3 GStreamer [meson](http://mesonbuild.com/) based repositories aggregrator
5 You can build GStreamer and all its modules at once using
6 meson and its [subproject](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/wiki/Subprojects) feature.
10 ### Install meson and ninja
12 You should get meson through your package manager or using:
14 $ pip3 install --user meson
16 You should get `ninja` using your package manager or downloading it from
17 [here](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases).
19 ### Build GStreamer and its modules
21 You can get all GStreamer built running:
24 mkdir build/ && meson build && ninja -C build/
27 NOTE: on fedora (and maybe other distributions) replace `ninja` with `ninja-build`
29 # Development environment
31 gst-build also contains a special `uninstalled` target that lets you enter an
32 uninstalled development environment where you will be able to work on GStreamer easily.
33 You can get into that environment running:
36 ninja -C build/ uninstalled
39 If your operating system handles symlinks, built modules source code will be available
40 at the root of `gst-build/` for example GStreamer core will be in `gstreamer/`. Otherwise
41 they will be present in `subprojects/`. You can simply hack in there and to rebuild you
42 just need to rerun `ninja -C build/`.
45 ## Add information about GStreamer development environment in your prompt line
49 We automatically handle `bash` and set `$PS1` accordingly
53 In your `.zshrc`, you should add something like:
61 In your powerline theme configuration file (by default in
62 `{POWERLINE INSTALLATION DIR}/config_files/themes/shell/default.json`)
63 you should add a new environment segment as follow:
67 "function": "powerline.segments.common.env.environment",
68 "args": { "variable": "GST_ENV" },