1 This project has begun being ported to Windows. A working solution
2 file exists in this directory:
5 You can load this solution file into VC++ 9.0 (Visual Studio
6 2008). You may also be able to use this solution file with older
7 Visual Studios by converting the solution file.
9 Note that stack tracing and some unittests are not ported
12 You can also link glog code in statically -- see the example project
13 libglog_static and logging_unittest_static, which does this. For this
14 to work, you'll need to add "/D GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL=" to the compile
15 line of every glog's .cc file.
17 I have little experience with Windows programming, so there may be
18 better ways to set this up than I've done! If you run across any
19 problems, please post to the google-glog Google Group, or report
20 them on the google-glog Google Code site:
21 http://groups.google.com/group/google-glog
22 http://code.google.com/p/google-glog/issues/list
26 Last modified: 23 January 2009