SDL_Android/SmartDeviceLinkAndroidProxy - added the correct version of the proxy
[profile/ivi/smartdevicelink.git] / SDL_Android / LivioTesterApp / bin / R.txt
1 int dimen activity_horizontal_margin 0x7f060000
2 int dimen activity_vertical_margin 0x7f060001
3 int drawable add 0x7f020000
4 int drawable add_to_favorites 0x7f020001
5 int drawable anchor 0x7f020002
6 int drawable arrow_left 0x7f020003
7 int drawable arrow_right 0x7f020004
8 int drawable game_pad 0x7f020005
9 int drawable ic_close 0x7f020006
10 int drawable ic_launcher 0x7f020007
11 int drawable remove 0x7f020008
12 int drawable remove_from_favorites 0x7f020009
13 int drawable rocket 0x7f02000a
14 int drawable select_an_image 0x7f02000b
15 int drawable undo 0x7f02000c
16 int drawable zoom_in 0x7f02000d
17 int drawable zoom_out 0x7f02000e
18 int id btn_main_sendMessage 0x7f08001c
19 int id but_addItem 0x7f080014
20 int id but_performInteraction_selectChoiceSets 0x7f080020
21 int id but_scrollableMessage_clear 0x7f08002e
22 int id cb_putFile_addAll 0x7f080027
23 int id cb_putFile_isPersistent 0x7f08002a
24 int id check_alert_playTone 0x7f08000b
25 int id check_enable_image 0x7f080004
26 int id check_performInteraction_timeoutEnabled 0x7f080023
27 int id check_show1 0x7f08003e
28 int id check_show2 0x7f080040
29 int id check_show3 0x7f080042
30 int id check_show4 0x7f080044
31 int id check_statusBar 0x7f080048
32 int id et_addCommand_commandName 0x7f080001
33 int id et_addCommand_voiceRecKeyword 0x7f080002
34 int id et_addSubMenu_subMenuName 0x7f080006
35 int id et_alert_line1 0x7f080008
36 int id et_alert_line2 0x7f080009
37 int id et_alert_line3 0x7f08000a
38 int id et_alert_textToSpeak 0x7f080007
39 int id et_choice_imageName 0x7f080013
40 int id et_choice_name 0x7f080011
41 int id et_choice_vr_text 0x7f080012
42 int id et_getDtcs_ecuName 0x7f080016
43 int id et_imageName 0x7f080005
44 int id et_ipAddress 0x7f080031
45 int id et_ipPort 0x7f080032
46 int id et_mediaClockHours 0x7f080039
47 int id et_mediaClockMins 0x7f08003a
48 int id et_mediaClockSecs 0x7f08003b
49 int id et_performInteraction_title 0x7f08001e
50 int id et_performInteraction_voicePrompt 0x7f08001f
51 int id et_putFile_imageName 0x7f080029
52 int id et_readDids_didLocation 0x7f08002c
53 int id et_readDids_ecuName 0x7f08002b
54 int id et_scrollableMessage_text 0x7f08002d
55 int id et_show1 0x7f08003d
56 int id et_show2 0x7f08003f
57 int id et_show3 0x7f080041
58 int id et_show4 0x7f080043
59 int id et_show_image 0x7f08004a
60 int id et_slider_footer 0x7f08004e
61 int id et_slider_title 0x7f08004d
62 int id et_statusBar 0x7f080049
63 int id et_textToSpeak 0x7f080055
64 int id ib_moveLeft 0x7f080018
65 int id ib_moveRight 0x7f080019
66 int id ib_putFile_selectAnImage 0x7f080028
67 int id iv_rowImage 0x7f08004b
68 int id listView 0x7f08001a
69 int id list_main_commandList 0x7f08001d
70 int id ll_clock 0x7f080038
71 int id lv_choices 0x7f080015
72 int id menu_clear_list 0x7f08005c
73 int id menu_connect 0x7f080059
74 int id menu_disconnect 0x7f08005a
75 int id menu_help 0x7f08005d
76 int id menu_help_close 0x7f080058
77 int id menu_help_home 0x7f080057
78 int id menu_reset 0x7f08005b
79 int id seek_alert_toneDuration 0x7f08000e
80 int id seek_performInteraction_timeoutDuration 0x7f080026
81 int id seek_scrollableMessage_timeout 0x7f080030
82 int id seek_slider_numOfTicks 0x7f080050
83 int id seek_slider_startPosition 0x7f080052
84 int id seek_slider_timeout 0x7f080054
85 int id spin_addCommand_submenus 0x7f080003
86 int id spin_changeRegistration_hmiLanguage 0x7f080010
87 int id spin_changeRegistration_language 0x7f08000f
88 int id spin_mediaClock_updateMode 0x7f080036
89 int id spin_performInteraction_interactionMode 0x7f080022
90 int id spin_speechCapabilities 0x7f080056
91 int id spin_textAlignment 0x7f080046
92 int id textview 0x7f080017
93 int id tv_alert_toneDuration 0x7f08000d
94 int id tv_alert_toneDurationHeader 0x7f08000c
95 int id tv_connectionStatus 0x7f08001b
96 int id tv_mediaClock_clock 0x7f080037
97 int id tv_messageDetail 0x7f080035
98 int id tv_messageName 0x7f080033
99 int id tv_metadataLines 0x7f08003c
100 int id tv_performInteraction_interactionMode 0x7f080021
101 int id tv_performInteraction_timeoutDuration 0x7f080025
102 int id tv_performInteraction_timeoutTitle 0x7f080024
103 int id tv_rowText 0x7f08004c
104 int id tv_scrollableMessage_timeout 0x7f08002f
105 int id tv_slider_numOfTicks 0x7f08004f
106 int id tv_slider_startPosition 0x7f080051
107 int id tv_slider_timeout 0x7f080053
108 int id tv_statusBar 0x7f080047
109 int id tv_textAlignment 0x7f080045
110 int id tv_timestamp 0x7f080034
111 int id wv_help 0x7f080000
112 int layout activity_help 0x7f030000
113 int layout add_command 0x7f030001
114 int layout add_submenu 0x7f030002
115 int layout alert 0x7f030003
116 int layout change_registration 0x7f030004
117 int layout choice_set_item 0x7f030005
118 int layout create_choice_interaction_set 0x7f030006
119 int layout get_dtcs 0x7f030007
120 int layout json_flipper_dialog 0x7f030008
121 int layout listview 0x7f030009
122 int layout main 0x7f03000a
123 int layout offline_mode 0x7f03000b
124 int layout perform_interaction 0x7f03000c
125 int layout put_file 0x7f03000d
126 int layout read_dids 0x7f03000e
127 int layout scrollable_message 0x7f03000f
128 int layout sdl_connection 0x7f030010
129 int layout sdl_message_listview_row 0x7f030011
130 int layout set_media_clock_timer 0x7f030012
131 int layout show 0x7f030013
132 int layout simple_listview_with_image 0x7f030014
133 int layout slider 0x7f030015
134 int layout speak 0x7f030016
135 int layout textview 0x7f030017
136 int menu menu_help 0x7f070000
137 int menu menu_main 0x7f070001
138 int string action_settings 0x7f040052
139 int string add_command_command_name 0x7f040004
140 int string add_command_image_type 0x7f040007
141 int string add_command_parent_menu 0x7f040006
142 int string add_command_vr_keyword 0x7f040005
143 int string add_image 0x7f040050
144 int string alert_duration_ms 0x7f040023
145 int string alert_duration_s 0x7f040022
146 int string alert_line1 0x7f04001e
147 int string alert_line2 0x7f04001f
148 int string alert_line3 0x7f040020
149 int string alert_sound_enabled 0x7f040021
150 int string app_name 0x7f040000
151 int string button_subscriptions_already_subscribed 0x7f040045
152 int string button_subscriptions_none_subscribed 0x7f040046
153 int string choice_name 0x7f040018
154 int string clock 0x7f04002d
155 int string clock_hrs 0x7f04002e
156 int string clock_mins 0x7f04002f
157 int string clock_secs 0x7f040030
158 int string colon 0x7f040031
159 int string connection_status_format 0x7f040040
160 int string did_location 0x7f04000c
161 int string ecu_name 0x7f04000b
162 int string function_bank_root_name 0x7f040044
163 int string hello_world 0x7f040053
164 int string hmi_language 0x7f04001c
165 int string interaction_list_none_added 0x7f04004d
166 int string ip_address 0x7f040041
167 int string ip_port 0x7f040042
168 int string item_number 0x7f040016
169 int string item_number1 0x7f040017
170 int string language 0x7f04001b
171 int string max_choices 0x7f040015
172 int string media 0x7f04002c
173 int string media_clock_timer_mode 0x7f040032
174 int string media_track 0x7f04002b
175 int string menu_clear_list 0x7f04003b
176 int string menu_connect 0x7f040038
177 int string menu_disconnect 0x7f040039
178 int string menu_help 0x7f04003c
179 int string menu_help_close 0x7f04003e
180 int string menu_help_home 0x7f04003d
181 int string menu_reset 0x7f04003a
182 int string metadata_line1 0x7f040025
183 int string metadata_line2 0x7f040026
184 int string metadata_line3 0x7f040027
185 int string metadata_line4 0x7f040028
186 int string metadata_lines 0x7f040024
187 int string negative_button 0x7f040003
188 int string no_commands_to_delete 0x7f040008
189 int string no_selection 0x7f040035
190 int string no_submenus_to_delete 0x7f040009
191 int string not_an_sdl_command 0x7f040037
192 int string not_implemented 0x7f040036
193 int string offline_mode_text 0x7f040043
194 int string perform_interaction_mode 0x7f04004a
195 int string perform_interaction_select_choice_set 0x7f040049
196 int string perform_interaction_timeout 0x7f04004b
197 int string perform_interaction_timeout_enabled 0x7f04004c
198 int string perform_interaction_title 0x7f040047
199 int string perform_interaction_voice_prompt 0x7f040048
200 int string positive_button 0x7f040002
201 int string put_file_persistent_file 0x7f04004e
202 int string scrollable_message_clear 0x7f040014
203 int string scrollable_message_hint 0x7f040013
204 int string scrollable_message_text 0x7f040012
205 int string sdl_command_dialog_title 0x7f04003f
206 int string sdl_disconnected 0x7f040001
207 int string sdl_image_name 0x7f04004f
208 int string slider_footer 0x7f04000e
209 int string slider_start_position 0x7f040010
210 int string slider_ticks 0x7f04000f
211 int string slider_title 0x7f04000d
212 int string status_bar 0x7f04002a
213 int string submenu_name 0x7f04000a
214 int string text_alignment 0x7f040029
215 int string text_to_speak 0x7f04001d
216 int string timeout 0x7f040011
217 int string title_activity_help 0x7f040051
218 int string units_milliseconds 0x7f040034
219 int string units_seconds 0x7f040033
220 int string use_artwork 0x7f04001a
221 int string voice_keyword 0x7f040019
222 int style AppBaseTheme 0x7f050000
223 int style AppTheme 0x7f050001
224 int style small_header_text 0x7f050002