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[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / Artifacts / bin / Tizen.Context.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Tizen.Context</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.AppStatistics">
8             <summary>
9             Base class for application statistics.
10             </summary>
11         </member>
12         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.AppStatisticsData">
13             <summary>
14             Base class which contains application statistics query result.
15             </summary>
16         </member>
17         <member name="P:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.AppStatisticsData.AppId">
18             <summary>
19             Gets the application id.
20             </summary>
21             <value>The application id.</value>
22         </member>
23         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics">
24             <summary>
25             This class provides APIs to query battery consumption per application.
26             </summary>
27         </member>
28         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.#ctor">
29             <summary>
30              The default constructor of BatteryStatistics class.
31             </summary>
32             <feature></feature>
33             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when method fail due to internal error.</exception>
34             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the statistics is not supported.</exception>
35         </member>
36         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.#ctor(Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.SortOrderType)">
37             <summary>
38             The constructor of BatteryStatistics class.
39             </summary>
40             <param name="order">The criteria of the battery statistics sorted by.</param>
41             <feature></feature>
42             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an invalid argument is used.</exception>
43             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when method fail due to internal error.</exception>
44             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the statistics is not supported.</exception>
45         </member>
46         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.Query(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
47             <summary>
48             Retrieves a given type of battery statistics.
49             </summary>
50             <param name="startTime">The start time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
51             <param name="endTime">The end time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
52             <returns>Battery statistics data retrieved.</returns>
53             <privilege></privilege>
54             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an invalid argument is used.</exception>
55             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when invalid operation occurs.</exception>
56             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when the app has no privilege to retrieve app history.</exception>
57         </member>
58         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.Query(System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.UInt32)">
59             <summary>
60             Retrieves a given type of battery statistics.
61             </summary>
62             <param name="startTime">The start time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
63             <param name="endTime">The end time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
64             <param name="resultSize">The number of data records to be retrieved.</param>
65             <returns>Battery statistics data retrieved.</returns>
66             <privilege></privilege>
67             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an invalid argument is used.</exception>
68             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when invalid operation occurs.</exception>
69             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when the app has no privilege to retrieve app history.</exception>
70         </member>
71         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.GetLastFullyChargedTime">
72             <summary>
73             Gets the last time when the device was fully charged.
74             </summary>
75             <returns>The last time when the device was fully charged.</returns>
76             <feature></feature>
77             <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Thrown when the statistics is not supported.</exception>
78         </member>
79         <member name="P:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.SortOrder">
80             <summary>
81             Gets the criteria of battery statistics sorted by.
82             </summary>
83             <value>The criteria of battery statistics sorted by.</value>
84         </member>
85         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.SortOrderType">
86             <summary>
87             Sort order type of battery statistics.
88             </summary>
89         </member>
90         <member name="F:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatistics.SortOrderType.ConsumptionMost">
91             <summary>
92             Sorts apps by consumption, the most battery consuming apps appear first. (Default)
93             </summary>
94         </member>
95         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatisticsData">
96             <summary>
97             The class contains battery statistics information retrieved by BatteryStatistics.
98             </summary>
99         </member>
100         <member name="P:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.BatteryStatisticsData.Consumption">
101             <summary>
102             Gets how many percentage of battery capacity was used by the application.
103             </summary>
104             <value>Battery consumption used by the application.</value>
105         </member>
106         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics">
107             <summary>
108             This class provides APIs to query application launch history.
109             </summary>
110         </member>
111         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.#ctor">
112             <summary>
113             The default constructor of UsageStatistics class.
114             </summary>
115             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when method fail due to internal error.</exception>
116         </member>
117         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.#ctor(Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.SortOrderType)">
118             <summary>
119             The constructor of UsageStatistics class.
120             </summary>
121             <param name="order">The criteria of the usage statistics sorted by.</param>
122             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an invalid argument is used.</exception>
123             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when method fail due to internal error.</exception>
124         </member>
125         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.Query(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
126             <summary>
127             Retrieves a given type of usage statistics.
128             </summary>
129             <param name="startTime">The start time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
130             <param name="endTime">The end time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
131             <returns>Usage statistics data retrieved.</returns>
132             <privilege></privilege>
133             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an invalid argument is used.</exception>
134             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when invalid operation occurs.</exception>
135             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when the app has no privilege to retrieve app history.</exception>
136         </member>
137         <member name="M:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.Query(System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.UInt32)">
138             <summary>
139             Retrieves a given type of usage statistics.
140             </summary>
141             <param name="startTime">The start time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
142             <param name="endTime">The end time of the data to be aggregated.</param>
143             <param name="resultSize">The number of data records to be retrieved.</param>
144             <returns>Usage statistics data retrieved.</returns>
145             <privilege></privilege>
146             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an invalid argument is used.</exception>
147             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when invalid operation occurs.</exception>
148             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">Thrown when the app has no privilege to retrieve app history.</exception>
149         </member>
150         <member name="P:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.SortOrder">
151             <summary>
152             Gets the criteria of usage statistics sorted by.
153             </summary>
154             <value>The criteria of usage statistics sorted by.</value>
155         </member>
156         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.SortOrderType">
157             <summary>
158             Sort order type of usage statistics
159             </summary>
160         </member>
161         <member name="F:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.SortOrderType.LastLaunchTimeNewest">
162             <summary>
163             Sorts apps by the last launch time, the most recently launched apps appear first. (Default)
164             </summary>
165         </member>
166         <member name="F:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatistics.SortOrderType.LaunchCountMost">
167             <summary>
168             Sorts apps by the launch count of being launched, the most frequently launched apps appear first.
169             </summary>
170         </member>
171         <member name="T:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatisticsData">
172             <summary>
173             The class contains application usage statistics information retrieved by UsageStatistics.
174             </summary>
175         </member>
176         <member name="P:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatisticsData.Duration">
177             <summary>
178              Gets the time which the application is being displayed in the foreground in seconds.
179             </summary>
180             <value>Duration which the application is used in the foreground in seconds.</value>
181         </member>
182         <member name="P:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatisticsData.LaunchCount">
183             <summary>
184              Gets how many times the application is used in the foreground.
185             </summary>
186             <value>How many times the application is used in the foreground.</value>
187         </member>
188         <member name="P:Tizen.Context.AppHistory.UsageStatisticsData.LastLaunchTime">
189             <summary>
190             Gets the last time when the application has been used.
191             </summary>
192             <value>The last time when the application has been used.</value>
193         </member>
194     </members>
195 </doc>