updated readme file due to moving CMake scripts to the root folder
[platform/upstream/dldt.git] / .pylintdict
1 attrs
2 arg
3 args
4 bfs
5 bool
6 caffe
7 caffemodel
8 ceil
9 chw
10 cli
11 cls
12 co-location
13 concat
14 config
15 const
16 conv
17 dfs
18 dict
19 dsu
20 eltwise
21 enum
22 env
23 eq
24 fallback
25 fc
26 fcn
27 fw
28 hardcoded
29 http
30 https
31 hwc
32 indices
33 inplace
34 inv
35 io
36 len
37 lrn
38 mul
39 n-ary
40 networkx
41 ndarray
42 nx
43 np
44 numpy
45 org
46 oi
47 params
48 pb
49 pbs
50 priorbox
51 priorboxes
52 proto
53 protobuf
54 protobufs
55 prototxt
56 regex
57 reorgyolo
58 regionyolo
59 replacers
60 resnet
61 rcnn
62 split
63 splitv
64 ssd
65 usr
66 undead
67 xml
68 www