[profile/ivi/genivi/genivi-audio-manager.git] / PluginRoutingInterfaceDbus / include / RoutingReceiver.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
3   "-//freedesktop//DTD D-Bus Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
4   "http://standards.freedesktop.org/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
6 <node>  
7         <interface name="org.genivi.audiomanager.RoutingInterface">          
8         <method name="ackConnect">      
9                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />      
10                 <arg name="connectionID" type="q" direction="in" /> 
11                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
12         </method>
13         <method name="ackDisconnect">
14                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
15                 <arg name="connectionID" type="q" direction="in" />
16                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
17         </method>
18         <method name="ackSetSinkVolume">
19                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
20                 <arg name="volume" type="n" direction="in" />
21                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
22         </method>
23         <method name="ackSetSourceVolume">
24                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
25                 <arg name="volume" type="n" direction="in" />
26                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
27         </method>
28         <method name="ackSetSourceState">
29                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
30                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
31         </method>
32         <method name="ackSetSinkSoundProperties">
33                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
34                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
35         </method>
36         <method name="ackSetSinkSoundProperty">
37                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
38                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
39         </method>
40         <method name="ackSetSourceSoundProperties">
41                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
42                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
43         </method>
44         <method name="ackSetSourceSoundProperty">
45                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
46                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
47         </method>
48         <method name="ackCrossFading">
49                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
50                 <arg name="hotsink" type="n" direction="in" />
51                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="in" />
52         </method>
53         <method name="ackSourceVolumeTick">
54                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
55                 <arg name="source" type="q" direction="in" />
56                 <arg name="volume" type="n" direction="in" />
57         </method>
58         <method name="ackSinkVolumeTick">
59                 <arg name="handle" type="q" direction="in" />
60                 <arg name="sink" type="q" direction="in" />
61                 <arg name="volume" type="n" direction="in" />
62         </method>
63         <method name="peekDomain">
64                 <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in" />
65                 <arg name="domainid" type="q" direction="out" />
66                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="out" />
67         </method>
68         <method name="registerDomain">
69                 <arg name="domaindata" type="(qsssbbq)" direction="in" /> <!-- am_domainID_t domainID; std::string name; std::string busname; std::string nodename; bool early; bool complete; am_DomainState_e state; -->
70                 <arg name="returnBusname" type="s" direction="in" /> <!-- the busname for all communication to this domain -->
71                 <arg name="returnPath" type="s" direction="in" /> <!-- the path for all communication to this domain -->
72                 <arg name="returnInterface" type="s" direction="in" />  <!-- the interface for all communication to this domain -->
73                 <arg name="domainid" type="q" direction="out" />
74                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="out" />
75         </method>
76         <method name="deregisterDomain">
77                 <arg name="domainid" type="q" direction="in" />
78                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="out" />
79         </method>
80         <method name="registerGateway">
81                 <arg name="gatewayData" type="(qsqqqqqa(q)a(q)a(b))" direction="in" /> <!-- am_gatewayID_t gatewayID; std::string name; am_sinkID_t sinkID; am_sourceID_t sourceID; am_domainID_t domainSinkID; am_domainID_t domainSourceID; am_domainID_t controlDomainID; std::vector<am_ConnectionFormat_e> listSourceFormats; std::vector<am_ConnectionFormat_e> listSinkFormats; std::vector<bool> convertionMatrix; -->
82                 <arg name="gatewayID" type="q" direction="out" />
83                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="out" />
84         </method>
85         <method name="deregisterGateway">
86                 <arg name="gatewayID" type="q" direction="in" />
87                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="out" />
88         </method>
89         <method name="peekSink">
90                 <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in" />
91                 <arg name="sinkID" type="q" direction="out" />
92             <arg name="error" type="q" direction="out" />
93         </method>
94         <method name="registerSink">      
95                 <arg name="sinkData" type="(qsqqnb(nn)nna(nn)ana(nn))" direction="in" /> <!-- am_sinkID_t sinkID; std::string name; am_domainID_t domainID; am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID; am_volume_t volume; bool visible; am_Availability_s available; am_MuteState_e muteState;am_mainVolume_t mainVolume; std::vector<am_SoundProperty_s> listSoundProperties; std::vector<am_ConnectionFormat_e> listConnectionFormats;  std::vector<am_MainSoundProperty_s> listMainSoundProperties; -->     
96                 <arg name="sinkID" type="q" direction="out" /> 
97                 <arg name="error" type="q" direction="out" />
98         </method>
99         <method name="deregisterSink">
100                 <arg name="sinkID" type="q" direction="in" />  
101                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />
102         </method>       
103         <method name="peekSource">
104                 <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in" />
105                 <arg name="sourceID" type="q" direction="out" />
106                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />           
107         </method>
108         <method name="registerSource">      
109                 <arg name="sourceData" type="(qqsqqnb(nn)qa(nn)ana(nn))" direction="in" />  <!-- am_sourceID_t sourceID; am_domainID_t domainID; std::string name; am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID; am_SourceState_e sourceState; am_volume_t volume; bool visible; am_Availability_s available; am_InterruptState_e interruptState; std::vector<am_SoundProperty_s> listSoundProperties; std::vector<am_ConnectionFormat_e> listConnectionFormats; std::vector<am_MainSoundProperty_s> listMainSoundProperties; -->    
110                 <arg name="sourceID" type="q" direction="out" /> 
111                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />
112         </method>
113         <method name="deregisterSource">
114                 <arg name="sourceid" type="q" direction="in" />  
115                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />                   
116         </method>
117         <method name="registerCrossfader">      
118                 <arg name="crossfaderData" type="(qsqqqq)" direction="in" />  <!-- am_crossfaderID_t crossfaderID; std::string name; am_sinkID_t sinkID_A; am_sinkID_t sinkID_B; am_sourceID_t sourceID; am_HotSink_e hotSink; -->
119                 <arg name="crossfaderID" type="q" direction="out" /> 
120                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />
121         </method>
122         <method name="deregisterCrossfader">
123                 <arg name="crossfaderID" type="q" direction="in" />  
124                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />                   
125         </method>
126         <method name="peekSourceClassID">
127                 <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in" />
128                 <arg name="sourceClassID" type="q" direction="out" />
129                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />
130         </method>       
131         <method name="peekSinkClassID">
132                 <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in" />
133                 <arg name="sinkClassID" type="q" direction="out" />
134                 <arg name="error" type="i" direction="out" />
135         </method>
136         <method name="hookInterruptStatusChange">
137                 <arg name="sourceID" type="q" direction="in" />
138                 <arg name="interruptState" type="q" direction="in" />
139         </method>
140         <method name="hookDomainRegistrationComplete">
141                 <arg name="domainID" type="q" direction="in" />
142         </method>
143         <method name="hookSinkAvailablityStatusChange">
144                 <arg name="sinkID" type="q" direction="in" />
145         <arg name="availability" type="(nn)" direction="out"/>          
146         </method>       
147         <method name="hookSourceAvailablityStatusChange">
148                 <arg name="sourceID" type="q" direction="in" />
149         <arg name="availability" type="(nn)"  direction="out"/>         
150         </method>               
151         <method name="hookDomainStateChange">
152                 <arg name="domainID" type="q" direction="in" />
153         <arg name="domainState" type="q" direction="out"/>              
154         </method>                       
155         <method name="hookTimingInformationChanged">
156                 <arg name="connectionID" type="q" direction="in" />
157         <arg name="delay" type="n" direction="out"/>            
158         </method>               
159         <method name="sendChangedData"> <!--am_EarlyDataType_e type; am_DataType_u sinksource; am_EarlyData_u data; -->
160                 <arg name="earlyData_volumes" type="a(qqn)" direction="in" /> <!-- only the volumes as array -->
161                 <arg name="earlyData_soundproperties" type="a(qq(nn))" direction="in" /> <!--only the soundproperties as value -->
162         </method>               
163         <method name="confirmRoutingReady"> 
164                 <arg name="domainID" type="q" direction="in" />
165         </method>
166         <method name="confirmRoutingRundown"> 
167                 <arg name="domainID" type="q" direction="in" />
168         </method>
169         <signal name="setRoutingReady">
170         </signal>       
171         <signal name="setRoutingRundown">
172         </signal>       
173         </interface>
174 </node>