Initialize libbullet git in 2.0_beta.
[platform/upstream/libbullet.git] / Extras / PhysicsEffects / src / low_level / collision / pfx_ray_cast.cpp
1 /*\r
2 Physics Effects Copyright(C) 2010 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.\r
3 All rights reserved.\r
4 \r
5 Physics Effects is open software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
6 modify it under the terms of the BSD License.\r
7 \r
8 Physics Effects is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
11 See the BSD License for more details.\r
12 \r
13 A copy of the BSD License is distributed with\r
14 Physics Effects under the filename: physics_effects_license.txt\r
15 */\r
16 \r
17 #include "../../../include/physics_effects/base_level/base/pfx_vec_utils.h"\r
18 #include "../../../include/physics_effects/low_level/collision/pfx_ray_cast.h"\r
19 #include "../../../include/physics_effects/base_level/collision/pfx_shape_iterator.h"\r
20 #include "pfx_intersect_ray_func.h"\r
21 #include "../../base_level/collision/pfx_intersect_common.h"\r
22 \r
23 \r
24 namespace sce {\r
25 namespace PhysicsEffects {\r
26 \r
27 \r
28 void pfxRayTraverseForward(\r
29         const PfxRayInput &ray,PfxRayOutput &out,const PfxAabb16 &rayAABB,\r
30         PfxBroadphaseProxy *proxies,int numProxies,\r
31         PfxRigidState *offsetRigidStates,\r
32         PfxCollidable *offsetCollidables,\r
33         int axis,const PfxVector3 &center,const PfxVector3 &half)\r
34 {\r
36         PfxGeomSegment segment((PfxPoint3)ray.m_startPosition,ray.m_direction);\r
37 #endif\r
38 \r
39         for(int i=0;i<numProxies;i++) {\r
40                 PfxBroadphaseProxy &proxy = proxies[i];\r
41 \r
42                 // 終了条件のチェック\r
43                 if(pfxGetXYZMax(rayAABB,axis) < pfxGetXYZMin(proxy,axis)) {\r
44                         return;\r
45                 }\r
46 \r
47                 PfxVector3 boundOnRay = ray.m_startPosition + out.m_variable * ray.m_direction;\r
48                 PfxVector3 AABBmin = pfxConvertCoordLocalToWorld(PfxVecInt3((PfxInt32)pfxGetXMin(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetYMin(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetZMin(proxy)),center,half);\r
49                 PfxVector3 AABBmax = pfxConvertCoordLocalToWorld(PfxVecInt3((PfxInt32)pfxGetXMax(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetYMax(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetZMax(proxy)),center,half);\r
50 \r
51                 if(boundOnRay[axis] < AABBmin[axis]) {\r
52                         return;\r
53                 }\r
54 \r
55                 // スキップ\r
56                 if(pfxGetXYZMax(proxy,axis) < pfxGetXYZMin(rayAABB,axis)) {\r
57                         continue;\r
58                 }\r
59 \r
60                 PfxUInt16 rigidbodyId = pfxGetObjectId(proxy);\r
61                 PfxUInt32 contactFilterSelf = pfxGetSelf(proxy);\r
62                 PfxUInt32 contactFilterTarget = pfxGetTarget(proxy);\r
63 \r
65                 PfxFloatInVec t_(1.0f);\r
66                 PfxGeomAabb aabb((PfxPoint3)AABBmin,(PfxPoint3)AABBmax);\r
67                 if( (ray.m_contactFilterSelf&contactFilterTarget) && (ray.m_contactFilterTarget&contactFilterSelf) && pfxTestAabb(rayAABB,proxy) &&\r
68                         intersectionPoint(segment,aabb,&t_) && t_ < out.m_variable ) {\r
69 #else\r
70                 float t_=1.0f;\r
71                 if( (ray.m_contactFilterSelf&contactFilterTarget) && (ray.m_contactFilterTarget&contactFilterSelf) && pfxTestAabb(rayAABB,proxy) &&\r
72                         pfxIntersectRayAABBFast(ray.m_startPosition,ray.m_direction,(AABBmax+AABBmin)*0.5f,(AABBmax-AABBmin)*0.5f,t_) && t_ < out.m_variable ) {\r
73 #endif\r
74 \r
75                         PfxRigidState &state = offsetRigidStates[rigidbodyId];\r
76                         PfxCollidable &coll = offsetCollidables[rigidbodyId];\r
77                         PfxTransform3 transform(state.getOrientation(), state.getPosition());\r
78                         \r
79                         PfxRayOutput tout = out;\r
80                         \r
81                         PfxShapeIterator itrShape(coll);\r
82                         for(PfxUInt32 j=0;j<coll.getNumShapes();j++,++itrShape) {\r
83                                 const PfxShape &shape = *itrShape;\r
84                                 PfxTransform3 shapeTr = transform * shape.getOffsetTransform();\r
85                                 \r
86                                 if(pfxGetIntersectRayFunc(shape.getType())(ray,tout,shape,shapeTr) && tout.m_variable < out.m_variable) {\r
87                                         out = tout;\r
88                                         out.m_shapeId = j;\r
89                                         out.m_objectId = rigidbodyId;\r
90                                 }\r
91                         }\r
92                 }\r
93         }\r
94 }\r
95 \r
96 void pfxRayTraverseBackward(\r
97         const PfxRayInput &ray,PfxRayOutput &out,const PfxAabb16 &rayAABB,\r
98         PfxBroadphaseProxy *proxies,int numProxies,\r
99         PfxRigidState *offsetRigidStates,\r
100         PfxCollidable *offsetCollidables,\r
101         int axis,const PfxVector3 &center,const PfxVector3 &half)\r
102 {\r
104         PfxGeomSegment segment((PfxPoint3)ray.m_startPosition,ray.m_direction);\r
105 #endif\r
106 \r
107         for(int i=numProxies-1;i>=0;i--) {\r
108                 PfxBroadphaseProxy &proxy = proxies[i];\r
109 \r
110                 // 終了条件のチェック\r
111                 if(pfxGetXYZMax(proxy,axis) < pfxGetXYZMin(rayAABB,axis)) {\r
112                         return;\r
113                 }\r
114                 \r
115                 PfxVector3 boundOnRay = ray.m_startPosition + out.m_variable * ray.m_direction;\r
116                 PfxVector3 AABBmin = pfxConvertCoordLocalToWorld(PfxVecInt3((PfxInt32)pfxGetXMin(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetYMin(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetZMin(proxy)),center,half);\r
117                 PfxVector3 AABBmax = pfxConvertCoordLocalToWorld(PfxVecInt3((PfxInt32)pfxGetXMax(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetYMax(proxy),(PfxInt32)pfxGetZMax(proxy)),center,half);\r
118                 \r
119                 if(AABBmax[axis] < boundOnRay[axis]) {\r
120                         return;\r
121                 }\r
122                 \r
123                 // スキップ\r
124                 if(pfxGetXYZMax(rayAABB,axis) < pfxGetXYZMin(proxy,axis)) {\r
125                         continue;\r
126                 }\r
127                 \r
128                 PfxUInt16 rigidbodyId = pfxGetObjectId(proxy);\r
129                 PfxUInt32 contactFilterSelf = pfxGetSelf(proxy);\r
130                 PfxUInt32 contactFilterTarget = pfxGetTarget(proxy);\r
131                 \r
133                 PfxFloatInVec t_(1.0f);\r
134                 PfxGeomAabb aabb((PfxPoint3)AABBmin,(PfxPoint3)AABBmax);\r
135                 if( (ray.m_contactFilterSelf&contactFilterTarget) && (ray.m_contactFilterTarget&contactFilterSelf) && pfxTestAabb(rayAABB,proxy) &&\r
136                         intersectionPoint(segment,aabb,&t_) && t_ < out.m_variable ) {\r
137 #else\r
138                 float t_=1.0f;\r
139                 if( (ray.m_contactFilterSelf&contactFilterTarget) && (ray.m_contactFilterTarget&contactFilterSelf) && pfxTestAabb(rayAABB,proxy) &&\r
140                         pfxIntersectRayAABBFast(ray.m_startPosition,ray.m_direction,(AABBmax+AABBmin)*0.5f,(AABBmax-AABBmin)*0.5f,t_) && t_ < out.m_variable ) {\r
141 #endif\r
142 \r
143                         PfxRigidState &state = offsetRigidStates[rigidbodyId];\r
144                         PfxCollidable &coll = offsetCollidables[rigidbodyId];\r
145                         PfxTransform3 transform(state.getOrientation(), state.getPosition());\r
146                         \r
147                         PfxRayOutput tout = out;\r
148                         \r
149                         PfxShapeIterator itrShape(coll);\r
150                         for(PfxUInt32 j=0;j<coll.getNumShapes();j++,++itrShape) {\r
151                                 const PfxShape &shape = *itrShape;\r
152                                 PfxTransform3 shapeTr = transform * shape.getOffsetTransform();\r
153                                 \r
154                                 if(pfxGetIntersectRayFunc(shape.getType())(ray,tout,shape,shapeTr) && tout.m_variable < out.m_variable) {\r
155                                         out = tout;\r
156                                         out.m_shapeId = j;\r
157                                         out.m_objectId = rigidbodyId;\r
158                                 }\r
159                         }\r
160                 }\r
161         }\r
162 }\r
163 \r
164 \r
165 void pfxCastSingleRay(const PfxRayInput &ray,PfxRayOutput &out,const PfxRayCastParam &param)\r
166 {\r
167         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.proxiesX));\r
168         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.proxiesY));\r
169         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.proxiesZ));\r
170         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.proxiesXb));\r
171         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.proxiesYb));\r
172         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.proxiesZb));\r
173         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.offsetRigidStates));\r
174         SCE_PFX_ASSERT(SCE_PFX_PTR_IS_ALIGNED16(param.offsetCollidables));\r
175 \r
176         PfxBroadphaseProxy *proxies[] = {\r
177                 param.proxiesX,\r
178                 param.proxiesY,\r
179                 param.proxiesZ,\r
180                 param.proxiesXb,\r
181                 param.proxiesYb,\r
182                 param.proxiesZb,\r
183         };\r
184         \r
185         out.m_variable = 1.0f;\r
186         out.m_contactFlag = false;\r
187         \r
188         // 探索軸\r
189         PfxVector3 chkAxisVec = absPerElem(ray.m_direction);\r
190         int axis = 0;\r
191         if(chkAxisVec[1] < chkAxisVec[0]) axis = 1;\r
192         if(chkAxisVec[2] < chkAxisVec[axis]) axis = 2;\r
193 \r
194         // レイのAABB作成\r
195         PfxVector3 p1 = ray.m_startPosition;\r
196         PfxVector3 p2 = ray.m_startPosition + ray.m_direction;\r
197         PfxVecInt3 rayMin,rayMax;\r
198         pfxConvertCoordWorldToLocal(param.rangeCenter,param.rangeExtent,minPerElem(p1,p2),maxPerElem(p1,p2),rayMin,rayMax);\r
199 \r
200         PfxAabb16 rayAABB;\r
201         pfxSetXMin(rayAABB,rayMin.getX());\r
202         pfxSetXMax(rayAABB,rayMax.getX());\r
203         pfxSetYMin(rayAABB,rayMin.getY());\r
204         pfxSetYMax(rayAABB,rayMax.getY());\r
205         pfxSetZMin(rayAABB,rayMin.getZ());\r
206         pfxSetZMax(rayAABB,rayMax.getZ());\r
207         \r
208         // AABB探索開始\r
209         int sign = ray.m_direction[axis] < 0.0f ? -1 : 1; // 探索方向\r
210 \r
211         if(sign > 0) {\r
212                 pfxRayTraverseForward(\r
213                         ray,out,rayAABB,\r
214                         proxies[axis],param.numProxies,\r
215                         param.offsetRigidStates,param.offsetCollidables,\r
216                         axis,param.rangeCenter,param.rangeExtent);\r
217         }\r
218         else {\r
219                 pfxRayTraverseBackward(\r
220                         ray,out,rayAABB,\r
221                         proxies[axis+3],param.numProxies,\r
222                         param.offsetRigidStates,param.offsetCollidables,\r
223                         axis,param.rangeCenter,param.rangeExtent);\r
224         }\r
225 }\r
226 \r
227 } //namespace PhysicsEffects\r
228 } //namespace sce\r