Release 4.0.0-preview1-00175
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / Artifacts / bin / public / Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Tizen.Applications.PackageManager</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.CertCompareResultType">
8             <summary>
9             Enumeration for the certificate compare result type.
10             </summary>
11         </member>
12         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertCompareResultType.Match">
13             <summary>
14             Certificates are matched.
15             </summary>
16         </member>
17         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertCompareResultType.Mismatch">
18             <summary>
19             Certificates are not matched.
20             </summary>
21         </member>
22         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertCompareResultType.LhsNoCert">
23             <summary>
24             First package does not have the certificate.
25             </summary>
26         </member>
27         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertCompareResultType.RhsNoCert">
28             <summary>
29             Second package does not have the certificate.
30             </summary>
31         </member>
32         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertCompareResultType.BothNoCert">
33             <summary>
34             Certificates for both the packages do not exist.
35             </summary>
36         </member>
37         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.CertificateType">
38             <summary>
39             Enumeration for the certification types.
40             </summary>
41         </member>
42         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertificateType.Author">
43             <summary>
44             Author certificate.
45             </summary>
46         </member>
47         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertificateType.Distributor">
48             <summary>
49             Distributor certificate.
50             </summary>
51         </member>
52         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.CertificateType.Distributor2">
53             <summary>
54             Distributor2 certificate.
55             </summary>
56         </member>
57         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode">
58             <summary>
59             Enumeration for installation mode.
60             </summary>
61         </member>
62         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode.Normal">
63             <summary>
64             Normal Mode.
65             </summary>
66         </member>
67         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode.Mount">
68             <summary>
69             Mount Mode.
70             </summary>
71         </member>
72         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.Package">
73             <summary>
74             This class provides the methods and properties to get information about the packages.
75             </summary>
76         </member>
77         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.Id">
78             <summary>
79             The package ID.
80             </summary>
81         </member>
82         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.Label">
83             <summary>
84             Label of the package.
85             </summary>
86         </member>
87         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.IconPath">
88             <summary>
89             Absolute path to the icon image.
90             </summary>
91         </member>
92         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.Version">
93             <summary>
94             Version of the package.
95             </summary>
96         </member>
97         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.PackageType">
98             <summary>
99             Type of the package.
100             </summary>
101         </member>
102         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.InstalledStorageType">
103             <summary>
104             Installed storage type for the package.
105             </summary>
106         </member>
107         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.RootPath">
108             <summary>
109             Root path for the package.
110             </summary>
111         </member>
112         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.TizenExpansionPackageName">
113             <summary>
114             Expansion package name for the package.
115             </summary>
116             <privilege></privilege>
117             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
118         </member>
119         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.IsSystemPackage">
120             <summary>
121             Checks whether the package is a system package.
122             </summary>
123         </member>
124         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.IsRemovable">
125             <summary>
126             Checks whether the package is removable.
127             </summary>
128         </member>
129         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.IsPreloaded">
130             <summary>
131             Checks whether the package is preloaded.
132             </summary>
133         </member>
134         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.IsAccessible">
135             <summary>
136             Checks whether the current package is accessible.
137             </summary>
138         </member>
139         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.Certificates">
140             <summary>
141             Certificate information for the package.
142             </summary>
143         </member>
144         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.Privileges">
145             <summary>
146             Requested privilege for the package.
147             </summary>
148         </member>
149         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.Package.InstalledTime">
150             <summary>
151             Installed time of the package.
152             </summary>
153         </member>
154         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.Package.GetApplications">
155             <summary>
156             Retrieves all the application IDs of this package.
157             </summary>
158             <returns>Returns a dictionary containing all the application information for a given application type.</returns>
159         </member>
160         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.Package.GetApplications(Tizen.Applications.ApplicationType)">
161             <summary>
162             Retrieves all the application IDs of this package.
163             </summary>
164             <param name="type">Optional: AppType enumeration value.</param>
165             <returns>Returns a dictionary containing all the application information for a given application type.</returns>
166         </member>
167         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.Package.GetSizeInformationAsync">
168             <summary>
169             Gets the package size information.
170             </summary>
171             <returns>Package size information.</returns>
172             <privilege></privilege>
173         </member>
174         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.Package.CompareCertInfo(System.String)">
175             <summary>
176             Compares the certificate information with the given package ID.
177             </summary>
178             <param name="packageId">ID of the package.</param>
179             <returns>Certificate comparison result.</returns>
180             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when a failed input package ID is invalid.</exception>
181             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal I/O error.</exception>
182         </member>
183         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageCertificate">
184             <summary>
185             This class provides information about the package certification.
186             </summary>
187         </member>
188         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageCertificate.Root">
189             <summary>
190             Root certificate.
191             </summary>
192         </member>
193         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageCertificate.Intermediate">
194             <summary>
195             Intermediate certificate.
196             </summary>
197         </member>
198         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageCertificate.Signer">
199             <summary>
200             Signer certificate.
201             </summary>
202         </member>
203         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageDrm">
204             <summary>
205             This class provides the methods and properties for the DRM operation.
206             </summary>
207         </member>
208         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageDrm.ResponseData">
209             <summary>
210             Returns the response data.
211             </summary>
212             <returns>Returns the response data which is given when GenerateLicenseRequest has been invoked.</returns>
213         </member>
214         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageDrm.RequestData">
215             <summary>
216             Returns the request data.
217             </summary>
218             <returns>Returns the request data which is generated when GenerateLicenseRequest has been invoked.</returns>
219         </member>
220         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageDrm.LicenseUrl">
221             <summary>
222             Returns the license URL.
223             </summary>
224             <returns>Returns the license URL which is generated when GenerateLicenseRequest has been invoked.</returns>
225         </member>
226         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventState">
227             <summary>
228             Enumeration for the package manager event state.
229             </summary>
230         </member>
231         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventState.Started">
232             <summary>
233             Processing started.
234             </summary>
235         </member>
236         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventState.Processing">
237             <summary>
238             Processing state.
239             </summary>
240         </member>
241         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventState.Completed">
242             <summary>
243             Processing completed.
244             </summary>
245         </member>
246         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventState.Failed">
247             <summary>
248             Processing failed.
249             </summary>
250         </member>
251         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventType">
252             <summary>
253             Enumeration for the package manager event types.
254             </summary>
255         </member>
256         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventType.Install">
257             <summary>
258             Install event.
259             </summary>
260         </member>
261         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventType.Uninstall">
262             <summary>
263             Uninstall event.
264             </summary>
265         </member>
266         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventType.Update">
267             <summary>
268             Update event.
269             </summary>
270         </member>
271         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventType.Move">
272             <summary>
273             Move event.
274             </summary>
275         </member>
276         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageEventType.ClearData">
277             <summary>
278             ClearData event.
279             </summary>
280         </member>
281         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter">
282             <summary>
283             This class is a parameter of the PackageManager::GetPackages method.
284             </summary>
285         </member>
286         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.#ctor">
287             <summary>
288             The default constructor with an empty filter list. All the installed applications will satisfy this filter unless updated with more specific filters.
289             </summary>
290         </member>
291         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Boolean})">
292             <summary>
293             The constructor with specific filters. Using this will filter out the installed packages which do not meet the filter criteria.
294             </summary>
295         </member>
296         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.Filters">
297             <summary>
298             Filters to be used in the GetPackages method.
299             </summary>
300         </member>
301         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.Keys">
302             <summary>
303             This class contains possible keys for the filter to be used in the GetPackages method.
304             </summary>
305         </member>
306         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.Keys.Removable">
307             <summary>
308             Key of the boolean property for filtering if the package is removable.
309             </summary>
310         </member>
311         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.Keys.ReadOnly">
312             <summary>
313             Key of the boolean property for filtering if the package is read-only.
314             </summary>
315         </member>
316         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.Keys.SupportsDisable">
317             <summary>
318             Key of the boolean property for filtering if the package supports disabling.
319             </summary>
320         </member>
321         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.Keys.Disable">
322             <summary>
323             Key of the boolean property for filtering if the package is disabled.
324             </summary>
325         </member>
326         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter.Keys.Preload">
327             <summary>
328             Key of the boolean property for filtering if the package is preloaded.
329             </summary>
330         </member>
331         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager">
332             <summary>
333             PackageManager class. This class has the methods and events of the PackageManager.
334             </summary>
335             <remarks>
336             The package manager is one of the core modules of the Tizen application framework and responsible for getting their information.
337             You can also retrieve information related to the packages that are installed on the device.
338             </remarks>
339         </member>
340         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback">
341             <summary>
342             Event callback method for the request.
343             </summary>
344             <param name="type">Type of the package which was requested.</param>
345             <param name="packageId">ID of the package which was requested.</param>
346             <param name="eventType">Event type of the request.</param>
347             <param name="eventState">Current event state of the request.</param>
348             <param name="progress">Progress for the request being processed by the package manager (in percent).</param>
349         </member>
350         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.InstallProgressChanged">
351             <summary>
352             InstallProgressChanged event. This event occurs when a package is getting installed and the progress of the request to the package manager is changed.
353             </summary>
354         </member>
355         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.UninstallProgressChanged">
356             <summary>
357             UninstallProgressChanged event. This event occurs when a package is getting uninstalled and the progress of the request to the package manager is changed.
358             </summary>
359         </member>
360         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.UpdateProgressChanged">
361             <summary>
362             UpdateProgressChanged event. This event occurs when a package is getting updated and the progress of the request to the package manager is changed.
363             </summary>
364         </member>
365         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.MoveProgressChanged">
366             <summary>
367             MoveProgressChanged event. This event occurs when a package is getting moved and the progress of the request to the package manager is changed.
368             </summary>
369         </member>
370         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.ClearDataProgressChanged">
371             <summary>
372             ClearDataProgressChanged event. This event occurs when data directories are cleared in the given package.
373             </summary>
374         </member>
375         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.GetPackageIdByApplicationId(System.String)">
376             <summary>
377             Gets the package ID for the given application ID.
378             </summary>
379             <param name="applicationId">The ID of the application.</param>
380             <returns>Returns the ID of the package. Empty string if the application ID does not exist.</returns>
381             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
382             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
383             <privilege></privilege>
384         </member>
385         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.GetPackage(System.String)">
386             <summary>
387             Gets the package information for the given package.
388             </summary>
389             <param name="packageId">The ID of the package.</param>
390             <returns>Returns the package information for the given package ID.</returns>
391             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the failed input package ID is invalid.</exception>
392             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
393             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown when the method fails due to an internal I/O error.</exception>
394             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
395             <privilege></privilege>
396         </member>
397         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.ClearCacheDirectory(System.String)">
398             <summary>
399             Clears the application's internal and external cache directories.
400             </summary>
401             <param name="packageId">ID of the package.</param>
402             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
403             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown when the method fails due to an internal I/O error.</exception>
404             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
405             <exception cref="!:SystemException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal system error.</exception>
406             <privilege></privilege>
407         </member>
408         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.ClearAllCacheDirectory">
409             <summary>
410             Clears all the application's internal and external cache directories.
411             </summary>
412             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
413             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown when the method fails due to an internal IO error.</exception>
414             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
415             <exception cref="!:SystemException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal system error.</exception>
416             <privilege></privilege>
417             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
418         </member>
419         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.ClearDataDirectory(System.String)">
420             <summary>
421             Clears the application's internal and external data directories.
422             </summary>
423             <remarks>
424             All files under data, shared/data, and shared/trusted in the internal storage are removed.
425             And, if the external storage exists, then all files under data and shared/trusted in the external storage are removed.
426             </remarks>
427             <param name="packageId">ID of the package.</param>
428             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
429             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal IO error.</exception>
430             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
431             <exception cref="!:SystemException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal system error.</exception>
432             <privilege></privilege>
433             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
434         </member>
435         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.GetPackages">
436             <summary>
437             Retrieves the package information of all installed packages.
438             </summary>
439             <returns>Returns the list of packages.</returns>
440             <privilege></privilege>
441         </member>
442         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.GetPackages(Tizen.Applications.PackageFilter)">
443             <summary>
444             Retrieves the package information of all the installed packages satisfying the filter conditions.
445             </summary>
446             <param name="filter">Optional - package filters.</param>
447             <returns>Returns the list of packages.</returns>
448             <privilege></privilege>
449         </member>
450         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.GetTotalSizeInformationAsync">
451             <summary>
452             Gets the total package size information.
453             </summary>
454             <returns>Returns the total package size information asynchronously.</returns>
455             <privilege></privilege>
456         </member>
457         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
458             <summary>
459             Installs the package located at the given path.
460             </summary>
461             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
462             <returns>Returns true if the installation request is successful, otherwise false.</returns>
463             <remarks>
464             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
465             To check the result of the installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event.
466             </remarks>
467             <privilege></privilege>
468             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
469         </member>
470         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
471             <summary>
472             Installs the package located at the given path.
473             </summary>
474             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
475             <param name="eventCallback">The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
476             <param name="installMode">Optional parameter to indicate special installation mode.</param>
477             <returns>Returns true if installtion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
478             <remarks>
479             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
480             To check the result of installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event or eventCallback.
481             </remarks>
482             <privilege></privilege>
483             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
484         </member>
485         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
486             <summary>
487             Installs the package located at the given path.
488             </summary>
489             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
490             <param name="type">Package type for the package to be installed.</param>
491             <param name="installMode">Optional parameter to indicate special installation mode.</param>
492             <returns>Returns true if installtion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
493             <remarks>
494             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
495             To check the result of installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event.
496             </remarks>
497             <privilege></privilege>
498             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
499         </member>
500         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,System.String,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
501             <summary>
502             Installs the package located at the given path.
503             </summary>
504             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
505             <param name="expansionPackagePath">Absolute path for the expansion package to be installed.</param>
506             <param name="installMode">Optional parameter to indicate special installation mode.</param>
507             <returns>Returns true if installtion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
508             <remarks>
509             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
510             To check the result of installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event.
511             </remarks>
512             <privilege></privilege>
513             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
514         </member>
515         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
516             <summary>
517             Installs the package located at the given path.
518             </summary>
519             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
520             <param name="type">Package type for the package to be installed.</param>
521             <param name="eventCallback">The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
522             <param name="installMode">Optional parameter to indicate special installation mode.</param>
523             <returns>Returns true if installtion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
524             <remarks>
525             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
526             To check the result of installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event or eventCallback.
527             </remarks>
528             <privilege></privilege>
529             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
530         </member>
531         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
532             <summary>
533             Installs the package located at the given path.
534             </summary>
535             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
536             <param name="expansionPackagePath">Absolute path for the expansion package to be installed.</param>
537             <param name="eventCallback">The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
538             <param name="installMode">Optional parameter to indicate special installation mode.</param>
539             <returns>Returns true if installtion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
540             <remarks>
541             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
542             To check the result of installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event or eventCallback.
543             </remarks>
544             <privilege></privilege>
545             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
546         </member>
547         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
548             <summary>
549             Installs the package located at the given path.
550             </summary>
551             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
552             <param name="expansionPackagePath">Absolute path for the expansion package to be installed.</param>
553             <param name="type">Package type for the package to be installed.</param>
554             <param name="installMode">Optional parameter to indicate special installation mode.</param>
555             <returns>Returns true if installtion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
556             <remarks>
557             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
558             To check the result of installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event.
559             </remarks>
560             <privilege></privilege>
561             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
562         </member>
563         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Install(System.String,System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback,Tizen.Applications.InstallationMode)">
564             <summary>
565             Installs the package located at the given path.
566             </summary>
567             <param name="packagePath">Absolute path for the package to be installed.</param>
568             <param name="expansionPackagePath">Absolute path for the expansion package to be installed.</param>
569             <param name="type">Package type for the package to be installed.</param>
570             <param name="eventCallback">The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
571             <param name="installMode">Optional parameter to indicate special installation mode.</param>
572             <returns>Returns true if installtion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
573             <remarks>
574             The 'true' means that the request for installation is successful.
575             To check the result of installation, the caller should check the progress using the InstallProgressChanged event or eventCallback.
576             </remarks>
577             <privilege></privilege>
578             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
579         </member>
580         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Uninstall(System.String)">
581             <summary>
582             Uninstalls the package with the given name.
583             </summary>
584             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be uninstalled.</param>
585             <returns>Returns true if the uninstallation request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
586             <remarks>
587             The 'true' means that the request for uninstallation is successful.
588             To check the result of uninstallation, the caller should check the progress using the UninstallProgressChanged event.
589             </remarks>
590             <privilege></privilege>
591             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
592         </member>
593         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Uninstall(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType)">
594             <summary>
595             Uninstalls package with the given names.
596             </summary>
597             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be uninstalled.</param>
598             <param name="type">Optional - Package type for the package to be uninstalled.</param>
599             <returns>Returns true if the uninstalltion request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
600             <remarks>
601             The 'true' means that the request for uninstallation is successful.
602             To check the result of uninstallation, the caller should check the progress using the UninstallProgressChanged event.
603             </remarks>
604             <privilege></privilege>
605             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
606         </member>
607         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Uninstall(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback)">
608             <summary>
609             Uninstalls the package with the given name.
610             </summary>
611             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be uninstalled.</param>
612             <param name="eventCallback">Optional - The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
613             <returns>Returns true if the uninstallation request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
614             <remarks>
615             The 'true' means that the request for uninstallation is successful.
616             To check the result of uninstallation, the caller should check the progress using the UninstallProgressChanged event or eventCallback.
617             </remarks>
618             <privilege></privilege>
619             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
620         </member>
621         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Uninstall(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback)">
622             <summary>
623             Uninstalls the package with the given name.
624             </summary>
625             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be uninstalled</param>
626             <param name="type">Optional - Package type for the package to be uninstalled.</param>
627             <param name="eventCallback">Optional - The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
628             <returns>Returns true if the uninstallation request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
629             <remarks>
630             The 'true' means that the request for uninstallation is successful.
631             To check the result of uninstallation, the caller should check the progress using the UninstallProgressChanged event or eventCallback.
632             </remarks>
633             <privilege></privilege>
634             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
635         </member>
636         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Move(System.String,Tizen.Applications.StorageType)">
637             <summary>
638             Moves the package to the given storage.
639             </summary>
640             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be moved.</param>
641             <param name="newStorage">Storage package should be moved to.</param>
642             <returns>Returns true if the move request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
643             <remarks>
644             The 'true' means that the request for move is successful.
645             To check the result of move, the caller should check the progress using the MoveProgressChanged event.
646             </remarks>
647             <privilege></privilege>
648             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
649         </member>
650         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Move(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType,Tizen.Applications.StorageType)">
651             <summary>
652             Moves the package to the given storage.
653             </summary>
654             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be moved.</param>
655             <param name="type">Optional - Package type for the package to be moved.</param>
656             <param name="newStorage">Storage package should be moved to.</param>
657             <returns>Returns true if the move request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
658             <remarks>
659             The 'true' means that the request for move is successful.
660             To check the result of move, the caller should check the progress using the MoveProgressChanged event.
661             </remarks>
662             <privilege></privilege>
663             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
664         </member>
665         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Move(System.String,Tizen.Applications.StorageType,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback)">
666             <summary>
667             Moves the package to the given storage.
668             </summary>
669             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be moved.</param>
670             <param name="newStorage">Storage package should be moved to.</param>
671             <param name="eventCallback">Optional - The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
672             <returns>Returns true if move request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
673             <remarks>
674             The 'true' means that the request for move is successful.
675             To check the result of move, the caller should check the progress using the MoveProgressChanged event.
676             </remarks>
677             <privilege></privilege>
678             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
679         </member>
680         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Move(System.String,Tizen.Applications.PackageType,Tizen.Applications.StorageType,Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.RequestEventCallback)">
681             <summary>
682             Moves the package to the given storage.
683             </summary>
684             <param name="packageId">ID of the package to be moved.</param>
685             <param name="type">Optional - Package type for the package to be moved.</param>
686             <param name="newStorage">Storage, package should be moved to.</param>
687             <param name="eventCallback">Optional - The event callback will be invoked only for the current request.</param>
688             <returns>Returns true if move request is successful, false otherwise.</returns>
689             <remarks>
690             The 'true' means that the request for move is successful.
691             To check the result of move, the caller should check the progress using the MoveProgressChanged event.
692             </remarks>
693             <privilege></privilege>
694             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
695         </member>
696         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.GetPermissionTypeByApplicationId(System.String)">
697             <summary>
698             Gets the permission type of the package which has a given application ID.
699             </summary>
700             <param name="applicationId">ID of the application.</param>
701             <returns>Returns the permission type.</returns>
702             <privilege></privilege>
703             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the failed input package ID is invalid.</exception>
704             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
705         </member>
706         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.IsPreloadPackageByApplicationId(System.String)">
707             <summary>
708             Gets the package's preload attribute which contains a given application ID.
709             </summary>
710             <param name="applicationId">ID of the application.</param>
711             <returns>Returns true if the package is preloaded, otherwise false.</returns>
712             <privilege></privilege>
713             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the failed input package ID is invalid.</exception>
714             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
715         </member>
716         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.CompareCertInfo(System.String,System.String)">
717             <summary>
718             Compares the certificate of the two packages.
719             </summary>
720             <param name="lhsPackageId">Package ID to compare.</param>
721             <param name="rhsPackageId">Package ID to be compared.</param>
722             <returns>Returns certificate comparison result.</returns>
723             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the failed input package ID is invalid.</exception>
724             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal I/O error.</exception>
725         </member>
726         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.CompareCertInfoByApplicationId(System.String,System.String)">
727             <summary>
728             Compares the certificate of the two packages which contain each given application ID.
729             </summary>
730             <param name="lhsApplicationId">Application ID to compare.</param>
731             <param name="rhsApplicationId">Application ID to be compared.</param>
732             <returns>Returns certificate comparison result.</returns>
733             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the failed input package ID is invalid.</exception>
734             <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal I/O error.</exception>
735         </member>
736         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Drm">
737             <summary>
738             Drm nested class. This class has the PackageManager's drm related methods.
739             </summary>
740         </member>
741         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Drm.GenerateLicenseRequest(System.String)">
742             <summary>
743             Generates a request for getting the license.
744             </summary>
745             <param name="responseData">Response data string of the purchase request.</param>
746             <returns>Returns the package DRM information of a given response data which contains the required data and license URL.</returns>
747             <privilege></privilege>
748             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
749             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when failed when input package ID is invalid.</exception>
750             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
751             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
752             <exception cref="!:SystemException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal system error.</exception>
753         </member>
754         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Drm.RegisterLicense(System.String)">
755             <summary>
756             Registers the encrypted license.
757             </summary>
758             <param name="responseData">The response data string of the rights request.</param>
759             <returns>Returns true if succeeds, otherwise false.</returns>
760             <privilege></privilege>
761             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
762             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when failed when input package ID is invalid.</exception>
763             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
764             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
765             <exception cref="!:SystemException">Thrown when the method failed due to internal system error.</exception>
766         </member>
767         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.PackageManager.Drm.DecryptPackage(System.String,System.String)">
768             <summary>
769             Decrypts the contents which are encrypted.
770             </summary>
771             <param name="drmFilePath">Drm file path.</param>
772             <param name="decryptedFilePath">Decrypted file path.</param>
773             <returns>Returns true if succeeds, otherwise false.</returns>
774             <privilege></privilege>
775             <privlevel>platform</privlevel>
776             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when failed when input package ID is invalid.</exception>
777             <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of the method.</exception>
778             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when an application does not have the privilege to access this method.</exception>
779             <exception cref="!:SystemException">Thrown when the method failed due to an internal system error.</exception>
780         </member>
781         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageManagerEventArgs">
782             <summary>
783             PackageManagerEventArgs class. This class is an event arguments of the InstallProgressChanged, UninstallProgressChanged, and UpdateProgressChanged events.
784             </summary>
785         </member>
786         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageManagerEventArgs.PackageType">
787             <summary>
788             Type of the package to be installed, uninstalled, or updated.
789             </summary>
790         </member>
791         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageManagerEventArgs.PackageId">
792             <summary>
793             Package ID to be installed, uninstalled, or updated.
794             </summary>
795         </member>
796         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageManagerEventArgs.State">
797             <summary>
798             Current state of the request to the package manager.
799             </summary>
800         </member>
801         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageManagerEventArgs.Progress">
802             <summary>
803             Progress for the request being processed by the package manager (in percent).
804             </summary>
805         </member>
806         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageSizeInformation">
807             <summary>
808             This class has read-only properties to get the package size information.
809             </summary>
810         </member>
811         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageSizeInformation.DataSize">
812             <summary>
813             Data size for the package.
814             </summary>
815         </member>
816         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageSizeInformation.CacheSize">
817             <summary>
818             Cache size for the package.
819             </summary>
820         </member>
821         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageSizeInformation.AppSize">
822             <summary>
823             Application size for the package.
824             </summary>
825         </member>
826         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageSizeInformation.ExternalDataSize">
827             <summary>
828             External data size for the package.
829             </summary>
830         </member>
831         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageSizeInformation.ExternalCacheSize">
832             <summary>
833             External cache size for the package.
834             </summary>
835         </member>
836         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.PackageSizeInformation.ExternalAppSize">
837             <summary>
838             External application size for the package.
839             </summary>
840         </member>
841         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PackageType">
842             <summary>
843             Enumeration for the package types.
844             </summary>
845         </member>
846         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageType.TPK">
847             <summary>
848             Tizen native application package.
849             </summary>
850         </member>
851         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageType.WGT">
852             <summary>
853             Tizen web/hybrid application package.
854             </summary>
855         </member>
856         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PackageType.RPM">
857             <summary>
858             A special meaning type to represent the Tizen application package which is installed using the RPM spec.
859             Only some preloaded packages can have this type.
860             </summary>
861         </member>
862         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.PermissionType">
863             <summary>
864             Enumeration for the permission types.
865             </summary>
866         </member>
867         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PermissionType.Normal">
868             <summary>
869             Permission is normal.
870             </summary>
871         </member>
872         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PermissionType.Signature">
873             <summary>
874             Permission is signature.
875             </summary>
876         </member>
877         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.PermissionType.Privilege">
878             <summary>
879             Permission is privilege.
880             </summary>
881         </member>
882         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.SafePackageManagerHandle.#ctor">
883             <summary>
884             Initializes a new instance of the SafePackageManagerHandle class.
885             </summary>
886         </member>
887         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.SafePackageManagerHandle.IsInvalid">
888             <summary>
889             Gets a value that indicates whether the handle is invalid.
890             </summary>
891         </member>
892         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.SafePackageManagerHandle.ReleaseHandle">
893             <summary>
894             Executes the code required to free the SafePackageManagerHandle.
895             </summary>
896             <returns>True if the handle is released successfully.</returns>
897         </member>
898         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.SafePackageManagerRequestHandle.#ctor">
899             <summary>
900             Initializes a new instance of the SafePackageManagerRequestHandle class.
901             </summary>
902         </member>
903         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.SafePackageManagerRequestHandle.IsInvalid">
904             <summary>
905             Gets a value that indicates whether the handle is invalid.
906             </summary>
907         </member>
908         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.SafePackageManagerRequestHandle.ReleaseHandle">
909             <summary>
910             Executes the code required to free the SafePackageManagerRequestHandle.
911             </summary>
912             <returns>True if the handle is released successfully.</returns>
913         </member>
914         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.StorageType">
915             <summary>
916             Enumeration for the storage types.
917             </summary>
918         </member>
919         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.StorageType.Internal">
920             <summary>
921             Internal storage.
922             </summary>
923         </member>
924         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.StorageType.External">
925             <summary>
926             External storage.
927             </summary>
928         </member>
929     </members>
930 </doc>