[M120 Migration][VD]add new log tag for http request and response log
[platform/framework/web/chromium-efl.git] / .clang-tidy
1 ---
2   # TODO(crbug.com/1282228): reenable google-readability-casting once it no
3   # longer has as many false-positives.
4   # TODO(crbug.com/1406869): reenable modernize-use-default-member-init once
5   # C++20 is everywhere; it recommends using default member init for bit fields,
6   # which is C++20-only.
7   Checks:          '-*,
8                     bugprone-argument-comment,
9                     bugprone-assert-side-effect,
10                     bugprone-dangling-handle,
11                     bugprone-inaccurate-erase,
12                     bugprone-string-constructor,
13                     bugprone-string-integer-assignment,
14                     bugprone-undefined-memory-manipulation,
15                     bugprone-unused-raii,
16                     bugprone-use-after-move,
17                     google-build-explicit-make-pair,
18                     google-explicit-constructor,
19                     misc-misleading-identifier,
20                     misc-homoglyph,
21                     modernize-avoid-bind,
22                     modernize-concat-nested-namespaces,
23                     modernize-loop-convert,
24                     modernize-make-shared,
25                     modernize-make-unique,
26                     modernize-redundant-void-arg,
27                     modernize-replace-random-shuffle,
28                     modernize-shrink-to-fit,
29                     modernize-use-bool-literals,
30                     modernize-use-emplace,
31                     modernize-use-equals-default,
32                     modernize-use-equals-delete,
33                     modernize-use-noexcept,
34                     modernize-use-nullptr,
35                     modernize-use-override,
36                     modernize-use-transparent-functors,
37                     readability-redundant-member-init'
38   CheckOptions:
39     - key:          bugprone-assert-side-effect.AssertMacros
40       value:        assert,DCHECK
41     - key:          bugprone-dangling-handle.HandleClasses
42       value:        ::std::basic_string_view;::std::span;::absl::string_view;::base::BasicStringPiece;::base::span
43     - key:          bugprone-string-constructor.StringNames
44       value:        ::std::basic_string;::std::basic_string_view;::base::BasicStringPiece;::absl::string_view
45     - key:          modernize-use-default-member-init.UseAssignment
46       value:        1
47     # crbug.com/1342136, crbug.com/1343915: At times, this check makes
48     # suggestions that break builds. Safe mode allows us to sidestep that.
49     - key:          modernize-use-transparent-functors.SafeMode
50       value:        1
51     # This relaxes modernize-use-emplace in some cases; we might want to make it
52     # more aggressive in the future. See discussion on
53     # https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/cxx/c/noMMTNYiM0w .
54     - key:          modernize-use-emplace.IgnoreImplicitConstructors
55       value:        1
56     # crbug.com/1420969, crbug.com/1421042: Tricium's `show fix` button isn't
57     # working, which leads to devs thinking that clang-tidy is suggesting C++20
58     # constructs in some cases. Until fixes can be surfaced to show that
59     # `base::Reversed` is encouraged, just turn reverse ranges off entirely.
60     # TODO(crbug.com/1404958): alternatively, remove these once C++20 is
61     # everywhere.
62     - key:          modernize-loop-convert.UseCxx20ReverseRanges
63       value:        false
64 ...