Release 4.0.0-preview1-00184
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / Artifacts / bin / public / Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Tizen.Network.Bluetooth</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter" -->
8         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.IsBluetoothEnabled">
9             <summary>
10             A property to check whether the Bluetooth is enabled.
11             </summary>
12             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
13             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.</exception>
14         </member>
15         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.Address">
16             <summary>
17             The local adapter address.
18             </summary>
19             <remarks>
20             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
21             </remarks>
22             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
23             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.</exception>
24         </member>
25         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.Name">
26             <summary>
27             The name of the local adapter.
28             </summary>
29             <remarks>
30             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
31             </remarks>
32             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
33             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.</exception>
34         </member>
35         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.Visibility">
36             <summary>
37             The visibility mode of the Bluetooth adapter.
38             </summary>
39             <remarks>
40             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
41             </remarks>
42             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
43             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.</exception>
44         </member>
45         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.IsDiscoveryInProgress">
46             <summary>
47             A property to check whether the device discovery process is in progress.
48             </summary>
49             <remarks>
50             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
51             </remarks>
52             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
53             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.</exception>
54         </member>
55         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.RemainingTimeAsVisible">
56             <summary>
57             The remaining time, in seconds, until the visibility mode is changed from TimeLimitedDiscoverable to NonDiscoverable.
58             </summary>
59             <remarks>
60             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
61             </remarks>
62             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
63             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.</exception>
64         </member>
65         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.StateChanged">
66             <summary>
67             The StateChanged event is raised when the Bluetooth adapter state is changed.
68             </summary>
69         </member>
70         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.NameChanged">
71             <summary>
72             The NameChanged event is raised when the Bluetooth adapter name is changed.
73             </summary>
74         </member>
75         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.VisibilityModeChanged">
76             <summary>
77             The VisibilityModeChanged event is raised when the Bluetooth adapter visibility mode is changed.
78             </summary>
79         </member>
80         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.VisibilityDurationChanged">
81             <summary>
82             The VisibilityDurationChanged event is raised very second until the visibility mode is changed to NonDiscoverable.
83             </summary>
84         </member>
85         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.DiscoveryStateChanged">
86             <summary>
87             The DiscoveryStateChanged event is raised when the device discovery state is changed.
88             </summary>
89         </member>
90         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.ScanResultChanged">
91             <summary>
92             This event is called when the LE scan result is obtained.
93             </summary>
94         </member>
95         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.StartDiscovery">
96             <summary>
97             Starts the device discovery process.
98             </summary>
99             <remarks>
100             The Bluetooth must be enabled and the device discovery process can be stopped by StopDiscovery().
101             If this succeeds, the DiscoveryStateChanged event will be invoked.
102             </remarks>
103             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
104             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
105             or the start discovery fails.</exception>
106         </member>
107         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.StopDiscovery">
108             <summary>
109             Stops the device discovery process.
110             </summary>
111             <remarks>
112             The device discovery process must be in progress with StartDiscovery().
113             If this succeeds, the DiscoveryStateChanged event will be invoked.
114             </remarks>
115             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
116             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled or 
117             the discovery process is not is progress. </exception>
118         </member>
119         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.GetBondedDevices">
120             <summary>
121             Retrieves the device information of all bonded devices.
122             </summary>
123             <remarks>
124             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
125             </remarks>
126             <returns> The list of the bonded BluetoothDeviceInfo objects.</returns>
127             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
128             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
129             or reading the Bonded devices list is failed.</exception>
130         </member>
131         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.GetBondedDevice(System.String)">
132             <summary>
133             Gets the device information of a bonded device.
134             </summary>
135             <remarks>
136             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
137             </remarks>
138             <returns> Information of the bonded BluetoothDeviceInfo object.</returns>
139             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
140             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
141             or reading the bonded device information fails.</exception>
142         </member>
143         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.IsServiceUsed(System.String)">
144             <summary>
145             Checks whether the UUID of service is used or not.
146             </summary>
147             <returns><c>true</c> if the specified serviceUuid is used, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
148             <param name="serviceUuid">The UUID of Service.</param>
149             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
150             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.</exception>
151         </member>
152         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.GetLocalOobData">
153             <summary>
154             Gets the hash and the randomizer value of the local OOB data object.
155             </summary>
156             <remarks>
157             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
158             </remarks>
159             <returns>The BluetoothOobData object.</returns>
160             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
161             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
162             or the read OObData procedure is failed.</exception>
163         </member>
164         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.SetRemoteOobData(System.String,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOobData)">
165             <summary>
166             Sets the hash and the randmoizer value of the OOB data into the remote device.
167             </summary>
168             <remarks>
169             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
170             </remarks>
171             <param name="address">The remote device address.</param>
172             <param name="oobData">The BluetoothOobData object.</param>
173             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
174             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
175             or the set OobData procedure is failed.</exception>
176         </member>
177         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.RemoveRemoteOobData(System.String)">
178             <summary>
179             Removes the hash and the randomizer value of the OOB data from the remote device.
180             </summary>
181             <remarks>
182             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
183             </remarks>
184             <param name="address">The remote device address.</param>
185             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
186             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled.
187             or if the Remove Oobdata procedure is failed.</exception>
188         </member>
189         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.StartLeScan">
190             <summary>
191             Starts the Bluetooth LE scan operation to discover BLE devices
192             </summary>
193             <remarks>
194             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
195             </remarks>The result of the operation StartLeScan.
196             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
197             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
198             or the Start LE scan is failed.</exception>
199         </member>
200         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.StopLeScan">
201             <summary>
202             Stops the Bluetooth LE scan operation.
203             </summary>
204             <remarks>
205             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
206             </remarks>The result of the operation stopLescan.
207             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
208             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
209             or the Stop LE scan is failed.</exception>
210         </member>
211         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.GetBluetoothLeAdvertiser">
212             <summary>
213             Returns the BluetoothLeAdvertiser instance.
214             </summary>
215             <remarks>
216             The Bluetooth must be enabled before calling this API.
217             </remarks>
218             <returns>The BluetoothLeAdvertiser instance.</returns>
219         </member>
220         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.CreateServerSocket(System.String)">
221             <summary>
222             Registers a rfcomm server socket with a specific UUID.
223             </summary>
224             <remarks>
225             The Bluetooth must be enabled before calling this API.
226             </remarks>
227             <returns>The BluetoothServerSocket instance.</returns>
228             <param name="serviceUuid">The UUID of service to provide.</param>
229             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
230             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
231             or the socket create error occurs.</exception>
232         </member>
233         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.DestroyServerSocket(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket)">
234             <summary>
235             Removes the rfcomm server socket which was created using CreateServerSocket().
236             </summary>
237             <remarks>
238             The socket must be created with CreateServerSocket(). The ConnectionStateChanged event is raised after this API is called.
239             </remarks>
240             <param name="socket">The server socket instance is created using CreateServerSocket().</param>
241             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
242             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
243             or the socket destroy error occurs.</exception>
244         </member>
245         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudio">
246             <summary>
247             This class is used to handle the connection with other Bluetooth audio devices
248             like headset, hands-free, and headphone.
249             </summary>
250             <privilege> </privilege>
251         </member>
252         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudio.AudioConnectionStateChanged">
253             <summary>
254             The AudioConnectionStateChanged event is called when the audio connection state is changed.
255             </summary>
256         </member>
257         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudio.Connect(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType)" -->
258         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudio.Disconnect(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType)" -->
259         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp">
260             <summary>
261             This class is used to notify changes of the target device (For example, media player) to the control device (For example, headset).
262             </summary>
263             <privilege> </privilege>
264         </member>
265         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.TargetConnectionStateChanged">
266             <summary>
267             The TargetConnectionStateChanged event is invoked when the connection state is changed.
268             </summary>
269         </member>
270         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.EqualizerStateChanged">
271             <summary>
272             The EqualizerStateChanged event is invoked when the equalizer state is changed by the remote control device.
273             </summary>
274         </member>
275         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.RepeatModeChanged">
276             <summary>
277             The RepeatModeChanged event is invoked when the repeat mode is changed by the remote control device.
278             </summary>
279         </member>
280         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.ShuffleModeChanged">
281             <summary>
282             The ShuffleModeChanged event is invoked when the shuffle mode is changed by the remote control device.
283             </summary>
284         </member>
285         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.ScanModeChanged">
286             <summary>
287             The ScanModeChanged event is invoked when the scan mode is changed by the remote control device.
288             </summary>
289         </member>
290         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.NotifyEqualizerState(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.EqualizerState)">
291             <summary>
292             Notifies the equalize state to the remote device.
293             </summary>
294             <remarks>
295             The remote device must be connected.
296             </remarks>
297             <param name="state">The equalizer state.</param>
298             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
299             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
300             or when notifying the equalizer state to the remote device fails.</exception>
301         </member>
302         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.NotifyRepeatMode(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatMode)" -->
303         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.NotifyShuffleMode(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ShuffleMode)">
304             <summary>
305             Notifies the shuffle mode to the remote device.
306             </summary>
307             <remarks>
308             The remote device must be connected.
309             </remarks>
310             <param name="mode">The shuffle mode.</param>
311             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
312             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
313             or when notifying the shuffle mode state to the remote device fails.</exception>
314         </member>
315         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.NotifyScanMode(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ScanMode)">
316             <summary>
317             Notifies the scan mode to the remote device.
318             </summary>
319             <remarks>
320             The remote device must be connected.
321             </remarks>
322             <param name="mode">The scan mode.</param>
323             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
324             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
325             or when notifying the scan mode state to the remote device fails.</exception>
326         </member>
327         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.NotifyPlayerState(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PlayerState)">
328             <summary>
329             Notifies the player state to the remote device.
330             </summary>
331             <remarks>
332             The remote device must be connected.
333             </remarks>
334             <param name="state">The player state.</param>
335             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
336             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
337             or when notifying the player state to the remote device fails.</exception>
338         </member>
339         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.NotifyCurrentPosition(System.UInt32)">
340             <summary>
341             Notifies the current position of the song to the remote device.
342             </summary>
343             <remarks>
344             The remote device must be connected.
345             </remarks>
346             <param name="position">The current position in milliseconds.</param>
347             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
348             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
349             or when notifying the current position state to the remote device fails.</exception>
350         </member>
351         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcp.NotifyTrack(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track)">
352             <summary>
353             Notifies the track to the remote device.
354             </summary>
355             <remarks>
356             The remote device must be connected.
357             </remarks>
358             <param name="trackData">The data of the track.</param>
359             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not supported.</exception>
360             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
361             or when notifying the shuffle track state to the remote device fails.</exception>
362         </member>
363         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClass">
364             <summary>
365             This class is used to handle the device class types and the service.
366             </summary>
367         </member>
368         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClass.MajorDeviceClassType">
369             <summary>
370             The type of the major device class.
371             </summary>
372         </member>
373         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClass.MinorDeviceClassType">
374             <summary>
375             The type of the minor device class.
376             </summary>
377         </member>
378         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClass.MajorServiceClassMask">
379             <summary>
380             The major service class mask.
381             </summary>
382         </member>
383         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOobData">
384             <summary>
385             This class contains the information of the Bluetooth OOB data.
386             </summary>
387         </member>
388         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOobData.#ctor">
389             <summary>
390             The default constructor. Initializes an object of the BluetoothOobData.
391             </summary>
392         </member>
393         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOobData.HashValue">
394             <summary>
395             The hash value.
396             </summary>
397         </member>
398         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOobData.RandomizerValue">
399             <summary>
400             The randomizer value.
401             </summary>
402         </member>
403         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceSdpData">
404             <summary>
405             This class contains the information of the Bluetooth device SDP data.
406             </summary>
407         </member>
408         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceSdpData.DeviceAddress">
409             <summary>
410             The device address.
411             </summary>
412         </member>
413         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceSdpData.ServiceUuid">
414             <summary>
415             The service UUID.
416             </summary>
417         </member>
418         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceConnectionData">
419             <summary>
420             This class contains the information of the Bluetooth device connection data.
421             </summary>
422         </member>
423         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceConnectionData.Address">
424             <summary>
425             The device address.
426             </summary>
427         </member>
428         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceConnectionData.LinkType">
429             <summary>
430             The type of the connection link.
431             </summary>
432         </member>
433         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceConnectionData.DisconnectReason">
434             <summary>
435             The disconnect reason.
436             </summary>
437         </member>
438         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track">
439             <summary>
440             This class contains the information of the track data.
441             </summary>
442         </member>
443         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.#ctor">
444             <summary>
445             The default constructor. Initializes an object of the track.
446             </summary>
447         </member>
448         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.Title">
449             <summary>
450             The title of the track.
451             </summary>
452         </member>
453         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.Artist">
454             <summary>
455             The artist of the track.
456             </summary>
457         </member>
458         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.Album">
459             <summary>
460             The album of the track.
461             </summary>
462         </member>
463         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.Genre">
464             <summary>
465             The genre of the track.
466             </summary>
467         </member>
468         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.TrackNum">
469             <summary>
470             The track number.
471             </summary>
472         </member>
473         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.TotalTracks">
474             <summary>
475             The number of all tracks.
476             </summary>
477         </member>
478         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.Track.Duration">
479             <summary>
480             The duration of the track in milliseconds.
481             </summary>
482         </member>
483         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ManufacturerData">
484             <summary>
485             This class contains the information of the manufacturer data.
486             </summary>
487         </member>
488         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ManufacturerData.#ctor">
489             <summary>
490             The default Constructor. Initializes an object of the ManufacturerData.
491             </summary>
492         </member>
493         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ManufacturerData.Id">
494             <summary>
495             The manufacturer ID.
496             </summary>
497         </member>
498         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ManufacturerData.DataLength">
499             <summary>
500             The length of the manufacturer data.
501             </summary>
502         </member>
503         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ManufacturerData.Data">
504             <summary>
505             The manufacturer data.
506             </summary>
507         </member>
508         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceData">
509             <summary>
510             This class contains the information of the Bluetooth service data.
511             </summary>
512         </member>
513         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceData.#ctor">
514             <summary>
515             The default constructor. Initializes an object of the BluetoothServiceData.
516             </summary>
517         </member>
518         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceData.Uuid">
519             <summary>
520             The UUID of the service.
521             </summary>
522         </member>
523         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceData.DataLength">
524             <summary>
525             The data length of the service data.
526             </summary>
527         </member>
528         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceData.Data">
529             <summary>
530             The service data.
531             </summary>
532         </member>
533         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeServiceData">
534             <summary>
535             This class contains the service data information.
536             </summary>
537         </member>
538         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeServiceData.ServiceUuid">
539             <summary>
540             The Bluetooth LE service UUID.
541             </summary>
542         </member>
543         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeServiceData.ServiceData">
544             <summary>
545             The Bluetooth LE service data.
546             </summary>
547         </member>
548         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeServiceData.ServiceDataLength">
549             <summary>
550             The length of the service data.
551             </summary>
552         </member>
553         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketData">
554             <summary>
555             This class contains the information of the socket data.
556             </summary>
557         </member>
558         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketData.SocketFd">
559             <summary>
560             The socket FD.
561             </summary>
562         </member>
563         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketData.DataSize">
564             <summary>
565             The length of the received data.
566             </summary>
567         </member>
568         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketData.Data">
569             <summary>
570             The received data.
571             </summary>
572         </member>
573         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnection">
574             <summary>
575             This class contains the information of the socket connection.
576             </summary>
577         </member>
578         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnection.SocketFd">
579             <summary>
580             The connected socket FD.
581             </summary>
582         </member>
583         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnection.Address">
584             <summary>
585             The remote device address.
586             </summary>
587         </member>
588         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnection.ServiceUuid">
589             <summary>
590             The service UUID.
591             </summary>
592         </member>
593         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice" -->
594         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.Address">
595             <summary>
596             The address of the device.
597             </summary>
598         </member>
599         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.Name">
600             <summary>
601             The name of the device.
602             </summary>
603         </member>
604         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.Rssi">
605             <summary>
606             The strength indicator of received signal of the device.
607             </summary>
608         </member>
609         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.Class">
610             <summary>
611             The class of the device.
612             </summary>
613         </member>
614         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ServiceUuidList">
615             <summary>
616             The service UUID list of the device.
617             </summary>
618         </member>
619         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ServiceCount">
620             <summary>
621             The number of services.
622             </summary>
623         </member>
624         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.IsPaired">
625             <summary>
626             The paired state of the device.
627             </summary>
628         </member>
629         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.IsConnected">
630             <summary>
631             The connection state of the device.
632             </summary>
633         </member>
634         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.IsAuthorized">
635             <summary>
636             The authorization state of the device.
637             </summary>
638         </member>
639         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.AppearanceType">
640             <summary>
641             The Bluetooth appearance.
642             </summary>
643         </member>
644         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ManufacturerDataLength">
645             <summary>
646             The length of the manufacturer data.
647             </summary>
648         </member>
649         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ManufacturerData">
650             <summary>
651             The manufacturer data.
652             </summary>
653         </member>
654         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.BondCreated">
655             <summary>
656             The BondCreated event is raised when the process of creating the bond is finished.
657             </summary>
658         </member>
659         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.BondDestroyed">
660             <summary>
661             The BondDestroyed event is raised when the bond is destroyed.
662             </summary>
663         </member>
664         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.AuthorizationChanged">
665             <summary>
666             The AuthorizationChanged event is raised when the authorization of the device is changed.
667             </summary>
668         </member>
669         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ServiceSearched">
670             <summary>
671             The ServiceSearched event is raised when the process of service searched is finished.
672             </summary>
673         </member>
674         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.ConnectionStateChanged">
675             <summary>
676             The ConnectionStateChanged event is raised when the connection state is changed.
677             </summary>
678         </member>
679         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.CreateBond">
680             <summary>
681             Creates a bond with the remote Bluetooth device.
682             </summary>
683             <remarks>
684             The Bluetooth must be enabled and the remote device must be discoverable by StartDiscovery(). The bond can be destroyed by DestroyBond().
685             The bonding request can be cancelled by CancelBonding(). If this succeeds, the BondCreated event will be invoked.
686             </remarks>
687             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
688             or when the create bonding process to the remote device fails.</exception>
689         </member>
690         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.CancelBonding">
691             <summary>
692             Cancels the bonding process.
693             </summary>
694             <remarks>
695             Bonding must be in progress by CreateBond().
696             </remarks>
697             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
698             or when the cancel bonding procedure to remote device fails.</exception>
699         </member>
700         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.DestroyBond">
701             <summary>
702             Destroys the bond.
703             </summary>
704             <remarks>
705             The Bluetooth must be enabled and the bond must be created by CreateBond().
706             If this succeeds, the BondDestroyed event will be invoked.
707             </remarks>
708             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
709             or when the destroy bonding procedure fails.</exception>
710         </member>
711         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.SetAlias(System.String)">
712             <summary>
713             Sets an alias for the bonded device.
714             </summary>
715             <remarks>
716             The Bluetooth must be enabled and the bond must be created by CreateBond().
717             </remarks>
718             <param name="aliasName">The alias name of the remote device.</param>
719             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
720             or when the set alias name to remote device fails.</exception>
721         </member>
722         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.SetAuthorization(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAuthorizationType)">
723             <summary>
724             Sets the authorization of a bonded device.
725             </summary>
726             <remarks>
727             The Bluetooth must be enabled and the bond must be created by CreateBond().
728             If this succeeds, the AuthorizationChanged event will be invoked.
729             </remarks>
730             <param name="authorizationState">The authorization state.</param>
731             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
732             or when the set authorization to remote device fails.</exception>
733         </member>
734         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.GetMaskFromUuid(System.String[])">
735             <summary>
736             Gets the mask from the UUID.
737             </summary>
738             <returns>The service mask list converted from the given UUID list.</returns>
739             <param name="uuids">The UUID list of the device.</param>
740             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
741             or when the get Mask from UUID fails.</exception>
742         </member>
743         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.StartServiceSearch">
744             <summary>
745             Starts the search for services supported by the specified device.
746             </summary>
747             <remarks>
748             The Bluetooth must be enabled and remote device must be discoverable by StartDiscovery(). The bond must be created by CreateBond().
749             If this succeeds, the ServiceSearched event will be invoked.
750             </remarks>
751             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
752             or when the remote device service search fails.</exception>
753         </member>
754         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.GetConnectedProfiles">
755             <summary>
756             Gets the connected profiles.
757             </summary>
758             <remarks>
759             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
760             </remarks>
761             <returns>The connected Bluetooth profiles.</returns>
762             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
763             or when there is no BT connection.</exception>
764         </member>
765         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.IsProfileConnected(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType)">
766             <summary>
767             Determines if profile is connected to the specified remote device.
768             </summary>
769             <remarks>
770             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
771             </remarks>
772             <returns><c>true</c> if profile is connected, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
773             <param name="profileType">The Bluetooth profile type.</param>
774             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
775             or when there is no BT connection.</exception>
776         </member>
777         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.GetProfile``1">
778             <summary>
779             Returns the instance of the Bluetooth profile type.
780             </summary>
781             <remarks>
782             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
783             </remarks>
784         </member>
785         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.CreateSocket(System.String)">
786             <summary>
787             Creates the client socket.
788             </summary>
789             <returns>The IBluetoothClientSocket instance.</returns>
790             <param name="serviceUuid">The UUID of the service.</param>
791         </member>
792         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothState">
793             <summary>
794             Enumeration for the Bluetooth states.
795             </summary>
796         </member>
797         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothState.Disabled">
798             <summary>
799             The disabled state.
800             </summary>
801         </member>
802         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothState.Enabled">
803             <summary>
804             The enabled state.
805             </summary>
806         </member>
807         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError">
808             <summary>
809             Enumeration for the Bluetooth errors.
810             </summary>
811         </member>
812         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.None">
813             <summary>
814             Successful.
815             </summary>
816         </member>
817         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.Cancelled">
818             <summary>
819             Operation canceled.
820             </summary>
821         </member>
822         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.InvalidParameter">
823             <summary>
824             Invalid parameter.
825             </summary>
826         </member>
827         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.OutOfMemory">
828             <summary>
829             Out of memory.
830             </summary>
831         </member>
832         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.ResourceBusy">
833             <summary>
834             Device or resource busy.
835             </summary>
836         </member>
837         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.TimedOut">
838             <summary>
839             Timeout error.
840             </summary>
841         </member>
842         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.NowInProgress">
843             <summary>
844             Operation now in progress.
845             </summary>
846         </member>
847         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.NotSupported">
848             <summary>
849             Bluetooth is not supported.
850             </summary>
851         </member>
852         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.PermissionDenied">
853             <summary>
854             Permission denied.
855             </summary>
856         </member>
857         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.QuotaExceeded">
858             <summary>
859             Quota exceeded.
860             </summary>
861         </member>
862         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.NoData">
863             <summary>
864             No data available.
865             </summary>
866         </member>
867         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.NotInitialized">
868             <summary>
869             Local adapter not initialized.
870             </summary>
871         </member>
872         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.NotEnabled">
873             <summary>
874             Local adapter not enabled.
875             </summary>
876         </member>
877         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.AlreadyDone">
878             <summary>
879             Operation already done.
880             </summary>
881         </member>
882         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.OperationFailed">
883             <summary>
884             Operation failed.
885             </summary>
886         </member>
887         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.NotInProgress">
888             <summary>
889             Operation not in progress.
890             </summary>
891         </member>
892         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.RemoteDeviceNotBonded">
893             <summary>
894             Remote device not bonded.
895             </summary>
896         </member>
897         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.AuthRejected">
898             <summary>
899             Authentication rejected.
900             </summary>
901         </member>
902         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.AuthFailed">
903             <summary>
904             Authentication failed.
905             </summary>
906         </member>
907         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.RemoteDeviceNotFound">
908             <summary>
909             Remote device not found.
910             </summary>
911         </member>
912         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.ServiceSearchFailed">
913             <summary>
914             Service search failed.
915             </summary>
916         </member>
917         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.RemoteDeviceNotConnected">
918             <summary>
919             Remote device is not connected.
920             </summary>
921         </member>
922         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.ResourceUnavailable">
923             <summary>
924             Resource temporarily unavailable.
925             </summary>
926         </member>
927         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothError.ServiceNotFound">
928             <summary>
929             Service Not Found.
930             </summary>
931         </member>
932         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityMode">
933             <summary>
934             Enumeration for the Bluetooth visibility modes.
935             </summary>
936         </member>
937         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityMode.NonDiscoverable">
938             <summary>
939             The non-discoverable mode.
940             </summary>
941         </member>
942         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityMode.Discoverable">
943             <summary>
944             The discoverable mode.
945             </summary>
946         </member>
947         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityMode.TimeLimitedDiscoverable">
948             <summary>
949             The discoverable mode with limited time.
950             </summary>
951         </member>
952         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType">
953             <summary>
954             Enumeration for the Bluetooth major device class types.
955             </summary>
956         </member>
957         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Misc">
958             <summary>
959             The miscellaneous major class type.
960             </summary>
961         </member>
962         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Computer">
963             <summary>
964             The computer major class type.
965             </summary>
966         </member>
967         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Phone">
968             <summary>
969             The phone major class type.
970             </summary>
971         </member>
972         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPoint">
973             <summary>
974             The LAN/Network access point major class type.
975             </summary>
976         </member>
977         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.AudioVideo">
978             <summary>
979             The audio/video major class type.
980             </summary>
981         </member>
982         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Peripheral">
983             <summary>
984             The peripheral major class type.
985             </summary>
986         </member>
987         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Imaging">
988             <summary>
989             The imaging major class type.
990             </summary>
991         </member>
992         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Wearable">
993             <summary>
994             The wearable major class type.
995             </summary>
996         </member>
997         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Toy">
998             <summary>
999             The toy major class type.
1000             </summary>
1001         </member>
1002         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Health">
1003             <summary>
1004             The health major class type.
1005             </summary>
1006         </member>
1007         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorDeviceClassType.Uncategorized">
1008             <summary>
1009             The uncategorized major class type.
1010             </summary>
1011         </member>
1012         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType">
1013             <summary>
1014             Enumeration for the Bluetooth minor device class types.
1015             </summary>
1016         </member>
1017         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ComputerUncategorized">
1018             <summary>
1019             The uncategorized computer minor class type.
1020             </summary>
1021         </member>
1022         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ComputerDesktopWorkstation">
1023             <summary>
1024             The desktop workstation computer minor class type.
1025             </summary>
1026         </member>
1027         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ComputerServer">
1028             <summary>
1029             The server computer minor class type.
1030             </summary>
1031         </member>
1032         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ComputerLaptop">
1033             <summary>
1034             The laptop computer minor class type.
1035             </summary>
1036         </member>
1037         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ComputerHandheldPcOrPda">
1038             <summary>
1039             The handheld PC/PDA computer minor class type.
1040             </summary>
1041         </member>
1042         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ComputerPalmSizedPcOrPda">
1043             <summary>
1044             The palm sized PC/PDA computer minor class type.
1045             </summary>
1046         </member>
1047         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ComputerWearableComputer">
1048             <summary>
1049             The wearable computer minor class type.
1050             </summary>
1051         </member>
1052         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PhoneUncategorized">
1053             <summary>
1054             The unclassified phone minor class type.
1055             </summary>
1056         </member>
1057         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PhoneCellular">
1058             <summary>
1059             The cellular phone minor class type.
1060             </summary>
1061         </member>
1062         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PhoneCordless">
1063             <summary>
1064             The cordless phone minor class type.
1065             </summary>
1066         </member>
1067         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PhoneSmartPhone">
1068             <summary>
1069             The smartphone phone minor class type.
1070             </summary>
1071         </member>
1072         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PhoneWiredModemOrVoiceGateway">
1073             <summary>
1074             The wired modem or voice gateway phone minor class type.
1075             </summary>
1076         </member>
1077         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PhoneCommonIsdnAccess">
1078             <summary>
1079             The ISDN phone minor class type.
1080             </summary>
1081         </member>
1082         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPointFullyAvailable">
1083             <summary>
1084             Fully available LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1085             </summary>
1086         </member>
1087         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPoint1To17PercentUtilized">
1088             <summary>
1089             1-17% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1090             </summary>
1091         </member>
1092         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPoint17To33PercentUtilized">
1093             <summary>
1094             17-33% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1095             </summary>
1096         </member>
1097         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPoint33To50PercentUtilized">
1098             <summary>
1099             33-50% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1100             </summary>
1101         </member>
1102         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPoint50To67PercentUtilized">
1103             <summary>
1104             50-67% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1105             </summary>
1106         </member>
1107         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPoint67To83PercentUtilized">
1108             <summary>
1109             67-83% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1110             </summary>
1111         </member>
1112         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPoint83To99PercentUtilized">
1113             <summary>
1114             83-99% utilized LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1115             </summary>
1116         </member>
1117         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.LanNetworkAccessPointNoServiceAvailable">
1118             <summary>
1119             No service available LAN/Network access point minor class type.
1120             </summary>
1121         </member>
1122         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoUncategorized">
1123             <summary>
1124             The uncategorized audio/video minor class type.
1125             </summary>
1126         </member>
1127         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoWearableHeadset">
1128             <summary>
1129             The wearable headset audio/video minor class type.
1130             </summary>
1131         </member>
1132         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoHandsFree">
1133             <summary>
1134             The hands free audio/video minor class type.
1135             </summary>
1136         </member>
1137         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoMicrophone">
1138             <summary>
1139             The microphone audio/video minor class type.
1140             </summary>
1141         </member>
1142         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoLoudspeaker">
1143             <summary>
1144             The loudspeaker audio/video minor class type.
1145             </summary>
1146         </member>
1147         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoHeadphones">
1148             <summary>
1149             The headphones audio/video minor class type.
1150             </summary>
1151         </member>
1152         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoPortableAudio">
1153             <summary>
1154             The portable audio audio/video minor class type.
1155             </summary>
1156         </member>
1157         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoCarAudio">
1158             <summary>
1159             The car audio audio/video minor class type.
1160             </summary>
1161         </member>
1162         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoSetTopBox">
1163             <summary>
1164             The SetTopbox audio/video minor class type.
1165             </summary>
1166         </member>
1167         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoHifiAudioDevice">
1168             <summary>
1169             The Hi-Fi audio/video minor class type.
1170             </summary>
1171         </member>
1172         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoVcr">
1173             <summary>
1174             The VCR audio/video minor class type.
1175             </summary>
1176         </member>
1177         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoVideoCamera">
1178             <summary>
1179             The video camera audio/video minor class type.
1180             </summary>
1181         </member>
1182         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoCamcorder">
1183             <summary>
1184             Camcorder audio/video minor class type.
1185             </summary>
1186         </member>
1187         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoVideoMonitor">
1188             <summary>
1189             The video monitor audio/video minor class type.
1190             </summary>
1191         </member>
1192         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoVideoDisplayLoudspeaker">
1193             <summary>
1194             The video display and loudspeaker audio/video minor class type.
1195             </summary>
1196         </member>
1197         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoVideoConferencing">
1198             <summary>
1199             The video conferencing audio/video minor class type.
1200             </summary>
1201         </member>
1202         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.AudioVideoGamingToy">
1203             <summary>
1204             The gaming/toy audio/video minor class type.
1205             </summary>
1206         </member>
1207         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralUncategorized">
1208             <summary>
1209             The uncategorized peripheral minor class type.
1210             </summary>
1211         </member>
1212         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralKeyBoard">
1213             <summary>
1214             The keyboard peripheral minor class type.
1215             </summary>
1216         </member>
1217         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralPointingDevice">
1218             <summary>
1219             The pointing device peripheral minor class type.
1220             </summary>
1221         </member>
1222         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralComboKeyboardPointingDevice">
1223             <summary>
1224             The combo keyboard peripheral minor class type.
1225             </summary>
1226         </member>
1227         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralJoystick">
1228             <summary>
1229             The joystick peripheral minor class type.
1230             </summary>
1231         </member>
1232         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralGamePad">
1233             <summary>
1234             The game pad peripheral minor class type.
1235             </summary>
1236         </member>
1237         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralRemoteControl">
1238             <summary>
1239             The remote control peripheral minor class type.
1240             </summary>
1241         </member>
1242         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralSensingDevice">
1243             <summary>
1244             The sensing device peripheral minor class type.
1245             </summary>
1246         </member>
1247         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralDigitizerTablet">
1248             <summary>
1249             The digitizer peripheral minor class type.
1250             </summary>
1251         </member>
1252         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralCardReader">
1253             <summary>
1254             The card reader peripheral minor class type.
1255             </summary>
1256         </member>
1257         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralDigitalPen">
1258             <summary>
1259             The digital pen peripheral minor class type.
1260             </summary>
1261         </member>
1262         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralHandheldScanner">
1263             <summary>
1264             The handheld scanner peripheral minor class type.
1265             </summary>
1266         </member>
1267         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.PeripheralHandheldGesturalInputDevice">
1268             <summary>
1269             The handheld gestural input computer minor class type.
1270             </summary>
1271         </member>
1272         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ImagingDisplay">
1273             <summary>
1274             The display imaging minor class type.
1275             </summary>
1276         </member>
1277         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ImagingCamera">
1278             <summary>
1279             The camera imaging minor class type.
1280             </summary>
1281         </member>
1282         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ImagingScanner">
1283             <summary>
1284             The scanner imaging minor class type.
1285             </summary>
1286         </member>
1287         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ImagingPrinter">
1288             <summary>
1289             The printer imaging minor class type.
1290             </summary>
1291         </member>
1292         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.WearableWristWatch">
1293             <summary>
1294             The wrist watch wearable minor class type.
1295             </summary>
1296         </member>
1297         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.WearablePager">
1298             <summary>
1299             The pager wearable minor class type.
1300             </summary>
1301         </member>
1302         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.WearableJacket">
1303             <summary>
1304             The jacket wearable minor class type.
1305             </summary>
1306         </member>
1307         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.WearableHelmet">
1308             <summary>
1309             The helmet wearable minor class type.
1310             </summary>
1311         </member>
1312         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.WearableGlasses">
1313             <summary>
1314             The glasses wearable minor class type.
1315             </summary>
1316         </member>
1317         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ToyRobot">
1318             <summary>
1319             The robot toy minor class type.
1320             </summary>
1321         </member>
1322         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ToyVehicle">
1323             <summary>
1324             The vehicle toy minor class type.
1325             </summary>
1326         </member>
1327         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ToyDollAction">
1328             <summary>
1329             The doll toy minor class type.
1330             </summary>
1331         </member>
1332         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ToyController">
1333             <summary>
1334             The controller toy minor class type.
1335             </summary>
1336         </member>
1337         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.ToyGame">
1338             <summary>
1339             The game toy minor class type.
1340             </summary>
1341         </member>
1342         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthUncategorized">
1343             <summary>
1344             The uncategorized health minor class type.
1345             </summary>
1346         </member>
1347         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthBloodPressureMonitor">
1348             <summary>
1349             The BP monitor health minor class type.
1350             </summary>
1351         </member>
1352         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthThermometer">
1353             <summary>
1354             The thermometer health minor class type.
1355             </summary>
1356         </member>
1357         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthWeighingScale">
1358             <summary>
1359             The scale health minor class type.
1360             </summary>
1361         </member>
1362         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthGlucoseMeter">
1363             <summary>
1364             The glucose meter health minor class type.
1365             </summary>
1366         </member>
1367         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthPulseOximeter">
1368             <summary>
1369             The pulse oximeter health minor class type.
1370             </summary>
1371         </member>
1372         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthHeartPulseRateMonitor">
1373             <summary>
1374             The heart/pulse rate monitor health minor class type.
1375             </summary>
1376         </member>
1377         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthDataDisplay">
1378             <summary>
1379             The display health minor class type.
1380             </summary>
1381         </member>
1382         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthStepCounter">
1383             <summary>
1384             The step counter health minor class type.
1385             </summary>
1386         </member>
1387         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthBodyCompositionAnalyzer">
1388             <summary>
1389             The body composition analyzer health minor class type.
1390             </summary>
1391         </member>
1392         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthPeakFlowMonitor">
1393             <summary>
1394             The peak flow monitor health minor class type.
1395             </summary>
1396         </member>
1397         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthMedicationMonitor">
1398             <summary>
1399             The medication monitor health minor class type.
1400             </summary>
1401         </member>
1402         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthKneeProsthesis">
1403             <summary>
1404             The knee prosthesis health minor class type.
1405             </summary>
1406         </member>
1407         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorDeviceClassType.HealthAnkleProsthesis">
1408             <summary>
1409             The ankle prosthesis health minor class type.
1410             </summary>
1411         </member>
1412         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceDiscoveryState">
1413             <summary>
1414             Enumeration for the Bluetooth device discovery states.
1415             </summary>
1416         </member>
1417         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceDiscoveryState.Started">
1418             <summary>
1419             The device discovery is started.
1420             </summary>
1421         </member>
1422         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceDiscoveryState.Finished">
1423             <summary>
1424             The device discovery is finished.
1425             </summary>
1426         </member>
1427         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceDiscoveryState.Found">
1428             <summary>
1429             The remote device is found.
1430             </summary>
1431         </member>
1432         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAppearanceType">
1433             <summary>
1434             Enumeration for the Bluetooth appearance types.
1435             </summary>
1436         </member>
1437         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAppearanceType.Unknown">
1438             <summary>
1439             Unknown.
1440             </summary>
1441         </member>
1442         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAppearanceType.GenericPhone">
1443             <summary>
1444             Generic phone.
1445             </summary>
1446         </member>
1447         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAppearanceType.GenericComputer">
1448             <summary>
1449             Generic computer.
1450             </summary>
1451         </member>
1452         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAppearanceType.GenericWatch">
1453             <summary>
1454             Generic watch.
1455             </summary>
1456         </member>
1457         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType">
1458             <summary>
1459             Enumeration for the Bluetooth audio profile types.
1460             </summary>
1461         </member>
1462         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType.All">
1463             <summary>
1464             All supported profiles of audio.
1465             </summary>
1466         </member>
1467         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType.HspHfp">
1468             <summary>
1469             The Headset and Hands-Free profile.
1470             </summary>
1471         </member>
1472         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType.AdvancedAudioDistribution">
1473             <summary>
1474             The Advanced Audio Distribution profile.
1475             </summary>
1476         </member>
1477         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType.AudioGateway">
1478             <summary>
1479             The Audio Gateway profile.
1480             </summary>
1481         </member>
1482         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAudioProfileType.AdvancedAudioDistributionSink">
1483             <summary>
1484             The Advanced Audio Distribution profile sink role.
1485             </summary>
1486         </member>
1487         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType">
1488             <summary>
1489             Enumeration for the Bluetooth service class types.
1490             </summary>
1491         </member>
1492         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.None">
1493             <summary>
1494             No service class.
1495             </summary>
1496         </member>
1497         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Res">
1498             <summary>
1499             The RES service class.
1500             </summary>
1501         </member>
1502         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Spp">
1503             <summary>
1504             The SPP service class.
1505             </summary>
1506         </member>
1507         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Dun">
1508             <summary>
1509             The DUN service class.
1510             </summary>
1511         </member>
1512         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Fax">
1513             <summary>
1514             The FAX service class.
1515             </summary>
1516         </member>
1517         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Lap">
1518             <summary>
1519             The LAP service class.
1520             </summary>
1521         </member>
1522         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Hsp">
1523             <summary>
1524             The HSP service class.
1525             </summary>
1526         </member>
1527         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Hfp">
1528             <summary>
1529             The HFPservice class.
1530             </summary>
1531         </member>
1532         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Opp">
1533             <summary>
1534             The OPP service class.
1535             </summary>
1536         </member>
1537         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Ftp">
1538             <summary>
1539             The FTP service class.
1540             </summary>
1541         </member>
1542         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Ctp">
1543             <summary>
1544             The CTP service class.
1545             </summary>
1546         </member>
1547         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Icp">
1548             <summary>
1549             The ICP service class.
1550             </summary>
1551         </member>
1552         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Sync">
1553             <summary>
1554             The Sync service class.
1555             </summary>
1556         </member>
1557         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Bpp">
1558             <summary>
1559             The BPP service class.
1560             </summary>
1561         </member>
1562         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Bip">
1563             <summary>
1564             The BIP service class.
1565             </summary>
1566         </member>
1567         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Panu">
1568             <summary>
1569             The PANU service class.
1570             </summary>
1571         </member>
1572         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Nap">
1573             <summary>
1574             The NAP service class.
1575             </summary>
1576         </member>
1577         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Gn">
1578             <summary>
1579             The GN service class.
1580             </summary>
1581         </member>
1582         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Sap">
1583             <summary>
1584             The SAP service class.
1585             </summary>
1586         </member>
1587         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.A2dp">
1588             <summary>
1589             The A2DP service class.
1590             </summary>
1591         </member>
1592         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Avrcp">
1593             <summary>
1594             The AVRCP service class.
1595             </summary>
1596         </member>
1597         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Pbap">
1598             <summary>
1599             The PBAP service class.
1600             </summary>
1601         </member>
1602         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Hid">
1603             <summary>
1604             The HID service class.
1605             </summary>
1606         </member>
1607         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.A2dpSource">
1608             <summary>
1609             The A2DP Source service class.
1610             </summary>
1611         </member>
1612         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.All">
1613             <summary>
1614             All service class.
1615             </summary>
1616         </member>
1617         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceClassType.Max">
1618             <summary>
1619             The Max service class.
1620             </summary>
1621         </member>
1622         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType">
1623             <summary>
1624             Enumeration for the Bluetooth profile types.
1625             </summary>
1626         </member>
1627         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.Rfcomm">
1628             <summary>
1629             The RFCOMM profile.
1630             </summary>
1631         </member>
1632         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.AdvancedAudioDistribution">
1633             <summary>
1634             The Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Source role.
1635             </summary>
1636         </member>
1637         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.Headset">
1638             <summary>
1639             The Headset profile.
1640             </summary>
1641         </member>
1642         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.HumanInterfaceDevice">
1643             <summary>
1644             The Human Interface Device profile.
1645             </summary>
1646         </member>
1647         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.NetworkAccessPoint">
1648             <summary>
1649             The Network Access Point profile.
1650             </summary>
1651         </member>
1652         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.AudioGateway">
1653             <summary>
1654             The Audio Gateway profile.
1655             </summary>
1656         </member>
1657         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.GenericAttribute">
1658             <summary>
1659             The Generic Attribute profile.
1660             </summary>
1661         </member>
1662         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.NapServer">
1663             <summary>
1664             The NAP Server profile.
1665             </summary>
1666         </member>
1667         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfileType.AdvancedAudioDistributionSink">
1668             <summary>
1669             The advanced Audio Distribution profile sink role.
1670             </summary>
1671         </member>
1672         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAuthorizationType">
1673             <summary>
1674             Enumeration for the Bluetooth authorization types.
1675             </summary>
1676         </member>
1677         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAuthorizationType.Authorized">
1678             <summary>
1679             The authorized type.
1680             </summary>
1681         </member>
1682         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothAuthorizationType.Unauthorized">
1683             <summary>
1684             The unauthorized type.
1685             </summary>
1686         </member>
1687         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionLinkType">
1688             <summary>
1689             Enumeration for the Bluetooth connection link types.
1690             </summary>
1691         </member>
1692         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionLinkType.BrEdr">
1693             <summary>
1694             The BR/EDR link.
1695             </summary>
1696         </member>
1697         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionLinkType.Le">
1698             <summary>
1699             The LE link.
1700             </summary>
1701         </member>
1702         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionLinkType.Default">
1703             <summary>
1704             The default connection type.
1705             </summary>
1706         </member>
1707         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDisconnectReason">
1708             <summary>
1709             Enumeration for the Bluetooth disconnect reason.
1710             </summary>
1711         </member>
1712         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDisconnectReason.Unknown">
1713             <summary>
1714             The disconnected by unknown reason.
1715             </summary>
1716         </member>
1717         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDisconnectReason.Timeout">
1718             <summary>
1719             The disconnected by timeout.
1720             </summary>
1721         </member>
1722         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDisconnectReason.LocalHost">
1723             <summary>
1724             The disconnected by local host.
1725             </summary>
1726         </member>
1727         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDisconnectReason.Remote">
1728             <summary>
1729             The disconnected by remote.
1730             </summary>
1731         </member>
1732         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocketRole">
1733             <summary>
1734             Enumeration for the connected Bluetooth device event roles.
1735             </summary>
1736         </member>
1737         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocketRole.Unknown">
1738             <summary>
1739             Unknown role.
1740             </summary>
1741         </member>
1742         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocketRole.Server">
1743             <summary>
1744             The server role.
1745             </summary>
1746         </member>
1747         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocketRole.Client">
1748             <summary>
1749             The client role.
1750             </summary>
1751         </member>
1752         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocketState">
1753             <summary>
1754             Enumeration for the Bluetooth socket connection states.
1755             </summary>
1756         </member>
1757         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocketState.Connected">
1758             <summary>
1759             The RFCOMM is connected.
1760             </summary>
1761         </member>
1762         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocketState.Disconnected">
1763             <summary>
1764             The RFCOMM is disconnected.
1765             </summary>
1766         </member>
1767         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.EqualizerState">
1768             <summary>
1769             Enumeration for the equalizer states.
1770             </summary>
1771         </member>
1772         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.EqualizerState.Off">
1773             <summary>
1774             Equalizer Off.
1775             </summary>
1776         </member>
1777         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.EqualizerState.On">
1778             <summary>
1779             Equalizer On.
1780             </summary>
1781         </member>
1782         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatMode">
1783             <summary>
1784             Enumeration for the repeat modes.
1785             </summary>
1786         </member>
1787         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatMode.Off">
1788             <summary>
1789             Repeat off.
1790             </summary>
1791         </member>
1792         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatMode.SingleTrack">
1793             <summary>
1794             Single track repeat.
1795             </summary>
1796         </member>
1797         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatMode.AllTrack">
1798             <summary>
1799             All track repeat.
1800             </summary>
1801         </member>
1802         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatMode.Group">
1803             <summary>
1804             Group repeat.
1805             </summary>
1806         </member>
1807         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ShuffleMode">
1808             <summary>
1809             Enumeration for the shuffle modes.
1810             </summary>
1811         </member>
1812         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ShuffleMode.Off">
1813             <summary>
1814             Shuffle off.
1815             </summary>
1816         </member>
1817         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ShuffleMode.AllTrack">
1818             <summary>
1819             All tracks shuffle.
1820             </summary>
1821         </member>
1822         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ShuffleMode.Group">
1823             <summary>
1824             Group shuffle.
1825             </summary>
1826         </member>
1827         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ScanMode">
1828             <summary>
1829             Enumeration for the scan modes.
1830             </summary>
1831         </member>
1832         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ScanMode.Off">
1833             <summary>
1834             Scan off.
1835             </summary>
1836         </member>
1837         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ScanMode.AllTrack">
1838             <summary>
1839             All tracks scan.
1840             </summary>
1841         </member>
1842         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ScanMode.Group">
1843             <summary>
1844             Group scan.
1845             </summary>
1846         </member>
1847         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PlayerState">
1848             <summary>
1849             Enumeration for the player states.
1850             </summary>
1851         </member>
1852         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PlayerState.Stopped">
1853             <summary>
1854             The stopped state.
1855             </summary>
1856         </member>
1857         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PlayerState.Playing">
1858             <summary>
1859             The playing state.
1860             </summary>
1861         </member>
1862         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PlayerState.Paused">
1863             <summary>
1864             The paused state.
1865             </summary>
1866         </member>
1867         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PlayerState.SeekForward">
1868             <summary>
1869             The seek forward state.
1870             </summary>
1871         </member>
1872         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PlayerState.SeekRewind">
1873             <summary>
1874             The seek rewind state.
1875             </summary>
1876         </member>
1877         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDeviceAddressType">
1878             <summary>
1879             Enumeration for the Bluetooth LE device address types.
1880             </summary>
1881         </member>
1882         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDeviceAddressType.BluetoothLePublicAddress">
1883             <summary>
1884             The Buetooth LE public address.
1885             </summary>
1886         </member>
1887         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDeviceAddressType.BluetoothLePrivateAddress">
1888             <summary>
1889             The Bluetooth LE private address.
1890             </summary>
1891         </member>
1892         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType">
1893             <summary>
1894             Enumeration for the Bluetooth LePacket types.
1895             </summary>
1896         </member>
1897         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType.BluetoothLeAdvertisingPacket">
1898             <summary>
1899             The Bluetooth LE advertising packet.
1900             </summary>
1901         </member>
1902         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType.BluetoothLeScanResponsePacket">
1903             <summary>
1904             The Bluetooth LE scan response packet.
1905             </summary>
1906         </member>
1907         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDataType">
1908             <summary>
1909             Enumeration for the Bluetooth LE data types.
1910             </summary>
1911         </member>
1912         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDataType.BluetoothLePacketDataList16BitServiceUuid">
1913             <summary>
1914             The Bluetooth LE packet data list 16 bit service uuid.
1915             </summary>
1916         </member>
1917         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDataType.BluetoothLePacketManufacturerData">
1918             <summary>
1919             The Bluetooth LE packet manufacturer data.
1920             </summary>
1921         </member>
1922         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertisingMode">
1923             <summary>
1924             Enumeration for the Bluetooth LE advertising mode types.
1925             </summary>
1926         </member>
1927         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertisingMode.BluetoothLeAdvertisingBalancedMode">
1928             <summary>
1929             The Bluetooth LE advertising balanced mode.
1930             </summary>
1931         </member>
1932         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertisingMode.BluetoothLeAdvertisingLowLatencyMode">
1933             <summary>
1934             The Bluetooth LE advertising low latency mode.
1935             </summary>
1936         </member>
1937         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertisingMode.BluetoothLeAdvertisingLowEnergyMode">
1938             <summary>
1939             The Bluetooth LE advertising low energy mode.
1940             </summary>
1941         </member>
1942         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertisingState">
1943             <summary>
1944             Enumeration for the Bluetooth LE advertising mode type.
1945             </summary>
1946         </member>
1947         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertisingState.BluetoothLeAdvertisingStopped">
1948             <summary>
1949             The Bluetooth LE advertising stopped.
1950             </summary>
1951         </member>
1952         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertisingState.BluetoothLeAdvertisingStarted">
1953             <summary>
1954             The Bluetooth LE advertising started.
1955             </summary>
1956         </member>
1957         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType">
1958             <summary>
1959             Enumeration for the integer type for GATT handle's values.
1960             </summary>
1961         </member>
1962         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType.SignedInt8">
1963             <summary>
1964             The 8-bit signed integer type.
1965             </summary>
1966         </member>
1967         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType.SignedInt16">
1968             <summary>
1969             The 16-bit signed integer type.
1970             </summary>
1971         </member>
1972         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType.SignedInt32">
1973             <summary>
1974             The 32-bit signed integer type.
1975             </summary>
1976         </member>
1977         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType.UnsignedInt8">
1978             <summary>
1979             The 8-bit unsigned integer type.
1980             </summary>
1981         </member>
1982         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType.UnsignedInt16">
1983             <summary>
1984             The 16-bit unsigned integer type.
1985             </summary>
1986         </member>
1987         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType.UnsignedInt32">
1988             <summary>
1989             The 32-bit unsigned integer type.
1990             </summary>
1991         </member>
1992         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.FloatDataType">
1993             <summary>
1994             Enumerations of the float type for GATT handle's values.
1995             </summary>
1996         </member>
1997         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.FloatDataType.Float">
1998             <summary>
1999             The 32-bit float type.
2000             </summary>
2001         </member>
2002         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.FloatDataType.SFloat">
2003             <summary>
2004             The 16-bit float type.
2005             </summary>
2006         </member>
2007         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattHandleType">
2008             <summary>
2009             Enumeration for the GATT handle's types.
2010             </summary>
2011         </member>
2012         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattHandleType.Service">
2013             <summary>
2014             The GATT service type.
2015             </summary>
2016         </member>
2017         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattHandleType.Characteristic">
2018             <summary>
2019             The GATT characteristic type.
2020             </summary>
2021         </member>
2022         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattHandleType.Descriptor">
2023             <summary>
2024             The GATT descriptor type.
2025             </summary>
2026         </member>
2027         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServiceType">
2028             <summary>
2029             Enumeration for the service types.
2030             </summary>
2031         </member>
2032         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServiceType.Primary">
2033             <summary>
2034             The GATT primary service type.
2035             </summary>
2036         </member>
2037         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServiceType.Secondary">
2038             <summary>
2039             The GATT secondary service type.
2040             </summary>
2041         </member>
2042         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty">
2043             <summary>
2044             Enumeration for the characteristic's property.
2045             </summary>
2046         </member>
2047         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.Broadcast">
2048             <summary>
2049             The broadcast property.
2050             </summary>
2051         </member>
2052         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.Read">
2053             <summary>
2054             The read property.
2055             </summary>
2056         </member>
2057         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.WriteWithoutResponse">
2058             <summary>
2059             The write without response property.
2060             </summary>
2061         </member>
2062         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.Write">
2063             <summary>
2064             The write property.
2065             </summary>
2066         </member>
2067         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.Notify">
2068             <summary>
2069             The notify property.
2070             </summary>
2071         </member>
2072         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.Indicate">
2073             <summary>
2074             The indicate property.
2075             </summary>
2076         </member>
2077         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.AuthenticatedSignedWrites">
2078             <summary>
2079             The authenticated signed writes property.
2080             </summary>
2081         </member>
2082         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty.ExtendedProperties">
2083             <summary>
2084             The extended properties.
2085             </summary>
2086         </member>
2087         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattPermission">
2088             <summary>
2089             Enumeration for the Bluetooth GATT permission types.
2090             </summary>
2091         </member>
2092         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattPermission.Read">
2093             <summary>
2094             Read permission.
2095             </summary>
2096         </member>
2097         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattPermission.Write">
2098             <summary>
2099             Write permission.
2100             </summary>
2101         </member>
2102         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattWriteType">
2103             <summary>
2104             Enumeration for the write types.
2105             </summary>
2106         </member>
2107         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattWriteType.NoResponse">
2108             <summary>
2109             The write without response.
2110             </summary>
2111         </member>
2112         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattWriteType.WriteWithResponse">
2113             <summary>
2114             The write with response.
2115             </summary>
2116         </member>
2117         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattRequestType">
2118             <summary>
2119             Enumeration for the remote device request types for attributes.
2120             </summary>
2121         </member>
2122         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattRequestType.Read">
2123             <summary>
2124             Read requested.
2125             </summary>
2126         </member>
2127         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattRequestType.Write">
2128             <summary>
2129             Write requested.
2130             </summary>
2131         </member>
2132         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothErrorFactory">
2133             <summary>
2134             A class which is used to Throw the Bluetooth Error exceptions.
2135             </summary>
2136         </member>
2137         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothErrorFactory.ThrowBluetoothException(System.Int32)">
2138             <summary>
2139             Exceptions for Bluetooth Errors.
2140             </summary>
2141             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth Error happens.</exception>
2142         </member>
2143         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.StateChangedEventArgs">
2144             <summary>
2145             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed Bluetooth state.
2146             </summary>
2147         </member>
2148         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.StateChangedEventArgs.BTState">
2149             <summary>
2150             The state of Bluetooth.
2151             </summary>
2152         </member>
2153         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.StateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2154             <summary>
2155             The BluetoothError result.
2156             </summary>
2157         </member>
2158         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NameChangedEventArgs">
2159             <summary>
2160             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed Bluetooth name.
2161             </summary>
2162         </member>
2163         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NameChangedEventArgs.DeviceName">
2164             <summary>
2165             The name of the device.
2166             </summary>
2167         </member>
2168         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityModeChangedEventArgs">
2169             <summary>
2170             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed Bluetooth visibility mode.
2171             </summary>
2172         </member>
2173         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityModeChangedEventArgs.Visibility">
2174             <summary>
2175             The visibility mode.
2176             </summary>
2177         </member>
2178         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityModeChangedEventArgs.Result">
2179             <summary>
2180             The BluetoothError result.
2181             </summary>
2182         </member>
2183         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityDurationChangedEventArgs">
2184             <summary>
2185             An extended EventArgs class contains the duration until the visibility mode is changed from TimeLimitedDiscoverable to NonDiscoverable.
2186             </summary>
2187         </member>
2188         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.VisibilityDurationChangedEventArgs.Duration">
2189             <summary>
2190             The duration.
2191             </summary>
2192         </member>
2193         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.DiscoveryStateChangedEventArgs">
2194             <summary>
2195             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed Bluetooth device discovery state and the discovered device information.
2196             </summary>
2197         </member>
2198         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.DiscoveryStateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2199             <summary>
2200             The BluetoothError result.
2201             </summary>
2202         </member>
2203         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.DiscoveryStateChangedEventArgs.DiscoveryState">
2204             <summary>
2205             The state of the discovery.
2206             </summary>
2207         </member>
2208         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.DiscoveryStateChangedEventArgs.DeviceFound">
2209             <summary>
2210             The remote device found.
2211             </summary>
2212         </member>
2213         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BondCreatedEventArgs">
2214             <summary>
2215             An extended EventArgs class contains the bonded device information.
2216             </summary>
2217         </member>
2218         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BondCreatedEventArgs.Result">
2219             <summary>
2220             The BluetoothError result.
2221             </summary>
2222         </member>
2223         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BondCreatedEventArgs.Device">
2224             <summary>
2225             The remote device.
2226             </summary>
2227         </member>
2228         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BondDestroyedEventArgs">
2229             <summary>
2230             An extended EventArgs class contains the address of the remote Bluetooth device to destroy bond with.
2231             </summary>
2232         </member>
2233         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BondDestroyedEventArgs.Result">
2234             <summary>
2235             The BluetoothError result.
2236             </summary>
2237         </member>
2238         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BondDestroyedEventArgs.DeviceAddress">
2239             <summary>
2240             The remote device address.
2241             </summary>
2242             <value>The device address.</value>
2243         </member>
2244         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AuthorizationChangedEventArgs">
2245             <summary>
2246             An extended EventArgs class contains the authorization state and the address of the remote Bluetooth device.
2247             </summary>
2248         </member>
2249         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AuthorizationChangedEventArgs.Authorization">
2250             <summary>
2251             The authorization.
2252             </summary>
2253         </member>
2254         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AuthorizationChangedEventArgs.DeviceAddress">
2255             <summary>
2256             The device address.
2257             </summary>
2258         </member>
2259         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ServiceSearchedEventArgs">
2260             <summary>
2261             An extended EventArgs class contains the service lists found on the remote Bluetooth device.
2262             </summary>
2263         </member>
2264         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ServiceSearchedEventArgs.Result">
2265             <summary>
2266             The BluetoothError result.
2267             </summary>
2268         </member>
2269         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ServiceSearchedEventArgs.SdpData">
2270             <summary>
2271             The sdp data.
2272             </summary>
2273         </member>
2274         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.DeviceConnectionStateChangedEventArgs">
2275             <summary>
2276             An extended EventArgs class contains the connection state and the connection information of the remote device.
2277             </summary>
2278         </member>
2279         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.DeviceConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.IsConnected">
2280             <summary>
2281             A value indicating whether the device is connected.
2282             </summary>
2283         </member>
2284         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.DeviceConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.ConnectionData">
2285             <summary>
2286             The device connection data.
2287             </summary>
2288         </member>
2289         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketDataReceivedEventArgs">
2290             <summary>
2291             An extended EventArgs class contains the data received information.
2292             </summary>
2293         </member>
2294         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketDataReceivedEventArgs.Data">
2295             <summary>
2296             The socket data.
2297             </summary>
2298         </member>
2299         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnectionStateChangedEventArgs">
2300             <summary>
2301             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed connection state.
2302             </summary>
2303         </member>
2304         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2305             <summary>
2306             The BluetoothError result.
2307             </summary>
2308         </member>
2309         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.State">
2310             <summary>
2311             The socket state.
2312             </summary>
2313         </member>
2314         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.SocketConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Connection">
2315             <summary>
2316             The socket connection.
2317             </summary>
2318         </member>
2319         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AcceptStateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2320             <summary>
2321             The BluetoothError result.
2322             </summary>
2323         </member>
2324         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AcceptStateChangedEventArgs.State">
2325             <summary>
2326             The socket state.
2327             </summary>
2328         </member>
2329         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AcceptStateChangedEventArgs.Connection">
2330             <summary>
2331             The socket connection.
2332             </summary>
2333         </member>
2334         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AcceptStateChangedEventArgs.Server">
2335             <summary>
2336             The server socket instance.
2337             </summary>
2338         </member>
2339         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AudioConnectionStateChangedEventArgs">
2340             <summary>
2341             An extended EventArgs class contains the connection state, remote address, and the type of audio profile.
2342             </summary>
2343         </member>
2344         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AudioConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2345             <summary>
2346             The result.
2347             </summary>
2348         </member>
2349         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AudioConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.IsConnected">
2350             <summary>
2351             A value indicating whether this instance is connected.
2352             </summary>
2353         </member>
2354         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AudioConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Address">
2355             <summary>
2356             The address.
2357             </summary>
2358         </member>
2359         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AudioConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.ProfileType">
2360             <summary>
2361             The type of the audio profile.
2362             </summary>
2363         </member>
2364         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.HidConnectionStateChangedEventArgs">
2365             <summary>
2366             An extended EventArgs class contains the connection state and the address of the remote Bluetooth device.
2367             </summary>
2368         </member>
2369         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.HidConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2370             <summary>
2371             The result.
2372             </summary>
2373         </member>
2374         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.HidConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.IsConnected">
2375             <summary>
2376             A value indicating whether this instance is connected.
2377             </summary>
2378         </member>
2379         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.HidConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Address">
2380             <summary>
2381             The address.
2382             </summary>
2383         </member>
2384         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.EqualizerStateChangedEventArgs">
2385             <summary>
2386             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed equalizer state.
2387             </summary>
2388         </member>
2389         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.EqualizerStateChangedEventArgs.State">
2390             <summary>
2391             The state of the equalizer.
2392             </summary>
2393         </member>
2394         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatModeChangedEventArgs">
2395             <summary>
2396             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed repeat mode.
2397             </summary>
2398         </member>
2399         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.RepeatModeChangedEventArgs.Mode">
2400             <summary>
2401             The repeat mode.
2402             </summary>
2403         </member>
2404         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ShuffleModeChangedeventArgs">
2405             <summary>
2406             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed shuffle mode.
2407             </summary>
2408         </member>
2409         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ShuffleModeChangedeventArgs.Mode">
2410             <summary>
2411             The shuffle mode.
2412             </summary>
2413         </member>
2414         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ScanModeChangedEventArgs">
2415             <summary>
2416             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed scan mode.
2417             </summary>
2418         </member>
2419         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ScanModeChangedEventArgs.Mode">
2420             <summary>
2421             The scan mode.
2422             </summary>
2423         </member>
2424         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TargetConnectionStateChangedEventArgs">
2425             <summary>
2426             An extended EventArgs class contains the connection state and the remote device address.
2427             </summary>
2428         </member>
2429         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TargetConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.IsConnected">
2430             <summary>
2431             A value indicating whether this instance is connected.
2432             </summary>
2433         </member>
2434         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TargetConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Address">
2435             <summary>
2436             The address.
2437             </summary>
2438         </member>
2439         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AdvertisingStateChangedEventArgs">
2440             <summary>
2441             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed Bluetooth LE advertising state changed information.
2442             </summary>
2443         </member>
2444         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AdvertisingStateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2445             <summary>
2446             The result.
2447             </summary>
2448         </member>
2449         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AdvertisingStateChangedEventArgs.AdvertiserHandle">
2450             <summary>
2451             The advertiser handle.
2452             </summary>
2453         </member>
2454         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AdvertisingStateChangedEventArgs.State">
2455             <summary>
2456             The LE advertising state.
2457             </summary>
2458         </member>
2459         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AdapterLeScanResultChangedEventArgs">
2460             <summary>
2461             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed Bluetooth LE scan result information.
2462             </summary>
2463         </member>
2464         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AdapterLeScanResultChangedEventArgs.Result">
2465             <summary>
2466             The result.
2467             </summary>
2468         </member>
2469         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.AdapterLeScanResultChangedEventArgs.DeviceData">
2470             <summary>
2471             The LE device data.
2472             </summary>
2473         </member>
2474         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattConnectionStateChangedEventArgs">
2475             <summary>
2476             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed Bluetooth LE GATT connection state.
2477             </summary>
2478         </member>
2479         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.Result">
2480             <summary>
2481             The result.
2482             </summary>
2483         </member>
2484         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.IsConnected">
2485             <summary>
2486             A value indicating whether this instance is connected.
2487             </summary>
2488         </member>
2489         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.GattConnectionStateChangedEventArgs.RemoteAddress">
2490             <summary>
2491             The remote address.
2492             </summary>
2493         </member>
2494         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ValueChangedEventArgs">
2495             <summary>
2496             An extended EventArgs class contains the changed attribute value.
2497             </summary>
2498         </member>
2499         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ValueChangedEventArgs.Value">
2500             <summary>
2501             The attribute value.
2502             </summary>
2503         </member>
2504         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ReadRequestedEventArgs">
2505             <summary>
2506             An extended EventArgs class contains the read value request data.
2507             </summary>
2508         </member>
2509         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ReadRequestedEventArgs.Server">
2510             <summary>
2511             The GATT server instance.
2512             </summary>
2513         </member>
2514         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ReadRequestedEventArgs.ClientAddress">
2515             <summary>
2516             The client address.
2517             </summary>
2518         </member>
2519         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ReadRequestedEventArgs.RequestId">
2520             <summary>
2521             The request identifier.
2522             </summary>
2523         </member>
2524         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ReadRequestedEventArgs.Offset">
2525             <summary>
2526             The offset.
2527             </summary>
2528         </member>
2529         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.WriteRequestedEventArgs">
2530             <summary>
2531             An extended EventArgs class contains the read value request data.
2532             </summary>
2533         </member>
2534         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.WriteRequestedEventArgs.Server">
2535             <summary>
2536             The GATT server instance.
2537             </summary>
2538         </member>
2539         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.WriteRequestedEventArgs.ClientAddress">
2540             <summary>
2541             The client address.
2542             </summary>
2543         </member>
2544         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.WriteRequestedEventArgs.RequestId">
2545             <summary>
2546             The request identifier.
2547             </summary>
2548         </member>
2549         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.WriteRequestedEventArgs.Value">
2550             <summary>
2551             The read value.
2552             </summary>
2553         </member>
2554         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.WriteRequestedEventArgs.Offset">
2555             <summary>
2556             The offset.
2557             </summary>
2558         </member>
2559         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.WriteRequestedEventArgs.Response_needed">
2560             <summary>
2561             Indicates whether a response is required by the remote device.
2562             </summary>
2563         </member>
2564         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationStateChangedEventArg">
2565             <summary>
2566             An extended EventArgs class contains the client preference to enable or disable the Notification/Indication.
2567             </summary>
2568         </member>
2569         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationStateChangedEventArg.Server">
2570             <summary>
2571             The GATT server instance.
2572             </summary>
2573         </member>
2574         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationStateChangedEventArg.Value">
2575             <summary>
2576             A value indicating whether the notification is enabled.
2577             </summary>
2578         </member>
2579         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationSentEventArg">
2580             <summary>
2581             An extended EventArgs class contains the read value request data.
2582             </summary>
2583         </member>
2584         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationSentEventArg.Server">
2585             <summary>
2586             The GATT server instance.
2587             </summary>
2588         </member>
2589         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationSentEventArg.ClientAddress">
2590             <summary>
2591             The client address.
2592             </summary>
2593         </member>
2594         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationSentEventArg.Result">
2595             <summary>
2596             The result.
2597             </summary>
2598         </member>
2599         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.NotificationSentEventArg.Completed">
2600             <summary>
2601             Gets a value indicating whether the notification sent is completed.
2602             </summary>
2603         </member>
2604         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ConnectionRequestedEventArgs">
2605             <summary>
2606             An extended EventArgs class which contains the connection state and address of the remote Bluetooth device.
2607             </summary>
2608         </member>
2609         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ConnectionRequestedEventArgs.Address">
2610             <summary>
2611             The address.
2612             </summary>
2613         </member>
2614         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferProgressEventArgs">
2615             <summary>
2616             An extended EventArgs class which contains the file transfer progress state, file transfer progress by percent.
2617             </summary>
2618         </member>
2619         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferProgressEventArgs.File">
2620             <summary>
2621             The File name.
2622             </summary>
2623         </member>
2624         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferProgressEventArgs.Size">
2625             <summary>
2626             The File size.
2627             </summary>
2628         </member>
2629         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferProgressEventArgs.Percent">
2630             <summary>
2631             The File transfer percent.
2632             </summary>
2633         </member>
2634         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferFinishedEventArgs">
2635             <summary>
2636             An extended EventArgs class which contains the file transfer finished state and file state.
2637             </summary>
2638         </member>
2639         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferFinishedEventArgs.File">
2640             <summary>
2641             The File name.
2642             </summary>
2643         </member>
2644         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferFinishedEventArgs.Size">
2645             <summary>
2646             The File size.
2647             </summary>
2648         </member>
2649         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.TransferFinishedEventArgs.Result">
2650             <summary>
2651             The return value.
2652             </summary>
2653         </member>
2654         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushRespondedEventArgs">
2655             <Summary>
2656             An extended EventArgs class which contains the Push Request respond state
2657             </Summary>
2658         </member>
2659         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushRespondedEventArgs.Result">
2660             <summary>
2661             The return value.
2662             </summary>
2663         </member>
2664         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushRespondedEventArgs.Address">
2665             <summary>
2666             The address.
2667             </summary>
2668         </member>
2669         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushProgressEventArgs">
2670             <summary>
2671             An extended EventArgs class which contains the file push progress state, push progress by percent.
2672             </summary>
2673         </member>
2674         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushProgressEventArgs.File">
2675             <summary>
2676             The File name.
2677             </summary>
2678         </member>
2679         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushProgressEventArgs.Size">
2680             <summary>
2681             The File size.
2682             </summary>
2683         </member>
2684         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushProgressEventArgs.Percent">
2685             <summary>
2686             The File transfer percent.
2687             </summary>
2688         </member>
2689         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushFinishedEventArgs">
2690             <Summary>
2691             An extended EventArgs class which contains the Push Request respond state
2692             </Summary>
2693         </member>
2694         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushFinishedEventArgs.Result">
2695             <summary>
2696             The return value.
2697             </summary>
2698         </member>
2699         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.PushFinishedEventArgs.Address">
2700             <summary>
2701             The address.
2702             </summary>
2703         </member>
2704         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer">
2705             <summary>
2706             The Bluetooth GATT server.
2707             </summary>
2708         </member>
2709         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.NotificationSent">
2710             <summary>
2711             (event) This event is called when the indication acknowledgement is received for each notified client.
2712             </summary>
2713         </member>
2714         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.CreateServer">
2715             <summary>
2716             Creates the Bluetooth GATT server.
2717             </summary>
2718             <returns></returns>
2719             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not supported.</exception>
2720             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the create GATT server fails.</exception>
2721         </member>
2722         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.Start">
2723             <summary>
2724             Registers the server along with the GATT services of the application it is hosting.
2725             </summary>
2726             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not supported.</exception>
2727             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the register server application fails.</exception>
2728         </member>
2729         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.RegisterGattService(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService)">
2730             <summary>
2731             Registers a specified service to this server.
2732             </summary>
2733             <param name="service">The service, which needs to be registered with this server.</param>
2734             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not supported.</exception>
2735             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the register service fails.</exception>
2736         </member>
2737         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.UnregisterGattService(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService)">
2738             <summary>
2739             Unregisters a specified service from this server.
2740             </summary>
2741             <param name="service">The service, which needs to be unregistered from this server.</param>
2742             <remarks>
2743             Once unregistered, the service object will become invalid and should not be used to access sevices or any children attribute's methods/members.
2744             </remarks>
2745             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not supported.</exception>
2746             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the unregister service fails.</exception>
2747         </member>
2748         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.UnregisterGattServices">
2749             <summary>
2750             Unregisters all services from this server.
2751             </summary>
2752             <remarks>
2753             Once unregistered, servicees will become invalid and should not be used to access sevices or any children attribute's methods/members.
2754             </remarks>
2755             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not supported.</exception>
2756             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the unregister all services fail.</exception>
2757         </member>
2758         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.GetService(System.String)">
2759             <summary>
2760             Gets service with given UUID that belongs to this server.
2761             </summary>
2762             <param name="uuid">The UUID for the service to get.</param>
2763             <returns>The Service with the given UUID if it exists, null otherwise.</returns>
2764         </member>
2765         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.GetServices">
2766             <summary>
2767             Gets the list of services that belongs to this server.
2768             </summary>
2769             <returns>The list of services that belongs to this server.</returns>
2770         </member>
2771         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.SendIndicationAsync(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic,System.String)">
2772             <summary>
2773             Sends indication for the value change of the characteristic to the remote devices.
2774             </summary>
2775             <param name="characteristic">The characteristic whose the value is changed.</param>
2776             <param name="clientAddress">The remote device address to send, notify, or indicate and if set to NULL, then notify/indicate all is enabled.</param>
2777             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2778             or when the remote device is disconnected, or when service is not registered, or when the CCCD is not enabled.</exception>
2779         </member>
2780         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.SendNotification(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic,System.String)">
2781             <summary>
2782             Sends the notification for the value change of the characteristic to the remote devices.
2783             </summary>
2784             <param name="characteristic">The characteristic, which has a changed value.</param>
2785             <param name="clientAddress">The remote device address to send, notify, or indicate and if set to NULL, then notify/indicate all is enabled.</param>
2786             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2787             or when the remote device is disconnected, or when service is not registered, or when the CCCD is not enabled.</exception>
2788         </member>
2789         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServer.SendResponse(System.Int32,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattRequestType,System.Int32,System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
2790             <summary>
2791             Sends a response to the remote device as a result of a read/write request.
2792             </summary>
2793             <param name="requestId">The identification of a read/write request.</param>
2794             <param name="type">The request type for read/write.</param>
2795             <param name="status">The error value in case of failure, 0 for success.</param>
2796             <param name="value">The value to be sent.</param>
2797             <param name="offset">The offset from where the value is read.</param>
2798             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2799             or when the remote device is disconnected, or the send response procedure fails.</exception>
2800         </member>
2801         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient">
2802             <summary>
2803             The Bluetooth GATT client.
2804             </summary>
2805         </member>
2806         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient.RemoteAddress">
2807             <summary>
2808             The address of the remote device.
2809             </summary>
2810             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2811             or when the remote device is disconnected.</exception>
2812         </member>
2813         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient.GetService(System.String)">
2814             <summary>
2815             Gets the service with the given UUID that belongs to the remote device.
2816             </summary>
2817             <param name="uuid">The UUID for the service to get.</param>
2818             <returns>The service with the given UUID if it exists, null otherwise.</returns>
2819             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2820             or when the remote device is disconnected, or when the get service fails.</exception>
2821         </member>
2822         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient.GetServices">
2823             <summary>
2824             Gets list of services that belongs to the remote device.
2825             </summary>
2826             <returns>The list of services that belongs to the remote device.</returns>
2827             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2828             or when the remote device is disconnected, or when the get service fails.</exception>
2829         </member>
2830         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient.ReadValueAsync(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic)">
2831             <summary>
2832             Reads the value of a given characteristic from the remote device asynchronously.
2833             </summary>
2834             <param name="characteristic">The characteristic to be read.</param>
2835             <returns>true on success, false otherwise.</returns>
2836             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2837             or when the remote device is disconnected, or when the read attribute value fails.</exception>
2838         </member>
2839         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient.ReadValueAsync(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor)">
2840             <summary>
2841             Reads the value of the given descriptor from the remote device asynchronously.
2842             </summary>
2843             <param name="descriptor">The descriptor to be read.</param>
2844             <returns>true on success, false otherwise.</returns>
2845             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2846             or when the remote device is disconnected, or when the read attribute value fails.</exception>
2847         </member>
2848         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient.WriteValueAsync(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic)">
2849             <summary>
2850             Writes the value of a given characteristic to the remote device asynchronously.
2851             </summary>
2852             <param name="characteristic">The characteristic to be written.</param>
2853             <returns>true on success, false otherwise.</returns>
2854             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2855             or when the remote device is disconnected or when the write attribute value fails.</exception>
2856         </member>
2857         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattClient.WriteValueAsync(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor)">
2858             <summary>
2859             Writes the value of the given descriptor to the remote device asynchronously.
2860             </summary>
2861             <param name="descriptor">The descriptor to be written.</param>
2862             <returns>true on success, false otherwise.</returns>
2863             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not enabled
2864             or when the remote device is disconnected, or when the write attribute value fails.</exception>
2865         </member>
2866         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService">
2867             <summary>
2868             The Bluetooth GATT service.
2869             </summary>
2870         </member>
2871         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.#ctor(System.String,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattServiceType)">
2872             <summary>
2873             The constructor.
2874             </summary>
2875             <param name="uuid">The UUID of the service.</param>
2876             <param name="type">The type of service.</param>
2877             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the create GATT service procedure fails.</exception>
2878         </member>
2879         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.Uuid">
2880             <summary>
2881             Specification name from the UUID.
2882             </summary>
2883         </member>
2884         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.AddCharacteristic(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic)">
2885             <summary>
2886             Adds a characteristic to this service.
2887             </summary>
2888             <param name="characteristic">The characteristic to be added.</param>
2889             <returns>true on success, false otherwise.</returns>
2890             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the add GATT characteristic procedure fails.</exception>
2891         </member>
2892         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.GetCharacteristic(System.String)">
2893             <summary>
2894             Gets the characteristic with the given UUID that belongs to this service.
2895             </summary>
2896             <param name="uuid">The UUID for the characteristic to get.</param>
2897             <returns>The characteristic with a given UUID if it exists, null otherwise.</returns>
2898         </member>
2899         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.GetCharacteristics">
2900             <summary>
2901             Gets list of the characteristic that belongs to this service.
2902             </summary>
2903             <returns>The list of the characteristic that belongs to this service.</returns>
2904         </member>
2905         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.AddService(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService)">
2906             <summary>
2907             Includes a service to this service.
2908             </summary>
2909             <param name="service">The service to be included.</param>
2910             <returns>true on success, false otherwise</returns>
2911             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the add GATT service procedure fails.</exception>/// 
2912         </member>
2913         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.GetIncludeService(System.String)">
2914             <summary>
2915             Gets the included service.
2916             </summary>
2917             <param name="uuid">The UUID for the service to get.</param>
2918             <returns>The service with a given UUID if it exists, null otherwise.</returns>
2919         </member>
2920         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.GetIncludeServices">
2921             <summary>
2922             Gets the included service list of this service.
2923             </summary>
2924             <returns>The included service list of this service.</returns>
2925         </member>
2926         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.GetGattServer">
2927             <summary>
2928             Gets the server instance which the specified service belongs to.
2929             </summary>
2930             <returns>The server instance which the specified service belongs to.</returns>
2931         </member>
2932         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattService.GetGattClient">
2933             <summary>
2934             Gets the client instance which the specified service belongs to.
2935             </summary>
2936             <returns>The client instance which the specified service belongs to.</returns>
2937         </member>
2938         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic">
2939             <summary>
2940             The Bluetooth GATT characteristic.
2941             </summary>
2942         </member>
2943         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.#ctor(System.String,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattPermission,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattProperty,System.Byte[])" -->
2944         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.ValueChanged">
2945             <summary>
2946             The CharacteristicValueChanged event is raised when the server notifies for change in this characteristic value.
2947             </summary>
2948             <remarks>
2949             Adding the event handle on characteristic on the server side will not have any effect.
2950             </remarks>
2951         </member>
2952         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.NotificationStateChanged">
2953             <summary>
2954             The NotificationStateChanged event is called when the client enables or disables the Notification/Indication for particular characteristics.
2955             </summary>
2956             <remarks>
2957             Adding event handle on the characteristic on the client side will not have any effect.
2958             </remarks>
2959         </member>
2960         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.Properties">
2961             <summary>
2962             The property for this characteristic.
2963             </summary>
2964         </member>
2965         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.WriteType">
2966             <summary>
2967             The write type to be used for write operations.
2968             </summary>
2969         </member>
2970         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.AddDescriptor(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor)">
2971             <summary>
2972             Adds a descriptor to this characteristic.
2973             </summary>
2974             <param name="descriptor">The descriptor to be added.</param>
2975             <returns>true on success, false otherwise.</returns>
2976             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the add GATT descriptor procedure fails.</exception>
2977         </member>
2978         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.GetDescriptor(System.String)">
2979             <summary>
2980             Gets the descriptor with the given UUID that belongs to this characteristic.
2981             </summary>
2982             <param name="uuid">The UUID for the descriptor to get.</param>
2983             <returns>The descriptor with a given UUID if it exists, null otherwise.</returns>
2984         </member>
2985         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.GetDescriptors">
2986             <summary>
2987             Gets the list of descriptors that belongs to this characteristic.
2988             </summary>
2989             <returns>The list of descriptors that belongs to this characteristic.</returns>
2990         </member>
2991         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic.GetService">
2992             <summary>
2993             Gets the service instance, which the specified characterstic belongs to.
2994             </summary>
2995             <returns>The characteristic instance, the specified characterstic belongs to.</returns>
2996         </member>
2997         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor">
2998             <summary>
2999             The Bluetooth GATT descriptor.
3000             </summary>
3001         </member>
3002         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor.#ctor(System.String,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattPermission,System.Byte[])">
3003             <summary>
3004             The constructor.
3005             </summary>
3006             <param name="uuid">The UUID of the descriptor.</param>
3007             <param name="permisions">Permissions for the descriptor.</param>
3008             <param name="value">The value associated with the descriptor.</param>
3009             <remarks>throws in case of internal error.</remarks>
3010             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the create GATT descriptor procedure fails.</exception>
3011         </member>
3012         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor.GetCharacteristic">
3013             <summary>
3014             Gets the characteristic instance, which the specified descriptor belongs to.
3015             </summary>
3016             <returns>The characteristic instance, the specified descriptor belongs to.</returns>
3017         </member>
3018         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute">
3019             <summary>
3020             The Bluetooth GATT attribute.
3021             </summary>
3022         </member>
3023         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.ReadRequested">
3024             <summary>
3025             This event is called when the client request to read the value of a characteristic or a descriptor.
3026             </summary>
3027             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the set read value requested callback procedure fails.</exception>
3028         </member>
3029         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.WriteRequested">
3030             <summary>
3031             This event is called when a value of a characteristic or a descriptor has been changed by a client.
3032             </summary>
3033             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the set write value requested callback procedure fails.</exception>
3034         </member>
3035         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.Uuid">
3036             <summary>
3037             The attribute's UUID.
3038             </summary>
3039         </member>
3040         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.Permissions">
3041             <summary>
3042             Permissions for this attribute.
3043             </summary>
3044         </member>
3045         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.Value">
3046             <summary>
3047             The value of this descriptor.
3048             </summary>
3049         </member>
3050         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.GetValue(System.Int32)">
3051             <summary>
3052             Returns a string value at the specified offset.
3053             </summary>
3054             <param name="offset"></param>
3055             <returns>The string value at specified offset.</returns>
3056         </member>
3057         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.SetValue(System.String)">
3058             <summary>
3059             Sets the string value as a specified offset.
3060             </summary>
3061             <param name="value">value to set</param>
3062             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Throws exception if the value is null.</exception>
3063         </member>
3064         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.GetValue(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType,System.Int32)">
3065             <summary>
3066             Returns a value at specified offset as the int value of the specified type.
3067             </summary>
3068             <param name="type">The type of the int value.</param>
3069             <param name="An offsetoffset">An offset in the attribute value buffer.</param>
3070             <returns>The int value at given offset.</returns>
3071             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Throws exception if (offset + size of int value) is greater than the length of the value buffer.</exception>
3072         </member>
3073         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.SetValue(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IntDataType,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3074             <summary>
3075             Updates a value at the specified offset by the int value of the specified type.
3076             </summary>
3077             <param name="type">The type of the int value.</param>
3078             <param name="value">The value to set.</param>
3079             <param name="offset">An offset in the attribute value buffer.</param>
3080             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Throws exception if (offset + size of int value) is greater than the length of the value buffer.</exception>
3081         </member>
3082         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.GetValue(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.FloatDataType,System.Int32)">
3083             <summary>
3084             Returns a value at the specified offset as the float value of the specified type.
3085             </summary>
3086             <param name="type">The type of the float value.</param>
3087             <param name="offset">An offset in the attribute value buffer.</param>
3088             <returns>The float value at given offset.</returns>
3089             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Throws exception if (offset + size of float value) is greater than the length of the value buffer.</exception>
3090         </member>
3091         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothGattAttribute.SetValue(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.FloatDataType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3092             <summary>
3093             Updates the value at the specified offset by the float value of the specified type.
3094             </summary>
3095             <param name="type">The type of the float value.</param>
3096             <param name="mantissa">The mantissa of the float value.</param>
3097             <param name="exponent">An exponent of the float value.</param>
3098             <param name="offset">An offset in the attribute value buffer.</param>
3099             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Throws exception if (offset + size of float value) is greater than the length of the value buffer.</exception>
3100         </member>
3101         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothHid">
3102             <summary>
3103             A class which is used to handle the connection to Bluetooth HID like keyboards and mouse.
3104             </summary>
3105             <privilege> </privilege>
3106         </member>
3107         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothHid.HidConnectionStateChanged">
3108             <summary>
3109             The HidConnectionStateChanged event is called when the HID host connection state is changed.
3110             </summary>
3111         </member>
3112         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothHid.Connect">
3113             <summary>
3114             Connects the remote device with the HID service.
3115             </summary>
3116             <remarks>
3117             The device must be bonded with the remote device by CreateBond().
3118             If connection request succeeds, the HidConnectionStateChanged event will be invoked.
3119             </remarks>
3120             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3121             or when the connection attempt to the remote device fails.</exception>
3122         </member>
3123         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothHid.Disconnect">
3124             <summary>
3125             Disconnects the remote device with the HID service.
3126             </summary>
3127             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3128             or when the disconnection attempt to the remote device fails.</exception>
3129         </member>
3130         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiser">
3131             <summary>
3132             This is the BluetoothLeAdvertiser class. It handles the LE advertising operation amd callback.
3133             </summary>
3134         </member>
3135         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiser.AdvertisingStateChanged">
3136             <summary>
3137             This event is called when the LE advertising state changes.
3138             </summary>
3139         </member>
3140         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiser.StartAdvertising(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData)">
3141             <summary>
3142             Starts advertising using the advertise data object.
3143             </summary>
3144             <remarks>
3145             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3146             </remarks>
3147             <param name="advertiseData">The advertiser object carrying information of the advertising.</param>
3148             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3149             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3150         </member>
3151         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiser.StopAdvertising(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData)">
3152             <summary>
3153             Stops the advertising.
3154             </summary>
3155             <remarks>
3156             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3157             </remarks>
3158             <param name="advertiseData">The advertiser object carrying information of the advertising.</param>
3159             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3160             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3161         </member>
3162         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice">
3163             <summary>
3164             This is the BluetoothLeDevice class.
3165             It handles the LE device operations like getting data from the scan result information.
3166             </summary>
3167         </member>
3168         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.GattConnectionStateChanged">
3169             <summary>
3170             This event is called when the GATT client connects/disconnects with the server.
3171             </summary>
3172         </member>
3173         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.RemoteAddress">
3174             <summary>
3175             The remote address.
3176             </summary>
3177         </member>
3178         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.AddressType">
3179             <summary>
3180             The type of the address.
3181             </summary>
3182         </member>
3183         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.Rssi">
3184             <summary>
3185             The rssi value.
3186             </summary>
3187         </member>
3188         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.AdvertsingDataInformation">
3189             <summary>
3190             The advertsing data information.
3191             </summary>
3192         </member>
3193         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.ScanDataInformation">
3194             <summary>
3195             The scan data information.
3196             </summary>
3197         </member>
3198         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.PacketType">
3199             <summary>
3200             The type of the packet.
3201             </summary>
3202         </member>
3203         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.ServiceUuid">
3204             <summary>
3205             Gets the service UUIDs list from the LE scan result information.
3206             </summary>
3207             <value> Gets the list of the string service UUIDs.</value>
3208             <remarks>
3209             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3210             </remarks>
3211             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3212             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3213         </member>
3214         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.DeviceName">
3215             <summary>
3216             Gets the device name from the LE scan result information.
3217             </summary>
3218             <value> Gets the device name.</value>
3219             <remarks>
3220             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3221             </remarks>
3222             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3223             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3224         </member>
3225         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.TxPowerLevel">
3226             <summary>
3227             Gets the transmission power level from the LE scan result information.
3228             </summary>
3229             <value> Gets the transmission power level in dB.</value>
3230             <remarks>
3231             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3232             </remarks>
3233             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3234             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3235         </member>
3236         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.ServiceSolictationUuid">
3237             <summary>
3238             Gets the service solicitation UUID list from the scan result information.
3239             </summary>
3240             <value> Gets the list of the service solicitation UUIDs.</value>
3241             <remarks>
3242             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3243             </remarks>
3244             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3245             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3246         </member>
3247         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.Appearance">
3248             <summary>
3249             Gets the manufacturer data from the scan result information.
3250             </summary>
3251             <value> Gets the appearance value.</value>
3252             <remarks>
3253             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3254             </remarks>
3255             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3256             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3257         </member>
3258         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.ManufacturerData">
3259             <summary>
3260             Gets the manufacturer data from the scan result information.
3261             </summary>
3262             <value> Gets the manufacturer data containing the manucturer data and ID information.</value>
3263             <remarks>
3264             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3265             </remarks>
3266             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3267             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>/// 
3268         </member>
3269         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.GetServiceDataList">
3270             <summary>
3271             Gets the service data list from the scan result information.
3272             </summary>
3273             <remarks>
3274             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3275             </remarks>
3276             <returns> Returns the service data list.</returns>
3277             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3278             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled.</exception>
3279         </member>
3280         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.GattConnect(System.Boolean)">
3281             <summary>
3282             Creates a GATT connection with the remote device.
3283             </summary>
3284             <remarks>
3285             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3286             </remarks>
3287             <param name="autoConnect"> The auto connect flag.</param>
3288             <returns>client instance</returns>
3289             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3290             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3291             or when the gatt connection attempt to remote device fails.</exception>
3292         </member>
3293         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeDevice.GattDisconnect">
3294             <summary>
3295             Disconnects a GATT connection with the remote device.
3296             </summary>
3297             <remarks>
3298             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3299             </remarks>
3300             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3301             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3302             or when the GATT disconnection attempt to remote device fails.</exception>
3303         </member>
3304         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData">
3305             <summary>
3306             Bluetooth LE advertise data. Handles the data advertising.
3307             </summary>
3308         </member>
3309         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.#ctor">
3310             <summary>
3311             The default constructor initializes an object of the BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.
3312             </summary>
3313             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3314             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3315             or when create advertiser fails.</exception>
3316         </member>
3317         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.AdvertisingMode">
3318             <summary>
3319             The advertising mode to control the advertising power and latency.
3320             </summary>
3321             <remarks>
3322             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3323             </remarks>
3324             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3325             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3326             or when the set advertising mode fails.</exception>
3327         </member>
3328         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.AdvertisingConnectable">
3329             <summary>
3330             The advertising connectable type.
3331             </summary>
3332             <remarks>
3333             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3334             </remarks>
3335             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3336             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3337             or when the set advertising connectable mode fails.</exception>
3338         </member>
3339         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.PacketType">
3340             <summary>
3341             The type of the packet.
3342             </summary>
3343         </member>
3344         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.Appearance">
3345             <summary>
3346             Sets the external appearance of this device to the advertise or the scan response data.
3347             Please refer to the adopted Bluetooth specification for the appearance.
3348             </summary>
3349             <remarks>
3350             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3351             </remarks>
3352             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3353             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3354             or when the set appearance fails.</exception>
3355         </member>
3356         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.IncludeDeviceName">
3357             <summary>
3358             Sets whether the device name has to be included in the advertise or the scan response data.
3359             The maximum advertised or responded data size is 31 bytes including the data type and the system wide data.
3360             </summary>
3361             <remarks>
3362             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3363             </remarks>
3364             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3365             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3366             or when the set advertising device name fails.</exception>
3367         </member>
3368         <member name="P:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.IncludeTxPowerLevel">
3369             <summary>
3370             Sets whether the transmission power level should be included in the advertise or the scan response data.
3371             The maximum advertised or responded data size is 31 bytes including the data type and the system wide data.
3372             </summary>
3373             <remarks>
3374             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3375             </remarks>
3376             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3377             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3378             or when the set advertising TC power level fails.</exception>
3379         </member>
3380         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingServiceUuid(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType,System.String)">
3381             <summary>
3382             Adds a service UUID to the advertise or the scan response data.
3383             The maximum advertised or responded data size is 31 bytes
3384             including the data type and the system wide data.
3385             </summary>
3386             <remarks>
3387             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3388             </remarks>
3389             <param name="packetType">The packet type.</param>
3390             <param name="serviceUuid"> The service UUID to add to advertise data.</param>
3391             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3392             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3393             or when the add advertising service UUID procedure fails.</exception>
3394         </member>
3395         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingServiceSolicitationUuid(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType,System.String)">
3396             <summary>
3397             Adds a service solicitation UUID to advertise or scan the response data.
3398             The maximum advertised or responded data size is 31 bytes
3399             including the data type and the system wide data.
3400             </summary>
3401             <remarks>
3402             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3403             </remarks>
3404             <param name="packetType">The packet type.</param>
3405             <param name="serviceSolicitationUuid"> The service solicitation UUID to add to advertise data.</param>
3406             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3407             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3408             or when the add advertising service solicitation UUID procedure fails.</exception>
3409         </member>
3410         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingServiceData(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServiceData)">
3411             <summary>
3412             Adds a service data to the advertise or the scan response data.
3413             The maximum advertised or responded data size is 31 bytes
3414             including data type and system wide data.
3415             </summary>
3416             <remarks>
3417             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3418             </remarks>
3419             <param name="packetType">The packet type.</param>
3420             <param name="data"> The service data to be added to advertising.</param>
3421             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3422             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3423             or when the add advertising data procedure fails.</exception>
3424         </member>
3425         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.AddAdvertisingManufacturerData(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType,Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.ManufacturerData)">
3426             <summary>
3427             Adds the manufacturer specific data to the advertise or the scan response data.
3428             Please refer to the adopted Bluetooth specification for the the appearance.
3429             </summary>
3430             <remarks>
3431             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3432             </remarks>
3433             <param name="packetType">The packet type.</param>
3434             <param name="manufacturerData"> The manufacturer specific data.</param>
3435             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3436             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3437             or when the add advertising manufacturer data procedure fails.</exception>
3438         </member>
3439         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeAdvertiseData.ClearAdvertisingData(Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLePacketType)">
3440             <summary>
3441             Clears all data to be advertised or responded to the scan request from the LE scanning device.
3442             </summary>
3443             <remarks>
3444             The Bluetooth must be enabled.
3445             </remarks>
3446             <param name="packetType">The packet type to be cleared.</param>
3447             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not supported.</exception>
3448             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth LE is not enabled
3449             or when the clear advertising data procedure fails.</exception>
3450         </member>
3451         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer">
3452             <summary>
3453             A class which is used to handle the connection and send and receive the object over Opp profile.
3454             </summary>
3455             <privilege> </privilege>
3456         </member>
3457         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.ConnectionRequested">
3458             <summary>
3459             (event) ConnectionRequested is called when OPP client requests for connection.
3460             </summary>
3461         </member>
3462         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.TransferProgress">
3463             <summary>
3464             (event) TransferProgress is called when the file transfer state is changed.
3465             </summary>
3466         </member>
3467         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.TransferFinished">
3468             <summary>
3469             (event) TransferFinished is called when the file tranfser is completed.
3470             </summary>
3471         </member>
3472         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.StartServer(System.String)">
3473             <summary>
3474             Register the Opp Server with the Opp service.
3475             </summary>
3476             <remarks>
3477             The device must be bonded with remote device by CreateBond().
3478             If connection request is received from OPP Client, ConnectionRequested event will be invoked.
3479             </remarks>
3480             <param name="FilePath"> Path to store the files.</param>
3481             <feature></feature>
3482             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3483             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3484             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3485         </member>
3486         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.StopServer">
3487             <summary>
3488             Stops the Opp Server.
3489             </summary>
3490             <feature></feature>
3491             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3492             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3493             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3494         </member>
3495         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.AcceptPush(System.String)">
3496             <summary>
3497             Accept File Push request.
3498             </summary>
3499             <param name="FileName"> File name to accept.</param>
3500             <feature></feature>
3501             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3502             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3503             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3504         </member>
3505         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.RejectPush">
3506             <summary>
3507             Reject File Push request.
3508             </summary>
3509             <feature></feature>
3510             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3511             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3512             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3513         </member>
3514         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.CancelTransfer(System.Int32)">
3515             <summary>
3516             Cancel the ongoing transfer session.
3517             </summary>
3518             <param name="TransferId"> tranfer ID.</param>
3519             <feature></feature>
3520             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3521             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3522             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3523         </member>
3524         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppServer.SetDestinationPath(System.String)">
3525             <summary>
3526             Cancel the ongoing transfer session.
3527             </summary>
3528             <param name="FilePath"> Path to store the files.</param>
3529             <feature></feature>
3530             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3531             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3532             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3533         </member>
3534         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient">
3535             <summary>
3536             A class which is used to handle the connection and send and receive the object over Opp profile.
3537             </summary>
3538             <privilege> </privilege>
3539         </member>
3540         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient.PushResponded">
3541             <summary>
3542             (event) PushResponded is called when remote OPP Server responds to a File push request.
3543             </summary>
3544         </member>
3545         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient.PushProgress">
3546             <summary>
3547             (event) PushProgress is called when the file transfer state is changed.
3548             </summary>
3549         </member>
3550         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient.PushFinished">
3551             <summary>
3552             (event) PushFinished is called when the file tranfser is completed.
3553             </summary>
3554         </member>
3555         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient.AddFile(System.String)">
3556             <summary>
3557             Add File path to be pushed.
3558             </summary>
3559             <param name="FilePath"> file for sending.</param>
3560             <feature></feature>
3561             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3562             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3563             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3564         </member>
3565         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient.ClearFiles">
3566             <summary>
3567             Clears all the File paths.
3568             </summary>
3569             <feature></feature>
3570             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3571             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3572             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3573         </member>
3574         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient.CancelPush">
3575             <summary>
3576             Cancels the ongoing push session.
3577             </summary>
3578             <feature></feature>
3579             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3580             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3581             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3582         </member>
3583         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothOppClient.PushFile(System.String)">
3584             <summary>
3585             Pushes the file set through AddFile.
3586             </summary>
3587             <param name="Destination"> destination device address.</param>
3588             <feature></feature>
3589             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the required feature is not Supported.</exception>
3590             <exception cref="!:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Supported.</exception>
3591             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the BT/BTLE is not Enabled or Other Bluetooth Errors.</exception>
3592         </member>
3593         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothProfile" -->
3594         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket">
3595             <summary>
3596             The BluetoothSocket provides functions for managing connections to other devices and exchanging data.
3597             </summary>
3598         </member>
3599         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket.AcceptStateChanged">
3600             <summary>
3601             The AcceptStateChanged event is raised when the socket connection state is changed.
3602             </summary>
3603             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3604             or when the register accpet state changed callback fails.</exception>
3605         </member>
3606         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket.Listen">
3607             <summary>
3608             Starts listening on the passed RFCOMM socket and accepts connection requests.
3609             </summary>
3610             <remarks>
3611             The socket must be created with CreateServerSocket(). This API invokes the ConnectionStateChanged event.
3612             </remarks>
3613             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3614             or when the listen on socket procedure fails.</exception>
3615         </member>
3616         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IBluetoothServerSocket">
3617             <summary>
3618             The IBluetoothServerSocket interface handles the server socket operations.
3619             </summary>
3620         </member>
3621         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.IBluetoothClientSocket">
3622             <summary>
3623             The IBluetoothClientSocket interface handles the client socket operations.
3624             </summary>
3625         </member>
3626         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.DataReceived">
3627             <summary>
3628             This event occurs when the socket server receives data from the client.
3629             </summary>
3630             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3631             or when the register data received callback fails.</exception>
3632         </member>
3633         <member name="E:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.ConnectionStateChanged">
3634             <summary>
3635             This event occurs when the connection state between two devices is changed.
3636             </summary>
3637             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3638             or when the register connection changed callback fails.</exception>
3639         </member>
3640         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.Tizen#Network#Bluetooth#IBluetoothClientSocket#Connect">
3641             <summary>
3642             Connects to a specific RFCOMM based service on a remote Bluetooth device UUID.
3643             </summary>
3644             <remarks>
3645             The bluetooth must be enabled, discoverable with StartDiscovery(), and bonded with the remote device using CreateBond(). The ConnectionStateChanged event is raised once this API is called.
3646             </remarks>
3647             <param name="address">The address of the remote Bluetooth device.</param>
3648             <param name="serviceUuid">The UUID of the service provided by the remote Bluetooth device.</param>
3649             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3650             or when the connect socket attempt to remote device fails, or when the service UUID is not supported by the remote device.</exception>
3651         </member>
3652         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.Tizen#Network#Bluetooth#IBluetoothClientSocket#Disconnect">
3653             <summary>
3654             Disconnects the RFCOMM connection with the given file descriptor of the conneted socket.
3655             </summary>
3656             <remarks>
3657             The connection must be established.
3658             </remarks>
3659             <param name="socketFd">The file descriptor of the socket to close.</param>
3660             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3661             or when the socket disconnect to remote device fails.</exception>
3662         </member>
3663         <member name="M:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.SendData(System.String)">
3664             <summary>
3665             Sends data to the connected device.
3666             </summary>
3667             <returns>The number of bytes written (zero indicates nothing was written).</returns>
3668             <remarks>
3669             The connection must be established.
3670             </remarks>
3671             <param name="socketFd">The file descriptor of the connected socket.</param>
3672             <param name="data">The data to be sent.</param>
3673             <exception cref="!:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the Bluetooth is not enabled
3674             or when the remote device is not connected, or the send data procedure fails.</exception>
3675         </member>
3676         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClassStruct">
3677             <summary>
3678             The structure of the device class type and service.
3679             </summary>
3680         </member>
3681         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClassStruct.MajorDeviceClassType">
3682             <summary>
3683             The type of the major device class.
3684             </summary>
3685         </member>
3686         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClassStruct.MinorDeviceClassType">
3687             <summary>
3688             The type of the minor device class.
3689             </summary>
3690         </member>
3691         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothClassStruct.MajorServiceClassMask">
3692             <summary>
3693             The major service class mask.
3694             </summary>
3695         </member>
3696         <member name="T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct">
3697             <summary>
3698             This structure contains the information of the Bluetooth device.
3699             </summary>
3700         </member>
3701         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.Address">
3702             <summary>
3703             The address of the device.
3704             </summary>
3705         </member>
3706         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.Name">
3707             <summary>
3708             The name of the device.
3709             </summary>
3710         </member>
3711         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.Class">
3712             <summary>
3713             The class of the device.
3714             </summary>
3715         </member>
3716         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.ServiceUuidList">
3717             <summary>
3718             The service UUID list of the device.
3719             </summary>
3720         </member>
3721         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.ServiceCount">
3722             <summary>
3723             The service count of the device.
3724             </summary>
3725         </member>
3726         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.IsPaired">
3727             <summary>
3728             The paired state of the device.
3729             </summary>
3730         </member>
3731         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.IsConnected">
3732             <summary>
3733             The connection state of the device.
3734             </summary>
3735         </member>
3736         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.IsAuthorized">
3737             <summary>
3738             The authorization state of the device.
3739             </summary>
3740         </member>
3741         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.ManufacturerDataLength">
3742             <summary>
3743             The length of the manufacturer the data.
3744             </summary>
3745         </member>
3746         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothDeviceStruct.ManufacturerData">
3747             <summary>
3748             The manufacturer data.
3749             </summary>
3750         </member>
3751         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "T:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeScanDataStruct" -->
3752         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeServiceDataStruct.ServiceUuid">
3753             <summary>
3754             The Bluetooth LE service UUID.
3755             </summary>
3756         </member>
3757         <member name="F:Tizen.Network.Bluetooth.BluetoothLeServiceDataStruct.ServiceData">
3758             <summary>
3759             The Bluetooth LE service data.
3760             </summary>
3761         </member>
3762     </members>
3763 </doc>