1 .NET Core Common Language Runtime (CoreCLR)
2 ===========================
4 This repository contains complete source code the runtime of [.NET Core](http://dotnet.github.io).
5 If you are new to .NET Core start with the [About .NET](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/about/)
6 that quickly points you to [.NET Core Tutorials](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/core/getting-started)
9 .NET Core is best thought of as 'agile .NET'. Generally speaking it is the same as
10 the [Desktop .NET Framework](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Framework)
11 distributed as part of the Windows operating system, but it is a cross platform
12 (Windows, Linux, OSX) and cross architecture (x86, x64, arm) subset that can be deployed
13 as part of the application (if desired), and thus can be updated quickly to fix bugs or add features.
15 ## If You Just Want to Use .NET Core
17 Most users don't need build .NET Core from source since there is already an built and tested version for any supported platform.
18 You can get the latest **released** version of the .NET Core SDK by following the instructions on
19 the [.NET Core Getting Started](http://dotnet.github.io/getting-started/) page.
20 If you need the most up to date (daily) version of this .NET Core installer you can get it from the
21 [latest Installers of .NET Core and .NET Core SDK](https://github.com/dotnet/cli#installers-and-binaries).
23 ## Are you Here for Something Besides the Source Code?
25 In addition to providing the source code, this repository also acts as a useful nexus for things
26 related to .NET Core including:
28 * Want to **learn more** about .NET Runtime Internals? See the [Documentation on the .NET Core Runtime](Documentation/README.md) page.
29 * Need to **log a issue** or Provide Feedback? See then [Issues and Feedback Page](Documentation/workflow/IssuesFeedbackEngagement.md) page.
30 * Want to **chat** with other members of the CoreCLR community? See the [Chat Section](Documentation/workflow/IssuesFeedbackEngagement.md#Chat-with-the-CoreCLR-community) page.
31 * Need a **current build** or **test results** of the CoreCLR repository? See the [Official and Daily Builds](Documentation/workflow/OfficalAndDailyBuilds.md) page.
33 ## What Can you Make from this Repository?
35 .NET Core relies heavily on the [Nuget](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NuGet) package manager
36 which is system to package, distribute and version software components. See [https://www.nuget.org/](https://www.nuget.org/)
37 for more information on Nuget. For now it is enough to know Nuget is a system that
38 bundles components into `*.nupkg` files (which are ZIP archives) and these packages can be 'published'
39 either through a local file system path or by a URL (e.g. https://www.nuget.org/). There are then tools
40 (e.g. Nuget.exe, Visual Studio, dotnet.exe) that based on a configuration file (project.json) know
41 how to search these publishing locations and pull down consistent set of packages for the
44 In a concrete terms, this repository is best thought of as the source code for the following Nuget package
46 * **Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCLR** - Represents the object allocator, garbage collector (GC), class
47 loader, type system, interop and the most fundamental parts of the .NET class library (e.g.
48 System.Object, System.String ...)
50 It also contains the source code for the following closely related support packages.
52 * **Microsoft.NETCore.Jit** - The Just In Time (JIT) compiler for the
53 [.NET Intermediate language (IL)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Intermediate_Language)
54 * **Microsoft.NETCore.ILAsm** - An assembler for the
55 [.NET Intermediate language (IL)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Intermediate_Language)
56 * **Microsoft.NETCore.ILDAsm** - A disassembler (Pretty printer) for the
57 [.NET Intermediate language (IL)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Intermediate_Language)
58 * **Microsoft.NETCore.TestHost** - This contains the corehost.exe program, which is a small wrapper
59 that uses the .NET Runtime to run IL DLLs passed to it on the command line.
60 * **Microsoft.TargetingPack.Private.CoreCLR** - A set of assemblies that represent the compile time surface
61 area of class library implemented by the runtime itself.
63 ## Relationship with the [CoreFX](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx) Repository
65 By itself, the Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCLR package is actually not enough to do much.
66 One reason for this is that the CoreCLR package tries to minimize the amount of the class library that it implements.
67 Only types that have a strong dependency on the internal workings of the runtime are included (e.g,
68 System.Object, System.String System.Thread, System.Threading.Tasks.Task and most foundational interfaces).
69 Instead most of the class library is implemented as independent Nuget packages that simply use the .NET Core
70 runtime as a dependency. Many of the most familiar classes (System.Collections, System.IO, System.Xml and
71 so on), live in packages defined in the [dotnet/corefx](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx) repository.
73 But the main reason you can't do much with CoreCLR is that **ALL** of the types in the class library **LOOK**
74 like they are defined by the CoreFX framework and not CoreCLR. Any library code defined here
75 lives in a single DLL called System.Private.CoreLib.dll and as its name suggests is private (hidden).
76 Instead for any particular PUBLIC type defined in CoreCLR, we found the 'right' package in CoreFX where it naturally
77 belongs and use that package as its **public publishing** point. That 'facade' package then forwards references
78 to the (private) implementation in System.Private.CoreLib.dll defined here.
79 For example the *System.Runtime* package defined in CoreFX declares the PUBLIC name for types like
80 System.Object and System.String. Thus from an applications point of view these types live in System.Runtime.dll.
81 However System.Runtime.dll (defined in the CoreFX repo) forwards references ultimately to System.Private.CoreLib.dll
82 which is defined here.
84 Thus in order to run an application, you need BOTH the Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCLR Nuget package
85 (defined in this repository) as well as packages for whatever you actually references that were defined
86 in the CoreFX repository (which at a minimum includes the System.Runtime package). You also need some
87 sort of 'host' executable that loads the CoreCLR package as well as the CoreFX packages and starts your code (typically
88 you use dotnet.exe for this).
90 These extra pieces are not defined here, however you don't need to build them in order to use the CoreCLR
91 Nuget package you create here. There are already versions of the CoreFX packages published on
92 https://www.nuget.org/ so you can just have your test application's project.json specify the CoreCLR you
93 built it will naturally pull anything else it needs from the official location https://www.nuget.org/ to
94 make a complete application. More on this in the [Using Your Build](Documentation/workflow/UsingYourBuild.md) page.
96 --------------------------
97 ## Setting up your GIT Clone of the CoreCLR Repository
99 The first step in making a build of the CoreCLR Repository is to clone it locally. If you already know
100 how to do this, just skip this section. Otherwise if you are developing on windows you can see
101 [Setting Up A Git Repository In Visual Studio 2015](https://github.com/Microsoft/perfview/blob/master/documentation/SettingUpRepoInVS2015.md)
102 for for instructions on setting up. This link uses a different repository as an example, but the issues (do you fork or not) and
103 the procedure are equally applicable to this repository.
105 --------------------------
106 ## Building the Repository
108 The build depends on GIT, CMAKE, Python and of course a C++ compiler. Once these prerequisites are installed
109 the build is simply a matter of invoking the 'Build' script (Build.cmd or build.sh) at the base of the
112 The details of installing the components differ depending on the operating system. See the following
113 pages based on your OS. There is no cross-building across OS (only for ARM, which is built on X64).
114 You have to be on the particular platform to build that platform.
116 * [Windows Build Instructions](Documentation/building/windows-instructions.md)
117 * [Linux Build Instructions](Documentation/building/linux-instructions.md)
118 * [OSX Build Instructions](Documentation/building/osx-instructions.md)
119 * [FreeBSD Build Instructions](Documentation/building/freebsd-instructions.md)
120 * [NetBSD Build Instructions](Documentation/building/netbsd-instructions.md)
122 The build has two main 'buildTypes'
124 * Debug (default)- This compiles the runtime with additional runtime checks (asserts). These checks slow
125 runtime execution but are really valuable for debugging, and is recommended for normal development and testing.
126 * Release - This compiles without any development time runtime checks. This is what end users will use but
127 can be difficult to debug. Passing 'release' to the build script select this.
129 In addition, by default the build will not only create the runtime executables, but it will also
130 build all the tests. There are quit a few tests so this does take a significant amount of time
131 that is not necessary if you are just want to experiment with changes. You can submit the building
132 of the tests with the 'skiptests' argument to the build script.
134 Thus to get a build as quickly as possible type the following (using \ as the directory separator, use / on Unix machines)
138 which will build the Debug flavor which has development time checks (asserts), or
140 .\build release skiptests
142 to build the release (full speed) flavor. You can find more build options with build by using the -? or -help qualifier.
146 The build places all of its generated files under the 'bin' directory at the base of the repository. There
147 is a 'bin\Log' directory that contains log files generated during the build (Most useful when the build fails).
148 The the actual output is placed in a directory like this
150 * bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Release
152 Where you can see the operating system and CPU architecture, and the build type are part of the name. While
153 the 'raw' output of the build is sometimes useful, normally you are only interested in the Nuget packages
154 that were built, which are placed in the directory
156 * bin\Product\Windows_NT.x64.Release\.nuget\pkg
158 directory. These packages are the 'output' of your build.
160 There are two basic techniques for using your new runtime.
162 1. **Use dotnet.exe and Nuget to compose an application**. See [Using Your Build](Documentation/workflow/UsingYourBuild.md) for
163 instructions on creating a program that uses
164 your new runtime by using the NuGet packages you just created and the'dotnet' command line interface. This
165 is the expected way non-runtime developers are likely to consume your new runtime.
167 2. **Use corerun.exe to run an application using unpackaged Dlls**. This repository also defines a simple host called
168 corerun.exe that does NOT take any dependency on NuGet. Basically it has to be told where to get all the
169 necessary DLLs you actually use, and you have to gather them together 'by hand'. This is the technique that
170 all the tests in the repo use, and is useful for quick local 'edit-compile-debug' loop (e.g. preliminary unit testsing).
171 See [Executing .NET Core Apps with CoreRun.exe](Documentation/workflow/UsingCoreRun.md) for details on using
176 After you have your modification basically working, and want to determine if you have broken anything it is
177 time to runt tests. See [Running .NET Core Tests](Documentation/workflow/RunningTests.md) for more.
179 ## Contributing to Repository
181 Looking for something to work on? The list
182 of [up-for-grabs issues](https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aup-for-grabs) is a great place to start.
184 Please read the following documents to get started.
186 * [Contributing Guide](Documentation/project-docs/contributing.md)
187 * [Developer Guide](Documentation/project-docs/developer-guide.md)
189 This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org/)
190 to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information, see the [.NET Foundation Code of Conduct](http://www.dotnetfoundation.org/code-of-conduct).
195 As noted above, the CoreCLR Repository does not contain all the source code that makes up the .NET Core distribution.
196 Here is a list of the other repositories that complete the picture.
198 * [dotnet/corefx](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx) - Source for the most common classes in the .NET Framework library.
199 * [dotnet/core-setup](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup) - Source code for the dotnet.exe program and the policy logic
200 to launch basic .NET Core code (hostfxr, hostpolicy) which allow you to say 'dotnet SOME_CORE_CLR_DLL' to run the app.
201 * [dotnet/cli repo](https://github.com/dotnet/cli) - Source for build time actions supported by dotnet.exe Command line Interface (CLI).
202 Thus this is the code that runs when you do 'dotnet build', 'dotnet restore' or 'dotnet publish'.
203 * [dotnet/core-docs](https://github.com/dotnet/core-docs) - Master copy of documentation for
204 [http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/)
208 * [Dotnet.github.io](http://dotnet.github.io) is a good place to discover .NET Foundation projects.
209 * .NET Core is a [.NET Foundation](http://www.dotnetfoundation.org/projects) project.
210 * [.NET home repo](https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet) links to 100s of .NET projects, from Microsoft and the community.
211 * The [.NET Core repo](https://github.com/dotnet/core) links to .NET Core related projects from Microsoft.
212 * The [ASP.NET home repo](https://github.com/aspnet/home) is the best place to start learning about ASP.NET Core.
214 ## Important Blog Entries
216 * [Announcement of .NET Core Open Source Project](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/11/12/net-core-is-open-source.aspx)
217 * [Introducing .NET Core](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/12/04/introducing-net-core.aspx)
218 * [Announcement of CoreCLR](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2015/02/03/coreclr-is-now-open-source.aspx)
222 .NET Core (including the coreclr repo) is licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE.TXT).