Release 4.0.0-preview1-00138
[platform/core/csapi/tizenfx.git] / Artifacts / bin / Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3     <assembly>
4         <name>Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener</name>
5     </assembly>
6     <members>
7         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDeleteEventArgs">
8             <summary>
9             This class provides the property to get information about the deleted notification.
10             </summary>
11         </member>
12         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDeleteEventArgs.UniqueNumber">
13             <summary>
14             Gets the unique number of the notification.
15             </summary>
16         </member>
17         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs">
18             <summary>
19             This class provides the methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
20             </summary>
21             <summary>
22             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
23             </summary>
24             <summary>
25             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
26             </summary>
27             <summary>
28             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
29             </summary>
30             <summary>
31             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
32             </summary>
33             <summary>
34             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
35             </summary>
36             <summary>
37             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
38             </summary>
39             <summary>
40             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
41             </summary>
42             <summary>
43             This class provides methods and properties to get information about the posted or updated notification.
44             </summary>
45         </member>
46         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.#ctor">
47             <summary>
48             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs"/> class.
49             </summary>
50         </member>
51         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.UniqueNumber">
52             <summary>
53             Gets the unique ID of the notification.
54             </summary>
55         </member>
56         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AppID">
57             <summary>
58             Gets the appId of the notification.
59             </summary>
60         </member>
61         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Title">
62             <summary>
63             Gets the title of the notification.
64             </summary>
65         </member>
66         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Content">
67             <summary>
68             Gets the content text of the notification.
69             </summary>
70         </member>
71         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Icon">
72             <summary>
73             Gets the icon's path of the notification.
74             </summary>
75         </member>
76         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.SubIcon">
77             <summary>
78             Gets the sub icon path of the notification.
79             </summary>
80         </member>
81         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.IsTimeStampVisible">
82             <summary>
83             Gets the timestamp if the notification is visible or not.
84             </summary>
85         </member>
86         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.TimeStamp">
87             <summary>
88             Gets TimeStamp of notification.
89             </summary>
90             <remarks>
91             If IsTimeStampVisible property is set false, this TimeStamp property is meaningless.
92             </remarks>
93         </member>
94         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Count">
95             <summary>
96             Gets the count, which is displayed at the right side of notification.
97             </summary>
98         </member>
99         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Tag">
100             <summary>
101             Gets the tag of notification.
102             </summary>
103         </member>
104         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.IsVisible">
105             <summary>
106             Gets a value that determines whether notification is displayed on the default viewer.
107             If IsDisplay property is set as false and add style, you can see only style notification.
108             </summary>
109         </member>
110         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Action">
111             <summary>
112             Gets the AppControl, which is invoked when notification is clicked.
113             </summary>
114         </member>
115         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Progress">
116             <summary>
117             Gets the object of the progress notification.
118             </summary>
119         </member>
120         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Accessory">
121             <summary>
122             Gets the AccessoryArgs, which has option of sound, vibration, and LED.
123             </summary>
124         </member>
125         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ExtraDataKey">
126             <summary>
127             Gets the key for extra data.
128             </summary>
129         </member>
130         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.Property">
131             <summary>
132             Gets the property.
133             </summary>
134         </member>
135         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.GetStyle``1">
136             <summary>
137             Gets the styleArgs of active, lock, indicator, and bigpicture.
138             </summary>
139             <typeparam name="T">Type of notification style to be queried.</typeparam>
140             <returns>The NotificationEventListener.StyleArgs object associated with the given style.</returns>
141             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an argument is invalid.</exception>
142         </member>
143         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.GetExtraData(System.String)">
144             <summary>
145             Gets the ExtraDataArgs.
146             </summary>
147             <param name="key">The key that specifies which extra data.</param>
148             <returns>Returns the bundle for key.</returns>
149         </member>
150         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs">
151             <summary>
152             Class to get infomation about notification accessory.
153             </summary>
154         </member>
155         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs.SoundOption">
156             <summary>
157             Gets the sound option.
158             </summary>
159         </member>
160         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs.SoundPath">
161             <summary>
162             Gets the sound path.
163             </summary>
164         </member>
165         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs.CanVibrate">
166             <summary>
167             Gets the vibration option.
168             </summary>
169         </member>
170         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs.LedOption">
171             <summary>
172             Gets the LED option.
173             </summary>
174         </member>
175         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs.LedOnMillisecond">
176             <summary>
177             Gets LED on time period that you would like the LED on the device to blink as well as the rate.
178             </summary>
179             <value>
180             Default value of LedOnMilliseconds is 0.
181             The rate is specified in terms of the number of milliseconds to be on.
182             </value>
183         </member>
184         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs.LedOffMillisecond">
185             <summary>
186             Gets LED on time period that you would like the LED on the device to blink as well as the rate.
187             </summary>
188             <value>
189             Default value of LedOffMillisecond is 0.
190             The rate is specified in terms of the number of millisecond to be off.
191             </value>
192         </member>
193         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.AccessoryArgs.LedColor">
194             <summary>
195             Gets LED color that you would like the LED on the device to blink.
196             </summary>
197         </member>
198         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs">
199             <summary>
200             Class to get infomation about notification active style.
201             </summary>
202         </member>
203         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.#ctor">
204             <summary>
205             Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs"/> class.
206             </summary>
207         </member>
208         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.IsAutoRemove">
209             <summary>
210             Gets the IsAutoRemove option of the active notification.
211             IsAutoRemove option lets the active notification be removed several seconds after it shows.
212             </summary>
213             <value>
214             When 'IsAutoRemove' is set as false, the active notification will not be removed as long as the user removes
215             the active notification, or the app which posted the active notification removes the active notification.
216             </value>
217         </member>
218         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.BackgroundImage">
219             <summary>
220             Gets an absolute path for an image file to display on the background of active notification.
221             </summary>
222         </member>
223         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.DefaultButton">
224             <summary>
225             Gets the default button to display highlight on the active notification.
226             </summary>
227         </member>
228         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.HideTimeout">
229             <summary>
230             Gets timeout value in seconds when the notification can be hidden from the viewer.
231             </summary>
232         </member>
233         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.DeleteTimeout">
234             <summary>
235             Gets timeout value in seconds when the notification can be deleted from the viewer.
236             </summary>
237         </member>
238         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.HiddenByUserAction">
239             <summary>
240             Gets Action which is invoked when notification is hidden by user.
241             </summary>
242             <remarks>
243             The property is only reflected on Tizen TV.
244             If you use this API on other profile, this action have no effect
245             </remarks>
246         </member>
247         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.HiddenByTimeoutAction">
248             <summary>
249             Gets or sets Action which is invoked when there is no any response by user until hide timeout.
250             </summary>
251             <remarks>
252             The property is only reflected on Tizen TV.
253             If you use this API on other profile, this action settings have no effect
254             </remarks>
255         </member>
256         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.HiddenByExternalAction">
257             <summary>
258             Gets or sets Action which is invoked when the notification is hidden by external factor.
259             </summary>
260             <remarks>
261             If you use this API on other profile, this action settings have no effect
262             </remarks>
263         </member>
264         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.Button">
265             <summary>
266             Gets a button to this active notification style.
267             Buttons are displayed in the notification content.
268             </summary>
269         </member>
270         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ActiveStyleArgs.Reply">
271             <summary>
272             Gets a ReplyAction to this active notification style.
273             </summary>
274         </member>
275         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ButtonActionArgs">
276             <summary>
277              Class to get infomation about notification ButtonAction.
278             </summary>
279         </member>
280         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ButtonActionArgs.Index">
281             <summary>
282             Gets the index of the button, which appears at notification.
283             </summary>
284         </member>
285         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ButtonActionArgs.Text">
286             <summary>
287             Gets the text that describes the button.
288             </summary>
289         </member>
290         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ButtonActionArgs.ImagePath">
291             <summary>
292             Gets the image's path that represents the button.
293             </summary>
294         </member>
295         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ButtonActionArgs.Action">
296             <summary>
297             Gets the AppControl that is invoked when the button is clicked.
298             </summary>
299         </member>
300         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.IndicatorStyleArgs">
301             <summary>
302              Class to generate the indicator style notification.
303             </summary>
304         </member>
305         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.IndicatorStyleArgs.IconPath">
306             <summary>
307             Gets the path of the image file to display on the icon of indicator style.
308             </summary>
309         </member>
310         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.IndicatorStyleArgs.SubText">
311             <summary>
312             Gets the sub text to display indicator style.
313             </summary>
314         </member>
315         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.LockStyleArgs">
316             <summary>
317              Class to get infomation about notification lock style.
318             </summary>
319         </member>
320         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.LockStyleArgs.IconPath">
321             <summary>
322             Gets the path of the image file to display on the icon of lock style.
323             </summary>
324         </member>
325         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.LockStyleArgs.Thumbnail">
326             <summary>
327             Gets the path of the thumbnail image file to display on the icon of lock style.
328             </summary>
329         </member>
330         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ProgressArgs">
331             <summary>
332              Class to get infomation about progress notification.
333             </summary>
334         </member>
335         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ProgressArgs.Category">
336             <summary>
337             Gets category of ProgressType.
338             </summary>
339         </member>
340         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ProgressArgs.Current">
341             <summary>
342             Gets current value of ProgressType.
343             </summary>
344         </member>
345         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ProgressArgs.Max">
346             <summary>
347             Gets max value of ProgressType.
348             </summary>
349         </member>
350         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ReplyActionArgs">
351             <summary>
352              Class to get infomation about notification ReplyAction.
353             </summary>
354         </member>
355         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ReplyActionArgs.ParentIndex">
356             <summary>
357             Gets index of button, which appears at notification.
358             If there is no ParentIndex, the ReplyAction should be displayed directly on the active notification.
359             </summary>
360         </member>
361         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ReplyActionArgs.PlaceHolderText">
362             <summary>
363             Gets the PlaceHolderText of ReplyAction, which appears at notification.
364             It will be displayed to the text input box on the active notification.
365             </summary>
366         </member>
367         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ReplyActionArgs.ReplyMax">
368             <summary>
369             Gets a max length of text input.
370             </summary>
371         </member>
372         <member name="P:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationEventArgs.ReplyActionArgs.Button">
373             <summary>
374             Gets the button displayed in the replyaction.
375             </summary>
376         </member>
377         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ProgressCategory">
378             <summary>
379             Enumeration for the progress category.
380             </summary>
381         </member>
382         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ProgressCategory.Percent">
383             <summary>
384             Value for the percent type.
385             </summary>
386         </member>
387         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ProgressCategory.Time">
388             <summary>
389             Value for the time type.
390             </summary>
391         </member>
392         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ProgressCategory.PendingBar">
393             <summary>
394             Value for the pending type, which is not the updated progress current value.
395             </summary>
396         </member>
397         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.AccessoryOption">
398             <summary>
399             Enumeration for the accessory option.
400             </summary>
401         </member>
402         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.AccessoryOption.Off">
403             <summary>
404             Value for off accessory option.
405             </summary>
406         </member>
407         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.AccessoryOption.On">
408             <summary>
409             Value for on accessory option.
410             </summary>
411         </member>
412         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.AccessoryOption.Custom">
413             <summary>
414             Value for the custom accessory option.
415             </summary>
416         </member>
417         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ButtonIndex">
418             <summary>
419             Enumeration for the button index.
420             </summary>
421         </member>
422         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ButtonIndex.None">
423             <summary>
424             Value for the default button index.
425             </summary>
426         </member>
427         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ButtonIndex.First">
428             <summary>
429             Value for the first button index.
430             </summary>
431         </member>
432         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ButtonIndex.Second">
433             <summary>
434             Value for the second button index.
435             </summary>
436         </member>
437         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ButtonIndex.Third">
438             <summary>
439             Value for the third button index.
440             </summary>
441         </member>
442         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationProperty">
443             <summary>
444             Enumeration for the notification particular property.
445             </summary>
446         </member>
447         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationProperty.None">
448             <summary>
449             Value for the adjust nothing.
450             </summary>
451         </member>
452         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationProperty.DisplayOnlySimMode">
453             <summary>
454             Value for display only when SIM card inserted.
455             </summary>
456         </member>
457         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationProperty.DisableAppLaunch">
458             <summary>
459             Value for disable application launch when it is selected.
460             </summary>
461         </member>
462         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationProperty.DisableAutoDelete">
463             <summary>
464             Value for disable auto delete when it is selected.
465             </summary>
466         </member>
467         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationProperty.VolatileDisplay">
468             <summary>
469             Value for deleted when device is rebooted even though notification is not set OngoingType.
470             </summary>
471         </member>
472         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType">
473             <summary>
474             Enumeration for event type on notification.
475             </summary>
476         </member>
477         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.ClickOnButton1">
478             <summary>
479             Event type : Click on button 1.
480             </summary>
481         </member>
482         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.ClickOnButton2">
483             <summary>
484             Event type : Click on button 2.
485             </summary>
486         </member>
487         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.ClickOnButton3">
488             <summary>
489             Event type : Click on button 3.
490             </summary>
491         </member>
492         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.ClickOnReplyButton">
493             <summary>
494             Event type : Click on text_input button.
495             </summary>
496         </member>
497         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.HiddenByUser">
498             <summary>
499             Event type : Hidden by user.
500             </summary>
501         </member>
502         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.HiddenByTimeout">
503             <summary>
504             Event type : Deleted by timer.
505             </summary>
506         </member>
507         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.HiddenByExternal">
508             <summary>
509             Event type : Deleted by timer.
510             </summary>
511         </member>
512         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.ClickOnNotification">
513             <summary>
514             Event type : Clicked by user.
515             </summary>
516         </member>
517         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.UserEventType.DeleteNotification">
518             <summary>
519             Event type : Deleted by user.
520             </summary>
521         </member>
522         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationType">
523             <summary>
524             Enumeration for notification type.
525             </summary>
526         </member>
527         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationType.Notification">
528             <summary>
529             Notification type.
530             </summary>
531         </member>
532         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationType.Ongoing">
533             <summary>
534             Ongoing type.
535             </summary>
536         </member>
537         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText">
538             <summary>
539             Enumeration for notification text type.
540             </summary>
541         </member>
542         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.Title">
543             <summary>
544             Title.
545             </summary>
546         </member>
547         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.Content">
548             <summary>
549             Content.
550             </summary>
551         </member>
552         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.EventCount">
553             <summary>
554             Text to display the event count.
555             </summary>
556         </member>
557         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.FirstMainText">
558             <summary>
559             Box contents 1.
560             </summary>
561         </member>
562         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.FirstSubText">
563             <summary>
564             Box contents 1-1.
565             </summary>
566         </member>
567         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.SecondMainText">
568             <summary>
569             Box contents 2.
570             </summary>
571         </member>
572         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.SecondSubText">
573             <summary>
574             Box contents 2-1.
575             </summary>
576         </member>
577         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.FirstButton">
578             <summary>
579             Text on button 1.
580             </summary>
581         </member>
582         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.SecondButton">
583             <summary>
584             Text on button 2.
585             </summary>
586         </member>
587         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.ThirdButton">
588             <summary>
589             Text on button 3.
590             </summary>
591         </member>
592         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.PlaceHolder">
593             <summary>
594             Guide text on the message reply box.
595             </summary>
596         </member>
597         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationText.InputButton">
598             <summary>
599             Text on button on the message reply box.
600             </summary>
601         </member>
602         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage">
603             <summary>
604             Enumeration for the image type.
605             </summary>
606         </member>
607         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Icon">
608             <summary>
609             Icon.
610             </summary>
611         </member>
612         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Indicator">
613             <summary>
614             Indicator icon.
615             </summary>
616         </member>
617         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Lockscreen">
618             <summary>
619              Lock screen icon.
620             </summary>
621         </member>
622         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Thumbnail">
623             <summary>
624             Thumbnail.
625             </summary>
626         </member>
627         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.ThumbnailLockscreen">
628             <summary>
629             Lock screen thumbnail.
630             </summary>
631         </member>
632         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.SubIcon">
633             <summary>
634             Icon.
635             </summary>
636         </member>
637         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Background">
638             <summary>
639             Image displayed on background.
640             </summary>
641         </member>
642         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Button_1">
643             <summary>
644             Image for button 1.
645             </summary>
646         </member>
647         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Button_2">
648             <summary>
649             Image for button 2.
650             </summary>
651         </member>
652         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.Button_3">
653             <summary>
654             Image for button 3.
655             </summary>
656         </member>
657         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationImage.TextInputButton">
658             <summary>
659             Image for message reply.
660             </summary>
661         </member>
662         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationLayout">
663             <summary>
664             Enumeration for notification layout type.
665             </summary>
666         </member>
667         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationLayout.None">
668             <summary>
669             Default.
670             </summary>
671         </member>
672         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationLayout.SingleEvent">
673             <summary>
674             Layout for notification. Used to inform single event.
675             </summary>
676         </member>
677         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationLayout.Thumbnail">
678             <summary>
679             Layout for notification. Used to display images.
680             </summary>
681         </member>
682         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationLayout.OngoingEvent">
683             <summary>
684             Layout for ongoing notification. Used to display text message.
685             </summary>
686         </member>
687         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationLayout.OngoingProgress">
688             <summary>
689             Layout for ongoing notification. Used to display progress.
690             </summary>
691         </member>
692         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.LaunchOption">
693             <summary>
694             Enumeration for notification launch option type.
695             </summary>
696         </member>
697         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.LaunchOption.AppControl">
698             <summary>
699             Launching with application control.
700             </summary>
701         </member>
702         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationDataType">
703             <summary>
704             Enumeration for notification operation data code.
705             </summary>
706         </member>
707         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationDataType.Min">
708             <summary>
709             Default.
710             </summary>
711         </member>
712         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationDataType.Type">
713             <summary>
714             Operation type.
715             </summary>
716         </member>
717         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationDataType.UniqueNumber">
718             <summary>
719             Private ID.
720             </summary>
721         </member>
722         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationDataType.Notification">
723             <summary>
724             Notification handler.
725             </summary>
726         </member>
727         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationDataType.ExtraInformation1">
728             <summary>
729             Reserved.
730             </summary>
731         </member>
732         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationDataType.ExtraInformation2">
733             <summary>
734             Reserved.
735             </summary>
736         </member>
737         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationType">
738             <summary>
739             Enumeration for notification operation code.
740             </summary>
741         </member>
742         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationType.None">
743             <summary>
744             Default.
745             </summary>
746         </member>
747         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationType.Insert">
748             <summary>
749             Notification inserted.
750             </summary>
751         </member>
752         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationType.Update">
753             <summary>
754             Notification updated.
755             </summary>
756         </member>
757         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationOperationType.Delete">
758             <summary>
759             Notification deleted.
760             </summary>
761         </member>
762         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ClickEventType">
763             <summary>
764             Enumeration for event type on notification.
765             </summary>
766         </member>
767         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ClickEventType.FirstButton">
768             <summary>
769             Event type : Click on button 1.
770             </summary>
771         </member>
772         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ClickEventType.SecondButton">
773             <summary>
774             Event type : Click on button 2.
775             </summary>
776         </member>
777         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ClickEventType.ThirdButton">
778             <summary>
779             Event type : Click on button 3.
780             </summary>
781         </member>
782         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ClickEventType.Icon">
783             <summary>
784             Event type : Click on icon.
785             </summary>
786         </member>
787         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ClickEventType.Thumbnail">
788             <summary>
789             Event type : Click on thumbnail.
790             </summary>
791         </member>
792         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.ClickEventType.InputButton">
793             <summary>
794             Event type : Click on text_input button.
795             </summary>
796         </member>
797         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDisplayApplist">
798             <summary>
799             Enumeration for display application list.
800             </summary>
801         </member>
802         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDisplayApplist.Tray">
803             <summary>
804             Notification Tray(Quickpanel).
805             </summary>
806         </member>
807         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDisplayApplist.Ticker">
808             <summary>
809             Ticker notification.
810             </summary>
811         </member>
812         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDisplayApplist.Lock">
813             <summary>
814             Lock screen.
815             </summary>
816         </member>
817         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDisplayApplist.Indicator">
818             <summary>
819             Indicator.
820             </summary>
821         </member>
822         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDisplayApplist.Active">
823             <summary>
824             Active notification.
825             </summary>
826         </member>
827         <member name="F:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationDisplayApplist.All">
828             <summary>
829             All display application except active notification.
830             </summary>
831         </member>
832         <member name="T:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationListenerManager">
833             <summary>
834             This class provides a way to register callback function for some notification events.
835             </summary>
836             <remarks>
837             The event listener can use this class to get a list of notifications or to clear notifications.
838             </remarks>
839         </member>
840         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationListenerManager.Added">
841             <summary>
842             Event handler for notification insert event.
843             </summary>
844             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of an invalid parameter.</exception>
845             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException"> Thrown in case of a permission is denied.</exception>
846             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown in case of any internal error.</exception>
847             <privilege></privilege>
848         </member>
849         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationListenerManager.Updated">
850             <summary>
851             Event handler for notification update event.
852             </summary>
853             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of an invalid parameter.</exception>
854             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException"> Thrown in case of a permission is denied.</exception>
855             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown in case of any internal error.</exception>
856             <privilege></privilege>
857         </member>
858         <member name="E:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationListenerManager.Deleted">
859             <summary>
860             Event handler for notification delete event.
861             </summary>
862             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of an invalid parameter.</exception>
863             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException"> Thrown in case of a permission is denied.</exception>
864             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown in case of any internal error.</exception>
865             <privilege></privilege>
866         </member>
867         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationListenerManager.Delete(System.String,System.Int32)">
868             <summary>
869             Deletes a notification with appId and uniqueNumber.
870             </summary>
871             <param name="appId">The name of the application you want to delete.</param>
872             <param name="uniqueNumber">The unique number of the notification.</param>
873             <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Thrown in case of an invalid parameter.</exception>
874             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException"> Thrown in case of a permission is denied.</exception>
875             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown in case of any internal error.</exception>
876             <privilege></privilege>
877         </member>
878         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationListenerManager.DeleteAll">
879             <summary>
880             Deletes all notifications.
881             </summary>
882             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException"> Thrown in case of a permission is denied.</exception>
883             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown in case of any internal error.</exception>
884             <privilege></privilege>
885         </member>
886         <member name="M:Tizen.Applications.NotificationEventListener.NotificationListenerManager.GetList">
887             <summary>
888             Returns the notification list.
889             </summary>
890             <exception cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException"> Thrown in case of a permission is denied.</exception>
891             <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown in case of any internal error.</exception>
892             <privilege></privilege>
893         </member>
894     </members>
895 </doc>