Handle keypad while WebPage sets the focus automatically
[framework/web/webkit-efl.git] / ManualTests / resize-events.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3     <style>
4         div.block { height: 100px; border: 1px solid black; margin:10px; }
5     </style>
6     <script>
7         var resizecount = 0;
8         var loaded = false;
9         window.onresize = function() {
10             resizecount++;
11             document.getElementById('count1').innerHTML = resizecount;
12         }
13     </script>
14 </head>
15 <body>
16     <div>
17         Test how many resize events are emitted during page load and dynamic content generation.
19         Do not resize the page. It invalidates the test.
20         <p style="text-indent: 10px" id=result1>
21         Resize events (should be 0 or 1): <span id=count1>0</span>
22     </div>
23     <div id=expandingblock>
24     </div>
25     <script>
26         var blockcount = 0;
27         function addBlock() {
28             var el = document.createElement('div');
29             el.setAttribute('class','block');
30             document.getElementById('expandingblock').appendChild(el);
31             if (++blockcount < 30)
32                 setTimeout(addBlock, 20);
33             else
34                 finish();
35         }
36         function finish() {
37             var result;
38             // 0 or 1 resize events are acceptable.
39             if (resizecount < 2)
40                 result = '<p style="color: green">PASS';
41             else
42                 result = '<p style="color: red">FAIL';
43             var resultElement = document.getElementById('result1')
44             resultElement.innerHTML += result;
45         }
46         onload = addBlock;
47     </script>
48 </body>