4 This repo includes several documents that explain both high-level and low-level concepts about the .NET runtime. These are very useful for contributors, to get context that can be very difficult to acquire from just reading code.
9 .NET Core is a self-contained .NET runtime and framework that implements [ECMA 335](project-docs/dotnet-standards.md). It can be (and has been) ported to multiple architectures and platforms. It supports a variety of installation options, having no specific deployment requirements itself.
14 - [Installing the .NET Core SDK](https://www.microsoft.com/net/core)
15 - [Official .NET Core Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/)
20 - [Project Roadmap](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/roadmap.md)
21 - [Developer Guide](project-docs/developer-guide.md)
22 - [Contributing to .NET Core](project-docs/contributing.md)
23 - [Contributing Workflow](project-docs/contributing-workflow.md)
24 - [Performance Guidelines](project-docs/performance-guidelines.md)
25 - [Garbage Collector Guidelines](project-docs/garbage-collector-guidelines.md)
26 - [Adding new public APIs to mscorlib](project-docs/adding_new_public_apis.md)
27 - [Project NuGet Dependencies](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/Documentation/project-docs/project-nuget-dependencies.md)
32 - [CLR Coding Guide](coding-guidelines/clr-code-guide.md)
33 - [CLR JIT Coding Conventions](coding-guidelines/clr-jit-coding-conventions.md)
34 - [Cross Platform Performance and Eventing Design](coding-guidelines/cross-platform-performance-and-eventing.md)
35 - [Adding New Events to the VM](coding-guidelines/EventLogging.md)
37 Build CoreCLR from Source
38 =========================
40 - [Building CoreCLR on FreeBSD](building/freebsd-instructions.md)
41 - [Building CoreCLR on Linux](building/linux-instructions.md)
42 - [Building CoreCLR on OS X](building/osx-instructions.md)
43 - [Building CoreCLR on Windows](building/windows-instructions.md)
45 Testing and Debugging CoreCLR
46 =============================
48 - [Debugging CoreCLR](building/debugging-instructions.md)
49 - [Testing Changes on Windows](building/windows-test-instructions.md)
50 - [Testing Changes on Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD](building/unix-test-instructions.md)
51 - [Testing with CoreFX](building/testing-with-corefx.md)
52 - [Performance Tracing on Windows](project-docs/windows-performance-tracing.md)
53 - [Performance Tracing on Linux](project-docs/linux-performance-tracing.md)
54 - [Creating native images](building/crossgen.md)
59 The Book of the Runtime is a set of chapters that go in depth into various
60 interesting aspects of the design of the .NET Framework.
62 - [Book of the Runtime](botr/README.md)
64 For your convenience, here are a few quick links to popular chapters:
66 - [Introduction to the Common Language Runtime](botr/intro-to-clr.md)
67 - [Garbage Collection Design](botr/garbage-collection.md)
68 - [Type System](botr/type-system.md)
70 For additional information, see this list of blog posts that provide a ['deep-dive' into the CoreCLR source code](deep-dive-blog-posts.md)
75 - [.NET Core Glossary](project-docs/glossary.md)
76 - [.NET Filename Encyclopedia](project-docs/dotnet-filenames.md)
81 - [CoreFX Repo documentation](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/tree/master/Documentation)
82 - [Porting to .NET Core](https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/Documentation/project-docs/support-dotnet-core-instructions.md)
83 - [.NET Standards (Ecma)](project-docs/dotnet-standards.md)
84 - [CLR Configuration Knobs](project-docs/clr-configuration-knobs.md)
85 - [MSDN Entry for the CLR](http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/8bs2ecf4.aspx)
86 - [Wikipedia Entry for the CLR](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Language_Runtime)