[Tizen] Add BuildTools 2.1.0-rc1-02804-05
[platform/upstream/coreclr.git] / Tools / dotnetcli / sdk / NuGetFallbackFolder / microsoft.data.edm / 5.8.2 / lib / sl4 / Microsoft.Data.Edm.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Microsoft.Data.Edm</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlLocation">
8             <summary>
9             Defines a location in a XML file.
10             </summary>
11         </member>
12         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmLocation">
13             <summary>
14             Represents the location of an Edm item.
15             </summary>
16         </member>
17         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmLocation.ToString">
18             <summary>
19             Gets a string representation of the location.
20             </summary>
21             <returns>A string representation of the location.</returns>
22         </member>
23         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlLocation.ToString">
24             <summary>
25             Gets a string representation of the location.
26             </summary>
27             <returns>A string representation of the location.</returns>
28         </member>
29         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlLocation.LineNumber">
30             <summary>
31             Gets the line number in the file.
32             </summary>
33         </member>
34         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlLocation.LinePosition">
35             <summary>
36             Gets the position in the line.
37             </summary>
38         </member>
39         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmParseException">
40             <summary>
41             Exception type representing a failure to parse an EDM document. Carries the set of errors along with it.
42             </summary>
43         </member>
44         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmParseException.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError})">
45             <summary>
46             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmParseException"/> class.
47             </summary>
48             <param name="parseErrors">The errors encountered while parsing.</param>
49         </member>
50         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmParseException.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.List{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError})">
51             <summary>
52             Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmParseException"/> class from being created.
53             </summary>
54             <param name="parseErrors">The parse errors.</param>
55         </member>
56         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmParseException.ConstructMessage(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError})">
57             <summary>
58             Constructs an appropriate exception message from the set of parsing errors.
59             </summary>
60             <param name="parseErrors">The parse errors.</param>
61             <returns>The exception message.</returns>
62         </member>
63         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmParseException.Errors">
64             <summary>
65             Gets the set of errors that were encountered while parsing.
66             </summary>
67         </member>
68         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxTarget">
69             <summary>
70             Specifies what target of an EDMX file.
71             </summary>
72         </member>
73         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxTarget.EntityFramework">
74             <summary>
75             The target is Entity Framework.
76             </summary>
77         </member>
78         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxTarget.OData">
79             <summary>
80             The target is OData.
81             </summary>
82         </member>
83         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.EdmValueParser">
84             <summary>
85             Contains xml parsing methods for Edm.
86             </summary>
87         </member>
88         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlExpressionBase">
89             <summary>
90             Common base type for a CSDL expression.
91             </summary>
92         </member>
93         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlElement">
94             <summary>
95             Common base class for CSDL elements.
96             </summary>
97         </member>
98         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlCollectionExpression">
99             <summary>
100             Represents a CSDL Collection expression.
101             </summary>
102         </member>
103         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEnumMember">
104             <summary>
105             Represents a CSDL enumeration type member.
106             </summary>
107         </member>
108         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlNamedElement">
109             <summary>
110             Common base class for all named CSDL elements.
111             </summary>
112         </member>
113         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlElementWithDocumentation">
114             <summary>
115             Base class for CSDL elements that have documentation.
116             </summary>
117         </member>
118         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEnumMember.Value">
119             <summary>
120             Gets or sets the underlying type value of the member.
121             Value can be null only during deserialization of the declaring enumeration type.
122             When the type's deserialization is complete, all its members get their values assigned.
123             </summary>
124         </member>
125         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEnumType">
126             <summary>
127             Represents a CSDL enumeration type.
128             </summary>
129         </member>
130         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlPathExpression">
131             <summary>
132             Represents a CSDL Path expression.
133             </summary>
134         </member>
135         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlVocabularyAnnotationBase">
136             <summary>
137             Common base type for a CSDL type or value annotation.
138             </summary>
139         </member>
140         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlAnnotations">
141             <summary>
142             Represents a CSDL Annotations element.
143             </summary>
144         </member>
145         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlCollectionType">
146             <summary>
147             Represents a CSDL collection type.
148             </summary>
149         </member>
150         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.ICsdlTypeExpression">
151             <summary>
152             Represents an inline type expression, such as <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlCollectionType"/>, <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlRowType"/> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEntityReferenceType"/> 
153             in the context of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlExpressionTypeReference"/>.
154             Note that nominal type declarations, such as entity, complex, association and primitive types, are not considered to be type expressions in the context
155             of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlExpressionTypeReference"/> - these types are handled in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlNamedTypeReference"/>.
156             </summary>
157         </member>
158         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlConstantExpression">
159             <summary>
160             Represents a CSDL constant expression.
161             </summary>
162         </member>
163         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlPropertyValue">
164             <summary>
165             Represents a CSDL property value in an annotation.
166             </summary>
167         </member>
168         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlRecordExpression">
169             <summary>
170             Represents a CSDL Record expression.
171             </summary>
172         </member>
173         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlPrimitiveTypeReference">
174             <summary>
175             Represents a reference to a CSDL primitive type.
176             </summary>
177         </member>
178         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlNamedTypeReference">
179             <summary>
180             Represents a CSDL type reference based on a type referenced by name.
181             </summary>
182         </member>
183         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlTypeReference">
184             <summary>
185             Base type for the two kinds of type reference: <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlNamedTypeReference"/> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlExpressionTypeReference"/>.
186             </summary>
187         </member>
188         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadEnumType">
189             <summary>
190             Represents a semantically invalid EDM enumeration type.
191             </summary>
192         </member>
193         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadElement">
194             <summary>
195             Represents an invalid EDM element.
196             </summary>
197         </member>
198         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement">
199             <summary>
200             Common base interface for all EDM elements.
201             </summary>
202         </member>
203         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCheckable">
204             <summary>
205             Defines an Edm component who is invalid or whose validity is unknown at construction
206             </summary>
207         </member>
208         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCheckable.Errors">
209             <summary>
210             Gets an error if one exists with the current object.
211             </summary>
212         </member>
213         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable">
214             <summary>
215             Represents an element that can be targeted by Vocabulary Annotations
216             </summary>
217         </member>
218         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType">
219             <summary>
220             Represents the definition of an EDM type.
221             </summary>
222         </member>
223         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType.TypeKind">
224             <summary>
225             Gets the kind of this type.
226             </summary>
227         </member>
228         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumType">
229             <summary>
230             Represents a definition of an EDM enumeration type.
231             </summary>
232         </member>
233         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaType">
234             <summary>
235             Represents an EDM type defined in an EDM schema.
236             </summary>
237         </member>
238         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement">
239             <summary>
240             Common base interface for all named children of EDM schemata.
241             </summary>
242         </member>
243         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNamedElement">
244             <summary>
245             Common base interface for all named EDM elements.
246             </summary>
247         </member>
248         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNamedElement.Name">
249             <summary>
250             Gets the name of this element.
251             </summary>
252         </member>
253         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement.SchemaElementKind">
254             <summary>
255             Gets the kind of this schema element.
256             </summary>
257         </member>
258         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement.Namespace">
259             <summary>
260             Gets the namespace this schema element belongs to.
261             </summary>
262         </member>
263         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumType.UnderlyingType">
264             <summary>
265             Gets the underlying type of this enumeration type.
266             </summary>
267         </member>
268         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumType.Members">
269             <summary>
270             Gets the members of this enumeration type.
271             </summary>
272         </member>
273         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumType.IsFlags">
274             <summary>
275             Gets a value indicating whether the enumeration type can be treated as a bit field.
276             </summary>
277         </member>
278         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmElement">
279             <summary>
280             Common base class for all EDM elements.
281             </summary>
282         </member>
283         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm">
284             <summary>
285             Term to which an annotation can bind.
286             </summary>
287         </member>
288         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm.TermKind">
289             <summary>
290             Gets the kind of a term.
291             </summary>
292         </member>
293         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType">
294             <summary>
295             Represents a definition of an EDM entity type.
296             </summary>
297         </member>
298         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType">
299             <summary>
300             Common base interface for definitions of EDM structured types.
301             </summary>
302         </member>
303         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType.FindProperty(System.String)">
304             <summary>
305             Searches for a structural or navigation property with the given name in this type and all base types and returns null if no such property exists.
306             </summary>
307             <param name="name">The name of the property being found.</param>
308             <returns>The requested property, or null if no such property exists.</returns>
309         </member>
310         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType.IsAbstract">
311             <summary>
312             Gets a value indicating whether this type is abstract.
313             </summary>
314         </member>
315         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType.IsOpen">
316             <summary>
317             Gets a value indicating whether this type is open.
318             </summary>
319         </member>
320         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType.BaseType">
321             <summary>
322             Gets the base type of this type.
323             </summary>
324         </member>
325         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType.DeclaredProperties">
326             <summary>
327             Gets the properties declared immediately within this type.
328             </summary>
329         </member>
330         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType.DeclaredKey">
331             <summary>
332             Gets the structural properties of the entity type that make up the entity key.
333             </summary>
334         </member>
335         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsElement">
336             <summary>
337             Common base class for CsdlSemantics classes that have Annotations.
338             </summary>
339         </member>
340         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmLocatable">
341             <summary>
342             Interface for all EDM elements that can be located.
343             </summary>
344         </member>
345         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmLocatable.Location">
346             <summary>
347             Gets the location of this element.
348             </summary>
349         </member>
350         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsElement.AllocateAndAdd``1(System.Collections.Generic.List{``0},``0)">
351             <summary>
352             Allocates a new list if needed, and adds the item to the list.
353             </summary>
354             <typeparam name="T">Type of the list.</typeparam>
355             <param name="list">List to add the item to.</param>
356             <param name="item">Item being added.</param>
357             <returns>List containing then new item.</returns>
358         </member>
359         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression">
360             <summary>
361             Represents an EDM expression.
362             </summary>
363         </member>
364         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression.ExpressionKind">
365             <summary>
366             Gets the kind of this expression.
367             </summary>
368         </member>
369         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmApplyExpression">
370             <summary>
371             Represents an EDM function application expression.
372             </summary>
373         </member>
374         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmApplyExpression.AppliedFunction">
375             <summary>
376             Gets the applied function.
377             </summary>
378         </member>
379         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmApplyExpression.Arguments">
380             <summary>
381             Gets the arguments to the function.
382             </summary>
383         </member>
384         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmAssertTypeExpression">
385             <summary>
386             Represents an EDM type assertion expression.
387             </summary>
388         </member>
389         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmAssertTypeExpression.Operand">
390             <summary>
391             Gets the expression for which the type is asserted.
392             </summary>
393         </member>
394         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmAssertTypeExpression.Type">
395             <summary>
396             Gets the asserted type.
397             </summary>
398         </member>
399         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsCollectionExpression">
400             <summary>
401             Provides semantics for a Csdl collection expression.
402             </summary>
403         </member>
404         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmCollectionExpression">
405             <summary>
406             Represents an EDM multi-value construction expression.
407             </summary>
408         </member>
409         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmCollectionExpression.DeclaredType">
410             <summary>
411             Gets the declared type of the collection, or null if there is no declared type.
412             </summary>
413         </member>
414         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmCollectionExpression.Elements">
415             <summary>
416             Gets the constructed element values.
417             </summary>
418         </member>
419         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsDateTimeOffsetConstantExpression">
420             <summary>
421             Provides semantics for a Csdl datetime with offset constant expression.
422             </summary>
423         </member>
424         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmDateTimeOffsetConstantExpression">
425             <summary>
426             Represents an EDM datetime with offset constant expression.
427             </summary>
428         </member>
429         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeOffsetValue">
430             <summary>
431             Represents an EDM datetime with offset value.
432             </summary>
433         </member>
434         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPrimitiveValue">
435             <summary>
436             Represents an EDM primitive value.
437             </summary>
438         </member>
439         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue">
440             <summary>
441             Represents an EDM value.
442             </summary>
443         </member>
444         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue.Type">
445             <summary>
446             Gets the type of this value.
447             </summary>
448         </member>
449         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue.ValueKind">
450             <summary>
451             Gets the kind of this value.
452             </summary>
453         </member>
454         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeOffsetValue.Value">
455             <summary>
456             Gets the definition of this value.
457             </summary>
458         </member>
459         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsDirectValueAnnotationsManager">
460             <summary>
461             Provides a CSDL-specific annotations manager.
462             </summary>
463         </member>
464         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager">
465             <summary>
466             Direct-value annotations manager provides services for setting and getting transient annotations on elements.
467             </summary>
468             <remarks>
469             An object representing transient annotations is in one of these states:
470                1) Null, if the element has no transient annotations.
471                2) An EdmAnnotation, if the element has exactly one annotation.
472                3) A list of EdmAnnotation, if the element has more than one annotation.
473             If the speed of annotation lookup for elements with many annotations becomes a concern, another option
474             including a dictionary is possible.
475             </remarks>
476         </member>
477         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager">
478             <summary>
479             Manages getting and setting direct value annotations on EDM elements.
480             </summary>
481         </member>
482         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetDirectValueAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
483             <summary>
484             Gets annotations associated with an element.
485             </summary>
486             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
487             <returns>The direct value annotations for the element.</returns>
488         </member>
489         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.SetAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String,System.Object)">
490             <summary>
491             Sets an annotation value for an EDM element. If the value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed.
492             </summary>
493             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
494             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace that the annotation belongs to.</param>
495             <param name="localName">Name of the annotation within the namespace.</param>
496             <param name="value">The value of the annotation.</param>
497         </member>
498         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.SetAnnotationValues(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding})">
499             <summary>
500             Sets a set of annotation values. If a supplied value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed.
501             </summary>
502             <param name="annotations">The annotations to set</param>
503         </member>
504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String)">
505             <summary>
506             Retrieves an annotation value for an EDM element. Returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.
507             </summary>
508             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
509             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace that the annotation belongs to.</param>
510             <param name="localName">Local name of the annotation.</param>
511             <returns>Returns the annotation value that corresponds to the provided name. Returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element. </returns>
512         </member>
513         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetAnnotationValues(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding})">
514             <summary>
515             Retrieves a set of annotation values. For each requested value, returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.
516             </summary>
517             <param name="annotations">The set of requested annotations</param>
518             <returns>Returns values that correspond to the provided annotations. A value is null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.</returns>
519         </member>
520         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.annotationsDictionary">
521             <summary>
522             Keeps track of transient annotations on elements.
523             </summary>
524         </member>
525         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.annotationsDictionaryLock">
526             <summary>
527             Used for locking during updates to the annotations dictionary;
528             </summary>
529         </member>
530         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.unsortedElements">
531             <summary>
532             Elements for which normal comparison failed to produce a valid result, arbitrarily ordered to enable stable comparisons.
533             </summary>
534         </member>
535         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.unsortedElementsLock">
536             <summary>
537             Used for locking during updates to the unsorted elements list.
538             </summary>
539         </member>
540         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.#ctor">
541             <summary>
542             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager"/> class.
543             </summary>
544         </member>
545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetDirectValueAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
546             <summary>
547             Gets annotations associated with an element.
548             </summary>
549             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
550             <returns>The immediate value annotations for the element.</returns>
551         </member>
552         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.SetAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String,System.Object)">
553             <summary>
554             Sets an annotation value for an EDM element. If the value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed.
555             </summary>
556             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
557             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace that the annotation belongs to.</param>
558             <param name="localName">Name of the annotation within the namespace.</param>
559             <param name="value">New annotation to set.</param>
560         </member>
561         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.SetAnnotationValues(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding})">
562             <summary>
563             Sets a set of annotation values. If a supplied value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed.
564             </summary>
565             <param name="annotations">The annotations to set</param>
566         </member>
567         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String)">
568             <summary>
569             Retrieves an annotation value for an EDM element. Returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.
570             </summary>
571             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
572             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace that the annotation belongs to.</param>
573             <param name="localName">Local name of the annotation.</param>
574             <returns>Returns the annotation that corresponds to the provided name. Returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.</returns>
575         </member>
576         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetAnnotationValues(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding})">
577             <summary>
578             Retrieves a set of annotation values. For each requested value, returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.
579             </summary>
580             <param name="annotations">The set of requested annotations</param>
581             <returns>Returns values that correspond to the provided annotations. A value is null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.</returns>
582         </member>
583         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetAttachedAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
584             <summary>
585             Retrieves the annotations that are directly attached to an element.
586             </summary>
587             <param name="element">The element in question.</param>
588             <returns>The annotations that are directly attached to an element (outside the control of the manager).</returns>
589         </member>
590         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager.GetTransientAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.VersioningDictionary{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.Object})">
591             <summary>
592             Retrieves the transient annotations for an EDM element.
593             </summary>
594             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
595             <param name="annotationsDictionary">The dictionary for looking up the element's annotations.</param>
596             <returns>The transient annotations for the element, in a form managed by the annotations manager.</returns>
597             <remarks>This method is static to guarantee that the annotations dictionary is not fetched more than once per lookup operation.</remarks>
598         </member>
599         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEntitySetReferenceExpression">
600             <summary>
601             Represents an EDM entity set reference expression.
602             </summary>
603         </member>
604         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEntitySetReferenceExpression.ReferencedEntitySet">
605             <summary>
606             Gets the referenced entity set.
607             </summary>
608         </member>
609         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression">
610             <summary>
611             Represents an EDM enumeration member reference expression.
612             </summary>
613         </member>
614         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression.ReferencedEnumMember">
615             <summary>
616             Gets the referenced enum member.
617             </summary>
618         </member>
619         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmFunctionReferenceExpression">
620             <summary>
621             Represents an EDM function reference expression.
622             </summary>
623         </member>
624         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmFunctionReferenceExpression.ReferencedFunction">
625             <summary>
626             Gets the referenced function.
627             </summary>
628         </member>
629         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsGuidConstantExpression">
630             <summary>
631             Provides semantics for a Csdl guid constant expression.
632             </summary>
633         </member>
634         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmGuidConstantExpression">
635             <summary>
636             Represents an EDM guid constant expression.
637             </summary>
638         </member>
639         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmGuidValue">
640             <summary>
641             Represents an EDM integer value.
642             </summary>
643         </member>
644         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmGuidValue.Value">
645             <summary>
646             Gets the definition of this guid value.
647             </summary>
648         </member>
649         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsBinaryConstantExpression">
650             <summary>
651             Provides semantics for a Csdl binary constant expression.
652             </summary>
653         </member>
654         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmBinaryConstantExpression">
655             <summary>
656             Represents an EDM binary constant expression.
657             </summary>
658         </member>
659         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBinaryValue">
660             <summary>
661             Represents an EDM binary value.
662             </summary>
663         </member>
664         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBinaryValue.Value">
665             <summary>
666             Gets the definition of this binary value.
667             </summary>
668         </member>
669         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIfExpression">
670             <summary>
671             Represents an EDM if expression.
672             </summary>
673         </member>
674         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIfExpression.TestExpression">
675             <summary>
676             Gets the test expression.
677             </summary>
678         </member>
679         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIfExpression.TrueExpression">
680             <summary>
681             Gets the expression to evaluate if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIfExpression.TestExpression"/> evaluates to true.
682             </summary>
683         </member>
684         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIfExpression.FalseExpression">
685             <summary>
686             Gets the expression to evaluate if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIfExpression.TestExpression"/> evaluates to false.
687             </summary>
688         </member>
689         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIsTypeExpression">
690             <summary>
691             Represents an EDM type test expression.
692             </summary>
693         </member>
694         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIsTypeExpression.Operand">
695             <summary>
696             Gets the expression whose type is to be tested.
697             </summary>
698         </member>
699         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIsTypeExpression.Type">
700             <summary>
701             Gets the type to be tested against.
702             </summary>
703         </member>
704         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpression">
705             <summary>
706             Represents an EDM labeled expression element.
707             </summary>
708         </member>
709         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpression.Expression">
710             <summary>
711             Gets the underlying expression.
712             </summary>
713         </member>
714         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression">
715             <summary>
716             Represents a reference to an EDM labeled expression.
717             </summary>
718         </member>
719         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.ReferencedLabeledExpression">
720             <summary>
721             Gets the referenced expression.
722             </summary>
723         </member>
724         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsDirectValueAnnotation">
725             <summary>
726             Provides semantics for a CsdlDirectValueAnnotation.
727             </summary>
728         </member>
729         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation">
730             <summary>
731             Represents an EDM annotation with an immediate value.
732             </summary>
733         </member>
734         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation.NamespaceUri">
735             <summary>
736             Gets the namespace Uri of the annotation.
737             </summary>
738         </member>
739         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation.Value">
740             <summary>
741             Gets the value of this annotation.
742             </summary>
743         </member>
744         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsEnumMember">
745             <summary>
746             Provides semantics for a CsdlEnumMember.
747             </summary>
748         </member>
749         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember">
750             <summary>
751             Represents a definition of an EDM enumeration type member.
752             </summary>
753         </member>
754         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember.Value">
755             <summary>
756             Gets the value of this enumeration type member.
757             </summary>
758         </member>
759         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember.DeclaringType">
760             <summary>
761             Gets the type that this member belongs to.
762             </summary>
763         </member>
764         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsEnumTypeDefinition">
765             <summary>
766             Provides semantics for CsdlEnumType.
767             </summary>
768         </member>
769         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsTypeDefinition">
770             <summary>
771             Common base class for the semantics of EDM types.
772             </summary>
773         </member>
774         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlTypeAnnotation">
775             <summary>
776             Represents a CSDL type annotation.
777             </summary>
778         </member>
779         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlValueAnnotation">
780             <summary>
781             Represents a CSDL value annotation.
782             </summary>
783         </member>
784         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlValueTerm">
785             <summary>
786             Represents a CSDL value term.
787             </summary>
788         </member>
789         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsAnnotations">
790             <summary>
791             Provides semantics for an out-of-line CSDL Annotations.
792             </summary>
793         </member>
794         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsBooleanConstantExpression">
795             <summary>
796             Provides semantics for a Csdl Bool constant expression.
797             </summary>
798         </member>
799         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmBooleanConstantExpression">
800             <summary>
801             Represents an EDM boolean constant expression.
802             </summary>
803         </member>
804         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBooleanValue">
805             <summary>
806             Represents an EDM boolean value.
807             </summary>
808         </member>
809         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBooleanValue.Value">
810             <summary>
811             Gets a value indicating whether the value of this boolean value is true or false.
812             </summary>
813         </member>
814         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsCollectionTypeDefinition">
815             <summary>
816             Provides semantics for CsdlCollectionType.
817             </summary>
818         </member>
819         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionType">
820             <summary>
821             Represents a definition of an EDM collection type.
822             </summary>
823         </member>
824         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionType.ElementType">
825             <summary>
826             Gets the element type of this collection.
827             </summary>
828         </member>
829         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsTypeExpression">
830             <summary>
831             Provides semantics for <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlExpressionTypeReference"/>.
832             </summary>
833         </member>
834         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference">
835             <summary>
836             Represents a references to a type.
837             </summary>
838         </member>
839         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference.IsNullable">
840             <summary>
841             Gets a value indicating whether this type is nullable.
842             </summary>
843         </member>
844         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference.Definition">
845             <summary>
846             Gets the definition to which this type refers.
847             </summary>
848         </member>
849         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference">
850             <summary>
851             Represents references to EDM Collection types.
852             </summary>
853         </member>
854         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsDateTimeConstantExpression">
855             <summary>
856             Provides semantics for a Csdl DateTime constant expression.
857             </summary>
858         </member>
859         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmDateTimeConstantExpression">
860             <summary>
861             Represents an EDM datetime constant expression.
862             </summary>
863         </member>
864         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeValue">
865             <summary>
866             Represents an EDM datetime value.
867             </summary>
868         </member>
869         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeValue.Value">
870             <summary>
871             Gets the definition of this datetime value.
872             </summary>
873         </member>
874         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsDecimalConstantExpression">
875             <summary>
876             Provides semantics for a Csdl Decimal constant expression.
877             </summary>
878         </member>
879         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmDecimalConstantExpression">
880             <summary>
881             Represents an EDM decimal constant expression.
882             </summary>
883         </member>
884         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDecimalValue">
885             <summary>
886             Represents an EDM decimal value.
887             </summary>
888         </member>
889         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDecimalValue.Value">
890             <summary>
891             Gets the definition of this decimal value.
892             </summary>
893         </member>
894         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsFloatingConstantExpression">
895             <summary>
896             Provides semantics for a Csdl Float constant expression.
897             </summary>
898         </member>
899         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmFloatingConstantExpression">
900             <summary>
901             Represents an EDM floating constant expression.
902             </summary>
903         </member>
904         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmFloatingValue">
905             <summary>
906             Represents an EDM floating point value.
907             </summary>
908         </member>
909         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmFloatingValue.Value">
910             <summary>
911             Gets the definition of this floating value.
912             </summary>
913         </member>
914         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsIntConstantExpression">
915             <summary>
916             Provides semantics for a Csdl Int constant expression.
917             </summary>
918         </member>
919         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIntegerConstantExpression">
920             <summary>
921             Represents an EDM integer constant expression.
922             </summary>
923         </member>
924         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue">
925             <summary>
926             Represents an EDM integer value.
927             </summary>
928         </member>
929         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue.Value">
930             <summary>
931             Gets the definition of this integer value.
932             </summary>
933         </member>
934         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsNamedTypeReference">
935             <summary>
936             Provides semantics for CsdlNamedTypeReference.
937             </summary>
938         </member>
939         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsNullExpression">
940             <summary>
941             Provides semantics for a Csdl null constant expression.
942             </summary>
943         </member>
944         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmNullExpression">
945             <summary>
946             Represents an EDM null expression.
947             </summary>
948         </member>
949         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmNullValue">
950             <summary>
951             Represents an EDM null value.
952             </summary>
953         </member>
954         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmParameterReferenceExpression">
955             <summary>
956             Represents an EDM parameter reference expression.
957             </summary>
958         </member>
959         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmParameterReferenceExpression.ReferencedParameter">
960             <summary>
961             Gets the referenced parameter.
962             </summary>
963         </member>
964         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsPathExpression">
965             <summary>
966             Provides semantics for a Csdl Path expression.
967             </summary>
968         </member>
969         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPathExpression">
970             <summary>
971             Represents an EDM path expression.
972             </summary>
973         </member>
974         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPathExpression.Path">
975             <summary>
976             Gets the path as a decomposed qualified name. "A.B/C/D.E" is { "A.B", "C", "D.E" }.
977             </summary>
978         </member>
979         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsPropertyConstructor">
980             <summary>
981             Provides semantics for a CsdlPropertyValue used in a record expression.
982             </summary>
983         </member>
984         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyConstructor">
985             <summary>
986             Represents an EDM property constructor specified as part of a EDM construction record expression.
987             </summary>
988         </member>
989         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyConstructor.Name">
990             <summary>
991             Gets the name of the property.
992             </summary>
993         </member>
994         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyConstructor.Value">
995             <summary>
996             Gets the expression for the value of the property.
997             </summary>
998         </member>
999         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyReferenceExpression">
1000             <summary>
1001             Represents an EDM property reference expression.
1002             </summary>
1003         </member>
1004         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyReferenceExpression.Base">
1005             <summary>
1006             Gets the expression for the structured value containing the referenced property.
1007             </summary>
1008         </member>
1009         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyReferenceExpression.ReferencedProperty">
1010             <summary>
1011             Gets the referenced property.
1012             </summary>
1013         </member>
1014         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsPropertyValueBinding">
1015             <summary>
1016             Provides semantics for a CsdlPropertyValue used in a type annotation.
1017             </summary>
1018         </member>
1019         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmPropertyValueBinding">
1020             <summary>
1021             Represents a property binding specified as part of an EDM type annotation.
1022             </summary>
1023         </member>
1024         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmPropertyValueBinding.BoundProperty">
1025             <summary>
1026             Gets the property that is given a value by the annotation.
1027             </summary>
1028         </member>
1029         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmPropertyValueBinding.Value">
1030             <summary>
1031             Gets the expression producing the value of the annotation.
1032             </summary>
1033         </member>
1034         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty">
1035             <summary>
1036             Represents an EDM structural (i.e. non-navigation) property.
1037             </summary>
1038         </member>
1039         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty">
1040             <summary>
1041             Represents an EDM property.
1042             </summary>
1043         </member>
1044         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty.PropertyKind">
1045             <summary>
1046             Gets the kind of this property.
1047             </summary>
1048         </member>
1049         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty.Type">
1050             <summary>
1051             Gets the type of this property.
1052             </summary>
1053         </member>
1054         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty.DeclaringType">
1055             <summary>
1056             Gets the type that this property belongs to.
1057             </summary>
1058         </member>
1059         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty.DefaultValueString">
1060             <summary>
1061             Gets the default value of this property.
1062             </summary>
1063         </member>
1064         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty.ConcurrencyMode">
1065             <summary>
1066             Gets the concurrency mode of this property.
1067             </summary>
1068         </member>
1069         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsRecordExpression">
1070             <summary>
1071             Provides semantics for a Csdl Record expression.
1072             </summary>
1073         </member>
1074         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmRecordExpression">
1075             <summary>
1076             Represents an EDM record construction expression.
1077             </summary>
1078         </member>
1079         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmRecordExpression.DeclaredType">
1080             <summary>
1081             Gets the declared type of the record, or null if there is no declared type.
1082             </summary>
1083         </member>
1084         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmRecordExpression.Properties">
1085             <summary>
1086             Gets the constructed property values.
1087             </summary>
1088         </member>
1089         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsPrimitiveTypeReference">
1090             <summary>
1091             Provides the semantics of a reference to an EDM primitive type.
1092             </summary>
1093         </member>
1094         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference">
1095             <summary>
1096             Represents references to primitive types.
1097             </summary>
1098         </member>
1099         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsPrimitiveTypeReference.definition">
1100             <summary>
1101             This doesn't need the full caching mechanism because the computation is cheap, and the likelyhood of computing a primitive type reference without needing its definition is remote.
1102             </summary>
1103         </member>
1104         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSpatialTypeReference">
1105             <summary>
1106             Represents a reference to an EDM spatial type.
1107             </summary>
1108         </member>
1109         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSpatialTypeReference.SpatialReferenceIdentifier">
1110             <summary>
1111             Gets the Spatial Reference Identifier of this spatial type.
1112             </summary>
1113         </member>
1114         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsStringConstantExpression">
1115             <summary>
1116             Provides semantics for a Csdl String constant expression.
1117             </summary>
1118         </member>
1119         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmStringConstantExpression">
1120             <summary>
1121             Represents an EDM string constant expression.
1122             </summary>
1123         </member>
1124         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStringValue">
1125             <summary>
1126             Represents an EDM string value.
1127             </summary>
1128         </member>
1129         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStringValue.Value">
1130             <summary>
1131             Gets the definition of this string value.
1132             </summary>
1133         </member>
1134         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsTimeConstantExpression">
1135             <summary>
1136             Provides semantics for a Csdl DateTime constant expression.
1137             </summary>
1138         </member>
1139         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmTimeConstantExpression">
1140             <summary>
1141             Represents an EDM time constant expression.
1142             </summary>
1143         </member>
1144         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmTimeValue">
1145             <summary>
1146             Represents an EDM time value.
1147             </summary>
1148         </member>
1149         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmTimeValue.Value">
1150             <summary>
1151             Gets the definition of this time value.
1152             </summary>
1153         </member>
1154         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsVocabularyAnnotation">
1155             <summary>
1156             Common base class for CsdlSemanticsTypeAnnotation and CsdlSemanticsValueAnnotation.
1157             </summary>
1158         </member>
1159         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation">
1160             <summary>
1161             Represents an EDM vocabulary annotation.
1162             </summary>
1163         </member>
1164         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation.Qualifier">
1165             <summary>
1166             Gets the qualifier used to discriminate between multiple bindings of the same property or type.
1167             </summary>
1168         </member>
1169         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation.Term">
1170             <summary>
1171             Gets the term bound by the annotation.
1172             </summary>
1173         </member>
1174         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation.Target">
1175             <summary>
1176             Gets the element the annotation applies to.
1177             </summary>
1178         </member>
1179         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsVocabularyAnnotation.TargetBindingContext">
1180             <summary>
1181             Gets the type to use as a binding context for expressions in the annotation. If the target of the annotation
1182             is an entity type, that is the binding context. If the target is an entity set, the binding context is the
1183             element type of the set.
1184             </summary>
1185         </member>
1186         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsTypeAnnotation">
1187             <summary>
1188             Provides semantics for a CsdlTypeAnnotation.
1189             </summary>
1190         </member>
1191         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmTypeAnnotation">
1192             <summary>
1193             Represents an EDM type annotation.
1194             </summary>
1195         </member>
1196         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmTypeAnnotation.PropertyValueBindings">
1197             <summary>
1198             Gets the value annotations for the properties of the type.
1199             </summary>
1200         </member>
1201         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsValueAnnotation">
1202             <summary>
1203             Provides semantics for a CsdlValueAnnotation.
1204             </summary>
1205         </member>
1206         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmValueAnnotation">
1207             <summary>
1208             Represents an EDM value annotation.
1209             </summary>
1210         </member>
1211         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmValueAnnotation.Value">
1212             <summary>
1213             Gets the expression producing the value of the annotation.
1214             </summary>
1215         </member>
1216         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsValueTerm">
1217             <summary>
1218             Provides semantics for a CsdlValueTerm.
1219             </summary>
1220         </member>
1221         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm">
1222             <summary>
1223             Represents an EDM value term.
1224             </summary>
1225         </member>
1226         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm.Type">
1227             <summary>
1228             Gets the type of this term.
1229             </summary>
1230         </member>
1231         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociation">
1232             <summary>
1233             Represents a definition of an EDM association type.
1234             </summary>
1235         </member>
1236         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociation.Namespace">
1237             <summary>
1238             Gets the namespace this association belongs to.
1239             </summary>
1240         </member>
1241         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociation.End1">
1242             <summary>
1243             Gets the first end of the association.
1244             </summary>
1245         </member>
1246         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociation.End2">
1247             <summary>
1248             Gets the second end of the association.
1249             </summary>
1250         </member>
1251         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociation.ReferentialConstraint">
1252             <summary>
1253             Gets the referential constraint of the association.
1254             </summary>
1255         </member>
1256         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationEnd">
1257             <summary>
1258             Represents an end of an EDM association.
1259             </summary>
1260         </member>
1261         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationEnd.DeclaringAssociation">
1262             <summary>
1263             Gets the declaring association of this association end.
1264             </summary>
1265         </member>
1266         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationEnd.EntityType">
1267             <summary>
1268             Gets the entity type of this end of the association.
1269             </summary>
1270         </member>
1271         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationEnd.Multiplicity">
1272             <summary>
1273             Gets this end's multiplicity.
1274             </summary>
1275         </member>
1276         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationEnd.OnDelete">
1277             <summary>
1278             Gets the action to execute on the deletion of this association end.
1279             </summary>
1280         </member>
1281         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationSet">
1282             <summary>
1283             Represents an EDM association set.
1284             </summary>
1285         </member>
1286         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationSet.Association">
1287             <summary>
1288             Gets the association of this association set.
1289             </summary>
1290         </member>
1291         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationSet.End1">
1292             <summary>
1293             Gets the first end of this association set.
1294             </summary>
1295         </member>
1296         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationSet.End2">
1297             <summary>
1298             Gets the second end of this association set.
1299             </summary>
1300         </member>
1301         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationSetEnd">
1302             <summary>
1303             Represents one of the ends of an EDM association set.
1304             </summary>
1305         </member>
1306         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationSetEnd.Role">
1307             <summary>
1308             Gets the association end that describes the role of this association set end.
1309             </summary>
1310         </member>
1311         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.IEdmAssociationSetEnd.EntitySet">
1312             <summary>
1313             Gets the entity set this association set end corresponds to.
1314             </summary>
1315         </member>
1316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.SerializationValidator.TypeReferenceTargetMustHaveValidName">
1317             <summary>
1318             Validates that a type reference refers to a type that can be represented in CSDL.
1319             </summary>
1320         </member>
1321         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.SerializationValidator.EntityReferenceTargetMustHaveValidName">
1322             <summary>
1323             Validates that a type reference refers to a type that can be represented in CSDL.
1324             </summary>
1325         </member>
1326         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.SerializationValidator.EntitySetTypeMustHaveValidName">
1327             <summary>
1328             Validates that an entity set refers to a type that can be represented in CSDL.
1329             </summary>
1330         </member>
1331         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.SerializationValidator.StructuredTypeBaseTypeMustHaveValidName">
1332             <summary>
1333             Validates that a structured type's base type can be represented in CSDL.
1334             </summary>
1335         </member>
1336         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.SerializationValidator.NavigationPropertyVerifyAssociationName">
1337             <summary>
1338             Validates that association names can be represented in CSDL.
1339             </summary>
1340         </member>
1341         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.SerializationValidator.VocabularyAnnotationOutOfLineMustHaveValidTargetName">
1342             <summary>
1343             Validates that vocabulary annotations serialized out of line have a serializable target name.
1344             </summary>
1345         </member>
1346         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.SerializationValidator.VocabularyAnnotationMustHaveValidTermName">
1347             <summary>
1348             Validates that vocabulary annotations have a serializable term name.
1349             </summary>
1350         </member>
1351         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmVocabularyAnnotationSerializationLocation">
1352             <summary>
1353             Represents whether a vocabulary annotation should be serialized within the element it applies to or in a seperate section of the CSDL.
1354             </summary>
1355         </member>
1356         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmVocabularyAnnotationSerializationLocation.Inline">
1357             <summary>
1358             The annotation should be serialized within the element being annotated.
1359             </summary>
1360         </member>
1361         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmVocabularyAnnotationSerializationLocation.OutOfLine">
1362             <summary>
1363             The annotation should be serialized in a seperate section.
1364             </summary>
1365         </member>
1366         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods">
1367             <summary>
1368             Contains extension methods for <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> interfaces that are useful to serialization.
1369             </summary>
1370         </member>
1371         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetEdmxVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1372             <summary>
1373             Gets the value for the EDMX version of the <paramref name="model"/>.
1374             </summary>
1375             <param name="model">Model the version has been set for.</param>
1376             <returns>The version.</returns>
1377         </member>
1378         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetEdmxVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Version)">
1379             <summary>
1380             Sets a value of EDMX version attribute of the <paramref name="model"/>.
1381             </summary>
1382             <param name="model">The model the version should be set for.</param>
1383             <param name="version">The version.</param>
1384         </member>
1385         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetNamespacePrefixMappings(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}})">
1386             <summary>
1387             Sets an annotation on the IEdmModel to notify the serializer of preferred prefix mappings for xml namespaces.
1388             </summary>
1389             <param name="model">Reference to the calling object.</param>
1390             <param name="mappings">XmlNamespaceManage containing mappings between namespace prefixes and xml namespaces.</param>
1391         </member>
1392         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetNamespacePrefixMappings(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1393             <summary>
1394             Gets the preferred prefix mappings for xml namespaces from an IEdmModel
1395             </summary>
1396             <param name="model">Reference to the calling object.</param>
1397             <returns>Namespace prefixes that exist on the model.</returns>
1398         </member>
1399         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Version)">
1400             <summary>
1401             Sets a value for the DataServiceVersion attribute in an EDMX artifact.
1402             </summary>
1403             <param name="model">The model the attribute should be set for.</param>
1404             <param name="version">The value of the attribute.</param>
1405         </member>
1406         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1407             <summary>
1408             Gets the value for the DataServiceVersion attribute used during EDMX serialization.
1409             </summary>
1410             <param name="model">Model the attribute has been set for.</param>
1411             <returns>Value of the attribute.</returns>
1412         </member>
1413         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetMaxDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Version)">
1414             <summary>
1415             Sets a value for the MaxDataServiceVersion attribute in an EDMX artifact.
1416             </summary>
1417             <param name="model">The model the attribute should be set for.</param>
1418             <param name="version">The value of the attribute.</param>
1419         </member>
1420         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetMaxDataServiceVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1421             <summary>
1422             Gets the value for the MaxDataServiceVersion attribute used during EDMX serialization.
1423             </summary>
1424             <param name="model">Model the attribute has been set for</param>
1425             <returns>Value of the attribute.</returns>
1426         </member>
1427         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetSerializationLocation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Nullable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmVocabularyAnnotationSerializationLocation})">
1428             <summary>
1429             Sets the location an annotation should be serialized in.
1430             </summary>
1431             <param name="annotation">The annotation the location is being specified for.</param>
1432             <param name="model">Model containing the annotation.</param>
1433             <param name="location">The location the annotation should appear.</param>
1434         </member>
1435         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetSerializationLocation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1436             <summary>
1437             Gets the location an annotation should be serialized in.
1438             </summary>
1439             <param name="annotation">Reference to the calling annotation.</param>
1440             <param name="model">Model containing the annotation.</param>
1441             <returns>The location the annotation should be serialized at.</returns>
1442         </member>
1443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetSchemaNamespace(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
1444             <summary>
1445             Sets the schema an annotation should appear in.
1446             </summary>
1447             <param name="annotation">The annotation the schema should be set for.</param>
1448             <param name="model">Model containing the annotation.</param>
1449             <param name="schemaNamespace">The schema the annotation belongs in.</param>
1450         </member>
1451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetSchemaNamespace(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1452             <summary>
1453             Gets the schema an annotation should be serialized in.
1454             </summary>
1455             <param name="annotation">Reference to the calling annotation.</param>
1456             <param name="model">Model containing the annotation.</param>
1457             <returns>Name of the schema the annotation belongs to.</returns>
1458         </member>
1459         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetAssociationName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.String)">
1460             <summary>
1461             Sets the name used for the association serialized for a navigation property.
1462             </summary>
1463             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1464             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1465             <param name="associationName">The association name.</param>
1466         </member>
1467         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetAssociationName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
1468             <summary>
1469             Gets the name used for the association serialized for a navigation property.
1470             </summary>
1471             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1472             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1473             <returns>The association name.</returns>
1474         </member>
1475         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetAssociationNamespace(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.String)">
1476             <summary>
1477             Sets the namespace used for the association serialized for a navigation property.
1478             </summary>
1479             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1480             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1481             <param name="associationNamespace">The association namespace.</param>
1482         </member>
1483         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetAssociationNamespace(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
1484             <summary>
1485             Gets the namespace used for the association serialized for a navigation property.
1486             </summary>
1487             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1488             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1489             <returns>The association namespace.</returns>
1490         </member>
1491         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetAssociationFullName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
1492             <summary>
1493             Gets the fully-qualified name used for the association serialized for a navigation property.
1494             </summary>
1495             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1496             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1497             <returns>The fully-qualified association name.</returns>
1498         </member>
1499         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetAssociationAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation})">
1500             <summary>
1501             Sets the annotations for the association serialized for a navigation property.
1502             </summary>
1503             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1504             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1505             <param name="annotations">The association annotations.</param>
1506             <param name="end1Annotations">The annotations for association end 1.</param>
1507             <param name="end2Annotations">The annotations for association end 2.</param>
1508             <param name="constraintAnnotations">The annotations for the referential constraint.</param>
1509         </member>
1510         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetAssociationAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation}@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation}@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation}@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation}@)">
1511             <summary>
1512             Gets the annotations associated with the association serialized for a navigation property.
1513             </summary>
1514             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1515             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1516             <param name="annotations">The association annotations.</param>
1517             <param name="end1Annotations">The annotations for association end 1.</param>
1518             <param name="end2Annotations">The annotations for association end 2.</param>
1519             <param name="constraintAnnotations">The annotations for the referential constraint.</param>
1520         </member>
1521         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetAssociationEndName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.String)">
1522             <summary>
1523             Sets the name used for the association end serialized for a navigation property.
1524             </summary>
1525             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1526             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1527             <param name="association">The association end name.</param>
1528         </member>
1529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetAssociationEndName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
1530             <summary>
1531             Gets the name used for the association end serialized for a navigation property.
1532             </summary>
1533             <param name="model">Model containing the navigation property.</param>
1534             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1535             <returns>The association end name.</returns>
1536         </member>
1537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetAssociationSetName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.String)">
1538             <summary>
1539             Sets the name used for the association set serialized for a navigation property of an entity set.
1540             </summary>
1541             <param name="model">Model containing the entity set.</param>
1542             <param name="entitySet">The entity set</param>
1543             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1544             <param name="associationSet">The association set name.</param>
1545         </member>
1546         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetAssociationSetName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
1547             <summary>
1548             Gets the name used for the association set serialized for a navigation property of an entity set.
1549             </summary>
1550             <param name="model">Model containing the entity set.</param>
1551             <param name="entitySet">The entity set.</param>
1552             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1553             <returns>The association set name.</returns>
1554         </member>
1555         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetAssociationSetAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation})">
1556             <summary>
1557             Sets the annotations for the association set serialized for a navigation target of an entity set.
1558             </summary>
1559             <param name="model">Model containing the entity set.</param>
1560             <param name="entitySet">The entity set.</param>
1561             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1562             <param name="annotations">The association set annotations.</param>
1563             <param name="end1Annotations">The annotations for association set end 1.</param>
1564             <param name="end2Annotations">The annotations for association set end 2.</param>
1565         </member>
1566         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetAssociationSetAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation}@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation}@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotation}@)">
1567             <summary>
1568             Gets the annotations associated with the association serialized for a navigation target of an entity set.
1569             </summary>
1570             <param name="model">Model containing the entity set.</param>
1571             <param name="entitySet">The entity set.</param>
1572             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1573             <param name="annotations">The association set annotations.</param>
1574             <param name="end1Annotations">The annotations for association set end 1.</param>
1575             <param name="end2Annotations">The annotations for association set end 2.</param>
1576         </member>
1577         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetPrimary(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
1578             <summary>
1579             Gets the primary end of a pair of partnered navigation properties, selecting the principal end if there is one and making a stable, arbitrary choice otherwise.
1580             </summary>
1581             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
1582             <returns>The primary end between the navigation property and its partner.</returns>
1583         </member>
1584         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetIsValueExplicit(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
1585             <summary>
1586             Sets an annotation indicating whether the value of an enum member should be explicitly serialized.
1587             </summary>
1588             <param name="member">Member to set the annotation on.</param>
1589             <param name="model">Model containing the member.</param>
1590             <param name="isExplicit">If the value of the enum member should be explicitly serialized</param>
1591         </member>
1592         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.IsValueExplicit(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1593             <summary>
1594             Gets an annotation indicating whether the value of an enum member should be explicitly serialized.
1595             </summary>
1596             <param name="member">The member the annotation is on.</param>
1597             <param name="model">Model containing the member.</param>
1598             <returns>Whether the member should have its value serialized.</returns>
1599         </member>
1600         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetIsSerializedAsElement(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Boolean)">
1601             <summary>
1602             Sets an annotation indicating if the value should be serialized as an element.
1603             </summary>
1604             <param name="value">Value to set the annotation on.</param>
1605             <param name="model">Model containing the value.</param>
1606             <param name="isSerializedAsElement">Value indicating if the value should be serialized as an element.</param>
1607         </member>
1608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.IsSerializedAsElement(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1609             <summary>
1610             Gets an annotation indicating if the value should be serialized as an element.
1611             </summary>
1612             <param name="value">Value the annotation is on.</param>
1613             <param name="model">Model containing the value.</param>
1614             <returns>Value indicating if the string should be serialized as an element.</returns>
1615         </member>
1616         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.SetNamespaceAlias(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String,System.String)">
1617             <summary>
1618             Sets the serialization alias for a given namespace
1619             </summary>
1620             <param name="model">Model that will be serialized.</param>
1621             <param name="namespaceName">The namespace to set the alias for.</param>
1622             <param name="alias">The alias for that namespace.</param>
1623         </member>
1624         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.SerializationExtensionMethods.GetNamespaceAlias(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
1625             <summary>
1626             Gets the serialization alias for a given namespace.
1627             </summary>
1628             <param name="model">Model that will be serialized.</param>
1629             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace the alias is needed for.</param>
1630             <returns>The alias of the given namespace, or null if one does not exist.</returns>
1631         </member>
1632         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlFunctionReturnType">
1633             <summary>
1634             Represents a CSDL function return type.
1635             </summary>
1636         </member>
1637         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader">
1638             <summary>
1639             Provides EDMX parsing services for EDM models.
1640             </summary>
1641         </member>
1642         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.targetParsed">
1643             <summary>
1644             True when either Runtime or DataServices node have been processed.
1645             </summary>
1646         </member>
1647         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.TryParse(System.Xml.XmlReader,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
1648             <summary>
1649             Returns an IEdmModel for the given EDMX artifact.
1650             </summary>
1651             <param name="reader">XmlReader containing the EDMX artifact.</param>
1652             <param name="model">The model generated by parsing</param>
1653             <param name="errors">Errors reported while parsing.</param>
1654             <returns>Success of the parse operation.</returns>
1655         </member>
1656         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.Parse(System.Xml.XmlReader)">
1657             <summary>
1658             Returns an IEdmModel for the given EDMX artifact.
1659             </summary>
1660             <param name="reader">XmlReader containing the EDMX artifact.</param>
1661             <returns>The model generated by parsing.</returns>
1662         </member>
1663         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.TryParse(System.Xml.XmlReader,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
1664             <summary>
1665             Returns an IEdmModel for the given EDMX artifact.
1666             </summary>
1667             <param name="reader">XmlReader containing the EDMX artifact.</param>
1668             <param name="reference">Model to be referenced by the created model.</param>
1669             <param name="model">The model generated by parsing</param>
1670             <param name="errors">Errors reported while parsing.</param>
1671             <returns>Success of the parse operation.</returns>
1672         </member>
1673         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.Parse(System.Xml.XmlReader,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
1674             <summary>
1675             Returns an IEdmModel for the given EDMX artifact.
1676             </summary>
1677             <param name="reader">XmlReader containing the EDMX artifact.</param>
1678             <param name="referencedModel">Model to be referenced by the created model.</param>
1679             <returns>The model generated by parsing.</returns>
1680         </member>
1681         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.TryParse(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
1682             <summary>
1683             Returns an IEdmModel for the given EDMX artifact.
1684             </summary>
1685             <param name="reader">XmlReader containing the EDMX artifact.</param>
1686             <param name="references">Models to be referenced by the created model.</param>
1687             <param name="model">The model generated by parsing</param>
1688             <param name="errors">Errors reported while parsing.</param>
1689             <returns>Success of the parse operation.</returns>
1690         </member>
1691         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.Parse(System.Xml.XmlReader,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel})">
1692             <summary>
1693             Returns an IEdmModel for the given EDMX artifact.
1694             </summary>
1695             <param name="reader">XmlReader containing the EDMX artifact.</param>
1696             <param name="referencedModels">Models to be referenced by the created model.</param>
1697             <returns>The model generated by parsing.</returns>
1698         </member>
1699         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.TryParseVersion(System.String,System.Version@)">
1700             <summary>
1701             <see cref="T:System.Version"/>.TryParse does not exist on all platforms, so implementing it here.
1702             </summary>
1703             <param name="input">Input string.</param>
1704             <param name="version">Parsed version.</param>
1705             <returns>False in case of failure.</returns>
1706         </member>
1707         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxReader.ParseElement(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Action})">
1708             <summary>
1709             All parse functions start with the reader pointing at the start tag of an element, and end after consuming the ending tag for the element.
1710             </summary>
1711             <param name="elementName">The current element name to be parsed.</param>
1712             <param name="elementParsers">The parsers for child elements of the current element.</param>
1713         </member>
1714         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxWriter">
1715             <summary>
1716             Provides EDMX serialization services for EDM models.
1717             </summary>
1718         </member>
1719         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxWriter.TryWriteEdmx(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Xml.XmlWriter,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.EdmxTarget,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
1720             <summary>
1721             Outputs an EDMX artifact to the provided XmlWriter.
1722             </summary>
1723             <param name="model">Model to be written.</param>
1724             <param name="writer">XmlWriter the generated EDMX will be written to.</param>
1725             <param name="target">Target implementation of the EDMX being generated.</param>
1726             <param name="errors">Errors that prevented successful serialization, or no errors if serialization was successfull. </param>
1727             <returns>A value indicating whether serialization was successful.</returns>
1728         </member>
1729         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityReferenceTypeReference">
1730             <summary>
1731             Represents references to entity reference types.
1732             </summary>
1733         </member>
1734         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase">
1735             <summary>
1736             Represents the common base type of EDM functions and function imports.
1737             </summary>
1738         </member>
1739         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase.FindParameter(System.String)">
1740             <summary>
1741             Searches for a parameter with the given name, and returns null if no such parameter exists.
1742             </summary>
1743             <param name="name">The name of the parameter being found.</param>
1744             <returns>The requested parameter or null if no such parameter exists.</returns>
1745         </member>
1746         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase.ReturnType">
1747             <summary>
1748             Gets the return type of this function.
1749             </summary>
1750         </member>
1751         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase.Parameters">
1752             <summary>
1753             Gets the collection of parameters for this function.
1754             </summary>
1755         </member>
1756         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport">
1757             <summary>
1758             Represents an EDM function import.
1759             </summary>
1760         </member>
1761         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainerElement">
1762             <summary>
1763             Represents the common elements of all EDM entity container elements.
1764             </summary>
1765         </member>
1766         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainerElement.ContainerElementKind">
1767             <summary>
1768             Gets the kind of element of this container element.
1769             </summary>
1770         </member>
1771         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainerElement.Container">
1772             <summary>
1773             Gets the container that contains this element.
1774             </summary>
1775         </member>
1776         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.IsSideEffecting">
1777             <summary>
1778             Gets a value indicating whether this function import has side-effects.
1779             <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.IsSideEffecting"/> cannot be set to true if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.IsComposable"/> is set to true.
1780             </summary>
1781         </member>
1782         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.IsComposable">
1783             <summary>
1784             Gets a value indicating whether this functon import can be composed inside expressions.
1785             <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.IsComposable"/> cannot be set to true if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.IsSideEffecting"/> is set to true.
1786             </summary>
1787         </member>
1788         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.IsBindable">
1789             <summary>
1790             Gets a value indicating whether this function import can be used as an extension method for the type of the first parameter of this function import.
1791             </summary>
1792         </member>
1793         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport.EntitySet">
1794             <summary>
1795             Gets the entity set containing entities returned by this function import.
1796             </summary>
1797         </member>
1798         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEntitySetReferenceExpression">
1799             <summary>
1800             Represents an EDM entity set reference expression.
1801             </summary>
1802         </member>
1803         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEntitySetReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
1804             <summary>
1805             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEntitySetReferenceExpression"/> class.
1806             </summary>
1807             <param name="referencedEntitySet">Referenced entity set.</param>
1808         </member>
1809         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEntitySetReferenceExpression.ReferencedEntitySet">
1810             <summary>
1811             Gets the referenced entity set.
1812             </summary>
1813         </member>
1814         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEntitySetReferenceExpression.ExpressionKind">
1815             <summary>
1816             Gets the kind of this expression.
1817             </summary>
1818         </member>
1819         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression">
1820             <summary>
1821             Represents an EDM path expression.
1822             </summary>
1823         </member>
1824         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression.#ctor(System.String)">
1825             <summary>
1826             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression"/> class.
1827             </summary>
1828             <param name="path">Path string containing segments seperated by '/'. For example: "A.B/C/D.E/Func1(NS.T,NS.T2)/P1".</param>
1829         </member>
1830         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression.#ctor(System.String[])">
1831             <summary>
1832             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression"/> class.
1833             </summary>
1834             <param name="path">Path segments.</param>
1835         </member>
1836         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
1837             <summary>
1838             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression"/> class.
1839             </summary>
1840             <param name="path">Path segments.</param>
1841         </member>
1842         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression.Path">
1843             <summary>
1844             Gets the path as a decomposed qualified name. "A.B/C/D.E/Func1(NS.T,NS.T2)/P1" is { "A.B", "C", "D.E", "Func1(NS.T,NS.T2)", "P1" }.
1845             </summary>
1846         </member>
1847         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPathExpression.ExpressionKind">
1848             <summary>
1849             Gets the kind of this expression.
1850             </summary>
1851         </member>
1852         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmRowTypeReference">
1853             <summary>
1854             Represents references to row types.
1855             </summary>
1856         </member>
1857         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference">
1858             <summary>
1859             Represents references to EDM structured types.
1860             </summary>
1861         </member>
1862         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Serialization.EdmModelSchemaSeparationSerializationVisitor.ProcessEntityContainer(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer)">
1863             <summary>
1864             When we see an entity container, we see if it has <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants.SchemaNamespaceAnnotation"/>.
1865             If it does, then we attach it to that schema, otherwise we attached to the first existing schema.
1866             If there are no schemas, we create the one named "Default" and attach container to it.
1867             </summary>
1868             <param name="element">The entity container being processed.</param>
1869         </member>
1870         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.TryCreateObjectInstance">
1871             <summary>
1872             Represents a delegate for creating an instance of CLR type based on <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> and <see cref="T:System.Type"/>.
1873             The delegate can be used to create CLR instances of polymorphic types.
1874             </summary>
1875             <param name="edmValue">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue"/> for which the <paramref name="objectInstance"/> needs to be created.</param>
1876             <param name="clrType">The expected CLR type of the object instance. In case of polymorphic properties and collections this may be a base type.</param>
1877             <param name="converter">The converter instance calling this delegate.</param>
1878             <param name="objectInstance">The output parameter returning a CLR object instance created for the <paramref name="edmValue"/>.</param>
1879             <param name="objectInstanceInitialized">The output parameter returning true if all properties of the created <paramref name="objectInstance"/> are initialized.
1880             False if properties of the created instance should be initialized using the default <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter"/> logic.</param>
1881             <returns>True if the delegate produced a desired <paramref name="objectInstance"/>.
1882             If delegate returns false, the default <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter"/> logic will be applied to create and populate a CLR object instance.</returns>
1883         </member>
1884         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter">
1885             <summary>
1886             <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> to CLR value converter.
1887             </summary>
1888         </member>
1889         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.#ctor">
1890             <summary>
1891             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter"/> class.
1892             </summary>
1893         </member>
1894         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.TryCreateObjectInstance)">
1895             <summary>
1896             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter"/> class.
1897             </summary>
1898             <param name="tryCreateObjectInstanceDelegate">The delegate customizing conversion of structured values.</param>
1899         </member>
1900         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
1901             <summary>
1902             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a CLR value of the specified type.
1903             Supported values for <typeparamref name="T"/> are: 
1904                 CLR primitive types such as <see cref="T:System.String"/> and <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>,
1905                 CLR enum types,
1906                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1"/>,
1907                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/>,
1908                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1"/>,
1909                 CLR classes with default constructors and public properties with setters and collection properties of the following shapes:
1910                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1"/> EnumerableProperty  { get; set; },
1911                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> CollectionProperty  { get; set; },
1912                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1"/> ListProperty  { get; set; },
1913                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> CollectionProperty { get { return this.nonNullCollection; } },
1914                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1"/> ListProperty { get { return this.nonNullList; } }.
1915             </summary>
1916             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type.</typeparam>
1917             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1918             <returns>A CLR value converted from <paramref name="edmValue"/>.</returns>
1919             <remarks>This method performs boxing and unboxing for value types. Use value-type specific methods such as <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)"/> to avoid boxing and unboxing.</remarks>
1920         </member>
1921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue,System.Type)">
1922             <summary>
1923             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a CLR value of the specified type.
1924             Supported values for <paramref name="clrType"/> are: 
1925                 CLR primitive types such as <see cref="T:System.String"/> and <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>,
1926                 CLR enum types,
1927                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1"/>,
1928                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/>,
1929                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1"/>,
1930                 CLR classes with default constructors and public properties with setters and collection properties of the following shapes:
1931                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1"/> EnumerableProperty  { get; set; },
1932                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> CollectionProperty  { get; set; },
1933                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1"/> ListProperty  { get; set; },
1934                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1"/> CollectionProperty { get { return this.nonNullCollection; } },
1935                 <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1"/> ListProperty { get { return this.nonNullList; } }.
1936             </summary>
1937             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1938             <param name="clrType">The CLR type.</param>
1939             <returns>A CLR value converted from <paramref name="edmValue"/>.</returns>
1940             <remarks>This method performs boxing and unboxing for value types. Use value-type specific methods such as <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)"/> to avoid boxing and unboxing.</remarks>
1941         </member>
1942         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.RegisterConvertedObject(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,System.Object)">
1943             <summary>
1944             Registers the <paramref name="clrObject"/> corresponding to the <paramref name="edmValue"/>.
1945             All subsequent conversions from this <paramref name="edmValue"/> performed by this instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter"/> will return the specified
1946             <paramref name="clrObject"/>. Registration is required to support graph consistency and loops during conversion process. 
1947             This method should be called inside the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.TryCreateObjectInstance"/> delegate if the delegate is calling back into <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter"/>
1948             in order to populate properties of the <paramref name="clrObject"/>.
1949             </summary>
1950             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value.</param>
1951             <param name="clrObject">The CLR object.</param>
1952         </member>
1953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrByteArray(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
1954             <summary>
1955             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a CLR byte array value.
1956             </summary>
1957             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1958             <returns>Converted byte array.</returns>
1959             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBinaryValue"/>.</exception>
1960         </member>
1961         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
1962             <summary>
1963             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.String"/> value.
1964             </summary>
1965             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1966             <returns>Converted string.</returns>
1967             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStringValue"/>.</exception>
1968         </member>
1969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrBoolean(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
1970             <summary>
1971             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/> value.
1972             </summary>
1973             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1974             <returns>Converted boolean.</returns>
1975             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBooleanValue"/>.</exception>
1976         </member>
1977         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrInt64(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
1978             <summary>
1979             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Int64"/> value.
1980             </summary>
1981             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1982             <returns>Converted integer.</returns>
1983             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue"/>.</exception>
1984         </member>
1985         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrChar(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
1986             <summary>
1987             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Char"/> value.
1988             </summary>
1989             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1990             <returns>Converted char.</returns>
1991             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue"/>.</exception>
1992             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> cannot be converted to <see cref="T:System.Char"/>.</exception>
1993         </member>
1994         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrByte(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
1995             <summary>
1996             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Byte"/> value.
1997             </summary>
1998             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
1999             <returns>Converted byte.</returns>
2000             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue"/>.</exception>
2001             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> cannot be converted to <see cref="T:System.Byte"/>.</exception>
2002         </member>
2003         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrInt16(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2004             <summary>
2005             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Int16"/> value.
2006             </summary>
2007             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2008             <returns>Converted integer.</returns>
2009             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue"/>.</exception>
2010             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> cannot be converted to <see cref="T:System.Int16"/>.</exception>
2011         </member>
2012         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrInt32(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2013             <summary>
2014             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> value.
2015             </summary>
2016             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2017             <returns>Converted integer.</returns>
2018             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue"/>.</exception>
2019             <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> cannot be converted to <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>.</exception>
2020         </member>
2021         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrDouble(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2022             <summary>
2023             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Double"/> value.
2024             </summary>
2025             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2026             <returns>Converted double.</returns>
2027             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmFloatingValue"/>.</exception>
2028         </member>
2029         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrSingle(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2030             <summary>
2031             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Single"/> value.
2032             </summary>
2033             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2034             <returns>Converted single.</returns>
2035             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmFloatingValue"/>.</exception>
2036         </member>
2037         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrDecimal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2038             <summary>
2039             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal"/> value.
2040             </summary>
2041             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2042             <returns>Converted decimal.</returns>
2043             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDecimalValue"/>.</exception>
2044         </member>
2045         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrDateTime(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2046             <summary>
2047             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> value.
2048             </summary>
2049             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2050             <returns>Converted DateTime.</returns>
2051             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeValue"/>.</exception>
2052         </member>
2053         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrTime(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2054             <summary>
2055             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> value.
2056             </summary>
2057             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2058             <returns>Converted Time.</returns>
2059             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmTimeValue"/>.</exception>
2060         </member>
2061         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.AsClrDateTimeOffset(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2062             <summary>
2063             Converts <paramref name="edmValue"/> to a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/> value.
2064             </summary>
2065             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value to be converted.</param>
2066             <returns>Converted DateTimeOffset.</returns>
2067             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Exception is thrown if <paramref name="edmValue"/> is not <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeOffsetValue"/>.</exception>
2068         </member>
2069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.FindProperty(System.Type,System.String)">
2070             <summary>
2071             Searches the <paramref name="clrObjectType"/> for a property with the <paramref name="propertyName"/>.
2072             Handles the case of multiple properties with the same name (declared via C# "new") by choosing the one on the deepest derived type.
2073             </summary>
2074             <param name="clrObjectType">The clr object type.</param>
2075             <param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>
2076             <returns>The property or null.</returns>
2077         </member>
2078         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.GetEdmValueInterfaceName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
2079             <summary>
2080             Used for error messages only.
2081             </summary>
2082             <param name="edmValue">The EDM value.</param>
2083             <returns>The EDM value interface name.</returns>
2084         </member>
2085         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmToClrConversion.EdmToClrConverter.CastHelper">
2086             <summary>
2087             The class contains method that are called thru reflection to produce values of correct CLR types.
2088             For example if one has an int value and a clr type represnting an enum : int, there is no other way to convert the int
2089             to the enum type object.
2090             </summary>
2091         </member>
2092         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator">
2093             <summary>
2094             Expression evaluator capable of producing CLR values.
2095             </summary>
2096         </member>
2097         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator">
2098             <summary>
2099             Expression evaluator.
2100             </summary>
2101         </member>
2102         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue}})">
2103             <summary>
2104             Initializes a new instance of the EdmExpressionEvaluator class.
2105             </summary>
2106             <param name="builtInFunctions">Builtin functions dictionary to the evaluators for the functions.</param>
2107         </member>
2108         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue}},System.Func{System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue})">
2109             <summary>
2110             Initializes a new instance of the EdmExpressionEvaluator class.
2111             </summary>
2112             <param name="builtInFunctions">Builtin functions dictionary to the evaluators for the functions.</param>
2113             <param name="lastChanceFunctionApplier">Function to call to evaluate an application of a function with no static binding.</param>
2114         </member>
2115         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
2116             <summary>
2117             Evaluates an expression with no value context.
2118             </summary>
2119             <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate. The expression must not contain paths, because no context for evaluating a path is supplied.</param>
2120             <returns>The value that results from evaluating the expression in the context of the supplied value.</returns>
2121         </member>
2122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue)">
2123             <summary>
2124             Evaluates an expression in the context of a value.
2125             </summary>
2126             <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate.</param>
2127             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluating the expression. Cannot be null if the expression contains paths.</param>
2128             <returns>The value that results from evaluating the expression in the context of the supplied value.</returns>
2129         </member>
2130         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
2131             <summary>
2132             Evaluates an expression in the context of a value and a target type.
2133             </summary>
2134             <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate.</param>
2135             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluating the expression. Cannot be null if the expression contains paths.</param>
2136             <param name="targetType">Type to which the result value is expected to conform.</param>
2137             <returns>The value that results from evaluating the expression in the context of the supplied value, asserted to be of the target type.</returns>
2138         </member>
2139         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDelayedValue">
2140             <summary>
2141             Represents a lazily computed value.
2142             </summary>
2143         </member>
2144         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDelayedValue.Value">
2145             <summary>
2146             Gets the data stored in this value.
2147             </summary>
2148         </member>
2149         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPropertyValue">
2150             <summary>
2151             Represents a value of an EDM property.
2152             </summary>
2153         </member>
2154         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPropertyValue.Name">
2155             <summary>
2156             Gets the name of the property this value is associated with.
2157             </summary>
2158         </member>
2159         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmCollectionValue">
2160             <summary>
2161             Represents an EDM collection value.
2162             </summary>
2163         </member>
2164         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmCollectionValue.Elements">
2165             <summary>
2166             Gets the values stored in this collection.
2167             </summary>
2168         </member>
2169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue}})">
2170             <summary>
2171             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator"/> class.
2172             </summary>
2173             <param name="builtInFunctions">Builtin functions dictionary to the evaluators for the functions.</param>
2174         </member>
2175         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction,System.Func{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue}},System.Func{System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue[],Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue})">
2176             <summary>
2177             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator"/> class.
2178             </summary>
2179             <param name="builtInFunctions">Builtin functions dictionary to the evaluators for the functions.</param>
2180             <param name="lastChanceFunctionApplier">Function to call to evaluate an application of a function with no static binding.</param>
2181         </member>
2182         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator.EvaluateToClrValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
2183             <summary>
2184             Evaluates an expression with no value context.
2185             </summary>
2186             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
2187             <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate. The expression must not contain paths, because no context for evaluating a path is supplied.</param>
2188             <returns>The value that results from evaluating the expression in the context of the supplied value.</returns>
2189         </member>
2190         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator.EvaluateToClrValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue)">
2191             <summary>
2192             Evaluates an expression in the context of a value.
2193             </summary>
2194             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
2195             <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate.</param>
2196             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluating the expression.</param>
2197             <returns>The value that results from evaluating the expression in the context of the supplied value.</returns>
2198         </member>
2199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator.EvaluateToClrValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
2200             <summary>
2201             Evaluates an expression in the context of a value and a target type.
2202             </summary>
2203             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
2204             <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate.</param>
2205             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluating the expression.</param>
2206             <param name="targetType">Type to which the result value is expected to conform.</param>
2207             <returns>The value that results from evaluating the expression in the context of the supplied value, asserted to be of the targetType.</returns>
2208         </member>
2209         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator.EdmToClrConverter">
2210             <summary>
2211             Gets or sets an instance of <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator.EdmToClrConverter"/> that is used to produce CLR values during evaluation.
2212             </summary>
2213         </member>
2214         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmElementComparer">
2215             <summary>
2216             Contains IsEquivalentTo() extension methods.
2217             </summary>
2218         </member>
2219         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmElementComparer.IsEquivalentTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
2220             <summary>
2221             Returns true if the compared type is semantically equivalent to this type.
2222             Schema types (<see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaType"/>) are compared by their object refs.
2223             </summary>
2224             <param name="thisType">Type being compared.</param>
2225             <param name="otherType">Type being compared to.</param>
2226             <returns>Equivalence of the two types.</returns>
2227         </member>
2228         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmElementComparer.IsEquivalentTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
2229             <summary>
2230             Returns true if the compared type reference is semantically equivalent to this type reference.
2231             Schema types (<see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaType"/>) are compared by their object refs.
2232             </summary>
2233             <param name="thisType">Type reference being compared.</param>
2234             <param name="otherType">Type referenced being compared to.</param>
2235             <returns>Equivalence of the two type references.</returns>
2236         </member>
2237         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmElementComparer.IsFunctionSignatureEquivalentTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase)">
2238             <summary>
2239             Returns true if function signatures are semantically equivalent.
2240             Signature includes function name (<see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNamedElement"/>) and its parameter types.
2241             </summary>
2242             <param name="thisFunction">Reference to the calling object.</param>
2243             <param name="otherFunction">Function being compared to.</param>
2244             <returns>Equivalence of signatures of the two functions.</returns>
2245         </member>
2246         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmElementComparer.IsEquivalentTo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter)">
2247             <summary>
2248             Returns true if the compared function parameter is semantically equivalent to this function parameter.
2249             </summary>
2250             <param name="thisParameter">Reference to the calling object.</param>
2251             <param name="otherParameter">Function parameter being compared to.</param>
2252             <returns>Equivalence of the two function parameters.</returns>
2253         </member>
2254         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationTargetMapping">
2255             <summary>
2256             Represents a mapping from an EDM navigation property to an entity set.
2257             </summary>
2258         </member>
2259         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationTargetMapping.NavigationProperty">
2260             <summary>
2261             Gets the navigation property.
2262             </summary>
2263         </member>
2264         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationTargetMapping.TargetEntitySet">
2265             <summary>
2266             Gets the target entity set.
2267             </summary>
2268         </member>
2269         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding">
2270             <summary>
2271             Represents the combination of an EDM annotation with an immediate value and the element to which it is attached.
2272             </summary>
2273         </member>
2274         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.Element">
2275             <summary>
2276             Gets the element to which the annotation is attached
2277             </summary>
2278         </member>
2279         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.NamespaceUri">
2280             <summary>
2281             Gets the namespace URI of the annotation.
2282             </summary>
2283         </member>
2284         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.Name">
2285             <summary>
2286             Gets the local name of this annotation.
2287             </summary>
2288         </member>
2289         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.Value">
2290             <summary>
2291             Gets the value of this annotation.
2292             </summary>
2293         </member>
2294         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo">
2295             <summary>
2296             Represents an EDM navigation property info used during construction of navigation properties.
2297             </summary>
2298         </member>
2299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo.Clone">
2300             <summary>
2301             Clones this object.
2302             </summary>
2303             <returns>A copy of this object.</returns>
2304         </member>
2305         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo.Name">
2306             <summary>
2307             Gets or sets the name of this navigation property.
2308             </summary>
2309         </member>
2310         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo.Target">
2311             <summary>
2312             Gets or sets the entity type that this navigation property belongs to.
2313             </summary>
2314         </member>
2315         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo.TargetMultiplicity">
2316             <summary>
2317             Gets or sets multiplicity of the navigation target.
2318             </summary>
2319         </member>
2320         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo.DependentProperties">
2321             <summary>
2322             Gets or sets the dependent properties of the association this navigation property expresses.
2323             </summary>
2324         </member>
2325         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo.ContainsTarget">
2326             <summary>
2327             Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigation target is contained inside the navigation source.
2328             </summary>
2329         </member>
2330         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo.OnDelete">
2331             <summary>
2332             Gets or sets the action to take when an instance of the declaring type is deleted.
2333             </summary>
2334         </member>
2335         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationTargetMapping">
2336             <summary>
2337             Represents a mapping from an EDM navigation property to an entity set.
2338             </summary>
2339         </member>
2340         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationTargetMapping.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
2341             <summary>
2342             Creates a new navigation target mapping.
2343             </summary>
2344             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property.</param>
2345             <param name="targetEntitySet">The entity set that the navigation propertion targets.</param>
2346         </member>
2347         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationTargetMapping.NavigationProperty">
2348             <summary>
2349             Gets the navigation property.
2350             </summary>
2351         </member>
2352         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationTargetMapping.TargetEntitySet">
2353             <summary>
2354             Gets the target entity set.
2355             </summary>
2356         </member>
2357         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant">
2358             <summary>
2359             Represents an EDM time constant.
2360             </summary>
2361         </member>
2362         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmValue">
2363             <summary>
2364             Represents an EDM value.
2365             </summary>
2366         </member>
2367         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
2368             <summary>
2369             Initializes a new instance of the EdmValue class.
2370             </summary>
2371             <param name="type">Type of the value.</param>
2372         </member>
2373         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmValue.Type">
2374             <summary>
2375             Gets the type of this value.
2376             </summary>
2377         </member>
2378         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmValue.ValueKind">
2379             <summary>
2380             Gets the kind of this value.
2381             </summary>
2382         </member>
2383         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant.#ctor(System.TimeSpan)">
2384             <summary>
2385             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant"/> class.
2386             </summary>
2387             <param name="value">Time value represented by this value.</param>
2388         </member>
2389         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTemporalTypeReference,System.TimeSpan)">
2390             <summary>
2391             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant"/> class.
2392             </summary>
2393             <param name="type">Type of the Time.</param>
2394             <param name="value">Time value represented by this value.</param>
2395         </member>
2396         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant.Value">
2397             <summary>
2398             Gets the definition of this value.
2399             </summary>
2400         </member>
2401         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant.ExpressionKind">
2402             <summary>
2403             Gets the kind of this expression.
2404             </summary>
2405         </member>
2406         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmTimeConstant.ValueKind">
2407             <summary>
2408             Gets the kind of this value.
2409             </summary>
2410         </member>
2411         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.AmbiguousBinding`1">
2412             <summary>
2413             Represents a name binding to more than one item.
2414             </summary>
2415             <typeparam name="TElement">Type of the ambiguous element.</typeparam>
2416         </member>
2417         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer">
2418             <summary>
2419             Represents an EDM entity container.
2420             </summary>
2421         </member>
2422         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer.FindEntitySet(System.String)">
2423             <summary>
2424             Searches for an entity set with the given name in this entity container and returns null if no such set exists.
2425             </summary>
2426             <param name="setName">The name of the element being found.</param>
2427             <returns>The requested element, or null if the element does not exist.</returns>
2428         </member>
2429         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer.FindFunctionImports(System.String)">
2430             <summary>
2431             Searches for function imports with the given name in this entity container and returns null if no such function import exists.
2432             </summary>
2433             <param name="functionName">The name of the function import being found.</param>
2434             <returns>A group of the requested function imports, or an empty enumerable  if no such function import exists.</returns>
2435         </member>
2436         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer.Elements">
2437             <summary>
2438             Gets a collection of the elements of this entity container.
2439             </summary>
2440         </member>
2441         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet">
2442             <summary>
2443             Represents an EDM entity set.
2444             </summary>
2445         </member>
2446         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet.FindNavigationTarget(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
2447             <summary>
2448             Finds the entity set that a navigation property targets.
2449             </summary>
2450             <param name="navigationProperty">The navigation property.</param>
2451             /// <returns>The entity set that the navigation propertion targets, or null if no such entity set exists.</returns>
2452         </member>
2453         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet.ElementType">
2454             <summary>
2455             Gets the entity type contained in this entity set.
2456             </summary>
2457         </member>
2458         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet.NavigationTargets">
2459             <summary>
2460             Gets the navigation targets of this entity set.
2461             </summary>
2462         </member>
2463         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction">
2464             <summary>
2465             Represents an EDM function.
2466             </summary>
2467         </member>
2468         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction.DefiningExpression">
2469             <summary>
2470             Gets the defining expression of this function.
2471             </summary>
2472         </member>
2473         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.AmbiguousLabeledExpressionBinding">
2474             <summary>
2475             Represents a labeled expression binding to more than one item.
2476             </summary>
2477         </member>
2478         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.AmbiguousPropertyBinding.PropertyKind">
2479             <summary>
2480             Gets the kind of this property.
2481             </summary>
2482         </member>
2483         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.AmbiguousPropertyBinding.DeclaringType">
2484             <summary>
2485             Gets the type that this property belongs to.
2486             </summary>
2487         </member>
2488         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.AmbiguousTypeBinding">
2489             <summary>
2490             Represents a name binding to more than one item.
2491             </summary>
2492         </member>
2493         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.AmbiguousValueTermBinding">
2494             <summary>
2495             Represents a name binding to more than one item.
2496             </summary>
2497         </member>
2498         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadBinaryTypeReference">
2499             <summary>
2500             Represents a reference to a semantically invalid EDM binary type.
2501             </summary>
2502         </member>
2503         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference">
2504             <summary>
2505             Represents a reference to an EDM binary type.
2506             </summary>
2507         </member>
2508         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmPrimitiveTypeReference">
2509             <summary>
2510             Represents a reference to an EDM primitive type.
2511             </summary>
2512         </member>
2513         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTypeReference">
2514             <summary>
2515             Represents a reference to an EDM type.
2516             </summary>
2517         </member>
2518         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.Boolean)">
2519             <summary>
2520             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTypeReference"/> class.
2521             </summary>
2522             <param name="definition">Type that describes this value.</param>
2523             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2524         </member>
2525         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTypeReference.ToString">
2526             <summary>
2527             Returns the text representation of the current object.
2528             </summary>
2529             <returns>The text representation of the current object.</returns>
2530         </member>
2531         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTypeReference.IsNullable">
2532             <summary>
2533             Gets a value indicating whether this type is nullable.
2534             </summary>
2535         </member>
2536         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTypeReference.Definition">
2537             <summary>
2538             Gets the definition to which this type refers.
2539             </summary>
2540         </member>
2541         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmPrimitiveTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
2542             <summary>
2543             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmPrimitiveTypeReference"/> class.
2544             </summary>
2545             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2546             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2547         </member>
2548         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmBinaryTypeReference">
2549             <summary>
2550             Represents a reference to an EDM binary type.
2551             </summary>
2552         </member>
2553         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmBinaryTypeReference.IsFixedLength">
2554             <summary>
2555             Gets a value indicating whether this type specifies fixed length.
2556             </summary>
2557         </member>
2558         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmBinaryTypeReference.IsUnbounded">
2559             <summary>
2560             Gets a value indicating whether this type specifies the maximum allowed length.
2561             </summary>
2562         </member>
2563         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmBinaryTypeReference.MaxLength">
2564             <summary>
2565             Gets the maximum length of this type.
2566             </summary>
2567         </member>
2568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
2569             <summary>
2570             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference"/> class.
2571             </summary>
2572             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2573             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2574         </member>
2575         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
2576             <summary>
2577             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference"/> class.
2578             </summary>
2579             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2580             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2581             <param name="isUnbounded">Denotes whether the max length is the maximum allowed value.</param>
2582             <param name="maxLength">Maximum length of a value of this type.</param>
2583             <param name="isFixedLength">Denotes whether the length can vary. </param>
2584         </member>
2585         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference.IsFixedLength">
2586             <summary>
2587             Gets a value indicating whether this type specifies fixed length.
2588             </summary>
2589         </member>
2590         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference.IsUnbounded">
2591             <summary>
2592             Gets a value indicating whether this type specifies the maximum allowed length.
2593             </summary>
2594         </member>
2595         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmBinaryTypeReference.MaxLength">
2596             <summary>
2597             Gets the maximum length of this type.
2598             </summary>
2599         </member>
2600         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadCollectionType">
2601             <summary>
2602             Represents a semantically invalid EDM collection type.
2603             </summary>
2604         </member>
2605         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadComplexType">
2606             <summary>
2607             Represents a semantically invalid EDM complex type definition.
2608             </summary>
2609         </member>
2610         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadNamedStructuredType">
2611             <summary>
2612             Represents a semantically invalid EDM named structured type definition.
2613             </summary>
2614         </member>
2615         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadStructuredType">
2616             <summary>
2617             Represents a semantically invalid EDM structured type definition.
2618             </summary>
2619         </member>
2620         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexType">
2621             <summary>
2622             Represents a definition of an EDM complex type.
2623             </summary>
2624         </member>
2625         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexTypeReference">
2626             <summary>
2627             Represents a reference to an EDM complex type.
2628             </summary>
2629         </member>
2630         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference">
2631             <summary>
2632             Represents references to EDM complex types.
2633             </summary>
2634         </member>
2635         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexType,System.Boolean)">
2636             <summary>
2637             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexTypeReference"/> class.
2638             </summary>
2639             <param name="complexType">The type definition this reference refers to.</param>
2640             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2641         </member>
2642         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadDecimalTypeReference">
2643             <summary>
2644             Represents a reference to a semantically invalid EDM decimal type.
2645             </summary>
2646         </member>
2647         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDecimalTypeReference">
2648             <summary>
2649             Represents a reference to an EDM decimal type.
2650             </summary>
2651         </member>
2652         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDecimalTypeReference">
2653             <summary>
2654             Represents a reference to an EDM decimal type.
2655             </summary>
2656         </member>
2657         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDecimalTypeReference.Precision">
2658             <summary>
2659             Gets the precision of this type.
2660             </summary>
2661         </member>
2662         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDecimalTypeReference.Scale">
2663             <summary>
2664             Gets the scale of this type.
2665             </summary>
2666         </member>
2667         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDecimalTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
2668             <summary>
2669             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDecimalTypeReference"/> class.
2670             </summary>
2671             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2672             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2673         </member>
2674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDecimalTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
2675             <summary>
2676             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDecimalTypeReference"/> class.
2677             </summary>
2678             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2679             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2680             <param name="precision">Precision of values with this type.</param>
2681             <param name="scale">Scale of values with this type.</param>
2682         </member>
2683         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDecimalTypeReference.Precision">
2684             <summary>
2685             Gets the precision of this type.
2686             </summary>
2687         </member>
2688         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDecimalTypeReference.Scale">
2689             <summary>
2690             Gets the scale of this type.
2691             </summary>
2692         </member>
2693         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadEntityContainer">
2694             <summary>
2695             Represents a semantically invalid EDM entity container.
2696             </summary>
2697         </member>
2698         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadEntityContainer.SchemaElementKind">
2699             <summary>
2700             Gets the kind of this schema element.
2701             </summary>
2702         </member>
2703         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadEntityReferenceType">
2704             <summary>
2705             Represents a semantically invalid EDM entity reference type.
2706             </summary>
2707         </member>
2708         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityReferenceType">
2709             <summary>
2710             Represents a definition of an EDM entity reference type.
2711             </summary>
2712         </member>
2713         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityReferenceType.EntityType">
2714             <summary>
2715             Gets the entity type pointed to by this entity reference.
2716             </summary>
2717         </member>
2718         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadEntitySet">
2719             <summary>
2720             Represents a semantically invalid EDM entity set.
2721             </summary>
2722         </member>
2723         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadEntityType">
2724             <summary>
2725             Represents a semantically invalid EDM entity type.
2726             </summary>
2727         </member>
2728         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityTypeReference">
2729             <summary>
2730             Represents a reference to an EDM entity type.
2731             </summary>
2732         </member>
2733         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference">
2734             <summary>
2735             Represents references to entity types.
2736             </summary>
2737         </member>
2738         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean)">
2739             <summary>
2740             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityTypeReference"/> class.
2741             </summary>
2742             <param name="entityType">The definition refered to by this reference.</param>
2743             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2744         </member>
2745         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadEnumMember">
2746             <summary>
2747             Represents a semantically invalid EDM enumeration type member.
2748             </summary>
2749         </member>
2750         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadLabeledExpression">
2751             <summary>
2752             Represents a semantically invalid EDM labeled expression.
2753             </summary>
2754         </member>
2755         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadPrimitiveType">
2756             <summary>
2757             Represents a semantically invalid EDM primitive type definition.
2758             </summary>
2759         </member>
2760         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType">
2761             <summary>
2762             Represents a definition of an EDM primitive type.
2763             </summary>
2764         </member>
2765         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType.PrimitiveKind">
2766             <summary>
2767             Gets the primitive kind of this type.
2768             </summary>
2769         </member>
2770         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadPrimitiveTypeReference">
2771             <summary>
2772             Represents a reference to a semantically invalid EDM primitive type.
2773             </summary>
2774         </member>
2775         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadPrimitiveValue.ValueKind">
2776             <summary>
2777             Gets the kind of this value.
2778             </summary>
2779         </member>
2780         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadProperty">
2781             <summary>
2782             Represents a semantically invalid EDM property.
2783             </summary>
2784         </member>
2785         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadRowType">
2786             <summary>
2787             Represents a semantically invalid EDM row type.
2788             </summary>
2789         </member>
2790         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmRowType">
2791             <summary>
2792             Represents a definition of an EDM row type.
2793             </summary>
2794         </member>
2795         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadSpatialTypeReference">
2796             <summary>
2797             Represents a reference to a semantically invalid EDM spatial type.
2798             </summary>
2799         </member>
2800         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmSpatialTypeReference">
2801             <summary>
2802             Represents a reference to an EDM spatial type.
2803             </summary>
2804         </member>
2805         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmSpatialTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
2806             <summary>
2807             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmSpatialTypeReference"/> class.
2808             </summary>
2809             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2810             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2811         </member>
2812         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmSpatialTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
2813             <summary>
2814             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmSpatialTypeReference"/> class.
2815             </summary>
2816             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2817             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2818             <param name="spatialReferenceIdentifier">Spatial Reference Identifier for the spatial type being created.</param>
2819         </member>
2820         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmSpatialTypeReference.SpatialReferenceIdentifier">
2821             <summary>
2822             Gets the precision of this temporal type.
2823             </summary>
2824         </member>
2825         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadStringTypeReference">
2826             <summary>
2827             Represents a reference to a semantically invalid EDM string type.
2828             </summary>
2829         </member>
2830         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference">
2831             <summary>
2832             Represents a reference to an EDM string type.
2833             </summary>
2834         </member>
2835         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStringTypeReference">
2836             <summary>
2837             Represents a reference to an EDM string type.
2838             </summary>
2839         </member>
2840         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStringTypeReference.IsFixedLength">
2841             <summary>
2842             Gets a value indicating whether this string type specifies fixed length.
2843             </summary>
2844         </member>
2845         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStringTypeReference.IsUnbounded">
2846             <summary>
2847             Gets a value indicating whether this string type specifies the maximum allowed length.
2848             </summary>
2849         </member>
2850         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStringTypeReference.MaxLength">
2851             <summary>
2852             Gets the maximum length of this string type.
2853             </summary>
2854         </member>
2855         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStringTypeReference.IsUnicode">
2856             <summary>
2857             Gets a value indicating whether this string type supports unicode encoding.
2858             </summary>
2859         </member>
2860         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStringTypeReference.Collation">
2861             <summary>
2862             Gets a string representing the collation of this string type.
2863             </summary>
2864         </member>
2865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
2866             <summary>
2867             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference"/> class.
2868             </summary>
2869             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2870             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2871         </member>
2872         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String)">
2873             <summary>
2874             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference"/> class.
2875             </summary>
2876             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2877             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2878             <param name="isUnbounded">Denotes whether the max length is the maximum allowed value.</param>
2879             <param name="maxLength">Maximum length of a value of this type.</param>
2880             <param name="isFixedLength">Denotes whether the length can vary. </param>
2881             <param name="isUnicode">Denotes if string is encoded using Unicode.</param>
2882             <param name="collation">Indicates the collation string to be used by the underlying store.</param>
2883         </member>
2884         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference.IsFixedLength">
2885             <summary>
2886             Gets a value indicating whether this string type specifies fixed length.
2887             </summary>
2888         </member>
2889         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference.IsUnbounded">
2890             <summary>
2891             Gets a value indicating whether this string type specifies the maximum allowed length.
2892             </summary>
2893         </member>
2894         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference.MaxLength">
2895             <summary>
2896             Gets the maximum length of this string type.
2897             </summary>
2898         </member>
2899         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference.IsUnicode">
2900             <summary>
2901             Gets a value indicating whether this string type supports unicode encoding.
2902             </summary>
2903         </member>
2904         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStringTypeReference.Collation">
2905             <summary>
2906             Gets a string representing the collation of this string type.
2907             </summary>
2908         </member>
2909         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.BadTemporalTypeReference">
2910             <summary>
2911             Represents a reference to a semantically invalid EDM temporal (Time, DateTime, DateTimeOffset) type.
2912             </summary>
2913         </member>
2914         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTemporalTypeReference">
2915             <summary>
2916             Represents a reference to an EDM temporal (Time, DateTime, DateTimeOffset) type.
2917             </summary>
2918         </member>
2919         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTemporalTypeReference">
2920             <summary>
2921             Represents a reference to an EDM temporal (Time, DateTime, DateTimeOffset) type.
2922             </summary>
2923         </member>
2924         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTemporalTypeReference.Precision">
2925             <summary>
2926             Gets the precision of this temporal type.
2927             </summary>
2928         </member>
2929         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTemporalTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
2930             <summary>
2931             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTemporalTypeReference"/> class.
2932             </summary>
2933             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2934             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2935         </member>
2936         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTemporalTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Int32})">
2937             <summary>
2938             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTemporalTypeReference"/> class.
2939             </summary>
2940             <param name="definition">The type this reference refers to.</param>
2941             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
2942             <param name="precision">Precision of values with this type.</param>
2943         </member>
2944         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmTemporalTypeReference.Precision">
2945             <summary>
2946             Gets the precision of this temporal type.
2947             </summary>
2948         </member>
2949         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.CyclicComplexType">
2950             <summary>
2951             Represents an EDM complex type that cannot be determined due to a cyclic reference.
2952             </summary>
2953         </member>
2954         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.CyclicEntityContainer">
2955             <summary>
2956             Represents an EDM entity container that cannot be determined due to a cyclic reference.
2957             </summary>
2958         </member>
2959         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Internal.CyclicEntityType">
2960             <summary>
2961             Represents an EDM entity type that cannot be determined due to a cyclic reference.
2962             </summary>
2963         </member>
2964         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.VersioningDictionary`2">
2965             <summary>
2966             Provides a dictionary that is thread safe by virtue of being immutable.
2967             Any update returns a new dictionary (which, for efficiency, may share some of the state of the old one).
2968             </summary>
2969             <typeparam name="TKey">Key type of the dictionary.</typeparam>
2970             <typeparam name="TValue">Value type of the dictionary.</typeparam>
2971         </member>
2972         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.VersioningList`1">
2973             <summary>
2974             Provides a list that is thread safe by virtue of being immutable.
2975             "Mutating" operations return a new list (which, for efficiency, may share some of the state of the old one).
2976             </summary>
2977             <typeparam name="TElement">Element type of the list.</typeparam>
2978         </member>
2979         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.VersioningTree`2">
2980             <summary>
2981             Provides an approximately-balanced binary search tree that is thread safe by virtue of being immutable.
2982             Updates return a new tree (which, for efficiency, may share some state with the old one).
2983             </summary>
2984             <typeparam name="TKey">Key type of the tree.</typeparam>
2985             <typeparam name="TValue">Value type of the tree.</typeparam>
2986         </member>
2987         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.VersioningTree`2.#ctor(`0,`1,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.VersioningTree{`0,`1},Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.VersioningTree{`0,`1})">
2988             <summary>
2989             Initializes a new instance of VersioningTree.
2990             </summary>
2991             <param name="key">The key of the tree node.</param>
2992             <param name="value">The value of the tree node.</param>
2993             <param name="leftChild">A tree with all keys less than the key of the tree node. May be null.</param>
2994             <param name="rightChild">A tree with all keys greater than the key of the tree node. May be null.</param>
2995         </member>
2996         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding">
2997             <summary>
2998             Represents the combination of an EDM annotation with an immediate value and the element to which it is attached.
2999             </summary>
3000         </member>
3001         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String,System.Object)">
3002             <summary>
3003             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding"/> class.
3004             </summary>
3005             <param name="element">Element to which the annotation is attached.</param>
3006             <param name="namespaceUri">Namespace URI of the annotation.</param>
3007             <param name="name">Name of the annotation within the namespace.</param>
3008             <param name="value">Value of the annotation</param>
3009         </member>
3010         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String)">
3011             <summary>
3012             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding"/> class.
3013             </summary>
3014             <param name="element">Element to which the annotation is attached.</param>
3015             <param name="namespaceUri">Namespace URI of the annotation.</param>
3016             <param name="name">Name of the annotation within the namespace.</param>
3017         </member>
3018         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.Element">
3019             <summary>
3020             Gets the element to which the annotation is attached.
3021             </summary>
3022         </member>
3023         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.NamespaceUri">
3024             <summary>
3025             Gets the namespace Uri of the annotation.
3026             </summary>
3027         </member>
3028         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.Name">
3029             <summary>
3030             Gets the local name of the annotation.
3031             </summary>
3032         </member>
3033         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding.Value">
3034             <summary>
3035             Gets the value of this annotation.
3036             </summary>
3037         </member>
3038         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypedDirectValueAnnotationBinding`1">
3039             <summary>
3040             Represents the combination of an EDM annotation with an immediate value and the element to which it is attached.
3041             </summary>
3042             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation value.</typeparam>
3043         </member>
3044         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNamedElement">
3045             <summary>
3046             Common base class for all named EDM elements.
3047             </summary>
3048         </member>
3049         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNamedElement.#ctor(System.String)">
3050             <summary>
3051             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNamedElement"/> class.
3052             </summary>
3053             <param name="name">Name of the element.</param>
3054         </member>
3055         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNamedElement.Name">
3056             <summary>
3057             Gets the name of this element.
3058             </summary>
3059         </member>
3060         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypedDirectValueAnnotationBinding`1.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,`0)">
3061             <summary>
3062             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypedDirectValueAnnotationBinding`1"/> class.
3063             </summary>
3064             <param name="element">Element to which the annotation is attached.</param>
3065             <param name="value">Value of the annotation</param>
3066         </member>
3067         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypedDirectValueAnnotationBinding`1.Element">
3068             <summary>
3069             Gets the element to which the annotation is attached.
3070             </summary>
3071         </member>
3072         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypedDirectValueAnnotationBinding`1.NamespaceUri">
3073             <summary>
3074             Gets the namespace Uri of the annotation.
3075             </summary>
3076         </member>
3077         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypedDirectValueAnnotationBinding`1.Value">
3078             <summary>
3079             Gets the value of this annotation.
3080             </summary>
3081         </member>
3082         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ObjectLocation">
3083             <summary>
3084             Defines an object as a location of itself.
3085             </summary>
3086         </member>
3087         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ObjectLocation.ToString">
3088             <summary>
3089             Gets a string representation of the location.
3090             </summary>
3091             <returns>A string representation of the location.</returns>
3092         </member>
3093         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ObjectLocation.Object">
3094             <summary>
3095             Gets the object.
3096             </summary>
3097         </member>
3098         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ExpressionTypeChecker">
3099             <summary>
3100             Collection of extension methods to assert that an expression is of the required type.
3101             </summary>
3102         </member>
3103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ExpressionTypeChecker.TryAssertType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
3104             <summary>
3105             Determines if the type of an expression is compatible with the provided type
3106             </summary>
3107             <param name="expression">The expression to assert the type of.</param>
3108             <param name="type">The type to assert the expression as.</param>
3109             <param name="discoveredErrors">Errors produced if the expression does not match the specified type.</param>
3110             <returns>A value indicating whether the expression is valid for the given type or not.</returns>
3111             <remarks>If the expression has an associated type, this function will check that it matches the expected type and stop looking further. 
3112             If an expression claims a type, it must be validated that the type is valid for the expression. If the expression does not claim a type
3113             this method will attempt to check the validity of the expression itself with the asserted type.</remarks>
3114         </member>
3115         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ExpressionTypeChecker.TryAssertType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
3116             <summary>
3117             Determines if the type of an expression is compatible with the provided type
3118             </summary>
3119             <param name="expression">The expression to assert the type of.</param>
3120             <param name="type">The type to assert the expression as.</param>
3121             <param name="context">The context paths are to be evaluated in.</param>
3122             <param name="matchExactly">A value indicating whether the expression must match the asserted type exactly, or simply be compatible.</param>
3123             <param name="discoveredErrors">Errors produced if the expression does not match the specified type.</param>
3124             <returns>A value indicating whether the expression is valid for the given type or not.</returns>
3125             <remarks>If the expression has an associated type, this function will check that it matches the expected type and stop looking further. 
3126             If an expression claims a type, it must be validated that the type is valid for the expression. If the expression does not claim a type
3127             this method will attempt to check the validity of the expression itself with the asserted type.</remarks>
3128         </member>
3129         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ToTraceStringExtensionMethods">
3130             <summary>
3131             Contains ToTraceString() extension methods.
3132             </summary>
3133         </member>
3134         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ToTraceStringExtensionMethods.ToTraceString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaType)">
3135             <summary>
3136             Returns the text representation of the current object.
3137             </summary>
3138             <param name="schemaType">Reference to the calling object.</param>
3139             <returns>The text representation of the current object.</returns>
3140         </member>
3141         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ToTraceStringExtensionMethods.ToTraceString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement)">
3142             <summary>
3143             Returns the text representation of the current object.
3144             </summary>
3145             <param name="schemaElement">Reference to the calling object.</param>
3146             <returns>The text representation of the current object.</returns>
3147         </member>
3148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ToTraceStringExtensionMethods.ToTraceString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
3149             <summary>
3150             Returns the text representation of the current object.
3151             </summary>
3152             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
3153             <returns>The text representation of the current object.</returns>
3154         </member>
3155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ToTraceStringExtensionMethods.ToTraceString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
3156             <summary>
3157             Returns the text representation of the current object.
3158             </summary>
3159             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
3160             <returns>The text representation of the current object.</returns>
3161         </member>
3162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ToTraceStringExtensionMethods.ToTraceString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
3163             <summary>
3164             Returns the text representation of the current object.
3165             </summary>
3166             <param name="property">Reference to the calling object.</param>
3167             <returns>The text representation of the current object.</returns>
3168         </member>
3169         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmEnumValue">
3170             <summary>
3171             Represents an EDM enumeration type value.
3172             </summary>
3173         </member>
3174         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmEnumValue.Value">
3175             <summary>
3176             Gets the underlying type value of the enumeration type.
3177             </summary>
3178         </member>
3179         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumTypeReference">
3180             <summary>
3181             Represents references to EDM enumeration types.
3182             </summary>
3183         </member>
3184         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmValueTermReferenceExpression">
3185             <summary>
3186             Represents an EDM value term reference expression.
3187             </summary>
3188         </member>
3189         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmValueTermReferenceExpression.Base">
3190             <summary>
3191             Gets the expression for the structured value containing the referenced term property.
3192             </summary>
3193         </member>
3194         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmValueTermReferenceExpression.Term">
3195             <summary>
3196             Gets the referenced value term.
3197             </summary>
3198         </member>
3199         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmValueTermReferenceExpression.Qualifier">
3200             <summary>
3201             Gets the optional qualifier.
3202             </summary>
3203         </member>
3204         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTermKind">
3205             <summary>
3206             Defines EDM term kinds.
3207             </summary>
3208         </member>
3209         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTermKind.None">
3210             <summary>
3211             Represents a term with unknown or error kind.
3212             </summary>
3213         </member>
3214         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTermKind.Type">
3215             <summary>
3216             Represents a term implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType"/> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaType"/>.
3217             </summary>
3218         </member>
3219         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTermKind.Value">
3220             <summary>
3221             Represents a term implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm"/>.
3222             </summary>
3223         </member>
3224         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue">
3225             <summary>
3226             Represents an EDM structured value.
3227             </summary>
3228         </member>
3229         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue.FindPropertyValue(System.String)">
3230             <summary>
3231             Finds the value corresponding to the provided property name.
3232             </summary>
3233             <param name="propertyName">Property to find the value of.</param>
3234             <returns>The found property, or null if no property was found.</returns>
3235         </member>
3236         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue.PropertyValues">
3237             <summary>
3238             Gets the property values of this structured value.
3239             </summary>
3240         </member>
3241         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind">
3242             <summary>
3243             Defines Edm values
3244             </summary>
3245         </member>
3246         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Binary">
3247             <summary>
3248             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBinaryValue"/>. 
3249             </summary>
3250         </member>
3251         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Boolean">
3252             <summary>
3253             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmBooleanValue"/>. 
3254             </summary>
3255         </member>
3256         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Collection">
3257             <summary>
3258             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmCollectionValue"/>. 
3259             </summary>
3260         </member>
3261         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.DateTimeOffset">
3262             <summary>
3263             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeOffsetValue"/>. 
3264             </summary>
3265         </member>
3266         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.DateTime">
3267             <summary>
3268             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDateTimeValue"/>. 
3269             </summary>
3270         </member>
3271         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Decimal">
3272             <summary>
3273             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDecimalValue"/>. 
3274             </summary>
3275         </member>
3276         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Enum">
3277             <summary>
3278             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmEnumValue"/>. 
3279             </summary>
3280         </member>
3281         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Floating">
3282             <summary>
3283             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmFloatingValue"/>. 
3284             </summary>
3285         </member>
3286         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Guid">
3287             <summary>
3288             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmGuidValue"/>. 
3289             </summary>
3290         </member>
3291         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Integer">
3292             <summary>
3293             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmIntegerValue"/>. 
3294             </summary>
3295         </member>
3296         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Null">
3297             <summary>
3298             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmNullValue"/>. 
3299             </summary>
3300         </member>
3301         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.String">
3302             <summary>
3303             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStringValue"/>. 
3304             </summary>
3305         </member>
3306         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Structured">
3307             <summary>
3308             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue"/>. 
3309             </summary>
3310         </member>
3311         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.Time">
3312             <summary>
3313             Represents a value implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmTimeValue"/>. 
3314             </summary>
3315         </member>
3316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.EdmValueKind.None">
3317             <summary>
3318             Represents a value with an unknown or error kind.
3319             </summary>
3320         </member>
3321         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind">
3322             <summary>
3323             Defines EDM expression kinds.
3324             </summary>
3325         </member>
3326         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.None">
3327             <summary>
3328             Represents an expression with unknown or error kind.
3329             </summary>
3330         </member>
3331         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.BinaryConstant">
3332             <summary>
3333             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmBinaryConstantExpression"/>.
3334             </summary>
3335         </member>
3336         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.BooleanConstant">
3337             <summary>
3338             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmBooleanConstantExpression"/>.
3339             </summary>
3340         </member>
3341         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.DateTimeConstant">
3342             <summary>
3343             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmDateTimeConstantExpression"/>.
3344             </summary>
3345         </member>
3346         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.DateTimeOffsetConstant">
3347             <summary>
3348             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmDateTimeOffsetConstantExpression"/>.
3349             </summary>
3350         </member>
3351         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.DecimalConstant">
3352             <summary>
3353             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmDecimalConstantExpression"/>.
3354             </summary>
3355         </member>
3356         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.FloatingConstant">
3357             <summary>
3358             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmFloatingConstantExpression"/>.
3359             </summary>
3360         </member>
3361         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.GuidConstant">
3362             <summary>
3363             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmGuidConstantExpression"/>.
3364             </summary>
3365         </member>
3366         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.IntegerConstant">
3367             <summary>
3368             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIntegerConstantExpression"/>.
3369             </summary>
3370         </member>
3371         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.StringConstant">
3372             <summary>
3373             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmStringConstantExpression"/>.
3374             </summary>
3375         </member>
3376         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.TimeConstant">
3377             <summary>
3378             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmTimeConstantExpression"/>.
3379             </summary>
3380         </member>
3381         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.Null">
3382             <summary>
3383             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmNullExpression"/>.
3384             </summary>
3385         </member>
3386         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.Record">
3387             <summary>
3388             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmRecordExpression"/>.
3389             </summary>
3390         </member>
3391         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.Collection">
3392             <summary>
3393             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmCollectionExpression"/>.
3394             </summary>
3395         </member>
3396         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.Path">
3397             <summary>
3398             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPathExpression"/>.
3399             </summary>
3400         </member>
3401         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.ParameterReference">
3402             <summary>
3403             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmParameterReferenceExpression"/>.
3404             </summary>
3405         </member>
3406         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.FunctionReference">
3407             <summary>
3408             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmFunctionReferenceExpression"/>.
3409             </summary>
3410         </member>
3411         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.PropertyReference">
3412             <summary>
3413             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyReferenceExpression"/>.
3414             </summary>
3415         </member>
3416         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.ValueTermReference">
3417             <summary>
3418             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmValueTermReferenceExpression"/>.
3419             </summary>
3420         </member>
3421         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.EntitySetReference">
3422             <summary>
3423             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEntitySetReferenceExpression"/>.
3424             </summary>
3425         </member>
3426         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.EnumMemberReference">
3427             <summary>
3428             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression"/>.
3429             </summary>
3430         </member>
3431         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.If">
3432             <summary>
3433             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIfExpression"/>.
3434             </summary>
3435         </member>
3436         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.AssertType">
3437             <summary>
3438             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmAssertTypeExpression"/>.
3439             </summary>
3440         </member>
3441         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.IsType">
3442             <summary>
3443             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmIsTypeExpression"/>.
3444             </summary>
3445         </member>
3446         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.FunctionApplication">
3447             <summary>
3448             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmApplyExpression"/>.
3449             </summary>
3450         </member>
3451         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.LabeledExpressionReference">
3452             <summary>
3453             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression"/>.
3454             </summary>
3455         </member>
3456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.EdmExpressionKind.Labeled">
3457             <summary>
3458             Represents an expression implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpression"/>
3459             </summary>
3460         </member>
3461         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants">
3462             <summary>
3463             Constants for CSDL XML.
3464             </summary>
3465         </member>
3466         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants.EdmxVersionAnnotation">
3467             <summary>
3468             The local name of the annotation that stores EDMX version of a model.
3469             </summary>
3470         </member>
3471         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants.EdmxVersion1">
3472             <summary>
3473             Version 1.0 of EDMX. Corresponds to EDMX namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/06/edmx".
3474             </summary>
3475         </member>
3476         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants.EdmxVersion2">
3477             <summary>
3478             Version 2.0 of EDMX. Corresponds to EDMX namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/10/edmx".
3479             </summary>
3480         </member>
3481         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants.EdmxVersion3">
3482             <summary>
3483             Version 3.0 of EDMX. Corresponds to EDMX namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edmx".
3484             </summary>
3485         </member>
3486         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants.EdmxVersionLatest">
3487             <summary>
3488             The current latest version of EDMX.
3489             </summary>
3490         </member>
3491         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlDirectValueAnnotation">
3492             <summary>
3493             Represents a CSDL annotation.
3494             </summary>
3495         </member>
3496         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlAssociation">
3497             <summary>
3498             Represents a CSDL association.
3499             </summary>
3500         </member>
3501         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlAssociationEnd">
3502             <summary>
3503             Represents a CSDL association end.
3504             </summary>
3505         </member>
3506         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlAssociationSet">
3507             <summary>
3508             Represents a CSDL association set.
3509             </summary>
3510         </member>
3511         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlAssociationSetEnd">
3512             <summary>
3513             Represents a CSDL association set end.
3514             </summary>
3515         </member>
3516         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlBinaryTypeReference">
3517             <summary>
3518             Represents a reference to a CSDL Binary type.
3519             </summary>
3520         </member>
3521         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlComplexType">
3522             <summary>
3523             Represents a CSDL complex type.
3524             </summary>
3525         </member>
3526         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlNamedStructuredType">
3527             <summary>
3528             Common base class for CSDL entity and complex types.
3529             </summary>
3530         </member>
3531         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlStructuredType">
3532             <summary>
3533             Common base class for CSDL entity, complex, and row Types.
3534             </summary>
3535         </member>
3536         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlDecimalTypeReference">
3537             <summary>
3538             Represents a reference to a CSDL decimal type.
3539             </summary>
3540         </member>
3541         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlDocumentation">
3542             <summary>
3543             Represents a CSDL documentation.
3544             </summary>
3545         </member>
3546         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEntityContainer">
3547             <summary>
3548             Represents a CSDL entity container.
3549             </summary>
3550         </member>
3551         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEntityReferenceType">
3552             <summary>
3553             Represents a CSDL entity reference type.
3554             </summary>
3555         </member>
3556         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEntitySet">
3557             <summary>
3558             Represents a CSDL Entity Set.
3559             </summary>
3560         </member>
3561         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlEntityType">
3562             <summary>
3563             Represents a CSDL entity type.
3564             </summary>
3565         </member>
3566         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlExpressionTypeReference">
3567             <summary>
3568             Represents a CSDL type reference based on a type expression.
3569             </summary>
3570         </member>
3571         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlFunction">
3572             <summary>
3573             Represents a CSDL function.
3574             </summary>
3575         </member>
3576         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlFunctionBase">
3577             <summary>
3578             Represents a base class for CSDL functions and function imports.
3579             </summary>
3580         </member>
3581         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlFunctionImport">
3582             <summary>
3583             Represents a CSDL function import.
3584             </summary>
3585         </member>
3586         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlFunctionParameter">
3587             <summary>
3588             Represents a CSDL function parameter.
3589             </summary>
3590         </member>
3591         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlKey">
3592             <summary>
3593             Represents a CSDL key.
3594             </summary>
3595         </member>
3596         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlModel">
3597             <summary>
3598             Represents a CSDL model.
3599             </summary>
3600         </member>
3601         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlNavigationProperty">
3602             <summary>
3603             Represents a CSDL navigation property.
3604             </summary>
3605         </member>
3606         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlOnDelete">
3607             <summary>
3608             Represents a CSDL "on delete" action.
3609             </summary>
3610         </member>
3611         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlProperty">
3612             <summary>
3613             Represents a CSDL property.
3614             </summary>
3615         </member>
3616         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlPropertyReference">
3617             <summary>
3618             Represents a CSDL property reference.
3619             </summary>
3620         </member>
3621         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlReferentialConstraint">
3622             <summary>
3623             Represents a CSDL referential constraint.
3624             </summary>
3625         </member>
3626         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlReferentialConstraintRole">
3627             <summary>
3628             Represents a CSDL referential constraint role.
3629             </summary>
3630         </member>
3631         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlRowType">
3632             <summary>
3633             Represents a CSDL row type.
3634             </summary>
3635         </member>
3636         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlSchema">
3637             <summary>
3638             Represents a CSDL schema.
3639             </summary>
3640         </member>
3641         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlStringTypeReference">
3642             <summary>
3643             Represents a reference to a CSDL String type.
3644             </summary>
3645         </member>
3646         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlTemporalTypeReference">
3647             <summary>
3648             Represents a reference to a CSDL temporal type.
3649             </summary>
3650         </member>
3651         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlUsing">
3652             <summary>
3653             Represents a CSDL Using.
3654             </summary>
3655         </member>
3656         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Common.XmlDocumentParser">
3657             <summary>
3658             Base class for parsers of XML documents
3659             </summary>
3660         </member>
3661         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.CsdlDocumentParser">
3662             <summary>
3663             CSDL document parser.
3664             </summary>
3665         </member>
3666         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.CsdlParser">
3667             <summary>
3668             Provides for the loading and conversion of one or more CSDL XML readers into Entity Data Model.
3669             </summary>
3670         </member>
3671         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsAssociation">
3672             <summary>
3673             Provides semantics for a CsdlAssociation.
3674             </summary>
3675         </member>
3676         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsAssociationEnd">
3677             <summary>
3678             Provides semantics for a CsdlAssociationEnd.
3679             </summary>
3680         </member>
3681         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsAssociationSet">
3682             <summary>
3683             Provides semantics for a CsdlAssociationSet.
3684             </summary>
3685         </member>
3686         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsAssociationSetEnd">
3687             <summary>
3688             Provides semantics for a CsdlAssociationSetEnd.
3689             </summary>
3690         </member>
3691         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsBinaryTypeReference">
3692             <summary>
3693             Provides the semantics of a reference to an EDM Binary type.
3694             </summary>
3695         </member>
3696         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsComplexTypeDefinition">
3697             <summary>
3698             Provides semantics for CsdlComplexType.
3699             </summary>
3700         </member>
3701         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsStructuredTypeDefinition">
3702             <summary>
3703             Provides semantics for CsdlStructuredType.
3704             </summary>
3705         </member>
3706         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsDecimalTypeReference">
3707             <summary>
3708             Provides the semantics of a reference to an EDM Decimal type.
3709             </summary>
3710         </member>
3711         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsDocumentation">
3712             <summary>
3713             Provides semantics for CsdlDocumentation.
3714             </summary>
3715         </member>
3716         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDocumentation">
3717             <summary>
3718             Represents an EDM documentation.
3719             </summary>
3720         </member>
3721         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDocumentation.Summary">
3722             <summary>
3723             Gets a summary of this documentation.
3724             </summary>
3725         </member>
3726         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDocumentation.Description">
3727             <summary>
3728             Gets a long description of this documentation.
3729             </summary>
3730         </member>
3731         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsEntityContainer">
3732             <summary>
3733             Provides semantics for CsdlEntityContainer.
3734             </summary>
3735         </member>
3736         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsEntityReferenceTypeDefinition">
3737             <summary>
3738             Provides semantics for CsdlEntityTypeReference.
3739             </summary>
3740         </member>
3741         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsEntitySet">
3742             <summary>
3743             Provides semantics for CsdlEntitySet.
3744             </summary>
3745         </member>
3746         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsEntityTypeDefinition">
3747             <summary>
3748             Provides semantics for CsdlEntityType.
3749             </summary>
3750         </member>
3751         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsFunction">
3752             <summary>
3753             Provides semantics for a CsdlFunction.
3754             </summary>
3755         </member>
3756         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsFunctionParameter">
3757             <summary>
3758             Provides semantics for a CsdlFunctionParameter.
3759             </summary>
3760         </member>
3761         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter">
3762             <summary>
3763             Represents a parameter of an EDM function.
3764             </summary>
3765         </member>
3766         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter.Type">
3767             <summary>
3768             Gets the type of this function parameter.
3769             </summary>
3770         </member>
3771         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter.DeclaringFunction">
3772             <summary>
3773             Gets the function or function import that declared this parameter.
3774             </summary>
3775         </member>
3776         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter.Mode">
3777             <summary>
3778             Gets the mode of this function parameter.
3779             </summary>
3780         </member>
3781         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsModel">
3782             <summary>
3783             Provides semantics for CsdlMetadataModel.
3784             </summary>
3785         </member>
3786         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase">
3787             <summary>
3788             Represents an EDM model.
3789             </summary>
3790         </member>
3791         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel">
3792             <summary>
3793             Semantic representation of an EDM model.
3794             </summary>
3795             <remarks>
3796             This interface, and all interfaces reachable from it, preserve certain invariants:
3797                -- The backing implementation of an element can be loaded or created on demand.
3798                -- No direct element mutation occurs through the interfaces.
3799             </remarks>
3800         </member>
3801         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.FindDeclaredEntityContainer(System.String)">
3802             <summary>
3803             Searches for an entity container with the given name in this model and returns null if no such entity container exists.
3804             </summary>
3805             <param name="name">The name of the entity container being found.</param>
3806             <returns>The requested entity container, or null if no such entity container exists.</returns>
3807         </member>
3808         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.FindDeclaredType(System.String)">
3809             <summary>
3810             Searches for a type with the given name in this model and returns null if no such type exists.
3811             </summary>
3812             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the type being found.</param>
3813             <returns>The requested type, or null if no such type exists.</returns>
3814         </member>
3815         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.FindDeclaredFunctions(System.String)">
3816             <summary>
3817             Searches for functions with the given name in this model and returns an empty enumerable if no such function exists.
3818             </summary>
3819             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the function being found.</param>
3820             <returns>A set of functions sharing the specified qualified name, or an empty enumerable if no such function exists.</returns>
3821         </member>
3822         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.FindDeclaredValueTerm(System.String)">
3823             <summary>
3824             Searches for a value term with the given name in this model and returns null if no such value term exists.
3825             </summary>
3826             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the value term being found.</param>
3827             <returns>The requested value term, or null if no such value term exists.</returns>
3828         </member>
3829         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.FindDeclaredVocabularyAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable)">
3830             <summary>
3831             Searches for vocabulary annotations specified by this model.
3832             </summary>
3833             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
3834             <returns>The vocabulary annotations for the element.</returns>
3835         </member>
3836         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.FindDirectlyDerivedTypes(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
3837             <summary>
3838             Finds a list of types that derive directly from the supplied type.
3839             </summary>
3840             <param name="baseType">The base type that derived types are being searched for.</param>
3841             <returns>A list of types from this model that derive directly from the given type.</returns>
3842         </member>
3843         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.SchemaElements">
3844             <summary>
3845             Gets the collection of schema elements that are contained in this model.
3846             </summary>
3847         </member>
3848         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.VocabularyAnnotations">
3849             <summary>
3850             Gets the collection of vocabulary annotations that are contained in this model.
3851             </summary>
3852         </member>
3853         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.ReferencedModels">
3854             <summary>
3855             Gets the collection of models referred to by this model.
3856             </summary>
3857         </member>
3858         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel.DirectValueAnnotationsManager">
3859             <summary>
3860             Gets the model's annotations manager.
3861             </summary>
3862         </member>
3863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel},Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager)">
3864             <summary>
3865             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase"/> class.
3866             </summary>
3867             <param name="referencedModels">Models to which this model refers.</param>
3868             <param name="annotationsManager">Annotations manager for the model to use.</param>
3869         </member>
3870         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.FindDeclaredEntityContainer(System.String)">
3871             <summary>
3872             Searches for an entity container with the given name in this model and returns null if no such entity container exists.
3873             </summary>
3874             <param name="name">The name of the entity container being found.</param>
3875             <returns>The requested entity container, or null if no such entity container exists.</returns>
3876         </member>
3877         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.FindDeclaredType(System.String)">
3878             <summary>
3879             Searches for a type with the given name in this model and returns null if no such type exists.
3880             </summary>
3881             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the type being found.</param>
3882             <returns>The requested type, or null if no such type exists.</returns>
3883         </member>
3884         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.FindDeclaredValueTerm(System.String)">
3885             <summary>
3886             Searches for a value term with the given name in this model and returns null if no such value term exists.
3887             </summary>
3888             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the value term being found.</param>
3889             <returns>The requested value term, or null if no such value term exists.</returns>
3890         </member>
3891         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.FindDeclaredFunctions(System.String)">
3892             <summary>
3893             Searches for a function with the given name in this model and returns null if no such function exists.
3894             </summary>
3895             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the function being found.</param>
3896             <returns>A group of functions sharing the specified qualified name, or an empty enumerable if no such function exists.</returns>
3897         </member>
3898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.FindDeclaredVocabularyAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable)">
3899             <summary>
3900             Searches for vocabulary annotations specified by this model or a referenced model for a given element.
3901             </summary>
3902             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
3903             <returns>The vocabulary annotations for the element.</returns>
3904         </member>
3905         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.FindDirectlyDerivedTypes(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
3906             <summary>
3907             Finds a list of types that derive directly from the supplied type.
3908             </summary>
3909             <param name="baseType">The base type that derived types are being searched for.</param>
3910             <returns>A list of types that derive directly from the base type.</returns>
3911         </member>
3912         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.RegisterElement(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement)">
3913             <summary>
3914             Adds a schema element to this model.
3915             </summary>
3916             <param name="element">The element to register.</param>
3917         </member>
3918         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.AddReferencedModel(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
3919             <summary>
3920             Adds a model reference to this model.
3921             </summary>
3922             <param name="model">The model to reference.</param>
3923         </member>
3924         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.SchemaElements">
3925             <summary>
3926             Gets the collection of schema elements that are contained in this model.
3927             </summary>
3928         </member>
3929         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.VocabularyAnnotations">
3930             <summary>
3931             Gets the collection of vocabulary annotations that are contained in this model.
3932             </summary>
3933         </member>
3934         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.ReferencedModels">
3935             <summary>
3936             Gets the collection of models referred to by this model.
3937             </summary>
3938         </member>
3939         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModelBase.DirectValueAnnotationsManager">
3940             <summary>
3941             Gets the model's annotations manager.
3942             </summary>
3943         </member>
3944         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsModel.FindAssociation(System.String)">
3945             <summary>
3946             Searches for an association with the given name in this model and returns null if no such association exists.
3947             </summary>
3948             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the type being found.</param>
3949             <returns>The requested association, or null if no such type exists.</returns>
3950         </member>
3951         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsModel.FindDeclaredVocabularyAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable)">
3952             <summary>
3953             Searches for vocabulary annotations specified by this model.
3954             </summary>
3955             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
3956             <returns>The vocabulary annotations for the element.</returns>
3957         </member>
3958         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsModel.Errors">
3959             <summary>
3960             Gets an error if one exists with the current object.
3961             </summary>
3962         </member>
3963         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsNavigationProperty">
3964             <summary>
3965             Provides semantics for a CsdlNavigationProperty.
3966             </summary>
3967         </member>
3968         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty">
3969             <summary>
3970             Represents an EDM navigation property.
3971             </summary>
3972         </member>
3973         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.Partner">
3974             <summary>
3975             Gets the partner of this navigation property.
3976             </summary>
3977         </member>
3978         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.OnDelete">
3979             <summary>
3980             Gets the action to execute on the deletion of this end of a bidirectional association.
3981             </summary>
3982         </member>
3983         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.IsPrincipal">
3984             <summary>
3985             Gets whether this navigation property originates at the principal end of an association.
3986             </summary>
3987         </member>
3988         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.DependentProperties">
3989             <summary>
3990             Gets the dependent properties of this navigation property, returning null if this is the principal end or if there is no referential constraint.
3991             </summary>
3992         </member>
3993         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget">
3994             <summary>
3995             Gets a value indicating whether the navigation target is contained inside the navigation source.
3996             </summary>
3997         </member>
3998         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.BadAssociationEnd">
3999             <summary>
4000             Represents a semantically invalid EDM association end.
4001             </summary>
4002         </member>
4003         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsNavigationProperty.SilentPartner">
4004             <summary>
4005             Represents a navigation property synthesized for an association end that does not have a corresponding navigation property.
4006             </summary>
4007         </member>
4008         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.AmbiguousAssociationBinding">
4009             <summary>
4010             Represents a name binding to more than one item.
4011             </summary>
4012         </member>
4013         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmPropertyValueBinding">
4014             <summary>
4015             Represents a property binding specified as part of an EDM type annotation.
4016             </summary>
4017         </member>
4018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmPropertyValueBinding.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
4019             <summary>
4020             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmPropertyValueBinding"/> class.
4021             </summary>
4022             <param name="boundProperty">Property that is given a value by the annotation.</param>
4023             <param name="value">Expression producing the value of the annotation.</param>
4024         </member>
4025         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmPropertyValueBinding.BoundProperty">
4026             <summary>
4027             Gets the property that is given a value by the annotation.
4028             </summary>
4029         </member>
4030         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmPropertyValueBinding.Value">
4031             <summary>
4032             Gets the expression producing the value of the annotation.
4033             </summary>
4034         </member>
4035         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation">
4036             <summary>
4037             Represents an EDM type annotation.
4038             </summary>
4039         </member>
4040         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmVocabularyAnnotation">
4041             <summary>
4042             Represents an EDM annotation with an immediate value.
4043             </summary>
4044         </member>
4045         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmVocabularyAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm,System.String)">
4046             <summary>
4047             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmVocabularyAnnotation"/> class.
4048             </summary>
4049             <param name="target">Element the annotation applies to.</param>
4050             <param name="term">Term bound by the annotation.</param>
4051             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier used to discriminate between multiple bindings of the same property or type.</param>
4052         </member>
4053         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmVocabularyAnnotation.Target">
4054             <summary>
4055             Gets the element the annotation applies to.
4056             </summary>
4057         </member>
4058         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmVocabularyAnnotation.Term">
4059             <summary>
4060             Gets the term bound by the annotation.
4061             </summary>
4062         </member>
4063         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmVocabularyAnnotation.Qualifier">
4064             <summary>
4065             Gets the qualifier used to discriminate between multiple bindings of the same property or type.
4066             </summary>
4067         </member>
4068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmPropertyValueBinding[])">
4069             <summary>
4070             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation"/> class.
4071             </summary>
4072             <param name="target">Element the annotation applies to.</param>
4073             <param name="term">Term bound by the annotation.</param>
4074             <param name="propertyValueBindings">Value annotations for the properties of the type.</param>
4075         </member>
4076         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmPropertyValueBinding[])">
4077             <summary>
4078             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation"/> class.
4079             </summary>
4080             <param name="target">Element the annotation applies to.</param>
4081             <param name="term">Term bound by the annotation.</param>
4082             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier used to discriminate between multiple bindings of the same property or type.</param>
4083             <param name="propertyValueBindings">Value annotations for the properties of the type.</param>
4084         </member>
4085         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmPropertyValueBinding})">
4086             <summary>
4087             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation"/> class.
4088             </summary>
4089             <param name="target">Element the annotation applies to.</param>
4090             <param name="term">Term bound by the annotation.</param>
4091             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier used to discriminate between multiple bindings of the same property or type.</param>
4092             <param name="propertyValueBindings">Value annotations for the properties of the type.</param>
4093         </member>
4094         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmTypeAnnotation.PropertyValueBindings">
4095             <summary>
4096             Gets the value annotations for the properties of the type.
4097             </summary>
4098         </member>
4099         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmValueAnnotation">
4100             <summary>
4101             Represents an EDM value annotation.
4102             </summary>
4103         </member>
4104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmValueAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
4105             <summary>
4106             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmValueAnnotation"/> class.
4107             </summary>
4108             <param name="target">Element the annotation applies to.</param>
4109             <param name="term">Term bound by the annotation.</param>
4110             <param name="value">Expression producing the value of the annotation.</param>
4111         </member>
4112         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmValueAnnotation.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
4113             <summary>
4114             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmValueAnnotation"/> class.
4115             </summary>
4116             <param name="target">Element the annotation applies to.</param>
4117             <param name="term">Term bound by the annotation.</param>
4118             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier used to discriminate between multiple bindings of the same property or type.</param>
4119             <param name="value">Expression producing the value of the annotation.</param>
4120         </member>
4121         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmValueAnnotation.Value">
4122             <summary>
4123             Gets the expression producing the value of the annotation.
4124             </summary>
4125         </member>
4126         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.BadAssociation">
4127             <summary>
4128             Represents a semantically invalid EDM association.
4129             </summary>
4130         </member>
4131         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumMember">
4132             <summary>
4133             Represents a member of an EDM enumeration type.
4134             </summary>
4135         </member>
4136         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumMember.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPrimitiveValue)">
4137             <summary>
4138             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumMember"/> class.
4139             </summary>
4140             <param name="declaringType">The type that declares this member.</param>
4141             <param name="name">Name of this enumeration member.</param>
4142             <param name="value">Value of this enumeration member.</param>
4143         </member>
4144         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumMember.DeclaringType">
4145             <summary>
4146             Gets the type that this member belongs to.
4147             </summary>
4148         </member>
4149         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumMember.Value">
4150             <summary>
4151             Gets the value of this enumeration type member.
4152             </summary>
4153         </member>
4154         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType">
4155             <summary>
4156             Represents the definition of an Edm enumeration type.
4157             </summary>
4158         </member>
4159         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmType">
4160             <summary>
4161             Represents the definition of an EDM type.
4162             </summary>
4163         </member>
4164         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmType.ToString">
4165             <summary>
4166             Returns the text representation of the current object.
4167             </summary>
4168             <returns>The text representation of the current object.</returns>
4169         </member>
4170         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmType.TypeKind">
4171             <summary>
4172             Gets the kind of this type.
4173             </summary>
4174         </member>
4175         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
4176             <summary>
4177             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType"/> class with <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32"/> underlying type.
4178             </summary>
4179             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace this enumeration type belongs to.</param>
4180             <param name="name">Name of this enumeration type.</param>
4181         </member>
4182         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
4183             <summary>
4184             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType"/> class with <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32"/> underlying type.
4185             </summary>
4186             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace this enumeration type belongs to.</param>
4187             <param name="name">Name of this enumeration type.</param>
4188             <param name="isFlags">A value indicating whether the enumeration type can be treated as a bit field.</param>
4189         </member>
4190         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind,System.Boolean)">
4191             <summary>
4192             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType"/> class with <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32"/> underlying type.
4193             </summary>
4194             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace this enumeration type belongs to.</param>
4195             <param name="name">Name of this enumeration type.</param>
4196             <param name="underlyingType">The underlying type of this enumeration type.</param>
4197             <param name="isFlags">A value indicating whether the enumeration type can be treated as a bit field.</param>
4198         </member>
4199         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType,System.Boolean)">
4200             <summary>
4201             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType"/> class.
4202             </summary>
4203             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace this enumeration type belongs to.</param>
4204             <param name="name">Name of this enumeration type.</param>
4205             <param name="underlyingType">The underlying type of this enumeration type.</param>
4206             <param name="isFlags">A value indicating whether the enumeration type can be treated as a bit field.</param>
4207         </member>
4208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.AddMember(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember)">
4209             <summary>
4210             Adds a new member to this enum type.
4211             </summary>
4212             <param name="member">The member to add.</param>
4213         </member>
4214         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.AddMember(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPrimitiveValue)">
4215             <summary>
4216             Creates and adds a new member to this enum type.
4217             </summary>
4218             <param name="name">Name of the member.</param>
4219             <param name="value">Value of the member.</param>
4220             <returns>Created member.</returns>
4221         </member>
4222         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.TypeKind">
4223             <summary>
4224             Gets the kind of this type.
4225             </summary>
4226         </member>
4227         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.SchemaElementKind">
4228             <summary>
4229             Gets the kind of this schema element.
4230             </summary>
4231         </member>
4232         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.Namespace">
4233             <summary>
4234             Gets the namespace this schema element belongs to.
4235             </summary>
4236         </member>
4237         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.Name">
4238             <summary>
4239             Gets the name of this enumeration type.
4240             </summary>
4241         </member>
4242         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.UnderlyingType">
4243             <summary>
4244             Gets the underlying type of this enumeration type.
4245             </summary>
4246         </member>
4247         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.Members">
4248             <summary>
4249             Gets the members of this enumeration type.
4250             </summary>
4251         </member>
4252         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumType.IsFlags">
4253             <summary>
4254             Gets a value indicating whether the enumeration type can be treated as a bit field.
4255             </summary>
4256         </member>
4257         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression">
4258             <summary>
4259             Represents an EDM enumeration member reference expression.
4260             </summary>
4261         </member>
4262         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember)">
4263             <summary>
4264             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression"/> class.
4265             </summary>
4266             <param name="referencedEnumMember">Referenced enum member.</param>
4267         </member>
4268         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression.ReferencedEnumMember">
4269             <summary>
4270             Gets the referenced enum member.
4271             </summary>
4272         </member>
4273         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmEnumMemberReferenceExpression.ExpressionKind">
4274             <summary>
4275             Gets the kind of this expression.
4276             </summary>
4277         </member>
4278         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression">
4279             <summary>
4280             Represents an EDM labeled expression reference expression.
4281             </summary>
4282         </member>
4283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.#ctor">
4284             <summary>
4285             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression"/> class with non-initialized <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.ReferencedLabeledExpression"/> property.
4286             </summary>
4287         </member>
4288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpression)">
4289             <summary>
4290             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression"/> class.
4291             This constructor will not allow changing <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.ReferencedLabeledExpression"/> property after the EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression instance has been constructed.
4292             </summary>
4293             <param name="referencedLabeledExpression">Referenced labeled element.</param>
4294         </member>
4295         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.ReferencedLabeledExpression">
4296             <summary>
4297             Gets or sets the referenced labeled element.
4298             The referenced labeled element can be initialized only once either using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmLabeledExpression)"/> constructor or by assigning value directly to this property.
4299             </summary>
4300         </member>
4301         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpressionReferenceExpression.ExpressionKind">
4302             <summary>
4303             Gets the kind of this expression.
4304             </summary>
4305         </member>
4306         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmNullExpression">
4307             <summary>
4308             Represents an EDM null.
4309             </summary>
4310         </member>
4311         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmNullExpression.Instance">
4312             <summary>
4313             Singleton <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmNullExpression"/> instance.
4314             </summary>
4315         </member>
4316         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmNullExpression.#ctor">
4317             <summary>
4318             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmNullExpression"/> class.
4319             </summary>
4320         </member>
4321         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmNullExpression.ExpressionKind">
4322             <summary>
4323             Gets the kind of this expression.
4324             </summary>
4325         </member>
4326         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmNullExpression.ValueKind">
4327             <summary>
4328             Gets the kind of this value.
4329             </summary>
4330         </member>
4331         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmParameterReferenceExpression">
4332             <summary>
4333             Represents an EDM parameter reference expression.
4334             </summary>
4335         </member>
4336         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmParameterReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter)">
4337             <summary>
4338             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmParameterReferenceExpression"/> class.
4339             </summary>
4340             <param name="referencedParameter">Referenced parameter</param>
4341         </member>
4342         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmParameterReferenceExpression.ReferencedParameter">
4343             <summary>
4344             Gets the referenced parameter.
4345             </summary>
4346         </member>
4347         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmParameterReferenceExpression.ExpressionKind">
4348             <summary>
4349             Gets the kind of this expression.
4350             </summary>
4351         </member>
4352         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.UnresolvedFunction">
4353             <summary>
4354             Represents information about an EDM function that failed to resolve.
4355             </summary>
4356         </member>
4357         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmEnumValue">
4358             <summary>
4359             Represents an EDM enumeration type value.
4360             </summary>
4361         </member>
4362         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmEnumValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumMember)">
4363             <summary>
4364             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmEnumValue"/> class. 
4365             </summary>
4366             <param name="type">A reference to the enumeration type that describes this value.</param>
4367             <param name="member">The enumeration type value.</param>
4368         </member>
4369         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmEnumValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPrimitiveValue)">
4370             <summary>
4371             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmEnumValue"/> class. 
4372             </summary>
4373             <param name="type">A reference to the enumeration type that describes this value.</param>
4374             <param name="value">The underlying type value.</param>
4375         </member>
4376         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmEnumValue.Value">
4377             <summary>
4378             Gets the underlying type value of the enumeration type.
4379             </summary>
4380         </member>
4381         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmEnumValue.ValueKind">
4382             <summary>
4383             Gets the kind of this value.
4384             </summary>
4385         </member>
4386         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant">
4387             <summary>
4388             Represents an EDM binary constant.
4389             </summary>
4390         </member>
4391         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant.#ctor(System.Byte[])">
4392             <summary>
4393             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant"/> class.
4394             </summary>
4395             <param name="value">Integer value represented by this value.</param>
4396         </member>
4397         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmBinaryTypeReference,System.Byte[])">
4398             <summary>
4399             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant"/> class.
4400             </summary>
4401             <param name="type">Type of the integer.</param>
4402             <param name="value">Integer value represented by this value.</param>
4403         </member>
4404         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant.Value">
4405             <summary>
4406             Gets the definition of this value.
4407             </summary>
4408         </member>
4409         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant.ExpressionKind">
4410             <summary>
4411             Gets the kind of this expression.
4412             </summary>
4413         </member>
4414         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBinaryConstant.ValueKind">
4415             <summary>
4416             Gets the kind of this value.
4417             </summary>
4418         </member>
4419         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant">
4420             <summary>
4421             Represents an EDM boolean constant.
4422             </summary>
4423         </member>
4424         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
4425             <summary>
4426             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant"/> class.
4427             </summary>
4428             <param name="value">Boolean value represented by this value.</param>
4429         </member>
4430         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Boolean)">
4431             <summary>
4432             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant"/> class.
4433             </summary>
4434             <param name="type">Type of the boolean.</param>
4435             <param name="value">Boolean value represented by this value.</param>
4436         </member>
4437         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant.Value">
4438             <summary>
4439             Gets a value indicating whether the value of this boolean value is true or false.
4440             </summary>
4441         </member>
4442         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant.ExpressionKind">
4443             <summary>
4444             Gets the kind of this expression.
4445             </summary>
4446         </member>
4447         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmBooleanConstant.ValueKind">
4448             <summary>
4449             Gets the kind of this value.
4450             </summary>
4451         </member>
4452         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant">
4453             <summary>
4454             Represents an EDM datetime constant.
4455             </summary>
4456         </member>
4457         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant.#ctor(System.DateTime)">
4458             <summary>
4459             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant"/> class.
4460             </summary>
4461             <param name="value">DateTime value represented by this value.</param>
4462         </member>
4463         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTemporalTypeReference,System.DateTime)">
4464             <summary>
4465             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant"/> class.
4466             </summary>
4467             <param name="type">Type of the DateTime.</param>
4468             <param name="value">DateTime value represented by this value.</param>
4469         </member>
4470         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant.Value">
4471             <summary>
4472             Gets the definition of this value.
4473             </summary>
4474         </member>
4475         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant.ExpressionKind">
4476             <summary>
4477             Gets the kind of this expression.
4478             </summary>
4479         </member>
4480         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeConstant.ValueKind">
4481             <summary>
4482             Gets the kind of this value.
4483             </summary>
4484         </member>
4485         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant">
4486             <summary>
4487             Represents an EDM datetime with offset constant.
4488             </summary>
4489         </member>
4490         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant.#ctor(System.DateTimeOffset)">
4491             <summary>
4492             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant"/> class.
4493             </summary>
4494             <param name="value">DateTimeOffset value represented by this value.</param>
4495         </member>
4496         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTemporalTypeReference,System.DateTimeOffset)">
4497             <summary>
4498             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant"/> class.
4499             </summary>
4500             <param name="type">Type of the DateTimeOffset.</param>
4501             <param name="value">DateTimeOffset value represented by this value.</param>
4502         </member>
4503         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant.Value">
4504             <summary>
4505             Gets the definition of this value.
4506             </summary>
4507         </member>
4508         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant.ExpressionKind">
4509             <summary>
4510             Gets the kind of this expression.
4511             </summary>
4512         </member>
4513         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDateTimeOffsetConstant.ValueKind">
4514             <summary>
4515             Gets the kind of this value.
4516             </summary>
4517         </member>
4518         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant">
4519             <summary>
4520             Represents an EDM decimal constant.
4521             </summary>
4522         </member>
4523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant.#ctor(System.Decimal)">
4524             <summary>
4525             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant"/> class.
4526             </summary>
4527             <param name="value">Decimal value represented by this value.</param>
4528         </member>
4529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDecimalTypeReference,System.Decimal)">
4530             <summary>
4531             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant"/> class.
4532             </summary>
4533             <param name="type">Type of the decimal.</param>
4534             <param name="value">Decimal value represented by this value.</param>
4535         </member>
4536         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant.Value">
4537             <summary>
4538             Gets the definition of this value.
4539             </summary>
4540         </member>
4541         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant.ExpressionKind">
4542             <summary>
4543             Gets the kind of this expression.
4544             </summary>
4545         </member>
4546         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmDecimalConstant.ValueKind">
4547             <summary>
4548             Gets the kind of this value.
4549             </summary>
4550         </member>
4551         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumTypeReference">
4552             <summary>
4553             Represents a reference to an EDM enumeration type.
4554             </summary>
4555         </member>
4556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumType,System.Boolean)">
4557             <summary>
4558             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEnumTypeReference"/> class.
4559             </summary>
4560             <param name="enumType">The definition refered to by this reference.</param>
4561             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
4562         </member>
4563         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression">
4564             <summary>
4565             Represents an EDM value term reference expression.
4566             </summary>
4567         </member>
4568         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm)">
4569             <summary>
4570             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression"/> class.
4571             </summary>
4572             <param name="baseExpression">Expression for the structured value containing the referenced term property.</param>
4573             <param name="term">Referenced value term.</param>
4574         </member>
4575         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,System.String)">
4576             <summary>
4577             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression"/> class.
4578             </summary>
4579             <param name="baseExpression">Expression for the structured value containing the referenced term property.</param>
4580             <param name="term">Referenced value term.</param>
4581             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier.</param>
4582         </member>
4583         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression.Base">
4584             <summary>
4585             Gets the expression for the structured value containing the referenced term property.
4586             </summary>
4587         </member>
4588         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression.Term">
4589             <summary>
4590             Gets the referenced value term.
4591             </summary>
4592         </member>
4593         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression.Qualifier">
4594             <summary>
4595             Gets the optional qualifier.
4596             </summary>
4597         </member>
4598         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmValueTermReferenceExpression.ExpressionKind">
4599             <summary>
4600             Gets the kind of this expression.
4601             </summary>
4602         </member>
4603         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression">
4604             <summary>
4605             Represents an EDM record construction expression.
4606             </summary>
4607         </member>
4608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyConstructor[])">
4609             <summary>
4610             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression"/> class.
4611             </summary>
4612             <param name="properties">Property constructors.</param>
4613         </member>
4614         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyConstructor[])">
4615             <summary>
4616             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression"/> class.
4617             </summary>
4618             <param name="declaredType">Declared type of the record.</param>
4619             <param name="properties">Property constructors.</param>
4620         </member>
4621         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyConstructor})">
4622             <summary>
4623             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression"/> class.
4624             </summary>
4625             <param name="properties">Property constructors.</param>
4626         </member>
4627         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPropertyConstructor})">
4628             <summary>
4629             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression"/> class.
4630             </summary>
4631             <param name="declaredType">Optional declared type of the record.</param>
4632             <param name="properties">Property constructors.</param>
4633         </member>
4634         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression.DeclaredType">
4635             <summary>
4636             Gets the declared type of the record, or null if there is no declared type.
4637             </summary>
4638         </member>
4639         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression.Properties">
4640             <summary>
4641             Gets the constructed property values.
4642             </summary>
4643         </member>
4644         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmRecordExpression.ExpressionKind">
4645             <summary>
4646             Gets the kind of this expression.
4647             </summary>
4648         </member>
4649         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyConstructor">
4650             <summary>
4651             Represents an EDM property constructor specified as part of a EDM record construction expression.
4652             </summary>
4653         </member>
4654         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyConstructor.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
4655             <summary>
4656             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyConstructor"/> class.
4657             </summary>
4658             <param name="name">Property name.</param>
4659             <param name="value">Property value.</param>
4660         </member>
4661         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyConstructor.Name">
4662             <summary>
4663             Gets the name of the property.
4664             </summary>
4665         </member>
4666         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyConstructor.Value">
4667             <summary>
4668             Gets the expression for the value of the property.
4669             </summary>
4670         </member>
4671         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyReferenceExpression">
4672             <summary>
4673             Represents an EDM property reference expression.
4674             </summary>
4675         </member>
4676         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
4677             <summary>
4678             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyReferenceExpression"/> class.
4679             </summary>
4680             <param name="baseExpression">Expression for the structured value containing the referenced property.</param>
4681             <param name="referencedProperty">Referenced property.</param>
4682         </member>
4683         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyReferenceExpression.Base">
4684             <summary>
4685             Gets the expression for the structured value containing the referenced property.
4686             </summary>
4687         </member>
4688         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyReferenceExpression.ReferencedProperty">
4689             <summary>
4690             Gets the referenced property.
4691             </summary>
4692         </member>
4693         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmPropertyReferenceExpression.ExpressionKind">
4694             <summary>
4695             Gets the kind of this expression.
4696             </summary>
4697         </member>
4698         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIsTypeExpression">
4699             <summary>
4700             Represents an EDM type test expression.
4701             </summary>
4702         </member>
4703         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIsTypeExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
4704             <summary>
4705             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIsTypeExpression"/> class.
4706             </summary>
4707             <param name="operand">Expression whose type is to be tested.</param>
4708             <param name="type">Type to test.</param>
4709         </member>
4710         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIsTypeExpression.Operand">
4711             <summary>
4712             Gets the expression whose type is to be tested.
4713             </summary>
4714         </member>
4715         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIsTypeExpression.Type">
4716             <summary>
4717             Gets the type to be tested against.
4718             </summary>
4719         </member>
4720         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIsTypeExpression.ExpressionKind">
4721             <summary>
4722             Gets the kind of this expression.
4723             </summary>
4724         </member>
4725         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression">
4726             <summary>
4727             Represents an EDM if expression.
4728             </summary>
4729         </member>
4730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
4731             <summary>
4732             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression"/> class.
4733             </summary>
4734             <param name="testExpression">Test expression</param>
4735             <param name="trueExpression">Expression to evaluate if <paramref name="testExpression"/> evaluates to true.</param>
4736             <param name="falseExpression">Expression to evaluate if <paramref name="testExpression"/> evaluates to false.</param>
4737         </member>
4738         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression.TestExpression">
4739             <summary>
4740             Gets the test expression.
4741             </summary>
4742         </member>
4743         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression.TrueExpression">
4744             <summary>
4745             Gets the expression to evaluate if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression.TestExpression"/> evaluates to true.
4746             </summary>
4747         </member>
4748         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression.FalseExpression">
4749             <summary>
4750             Gets the expression to evaluate if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression.TestExpression"/> evaluates to false.
4751             </summary>
4752         </member>
4753         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmIfExpression.ExpressionKind">
4754             <summary>
4755             Gets the kind of this expression.
4756             </summary>
4757         </member>
4758         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmFunctionReferenceExpression">
4759             <summary>
4760             Represents an EDM function reference expression.
4761             </summary>
4762         </member>
4763         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmFunctionReferenceExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction)">
4764             <summary>
4765             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmFunctionReferenceExpression"/> class.
4766             </summary>
4767             <param name="referencedFunction">Referenced function</param>
4768         </member>
4769         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmFunctionReferenceExpression.ReferencedFunction">
4770             <summary>
4771             Gets the referenced function.
4772             </summary>
4773         </member>
4774         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmFunctionReferenceExpression.ExpressionKind">
4775             <summary>
4776             Gets the kind of this expression.
4777             </summary>
4778         </member>
4779         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression">
4780             <summary>
4781             Represents an EDM function application expression.
4782             </summary>
4783         </member>
4784         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression[])">
4785             <summary>
4786             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression"/> class.
4787             </summary>
4788             <param name="appliedFunction">Function to apply.</param>
4789             <param name="arguments">Application arguments. Value may be null, in which case it is treated as an empty enumerable.</param>
4790         </member>
4791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression})">
4792             <summary>
4793             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression"/> class.
4794             </summary>
4795             <param name="appliedFunction">Function to apply.</param>
4796             <param name="arguments">Application arguments. Value may be null, in which case it is treated as an empty enumerable.</param>
4797         </member>
4798         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression})">
4799             <summary>
4800             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression"/> class.
4801             </summary>
4802             <param name="appliedFunction">Function to apply.</param>
4803             <param name="arguments">Application arguments. Value may be null, in which case it is treated as an empty enumerable.</param>
4804         </member>
4805         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression.AppliedFunction">
4806             <summary>
4807             Gets the applied function.
4808             </summary>
4809         </member>
4810         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression.Arguments">
4811             <summary>
4812             Gets the arguments to the function.
4813             </summary>
4814         </member>
4815         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmApplyExpression.ExpressionKind">
4816             <summary>
4817             Gets the kind of this expression.
4818             </summary>
4819         </member>
4820         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpression">
4821             <summary>
4822             Represents an EDM labeled expression.
4823             </summary>
4824         </member>
4825         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpression.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
4826             <summary>
4827             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpression"/> class.
4828             </summary>
4829             <param name="name">Label of the expression.</param>
4830             <param name="expression">Underlying expression.</param>
4831         </member>
4832         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpression.Name">
4833             <summary>
4834             Gets the label.
4835             </summary>
4836         </member>
4837         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpression.Expression">
4838             <summary>
4839             Gets the underlying expression.
4840             </summary>
4841         </member>
4842         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmLabeledExpression.ExpressionKind">
4843             <summary>
4844             Gets the expression kind.
4845             </summary>
4846         </member>
4847         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression">
4848             <summary>
4849             Represents an EDM multi-value construction expression.
4850             </summary>
4851         </member>
4852         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression[])">
4853             <summary>
4854             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression"/> class.
4855             </summary>
4856             <param name="elements">The constructed element values.</param>
4857         </member>
4858         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression[])">
4859             <summary>
4860             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression"/> class.
4861             </summary>
4862             <param name="declaredType">Declared type of the collection.</param>
4863             <param name="elements">The constructed element values.</param>
4864         </member>
4865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression})">
4866             <summary>
4867             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression"/> class.
4868             </summary>
4869             <param name="elements">The constructed element values.</param>
4870         </member>
4871         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression})">
4872             <summary>
4873             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression"/> class.
4874             </summary>
4875             <param name="declaredType">Declared type of the collection.</param>
4876             <param name="elements">The constructed element values.</param>
4877         </member>
4878         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression.DeclaredType">
4879             <summary>
4880             Gets the declared type of the collection.
4881             </summary>
4882         </member>
4883         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression.Elements">
4884             <summary>
4885             Gets the constructed element values.
4886             </summary>
4887         </member>
4888         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmCollectionExpression.ExpressionKind">
4889             <summary>
4890             Gets the kind of this expression.
4891             </summary>
4892         </member>
4893         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmAssertTypeExpression">
4894             <summary>
4895             Represents an EDM type assertion expression.
4896             </summary>
4897         </member>
4898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmAssertTypeExpression.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
4899             <summary>
4900             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmAssertTypeExpression"/> class.
4901             </summary>
4902             <param name="operand">Expression for which the type is asserted.</param>
4903             <param name="type">Type to assert.</param>
4904         </member>
4905         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmAssertTypeExpression.Operand">
4906             <summary>
4907             Gets the expression for which the type is asserted.
4908             </summary>
4909         </member>
4910         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmAssertTypeExpression.Type">
4911             <summary>
4912             Gets the asserted type.
4913             </summary>
4914         </member>
4915         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Expressions.EdmAssertTypeExpression.ExpressionKind">
4916             <summary>
4917             Gets the kind of this expression.
4918             </summary>
4919         </member>
4920         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant">
4921             <summary>
4922             Represents an EDM floating point constant.
4923             </summary>
4924         </member>
4925         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant.#ctor(System.Double)">
4926             <summary>
4927             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant"/> class.
4928             </summary>
4929             <param name="value">Floating point value represented by this value.</param>
4930         </member>
4931         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Double)">
4932             <summary>
4933             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant"/> class.
4934             </summary>
4935             <param name="type">Type of the floating point.</param>
4936             <param name="value">Floating point value represented by this value.</param>
4937         </member>
4938         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant.Value">
4939             <summary>
4940             Gets the definition of this value.
4941             </summary>
4942         </member>
4943         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant.ExpressionKind">
4944             <summary>
4945             Gets the kind of this expression.
4946             </summary>
4947         </member>
4948         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmFloatingConstant.ValueKind">
4949             <summary>
4950             Gets the kind of this value.
4951             </summary>
4952         </member>
4953         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant">
4954             <summary>
4955             Represents an EDM guid constant.
4956             </summary>
4957         </member>
4958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant.#ctor(System.Guid)">
4959             <summary>
4960             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant"/> class.
4961             </summary>
4962             <param name="value">Integer value represented by this value.</param>
4963         </member>
4964         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Guid)">
4965             <summary>
4966             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant"/> class.
4967             </summary>
4968             <param name="type">Type of the integer.</param>
4969             <param name="value">Integer value represented by this value.</param>
4970         </member>
4971         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant.Value">
4972             <summary>
4973             Gets the definition of this value.
4974             </summary>
4975         </member>
4976         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant.ExpressionKind">
4977             <summary>
4978             Gets the kind of this expression.
4979             </summary>
4980         </member>
4981         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmGuidConstant.ValueKind">
4982             <summary>
4983             Gets the kind of this value.
4984             </summary>
4985         </member>
4986         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm">
4987             <summary>
4988             Represents an EDM value term.
4989             </summary>
4990         </member>
4991         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
4992             <summary>
4993             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm"/> class.
4994             The new value term will be of the nullable primitive <paramref name="type"/>.
4995             </summary>
4996             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace of the term.</param>
4997             <param name="name">Name of the term.</param>
4998             <param name="type">Type of the term.</param>
4999         </member>
5000         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
5001             <summary>
5002             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm"/> class.
5003             </summary>
5004             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace of the term.</param>
5005             <param name="name">Name of the term.</param>
5006             <param name="type">Type of the term.</param>
5007         </member>
5008         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm.Namespace">
5009             <summary>
5010             Gets the namespace of this term.
5011             </summary>
5012         </member>
5013         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm.TermKind">
5014             <summary>
5015             Gets the kind of this term.
5016             </summary>
5017         </member>
5018         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm.Type">
5019             <summary>
5020             Gets the type of this term.
5021             </summary>
5022         </member>
5023         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmValueTerm.SchemaElementKind">
5024             <summary>
5025             Gets the schema element kind of this term.
5026             </summary>
5027         </member>
5028         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionType">
5029             <summary>
5030             Represents a definition of an EDM collection type.
5031             </summary>
5032         </member>
5033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionType.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
5034             <summary>
5035             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionType"/> class.
5036             </summary>
5037             <param name="elementType">The type of the elements in this collection.</param>
5038         </member>
5039         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionType.TypeKind">
5040             <summary>
5041             Gets the kind of this type.
5042             </summary>
5043         </member>
5044         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionType.ElementType">
5045             <summary>
5046             Gets the element type of this collection type.
5047             </summary>
5048         </member>
5049         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionTypeReference">
5050             <summary>
5051             Represents a reference to an EDM collection type.
5052             </summary>
5053         </member>
5054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionType,System.Boolean)">
5055             <summary>
5056             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCollectionTypeReference"/> class.
5057             </summary>
5058             <param name="collectionType">The type definition this reference refers to.</param>
5059             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
5060         </member>
5061         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmCollectionValue">
5062             <summary>
5063             Represents an EDM collection value.
5064             </summary>
5065         </member>
5066         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmCollectionValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmDelayedValue})">
5067             <summary>
5068             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmCollectionValue"/> class. 
5069             </summary>
5070             <param name="type">A reference to a collection type that describes this collection value</param>
5071             <param name="elements">The collection of values stored in this collection value</param>
5072         </member>
5073         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmCollectionValue.Elements">
5074             <summary>
5075             Gets the values stored in this collection.
5076             </summary>
5077         </member>
5078         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmCollectionValue.ValueKind">
5079             <summary>
5080             Gets the kind of this value.
5081             </summary>
5082         </member>
5083         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsProperty">
5084             <summary>
5085             Provides semantics for a CsdlProperty.
5086             </summary>
5087         </member>
5088         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsReferentialConstraint">
5089             <summary>
5090             Provides semantics for a CsdlReferentialConstraint.
5091             </summary>
5092         </member>
5093         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsRowTypeDefinition">
5094             <summary>
5095             Provides semantics for CsdlRowType.
5096             </summary>
5097         </member>
5098         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsSchema">
5099             <summary>
5100             Provides semantics for CsdlSchema.
5101             </summary>
5102         </member>
5103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsSchema.ComputeLabeledExpressions">
5104             <summary>
5105             All of the labeled expressions in a schema are collected into a dictionary so that references to them can be bound.
5106             The elements of the dictionary are Csdl objects and not CsdlSemantics objects because the semantics objects are not created
5107             until and unless necessary. 
5108             </summary>
5109             <returns>A dictionary containing entries for all labeled expressions in the schema.</returns>
5110         </member>
5111         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsSchema.LabeledExpressions">
5112             <summary>
5113             Gets the labeled element expressions dictionary.
5114             Each value in the dictionary is either a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.Parsing.Ast.CsdlLabeledExpression"/> or a list of same.
5115             </summary>
5116         </member>
5117         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsStringTypeReference">
5118             <summary>
5119             Provides the semantics of a reference to an EDM String type.
5120             </summary>
5121         </member>
5122         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.CsdlSemanticsTemporalTypeReference">
5123             <summary>
5124             Provides the semantics of a reference to an EDM temporal type.
5125             </summary>
5126         </member>
5127         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods">
5128             <summary>
5129             Contains extension methods for <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> interfaces.
5130             </summary>
5131         </member>
5132         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetEdmVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
5133             <summary>
5134             Gets the value for the EDM version of the <paramref name="model"/>.
5135             </summary>
5136             <param name="model">Model the version has been set for.</param>
5137             <returns>The version.</returns>
5138         </member>
5139         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.SetEdmVersion(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Version)">
5140             <summary>
5141             Sets a value of EDM version attribute of the <paramref name="model"/>.
5142             </summary>
5143             <param name="model">The model the version should be set for.</param>
5144             <param name="version">The version.</param>
5145         </member>
5146         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
5147             <summary>
5148             Searches for a type with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns null if no such type exists.
5149             </summary>
5150             <param name="model">The model to search.</param>
5151             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the type being found.</param>
5152             <returns>The requested type, or null if no such type exists.</returns>
5153         </member>
5154         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindValueTerm(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
5155             <summary>
5156             Searches for a value term with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns null if no such value term exists.
5157             </summary>
5158             <param name="model">The model to search.</param>
5159             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the value term being found.</param>
5160             <returns>The requested value term, or null if no such value term exists.</returns>
5161         </member>
5162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindFunctions(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
5163             <summary>
5164             Searches for functions with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns an empty enumerable if no such functions exist.
5165             </summary>
5166             <param name="model">The model to search.</param>
5167             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the functions being found.</param>
5168             <returns>The requested functions.</returns>
5169         </member>
5170         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindEntityContainer(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.String)">
5171             <summary>
5172             Searches for an entity container with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns null if no such entity container exists.
5173             </summary>
5174             <param name="model">The model to search.</param>
5175             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the entity container being found.</param>
5176             <returns>The requested entity container, or null if no such entity container exists.</returns>
5177         </member>
5178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.EntityContainers(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
5179             <summary>
5180             Gets the entity containers belonging to this model.
5181             </summary>
5182             <param name="model">Model to search for entity containers.</param>
5183             <returns>Entity containers belonging to this model.</returns>
5184         </member>
5185         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindVocabularyAnnotationsIncludingInheritedAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable)">
5186             <summary>
5187             Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations defined in a specific model and models referenced by that model.
5188             </summary>
5189             <param name="model">The model to search.</param>
5190             <param name="element">Element to check for annotations.</param>
5191             <returns>Annotations attached to the element (or, if the element is a type, to its base types) by this model or by models referenced by this model.</returns>
5192         </member>
5193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindVocabularyAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable)">
5194             <summary>
5195             Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations defined in a specific model and models referenced by that model.
5196             </summary>
5197             <param name="model">The model to search.</param>
5198             <param name="element">Element to check for annotations.</param>
5199             <returns>Annotations attached to the element by this model or by models referenced by this model.</returns>
5200         </member>
5201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindVocabularyAnnotations``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm)">
5202             <summary>
5203             Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term.
5204             </summary>
5205             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation being returned.</typeparam>
5206             <param name="model">Model to search.</param>
5207             <param name="element">Element to check for annotations.</param>
5208             <param name="term">Term to search for.</param>
5209             <returns>Annotations attached to the element by this model or by models referenced by this model that bind the term.</returns>
5210         </member>
5211         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindVocabularyAnnotations``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTerm,System.String)">
5212             <summary>
5213             Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term.
5214             </summary>
5215             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation being returned.</typeparam>
5216             <param name="model">Model to search.</param>
5217             <param name="element">Element to check for annotations.</param>
5218             <param name="term">Term to search for.</param>
5219             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5220             <returns>Annotations attached to the element by this model or by models referenced by this model that bind the term with the given qualifier.</returns>
5221         </member>
5222         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindVocabularyAnnotations``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,System.String)">
5223             <summary>
5224             Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term.
5225             </summary>
5226             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation being returned.</typeparam>
5227             <param name="model">Model to search.</param>
5228             <param name="element">Element to check for annotations.</param>
5229             <param name="termName">Name of the term to search for.</param>
5230             <returns>Annotations attached to the element by this model or by models referenced by this model that bind the term.</returns>
5231         </member>
5232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindVocabularyAnnotations``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,System.String,System.String)">
5233             <summary>
5234             Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term.
5235             </summary>
5236             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation being returned.</typeparam>
5237             <param name="model">Model to search.</param>
5238             <param name="element">Element to check for annotations.</param>
5239             <param name="termName">Name of the term to search for.</param>
5240             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5241             <returns>Annotations attached to the element by this model or by models referenced by this model that bind the term with the given qualifier.</returns>
5242         </member>
5243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5244             <summary>
5245             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value.
5246             </summary>
5247             <param name="model">Model to search for type annotations.</param>
5248             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5249             <param name="property">Property to evaluate.</param>
5250             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5251             <returns>Value of the property evaluated against the supplied value, or null if no relevant type annotation exists.</returns>
5252         </member>
5253         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetPropertyValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5254             <summary>
5255             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value.
5256             </summary>
5257             <param name="model">Model to search for type annotations.</param>
5258             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5259             <param name="property">Property to evaluate.</param>
5260             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5261             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5262             <returns>Value of the property evaluated against the supplied value, or null if no relevant type annotation exists.</returns>
5263         </member>
5264         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetPropertyValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5265             <summary>
5266             Gets the CLR value of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value.
5267             </summary>
5268             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5269             <param name="model">Model to search for type annotations.</param>
5270             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5271             <param name="property">Property to evaluate.</param>
5272             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5273             <returns>Value of the property evaluated against the supplied value, or default(<typeparamref name="T"/>) if no relevant type annotation exists.</returns>
5274         </member>
5275         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetPropertyValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5276             <summary>
5277             Gets the CLR value of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value.
5278             </summary>
5279             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5280             <param name="model">Model to search for type annotations.</param>
5281             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5282             <param name="property">Property to evaluate.</param>
5283             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5284             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5285             <returns>Value of the property evaluated against the supplied value, or default(<typeparamref name="T"/>) if no relevant type annotation exists.</returns>
5286         </member>
5287         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5288             <summary>
5289             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5290             </summary>
5291             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5292             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5293             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5294             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5295             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5296         </member>
5297         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5298             <summary>
5299             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5300             </summary>
5301             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5302             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5303             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5304             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5305             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5306             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5307         </member>
5308         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5309             <summary>
5310             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5311             </summary>
5312             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5313             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5314             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5315             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5316             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5317         </member>
5318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5319             <summary>
5320             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5321             </summary>
5322             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5323             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5324             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5325             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5326             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5327             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5328         </member>
5329         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5330             <summary>
5331             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5332             </summary>
5333             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5334             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5335             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5336             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5337             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5338             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5339         </member>
5340         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5341             <summary>
5342             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5343             </summary>
5344             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5345             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5346             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5347             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5348             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5349             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5350             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5351         </member>
5352         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5353             <summary>
5354             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5355             </summary>
5356             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5357             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5358             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5359             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5360             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5361             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5362         </member>
5363         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmStructuredValue,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5364             <summary>
5365             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value.
5366             </summary>
5367             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5368             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5369             <param name="context">Value to use as context in evaluation.</param>
5370             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5371             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5372             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5373             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5374         </member>
5375         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5376             <summary>
5377             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5378             </summary>
5379             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5380             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5381             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5382             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5383             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5384         </member>
5385         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5386             <summary>
5387             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5388             </summary>
5389             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5390             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5391             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5392             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5393             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5394             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5395         </member>
5396         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5397             <summary>
5398             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5399             </summary>
5400             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5401             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5402             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5403             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5404             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5405         </member>
5406         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmExpressionEvaluator)">
5407             <summary>
5408             Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue"/> of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5409             </summary>
5410             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5411             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5412             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5413             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5414             <param name="expressionEvaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5415             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5416         </member>
5417         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5418             <summary>
5419             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5420             </summary>
5421             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5422             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5423             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5424             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5425             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5426             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5427         </member>
5428         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5429             <summary>
5430             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5431             </summary>
5432             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5433             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5434             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5435             <param name="termName">Name of the term to evaluate.</param>
5436             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5437             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5438             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5439         </member>
5440         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5441             <summary>
5442             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5443             </summary>
5444             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5445             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5446             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5447             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5448             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5449             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5450         </member>
5451         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetTermValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Evaluation.EdmToClrEvaluator)">
5452             <summary>
5453             Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element.
5454             </summary>
5455             <typeparam name="T">The CLR type of the value to be returned.</typeparam>
5456             <param name="model">Model to search for term annotations.</param>
5457             <param name="element">Annotated element.</param>
5458             <param name="term">Term to evaluate.</param>
5459             <param name="qualifier">Qualifier to apply.</param>
5460             <param name="evaluator">Evaluator to use to perform expression evaluation.</param>
5461             <returns>Value of the term evaluated against the supplied value.</returns>
5462         </member>
5463         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetDocumentation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
5464             <summary>
5465             Gets documentation for a specified element.
5466             </summary>
5467             <param name="model">The model containing the documentation.</param>
5468             <param name="element">The element.</param>
5469             <returns>Documentation that exists on the element. Otherwise, null.</returns>
5470         </member>
5471         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.SetDocumentation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmDocumentation)">
5472             <summary>
5473             Sets documentation for a specified element.
5474             </summary>
5475             <param name="model">The model containing the documentation.</param>
5476             <param name="element">The element.</param>
5477             <param name="documentation">Documentation to set.</param>
5478         </member>
5479         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String)">
5480             <summary>
5481             Gets an annotation value corresponding to the given namespace and name provided.
5482             </summary>
5483             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
5484             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
5485             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace of the annotation.</param>
5486             <param name="localName">Name of the annotation inside the namespace.</param>
5487             <returns>The requested annotation value, if it exists. Otherwise, null.</returns>
5488         </member>
5489         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetAnnotationValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String)">
5490             <summary>
5491             Gets an annotation value corresponding to the given namespace and name provided.
5492             </summary>
5493             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation being returned.</typeparam>
5494             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
5495             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
5496             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace of the annotation.</param>
5497             <param name="localName">Name of the annotation inside the namespace.</param>
5498             <returns>The requested annotation value, if it exists. Otherwise, null.</returns>
5499         </member>
5500         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetAnnotationValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
5501             <summary>
5502             Gets an annotation value from an annotatable element.
5503             </summary>
5504             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation being returned.</typeparam>
5505             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
5506             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
5507             <returns>The requested annotation, if it exists. Otherwise, null.</returns>
5508             <remarks>
5509             Strongly-typed wrappers for unnamed annotations keyed by CLR type.
5510             </remarks>
5511         </member>
5512         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.SetAnnotationValue(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,System.String,System.String,System.Object)">
5513             <summary>
5514             Sets an annotation value for an EDM element. If the value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed.
5515             </summary>
5516             <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
5517             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
5518             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace that the annotation belongs to.</param>
5519             <param name="localName">Name of the annotation within the namespace.</param>
5520             <param name="value">Value of the new annotation.</param>
5521         </member>
5522         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.SchemaElementsAcrossModels(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
5523             <summary>
5524             Gets all schema elements from the model, and models referenced by it.
5525             </summary>
5526             <param name="model">Model to search for elements</param>
5527             <returns>Schema elements from the model, and models referenced by it.</returns>
5528         </member>
5529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindAllDerivedTypes(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
5530             <summary>
5531             Finds a list of types that derive from the supplied type directly or indirectly, and across models.
5532             </summary>
5533             <param name="model">The model types are being found on.</param>
5534             <param name="baseType">The base type that derived types are being searched for.</param>
5535             <returns>A list of types that derive from the type.</returns>
5536         </member>
5537         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.SetAnnotationValue``1(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement,``0)">
5538             <summary>
5539             Sets an annotation value on an annotatable element.
5540             </summary>
5541             <typeparam name="T">Type of the annotation being set.</typeparam>
5542              <param name="model">The model containing the annotation.</param>
5543             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
5544             <param name="value">Value of the new annotation.</param>
5545         </member>
5546         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetAnnotationValues(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding})">
5547             <summary>
5548             Retrieves a set of annotation values. For each requested value, returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.
5549             </summary>
5550             <param name="model">The model in which to find the annotations.</param>
5551             <param name="annotations">The set of requested annotations.</param>
5552             <returns>Returns values that correspond to the provided annotations. A value is null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element.</returns>
5553         </member>
5554         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.SetAnnotationValues(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmDirectValueAnnotationBinding})">
5555             <summary>
5556             Sets a set of annotation values. If a supplied value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed.
5557             </summary>
5558             <param name="model">The model in which to set the annotations.</param>
5559             <param name="annotations">The annotations to set.</param>
5560         </member>
5561         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.DirectValueAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
5562             <summary>
5563             Gets the direct value annotations for an element.
5564             </summary>
5565             <param name="model">The model containing the annotations.</param>
5566             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
5567             <returns>The immediate value annotations of the element.</returns>
5568         </member>
5569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.Location(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
5570             <summary>
5571             Gets the location of this element.
5572             </summary>
5573             <param name="item">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5574             <returns>The location of the element.</returns>
5575         </member>
5576         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.VocabularyAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
5577             <summary>
5578             Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations as seen from a particular model.
5579             </summary>
5580             <param name="element">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5581             <param name="model">Model to check for annotations.</param>
5582             <returns>Annotations attached to the element by the model or by models referenced by the model.</returns>
5583         </member>
5584         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FullName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement)">
5585             <summary>
5586             Gets the full name of the element.
5587             </summary>
5588             <param name="element">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5589             <returns>The full name of the element.</returns>
5590         </member>
5591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.EntitySets(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer)">
5592             <summary>
5593             Returns entity sets belonging to an IEdmEntityContainer.
5594             </summary>
5595             <param name="container">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5596             <returns>Entity sets belonging to an IEdmEntityContainer.</returns>
5597         </member>
5598         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FunctionImports(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer)">
5599             <summary>
5600             Returns function imports belonging to an IEdmEntityContainer.
5601             </summary>
5602             <param name="container">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5603             <returns>Function imports belonging to an IEdmEntityContainer.</returns>
5604         </member>
5605         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.TypeKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
5606             <summary>
5607             Gets the type kind of the type references definition.
5608             </summary>
5609             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5610             <returns>The type kind of the reference.</returns>
5611         </member>
5612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FullName(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
5613             <summary>
5614             Gets the full name of the definition referred to by the type reference.
5615             </summary>
5616             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5617             <returns>The full name of this references definition.</returns>
5618         </member>
5619         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.PrimitiveDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
5620             <summary>
5621             Gets the definition of this primitive type reference.
5622             </summary>
5623             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5624             <returns>Definition of this primitive type reference.</returns>
5625         </member>
5626         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.PrimitiveKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference)">
5627             <summary>
5628             Gets the primitive kind of the definition referred to by this type reference.
5629             </summary>
5630             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5631             <returns>Primitive kind of the definition of this reference.</returns>
5632         </member>
5633         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.Properties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
5634             <summary>
5635             Gets all properties of the structured type definition and its base types.
5636             </summary>
5637             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5638             <returns>Properties of this type.</returns>
5639         </member>
5640         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.DeclaredStructuralProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
5641             <summary>
5642             Gets all structural properties declared in the IEdmStructuredTypeDefinition.
5643             </summary>
5644             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5645             <returns>All structural properties declared in the IEdmStructuredTypeDefinition.</returns>
5646         </member>
5647         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.StructuralProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
5648             <summary>
5649             Gets the structural properties declared in this type definition and all base types.
5650             </summary>
5651             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5652             <returns>The structural properties declared in this type definition and all base types.</returns>
5653         </member>
5654         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.StructuredDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference)">
5655             <summary>
5656             Gets the definition of this structured type reference.
5657             </summary>
5658             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5659             <returns>The definition of this structured type reference.</returns>
5660         </member>
5661         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.IsAbstract(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference)">
5662             <summary>
5663             Returns true if the definition of this reference is abstract.
5664             </summary>
5665             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5666             <returns>If the definition of this reference is abstract.</returns>
5667         </member>
5668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.IsOpen(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference)">
5669             <summary>
5670             Returns true if the definition of this reference is open.
5671             </summary>
5672             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5673             <returns>If the definition of this reference is open.</returns>
5674         </member>
5675         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.BaseType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference)">
5676             <summary>
5677             Returns the base type of the definition of this reference. 
5678             </summary>
5679             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5680             <returns>The base type of the definition of this reference. </returns>
5681         </member>
5682         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.DeclaredStructuralProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference)">
5683             <summary>
5684             Gets all structural properties declared in the definition of this reference.
5685             </summary>
5686             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5687             <returns>All structural properties declared in the definition of this reference.</returns>
5688         </member>
5689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.StructuralProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference)">
5690             <summary>
5691             Gets all structural properties declared in the definition of this reference and all its base types.
5692             </summary>
5693             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5694             <returns>All structural properties declared in the definition of this reference and all its base types.</returns>
5695         </member>
5696         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference,System.String)">
5697             <summary>
5698             Finds a property from the definition of this reference.
5699             </summary>
5700             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5701             <param name="name">Name of the property to find.</param>
5702             <returns>The requested property if it exists. Otherwise, null.</returns>
5703         </member>
5704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.BaseEntityType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
5705             <summary>
5706             Gets the base type of this entity type definition.
5707             </summary>
5708             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5709             <returns>The base type of this entity type definition.</returns>
5710         </member>
5711         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.DeclaredNavigationProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
5712             <summary>
5713             Gets the navigation properties declared in this entity definition.
5714             </summary>
5715             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5716             <returns>The navigation properties declared in this entity definition.</returns>
5717         </member>
5718         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.NavigationProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
5719             <summary>
5720             Get the navigation properties declared in this entity type and all base types.
5721             </summary>
5722             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5723             <returns>The navigation properties declared in this entity type and all base types.</returns>
5724         </member>
5725         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.Key(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
5726             <summary>
5727             Gets the declared key of the most defined entity with a declared key present.
5728             </summary>
5729             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5730             <returns>Key of this type.</returns>
5731         </member>
5732         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.HasDeclaredKeyProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
5733             <summary>
5734             Checks whether the given entity type has the <paramref name="property"/> as one of the key properties.
5735             </summary>
5736             <param name="entityType">Given entity type.</param>
5737             <param name="property">Property to be searched for.</param>
5738             <returns><c>true</c> if the type or base types has given property declared as key. <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
5739         </member>
5740         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.EntityDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
5741             <summary>
5742             Gets the definition of this entity reference.
5743             </summary>
5744             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5745             <returns>The definition of this entity reference.</returns>
5746         </member>
5747         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.BaseEntityType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
5748             <summary>
5749             Gets the base type of the definition of this reference.
5750             </summary>
5751             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5752             <returns>The base type of the definition of this reference.</returns>
5753         </member>
5754         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.Key(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
5755             <summary>
5756             Gets the entity key of the definition of this reference.
5757             </summary>
5758             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5759             <returns>The entity key of the definition of this reference.</returns>
5760         </member>
5761         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.NavigationProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
5762             <summary>
5763             Gets the navigation properties declared in the definition of this reference and its base types.
5764             </summary>
5765             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5766             <returns>The navigation properties declared in the definition of this reference and its base types.</returns>
5767         </member>
5768         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.DeclaredNavigationProperties(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference)">
5769             <summary>
5770             Gets the navigation properties declared in the definition of this reference.
5771             </summary>
5772             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5773             <returns>The navigation properties declared in the definition of this reference.</returns>
5774         </member>
5775         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindNavigationProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityTypeReference,System.String)">
5776             <summary>
5777             Finds a navigation property declared in the definition of this reference by name.
5778             </summary>
5779             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5780             <param name="name">Name of the navigation property to find.</param>
5781             <returns>The requested navigation property if it exists. Otherwise, null.</returns>
5782         </member>
5783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.BaseComplexType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexType)">
5784             <summary>
5785             Gets the base type of this references definition.
5786             </summary>
5787             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5788             <returns>The base type of this references definition.</returns>
5789         </member>
5790         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.ComplexDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference)">
5791             <summary>
5792             Gets the definition of this reference typed as an IEdmComplexTypeDefinition.
5793             </summary>
5794             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5795             <returns>The definition of this reference typed as an IEdmComplexTypeDefinition.</returns>
5796         </member>
5797         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.BaseComplexType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexTypeReference)">
5798             <summary>
5799             Gets the base type of this reference.
5800             </summary>
5801             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5802             <returns>The base type of this reference.</returns>
5803         </member>
5804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.EntityReferenceDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityReferenceTypeReference)">
5805             <summary>
5806             Gets the definition of this entity reference type reference.
5807             </summary>
5808             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5809             <returns>The definition of this entity reference type reference.</returns>
5810         </member>
5811         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.EntityType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityReferenceTypeReference)">
5812             <summary>
5813             Gets the entity type referred to by the definition of this entity reference type reference.
5814             </summary>
5815             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5816             <returns>The entity type referred to by the definition of this entity reference type reference.</returns>
5817         </member>
5818         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.CollectionDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference)">
5819             <summary>
5820             Gets the definition of this collection reference.
5821             </summary>
5822             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5823             <returns>The definition of this collection reference.</returns>
5824         </member>
5825         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.ElementType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionTypeReference)">
5826             <summary>
5827             Gets the element type of the definition of this collection reference.
5828             </summary>
5829             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5830             <returns>The element type of the definition of this collection reference.</returns>
5831         </member>
5832         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.EnumDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumTypeReference)">
5833             <summary>
5834             Gets the definition of this enumeration reference.
5835             </summary>
5836             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5837             <returns>The definition of this enumeration reference.</returns>
5838         </member>
5839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.Multiplicity(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
5840             <summary>
5841             Gets the multiplicity of this end of a bidirectional relationship between this navigation property and its partner.
5842             </summary>
5843             <param name="property">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5844             <returns>The multiplicity of this end of the relationship.</returns>
5845         </member>
5846         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.ToEntityType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
5847             <summary>
5848             Gets the entity type targeted by this navigation property.
5849             </summary>
5850             <param name="property">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5851             <returns>The entity type targeted by this navigation property.</returns>
5852         </member>
5853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.DeclaringEntityType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
5854             <summary>
5855             Gets the entity type declaring this navigation property.
5856             </summary>
5857             <param name="property">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5858             <returns>The entity type that declares this navigation property.</returns>
5859         </member>
5860         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.RowDefinition(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmRowTypeReference)">
5861             <summary>
5862             Gets the definition of this row type reference.
5863             </summary>
5864             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5865             <returns>The definition of this row type reference.</returns>
5866         </member>
5867         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindPropertyBinding(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmTypeAnnotation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
5868             <summary>
5869             Gets the binding of a property of the type term of a type annotation.
5870             </summary>
5871             <param name="annotation">Annotation to search.</param>
5872             <param name="property">Property to search for.</param>
5873             <returns>The binding of the property in the type annotation, or null if no binding exists.</returns>
5874         </member>
5875         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindPropertyBinding(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmTypeAnnotation,System.String)">
5876             <summary>
5877             Gets the binding of a property of the type term of a type annotation.
5878             </summary>
5879             <param name="annotation">Annotation to search.</param>
5880             <param name="propertyName">Name of the property to search for.</param>
5881             <returns>The binding of the property in the type annotation, or null if no binding exists.</returns>
5882         </member>
5883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.ValueTerm(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmValueAnnotation)">
5884             <summary>
5885             Gets the value term of this value annotation.
5886             </summary>
5887             <param name="annotation">Reference to the calling object.</param>
5888             <returns>The value term of this value annotation.</returns>
5889         </member>
5890         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.TryGetStaticEntitySet(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet@)">
5891             <summary>
5892             Analyzes <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/>.EntitySet expression and returns a static <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> reference if available.
5893             </summary>
5894             <param name="functionImport">The function import containing the entity set expression.</param>
5895             <param name="entitySet">The static entity set of the function import.</param>
5896             <returns>True if the entity set expression of the <paramref name="functionImport"/> contains a static reference to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/>, otherwise false.</returns>
5897         </member>
5898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.TryGetRelativeEntitySetPath(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty}@)">
5899             <summary>
5900             Analyzes <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/>.EntitySet expression and returns a relative path to an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/> if available.
5901             The path starts with the <paramref name="parameter"/> and may have optional sequence of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty"/> and type casts segments.
5902             </summary>
5903             <param name="functionImport">The function import containing the entity set expression.</param>
5904             <param name="model">The model containing the function import.</param>
5905             <param name="parameter">The function import parameter from which the relative entity set path starts.</param>
5906             <param name="path">The optional sequence of navigation properties.</param>
5907             <returns>True if the entity set expression of the <paramref name="functionImport"/> contains a relative path an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/>, otherwise false.</returns>
5908         </member>
5909         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.FindProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmRecordExpression,System.String)">
5910             <summary>
5911             Finds a property of a record expression.
5912             </summary>
5913             <param name="expression">The record expression.</param>
5914             <param name="name">Name of the property to find.</param>
5915             <returns>The property, if found, otherwise null.</returns>
5916         </member>
5917         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.ExtensionMethods.GetPathSegmentEntityType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
5918             <summary>
5919             This method is only used for the function import entity set path parsing.
5920             </summary>
5921             <param name="segmentType">The type of the segment.</param>
5922             <returns>Non-null entity type that may be bad.</returns>
5923         </member>
5924         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlWriter">
5925             <summary>
5926             Provides CSDL serialization services for EDM models.
5927             </summary>
5928         </member>
5929         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlWriter.TryWriteCsdl(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Xml.XmlWriter,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
5930             <summary>
5931             Outputs a CSDL artifact to the provided writer.
5932             </summary>
5933             <param name="model">Model to be written.</param>
5934             <param name="writer">XmlWriter the generated CSDL will be written to.</param>
5935             <param name="errors">Errors that prevented successful serialization, or no errors if serialization was successful. </param>
5936             <returns>A value indicating whether serialization was successful.</returns>
5937         </member>
5938         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlWriter.TryWriteCsdl(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Func{System.String,System.Xml.XmlWriter},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
5939             <summary>
5940             Outputs a CSDL artifact to the provided writers.
5941             </summary>
5942             <param name="model">Model to be written.</param>
5943             <param name="writerProvider">A delegate that takes in a schema namespace name and returns an XmlWriter to write the schema to.</param>
5944             <param name="errors">Errors that prevented successful serialization, or no errors if serialization was successful. </param>
5945             <returns>A value indicating whether serialization was successful.</returns>
5946         </member>
5947         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlReader">
5948             <summary>
5949             Provides CSDL parsing services for EDM models.
5950             </summary>
5951         </member>
5952         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlReader.TryParse(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Xml.XmlReader},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
5953             <summary>
5954              Returns an IEdmModel for the given CSDL artifacts.
5955             </summary>
5956             <param name="readers">Collection of XmlReaders containing the CSDL artifacts.</param>
5957             <param name="model">The model generated by parsing.</param>
5958             <param name="errors">Errors reported while parsing.</param>
5959             <returns>Success of the parse operation.</returns>
5960         </member>
5961         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlReader.TryParse(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Xml.XmlReader},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
5962             <summary>
5963              Returns an IEdmModel for the given CSDL artifacts.
5964             </summary>
5965             <param name="readers">Collection of XmlReaders containing the CSDL artifacts.</param>
5966             <param name="reference">Model to be references by the created model.</param>
5967             <param name="model">The model generated by parsing.</param>
5968             <param name="errors">Errors reported while parsing.</param>
5969             <returns>Success of the parse operation.</returns>
5970         </member>
5971         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlReader.TryParse(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Xml.XmlReader},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel},Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel@,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
5972             <summary>
5973              Returns an IEdmModel for the given CSDL artifacts.
5974             </summary>
5975             <param name="readers">Collection of XmlReaders containing the CSDL artifacts.</param>
5976             <param name="references">Models to be references by the created model.</param>
5977             <param name="model">The model generated by parsing.</param>
5978             <param name="errors">Errors reported while parsing.</param>
5979             <returns>Success of the parse operation.</returns>
5980         </member>
5981         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind">
5982             <summary>
5983             Enumerates the kinds of Edm Primitives.
5984             </summary>
5985         </member>
5986         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.None">
5987             <summary>
5988             Represents a primitive type of unknown kind.
5989             </summary>
5990         </member>
5991         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Binary">
5992             <summary>
5993             Represents a Binary type.
5994             </summary>
5995         </member>
5996         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean">
5997             <summary>
5998             Represents a Boolean type.
5999             </summary>
6000         </member>
6001         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Byte">
6002             <summary>
6003             Represents a Byte type.
6004             </summary>
6005         </member>
6006         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.DateTime">
6007             <summary>
6008             Represents a DateTime type.
6009             </summary>
6010         </member>
6011         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.DateTimeOffset">
6012             <summary>
6013             Represents a DateTimeOffset type.
6014             </summary>
6015         </member>
6016         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal">
6017             <summary>
6018             Represents a Decimal type.
6019             </summary>
6020         </member>
6021         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Double">
6022             <summary>
6023             Represents a Double type.
6024             </summary>
6025         </member>
6026         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Guid">
6027             <summary>
6028             Represents a Guid type.
6029             </summary>
6030         </member>
6031         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int16">
6032             <summary>
6033             Represents a Int16 type.
6034             </summary>
6035         </member>
6036         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32">
6037             <summary>
6038             Represents a Int32 type.
6039             </summary>
6040         </member>
6041         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int64">
6042             <summary>
6043             Represents a Int64 type.
6044             </summary>
6045         </member>
6046         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.SByte">
6047             <summary>
6048             Represents a SByte type.
6049             </summary>
6050         </member>
6051         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Single">
6052             <summary>
6053             Represents a Single type.
6054             </summary>
6055         </member>
6056         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String">
6057             <summary>
6058             Represents a String type.
6059             </summary>
6060         </member>
6061         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Stream">
6062             <summary>
6063             Represents a Stream type.
6064             </summary>
6065         </member>
6066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Time">
6067             <summary>
6068             Represents a Time type.
6069             </summary>
6070         </member>
6071         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Geography">
6072             <summary>
6073             Represents an arbitrary Geography type.
6074             </summary>
6075         </member>
6076         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyPoint">
6077             <summary>
6078             Represents a geography Point type.
6079             </summary>
6080         </member>
6081         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyLineString">
6082             <summary>
6083             Represents a geography LineString type.
6084             </summary>
6085         </member>
6086         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyPolygon">
6087             <summary>
6088             Represents a geography Polygon type.
6089             </summary>
6090         </member>
6091         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyCollection">
6092             <summary>
6093             Represents a geography GeographyCollection type.
6094             </summary>
6095         </member>
6096         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyMultiPolygon">
6097             <summary>
6098             Represents a geography MultiPolygon type.
6099             </summary>
6100         </member>
6101         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyMultiLineString">
6102             <summary>
6103             Represents a geography MultiLineString type.
6104             </summary>
6105         </member>
6106         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyMultiPoint">
6107             <summary>
6108             Represents a geography MultiPoint type.
6109             </summary>
6110         </member>
6111         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Geometry">
6112             <summary>
6113             Represents an arbitrary Geometry type.
6114             </summary>
6115         </member>
6116         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryPoint">
6117             <summary>
6118             Represents a geometry Point type.
6119             </summary>
6120         </member>
6121         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryLineString">
6122             <summary>
6123             Represents a geometry LineString type.
6124             </summary>
6125         </member>
6126         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryPolygon">
6127             <summary>
6128             Represents a geometry Polygon type.
6129             </summary>
6130         </member>
6131         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryCollection">
6132             <summary>
6133             Represents a geometry GeometryCollection type.
6134             </summary>
6135         </member>
6136         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryMultiPolygon">
6137             <summary>
6138             Represents a geometry MultiPolygon type.
6139             </summary>
6140         </member>
6141         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryMultiLineString">
6142             <summary>
6143             Represents a geometry MultiLineString type.
6144             </summary>
6145         </member>
6146         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryMultiPoint">
6147             <summary>
6148             Represents a geometry MultiPoint type.
6149             </summary>
6150         </member>
6151         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmConcurrencyMode">
6152             <summary>
6153             Enumerates the EDM property concurrency modes.
6154             </summary>
6155         </member>
6156         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmConcurrencyMode.None">
6157             <summary>
6158             Denotes a property that should be used for optimistic concurrency checks.
6159             </summary>
6160         </member>
6161         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmConcurrencyMode.Fixed">
6162             <summary>
6163             Denotes a property that should not be used for optimistic concurrency checks.
6164             </summary>
6165         </member>
6166         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.Cache`2">
6167             <summary>
6168             Provides a caching mechanism for semantic properties.
6169             </summary>
6170             <typeparam name="TContainer">Type of the element that contains the cached property</typeparam>
6171             <typeparam name="TProperty">Type of the cached property</typeparam>
6172         </member>
6173         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.CacheHelper">
6174             <summary>
6175             Helper for Cache class.
6176             </summary>
6177         </member>
6178         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmUtil.DictionaryGetOrUpdate``2(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{``0,``1},``0,System.Func{``0,``1})">
6179             <summary>
6180             Query dictionary for certain key, and update it if not exist
6181             </summary>
6182             <typeparam name="TKey">Key type for dictionary</typeparam>
6183             <typeparam name="TValue">Value type for dictionary</typeparam>
6184             <param name="dictionary">The dictionary to look up</param>
6185             <param name="key">The key property</param>
6186             <param name="computeValue">The function to compute value if key not exist in dictionary</param>
6187             <returns>The value for the key</returns>
6188         </member>
6189         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmContainerElementKind">
6190             <summary>
6191             Defines EDM container element types.
6192             </summary>
6193         </member>
6194         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmContainerElementKind.None">
6195             <summary>
6196             Represents an element where the container kind is unknown or in error.
6197             </summary>
6198         </member>
6199         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmContainerElementKind.EntitySet">
6200             <summary>
6201             Represents an element implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet"/>. 
6202             </summary>
6203         </member>
6204         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmContainerElementKind.FunctionImport">
6205             <summary>
6206             Represents an element implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionImport"/>.
6207             </summary>
6208         </member>
6209         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmFunctionParameterMode">
6210             <summary>
6211             Enumerates the modes of parameters of EDM functions.
6212             </summary>
6213         </member>
6214         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmFunctionParameterMode.None">
6215             <summary>
6216             Denotes that a parameter with an unknown or error directionality.
6217             </summary>
6218         </member>
6219         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmFunctionParameterMode.In">
6220             <summary>
6221             Denotes that a parameter is used for input.
6222             </summary>
6223         </member>
6224         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmFunctionParameterMode.Out">
6225             <summary>
6226             Denotes that a parameter is used for output.
6227             </summary>
6228         </member>
6229         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmFunctionParameterMode.InOut">
6230             <summary>
6231             Denotes that a parameter is used for input and output.
6232             </summary>
6233         </member>
6234         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmMultiplicity">
6235             <summary>
6236             Enumerates the multiplicities of EDM navigation properties.
6237             </summary>
6238         </member>
6239         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmMultiplicity.Unknown">
6240             <summary>
6241             The Multiplicity of the association end is unknown.
6242             </summary>
6243         </member>
6244         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne">
6245             <summary>
6246             The Multiplicity of the association end is zero or one.
6247             </summary>
6248         </member>
6249         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmMultiplicity.One">
6250             <summary>
6251             The Multiplicity of the association end is one.
6252             </summary>
6253         </member>
6254         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmMultiplicity.Many">
6255             <summary>
6256             The Multiplicity of the association end is many.
6257             </summary>
6258         </member>
6259         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmOnDeleteAction">
6260             <summary>
6261             Enumerates the actions EDM can apply on deletes.
6262             </summary>
6263         </member>
6264         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmOnDeleteAction.None">
6265             <summary>
6266             Take no action on delete.
6267             </summary>
6268         </member>
6269         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmOnDeleteAction.Cascade">
6270             <summary>
6271             On delete also delete items on the other end of the association.
6272             </summary>
6273         </member>
6274         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPropertyKind">
6275             <summary>
6276             Defines EDM property types.
6277             </summary>
6278         </member>
6279         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPropertyKind.Structural">
6280             <summary>
6281             Represents a property implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty"/>.
6282             </summary>
6283         </member>
6284         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPropertyKind.Navigation">
6285             <summary>
6286             Represents a property implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty"/>. 
6287             </summary>
6288         </member>
6289         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPropertyKind.None">
6290             <summary>
6291             Represents a property with an unknown or error kind.
6292             </summary>
6293         </member>
6294         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmSchemaElementKind">
6295             <summary>
6296             Defines EDM schema element types.
6297             </summary>
6298         </member>
6299         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmSchemaElementKind.None">
6300             <summary>
6301             Represents a schema element with unknown or error kind.
6302             </summary>
6303         </member>
6304         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmSchemaElementKind.TypeDefinition">
6305             <summary>
6306             Represents a schema element implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaType"/>.
6307             </summary>
6308         </member>
6309         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmSchemaElementKind.Function">
6310             <summary>
6311             Represents a schema element implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunction"/>.
6312             </summary>
6313         </member>
6314         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmSchemaElementKind.ValueTerm">
6315             <summary>
6316             Represents a schema element implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmValueTerm"/>.
6317             </summary>
6318         </member>
6319         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmSchemaElementKind.EntityContainer">
6320             <summary>
6321             Represents a schema element implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/>
6322             </summary>
6323         </member>
6324         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind">
6325             <summary>
6326             Defines EDM metatypes.
6327             </summary>
6328         </member>
6329         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.None">
6330             <summary>
6331             Represents a type with an unknown or error kind.
6332             </summary>
6333         </member>
6334         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.Primitive">
6335             <summary>
6336             Represents a type implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveType"/>. 
6337             </summary>
6338         </member>
6339         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.Entity">
6340             <summary>
6341             Represents a type implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/>. 
6342             </summary>
6343         </member>
6344         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.Complex">
6345             <summary>
6346             Represents a type implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexType"/>. 
6347             </summary>
6348         </member>
6349         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.Row">
6350             <summary>
6351             Represents a type implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmRowType"/>. 
6352             </summary>
6353         </member>
6354         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.Collection">
6355             <summary>
6356             Represents a type implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmCollectionType"/>. 
6357             </summary>
6358         </member>
6359         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.EntityReference">
6360             <summary>
6361             Represents a type implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityReferenceType"/>.
6362             </summary>
6363         </member>
6364         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind.Enum">
6365             <summary>
6366             Represents a type implementing <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEnumType"/>.
6367             </summary>
6368         </member>
6369         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.IDependencyTrigger">
6370             <summary>
6371             Interface describing anything that can be depended upon in tracking semantic changes in an EDM model.
6372             </summary>
6373         </member>
6374         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.IDependent">
6375             <summary>
6376             Interface describing anything that can be dependent on a dependency trigger in tracking semantic changes in an EDM model.
6377             </summary>
6378         </member>
6379         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Internal.IFlushCaches">
6380             <summary>
6381             Interface describing anything that can have cached data that might need flushing.
6382             </summary>
6383         </member>
6384         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType">
6385             <summary>
6386             Represents a definition of an EDM complex type.
6387             </summary>
6388         </member>
6389         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType">
6390             <summary>
6391             Common base class for definitions of EDM structured types.
6392             </summary>
6393         </member>
6394         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.LockObj">
6395             <summary>
6396             The lock used when accessing the internal cached properties.
6397             </summary>
6398         </member>
6399         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
6400             <summary>
6401             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType"/> class.
6402             </summary>
6403             <param name="isAbstract">Denotes a structured type that cannot be instantiated.</param>
6404             <param name="isOpen">Denotes if the type is open.</param>
6405             <param name="baseStructuredType">Base type of the type</param>
6406         </member>
6407         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.AddProperty(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty)">
6408             <summary>
6409             Adds the <paramref name="property"/> to this type.
6410             <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmProperty.DeclaringType"/> of the <paramref name="property"/> must be this type.
6411             </summary>
6412             <param name="property">The property being added.</param>
6413         </member>
6414         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.AddStructuralProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
6415             <summary>
6416             Creates and adds a nullable structural property to this type.
6417             </summary>
6418             <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
6419             <param name="type">Type of the property.</param>
6420             <returns>Created structural property.</returns>
6421         </member>
6422         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.AddStructuralProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind,System.Boolean)">
6423             <summary>
6424             Creates and adds a nullable structural property to this type.
6425             </summary>
6426             <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
6427             <param name="type">Type of the property.</param>
6428             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the property is nullable.</param>
6429             <returns>Created structural property.</returns>
6430         </member>
6431         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.AddStructuralProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6432             <summary>
6433             Creates and adds a structural property to this type.
6434             </summary>
6435             <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
6436             <param name="type">Type of the property.</param>
6437             <returns>Created structural property.</returns>
6438         </member>
6439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.AddStructuralProperty(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmConcurrencyMode)">
6440             <summary>
6441             Creates and adds a structural property to this type.
6442             </summary>
6443             <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
6444             <param name="type">Type of the property.</param>
6445             <param name="defaultValue">The default value of this property.</param>
6446             <param name="concurrencyMode">The concurrency mode of this property.</param>
6447             <returns>Created structural property.</returns>
6448         </member>
6449         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.FindProperty(System.String)">
6450             <summary>
6451             Searches for a structural or navigation property with the given name in this type and all base types and returns null if no such property exists.
6452             </summary>
6453             <param name="name">The name of the property being found.</param>
6454             <returns>The requested property, or null if no such property exists.</returns>
6455         </member>
6456         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.ComputePropertiesDictionary">
6457             <summary>
6458             Computes the the cached dictionary of properties for this type definition.
6459             </summary>
6460             <returns>Dictionary of properties keyed by their name.</returns>
6461         </member>
6462         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.IsAbstract">
6463             <summary>
6464             Gets a value indicating whether this type is abstract.
6465             </summary>
6466         </member>
6467         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.IsOpen">
6468             <summary>
6469             Gets a value indicating whether this type is open.
6470             </summary>
6471         </member>
6472         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.DeclaredProperties">
6473             <summary>
6474             Gets the properties declared immediately within this type.
6475             </summary>
6476         </member>
6477         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.BaseType">
6478             <summary>
6479             Gets the base type of this type.
6480             </summary>
6481         </member>
6482         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuredType.PropertiesDictionary">
6483             <summary>
6484             Gets a dictionary of the properties in this type definition for faster lookup.
6485             </summary>
6486         </member>
6487         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
6488             <summary>
6489             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType"/> class.
6490             </summary>
6491             <param name="namespaceName">The namespace this type belongs to.</param>
6492             <param name="name">The name of this type within its namespace.</param>
6493         </member>
6494         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmComplexType,System.Boolean)">
6495             <summary>
6496             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType"/> class.
6497             Note: Complex type inheritance is not supported in EDM version 3.0 and above.
6498             </summary>
6499             <param name="namespaceName">The namespace this type belongs to.</param>
6500             <param name="name">The name of this type within its namespace.</param>
6501             <param name="baseType">The base type of this complex type.</param>
6502             <param name="isAbstract">Denotes whether this complex type is abstract.</param>
6503         </member>
6504         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType.SchemaElementKind">
6505             <summary>
6506             Gets the schema element kind of this element.
6507             </summary>
6508         </member>
6509         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType.Namespace">
6510             <summary>
6511             Gets the namespace of this element.
6512             </summary>
6513         </member>
6514         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType.Name">
6515             <summary>
6516             Gets the name of this element.
6517             </summary>
6518         </member>
6519         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType.TypeKind">
6520             <summary>
6521             Gets the kind of this type.
6522             </summary>
6523         </member>
6524         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmComplexType.TermKind">
6525             <summary>
6526             Gets the kind of this term.
6527             </summary>
6528         </member>
6529         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDocumentation">
6530             <summary>
6531             Represents an EDM documentation.
6532             </summary>
6533         </member>
6534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDocumentation.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
6535             <summary>
6536             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDocumentation"/> class.
6537             </summary>
6538             <param name="summary">Summary of the documentation.</param>
6539             <param name="description">The documentation contents.</param>
6540         </member>
6541         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDocumentation.Summary">
6542             <summary>
6543             Gets summary of this documentation.
6544             </summary>
6545         </member>
6546         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmDocumentation.Description">
6547             <summary>
6548             Gets documentation.
6549             </summary>
6550         </member>
6551         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer">
6552             <summary>
6553             Represents an EDM entity container.
6554             </summary>
6555         </member>
6556         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
6557             <summary>
6558             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer"/> class.
6559             </summary>
6560             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace of the entity container.</param>
6561             <param name="name">Name of the entity container.</param>
6562         </member>
6563         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.AddElement(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainerElement)">
6564             <summary>
6565             Adds an entity container element to this entity container.
6566             </summary>
6567             <param name="element">The element to add.</param>
6568         </member>
6569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.AddEntitySet(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
6570             <summary>
6571             Creates and adds an entity set to this entity container.
6572             </summary>
6573             <param name="name">Name of the entity set.</param>
6574             <param name="elementType">The entity type of the elements in this entity set.</param>
6575             <returns>Created entity set.</returns>
6576         </member>
6577         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.AddFunctionImport(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6578             <summary>
6579             Creates and adds a function import to this entity container.
6580             </summary>
6581             <param name="name">Name of the function import.</param>
6582             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function import.</param>
6583             <returns>Created function import.</returns>
6584         </member>
6585         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.AddFunctionImport(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
6586             <summary>
6587             Creates and adds a function import to this entity container.
6588             </summary>
6589             <param name="name">Name of the function import.</param>
6590             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function import.</param>
6591             <param name="entitySet">An entity set containing entities returned by this function import. 
6592             The two expression kinds supported are <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEntitySetReferenceExpression"/> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPathExpression"/>.</param>
6593             <returns>Created function import.</returns>
6594         </member>
6595         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.AddFunctionImport(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
6596             <summary>
6597             Creates and adds a function import to this entity container.
6598             </summary>
6599             <param name="name">Name of the function import.</param>
6600             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function import.</param>
6601             <param name="entitySet">An entity set containing entities returned by this function import. 
6602             The two expression kinds supported are <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEntitySetReferenceExpression"/> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPathExpression"/>.</param>
6603             <param name="sideEffecting">A value indicating whether this function import has side-effects.</param>
6604             <param name="composable">A value indicating whether this functon import can be composed inside expressions.</param>
6605             <param name="bindable">A value indicating whether this function import can be used as an extension method for the type of the first parameter of this function import.</param>
6606             <returns>Created function import.</returns>
6607         </member>
6608         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.FindEntitySet(System.String)">
6609             <summary>
6610             Searches for an entity set with the given name in this entity container and returns null if no such set exists.
6611             </summary>
6612             <param name="setName">The name of the element being found.</param>
6613             <returns>The requested element, or null if the element does not exist.</returns>
6614         </member>
6615         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.FindFunctionImports(System.String)">
6616             <summary>
6617             Searches for function imports with the given name in this entity container and returns null if no such function import exists.
6618             </summary>
6619             <param name="functionName">The name of the function import being found.</param>
6620             <returns>A group of the requested function imports, or an empty enumerable if no such function import exists.</returns>
6621         </member>
6622         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.Elements">
6623             <summary>
6624             Gets a collection of the elements of this entity container.
6625             </summary>
6626         </member>
6627         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.Namespace">
6628             <summary>
6629             Gets the namespace of this entity container.
6630             </summary>
6631         </member>
6632         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.Name">
6633             <summary>
6634             Gets the name of this entity container.
6635             </summary>
6636         </member>
6637         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityContainer.SchemaElementKind">
6638             <summary>
6639             Gets the kind of this schema element.
6640             </summary>
6641         </member>
6642         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceType">
6643             <summary>
6644             Represents a definition of an EDM entity reference type.
6645             </summary>
6646         </member>
6647         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceType.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
6648             <summary>
6649             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceType"/> class.
6650             </summary>
6651             <param name="entityType">The entity referred to by this entity reference.</param>
6652         </member>
6653         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceType.TypeKind">
6654             <summary>
6655             Gets the kind of this type.
6656             </summary>
6657         </member>
6658         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceType.EntityType">
6659             <summary>
6660             Gets the entity type pointed to by this entity reference.
6661             </summary>
6662         </member>
6663         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet">
6664             <summary>
6665             Represents an EDM entity set.
6666             </summary>
6667         </member>
6668         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
6669             <summary>
6670             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet"/> class.
6671             </summary>
6672             <param name="container">An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> containing this entity set.</param>
6673             <param name="name">Name of the entity set.</param>
6674             <param name="elementType">The entity type of the elements in this entity set.</param>
6675         </member>
6676         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet.AddNavigationTarget(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntitySet)">
6677             <summary>
6678             Adds a navigation target, specifying the destination entity set of a navigation property of an entity in this entity set.
6679             </summary>
6680             <param name="property">The navigation property the target is being set for.</param>
6681             <param name="target">The destination entity set of the specified navigation property.</param>
6682         </member>
6683         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet.FindNavigationTarget(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty)">
6684             <summary>
6685             Finds the entity set that a navigation property targets.
6686             </summary>
6687             <param name="property">The navigation property.</param>
6688             /// <returns>The entity set that the navigation propertion targets, or null if no such entity set exists.</returns>
6689         </member>
6690         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet.ElementType">
6691             <summary>
6692             Gets the entity type contained in this entity set.
6693             </summary>
6694         </member>
6695         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet.ContainerElementKind">
6696             <summary>
6697             Gets the kind of element of this container element.
6698             </summary>
6699         </member>
6700         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet.Container">
6701             <summary>
6702             Gets the container of this entity set.
6703             </summary>
6704         </member>
6705         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntitySet.NavigationTargets">
6706             <summary>
6707             Gets the navigation targets of this entity set.
6708             </summary>
6709         </member>
6710         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType">
6711             <summary>
6712             Represents a definition of an EDM entity type.
6713             </summary>
6714         </member>
6715         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
6716             <summary>
6717             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType"/> class.
6718             </summary>
6719             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace the entity belongs to.</param>
6720             <param name="name">Name of the entity.</param>
6721         </member>
6722         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType)">
6723             <summary>
6724             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType"/> class.
6725             </summary>
6726             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace the entity belongs to.</param>
6727             <param name="name">Name of the entity.</param>
6728             <param name="baseType">The base type of this entity type.</param>
6729         </member>
6730         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
6731             <summary>
6732             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType"/> class.
6733             </summary>
6734             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace the entity belongs to.</param>
6735             <param name="name">Name of the entity.</param>
6736             <param name="baseType">The base type of this entity type.</param>
6737             <param name="isAbstract">Denotes an entity that cannot be instantiated.</param>
6738             <param name="isOpen">Denotes if the type is open.</param>
6739         </member>
6740         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.AddKeys(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty[])">
6741             <summary>
6742             Adds the <paramref name="keyProperties"/> to the key of this entity type.
6743             </summary>
6744             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
6745         </member>
6746         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.AddKeys(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty})">
6747             <summary>
6748             Adds the <paramref name="keyProperties"/> to the key of this entity type.
6749             </summary>
6750             <param name="keyProperties">The key properties.</param>
6751         </member>
6752         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.AddUnidirectionalNavigation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo)">
6753             <summary>
6754             Creates and adds a unidirectional navigation property to this type.
6755             Default partner property is created, but not added to the navigation target type.
6756             </summary>
6757             <param name="propertyInfo">Information to create the navigation property.</param>
6758             <returns>Created navigation property.</returns>
6759         </member>
6760         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.AddUnidirectionalNavigation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo)">
6761             <summary>
6762             Creates and adds a unidirectional navigation property to this type.
6763             Navigation property partner is created, but not added to the navigation target type.
6764             </summary>
6765             <param name="propertyInfo">Information to create the navigation property.</param>
6766             <param name="partnerInfo">Information to create the partner navigation property.</param>
6767             <returns>Created navigation property.</returns>
6768         </member>
6769         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.AddBidirectionalNavigation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo)">
6770             <summary>
6771             Creates and adds a navigation property to this type and adds its navigation partner to the navigation target type.
6772             </summary>
6773             <param name="propertyInfo">Information to create the navigation property.</param>
6774             <param name="partnerInfo">Information to create the partner navigation property.</param>
6775             <returns>Created navigation property.</returns>
6776         </member>
6777         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.FixUpDefaultPartnerInfo(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo)">
6778             <summary>
6779             The puspose of this method is to make sure that some of the <paramref name="partnerInfo"/> fields are set to valid partner defaults.
6780             For example if <paramref name="partnerInfo"/>.Target is null, it will be set to this entity type. If <paramref name="partnerInfo"/>.TargetMultiplicity
6781             is unknown, it will be set to 0..1, etc.
6782             Whenever this method applies new values to <paramref name="partnerInfo"/>, it will return a copy of it (thus won't modify the original).
6783             If <paramref name="partnerInfo"/> is null, a new info object will be produced.
6784             </summary>
6785             <param name="propertyInfo">Primary navigation property info.</param>
6786             <param name="partnerInfo">Partner navigation property info. May be null.</param>
6787             <returns>Partner info.</returns>
6788         </member>
6789         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.DeclaredKey">
6790             <summary>
6791             Gets the structural properties of the entity type that make up the entity key.
6792             </summary>
6793         </member>
6794         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.SchemaElementKind">
6795             <summary>
6796             Gets the kind of this schema element.
6797             </summary>
6798         </member>
6799         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.Namespace">
6800             <summary>
6801             Gets the namespace this schema element belongs to.
6802             </summary>
6803         </member>
6804         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.Name">
6805             <summary>
6806             Gets the name of this element.
6807             </summary>
6808         </member>
6809         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.TypeKind">
6810             <summary>
6811             Gets the kind of this type.
6812             </summary>
6813         </member>
6814         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityType.TermKind">
6815             <summary>
6816             Gets the term kind of the entity type.
6817             </summary>
6818         </member>
6819         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction">
6820             <summary>
6821             Represents an EDM function.
6822             </summary>
6823         </member>
6824         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase">
6825             <summary>
6826             Represents a base class for EDM functions and function imports.
6827             </summary>
6828         </member>
6829         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6830             <summary>
6831             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase"/> class.
6832             </summary>
6833             <param name="name">The name of the function.</param>
6834             <param name="returnType">The return type of the function.</param>
6835         </member>
6836         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase.FindParameter(System.String)">
6837             <summary>
6838             Searches for a parameter with the given name in this function and returns null if no such parameter exists.
6839             </summary>
6840             <param name="name">The name of the parameter to be found.</param>
6841             <returns>The requested parameter, or null if no such parameter exists.</returns>
6842         </member>
6843         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase.AddParameter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6844             <summary>
6845             Creates and adds a parameter to this function (as the last parameter).
6846             </summary>
6847             <param name="name">The name of the parameter being added.</param>
6848             <param name="type">The type of the parameter being added.</param>
6849             <returns>Created parameter.</returns>
6850         </member>
6851         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase.AddParameter(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmFunctionParameterMode)">
6852             <summary>
6853             Creates and adds a parameter to this function (as the last parameter).
6854             </summary>
6855             <param name="name">The name of the parameter being added.</param>
6856             <param name="type">The type of the parameter being added.</param>
6857             <param name="mode">Mode of the parameter.</param>
6858             <returns>Created parameter.</returns>
6859         </member>
6860         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase.AddParameter(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionParameter)">
6861             <summary>
6862             Adds a parameter to this function (as the last parameter).
6863             </summary>
6864             <param name="parameter">The parameter being added.</param>
6865         </member>
6866         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase.ReturnType">
6867             <summary>
6868             Gets the return type of this function.
6869             </summary>
6870         </member>
6871         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionBase.Parameters">
6872             <summary>
6873             Gets the parameters of this function.
6874             </summary>
6875         </member>
6876         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6877             <summary>
6878             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction"/> class.
6879             </summary>
6880             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace of the function.</param>
6881             <param name="name">Name of the function.</param>
6882             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function.</param>
6883         </member>
6884         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String)">
6885             <summary>
6886             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction"/> class.
6887             </summary>
6888             <param name="namespaceName">Namespace of the function.</param>
6889             <param name="name">Name of the function.</param>
6890             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function.</param>
6891             <param name="definingExpression">Defining expression of the function (for example an eSQL expression).</param>
6892         </member>
6893         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction.DefiningExpression">
6894             <summary>
6895             Gets the defining expression of this function.
6896             </summary>
6897         </member>
6898         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction.SchemaElementKind">
6899             <summary>
6900             Gets the element kind of this function, which is always Function.
6901             </summary>
6902         </member>
6903         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunction.Namespace">
6904             <summary>
6905             Gets the namespace of this function.
6906             </summary>
6907         </member>
6908         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport">
6909             <summary>
6910             Represents an EDM function import.
6911             </summary>
6912         </member>
6913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6914             <summary>
6915             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport"/> class (side-effecting, non-composable, non-bindable).
6916             </summary>
6917             <param name="container">An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> containing this function import.</param>
6918             <param name="name">Name of the function import.</param>
6919             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function import.</param>
6920         </member>
6921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression)">
6922             <summary>
6923             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport"/> class (side-effecting, non-composable, non-bindable).
6924             </summary>
6925             <param name="container">An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> containing this function import.</param>
6926             <param name="name">Name of the function import.</param>
6927             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function import.</param>
6928             <param name="entitySet">An entity set containing entities returned by this function import. 
6929             The two expression kinds supported are <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEntitySetReferenceExpression"/> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPathExpression"/>.</param>
6930         </member>
6931         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmExpression,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
6932             <summary>
6933             Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport"/> class.
6934             </summary>
6935             <param name="container">An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityContainer"/> containing this function import.</param>
6936             <param name="name">Name of the function import.</param>
6937             <param name="returnType">Return type of the function import.</param>
6938             <param name="entitySet">An entity set containing entities returned by this function import. 
6939             The two expression kinds supported are <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmEntitySetReferenceExpression"/> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Expressions.IEdmPathExpression"/>.</param>
6940             <param name="isSideEffecting">A value indicating whether this function import has side-effects.</param>
6941             <param name="isComposable">A value indicating whether this functon import can be composed inside expressions.</param>
6942             <param name="isBindable">A value indicating whether this function import can be used as an extension method for the type of the first parameter of this function import.</param>
6943         </member>
6944         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.IsSideEffecting">
6945             <summary>
6946             Gets a value indicating whether this function import has side-effects.
6947             <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.IsSideEffecting"/> cannot be set to true if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.IsComposable"/> is set to true.
6948             </summary>
6949         </member>
6950         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.IsComposable">
6951             <summary>
6952             Gets a value indicating whether this functon import can be composed inside expressions.
6953             <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.IsComposable"/> cannot be set to true if <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.IsSideEffecting"/> is set to true.
6954             </summary>
6955         </member>
6956         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.IsBindable">
6957             <summary>
6958             Gets a value indicating whether this function import can be used as an extension method for the type of the first parameter of this function import.
6959             </summary>
6960         </member>
6961         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.EntitySet">
6962             <summary>
6963             Gets the entity set containing entities returned by this function import.
6964             </summary>
6965         </member>
6966         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.ContainerElementKind">
6967             <summary>
6968             Gets the kind of this function, which is always FunctionImport.
6969             </summary>
6970         </member>
6971         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionImport.Container">
6972             <summary>
6973             Gets the container of this function.
6974             </summary>
6975         </member>
6976         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter">
6977             <summary>
6978             Represents an EDM function parameter.
6979             </summary>
6980         </member>
6981         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
6982             <summary>
6983             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter"/> class.
6984             </summary>
6985             <param name="declaringFunction">Declaring function of the parameter.</param>
6986             <param name="name">Name of the parameter.</param>
6987             <param name="type">Type of the parameter.</param>
6988         </member>
6989         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmFunctionBase,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmFunctionParameterMode)">
6990             <summary>
6991             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter"/> class.
6992             </summary>
6993             <param name="declaringFunction">Declaring function of the parameter.</param>
6994             <param name="name">Name of the parameter.</param>
6995             <param name="type">Type of the parameter.</param>
6996             <param name="mode">Mode of the parameter.</param>
6997         </member>
6998         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter.Type">
6999             <summary>
7000             Gets the type of this parameter.
7001             </summary>
7002         </member>
7003         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter.DeclaringFunction">
7004             <summary>
7005             Gets the function or function import that declared this parameter.
7006             </summary>
7007         </member>
7008         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmFunctionParameter.Mode">
7009             <summary>
7010             Gets the mode of this parameter.
7011             </summary>
7012         </member>
7013         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel">
7014             <summary>
7015             Represents an EDM model.
7016             </summary>
7017         </member>
7018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.#ctor">
7019             <summary>
7020             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel"/> class.
7021             </summary>
7022         </member>
7023         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.AddReferencedModel(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel)">
7024             <summary>
7025             Adds a model reference to this model.
7026             </summary>
7027             <param name="model">The model to reference.</param>
7028         </member>
7029         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.AddElement(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement)">
7030             <summary>
7031             Adds a schema element to this model.
7032             </summary>
7033             <param name="element">Element to be added.</param>
7034         </member>
7035         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.AddElements(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmSchemaElement})">
7036             <summary>
7037             Adds a collection of schema elements to this model.
7038             </summary>
7039             <param name="newElements">Elements to be added.</param>
7040         </member>
7041         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.AddVocabularyAnnotation(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Annotations.IEdmVocabularyAnnotation)">
7042             <summary>
7043             Adds a vocabulary annotation to this model.
7044             </summary>
7045             <param name="annotation">The annotation to be added.</param>
7046         </member>
7047         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.FindDeclaredVocabularyAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable)">
7048             <summary>
7049             Searches for vocabulary annotations specified by this model.
7050             </summary>
7051             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
7052             <returns>The vocabulary annotations for the element.</returns>
7053         </member>
7054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.FindDirectlyDerivedTypes(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
7055             <summary>
7056             Finds a list of types that derive directly from the supplied type.
7057             </summary>
7058             <param name="baseType">The base type that derived types are being searched for.</param>
7059             <returns>A list of types from this model that derive directly from the given type.</returns>
7060         </member>
7061         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.SchemaElements">
7062             <summary>
7063             Gets the collection of schema elements that are contained in this model.
7064             </summary>
7065         </member>
7066         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmModel.VocabularyAnnotations">
7067             <summary>
7068             Gets the collection of vocabulary annotations that are contained in this model.
7069             </summary>
7070         </member>
7071         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty">
7072             <summary>
7073             Represents an EDM navigation property.
7074             </summary>
7075         </member>
7076         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmProperty">
7077             <summary>
7078             Represents an EDM property.
7079             </summary>
7080         </member>
7081         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmProperty.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7082             <summary>
7083             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmProperty"/> class.
7084             </summary>
7085             <param name="declaringType">The type that declares this property.</param>
7086             <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
7087             <param name="type">Type of the property.</param>
7088         </member>
7089         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmProperty.Type">
7090             <summary>
7091             Gets the type of this property.
7092             </summary>
7093         </member>
7094         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmProperty.DeclaringType">
7095             <summary>
7096             Gets the type that this property belongs to.
7097             </summary>
7098         </member>
7099         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmProperty.PropertyKind">
7100             <summary>
7101             Gets the kind of this property.
7102             </summary>
7103         </member>
7104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.CreateNavigationPropertyWithPartner(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationPropertyInfo)">
7105             <summary>
7106             Creates two navigation properties representing an association between two entity types.
7107             </summary>
7108             <param name="propertyInfo">Information to create the navigation property.</param>
7109             <param name="partnerInfo">Information to create the partner navigation property.</param>
7110             <returns>Created navigation property.</returns>
7111         </member>
7112         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.CreateNavigationPropertyWithPartner(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty},System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmOnDeleteAction,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuralProperty},System.Boolean,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmOnDeleteAction)">
7113             <summary>
7114             Creates two navigation properties representing an association between two entity types.
7115             </summary>
7116             <param name="propertyName">Navigation property name.</param>
7117             <param name="propertyType">Type of the navigation property.</param>
7118             <param name="dependentProperties">Dependent properties of the navigation source.</param>
7119             <param name="containsTarget">A value indicating whether the navigation source logically contains the navigation target.</param>
7120             <param name="onDelete">Action to take upon deletion of an instance of the navigation source.</param>
7121             <param name="partnerPropertyName">Navigation partner property name.</param>
7122             <param name="partnerPropertyType">Type of the navigation partner property.</param>
7123             <param name="partnerDependentProperties">Dependent properties of the navigation target.</param>
7124             <param name="partnerContainsTarget">A value indicating whether the navigation target logically contains the navigation source.</param>
7125             <param name="partnerOnDelete">Action to take upon deletion of an instance of the navigation target.</param>
7126             <returns>Navigation property.</returns>
7127         </member>
7128         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.PropertyKind">
7129             <summary>
7130             Gets the kind of this property.
7131             </summary>
7132         </member>
7133         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget">
7134             <summary>
7135             Gets a value indicating whether the navigation target is contained inside the navigation source.
7136             </summary>
7137         </member>
7138         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.DependentProperties">
7139             <summary>
7140             Gets the dependent properties of the association this navigation property expresses.
7141             </summary>
7142         </member>
7143         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.IsPrincipal">
7144             <summary>
7145             Gets a value indicating whether this navigation property is from the principal end of the association.
7146             </summary>
7147         </member>
7148         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.DeclaringEntityType">
7149             <summary>
7150             Gets the entity type that this navigation property belongs to.
7151             </summary>
7152         </member>
7153         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.OnDelete">
7154             <summary>
7155             Gets the action to take when an instance of the declaring type is deleted.
7156             </summary>
7157         </member>
7158         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmNavigationProperty.Partner">
7159             <summary>
7160             Gets the partner of this navigation property.
7161             </summary>
7162         </member>
7163         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant">
7164             <summary>
7165             Represents an EDM integer constant.
7166             </summary>
7167         </member>
7168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant.#ctor(System.Int64)">
7169             <summary>
7170             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant"/> class.
7171             </summary>
7172             <param name="value">Integer value represented by this value.</param>
7173         </member>
7174         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference,System.Int64)">
7175             <summary>
7176             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant"/> class.
7177             </summary>
7178             <param name="type">Type of the integer.</param>
7179             <param name="value">Integer value represented by this value.</param>
7180         </member>
7181         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant.Value">
7182             <summary>
7183             Gets the definition of this value.
7184             </summary>
7185         </member>
7186         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant.ExpressionKind">
7187             <summary>
7188             Gets the kind of this expression.
7189             </summary>
7190         </member>
7191         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmIntegerConstant.ValueKind">
7192             <summary>
7193             Gets the kind of this value.
7194             </summary>
7195         </member>
7196         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue">
7197             <summary>
7198             Represents a value of an EDM property.
7199             </summary>
7200         </member>
7201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.#ctor(System.String)">
7202             <summary>
7203             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue"/> class with non-initialized <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.Value"/> property.
7204             This constructor allows setting <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.Value"/> property once after <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue"/> has been constructed.
7205             </summary>
7206             <param name="name">Name of the property for which this provides a value.</param>
7207         </member>
7208         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)">
7209             <summary>
7210             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue"/> class.
7211             This constructor will not allow changing <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.Value"/> property after the EdmPropertyValue instance has been constructed.
7212             </summary>
7213             <param name="name">Name of the property for which this provides a value.</param>
7214             <param name="value">Value of the property.</param>
7215         </member>
7216         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.Name">
7217             <summary>
7218             Gets the name of the property for which this provides a value.
7219             </summary>
7220         </member>
7221         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.Value">
7222             <summary>
7223             Gets or sets the value of the property.
7224             The value can be initialized only once either using the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmPropertyValue.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmValue)"/> constructor or by assigning value directly to this property.
7225             </summary>
7226         </member>
7227         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty">
7228             <summary>
7229             Represents an EDM structural (i.e. non-navigation) property.
7230             </summary>
7231         </member>
7232         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7233             <summary>
7234             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty"/> class.
7235             </summary>
7236             <param name="declaringType">The type that declares this property.</param>
7237             <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
7238             <param name="type">The type of the property.</param>
7239         </member>
7240         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference,System.String,Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmConcurrencyMode)">
7241             <summary>
7242             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty"/> class.
7243             </summary>
7244             <param name="declaringType">The type that declares this property.</param>
7245             <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
7246             <param name="type">The type of the property.</param>
7247             <param name="defaultValueString">The default value of this property.</param>
7248             <param name="concurrencyMode">The concurrency mode of this property.</param>
7249         </member>
7250         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty.DefaultValueString">
7251             <summary>
7252             Gets the default value of this property.
7253             </summary>
7254         </member>
7255         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty.ConcurrencyMode">
7256             <summary>
7257             Gets the concurrency mode of this property.
7258             </summary>
7259         </member>
7260         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmStructuralProperty.PropertyKind">
7261             <summary>
7262             Gets the kind of this property.
7263             </summary>
7264         </member>
7265         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmRowType">
7266             <summary>
7267             Represents a definition of an EDM row type.
7268             </summary>
7269         </member>
7270         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmRowType.#ctor">
7271             <summary>
7272             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmRowType"/> class.
7273             </summary>
7274         </member>
7275         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmRowType.TypeKind">
7276             <summary>
7277             Gets the kind of this type.
7278             </summary>
7279         </member>
7280         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant">
7281             <summary>
7282             Represents an EDM string constant.
7283             </summary>
7284         </member>
7285         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant.#ctor(System.String)">
7286             <summary>
7287             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant"/> class.
7288             </summary>
7289             <param name="value">String value represented by this value.</param>
7290         </member>
7291         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStringTypeReference,System.String)">
7292             <summary>
7293             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant"/> class.
7294             </summary>
7295             <param name="type">Type of the string.</param>
7296             <param name="value">String value represented by this value.</param>
7297         </member>
7298         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant.Value">
7299             <summary>
7300             Gets the definition of this value.
7301             </summary>
7302         </member>
7303         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant.ExpressionKind">
7304             <summary>
7305             Gets the kind of this expression.
7306             </summary>
7307         </member>
7308         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStringConstant.ValueKind">
7309             <summary>
7310             Gets the kind of this value.
7311             </summary>
7312         </member>
7313         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStructuredValue">
7314             <summary>
7315             Represents an EDM structured value.
7316             </summary>
7317         </member>
7318         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStructuredValue.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredTypeReference,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values.IEdmPropertyValue})">
7319             <summary>
7320             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStructuredValue"/> class.
7321             </summary>
7322             <param name="type">Type that describes this value.</param>
7323             <param name="propertyValues">Child values of this value.</param>
7324         </member>
7325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStructuredValue.FindPropertyValue(System.String)">
7326             <summary>
7327             Retrieves the value corresponding to the given property name. Returns null if no such value exists.
7328             </summary>
7329             <param name="propertyName">The property that describes the value being found.</param>
7330             <returns>The requested value, or null if no such value exists.</returns>
7331         </member>
7332         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStructuredValue.PropertyValues">
7333             <summary>
7334             Gets the property values of this structured value.
7335             </summary>
7336         </member>
7337         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Values.EdmStructuredValue.ValueKind">
7338             <summary>
7339             Gets the kind of this value.
7340             </summary>
7341         </member>
7342         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotation">
7343             <summary>
7344             Represents an EDM annotation with an immediate native value.
7345             </summary>
7346         </member>
7347         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotation.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Object)">
7348             <summary>
7349             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotation"/> class.
7350             </summary>
7351             <param name="namespaceUri">Namespace URI of the annotation.</param>
7352             <param name="name">Name of the annotation within the namespace.</param>
7353             <param name="value">Value of the annotation</param>
7354         </member>
7355         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotation.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
7356             <summary>
7357             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotation"/> class.
7358             </summary>
7359             <param name="namespaceUri">Namespace URI of the annotation.</param>
7360             <param name="name">Name of the annotation within the namespace.</param>
7361         </member>
7362         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotation.NamespaceUri">
7363             <summary>
7364             The namespace Uri of the annotation.
7365             </summary>
7366         </member>
7367         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.Annotations.EdmDirectValueAnnotation.Value">
7368             <summary>
7369             Gets the value of this annotation.
7370             </summary>
7371         </member>
7372         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.Internal.CsdlSemantics.UnresolvedType">
7373             <summary>
7374             Represents information about an EDM type definition that failed to resolve.
7375             </summary>
7376         </member>
7377         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceTypeReference">
7378             <summary>
7379             Represents a reference to an EDM entity reference type.
7380             </summary>
7381         </member>
7382         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityReferenceType,System.Boolean)">
7383             <summary>
7384             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceTypeReference"/> class.
7385             </summary>
7386             <param name="entityReferenceType">The definition referred to by this reference.</param>
7387             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
7388         </member>
7389         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmEntityReferenceTypeReference.EntityReferenceDefinition">
7390             <summary>
7391             Gets the entity reference definition to which this type refers.
7392             </summary>
7393         </member>
7394         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants">
7395             <summary>
7396             Contains constant values that apply to the EDM model, regardless of source (for CSDL/EDMX specific constants see <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl.CsdlConstants"/>).
7397             </summary>
7398         </member>
7399         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.DocumentationUri">
7400             <summary>
7401             The URI of annotations that will be serialized as documentation elements.
7402             </summary>
7403         </member>
7404         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.DocumentationAnnotation">
7405             <summary>
7406             The local name of annotations that will be serialized as documentation elements.
7407             </summary>
7408         </member>
7409         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.InternalUri">
7410             <summary>
7411             The URI of annotations that are internal and will not be serialized.
7412             </summary>
7413         </member>
7414         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.DataServiceVersion">
7415             <summary>
7416             The local name of the annotation that stores the data services version attribute for EDMX serialization.
7417             </summary>
7418         </member>
7419         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.MaxDataServiceVersion">
7420             <summary>
7421             The local name of the annotation that stores the max data services version attribute for EDMX serialization.
7422             </summary>
7423         </member>
7424         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersionAnnotation">
7425             <summary>
7426             The local name of the annotation that stores EDM version of a model.
7427             </summary>
7428         </member>
7429         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersion1">
7430             <summary>
7431             Version 1.0 of EDM. Corresponds to CSDL namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm".
7432             </summary>
7433         </member>
7434         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersion1_1">
7435             <summary>
7436             Version 1.1 of EDM. Corresponds to CSDL namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/05/edm".
7437             </summary>
7438         </member>
7439         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersion1_2">
7440             <summary>
7441             Version 1.2 of EDM. Corresponds to CSDL namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/01/edm".
7442             </summary>
7443         </member>
7444         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersion2">
7445             <summary>
7446             Version 2.0 of EDM. Corresponds to CSDL namespaces "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/09/edm" and "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/08/edm".
7447             </summary>
7448         </member>
7449         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersion3">
7450             <summary>
7451             Version 3.0 of EDM. Corresponds to CSDL namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/edm".
7452             </summary>
7453         </member>
7454         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersionLatest">
7455             <summary>
7456             The current latest version of EDM.
7457             </summary>
7458         </member>
7459         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.IEdmValidCoreModelElement">
7460             <summary>
7461             This is a marker interface for core model elements that do not require validation.
7462             </summary>
7463         </member>
7464         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel">
7465             <summary>
7466             Provides predefined declarations relevant to EDM semantics.
7467             </summary>
7468         </member>
7469         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.Instance">
7470             <summary>
7471             The default core EDM model.
7472             </summary>
7473         </member>
7474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetCollection(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7475             <summary>
7476             Gets a reference to a non-atomic collection type definition.
7477             </summary>
7478             <param name="elementType">Type of elements in the collection.</param>
7479             <returns>A new non-atomic collection type reference.</returns>
7480         </member>
7481         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.FindDeclaredType(System.String)">
7482             <summary>
7483             Searches for a type with the given name in this model and returns null if no such type exists.
7484             </summary>
7485             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the type being found.</param>
7486             <returns>The requested type, or null if no such type exists.</returns>
7487         </member>
7488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.FindDeclaredValueTerm(System.String)">
7489             <summary>
7490             Searches for a value term with the given name in this model and returns null if no such value term exists.
7491             </summary>
7492             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the value term being found.</param>
7493             <returns>The requested value term, or null if no such value term exists.</returns>
7494         </member>
7495         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.FindDeclaredFunctions(System.String)">
7496             <summary>
7497             Searches for functions with the given name in this model and returns an empty enumerable if no such function exists.
7498             </summary>
7499             <param name="qualifiedName">The qualified name of the function being found.</param>
7500             <returns>A set functions sharing the specified qualified name, or an empty enumerable if no such function exists.</returns>
7501         </member>
7502         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.FindDeclaredEntityContainer(System.String)">
7503             <summary>
7504             Searches for an entity container with the given name in this model and returns null if no such entity container exists.
7505             </summary>
7506             <param name="name">The name of the entity container being found.</param>
7507             <returns>The requested entity container, or null if no such entity container exists.</returns>
7508         </member>
7509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetPrimitiveType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
7510             <summary>
7511             Gets primitive type by kind.
7512             </summary>
7513             <param name="kind">Kind of the primitive type.</param>
7514             <returns>Primitive type definition.</returns>
7515         </member>
7516         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetPrimitiveTypeKind(System.String)">
7517             <summary>
7518             Gets the EdmPrimitiveTypeKind by the type name.
7519             </summary>
7520             <param name="typeName">Name of the type to look up.</param>
7521             <returns>EdmPrimitiveTypeKind of the type.</returns>
7522         </member>
7523         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetPrimitive(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind,System.Boolean)">
7524             <summary>
7525             Gets a reference to a primitive type of the specified kind.
7526             </summary>
7527             <param name="kind">Primitive kind of the type reference being created.</param>
7528             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7529             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7530         </member>
7531         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetInt16(System.Boolean)">
7532             <summary>
7533             Gets a reference to the Int16 primitive type definition.
7534             </summary>
7535             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7536             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7537         </member>
7538         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetInt32(System.Boolean)">
7539             <summary>
7540             Gets a reference to the Int32 primitive type definition.
7541             </summary>
7542             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7543             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7544         </member>
7545         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetInt64(System.Boolean)">
7546             <summary>
7547             Gets a reference to the Int64 primitive type definition.
7548             </summary>
7549             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7550             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7551         </member>
7552         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetBoolean(System.Boolean)">
7553             <summary>
7554             Gets a reference to the Boolean primitive type definition.
7555             </summary>
7556             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7557             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7558         </member>
7559         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetByte(System.Boolean)">
7560             <summary>
7561             Gets a reference to the Byte primitive type definition.
7562             </summary>
7563             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7564             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7565         </member>
7566         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetSByte(System.Boolean)">
7567             <summary>
7568             Gets a reference to the SByte primitive type definition.
7569             </summary>
7570             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7571             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7572         </member>
7573         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetGuid(System.Boolean)">
7574             <summary>
7575             Gets a reference to the Guid primitive type definition.
7576             </summary>
7577             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7578             <returns>A new primitive type reference.</returns>
7579         </member>
7580         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetDateTime(System.Boolean)">
7581             <summary>
7582             Gets a reference to a datetime primitive type definition.
7583             </summary>
7584             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7585             <returns>A new datetime type reference.</returns>
7586         </member>
7587         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetDateTimeOffset(System.Boolean)">
7588             <summary>
7589             Gets a reference to a datetime with offset primitive type definition.
7590             </summary>
7591             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7592             <returns>A new datetime with offset type reference.</returns>
7593         </member>
7594         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetTime(System.Boolean)">
7595             <summary>
7596             Gets a reference to a time primitive type definition.
7597             </summary>
7598             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7599             <returns>A new time type reference.</returns>
7600         </member>
7601         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetDecimal(System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Boolean)">
7602             <summary>
7603             Gets a reference to a decimal primitive type definition.
7604             </summary>
7605             <param name="precision">Precision of values of this type.</param>
7606             <param name="scale">Scale of values of this type.</param>
7607             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7608             <returns>A new decimal type reference.</returns>
7609         </member>
7610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetDecimal(System.Boolean)">
7611             <summary>
7612             Gets a reference to a decimal primitive type definition.
7613             </summary>
7614             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7615             <returns>A new decimal type reference.</returns>
7616         </member>
7617         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetSingle(System.Boolean)">
7618             <summary>
7619             Gets a reference to a single primitive type definition.
7620             </summary>
7621             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7622             <returns>A new decimal type reference.</returns>
7623         </member>
7624         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetDouble(System.Boolean)">
7625             <summary>
7626             Gets a reference to a double primitive type definition.
7627             </summary>
7628             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7629             <returns>A new decimal type reference.</returns>
7630         </member>
7631         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetStream(System.Boolean)">
7632             <summary>
7633             Gets a reference to a stream primitive type definition.
7634             </summary>
7635             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7636             <returns>A new stream type reference.</returns>
7637         </member>
7638         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetTemporal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Boolean)">
7639             <summary>
7640             Gets a reference to a temporal primitive type definition.
7641             </summary>
7642             <param name="kind">Primitive kind of the type reference being created.</param>
7643             <param name="precision">Precision of values of this type.</param>
7644             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7645             <returns>A new temporal type reference.</returns>
7646         </member>
7647         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetTemporal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind,System.Boolean)">
7648             <summary>
7649             Gets a reference to a temporal primitive type definition.
7650             </summary>
7651             <param name="kind">Primitive kind of the type reference being created.</param>
7652             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7653             <returns>A new temporal type reference.</returns>
7654         </member>
7655         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetBinary(System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Boolean)">
7656             <summary>
7657             Gets a reference to a binary primitive type definition.
7658             </summary>
7659             <param name="isUnbounded">Flag specifying if max length is unbounded.</param>
7660             <param name="maxLength">Maximum length of the type.</param>
7661             <param name="isFixedLength">Flag specifying if the type will have a fixed length.</param>
7662             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7663             <returns>A new binary type reference.</returns>
7664         </member>
7665         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetBinary(System.Boolean)">
7666             <summary>
7667             Gets a reference to a binary primitive type definition.
7668             </summary>
7669             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7670             <returns>A new binary type reference.</returns>
7671         </member>
7672         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetSpatial(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Boolean)">
7673             <summary>
7674             Gets a reference to a spatial primitive type definition.
7675             </summary>
7676             <param name="kind">Primitive kind of the type reference being created.</param>
7677             <param name="spatialReferenceIdentifier">Spatial Reference Identifier for the spatial type being created.</param>
7678             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7679             <returns>A new spatial type reference.</returns>
7680         </member>
7681         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetSpatial(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind,System.Boolean)">
7682             <summary>
7683             Gets a reference to a spatial primitive type definition.
7684             </summary>
7685             <param name="kind">Primitive kind of the type reference being created.</param>
7686             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7687             <returns>A new spatial type reference.</returns>
7688         </member>
7689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetString(System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.Boolean)">
7690             <summary>
7691             Gets a reference to a string primitive type definition.
7692             </summary>
7693             <param name="isUnbounded">Flag specifying if max length is the maximum allowable value.</param>
7694             <param name="maxLength">Maximum length of the type.</param>
7695             <param name="isFixedLength">Flag specifying if the type will have a fixed length.</param>
7696             <param name="isUnicode">Flag specifying if the type should support unicode encoding.</param>
7697             <param name="collation">String representing how data should be ordered.</param>
7698             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7699             <returns>A new string type reference.</returns>
7700         </member>
7701         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.GetString(System.Boolean)">
7702             <summary>
7703             Gets a reference to a binary string type definition.
7704             </summary>
7705             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
7706             <returns>A new string type reference.</returns>
7707         </member>
7708         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.FindDeclaredVocabularyAnnotations(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable)">
7709             <summary>
7710             Searches for vocabulary annotations specified by this model or a referenced model for a given element.
7711             </summary>
7712             <param name="element">The annotated element.</param>
7713             <returns>The vocabulary annotations for the element.</returns>
7714         </member>
7715         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.FindDirectlyDerivedTypes(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
7716             <summary>
7717             Finds a list of types that derive from the supplied type.
7718             </summary>
7719             <param name="baseType">The base type that derived types are being searched for.</param>
7720             <returns>A list of types that derive from the type.</returns>
7721         </member>
7722         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.Namespace">
7723             <summary>
7724             Gets the namespace of this core model.
7725             </summary>
7726         </member>
7727         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.SchemaElements">
7728             <summary>
7729             Gets the types defined in this core model.
7730             </summary>
7731         </member>
7732         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.VocabularyAnnotations">
7733             <summary>
7734             Gets the vocabulary annotations defined in this model.
7735             </summary>
7736         </member>
7737         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.ReferencedModels">
7738             <summary>
7739             Gets the collection of models referred to by this model.
7740             </summary>
7741         </member>
7742         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.DirectValueAnnotationsManager">
7743             <summary>
7744             Gets the model's annotations manager.
7745             </summary>
7746         </member>
7747         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmCoreModel.EdmValidCoreModelPrimitiveType.TypeKind">
7748             <summary>
7749             Gets the kind of this type.
7750             </summary>
7751         </member>
7752         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmRowTypeReference">
7753             <summary>
7754             Represents a reference to an EDM row type.
7755             </summary>
7756         </member>
7757         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmRowTypeReference.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmRowType,System.Boolean)">
7758             <summary>
7759             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmRowTypeReference"/> class.
7760             </summary>
7761             <param name="rowType">Type that describes this value.</param>
7762             <param name="isNullable">Denotes whether the type can be nullable.</param>
7763         </member>
7764         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics">
7765             <summary>
7766             Provides semantics of the predefined EDM types.
7767             </summary>
7768         </member>
7769         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsCollection(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7770             <summary>
7771             Returns true if this reference refers to a collection.
7772             </summary>
7773             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7774             <returns>This reference refers to a collection.</returns>
7775         </member>
7776         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsEntity(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7777             <summary>
7778             Returns true if this reference refers to an entity type.
7779             </summary>
7780             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7781             <returns>This reference refers to an entity type.</returns>
7782         </member>
7783         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsEntityReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7784             <summary>
7785             Returns true if this reference refers to an entity type.
7786             </summary>
7787             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7788             <returns>This reference refers to an entity type.</returns>
7789         </member>
7790         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsComplex(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7791             <summary>
7792             Returns true if this reference refers to a complex type.
7793             </summary>
7794             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7795             <returns>This reference refers to a complex type.</returns>
7796         </member>
7797         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsEnum(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7798             <summary>
7799             Returns true if this reference refers to an enumeration type.
7800             </summary>
7801             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7802             <returns>This reference refers to an enumeration type.</returns>
7803         </member>
7804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsRow(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7805             <summary>
7806             Returns true if this reference refers to a row type.
7807             </summary>
7808             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7809             <returns>This reference refers to a row type.</returns>
7810         </member>
7811         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsStructured(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7812             <summary>
7813             Returns true if this reference refers to a structured type.
7814             </summary>
7815             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7816             <returns>This reference refers to a structured type.</returns>
7817         </member>
7818         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsStructured(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind)">
7819             <summary>
7820             Returns true if this type kind represents a structured type.
7821             </summary>
7822             <param name="typeKind">Reference to the calling object.</param>
7823             <returns>This kind refers to a structured type.</returns>
7824         </member>
7825         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsPrimitive(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7826             <summary>
7827             Returns true if this reference refers to a primitive type.
7828             </summary>
7829             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7830             <returns>This reference refers to a primitive type.</returns>
7831         </member>
7832         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsBinary(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7833             <summary>
7834             Returns true if this reference refers to a binary type.
7835             </summary>
7836             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7837             <returns>This reference refers to a binary type.</returns>
7838         </member>
7839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsBoolean(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7840             <summary>
7841             Returns true if this reference refers to a boolean type.
7842             </summary>
7843             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7844             <returns>This reference refers to a boolean type.</returns>
7845         </member>
7846         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsTemporal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7847             <summary>
7848             Returns true if this reference refers to a temporal type.
7849             </summary>
7850             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7851             <returns>This reference refers to a temporal type.</returns>
7852         </member>
7853         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsTemporal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
7854             <summary>
7855             Returns true if this type kind represents a temporal type.
7856             </summary>
7857             <param name="typeKind">Reference to the calling object.</param>
7858             <returns>This kind refers to a temporal type.</returns>
7859         </member>
7860         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsDateTime(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7861             <summary>
7862             Returns true if this reference refers to a DateTime type.
7863             </summary>
7864             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7865             <returns>This reference refers to a DateTime type.</returns>
7866         </member>
7867         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsTime(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7868             <summary>
7869             Returns true if this reference refers to a time type.
7870             </summary>
7871             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7872             <returns>This reference refers to a time type.</returns>
7873         </member>
7874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsDateTimeOffset(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7875             <summary>
7876             Returns true if this reference refers to a DateTimeOffset type.
7877             </summary>
7878             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7879             <returns>This reference refers to a DateTimeOffset type.</returns>
7880         </member>
7881         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsDecimal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7882             <summary>
7883             Returns true if this reference refers to a decimal type.
7884             </summary>
7885             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7886             <returns>This reference refers to a decimal type.</returns>
7887         </member>
7888         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsFloating(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7889             <summary>
7890             Returns true if this reference refers to a floating point type.
7891             </summary>
7892             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7893             <returns>This reference refers to a floating point type.</returns>
7894         </member>
7895         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsSingle(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7896             <summary>
7897             Returns true if this reference refers to a single type.
7898             </summary>
7899             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7900             <returns>This reference refers to a single type.</returns>
7901         </member>
7902         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsDouble(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7903             <summary>
7904             Returns true if this reference refers to a double type.
7905             </summary>
7906             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7907             <returns>This reference refers to a double type.</returns>
7908         </member>
7909         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsGuid(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7910             <summary>
7911             Returns true if this reference refers to a GUID type.
7912             </summary>
7913             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7914             <returns>This reference refers to a GUID type.</returns>
7915         </member>
7916         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsSignedIntegral(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7917             <summary>
7918             Returns true if this reference refers to a signed integral type.
7919             </summary>
7920             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7921             <returns>This reference refers to a signed integral type.</returns>
7922         </member>
7923         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsSByte(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7924             <summary>
7925             Returns true if this reference refers to an SByte type.
7926             </summary>
7927             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7928             <returns>This reference refers to an SByte type.</returns>
7929         </member>
7930         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsInt16(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7931             <summary>
7932             Returns true if this reference refers to an Int16 type.
7933             </summary>
7934             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7935             <returns>This reference refers to an Int16 type.</returns>
7936         </member>
7937         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsInt32(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7938             <summary>
7939             Returns true if this reference refers to an Int32 type.
7940             </summary>
7941             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7942             <returns>This reference refers to an Int32 type.</returns>
7943         </member>
7944         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsInt64(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7945             <summary>
7946             Returns true if this reference refers to an Int64 type.
7947             </summary>
7948             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7949             <returns>This reference refers to an Int64 type.</returns>
7950         </member>
7951         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsIntegral(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7952             <summary>
7953             Returns true if this reference refers to an integer type.
7954             </summary>
7955             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7956             <returns>This reference refers to an integer type.</returns>
7957         </member>
7958         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsIntegral(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
7959             <summary>
7960             Returns true if this primitive type kind represents an integer type.
7961             </summary>
7962             <param name="primitiveTypeKind">Type reference.</param>
7963             <returns>This kind refers to an integer type.</returns>
7964         </member>
7965         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsByte(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7966             <summary>
7967             Returns true if this reference refers to a byte type.
7968             </summary>
7969             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7970             <returns>This reference refers to a byte type.</returns>
7971         </member>
7972         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7973             <summary>
7974             Returns true if this reference refers to a string type.
7975             </summary>
7976             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7977             <returns>This reference refers to a string type.</returns>
7978         </member>
7979         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsStream(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7980             <summary>
7981             Returns true if this reference refers to a stream type.
7982             </summary>
7983             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7984             <returns>This reference refers to a stream type.</returns>
7985         </member>
7986         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsSpatial(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
7987             <summary>
7988             Returns true if this reference refers to a spatial type.
7989             </summary>
7990             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7991             <returns>This reference refers to a spatial type.</returns>
7992         </member>
7993         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsSpatial(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
7994             <summary>
7995             Returns true if this definition refers to a spatial type.
7996             </summary>
7997             <param name="type">Type reference.</param>
7998             <returns>This definition refers to a spatial type.</returns>
7999         </member>
8000         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsSpatial(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmPrimitiveTypeKind)">
8001             <summary>
8002             Returns true if this type kind represents a spatial type.
8003             </summary>
8004             <param name="typeKind">Type reference.</param>
8005             <returns>This kind refers to a spatial type.</returns>
8006         </member>
8007         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsPrimitive(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8008             <summary>
8009             If this reference is of a primitive type, this will return a valid primitive type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad primitive type reference.
8010             </summary>
8011             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8012             <returns>A valid primitive type reference if the definition of the reference is of a primitive type. Otherwise a bad primitive type reference.</returns>
8013         </member>
8014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsCollection(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8015             <summary>
8016             If this reference is of a collection type, this will return a valid collection type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad collection type reference.
8017             </summary>
8018             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8019             <returns>A valid collection type reference if the definition of the reference is of a collection type. Otherwise a bad collection type reference.</returns>
8020         </member>
8021         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsStructured(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8022             <summary>
8023             If this reference is of a structured type, this will return a valid structured type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad structured type reference.
8024             </summary>
8025             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8026             <returns>A valid structured type reference if the definition of the reference is of a structured type. Otherwise a bad structured type reference.</returns>
8027         </member>
8028         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsEnum(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8029             <summary>
8030             If this reference is of an enumeration type, this will return a valid enumeration type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad enumeration type reference.
8031             </summary>
8032             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8033             <returns>A valid enumeration type reference if the definition of the reference is of an enumeration type. Otherwise a bad enumeration type reference.</returns>
8034         </member>
8035         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsEntity(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8036             <summary>
8037             If this reference is of an entity type, this will return a valid entity type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad entity type reference.
8038             </summary>
8039             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8040             <returns>A valid entity type reference if the definition of the reference is of an entity type. Otherwise a bad entity type reference.</returns>
8041         </member>
8042         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsEntityReference(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8043             <summary>
8044             If this reference is of an entity reference type, this will return a valid entity reference type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad entity reference type reference.
8045             </summary>
8046             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8047             <returns>A valid entity reference type reference if the definition of the reference is of an entity reference type. Otherwise a bad entity reference type reference.</returns>
8048         </member>
8049         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsComplex(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8050             <summary>
8051             If this reference is of a complex type, this will return a valid complex type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad complex type reference.
8052             </summary>
8053             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8054             <returns>A valid complex type reference if the definition of the reference is of a complex type. Otherwise a bad complex type reference.</returns>
8055         </member>
8056         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsRow(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8057             <summary>
8058             If this reference is of a row type, this will return a valid row type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad row type reference.
8059             </summary>
8060             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8061             <returns>A valid row type reference if the definition of the reference is of a row type. Otherwise a bad row type reference.</returns>
8062         </member>
8063         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsSpatial(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8064             <summary>
8065             If this reference is of a spatial type, this will return a valid spatial type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad spatial type reference.
8066             </summary>
8067             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8068             <returns>A valid spatial type reference if the definition of the reference is of a spatial type. Otherwise a bad spatial type reference.</returns>
8069         </member>
8070         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsTemporal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8071             <summary>
8072             If this reference is of a temporal type, this will return a valid temporal type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad temporal type reference.
8073             </summary>
8074             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8075             <returns>A valid temporal type reference if the definition of the reference is of a temporal type. Otherwise a bad temporal type reference.</returns>
8076         </member>
8077         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsDecimal(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8078             <summary>
8079             If this reference is of a decimal type, this will return a valid decimal type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad decimal type reference.
8080             </summary>
8081             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8082             <returns>A valid decimal type reference if the definition of the reference is of a decimal type. Otherwise a bad decimal type reference.</returns>
8083         </member>
8084         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsString(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8085             <summary>
8086             If this reference is of a string type, this will return a valid string type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad string type reference.
8087             </summary>
8088             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8089             <returns>A valid string type reference if the definition of the reference is of a string type. Otherwise a bad string type reference.</returns>
8090         </member>
8091         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.AsBinary(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8092             <summary>
8093             If this reference is of a binary type, this will return a valid binary type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad binary type reference.
8094             </summary>
8095             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8096             <returns>A valid binary type reference if the definition of the reference is of a binary type. Otherwise a bad binary type reference.</returns>
8097         </member>
8098         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.PrimitiveKind(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8099             <summary>
8100             Returns the primitive kind of the definition of this reference.
8101             </summary>
8102             <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8103             <returns>The primitive kind of the definition of this reference.</returns>
8104         </member>
8105         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.ApplyType(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmRowType,System.Boolean)">
8106             <summary>
8107             Returns a reference to this row type definition.
8108             </summary>
8109             <param name="rowType">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8110             <param name="isNullable">Flag specifying if the referenced type should be nullable.</param>
8111             <returns>A reference to this row type definition.</returns>
8112         </member>
8113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.InheritsFrom(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmStructuredType)">
8114             <summary>
8115             Determines if the potential base type is in the inheritance hierarchy of the type being tested.
8116             </summary>
8117             <param name="type">Type to be tested for derivation from the other type.</param>
8118             <param name="potentialBaseType">The potential base type of the type being tested.</param>
8119             <returns>True if and only if the type inherits from the potential base type.</returns>
8120         </member>
8121         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeSemantics.IsOrInheritsFrom(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType,Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType)">
8122             <summary>
8123             Determines if a type is equivalent to or derived from another type.
8124             </summary>
8125             <param name="thisType">Type to be tested for equivalence to or derivation from the other type.</param>
8126             <param name="otherType">Type that is the other type.</param>
8127             <returns>True if and only if the thisType is equivalent to or inherits from otherType.</returns>
8128         </member>
8129         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError">
8130             <summary>
8131             Represents a reportable error in EDM
8132             </summary>
8133         </member>
8134         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError.#ctor(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmLocation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode,System.String)">
8135             <summary>
8136             Initializes a new instance of the EdmError class.
8137             </summary>
8138             <param name="errorLocation">The location where the error occurred.</param>
8139             <param name="errorCode">An integer code representing the error.</param>
8140             <param name="errorMessage">A human readable message describing the error.</param>
8141         </member>
8142         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError.ToString">
8143             <summary>
8144             Gets a string representation of the error.
8145             </summary>
8146             <returns>A string representation of the error.</returns>
8147         </member>
8148         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError.ErrorLocation">
8149             <summary>
8150             Gets the location of the error in the file in which it occurred.
8151             </summary>
8152         </member>
8153         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError.ErrorCode">
8154             <summary>
8155             Gets an integer code representing the error.
8156             </summary>
8157         </member>
8158         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError.ErrorMessage">
8159             <summary>
8160             Gets a human readable string describing the error.
8161             </summary>
8162         </member>
8163         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmValidator">
8164             <summary>
8165             Collection of validation methods.
8166             </summary>
8167         </member>
8168         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmValidator.Validate(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
8169             <summary>
8170             Validate the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> and all of its properties using the current version of the model.
8171             If the model has no version, <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Library.EdmConstants.EdmVersionLatest"/> is used.
8172             </summary>
8173             <param name="root">The root of the model to be validated.</param>
8174             <param name="errors">Errors encountered while validating the model.</param>
8175             <returns>True if model is valid, otherwise false.</returns>
8176         </member>
8177         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmValidator.Validate(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,System.Version,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
8178             <summary>
8179             Validate the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> and all of its properties given certain version.
8180             </summary>
8181             <param name="root">The root of the model to be validated.</param>
8182             <param name="version">Version of Edm to validate against.</param>
8183             <param name="errors">Errors encountered while validating the model.</param>
8184             <returns>True if model is valid, otherwise false.</returns>
8185         </member>
8186         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmValidator.Validate(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRuleSet,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError}@)">
8187             <summary>
8188             Validate the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel"/> and all of its properties given certain version.
8189             </summary>
8190             <param name="root">The root of the model to be validated.</param>
8191             <param name="ruleSet">Custom rule set to validate against.</param>
8192             <param name="errors">Errors encountered while validating the model.</param>
8193             <returns>True if model is valid, otherwise false.</returns>
8194         </member>
8195         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.Internal.InterfaceValidator.concreteTypeInterfaceVisitors">
8196             <summary>
8197             This is cache of object type to interface visitors which is NOT shared between instances of the validator.
8198             </summary>
8199         </member>
8200         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationContext">
8201             <summary>
8202             Context that records errors reported by validation rules.
8203             </summary>
8204         </member>
8205         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationContext.IsBad(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
8206             <summary>
8207             Method returns true if the <paramref name="element"/> is known to have structural errors associated with it.
8208             </summary>
8209             <param name="element">The element to test.</param>
8210             <returns>True if the <paramref name="element"/> has structural errors associated with it.</returns>
8211         </member>
8212         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationContext.AddError(Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmLocation,Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode,System.String)">
8213             <summary>
8214             Register an error with the validation context.
8215             </summary>
8216             <param name="location">Location of the error.</param>
8217             <param name="errorCode">Value representing the error.</param>
8218             <param name="errorMessage">Message text discribing the error.</param>
8219         </member>
8220         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationContext.AddError(Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmError)">
8221             <summary>
8222             Register an error with the validation context.
8223             </summary>
8224             <param name="error">Error to register.</param>
8225         </member>
8226         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationContext.Model">
8227             <summary>
8228             Gets the model being validated.
8229             </summary>
8230         </member>
8231         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationExtensionMethods">
8232             <summary>
8233             Contains IsBad() and Errors() extension methods.
8234             </summary>
8235         </member>
8236         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationExtensionMethods.IsBad(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
8237             <summary>
8238             Returns true if this element contains errors returned by the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationExtensionMethods.Errors(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)"/> method.
8239             </summary>
8240             <param name="element">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8241             <returns>This element is an invalid element.</returns>
8242         </member>
8243         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationExtensionMethods.Errors(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmElement)">
8244             <summary>
8245             Gets the errors, if any, that belong to this element or elements that this element contains. For example errors for a structural type include the errors of the type itself and errors of its declared properties.
8246             The method does not analyze elements referenced by this element. For example errors of a property do not include errors from its type.
8247             </summary>
8248             <param name="element">Reference to the calling object.</param>
8249             <returns>Any errors that belong to this element or elements that element contains.</returns>
8250         </member>
8251         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationExtensionMethods.TypeErrors(Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmTypeReference)">
8252             <summary>
8253             Gets the errors, if any, that belong to this type reference or its definition.
8254             </summary>
8255             <param name="type">The type reference.</param>
8256             <returns>Any errors that belong to this type reference or its definition.</returns>
8257         </member>
8258         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules">
8259             <summary>
8260             Built in Edm validation rules.
8261             </summary>
8262         </member>
8263         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ElementDirectValueAnnotationFullNameMustBeUnique">
8264             <summary>
8265             Validates that no direct value annotations share the same name and namespace.
8266             </summary>
8267         </member>
8268         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NamedElementNameMustNotBeEmptyOrWhiteSpace">
8269             <summary>
8270             Validates that a name is not empty or whitespace.
8271             </summary>
8272         </member>
8273         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NamedElementNameIsTooLong">
8274             <summary>
8275             Validates that an element name is not too long according to the CSDL spec.
8276             </summary>
8277         </member>
8278         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NamedElementNameIsNotAllowed">
8279             <summary>
8280             Validates that an element name matches the allowed pattern of names according to the CSDL spec.
8281             </summary>
8282         </member>
8283         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.SchemaElementNamespaceMustNotBeEmptyOrWhiteSpace">
8284             <summary>
8285             Validates that an element namespace is not empty or whitespace.
8286             </summary>
8287         </member>
8288         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.SchemaElementNamespaceIsTooLong">
8289             <summary>
8290             Validates that an element namespace is not too long according to the CSDL spec.
8291             </summary>
8292         </member>
8293         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.SchemaElementNamespaceIsNotAllowed">
8294             <summary>
8295             Validates that an element namespace matches the allowed pattern of namespaces according to the CSDL spec.
8296             </summary>
8297         </member>
8298         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.SchemaElementSystemNamespaceEncountered">
8299             <summary>
8300             Validates that an element namespace is not a reserved system namespace.
8301             </summary>
8302         </member>
8303         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.SchemaElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
8304             <summary>
8305             A schema element without other errors must not have kind of none.
8306             </summary>
8307         </member>
8308         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityContainerElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
8309             <summary>
8310             An entity container element without other errors must not have kind of none.
8311             </summary>
8312         </member>
8313         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityContainerDuplicateEntityContainerMemberName">
8314             <summary>
8315             Validates that there are no duplicate names in an entity container.
8316             </summary>
8317         </member>
8318         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetTypeHasNoKeys">
8319             <summary>
8320             Validates that there is no entity set whose entity type has no key.
8321             </summary>
8322         </member>
8323         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetInaccessibleEntityType">
8324             <summary>
8325             Validates that the entity type of an entity set can be found from the model being validated.
8326             </summary>
8327         </member>
8328         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetCanOnlyBeContainedByASingleNavigationProperty">
8329             <summary>
8330             Validates that an entity set can only have a single navigation property targetting it that has Contains set to true.
8331             </summary>
8332         </member>
8333         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetNavigationMappingMustBeBidirectional">
8334             <summary>
8335             Validates that if a navigation property is traversed to another entity set, and then the navigation properties partner is traversed, the destination will be the source entity set.
8336             </summary>
8337         </member>
8338         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetAssociationSetNameMustBeValid">
8339             <summary>
8340             Validates an association set's name is correct
8341             </summary>
8342         </member>
8343         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetNavigationPropertyMappingsMustBeUnique">
8344             <summary>
8345             Validates that no navigation property is mapped to two different entity sets.
8346             </summary>
8347         </member>
8348         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetRecursiveNavigationPropertyMappingsMustPointBackToSourceEntitySet">
8349             <summary>
8350             Validates that if a navigation property mapping is of recursive containment, the mapping points back to the source entity set.
8351             </summary>
8352         </member>
8353         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetNavigationPropertyMappingMustPointToValidTargetForProperty">
8354             <summary>
8355             Validates that the target of a navigation property mapping is valid for the target type of the property.
8356             </summary>
8357         </member>
8358         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuredTypeInvalidMemberNameMatchesTypeName">
8359             <summary>
8360             Validates that a type does not have a property with the same name as that type.
8361             </summary>
8362         </member>
8363         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuredTypePropertyNameAlreadyDefined">
8364             <summary>
8365             Validates that there are not duplicate properties in a type.
8366             </summary>
8367         </member>
8368         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuredTypeBaseTypeMustBeSameKindAsDerivedKind">
8369             <summary>
8370             Validates that the base type of a complex type is complex, and the base type of an entity type is an entity.
8371             </summary>
8372         </member>
8373         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuredTypeInaccessibleBaseType">
8374             <summary>
8375             Validates that the base type of a structured type can be found from the model being validated.
8376             </summary>
8377         </member>
8378         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuredTypePropertiesDeclaringTypeMustBeCorrect">
8379             <summary>
8380             Validates that the declaring type of a property contains that property.
8381             </summary>
8382         </member>
8383         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.OpenTypesNotSupported">
8384             <summary>
8385             Open types are supported only in version 1.2 and after version 2.0.
8386             </summary>
8387         </member>
8388         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.OnlyEntityTypesCanBeOpen">
8389             <summary>
8390             Open types are supported only on entity types.
8391             </summary>
8392         </member>
8393         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EnumTypeEnumsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8394             <summary>
8395             Raises an error if an enum type is found.
8396             </summary>
8397         </member>
8398         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EnumTypeEnumMemberNameAlreadyDefined">
8399             <summary>
8400             Validates that there are not duplicate enum members in an enum.
8401             </summary>
8402         </member>
8403         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EnumMustHaveIntegerUnderlyingType">
8404             <summary>
8405             Raises an error if the underlying type of an enum type is not an integer type.
8406             </summary>
8407         </member>
8408         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EnumMemberValueMustHaveSameTypeAsUnderlyingType">
8409             <summary>
8410             Raises an error if the type of an enum member doesn't match the underlying type of the enum it belongs to.
8411             </summary>
8412         </member>
8413         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityTypeDuplicatePropertyNameSpecifiedInEntityKey">
8414             <summary>
8415             Validates that there are not duplicate properties in an entity key.
8416             </summary>
8417         </member>
8418         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityTypeInvalidKeyNullablePart">
8419             <summary>
8420             Validates that no part of an entity key is nullable.
8421             </summary>
8422         </member>
8423         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityTypeEntityKeyMustBeScalar">
8424             <summary>
8425             Validates that all parts of an entity key are scalar.
8426             </summary>
8427         </member>
8428         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityTypeEntityKeyMustNotBeBinaryBeforeV2">
8429             <summary>
8430             Validates that no part of an entity key is a binary primitive type.
8431             </summary>
8432         </member>
8433         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityTypeInvalidKeyKeyDefinedInBaseClass">
8434             <summary>
8435             Validates that a key is not defined if there is already a key in the base type.
8436             </summary>
8437         </member>
8438         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityTypeKeyMissingOnEntityType">
8439             <summary>
8440             Validates that the entity type has a key.
8441             </summary>
8442         </member>
8443         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityTypeKeyPropertyMustBelongToEntity">
8444             <summary>
8445             Validates that all properties in the key of an entity blong to that entity.
8446             </summary>
8447         </member>
8448         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntityReferenceTypeInaccessibleEntityType">
8449             <summary>
8450             Validates that the entity type wrapped in this entity reference can be found through the model being validated.
8451             </summary>
8452         </member>
8453         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.TypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
8454             <summary>
8455             A type without other errors must not have kind of none.
8456             </summary>
8457         </member>
8458         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.PrimitiveTypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
8459             <summary>
8460             A primtive type without other errors must not have kind of none.
8461             </summary>
8462         </member>
8463         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ComplexTypeInvalidAbstractComplexType">
8464             <summary>
8465             Validates that a complex type is not abstract.
8466             </summary>
8467         </member>
8468         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ComplexTypeInvalidPolymorphicComplexType">
8469             <summary>
8470             Validates that a complex type does not inherit.
8471             </summary>
8472         </member>
8473         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ComplexTypeMustContainProperties">
8474             <summary>
8475             Validates that a complex type contains at least one property.
8476             </summary>
8477         </member>
8478         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.RowTypeBaseTypeMustBeNull">
8479             <summary>
8480             Validates that a row type does not have a base type.
8481             </summary>
8482         </member>
8483         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.RowTypeMustContainProperties">
8484             <summary>
8485             Validates that a row type contains at least one property.
8486             </summary>
8487         </member>
8488         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuralPropertyNullableComplexType">
8489             <summary>
8490             Validates that any property with a complex type is not nullable.
8491             </summary>
8492         </member>
8493         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuralPropertyInvalidPropertyType">
8494             <summary>
8495             Validates that the property is of an allowed type.
8496             </summary>
8497         </member>
8498         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StructuralPropertyInvalidPropertyTypeConcurrencyMode">
8499             <summary>
8500             Validates that if the concurrency mode of a property is fixed, the type is primitive.
8501             </summary>
8502         </member>
8503         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyInvalidOperationMultipleEndsInAssociation">
8504             <summary>
8505             Validates that only one end of an association has an OnDelete operation.
8506             </summary>
8507         </member>
8508         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyCorrectType">
8509             <summary>
8510             Validates that the type of a navigation property corresponds to the other end of the association and the multiplicity of the other end.
8511             </summary>
8512         </member>
8513         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyDuplicateDependentProperty">
8514             <summary>
8515             Validates that the dependent properties of a navigation property contain no duplicates.
8516             </summary>
8517         </member>
8518         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyPrincipalEndMultiplicity">
8519             <summary>
8520             Validates multiplicity of the principal end:
8521             0..1 - if some dependent properties are nullable, 
8522                1 - if some dependent properties are not nullable.
8523                * - not allowed.
8524             </summary>
8525         </member>
8526         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyDependentEndMultiplicity">
8527             <summary>
8528             Validates that if the dependent properties are equivalent to the key of the dependent end, the multiplicity of the dependent end cannot be 1
8529             Validates multiplicity of the dependent end according to the following rules:
8530             0..1, 1 - if dependent properties represent the dependent end key.
8531                   * - if dependent properties don't represent the dependent end key.
8532             </summary>
8533         </member>
8534         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyDependentPropertiesMustBelongToDependentEntity">
8535             <summary>
8536             Validates that all dependent properties of a navigation property belong to the dependent entity type.
8537             </summary>
8538         </member>
8539         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyInvalidToPropertyInRelationshipConstraintBeforeV2">
8540             <summary>
8541             Validates that all dependent properties are a subset of the dependent entity types key.
8542             </summary>
8543         </member>
8544         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyEndWithManyMultiplicityCannotHaveOperationsSpecified">
8545             <summary>
8546             Validates that the navigation property does not have both a multiplicity of many and an OnDelete operation.
8547             </summary>
8548         </member>
8549         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyContainsTargetNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8550             <summary>
8551             Validates that <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> is not set prior to V3.
8552             </summary>
8553         </member>
8554         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentTargetMustBeOptional">
8555             <summary>
8556             Validates that if a navigation property has <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> = true and the target entity type is the same as 
8557             the declaring type of the property, then the multiplicity of the target of navigation is 0..1 or Many.
8558             This depends on there being a targetting cycle. Because of the rule <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetNavigationMappingMustBeBidirectional"/>, we know that either this is always true, or there will be an error
8559             </summary>
8560         </member>
8561         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromZeroOrOne">
8562             <summary>
8563             Validates that if a navigation property has <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> = true and the target entity type is the same as 
8564             the declaring type of the property, then the multiplicity of the source of navigation is Zero-Or-One.
8565             This depends on there being a targetting cycle. Because of the rule <see cref="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.EntitySetNavigationMappingMustBeBidirectional"/>, we know that either this is always true, or there will be an error
8566             </summary>
8567         </member>
8568         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyWithNonRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromOne">
8569             <summary>
8570             Validates that if a navigation property has <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> = true and the target entity type is defferent than
8571             the declaring type of the property, then the multiplicity of the source of navigation is One.
8572             </summary>
8573         </member>
8574         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyEntityMustNotIndirectlyContainItself">
8575             <summary>
8576             Validates that if an entity does not directly contain itself, it cannot contain itself through a containment loop.
8577             </summary>
8578         </member>
8579         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyTypeMismatchRelationshipConstraint">
8580             <summary>
8581             Validates that each pair of properties between the dependent properties and the principal ends key are of the same type.
8582             </summary>
8583         </member>
8584         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyAssociationNameIsValid">
8585             <summary>
8586             Validates that an association name is valid.
8587             </summary>
8588         </member>
8589         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.NavigationPropertyAssociationEndNameIsValid">
8590             <summary>
8591             Validates that an association end name is valid.
8592             </summary>
8593         </member>
8594         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.PropertyMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
8595             <summary>
8596             A property without other errors must not have kind of none.
8597             </summary>
8598         </member>
8599         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionsNotSupportedBeforeV2">
8600             <summary>
8601             Raises an error if a function is found.
8602             </summary>
8603         </member>
8604         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionOnlyInputParametersAllowedInFunctions">
8605             <summary>
8606             Validates that no function parameters are output parameters.
8607             </summary>
8608         </member>
8609         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportUnsupportedReturnTypeV1">
8610             <summary>
8611             Validates that a function import has an allowed return type.
8612             </summary>
8613         </member>
8614         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportUnsupportedReturnTypeAfterV1">
8615             <summary>
8616             Validates that a function import has an allowed return type.
8617             </summary>
8618         </member>
8619         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportReturnEntitiesButDoesNotSpecifyEntitySet">
8620             <summary>
8621             Validates that if a function import specifies an entity or collection of entities as its return type, it must also specify an entity set.
8622             </summary>
8623         </member>
8624         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportEntitySetExpressionIsInvalid">
8625             <summary>
8626             Validates that the entity set of a function import is defined using a path or an entity set reference expression.
8627             </summary>
8628         </member>
8629         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportEntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet">
8630             <summary>
8631             Validates that the return type of a function import must match the type of the entity set of the function.
8632             </summary>
8633         </member>
8634         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ComposableFunctionImportMustHaveReturnType">
8635             <summary>
8636             Validates that if a function import is composable, it must have a return type.
8637             </summary>
8638         </member>
8639         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportParametersIncorrectTypeBeforeV3">
8640             <summary>
8641             Validates that the type of a function imports parameter is correct.
8642             </summary>
8643         </member>
8644         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportIsSideEffectingNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8645             <summary>
8646             Validates that a function import is not sideeffecting.
8647             </summary>
8648         </member>
8649         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportIsComposableNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8650             <summary>
8651             Validates that a function import is not composable.
8652             </summary>
8653         </member>
8654         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportIsBindableNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8655             <summary>
8656             Validates that a function is not bindable.
8657             </summary>
8658         </member>
8659         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportComposableFunctionImportCannotBeSideEffecting">
8660             <summary>
8661             Validates that if a function is composable, it is not also sideeffecting.
8662             </summary>
8663         </member>
8664         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportBindableFunctionImportMustHaveParameters">
8665             <summary>
8666             Validates that if a function is bindable, it must have parameters.
8667             </summary>
8668         </member>
8669         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionImportParametersCannotHaveModeOfNone">
8670             <summary>
8671             Validates that no function import parameters have mode of none.
8672             </summary>
8673         </member>
8674         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionBaseParameterNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate">
8675             <summary>
8676             Validates that a function does not have multiple parameters with the same name.
8677             </summary>
8678         </member>
8679         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.TypeReferenceInaccessibleSchemaType">
8680             <summary>
8681             Validates that a type reference refers to a type that can be found through the model being validated.
8682             </summary>
8683         </member>
8684         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StreamTypeReferencesNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8685             <summary>
8686             References to EDM stream type are not supported before version 3.0.
8687             </summary>
8688         </member>
8689         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.SpatialTypeReferencesNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8690             <summary>
8691             References to EDM spatial types are not supported before version 3.0.
8692             </summary>
8693         </member>
8694         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.DecimalTypeReferenceScaleOutOfRange">
8695             <summary>
8696             Validates that the scale is between 0 and the precision of the decimal type.
8697             </summary>
8698         </member>
8699         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.DecimalTypeReferencePrecisionOutOfRange">
8700             <summary>
8701             Validates that the precision is between 0 and the max precision of the decimal type.
8702             </summary>
8703         </member>
8704         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StringTypeReferenceStringMaxLengthNegative">
8705             <summary>
8706             Validates that the max length of a string is not negative.
8707             </summary>
8708         </member>
8709         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.StringTypeReferenceStringUnboundedNotValidForMaxLength">
8710             <summary>
8711             Validates that IsUnbounded cannot be true if MaxLength is non-null.
8712             </summary>
8713         </member>
8714         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.BinaryTypeReferenceBinaryMaxLengthNegative">
8715             <summary>
8716             Validates that the max length of a binary type is not negative.
8717             </summary>
8718         </member>
8719         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.BinaryTypeReferenceBinaryUnboundedNotValidForMaxLength">
8720             <summary>
8721             Validates that isUnbounded cannot be true if MaxLength is non-null.
8722             </summary>
8723         </member>
8724         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.TemporalTypeReferencePrecisionOutOfRange">
8725             <summary>
8726             Validates that the precision is between 0 and the max precision of the temporal type.
8727             </summary>
8728         </member>
8729         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ModelDuplicateSchemaElementNameBeforeV3">
8730             <summary>
8731             Validates every schema element in the current model (except for entity containers) is unique across all referenced models.
8732             </summary>
8733         </member>
8734         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ModelDuplicateSchemaElementName">
8735             <summary>
8736             Validates every schema element in the current model is unique across all referenced models.
8737             </summary>
8738         </member>
8739         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ModelDuplicateEntityContainerName">
8740             <summary>
8741             Validates that there are not duplicate properties in an entity key.
8742             </summary>
8743         </member>
8744         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ImmediateValueAnnotationElementAnnotationIsValid">
8745             <summary>
8746             Validates that an immediate value annotation has a name and a namespace.
8747             </summary>
8748         </member>
8749         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ImmediateValueAnnotationElementAnnotationHasNameAndNamespace">
8750             <summary>
8751             Validates that an immediate value annotation that is flagged to be serialized as an element can be serialized safely.
8752             </summary>
8753         </member>
8754         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.DirectValueAnnotationHasXmlSerializableName">
8755             <summary>
8756             Validates that the name of a direct value annotation can safely be serialized as XML.
8757             </summary>
8758         </member>
8759         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.VocabularyAnnotationsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8760             <summary>
8761             Vocabulary annotations are not supported before EDM 3.0.
8762             </summary>
8763         </member>
8764         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.VocabularyAnnotationInaccessibleTarget">
8765             <summary>
8766             Validates that a vocabulary annotations target can be found through the model containing the annotation.
8767             </summary>
8768         </member>
8769         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ValueAnnotationAssertCorrectExpressionType">
8770             <summary>
8771             Validates that if a value annotation declares a type, the expression for that annotation has the correct type.
8772             </summary>
8773         </member>
8774         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ValueAnnotationInaccessibleTerm">
8775             <summary>
8776             Validates that a vocabulary annotations term can be found through the model containing the annotation.
8777             </summary>
8778         </member>
8779         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.TypeAnnotationInaccessibleTerm">
8780             <summary>
8781             Validates that a vocabulary annotations term can be found through the model containing the annotation.
8782             </summary>
8783         </member>
8784         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.TypeAnnotationAssertMatchesTermType">
8785             <summary>
8786             Validates that a type annotation implements its term type properly.
8787             </summary>
8788         </member>
8789         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.PropertyValueBindingValueIsCorrectType">
8790             <summary>
8791             Validates that the value of a property value binding is the correct type.
8792             </summary>
8793         </member>
8794         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.ValueTermsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8795             <summary>
8796             Value terms are not supported before EDM 3.0.
8797             </summary>
8798         </member>
8799         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.TermMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
8800             <summary>
8801             A term without other errors must not have kind of none.
8802             </summary>
8803         </member>
8804         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.IfExpressionAssertCorrectTestType">
8805             <summary>
8806             Validates that an if expression has a boolean condition.
8807             </summary>
8808         </member>
8809         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.CollectionExpressionAllElementsCorrectType">
8810             <summary>
8811             Validates that all properties of a collection expression are of the correct type.
8812             </summary>
8813         </member>
8814         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.RecordExpressionPropertiesMatchType">
8815             <summary>
8816             Validates that if a value record expression declares a type, the property types are correct.
8817             </summary>
8818         </member>
8819         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.FunctionApplicationExpressionParametersMatchAppliedFunction">
8820             <summary>
8821             Validates the types of a function application are correct.
8822             </summary>
8823         </member>
8824         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.VocabularyAnnotatableNoDuplicateAnnotations">
8825             <summary>
8826             Validates that there are no annotations that share the same term and qualifier.
8827             </summary>
8828         </member>
8829         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRules.PrimitiveValueValidForType">
8830             <summary>
8831             Validates that if a primitive value declares a type, the value is acceptable for the type.
8832             </summary>
8833         </member>
8834         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRule">
8835             <summary>
8836             A semantic validation rule.
8837             </summary>
8838         </member>
8839         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRule`1">
8840             <summary>
8841             A validation rule that is valid for a specific type.
8842             </summary>
8843             <typeparam name="TItem">Type that the rule is valid for.</typeparam>
8844         </member>
8845         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRule`1.#ctor(System.Action{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationContext,`0})">
8846             <summary>
8847             Initializes a new instance of the ValidationRule class.
8848             </summary>
8849             <param name="validate">Action to perform the validation.</param>
8850         </member>
8851         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRuleSet">
8852             <summary>
8853             A set of rules to run during validation.
8854             </summary>
8855         </member>
8856         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRuleSet.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRule},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRule})">
8857             <summary>
8858             Initializes a new instance of the ValidationRuleSet class.
8859             </summary>
8860             <param name="baseSet">Ruleset whose rules should be contained in this set.</param>
8861             <param name="newRules">Additional rules to add to the set.</param>
8862         </member>
8863         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRuleSet.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRule})">
8864             <summary>
8865             Initializes a new instance of the ValidationRuleSet class.
8866             </summary>
8867             <param name="rules">Rules to be contained in this ruleset.</param>
8868         </member>
8869         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRuleSet.GetEdmModelRuleSet(System.Version)">
8870             <summary>
8871             Gets the default validation ruleset for the given version.
8872             </summary>
8873             <param name="version">The EDM version being validated.</param>
8874             <returns>The set of rules to validate that the model conforms to the given version.</returns>
8875         </member>
8876         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRuleSet.GetEnumerator">
8877             <summary>
8878             Gets all of the rules in this ruleset.
8879             </summary>
8880             <returns>All of the rules in this ruleset.</returns>
8881         </member>
8882         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.ValidationRuleSet.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
8883             <summary>
8884             Gets all of the rules in this ruleset.
8885             </summary>
8886             <returns>All of the rules in this ruleset.</returns>
8887         </member>
8888         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode">
8889             <summary>
8890             EdmLib validation error codes
8891             </summary>
8892         </member>
8893         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidErrorCodeValue">
8894             <summary>
8895             Invalid error code
8896             </summary>
8897         </member>
8898         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.StreamTypeReferencesNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8899             <summary>
8900             References to EDM stream type are not supported before version 3.0.
8901             </summary>
8902         </member>
8903         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.SpatialTypeReferencesNotSupportedBeforeV3">
8904             <summary>
8905             References to EDM spatial types are not supported before version 3.0.
8906             </summary>
8907         </member>
8908         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.XmlError">
8909             <summary>
8910             An exception was thrown by the underlying xml reader.
8911             </summary>
8912         </member>
8913         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.UnexpectedXmlNodeType">
8914             <summary>
8915             Encountered an XML node that was never used
8916             </summary>
8917         </member>
8918         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.UnexpectedXmlAttribute">
8919             <summary>
8920             Encountered an XML attribute that was never used
8921             </summary>
8922         </member>
8923         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.UnexpectedXmlElement">
8924             <summary>
8925             Encountered an XML element that was never used
8926             </summary>
8927         </member>
8928         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.TextNotAllowed">
8929             <summary>
8930             Text was found in a location it was not allowed in
8931             </summary>
8932         </member>
8933         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EmptyFile">
8934             <summary>
8935             An empty file was provided to the parser
8936             </summary>
8937         </member>
8938         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.MissingAttribute">
8939             <summary>
8940             An XML element was missing a required attribute
8941             </summary>
8942         </member>
8943         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidName">
8944             <summary>
8945             Invalid Name
8946             </summary>
8947         </member>
8948         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.MissingType">
8949             <summary>
8950             An XML attribute or element representing EDM type is missing.
8951             </summary>
8952         </member>
8953         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.AlreadyDefined">
8954             <summary>
8955             Element name is already defined in this context.
8956             </summary>
8957         </member>
8958         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidVersionNumber">
8959             <summary>
8960             The specified version number is not valid.
8961             </summary>
8962         </member>
8963         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidBoolean">
8964             <summary>
8965             Malformed boolean value.
8966             </summary>
8967         </member>
8968         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadProperty">
8969             <summary>
8970             The property contains an error.
8971             </summary>
8972         </member>
8973         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidPropertyType">
8974             <summary>
8975             The type of this property is invalid for the given context.
8976             </summary>
8977         </member>
8978         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.PrecisionOutOfRange">
8979             <summary> 
8980             Precision out of range 
8981             </summary>
8982         </member>
8983         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ScaleOutOfRange">
8984             <summary> 
8985             Scale out of range 
8986             </summary>
8987         </member>
8988         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NameTooLong">
8989             <summary>
8990             Name is too long.
8991             </summary>
8992         </member>
8993         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidAssociation">
8994             <summary>
8995             The provided association is invalid
8996             </summary>
8997         </member>
8998         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadNavigationProperty">
8999             <summary>
9000             Navigation property contains errors.
9001             </summary>
9002         </member>
9003         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidKey">
9004             <summary>
9005             Entity key is invalid.
9006             </summary>
9007         </member>
9008         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InterfaceCriticalPropertyValueMustNotBeNull">
9009             <summary>
9010             The value of the property must not be null.
9011             </summary>
9012         </member>
9013         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InterfaceCriticalKindValueMismatch">
9014             <summary>
9015             An object with an interface kind property does not implement the interface corresponding to the value of that property.
9016             For example this error will be reported for an object that implements <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmType"/> interface with kind property reporting <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EdmTypeKind"/>.Entity, 
9017             but does not implement <see cref="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmEntityType"/> interface.
9018             </summary>
9019         </member>
9020         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InterfaceCriticalKindValueUnexpected">
9021             <summary>
9022             The value of an interface kind property is not semantically valid. A semantically valid model must not contain elements of kind 'None'.
9023             </summary>
9024         </member>
9025         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InterfaceCriticalEnumerableMustNotHaveNullElements">
9026             <summary>
9027             An enumeration property must not contain null elements.
9028             </summary>
9029         </member>
9030         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InterfaceCriticalEnumPropertyValueOutOfRange">
9031             <summary>
9032             The value of the enum type property is out of range.
9033             </summary>
9034         </member>
9035         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InterfaceCriticalNavigationPartnerInvalid">
9036             <summary>
9037             If property P1 is a navigation property and P2 is its parnter, then partner property of P2 must be P1.
9038             </summary>
9039         </member>
9040         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InterfaceCriticalCycleInTypeHierarchy">
9041             <summary>
9042             A chain of base types is cyclic.
9043             </summary>
9044         </member>
9045         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidMultiplicity">
9046             <summary>
9047             Multiplicity value was malformed
9048             </summary>
9049         </member>
9050         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidAction">
9051             <summary>
9052             The value for the Action attribute is invalid or not allowed in the current context
9053             </summary>
9054         </member>
9055         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidOnDelete">
9056             <summary>
9057             An error occured processing the OnDelete element
9058             </summary>
9059         </member>
9060         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedComplexType">
9061             <summary>
9062             No complex type with that name exists.
9063             </summary>
9064         </member>
9065         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidEndEntitySet">
9066             <summary>
9067             The extent name used in the EntittyContainerType End does not match the name of any of the EntityContainerProperties in the containing EntityContainer
9068             </summary>
9069         </member>
9070         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportEntitySetExpressionIsInvalid">
9071             <summary>
9072             Function import specifies an entity set expression which is not supported in this context. Function import entity set expression can be either an entity set reference or a path starting with a function import parameter and traversing navigation properties.
9073             </summary>
9074         </member>
9075         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntitySetNavigationPropertyMappingMustPointToValidTargetForProperty">
9076             <summary>
9077             The target entity set must be able to hold an entity that is valid for the navigation property of a mapping.
9078             </summary>
9079         </member>
9080         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidRoleInRelationshipConstraint">
9081             <summary>
9082             Invalid role value in the relationship constraint
9083             </summary>
9084         </member>
9085         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidPropertyInRelationshipConstraint">
9086             <summary>
9087             Invalid Property in relationship constraint
9088             </summary>
9089         </member>
9090         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.TypeMismatchRelationshipConstraint">
9091             <summary> 
9092             Type mismatch between ToProperty and FromProperty in the relationship constraint
9093             </summary>
9094         </member>
9095         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidMultiplicityOfPrincipalEnd">
9096             <summary> 
9097             Invalid multiplicty of the principal end of a navigation.
9098             </summary>
9099         </member>
9100         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.MismatchNumberOfPropertiesInRelationshipConstraint">
9101             <summary> 
9102             The number of properties in the FromProperty and ToProperty in the relationship constraint must be identical
9103             </summary>
9104         </member>
9105         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidMultiplicityOfDependentEnd">
9106             <summary> 
9107             Invalid multiplicty of the dependent end of a navigation.
9108             </summary>
9109         </member>
9110         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.OpenTypeNotSupported">
9111             <summary>
9112             Open types are supported only in version 1.2 and after version 2.0. Only entity types can be open.
9113             </summary>
9114         </member>
9115         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.VocabularyAnnotationsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
9116             <summary>
9117             Vocabulary annotations are not supported before EDM 3.0
9118             </summary>
9119         </member>
9120         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.SameRoleReferredInReferentialConstraint">
9121             <summary> 
9122             Same role referred in the ToRole and FromRole of a referential constraint 
9123             </summary>
9124         </member>
9125         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntityKeyMustBeScalar">
9126             <summary> 
9127             Properties that are part of entity key must be of scalar type
9128             </summary>
9129         </member>
9130         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntityKeyMustNotBeBinary">
9131             <summary> 
9132             Binary type properties which are part of entity key are currently supported before V2.0 
9133             </summary>
9134         </member>
9135         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EndWithManyMultiplicityCannotHaveOperationsSpecified">
9136             <summary>
9137             End with * multiplicity cannot have operations specified
9138             </summary>
9139         </member>
9140         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntitySetTypeHasNoKeys">
9141             <summary>
9142             EntitySet type has no keys
9143             </summary>
9144         </member>
9145         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidConcurrencyMode">
9146             <summary>
9147             ConcurrencyMode value was malformed
9148             </summary>
9149         </member>
9150         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ConcurrencyRedefinedOnSubtypeOfEntitySetType">
9151             <summary>
9152             Conurency can't change for any sub types of an EntitySet type.
9153             </summary>
9154         </member>
9155         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportUnsupportedReturnType">
9156             <summary>
9157             In version 1.0 function import can have no return type or return a collection of scalars or a collection of entities.
9158             In all other versions function import can have no return type or return a scalar, a complex type, an entity type or a collection of those.
9159             </summary>
9160         </member>
9161         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ComposableFunctionImportCannotBeSideEffecting">
9162             <summary>
9163             Composable function import cannot be side-effecting.
9164             </summary>
9165         </member>
9166         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportReturnsEntitiesButDoesNotSpecifyEntitySet">
9167             <summary>
9168             Function import specifies entity type return but no entity set.
9169             </summary>
9170         </member>
9171         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportEntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet">
9172             <summary>
9173             Function import specifies entity type that does not derive from element type of entity set.
9174             </summary>
9175         </member>
9176         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportSpecifiesEntitySetButDoesNotReturnEntityType">
9177             <summary>
9178             Function import specifies a binding to an entity set but does not return entities.
9179             </summary>
9180         </member>
9181         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ComposableFunctionImportMustHaveReturnType">
9182             <summary>
9183             A composable function import must have return type.
9184             </summary>
9185         </member>
9186         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.SimilarRelationshipEnd">
9187             <summary>
9188             Same Entity Set Taking part in the same role of the relationship set in two different relationship sets
9189             </summary>
9190         </member>
9191         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicatePropertySpecifiedInEntityKey">
9192             <summary>
9193             Entity key refers to the same property twice
9194             </summary>
9195         </member>
9196         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NullableComplexTypeProperty">
9197             <summary> 
9198             Nullable complex Type not supported in version 1.0 and 2.0.
9199             </summary>
9200         </member>
9201         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.KeyMissingOnEntityType">
9202             <summary>
9203             No Key defined on Entity Type 
9204             </summary>
9205         </member>
9206         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.SystemNamespaceEncountered">
9207             <summary>
9208             Need not specify system namespace in using 
9209             </summary>
9210         </member>
9211         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidNamespaceName">
9212             <summary> 
9213             Invalid qualification specified for type 
9214             </summary>
9215         </member>
9216         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EnumMemberValueOutOfRange">
9217             <summary>
9218             The value for an enumeration type member is ouf of range.
9219             </summary>
9220         </member>
9221         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicateEntityContainerMemberName">
9222             <summary>
9223             The entity container name has already been assigned to a different entity container.
9224             </summary>
9225         </member>
9226         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidAbstractComplexType">
9227             <summary>
9228             Complex types were not allowed to be abstract here.
9229             </summary>
9230         </member>
9231         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidPolymorphicComplexType">
9232             <summary>
9233             Complex types cannot have base types in this version.
9234             </summary>
9235         </member>
9236         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NavigationPropertyEntityMustNotIndirectlyContainItself">
9237             <summary>
9238             A navigation property without direct containment cannot contain its declaring entity indirectly.
9239             </summary>
9240         </member>
9241         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntitySetRecursiveNavigationPropertyMappingsMustPointBackToSourceEntitySet">
9242             <summary>
9243             If a navigation property mapping is of a recursive navigation property, the mapping must point back to the same entity set.
9244             </summary>
9245         </member>
9246         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadAmbiguousElementBinding">
9247             <summary>
9248             Name collision makes this name ambiguous.
9249             </summary>
9250         </member>
9251         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedType">
9252             <summary>
9253             Could not find a type with this name.
9254             </summary>
9255         </member>
9256         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedPrimitiveType">
9257             <summary>
9258             Could not find a primitive type with this name.
9259             </summary>
9260         </member>
9261         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadCyclicComplex">
9262             <summary>
9263             This complex type is part of a cycle.
9264             </summary>
9265         </member>
9266         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadCyclicEntityContainer">
9267             <summary>
9268             This Entity Container is bad because some part of its extends hierarchy is part of a cycle.
9269             </summary>
9270         </member>
9271         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadCyclicEntity">
9272             <summary>
9273             This entity type is part of a cycle.
9274             </summary>
9275         </member>
9276         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.TypeSemanticsCouldNotConvertTypeReference">
9277             <summary>
9278             Could not convert type reference to the requested type.
9279             </summary>
9280         </member>
9281         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ConstructibleEntitySetTypeInvalidFromEntityTypeRemoval">
9282             <summary>
9283             This entity set became invalid because the entity that it was of the type of was removed from the model.
9284             </summary>
9285         </member>
9286         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedEntityContainer">
9287             <summary>
9288             Could not find an EntityContainer with that name.
9289             </summary>
9290         </member>
9291         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedEntitySet">
9292             <summary>
9293             Could not find an EntitySet with that name.
9294             </summary>
9295         </member>
9296         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedProperty">
9297             <summary>
9298             Could not find a property with that name
9299             </summary>
9300         </member>
9301         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadNonComputableAssociationEnd">
9302             <summary>
9303             Could not find an association end with that name
9304             </summary>
9305         </member>
9306         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NavigationPropertyTypeInvalidBecauseOfBadAssociation">
9307             <summary>
9308             Type of the navigation property was invalid because the association of the navigation property was invalid.
9309             </summary>
9310         </member>
9311         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntityMustHaveEntityBaseType">
9312             <summary>
9313             The base type of an entity must also be an entity.
9314             </summary>
9315         </member>
9316         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ComplexTypeMustHaveComplexBaseType">
9317             <summary>
9318             The base type of a complex type must also be complex.
9319             </summary>
9320         </member>
9321         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedFunction">
9322             <summary>
9323             Could not find a function with this name.
9324             </summary>
9325         </member>
9326         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.RowTypeMustNotHaveBaseType">
9327             <summary>
9328             Rows cannot have base types.
9329             </summary>
9330         </member>
9331         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.AssociationSetEndRoleMustBelongToSetElementType">
9332             <summary>
9333             The role of an association set end must be an association end belonging to the association type that defines the associaiton set.
9334             </summary>
9335         </member>
9336         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.KeyPropertyMustBelongToEntity">
9337             <summary>
9338             Every property in an entity key must be a property of the entity.
9339             </summary>
9340         </member>
9341         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ReferentialConstraintPrincipalEndMustBelongToAssociation">
9342             <summary>
9343             The principal end of a referential constraint must be one of the ends of the association that defined the referential constraint.
9344             </summary>
9345         </member>
9346         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DependentPropertiesMustBelongToDependentEntity">
9347             <summary>
9348             Dependent properties of a referential constraint must belong to the dependent entity set.
9349             </summary>
9350         </member>
9351         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DeclaringTypeMustBeCorrect">
9352             <summary>
9353             If a structured type declares a property, that properties declaring type must be the declaring structured type.
9354             </summary>
9355         </member>
9356         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionsNotSupportedBeforeV2">
9357             <summary>
9358             Functions are not supported before version 2.0.
9359             </summary>
9360         </member>
9361         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ValueTermsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
9362             <summary>
9363             Value terms are not supported before EDM 3.0
9364             </summary>
9365         </member>
9366         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidNavigationPropertyType">
9367             <summary>
9368             Navigation property has a type that is not an entity or collection of entities.
9369             </summary>
9370         </member>
9371         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.UnderlyingTypeIsBadBecauseEnumTypeIsBad">
9372             <summary>
9373             Underlying type of the enumeration type is bad because the enumeration type is bad.
9374             </summary>
9375         </member>
9376         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidAssociationSetEndSetWrongType">
9377             <summary>
9378             The type of the entity set on this association end is inconsistent with the association end.
9379             </summary>
9380         </member>
9381         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.OnlyInputParametersAllowedInFunctions">
9382             <summary>
9383             Only function parameters with mode of In are allowed in function imports.
9384             </summary>
9385         </member>
9386         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ComplexTypeMustHaveProperties">
9387             <summary>
9388             Complex types must contain at least one property.
9389             </summary>
9390         </member>
9391         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportParameterIncorrectType">
9392             <summary>
9393             Unsupported function import parameter type.
9394             </summary>
9395         </member>
9396         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.RowTypeMustHaveProperties">
9397             <summary>
9398             A row type must contain at least one property.
9399             </summary>
9400         </member>
9401         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicateDependentProperty">
9402             <summary>
9403             A referential constraint cannot have multiple dependent properties with the same name.
9404             </summary>
9405         </member>
9406         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BindableFunctionImportMustHaveParameters">
9407             <summary>
9408             Bindable function import must have at least one parameter.
9409             </summary>
9410         </member>
9411         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportSideEffectingNotSupportedBeforeV3">
9412             <summary>
9413             Function imports with side-effecting setting are not supported before version 3.0.
9414             </summary>
9415         </member>
9416         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportComposableNotSupportedBeforeV3">
9417             <summary>
9418             Function imports with composable setting are not supported before version 3.0.
9419             </summary>
9420         </member>
9421         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.FunctionImportBindableNotSupportedBeforeV3">
9422             <summary>
9423             Function imports with bindable setting are not supported before version 3.0.
9424             </summary>
9425         </member>
9426         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.MaxLengthOutOfRange">
9427             <summary>
9428             Max length is out of range.
9429             </summary>
9430         </member>
9431         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.PathExpressionHasNoEntityContext">
9432             <summary>
9433             Binding context for Path expression does not supply an entity type
9434             </summary>
9435         </member>
9436         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidSrid">
9437             <summary>
9438             Invalid value for SRID
9439             </summary>
9440         </member>
9441         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidMaxLength">
9442             <summary>
9443             Invalid value for max length
9444             </summary>
9445         </member>
9446         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidLong">
9447             <summary>
9448             Invalid value for long
9449             </summary>
9450         </member>
9451         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidInteger">
9452             <summary>
9453             Invalid value for integer
9454             </summary>
9455         </member>
9456         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidAssociationSet">
9457             <summary>
9458             Invalid association set
9459             </summary>
9460         </member>
9461         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidParameterMode">
9462             <summary>
9463             Invalid parameter mode
9464             </summary>
9465         </member>
9466         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedEntityType">
9467             <summary>
9468             No entity type with that name exists.
9469             </summary>
9470         </member>
9471         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidValue">
9472             <summary>
9473             Value is invalid
9474             </summary>
9475         </member>
9476         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidBinary">
9477             <summary>
9478             Binary value is invalid.
9479             </summary>
9480         </member>
9481         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidFloatingPoint">
9482             <summary>
9483             Floating point value is invalid.
9484             </summary>
9485         </member>
9486         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidDateTime">
9487             <summary>
9488             DateTime value is invalid.
9489             </summary>
9490         </member>
9491         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidDateTimeOffset">
9492             <summary>
9493             DateTimeOffset value is invalid.
9494             </summary>
9495         </member>
9496         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidDecimal">
9497             <summary>
9498             Decimal value is invalid.
9499             </summary>
9500         </member>
9501         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidGuid">
9502             <summary>
9503             Guid value is invalid.
9504             </summary>
9505         </member>
9506         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidTypeKindNone">
9507             <summary>
9508             The type kind None is not semantically valid. A semantically valid model must not contain elements of type kind None.
9509             </summary>
9510         </member>
9511         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidIfExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
9512             <summary>
9513             The if expression is invalid because it does not have 3 elements.
9514             </summary>
9515         </member>
9516         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EnumsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
9517             <summary>
9518             Enums were present in a model with a version below 3.0
9519             </summary>
9520         </member>
9521         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EnumMemberTypeMustMatchEnumUnderlyingType">
9522             <summary>
9523             The type of an enum member value must match the underlying of the parent enum.
9524             </summary>
9525         </member>
9526         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidIsTypeExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
9527             <summary>
9528             The IsType expression is invalid because it does not have 1 element.
9529             </summary>
9530         </member>
9531         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidTypeName">
9532             <summary>
9533             The type name is not fully qualified and not a primitive.
9534             </summary>
9535         </member>
9536         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidQualifiedName">
9537             <summary>
9538             The term name is not fully qualified.
9539             </summary>
9540         </member>
9541         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NoReadersProvided">
9542             <summary>
9543             No model was parsed because no XmlReaders were provided.
9544             </summary>
9545         </member>
9546         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NullXmlReader">
9547             <summary>
9548             Model could not be parsed because one of the XmlReaders was null.
9549             </summary>
9550         </member>
9551         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.IsUnboundedCannotBeTrueWhileMaxLengthIsNotNull">
9552             <summary>
9553             IsUnbounded cannot be true if MaxLength is non-null.
9554             </summary>
9555         </member>
9556         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidElementAnnotation">
9557             <summary>
9558             ImmediateValueAnnotation is invalid as an element annotation.
9559             </summary>
9560         </member>
9561         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidLabeledElementExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
9562             <summary>
9563             The LabeledElement expression is invalid because it does not have 1 element.
9564             </summary>
9565         </member>
9566         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedLabeledElement">
9567             <summary>
9568             Could not find a LabeledElement with that name
9569             </summary>
9570         </member>
9571         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedEnumMember">
9572             <summary>
9573             Could not find a enum member with that name
9574             </summary>
9575         </member>
9576         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidAssertTypeExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
9577             <summary>
9578             The AssertType expression is invalid because it does not have 1 element.
9579             </summary>
9580         </member>
9581         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedParameter">
9582             <summary>
9583             Could not find a Parameter with that name
9584             </summary>
9585         </member>
9586         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentTargetMustBeOptional">
9587             <summary>
9588             A navigation property with <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> = true must point to an optional target.
9589             </summary>
9590         </member>
9591         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromZeroOrOne">
9592             <summary>
9593             If a navigation property has <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> = true and the target entity type is the same as 
9594             the declaring type of the property, then the multiplicity of the source of navigation is Zero-Or-One.
9595             </summary>
9596         </member>
9597         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NavigationPropertyWithNonRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromOne">
9598             <summary>
9599             If a navigation property has <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> = true and the target entity type is defferent than
9600             the declaring type of the property, then the multiplicity of the source of navigation is One.
9601             </summary>
9602         </member>
9603         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NavigationPropertyContainsTargetNotSupportedBeforeV3">
9604             <summary>
9605             Navigation properties with <see cref="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmNavigationProperty.ContainsTarget"/> setting are not supported before version 3.0.
9606             </summary>
9607         </member>
9608         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ImpossibleAnnotationsTarget">
9609             <summary>
9610             The annotation target path cannot possibly refer to an annotable element.
9611             </summary>
9612         </member>
9613         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.CannotAssertNullableTypeAsNonNullableType">
9614             <summary>
9615             A nullable type is not valid if a non-nullable type is required.
9616             </summary>
9617         </member>
9618         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.CannotAssertPrimitiveExpressionAsNonPrimitiveType">
9619             <summary>
9620             The expression is a primitive constant, and cannot be valid for an non-primitive type.
9621             </summary>
9622         </member>
9623         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ExpressionPrimitiveKindNotValidForAssertedType">
9624             <summary>
9625             The primitive type is not valid for the requested type.
9626             </summary>
9627         </member>
9628         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NullCannotBeAssertedToBeANonNullableType">
9629             <summary>
9630             Null is not valid in a non nullable expression.
9631             </summary>
9632         </member>
9633         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ExpressionNotValidForTheAssertedType">
9634             <summary>
9635             The expression is not valid for the asserted type.
9636             </summary>
9637         </member>
9638         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.CollectionExpressionNotValidForNonCollectionType">
9639             <summary>
9640             A collection expression is not valid for a non-collection type.
9641             </summary>
9642         </member>
9643         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.RecordExpressionNotValidForNonStructuredType">
9644             <summary>
9645             A record expression is not valid for a non-structured type.
9646             </summary>
9647         </member>
9648         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.RecordExpressionMissingRequiredProperty">
9649             <summary>
9650             The record expression does not have all of the properties required for the specified type.
9651             </summary>
9652         </member>
9653         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.RecordExpressionHasExtraProperties">
9654             <summary>
9655             The record expression's type is not open, but the record expression has extra properties.
9656             </summary>
9657         </member>
9658         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicateAnnotation">
9659             <summary>
9660             Target has multiple annotations with the same term and same qualifier.
9661             </summary>
9662         </member>
9663         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.IncorrectNumberOfArguments">
9664             <summary>
9665             Function application has wrong number of arguments for the function being applied.
9666             </summary>
9667         </member>
9668         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicateAlias">
9669             <summary>
9670             Is it invalid to have multiple using statements with the same alias in a single schema element.
9671             </summary>
9672         </member>
9673         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ReferencedTypeMustHaveValidName">
9674             <summary>
9675             A model cannot be serialized to CSDL if it has references to types without fully qualified names.
9676             </summary>
9677         </member>
9678         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.SingleFileExpected">
9679             <summary>
9680             The model could not be serialized because multiple schemas were produced and only a single output stream was found.
9681             </summary>
9682         </member>
9683         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.UnknownEdmxVersion">
9684             <summary>
9685             The Edmx version is not valid.
9686             </summary>
9687         </member>
9688         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.UnknownEdmVersion">
9689             <summary>
9690             The EdmVersion is not valid.
9691             </summary>
9692         </member>
9693         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NoSchemasProduced">
9694             <summary>
9695             Nothing was written because no schemas were produced.
9696             </summary>
9697         </member>
9698         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicateEntityContainerName">
9699             <summary>
9700             Model has multiple entity containers with the same name.
9701             </summary>
9702         </member>
9703         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.ContainerElementContainerNameIncorrect">
9704             <summary>
9705             The container name of a container element must be the full name of the container entity container.
9706             </summary>
9707         </member>
9708         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.PrimitiveConstantExpressionNotValidForNonPrimitiveType">
9709             <summary>
9710             A primitive constant expression is not valid for a non-primitive type.
9711             </summary>
9712         </member>
9713         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.IntegerConstantValueOutOfRange">
9714             <summary>
9715             The value of the integer constant is out of range for the asserted type.
9716             </summary>
9717         </member>
9718         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.StringConstantLengthOutOfRange">
9719             <summary>
9720             The length of the string constant is too large for the asserted type.
9721             </summary>
9722         </member>
9723         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BinaryConstantLengthOutOfRange">
9724             <summary>
9725             The length of the binary constant is too large for the asserted type.
9726             </summary>
9727         </member>
9728         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidFunctionImportParameterMode">
9729             <summary>
9730             None is not a valid mode for a function import parameter.
9731             </summary>
9732         </member>
9733         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.TypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
9734             <summary>
9735             A type without other errors must not have kind of none.
9736             </summary>
9737         </member>
9738         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.PrimitiveTypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
9739             <summary>
9740             A primitive type without other errors must not have kind of none.
9741             </summary>
9742         </member>
9743         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.PropertyMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
9744             <summary>
9745             A property without other errors must not have kind of none.
9746             </summary>
9747         </member>
9748         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.TermMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
9749             <summary>
9750             A term without other errors must not have kind of none.
9751             </summary>
9752         </member>
9753         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.SchemaElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
9754             <summary>
9755             A schema element without other errors must not have kind of none.
9756             </summary>
9757         </member>
9758         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntityContainerElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
9759             <summary>
9760             An entity container element without other errors must not have kind of none.
9761             </summary>
9762         </member>
9763         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BinaryValueCannotHaveEmptyValue">
9764             <summary>
9765             A binary value must have content.
9766             </summary>
9767         </member>
9768         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntitySetCanOnlyBeContainedByASingleNavigationProperty">
9769             <summary>
9770             There can only be a single navigation property mapping with containment that targets a particular entity set.
9771             </summary>
9772         </member>
9773         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InconsistentNavigationPropertyPartner">
9774             <summary>
9775             The navigation properties partner does not point back to the correct type.
9776             </summary>
9777         </member>
9778         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntitySetCanOnlyHaveSingleNavigationPropertyWithContainment">
9779             <summary>
9780             An entity set can only have one navigation property with containment.
9781             </summary>
9782         </member>
9783         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EntitySetNavigationMappingMustBeBidirectional">
9784             <summary>
9785             If a navigation property is traversed from an entity set, and then it's partner is traversed from the target of the first mapping, the destination should be the originating entity set.
9786             </summary>
9787         </member>
9788         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicateNavigationPropertyMapping">
9789             <summary>
9790             There can only be a single mapping from a given EntitySet with a particular navigation property.
9791             </summary>
9792         </member>
9793         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.AllNavigationPropertiesMustBeMapped">
9794             <summary>
9795             An entity set must have a mapping for all of the navigation properties in its element type.
9796             </summary>
9797         </member>
9798         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.TypeAnnotationMissingRequiredProperty">
9799             <summary>
9800             Type annotation does not have a property binding for all required properties.
9801             </summary>
9802         </member>
9803         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.TypeAnnotationHasExtraProperties">
9804             <summary>
9805             Type annotation has a property binding for a non-existant property and its type is not open.
9806             </summary>
9807         </member>
9808         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidTime">
9809             <summary>
9810             Time value is invalid.
9811             </summary>
9812         </member>
9813         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidPrimitiveValue">
9814             <summary>
9815             The primitive type is invalid.
9816             </summary>
9817         </member>
9818         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.EnumMustHaveIntegerUnderlyingType">
9819             <summary>
9820             An Enum type must have an underlying type of integer.
9821             </summary>
9822         </member>
9823         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedTerm">
9824             <summary>
9825             Could not find a term with this name.
9826             </summary>
9827         </member>
9828         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadPrincipalPropertiesInReferentialConstraint">
9829             <summary>
9830             The principal properties of a referential constraint must match the key of the referential constraint.
9831             </summary>
9832         </member>
9833         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.DuplicateDirectValueAnnotationFullName">
9834             <summary>
9835             A direct value annotation with the same name and namespace already exists.
9836             </summary>
9837         </member>
9838         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.NoEntitySetsFoundForType">
9839             <summary>
9840             AssociationSetEnd cannot infer an entity set because no set exists of the given type.
9841             </summary>
9842         </member>
9843         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.CannotInferEntitySetWithMultipleSetsPerType">
9844             <summary>
9845             AssociationSetEnd cannot infer an entity set because more than one set exists of the given type.
9846             </summary>
9847         </member>
9848         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidEntitySetPath">
9849             <summary>
9850             Invalid entity set path.
9851             </summary>
9852         </member>
9853         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.InvalidEnumMemberPath">
9854             <summary>
9855             Invalid enum member path.
9856             </summary>
9857         </member>
9858         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.QualifierMustBeSimpleName">
9859             <summary>
9860             An annotation qualifier must be a simple name.
9861             </summary>
9862         </member>
9863         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedEnumType">
9864             <summary>
9865             Enum type could not be resolved.
9866             </summary>
9867         </member>
9868         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.BadUnresolvedTarget">
9869             <summary>
9870             Could not find a target with this name.
9871             </summary>
9872         </member>
9873         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Validation.EdmErrorCode.PathIsNotValidForTheGivenContext">
9874             <summary>
9875             Path cannot be resolved in the given context.
9876             </summary>
9877         </member>
9878         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper">
9879             <summary>
9880             Helper methods that provide a common API surface on all platforms.
9881             </summary>
9882         </member>
9883         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.EmptyTypes">
9884             <summary>
9885             Use this instead of Type.EmptyTypes.
9886             </summary>
9887         </member>
9888         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.UriSchemeHttp">
9889             <summary>
9890             Use this instead of Uri.UriSchemeHttp.
9891             </summary>
9892         </member>
9893         <member name="F:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.UriSchemeHttps">
9894             <summary>
9895             Use this instead of Uri.UriSchemeHttps.
9896             </summary>
9897         </member>
9898         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetAssembly(System.Type)">
9899             <summary>
9900             Replacement for Type.Assembly.
9901             </summary>
9902             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9903             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9904         </member>
9905         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsValueType(System.Type)">
9906             <summary>
9907             Replacement for Type.IsValueType.
9908             </summary>
9909             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9910             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9911         </member>
9912         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsGenericParameter(System.Type)">
9913             <summary>
9914             Replacement for Type.IsGenericParameter.
9915             </summary>
9916             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9917             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9918         </member>
9919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsAbstract(System.Type)">
9920             <summary>
9921             Replacement for Type.IsAbstract.
9922             </summary>
9923             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9924             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9925         </member>
9926         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsGenericType(System.Type)">
9927             <summary>
9928             Replacement for Type.IsGenericType.
9929             </summary>
9930             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9931             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9932         </member>
9933         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsGenericTypeDefinition(System.Type)">
9934             <summary>
9935             Replacement for Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition.
9936             </summary>
9937             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9938             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9939         </member>
9940         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsVisible(System.Type)">
9941             <summary>
9942             Replacement for Type.IsVisible.
9943             </summary>
9944             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9945             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9946         </member>
9947         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsInterface(System.Type)">
9948             <summary>
9949             Replacement for Type.IsInterface.
9950             </summary>
9951             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9952             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9953         </member>
9954         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsClass(System.Type)">
9955             <summary>
9956             Replacement for Type.IsClass.
9957             </summary>
9958             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9959             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9960         </member>
9961         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsEnum(System.Type)">
9962             <summary>
9963             Replacement for Type.IsEnum.
9964             </summary>
9965             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9966             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9967         </member>
9968         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetBaseType(System.Type)">
9969             <summary>
9970             Replacement for Type.BaseType.
9971             </summary>
9972             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9973             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9974         </member>
9975         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.ContainsGenericParameters(System.Type)">
9976             <summary>
9977             Replacement for Type.ContainsGenericParameters.
9978             </summary>
9979             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
9980             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9981         </member>
9982         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.AsReadOnly``1(``0[])">
9983             <summary>
9984             Replacement for Array.AsReadOnly(T[]).
9985             </summary>
9986             <typeparam name="T">Type of items in the array.</typeparam>
9987             <param name="array">Array to use to create the ReadOnlyCollection.</param>
9988             <returns>ReadOnlyCollection containing the specified array items.</returns>
9989         </member>
9990         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime(System.String)">
9991             <summary>
9992             Converts a string to a DateTime.
9993             </summary>
9994             <param name="text">String to be converted.</param>
9995             <returns>See documentation for method being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
9996         </member>
9997         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.ConvertStringToDateTimeOffset(System.String)">
9998             <summary>
9999             Converts a string to a DateTimeOffset.
10000             </summary>
10001             <param name="text">String to be converted.</param>
10002             <returns>See documentation for method being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
10003         </member>
10004         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.AddSecondsPaddingIfMissing(System.String)">
10005             <summary>
10006             Adds the seconds padding as zeros to the date time string if seconds part is missing.
10007             </summary>
10008             <param name="text">String that needs seconds padding</param>
10009             <returns>DateTime string after adding seconds padding</returns>
10010         </member>
10011         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.ConvertDateTimeToStringInternal(System.DateTime)">
10012             <summary>
10013             Converts the DateTime to a string, internal method.
10014             </summary>
10015             <param name="dateTime">DateTime to convert to String.</param>
10016             <returns>Converted String.</returns>
10017         </member>
10018         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.ConvertDateTimeToString(System.DateTime)">
10019             <summary>
10020             Converts a DateTime to a string.
10021             </summary>
10022             <param name="dateTime">DateTime to be converted.</param>
10023             <returns>See documentation for property being accessed in the body of the method.</returns>
10024         </member>
10025         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetTypeOrThrow(System.String)">
10026             <summary>
10027             Gets the specified type.
10028             </summary>
10029             <param name="typeName">Name of the type to get.</param>
10030             <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">Throws if the type could not be found.</exception>
10031             <returns>Type instance that represents the specified type name.</returns>
10032         </member>
10033         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetTypeCode(System.Type)">
10034             <summary>
10035             Gets the TypeCode for the specified type.
10036             </summary>
10037             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10038             <returns>TypeCode representing the specified type.</returns>
10039         </member>
10040         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetUnicodeCategory(System.Char)">
10041             <summary>
10042             Gets the Unicode Category of the specified character.
10043             </summary>
10044             <param name="c">Character to get category of.</param>
10045             <returns>Category of the character.</returns>
10046         </member>
10047         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsProperty(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">
10048             <summary>
10049             Replacement for usage of MemberInfo.MemberType property.
10050             </summary>
10051             <param name="member">MemberInfo on which to access this method.</param>
10052             <returns>True if the specified member is a property, otherwise false.</returns>
10053         </member>
10054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsPrimitive(System.Type)">
10055             <summary>
10056             Replacement for usage of Type.IsPrimitive property.
10057             </summary>
10058             <param name="type">Type on which to access this method.</param>
10059             <returns>True if the specified type is primitive, otherwise false.</returns>
10060         </member>
10061         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsSealed(System.Type)">
10062             <summary>
10063             Replacement for usage of Type.IsSealed property.
10064             </summary>
10065             <param name="type">Type on which to access this method.</param>
10066             <returns>True if the specified type is sealed, otherwise false.</returns>
10067         </member>
10068         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.IsMethod(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">
10069             <summary>
10070             Replacement for usage of MemberInfo.MemberType property.
10071             </summary>
10072             <param name="member">MemberInfo on which to access this method.</param>
10073             <returns>True if the specified member is a method, otherwise false.</returns>
10074         </member>
10075         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.AreMembersEqual(System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">
10076             <summary>
10077             Compares two methodInfos and returns true if they represent the same method.
10078             Need this for Windows Phone as the method Infos of the same method are not always instance equivalent.
10079             </summary>
10080             <param name="member1">MemberInfo to compare.</param>
10081             <param name="member2">MemberInfo to compare.</param>
10082             <returns>True if the specified member is a method, otherwise false.</returns>
10083         </member>
10084         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetPublicProperties(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
10085             <summary>
10086             Gets public properties for the specified type.
10087             </summary>
10088             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10089             <param name="instanceOnly">True if method should return only instance properties, false if it should return both instance and static properties.</param>
10090             <returns>Enumerable of public properties for the type.</returns>
10091         </member>
10092         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetPublicProperties(System.Type,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
10093             <summary>
10094             Gets public properties for the specified type.
10095             </summary>
10096             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10097             <param name="instanceOnly">True if method should return only instance properties, false if it should return both instance and static properties.</param>
10098             <param name="declaredOnly">True if method should return only properties that are declared on the type, false if it should return properties declared on the type as well as those inherited from any base types.</param>
10099             <returns>Enumerable of public properties for the type.</returns>
10100         </member>
10101         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetInstanceConstructors(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
10102             <summary>
10103             Gets instance constructors for the specified type.
10104             </summary>
10105             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10106             <param name="isPublic">True if method should return only public constructors, false if it should return only non-public constructors.</param>
10107             <returns>Enumerable of instance constructors for the specified type.</returns>
10108         </member>
10109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetInstanceConstructor(System.Type,System.Boolean,System.Type[])">
10110             <summary>
10111             Gets a instance constructor for the type that takes the specified argument types.
10112             </summary>
10113             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10114             <param name="isPublic">True if method should search only public constructors, false if it should search only non-public constructors.</param>
10115             <param name="argTypes">Array of argument types for the constructor.</param>
10116             <returns>ConstructorInfo for the constructor with the specified characteristics if found, otherwise null.</returns>
10117         </member>
10118         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.TryGetMethod(System.Type,System.String,System.Type[],System.Reflection.MethodInfo@)">
10119             <summary>
10120             Tries to the get method from the type, returns null if not found.
10121             </summary>
10122             <param name="type">The type.</param>
10123             <param name="name">The name.</param>
10124             <param name="parameterTypes">The parameter types.</param>
10125             <returns>Returns True if found.</returns>
10126         </member>
10127         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetMethod(System.Type,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
10128             <summary>
10129             Gets a method on the specified type.
10130             </summary>
10131             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10132             <param name="name">Name of the method on the type.</param>
10133             <param name="isPublic">True if method should search only public methods, false if it should search only non-public methods.</param>
10134             <param name="isStatic">True if method should search only static methods, false if it should search only instance methods.</param>
10135             <returns>MethodInfo for the method with the specified characteristics if found, otherwise null.</returns>
10136         </member>
10137         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetMethod(System.Type,System.String,System.Type[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
10138             <summary>
10139             Gets a method on the specified type.
10140             </summary>
10141             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10142             <param name="name">Name of the method on the type.</param>
10143             <param name="types">Argument types for the method.</param>
10144             <param name="isPublic">True if method should search only public methods, false if it should search only non-public methods.</param>
10145             <param name="isStatic">True if method should search only static methods, false if it should search only instance methods.</param>
10146             <returns>MethodInfo for the method with the specified characteristics if found, otherwise null.</returns>
10147         </member>
10148         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetPublicStaticMethods(System.Type)">
10149             <summary>
10150             Gets all public static methods for a type.
10151             </summary>
10152             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10153             <returns>Enumerable of all public static methods for the specified type.</returns>
10154         </member>
10155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.GetNonPublicNestedTypes(System.Type)">
10156             <summary>
10157             Replacement for Type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.NonPublic)
10158             </summary>
10159             <param name="type">Type on which to call this helper method.</param>
10160             <returns>All types nested in the current type</returns>
10161         </member>
10162         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.PlatformHelper.CreateCompiled(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions)">
10163             <summary>
10164             Creates a Compiled Regex expression
10165             </summary>
10166             <param name="pattern">Pattern to match.</param>
10167             <param name="options">Options to use.</param>
10168             <returns>Regex expression to match supplied patter</returns>
10169             <remarks>Is marked as compiled option only in platforms otherwise RegexOption.None is used</remarks>
10170         </member>
10171         <member name="T:AssemblyRef">
10172             <summary>
10173             Sets public key string for friend assemblies.
10174             </summary>
10175         </member>
10176         <member name="F:AssemblyRef.ProductPublicKey">
10177             <summary>ProductPublicKey is an official MS supported public key for external releases.</summary>
10178         </member>
10179         <member name="F:AssemblyRef.TestPublicKey">
10180             <summary>TestPublicKey is an unsupported strong key for testing and internal use only</summary>
10181         </member>
10182         <member name="F:AssemblyRef.ProductPublicKeyToken">
10183             <summary>Dont know what this is</summary>
10184         </member>
10185         <member name="F:AssemblyRef.OfficialSilverLightPublicKeyToken">
10186             <summary>Used for comparison with external assemblies for silverlight like Microsoft.VisualBasic.</summary>
10187         </member>
10188         <member name="F:AssemblyRef.OfficialDesktopPublicKeyToken">
10189             <summary>Used for comparison with external assemblies for desktop like Microsoft.VisualBasic.</summary>
10190         </member>
10191         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EntityResDescriptionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
10192             <summary>
10193                 Constructs a new sys description.
10194             </summary>
10195             <param name='description'>
10196                 description text.
10197             </param>
10198         </member>
10199         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EntityResDescriptionAttribute.Description">
10200             <summary>
10201                 Retrieves the description text.
10202             </summary>
10203             <returns>
10204                 description
10205             </returns>
10206         </member>
10207         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.EntityRes">
10208              <summary>
10209                 AutoGenerated resource class. Usage:
10211                     string s = EntityRes.GetString(EntityRes.MyIdenfitier);
10212              </summary>
10213         </member>
10214         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings">
10215             <summary>
10216                Strongly-typed and parameterized string resources.
10217             </summary>
10218         </member>
10219         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Annotations_DocumentationPun(System.Object)">
10220             <summary>
10221             A string like "Annotations in the 'Documentation' namespace must implement 'IEdmDocumentation', but '{0}' does not."
10222             </summary>
10223         </member>
10224         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Annotations_TypeMismatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
10225             <summary>
10226             A string like "Annotation of type '{0}' cannot be interpreted as '{1}'."
10227             </summary>
10228         </member>
10229         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Constructable_TargetMustBeStock(System.Object)">
10230             <summary>
10231             A string like "Navigation target entity type must be '{0}'."
10232             </summary>
10233         </member>
10234         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.TypeSemantics_CouldNotConvertTypeReference(System.Object,System.Object)">
10235             <summary>
10236             A string like "The type '{0}' could not be converted to be a '{1}' type."
10237             </summary>
10238         </member>
10239         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueWriter_NonSerializableValue(System.Object)">
10240             <summary>
10241             A string like "The value writer cannot write a value of kind '{0}'."
10242             </summary>
10243         </member>
10244         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Edm_Evaluator_NoTermTypeAnnotationOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
10245             <summary>
10246             A string like "Type '{0}' must have a single type annotation with term type '{1}'."
10247             </summary>
10248         </member>
10249         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Edm_Evaluator_NoValueAnnotationOnType(System.Object,System.Object)">
10250             <summary>
10251             A string like "Type '{0}' must have a single value annotation with term '{1}'."
10252             </summary>
10253         </member>
10254         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Edm_Evaluator_NoValueAnnotationOnElement(System.Object)">
10255             <summary>
10256             A string like "Element must have a single value annotation with term '{0}'."
10257             </summary>
10258         </member>
10259         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Edm_Evaluator_UnrecognizedExpressionKind(System.Object)">
10260             <summary>
10261             A string like "Expression with kind '{0}' cannot be evaluated."
10262             </summary>
10263         </member>
10264         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Edm_Evaluator_UnboundFunction(System.Object)">
10265             <summary>
10266             A string like "Function '{0}' is not present in the execution environment."
10267             </summary>
10268         </member>
10269         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Edm_Evaluator_UnboundPath(System.Object)">
10270             <summary>
10271             A string like "Path segment '{0}' has no binding in the execution environment."
10272             </summary>
10273         </member>
10274         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Edm_Evaluator_FailedTypeAssertion(System.Object)">
10275             <summary>
10276             A string like "Value fails to match type '{0}'."
10277             </summary>
10278         </member>
10279         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_SystemNamespaceEncountered(System.Object)">
10280             <summary>
10281             A string like "The namespace '{0}' is a system namespace and cannot be used by non-system types. Please choose a different namespace."
10282             </summary>
10283         </member>
10284         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntitySetTypeHasNoKeys(System.Object,System.Object)">
10285             <summary>
10286             A string like "The entity set '{0}' is based on type '{1}' that has no keys defined."
10287             </summary>
10288         </member>
10289         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DuplicateEndName(System.Object)">
10290             <summary>
10291             A string like "An end with the name '{0}' is already defined."
10292             </summary>
10293         </member>
10294         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DuplicatePropertyNameSpecifiedInEntityKey(System.Object,System.Object)">
10295             <summary>
10296             A string like "The key specified in entity type '{0}' is not valid. Property '{1}' is referenced more than once in the key element."
10297             </summary>
10298         </member>
10299         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidComplexTypeAbstract(System.Object)">
10300             <summary>
10301             A string like "The complex type '{0}' is marked as abstract. Abstract complex types are only supported in version 1.1 EDM models."
10302             </summary>
10303         </member>
10304         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidComplexTypePolymorphic(System.Object)">
10305             <summary>
10306             A string like "The complex type '{0}' has a base type specified. Complex type inheritance is only supported in version 1.1 EDM models."
10307             </summary>
10308         </member>
10309         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidKeyNullablePart(System.Object,System.Object)">
10310             <summary>
10311             A string like "The key part '{0}' for type '{1}' is not valid. All parts of the key must be non nullable."
10312             </summary>
10313         </member>
10314         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntityKeyMustBeScalar(System.Object,System.Object)">
10315             <summary>
10316             A string like "The property '{0}' in entity type '{1}' is not valid. All properties that are part of the entity key must be of primitive type."
10317             </summary>
10318         </member>
10319         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidKeyKeyDefinedInBaseClass(System.Object,System.Object)">
10320             <summary>
10321             A string like "The key usage is not valid. '{0}' cannot define keys because one of its base classes '{1}' defines keys."
10322             </summary>
10323         </member>
10324         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_KeyMissingOnEntityType(System.Object)">
10325             <summary>
10326             A string like "The entity type '{0}' has no key defined. Define the key for this entity type."
10327             </summary>
10328         </member>
10329         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_BadNavigationPropertyUndefinedRole(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10330             <summary>
10331             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' is not valid. The role '{1}' is not defined in relationship '{2}'."
10332             </summary>
10333         </member>
10334         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_BadNavigationPropertyRolesCannotBeTheSame(System.Object)">
10335             <summary>
10336             A string like "The navigation property '{0}'is not valid. The from role and to role are the same."
10337             </summary>
10338         </member>
10339         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_BadNavigationPropertyCouldNotDetermineType(System.Object)">
10340             <summary>
10341             A string like "The navigation property type could not be determined from the role '{0}'."
10342             </summary>
10343         </member>
10344         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EndWithManyMultiplicityCannotHaveOperationsSpecified(System.Object)">
10345             <summary>
10346             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' cannot have 'OnDelete' specified since its multiplicity is '*'."
10347             </summary>
10348         </member>
10349         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EndNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate(System.Object)">
10350             <summary>
10351             A string like "Each name and plural name in a relationship must be unique. '{0}' is already defined."
10352             </summary>
10353         </member>
10354         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_SameRoleReferredInReferentialConstraint(System.Object)">
10355             <summary>
10356             A string like "In relationship '{0}', the principal and dependent role of the referential constraint refers to the same role in the relationship type."
10357             </summary>
10358         </member>
10359         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NavigationPropertyPrincipalEndMultiplicityUpperBoundMustBeOne(System.Object)">
10360             <summary>
10361             A string like "The principal navigation property '{0}' has an invalid multiplicity. Valid values for the multiplicity of a principal end are '0..1' or '1'."
10362             </summary>
10363         </member>
10364         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidMultiplicityOfPrincipalEndDependentPropertiesAllNonnullable(System.Object,System.Object)">
10365             <summary>
10366             A string like "The multiplicity of the principal end '{0}' is not valid. Because all dependent properties of the end '{1}' are non-nullable, the multiplicity of the principal end must be '1'."
10367             </summary>
10368         </member>
10369         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidMultiplicityOfPrincipalEndDependentPropertiesAllNullable(System.Object,System.Object)">
10370             <summary>
10371             A string like "The multiplicity of the principal end '{0}' is not valid. Because all dependent properties of the end '{1}' are nullable, the multiplicity of the principal end must be '0..1'."
10372             </summary>
10373         </member>
10374         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidMultiplicityOfDependentEndMustBeZeroOneOrOne(System.Object)">
10375             <summary>
10376             A string like "The multiplicity of the dependent end '{0}' is not valid. Because the dependent properties represent the dependent end key, the multiplicity of the dependent end must be '0..1' or '1'."
10377             </summary>
10378         </member>
10379         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidMultiplicityOfDependentEndMustBeMany(System.Object)">
10380             <summary>
10381             A string like "The multiplicity of the dependent end '{0}' is not valid. Because the dependent properties don't represent the dependent end key, the the multiplicity of the dependent end must be '*'."
10382             </summary>
10383         </member>
10384         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidToPropertyInRelationshipConstraint(System.Object,System.Object)">
10385             <summary>
10386             A string like "The properties referred by the dependent role '{0}' must be a subset of the key of the entity type '{1}'."
10387             </summary>
10388         </member>
10389         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_TypeMismatchRelationshipConstraint(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10390             <summary>
10391             A string like "The types of all properties in the dependent role of a referential constraint must be the same as the corresponding property types in the principal role. The type of property '{0}' on entity '{1}' does not match the type of property '{2}' on entity '{3}' in the referential constraint '{4}'."
10392             </summary>
10393         </member>
10394         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidPropertyInRelationshipConstraintDependentEnd(System.Object,System.Object)">
10395             <summary>
10396             A string like "There is no property with name '{0}' defined in the type referred to by role '{1}'."
10397             </summary>
10398         </member>
10399         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidPropertyInRelationshipConstraintPrimaryEnd(System.Object,System.Object)">
10400             <summary>
10401             A string like "The principal end properties in the referential constraint of the association '{0}' do not match the key of the type referred to by role '{1}'."
10402             </summary>
10403         </member>
10404         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NullableComplexTypeProperty(System.Object)">
10405             <summary>
10406             A string like "The property '{0}' is of a complex type and is nullable. Nullable complex type properties are not supported in EDM versions 1.0 and 2.0."
10407             </summary>
10408         </member>
10409         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidPropertyType(System.Object)">
10410             <summary>
10411             A string like "A property cannot be of type '{0}'. The property type must be a complex, a primitive or an enum type, or a collection of complex, primitive, or enum types."
10412             </summary>
10413         </member>
10414         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ComposableFunctionImportCannotBeSideEffecting(System.Object)">
10415             <summary>
10416             A string like "The function import '{0}' cannot be composable and side-effecting at the same time."
10417             </summary>
10418         </member>
10419         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_BindableFunctionImportMustHaveParameters(System.Object)">
10420             <summary>
10421             A string like "The bindable function import '{0}' must have at least one parameter."
10422             </summary>
10423         </member>
10424         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportWithUnsupportedReturnTypeV1(System.Object)">
10425             <summary>
10426             A string like "The return type is not valid in function import '{0}'. In version 1.0 a function import can have no return type or return a collection of scalar values or a collection of entities."
10427             </summary>
10428         </member>
10429         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportWithUnsupportedReturnTypeAfterV1(System.Object)">
10430             <summary>
10431             A string like "The return type is not valid in function import '{0}'. The function import can have no return type or return a scalar, a complex type, an entity type or a collection of those."
10432             </summary>
10433         </member>
10434         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportReturnEntitiesButDoesNotSpecifyEntitySet(System.Object)">
10435             <summary>
10436             A string like "The function import '{0}' returns entities but does not specify an entity set."
10437             </summary>
10438         </member>
10439         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportEntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10440             <summary>
10441             A string like "The function import '{0}' returns entities of type '{1}' that cannot exist in the entity set '{2}' specified for the function import."
10442             </summary>
10443         </member>
10444         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportEntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet2(System.Object,System.Object)">
10445             <summary>
10446             A string like "The function import '{0}' returns entities of type '{1}' that cannot be returned by the entity set path specified for the function import."
10447             </summary>
10448         </member>
10449         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportEntitySetExpressionKindIsInvalid(System.Object,System.Object)">
10450             <summary>
10451             A string like "The function import '{0}' specifies an entity set expression of kind {1} which is not supported in this context. Function import entity set expression can be either an entity set reference or a path starting with a function import parameter and traversing navigation properties."
10452             </summary>
10453         </member>
10454         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportEntitySetExpressionIsInvalid(System.Object)">
10455             <summary>
10456             A string like "The function import '{0}' specifies an entity set expression which is not valid. Function import entity set expression can be either an entity set reference or a path starting with a function import parameter and traversing navigation properties."
10457             </summary>
10458         </member>
10459         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportSpecifiesEntitySetButNotEntityType(System.Object)">
10460             <summary>
10461             A string like "The function import '{0}' specifies an entity set but does not return entities."
10462             </summary>
10463         </member>
10464         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ComposableFunctionImportMustHaveReturnType(System.Object)">
10465             <summary>
10466             A string like "The composable function import '{0}' must specify a return type."
10467             </summary>
10468         </member>
10469         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ParameterNameAlreadyDefinedDuplicate(System.Object)">
10470             <summary>
10471             A string like "Each parameter name in a function must be unique. The parameter name '{0}' is already defined."
10472             </summary>
10473         </member>
10474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DuplicateEntityContainerMemberName(System.Object)">
10475             <summary>
10476             A string like "Each member name in an EntityContainer must be unique. A member with name '{0}' is already defined."
10477             </summary>
10478         </member>
10479         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_SchemaElementNameAlreadyDefined(System.Object)">
10480             <summary>
10481             A string like "An element with the name '{0}' is already defined."
10482             </summary>
10483         </member>
10484         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidMemberNameMatchesTypeName(System.Object)">
10485             <summary>
10486             A string like "The member name '{0}' cannot be used in a type with the same name. Member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type."
10487             </summary>
10488         </member>
10489         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_PropertyNameAlreadyDefined(System.Object)">
10490             <summary>
10491             A string like "Each property name in a type must be unique. Property name '{0}' is already defined."
10492             </summary>
10493         </member>
10494         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_KeyPropertyMustBelongToEntity(System.Object,System.Object)">
10495             <summary>
10496             A string like "The key property '{0}' must belong to the entity '{1}'."
10497             </summary>
10498         </member>
10499         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DependentPropertiesMustBelongToDependentEntity(System.Object,System.Object)">
10500             <summary>
10501             A string like "The dependent property '{0}' must belong to the dependent entity '{1}'."
10502             </summary>
10503         </member>
10504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DeclaringTypeMustBeCorrect(System.Object)">
10505             <summary>
10506             A string like "The property '{0}' cannot belong to a type other than its declaring type. "
10507             </summary>
10508         </member>
10509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InaccessibleType(System.Object)">
10510             <summary>
10511             A string like "The named type '{0}' could not be found from the model being validated."
10512             </summary>
10513         </member>
10514         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_AmbiguousType(System.Object)">
10515             <summary>
10516             A string like "The named type '{0}' is ambiguous from the model being validated."
10517             </summary>
10518         </member>
10519         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidNavigationPropertyType(System.Object)">
10520             <summary>
10521             A string like "The type of the navigation property '{0}' is invalid. The navigation target type must be an entity type or a collection of entity type. The navigation target entity type must match the declaring type of the partner property."
10522             </summary>
10523         </member>
10524         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentTargetMustBeOptional(System.Object)">
10525             <summary>
10526             A string like "The target multiplicity of the navigation property '{0}' is invalid. If a navigation property has 'ContainsTarget' set to true and declaring entity type of the property is the same or inherits from the target entity type, then the property represents a recursive containment and it must have an optional target represented by a collection or a nullable entity type."
10527             </summary>
10528         </member>
10529         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NavigationPropertyWithRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromZeroOrOne(System.Object)">
10530             <summary>
10531             A string like "The source multiplicity of the navigation property '{0}' is invalid. If a navigation property has 'ContainsTarget' set to true and declaring entity type of the property is the same or inherits from the target entity type, then the property represents a recursive containment and the multiplicity of the navigation source must be zero or one."
10532             </summary>
10533         </member>
10534         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NavigationPropertyWithNonRecursiveContainmentSourceMustBeFromOne(System.Object)">
10535             <summary>
10536             A string like "The source multiplicity of the navigation property '{0}' is invalid. If a navigation property has 'ContainsTarget' set to true and declaring entity type of the property is not the same as the target entity type, then the property represents a non-recursive containment and the multiplicity of the navigation source must be exactly one."
10537             </summary>
10538         </member>
10539         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_OnlyInputParametersAllowedInFunctions(System.Object,System.Object)">
10540             <summary>
10541             A string like "The mode of the parameter '{0}' in the function '{1}' is invalid. Only input parameters are allowed in functions."
10542             </summary>
10543         </member>
10544         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidFunctionImportParameterMode(System.Object,System.Object)">
10545             <summary>
10546             A string like "The mode of the parameter '{0}' in the function import '{1}' is invalid."
10547             </summary>
10548         </member>
10549         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportParameterIncorrectType(System.Object,System.Object)">
10550             <summary>
10551             A string like "The type '{0}' of parameter '{1}' is invalid. A function import parameter must be one of the following types: A simple type or complex type."
10552             </summary>
10553         </member>
10554         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ComplexTypeMustHaveProperties(System.Object)">
10555             <summary>
10556             A string like "The complex type '{0}' is invalid. A complex type must contain at least one property."
10557             </summary>
10558         </member>
10559         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DuplicateDependentProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
10560             <summary>
10561             A string like "The dependent property '{0}' of navigation property '{1}' is a duplicate."
10562             </summary>
10563         </member>
10564         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidPropertyTypeConcurrencyMode(System.Object)">
10565             <summary>
10566             A string like "A property with a fixed concurrency mode cannot be of type '{0}'. The property type must be a primitive type."
10567             </summary>
10568         </member>
10569         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntityKeyMustNotBeBinaryBeforeV2(System.Object,System.Object)">
10570             <summary>
10571             A string like "The property '{0}' in entity type '{1}' is not valid. Binary types are not allowed in entity keys before version 2.0."
10572             </summary>
10573         </member>
10574         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EnumMemberTypeMustMatchEnumUnderlyingType(System.Object)">
10575             <summary>
10576             A string like "The type of the value of enum member '{0}' must match the underlying type of the parent enum."
10577             </summary>
10578         </member>
10579         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EnumMemberNameAlreadyDefined(System.Object)">
10580             <summary>
10581             A string like "Each member name of an enum type must be unique. Enum member name '{0}' is already defined."
10582             </summary>
10583         </member>
10584         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_CannotAssertNullableTypeAsNonNullableType(System.Object)">
10585             <summary>
10586             A string like "Cannot assert the nullable type '{0}' as a non-nullable type."
10587             </summary>
10588         </member>
10589         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ExpressionPrimitiveKindCannotPromoteToAssertedType(System.Object,System.Object)">
10590             <summary>
10591             A string like "Cannot promote the primitive type '{0}' to the specified primitive type '{1}'."
10592             </summary>
10593         </member>
10594         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_RecordExpressionMissingProperty(System.Object)">
10595             <summary>
10596             A string like "The record expression does not have a constructor for a property named '{0}'."
10597             </summary>
10598         </member>
10599         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_RecordExpressionHasExtraProperties(System.Object)">
10600             <summary>
10601             A string like "The type of the record expression is not open and does not contain a property named '{0}'."
10602             </summary>
10603         </member>
10604         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DuplicateAnnotation(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10605             <summary>
10606             A string like "The annotated element '{0}' has multiple annotations with the term '{1}' and the qualifier '{2}'."
10607             </summary>
10608         </member>
10609         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_IncorrectNumberOfArguments(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10610             <summary>
10611             A string like "The function application provides '{0}' arguments, but the function '{1}' expects '{2}' arguments."
10612             </summary>
10613         </member>
10614         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DuplicateEntityContainerName(System.Object)">
10615             <summary>
10616             A string like "Each entity container name in a function must be unique. The name '{0}' is already defined."
10617             </summary>
10618         </member>
10619         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_StringConstantLengthOutOfRange(System.Object,System.Object)">
10620             <summary>
10621             A string like "The value of the string constant is '{0}' characters long, but the max length of its type is '{1}'."
10622             </summary>
10623         </member>
10624         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_BinaryConstantLengthOutOfRange(System.Object,System.Object)">
10625             <summary>
10626             A string like "The value of the binary constant is '{0}' characters long, but the max length of its type is '{1}'."
10627             </summary>
10628         </member>
10629         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_TermMustNotHaveKindOfNone(System.Object)">
10630             <summary>
10631             A string like "A term without other errors must not have kind of none. The kind of term '{0}' is none."
10632             </summary>
10633         </member>
10634         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_SchemaElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone(System.Object)">
10635             <summary>
10636             A string like "A schema element without other errors must not have kind of none. The kind of schema element '{0}' is none."
10637             </summary>
10638         </member>
10639         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_PropertyMustNotHaveKindOfNone(System.Object)">
10640             <summary>
10641             A string like "A property without other errors must not have kind of none. The kind of property '{0}' is none."
10642             </summary>
10643         </member>
10644         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_PrimitiveTypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone(System.Object)">
10645             <summary>
10646             A string like "A primitive type without other errors must not have kind of none. The kind of primitive type '{0}' is none."
10647             </summary>
10648         </member>
10649         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntityContainerElementMustNotHaveKindOfNone(System.Object)">
10650             <summary>
10651             A string like "An entity container element without other errors must not have kind of none. The kind of entity container element '{0}' is none."
10652             </summary>
10653         </member>
10654         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_DuplicateNavigationPropertyMapping(System.Object,System.Object)">
10655             <summary>
10656             A string like "The entity set '{0}' should have only a single mapping for the property '{1}'."
10657             </summary>
10658         </member>
10659         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntitySetNavigationMappingMustBeBidirectional(System.Object,System.Object)">
10660             <summary>
10661             A string like "The mapping of the entity set '{0}' and navigation property '{1}' is invalid because the navigation property mapping must have a mapping with the navigation property's partner that points back to the originating entity set. "
10662             </summary>
10663         </member>
10664         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntitySetCanOnlyBeContainedByASingleNavigationProperty(System.Object)">
10665             <summary>
10666             A string like "The entity set '{0}' is invalid because it is contained by more than one navigation property."
10667             </summary>
10668         </member>
10669         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_TypeAnnotationMissingRequiredProperty(System.Object)">
10670             <summary>
10671             A string like "The type annotation is missing a binding for the property '{0}'."
10672             </summary>
10673         </member>
10674         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_TypeAnnotationHasExtraProperties(System.Object)">
10675             <summary>
10676             A string like "They type of the type annotation is not open, and does not contain a property named '{0}'."
10677             </summary>
10678         </member>
10679         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EnumMustHaveIntegralUnderlyingType(System.Object)">
10680             <summary>
10681             A string like "The underlying type of '{0}' is not valid. The underlying type of an enum type must be an integral type. "
10682             </summary>
10683         </member>
10684         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InaccessibleTerm(System.Object)">
10685             <summary>
10686             A string like "The term '{0}' could not be found from the model being validated."
10687             </summary>
10688         </member>
10689         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InaccessibleTarget(System.Object)">
10690             <summary>
10691             A string like "The target '{0}' could not be found from the model being validated."
10692             </summary>
10693         </member>
10694         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ElementDirectValueAnnotationFullNameMustBeUnique(System.Object,System.Object)">
10695             <summary>
10696             A string like "An element already has a direct value annotation with the namespace '{0}' and name '{1}'."
10697             </summary>
10698         </member>
10699         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NoEntitySetsFoundForType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10700             <summary>
10701             A string like "The association set '{0}' cannot assume an entity set for the role '{2}' because there are no entity sets for the role type '{1}'."
10702             </summary>
10703         </member>
10704         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_CannotInferEntitySetWithMultipleSetsPerType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10705             <summary>
10706             A string like "The association set '{0}' must specify an entity set for the role '{2}' because there are multiple entity sets for the role type '{1}'."
10707             </summary>
10708         </member>
10709         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntitySetRecursiveNavigationPropertyMappingsMustPointBackToSourceEntitySet(System.Object,System.Object)">
10710             <summary>
10711             A string like "Because the navigation property '{0}' is recursive, the mapping from the entity set '{1}' must point back to itself."
10712             </summary>
10713         </member>
10714         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NavigationPropertyEntityMustNotIndirectlyContainItself(System.Object)">
10715             <summary>
10716             A string like "The navigation property '{0}' is invalid because it indirectly contains itself."
10717             </summary>
10718         </member>
10719         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_PathIsNotValidForTheGivenContext(System.Object)">
10720             <summary>
10721             A string like "The path cannot be resolved in the given context. The segment '{0}' failed to resolve."
10722             </summary>
10723         </member>
10724         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EntitySetNavigationPropertyMappingMustPointToValidTargetForProperty(System.Object,System.Object)">
10725             <summary>
10726             A string like "The entity set '{1}' is not a valid destination for the navigation property '{0}' because it cannot hold an element of the target entity type."
10727             </summary>
10728         </member>
10729         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_EdmModel_NameIsTooLong(System.Object)">
10730             <summary>
10731             A string like "The specified name must not be longer than 480 characters: '{0}'."
10732             </summary>
10733         </member>
10734         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_EdmModel_NameIsNotAllowed(System.Object)">
10735             <summary>
10736             A string like "The specified name is not allowed: '{0}'."
10737             </summary>
10738         </member>
10739         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_EdmModel_NamespaceNameIsTooLong(System.Object)">
10740             <summary>
10741             A string like "The specified name must not be longer than 480 characters: '{0}'."
10742             </summary>
10743         </member>
10744         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_EdmModel_NamespaceNameIsNotAllowed(System.Object)">
10745             <summary>
10746             A string like "The specified namespace name is not allowed: '{0}'."
10747             </summary>
10748         </member>
10749         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_PropertyMustNotBeNull(System.Object,System.Object)">
10750             <summary>
10751             A string like "The value of the property '{0}.{1}' must not be null."
10752             </summary>
10753         </member>
10754         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_EnumPropertyValueOutOfRange(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10755             <summary>
10756             A string like "The property '{0}.{1}' of type '{2}' has value '{3}' that is not a valid enum member."
10757             </summary>
10758         </member>
10759         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_InterfaceKindValueMismatch(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10760             <summary>
10761             A string like "An object with the value '{0}' of the '{1}.{2}' property must implement '{3}' interface."
10762             </summary>
10763         </member>
10764         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_TypeRefInterfaceTypeKindValueMismatch(System.Object,System.Object)">
10765             <summary>
10766             A string like "An object implementing '{0}' interface has type definition of kind '{1}'. The type reference interface must match to the kind of the  definition."
10767             </summary>
10768         </member>
10769         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_InterfaceKindValueUnexpected(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
10770             <summary>
10771             A string like "The value '{0}' of the property '{1}.{2}' is not semantically valid. A semantically valid model must not contain elements of kind '{0}'."
10772             </summary>
10773         </member>
10774         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_EnumerableMustNotHaveNullElements(System.Object,System.Object)">
10775             <summary>
10776             A string like "The value of the enumeration the property '{0}.{1}' contains a null element. Enumeration properties must not contain null elements."
10777             </summary>
10778         </member>
10779         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_NavigationPartnerInvalid(System.Object)">
10780             <summary>
10781             A string like "The partner of the navigation property '{0}' must not be the same property, and must point back to the navigation property."
10782             </summary>
10783         </member>
10784         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_InterfaceCriticalCycleInTypeHierarchy(System.Object)">
10785             <summary>
10786             A string like "The chain of base types of type '{0}' is cyclic."
10787             </summary>
10788         </member>
10789         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Serializer_NonInlineFunctionImportReturnType(System.Object)">
10790             <summary>
10791             A string like "The function import '{0}' could not be serialized because its return type cannot be represented inline."
10792             </summary>
10793         </member>
10794         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Serializer_ReferencedTypeMustHaveValidName(System.Object)">
10795             <summary>
10796             A string like "A referenced type can not be serialized with an invalid name. The name '{0}' is invalid."
10797             </summary>
10798         </member>
10799         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Serializer_OutOfLineAnnotationTargetMustHaveValidName(System.Object)">
10800             <summary>
10801             A string like "The annotation can not be serialized with an invalid target name. The name '{0}' is invalid."
10802             </summary>
10803         </member>
10804         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_EmptyFile(System.Object)">
10805             <summary>
10806             A string like "{0} does not contain a schema definition, or the XmlReader provided started at the end of the file."
10807             </summary>
10808         </member>
10809         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_MissingAttribute(System.Object,System.Object)">
10810             <summary>
10811             A string like "Required schema attribute '{0}' is not present on element '{1}'."
10812             </summary>
10813         </member>
10814         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_TextNotAllowed(System.Object)">
10815             <summary>
10816             A string like "The current schema element does not support text '{0}'."
10817             </summary>
10818         </member>
10819         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_UnexpectedAttribute(System.Object)">
10820             <summary>
10821             A string like "The attribute '{0}' was not expected in the given context."
10822             </summary>
10823         </member>
10824         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_UnexpectedElement(System.Object)">
10825             <summary>
10826             A string like "The schema element '{0}' was not expected in the given context."
10827             </summary>
10828         </member>
10829         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_UnusedElement(System.Object)">
10830             <summary>
10831             A string like "Unused schema element: '{0}'."
10832             </summary>
10833         </member>
10834         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_UnexpectedNodeType(System.Object)">
10835             <summary>
10836             A string like "Unexpected XML node type: {0}."
10837             </summary>
10838         </member>
10839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_UnexpectedRootElement(System.Object,System.Object)">
10840             <summary>
10841             A string like "The element '{0}' was unexpected for the root element. The root element should be {1}."
10842             </summary>
10843         </member>
10844         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_UnexpectedRootElementWrongNamespace(System.Object,System.Object)">
10845             <summary>
10846             A string like "The namespace '{0}' is invalid. The root element is expected to belong to one of the following namespaces: '{1}'."
10847             </summary>
10848         </member>
10849         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_UnexpectedRootElementNoNamespace(System.Object)">
10850             <summary>
10851             A string like "The root element has no namespace. The root element is expected to belong to one of the following namespaces: '{0}'."
10852             </summary>
10853         </member>
10854         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidAlias(System.Object)">
10855             <summary>
10856             A string like "The alias '{0}' is not a valid simple name."
10857             </summary>
10858         </member>
10859         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidDeleteAction(System.Object)">
10860             <summary>
10861             A string like "The delete action '{0}' is not valid. Action must be: 'None', 'Cascade', or 'Restrict'."
10862             </summary>
10863         </member>
10864         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidAssociationIncorrectNumberOfEnds(System.Object)">
10865             <summary>
10866             A string like "The association '{0}' is not valid. Associations must contain exactly two end elements."
10867             </summary>
10868         </member>
10869         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidAssociationSetIncorrectNumberOfEnds(System.Object)">
10870             <summary>
10871             A string like "The association set '{0}' is not valid. Association sets must contain at most two end elements."
10872             </summary>
10873         </member>
10874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidConcurrencyMode(System.Object)">
10875             <summary>
10876             A string like "The concurrency mode '{0}' is not valid. Concurrency mode must be: 'None', or 'Fixed'."
10877             </summary>
10878         </member>
10879         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidParameterMode(System.Object)">
10880             <summary>
10881             A string like "Parameter mode '{0}' is not valid. Parameter mode must be: 'In', 'Out', or 'InOut'."
10882             </summary>
10883         </member>
10884         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidEndRoleInRelationshipConstraint(System.Object,System.Object)">
10885             <summary>
10886             A string like "There is no Role with name '{0}' defined in relationship '{1}'."
10887             </summary>
10888         </member>
10889         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidMultiplicity(System.Object)">
10890             <summary>
10891             A string like "The multiplicity '{0}' is not valid. Multiplicity must be: '*', '0..1', or '1'."
10892             </summary>
10893         </member>
10894         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidTypeName(System.Object)">
10895             <summary>
10896             A string like "The type name '{0}' is invalid. The type name must be that of a primitive type, a fully qualified name or an inline 'Collection' or 'Ref' type."
10897             </summary>
10898         </member>
10899         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidQualifiedName(System.Object)">
10900             <summary>
10901             A string like "The qualified name '{0}' is invalid. A qualified name must have a valid namespace or alias, and a valid name."
10902             </summary>
10903         </member>
10904         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidEntitySetPath(System.Object)">
10905             <summary>
10906             A string like "'{0}' is not a valid entity set path."
10907             </summary>
10908         </member>
10909         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidEnumMemberPath(System.Object)">
10910             <summary>
10911             A string like "'{0}' is not a valid enum member path."
10912             </summary>
10913         </member>
10914         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlSemantics_ImpossibleAnnotationsTarget(System.Object)">
10915             <summary>
10916             A string like "The annotation target '{0}' could not be resolved because it cannot refer to an annotatable element."
10917             </summary>
10918         </member>
10919         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlSemantics_DuplicateAlias(System.Object,System.Object)">
10920             <summary>
10921             A string like "The schema '{0}' contains the alias '{1}' more than once."
10922             </summary>
10923         </member>
10924         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmxParser_BodyElement(System.Object)">
10925             <summary>
10926             A string like "Unexpected {0} element while parsing Edmx. Edmx is expected to have at most one of 'Runtime' or 'DataServices' elements."
10927             </summary>
10928         </member>
10929         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmParseException_ErrorsEncounteredInEdmx(System.Object)">
10930             <summary>
10931             A string like "Encountered the following errors when parsing the EDMX document: \r\n{0}"
10932             </summary>
10933         </member>
10934         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidBoolean(System.Object)">
10935             <summary>
10936             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid boolean. The value must be 'true' or 'false'."
10937             </summary>
10938         </member>
10939         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidInteger(System.Object)">
10940             <summary>
10941             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid integer. The value must be a valid 32 bit integer."
10942             </summary>
10943         </member>
10944         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidLong(System.Object)">
10945             <summary>
10946             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid integer. The value must be a valid 64 bit integer."
10947             </summary>
10948         </member>
10949         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidFloatingPoint(System.Object)">
10950             <summary>
10951             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid floating point value. "
10952             </summary>
10953         </member>
10954         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidMaxLength(System.Object)">
10955             <summary>
10956             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid integer. The value must be a valid 32 bit integer or 'Max'."
10957             </summary>
10958         </member>
10959         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidSrid(System.Object)">
10960             <summary>
10961             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid SRID. The value must either be a 32 bit integer or 'Variable'."
10962             </summary>
10963         </member>
10964         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidGuid(System.Object)">
10965             <summary>
10966             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid Guid. "
10967             </summary>
10968         </member>
10969         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidDecimal(System.Object)">
10970             <summary>
10971             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid decimal."
10972             </summary>
10973         </member>
10974         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidDateTimeOffset(System.Object)">
10975             <summary>
10976             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid date time offset value."
10977             </summary>
10978         </member>
10979         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidDateTime(System.Object)">
10980             <summary>
10981             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid date time value."
10982             </summary>
10983         </member>
10984         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidTime(System.Object)">
10985             <summary>
10986             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid time value."
10987             </summary>
10988         </member>
10989         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueParser_InvalidBinary(System.Object)">
10990             <summary>
10991             A string like "The value '{0}' is not a valid binary value. The value must be a hexadecimal string and must not be prefixed by '0x'."
10992             </summary>
10993         </member>
10994         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_Multiplicity(System.Object)">
10995             <summary>
10996             A string like "Invalid multiplicity: '{0}'"
10997             </summary>
10998         </member>
10999         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_SchemaElementKind(System.Object)">
11000             <summary>
11001             A string like "Invalid schema element kind: '{0}'"
11002             </summary>
11003         </member>
11004         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_TypeKind(System.Object)">
11005             <summary>
11006             A string like "Invalid type kind: '{0}'"
11007             </summary>
11008         </member>
11009         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_PrimitiveKind(System.Object)">
11010             <summary>
11011             A string like "Invalid primitive kind: '{0}'"
11012             </summary>
11013         </member>
11014         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_ContainerElementKind(System.Object)">
11015             <summary>
11016             A string like "Invalid container element kind: '{0}'"
11017             </summary>
11018         </member>
11019         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_EdmxTarget(System.Object)">
11020             <summary>
11021             A string like "Invalid edmx target: '{0}'"
11022             </summary>
11023         </member>
11024         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_FunctionParameterMode(System.Object)">
11025             <summary>
11026             A string like "Invalid function parameter mode: '{0}'"
11027             </summary>
11028         </member>
11029         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_ConcurrencyMode(System.Object)">
11030             <summary>
11031             A string like "Invalid concurrency mode: '{0}'"
11032             </summary>
11033         </member>
11034         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_PropertyKind(System.Object)">
11035             <summary>
11036             A string like "Invalid property kind: '{0}'"
11037             </summary>
11038         </member>
11039         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_TermKind(System.Object)">
11040             <summary>
11041             A string like "Invalid term kind: '{0}'"
11042             </summary>
11043         </member>
11044         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.UnknownEnumVal_ExpressionKind(System.Object)">
11045             <summary>
11046             A string like "Invalid expression kind: '{0}'"
11047             </summary>
11048         </member>
11049         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_AmbiguousElementBinding(System.Object)">
11050             <summary>
11051             A string like "The name '{0}' is ambiguous."
11052             </summary>
11053         </member>
11054         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedType(System.Object)">
11055             <summary>
11056             A string like "The type '{0}' could not be found."
11057             </summary>
11058         </member>
11059         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedComplexType(System.Object)">
11060             <summary>
11061             A string like "The complex type '{0}' could not be found."
11062             </summary>
11063         </member>
11064         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedEntityType(System.Object)">
11065             <summary>
11066             A string like "The entity type '{0}' could not be found."
11067             </summary>
11068         </member>
11069         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedPrimitiveType(System.Object)">
11070             <summary>
11071             A string like "The primitive type '{0}' could not be found."
11072             </summary>
11073         </member>
11074         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedFunction(System.Object)">
11075             <summary>
11076             A string like "The function '{0}' could not be found."
11077             </summary>
11078         </member>
11079         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_AmbiguousFunction(System.Object)">
11080             <summary>
11081             A string like "The function '{0}' could not be resolved because more than one function could be used for this application."
11082             </summary>
11083         </member>
11084         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_FunctionParametersDontMatch(System.Object)">
11085             <summary>
11086             A string like "The function '{0}' could not be resolved because none of the functions with that name take the correct set of parameters."
11087             </summary>
11088         </member>
11089         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedEntitySet(System.Object)">
11090             <summary>
11091             A string like "The entity set '{0}' could not be found."
11092             </summary>
11093         </member>
11094         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedEntityContainer(System.Object)">
11095             <summary>
11096             A string like "The entity container '{0}' could not be found."
11097             </summary>
11098         </member>
11099         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedEnumType(System.Object)">
11100             <summary>
11101             A string like "The enum type '{0}' could not be found."
11102             </summary>
11103         </member>
11104         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedEnumMember(System.Object)">
11105             <summary>
11106             A string like "The enum member '{0}' could not be found."
11107             </summary>
11108         </member>
11109         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedProperty(System.Object)">
11110             <summary>
11111             A string like "The property '{0}' could not be found."
11112             </summary>
11113         </member>
11114         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedParameter(System.Object)">
11115             <summary>
11116             A string like "The parameter '{0}' could not be found."
11117             </summary>
11118         </member>
11119         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UnresolvedLabeledElement(System.Object)">
11120             <summary>
11121             A string like "The labeled element '{0}' could not be found."
11122             </summary>
11123         </member>
11124         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_CyclicEntity(System.Object)">
11125             <summary>
11126             A string like "The entity '{0}' is invalid because its base type is cyclic."
11127             </summary>
11128         </member>
11129         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_CyclicComplex(System.Object)">
11130             <summary>
11131             A string like "The complex type '{0}' is invalid because its base type is cyclic."
11132             </summary>
11133         </member>
11134         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_CyclicEntityContainer(System.Object)">
11135             <summary>
11136             A string like "The entity container '{0}' is invalid because its extends hierarchy is cyclic."
11137             </summary>
11138         </member>
11139         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Bad_UncomputableAssociationEnd(System.Object)">
11140             <summary>
11141             A string like "The association end '{0}' could not be computed."
11142             </summary>
11143         </member>
11144         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmToClr_UnsupportedTypeCode(System.Object)">
11145             <summary>
11146             A string like "Conversion of EDM values to a CLR type with type code {0} is not supported."
11147             </summary>
11148         </member>
11149         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmToClr_IEnumerableOfTPropertyAlreadyHasValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
11150             <summary>
11151             A string like "Cannot initialize a property '{0}' on an object of type '{1}'. The property already has a value."
11152             </summary>
11153         </member>
11154         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmToClr_StructuredPropertyDuplicateValue(System.Object)">
11155             <summary>
11156             A string like "An EDM structured value contains multiple values for the property '{0}'. Conversion of an EDM structured value with duplicate property values is not supported."
11157             </summary>
11158         </member>
11159         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmToClr_CannotConvertEdmValueToClrType(System.Object,System.Object)">
11160             <summary>
11161             A string like "Conversion of an EDM value of the type '{0}' to the CLR type '{1}' is not supported."
11162             </summary>
11163         </member>
11164         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmToClr_CannotConvertEdmCollectionValueToClrType(System.Object)">
11165             <summary>
11166             A string like "Conversion of an edm collection value to the CLR type '{0}' is not supported. EDM collection values can be converted to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable&lt;T&gt;, System.Collections.Generic.IList&lt;T&gt; or System.Collections.Generic.ICollection&lt;T&gt;."
11167             </summary>
11168         </member>
11169         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmToClr_TryCreateObjectInstanceReturnedWrongObject(System.Object,System.Object)">
11170             <summary>
11171             A string like "The type '{0}' of the object returned by the TryCreateObjectInstance delegate is not assignable to the expected type '{1}'."
11172             </summary>
11173         </member>
11174         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmPrimitive_UnexpectedKind">
11175             <summary>
11176             A string like "Unexpected primitive type kind."
11177             </summary>
11178         </member>
11179         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Constructable_VocabularyAnnotationMustHaveTarget">
11180             <summary>
11181             A string like "The annotation must have non-null target."
11182             </summary>
11183         </member>
11184         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Constructable_EntityTypeOrCollectionOfEntityTypeExpected">
11185             <summary>
11186             A string like "An entity type or a collection of an entity type is expected."
11187             </summary>
11188         </member>
11189         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_CannotUseElementWithTypeNone">
11190             <summary>
11191             A string like "An element with type 'None' cannot be used in a model."
11192             </summary>
11193         </member>
11194         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmEntityContainer_CannotUseElementWithTypeNone">
11195             <summary>
11196             A string like "An element with type 'None' cannot be used in an entity container."
11197             </summary>
11198         </member>
11199         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.ValueHasAlreadyBeenSet">
11200             <summary>
11201             A string like "Value has already been set."
11202             </summary>
11203         </member>
11204         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.PathSegmentMustNotContainSlash">
11205             <summary>
11206             A string like "Path segments must not contain '/' character."
11207             </summary>
11208         </member>
11209         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidOperationMultipleEndsInAssociation">
11210             <summary>
11211             A string like "An on delete action can only be specified on one end of an association."
11212             </summary>
11213         </member>
11214         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_MismatchNumberOfPropertiesinRelationshipConstraint">
11215             <summary>
11216             A string like "The number of properties in the dependent and principal role in a relationship constraint must be exactly identical."
11217             </summary>
11218         </member>
11219         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_BaseTypeMustHaveSameTypeKind">
11220             <summary>
11221             A string like "The base type kind of a structured type must be the same as its derived type."
11222             </summary>
11223         </member>
11224         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_RowTypeMustNotHaveBaseType">
11225             <summary>
11226             A string like "Row types cannot have a base type."
11227             </summary>
11228         </member>
11229         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionsNotSupportedBeforeV2">
11230             <summary>
11231             A string like "Functions are not supported prior to version 2.0."
11232             </summary>
11233         </member>
11234         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportSideEffectingNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11235             <summary>
11236             A string like "The 'SideEffecting' setting of function imports is not supported before version 3.0."
11237             </summary>
11238         </member>
11239         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportComposableNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11240             <summary>
11241             A string like "The 'Composable' setting of function imports is not supported before version 3.0."
11242             </summary>
11243         </member>
11244         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_FunctionImportBindableNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11245             <summary>
11246             A string like "The 'Bindable' setting of function imports is not supported before version 3.0."
11247             </summary>
11248         </member>
11249         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NavigationPropertyContainsTargetNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11250             <summary>
11251             A string like "The 'ContainsTarget' setting of navigation properties is not supported before version 3.0."
11252             </summary>
11253         </member>
11254         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_RowTypeMustHaveProperties">
11255             <summary>
11256             A string like "The row type is invalid. A row must contain at least one property."
11257             </summary>
11258         </member>
11259         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ScaleOutOfRange">
11260             <summary>
11261             A string like "The scale value can range from 0 through the specified precision value."
11262             </summary>
11263         </member>
11264         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_PrecisionOutOfRange">
11265             <summary>
11266             A string like "Precision cannot be negative."
11267             </summary>
11268         </member>
11269         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_StringMaxLengthOutOfRange">
11270             <summary>
11271             A string like "The max length facet specifies the maximum length of an instance of the string type. For unicode equal to 'true', the max length can range from 1 to 2^30, or if 'false', 1 to 2^31."
11272             </summary>
11273         </member>
11274         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_MaxLengthOutOfRange">
11275             <summary>
11276             A string like "Max length can range from 1 to 2^31."
11277             </summary>
11278         </member>
11279         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_EnumsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11280             <summary>
11281             A string like "Enums are not supported prior to version 3.0."
11282             </summary>
11283         </member>
11284         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ValueTermsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11285             <summary>
11286             A string like "Value terms are not supported prior to version 3.0."
11287             </summary>
11288         </member>
11289         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_VocabularyAnnotationsNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11290             <summary>
11291             A string like "Vocabulary annotations are not supported prior to version 3.0."
11292             </summary>
11293         </member>
11294         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_OpenTypesSupportedOnlyInV12AndAfterV3">
11295             <summary>
11296             A string like "Open types are supported only in version 1.2 and after version 2.0."
11297             </summary>
11298         </member>
11299         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_OpenTypesSupportedForEntityTypesOnly">
11300             <summary>
11301             A string like "Only entity types can be open types."
11302             </summary>
11303         </member>
11304         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_IsUnboundedCannotBeTrueWhileMaxLengthIsNotNull">
11305             <summary>
11306             A string like "The string reference is invalid because if 'IsUnbounded' is true 'MaxLength' must be null."
11307             </summary>
11308         </member>
11309         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidElementAnnotationMismatchedTerm">
11310             <summary>
11311             A string like "The declared name and namespace of the annotation must match the name and namespace of its xml value."
11312             </summary>
11313         </member>
11314         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidElementAnnotationValueInvalidXml">
11315             <summary>
11316             A string like "The value of an annotation marked to be serialized as an xml element must have a well-formed xml value."
11317             </summary>
11318         </member>
11319         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidElementAnnotationNotIEdmStringValue">
11320             <summary>
11321             A string like "The value of an annotation marked to be serialized as an xml element must be IEdmStringValue."
11322             </summary>
11323         </member>
11324         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_InvalidElementAnnotationNullNamespaceOrName">
11325             <summary>
11326             A string like "The value of an annotation marked to be serialized as an xml element must be a string representing an xml element with non-empty name and namespace."
11327             </summary>
11328         </member>
11329         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_NullCannotBeAssertedToBeANonNullableType">
11330             <summary>
11331             A string like "Null value cannot have a non-nullable type."
11332             </summary>
11333         </member>
11334         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ExpressionNotValidForTheAssertedType">
11335             <summary>
11336             A string like "The type of the expression is incompatible with the asserted type."
11337             </summary>
11338         </member>
11339         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_CollectionExpressionNotValidForNonCollectionType">
11340             <summary>
11341             A string like "A collection expression is incompatible with a non-collection type."
11342             </summary>
11343         </member>
11344         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_PrimitiveConstantExpressionNotValidForNonPrimitiveType">
11345             <summary>
11346             A string like "A primitive expression is incompatible with a non-primitive type."
11347             </summary>
11348         </member>
11349         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_RecordExpressionNotValidForNonStructuredType">
11350             <summary>
11351             A string like "A record expression is incompatible with a non-structured type."
11352             </summary>
11353         </member>
11354         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_StreamTypeReferencesNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11355             <summary>
11356             A string like "References to EDM stream type are not supported before version 3.0."
11357             </summary>
11358         </member>
11359         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_SpatialTypeReferencesNotSupportedBeforeV3">
11360             <summary>
11361             A string like "References to EDM spatial types are not supported before version 3.0."
11362             </summary>
11363         </member>
11364         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_ExpressionPrimitiveKindNotValidForAssertedType">
11365             <summary>
11366             A string like "The primitive expression is not compatible with the asserted type."
11367             </summary>
11368         </member>
11369         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_IntegerConstantValueOutOfRange">
11370             <summary>
11371             A string like "The value of the integer constant is out of range for the asserted type."
11372             </summary>
11373         </member>
11374         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Semantic_TypeMustNotHaveKindOfNone">
11375             <summary>
11376             A string like "A type without other errors must not have kind of none."
11377             </summary>
11378         </member>
11379         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_MissingName">
11380             <summary>
11381             A string like "The name is missing or not valid."
11382             </summary>
11383         </member>
11384         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmModel_Validator_Syntactic_MissingNamespaceName">
11385             <summary>
11386             A string like "The namespace name is missing or not valid."
11387             </summary>
11388         </member>
11389         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Serializer_SingleFileExpected">
11390             <summary>
11391             A string like "Single file provided but model cannot be serialized into single file."
11392             </summary>
11393         </member>
11394         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Serializer_UnknownEdmVersion">
11395             <summary>
11396             A string like "Unknown Edm version."
11397             </summary>
11398         </member>
11399         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Serializer_UnknownEdmxVersion">
11400             <summary>
11401             A string like "Unknown Edmx version."
11402             </summary>
11403         </member>
11404         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.Serializer_NoSchemasProduced">
11405             <summary>
11406             A string like "No CSDL is written because no schema elements could be produced. This is likely because the model is empty."
11407             </summary>
11408         </member>
11409         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.XmlParser_EmptySchemaTextReader">
11410             <summary>
11411             A string like "The source XmlReader does not contain a schema definition or started at the end of the file."
11412             </summary>
11413         </member>
11414         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_AssociationHasAtMostOneConstraint">
11415             <summary>
11416             A string like "Associations may have at most one constraint. Multiple constraints were specified for this association."
11417             </summary>
11418         </member>
11419         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_MissingTypeAttributeOrElement">
11420             <summary>
11421             A string like "An XML attribute or sub-element representing an EDM type is missing."
11422             </summary>
11423         </member>
11424         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_ReferentialConstraintRequiresOneDependent">
11425             <summary>
11426             A string like "Referential constraints requires one dependent role. Multiple dependent roles were specified for this referential constraint."
11427             </summary>
11428         </member>
11429         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_ReferentialConstraintRequiresOnePrincipal">
11430             <summary>
11431             A string like "Referential constraints requires one principal role. Multiple principal roles were specified for this referential constraint."
11432             </summary>
11433         </member>
11434         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidIfExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
11435             <summary>
11436             A string like "If expression must contain 3 operands, the first being a boolean test, the second being being evaluated if the first is true, and the third being evaluated if the first is false."
11437             </summary>
11438         </member>
11439         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidIsTypeExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
11440             <summary>
11441             A string like "The IsType expression must contain 1 operand."
11442             </summary>
11443         </member>
11444         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidAssertTypeExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
11445             <summary>
11446             A string like "The AssertType expression must contain 1 operand."
11447             </summary>
11448         </member>
11449         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_InvalidLabeledElementExpressionIncorrectNumberOfOperands">
11450             <summary>
11451             A string like "The LabeledElement expression must contain 1 operand."
11452             </summary>
11453         </member>
11454         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_NoReadersProvided">
11455             <summary>
11456             A string like "A model could not be produced because no XML readers were provided."
11457             </summary>
11458         </member>
11459         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlParser_NullXmlReader">
11460             <summary>
11461             A string like "A model could not be produced because one of the XML readers was null."
11462             </summary>
11463         </member>
11464         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlSemantics_ReferentialConstraintMismatch">
11465             <summary>
11466             A string like " There was a mismatch in the principal and dependent ends of the referential constraint."
11467             </summary>
11468         </member>
11469         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.CsdlSemantics_EnumMemberValueOutOfRange">
11470             <summary>
11471             A string like "The enumeration member value exceeds the range of its data type 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:long'."
11472             </summary>
11473         </member>
11474         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmxParser_EdmxVersionMismatch">
11475             <summary>
11476             A string like "The EDMX version specified in the 'Version' attribute does not match the version corresponding to the namespace of the 'Edmx' element."
11477             </summary>
11478         </member>
11479         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmxParser_EdmxDataServiceVersionInvalid">
11480             <summary>
11481             A string like "The specified value of data service version is invalid."
11482             </summary>
11483         </member>
11484         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmxParser_EdmxMaxDataServiceVersionInvalid">
11485             <summary>
11486             A string like "The specified value of max data service version is invalid."
11487             </summary>
11488         </member>
11489         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.RuleSet_DuplicateRulesExistInRuleSet">
11490             <summary>
11491             A string like "The same rule cannot be in the same rule set twice."
11492             </summary>
11493         </member>
11494         <member name="P:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Strings.EdmToClr_StructuredValueMappedToNonClass">
11495             <summary>
11496             A string like "Conversion of an EDM structured value is supported only to a CLR class."
11497             </summary>
11498         </member>
11499         <member name="T:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Error">
11500             <summary>
11501                Strongly-typed and parameterized exception factory.
11502             </summary>
11503         </member>
11504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Error.ArgumentNull(System.String)">
11505             <summary>
11506             The exception that is thrown when a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument.
11507             </summary>
11508         </member>
11509         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Error.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.String)">
11510             <summary>
11511             The exception that is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method.
11512             </summary>
11513         </member>
11514         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Error.NotImplemented">
11515             <summary>
11516             The exception that is thrown when the author has yet to implement the logic at this point in the program. This can act as an exception based TODO tag.
11517             </summary>
11518         </member>
11519         <member name="M:Microsoft.Data.Edm.Error.NotSupported">
11520             <summary>
11521             The exception that is thrown when an invoked method is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality. 
11522             </summary>
11523         </member>
11524     </members>
11525 </doc>