message writer.
44796             If headers have been set explicitly (via ODataUtils.SetHeaderForPayload) this method verifies that the payload kind used to 
44797             create the headers is the same as the one being passed in <paramref name="payloadKind"/>.
44798             </summary>
44799             <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload to be written with this message writer.</param>
44800         </member>
44801         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.EnsureODataVersion">
44802             <summary>
44803             Ensures that the version of the OData protocol is set.
44804             </summary>
44805             <remarks>
44806             If a version is specified explicitly on the writer settings, it is used.
44807             Otherwise the method tries to read the version from the message headers.
44808             If there is a version header but the value cannot be parsed, we fail.
44809             If there is no version header, we fall back to the default version.
44810             </remarks>
44811         </member>
44812         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.EnsureODataFormatAndContentType">
44813             <summary>
44814             Ensures that the OData format is computed and set; if needed, sets the content type
44815             header of the message.
44816             </summary>
44817             <remarks>
44818             This method computes and ensures that a content type exists and computes the 
44819             OData format from it. If a content type is explicitly specified through 
44820             <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtils.SetHeadersForPayload(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)"/>
44821             or <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.SetContentType(System.String,System.String)"/> it will be used. If no
44822             content type is specified in either place, the message headers are checked for
44823             a content type header.
44824             If the content type is computed from settings, the content type header is set on the message.
44825             </remarks>
44826         </member>
44827         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanCreateODataFeedWriter">
44828             <summary>
44829             Verifies that feed writer can be created.
44830             </summary>
44831         </member>
44832         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanCreateODataEntryWriter">
44833             <summary>
44834             Verifies that entry writer can be created.
44835             </summary>
44836         </member>
44837         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanCreateODataCollectionWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
44838             <summary>
44839             Verifies that collection writer can be created.
44840             </summary>
44841             <param name="itemTypeReference">The item type of the collection being written or null if no metadata is available.</param>
44842         </member>
44843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanCreateODataBatchWriter">
44844             <summary>
44845             Verifies that batch writer can be created.
44846             </summary>
44847         </member>
44848         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanCreateODataParameterWriter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport)">
44849             <summary>
44850             Verifies that parameter writer can be created.
44851             </summary>
44852             <param name="functionImport">The function import whose parameters will be written.</param>
44853         </member>
44854         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyODataParameterWriterHeaders">
44855             <summary>
44856             Verifies headers for parameter payload.
44857             </summary>
44858         </member>
44859         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteServiceDocument(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWorkspace)">
44860             <summary>
44861             Verifies that service document can be written.
44862             </summary>
44863             <param name="defaultWorkspace">The default workspace to write.</param>
44864         </member>
44865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty)">
44866             <summary>
44867             Verifies that property can be written.
44868             </summary>
44869             <param name="property">The property to write.</param>
44870         </member>
44871         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteTopLevelError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
44872             <summary>
44873             Verifies that top-level error can be written.
44874             </summary>
44875             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
44876         </member>
44877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteInStreamError(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError)">
44878             <summary>
44879             Verifies that in-stream error can be written.
44880             </summary>
44881             <param name="error">The error to write.</param>
44882         </member>
44883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteEntityReferenceLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
44884             <summary>
44885             Verifies that entity reference links can be written.
44886             </summary>
44887             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
44888             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property for which the entity reference links are being written, or null if none is available.</param>
44889         </member>
44890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyEntityReferenceLinksHeaders(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLinks)">
44891             <summary>
44892             Verifies headers for entity reference links.
44893             </summary>
44894             <param name="links">The entity reference links to write as message payload.</param>
44895         </member>
44896         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteEntityReferenceLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
44897             <summary>
44898             Verifies that entity reference link can be written.
44899             </summary>
44900             <param name="link">The link result to write as message payload.</param>
44901         </member>
44902         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteValue(System.Object)">
44903             <summary>
44904             Verifies that value can be written.
44905             </summary>
44906             <param name="value">The value to write.</param>
44907             <returns>The payload kind to use when writing this value.</returns>
44908         </member>
44909         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyCanWriteMetadataDocument">
44910             <summary>
44911             Verifies that metadata document can be written.
44912             </summary>
44913         </member>
44914         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyMetadataDocumentHeaders">
44915             <summary>
44916             Verifies headers for metadata document.
44917             </summary>
44918         </member>
44919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyWriterNotDisposedAndNotUsed">
44920             <summary>
44921             Verifies that the ODataMessageWriter has not been disposed and has not been used before. An ODataMessageWriter
44922             can only be used to write a single message payload but can't be reused later except for writing an in-stream error.
44923             </summary>
44924         </member>
44925         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
44926             <summary>
44927             Check if the object has been disposed. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object has already been disposed.
44928             </summary>
44929         </member>
44930         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
44931             <summary>
44932             Perform the actual cleanup work.
44933             </summary>
44934             <param name="disposing">If 'true' this method is called from user code; if 'false' it is called by the runtime.</param>
44935         </member>
44936         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.VerifyPayloadKind(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind)">
44937             <summary>
44938             Verifies that, if a payload kind has been set via SetHeaders, the payload kind that
44939             is being written is the same.
44940             </summary>
44941             <param name="payloadKindToWrite">The payload kind that is attempted to write.</param>
44942         </member>
44943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteToOutput(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,System.Action,System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext})">
44944             <summary>
44945             Creates an output context and invokes a write operation on it.
44946             </summary>
44947             <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind to write.</param>
44948             <param name="verifyHeaders">Optional action which will be called after the headers has been verified to perform payload specific verification.</param>
44949             <param name="writeAction">The write operation to invoke on the output.</param>
44950         </member>
44951         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.WriteToOutput``1(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,System.Action,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataOutputContext,``0})">
44952             <summary>
44953             Creates an output context and invokes a write operation on it.
44954             </summary>
44955             <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the result of the write operation.</typeparam>
44956             <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind to write.</param>
44957             <param name="verifyHeaders">Optional action which will be called after the headers has been verified to perform payload specific verification.</param>
44958             <param name="writeFunc">The write operation to invoke on the output.</param>
44959             <returns>The result of the write operation.</returns>
44960         </member>
44961         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.Settings">
44962             <summary>
44963             The message writer settings to use when writing the message payload.
44964             </summary>
44965         </member>
44966         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter.MediaTypeResolver">
44967             <summary>
44968             The media type resolver to use when interpreting the content type.
44969             </summary>
44970         </member>
44971         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage">
44972             <summary>
44973             Wrapper class around an IODataResponseMessageAsync to isolate our code from the interface implementation.
44974             </summary>
44975             <remarks>
44976             This class also implements the message interface since it is passed to the payload kind
44977             detection logic on the format implementations and manages the buffering read stream.
44978             </remarks>
44979         </member>
44980         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.responseMessage">
44981             <summary>The response message this class is wrapping.</summary>
44982         </member>
44983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataResponseMessage,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int64)">
44984             <summary>
44985             Constructs an internal wrapper around the <paramref name="responseMessage"/>
44986             that isolates the internal implementation of the ODataLib from the interface.
44987             </summary>
44988             <param name="responseMessage">The response message to wrap.</param>
44989             <param name="writing">true if the message is being written; false when it is read.</param>
44990             <param name="disableMessageStreamDisposal">true if the stream returned should ignore dispose calls.</param>
44991             <param name="maxMessageSize">The maximum size of the message in bytes (or a negative number if no maximum applies).</param>
44992         </member>
44993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
44994             <summary>
44995             Returns a value of an HTTP header.
44996             </summary>
44997             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
44998             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
44999         </member>
45000         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
45001             <summary>
45002             Sets the value of an HTTP header.
45003             </summary>
45004             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
45005             <param name="headerValue">The value of the HTTP header or 'null' if the header should be removed.</param>
45006         </member>
45007         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.GetStream">
45008             <summary>
45009             Get the stream backing this message.
45010             </summary>
45011             <returns>The stream for this message.</returns>
45012         </member>
45013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.QueryInterface``1">
45014             <summary>
45015             Queries the message for the specified interface type.
45016             </summary>
45017             <typeparam name="TInterface">The type of the interface to query for.</typeparam>
45018             <returns>The instance of the interface asked for or null if it was not implemented by the message.</returns>
45019         </member>
45020         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.StatusCode">
45021             <summary>
45022             The result status code of the response message.
45023             </summary>
45024         </member>
45025         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataResponseMessage.Headers">
45026             <summary>
45027             Returns an enumerable over all the headers for this message.
45028             </summary>
45029         </member>
45030         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage">
45031             <summary>
45032             Wrapper class around an IODataRequestMessageAsync to isolate our code from the interface implementation.
45033             </summary>
45034         </member>
45035         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.requestMessage">
45036             <summary>The request message this class is wrapping.</summary>
45037         </member>
45038         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.IODataRequestMessage,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int64)">
45039             <summary>
45040             Constructs an internal wrapper around the <paramref name="requestMessage"/>
45041             that isolates the internal implementation of the ODataLib from the interface.
45042             </summary>
45043             <param name="requestMessage">The request message to wrap.</param>
45044             <param name="writing">true if the request message is being written; false when it is read.</param>
45045             <param name="disableMessageStreamDisposal">true if the stream returned should ignore dispose calls.</param>
45046             <param name="maxMessageSize">The maximum size of the message in bytes (or a negative value if no maximum applies).</param>
45047         </member>
45048         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.GetHeader(System.String)">
45049             <summary>
45050             Returns a value of an HTTP header.
45051             </summary>
45052             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to get.</param>
45053             <returns>The value of the HTTP header, or null if no such header was present on the message.</returns>
45054         </member>
45055         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.SetHeader(System.String,System.String)">
45056             <summary>
45057             Sets the value of an HTTP header.
45058             </summary>
45059             <param name="headerName">The name of the header to set.</param>
45060             <param name="headerValue">The value of the HTTP header or 'null' if the header should be removed.</param>
45061         </member>
45062         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.GetStream">
45063             <summary>
45064             Synchronously get the stream backing this message.
45065             </summary>
45066             <returns>The stream for this message.</returns>
45067         </member>
45068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.QueryInterface``1">
45069             <summary>
45070             Queries the message for the specified interface type.
45071             </summary>
45072             <typeparam name="TInterface">The type of the interface to query for.</typeparam>
45073             <returns>The instance of the interface asked for or null if it was not implemented by the message.</returns>
45074         </member>
45075         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.Url">
45076             <summary>
45077             The request Url for this request message.
45078             </summary>
45079         </member>
45080         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.Method">
45081             <summary>
45082             The HTTP method used for this request message.
45083             </summary>
45084         </member>
45085         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataRequestMessage.Headers">
45086             <summary>
45087             Returns an enumerable over all the headers for this message.
45088             </summary>
45089         </member>
45090         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink">
45091             <summary>
45092             Represents an association link.
45093             </summary>
45094         </member>
45095         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink.metadataBuilder">
45096             <summary>the metadata builder for this association link.</summary>
45097         </member>
45098         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink.url">
45099             <summary>URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (Url) of the link.</summary>
45100         </member>
45101         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink.hasAssociationLinkUrl">
45102             <summary>true if the association link has been set by the user or seen on the wire or computed by the metadata builder, false otherwise.</summary>
45103         </member>
45104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink.SetMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder)">
45105             <summary>
45106             Sets the metadata builder for this association link.
45107             </summary>
45108             <param name="builder">The metadata builder used to compute values from model annotations.</param>
45109         </member>
45110         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink.Name">
45111             <summary>Gets or sets the name of the association link.</summary>
45112             <returns>The name of the associate link.</returns>
45113             <remarks>This is the name of the navigation property to which the association link belongs.</remarks>
45114         </member>
45115         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataAssociationLink.Url">
45116             <summary>Gets or sets the URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (URL) of the link.</summary>
45117             <returns>The URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (URL) of the link.</returns>
45118             <remarks>This URL should point to a resource which can be used to retrieve or modify the association itself
45119             not the URL to traverse the navigation property.</remarks>
45120         </member>
45121         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError">
45122             <summary>
45123             Class representing an error payload.
45124             </summary>
45125         </member>
45126         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.VerifySetAnnotation(System.Object)">
45127             <summary>
45128             Verifies that <paramref name="annotation"/> can be added as an annotation of this.
45129             </summary>
45130             <param name="annotation">Annotation instance.</param>
45131         </member>
45132         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.GetInstanceAnnotationsForWriting">
45133             <summary>
45134             Gets the collection of instance annotations from this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance.
45135             </summary>
45136             <returns>The collection of instance annotations </returns>
45137         </member>
45138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.AddInstanceAnnotationForReading(System.String,System.Object)">
45139             <summary>
45140             Adds an instance annotation from the payload to this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError"/> instance.
45141             </summary>
45142             <param name="instanceAnnotationName">The name of the instance annotation.</param>
45143             <param name="instanceAnnotationValue">The value of the instance annotation.</param>
45144         </member>
45145         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.ErrorCode">
45146             <summary>Gets or sets the error code to be used in payloads.</summary>
45147             <returns>The error code to be used in payloads.</returns>
45148         </member>
45149         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.Message">
45150             <summary>Gets or sets the error message.</summary>
45151             <returns>The error message.</returns>
45152         </member>
45153         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.MessageLanguage">
45154             <summary>Gets or sets the language for the exception Message.</summary>
45155             <returns>The language for the exception Message.</returns>
45156         </member>
45157         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.InnerError">
45158             <summary>Gets or sets the implementation specific debugging information to help determine the cause of the error.</summary>
45159             <returns>The implementation specific debugging information.</returns>
45160         </member>
45161         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError.InstanceAnnotations">
45162             <summary>
45163             Collection of custom instance annotations.
45164             </summary>
45165         </member>
45166         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker">
45167             <summary>
45168             Utility class to check feature availability in a certain version of OData.
45169             </summary>
45170         </member>
45171         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckCount(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45172             <summary>
45173             Check whether the inline count feature is supported in the specified version.
45174             </summary>
45175             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45176         </member>
45177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckCollectionValueProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,System.String)">
45178             <summary>
45179             Check whether CollectionValue properties are supported in the specified version.
45180             </summary>
45181             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45182             <param name="propertyName">The name of the property which holds the collection.</param>
45183         </member>
45184         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckCollectionValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45185             <summary>
45186             Check whether CollectionValue is supported in the specified version. 
45187             </summary>
45188             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45189         </member>
45190         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckNextLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45191             <summary>
45192             Check whether the next link feature is supported in the specified version.
45193             </summary>
45194             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45195         </member>
45196         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckDeltaLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45197             <summary>
45198             Check whether the delta link feature is supported in the specified version.
45199             </summary>
45200             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45201         </member>
45202         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckStreamReferenceProperty(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45203             <summary>
45204             Check whether the named streams feature is supported in the specified version.
45205             </summary>
45206             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45207         </member>
45208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckAssociationLinks(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45209             <summary>
45210             Check whether the association links feature is supported in the specified version.
45211             </summary>
45212             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45213         </member>
45214         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckCustomTypeScheme(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45215             <summary>
45216             Check whether the custom Type Scheme feature is supported in the specified version.
45217             </summary>
45218             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45219         </member>
45220         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckCustomDataNamespace(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45221             <summary>
45222             Check whether the custom Data Namespace feature is supported in the specified version.
45223             </summary>
45224             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45225         </member>
45226         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckParameterPayload(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45227             <summary>
45228             Check whether parameters in the payload are supported in the specified version.
45229             </summary>
45230             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45231         </member>
45232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckEntityPropertyMapping(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
45233             <summary>
45234             Check whether the EPM on the specified entity type is supported in the specified version.
45235             </summary>
45236             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45237             <param name="entityType">The entity type to check.</param>
45238             <param name="model">The model containing annotations for the entity type.</param>
45239         </member>
45240         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckSpatialValue(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
45241             <summary>
45242             Check whether the spatial value is supported in the specified version.
45243             </summary>
45244             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45245         </member>
45246         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersionChecker.CheckVersionSupported(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageReaderSettings)">
45247             <summary>
45248             Checks that the version specified on the request or the response is supported by this library.
45249             </summary>
45250             <param name="version">The version to check.</param>
45251             <param name="messageReaderSettings">The message reader settings specified for the reader.</param>
45252             <remarks>In internal drops we currently do not support protocol version 3.</remarks>
45253         </member>
45254         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes">
45255             <summary>
45256             An enumeration that lists the internal errors.
45257             </summary>
45258         </member>
45259         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataWriterCore_WriteEnd_UnreachableCodePath">
45260             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataWriterCore.WriteEnd</summary>
45261         </member>
45262         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataWriterCore_ValidateTransition_UnreachableCodePath">
45263             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataWriterCore.ValidateTransition</summary>
45264         </member>
45265         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataWriterCore_Scope_Create_UnreachableCodePath">
45266             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataWriterCore.Scope.Create</summary>
45267         </member>
45268         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataWriterCore_DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker">
45269             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataWriterCore.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker.</summary>
45270         </member>
45271         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataWriterCore_ParentNavigationLinkScope">
45272             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataWriterCore.ParentNavigationLinkScope.</summary>
45273         </member>
45274         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataUtils_VersionString_UnreachableCodePath">
45275             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataUtils.VersionString</summary>
45276         </member>
45277         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataUtilsInternal_ToDataServiceVersion_UnreachableCodePath">
45278             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataUtilsInternal.ToDataServiceVersion</summary>
45279         </member>
45280         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataUtilsInternal_IsPayloadKindSupported_UnreachableCodePath">
45281             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataUtilsInternal.IsPayloadKindSupported</summary>
45282         </member>
45283         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataUtils_GetDefaultEncoding_UnreachableCodePath">
45284             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataUtils.GetDefaultEncoding</summary>
45285         </member>
45286         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataUtils_ParseSerializableEpmAnnotations_UnreachableCodePath">
45287             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataUtils.ParseSerializableEpmAnnotations</summary>
45288         </member>
45289         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMessageWriter_WriteProperty">
45290             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataMessageWriter.WriteProperty</summary>
45291         </member>
45292         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMessageWriter_WriteEntityReferenceLink">
45293             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLink</summary>
45294         </member>
45295         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMessageWriter_WriteEntityReferenceLinks">
45296             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLinks</summary>
45297         </member>
45298         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMessageWriter_WriteError">
45299             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataMessageWriter.WriteError</summary>
45300         </member>
45301         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMessageWriter_WriteServiceDocument">
45302             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataMessageWriter.WriteServiceDocument</summary>
45303         </member>
45304         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMessageWriter_WriteMetadataDocument">
45305             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataMessageWriter.WriteMetadataDocument</summary>
45306         </member>
45307         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmSyndicationWriter_WriteEntryEpm_ContentTarget">
45308             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmSyndicationWriter.WriteEntryEpm when writing content target.</summary>
45309         </member>
45310         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmSyndicationWriter_CreateAtomTextConstruct">
45311             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmSyndicationWriter.CreateAtomTextConstruct when converting text kind from Syndication enumeration.</summary>
45312         </member>
45313         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmSyndicationWriter_WritePersonEpm">
45314             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmSyndicationWriter.WritePersonEpm.</summary>
45315         </member>
45316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmSyndicationWriter_WriteParentSegment_TargetSegmentName">
45317             <summary>Unhandled EpmTargetPathSegment.SegmentName in EpmSyndicationWriter.WriteParentSegment.</summary>
45318         </member>
45319         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataAtomConvert_ToString">
45320             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataAtomConvert.ToString(AtomTextConstructKind)</summary>
45321         </member>
45322         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataCollectionWriter_CreateCollectionWriter_UnreachableCodePath">
45323             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataCollectionWriter.CreateCollectionWriter</summary>
45324         </member>
45325         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataCollectionWriterCore_ValidateTransition_UnreachableCodePath">
45326             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataCollectionWriterCore.ValidateTransition</summary>
45327         </member>
45328         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataCollectionWriterCore_WriteEnd_UnreachableCodePath">
45329             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataCollectionWriterCore.WriteEnd</summary>
45330         </member>
45331         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriter_CannotCreateParameterWriterForFormat">
45332             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.CreateParameterWriter</summary>
45333         </member>
45334         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriterCore_ValidateTransition_InvalidTransitionFromStart">
45335             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.ValidateTransition</summary>
45336         </member>
45337         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriterCore_ValidateTransition_InvalidTransitionFromCanWriteParameter">
45338             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.ValidateTransition</summary>
45339         </member>
45340         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriterCore_ValidateTransition_InvalidTransitionFromActiveSubWriter">
45341             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.ValidateTransition</summary>
45342         </member>
45343         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriterCore_ValidateTransition_InvalidTransitionFromCompleted">
45344             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.ValidateTransition</summary>
45345         </member>
45346         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriterCore_ValidateTransition_InvalidTransitionFromError">
45347             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.ValidateTransition</summary>
45348         </member>
45349         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriterCore_ValidateTransition_UnreachableCodePath">
45350             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.ValidateTransition</summary>
45351         </member>
45352         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterWriterCore_WriteEndImplementation_UnreachableCodePath">
45353             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterWriter.WriteEndImplementation</summary>
45354         </member>
45355         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.QueryPathValidator_ValidateSegment_Root">
45356             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataPathValidator.ValidateSegment root branch</summary>
45357         </member>
45358         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.QueryPathValidator_ValidateSegment_NonRoot">
45359             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataPathValidator.ValidateSegment non-root branch</summary>
45360         </member>
45361         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchWriter_ValidateTransition_UnreachableCodePath">
45362             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchWriter.ValidateTransition</summary>
45363         </member>
45364         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchWriterUtils_HttpMethod_ToText_UnreachableCodePath">
45365             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchWriter.ToText(this HttpMethod).</summary>
45366         </member>
45367         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReader_ReadImplementation">
45368             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReader.ReadImplementation.</summary>
45369         </member>
45370         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReader_GetEndBoundary_Completed">
45371             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReader.GetEndBoundary in state Completed.</summary>
45372         </member>
45373         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReader_GetEndBoundary_Exception">
45374             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReader.GetEndBoundary in state Exception.</summary>
45375         </member>
45376         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReader_GetEndBoundary_UnknownValue">
45377             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReader.GetEndBoundary because of invalid enum value.</summary>
45378         </member>
45379         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReaderStream_SkipToBoundary">
45380             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReaderStream.SkipToBoundary.</summary>
45381         </member>
45382         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReaderStream_ReadLine">
45383             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadLine.</summary>
45384         </member>
45385         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReaderStream_ReadWithDelimiter">
45386             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReaderStream.ReadWithDelimiter.</summary>
45387         </member>
45388         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer_ScanForBoundary">
45389             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.ScanForBoundary.</summary>
45390         </member>
45391         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer_ReadWithLength">
45392             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer.ReadWithLength.</summary>
45393         </member>
45394         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.JsonReader_Read">
45395             <summary>Unreachable codepath in JsonReader.Read.</summary>
45396         </member>
45397         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataReader_CreateReader_UnreachableCodePath">
45398             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataReader.CreateReader.</summary>
45399         </member>
45400         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataReaderCore_ReadImplementation">
45401             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataReaderCore.ReadImplementation.</summary>
45402         </member>
45403         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataReaderCoreAsync_ReadAsynchronously">
45404             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataReaderCoreAsync.ReadAsynchronously.</summary>
45405         </member>
45406         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ReadFeedProperty">
45407             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataVerboseJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedProperty.</summary>
45408         </member>
45409         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataVerboseJsonReader_ReadEntryStart">
45410             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataVerboseJsonReader.ReadEntryStart.</summary>
45411         </member>
45412         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_ReadPropertyValue">
45413             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataVerboseJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadPropertyValue.</summary>
45414         </member>
45415         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataCollectionReader_CreateReader_UnreachableCodePath">
45416             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataCollectionReader.CreateReader.</summary>
45417         </member>
45418         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataCollectionReaderCore_ReadImplementation">
45419             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataCollectionReaderCore.ReadImplementation.</summary>
45420         </member>
45421         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataCollectionReaderCoreAsync_ReadAsynchronously">
45422             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataCollectionReaderCoreAsync.ReadAsynchronously.</summary>
45423         </member>
45424         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterReaderCore_ReadImplementation">
45425             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterReaderCore.ReadImplementation.</summary>
45426         </member>
45427         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterReaderCoreAsync_ReadAsynchronously">
45428             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataParameterReaderCoreAsync.ReadAsynchronously.</summary>
45429         </member>
45430         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataParameterReaderCore_ValueMustBePrimitiveOrComplexOrNull">
45431             <summary>The value from the parameter reader must be a primitive value, an ODataComplexValue or null</summary>
45432         </member>
45433         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataAtomReader_ReadAtNavigationLinkStartImplementation">
45434             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataAtomReader.ReadAtNavigationLinkStartImplementation.</summary>
45435         </member>
45436         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer_ReadNonEntityValue">
45437             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadNonEntityValue.</summary>
45438         </member>
45439         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.AtomValueUtils_ConvertStringToPrimitive">
45440             <summary>Unreachable codepath in AtomValueUtils.ConvertStringToPrimitive.</summary>
45441         </member>
45442         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EdmCoreModel_PrimitiveType">
45443             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmCoreModel.PrimitiveType (unsupported type).</summary>
45444         </member>
45445         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmSyndicationReader_ReadEntryEpm_ContentTarget">
45446             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmSyndicationReader.ReadEntryEpm when reading content target.</summary>
45447         </member>
45448         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmSyndicationReader_ReadParentSegment_TargetSegmentName">
45449             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmSyndicationReader.ReadParentSegment.</summary>
45450         </member>
45451         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmSyndicationReader_ReadPersonEpm">
45452             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmSyndicationReader.ReadPersonEpm.</summary>
45453         </member>
45454         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmReader_SetEpmValueForSegment_TypeKind">
45455             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmReader.SetEpmValueForSegment when found unexpected type kind.</summary>
45456         </member>
45457         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmReader_SetEpmValueForSegment_StreamProperty">
45458             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmReader.SetEpmValueForSegment when found EPM for a primitive stream property.</summary>
45459         </member>
45460         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ReaderValidationUtils_ResolveAndValidateTypeName_Strict_TypeKind">
45461             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ReaderValidationUtils.ResolveAndValidateTypeName in the strict branch, unexpected type kind.</summary>
45462         </member>
45463         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ReaderValidationUtils_ResolveAndValidateTypeName_Lax_TypeKind">
45464             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ReaderValidationUtils.ResolveAndValidateTypeName in the lax branch, unexpected type kind.</summary>
45465         </member>
45466         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EpmExtensionMethods_ToAttributeValue_SyndicationItemProperty">
45467             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EpmExtensionMethods.ToAttributeValue(ODataSyndicationItemProperty) when found unexpected type syndication item property kind.</summary>
45468         </member>
45469         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMetadataFormat_CreateOutputContextAsync">
45470             <summary>The ODataMetadataFormat.CreateOutputContextAsync was called, but this method is not yet supported.</summary>
45471         </member>
45472         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataMetadataFormat_CreateInputContextAsync">
45473             <summary>The ODataMetadataFormat.CreateInputContextAsync was called, but this method is not yet supported.</summary>
45474         </member>
45475         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataModelFunctions_UnsupportedMethodOrProperty">
45476             <summary>An unsupported method or property has been called on the IDictionary implementation of the ODataModelFunctions.</summary>
45477         </member>
45478         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_ReadPropertyValue">
45479             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.ReadPropertyValue.</summary>
45480         </member>
45481         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_GetNonEntityValueKind">
45482             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer.GetNonEntityValueKind.</summary>
45483         </member>
45484         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ReadFeedProperty">
45485             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer.ReadFeedProperty.</summary>
45486         </member>
45487         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightReader_ReadEntryStart">
45488             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightReader.ReadEntryStart.</summary>
45489         </member>
45490         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ReadTopLevelFeedAnnotations">
45491             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ReadTopLevelFeedAnnotations.ReadTopLevelFeedAnnotations.</summary>
45492         </member>
45493         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightReader_ReadFeedEnd">
45494             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightReader.ReadFeedEnd.</summary>
45495         </member>
45496         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer_ReadCollectionStart">
45497             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionStart.</summary>
45498         </member>
45499         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer_ReadCollectionStart_TypeKindFromPayloadFunc">
45500             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionStart.TypeKindFromPayloadFunc.</summary>
45501         </member>
45502         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer_ReadCollectionEnd">
45503             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer.ReadCollectionEnd.</summary>
45504         </member>
45505         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_ReadSingleEntityReferenceLink">
45506             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadSingleEntityReferenceLink.</summary>
45507         </member>
45508         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_ReadEntityReferenceLinksAnnotations">
45509             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer.ReadEntityReferenceLinksAnnotations.</summary>
45510         </member>
45511         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer_ReadNextParameter">
45512             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer.ReadNextParameter.</summary>
45513         </member>
45514         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer_ReadAnnotationGroupDeclaration">
45515             <summary>Unreachable codepath in ODataJsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer.ReadAnnotationGroupDeclaration.</summary>
45516         </member>
45517         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.EdmTypeWriterResolver_GetReturnTypeForFunctionImportGroup">
45518             <summary>Unreachable codepath in EdmTypeWriterResolver.GetReturnType for function import group.</summary>
45519         </member>
45520         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.InternalErrorCodes.ODataVersionCache_UnknownVersion">
45521             <summary>Unreachable codepath in the indexer of ODataVersionCache for unknown versions.</summary>
45522         </member>
45523         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter">
45524             <summary>
45525             Implementation of the ODataWriter for the Verbose JSON format.
45526             </summary>
45527         </member>
45528         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.verboseJsonOutputContext">
45529             <summary>
45530             The output context to write to.
45531             </summary>
45532         </member>
45533         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.verboseJsonEntryAndFeedSerializer">
45534             <summary>
45535             The JSON entry and feed seriazlizer to use.
45536             </summary>
45537         </member>
45538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean)">
45539             <summary>
45540             Constructor.
45541             </summary>
45542             <param name="jsonOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
45543             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
45544             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
45545             <param name="writingFeed">true if the writer is created for writing a feed; false when it is created for writing an entry.</param>
45546         </member>
45547         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
45548             <summary>
45549             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
45550             has already been disposed.
45551             </summary>
45552         </member>
45553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.FlushSynchronously">
45554             <summary>
45555             Flush the output.
45556             </summary>
45557         </member>
45558         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.StartPayload">
45559             <summary>
45560             Starts writing a payload (called exactly once before anything else)
45561             </summary>
45562         </member>
45563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.EndPayload">
45564             <summary>
45565             Ends writing a payload (called exactly once after everything else in case of success)
45566             </summary>
45567         </member>
45568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.StartEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
45569             <summary>
45570             Start writing an entry.
45571             </summary>
45572             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
45573         </member>
45574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.EndEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
45575             <summary>
45576             Finish writing an entry.
45577             </summary>
45578             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
45579         </member>
45580         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.StartFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
45581             <summary>
45582             Start writing a feed.
45583             </summary>
45584             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
45585         </member>
45586         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.EndFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
45587             <summary>
45588             Finish writing a feed.
45589             </summary>
45590             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
45591         </member>
45592         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.WriteDeferredNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
45593             <summary>
45594             Start writing a deferred (non-expanded) navigation link.
45595             </summary>
45596             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
45597         </member>
45598         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.StartNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
45599             <summary>
45600             Start writing a navigation link with content.
45601             </summary>
45602             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
45603         </member>
45604         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.EndNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
45605             <summary>
45606             Finish writing a navigation link with content.
45607             </summary>
45608             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
45609         </member>
45610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.WriteEntityReferenceInNavigationLinkContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
45611             <summary>
45612             Write an entity reference link.
45613             </summary>
45614             <param name="parentNavigationLink">The parent navigation link which is being written around the entity reference link.</param>
45615             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
45616         </member>
45617         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.CreateFeedScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
45618             <summary>
45619             Create a new feed scope.
45620             </summary>
45621             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
45622             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
45623             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
45624             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
45625             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
45626             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
45627         </member>
45628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.CreateEntryScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
45629             <summary>
45630             Create a new entry scope.
45631             </summary>
45632             <param name="entry">The entry for the new scope.</param>
45633             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
45634             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
45635             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
45636             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
45637             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
45638         </member>
45639         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.WriteFeedCount(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
45640             <summary>
45641             Writes the __count property for a feed if it has not been written yet (and the count is specified on the feed).
45642             </summary>
45643             <param name="feed">The feed to write the count for.</param>
45644         </member>
45645         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.CurrentFeedScope">
45646             <summary>
45647             Returns the current VerboseJsonFeedScope.
45648             </summary>
45649         </member>
45650         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.VerboseJsonFeedScope">
45651             <summary>
45652             A scope for a verbose JSON feed.
45653             </summary>
45654         </member>
45655         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.VerboseJsonFeedScope.countWritten">
45656             <summary>true if the __count was already written, false otherwise.</summary>
45657         </member>
45658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.VerboseJsonFeedScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
45659             <summary>
45660             Constructor to create a new feed scope.
45661             </summary>
45662             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
45663             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
45664             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
45665             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
45666             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
45667         </member>
45668         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.VerboseJson.ODataVerboseJsonWriter.VerboseJsonFeedScope.CountWritten">
45669             <summary>
45670             true if the __count was already written, false otherwise.
45671             </summary>
45672         </member>
45673         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.UriUtils">
45674             <summary>
45675             Uri utility methods.
45676             </summary>
45677         </member>
45678         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.UriUtils.ExampleMetadataAbsoluteUri">
45679             <summary>
45680             An absolute Uri to use as the base Uri for escaping a Uri fragment.
45681             </summary>
45682         </member>
45683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.UriUtils.UriToAbsoluteUri(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
45684             <summary>
45685             Returns an absolute URI constructed from the specified base URI and a relative URI
45686             </summary>
45687             <param name="baseUri">The base URI to use.</param>
45688             <param name="relativeUri">The relative URI to use.</param>
45689             <returns>The absolute URI as a result of combining the base URI with the relative URI.</returns>
45690         </member>
45691         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.UriUtils.EnsureEscapedRelativeUri(System.Uri)">
45692             <summary>
45693             A method to ensure that the original string of a relative URI is escaped.
45694             </summary>
45695             <param name="uri">The relative <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> to escape.</param>
45696             <returns>A relative URI instance with guaranteed escaped original string.</returns>
45697         </member>
45698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.UriUtils.EnsureEscapedFragment(System.String)">
45699             <summary>
45700             Gets the escaped metadata reference property name.
45701             </summary>
45702             <param name="fragmentString">The metadata reference property name in question.</param>
45703             <returns>The Uri escaped metadata reference property name.</returns>
45704         </member>
45705         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue">
45706             <summary>
45707             OData representation of a Collection.
45708             </summary>
45709         </member>
45710         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue.TypeName">
45711             <summary>Gets or sets the type of the collection value.</summary>
45712             <returns>The type of the collection value.</returns>
45713         </member>
45714         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataCollectionValue.Items">
45715             <summary>Gets or sets the items in the bag value.</summary>
45716             <returns>The items in the bag value.</returns>
45717         </member>
45718         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings">
45719             <summary>
45720             Configuration settings for OData message writers.
45721             </summary>
45722         </member>
45723         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.acceptCharSets">
45724             <summary>
45725             The acceptable charsets used to the determine the encoding of the message.
45726             This is a comma separated list of charsets as specified in RFC 2616, Section 14.2
45727             </summary>
45728         </member>
45729         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.acceptMediaTypes">
45730             <summary>
45731             The acceptable media types used to determine the content type of the message.
45732             This is a comma separated list of content types as specified in RFC 2616, Section 14.1
45733             </summary>
45734         </member>
45735         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.format">
45736             <summary>
45737             The format to use when writing the payload; this replaces the 'AcceptHeader' and 'AcceptCharSetHeader' 
45738             fields and uses the default values for the respective format. If null is specified
45739             the default format and the default media type will be picked depending on the writer these settings are used with.
45740             </summary>
45741         </member>
45742         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.useFormat">
45743             <summary>
45744             true if the Format property should be used to compute the media type; 
45745             false if AcceptableMediaTypes and AcceptableCharsets should be used.
45746             null if neither the format nor the acceptable media types/charsets have been set.
45747             </summary>
45748         </member>
45749         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.atomFormatStartEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">
45750             <summary>
45751             The start ATOM entry callback for XML customization of entries.
45752             </summary>
45753         </member>
45754         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.atomFormatEndEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">
45755             <summary>
45756             The end ATOM entry callback for XML customization of entries.
45757             </summary>
45758         </member>
45759         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.writerBehavior">
45760             <summary>
45761             An instance representing any knobs that control the behavior of the writers
45762             inside and outside of WCF Data Services.
45763             </summary>
45764         </member>
45765         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.metadataDocumentUri">
45766             <summary>Stores the base uri for the metadata document along with a select clause.</summary>
45767         </member>
45768         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.shouldIncludeAnnotation">
45769             <summary>
45770             Func to evaluate whether an annotation should be writen by the writer. The func should return true if the annotation should
45771             be writen and false if the annotation should be skipped.
45772             </summary>
45773         </member>
45774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.alwaysUseDefaultXmlNamespaceForRootElement">
45775             <summary>
45776             If set to true, then the root element of each payload will be written in the default (non-prefix-qualified) namespace of the document. 
45777             All other elements in the same namespace will also not have prefixes.
45778             </summary>
45779         </member>
45780         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.#ctor">
45781             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings" /> class with default settings. </summary>
45782         </member>
45783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings)">
45784             <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings" /> class with specified settings.</summary>
45785             <param name="other">The specified settings.</param>
45786         </member>
45787         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.SetContentType(System.String,System.String)">
45788             <summary>Sets the acceptable media types and character sets from which the content type will be computed when writing the payload.</summary>
45789             <param name="acceptableMediaTypes">The acceptable media types used to determine the content type of the message. This is a comma separated list of content types as specified in RFC 2616, Section 14.1.</param>
45790             <param name="acceptableCharSets"> The acceptable charsets to use to determine the encoding of the message. This is a comma separated list of charsets as specified in RFC 2616, Section 14.2 </param>
45791             <remarks>Calling this method replaces any previously set content-type settings.</remarks>
45792         </member>
45793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.SetContentType(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
45794             <summary>Sets the format to be used when writing the payload. This will automatically set a compatible content type header.</summary>
45795             <param name="payloadFormat">The format to use for writing the payload.</param>
45796             <remarks>Calling this method replaces any previously set content-type settings.</remarks>
45797         </member>
45798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.SetAtomEntryXmlCustomization(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.Xml.XmlWriter},System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.Xml.XmlWriter})">
45799             <summary>Sets the customization XML format for Atom entry.</summary>
45800             <param name="atomStartEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">The start of the Atom entry XML customization callback.</param>
45801             <param name="atomEndEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">The end of the Atom entry XML customization callback.</param>
45802             <remarks>
45803             Either both <paramref name="atomStartEntryXmlCustomizationCallback"/> and <paramref name="atomEndEntryXmlCustomizationCallback"/> must be null, or both must be non-null.
45804             The XmlWriter returned by the startEntryXmlCustomizationCallback is not owned by the ODataWriter and it won't be Disposed or Flushed or cleared
45805             in any way by it. It's the responsibility of the caller to flush/dispose it inside the endEntryXmlCustomizationCallback and also in case of an exception.
45806             In case an exception is thrown while a new writer is used to write an entry, only the original XmlWriter will be disposed
45807             and no endEntryXmlCustomizationCallback will be called.
45808             It's the responsibility of this callback to write the entry payload written to the entryWriter into the parentWriter at this point.
45809             The ODataWriter assumes that once this callback returns the entry was already written and it will continue onward.
45810             If expanded entries are being written this callback may get called multiple times without the corresponding end callback in between.
45811             It's the responsibility of the callback and the caller to be able to handle nested entries.
45812             This method only applies when writing ATOM format payloads.
45813             When writing payloads in different formats, this method has no effect.
45814             param name="atomStartEntryXmlCustomizationCallback"
45815             If non-null this func will be called when a new (non-null) entry is to be written.
45816             It takes two parameters:
45817              - ODataEntry entry - which is the entry to be written.
45818              - XmlWriter writer - which is the current XmlWriter used by the ODataWriter to write the entry.
45819             It returns XmlWriter:
45820              - null - means there's no need to customize the XML for this entry, and thus the original writer will be used to write the entry.
45821              - non-null XmlWriter - the ODataWriter will use the new returned writer to write the entry.
45822                  Once the entry has been written the EndEntryXmlCustomizationCallback will be called and the writer will be passed to it.
45823                  Note that the ODataWriter will not dipose or otherwise clear the writer.
45824                  The callback must never return the same instance as the writer parameter!
45825             param name="atomEndEntryXmlCustomizationCallback"
45826             If non-null this action will be called when a (non-null) entry has been written.
45827             The action takes three parameters:
45828              - ODataEntry entry - which is the entry which was written.
45829              - XmlWriter entryWriter - the XmlWriter used to write the entry. The action must dispose or otherwise clear this writer.
45830              - XmlWriter parentWriter - the XmlWriter used to write the parent scope of the entry. This is the writer which will be used to write further
45831                  payload once this action returns.
45832             </remarks>
45833         </member>
45834         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.EnableDefaultBehavior">
45835             <summary>Enables the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings" /> default behavior.</summary>
45836         </member>
45837         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesServerBehavior(System.Boolean)">
45838             <summary>Specifies whether the WCF data services server behavior is enabled.</summary>
45839             <param name="usesV1Provider">true if the server uses V1 provider, otherwise, false.</param>
45840         </member>
45841         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesServerBehavior(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
45842             <summary>Specifies whether the WCF data services server behavior is enabled.</summary>
45843             <param name="usesV1Provider">true if the server uses V1 provider, otherwise, false.</param>
45844             <param name="alwaysUseDefaultXmlNamespaceForRootElement">true if the server is configured to leave prefixes off all root elements and anything else in the same namespace, otherwise, false.</param>
45845         </member>
45846         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesClientBehavior(System.Func{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.Xml.XmlWriter},System.Action{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.Xml.XmlWriter},System.String,System.String)">
45847             <summary>Enables the WCF data services client behavior.</summary>
45848             <param name="startEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">The start of the entry XML customization callback.</param>
45849             <param name="endEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">The end of the entry XML customization callback.</param>
45850             <param name="odataNamespace">The OData namespace.</param>
45851             <param name="typeScheme">The type scheme.</param>
45852             <remarks>
45853             Either both <paramref name="startEntryXmlCustomizationCallback"/> and <paramref name="endEntryXmlCustomizationCallback"/> must be null, or both must be non-null.
45854             The XmlWriter returned by the startEntryXmlCustomizationCallback is not owned by the ODataWriter and it won't be Disposed or Flushed or cleared
45855             in any way by it. It's the responsibility of the caller to flush/dispose it inside the endEntryXmlCustomizationCallback and also in case of an exception.
45856             In case an exception is thrown while a new writer is used to write an entry, only the original XmlWriter will be disposed
45857             and no endEntryXmlCustomizationCallback will be called.
45858             It's the responsibility of this callback to write the entry payload written to the entryWriter into the parentWriter at this point.
45859             The ODataWriter assumes that once this callback returns the entry was already written and it will continue onward.
45860             If expanded entries are being written this callback may get called multiple times without the corresponding end callback in between.
45861             It's the responsibility of the callback and the caller to be able to handle nested entries.
45862             </remarks>
45863         </member>
45864         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.SetMetadataDocumentUri(System.Uri)">
45865             <summary>Sets the URI of the metadata document.</summary>
45866             <param name="value">The URI of the metadata document.</param>
45867         </member>
45868         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.SetMetadataDocumentUri(System.Uri,System.String)">
45869             <summary>Sets the URI of the metadata document.</summary>
45870             <param name="value">The URI of the metadata document.</param>
45871             <param name="selectClause">The select clause.</param>
45872         </member>
45873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.ContainUndeclaredPropertyBehavior(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds)">
45874             <summary>
45875             True if OdataMessgeReaderSettings contain corresponding undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.
45876             </summary>
45877             <param name="undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">The enum value of ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.</param>
45878             <returns>True if OdataMessgeReaderSettings contain corresponding undeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.</returns>
45879         </member>
45880         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.HasJsonPaddingFunction">
45881             <summary>
45882             Determines if there is a JSON padding function defined.
45883             </summary>
45884             <returns>True if the JsonPCallback property is not null or emtpy.</returns>
45885         </member>
45886         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.ShouldSkipAnnotation(System.String)">
45887             <summary>
45888             Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should not be writen, false otherwise.
45889             </summary>
45890             <param name="annotationName">The name of the annotation in question.</param>
45891             <returns>Returns true to indicate that the annotation with the name <paramref name="annotationName"/> should not be writen, false otherwise.</returns>
45892         </member>
45893         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.Version">
45894             <summary>Gets or sets the OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads. </summary>
45895             <returns>The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</returns>
45896         </member>
45897         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.BaseUri">
45898             <summary>Gets or sets the document base URI which is used as base for all relative URIs. </summary>
45899             <returns>The document base URI which is used as base for all relative URIs.</returns>
45900             <remarks>
45901             Note that for typical OData services this should end with a slash character. For example "http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/" will work as expected,
45902             that is a relative URI "Products(0)" will correctly combine with the base to produce "http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/Products(0)".
45903             If the URI would not end with a slash, the last segment is not considered when base and relative URIs are combined.
45904             So for example this base URI "http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc" combined with relative URI "Products(0)" would produce
45905             "http://services.odata.org/OData/Products(0)", which is typically not the desired result.
45906             </remarks>
45907         </member>
45908         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds">
45909             <summary>
45910             Gets or sets UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.
45911             </summary>
45912         </member>
45913         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.DisableMessageStreamDisposal">
45914             <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the message stream will not be disposed after finishing writing with the message.</summary>
45915             <returns>true if the message stream will not be disposed after finishing writing with the message; otherwise false. The default value is false.</returns>
45916         </member>
45917         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.JsonPCallback">
45918             <summary>Gets or sets a callback function use to wrap the response from server.</summary>
45919             <returns>The callback function used to wrap the response from server.</returns>
45920             <remarks>If it has a value and we are writing a JSON response, then we will wrap the entirety of the response in
45921             the provided function name and parenthesis for JSONP. Otherwise this value is ignored.</remarks>
45922         </member>
45923         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AutoComputePayloadMetadataInJson">
45924             <summary>
45925             Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the writer should automatically generate or omit metadata in JSON payloads based on the metadata level.
45926             </summary>
45927             <remarks>
45928             Payload metadata includes the type names of entries and property values as well as any information that may be computed automatically, such as edit links.
45929             If, for example, ODataEntry.EditLink is not specified, then it will be automatically computed and written out in full metadata mode.
45930             If ODataEntry.EditLink is specified, then that value will be considered an "override" of the default computed edit link, and will be written out in full and minimal metadata modes. It will not be written in no metadata mode.
45931             </remarks>
45932         </member>
45933         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AutoGeneratedUrlsShouldPutKeyValueInDedicatedSegment">
45934             <summary>
45935             Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the writer should put key values in their own URI segment when automatically building URIs.
45936             If this value is false, automatically-generated URLs will take the form "../EntitySet('KeyValue')/..".
45937             If this value is true, automatically-generated URLs will take the form "../EntitySet/KeyValue/..".
45938             If this value is not set (null), decision will be made based on the "Com.Microsoft.Data.Services.Conventions.V1.UrlConventions" vocabulary
45939             annotation on the IEdmEntityContainer, if available. The default behavior is to put key values inside parentheses and not a distinct URL segments.
45940             This setting only applies to URLs that are automatically generated by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriter"/> and does not modify URLs explicitly provided by the user.
45941             </summary>
45942         </member>
45943         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AlwaysUseDefaultXmlNamespaceForRootElement">
45944             <summary>
45945             If set to true, then the root element of each payload will be written in the default (non-prefix-qualified) namespace of the document. 
45946             All other elements in the same namespace will also not have prefixes.
45947             </summary>
45948         </member>
45949         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AcceptableMediaTypes">
45950             <summary>
45951             The acceptable media types used to determine the content type of the message.
45952             This is a comma separated list of content types as specified in RFC 2616, Section 14.1
45953             </summary>
45954             <remarks>A null or empty accept header means that all content types are acceptable.</remarks>
45955             <remarks>For response messages this is usually the 'Accept' header of the request message.</remarks>
45956         </member>
45957         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AcceptableCharsets">
45958             <summary>
45959             The acceptable charsets used to the determine the encoding of the message.
45960             This is a comma separated list of charsets as specified in RFC 2616, Section 14.2
45961             </summary>
45962             <remarks>A null or empty accept charset header means that all charsets are acceptable.</remarks>
45963             <remarks>For response messages this is usually the 'Accept-Charset' header of the request message.</remarks>
45964         </member>
45965         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.WriterBehavior">
45966             <summary>
45967             The writer behavior that holds all the knobs needed to make the writer
45968             behave differently inside and outside of WCF Data Services.
45969             </summary>
45970         </member>
45971         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.Format">
45972             <summary>
45973             The format to use when writing the payload; this replaces the 'AcceptHeader' and 'AcceptCharSetHeader' 
45974             properties and uses the default values for the respective format. If null is specified
45975             the default format and the default media type will be picked depending on the writer these settings are used with.
45976             </summary>
45977         </member>
45978         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.UseFormat">
45979             <summary>
45980             true if the Format property should be used to compute the media type; 
45981             false if AcceptableMediaTypes and AcceptableCharsets should be used.
45982             null if neither the format nor the acceptable media types/charsets have been set.
45983             </summary>
45984         </member>
45985         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AtomStartEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">
45986             <summary>
45987             The start ATOM entry callback for XML customization of entries.
45988             </summary>
45989         </member>
45990         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.AtomEndEntryXmlCustomizationCallback">
45991             <summary>
45992             The end ATOM entry callback for XML customization of entries.
45993             </summary>
45994         </member>
45995         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.MetadataDocumentUri">
45996             <summary>
45997             Gets the metadata document URI that has been set on the settings, or null if it has not been set.
45998             </summary>
45999         </member>
46000         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings.ShouldIncludeAnnotation">
46001             <summary>
46002             Func to evaluate whether an annotation should be writen by the writer. The func should return true if the annotation should
46003             be writen and false if the annotation should be skipped.
46004             </summary>
46005         </member>
46006         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants">
46007             <summary>
46008             Constant values related to media types.
46009             </summary>
46010         </member>
46011         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeAny">
46012             <summary>Media type for requesting any media type.</summary>
46013         </member>
46014         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationType">
46015             <summary>'application' - media type for application types.</summary>
46016         </member>
46017         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeTextType">
46018             <summary>'text' - media type for text subtypes.</summary>
46019         </member>
46020         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeMultipartType">
46021             <summary>'multipart' - media type.</summary>
46022         </member>
46023         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeAtomXmlSubType">
46024             <summary>'atom+xml' - constant for atom+xml subtypes.</summary>
46025         </member>
46026         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeAtomSvcXmlSubType">
46027             <summary>'atomsvc+xml' - constant for atomsvc+xml subtypes.</summary>
46028         </member>
46029         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeXmlSubType">
46030             <summary>'xml' - constant for xml subtypes.</summary>
46031         </member>
46032         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeJsonSubType">
46033             <summary>'json' - constant for JSON subtypes.</summary>
46034         </member>
46035         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimePlainSubType">
46036             <summary>'plain' - constant for text subtypes.</summary>
46037         </member>
46038         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeJavaScriptType">
46039             <summary>'javascript' - constant for javascript subtypes.</summary>
46040         </member>
46041         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeOctetStreamSubType">
46042             <summary>'octet-stream' subtype.</summary>
46043         </member>
46044         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeMixedSubType">
46045             <summary>'mixed' subtype.</summary>
46046         </member>
46047         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeHttpSubType">
46048             <summary>'http' subtype.</summary>
46049         </member>
46050         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeTypeParameterName">
46051             <summary>Parameter name for 'type' parameters.</summary>
46052         </member>
46053         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeTypeParameterValueEntry">
46054             <summary>Parameter value for type 'entry'.</summary>
46055         </member>
46056         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeTypeParameterValueFeed">
46057             <summary>Parameter value for type 'feed'.</summary>
46058         </member>
46059         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeODataParameterName">
46060             <summary>Parameter name for 'odata' parameters.</summary>
46061         </member>
46062         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeODataParameterValueVerbose">
46063             <summary>Parameter value for 'verbose' JSON.</summary>
46064         </member>
46065         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeODataParameterValueFullMetadata">
46066             <summary>JSON Light parameter value 'fullmetadata'.</summary>
46067         </member>
46068         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeODataParameterValueMinimalMetadata">
46069             <summary>JSON Light parameter value 'minimalmetadata'.</summary>
46070         </member>
46071         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeODataParameterValueNoMetadata">
46072             <summary>JSON Light parameter value 'nometadata'.</summary>
46073         </member>
46074         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeStreamingParameterName">
46075             <summary>Parameter name for 'streaming' parameter.</summary>
46076         </member>
46077         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeStreamingParameterValueTrue">
46078             <summary>JSON Light streaming parameter value 'true'.</summary>
46079         </member>
46080         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeStreamingParameterValueFalse">
46081             <summary>JSON Light streaming parameter value 'false'.</summary>
46082         </member>
46083         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationXml">
46084             <summary>Media type for XML bodies.</summary>
46085         </member>
46086         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationAtomXml">
46087             <summary>Media type for ATOM payloads.</summary>
46088         </member>
46089         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationAtomXmlTypeEntry">
46090             <summary>Media type for links referencing a single entry.</summary>
46091         </member>
46092         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationAtomXmlTypeFeed">
46093             <summary>Media type for links referencing a collection of entries.</summary>
46094         </member>
46095         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationJson">
46096             <summary>Media type for JSON payloads.</summary>
46097         </member>
46098         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationOctetStream">
46099             <summary>Media type for binary raw content.</summary>
46100         </member>
46101         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeApplicationHttp">
46102             <summary>Media type for batch parts.</summary>
46103         </member>
46104         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeTextXml">
46105             <summary>Media type for Xml bodies (deprecated).</summary>
46106         </member>
46107         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeTextPlain">
46108             <summary>Media type for raw content (except binary).</summary>
46109         </member>
46110         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.TextJavaScript">
46111             <summary>Media type for javascript content.</summary>
46112         </member>
46113         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeMultipartMixed">
46114             <summary>Media type for raw content (except binary).</summary>
46115         </member>
46116         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.MimeStar">
46117             <summary>The '*' wildcard usable in type names and subtype names.</summary>
46118         </member>
46119         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.MimeConstants.Separator">
46120             <summary>Separator between mediat type and subtype.</summary>
46121         </member>
46122         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils">
46123             <summary>
46124             Helper methods used by the OData writer for the ATOM format.
46125             </summary>
46126         </member>
46127         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.CreateXmlWriter(System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Text.Encoding)">
46128             <summary>
46129             Creates an Xml writer over the specified stream, with the provided settings and encoding.
46130             </summary>
46131             <param name="stream">The stream to create the XmlWriter over.</param>
46132             <param name="messageWriterSettings">The OData message writer settings used to control the settings of the Xml writer.</param>
46133             <param name="encoding">The encoding used for writing.</param>
46134             <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriter"/> instance configured with the provided settings and encoding.</returns>
46135         </member>
46136         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.WriteError(System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataError,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
46137             <summary>
46138             Write an error message.
46139             </summary>
46140             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to write to.</param>
46141             <param name="error">The error instance to write.</param>
46142             <param name="includeDebugInformation">A flag indicating whether error details should be written (in debug mode only) or not.</param>
46143             <param name="maxInnerErrorDepth">The maximumum number of nested inner errors to allow.</param>
46144         </member>
46145         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.WriteETag(System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.String)">
46146             <summary>
46147             Write the m:etag attribute with the given string value.
46148             </summary>
46149             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to write to.</param>
46150             <param name="etag">The string value of the ETag.</param>
46151         </member>
46152         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.WriteNullAttribute(System.Xml.XmlWriter)">
46153             <summary>
46154             Write the m:null attribute with a value of 'true'
46155             </summary>
46156             <param name="writer">The Xml writer to write to.</param>
46157         </member>
46158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.WriteRaw(System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.String)">
46159             <summary>
46160             Writes raw markup with the given writer, adding the xml:space="preserve" attribute to the element if the markup has leading or trailing whitespace.
46161             </summary>
46162             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriter"/> to write to.</param>
46163             <param name="value">A string containing the text to write.</param>
46164         </member>
46165         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.WriteString(System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.String)">
46166             <summary>
46167             Writes a string with the given writer, adding the xml:space="preserve" attribute to the element if the string has leading or trailing whitespace.
46168             </summary>
46169             <param name="writer">The <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriter"/> to write to.</param>
46170             <param name="value">The string to write as element text content.</param>
46171         </member>
46172         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.CreateXmlWriterSettings(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings,System.Text.Encoding)">
46173             <summary>
46174             Creates a new XmlWriterSettings instance using the encoding.
46175             </summary>
46176             <param name="messageWriterSettings">Configuration settings of the OData writer.</param>
46177             <param name="encoding">Encoding to  use in the writer settings.</param>
46178             <returns>The Xml writer settings to use for this writer.</returns>
46179         </member>
46180         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriterUtils.WritePreserveSpaceAttributeIfNeeded(System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.String)">
46181             <summary>
46182             Writes an xml:space="preserve" attribute if the given value starts or ends with whitespace.
46183             </summary>
46184             <param name="writer">The writer to use for writing out the attribute string.</param>
46185             <param name="value">The value to check for insignificant whitespace.</param>
46186         </member>
46187         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils">
46188             <summary>
46189             Utility methods around writing of ATOM values.
46190             </summary>
46191         </member>
46192         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.XmlWhitespaceChars">
46193             <summary>The characters that are considered to be whitespace by XmlConvert.</summary>
46194         </member>
46195         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.WritePrimitiveValue(System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.Object)">
46196             <summary>
46197             Converts the given value to the ATOM string representation
46198             and uses the writer to write it.
46199             </summary>
46200             <param name="writer">The writer to write the stringified value.</param>
46201             <param name="value">The value to be written.</param>
46202         </member>
46203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.ConvertPrimitiveToString(System.Object)">
46204             <summary>Converts the specified value to a serializable string in ATOM format, or throws an exception if the value cannot be converted.</summary>
46205             <param name="value">Non-null value to convert.</param>
46206             <returns>The specified value converted to an ATOM string.</returns>
46207         </member>
46208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.ReadPrimitiveValue(System.Xml.XmlReader,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
46209             <summary>
46210             Reads a value of an XML element and converts it to the target primitive value.
46211             </summary>
46212             <param name="reader">The XML reader to read the value from.</param>
46213             <param name="primitiveTypeReference">The primitive type reference to convert the value to.</param>
46214             <returns>The primitive value read.</returns>
46215             <remarks>This method does not read null values, it only reads the actual element value (not its attributes).</remarks>
46216             <remarks>
46217             Pre-Condition:   XmlNodeType.Element   - the element to read the value for.
46218                              XmlNodeType.Attribute - an attribute on the element to read the value for.
46219             Post-Condition:  XmlNodeType.Element    - the element was empty.
46220                              XmlNodeType.EndElement - the element had some value.
46221             </remarks>
46222         </member>
46223         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.ToString(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstructKind)">
46224             <summary>
46225             Converts a given <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.AtomTextConstructKind"/> to a string appropriate for Atom format.
46226             </summary>
46227             <param name="textConstructKind">The text construct kind to convert.</param>
46228             <returns>The string version of the text construct format in Atom format.</returns>
46229         </member>
46230         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.TryConvertPrimitiveToString(System.Object,System.String@)">
46231             <summary>Converts the specified value to a serializable string in ATOM format.</summary>
46232             <param name="value">Non-null value to convert.</param>
46233             <param name="result">The specified value converted to an ATOM string.</param>
46234             <returns>boolean value indicating conversion successful conversion</returns>
46235         </member>
46236         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.ConvertStringToPrimitive(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
46237             <summary>
46238             Converts a string to a primitive value.
46239             </summary>
46240             <param name="text">The string text to convert.</param>
46241             <param name="targetTypeReference">Type to convert the string to.</param>
46242             <returns>The value converted to the target type.</returns>
46243             <remarks>This method does not convert null value.</remarks>
46244         </member>
46245         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.AtomValueUtils.ConvertXmlBooleanValue(System.String)">
46246             <summary>
46247             Reimplementation of XmlConvert.ToBoolean that accepts 'True' and 'False' in addition
46248             to 'true' and 'false'.
46249             </summary>
46250             <param name="text">The string value read from the Xml reader.</param>
46251             <returns>The converted boolean value.</returns>
46252         </member>
46253         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants">
46254             <summary>
46255             Constant values used by the OData or HTTP protocol or OData library.
46256             </summary>
46257         </member>
46258         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.MethodGet">
46259             <summary>
46260             HTTP method name for GET requests.
46261             </summary>
46262         </member>
46263         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.MethodPost">
46264             <summary>
46265             HTTP method name for POST requests.
46266             </summary>
46267         </member>
46268         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.MethodPut">
46269             <summary>
46270             HTTP method name for PUT requests.
46271             </summary>
46272         </member>
46273         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.MethodDelete">
46274             <summary>
46275             HTTP method name for DELETE requests.
46276             </summary>
46277         </member>
46278         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.MethodPatch">
46279             <summary>
46280             HTTP method name for PATCH requests.
46281             </summary>
46282         </member>
46283         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.MethodMerge">
46284             <summary>
46285             Custom HTTP method name for MERGE requests.
46286             </summary>
46287         </member>
46288         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.ContentTypeHeader">
46289             <summary>
46290             Name of the HTTP content type header.
46291             </summary>
46292         </member>
46293         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.DataServiceVersionHeader">
46294             <summary>
46295             Name of the OData 'DataServiceVersion' HTTP header.
46296             </summary>
46297         </member>
46298         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.ContentIdHeader">
46299             <summary>
46300             Name of the HTTP content-ID header.
46301             </summary>
46302         </member>
46303         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.ContentLengthHeader">
46304             <summary>
46305             Name of the Content-Length HTTP header.
46306             </summary>
46307         </member>
46308         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.HttpQValueParameter">
46309             <summary>
46310             'q' - HTTP q-value parameter name.
46311             </summary>
46312         </member>
46313         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.HttpVersionInBatching">
46314             <summary>Http Version in batching requests and response.</summary>
46315         </member>
46316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.Charset">
46317             <summary>'charset' - HTTP parameter name.</summary>
46318         </member>
46319         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.HttpMultipartBoundary">
46320             <summary>multi-part keyword in content-type to identify batch separator</summary>
46321         </member>
46322         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.ContentTransferEncoding">
46323             <summary>Name of the HTTP content transfer encoding header.</summary>
46324         </member>
46325         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.BatchContentTransferEncoding">
46326             <summary>Content-Transfer-Encoding value for batch payloads.</summary>
46327         </member>
46328         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.ODataDefaultProtocolVersion">
46329             <summary>The default protocol version to use in ODataLib if none is specified.</summary>
46330         </member>
46331         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.BatchRequestBoundaryTemplate">
46332             <summary>The template used when computing a batch request boundary.</summary>
46333         </member>
46334         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.BatchResponseBoundaryTemplate">
46335             <summary>The template used when computing a batch response boundary.</summary>
46336         </member>
46337         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.RequestChangeSetBoundaryTemplate">
46338             <summary>The template used when computing a request changeset boundary.</summary>
46339         </member>
46340         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.ResponseChangeSetBoundaryTemplate">
46341             <summary>The template used when computing a response changeset boundary.</summary>
46342         </member>
46343         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.HttpWeakETagPrefix">
46344             <summary>Weak etags in HTTP must start with W/.
46345             Look in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt?number=2616 section 14.19 for more information.</summary>
46346         </member>
46347         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.HttpWeakETagSuffix">
46348             <summary>Weak etags in HTTP must end with ".
46349             Look in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt?number=2616 section 14.19 for more information.</summary>
46350         </member>
46351         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.DefaultMaxRecursionDepth">
46352             <summary>The default maximum allowed recursion depth for recursive payload definitions, such as complex values inside complex values.</summary>
46353         </member>
46354         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.DefaultMaxReadMessageSize">
46355             <summary>The default maximum number of bytes that should be read from a message.</summary>
46356         </member>
46357         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.DefaultMaxPartsPerBatch">
46358             <summary>The default maximum number of top-level operations and changesets per batch payload.</summary>
46359         </member>
46360         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.DefulatMaxOperationsPerChangeset">
46361             <summary>The default maximum number of operations per changeset.</summary>
46362         </member>
46363         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.DefaultMaxEntityPropertyMappingsPerType">
46364             <summary>The default maximum number of entity property mapping attributes for an entity type (on the type itself and all its base types).</summary>
46365         </member>
46366         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.MaxODataVersion">
46367             <summary>The maximum recognized OData version by this library.</summary>
46368         </member>
46369         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.UriSegmentSeparator">
46370             <summary>The '/' (forward slash) which is the URI segment separator.</summary>
46371         </member>
46372         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.UriSegmentSeparatorChar">
46373             <summary>The '/' (forward slash) which is the URI segment separator.</summary>
46374         </member>
46375         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.AssociationLinkSegmentName">
46376             <summary>The '$links' segment name for constructing association links.</summary>
46377         </member>
46378         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataConstants.DefaultStreamSegmentName">
46379             <summary>The '$value' segment name for the default stream value.</summary>
46380         </member>
46381         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtilsInternal">
46382             <summary>
46383             Internal utility methods used in the OData library.
46384             </summary>
46385         </member>
46386         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtilsInternal.ToDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
46387             <summary>
46388             Converts a given <paramref name="version"/> to its <see cref="T:System.Version"/> representation.
46389             </summary>
46390             <param name="version">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion"/> instance to convert.</param>
46391             <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Version"/> representation of the <paramref name="version"/>.</returns>
46392         </member>
46393         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtilsInternal.SetDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings)">
46394             <summary>
46395             Sets the 'DataServiceVersion' HTTP header on the message based on the protocol version specified in the settings.
46396             </summary>
46397             <param name="message">The message to set the data service version header on.</param>
46398             <param name="settings">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessageWriterSettings"/> determining the protocol version to use.</param>
46399         </member>
46400         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtilsInternal.GetDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMessage,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
46401             <summary>
46402             Reads the DataServiceVersion header from the <paramref name="message"/> and parses it.
46403             If no DataServiceVersion header is found it sets the default version to be used for reading.
46404             </summary>
46405             <param name="message">The message to get the data service version header from.</param>
46406             <param name="defaultVersion">The default version to use if the header was not specified.</param>
46407             <returns>
46408             The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion"/> retrieved from the DataServiceVersion header of the message.
46409             The default version if none is specified in the header.
46410             </returns>
46411         </member>
46412         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtilsInternal.IsPayloadKindSupported(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind,System.Boolean)">
46413             <summary>
46414             Checks whether a payload kind is supported in a request or a response.
46415             </summary>
46416             <param name="payloadKind">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataPayloadKind"/> to check.</param>
46417             <param name="inRequest">true if the check is for a request; false for a response.</param>
46418             <returns>true if the <paramref name="payloadKind"/> is valid in a request or response respectively based on <paramref name="inRequest"/>.</returns>
46419         </member>
46420         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtilsInternal.ConcatEnumerables``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
46421             <summary>
46422             Concats two enumerables.
46423             </summary>
46424             <typeparam name="T">Element type of the enumerable.</typeparam>
46425             <param name="enumerable1">Enumerable 1 to concat.</param>
46426             <param name="enumerable2">Enumerable 2 to concat.</param>
46427             <returns>Returns the combined enumerable.</returns>
46428         </member>
46429         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataUtilsInternal.SelectedProperties(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri)">
46430             <summary>
46431             Gets the selected properties from the given <paramref name="metadataDocumentUri"/>.
46432             </summary>
46433             <param name="metadataDocumentUri">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri"/> instance to get the selected properties node from.</param>
46434             <returns>The selected properties node instance.</returns>
46435             <remarks>This can be a property on <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataMetadataDocumentUri"/>. Having it as an extension method here so we don't have to do the null check at the call site.</remarks>
46436         </member>
46437         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter">
46438             <summary>
46439             OData writer for the ATOM format.
46440             </summary>
46441         </member>
46442         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.updatedTime">
46443             <summary>Value for the atom:updated element.</summary>
46444             <remarks>
46445             The writer will use the same default value for the atom:updated element in a given payload. While there is no requirement for this,
46446             it saves us from re-querying the system time and converting it to string every time we write an item.
46447             </remarks>
46448         </member>
46449         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.atomOutputContext">
46450             <summary>The output context to write to.</summary>
46451         </member>
46452         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.atomEntryAndFeedSerializer">
46453             <summary>The serializer to write payload with.</summary>
46454         </member>
46455         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomOutputContext,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean)">
46456             <summary>
46457             Constructor creating an OData writer using the ATOM format.
46458             </summary>
46459             <param name="atomOutputContext">The output context to write to.</param>
46460             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
46461             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
46462             <param name="writingFeed">True if the writer is created for writing a feed; false when it is created for writing an entry.</param>
46463         </member>
46464         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.VerifyNotDisposed">
46465             <summary>
46466             Check if the object has been disposed; called from all public API methods. Throws an ObjectDisposedException if the object
46467             has already been disposed.
46468             </summary>
46469         </member>
46470         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.FlushSynchronously">
46471             <summary>
46472             Flush the output.
46473             </summary>
46474         </member>
46475         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.StartPayload">
46476             <summary>
46477             Start writing an OData payload.
46478             </summary>
46479         </member>
46480         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.EndPayload">
46481             <summary>
46482             Finish writing an OData payload.
46483             </summary>
46484         </member>
46485         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.StartEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
46486             <summary>
46487             Start writing an entry.
46488             </summary>
46489             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
46490         </member>
46491         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.EndEntry(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
46492             <summary>
46493             Finish writing an entry.
46494             </summary>
46495             <param name="entry">The entry to write.</param>
46496         </member>
46497         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.StartFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
46498             <summary>
46499             Start writing a feed.
46500             </summary>
46501             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
46502         </member>
46503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.EndFeed(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed)">
46504             <summary>
46505             Finish writing a feed.
46506             </summary>
46507             <param name="feed">The feed to write.</param>
46508         </member>
46509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.WriteDeferredNavigationLink(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
46510             <summary>
46511             Start writing a navigation link.
46512             </summary>
46513             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
46514         </member>
46515         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.StartNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
46516             <summary>
46517             Start writing a navigation link with content.
46518             </summary>
46519             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
46520         </member>
46521         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.EndNavigationLinkWithContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink)">
46522             <summary>
46523             Finish writing a navigation link with content.
46524             </summary>
46525             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
46526         </member>
46527         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.WriteEntityReferenceInNavigationLinkContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntityReferenceLink)">
46528             <summary>
46529             Write an entity reference link.
46530             </summary>
46531             <param name="parentNavigationLink">The parent navigation link which is being written around the entity reference link.</param>
46532             <param name="entityReferenceLink">The entity reference link to write.</param>
46533         </member>
46534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.CreateFeedScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
46535             <summary>
46536             Create a new feed scope.
46537             </summary>
46538             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
46539             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
46540             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
46541             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
46542             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
46543             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
46544         </member>
46545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.CreateEntryScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
46546             <summary>
46547             Create a new entry scope.
46548             </summary>
46549             <param name="entry">The entry for the new scope.</param>
46550             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
46551             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
46552             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
46553             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
46554             <returns>The newly create scope.</returns>
46555         </member>
46556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.WriteInstanceAnnotations(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation},Microsoft.Data.OData.InstanceAnnotationWriteTracker)">
46557             <summary>
46558             Writes the collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation"/> to the ATOM payload.
46559             </summary>
46560             <param name="instanceAnnotations">The collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation"/> to write.</param>
46561             <param name="tracker">Helper class to track if an annotation has been writen.</param>
46562         </member>
46563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.WriteFeedInstanceAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomFeedScope)">
46564             <summary>
46565             Writes the collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation"/> for the given <paramref name="feed"/> to the ATOM payload.
46566             </summary>
46567             <param name="feed">The feed to write the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataInstanceAnnotation"/> for.</param>
46568             <param name="currentFeedScope">The current feed scope.</param>
46569         </member>
46570         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.WriteEntryContent(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.EntryPropertiesValueCache,Microsoft.Data.OData.Metadata.EpmSourcePathSegment,Microsoft.Data.OData.ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation)">
46571             <summary>
46572             Write the content of the given entry.
46573             </summary>
46574             <param name="entry">The entry for which to write properties.</param>
46575             <param name="entryType">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> of the entry (or null if not metadata is available).</param>
46576             <param name="propertiesValueCache">The cache of properties.</param>
46577             <param name="rootSourcePathSegment">The root of the EPM source tree, if there's an EPM applied.</param>
46578             <param name="projectedProperties">Set of projected properties, or null if all properties should be written.</param>
46579         </member>
46580         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.CheckAndWriteParentNavigationLinkStartForInlineElement">
46581             <summary>
46582             Writes the navigation link start atom:link element including the m:inline element if there's a parent navigation link.
46583             </summary>
46584         </member>
46585         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.CheckAndWriteParentNavigationLinkEndForInlineElement">
46586             <summary>
46587             Writes the navigation link end m:inline and end atom:link elements if there's a parent navigation link.
46588             </summary>
46589         </member>
46590         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.WriteNavigationLinkStart(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink,System.Uri)">
46591             <summary>
46592             Writes the navigation link's start element and atom metadata.
46593             </summary>
46594             <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to write.</param>
46595             <param name="navigationLinkUrlOverride">Url to use for the navigation link. If this is specified the Url property on the <paramref name="navigationLink"/>
46596             will be ignored. If this parameter is null, the Url from the navigation link is used.</param>
46597         </member>
46598         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.WriteNavigationLinkEnd">
46599             <summary>
46600             Writes custom extensions and the end element for a navigation link
46601             </summary>
46602         </member>
46603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.StartEntryXmlCustomization(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
46604             <summary>
46605             Determines if XML customization should be applied to the entry and applies it.
46606             </summary>
46607             <param name="entry">The entry to apply the customization to.</param>
46608             <remarks>This method must be called before anything is written for the entry in question.</remarks>
46609         </member>
46610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.EndEntryXmlCustomization(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry)">
46611             <summary>
46612             Ends XML customization for the entry (if one was applied).
46613             </summary>
46614             <param name="entry">The entry to end the customization for.</param>
46615             <remarks>This method must be called after all the XML for a given entry is written.</remarks>
46616         </member>
46617         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.CurrentEntryScope">
46618             <summary>
46619             Returns the current AtomEntryScope.
46620             </summary>
46621         </member>
46622         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.CurrentFeedScope">
46623             <summary>
46624             Returns the current AtomFeedScope.
46625             </summary>
46626         </member>
46627         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomElement">
46628             <summary>
46629             Enumeration of ATOM element flags, used to keep track of which elements were already written.
46630             </summary>
46631         </member>
46632         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomElement.Id">
46633             <summary>The atom:id element.</summary>
46634         </member>
46635         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomElement.ReadLink">
46636             <summary>The atom:link with rel='self'.</summary>
46637         </member>
46638         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomElement.EditLink">
46639             <summary>The atom:link with rel='edit'.</summary>
46640         </member>
46641         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomFeedScope">
46642             <summary>
46643             A scope for an feed.
46644             </summary>
46645         </member>
46646         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomFeedScope.authorWritten">
46647             <summary>true if the author element was already written, false otherwise.</summary>
46648         </member>
46649         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomFeedScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
46650             <summary>
46651             Constructor to create a new feed scope.
46652             </summary>
46653             <param name="feed">The feed for the new scope.</param>
46654             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
46655             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
46656             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
46657             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
46658         </member>
46659         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomFeedScope.AuthorWritten">
46660             <summary>
46661             true if the author element was already written, false otherwise.
46662             </summary>
46663         </member>
46664         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomEntryScope">
46665             <summary>
46666             A scope for an entry in ATOM writer.
46667             </summary>
46668         </member>
46669         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomEntryScope.alreadyWrittenElements">
46670             <summary>Bit field of the ATOM elements written so far.</summary>
46671         </member>
46672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomEntryScope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior,Microsoft.Data.OData.SelectedPropertiesNode)">
46673             <summary>
46674             Constructor to create a new entry scope.
46675             </summary>
46676             <param name="entry">The entry for the new scope.</param>
46677             <param name="serializationInfo">The serialization info for the current entry.</param>
46678             <param name="entitySet">The entity set we are going to write entities for.</param>
46679             <param name="entityType">The entity type for the entries in the feed to be written (or null if the entity set base type should be used).</param>
46680             <param name="skipWriting">true if the content of the scope to create should not be written.</param>
46681             <param name="writingResponse">true if we are writing a response, false if it's a request.</param>
46682             <param name="writerBehavior">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriterBehavior"/> instance controlling the behavior of the writer.</param>
46683             <param name="selectedProperties">The selected properties of this scope.</param>
46684         </member>
46685         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomEntryScope.SetWrittenElement(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomElement)">
46686             <summary>
46687             Marks the <paramref name="atomElement"/> as written in this entry scope.
46688             </summary>
46689             <param name="atomElement">The ATOM element which was written.</param>
46690         </member>
46691         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomEntryScope.IsElementWritten(Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomWriter.AtomElement)">
46692             <summary>
46693             Determines if the <paramref name="atomElement"/> was already written for this entry scope.
46694             </summary>
46695             <param name="atomElement">The ATOM element to test for.</param>
46696             <returns>true if the <paramref name="atomElement"/> was already written for this entry scope; false otherwise.</returns>
46697         </member>
46698         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion">
46699             <summary>
46700             Enumeration representing the OData protocol version.
46701             </summary>
46702         </member>
46703         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion.V1">
46704             <summary>Version 1.0.</summary>
46705         </member>
46706         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion.V2">
46707             <summary>Version 2.0.</summary>
46708         </member>
46709         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion.V3">
46710             <summary>Version 3.0.</summary>
46711         </member>
46712         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter">
46713             <summary>
46714             Writes text indented as per the indentation level setting
46715             </summary>
46716         </member>
46717         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.IndentationString">
46718             <summary>
46719             The indentation string to prepand to each line for each indentation level.
46720             </summary>
46721         </member>
46722         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.writer">
46723             <summary>
46724             The underlying writer to write to.
46725             </summary>
46726         </member>
46727         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.enableIndentation">
46728             <summary>
46729             Set to true if the writer should actually indent or not.
46730             </summary>
46731         </member>
46732         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.indentLevel">
46733             <summary>
46734             Number which specifies the level of indentation. Starts with 0 which means no indentation.
46735             </summary>
46736         </member>
46737         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.indentationPending">
46738             <summary>
46739             Set to true if indentation should be written before the next string is written.
46740             </summary>
46741         </member>
46742         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.#ctor(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Boolean)">
46743             <summary>
46744             Constructor
46745             </summary>
46746             <param name="writer">The underlying writer to wrap.</param>
46747             <param name="enableIndentation">Set to true if the writer should actually indent or not.</param>
46748         </member>
46749         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.IncreaseIndentation">
46750             <summary>
46751             Increases the level of indentation applied to the output.
46752             </summary>
46753         </member>
46754         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.DecreaseIndentation">
46755             <summary>
46756             Decreases the level of indentation applied to the output.
46757             </summary>
46758         </member>
46759         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.Close">
46760             <summary>
46761             Closes the underlying writer.
46762             </summary>
46763         </member>
46764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.Flush">
46765             <summary>
46766             Clears the buffer of the current writer.
46767             </summary>
46768         </member>
46769         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.Write(System.String)">
46770             <summary>
46771             Writes the given string value to the underlying writer.
46772             </summary>
46773             <param name="s">String value to be written.</param>
46774         </member>
46775         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.Write(System.Char)">
46776             <summary>
46777             Writes the given char value to the underlying writer.
46778             </summary>
46779             <param name="value">Char value to be written.</param>
46780         </member>
46781         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine">
46782             <summary>
46783             Writes a new line.
46784             </summary>
46785         </member>
46786         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.InternalCloseOrDispose">
46787             <summary>
46788             Closes or disposes the underlying writer.
46789             </summary>
46790         </member>
46791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.WriteIndentation">
46792             <summary>
46793             Writes the tabs depending on the indent level.
46794             </summary>
46795         </member>
46796         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.Encoding">
46797             <summary>
46798             Returns the Encoding for the given writer.
46799             </summary>
46800         </member>
46801         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.IndentedTextWriter.NewLine">
46802             <summary>
46803             Returns the new line character.
46804             </summary>
46805         </member>
46806         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants">
46807             <summary>
46808             Constants for the JSON format.
46809             </summary>
46810         </member>
46811         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataResultsName">
46812             <summary>
46813             "results" header for Json data array.
46814             </summary>
46815         </member>
46816         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataDataWrapper">
46817             <summary>
46818             Text used to start a data object wrapper in JSON.
46819             </summary>
46820         </member>
46821         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataDataWrapperPropertyName">
46822             <summary>
46823             Data property name of the data object wrapper in JSON.
46824             </summary>
46825         </member>
46826         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataEntryIdName">
46827             <summary>
46828             "id" header for the id of an Entry. 
46829             </summary>
46830         </member>
46831         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataName">
46832             <summary>
46833             "__metadata" header for Json metadata object
46834             </summary>
46835         </member>
46836         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataUriName">
46837             <summary>
46838             "uri" header for the URI identifying the entry being represented.
46839             </summary>
46840         </member>
46841         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataTypeName">
46842             <summary>
46843             "type" header for the type name of the entity
46844             </summary>
46845         </member>
46846         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataETagName">
46847             <summary>
46848             "etag" header for the ETag of an entity
46849             </summary>
46850         </member>
46851         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataMediaResourceName">
46852             <summary>
46853             "__mediaresource" property name for the metadata of a stream reference value.
46854             </summary>
46855         </member>
46856         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataMediaUriName">
46857             <summary>
46858             "media_src" header for the MLE read link
46859             </summary>
46860         </member>
46861         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataContentTypeName">
46862             <summary>
46863             "content_type" header for the MLE
46864             </summary>
46865         </member>
46866         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataMediaETagName">
46867             <summary>
46868             "media_etag" header for the MLE
46869             </summary>
46870         </member>
46871         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataEditMediaName">
46872             <summary>
46873             "edit_media" header for the MLE
46874             </summary>
46875         </member>
46876         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataPropertiesName">
46877             <summary>
46878             "properties" header for the property metadata
46879             </summary>
46880         </member>
46881         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataMetadataPropertiesAssociationUriName">
46882             <summary>
46883             "associationuri" header for the association link url of a navigation property
46884             </summary>
46885         </member>
46886         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataCountName">
46887             <summary>
46888             "__count" header for the inline count in a feed
46889             </summary>
46890         </member>
46891         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataNextLinkName">
46892             <summary>
46893             "__next" header for the next link in a feed
46894             </summary>
46895         </member>
46896         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataDeferredName">
46897             <summary>
46898             "__deferred" header for the non-expanded link in an entry
46899             </summary>
46900         </member>
46901         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataNavigationLinkUriName">
46902             <summary>
46903             "uri" header for the navigation link URL
46904             </summary>
46905         </member>
46906         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataUriName">
46907             <summary>
46908             The name of the property returned for a singleton $links query
46909             </summary>
46910         </member>
46911         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataActionsMetadataName">
46912             <summary>"actions" header for entry metadata.</summary>
46913         </member>
46914         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataFunctionsMetadataName">
46915             <summary>"functions" header for entry metadata.</summary>
46916         </member>
46917         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataOperationTitleName">
46918             <summary>"title" header for "actions" and "functions" metadata.</summary>
46919         </member>
46920         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataOperationMetadataName">
46921             <summary>"metadata" header for "actions" and "functions" metadata.</summary>
46922         </member>
46923         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataOperationTargetName">
46924             <summary>"target" header for "actions" and "functions" metadata.</summary>
46925         </member>
46926         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorName">
46927             <summary>
46928             "error" header for the error payload
46929             </summary>
46930         </member>
46931         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorCodeName">
46932             <summary>
46933             "code" header for the error code property
46934             </summary>
46935         </member>
46936         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorMessageName">
46937             <summary>
46938             "message" header for the error message property
46939             </summary>
46940         </member>
46941         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorMessageLanguageName">
46942             <summary>
46943             "lang" header for the error message language property
46944             </summary>
46945         </member>
46946         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorMessageValueName">
46947             <summary>
46948             "value" header for the error message value property
46949             </summary>
46950         </member>
46951         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorInnerErrorName">
46952             <summary>
46953             "innererror" header for the inner error property
46954             </summary>
46955         </member>
46956         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorInnerErrorMessageName">
46957             <summary>
46958             "message" header for an inner error (for Astoria compatibility)
46959             </summary>
46960         </member>
46961         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorInnerErrorTypeNameName">
46962             <summary>
46963             "typename" header for an inner error (for Astoria compatibility)
46964             </summary>
46965         </member>
46966         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorInnerErrorStackTraceName">
46967             <summary>
46968             "stacktrace" header for an inner error (for Astoria compatibility)
46969             </summary>
46970         </member>
46971         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataErrorInnerErrorInnerErrorName">
46972             <summary>
46973             "internalexception" header for an inner, inner error property (for Astoria compatibility)
46974             </summary>
46975         </member>
46976         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataDateTimeFormat">
46977             <summary>
46978             JSON datetime format.
46979             </summary>
46980         </member>
46981         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataDateTimeOffsetFormat">
46982             <summary>
46983             JSON datetime offset format.
46984             </summary>
46985         </member>
46986         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataDateTimeOffsetPlusSign">
46987             <summary>
46988             A plus sign for the date time offset format.
46989             </summary>
46990         </member>
46991         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ODataServiceDocumentEntitySetsName">
46992             <summary>
46993             The fixed property name for the entity sets array in a service document payload.
46994             </summary>
46995         </member>
46996         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.JsonTrueLiteral">
46997             <summary>
46998             The true value literal.
46999             </summary>
47000         </member>
47001         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.JsonFalseLiteral">
47002             <summary>
47003             The false value literal.
47004             </summary>
47005         </member>
47006         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.JsonNullLiteral">
47007             <summary>
47008             The null value literal.
47009             </summary>
47010         </member>
47011         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.StartObjectScope">
47012             <summary>
47013             Character which starts the object scope.
47014             </summary>
47015         </member>
47016         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.EndObjectScope">
47017             <summary>
47018             Character which ends the object scope.
47019             </summary>
47020         </member>
47021         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.StartArrayScope">
47022             <summary>
47023             Character which starts the array scope.
47024             </summary>
47025         </member>
47026         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.EndArrayScope">
47027             <summary>
47028             Character which ends the array scope.
47029             </summary>
47030         </member>
47031         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.StartPaddingFunctionScope">
47032             <summary>
47033             "(" Json Padding Function scope open parens.
47034             </summary>
47035         </member>
47036         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.EndPaddingFunctionScope">
47037             <summary>
47038             ")" Json Padding Function scope close parens.
47039             </summary>
47040         </member>
47041         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ObjectMemberSeparator">
47042             <summary>
47043             The separator between object members.
47044             </summary>
47045         </member>
47046         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.ArrayElementSeparator">
47047             <summary>
47048             The separator between array elements.
47049             </summary>
47050         </member>
47051         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.NameValueSeparator">
47052             <summary>
47053             The separator between the name and the value.
47054             </summary>
47055         </member>
47056         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonConstants.QuoteCharacter">
47057             <summary>
47058             The quote character.
47059             </summary>
47060         </member>
47061         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter">
47062             <summary>
47063             Writer for the JSON format. http://www.json.org
47064             </summary>
47065         </member>
47066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.writer">
47067             <summary>
47068             Writer to write text into.
47069             </summary>
47070         </member>
47071         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.scopes">
47072             <summary>
47073             Scope of the json text - object, array.
47074             </summary>
47075         </member>
47076         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.mustWriteDecimalPointInDoubleValues">
47077             <summary>
47078             If true, all double values will be written so that they either have an 'E' for scientific notation or contain a decimal point.
47079             </summary>
47080         </member>
47081         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.#ctor(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFormat)">
47082             <summary>
47083             Creates a new instance of Json writer.
47084             </summary>
47085             <param name="writer">Writer to which text needs to be written.</param>
47086             <param name="indent">If the output should be indented or not.</param>
47087             <param name="jsonFormat">The json-based format to use when writing.</param>
47088         </member>
47089         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.StartPaddingFunctionScope">
47090             <summary>
47091             Start the padding function scope.
47092             </summary>
47093         </member>
47094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.EndPaddingFunctionScope">
47095             <summary>
47096             End the padding function scope.
47097             </summary>
47098         </member>
47099         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.StartObjectScope">
47100             <summary>
47101             Start the object scope.
47102             </summary>
47103         </member>
47104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.EndObjectScope">
47105             <summary>
47106             End the current object scope.
47107             </summary>
47108         </member>
47109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.StartArrayScope">
47110             <summary>
47111             Start the array scope.
47112             </summary>
47113         </member>
47114         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.EndArrayScope">
47115             <summary>
47116             End the current array scope.
47117             </summary>
47118         </member>
47119         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteDataWrapper">
47120             <summary>
47121             Write the "d" wrapper text.
47122             </summary>
47123         </member>
47124         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteDataArrayName">
47125             <summary>
47126             Write the "results" header for the data array.
47127             </summary>
47128         </member>
47129         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteName(System.String)">
47130             <summary>
47131             Write the name for the object property.
47132             </summary>
47133             <param name="name">Name of the object property.</param>
47134         </member>
47135         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WritePaddingFunctionName(System.String)">
47136             <summary>
47137             Writes a function name for JSON padding.
47138             </summary>
47139             <param name="functionName">Name of the padding function to write.</param>
47140         </member>
47141         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Boolean)">
47142             <summary>
47143             Write a boolean value.
47144             </summary>
47145             <param name="value">Boolean value to be written.</param>
47146         </member>
47147         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int32)">
47148             <summary>
47149             Write an integer value.
47150             </summary>
47151             <param name="value">Integer value to be written.</param>
47152         </member>
47153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Single)">
47154             <summary>
47155             Write a float value.
47156             </summary>
47157             <param name="value">Float value to be written.</param>
47158         </member>
47159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int16)">
47160             <summary>
47161             Write a short value.
47162             </summary>
47163             <param name="value">Short value to be written.</param>
47164         </member>
47165         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int64)">
47166             <summary>
47167             Write a long value.
47168             </summary>
47169             <param name="value">Long value to be written.</param>
47170         </member>
47171         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Double)">
47172             <summary>
47173             Write a double value.
47174             </summary>
47175             <param name="value">Double value to be written.</param>
47176         </member>
47177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Guid)">
47178             <summary>
47179             Write a Guid value.
47180             </summary>
47181             <param name="value">Guid value to be written.</param>
47182         </member>
47183         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Decimal)">
47184             <summary>
47185             Write a decimal value
47186             </summary>
47187             <param name="value">Decimal value to be written.</param>
47188         </member>
47189         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.DateTime,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
47190             <summary>
47191             Write a DateTime value
47192             </summary>
47193             <param name="value">DateTime value to be written.</param>
47194             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
47195         </member>
47196         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.DateTimeOffset,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataVersion)">
47197             <summary>
47198             Writes a DateTimeOffset value
47199             </summary>
47200             <param name="value">DateTimeOffset value to be written.</param>
47201             <param name="odataVersion">The OData protocol version to be used for writing payloads.</param>
47202         </member>
47203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.TimeSpan)">
47204             <summary>
47205             Writes a TimeSpan value
47206             </summary>
47207             <param name="value">TimeSpan value to be written.</param>
47208         </member>
47209         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Byte)">
47210             <summary>
47211             Write a byte value.
47212             </summary>
47213             <param name="value">Byte value to be written.</param>
47214         </member>
47215         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.SByte)">
47216             <summary>
47217             Write an sbyte value.
47218             </summary>
47219             <param name="value">SByte value to be written.</param>
47220         </member>
47221         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValue(System.String)">
47222             <summary>
47223             Write a string value.
47224             </summary>
47225             <param name="value">String value to be written.</param>
47226         </member>
47227         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteRawString(System.String)">
47228             <summary>
47229             Write a raw string value without any escaping or encoding.
47230             </summary>
47231             <param name="value">String value to be written.</param>
47232         </member>
47233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Flush">
47234             <summary>
47235             Clears all buffers for the current writer.
47236             </summary>
47237         </member>
47238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.WriteValueSeparator">
47239             <summary>
47240             Writes a separator of a value if it's needed for the next value to be written.
47241             </summary>
47242         </member>
47243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.StartScope(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.ScopeType)">
47244             <summary>
47245             Start the scope given the scope type.
47246             </summary>
47247             <param name="type">The scope type to start.</param>
47248         </member>
47249         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.ScopeType">
47250             <summary>
47251             Various scope types for Json writer.
47252             </summary>
47253         </member>
47254         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.ScopeType.Array">
47255             <summary>
47256             Array scope.
47257             </summary>
47258         </member>
47259         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.ScopeType.Object">
47260             <summary>
47261             Object scope.
47262             </summary>
47263         </member>
47264         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.ScopeType.Padding">
47265             <summary>
47266             JSON padding function scope.
47267             </summary>
47268         </member>
47269         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Scope">
47270             <summary>
47271             Class representing scope information.
47272             </summary>
47273         </member>
47274         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Scope.type">
47275             <summary>
47276             The type of the scope.
47277             </summary>
47278         </member>
47279         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Scope.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.ScopeType)">
47280             <summary>
47281             Constructor.
47282             </summary>
47283             <param name="type">The type of the scope.</param>
47284         </member>
47285         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Scope.StartString">
47286             <summary>
47287             What to write at the beginning of this scope.
47288             </summary>
47289         </member>
47290         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Scope.EndString">
47291             <summary>
47292             What to write at teh end of this scope.
47293             </summary>
47294         </member>
47295         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Scope.ObjectCount">
47296             <summary>
47297             Get/Set the object count for this scope.
47298             </summary>
47299         </member>
47300         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonWriter.Scope.Type">
47301             <summary>
47302             Gets the scope type for this scope.
47303             </summary>
47304         </member>
47305         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils">
47306             <summary>
47307             Class with utility methods to work with exceptions
47308             </summary>
47309         </member>
47310         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.OutOfMemoryType">
47311             <summary>Type of OutOfMemoryException.</summary>
47312         </member>
47313         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.StackOverflowType">
47314             <summary>Type of StackOverflowException.</summary>
47315         </member>
47316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.ThreadAbortType">
47317             <summary>Type of ThreadAbortException.</summary>
47318         </member>
47319         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.IsCatchableExceptionType(System.Exception)">
47320             <summary>
47321             Determines whether the specified exception can be caught and 
47322             handled, or whether it should be allowed to continue unwinding.
47323             </summary>
47324             <param name="e"><see cref="T:System.Exception"/> to test.</param>
47325             <returns>
47326             true if the specified exception can be caught and handled; 
47327             false otherwise.
47328             </returns>
47329         </member>
47330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentNotNull``1(``0,System.String)">
47331             <summary>
47332             Checks the argument value for null and throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/> if it is null.
47333             </summary>
47334             <typeparam name="T">Type of the argument, used to force usage only for reference types.</typeparam>
47335             <param name="value">Argument whose value needs to be checked.</param>
47336             <param name="parameterName">Name of the argument, used for exception message.</param>
47337         </member>
47338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentStringNotEmpty(System.String,System.String)">
47339             <summary>
47340             Checks the argument string value empty string and throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/> if it is empty. The value can be null though.
47341             </summary>
47342             <param name="value">Argument whose value needs to be checked.</param>
47343             <param name="parameterName">Name of the argument, used for exception message.</param>
47344         </member>
47345         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentStringNotNullOrEmpty(System.String,System.String)">
47346             <summary>
47347             Checks the argument string value for null or empty string and throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/> if it is null or empty.
47348             </summary>
47349             <param name="value">Argument whose value needs to be checked.</param>
47350             <param name="parameterName">Name of the argument, used for exception message.</param>
47351         </member>
47352         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.CheckIntegerNotNegative(System.Int32,System.String)">
47353             <summary>
47354             Checks the <paramref name="value"/> for not being negative and throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/> if it is negative.
47355             </summary>
47356             <param name="value">Argument whose value needs to be checked.</param>
47357             <param name="parameterName">Name of the argument, used for exception message.</param>
47358         </member>
47359         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.CheckIntegerPositive(System.Int32,System.String)">
47360             <summary>
47361             Checks the <paramref name="value"/> for being greater than zero and throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/> if it is not positive.
47362             </summary>
47363             <param name="value">Argument whose value needs to be checked.</param>
47364             <param name="parameterName">Name of the argument, used for exception message.</param>
47365         </member>
47366         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.CheckLongPositive(System.Int64,System.String)">
47367             <summary>
47368             Checks the <paramref name="value"/> for being greater than zero and throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/> if it is not positive.
47369             </summary>
47370             <param name="value">Argument whose value needs to be checked.</param>
47371             <param name="parameterName">Name of the argument, used for exception message.</param>
47372         </member>
47373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.CheckArgumentCollectionNotNullOrEmpty``1(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.String)">
47374             <summary>
47375             Checks the <paramref name="value"/> for not being empty.
47376             </summary>
47377             <param name="value">Argument whose value needs to be checked.</param>
47378             <param name="parameterName">Name of the argument, used for exception message.</param>
47379             <typeparam name="T">Type of the collection. It does not matter.</typeparam>
47380         </member>
47381         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ExceptionUtils.ValidatedNotNullAttribute">
47382             <summary>
47383             A workaround to a problem with FxCop which does not recognize the CheckArgumentNotNull method
47384             as the one which validates the argument is not null.
47385             </summary>
47386             <remarks>This has been suggested as a workaround in msdn forums by the VS team. Note that even though this is production code
47387             the attribute has no effect on anything else.</remarks>
47388         </member>
47389         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils">
47390             <summary>
47391             Provides helper method for converting data values to and from the OData JSON format.
47392             </summary>
47393         </member>
47394         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.JsonDateTimeMinTimeTicks">
47395             <summary>
47396             Const tick value for caculating tick values.
47397             </summary>
47398         </member>
47399         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.DoubleIndicatingCharacters">
47400             <summary>
47401             Characters which, if found inside a number, indicate that the number is a double when no other type information is available.
47402             </summary>
47403         </member>
47404         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.SpecialCharToEscapedStringMap">
47405             <summary>
47406             Map of special characters to strings.
47407             </summary>
47408         </member>
47409         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Boolean)">
47410             <summary>
47411             Write a boolean value.
47412             </summary>
47413             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47414             <param name="value">The boolean value to write.</param>
47415         </member>
47416         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Int32)">
47417             <summary>
47418             Write an integer value.
47419             </summary>
47420             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47421             <param name="value">Integer value to be written.</param>
47422         </member>
47423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Single)">
47424             <summary>
47425             Write a float value.
47426             </summary>
47427             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47428             <param name="value">Float value to be written.</param>
47429         </member>
47430         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Int16)">
47431             <summary>
47432             Write a short value.
47433             </summary>
47434             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47435             <param name="value">Short value to be written.</param>
47436         </member>
47437         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Int64)">
47438             <summary>
47439             Write a long value.
47440             </summary>
47441             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47442             <param name="value">Long value to be written.</param>
47443         </member>
47444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Double,System.Boolean)">
47445             <summary>
47446             Write a double value.
47447             </summary>
47448             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47449             <param name="value">Double value to be written.</param>
47450             <param name="mustIncludeDecimalPoint">If true, all double values will be written so that they either have an 'E' for scientific notation or contain a decimal point.</param>
47451         </member>
47452         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Guid)">
47453             <summary>
47454             Write a Guid value.
47455             </summary>
47456             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47457             <param name="value">Guid value to be written.</param>
47458         </member>
47459         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Decimal)">
47460             <summary>
47461             Write a decimal value
47462             </summary>
47463             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47464             <param name="value">Decimal value to be written.</param>
47465         </member>
47466         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.DateTime,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonDateTimeFormat)">
47467             <summary>
47468             Write a DateTime value
47469             </summary>
47470             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47471             <param name="value">DateTime value to be written.</param>
47472             <param name="dateTimeFormat">The format to write out the DateTime value in.</param>
47473         </member>
47474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.DateTimeOffset,Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataJsonDateTimeFormat)">
47475             <summary>
47476             Write a DateTimeOffset value.
47477             </summary>
47478             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47479             <param name="value">DateTimeOffset value to be written.</param>
47480             <param name="dateTimeFormat">The format to write out the DateTime value in.</param>
47481         </member>
47482         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.TimeSpan)">
47483             <summary>
47484             Write a TimeSpan value.
47485             </summary>
47486             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47487             <param name="value">TimeSpan value to be written.</param>
47488         </member>
47489         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Byte)">
47490             <summary>
47491             Write a byte value.
47492             </summary>
47493             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47494             <param name="value">Byte value to be written.</param>
47495         </member>
47496         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.SByte)">
47497             <summary>
47498             Write an sbyte value.
47499             </summary>
47500             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47501             <param name="value">SByte value to be written.</param>
47502         </member>
47503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteValue(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String)">
47504             <summary>
47505             Write a string value.
47506             </summary>
47507             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47508             <param name="value">String value to be written.</param>
47509         </member>
47510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteEscapedJsonString(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String)">
47511             <summary>
47512             Returns the string value with special characters escaped.
47513             </summary>
47514             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47515             <param name="inputString">Input string value.</param>
47516         </member>
47517         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.JsonTicksToDateTimeTicks(System.Int64)">
47518             <summary>
47519             Converts the number of ticks from the JSON date time format to the one used in .NET DateTime or DateTimeOffset structure.
47520             </summary>
47521             <param name="ticks">The ticks to from the JSON date time format.</param>
47522             <returns>The ticks to use in the .NET DateTime of DateTimeOffset structure.</returns>
47523         </member>
47524         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.WriteQuoted(System.IO.TextWriter,System.String)">
47525             <summary>
47526             Write the string value with quotes.
47527             </summary>
47528             <param name="writer">The text writer to write the output to.</param>
47529             <param name="text">String value to be written.</param>
47530         </member>
47531         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.DateTimeTicksToJsonTicks(System.Int64)">
47532             <summary>
47533             Converts the number of ticks from the .NET DateTime or DateTimeOffset structure to the ticks use in the JSON date time format.
47534             </summary>
47535             <param name="ticks">The ticks from the .NET DateTime of DateTimeOffset structure.</param>
47536             <returns>The ticks to use in the JSON date time format.</returns>
47537         </member>
47538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.GetUniversalDate(System.DateTime)">
47539             <summary>
47540             Converts a given date time to its universal date time equivalent.
47541             </summary>
47542             <param name="value">The date time to convert to UTC</param>
47543             <returns>universal date time equivalent of the value.</returns>
47544         </member>
47545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Json.JsonValueUtils.CreateSpecialCharToEscapedStringMap">
47546             <summary>
47547             Creates the special character to escaped string map.
47548             </summary>
47549             <returns>The map of special characters to the corresponding escaped strings.</returns>
47550         </member>
47551         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue">
47552             <summary>
47553             OData representation of a complex value.
47554             </summary>
47555         </member>
47556         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue.Properties">
47557             <summary>Gets or sets the properties and values of the complex value.</summary>
47558             <returns>The properties and values of the complex value.</returns>
47559         </member>
47560         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataComplexValue.TypeName">
47561             <summary>Gets or sets the type of the complex value.</summary>
47562             <returns>The type of the complex value.</returns>
47563         </member>
47564         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed">
47565             <summary>
47566             Describes a collection of entities.
47567             </summary>
47568         </member>
47569         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.nextPageLink">
47570             <summary>
47571             URI representing the next page link.
47572             </summary>
47573         </member>
47574         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.deltaLink">
47575             <summary>
47576             URI representing the delta link.
47577             </summary>
47578         </member>
47579         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.serializationInfo">
47580             <summary>
47581             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/>.
47582             </summary>
47583         </member>
47584         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.Count">
47585             <summary>Gets or sets the number of items in the feed.</summary>
47586             <returns>The number of items in the feed.</returns>
47587         </member>
47588         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.Id">
47589             <summary>Gets or sets the URI that identifies the entity set represented by the feed.</summary>
47590             <returns>The URI that identifies the entity set represented by the feed.</returns>
47591         </member>
47592         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.NextPageLink">
47593             <summary>Gets or sets the URI representing the next page link.</summary>
47594             <returns>The URI representing the next page link.</returns>
47595         </member>
47596         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.DeltaLink">
47597             <summary>
47598             URI representing the delta link.
47599             </summary>
47600         </member>
47601         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.InstanceAnnotations">
47602             <summary>
47603             Collection of custom instance annotations.
47604             </summary>
47605         </member>
47606         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed.SerializationInfo">
47607             <summary>
47608             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataFeed"/>.
47609             </summary>
47610         </member>
47611         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink">
47612             <summary>
47613             Represents a single link.
47614             </summary>
47615         </member>
47616         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.metadataBuilder">
47617             <summary>the metadata builder for this navigation link.</summary>
47618         </member>
47619         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.url">
47620             <summary>URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (Url) of the link as provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47621         </member>
47622         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.hasNavigationLink">
47623             <summary>true if the navigation link has been set by the user or seen on the wire or computed by the metadata builder, false otherwise.</summary>
47624         </member>
47625         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.associationLinkUrl">
47626             <summary>The association link URL for this navigation link as provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47627         </member>
47628         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.hasAssociationUrl">
47629             <summary>true if the association link has been set by the user or seen on the wire or computed by the metadata builder, false otherwise.</summary>
47630         </member>
47631         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.SetMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder)">
47632             <summary>
47633             Sets the metadata builder for this navigation link.
47634             </summary>
47635             <param name="builder">The metadata builder used to compute values from model annotations.</param>
47636         </member>
47637         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.IsCollection">
47638             <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the navigation link represents a collection or an entry.</summary>
47639             <returns>true if the navigation link represents a collection; false if the navigation represents an entry.</returns>
47640             <remarks>This property is required to have a value for ATOM payloads and is optional for JSON payloads.</remarks>
47641         </member>
47642         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.Name">
47643             <summary>Gets or sets the name of the link.</summary>
47644             <returns>The name of the link.</returns>
47645         </member>
47646         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.Url">
47647             <summary>Gets or sets the URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (URL) of the link.</summary>
47648             <returns>The URI representing the Unified Resource Locator (URL) of the link.</returns>
47649         </member>
47650         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataNavigationLink.AssociationLinkUrl">
47651             <summary>The association link URL for this navigation link. </summary>
47652         </member>
47653         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue">
47654             <summary>
47655             Represents a media resource.
47656             </summary>
47657         </member>
47658         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.metadataBuilder">
47659             <summary>the metadata builder for this OData entry.</summary>
47660         </member>
47661         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.edmPropertyName">
47662             <summary>The name of the named stream this value belongs to; null for the default media resource.</summary>
47663         </member>
47664         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.editLink">
47665             <summary>Edit link for media resource.</summary>
47666         </member>
47667         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.computedEditLink">
47668             <summary>Edit link for media resource.</summary>
47669         </member>
47670         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.hasNonComputedEditLink">
47671             <summary>true if an edit link was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
47672         </member>
47673         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.readLink">
47674             <summary>Read link for media resource.</summary>
47675         </member>
47676         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.computedReadLink">
47677             <summary>Read link for media resource.</summary>
47678         </member>
47679         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.hasNonComputedReadLink">
47680             <summary>true if a read link was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
47681         </member>
47682         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.SetMetadataBuilder(Microsoft.Data.OData.Evaluation.ODataEntityMetadataBuilder,System.String)">
47683             <summary>
47684             Sets the metadata builder for this stream reference value.
47685             </summary>
47686             <param name="builder">The metadata builder used to compute values from model annotations.</param>
47687             <param name="propertyName">The property name for the named stream; null for the default media resource.</param>
47688         </member>
47689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.GetMetadataBuilder">
47690             <summary>
47691             Gets the metadata builder for this stream reference value.
47692             </summary>
47693             <returns>The metadata builder used to compute links.</returns>
47694         </member>
47695         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.EditLink">
47696             <summary>Gets or sets the edit link for media resource.</summary>
47697             <returns>The edit link for media resource.</returns>
47698         </member>
47699         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.ReadLink">
47700             <summary>Gets or sets the read link for media resource.</summary>
47701             <returns>The read link for media resource.</returns>
47702         </member>
47703         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.ContentType">
47704             <summary>Gets or sets the content media type.</summary>
47705             <returns>The content media type.</returns>
47706         </member>
47707         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataStreamReferenceValue.ETag">
47708             <summary>Gets or sets the media resource ETag.</summary>
47709             <returns>The media resource ETag.</returns>
47710         </member>
47711         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty">
47712             <summary>
47713             Represents a single property of an entry.
47714             </summary>
47715         </member>
47716         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.odataOrUntypedValue">
47717             <summary>
47718             The value of this property, accessed and set by both <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.Value"/> and <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.ODataValue"/>.
47719             </summary>
47720         </member>
47721         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.serializationInfo">
47722             <summary>
47723             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/>.
47724             </summary>
47725         </member>
47726         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.Name">
47727             <summary>Gets or sets the property name.</summary>
47728             <returns>The property name.</returns>
47729         </member>
47730         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.Value">
47731             <summary>Gets or sets the property value.</summary>
47732             <returns>The property value.</returns>
47733         </member>
47734         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.ODataValue">
47735             <summary>
47736             Property value, represented as an ODataValue.
47737             </summary>
47738             <remarks>
47739             This value is the same as <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.Value"/>, except that primitive types are wrapped 
47740             in an instance of ODataPrimitiveValue, and null values are represented by an instance of ODataNullValue.
47741             </remarks>
47742         </member>
47743         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty.SerializationInfo">
47744             <summary>
47745             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataProperty"/>.
47746             </summary>
47747         </member>
47748         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry">
47749             <summary>
47750             Represents a single entity.
47751             </summary>
47752         </member>
47753         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.metadataBuilder">
47754             <summary>the metadata builder for this OData entry.</summary>
47755         </member>
47756         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.etag">
47757             <summary>The entry ETag, as provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47758         </member>
47759         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.hasNonComputedETag">
47760             <summary>true if an etag was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
47761         </member>
47762         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.id">
47763             <summary>The Entry ID, as provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47764         </member>
47765         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.hasNonComputedId">
47766             <summary>true if an id was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
47767         </member>
47768         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.editLink">
47769             <summary>Link used to edit the entry, as provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47770         </member>
47771         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.hasNonComputedEditLink">
47772             <summary>true if an edit link was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
47773         </member>
47774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.readLink">
47775             <summary>A link that can be used to read the entry, as provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47776         </member>
47777         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.hasNonComputedReadLink">
47778             <summary>true if a read link was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.</summary>
47779         </member>
47780         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.mediaResource">
47781             <summary>The default media resource of the media link entry, as provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47782         </member>
47783         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.properties">
47784             <summary>The entry properties provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47785         </member>
47786         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.actions">
47787             <summary>The entry actions provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47788         </member>
47789         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.functions">
47790             <summary>The entry functions provided by the user or seen on the wire (never computed).</summary>
47791         </member>
47792         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.serializationInfo">
47793             <summary>
47794             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/>.
47795             </summary>
47796         </member>
47797         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.ETag">
47798             <summary>Gets or sets the entry ETag.</summary>
47799             <returns>The entry ETag.</returns>
47800         </member>
47801         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.Id">
47802             <summary>Gets or sets the Entry identifier.</summary>
47803             <returns>The Entry identifier.</returns>
47804         </member>
47805         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.EditLink">
47806             <summary>Gets or sets the link used to edit the entry.</summary>
47807             <returns>The link used to edit the entry.</returns>
47808         </member>
47809         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.ReadLink">
47810             <summary>Gets or sets a link that can be used to read the entry.</summary>
47811             <returns>The link that can be used to read the entry.</returns>
47812         </member>
47813         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.MediaResource">
47814             <summary>Gets or sets the default media resource of the media link entry.</summary>
47815             <returns>The default media resource of the media link entry.</returns>
47816         </member>
47817         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.AssociationLinks">
47818             <summary>Gets or sets the association links.</summary>
47819             <returns>The association links.</returns>
47820         </member>
47821         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.Actions">
47822             <summary>Gets or sets the entity actions.</summary>
47823             <returns>The entity actions.</returns>
47824         </member>
47825         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.Functions">
47826             <summary>Gets or sets the entity functions.</summary>
47827             <returns>The entity functions.</returns>
47828         </member>
47829         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.Properties">
47830             <summary>Gets or sets the entry properties.</summary>
47831             <returns>The entry properties.</returns>
47832             <remarks>
47833             Non-property content goes to annotations.
47834             </remarks>
47835         </member>
47836         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.TypeName">
47837             <summary>Gets or sets the type name of the entry.</summary>
47838             <returns>The type name of the entry.</returns>
47839         </member>
47840         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.InstanceAnnotations">
47841             <summary>
47842             Collection of custom instance annotations.
47843             </summary>
47844         </member>
47845         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.MetadataBuilder">
47846             <summary>
47847             The metadata builder for this OData entry.
47848             </summary>
47849         </member>
47850         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedId">
47851             <summary>
47852             Returns the entry's Id property that has been set directly, and was not computed using the metadata builder.
47853             </summary>
47854         </member>
47855         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.HasNonComputedId">
47856             <summary>
47857             true if an id was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.
47858             </summary>
47859         </member>
47860         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedEditLink">
47861             <summary>
47862             Returns the entry's EditLink property that has been set directly, and was not computed using the metadata builder.
47863             </summary>
47864         </member>
47865         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.HasNonComputedEditLink">
47866             <summary>
47867             true if an edit link was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.
47868             </summary>
47869         </member>
47870         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedReadLink">
47871             <summary>
47872             Returns the entry's ReadLink property that has been set directly, and was not computed using the metadata builder.
47873             </summary>
47874         </member>
47875         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.HasNonComputedReadLink">
47876             <summary>
47877             true if a read link was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.
47878             </summary>
47879         </member>
47880         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedETag">
47881             <summary>
47882             Returns the entry's ETag property that has been set directly, and was not computed using the metadata builder.
47883             </summary>
47884         </member>
47885         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.HasNonComputedETag">
47886             <summary>
47887             true if an etag was provided by the user or seen on the wire, false otherwise.
47888             </summary>
47889         </member>
47890         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedMediaResource">
47891             <summary>Returns the default media resource of the media link entry that has been set directly and was not computed using the metadata builder.</summary>
47892         </member>
47893         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedProperties">
47894             <summary>Returns the entity properties that has been set directly and was not computed using the metadata builder.</summary>
47895         </member>
47896         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedActions">
47897             <summary>Returns the entity actions that has been set directly and was not computed using the metadata builder.</summary>
47898         </member>
47899         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.NonComputedFunctions">
47900             <summary>Returns the entity functions that has been set directly and was not computed using the metadata builder.</summary>
47901         </member>
47902         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry.SerializationInfo">
47903             <summary>
47904             Provides additional serialization information to the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataWriter"/> for this <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.ODataEntry"/>.
47905             </summary>
47906         </member>
47907         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper">
47908             <summary>
47909             Helper methods that provide a common API surface on all platforms.
47910             </summary>
47911         </member>
47912         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.EmptyTypes">
47913             <summary>
47914             Use this instead of Type.EmptyTypes.
47915             </summary>
47916         </member>
47917         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.UriSchemeHttp">
47918             <summary>
47919             Use this instead of Uri.UriSchemeHttp.
47920             </summary>
47921         </member>
47922         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.UriSchemeHttps">
47923             <summary>
47924             Use this instead of Uri.UriSchemeHttps.
47925             </summary>
47926         </member>
47927         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetAssembly(System.Type)">
47928             <summary>
47929             Replacement for Type.Assembly.
47930             </summary>
47931             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47932             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47933         </member>
47934         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsValueType(System.Type)">
47935             <summary>
47936             Replacement for Type.IsValueType.
47937             </summary>
47938             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47939             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47940         </member>
47941         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsGenericParameter(System.Type)">
47942             <summary>
47943             Replacement for Type.IsGenericParameter.
47944             </summary>
47945             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47946             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47947         </member>
47948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsAbstract(System.Type)">
47949             <summary>
47950             Replacement for Type.IsAbstract.
47951             </summary>
47952             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47953             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47954         </member>
47955         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsGenericType(System.Type)">
47956             <summary>
47957             Replacement for Type.IsGenericType.
47958             </summary>
47959             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47960             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47961         </member>
47962         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsGenericTypeDefinition(System.Type)">
47963             <summary>
47964             Replacement for Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition.
47965             </summary>
47966             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47967             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47968         </member>
47969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsVisible(System.Type)">
47970             <summary>
47971             Replacement for Type.IsVisible.
47972             </summary>
47973             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47974             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47975         </member>
47976         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsInterface(System.Type)">
47977             <summary>
47978             Replacement for Type.IsInterface.
47979             </summary>
47980             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47981             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47982         </member>
47983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsClass(System.Type)">
47984             <summary>
47985             Replacement for Type.IsClass.
47986             </summary>
47987             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47988             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47989         </member>
47990         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsEnum(System.Type)">
47991             <summary>
47992             Replacement for Type.IsEnum.
47993             </summary>
47994             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
47995             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
47996         </member>
47997         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetBaseType(System.Type)">
47998             <summary>
47999             Replacement for Type.BaseType.
48000             </summary>
48001             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48002             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
48003         </member>
48004         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.ContainsGenericParameters(System.Type)">
48005             <summary>
48006             Replacement for Type.ContainsGenericParameters.
48007             </summary>
48008             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48009             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
48010         </member>
48011         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.AsReadOnly``1(``0[])">
48012             <summary>
48013             Replacement for Array.AsReadOnly(T[]).
48014             </summary>
48015             <typeparam name="T">Type of items in the array.</typeparam>
48016             <param name="array">Array to use to create the ReadOnlyCollection.</param>
48017             <returns>ReadOnlyCollection containing the specified array items.</returns>
48018         </member>
48019         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime(System.String)">
48020             <summary>
48021             Converts a string to a DateTime.
48022             </summary>
48023             <param name="text">String to be converted.</param>
48024             <returns>See documentation for method being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
48025         </member>
48026         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.ConvertStringToDateTimeOffset(System.String)">
48027             <summary>
48028             Converts a string to a DateTimeOffset.
48029             </summary>
48030             <param name="text">String to be converted.</param>
48031             <returns>See documentation for method being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
48032         </member>
48033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.AddSecondsPaddingIfMissing(System.String)">
48034             <summary>
48035             Adds the seconds padding as zeros to the date time string if seconds part is missing.
48036             </summary>
48037             <param name="text">String that needs seconds padding</param>
48038             <returns>DateTime string after adding seconds padding</returns>
48039         </member>
48040         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.ConvertDateTimeToStringInternal(System.DateTime)">
48041             <summary>
48042             Converts the DateTime to a string, internal method.
48043             </summary>
48044             <param name="dateTime">DateTime to convert to String.</param>
48045             <returns>Converted String.</returns>
48046         </member>
48047         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.ConvertDateTimeToString(System.DateTime)">
48048             <summary>
48049             Converts a DateTime to a string.
48050             </summary>
48051             <param name="dateTime">DateTime to be converted.</param>
48052             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
48053         </member>
48054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetTypeOrThrow(System.String)">
48055             <summary>
48056             Gets the specified type.
48057             </summary>
48058             <param name="typeName">Name of the type to get.</param>
48059             <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">Throws if the type could not be found.</exception>
48060             <returns>Type instance that represents the specified type name.</returns>
48061         </member>
48062         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetTypeCode(System.Type)">
48063             <summary>
48064             Gets the TypeCode for the specified type.
48065             </summary>
48066             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48067             <returns>TypeCode representing the specified type.</returns>
48068         </member>
48069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetUnicodeCategory(System.Char)">
48070             <summary>
48071             Gets the Unicode Category of the specified character.
48072             </summary>
48073             <param name="c">Character to get category of.</param>
48074             <returns>Category of the character.</returns>
48075         </member>
48076         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsProperty(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">
48077             <summary>
48078             Replacement for usage of MemberInfo.MemberType property.
48079             </summary>
48080             <param name="member">MemberInfo on which to access this method.</param>
48081             <returns>True if the specified member is a property, otherwise false.</returns>
48082         </member>
48083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsPrimitive(System.Type)">
48084             <summary>
48085             Replacement for usage of Type.IsPrimitive property.
48086             </summary>
48087             <param name="type">Type on which to access this method.</param>
48088             <returns>True if the specified type is primitive, otherwise false.</returns>
48089         </member>
48090         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsSealed(System.Type)">
48091             <summary>
48092             Replacement for usage of Type.IsSealed property.
48093             </summary>
48094             <param name="type">Type on which to access this method.</param>
48095             <returns>True if the specified type is sealed, otherwise false.</returns>
48096         </member>
48097         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.IsMethod(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">
48098             <summary>
48099             Replacement for usage of MemberInfo.MemberType property.
48100             </summary>
48101             <param name="member">MemberInfo on which to access this method.</param>
48102             <returns>True if the specified member is a method, otherwise false.</returns>
48103         </member>
48104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.AreMembersEqual(System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">
48105             <summary>
48106             Compares two methodInfos and returns true if they represent the same method.
48107             Need this for Windows Phone as the method Infos of the same method are not always instance equivalent.
48108             </summary>
48109             <param name="member1">MemberInfo to compare.</param>
48110             <param name="member2">MemberInfo to compare.</param>
48111             <returns>True if the specified member is a method, otherwise false.</returns>
48112         </member>
48113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetPublicProperties(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
48114             <summary>
48115             Gets public properties for the specified type.
48116             </summary>
48117             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48118             <param name="instanceOnly">True if method should return only instance properties, false if it should return both instance and static properties.</param>
48119             <returns>Enumerable of public properties for the type.</returns>
48120         </member>
48121         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetPublicProperties(System.Type,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
48122             <summary>
48123             Gets public properties for the specified type.
48124             </summary>
48125             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48126             <param name="instanceOnly">True if method should return only instance properties, false if it should return both instance and static properties.</param>
48127             <param name="declaredOnly">True if method should return only properties that are declared on the type, false if it should return properties declared on the type as well as those inherited from any base types.</param>
48128             <returns>Enumerable of public properties for the type.</returns>
48129         </member>
48130         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetInstanceConstructors(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
48131             <summary>
48132             Gets instance constructors for the specified type.
48133             </summary>
48134             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48135             <param name="isPublic">True if method should return only public constructors, false if it should return only non-public constructors.</param>
48136             <returns>Enumerable of instance constructors for the specified type.</returns>
48137         </member>
48138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetInstanceConstructor(System.Type,System.Boolean,System.Type[])">
48139             <summary>
48140             Gets a instance constructor for the type that takes the specified argument types.
48141             </summary>
48142             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48143             <param name="isPublic">True if method should search only public constructors, false if it should search only non-public constructors.</param>
48144             <param name="argTypes">Array of argument types for the constructor.</param>
48145             <returns>ConstructorInfo for the constructor with the specified characteristics if found, otherwise null.</returns>
48146         </member>
48147         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.TryGetMethod(System.Type,System.String,System.Type[],System.Reflection.MethodInfo@)">
48148             <summary>
48149             Tries to the get method from the type, returns null if not found.
48150             </summary>
48151             <param name="type">The type.</param>
48152             <param name="name">The name.</param>
48153             <param name="parameterTypes">The parameter types.</param>
48154             <returns>Returns True if found.</returns>
48155         </member>
48156         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetMethod(System.Type,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
48157             <summary>
48158             Gets a method on the specified type.
48159             </summary>
48160             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48161             <param name="name">Name of the method on the type.</param>
48162             <param name="isPublic">True if method should search only public methods, false if it should search only non-public methods.</param>
48163             <param name="isStatic">True if method should search only static methods, false if it should search only instance methods.</param>
48164             <returns>MethodInfo for the method with the specified characteristics if found, otherwise null.</returns>
48165         </member>
48166         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetMethod(System.Type,System.String,System.Type[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
48167             <summary>
48168             Gets a method on the specified type.
48169             </summary>
48170             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48171             <param name="name">Name of the method on the type.</param>
48172             <param name="types">Argument types for the method.</param>
48173             <param name="isPublic">True if method should search only public methods, false if it should search only non-public methods.</param>
48174             <param name="isStatic">True if method should search only static methods, false if it should search only instance methods.</param>
48175             <returns>MethodInfo for the method with the specified characteristics if found, otherwise null.</returns>
48176         </member>
48177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetPublicStaticMethods(System.Type)">
48178             <summary>
48179             Gets all public static methods for a type.
48180             </summary>
48181             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48182             <returns>Enumerable of all public static methods for the specified type.</returns>
48183         </member>
48184         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.GetNonPublicNestedTypes(System.Type)">
48185             <summary>
48186             Replacement for Type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.NonPublic)
48187             </summary>
48188             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
48189             <returns>All types nested in the current type</returns>
48190         </member>
48191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.PlatformHelper.CreateCompiled(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions)">
48192             <summary>
48193             Creates a Compiled Regex expression
48194             </summary>
48195             <param name="pattern">Pattern to match.</param>
48196             <param name="options">Options to use.</param>
48197             <returns>Regex expression to match supplied patter</returns>
48198             <remarks>Is marked as compiled option only in platforms otherwise RegexOption.None is used</remarks>
48199         </member>
48200         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.TextResDescriptionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
48201             <summary>
48202                 Constructs a new sys description.
48203             </summary>
48204             <param name='description'>
48205                 description text.
48206             </param>
48207         </member>
48208         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.TextResDescriptionAttribute.Description">
48209             <summary>
48210                 Retrieves the description text.
48211             </summary>
48212             <returns>
48213                 description
48214             </returns>
48215         </member>
48216         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.TextRes">
48217              <summary>
48218                 AutoGenerated resource class. Usage:
48220                     string s = TextRes.GetString(TextRes.MyIdenfitier);
48221              </summary>
48222         </member>
48223         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings">
48224             <summary>
48225                Strongly-typed and parameterized string resources.
48226             </summary>
48227         </member>
48228         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataOutputContext_UnsupportedPayloadKindForFormat(System.Object,System.Object)">
48229             <summary>
48230             A string like "The format '{0}' does not support writing a payload of kind '{1}'."
48231             </summary>
48232         </member>
48233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataOutputContext_CustomInstanceAnnotationsNotSupportedForFormat(System.Object)">
48234             <summary>
48235             A string like "The format '{0}' does not support writing custom instance annotations."
48236             </summary>
48237         </member>
48238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataInputContext_UnsupportedPayloadKindForFormat(System.Object,System.Object)">
48239             <summary>
48240             A string like "The format '{0}' does not support reading a payload of kind '{1}'."
48241             </summary>
48242         </member>
48243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightSerializer_RelativeUriUsedWithoutMetadataDocumentUriOrMetadata(System.Object)">
48244             <summary>
48245             A string like "A relative URI value '{0}' was specified in the data to write, but the metadata document URI or the metadata for the item to be written was not specified for the writer. The metadata document URI and the metadata for the item to be written must be provided to the writer when using relative URI values."
48246             </summary>
48247         </member>
48248         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriter_RelativeUriUsedWithoutBaseUriSpecified(System.Object)">
48249             <summary>
48250             A string like "A relative URI value '{0}' was specified in the data to write, but a base URI was not specified for the writer. A base URI must be set when using relative URI values."
48251             </summary>
48252         </member>
48253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriter_StreamPropertiesMustBePropertiesOfODataEntry(System.Object)">
48254             <summary>
48255             A string like "The property '{0}' is a stream property, but it is not a property of an ODataEntry instance. In OData, stream properties must be properties of ODataEntry instances."
48256             </summary>
48257         </member>
48258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidStateTransition(System.Object,System.Object)">
48259             <summary>
48260             A string like "An invalid state transition has been detected in an OData writer. Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'."
48261             </summary>
48262         </member>
48263         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromStart(System.Object,System.Object)">
48264             <summary>
48265             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. The only valid actions in state '{0}' are to write an entry or a feed."
48266             </summary>
48267         </member>
48268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromEntry(System.Object,System.Object)">
48269             <summary>
48270             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. The only valid action in state '{0}' is to write a navigation link."
48271             </summary>
48272         </member>
48273         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromNullEntry(System.Object,System.Object)">
48274             <summary>
48275             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. You must first call ODataWriter.WriteEnd to finish writing a null ODataEntry."
48276             </summary>
48277         </member>
48278         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromFeed(System.Object,System.Object)">
48279             <summary>
48280             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. The only valid action in state '{0}' is to write an entry."
48281             </summary>
48282         </member>
48283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromExpandedLink(System.Object,System.Object)">
48284             <summary>
48285             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. The only valid actions in state '{0}' are to write an entry or a feed."
48286             </summary>
48287         </member>
48288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromCompleted(System.Object,System.Object)">
48289             <summary>
48290             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. Nothing further can be written once the writer has completed."
48291             </summary>
48292         </member>
48293         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromError(System.Object,System.Object)">
48294             <summary>
48295             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. Nothing can be written once the writer entered the error state."
48296             </summary>
48297         </member>
48298         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_WriteEndCalledInInvalidState(System.Object)">
48299             <summary>
48300             A string like "ODataWriter.WriteEnd was called in an invalid state ('{0}'); WriteEnd is only supported in states 'Entry', 'Feed', 'NavigationLink', and 'NavigationLinkWithContent'."
48301             </summary>
48302         </member>
48303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker_DuplicatePropertyNamesNotAllowed(System.Object)">
48304             <summary>
48305             A string like "Multiple properties with the name '{0}' were detected in an entry or a complex value. In OData, duplicate property names are not allowed."
48306             </summary>
48307         </member>
48308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker_MultipleLinksForSingleton(System.Object)">
48309             <summary>
48310             A string like "Multiple navigation links with the same name '{0}' for a singleton navigation property were detected on an entry. In OData, a singleton navigation property can have only one navigation link."
48311             </summary>
48312         </member>
48313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker_DuplicateAnnotationNotAllowed(System.Object)">
48314             <summary>
48315             A string like "Multiple annotations with the name '{0}' were detected. In OData, duplicate annotations are not allowed."
48316             </summary>
48317         </member>
48318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker_DuplicateAnnotationForPropertyNotAllowed(System.Object,System.Object)">
48319             <summary>
48320             A string like "Multiple annotations with the name '{0}' were detected for the property with name '{1}'. In OData, duplicate annotations are not allowed."
48321             </summary>
48322         </member>
48323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker_DuplicateAnnotationForInstanceAnnotationNotAllowed(System.Object,System.Object)">
48324             <summary>
48325             A string like "Multiple annotations with the name '{0}' were detected for the instance annotation with name '{1}'. In OData, duplicate annotations are not allowed."
48326             </summary>
48327         </member>
48328         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker_PropertyAnnotationAfterTheProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
48329             <summary>
48330             A string like "An annotation with name '{0}' for property '{1}' was detected after the property, or after an annotation for another property. In OData, annotations for a property must be in a single group and must appear before the property they annotate."
48331             </summary>
48332         </member>
48333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AtomValueUtils_CannotConvertValueToAtomPrimitive(System.Object)">
48334             <summary>
48335             A string like "Cannot convert a value of type '{0}' to the string representation of an Atom primitive value."
48336             </summary>
48337         </member>
48338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonWriter_UnsupportedValueType(System.Object)">
48339             <summary>
48340             A string like "The value of type '{0}' is not supported and cannot be converted to a JSON representation."
48341             </summary>
48342         </member>
48343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_MaxProtocolVersionExceeded(System.Object,System.Object)">
48344             <summary>
48345             A string like "The version '{0}' specified by the payload is higher than the maximum protocol version '{1}' specified by the ODataMessageReaderSettings.MaxProtocolVersion property."
48346             </summary>
48347         </member>
48348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_PropertyNotSupportedForODataVersionGreaterThanX(System.Object,System.Object)">
48349             <summary>
48350             A string like "The property '{0}' is not supported when ODataVersion is greater than '{1}'."
48351             </summary>
48352         </member>
48353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_ParameterPayloadNotSupported(System.Object)">
48354             <summary>
48355             A string like "Parameters in the payload are only supported in version 3.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. They are not supported in version {0}."
48356             </summary>
48357         </member>
48358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_AssociationLinksNotSupported(System.Object)">
48359             <summary>
48360             A string like "Association links are only supported in version 3.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. They are not supported in version {0}."
48361             </summary>
48362         </member>
48363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_InlineCountNotSupported(System.Object)">
48364             <summary>
48365             A string like "The inline count feature is only supported in version 2.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. It is not supported in version {0}."
48366             </summary>
48367         </member>
48368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_NextLinkNotSupported(System.Object)">
48369             <summary>
48370             A string like "The next link feature is only supported in version 2.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. It is not supported in version {0}."
48371             </summary>
48372         </member>
48373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_DeltaLinkNotSupported(System.Object)">
48374             <summary>
48375             A string like "The delta link feature is only supported in version 3.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. It is not supported in version {0}."
48376             </summary>
48377         </member>
48378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_CollectionPropertiesNotSupported(System.Object,System.Object)">
48379             <summary>
48380             A string like "A collection property '{0}' was detected; Collection properties are only supported in version 3.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. They are not supported in version {1}."
48381             </summary>
48382         </member>
48383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_CollectionNotSupported(System.Object)">
48384             <summary>
48385             A string like "Collection types are only supported in version 3.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. They are not supported in version {0}."
48386             </summary>
48387         </member>
48388         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_StreamPropertiesNotSupported(System.Object)">
48389             <summary>
48390             A string like "Stream properties are only supported in version 3.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. They are not supported in version {0}."
48391             </summary>
48392         </member>
48393         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_EpmVersionNotSupported(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48394             <summary>
48395             A string like "The entity property mapping specified on type '{0}' is only supported in version {1} of the OData protocol and higher versions. It is not supported in version {2}."
48396             </summary>
48397         </member>
48398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_GeographyAndGeometryNotSupported(System.Object)">
48399             <summary>
48400             A string like "Geography and Geometry types are only supported in version 3.0 of the OData protocol and higher versions. They are not supported in version {0}."
48401             </summary>
48402         </member>
48403         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkHrefsMustMatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
48404             <summary>
48405             A string like "The '{0}' value for the href of a link, which was either specified or computed, does not match the '{1}' value specified in the metadata of the link. When an href is specified in metadata, the href values must match."
48406             </summary>
48407         </member>
48408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkTitlesMustMatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
48409             <summary>
48410             A string like "The '{0}' value for the title of a link, which was either specified or computed, does not match the '{1}' value specified in the metadata of the link. When a title is specified in metadata, the titles must match."
48411             </summary>
48412         </member>
48413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkRelationsMustMatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
48414             <summary>
48415             A string like "The '{0}' value for the relation of a link, which was either specified or computed, does not match the '{1}' value specified in the metadata of the link. When a relation is specified in metadata, the relations must match."
48416             </summary>
48417         </member>
48418         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkMediaTypesMustMatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
48419             <summary>
48420             A string like "The '{0}' value for the media type of a link, which was either specified or computed, does not match the '{1}' value specified in the metadata of the link. If a media type is specified in metadata, the media types must match."
48421             </summary>
48422         </member>
48423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_InvalidAnnotationValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
48424             <summary>
48425             A string like "An annotation of type string was expected for the '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' annotation, but an annotation of type '{1}' was found."
48426             </summary>
48427         </member>
48428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_CategoryTermsMustMatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
48429             <summary>
48430             A string like "The '{0}' value for the term of a category, which was either specified or computed, does not match the value '{1}' specified in the ATOM metadata of the category. When a term is specified in Atom metadata, the terms must match."
48431             </summary>
48432         </member>
48433         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_CategorySchemesMustMatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
48434             <summary>
48435             A string like "The '{0}' value for the scheme of a category, which was either specified or computed, does not match the value '{1}' specified in the ATOM metadata of the category. When a scheme is specified in Atom metadata, the schemes must match."
48436             </summary>
48437         </member>
48438         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomMetadataEpmMerge_TextKindConflict(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48439             <summary>
48440             A string like "The text kind '{1}' specified by the atom metadata property '{0}' conflicts with the text kind '{2}' mapped to this property by using entity property mapping. When both the metadata and the entity property mapping specify text kinds, those text kinds must be equal."
48441             </summary>
48442         </member>
48443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomMetadataEpmMerge_TextValueConflict(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48444             <summary>
48445             A string like "The value '{1}' specified by the atom metadata property '{0}' conflicts with the value '{2}' mapped to this property by using entity property mapping. When both the metadata and the entity property mapping specify a value, these values must be equal."
48446             </summary>
48447         </member>
48448         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_InvalidContentTypeForWritingRawValue(System.Object)">
48449             <summary>
48450             A string like "The content type '{0}' is not supported when writing raw values."
48451             </summary>
48452         </member>
48453         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_CannotSetHeadersWithInvalidPayloadKind(System.Object)">
48454             <summary>
48455             A string like "Cannot set message headers for the invalid payload kind '{0}'."
48456             </summary>
48457         </member>
48458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_IncompatiblePayloadKinds(System.Object,System.Object)">
48459             <summary>
48460             A string like "The payload kind '{0}' used in the last call to ODataUtils.SetHeadersForPayload is incompatible with the payload being written, which is of kind '{1}'."
48461             </summary>
48462         </member>
48463         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_CannotWriteStreamPropertyAsTopLevelProperty(System.Object)">
48464             <summary>
48465             A string like "The stream property '{0}' cannot be written to the payload as a top level property."
48466             </summary>
48467         </member>
48468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_InvalidPropertyOwningType(System.Object,System.Object)">
48469             <summary>
48470             A string like "The ODataMessageWriter.WriteProperty method was called with an owning type '{0}' of kind '{1}'. The owning type of a property can only be of kind Complex or Entity."
48471             </summary>
48472         </member>
48473         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_InvalidPropertyProducingFunctionImport(System.Object)">
48474             <summary>
48475             A string like "The ODataMessageWriter.WriteProperty method was called with a producing function import with return type '{0}'. The producing function import for property payloads must return type which is either a primitive, complex, primitive collection of complex collection type."
48476             </summary>
48477         </member>
48478         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_EntityReferenceLinksWithSingletonNavPropNotAllowed(System.Object)">
48479             <summary>
48480             A string like "The navigation property named '{0}' given to ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLinks represents a singleton property. When writing multiple entity reference links, the navigation property must be a collection."
48481             </summary>
48482         </member>
48483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_JsonPaddingOnInvalidContentType(System.Object)">
48484             <summary>
48485             A string like "A JsonPaddingFunctionName was specified, but the content-type '{0}' is not supported with Json Padding."
48486             </summary>
48487         </member>
48488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_NonCollectionType(System.Object)">
48489             <summary>
48490             A string like "The type '{0}' specified as the collection's item type is not primitive or complex. An ODataCollectionWriter can only write collections of primitive or complex values."
48491             </summary>
48492         </member>
48493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriter_CannotCreateCollectionWriterForFormat(System.Object)">
48494             <summary>
48495             A string like "Cannot create an ODataCollectionWriter for ODataFormat.{0}. Only ODataFormat.PlainXml and ODataFormat.Json are supported."
48496             </summary>
48497         </member>
48498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromStart(System.Object,System.Object)">
48499             <summary>
48500             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. The only valid actions in state '{0}' are to write the collection or to write nothing at all."
48501             </summary>
48502         </member>
48503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromCollection(System.Object,System.Object)">
48504             <summary>
48505             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. The only valid actions in state '{0}' are to write an item or to write the end of the collection."
48506             </summary>
48507         </member>
48508         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_InvalidTransitionFromItem(System.Object,System.Object)">
48509             <summary>
48510             A string like "Cannot transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}'. The only valid actions in state '{0}' are to write an item or the end of the collection."
48511             </summary>
48512         </member>
48513         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_WriteEndCalledInInvalidState(System.Object)">
48514             <summary>
48515             A string like "ODataCollectionWriter.WriteEnd was called in an invalid state ('{0}'); WriteEnd is only supported in states 'Start', 'Collection', and 'Item'."
48516             </summary>
48517         </member>
48518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_CollectionNameDoesntMatchFunctionImportName(System.Object,System.Object)">
48519             <summary>
48520             A string like "A collection with name '{0}' is being written with producing function import name '{1}'. If the producing function import is specified the collection name must be either null or match the name of the function import."
48521             </summary>
48522         </member>
48523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_NonCollectionType(System.Object,System.Object)">
48524             <summary>
48525             A string like "The producing function import '{0}' specified for the collection writer returns type '{1}' which is not a collection of primitive or complex values. An ODataCollectionWriter can only write collections of primitive or complex values."
48526             </summary>
48527         </member>
48528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatch_InvalidHttpMethodForQueryOperation(System.Object)">
48529             <summary>
48530             A string like "An invalid HTTP method '{0}' was detected for a query operation. Query operations only support the HTTP 'GET' method."
48531             </summary>
48532         </member>
48533         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatch_InvalidHttpMethodForChangeSetRequest(System.Object)">
48534             <summary>
48535             A string like "An invalid HTTP method '{0}' was detected for a request in a change set. Requests in change sets only support the HTTP methods 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'MERGE', and 'PATCH'."
48536             </summary>
48537         </member>
48538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchOperationHeaderDictionary_KeyNotFound(System.Object)">
48539             <summary>
48540             A string like "The header with name '{0}' was not present in the header collection of the batch operation."
48541             </summary>
48542         </member>
48543         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchOperationHeaderDictionary_DuplicateCaseInsensitiveKeys(System.Object)">
48544             <summary>
48545             A string like "Multiple headers with names that match '{0}', when using a case insensitive comparison, have been added. When case-insensitive header names are used, at most one header can be added for each name."
48546             </summary>
48547         </member>
48548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_DuplicatedParameterNameNotAllowed(System.Object)">
48549             <summary>
48550             A string like "The parameter '{0}' has already been written. Duplicate parameter names are not allowed in the parameter payload."
48551             </summary>
48552         </member>
48553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_CannotWriteValueOnNonValueTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
48554             <summary>
48555             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is of Edm type kind '{1}'. You cannot call WriteValue on a parameter that is not of Edm type kinds 'Primitive' or 'Complex'."
48556             </summary>
48557         </member>
48558         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_CannotWriteValueOnNonSupportedValueType(System.Object,System.Object)">
48559             <summary>
48560             A string like "The value for parameter '{0}' is of type '{1}'. WriteValue can only write null, ODataComplexValue and primitive types that are not Stream type."
48561             </summary>
48562         </member>
48563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_CannotCreateCollectionWriterOnNonCollectionTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
48564             <summary>
48565             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is of Edm type kind '{1}'. You cannot call CreateCollectionWriter on a parameter that is not of Edm type kind 'Collection'."
48566             </summary>
48567         </member>
48568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_ParameterNameNotFoundInFunctionImport(System.Object,System.Object)">
48569             <summary>
48570             A string like "The name '{0}' is not a recognized parameter name for function import '{1}'."
48571             </summary>
48572         </member>
48573         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_MissingParameterInParameterPayload(System.Object,System.Object)">
48574             <summary>
48575             A string like "The parameters {0} of the function import '{1}' could not be found when writing the parameter payload. All parameters present in the function import must be written to the parameter payload."
48576             </summary>
48577         </member>
48578         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_MaxBatchSizeExceeded(System.Object)">
48579             <summary>
48580             A string like "The current batch message contains too many parts. Only batch messages with a maximum number of '{0}' query operations and change sets are allowed."
48581             </summary>
48582         </member>
48583         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_MaxChangeSetSizeExceeded(System.Object)">
48584             <summary>
48585             A string like "The current change set contains too many operations. Only change sets with a maximum number of '{0}' operations are allowed."
48586             </summary>
48587         </member>
48588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_DuplicateContentIDsNotAllowed(System.Object)">
48589             <summary>
48590             A string like "The content ID '{0}' was found more than once in the same change set. Content IDs have to be unique across all operations of a change set."
48591             </summary>
48592         </member>
48593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchUtils_RelativeUriUsedWithoutBaseUriSpecified(System.Object)">
48594             <summary>
48595             A string like "The relative URI '{0}' was specified in a batch operation, but a base URI was not specified for the batch writer or batch reader."
48596             </summary>
48597         </member>
48598         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchUtils_RelativeUriStartingWithDollarUsedWithoutBaseUriSpecified(System.Object)">
48599             <summary>
48600             A string like "The relative URI '{0}' was specified in a batch operation, but a base URI was not specified for the batch writer or batch reader. When the relative URI is a reference to a content ID, the content ID does not exist in the current change set."
48601             </summary>
48602         </member>
48603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_InvalidStateForCreateOperationRequestMessage(System.Object)">
48604             <summary>
48605             A string like "The method CreateOperationRequestMessage was called in state '{0}', which is not allowed. CreateOperationRequestMessage can only be called in state 'Operation'."
48606             </summary>
48607         </member>
48608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_InvalidStateForCreateOperationResponseMessage(System.Object)">
48609             <summary>
48610             A string like "The method CreateOperationResponseMessage was called in state '{0}', which is not allowed. CreateOperationResponseMessage can only be called in state 'Operation'."
48611             </summary>
48612         </member>
48613         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_ReadOrReadAsyncCalledInInvalidState(System.Object)">
48614             <summary>
48615             A string like "ODataBatchReader.ReadAsync or ODataBatchReader.Read was called in an invalid state. No further calls can be made to the reader in state '{0}'."
48616             </summary>
48617         </member>
48618         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_MaxBatchSizeExceeded(System.Object)">
48619             <summary>
48620             A string like "The current batch message contains too many parts. A maximum number of '{0}' query operations and change sets are allowed in a batch message."
48621             </summary>
48622         </member>
48623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_MaxChangeSetSizeExceeded(System.Object)">
48624             <summary>
48625             A string like "The current change set contains too many operations. A maximum number of '{0}' operations are allowed in a change set."
48626             </summary>
48627         </member>
48628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_DuplicateContentIDsNotAllowed(System.Object)">
48629             <summary>
48630             A string like "The content ID '{0}' was found more than once in the same change set. Content IDs have to be unique across all operations of a change set."
48631             </summary>
48632         </member>
48633         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_InvalidHeaderSpecified(System.Object)">
48634             <summary>
48635             A string like "The message header '{0}' is invalid. The header value must be of the format '&lt;header name&gt;: &lt;header value&gt;'."
48636             </summary>
48637         </member>
48638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_InvalidRequestLine(System.Object)">
48639             <summary>
48640             A string like "The request line '{0}' is invalid. The request line at the start of each operation must be of the format 'HttpMethod RequestUrl HttpVersion'."
48641             </summary>
48642         </member>
48643         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_InvalidResponseLine(System.Object)">
48644             <summary>
48645             A string like "The response line '{0}' is invalid. The response line at the start of each operation must be of the format 'HttpVersion StatusCode StatusCodeString'."
48646             </summary>
48647         </member>
48648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_InvalidHttpVersionSpecified(System.Object,System.Object)">
48649             <summary>
48650             A string like "The HTTP version '{0}' used in a batch operation request or response is not valid. The value must be '{1}'."
48651             </summary>
48652         </member>
48653         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_NonIntegerHttpStatusCode(System.Object)">
48654             <summary>
48655             A string like " The HTTP status code '{0}' is invalid. An HTTP status code must be an integer value."
48656             </summary>
48657         </member>
48658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_MissingOrInvalidContentEncodingHeader(System.Object,System.Object)">
48659             <summary>
48660             A string like "A missing or invalid '{0}' header was found. The '{0}' header must be specified for each batch operation, and its value must be '{1}'."
48661             </summary>
48662         </member>
48663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_InvalidContentTypeSpecified(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48664             <summary>
48665             A string like "The '{0}' header value '{1}' is invalid. When this is the start of the change set, the value must be '{2}'; otherwise it must be '{3}'."
48666             </summary>
48667         </member>
48668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_InvalidContentLengthSpecified(System.Object)">
48669             <summary>
48670             A string like "The content length header '{0}' is not valid. The content length header must be a valid Int32 literal and must be greater than or equal to 0."
48671             </summary>
48672         </member>
48673         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_DuplicateHeaderFound(System.Object)">
48674             <summary>
48675             A string like "The header '{0}' was specified multiple times. Each header must appear only once in a batch part."
48676             </summary>
48677         </member>
48678         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_MultiByteEncodingsNotSupported(System.Object)">
48679             <summary>
48680             A string like "Invalid multi-byte encoding '{0}' detected. Multi-byte encodings other than UTF-8 are only supported for operation payloads. They are not supported in batch or change set parts."
48681             </summary>
48682         </member>
48683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStreamBuffer_BoundaryLineSecurityLimitReached(System.Object)">
48684             <summary>
48685             A string like "Too many white spaces after a boundary delimiter and before the terminating line feed. For security reasons, the total number of characters for a boundary including white spaces must not exceed {0}."
48686             </summary>
48687         </member>
48688         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_MediaTypeUnspecified(System.Object)">
48689             <summary>
48690             A string like "The MIME type '{0}' is invalid or unspecified."
48691             </summary>
48692         </member>
48693         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_MediaTypeRequiresSlash(System.Object)">
48694             <summary>
48695             A string like "The MIME type '{0}' requires a '/' character between type and subtype, such as 'text/plain'."
48696             </summary>
48697         </member>
48698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_MediaTypeRequiresSubType(System.Object)">
48699             <summary>
48700             A string like "The MIME type '{0}' requires a subtype definition."
48701             </summary>
48702         </member>
48703         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_MediaTypeMissingParameterValue(System.Object)">
48704             <summary>
48705             A string like "The MIME type is missing a parameter value for a parameter with the name '{0}'."
48706             </summary>
48707         </member>
48708         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_EscapeCharWithoutQuotes(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48709             <summary>
48710             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because the escape character '{3}' is not inside a quoted-string."
48711             </summary>
48712         </member>
48713         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_EscapeCharAtEnd(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48714             <summary>
48715             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because it terminates with the escape character '{3}'. In a quoted-string, the escape characters must always be followed by a character."
48716             </summary>
48717         </member>
48718         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_ClosingQuoteNotFound(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48719             <summary>
48720             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because the closing quote character was not found for the quoted-string."
48721             </summary>
48722         </member>
48723         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_InvalidCharacterInQuotedParameterValue(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48724             <summary>
48725             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because the character '{3}' is not allowed in a quoted-string. For more information, see RFC 2616, Sections 3.6 and 2.2."
48726             </summary>
48727         </member>
48728         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_MediaTypeRequiresSemicolonBeforeParameter(System.Object)">
48729             <summary>
48730             A string like "The MIME type '{0}' requires a semi-colon character (';') before a parameter definition."
48731             </summary>
48732         </member>
48733         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_InvalidQualityValueStartChar(System.Object,System.Object)">
48734             <summary>
48735             A string like "An invalid quality value was detected in the header string '{0}'; quality values must start with '0' or '1' but not with '{1}'."
48736             </summary>
48737         </member>
48738         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_InvalidQualityValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
48739             <summary>
48740             A string like "An invalid quality value '{0}' was detected in the header string '{1}'; quality values must be in the range [0, 1]."
48741             </summary>
48742         </member>
48743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_CannotConvertCharToInt(System.Object)">
48744             <summary>
48745             A string like "An error occurred when converting the character '{0}' to an integer."
48746             </summary>
48747         </member>
48748         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_MissingSeparatorBetweenCharsets(System.Object)">
48749             <summary>
48750             A string like "The separator ',' was missing between charset values in the header '{0}'."
48751             </summary>
48752         </member>
48753         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_InvalidSeparatorBetweenCharsets(System.Object)">
48754             <summary>
48755             A string like "A separator character was missing between charset values in the header '{0}'."
48756             </summary>
48757         </member>
48758         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_InvalidCharsetName(System.Object)">
48759             <summary>
48760             A string like "An invalid (empty) charset name found in the header '{0}'."
48761             </summary>
48762         </member>
48763         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_UnexpectedEndOfQValue(System.Object)">
48764             <summary>
48765             A string like "An unexpected end of the q-Value was detected in the header '{0}'."
48766             </summary>
48767         </member>
48768         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_ExpectedLiteralNotFoundInString(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48769             <summary>
48770             A string like "The expected literal '{0}' was not found at position '{1}' in the string '{2}'."
48771             </summary>
48772         </member>
48773         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_InvalidHttpMethodString(System.Object)">
48774             <summary>
48775             A string like "The string '{0}' cannot be converted into a supported HTTP method. The only supported HTTP methods are GET, DELETE, PUT, POST, PATCH and MERGE."
48776             </summary>
48777         </member>
48778         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_NoOrMoreThanOneContentTypeSpecified(System.Object)">
48779             <summary>
48780             A string like "The specified content type '{0}' contains either no media type or more than one media type, which is not allowed. You must specify exactly one media type as the content type."
48781             </summary>
48782         </member>
48783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpHeaderValueLexer_UnrecognizedSeparator(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48784             <summary>
48785             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because '{3}' is not a recognized separator. The supported separators are ',', ';', and '='."
48786             </summary>
48787         </member>
48788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpHeaderValueLexer_TokenExpectedButFoundQuotedString(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48789             <summary>
48790             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because a token is expected but a quoted-string is found instead."
48791             </summary>
48792         </member>
48793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpHeaderValueLexer_FailedToReadTokenOrQuotedString(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48794             <summary>
48795             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because a token or a quoted-string is expected at this position but were not found."
48796             </summary>
48797         </member>
48798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpHeaderValueLexer_InvalidSeparatorAfterQuotedString(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48799             <summary>
48800             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because '{3}' is not a valid separator after a quoted-string."
48801             </summary>
48802         </member>
48803         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpHeaderValueLexer_EndOfFileAfterSeparator(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48804             <summary>
48805             A string like "An error occurred when parsing the HTTP header '{0}'. The header value '{1}' is incorrect at position '{2}' because the header value should not end with the separator '{3}'."
48806             </summary>
48807         </member>
48808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MediaType_EncodingNotSupported(System.Object)">
48809             <summary>
48810             A string like "The character set '{0}' is not supported."
48811             </summary>
48812         </member>
48813         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MediaTypeUtils_DidNotFindMatchingMediaType(System.Object,System.Object)">
48814             <summary>
48815             A string like "A supported MIME type could not be found that matches the acceptable MIME types for the request. The supported type(s) '{0}' do not match any of the acceptable MIME types '{1}'."
48816             </summary>
48817         </member>
48818         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MediaTypeUtils_CannotDetermineFormatFromContentType(System.Object,System.Object)">
48819             <summary>
48820             A string like "A supported MIME type could not be found that matches the content type of the response. None of the supported type(s) '{0}' matches the content type '{1}'."
48821             </summary>
48822         </member>
48823         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MediaTypeUtils_NoOrMoreThanOneContentTypeSpecified(System.Object)">
48824             <summary>
48825             A string like "The specified content type '{0}' contains either no media type or more than one media type, which is not allowed. You must specify exactly one media type as the content type."
48826             </summary>
48827         </member>
48828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MediaTypeUtils_BoundaryMustBeSpecifiedForBatchPayloads(System.Object,System.Object)">
48829             <summary>
48830             A string like "The content type '{0}' specifies a batch payload; however, the payload either does not include a batch boundary or includes more than one boundary. In OData, batch payload content types must specify exactly one batch boundary in the '{1}' parameter of the content type."
48831             </summary>
48832         </member>
48833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EntityPropertyMapping_EpmAttribute(System.Object)">
48834             <summary>
48835             A string like "The '{0}' value provided for the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute is not valid."
48836             </summary>
48837         </member>
48838         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EntityPropertyMapping_InvalidTargetPath(System.Object)">
48839             <summary>
48840             A string like "The TargetName property path '{0}' set in the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute is not valid."
48841             </summary>
48842         </member>
48843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EntityPropertyMapping_TargetNamespaceUriNotValid(System.Object)">
48844             <summary>
48845             A string like "The value '{0}' of the targetNamespaceUri parameter provided to the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute does not have a valid URI format."
48846             </summary>
48847         </member>
48848         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_InvalidSourcePath(System.Object,System.Object)">
48849             <summary>
48850             A string like "The PropertyName property value '{1}' set in the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute on type '{0}' is not valid."
48851             </summary>
48852         </member>
48853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_EndsWithNonPrimitiveType(System.Object)">
48854             <summary>
48855             A string like "The property '{0}' provided at the end of the PropertyName property of the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute on a type is not a primitive type or a collection type."
48856             </summary>
48857         </member>
48858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_TraversalOfNonComplexType(System.Object)">
48859             <summary>
48860             A string like "The property '{0}' provided in the middle of the PropertyName property of the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute on a type is not a complex type."
48861             </summary>
48862         </member>
48863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_DuplicateEpmAttributesWithSameSourceName(System.Object,System.Object)">
48864             <summary>
48865             A string like "More than one EntityPropertyMappingAttribute on type '{0}' have a 'PropertyName' value '{1}'. In OData, an entity property cannot be mapped more than once."
48866             </summary>
48867         </member>
48868         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_MissingPropertyOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
48869             <summary>
48870             A string like "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' is not present."
48871             </summary>
48872         </member>
48873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_MissingPropertyOnInstance(System.Object,System.Object)">
48874             <summary>
48875             A string like "The property '{0}' defined on type '{1}' is not present in the instance of the type."
48876             </summary>
48877         </member>
48878         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_StreamPropertyCannotBeMapped(System.Object,System.Object)">
48879             <summary>
48880             A string like "The property '{0}' on the type '{1}' is of the type 'Edm.Stream'. Stream properties cannot be mapped with an entity property mapping."
48881             </summary>
48882         </member>
48883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_SpatialTypeCannotBeMapped(System.Object,System.Object)">
48884             <summary>
48885             A string like "The property '{0}' on the type '{1}' is a spatial type. Spatial type properties cannot be mapped with an entity property mapping."
48886             </summary>
48887         </member>
48888         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_OpenPropertySpatialTypeCannotBeMapped(System.Object,System.Object)">
48889             <summary>
48890             A string like "The open property '{0}' on the type '{1}' is a spatial type. Spatial type properties cannot be mapped with an entity property mapping."
48891             </summary>
48892         </member>
48893         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_OpenComplexPropertyCannotBeMapped(System.Object,System.Object)">
48894             <summary>
48895             A string like "The open property '{0}' on the type '{1}' does not have a primitive type. Only open primitive properties can be mapped with an entity property mapping."
48896             </summary>
48897         </member>
48898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSourceTree_CollectionPropertyCannotBeMapped(System.Object,System.Object)">
48899             <summary>
48900             A string like "The property '{0}' on the type '{1}' is a collection. Collection properties cannot be mapped with an entity property mapping."
48901             </summary>
48902         </member>
48903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmTargetTree_InvalidTargetPath_EmptySegment(System.Object)">
48904             <summary>
48905             A string like "The TargetName property path '{0}' set in the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute is not valid because it contains an empty segment."
48906             </summary>
48907         </member>
48908         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmTargetTree_InvalidTargetPath_MixedContent(System.Object,System.Object)">
48909             <summary>
48910             A string like "The TargetName property paths '{0}' and '{1}' set in two EntityPropertyMappingAttribute instances are invalid because they would result in mixed content. Mixed content produced by entity property mappings is not supported."
48911             </summary>
48912         </member>
48913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmTargetTree_AttributeInMiddle(System.Object)">
48914             <summary>
48915             A string like "The attribute identifier '{0}' is provided in the middle of the 'TargetName' property of EntityPropertyMappingAttribute."
48916             </summary>
48917         </member>
48918         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmTargetTree_DuplicateEpmAttributesWithSameTargetName(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48919             <summary>
48920             A string like "More than one EntityPropertyMappingAttribute on the type '{0}' have the same 'TargetName' value '{1}'. The conflicting properties are '{2}' and '{3}'. In OData, target names of entity property mappings must be unique on a given type."
48921             </summary>
48922         </member>
48923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSyndicationWriter_DateTimePropertyCanNotBeConverted(System.Object)">
48924             <summary>
48925             A string like "The property value corresponding to '{0}' property in SyndicationItemProperty could not be converted to the type DateTimeOffset."
48926             </summary>
48927         </member>
48928         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSyndicationWriter_EmptyCollectionMappedToAuthor(System.Object)">
48929             <summary>
48930             A string like "The collection property '{0}' has no items but is mapped to the author element. Only non-empty collection properties can be mapped to the author element in an entry."
48931             </summary>
48932         </member>
48933         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSyndicationWriter_NullValueForAttributeTarget(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48934             <summary>
48935             A string like "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' that is mapped to '{2}' has a 'null' value. Properties that are mapped to attributes cannot be null."
48936             </summary>
48937         </member>
48938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSyndicationWriter_InvalidLinkLengthValue(System.Object)">
48939             <summary>
48940             A string like "'{0}' is not a valid value for 'atom:link/@length' attribute. "
48941             </summary>
48942         </member>
48943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSyndicationWriter_InvalidValueForLinkRelCriteriaAttribute(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48944             <summary>
48945             A string like "The value '{0}' for the property '{1}' on type '{2}' that is mapped to 'link/@rel' is not valid. Properties that are mapped to 'link/@rel' cannot have values that are Atom-defined simple identifiers, such as alternate, related, self, enclosure, via, describedby, service, edit, or edit-media; cannot be an Atom-defined simple identifier following the IANA namespace, such as 'http://www.iana.org/assignments/relation/edit'; and cannot begin with the namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices'."
48946             </summary>
48947         </member>
48948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSyndicationWriter_InvalidValueForCategorySchemeCriteriaAttribute(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
48949             <summary>
48950             A string like "The value '{0}' for the property '{1}' on type '{2}' that is mapped to 'category/@scheme' is not valid. Properties that are mapped to 'category/@scheme' must have values that are URIs and cannot begin with the namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices'."
48951             </summary>
48952         </member>
48953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionLexer_ExpectedLiteralToken(System.Object)">
48954             <summary>
48955             A string like "Expected literal type token but found token '{0}'."
48956             </summary>
48957         </member>
48958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriUtils_InvalidRelativeUriForEscaping(System.Object,System.Object)">
48959             <summary>
48960             A string like "The relative URI '{0}' cannot be escaped because it starts with '{1}' and a base URI is not available. Relative URIs without a base URI cannot start with '/', '\\' or '..'."
48961             </summary>
48962         </member>
48963         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriUtils_ConvertToUriLiteralUnsupportedType(System.Object)">
48964             <summary>
48965             A string like "The type '{0}' is not supported when converting to a URI literal."
48966             </summary>
48967         </member>
48968         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriUtils_ConvertToUriLiteralUnsupportedFormat(System.Object)">
48969             <summary>
48970             A string like "The format '{0}' is not supported when converting to a URI literal. The supported formats are ODataFormat.JsonLight and ODataFormat.VerboseJson."
48971             </summary>
48972         </member>
48973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriUtils_ConvertFromUriLiteralTypeVerificationFailure(System.Object,System.Object)">
48974             <summary>
48975             A string like "Type verification failed. Expected type '{0}' but received the value '{1}'."
48976             </summary>
48977         </member>
48978         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriUtils_ConvertFromUriLiteralNullTypeVerificationFailure(System.Object,System.Object)">
48979             <summary>
48980             A string like "Type verification failed. Expected type '{0}' but received non-matching null value with associated type '{1}'."
48981             </summary>
48982         </member>
48983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriUtils_ConvertFromUriLiteralNullOnNonNullableType(System.Object)">
48984             <summary>
48985             A string like "Type verification failed. Expected non-nullable type '{0}' but received a null value."
48986             </summary>
48987         </member>
48988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_CannotConvertValueToRawPrimitive(System.Object)">
48989             <summary>
48990             A string like "The value of type '{0}' could not be converted to the string representation of a raw primitive value."
48991             </summary>
48992         </member>
48993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_DidNotFindDefaultMediaType(System.Object)">
48994             <summary>
48995             A string like "A default MIME type could not be found for the requested payload in format '{0}'."
48996             </summary>
48997         </member>
48998         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_UnsupportedVersionHeader(System.Object)">
48999             <summary>
49000             A string like "The value '{0}' of the DataServiceVersion HTTP header is invalid. Only '1.0', '2.0' and '3.0' are supported as values for the DataServiceVersion header."
49001             </summary>
49002         </member>
49003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderUtils_EnumerableModified(System.Object)">
49004             <summary>
49005             A string like "The value returned by the '{0}' property cannot be modified until the end of the owning entry is reported by the reader."
49006             </summary>
49007         </member>
49008         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_NullValueForNonNullableType(System.Object)">
49009             <summary>
49010             A string like "A null value was found with the expected type '{0}[Nullable=False]'. The expected type '{0}[Nullable=False]' does not allow null values."
49011             </summary>
49012         </member>
49013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_NullNamedValueForNonNullableType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49014             <summary>
49015             A string like "A null value was found for the property named '{0}', which has the expected type '{1}[Nullable=False]'. The expected type '{1}[Nullable=False]' does not allow null values."
49016             </summary>
49017         </member>
49018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_DerivedComplexTypesAreNotAllowed(System.Object,System.Object)">
49019             <summary>
49020             A string like "Complex type '{1}' is a subtype of a base type '{0}'. Derived complex types are not supported."
49021             </summary>
49022         </member>
49023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_CannotConvertPrimitiveValue(System.Object)">
49024             <summary>
49025             A string like "Cannot convert a primitive value to the expected type '{0}'. See the inner exception for more details."
49026             </summary>
49027         </member>
49028         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MessageReaderSettingsBaseUriMustBeNullOrAbsolute(System.Object)">
49029             <summary>
49030             A string like "The base URI '{0}' specified in ODataMessageReaderSettings.BaseUri is invalid; it must be either null or an absolute URI."
49031             </summary>
49032         </member>
49033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKindSpecifiedForOpenType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49034             <summary>
49035             A string like "An undeclared property '{0}' was found on type '{1}', which is marked as open; however, either the ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.IgnoreUndeclaredValueProperty or the ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.ReportUndeclaredLinkProperty setting is used. The ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.IgnoreUndeclaredValueProperty or ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.ReportUndeclaredLinkProperty setting cannot be used with open types."
49036             </summary>
49037         </member>
49038         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationInvalidExpectedEntitySet(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49039             <summary>
49040             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the entity set with name '{1}'; however, the name of the expected entity set is '{2}' and does not match the entity set referenced in the metadata URI."
49041             </summary>
49042         </member>
49043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationInvalidExpectedEntityType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49044             <summary>
49045             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the entity type with name '{1}'; however, the name of the expected entity type is '{2}' which is not compatible with the entity type with name '{1}'."
49046             </summary>
49047         </member>
49048         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingPropertyNames(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49049             <summary>
49050             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the property with name '{1}' on type '{2}'; however, the name of the expected property is '{3}'."
49051             </summary>
49052         </member>
49053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingDeclaringTypes(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49054             <summary>
49055             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the property with name '{1}' on type '{2}'; however, the declaring type of the expected property is '{3}'."
49056             </summary>
49057         </member>
49058         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingCollectionNames(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49059             <summary>
49060             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the function import with name '{1}'; however, the name of the expected producing function import is '{2}'."
49061             </summary>
49062         </member>
49063         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingCollectionItemTypes(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49064             <summary>
49065             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the function import with name '{1}' which returns a collection with item type '{2}'; however, the item type of the collection returned by the expected producing function import is '{3}'."
49066             </summary>
49067         </member>
49068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationPropertyWithExpectedFunctionImport(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49069             <summary>
49070             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references a property with name '{1}' on type '{2}'; however, a producing function import with name '{3}' was specified."
49071             </summary>
49072         </member>
49073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationFunctionImportWithExpectedProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49074             <summary>
49075             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references a function import with name '{1}'; however, an expected structural property with name '{2}' on type '{3}' was specified."
49076             </summary>
49077         </member>
49078         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_NonMatchingCollectionNames(System.Object,System.Object)">
49079             <summary>
49080             A string like "The collection name '{0}' was read from the payload; however, the name of the expected producing function import is '{1}'."
49081             </summary>
49082         </member>
49083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_NonMatchingPropertyNames(System.Object,System.Object)">
49084             <summary>
49085             A string like "The property or function import name '{0}' was read from the payload; however, the name of the expected property or function import is '{1}'."
49086             </summary>
49087         </member>
49088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingPropertyDeclaringTypes(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49089             <summary>
49090             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the property with name '{1}' on type '{2}'; however, the expected property with the same name is declared on type '{3}'."
49091             </summary>
49092         </member>
49093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingPropertyTypes(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49094             <summary>
49095             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the property with name '{1}' and type '{2}' on declaring type '{3}'; however, the expected property type is '{4}'."
49096             </summary>
49097         </member>
49098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingFunctionImportNames(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49099             <summary>
49100             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the function import with name '{1}'; however, the name of the expected function import is '{2}'."
49101             </summary>
49102         </member>
49103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriValidationNonMatchingFunctionImportReturnTypes(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49104             <summary>
49105             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the function import with name '{1}' and return type '{2}'; however, the expected return type is '{3}'."
49106             </summary>
49107         </member>
49108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_TypeInMetadataUriDoesNotMatchExpectedType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49109             <summary>
49110             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the type '{1}'; however the expected type is '{2}'."
49111             </summary>
49112         </member>
49113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_MetadataUriDoesNotReferTypeAssignableToExpectedType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49114             <summary>
49115             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' refers to the item type '{1}' which is not assignable to the expected item type '{2}'."
49116             </summary>
49117         </member>
49118         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ExpectedTypeSpecifiedWithoutMetadata(System.Object)">
49119             <summary>
49120             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is specified with a non-null value, but no metadata is available for the reader. The expected type can only be specified if metadata is made available to the reader."
49121             </summary>
49122         </member>
49123         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_EntitySetSpecifiedWithoutMetadata(System.Object)">
49124             <summary>
49125             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is specified with a non-null value, but no metadata is available for the reader. The entity set can only be specified if metadata is made available to the reader."
49126             </summary>
49127         </member>
49128         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_FunctionImportSpecifiedWithoutMetadata(System.Object)">
49129             <summary>
49130             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is specified with a non-null value, but no metadata is available for the reader. The function import can only be specified if metadata is made available to the reader."
49131             </summary>
49132         </member>
49133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ProducingFunctionImportNonCollectionType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49134             <summary>
49135             A string like "The producing function import '{0}' for a collection reader has the return type '{1}'. Only function imports returning collections of primitive or complex values can be specified as the producing function import for a collection reader."
49136             </summary>
49137         </member>
49138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ExpectedCollectionTypeWrongKind(System.Object)">
49139             <summary>
49140             A string like "The expected type for a collection reader is of kind '{0}'. Only types of Primitive or ComplexType kind can be specified as the expected type for a collection reader."
49141             </summary>
49142         </member>
49143         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ExpectedValueTypeWrongKind(System.Object)">
49144             <summary>
49145             A string like "The expected type for a value is of kind '{0}'. Only types of Primitive kind can be specified as the expected type for reading a value."
49146             </summary>
49147         </member>
49148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_WildcardInContentType(System.Object)">
49149             <summary>
49150             A string like "The wildcard '*' was detected in the value '{0}' of the content type header. The value of the content type header cannot contain wildcards."
49151             </summary>
49152         </member>
49153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_SingletonNavigationPropertyForEntityReferenceLinks(System.Object,System.Object)">
49154             <summary>
49155             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' with singleton cardinality on type '{1}' was specified for reading a collection of entity reference links. A navigation property with collection cardinality has to be provided."
49156             </summary>
49157         </member>
49158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMediaTypeUtils_BoundaryMustBeSpecifiedForBatchPayloads(System.Object,System.Object)">
49159             <summary>
49160             A string like "The content type '{0}' specifies a batch payload but does not include a batch boundary. In OData, batch payload content types must specify a batch boundary in the '{1}' parameter of the content type."
49161             </summary>
49162         </member>
49163         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataReaderCore_ReadOrReadAsyncCalledInInvalidState(System.Object)">
49164             <summary>
49165             A string like "ODataReader.ReadAsync or ODataReader.Read was called in an invalid state. No further calls can be made to the reader in state '{0}'."
49166             </summary>
49167         </member>
49168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataReaderCore_NoReadCallsAllowed(System.Object)">
49169             <summary>
49170             A string like "Calling Read or ReadAsync on an ODataReader instance is not allowed in state '{0}'."
49171             </summary>
49172         </member>
49173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReader_CannotReadEntriesOfFeed(System.Object)">
49174             <summary>
49175             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the entries of a feed. A 'StartObject' or 'EndArray' node was expected."
49176             </summary>
49177         </member>
49178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReader_CannotReadFeedStart(System.Object)">
49179             <summary>
49180             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of a feed. A 'StartObject' or 'StartArray' node was expected."
49181             </summary>
49182         </member>
49183         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReader_CannotReadEntryStart(System.Object)">
49184             <summary>
49185             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of an entry. A 'StartObject' node was expected."
49186             </summary>
49187         </member>
49188         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_CannotConvertInt32(System.Object)">
49189             <summary>
49190             A string like "Cannot convert a value of type 'Edm.Int32' to the expected target type '{0}'."
49191             </summary>
49192         </member>
49193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_CannotConvertDouble(System.Object)">
49194             <summary>
49195             A string like "Cannot convert a value of type 'Edm.Double' to the expected target type '{0}'."
49196             </summary>
49197         </member>
49198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_CannotConvertBoolean(System.Object)">
49199             <summary>
49200             A string like "Cannot convert a value of type 'Edm.Boolean' to the expected target type '{0}'."
49201             </summary>
49202         </member>
49203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_CannotConvertDateTime(System.Object)">
49204             <summary>
49205             A string like "Cannot convert a value of type 'Edm.DateTime' to the expected target type '{0}'."
49206             </summary>
49207         </member>
49208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_CannotConvertDateTimeOffset(System.Object)">
49209             <summary>
49210             A string like "Cannot convert a value of type 'Edm.DateTimeOffset' to the expected target type '{0}'."
49211             </summary>
49212         </member>
49213         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_MultipleMetadataPropertiesWithSameName(System.Object)">
49214             <summary>
49215             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found in the value of the '__metadata' property. In OData, the value of the '__metadata' property must have at most one '{0}' property."
49216             </summary>
49217         </member>
49218         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_MultipleEntityReferenceLinksWrapperPropertiesWithSameName(System.Object)">
49219             <summary>
49220             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found in an entity reference link wrapper object. In OData, an entity reference link wrapper must have at most one '{0}' property."
49221             </summary>
49222         </member>
49223         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_MultipleErrorPropertiesWithSameName(System.Object)">
49224             <summary>
49225             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found in an error or inner error object. In OData, an error or inner error must have at most one '{0}' property."
49226             </summary>
49227         </member>
49228         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_FeedPropertyWithNullValue(System.Object)">
49229             <summary>
49230             A string like "The '{0}' property in a feed wrapper has a null value. In OData, the '{0}' property must have a non-null value."
49231             </summary>
49232         </member>
49233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_MediaResourcePropertyWithNullValue(System.Object)">
49234             <summary>
49235             A string like "The '{0}' property in the value of the '__mediaresource' property has a null value. In OData, the '{0}' property must have a string value."
49236             </summary>
49237         </member>
49238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_EntityReferenceLinksInlineCountWithNullValue(System.Object)">
49239             <summary>
49240             A string like "The '{0}' property for a collection of entity reference links has a null value. In OData, the '{0}' property must have a non-null string value."
49241             </summary>
49242         </member>
49243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_EntityReferenceLinksPropertyWithNullValue(System.Object)">
49244             <summary>
49245             A string like "The '{0}' property in a collection of entity reference links has a null value. In OData, the '{0}' property must have a non-null string value."
49246             </summary>
49247         </member>
49248         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_MetadataPropertyWithNullValue(System.Object)">
49249             <summary>
49250             A string like "The '{0}' property in the value of the '__metadata' property has a null value. In OData, the '{0}' property must have a non-null string value."
49251             </summary>
49252         </member>
49253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonDeserializer_RelativeUriUsedWithoutBaseUriSpecified(System.Object)">
49254             <summary>
49255             A string like "A relative URI value '{0}' was specified in the payload, but no base URI for it was found. If the payload contains a relative URI a base URI must be specified on the reader settings."
49256             </summary>
49257         </member>
49258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonCollectionDeserializer_CannotReadCollectionContentStart(System.Object)">
49259             <summary>
49260             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the items of a collection; however, a 'StartArray' node was expected."
49261             </summary>
49262         </member>
49263         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_EntityReferenceLinkMustBeObjectValue(System.Object)">
49264             <summary>
49265             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of an entity reference link. In OData, entity reference links must be objects."
49266             </summary>
49267         </member>
49268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadFeedContentStart(System.Object)">
49269             <summary>
49270             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the entries of a feed; however, a 'StartArray' node was expected."
49271             </summary>
49272         </member>
49273         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleMetadataPropertiesForStreamProperty(System.Object)">
49274             <summary>
49275             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found for a stream reference value. In OData, a stream reference value can only contain one '{0}' property."
49276             </summary>
49277         </member>
49278         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_PropertyInEntryMustHaveObjectValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
49279             <summary>
49280             A string like "Found a node of type '{1}' when starting to read the property value, however a node of type 'StartObject' was expected. The '{0}' property of an entry metadata must have an object value. "
49281             </summary>
49282         </member>
49283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadSingletonNavigationPropertyValue(System.Object)">
49284             <summary>
49285             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the contents of a resource reference navigation link; however, a 'StartObject' node or 'PrimitiveValue' node with null value was expected."
49286             </summary>
49287         </member>
49288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadCollectionNavigationPropertyValue(System.Object)">
49289             <summary>
49290             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the contents of an entity set reference navigation link; however, a 'StartObject' or 'StartArray' node was expected."
49291             </summary>
49292         </member>
49293         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_AnnotationGroupMemberWithoutName(System.Object)">
49294             <summary>
49295             A string like "An annotation group member with an empty name was found for the annotation group with name '{0}'. In OData, annotation group members must have a non-null, non-empty names."
49296             </summary>
49297         </member>
49298         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_AnnotationGroupMemberWithInvalidValue(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49299             <summary>
49300             A string like "An annotation group member with name '{0}' in annotation group '{1}' has an invalid value. In OData, annotation group member values must be strings; values of type '{2}' are not supported."
49301             </summary>
49302         </member>
49303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_AnnotationGroupMemberMustBeAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
49304             <summary>
49305             A string like "An annotation group member with name '{0}' in annotation group '{1}' is not an annotation. In OData, JSON Light annotation groups can only contain instance and property annotations."
49306             </summary>
49307         </member>
49308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_DuplicateAnnotationGroup(System.Object)">
49309             <summary>
49310             A string like "Multiple annotation groups with name '{0}' were found in the payload. In OData, annotation group names must be unique for the entire payload and the same annotation group instance has to be used for its declaration and when referencing it."
49311             </summary>
49312         </member>
49313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_ActionsAndFunctionsGroupMustSpecifyTarget(System.Object)">
49314             <summary>
49315             A string like "Multiple operations have the same 'Metadata' property value of '{0}'. The 'Target' property value of these operations must be set to a non-null value."
49316             </summary>
49317         </member>
49318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_ActionsAndFunctionsGroupMustNotHaveDuplicateTarget(System.Object,System.Object)">
49319             <summary>
49320             A string like "Multiple operations have the same 'Metadata' property value of '{0}' and the same 'Target' property value of '{1}'. When multiple operations have the same 'Metadata' property value, their 'Target' property values must be unique."
49321             </summary>
49322         </member>
49323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonErrorDeserializer_TopLevelErrorWithInvalidProperty(System.Object)">
49324             <summary>
49325             A string like "A property with name '{0}' was found in the error object when reading a top-level error. In OData, a top-level error object must have exactly one property with name 'error'."
49326             </summary>
49327         </member>
49328         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonErrorDeserializer_TopLevelErrorMessageValueWithInvalidProperty(System.Object)">
49329             <summary>
49330             A string like "A property with name '{0}' was found in the message value of a top-level error. In OData, the message value of a top-level error value can only have properties with name 'lang' or 'value'."
49331             </summary>
49332         </member>
49333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVerboseJsonErrorDeserializer_TopLevelErrorValueWithInvalidProperty(System.Object)">
49334             <summary>
49335             A string like "A property with name '{0}' was found in the error value of a top-level error. In OData, a top-level error value can only have properties with name 'code', 'message', or 'innererror'."
49336             </summary>
49337         </member>
49338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_CannotReadPropertyValue(System.Object)">
49339             <summary>
49340             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read a value of a property; however, a 'PrimitiveValue' or 'StartObject' node was expected."
49341             </summary>
49342         </member>
49343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_MultiplePropertiesInCollectionWrapper(System.Object)">
49344             <summary>
49345             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found in a collection. In OData, a collection can only have one '{0}' property."
49346             </summary>
49347         </member>
49348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidTypeName(System.Object)">
49349             <summary>
49350             A string like "The 'type' property value '{0}' is not a valid type name. The value of the 'type' property must be a non-empty string."
49351             </summary>
49352         </member>
49353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidPrimitiveTypeName(System.Object)">
49354             <summary>
49355             A string like "The 'type' property value '{0}' is not valid. The type name can only be specified when the primitive property is a spatial property. Please make sure that the type name is either a spatial type name or a non-primitive type name."
49356             </summary>
49357         </member>
49358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_MetadataPropertyMustHaveObjectValue(System.Object)">
49359             <summary>
49360             A string like "Found a node of type '{0}' when starting to read the property value; however, a node of type 'StartObject' was expected. The '__metadata' property must have an object value."
49361             </summary>
49362         </member>
49363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionReaderCore_ReadOrReadAsyncCalledInInvalidState(System.Object)">
49364             <summary>
49365             A string like "ODataCollectionReader.ReadAsync or ODataCollectionReader.Read was called in an invalid state. No further calls can be made to the reader in state '{0}'."
49366             </summary>
49367         </member>
49368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionReaderCore_ExpectedItemTypeSetInInvalidState(System.Object,System.Object)">
49369             <summary>
49370             A string like "The current state of the collection reader is '{0}'; however, the expected item type of a collection reader can only be set in state '{1}'."
49371             </summary>
49372         </member>
49373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_ReadOrReadAsyncCalledInInvalidState(System.Object)">
49374             <summary>
49375             A string like "ODataParameterReader.ReadAsync or ODataParameterReader.Read was called in an invalid state. No further calls can be made to the reader in state '{0}'."
49376             </summary>
49377         </member>
49378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_SubReaderMustBeCreatedAndReadToCompletionBeforeTheNextReadOrReadAsyncCall(System.Object,System.Object)">
49379             <summary>
49380             A string like "ODataParameterReader.ReadAsync or ODataParameterReader.Read was called in the '{0}' state. '{1}' must be called in this state, and the created reader must be in the 'Completed' state before the next ODataParameterReader.ReadAsync or ODataParameterReader.Read can be called."
49381             </summary>
49382         </member>
49383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_SubReaderMustBeInCompletedStateBeforeTheNextReadOrReadAsyncCall(System.Object,System.Object)">
49384             <summary>
49385             A string like "ODataParameterReader.ReadAsync or ODataParameterReader.Read was called in the '{0}' state and '{1}' was called but the created reader is not in the 'Completed' state. The created reader must be in 'Completed' state before the next ODataParameterReader.ReadAsync or ODataParameterReader.Read can be called."
49386             </summary>
49387         </member>
49388         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_InvalidCreateReaderMethodCalledForState(System.Object,System.Object)">
49389             <summary>
49390             A string like "You cannot call the method '{0}' in state '{1}'."
49391             </summary>
49392         </member>
49393         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_CreateReaderAlreadyCalled(System.Object,System.Object)">
49394             <summary>
49395             A string like "The '{0}' method has already been called for the parameter '{1}'. Only one create reader method call is allowed for each entry, feed, or collection parameter."
49396             </summary>
49397         </member>
49398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_ParameterNameNotInMetadata(System.Object,System.Object)">
49399             <summary>
49400             A string like "The parameter '{0}' in the request payload is not a valid parameter for the function import '{1}'."
49401             </summary>
49402         </member>
49403         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_DuplicateParametersInPayload(System.Object)">
49404             <summary>
49405             A string like "Multiple parameters with the name '{0}' were found in the request payload."
49406             </summary>
49407         </member>
49408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_ParametersMissingInPayload(System.Object,System.Object)">
49409             <summary>
49410             A string like "One or more parameters of the function import '{0}' are missing from the request payload. The missing parameters are: {1}."
49411             </summary>
49412         </member>
49413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonParameterReader_UnsupportedPrimitiveParameterType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49414             <summary>
49415             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is of the '{1}' primitive type, which is not supported."
49416             </summary>
49417         </member>
49418         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonParameterReader_UnsupportedParameterTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
49419             <summary>
49420             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is of an unsupported type kind '{1}'. The supported type kinds are Primitive, Complex, Primitive Collection and Complex Collection."
49421             </summary>
49422         </member>
49423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonParameterReader_NullCollectionExpected(System.Object,System.Object)">
49424             <summary>
49425             A string like "When trying to read a null collection parameter value in verbose JSON, a node of type '{0}' with the value '{1}' was read from the JSON reader; however, a 'null' value was expected."
49426             </summary>
49427         </member>
49428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonInputContext_FunctionImportCannotBeNullForCreateParameterReader(System.Object)">
49429             <summary>
49430             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is specified with a null value. For JSON, the '{0}' argument to the 'CreateParameterReader' method cannot be null."
49431             </summary>
49432         </member>
49433         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonCollectionReader_CannotReadWrappedCollectionStart(System.Object)">
49434             <summary>
49435             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of a collection with a collection wrapper object. A 'StartObject' node was expected."
49436             </summary>
49437         </member>
49438         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonCollectionReader_CannotReadCollectionStart(System.Object)">
49439             <summary>
49440             A string like "When trying to read the start of a collection without a collection wrapper object, a node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader; however, a 'StartArray' node was expected."
49441             </summary>
49442         </member>
49443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_ActionsAndFunctionsMustSpecifyMetadata(System.Object)">
49444             <summary>
49445             A string like "The 'Metadata' property on an {0} must be set to a non-null value."
49446             </summary>
49447         </member>
49448         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_ActionsAndFunctionsMustSpecifyTarget(System.Object)">
49449             <summary>
49450             A string like "The 'Target' property on an {0} must be set to a non-null value."
49451             </summary>
49452         </member>
49453         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_EnumerableContainsANullItem(System.Object)">
49454             <summary>
49455             A string like "The '{0}' enumerable contains a null item. This enumerable cannot contain null items."
49456             </summary>
49457         </member>
49458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_PropertyDoesNotExistOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49459             <summary>
49460             A string like "The property '{0}' does not exist on type '{1}'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type."
49461             </summary>
49462         </member>
49463         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_NonPrimitiveTypeForPrimitiveValue(System.Object)">
49464             <summary>
49465             A string like "A primitive value was specified; however, a value of the non-primitive type '{0}' was expected."
49466             </summary>
49467         </member>
49468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_UnsupportedPrimitiveType(System.Object)">
49469             <summary>
49470             A string like "Unsupported primitive type. A primitive type could not be determined for an instance of type '{0}'."
49471             </summary>
49472         </member>
49473         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_IncompatiblePrimitiveItemType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49474             <summary>
49475             A string like "An incompatible primitive type '{0}[Nullable={1}]' was found for an item that was expected to be of type '{2}[Nullable={3}]'."
49476             </summary>
49477         </member>
49478         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_InvalidCollectionTypeName(System.Object)">
49479             <summary>
49480             A string like "Type name '{0}' is an invalid collection type name; a collection type name must be in the format 'Collection(&lt;itemTypeName&gt;)'."
49481             </summary>
49482         </member>
49483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_UnrecognizedTypeName(System.Object)">
49484             <summary>
49485             A string like "A type named '{0}' could not be resolved by the model. When a model is available, each type name must resolve to a valid type."
49486             </summary>
49487         </member>
49488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_IncorrectTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49489             <summary>
49490             A string like "Incompatible type kinds were found. The type '{0}' was found to be of kind '{2}' instead of the expected kind '{1}'."
49491             </summary>
49492         </member>
49493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_IncorrectTypeKindNoTypeName(System.Object,System.Object)">
49494             <summary>
49495             A string like "Incompatible type kinds were found. Found type kind '{0}' instead of the expected kind '{1}'."
49496             </summary>
49497         </member>
49498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_IncorrectValueTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
49499             <summary>
49500             A string like "A value with type '{0}' was found, which is of kind '{1}'. Value can only be of kind 'Primitive', 'Complex' or 'Collection'."
49501             </summary>
49502         </member>
49503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_MismatchPropertyKindForStreamProperty(System.Object)">
49504             <summary>
49505             A string like "The property '{0}' cannot be a stream property because it is not of kind EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Stream."
49506             </summary>
49507         </member>
49508         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_InvalidEtagValue(System.Object)">
49509             <summary>
49510             A string like "The ETag value '{0}' is not valid. An ETag value must be a quoted string or 'W/' followed by a quoted string. Refer to HTTP RFC 2616 for details on valid ETag formats."
49511             </summary>
49512         </member>
49513         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_IncompatibleType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49514             <summary>
49515             A string like "A value was encountered that has a type name that is incompatible with the metadata. The value specified its type as '{0}', but the type specified in the metadata is '{1}'."
49516             </summary>
49517         </member>
49518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_OpenCollectionProperty(System.Object)">
49519             <summary>
49520             A string like "An open collection property '{0}' was found. In OData, open collection properties are not supported."
49521             </summary>
49522         </member>
49523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_OpenStreamProperty(System.Object)">
49524             <summary>
49525             A string like "An open stream property '{0}' was found. In OData, open stream properties are not supported."
49526             </summary>
49527         </member>
49528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_InvalidCollectionTypeReference(System.Object)">
49529             <summary>
49530             A string like "An invalid collection type kind '{0}' was found. In OData, collection types must be of kind 'Collection'."
49531             </summary>
49532         </member>
49533         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_EntryWithMediaResourceAndNonMLEType(System.Object)">
49534             <summary>
49535             A string like "An entry with type '{0}' was found with a media resource, but this entity type is not a media link entry (MLE). When the type is not an MLE entity, the entry cannot have a media resource."
49536             </summary>
49537         </member>
49538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_EntryWithoutMediaResourceAndMLEType(System.Object)">
49539             <summary>
49540             A string like "An entry with type '{0}' was found without a media resource, but this entity type is a media link entry (MLE). When the type is an MLE entity, the entry must have a media resource."
49541             </summary>
49542         </member>
49543         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_EntryTypeNotAssignableToExpectedType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49544             <summary>
49545             A string like "An entry with type '{0}' was found, but it is not assignable to the expected type '{1}'. The type specified in the entry must be equal to either the expected type or a derived type."
49546             </summary>
49547         </member>
49548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_OpenNavigationProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
49549             <summary>
49550             A string like "A navigation property with name '{0}' was found on type '{1}', however this property was not declared. Open navigation properties are not supported; all navigation properties must be declared in metadata."
49551             </summary>
49552         </member>
49553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_NavigationPropertyExpected(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49554             <summary>
49555             A string like "A property with name '{0}' on type '{1}' has kind '{2}', but it is expected to be of kind 'Navigation'."
49556             </summary>
49557         </member>
49558         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_InvalidBatchBoundaryDelimiterLength(System.Object,System.Object)">
49559             <summary>
49560             A string like "The boundary delimiter '{0}' is invalid. A boundary delimiter must be non-null, be non-empty, and have a maximum of {1} characters."
49561             </summary>
49562         </member>
49563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_RecursionDepthLimitReached(System.Object)">
49564             <summary>
49565             A string like "The maximum recursion depth limit was reached. The depth of nested values in a single property cannot exceed {0}."
49566             </summary>
49567         </member>
49568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_MaxDepthOfNestedEntriesExceeded(System.Object)">
49569             <summary>
49570             A string like "The depth limit for entries in nested expanded navigation links was reached. The number of nested expanded entries cannot exceed {0}."
49571             </summary>
49572         </member>
49573         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_NullCollectionItemForNonNullableType(System.Object)">
49574             <summary>
49575             A string like "A null value was found in a collection, but the expected collection item type '{0}' does not allow null values."
49576             </summary>
49577         </member>
49578         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_PropertiesMustNotContainReservedChars(System.Object,System.Object)">
49579             <summary>
49580             A string like "The property name '{0}' is invalid; property names must not contain any of the reserved characters {1}."
49581             </summary>
49582         </member>
49583         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_MaxNumberOfEntityPropertyMappingsExceeded(System.Object,System.Object)">
49584             <summary>
49585             A string like "The maximum number of entity property mappings allowed on an entity type and all its base types has been exceeded. A total of {0} entity property mappings were found, but a maximum of {1} entity property mappings are allowed."
49586             </summary>
49587         </member>
49588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_InvalidMetadataReferenceProperty(System.Object)">
49589             <summary>
49590             A string like "Encountered a property '{0}' that was expected to be a reference to a location in the $metadata document but does not contain a '#' character or is otherwise not a valid metadata reference property. A metadata reference property must contain a '#' and be a valid absolute URI or begin with a '#' and be a valid URI fragment."
49591             </summary>
49592         </member>
49593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_PropertyNameDoesntMatchFunctionImportName(System.Object,System.Object)">
49594             <summary>
49595             A string like "A top level property with name '{0}' and a producing function import with name '{1}' is being written. If the producing function import is specified the property name must be either null or must match the function import name."
49596             </summary>
49597         </member>
49598         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_ResourceCollectionMustHaveUniqueName(System.Object)">
49599             <summary>
49600             A string like "A duplicate value '{0}' was detected as the name of a resource collection. Resource collections must have unique names in a given workspace."
49601             </summary>
49602         </member>
49603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_MessageWriterSettingsBaseUriMustBeNullOrAbsolute(System.Object)">
49604             <summary>
49605             A string like "The base URI '{0}' specified in ODataMessageWriterSettings.BaseUri is invalid; it must either be null or an absolute URI."
49606             </summary>
49607         </member>
49608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_EntryTypeInExpandedLinkNotCompatibleWithNavigationPropertyType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49609             <summary>
49610             A string like "The type '{0}' of an entry in an expanded link is not compatible with the element type '{1}' of the expanded link. Entries in an expanded link must have entity types that are assignable to the element type of the expanded link."
49611             </summary>
49612         </member>
49613         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionTrueWithEntryContent(System.Object)">
49614             <summary>
49615             A string like "The ODataNavigationLink with the URL value '{0}' specifies in its 'IsCollection' property that its payload is a feed, but the actual payload is an entry."
49616             </summary>
49617         </member>
49618         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionFalseWithFeedContent(System.Object)">
49619             <summary>
49620             A string like "The ODataNavigationLink with the URL value '{0}' specifies in its 'IsCollection' property that its payload is an entry, but the actual payload is a feed."
49621             </summary>
49622         </member>
49623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionTrueWithEntryMetadata(System.Object)">
49624             <summary>
49625             A string like "The ODataNavigationLink with the URL value '{0}' specifies in its 'IsCollection' property that its payload is a feed, but the metadata declares it as an entry."
49626             </summary>
49627         </member>
49628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionFalseWithFeedMetadata(System.Object)">
49629             <summary>
49630             A string like "The ODataNavigationLink with the URL value '{0}' specifies in its 'IsCollection' property that its payload is an entry, but the metadata declares it as feed."
49631             </summary>
49632         </member>
49633         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkWithFeedPayloadAndEntryMetadata(System.Object)">
49634             <summary>
49635             A string like "The content of the ODataNavigationLink with the URL value '{0}' is a feed, but the metadata declares it as an entry."
49636             </summary>
49637         </member>
49638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkWithEntryPayloadAndFeedMetadata(System.Object)">
49639             <summary>
49640             A string like "The content of the ODataNavigationLink with the URL value '{0}' is an entry, but the metadata declares it as feed."
49641             </summary>
49642         </member>
49643         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_CollectionPropertiesMustNotHaveNullValue(System.Object)">
49644             <summary>
49645             A string like "The collection property '{0}' has a null value, which is not allowed. In OData, collection properties cannot have null values."
49646             </summary>
49647         </member>
49648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_NonNullablePropertiesMustNotHaveNullValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
49649             <summary>
49650             A string like "The property '{0}[Nullable=False]' of type '{1}' has a null value, which is not allowed."
49651             </summary>
49652         </member>
49653         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_StreamPropertiesMustNotHaveNullValue(System.Object)">
49654             <summary>
49655             A string like "The stream property '{0}' has a null value, which is not allowed. In OData, stream properties cannot have null values."
49656             </summary>
49657         </member>
49658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_OperationInRequest(System.Object)">
49659             <summary>
49660             A string like "An action or a function with metadata '{0}' was detected when writing a request; actions and functions are only supported in responses."
49661             </summary>
49662         </member>
49663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_AssociationLinkInRequest(System.Object)">
49664             <summary>
49665             A string like "An association link with name '{0}' could not be written to the request payload. Association links are only supported in responses."
49666             </summary>
49667         </member>
49668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_StreamPropertyInRequest(System.Object)">
49669             <summary>
49670             A string like "An stream property with name '{0}' could not be written to the request payload. Stream properties are only supported in responses."
49671             </summary>
49672         </member>
49673         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_MessageWriterSettingsMetadataDocumentUriMustBeNullOrAbsolute(System.Object)">
49674             <summary>
49675             A string like "The metadata document URI '{0}' specified in ODataMessageWriterSettings.MetadataDocumentUri is invalid; it must be either null or an absolute URI."
49676             </summary>
49677         </member>
49678         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyUrl(System.Object)">
49679             <summary>
49680             A string like "The ODataNavigationLink.Url property on an navigation link '{0}' is null. The ODataNavigationLink.Url property must be set to a non-null value that represents the entity or entities the navigation link references."
49681             </summary>
49682         </member>
49683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection(System.Object)">
49684             <summary>
49685             A string like "The ODataNavigationLink.IsCollection property on a navigation link '{0}' is null. The ODataNavigationLink.IsCollection property must be specified when writing a link into a request."
49686             </summary>
49687         </member>
49688         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.XmlReaderExtension_InvalidNodeInStringValue(System.Object)">
49689             <summary>
49690             A string like "An XML node of type '{0}' was found in a string value. An element with a string value can only contain Text, CDATA, SignificantWhitespace, Whitespace or Comment nodes."
49691             </summary>
49692         </member>
49693         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.XmlReaderExtension_InvalidRootNode(System.Object)">
49694             <summary>
49695             A string like "An XML node of type '{0}' was found at the root level. The root level of an OData payload must contain a single XML element and no text nodes."
49696             </summary>
49697         </member>
49698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomInputContext_NonEmptyElementWithNullAttribute(System.Object)">
49699             <summary>
49700             A string like "The element '{0}' has non-empty content, an attribute with name {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:null, and value of 'true'. When an element has an attribute with name {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:null and value 'true', it must be empty."
49701             </summary>
49702         </member>
49703         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMetadataInputContext_ErrorReadingMetadata(System.Object)">
49704             <summary>
49705             A string like "The metadata document could not be read from the message content.\r\n{0}"
49706             </summary>
49707         </member>
49708         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMetadataOutputContext_ErrorWritingMetadata(System.Object)">
49709             <summary>
49710             A string like "The metadata document could not be written as specified.\r\n{0}"
49711             </summary>
49712         </member>
49713         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_InvalidKeepInContentOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49714             <summary>
49715             A string like "The value of the '{0}' attribute on type '{1}' is not allowed. Supported values are 'true' or 'false'."
49716             </summary>
49717         </member>
49718         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_InvalidKeepInContentOnProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49719             <summary>
49720             A string like "The value of the '{0}' attribute on property '{1}' of type '{2}' is not allowed. Supported values are 'true' or 'false'."
49721             </summary>
49722         </member>
49723         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_InvalidTargetTextContentKindOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49724             <summary>
49725             A string like "The value of the '{0}' attribute on type '{1}' is not allowed. Supported values are 'text', 'html' and 'xhtml'."
49726             </summary>
49727         </member>
49728         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_InvalidTargetTextContentKindOnProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49729             <summary>
49730             A string like "The value of the '{0}' attribute on property '{1}' of type '{2}' is not allowed. Supported values are 'text', 'html' and 'xhtml'."
49731             </summary>
49732         </member>
49733         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_MissingAttributeOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49734             <summary>
49735             A string like "The required '{0}' attribute is missing on type '{1}'."
49736             </summary>
49737         </member>
49738         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_MissingAttributeOnProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49739             <summary>
49740             A string like "The required '{0}' attribute is missing on property '{1}' on type '{2}'."
49741             </summary>
49742         </member>
49743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_AttributeNotAllowedForCustomMappingOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49744             <summary>
49745             A string like "The '{0}' attribute is not allowed on type '{1}' when a property is mapped to a non-AtomPub element."
49746             </summary>
49747         </member>
49748         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_AttributeNotAllowedForCustomMappingOnProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49749             <summary>
49750             A string like "The '{0}' attribute is not allowed on property '{1}' on type '{2}' when the property is mapped to a non-AtomPub element."
49751             </summary>
49752         </member>
49753         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_AttributeNotAllowedForAtomPubMappingOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
49754             <summary>
49755             A string like "The '{0}' attribute is not allowed on type '{1}' when a property is mapped to an AtomPub element."
49756             </summary>
49757         </member>
49758         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_AttributeNotAllowedForAtomPubMappingOnProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49759             <summary>
49760             A string like "The '{0}' attribute is not allowed on property '{1}' on type '{2}' when the property is mapped to an AtomPub element."
49761             </summary>
49762         </member>
49763         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmExtensionMethods_CannotConvertEdmAnnotationValue(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49764             <summary>
49765             A string like "The value for the annotation with namespace '{0}' and local name '{1}' is of type '{2}'. Only string values are supported."
49766             </summary>
49767         </member>
49768         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomReader_FeedNavigationLinkForResourceReferenceProperty(System.Object)">
49769             <summary>
49770             A string like "A navigation link '{0}' was found with type 'feed', but its matching navigation property is of kind EntityReference. A navigation link with type 'feed' must match a navigation property of kind EntitySetReference."
49771             </summary>
49772         </member>
49773         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomDeserializer_RelativeUriUsedWithoutBaseUriSpecified(System.Object)">
49774             <summary>
49775             A string like "A relative URI value '{0}' was specified in the payload, but no base URI for it was found. When the payload contains a relative URI, there must be an xml:base in the payload or else a base URI must specified in the reader settings."
49776             </summary>
49777         </member>
49778         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer_WrongCollectionItemElementName(System.Object,System.Object)">
49779             <summary>
49780             A string like "A child element of the collection was named '{0}'. Each child element representing the value of the collection must be named 'element', and each must belong to the '{1}' namespace."
49781             </summary>
49782         </member>
49783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer_TopLevelCollectionElementWrongNamespace(System.Object,System.Object)">
49784             <summary>
49785             A string like "A root element in namespace '{0}' was found. A top-level collection must have the root element in the '{1}' namespace."
49786             </summary>
49787         </member>
49788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer_TopLevelPropertyElementWrongNamespace(System.Object,System.Object)">
49789             <summary>
49790             A string like "A root element in namespace '{0}' was found. A top-level property payload must have the root element in the '{1}' namespace."
49791             </summary>
49792         </member>
49793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer_NonEmptyElementWithNullAttribute(System.Object)">
49794             <summary>
49795             A string like "The element '{0}' has non-empty content, an attribute with name {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:null, and value of 'true'. When an element has an attribute with name {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:null and a value of 'true', it must be empty."
49796             </summary>
49797         </member>
49798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidCollectionElement(System.Object,System.Object)">
49799             <summary>
49800             A string like "The element with name '{0}' is not a valid collection item. The name of the collection item element must be 'element' and it must belong to the '{1}' namespace."
49801             </summary>
49802         </member>
49803         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueDeserializer_NavigationPropertyInProperties(System.Object,System.Object)">
49804             <summary>
49805             A string like "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' was found in the {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:properties element, and it is declared as a navigation property. Navigation properties in ATOM must be represented as {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:link elements."
49806             </summary>
49807         </member>
49808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer_NullValueNotAllowedForInstanceAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
49809             <summary>
49810             A string like "Writing null value for the instance annotation '{0}' is not allowed. The instance annotation '{0}' has the expected type '{1}[Nullable=False]'."
49811             </summary>
49812         </member>
49813         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ElementExpected(System.Object)">
49814             <summary>
49815             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was found where a node of type 'Element' was expected. An entry must be represented as an XML element."
49816             </summary>
49817         </member>
49818         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EntryElementWrongName(System.Object,System.Object)">
49819             <summary>
49820             A string like "An element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' was found; however, an entry was expected. An entry must be represented as an {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:entry element."
49821             </summary>
49822         </member>
49823         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ContentWithWrongType(System.Object)">
49824             <summary>
49825             A string like "The 'type' attribute on element {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:content is either missing or has an invalid value '{0}'. Only 'application/xml' and 'application/atom+xml' are supported as the value of the 'type' attribute on the {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:content element."
49826             </summary>
49827         </member>
49828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ContentWithInvalidNode(System.Object)">
49829             <summary>
49830             A string like "An XML node '{0}' was found in the {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:content element. The only valid child nodes of the {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:content element are insignificant nodes and the {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:properties element."
49831             </summary>
49832         </member>
49833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_FeedElementWrongName(System.Object,System.Object)">
49834             <summary>
49835             A string like "An element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' was found; however, a feed was expected. A feed must be represented as a {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:feed element."
49836             </summary>
49837         </member>
49838         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_UnknownElementInInline(System.Object)">
49839             <summary>
49840             A string like "An element with name '{0}' in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' was found inside the {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:inline element. Only 'entry' and 'feed' elements from the 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' namespace, or elements from other namespaces are allowed inside the {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:inline element."
49841             </summary>
49842         </member>
49843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleExpansionsInInline(System.Object)">
49844             <summary>
49845             A string like "Another expanded '{0}' was found in {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:inline, but it already contains an expanded feed or entry. Only one expanded feed or expanded entry is allowed in the {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:inline element."
49846             </summary>
49847         </member>
49848         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyWithMultipleEditLinks(System.Object)">
49849             <summary>
49850             A string like "Multiple edit links were found for the stream property '{0}'. Only one edit link is allowed for a given stream property."
49851             </summary>
49852         </member>
49853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyWithMultipleReadLinks(System.Object)">
49854             <summary>
49855             A string like "Multiple read links were found for the stream property '{0}'. Only one read link is allowed for a given stream property."
49856             </summary>
49857         </member>
49858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyWithMultipleContentTypes(System.Object)">
49859             <summary>
49860             A string like "Multiple content type values were found for the stream property '{0}'. When a stream property is represented as two {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:link elements that both have the 'type' attribute, then both values must be the same."
49861             </summary>
49862         </member>
49863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyDuplicatePropertyName(System.Object)">
49864             <summary>
49865             A string like "Found a stream property '{0}', but there is already another property with the same name on the entity. The stream property name cannot conflict with the name of another property."
49866             </summary>
49867         </member>
49868         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_OperationMissingMetadataAttribute(System.Object)">
49869             <summary>
49870             A string like "The 'metadata' attribute on the {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0} element is missing."
49871             </summary>
49872         </member>
49873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_OperationMissingTargetAttribute(System.Object)">
49874             <summary>
49875             A string like "The 'target' attribute on the {{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0} element is missing."
49876             </summary>
49877         </member>
49878         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleLinksInEntry(System.Object)">
49879             <summary>
49880             A string like "Multiple 'link' elements with a relation of '{0}' were found on an entry. In OData, at most one link element with a '{0}' relation is allowed."
49881             </summary>
49882         </member>
49883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleLinksInFeed(System.Object)">
49884             <summary>
49885             A string like "Multiple 'link' elements with a relation of '{0}' were found on a feed. In OData, at most one link element with a '{0}' relation is allowed."
49886             </summary>
49887         </member>
49888         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_DuplicateElements(System.Object,System.Object)">
49889             <summary>
49890             A string like "Duplicate '{{{0}}}:{1}' elements were found. In OData, at most one '{{{0}}}:{1}' element is allowed."
49891             </summary>
49892         </member>
49893         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_InvalidTypeAttributeOnAssociationLink(System.Object)">
49894             <summary>
49895             A string like "The value of the 'type' attribute on the association link for the navigation property '{0}' is invalid. The value of the 'type' attribute on an association link must be 'application/xml'. "
49896             </summary>
49897         </member>
49898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_AnnotationWithNonDotTarget(System.Object,System.Object)">
49899             <summary>
49900             A string like "Encountered an 'annotation' element with a 'target' attribute value of '{0}' and a term name of '{1}'. When an 'annotation' element occurs as a direct child of an 'entry' or 'feed' element, it must have either no 'target' attribute or a 'target' attribute with a value of '.'."
49901             </summary>
49902         </member>
49903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer_ServiceDocumentRootElementWrongNameOrNamespace(System.Object,System.Object)">
49904             <summary>
49905             A string like "A root element with name '{0}' was found in namespace '{1}'. The root element of a service document must be named 'service' and it must belong to the 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app' namespace."
49906             </summary>
49907         </member>
49908         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer_UnexpectedElementInServiceDocument(System.Object)">
49909             <summary>
49910             A string like "An element with name '{0}' was found in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app'. With the exception of extension elements, a service document can contain only a single {{http://www.w3.org/2007/app}}:workspace element."
49911             </summary>
49912         </member>
49913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer_UnexpectedElementInWorkspace(System.Object)">
49914             <summary>
49915             A string like "An element with name '{0}' was found in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app'. A workspace element can only contain the {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:title element, extension elements, and the {{http://www.w3.org/2007/app}}:collection element."
49916             </summary>
49917         </member>
49918         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer_UnexpectedElementInResourceCollection(System.Object)">
49919             <summary>
49920             A string like "An element with name '{0}' was fond in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app'. A {{http://www.w3.org/2007/app}}:collection element can only contain the {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:title element, extension elements, and the {{http://www.w3.org/2007/app}}:accept or {{http://www.w3.org/2007/app}}:categories element."
49921             </summary>
49922         </member>
49923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryMetadataDeserializer_InvalidTextConstructKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
49924             <summary>
49925             A string like "The type attribute with value '{0}' was fond on an Atom text construct element with local name '{1}'. The type attribute must be missing or else it must have a value 'text', 'html' or 'xhtml'."
49926             </summary>
49927         </member>
49928         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomMetadataDeserializer_MultipleSingletonMetadataElements(System.Object,System.Object)">
49929             <summary>
49930             A string like "Multiple '{0}' elements were found inside a '{1}' element. A '{1}' element cannot contain more than one '{0}' element."
49931             </summary>
49932         </member>
49933         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer_InvalidRootElement(System.Object,System.Object)">
49934             <summary>
49935             A string like "The element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is not a valid root element for an error. The root element of an error must be 'error' and must belong to the 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata' namespace."
49936             </summary>
49937         </member>
49938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer_MultipleErrorElementsWithSameName(System.Object)">
49939             <summary>
49940             A string like "Multiple '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' elements were found in a top-level error value. In OData, the value of a top-level error value can have no more than one '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' element"
49941             </summary>
49942         </member>
49943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomErrorDeserializer_MultipleInnerErrorElementsWithSameName(System.Object)">
49944             <summary>
49945             A string like "Multiple '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' elements were found in an inner error value. In OData, the value of an inner error value can have at most one '{{http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}}:{0}' element."
49946             </summary>
49947         </member>
49948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_InvalidEntityReferenceLinkStartElement(System.Object,System.Object)">
49949             <summary>
49950             A string like "The element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is not a valid start element for an entity reference link. The start element of an entity reference link must be 'uri' and it must belong to the 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices' namespace."
49951             </summary>
49952         </member>
49953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_InvalidEntityReferenceLinksStartElement(System.Object,System.Object)">
49954             <summary>
49955             A string like "The element with name '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is not a valid start element for entity reference links. The start element of entity reference links must be 'links' and it must belong to the 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices' namespace."
49956             </summary>
49957         </member>
49958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_MultipleEntityReferenceLinksElementsWithSameName(System.Object,System.Object)">
49959             <summary>
49960             A string like "Multiple '{{{0}}}:{1}' elements were found in an entity reference links element. In OData, the value of an entity reference links element must have at most one '{{{0}}}:{1}' element."
49961             </summary>
49962         </member>
49963         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmReader_OpenComplexOrCollectionEpmProperty(System.Object)">
49964             <summary>
49965             A string like "The entity property mapping with source path '{0}' uses an open complex or collection property. Open complex or collection properties cannot be read through entity property mapping."
49966             </summary>
49967         </member>
49968         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EpmSyndicationReader_MultipleValuesForNonCollectionProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
49969             <summary>
49970             A string like "Multiple values were found for the non-collection property '{0}' on type '{1}' that is mapped to '{2}'."
49971             </summary>
49972         </member>
49973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer_InvalidFixedAttributeValue(System.Object)">
49974             <summary>
49975             A string like "A 'fixed' attribute with the value '{0}' was found on a 'categories' element.  When the 'fixed' attribute is not missing, it must have a value of either 'yes' or 'no'."
49976             </summary>
49977         </member>
49978         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer_MultipleTitleElementsFound(System.Object)">
49979             <summary>
49980             A string like "Multiple 'title' elements were found inside a '{0}' element. A '{0}' element can only contain a single {{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}}:title element."
49981             </summary>
49982         </member>
49983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataSerializer_ResourceCollectionNameAndTitleMismatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
49984             <summary>
49985             A string like "The specified resource collection name '{0}' does not match the specified title '{1}' as set in AtomResourceCollectionMetadata.Title."
49986             </summary>
49987         </member>
49988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator_InvalidItemTypeKind(System.Object)">
49989             <summary>
49990             A string like "An invalid item type kind '{0}' was found. Items in a collection can only be of type kind 'Primitive' or 'Complex', but not of type kind '{0}'."
49991             </summary>
49992         </member>
49993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator_IncompatibleItemTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
49994             <summary>
49995             A string like "An item of type kind '{0}' was found in a collection that otherwise has items of type kind '{1}'. In OData, all items in a collection must have the same type kind."
49996             </summary>
49997         </member>
49998         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator_IncompatibleItemTypeName(System.Object,System.Object)">
49999             <summary>
50000             A string like "An item with type name '{0}' was found in a collection of items with type name '{1}'. In OData, all items in a collection must have the same type name."
50001             </summary>
50002         </member>
50003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FeedWithoutExpectedTypeValidator_IncompatibleTypes(System.Object,System.Object)">
50004             <summary>
50005             A string like "An entry of type '{0}' was found in a feed that otherwise has entries of type '{1}'. In OData, all entries in a feed must have a common base type."
50006             </summary>
50007         </member>
50008         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MessageStreamWrappingStream_ByteLimitExceeded(System.Object,System.Object)">
50009             <summary>
50010             A string like "The maximum number of bytes allowed to be read from the stream has been exceeded. After the last read operation, a total of {0} bytes has been read from the stream; however a maximum of {1} bytes is allowed."
50011             </summary>
50012         </member>
50013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataUtils_ResolveTypeName(System.Object)">
50014             <summary>
50015             A string like "The custom type resolver set in ODataMessageWriterSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesClientBehavior returned 'null' when resolving the type '{0}'. When a custom type resolver is specified, it cannot return null."
50016             </summary>
50017         </member>
50018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EdmValueUtils_UnsupportedPrimitiveType(System.Object)">
50019             <summary>
50020             A string like "The type '{0}' was found for a primitive value. In OData, the type '{0}' is not a supported primitive type."
50021             </summary>
50022         </member>
50023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EdmValueUtils_IncorrectPrimitiveTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50024             <summary>
50025             A string like "Incompatible primitive type kinds were found. The type '{0}' was found to be of kind '{2}' instead of the expected kind '{1}'."
50026             </summary>
50027         </member>
50028         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EdmValueUtils_IncorrectPrimitiveTypeKindNoTypeName(System.Object,System.Object)">
50029             <summary>
50030             A string like "Incompatible primitive type kinds were found. Found type kind '{0}' instead of the expected kind '{1}'."
50031             </summary>
50032         </member>
50033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EdmValueUtils_CannotConvertTypeToClrValue(System.Object)">
50034             <summary>
50035             A string like "A value with primitive kind '{0}' cannot be converted into a primitive object value."
50036             </summary>
50037         </member>
50038         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataEdmStructuredValue_UndeclaredProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
50039             <summary>
50040             A string like "The property '{0}' is not declared on the non-open type '{1}'."
50041             </summary>
50042         </member>
50043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataModelAnnotationEvaluator_AmbiguousAnnotationTerm(System.Object,System.Object)">
50044             <summary>
50045             A string like "Multiple annotations for term '{0}' were found on element '{1}'. Only a single annotation for the term '{0}' can be specified."
50046             </summary>
50047         </member>
50048         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataModelAnnotationEvaluator_AmbiguousAnnotationTermWithQualifier(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50049             <summary>
50050             A string like "Multiple annotations for term '{0}' with qualifier '{1}' were found on element '{2}'. Only a single annotation for the term '{0}' with the qualifier '{1}' can be specified."
50051             </summary>
50052         </member>
50053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataModelAnnotationEvaluator_AnnotationTermWithInvalidQualifier(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50054             <summary>
50055             A string like "An annotation for term '{0}' with an invalid qualifier '{1}' was found on element '{2}'. Only a single annotation for the term '{0}' without any qualifier can be specified."
50056             </summary>
50057         </member>
50058         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataModelAnnotationEvaluator_AnnotationTermWithUnsupportedQualifier(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50059             <summary>
50060             A string like "An annotation for term '{0}' with an invalid qualifier '{1}' was found on element '{2}'. A single annotation for the term '{0}' with the qualifier '{3}' is expected."
50061             </summary>
50062         </member>
50063         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMetadataBuilder_MissingEntitySetUri(System.Object)">
50064             <summary>
50065             A string like "The entity set '{0}' doesn't have the 'OData.EntitySetUri' annotation. This annotation is required."
50066             </summary>
50067         </member>
50068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMetadataBuilder_MissingSegmentForEntitySetUriSuffix(System.Object,System.Object)">
50069             <summary>
50070             A string like "The entity set '{0}' has a URI '{1}' which has no path segments. An entity set URI suffix cannot be appended to a URI without path segments."
50071             </summary>
50072         </member>
50073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMetadataBuilder_MissingEntityInstanceUri(System.Object)">
50074             <summary>
50075             A string like "Neither the 'OData.EntityInstanceUri' nor the 'OData.EntitySetUriSuffix' annotation was found for entity set '{0}'. One of these annotations is required."
50076             </summary>
50077         </member>
50078         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_EntityTypeMustBeCompatibleWithEntitySetBaseType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50079             <summary>
50080             A string like "The entity type '{0}' is not compatible with the base type '{1}' of the provided entity set '{2}'. When an entity type is specified for an OData feed or entry reader, it has to be the same or a subtype of the base type of the specified entity set."
50081             </summary>
50082         </member>
50083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_FunctionImportCannotBeNullForCreateParameterReader(System.Object)">
50084             <summary>
50085             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is specified with a null value. For JSON Light, the '{0}' argument to the 'CreateParameterReader' method cannot be null."
50086             </summary>
50087         </member>
50088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightDeserializer_RequiredPropertyNotFound(System.Object,System.Object)">
50089             <summary>
50090             A string like "The required property '{0}' was not found at the expected position in the payload. Instead, found a property named '{1}'."
50091             </summary>
50092         </member>
50093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightDeserializer_OnlyODataTypeAnnotationCanTargetInstanceAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50094             <summary>
50095             A string like "The annotation '{0}' was targeting the instance annotation '{1}'. Only the '{2}' annotation is allowed to target an instance annotation."
50096             </summary>
50097         </member>
50098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightDeserializer_AnnotationTargetingInstanceAnnotationWithoutValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50099             <summary>
50100             A string like "The annotation '{0}' is found targeting the instance annotation '{1}'. However the value for the instance annotation '{1}' is not found immediately after. In JSON Light, an annotation targeting an instance annotation must be immediately followed by the value of the targeted instance annotation."
50101             </summary>
50102         </member>
50103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder_ValidateDerivedType(System.Object,System.Object)">
50104             <summary>
50105             A string like "The base type '{0}' of the entity set specified for writing a JSON Light payload is not assignable from the specified entity type '{1}'. When an entity type is specified it has to be the same or derived from the base type of the entity set."
50106             </summary>
50107         </member>
50108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_UnexpectedAnnotationProperties(System.Object)">
50109             <summary>
50110             A string like "The annotation '{0}' was found. This annotation is either not recognized or not expected at the current position."
50111             </summary>
50112         </member>
50113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_UnexpectedPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50114             <summary>
50115             A string like "The property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}'. This annotation is either not recognized or not expected at the current position."
50116             </summary>
50117         </member>
50118         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_UnexpectedODataPropertyAnnotation(System.Object)">
50119             <summary>
50120             A string like "An OData property annotation '{0}' was found. This property annotation is either not recognized or not expected at the current position."
50121             </summary>
50122         </member>
50123         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_UnexpectedProperty(System.Object)">
50124             <summary>
50125             A string like "A property with name '{0}' was found. This property is either not recognized or not expected at the current position."
50126             </summary>
50127         </member>
50128         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidTopLevelPropertyName(System.Object,System.Object)">
50129             <summary>
50130             A string like "A top-level property with name '{0}' was found in the payload; however, property and collection payloads must always have a top-level property with name '{1}'."
50131             </summary>
50132         </member>
50133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidTypeName(System.Object)">
50134             <summary>
50135             A string like "The 'odata.type' instance annotation value '{0}' is not a valid type name. The value of the 'odata.type' instance annotation must be a non-empty string."
50136             </summary>
50137         </member>
50138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidPrimitiveTypeName(System.Object)">
50139             <summary>
50140             A string like "The 'odata.type' instance annotation value '{0}' is not valid. The type name can only be specified when the primitive property is a spatial property. Please make sure that the type name is either a spatial type name or a non-primitive type name."
50141             </summary>
50142         </member>
50143         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_TopLevelPropertyAnnotationWithoutProperty(System.Object)">
50144             <summary>
50145             A string like "One or more property annotations for property '{0}' were found in the top-level property or collection payload without the property to annotate. Top-level property and collection payloads must contain a single property, with optional annotations for this property."
50146             </summary>
50147         </member>
50148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_ComplexValuePropertyAnnotationWithoutProperty(System.Object)">
50149             <summary>
50150             A string like "One or more property annotations for property '{0}' were found in the complex value without the property to annotate. Complex values must only contain property annotations for existing properties."
50151             </summary>
50152         </member>
50153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_ComplexValueWithPropertyTypeAnnotation(System.Object)">
50154             <summary>
50155             A string like "A complex property with an '{0}' property annotation was found. Complex properties must not have the '{0}' property annotation, instead the '{0}' should be specified as an instance annotation in the complex value."
50156             </summary>
50157         </member>
50158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_UnexpectedDataPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50159             <summary>
50160             A string like "The property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}'. Primitive, complex, collection or open properties can only have an 'odata.type' property annotation."
50161             </summary>
50162         </member>
50163         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_TypePropertyAfterValueProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
50164             <summary>
50165             A string like "The property with name '{0}' was found after the data property with name '{1}'. If a type is specified for a data property, it must appear before the data property."
50166             </summary>
50167         </member>
50168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_ODataTypeAnnotationInPrimitiveValue(System.Object)">
50169             <summary>
50170             A string like "An '{0}' annotation was read inside a JSON object representing a primitive value; type annotations for primitive values have to be property annotations of the owning property."
50171             </summary>
50172         </member>
50173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_TopLevelPropertyWithPrimitiveNullValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50174             <summary>
50175             A string like "A top-level property with an invalid primitive null value was found. In OData, top-level properties with null value have to be serialized as JSON object with an '{0}' annotation that has the value '{1}'."
50176             </summary>
50177         </member>
50178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_UnexpectedMetadataReferenceProperty(System.Object)">
50179             <summary>
50180             A string like "Encountered a metadata reference property '{0}' in a scope other than an entry. In OData, a property name with a '#' character indicates a reference into the metadata and is only supported for describing operations bound to an entry."
50181             </summary>
50182         </member>
50183         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_NoPropertyAndAnnotationAllowedInNullPayload(System.Object)">
50184             <summary>
50185             A string like "The property with name '{0}' was found in a null payload. In OData, no properties or OData annotations can appear in a null payload."
50186             </summary>
50187         </member>
50188         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_EdmNullInMetadataUriWithoutNullValueInPayload(System.Object)">
50189             <summary>
50190             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the null value; however the payload is not a null value payload."
50191             </summary>
50192         </member>
50193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils_AnnotationWithNullValue(System.Object)">
50194             <summary>
50195             A string like "The '{0}' instance or property annotation has a null value. In OData, the '{0}' instance or property annotation must have a non-null string value."
50196             </summary>
50197         </member>
50198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightReaderUtils_InvalidValueForODataNullAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50199             <summary>
50200             A string like "An '{0}' annotation was found with an invalid value. In OData, the only valid value for the '{0}' annotation is '{1}'."
50201             </summary>
50202         </member>
50203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonLightInstanceAnnotationWriter_DuplicateAnnotationNameInCollection(System.Object)">
50204             <summary>
50205             A string like "The InstanceAnnotations collection has more than one instance annotations with the name '{0}'. All instance annotation names must be unique within the collection."
50206             </summary>
50207         </member>
50208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_ServiceDocumentUriMustNotHaveFragment(System.Object)">
50209             <summary>
50210             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' was found in a service document payload. Metadata URIs for service documents must not have a fragment."
50211             </summary>
50212         </member>
50213         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_MetadataUriDoesNotMatchExpectedPayloadKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
50214             <summary>
50215             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' is not valid for the expected payload kind '{1}'."
50216             </summary>
50217         </member>
50218         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidEntitySetNameOrTypeName(System.Object,System.Object)">
50219             <summary>
50220             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the entity set or type '{1}'. However, no entity set or type with name '{1}' is declared in the metadata."
50221             </summary>
50222         </member>
50223         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidPropertyName(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50224             <summary>
50225             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the property '{1}' on type '{2}'. However, type '{2}' does not declare a property with name '{1}' and is not an open type. "
50226             </summary>
50227         </member>
50228         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidEntityWithTypeCastUriSuffix(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50229             <summary>
50230             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' ends with the suffix '{1}'. However, a metadata URI containing an entity set and type cast must either have no suffix or end in '{2}'."
50231             </summary>
50232         </member>
50233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidEntityTypeInTypeCast(System.Object,System.Object)">
50234             <summary>
50235             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' includes a type cast to entity type '{1}'. However, no entity type '{1}' is declared in the metadata."
50236             </summary>
50237         </member>
50238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_IncompatibleEntityTypeInTypeCast(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50239             <summary>
50240             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' includes a type cast to entity type '{1}'. However, the entity type '{1}' is not a subtype of the entity type '{2}' which is the base type of the entity set with name '{3}'."
50241             </summary>
50242         </member>
50243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidEntityReferenceLinkUriSuffix(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50244             <summary>
50245             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' ends with the suffix '{1}'. However, a metadata URI for an entity reference link containing a collection navigation property must end in '{2}'."
50246             </summary>
50247         </member>
50248         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidPropertyForEntityReferenceLinkUri(System.Object,System.Object)">
50249             <summary>
50250             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the property with name '{1}'. However, a metadata URI for an entity reference link must reference a navigation property which '{1}' is not."
50251             </summary>
50252         </member>
50253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidSingletonNavPropertyForEntityReferenceLinkUri(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50254             <summary>
50255             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the singleton navigation property with name '{1}'. However, when a metadata URI for an entity reference link ends in '{2}' it must reference a collection navigation property."
50256             </summary>
50257         </member>
50258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_FragmentWithInvalidNumberOfParts(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50259             <summary>
50260             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' has a fragment with '{1}' parts. However, valid metadata URIs must have at most '{2}' parts."
50261             </summary>
50262         </member>
50263         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidEntitySetOrFunctionImportName(System.Object,System.Object)">
50264             <summary>
50265             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the entity set or function import '{1}'. However, no entity set or function import with name '{1}' is declared in the metadata."
50266             </summary>
50267         </member>
50268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidPayloadKindWithSelectQueryOption(System.Object)">
50269             <summary>
50270             A string like "A '$select' query option was found for the payload kind '{0}'. In OData, a '$select' query option is only supported for payload kinds 'Entry' and 'Feed'."
50271             </summary>
50272         </member>
50273         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidAssociationLink(System.Object)">
50274             <summary>
50275             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' has $links in an invalid position. The Metadata URI must specify the entity set, optional type segment, $links, a navigation property."
50276             </summary>
50277         </member>
50278         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_InvalidEntitySetName(System.Object,System.Object)">
50279             <summary>
50280             A string like "The metadata URI '{0}' references the entity set '{1}'. However, no entity set name '{1}' is declared in the metadata."
50281             </summary>
50282         </member>
50283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EntryInstanceAnnotationPrecededByProperty(System.Object)">
50284             <summary>
50285             A string like "The '{0}' instance annotation in an entry object is preceded by a property or property annotation. In OData, the '{0}' instance annotation must be before any property or property annotation in an entry object."
50286             </summary>
50287         </member>
50288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadFeedContentStart(System.Object)">
50289             <summary>
50290             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of the content of a feed; however, a node of type 'StartArray' was expected."
50291             </summary>
50292         </member>
50293         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ExpectedFeedPropertyNotFound(System.Object)">
50294             <summary>
50295             A string like "Did not find the required '{0}' property for the expected feed."
50296             </summary>
50297         </member>
50298         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_InvalidNodeTypeForItemsInFeed(System.Object)">
50299             <summary>
50300             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the entries of a feed; however, a node of type 'StartObject' or 'EndArray' was expected."
50301             </summary>
50302         </member>
50303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_InvalidPropertyAnnotationInTopLevelFeed(System.Object)">
50304             <summary>
50305             A string like "A property annotation for a property with name '{0}' was found when reading a top-level feed. No property annotations, only instance annotations are allowed when reading top-level feeds."
50306             </summary>
50307         </member>
50308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_InvalidPropertyInTopLevelFeed(System.Object,System.Object)">
50309             <summary>
50310             A string like "A property with name '{0}' was found when reading a top-level feed. No properties other than the feed property with name '{1}' are allowed."
50311             </summary>
50312         </member>
50313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_PropertyWithoutValueWithWrongType(System.Object,System.Object)">
50314             <summary>
50315             A string like "A property '{0}' which only has property annotations in the payload but no property value is declared to be of type '{1}'. In OData, only navigation properties and named streams can be represented as properties without values."
50316             </summary>
50317         </member>
50318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_OpenPropertyWithoutValue(System.Object)">
50319             <summary>
50320             A string like "A property '{0}' which only has property annotations in the payload but no property value is an open property. In OData, open property must be represented as a property with value."
50321             </summary>
50322         </member>
50323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_UnexpectedStreamPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50324             <summary>
50325             A string like "The stream property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}'. Stream property can only have the 'odata.mediaEditLink', 'odata.mediaReadLink', 'odata.mediaETag' and 'odata.mediaContentType' property annotations."
50326             </summary>
50327         </member>
50328         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyWithValue(System.Object)">
50329             <summary>
50330             A string like "A stream property '{0}' has a value in the payload. In OData, stream property must not have a value, it must only use property annotations."
50331             </summary>
50332         </member>
50333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_UnexpectedDeferredLinkPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50334             <summary>
50335             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}'. Deferred navigation links can only have the 'odata.navigationLinkUrl' and 'odata.associationLinkUrl' property annotations."
50336             </summary>
50337         </member>
50338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadSingletonNavigationPropertyValue(System.Object)">
50339             <summary>
50340             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the contents of a resource reference navigation link; however, a 'StartObject' node or 'PrimitiveValue' node with null value was expected."
50341             </summary>
50342         </member>
50343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadCollectionNavigationPropertyValue(System.Object)">
50344             <summary>
50345             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the contents of an entity set reference navigation link; however, a 'StartArray' node was expected."
50346             </summary>
50347         </member>
50348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_UnexpectedExpandedSingletonNavigationLinkPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50349             <summary>
50350             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}'. Expanded entry navigation links can only have the 'odata.navigationLinkUrl' and 'odata.associationLinkUrl' property annotations."
50351             </summary>
50352         </member>
50353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_UnexpectedExpandedCollectionNavigationLinkPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50354             <summary>
50355             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}'. Expanded feed navigation links can only have the 'odata.navigationLinkUrl', 'odata.associationLinkUrl' and 'odata.nextLink' property annotations."
50356             </summary>
50357         </member>
50358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_DuplicateExpandedFeedAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50359             <summary>
50360             A string like "Multiple property annotations '{0}' were found when reading the expanded navigation link '{1}'. Only a single property annotation '{0}' can be specified for an expanded navigation link."
50361             </summary>
50362         </member>
50363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_UnexpectedPropertyAnnotationAfterExpandedFeed(System.Object,System.Object)">
50364             <summary>
50365             A string like "A property annotation '{0}' was found after the property '{1}' it is annotating. Only the 'odata.nextLink' property annotation can be used after the property it is annotating."
50366             </summary>
50367         </member>
50368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_AnnotationGroupMemberWithoutName(System.Object)">
50369             <summary>
50370             A string like "An annotation group member with an empty name was found for the annotation group with name '{0}'. In OData, annotation group members must have a non-null, non-empty names."
50371             </summary>
50372         </member>
50373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_AnnotationGroupMemberWithInvalidValue(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50374             <summary>
50375             A string like "An annotation group member with name '{0}' in annotation group '{1}' has an invalid value. In OData, annotation group member values must be strings; values of type '{2}' are not supported."
50376             </summary>
50377         </member>
50378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_UnexpectedNavigationLinkInRequestPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50379             <summary>
50380             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}'. Navigation links in request payloads can only have the '{2}' property annotation."
50381             </summary>
50382         </member>
50383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ArrayValueForSingletonBindPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50384             <summary>
50385             A string like "The resource reference navigation property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}' with an array value. Resource reference navigation properties can only have a property annotation '{1}' with a string value."
50386             </summary>
50387         </member>
50388         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StringValueForCollectionBindPropertyAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50389             <summary>
50390             A string like "The resource set reference navigation property '{0}' has a property annotation '{1}' with a string value. Resource set reference navigation properties can only have a property annotation '{1}' with an array value."
50391             </summary>
50392         </member>
50393         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EmptyBindArray(System.Object)">
50394             <summary>
50395             A string like "The value of '{0}' property annotation is an empty array. The '{0}' property annotation must have a non-empty array as its value."
50396             </summary>
50397         </member>
50398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_NavigationPropertyWithoutValueAndEntityReferenceLink(System.Object,System.Object)">
50399             <summary>
50400             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' has no expanded value and no '{1}' property annotation. Navigation property in request without expanded value must have the '{1}' property annotation."
50401             </summary>
50402         </member>
50403         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_SingletonNavigationPropertyWithBindingAndValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50404             <summary>
50405             A string like "The resource reference navigation property '{0}' has both the '{1}' property annotation as well as a value. Resource reference navigation properties can have either '{1}' property annotations or values, but not both."
50406             </summary>
50407         </member>
50408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_PropertyWithoutValueWithUnknownType(System.Object)">
50409             <summary>
50410             A string like "An undeclared property '{0}' which only has property annotations in the payload but no property value was found in the payload. In OData, only declared navigation properties and declared named streams can be represented as properties without values."
50411             </summary>
50412         </member>
50413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_FunctionImportIsNotActionOrFunction(System.Object)">
50414             <summary>
50415             A string like "Encountered the function import '{0}' which can not be resolved to an ODataAction or ODataFunction."
50416             </summary>
50417         </member>
50418         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleOptionalPropertiesInOperation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50419             <summary>
50420             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found for an operation '{1}'. In OData, an operation can have at most one '{0}' property."
50421             </summary>
50422         </member>
50423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleTargetPropertiesInOperation(System.Object)">
50424             <summary>
50425             A string like "Multiple 'target' properties were found for an operation '{0}'. In OData, an operation must have exactly one 'target' property."
50426             </summary>
50427         </member>
50428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_OperationMissingTargetProperty(System.Object)">
50429             <summary>
50430             A string like "Multiple target bindings encountered for the operation '{0}' but the 'target' property was not found in an operation value. To differentiate between multiple target bindings, each operation value must have exactly one 'target' property."
50431             </summary>
50432         </member>
50433         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightValidationUtils_OperationPropertyCannotBeNull(System.Object,System.Object)">
50434             <summary>
50435             A string like "The '{0}' property of the operation '{1}' cannot have a null value."
50436             </summary>
50437         </member>
50438         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightValidationUtils_OpenMetadataReferencePropertyNotSupported(System.Object,System.Object)">
50439             <summary>
50440             A string like "Encountered a reference into metadata '{0}' which does not refer to the known metadata url '{1}'. Open metadata reference properties are not supported."
50441             </summary>
50442         </member>
50443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightDeserializer_RelativeUriUsedWithouODataMetadataAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50444             <summary>
50445             A string like "A relative URI value '{0}' was specified in the payload, but the {1} annotation is missing from the payload. The payload must only contain absolute URIs or the {1} annotation must be on the payload."
50446             </summary>
50447         </member>
50448         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryMetadataContext_MetadataAnnotationMustBeInPayload(System.Object)">
50449             <summary>
50450             A string like "The {0} annotation is missing from the payload."
50451             </summary>
50452         </member>
50453         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer_ExpectedCollectionPropertyNotFound(System.Object)">
50454             <summary>
50455             A string like "When trying to read the start of a collection, the expected collection property with name '{0}' was not found."
50456             </summary>
50457         </member>
50458         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer_CannotReadCollectionContentStart(System.Object)">
50459             <summary>
50460             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the items of a collection; however, a 'StartArray' node was expected."
50461             </summary>
50462         </member>
50463         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer_CannotReadCollectionEnd(System.Object)">
50464             <summary>
50465             A string like "A property or annotation for a property with name '{0}' or an instance annotation with name '{0}' was found after reading the items of a top-level collection. No additional properties or annotations are allowed after the collection property."
50466             </summary>
50467         </member>
50468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightCollectionDeserializer_InvalidCollectionTypeName(System.Object)">
50469             <summary>
50470             A string like "An 'odata.type' annotation with value '{0}' was found for a top-level collection payload; however, top-level collections must specify a collection type."
50471             </summary>
50472         </member>
50473         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_EntityReferenceLinkMustBeObjectValue(System.Object)">
50474             <summary>
50475             A string like "A node of type '{0}' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of an entity reference link. In JSON Light, entity reference links must be objects."
50476             </summary>
50477         </member>
50478         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationForEntityReferenceLink(System.Object)">
50479             <summary>
50480             A string like "A property annotation with name '{0}' was detected when reading an entity reference link; entity reference links do not support property annotations."
50481             </summary>
50482         </member>
50483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_InvalidAnnotationInEntityReferenceLink(System.Object)">
50484             <summary>
50485             A string like "An instance annotation with name '{0}' or a property annotation for the property with name '{0}' was found when reading an entity reference link. No OData property or instance annotations are allowed when reading entity reference links."
50486             </summary>
50487         </member>
50488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_InvalidPropertyInEntityReferenceLink(System.Object,System.Object)">
50489             <summary>
50490             A string like "A property with name '{0}' was found when reading an entity reference link. No properties other than the entity reference link property with name '{1}' are allowed."
50491             </summary>
50492         </member>
50493         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_MissingEntityReferenceLinkProperty(System.Object)">
50494             <summary>
50495             A string like "The required property '{0}' for an entity reference link was not found."
50496             </summary>
50497         </member>
50498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_MultipleUriPropertiesInEntityReferenceLink(System.Object)">
50499             <summary>
50500             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found in an entity reference link object; however, a single '{0}' property was expected."
50501             </summary>
50502         </member>
50503         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_EntityReferenceLinkUrlCannotBeNull(System.Object)">
50504             <summary>
50505             A string like "The '{0}' property of an entity reference link object cannot have a null value."
50506             </summary>
50507         </member>
50508         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_InvalidEntityReferenceLinksPropertyFound(System.Object,System.Object)">
50509             <summary>
50510             A string like "A property with name '{0}' or a property annotation for a property with name '{0}' was found when trying to read a collection of entity reference links; however, a property with name '{1}' was expected."
50511             </summary>
50512         </member>
50513         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_InvalidPropertyAnnotationInEntityReferenceLinks(System.Object)">
50514             <summary>
50515             A string like "A property annotation for a property with name '{0}' was found when reading an entity reference links payload. No property annotations, only instance annotations are allowed when reading entity reference links."
50516             </summary>
50517         </member>
50518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_ExpectedEntityReferenceLinksPropertyNotFound(System.Object)">
50519             <summary>
50520             A string like "Did not find the required '{0}' property for an entity reference links payload."
50521             </summary>
50522         </member>
50523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_OperationPropertyCannotBeNull(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50524             <summary>
50525             A string like "The '{0}' property of an operation '{1}' in '{2}' cannot have a null value."
50526             </summary>
50527         </member>
50528         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_OperationsPropertyMustHaveObjectValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50529             <summary>
50530             A string like "Found a node of type '{1}' when starting to read the '{0}' operations value, however a node of type 'StartObject' was expected. The '{0}' operations value must have an object value. "
50531             </summary>
50532         </member>
50533         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_RepeatMetadataValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50534             <summary>
50535             A string like "The '{0}' operations object can only have one property for each distinct metadata; however, a duplicate of metadata '{1}' was found."
50536             </summary>
50537         </member>
50538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_MetadataMustHaveArrayValue(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50539             <summary>
50540             A string like "Found a node of type '{1}' when starting to read the value of the '{0}' property in '{2}'; however, a node of type 'StartArray' was expected. The value of each property in the '{2}' operations object must be an array value."
50541             </summary>
50542         </member>
50543         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_OperationMetadataArrayExpectedAnObject(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50544             <summary>
50545             A string like "Found a node of type '{1}' when reading an item in the array value of the '{0}' property; however, a node of type 'StartObject' was expected. The items in the array value for the '{0}' property in the '{2}' operations object must be object values."
50546             </summary>
50547         </member>
50548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_MultipleOptionalPropertiesInOperation(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50549             <summary>
50550             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found for an operation '{1}' in '{2}'. In OData, an operation can have at most one '{0}' property."
50551             </summary>
50552         </member>
50553         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_MultipleTargetPropertiesInOperation(System.Object,System.Object)">
50554             <summary>
50555             A string like "Multiple 'target' properties were found for an operation '{0}' in '{1}'. In OData, an operation must have exactly one 'target' property."
50556             </summary>
50557         </member>
50558         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonOperationsDeserializerUtils_OperationMissingTargetProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
50559             <summary>
50560             A string like "The 'target' property was not found in an operation '{0}' in '{1}'. In OData, an operation must have exactly one 'target' property."
50561             </summary>
50562         </member>
50563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_DuplicatePropertiesInServiceDocument(System.Object)">
50564             <summary>
50565             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found in a service document. In OData, a service document must have exactly one '{0}' property."
50566             </summary>
50567         </member>
50568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_DuplicatePropertiesInResourceCollection(System.Object)">
50569             <summary>
50570             A string like "Multiple '{0}' properties were found in a resource collection in a service document. In OData, a resource collection must have exactly one '{0}' property."
50571             </summary>
50572         </member>
50573         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_MissingValuePropertyInServiceDocument(System.Object)">
50574             <summary>
50575             A string like "No '{0}' property was found for a service document. In OData, a service document must have exactly one '{0}' property."
50576             </summary>
50577         </member>
50578         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_MissingRequiredPropertyInResourceCollection(System.Object)">
50579             <summary>
50580             A string like "Encountered a resource collection without a '{0}' property. In service documents, resource collections must contain a '{0}' property."
50581             </summary>
50582         </member>
50583         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationInServiceDocument(System.Object,System.Object)">
50584             <summary>
50585             A string like "An unrecognized property annotation '{0}' was found in a '{1}' object in a service document. OData property annotations are not allowed in workspaces."
50586             </summary>
50587         </member>
50588         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_InstanceAnnotationInServiceDocument(System.Object,System.Object)">
50589             <summary>
50590             A string like "An unrecognized instance annotation '{0}' was found in a '{1}' object in a service document. OData instance annotations are not allowed in workspaces."
50591             </summary>
50592         </member>
50593         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationInResourceCollection(System.Object)">
50594             <summary>
50595             A string like "An unrecognized property annotation '{0}' was found in a resource collection in a service document. OData property annotations are not allowed in resource collections."
50596             </summary>
50597         </member>
50598         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_InstanceAnnotationInResourceCollection(System.Object)">
50599             <summary>
50600             A string like "An unrecognized instance annotation '{0}' was found in a resource collection in a service document. OData instance annotations are not allowed in resource collections."
50601             </summary>
50602         </member>
50603         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_UnexpectedPropertyInResourceCollection(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50604             <summary>
50605             A string like "Encountered unexpected property '{0}' in a resource collection. In service documents, resource collections may only have '{1}' and '{2}' properties."
50606             </summary>
50607         </member>
50608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_UnexpectedPropertyInServiceDocument(System.Object,System.Object)">
50609             <summary>
50610             A string like "Encountered unexpected property '{0}' in a service document. The top level object of a service document may only have a '{1}' property."
50611             </summary>
50612         </member>
50613         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationWithoutProperty(System.Object)">
50614             <summary>
50615             A string like "Encountered a property annotation for the property '{0}' which wasn't immediately followed by the property. Property annotations must occur directly before the property being annotated."
50616             </summary>
50617         </member>
50618         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationWithoutPropertyForParameters(System.Object)">
50619             <summary>
50620             A string like "One or more property annotations for property '{0}' were found in a parameter payload without the property to annotate. Parameter payloads must not contain property annotations for properties that are not in the payload."
50621             </summary>
50622         </member>
50623         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer_UnsupportedPrimitiveParameterType(System.Object,System.Object)">
50624             <summary>
50625             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is of the '{1}' primitive type, which is not supported in JSON Light."
50626             </summary>
50627         </member>
50628         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer_NullCollectionExpected(System.Object,System.Object)">
50629             <summary>
50630             A string like "When trying to read a null collection parameter value in JSON Light, a node of type '{0}' with the value '{1}' was read from the JSON reader; however, a primitive 'null' value was expected."
50631             </summary>
50632         </member>
50633         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer_UnsupportedParameterTypeKind(System.Object,System.Object)">
50634             <summary>
50635             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is of an unsupported type kind '{1}'. Only primitive, complex, primitive collection and complex collection types are supported."
50636             </summary>
50637         </member>
50638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationNotAllowedInErrorPayload(System.Object)">
50639             <summary>
50640             A string like "An OData property annotation '{0}' was found in an error payload; however, error payloads do not support OData property annotations."
50641             </summary>
50642         </member>
50643         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer_InstanceAnnotationNotAllowedInErrorPayload(System.Object)">
50644             <summary>
50645             A string like "An OData instance annotation '{0}' was found in an error payload; however, error payloads do not support OData instance annotations."
50646             </summary>
50647         </member>
50648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationWithoutPropertyForError(System.Object)">
50649             <summary>
50650             A string like "One or more property annotations for property '{0}' were found in an error payload without the property to annotate. Error payloads must not contain property annotations for properties that are not in the payload."
50651             </summary>
50652         </member>
50653         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightErrorDeserializer_TopLevelErrorValueWithInvalidProperty(System.Object)">
50654             <summary>
50655             A string like "A property with name '{0}' was found in the error value of a top-level error. In OData, a top-level error value can only have properties with name 'code', 'message', or 'innererror', or custom instance annotations."
50656             </summary>
50657         </member>
50658         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataConventionalUriBuilder_EntityTypeWithNoKeyProperties(System.Object)">
50659             <summary>
50660             A string like "The entity type '{0}' has no key properties. Entity types must define at least one key property."
50661             </summary>
50662         </member>
50663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataConventionalUriBuilder_NullKeyValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50664             <summary>
50665             A string like "The key property '{0}' on type '{1}' has a null value. Key properties must not have null values."
50666             </summary>
50667         </member>
50668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataEntryMetadataContext_EntityTypeWithNoKeyProperties(System.Object)">
50669             <summary>
50670             A string like "An ODataEntry of type '{0}' is found without key properties. When writing without a user model, each entry must contain at least one property whose 'ODataProperty.SerializationInfo.PropertyKind' set to 'ODataPropertyKind.Key'. When writing with a user model, the entity type '{0}' defined in the model must define at least one key property."
50671             </summary>
50672         </member>
50673         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataEntryMetadataContext_NullKeyValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50674             <summary>
50675             A string like "The key property '{0}' on type '{1}' has a null value. Key properties must not have null values."
50676             </summary>
50677         </member>
50678         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataEntryMetadataContext_KeyOrETagValuesMustBePrimitiveValues(System.Object,System.Object)">
50679             <summary>
50680             A string like "The property '{0}' on type '{1}' is a non-primitive value. All key and etag properties must be of primitive types."
50681             </summary>
50682         </member>
50683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EdmValueUtils_NonPrimitiveValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50684             <summary>
50685             A string like "The primitive property '{0}' on type '{1}' has a value which is not a primitive value."
50686             </summary>
50687         </member>
50688         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EdmValueUtils_PropertyDoesntExist(System.Object,System.Object)">
50689             <summary>
50690             A string like "The entity instance value of type '{0}' doesn't have a value for property '{1}'. To compute an entity's metadata, its key and concurrency-token property values must be provided."
50691             </summary>
50692         </member>
50693         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer_InvalidAnnotationFoundInsideAnnotationGroup(System.Object)">
50694             <summary>
50695             A string like "Encountered an annotation group containing a property '{0}' which is not a valid annotation name."
50696             </summary>
50697         </member>
50698         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer_InvalidAnnotationFoundInsideNamedAnnotationGroup(System.Object,System.Object)">
50699             <summary>
50700             A string like "Encountered an annotation group named '{0}' containing a property '{1}' which is not a valid annotation name."
50701             </summary>
50702         </member>
50703         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer_UndefinedAnnotationGroupReference(System.Object)">
50704             <summary>
50705             A string like "Encountered a reference to an annotation group named '{0}', but no annotation group with that name has been defined at this point in the payload."
50706             </summary>
50707         </member>
50708         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer_MultipleAnnotationGroupsWithSameName(System.Object)">
50709             <summary>
50710             A string like "Encountered multiple annotation group named '{0}'. Annotation group names must be unique within a payload."
50711             </summary>
50712         </member>
50713         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataPrimitiveValue_CannotCreateODataPrimitiveValueFromUnsupportedValueType(System.Object)">
50714             <summary>
50715             A string like "An ODataPrimitiveValue was instantiated with a value of type '{0}'. ODataPrimitiveValue can only wrap values which can be represented as primitive EDM types."
50716             </summary>
50717         </member>
50718         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataInstanceAnnotation_NeedPeriodInName(System.Object)">
50719             <summary>
50720             A string like "'{0}' is an invalid instance annotation name. An instance annotation name must contain a period that is not at the start or end of the name."
50721             </summary>
50722         </member>
50723         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataInstanceAnnotation_ReservedNamesNotAllowed(System.Object,System.Object)">
50724             <summary>
50725             A string like "'{0}' is a reserved instance annotation name because it starts with '{1}'. Reserved names are not allowed for custom instance annotations."
50726             </summary>
50727         </member>
50728         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataInstanceAnnotation_BadTermName(System.Object)">
50729             <summary>
50730             A string like "'{0}' is an invalid instance annotation name."
50731             </summary>
50732         </member>
50733         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AtomInstanceAnnotation_AttributeValueNotationUsedWithIncompatibleType(System.Object,System.Object)">
50734             <summary>
50735             A string like "The value of the 'type' attribute on an 'annotation' element was '{0}', which is incompatible with the '{1}' attribute."
50736             </summary>
50737         </member>
50738         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AtomInstanceAnnotation_AttributeValueNotationUsedOnNonEmptyElement(System.Object)">
50739             <summary>
50740             A string like "Encountered the attribute '{0}' on a non-empty 'annotation' element. If attribute value notation is used to specify the annotation's value, then there can be no body to the element."
50741             </summary>
50742         </member>
50743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AnnotationFilterPattern_InvalidPatternMissingDot(System.Object)">
50744             <summary>
50745             A string like "The pattern '{0}' is not a valid pattern to match an annotation. It must contain at least one '.' separating the namespace and the name segments of an annotation."
50746             </summary>
50747         </member>
50748         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AnnotationFilterPattern_InvalidPatternEmptySegment(System.Object)">
50749             <summary>
50750             A string like "The pattern '{0}' is not a valid pattern to match an annotation. It must not contain a namespace or name segment that is empty."
50751             </summary>
50752         </member>
50753         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AnnotationFilterPattern_InvalidPatternWildCardInSegment(System.Object)">
50754             <summary>
50755             A string like "The pattern '{0}' is not a supported pattern to match an annotation. It must not contain '*' as part of a segment."
50756             </summary>
50757         </member>
50758         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AnnotationFilterPattern_InvalidPatternWildCardMustBeInLastSegment(System.Object)">
50759             <summary>
50760             A string like "The pattern '{0}' is not a supported pattern to match an annotation. '*' must be the last segment of the pattern."
50761             </summary>
50762         </member>
50763         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataQueryUtils_DidNotFindServiceOperation(System.Object)">
50764             <summary>
50765             A string like "A service operation with name '{0}' could not be found in the provided model."
50766             </summary>
50767         </member>
50768         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataQueryUtils_FoundMultipleServiceOperations(System.Object)">
50769             <summary>
50770             A string like "Found multiple service operations with name '{0}' in a single entity container. Service operation overloads are not supported."
50771             </summary>
50772         </member>
50773         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataQueryUtils_DidNotFindEntitySet(System.Object)">
50774             <summary>
50775             A string like "An entity set with name '{0}' could not be found in the provided model."
50776             </summary>
50777         </member>
50778         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.BinaryOperatorQueryNode_InvalidOperandType(System.Object,System.Object)">
50779             <summary>
50780             A string like "Only operands with primitive types are allowed in binary operators. Found operand types '{0}' and '{1}'."
50781             </summary>
50782         </member>
50783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.BinaryOperatorQueryNode_OperandsMustHaveSameTypes(System.Object,System.Object)">
50784             <summary>
50785             A string like "Both operands of a binary operators must have the same type. Found different operand types '{0}' and '{1}'."
50786             </summary>
50787         </member>
50788         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SyntacticTree_UriMustBeAbsolute(System.Object)">
50789             <summary>
50790             A string like "The specified URI '{0}' must be absolute."
50791             </summary>
50792         </member>
50793         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SyntacticTree_InvalidSkipQueryOptionValue(System.Object)">
50794             <summary>
50795             A string like "Invalid value '{0}' for $skip query option found. The $skip query option requires a non-negative integer value."
50796             </summary>
50797         </member>
50798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SyntacticTree_InvalidTopQueryOptionValue(System.Object)">
50799             <summary>
50800             A string like "Invalid value '{0}' for $top query option found. The $top query option requires a non-negative integer value."
50801             </summary>
50802         </member>
50803         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SyntacticTree_InvalidInlineCountQueryOptionValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50804             <summary>
50805             A string like "Invalid value '{0}' for $inlinecount query option found. Valid values are '{1}'."
50806             </summary>
50807         </member>
50808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.QueryOptionUtils_QueryParameterMustBeSpecifiedOnce(System.Object)">
50809             <summary>
50810             A string like "Query option '{0}' was specified more than once, but it must be specified at most once."
50811             </summary>
50812         </member>
50813         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriBuilder_NotSupportedClrLiteral(System.Object)">
50814             <summary>
50815             A string like "The CLR literal of type '{0}' is not supported to be written as a Uri part."
50816             </summary>
50817         </member>
50818         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriBuilder_NotSupportedQueryToken(System.Object)">
50819             <summary>
50820             A string like "QueryToken '{0}' is not supported to be written as a Uri part."
50821             </summary>
50822         </member>
50823         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_ExpressionExpected(System.Object,System.Object)">
50824             <summary>
50825             A string like "Expression expected at position {0} in '{1}'."
50826             </summary>
50827         </member>
50828         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_OpenParenExpected(System.Object,System.Object)">
50829             <summary>
50830             A string like "'(' expected at position {0} in '{1}'."
50831             </summary>
50832         </member>
50833         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_CloseParenOrCommaExpected(System.Object,System.Object)">
50834             <summary>
50835             A string like "')' or ',' expected at position {0} in '{1}'."
50836             </summary>
50837         </member>
50838         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_CloseParenOrOperatorExpected(System.Object,System.Object)">
50839             <summary>
50840             A string like "')' or operator expected at position {0} in '{1}'."
50841             </summary>
50842         </member>
50843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_CannotCreateStarTokenFromNonStar(System.Object)">
50844             <summary>
50845             A string like "Expecting a Star token but got: '{0}'."
50846             </summary>
50847         </member>
50848         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_RangeVariableAlreadyDeclared(System.Object)">
50849             <summary>
50850             A string like "The range variable '{0}' has already been declared."
50851             </summary>
50852         </member>
50853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryPathParser_RequestUriDoesNotHaveTheCorrectBaseUri(System.Object,System.Object)">
50854             <summary>
50855             A string like "The URI '{0}' is not valid because it is not based on '{1}'."
50856             </summary>
50857         </member>
50858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryPathParser_InvalidKeyValueLiteral(System.Object)">
50859             <summary>
50860             A string like "The key value '{0}' was not recognized as a valid literal."
50861             </summary>
50862         </member>
50863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.PropertyInfoTypeAnnotation_CannotFindProperty(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50864             <summary>
50865             A string like "Unable to find property '{2}' on the instance type '{1}' of the structured type '{0}'."
50866             </summary>
50867         </member>
50868         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_UnsupportedQueryTokenKind(System.Object)">
50869             <summary>
50870             A string like "An unsupported query token kind '{0}' was found."
50871             </summary>
50872         </member>
50873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_RootSegmentResourceNotFound(System.Object)">
50874             <summary>
50875             A string like "Could not find an entity set for root segment '{0}'."
50876             </summary>
50877         </member>
50878         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_KeyValueApplicableOnlyToEntityType(System.Object)">
50879             <summary>
50880             A string like "Type '{0}' is not an entity type. Key value can only be applied to an entity type."
50881             </summary>
50882         </member>
50883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_PropertyNotDeclared(System.Object,System.Object)">
50884             <summary>
50885             A string like "Could not find a property named '{1}' on type '{0}'."
50886             </summary>
50887         </member>
50888         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_PropertyNotDeclaredOrNotKeyInKeyValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
50889             <summary>
50890             A string like "Property '{0}' is not declared on type '{1}' or is not a key property. Only key properties can be used in key lookups."
50891             </summary>
50892         </member>
50893         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_UnnamedKeyValueOnTypeWithMultipleKeyProperties(System.Object)">
50894             <summary>
50895             A string like "An unnamed key value was used in a key lookup on a type '{0}' which has more than one key property. Unnamed key value can only be used on a type with one key property."
50896             </summary>
50897         </member>
50898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_DuplicitKeyPropertyInKeyValues(System.Object)">
50899             <summary>
50900             A string like "A key property '{0}' was found twice in a key lookup. Each key property can be specified just once in a key lookup."
50901             </summary>
50902         </member>
50903         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_NotAllKeyPropertiesSpecifiedInKeyValues(System.Object)">
50904             <summary>
50905             A string like "A key lookup on type '{0}' didn't specify values for all key properties. All key properties must be specified in a key lookup."
50906             </summary>
50907         </member>
50908         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_CannotConvertToType(System.Object,System.Object)">
50909             <summary>
50910             A string like "Expression of type '{0}' cannot be converted to type '{1}'."
50911             </summary>
50912         </member>
50913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_NonQueryableServiceOperationWithKeyLookup(System.Object)">
50914             <summary>
50915             A string like "Segment '{0}' which is a service operation returning non-queryable result has a key lookup. Only service operations returning queryable results can have a key lookup applied to them."
50916             </summary>
50917         </member>
50918         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_QueryServiceOperationOfNonEntityType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50919             <summary>
50920             A string like "Service operation '{0}' of kind '{1}' returns type '{2}' which is not an entity type. Service operations of kind QueryWithMultipleResults or QueryWithSingleResult can only return entity types."
50921             </summary>
50922         </member>
50923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_ServiceOperationParameterMissing(System.Object,System.Object)">
50924             <summary>
50925             A string like "Service operation '{0}' is missing the required parameter '{1}'."
50926             </summary>
50927         </member>
50928         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_ServiceOperationParameterInvalidType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50929             <summary>
50930             A string like "The parameter '{0}' with value '{1}' for the service operation '{2}' is not a valid literal of type '{3}'."
50931             </summary>
50932         </member>
50933         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_MultiValuePropertyNotSupportedInExpression(System.Object)">
50934             <summary>
50935             A string like "The MultiValue property '{0}' cannot be used in $filter or $orderby query expression. MultiValue properties are not supported with these query options."
50936             </summary>
50937         </member>
50938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_BinaryOperatorOperandNotSingleValue(System.Object)">
50939             <summary>
50940             A string like "The operand for a binary operator '{0}' is not a single value. Binary operators require both operands to be single values."
50941             </summary>
50942         </member>
50943         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_UnaryOperatorOperandNotSingleValue(System.Object)">
50944             <summary>
50945             A string like "The operand for a unary operator '{0}' is not a single value. Unary operators require the operand to be a single value."
50946             </summary>
50947         </member>
50948         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_PropertyAccessSourceNotSingleValue(System.Object)">
50949             <summary>
50950             A string like "The parent value for a property access of a property '{0}' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value."
50951             </summary>
50952         </member>
50953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_IncompatibleOperandsError(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
50954             <summary>
50955             A string like "A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types '{0}' and '{1}' for operator kind '{2}'."
50956             </summary>
50957         </member>
50958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_IncompatibleOperandError(System.Object,System.Object)">
50959             <summary>
50960             A string like "A unary operator with an incompatible type was detected. Found operand type '{0}' for operator kind '{1}'."
50961             </summary>
50962         </member>
50963         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_UnknownFunction(System.Object)">
50964             <summary>
50965             A string like "An unknown function with name '{0}' was found. This may also be a key lookup on a navigation property, which is not allowed."
50966             </summary>
50967         </member>
50968         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_FunctionArgumentNotSingleValue(System.Object)">
50969             <summary>
50970             A string like "The argument for an invocation of a function with name '{0}' is not a single value. All arguments for this function must be single values."
50971             </summary>
50972         </member>
50973         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_NoApplicableFunctionFound(System.Object,System.Object)">
50974             <summary>
50975             A string like "No function signature for the function with name '{0}' matches the specified arguments. The function signatures considered are: {1}."
50976             </summary>
50977         </member>
50978         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_UnsupportedSystemQueryOption(System.Object)">
50979             <summary>
50980             A string like "The system query option '{0}' is not supported."
50981             </summary>
50982         </member>
50983         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_BoundNodeCannotBeNull(System.Object)">
50984             <summary>
50985             A string like "A token of kind '{0}' was bound to the value null; this is invalid. A query token must always be bound to a non-null query node."
50986             </summary>
50987         </member>
50988         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_TopRequiresNonNegativeInteger(System.Object)">
50989             <summary>
50990             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a non-negative integer value. In OData, the $top query option must specify a non-negative integer value."
50991             </summary>
50992         </member>
50993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_SkipRequiresNonNegativeInteger(System.Object)">
50994             <summary>
50995             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a non-negative integer value. In OData, the $skip query option must specify a non-negative integer value."
50996             </summary>
50997         </member>
50998         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_ServiceOperationWithoutResultKind(System.Object)">
50999             <summary>
51000             A string like " The service operation '{0}' does not have an associated result kind. Without a result kind, a service operation cannot be bound."
51001             </summary>
51002         </member>
51003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_HierarchyNotFollowed(System.Object,System.Object)">
51004             <summary>
51005             A string like "Encountered invalid type cast. '{0}' is not assignable from '{1}'."
51006             </summary>
51007         </member>
51008         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_ParameterNotInScope(System.Object)">
51009             <summary>
51010             A string like "The parameter '{0}' is not in scope."
51011             </summary>
51012         </member>
51013         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_CastOrIsOfExpressionWithWrongNumberOfOperands(System.Object)">
51014             <summary>
51015             A string like "The Cast or IsOf expression has an invalid number of operands: number of operands is '{0}' and it should be 1 or 2."
51016             </summary>
51017         </member>
51018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_SpatialLengthFunctionWithInvalidArgs(System.Object)">
51019             <summary>
51020             A string like "The geo.length function has an invalid number of operands: number of operands is '{0}' and it should be 1."
51021             </summary>
51022         </member>
51023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_SpatialIntersectsFunctionWithInvalidArgs(System.Object)">
51024             <summary>
51025             A string like "The geo.intersects function has an invalid number of operands: number of operands is '{0}' and it should be 2."
51026             </summary>
51027         </member>
51028         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_OperatorNotSupportedInThisVersion(System.Object)">
51029             <summary>
51030             A string like "The operator '{0}' is not supported in this release. "
51031             </summary>
51032         </member>
51033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_KeywordNotSupportedInThisRelease(System.Object)">
51034             <summary>
51035             A string like "'{0}' queries are not supported in this release."
51036             </summary>
51037         </member>
51038         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_IllegalSegmentType(System.Object)">
51039             <summary>
51040             A string like "Can only bind segments that are Navigation, Structural, Complex, or Collections. We found a segment '{0}' that isn't any of those. Please revise the query."
51041             </summary>
51042         </member>
51043         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_QueryOptionNotApplicable(System.Object)">
51044             <summary>
51045             A string like "The '{0}' option cannot be applied to the query path. '{0}' can only be applied to a collection of entities. "
51046             </summary>
51047         </member>
51048         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionCallBinder_CannotFindASuitableOverload(System.Object,System.Object)">
51049             <summary>
51050             A string like "Cannot find a suitable overload for function '{0}' that takes '{1}' arguments."
51051             </summary>
51052         </member>
51053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionCallBinder_NonSingleValueParent(System.Object)">
51054             <summary>
51055             A string like "Cannot compose function '{0}' to a parent doesn't represent a single value."
51056             </summary>
51057         </member>
51058         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionCallBinder_FoundInvalidFunctionImports(System.Object)">
51059             <summary>
51060             A string like "Found a function import for '{0}', but it is invalid for Filter/Orderby."
51061             </summary>
51062         </member>
51063         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionCallBinder_BuiltInFunctionMustHaveHaveNullParent(System.Object)">
51064             <summary>
51065             A string like "Found a built-in function '{0}' with a parent token. Built-in functions cannot have parent tokens. "
51066             </summary>
51067         </member>
51068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionCallBinder_CallingFunctionOnOpenProperty(System.Object)">
51069             <summary>
51070             A string like "Found a function '{0}' on an open property. Functions on open properties are not supported."
51071             </summary>
51072         </member>
51073         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriParser_InvalidInlineCount(System.Object)">
51074             <summary>
51075             A string like "'{0}' is not a valid InlineCount option."
51076             </summary>
51077         </member>
51078         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.CastBinder_ChildTypeIsNotEntity(System.Object)">
51079             <summary>
51080             A string like "The child type '{0}' in a cast was not an entity type. Casts can only be performed on entity types."
51081             </summary>
51082         </member>
51083         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.BatchReferenceSegment_InvalidContentID(System.Object)">
51084             <summary>
51085             A string like "Invalid content-id '{0}' for batch reference segment."
51086             </summary>
51087         </member>
51088         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectExpandBinder_UnknownPropertyType(System.Object)">
51089             <summary>
51090             A string like "Property '{0}' is of an unrecognized EdmPropertyKind."
51091             </summary>
51092         </member>
51093         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectExpandBinder_CantFindProperty(System.Object)">
51094             <summary>
51095             A string like "Cant find the property '{0}' in the model."
51096             </summary>
51097         </member>
51098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectionItemBinder_NoExpandForSelectedProperty(System.Object)">
51099             <summary>
51100             A string like "Only properties specified in $expand can be traversed in $select query options. Selected item was '{0}'."
51101             </summary>
51102         </member>
51103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectionItemBinder_NonEntityTypeSegment(System.Object)">
51104             <summary>
51105             A string like "Found a type segment '{0}' that isn't an entity type."
51106             </summary>
51107         </member>
51108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectExpandPathBinder_FollowNonTypeSegment(System.Object)">
51109             <summary>
51110             A string like "Trying to follow type segments on a segment that isn't a type. Segment was '{0}'."
51111             </summary>
51112         </member>
51113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectPropertyVisitor_SystemTokenInSelect(System.Object)">
51114             <summary>
51115             A string like "Found a system token, '{0}', while parsing a select clause."
51116             </summary>
51117         </member>
51118         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectPropertyVisitor_InvalidSegmentInSelectPath(System.Object)">
51119             <summary>
51120             A string like "Found an invalid segment, '{0}', while parsing a select clause."
51121             </summary>
51122         </member>
51123         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandItemBinder_CannotFindType(System.Object)">
51124             <summary>
51125             A string like "The type '{0}' is not defined in the model."
51126             </summary>
51127         </member>
51128         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandItemBinder_PropertyIsNotANavigationProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
51129             <summary>
51130             A string like "Property '{0}' on type '{1}' is not a navigation property. Only navigation properties can be expanded."
51131             </summary>
51132         </member>
51133         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_NonentityParameterQueryNodeWithEntityType(System.Object)">
51134             <summary>
51135             A string like "An entity type '{0}' was given to NonEntityParameterQueryNode. Use EntityParameterQueryNode instead."
51136             </summary>
51137         </member>
51138         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_EntityCollectionServiceOperationRequiresEntityReturnType(System.Object)">
51139             <summary>
51140             A string like "An EntityCollectionServiceOperationQueryNode was provided with a IEdmFunctionImport with return type '{0}', which is not an entity type."
51141             </summary>
51142         </member>
51143         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_PropertyAccessShouldBeNonEntityProperty(System.Object)">
51144             <summary>
51145             A string like "A node of this kind requires the associated property to be a structural, non-collection type, but property '{0}' is not structural."
51146             </summary>
51147         </member>
51148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_PropertyAccessTypeShouldNotBeCollection(System.Object)">
51149             <summary>
51150             A string like "A node of this kind requires the associated property to be a structural, non-collection type, but property '{0}' is a collection."
51151             </summary>
51152         </member>
51153         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_PropertyAccessTypeMustBeCollection(System.Object)">
51154             <summary>
51155             A string like "A node of this kind requires the associated property to be a structural, collection type, but property '{0}' is not a collection."
51156             </summary>
51157         </member>
51158         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriSelectParser_TermIsNotValid(System.Object)">
51159             <summary>
51160             A string like "Term '{0}' is not valid in a $select or $expand expression."
51161             </summary>
51162         </member>
51163         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriSelectParser_FunctionsAreNotAllowed(System.Object)">
51164             <summary>
51165             A string like "Functions are not allowed in a $select expression, but one was found in the expression '{0}'."
51166             </summary>
51167         </member>
51168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriSelectParser_InvalidTopOption(System.Object)">
51169             <summary>
51170             A string like "Top option must be an integer, its set to '{0}' instead."
51171             </summary>
51172         </member>
51173         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriSelectParser_InvalidSkipOption(System.Object)">
51174             <summary>
51175             A string like "Skip option must be an integer, its set to '{0}' instead."
51176             </summary>
51177         </member>
51178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriSelectParser_SystemTokenInSelectExpand(System.Object,System.Object)">
51179             <summary>
51180             A string like "Found system token '{0}' in select or expand clause '{1}'."
51181             </summary>
51182         </member>
51183         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriParser_UriMustBeAbsolute(System.Object)">
51184             <summary>
51185             A string like "The URI '{0}' must be an absolute URI."
51186             </summary>
51187         </member>
51188         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriParser_ExpandCountExceeded(System.Object,System.Object)">
51189             <summary>
51190             A string like "The result of parsing $expand contained at least {0} items, but the maximum allowed is {1}."
51191             </summary>
51192         </member>
51193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriParser_ExpandDepthExceeded(System.Object,System.Object)">
51194             <summary>
51195             A string like "The result of parsing $expand was at least {0} items deep, but the maximum allowed is {1}."
51196             </summary>
51197         </member>
51198         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.PathParser_ServiceOperationWithoutResultKindAttribute(System.Object)">
51199             <summary>
51200             A string like "The service operation '{0}' is missing a ODataServiceOperationResultKind attribute."
51201             </summary>
51202         </member>
51203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.PathParser_ServiceOperationsWithSameName(System.Object)">
51204             <summary>
51205             A string like "Multiple Service Operations with the name '{0}' were found. There can only be one Service Operation with a given name in a model."
51206             </summary>
51207         </member>
51208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.PathParser_LinksNotSupported(System.Object)">
51209             <summary>
51210             A string like "The request URI is not valid. $links cannot be applied to the segment '{0}' since $links can only follow an entity segment."
51211             </summary>
51212         </member>
51213         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.PathParser_TypeMustBeRelatedToSet(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
51214             <summary>
51215             A string like "The type '{0}' does not inherit from and is not a base type of '{1}'. The type of '{2}' must be related to the Type of the EntitySet."
51216             </summary>
51217         </member>
51218         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataExpandPath_InvalidExpandPathSegment(System.Object)">
51219             <summary>
51220             A string like "Found a segment of type '{0} in an expand path, but only NavigationProperty and Type segments are allowed."
51221             </summary>
51222         </member>
51223         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataSelectPath_InvalidSelectPathSegmentType(System.Object)">
51224             <summary>
51225             A string like "Found a segment of type '{0} in a select path, but only TypeSegment, NavigationPropertySegment, PropertySegment, OperationSegment or OpenPropertySegments are allowed."
51226             </summary>
51227         </member>
51228         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_EntitySetNotSpecified(System.Object)">
51229             <summary>
51230             A string like "The Entity Set of the operation '{0}' is not specified. This is most likely an error in the IEdmModel."
51231             </summary>
51232         </member>
51233         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_TargetEntitySetNotFound(System.Object)">
51234             <summary>
51235             A string like "The target Entity Set of Navigation Property '{0}' could not be found. This is most likely an error in the IEdmModel."
51236             </summary>
51237         </member>
51238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_FoundInvalidFunctionImport(System.Object)">
51239             <summary>
51240             A string like "The function overloads matching '{0}' are invalid. This is most likely an error in the IEdmModel."
51241             </summary>
51242         </member>
51243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionOverloadResolver_NoSingleMatchFound(System.Object,System.Object)">
51244             <summary>
51245             A string like "Unable to resolve function overloads to a single function. There was more than one function in the model with name '{0}' and parameter names '{1}'."
51246             </summary>
51247         </member>
51248         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionOverloadResolver_MultipleActionOverloads(System.Object)">
51249             <summary>
51250             A string like "Multiple action overloads were found with the same binding parameter for '{0}'."
51251             </summary>
51252         </member>
51253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_CannotSpecifyAfterPostLinkSegment(System.Object,System.Object)">
51254             <summary>
51255             A string like "The request URI is not valid. The segment '{0}' is not valid. Since the uri contains the '{1}' segment, there must be only one segment specified after that."
51256             </summary>
51257         </member>
51258         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_MustBeLeafSegment(System.Object)">
51259             <summary>
51260             A string like "The request URI is not valid. The segment '{0}' must be the last segment in the URI because it is one of the following: $batch, $value, $metadata, a collection property, a named media resource, a service operation that does not return a value, or a service action."
51261             </summary>
51262         </member>
51263         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_LinkSegmentMustBeFollowedByEntitySegment(System.Object,System.Object)">
51264             <summary>
51265             A string like "The request URI is not valid. The segment '{0}' must refer to a navigation property since the previous segment identifier is '{1}'."
51266             </summary>
51267         </member>
51268         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_MissingSegmentAfterLink(System.Object)">
51269             <summary>
51270             A string like "The request URI is not valid. There must a segment specified after the '{0}' segment and the segment must refer to a entity resource."
51271             </summary>
51272         </member>
51273         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_CountNotSupported(System.Object)">
51274             <summary>
51275             A string like "The request URI is not valid, $count cannot be applied to the segment '{0}' since $count can only follow a resource segment."
51276             </summary>
51277         </member>
51278         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_CannotQuerySingletons(System.Object,System.Object)">
51279             <summary>
51280             A string like "The request URI is not valid, since the segment '{0}' refers to a singleton, and the segment '{1}' can only follow a resource collection."
51281             </summary>
51282         </member>
51283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_CannotQueryCollections(System.Object)">
51284             <summary>
51285             A string like "The request URI is not valid. Since the segment '{0}' refers to a collection, this must be the last segment in the request URI. All intermediate segments must refer to a single resource."
51286             </summary>
51287         </member>
51288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_SegmentDoesNotSupportKeyPredicates(System.Object)">
51289             <summary>
51290             A string like "The request URI is not valid. The segment '{0}' cannot include key predicates, however it may end with empty parenthesis."
51291             </summary>
51292         </member>
51293         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_ValueSegmentAfterScalarPropertySegment(System.Object,System.Object)">
51294             <summary>
51295             A string like "The segment '{1}' in the request URI is not valid. The segment '{0}' refers to a primitive property, function, or service operation, so the only supported value from the next segment is '$value'."
51296             </summary>
51297         </member>
51298         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_InvalidTypeIdentifier_UnrelatedType(System.Object,System.Object)">
51299             <summary>
51300             A string like "The type '{0}' specified in the URI is neither a base type nor a sub-type of the previously-specified type '{1}'."
51301             </summary>
51302         </member>
51303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ResourceType_ComplexTypeCannotBeOpen(System.Object)">
51304             <summary>
51305             A string like "Complex types can not be marked as 'Open'. Error occurred for type '{0}'."
51306             </summary>
51307         </member>
51308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.OpenNavigationPropertiesNotSupportedOnOpenTypes(System.Object)">
51309             <summary>
51310             A string like "Open navigation properties are not supported on OpenTypes. Property name: '{0}'."
51311             </summary>
51312         </member>
51313         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.DataServiceConfiguration_ResponseVersionIsBiggerThanProtocolVersion(System.Object,System.Object)">
51314             <summary>
51315             A string like "The response requires that version {0} of the protocol be used, but the MaxProtocolVersion of the data service is set to {1}."
51316             </summary>
51317         </member>
51318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.BadRequest_KeyCountMismatch(System.Object)">
51319             <summary>
51320             A string like "The number of keys specified in the URI does not match number of key properties for the resource '{0}'."
51321             </summary>
51322         </member>
51323         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_ResourceNotFound(System.Object)">
51324             <summary>
51325             A string like "Resource not found for the segment '{0}'."
51326             </summary>
51327         </member>
51328         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_BatchedActionOnEntityCreatedInSameChangeset(System.Object)">
51329             <summary>
51330             A string like "Batched service action '{0}' cannot be invoked because it was bound to an entity created in the same changeset."
51331             </summary>
51332         </member>
51333         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_IEnumerableServiceOperationsCannotBeFurtherComposed(System.Object)">
51334             <summary>
51335             A string like "Resource Not Found - '{0}' refers to a service operation or function which does not allow further composition."
51336             </summary>
51337         </member>
51338         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.General_InternalError(System.Object)">
51339             <summary>
51340             A string like "An internal error '{0}' occurred."
51341             </summary>
51342         </member>
51343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExceptionUtils_CheckIntegerNotNegative(System.Object)">
51344             <summary>
51345             A string like "A non-negative integer value was expected, but the value '{0}' is not a valid non-negative integer."
51346             </summary>
51347         </member>
51348         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExceptionUtils_CheckIntegerPositive(System.Object)">
51349             <summary>
51350             A string like "A positive integer value was expected, but the value '{0}' is not a valid positive integer."
51351             </summary>
51352         </member>
51353         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExceptionUtils_CheckLongPositive(System.Object)">
51354             <summary>
51355             A string like "A positive long value was expected; however, the value '{0}' is not a valid positive long value."
51356             </summary>
51357         </member>
51358         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionToken_IdentifierExpected(System.Object)">
51359             <summary>
51360             A string like "An identifier was expected at position {0}."
51361             </summary>
51362         </member>
51363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionLexer_UnterminatedStringLiteral(System.Object,System.Object)">
51364             <summary>
51365             A string like "There is an unterminated string literal at position {0} in '{1}'."
51366             </summary>
51367         </member>
51368         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionLexer_InvalidCharacter(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
51369             <summary>
51370             A string like "Syntax error: character '{0}' is not valid at position {1} in '{2}'."
51371             </summary>
51372         </member>
51373         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionLexer_SyntaxError(System.Object,System.Object)">
51374             <summary>
51375             A string like "Syntax error at position {0} in '{1}'."
51376             </summary>
51377         </member>
51378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionLexer_UnterminatedLiteral(System.Object,System.Object)">
51379             <summary>
51380             A string like "There is an unterminated literal at position {0} in '{1}'."
51381             </summary>
51382         </member>
51383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionLexer_DigitExpected(System.Object,System.Object)">
51384             <summary>
51385             A string like "A digit was expected at position {0} in '{1}'."
51386             </summary>
51387         </member>
51388         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_UnrecognizedLiteral(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
51389             <summary>
51390             A string like "Unrecognized '{0}' literal '{1}' at '{2}' in '{3}'."
51391             </summary>
51392         </member>
51393         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedComma(System.Object)">
51394             <summary>
51395             A string like "Invalid JSON. An unexpected comma was found in scope '{0}'. A comma is only valid between properties of an object or between elements of an array."
51396             </summary>
51397         </member>
51398         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedToken(System.Object)">
51399             <summary>
51400             A string like "Invalid JSON. Unexpected token '{0}'."
51401             </summary>
51402         </member>
51403         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_MissingColon(System.Object)">
51404             <summary>
51405             A string like "Invalid JSON. A colon character ':' is expected after the property name '{0}', but none was found."
51406             </summary>
51407         </member>
51408         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_UnrecognizedEscapeSequence(System.Object)">
51409             <summary>
51410             A string like "Invalid JSON. An unrecognized escape sequence '{0}' was found in a JSON string value."
51411             </summary>
51412         </member>
51413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_InvalidNumberFormat(System.Object)">
51414             <summary>
51415             A string like "Invalid JSON. The value '{0}' is not a valid number."
51416             </summary>
51417         </member>
51418         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_MissingComma(System.Object)">
51419             <summary>
51420             A string like "Invalid JSON. A comma character ',' was expected in scope '{0}'. Every two elements in an array and properties of an object must be separated by commas."
51421             </summary>
51422         </member>
51423         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_InvalidPropertyNameOrUnexpectedComma(System.Object)">
51424             <summary>
51425             A string like "Invalid JSON. The property name '{0}' is not valid. The name of a property cannot be empty."
51426             </summary>
51427         </member>
51428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReaderExtensions_UnexpectedNodeDetected(System.Object,System.Object)">
51429             <summary>
51430             A string like "An unexpected '{1}' node was found when reading from the JSON reader. A '{0}' node was expected."
51431             </summary>
51432         </member>
51433         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReaderExtensions_CannotReadPropertyValueAsString(System.Object,System.Object)">
51434             <summary>
51435             A string like "Cannot read the value '{0}' for the property '{1}' as a quoted JSON string value."
51436             </summary>
51437         </member>
51438         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReaderExtensions_CannotReadValueAsString(System.Object)">
51439             <summary>
51440             A string like "Cannot read the value '{0}' as a quoted JSON string value."
51441             </summary>
51442         </member>
51443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReaderExtensions_CannotReadValueAsDouble(System.Object)">
51444             <summary>
51445             A string like "Cannot read the value '{0}' as a double numeric value."
51446             </summary>
51447         </member>
51448         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExceptionUtils_ArgumentStringEmpty">
51449             <summary>
51450             A string like "Value cannot be empty."
51451             </summary>
51452         </member>
51453         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataRequestMessage_AsyncNotAvailable">
51454             <summary>
51455             A string like "An asynchronous operation was requested on an IODataRequestMessage instance. For asynchronous operations to succeed, the request message instance must implement IODataRequestMessageAsync."
51456             </summary>
51457         </member>
51458         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataRequestMessage_StreamTaskIsNull">
51459             <summary>
51460             A string like "The IODataRequestMessageAsync.GetStreamAsync method returned null. An asynchronous method that returns a task can never return null."
51461             </summary>
51462         </member>
51463         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataRequestMessage_MessageStreamIsNull">
51464             <summary>
51465             A string like "The IODataRequestMessage.GetStream or IODataRequestMessageAsync.GetStreamAsync method returned a null stream value. The message can never return a null stream."
51466             </summary>
51467         </member>
51468         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataResponseMessage_AsyncNotAvailable">
51469             <summary>
51470             A string like "An asynchronous operation was requested on an IODataResponseMessage instance. For asynchronous operations to succeed, the response message instance must implement IODataResponseMessageAsync."
51471             </summary>
51472         </member>
51473         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataResponseMessage_StreamTaskIsNull">
51474             <summary>
51475             A string like "The IODataResponseMessageAsync.GetStreamAsync method returned null. An asynchronous method that returns a task can never return null."
51476             </summary>
51477         </member>
51478         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataResponseMessage_MessageStreamIsNull">
51479             <summary>
51480             A string like "The IODataResponseMessage.GetStream or IODataResponseMessageAsync.GetStreamAsync method returned a null stream value. The message can never return a null stream."
51481             </summary>
51482         </member>
51483         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AsyncBufferedStream_WriterDisposedWithoutFlush">
51484             <summary>
51485             A string like "A writer or stream has been disposed with data still in the buffer. You must call Flush or FlushAsync before calling Dispose when some data has already been written."
51486             </summary>
51487         </member>
51488         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_OnlyTopLevelFeedsSupportInlineCount">
51489             <summary>
51490             A string like "Only a top-level feed can have the 'ODataFeed.Count' property value specified. Expanded links do not support inline counts."
51491             </summary>
51492         </member>
51493         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_InlineCountInRequest">
51494             <summary>
51495             A string like "The ODataFeed.Count must be null for request payloads. Inline counts are only supported in responses."
51496             </summary>
51497         </member>
51498         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_CannotWriteTopLevelFeedWithEntryWriter">
51499             <summary>
51500             A string like "Cannot write a top-level feed with a writer that was created to write a top-level entry."
51501             </summary>
51502         </member>
51503         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_CannotWriteTopLevelEntryWithFeedWriter">
51504             <summary>
51505             A string like "Cannot write a top-level entry with a writer that was created to write a top-level feed."
51506             </summary>
51507         </member>
51508         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_SyncCallOnAsyncWriter">
51509             <summary>
51510             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous writer. Calls on a writer instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
51511             </summary>
51512         </member>
51513         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_AsyncCallOnSyncWriter">
51514             <summary>
51515             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous writer. Calls on a writer instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
51516             </summary>
51517         </member>
51518         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_EntityReferenceLinkWithoutNavigationLink">
51519             <summary>
51520             A string like "An entity reference link was written without a surrounding navigation link. The WriteEntityReferenceLink or WriteEntityReferenceLinkAsync methods can only be used when writing the content of a navigation link."
51521             </summary>
51522         </member>
51523         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_EntityReferenceLinkInResponse">
51524             <summary>
51525             A string like "An entity reference link was written into a response. The WriteEntityReferenceLink or WriteEntityReferenceLinkAsync methods can only be used when writing a request."
51526             </summary>
51527         </member>
51528         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_DeferredLinkInRequest">
51529             <summary>
51530             A string like "A deferred link was written into a request. In requests, each navigation link must have a feed, entry, or entity reference link written into it."
51531             </summary>
51532         </member>
51533         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_MultipleItemsInNavigationLinkContent">
51534             <summary>
51535             A string like "More than one item was written into the content of a navigation link. In OData, a navigation link can only contain more than one item in its content when it is a navigation link, ODataNavigationLink.IsCollection set to true, and the writer is writing a request."
51536             </summary>
51537         </member>
51538         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataWriterCore_DeltaLinkNotSupportedOnExpandedFeed">
51539             <summary>
51540             A string like "The ODataFeed.DeltaLink property must be null for expanded feeds. Delta link is not supported on expanded feeds."
51541             </summary>
51542         </member>
51543         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataException_GeneralError">
51544             <summary>
51545             A string like "An error occurred while processing the OData message."
51546             </summary>
51547         </member>
51548         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataErrorException_GeneralError">
51549             <summary>
51550             A string like "An error was read from the payload. See the 'Error' property for more details."
51551             </summary>
51552         </member>
51553         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriParserException_GeneralError">
51554             <summary>
51555             A string like "An error occurred while parsing part of the URI."
51556             </summary>
51557         </member>
51558         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataVersionChecker_ProtocolVersion3IsNotSupported">
51559             <summary>
51560             A string like "Version 3.0 of the OData protocol is not supported by this library. Please use version 1.0 or 2.0 instead."
51561             </summary>
51562         </member>
51563         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomCollectionWriter_CollectionNameMustNotBeNull">
51564             <summary>
51565             A string like "An ODataCollectionStart with a 'null' name was passed to the ATOM collection writer. In ATOM, an ODataCollectionStart cannot have a 'null' name."
51566             </summary>
51567         </member>
51568         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriter_StartEntryXmlCustomizationCallbackReturnedSameInstance">
51569             <summary>
51570             A string like "The startEntryXmlCustomizationCallback set in ODataMessageWriterSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesClientBehavior can never return the same XmlWriter instance that was provided in its parameter."
51571             </summary>
51572         </member>
51573         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_AuthorMetadataMustNotContainNull">
51574             <summary>
51575             A string like "A null value was detected in the 'AtomEntryMetadata.Authors' enumerable; the author metadata does not support null values."
51576             </summary>
51577         </member>
51578         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_CategoryMetadataMustNotContainNull">
51579             <summary>
51580             A string like "A null value was detected in the 'AtomEntryMetadata.Categories' enumerable; the category metadata does not support null values."
51581             </summary>
51582         </member>
51583         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_ContributorMetadataMustNotContainNull">
51584             <summary>
51585             A string like "A null value was detected in the 'AtomEntryMetadata.Contributors' enumerable; the contributor metadata does not support null values."
51586             </summary>
51587         </member>
51588         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkMetadataMustNotContainNull">
51589             <summary>
51590             A string like "A null value was detected in the 'AtomEntryMetadata.Links' enumerable; the link metadata does not support null values."
51591             </summary>
51592         </member>
51593         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkMustSpecifyHref">
51594             <summary>
51595             A string like "The 'AtomLinkMetadata.Href' property is required and cannot be null."
51596             </summary>
51597         </member>
51598         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_CategoryMustSpecifyTerm">
51599             <summary>
51600             A string like "The 'AtomCategoryMetadata.Term' property is required and cannot be null."
51601             </summary>
51602         </member>
51603         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_CategoriesHrefWithOtherValues">
51604             <summary>
51605             A string like "The 'AtomCategoriesMetadata.Href' property can only be set when no other property is set. When the 'Href' property is not null, the categories cannot have any 'Fixed' or 'Scheme' values, and the 'Categories' collection must be null or empty."
51606             </summary>
51607         </member>
51608         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_WriterAlreadyUsed">
51609             <summary>
51610             A string like "The ODataMessageWriter has already been used to write a message payload. An ODataMessageWriter can only be used once to write a payload for a given message."
51611             </summary>
51612         </member>
51613         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_EntityReferenceLinksInRequestNotAllowed">
51614             <summary>
51615             A string like "Top-level entity reference link collection payloads are not allowed in requests."
51616             </summary>
51617         </member>
51618         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_ErrorPayloadInRequest">
51619             <summary>
51620             A string like "An error cannot be written to a request payload. Errors are only supported in responses."
51621             </summary>
51622         </member>
51623         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_ServiceDocumentInRequest">
51624             <summary>
51625             A string like "A service document cannot be written to request payloads. Service documents are only supported in responses."
51626             </summary>
51627         </member>
51628         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_MetadataDocumentInRequest">
51629             <summary>
51630             A string like "A metadata document cannot be written to request payloads. Metadata documents are only supported in responses."
51631             </summary>
51632         </member>
51633         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_CannotWriteNullInRawFormat">
51634             <summary>
51635             A string like "Cannot write the value 'null' in raw format."
51636             </summary>
51637         </member>
51638         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_WriteErrorAlreadyCalled">
51639             <summary>
51640             A string like "The WriteError method or the WriteErrorAsync method on the ODataMessageWriter has already been called to write an error payload. Only a single error payload can be written with each ODataMessageWriter instance."
51641             </summary>
51642         </member>
51643         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_CannotWriteInStreamErrorForRawValues">
51644             <summary>
51645             A string like "The WriteError method or the WriteErrorAsync method on ODataMessageWriter cannot be called after the WriteValue method or the WriteValueAsync method is called. In OData, writing an in-stream error for raw values is not supported."
51646             </summary>
51647         </member>
51648         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_CannotWriteMetadataWithoutModel">
51649             <summary>
51650             A string like "No model was specified in the ODataMessageWriterSettings; a model has to be provided in the ODataMessageWriterSettings in order to write a metadata document."
51651             </summary>
51652         </member>
51653         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriter_CannotSpecifyFunctionImportWithoutModel">
51654             <summary>
51655             A string like "No model was specified in the ODataMessageWriterSettings; a model has to be provided in the ODataMessageWriterSettings when CreateODataParameterWriter is called with a non-null function import."
51656             </summary>
51657         </member>
51658         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageWriterSettings_MessageWriterSettingsXmlCustomizationCallbacksMustBeSpecifiedBoth">
51659             <summary>
51660             A string like "Both startEntryXmlCustomizationCallback and endEntryXmlCustomizationCallback must be either null or non-null."
51661             </summary>
51662         </member>
51663         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_SyncCallOnAsyncWriter">
51664             <summary>
51665             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous collection writer. All calls on a collection writer instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
51666             </summary>
51667         </member>
51668         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_AsyncCallOnSyncWriter">
51669             <summary>
51670             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous collection writer. All calls on a collection writer instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
51671             </summary>
51672         </member>
51673         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionWriterCore_CollectionsMustNotHaveEmptyName">
51674             <summary>
51675             A string like "An ODataCollectionStart with an empty name was passed to the collection writer. An ODataCollectionStart cannot have an empty name."
51676             </summary>
51677         </member>
51678         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriter_InStreamErrorNotSupported">
51679             <summary>
51680             A string like "Writing an in-stream error is not supported when writing a parameter payload."
51681             </summary>
51682         </member>
51683         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriter_CannotCreateParameterWriterOnResponseMessage">
51684             <summary>
51685             A string like "CreateParameterWriter was called on a response message. A parameter payload is only allowed in a request message."
51686             </summary>
51687         </member>
51688         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_SyncCallOnAsyncWriter">
51689             <summary>
51690             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous parameter writer. All calls on a parameter writer instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
51691             </summary>
51692         </member>
51693         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_AsyncCallOnSyncWriter">
51694             <summary>
51695             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous parameter writer. All calls on a parameter writer instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
51696             </summary>
51697         </member>
51698         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_CannotWriteStart">
51699             <summary>
51700             A string like "WriteStart can only be called once, and it must be called before writing anything else."
51701             </summary>
51702         </member>
51703         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_CannotWriteParameter">
51704             <summary>
51705             A string like "WriteValue and CreateCollectionWriter can only be called after WriteStart and before WriteEnd; they cannot be called until the previously created sub-writer is completed."
51706             </summary>
51707         </member>
51708         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_CannotWriteEnd">
51709             <summary>
51710             A string like "WriteEnd can only be called after WriteStart and after the previously created sub-writer has completed."
51711             </summary>
51712         </member>
51713         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterWriterCore_CannotWriteInErrorOrCompletedState">
51714             <summary>
51715             A string like "The writer is in either the 'Error' or 'Completed' state. No further writes can be performed on this writer."
51716             </summary>
51717         </member>
51718         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_FlushOrFlushAsyncCalledInStreamRequestedState">
51719             <summary>
51720             A string like "ODataBatchWriter.Flush or ODataBatchWriter.FlushAsync was called while a stream being used to write operation content, obtained from the operation message by using GetStream or GetStreamAsync, was still active. This is not allowed. ODataBatchWriter.Flush or ODataBatchWriter.FlushAsync can only be called when an active stream for the operation content does not exist."
51721             </summary>
51722         </member>
51723         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_CannotCompleteBatchWithActiveChangeSet">
51724             <summary>
51725             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. You cannot call ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndBatch with an active change set; you must first call ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndChangeset."
51726             </summary>
51727         </member>
51728         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_CannotStartChangeSetWithActiveChangeSet">
51729             <summary>
51730             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. You cannot call ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartChangeset with an active change set; you must first call ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndChangeset."
51731             </summary>
51732         </member>
51733         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_CannotCompleteChangeSetWithoutActiveChangeSet">
51734             <summary>
51735             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. You cannot call ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndChangeset without an active change set; you must first call ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartChangeset."
51736             </summary>
51737         </member>
51738         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromStart">
51739             <summary>
51740             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. After creating the writer, the only valid methods are ODataBatchWriter.WriteStartBatch and ODataBatchWriter.FlushAsync."
51741             </summary>
51742         </member>
51743         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromBatchStarted">
51744             <summary>
51745             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. After calling WriteStartBatch, the only valid methods on ODataBatchWriter are WriteStartChangeset, CreateOperationRequestMessage, CreateOperationResponseMessage, WriteEndBatch, and FlushAsync."
51746             </summary>
51747         </member>
51748         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromChangeSetStarted">
51749             <summary>
51750             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. After calling WriteStartChangeset, the only valid methods on ODataBatchWriter are CreateOperationRequestMessage, CreateOperationResponseMessage, WriteEndChangeset, and FlushAsync."
51751             </summary>
51752         </member>
51753         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromOperationCreated">
51754             <summary>
51755             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. After calling CreateOperationRequestMessage or CreateOperationResponseMessage, the only valid methods on ODataBatchWriter are WriteStartChangeset, WriteEndChangeset, WriteEndBatch, and FlushAsync."
51756             </summary>
51757         </member>
51758         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromOperationContentStreamRequested">
51759             <summary>
51760             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. You cannot use the batch writer while another writer is writing the content of an operation. Dispose the stream for the operation before continuing to use the ODataBatchWriter."
51761             </summary>
51762         </member>
51763         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromOperationContentStreamDisposed">
51764             <summary>
51765             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. After writing the content of an operation, the only valid methods on ODataBatchWriter are CreateOperationRequestMessage, CreateOperationResponseMessage, WriteStartChangeset, WriteEndChangeset, WriteEndBatch and FlushAsync."
51766             </summary>
51767         </member>
51768         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromChangeSetCompleted">
51769             <summary>
51770             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. After calling WriteEndChangeset, the only valid methods on ODataBatchWriter are CreateOperationRequestMessage, CreateOperationResponseMessage, WriteStartChangeset, WriteEndBatch, and FlushAsync."
51771             </summary>
51772         </member>
51773         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_InvalidTransitionFromBatchCompleted">
51774             <summary>
51775             A string like "An invalid method call on ODataBatchWriter was detected. You can only call ODataBatchWriter.FlushAsync after ODataBatchWriter.WriteEndBatch has been called."
51776             </summary>
51777         </member>
51778         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_CannotCreateRequestOperationWhenWritingResponse">
51779             <summary>
51780             A string like "When writing a batch response, you cannot create a batch operation request message."
51781             </summary>
51782         </member>
51783         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_CannotCreateResponseOperationWhenWritingRequest">
51784             <summary>
51785             A string like "When writing a batch request, you cannot create a batch operation response message."
51786             </summary>
51787         </member>
51788         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_SyncCallOnAsyncWriter">
51789             <summary>
51790             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous batch writer. Calls on a batch writer instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
51791             </summary>
51792         </member>
51793         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_AsyncCallOnSyncWriter">
51794             <summary>
51795             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous batch writer. Calls on a batch writer instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
51796             </summary>
51797         </member>
51798         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchWriter_CannotWriteInStreamErrorForBatch">
51799             <summary>
51800             A string like "The WriteError and WriteErrorAsync methods on ODataMessageWriter cannot be called when a batch is being written by using ODataBatchWriter. In OData, writing an in-stream error for a batch payload is not supported."
51801             </summary>
51802         </member>
51803         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchOperationMessage_VerifyNotCompleted">
51804             <summary>
51805             A string like "An attempt to change the properties of the message or to retrieve the payload stream for the message has failed. Either the payload stream has already been requested or the processing of the message has been completed. In both cases, no more changes can be made to the message."
51806             </summary>
51807         </member>
51808         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchOperationStream_Disposed">
51809             <summary>
51810             A string like "Cannot access a closed stream."
51811             </summary>
51812         </member>
51813         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_CannotCreateRequestOperationWhenReadingResponse">
51814             <summary>
51815             A string like "When reading a batch response, you cannot create a batch operation request message."
51816             </summary>
51817         </member>
51818         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_CannotCreateResponseOperationWhenReadingRequest">
51819             <summary>
51820             A string like "When reading a batch request, you cannot create a batch operation response message."
51821             </summary>
51822         </member>
51823         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_OperationRequestMessageAlreadyCreated">
51824             <summary>
51825             A string like "A request message for the operation has already been created. You cannot create a request message for the same operation multiple times."
51826             </summary>
51827         </member>
51828         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_OperationResponseMessageAlreadyCreated">
51829             <summary>
51830             A string like "A response message for the operation has already been created. You cannot create a response message for the same operation multiple times."
51831             </summary>
51832         </member>
51833         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_CannotUseReaderWhileOperationStreamActive">
51834             <summary>
51835             A string like "You cannot use a batch reader while the stream for the content of an operation is still active. You must first dispose the operation stream before further calls to the batch reader are made."
51836             </summary>
51837         </member>
51838         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_SyncCallOnAsyncReader">
51839             <summary>
51840             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous batch reader. Calls on a batch reader instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
51841             </summary>
51842         </member>
51843         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_AsyncCallOnSyncReader">
51844             <summary>
51845             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous batch reader. Calls on a batch reader instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
51846             </summary>
51847         </member>
51848         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReader_NoMessageWasCreatedForOperation">
51849             <summary>
51850             A string like "An operation was detected, but no message was created for it. You must create a message for every operation found in a batch or change set."
51851             </summary>
51852         </member>
51853         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_MissingContentTypeHeader">
51854             <summary>
51855             A string like "The 'Content-Type' header is missing. The 'Content-Type' header must be specified for each MIME part of a batch message."
51856             </summary>
51857         </member>
51858         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_NestedChangesetsAreNotSupported">
51859             <summary>
51860             A string like "Nested change sets in a batch payload are not supported."
51861             </summary>
51862         </member>
51863         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataBatchReaderStream_UnexpectedEndOfInput">
51864             <summary>
51865             A string like "Encountered an unexpected end of input while reading the batch payload."
51866             </summary>
51867         </member>
51868         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_MediaTypeMissingParameterName">
51869             <summary>
51870             A string like "The MIME type is missing a parameter name for a parameter definition."
51871             </summary>
51872         </member>
51873         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.HttpUtils_ContentTypeMissing">
51874             <summary>
51875             A string like "The value for the Content-Type header is missing."
51876             </summary>
51877         </member>
51878         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUriUtils_ConvertFromUriLiteralTypeRefWithoutModel">
51879             <summary>
51880             A string like "An IEdmTypeReference must be provided with a matching IEdmModel. No model was provided."
51881             </summary>
51882         </member>
51883         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_CannotSaveAnnotationsToBuiltInModel">
51884             <summary>
51885             A string like "A built-in model was detected when trying to save annotations. Annotations can only be saved to a user-defined model."
51886             </summary>
51887         </member>
51888         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_UnsupportedVersionNumber">
51889             <summary>
51890             A string like "An invalid enum value was specified for the version number."
51891             </summary>
51892         </member>
51893         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_NullValueForMimeTypeAnnotation">
51894             <summary>
51895             A string like "The MIME type annotation must not have a null value."
51896             </summary>
51897         </member>
51898         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_NullValueForHttpMethodAnnotation">
51899             <summary>
51900             A string like "The HTTP method annotation must not have a null value."
51901             </summary>
51902         </member>
51903         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_IsAlwaysBindableAnnotationSetForANonBindableFunctionImport">
51904             <summary>
51905             A string like "The 'IsAlwaysBindable' annotation cannot be set to 'true' for a non-bindable function import."
51906             </summary>
51907         </member>
51908         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataUtils_UnexpectedIsAlwaysBindableAnnotationInANonBindableFunctionImport">
51909             <summary>
51910             A string like "The 'IsAlwaysBindable' annotation was found with a 'true' value in a non-bindable function import. The 'IsAlwaysBindable' annotation cannot be 'true' for a non-bindable function import."
51911             </summary>
51912         </member>
51913         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_EntityReferenceLinkMissingUri">
51914             <summary>
51915             A string like "No URI value was found for an entity reference link. A single URI value was expected."
51916             </summary>
51917         </member>
51918         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_ValueWithoutType">
51919             <summary>
51920             A string like "A value without a type name was found and no expected type is available. When the model is specified, each value in the payload must have a type which can be either specified in the payload, explicitly by the caller or implicitly inferred from the parent value."
51921             </summary>
51922         </member>
51923         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_EntryWithoutType">
51924             <summary>
51925             A string like "An entry without a type name was found, but no expected type was specified. To allow entries without type information, the expected type must also be specified when the model is specified."
51926             </summary>
51927         </member>
51928         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ReaderValidationUtils_UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKindSpecifiedOnRequest">
51929             <summary>
51930             A string like "The ODataMessageReaderSettings.UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds is not set to ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.None. When reading request payloads, the ODataMessageReaderSettings.UndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds property must be set to ODataUndeclaredPropertyBehaviorKinds.None; other values are not supported."
51931             </summary>
51932         </member>
51933         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ReaderAlreadyUsed">
51934             <summary>
51935             A string like "The ODataMessageReader has already been used to read a message payload. An ODataMessageReader can only be used once to read a payload for a given message."
51936             </summary>
51937         </member>
51938         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ErrorPayloadInRequest">
51939             <summary>
51940             A string like "A top-level error cannot be read from request payloads. Top-level errors are only supported in responses."
51941             </summary>
51942         </member>
51943         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ServiceDocumentInRequest">
51944             <summary>
51945             A string like "A service document cannot be read from request payloads. Service documents are only supported in responses."
51946             </summary>
51947         </member>
51948         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_MetadataDocumentInRequest">
51949             <summary>
51950             A string like "A metadata document cannot be read from request payloads. Metadata documents are only supported in responses."
51951             </summary>
51952         </member>
51953         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ExpectedPropertyTypeEntityCollectionKind">
51954             <summary>
51955             A string like "The expected type for property reading is of entity collection kind. Top-level properties can only be of primitive, complex, primitive collection or complex collection kind."
51956             </summary>
51957         </member>
51958         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ExpectedPropertyTypeEntityKind">
51959             <summary>
51960             A string like "The expected type for property reading is of entity kind. Top-level properties cannot be of entity type."
51961             </summary>
51962         </member>
51963         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ExpectedPropertyTypeStream">
51964             <summary>
51965             A string like "The expected type for property reading is Edm.Stream. Top-level properties cannot be of stream type."
51966             </summary>
51967         </member>
51968         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_NoneOrEmptyContentTypeHeader">
51969             <summary>
51970             A string like "A missing or empty content type header was found when trying to read a message. The content type header is required."
51971             </summary>
51972         </member>
51973         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_EntityReferenceLinksInRequestNotAllowed">
51974             <summary>
51975             A string like "Top-level entity reference link collection payloads are not allowed in requests."
51976             </summary>
51977         </member>
51978         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_GetFormatCalledBeforeReadingStarted">
51979             <summary>
51980             A string like "GetFormat was called before reading was started. GetFormat can only be called after a read method was called or a reader was created."
51981             </summary>
51982         </member>
51983         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_DetectPayloadKindMultipleTimes">
51984             <summary>
51985             A string like "DetectPayloadKind or DetectPayloadKindAsync was called more than once; DetectPayloadKind or DetectPayloadKindAsync can only be called once."
51986             </summary>
51987         </member>
51988         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_PayloadKindDetectionRunning">
51989             <summary>
51990             A string like "Payload kind detection has not completed. Read or create methods cannot be called on the ODataMessageReader before payload kind detection is complete."
51991             </summary>
51992         </member>
51993         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_PayloadKindDetectionInServerMode">
51994             <summary>
51995             A string like "The ODataMessageReader is using the server behavior for WCF Data Services, as specified in its settings. Payload kind detection is not supported when using the WCF Data services server behavior."
51996             </summary>
51997         </member>
51998         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessageReader_ParameterPayloadInResponse">
51999             <summary>
52000             A string like "A parameter payload cannot be read from a response payload. Parameter payloads are only supported in requests."
52001             </summary>
52002         </member>
52003         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataMessage_MustNotModifyMessage">
52004             <summary>
52005             A string like "An attempt was made to modify the message. The message cannot be modified."
52006             </summary>
52007         </member>
52008         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataReaderCore_SyncCallOnAsyncReader">
52009             <summary>
52010             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous reader. Calls on a reader instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
52011             </summary>
52012         </member>
52013         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataReaderCore_AsyncCallOnSyncReader">
52014             <summary>
52015             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous reader. Calls on a reader instance must be either all synchronous or all asynchronous."
52016             </summary>
52017         </member>
52018         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReader_ParsingWithoutMetadata">
52019             <summary>
52020             A string like "Parsing JSON feeds or entries without model is not supported."
52021             </summary>
52022         </member>
52023         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderUtils_CannotConvertInt64OrDecimal">
52024             <summary>
52025             A string like "Primitive values of type 'Edm.Decimal' and 'Edm.Int64' must be quoted in the payload. Make sure the value is quoted."
52026             </summary>
52027         </member>
52028         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonDeserializer_DataWrapperPropertyNotFound">
52029             <summary>
52030             A string like "The top-level data wrapper object does not have a property 'd'. In JSON responses, a top-level data wrapper object with a 'd' property is expected."
52031             </summary>
52032         </member>
52033         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonDeserializer_DataWrapperMultipleProperties">
52034             <summary>
52035             A string like "Multiple 'd' properties were found in the top-level data wrapper object. In JSON, the top-level data wrapper object is expected to have a single 'd' property."
52036             </summary>
52037         </member>
52038         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonCollectionDeserializer_MissingResultsPropertyForCollection">
52039             <summary>
52040             A string like "Did not find the required 'results' property on the object wrapping a collection in protocol version 2.0 and greater."
52041             </summary>
52042         </member>
52043         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonCollectionDeserializer_MultipleResultsPropertiesForCollection">
52044             <summary>
52045             A string like "Multiple 'results' properties were found for a collection. In OData, a collection cannot have more than one 'results' property."
52046             </summary>
52047         </member>
52048         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_ExpectedEntityReferenceLinksResultsPropertyNotFound">
52049             <summary>
52050             A string like "Did not find the required 'results' property on the object wrapping an entity reference link in protocol version 2.0 and greater."
52051             </summary>
52052         </member>
52053         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_MultipleUriPropertiesInEntityReferenceLink">
52054             <summary>
52055             A string like "Multiple 'uri' properties were found in an entity reference link object; however, a single 'uri' property was expected."
52056             </summary>
52057         </member>
52058         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_EntityReferenceLinkUriCannotBeNull">
52059             <summary>
52060             A string like "The 'uri' property of an entity reference link object cannot have a null value."
52061             </summary>
52062         </member>
52063         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ExpectedFeedResultsPropertyNotFound">
52064             <summary>
52065             A string like "Did not find the required 'results' property on the object wrapping a feed."
52066             </summary>
52067         </member>
52068         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleMetadataPropertiesInEntryValue">
52069             <summary>
52070             A string like "Multiple '__metadata' properties were found in an entry. In OData, an entry can only contain one '__metadata' property."
52071             </summary>
52072         </member>
52073         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleUriPropertiesInDeferredLink">
52074             <summary>
52075             A string like "Multiple 'uri' properties were found in the deferred link object; however, a single 'uri' property was expected."
52076             </summary>
52077         </member>
52078         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_DeferredLinkUriCannotBeNull">
52079             <summary>
52080             A string like "The 'uri' property of a deferred link object cannot have a null value."
52081             </summary>
52082         </member>
52083         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_DeferredLinkMissingUri">
52084             <summary>
52085             A string like "The 'uri' property was not found in a deferred link object. A single 'uri' property is expected."
52086             </summary>
52087         </member>
52088         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadNavigationPropertyValue">
52089             <summary>
52090             A string like "A 'PrimitiveValue' node with non-null value was found when trying to read the value of a navigation property; however, a 'StartArray' node, a 'StartObject' node, or a 'PrimitiveValue' node with null value was expected."
52091             </summary>
52092         </member>
52093         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleFeedResultsPropertiesFound">
52094             <summary>
52095             A string like "Found multiple 'results' properties in the object wrapping a feed in protocol version 2.0 and greater. In OData, the feed wrapping object can only contain a single 'results' property."
52096             </summary>
52097         </member>
52098         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotParseStreamReference">
52099             <summary>
52100             A string like "Could not parse an expected stream reference value. In OData, a stream reference value must be a JSON object with a single property called '__mediaresource'."
52101             </summary>
52102         </member>
52103         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyInRequest">
52104             <summary>
52105             A string like "A stream property was found in a JSON request payload. Stream properties are only supported in responses."
52106             </summary>
52107         </member>
52108         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_AnnotationGroupWithoutName">
52109             <summary>
52110             A string like "An annotation group with a null or empty name was found for an entry. In OData, annotation groups must have a non-null, non-empty name that is unique across the entire payload."
52111             </summary>
52112         </member>
52113         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedSerializer_AnnotationGroupInRequest">
52114             <summary>
52115             A string like "A JSON Light annotation group was detected when writing a request payload. In OData, JSON Light annotation groups are only supported in responses."
52116             </summary>
52117         </member>
52118         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_TopLevelPropertyWithoutMetadata">
52119             <summary>
52120             A string like "Parsing a JSON top-level property without a model is not supported."
52121             </summary>
52122         </member>
52123         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidTopLevelPropertyPayload">
52124             <summary>
52125             A string like "Either zero or more than one top-level properties were found. A top-level property must be represented as a JSON object with exactly one property."
52126             </summary>
52127         </member>
52128         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_MultipleMetadataPropertiesInComplexValue">
52129             <summary>
52130             A string like "Multiple '__metadata' properties were found in a complex value. In OData, a complex value can only have one '__metadata' property."
52131             </summary>
52132         </member>
52133         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonPropertyAndValueDeserializer_CollectionWithoutResults">
52134             <summary>
52135             A string like "A collection was found without the 'results' property. In OData, each collection must be represented as a JSON object with a property 'results'."
52136             </summary>
52137         </member>
52138         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonServiceDocumentDeserializer_MultipleEntitySetsPropertiesForServiceDocument">
52139             <summary>
52140             A string like "Multiple 'EntitySets' properties were found for a service document. In OData, a service document must have exactly one 'EntitySets' property."
52141             </summary>
52142         </member>
52143         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonServiceDocumentDeserializer_NoEntitySetsPropertyForServiceDocument">
52144             <summary>
52145             A string like "No 'EntitySets' property was found for a service document. In OData, a service document must have exactly one 'EntitySets' property."
52146             </summary>
52147         </member>
52148         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionReaderCore_SyncCallOnAsyncReader">
52149             <summary>
52150             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous collection reader. All calls on a collection reader instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
52151             </summary>
52152         </member>
52153         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataCollectionReaderCore_AsyncCallOnSyncReader">
52154             <summary>
52155             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous collection reader. All calls on a collection reader instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
52156             </summary>
52157         </member>
52158         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_SyncCallOnAsyncReader">
52159             <summary>
52160             A string like "A synchronous operation was called on an asynchronous parameter reader. All calls on a parameter reader instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
52161             </summary>
52162         </member>
52163         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataParameterReaderCore_AsyncCallOnSyncReader">
52164             <summary>
52165             A string like "An asynchronous operation was called on a synchronous parameter reader. All calls on a parameter reader instance must be either synchronous or asynchronous."
52166             </summary>
52167         </member>
52168         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonCollectionReader_ParsingWithoutMetadata">
52169             <summary>
52170             A string like "Parsing JSON collections without model is not supported."
52171             </summary>
52172         </member>
52173         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_AssociationLinkMustSpecifyName">
52174             <summary>
52175             A string like "The 'Name' property on an ODataAssociationLink must be set to a non-empty string."
52176             </summary>
52177         </member>
52178         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_AssociationLinkMustSpecifyUrl">
52179             <summary>
52180             A string like "The 'Url' property on an ODataAssociationLink must be set to a non-null value that represents the association or associations the link references."
52181             </summary>
52182         </member>
52183         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_TypeNameMustNotBeEmpty">
52184             <summary>
52185             A string like "An empty type name was found; the name of a type cannot be an empty string."
52186             </summary>
52187         </member>
52188         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_ResourceCollectionMustSpecifyUrl">
52189             <summary>
52190             A string like "The 'Url' property on a resource collection must be set to a non-null value."
52191             </summary>
52192         </member>
52193         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_ResourceCollectionUrlMustNotBeNull">
52194             <summary>
52195             A string like "A resource collection without a Url was detected; a resource collection must have a non-null Url value."
52196             </summary>
52197         </member>
52198         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_NonStreamingCollectionElementsMustNotBeNull">
52199             <summary>
52200             A string like "A null value was detected in the items of a collection property value; non-streaming instances of collection types do not support null values as items."
52201             </summary>
52202         </member>
52203         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_LinkMustSpecifyName">
52204             <summary>
52205             A string like "The 'Name' property on an ODataNavigationLink must be set to a non-empty string."
52206             </summary>
52207         </member>
52208         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_NestedCollectionsAreNotSupported">
52209             <summary>
52210             A string like "Nested collection instances are not allowed."
52211             </summary>
52212         </member>
52213         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_StreamReferenceValuesNotSupportedInCollections">
52214             <summary>
52215             A string like "An ODataStreamReferenceValue item was found in a collection property value, which is not allowed. Collection properties can only have primitive and complex values as items."
52216             </summary>
52217         </member>
52218         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ValidationUtils_WorkspaceCollectionsMustNotContainNullItem">
52219             <summary>
52220             A string like "A null value was detected when enumerating the collections in a workspace. Workspace collections cannot be null."
52221             </summary>
52222         </member>
52223         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomWriter_FeedsMustHaveNonEmptyId">
52224             <summary>
52225             A string like "An ODataFeed without an ID was detected; in OData, a Feed must have a non-null, non-empty ID value."
52226             </summary>
52227         </member>
52228         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_PropertyMustNotBeNull">
52229             <summary>
52230             A string like "The 'ODataEntry.Properties' enumerable contains a null item. This enumerable cannot contain null items."
52231             </summary>
52232         </member>
52233         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_PropertiesMustHaveNonEmptyName">
52234             <summary>
52235             A string like "An ODataProperty instance without a name was detected; an ODataProperty must have a non-null, non-empty name."
52236             </summary>
52237         </member>
52238         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_MissingTypeNameWithMetadata">
52239             <summary>
52240             A string like "No TypeName was found for an ODataComplexValue of an open property, ODataEntry or custom instance annotation, even though metadata was specified. If a model is passed to the writer, each complex value on an open property, entry or custom instance annotation must have a type name."
52241             </summary>
52242         </member>
52243         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_NextPageLinkInRequest">
52244             <summary>
52245             A string like "The ODataFeed.NextPageLink must be null for request payloads. A next link is only supported in responses."
52246             </summary>
52247         </member>
52248         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_DefaultStreamWithContentTypeWithoutReadLink">
52249             <summary>
52250             A string like "A default stream ODataStreamReferenceValue was detected with a 'ContentType' property but without a ReadLink value. In OData, a default stream must either have both a content type and a read link, or neither of them."
52251             </summary>
52252         </member>
52253         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_DefaultStreamWithReadLinkWithoutContentType">
52254             <summary>
52255             A string like "A default stream ODataStreamReferenceValue was detected with a 'ReadLink' property but without a ContentType value. In OData, a default stream must either have both a content type and a read link, or neither of them."
52256             </summary>
52257         </member>
52258         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_StreamReferenceValueMustHaveEditLinkOrReadLink">
52259             <summary>
52260             A string like "An ODataStreamReferenceValue was detected with null values for both EditLink and ReadLink. In OData, a stream resource must have at least an edit link or a read link."
52261             </summary>
52262         </member>
52263         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_StreamReferenceValueMustHaveEditLinkToHaveETag">
52264             <summary>
52265             A string like "An ODataStreamReferenceValue was detected with an ETag but without an edit link. In OData, a stream resource must have an edit link to have an ETag."
52266             </summary>
52267         </member>
52268         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_StreamReferenceValueEmptyContentType">
52269             <summary>
52270             A string like "An ODataStreamReferenceValue was detected with an empty string 'ContentType' property. In OData, a stream resource must either have a non-empty content type or it must be null."
52271             </summary>
52272         </member>
52273         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_EntriesMustHaveNonEmptyId">
52274             <summary>
52275             A string like "An entry with an empty ID value was detected. In OData, an entry must either a non-empty ID value or no ID value."
52276             </summary>
52277         </member>
52278         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_EntityReferenceLinkUrlMustNotBeNull">
52279             <summary>
52280             A string like "An ODataEntityReferenceLink with a null Url was detected; an ODataEntityReferenceLink must have a non-null Url."
52281             </summary>
52282         </member>
52283         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_EntityReferenceLinksLinkMustNotBeNull">
52284             <summary>
52285             A string like "The 'ODataEntityReferenceLinks.Links' enumerable contains a null item. This enumerable cannot contain null items."
52286             </summary>
52287         </member>
52288         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.WriterValidationUtils_MessageWriterSettingsJsonPaddingOnRequestMessage">
52289             <summary>
52290             A string like "A JSON Padding function was specified on ODataMessageWriterSettings when trying to write a request message. JSON Padding is only for writing responses."
52291             </summary>
52292         </member>
52293         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomReader_MediaLinkEntryMismatch">
52294             <summary>
52295             A string like "An Atom entry can be either a regular entry or a media link entry (MLE). This means that there cannot be data in both the {http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}:content element, which indicates a regular entry, and the {http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}:properties element, which indicates an MLE. "
52296             </summary>
52297         </member>
52298         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomReader_ExpandedFeedInEntryNavigationLink">
52299             <summary>
52300             A string like "An expanded feed was found in a navigation link of type entry; however, only an expanded entry can occur in a navigation link of type entry."
52301             </summary>
52302         </member>
52303         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomReader_ExpandedEntryInFeedNavigationLink">
52304             <summary>
52305             A string like "An expanded entry was found in a navigation link of type feed; however, only an expanded feed can occur in a navigation link of type feed."
52306             </summary>
52307         </member>
52308         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomReader_DeferredEntryInFeedNavigationLink">
52309             <summary>
52310             A string like "A deferred entry was found in a navigation link of type feed; however, only a deferred feed can occur in a navigation link of type feed."
52311             </summary>
52312         </member>
52313         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomReader_EntryXmlCustomizationCallbackReturnedSameInstance">
52314             <summary>
52315             A string like "The entryXmlCustomizationCallback set in ODataMessageReaderSettings.EnableWcfDataServicesClientBehavior can never return the same XmlReader instance that was provided in its parameter."
52316             </summary>
52317         </member>
52318         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomReaderUtils_InvalidTypeName">
52319             <summary>
52320             A string like "Found a value with type name ''. Type name cannot be an empty string."
52321             </summary>
52322         </member>
52323         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomCollectionDeserializer_TypeOrNullAttributeNotAllowed">
52324             <summary>
52325             A string like "The root element of the collection cannot contain the {http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}:type attribute or the {http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}:null attribute."
52326             </summary>
52327         </member>
52328         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.EdmLibraryExtensions_CollectionItemCanBeOnlyPrimitiveOrComplex">
52329             <summary>
52330             A string like "Only collection properties that contain primitive types or complex types are supported."
52331             </summary>
52332         </member>
52333         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_ContentWithSourceLinkIsNotEmpty">
52334             <summary>
52335             A string like "The element {http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}:content has non-empty content, and it has an attribute with name 'src'. When the {http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}:content element has the 'src' attribute, it cannot also have content."
52336             </summary>
52337         </member>
52338         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MultipleInlineElementsInLink">
52339             <summary>
52340             A string like "Multiple {http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}:inline elements were found in a {http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}:link element. Each {http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}:link element can contain no more than one {http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata}:inline child element."
52341             </summary>
52342         </member>
52343         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyWithEmptyName">
52344             <summary>
52345             A string like "Found a stream property link with empty name. In OData, a stream property must have a non-empty name."
52346             </summary>
52347         </member>
52348         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EncounteredAnnotationInNestedFeed">
52349             <summary>
52350             A string like "Encountered an 'annotation' element inside a nested feed. Annotations are not currently supported for nested feeds."
52351             </summary>
52352         </member>
52353         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EncounteredDeltaLinkInNestedFeed">
52354             <summary>
52355             A string like "Encountered a 'Delta Link' element inside a nested feed. Delta Links are not supported for nested feeds."
52356             </summary>
52357         </member>
52358         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer_MissingWorkspaceElement">
52359             <summary>
52360             A string like "The service document is missing the 'workspace' element. A service document must contain a single {http://www.w3.org/2007/app}:workspace element."
52361             </summary>
52362         </member>
52363         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentDeserializer_MultipleWorkspaceElementsFound">
52364             <summary>
52365             A string like "Multiple 'workspace' elements were found inside the service document. A service document must contain a single {http://www.w3.org/2007/app}:workspace element."
52366             </summary>
52367         </member>
52368         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAtomServiceDocumentMetadataDeserializer_MultipleAcceptElementsFoundInCollection">
52369             <summary>
52370             A string like "Multiple 'accept' elements were found inside a 'collection' element. A 'collection' element can only contain a single {http://www.w3.org/2007/app}:accept element."
52371             </summary>
52372         </member>
52373         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_MetadataDocumentUriMissing">
52374             <summary>
52375             A string like "The ODataMessageReaderSettings used to read a JSON Light payload do not specify a metadata document URI. For reading JSON Light payloads a metadata document URI is required."
52376             </summary>
52377         </member>
52378         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_PayloadKindDetectionForRequest">
52379             <summary>
52380             A string like "ODataMessageReader.DetectPayloadKind was called for a request payload. Payload kind detection is only supported for responses in JSON Light."
52381             </summary>
52382         </member>
52383         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_NoEntitySetForRequest">
52384             <summary>
52385             A string like "Parsing JSON Light feeds or entries in requests without entity set is not supported. Pass in the entity set as a parameter to ODataMessageReader.CreateODataEntryReader or ODataMessageReader.CreateODataFeedReader method."
52386             </summary>
52387         </member>
52388         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_FunctionImportOrItemTypeRequiredForCollectionReaderInRequests">
52389             <summary>
52390             A string like "An attempt to read a collection request payload without specifying a producing function import or collection item type was detected. When reading collection payloads in requests, a producing function import or expected item type has to be provided."
52391             </summary>
52392         </member>
52393         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_NavigationPropertyRequiredForReadEntityReferenceLinkInRequests">
52394             <summary>
52395             A string like "An attempt to read an entity reference link in a request without specifying a navigation property was detected. When reading entity reference link payloads in requests, a navigation property has to be provided."
52396             </summary>
52397         </member>
52398         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_ModelRequiredForReading">
52399             <summary>
52400             A string like "Parsing JSON Light payloads without a model is only supported for error payloads."
52401             </summary>
52402         </member>
52403         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_BaseUriMustBeNonNullAndAbsolute">
52404             <summary>
52405             A string like "The 'BaseUri' on the 'ODataMessageReaderSettings' must be set to a non-null absolute URI to read JSON Light format."
52406             </summary>
52407         </member>
52408         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_ItemTypeRequiredForCollectionReaderInRequests">
52409             <summary>
52410             A string like "An attempt to read a collection request payload without specifying a collection item type was detected. When reading collection payloads in requests, an expected item type has to be provided."
52411             </summary>
52412         </member>
52413         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightInputContext_NoItemTypeSpecified">
52414             <summary>
52415             A string like "In JSON the item type must be specified when creating a collection writer."
52416             </summary>
52417         </member>
52418         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightDeserializer_MetadataLinkNotFoundAsFirstProperty">
52419             <summary>
52420             A string like "The required instance annotation 'odata.metadata' was not found at the beginning of a response payload."
52421             </summary>
52422         </member>
52423         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightWriter_EntityReferenceLinkAfterFeedInRequest">
52424             <summary>
52425             A string like "An attempt to write an entity reference link inside a navigation link after a feed has been written inside the same navigation link in a request was detected. In JSON Light requests, all entity reference links inside a navigation link have to be written before all feeds inside the same navigation link."
52426             </summary>
52427         </member>
52428         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightWriter_InstanceAnnotationNotSupportedOnExpandedFeed">
52429             <summary>
52430             A string like "The ODataFeed.InstanceAnnotations collection must be empty for expanded feeds. Custom instance annotations are not supported on expanded feeds."
52431             </summary>
52432         </member>
52433         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightOutputContext_MetadataDocumentUriMissing">
52434             <summary>
52435             A string like "The ODataMessageWriterSettings used to write a JSON Light payload do not specify a metadata document URI. For writing JSON Light payloads a metadata document URI is required."
52436             </summary>
52437         </member>
52438         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueSerializer_NoExpectedTypeOrTypeNameSpecifiedForComplexValueRequest">
52439             <summary>
52440             A string like "Neither an expected type nor a type name in the OData object model was provided for a complex value. When writing a request payload, either an expected type or a type name has to be specified."
52441             </summary>
52442         </member>
52443         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueSerializer_NoExpectedTypeOrTypeNameSpecifiedForCollectionValueInRequest">
52444             <summary>
52445             A string like "Neither an expected type nor a type name in the OData object model was provided for a collection property. When writing a request payload, either an expected type or a type name has to be specified."
52446             </summary>
52447         </member>
52448         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightServiceDocumentSerializer_ResourceCollectionMustSpecifyName">
52449             <summary>
52450             A string like "Found a resource collection without a name. When writing a service document in JSON Light, the Name property of a resource collection must not be null or empty."
52451             </summary>
52452         </member>
52453         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext_MetadataOrSerializationInfoMissing">
52454             <summary>
52455             A string like "When writing a JSON response, a user model must be specified and the entity set and entity type must be passed to the ODataMessageWriter.CreateEntryWriter method or the ODataFeedAndEntrySerializationInfo must be set on the ODataEntry or ODataFeed that is being writen."
52456             </summary>
52457         </member>
52458         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataFeedAndEntryTypeContext_ODataEntryTypeNameMissing">
52459             <summary>
52460             A string like "When writing a JSON response in full metadata mode with ODataMessageWriterSettings.AutoComputePayloadMetadataInJson set to true, a user model must be specified and the entity set and entity type must be passed to the ODataMessageWriter.CreateEntryWriter method or the ODataEntry.TypeName must be set."
52461             </summary>
52462         </member>
52463         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder_TypeNameMissingForTopLevelCollectionWhenWritingResponsePayload">
52464             <summary>
52465             A string like "The collection type name for the top level collection is unknown. When writing a JSON response, the item type must be passed to the ODataMessageWriter.CreateCollectionWriter method or the ODataCollectionStartSerializationInfo must be set on the ODataCollectionStart."
52466             </summary>
52467         </member>
52468         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder_EntitySetOrNavigationPropertyMissingForTopLevelEntityReferenceLinkResponse">
52469             <summary>
52470             A string like "The entity set name or navigation property name for the top level entity reference link is unknown. When writing a JSON response, the entity set and navigation property must be passed to the ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLink method or the ODataEntityReferenceLinkSerializationInfo must be set on the ODataEntityReferenceLink."
52471             </summary>
52472         </member>
52473         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriBuilder_EntitySetOrNavigationPropertyMissingForTopLevelEntityReferenceLinksResponse">
52474             <summary>
52475             A string like "The entity set name or navigation property name for the top level entity reference link collection is unknown. When writing a JSON response, the entity set and navigation property must be passed to the ODataMessageWriter.WriteEntityReferenceLinks method or the ODataEntityReferenceLinksSerializationInfo must be set on the ODataEntityReferenceLinks."
52476             </summary>
52477         </member>
52478         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_InvalidTopLevelPropertyPayload">
52479             <summary>
52480             A string like "No top-level properties were found. A top-level property or collection in JSON Light must be represented as a JSON object with exactly one property which is not an annotation."
52481             </summary>
52482         </member>
52483         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightPropertyAndValueDeserializer_ComplexTypeAnnotationNotFirst">
52484             <summary>
52485             A string like "The 'odata.type' instance annotation in a complex object is not the first property of the object. In OData, the 'odata.type' instance annotation must be the first property of the complex object."
52486             </summary>
52487         </member>
52488         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonReaderCoreUtils_CannotReadSpatialPropertyValue">
52489             <summary>
52490             A string like "The value specified for the spatial property was not valid. You must specify a valid spatial value."
52491             </summary>
52492         </member>
52493         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_NullMetadataDocumentUri">
52494             <summary>
52495             A string like "A null metadata URI was found in the payload. Metadata URIs must not be null."
52496             </summary>
52497         </member>
52498         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_NoModel">
52499             <summary>
52500             A string like "No model was specified for the ODataMessageReader. A message reader requires a model for JSON Light payload to be specified in the ODataMessageReader constructor."
52501             </summary>
52502         </member>
52503         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightMetadataUriParser_ModelResolverReturnedNull">
52504             <summary>
52505             A string like "The IODataJsonLightModelResolver or IODataJsonLightModelResolverAsync returned a null or a core model. The model resolver must return a valid user model."
52506             </summary>
52507         </member>
52508         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EntryTypeAnnotationNotFirst">
52509             <summary>
52510             A string like "The 'odata.type' instance annotation in an entry object is preceded by an invalid property. In OData, the 'odata.type' instance annotation must be either the first property in the JSON object or the second if the 'odata.metadata' instance annotation is present."
52511             </summary>
52512         </member>
52513         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_FeedPropertyAnnotationForTopLevelFeed">
52514             <summary>
52515             A string like "A property annotation was found for a top-level feed; however, top-level feeds only support instance annotations."
52516             </summary>
52517         </member>
52518         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_StreamPropertyInRequest">
52519             <summary>
52520             A string like "A stream property was found in a JSON Light request payload. Stream properties are only supported in responses."
52521             </summary>
52522         </member>
52523         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_CannotReadNavigationPropertyValue">
52524             <summary>
52525             A string like "A 'PrimitiveValue' node with non-null value was found when trying to read the value of a navigation property; however, a 'StartArray' node, a 'StartObject' node, or a 'PrimitiveValue' node with null value was expected."
52526             </summary>
52527         </member>
52528         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_AnnotationGroupWithoutName">
52529             <summary>
52530             A string like "An annotation group with a null or empty name was found for an entry. In OData, annotation groups must have a non-null, non-empty name that is unique across the whole payload."
52531             </summary>
52532         </member>
52533         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_AnnotationGroupInRequest">
52534             <summary>
52535             A string like "A JSON Light annotation group was detected when writing a request payload. In OData, JSON Light annotation groups are only supported in responses."
52536             </summary>
52537         </member>
52538         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_MetadataReferencePropertyInRequest">
52539             <summary>
52540             A string like "A metadata reference property was found in a JSON Light request payload. Metadata reference properties are only supported in responses."
52541             </summary>
52542         </member>
52543         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EncounteredAnnotationGroupInUnexpectedPosition">
52544             <summary>
52545             A string like "An annotation group was found at an unexpected position in the payload. Annotation groups must be the first property of the object they are annotating and may not be nested."
52546             </summary>
52547         </member>
52548         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntryAndFeedDeserializer_EntryTypeAlreadySpecified">
52549             <summary>
52550             A string like "Encountered an entry with a type defined in an annotation group and in the entry body. The type of an entry may only be specified once."
52551             </summary>
52552         </member>
52553         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightEntityReferenceLinkDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationForEntityReferenceLinks">
52554             <summary>
52555             A string like "A property annotation was found for entity reference links; however, entity reference links only support instance annotations."
52556             </summary>
52557         </member>
52558         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightParameterDeserializer_PropertyAnnotationForParameters">
52559             <summary>
52560             A string like "An OData property annotation was found for a parameter payload; however, parameter payloads do not support OData property annotations."
52561             </summary>
52562         </member>
52563         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectedPropertiesNode_StarSegmentNotLastSegment">
52564             <summary>
52565             A string like "When parsing a select clause a '*' segment was found before last segment of a property path. In OData, a '*' segment can only appear as last segment of a property path."
52566             </summary>
52567         </member>
52568         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectedPropertiesNode_StarSegmentAfterTypeSegment">
52569             <summary>
52570             A string like "When parsing a select clause a '*' segment was found immediately after a type segment in a property path. In OData, a '*' segment cannot appear following a type segment."
52571             </summary>
52572         </member>
52573         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer_AnnotationGroupDeclarationWithoutName">
52574             <summary>
52575             A string like "Encountered an annotation group declaration for which there was no 'name' property. All annotation group declarations must specify a non-empty name in the 'name' property."
52576             </summary>
52577         </member>
52578         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonLightAnnotationGroupDeserializer_EncounteredMultipleNameProperties">
52579             <summary>
52580             A string like "Encountered multiple 'name' properties within a single annotation group declaration. An annotation group must contain exactly one 'name' property."
52581             </summary>
52582         </member>
52583         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataPrimitiveValue_CannotCreateODataPrimitiveValueFromNull">
52584             <summary>
52585             A string like "Cannot create an ODataPrimitiveValue from null; use ODataNullValue instead."
52586             </summary>
52587         </member>
52588         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataAnnotatable_InstanceAnnotationsOnlyOnODataError">
52589             <summary>
52590             A string like "An InstanceAnnotationCollection was set on an object other than ODataError. Currently, instance annotations are only supported on ODataError."
52591             </summary>
52592         </member>
52593         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataInstanceAnnotation_ValueCannotBeODataStreamReferenceValue">
52594             <summary>
52595             A string like "The value of an instance annotation cannot be of type ODataStreamReferenceValue."
52596             </summary>
52597         </member>
52598         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer_MissingTypeNameOnComplex">
52599             <summary>
52600             A string like "A type name was not provided for an instance of ODataComplexValue."
52601             </summary>
52602         </member>
52603         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataJsonLightValueSerializer_MissingTypeNameOnCollection">
52604             <summary>
52605             A string like "A type name was not provided for an instance of ODataCollectionValue."
52606             </summary>
52607         </member>
52608         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AtomInstanceAnnotation_MissingTermAttributeOnAnnotationElement">
52609             <summary>
52610             A string like "Encountered an 'annotation' element without a 'term' attribute. All 'annotation' elements must have a 'term' attribute."
52611             </summary>
52612         </member>
52613         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.AtomInstanceAnnotation_MultipleAttributeValueNotationAttributes">
52614             <summary>
52615             A string like "Encountered an 'annotation' element with more than one attribute from following set: 'int', 'string', 'decimal', 'float', and 'bool'. Only one such attribute may appear on an 'annotation' element."
52616             </summary>
52617         </member>
52618         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonFullMetadataLevel_MissingEntitySet">
52619             <summary>
52620             A string like "If ODataMessageWriterSettings.AutoComputePayloadMetadataInJson is set to true, the entity set must be specified when writing JSON with full metadata."
52621             </summary>
52622         </member>
52623         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataQueryUtils_CannotSetMetadataAnnotationOnPrimitiveType">
52624             <summary>
52625             A string like "Setting a metadata annotation on a primitive type is not supported."
52626             </summary>
52627         </member>
52628         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SyntacticTree_MaxDepthInvalid">
52629             <summary>
52630             A string like "The maximum depth setting must be a number greater than zero."
52631             </summary>
52632         </member>
52633         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_TooDeep">
52634             <summary>
52635             A string like "Recursion depth exceeded allowed limit."
52636             </summary>
52637         </member>
52638         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryExpressionParser_RepeatedVisitor">
52639             <summary>
52640             A string like "Invalid to redefine visitor in nested Any/All queries."
52641             </summary>
52642         </member>
52643         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryPathParser_SyntaxError">
52644             <summary>
52645             A string like "Bad Request: there was an error in the query syntax."
52646             </summary>
52647         </member>
52648         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriQueryPathParser_TooManySegments">
52649             <summary>
52650             A string like "Too many segments in URI."
52651             </summary>
52652         </member>
52653         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectionItemBinder_NonNavigationPathToken">
52654             <summary>
52655             A string like "Inner or start path segments must be navigation properties in $select."
52656             </summary>
52657         </member>
52658         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectTreeNormalizer_NonPathProperty">
52659             <summary>
52660             A string like "Found a non-path property in a select token."
52661             </summary>
52662         </member>
52663         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandItem_NonEntityNavProp">
52664             <summary>
52665             A string like "Cannot construct an ExpandItem from a navigation property whose type is not an entity."
52666             </summary>
52667         </member>
52668         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_UnsupportedExtensionToken">
52669             <summary>
52670             A string like "An unsupported extension query token was found."
52671             </summary>
52672         </member>
52673         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_FilterExpressionNotSingleValue">
52674             <summary>
52675             A string like "The $filter expression must evaluate to a single boolean value."
52676             </summary>
52677         </member>
52678         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_OrderByExpressionNotSingleValue">
52679             <summary>
52680             A string like "The $orderby expression must evaluate to a single value of primitive type."
52681             </summary>
52682         </member>
52683         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_PropertyAccessWithoutParentParameter">
52684             <summary>
52685             A string like "A PropertyAccessQueryToken without a parent was encountered outside of $filter or $orderby expression. The PropertyAccessQueryToken without a parent token is only allowed inside $filter or $orderby expressions."
52686             </summary>
52687         </member>
52688         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_BuiltInFunctionSignatureWithoutAReturnType">
52689             <summary>
52690             A string like "Found a Built in function without a Function Signature."
52691             </summary>
52692         </member>
52693         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_MustBeCalledOnRoot">
52694             <summary>
52695             A string like "Encountered Root segment in non-root location."
52696             </summary>
52697         </member>
52698         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_NoTypeSupported">
52699             <summary>
52700             A string like "A segment without an associated type was given as input."
52701             </summary>
52702         </member>
52703         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_LambdaParentMustBeCollection">
52704             <summary>
52705             A string like "Any/All may only be used following a collection."
52706             </summary>
52707         </member>
52708         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_NullNavigationProperty">
52709             <summary>
52710             A string like "The navigation property must not be null."
52711             </summary>
52712         </member>
52713         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_NavigationPropertyNotFollowingSingleEntityType">
52714             <summary>
52715             A string like "A navigation property can only follow single entity nodes."
52716             </summary>
52717         </member>
52718         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_AnyAllExpressionNotSingleValue">
52719             <summary>
52720             A string like "The Any/All query expression must evaluate to a single boolean value."
52721             </summary>
52722         </member>
52723         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_CastOrIsOfFunctionWithoutATypeArgument">
52724             <summary>
52725             A string like "Cast or IsOf Function must have a type in its arguments."
52726             </summary>
52727         </member>
52728         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_CastOrIsOfCollectionsNotSupported">
52729             <summary>
52730             A string like "The Cast and IsOf functions do not support collection arguments or types."
52731             </summary>
52732         </member>
52733         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_SpatialLengthFunctionWithoutASingleValueArg">
52734             <summary>
52735             A string like "The geo.length function was called with a non-single-value operand."
52736             </summary>
52737         </member>
52738         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_SpatialLengthFunctionWithOutLineStringArg">
52739             <summary>
52740             A string like "The geo.length function was called with a non-LineString operand."
52741             </summary>
52742         </member>
52743         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_SpatialIntersectsFunctionWithoutASingleValueArg">
52744             <summary>
52745             A string like "The geo.intersects function was called with a non-single-value operand."
52746             </summary>
52747         </member>
52748         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_SpatialIntersectsFunctionWithInvalidArgTypes">
52749             <summary>
52750             A string like "The geo.intersects function was called with invalid arg types."
52751             </summary>
52752         </member>
52753         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_NonValidTypeArgument">
52754             <summary>
52755             A string like "Type argument with an invalid type name."
52756             </summary>
52757         </member>
52758         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.MetadataBinder_CollectionOpenPropertiesNotSupportedInThisRelease">
52759             <summary>
52760             A string like "Collection open properties are not supported in this release."
52761             </summary>
52762         </member>
52763         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.FunctionCallParser_DuplicateParameterName">
52764             <summary>
52765             A string like "Parameter names must be unique. There is most likely an error in the model."
52766             </summary>
52767         </member>
52768         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectionItemBinder_NonPathSelectToken">
52769             <summary>
52770             A string like "Found a property token that isn't a path in the select syntactic tree."
52771             </summary>
52772         </member>
52773         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectPropertyVisitor_DisparateTypeSegmentsInSelectExpand">
52774             <summary>
52775             A string like "Any selection that is expanded must have the same type qualifier on both selection and expansion."
52776             </summary>
52777         </member>
52778         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SelectExpandClause_CannotDeleteFromAllSelection">
52779             <summary>
52780             A string like "Cannot delete selection items from an AllSelection, please create the SelectExpandClause with a Partial Selection instead."
52781             </summary>
52782         </member>
52783         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SegmentFactory_LinksSegmentNotFollowedByNavProp">
52784             <summary>
52785             A string like "Links segments must always be followed by a navigation property."
52786             </summary>
52787         </member>
52788         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandItemBinder_TraversingANonNormalizedTree">
52789             <summary>
52790             A string like "Trying to traverse a non-normalized expand tree."
52791             </summary>
52792         </member>
52793         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandItemBinder_TypeSegmentNotFollowedByPath">
52794             <summary>
52795             A string like "Found a path within a select or expand query option that isn't ended by a non-type segment."
52796             </summary>
52797         </member>
52798         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandItemBinder_PathTooDeep">
52799             <summary>
52800             A string like "Trying to parse a type segment path that is too long."
52801             </summary>
52802         </member>
52803         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_CollectionNavigationNode_MustHaveSingleMultiplicity">
52804             <summary>
52805             A string like "The navigation property must have a target multiplicity of 'One' or 'ZeroOrOne' to create a SingleNavigationNode."
52806             </summary>
52807         </member>
52808         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_CollectionNavigationNode_MustHaveManyMultiplicity">
52809             <summary>
52810             A string like "The navigation property must have a target multiplicity of 'Many' to create a CollectionNavigationNode."
52811             </summary>
52812         </member>
52813         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_NonStaticEntitySetExpressionsAreNotSupportedInThisRelease">
52814             <summary>
52815             A string like "Only static Entity Set reference expressions are supported currently."
52816             </summary>
52817         </member>
52818         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_CollectionFunctionCallNode_ItemTypeMustBePrimitiveOrComplex">
52819             <summary>
52820             A string like "An instance of CollectionFunctionCallNode can only be created with a primitive or complex collection type. For functions returning a collection of entities, use EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode instead."
52821             </summary>
52822         </member>
52823         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.Nodes_EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode_ItemTypeMustBeAnEntity">
52824             <summary>
52825             A string like "An instance of EntityCollectionFunctionCallNode can only be created with an entity collection type. For functions returning a collection of primitive or complex values, use CollectionFunctionCallNode instead."
52826             </summary>
52827         </member>
52828         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandTreeNormalizer_CallAddTermsOnUnexpandedTerms">
52829             <summary>
52830             A string like "Only call AddTerms on ExpandTermTokens that have already been expanded by ExpandTerm."
52831             </summary>
52832         </member>
52833         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpandTreeNormalizer_NonPathInPropertyChain">
52834             <summary>
52835             A string like "Found a segment that isn't a path while parsing the path within a select or expand query option."
52836             </summary>
52837         </member>
52838         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriParser_NeedServiceRootForThisOverload">
52839             <summary>
52840             A string like "A service root URI must be provided to the ODataUriParser in order to use this method."
52841             </summary>
52842         </member>
52843         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.UriParser_NegativeLimit">
52844             <summary>
52845             A string like "The limit must be greater than or equal to zero"
52846             </summary>
52847         </member>
52848         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.PathParser_FunctionsAreNotSupported">
52849             <summary>
52850             A string like "Functions are not supported in this version. Only Actions and Service Operations are supported."
52851             </summary>
52852         </member>
52853         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.PathParser_CannotUseValueOnCollection">
52854             <summary>
52855             A string like "$value cannot be applied to a collection."
52856             </summary>
52857         </member>
52858         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataFeed_MustNotContainBothNextPageLinkAndDeltaLink">
52859             <summary>
52860             A string like "A feed may contain a next page link, a delta link or neither, but must not contain both."
52861             </summary>
52862         </member>
52863         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataExpandPath_OnlyLastSegmentMustBeNavigationProperty">
52864             <summary>
52865             A string like "The last segment, and only the last segment, must be a navigation property in $expand."
52866             </summary>
52867         </member>
52868         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataSelectPath_CannotEndInTypeSegment">
52869             <summary>
52870             A string like "The last segment in a $select cannot be a TypeSegment."
52871             </summary>
52872         </member>
52873         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataSelectPath_OperationSegmentCanOnlyBeLastSegment">
52874             <summary>
52875             A string like "An operation can only be the last segment in $select."
52876             </summary>
52877         </member>
52878         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ODataSelectPath_NavPropSegmentCanOnlyBeLastSegment">
52879             <summary>
52880             A string like "A navigation property can only be the last segment in $select."
52881             </summary>
52882         </member>
52883         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.OperationSegment_ReturnTypeForMultipleOverloads">
52884             <summary>
52885             A string like "No type could be computed for this Segment since there were multiple possible operations with varying return types."
52886             </summary>
52887         </member>
52888         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.OperationSegment_CannotReturnNull">
52889             <summary>
52890             A string like "The return type from the operation is not possible with the given entity set."
52891             </summary>
52892         </member>
52893         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SingleValueFunctionCallNode_FunctionImportsWithLegacyConstructor">
52894             <summary>
52895             A string like "Please construct this SingleValueFunctionCallNode using the IEnumerable&lt;IEdmFunctionImport&gt; overload before accessing FunctionImports."
52896             </summary>
52897         </member>
52898         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SingleEntityFunctionCallNode_CallFunctionImportsUsingLegacyConstructor">
52899             <summary>
52900             A string like "Please construct this SingleEntityFunctionCallNode using the IEnumerable&lt;IEdmFunctionImport&gt; overload before accessing FunctionImports."
52901             </summary>
52902         </member>
52903         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SegmentArgumentParser_TryConvertValuesForNamedValues">
52904             <summary>
52905             A string like "Calling the wrong overload to convert named values to type."
52906             </summary>
52907         </member>
52908         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SegmentArgumentParser_TryConvertValuesToNonPrimitive">
52909             <summary>
52910             A string like "Cannot use a non-primitive type as a parameter."
52911             </summary>
52912         </member>
52913         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.SegmentArgumentParser_TryConvertValuesForPositionalValues">
52914             <summary>
52915             A string like "Calling the wrong overload to convert positional values to type."
52916             </summary>
52917         </member>
52918         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_EmptySegmentInRequestUrl">
52919             <summary>
52920             A string like "Empty segment encountered in request URL. Please make sure that a valid request URL is specified."
52921             </summary>
52922         </member>
52923         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_SyntaxError">
52924             <summary>
52925             A string like "Bad Request - Error in query syntax."
52926             </summary>
52927         </member>
52928         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_CountOnRoot">
52929             <summary>
52930             A string like "The request URI is not valid, the segment $count cannot be applied to the root of the service."
52931             </summary>
52932         </member>
52933         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.BadRequest_ValuesCannotBeReturnedForSpatialTypes">
52934             <summary>
52935             A string like "$value must not be specified for spatial values."
52936             </summary>
52937         </member>
52938         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.BadRequest_ResourceCanBeCrossReferencedOnlyForBindOperation">
52939             <summary>
52940             A string like "Error processing request stream. In batch mode, a resource can be cross-referenced only for bind/unbind operations. "
52941             </summary>
52942         </member>
52943         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_KeysMustBeNamed">
52944             <summary>
52945             A string like "Segments with multiple key values must specify them in 'name=value' form."
52946             </summary>
52947         </member>
52948         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_Forbidden">
52949             <summary>
52950             A string like "Forbidden"
52951             </summary>
52952         </member>
52953         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.RequestUriProcessor_OperationSegmentBoundToANonEntityType">
52954             <summary>
52955             A string like "Found an operation bound to a non-entity type."
52956             </summary>
52957         </member>
52958         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExceptionUtils_ArgumentStringNullOrEmpty">
52959             <summary>
52960             A string like "Value cannot be null or empty."
52961             </summary>
52962         </member>
52963         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.ExpressionLexer_UnbalancedBracketExpression">
52964             <summary>
52965             A string like "Found an unbalanced bracket expression."
52966             </summary>
52967         </member>
52968         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_MultipleTopLevelValues">
52969             <summary>
52970             A string like "Invalid JSON. More than one value was found at the root of the JSON content. JSON content can only have one value at the root level, which is an array, an object or a primitive value."
52971             </summary>
52972         </member>
52973         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_EndOfInputWithOpenScope">
52974             <summary>
52975             A string like "Invalid JSON. Unexpected end of input was found in JSON content. Not all object and array scopes were closed."
52976             </summary>
52977         </member>
52978         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_UnrecognizedToken">
52979             <summary>
52980             A string like "Invalid JSON. A token was not recognized in the JSON content."
52981             </summary>
52982         </member>
52983         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.OData.Strings.JsonReader_UnexpectedEndOfString">
52984             <summary>
52985             A string like "Invalid JSON. Unexpected end of input reached while processing a JSON string value."
52986             </summary>
52987         </member>
52988         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.OData.Error">
52989             <summary>
52990                Strongly-typed and parameterized exception factory.
52991             </summary>
52992         </member>
52993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Error.ArgumentNull(System.String)">
52994             <summary>
52995             The exception that is thrown when a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument.
52996             </summary>
52997         </member>
52998         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Error.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.String)">
52999             <summary>
53000             The exception that is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method.
53001             </summary>
53002         </member>
53003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Error.NotImplemented">
53004             <summary>
53005             The exception that is thrown when the author has yet to implement the logic at this point in the program. This can act as an exception based TODO tag.
53006             </summary>
53007         </member>
53008         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.OData.Error.NotSupported">
53009             <summary>
53010             The exception that is thrown when an invoked method is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality. 
53011             </summary>
53012         </member>
53013     </members>
53014 </doc>