Release 4.0.0-preview1-00184
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / Artifacts / bin / public / ElmSharp.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>ElmSharp</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleInfoProvider">
8             <summary>
9             The delegate to define how to provide informations for <see cref="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject.Name"/> or <see cref="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject.Description"/>.
10             </summary>
11             <param name="obj">The sender obj.</param>
12             <returns>Return information for Name or Description.</returns>
13         </member>
14         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject">
15             <summary>
16             It's a base abstract class for <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Widget"/>.
17             It provides available definitions for the screen reader, such as <see cref="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject.Name"/>, <see cref="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject.Description"/>, <see cref="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject.ReadingInfoType"/>, etc.
18             There's many the relationship between two accessible objects, like <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ChildOf"/>, <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ParentOf"/>, <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsTo"/>, <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsFrom"/>, etc.
19             </summary>
20         </member>
21         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#ReadingInfoType">
22             <summary>
23             Gets or sets the reading information types of an accessible object.
24             </summary>
25         </member>
26         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#Role">
27             <summary>
28             Gets or sets the role of the object in accessibility domain.
29             </summary>
30         </member>
31         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#CanHighlight">
32             <summary>
33             Gets or sets highlightable of given widget.
34             </summary>
35         </member>
36         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#TranslationDomain">
37             <summary>
38             Gets or sets the translation domain of "name" and "description" properties.
39             Translation domain should be set if application wants to support i18n for accessibily "name" and "description" properties.
40             When translation domain is set values of "name" and "description" properties will be translated with dgettext function using current translation domain as "domainname" parameter.
41             It is application developer responsibility to ensure that translation files are loaded and binded to translation domain when accessibility is enabled.
42             </summary>
43         </member>
44         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#Name">
45             <summary>
46             Gets or sets an accessible name of the object.
47             </summary>
48         </member>
49         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#Description">
50             <summary>
51             Gets or sets contextual information about object.
52             </summary>
53         </member>
54         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#NameProvider">
55             <summary>
56             Gets or sets the delegate for <see cref="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject.Name"/>.
57             </summary>
58         </member>
59         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#DescriptionProvider">
60             <summary>
61             Gets or sets the delegate for <see cref = "P:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject.Description" />.
62             </summary>
63         </member>
64         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
65             <summary>
66             Creates and initializes a new instance of the AccessibleObject class with parent EvasObject class parameter.
67             </summary>
68             <param name="parent">Parent EvasObject class </param>
69         </member>
70         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.#ctor">
71             <summary>
72             Creates and initializes a new instance of the AccessibleObject class.
73             </summary>
74         </member>
75         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#AppendRelation(ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleRelation)">
76             <summary>
77             Defines the relationship between two accessible objects.
78             Relationships can be queried by Assistive Technology clients to provide customized feedback, improving overall user experience.
79             AppendRelation API is asymmetric, which means that appending, for example, relation <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsTo"/> from object A to B, do not append relation <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsFrom"/> from object B to object A.
80             </summary>
81             <param name="relation">The relationship between source object and target object of a given type.</param>
82         </member>
83         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.ElmSharp#Accessible#IAccessibleObject#RemoveRelation(ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleRelation)">
84             <summary>
85             Removes the relationship between two accessible objects.
86             </summary>
87             <param name="relation">The relationship between source object and target object of a given type.</param>
88         </member>
89         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.Highlight">
90             <summary>
91             Highlights accessible widget.
92             </summary>
93         </member>
94         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleObject.Unhighlight">
95             <summary>
96             Clears highlight of accessible widget.
97             </summary>
98         </member>
99         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleRelation">
100             <summary>
101             IAccessibleRelation is a interface which defines the relationship between two accessible objects.
102             </summary>
103         </member>
104         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.LabelledBy">
105             <summary>
106             To define label info for accessible object.
107             </summary>
108         </member>
109         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.LabelledBy.Target">
110             <summary>
111             Gets or sets the target object which is LabelledBy.
112             </summary>
113         </member>
114         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.LabelledBy.Type">
115             <summary>
116             Gets the LabelledBy type.
117             </summary>
118         </member>
119         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.LabelFor">
120             <summary>
121             To define label info for accessible object.
122             </summary>
123         </member>
124         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.LabelFor.Target">
125             <summary>
126             Gets or sets the target object which is LabelFor.
127             </summary>
128         </member>
129         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.LabelFor.Type">
130             <summary>
131             Gets the LabelFor type.
132             </summary>
133         </member>
134         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ControllerFor">
135             <summary>
136             To define control relationship for accessible object.
137             </summary>
138         </member>
139         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ControllerFor.Target">
140             <summary>
141             Gets or sets the target object which is ControllerFor.
142             </summary>
143         </member>
144         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ControllerFor.Type">
145             <summary>
146             Gets the ControllerFor type.
147             </summary>
148         </member>
149         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ControlledBy">
150             <summary>
151             To define control relationship for accessible object.
152             </summary>
153         </member>
154         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ControlledBy.Target">
155             <summary>
156             Gets or sets the target object which is ControlledBy.
157             </summary>
158         </member>
159         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ControlledBy.Type">
160             <summary>
161             Gets the ControlledBy type.
162             </summary>
163         </member>
164         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.MemberOf">
165             <summary>
166             To define member relationship for accessible object.
167             </summary>
168         </member>
169         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.MemberOf.Target">
170             <summary>
171             Gets or sets the target object which is MemberOf.
172             </summary>
173         </member>
174         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.MemberOf.Type">
175             <summary>
176             Gets the MemberOf type.
177             </summary>
178         </member>
179         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.TooltipFor">
180             <summary>
181             To define tooltip for accessible object.
182             </summary>
183         </member>
184         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.TooltipFor.Target">
185             <summary>
186             Gets or sets the target object which is TooltipFor.
187             </summary>
188         </member>
189         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.TooltipFor.Type">
190             <summary>
191             Gets the TooltipFor type.
192             </summary>
193         </member>
194         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ChildOf">
195             <summary>
196             To define child for accessible object.
197             </summary>
198         </member>
199         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ChildOf.Target">
200             <summary>
201             Gets or sets the target object which is ChildOf.
202             </summary>
203         </member>
204         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ChildOf.Type">
205             <summary>
206             Gets the ChildOf type.
207             </summary>
208         </member>
209         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ParentOf">
210             <summary>
211             To define parent for accessible object.
212             </summary>
213         </member>
214         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ParentOf.Target">
215             <summary>
216             Gets or sets the target object which is ParentOf.
217             </summary>
218         </member>
219         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ParentOf.Type">
220             <summary>
221             Gets the ParentOf type.
222             </summary>
223         </member>
224         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.Extended">
225             <summary>
226             To define extend for accessible object.
227             </summary>
228         </member>
229         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.Extended.Target">
230             <summary>
231             Gets or sets the target object which is Extended.
232             </summary>
233         </member>
234         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.Extended.Type">
235             <summary>
236             Gets the Extended type.
237             </summary>
238         </member>
239         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsTo">
240             <summary>
241             To define the custom reading order.
242             </summary>
243         </member>
244         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsTo.Target">
245             <summary>
246             Gets or sets the target object which is FlowsTo.
247             </summary>
248         </member>
249         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsTo.Type">
250             <summary>
251             Gets the FlowsTo type.
252             </summary>
253         </member>
254         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsFrom">
255             <summary>
256             To define the custom reading order.
257             </summary>
258         </member>
259         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsFrom.Target">
260             <summary>
261             Gets or sets the target object which is FlowsFrom.
262             </summary>
263         </member>
264         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.FlowsFrom.Type">
265             <summary>
266             Gets the FlowsFrom type.
267             </summary>
268         </member>
269         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.SubwindowOf">
270             <summary>
271             To define subwindow for accessible object.
272             </summary>
273         </member>
274         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.SubwindowOf.Target">
275             <summary>
276             Gets or sets the target object which is SubwindowOf.
277             </summary>
278         </member>
279         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.SubwindowOf.Type">
280             <summary>
281             Gets the SubwindowOf type.
282             </summary>
283         </member>
284         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.Embeds">
285             <summary>
286             To define embed for accessible object.
287             </summary>
288         </member>
289         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.Embeds.Target">
290             <summary>
291             Gets or sets the target object which is Embeds.
292             </summary>
293         </member>
294         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.Embeds.Type">
295             <summary>
296             Gets the Embeds type.
297             </summary>
298         </member>
299         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.EmbeddedBy">
300             <summary>
301             To define embed for accessible object.
302             </summary>
303         </member>
304         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.EmbeddedBy.Target">
305             <summary>
306             Gets or sets the target object which is EmbeddedBy.
307             </summary>
308         </member>
309         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.EmbeddedBy.Type">
310             <summary>
311             Gets the EmbeddedBy type.
312             </summary>
313         </member>
314         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.PopupFor">
315             <summary>
316             To define popup for accessible object.
317             </summary>
318         </member>
319         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.PopupFor.Target">
320             <summary>
321             Gets or sets the target object which is PopupFor.
322             </summary>
323         </member>
324         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.PopupFor.Type">
325             <summary>
326             Gets the PopupFor type.
327             </summary>
328         </member>
329         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ParentWindowOf">
330             <summary>
331             To define parent window for accessible object.
332             </summary>
333         </member>
334         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ParentWindowOf.Target">
335             <summary>
336             Gets or sets the target object which is ParentWindowOf.
337             </summary>
338         </member>
339         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.ParentWindowOf.Type">
340             <summary>
341             Gets the ParentWindowOf type.
342             </summary>
343         </member>
344         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.DescriptionFor">
345             <summary>
346             To define description for accessible object.
347             </summary>
348         </member>
349         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.DescriptionFor.Target">
350             <summary>
351             Gets or sets the target object which is DescriptionFor.
352             </summary>
353         </member>
354         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.DescriptionFor.Type">
355             <summary>
356             Gets the DescriptionFor type.
357             </summary>
358         </member>
359         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.DescribedBy">
360             <summary>
361             To define description for accessible object.
362             </summary>
363         </member>
364         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.DescribedBy.Target">
365             <summary>
366             Gets or sets the target object which is DescribedBy.
367             </summary>
368         </member>
369         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Accessible.DescribedBy.Type">
370             <summary>
371             Gets the DescribedBy type.
372             </summary>
373         </member>
374         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingStatus">
375             <summary>
376             Enumeration for ReadingStatus.
377             </summary>
378         </member>
379         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingStatus.Unknown">
380             <summary>
381             Unknown status
382             </summary>
383         </member>
384         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingStatus.Cancelled">
385             <summary>
386             Cancelled status
387             </summary>
388         </member>
389         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingStatus.Stoppped">
390             <summary>
391             Stopped status
392             </summary>
393         </member>
394         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingStatus.Skipped">
395             <summary>
396             Skipped status
397             </summary>
398         </member>
399         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleUtil">
400             <summary>
401             AccessibleUtil provides a method to set the reading information.
402             </summary>
403         </member>
404         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessibleUtil.Say(System.String,System.Boolean)">
405             <summary>
406             Reads given text by screen reader.
407             </summary>
408             <param name="text">The reading text.</param>
409             <param name="discardable">If true, reading can be discarded by subsequent reading requests, if false the reading must finish before next reading request can be started.</param>
410             <returns>Return a task with reading status.</returns>
411         </member>
412         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole">
413             <summary>
414             Enumeration for AccessRole.
415             </summary>
416         </member>
417         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Invalid">
418             <summary>
419             Invalid
420             </summary>
421         </member>
422         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.AcceleratorLabel">
423             <summary>
424             AcceleratorLabel role
425             </summary>
426         </member>
427         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Alert">
428             <summary>
429             Alert role
430             </summary>
431         </member>
432         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Animation">
433             <summary>
434             Animation role
435             </summary>
436         </member>
437         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Arrow">
438             <summary>
439             Arrow role
440             </summary>
441         </member>
442         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Calendar">
443             <summary>
444             Calendar role
445             </summary>
446         </member>
447         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Canvas">
448             <summary>
449             Canvas role
450             </summary>
451         </member>
452         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.CheckBox">
453             <summary>
454             CheckBox role
455             </summary>
456         </member>
457         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.CheckMenuItem">
458             <summary>
459             CheckMenuItem role
460             </summary>
461         </member>
462         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ColorChooser">
463             <summary>
464             ColorChooser role
465             </summary>
466         </member>
467         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ColumnHeader">
468             <summary>
469             ColumnHeader role
470             </summary>
471         </member>
472         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ComboBox">
473             <summary>
474             ComboBox role
475             </summary>
476         </member>
477         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DateEditor">
478             <summary>
479             DateEditor role
480             </summary>
481         </member>
482         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DesktopIcon">
483             <summary>
484             DesktopIcon role
485             </summary>
486         </member>
487         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DesktopFrame">
488             <summary>
489             DesktopFrame role
490             </summary>
491         </member>
492         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Dial">
493             <summary>
494             Dial role
495             </summary>
496         </member>
497         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Dialog">
498             <summary>
499             Dialog role
500             </summary>
501         </member>
502         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DirectoryPane">
503             <summary>
504             DirectoryPane role
505             </summary>
506         </member>
507         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DrawingArea">
508             <summary>
509             DrawingArea role
510             </summary>
511         </member>
512         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.FileChooser">
513             <summary>
514             FileChooser role
515             </summary>
516         </member>
517         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Filler">
518             <summary>
519             Filler role
520             </summary>
521         </member>
522         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.FocusTraversable">
523             <summary>
524             FocusTraversable role
525             </summary>
526         </member>
527         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.FontChooser">
528             <summary>
529             FontChooser role
530             </summary>
531         </member>
532         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Frame">
533             <summary>
534             Frame role
535             </summary>
536         </member>
537         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.GlassPane">
538             <summary>
539             GlassPane role
540             </summary>
541         </member>
542         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.HtmlContainer">
543             <summary>
544             HtmlContainer role
545             </summary>
546         </member>
547         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Icon">
548             <summary>
549             Icon role
550             </summary>
551         </member>
552         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Image">
553             <summary>
554             Image role
555             </summary>
556         </member>
557         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.InternalFrame">
558             <summary>
559             InternalFrame role
560             </summary>
561         </member>
562         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Label">
563             <summary>
564             Label role
565             </summary>
566         </member>
567         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.LayeredPane">
568             <summary>
569             LayeredPane role
570             </summary>
571         </member>
572         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.List">
573             <summary>
574             List role
575             </summary>
576         </member>
577         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ListItem">
578             <summary>
579             ListItem role
580             </summary>
581         </member>
582         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Menu">
583             <summary>
584             Menu role
585             </summary>
586         </member>
587         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.MenuBar">
588             <summary>
589             MenuBar role
590             </summary>
591         </member>
592         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.MenuItem">
593             <summary>
594             MenuItem role
595             </summary>
596         </member>
597         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.OptionPane">
598             <summary>
599             OptionPane role
600             </summary>
601         </member>
602         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.PageTab">
603             <summary>
604             PageTab role
605             </summary>
606         </member>
607         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.PageTabList">
608             <summary>
609             PageTabList role
610             </summary>
611         </member>
612         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Panel">
613             <summary>
614             Panel role
615             </summary>
616         </member>
617         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.PasswordText">
618             <summary>
619             PasswordText role
620             </summary>
621         </member>
622         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.PopupMenu">
623             <summary>
624             PopupMenu role
625             </summary>
626         </member>
627         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ProgressBar">
628             <summary>
629             ProgressBar role
630             </summary>
631         </member>
632         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.PushButton">
633             <summary>
634             PushButton role
635             </summary>
636         </member>
637         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.RadioButton">
638             <summary>
639             RadioButton role
640             </summary>
641         </member>
642         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.RadioMenuItem">
643             <summary>
644             RadioMenuItem role
645             </summary>
646         </member>
647         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.RootPane">
648             <summary>
649             RootPane role
650             </summary>
651         </member>
652         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.RowHeader">
653             <summary>
654             RowHeader role
655             </summary>
656         </member>
657         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ScrollBar">
658             <summary>
659             ScrollBar role
660             </summary>
661         </member>
662         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ScrollPane">
663             <summary>
664             ScrollPane role
665             </summary>
666         </member>
667         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Separator">
668             <summary>
669             Separator role
670             </summary>
671         </member>
672         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Slider">
673             <summary>
674             Slider role
675             </summary>
676         </member>
677         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.SpinButton">
678             <summary>
679             SpinButton role
680             </summary>
681         </member>
682         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.SplitPane">
683             <summary>
684             SplitPane role
685             </summary>
686         </member>
687         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.StatusBar">
688             <summary>
689             StatusBar role
690             </summary>
691         </member>
692         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Table">
693             <summary>
694             Table role
695             </summary>
696         </member>
697         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.TableCell">
698             <summary>
699             TableCell role
700             </summary>
701         </member>
702         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.TableColumnHeader">
703             <summary>
704             TableColumnHeader role
705             </summary>
706         </member>
707         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.TableRowHeader">
708             <summary>
709             TableRowHeader role
710             </summary>
711         </member>
712         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.TearoffMenuItem">
713             <summary>
714             TearoffMenuItem role
715             </summary>
716         </member>
717         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Terminal">
718             <summary>
719             Terminal role
720             </summary>
721         </member>
722         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Text">
723             <summary>
724             Text role
725             </summary>
726         </member>
727         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ToggleButton">
728             <summary>
729             ToggleButton role
730             </summary>
731         </member>
732         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ToolBar">
733             <summary>
734             ToolBar role
735             </summary>
736         </member>
737         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ToolTip">
738             <summary>
739             ToolTip role
740             </summary>
741         </member>
742         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Tree">
743             <summary>
744             Tree role
745             </summary>
746         </member>
747         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.TreeTable">
748             <summary>
749             TreeTable role
750             </summary>
751         </member>
752         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Unknown">
753             <summary>
754             Unknown
755             </summary>
756         </member>
757         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Viewport">
758             <summary>
759             Viewport role
760             </summary>
761         </member>
762         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Window">
763             <summary>
764             Window role
765             </summary>
766         </member>
767         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Extended">
768             <summary>
769             Extended role
770             </summary>
771         </member>
772         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Header">
773             <summary>
774             Header role
775             </summary>
776         </member>
777         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Footer">
778             <summary>
779             Footer role
780             </summary>
781         </member>
782         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Paragraph">
783             <summary>
784             Paragraph
785             </summary>
786         </member>
787         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Ruler">
788             <summary>
789             Ruler role
790             </summary>
791         </member>
792         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Application">
793             <summary>
794             Application role
795             </summary>
796         </member>
797         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Autocomplete">
798             <summary>
799             Autocomplete role
800             </summary>
801         </member>
802         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Editbar">
803             <summary>
804             Editbar role
805             </summary>
806         </member>
807         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Embedded">
808             <summary>
809             Embedded role
810             </summary>
811         </member>
812         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Entry">
813             <summary>
814             Entry role
815             </summary>
816         </member>
817         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Chart">
818             <summary>
819             Chart role
820             </summary>
821         </member>
822         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Caption">
823             <summary>
824             Caption role
825             </summary>
826         </member>
827         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DocumentFrame">
828             <summary>
829             DocumentFrame role
830             </summary>
831         </member>
832         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Heading">
833             <summary>
834             Heading role
835             </summary>
836         </member>
837         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Page">
838             <summary>
839             Page role
840             </summary>
841         </member>
842         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Section">
843             <summary>
844             Section role
845             </summary>
846         </member>
847         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.RedundantObject">
848             <summary>
849             RedundantObject role
850             </summary>
851         </member>
852         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Form">
853             <summary>
854             Form role
855             </summary>
856         </member>
857         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Link">
858             <summary>
859             Link role
860             </summary>
861         </member>
862         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.InputMethodWindow">
863             <summary>
864             InputMethodWindow role
865             </summary>
866         </member>
867         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.TableRow">
868             <summary>
869             TableRow role
870             </summary>
871         </member>
872         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.TreeItem">
873             <summary>
874             TreeItem role
875             </summary>
876         </member>
877         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DocumentSpreadsheet">
878             <summary>
879             DocumentSpreadsheet role
880             </summary>
881         </member>
882         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DocumentPresentation">
883             <summary>
884             DocumentPresentation role
885             </summary>
886         </member>
887         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DocumentText">
888             <summary>
889             DocumentText role
890             </summary>
891         </member>
892         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DocumentWeb">
893             <summary>
894             DocumentWeb role
895             </summary>
896         </member>
897         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.DocumentEmail">
898             <summary>
899             DocumentEmail role
900             </summary>
901         </member>
902         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Comment">
903             <summary>
904             Comment role
905             </summary>
906         </member>
907         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ListBox">
908             <summary>
909             ListBox role
910             </summary>
911         </member>
912         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Grouping">
913             <summary>
914             Grouping role
915             </summary>
916         </member>
917         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.ImageMap">
918             <summary>
919             ImageMap role
920             </summary>
921         </member>
922         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.Notification">
923             <summary>
924             Notification role
925             </summary>
926         </member>
927         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.AccessRole.InfoBar">
928             <summary>
929             InfoBar role
930             </summary>
931         </member>
932         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.IAccessibleObject">
933             <summary>
934             IAccessibleObject is a interface which defines properties and methods of accessible object.
935             </summary>
936         </member>
937         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingInfoType">
938             <summary>
939             Enumeration for ReadingInfoType.
940             </summary>
941         </member>
942         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingInfoType.None">
943             <summary>
944             None
945             </summary>
946         </member>
947         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingInfoType.Name">
948             <summary>
949             Name for reading info type
950             </summary>
951         </member>
952         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingInfoType.Role">
953             <summary>
954             Role for reading info type
955             </summary>
956         </member>
957         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingInfoType.Description">
958             <summary>
959             Description for reading info type
960             </summary>
961         </member>
962         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Accessible.ReadingInfoType.State">
963             <summary>
964             State for reading info type
965             </summary>
966         </member>
967         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Background">
968             <summary>
969             The Background is a widget that use for setting (solid) background decorations to a window (unless it has transparency enabled)
970             or to any container object.
971             </summary>
972         </member>
973         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Background.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
974             <summary>
975             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Background class.
976             </summary>
977             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Background will be attached as a child.</param>
978         </member>
979         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Background.Color">
980             <summary>
981             Sets or gets color to Background.
982             </summary>
983         </member>
984         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Background.File">
985             <summary>
986             Sets or gets image to Background.
987             </summary>
988         </member>
989         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Background.BackgroundOption">
990             <summary>
991             Sets or gets the mode of display for a given background widget's image.
992             </summary>
993             <remarks>
994             This sets how the background widget will display its image.
995             This will only work if the File was previously set with an image file on obj.
996             The image can be display tiled, scaled, centered or stretched. scaled by default.
997             </remarks>
998         </member>
999         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Background.SetFileLoadSize(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1000             <summary>
1001             Set the size of the pixmap representation of the image set on a given background widget.
1002             This method just makes sense if an image file was set.
1003             This is just a hint for the underlying system.
1004             The real size of the pixmap may differ depending on the type of image being loaded, being bigger than requested.
1005             </summary>
1006             <param name="w">The new width of the image pixmap representation.</param>
1007             <param name="h">The new height of the image pixmap representation.</param>
1008         </member>
1009         <member name="T:ElmSharp.BackgroundOptions">
1010             <summary>
1011             Enumeration for the background type.
1012             </summary>
1013         </member>
1014         <member name="F:ElmSharp.BackgroundOptions.Center">
1015             <summary>
1016             Centers the background image
1017             </summary>
1018         </member>
1019         <member name="F:ElmSharp.BackgroundOptions.Scale">
1020             <summary>
1021             Scales the background image, retaining the aspect ratio
1022             </summary>
1023         </member>
1024         <member name="F:ElmSharp.BackgroundOptions.Stretch">
1025             <summary>
1026             Stretches the background image to fill the UI component's area.
1027             </summary>
1028         </member>
1029         <member name="F:ElmSharp.BackgroundOptions.Tile">
1030             <summary>
1031             Tiles the background image at its original size
1032             </summary>
1033         </member>
1034         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Box">
1035             <summary>
1036             The Box is a container used to arranges UI components in a linear order.
1037             </summary>
1038         </member>
1039         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1040             <summary>
1041             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Box class.
1042             </summary>
1043             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Box will be attached as a child.</param>
1044         </member>
1045         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Box.IsHorizontal">
1046             <summary>
1047             Sets or gets IsHorizontal value which describe pack direction, vertical is default.
1048             </summary>
1049         </member>
1050         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Box.IsHomogeneous">
1051             <summary>
1052             Sets or gets whether the box to arrange its children homogeneously.
1053             </summary>
1054         </member>
1055         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.PackEnd(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1056             <summary>
1057             Adds an object at the end of the pack list.
1058             </summary>
1059             <remarks>
1060             Packs "content" object into the Box, placing it last in the list of children objects.
1061             The actual position the object will get on screen depends on the layout used.
1062             If no custom layout is set, it will be at the bottom or right,
1063             depending if the Box is vertical or horizontal, respectively.
1064             </remarks>
1065             <param name="content">The oject be packed</param>
1066         </member>
1067         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.PackStart(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1068             <summary>
1069             Adds an "content" object to the beginning of the pack list.
1070             </summary>
1071             <remarks>
1072             Pack "content" object into the Box obj, placing it first in the list of children objects.
1073             The actual position the object will get on screen depends on the layout used.
1074             If no custom layout is set, it will be at the top or left,
1075             depending if the Box is vertical or horizontal, respectively.
1076             </remarks>
1077             <param name="content">The object to be packed.</param>
1078         </member>
1079         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.PackAfter(ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1080             <summary>
1081             Adds an "content "object to the Box after the "after" object.
1082             </summary>
1083             <remarks>
1084             This will add the "content" to the Box indicated after the object indicated with "after".
1085             If "after" is not already in the Box, results are undefined.
1086             After means either to the right of the "after" object or below it depending on orientation.
1087             </remarks>
1088             <param name="content">The object will be added in Box</param>
1089             <param name="after">The object has been added in Box</param>
1090         </member>
1091         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.PackBefore(ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1092             <summary>
1093             Adds an "content "object to the Box before the "before" object.
1094             </summary>
1095             <remarks>
1096             This will add the "content" to the Box indicated before the object indicated with "before".
1097             If "before" is not already in the Box, results are undefined.
1098             before means either to the left of the "before" object or below it depending on orientation.
1099             </remarks>
1100             <param name="content">The object will be added in Box</param>
1101             <param name="before">The object has been added in Box</param>
1102         </member>
1103         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.UnPack(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1104             <summary>
1105             Remove the "content" oject from Box without deleting it.
1106             </summary>
1107             <param name="content">The object to unpack</param>
1108         </member>
1109         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.UnPackAll">
1110             <summary>
1111             Removes all objects from Box container.
1112             </summary>
1113         </member>
1114         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.SetLayoutCallback(System.Action)">
1115             <summary>
1116             Whenever anything changes that requires the Box in obj to recalculate the size and position of its elements,
1117             the function cb will be called to determine what the layout of the children will be.
1118             </summary>
1119             <param name="action">The callback function used for layout </param>
1120         </member>
1121         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.SetPartColor(System.String,ElmSharp.Color)">
1122             <summary>
1123             Sets the color of exact part to Box's layout parent.
1124             </summary>
1125             <param name="part">The name of part class, it could be 'bg', 'elm.swllow.content'.</param>
1126             <param name="color">The color value.</param>
1127         </member>
1128         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.GetPartColor(System.String)">
1129             <summary>
1130             Gets the color of exact part of Box's layout parent.
1131             </summary>
1132             <param name="part">The name of part class, it could be 'bg', 'elm.swllow.content'.</param>
1133             <returns></returns>
1134         </member>
1135         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.Recalculate">
1136             <summary>
1137             Force the box to recalculate its children packing.
1138             If any children was added or removed, box will not calculate the values immediately rather leaving it to the next main loop iteration.
1139             While this is great as it would save lots of recalculation, whenever you need to get the position of a just added item you must force recalculate before doing so.
1140             </summary>
1141         </member>
1142         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.Clear">
1143             <summary>
1144             Clear the box of all children.
1145             Remove all the elements contained by the box, deleting the respective objects.
1146             </summary>
1147         </member>
1148         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.SetBoxAlignment(System.Double,System.Double)">
1149             <summary>
1150             Sets or gets the alignment of the whole bounding box of contents.
1151             </summary>
1152             <param name="horizontal">Horizontal alignment</param>
1153             <param name="vertical">Vertical alignment</param>
1154         </member>
1155         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Box.SetPadding(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1156             <summary>
1157             Sets or gets the space(padding) between the box's elements.
1158             </summary>
1159             <param name="horizontal">Horizontal padding</param>
1160             <param name="vertical">vertical padding</param>
1161         </member>
1162         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Button">
1163             <summary>
1164             The Button is a widget works as a clickable input element to trigger events.
1165             </summary>
1166         </member>
1167         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Button.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1168             <summary>
1169             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Button class.
1170             </summary>
1171             <param name="parent">
1172             The EvasObject to which the new Button will be attached as a child.
1173             </param>
1174         </member>
1175         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Button.Clicked">
1176             <summary>
1177             Clicked will be triggered when Button is clicked.
1178             </summary>
1179         </member>
1180         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Button.Repeated">
1181             <summary>
1182             Repeated will be triggered when Button is pressed without releasing it.
1183             </summary>
1184         </member>
1185         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Button.Pressed">
1186             <summary>
1187             Pressed will be triggered when the Button is pressed.
1188             </summary>
1189         </member>
1190         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Button.Released">
1191             <summary>
1192             Released will be triggered when the Button is released after being pressed.
1193             </summary>
1194         </member>
1195         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Button.AutoRepeat">
1196             <summary>
1197             Sets or gets the autorepeat feature of a given Button.
1198             </summary>
1199             <remarks>
1200             Autorepeat feature means autorepeat event generated when the button is kept pressed.
1201             When set AutoRepeat to false, no autorepeat is performed and buttons will trigger Clicked event when they are clicked.
1202             When set to true, keeping a button pressed continuously trigger Repeated event until the button is released.
1203             The time it takes until it starts triggering Repeated is given by AutoRepeatInitialTime,
1204             and the time between each new emission is given by AutoRepeatGapTimeout.
1205             </remarks>
1206         </member>
1207         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Button.AutoRepeatInitialTime">
1208             <summary>
1209             Sets or gets the initial timeout before the Repeat event is generated.
1210             </summary>
1211         </member>
1212         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Button.AutoRepeatGapTimeout">
1213             <summary>
1214             Sets or gets the interval between each generated Repeat event.
1215             </summary>
1216         </member>
1217         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Button.BackgroundColor">
1218             <summary>
1219             Sets or gets the BackgroundColor of a given Button in normal and pressed status.
1220             </summary>
1221         </member>
1222         <member name="T:ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType">
1223             <summary>
1224             Enumeration for event periodicity, used to define if a mark should be repeated beyond event's day. It's set when a mark is added.
1225             </summary>
1226         </member>
1227         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType.Unique">
1228             <summary>
1229             Default value. Marks will be displayed only on event day.
1230             </summary>
1231         </member>
1232         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType.Daily">
1233             <summary>
1234             Marks will be displayed every day after event day.
1235             </summary>
1236         </member>
1237         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType.Weekly">
1238             <summary>
1239             Marks will be displayed every week after event day.
1240             </summary>
1241         </member>
1242         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType.Monthly">
1243             <summary>
1244             Marks will be displayed every month day that coincides to event day.
1245             </summary>
1246         </member>
1247         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType.Annually">
1248             <summary>
1249             Marks will be displayed every year that coincides to event day.
1250             </summary>
1251         </member>
1252         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType.LastDayOfMonth">
1253             <summary>
1254             Marks will be displayed every last day of month after event day.
1255             </summary>
1256         </member>
1257         <member name="T:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectMode">
1258             <summary>
1259             Enumeration for the mode, which determine how user could select a day.
1260             </summary>
1261         </member>
1262         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectMode.Default">
1263             <summary>
1264             Default value. a day is always selected.
1265             </summary>
1266         </member>
1267         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectMode.Always">
1268             <summary>
1269             A day is always selected.
1270             </summary>
1271         </member>
1272         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectMode.None">
1273             <summary>
1274             None of the days can be selected.
1275             </summary>
1276         </member>
1277         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectMode.OnDemand">
1278             <summary>
1279             User may have selected a day or not.
1280             </summary>
1281         </member>
1282         <member name="T:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectable">
1283             <summary>
1284             Enumeration used to define which fields of a tm struct will be taken into account
1285             </summary>
1286         </member>
1287         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectable.None">
1288             <summary>
1289             None will be taken into account
1290             </summary>
1291         </member>
1292         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectable.Year">
1293             <summary>
1294             Year will be taken into account
1295             </summary>
1296         </member>
1297         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectable.Month">
1298             <summary>
1299             Month will be taken into account
1300             </summary>
1301         </member>
1302         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarSelectable.Day">
1303             <summary>
1304             Day will be taken into account
1305             </summary>
1306         </member>
1307         <member name="T:ElmSharp.CalendarMark">
1308             <summary>
1309             The CalendarMark is a Item for marking a Calendar's type,date and repeat type.
1310             </summary>
1311         </member>
1312         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMark.Type">
1313             <summary>
1314             A string used to define the type of mark.
1315             </summary>
1316         </member>
1317         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMark.Date">
1318             <summary>
1319             A time struct to represent the date of inclusion of the mark.
1320             </summary>
1321         </member>
1322         <member name="F:ElmSharp.CalendarMark.Repeat">
1323             <summary>
1324             Repeat the event following this periodicity.
1325             </summary>
1326         </member>
1327         <member name="M:ElmSharp.CalendarMark.#ctor(System.String,System.DateTime,ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType)">
1328             <summary>
1329             Creates and initializes a new instance of the CalendarMark class.
1330             </summary>
1331             <param name="type">Type of mark</param>
1332             <param name="date">Date of inclusion of the mark</param>
1333             <param name="repeat">Repeat type</param>
1334         </member>
1335         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Calendar">
1336             <summary>
1337             The Calendar is a widget that helps applications to flexibly display a calender with day of the week, date, year and month.
1338             </summary>
1339         </member>
1340         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Calendar.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1341             <summary>
1342             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Calendar class.
1343             </summary>
1344             <param name="parent">
1345             The EvasObject to which the new Calendar will be attached as a child.
1346             </param>
1347         </member>
1348         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Calendar.DateChanged">
1349             <summary>
1350             DateChanged will be triggered when the date in the calendar is changed.
1351             </summary>
1352         </member>
1353         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Calendar.DisplayedMonthChanged">
1354             <summary>
1355             DisplayedMonthChanged will be triggered when the current month displayed in the calendar is changed.
1356             </summary>
1357         </member>
1358         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Calendar.DateFormatDelegate">
1359             <summary>
1360             This delegate type is used to format the string that will be used to display month and year.
1361             </summary>
1362             <param name="time">DateTime</param>
1363             <returns></returns>
1364         </member>
1365         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.MinimumYear">
1366             <summary>
1367             Sets or gets the minimum for year.
1368             </summary>
1369         </member>
1370         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.MaximumYear">
1371             <summary>
1372             Sets or gets the maximum for the year.
1373             </summary>
1374         </member>
1375         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.DisplayedTime">
1376             <summary>
1377             Sets or gets the first day of week, who are used on Calendar.
1378             </summary>
1379         </member>
1380         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.FirstDayOfWeek">
1381             <summary>
1382             Sets or gets the first day of week, who are used on Calendar.
1383             </summary>
1384         </member>
1385         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:ElmSharp.Calendar.WeekDayNames" -->
1386         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.SelectedDate">
1387             <summary>
1388             Sets or gets the selected date.
1389             </summary>
1390             <remarks>
1391             Selected date changes when the user goes to next/previous month or select a day pressing over it on calendar.
1392             </remarks>
1393         </member>
1394         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.Interval">
1395             <summary>
1396             Sets or gets the interval on time updates for an user mouse button
1397             hold on calendar widgets' month/year selection.
1398             </summary>
1399         </member>
1400         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.SelectMode">
1401             <summary>
1402             Gets or sets the select day mode used.
1403             </summary>
1404         </member>
1405         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.Selectable">
1406             <summary>
1407             Gets or sets fields of a datetime will be taken into account, when SelectedDate set is invoked.
1408             </summary>
1409         </member>
1410         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Calendar.DateFormat">
1411             <summary>
1412             Gets or sets date format the string that will be used to display month and year.
1413             </summary>
1414         </member>
1415         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Calendar.AddMark(System.String,System.DateTime,ElmSharp.CalendarMarkRepeatType)">
1416             <summary>
1417             Add a new mark to the calendar.
1418             </summary>
1419             <param name="type">A string used to define the type of mark. It will be emitted to the theme, that should display a related modification on these days representation.</param>
1420             <param name="date">A time struct to represent the date of inclusion of the mark. For marks that repeats it will just be displayed after the inclusion date in the calendar.</param>
1421             <param name="repeat">Repeat the event following this periodicity. Can be a unique mark (that don't repeat), daily, weekly, monthly or annually.</param>
1422             <returns>Item for a calendar mark.</returns>
1423         </member>
1424         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Calendar.DeleteMark(ElmSharp.CalendarMark)">
1425             <summary>
1426             Delete mark from the calendar.
1427             </summary>
1428             <param name="mark">Item for a calendar mark</param>
1429         </member>
1430         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Calendar.DrawMarks">
1431             <summary>
1432             Draw calendar marks.
1433             </summary>
1434         </member>
1435         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Calendar.ClearMarks">
1436             <summary>
1437             Remove all calendar's marks.
1438             </summary>
1439         </member>
1440         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Check">
1441             <summary>
1442             The check is a widget allows for toggling a value between true and false.
1443             </summary>
1444         </member>
1445         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Check.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1446             <summary>
1447             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Check class.
1448             </summary>
1449             <param name="parent">
1450             The EvasObject to which the new Check will be attached as a child.
1451             </param>
1452         </member>
1453         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Check.StateChanged">
1454             <summary>
1455             StateChanged will be triggered when the IsChecked in the Check is changed.
1456             </summary>
1457         </member>
1458         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Check.IsChecked">
1459             <summary>
1460             Sets or gets whether the given Check is checked or not.
1461             </summary>
1462             <remarks>
1463             When object is checked, the value will set to true, Conversely will set to false.
1464             </remarks>
1465         </member>
1466         <member name="T:ElmSharp.CheckStateChangedEventArgs">
1467             <summary>
1468             It inherits System.EventArgs.
1469             The CheckStateChangedEventArgs is EventArgs to record Check's state.
1470             Include old state and new state.
1471             </summary>
1472         </member>
1473         <member name="P:ElmSharp.CheckStateChangedEventArgs.OldState">
1474             <summary>
1475             Gets the OldState property.The return type is bool.
1476             </summary>
1477         </member>
1478         <member name="P:ElmSharp.CheckStateChangedEventArgs.NewState">
1479             <summary>
1480             Gets the NewState property.The return type is bool.
1481             </summary>
1482         </member>
1483         <member name="M:ElmSharp.CheckStateChangedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
1484             <summary>
1485             Creates and initializes a new instance of the CheckStateChangedEventArgs class.
1486             </summary>
1487             <param name="oldState">Old state of Check which to use this CheckStateChangedEventArgs.</param>
1488             <param name="newState">New state of Check which to use this CheckStateChangedEventArgs.</param>
1489         </member>
1490         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Color">
1491             <summary>
1492             The Color is a struct to record Check's state.
1493             </summary>
1494         </member>
1495         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Color.Default">
1496             <summary>
1497             Gets a default Color instance.
1498             </summary>
1499             <remarks>
1500             In default Color instance,Mode type is Default,RGBA all set as -1.
1501             </remarks>
1502         </member>
1503         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Color.IsDefault">
1504             <summary>
1505             Gets whether the Color instance's mode is default or not.
1506             Return type is bool.
1507             </summary>
1508         </member>
1509         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Color.A">
1510             <summary>
1511             Gets A value of RGBA.
1512             A means the Alpha in color.
1513             </summary>
1514         </member>
1515         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Color.R">
1516             <summary>
1517             Gets R value of RGBA.
1518             R means the Red in color.
1519             </summary>
1520         </member>
1521         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Color.G">
1522             <summary>
1523             Gets G value of RGBA.
1524             G means the Green in color.
1525             </summary>
1526         </member>
1527         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Color.B">
1528             <summary>
1529             Gets B value of RGBA.
1530             B means the Blue in color.
1531             </summary>
1532         </member>
1533         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Color.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1534             <summary>
1535             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Color class.
1536             With RGB parameters.
1537             </summary>
1538             <param name="r">Red of RGB</param>
1539             <param name="g">Green of RGB</param>
1540             <param name="b">Blue of RGB</param>
1541         </member>
1542         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "M:ElmSharp.Color.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)" -->
1543         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Color.op_Equality(ElmSharp.Color,ElmSharp.Color)">
1544             <summary>
1545             Compare whether two Color instance is same or not.
1546             </summary>
1547             <param name="a">A Color instance.</param>
1548             <param name="b">A Color instance.</param>
1549             <returns>The result whether two instance is same or not.
1550             Return type is bool.If they are same, return true.
1551             </returns>
1552         </member>
1553         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Color.op_Inequality(ElmSharp.Color,ElmSharp.Color)">
1554             <summary>
1555             Compare whether two Color instance is different or not.
1556             </summary>
1557             <param name="a">A Color instance.</param>
1558             <param name="b">A Color instance.</param>
1559             <returns>The result whether two instance is different or not.
1560             Return type is bool.If they are different, return true.
1561             </returns>
1562         </member>
1563         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Color.FromHex(System.String)">
1564             <summary>
1565             Gets a Color instance with a hexadecimal string parameter.
1566             </summary>
1567             <param name="hex">Hexadecimal string.</param>
1568             <returns>New instance of Color struct.</returns>
1569         </member>
1570         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Color.FromUint(System.UInt32)">
1571             <summary>
1572             Gets a Color instance with a Unsigned integer parameter.
1573             </summary>
1574             <param name="argb">Unsigned integer indicates RGBA.</param>
1575             <returns>New instance of Color struct.</returns>
1576         </member>
1577         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Color.FromRgba(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1578             <summary>
1579             Gets a Color instance with R,G,B,A parameters.
1580             </summary>
1581             <param name="r">Red in RGBA.</param>
1582             <param name="g">Green in RGBA.</param>
1583             <param name="b">Blue in RGBA.</param>
1584             <param name="a">Alpha in RGBA.</param>
1585             <returns>New instance of Color struct.</returns>
1586         </member>
1587         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Color.FromRgb(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
1588             <summary>
1589             Gets a Color instance with R,G,B,A parameters.
1590             </summary>
1591             <param name="r">Red in RGB.</param>
1592             <param name="g">Green in RGB.</param>
1593             <param name="b">Blue in RGB.</param>
1594             <returns>New instance of Color struct.</returns>
1595         </member>
1596         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Transparent">
1597             <summary>
1598             The Tansparent is a predefined Color, it's rgba value is (0, 0, 0, 0).
1599             </summary>
1600         </member>
1601         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Aqua">
1602             <summary>
1603             The Aqua is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (0, 255, 255).
1604             </summary>
1605         </member>
1606         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Black">
1607             <summary>
1608             The Black is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (0, 0, 0).
1609             </summary>
1610         </member>
1611         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Blue">
1612             <summary>
1613             The Blue is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (0, 0, 255).
1614             </summary>
1615         </member>
1616         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Fuchsia">
1617             <summary>
1618             The Fuchsia is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (255, 0, 255).
1619             </summary>
1620         </member>
1621         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Gray">
1622             <summary>
1623             The Gray is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (128, 128, 128).
1624             </summary>
1625         </member>
1626         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Green">
1627             <summary>
1628             The Green is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (0, 128, 0).
1629             </summary>
1630         </member>
1631         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Lime">
1632             <summary>
1633             The Lime is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (0, 255, 0).
1634             </summary>
1635         </member>
1636         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Maroon">
1637             <summary>
1638             The Maroon is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (128, 0, 0).
1639             </summary>
1640         </member>
1641         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Navy">
1642             <summary>
1643             The Navy is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (0, 0, 128).
1644             </summary>
1645         </member>
1646         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Olive">
1647             <summary>
1648             The Olive is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (128, 128, 0).
1649             </summary>
1650         </member>
1651         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Orange">
1652             <summary>
1653             The Orange is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (255, 165, 0).
1654             </summary>
1655         </member>
1656         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Purple">
1657             <summary>
1658             The Purple is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (128, 0, 128).
1659             </summary>
1660         </member>
1661         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Pink">
1662             <summary>
1663             The Pink is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (255, 102, 255).
1664             </summary>
1665         </member>
1666         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Red">
1667             <summary>
1668             The Red is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (255, 0, 0).
1669             </summary>
1670         </member>
1671         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Silver">
1672             <summary>
1673             The Silver is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (192, 192, 192).
1674             </summary>
1675         </member>
1676         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Teal">
1677             <summary>
1678             The Teal is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (0, 128, 128).
1679             </summary>
1680         </member>
1681         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.White">
1682             <summary>
1683             The White is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (255, 255, 255).
1684             </summary>
1685         </member>
1686         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Color.Yellow">
1687             <summary>
1688             The Yellow is a predefined Color instance, it's rgb value is (255, 255, 0).
1689             </summary>
1690         </member>
1691         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ColorChangedEventArgs">
1692             <summary>
1693             It inherits System.EventArgs.
1694             Event ColorChanged of ColorSelector contain ColorChangedEventArgs as a parameter.
1695             Refer to <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ColorSelector"/>type.
1696             </summary>
1697         </member>
1698         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorChangedEventArgs.OldColor">
1699             <summary>
1700             Gets old color in color changed event.
1701             </summary>
1702         </member>
1703         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorChangedEventArgs.NewColor">
1704             <summary>
1705             Gets new color in color changed event.
1706             </summary>
1707         </member>
1708         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ColorChangedEventArgs.#ctor(ElmSharp.Color,ElmSharp.Color)">
1709             <summary>
1710             Creates and initializes a new instance of the ColorChangedEventArgs class.
1711             </summary>
1712             <param name="oldColor">old color</param>
1713             <param name="newColor">new color</param>
1714         </member>
1715         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode">
1716             <summary>
1717             Enumeration for mode of ColorSelector
1718             </summary>
1719         </member>
1720         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode.Palette">
1721             <summary>
1722             Only color palette is displayed, default
1723             </summary>
1724         </member>
1725         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode.Components">
1726             <summary>
1727             Only color selector is displayed
1728             </summary>
1729         </member>
1730         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode.Both">
1731             <summary>
1732             Both Palette and selector is displayed
1733             </summary>
1734         </member>
1735         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode.Picker">
1736             <summary>
1737             Only color picker is displayed
1738             </summary>
1739         </member>
1740         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode.Plane">
1741             <summary>
1742             This mode is not supported. If you use this, nothing will be shown
1743             </summary>
1744         </member>
1745         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode.PallettePlane">
1746             <summary>
1747             This mode is not supported. If you use this, it will be shown same with Palette mode
1748             </summary>
1749         </member>
1750         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorMode.All">
1751             <summary>
1752             This mode is not supported. If you use this, it will be shown same with Palette mode
1753             </summary>
1754         </member>
1755         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ColorSelector">
1756             <summary>
1757             The ColorSelector is a widget to set a series of colors.
1758             It also allows to load/save colors from/to config with a unique identifier.
1759             </summary>
1760             <remarks>
1761             By default, the colors are loaded/saved from/to config using "default" identifier.
1762             The colors can be picked by user from the color set by clicking on individual
1763             color item on the palette or by selecting it from selector.
1764             </remarks>
1765         </member>
1766         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1767             <summary>
1768             Creates and initializes a new instance of the ColorSelector class.
1769             </summary>
1770             <param name="parent"></param>
1771         </member>
1772         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.ColorChanged">
1773             <summary>
1774             ColorChanged will be triggered when the SelectedColor changed.
1775             </summary>
1776         </member>
1777         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.SelectedColor">
1778             <summary>
1779             Gets or sets color of colorselector.
1780             </summary>
1781         </member>
1782         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.Opacity">
1783             <summary>
1784             Gets Alpha of a default Color Class(Value is -1).
1785             </summary>
1786         </member>
1787         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.Mode">
1788             <summary>
1789             Gets or sets Colorselector's mode.
1790             </summary>
1791         </member>
1792         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.PaletteName">
1793             <summary>
1794             Get or set current palette's name.
1795             </summary>
1796         </member>
1797         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.AddPaletteColor(ElmSharp.Color)">
1798             <summary>
1799             Adds a new color item to palette.
1800             </summary>
1801             <param name="color">Color item to add</param>
1802             <returns>A new color palette Item.</returns>
1803         </member>
1804         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ColorSelector.ClearPalette">
1805             <summary>
1806             Clear the palette items.
1807             </summary>
1808         </member>
1809         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorItem">
1810             <summary>
1811             A instance to the ColorSelector item added.
1812             </summary>
1813         </member>
1814         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorSelectorItem.Color">
1815             <summary>
1816             Gets or sets the Palette item's color
1817             </summary>
1818         </member>
1819         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "T:ElmSharp.Conformant" -->
1820         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Conformant.#ctor(ElmSharp.Window)">
1821             <summary>
1822             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Conformant class.
1823             </summary>
1824             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Conformant
1825             as a child.It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
1826         </member>
1827         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Container">
1828             <summary>
1829             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Widget"/>.
1830             The Container is a abstract class.
1831             Other class inherits it to Elementary is about displaying
1832             its widgets in a nice layout.
1833             </summary>
1834         </member>
1835         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Container.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1836             <summary>
1837             Creates and initializes a new instance of class which inherit from Container.
1838             </summary>
1839             <param name="parent">The parent is a given object which will be attached by Container
1840             as a child.It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
1841         </member>
1842         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Container.BackgroundColor">
1843             <summary>
1844             Sets the background color of a given Container.
1845             </summary>
1846         </member>
1847         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection">
1848             <summary>
1849             Enumeration of ContextPopup direction type.
1850             </summary>
1851         </member>
1852         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection.Down">
1853             <summary>
1854             ContextPopup show appear below clicked area
1855             /// </summary>
1856         </member>
1857         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection.Right">
1858             <summary>
1859             ContextPopup show appear to the right of the clicked area
1860             </summary>
1861         </member>
1862         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection.Left">
1863             <summary>
1864             ContextPopup show appear to the left of the clicked area
1865             </summary>
1866         </member>
1867         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection.Up">
1868             <summary>
1869             ContextPopup show appear above the clicked area
1870             </summary>
1871         </member>
1872         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection.Unknown">
1873             <summary>
1874             ContextPopup does not determine it's direction yet
1875             </summary>
1876         </member>
1877         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ContextPopup">
1878             <summary>
1879             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Layout"/>.
1880             The ContextPopup is a widget that when it shown, pops up a list of items.
1881             </summary>
1882         </member>
1883         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1884             <summary>
1885             Creates and initializes a new instance of the ContextPopup class.
1886             </summary>
1887             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by ContextPopup
1888             as a child.It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
1889         </member>
1890         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.Dismissed">
1891             <summary>
1892             Dismissed is raised when the ContextPopup item is dismissed.
1893             </summary>
1894             <remarks>
1895             Outside of ContextPopup was clicked or it's parent area is changed or the language is changed. and then ContextPopup is dismissed.
1896             </remarks>
1897         </member>
1898         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.Direction">
1899             <summary>
1900             Gets the current direction of a ContextPopup.
1901             </summary>
1902             <remarks>
1903             Once the ContextPopup showed up, the direction would be determined.
1904             </remarks>
1905         </member>
1906         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.IsHorizontal">
1907             <summary>
1908             Gets or sets the value of current ContextPopup object's orientation.
1909             True for horizontal mode, False for vertical mode (or errors)
1910             </summary>
1911         </member>
1912         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.AutoHide">
1913             <summary>
1914             Gets or sets whether ContextPopup hide automatically
1915             or not when parent of ContextPopup is resized.
1916             </summary>
1917             <remarks>
1918             Default value of AutoHide is False.
1919             </remarks>
1920         </member>
1921         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.Clear">
1922             <summary>
1923             Clears all items in the given ContextPopup object.
1924             </summary>
1925         </member>
1926         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.SetDirectionPriorty(ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection,ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection,ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection,ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection)">
1927             <summary>
1928             Sets the direction priority of a ContextPopup.
1929             </summary>
1930             <param name="first">1st priority of direction </param>
1931             <param name="second">2nd priority of direction </param>
1932             <param name="third">3th priority of direction </param>
1933             <param name="fourth">4th priority of direction</param>
1934         </member>
1935         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.GetDirectionPriority(ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection@,ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection@,ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection@,ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection@)">
1936             <summary>
1937             Gets the direction priority of a ContextPopup.
1938             </summary>
1939             <param name="first">1st priority of direction to be returned</param>
1940             <param name="second">2nd priority of direction to be returned</param>
1941             <param name="third">2nd priority of direction to be returned </param>
1942             <param name="fourth">4th priority of direction to be returned</param>
1943         </member>
1944         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.Append(System.String)">
1945             <summary>
1946             Adds a new item to a ContextPopup object with label.
1947             </summary>
1948             <param name="label">The Label of the new item</param>
1949             <returns>
1950             A ContextPopupItem added or NULL, on errors
1951             </returns>
1952         </member>
1953         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.Append(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
1954             <summary>
1955             Adds a new item to a ContextPopup object with label and icon.
1956             </summary>
1957             <param name="label">The Label of the new item</param>
1958             <param name="icon">Icon to be set on new item</param>
1959             <returns>A ContextPopupItem added or NULL, on errors</returns>
1960         </member>
1961         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.Dismiss">
1962             <summary>
1963             Dismiss a ContextPopup object. The ContextPopup will be hidden and the "clicked" signal will be emitted.
1964             </summary>
1965         </member>
1966         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.IsAvailableDirection(ElmSharp.ContextPopupDirection)">
1967             <summary>
1968             Gets the possibility that the direction would be available
1969             </summary>
1970             <param name="direction">A direction user wants to check</param>
1971             <returns>
1972             Get false if you cannot put it in the direction. Gets true if it's possible.
1973             </returns>
1974         </member>
1975         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ContextPopup.Opacity">
1976             <summary>
1977             Gets Alpha of a default Color Class.
1978             </summary>
1979         </member>
1980         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ContextPopupItem">
1981             <summary>
1982             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ItemObject"/>.
1983             A instance to the ContextPopup item added.
1984             </summary>
1985         </member>
1986         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ContextPopupItem.Text">
1987             <summary>
1988             Gets the Text property of the given ContextPopupItem.
1989             </summary>
1990         </member>
1991         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ContextPopupItem.Icon">
1992             <summary>
1993             Gets the Icon(type is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/>) property of the given ContextPopupItem.
1994             </summary>
1995         </member>
1996         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ContextPopupItem.Selected">
1997             <summary>
1998             Selected will be triggered when the ContextPopupItem is Selected.
1999             </summary>
2000         </member>
2001         <member name="T:ElmSharp.DateChangedEventArgs">
2002             <summary>
2003             It inherits System.EventArgs.
2004             The DateChanged event in Calendar and DateTimeChanged event in DateTimeSelector.
2005             contain DateChangedEventArgs as a parameter.
2006             </summary>
2007         </member>
2008         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DateChangedEventArgs.OldDate">
2009             <summary>
2010             Gets the OldDate property of the given DateChangedEventArgs.
2011             </summary>
2012         </member>
2013         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DateChangedEventArgs.NewDate">
2014             <summary>
2015             Gets the NewDate property of the given DateChangedEventArgs.
2016             </summary>
2017         </member>
2018         <member name="M:ElmSharp.DateChangedEventArgs.#ctor(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
2019             <summary>
2020             Creates and initializes a new instance of the DateChangedEventArgs class.
2021             </summary>
2022             <param name="oldDate">
2023             Old date when DateChanged event or DateTimeChanged event triggered
2024             </param>
2025             <param name="newDate">
2026             New date when DateChanged event or DateTimeChanged event triggered
2027             </param>
2028         </member>
2029         <member name="T:ElmSharp.DateTimeFieldType">
2030             <summary>
2031             Enumeration of datetime field types for DateTimeSelector.
2032             </summary>
2033         </member>
2034         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "T:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector" -->
2035         <member name="M:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
2036              <summary>
2037              Creates and initializes a new instance of the DateTimeSelector class.
2038              </summary>
2039              <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by DateTimeSelector
2040             as a child.It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
2041         </member>
2042         <member name="E:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.DateTimeChanged">
2043             <summary>
2044             ItemSelected is raised when Datetime field value changed.
2045             </summary>
2046         </member>
2047         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.Format">
2048             <summary>
2049             Gets or sets the datetime format.
2050             </summary>
2051             <remarks>
2052             format is a combination of allowed LIBC date format specifiers like: "%b %d, %Y %I : %M %p".
2053             </remarks>
2054         </member>
2055         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.MaximumDateTime">
2056             <summary>
2057             Gets or sets the upper boundary of DateTime field.
2058             </summary>
2059         </member>
2060         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.MinimumDateTime">
2061             <summary>
2062             Gets or sets the lower boundary of DateTime field.
2063             </summary>
2064         </member>
2065         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.DateTime">
2066             <summary>
2067             Gets or sets the current value of DateTime field.
2068             </summary>
2069         </member>
2070         <member name="M:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.IsFieldVisible(ElmSharp.DateTimeFieldType)">
2071             <summary>
2072             Gets whether a field can be visible.
2073             </summary>
2074             <param name="type">Enumeration <see cref="T:ElmSharp.DateTimeFieldType"/></param>
2075             <returns>
2076             The field is visible or not.
2077             Type is bool.If visible, return true.
2078             </returns>
2079         </member>
2080         <member name="M:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.SetFieldLimit(ElmSharp.DateTimeFieldType,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2081             <summary>
2082             Sets the field limits of a field.
2083             </summary>
2084             <param name="type">Enumeration <see cref="T:ElmSharp.DateTimeFieldType"/></param>
2085             <param name="minimum">minimum limit</param>
2086             <param name="maximum">maximum limit</param>
2087         </member>
2088         <member name="M:ElmSharp.DateTimeSelector.SetFieldVisible(ElmSharp.DateTimeFieldType,System.Boolean)">
2089             <summary>
2090             Gets whether a field can be visible.
2091             </summary>
2092             <param name="type">Enumeration <see cref="T:ElmSharp.DateTimeFieldType"/></param>
2093             <param name="visible">When set as true, the field type visible.</param>
2094         </member>
2095         <member name="T:ElmSharp.DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs">
2096             <summary>
2097             It inherits System.EventArgs.
2098             The DisplayedMonthChangedEvent in Calendar contain
2099             DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs as a parameter.
2100             </summary>
2101         </member>
2102         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs.OldMonth">
2103             <summary>
2104             Gets the OldMonth property of the given DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs.
2105             </summary>
2106         </member>
2107         <member name="P:ElmSharp.DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs.NewMonth">
2108             <summary>
2109             Gets the NewMonth property of the given DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs.
2110             </summary>
2111         </member>
2112         <member name="M:ElmSharp.DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2113             <summary>
2114             Creates and initializes a new instance of the DisplayedMonthChangedEventArgs class.
2115             </summary>
2116             <param name="oldMonth">
2117             old month of date when DisplayedMonthChangedEvent triggered.
2118             </param>
2119             <param name="newMonth">
2120             new month of date when DisplayedMonthChangedEvent triggered.
2121             </param>
2122         </member>
2123         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EcoreAnimator">
2124             <summary>
2125             EcoreAnimator is a helper class, it provides functions to manager animations.
2126             </summary>
2127         </member>
2128         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreAnimator.GetCurrentTime">
2129             <summary>
2130             Gets current system time as a floating point value in seconds.
2131             </summary>
2132             <returns>Current system time</returns>
2133         </member>
2134         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreAnimator.AddAnimator(System.Func{System.Boolean})">
2135             <summary>
2136             Adds an animator to call <paramref name="handler"/> at every animation tick during main loop execution.
2137             </summary>
2138             <param name="handler">The function to call when it ticks off</param>
2139             <returns>A handle to the new animator</returns>
2140         </member>
2141         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreAnimator.RemoveAnimator(System.IntPtr)">
2142             <summary>
2143             Removes the specified animator from the animator list.
2144             </summary>
2145             <param name="anim">The specified animator handle</param>
2146         </member>
2147         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType">
2148             <summary>
2149             The EcoreEventType is type of EcoreEvent.
2150             It includes some predefined instance.
2151             </summary>
2152         </member>
2153         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.KeyDown">
2154             <summary>
2155             Key down Ecore event type.
2156             </summary>
2157         </member>
2158         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.KeyUp">
2159             <summary>
2160             Key Up Ecore event type.
2161             </summary>
2162         </member>
2163         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.MouseButtonDown">
2164             <summary>
2165             Mouse Button Down Ecore event type.
2166             </summary>
2167         </member>
2168         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.MouseButtonUp">
2169             <summary>
2170             Mouse Button Up Ecore event type.
2171             </summary>
2172         </member>
2173         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.MouseButtonCancel">
2174             <summary>
2175             Mouse Button Cancel Ecore event type.
2176             </summary>
2177         </member>
2178         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.MouseMove">
2179             <summary>
2180             Mouse Move Ecore event type.
2181             </summary>
2182         </member>
2183         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.MouseWheel">
2184             <summary>
2185             Mouse Wheel Ecore event type.
2186             </summary>
2187         </member>
2188         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.MouseIn">
2189             <summary>
2190             Mouse In Ecore event type.
2191             </summary>
2192         </member>
2193         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.MouseOut">
2194             <summary>
2195             Mouse Out Ecore event type.
2196             </summary>
2197         </member>
2198         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreEventType.GetValue">
2199             <summary>
2200             Gets the value associated with the specified type.
2201             </summary>
2202             <returns>The value of type.</returns>
2203         </member>
2204         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EcoreEvent`1">
2205             <summary>
2206             The EcoreEvent is a class to help to create events are being notified of events.
2207             </summary>
2208             <typeparam name="TEventArgs">Kinds of EventArgs</typeparam>
2209         </member>
2210         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreEvent`1.#ctor(ElmSharp.EcoreEventType)">
2211             <summary>
2212             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EcoreEvent class.
2213             </summary>
2214             <param name="type">EcoreEventType</param>
2215         </member>
2216         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreEvent`1.#ctor(ElmSharp.EcoreEventType,ElmSharp.EcoreEvent{`0}.EventInfoParser)">
2217             <summary>
2218             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EcoreEvent class.
2219             </summary>
2220             <param name="type">EcoreEventType</param>
2221             <param name="parser">EventInfoParser</param>
2222         </member>
2223         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EcoreEvent`1.On">
2224             <summary>
2225             On Event Handler of EcoreEvent.
2226             </summary>
2227         </member>
2228         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EcoreEvent">
2229             <summary>
2230             Event class for EcoreEvent
2231             </summary>
2232         </member>
2233         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreEvent.#ctor(ElmSharp.EcoreEventType)">
2234             <summary>
2235             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EcoreEvent class.
2236             </summary>
2237             <param name="type">EcoreEventType</param>
2238         </member>
2239         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EcoreKeyEventArgs">
2240             <summary>
2241             It inherits System.EventArgs.
2242             The EcoreKeyEventArgs is a EventArgs to record Ecore event's key name and key code.
2243             </summary>
2244         </member>
2245         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EcoreKeyEventArgs.KeyName">
2246             <summary>
2247             Gets the KeyName property.The return type is string.
2248             </summary>
2249         </member>
2250         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EcoreKeyEventArgs.KeyCode">
2251             <summary>
2252             Gets the KeyCode property.The return type is int.
2253             </summary>
2254         </member>
2255         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreKeyEventArgs.Create(System.IntPtr,ElmSharp.EcoreEventType,System.IntPtr)">
2256             <summary>
2257             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EcoreKeyEventArgs class.
2258             </summary>
2259             <param name="data">data</param>
2260             <param name="type">type</param>
2261             <param name="info">information </param>
2262             <returns>new instance of the EcoreKeyEventArgs class</returns>
2263         </member>
2264         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop">
2265             <summary>
2266             EcoreMainloop is a helper class, it provide functions relative Ecore's main loop.
2267             </summary>
2268         </member>
2269         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.IsMainThread">
2270             <summary>
2271             Checks if you are calling this function from the main thread.
2272             </summary>
2273             <remarks>True is the calling function is the same thread, false otherwise.</remarks>
2274         </member>
2275         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.Begin">
2276             <summary>
2277             Runs the application main loop.
2278             </summary>
2279         </member>
2280         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.Quit">
2281             <summary>
2282             Quits the main loop once all the events currently on the queue have been processed.
2283             </summary>
2284         </member>
2285         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.Post(System.Action)">
2286             <summary>
2287             Adds an idler handler.
2288             </summary>
2289             <param name="task">The action to call when idling</param>
2290         </member>
2291         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.PostAndWakeUp(System.Action)">
2292             <summary>
2293             Calls callback asynchronously in the main loop.
2294             </summary>
2295             <param name="task">The action wanted to be called</param>
2296         </member>
2297         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.Send(System.Action)">
2298             <summary>
2299             Calls callback synchronously in the main loop.
2300             </summary>
2301             <param name="task">The action wanted to be called</param>
2302         </member>
2303         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.AddTimer(System.Double,System.Func{System.Boolean})">
2304             <summary>
2305             Creates a timer to call the given function in the given period of time.
2306             </summary>
2307             <param name="interval">The interval in seconds.</param>
2308             <param name="handler">The given function.</param>
2309             <returns>A timer object handler on success, NULL on failure.</returns>
2310         </member>
2311         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreMainloop.RemoveTimer(System.IntPtr)">
2312             <summary>
2313             Removes the specified timer from the timer list.
2314             </summary>
2315             <param name="id">The specified timer handler</param>
2316         </member>
2317         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EcoreSynchronizationContext">
2318             <summary>
2319             Provides a synchronization context for the efl application.
2320             </summary>
2321         </member>
2322         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreSynchronizationContext.#ctor">
2323             <summary>
2324             Initializes a new instance of the EcoreSynchronizationContext class.
2325             </summary>
2326         </member>
2327         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreSynchronizationContext.Initialize">
2328             <summary>
2329             Initilizes a new EcoreSynchronizationContext and install into current thread
2330             </summary>
2331             <remarks>
2332             It is equivalent
2333             <code>
2334             SetSynchronizationContext(new EcoreSynchronizationContext());
2335             </code>
2336             </remarks>
2337         </member>
2338         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreSynchronizationContext.Post(System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback,System.Object)">
2339             <summary>
2340             Dispatches an asynchronous message to a Ecore main loop.
2341             </summary>
2342             <param name="d"><see cref="T:System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback"/>The SendOrPostCallback delegate to call.</param>
2343             <param name="state"><see cref="T:System.Object"/>The object passed to the delegate.</param>
2344             <remarks>The Post method starts an asynchronous request to post a message.</remarks>
2345         </member>
2346         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EcoreSynchronizationContext.Send(System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback,System.Object)">
2347             <summary>
2348             Dispatches a synchronous message to a Ecore main loop
2349             </summary>
2350             <param name="d"><see cref="T:System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback"/>The SendOrPostCallback delegate to call.</param>
2351             <param name="state"><see cref="T:System.Object"/>The object passed to the delegate.</param>
2352             <remarks>
2353             The Send method starts a synchronous request to send a message.</remarks>
2354         </member>
2355         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EdjeObject">
2356             <summary>
2357             The EdjeObject is a class that evas object exist in
2358             </summary>
2359         </member>
2360         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.Item(System.String)">
2361             <summary>
2362             Checks whether an edje part exists in a given edje object's group definition.
2363             This function returns if a given part exists in the edje group bound to object obj
2364             </summary>
2365             <remarks>This call is useful, for example, when one could expect a given GUI element, depending on the theme applied to obj.</remarks>
2366             <param name="part">The part's name to check for existence in obj's group</param>
2367             <returns>TRUE, if the edje part exists in obj's group, otherwise FALSE</returns>
2368         </member>
2369         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.EmitSignal(System.String,System.String)">
2370             <summary>
2371             Sends/emits an edje signal to a given edje object.
2372             </summary>
2373             <param name="emission">The signal's "emission" string</param>
2374             <param name="source">The signal's "source" string</param>
2375         </member>
2376         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.DeleteColorClass(System.String)">
2377             <summary>
2378             Deletes the object color class.
2379             This function deletes any values at the object level for the specified object and color class.
2380             </summary>
2381             <remarks>Deleting the color class defined in the theme file.</remarks>
2382             <param name="part">The color class to be deleted</param>
2383         </member>
2384         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.SetColorClass(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
2385             <summary>
2386             Sets the object color class.
2387             </summary>
2388             <param name="colorClass">The color class name.</param>
2389             <param name="red">The object Red value.</param>
2390             <param name="green">The object Green value.</param>
2391             <param name="blue">The object Blue value.</param>
2392             <param name="alpha">The object Alpha value.</param>
2393             <param name="outlineRed">The outline Red value.</param>
2394             <param name="outlineGreen">The outline Green value.</param>
2395             <param name="outlineBlue">The outline Blue value.</param>
2396             <param name="outlineAlpha">The outline Alpha value.</param>
2397             <param name="shadowRed">The shadow Red value.</param>
2398             <param name="shadowGreen">The shadow Green value.</param>
2399             <param name="shadowBlue">The shadow Blue value.</param>
2400             <param name="shadowAlpha">The shadow Alpha value.</param>
2401             <returns>True if succeed, otherwise False</returns>
2402         </member>
2403         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.GetColorClass(System.String,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
2404             <summary>
2405             Gets the object color class.
2406             </summary>
2407             <param name="colorClass">The color class name.</param>
2408             <param name="red">The object Red value.</param>
2409             <param name="green">The object Green value.</param>
2410             <param name="blue">The object Blue value.</param>
2411             <param name="alpha">The object Alpha value.</param>
2412             <param name="outlineRed">The outline Red value.</param>
2413             <param name="outlineGreen">The outline Green value.</param>
2414             <param name="outlineBlue">The outline Blue value.</param>
2415             <param name="outlineAlpha">The outline Alpha value.</param>
2416             <param name="shadowRed">The shadow Red value.</param>
2417             <param name="shadowGreen">The shadow Green value.</param>
2418             <param name="shadowBlue">The shadow Blue value.</param>
2419             <param name="shadowAlpha">The shadow Alpha value.</param>
2420             <returns>True if succeed, otherwise False</returns>
2421         </member>
2422         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.SetTextClass(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
2423             <summary>
2424             Sets Edje text class.
2425             </summary>
2426             <param name="textClass">The text class name.</param>
2427             <param name="font"> Font name.</param>
2428             <param name="fontSize">Font size.</param>
2429             <returns>True if succeed, otherwise False</returns>
2430         </member>
2431         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.GetTextClass(System.String,System.String@,System.Int32@)">
2432             <summary>
2433             Gets Edje text class.
2434             </summary>
2435             <param name="textClass">The text class name.</param>
2436             <param name="font">Font name.</param>
2437             <param name="fontSize">Font size.</param>
2438             <returns>True if succeed, otherwise False</returns>
2439         </member>
2440         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.AddSignalAction(System.String,System.String,System.Action{System.String,System.String})">
2441             <summary>
2442             Adds Action for an arriving edje signal, emitted by a given Ejde object.
2443             </summary>
2444             <param name="emission">The signal's "emission" string</param>
2445             <param name="source">The signal's "source" string</param>
2446             <param name="action">The action to be executed when the signal is emitted</param>
2447         </member>
2448         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EdjeObject.DeleteSignalAction(System.String,System.String,System.Action{System.String,System.String})">
2449             <summary>
2450             Deletes a signal-triggered action from an object.
2451             </summary>
2452             <param name="emission">The signal's "emission" string</param>
2453             <param name="source">The signal's "source" string</param>
2454             <param name="action">The action to be executed when the signal is emitted</param>
2455         </member>
2456         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EdjeTextPartObject">
2457             <summary>
2458             An EdjeTextPartObject is a class dealing with parts of type text.
2459             </summary>
2460         </member>
2461         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EdjeTextPartObject.Name">
2462             <summary>
2463             Gets the name of the EdjeTextPartObject
2464             </summary>
2465         </member>
2466         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EdjeTextPartObject.Text">
2467             <summary>
2468             Gets or sets the text for an object part.
2469             </summary>
2470         </member>
2471         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EdjeTextPartObject.TextStyle">
2472             <summary>
2473             Sets or gets the style of the object part.
2474             </summary>
2475         </member>
2476         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EdjeTextPartObject.Geometry">
2477             <summary>
2478             Gets the geometry of a given edje part, in a given edje object's group definition, relative to the object's area.
2479             </summary>
2480         </member>
2481         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EdjeTextPartObject.TextBlockNativeSize">
2482             <summary>
2483             Gets the native width and height.
2484             </summary>
2485         </member>
2486         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EdjeTextPartObject.TextBlockFormattedSize">
2487             <summary>
2488             Gets the formatted width and height.
2489             </summary>
2490         </member>
2491         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EffectBase">
2492             <summary>
2493             EffectBase class for the TransitEffect
2494             </summary>
2495         </member>
2496         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EffectBase.EffectEnded">
2497             <summary>
2498             EffectEneded event will be triggered when be effect ended.
2499             </summary>
2500         </member>
2501         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FocusAutoScrollMode">
2502             <summary>
2503             Focus Autoscroll Mode
2504             </summary>
2505         </member>
2506         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusAutoScrollMode.Show">
2507             <summary>
2508             Directly show the focused region or item automatically
2509             </summary>
2510         </member>
2511         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusAutoScrollMode.None">
2512             <summary>
2513             Do not show the focused region or item automatically
2514             </summary>
2515         </member>
2516         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusAutoScrollMode.BringIn">
2517             <summary>
2518             Bring in the focused region or item automatically which might invole the scrolling
2519             </summary>
2520         </member>
2521         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Elementary">
2522             <summary>
2523             The Elementary is a General Elementary,a VERY SIMPLE toolkit.
2524             </summary>
2525         </member>
2526         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.FingerSize">
2527             <summary>
2528             Gets or sets the configured finger size.
2529             </summary>
2530         </member>
2531         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.IsFocusHighlightAnimation">
2532             <summary>
2533             Gets or sets the enable status of the focus highlight animation
2534             </summary>
2535         </member>
2536         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.IsMirrored">
2537             <summary>
2538             Gets or sets the system mirrored mode.
2539             This determines the default mirrored mode of widgets.
2540             </summary>
2541         </member>
2542         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.CanFocusHighlight">
2543             <summary>
2544             Gets or sets the enable status of the focus highlight.
2545             </summary>
2546         </member>
2547         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.AppBaseScale">
2548             <summary>
2549             Gets or sets the base scale of the application.
2550             </summary>
2551         </member>
2552         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.Scale">
2553             <summary>
2554             Gets or sets the global scaling factor.
2555             </summary>
2556         </member>
2557         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.BringInScrollFriction">
2558             <summary>
2559             Gets or sets the amount of inertia a scroller imposes during region bring animations.
2560             </summary>
2561         </member>
2562         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Elementary.FocusAutoScrollMode">
2563             <summary>
2564             Gets of sets focus auto scroll mode.
2565             </summary>
2566         </member>
2567         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.Initialize">
2568             <summary>
2569             Initializes Elementary.
2570             </summary>
2571         </member>
2572         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.Shutdown">
2573             <summary>
2574             Shuts down Elementary.
2575             </summary>
2576         </member>
2577         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.Run">
2578             <summary>
2579             Runs Elementary's main loop.
2580             </summary>
2581         </member>
2582         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.AddThemeOverlay(System.String)">
2583             <summary>
2584             Prepends a theme overlay to the list of overlays
2585             </summary>
2586             <param name="filePath">The Edje file path to be used.</param>
2587         </member>
2588         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.DeleteThemeOverlay(System.String)">
2589             <summary>
2590             Delete a theme overlay from the list of overlays
2591             </summary>
2592             <param name="filePath">The name of the theme overlay.</param>
2593         </member>
2594         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.FreeTheme">
2595             <summary>
2596             Free a theme
2597             </summary>
2598         </member>
2599         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.SetTheme(System.String)">
2600             <summary>
2601             Set the theme search order for the given theme
2602             </summary>
2603             <param name="theme">Theme search string</param>
2604             <remarks>This sets the search string for the theme in path-notation from first theme to search, to last, delimited by the : character. Example:"shiny:/path/to/file.edj:default"</remarks>
2605         </member>
2606         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.FlushTheme">
2607             <summary>
2608             Flush the current theme.
2609             </summary>
2610         </member>
2611         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.FlushAllThemes">
2612             <summary>
2613             This flushes all themes (default and specific ones).
2614             </summary>
2615         </member>
2616         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.DeleteThemeExtention(System.String)">
2617             <summary>
2618             Deletes a theme extension from the list of extensions.
2619             </summary>
2620             <param name="item">The name of the theme extension.</param>
2621         </member>
2622         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.FlushAllCashe">
2623             <summary>
2624             Flush all caches.
2625             Frees all data that was in cache and is not currently being used to reduce memory usage. This frees Edje's, Evas' and Eet's cache.
2626             </summary>
2627         </member>
2628         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.SetLanguage(System.String)">
2629             <summary>
2630             Changes the language of the current application.
2631             </summary>
2632             <param name="language">The language to set, must be the full name of the locale.</param>
2633         </member>
2634         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.SetPolicy(System.UInt32,System.Int32)">
2635             <summary>
2636             Sets a new policy's value (for a given policy group/identifier).
2637             </summary>
2638             <param name="policy">The policy identifier</param>
2639             <param name="value">The policy value, which depends on the identifier</param>
2640             <returns></returns>
2641         </member>
2642         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.ReloadConfig">
2643             <summary>
2644             Reloads Elementary's configuration, bounded to the current selected profile.
2645             </summary>
2646         </member>
2647         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Elementary.FlushAllConfig">
2648             <summary>
2649             Flushes all config settings and then applies those settings to all applications using elementary on the current display.
2650             </summary>
2651         </member>
2652         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ElmScrollConfig">
2653             <summary>
2654             The ElmScrollConfig is a scrollable views's config
2655             </summary>
2656         </member>
2657         <member name="T:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout">
2658             <summary>
2659             Enumeration for describing InputPanel layout type.
2660             </summary>
2661         </member>
2662         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Normal">
2663             <summary>
2664             InputPanel layout type default.
2665             </summary>
2666         </member>
2667         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Number">
2668             <summary>
2669             InputPanel layout type number.
2670             </summary>
2671         </member>
2672         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Email">
2673             <summary>
2674             InputPanel layout type email.
2675             </summary>
2676         </member>
2677         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Url">
2678             <summary>
2679             InputPanel layout type url.
2680             </summary>
2681         </member>
2682         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.PhoneNumber">
2683             <summary>
2684             InputPanel layout type phone.
2685             </summary>
2686         </member>
2687         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Ip">
2688             <summary>
2689             InputPanel layout type ip.
2690             </summary>
2691         </member>
2692         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Month">
2693             <summary>
2694             InputPanel layout type month.
2695             </summary>
2696         </member>
2697         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.NumberOnly">
2698             <summary>
2699             InputPanel layout type number.
2700             </summary>
2701         </member>
2702         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Invalid">
2703             <summary>
2704             InputPanel layout type error type. Do not use it directly!
2705             </summary>
2706         </member>
2707         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Hex">
2708             <summary>
2709             InputPanel layout type hexadecimal.
2710             </summary>
2711         </member>
2712         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Terminal">
2713             <summary>
2714             InputPanel layout type terminal type, esc, alt, ctrl, etc.
2715             </summary>
2716         </member>
2717         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Password">
2718             <summary>
2719             InputPanel layout type password.
2720             </summary>
2721         </member>
2722         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.DateTime">
2723             <summary>
2724             Keyboard layout type date and time.
2725             </summary>
2726         </member>
2727         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout.Emoticon">
2728             <summary>
2729             InputPanel layout type emoticons.
2730             </summary>
2731         </member>
2732         <member name="T:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType">
2733             <summary>
2734             Enumeration that defines the "Return" key types on the input panel (virtual keyboard).
2735             </summary>
2736         </member>
2737         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Default">
2738             <summary>
2739             Default key type
2740             </summary>
2741         </member>
2742         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Done">
2743             <summary>
2744             Done key type
2745             </summary>
2746         </member>
2747         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Go">
2748             <summary>
2749             Go key type
2750             </summary>
2751         </member>
2752         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Join">
2753             <summary>
2754             Join key type
2755             </summary>
2756         </member>
2757         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Login">
2758             <summary>
2759             Login key type
2760             </summary>
2761         </member>
2762         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Next">
2763             <summary>
2764             Next key type
2765             </summary>
2766         </member>
2767         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Search">
2768             <summary>
2769             Search string or magnifier icon key type
2770             </summary>
2771         </member>
2772         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Send">
2773             <summary>
2774             Send key type
2775             </summary>
2776         </member>
2777         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType.Signin">
2778             <summary>
2779             Sign-in key type
2780             </summary>
2781         </member>
2782         <member name="T:ElmSharp.AutoCapital">
2783             <summary>
2784             Enumeration that defines the autocapitalization types.
2785             </summary>
2786         </member>
2787         <member name="F:ElmSharp.AutoCapital.None">
2788             <summary>
2789             No autocapitalization when typing
2790             </summary>
2791         </member>
2792         <member name="F:ElmSharp.AutoCapital.Word">
2793             <summary>
2794             Autocapitalize each typed word
2795             </summary>
2796         </member>
2797         <member name="F:ElmSharp.AutoCapital.Sentence">
2798             <summary>
2799             Autocapitalize the start of each sentence
2800             </summary>
2801         </member>
2802         <member name="F:ElmSharp.AutoCapital.All">
2803             <summary>
2804             Autocapitalize all letters
2805             </summary>
2806         </member>
2807         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "T:ElmSharp.CopyAndPasteMode" -->
2808         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:ElmSharp.CopyAndPasteMode.Markup" -->
2809         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:ElmSharp.CopyAndPasteMode.NoImage" -->
2810         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:ElmSharp.CopyAndPasteMode.PlainText" -->
2811         <member name="T:ElmSharp.TextFormat">
2812             <summary>
2813             Enumeration that defines the text format types.
2814             </summary>
2815         </member>
2816         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TextFormat.Plain">
2817             <summary>
2818             Plain type
2819             </summary>
2820         </member>
2821         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TextFormat.Markup">
2822             <summary>
2823             Markup type
2824             </summary>
2825         </member>
2826         <member name="T:ElmSharp.InputHints">
2827             <summary>
2828             Enumeration that defines the types of Input Hints.
2829             </summary>
2830         </member>
2831         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputHints.None">
2832             <summary>
2833             No active hints
2834             </summary>
2835         </member>
2836         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputHints.AutoComplete">
2837             <summary>
2838             suggest word auto completion
2839             </summary>
2840         </member>
2841         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputHints.SensitiveData">
2842             <summary>
2843             typed text should not be stored.
2844             </summary>
2845         </member>
2846         <member name="T:ElmSharp.InputPanelLanguage">
2847             <summary>
2848             Enumeration that defines the input panel (virtual keyboard) language modes.
2849             </summary>
2850         </member>
2851         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLanguage.Automatic">
2852             <summary>
2853             Automatic language mode
2854             </summary>
2855         </member>
2856         <member name="F:ElmSharp.InputPanelLanguage.Alphabet">
2857             <summary>
2858             Alphabet language mode
2859             </summary>
2860         </member>
2861         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Entry">
2862             <summary>
2863             The entry is a convenience widget that shows a box in which the user can enter text.
2864             </summary>
2865         </member>
2866         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
2867             <summary>
2868             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Entry class.
2869             </summary>
2870             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Entry will be attached as a child.</param>
2871         </member>
2872         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Entry.Activated">
2873             <summary>
2874             Activated will be triggered when the entry in Activated stated.
2875             </summary>
2876         </member>
2877         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Entry.Clicked">
2878             <summary>
2879             Clicked will be triggered when the entry is clicked.
2880             </summary>
2881         </member>
2882         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Entry.ChangedByUser">
2883             <summary>
2884             ChangedByUser will be triggered when the entry changed by user.
2885             </summary>
2886         </member>
2887         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Entry.CursorChanged">
2888             <summary>
2889             CursorChanged will be triggered when the Cursor in the entry is changed.
2890             </summary>
2891         </member>
2892         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.IsSingleLine">
2893             <summary>
2894             Sets or gets the entry to the single line mode.
2895             </summary>
2896         </member>
2897         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.IsPassword">
2898             <summary>
2899             Sets or gets the entry to the password mode.
2900             </summary>
2901         </member>
2902         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.IsEditable">
2903             <summary>
2904             Sets or gets whether the entry is editable.
2905             </summary>
2906         </member>
2907         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.IsEmpty">
2908             <summary>
2909             Sets or gets whether the entry is empty.
2910             </summary>
2911         </member>
2912         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.Text">
2913             <summary>
2914             Sets or gets text currently shown in the object entry.
2915             </summary>
2916         </member>
2917         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.TextStyle">
2918             <summary>
2919             Sets or gets the style on the top of the user style stack.
2920             </summary>
2921             <remarks>If there is styles in the user style stack, the properties in the top style of user style stack will replace the properties in current theme. The input style is specified in format tag='property=value' (i.e. DEFAULT='font=Sans font_size=60'hilight=' + font_weight=Bold').</remarks>
2922         </member>
2923         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.CursorPosition">
2924             <summary>
2925             Sets or gets the current position of the cursor in the entry.
2926             </summary>
2927         </member>
2928         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.Scrollable">
2929             <summary>
2930             Sets or gets the scrollable state of the entry.
2931             </summary>
2932         </member>
2933         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.AutoCapital">
2934             <summary>
2935             Sets or Gets the autocapitalization type on the immodule.
2936             </summary>
2937         </member>
2938         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.IsAutoSave">
2939             <summary>
2940             Sets or Gets the entry object's 'autosave' status.
2941             </summary>
2942         </member>
2943         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.CopyAndPasteMode">
2944             <summary>
2945             Sets or Gets entry text paste/drop mode.
2946             </summary>
2947         </member>
2948         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.CursorGeometry">
2949             <summary>
2950             Gets the geometry of the cursor.
2951             </summary>
2952         </member>
2953         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.IsCursorFormat">
2954             <summary>
2955             Gets whether a format node exists at the current cursor position.
2956             </summary>
2957         </member>
2958         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.IsCursorVisibelFormat">
2959             <summary>
2960             Gets if the current cursor position holds a visible format node.
2961             </summary>
2962         </member>
2963         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.InputHint">
2964             <summary>
2965             Sets or Gets the value of input hint.
2966             </summary>
2967         </member>
2968         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.InputPanelLanguage">
2969             <summary>
2970              Sets or gets the language mode of the input panel.
2971             </summary>
2972         </member>
2973         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.InputPanelVariation">
2974             <summary>
2975             Sets or gets the input panel layout variation of the entry.
2976             </summary>
2977         </member>
2978         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.LineWrapType">
2979             <summary>
2980             Sets or gets the line wrap type to use on multi-line entries.
2981             </summary>
2982         </member>
2983         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.PredictionAllowed">
2984             <summary>
2985             Sets or gets whether the entry should allow to use the text prediction.
2986             </summary>
2987         </member>
2988         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.InputPanelReturnKeyDisabled">
2989             <summary>
2990             Sets or gets whether the return key on the input panel should be disabled or not.
2991             </summary>
2992         </member>
2993         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Entry.InputPanelShowByOnDemand">
2994             <summary>
2995             Sets or gets the attribute to show the input panel in case of only an user's explicit Mouse Up event.
2996             It doesn't request to show the input panel even though it has focus.
2997             If true, the input panel will be shown in case of only Mouse up event. (Focus event will be ignored.)
2998             </summary>
2999         </member>
3000         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SetFile(System.String,ElmSharp.TextFormat)">
3001             <summary>
3002             Sets the file (and implicitly loads it) for the text to display and then edit.
3003             </summary>
3004             <param name="file">The path to the file to load and save</param>
3005             <param name="textFormat">The file format</param>
3006         </member>
3007         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.ConvertMarkupToUtf8(System.String)">
3008             <summary>
3009             Converts a markup (HTML-like) string into UTF-8.
3010             </summary>
3011             <param name="markup">The string (in markup) to be converted</param>
3012             <returns>The converted string (in UTF-8) </returns>
3013         </member>
3014         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorNext">
3015             <summary>
3016             Moves the cursor by one position to the right within the entry.
3017             </summary>
3018             <returns></returns>
3019         </member>
3020         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorPrev">
3021             <summary>
3022             Moves the cursor one place to the left within the entry.
3023             </summary>
3024             <returns>TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE on failure</returns>
3025         </member>
3026         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorUp">
3027             <summary>
3028             Moves the cursor one line up within the entry.
3029             </summary>
3030             <returns>TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE on failure</returns>
3031         </member>
3032         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorDown">
3033             <summary>
3034             Moves the cursor one line down within the entry.
3035             </summary>
3036             <returns>TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE on failure</returns>
3037         </member>
3038         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorBegin">
3039             <summary>
3040             Moves the cursor to the beginning of the entry.
3041             </summary>
3042         </member>
3043         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorEnd">
3044             <summary>
3045             Moves the cursor to the end of the entry.
3046             </summary>
3047         </member>
3048         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorLineBegin">
3049             <summary>
3050             Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
3051             </summary>
3052         </member>
3053         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.MoveCursorLineEnd">
3054             <summary>
3055             Moves the cursor to the end of the current line.
3056             </summary>
3057         </member>
3058         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SetInputPanelLayout(ElmSharp.InputPanelLayout)">
3059             <summary>
3060             Sets the input panel layout of the entry.
3061             </summary>
3062             <param name="layout">The layout type</param>
3063         </member>
3064         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SetInputPanelEnabled(System.Boolean)">
3065             <summary>
3066             Sets the attribute to show the input panel automatically.
3067             </summary>
3068             <param name="enabled">If true the input panel appears when the entry is clicked or has focus, otherwise false</param>
3069         </member>
3070         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SetInputPanelReturnKeyType(ElmSharp.InputPanelReturnKeyType)">
3071             <summary>
3072             Sets the "return" key type. This type is used to set the string or icon on the "return" key of the input panel.
3073             </summary>
3074             <param name="keyType">The type of "return" key on the input panel</param>
3075         </member>
3076         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.HideInputPanel">
3077             <summary>
3078             Hides the input panel (virtual keyboard).
3079             </summary>
3080             <remarks>
3081             Note that the input panel is shown or hidden automatically according to the focus state of the entry widget.
3082             This API can be used in case of manually controlling by using SetInputPanelEnabled(false).
3083             </remarks>
3084         </member>
3085         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SelectAll">
3086             <summary>
3087             Selects all the text within the entry.
3088             </summary>
3089         </member>
3090         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SelectNone">
3091             <summary>
3092             Drops any existing text selection within the entry.
3093             </summary>
3094         </member>
3095         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.ForceCalculation">
3096             <summary>
3097             Forces calculation of the entry size and text layouting.
3098             </summary>
3099         </member>
3100         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.GetCursorContent">
3101             <summary>
3102             Gets the string by the cursor at its current position.
3103             </summary>
3104             <returns></returns>
3105         </member>
3106         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.BeginCursorSelection">
3107             <summary>
3108             Begins a selection within the entry as though the user were holding down the mouse button to make a selection.
3109             </summary>
3110         </member>
3111         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.AppendText(System.String)">
3112             <summary>
3113             Appends the text of the entry.
3114             </summary>
3115             <param name="text">The text to be displayed</param>
3116         </member>
3117         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.InsertTextToCursor(System.String)">
3118             <summary>
3119             Inserts the given text into the entry at the current cursor position.
3120             </summary>
3121             <param name="text"></param>
3122         </member>
3123         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.EndCursorSelection">
3124             <summary>
3125             Ends a selection within the entry as though the user had just released the mouse button while making a selection.
3126             </summary>
3127         </member>
3128         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SaveFile">
3129             <summary>
3130             Writes any changes made to the file that is set by File.
3131             </summary>
3132         </member>
3133         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.ShowInputPanel">
3134             <summary>
3135             Show the input panel (virtual keyboard) based on the input panel property of entry such as layout, autocapital types, and so on.
3136             </summary>
3137             <remarks>
3138             Note that input panel is shown or hidden automatically according to the focus state of entry widget.
3139             This API can be used in the case of manually controlling by using SetInputPanelEnabled(false).
3140             </remarks>
3141         </member>
3142         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.AppendItemProvider(System.Func{System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject})">
3143             <summary>
3144             This appends a custom item provider to the list for that entry.
3145             </summary>
3146             <param name="func">This function is used to provide items.</param>
3147         </member>
3148         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.PrependItemProvider(System.Func{System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject})">
3149             <summary>
3150             This prepends a custom item provider to the list for that entry.
3151             </summary>
3152             <param name="func">This function is used to provide items.</param>
3153         </member>
3154         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.RemoveItemProvider(System.Func{System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject})">
3155             <summary>
3156             This removes a custom item provider to the list for that entry.
3157             </summary>
3158             <param name="func">This function is used to provide items.</param>
3159         </member>
3160         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.AppendMarkUpFilter(System.Func{ElmSharp.Entry,System.String,System.String})">
3161             <summary>
3162             Append a markup filter function for text inserted in the entry.
3163             </summary>
3164             <param name="filter">This function type is used by entry filters to modify text.</param>
3165         </member>
3166         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.PrependMarkUpFilter(System.Func{ElmSharp.Entry,System.String,System.String})">
3167             <summary>
3168             Prepend a markup filter function for text inserted in the entry.
3169             </summary>
3170             <param name="filter">This function type is used by entry filters to modify text.</param>
3171         </member>
3172         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.RemoveMarkUpFilter(System.Func{ElmSharp.Entry,System.String,System.String})">
3173             <summary>
3174             Remove a markup filter
3175             </summary>
3176             <param name="filter">This function type is used by entry filters to modify text.</param>
3177         </member>
3178         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.CopySelection">
3179             <summary>
3180             This executes a "copy" action on the selected text in the entry.
3181             </summary>
3182         </member>
3183         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.CutSelection">
3184             <summary>
3185             This executes a "cut" action on the selected text in the entry.
3186             </summary>
3187         </member>
3188         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.PasteSelection">
3189             <summary>
3190             This executes a "paste" action in the entry.
3191             </summary>
3192         </member>
3193         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.DisableSelection(System.Boolean)">
3194             <summary>
3195             This disabled the entry's selection.
3196             </summary>
3197             <param name="disable">If true, the selection are disabled.</param>
3198         </member>
3199         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.GetSelection">
3200             <summary>
3201             Get any selected text within the entry.
3202             </summary>
3203             <returns>Selection's value</returns>
3204         </member>
3205         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SetSelectionRegion(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3206             <summary>
3207             This selects a region of text within the entry.
3208             </summary>
3209             <param name="start">The starting position.</param>
3210             <param name="end">The end position.</param>
3211         </member>
3212         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SetIconVisible(System.Boolean)">
3213             <summary>
3214             Sets the visibility of the left-side widget of the entry
3215             </summary>
3216             <param name="isDisplay">true if the object should be displayed, false if not.</param>
3217         </member>
3218         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Entry.SetInputPanelReturnKeyAutoEnable(System.Boolean)">
3219             <summary>
3220             Set whether the return key on the input panel is disabled automatically when entry has no text.
3221             </summary>
3222             <param name="enable">If enabled is true, the return key is automatically disabled when the entry has no text.</param>
3223         </member>
3224         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas">
3225             <summary>
3226             Low level Evas canvas functions. Sub groups will present more high level ones, though.
3227             Most of these functions deal with low level Evas actions, like:
3228             create/destroy raw canvases, not bound to any displaying engine
3229             tell a canvas i got focused(in a windowing context, for example)
3230             tell a canvas a region should not be calculated anymore in rendering
3231             tell a canvas to render its contents, immediately
3232             Most users will be using Evas by means of the Ecore_Evas wrapper, which deals with all the above mentioned issues automatically for them.Thus, you'll be looking at this section only if you're building low level stuff.
3233             The groups within present you functions that deal with the canvas directly, too, and not yet with its objects.They are the functions you need to use at a minimum to get a working canvas.
3234             </summary>
3235         </member>
3236         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.Pointer">
3237             <summary>
3238             Gets the current known default pointer coordinates.
3239             This function returns the current known canvas unit coordinates of the mouse pointer.
3240             </summary>
3241         </member>
3242         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.ImageCacheSize">
3243             <summary>
3244             Gets or sets the image cache.
3245             This function returns the image cache size of canvas in bytes.
3246             </summary>
3247         </member>
3248         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.FlushImageCache">
3249             <summary>
3250             Flush the image cache of the canvas.
3251             </summary>
3252         </member>
3253         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.AddDamageRectangle(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3254             <summary>
3255             Add a damage rectangle.
3256             </summary>
3257             <param name="x">The rectangle's top left corner's horizontal coordinate.</param>
3258             <param name="y">The rectangle's top left corner's vertical coordinate.</param>
3259             <param name="width">The rectangle's width.</param>
3260             <param name="height">The rectangle's height.</param>
3261         </member>
3262         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.AddObscuredRectangle(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3263             <summary>
3264             Add an "obscured region" to an Evas canvas.
3265             </summary>
3266             <param name="x">The rectangle's top left corner's horizontal coordinate.</param>
3267             <param name="y">The rectangle's top left corner's vertical coordinate.</param>
3268             <param name="width">The rectangle's width.</param>
3269             <param name="height">The rectangle's height.</param>
3270         </member>
3271         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.ClearObscuredRectangle">
3272             <summary>
3273             Remove all "obscured regions" from an Evas canvas.
3274             </summary>
3275         </member>
3276         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.AddEventAction(ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType,System.Action)">
3277             <summary>
3278             Adds or registers a event to a given canvas event.
3279             </summary>
3280             <param name="type">The type of event that triggers</param>
3281             <param name="action">The action to be called when the event is triggered</param>
3282         </member>
3283         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasCanvas.DeleteEventAction(ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType,System.Action)">
3284             <summary>
3285             Deletes a event to a given canvas event.
3286             </summary>
3287             <param name="type">The type of event that triggers</param>
3288             <param name="action">The action to be called when the event is triggered</param>
3289         </member>
3290         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs">
3291             <summary>
3292             The EvasKeyEventArgs is an EvasKey EventArgs
3293             </summary>
3294         </member>
3295         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.PlatformBackButtonName">
3296             <summary>
3297             BackButton name in Platform
3298             </summary>
3299         </member>
3300         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.PlatformMenuButtonName">
3301             <summary>
3302             MenuButton name in Platform
3303             </summary>
3304         </member>
3305         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.PlatformHomeButtonName">
3306             <summary>
3307             HomeButton name in Platform
3308             </summary>
3309         </member>
3310         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.KeyName">
3311             <summary>
3312             Gets the name of Key
3313             </summary>
3314         </member>
3315         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.Create(System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr)">
3316             <summary>
3317             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EvasKeyEventArgs class.
3318             </summary>
3319             <param name="data">data info</param>
3320             <param name="obj"> object </param>
3321             <param name="info">information </param>
3322             <returns>EvasKey eventArgs</returns>
3323         </member>
3324         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown">
3325             <summary>
3326             Event structure for Key Down event callbacks.
3327             </summary>
3328         </member>
3329         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.keyname">
3330             <summary>
3331             Name string of the key pressed
3332             </summary>
3333         </member>
3334         <member name="">
3335             <summary>
3336             Data to be passed to the event
3337             </summary>
3338         </member>
3339         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.modifiers">
3340             <summary>
3341             Modifier keys pressed during the event
3342             </summary>
3343         </member>
3344         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.locks">
3345             <summary>
3346             Locks info
3347             </summary>
3348         </member>
3349         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.key">
3350             <summary>
3351             Logical key: (example, shift+1 == exclamation)
3352             </summary>
3353         </member>
3354         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.str">
3355             <summary>
3356             UTF8 string if this keystroke has produced a visible string to be ADDED
3357             </summary>
3358         </member>
3359         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.compose">
3360             <summary>
3361             UTF8 string if this keystroke has modified a string in the middle of being composed - this string replaces the previous one
3362             </summary>
3363         </member>
3364         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.event_flags">
3365             <summary>
3366             Event_flags
3367             </summary>
3368         </member>
3369         <member name="">
3370              <summary>
3372              </summary>
3373         </member>
3374         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasKeyEventArgs.EvasEventKeyDown.keycode">
3375             <summary>
3376             Keycode
3377             </summary>
3378         </member>
3379         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasEventFlag">
3380             <summary>
3381             Flags for Events
3382             </summary>
3383         </member>
3384         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasEventFlag.None">
3385             <summary>
3386             No fancy flags set
3387             </summary>
3388         </member>
3389         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasEventFlag.OnHold">
3390              <summary>
3391             This event is being delivered but should be put "on hold" until the on hold flag is unset. the event should be used for informational purposes and maybe some indications visually, but not actually perform anything
3392              </summary>
3393         </member>
3394         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasMap">
3395             <summary>
3396             The EvasMap is an opaque handle to map points.
3397             </summary>
3398         </member>
3399         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.#ctor(System.Int32)">
3400             <summary>
3401             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EvasMap class.
3402             </summary>
3403             <param name="count">The number of points in the map</param>
3404         </member>
3405         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasMap.IsMoveSync">
3406             <summary>
3407             Gets or sets the flag of the object move synchronization for map rendering.
3408             </summary>
3409         </member>
3410         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.PopulatePoints(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
3411             <summary>
3412             Populates source and destination map points to exactly match the object.
3413             </summary>
3414             <param name="obj">The object to use unmapped geometry to populate map coordinates</param>
3415         </member>
3416         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.PopulatePoints(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Int32)">
3417             <summary>
3418             Populates source and destination map points to exactly match the object.
3419             </summary>
3420             <param name="obj">The object to use unmapped geometry to populate map coordinates</param>
3421             <param name="z">
3422             The point Z coordinate hint (pre-perspective transform)This value is used for all four points.
3423             </param>
3424         </member>
3425         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.PopulatePoints(ElmSharp.Rect,System.Int32)">
3426             <summary>
3427             Populates the source and destination map points to match the given geometry.
3428             </summary>
3429             <param name="geometry">The geometry value contains X coordinate,Y coordinate,the width and height to use to calculate second and third points</param>
3430             <param name="z">The Z coordinate hint (pre-perspective transform) This value is used for all four points.</param>
3431         </member>
3432         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.Rotate(System.Double,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3433             <summary>
3434             Rotate the map
3435             </summary>
3436             <param name="degrees">The abount of degrees from 0.0 to 360.0 to rotate</param>
3437             <param name="cx">rotation's center horizontal position.</param>
3438             <param name="cy">rotation's center vertical position.</param>
3439         </member>
3440         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.Rotate3D(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3441             <summary>
3442             Rotates the map around 3 axes in 3D.
3443             </summary>
3444             <param name="dx">The amount of degrees from 0.0 to 360.0 to rotate around X axis</param>
3445             <param name="dy">The amount of degrees from 0.0 to 360.0 to rotate around Y axis</param>
3446             <param name="dz">The amount of degrees from 0.0 to 360.0 to rotate around Z axis</param>
3447             <param name="cx">The rotation's center horizontal position</param>
3448             <param name="cy">The rotation's center vertical position</param>
3449             <param name="cz">The rotation's center vertical position</param>
3450         </member>
3451         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.SetPointCoordinate(System.Int32,ElmSharp.Point3D)">
3452             <summary>
3453             Changes the map point's coordinate.
3454             </summary>
3455             <param name="idx">The index of point to change ,this must be smaller than map size.</param>
3456             <param name="point">3D Point coordinate</param>
3457         </member>
3458         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.GetPointCoordinate(System.Int32)">
3459             <summary>
3460             Gets the map point's coordinate.
3461             </summary>
3462             <param name="idx">The index of point to change ,this must be smaller than map size.</param>
3463             <returns>The coordinates of the given point in the map.</returns>
3464         </member>
3465         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasMap.Zoom(System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3466             <summary>
3467             Changes the map to apply the given zooming.
3468             </summary>
3469             <param name="x">The horizontal zoom to use</param>
3470             <param name="y">The vertical zoom to use</param>
3471             <param name="cx">The zooming center horizontal position</param>
3472             <param name="cy">The zooming center vertical position</param>
3473         </member>
3474         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject">
3475             <summary>
3476             The EcasObject is a base class for other widget class
3477             </summary>
3478         </member>
3479         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
3480             <summary>
3481             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EvasObject class with parent EvasObject class parameter.
3482             </summary>
3483             <param name="parent">Parent EvasObject class </param>
3484         </member>
3485         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.#ctor">
3486             <summary>
3487             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EvasObject class.
3488             </summary>
3489         </member>
3490         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Deleted">
3491             <summary>
3492             Deleted will be triggered when widght is deleted
3493             </summary>
3494         </member>
3495         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.KeyUp">
3496             <summary>
3497             KeyUp will be triggered when key is loose
3498             </summary>
3499         </member>
3500         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.KeyDown">
3501             <summary>
3502             KeyDown will be triggered when key is preesd down
3503             </summary>
3504         </member>
3505         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.BackButtonPressed">
3506             <summary>
3507             BackButtonPressed will be triggered when Back button is pressed
3508             </summary>
3509         </member>
3510         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.MoreButtonPressed">
3511             <summary>
3512             MoreButtonPressed will be triggered when More button is pressed
3513             </summary>
3514         </member>
3515         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Moved">
3516             <summary>
3517             Moved will be triggered when widght is moved
3518             </summary>
3519         </member>
3520         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Resized">
3521             <summary>
3522             Current widget's size Resized Event Handler
3523             </summary>
3524         </member>
3525         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObject.RenderPost">
3526             <summary>
3527             Current widget RenderPost Event Handler
3528             </summary>
3529         </member>
3530         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject.GetTooltipContentDelegate">
3531             <summary>
3532             Called back when a widget's tooltip is activated and needs content.
3533             </summary>
3534             <returns></returns>
3535         </member>
3536         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.IsRealized">
3537             <summary>
3538             Get widget's status of Realized or not.
3539             </summary>
3540         </member>
3541         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.EvasCanvas">
3542             <summary>
3543             Gets EvasCanvas
3544             </summary>
3545         </member>
3546         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.ClassName">
3547             <summary>
3548             Gets the current class's Name.
3549             </summary>
3550         </member>
3551         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.WeightX">
3552             <summary>
3553             Sets or gets the horizontal pointer hints for an object's weight.
3554             </summary>
3555         </member>
3556         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.WeightY">
3557             <summary>
3558             Sets or gets the vertical pointer hints for an object's weight.
3559             </summary>
3560         </member>
3561         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.AlignmentX">
3562             <summary>
3563             Sets or gets the horizontal alignment hint of an object's alignment.
3564             </summary>
3565         </member>
3566         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.AlignmentY">
3567             <summary>
3568             Sets or gets the vertical alignment hint of an object's alignment.
3569             </summary>
3570         </member>
3571         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.MinimumWidth">
3572             <summary>
3573             Sets or gets the Width hints for an object's minimum size.
3574             </summary>
3575         </member>
3576         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.MinimumHeight">
3577             <summary>
3578             Sets or gets the Height hints for an object's minimum size.
3579             </summary>
3580         </member>
3581         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.IsVisible">
3582             <summary>
3583             Gets the visible state of the given Evas object.
3584             </summary>
3585         </member>
3586         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Geometry">
3587             <summary>
3588             Sets or gets the position and (rectangular) size of the given Evas object.
3589             </summary>
3590         </member>
3591         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Color">
3592             <summary>
3593             Sets or gets the general or main color of the given Evas object.
3594             </summary>
3595         </member>
3596         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.IsMapEnabled">
3597             <summary>
3598             Sets or gets the map enabled state.
3599             </summary>
3600         </member>
3601         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.EvasMap">
3602             <summary>
3603             Sets or gets current object transformation map.
3604             </summary>
3605         </member>
3606         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.RepeatEvents">
3607             <summary>
3608             Sets or gets whether an object is to repeat events.
3609             </summary>
3610         </member>
3611         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.PropagateEvents">
3612             <summary>
3613             Sets or gets whether events on a smart object's member should get propagated up to its parent.
3614             </summary>
3615         </member>
3616         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.PassEvents">
3617             <summary>
3618             Sets or gets whether an object is set to pass (ignore) events.
3619             </summary>
3620         </member>
3621         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.TooltipStyle">
3622             <summary>
3623             Sets or Gets style for this object tooltip.
3624             </summary>
3625         </member>
3626         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.TooltipOrientation">
3627             <summary>
3628             Sets or gets the orientation of Tooltip.
3629             </summary>
3630         </member>
3631         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.TooltipWindowMode">
3632             <summary>
3633             Sets or gets size restriction state of an object's tooltip.
3634             </summary>
3635         </member>
3636         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.TooltipContentDelegate">
3637             <summary>
3638             Sets the content to be shown in the tooltip object.
3639             </summary>
3640         </member>
3641         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.TooltipMoveFreezeCount">
3642             <summary>
3643             Gets the movement freeze by 1
3644             This gets the movement freeze count by one.
3645             </summary>
3646         </member>
3647         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.AllEventsFrozen">
3648             <summary>
3649             Sets or gets whether an Evas object is to freeze (discard) events.
3650             </summary>
3651         </member>
3652         <member name="P:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Layer">
3653             <summary>
3654             Sets or gets the layer of its canvas that the given object will be part of.
3655             </summary>
3656         </member>
3657         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.SetClip(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
3658             <summary>
3659             Clips one object to another.
3660             </summary>
3661             <param name="clip">The object to clip object by</param>
3662         </member>
3663         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.SetAlignment(System.Double,System.Double)">
3664             <summary>
3665             Sets the hints for an object's alignment.
3666             </summary>
3667             <param name="x">The horizontal alignment hint as double value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0,The default alignment hint value is 0.5 </param>
3668             <param name="y">The vertical alignment hint as double value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0,The default alignment hint value is 0.5 </param>
3669         </member>
3670         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.SetWeight(System.Double,System.Double)">
3671             <summary>
3672             Sets the hints for an object's weight.
3673             </summary>
3674             <param name="x">The non-negative double value to use as horizontal weight hint</param>
3675             <param name="y">The non-negative double value to use as vertical weight hint</param>
3676         </member>
3677         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.SetTooltipText(System.String)">
3678             <summary>
3679             Sets the text for an object's tooltip.
3680             </summary>
3681             <param name="text">The text value to display inside the tooltip</param>
3682         </member>
3683         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.UnsetTooltip">
3684             <summary>
3685             Unsets an object's tooltip.
3686             </summary>
3687         </member>
3688         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.PushTooltipMoveFreeze">
3689             <summary>
3690             This increments the tooltip movement freeze count by one.
3691             If the count is more than 0, the tooltip position will be fixed.
3692             </summary>
3693         </member>
3694         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.PopTooltipMoveFreeze">
3695             <summary>
3696             This decrements the tooltip freeze count by one.
3697             </summary>
3698         </member>
3699         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.HideTooltip">
3700             <summary>
3701             Force hide tooltip of object.
3702             </summary>
3703         </member>
3704         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.ShowTooltip">
3705             <summary>
3706             Force show tooltip of object.
3707             </summary>
3708         </member>
3709         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Show">
3710             <summary>
3711             Makes the current object visible.
3712             </summary>
3713         </member>
3714         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Hide">
3715             <summary>
3716             Makes the current object invisible.
3717             </summary>
3718         </member>
3719         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Resize(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3720             <summary>
3721             Changes the size of the current object.
3722             </summary>
3723             <param name="w">The new width</param>
3724             <param name="h">The new height</param>
3725         </member>
3726         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Move(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3727             <summary>
3728             Moves the current object to the given location.
3729             </summary>
3730             <param name="x">The X position to move the object to.</param>
3731             <param name="y">The Y position to move the object to.</param>
3732         </member>
3733         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Lower">
3734             <summary>
3735             Lowers obj to the bottom of its layer.
3736             </summary>
3737         </member>
3738         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.op_Implicit(ElmSharp.EvasObject)~System.IntPtr">
3739             <summary>
3740             Define IntPtr operator
3741             </summary>
3742             <param name="obj">Parent object</param>
3743         </member>
3744         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.KeyGrab(System.String,System.Boolean)">
3745             <summary>
3746             Requests keyname key events be directed to current obj.
3747             </summary>
3748             <param name="keyname">The key to request events for</param>
3749             <param name="exclusive">Set TRUE to request that the obj is the only object receiving the keyname events,otherwise set FALSE</param>
3750             <returns>If the call succeeded is true,otherwise is false</returns>
3751         </member>
3752         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.KeyUngrab(System.String)">
3753             <summary>
3754             Removes the grab on keyname key events.
3755             </summary>
3756             <param name="keyname">The key the grab is set for</param>
3757         </member>
3758         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.MarkChanged">
3759             <summary>
3760             Mark smart object as changed.
3761             </summary>
3762         </member>
3763         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Calculate">
3764             <summary>
3765             Call the calculate smart function immediately.
3766             This will force immediate calculations needed for renderization of this object.
3767             </summary>
3768         </member>
3769         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.SetSizeHintAspect(ElmSharp.AspectControl,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
3770             <summary>
3771             Sets the hints for an object's aspect ratio.
3772             </summary>
3773             <param name="aspect">The policy or type of aspect ratio to apply to object</param>
3774             <param name="w">The integer to use as aspect width ratio term</param>
3775             <param name="h">The integer to use as aspect height ratio term</param>
3776         </member>
3777         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.GetSizeHintAspect(ElmSharp.AspectControl@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
3778             <summary>
3779             Gets the hints for an object's aspect ratio.
3780             </summary>
3781             <param name="aspect">The policy or type of aspect ratio to apply to object</param>
3782             <param name="w">The integer to use as aspect width ratio term</param>
3783             <param name="h">The integer to use as aspect height ratio term</param>
3784         </member>
3785         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.StackBelow(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
3786             <summary>
3787             Stack immediately below anchor.
3788             </summary>
3789             <param name="anchor">The object below which to stack.</param>
3790         </member>
3791         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.StackAbove(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
3792             <summary>
3793             Stack immediately above anchor.
3794             </summary>
3795             <param name="anchor">The object above which to stack.</param>
3796         </member>
3797         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.RaiseTop">
3798             <summary>
3799             Raise to the top of its layer.
3800             </summary>
3801         </member>
3802         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.GetTextBlockGeometryByLineNumber(System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
3803             <summary>
3804             Get the geometry of a line number.
3805             </summary>
3806             <param name="lineNumber">the line number.</param>
3807             <param name="x">x coord of the line.</param>
3808             <param name="y">y coord of the line.</param>
3809             <param name="w">w coord of the line.</param>
3810             <param name="h">h coord of the line.</param>
3811             <returns></returns>
3812         </member>
3813         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.OnInvalidate">
3814             <summary>
3815             The callback of Invalidate Event
3816             </summary>
3817         </member>
3818         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.OnInstantiated">
3819             <summary>
3820             The callback of Instantiated Event
3821             </summary>
3822         </member>
3823         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.OnRealized">
3824             <summary>
3825             The callback of Realized Event
3826             </summary>
3827         </member>
3828         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.OnUnrealize">
3829             <summary>
3830             The callback of Unrealize Event
3831             </summary>
3832         </member>
3833         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.CreateHandle(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
3834             <summary>
3835             Creates a widget handle.
3836             </summary>
3837             <param name="parent">Parent EvasObject</param>
3838             <returns>Handle IntPtr</returns>
3839         </member>
3840         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Realize(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
3841             <summary>
3842             For this object bind Parent object.Init handle and all kinds of EvasObjectEvent.
3843             </summary>
3844             <param name="parent">Parent object</param>
3845         </member>
3846         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Unrealize">
3847             <summary>
3848             Removes current object relationship with others.
3849             </summary>
3850         </member>
3851         <member name="T:ElmSharp.IInvalidatable">
3852             <summary>
3853             IInvalidatable is a interface which can be overrided by its children class.
3854             Inherits IDisposable
3855             </summary>
3856         </member>
3857         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType">
3858             <summary>
3859             Enumeration for EvasObjectCallbackType
3860             </summary>
3861         </member>
3862         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MouseIn">
3863             <summary>
3864             Mouse In Event CallbackType.
3865             </summary>
3866         </member>
3867         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MouseOut">
3868             <summary>
3869             Mouse Out Event CallbackType
3870             </summary>
3871         </member>
3872         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MouseDown">
3873             <summary>
3874             Mouse Button Down Event CallbackType
3875             </summary>
3876         </member>
3877         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MouseUp">
3878             <summary>
3879             Mouse Button Up Event CallbackType
3880             </summary>
3881         </member>
3882         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MouseMove">
3883             <summary>
3884             Mouse Move Event CallbackType
3885             </summary>
3886         </member>
3887         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MouseWheel">
3888             <summary>
3889             Mouse Wheel Event CallbackType
3890             </summary>
3891         </member>
3892         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MultiDown">
3893             <summary>
3894             Multi-touch Down Event CallbackType
3895             </summary>
3896         </member>
3897         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MultiUp">
3898             <summary>
3899             Multi-touch Up Event CallbackType
3900             </summary>
3901         </member>
3902         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.MultiMove">
3903             <summary>
3904             Multi-touch Move Event CallbackType
3905             </summary>
3906         </member>
3907         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Free">
3908             <summary>
3909             Object Being Freed (Called after Del)
3910             </summary>
3911         </member>
3912         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.KeyDown">
3913             <summary>
3914             Key Press Event CallbackType
3915             </summary>
3916         </member>
3917         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.KeyUp">
3918             <summary>
3919             Key Release Event CallbackType
3920             </summary>
3921         </member>
3922         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.FocusIn">
3923             <summary>
3924             Focus In Event CallbackType
3925             </summary>
3926         </member>
3927         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.FocusOut">
3928             <summary>
3929             Focus Out Event CallbackType
3930             </summary>
3931         </member>
3932         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Show">
3933             <summary>
3934             Show Event CallbackType
3935             </summary>
3936         </member>
3937         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Hide">
3938             <summary>
3939             Hide Event CallbackType
3940             </summary>
3941         </member>
3942         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Move">
3943             <summary>
3944             Move Event CallbackType
3945             </summary>
3946         </member>
3947         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Resize">
3948             <summary>
3949             Resize Event CallbackType
3950             </summary>
3951         </member>
3952         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Restack">
3953             <summary>
3954             Restack Event CallbackType
3955             </summary>
3956         </member>
3957         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Del">
3958             <summary>
3959             Object Being Deleted (called before Free)
3960             </summary>
3961         </member>
3962         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.Hold">
3963             <summary>
3964             Hold Event CallbackType, Informational purpose event to indicate something
3965             </summary>
3966         </member>
3967         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.ChangedSizeHints">
3968             <summary>
3969             Size hints changed Event CallbackType
3970             </summary>
3971         </member>
3972         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.ImagePreloaded">
3973             <summary>
3974             Image has been preloaded
3975             </summary>
3976         </member>
3977         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.CanvasFocusIn">
3978             <summary>
3979             Canvas got focus as a whole
3980             </summary>
3981         </member>
3982         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.CanvasFocusOut">
3983             <summary>
3984             Canvas lost focus as a whole
3985             </summary>
3986         </member>
3987         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.RenderFlushPre">
3988             <summary>
3989             Called just before rendering is updated on the canvas target
3990             </summary>
3991         </member>
3992         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.RenderFlushPost">
3993             <summary>
3994             Called just after rendering is updated on the canvas target
3995             </summary>
3996         </member>
3997         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.CanvasObjectFocusIn">
3998             <summary>
3999             Canvas object got focus
4000             </summary>
4001         </member>
4002         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.CanvasObjectFocusOut">
4003             <summary>
4004             Canvas object lost focus
4005             </summary>
4006         </member>
4007         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.ImageUnloaded">
4008             <summary>
4009             Image data has been unloaded (by some mechanism in Evas that throw out original image data)
4010             </summary>
4011         </member>
4012         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.RenderPre">
4013             <summary>
4014             Called just before rendering starts on the canvas target
4015             </summary>
4016         </member>
4017         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.RenderPost">
4018             <summary>
4019             Called just after rendering stops on the canvas target
4020             </summary>
4021         </member>
4022         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.ImageResize">
4023             <summary>
4024             Image size is changed
4025             </summary>
4026         </member>
4027         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.DeviceChanged">
4028             <summary>
4029             Devices added, removed or changed on canvas
4030             </summary>
4031         </member>
4032         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.AxisUpdate">
4033             <summary>
4034             Axis is changed
4035             </summary>
4036         </member>
4037         <member name="F:ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType.CanvasViewportResize">
4038             <summary>
4039             Canvas Viewport size is changed
4040             </summary>
4041         </member>
4042         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent`1">
4043             <summary>
4044             Event class for EvasObject
4045             </summary>
4046             <typeparam name="TEventArgs">Kinds of EventArgs</typeparam>
4047         </member>
4048         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent`1.SmartEventInfoParser">
4049             <summary>
4050             SmartEventInfoParser delegate of EvasObjectEvent class
4051             </summary>
4052             <param name="data">data</param>
4053             <param name="obj">obj</param>
4054             <param name="info">info</param>
4055             <returns> delegate handle</returns>
4056         </member>
4057         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent`1.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType,ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent{`0}.SmartEventInfoParser)">
4058             <summary>
4059             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EvasObjectEvent.
4060             </summary>
4061             <param name="sender">EvasObject class belong to</param>
4062             <param name="type">EvasObjectCallbackType</param>
4063             <param name="parser">SmartEventInfoParser</param>
4064         </member>
4065         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent`1.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType)">
4066             <summary>
4067             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EvasObjectEvent.
4068             </summary>
4069             <param name="sender">EvasObject class belong with</param>
4070             <param name="type">SmartEventInfoParser</param>
4071         </member>
4072         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent`1.On">
4073             <summary>
4074             On Event Handler of EvasObjectEvent
4075             </summary>
4076         </member>
4077         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent`1.Dispose">
4078             <summary>
4079             Destroy Current Obj
4080             </summary>
4081         </member>
4082         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent`1.MakeInvalidate">
4083             <summary>
4084             Make current instance invalidate
4085             </summary>
4086         </member>
4087         <member name="T:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent">
4088             <summary>
4089             Event class for EvasObject
4090             </summary>
4091         </member>
4092         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObjectCallbackType)">
4093             <summary>
4094             Creates and initializes a new instance of the EvasObjectEvent.
4095             </summary>
4096             <param name="sender">EvasObject class belong to</param>
4097             <param name="type">EvasObjectCallbackType</param>
4098         </member>
4099         <member name="E:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent.On">
4100             <summary>
4101             On Event Handler of EvasObjectEvent
4102             </summary>
4103         </member>
4104         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent.Dispose">
4105             <summary>
4106             Destroy Current Obj
4107             </summary>
4108         </member>
4109         <member name="M:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent.MakeInvalidate">
4110             <summary>
4111             Make current instance invalidate
4112             </summary>
4113         </member>
4114         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FlipSelector">
4115             <summary>
4116             A flip selector is a widget to show a set of text items,one at a time.with the same sheet switching style as the clock widget, when one changes the current displaying sheet.
4117             </summary>
4118         </member>
4119         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
4120             <summary>
4121             Creates and initializes a new instance of the FlipSelector.
4122             </summary>
4123             <param name="parent">Parent EvasObject </param>
4124         </member>
4125         <member name="E:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Selected">
4126             <summary>
4127             Selected will be triggered when be Selected
4128             </summary>
4129         </member>
4130         <member name="E:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Overflowed">
4131             <summary>
4132             Overflowed will be triggered when Overflowed
4133             </summary>
4134         </member>
4135         <member name="E:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Underflowed">
4136             <summary>
4137             Underflowed will be triggered when be Underflowed
4138             </summary>
4139         </member>
4140         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Interval">
4141             <summary>
4142              Sets or gets the interval on time updates for an user mouse button hold on a flip selector widget.
4143             </summary>
4144         </member>
4145         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.SelectedItem">
4146             <summary>
4147             Gets the currently selected item in a flip selector widget.
4148             </summary>
4149         </member>
4150         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.FirstItem">
4151             <summary>
4152             Gets the first item in the given flip selector widget's list of items.
4153             </summary>
4154         </member>
4155         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.LastItem">
4156             <summary>
4157             Gets the last item in the given flip selector widget's list of items.
4158             </summary>
4159         </member>
4160         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Append(System.String)">
4161             <summary>
4162             Appends a (text) item to a flip selector widget.
4163             </summary>
4164             <param name="text">text value</param>
4165             <returns>
4166             A handle to the item added or NULL, on errors
4167             </returns>
4168             <remarks>
4169             The widget's list of labels to show will be appended with the given value. If the user wishes so, a callback function pointer can be passed, which will get called when this same item is selected.
4170             </remarks>
4171         </member>
4172         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Prepend(System.String)">
4173             <summary>
4174             Prepend a (text) item to a flip selector widget.
4175             </summary>
4176             <param name="text">Prepend text</param>
4177             <returns>A handle to the item added or NULL, on errors</returns>
4178             <remarks>
4179             The widget's list of labels to show will be prepended with the given value. If the user wishes so, a callback function pointer can be passed, which will get called when this same item is selected.
4180             </remarks>
4181         </member>
4182         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Remove(ElmSharp.FlipSelectorItem)">
4183             <summary>
4184             To remove the given item.
4185             </summary>
4186             <param name="item">FlipSelector's item</param>
4187         </member>
4188         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Next">
4189             <summary>
4190             Programmatically select the next item of a flip selector widget.
4191             </summary>
4192             <remarks>
4193             The selection will be animated. Also, if it reaches the beginning of its list of member items, it will continue with the last one backwards.
4194             </remarks>
4195         </member>
4196         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipSelector.Prev">
4197             <summary>
4198             Programmatically select the previous item of a flip selector widget.
4199             </summary>
4200         </member>
4201         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FlipSelectorItem">
4202             <summary>
4203             Iterm class of FlipSelector
4204             </summary>
4205         </member>
4206         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipSelectorItem.Text">
4207             <summary>
4208             Sets or gets the Text of FlipSelectorItem
4209             </summary>
4210         </member>
4211         <member name="E:ElmSharp.FlipSelectorItem.Selected">
4212             <summary>
4213             Selected will be triggered when Selected
4214             </summary>
4215         </member>
4216         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipSelectorItem.#ctor(System.String)">
4217             <summary>
4218             Creates and initializes a new instance of the FlipSelectorItem.
4219             </summary>
4220             <param name="text">FlipSelectorItem's text</param>
4221         </member>
4222         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FloatingButton">
4223             <summary>
4224             The FloatingButton is a widget that to add floating area for buttons.
4225             </summary>
4226         </member>
4227         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FloatingButton.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
4228             <summary>
4229             Creates and initializes a new instance of the FloatingButton class.
4230             </summary>
4231             <param name="parent">Created on this parent container..</param>
4232         </member>
4233         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FloatingButton.Mode">
4234             <summary>
4235             Sets or gets floatingbutton mode.
4236             </summary>
4237         </member>
4238         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FloatingButton.Position">
4239             <summary>
4240             Gets floatingbutton Position.
4241             </summary>
4242         </member>
4243         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FloatingButton.MovementBlock">
4244             <summary>
4245             Sets or gets movability for a given floatingbutton widget.
4246             </summary>
4247         </member>
4248         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FloatingButton.Opacity">
4249             <summary>
4250             Get Opacity's value of the given FloatingButton.
4251             </summary>
4252         </member>
4253         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FloatingButton.SetPosition(ElmSharp.FloatingButtonPosition,System.Boolean)">
4254             <summary>
4255             Set the floatingbutton position with animation or not.
4256             </summary>
4257             <param name="position">Button position</param>
4258             <param name="animated">Animat flag</param>
4259         </member>
4260         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonMode">
4261             <summary>
4262             Enumeration for FloatingButtonMode
4263             </summary>
4264         </member>
4265         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonMode.All">
4266             <summary>
4267             Allows all positions
4268             </summary>
4269         </member>
4270         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonMode.LeftRightOnly">
4271             <summary>
4272             Allows LEFT and RIGHT positions only
4273             </summary>
4274         </member>
4275         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonPosition">
4276             <summary>
4277             Enumeration for FloatingButtonPosition
4278             </summary>
4279         </member>
4280         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonPosition.LeftOut">
4281             <summary>
4282             Hides in the left, but small handler will show only
4283             </summary>
4284         </member>
4285         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonPosition.Left">
4286             <summary>
4287             Shows all of buttons, but lies on the left
4288             </summary>
4289         </member>
4290         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonPosition.Center">
4291             <summary>
4292             Shows all of buttons, but lies on the center
4293             </summary>
4294         </member>
4295         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonPosition.Right">
4296             <summary>
4297             Shows all of buttons, but lies on the right
4298             </summary>
4299         </member>
4300         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FloatingButtonPosition.RightOut">
4301             <summary>
4302             Hides in the right, but small handler will show only
4303             </summary>
4304         </member>
4305         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItemEventArgs">
4306             <summary>
4307             It inherits System.EventArgs.
4308             It contains Item which is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem"/> type.
4309             All events of GenGrid contain GenGridItemEventArgs as a parameter.
4310             </summary>
4311         </member>
4312         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGridItemEventArgs.Item">
4313             <summary>
4314             Gets or sets GenGrid item.The return type is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem"/>.
4315             </summary>
4316         </member>
4317         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenGrid">
4318             <summary>
4319             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Layout"/>.
4320             The GenGrid is a widget that aims to position objects in a grid layout while actually creating and rendering only the visible ones.
4321             It has two direction in which a given GenGrid widget expands while placing its items, horizontal and vertical.
4322             The GenGrid items are represented through <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/> definition field details.
4323             </summary>
4324         </member>
4325         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
4326             <summary>
4327             Creates and initializes a new instance of the GenGrid class.
4328             </summary>
4329             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by GenGrid as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
4330         </member>
4331         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemSelected">
4332             <summary>
4333             ItemSelected is raised when a new gengrid item is selected.
4334             </summary>
4335         </member>
4336         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemUnselected">
4337             <summary>
4338             ItemUnselected is raised when the gengrid item is Unselected.
4339             </summary>
4340         </member>
4341         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemPressed">
4342             <summary>
4343             ItemPressed is raised when a new gengrid item is pressed.
4344             </summary>
4345         </member>
4346         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemReleased">
4347             <summary>
4348             ItemReleased is raised when a new gengrid item is released.
4349             </summary>
4350         </member>
4351         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemActivated">
4352             <summary>
4353             ItemActivated is raised when a new gengrid item is double clicked or pressed (enter|return|spacebar).
4354             </summary>
4355         </member>
4356         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemDoubleClicked">
4357             <summary>
4358             ItemDoubleClicked is raised when a new gengrid item is double clicked.
4359             </summary>
4360         </member>
4361         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemRealized">
4362             <summary>
4363             ItemRealized is raised when a gengrid item is implementing through <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/>.
4364             </summary>
4365         </member>
4366         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemUnrealized">
4367             <summary>
4368             ItemUnrealized is raised when the gengrid item is deleted.
4369             </summary>
4370         </member>
4371         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemLongPressed">
4372             <summary>
4373             ItemLongPressed is raised when a gengrid item is pressed for a certain amount of time. By default it's 1 second.
4374             </summary>
4375         </member>
4376         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenGrid.Changed">
4377             <summary>
4378              Changed is raised when an item is added, removed, resized or moved and when the gengrid is resized or gets "horizontal" property changes.
4379             </summary>
4380         </member>
4381         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemAlignmentX">
4382             <summary>
4383             Gets or sets the item's grid alignment along x-axis within a given gengrid widget.
4384             Accepted values are in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, with the special value -1.0 used to specify "justify" or "fill" by some users.
4385             By default, value is 0.0, meaning that the gengrid has its items grid placed exactly in the left along x-axis.
4386             </summary>
4387         </member>
4388         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemAlignmentY">
4389             <summary>
4390             Gets or sets the item's grid alignment on y-axis within a given gengrid widget.
4391             Accepted values are in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, with the special value -1.0 used to specify "justify" or "fill" by some users.
4392             By default, value is 0.0, meaning that the gengrid has its items grid placed exactly in the top along y-axis.
4393             </summary>
4394         </member>
4395         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.FillItems">
4396             <summary>
4397             Gets or sets the manner in which the items grid is filled within a given gengrid widget.
4398             It is filled if true, otherwise false.
4399             </summary>
4400         </member>
4401         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.MultipleSelection">
4402             <summary>
4403             Gets or sets whether multi-selection is enabled or disabled for a given gengrid widget.
4404             </summary>
4405             <remarks>
4406             Multi-selection is the ability to have more than one item selected, on a given gengrid, simultaneously.
4407             When it is enabled, a sequence of clicks on different items makes them all selected, progressively.
4408             A click on an already selected item unselects it. If interacting via the keyboard, multi-selection is enabled while holding the "Shift" key.
4409             By default, multi-selection is disabled.
4410             </remarks>
4411         </member>
4412         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemWidth">
4413             <summary>
4414             Gets or sets the width for the items of a given gengrid widget.
4415             </summary>
4416             <remarks>
4417             A gengrid, after creation, still has no information on the size to give to each of its cells.
4418             The default width and height just have one finger wide.
4419             Use this property to force a custom width for your items, making them as big as you wish.
4420             </remarks>
4421         </member>
4422         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemHeight">
4423             <summary>
4424             Gets or sets the height for the items of a given gengrid widget.
4425             </summary>
4426             <remarks>
4427             A gengrid, after creation, still has no information on the size to give to each of its cells.
4428             The default width and height just have one finger wide.
4429             Use this property to force a custom height for your items, making them as big as you wish.
4430             </remarks>
4431         </member>
4432         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.SelectionMode">
4433             <summary>
4434             Gets or sets the gengrid select mode by <see cref="!:GenGridSelectionMode"/>.
4435             </summary>
4436         </member>
4437         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.IsHorizontal">
4438             <summary>
4439             Gets or sets the direction for which a given gengrid widget expands while placing its items.
4440             </summary>
4441             <remarks>
4442             If true, items are placed in columns from top to bottom and when the space for a column is filled, another one is started on the right, thus expanding the grid horizontally.
4443             If false, items are placed in rows from left to right, and when the space for a row is filled, another one is started below, thus expanding the grid vertically.
4444             </remarks>
4445         </member>
4446         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.IsHighlight">
4447             <summary>
4448             Gets or sets whether the gengrid items should be highlighted when an item is selected.
4449             </summary>
4450         </member>
4451         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.HorizontalScrollBarVisiblePolicy">
4452             <summary>
4453             Sets or gets the value of HorizontalScrollBarVisiblePolicy
4454             </summary>
4455             <remarks>
4456             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Auto means the horizontal scrollbar is made visible if it is needed, and otherwise kept hidden.
4457             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Visible turns it on all the time, and ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Invisible always keeps it off.
4458             </remarks>
4459         </member>
4460         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.VerticalScrollBarVisiblePolicy">
4461             <summary>
4462             Sets or gets the value of VerticalScrollBarVisiblePolicy
4463             </summary>
4464             <remarks>
4465             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Auto means the vertical scrollbar is made visible if it is needed, and otherwise kept hidden.
4466             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Visible turns it on all the time, and ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Invisible always keeps it off.
4467             </remarks>
4468         </member>
4469         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.FirstItem">
4470             <summary>
4471             Gets the first item in a given gengrid widget.
4472             </summary>
4473         </member>
4474         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.LastItem">
4475             <summary>
4476             Gets the last item in a given gengrid widget.
4477             </summary>
4478         </member>
4479         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ItemCount">
4480             <summary>
4481             Gets the items count in a given gengrid widget.
4482             </summary>
4483         </member>
4484         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.SelectedItem">
4485             <summary>
4486             Gets the selected item in a given gengrid widget.
4487             </summary>
4488         </member>
4489         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ReorderMode">
4490             <summary>
4491             Gets or sets whether a given gengrid widget is or not able have items reordered.
4492             </summary>
4493         </member>
4494         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.Append(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object)">
4495             <summary>
4496             Appends a new item to a given gengrid widget. This adds an item to the end of the gengrid.
4497             </summary>
4498             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
4499             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4500             <returns>Return a gengrid item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
4501             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/>
4502             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem"/>
4503         </member>
4504         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.Prepend(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object)">
4505             <summary>
4506             Prepends a new item to a given gengrid widget. This adds an item to the beginning of the gengrid.
4507             </summary>
4508             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
4509             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4510             <returns>Return a gengrid item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
4511             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/>
4512             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem"/>
4513         </member>
4514         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenGridItem)">
4515             <summary>
4516             Inserts an item before another in a gengrid widget. This inserts an item before another in the gengrid.
4517             </summary>
4518             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
4519             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4520             <param name="before">The item before which to place this new one.</param>
4521             <returns>Return a gengrid item that contains data and itemClass./></returns>
4522             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/>
4523             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem"/>
4524         </member>
4525         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.InsertAfter(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenGridItem)">
4526             <summary>
4527             Inserts an item before another in a gengrid widget. This inserts an item after another in the gengrid.
4528             </summary>
4529             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
4530             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4531             <param name="after">The item after which to place this new one.</param>
4532             <returns>Return a gengrid item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
4533             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/>
4534             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem"/>
4535         </member>
4536         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.InsertSorted(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,System.Comparison{System.Object})">
4537             <summary>
4538             Insert an item in a gengrid widget using a user-defined sort function.
4539             </summary>
4540             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
4541             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4542             <param name="comparison">User defined comparison function that defines the sort order based on gengrid item and its data.</param>
4543             <returns>Return a gengrid item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
4544         </member>
4545         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.ScrollTo(ElmSharp.GenGridItem,ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition,System.Boolean)">
4546             <summary>
4547             Shows a given item to the visible area of a gengrid.
4548             </summary>
4549             <param name="item">The gengrid item to display.</param>
4550             <param name="position">The position of the item in the viewport.</param>
4551             <param name="animated">The type of how to show the item.</param>
4552             <remarks>
4553             If animated is true, the gengrid shows item by scrolling if it's not fully visible.
4554             If animated is false, the gengrid shows item by jumping if it's not fully visible.
4555             </remarks>
4556             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition"/>
4557         </member>
4558         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.UpdateRealizedItems">
4559             <summary>
4560             Updates the contents of all the realized items.
4561             This updates all realized items by calling all the <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/> again to get the content, text, and states.
4562             Use this when the original item data has changed and the changes are desired to reflect.
4563             </summary>
4564             <remarks>
4565             <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenItem.Update"/> to update just one item.
4566             </remarks>
4567         </member>
4568         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.Clear">
4569             <summary>
4570             Removes all items from a given gengrid widget.
4571             This removes(and deletes) all items in obj, making it empty.
4572             </summary>
4573             <remarks>
4574             <see cref="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.Delete"/> to delete just one item.
4575             </remarks>
4576         </member>
4577         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.GetItemByPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
4578             <summary>
4579             Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
4580             </summary>
4581             <param name="x">The input x coordinate</param>
4582             <param name="y">The input y coordinate</param>
4583             <param name="portionX">The position relative to the item returned here.
4584             -1, 0 or 1, depending if the coordinate is on the left portion of that item(-1), on the middle section(0) or on the right part(1).
4585             </param>
4586             <param name="portionY">The position relative to the item returned here
4587             -1, 0 or 1, depending if the coordinate is on the upper portion of that item (-1), on the middle section (0) or on the lower part (1).
4588             </param>
4589             <returns></returns>
4590         </member>
4591         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem">
4592             <summary>
4593             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItem"/>.
4594             A instance to the gengrid item added.
4595             It contains Update() method to update a gengrid item which is given.
4596             </summary>
4597         </member>
4598         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.IsSelected">
4599             <summary>
4600             Gets or sets whether a given gengrid item is selected.
4601             If one gengrid item is selected, any other previously selected items get unselected in favor of this new one.
4602             </summary>
4603             <remarks>
4604             If true, it is selected.
4605             If false, it is unselected.
4606             </remarks>
4607         </member>
4608         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.TooltipStyle">
4609             <summary>
4610             Gets or sets the style of given gengrid item's tooltip.
4611             </summary>
4612         </member>
4613         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.Row">
4614             <summary>
4615             Gets or sets gengrid item's row position, relative to the whole gengrid's grid area.
4616             </summary>
4617         </member>
4618         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.Column">
4619             <summary>
4620             Gets or sets gengrid item's column position, relative to the whole gengrid's grid area.
4621             </summary>
4622         </member>
4623         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.Update">
4624             <summary>
4625             Updates the content of a given gengrid item.
4626             This updates an item by calling all the genitem class functions again to get the content, text, and states.
4627             Use this when the original item data has changed and you want the changes to reflect.
4628             </summary>
4629             <remarks>
4630             <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.UpdateRealizedItems"/> to update the contents of all the realized items.
4631             </remarks>
4632         </member>
4633         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItemSelectionMode">
4634             <summary>
4635             Enumeration for select mode of GenItem.
4636             </summary>
4637         </member>
4638         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenItemSelectionMode.Default">
4639             <summary>
4640             Default select mode.
4641             </summary>
4642         </member>
4643         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenItemSelectionMode.Always">
4644             <summary>
4645             Always select mode.
4646             </summary>
4647         </member>
4648         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenItemSelectionMode.None">
4649             <summary>
4650             No select mode.
4651             </summary>
4652         </member>
4653         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenItemSelectionMode.DisplayOnly">
4654             <summary>
4655             No select mode with no finger size rule.
4656             </summary>
4657         </member>
4658         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItem">
4659             <summary>
4660             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ItemObject"/>.
4661             A base class for <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGridItem"/> and <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItem"/>.
4662             It contains genitem class and data to display data.
4663             </summary>
4664         </member>
4665         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItem.GetTooltipContentDelegate">
4666             <summary>
4667             The delegate returning the tooltip contents.
4668             </summary>
4669         </member>
4670         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItem.ItemClass">
4671             <summary>
4672             Gets the item class that defines how to display data. It returns <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/> type.
4673             </summary>
4674         </member>
4675         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItem.TooltipContentDelegate">
4676             <summary>
4677             It's a abstract property. It's implemented by <see cref="!:GenGridItem.TooltipContent"/> and <see cref="!:GenListItem.TooltipContent"/>.
4678             </summary>
4679         </member>
4680         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItem.Data">
4681             <summary>
4682             Gets item data that is added through calling <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.Append(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object)"/>, <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.Prepend(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object)"/> or <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenGrid.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenGridItem)"/> methods.
4683             </summary>
4684         </member>
4685         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItem.IsSelected">
4686             <summary>
4687             It's a abstract property. It's implemented by <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.IsSelected"/> and <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.IsSelected"/>.
4688             </summary>
4689         </member>
4690         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItem.TooltipStyle">
4691             <summary>
4692             It's a abstract property. It's implemented by <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.TooltipStyle"/> and <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.TooltipStyle"/>.
4693             </summary>
4694         </member>
4695         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenItem.Update">
4696             <summary>
4697             It's a abstract method. It's implemented by <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenGridItem.Update"/> and <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Update"/>.
4698             </summary>
4699         </member>
4700         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenItem.OnInvalidate">
4701             <summary>
4702             The override method for delete item class and item data. It's called when the item is deleting.
4703             </summary>
4704         </member>
4705         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass">
4706             <summary>
4707             It represents the GenGrid or GenList item class definition field details.
4708             It has some display styles, such as "default", "full" and "group_index".
4709             </summary>
4710         </member>
4711         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetTextDelegate">
4712             <summary>
4713             The delegate to define <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetTextHandler"/>.
4714             </summary>
4715             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4716             <param name="part">The part where the data should be shown.</param>
4717             <returns>Return string that should be shown.</returns>
4718         </member>
4719         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetContentDelegate">
4720             <summary>
4721             The delegate to define <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetContentHandler"/>.
4722             </summary>
4723             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4724             <param name="part">The part where the data should be shown.</param>
4725             <returns>Return content that should be shown.</returns>
4726         </member>
4727         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.DeleteDelegate">
4728             <summary>
4729             The delegate to define <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.DeleteHandler"/>.
4730             </summary>
4731             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4732         </member>
4733         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetReusableContentDelegate">
4734             <summary>
4735             The delegate to define <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.ReusableContentHandler"/>.
4736             </summary>
4737             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
4738             <param name="part">The part where the data should be shown.</param>
4739             <param name="old">The content has been added in gengrid.</param>
4740             <returns>Return content that should be shown.</returns>
4741         </member>
4742         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.#ctor(System.String)">
4743             <summary>
4744             Creates and initializes a new instance of the GenItemClass.
4745             </summary>
4746             <param name="style">The item display style.</param>
4747         </member>
4748         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.ItemStyle">
4749             <summary>
4750             Gets the item style.
4751             </summary>
4752         </member>
4753         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetTextHandler">
4754             <summary>
4755             Gets or sets the callback that defines how to display item text.
4756             If get, return <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetTextDelegate"/>.
4757             </summary>
4758         </member>
4759         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetContentHandler">
4760             <summary>
4761             Gets or sets the callback that defines how to display item content.
4762             If get, return <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetContentDelegate"/>.
4763             </summary>
4764         </member>
4765         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.DeleteHandler">
4766             <summary>
4767             Gets or sets the callback that defines how to delete item text and content.
4768             If get, return <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.DeleteDelegate"/>.
4769             </summary>
4770         </member>
4771         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.ReusableContentHandler">
4772             <summary>
4773             Gets or sets the callback that defines how to reuse item content.
4774             If get, return <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass.GetReusableContentDelegate"/>.
4775             </summary>
4776         </member>
4777         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType">
4778             <summary>
4779             Enumeration for setting genlist item type.
4780             </summary>
4781         </member>
4782         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemType.Normal">
4783             <summary>
4784             if Normal is set then this item is normal item.
4785             </summary>
4786         </member>
4787         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemType.Tree">
4788             <summary>
4789             If tree is set then this item is displayed as an item that is able to expand and have child items.
4790             </summary>
4791         </member>
4792         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemType.Group">
4793             <summary>
4794             if Group is set then this item is group index item that is displayed at the top until the next group comes.
4795             </summary>
4796         </member>
4797         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenListMode">
4798             <summary>
4799             Enumeration for setting genlist's resizing behavior, transverse axis scrolling and items cropping.
4800             </summary>
4801         </member>
4802         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Compress">
4803             <summary>
4804             The genlist won't set any of its size hints to inform how a possible container should resize it.
4805             Then, if it's not created as a "resize object", it might end with zeroed dimensions.
4806             The genlist will respect the container's geometry and, if any of its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one won't be able to scroll it in that direction.
4807             </summary>
4808         </member>
4809         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Scroll">
4810             <summary>
4811             This is the same as Compress, with the exception that if any of its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one will be able to scroll it in that direction.
4812             </summary>
4813         </member>
4814         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Limit">
4815             <summary>
4816             Sets a minimum size hint on the genlist object, so that containers may respect it (and resize itself to fit the child properly).
4817             More specifically, a minimum size hint will be set for its transverse axis, so that the largest item in that direction fits well.
4818             This is naturally bound by the genlist object's maximum size hints, set externally.
4819             </summary>
4820         </member>
4821         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Expand">
4822             <summary>
4823             Besides setting a minimum size on the transverse axis, just like on Limit, the genlist will set a minimum size on th longitudinal axis, trying to reserve space to all its children to be visible at a time.
4824             This is naturally bound by the genlist object's maximum size hints, set externally.
4825             </summary>
4826         </member>
4827         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemEventArgs">
4828             <summary>
4829             It inherits System.EventArgs.
4830             It contains Item which is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItem"/> type.
4831             All events of GenList contain GenListItemEventArgs as a parameter.
4832             </summary>
4833         </member>
4834         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItemEventArgs.Item">
4835             <summary>
4836             Gets or sets GenList item. The return type is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItem"/>.
4837             </summary>
4838         </member>
4839         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition">
4840             <summary>
4841             Enumeration that defines where to position the item in the genlist.
4842             </summary>
4843         </member>
4844         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition.None">
4845             <summary>
4846             Scrolls to nowhere.
4847             </summary>
4848         </member>
4849         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition.In">
4850             <summary>
4851             Scrolls to the nearest viewport.
4852             </summary>
4853         </member>
4854         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition.Top">
4855             <summary>
4856             Scrolls to the top of the viewport.
4857             </summary>
4858         </member>
4859         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition.Middle">
4860             <summary>
4861             Scrolls to the middle of the viewport.
4862             </summary>
4863         </member>
4864         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition.Bottom">
4865             <summary>
4866             Scrolls to the bottom of the viewport.
4867             </summary>
4868         </member>
4869         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenList">
4870             <summary>
4871             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Layout"/>.
4872             The GenList is a widget that aims to have more expansive list than the simple <see cref="T:ElmSharp.List"/> in ElmSharp that could have more flexible items and allow many more entries while still being fast and low on memory usage.
4873             At the same time it was also made to be able to do tree structures.
4874             But the price to pay is more complexity when it comes to usage.
4875             If all you want is a simple list with icons and a single text, use the <see cref="T:ElmSharp.List"/> widget.
4876             </summary>
4877         </member>
4878         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
4879             <summary>
4880             Creates and initializes a new instance of the GenList class.
4881             </summary>
4882             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by GenList as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
4883         </member>
4884         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.Homogeneous">
4885             <summary>
4886             Gets or sets whether the homogeneous mode is enabled.
4887             </summary>
4888             <remarks>
4889             If true, the genlist items have same height and width.
4890             </remarks>
4891         </member>
4892         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.ListMode">
4893             <summary>
4894             Gets or sets the horizontal stretching mode. This mode used for sizing items horizontally.
4895             The default value is <see cref="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Scroll"/> which means that if items are too wide to fit, the scroller scrolls horizontally.
4896             If set <see cref="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Compress"/> which means that the item width is fixed (restricted to a minimum of) to the list width when calculating its size in order to allow the height to be calculated based on it.
4897             If set <see cref="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Limit"/> which means that items are expanded to the viewport width and limited to that size.
4898             if set <see cref="F:ElmSharp.GenListMode.Expand"/> which means that genlist try to reserve space to all its items to be visible at a time.
4899             </summary>
4900             <remarks>
4901             Compress makes genlist resize slower as it recalculates every item height again whenever the list width changes.
4902             The homogeneous mode is so that all items in the genlist are of the same width/height. With Compress, genlist items are initialized fast.
4903             However, there are no sub-objects in the genlist which can be on the flying resizable (such as TEXTBLOCK).
4904             If so, then some dynamic resizable objects in the genlist would not be diplayed properly.
4905             </remarks>
4906         </member>
4907         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.FirstItem">
4908             <summary>
4909             Gets the first item in the genlist.
4910             </summary>
4911         </member>
4912         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.LastItem">
4913             <summary>
4914             Gets the last item in the genlist.
4915             </summary>
4916         </member>
4917         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.ReorderMode">
4918             <summary>
4919             Gets or sets the reorder mode.
4920             After turning on the reorder mode, longpress on a normal item triggers reordering of the item.
4921             You can move the item up and down. However, reordering does not work with group items.
4922             </summary>
4923         </member>
4924         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.BlockCount">
4925             <summary>
4926             Gets or set the maximum number of items within an item block.
4927             </summary>
4928         </member>
4929         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.IsHighlight">
4930             <summary>
4931             Gets or sets whether the genlist items should be highlighted when an item is selected.
4932             </summary>
4933         </member>
4934         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.LongPressTimeout">
4935             <summary>
4936             Gets or sets the timeout in seconds for the longpress event.
4937             </summary>
4938         </member>
4939         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.IsMultiSelection">
4940             <summary>
4941             Gets or sets whether enable multi-selection in the genlist.
4942             </summary>
4943         </member>
4944         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.SelectedItem">
4945             <summary>
4946             Gets the selected item in a given genlist widget.
4947             </summary>
4948         </member>
4949         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenList.SelectionMode">
4950             <summary>
4951             Gets or sets the genlist select mode by <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemSelectionMode"/>.
4952             </summary>
4953         </member>
4954         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemSelected">
4955             <summary>
4956             ItemSelected is raised when a new genlist item is selected.
4957             </summary>
4958         </member>
4959         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemUnselected">
4960             <summary>
4961             ItemUnselected is raised when the genlist item is Unselected.
4962             </summary>
4963         </member>
4964         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemPressed">
4965             <summary>
4966             ItemPressed is raised when a new genlist item is pressed.
4967             </summary>
4968         </member>
4969         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemReleased">
4970             <summary>
4971             ItemReleased is raised when a new genlist item is released.
4972             </summary>
4973         </member>
4974         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemActivated">
4975             <summary>
4976             ItemActivated is raised when a new genlist item is double clicked or pressed (enter|return|spacebar).
4977             </summary>
4978         </member>
4979         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemDoubleClicked">
4980             <summary>
4981             ItemDoubleClicked is raised when a new genlist item is double clicked.
4982             </summary>
4983         </member>
4984         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemExpanded">
4985             <summary>
4986             ItemExpanded is raised when a new genlist item is indicated to expand.
4987             </summary>
4988         </member>
4989         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemRealized">
4990             <summary>
4991             ItemRealized is raised when a new genlist item is created as a real object.
4992             </summary>
4993         </member>
4994         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemUnrealized">
4995             <summary>
4996             ItemUnrealized is raised when a new genlist item is unrealized.
4997             After calling unrealize, the item's content objects are deleted and the item object itself is deleted or is put into a floating cache.
4998             </summary>
4999         </member>
5000         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemLongPressed">
5001             <summary>
5002             ItemLongPressed is raised when a genlist item is pressed for a certain amount of time. By default it's 1 second.
5003             </summary>
5004         </member>
5005         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemMoved">
5006             <summary>
5007             ItemMoved is raised when a genlist item is moved in the reorder mode.
5008             </summary>
5009         </member>
5010         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemMovedAfter">
5011             <summary>
5012             ItemMovedAfter is raised when a genlist item is moved after another item in the reorder mode.
5013             To get the relative previous item, use <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Previous"/>.
5014             </summary>
5015         </member>
5016         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ItemMovedBefore">
5017             <summary>
5018             ItemMovedBefore is raised when a genlist item is moved before another item in the reorder mode.
5019             To get the relative next item, use <see cref="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Next"/>.
5020             </summary>
5021         </member>
5022         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.Changed">
5023             <summary>
5024             Changed is raised when genlist is changed.
5025             </summary>
5026         </member>
5027         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ScrollAnimationStarted">
5028             <summary>
5029             ScrollAnimationStarted is raised when scrolling animation has started.
5030             </summary>
5031         </member>
5032         <member name="E:ElmSharp.GenList.ScrollAnimationStopped">
5033             <summary>
5034             ScrollAnimationStopped is raised when scrolling animation has stopped.
5035             </summary>
5036         </member>
5037         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.Append(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object)">
5038             <summary>
5039             Appends a new item to the end of a given genlist widget.
5040             </summary>
5041             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5042             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5043             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5044             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/>
5045             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItem"/>
5046         </member>
5047         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.Append(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItemType)">
5048             <summary>
5049             Appends a new item with <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType"/> to the end of a given genlist widget.
5050             </summary>
5051             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5052             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5053             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5054             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5055         </member>
5056         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.Append(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItemType,ElmSharp.GenListItem)">
5057             <summary>
5058             Appends a new item with <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType"/> to the end of a given genlist widget or the end of the children list if the parent is given.
5059             </summary>
5060             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5061             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5062             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5063             <param name="parent">The parent item, otherwise null if there is no parent item.</param>
5064             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5065         </member>
5066         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.Prepend(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object)">
5067             <summary>
5068             Prepends a new item to the beginning of a given genlist widget.
5069             </summary>
5070             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5071             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5072             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5073         </member>
5074         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.Prepend(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItemType)">
5075             <summary>
5076             Prepends a new item with <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType"/> to the beginning of a given genlist widget.
5077             </summary>
5078             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5079             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5080             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5081             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5082         </member>
5083         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.Prepend(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItemType,ElmSharp.GenListItem)">
5084             <summary>
5085             Prepends a new item with <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType"/> to the beginning of a given genlist widget or the beginning of the children list if the parent is given.
5086             </summary>
5087             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5088             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5089             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5090             <param name="parent">The parent item, otherwise null if there is no parent item.</param>
5091             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5092         </member>
5093         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItem)">
5094             <summary>
5095             Inserts an item before another item in a genlist widget.
5096             It is the same tree level or group as the item before which it is inserted.????
5097             </summary>
5098             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5099             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5100             <param name="before">The item before which to place this new one.</param>
5101             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5102         </member>
5103         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItem,ElmSharp.GenListItemType)">
5104             <summary>
5105             Inserts an item with <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType"/> before another item in a genlist widget.
5106             It is the same tree level or group as the item before which it is inserted.????
5107             </summary>
5108             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5109             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5110             <param name="before">The item before which to place this new one.</param>
5111             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5112             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5113         </member>
5114         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItem,ElmSharp.GenListItemType,ElmSharp.GenListItem)">
5115             <summary>
5116             Inserts an item with <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType"/> before another item under a parent in a genlist widget.
5117             </summary>
5118             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5119             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5120             <param name="before">The item before which to place this new one.</param>
5121             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5122             <param name="parent">The parent item, otherwise null if there is no parent item.</param>
5123             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5124         </member>
5125         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.InsertAfter(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,ElmSharp.GenListItem,ElmSharp.GenListItemType,ElmSharp.GenListItem)">
5126             <summary>
5127             Inserts an item with <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemType"/> after another item under a parent in a genlist widget.
5128             </summary>
5129             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5130             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5131             <param name="after">The item after which to place this new one.</param>
5132             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5133             <param name="parent">The parent item, otherwise null if there is no parent item.</param>
5134             <returns>Return a new added genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5135         </member>
5136         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.InsertSorted(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object,System.Comparison{System.Object},ElmSharp.GenListItemType,ElmSharp.GenListItem)">
5137             <summary>
5138             Insert an item in a genlist widget using a user-defined sort function.
5139             </summary>
5140             <param name="itemClass">The itemClass defines how to display the data.</param>
5141             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
5142             <param name="comparison">User defined comparison function that defines the sort order based on genlist item and its data.</param>
5143             <param name="type">The genlist item type.</param>
5144             <param name="parent">The parent item, otherwise null if there is no parent item.</param>
5145             <returns>Return a genlist item that contains data and itemClass.</returns>
5146         </member>
5147         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.ScrollTo(ElmSharp.GenListItem,ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition,System.Boolean)">
5148             <summary>
5149             Shows the given item with position type in a genlist.
5150             When animated is true, genlist will jump to the given item and display it (by animatedly scrolling), if it is not fully visible. This may use animation and may take some time.
5151             When animated is false, genlist will jump to the given item and display it (by jumping to that position), if it is not fully visible.
5152             </summary>
5153             <param name="item">The item to display.</param>
5154             <param name="position">The position to show the given item to <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ScrollToPosition"/>.</param>
5155             <param name="animated">The animated indicates how to display the item, by scrolling or by jumping.</param>
5156         </member>
5157         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.UpdateRealizedItems">
5158             <summary>
5159             Updates the content of all the realized items.
5160             This updates all the realized items by calling all the <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/> again to get the content, text and states.
5161             Use this when the original item data has changed and the changes are desired to reflect.
5162             To update just one item, use <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Update"/>.
5163             </summary>
5164             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Update"/>
5165         </member>
5166         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.Clear">
5167             <summary>
5168             Removes all items from a given genlist widget.
5169             This removes (and deletes) all items in obj, making it empty.
5170             To delete just one item, use <see cref="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.Delete"/>.
5171             </summary>
5172             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.Delete"/>
5173         </member>
5174         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.GetItemByPosition(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32@)">
5175             <summary>
5176             Get the item that is at the x, y canvas coords.
5177             </summary>
5178             <param name="x">The input x coordinate</param>
5179             <param name="y">The input y coordinate</param>
5180             <param name="pos">The position relative to the item returned here
5181              -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the coordinate is on the upper portion of that item (-1), in the middle section (0), or on the lower part (1).
5182             </param>
5183             <returns></returns>
5184         </member>
5185         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenList.GetItemByIndex(System.Int32)">
5186             <summary>
5187             Gets the nth item in a given genlist widget, placed at position nth, in its internal items list.
5188             </summary>
5189             <param name="index">The number of the item to grab (0 being the first)</param>
5190             <returns></returns>
5191         </member>
5192         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenListItemFieldType">
5193             <summary>
5194             The type of item's part type.
5195             </summary>
5196         </member>
5197         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemFieldType.All">
5198             <summary>
5199             All item's parts.
5200             </summary>
5201         </member>
5202         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemFieldType.Text">
5203             <summary>
5204             The text part type.
5205             </summary>
5206         </member>
5207         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemFieldType.Content">
5208             <summary>
5209             The Content part type.
5210             </summary>
5211         </member>
5212         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemFieldType.State">
5213             <summary>
5214             The state of part.
5215             </summary>
5216         </member>
5217         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GenListItemFieldType.None">
5218             <summary>
5219             No part type.
5220             </summary>
5221         </member>
5222         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GenListItem">
5223             <summary>
5224             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItem"/>.
5225             A instance to the genlist item added.
5226             It contains Update() method to update a genlist item which is given.
5227             </summary>
5228         </member>
5229         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.IsSelected">
5230             <summary>
5231             Gets or sets whether a given genlist item is selected.
5232             </summary>
5233         </member>
5234         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.IsExpanded">
5235             <summary>
5236             Gets or sets whether a given genlist item is expanded.
5237             </summary>
5238         </member>
5239         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Update">
5240             <summary>
5241             Updates the content of an item.
5242             This updates an item by calling all the <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenItemClass"/> again to get the content, text, and states.
5243             Use this when the original item data has changed and the changes are desired to reflect.
5244             To update already realized items, use <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenList.UpdateRealizedItems"/>.
5245             </summary>
5246             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.GenList.UpdateRealizedItems"/>
5247         </member>
5248         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.UpdateField(System.String,ElmSharp.GenListItemFieldType)">
5249             <summary>
5250             Updates the part of an item.
5251             This updates an item's part by calling item's fetching functions again to get the contents, texts and states.
5252             Use this when the original item data has changed and the changes are desired to be reflected.
5253             To update an item's all property, use <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenList.UpdateRealizedItems"/>.
5254             </summary>
5255             <param name="part">The part could be "elm.text", "elm.swalllow.icon", "elm.swallow.end", "elm.swallow.content" and so on. It is also used for globbing to match '*', '?', and '.'. It can be used at updating multi fields.</param>
5256             <param name="type">The type of item's part type.</param>
5257             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.GenList.UpdateRealizedItems"/>
5258         </member>
5259         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.DemoteItem">
5260             <summary>
5261             Demote an item to the end of the list.
5262             </summary>
5263         </member>
5264         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.SelectionMode">
5265             <summary>
5266             Gets or sets the genlist item's select mode.
5267             </summary>
5268         </member>
5269         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Next">
5270             <summary>
5271             Gets the next item in a genlist widget's internal list of items.
5272             </summary>
5273             <seealso cref="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Previous"/>
5274         </member>
5275         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Previous">
5276             <summary>
5277             Get the previous item in a genlist widget's internal list of items.
5278             </summary>
5279             <seealso cref="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Next"/>
5280         </member>
5281         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.TooltipStyle">
5282             <summary>
5283             Gets or sets the style of given genlist item's tooltip.
5284             </summary>
5285         </member>
5286         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.IsTooltipWindowMode">
5287             <summary>
5288             Gets or sets whether disable size restrictions on an object's tooltip.
5289             </summary>
5290         </member>
5291         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Index">
5292             <summary>
5293             Gets the index of the item. It is only valid once displayed.
5294             </summary>
5295         </member>
5296         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GenListItem.ExpandedItemDepth">
5297             <summary>
5298             Gets the depth of expanded item.
5299             </summary>
5300         </member>
5301         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.ClearSubitems">
5302             <summary>
5303             Remove all sub-items (children) of the given item.
5304             </summary>
5305             <remarks>
5306             This removes all items that are children (and their descendants) of the given item it.
5307             </remarks>
5308         </member>
5309         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.UpdateItemClass(ElmSharp.GenItemClass,System.Object)">
5310             <summary>
5311             Update the item class of an item.
5312             This sets another class of the item, changing the way that it is displayed. After changing the item class, <see cref="M:ElmSharp.GenListItem.Update"/> is called on the item.
5313             </summary>
5314             <param name="itemClass">The item class for the item.</param>
5315             <param name="data">The data for the item.</param>
5316         </member>
5317         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer">
5318             <summary>
5319             The GestureLayer is used to detect gestures.
5320             Inherits Widget
5321             </summary>
5322         </member>
5323         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
5324             <summary>
5325             Creates and initializes a new instance of GestureLayer class.
5326             </summary>
5327             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by GestureLayer as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
5328         </member>
5329         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType">
5330             <summary>
5331             Enumeration for supported gesture types.
5332             </summary>
5333         </member>
5334         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.Tap">
5335             <summary>
5336             N fingers single taps
5337             </summary>
5338         </member>
5339         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.LongTap">
5340             <summary>
5341             N fingers single long-taps
5342             </summary>
5343         </member>
5344         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.DoubleTap">
5345             <summary>
5346             N fingers double-single taps
5347             </summary>
5348         </member>
5349         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.TripleTap">
5350             <summary>
5351             N fingers triple-single taps
5352             </summary>
5353         </member>
5354         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.Momentum">
5355             <summary>
5356             Reports momentum in the direction of move
5357             </summary>
5358         </member>
5359         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.Line">
5360             <summary>
5361             N fingers line gesture
5362             </summary>
5363         </member>
5364         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.Flick">
5365             <summary>
5366             N fingers flick gesture
5367             </summary>
5368         </member>
5369         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.Zoom">
5370             <summary>
5371             Zoom
5372             </summary>
5373         </member>
5374         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType.Rotate">
5375             <summary>
5376             Rotate
5377             </summary>
5378         </member>
5379         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState">
5380             <summary>
5381             Enumeration for gesture states.
5382             </summary>
5383         </member>
5384         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState.Undefined">
5385             <summary>
5386             Gesture not started
5387             </summary>
5388         </member>
5389         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState.Start">
5390             <summary>
5391             Gesture started
5392             </summary>
5393         </member>
5394         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState.Move">
5395             <summary>
5396             Gesture is ongoing
5397             </summary>
5398         </member>
5399         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState.End">
5400             <summary>
5401             Gesture completed
5402             </summary>
5403         </member>
5404         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState.Abort">
5405             <summary>
5406             Ongoing gesture is aborted
5407             </summary>
5408         </member>
5409         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.HoldEvents">
5410             <summary>
5411             Sets or gets the repeat-events setting.
5412             </summary>
5413         </member>
5414         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.Continues">
5415             <summary>
5416             Sets or gets the gesture layer continues enable of an object
5417             </summary>
5418         </member>
5419         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.TapFingerSize">
5420             <summary>
5421             Sets or gets the gesture layer finger-size for taps.
5422             </summary>
5423         </member>
5424         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LongTapTimeout">
5425             <summary>
5426             Sets or gets the gesture layer long tap start timeout of an object
5427             </summary>
5428         </member>
5429         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.DoubleTapTimeout">
5430             <summary>
5431             Sets or gets the gesture layer double tap timeout of an object
5432             </summary>
5433         </member>
5434         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.FlickTimeLimit">
5435             <summary>
5436             Sets or gets the gesture layer flick time limit (in ms) of an object
5437             </summary>
5438         </member>
5439         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MinimumLineLength">
5440             <summary>
5441             Sets or gets the gesture layer line min length of an object
5442             </summary>
5443         </member>
5444         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineAngularTolerance">
5445             <summary>
5446             Sets or gets  the gesture layer line angular tolerance of an object
5447             </summary>
5448         </member>
5449         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineDistanceTolerance">
5450             <summary>
5451             Sets or gets the gesture layer line distance tolerance of an object
5452             </summary>
5453         </member>
5454         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateStep">
5455             <summary>
5456             Sets or gets step-value for rotate action.
5457             </summary>
5458         </member>
5459         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateAngularTolerance">
5460             <summary>
5461             Sets or gets the gesture layer rotate angular tolerance of an object
5462             </summary>
5463         </member>
5464         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomStep">
5465             <summary>
5466             Sets or gets control step value for zoom action.
5467             </summary>
5468         </member>
5469         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomDistanceTolerance">
5470             <summary>
5471             Sets or gets the gesture layer zoom distance tolerance of an object
5472             </summary>
5473         </member>
5474         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomFingerFactor">
5475             <summary>
5476             Sets or gets the gesture layer zoom finger factor of an object
5477             </summary>
5478         </member>
5479         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomWheelFactor">
5480             <summary>
5481             Sets or gets the gesture layer zoom wheel factor of an object
5482             </summary>
5483         </member>
5484         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.Attach(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
5485             <summary>
5486             Attach a gesture layer widget to an Evas object (setting the widget's target).
5487             A gesture layer's target may be any Evas object. This object will be used to listen to mouse and key events.
5488             </summary>
5489             <param name="target">The object to attach.</param>
5490         </member>
5491         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.SetGestureCallback(ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType,ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState,System.Action{System.Object})">
5492             <summary>
5493             Set the gesture state change callback.
5494             When all callbacks for the gesture are set to null, it means this gesture is disabled.
5495             </summary>
5496             <param name="type">The gesture you want to track state of.</param>
5497             <param name="state">The event the callback tracks (START, MOVE, END, ABORT).</param>
5498             <param name="action">The callback itself.</param>
5499         </member>
5500         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ClearCallbacks">
5501             <summary>
5502             clear the gesture state change callback.
5503             </summary>
5504         </member>
5505         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.SetTapCallback(ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureType,ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState,System.Action{ElmSharp.GestureLayer.TapData})">
5506             <summary>
5507             Set the tap callback.
5508             </summary>
5509             <param name="type">The gesture you want to track state of.</param>
5510             <param name="state">The event the callback tracks (START, MOVE, END, ABORT).</param>
5511             <param name="action">The callback itself.</param>
5512         </member>
5513         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.SetMomentumCallback(ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState,System.Action{ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData})">
5514             <summary>
5515             Set the gesture state change callback with Momentum Gesture Type
5516             </summary>
5517             <param name="state">The event the callback tracks (START, MOVE, END, ABORT).</param>
5518             <param name="action">The callback itself.</param>
5519         </member>
5520         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.SetLineCallback(ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState,System.Action{ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData})">
5521             <summary>
5522             Set the gesture state change callback with Line Gesture Type
5523             </summary>
5524             <param name="state">The event the callback tracks (START, MOVE, END, ABORT).</param>
5525             <param name="action">The callback itself.</param>
5526         </member>
5527         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.SetFlickCallback(ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState,System.Action{ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData})">
5528             <summary>
5529             Set the gesture state change callback with Flick Gesture Type
5530             </summary>
5531             <param name="state">The event the callback tracks (START, MOVE, END, ABORT).</param>
5532             <param name="action">The callback itself.</param>
5533         </member>
5534         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.SetZoomCallback(ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState,System.Action{ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomData})">
5535             <summary>
5536             Set the gesture state change callback with Zoom Gesture Type
5537             </summary>
5538             <param name="state">The event the callback tracks (START, MOVE, END, ABORT).</param>
5539             <param name="action">The callback itself.</param>
5540         </member>
5541         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.SetRotateCallback(ElmSharp.GestureLayer.GestureState,System.Action{ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData})">
5542             <summary>
5543             Set the gesture state change callback with Rotate Gesture Type
5544             </summary>
5545             <param name="state">The event the callback tracks (START, MOVE, END, ABORT).</param>
5546             <param name="action">The callback itself.</param>
5547         </member>
5548         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.CreateHandle(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
5549             <summary>
5550             Call this function to construct a new gesture-layer object.
5551             </summary>
5552             <param name="parent">The gesture layer's parent widget.</param>
5553             <returns></returns>
5554         </member>
5555         <member name="M:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.OnUnrealize">
5556             <summary>
5557             clear the gesture state change callback.
5558             </summary>
5559         </member>
5560         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.TapData">
5561             <summary>
5562             The struct of TapData
5563             </summary>
5564         </member>
5565         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.TapData.X">
5566             <summary>
5567             The x coordinate of the center point.
5568             </summary>
5569         </member>
5570         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.TapData.Y">
5571             <summary>
5572             The y coordinate of the center point.
5573             </summary>
5574         </member>
5575         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.TapData.FingersCount">
5576             <summary>
5577             The number of fingers tapped.
5578             </summary>
5579         </member>
5580         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.TapData.Timestamp">
5581             <summary>
5582             The timestamp.
5583             </summary>
5584         </member>
5585         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData">
5586             <summary>
5587             The struct of MomentumData
5588             </summary>
5589         </member>
5590         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.X1">
5591             <summary>
5592             Final-swipe direction starting point on X.
5593             </summary>
5594         </member>
5595         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.Y1">
5596             <summary>
5597             Final-swipe direction starting point on Y.
5598             </summary>
5599         </member>
5600         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.X2">
5601             <summary>
5602             Final-swipe direction ending point on X.
5603             </summary>
5604         </member>
5605         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.Y2">
5606             <summary>
5607             Final-swipe direction ending point on Y
5608             </summary>
5609         </member>
5610         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.HorizontalSwipeTimestamp">
5611             <summary>
5612             Timestamp of start of final x-swipe.
5613             </summary>
5614         </member>
5615         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.VerticalSwipeTimestamp">
5616             <summary>
5617             Timestamp of start of final y-swipe.
5618             </summary>
5619         </member>
5620         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.HorizontalMomentum">
5621             <summary>
5622             Momentum on X.
5623             </summary>
5624         </member>
5625         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.VerticalMomentum">
5626             <summary>
5627             Momentum on Y.
5628             </summary>
5629         </member>
5630         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.MomentumData.FingersCount">
5631             <summary>
5632             Number of fingers.
5633             </summary>
5634         </member>
5635         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData">
5636             <summary>
5637             The struct of LineData
5638             </summary>
5639         </member>
5640         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.X1">
5641             <summary>
5642             Final-swipe direction starting point on X.
5643             </summary>
5644         </member>
5645         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.Y1">
5646             <summary>
5647             Final-swipe direction starting point on Y.
5648             </summary>
5649         </member>
5650         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.X2">
5651             <summary>
5652             Final-swipe direction ending point on X.
5653             </summary>
5654         </member>
5655         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.Y2">
5656             <summary>
5657             Final-swipe direction ending point on Y
5658             </summary>
5659         </member>
5660         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.HorizontalSwipeTimestamp">
5661             <summary>
5662             Timestamp of start of final x-swipe.
5663             </summary>
5664         </member>
5665         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.VerticalSwipeTimestamp">
5666             <summary>
5667             Timestamp of start of final y-swipe.
5668             </summary>
5669         </member>
5670         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.HorizontalMomentum">
5671             <summary>
5672             Momentum on X.
5673             </summary>
5674         </member>
5675         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.VerticalMomentum">
5676             <summary>
5677             Momentum on Y.
5678             </summary>
5679         </member>
5680         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.FingersCount">
5681             <summary>
5682             Number of fingers.
5683             </summary>
5684         </member>
5685         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.LineData.Angle">
5686             <summary>
5687             Angle (direction) of lines.
5688             </summary>
5689         </member>
5690         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomData">
5691             <summary>
5692             The struct of ZoomData
5693             </summary>
5694         </member>
5695         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomData.X">
5696             <summary>
5697             The x coordinate of zoom center point reported to user.
5698             </summary>
5699         </member>
5700         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomData.Y">
5701             <summary>
5702             The y coordinate of zoom center point reported to user.
5703             </summary>
5704         </member>
5705         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomData.Radius">
5706             <summary>
5707             The radius (distance) between fingers reported to user.
5708             </summary>
5709         </member>
5710         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomData.Zoom">
5711             <summary>
5712             The zoom value. 1.0 means no zoom.
5713             </summary>
5714         </member>
5715         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.ZoomData.Momentum">
5716             <summary>
5717             Zoom momentum: zoom growth per second (NOT YET SUPPORTED).
5718             </summary>
5719         </member>
5720         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData">
5721             <summary>
5722             The struct of RotateData
5723             </summary>
5724         </member>
5725         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData.X">
5726             <summary>
5727             The x coordinate of rotation center point reported to user.
5728             </summary>
5729         </member>
5730         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData.Y">
5731             <summary>
5732             The y coordinate of rotation center point reported to user.
5733             </summary>
5734         </member>
5735         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData.Radius">
5736             <summary>
5737             The radius (distance) between fingers reported to user.
5738             </summary>
5739         </member>
5740         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData.BaseAngle">
5741             <summary>
5742             The start-angle.
5743             </summary>
5744         </member>
5745         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData.Angle">
5746             <summary>
5747             The rotation value. 0.0 means no rotation.
5748             </summary>
5749         </member>
5750         <member name="F:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.RotateData.Momentum">
5751             <summary>
5752             Rotation momentum: rotation done per second (NOT YET SUPPORTED).
5753             </summary>
5754         </member>
5755         <member name="T:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.Config">
5756             <summary>
5757             Config is a static class, it provides gestureLayer's timeout information.
5758             </summary>
5759         </member>
5760         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.Config.DefaultLongTapTimeout">
5761             <summary>
5762             Sets or gets the duration for occurring long tap event of gesture layer.
5763             </summary>
5764         </member>
5765         <member name="P:ElmSharp.GestureLayer.Config.DefaultDoubleTapTimeout">
5766             <summary>
5767             Sets or gets the duration for occurring double tap event of gesture layer.
5768             </summary>
5769         </member>
5770         <member name="T:ElmSharp.HoverselItemEventArgs">
5771             <summary>
5772             The HoverselItemEventArgs is an HoverselItem's EventArgs
5773             </summary>
5774         </member>
5775         <member name="P:ElmSharp.HoverselItemEventArgs.Item">
5776             <summary>
5777             Hoversel's Item
5778             </summary>
5779         </member>
5780         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Hoversel">
5781             <summary>
5782             The hoversel is a button that pops up a list of items.
5783             </summary>
5784         </member>
5785         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Hoversel.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
5786             <summary>
5787             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Hoversel class.
5788             </summary>
5789             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Hoversel as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
5790         </member>
5791         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Hoversel.Clicked">
5792             <summary>
5793             Clicked will be triggered when Hoversel is clicked
5794             </summary>
5795         </member>
5796         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Hoversel.Expanded">
5797             <summary>
5798             Expanded will be triggered when Hoversel is activated by clicking the hoversel or by a function
5799             </summary>
5800         </member>
5801         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Hoversel.Dismissed">
5802             <summary>
5803             Dismissed will be triggered when Hoversel Dismissed
5804             </summary>
5805         </member>
5806         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Hoversel.ItemSelected">
5807             <summary>
5808             ItemSelected will be triggered when Hoversel's Item Selected
5809             </summary>
5810         </member>
5811         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Hoversel.IsHorizontal">
5812             <summary>
5813             Gets or sets the status to control whether the hoversel should expand horizontally.
5814             </summary>
5815         </member>
5816         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Hoversel.HoverParent">
5817             <summary>
5818             Gets or sets the hover parent.
5819             </summary>
5820         </member>
5821         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Hoversel.IsExpanded">
5822             <summary>
5823             Gets the flag of whether the hoversel is expanded.
5824             </summary>
5825         </member>
5826         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Hoversel.AutoUpdate">
5827             <summary>
5828             Gets or sets the status of whether update icon and text of hoversel same to those of selected item automatically.
5829             </summary>
5830         </member>
5831         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Hoversel.HoverBegin">
5832             <summary>
5833             This triggers the hoversel popup from code, the same as if the user had clicked the button.
5834             </summary>
5835         </member>
5836         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Hoversel.HoverEnd">
5837             <summary>
5838             This dismisses the hoversel popup as if the user had clicked outside the hover.
5839             </summary>
5840         </member>
5841         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Hoversel.Clear">
5842             <summary>
5843             This will remove all the children items from the hoversel.
5844             </summary>
5845         </member>
5846         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Hoversel.AddItem(System.String)">
5847             <summary>
5848             Add an item to the hoversel button.
5849             This adds an item to the hoversel to show when it is clicked.
5850             </summary>
5851             <param name="label">Item's label</param>
5852             <returns>A handle to the added item.</returns>
5853         </member>
5854         <member name="T:ElmSharp.HoverselItem">
5855             <summary>
5856             The HoverselItem is the Item of Hoversel
5857             </summary>
5858         </member>
5859         <member name="P:ElmSharp.HoverselItem.Label">
5860             <summary>
5861             HoverselItem's label
5862             </summary>
5863         </member>
5864         <member name="E:ElmSharp.HoverselItem.ItemSelected">
5865             <summary>
5866             ItemSelected will be triggered when HoverselItem Selected
5867             </summary>
5868         </member>
5869         <member name="T:ElmSharp.IconLookupOrder">
5870             <summary>
5871             Enumeration for the icon lookup order. Should look for icons in the theme, FDO paths, or both.
5872             </summary>
5873         </member>
5874         <member name="F:ElmSharp.IconLookupOrder.FreeDesktopFirst">
5875             <summary>
5876             Icon look up order: freedesktop, theme
5877             </summary>
5878         </member>
5879         <member name="F:ElmSharp.IconLookupOrder.ThemeFirst">
5880             <summary>
5881             Icon look up order: theme, freedesktop
5882             </summary>
5883         </member>
5884         <member name="F:ElmSharp.IconLookupOrder.FreeDesktopOnly">
5885             <summary>
5886             Icon look up order: freedesktop
5887             </summary>
5888         </member>
5889         <member name="F:ElmSharp.IconLookupOrder.ThemeOnly">
5890             <summary>
5891             Icon look up order: theme
5892             </summary>
5893         </member>
5894         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Icon">
5895             <summary>
5896             The Icon is a widget that displays standard icon images ("delete", "edit", "arrows", etc.)
5897             or images coming from a custom file (PNG, JPG, EDJE, etc.), on icon context.
5898             Inherits Image
5899             </summary>
5900         </member>
5901         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Icon.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
5902             <summary>
5903             Creates and initializes a new instance of Icon class.
5904             </summary>
5905             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Icon as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
5906         </member>
5907         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Icon.StandardIconName">
5908             <summary>
5909             Sets or gets the standard icon name of a given Icon widget.
5910             </summary>
5911         </member>
5912         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Icon.IconLookupOrder">
5913             <summary>
5914             Sets or gets the icon lookup order of a given Icon widget.
5915             </summary>
5916         </member>
5917         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Icon.SetThumb(System.String,System.String)">
5918             <summary>
5919             Sets the file that is used, but uses a generated thumbnail.
5920             </summary>
5921             <param name="file">The path to the file that is used as an icon image</param>
5922             <param name="group">The group that the icon belongs to</param>
5923         </member>
5924         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Icon.CreateHandle(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
5925             <summary>
5926             Adds a new icon object to the parent.
5927             </summary>
5928             <param name="parent">EvasObject</param>
5929             <returns>The new object, otherwise NULL if it cannot be created</returns>
5930         </member>
5931         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Image">
5932             <summary>
5933             The Image is a widget that allows one to load and display an image file on it,
5934             be it from a disk file or from a memory region.
5935             Inherits Widget
5936             </summary>
5937         </member>
5938         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
5939             <summary>
5940             Creates and initializes a new instance of Image class.
5941             </summary>
5942             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Image as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
5943         </member>
5944         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Image.Clicked">
5945             <summary>
5946             Clicked will be triggered when the image is clicked.
5947             </summary>
5948         </member>
5949         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Image.LoadingCompleted">
5950             <summary>
5951             LoadingCompleted will be triggered when the image is loaded completely.
5952             </summary>
5953         </member>
5954         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Image.LoadingFailed">
5955             <summary>
5956             Clicked will be triggered when the image is fail to load.
5957             </summary>
5958         </member>
5959         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.File">
5960             <summary>
5961             Gets the file that is used as an image.
5962             </summary>
5963         </member>
5964         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsSmooth">
5965             <summary>
5966             Sets or gets the smooth effect for an image.
5967             </summary>
5968         </member>
5969         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsScaling">
5970             <summary>
5971             Sets or gets whether scaling is disabled on the object.
5972             </summary>
5973         </member>
5974         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.CanScaleDown">
5975             <summary>
5976             Sets or gets whether the object is down resizeable.
5977             </summary>
5978         </member>
5979         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.CanScaleUp">
5980             <summary>
5981             Sets or gets whether the object is up resizeable.
5982             </summary>
5983         </member>
5984         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.CanFillOutside">
5985             <summary>
5986             Sets or gets whether the image fills the entire object area, when keeping the aspect ratio.
5987             </summary>
5988         </member>
5989         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.PrescaleSize">
5990             <summary>
5991             Sets or gets the prescale size for the image.
5992             </summary>
5993         </member>
5994         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsFixedAspect">
5995             <summary>
5996             Sets or gets whether the original aspect ratio of the image should be kept on resize.
5997             </summary>
5998         </member>
5999         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsAnimated">
6000             <summary>
6001             Sets or gets whether an image object (which supports animation) is to animate itself.
6002             </summary>
6003         </member>
6004         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsAnimatedAvailable">
6005             <summary>
6006             Gets whether an image object supports animation.
6007             </summary>
6008         </member>
6009         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsAnimationPlaying">
6010             <summary>
6011             Sets or gets whether an image object is under animation.
6012             </summary>
6013             <remarks>
6014             An image object, even if it supports animation, will be displayed by default without animation.
6015             To actually start playing any image object's animation, <see cref="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsAnimated"/> should be TRUE before setting this property true.
6016             </remarks>
6017         </member>
6018         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsEditable">
6019             <summary>
6020             Sets or gets whether the image is 'editable'.
6021             </summary>
6022         </member>
6023         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.ObjectSize">
6024             <summary>
6025             Gets the current size of the image.
6026             </summary>
6027         </member>
6028         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.IsOpaque">
6029             <summary>
6030             Sets or gets whether alpha channel data is being used on the given image object.
6031             </summary>
6032         </member>
6033         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.Orientation">
6034             <summary>
6035             Sets or gets the image orientation.
6036             </summary>
6037         </member>
6038         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.Color">
6039             <summary>
6040             Sets or gets the image color
6041             </summary>
6042         </member>
6043         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.BackgroundColor">
6044             <summary>
6045             Sets the background color
6046             </summary>
6047         </member>
6048         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.SetBorder(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
6049             <summary>
6050             Sets the dimensions for an image object's border, a region which is not scaled together with its center ever.
6051             </summary>
6052             <param name="left">The border's left width</param>
6053             <param name="right">The border's right width</param>
6054             <param name="top">The border's top width</param>
6055             <param name="bottom">The border's bottom width</param>
6056         </member>
6057         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Image.BorderCenterFillMode">
6058             <summary>
6059             Sets or gets if the center part of the given image object (not the border) should be drawn.
6060             </summary>
6061             <remarks>
6062             When rendering, the image may be scaled to fit the size of the image object.
6063             This function sets if the center part of the scaled image is to be drawn or left completely blank, or forced to be solid.
6064             Very useful for frames and decorations.
6065             </remarks>
6066         </member>
6067         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.Load(System.String)">
6068             <summary>
6069             Sets the file that is used as the image's source.
6070             </summary>
6071             <param name="file">The path to the file that is used as an image source</param>
6072             <returns>(true = success, false = error)</returns>
6073         </member>
6074         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.Load(System.Uri)">
6075             <summary>
6076             Sets the uri that is used as the image's source.
6077             </summary>
6078             <param name="uri">The uri to the file that is used as an image source</param>
6079             <returns>(true = success, false = error)</returns>
6080         </member>
6081         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.Load(System.Byte*,System.Int64)">
6082             <summary>
6083             Sets a location in the memory to be used as an image object's source bitmap.
6084             </summary>
6085             <remarks>
6086             This function is handy when the contents of an image file are mapped into the memory, for example.
6087             The format string should be something like "png", "jpg", "tga", "tiff", "bmp" etc, when provided (null, on the contrary).
6088             This improves the loader performance as it tries the "correct" loader first, before trying a range of other possible loaders until one succeeds.
6089             </remarks>
6090             <param name="img">The binary data that is used as an image source</param>
6091             <param name="size">The size of the binary data blob img</param>
6092             <returns>(true = success, false = error)</returns>
6093         </member>
6094         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.Load(System.IO.Stream)">
6095             <summary>
6096             Sets the stream that is used as the image's source.
6097             </summary>
6098             <param name="stream">The stream that is used as an image source</param>
6099             <returns>(true = success, false = error)</returns>
6100         </member>
6101         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.LoadAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
6102             <summary>
6103             Sets the file that is used as the image's source with async.
6104             </summary>
6105             <param name="file">The path to the file that is used as an image source</param>
6106             <param name="cancellationToken">cancellation token</param>
6107             <returns>(true = success, false = error)</returns>
6108         </member>
6109         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.LoadAsync(System.Uri,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
6110             <summary>
6111             Sets the uri that is used as the image's source with async.
6112             </summary>
6113             <param name="uri">The uri to the file that is used as an image source</param>
6114             <param name="cancellationToken">cancellation token</param>
6115             <returns>(true = success, false = error)</returns>
6116         </member>
6117         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.LoadAsync(System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
6118             <summary>
6119             Sets the stream that is used as the image's source with async.
6120             </summary>
6121             <param name="stream">The stream that is used as an image source</param>
6122             <param name="cancellationToken">cancellation token</param>
6123             <returns>(true = success, false = error)</returns>
6124         </member>
6125         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.SetPartColor(System.String,ElmSharp.Color)">
6126             <summary>
6127             Sets the color of color class for a given widget.
6128             </summary>
6129             <param name="part">The name of color class.</param>
6130             <param name="color">The struct of color</param>
6131         </member>
6132         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.GetPartColor(System.String)">
6133             <summary>
6134             Gets the color of color class for a given widget.
6135             </summary>
6136             <param name="part">The name of color class.</param>
6137             <returns>color object</returns>
6138         </member>
6139         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Image.CreateHandle(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6140             <summary>
6141             Sets the content at a part of a given container widget.
6142             </summary>
6143             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Image as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
6144             <returns>The new object, otherwise null if it cannot be created</returns>
6145         </member>
6146         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ImageBorderFillMode">
6147             <summary>
6148             Enumeration for the fill mode of image border
6149             </summary>
6150         </member>
6151         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageBorderFillMode.None">
6152             <summary>
6153             None mode of image border
6154             </summary>
6155         </member>
6156         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageBorderFillMode.Default">
6157             <summary>
6158             Default mode of image border
6159             </summary>
6160         </member>
6161         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageBorderFillMode.Solid">
6162             <summary>
6163             Solid mode of image border
6164             </summary>
6165         </member>
6166         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation">
6167             <summary>
6168             Enumeration for the possible orientation options
6169             </summary>
6170         </member>
6171         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.None">
6172             <summary>
6173             No orientation change
6174             </summary>
6175         </member>
6176         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.Rotate90">
6177             <summary>
6178             Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
6179             </summary>
6180         </member>
6181         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.Rotate180">
6182             <summary>
6183             Rotate 180 degrees clockwise
6184             </summary>
6185         </member>
6186         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.Rotate270">
6187             <summary>
6188             Rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise (i.e. 270 degrees clockwise)
6189             </summary>
6190         </member>
6191         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.FlipHorizontal">
6192             <summary>
6193             Flip image horizontally
6194             </summary>
6195         </member>
6196         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.FlipVertical">
6197             <summary>
6198             Flip image vertically
6199             </summary>
6200         </member>
6201         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.FlipTranspose">
6202             <summary>
6203             Flip the image along the y = (width - x) line (bottom-left to top-right)
6204             </summary>
6205         </member>
6206         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ImageOrientation.FlipTransverse">
6207             <summary>
6208             Flip the image along the y = x line (top-left to bottom-right)
6209             </summary>
6210         </member>
6211         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Index">
6212             <summary>
6213             An index widget gives you an index for fast access to whichever group of other UI items one might have.
6214             Inherits Layout
6215             </summary>
6216         </member>
6217         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Index.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6218             <summary>
6219             Creates and initializes a new instance of Index class.
6220             </summary>
6221             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Index as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
6222         </member>
6223         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Index.Changed">
6224             <summary>
6225             Changed will be triggered when the selected index item is changed.
6226             </summary>
6227         </member>
6228         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.AutoHide">
6229             <summary>
6230             Sets or gets the auto hiding feature is enabled or not for a given index widget.
6231             </summary>
6232         </member>
6233         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.IsHorizontal">
6234             <summary>
6235             Sets or gets a value whether horizontal mode is enabled or not.
6236             </summary>
6237         </member>
6238         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.IndicatorVisible">
6239             <summary>
6240             Sets or gets the value of indicator's disabled status.
6241             </summary>
6242         </member>
6243         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.OmitEnabled">
6244             <summary>
6245             Sets or gets the omit feature is enabled or not for a given index widget.
6246             </summary>
6247         </member>
6248         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.Delay">
6249             <summary>
6250             Set a delay change time for index object.
6251             delay time is 0.2 sec by default.
6252             </summary>
6253         </member>
6254         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.Level">
6255             <summary>
6256             Gets or sets the items level for a given index widget.
6257             </summary>
6258         </member>
6259         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.Priority">
6260             <summary>
6261             Control standard_priority group of index.
6262             Priority group will be shown as many items as it can, and other group will be shown one character only.
6263             </summary>
6264         </member>
6265         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Index.SelectedItem">
6266             <summary>
6267             Gets the last selected item, for a given index widget.
6268             </summary>
6269         </member>
6270         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Index.Append(System.String)">
6271             <summary>
6272             Append a new item on a given index widget.
6273             </summary>
6274             <param name="label">the label which the item should be indexed</param>
6275             <returns>A object to the IndexItem added or null, on errors</returns>
6276         </member>
6277         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Index.Prepend(System.String)">
6278             <summary>
6279             Prepend a new item on a given index widget.
6280             </summary>
6281             <param name="label">the label which the item should be indexed</param>
6282             <returns>A handle to the item added or NULL, on errors</returns>
6283         </member>
6284         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Index.InsertBefore(System.String,ElmSharp.IndexItem)">
6285             <summary>
6286             Insert a new item into the index object before item before.
6287             </summary>
6288             <param name="label">the label which the item should be indexed</param>
6289             <param name="before">The index item to insert after.</param>
6290             <returns>A object to the IndexItem added or null, on errors</returns>
6291         </member>
6292         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Index.InsertAfter(System.String,ElmSharp.IndexItem)">
6293             <summary>
6294             Insert a new item into the index object after item after.
6295             </summary>
6296             <param name="label">the label which the item should be indexed</param>
6297             <param name="after">The index item to insert after.</param>
6298             <returns>A object to the IndexItem added or null, on errors</returns>
6299         </member>
6300         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Index.Update(System.Int32)">
6301             <summary>
6302             Flush the changes made to the index items so they work correctly.
6303             </summary>
6304             <param name="level">The index level (one of 0 or 1) where changes were made</param>
6305         </member>
6306         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Index.Clear">
6307             <summary>
6308             Removes all items from a given index widget.
6309             </summary>
6310         </member>
6311         <member name="T:ElmSharp.IndexItem">
6312             <summary>
6313             The IndexItem is used to manage index item
6314             Inherits ItemObject
6315             </summary>
6316         </member>
6317         <member name="M:ElmSharp.IndexItem.#ctor(System.String)">
6318             <summary>
6319             Creates and initializes a new instance of IndexItem class.
6320             </summary>
6321             <param name="text">the text is set to the Text. It's 'string' type.</param>
6322         </member>
6323         <member name="E:ElmSharp.IndexItem.Selected">
6324             <summary>
6325             Selected will be triggered when the index item is selected
6326             </summary>
6327         </member>
6328         <member name="P:ElmSharp.IndexItem.Text">
6329             <summary>
6330             Gets the text
6331             </summary>
6332         </member>
6333         <member name="M:ElmSharp.IndexItem.Select(System.Boolean)">
6334             <summary>
6335             Sets the selected state of an item.
6336             </summary>
6337             <param name="selected">The selected state</param>
6338         </member>
6339         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ItemObject">
6340             <summary>
6341             The ItemObject is used to manage item object
6342             </summary>
6343         </member>
6344         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.#ctor(System.IntPtr)">
6345             <summary>
6346             Creates and initializes a new instance of ItemObject class.
6347             </summary>
6348             <param name="handle">IntPtr</param>
6349         </member>
6350         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ItemObject.Id">
6351             <summary>
6352             Gets the id of item object
6353             </summary>
6354         </member>
6355         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ItemObject.IsEnabled">
6356             <summary>
6357             Sets or gets whether the item object is enabled
6358             </summary>
6359         </member>
6360         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ItemObject.TrackObject">
6361             <summary>
6362             Gets track object of the item.
6363             </summary>
6364         </member>
6365         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ItemObject.Deleted">
6366             <summary>
6367             Deleted will be triggered when the item object is deleted
6368             </summary>
6369         </member>
6370         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.Delete">
6371             <summary>
6372             Delete the item object
6373             </summary>
6374         </member>
6375         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6376             <summary>
6377             Set a content of an object item and delete old content
6378             </summary>
6379             <param name="part">The content part name (null for the default content)</param>
6380             <param name="content">The content of the object item</param>
6381         </member>
6382         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Boolean)">
6383             <summary>
6384             Set a content of an object item
6385             </summary>
6386             <param name="part">The content part name (null for the default content)</param>
6387             <param name="content">The content of the object item</param>
6388             <param name="preserveOldContent">judge whether delete old content</param>
6389         </member>
6390         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.SetPartText(System.String,System.String)">
6391             <summary>
6392             Set a label of an object item
6393             </summary>
6394             <param name="part">The text part name (null for the default label)</param>
6395             <param name="text">Text of the label</param>
6396         </member>
6397         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.GetPartText(System.String)">
6398             <summary>
6399             Gets a label of an object item
6400             </summary>
6401             <param name="part">The text part name (null for the default label)</param>
6402             <returns></returns>
6403         </member>
6404         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.SetPartColor(System.String,ElmSharp.Color)">
6405             <summary>
6406             Sets color of an object item
6407             </summary>
6408             <param name="part">The text part name (null for the default label)</param>
6409             <param name="color">the color</param>
6410         </member>
6411         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.GetPartColor(System.String)">
6412             <summary>
6413             Gets color of an object item
6414             </summary>
6415             <param name="part">The text part name (null for the default label)</param>
6416             <returns>the color of object item</returns>
6417         </member>
6418         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.DeletePartColor(System.String)">
6419             <summary>
6420             Deletes color of an object item
6421             </summary>
6422             <param name="part">The text part name</param>
6423         </member>
6424         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.AddSignalHandler(System.String,System.String,System.Func{System.String,System.String,System.Boolean})">
6425             <summary>
6426             Add a function for a signal emitted by object item edje.
6427             </summary>
6428             <param name="emission">The signal's name.</param>
6429             <param name="source">The signal's source.</param>
6430             <param name="func">The function to be executed when the signal is emitted.</param>
6431         </member>
6432         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.RemoveSignalHandler(System.String,System.String,System.Func{System.String,System.String,System.Boolean})">
6433             <summary>
6434             Remove a signal-triggered function from a object item edje object.
6435             </summary>
6436             <param name="emission">The signal's name.</param>
6437             <param name="source">The signal's source.</param>
6438             <param name="func">The function to be executed when the signal is emitted.</param>
6439         </member>
6440         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.EmitSignal(System.String,System.String)">
6441             <summary>
6442             Send a signal to the edje object of the widget item.
6443             </summary>
6444             <param name="emission">The signal's name.</param>
6445             <param name="source">The signal's source.</param>
6446         </member>
6447         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.op_Implicit(ElmSharp.ItemObject)~System.IntPtr">
6448             <summary>
6449             Gets the handle of object item
6450             </summary>
6451             <param name="obj">ItemObject</param>
6452         </member>
6453         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.OnInvalidate">
6454             <summary>
6455             OnInvalidate of object item
6456             </summary>
6457         </member>
6458         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ItemObjectExtension">
6459             <summary>
6460             The ItemObjectExtension is used to manage item object extension
6461             </summary>
6462         </member>
6463         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObjectExtension.GrabHighlight(ElmSharp.ItemObject)">
6464             <summary>
6465             Grab high light of item object
6466             </summary>
6467             <param name="obj">the item object which is grabbed high light</param>
6468         </member>
6469         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ItemObjectExtension.ClearHighlight(ElmSharp.ItemObject)">
6470             <summary>
6471             Clear high light of item object
6472             </summary>
6473             <param name="obj">the item object which is cleared high light</param>
6474         </member>
6475         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Label">
6476             <summary>
6477             Label is a widget to display text, with simple html-like markup.
6478             Inherits Layout
6479             </summary>
6480         </member>
6481         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Label.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6482             <summary>
6483             Creates and initializes a new instance of Label class.
6484             </summary>
6485             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Label as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
6486         </member>
6487         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Label.SlideCompleted">
6488             <summary>
6489             SlideCompleted will be triggered when the slide is completed.
6490             </summary>
6491         </member>
6492         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Label.LineWrapWidth">
6493             <summary>
6494             Sets or gets wrap width of the label.
6495             </summary>
6496         </member>
6497         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Label.LineWrapType">
6498             <summary>
6499             Sets or gets the wrapping behavior of the label.
6500             </summary>
6501         </member>
6502         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Label.SlideMode">
6503             <summary>
6504             Sets or gets the slide mode of the label widget.
6505             </summary>
6506         </member>
6507         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Label.SlideDuration">
6508             <summary>
6509             Sets or gets the slide duration of the label.
6510             </summary>
6511         </member>
6512         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Label.SlideSpeed">
6513             <summary>
6514             Sets or gets the slide Speed of the label.
6515             </summary>
6516             <remarks>
6517             The speed of the slide animation in px per seconds.
6518             If you set the duration of the slide using elm_label_slide_duration_set() you cannot get the correct speed using this function until the label is actually rendered and resized.
6519             </remarks>
6520             <seealso cref="P:ElmSharp.Label.SlideDuration"/>
6521         </member>
6522         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Label.IsEllipsis">
6523             <summary>
6524             Sets or gets the ellipsis behavior of the label.
6525             </summary>
6526         </member>
6527         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Label.TextStyle">
6528             <summary>
6529             Sets or gets the style of the label text.
6530             </summary>
6531             <remarks>
6532             APIs, elm_label_text_style_user_peek/pop/push, are internal APIs only in Tizen. Avalilable since Tizen_4.0.
6533             </remarks>
6535         </member>
6536         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Label.PlaySlide">
6537             <summary>
6538             Start slide effect.
6539             </summary>
6540         </member>
6541         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Label.CreateHandle(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6542             <summary>
6543             Sets the content at a part of a given container widget.
6544             </summary>
6545             <param name="parent">EvasObject</param>
6546             <returns>The new object, otherwise null if it cannot be created</returns>
6547         </member>
6548         <member name="T:ElmSharp.LabelSlideMode">
6549             <summary>
6550             Enumeration for slide mode of a label widget
6551             </summary>
6552         </member>
6553         <member name="F:ElmSharp.LabelSlideMode.None">
6554             <summary>
6555             no slide effect
6556             </summary>
6557         </member>
6558         <member name="F:ElmSharp.LabelSlideMode.Auto">
6559             <summary>
6560             slide only if the label area is bigger than the text width length
6561             </summary>
6562         </member>
6563         <member name="F:ElmSharp.LabelSlideMode.Always">
6564             <summary>
6565             slide always
6566             </summary>
6567         </member>
6568         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Layout">
6569             <summary>
6570             This is a container widget that takes a standard Edje design file and wraps it very thinly in a widget.
6571             Inherits Widget
6572             </summary>
6573         </member>
6574         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6575             <summary>
6576             Creates and initializes a new instance of Layout class.
6577             </summary>
6578             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Layout as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
6579         </member>
6580         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Layout.LanguageChanged">
6581             <summary>
6582             LanguageChanged will be triggered when the program's language is changed.
6583             </summary>
6584         </member>
6585         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Layout.ThemeChanged">
6586             <summary>
6587             ThemeChanged will be triggered when the theme is changed.
6588             </summary>
6589         </member>
6590         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Layout.EdjeObject">
6591             <summary>
6592             Gets the edje layout.
6593             </summary>
6594         </member>
6595         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Layout.TextBlockAccessibility">
6596             <summary>
6597             Gets or sets accessibility state of texblock(text) parts in the layout object.
6598             </summary>
6599         </member>
6600         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.Freeze">
6601             <summary>
6602             Freezes the Elementary layout object.
6603             This function puts all changes on hold.
6604             Successive freezes will nest, requiring an equal number of thaws.
6605             </summary>
6606             <returns>The frozen state or 0 if the object is not frozen or on error.</returns>
6607         </member>
6608         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.Thaw">
6609             <summary>
6610             Thaws the Elementary object.
6611             If sucessives freezes were done, an equal number of thaws will be required.
6612             </summary>
6613             <returns>The frozen state or 0 if the object is not frozen or on error.</returns>
6614         </member>
6615         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.Resizing">
6616             <summary>
6617             Eval sizing.
6618             Manually forces a sizing re-evaluation.
6619             This is useful when the minimum size required by the edje theme of this layout has changed.
6620             The change on the minimum size required by the edje theme is not immediately reported to the elementary layout, so one needs to call this function in order to tell the widget (layout) that it needs to reevaluate its own size.
6621             The minimum size of the theme is calculated based on minimum size of parts, the size of elements inside containers like box and table, etc.
6622             All of this can change due to state changes, and that's when this function should be called.
6623             </summary>
6624         </member>
6625         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.Resizing(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
6626             <summary>
6627             Request sizing reevaluation, restricted to current width and/or height.
6628             Useful mostly when there are TEXTBLOCK parts defining the height of the object and nothing else restricting it to a minimum width.Calling this function will restrict the minimum size in the Edje calculation to whatever size it the layout has at the moment.
6629             </summary>
6630             <param name="width">Restrict minimum size ot the current width.</param>
6631             <param name="height">Restrict minimum size ot the current height.</param>
6632         </member>
6633         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.GetEdjeData(System.String)">
6634             <summary>
6635             Get the edje data from the given layout.
6636             This function fetches data specified inside the edje theme of this layout.
6637             This function return NULL if data is not found.
6638             </summary>
6639             <param name="key">The data key</param>
6640             <returns>The data</returns>
6641         </member>
6642         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.GetPartText(System.String)">
6643             <summary>
6644             Gets the text set in the given part.
6645             </summary>
6646             <param name="part">The TEXT part to retrieve the text off.</param>
6647             <returns></returns>
6648         </member>
6649         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.SetPartText(System.String,System.String)">
6650             <summary>
6651             Sets the text set in the given part.
6652             </summary>
6653             <param name="part">The TEXT part to retrieve the text off.</param>
6654             <param name="text">The text to set.</param>
6655             <returns></returns>
6656         </member>
6657         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.BoxAppend(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6658             <summary>
6659             Append child to layout box part.
6660             Once the object is appended, it will become child of the layout.
6661             Its lifetime will be bound to the layout, whenever the layout dies the child will be deleted automatically.
6662             </summary>
6663             <param name="part">The part</param>
6664             <param name="child">The Object to append</param>
6665             <returns>Sucess is true</returns>
6666         </member>
6667         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.BoxPrepend(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6668             <summary>
6669             Prepend child to layout box part.
6670             Once the object is prepended, it will become child of the layout.
6671             Its lifetime will be bound to the layout, whenever the layout dies the child will be deleted automatically.
6672             </summary>
6673             <param name="part">The part</param>
6674             <param name="child">The Object to prepend</param>
6675             <returns>Sucess is true</returns>
6676         </member>
6677         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.BoxRemove(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6678             <summary>
6679             Remove a child of the given part box.
6680             The object will be removed from the box part and its lifetime will not be handled by the layout anymore.
6681             </summary>
6682             <param name="part">The part</param>
6683             <param name="child">The Object to remove</param>
6684             <returns>Sucess is true</returns>
6685         </member>
6686         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.BoxRemoveAll(System.String,System.Boolean)">
6687             <summary>
6688             Remove all children of the given part box.
6689             The objects will be removed from the box part and their lifetime will not be handled by the layout anymore.
6690             </summary>
6691             <param name="part">The part</param>
6692             <param name="clear">If true, then all objects will be deleted as well, otherwise they will just be removed and will be dangling on the canvas.</param>
6693             <returns>Sucess is true</returns>
6694         </member>
6695         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.BoxInsertAt(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.UInt32)">
6696             <summary>
6697             Insert child to layout box part at a given position.
6698             Once the object is inserted, it will become child of the layout.
6699             Its lifetime will be bound to the layout, whenever the layout dies the child will be deleted automatically.
6700             </summary>
6701             <param name="part">The part</param>
6702             <param name="child">The child object to insert into box.</param>
6703             <param name="position">The numeric position >=0 to insert the child.</param>
6704             <returns>Sucess is true</returns>
6705         </member>
6706         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.BoxInsertBefore(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6707             <summary>
6708             Insert child to layout box part before a reference object.
6709             Once the object is inserted, it will become child of the layout.
6710             Its lifetime will be bound to the layout, whenever the layout dies the child will be deleted automatically.
6711             </summary>
6712             <param name="part"></param>
6713             <param name="child">The child object to insert into box.</param>
6714             <param name="reference">Another reference object to insert before in box.</param>
6715             <returns>Sucess is true</returns>
6716         </member>
6717         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6718             <summary>
6719             Sets the layout content.
6720             </summary>
6721             <param name="part">The swallow part name in the edje file</param>
6722             <param name="content">The child that will be added in this layout object.</param>
6723             <returns>TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise</returns>
6724         </member>
6725         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Boolean)">
6726             <summary>
6727             Sets the layout content.
6728             </summary>
6729             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
6730             <param name="content">The content</param>
6731             <param name="preserveOldContent">true, preserve old content will be unset. false, preserve old content will not be unset.</param>
6732             <returns>TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise</returns>
6733         </member>
6734         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.SetTheme(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
6735             <summary>
6736             Sets the edje group from the elementary theme that is used as a layout.
6737             </summary>
6738             <param name="klass">The class of the group</param>
6739             <param name="group">The group</param>
6740             <param name="style">The style to use</param>
6741         </member>
6742         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.SetFile(System.String,System.String)">
6743             <summary>
6744             Sets the file that is used as a layout.
6745             </summary>
6746             <param name="file">The path to the file (edj) that is used as a layout</param>
6747             <param name="group">The group that the layout belongs to in the edje file</param>
6748         </member>
6749         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Layout.BackgroundColor">
6750             <summary>
6751             Sets the back ground color of layout
6752             </summary>
6753         </member>
6754         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.SetVerticalTextAlignment(System.String,System.Double)">
6755             <summary>
6756             Sets the vertical text alignment of layout's text part
6757             </summary>
6758             <remarks>
6759             API, elm_layout_text_valign_set, is an internal API only in Tizen. Avalilable since Tizen_4.0.
6760             </remarks>
6761         </member>
6762         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.GetVerticalTextAlignment(System.String)">
6763             <summary>
6764             Gets the vertical text alignment of layout's text part
6765             </summary>
6766             <remarks>
6767             API, elm_layout_text_valign_get, is internal API only in Tizen. Avalilable since Tizen_4.0.
6768             </remarks>
6769         </member>
6770         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Layout.CreateHandle(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6771             <summary>
6772             Sets the content at a part of a given container widget.
6773             </summary>
6774             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Layout as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
6775             <returns>The new object, otherwise null if it cannot be created</returns>
6776         </member>
6777         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ListMode">
6778             <summary>
6779             Enumeration for setting list's resizing behavior, transverse axis scrolling and items cropping.
6780             </summary>
6781         </member>
6782         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ListMode.Compress">
6783             <summary>
6784             The list won't set any of its size hints to inform how a possible container should resize it.
6785             Then, if it's not created as a "resize object", it might end with zeroed dimensions.
6786             The list will respect the container's geometry and, if any of its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one won't be able to scroll it in that direction.
6787             </summary>
6788         </member>
6789         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ListMode.Scroll">
6790             <summary>
6791             This is the same as Compress, with the exception that if any of its items won't fit into its transverse axis, one will be able to scroll it in that direction.
6792             </summary>
6793         </member>
6794         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ListMode.Limit">
6795             <summary>
6796             Sets a minimum size hint on the genlist object, so that containers may respect it (and resize itself to fit the child properly).
6797             More specifically, a minimum size hint will be set for its transverse axis, so that the largest item in that direction fits well.
6798             This is naturally bound by the list object's maximum size hints, set externally.
6799             </summary>
6800         </member>
6801         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ListMode.Expand">
6802             <summary>
6803             Besides setting a minimum size on the transverse axis, just like on Limit, the list will set a minimum size on th longitudinal axis, trying to reserve space to all its children to be visible at a time.
6804             This is naturally bound by the list object's maximum size hints, set externally.
6805             </summary>
6806         </member>
6807         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ListItemEventArgs">
6808             <summary>
6809             It inherits System.EventArgs.
6810             It contains Item which is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ListItem"/> type.
6811             All events of List contain ListItemEventArgs as a parameter.
6812             </summary>
6813         </member>
6814         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ListItemEventArgs.Item">
6815             <summary>
6816             Gets or sets List item. The return type is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ListItem"/>.
6817             </summary>
6818         </member>
6819         <member name="T:ElmSharp.List">
6820             <summary>
6821             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Layout"/>.
6822             The List is a widget that aims to display simple list item which has 2 icons and 1 text, and can be selected.
6823             For more robust lists, <see cref="T:ElmSharp.GenList"/> should probably be used.
6824             </summary>
6825             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenList"/>
6826             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.GenGrid"/>
6827         </member>
6828         <member name="M:ElmSharp.List.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6829             <summary>
6830             Creates and initializes a new instance of the List class.
6831             </summary>
6832             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by List as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
6833         </member>
6834         <member name="P:ElmSharp.List.Mode">
6835             <summary>
6836             Gets or sets which mode to use for the list.
6837             </summary>
6838         </member>
6839         <member name="P:ElmSharp.List.SelectedItem">
6840             <summary>
6841             Gets the selected item.
6842             </summary>
6843         </member>
6844         <member name="E:ElmSharp.List.ItemSelected">
6845             <summary>
6846             ItemSelected is raised when a new list item is selected.
6847             </summary>
6848         </member>
6849         <member name="E:ElmSharp.List.ItemUnselected">
6850             <summary>
6851             ItemUnselected is raised when the list item is Unselected.
6852             </summary>
6853         </member>
6854         <member name="E:ElmSharp.List.ItemDoubleClicked">
6855             <summary>
6856             ItemDoubleClicked is raised when a new list item is double clicked.
6857             </summary>
6858         </member>
6859         <member name="E:ElmSharp.List.ItemLongPressed">
6860             <summary>
6861             ItemLongPressed is raised when a list item is pressed for a certain amount of time. By default it's 1 second.
6862             </summary>
6863         </member>
6864         <member name="E:ElmSharp.List.ItemActivated">
6865             <summary>
6866             ItemActivated is raised when a new list item is double clicked or pressed (enter|return|spacebar).
6867             </summary>
6868         </member>
6869         <member name="M:ElmSharp.List.Update">
6870             <summary>
6871             Starts the list.
6872             Call before running <see cref="M:ElmSharp.EvasObject.Show"/> on the list object.
6873             If not called, it won't display the list properly.
6874             </summary>
6875         </member>
6876         <member name="M:ElmSharp.List.Append(System.String)">
6877             <summary>
6878             Appends a new item with a text to the end of a given list widget.
6879             </summary>
6880             <param name="label">The text for the item.</param>
6881             <returns>Return a new added list item that contains a text.</returns>
6882             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.ListItem"/>
6883         </member>
6884         <member name="M:ElmSharp.List.Append(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6885             <summary>
6886             Appends a new item with a text and 2 icons to the end of a given list widget.
6887             </summary>
6888             <param name="label">The text for the item.</param>
6889             <param name="leftIcon">The left icon for the item.</param>
6890             <param name="rightIcon">The right icon for the item.</param>
6891             <returns>Return a new added list item that contains a text and 2 icons.</returns>
6892             <seealso cref="T:ElmSharp.ListItem"/>
6893         </member>
6894         <member name="M:ElmSharp.List.Prepend(System.String)">
6895             <summary>
6896             Prepends a new item with a text to the beginning of a given list widget.
6897             </summary>
6898             <param name="label">The text for the item.</param>
6899             <returns>Return a new added list item that contains a text.</returns>
6900         </member>
6901         <member name="M:ElmSharp.List.Prepend(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6902             <summary>
6903             Prepends a new item with a text and 2 icons to the beginning of a given list widget.
6904             </summary>
6905             <param name="label">The text for the item.</param>
6906             <param name="leftIcon">The left icon for the item.</param>
6907             <param name="rigthIcon">The right icon for the item.</param>
6908             <returns>Return a new added list item that contains a text and 2 icons.</returns>
6909         </member>
6910         <member name="M:ElmSharp.List.Clear">
6911             <summary>
6912             Removes all items from a given list widget.
6913             To delete just one item, use <see cref="M:ElmSharp.ItemObject.Delete"/>.
6914             </summary>
6915         </member>
6916         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ListItem">
6917             <summary>
6918             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ItemObject"/>.
6919             A instance to the list item added.
6920             It contains Text, LeftIcon and RightIcon properties to show a list item which is given.
6921             </summary>
6922         </member>
6923         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ListItem.Text">
6924             <summary>
6925             Gets the text for the list item.
6926             </summary>
6927         </member>
6928         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ListItem.LeftIcon">
6929             <summary>
6930             Gets the left icon for the list item.
6931             </summary>
6932         </member>
6933         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ListItem.RightIcon">
6934             <summary>
6935             Gets the right icon for the list item.
6936             </summary>
6937         </member>
6938         <member name="T:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry">
6939             <summary>
6940             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Layout"/>.
6941             The MultiButtonEntry is a widget letting an user enter text and each chunk of text managed as a set of buttons.
6942             Each text button is inserted by pressing the "return" key. If there is no space in the current row, a new button is added to the next row.
6943             When a text button is pressed, it will become focused. Backspace removes the focus. When the multi-button entry loses focus, items longer than one line are shrunk to one line.
6944             The typical use case of multi-button entry is composing emails/messages to a group of addresses, each of which is an item that can be clicked for further actions.
6945             </summary>
6946         </member>
6947         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
6948             <summary>
6949             Creates and initializes a new instance of the MultiButtonEntry class.
6950             </summary>
6951             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by MultiButtonEntry as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
6952         </member>
6953         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.Clicked">
6954             <summary>
6955             Clicked is raised when a MultiButtonEntry is clicked.
6956             </summary>
6957         </member>
6958         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.Expanded">
6959             <summary>
6960             Expanded is raised when a MultiButtonEntry is expanded.
6961             </summary>
6962         </member>
6963         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.Contracted">
6964             <summary>
6965             Contracted is raised when a MultiButtonEntry is contracted.
6966             </summary>
6967         </member>
6968         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.ExpandedStateChanged">
6969             <summary>
6970             ExpandedStateChanged is raised when shrink mode state of MultiButtonEntry is changed.
6971             </summary>
6972         </member>
6973         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.ItemSelected">
6974             <summary>
6975             ItemSelected is raised when an item is selected by api, user interaction, and etc.
6976             This is also raised when a user press back space while cursor is on the first field of entry.
6977             </summary>
6978         </member>
6979         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.ItemClicked">
6980             <summary>
6981             ItemClicked is raised when an item is clicked by user interaction.
6982             </summary>
6983         </member>
6984         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.ItemLongPressed">
6985             <summary>
6986             ItemLongPressed is raised when MultiButtonEntry item is pressed for a long time.
6987             </summary>
6988         </member>
6989         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.ItemAdded">
6990             <summary>
6991             ItemAdded is raised when a new MultiButtonEntry item is added.
6992             </summary>
6993         </member>
6994         <member name="E:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.ItemDeleted">
6995             <summary>
6996             ItemDeleted is raised when a MultiButtonEntry item is deleted.
6997             </summary>
6998         </member>
6999         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.SelectedItem">
7000             <summary>
7001             Gets the selected item in the multibuttonentry.
7002             </summary>
7003         </member>
7004         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.IsEditable">
7005             <summary>
7006             Gets or sets whether the multibuttonentry is editable or not.
7007             </summary>
7008         </member>
7009         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.IsExpanded">
7010             <summary>
7011             Gets or sets the multibuttonentry to expanded state.
7012             If true, expanded state.
7013             If false, single line state.
7014             </summary>
7015         </member>
7016         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.FirstItem">
7017             <summary>
7018             Gets the first item in the multibuttonentry.
7019             </summary>
7020         </member>
7021         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.LastItem">
7022             <summary>
7023             Gets the last item in the multibuttonentry.
7024             </summary>
7025         </member>
7026         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.Entry">
7027             <summary>
7028             Gets the entry object int the multibuttonentry.
7029             </summary>
7030         </member>
7031         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.Append(System.String)">
7032             <summary>
7033             Append a new item to the multibuttonentry.
7034             </summary>
7035             <param name="label">The label of new item.</param>
7036             <returns>A MultiButtonEntryItem to the item added.</returns>
7037         </member>
7038         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.Prepend(System.String)">
7039             <summary>
7040             Prepend a new item to the multibuttonentry.
7041             </summary>
7042             <param name="label">The label of new item.</param>
7043             <returns>A MultiButtonEntryItem to the item added.</returns>
7044         </member>
7045         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem,System.String)">
7046             <summary>
7047             Add a new item to the multibuttonentry before the indicated object reference.
7048             </summary>
7049             <param name="before">The item before which to add it.</param>
7050             <param name="label">The label of new item.</param>
7051             <returns>A MultiButtonEntryItem to the item added.</returns>
7052         </member>
7053         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.InsertAfter(ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem,System.String)">
7054             <summary>
7055             Add a new item to the multibuttonentry after the indicated object.
7056             </summary>
7057             <param name="after">The item after which to add it.</param>
7058             <param name="label">The label of new item.</param>
7059             <returns>A MultiButtonEntryItem to the item added.</returns>
7060         </member>
7061         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.Clear">
7062             <summary>
7063             Remove all items in the multibuttonentry.
7064             </summary>
7065         </member>
7066         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.AppendFilter(System.Func{System.String,System.Boolean})">
7067             <summary>
7068             Append an item filter function for text inserted in the Multibuttonentry.
7069             </summary>
7070             <param name="func">The function to use as item filter.</param>
7071         </member>
7072         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.PrependFilter(System.Func{System.String,System.Boolean})">
7073             <summary>
7074             Prepend a filter function for text inserted in the Multibuttonentry.
7075             </summary>
7076             <param name="func">The function to use as text filter.</param>
7077         </member>
7078         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.RemoveFilter(System.Func{System.String,System.Boolean})">
7079             <summary>
7080             Remove a filter from the list.
7081             </summary>
7082             <param name="func">The filter function to remove.</param>
7083         </member>
7084         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntry.SetFormatCallback(System.Func{System.Int32,System.String})">
7085             <summary>
7086             Set a function to format the string that will be used to display the hidden items counter.
7087             If func is NULL, the default format will be used, which is "+ 'the hidden items counter'".
7088             </summary>
7089             <param name="func">The function to return string to show</param>
7090         </member>
7091         <member name="T:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItemEventArgs">
7092             <summary>
7093             It inherits System.EventArgs.
7094             The MultiButtonEntryItemEventArgs is a argument for all events of MultiButtonEntry.
7095             It contains Item which is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem"/> type.
7096             </summary>
7097         </member>
7098         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItemEventArgs.Item">
7099             <summary>
7100             Gets or sets MultiButtonEntryItem item. The return type is <see cref="T:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem"/>.
7101             </summary>
7102         </member>
7103         <member name="T:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem">
7104             <summary>
7105             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ItemObject"/>.
7106             MutltiButtonEntryItem is a item which is added to MultiButtonEntry.
7107             It contains Next and Prev properties to get next and previous item.
7108             </summary>
7109         </member>
7110         <member name="M:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem.#ctor(System.String)">
7111             <summary>
7112             Creates and initializes a new instance of the MultiButtonEntryItem class.
7113             </summary>
7114             <param name="text">The text of MultiButtonEntryItem's Label name.</param>
7115         </member>
7116         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem.Label">
7117             <summary>
7118             Gets the label of this item.
7119             </summary>
7120         </member>
7121         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem.IsSelected">
7122             <summary>
7123             Gets or sets the selected state of an item.
7124             </summary>
7125         </member>
7126         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem.Next">
7127             <summary>
7128             Get the next item in the multibuttonentry.
7129             </summary>
7130         </member>
7131         <member name="P:ElmSharp.MultiButtonEntryItem.Prev">
7132             <summary>
7133             Get the previous item in the multibuttonentry.
7134             </summary>
7135         </member>
7136         <member name="T:ElmSharp.NaviframeEventArgs">
7137             <summary>
7138             The NaviframeEventArgs is a event args class for navi frame.
7139             Inherits EventArgs
7140             </summary>
7141         </member>
7142         <member name="P:ElmSharp.NaviframeEventArgs.Content">
7143             <summary>
7144             Sets or gets the content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".
7145             </summary>
7146         </member>
7147         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Naviframe">
7148             <summary>
7149             Naviframe is a widget to stands for navigation frame. It's a views manager for applications.
7150             Inherits Widget
7151             </summary>
7152         </member>
7153         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7154             <summary>
7155             Creates and initializes a new instance of Naviframe class.
7156             </summary>
7157             <param name="parent">The parent is a given container which will be attached by Naviframe as a child. It's <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> type.</param>
7158         </member>
7159         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Naviframe.Popped">
7160             <summary>
7161             Popped will be triggered when NaviItem is removed.
7162             </summary>
7163             <remarks>
7164             It is always called when NaviItem was removed.
7165             (even if removed by NaviItem.Delete())
7166             This event will be invoked in progress of Pop/Delete operation.
7167             After called Popped event, Pop/Delete method will be returned
7168             </remarks>
7169         </member>
7170         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Naviframe.AnimationFinished">
7171             <summary>
7172             AnimationFinished will be triggered when animation is finished.
7173             </summary>
7174         </member>
7175         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Naviframe.NavigationStack">
7176             <summary>
7177             Gets the list of navi item
7178             </summary>
7179         </member>
7180         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Naviframe.PreserveContentOnPop">
7181             <summary>
7182             Sets or gets the the preserve content objects when items are popped.
7183             </summary>
7184         </member>
7185         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Naviframe.DefaultBackButtonEnabled">
7186             <summary>
7187             Sets or gets whether the default back button is enabled
7188             </summary>
7189         </member>
7190         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.Push(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7191             <summary>
7192             Push a new item to the top of the naviframe stack and show it.
7193             The title and style are null.
7194             </summary>
7195             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7196             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7197         </member>
7198         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.Push(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String)">
7199             <summary>
7200             Push a new item to the top of the naviframe stack and show it.
7201             The style are null.
7202             </summary>
7203             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7204             <param name="title">The current item title. null would be default.</param>
7205             <returns></returns>
7206         </member>
7207         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.Push(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String,System.String)">
7208             <summary>
7209             Push a new item to the top of the naviframe stack and show it.
7210             </summary>
7211             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7212             <param name="title">The current item title. null would be default.</param>
7213             <param name="style">The current item style name. null would be default.</param>
7214             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7215         </member>
7216         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.NaviItem,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7217             <summary>
7218             Insert a new item into the naviframe before item.
7219             The title is "" and the style is null.
7220             </summary>
7221             <param name="before">The item which the new item is inserted before.</param>
7222             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7223             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7224         </member>
7225         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.NaviItem,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String)">
7226             <summary>
7227             Insert a new item into the naviframe before item.
7228             The style is null.
7229             </summary>
7230             <param name="before">The item which the new item is inserted before.</param>
7231             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7232             <param name="title">The current item title. null would be default.</param>
7233             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7234         </member>
7235         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.NaviItem,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String,System.String)">
7236             <summary>
7237             Insert a new item into the naviframe before item.
7238             </summary>
7239             <param name="before">The item which the new item is inserted before.</param>
7240             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7241             <param name="title">The current item title. null would be default.</param>
7242             <param name="style">The current item style name. null would be default.</param>
7243             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7244         </member>
7245         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.InsertAfter(ElmSharp.NaviItem,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7246             <summary>
7247             Insert a new item into the naviframe after item.
7248             The title is "" and the style is null.
7249             </summary>
7250             <param name="after">The item which the new item is inserted after.</param>
7251             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7252             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7253         </member>
7254         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.InsertAfter(ElmSharp.NaviItem,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String)">
7255             <summary>
7256             Insert a new item into the naviframe after item.
7257             The style is null.
7258             </summary>
7259             <param name="after">The item which the new item is inserted after.</param>
7260             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7261             <param name="title">The current item title. null would be default.</param>
7262             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7263         </member>
7264         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.InsertAfter(ElmSharp.NaviItem,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String,System.String)">
7265             <summary>
7266             Insert a new item into the naviframe after item.
7267             </summary>
7268             <param name="after">The item which the new item is inserted after.</param>
7269             <param name="content">The main content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".</param>
7270             <param name="title">The current item title. null would be default.</param>
7271             <param name="style">The current item style name. null would be default.</param>
7272             <returns>The created item or null upon failure.</returns>
7273         </member>
7274         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Naviframe.Pop">
7275             <summary>
7276             Pop an item that is on top of the stack.
7277             </summary>
7278         </member>
7279         <member name="T:ElmSharp.NaviItem">
7280             <summary>
7281             The NaviItem is a widget to contain the contents to show in Naviframe.
7282             Inherits ItemObject
7283             </summary>
7284         </member>
7285         <member name="E:ElmSharp.NaviItem.Popped">
7286             <summary>
7287             Popped will be triggered when NaviItem is removed.
7288             </summary>
7289         </member>
7290         <member name="P:ElmSharp.NaviItem.Content">
7291             <summary>
7292             Gets the content object. The name of content part is "elm.swallow.content".
7293             </summary>
7294         </member>
7295         <member name="P:ElmSharp.NaviItem.TitleBarVisible">
7296             <summary>
7297             Sets or gets a value whether title area is enabled or not.
7298             </summary>
7299         </member>
7300         <member name="P:ElmSharp.NaviItem.TitleBarBackgroundColor">
7301             <summary>
7302              Sets or gets the title bar background color
7303             </summary>
7304         </member>
7305         <member name="P:ElmSharp.NaviItem.Style">
7306             <summary>
7307             Sets or gets an item style.
7308             </summary>
7309         </member>
7310         <member name="M:ElmSharp.NaviItem.OnInvalidate">
7311             <summary>
7312             Invalidate the EventArgs if _isPopped is false.
7313             The method should be overridden in children class.
7314             </summary>
7315         </member>
7316         <member name="T:ElmSharp.PanelDirection">
7317             <summary>
7318             Enumeration for paneldirection type.
7319             </summary>
7320         </member>
7321         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PanelDirection.Top">
7322             <summary>
7323             Top to bottom
7324             </summary>
7325         </member>
7326         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PanelDirection.Bottom">
7327             <summary>
7328             Bottom to top
7329             </summary>
7330         </member>
7331         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PanelDirection.Left">
7332             <summary>
7333             Left to right
7334             </summary>
7335         </member>
7336         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PanelDirection.Right">
7337             <summary>
7338             Right to left
7339             </summary>
7340         </member>
7341         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Panel">
7342             <summary>
7343             The Panel is a container that can contain subobjects.
7344             </summary>
7345         </member>
7346         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Panel.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7347             <summary>
7348             Creates and initializes a new instance of Panel class.
7349             </summary>
7350             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Panel will be attached as a child.</param>
7351         </member>
7352         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panel.IsOpen">
7353             <summary>
7354             Sets or gets the hidden status of a given Panel widget.
7355             </summary>
7356         </member>
7357         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panel.Direction">
7358             <summary>
7359             Sets or gets the direction of a given Panel widget.
7360             </summary>
7361         </member>
7362         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Panel.Toggled">
7363             <summary>
7364             Toggled will be triggered when toggles Panel.
7365             </summary>
7366         </member>
7367         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Panel.SetScrollable(System.Boolean)">
7368             <summary>
7369             Enable or disable scrolling in the Panel.
7370             </summary>
7371             <param name="enable">
7372             Bool value can be false or true.
7373             </param>
7374         </member>
7375         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Panel.SetScrollableArea(System.Double)">
7376             <summary>
7377             Sets the scroll size of Panel.
7378             </summary>
7379             <param name="ratio">
7380             The size of scroll area.
7381             </param>
7382         </member>
7383         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Panel.Toggle">
7384             <summary>
7385             Toggles the hidden state of the Panel.
7386             </summary>
7387         </member>
7388         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Panes">
7389             <summary>
7390             The Panes is a widget that adds a draggable bar between two contents.
7391             When dragged this bar resizes contents' size.
7392             </summary>
7393         </member>
7394         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Panes.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7395             <summary>
7396             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Panes class.
7397             </summary>
7398             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Panes will be attached as a child.</param>
7399         </member>
7400         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Panes.Pressed">
7401             <summary>
7402             Pressed will be triggered when panes have been pressed (button isn't released yet).
7403             </summary>
7404         </member>
7405         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Panes.Unpressed">
7406             <summary>
7407             Unpressed will be triggered when panes are released after being pressed.
7408             </summary>
7409         </member>
7410         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panes.IsFixed">
7411             <summary>
7412             Sets or gets resize mode of a given Panes widget.
7413             True means the left and right panes resize homogeneously.
7414             </summary>
7415         </member>
7416         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panes.Proportion">
7417              <summary>
7418              Sets or Gets the size proportion of the Panes widget's left side.
7419              </summary>
7420              <remarks>
7421              By default it's homogeneous, i.e., both sides have the same size.If something different is required,
7422              it can be set with this function. For example, if the left content should be displayed over 75% of the panes size,
7423              size should be passed as 0.75. This way, the right content is resized to 25% of the panes size.
7424              If displayed vertically, left content is displayed at the top, and right content at the bottom.
7425              This proportion changes when the user drags the panes bar.
7427              The value is float type and between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the size proportion of the left side.
7428              </remarks>
7429         </member>
7430         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panes.IsHorizontal">
7431             <summary>
7432             Sets or gets the orientation of a given Panes widget.
7433             </summary>
7434             <remarks>
7435             Use this function to change how your panes is to be disposed: vertically or horizontally.
7436             Horizontal panes have "top" and "bottom" contents, vertical panes have "left" and "right" contents.
7437             By default panes is in a vertical mode.
7438             </remarks>
7439         </member>
7440         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panes.LeftMinimumSize">
7441             <summary>
7442             Sets or gets the absolute minimum size of panes widget's left side.
7443             If displayed vertically, left content is displayed at top.
7444             value representing minimum size of left side in pixels.
7445             </summary>
7446         </member>
7447         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panes.LeftMinimumRelativeSize">
7448             <summary>
7449             Sets or gets the relative minimum size of panes widget's left side.
7450             proportion of minimum size of left side.
7451             If displayed vertically, left content is displayed at top.
7452             value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion of minimum size of left side.
7453             </summary>
7454         </member>
7455         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panes.RightMinimumSize">
7456             <summary>
7457             Sets or gets the absolute minimum size of panes widget's right side.
7458             If displayed vertically, right content is displayed at top.
7459             value representing minimum size of right side in pixels.
7460             </summary>
7461         </member>
7462         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Panes.RightMinimumRelativeSize">
7463             <summary>
7464             Sets or gets the relative minimum size of panes widget's right side.
7465             proportion of minimum size of right side.
7466             If displayed vertically, right content is displayed at top.
7467             value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing size proportion of minimum size of right side.
7468             </summary>
7469         </member>
7470         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Point">
7471             <summary>
7472             The Point is a struct that defines a 2-D point as a pair of generic type.
7473             </summary>
7474         </member>
7475         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Point.X">
7476             <summary>
7477             Location along the horizontal axis.
7478             </summary>
7479         </member>
7480         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Point.Y">
7481             <summary>
7482             Location along the vertical axis.
7483             </summary>
7484         </member>
7485         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Point.op_Equality(ElmSharp.Point,ElmSharp.Point)">
7486             <summary>
7487             Whether the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" />s are equal.
7488             </summary>
7489             <param name="p1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" /> on the left hand side.</param>
7490             <param name="p2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" /> on the right hand side.</param>
7491             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" />s have equal values.</returns>
7492         </member>
7493         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Point.op_Inequality(ElmSharp.Point,ElmSharp.Point)">
7494             <summary>
7495             Whether two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" />s are not equal.
7496             </summary>
7497             <param name="p1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" /> on the left hand side.</param>
7498             <param name="p2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" /> on the right hand side.</param>
7499             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point" />s do not have equal values.</returns>
7500         </member>
7501         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Point3D">
7502             <summary>
7503             The Point3D is a Struct that defining a 3-D point.
7504             </summary>
7505         </member>
7506         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Point3D.X">
7507             <summary>
7508             The X coordinate of a 3D point.
7509             </summary>
7510         </member>
7511         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Point3D.Y">
7512             <summary>
7513             The Y coordinate of a 3D point.
7514             </summary>
7515         </member>
7516         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Point3D.Z">
7517             <summary>
7518             The Z coordinate of a 3D point.
7519             </summary>
7520         </member>
7521         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Point3D.op_Equality(ElmSharp.Point3D,ElmSharp.Point3D)">
7522             <summary>
7523             Whether the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" />s are equal.
7524             </summary>
7525             <param name="p1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" /> on the left hand side.</param>
7526             <param name="p2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" /> on the right hand side.</param>
7527             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" />s have equal values.</returns>
7528         </member>
7529         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Point3D.op_Inequality(ElmSharp.Point3D,ElmSharp.Point3D)">
7530             <summary>
7531             Whether two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" />s are not equal.
7532             </summary>
7533             <param name="p1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" /> on the left hand side.</param>
7534             <param name="p2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" /> on the right hand side.</param>
7535             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Point3D" />s do not have equal values.</returns>
7536         </member>
7537         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Polygon">
7538             <summary>
7539             The Polygon is a widget that used to draw a polygon (filled).
7540             </summary>
7541         </member>
7542         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Polygon.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7543             <summary>
7544             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Polygon class.
7545             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Polygon will be attached as a child.</param>
7546             </summary>
7547         </member>
7548         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Polygon.AddPoint(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
7549             <summary>
7550             Adds a new vertex to the Polygon.
7551             <param name="x">The X coordinate of the new vertex.</param>
7552             <param name="y">The Y coordinate of the new vertex.</param>
7553             </summary>
7554         </member>
7555         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Polygon.AddPoint(ElmSharp.Point)">
7556             <summary>
7557             Adds a new vertex to the Polygon.
7558             <param name="p">The coordinates of the new vertex.</param>
7559             </summary>
7560         </member>
7561         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Polygon.ClearPoints">
7562             <summary>
7563             Removes all the vertices of the Polygon, making it empty.
7564             </summary>
7565         </member>
7566         <member name="T:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation">
7567             <summary>
7568             Enumeration for the popup orientation type.
7569             </summary>
7570         </member>
7571         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.Top">
7572             <summary>
7573             Appears in the top of parent, default.
7574             </summary>
7575         </member>
7576         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.Center">
7577             <summary>
7578             Appears in the center of parent.
7579             </summary>
7580         </member>
7581         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.Bottom">
7582             <summary>
7583             Appears in the bottom of parent.
7584             </summary>
7585         </member>
7586         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.Left">
7587             <summary>
7588             Appears in the left of parent.
7589             </summary>
7590         </member>
7591         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.Right">
7592             <summary>
7593             Appears in the right of parent.
7594             </summary>
7595         </member>
7596         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.TopLeft">
7597             <summary>
7598             Appears in the top left of parent.
7599             </summary>
7600         </member>
7601         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.TopRight">
7602             <summary>
7603             Appears in the top right of parent.
7604             </summary>
7605         </member>
7606         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.BottomLeft">
7607             <summary>
7608             Appears in the bottom left of parent.
7609             </summary>
7610         </member>
7611         <member name="F:ElmSharp.PopupOrientation.BottomRight">
7612             <summary>
7613             Appears in the bottom right of parent.
7614             </summary>
7615         </member>
7616         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Popup">
7617             <summary>
7618             The Popup is a widget that is an enhancement of Notify.
7619             In addition to content area, there are two optional sections, namely title area and action area.
7620             </summary>
7621         </member>
7622         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Popup.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7623             <summary>
7624             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Popup class.
7625             </summary>
7626             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Popup will be attached as a child.</param>
7627         </member>
7628         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Popup.Dismissed">
7629             <summary>
7630             Dismissed will be triggered when Popup have been dismissed.
7631             </summary>
7632         </member>
7633         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Popup.OutsideClicked">
7634             <summary>
7635             OutsideClicked will be triggered when users taps on the outside of Popup.
7636             </summary>
7637         </member>
7638         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Popup.TimedOut">
7639             <summary>
7640             OutsideClicked will be triggered when Popup is closed as a result of timeout.
7641             </summary>
7642         </member>
7643         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Popup.ShowAnimationFinished">
7644             <summary>
7645             OutsideClicked will be triggered when the Popup transition is finished in showing.
7646             </summary>
7647         </member>
7648         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Popup.Orientation">
7649             <summary>
7650             Sets or gets the position in which Popup will appear in its parent.
7651             </summary>
7652         </member>
7653         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Popup.ContentTextWrapType">
7654             <summary>
7655             Sets or gets the wrapping type of content text packed in content area of Popup widget.
7656             </summary>
7657         </member>
7658         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "P:ElmSharp.Popup.Timeout" -->
7659         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Popup.AllowEvents">
7660             <summary>
7661             Sets or gets whether events should be passed to event blocked area by a click outside.
7662             </summary>
7663             <remarks>
7664             The visible region of popup is surrounded by a translucent region called Blocked Event area.
7665             </remarks>
7666         </member>
7667         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Popup.AlignmentX">
7668             <summary>
7669             Sets or gets the AlignmentX in which the popup will appear in its parent.
7670             </summary>
7671         </member>
7672         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Popup.AlignmentY">
7673             <summary>
7674             Sets or gets the AlignmentY in which the popup will appear in its parent.
7675             </summary>
7676         </member>
7677         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Popup.Opacity">
7678             <summary>
7679             Gets the Opacity value of the Popup.
7680             </summary>
7681         </member>
7682         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Popup.Append(System.String)">
7683             <summary>
7684             Adds label to a Popup widget.
7685             </summary>
7686             <param name="label"></param>
7687             <returns>The new PopupItem which contains label .</returns>
7688         </member>
7689         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Popup.Append(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7690             <summary>
7691             Adds Label and icon to a Popup widget.
7692             </summary>
7693             <param name="label">The Label which will be added into a new PopupItem. </param>
7694             <param name="icon">The icon which will be added into a new PopupItem. </param>
7695             <returns>The new PopupItem which contains label and icon.</returns>
7696         </member>
7697         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Popup.Dismiss">
7698             <summary>
7699             Uses this function to dismiss the popup in hide effect.
7700             when the Popup is dismissed, the "dismissed" signal will be emitted.
7701             </summary>
7702         </member>
7703         <member name="T:ElmSharp.PopupItem">
7704             <summary>
7705             The PopupItem is a class that including icon and text.
7706             </summary>
7707         </member>
7708         <member name="P:ElmSharp.PopupItem.Text">
7709             <summary>
7710             Gets the text label of popupitem.Return value is string.
7711             </summary>
7712         </member>
7713         <member name="P:ElmSharp.PopupItem.Icon">
7714             <summary>
7715             Gets the icon EvasObject of popupitem.
7716             </summary>
7717         </member>
7718         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ProgressBar">
7719             <summary>
7720             The ProgressBar is a widget for visually representing the progress status of a given job/task.
7721             </summary>
7722         </member>
7723         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7724             <summary>
7725             Creates and initializes a new instance of the ProgressBar class.
7726             </summary>
7727             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new ProgressBar will be attached as a child.</param>
7728         </member>
7729         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.ValueChanged">
7730             <summary>
7731             ValueChanged will be triggered when value of ProgressBar change.
7732             </summary>
7733         </member>
7734         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.IsPulseMode">
7735             <summary>
7736             Sets or gets the value wheather a given ProgressBar widget is at the "pulsing mode".
7737             </summary>
7738             <remarks>
7739             By default, progress bars display values from low to high value boundaries.
7740             There are, though, contexts in which the progress of a given task is unknown.
7741             For such cases, one can set a progress bar widget to a "pulsing state",
7742             to give the user an idea that some computation is being held,
7743             but without exact progress values. In the default theme,
7744             it animates its bar with the contents filling in constantly and back to non-filled, in a loop.
7745             </remarks>
7746         </member>
7747         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.Value">
7748             <summary>
7749             Sets or gets the value of ProgressBar.
7750             </summary>
7751             <remarks>
7752             Use this property to set the progress bar levels.
7753             If you pass a value out of the specified range(0.0~1.0),
7754             it is interpreted as the closest of the boundary values in the range.
7755             </remarks>
7756         </member>
7757         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.SpanSize">
7758             <summary>
7759             Sets or gets the span value of ProgressBar.
7760             </summary>
7761         </member>
7762         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.IsHorizontal">
7763             <summary>
7764             Sets or gets the value wheather a given ProgressBar widget is horizontal.
7765             </summary>
7766         </member>
7767         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.IsInverted">
7768             <summary>
7769             Sets or gets the value whether a given progress bar widget's displaying values are inverted.
7770             </summary>
7771         </member>
7772         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.UnitFormat">
7773             <summary>
7774             Sets or gets format string for a given progress bar widget's units label.
7775             </summary>
7776             <remarks>
7777             If NULL is passed on format, it makes obj units area to be hidden completely.
7778             If not, it sets the format string for the units label's text.
7779             The units label is provided with a floating point value, so the units text displays at most one floating point value.
7780             Note that the units label is optional. Use a format string such as "%1.2f meters" for example.
7781             </remarks>
7782         </member>
7783         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.PlayPulse">
7784             <summary>
7785             Starts a given progress bar "pulsing" animation, if its under that mode.
7786             </summary>
7787         </member>
7788         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.StopPulse">
7789             <summary>
7790             Stops a given progress bar "pulsing" animation, if its under that mode.
7791             </summary>
7792         </member>
7793         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.GetPartValue(System.String)">
7794             <summary>
7795             Gets the part value of the given part of the Progressbar.
7796             </summary>
7797             <param name="part">Part of the Progressbar.</param>
7798             <returns>Returns value range is from 0.0 to 1.0.</returns>
7799         </member>
7800         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.Color">
7801             <summary>
7802             Sets or gets the general or main color of the given Progressbar.
7803             </summary>
7804         </member>
7805         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ProgressBar.SetPartValue(System.String,System.Double)">
7806             <summary>
7807             Sets the part value of the give part of the Progressbar.
7808             </summary>
7809             <param name="part">Part of the Progressbar.</param>
7810             <param name="value">Value range is from 0.0 to 1.0.</param>
7811         </member>
7812         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Radio">
7813             <summary>
7814             The Radio is a widget that allows for 1 or more options to be displayed and have the user choose only 1 of them.
7815             </summary>
7816         </member>
7817         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Radio.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7818             <summary>
7819             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Radio class.
7820             </summary>
7821             <param name="parent">The EvasObject to which the new Radio will be attached as a child.</param>
7822         </member>
7823         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Radio.ValueChanged">
7824             <summary>
7825             ValueChanged will be triggered when value of Radio change.
7826             </summary>
7827         </member>
7828         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Radio.StateValue">
7829             <summary>
7830             Sets or gets a unique value to each Radio button.
7831             </summary>
7832         </member>
7833         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Radio.GroupValue">
7834             <summary>
7835             Sets or gets the value of the radio group.
7836             </summary>
7837         </member>
7838         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Radio.SetGroup(ElmSharp.Radio)">
7839             <summary>
7840             Adds this radio to a group of other radio objects.
7841             </summary>
7842             <param name="group">Group which add radio in.</param>
7843         </member>
7844         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Rect">
7845             <summary>
7846             The Rect is a struct that represent rectangluar space.
7847             </summary>
7848         </member>
7849         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Rect.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
7850             <summary>
7851             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Rect class.
7852             </summary>
7853             <param name="x">X axis value.</param>
7854             <param name="y">Y axis value.</param>
7855             <param name="w">Width value.</param>
7856             <param name="h">Height value.</param>
7857         </member>
7858         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.X">
7859             <summary>
7860             Gets or sets the position of this Rectangle on the X axis.
7861             </summary>
7862         </member>
7863         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Y">
7864             <summary>
7865             Gets or sets the position of this Rectangle on the Y axis.
7866             </summary>
7867         </member>
7868         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Width">
7869             <summary>
7870             Gets or sets the width of this Rectangle.
7871             </summary>
7872         </member>
7873         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Height">
7874             <summary>
7875             Gets or sets the height of this Rectangle.
7876             </summary>
7877         </member>
7878         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Left">
7879             <summary>
7880             Gets the position of this Rectangle on the X axis.
7881             </summary>
7882         </member>
7883         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Right">
7884             <summary>
7885             Gets the extent along the X axis.
7886             </summary>
7887         </member>
7888         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Top">
7889             <summary>
7890             Gets the position of this Rectangle on the Y axis.
7891             </summary>
7892         </member>
7893         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Bottom">
7894             <summary>
7895             Gets the extent along the Y axis.
7896             </summary>
7897         </member>
7898         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Location">
7899             <summary>
7900             Gets the Point defined by Rectangle.Left and Rectangle.Top.
7901             </summary>
7902         </member>
7903         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Rect.Size">
7904             <summary>
7905             Gets the extent of the Rectangle along its X and Y axis.
7906             </summary>
7907         </member>
7908         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Rect.op_Equality(ElmSharp.Rect,ElmSharp.Rect)">
7909             <summary>
7910             Whether the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" />s are equal.
7911             </summary>
7912             <param name="r1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" /> on the left hand side.</param>
7913             <param name="r2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" /> on the right hand side.</param>
7914             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" />s have equal values.</returns>
7915         </member>
7916         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Rect.op_Inequality(ElmSharp.Rect,ElmSharp.Rect)">
7917             <summary>
7918             Whether two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" />s are not equal.
7919             </summary>
7920             <param name="r1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" /> on the left hand side.</param>
7921             <param name="r2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" /> on the right hand side.</param>
7922             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Rectangle" />s do not have equal values.</returns>
7923         </member>
7924         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Rectangle">
7925             <summary>
7926             The Rectangle is a class that used to draw a solid colored rectangle.
7927             </summary>
7928         </member>
7929         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Rectangle.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
7930             <summary>
7931             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class.
7932             </summary>
7933             <param name="parent">The <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> to which the new Slider will be attached as a child.</param>
7934         </member>
7935         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ScrollBarVisiblePolicy">
7936             <summary>
7937             Enumeration for visible type of scrollbar.
7938             </summary>
7939         </member>
7940         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Auto">
7941             <summary>
7942             Show scrollbars as needed
7943             </summary>
7944         </member>
7945         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Visible">
7946             <summary>
7947             Always show scrollbars
7948             </summary>
7949         </member>
7950         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Invisible">
7951             <summary>
7952             Never show scrollbars
7953             </summary>
7954         </member>
7955         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ScrollBlock">
7956             <summary>
7957             Enumeration for visible type of scrollbar.
7958             </summary>
7959         </member>
7960         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollBlock.None">
7961             <summary>
7962             Scrolling movement is allowed in both direction.(X axis and Y axis)
7963             </summary>
7964         </member>
7965         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollBlock.Vertical">
7966             <summary>
7967             Scrolling movement is not allowed in Y axis direction.
7968             </summary>
7969         </member>
7970         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollBlock.Horizontal">
7971             <summary>
7972             Scrolling movement is not allowed in X axis direction.
7973             </summary>
7974         </member>
7975         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ScrollSingleDirection">
7976             <summary>
7977             Type that controls how the content is scrolled.
7978             </summary>
7979         </member>
7980         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollSingleDirection.None">
7981             <summary>
7982             Scroll every direction.
7983             </summary>
7984         </member>
7985         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollSingleDirection.Soft">
7986             <summary>
7987             Scroll single direction if the direction is certain.
7988             </summary>
7989         </member>
7990         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ScrollSingleDirection.Hard">
7991             <summary>
7992             Scroll only single direction.
7993             </summary>
7994         </member>
7995         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Scroller">
7996             <summary>
7997             The Scroller is a container that holds and clips a single object and allows you to scroll across it.
7998             </summary>
7999         </member>
8000         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Scroller.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
8001             <summary>
8002             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Scroller class.
8003             </summary>
8004             <param name="parent">The <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> to which the new Scroller will be attached as a child.</param>
8005         </member>
8006         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Scroller.Scrolled">
8007             <summary>
8008             Scrolled will be triggered when the content has been scrolled.
8009             </summary>
8010         </member>
8011         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Scroller.DragStart">
8012             <summary>
8013             DragStart will be triggered when dragging the contents around has started.
8014             </summary>
8015         </member>
8016         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Scroller.DragStop">
8017             <summary>
8018             DragStop will be triggered when dragging the contents around has stopped.
8019             </summary>
8020         </member>
8021         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Scroller.PageScrolled">
8022             <summary>
8023             PageScrolled will be triggered when the visible page has changed.
8024             </summary>
8025         </member>
8026         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.CurrentRegion">
8027             <summary>
8028             Gets the current region in the content object that is visible through the Scroller.
8029             </summary>
8030         </member>
8031         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalScrollBarVisiblePolicy">
8032             <summary>
8033             Sets or gets the value of HorizontalScrollBarVisiblePolicy
8034             </summary>
8035             <remarks>
8036             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Auto means the horizontal scrollbar is made visible if it is needed, and otherwise kept hidden.
8037             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Visible turns it on all the time, and ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Invisible always keeps it off.
8038             </remarks>
8039         </member>
8040         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalScrollBarVisiblePolicy">
8041             <summary>
8042             Sets or gets the value of VerticalScrollBarVisiblePolicy
8043             </summary>
8044             <remarks>
8045             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Auto means the vertical scrollbar is made visible if it is needed, and otherwise kept hidden.
8046             ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Visible turns it on all the time, and ScrollBarVisiblePolicy.Invisible always keeps it off.
8047             </remarks>
8048         </member>
8049         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.ScrollBlock">
8050             <summary>
8051             Sets or gets the value of ScrollBlock.
8052             </summary>
8053             <remarks>
8054             This function will block scrolling movement  in a given direction.One can disable movements in the X axis, the Y axis or both.
8055             The default value is ScrollBlock.None, where movements are allowed in both directions.
8056             </remarks>
8057         </member>
8058         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalPageIndex">
8059             <summary>
8060             Sets or gets scroll current page number.
8061             </summary>
8062             <remarks>
8063             Current page means the page which meets the top of the viewport.
8064             If there are two or more pages in the viewport, it returns the number of the page which meets the top of the viewport.
8065             The page number starts from 0. 0 is the first page.
8066             </remarks>
8067         </member>
8068         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalPageIndex">
8069             <summary>
8070             Sets or gets scroll current page number.
8071             </summary>
8072             <remarks>
8073             Current page means the page which meets the left of the viewport.
8074             If there are two or more pages in the viewport, it returns the number of the page which meets the left of the viewport.
8075             The page number starts from 0. 0 is the first page.
8076             </remarks>
8077         </member>
8078         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalPageScrollLimit">
8079             <summary>
8080             Sets or gets the maximum limit of the movable page at vertical direction.
8081             </summary>
8082         </member>
8083         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalPageScrollLimit">
8084             <summary>
8085             Sets or gets the maximum limit of the movable page at horizontal direction.
8086             </summary>
8087         </member>
8088         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalBounce">
8089             <summary>
8090             Sets or gets the vertical bounce behaviour.
8091             When scrolling, the scroller may "bounce" when reaching an edge of the content object.
8092             This is a visual way to indicate the end has been reached.
8093             This is enabled by default for both axis.
8094             This API will set if it is enabled for the given axis with the boolean parameters for each axis.
8095             </summary>
8096         </member>
8097         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalBounce">
8098             <summary>
8099             Sets or gets the horizontal bounce behaviour.
8100             When scrolling, the scroller may "bounce" when reaching an edge of the content object.
8101             This is a visual way to indicate the end has been reached.
8102             This is enabled by default for both axis.
8103             This API will set if it is enabled for the given axis with the boolean parameters for each axis.
8104             </summary>
8105         </member>
8106         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.ChildWidth">
8107             <summary>
8108             Gets the width of the content object of the scroller.
8109             </summary>
8110         </member>
8111         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.ChildHeight">
8112             <summary>
8113             Gets the height of the content object of the scroller.
8114             </summary>
8115         </member>
8116         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalGravity">
8117             <summary>
8118             Set scrolling gravity values for a scroller.
8119             The gravity, defines how the scroller will adjust its view when the size of the scroller contents increase.
8120             The scroller will adjust the view to glue itself as follows.
8121             x=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the left edge of the content x=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the rigth edge of the content y=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the top edge of the content y=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the bottom edge of the content
8122             Default values for x and y are 0.0
8123             </summary>
8124         </member>
8125         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalGravity">
8126             <summary>
8127             Set scrolling gravity values for a scroller.
8128             The gravity, defines how the scroller will adjust its view when the size of the scroller contents increase.
8129             The scroller will adjust the view to glue itself as follows.
8130             x=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the left edge of the content x=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the rigth edge of the content y=0.0, for staying where it is relative to the top edge of the content y=1.0, for staying where it is relative to the bottom edge of the content
8131             Default values for x and y are 0.0
8132             </summary>
8133         </member>
8134         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.LastVerticalPageNumber">
8135             <summary>
8136             Get scroll last page number.
8137             The page number starts from 0. 0 is the first page. This returns the last page number among the pages.
8138             </summary>
8139         </member>
8140         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.LastHorizontalPageNumber">
8141             <summary>
8142             Get scroll last page number.
8143             The page number starts from 0. 0 is the first page. This returns the last page number among the pages.
8144             </summary>
8145         </member>
8146         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalLoop">
8147             <summary>
8148             Set an infinite loop_ for a scroller.
8149             This function sets the infinite loop vertically.
8150             If the content is set, it will be shown repeatedly.
8151             </summary>
8152         </member>
8153         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalLoop">
8154             <summary>
8155             Set an infinite loop_ for a scroller.
8156             This function sets the infinite loop horizontally.
8157             If the content is set, it will be shown repeatedly.
8158             </summary>
8159         </member>
8160         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalRelativePageSize">
8161             <summary>
8162             Gets or sets a given scroller widget's scrolling page size, relative to its viewport size.
8163             </summary>
8164         </member>
8165         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalRelativePageSize">
8166             <summary>
8167             Gets or sets a given scroller widget's scrolling page size, relative to its viewport size.
8168             </summary>
8169         </member>
8170         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalSnap">
8171             <summary>
8172             Gets or Sets the page snapping behavior of a scroller.
8173             </summary>
8174             <remarks>
8175             When scrolling, if a scroller is paged (see VerticalRelativePageSize),
8176             the scroller may snap to pages when being scrolled, i.e., even if it had momentum to scroll further,
8177             it will stop at the next page boundaries. This is disabled, by default, for both axis.
8178             This function will set if it that is enabled or not, for each axis.
8179             </remarks>
8180         </member>
8181         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalSnap">
8182             <summary>
8183             Gets or Sets the page snapping behavior of a scroller.
8184             </summary>
8185             <remarks>
8186             When scrolling, if a scroller is paged (see HorizontalRelativePageSize),
8187             the scroller may snap to pages when being scrolled, i.e., even if it had momentum to scroll further,
8188             it will stop at the next page boundaries. This is disabled, by default, for both axis.
8189             This function will set if it that is enabled or not, for each axis.
8190             </remarks>
8191         </member>
8192         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.PageHeight">
8193             <summary>
8194             Gets or sets the page size to an absolute fixed value, with 0 turning it off for that axis.
8195             </summary>
8196         </member>
8197         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.PageWidth">
8198             <summary>
8199             Gets or sets the page size to an absolute fixed value, with 0 turning it off for that axis.
8200             </summary>
8201         </member>
8202         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.ContentPropagateEvents">
8203             <summary>
8204             Gets or sets the event propagation for a scroller.
8205             This enables or disables event propagation from the scroller content to the scroller and its parent.
8206             By default event propagation is enabled.
8207             </summary>
8208         </member>
8209         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.HorizontalStepSize">
8210             <summary>
8211             Gets or sets the step size to move scroller by key event.
8212             </summary>
8213         </member>
8214         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.VerticalStepSize">
8215             <summary>
8216             Gets or sets the step size to move scroller by key event.
8217             </summary>
8218         </member>
8219         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.WheelDisabled">
8220             <summary>
8221             Gets or sets a value whether mouse wheel is enabled or not over the scroller.
8222             </summary>
8223         </member>
8224         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Scroller.SingleDirection">
8225             <summary>
8226             Gets or sets the type of single direction scroll.
8227             </summary>
8228         </member>
8229         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Scroller.MinimumLimit(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
8230             <summary>
8231             Sets the scroller minimum size limited to the minimum size of the content.
8232             By default the scroller will be as small as its design allows, irrespective of its content.
8233             This will make the scroller minimum size the right size horizontally and/or vertically to perfectly fit its content in that direction.
8234             </summary>
8235             <param name="horizontal">Enable limiting minimum size horizontally</param>
8236             <param name="vertical">Enable limiting minimum size vertically</param>
8237         </member>
8238         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Scroller.SetPageSize(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
8239             <summary>
8240             Sets the page size to an absolute fixed value, with 0 turning it off for that axis.
8241             </summary>
8242             <param name="width">The horizontal page size.</param>
8243             <param name="height">The vertical page size.</param>
8244         </member>
8245         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Scroller.SetPageSize(System.Double,System.Double)">
8246             <summary>
8247             Sets the scroll page size relative to the viewport size.
8248             </summary>
8249             <remarks>
8250             The scroller is capable of limiting scrolling by the user to "pages".
8251             That is to jump by and only show a "whole page" at a time as if the continuous area of the scroller
8252             content is split into page sized pieces. This sets the size of a page relative to the viewport of the scroller.
8253             1.0 is "1 viewport" which is the size (horizontally or vertically). 0.0 turns it off in that axis.
8254             This is mutually exclusive with the page size (see elm_scroller_page_size_set() for more information).
8255             Likewise 0.5 is "half a viewport". Usable values are normally between 0.0 and 1.0 including 1.0.
8256             If you only want 1 axis to be page "limited", use 0.0 for the other axis.
8257             </remarks>
8258             <param name="width">The horizontal page relative size.</param>
8259             <param name="height">The vertical page relative size.</param>
8260         </member>
8261         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Scroller.ScrollTo(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
8262             <summary>
8263             Shows a specific virtual region within the scroller content object by the page number.
8264             (0, 0) of the indicated page is located at the top-left corner of the viewport.
8265             </summary>
8266             <param name="horizontalPageIndex">The horizontal page number.</param>
8267             <param name="verticalPageIndex">The vertical page number.</param>
8268             <param name="animated">True means slider with animation.</param>
8269         </member>
8270         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Scroller.ScrollTo(ElmSharp.Rect,System.Boolean)">
8271             <summary>
8272             Shows a specific virtual region within the scroller content object.
8273             </summary>
8274             <remarks>
8275             This ensures that all (or part, if it does not fit) of the designated region in the virtual content object ((0, 0)
8276             starting at the top-left of the virtual content object) is shown within the scroller.
8277             If set "animated" to true, it will allows the scroller to "smoothly slide" to this location
8278             (if configuration in general calls for transitions).
8279             It may not jump immediately to the new location and may take a while and show other content along the way.
8280             </remarks>
8281             <param name="region">Rect struct of region.</param>
8282             <param name="animated">True means allows the scroller to "smoothly slide" to this location.</param>
8283         </member>
8284         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Size">
8285             <summary>
8286             The Size is a struct that defining height and width as a pair of generic type.
8287             </summary>
8288         </member>
8289         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Size.Width">
8290             <summary>
8291             Magnitude along the horizontal axis, in platform-defined units.
8292             </summary>
8293         </member>
8294         <member name="F:ElmSharp.Size.Height">
8295             <summary>
8296             Magnitude along the vertical axis, in platform-specific units.
8297             </summary>
8298         </member>
8299         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Size.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
8300             <summary>
8301             Initializes a new instance of the Size structure from the specified dimensions.
8302             </summary>
8303             <param name="width">The width to set</param>
8304             <param name="height">The height to set</param>
8305         </member>
8306         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Size.ToString">
8307             <summary>
8308             A human-readable representation of the <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" />.
8309             </summary>
8310             <returns>The string is formatted as "{{Width={0} Height={1}}}".</returns>
8311         </member>
8312         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Size.op_Equality(ElmSharp.Size,ElmSharp.Size)">
8313             <summary>
8314             Whether the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" />s are equal.
8315             </summary>
8316             <param name="s1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" /> on the left hand side.</param>
8317             <param name="s2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" /> on the right hand side.</param>
8318             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" />s have equal values.</returns>
8319         </member>
8320         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Size.op_Inequality(ElmSharp.Size,ElmSharp.Size)">
8321             <summary>
8322             Whether two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" />s are not equal.
8323             </summary>
8324             <param name="s1">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" /> on the left hand side.</param>
8325             <param name="s2">A <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" /> on the right hand side.</param>
8326             <returns>True if the two <see cref="T:Tizen.UI.Size" />s do not have equal values.</returns>
8327         </member>
8328         <member name="T:ElmSharp.SliderIndicatorVisibleMode">
8329             <summary>
8330             Enumeration for the Slider's indicator visiblity mode.
8331             </summary>
8332         </member>
8333         <member name="F:ElmSharp.SliderIndicatorVisibleMode.Default">
8334             <summary>
8335             Show indicator on mouse down or change in slider value.
8336             </summary>
8337         </member>
8338         <member name="F:ElmSharp.SliderIndicatorVisibleMode.Always">
8339             <summary>
8340             Always show the indicator.
8341             </summary>
8342         </member>
8343         <member name="F:ElmSharp.SliderIndicatorVisibleMode.OnFocus">
8344             <summary>
8345             Show the indicator on focus.
8346             </summary>
8347         </member>
8348         <member name="F:ElmSharp.SliderIndicatorVisibleMode.None">
8349             <summary>
8350             Never show the indicator.
8351             </summary>
8352         </member>
8353         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Slider">
8354             <summary>
8355             The Slider is a widget that adds a draggable slider widget for selecting the value of something within a range.
8356             </summary>
8357         </member>
8358         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Slider.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
8359             <summary>
8360             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Slider class.
8361             </summary>
8362             <param name="parent">The <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> to which the new Slider will be attached as a child.</param>
8363         </member>
8364         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Slider.ValueChanged">
8365             <summary>
8366             ValueChanged will be triggered when the Slider value is changed by the user.
8367             </summary>
8368         </member>
8369         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Slider.DelayedValueChanged">
8370             <summary>
8371             DelayedValueChanged will be triggered when a short time after the value is changed by the user.
8372             This will be called only when the user stops dragging for a very short period or when they release their finger/mouse,
8373             so it avoids possibly expensive reactions to the value change.
8374             </summary>
8375         </member>
8376         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Slider.DragStarted">
8377             <summary>
8378             DragStarted will be triggered when dragging the Slider indicator around has started.
8379             </summary>
8380         </member>
8381         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Slider.DragStopped">
8382             <summary>
8383             DragStopped will be triggered when dragging the Slider indicator around has stopped.
8384             </summary>
8385         </member>
8386         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.SpanSize">
8387             <summary>
8388             Sets or gets the (exact) length of the bar region of a given Slider widget.
8389             </summary>
8390             <remarks>
8391             This sets the minimum width (when in the horizontal mode) or height (when in the vertical mode)
8392             of the actual bar area of the slider obj. This in turn affects the object's minimum size.
8393             Use this when you're not setting other size hints expanding on the given direction
8394             (like weight and alignment hints), and you would like it to have a specific size.
8395             </remarks>
8396         </member>
8397         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.IndicatorFormat">
8398             <summary>
8399             Sets or gets the format string for the indicator label.
8400             </summary>
8401             <remarks>
8402             The slider may display its value somewhere other than the unit label,
8403             for example, above the slider knob that is dragged around. This function sets the format string
8404             used for this.If NULL, the indicator label won't be visible. If not, it sets the format string
8405             for the label text. For the label text floating point value is provided, so the label text can
8406             display up to 1 floating point value. Note that this is optional.Use a format string
8407             such as "%1.2f meters" for example, and it displays values like: "3.14 meters" for a value
8408             equal to 3.14159.By default, the indicator label is disabled.
8409             </remarks>
8410         </member>
8411         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.IsHorizontal">
8412             <summary>
8413             Sets or gets the orientation of a given slider widget.
8414             </summary>
8415             <remarks>
8416             The orientation may be vertically or horizontally.By default, it's displayed horizontally.
8417             </remarks>
8418         </member>
8419         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.Minimum">
8420             <summary>
8421             Sets or gets the minimum values for the slider.
8422             </summary>
8423             <remarks>
8424             This defines the allowed minimum values to be selected by the user.
8425             If the actual value is less than min, it is updated to min.
8426             Actual value can be obtained with Value.By default, min is equal to 0.0.
8427             </remarks>
8428         </member>
8429         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.Maximum">
8430             <summary>
8431             Sets or gets the maximum values for the slider.
8432             </summary>
8433             <remarks>
8434             This defines the allowed maximum values to be selected by the user.
8435             If the actual value is bigger then max, it is updated to max.
8436             Actual value can be obtained with Value.By default, min is equal to 0.0, and max is equal to 1.0.
8437             Maximum must be greater than minimum, otherwise the behavior is undefined.
8438             </remarks>
8439         </member>
8440         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.Value">
8441             <summary>
8442             Gets or sets the value displayed by the slider.
8443             </summary>
8444             <remarks>
8445             Value will be presented on the unit label following format specified with UnitFormat and
8446             on indicator with IndicatorFormat.The value must to be between Minimum and Maximum values.
8447             </remarks>
8448         </member>
8449         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.Step">
8450             <summary>
8451             Sets or gets the step by which the slider indicator moves.
8452             </summary>
8453             <remarks>
8454             This value is used when the draggable object is moved automatically i.e.,
8455             in case of a key event when up/down/left/right key is pressed or in case accessibility
8456             is set and the flick event is used to inc/dec slider values.
8457             By default, the step value is equal to 0.05.
8458             </remarks>
8459         </member>
8460         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.IsInverted">
8461             <summary>
8462             Gets or sets whether a given slider widget's displaying values are inverted.
8463             </summary>
8464             <remarks>
8465             A slider may be inverted, in which case it gets its values inverted,
8466             with high values being on the left or top and low values on the right or bottom,
8467             as opposed to normally have the low values on the former and high values on the latter,
8468             respectively, for the horizontal and vertical modes.
8469             </remarks>
8470         </member>
8471         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.IsIndicatorVisible">
8472             <summary>
8473             Sets or gets whether to enlarge the slider indicator (augmented knob).
8474             </summary>
8475             <remarks>
8476             By default, the indicator is bigger when dragged by the user.
8477             It won't display values set with IndicatorFormat if you disable the indicator.
8478             </remarks>
8479         </member>
8480         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.IndicatorVisibleMode">
8481             <summary>
8482             Sets or gets the visible mode of slider indicator.
8483             </summary>
8484         </member>
8485         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Slider.IsIndicatorFocusable">
8486             <summary>
8487             Sets or gets whether to Show the indicator of slider on focus.
8488             </summary>
8489         </member>
8490         <member name="T:ElmSharp.SmartEvent`1">
8491             <summary>
8492             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.IInvalidatable"/>.
8493             The event with TEventArgs for <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/>.
8494             EvasObject can elect SmartEvent occurring inside of them to be reported back to their users via delegates.
8495             This way, you can extend EvasObject's own <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent"/>.
8496             They are defined by an event string, which identifies them uniquely.
8497             </summary>
8498             <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The parameter for the event.</typeparam>
8499         </member>
8500         <member name="T:ElmSharp.SmartEvent`1.SmartEventInfoParser">
8501             <summary>
8502             The delegate for creating smart event item args.
8503             </summary>
8504             <param name="data">The item data.</param>
8505             <param name="obj">The sender obj.</param>
8506             <param name="info">The item sender obj.</param>
8507             <returns>Return smart event item args.</returns>
8508         </member>
8509         <member name="M:ElmSharp.SmartEvent`1.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String,ElmSharp.SmartEvent{`0}.SmartEventInfoParser)">
8510             <summary>
8511             Creates and initializes a new instance of the SmartEvent class.
8512             </summary>
8513             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
8514             <param name="eventName">The event name.</param>
8515             <param name="parser">The event parameter.</param>
8516         </member>
8517         <member name="M:ElmSharp.SmartEvent`1.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String)">
8518             <summary>
8519             Creates and initializes a new instance of the SmartEvent class.
8520             </summary>
8521             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
8522             <param name="eventName">The event name.</param>
8523         </member>
8524         <member name="E:ElmSharp.SmartEvent`1.On">
8525             <summary>
8526             Adds or removes delegate for event.
8527             </summary>
8528         </member>
8529         <member name="M:ElmSharp.SmartEvent`1.MakeInvalidate">
8530             <summary>
8531             Make current instance invalidate.
8532             </summary>
8533         </member>
8534         <member name="T:ElmSharp.SmartEvent">
8535             <summary>
8536             It inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.IInvalidatable"/>.
8537             EvasObject can elect SmartEvent occurring inside of them to be reported back to their users via delegates.
8538             This way, you can extend EvasObject's own <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObjectEvent"/>.
8539             They are defined by an event string, which identifies them uniquely.
8540             </summary>
8541             <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The parameter for the event.</typeparam>
8542         </member>
8543         <member name="M:ElmSharp.SmartEvent.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String)">
8544             <summary>
8545             Creates and initializes a new instance of the SmartEvent class.
8546             </summary>
8547             <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
8548             <param name="eventName">The event name.</param>
8549         </member>
8550         <member name="E:ElmSharp.SmartEvent.On">
8551             <summary>
8552             Adds or removes delegate for event.
8553             </summary>
8554         </member>
8555         <member name="M:ElmSharp.SmartEvent.MakeInvalidate">
8556             <summary>
8557             Make current instance invalidate.
8558             </summary>
8559         </member>
8560         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Spinner">
8561             <summary>
8562             The Spinner is a widget that increase or decrease numeric values using arrow buttons, or edit values directly.
8563             Inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Layout"/>.
8564             </summary>
8565         </member>
8566         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Spinner.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
8567             <summary>
8568             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Spinner class.
8569             </summary>
8570             <param name="parent">The parent of new Spinner instance</param>
8571         </member>
8572         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Spinner.ValueChanged">
8573             <summary>
8574             ValueChanged will be triggered whenever the spinner value is changed.
8575             </summary>
8576         </member>
8577         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Spinner.DelayedValueChanged">
8578             <summary>
8579              DelayedValueChanged will be triggered after a short time when the value is changed.
8580             </summary>
8581         </member>
8582         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.LabelFormat">
8583             <summary>
8584             Sets or gets the label format of the spinner.
8585             </summary>
8586         </member>
8587         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.Minimum">
8588             <summary>
8589             Sets or gets the minimum value for the spinner.
8590             </summary>
8591         </member>
8592         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.Maximum">
8593             <summary>
8594             Sets or gets the maximum value for the spinner.
8595             </summary>
8596         </member>
8597         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.Step">
8598             <summary>
8599             Sets or gets the step that used to increment or decrement the spinner value.
8600             </summary>
8601         </member>
8602         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.Value">
8603             <summary>
8604             Sets or gets the value displayed by the spinner.
8605             </summary>
8606         </member>
8607         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.Interval">
8608             <summary>
8609             Sets or gets the interval on time updates for an user mouse button hold on spinner widgets' arrows.
8610             </summary>
8611         </member>
8612         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.RoundBase">
8613             <summary>
8614             Sets or gets the base for rounding.
8615             </summary>
8616         </member>
8617         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.RoundValue">
8618             <summary>
8619             Sets or gets the round value for rounding.
8620             </summary>
8621         </member>
8622         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.IsWrapEnabled">
8623             <summary>
8624             Sets or gets the wrap of a given spinner widget.
8625             </summary>
8626             <remarks>
8627             If wrap is disabled, when the user tries to increment the value, but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the new value will be the maximum value.
8628             If wrap is enabled, when the user tries to increment the value, but displayed value plus step value is bigger than maximum value, the new value will be the minimum value.
8629             By default it's disabled.
8630             </remarks>
8631         </member>
8632         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Spinner.IsEditable">
8633             <summary>
8634             Sets or gets whether the spinner can be directly edited by the user or not.
8635             </summary>
8636             <remarks>By default it is enabled</remarks>
8637         </member>
8638         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Spinner.AddSpecialValue(System.Double,System.String)">
8639             <summary>
8640             Set a special string to display in the place of the numerical value.
8641             </summary>
8642             <param name="value">The numerical value to be replaced</param>
8643             <param name="label">The label to be used</param>
8644         </member>
8645         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Spinner.RemoveSpecialValue(System.Double)">
8646             <summary>
8647             Remove a previously added special value, After this, the spinner will display the value itself instead of a label.
8648             </summary>
8649             <param name="value">The replaced numerical value</param>
8650         </member>
8651         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Spinner.GetSpecialValue(System.Double)">
8652             <summary>
8653             Get the special string display in the place of the numerical value.
8654             </summary>
8655             <param name="value">The replaced numerical value.</param>
8656             <returns>The value of the spinner which replaced numerical value with special string</returns>
8657         </member>
8658         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Table">
8659             <summary>
8660             The Table is a container widget to arrange other widgets in a table where items can span multiple columns or rows .
8661             Inherits <see cref="T:ElmSharp.Container"/>.
8662             </summary>
8663         </member>
8664         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Table.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
8665             <summary>
8666             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Table class.
8667             </summary>
8668             <param name="parent">
8669             A <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/> to which the new Table instance will be attached.
8670             </param>
8671         </member>
8672         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Table.Homogeneous">
8673             <summary>
8674             Sets or gets whether the layout of this table is homogeneous.
8675             </summary>
8676             <remarks>True for homogeneous, False for no homogeneous</remarks>
8677         </member>
8678         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Table.PaddingX">
8679             <summary>
8680             Sets or gets the horizontal padding between the cells.
8681             </summary>
8682         </member>
8683         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Table.PaddingY">
8684             <summary>
8685             Sets or gets the vertical padding between the cells.
8686             </summary>
8687         </member>
8688         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Table.Pack(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
8689             <summary>
8690             Adds a subobject on the table with the coordinates passed.
8691             </summary>
8692             <param name="obj">The subobject to be added to the table</param>
8693             <param name="col">The column number</param>
8694             <param name="row">The row number</param>
8695             <param name="colspan">The column span</param>
8696             <param name="rowspan">The row span</param>
8697         </member>
8698         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Table.Unpack(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
8699             <summary>
8700             Removes the child from the table.
8701             </summary>
8702             <param name="obj">The subobject</param>
8703         </member>
8704         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Table.Clear">
8705             <summary>
8706             Removes all child objects from a table object.
8707             </summary>
8708         </member>
8709         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Table.SetPartColor(System.String,ElmSharp.Color)">
8710             <summary>
8711             Sets the color for particular part of the table.
8712             </summary>
8713             <param name="part">The name of part class</param>
8714             <param name="color">The color</param>
8715         </member>
8716         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Table.GetPartColor(System.String)">
8717             <summary>
8718             Gets the color of particular part of the table.
8719             </summary>
8720             <param name="part">The name of part class, it could be 'bg', 'elm.swllow.content'</param>
8721             <returns>The color of the particular part</returns>
8722         </member>
8723         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarSelectionMode">
8724             <summary>
8725             Enumeration for the selection mode of Toolbar.
8726             </summary>
8727         </member>
8728         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarSelectionMode.Default">
8729             <summary>
8730             Default select mode.
8731             </summary>
8732         </member>
8733         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarSelectionMode.Always">
8734             <summary>
8735             Always select mode.
8736             </summary>
8737         </member>
8738         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarSelectionMode.None">
8739             <summary>
8740             No select mode.
8741             </summary>
8742         </member>
8743         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarSelectionMode.DisplayOnly">
8744             <summary>
8745             No select mode with no finger size rule.
8746             </summary>
8747         </member>
8748         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarShrinkMode">
8749             <summary>
8750             Enumeration that sets the toolbar items display behavior, it can be scrollable, can show a menu with exceeding items, or simply hide them.
8751             </summary>
8752         </member>
8753         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarShrinkMode.None">
8754             <summary>
8755             Sets minimum toolbar size to fit all the items.
8756             </summary>
8757         </member>
8758         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarShrinkMode.Hide">
8759             <summary>
8760             Hides exceeding items.
8761             </summary>
8762         </member>
8763         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarShrinkMode.Scroll">
8764             <summary>
8765             Allows accessing exceeding items through a scroller.
8766             </summary>
8767         </member>
8768         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarShrinkMode.Menu">
8769             <summary>
8770             Inserts a button to pop up a menu with exceeding items.
8771             </summary>
8772         </member>
8773         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarShrinkMode.Expand">
8774             <summary>
8775             Expands all items according to the size of the toolbar.
8776             </summary>
8777         </member>
8778         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarIconLookupOrder">
8779             <summary>
8780             Enumeration for the icon lookup order of Toolbar.
8781             </summary>
8782         </member>
8783         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarIconLookupOrder.FreedesktopTheme">
8784             <summary>
8785             Icon look up order: freedesktop, theme.
8786             </summary>
8787         </member>
8788         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarIconLookupOrder.ThemeFreedesktop">
8789             <summary>
8790             Icon look up order: theme, freedesktop.
8791             </summary>
8792         </member>
8793         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarIconLookupOrder.Freedesktop">
8794             <summary>
8795             Icon look up order: freedesktop.
8796             </summary>
8797         </member>
8798         <member name="F:ElmSharp.ToolbarIconLookupOrder.Theme">
8799             <summary>
8800             Icon look up order: theme.
8801             </summary>
8802         </member>
8803         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItemEventArgs">
8804             <summary>
8805             Event arguments for events of <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem"/>.
8806             </summary>
8807             <remarks>
8808             Inherits EventArgs.
8809             </remarks>
8810         </member>
8811         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ToolbarItemEventArgs.Item">
8812             <summary>
8813             Gets the ToolbarItem.
8814             </summary>
8815         </member>
8816         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Toolbar">
8817             <summary>
8818             The Toolbar is a widget that displays a list of items inside a box.
8819             </summary>
8820         </member>
8821         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
8822             <summary>
8823             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Toolbar class.
8824             </summary>
8825             <param name="parent">
8826             A EvasObject to which the new Table instance will be attached.
8827             </param>
8828         </member>
8829         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Selected">
8830             <summary>
8831             Selected will be triggered when toolbar have been selected.
8832             </summary>
8833         </member>
8834         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Homogeneous">
8835             <summary>
8836             Sets or gets whether the layout of this toolbar is homogeneous.
8837             </summary>
8838             <remarks>True for homogeneous, False for no homogeneous</remarks>
8839         </member>
8840         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.SelectionMode">
8841             <summary>
8842             Sets or gets the slection mode of a given Toolbar widget.
8843             </summary>
8844         </member>
8845         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.ShrinkMode">
8846             <summary>
8847             Sets or gets the shrink mode of a given Toolbar widget.
8848             </summary>
8849         </member>
8850         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.IconLookupOrder">
8851             <summary>
8852             Sets or gets the icon lookup order, for toolbar items' icons.
8853             The default lookup order is ToolbarIocnLookupOrder.ThemeFreedesktop.
8854             Icons added before calling this function will not be affected.
8855             </summary>
8856         </member>
8857         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.IconSize">
8858             <summary>
8859             Sets or gets the icon size of a given toolbar widget.
8860             Default value is 32 pixels, to be used by toolbar items.
8861             </summary>
8862         </member>
8863         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.ItemsCount">
8864             <summary>
8865             Gets the number of items in a toolbar widget.
8866             </summary>
8867         </member>
8868         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.ItemAlignment">
8869             <summary>
8870             Sets or gets the alignment of the items.
8871             </summary>
8872             <remarks>The toolbar items alignment, a float between 0.0 and 1.0</remarks>
8873         </member>
8874         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.TransverseExpansion">
8875             <summary>
8876             Sets or gets the item's transverse expansion of a given toolbar widget.
8877             </summary>
8878             <remarks>
8879             The transverse expansion of the item, true for on and false for off.
8880             By default it's false.
8881             </remarks>
8882         </member>
8883         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String)">
8884             <summary>
8885             Appends ToolbarItem which just contains label to the toolbar.
8886             </summary>
8887             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8888             <returns>The new ToolbarItem which appended to the toolbar</returns>
8889             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String,System.String)"/>
8890             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Prepend(System.String)"/>
8891         </member>
8892         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String,System.String)">
8893             <summary>
8894             Appends ToolbarItem which contains label and icon to the toolbar.
8895             </summary>
8896             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8897             <param name="icon">A string with the icon name or the absolute path of an image file</param>
8898             <returns>The new ToolbarItem which appended to the toolbar</returns>
8899             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String)"/>
8900             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Prepend(System.String)"/>
8901             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Prepend(System.String,System.String)"/>
8902         </member>
8903         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Prepend(System.String)">
8904             <summary>
8905             Prepends ToolbarItem which just contains label to the toolbar.
8906             </summary>
8907             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8908             <returns>The new ToolbarItem which prepended to the toolbar</returns>
8909             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String)"/>
8910             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String,System.String)"/>
8911             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Prepend(System.String,System.String)"/>
8912         </member>
8913         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Prepend(System.String,System.String)">
8914             <summary>
8915             Prepends ToolbarItem which contains label and icon to the toolbar.
8916             </summary>
8917             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8918             <param name="icon">A string with the icon name or the absolute path of an image file</param>
8919             <returns>The new <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem"/> which prepended to the toolbar</returns>
8920             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String)"/>
8921             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Append(System.String,System.String)"/>
8922             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.Prepend(System.String)"/>
8923         </member>
8924         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.ToolbarItem,System.String)">
8925             <summary>
8926             Inserts a new item which just contains label into the toolbar object before item <paramref name="before"/>.
8927             </summary>
8928             <param name="before">The toolbar item to insert before</param>
8929             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8930             <returns>The new <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem"/> which insert into the toolbar</returns>
8931             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.ToolbarItem,System.String,System.String)"/>
8932         </member>
8933         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.ToolbarItem,System.String,System.String)">
8934             <summary>
8935             Inserts a new item which contains label and icon into the toolbar object before item <paramref name="before"/>.
8936             </summary>
8937             <param name="before">The toolbar item to insert before</param>
8938             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8939             <param name="icon">A string with the icon name or the absolute path of an image file</param>
8940             <returns>The new <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem"/> which insert into the toolbar</returns>
8941             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.InsertBefore(ElmSharp.ToolbarItem,System.String)"/>
8942         </member>
8943         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.InsertAfter(ElmSharp.ToolbarItem,System.String,System.String)">
8944             <summary>
8945             Inserts a new item which contains label and icon into the toolbar object after item <paramref name="after"/>.
8946             </summary>
8947             <param name="after">The toolbar item to insert after</param>
8948             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8949             <param name="icon">A string with the icon name or the absolute path of an image file</param>
8950             <returns>The new <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem"/> which insert into the toolbar</returns>
8951             <seealso cref="!:InsertAfter(ToolbarItem, string)"/>
8952         </member>
8953         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Toolbar.FindItemByLabel(System.String)">
8954             <summary>
8955             Find the item with that label in the toolbar.
8956             </summary>
8957             <param name="label">The label of the item</param>
8958             <returns>The <see cref="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem"/> into the toolbar</returns>
8959         </member>
8960         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.SelectedItem">
8961             <summary>
8962             Gets the selected ToolbarItemItem of the toolbar.
8963             </summary>
8964         </member>
8965         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.FirstItem">
8966             <summary>
8967             Gets the first ToolbarItemItem of the toolbar.
8968             </summary>
8969         </member>
8970         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Toolbar.LastItem">
8971             <summary>
8972             Gets the last ToolbarItemItem of the toolbar.
8973             </summary>
8974         </member>
8975         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem">
8976             <summary>
8977             The ToolbarItem is a item of Toolbar.
8978             </summary>
8979         </member>
8980         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.Icon">
8981             <summary>
8982             Sets or gets the icon path of the item.
8983             </summary>
8984         </member>
8985         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.Text">
8986             <summary>
8987             Sets or gets the text string of the item.
8988             </summary>
8989         </member>
8990         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.Enabled">
8991             <summary>
8992             Sets or gets the enable of the item.
8993             </summary>
8994         </member>
8995         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.IsSeparator">
8996             <summary>
8997             Sets or gets whether displaying the item as a separator.
8998             </summary>
8999             <remarks>Items aren't set as a separator by default. If set as a separator it displays a separator theme, so it won't display icons or labels.</remarks>
9000         </member>
9001         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.IsSelected">
9002             <summary>
9003             Sets or gets whether the item is selected.
9004             </summary>
9005         </member>
9006         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.Selected">
9007             <summary>
9008             Selected will be triggered when the item is selected.
9009             </summary>
9010         </member>
9011         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.LongPressed">
9012             <summary>
9013             LongPressed will be triggered when the item is pressed long time.
9014             </summary>
9015         </member>
9016         <member name="E:ElmSharp.ToolbarItem.Clicked">
9017             <summary>
9018             Clicked will be triggered when the item is clicked.
9019             </summary>
9020         </member>
9021         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Transit">
9022             <summary>
9023             Transit is designed to apply various animated transition effects, such like translation, rotation, etc.
9024             For using these effects, create an Transit and add the desired transition effects.
9025             </summary>
9026             <remarks>Transit is not reusable. If the effect ends, the transit is destroyed automatically.</remarks>
9027         </member>
9028         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Transit.Deleted">
9029             <summary>
9030             A callback called when the transit is deleted.
9031             </summary>
9032         </member>
9033         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.#ctor">
9034             <summary>
9035             Creates and initializes a new instance of Transit class.
9036             </summary>
9037         </member>
9038         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.Duration">
9039             <summary>
9040             Gets or sets the transit animation time
9041             </summary>
9042         </member>
9043         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.ObjectStateKeep">
9044             <summary>
9045             Gets or sets a value whether the objects states will be keep or not.
9046             If it is not kept, the objects states will be reset when transition ends.
9047             </summary>
9048         </member>
9049         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.TweenMode">
9050             <summary>
9051             Gets or sets the transit animation acceleration type.
9052             </summary>
9053         </member>
9054         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.Repeat">
9055             <summary>
9056             Gets or sets the transit repeat count.
9057             If the repeat is a negative number, it will repeat infinite times.
9058             </summary>
9059         </member>
9060         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.AutoReverse">
9061             <summary>
9062             Gets or sets if the auto reverse is on.
9063             </summary>
9064         </member>
9065         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.EventEnabled">
9066             <summary>
9067             Gets or sets the event enabled when transit is operating.
9068             </summary>
9069         </member>
9070         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.Smooth">
9071             <summary>
9072             Gets or sets the smooth scaling for transit map rendering
9073             This gets smooth scaling for transit map rendering.
9074             </summary>
9075         </member>
9076         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.Progress">
9077             <summary>
9078             Get the time progression of the animation (a double value between 0.0 and 1.0).
9079             The value returned is a fraction(current time / total time).
9080             It represents the progression position relative to the total.
9081             </summary>
9082         </member>
9083         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.BeginAccelerationFactor">
9084             <summary>
9085             Gets or sets the transit animation tween mode acceleration factor.
9086             </summary>
9087             <returns>A factor value from 0.0 to 1.0.</returns>
9088         </member>
9089         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.EndAccelerationFactor">
9090             <summary>
9091             Gets or sets the transit animation tween mode acceleration factor.
9092             </summary>
9093             <returns>A factor value from 0.0 to 1.0.</returns>
9094         </member>
9095         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.Go(System.Double)">
9096             <summary>
9097             Starts the transition in given seconds.
9098             Once this API is called, the transit begins to measure the time.
9099             </summary>
9100             <param name="interval">The interval value in seconds</param>
9101         </member>
9102         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.Pause">
9103             <summary>
9104             Pause the transition.
9105             </summary>
9106         </member>
9107         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.Resume">
9108             <summary>
9109             Resume the transition.
9110             </summary>
9111         </member>
9112         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.Chains">
9113             <summary>
9114             Get the current chained transit list.
9115             </summary>
9116             <remarks>Cannot add the duplicate transit.</remarks>
9117         </member>
9118         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Transit.Objects">
9119             <summary>
9120             Get the objects list of the transit.
9121             </summary>
9122             <remarks>Cannot add the duplicate object.</remarks>
9123         </member>
9124         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.AddEffect(ElmSharp.EffectBase)">
9125             <summary>
9126             Add the effect.
9127             </summary>
9128             <param name="effect">EffectBase object.</param>
9129         </member>
9130         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.AddObject(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
9131             <summary>
9132             Add new object to apply the effects.
9133             After the first addition of an object to transit, if its object list become empty again, the transit will be killed.
9134             If the obj belongs to another transit, the obj will be removed from it and it will only belong to the other transit.
9135             </summary>
9136             <remarks>It is not allowed to add a new object after transit begins.</remarks>
9137             <param name="obj">Object to be animated.</param>
9138         </member>
9139         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.RemoveObject(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
9140             <summary>
9141             Removes an added object from the transit.
9142             </summary>
9143             <param name="obj">Object to be removed from transit.</param>
9144         </member>
9145         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.AddChainedTransit(ElmSharp.Transit)">
9146             <summary>
9147             Makes the chain relationship between two transits.
9148             </summary>
9149             <param name="transit">The chain transit object. This transit will be operated after transit is done.</param>
9150         </member>
9151         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Transit.DeleteChainedTransit(ElmSharp.Transit)">
9152             <summary>
9153             Cut off the chain relationship between two transits.
9154             </summary>
9155             <param name="transit">The chain transit object.</param>
9156         </member>
9157         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FlipAxis">
9158             <summary>
9159             The axis along which flip effect should be applied.
9160             </summary>
9161         </member>
9162         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FlipAxis.X">
9163             <summary>
9164             Flip on X axis
9165             </summary>
9166         </member>
9167         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FlipAxis.Y">
9168             <summary>
9169             Flip on Y axis
9170             </summary>
9171         </member>
9172         <member name="T:ElmSharp.WipeDirection">
9173             <summary>
9174             The direction in which the wipe effect should occur.
9175             </summary>
9176         </member>
9177         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WipeDirection.Left">
9178             <summary>
9179             Wipe to the left
9180             </summary>
9181         </member>
9182         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WipeDirection.Right">
9183             <summary>
9184             Wipe to the right
9185             </summary>
9186         </member>
9187         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WipeDirection.Up">
9188             <summary>
9189             Wipe to the up
9190             </summary>
9191         </member>
9192         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WipeDirection.Down">
9193             <summary>
9194             Wipe to the down
9195             </summary>
9196         </member>
9197         <member name="T:ElmSharp.WipeType">
9198             <summary>
9199             Whether the wipe effect should show or hide the object.
9200             </summary>
9201         </member>
9202         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WipeType.Hide">
9203             <summary>
9204             Hide the object during the animation
9205             </summary>
9206         </member>
9207         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WipeType.Show">
9208             <summary>
9209             Show the object during the animation
9210             </summary>
9211         </member>
9212         <member name="T:ElmSharp.TweenMode">
9213             <summary>
9214             The type of acceleration used in the transition.
9215             </summary>
9216         </member>
9217         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.Linear">
9218             <summary>
9219             Constant speed
9220             </summary>
9221         </member>
9222         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.Sinusoidal">
9223             <summary>
9224             Starts slow, increase speed over time, then decrease again and stop slowly, v1 being a power factor
9225             </summary>
9226         </member>
9227         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.Decelerate">
9228             <summary>
9229             Starts fast and decrease speed over time, v1 being a power factor
9230             </summary>
9231         </member>
9232         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.Accelerate">
9233             <summary>
9234             Starts slow and increase speed over time, v1 being a power factor
9235             </summary>
9236         </member>
9237         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.DivisorInterpolate">
9238             <summary>
9239             Start at gradient v1, interpolated via power of v2 curve
9240             </summary>
9241         </member>
9242         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.Bounce">
9243             <summary>
9244             Start at 0.0 then "drop" like a ball bouncing to the ground at 1.0, and bounce v2 times, with decay factor of v1
9245             </summary>
9246         </member>
9247         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.Spring">
9248             <summary>
9249             Start at 0.0 then "wobble" like a spring rest position 1.0, and wobble v2 times, with decay factor of v1
9250             </summary>
9251         </member>
9252         <member name="F:ElmSharp.TweenMode.BezierCurve">
9253             <summary>
9254             Follow the cubic-bezier curve calculated with the control points (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
9255             </summary>
9256         </member>
9257         <member name="T:ElmSharp.BlendEffect">
9258             <summary>
9259             Blend effect class.
9260             </summary>
9261         </member>
9262         <member name="M:ElmSharp.BlendEffect.#ctor">
9263             <summary>
9264             Creates and initializes a new instance of BlendEffect class.
9265             </summary>
9266         </member>
9267         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ColorEffect">
9268             <summary>
9269             Color effect class.
9270             </summary>
9271         </member>
9272         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ColorEffect.#ctor(ElmSharp.Color,ElmSharp.Color)">
9273             <summary>
9274             Creates and initializes a new instance of ColorEffect class.
9275             </summary>
9276             <param name="beginColor">The begin color of the effect</param>
9277             <param name="endColor">The end color of the effect</param>
9278         </member>
9279         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorEffect.BeginColor">
9280             <summary>
9281             The begin color of the effect
9282             </summary>
9283         </member>
9284         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ColorEffect.EndColor">
9285             <summary>
9286             The end color of the effect
9287             </summary>
9288         </member>
9289         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FadeEffect">
9290             <summary>
9291             Fade effect class.
9292             </summary>
9293         </member>
9294         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FadeEffect.#ctor">
9295             <summary>
9296             Creates and initializes a new instance of FadeEffect class.
9297             </summary>
9298         </member>
9299         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FlipEffect">
9300             <summary>
9301             Flip effect class.
9302             </summary>
9303         </member>
9304         <member name="M:ElmSharp.FlipEffect.#ctor(ElmSharp.FlipAxis,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
9305             <summary>
9306             Creates and initializes a new instance of FlipEffect class.
9307             </summary>
9308             <param name="axis">Flipping Axis(X or Y).</param>
9309             <param name="clockWise">Flipping Direction. True is clock-wise.</param>
9310             <param name="resizable">Resizable effect with FlipEffect</param>
9311         </member>
9312         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipEffect.Axis">
9313             <summary>
9314             Flipping Axis(X or Y).
9315             </summary>
9316         </member>
9317         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipEffect.ClockWise">
9318             <summary>
9319             Flipping Direction. True is clock-wise.
9320             </summary>
9321         </member>
9322         <member name="P:ElmSharp.FlipEffect.Resizable">
9323             <summary>
9324             Resizable FlipEffect.
9325             </summary>
9326         </member>
9327         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ResizingEffect">
9328             <summary>
9329             Resizing effect class.
9330             </summary>
9331         </member>
9332         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ResizingEffect.#ctor(ElmSharp.Size,ElmSharp.Size)">
9333             <summary>
9334             Creates and initializes a new instance of FlipEffect class.
9335             </summary>
9336             <param name="beginSize">The begin Size of the effect</param>
9337             <param name="endSize">The end Size of the effect</param>
9338         </member>
9339         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ResizingEffect.BeginSize">
9340             <summary>
9341             The begin Size of the effect
9342             </summary>
9343         </member>
9344         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ResizingEffect.EndSize">
9345             <summary>
9346             The end Size of the effect
9347             </summary>
9348         </member>
9349         <member name="T:ElmSharp.RotationEffect">
9350             <summary>
9351             Rotation effect class.
9352             </summary>
9353         </member>
9354         <member name="M:ElmSharp.RotationEffect.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single)">
9355             <summary>
9356             Creates and initializes a new instance of RotationEffect class.
9357             </summary>
9358             <param name="beginDegree">The begin degree of the effect</param>
9359             <param name="endDegree">The end degree of the effect</param>
9360         </member>
9361         <member name="P:ElmSharp.RotationEffect.BeginDegree">
9362             <summary>
9363             The begin degree of the effect
9364             </summary>
9365         </member>
9366         <member name="P:ElmSharp.RotationEffect.EndDegree">
9367             <summary>
9368             The end degree of the effect
9369             </summary>
9370         </member>
9371         <member name="T:ElmSharp.TranslationEffect">
9372             <summary>
9373             Translation effect class.
9374             </summary>
9375         </member>
9376         <member name="M:ElmSharp.TranslationEffect.#ctor(ElmSharp.Point,ElmSharp.Point)">
9377             <summary>
9378             Creates and initializes a new instance of FlipEffect class.
9379             </summary>
9380             <param name="beginPoint">The begin Point of the effect</param>
9381             <param name="endPoint">The end Point of the effect</param>
9382         </member>
9383         <member name="P:ElmSharp.TranslationEffect.BeginPoint">
9384             <summary>
9385             The begin Point of the effect
9386             </summary>
9387         </member>
9388         <member name="P:ElmSharp.TranslationEffect.EndPoint">
9389             <summary>
9390             The end Point of the effect
9391             </summary>
9392         </member>
9393         <member name="T:ElmSharp.WipeEffect">
9394             <summary>
9395             Wipe effect class.
9396             </summary>
9397         </member>
9398         <member name="M:ElmSharp.WipeEffect.#ctor(ElmSharp.WipeType,ElmSharp.WipeDirection)">
9399             <summary>
9400             Creates and initializes a new instance of WipeEffect class.
9401             </summary>
9402             <param name="type">Wipe type. Hide or show.</param>
9403             <param name="direction">Wipe Direction.</param>
9404         </member>
9405         <member name="P:ElmSharp.WipeEffect.Type">
9406             <summary>
9407             Wipe type. Hide or show.
9408             </summary>
9409         </member>
9410         <member name="P:ElmSharp.WipeEffect.Direction">
9411             <summary>
9412             Wipe Direction.
9413             </summary>
9414         </member>
9415         <member name="T:ElmSharp.ZoomEffect">
9416             <summary>
9417             Zoom effect class.
9418             </summary>
9419         </member>
9420         <member name="M:ElmSharp.ZoomEffect.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single)">
9421             <summary>
9422             Creates and initializes a new instance of ZoomEffect class.
9423             </summary>
9424             <param name="beginRate">The begin rate of the effect</param>
9425             <param name="endRate">The end rate of the effect</param>
9426         </member>
9427         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ZoomEffect.BeginRate">
9428             <summary>
9429             The begin rate of the effect
9430             </summary>
9431         </member>
9432         <member name="P:ElmSharp.ZoomEffect.EndRate">
9433             <summary>
9434             The end rate of the effect
9435             </summary>
9436         </member>
9437         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.AppendGlobalFontPath(System.String)">
9438             <summary>
9439             Appends a font path to the list of font paths used by the application.
9440             </summary>
9441             <param name="path">The new font path.</param>
9442         </member>
9443         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.PrependEvasGlobalFontPath(System.String)">
9444             <summary>
9445             Prepends a font path to the list of font paths used by the application.
9446             </summary>
9447             <param name="path">The new font path.</param>
9448         </member>
9449         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.ClearEvasGlobalFontPath">
9450             <summary>
9451             Removes all font paths loaded into memory by evas_font_path_app_* APIs for the application.
9452             </summary>
9453         </member>
9454         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.SetEdjeColorClass(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
9455             <summary>
9456             Sets Edje color class.
9457             </summary>
9458             <param name="colorClass">Color class</param>
9459             <param name="red">Object Red value</param>
9460             <param name="green">Object Red value</param>
9461             <param name="blue">Object Red value</param>
9462             <param name="alpha">Object Red value</param>
9463             <param name="outlineRed">Outline Red value</param>
9464             <param name="outlineGreen">Outline Green value</param>
9465             <param name="outlineBlue">Outline Blue value</param>
9466             <param name="outlineAlpha">Outline Alpha value</param>
9467             <param name="shadowRed">Shadow Red value</param>
9468             <param name="shadowGreen">Shadow Green value</param>
9469             <param name="shadowBlue">Shadow Bluevalue</param>
9470             <param name="shadowAlpha">Shadow Alpha value</param>
9471             <returns></returns>
9472         </member>
9473         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.GetEdjeColorClass(System.String,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
9474             <summary>
9475             Gets Edje color class.
9476             </summary>
9477             <param name="colorClass">Color class</param>
9478             <param name="red">Object Red value</param>
9479             <param name="green">Object Red value</param>
9480             <param name="blue">Object Red value</param>
9481             <param name="alpha">Object Red value</param>
9482             <param name="outlineRed">Outline Red value</param>
9483             <param name="outlineGreen">Outline Green value</param>
9484             <param name="outlineBlue">Outline Blue value</param>
9485             <param name="outlineAlpha">Outline Alpha value</param>
9486             <param name="shadowRed">Shadow Red value</param>
9487             <param name="shadowGreen">Shadow Green value</param>
9488             <param name="shadowBlue">Shadow Bluevalue</param>
9489             <param name="shadowAlpha">Shadow Alpha value</param>
9490             <returns></returns>
9491         </member>
9492         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.ProcessEdjeMessageSignal">
9493             <summary>
9494             Processes all queued up edje messages.
9495             This function triggers the processing of messages addressed to any (alive) edje objects.
9496             </summary>
9497         </member>
9498         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.SetEdjeTextClass(System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
9499             <summary>
9500             Sets the Edje text class.
9501             </summary>
9502             <param name="textClass">The text class name</param>
9503             <param name="font">The font name</param>
9504             <param name="size">The font size</param>
9505             <returns>True, on success or false, on error</returns>
9506         </member>
9507         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.GetEdjeTextClass(System.String,System.String@,System.Int32@)">
9508             <summary>
9509             Gets the Edje text class.
9510             </summary>
9511             <param name="textClass">The text class name</param>
9512             <param name="font">The font name</param>
9513             <param name="size">The font size</param>
9514             <returns>True, on success or false, on error</returns>
9515         </member>
9516         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.DeleteEdjeTextClass(System.String)">
9517             <summary>
9518             Delete the text class.
9519             </summary>
9520             <param name="textClass"></param>
9521         </member>
9522         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.PremulityplyEvasColorByAlpha(System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
9523             <summary>
9524             Pre-multiplies a rgb triplet by an alpha factor.
9525             </summary>
9526             <param name="alpha">The alpha factor</param>
9527             <param name="red">The Red component of the color</param>
9528             <param name="green">The Green component of the color</param>
9529             <param name="blue">The Blue component of the color</param>
9530         </member>
9531         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Utility.UnPremulityplyEvasColorByAlpha(System.Int32,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
9532             <summary>
9533             Undoes pre-multiplies a rgb triplet by an alpha factor.
9534             </summary>
9535             <param name="alpha">The alpha factor</param>
9536             <param name="red">The Red component of the color</param>
9537             <param name="green">The Green component of the color</param>
9538             <param name="blue">The Blue component of the color</param>
9539         </member>
9540         <member name="T:ElmSharp.FocusDirection">
9541             <summary>
9542             Enumeration for the focus direction.
9543             </summary>
9544         </member>
9545         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusDirection.Previous">
9546             <summary>
9547             Previous direction
9548             </summary>
9549         </member>
9550         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusDirection.Next">
9551             <summary>
9552             Next direction
9553             </summary>
9554         </member>
9555         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusDirection.Up">
9556             <summary>
9557             Up direction
9558             </summary>
9559         </member>
9560         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusDirection.Down">
9561             <summary>
9562             Down direction
9563             </summary>
9564         </member>
9565         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusDirection.Right">
9566             <summary>
9567             Right direction
9568             </summary>
9569         </member>
9570         <member name="F:ElmSharp.FocusDirection.Left">
9571             <summary>
9572             Left direction
9573             </summary>
9574         </member>
9575         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Widget">
9576             <summary>
9577             The Widget is abstract class, it is the parent of other widgets.
9578             Inherits from <see cref="T:ElmSharp.EvasObject"/>.
9579             </summary>
9580         </member>
9581         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.#ctor(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
9582             <summary>
9583             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Widget class.
9584             </summary>
9585             <param name="parent">The parent of new Widget instance</param>
9586         </member>
9587         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.UpdatePartContents(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.String)">
9588             <summary>
9589             Update the part contents
9590             </summary>
9591             <param name="content">The content which put to the part</param>
9592             <param name="part">The updated part</param>
9593         </member>
9594         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Widget.Focused">
9595             <summary>
9596             Focused will be triggered when the widget is focused.
9597             </summary>
9598         </member>
9599         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Widget.Unfocused">
9600             <summary>
9601             Unfocused will be triggered when the widget is unfocused.
9602             </summary>
9603         </member>
9604         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.IsEnabled">
9605             <summary>
9606             Sets or gets the state of the widget, which might be enabled or disabled.
9607             </summary>
9608         </member>
9609         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.Style">
9610             <summary>
9611             Sets or gets the style of the widget.
9612             </summary>
9613         </member>
9614         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.IsFocused">
9615             <summary>
9616             Gets whether this widget is focused.
9617             </summary>
9618         </member>
9619         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.IsFocusAllowed">
9620             <summary>
9621             Gets whether a widget is focusable or not.
9622             </summary>
9623             <remarks>Widgets which are meant to be interacted with by input events are created able to be focused, by default</remarks>
9624         </member>
9625         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.Text">
9626             <summary>
9627             Sets or gets the text of the widget.
9628             </summary>
9629             <remarks>It could be override by special child class</remarks>
9630         </member>
9631         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.BackgroundColor">
9632             <summary>
9633             Sets or gets the background color of the widget.
9634             </summary>
9635             <remarks>It could be override by special child class</remarks>
9636         </member>
9637         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.Opacity">
9638             <summary>
9639             Sets or gets the opacity of the widget.
9640             </summary>
9641             <remarks>It could be override by special child class</remarks>
9642         </member>
9643         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.AllowTreeFocus">
9644             <summary>
9645             Sets or gets whether a widget and its children are focusable or not.
9646             </summary>
9647         </member>
9648         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.IsMirroredMode">
9649             <summary>
9650             Sets or gets the widget's mirrored mode.
9651             </summary>
9652         </member>
9653         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Widget.IsAutoMirroredMode">
9654             <summary>
9655             Sets or gets the widget's mirrored mode setting.
9656             When widget set automatic mode(true), it follows the system mirrored mode.
9657             </summary>
9658         </member>
9659         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetFocus(System.Boolean)">
9660             <summary>
9661             Sets the widget to be focused or not.
9662             </summary>
9663             <param name="isFocus">Weather be focused</param>
9664         </member>
9665         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.AllowFocus(System.Boolean)">
9666             <summary>
9667             Sets the ability for a widget to be focused.
9668             </summary>
9669             <param name="isAllowFocus">True if the object can be focused, false if not(and on errors)</param>
9670         </member>
9671         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.FocusNext(ElmSharp.FocusDirection)">
9672             <summary>
9673             Gives focus to next widget in widget tree.
9674             </summary>
9675             <param name="direction">Direction to move the focus</param>
9676         </member>
9677         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetNextFocusObject(ElmSharp.EvasObject,ElmSharp.FocusDirection)">
9678             <summary>
9679             Set next widget with specific focus direction.
9680             </summary>
9681             <param name="next">Focus next widget</param>
9682             <param name="direction">Focus direction</param>
9683         </member>
9684         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
9685             <summary>
9686             Sets content to particular part of the widget, and the preserve old content will not be unset.
9687             </summary>
9688             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9689             <param name="content">The content</param>
9690             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Boolean)"/>
9691         </member>
9692         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Boolean)">
9693             <summary>
9694             Sets content to particular part of the widget.
9695             </summary>
9696             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9697             <param name="content">The content</param>
9698             <param name="preserveOldContent">true, preserve old content will be unset. false, preserve old content will not be unset.</param>
9699             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetPartContent(System.String,ElmSharp.EvasObject)"/>
9700         </member>
9701         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetContent(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
9702             <summary>
9703             Sets content to the widget, and the preserve old content will not be unset.
9704             </summary>
9705             <param name="content">The content</param>
9706             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetContent(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Boolean)"/>
9707         </member>
9708         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetContent(ElmSharp.EvasObject,System.Boolean)">
9709             <summary>
9710             Sets content the widget.
9711             </summary>
9712             <param name="content">The content</param>
9713             <param name="preserveOldContent">true, preserve old content will be unset. false, preserve old content will not be unset.</param>
9714             <seealso cref="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetContent(ElmSharp.EvasObject)"/>
9715         </member>
9716         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetPartText(System.String,System.String)">
9717             <summary>
9718             Sets text to particular part of the widget.
9719             </summary>
9720             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9721             <param name="text">The text</param>
9722         </member>
9723         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.GetPartText(System.String)">
9724             <summary>
9725             Gets text of a particular part of the widget.
9726             </summary>
9727             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9728             <returns>Text of the particular part of the widget</returns>
9729         </member>
9730         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetPartColor(System.String,ElmSharp.Color)">
9731             <summary>
9732             Sets color of a particular part of the widget.
9733             </summary>
9734             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9735             <param name="color">The color be set to widget</param>
9736             <remarks>This method is a virtual method, it could be override by special child class</remarks>
9737         </member>
9738         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.GetPartColor(System.String)">
9739             <summary>
9740             Gets color of the particular part of the widget.
9741             </summary>
9742             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9743             <returns>The color of the particular part</returns>
9744             <remarks>This method is a virtual method, it could be override by special child class</remarks>
9745         </member>
9746         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.SetPartOpacity(System.String,System.Int32)">
9747             <summary>
9748             Sets opacity of the particular part of the widget.
9749             </summary>
9750             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9751             <param name="opacity">The opacity of the particular part</param>
9752         </member>
9753         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Widget.GetPartOpacity(System.String)">
9754             <summary>
9755             Gets opacity of the particular part of the widget.
9756             </summary>
9757             <param name="part">The name of particular part</param>
9758             <returns>Opacity value of the particular part</returns>
9759         </member>
9760         <member name="T:ElmSharp.DisplayRotation">
9761             <summary>
9762             Enumeration for the display rotation of window.
9763             </summary>
9764         </member>
9765         <member name="F:ElmSharp.DisplayRotation.Degree_0">
9766             <summary>
9767             Rotation value of window is 0 degree
9768             </summary>
9769         </member>
9770         <member name="F:ElmSharp.DisplayRotation.Degree_90">
9771             <summary>
9772             Rotation value of window is 90 degree
9773             </summary>
9774         </member>
9775         <member name="F:ElmSharp.DisplayRotation.Degree_180">
9776             <summary>
9777             Rotation value of window is 180 degree
9778             </summary>
9779         </member>
9780         <member name="F:ElmSharp.DisplayRotation.Degree_270">
9781             <summary>
9782             Rotation value of window is 270 degree
9783             </summary>
9784         </member>
9785         <member name="T:ElmSharp.StatusBarMode">
9786             <summary>
9787             Enumeration for the indicator opacity
9788             </summary>
9789         </member>
9790         <member name="F:ElmSharp.StatusBarMode.Opaque">
9791             <summary>
9792             Opacifies the status bar
9793             </summary>
9794         </member>
9795         <member name="F:ElmSharp.StatusBarMode.Translucent">
9796             <summary>
9797             Be translucent the status bar
9798             </summary>
9799             <remarks>
9800             Not supported.
9801             </remarks>
9802         </member>
9803         <member name="F:ElmSharp.StatusBarMode.Transparent">
9804             <summary>
9805             Transparentizes the status bar
9806             </summary>
9807         </member>
9808         <member name="T:ElmSharp.IndicatorMode">
9809             <summary>
9810             Enumeration for the indicator mode.
9811             </summary>
9812         </member>
9813         <member name="F:ElmSharp.IndicatorMode.Unknown">
9814             <summary>
9815             Unknown indicator state.
9816             </summary>
9817         </member>
9818         <member name="F:ElmSharp.IndicatorMode.Hide">
9819             <summary>
9820             Hides the indicator.
9821             </summary>
9822         </member>
9823         <member name="F:ElmSharp.IndicatorMode.Show">
9824             <summary>
9825             Shows the indicator.
9826             </summary>
9827         </member>
9828         <member name="T:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode">
9829             <summary>
9830             Enumeration for the keyboard mode
9831             </summary>
9832         </member>
9833         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Unknown">
9834             <summary>
9835             Unknown keyboard state
9836             </summary>
9837         </member>
9838         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Off">
9839             <summary>
9840             Request to deactivate the keyboard
9841             </summary>
9842         </member>
9843         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.On">
9844             <summary>
9845             Enable keyboard with default layout
9846             </summary>
9847         </member>
9848         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Alpha">
9849             <summary>
9850             Alpha (a-z) keyboard layout
9851             </summary>
9852         </member>
9853         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Numeric">
9854             <summary>
9855             Numeric keyboard layout
9856             </summary>
9857         </member>
9858         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Pin">
9859             <summary>
9860             PIN keyboard layout
9861             </summary>
9862         </member>
9863         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.PhoneNumber">
9864             <summary>
9865             Phone keyboard layout
9866             </summary>
9867         </member>
9868         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Hex">
9869             <summary>
9870             Hexadecimal numeric keyboard layout
9871             </summary>
9872         </member>
9873         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.QWERTY">
9874             <summary>
9875             Full (QWERTY) keyboard layout
9876             </summary>
9877         </member>
9878         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Password">
9879             <summary>
9880             Password keyboard layout
9881             </summary>
9882         </member>
9883         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.IP">
9884             <summary>
9885             IP keyboard layout
9886             </summary>
9887         </member>
9888         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Host">
9889             <summary>
9890             Host keyboard layout
9891             </summary>
9892         </member>
9893         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.File">
9894             <summary>
9895             File keyboard layout
9896             </summary>
9897         </member>
9898         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.URL">
9899             <summary>
9900             URL keyboard layout
9901             </summary>
9902         </member>
9903         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.Keypad">
9904             <summary>
9905             Keypad layout
9906             </summary>
9907         </member>
9908         <member name="F:ElmSharp.KeyboardMode.J2ME">
9909             <summary>
9910             J2ME keyboard layout
9911             </summary>
9912         </member>
9913         <member name="T:ElmSharp.WindowType">
9914             <summary>
9915             Enumeration for the window type
9916             </summary>
9917         </member>
9918         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Unknown">
9919             <summary>
9920             Unknown
9921             </summary>
9922         </member>
9923         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Basic">
9924             <summary>
9925             A normal window. Indicates a normal, top-level window. Almost every window will be created with this type.
9926             </summary>
9927         </member>
9928         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Dialog">
9929             <summary>
9930             Used for simple dialog windows.
9931             </summary>
9932         </member>
9933         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Desktop">
9934             <summary>
9935             For special desktop windows, like a background window holding desktop icons.
9936             </summary>
9937         </member>
9938         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Dock">
9939             <summary>
9940             The window is used as a dock or panel. Usually would be kept on top of any other window by the Window Manager.
9941             </summary>
9942         </member>
9943         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Toolbar">
9944             <summary>
9945             The window is used to hold a floating toolbar, or similar.
9946             </summary>
9947         </member>
9948         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Menu">
9949             <summary>
9950             Similar to Toolbar.
9951             </summary>
9952         </member>
9953         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Utility">
9954             <summary>
9955             A persistent utility window, like a toolbox or palette.
9956             </summary>
9957         </member>
9958         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Splash">
9959             <summary>
9960             Splash window for a starting up application.
9961             </summary>
9962         </member>
9963         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.DropdownMenu">
9964             <summary>
9965             The window is a dropdown menu, as when an entry in a menubar is clicked.
9966             </summary>
9967         </member>
9968         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.PopupMenu">
9969             <summary>
9970             Like DropdownMenu, but for the menu triggered by right-clicking an object.
9971             </summary>
9972         </member>
9973         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Tooltip">
9974             <summary>
9975             The window is a tooltip. A short piece of explanatory text that typically appear after the mouse cursor hovers over an object for a while.
9976             </summary>
9977         </member>
9978         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Notification">
9979             <summary>
9980             A notification window, like a warning about battery life or a new E-Mail received.
9981             </summary>
9982         </member>
9983         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Combo">
9984             <summary>
9985             A window holding the contents of a combo box.
9986             </summary>
9987         </member>
9988         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.DragAndDrop">
9989             <summary>
9990             Used to indicate the window is a representation of an object being dragged across different windows, or even applications.
9991             </summary>
9992         </member>
9993         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.InlinedImage">
9994             <summary>
9995             The window is rendered onto an image buffer. No actual window is created for this type, instead the window and all of its contents will be rendered to an image buffer.
9996             This allows to have children window inside a parent one just like any other object would be, and do other things like applying Evas_Map effects to it.
9997             </summary>
9998         </member>
9999         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.SocketImage">
10000             <summary>
10001             The window is rendered onto an image buffer and can be shown other process's plug image object.
10002             No actual window is created for this type, instead the window and all of its contents will be rendered to an image buffer and can be shown other process's plug image object.
10003             </summary>
10004         </member>
10005         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WindowType.Fake">
10006             <summary>
10007             This window was created using a pre-existing canvas. The window widget can be deleted, but the canvas must be managed externally.
10008             </summary>
10009         </member>
10010         <member name="T:ElmSharp.Window">
10011             <summary>
10012             The Window is container that contain the graphical user interface of a program.
10013             </summary>
10014         </member>
10015         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.#ctor(System.String)">
10016             <summary>
10017             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Window class.
10018             </summary>
10019             <param name="name">Window name.</param>
10020         </member>
10021         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.#ctor(ElmSharp.Window,System.String)">
10022             <summary>
10023             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Window class.
10024             </summary>
10025             <param name="parent">
10026             Parent widget which this widow created on.
10027             </param>
10028             <param name="name">
10029             Window name.
10030             </param>
10031             <remarks>
10032             Window window indicator,set callback
10033             When closing the window in any way outside the program control,
10034             and set callback when window rotation changed.
10035             </remarks>
10036         </member>
10037         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.#ctor(ElmSharp.Window,System.String,ElmSharp.WindowType)">
10038             <summary>
10039             Creates and initializes a new instance of the Window class.
10040             </summary>
10041             <param name="parent">
10042             Parent widget which this widow created on.
10043             </param>
10044             <param name="name">
10045             Window name.
10046             </param>
10047             <param name="type">
10048             Window type
10049             </param>
10050             <remarks>
10051             Window window indicator,set callback
10052             When closing the window in any way outside the program control,
10053             and set callback when window rotation changed.
10054             </remarks>
10055         </member>
10056         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Window.CloseRequested">
10057             <summary>
10058             CloseRequested will be triggered when Window close.
10059             </summary>
10060         </member>
10061         <member name="E:ElmSharp.Window.RotationChanged">
10062             <summary>
10063             RotationChanged will be triggered when Window do rotation.
10064             </summary>
10065         </member>
10066         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Name">
10067             <summary>
10068             Sets or gets Window name.
10069             </summary>
10070         </member>
10071         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Type">
10072             <summary>
10073             Gets the Window type.
10074             </summary>
10075         </member>
10076         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.ScreenSize">
10077             <summary>
10078             Gets Window size with Size value(w,h)
10079             </summary>
10080         </member>
10081         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.ScreenDpi">
10082             <summary>
10083             Gets the screen dpi for the screen that a Window is on.
10084             </summary>
10085         </member>
10086         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Rotation">
10087             <summary>
10088             Gets the rotation of the Window.The rotation of the window in degrees (0-360).
10089             </summary>
10090         </member>
10091         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.IsRotationSupported">
10092             <summary>
10093             Gets whether window manager supports window rotation or not.
10094             </summary>
10095         </member>
10096         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.AvailableRotations">
10097             <summary>
10098             Sets or gets available rotation degree.
10099             </summary>
10100         </member>
10101         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.AutoDeletion">
10102             <summary>
10103             Sets or gets whether auto deletion function is enable.
10104             </summary>
10105             <remarks>
10106             If you enable auto deletion, the window is automatically destroyed after the signal is emitted.
10107             If auto deletion is disabled, the window is not destroyed and the program has to handle it.
10108             </remarks>
10109         </member>
10110         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Alpha">
10111             <summary>
10112             Sets or gets the alpha channel state of a window.
10113             </summary>
10114             <remarks>
10115             True if the window alpha channel is enabled, false otherwise.
10116             If alpha is true, the alpha channel of the canvas will be enabled possibly making parts of the window completely or partially transparent.
10117             </remarks>
10118         </member>
10119         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Role">
10120             <summary>
10121             Sets or gets the role of the window.
10122             </summary>
10123             <remarks>
10124             The Role will be invalid if a new role is set or if the window is destroyed.
10125             </remarks>
10126         </member>
10127         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.StatusBarMode">
10128             <summary>
10129             Sets or gets the mode of status bar.
10130             </summary>
10131         </member>
10132         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.IndicatorMode">
10133             <summary>
10134             Gets or sets the window's indicator mode.
10135             </summary>
10136             <value>The indicator mode.</value>
10137         </member>
10138         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Aspect">
10139             <summary>
10140             Gets or sets the aspect ratio of a window.
10141             </summary>
10142         </member>
10143         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.AutoHide">
10144             <summary>
10145             Window's autohide state.
10146             </summary>
10147         </member>
10148         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Borderless">
10149             <summary>
10150             Get the borderless state of a window.
10151             This function requests the Window Manager to not draw any decoration around the window.
10152             </summary>
10153         </member>
10154         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.DemandAttention">
10155             <summary>
10156             Gets or sets the demand attention state of a window.
10157             </summary>
10158         </member>
10159         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.FloatingMode">
10160             <summary>
10161             Gets or sets the floating mode of a window.
10162             </summary>
10163         </member>
10164         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.FocusHighlightAnimation">
10165             <summary>
10166             Gets or sets the animate status for the focus highlight for this window.
10167             This function will enable or disable the animation of focus highlight only for the given window, regardless of the global setting for it.
10168             </summary>
10169         </member>
10170         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.FocusHighlightEnabled">
10171             <summary>
10172             Gets or sets the enabled status for the focus highlight in a window.
10173             This function will enable or disable the focus highlight only for the given window, regardless of the global setting for it.
10174             </summary>
10175         </member>
10176         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.FocusHighlightStyle">
10177             <summary>
10178             Gets or sets the style for the focus highlight on this window.
10179             Sets the style to use for theming the highlight of focused objects on the given window.If style is NULL, the default will be used.
10180             </summary>
10181         </member>
10182         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.KeyboardMode">
10183             <summary>
10184             Get the keyboard mode of the window.
10185             </summary>
10186         </member>
10187         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Layer">
10188             <summary>
10189             Gets or sets the layer of the window.
10190             What this means exactly will depend on the underlying engine used.
10191             In the case of X11 backed engines, the value in layer has the following meanings
10192             less than 3 means that the window will be placed below all others,
10193             more than 5 means that the window will be placed above all others,
10194             and anything else means that the window will be placed in the default layer.
10195             </summary>
10196         </member>
10197         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Modal">
10198             <summary>
10199             Gets or sets the modal state of a window.
10200             </summary>
10201         </member>
10202         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.NoBlank">
10203             <summary>
10204             Gets or sets the noblank property of a window.
10205             This is a way to request the display on which the windowis shown does not blank, screensave or otherwise hide or obscure the window.It is intended for uses such as media playback on a television where a user may not want to be interrupted by an idle screen.
10206             The noblank property may have no effect if the window is iconified/minimized or hidden.
10207             </summary>
10208         </member>
10209         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Profile">
10210             <summary>
10211             Get the profile of a window.
10212             </summary>
10213         </member>
10214         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.ScreenConstrain">
10215             <summary>
10216             Get the constraints on the maximum width and height of a window relative to the width and height of its screen.
10217             When this function returns true, obj will never resize larger than the screen.
10218             </summary>
10219         </member>
10220         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.BaseSize">
10221             <summary>
10222             Gets or sets the base size of a window.
10223             </summary>
10224         </member>
10225         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.StepSize">
10226             <summary>
10227             Gets or sets the step size of a window.
10228             </summary>
10229         </member>
10230         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.ScreenPositionX">
10231             <summary>
10232             Get the screen position X of a window.
10233             </summary>
10234         </member>
10235         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.ScreenPositionY">
10236             <summary>
10237             Get the screen position Y of a window.
10238             </summary>
10239         </member>
10240         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Title">
10241             <summary>
10242             Gets or sets the title of the window.
10243             </summary>
10244         </member>
10245         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Urgent">
10246             <summary>
10247             Gets or sets the urgent state of a window.
10248             </summary>
10249         </member>
10250         <member name="P:ElmSharp.Window.Withdrawn">
10251             <summary>
10252             Gets or sets the withdrawn state of a window.
10253             </summary>
10254         </member>
10255         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.CreateServiceSocket(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
10256             <summary>
10257             Create a socket to provide the service for Plug widget.
10258             </summary>
10259             <param name="name">A service name</param>
10260             <param name="number">A number (any value, 0 being the common default) to differentiate multiple instances of services with the same name.</param>
10261             <param name="systemWide">A boolean that if true, specifies to create a system-wide service all users can connect to, otherwise the service is private to the user id that created the service.</param>
10262             <returns>If true, create successfull, otherwise false</returns>
10263         </member>
10264         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.SetRotation(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
10265             <summary>
10266             Set the rotation of the window.
10267             </summary>
10268             <param name="degree">The rotation of the window, in degrees (0-360), counter-clockwise.</param>
10269             <param name="resize">Resizes the window's contents so that they fit inside the current window geometry.</param>
10270         </member>
10271         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.FocusSkip(System.Boolean)">
10272             <summary>
10273             Set the window to be skipped by focus.
10274             This sets the window to be skipped by normal input.
10275             This means a window manager will be asked to not focus this window as well as omit it from things like the taskbar, pager etc.
10276             Call this and enable it on a window BEFORE you show it for the first time, otherwise it may have no effect.
10277             Use this for windows that have only output information or might only be interacted with by the mouse or fingers, and never for typing input.
10278             Be careful that this may have side-effects like making the window non-accessible in some cases unless the window is specially handled. Use this with care.
10279             </summary>
10280         </member>
10281         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.PullUp">
10282             <summary>
10283             Pull up the window object.
10284             Places the window pointed by obj at the top of the stack, so that it's not covered by any other window.
10285             </summary>
10286         </member>
10287         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.BringDown">
10288             <summary>
10289             Bring down the window object.
10290             Places the window pointed by obj at the bottom of the stack, so that no other window is covered by it.
10291             </summary>
10292         </member>
10293         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.Active">
10294             <summary>
10295             This function sends a request to the Windows Manager to activate the Window.
10296             If honored by the WM, the window receives the keyboard focus.
10297             </summary>
10298             <remarks>
10299             This is just a request that a Window Manager may ignore, so calling this function does not ensure
10300             in any way that the window is going to be the active one after it.
10301             </remarks>
10302         </member>
10303         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.DeleteResizeObject(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
10304             <summary>
10305             Delete subobj as a resize object of window obj.
10306             This function removes the object subobj from the resize objects of the window obj.
10307             It will not delete the object itself, which will be left unmanaged and should be deleted by the developer, manually handled or set as child of some other container.
10308             </summary>
10309             <param name="obj">Resize object.</param>
10310         </member>
10311         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.AddResizeObject(ElmSharp.EvasObject)">
10312             <summary>
10313             Adds obj as a resize object of the Window.
10314             </summary>
10315             <remarks>
10316             Setting an object as a resize object of the window means that the obj child's size and
10317             position is controlled by the window directly. That is, the obj is resized to match the window size
10318             and should never be moved or resized manually by the developer.In addition,
10319             resize objects of the window control the minimum size of it as well as whether it can or cannot be resized by the user.
10320             </remarks>
10321             <param name="obj">
10322             Resize object.
10323             </param>
10324         </member>
10325         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.KeyGrabEx(System.String)">
10326             <summary>
10327             Set the keygrab of the window.
10328             </summary>
10329             <param name="keyname">keyname string to set keygrab</param>
10330         </member>
10331         <member name="M:ElmSharp.Window.KeyUngrabEx(System.String)">
10332             <summary>
10333             Unset the keygrab of the window.
10334             </summary>
10335             <param name="keyname">keyname string to unset keygrab</param>
10336         </member>
10337         <member name="T:ElmSharp.WrapType">
10338             <summary>
10339             Enumeration for the wrap type.
10340             </summary>
10341         </member>
10342         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WrapType.None">
10343             <summary>
10344             No wrap.
10345             </summary>
10346         </member>
10347         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WrapType.Char">
10348             <summary>
10349             Char wrap - wrap between characters.
10350             </summary>
10351         </member>
10352         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WrapType.Word">
10353             <summary>
10354             Word wrap - wrap within the allowed wrapping points
10355             (as defined in the unicode standard).
10356             </summary>
10357         </member>
10358         <member name="F:ElmSharp.WrapType.Mixed">
10359             <summary>
10360             Mixed wrap - Word wrap, if that fails, char wrap.
10361             </summary>
10362         </member>
10363         <member name="T:Interop.Elementary.ReturnKeyType">
10364             <summary>
10365             Types of "Enter" keys available for different keyboards layout
10366             </summary>
10367         </member>
10368     </members>
10369 </doc>