Fix the issue that Web Audio test case fails on PR3.
[framework/web/webkit-efl.git] / Source / WebCore / bindings / scripts / IDLAttributes.txt
1 #
2 # This file describes all IDL attributes.
3 # If any IDL file uses an IDL attribute not listed below, the WebKit build will fail.
4 # If you want to add a new IDL attribute, you need to
5 #     (1) add the IDL attribute to this file
6 #     (2) add the explanation to the WebKit IDL document (
7 #     (3) add test cases to run-bindings-tests
8 #
9 # The syntax of this file is as follows:
10 #     - You can write one IDL attribute per one line.
11 #     - "ATTR" means that the IDL attribute ATTR does not take any argument; i.e. [ATTR].
12 #     - "ATTR=X" means that the IDL attribute ATTR always takes one argument X; i.e. [ATTR=X].
13 #     - "ATTR=X|Y|Z" means that the IDL attribute ATTR takes one or more arguments
14 #       and the arguments are X, Y or Z; e.g. [ATTR=X], [ATTR=Y], [ATTR=X|Z], [ATTR=X|Y|Z].
15 #     - "ATTR=|X|Y|Z" means that the IDL attribute ATTR can take arguments
16 #       and the arguments are X, Y or Z; e.g. [ATTR], [ATTR=X], [ATTR=Y], [ATTR=X|Z], [ATTR=X|Y|Z].
17 #     - "ATTR=*" means that the IDL attribute ATTR can take arbitrary arguments;
18 #       e.g. [ATTR=INDEXED_DATABASE], [ATTR=deleteFunction].
19 #
21 ActiveDOMObject
22 CPPPureInterface
23 CachedAttribute
24 CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext|ScriptState|ScriptArguments|CallStack
25 Callback
26 CheckSecurity
27 CheckSecurityForNode
28 Clamp
29 Conditional=*
30 Constructor
31 ConstructorParameters=*
32 ConstructorRaisesException
33 ConstructorTemplate=Event
34 Custom
35 CustomCall
36 CustomConstructor
37 CustomDeleteProperty
38 CustomEnumerateProperty
39 CustomGetOwnPropertySlot
40 CustomGetter
41 CustomIndexedSetter
42 CustomIsReachable
43 CustomNamedGetter
44 CustomNamedSetter
45 CustomPutFunction
46 CustomReturn
47 CustomSetter
48 CustomToJSObject
49 Deletable
50 DoNotCheckConstants
51 DoNotCheckSecurity
52 DoNotCheckSecurityOnGetter
53 DoNotCheckSecurityOnSetter
54 EventTarget
55 ExtendsDOMGlobalObject
56 GenerateIsReachable=ImplElementRoot|ImplBaseRoot
57 Immutable
58 ImplementedAs=*
59 IndexedGetter
60 InitializedByEventConstructor
61 InterfaceName=*
62 IsIndex
63 IsWorkerContext
64 JSCustom
65 JSCustomConstructor
66 JSCustomDefineOwnProperty
67 JSCustomDefineOwnPropertyOnPrototype
68 JSCustomFinalize
69 JSCustomGetOwnPropertySlotAndDescriptor
70 JSCustomGetter
71 JSCustomHeader
72 JSCustomIsReachable
73 JSCustomMarkFunction
74 JSCustomNamedGetterOnPrototype
75 JSCustomPushEventHandlerScope
76 JSCustomSetter
77 JSCustomToJSObject
78 JSCustomToNativeObject
79 JSGenerateIsReachable=|Impl|ImplContext|ImplDocument|ImplElementRoot|ImplFrame|ImplBaseRoot
80 JSGenerateToJSObject
81 JSGenerateToNativeObject
82 JSInlineGetOwnPropertySlot
83 JSLegacyParent=*
84 JSNoStaticTables
85 JSWindowEventListener
86 MasqueradesAsUndefined
87 NamedConstructor=*
88 NamedGetter
89 NotEnumerable
90 NumericIndexedGetter
91 ObjCCustomImplementation
92 ObjCLegacyUnnamedParameters
93 ObjCPolymorphic
94 ObjCProtocol
95 OmitConstructor
96 Optional=|DefaultIsNullString|DefaultIsUndefined
97 PassThisToCallback=*
98 Reflect=*
99 Replaceable
100 ReplaceableConstructor
101 ReturnNewObject
102 StrictTypeChecking
103 Supplemental=*
104 SuppressToJSObject
105 TransferList=*
106 TreatNullAs=NullString
107 TreatReturnedNullStringAs=False|Null|Undefined
108 TreatUndefinedAs=NullString
109 URL
110 V8Custom
111 V8CustomConstructor
112 V8CustomGetter
113 V8CustomIsReachable
114 V8CustomSetter
115 V8CustomToJSObject
116 V8DependentLifetime
117 V8DoNotCheckSignature
118 V8EnabledAtRuntime=*
119 V8EnabledPerContext=*
120 V8GenerateIsReachable=ImplElementRoot|ImplOwnerRoot|ImplOwnerNodeRoot|ImplBaseRoot
121 V8MeasureAs=*
122 V8ReadOnly
123 V8Unforgeable