[Tizen] Add BuildTools 2.1.0-rc1-02804-05
[platform/upstream/coreclr.git] / Tools / dotnetcli / sdk / NuGetFallbackFolder / microsoft.build.framework / 15.3.409 / lib / netstandard1.3 / Microsoft.Build.Framework.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Microsoft.Build.Framework</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants">
8             <summary>
9             Constants that we want to be shareable across all our assemblies. 
10             </summary>
11         </member>
12         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.ToolsPath">
13             <summary>
14             The name of the property that indicates the tools path 
15             </summary>
16         </member>
17         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.ToolsPath64">
18             <summary>
19             Name of the property that indicates the X64 tools path
20             </summary>
21         </member>
22         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.SdksPath">
23             <summary>
24             Name of the property that indicates the root of the SDKs folder
25             </summary>
26         </member>
27         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.TreatWarningsAsErrors">
28             <summary>
29             Name of the property that indicates that all warnings should be treated as errors.
30             </summary>
31         </member>
32         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.WarningsAsErrors">
33             <summary>
34             Name of the property that indicates a list of warnings to treat as errors.
35             </summary>
36         </member>
37         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.WarningsAsMessages">
38             <summary>
39             Name of the property that indicates the list of warnings to treat as messages.
40             </summary>
41         </member>
42         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.CurrentVisualStudioVersion">
43             <summary>
44             The most current Visual Studio Version known to this version of MSBuild. 
45             </summary>
46         </member>
47         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.CurrentToolsVersion">
48             <summary>
49             The most current ToolsVersion known to this version of MSBuild. 
50             </summary>
51         </member>
52         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.CurrentToolsVersionAsVersion">
53             <summary>
54             The most current ToolsVersion known to this version of MSBuild as a Version object. 
55             </summary>
56         </member>
57         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.CurrentAssemblyVersion">
58             <summary>
59             The most current VSGeneralAssemblyVersion known to this version of MSBuild. 
60             </summary>
61         </member>
62         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Shared.MSBuildConstants.CurrentProductVersion">
63             <summary>
64             Current version of this MSBuild Engine assembly in the form, e.g, "12.0"
65             </summary>
66         </member>
67         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Shared.ItemMetadataNames">
68             <summary>
69             Constants naming well-known item metadata.
70             </summary>
71         </member>
72         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEngineResult">
73             <summary>
74             This structure is used to return the result of the build and the target outputs.
75             </summary>
76         </member>
77         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEngineResult.buildResult">
78             <summary>
79             Did the build pass or fail
80             </summary>
81         </member>
82         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEngineResult.targetOutputsPerProject">
83             <summary>
84             Target outputs by project
85             </summary>
86         </member>
87         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEngineResult.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[]}})">
88             <summary>
89             The constructor takes the result of the build and a list of the target outputs per project
90             </summary>
91         </member>
92         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEngineResult.Result">
93             <summary>
94             Did the build pass or fail. True means the build succeeded, False means the build failed.
95             </summary>
96         </member>
97         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEngineResult.TargetOutputsPerProject">
98             <summary>
99             Outputs of the targets per project.
100             </summary>
101         </member>
102         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs">
103             <summary>
104             Arguments for error events
105             </summary>
106             <remarks>
107             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
108             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
109             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
110             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
111             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
112             forward and backward compatibility
113             </remarks>
114         </member>
115         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.subcategory">
116             <summary>
117             Subcategory of the error
118             </summary>
119         </member>
120         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.code">
121             <summary>
122             Error code
123             </summary>
124         </member>
125         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.file">
126             <summary>
127             File name
128             </summary>
129         </member>
130         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.projectFile">
131             <summary>
132             The project which issued the event
133             </summary>
134         </member>
135         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.lineNumber">
136             <summary>
137             Line number
138             </summary>
139         </member>
140         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.columnNumber">
141             <summary>
142             Column number
143             </summary>
144         </member>
145         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.endLineNumber">
146             <summary>
147             End line number
148             </summary>
149         </member>
150         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.endColumnNumber">
151             <summary>
152             End column number
153             </summary>
154         </member>
155         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
156             <summary>
157             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized
158             </summary>
159             <param name="subcategory">event sub-category</param>
160             <param name="code">event code</param>
161             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
162             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
163             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
164             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
165             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
166             <param name="message">text message</param>
167             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
168             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
169         </member>
170         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
171             <summary>
172             This constructor which allows a timestamp to be set
173             </summary>
174             <param name="subcategory">event sub-category</param>
175             <param name="code">event code</param>
176             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
177             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
178             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
179             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
180             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
181             <param name="message">text message</param>
182             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
183             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
184             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
185         </member>
186         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
187             <summary>
188             This constructor which allows a timestamp to be set
189             </summary>
190             <param name="subcategory">event sub-category</param>
191             <param name="code">event code</param>
192             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
193             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
194             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
195             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
196             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
197             <param name="message">text message</param>
198             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
199             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
200             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
201             <param name="messageArgs">message arguments</param>
202         </member>
203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.#ctor">
204             <summary>
205             Default constructor
206             </summary>
207         </member>
208         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.Subcategory">
209             <summary>
210             The custom sub-type of the event.         
211             </summary>
212         </member>
213         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.Code">
214             <summary>
215             Code associated with event. 
216             </summary>
217         </member>
218         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.File">
219             <summary>
220             File associated with event.   
221             </summary>  
222         </member>
223         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.ProjectFile">
224             <summary>
225             The project file which issued this event.
226             </summary>
227         </member>
228         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.LineNumber">
229             <summary>
230             Line number of interest in associated file. 
231             </summary>
232         </member>
233         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.ColumnNumber">
234             <summary>
235             Column number of interest in associated file. 
236             </summary>
237         </member>
238         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.EndLineNumber">
239             <summary>
240             Ending line number of interest in associated file. 
241             </summary>
242         </member>
243         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs.EndColumnNumber">
244             <summary>
245             Ending column number of interest in associated file. 
246             </summary>
247         </member>
248         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs">
249             <summary>
250             This class encapsulates the default data associated with build events. 
251             It is intended to be extended/sub-classed.
252             </summary>
253             <remarks>
254             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
255             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
256             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
257             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
258             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
259             forward and backward compatibility
260             </remarks>
261         </member>
262         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.message">
263             <summary>
264             Message
265             </summary>
266         </member>
267         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.helpKeyword">
268             <summary>
269             Help keyword
270             </summary>
271         </member>
272         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.senderName">
273             <summary>
274             Sender name
275             </summary>
276         </member>
277         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.timestamp">
278             <summary>
279             Timestamp
280             </summary>
281         </member>
282         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.threadId">
283             <summary>
284             Thread id
285             </summary>
286         </member>
287         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.buildEventContext">
288             <summary>
289             Build event context
290             </summary>
291         </member>
292         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.#ctor">
293             <summary>
294             Default constructor
295             </summary>
296         </member>
297         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
298             <summary>
299             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized
300             </summary>
301             <param name="message">text message</param>
302             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
303             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
304         </member>
305         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
306             <summary>
307             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized while providing a custom timestamp.
308             </summary>
309             <param name="message">text message</param>
310             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
311             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
312             <param name="eventTimestamp">TimeStamp of when the event was created</param>
313         </member>
314         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.Timestamp">
315             <summary>
316             The time when event was raised.
317             </summary>
318         </member>
319         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.ThreadId">
320             <summary>
321             The thread that raised event.  
322             </summary>
323         </member>
324         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.Message">
325             <summary>
326             Text of event. 
327             </summary>
328         </member>
329         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.HelpKeyword">
330             <summary>
331             Custom help keyword associated with event.
332             </summary>
333         </member>
334         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.SenderName">
335             <summary>
336             Name of the object sending this event.
337             </summary>
338         </member>
339         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs.BuildEventContext">
340             <summary>
341             Event contextual information for the build event argument
342             </summary>
343         </member>
344         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventArgs">
345             <summary>
346             This class represents the event arguments for build finished events.
347             </summary>
348             <remarks>
349             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
350             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
351             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
352             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
353             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
354             forward and backward compatibility
355             </remarks>
356         </member>
357         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventArgs.succeeded">
358             <summary>
359             Whether the build succeeded
360             </summary>
361         </member>
362         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventArgs.#ctor">
363             <summary>
364             Default constructor
365             </summary>
366         </member>
367         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
368             <summary>
369             Constructor to initialize all parameters.
370             Sender field cannot be set here and is assumed to be "MSBuild"
371             </summary>
372             <param name="message">text message</param>
373             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
374             <param name="succeeded">True indicates a successful build</param>
375         </member>
376         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.DateTime)">
377             <summary>
378             Constructor which allows the timestamp to be set
379             </summary>
380             <param name="message">text message</param>
381             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
382             <param name="succeeded">True indicates a successful build</param>
383             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
384         </member>
385         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
386             <summary>
387             Constructor which allows the timestamp to be set
388             </summary>
389             <param name="message">text message</param>
390             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
391             <param name="succeeded">True indicates a successful build</param>
392             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
393             <param name="messageArgs">message arguments</param>
394         </member>
395         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventArgs.Succeeded">
396             <summary>
397             Succeeded is true if the build succeeded; false otherwise.
398             </summary>
399         </member>
400         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance">
401             <summary>
402             This enumeration provides three levels of importance for messages.
403             </summary>
404         </member>
405         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance.High">
406             <summary>
407             High importance, appears in less verbose logs
408             </summary>
409         </member>
410         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance.Normal">
411             <summary>
412             Normal importance
413             </summary>
414         </member>
415         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance.Low">
416             <summary>
417             Low importance, appears in more verbose logs
418             </summary>
419         </member>
420         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs">
421             <summary>
422             Arguments for message events
423             </summary>
424             <remarks>
425             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
426             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
427             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
428             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
429             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
430             forward and backward compatibility
431             </remarks>
432         </member>
433         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor">
434             <summary>
435             Default constructor
436             </summary>
437         </member>
438         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance)">
439             <summary>
440             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized
441             </summary>
442             <param name="message">text message</param>
443             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
444             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
445             <param name="importance">importance of the message</param>
446         </member>
447         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance,System.DateTime)">
448             <summary>
449             This constructor allows a timestamp to be set
450             </summary>
451             <param name="message">text message</param>
452             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
453             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
454             <param name="importance">importance of the message</param>
455             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
456         </member>
457         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
458             <summary>
459             This constructor allows a timestamp to be set
460             </summary>
461             <param name="message">text message</param>
462             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
463             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
464             <param name="importance">importance of the message</param>
465             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
466             <param name="messageArgs">message arguments</param>
467         </member>
468         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance)">
469             <summary>
470             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized
471             </summary>
472             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
473             <param name="code">event code</param>
474             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
475             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
476             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
477             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
478             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
479             <param name="message">text message</param>
480             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
481             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
482             <param name="importance">importance of the message</param>
483         </member>
484         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance,System.DateTime)">
485             <summary>
486             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
487             </summary>
488             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
489             <param name="code">event code</param>
490             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
491             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
492             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
493             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
494             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
495             <param name="message">text message</param>
496             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
497             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
498             <param name="importance">importance of the message</param>
499             <param name="eventTimestamp">custom timestamp for the event</param>
500         </member>
501         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
502             <summary>
503             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
504             </summary>
505             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
506             <param name="code">event code</param>
507             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
508             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
509             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
510             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
511             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
512             <param name="message">text message</param>
513             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
514             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
515             <param name="importance">importance of the message</param>
516             <param name="eventTimestamp">custom timestamp for the event</param>
517             <param name="messageArgs">message arguments</param>
518         </member>
519         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.Importance">
520             <summary>
521             Importance of the message
522             </summary>
523         </member>
524         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.Subcategory">
525             <summary>
526             The custom sub-type of the event.
527             </summary>
528         </member>
529         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.Code">
530             <summary>
531             Code associated with event. 
532             </summary>
533         </member>
534         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.File">
535             <summary>
536             File associated with event.
537             </summary>
538         </member>
539         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.LineNumber">
540             <summary>
541             Line number of interest in associated file. 
542             </summary>
543         </member>
544         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.ColumnNumber">
545             <summary>
546             Column number of interest in associated file. 
547             </summary>
548         </member>
549         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.EndLineNumber">
550             <summary>
551             Ending line number of interest in associated file. 
552             </summary>
553         </member>
554         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.EndColumnNumber">
555             <summary>
556             Ending column number of interest in associated file. 
557             </summary>
558         </member>
559         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs.ProjectFile">
560             <summary>
561             The project which was building when the message was issued.
562             </summary>
563         </member>
564         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventArgs">
565             <summary>
566             Arguments for build started events.
567             </summary>
568             <remarks>
569             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
570             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
571             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
572             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
573             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
574             forward and backward compatibility
575             </remarks>
576         </member>
577         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventArgs.#ctor">
578             <summary>
579             Default constructor
580             </summary>
581         </member>
582         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
583             <summary>
584             Constructor to initialize all parameters.
585             Sender field cannot be set here and is assumed to be "MSBuild"
586             </summary>
587             <param name="message">text message</param>
588             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
589         </member>
590         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
591             <summary>
592             Constructor to initialize all parameters.
593             Sender field cannot be set here and is assumed to be "MSBuild"
594             </summary>
595             <param name="message">text message</param>
596             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
597             <param name="environmentOfBuild">A dictionary which lists the environment of the build when the build is started.</param>
598         </member>
599         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
600             <summary>
601             Constructor to allow timestamp to be set
602             </summary>
603             <param name="message">text message</param>
604             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
605             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
606         </member>
607         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
608             <summary>
609             Constructor to allow timestamp to be set
610             </summary>
611             <param name="message">text message</param>
612             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
613             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
614             <param name="messageArgs">message args</param>
615         </member>
616         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventArgs.BuildEnvironment">
617             <summary>
618             The environment which is used at the start of the build
619             </summary>
620         </member>
621         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStatusEventArgs">
622             <summary> 
623             Base class for build status events.  This class is meant
624             to be extended.  
625             </summary> 
626             <remarks> 
627             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing 
628             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a 
629             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is 
630             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type 
631             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both 
632             forward and backward compatibility 
633             </remarks> 
634         </member>
635         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStatusEventArgs.#ctor">
636             <summary> 
637             Default constructor 
638             </summary> 
639         </member>
640         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStatusEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
641             <summary> 
642             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.  
643             </summary> 
644             <param name="message">text message</param> 
645             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param> 
646             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param> 
647         </member>
648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStatusEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
649             <summary> 
650             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
651             </summary> 
652             <param name="message">text message</param> 
653             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param> 
654             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param> 
655             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
656         </member>
657         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStatusEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
658             <summary> 
659             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
660             </summary> 
661             <param name="message">text message</param> 
662             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param> 
663             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param> 
664             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
665             <param name="messageArgs">Optional arguments for formatting the message string.</param>
666         </member>
667         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs">
668             <summary>
669             Arguments for warning events
670             </summary>
671             <remarks>
672             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
673             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
674             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
675             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
676             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
677             forward and backward compatibility
678             </remarks>
679         </member>
680         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.#ctor">
681             <summary>
682             Default constructor 
683             </summary>
684         </member>
685         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
686             <summary>
687             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized
688             </summary>
689             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
690             <param name="code">event code</param>
691             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
692             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
693             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
694             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
695             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
696             <param name="message">text message</param>
697             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
698             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
699         </member>
700         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
701             <summary>
702             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
703             </summary>
704             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
705             <param name="code">event code</param>
706             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
707             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
708             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
709             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
710             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
711             <param name="message">text message</param>
712             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
713             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
714             <param name="eventTimestamp">custom timestamp for the event</param>
715         </member>
716         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
717             <summary>
718             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
719             </summary>
720             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
721             <param name="code">event code</param>
722             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
723             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
724             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
725             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
726             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
727             <param name="message">text message</param>
728             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
729             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
730             <param name="eventTimestamp">custom timestamp for the event</param>
731             <param name="messageArgs">message arguments</param>
732         </member>
733         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.Subcategory">
734             <summary>
735             The custom sub-type of the event.         
736             </summary>
737         </member>
738         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.Code">
739             <summary>
740             Code associated with event. 
741             </summary>
742         </member>
743         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.File">
744             <summary>
745             File associated with event.   
746             </summary>
747         </member>
748         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.LineNumber">
749             <summary>
750             Line number of interest in associated file. 
751             </summary>
752         </member>
753         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.ColumnNumber">
754             <summary>
755             Column number of interest in associated file. 
756             </summary>
757         </member>
758         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.EndLineNumber">
759             <summary>
760             Ending line number of interest in associated file. 
761             </summary>
762         </member>
763         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.EndColumnNumber">
764             <summary>
765             Ending column number of interest in associated file. 
766             </summary>
767         </member>
768         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs.ProjectFile">
769             <summary>
770             The project which was building when the message was issued.
771             </summary>
772         </member>
773         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CriticalBuildMessageEventArgs">
774             <summary>
775             Arguments for critical message events. These always have High importance.
776             </summary>
777             <remarks>
778             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
779             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
780             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
781             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
782             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
783             forward and backward compatibility
784             </remarks>
785         </member>
786         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CriticalBuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
787             <summary>
788             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized
789             </summary>
790             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
791             <param name="code">event code</param>
792             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
793             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
794             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
795             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
796             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
797             <param name="message">text message</param>
798             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
799             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
800         </member>
801         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CriticalBuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
802             <summary>
803             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
804             </summary>
805             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
806             <param name="code">event code</param>
807             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
808             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
809             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
810             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
811             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
812             <param name="message">text message</param>
813             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
814             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
815             <param name="eventTimestamp">custom timestamp for the event</param>
816         </member>
817         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CriticalBuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
818             <summary>
819             This constructor allows timestamp to be set
820             </summary>
821             <param name="subcategory">event subcategory</param>
822             <param name="code">event code</param>
823             <param name="file">file associated with the event</param>
824             <param name="lineNumber">line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
825             <param name="columnNumber">column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
826             <param name="endLineNumber">end line number (0 if not applicable)</param>
827             <param name="endColumnNumber">end column number (0 if not applicable)</param>
828             <param name="message">text message</param>
829             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
830             <param name="senderName">name of event sender</param>
831             <param name="eventTimestamp">custom timestamp for the event</param>
832             <param name="messageArgs">message arguments</param>
833         </member>
834         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CriticalBuildMessageEventArgs.#ctor">
835             <summary>
836             Default constructor
837             </summary>
838         </member>
839         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CustomBuildEventArgs">
840             <summary>
841             Arguments for custom build events.
842             </summary>
843             <remarks>
844             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
845             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
846             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
847             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
848             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
849             forward and backward compatibility
850             </remarks>
851         </member>
852         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CustomBuildEventArgs.#ctor">
853             <summary>
854             Default constructor 
855             </summary>
856         </member>
857         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CustomBuildEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
858             <summary>
859             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
860             </summary>
861             <param name="message">text message</param>
862             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
863             <param name="senderName">name of sender</param>
864         </member>
865         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CustomBuildEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
866             <summary>
867             This constructor allows event data to be initialized including timestamp.
868             </summary>
869             <param name="message">text message</param>
870             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
871             <param name="senderName">name of sender</param>
872             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
873         </member>
874         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CustomBuildEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
875             <summary>
876             This constructor allows event data to be initialized including timestamp.
877             </summary>
878             <param name="message">text message</param>
879             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
880             <param name="senderName">name of sender</param>
881             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
882             <param name="messageArgs">Message arguments</param>
883         </member>
884         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectFinishedEventArgs">
885             <summary>
886             Arguments for external project finished events
887             </summary>
888             <remarks>
889             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
890             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
891             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
892             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
893             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
894             forward and backward compatibility
895             </remarks>
896         </member>
897         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectFinishedEventArgs.#ctor">
898             <summary>
899             Default constructor
900             </summary>
901         </member>
902         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
903             <summary>
904             Useful constructor
905             </summary>
906             <param name="message">text message</param>
907             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword</param>
908             <param name="senderName">name of the object sending this event</param>
909             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
910             <param name="succeeded">true indicates project built successfully</param>
911         </member>
912         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.DateTime)">
913             <summary>
914             Useful constructor including the ability to set the timestamp
915             </summary>
916             <param name="message">text message</param>
917             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword</param>
918             <param name="senderName">name of the object sending this event</param>
919             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
920             <param name="succeeded">true indicates project built successfully</param>
921             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
922         </member>
923         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectFinishedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
924             <summary>
925             Project name
926             </summary>
927         </member>
928         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectFinishedEventArgs.Succeeded">
929             <summary>
930             True if project built successfully, false otherwise
931             </summary>
932         </member>
933         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectStartedEventArgs">
934             <summary>
935             Arguments for external project started events
936             </summary>
937             <remarks>
938             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
939             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
940             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
941             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
942             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
943             forward and backward compatibility
944             </remarks>
945         </member>
946         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor">
947             <summary>
948             Default constructor
949             </summary>
950         </member>
951         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
952             <summary>
953             Useful constructor
954             </summary>
955             <param name="message">text message</param>
956             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword</param>
957             <param name="senderName">name of the object sending this event</param>
958             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
959             <param name="targetNames">targets we are going to build (empty indicates default targets)</param>
960         </member>
961         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
962             <summary>
963             Useful constructor, including the ability to set the timestamp of the event
964             </summary>
965             <param name="message">text message</param>
966             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword</param>
967             <param name="senderName">name of the object sending this event</param>
968             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
969             <param name="targetNames">targets we are going to build (empty indicates default targets)</param>
970             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
971         </member>
972         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectStartedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
973             <summary>
974             Project name
975             </summary>
976         </member>
977         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ExternalProjectStartedEventArgs.TargetNames">
978             <summary>
979             Targets that we will build in the project. This may mean different things for different project types,
980             our tasks will put something like Rebuild, Clean, etc. here. This may be null if the project is being
981             built with the default target.
982             </summary>
983         </member>
984         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine3">
985             <summary>
986             This interface extends IBuildEngine to provide a method allowing building 
987             project files in parallel.
988             </summary>
989         </member>
990         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine3.BuildProjectFilesInParallel(System.String[],System.String[],System.Collections.IDictionary[],System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String}[],System.String[],System.Boolean)">
991             <summary>
992             This method allows tasks to initiate a build on a
993             particular project file. If the build is successful, the outputs
994             (if any) of the specified targets are returned.
995             </summary>
996             <remarks>
997             1) it is acceptable to pass null for both <c>targetNames</c> and <c>targetOutputs</c>
998             2) if no targets are specified, the default targets are built
1000             </remarks>
1001             <param name="projectFileNames">The project to build.</param>
1002             <param name="targetNames">The targets in the project to build (can be null).</param>
1003             <param name="globalProperties">An array of hashtables of additional global properties to apply
1004                 to the child project (array entries can be null). 
1005                 The key and value in the hashtable should both be strings.</param>
1006             <param name="removeGlobalProperties">A list of global properties which should be removed.</param>
1007             <param name="toolsVersion">A tools version recognized by the Engine that will be used during this build (can be null).</param>
1008             <param name="returnTargetOutputs">Should the target outputs be returned in the BuildEngineResult</param>
1009             <returns>Returns a structure containing the success or failure of the build and the target outputs by project.</returns>
1010         </member>
1011         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine3.Yield">
1012             <summary>
1013             Informs the system that this task has a long-running out-of-process component and other work can be done in the
1014             build while that work completes.
1015             </summary>
1016         </member>
1017         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine3.Reacquire">
1018             <summary>
1019             Waits to reacquire control after yielding.
1020             </summary>
1021         </member>
1022         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime">
1023             <summary>
1024             Defines the lifetime of a registered task object.
1025             </summary>
1026         </member>
1027         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime.Build">
1028             <summary>
1029             The registered object will be disposed when the build ends.
1030             </summary>
1031         </member>
1032         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime.AppDomain">
1033             <summary>
1034             The registered object will be disposed when the AppDomain is unloaded.
1035             </summary>
1036             <remarks>
1037             The AppDomain to which this refers is the one in which MSBuild was launched,
1038             not the one in which the Task was launched.
1039             </remarks>
1040         </member>
1041         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine4">
1042             <summary>
1043             This interface extends IBuildEngine to provide a mechanism allowing tasks to 
1044             share data between task invocations.
1045             </summary>
1046         </member>
1047         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine4.RegisterTaskObject(System.Object,System.Object,Microsoft.Build.Framework.RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime,System.Boolean)">
1048             <summary>
1049             Registers an object with the system that will be disposed of at some specified time
1050             in the future.
1051             </summary>
1052             <param name="key">The key used to retrieve the object.</param>
1053             <param name="obj">The object to be held for later disposal.</param>
1054             <param name="lifetime">The lifetime of the object.</param>
1055             <param name="allowEarlyCollection">The object may be disposed earlier that the requested time if
1056             MSBuild needs to reclaim memory.</param>
1057             <remarks>
1058             <para>
1059             This method may be called by tasks which need to maintain state across task invocations,
1060             such as to cache data which may be expensive to generate but which is known not to change during the 
1061             build.  It is strongly recommended that <paramref name="allowEarlyCollection"/> be set to true if the
1062             object will retain any significant amount of data, as this gives MSBuild the most flexibility to 
1063             manage limited process memory resources.
1064             </para>
1065             <para>
1066             The thread on which the object is disposed may be arbitrary - however it is guaranteed not to
1067             be disposed while the task is executing, even if <paramref name="allowEarlyCollection"/> is set
1068             to true.
1069             </para>
1070             <para>
1071             If the object implements IDisposable, IDisposable.Dispose will be invoked on the object before
1072             discarding it.
1073             </para>
1074             </remarks>
1075         </member>
1076         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine4.GetRegisteredTaskObject(System.Object,Microsoft.Build.Framework.RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime)">
1077             <summary>
1078             Retrieves a previously registered task object stored with the specified key.
1079             </summary>
1080             <param name="key">The key used to retrieve the object.</param>
1081             <param name="lifetime">The lifetime of the object.</param>
1082             <returns>
1083             The registered object, or null is there is no object registered under that key or the object
1084             has been discarded through early collection.
1085             </returns>
1086         </member>
1087         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine4.UnregisterTaskObject(System.Object,Microsoft.Build.Framework.RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime)">
1088             <summary>
1089             Unregisters a previously-registered task object.
1090             </summary>
1091             <param name="key">The key used to retrieve the object.</param>
1092             <param name="lifetime">The lifetime of the object.</param>
1093             <returns>
1094             The registered object, or null is there is no object registered under that key or the object
1095             has been discarded through early collection.
1096             </returns>
1097         </member>
1098         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine5">
1099             <summary>
1100             This interface extends IBuildEngine to log telemetry.
1101             </summary>
1102         </member>
1103         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine5.LogTelemetry(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
1104             <summary>
1105             Logs telemetry.
1106             </summary>
1107             <param name="eventName">The event name.</param>
1108             <param name="properties">The event properties.</param>
1109         </member>
1110         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TelemetryEventHandler">
1111             <summary>
1112             Type of handler for TelemetryLogged events
1113             </summary>
1114         </member>
1115         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource2">
1116             <summary>
1117             This interface defines the events raised by the build engine.
1118             Loggers use this interface to subscribe to the events they
1119             are interested in receiving.
1120             </summary>
1121         </member>
1122         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource2.TelemetryLogged">
1123             <summary>
1124             this event is raised to when telemetry is logged.
1125             </summary>
1126         </member>
1127         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IGeneratedTask">
1128             <summary>
1129             An interface implemented by tasks that are generated by ITaskFactory instances.
1130             </summary>
1131         </member>
1132         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IGeneratedTask.SetPropertyValue(Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo,System.Object)">
1133             <summary>
1134             Sets a value on a property of this task instance.
1135             </summary>
1136             <param name="property">The property to set.</param>
1137             <param name="value">The value to set. The caller is responsible to type-coerce this value to match the property's <see cref="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo.PropertyType"/>.</param>
1138             <remarks>
1139             All exceptions from this method will be caught in the taskExecution host and logged as a fatal task error
1140             </remarks>
1141         </member>
1142         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IGeneratedTask.GetPropertyValue(Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo)">
1143             <summary>
1144             Gets the property value.
1145             </summary>
1146             <param name="property">The property to get.</param>
1147             <returns>
1148             The value of the property, the value's type will match the type given by <see cref="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo.PropertyType"/>.
1149             </returns>
1150             <remarks>
1151             MSBuild calls this method after executing the task to get output parameters.
1152             All exceptions from this method will be caught in the taskExecution host and logged as a fatal task error
1153             </remarks>
1154         </member>
1155         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs">
1156             <summary>
1157             Stores strings for parts of a message delaying the formatting until it needs to be shown
1158             </summary>
1159         </member>
1160         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.arguments">
1161             <summary>
1162             Stores the message arguments.
1163             </summary>
1164         </member>
1165         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.originalCulture">
1166             <summary>
1167             Stores the original culture for String.Format.
1168             </summary>
1169         </member>
1170         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.locker">
1171             <summary>
1172             Lock object.
1173             </summary>
1174         </member>
1175         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
1176             <summary>
1177             This constructor allows all event data to be initialized.
1178             </summary>
1179             <param name="message">text message.</param>
1180             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword.</param>
1181             <param name="senderName">name of event sender.</param>
1182         </member>
1183         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.Object[])">
1184             <summary>
1185             This constructor that allows message arguments that are lazily formatted.
1186             </summary>
1187             <param name="message">text message.</param>
1188             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword.</param>
1189             <param name="senderName">name of event sender.</param>
1190             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created.</param>
1191             <param name="messageArgs">Message arguments.</param>
1192         </member>
1193         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.#ctor">
1194             <summary>
1195             Default constructor.
1196             </summary>
1197         </member>
1198         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.Message">
1199             <summary>
1200             Gets the formatted message.
1201             </summary>
1202         </member>
1203         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LazyFormattedBuildEventArgs.FormatString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.String,System.Object[])">
1204             <summary>
1205             Formats the given string using the variable arguments passed in.
1207             PERF WARNING: calling a method that takes a variable number of arguments is expensive, because memory is allocated for
1208             the array of arguments -- do not call this method repeatedly in performance-critical scenarios
1209             </summary>
1210             <remarks>This method is thread-safe.</remarks>
1211             <param name="culture">The culture info for formatting the message.</param>
1212             <param name="unformatted">The string to format.</param>
1213             <param name="args">Optional arguments for formatting the given string.</param>
1214             <returns>The formatted string.</returns>
1215         </member>
1216         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine">
1217             <summary>
1218             This interface exposes functionality on the build engine
1219             that is required for task authoring.
1220             </summary>
1221         </member>
1222         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.LogErrorEvent(Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventArgs)">
1223             <summary>
1224             Allows tasks to raise error events to all registered loggers.
1225             The build engine may perform some filtering or
1226             pre-processing on the events, before dispatching them.
1227             </summary>
1228             <param name="e">Details of event to raise.</param>
1229         </member>
1230         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.LogWarningEvent(Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventArgs)">
1231             <summary>
1232             Allows tasks to raise warning events to all registered loggers.
1233             The build engine may perform some filtering or
1234             pre-processing on the events, before dispatching them.
1235             </summary>
1236             <param name="e">Details of event to raise.</param>
1237         </member>
1238         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.LogMessageEvent(Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs)">
1239             <summary>
1240             Allows tasks to raise message events to all registered loggers.
1241             The build engine may perform some filtering or
1242             pre-processing on the events, before dispatching them.
1243             </summary>
1244             <param name="e">Details of event to raise.</param>
1245         </member>
1246         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.LogCustomEvent(Microsoft.Build.Framework.CustomBuildEventArgs)">
1247             <summary>
1248             Allows tasks to raise custom events to all registered loggers.
1249             The build engine may perform some filtering or
1250             pre-processing on the events, before dispatching them.
1251             </summary>
1252             <param name="e">Details of event to raise.</param>
1253         </member>
1254         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.ContinueOnError">
1255             <summary>
1256             Returns true if the ContinueOnError flag was set to true for this particular task
1257             in the project file.
1258             </summary>
1259         </member>
1260         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.LineNumberOfTaskNode">
1261             <summary>
1262             Retrieves the line number of the task node within the project file that called it.
1263             </summary>
1264         </member>
1265         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.ColumnNumberOfTaskNode">
1266             <summary>
1267             Retrieves the line number of the task node within the project file that called it.
1268             </summary>
1269         </member>
1270         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.ProjectFileOfTaskNode">
1271             <summary>
1272             Returns the full path to the project file that contained the call to this task.
1273             </summary>
1274         </member>
1275         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine.BuildProjectFile(System.String,System.String[],System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary)">
1276             <summary>
1277             This method allows tasks to initiate a build on a
1278             particular project file. If the build is successful, the outputs
1279             (if any) of the specified targets are returned.
1280             </summary>
1281             <remarks>
1282             1) it is acceptable to pass null for both <c>targetNames</c> and <c>targetOutputs</c>
1283             2) if no targets are specified, the default targets are built
1284             3) target outputs are returned as <c>ITaskItem</c> arrays indexed by target name
1285             </remarks>
1286             <param name="projectFileName">The project to build.</param>
1287             <param name="targetNames">The targets in the project to build (can be null).</param>
1288             <param name="globalProperties">A hash table of additional global properties to apply
1289                 to the child project (can be null).  The key and value should both be strings.</param>
1290             <param name="targetOutputs">The outputs of each specified target (can be null).</param>
1291             <returns>true, if build was successful</returns>
1292         </member>
1293         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine2">
1294             <summary>
1295             This interface extends IBuildEngine to provide a method allowing building 
1296             project files in parallel.
1297             </summary>
1298         </member>
1299         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine2.IsRunningMultipleNodes">
1300             <summary>
1301             This property allows a task to query whether or not the system is running in single process mode or multi process mode.
1302             Single process mode (IsRunningMultipleNodes = false) is where the engine is initialized with the number of cpus = 1 and the engine is not a child engine.
1303             The engine is in multi process mode (IsRunningMultipleNodes = true) when the engine is initialized with a number of cpus > 1 or the engine is a child engine.
1304             </summary>
1305         </member>
1306         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine2.BuildProjectFile(System.String,System.String[],System.Collections.IDictionary,System.Collections.IDictionary,System.String)">
1307             <summary>
1308             This method allows tasks to initiate a build on a
1309             particular project file. If the build is successful, the outputs
1310             (if any) of the specified targets are returned.
1311             </summary>
1312             <remarks>
1313             1) it is acceptable to pass null for both <c>targetNames</c> and <c>targetOutputs</c>
1314             2) if no targets are specified, the default targets are built
1315             3) target outputs are returned as <c>ITaskItem</c> arrays indexed by target name
1316             </remarks>
1317             <param name="projectFileName">The project to build.</param>
1318             <param name="targetNames">The targets in the project to build (can be null).</param>
1319             <param name="globalProperties">A hash table of additional global properties to apply
1320                 to the child project (can be null).  The key and value should both be strings.</param>
1321             <param name="targetOutputs">The outputs of each specified target (can be null).</param>
1322             <param name="toolsVersion">A tools version recognized by the Engine that will be used during this build (can be null).</param>
1323             <returns>true, if build was successful</returns>
1324         </member>
1325         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine2.BuildProjectFilesInParallel(System.String[],System.String[],System.Collections.IDictionary[],System.Collections.IDictionary[],System.String[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
1326             <summary>
1327             This method allows tasks to initiate a build on a
1328             particular project file. If the build is successful, the outputs
1329             (if any) of the specified targets are returned.
1330             </summary>
1331             <remarks>
1332             1) it is acceptable to pass null for both <c>targetNames</c> and <c>targetOutputs</c>
1333             2) if no targets are specified, the default targets are built
1334             3) target outputs are returned as <c>ITaskItem</c> arrays indexed by target name
1335             </remarks>
1336             <param name="projectFileNames">The project to build.</param>
1337             <param name="targetNames">The targets in the project to build (can be null).</param>
1338             <param name="globalProperties">An array of hashtables of additional global properties to apply
1339                 to the child project (array entries can be null). 
1340                 The key and value in the hashtable should both be strings.</param>
1341             <param name="targetOutputsPerProject">The outputs of each specified target (can be null).</param>
1342             <param name="toolsVersion">A tools version recognized by the Engine that will be used during this build (can be null).</param>
1343             <param name="useResultsCache">If true the operation will only be run if the cache doesn't
1344                                           already contain the result. After the operation the result is
1345                                           stored in the cache </param>
1346             <param name="unloadProjectsOnCompletion">If true the project will be unloaded once the 
1347                                                     operation is completed </param>
1348             <returns>true, if build was successful</returns>
1349         </member>
1350         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventRedirector">
1351             <summary>
1352             This interface is used to forward events to another loggers
1353             </summary>
1354         </member>
1355         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventRedirector.ForwardEvent(Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventArgs)">
1356             <summary>
1357             This method is called by the node loggers to forward the events to central logger
1358             </summary>
1359         </member>
1360         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventHandler">
1361             <summary>
1362             Type of handler for MessageRaised events
1363             </summary>
1364         </member>
1365         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventHandler">
1366             <summary>
1367             Type of handler for ErrorRaised events
1368             </summary>
1369         </member>
1370         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildWarningEventHandler">
1371             <summary>
1372             Type of handler for WarningRaised events
1373             </summary>
1374         </member>
1375         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.CustomBuildEventHandler">
1376             <summary>
1377             Type of handler for CustomEventRaised events
1378             </summary>
1379         </member>
1380         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStartedEventHandler">
1381             <summary>
1382             Type of handler for BuildStartedEvent events
1383             </summary>
1384         </member>
1385         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildFinishedEventHandler">
1386             <summary>
1387             Type of handler for BuildFinishedEvent events
1388             </summary>
1389         </member>
1390         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventHandler">
1391             <summary>
1392             Type of handler for ProjectStarted events
1393             </summary>
1394         </member>
1395         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectFinishedEventHandler">
1396             <summary>
1397             Type of handler for ProjectFinished events
1398             </summary>
1399         </member>
1400         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventHandler">
1401             <summary>
1402             Type of handler for TargetStarted events
1403             </summary>
1404         </member>
1405         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventHandler">
1406             <summary>
1407             Type of handler for TargetFinished events
1408             </summary>
1409         </member>
1410         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventHandler">
1411             <summary>
1412             Type of handler for TaskStarted events
1413             </summary>
1414         </member>
1415         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventHandler">
1416             <summary>
1417             Type of handler for TaskFinished events
1418             </summary>
1419         </member>
1420         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildStatusEventHandler">
1421             <summary>
1422             Type of handler for BuildStatus events
1423             </summary>
1424         </member>
1425         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.AnyEventHandler">
1426             <summary>
1427             Type of handler for AnyEventRaised events
1428             </summary>
1429         </member>
1430         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource">
1431             <summary> 
1432             This interface defines the events raised by the build engine.
1433             Loggers use this interface to subscribe to the events they
1434             are interested in receiving.
1435             </summary>
1436         </member>
1437         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.MessageRaised">
1438             <summary>
1439             this event is raised to log a message
1440             </summary>
1441         </member>
1442         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.ErrorRaised">
1443             <summary>
1444             this event is raised to log an error
1445             </summary>
1446         </member>
1447         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.WarningRaised">
1448             <summary>
1449             this event is raised to log a warning
1450             </summary>
1451         </member>
1452         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.BuildStarted">
1453             <summary>
1454             this event is raised to log the start of a build
1455             </summary>
1456         </member>
1457         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.BuildFinished">
1458             <summary>
1459             this event is raised to log the end of a build
1460             </summary>
1461         </member>
1462         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.ProjectStarted">
1463             <summary>
1464             this event is raised to log the start of a project build
1465             </summary>
1466         </member>
1467         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.ProjectFinished">
1468             <summary>
1469             this event is raised to log the end of a project build
1470             </summary>
1471         </member>
1472         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.TargetStarted">
1473             <summary>
1474             this event is raised to log the start of a target build
1475             </summary>
1476         </member>
1477         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.TargetFinished">
1478             <summary>
1479             this event is raised to log the end of a target build
1480             </summary>
1481         </member>
1482         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.TaskStarted">
1483             <summary>
1484             this event is raised to log the start of task execution
1485             </summary>
1486         </member>
1487         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.TaskFinished">
1488             <summary>
1489             this event is raised to log the end of task execution
1490             </summary>
1491         </member>
1492         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.CustomEventRaised">
1493             <summary>
1494             this event is raised to log custom events
1495             </summary>
1496         </member>
1497         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.StatusEventRaised">
1498             <summary>
1499             this event is raised to log any build status event
1500             </summary>
1501         </member>
1502         <member name="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource.AnyEventRaised">
1503             <summary>
1504             this event is raised to log any build event.  These events do not include telemetry.  To receive telemetry, you must attach to the <see cref="E:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource2.TelemetryLogged"/> event.
1505             </summary>
1506         </member>
1507         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IForwardingLogger">
1508             <summary>
1509             This interface extends the ILogger interface to provide a property which can be used to forward events
1510             to a logger running in a different process. It can also be used create filtering loggers.
1511             </summary>
1512         </member>
1513         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IForwardingLogger.BuildEventRedirector">
1514             <summary>
1515             This property is set by the build engine to allow a node loggers to forward messages to the
1516             central logger
1517             </summary>
1518         </member>
1519         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.IForwardingLogger.NodeId">
1520             <summary>
1521             This property is set by the build engine or node to inform the forwarding logger which node it is running on
1522             </summary>
1523         </member>
1524         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity">
1525             <summary>
1526             Enumeration of the levels of detail of an event log.
1527             </summary>
1528             <remarks>
1529             The level of detail (i.e. verbosity) of an event log is entirely controlled by the logger generating the log -- a logger
1530             will be directed to keep its verbosity at a certain level, based on user preferences, but a logger is free to choose the
1531             events it logs for each verbosity level.
1534             1) Quiet -- only display a summary at the end of build
1535             2) Minimal -- only display errors, warnings, high importance events and a build summary
1536             3) Normal -- display all errors, warnings, high importance events, some status events, and a build summary
1537             4) Detailed -- display all errors, warnings, high and normal importance events, all status events, and a build summary
1538             5) Diagnostic -- display all events, and a build summary
1540             WARNING: VS Automation code for the Tools/Options MSBuild build verbosity setting will be broken
1541             by changes to this enum (not to mention existing MSBuild clients and vsproject code). 
1542             Please make sure to talk to automation devs before changing it.
1543             </remarks>
1544         </member>
1545         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity.Quiet">
1546             <summary>
1547             The most minimal output
1548             </summary>
1549         </member>
1550         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity.Minimal">
1551             <summary>
1552             Relatively little output
1553             </summary>
1554         </member>
1555         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity.Normal">
1556             <summary>
1557             Standard output. This should be the default if verbosity level is not set
1558             </summary>
1559         </member>
1560         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity.Detailed">
1561             <summary>
1562             Relatively verbose, but not exhaustive
1563             </summary>
1564         </member>
1565         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity.Diagnostic">
1566             <summary>
1567             The most verbose and informative verbosity
1568             </summary>
1569         </member>
1570         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger">
1571             <summary>
1572             This interface defines a "logger" in the build system. A logger subscribes to build system events. All logger classes must
1573             implement this interface to be recognized by the build engine.
1574             </summary>
1575         </member>
1576         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger.Verbosity">
1577             <summary>
1578             The verbosity level directs the amount of detail that appears in a logger's event log. Though this is only a
1579             recommendation based on user preferences, and a logger is free to choose the exact events it logs, it is still
1580             important that the guidelines for each level be followed, for a good user experience.
1581             </summary>
1582             <value>The verbosity level.</value>
1583         </member>
1584         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger.Parameters">
1585             <summary>
1586             This property holds the user-specified parameters to the logger. If parameters are not provided, a logger should revert
1587             to defaults. If a logger does not take parameters, it can ignore this property.
1588             </summary>
1589             <value>The parameter string (can be null).</value>
1590         </member>
1591         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger.Initialize(Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource)">
1592             <summary>
1593             Called by the build engine to allow loggers to subscribe to the events they desire.
1594             </summary>
1595             <param name="eventSource">The events available to loggers.</param>
1596         </member>
1597         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger.Shutdown">
1598             <summary>
1599             Called by the build engine to allow loggers to release any resources they may have allocated at initialization time,
1600             or during the build.
1601             </summary>
1602         </member>
1603         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.INodeLogger">
1604             <summary>
1605             This interface defines a "parallel aware logger" in the build system. A parallel aware logger 
1606             will accept a cpu count and be aware that any cpu count greater than 1 means the events will
1607             be received from the logger from each cpu as the events are logged. 
1608             </summary>
1609         </member>
1610         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.INodeLogger.Initialize(Microsoft.Build.Framework.IEventSource,System.Int32)">
1611             <summary>
1612             Initializes the current <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.INodeLogger"/> instance.
1613             </summary>
1614             <param name="eventSource"></param>
1615             <param name="nodeCount"></param>
1616         </member>
1617         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask">
1618             <summary>
1619             This interface defines a "task" in the build system. A task is an atomic unit of build operation. All task classes must
1620             implement this interface to be recognized by the build engine.
1621             </summary>
1622         </member>
1623         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.BuildEngine">
1624             <summary>
1625             This property is set by the build engine to allow a task to call back into it.
1626             </summary>
1627             <value>The interface on the build engine available to tasks.</value>
1628         </member>
1629         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.HostObject">
1630             <summary>
1631             The build engine sets this property if the host IDE has associated a host object with this particular task.
1632             </summary>
1633             <value>The host object instance (can be null).</value>
1634         </member>
1635         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.Execute">
1636             <summary>
1637             This method is called by the build engine to begin task execution. A task uses the return value to indicate
1638             whether it was successful. If a task throws an exception out of this method, the engine will automatically
1639             assume that the task has failed.
1640             </summary>
1641             <returns>true, if successful</returns>
1642         </member>
1643         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ICancelableTask">
1644             <summary>
1645             Interface for tasks which can be cancelled.
1646             </summary>
1647         </member>
1648         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ICancelableTask.Cancel">
1649             <summary>
1650             Instructs the task to exit as soon as possible, or to immediately exit if Execute is invoked after this method.
1651             </summary>
1652             <remarks>
1653             Cancel() may be called at any time after the task has been instantiated, even before <see cref="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.Execute"/> is called.
1654             Cancel calls may come in from any thread.  The implementation of this method should not block indefinitely.
1655             </remarks>
1656         </member>
1657         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory">
1658             <summary>
1659             Interface that a task factory Instance should implement
1660             </summary>
1661         </member>
1662         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory.FactoryName">
1663             <summary>
1664             Gets the name of the factory.
1665             </summary>
1666             <value>The name of the factory.</value>
1667         </member>
1668         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory.TaskType">
1669             <summary>
1670             Gets the type of the task this factory will instantiate.
1671             </summary>
1672         </member>
1673         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory.Initialize(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo},System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine)">
1674             <summary>
1675             Initializes this factory for instantiating tasks with a particular inline task block.
1676             </summary>
1677             <param name="taskName">Name of the task.</param>
1678             <param name="parameterGroup">The parameter group.</param>
1679             <param name="taskBody">The task body.</param>
1680             <param name="taskFactoryLoggingHost">The task factory logging host.</param>
1681             <returns>A value indicating whether initialization was successful.</returns>
1682             <remarks>
1683             <para>MSBuild engine will call this to initialize the factory. This should initialize the factory enough so that the factory can be asked
1684             whether or not task names can be created by the factory.</para>
1685             <para>
1686             The taskFactoryLoggingHost will log messages in the context of the target where the task is first used.
1687             </para>
1688             </remarks>
1689         </member>
1690         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory.GetTaskParameters">
1691             <summary>
1692             Get the descriptions for all the task's parameters.
1693             </summary>
1694             <returns>A non-null array of property descriptions.</returns>
1695         </member>
1696         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory.CreateTask(Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine)">
1697             <summary>
1698             Create an instance of the task to be used.
1699             </summary>
1700             <param name="taskFactoryLoggingHost">
1701             The task factory logging host will log messages in the context of the task.
1702             </param>
1703             <returns>
1704             The generated task, or <c>null</c> if the task failed to be created.
1705             </returns>
1706         </member>
1707         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory.CleanupTask(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask)">
1708             <summary>
1709             Cleans up any context or state that may have been built up for a given task.
1710             </summary>
1711             <param name="task">The task to clean up.</param>
1712             <remarks>
1713             For many factories, this method is a no-op.  But some factories may have built up
1714             an AppDomain as part of an individual task instance, and this is their opportunity
1715             to shutdown the AppDomain.
1716             </remarks>
1717         </member>
1718         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory2">
1719             <summary>
1720             Interface that a task factory Instance should implement if it wants to be able to
1721             use new UsingTask parameters such as Runtime and Architecture. 
1722             </summary>
1723         </member>
1724         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory2.Initialize(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo},System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine)">
1725             <summary>
1726             Initializes this factory for instantiating tasks with a particular inline task block and a set of UsingTask parameters.  MSBuild
1727             provides an implementation of this interface, TaskHostFactory, that uses "Runtime", with values "CLR2", "CLR4", "CurrentRuntime", 
1728             and "*" (Any); and "Architecture", with values "x86", "x64", "CurrentArchitecture", and "*" (Any).  An implementer of ITaskFactory2 
1729             can choose to use these pre-defined Runtime and Architecture values, or can specify new values for these parameters.  
1730             </summary>
1731             <param name="taskName">Name of the task.</param>
1732             <param name="factoryIdentityParameters">Special parameters that the task factory can use to modify how it executes tasks, 
1733             such as Runtime and Architecture.  The key is the name of the parameter and the value is the parameter's value. This 
1734             is the set of parameters that was set on the UsingTask using e.g. the UsingTask Runtime and Architecture parameters.</param>
1735             <param name="parameterGroup">The parameter group.</param>
1736             <param name="taskBody">The task body.</param>
1737             <param name="taskFactoryLoggingHost">The task factory logging host.</param>
1738             <returns>A value indicating whether initialization was successful.</returns>
1739             <remarks>
1740             <para>MSBuild engine will call this to initialize the factory. This should initialize the factory enough so that the 
1741             factory can be asked whether or not task names can be created by the factory.  If a task factory implements ITaskFactory2, 
1742             this Initialize method will be called in place of ITaskFactory.Initialize.</para>
1743             <para>
1744             The taskFactoryLoggingHost will log messages in the context of the target where the task is first used.
1745             </para>
1746             </remarks>
1747         </member>
1748         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory2.CreateTask(Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
1749             <summary>
1750             Create an instance of the task to be used, with an optional set of "special" parameters set on the individual task invocation using 
1751             the MSBuildRuntime and MSBuildArchitecture default task parameters.  MSBuild provides an implementation of this interface, 
1752             TaskHostFactory, that uses "MSBuildRuntime", with values "CLR2", "CLR4", "CurrentRuntime", and "*" (Any); and "MSBuildArchitecture", 
1753             with values "x86", "x64", "CurrentArchitecture", and "*" (Any).  An implementer of ITaskFactory2 can choose to use these pre-defined 
1754             MSBuildRuntime and MSBuildArchitecture values, or can specify new values for these parameters.  
1755             </summary>
1756             <param name="taskFactoryLoggingHost">
1757             The task factory logging host will log messages in the context of the task.
1758             </param>
1759             <param name="taskIdentityParameters">
1760             Special parameters that the task factory can use to modify how it executes tasks, such as Runtime and Architecture.  
1761             The key is the name of the parameter and the value is the parameter's value.  This is the set of parameters that was 
1762             set to the task invocation itself, via e.g. the special MSBuildRuntime and MSBuildArchitecture parameters.  
1763             </param>
1764             <remarks>
1765             If a task factory implements ITaskFactory2, MSBuild will call this method instead of ITaskFactory.CreateTask.  
1766             </remarks>
1767             <returns>
1768             The generated task, or <c>null</c> if the task failed to be created.
1769             </returns>
1770         </member>
1771         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskHost">
1772             <summary>
1773             This empty interface is used to pass host objects from an IDE to individual
1774             tasks.  Depending on the task itself and what kinds parameters and functionality
1775             it exposes, the task should define its own interface that inherits from this one, 
1776             and then use that interface to communicate with the host.
1777             </summary>
1778         </member>
1779         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem">
1780             <summary>
1781             This interface defines a project item that can be consumed and emitted by tasks.
1782             </summary>
1783         </member>
1784         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.ItemSpec">
1785             <summary>
1786             Gets or sets the item "specification" e.g. for disk-based items this would be the file path.
1787             </summary>
1788             <remarks>
1789             This should be named "EvaluatedInclude" but that would be a breaking change to this interface.
1790             </remarks>
1791             <value>The item-spec string.</value>
1792         </member>
1793         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.MetadataNames">
1794             <summary>
1795             Gets the names of all the metadata on the item.
1796             Includes the built-in metadata like "FullPath".
1797             </summary>
1798             <value>The list of metadata names.</value>
1799         </member>
1800         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.MetadataCount">
1801             <summary>
1802             Gets the number of pieces of metadata on the item. Includes
1803             both custom and built-in metadata.
1804             </summary>
1805             <value>Count of pieces of metadata.</value>
1806         </member>
1807         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.GetMetadata(System.String)">
1808             <summary>
1809             Allows the values of metadata on the item to be queried.
1810             </summary>
1811             <param name="metadataName">The name of the metadata to retrieve.</param>
1812             <returns>The value of the specified metadata.</returns>
1813         </member>
1814         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.SetMetadata(System.String,System.String)">
1815             <summary>
1816             Allows a piece of custom metadata to be set on the item.
1817             </summary>
1818             <param name="metadataName">The name of the metadata to set.</param>
1819             <param name="metadataValue">The metadata value.</param>
1820         </member>
1821         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.RemoveMetadata(System.String)">
1822             <summary>
1823             Allows the removal of custom metadata set on the item.
1824             </summary>
1825             <param name="metadataName">The name of the metadata to remove.</param>
1826         </member>
1827         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.CopyMetadataTo(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem)">
1828             <summary>
1829             Allows custom metadata on the item to be copied to another item.
1830             </summary>
1831             <remarks>
1833             1) this method should NOT copy over the item-spec
1834             2) if a particular piece of metadata already exists on the destination item, it should NOT be overwritten
1835             3) if there are pieces of metadata on the item that make no semantic sense on the destination item, they should NOT be copied
1836             </remarks>
1837             <param name="destinationItem">The item to copy metadata to.</param>
1838         </member>
1839         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem.CloneCustomMetadata">
1840             <summary>
1841             Get the collection of custom metadata. This does not include built-in metadata.
1842             </summary>
1843             <remarks>
1845             1) this method should return a clone of the metadata
1846             2) writing to this dictionary should not be reflected in the underlying item.
1847             </remarks>
1848             <returns>Dictionary of cloned metadata</returns>
1849         </member>
1850         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem2">
1851             <summary>
1852             This interface adds escaping support to the ITaskItem interface.
1853             </summary>
1854         </member>
1855         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem2.EvaluatedIncludeEscaped">
1856             <summary>
1857             Gets or sets the item include value e.g. for disk-based items this would be the file path.
1858             </summary>
1859             <remarks>
1860             Taking the opportunity to fix the property name, although this doesn't
1861             make it obvious it's an improvement on ItemSpec.
1862             </remarks>
1863         </member>
1864         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem2.GetMetadataValueEscaped(System.String)">
1865             <summary>
1866             Allows the values of metadata on the item to be queried.
1867             </summary>
1868             <remarks>
1869             Taking the opportunity to fix the property name, although this doesn't
1870             make it obvious it's an improvement on GetMetadata.
1871             </remarks>
1872         </member>
1873         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem2.SetMetadataValueLiteral(System.String,System.String)">
1874             <summary>
1875             Allows a piece of custom metadata to be set on the item.  Assumes that the value passed
1876             in is unescaped, and escapes the value as necessary in order to maintain its value. 
1877             </summary>
1878             <remarks>
1879             Taking the opportunity to fix the property name, although this doesn't
1880             make it obvious it's an improvement on SetMetadata.
1881             </remarks>
1882         </member>
1883         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem2.CloneCustomMetadataEscaped">
1884             <summary>
1885             ITaskItem2 implementation which returns a clone of the metadata on this object.
1886             Values returned are in their original escaped form. 
1887             </summary>
1888             <returns>The cloned metadata, with values' escaping preserved.</returns>
1889         </member>
1890         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoadInSeparateAppDomainAttribute">
1891             <summary>
1892             This attribute is used to mark tasks that need to be run in their own app domains. The build engine will create a new app
1893             domain each time it needs to run such a task, and immediately unload it when the task is finished.
1894             </summary>
1895         </member>
1896         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoadInSeparateAppDomainAttribute.#ctor">
1897             <summary>
1898             Default constructor.
1899             </summary>
1900         </member>
1901         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException">
1902             <summary>
1903             Exception that should be thrown by a logger when it cannot continue.
1904             Allows a logger to force the build to stop in an explicit way, when, for example, it 
1905             receives invalid parameters, or cannot write to disk.
1906             </summary>
1907             <remarks>
1908             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
1909             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
1910             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both forward and backward compatibility
1911             </remarks>
1912         </member>
1913         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException.#ctor">
1914             <summary>
1915             Default constructor.
1916             </summary>
1917             <remarks>
1918             This constructor only exists to satisfy .NET coding guidelines. Use the rich constructor instead.
1919             </remarks>
1920         </member>
1921         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException.#ctor(System.String)">
1922             <summary>
1923             Creates an instance of this exception using the specified error message.
1924             </summary>
1925             <param name="message">Message string</param>
1926         </member>
1927         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
1928             <summary>
1929             Creates an instance of this exception using the specified error message and inner exception.
1930             </summary>
1931             <param name="message">Message string</param>
1932             <param name="innerException">Inner exception. Can be null</param>
1933         </member>
1934         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception,System.String,System.String)">
1935             <summary>
1936             Creates an instance of this exception using rich error information.
1937             </summary>
1938             <param name="message">Message string</param>
1939             <param name="innerException">Inner exception. Can be null</param>
1940             <param name="errorCode">Error code</param>
1941             <param name="helpKeyword">Help keyword for host IDE. Can be null</param>
1942         </member>
1943         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException.ErrorCode">
1944             <summary>
1945             Gets the error code associated with this exception's message (not the inner exception).
1946             </summary>
1947             <value>The error code string.</value>
1948         </member>
1949         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException.HelpKeyword">
1950             <summary>
1951             Gets the F1-help keyword associated with this error, for the host IDE.
1952             </summary>
1953             <value>The keyword string.</value>
1954         </member>
1955         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext">
1956             <summary>
1957             Will provide location information for an event, this is especially 
1958             needed in a multi processor environment
1959             </summary>
1960         </member>
1961         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext._nodeId">
1962             <summary>
1963             Node event was in 
1964             </summary>
1965         </member>
1966         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext._targetId">
1967             <summary>
1968             Target event was in
1969             </summary>
1970         </member>
1971         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext._projectContextId">
1972              <summary>
1973             The node-unique project request context the event was in
1974              </summary>
1975         </member>
1976         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext._taskId">
1977             <summary>
1978             Id of the task the event was caused from
1979             </summary>
1980         </member>
1981         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext._projectInstanceId">
1982             <summary>
1983             The id of the project instance to which this event refers.
1984             </summary>
1985         </member>
1986         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext._submissionId">
1987             <summary>
1988             The id of the submission.
1989             </summary>
1990         </member>
1991         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext._evaluationId">
1992             <summary>
1993             The id of the evaluation
1994             </summary>
1995         </member>
1996         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1997             <summary>
1998             This is the original constructor.  No one should ever use this except internally for backward compatibility.
1999             </summary>
2000         </member>
2001         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2002             <summary>
2003             Constructs a BuildEventContext with a specified project instance id.
2004             </summary>
2005         </member>
2006         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2007             <summary>
2008             Constructs a BuildEventContext with a specific submission id
2009             </summary>
2010         </member>
2011         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2012             <summary>
2013             Constructs a BuildEventContext
2014             </summary>
2015         </member>
2016         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.Invalid">
2017             <summary>
2018             Returns a default invalid BuildEventContext
2019             </summary>
2020         </member>
2021         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.EvaluationId">
2022             <summary>
2023             Retrieves the Evaluation id.
2024             </summary>
2025         </member>
2026         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.NodeId">
2027             <summary>
2028             NodeId where event took place
2029             </summary>
2030         </member>
2031         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.TargetId">
2032             <summary>
2033             Id of the target the event was in when the event was fired
2034             </summary>
2035         </member>
2036         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.ProjectContextId">
2037             <summary>
2038             Retrieves the Project Context id.
2039             </summary>
2040         </member>
2041         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.TaskId">
2042             <summary>
2043             Retrieves the task id.
2044             </summary>
2045         </member>
2046         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.ProjectInstanceId">
2047             <summary>
2048             Retrieves the project instance id.
2049             </summary>
2050         </member>
2051         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.SubmissionId">
2052             <summary>
2053             Retrieves the Submission id.
2054             </summary>
2055         </member>
2056         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.BuildRequestId">
2057             <summary>
2058             Retrieves the BuildRequest id.  Note that this is not the same as the global request id on a BuildRequest or BuildResult.
2059             </summary>
2060         </member>
2061         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InvalidProjectContextId">
2062             <summary>
2063             Indicates an invalid project context identifier.
2064             </summary>
2065         </member>
2066         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InvalidTaskId">
2067             <summary>
2068             Indicates an invalid task identifier.
2069             </summary>
2070         </member>
2071         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InvalidTargetId">
2072             <summary>
2073             Indicates an invalid target identifier.
2074             </summary>
2075         </member>
2076         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InvalidNodeId">
2077             <summary>
2078             Indicates an invalid node identifier.
2079             </summary>
2080         </member>
2081         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InvalidProjectInstanceId">
2082             <summary>
2083             Indicates an invalid project instance identifier.
2084             </summary>
2085         </member>
2086         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InvalidSubmissionId">
2087             <summary>
2088             Indicates an invalid submission identifier.
2089             </summary>
2090         </member>
2091         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InvalidEvaluationId">
2092             <summary>
2093             Indicates an invalid evaluation identifier.
2094             </summary>
2095         </member>
2096         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.GetHashCode">
2097             <summary>
2098             Retrieves a hash code for this BuildEventContext.
2099             </summary>
2100             <returns></returns>
2101         </member>
2102         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.Equals(System.Object)">
2103             <summary>
2104             Compare a BuildEventContext with this BuildEventContext. 
2105             A build event context is compared in the following way.
2107             1. If the object references are the same the contexts are equivalent
2108             2. If the object type is the same and the Id values in the context are the same, the contexts are equivalent
2109             </summary>
2110             <param name="obj"></param>
2111             <returns></returns>
2112         </member>
2113         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.op_Equality(Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext,Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext)">
2114             <summary>
2115             Override == so the  equals comparison using this operator will be the same as
2116             .Equals
2117             </summary>
2118             <param name="left">Left hand side operand</param>
2119             <param name="right">Right hand side operand</param>
2120             <returns>True if the object values are identical, false if they are not identical</returns>
2121         </member>
2122         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.op_Inequality(Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext,Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext)">
2123             <summary>
2124             Override != so the  equals comparison using this operator will be the same as
2125              ! Equals
2126             </summary>
2127             <param name="left">Left hand side operand</param>
2128             <param name="right">Right hand side operand</param>
2129             <returns>True if the object values are not identical, false if they are identical</returns>
2130         </member>
2131         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext.InternalEquals(Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext)">
2132             <summary>
2133             Verify the fields are identical
2134             </summary>
2135             <param name="buildEventContext">BuildEventContext to compare to this instance</param>
2136             <returns>True if the value fields are the same, false if otherwise</returns>
2137         </member>
2138         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute">
2139             <summary>
2140             This attribute is used by task writers to designate certain task parameters as "outputs". The build engine will only allow
2141             task parameters (i.e. the task class' .NET properties) that are marked with this attribute to output data from a task. Project
2142             authors can only use parameters marked with this attribute in a task's &lt;Output&gt; tag. All task parameters, including those
2143             marked with this attribute, may be treated as inputs to a task by the build engine.
2144             </summary>
2145         </member>
2146         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute.#ctor">
2147             <summary>
2148             Default constructor.
2149             </summary>
2150         </member>
2151         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs">
2152             <summary>
2153             Arguments for the project evaluation finished event.
2154             </summary>
2155         </member>
2156         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs.#ctor">
2157             <summary>
2158             Initializes a new instance of the ProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs class.
2159             </summary>
2160         </member>
2161         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.Object[])">
2162             <summary>
2163             Initializes a new instance of the ProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs class.
2164             </summary>
2165         </member>
2166         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationFinishedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2167             <summary>
2168             Gets or sets the full path of the project that started evaluation.
2169             </summary>
2170         </member>
2171         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationStartedEventArgs">
2172             <summary>
2173             Arguments for the project evaluation started event.
2174             </summary>
2175         </member>
2176         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationStartedEventArgs.#ctor">
2177             <summary>
2178             Initializes a new instance of the ProjectEvaluationStartedEventArgs class.
2179             </summary>
2180         </member>
2181         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.Object[])">
2182             <summary>
2183             Initializes a new instance of the ProjectEvaluationStartedEventArgs class.
2184             </summary>
2185         </member>
2186         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectEvaluationStartedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2187             <summary>
2188             Gets or sets the full path of the project that started evaluation.
2189             </summary>
2190         </member>
2191         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectImportedEventArgs">
2192             <summary>
2193             Arguments for the project imported event.
2194             </summary>
2195         </member>
2196         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectImportedEventArgs.#ctor">
2197             <summary>
2198             Initializes a new instance of the ProjectImportedEventArgs class.
2199             </summary>
2200         </member>
2201         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectImportedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.Object[])">
2202             <summary>
2203             Initializes a new instance of the ProjectImportedEventArgs class.
2204             </summary>
2205         </member>
2206         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectImportedEventArgs.UnexpandedProject">
2207             <summary>
2208             Gets or sets the original value of the Project attribute.
2209             </summary>
2210         </member>
2211         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectImportedEventArgs.ImportedProjectFile">
2212             <summary>
2213             Gets or sets the full path to the project file that was imported.  If a project was not imported, the value is <code>null</code>.
2214             </summary>
2215         </member>
2216         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectFinishedEventArgs">
2217             <summary>
2218             Arguments for project finished events
2219             </summary>
2220             <remarks>
2221             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
2222             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
2223             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
2224             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
2225             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
2226             forward and backward compatibility
2227             </remarks>
2228         </member>
2229         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectFinishedEventArgs.#ctor">
2230             <summary>
2231             Default constructor 
2232             </summary>
2233         </member>
2234         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
2235             <summary>
2236             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2237             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2238             </summary>
2239             <param name="message">text message</param>
2240             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2241             <param name="projectFile">name of the project</param>
2242             <param name="succeeded">true indicates project built successfully</param>
2243         </member>
2244         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.DateTime)">
2245             <summary>
2246             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2247             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild". This constructor allows the timestamp to be set as well
2248             </summary>
2249             <param name="message">text message</param>
2250             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2251             <param name="projectFile">name of the project</param>
2252             <param name="succeeded">true indicates project built successfully</param>
2253             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
2254         </member>
2255         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectFinishedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2256             <summary>
2257             Project name
2258             </summary>
2259         </member>
2260         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectFinishedEventArgs.Succeeded">
2261             <summary>
2262             True if project built successfully, false otherwise
2263             </summary>
2264         </member>
2265         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs">
2266             <summary>
2267             Arguments for project started events
2268             </summary>
2269             <remarks>
2270             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
2271             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
2272             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
2273             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
2274             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
2275             forward and backward compatibility
2276             </remarks>
2277         </member>
2278         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.InvalidProjectId">
2279             <summary>
2280             Indicates an invalid project identifier.
2281             </summary>
2282         </member>
2283         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor">
2284             <summary>
2285             Default constructor 
2286             </summary>
2287         </member>
2288         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
2289             <summary>
2290             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2291             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2292             </summary>
2293             <param name="message">text message</param>
2294             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2295             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
2296             <param name="targetNames">targets we are going to build (empty indicates default targets)</param>
2297             <param name="properties">list of properties</param>
2298             <param name="items">list of items</param>
2299         </member>
2300         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Collections.IEnumerable,Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext)">
2301             <summary>
2302             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2303             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2304             </summary>
2305             <param name="projectId">project id</param>
2306             <param name="message">text message</param>
2307             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2308             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
2309             <param name="targetNames">targets we are going to build (empty indicates default targets)</param>
2310             <param name="properties">list of properties</param>
2311             <param name="items">list of items</param>
2312             <param name="parentBuildEventContext">event context info for the parent project</param>
2313         </member>
2314         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Collections.IEnumerable,Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String)">
2315             <summary>
2316             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2317             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2318             </summary>
2319             <param name="projectId">project id</param>
2320             <param name="message">text message</param>
2321             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2322             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
2323             <param name="targetNames">targets we are going to build (empty indicates default targets)</param>
2324             <param name="properties">list of properties</param>
2325             <param name="items">list of items</param>
2326             <param name="parentBuildEventContext">event context info for the parent project</param>
2327             <param name="globalProperties">An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/> containing global properties.</param>
2328             <param name="toolsVersion">The tools version.</param>
2329         </member>
2330         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.DateTime)">
2331             <summary>
2332             This constructor allows event data to be initialized. Also the timestamp can be set
2333             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2334             </summary>
2335             <param name="message">text message</param>
2336             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2337             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
2338             <param name="targetNames">targets we are going to build (empty indicates default targets)</param>
2339             <param name="properties">list of properties</param>
2340             <param name="items">list of items</param>
2341             <param name="eventTimestamp">The <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> of the event.</param>
2342         </member>
2343         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Collections.IEnumerable,Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext,System.DateTime)">
2344             <summary>
2345             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2346             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2347             </summary>
2348             <param name="projectId">project id</param>
2349             <param name="message">text message</param>
2350             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2351             <param name="projectFile">project name</param>
2352             <param name="targetNames">targets we are going to build (empty indicates default targets)</param>
2353             <param name="properties">list of properties</param>
2354             <param name="items">list of items</param>
2355             <param name="parentBuildEventContext">event context info for the parent project</param>
2356             <param name="eventTimestamp">The <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> of the event.</param>
2357         </member>
2358         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.ProjectId">
2359             <summary>
2360             Gets the idenifier of the project.
2361             </summary>
2362         </member>
2363         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.ParentProjectBuildEventContext">
2364             <summary>
2365             Event context information, where the event was fired from in terms of the build location
2366             </summary>
2367         </member>
2368         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.projectFile">
2369             <summary>
2370             The name of the project file
2371             </summary>
2372         </member>
2373         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2374             <summary>
2375             Project name
2376             </summary>
2377         </member>
2378         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.targetNames">
2379             <summary>
2380             Targets that we will build in the project
2381             </summary>
2382         </member>
2383         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.TargetNames">
2384             <summary>
2385             Targets that we will build in the project
2386             </summary>
2387         </member>
2388         <member name="F:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.globalProperties">
2389             <summary>
2390             Gets the set of global properties used to evaluate this project.
2391             </summary>
2392         </member>
2393         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.GlobalProperties">
2394             <summary>
2395             Gets the set of global properties used to evaluate this project.
2396             </summary>
2397         </member>
2398         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.ToolsVersion">
2399             <summary>
2400             Gets the tools version used to evaluate this project.
2401             </summary>
2402         </member>
2403         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.Properties">
2404             <summary>
2405             List of properties in this project. This is a live, read-only list.
2406             </summary>
2407         </member>
2408         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.ProjectStartedEventArgs.Items">
2409             <summary>
2410             List of items in this project. This is a live, read-only list.
2411             </summary>
2412         </member>
2413         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference">
2414             <summary>
2415                 Represents a software development kit (SDK) that is referenced in a &lt;Project /&gt; or &lt;Import /&gt; element.
2416             </summary>
2417         </member>
2418         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
2419             <summary>
2420                 Initializes a new instance of the SdkReference class.
2421             </summary>
2422             <param name="name">The name of the SDK.</param>
2423             <param name="version">The version of the SDK.</param>
2424             <param name="minimumVersion">Minimum SDK version required by the project.</param>
2425         </member>
2426         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.Name">
2427             <summary>
2428                 Gets the name of the SDK.
2429             </summary>
2430         </member>
2431         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.Version">
2432             <summary>
2433                 Gets the version of the SDK.
2434             </summary>
2435         </member>
2436         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.MinimumVersion">
2437             <summary>
2438                 Gets the minimum version required. This value is specified by the project to indicate the minimum version of the
2439                 SDK that is required in order to build. This is useful in order to produce an error message if a name match can
2440                 be found but no acceptable version could be resolved.
2441             </summary>
2442         </member>
2443         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.Equals(Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference)">
2444             <summary>
2445             </summary>
2446             <param name="other"></param>
2447             <returns></returns>
2448         </member>
2449         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.TryParse(System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference@)">
2450             <summary>
2451                 Attempts to parse the specified string as a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference" />.  The expected format is:
2452                     SDK, SDK/Version, or SDK/min=MinimumVersion
2453                 Values are not required to specify a version or MinimumVersion.
2454             </summary>
2455             <param name="sdk">An SDK name and version to parse in the format "SDK/Version,min=MinimumVersion".</param>
2456             <param name="sdkReference">A parsed <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference" /> if the specified value is a valid SDK name.</param>
2457             <returns><code>true</code> if the SDK name was successfully parsed, otherwise <code>false</code>.</returns>
2458         </member>
2459         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.Equals(System.Object)">
2460             <inheritdoc />
2461         </member>
2462         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.GetHashCode">
2463             <inheritdoc />
2464         </member>
2465         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference.ToString">
2466             <inheritdoc />
2467         </member>
2468         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute">
2469             <summary>
2470             This class defines the attribute that a task writer can apply to a task's property to declare the property to be a
2471             required property.
2472             </summary>
2473         </member>
2474         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute.#ctor">
2475             <summary>
2476             Default constructor.
2477             </summary>
2478         </member>
2479         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredRuntimeAttribute">
2480             <summary>
2481             When marked with the RequiredRuntimeAttribute, a task indicates that it has stricter 
2482             runtime requirements than a regular task - this tells MSBuild that it will need to potentially 
2483             launch a separate process for that task if the current runtime does not match the version requirement.
2484             This attribute is currently non-functional since there is only one version of the CLR that is
2485             capable of running MSBuild v2.0 or v3.5 - the runtime v2.0 
2486             </summary>
2487         </member>
2488         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredRuntimeAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
2489             <summary>
2490             Constructor taking a version, such as "v2.0". 
2491             </summary>
2492         </member>
2493         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredRuntimeAttribute.RuntimeVersion">
2494             <summary>
2495             Returns the runtime version the attribute was constructed with,
2496             e.g., "v2.0"
2497             </summary>
2498         </member>
2499         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RunInMTAAttribute">
2500             <summary>
2501             This attribute is used to mark a task class as explicitly not being required to run in the STA for COM.
2502             </summary>
2503         </member>
2504         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RunInMTAAttribute.#ctor">
2505             <summary>
2506             Default constructor.
2507             </summary>
2508         </member>
2509         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RunInSTAAttribute">
2510             <summary>
2511             This attribute is used to mark a task class as being required to run in a Single Threaded Apartment for COM.
2512             </summary>
2513         </member>
2514         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.RunInSTAAttribute.#ctor">
2515             <summary>
2516             Default constructor.
2517             </summary>
2518         </member>
2519         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkLogger">
2520             <summary>
2521                 An abstract interface class to providing real-time logging and status while resolving
2522                 an SDK.
2523             </summary>
2524         </member>
2525         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkLogger.LogMessage(System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance)">
2526             <summary>
2527                 Log a build message to MSBuild.
2528             </summary>
2529             <param name="message">Message string.</param>
2530             <param name="messageImportance">Optional message importances. Default to low.</param>
2531         </member>
2532         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver">
2533             <summary>
2534                 An abstract interface for classes that can resolve a Software Development Kit (SDK).
2535             </summary>
2536         </member>
2537         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver.Name">
2538             <summary>
2539                 Name of the SDK resolver to be displayed in build output log.
2540             </summary>
2541         </member>
2542         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver.Priority">
2543             <summary>
2544                 Gets the self-described resolution priority order. MSBuild will sort resolvers
2545                 by this value.
2546             </summary>
2547         </member>
2548         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver.Resolve(Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference,Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolverContext,Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResultFactory)">
2549             <summary>
2550                 Resolves the specified SDK reference.
2551             </summary>
2552             <param name="sdkReference">A <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkReference" /> containing the referenced SDKs be resolved.</param>
2553             <param name="resolverContext">Context for resolving the SDK.</param>
2554             <param name="factory">Factory class to create an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResult" /></param>
2555             <returns>
2556                 An <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResult" /> containing the resolved SDKs or associated error / reason
2557                 the SDK could not be resolved.
2558                 <remarks>
2559                     Note: You must use the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResultFactory" /> to return a result.
2560                 </remarks>
2561             </returns>
2562         </member>
2563         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolverContext">
2564             <summary>
2565                 Context used by an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver" /> to resolve an SDK.
2566             </summary>
2567         </member>
2568         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolverContext.Logger">
2569             <summary>
2570                 Logger to log real-time messages back to MSBuild.
2571             </summary>
2572         </member>
2573         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolverContext.ProjectFilePath">
2574             <summary>
2575                 Path to the project file being built.
2576             </summary>
2577         </member>
2578         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolverContext.SolutionFilePath">
2579             <summary>
2580                 Path to the solution file being built, if known. May be null.
2581             </summary>
2582         </member>
2583         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolverContext.MSBuildVersion">
2584             <summary>
2585                 Version of MSBuild currently running.
2586             <remarks>
2587                 File version based on commit height from our public git repository. This is informational
2588                 and not equal to the assembly version.
2589             </remarks>
2590             </summary>
2591         </member>
2592         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResult">
2593             <summary>
2594                 An abstract interface class to indicate SDK resolver success or failure.
2595                 <remarks>
2596                     Note: Use <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResultFactory" /> to create instances of this class. Do not
2597                     inherit from this class.
2598                 </remarks>
2599             </summary>
2600         </member>
2601         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResult.Success">
2602             <summary>
2603                 Indicates the resolution was successful.
2604             </summary>
2605         </member>
2606         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResultFactory">
2607             <summary>
2608                 An abstract interface class provided to <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver" /> to create an
2609                 <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResult" /> object indicating success / failure.
2610             </summary>
2611         </member>
2612         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResultFactory.IndicateSuccess(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
2613             <summary>
2614                 Create an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver" /> object indicating success resolving the SDK.
2615             </summary>
2616             <param name="path">Path to the SDK.</param>
2617             <param name="version">Version of the SDK that was resolved.</param>
2618             <param name="warnings">Optional warnings to display during resolution.</param>
2619             <returns></returns>
2620         </member>
2621         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResultFactory.IndicateFailure(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
2622             <summary>
2623                 Create an <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.SdkResolver" /> object indicating failure resolving the SDK.
2624             </summary>
2625             <param name="errors">
2626                 Errors / reasons the SDK could not be resolved. Will be logged as a
2627                 build error if no other SdkResolvers were able to indicate success.
2628             </param>
2629             <param name="warnings"></param>
2630             <returns></returns>
2631         </member>
2632         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs">
2633             <summary>
2634             Arguments for target finished events
2635             </summary>
2636             <remarks>
2637             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
2638             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
2639             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
2640             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
2641             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
2642             forward and backward compatibility
2643             </remarks>
2644         </member>
2645         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.#ctor">
2646             <summary>
2647             Default constructor 
2648             </summary>
2649         </member>
2650         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
2651             <summary>
2652             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2653             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2654             </summary>
2655             <param name="message">text message</param>
2656             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2657             <param name="targetName">target name</param>
2658             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2659             <param name="targetFile">file in which the target is defined</param>
2660             <param name="succeeded">true if target built successfully</param>
2661         </member>
2662         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
2663             <summary>
2664             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2665             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2666             </summary>
2667             <param name="message">text message</param>
2668             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2669             <param name="targetName">target name</param>
2670             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2671             <param name="targetFile">file in which the target is defined</param>
2672             <param name="succeeded">true if target built successfully</param>
2673             <param name="targetOutputs">Target output items for the target. If batching will be null for everything except for the last target in the batch</param>
2674         </member>
2675         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.DateTime,System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
2676             <summary>
2677             This constructor allows event data to be initialized including the timestamp when the event was created.
2678             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2679             </summary>
2680             <param name="message">text message</param>
2681             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2682             <param name="targetName">target name</param>
2683             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2684             <param name="targetFile">file in which the target is defined</param>
2685             <param name="succeeded">true if target built successfully</param>
2686             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
2687             <param name="targetOutputs">An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerable"/> containing the outputs of the target.</param>
2688         </member>
2689         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.TargetName">
2690             <summary>
2691             Target name
2692             </summary>
2693         </member>
2694         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.Succeeded">
2695             <summary>
2696             True if target built successfully, false otherwise
2697             </summary>
2698         </member>
2699         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2700             <summary>
2701             Project file associated with event.   
2702             </summary>
2703         </member>
2704         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.TargetFile">
2705             <summary>
2706             File where this target was declared.
2707             </summary>
2708         </member>
2709         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetFinishedEventArgs.TargetOutputs">
2710             <summary>
2711             Target outputs
2712             </summary>
2713         </member>
2714         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs">
2715             <summary>
2716             Arguments for target started events
2717             </summary>
2718             <remarks>
2719             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
2720             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
2721             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
2722             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
2723             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
2724             forward and backward compatibility
2725             </remarks>    
2726         </member>
2727         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs.#ctor">
2728             <summary>
2729             Default constructor
2730             </summary>
2731         </member>
2732         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
2733             <summary>
2734             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2735             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2736             </summary>
2737             <param name="message">text message</param>
2738             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2739             <param name="targetName">target name</param>
2740             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2741             <param name="targetFile">file in which the target is defined</param>
2742         </member>
2743         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
2744             <summary>
2745             This constructor allows event data to be initialized including the timestamp when the event was created.
2746             </summary>
2747             <param name="message">text message</param>
2748             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2749             <param name="targetName">target name</param>
2750             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2751             <param name="targetFile">file in which the target is defined</param>
2752             <param name="parentTarget">The part of the target.</param>
2753             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
2754         </member>
2755         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs.TargetName">
2756             <summary>
2757             target name
2758             </summary>
2759         </member>
2760         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs.ParentTarget">
2761             <summary>
2762             Target which caused this target to build
2763             </summary>
2764         </member>
2765         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2766             <summary>
2767             Project file associated with event.   
2768             </summary>
2769         </member>
2770         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TargetStartedEventArgs.TargetFile">
2771             <summary>
2772             File where this target was declared.
2773             </summary>
2774         </member>
2775         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskCommandLineEventArgs">
2776             <summary>
2777             This class is used by tasks to log their command lines. This class extends
2778             <see cref="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildMessageEventArgs"/> so that command lines can be logged as
2779             messages. Logging a command line is only relevant for tasks that wrap an
2780             underlying executable/tool, or emulate a shell command. Tasks that have
2781             no command line equivalent should not raise this extended message event.
2782             </summary>
2783             <remarks>
2784             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing ISerializable
2785             imposes a serialization contract -- it is a promise to never change the
2786             type's fields i.e. the type is immutable; adding new fields in the next
2787             version of the type without following certain special FX guidelines, can
2788             break both forward and backward compatibility
2789             </remarks>
2790         </member>
2791         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskCommandLineEventArgs.#ctor">
2792             <summary>
2793             Default (family) constructor.
2794             </summary>
2795         </member>
2796         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskCommandLineEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance)">
2797             <summary>
2798             Creates an instance of this class for the given task command line.
2799             </summary>
2800             <param name="commandLine">The command line used by a task to launch
2801             its underlying tool/executable.</param>
2802             <param name="taskName">The name of the task raising this event.</param>
2803             <param name="importance">Importance of command line -- controls whether
2804             the command line will be displayed by less verbose loggers.</param>
2805         </member>
2806         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskCommandLineEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance,System.DateTime)">
2807             <summary>
2808             Creates an instance of this class for the given task command line. This constructor allows the timestamp to be set
2809             </summary>
2810             <param name="commandLine">The command line used by a task to launch
2811             its underlying tool/executable.</param>
2812             <param name="taskName">The name of the task raising this event.</param>
2813             <param name="importance">Importance of command line -- controls whether
2814             the command line will be displayed by less verbose loggers.</param>
2815             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when the event was created</param>
2816         </member>
2817         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskCommandLineEventArgs.CommandLine">
2818             <summary>
2819             Gets the task command line associated with this event.
2820             </summary>
2821         </member>
2822         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskCommandLineEventArgs.TaskName">
2823             <summary>
2824             Gets the name of the task that raised this event.
2825             </summary>
2826         </member>
2827         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs">
2828             <summary>
2829             Arguments for task finished events
2830             </summary>
2831             <remarks>
2832             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
2833             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
2834             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
2835             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
2836             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
2837             forward and backward compatibility
2838             </remarks>
2839         </member>
2840         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs.#ctor">
2841             <summary>
2842             Default constructor
2843             </summary>
2844         </member>
2845         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
2846             <summary>
2847             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2848             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2849             </summary>
2850             <param name="message">text message</param>
2851             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2852             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2853             <param name="taskFile">file in which the task is defined</param>
2854             <param name="taskName">task name</param> 
2855             <param name="succeeded">true indicates task succeed</param>
2856         </member>
2857         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.DateTime)">
2858             <summary>
2859             This constructor allows event data to be initialized and the timestamp to be set
2860             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2861             </summary>
2862             <param name="message">text message</param>
2863             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2864             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2865             <param name="taskFile">file in which the task is defined</param>
2866             <param name="taskName">task name</param> 
2867             <param name="succeeded">true indicates task succeed</param>
2868             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
2869         </member>
2870         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs.TaskName">
2871             <summary>
2872             Task Name
2873             </summary>
2874         </member>
2875         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs.Succeeded">
2876             <summary>
2877             True if target built successfully, false otherwise
2878             </summary>
2879         </member>
2880         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2881             <summary>
2882             Project file associated with event.   
2883             </summary>
2884         </member>
2885         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskFinishedEventArgs.TaskFile">
2886             <summary>
2887             MSBuild file where this task was defined.   
2888             </summary>
2889         </member>
2890         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo">
2891             <summary>
2892             Class which represents the parameter information from the using task as a strongly typed class.
2893             </summary>
2894         </member>
2895         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo.#ctor(System.String,System.Type,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
2896             <summary>
2897             Encapsulates a list of parameters declared in the UsingTask
2898             </summary>
2899             <param name="name">Name of the parameter</param>
2900             <param name="typeOfParameter">The actual type of the parameter</param>
2901             <param name="output">True if the parameter is both an output and and input parameter. False if the parameter is only an input parameter</param>
2902             <param name="required">True if the parameter must be supplied to each invocation of the task.</param>
2903         </member>
2904         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo.PropertyType">
2905             <summary>
2906             The type of the property
2907             </summary>
2908         </member>
2909         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo.Name">
2910             <summary>
2911             Name of the property
2912             </summary>
2913         </member>
2914         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo.Output">
2915             <summary>
2916             This task parameter is an output parameter (analogous to [Output] attribute)
2917             </summary>
2918         </member>
2919         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo.Required">
2920             <summary>
2921             This task parameter is required (analogous to the [Required] attribute)
2922             </summary>
2923         </member>
2924         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventArgs">
2925             <summary>
2926             Arguments for task started events
2927             </summary>
2928             <remarks>
2929             WARNING: marking a type [Serializable] without implementing
2930             ISerializable imposes a serialization contract -- it is a
2931             promise to never change the type's fields i.e. the type is
2932             immutable; adding new fields in the next version of the type
2933             without following certain special FX guidelines, can break both
2934             forward and backward compatibility
2935             </remarks>
2936         </member>
2937         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventArgs.#ctor">
2938             <summary>
2939             Default constructor
2940             </summary>
2941         </member>
2942         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
2943             <summary>
2944             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2945             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2946             </summary>
2947             <param name="message">text message</param>
2948             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2949             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2950             <param name="taskFile">file in which the task is defined</param>
2951             <param name="taskName">task name</param>
2952         </member>
2953         <member name="M:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventArgs.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
2954             <summary>
2955             This constructor allows event data to be initialized.
2956             Sender is assumed to be "MSBuild".
2957             </summary>
2958             <param name="message">text message</param>
2959             <param name="helpKeyword">help keyword </param>
2960             <param name="projectFile">project file</param>
2961             <param name="taskFile">file in which the task is defined</param>
2962             <param name="taskName">task name</param>
2963             <param name="eventTimestamp">Timestamp when event was created</param>
2964         </member>
2965         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventArgs.TaskName">
2966             <summary>
2967             Task name.
2968             </summary>
2969         </member>
2970         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventArgs.ProjectFile">
2971             <summary>
2972             Project file associated with event.   
2973             </summary>
2974         </member>
2975         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskStartedEventArgs.TaskFile">
2976             <summary>
2977             MSBuild file where this task was defined.   
2978             </summary>
2979         </member>
2980         <member name="T:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TelemetryEventArgs">
2981             <summary>
2982             Arguments for telemetry events.
2983             </summary>
2984         </member>
2985         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TelemetryEventArgs.EventName">
2986             <summary>
2987             Gets or sets the name of the event.
2988             </summary>
2989         </member>
2990         <member name="P:Microsoft.Build.Framework.TelemetryEventArgs.Properties">
2991             <summary>
2992             Gets or sets a list of properties associated with the event.
2993             </summary>
2994         </member>
2995     </members>
2996 </doc>