Release 4.0.0-preview1-00175
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / Artifacts / bin / platform / Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Interop">
8             <summary>
9             Partial Interop Class
10             </summary>
11             <summary>
12             Partial Interop Class
13             </summary>
14         </member>
15         <member name="T:Interop.Libraries">
16             <summary>
17             Partial Libraries Class
18             </summary>
19         </member>
20         <member name="T:Interop.TtsEngine">
21             <summary>
22             TtsEngine Interop Class
23             </summary>
24         </member>
25         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.OutOfMemory" -->
26         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.IoError" -->
27         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.InvalidParameter" -->
28         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.NetworkDown" -->
29         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.PermissionDenied" -->
30         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.InvalidState" -->
31         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.InvalidVoice" -->
32         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.OperationFailed" -->
33         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.NotSupportedFeature" -->
34         <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Interop.TtsEngine.ErrorCode.NotSupported" -->
35         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.AudioType">
36             <summary>
37             Enumeration for audio type.
38             </summary>
39         </member>
40         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.AudioType.RawS16">
41             <summary>
42             Signed 16-bit audio type
43             </summary>
44         </member>
45         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.AudioType.RawU8">
46             <summary>
47             Unsigned 8-bit audio type
48             </summary>
49         </member>
50         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.AudioType.Max">
51             <summary>
52             Maximum Value
53             </summary>
54         </member>
55         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.ResultEvent">
56             <summary>
57             Enumeration for result.
58             </summary>
59         </member>
60         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.ResultEvent.Fail">
61             <summary>
62             Event when the voice synthesis is failed
63             </summary>
64         </member>
65         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.ResultEvent.Start">
66             <summary>
67             Event when the sound data is first data by callback function
68             </summary>
69         </member>
70         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.ResultEvent.Continue">
71             <summary>
72             Event when the next sound data exist, not first and not last
73             </summary>
74         </member>
75         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.ResultEvent.Finish">
76             <summary>
77             Event when the sound data is last data or sound data is only one result
78             </summary>
79         </member>
80         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.VoiceType">
81             <summary>
82             Enumeration for Voice Type
83             </summary>
84         </member>
85         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.VoiceType.Male">
86             <summary>
87             male voice type.
88             </summary>
89         </member>
90         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.VoiceType.Female">
91             <summary>
92             female voice type.
93             </summary>
94         </member>
95         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.VoiceType.Child">
96             <summary>
97             child's voice type.
98             </summary>
99         </member>
100         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error">
101             <summary>
102             Enum for Error values that can occur
103             </summary>
104         </member>
105         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.None">
106             <summary>
107             Successful, No error
108             </summary>
109         </member>
110         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.OutOfMemory">
111             <summary>
112             Out of Memory
113             </summary>
114         </member>
115         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.IoError">
116             <summary>
117             I/O error
118             </summary>
119         </member>
120         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.InvalidParameter">
121             <summary>
122             Invalid parameter
123             </summary>
124         </member>
125         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.NetworkDown">
126             <summary>
127             Network down(Out of network)
128             </summary>
129         </member>
130         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.InvalidState">
131             <summary>
132             Invalid state
133             </summary>
134         </member>
135         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.InvalidVoice">
136             <summary>
137             Invalid voice
138             </summary>
139         </member>
140         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.OperationFailed">
141             <summary>
142             Operation failed
143             </summary>
144         </member>
145         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.NotSupportedFeature">
146             <summary>
147             Not supported feature of current engine
148             </summary>
149         </member>
150         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.NotSupported">
151             <summary>
152             NOT supported
153             </summary>
154         </member>
155         <member name="F:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error.PermissionDenied">
156             <summary>
157             Permission denied
158             </summary>
159         </member>
160         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine">
161             <summary>
162             This Class represents the Tts Engine which has to be inherited to make the engine.
163             </summary>
164         </member>
165         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.Action`1">
166             <summary>
167             An Action with 2 Input Parameter returning a Error
168             </summary>
169             <typeparam name="T">Generic Type for Parameter 1</typeparam>
170             <param name="a">The Input Parameter 1</param>
171             <param name="b">The Input Parameter 2</param>
172             <returns>Error Value</returns>
173         </member>
174         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.OutAction`1">
175             <summary>
176             An Action with 2 Out Parameter returning a Error
177             </summary>
178             <typeparam name="T">Generic Type for Parameter 1</typeparam>
179             <param name="a">The Input Parameter 1</param>
180             <param name="b">The Input Parameter 2</param>
181             <returns>Error Value</returns>
182         </member>
183         <member name="T:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.SupportedVoice">
184             <summary>
185             Called when TTS engine informs the engine service user about whole supported language and voice type list.
186             This callback function is implemented by the engine service user.Therefore, the engine developer does NOT have to implement this callback function. 
187             </summary>
188             <remarks>
189             This callback function is called by ForEachSupportedVoices() to inform the whole supported voice list. userData must be transferred from ForEachSupportedVoices().
190             </remarks>
191             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code.
192             For example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
193             <param name="type">The voice type</param>
194             <param name="userData">The user data passed from ForEachSupportedVoices()</param>
195             <returns>true to continue with the next iteration of the loop false to break out of the loop</returns>
196             <precondition>ForEachSupportedVoices() will invoke this callback function.</precondition>
197         </member>
198         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.StartSynthesis(System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.String,System.IntPtr)">
199             <summary>
200             Called when the engine service user starts to synthesize a voice, asynchronously.
201             </summary>
202             <remarks>
203             In this callback function, TTS engine must transfer the synthesized result to the engine service user using SendResult().
204             Also, if TTS engine needs the application's credential, it can set the credential granted to the application.
205             </remarks>
206             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code.
207             For example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
208             <param name="type">The voice type</param>
209             <param name="text">Texts</param>
210             <param name="speed">The speed of speaking</param>
211             <param name="appid">The Application ID</param>
212             <param name="credential">The credential granted to the application</param>
213             <param name="userData">The user data which must be passed to SendResult() function</param>
214             <returns>
215             Following Error Codes can be returned
216             1. None
217             2. InvalidState
218             3. InvalidParameter
219             4. InvalidVoice
220             5. OperationFailed
221             6. NetworkDown
222             7. PermissionDenied
223             </returns>
224             <postcondition>This function invokes SendResult()</postcondition>
225         </member>
226         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.GetInformation(System.String@,System.String@,System.String@,System.Boolean@)">
227             <summary>
228             Called when the engine service user requests the basic information of TTS engine.
229             </summary>
230             <remarks>
231             The allocated engineUuid, engineName, and engineSetting will be released internally.
232             In order to upload the engine at Tizen Appstore, both a service app and a ui app are necessary.
233             Therefore, engineSetting must be transferred to the engine service user.
234             </remarks>
235             <param name="engineUuid">UUID of engine</param>
236             <param name="engineName">Name of engine</param>
237             <param name="engineSetting">The engine setting application(ui app)'s app ID</param>
238             <param name="useNetwork">The status for using network</param>
239             <returns>
240             Following Error Codes can be returned
241             1. None
242             2. InvalidState
243             </returns>
244         </member>
245         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.Initialize">
246             <summary>
247             Called when the engine service user initializes TTS engine.
248             </summary>
249             <returns>
250             Following Error Codes can be returned
251             1. None
252             2. InvalidState
253             3. NotSupportedFeature
254             4. PermissionDenied
255             </returns>
256         </member>
257         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.Deinitialize">
258             <summary>
259             Called when the engine service user deinitializes TTS engine.
260             </summary>
261             <remarks>
262             NOTE that the engine may be terminated automatically. When this callback function is invoked, the release of resources is necessary.
263             </remarks>
264             <returns>
265             Following Error Codes can be returned
266             1. None
267             2. InvalidState
268             </returns>
269         </member>
270         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.ForEachSupportedVoices(Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.SupportedVoice,System.IntPtr)">
271             <summary>
272             Called when the engine service user gets the whole supported voice list.
273             </summary>
274             <remarks>
275             In this function, the engine service user's callback function 'SupportedVoice()' is invoked repeatedly for getting all supported voices,
276             and userData must be transferred to 'SupportedVoice()'. If 'SupportedVoice()' returns false, it should be stopped to call 'SupportedVoice()'.</remarks>
277             <param name="callback">The callback function</param>
278             <param name="userData">The user data which must be passed to SupportedVoice()</param>
279             <returns>
280             Following Error Codes can be returned
281             1. None
282             2. OperationFailed
283             </returns>
284             <postcondition>This callback function invokes SupportedVoice() repeatedly for getting all supported voices.</postcondition>
285         </member>
286         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.IsValidVoice(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean@)">
287             <summary>
288             Called when the engine service user checks whether the voice is valid or not in TTS engine.
289             </summary>
290             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code.
291             For example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
292             <param name="type">The voice type</param>
293             <param name="isValid">A variable for checking whether the corresponding voice is valid or not. true to be valid, false to be invalid</param>
294             <returns>
295             Following Error Codes can be returned
296             1. None
297             2. InvalidParameter
298             </returns>
299         </member>
300         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.SetPitch(System.Int32)">
301             <summary>
302             Called when the engine service user sets the default pitch of TTS engine.
303             </summary>
304             <param name="pitch">The default pitch</param>
305             <returns>
306             Following Error Codes can be returned
307             1. None
308             2. InvalidState
309             3. OperationFailed
310             4. InvalidParameter
311             </returns>
312         </member>
313         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.LoadVoice(System.String,System.Int32)">
314             <summary>
315             Called when the engine service user requests to load the corresponding voice type for the first time.
316             </summary>
317             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code.
318             For example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
319             <param name="type">The voice type</param>
320             <returns>
321             Following Error Codes can be returned
322             1. None
323             2. InvalidState
324             3. OperationFailed
325             4. InvalidVoice
326             5. InvalidParameter
327             6. OutOfMemory
328             </returns>
329         </member>
330         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.UnloadVoice(System.String,System.Int32)">
331             <summary>
332             Called when the engine service user requests to unload the corresponding voice type or to stop using voice.
333             </summary>
334             <param name="language">The language is specified as an ISO 3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code followed by ISO 639-1 for the two-letter language code.
335             For example, "ko_KR" for Korean, "en_US" for American English</param>
336             <param name="type">The voice type</param>
337             <returns>
338             Following Error Codes can be returned
339             1. None
340             2. InvalidState
341             3. OperationFailed
342             4. InvalidVoice
343             5. InvalidParameter
344             </returns>
345         </member>
346         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.CheckAppAgreed(System.String,System.Boolean@)">
347             <summary>
348             Called when the engine service user requests for TTS engine to check whether the application agreed the usage of TTS engine.
349             This callback function is called when the engine service user requests for TTS engine to check the application's agreement about using the engine.
350             According to the need, the engine developer can provide some user interfaces to check the agreement.
351             </summary>
352             <remarks>
353             If the TTS engine developer wants not to check the agreement, the developer has need to return proper values as isAgreed in accordance with the intention.
354             true if the developer regards that every application agreed the usage of the engine, false if the developer regards that every application disagreed.
355             NOTE that, however, there may be any legal issue unless the developer checks the agreement.
356             Therefore, we suggest that the engine developers should provide a function to check the agreement.
357             </remarks>
358             <param name="appid">The Application ID</param>
359             <param name="isAgreed">A variable for checking whether the application agreed to use TTS engine or not. true to agree, false to disagree</param>
360             <returns>
361             Following Error Codes can be returned
362             1. None
363             2. InvalidState
364             3. NotSupportedFeature
365             4. InvalidParameter
366             </returns>
367         </member>
368         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.NeedAppCredential">
369             <summary>
370             Called when the engine service user checks whether TTS engine needs the application's credential.
371             </summary>
372             <returns>    true if TTS engine needs the application's credential, otherwise false </returns>
373         </member>
374         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.CancelSynthesis">
375             <summary>
376             Called when the engine service user cancels to synthesize a voice.
377             </summary>
378             <returns>
379             Following Error Codes can be returned
380             1. None
381             2. InvalidState
382             </returns>
383             <precondition>
384             StartSynthesis should be performed
385             </precondition>
386         </member>
387         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.#ctor">
388             <summary>
389             Public Constructor
390             </summary>
391             <feature>
393             </feature>
394         </member>
395         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.EngineMain(System.Int32,System.String[])">
396             <summary>
397             Main function for Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine.
398             This function is the main function for operating TTS engine.
399             </summary>
400             <feature>
402             </feature>
403             <remarks>
404             ServiceAppMain should be used for working the engine after this function.
405             </remarks>
406             <param name="argc">The argument count(original)</param>
407             <param name="argv">The argument(original)</param>
408             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
409             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
410             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
411         </member>
412         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.GetSpeedRange(System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
413             <summary>
414             Gets the speed range from Tizen platform
415             </summary>
416             <feature>
418             </feature>
419             <remarks>
420             This API is used when TTS engine wants to get the speed range from Tizen platform
421             </remarks>
422             <param name="min">The minimum speed value</param>
423             <param name="normal">The normal speed value</param>
424             <param name="max">The maximum speed value</param>
425             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
426             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
427         </member>
428         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.GetPitchRange(System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
429             <summary>
430             Gets the pitch range from Tizen platform.
431             </summary>
432             <feature>
434             </feature>
435             <remarks>
436             This API is used when TTS engine wants to get the pitch range from Tizen platform.
437             </remarks>
438             <param name="min">The minimum pitch value</param>
439             <param name="normal">The normal pitch value</param>
440             <param name="max">The maximum pitch value</param>
441             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
442             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
443         </member>
444         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.SendResult(Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.ResultEvent,System.IntPtr,System.Int32,Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.AudioType,System.Int32)">
445             <summary>
446             Sends the synthesized result to the engine service user.
447             </summary>
448             <feature>
450             </feature>
451             <remarks>
452             This API is used in StartSynthesis(), when TTS engine sends the synthesized result to the engine service user.
453             The synthesized result must be transferred to the engine service user through this function.
454             </remarks>
455             <param name="resultEvent">The result event</param>
456             <param name="data">Result data</param>
457             <param name="dataSize">Result data size</param>
458             <param name="audioType">The audio type</param>
459             <param name="rate">The sample rate</param>
460             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
461             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
462             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
463             <precondition>
464             EngineMain function should be invoked before this function is called. StartSynthesis() will invoke this function.
465             </precondition>
466         </member>
467         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.SendError(Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Error,System.String)">
468             <summary>
469             Sends the error to the engine service user.
470             </summary>
471             <feature>
473             </feature>
474             <param name="error">The error reason</param>
475             <param name="msg">The error message</param>
476             <precondition>
477             EngineMain function should be invoked before this function is called.
478             </precondition>
479         </member>
480         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.SetPrivateDataSetDelegate(Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.Action{System.String})">
481             <summary>
482             Sets a callback function for setting the private data.
483             </summary>
484             <feature>
486             </feature>
487             <param name="callback">
488             Called when the engine service user gets the private data from Tts engine.
489             In Parameters:
490             a = Key -- The key field of private data
491             b = data -- The data field of private data
492             Following Error Codes can be returned
493             1. None
494             2. InvalidParameter
495             3. OperationFailed
496             4. NotSupported
497             </param>
498             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
499             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
500             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
501             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
502             <precondition>
503             Main function should be invoked before this function is called.
504             </precondition>
505         </member>
506         <member name="M:Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.SetPrivateDataRequestedDelegate(Tizen.Uix.TtsEngine.Engine.OutAction{System.String})">
507             <summary>
508             Sets a callback function for setting the private data.
509             </summary>
510             <feature>
512             </feature>
513             <param name="callback">callback function
514             Called when TTS engine receives the private data from the engine service user.
515             This callback function is called when the engine service user sends the private data to TTS engine.
516             Out Parameters:
517             a = Key -- The key field of private data
518             b = data -- The data field of private data
519             Following Error Codes can be returned
520             1. None
521             2. InvalidParameter
522             3. OperationFailed
523             4. NotSupported
524             </param>
525             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of Invalid Parameter</exception>
526             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown in case of Permission denied</exception>
527             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown in case of Not supported</exception>
528             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">thrown in case of Operation failure</exception>
529             <precondition>
530             Main function should be invoked before this function is called.
531             </precondition>
532         </member>
533     </members>
534 </doc>